The News Limited vendetta against PM Gillard intensifies

After a good week for PM Gillard and her Government in which she achieved agreement with the Coalition to go along with the recommendations of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers, News Limited has ratcheted up its attack on her. Why? Is it because it feels that the asylum issue has been neutralized somewhat and will not be as potent a weapon with which to beat her and the Government? Any loss of weaponry must be a worry to News Limited as much as to the Coalition.

Of course she lost some skin by adopting the Expert Panel’s recommendations because they included processing on Nauru and Manus Island, places previously ruled out because of expert advice that they would not be effective deterrents to getting on unsafe fishing boats. The Coalition used over forty speakers to ensure that she suffered maximum embarrassment about her change of tack, variously described as a humiliating back-down, a back flip, a monumental reverse of stubbornness in the face of Coalition advice, or whatever pejorative phrase you prefer. But whatever the aspersions, she got the legislation through and gifted her Government the possibility that the asylum problem would become less troublesome.

During the same week, the High Court upheld the constitutionality of the plain packaging of cigarettes legislation to worldwide applause, and the economic parameters showed no sign of an adverse affect from the implementation of the carbon tax. Then Tony Windsor got up in response to yet another ‘Suspension of Standing Orders’ attempt by the Coalition, to blast Tony Abbott and call him a disgrace for his carbon tax rhetoric.

As the piece Journalists awake! You know Tony Abbott is conning you documented, for the first time several journalists began questioning Tony Abbott’s statements, or should I say his scaremongering and downright lies. It was an obvious shift, and was interpreted, at least by Labor supporters, as a ‘turning of the tide’. If one can judge from the weekend papers, they were not the only ones to have this feeling.

Let’s just walk through The Weekend Australian to see how this Murdoch flagship responded to the PM’s ‘good week’.

Its top headline read: Revealed: Gillard lost her job after law firm’s secret investigation. Digest that. First, ‘Revealed’, suggests a starling new revelation, and of course one that casts doubt surrounding Julia Gillard. Then consider; ‘lost her job’, which suggests that she was sacked, whereas it is on the public record that she resigned of her own volition. Then reflect on ‘secret investigation’, which suggests something sinister was under scrutiny. In one headline there are three sets of words that imply guilt; she is condemned even before a word of the article is read.

If the reader needed any more detail to fuel doubt about ‘Gillard’, the first paragraph reads:“Julia Gillard left her job as a partner with law firm Slater & Gordon as a direct result of a secret internal probe in 1995 into controversial work she had done for her then boyfriend, a union boss accused of corruption, The Weekend Australian can reveal.” Now it’s ‘left her job’, a ‘secret internal probe’ into ‘controversial work’, done ‘for her then boyfriend’, a ‘union boss’, ‘accused of corruption’, ‘revealed’ by The Weekend Australian. Note how this cascade of uncomplimentary and negative words gains momentum as the sentence progresses. It’s clever but very nasty journalism – the headline and the first paragraph condemn her. Many people would not read further for the details – they would have found her guilty already.

Not satisfied with that, as only an estimated 120,000 read The Weekend Australian, Sky News decided to raise this matter on its Agenda program, with Paul Kelly putting the questions. Take a look at the video of that segment of the interview. Play it through. Watch Kelly’s eyes and body language as he puts Julia Gillard under intense and persistent questioning. Note particularly how annoyed he gets when she suggests that he was asked to put those questions, angrily rejecting the notion that anyone could or would tell him what questions to ask. So it’s OK for a journalist to question the professional integrity of the Prime Minister of this nation based on a tired old story 17 years old, but it’s not OK for the PM to question the professional integrity of a senior journalist. Work that out. Now if you believe what Andrew Bolt says about this, the PM’s staff was told this matter would be raised, but the words used led to a ‘misunderstanding’ that Kelly had been asked to ask those questions. The last bit of the clip is another delightful illustration of how wet-behind-the-ears is Peter van Onselen, the MC of Agenda.

In the same edition of The Weekend Australian Hedley Thomas generously gives all the tedious details for voyeurs in The political controversy that won't go away. I won’t bore you with them here.

Subsequently a statement by Slater & Gordon partner Andrew Grech confirmed Julia Gillard’s contention that she had done nothing wrong and had left of her own volition, but that didn’t stop turncoat Graeme Richardson, now a News Limited man, from indignantly jumping to the defence of Paul Kelly on Monday’s Q&A and rabbiting on about a file he said she should have opened, nastily smearing her in the process.

Stung by the reaction of the PM and the Fifth Estate to the assault of The Australian and Paul Kelly on her, the paper has come out this morning with a large front page cluster of smears, and a ‘leaked’ draft confidential statement by previous partner Peter Gordon, strategically placed next to the Newspoll results, that says, amongst other things: ‘‘My examination of the material available to me at that time led me to the view that there was no sufficient basis to dismiss Ms Gillard for misconduct’’, which a reasonable person might believe would put the matter to rest, but we know it won’t. The vendetta will continue. Read the article by Crikey’s Bernard Keane: This is what the Right is expert at: smearing if you have any doubts.

See how what started as online scuttlebutt on social media emanating from disreputable cartoonist Larry Pickering has been picked up by News Limited, who ran it as a headline story, ostensibly on the grounds that it had new information that it could now ‘reveal’, and then escalated on Sky News Agenda so that it exploded well and truly into the public domain. Andrew Bolt picked it up and made mileage out of it, and other News Limited outlets repeated the original story, embellished with the Agenda interview. Even Fairfax gets into it through the Australian Financial Review with an unpleasant article from Jennifer Hewett: Old ghost is Gillard’s recurring nightmare. If you’re wondering how Fairfax got involved, remember that the editor of AFR is now Michael Stutchbury, an old Gillard foe who worked for News Limited. Michelle Grattan has written the only relatively positive piece: Internal inquiry cleared PM, law firm reveals Then this morning it is again splashed all over the front page of The Australian.

In case you think all this piece is about is the Slater & Gordon episode, it is not. I start with it only because it is News Limited’s current ‘winning’ card, which it turns over at the top of the pack. It illustrates the venom with which it is prepared to attack and denigrate our PM. But there is much more to the attack on PM Gillard over the weekend.

The next headline in The Weekend Australian is New offshore processing regime bars appeal on asylum, with a byline: Surge in boats to test ALP resolve, a double header!

The first paragraph reads: “Julia Gillard's new offshore processing regime has effectively locked asylum-seekers out of Australian court appeals, legal experts declared yesterday, as four boats arrived in 24 hours in a rush to beat the new laws. Human rights lawyers said the new offshore processing regime had stripped back the capacity for judicial review of government decisions and eliminated many of the grounds for legal challenges by boatpeople.” So already the paper that has repeatedly castigated the Government for its ‘failure’ in border protection, is now throwing up concern about the ‘stripping out’ of legal rights in the new legislation. Don’t imagine that the authors are beating their breasts in anguish at this ‘stripping’ of the rights of boat people; their purpose is to beat the Government around the ears for its callousness to these desperate people.

It goes on. Paul Kelly chimes in with For a determined Opposition Leader, all roads lead to turning back asylum-seeker boats. He begins: 
”Despite the gloss of bipartisanship over Nauru, the split between the Gillard government and Abbott opposition over border protection and asylum-seekers is now more obvious in its depth, range and fateful consequences. If you think this week solved the political divisions over border protection then you are misguided. This issue will only deepen as a public policy cancer because there is little prospect the boats will be stopped.” Don’t you love Kelly’s sense of drama – the ‘split’ with the Coalition ‘is now more obvious in its depth, range and fateful consequences’ and is a ‘public policy cancer’. The guru thereby denies any relief from the pain of boat arrivals. The pain must continue – News Limited needs as much Gillard pain as possible.

Later Kelly warns: ”In office, Abbott will face immediate pressure to halt the boats – pressure and expectations that he has created. He cannot wait years to negotiate and implement the protracted diplomacy Houston envisages. What is Abbott's alternative? It remains the policy he outlined to me in an interview published on January 21. Abbott said: "It is time for Australia to adopt turning the boats as its core policy. What counts is what the Australian government does, not what it says." Despite almost universal commentary that it is impossible, Abbott intends to turn the boats. This is his real solution.” Kelly concludes: “And most of the Coalition, dancing on the grave of Labor's retreat, seemed oblivious to the consequences of its own policies and the vast challenge it faces immediately on taking office.”

It’s not all negative, but it starts that way and that’s what counts.

Chris Kenny, who can always be relied upon for an anti-Gillard article doesn’t disappoint with: Jibes about dog-whistle politics on asylum come back to bite Labor. He begins: “Border protection, more than any other issue, demonstrates how Labor has alienated itself from the political mainstream. Right until its offshore processing conversion, moral grandstanding by the Rudd and Gillard governments offended voters. Labor's contortions over asylum-seeker policy have rivalled London's rhythmic gymnasts in all but elegance. But beyond the significant humanitarian, immigration and security implications of last week's backflip, the electoral fallout is consequential.” Note the sarcastic pejorative language.

Kenny has another article – one was clearly not enough for him to express his venom. Titled The onus is on moral posturers to say why they persist with their disingenuous myths, he begins: “The report of the expert panel on asylum-seekers has exposed some long-denied realities, not only demolishing arguments used against tough border control measures but dispelling myths that have been patronising to mainstream Australians. This week's policy reversal might slow the boats - given time and a resolve not seen to this point - but because of the about-face on what has been framed as a moral stand, it is impossible to envisage Labor escaping a political reckoning. Ineptitude, leading to needless trauma, tragedy and expense, will play a role in public assessments, but so will the way the progressive political class has insulted voters over this for more than a decade.” You don’t read any further to get his rancorous drift.

Cameron Stewart has a go in: Finger in the dyke can hold only so long He begins: “The initial euphoria in some quarters about a breakthrough in asylum-seeker policy is being tempered by the realisation that the grand plan unveiled this week by the Houston panel faces a series of potentially fatal obstacles.” And ends: “The government can only hope that those parts that can be introduced immediately can slow the momentum of the boats for long enough to allow the bigger picture of the Houston plan to ripen. It's a gamble of the highest order and the odds are not good. But this government, having comprehensively misread the asylum-seeker issue for the past five years, has little choice now but to roll the dice.” Not much joy for the Government there. Just doubts and uncertainty!

Predictably Christopher Pearson revels in See, Abbott was right all along I won’t bore you much with his hubris; only with his conclusion: “As the Houston report makes clear, Labor was blind to the power of pull factors. It substituted moral self-righteousness for sound policy. The Australian people will not forgive Labor for elevating its moral vanity before the national interest. The reckoning will be protracted." You don’t need to read the rest to get his self-satisfied message.

Peter van Onselen, who is strongly supportive of asylum seekers, couldn’t resist the opportunity to heap scorn, admittedly on both Labor and the Coalition. In Let’s dispel a few myths about asylum seekers he begins:“Attempts by both major parties to rationalise support for offshore processing of asylum-seekers on the grounds that they are saving people from drowning really is a hollow argument.” And ends: “If it doesn't like the laws of the land that afford asylum-seekers appeal rights equal to those of Australians, change the laws. If it doesn't like the international responsibilities being a signatory to the UN conventions on refugees requires, rip up the agreement. Then our political leaders could do what they like without being in violation of the very laws they are elected to uphold. I might not agree with their approach - and would continue to argue against it - but I could at least respect it.” A pox on both their houses says PvO.

Greg Sheridan was particularly critical in Collapse of resolve is to blame. He begins: “The Gillard government lacks the strategic credibility and, on the evidence, the strength of will to deal with a people-smuggling industry that is a worldwide phenomenon of growing sophistication and criminality.” Here are some other excerpts: “…Australia’s liberal institutions have become craven before naked aggression. This aggression often involves the threat to self-harm, but no other group has a blanket licence to ignore the law. Similarly, the Opposition Leader’s proposed push back of boats is lawful and sensible policy.” He continues in this hard-line vein: ”Labor is wrong and weak; Abbott is right and tough.” There’s not a drop of joy for Labor in his piece; only sneering criticism, and Abbott gets a leg up for good measure.

Henry Ergas jumps in with Gillard's morality of convenience He begins: “Julia Gillard is a woman of principle: the survival principle. And if the backflip on asylum-seekers is about saving lives, the life it is intended to save is her own. Little wonder she dressed soberly for the occasion. English judges donned the black cap when passing a sentence of death; this was conservative Julia, in twinset and pearls, dispatching another promise to the high jump.” That’s enough from Ergas – you can guess the rest.

There was an editorial that at least acknowledged that Julia Gillard had had a good week: Good week in parliament tinged with Green hysteria. It was mainly a tilt at the Greens. It began: “After four years in which 23,000 boatpeople arrived on our shores, and at least 1000 perished at sea, the past week was constructive for Australia's parliamentary democracy.”, but the editor could not resist a tilt at Labor and a touch of hubris en passant: “This newspaper has advocated bipartisanship since the High Court scuttled the half-baked Malaysian Solution a year ago. And, as early as July 2008, when Labor abandoned John Howard's policies, we urged the government to guard against an influx of newcomers taking advantage of the changes.”

In case the Greens missed the message, the editorial concluded: “Like the Greens' holier-than-thou rhetoric, the provision of public money to organisations agitating for a more open-door policy is out of step with the values of mainstream Australians.”

Moving away from the asylum seeker debate, there was an article by Christian Kerr: Appeal to WTO may yet deliver Big Tobacco victory. No doubt The Weekend Australian felt it would be a pity if the Government’s big win in the High Court was not sullied by the possibility of ultimate defeat by the WTO. Kerr begins: “We have taken on big tobacco and we have won," a jubilant Attorney-General Nicola Roxon declared on Wednesday when she spoke to the media after the High Court ruled plain packaging of cigarettes did not violate the Constitution. Her glee was understandable - Roxon introduced the laws for plain packaging as health minister - but in the excitement of the moment her rhetoric became hyperbole. The government has won a significant battle against the tobacco companies but it has not yet won the plain packaging war. Two more clashes must be fought and won before it can claim victory, and these battles will be waged on very different terrain.” He ends on a gloomy note: “Plain packaging may yet be doomed”. Of course it could be argued that the article is simply stating the facts and the obvious implications. Perhaps, but its tone suggests that Kerr would take pleasure in that outcome.

There was also a Tom Dusevic puff piece: How would Abbott Govern? and a nicely written piece by the reliable George Megalogenis How the language of shock-jocks came to drive political debate.

Herewith concludes the excerpts from The Weekend Australian.

But there’s more from News Limited. Just take a look at Lyn’s Front Pages for the first day of this week.

The Daily Telegraph screams Carbon Pain Registers: “Half of small businesses are already feeling the effects of the carbon tax – but only a third are passing price rises on to customers. An exclusive Daily Telegraph survey has found some small companies struggling with rising power and supply costs... “ and in The Advertiser a mega headline: Our Carbon Pain “Struggling small businesses are absorbing the higher costs caused by the carbon tax, resulting in reduced profits, and are calling for the tax to be scrapped. In the latest challenge for the Gillard Government, a national survey of 186 small...”

And on cue many of the Opposition questions in QT on Monday were about the awful effects of the carbon tax.

So what is this piece asserting? It is pointing to the concerted attack on PM Gillard, her Government and its policies in News Limited media following a successful week for Labor. It is improbable, even implausible, that this attack on so many fronts is a coincidence. My thesis is that fear that PM Gillard and Labor might be on the up, that the tide might be turning for them, and running against Tony Abbott, has prompted a savage counter attack from a news organization that is devoted to the removal of the PM and of the Labor Government and its replacement with the Coalition. Sensing that the chance of this happening was beginning to recede, and even the bookies were changing their odds, they pulled out all the big guns to give the PM and Labor a massive broadside, hoping it would sink them, or at least hole them amidships.

Murdoch’s News Limited media empire is formidable. We must never underestimate its power, its malevolence towards the Government, and its determination to destroy it. When the signs are improving for Labor, the News Limited vendetta will intensify. It will be out there firing broadside after broadside in a ‘take no prisoners’, ‘rescue no survivors’, ‘fight to the death’ battle.

What do you think?

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21/08/2012I cancelled my subscription to "The Weekend Australian" a couple of years ago. The final straw was a column by Jane Fraser repeating an email she had received, which repeated all the lies about climate change - eg "Volcanoes emit more carbon dioxide than humans," (which is completely false). At about the same time Susan Maushart stopped writing her column - which I really enjoyed. Interestingly, a few months after the cancellation, I was contacted by a marketing company who wanted to know why I had stopped the Weekend Oz. I told them it was due to the Oz's biased coverage of climate change. The response was along the lines of "quite a few people are saying that." I only hope the survey made it's way into Limited News' boardroom. AA, congratulations on managing to read all those articles without throwing up!


21/08/2012Very good and thorough expose' of the Murdoch/LNP. partnership...more than ever I ask ; Is the LNP. working fist in glove to coordinate and time these attacks? Murdoch/Moloch sits like some sort of incubus on the body politic of western society. He is supported there, not by his personal charisma or talent, but rather by the collective fear and psychotic greed of his creatures...much like any despot of times past who indulged in tyrannical behaviour as long as his largesse or expose' threats hold out. Trouble is, with such people...every "friend" they "recruit" is a potential "enemy" in waiting as you can only hold a threat of somekind over a person for so long!

paul walter

21/08/2012Yes, it is only ever Julia Gillard isn't it? How can the Mad Monk be so perfect and the wicked bluey so naughty? Just caught up with comment on a previous thread concerning Van Onselen's article. Some are fond of it and it's truthy, but I wonder at PVA's other, ulterior motives as to it, also. I sympathise with MWS; there has been a major cull of writers with IQ's above single digit and yours is a spectacular example.

Ad astra

21/08/2012Hi Lyn Your link to the Paul Syvret article [i]Grubby hands are throwing the political mud[/i] in the [i]Courier Mail[/i] is so pertinent that I’m reposting it here. It’s worth taking a look at the cartoon! Jason Thank you for posting Mark Latham’s [i]AFR[/i] article: [i]Lunar right crusades against Gillard[/i] on the last piece. I am re-posting the link here because it is so relevant to this piece. MWS Thank you for your comment. I guess many years in medicine have given me a strong stomach, but I must concede reading and replicating parts of those pieces was nauseating.


21/08/2012Thanks for an excellent insight confirming the Murdoch obsession with getting Abbott into the Lodge by any gutter method that suits his plan to bring down the Govt. In most first world countries the attitude of the Murdoch media with its dirt writing aimed at the PM, would result in a Leversen type enquiry. However here the Govt seems intent on turning the other cheek and riding out the storm, regardless of the damage. Suck weakness is of course being seen by News Ltd, Sky News, the ABC and commercial radio and TV as an open invitation to continue the muck raking. With the polls narrowing despite the constant attacks, the Govt could well win the 2013 election. It will take a hellava an amount of goodwill from their supporters to continue returning to the fold. They are not there yet, a little more mongrel against the media may assist the redemption

Ad astra

21/08/2012jaycee It is hard to dismiss the idea that if not actually orchestrating this News Limited assault, members of the Coalition are ready sources of scuttlebutt and encouragement for News Limited journalists. No doubt they are ecstatic. The extent to which the Murdoch tentacles entwine politicians and politics has been laid bare for all to see in the UK. It is covert here, but recognizable. paul walter The fact that Tony Abbott’s past misdemeanours are given no column space in Murdoch papers is another pointer to the News Limited agenda – get PM Gillard and her Government out and LOTO Abbott and his Coalition in.

Ad astra

21/08/2012dafid I agree with you. Notwithstanding Graeme Richardson’s admonishment of Julia Gillard on [i]Q&A[/i] last night for having the temerity to challenge Paul Kelly’s shiny, untarnished professional image, I believe she should do this every time she gets a rude, stupid or naïve question from journalists, no matter how senior – a ‘don’t write crap’ response. Who do these journalists think they are? God’s chosen who look down from celestial heights on us mere mortals, and haughtily even on the nation’s prime Minister? If you read the quotes I’ve included, some are not great English. My wife, who proof reads all my pieces, queried some of their English, but I left it unedited as is appropriate for quotes.


21/08/2012Cripes What greater insult could be heaped upon Bruce! This, from Twitter: Love the new term for right wingers who bath in fanaticism such as Larry Pickering & Mike Smith - the [b]Brucers[/b] #auspol So I replied : 1h TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @Schtang WHAT? What about us Bruces? Outrage! Don't FFS call those bastards by the Aussiest name of them all! Call 'em Johs! 1h Schtang‏@Schtang @TalkyTurkey it's a take on the "Birthers" in USA ,wanting Obama 2 produce his birth certificate-these are the "Brucers" as in Bruce Wilson TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @Schtang Jeez I handle being called Ranga or Tampon, butt of Monty Python Bruce sketches, Bruce & Narelle from the Naked Vicar, "Piss off Bruce" but Brucers I DON'T like!


21/08/2012 Superb effort Ad...I've linked yer post to my Facebook page. I was only saying to my wife last night that when Rupert Murdoch dies he will be remembered by many (apart from his sycophantic media peers and his minions) as having had as negative effect on human society and progress as the likes of Stalin, Hitler/Goebbels and Mao. Like them he has created a movement that has used propaganda, fearmongering, character assassination, illegal acts including surveillance methods, divide & conquer tactics, a stern dictatorial hand, blackmail and global reach to undermine increase his personal power...herd people into activities and thought that goes against their own interests...and declaring war on any who resist his GOALS of global dominance. Our present PM is in his way. But she is not alone. Forces are gathering everywhere to resist this man and his media propaganda machine. The more people learn about the Murdoch empire and its slimey tactics the more we see RESISTANCE. Frankly, after reading thru the various News Ltd articles you mention in your post...and those from other media organisations who come across as tentacles of this egomaniac...I feel compelled to have a hot shower. Keep up the good and courageous work Ad, Lyn and the other truth tellers on this fine blog. N'


21/08/2012The blog "Deltoid" has been calling out The Australian on its errors for some time now - I think the posts are up to #76.


21/08/2012Nasking..don't go too heavy on Mao..after all, he had a billion people to keep small distraction! Given the latest missive from Mr. Gretch of Slater and gordon, I would think even the MOST obtuse poster must concede that particular game is up!....but of course, there are the usual suspects...

Ad astra

21/08/2012Nasking Thank you for your complimentary remarks. How apt is your statement: [i]”Like them he [Murdoch] has created a movement that has used propaganda, fearmongering, character assassination, illegal acts including surveillance methods, divide & conquer tactics, a stern dictatorial hand, blackmail and global reach to undermine increase his personal power...herd people into activities and thought that goes against their own interests...and declaring war on any who resist his GOALS of global dominance.”[/i]

Ad astra

21/08/2012TT We know you are not a Brucer, never ever!


21/08/2012Cancel the 24 hours news cycle. Invent the once every seven days news report. All journalists get to provide one article every seven days in which they have the opportunity to seriously mull over what has actually occurred during those preceding seven days. To consider their response in the light of a series of events, to have time to shape that response and consideration without the pressure of an artificial 'speed of digital light' deadline, and to allow for news reporting to be informative rather than practitioner to practitioner competitive. As in, who is the doyen(ne) in this room? "Me!" "Me!" "Me!!". Let's see assessment on the quality of the reporting, the ability of the reporters to draw on experience and developed understanding, the capacity of the media outlet in question to treat their customers as thinking, considering, individuals. Yeah, right!

Ad astra

21/08/2012Folks What a QT! If my memory serves me correctly, all except one question from the Opposition was on the carbon tax, being the anniversary of the 2010 election. The last was on how the Government would pay for its promises, which the Opposition tried to debate in a ‘Suspension of Standing Orders’ move, but this was frustrated by two ‘the member be no longer heard’ motions by Anthony Albanese, both of which were lost by the Government, but the time for the divisions took up all the time to move and second the SSO motion. So it fizzled out and QT ended. The Opposition is still stuck on its carbon tax story, despite several of yesterday’s claims about electricity price rises being refuted today. They are showing themselves and their leader to be deceptive ‘one trick ponies’. They are making no headway and everyone is getting bored.

Tom of Melbourne

21/08/2012This is a difficult site. I’ve started to read Ad Astra’s composition, I’ve noted about 12 misrepresentations, inaccuracies and fabrications in the first quarter of it! I’ll get around to pointing some of them out later.


21/08/2012You have to wonder what these "muckrakers" converse about when they get home at night..:"Had a good day today, five more pieces of dirt on (so and so)..would've had six 'cept the dog ate the evidence!..tomorrow we're going to workshop an idea on how we can cut out the "middleman"..that is; the opposition in parliament and just take over the parliament's dinner the bullsh*t cooked yet?"

42 long

21/08/2012Fran Kelly was pathetic this morning. The fact is that 2 in a row polls have resulted in a change from 27 to 35% support for Labor. This equates to in increase/ change of 25% in their support. If it goes up another 3 points, there would be another hung parliament likely outcome with the green vote ( even if it falls one or 2 percent. Why has no-one picked up on this? I will make a statement of likely outcome right now. There is 12 months till the election, if it goes the full term which it looks like doing. Labour can easily make it. If an election were by some chance FORCED by the LNP, immediately, by the time it was held there would be enough campaigning time to change a few truths to get out. The only way is to have some MAJOR revelation that causes a very significant swing that can't be countered . Is the Gordon & Slater thing IT? I don't think it will run. ( But they sure have put a bit into it) so maybe it's the big shot being fired. Richo ( the absolute slime of a man) went hard on it on cue, on Q&A lieberal trolls quote HIM as a labour "person". He who appears on Q&A MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. None of this "just happens by accident".. abc has gone to HELL Can those who used to trust "Auntie", sign a petition somewhere? SBS is on the LIEberals hit list too. Can someone in the know advise me where another country that would be OK is, so IF Liealot gets in I can hope to emmigrate there?

Ad astra

21/08/2012MIchael I could see your idea working if hour by hour news was reported unembellished and without comment or opinion, and skilled journalists gave a weekly objective, fact-based summary with opinion.


21/08/2012ToM, When it comes to misrepresentations, inaccuracies and fabrications,we know from what you post here it's a craft in which you have few equals!

Ad astra

21/08/201242 long While there may be some joy in Labor ranks at today’s [i]Newspoll[/i], it is still not a predictor of an election outcome in over twelve months. It will be interesting to see the trends over the next few months. You are right though, that even if an election were to be called tomorrow, the polls would narrow over the weeks of campaigning. What will happen over the next twelve months as Labor policies bed down and Abbott’s scaremongering is exposed, is an unknown. It’s going to be an interesting year!


21/08/2012[quote]’s clever but very nasty journalism[/quote] Clever, nasty and completely untrue. Sounds like another threatening phone call from the PM is in order, or an announcement of heavy penalties for writing and publishing such scurrilous lies. Like the Canadian laws. Ad astra, are you sensing BER & HIP deja vu in this latest series of attacks? And is it not interesting that the OO is running with this rubbish only a few short months after Glenn Milne was given the flick for dredging it up again? He must be feeling very p*ssed off. However, as I wrote above, I think it's high time for the PM to announce that Canadian style legislation wrt publishing lies as news will be introduced RETROSPECTIVELY in the next few months. Christian Kerr might be eating his words wrt plain packaging as other countries adopt the Labor government's initiative. I do sense an increased urgency in the wizened foreigner's lackeys to get this government removed before next year's election. He must be very worried about the outcome of the Levenson Inquiry and the damning picture of unbridled corruption and abuse if power and privilege which has been emerging. Another gem from you, Ad astra. [quote]I only hope the survey made it's way into Limited News' boardroom.[/quote] Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have penetrated their thick skulls as yet, MWS. jaycee & dafid, couldn't agree more. You have to hand it to our most obtuse poster who I have rebadged as The Black Knight. He keeps valiantly refusing to acknowledge facts and the truth from reputable sources, preferring instead to stick with the mantra supplied to him by Menzies House and that bastion of truthiness Larry [i]The Conman[/i] Pickering. Nas' @2.54pm, my sentiments exactly. I'm not sure that the wizened foreigner isn't worse than those other creatures you mention. God knows how many lives he's ruined and we now know he was right behind the illegal invasion of Iraq, giving support and "moral" sustenance to the Triumverate of Evil, Bush, Blair and Howard. Michael @3.45pm, I second the motion.

Ad astra

21/08/2012Hi Lyn Your Twitterverse this morning was most informative. There was quite a lot of encouraging aspects: BB’s comments about the Slater & Gordon matter and other pieces; items about [i]Newspoll[/i], the Thomson matter, the Latham article, school funding (88% of over 15,000 believe public school funding is NOT to high) and Alan Kohler’s rebuff to Malcolm Turnbull.

42 long

21/08/2012Abbott obviously 'worships " John Howard. How many serving prime ministers don't even retain their seat, at an election. Truss tweeting that comment "in good company" after the Abbott election, shows NO respect for parliamentary process whatever. This seems to be an attitude endemic in the LNP ranks. What an example to younger kids on what parliament means. We have one of the best democratic structures on the planet that many in the world could only hope for, and these "peasants" TRASH it, out of hand. Thomson and windsor both got it right when they said Tony wasn't fit to be in the parliament.

Ad astra

21/08/2012jane Thank you for your kind words. I agree with your comment: “[i]I do sense an increased urgency in the wizened foreigner's lackeys to get this government removed before next year's election. 

He must be very worried about the outcome of the Levenson Inquiry and the damning picture of unbridled corruption and abuse if power and privilege which has been emerging.”[/i]


21/08/2012Hi Ad & Everybody Twitterati with a little bit of Question time: Malcolm Farr About half an hour before we see if TAbbott and Dep Spker ABurke are best friends or not. Tony Abbott can't handle taking orders from women, Labor MPs say, Malcolm Farr Mr Bowen said Mr Abbott frequently sledged Ms Gillard and that the traffic was one-way. Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said, “He’s not very comfortable with capable women.” Health Minister Tanya Plibersek said Mr Abbott was ejected for answering Abbott has a tough time dealing with powerful women: Plibersek, Jessica Wright Abbott has problem with women: Plibersek "I think it is a problem being told what to do by a woman."Mr Abbott on Monday became the first federal opposition leader in 26 years to be thrown out of the lower house, since John Howard.Labor's house leader Anthony Albanese on Tuesday told caucus Mr Abbott treated Ms Burke disrespectfully.He said the opposition leader made incessant interjections across the chamber toward the prime minister and had a penchant for yelling at female ministers when they were answering questions. Qld MPs apologise for misrepresenting debt Energy and Water Minister Mark McArdle, Parliamentary Secretary for Racing Ray Stevens and Sports Minister Steve Dickson admitted to parliament on Tuesday that they incorrectly said Queensland had a $100 billion debt level Newman has 'gone too far': poll Ashley Leahy‏ #morganpoll also has ALP primary up 2.5% to 34.5 and TPP up 2% to 46. Matching #newspoll trend. #auspol William Bowe‏ Morgan: L-NP 54 (-2), ALP 46 (+2) (respondent-allocated prefs). Primary: L-NP 44 (+0.5) ALP 34.5 (+2.5) GRN 10 (-1.5) Question Time :- eleanor bloom‏ latikambourke favouring LNP in her commentary re #QT. ALP are 'trying things on' re Abbott. But ignores LNP's false elec bill claims Agnes Mack‏ #qt Govt loses motion that Hockey be no longer heard Malcolm Farr‏ @farrm51 CThomson voted with Opposition. TAbbott did not run out this time. Schnappi‏ Tainted Toxic Votes are now acceptable to the Nations Biggest Stunt Man. Nikki‏ Oh so it's ok for the opposition to now accept a "tainted vote" from Craig Thomson. I won't expect a shitstorm. #qt Mark Travers‏ Can @TonyAbbottMHR let us know when Craig Thomson became officially un-tainted #qt


21/08/201242 long, Perhaps after tomorrow when the "convoy of no consequence" people hold their rally at parliament house, and Abbott looks out to a vacant lot he might get the message.


21/08/2012We all knew how "mendacious" the murdocracy was but to see it laid out as you have in a concise attack plan is so enlightening. It is like a many pronged attack to try & out flank your opponent. Almost a "Shock & awe method". I so agree with your comment about Kelly & how he was so wounded that the PM!!could have the shear temerity to call him to account, "who does she think she is", was written all over his face. For people [the media] that don't want legislation to "Keep them Honest" they are going the wrong way about it, but I suppose when you have the possibility of having a "free for all" as far as racial discrimination laws or any other media laws if Wing Nut gets elected, then why should you care. The example of Kelly shows they don't care a hoot about being openly misogynistic, abusive, demeaning, sexist or outright offensive to anyone male or female black white red or yellow. But don't you dare, [b]DON'T YOU DARE[/b], have a go at us child loving Catholic's even if overwhelming undeniable iron clad evidence is staring you in the face, it didn't happen, trust us were priests. AA I don't know about you, but I get the feeling the Deputy chair was a bit subdued today, I wonder if she got a wording in about tossing the Wing Nut out yesterday & who would do it?


21/08/2012TfM said [quote]This is a difficult site. I’ve started to read Ad Astra’s composition, I’ve noted about 12 misrepresentations, inaccuracies and fabrications in the first quarter of it! I’ll get around to pointing some of them out later. [/quote] This'll be good. The one with no legitimacy criticising the writing of one of the best writers on the net. While not all will agree with AA's opinion, at least the opinion is based on facts which are there for you to make up your own mind - unlike the bilge from the one that will "be back later" who is too busy doing olympic sized backflips to be able to construct a argument that has credibility - and then there is the lies!ttedRog Go back to the Gutter.

Ad astra

21/08/2012Hi Lyn The ‘Abbott has a problem with powerful women’ meme has received quite a lot of airplay today. Maybe there’s a slogan in there somewhere. It was interesting to see how poorly Newman is already faring in the polls. QT was amusing today – the Coalition was monotonously and unimaginatively stuck on the carbon tax. One trick ponies? But perhaps that’s an insult to ponies. Although the Morgan poll is trending similarly to [i]Newspoll[/i], I’m not getting exercised. I’m sure News Limited will be out there in a fortnight with more scuttlebutt and adverse publicity to pull things down again for Labor. They do it all the time. KHTAGH Thank you for your comment. I thought Anna Burke was frustrated by the continual interjections from the rabble. It was like a schoolteacher having to keep an unruly classroom in order.


21/08/2012Ad astra to quote you...... [quote]and on cue many of the Opposition questions in QT on Monday were about the awful effects of the carbon tax. [/quote] As they were today. How can any self respecting member of the Canberra Parliamentary press gallery sit through this kind of nonsense and not write about the dishonesty, incompetence and downright silliness of the Opposition as a whole, much less its front bench and leader? Reading, The Pulse, a live blog of Parliamentary events by Katharine Murphy who is The Age's national affairs correspondent doesn't reassure me that even with Fairfax journos there is any real appreciation of how appallingly our democracy is being served by the Liberal/National Coalition Opposition parties. By the way Truth Seeker Murphy's blog does give you a more personal take on the explosion by Tony Windsor ast week. Since it's a live blog most recent entries are at the top, i.e. events are in reverse order. You'll need to scroll down a fair way. Lyn, thanks for the contact with George Bludger who emailed me that picture direct. The expulsion with that photo certainly needs a pome, doesn't it? Meanwhile I sent him my [i]abbottsarse[/i] pome which he said he loved, sent this back, saying how much he enjoyed having [i]a go at Abbott and his mob! [/i] What do you think TT? Will it do for an illustration to my post gathering together some of our satire and verse in response to Tony Windsor's wonderful outburst last week? It has got lost, or been deliberately obscured by all the attacks on the PM's character. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't record our responses to it, collate them in one place and perhaps use the post to have another [i]go at Abbott.[/i]


21/08/2012NormanK is right. You need do a separate google search for that link with all of these characters. Shortened link doesn't work.


21/08/2012Hi Patricia Pleased George sent you the picture, yes it does need a Pome. The link you have posted is like my link mashed up. Norman K told me to enter the numbers at the end that are not underlined in a Google search then use that link so here goes. Thankyou Normank BTW this is a great picture, brilliant did George do it too, he is talented isn't he works with video's as well I believe.


21/08/2012[quote]I thought Anna Burke was frustrated by the continual interjections from the rabble.[/quote] She looks like she'd like to give them a slap, Ad astra! I'm sure I wouldn't have her patience. I've noticed that now, whenever the Nopposition shills start bleating about the "world's biggest carbon tax" being responsible for everything from the rape of the Sabine women to the outbreak of WW11, the government always refers to it as the price on carbon (emissions) and is at pains to underscore that Treasury modelling on its effect on power prices is spot on. Still the shills flog the flog the moribund nag, but the government corrects them each time.


21/08/2012jane, As Abbott reminded us today, it's the 2nd anniversary of labors election victory! cue music and sing "cellebrate good times" It also marks the second year of no policy formulation endless slogans and just what a complete waste of time Abbott has been as leader!


21/08/2012Jason: Oh, that explains it then. He's formally reached age 2 as Opposition Leader, so he's old enough to be kicked out of parliament for behaving like a toddler throwing a tanty. Presumably the Acting Speaker has been the mother of a recalcitrant toddler at some stage, and decided enough is enough. I just hope the time-out came with an admonishment to clean his bedroom while he was at it.


21/08/2012You know, I wonder if the Paul and Fran Kellys of the Australian media have really thought things through. If Abbott is elected and they continue to provide the forensic examination of him and the Coalition's policies that they have up till now... Well, they won't have anything to write/comment about, will they? No job done now, no job to do then. End of career.


21/08/2012Aboortt the GROPER !

Ad astra

21/08/2012Folks I'm calling it day.


21/08/2012 Fighting back at slurs with facts, sorry folk another slight tangent. A lot has been made of the PM Julia leaving S&G over the last few days & the circumstances under which she left, I would like to give a slightly different slant to the debate. Something that might suggest she has more moral fibre than a lot think she does. Anyone involved in a legal case [recently] will understand the following. Maybe just maybe she had been subject to the following experience or something similar & decided to take a more ethical employment in life, politics'. At this point I will state Julia had nothing to do with my mother's situation & although it was roughly around the same time throws no accusation at Julia what so ever, while at S&G. I'm just enlighten some to the ethics of said firm & their driving force [$'s], & why we should treat anything they say about Julia with a pinch of salt, maybe again vested interests trying to see her dragged back down to their level. My mother was infected with Hep 'C' thru a red cross blood transfusion just as the aids epidemic flourished. She joined the S&G class action with other victims, she paid them for many yrs. Just before it all went to hearing they S&G told my mother that due to her being infect just prior [less than a month] to the Red cross introducing mandatory blood testing [even though there was a test available for 12 months prior but the red cross would not use it because it cost to much] that she would be excluded from the class action because they would actually have to fight the case on her behalf & they didn't do that. In short the number of cases infected after testing was introduced was easier to win so why should we fight for you [regardless of due care]. So after many yrs included in a class action & on deaths door she was basically told "go find a lawyer & start suing again". or here sign this non disclosure agreement, accept $20,000 for your life " that should be happy, now go away," My mother died 4 yrs later aged 63. If it was John Howard's mother [PM at the time] regardless of situation $20 million would have be inadequate. These are the type of people trying to smear the PM because she went further than them & is making a difference, & what gets up their noses more than anything she is a woman to as well.


21/08/2012Grasshopper That is an awful story, you have my heartfelt sympathy. A couple walking through a graveyard, looking at the headstones. One reads: Here lies Ronald Pettifogger A Lawyer and an Honest Man And the woman onlooker says to the man, [i]"I wonder why they buried three people in the one grave . . ? ."[/i]

Tom of Melbourne

21/08/2012Ad Astra always excuses politically expedient decisions by the government. take asylum seekers, he – • Allows the government to maintain it’s unethical regime of punishment • Excuses the government from its decision to deliberately impose longer detention on the innocent than existed under the hated Howard policy • Supports the policy that the LAP previously condemned It’s interesting that Turkey is now struggling with 100,000 unexpected asylum seekers from Turkey. I wonder whether they would find unending detention an appropriate policy. Turkey probably wish they could shop them all off to the Greek bit of Cyprus, then they wouldn’t have to worry. But unlike our government, Turkey has to accept their situation, and give shelter to the people who arrive so very inconveniently. The hypocrisy of the ALP sycophants is a disgrace.

Tom of Melbourne

21/08/2012...from Syria


21/08/2012One perverse pleasure of this blog is that, with all the good writing and choice of Links, I scroll straight past Trolls nowadays, don't even hardly need to glance at their gravatars.

Truth Seeker

21/08/2012TT, thank you for your kind words, and I am glad that you liked "The aspirational voter", but the only competition is between us and them. We are with one accord in sticking it to the radical right, and yes it is greatly gratifying to use rhyming verse to do so. I have not seen any equivalent from the right, I think they don't understand the concept of using the imagination to produce anything but lies, misinformation and spin, sad really! We have a classic example here on TPS. I have made a decision not to name them, as I believe that it gets them all excited seeing someone taking them seriously enough to reply to them, but I am sure that you know who I am referring to. Patricia, thanks for the link. I am progressing slowly, but progressing none the less. Cheers

Truth Seeker

21/08/2012Aa, another great piece, keep em cumming. Cheers


21/08/2012 The ABC has gone to Hell posted this from the oh-so-esteeemed Paul Kelly, of the Australian, And Comrades you'll LOVE it!


21/08/2012Hi Ad, I suspect you answered the question [i]Is it because it feels that the asylum issue has been neutralized somewhat and will not be as potent a weapon with which to beat her and the Government? [/i] with later excerpts from that 'news' diseminator. I will go back to an earlier statement by me that the legislation has been rushed and it has been done for political reasons and it will come back to bite the government in the bum. Many in the press will take great delight in sinking the teeth into that part of the govenments' anatomy from here to the next election as the asylum seeker/refugee saga winds its' torturous course. You mention George Megalogenis' [b]How the language of shock-jocks came to drive political debate [/b] article. You and others may find the comments in GM's follow on blog [b]From idea to sneer [/b] and the many mostly non-partisan comments informative and of interest.


21/08/2012I loved your Aspirational Voter too, Truth Seeker, both the sentiment and the beat. I've often wondered about rank and file Liberal party members and what drives them. TT, I am suddenly aware that you haven't responded to my idea for incorporating your "Away in the Chamber, no key to The Lodge" poem into my post re. Abbott's arse pome and notes on Windsor's great speech. I didn't formally ask your permission to do that. Did I take too much for granted? If you prefer I didn't, it's all still in draft and waiting something from Truth Seeker when he gets time to for it. Sometimes these things aren't meant to happen. Maybe three of us on the same topic, but with different angles and forms, (i.e. different kinds of [i]'spokespersons'[/i]) might make for an unbalanced or wobbly wheel. Meantime there is Abbott's expulsion to deal with!


21/08/2012Turnbull on Lateline..He may be a smart person saying silly things, but he certainly is making a goose of himself! Yes, I believe the MSM. is truly starting to wake up to the opps' bulldust!


22/08/2012Jason @7.23pm, and no doubt he'll still be stuck on the same track in 12 months time. "I won't have what [b]she's[/b]having!" Interesting that the Liars are now quite happy to have Craig Thomson's "tainted vote". That'll make it hard for some in their relentless crusade against him.


22/08/2012Great article, AA, couldn't agree with your sentiments more. But first; May I please take a moment to give a shout-out to Lyn. My Wonderful Source Of Information, by providing these links, you literally save me a couple of hours a day (well, night), and much faffing around. I truly thank you, and keep up the great work!? I didn't read The Australian article "How will he govern?" with a big fat pic of TA's head on the front page of Inquirer. Sort of like skipping the (few) trolls here, I wouldn't waste my time & energy. You were right about the Paul Syvret article in the Courier Mail. Very balanced. Unfortunately, he seems to be the sole objective journalist at the whole paper, more's the pity (although T Sweetman & M O'Connor are pretty fair, but I expect that, as they're old-school journo's who know what NEWS is, & what OPINION is, and present their work accordingly, thankfully.) And Oh my, Emma had it all over M Turnbull on Lateline tonight! He just sounded foolish. Hint Malcom: If a journalist is interrupting you to the point where you have to call them on it, you're losing. Stupid arguement anyway! I can't wait for the NBN to come to my area. OMG, QT Senate replay just started - Barnaby Crazy guy's 1st question is about... wait for it... CARBON TAX lol :)


22/08/2012Truth Seeker You bet we are in competition! If I can be the one whose lines so distress Abbortt et al that he runs to Tristan da Cunha never to be heard of again I will be trying like an Olympian to do it! :) And it's GREAT to have THREE rhymsters with but a single goal, to bring those bastards low. Two's company. Three's competition, that's powerful. Patricia Of course I don't mind. I think I've just been a bit 'Brused' lately. Mostly medically.


22/08/2012Hon.Craig Thomson, MHR: Be it known that I TT and some others here on TPS never believed you to be guilty of anything serious. As for anything less than serious, is there anyone alive who is absolutely innocent? In the absence of any definitive wrongdoing I have always called for you to be considered innocent, as all who genuinely support and comprehend the rule of law must insist. You have been infamously treated, you have carried on with great courage, in situations where I am certain I would have crumbled long ago. I for one as a member of the ALP will be honoured if you can find it in yourself to rejoin us. We need that courage of yours, the Labor Party has been a bit intimidated by the Media attacks, but let us never again be forced to stand aside a person of your calibre because of media monstering. If it were my job to apologise to you I would. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abetz, why don't you go and die horribly somewhere? Never mind, we'll get your mob at the election. From now on we have the boots on our feet.


22/08/2012TODAY’S LINKS Springtime of the Peoples , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate Journalists have those rights because we have collectively decided that democracy functions better when the institutions of that democracy are answerable to a free, independent media. But democracy fails when the media - the Fourth Estate - becomes a player in its own right and misrepresents the news in aid of its own agenda The Rise of the Fifth Estate–excerpt, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut the world of political blogs in Australia was beginning to disrupt this nice, century-old tradition. The ‘old media’ — The Australian, most particularly — didn’t take it particularly well. This was odd, not only because it was strange that a paper that held itself up as the leading newspaper of the country should care what a few ‘amateurs’ might think, but because at the time The Australian had one of its best journalists doing great work as a blogger. Megalogenis on shock-jock journalism , Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion Megalogenis says he's not sure about this (ie., Latham has gone too far). My judgement is that Latham didn't go far enough: most of the media --including the Canberra press gallery---have been opposed to those reforms designed to help shift Australia to a low carbon economy. In the case of News Ltd journalists they have been openly hostile. That antagonism is one explanation for the media's lack of scrutiny of the way Abbott frames policy issues in terms of slogans. Newmania- The Fall, Only the Depth Varies Over seven thousand jobs have already gone from the Public Service, but the genuine threat of more job cuts has imbued the entire public service – over 200,000 employees – with anxiety. Staff engagement rates would be way down, costing millions in productivity. The entire public service sector is toxic. SUSPECT: HSU so-called “whistleblower” Kathy Jackson subject of fraud investigation, Vex news In one case Jackson accused former friend Paul Howes, the AWU national secretary, of failing to pursue the issue of Bruce Wilson’s conduct. He was thirteen years old when Wilson and co. were drummed out of the union by Howes’s predecessors who, unlike Jackson who watched over and appears to have participated in widespread malfeasance Gillard’s ghost, and how to tell if you have a ghost too, Kath Walter, The Power Index The past isn’t what it used to be. Once upon a time, digging up old stories about leaders -- business or political -- was a difficult, slow, painstaking job.But this digital world is different.It’s easy to uncover people from the past, to receive tip-offs, to track documents and press coverage -- local and international. Tony Abbott and the Great Debate, Miglo, Café Whispers If he intends a return to Howard’s Golden Age, which I an only assume also means a return to Howard’s IR policies he will be quickly reminded that this was the single biggest issue that lost Howard the 2007 election. It’ll be a gift for Labor, which is something I think that the Liberals are certainly aware of and why Abbott is playing his cards close to Tony ‘The Ripper’ Abbott wants to rip the guts out of public school funding, Turn Left 2013 In remarks yesterdays, Tony Abbott promised that if he ever got into government, he would take an axe to the public school budget, which he believes is too high. Jacksonville 21: The puppet show, Peter Wicks, Independent Australia We have already seen that Terry Nassios appears as if he had his strings pulled by Fair Work Australia vice president and Kathy Jackson fiancé, Michael Lawler — who seemingly influenced what was supposed to be an independent investigation. So much so that FWA President Iain Ross has recently proposed a drastic overhaul of the FWA Code of Practice Militant Unions? Not A Problem For Oz Employers, Claire Pullen , New Matilda The Coalition and business lobby won't shut up about how militant our unions are - and how bad they are for productivity. The truth is, strikes are at their lowest ebb ever, Like much of our public debate, comment on workplace relations from our elected representatives generates far more heat than light. The public posturing kicked off again in response to the release of the Fair Work Act Gonski review: Experts weigh in on what the government should do , Charis Palmer, The Conversation In a speech to the Independent Schools National Forum, Ms Gillard has linked resources to results, arguing Australia doesn’t just need to reform the school funding system, but a plan to lift standards in all schools.The government is expected to deliver its full response to the Gonski review of school funding in coming weeks, but Ms Gillard has Turnbull slams ‘pro-NBN zealot journalists’, Renai LeMay, Delimeter Turnbull accused the ABC of creating “relentless propaganda” to support the NBN project, in a stance which the Liberal MP described at the time as “embarrassing”. Oh, dear. Maybe the Earl of Wentworth is finding that not everybody regurgitates his copy as dutifully as Communications Minister Stephen Conroy appears to think the mainstream media tends to? It’s a tough world out there for multi-millionaire Liberal leaders trying to get their message across Malcolm Turnbull's response to my response to his response to my piece on his NBN policy , Malcolm Turnbull to Alan Kohler: Alan is of course entitled to give me political advice (why not, everyone else does) but it is surprising that a financial writer would be giving such cynical political advice and paying little or no regard to the responsibility all of us have for spending taxpayers’ money prudently. He seems to be advising me to be like the Labor Party – spend public money with only one objective in mind – political advantage. Coalition NBN plan ready to go: Turnbull,Technology Spectator He said his plan would achieve sufficiently fast broadband speeds, and follow the lead of United Kingdom group BT's fibre to the node rollout, as opposed to the Australia government's national fibre to the home network Wicked Problems and Good Intentions, Savitri Taylor Inside Story Possibly the expert panel’s strategy of being “cruel to be kind,” as Melissa Parke and Gavin Marshall described it disapprovingly, will deter other asylum seekers from attempting to make the dangerous sea journey to Australia. But, as I have argued elsewhere, all that really ensures is that they will suffer unnecessarily and die prematurely Flaws found in Fair Work's HSU probe, ABC An independent review of the Fair Work Australia investigation into the Health Services Union (HSU) has found flaws in the way it was conducted Graphical Manipulations #6: Gillard, Abbott, Politics and Rectal Referrals, Deknarf, The Australia Blog you have to give grudging admiration to her stoicism in the face of continuous allegation and innuendo. One wonders how Tony Abbot would react in the same situation? A lot of speechless head-nodding? We’ve only seen him under real pressure just that once and it was not a pretty sight for a ‘would be’ Prime Minister. Student union skullduggery, John Quiggin Student politics has long been the playground of budding party apparatchiks keen to try out dirty tricks, but the current Union election at hte University of Queensland goes beyond anything I’ve been seen before. I expect that, when these hacks graduate to adult politics, they’ll make the headlines in due course, and not in Media Hacks: Why Our National Press Corps Is Failing the Public Abysmally, Alter Net We can't have serious debates in this country because we don't have a news media that offers us serious debates. Rather than dig into candidates' claims, we get he-said/she-said drivel and doses of whatever conventional wisdom is flying around the Beltway – we get dueling campaign “narratives” rather than a serious look at issues Northern Territory Election- Is the Pent Up Swing about to be released-, Poliquant The NT poll drought was broken yesterday by the Northern Territory News which commissioned a poll of 4 seats in the Darwin-Palmerston area. The poll was reported in the hard copy of the NT News, but the primary vote figures were helpfully reported by William Bowe of Poll Bludger. Petitioning Australian House of Representatives This petition will be delivered to:Australian House of Representatives: Alter Standing Order to ban Suspensions during Question Time – Expressions Of Interest, Malcolm Farnsworth, Australian Politics This website is now open to Expressions of Interest from individuals or organisations.Two Domain names: and Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 22 August 2012

Ad astra

22/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


22/08/2012I see Fran kelly played channel nine's "Moonface" to Julie Bishop's "Gra-Gra"....for an extended attack on the Prime minister! ABC. trash-pak interviews.


22/08/2012Gotya Turnbull [quote]OPPOSITION communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull is opposed to putting fibre-optic cables all the way into households - but that is what he is investing in. It was revealed this week that Mr Turnbull owns shares in France Telecom, which plans to connect 60 per cent of French households to fibre by 2020.[/quote] Isn't the internet wonderful (H)


22/08/2012 I really don't understand what the Aussie voter problem with Gillard is...certainly she had a rocky start...but so did Howard and other PMs...and it's obvious too many believe the misogynistic News Ltd and shock jocks... but there comes a time when you have to respect her guts, growth in the job and pursuit of good policies like increased funding of education, healthcare disability scheme, trades training centres, helping out car manufacturers to keep Aussie jobs, the NBN... Gillard and Swan would get more credit in another country...but here the Murdoch and shock jock cynicism dominates...sadly. Young women should be respectful. Instead we get whining and apathy. And a crap opposition under Abbott getting a free ride. [b]The Gillard government’s sticky wicket[/b] I think it's time for Australia to grow up...move on from sucking on the teet of News Ltd. That includes the ABC. N'


22/08/2012If ever you want to see what a 'shit eating grin' looks like, chase down the video of the man(?) who pitched the phrase pell mell into Australian politics, when Tony Abbott was asked yesterday about the role of women in his life. In fact, flashing back this instant to my memory of the footage, my brain just overlaid the cartoonist Tandberg's signature take on the tombstone grin of John Howard. That's what the "golden age" is! Lot's of teeth and no truth.


22/08/2012Then there was Grattan choking and spluttering over her chance to slip the boot in...I'm telling you, don't give them an inch of sympathy nor a ghost of a chance..they'll take as much as they can grab with both hands...death to the forth estate!


22/08/2012 Lyn, thnx for the links: From blog [b]The Failed Estate[/b] more sensible stuff:  [quote]Over at The Australian, they're dishing out editorials about threats to "freedom" faster than a short-order cook at a fast-food restaurant. On Twitter, young Liberals, who clearly watch too much US television, post exclamations about our "inalienable" rights to free speech. The Leader of the Opposition has also turned up at the barricades, issuing a rallying cry to the hair gelled, shiny-suited multitudes of the IPA, all clutching their copies of Atlas Shrugged like cappuccino-quaffing Red Guards brandishing Mao's Little Red Book. Can the end really be so close at hand? Should we start preparing now for the dictatorship of the journalism professors, that cardigan-wearing, Daihatsu-driving elite who would impose mandatory death sentences for misplaced modifiers and split infinitives? It seems so. So feverishly idealistic has the public debate become that anyone arguing for more effective regulation of the media and for the idea that with freedom comes responsibility finds it impossible to have a sensible discussion without being accused of being a jackbooted totalitarian. As a journalist by training and inclination, my suggested approach is to always to go back to the source and see what was actually proposed, before slinging on a rifle and rushing to the barricades. So for perspective, here's what Finkelstein opened his report by saying: "There is common ground among all those who think seriously about the role of the news media and about journalistic ethics that a free press plays an essential role in a democratic society, and no regulation should endanger that role." This does not to me sound like a man who wants to "silence a free media once and for all." Finkelstein made a lot of very pertinent observations about the current system of self-regulation, which on even the most charitable view is scattered, unresponsive, slow and ineffective. He says the proposed News Media Council should have secure funding from government and its decisions made binding, but "beyond that government should have no role. The establishment of a council is not about increasing the power of government or about imposing some form of censorship. It is about making the news media more accountable to those covered in the news, and to the public generally." Of course, none of this has been reported. Instead, we get the "here come the jackboots" stuff as every second conservative lashes on a bandanna and throws himself on the public stage to wage the freedom banner like an extra in Les Miserables. And once again, this is the problem with so much media debate these days. Half the time, people get animated about stuff that no-one is actually proposing. Instead, we increasingly see the traditional, practical Australian approach of "let's see what works" shoved aside in favour of the hysterical polarisation and mindless sloganeering of American politics.[/quote] --- Rest of the post here...and other articles that speak to truth...and get ya to put on yer thinking cap without yer brain exploding: N'


22/08/2012 [quote]OPPOSITION communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull is opposed to putting fibre-optic cables all the way into households - but that is what he is investing in. It was revealed this week that Mr Turnbull owns shares in France Telecom, which plans to connect 60 per cent of French households to fibre by 2020.[/quote] 2353, incroyable! :) The cheek. The Coalition really are full of it. I want my NBN to the home thnx. I don't want no cheapo mishmash. ALP NBN & Conroy ALL THE WAY...we deserve as good if not better than what the French get. [b]Vive la NBN, internet Révolution! [/b] N'

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012Given that Slater and Gordon “accepted Gillard’s resignation without discussion”, it’s fair to conclude their reaction was “don’t let the door hit you’re a**e on the way out”. They weren’t disappointed to see her go. That was the last job she had outside politics. Gillard has obfuscated about this affair, and that’s why it is hanging around after 17 years. Gillard has a history of poor judgement, expediency in decisions, and being very loose with the truth. She is now getting the scrutiny she deserves.


22/08/2012Ad astra - What do I think? I think you nailed it is what I think. I particularly want to point to the following lines: [i]So it’s OK for a journalist to question the professional integrity of the Prime Minister of this nation based on a tired old story 17 years old, but it’s not OK for the PM to question the professional integrity of a senior journalist. Work that out. [/i] Priceless Ad...a point well made! The PM rapped Kelly over the knuckles like a naughty little school boy, have a look at his face which is what you suggested we do Ad....and I did...he looked like a naughty boy caught out. And then he looked guilty as charged. And then for PvO to try the "good cop, bad cop" routine on the PM for good measure. How stupid did he look. How stupid did they both look. The PM is a very illeligent woman. She is first and foremost a lawyer. The fools that they are seem to forget that, did they really think they would get her....NO.. I don't think they did...they just wanted to sling mud and do some damage......and of course do Murdoch's bidding. Kelly and PvO you should both be very ashamed because if that is what you call journalism I am afraid naughty little school boys, you get a F (failed) for journalism and a AAA+ in loss of your own integrity.


22/08/2012I didn't realize I could do this on Twitter (& I'm probably hated now for it) but I replied to a reply I had replied to myself . . . and one could do it a lot and it ends up 'Conversation' with oneself. There's a lot of frogshit attached to the way it looks when transposed, I'll clean it all up for you. LNP has NO IDEA what to do about leadership now. A mess and they know it. I love it. No policy integrity, stooges. VENCEREMOS! Turdball is no clean sheet, he's just not as bad as Abbortt. Right hates him. (That's one + !) but he's isolated somewhere in Reasonland!) LNP all of a twitter Lots of paper & time in the shitter I get sweeter, they get more bitter I don't give a stuff if they die! Long way to go before I'm SWEET, tho', & my rancidity is BECAUSE of them. 'With my words I wound you, with my pen I poison you'

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012LIR, Gillard accused Kelly of asking questions at the direction of someone else. She was apparently wrong. This is one of the types of distortions that Ad Astra routinely makes. His composition is littered with examples. On the other hand this story has been around for years, and Gillard has tried to fend it off in the past with a variation of the “…but, but, but I’m a girl…” defence. Seriously, the “young & naïve” excuse would never be available to a nearing middle aged male, a partner in a law firm, a seasoned political operator. But Gillard was all of those, but chose the description of herself. For Gillard to use such an excuse for her excessively poor judgment opens the way for plenty of well deserved ridicule.


22/08/2012An article that addresses some of the contentions in this thread. The veracity of the claims should be determined by the reader. [b]Julia Gillard urged to 'take the gloves off'[/b] by David Crowe and Sid Maher The Australian [quote]In caucus, Mr Murphy[/quote] [MP John Murphey - backbencher] [quote]called on Ms Gillard to toughen the regulation of the media and take on News Limited over what he described as its campaign against the government. Observers said Mr Murphy's remarks struck a chord with a group of caucus members calling on Ms Gillard to create a new authority to oversee print, online, radio and television news. The exchanges led Ms Gillard to assure the caucus that she would act on media reform by the end of the year. A caucus spokesman said that Mr Murphy told the room that [b]a "senior News Limited journo" informed him that the company was seeking to bring down the Prime Minister[/b]. "I don't think there would be anyone in the caucus who would lament Murphy's attack on News," one MP said.[/quote] (edited)


22/08/2012Nasking [b]I want fibre to the home too! I don't want no mishmash[/b] I live in Truss's electorate we would be the last to get it.


22/08/2012 Tom of Melbourne once again proves himself to be a Liberal hack in the guise of Democrat. I'm still waiting for him to provide in-depth criticisms of the Coalition...and specifically Tony Abbott. ------------- I noticed Grog is writing about the view: If you miss out blogs like Road to Surfdom, Political Sword etc...and fail to recognise the influence of consistent commentors with unique styles you end up being blogger-centric and miss out an influential part of the cyberspace explosion...including the original use of Youtube, pics, links to get points across, to appeal to diverse groups and differ from the MSM...and hook-in readership. Just sayin' NO LONGER EYES WIDE SHUT BTW, good on Grog for going down this path amd putting in the effort. N'


22/08/2012Good Morning Ad & Everybody Twitterverse: You will notice below that Andrew Bolt and Peter VanOnselen believe our Prime Minister. Peter Van Onselen clarified to me via a tweet he believes Julia but Bolt is inclined. You will also notice a tweet saying Faine is ex S&G. Bushfire Bill Posted Wednesday, August 22, 2012 at 8:28 am We can add Kelly’s name to Carney, Grattan, Hartcher, Shanahan, Cassidy and Coorey, to list a few. All of these don’t think they’re part of the media, either. But it’s only so Kelly can have a whinge about how they’re not following his line. He doesn’t realise he’s past it. This must be the most exciting thing that happened to him for years and it’s not getting the attention it (or he thinks it) deserves. Media 'like rabid dogs': Gillard's ex speaks out News Ltd tracked Bruce Wilson down to a NSW country town, where he works as a part-time cook, to talk about the questions the prime minister is facing. He said bloggers behind the re-airing of the allegations were: "frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs". "The reason why I don't want to say anything is there are some people - some people in the media - nothing I say is going to stop these people Wil Anderson‏ I can't wait for the investigation into the KPMG investigation into the FWA investigation into the HSU investigation of Craig Thomson... Coalition would deliver fast enough, faster: Turnbull, Lateline Opposition spokesman for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, says the Coalition's broadband plan would provide adequate speeds and would be much faster to build. sansBS‏ Snow_Crash Your continued educating of @TurnbullMalcolm regarding benefits of FTTH #nbn has worked! #auspol #ausbiz Peter van Onselen‏ Bolt & I finally agree! "I can’t see any evidence that Gillard knowingly profited from Wilson’s scam, & I am inclined to believe her denial" Where's the smoking gun? Jon weighs in on The Australian's coverage of the PM, Slater & Gordon he doesn't pull punches: "conspiracy theorists in the blogosphere (are) getting traction for a 17-year-old spat in a Labor law firm," he says. Jon says he's spoken to those involved with Slater & Gordon at the time. He asks, "Is there anything to the substance (in this report)?" Lyndsay Farlow ‏@LyndsayFarlow @lynlinking Faine is ex S&G Keith Sutherland‏ Eric Abetz interview on #ABC Breakfast was disgraceful, why not accept Report on Craig Thompson? please respect the PM she has a proper name TheFinnigans It's sad to see a respected journo like @lenoretaylor cant resist the temptation & join the smear - Dan‏ Abbott always blames labor for creating warfare what the f&$k is this bloody hypocrite this is insight in2 LNP policy TheFinnigans Character? TAbbott is a bully who hates women, his outdated social views a threat to national cohesion & plurality - Jennifer Brown‏ Coalition backdown on school funding via @smh Whit Goughlam‏ Another failure to deliver by O'Farrell. This time it's teachers. Coalition’s radical new federalism, Financial Review Laura Tingle Political editor Federal Coalition finance and deregulation spokesman Andrew Robb said the opposition was looking to use its planned handover of administration of environmental laws to the states as a model for other areas, both to reduce red tape and to cut thousands of federal public servants from the payroll. Mungo MacCallum's how-to-vote guide | Echonetdaily Mobile Edition Mungo MacCallum's how-to-vote guide. Author: Editor Date: August 18, 2012 Categories: Ballina Shire Elections 2012, Byron Shire Elections 2012, Elections ... Police probe HSU complaint letter, Canberra Times They include a $12,500 postage and shipping reimbursement to Ms Jackson, several payments to a Melbourne childcare centre, and $36,774 paid to a company believed to be partly owned by Ms Jackson, the letter alleges. KPMG review finds Fair Work Australia probe into Health Services Union was 'deficient' FORMER Labor MP Craig Thomson says an independent review of a Fair Work Australia investigation vindicates him and will debunk any prosecution case.


22/08/2012Thanks for your links today Lyn, great stuff - This one is particularly good for a laugh - so here is a repost. [i]Graphical Manipulations #6: Gillard, Abbott, Politics and Rectal Referrals, Deknarf, The Australia Blog [/i] Very funny worth a visit for the picture of TAbbott in front of a pigs arse for those who might have missed it....says it all doesn't it.


22/08/2012 LadyInRed, you have my sympathy. An Abbott govt, and also it seems a Turnbull govt, would leave us all with a second rate system whilst other across the pond continued to send us sympathy letters and bragging cards. Sigh. Coalition = National Broadband Not Quite To Your Home Half-Arsed Effort (NBNQTYHHAE) N'


22/08/2012 Make that: N'

42 long

22/08/2012I feel I must restate my all-time view tha Thomson is innocent. The "Stitch-up was too neat and overdone. Had ALL the hallmarks of a stitch -up and then Tony singing the praises of Kathy Jackson the staunch unionist, who whilst masquerading as a whistleblower goes to the HR Nicholls Society (Which would LOVE to remove Unions from the face of the earth) and makes a keynote speech that they welcome with open arms).. You can TELL who the BAD "guys" are.... IT's easy. They are the ones that Tony tells you are GOOD. Jackson was very involved with providing and "sifting" the evidence that was used against Thomson. Tony being concerned about how unionists are faring? Pull the other leg. He cares so much that he would remove your right to collective representation, completely. Bit of fortuitous timing with "Rightists", ( can't bring myself to call them Liberals any more) getting into power in most states when they did. A mighty good wake -up call to what you will get on a national scale if LNP get in there as was almost a certainty, a short time ago. The trouble is they are just TOO extreme with their dogma. Too close to the USA tea party model and quite a lot are noticing that, now. Australians like a BALANCE Tony, not the "MAD right leanings of the people who are in your ear, and you are one of yourself. Not going to be the quick fix YOU thought eh! That's going to make things just a bit more difficult. telling LIES about the carbon price being responsible for 70% and such of the price rise is LIES, It could never be as the TOTAL actual price ot the electricity is about 3.. YES three cents.. and the carbon price is related to the carbon used not the electricity produced, SO it's not a tax on electricity as yor MOB present it to be. More lies.

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012Nasking - [i]” I'm still waiting for him to provide in-depth criticisms of the Coalition...and specifically Tony Abbott.’[/i] There are plenty who do that very effectively Nasking, here and on other sites, and I’m sure you have noticed my past criticism of them on subjects like asylum seekers. But there nil critical analysis of Gillard and the government here, and this is a site that is supposed to put commentators and politicians to the verbal sword. My input is to ensure that the motto isn’t deceptive advertising. But tell me Nasking, which parts of the current reporting of Gillard’s past should not be reported? Why isn’t it in the public interest that there is reasonable public information about the competence and ethics she displayed in the last job she had before politics?


22/08/2012ToM You really are not worth listening to. I don't give a fig for what you have to say. You are a nasty little twerp with not a single independent thought, all you do is regurgitate crap. Pathetic. Why don't you just go away because you don't add anything. Here is an idea go and read this: What if I need assistance to vote? Assistance is provided if the polling official in charge of the polling place is satisfied that you are unable to vote without help. The following electors may seek help: •the elderly; •people with a disability (including visual impairment); [b]•non-literate people;[/b] •people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Your links are great reading. I’m still working through them. Mr Denmore was spot on, as usual. I’m looking forward to reading [i]Grog’s Gamut[/i] about his new book: [i]The Rise of the Fifth Estate[/i] and the book itself. I note from your Front Pages that [i]The Australian[/i] is still rabbiting on about the Slater & Gordon matter; surely the dead horse they are flogging must soon decompose. I hope the smell overwhelms and that they bury, or perhaps better still cremate the poor creature and scatter the ashes. KHTAGH That is a sad story about your mother. It shows what is the motivator for many law firms – money. Truth Seeker, Libbyx33, LadyinRed Thank you for your complimentary remarks. I’m glad that you have enjoyed the piece. Apropos the Slater & Gordon matter and Julia Gillard’s involvement, here is an excerpt from yesterday’s statement by Peter Gordon, ex-S&G principal, amended following the unauthorized leak by Nick Styant-Browne, a previous S&G lawyer, of Gordon’s confidential first draft. Among other things, he makes three summary points: [i]1. From my review of those events in 1995, I found nothing which contradicted Julia Gillard’s explanation as to these events. 2. I believed at the time that there was no explicit or indirect evidence that she was involved in any wrongdoing and that remains my view today. 3. I believe these statements to be utterly consistent with the statement issued on behalf of Slater & Gordon two days ago.[/i] [b]Given this unequivocal statement that clears Julia Gillard, why on earth are her antagonists persisting with further attempts to smear her and bring her reputation into disrepute. There can only be one answer – the vicious political bloody-mindedness of the perpetrators.[/b] If want to struggle reading a somewhat blurred image of the whole statement, it is here:

Ad astra

22/08/2012TT That Kelly interview was interesting. He couldn’t be suffering from a touch of remorse about the appalling way he treated the PM on [i]Agenda[/i], could he? No, that’s a naive view. He’ll be back with more. Thanks for your call this morning. I did catch Greg Jericho on ABC 24 this morning. I’ll get his book when next in Melbourne. It’s good to hear that you are recovering well.


22/08/2012 From Tingle: [quote]Federal Coalition finance and deregulation spokesman Andrew Robb said the opposition was looking to use its planned handover of administration of environmental laws to the states as a model for other areas, both to reduce red tape and to cut thousands of federal public servants from the payroll.[/quote] Cool...a land covered in ever farting moo cows roo skin croc bags sliced & diced trees nuke plants big big holes statues of giant burgers massive signs for gated communities & fortress retirement villages military compounds hunting for anything parks car torn beaches toxic spills roads & bridges to nowhere surrounded by carcasses of whales dolphins turtles dressed in plastic wearing oily makeup can't wait N'


22/08/2012ToM's vendetta against TPS intensifies.

Ad astra

22/08/2012DMW The comments on Mega’s blog were good. I guess a sound piece invites sound comment. jaycee I have always believed that when Malcolm Turnbull’s heart is not in what he is saying, he is entirely unconvincing. That was so last night. As a tech head he wants the NBN. Nasking That ‘sticky wicket’ piece on [i]Crikey[/i] was good reading. Stephen Koukoulas is sound. [i]The Failed Estate[/i] piece too was great reading.


22/08/2012 [quote]ToM's vendetta against TPS intensifies. [/quote] Migs, is that what you call it...I thought it was just his usual Limited News. N'

42 long

22/08/2012More tea Party stuff, Poor Andrew, I almost feel sorry for him. but he brings it on himself. Most observers would not know his role in the shadow ministry. rarely is there a truly coherent message going out. Sad indeed for I believe that he is one of the more "honest" of a bad lot Nasking ( I like your posts by the way). They copy their policy, direct (Tea/republican) but in the USA they want to remove ALL regulation of the environment. Ban the EPA. Get rid of anything that stands in the way of making a dollar. What a brave new world that will be. Same here with the rotten coalseam gas plague. They also build lots of prisons to keep the people who are not happy with the system in and prattle on about "lora norder".


22/08/2012What's this constantly regurgitated figure of 1000+ deaths? The opposition repeated it endlessly in QT the other day. To get to that figure you have to add the 400 or so deaths under Howard to the 700 under Rudd/ Gillard. If they are so right, why the constant need to lie?


22/08/2012 [quote]That ‘sticky wicket’ piece on Crikey was good reading.  Stephen Koukoulas is sound.  The Failed Estate piece too was great reading.[/quote] Indeed Ad, top linking by Lyn. Here's an interesting one: [b]Mitt Romney: Church State Separation Taken Too Far By Some[/b] I take it oneday Mitt will hope to setup a Mormon bookstore in the lobby of the White House. And put the smiling mug of Joseph Smith on a big enuff currency note that Romney will feel compelled to make a bet with it during a future debate. Who knows...mebbe the way things are goin' in the US we'll see a Scientologist as president oneday. The new President will be sworn in by placing their hand on a copy of 'Battlefield Earth'. N'

42 long

22/08/2012I stopped reading TfM's posts and my quality of life has improved immeasurably. There is nothing there folks. Ignore the sower of negativity. I only know he is still there because others are commenting about him. Ironically his avatar seems to be one eyed and tongue in cheek so isn't that appropriate. It helps me because I just skip that bit. Try it . You immediately enjoy the site more. At some stage or other he has insulted this ship and all who sail in her, so he doesn't want to be loved. He thinks he has a job to do. Reminds me of someone else.... Years ago I decided to do a bit of research on Grahame Richardson. Funny the more you look the less of a person you find. There is NOTHING there. A numbers man who sells out the party he belonged to for years at every opportunity. A true example of the title of the "best politician money can buy". Also the person most FREQUENTLY on Q&A. Why is that abc? .

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Your Twitterverse was full of interest. It’s disappointing that despite the [i]SMH[/i] article where Bruce Wilson aptly describes the media as “frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs”, that a journalist of the standing of Lenore Taylor writes such a nasty piece on the S&G matter in the same paper. Has she, like so many of her colleagues, also ‘gone to the dogs’? Miglo Nice comparison! BTW, if ToM ever writes anything of merit, I hope someone will alert me. bennyg If you haven’t been here before, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. I don’t know how they compile asylum seeker death numbers. Maybe another blogger does.


22/08/2012 Cheers 42 long...same here. [b]They also build lots of prisons to keep the people who are not happy with the system in and prattle on about "lora norder".[/b] Indeed...the Coalition's American friends and allies have set the bar high when it comes to private profiteering correctional centres and incarceration rates: When Republicans and their corporate advisors say "Jump to reach the money on the tree!" the Coalition reply "How high?". N'


22/08/2012Hi Ad & Everybody More interesting reading: Rick Morton‏ Transcript between the JG and Slater & Gordon makes for fascinating reading, whichever side of the debate you're on [$] What Julia told her firm SLATER & Gordon transcript of a meeting between Peter Gordon, Geoff Shaw and Julia Gillard, at the time respectively senior partner, general manager and partner at the firm, on September 11, 1995. I like this article by Ross Peake & I am sure you will too. Abbott fumbles, stumbles and backflips August 22, 2012 Ross Peake Ross Peake is Political Editor At the 60 Minute Dry Cleaners at Fyshwick yesterday, Abbott was back-pedalling. But now, probably realising he had overreached, the Opposition Leader was no longer making demands of the PM He downgraded the issue to a ''subject of legitimate media interest''. Asked if he still believed the PM should make a statement to Parliament, Abbott replied: ''That's a matter for her.'' As well as this big comedown, it was noticeable that the Opposition didn't touch the issue in question time over the past two days, even with the shield of parliamentary privilege. It was the issue of school funding that brought the Opposition Leader undone in the House on Monday. The second anniversary of the election which resulted in a minority government, was marked in the Labor caucus where Gillard declared the government had had ''two years of achievement''. She is on the way to fulfilling her promise, after toppling Kevin Rudd, to fix key issues. Her own gold medal backdown on processing asylum seekers has helped get Labor back in the game Blogger and commentator Greg Jericho says the intersection of journalists, bloggers and readers on social media produces both a higher speed of news and more dialogue


22/08/2012 [quote]Has she, like so many of her colleagues, also ‘gone to the dogs’?[/quote] Ad, imagine the people she has breathing down her neck? Sad. I thought Lenore one of the good ones. No black cowboy hat. Money talks I guess. And then there's us. :) N'

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Do you have a link for: [i]”Peter van Onselen‏ 
Bolt & I finally agree! "I can’t see any evidence that Gillard knowingly profited from Wilson’s scam, & I am inclined to believe her denial"[/i]? I suppose if PvO has given her a tick, that will be the end of it!

42 long

22/08/2012Very interesting that link. USA has 35 persons incarcerated for every one (1) in Timor l'este. Something for a bit of self examination.(Something the USA is not good at) They keep on saying WE are the best at all things . Be like us. God bless America.

42 long

22/08/2012That is taking population into account by the way.


22/08/2012 [quote]Blogger and commentator Greg Jericho says the intersection of journalists, bloggers and readers on social media produces both a higher speed of news and more dialogue [/quote] Lyn, Grog came across well...informative & articulate...down-to-earth...his confidence has grown. Should be an interesting read. N'

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn [i]The Australian[/i] is indeed ‘frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog'; otherwise why would they waste column inches on such a long record of a 17 year old interview? Ross Peake’s article was good reading.


22/08/2012 [quote]USA has 35 persons incarcerated for every one (1) in Timor l'este. [/quote] 42 long, it's certainly one way of denying people a vote. And ensuring your evangelical propaganda machine can get access to them. And recruiting cheap labour for your business...governor mansion. And making good consistent moolah for your Halliburtons, big pharma, catering companies etc. Imagine owning those shares? N'

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012There’s no vendetta with me. It’s simply that Ad Astra post plenty of distortions and provide plenty of hypocritical excuses for this government. It’s all counter to the motto of the site. As soon as Ad Astra changes the motto to something more appropriate, like… [i]”putting some politicians to the verbal sword, and licking the backside of others”[/i], I’d be entirely happy to leave it. Mind you, while I’m critical of the comments and partisan orientation of the site owner, he can be congratulated on running an open political site, as distinct from several others, including Wicks, and Café Whispers which refer the “closed society” model of political discourse.


22/08/2012The Abominable Abetz and his response to the KPMG review of the FWA report sidetracked me to do yet another post script to my pome about poor beleaguered Craig Thomson who surely now must be given some credence in his increasingly credible claims of innocence over several years now. POST SCRIPT to KPMG review published 21/08/12 With the Fair Work Report described as ‘deficient’ Will the media at last think that’s proof sufficient For all of his critics now have to eat crow? Eric Abetz is leading the field with a very loud, “NO!”

42 long

22/08/2012I heard a direct broadcast of EricA at the senate inquiry as to whether Craig misled the parliament, where he was outright "verballing a witness". He as a lawyer would know that kind of evidence is not admissable anyhow. That enquiry has concluded absolving Thomson of any "guilt" in that matter. . The enquiry was strenuously demanded by Pyne and Co as part of the LNP plan to deny an elected member the ability to represent his electorate and bring down a legally constituted government. Fairly serious matter I would have thought . Do we even get the slightest hint of an apology? NO and you NEVER will. This is the way these GRUBS behave. Ruin peoples reputations,.destroy their lives. Whatever it takes. That was the title of Richo's book too wasn't it?


22/08/2012I dislike that (mainly masculine) pontificating about the First & Second World Wars & such. You know the thing-"of course, Hitler made a mistake in attacking Russia..." & other such obvious stuff. So I'll now become my own enemy & say that Ltd News reminds me of what some of the madder First War generals were supposed to have done. This is the continual application of pressure regardless of casualties, intended & otherwise. Simply, nothing matters apart from the destruction of this government. Those who volunteer or are conscripted are put into the line, replaced when they fall. Those who perish in the assaults are either ridden over or allowed to hang on the wire. Total detruction is the aim, they will be satisfied with nothing less. Lyn Belated congratulations on your award.

the moor

22/08/2012Vendetta is the right word for it. I find the continual bias in the reporting very disturbing to the extent that I no longer trust anything they report on their website or in their newspapers.

42 long

22/08/2012The moor the merrier. You are now in your right state of mind. I'm even skeptical of the skeptics. If you visit their websites you can more accurately gauge how dangerous they are. the mmaintenance of democracy need constant vigilance. Never truer than NOW.

Ad astra

22/08/2012Folks Those of you interested in the climate change debate will be interested to read Andrew Crook’s article on [i]Crikey: 2. Get Fact: is Australia 'going it alone' on pricing carbon?[/i]: [i]”Yesterday, chief climate commissioner Tim Flannery said Australians were being duped by "lies" propagated by opponents of government action on climate change. "We've been misled here in Australia," Flannery told AAP. He was referring in part to claims that "the world isn't acting", and perhaps had in mind the Coalition's consistent line over the last year that Australia was "going it alone" on a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme. Flannery's Climate Change Commission's report, The Critical Decade: International Action on Climate Change, was released yesterday and estimates that by next year, 33 countries and 18 sub-national jurisdictions will have a carbon price in place. "These schemes could be expected to cover around 850 million people, around 30% of the global economy and around 20% of global emissions," the report states. Twelve per cent of the world's population will live in regions with a carbon price, including around 250 million urban Chinese. So how does this compare to the stance by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on climate change policy? Here's what he's on the record as saying on June 21 this year: "The Prime Minister should be waking up to herself and waking up to the fact that the rest of the world is not taking decisive action by way of carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes. Sure, lots of other countries are doing the sorts of things to help the environment that the Coalition is recommending -- they’re taking direct action -- but they are not putting in place economy wide carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes ..." [emphasis added]. Crikey has decided to put this comment to the test as part of our GetFact series, where we subject prominent claims to a truth test. Just to confirm Abbott's stance, on July 8, he was at it again, telling Barrie Cassidy on Insiders that "the world is running away from an emissions trading scheme at a million miles an hour. It's been obvious since Copenhagen that we’re not moving toward these things, we’re moving away from them." Cassidy pressed him on that. Was Abbott sure international ETS's were off the agenda? "As I said, all the signs, whether it's America, Canada, whether it's the rest of the big economies, there are no signs that any of them are embracing a carbon tax or an economy-wide emissions trading scheme." The Coalition's speaking notes, leaked to Crikey last month, state that "it was clear from the recent Durban Climate Change Conference that the rest of the world, including the United States, Canada, India, China and Japan, is not adopting a broad based Carbon Tax model." So what are the facts? The Climate Change Commission's report found that all developed countries have pledged some kind of action on climate change, and cited last year's Productivity Commission study of emissions reduction policies in nine countries that identified more than "1000 general 'policies' in the United States, around 235 in Australia, 130 in Germany, 100 in the United Kingdom, 80 in China, 70 each in the Republic of Korea and India, 65 in Japan, and 30 in New Zealand." Japan has emissions trading in Tokyo and Saitama (comprising 20 million people), and South Africa will introduce a carbon tax in 2013. In Canada, Quebec and British Columbia have carbon taxes on certain products, Alberta introduced emissions trading in 2006 and Quebec will follow in 2013. Finland, Norway Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, China and India have tax arrangements on carbon or resources. The 27 countries in the European Union are subject to an emissions trading schemes, as are Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and New Zealand. The US State of California has an emissions trading scheme due to start next year. But as Bernard Keane noted yesterday, while carbon pricing existed or was planned at a national or sub-national level in China, the US, the EU, Russia, India and Japan, all had some kind of renewable energy target, all had energy efficiency regulation and most had vehicle emission standards -- the precise kind of "direct action" championed by Abbott. And some of the significance was overstated in the Climate Commission report -- for example, New Zealand has dragged its heels expanding its trading scheme and the EU's scheme is struggling with record low prices. And the solidity of UNFCCC international pacts remain dubious. According to last year's Garnaut review, "89 developed and developing countries, representing more than 80 per cent of global emissions and about 90 per cent of the global economy, have pledged large cuts and actions" under that year's Cancun Agreements. At the Durban UNFCCC summit, 195 countries, including the US, China, Japan and India, agreed to negotiate a new international deal by 2015 with "legal force" to reduce emissions, taking effect from 2020. But the Durban Platform could also be interpreted as an agreement to continue talking. India famously held out for the language to be watered down -- to "legal force" from "legally bound". There are some facts that are not disputed. The Climate Commission notes that Australia is the world's 15th largest emitter, and the biggest polluter per person. The Coalition has proposed a $3.2 billion plan to meet Abbott's commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 5% by 2020, without carbon pricing. [b]We rate Abbott's statement that the ALP is "going it alone" on pricing carbon as "mostly rubbish”.”[/b][/i] My bolding. There are many links which you can access at:

Ad astra

22/08/2012BSA Bob You are right: [i]”Simply, nothing matters apart from the destruction of this government.”[/i] the moor You are one of us. We too despise most of what is in the MSM.

Ad astra

22/08/2012Truth Seeker While writing this piece, I somehow missed your stylish poem: [i]The aspirational voter[/i] written yesterday morning. It really is very good, describing as it does so eloquently the fate of the LNP supporter who looks vainly to his party for reward for his efforts. Thank you.


22/08/2012Hi Ad Thankyou for another above and beyond perfect article Ad Astra, you are a delight, the work involved is astronomical. The Tweeples think so too. Ad, with regards to the VanOnselen/Bolt exchange, as far as I know there is nothing in print. Thankyou BSA Bob for your compliment and thankyou for your loyality. Nasking lovely to see your work & thankyou for your appreciation.You belong to us you know. BTW I have downloaded Grog's book to my Kindle, it was only $9.99, I hope he gave the Political Sword a mention somewhere in there. Paul Bongiorno just tweeted, he means the S&G issue not mentioned as yet. With Mr Abbott's past surely not going to be either. Paul Bongiorno‏ Twenty two minutes into q time, the elephant in the room not noticed by either side. The Oz must be disappointed

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your always complimentary and encouraging remarks. I watched QT and there were no questions on the S&G matter. I wonder why? Are they afraid of retaliation about Abbott’s past? Or are they waiting until the very last day of QT this week to launch an attack that will get into the weekend papers?


22/08/2012Ad astra During QT it is only permissible to ask questions of ministers that relate directly to the functioning of their portfolio or where they are representing an absent minister or a Senator. It is not permissible, for instance, to ask the Health Minister about Workplace Relations matters except where perhaps an overlap could be found. The Prime Minister is open to questions about every portfolio but is none-the-less protected from scrutiny of her personal life or any other activities that don't fall within the definition of her duties as Prime Minister. It would be a very long bow indeed to follow the newspapers' lead and suggest that the questions surrounding Gillard's time at and departure from S&G are in some way relevant to her job as Prime Minister. Julie Bishop tried to make an oblique reference to S&G by asking Shorten about corruption in the union movement but any direct question on S&G would be ruled out of order.


22/08/2012 Gracias for the info and support Lyn. Have a great nite. :) N'

Ad astra

22/08/2012NormanK Abbott said he would give her the opportunity in parliament to make a full explanation about the S&G matter. I was expecting an SSO motion to that effect. Maybe tomorrow!

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012[i]There are some facts that are not disputed. The Climate Commission notes that Australia is … the biggest polluter per person.[/i] With the greatest of respect, is this statement a fact? Apparently in 2008 we were 11th. I think it’s best to deal with facts rather than unchallenged and possibly inaccurate assertions.


22/08/2012Nasking @ 11:36 - you lovely cuddley gave me a great laugh - I love your posts.


22/08/2012Hi Ad I meant to ask you , in “Today’s Links” did you see Malcolm Farnsworth is selling his Blog Australian Politics. I was interested to read his sale description of his blog site, never seen anything like that before most people just leave them unattended or shut down. Ad you weren’t the only one expecting Abbott to demand via SSO, a Parliamentary Statement be made by Julia Gillard about her employment for Slater & Gordon. The twitterverse were expecting it as well & most of the media. People are saying Pyne & Abbott set up the intruders in the Gallery to embarrass Julia Gillard. Anthony Albanese said it was the Tea Party others said it was Astroturfers. I have collected a few tweets about question time today. – Expressions Of Interest, Malcolm Farnsworth Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack Abbott says he's been misrepresented several times, AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Abbotts raving Margaret‏@Margy011 @Artzy4 Abbott up now having a big rave about carbon tax Saved his SSO rant until now Guess he's hoping it will get on news Margaret‏@Margy011 This is about 9 NLibs whinging misrepresentation Margaret‏@Margy011 The NLibs are getting very sooky 1st Abbott then Hockey now Pyne all misrepresented Now more Still going #qt Latika Bourke ‏@LatikaQT Four or five women stand and interrupt PM 'Stop the Lies, Stop the Corruption Election Now.' #qt Margaret‏@Margy011 Wow Albo wants to know who sign in the protesters & report back to house #qt Artzy‏@Artzy4 @Margy011 wouldn't be surprised if it was an LNP stunt to make nightly news! #idiots Miss Eagle‏@misseagle RT @2fbs: Now clear that FWA only "investigated" evidence handed to it by Kathy Jackson & Michael Lawler. Lawler shldb sacked 2DAY.... RubyRainbow‏@ColouredView @lenoretaylor Ms Taylor, it is very regrettable that you have chosen to join the gutter press smearing of the PM. Ethics & journalism? ABC News‏@abcnews #breaking BHP also shelves plans for multi-billion-dollar expansion of its Olympic Dam mine in South Australia


22/08/2012You ghastly trolls still don't get what they voted for last week do you? What they did was vote to take a small group of innocent men, women, children and babies hostage, hold them in vile prisons on bird poo islands for a decade or so in breach of every law in the world in the hope that all other refugees will stay home and die. Van Onselen nailed the two packs of major cowards to the wall and if you doubt that I am wrong Kate Lundy bravely said that protecting the rights of children is unsustainable. And she has 3 children. You really are fucking cretins if you think Gillard did something good or legal or decent when even Ban Ki Moon found it to be illegal and reprehensible. We don't own those other nations, we don't own the seas, we cannot dictate who sails anywhere in the world and it is illegal to punish innocent people extrajudicially. Jesus you people are stupid.


22/08/2012And while the three wog racists explored their racist refugee story based on people being allowed to drown by racist Australian border patrol people 1.26 million children starved to death. It's not like their stupid bill will stop one person from getting here before being exiled. Every refugee who drowned could have been saved by Australia including those on SEIVX. The AFP were working with Abu Quessay with a man called Waleed Sultani and they paid that monster $250,000 and citizenship to murder those people. see for documents and details if you don't believe me.

Ad astra

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Yes, I did see Malcolm Farnsworth’s sale notice. That’s the first blog sale I’ve seen. Apparently he makes money from it! What a shame such honest, pure as the driven snow characters as Abbott, Pyne and Co have been misrepresented! Shame! I heard the fracas in QT, but the cameras didn’t show who it was making the noise.


22/08/2012Marilyn, Tell somone who gives shit!


22/08/2012[quote]I hope the smell overwhelms and that they bury, or perhaps better still cremate the poor creature and scatter the ashes.[/quote] Better to cremate the floggers and revive the nag, I think, Aa. Patricia, I suppose KPMG is now a communist plot, something ToM will no doubt sink his fangs into at the earliest opportunity [quote]There are some facts that are not disputed.[/quote] Only by ToM. In 2008 we were the 11th biggest polluter as a country, pretty high considering the size of the population, which is why we have been listed as the biggest polluter/capita for some time.


22/08/2012G'Day Ad. I'm not sure if I'm wrong in this assumption, but because I watch QT on my topfield PVR I can do just about anything, skip any multiple of seconds or minutes to completely cut out the moronic questions from the noalition. I love it, but I digress from my question. Did you or anyone else see the feral feline on the opposition front benches, & a few others on the noalition back bench waving madly to the gallery just after the start of QT. Touching base with their planted tea party operatives in the gallery maybe?

42 long

22/08/2012It would have been a staged event organised by the grubs. Election by a shouting mob in the parliamentary gallery. I believe they have to be signed in somehow. They will be traceable. Aren't these people "precious"? They dish out vile stuff and then whinge all the time as soon as something goes their way. Repeating the question under a point of order. Hockey is as bad as anyone. Pyne doesn't stop talking ( Ranting ) when Anna stands up either. Push it to the limit, like rotten RICH schoolboys whose father will come and make a fuss if they don't get away with it. Hardly edifying or any example to aspiring youngsters who might think of running for parliament one day. I hope more people watch QT and see the rubbish Abbott's "team" go on with and realise what a hopeless mob they are, Albo did good with Turnbull and the nbn . Had all the data on his share purchases in France and England and Kohler 2 (two) letters to Turnbull. an opportunity to strike at the ridiculous position Turnbull has been put in by Tony's policy. "Your job is to DESTROY the NBN" Yeah right!!. Albo had him dead to rights to day.

Ad astra

22/08/2012KHTAGH I missed the beginning of QT, but the rabble rousers will be traceable. As 42 long suggests it was a staged event; it sounds like a Tea Party-style performance.


22/08/2012I am starting to have grave doubts about "Marilyn's" bona-fides. I wouldn't want to know how many children a minister has...nor would I be savvy to half the "facts" Marilyn shoves down our throats on a regular basis. I've read her state; "you know I have been a low paid nurse and have worked for the nurses board"...Well, I have some knowledge of that subject and unless one is a registered nurse, you are a "enrolled nurse" or a "care attendant" and heaven knows what work such a person does for the "nurses board"? But the main suspicion I have is the manner she address' those who, may not be totally in-tune with her politics, they more or less agree with the spirit of the subject. I would suggest, if she is not an agent provocateur of the right, she go to such sites and direct her vitriol at the more deserving.


22/08/2012Thanks for the tweets Lyn. Interesting - do we know who let the gallery hecklers in? Perhaps it was TAbbott trying to find a way to appear to have women who like him. But how a bunch of heckling females hoons would lift his image is anyone's guess. Any female with half a brain would see through his macho BS. ooooh he gives me the creeps.


22/08/2012Yes 42 long, Albo did him like a dinner well & truly was great to see, I wonder how much traction it will get in the MSM. TT thanks mate. I also have to say to our [b]brilliant[/b]! poets, for someone that has never really read poetry before you guys have converted me, well done "old dog, new trick" you get the picture.


22/08/201242 long Turnbull....turncoat more like it. Fibre to the home is good enough for the French its good enough for us. Let them eat cake! It might just be the straw that breaks Malcolm's back as well. The cheek.


22/08/201242 long, The Consumers and Taxpayers Association will be holding a rally to provide Australians the opportunity to show their disgust in the worst government in the history of our great country! Guest speakers will be speaking on behalf of their industry sectors. CANdo will be addressing the rally on what we suggest is the ultimate solution - empowering the people through the tools of Direct Democracy - as well as the most important and highly relevant issue of freedom of speech. The rally will take place at Parliament House, Canberra, at 12 noon on Wednesday, 22 August 2012.

42 long

22/08/2012How did it go? If they were the ones heckling they still have to be signed in don't they?


22/08/2012Marilyn when will you ever learn? At this site you have more people well disposed to read and support your argments for the cause of refugees, and who genuinely want to think through the issues involved in this new plan. If you swear at us and abuse us then we'll just scroll on past you. You don't help boat people.


22/08/2012[quote]In 2008 we were the 11th biggest polluter as a country, pretty high considering the size of the population, which is why we have been listed as the biggest polluter/capita for some time.[/quote] To be accurate jane, we are the biggest per capita polluter [b]in the OECD[/b].


22/08/201242 Long, I think Albo asked who signed them in, but by all reports there was about 5 of them! The trouble with this group is most of their supporters are "Grey Nomads" and they all head north for the winter!


22/08/2012Visitors are allowed into the Public Gallery at any time including QT and [u]do not [/u] need to be signed in.

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012[i]” In 2008 we were the 11th biggest polluter as a country, pretty high considering the size of the population, which is why we have been listed as the biggest polluter/capita for some time.[/i]” Typically Jane you post without checking the facts, just like so many barrackers. You’re wrong, yet again.


22/08/2012Do my credentials as an enrolled nurse have anything to do with two packs of racist savages being applauded for breaking the fucking law? I have had a true gutful of clowns who don't have a clue what they are talking about. I do not post anything unless it is a fact. And Jason, the rights of children apply to your children too, better hope Lundy has nothing to do with upholding them. For the record, Labor 4 Refugees sent all ALP MP's a short message - we support the Greens. So amazingly does every human rights group in the world.


22/08/2012Bacchus said To be accurate jane, we are the biggest per capita polluter in the OECD. I wouldn't be sure of this, but I don't think anyone NOT in the OECD is in the race to make as much carbon pollution per capita as we. When the Media says the line you quote I think it's just to avoid confronting us guzzlers with the awfulness of us being the absolute worst in the world.


22/08/2012Hey that Marilyn is a piece of work eh! Fancy coming on to Ad's blog with a filthy dummyspit comme ca.


22/08/2012 YES go Leigh Sales, the start of the end , ABC gets its MOJO back. What a Fu@@ing pea brain he is a first class example of his inability to think on his feet. The only time he even said anything half coherent [more than 4 words in a row] was when he was "reading from a carefully scripted remark" Not even a prime ministers arse hole. The snow ball is rolling fellow swordsfolk. yr


22/08/2012TAbbott looked really bad on 7:30 tonight. Leigh had him on toast, he can't have walked away feeling good about his performance. He struggled and struggled to pull out his slogan's and when he did they missed the target. I hope all you TPS lovers watched it. Leigh actually had him admit that he has been commenting all day on BHP's Marius Kloppers report on the Olympic Dam project linking it to the carbon price......[b]he hadn't readt it![/b]. He dragged out something that was written back in May that fitted his rhetoric. What an oaf!


22/08/2012LadyinRed Could you imagine him in an open debate, what a scream, shuffling papers, wheres my answer. Oh I can wait. The end is nigh [truly]


22/08/2012Grasshopper, You might like to locate my BIG pome I posted on TPS on October 12. 2010 10:42 AM I think you'll like it. Go to the Archive column under the current calendar, Tap on October 2010 (7) That'll take you to a thread by Ad on the 30th but you need to work back, see if you can find it, if not I'll help you further. It's called [i]The Lass from Yarralumla[/i] I was (am still) quite proud of that effort.


22/08/2012Leigh Sales (who has blocked me on Twitter) you is doin' all right takin' strips off Abbortt. I dips me lid for once.

42 long

22/08/2012Tones wouldn't be too happy about that. Bet he got on the phone straight away. He is no good at hiding his hate. Not a really good day as far as I saw it today, for his side.. Sometning must be on the move. In politics things don't just happen. When I first learned he was going to be on I expected the usual... Perhaps he did too.. he was PATHETIC. Just kept quoting Jack Nasser. Must wouldn't know who he was. Godwin Grech, now that is someone that would be more known. discredited Public servant. Turnbulls nemesis, with a recommendation for an Abbott PM and Howard for GG. The nightmare scenario. Well you can't say it's not interesting and we have pretty much, a ringside seat. G'nite folks.


22/08/2012Hi Ad Tony Abbott just blew himself up on the 7.30pm report. It was a strong Woman he had to answer to and guess what Abbott had no Answers:- A few comments from twitter which is jammed Cannot believe Tony Abbott went on #abc730 without reading the BHP statement that he has been squawking about all day Seems Tony doesn't know what questions the PM has to answer on Gordon & Slater. Appears we have to ask the Australian Rupertrules PM has questions to answer but he can't think of any right now. Tony Abbott had demanded answers from the PM for days on end - but he cannot identify what the questions are. #abc730 ABBOTT GETS KLOPPPERED BY LEIGH SALES Haha!! Well done Ms leighsales U are BRILLIANT!! TonyAbbottMHR gets crushed yet again by a woman haha! #abc730 Mr Abbott how do you know what the BHP statement says if you have not even read it? #abc730 Certainly a good wind in Leigh's Sails and Abbott cant stand it Go leighsales! Great interview! You didn't let be tonyabbottmhr 's floundering excuse at answers. About time, he's so empty. #LNP EMPTY. Congratulations Leigh, finally Abbott was called up on his spin and doublespeak! #abc730 And this my friends is why Abbott doesn't do any serious interviews. I’m recording this - if I have time I’m gonna have fun re-editing Well done Leigh sales. Made Dr No look a fool Everyone in Canberra knows Abbott is getting the OZ to ask his questions #auspol That would have to be the interview of the year. #abc730 :):):):):):):):):):):)


22/08/2012Marilyn, I don't question your credentials or capabilities as ANYTHING!..but you seem very keen to claim authority on any subject that you comment on..also, it's just your howling holier than thou vitriol!..AND from such a safe scaffold as Australia!....and why us?...many commentators here have voiced a concern at the direction of asylum seeker policy...we are only voices on a blog-site..we have no more influence than yourself and I don't see your fingerprints over any radical policy!...what have you been doing other than abusing the troops?....Ok, perhaps you are frustrated at the progress of circumstances..I might remind you that there are yet no people sent to either location...perhaps there may never be anybody sent there and it will be found easier to process onshore or at a regional centre....diplomatic circumstances can over-ride political decisions sometimes....we can only hope. People like yourself shouting the house down are more part of the problem rather than the solution. I don't blame Jason for his flippant response.

Ad astra

22/08/2012Folks As several of you have indicated, Leigh Sales put the acid on Abbott tonight and he came out of it showing what a lying deceitful incompetent he his. Leigh was gobsmacked at his arrogance. I’m calling it a day.


22/08/2012[quote]I wouldn't be sure of this, but I don't think anyone NOT in the OECD is in the race to make as much carbon pollution per capita as we. When the Media says the line you quote I think it's just to avoid confronting us guzzlers with the awfulness of us being the absolute worst in the world.[/quote] Hey TT - don't shoot the messenger! The 10 countries on the list above us have populations less than the population of Brisbane or are middle eastern oil countries...


22/08/2012DoodlePoodle @ 7:01 PM has it right visitors at any time including QT although it is advisable to book a seat for the Reps QT. There are no requirements to be signed in to the public galleries. See [b]Chamber Public Galleries[/b] @Parliament of Australia website. As one would expect in a democracy you, me & the drover, but not his dog unless he is visually impaired can visit parliament to see our flavour of democracy at work. There are some rules about decorum etc. that you can find on other pages there

Ad astra reply

22/08/2012Hi Lyn Those tweets were all anti-Abbott. We're any pro-Abbott? I'm sure there will be comment on this tomorrow morning. We need to keep a record of this appalling performance of a would-be PM. This must rank as one of his very worst interviews, all the more so because Leigh Sales hammered him. I hope she has by her performance this evening set a new standard of interviewing for the ABC. Chris Uhlmann would never have had the guts to do what Leigh did tonight.

Truth Seeker

22/08/2012Aa, Thank you for your your comments concerning my latest poem post, we all do our bit for the cause, but it is always good to have a writer such as yourself appreciate our efforts. Cheers TT, I know where you're coming from competition wise, but I personally don't care who gets him/ them, as long as they are GOT, and poetry seems to be the exclusive domain of the likes of us from the creative left. Patricia, I always appreciate your feedback, as I always enjoy your verse, and have found your latest, short posts, particularly concise, poignant and hard hitting. Good work. KATGH, thank you, on behalf of our poeteers, for your kind words, and it is good to welcome a soul brother to the fold. Verse is great fun and a good exercise for the brain, and as one who reads and enjoys your posts, and with this newly discovered appreciation I feel that there may well be a poet in there trying to get out. Cheers all

Tom of Melbourne

22/08/2012[i]” Fancy coming on to Ad's blog with a filthy dummyspit[/i]” Yes, it’s terribly inconvenient when [i]some[/i] people don’t just fall into line with whatever press release/policy back flip the ALP announces. I mean, it’s just not the done thing, seeking to hold ALP politicians to their word or being interested in protecting asylum seekers. People interested in that stuff have no place commenting on a political blog.


22/08/2012Hi Ad No there were no Tweets in favour of Mr Abbott even from the trolls. Leigh Sales got an incredible amount of praise, she has certainly shown other Journalists up paving the way. If they don't start to question Abbott they are not doing their jobs. abc730 ‏@abc730 There's been a huge response to LeighSales' abc730 interview of TonyAbbottMHR, see why: #auspol Leigh Sales ‏ There's no way I can respond to or even get through the deluge of reaction to Tony Abbott on #abc730 tonight but thanks for engaging


22/08/2012ToM, Marilyn is a card carrying member of the greens, her party I recall weren't interested in even getting a better deal than what was on offer for asylum seekers! I guess you,her and the greens have a lot in common! Refuse to vote and scream madly about the result!


22/08/2012I do remember saying last week the maybe new game it town will be "Who can trip up the Wing Nut the best" Leigh Sales sets a stellar standard tonight, with a bar set so high it will be very amusing to see others try to top it, although I suppose he will never appear on 7:30 report again, after the last 2 experiences he has had First with Kerry O'Brien [remember the after interview death start, his ultimate weapon]& now with Leigh Sales. I wonder if Mr Scott will be calling tomorrow to congratulate her or berate her.


22/08/2012should read "I do remember saying last week, maybe the new game in town will be". too tired off to bed.


22/08/2012The Independent in London is reporting that in the next little while court documents related to the prosecution of various News executives and reporters will reveal the names of 600 (yep 600) people who had their phones hacked . What a paragon of virtue this organisation is. Of course, here in Australia they conducted their own internal investigation and gave themselves a clean bill of health ... rings a bit hollow in the light of the one rogue reporter defence they ran in the UK for years.


22/08/2012A sidetrack from Seth Godin Seth writes about business stuff and often there are some interesting parallels to politics. [i]... the problem with the race to the bottom is that you might win.[/i] [b]The race to the bottom [/b]


22/08/2012... gees two in a row, that Seth must be studying Aus politics on the side. [b]What if your slogan is true?[/b] [i]Slogans never change anything. They don't grow market share or find you a job or win you an election.[/i]


22/08/2012 Independent Australia! The Terrier! Well done Folks. David Donovan‏@davrosz Watch this video and you may think twice about ever believing Mal Brough - or ABC Lateline - ever again. View videoReply Retweeted


23/08/2012If you watched that video of the NT intervention, you'll have seen Wormtongue Jones as the Lateline anchor. Liar! Crook! He has totally whitewashed Leigh Sales's coup on Abbortt with the most interminable-[i]ever[/i] interview (with Simon Callow FFS!) What does it all presage in their/your/our ABC? Twitter has been powerful tonight. The 5th Estate is a roaring mouse, with great big BISONS as its allies. Keep the momentum happening! VENCEREMOS! Shivers of pleasure up and down my spine!


23/08/2012Bacchus, I stand corrected. ToM, provide some evidence for your statement. You're very long on assertion and very short on credible evidence.


23/08/2012Great interview by Leigh Sales last night; however, the excitement which followed just highlights the depths to which the msm have fallen that an interview which would be "normal fare" for the Prime Minister and various other politicians made mince meat out of the LOTO! The man is punching way above his weight in believing that he can ever aspire to be prime ministerial material. Delusional!!


23/08/2012One of today's tests for the MSM, blogosphere & twitterverse is to highlight the fact that Abbott didn't read BHP-Billiton's press release before he did his "presser" about the decision.


23/08/2012Transcript of 7:30 interview of Shouldabeen by Leigh Sales last night. Well, to discuss the BHP announcement today and other issues, I was joined moments ago from Parliament House in Canberra by the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott, welcome to the program. Evening, Leigh. You were pretty loose with the truth today, weren't you, when you said that BHP's decision to put the Olympic Dam project on hold was partly due to the Federal Government's new taxes? Not at all, Leigh. For months BHP have been warning that the carbon tax and the mining tax are making Australia a less competitive place to invest and Marius Kloppers himself said back in June that the carbon tax and so on are all conspiring to turn Australia from a low-cost to a high-cost environment. Let me read you exactly what Marius Kloppers had to say today when he was asked if the decision on Olympic Dam was related to taxes. He said the decision is almost wholly in the first instance about capital costs. He goes on to say "As you know the tax environment for this particular environment has not changed at all since we started working on it 6 or 7 years ago. The MRRT only covers coal and iron ore, not copper, not gold and not uranium so the tax situation for this project has not changed." And let me read you what Jacques Naser said back in May "I cannot overstate how the uncertainty in Australia's tax system is generating negative investor reaction." Sure today, today Marius Kloppers didn't want to make a very bad situation worse by directly blaming the Federal Government. Of course he didn't want to directly blame the Federal Government but for months, for months BHP has been sending signals to the Government this build up of tax, this build up of high costs is making it much more difficult for this investment to go ahead. But today, if you're right, then why does it say nowhere in the BHP statement that there's anything to do with the Federal Government? If you go through the documents they blame weakness in commodity markets, industry wide cost pressure, instability in the Eurozone, the slow down of growth in China, they haven't been backwards in criticising the Federal Government before but they certainly haven't today? And Leigh, they didn't need to say it today because they've said it so often in the recent past. They listed everything else that was to blame. You're not seriously telling me, Leigh, that the mining tax and the carbon tax have made Australia an easier place to invest in? I'm going on the facts that Marius Kloppers said today when he was directly asked if the decision on Olympic Dam was affected by Australia's tax situation and I'm going on the facts that are outlined in their results statement they've issued. Have you actually read BHP's statements? No, but I've also got again the statement of Jack Nasser who says while we're still evaluating the impact of the carbon tax but it just makes it more difficult. Hang on, no, you haven't read their statements today but you're commenting about what they've announced today and how the Federal Government's to blame for that? Leigh, I didn't say that the carbon tax and the mining tax were solely to blame. I said that the carbon tax and the mining tax have created an environment where it's much more difficult for investments like this to go ahead. I bleed for the people of South Australia tonight because there's 8,000 construction jobs, 4,000 production jobs and 13,000 associated jobs that are at the very best on indefinite hold because of this decision and the mining tax and the carbon tax make a bad investment environment much, much worse. How do you know more what's to blame than Marius Kloppers who I presume has read his own documents? And, Leigh, I've been reading what they've been saying for the last few months. Tony Abbott, on the carbon tax you've been saying that it would be a wrecking ball through the economy but if you look at the latest jobs figures, more people are in employment, the economy continues to grow solidly, inflation is low, are you once again being a little bit loose with the facts there? Leigh, 1 July wasn't the end of the pain, 1 July is the beginning of the pain and the carbon tax, don't forget, just goes up and up and up. It's $29 a tonne in 2015, it's $37 a tonne in 2020, it's $350 a tonne in 2050, if it's $350 a tonne in 2050, if it's not repealed. Now, it is, as I've been saying, a python squeeze, not a cobra strike but it starts to hurt from day one. But where is the evidence if it's hurting from day one of a wrecking ball through the economy? Well, I think that we can say that in some ways at least the postponement of Olympic Dam is the biggest victim so far of the new taxes that this Government has put in place. Marius Kloppers said, I don't want to quote it again, but that the tax environment for this particular environment has not changed and it has associated this decision to delay with capital costs. And capital costs are obviously more difficult in a situation where the company is massively impacted by the mining tax and the carbon tax. Let's not forget for a second, Leigh, BHP with Rio is Australia's biggest iron ore producer. BHP is one of Australia's biggest coal producers. They are all impacted big time by the mining tax. They've announced a $15 billion profit today. About one-third down on last year and in any event, that's a profit based on past results. It's not a profit based on the results of the future. That's what they're looking at now, they're looking at future prospects not past results. Why have you referred repeatedly to illegal asylum boats coming to Australia? Do you accept that seeking asylum by any means is legal? Most of the people who are coming to Australia by boat have passed through several countries on the way and if they simply wanted asylum they could have claimed that in any of the countries through which they'd passed. But I don't believe it's actually illegal to pass through countries on your way to somewhere where you want to have asylum? You try turning up in America without documents, without a visa, without a passport, you will be treated as very, very much illegal, Leigh. The other point I make, from recollection at least, is that the very term that the Government has officially used to describe these vessels is suspected illegal entry vessel. I'm asking you though, not about the Government, I'm asking do you accept that it's legal to come to Australia to seek asylum by any means, boat, plane, it is actually legal to seek asylum? I think that people should come to Australia through the front door, through the front door, not through the back door. If people want a migration outcome they should go through the migration channels. That's an answer to the question if I asked you how do you think people should seek asylum, it's not an answer to the question is it legal to seek asylum. And Leigh, it's the answer I'm giving you because these people aren't so much seeking asylum, they're seeking permanent residency. If they were happy with temporary protection visas then they might be able to argue better that they were asylum seekers, but obviously the people who are coming to Australia by boat they want permanent residency, that's what they want and this Government has given the people smugglers a business model by putting permanent residency on the table. And even though the Government has adopted just one of the Howard Government's successful policies, it won't adopt temporary protection visas or the willingness to turn boats around where it's safe to do so. Do you think that the nature of politics allows politicians to be a little bit free with the facts in their statements just as part of the game of politics? I certainly think that we had an example today in the parliament of the Prime Minister caught out misleading the Parliament but typically of this Prime Minister she just tries to brazen her way through it by refusing to answer the question. Speaking of answering the question, how about you? What do you think? Are you absolutely scrupulous about making sure what you say in public is accurate? Of course I am. What we had in the Parliament today was the Prime Minister clearly caught out. She said in the Parliament last year that it had been the industrial registrar who had called her office about the Health Services Union and the Craig Thomson matter. It was exposed in the report that we got yesterday that in fact her office had called the industrial Registrar. In terms of this Prime Minister's looseness with the truth, maybe not her worst offence, maybe nothing to rank up there with there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead, but certainly yet another example of a prime minister who is seriously ethically challenged. On questions of being loose with the truth, I've run you through 3 examples there on BHP, on the carbon tax and on asylum seeker boats where people would say you've been a bit loose with the truth. And I've given you answers to demonstrate that what I've said is entirely justifiable. When we scratch beneath Tony Abbott's criticism of the Government, what's there? Is there an industrial relations policy, for example, are you going to tell us if you're going to do what businesses want in terms of introducing flexibility into the workplace? I've told you that we will certainly address the flexibility problem, the militantcy problem, the productivity problem, and we'll do so in good time before the next election, Leigh. When exactly because business, I'm sure, would like certainty. You spoke about BHP being worried about uncertainty earlier. And I'm offering them the certainty of the abolition of the carbon tax, the certainty of the abolition of the mining tax. I want to see an end to sovereign risk questions over Australia. You've said that it's in the public interest for Julia Gillard to answer some questions regarding her history with Slater and Gordon. What are the questions she needs to answer? Look, these are questions that have been put to her by 'The Australian' which has run, I think, a very proper investigative analysis of her period with Slater and Gordon. And what are those questions? What are the questions? This isn't the main game for us. The main game for us are are the cost of living pressures that this Government has inflicted on the Australian public. It's not - I'm sorry to interrupt but a string of your frontbench have come out on this Slater and Gordon issue, so I'm wondering what are the questions you want answered? The issue here is not whether she was an unethical lawyer, the issue surely is she is an unethical prime minister. And that's the main game for us. Your front bench keep saying she should give a statement to the Parliament. You said you would assist her to do that because you thought it was in the public interest. What are the questions you want to hear her answer in the Parliament? And the point I'm making is various reputable media bodies have put questions to her. I'm just asking what those questions are. I think the circumstances of her departure from a previous employer are of public interest, but in the end it's not whether she was an unethical lawyer that matters, it's the fact that matters, it's the fact that this is an untrustworthy prime minister. And that's the main game for us. If you can't put to me specific questions that you want answered then why are members of your front bench running with it as an issue? Well, look, don't forget it was Robert McClelland, Leigh, who first raised this recently. Sure, but you've run with it. It was then raised again by Andrew Wilkie in the Parliament just a couple of days ago. Bill Shorten himself, in a sense, dumped the Prime Minister in it when he said that in recent times he was confident that the AWU had been legitimately and ethically run. Tony Abbott, there's always lots of things to ask you but I'm afraid we're out of time. Thank you very much for making time to speak to us. Thank you.


23/08/2012 TODAY’S LINKS When is a quote not a quote the sequel, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery they are now totally misrepresenting the transcript they are touting as a smoking gun. The inference they make at the start is NOT what I want from a media. If the facts of the case can not make a case, then manipulation of quotes is what you do. Beating the Drum for the Liberal Party, Andrew Kos, Independent Australia ABC for failing to provide viewers with fair and balanced political representation on The Drum, and begs the question whether this situation is intentional or not. This Liberal bias however does not appear in isolation and follows off the back of evidence posted on this blog highlighting bias shown to the IPA and bias to news media corporation, News Limited. GILLARD, SLATER & GORDON, Nick Feik, The Monthly The Australian is running hard on the story about Gillard's departure from Slater & Gordon. This is the sort of campaign the paper prides itself on. Today it has devoted nine articles to it, including its front page, lead editorial and three opinion pieces, as well as seven letters. A Small Victory, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks Tony Abbott was missing yesterday from all the action on this, preferring instead to send the man Kathy Jackson seems to have on speed dial out to face the press, Eric Abetz Predictably Abetz was all about how FWA is “Gillards Baby”, and it is her mess, inept, badly run, blah, blah, blah…. Who can claim the economic gold medal?Greg Jericho, The Drum The Howard government had an average unemployment rate of 6.4 per cent compared to 5.0 per cent under the Rudd-Gillard governments. And even if we just start from the mining boom of January 2003, the Howard government average is still higher at 5.1 per cent. But let's again look internationally. AARGH: With 800 members plus Pirate Party Australia sets sail for party registration for federal poll, Vex News In light of News Limited boss Kim Williams loud push for a federal government crackdown on internet downloaders, the emergence of a Pirate Party in Australia expressing a counter-view is all the more interesting. America leads. Will Australia follow-, Miglo, Café Whispers Many of us in the Fifth Estate see in Tony Abbott a person who is out of touch, who has no understanding of the issues we face, who is unable to generate a feeling of trust and security, and who would not represent us proudly on the international stage. Our glare has been fixed for some time, but as the election here looms closer will the public and media blowtorch finally be applied to him. A HOOTIN’, TOOTIN’ GOOD OLE , Corinne Grant, The Hoopla When I saw the Tonemeister say that on the television yesterday, complete with a big cheeky grin on his face, I couldn’t stop giggling. It was a funny joke when he followed up with, “I take orders from my wife and daughters all the time!” The ladies in his life sound so adorable. I bet they boss him around when toilet seats are left up and wet Speedos Does Tony Abbott have a problem with women? Labor certainly hopes to give him one, Zareh Ghazarian, The Conversation Indeed, in recent days several ministers have branded Abbott as a man who is not comfortable with women, especially those Abbott’s socially conservative moral values and seeks to present him as old fashioned.Those with longer memories will remember that Abbott was caught on camera in 2007 swearing during a conversation with Nicola Roxon Why we face a flood of economic refugees- We can't control our borders, Peter Martin Australia is facing a flood of economic refugees. But the big numbers aren’t from the north, they are from the across the Tasman where Statistics New Zealand yesterday announced the biggest exodus to Australia on record. Scumbag theft, Mumbrella Just like a Solicitor-General is expected to act as a model litigant in the legal system, a publicly-created NBN should be expected to act as a model digital network—setting the ethical, legal and commercial standards for all else to follow. Given the speed with which piracy is growing and the way in which it morphs into other forms, I believe it would be appropriate for the NBN to be included in any code and be obligated to take reasonable steps to stop piracy. Dear Kim: here’s how you stop the filesharing ‘scumbags’, Bernard Keane, Crikey Williams rejects this. He wants us to think that filesharers are “scumbags” who do it simply because it’s free. That’s a simpler narrative than one in which the copyright cartel could dramatically cut illegal downloading (and increase their revenue) by making content available when consumers want it, rather than when distributors feel like broadcasting it. But the history of the copyright wars, Turnbull factually inaccurate on NBN costs, Renai LeMay, Delimeter Surely, given the complexity of the NBN debate, it would be worth differentiating between capital expenditure and operating expenditure, and the difference between an expense and a return on investment. Or, even if Turnbull doesn’t go into these nuances, I would at least expect him to provide details of how the Coalition’s own policy will The NBN: a new world of entertainment for Australians, NBN Co The humble TV is going through a significant change in Australia and round the world. It's no longer a simple box connected to a rooftop aerial - it's becoming a gateway to content from all over the world available via the internet. Statement Concerning Note Printing Australia Limited and Securency International Pty Ltd , Reserve Bank The ABC's 7.30 program has made a number of ill-founded allegations with regard to what the Reserve Bank knew about alleged corrupt activity at Note Printing Australia Limited (NPA) prior to allegations in the media in May 2009. Carbon pricing explained, ABC How can putting a price on carbon lower greenhouse gas emissions? Get to grips with the theory of how carbon pricing works Tony Abbott caught out telling lies and deceiving the Australian public on 7.30. Watch as Tony Abbott lies throughout the interview, and as he dodges specific questions that are asked of him. Source: ABC's 7.30 - August 22, 2012 Tony Abbott's impersonation of the Hindenburg , By Geroge Bludger Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 23 August 2012

Ad astra

23/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


23/08/2012 The games greedy mining corporations play to get their way eh? Another good reason to rollout the NBN fullbore and invest in alternative energy jobs so people and govts don't have to rely on these greedy sods. N'


23/08/2012What happened last night? Leigh Sales just didn't let go. Hopefully it is again permission for other interviewers and reporters to request Abbott to demonstrate why he should be PM after the next election. You'd wonder why their "chief political reporter" didn't do the interview anyway?


23/08/2012 [quote]I love your posts.[/quote] And I yers LadyInRed. Gracias. As for Abbott on 7:30...I've only seen a minute or so of it this morn...but I did notice the gleam in his eye when talking about the Olympic Dam situation This is not a man who cares about workers...this an opportunist, fearmonger and NEGABORE of the worst's all about Tony... like Murdoch, Abbott would just about sacrifice anyone for his own ambitions. I don't know what they were feeding the boys in the Abbott and Murdoch homes but i assume the can had something like GOD COMPLEX written somewhere on it. N'


23/08/2012I see this morning that Costello has an opinion piece in the Fairfax media regarding "not being told" about the problems at Note Printing Australia. As the relevant Minister he should have been told about all issues that affect the operations of the Department. If he wasn't told - you'd have to ask how well he knew what was happening. If he did know, its a deliberate misrepresentation. Either way - this man was the (self proclaimed) worlds best treasurer how?


23/08/2012 [quote]It might just be the straw that breaks Malcolm's back as well. The cheek.[/quote] I think Malcolm's back was already broken by the Man of Straw Abbott's lackeys and knifing ways. Turnbull once had the guts to take on Packer but now comes across like a shrivelled and greyed old man at the bar whipped into subservience. Abbott's devious minions have crushed his will...fed him lines on the NBN to regurgitate that make him seem hypocritical and a paler version of his former self. Turnbull is granted the odd moment to pretend he's a judge of the highest order...or chancellor of some prestigious uni...making eloquent speeches to warm the toes of his frustrated followers... but he well knows that the Straw Man Abbott's backers lurk in the shadows like mafia goons prepared to give him a beating if he goes too far off script. He has become a p/t showman...a tragic character caught between applause and ridicule...the puppet strings too oft showing like a bad Thunderbirds episode. Soon he will transform into a real shadow on that frontbench...a black outline left as tho someone has been torched. And it will be a braver character who uses flame to light up the Straw Man... Julia Gillard has her matchbox out...she approaches Abbott... N'


23/08/2012 How boring and predictable is this Prince Harry crap? Nice promotion for Las Vegas corp tho. And of course it's a great distraction, yet again, for the Tories. And soon we'll get Prince Harry tamed by amazing woman...another royal wedding perhaps just in time for the next election so Cameron can put on his Sunday best and attend...young unemployed and poor women can dream of being princesses and forget about austerity measures... young wild men can turn to the military as the tamed Harry shows them the right stuff...and the right shops. And a desperate media with its dead tree papers will brownose and cheer and get out the champers one last time...joining the tottering aged green welly brigade...strumpets dressed as lamb sloane rangers... and the horsey and polo crowds...the owners of Corgis...and avid collectors of all things royal and to the manor born... and offer up a toast CHEERS TO OUR BELOVED ROYAL FAMILY INC. Once more effectively taming the savage beast for civilised nations to distract and entertain armchair imperialists across a wobbling planet. N'


23/08/2012Nicely and eloquently put, Nasking. The entire MSM. has been "torched" by right-wing barbarism. The ABC. itself has all the makings of a primary school "work in progress" project, not knowing whether to take things seriously or turn the whole broadcaster into one big giggle! And those stupid, stupid balloons promo!!!CHRIST!


23/08/2012I feel a turn in the tide. The fifth estate is working harder than ever and the MSM is finally started to get it! Keep up the good work Ad. A nice article from Jonathan Green: [i]Journalism back then was not an opportunity for individual expression; it was a precise and formulaic attempt to record an unadorned, balanced version of events.[/i]

Ad astra

23/08/2012Hi Lyn I got an earlier start on your links this morning finishing with the now infamous Leigh Sales interview with Tony Abbott, a catalogue of lies and deception from the man who wants to lead this nation. This morning on Jon Faine’s show on 774 Melbourne ex-miner Hugh Morgan agreed that BHP Billiton’s decision on its Olympic Dam operation was not the consequence of the carbon or the mining tax, indeed the latter does not even apply to uranium or copper mining. Two others Faine interviewed agreed that these taxes were not related to the decision. Tony Abbott is WRONG again. He was caught out not having read the Kloppers’ statement, which made him look careless, but I think he made his statements quite intentionally for political purposes even although he knew them to be wrong. In my view it was bald-faced calculated lying. We know the man is an inveterate liar who will stop at nothing at all to gain a vote. He is thoroughly disreputable, and totally unsuitable to be our nation’s leader. Last night once again confirmed this view. Faine has just reported that the talkback text messages almost universally condemn Abbott's performance.


23/08/2012Ad astra TAbbot is WRONG again. But in doing so this time he called he called Kloppers a liar, in my opinion. I doubt this one will go to the keeper.

Tom of Melbourne

23/08/2012So Gillard set up the fund for “safety and training” of AWU members, while knowing it was to be used as a slush fund. She knew her boyfriend would receive personal benefit from the slush fund. This story continues to demonstrate her history of lack of transparency/dishonesty. But some still think that this isn’t a subject of legitimate public interest.


23/08/2012Over on the Drum and elsewhere, we have the right-wing reactionaries out in force trying to "right some wrongs'...that's why they are called "reactionaries"...always two steps behind relevancy, they "react" to events rather than make progress with civilising policy. We see the apologists now trying to "draw the veil of decency" over Tabbott's 7.30 dribble by attempting to draw attention to ancient history as if THEY had any recognition as to what history really was! They say ; "a fool and his money are soon parted"...with the right-wing posters ;"a fool and his moaning are soon parrotted".


23/08/2012Lyn what a treasure you are the link to Tony Abbot's impersonation of the Hindenberg was hilarious! Thanks. TPS community if you have time watch it.


23/08/2012 A reworking of a quote from Germ by describes those who work to undermine our sitting PM...including the Murdoch minions: “They loved their job. They loved the economics of political death: hastening a person's passage into the afterlife of the backbench not only provided them with a good living: it gave work to a bankrupt media, profits to a media Napoleon, to Liberal and National party meansters, to corporations of war, the people who made neo-con missiles and white phosphorous weapons and other sundry chemicals and devices - not to mention firearm, ammunition, coffin, and tissue manufacturers - political obituary writers, conspiracy reporters, filmmakers...and private eyes.” N'

Ad astra

23/08/2012LadyinRed Yes, the tide is turning despite News Limited’s continuing attack on our PM over the S&G matter. That will soon die as I expect people are bored stiff with it all. Gillard haters will hate more, Labor voters will be repulsed by these attempts to discredit her by hauling out a 17 year old and very well worked-over matter which has never thrown up anything, and the swingers will likely not be influenced one way or the other. Tony Abbott’s performance last night is archetypical of his incompetence, deviousness and disingenuousness. Surely the electorate must soon wake up to the moral unsuitability of this man for prime ministership. Jon Faine has just now spoken with Chris Uhlmann (in place of Barrie Cassidy), who surprisingly described Abbott’s quickly arranged appearance on [i]7.30[/i] as ‘intellectually very lazy’, and that he had not properly prepared for the interview. When Faine introduced the S&G matter, Uhlmann indicated that ‘Gillard still had questions to answer’ about a ‘slush fund’ she supposedly had set up. Faine, an ex-practising solicitor, quickly dismissed Uhlmann’s concern on the grounds that what Julia Gillard did goes on all the time in such legal offices, and added that he had been through everything that had been published and could find nothing of significance. He sat Uhlmann well and truly down. BTW Uhlmann once worked for Faine as his producer, so Uhlmann was not about to contradict his former boss on this matter. However, let’s not take Uhlmann’s words about Abbott this morning as meaning that he has had a change of heart. In my view, although Uhlmann gave lavish praise to Leigh Sales for her interview, he would not have been as insistent had he been the interviewer. He would have let Abbott get away with his blatant disingenuousness. In retrospect it looks as if Abbott, or his office decided late in the day that he would take up the longstanding invitation to appear on [i]7.30[/i] to make political capital out of the Kloppers’ announcement, but in my view it has backfired badly, a view shared by virtually all talkback callers on 774, and almost every text message Faine received. If Abbott still thinks this was a good move and a successful tactic, he might have badly misjudged this one. Mistakes like this add up. Thank you for the link to the Jonathan Green piece.

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012Morning swordsters, While browsing comments on Cafe whispers late last night, Miglo set me a chalenge, which I could not pass up. So I thought I would share it here also. It's a bit long, but just sooo much ground to cover. The ABC’s balls. The Abbott spent another day pushing bucket loads of spin While the BHP report… had the truth…not lies… within So as Abbott claimed the tax constraints made investment rather sparse The truth proved Abbott once again was talking through his arse So it’s just as well he didn’t sell it…. To buy the lands top job As the bulk of what he says comes from his bum.. through to his gob Which also highlights his problems of… identifying parts As his bum produces policy… while his brain produces farts And as the day winds down…. from his usual.. question time ..spat He rocks up to the studio for a cosy little chat With Leigh Sales from the 7.30 report who’s there to make the calls A most unlikely source for “our” ABC.. to find some balls But find some balls they did with Sales… in her opening… salvo Asking “weren’t you loose with the truth today” giving him nowhere much to go So as Abbott does when all else fails… he resorted to his spin Showing once again that, between THOSE ears, there’s a vacuous space within So the intrepid reporter soldiered on… quoting Marius Kloppers While Abbott dug his own Olympic dam…..and filled it up with whoppers And as the spin and bluster freely flowed… and he continued spewing bile Our intrepid blond reporter cracked her enigmatic smile Referring back.. to the report.. she quoted Line and verse And Abbott only blustered…making him look even worse So moving to the carbon “tax” Sales stated once again “weren’t you loose.. with the truth here too”… causing Abbott further pain He tried his slogans “The python squeeze” and not “A cobra strike” But he looked like the little Dutch boy… with his finger in the dyke And he knew that he was drowning and his brain was nearly spent When Sales.. used his own.. “Wrecking Ball”… to destroy his argument So he tried to counter her wrecking ball.. going back to BHP But again she quoted Kloppers ….leaving him nowhere to flee Then our Hero.. changed her tack to the asylum seekers plight And asked about “Illegals”… spoiling for another fight So Abbott replied to a question… that Sales didn’t even ask But Leigh Sales was having none of that, quickly bringing him to task Then she asked about pollies lying…and he thought ‘I’ve got this one’ So he started in on our PM… and on the “lies”… he says she’s run But Sales asked “are you absolutely scrupulous about not telling lies?” “Of course” he said quickly moving on… as the truth fairy promptly dies So Sales came back with three examples of how the Abbott lied And as with the poor truth fairy Abbotts shredded credibility died With his hole getting ever deeper and for him no end in sight He started looking for a door through which to plan his flight Then she asked “If we scratch your surface, what is it that we’ll find there?” And his answer showed a vacuum filled with naught but smelly air Then the subject changed to our PM.. and her time.. at S & G And the Abbott thought the tide had turned and that he was home free So he started on about some questions… he thought.. needs addressing But Sales asked “what are the questions then?” and to that end kept on pressing So he pointed to “The Australian”,….. the LNP daily rag And claimed that they were reputable … The lying little dag Then she asked if it was right…. that his front bench sought an answer But he dodged and leapt and spun around like a manic ballet dancer So she said “alas,.. there’s more I’d ask… but I’ve just run out of time.” And Abbott wiped his fevered brow thinking “That may be my line!” So thanks a lot Leigh Sales for calling Abbott out on his fibbing And thank you Mr Rabbott for the gift.. that keeps on… giving Patricia, you are welcome to add this one to your idea, if it fits, but I am still working on the other one, shouldn't be long now. Cheers


23/08/2012 [quote]Tony Abbott’s performance last night is archetypical of his incompetence, deviousness and disingenuousness.  Surely the electorate must soon wake up to the moral unsuitability of this man for prime ministership.[/quote] Ad, just watched that 7:30 interview...Abbott came across as a farce and a fraud. Leigh Sales did a decent, useful interview that revealed the man for the fraud he is. As happened when Kerry O'Brien used his powerful techniques to bring out the liar and fraud in Abbott. This man does not deserve to be PM...he will say or do anything...resort to any kind of exaggeration, lie, distortion, accusation, fearmongering, dog whistling and over-the-top attention seeking activity to try and convince voters. Once again we see the strawman Abbott for the fraud he is. LadyInRed, agree...thnx to Lyn...that Hindenburg vid of Abbott is hilarious. N'

Pappinbarra Fox

23/08/2012Hello all, I am trying to recall the name of the reporter who had the audacity to ask an impertinent question of Tony Abbott on the lawn of Parliament House (I think) and was given the death stare - I actually thought young Tones wanted to punch out the reporter. I cannot remember the question nor the name of the reporter. And it was quite a while ago maybe last year. I am also wondering what happened to that reporter subsequently? Is he still working as a reporter or does now drive garbage trucks? Can anyone enlighten me?


23/08/2012Pappinbarra Fox, Is this the one? He still works in the press gallery.


23/08/2012 I reckon the PM has been on fire in parliament this were Albanese, Combet, Roxon, Plibersek, Shorten, Swan and Garrett. They've been thru a helluva political firefight or twelve but the hits and experience has only made them stronger. Conroy seemed buzzed today...he's a likeable, passionate and informative fella...a useful Communications Minister. Addressing Telco ripoffs a good idea. N'


23/08/2012Good Morning Ad & Everybody This is unelievable, 9 stories yesterday now this today @ News Limited Network August 23, 2012 @ 10.06am Correction: Prime Minister Julia Gillard AN article in today's The Australian reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard had set up a trust fund for her then boyfriend 17 years ago. This is wrong. The Australian apologises for the error. Correction: Prime Minister Julia Gillard AN article in today's The Australian reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard had set up a trust fund for her then boyfriend 17 years ago. This is wrong. The Australian apologises for the error.


23/08/2012 Truth Seeker...loved it!!!: [b]But Sales asked “are you absolutely scrupulous about not telling lies?” “Of course” he said quickly moving on… as the truth fairy promptly dies So Sales came back with three examples of how the Abbott lied And as with the poor truth fairy Abbotts shredded credibility died With his hole getting ever deeper and for him no end in sight He started looking for a door through which to plan his flight Then she asked “If we scratch your surface, what is it that we’ll find there?” And his answer showed a vacuum filled with naught but smelly air Then the subject changed to our PM.. and her time.. at S & G And the Abbott thought the tide had turned and that he was home free So he started on about some questions… he thought.. needs addressing But Sales asked “what are the questions then?” and to that end kept on pressing So he pointed to “The Australian”,….. the LNP daily rag And claimed that they were reputable … The lying little dag Then she asked if it was right…. that his front bench sought an answer But he dodged and leapt and spun around like a manic ballet dancer So she said “alas,.. there’s more I’d ask… but I’ve just run out of time.” And Abbott wiped his fevered brow thinking “That may be my line!” So thanks a lot Leigh Sales for calling Abbott out on his fibbing And thank you Mr Rabbott for the gift.. that keeps on… giving[/b] Spot on. Got me nodding my head and chuckling. What a FRAUD Abbott is. N'


23/08/2012I'm far away from medical emergency, so no recent comments..... Iphon is pretty poor sub for a PC keyboard. Sales did A1. Actual follow up questions rather than follow scripted ones. Very rare event. Issue now is whether the I/V will be the subject of more comment. ABC24 has shown a clip many times showing Abbott in poor light. Great! But we need MSM to take it up. There's a strong message to 2013 election premmy speculators in Abbott's 7.30 performance, something I've been shouted down about here before. How will he cope with such I/Vs several a day for 3 weeks of an election campaign? That's got to be worth a % or so in favour of J G.

Tom of Melbourne

23/08/2012Yeah, that’s right. Gillard wrote the documents she apparently knew to be false. That is she drafted the documents which said the funds were for expenditure on safety and training, but Gillard knew the money would go to a slush fund to be used for the personal benefit of her boyfriend. Entirely contrary to the objectives she wrote. I think this is illustrative of character, and I don’t think the public will tire of finding new insights into the character of the Prime Minister.

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012Nas, Thanks for your feedback, I started it late last night, and finished it this morning after about four hours sleep, so I wasn't sure if it would make much sense. Glad it does! Cheers

Ad astra

23/08/2012Hi Lyn That is extraordinary. Will that make a headline in tomorrow's [i]The Australian[/i]? I suspect not, unless this is another trap that News Limited is cooking up so that the follow-up is more condemnatory. I will never trust News Limited to be honest again. I wonder what ToM will make of this announcement by News Limited. Perhaps we can expect a [i]mea culpa[/i] from him too!

paul walter

23/08/2012Sales did her job, it was the Mad Monks ineptitude when parted from his usual governess, Uhlmann, that must have the cause of that extraordinary effort from Abbott. Sales wasn't faking the astonishment, but Tony Abbott? No thanks!

42 long

23/08/2012Isn't the appology to Gillard for a false statement in the Australian, typical of them ( THE BASTARDS) THe BIG headline could mean anything, IT's in BIG PRINT but the appology is in fine print. The old folks would have to put their good glasses on to read it. Could anything be more obvious of their contempt for proper practice? It's like when Abbott says "I withdraw" and then mutters the matter he was supposed to have withdrawn. Pity his father didn't back then somewhere...

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012Er....The Australian has already posted a retraction say the their story this morning was WRONG OOPS

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012oops again, said I didn't get much sleep


23/08/2012ToM, Blewitt the main accuser of the PM "PM’s accuser is sleazy sex tourist, preying on vulnerable young Thai women" And he's only there because "RALPH BLEWITT, the former union official who wants to give evidence about the alleged rorting involving Julia Gillard's former boyfriend, fled Indonesia in 2009 to avoid arrest after allegedly selling Australian expatriates land he did not own. ToM one of this mans victims "Mrs Stork spoke out after reading that Mr Blewitt,was seeking immunity from prosecution in return for breaking his silence on the affair from 17 years ago that is embroiling Ms Gillard again." ToM sounds like you and he are birds of a feather!


23/08/2012 It's a goodie Truth Seeker. Well timed. BTW, Mitch Hooke of the Minerals Council of Australia claimed on ABC 24 just now that Australia didn't need a mining tax. He would say that. More on Hooke: Coal Booster [b]Since June 2011 Hooke has also been a member of the Board of Directors of GTL Energy, a company aiming to commercialise brown coal drying technology.[/b] [quote]Hooke has been one of the leading lobbyists against the Australian government committing to substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. On March 17th 2009 Hooke spoke on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National arguing against the proposition that “Green jobs” will strengthen our economy. This proposition directly contradicts Hooke’s argument that increasing the share of renewable energy will cost jobs, a claim he has vigorously pushed through his public retaliations. During this debate Hooke claimed that most of Germany’s electricity is imported from France. However, an investigation of Germany’s energy profile shows that Germany has remained a net exporter of electricity while the share of renewables in Germany’s electricity has grown.[/quote] Another weathervane coal lover working for the mining elite. --- Seems to me that all these peddlers of gloom and doom about the end of the mining boom...including some in the Murdoch media, are doing us a favour... let's see interest rates come down. And more opportunities for other exporters. And roll on renewable energy... And the NBN. No more blackmailing and threats from the same old mining corporations and land rapers. DIVERSIFY OR PERISH N'

42 long

23/08/2012Jason, nice to see that one again. Took ch 7, 3 months with a freedom of information battle, to get the full afghanistan clip.. Tony stood there for 72 seconds with his head shaking, after he was questioned. That is an odd thing. Remarkable really, but it is Juia who is unfit to lead the Country.

Ad astra

23/08/2012Truth Seeker What a delightful poetic record of last night’s Abbott dissembling. Thank you. Psyclaw I hope your family matters are resolving. It’s good to have you back. If Abbott’s performance is any indication of how he will fare when he has multiple probing interviews to do, he will be in for a torrid time. His political shallowness will be exposed day after day, and his disingenuousness laid bare for all to see. Chris Uhlmann mentioned this morning on Jon Faine’s show that Coalition members are becoming concerned about Abbott’s behaviour. If he continues in his present vein, and journalists acquire the guts to challenge him, as did Leigh Sales last night, he will find himself assailed externally by the media and internally by his own. That will be uncomfortable.


23/08/2012I saw some commentary on PB last night to the effect that Abbott's interview won't do him much damage, plus of course a great deal of negative comment. This highlights the problem in dealing with him. Denizens of Abbottworld would be happy that he ploughed on, satisfied that he'd managed to mention the usual keywords a number of times. But I don't mean to sound too negative. Last night's effort would not have gone down well in his camp at all. One of the more telling aspects of the interview was his insipid "good night", the look on his face making it clear that his had been ruined. I suspect some poor sleep last night, punctuated by nightmares about the prospect of this sort of thing happening more & more frequently. Plus as others have implied here, the serious players in the political & business spheres would not have approved of his lack of depth. I think Ad Astra's on the money with his suggestion that Abbott's office thought they'd send him in to score points from a lightweight interview. What a terrible spectre it is, having him as P.M. P.S. for 2353 if he's around & interested in American engines; part of Recapthcha included the term E Unit.


23/08/201242 long Yes the size of the print says it all - still trying to score off it. The creeps at the Australian! Just in case you missed it [b]ToM[/b] because I know you suffer from myopia here it is in bold: [b]Correction: Prime Minister Julia Gillard From: News Limited Network August 23, 2012 AN article in today's The Australian reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard had set up a trust fund for her then boyfriend 17 years ago. This is wrong. The Australian apologises for the error.[/b] I can still hear the flapping.

Tom of Melbourne

23/08/2012All The Australian did was say Gillard established the fund. When the fact is- • Gillard drafted the documents, knowing that the purpose she specified in the draft was wrong • She provided the legal advice on setting up the fund • She knew her boyfriend would receive personal benefit from the fund, but didn’t declare this to her employer, or to her client (the AWU) and she didn’t include this in her legal advice. • Someone else signed the documents she prepared and submitted them. Yeah,Ad Astra, Gillard is really off the hook over this.


23/08/2012ToM You would have us believe the Australian appologised for nothing. What part about [b]did not set up documents[/b] is that you don't understand? At some point surely you have to come off automatic pilot? Truly ToM try this - engage brain.....take off automatic.....think for yourself.....then speak.


23/08/2012Oh TS! That is SUPERB! WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK THEM! This so-current work of yours is a sparkle on the fine-honed edge of The Political Sword. Comrade I've done a few pomes like that too, you get inspired and whooo the rhymes come flying in. O English, Dear English, what freedom you give those who play with words! Yet how strict a disciplinarian! I love it all. We're gonna beat these bastards you know. [i]Yes we are.[/i] I have friend who built a flying wing aircraft, he called it (unoriginally I thought) Hornet, a thing of great beauty like a boomerang with a flattened-egg cockpit at the elbow, and no tail but a pusher-propeller in a ducted fan behind the pilot's head. (Words still aren't in the same street as pictures)!) Anyway this bloke is an aircraft engineer, knew his job, this was his own design, and when the first flight happened, (he was an observer on the ground), he recounts how sort-of-surprised he was that [i]Oh look it really flies![/i] even though he sort of always knew it would. Well that's the thrilling way I feel that although I've always sort of known that we'll win that so-important struggle, suddenly I'm feeling [i]Oh Look we really ARE going to win! [/i] Our work - Ad's-&-Lyn's, and the rest of us - is raising the bar of the 5th Estate, and those on all the other hardworking sites, Ohhh can't start naming 'em, it's like feeding a few gulls in a flock, but hell we're better'n the bloody Failed 4th Estate, TPS is special in particular of course say I, but Hey last night, what fun on the Twitterstream! And this morning Bushfire Bill is telling off Laura Tingle for gutter journalism, and he's RIGHT, and I joined in too, told her she disappointed me etc. Between BB and LT it is like Hercules having to seduce Hippolyte, Virgin Queen of the Amazons. (It was one of his [i]tasks!)[/i] Yeah well sorry Laura, there goes your Girdle! :) And the point is, [i]there is better writing on the 5th Estate than ANY on the MSM ![/i] [b]Hey![/b]


23/08/2012 [quote]I will never trust News Limited to be honest again.[/quote] Ad, I haven't trusted them since the buildup to the Iraq War. Not since Murdoch supported the Iraq War fullbore: On the Iraq war In March 2003, Speaking at the Milken Institute Global Conference, Murdoch backed Bush government plans to invade Iraq. "We worry about what people think about us too much in this country. We have an inferiority complex, it seems," he said. "I think what's important is that the world respects us, much more important than they love us ... There is going to be collateral damage. [b]And if you really want to be brutal about it, better we get it done now than spread it over months," he said. [/b] In April 2004, days after major military clashes in Iraq, Murdoch wholeheartedly backed the U.S. government policy and dismissed the magnitude of the ongoing guerrilla war against coalition military forces. “We have got to see the job through. And I think it is being misrepresented. There’s tremendous progress in Iraq. All the kids are back at school – ten per cent more than when Saddam Hussein was there. There is one per cent more fresh water. There’s … most of Iraq is doing extremely well,” Murdoch said. “There is one small part where the Sunnis are, which were the people who supported Saddam Hussein, who are giving trouble, and more by, I think, giving cover to international terrorists and people from the Taliban and from Afghanistan coming in. And it’s not - this is notable - they’re not really trying to kill Americans even, they’re trying to kill people, like, from the United Nations. Anyone who is trying to come in and help get their country going properly,” he said. Murdoch had no doubt that the war in Iraq would have no impact on Bush’s election prospects. “They’re with him on that, completely. He’s going to walk it in. The economy is doing extremely well and, you know, there is an international crisis,” he said. [b]In November 2006, on the eve of the U.S. mid-term elections, Murdoch downplayed the number of deaths in Iraq. "The death toll, certainly of Americans there, by the terms of any previous war are quite minute," he said. "Of course no one likes any death toll, but the war now, at the moment, it's certainly trying to prevent a civil war and to prevent Iraqis killing each other."[/b] The Australian is one tentacle of the Murdoch propaganda machine. Imagine what that puppet weak willed Romney and "do anything" to get power uber crusader Abbott would get up to if Murdoch won the next election? Fox News and The Australian + the tabloids would let Abbott and Romney get away with just about anything. N'

Ad astra

23/08/2012LadyinRed The sentences in Jonathan Green’s piece that really resonated with me were: “[i]Journalism back then was not an opportunity for individual expression; it was a precise and formulaic attempt to record an unadorned, balanced version of events.[/i]” And [i]”The journalism of 2012 has made its bargains with sensation, celebrity, advocacy and entertainment.”[/i].


23/08/2012 BTW, I reckon it's just another crafty way for The Australian to get hits...and put in voters minds a bogus story. Don't fall for their sneaky tactics...the Murdoch media has been playing these dirty attention-seeking, public perception manufacturing games for decades... they are covered in foul smelling slime from their daily antics. Recall Ad's wise and prophetic words from his post above: [b]Murdoch’s News Limited media empire is formidable. We must never underestimate its power, its malevolence towards the Government, and its determination to destroy it. When the signs are improving for Labor, the News Limited vendetta will intensify. It will be out there firing broadside after broadside in a ‘take no prisoners’, ‘rescue no survivors’, ‘fight to the death’ battle. [/b] Indeed. N'


23/08/2012For the record, in my little post at 11.48 I referred to Abbott saying "good night" at the conclusion of last night's debacle. I haven't watched it again but saw a reference to his saying "thank you" instead. It was insipd, that's my point. Posted in the pursuit of historical accuracy & thereby destroyng any job prospects I may have had at News Ltd.


23/08/2012Hi Ad & Everybody Twitterverse:- Latika Bourke ‏ Today he says he had read #BHP's results statement (not Kloppers), very odd that he wouldn't point that part out when asked twice about it. Australian Media‏ Great time to be in media: Williams: AS Fairfax announced a $2.7bn loss this morning, News Limited CEO Kim Will... Laura Tingle‏ anyway here is wot i wrote which made some people grumpy this morning It’s a question of judgment for Gillard, Laura Tingle National Times‏ Abbott is having it both ways on BHP, writes Phillip Coorey Today he said he had misanswered the question and had read the statement. He insisted BHP did not have to cite the mining and carbon taxes yesterday because they have complained bout them for months. Stephen Conroy defends Julia Gillard from Opposition 'slurs' "This is just a dirty, filthy, smear by the Liberals," he told ABC TV this morning. Senator Conroy was responding to reports Ms Gillard admitted establishing a "slush fund" to raise cash for the re-election of officials from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) in 1995 Call for Kathy Jackson to resign HSU president Chris Brown will formally seek Ms Jackson's resignation today, to sever the remaining ties to the corruption scandal that has engulfed the union and the Gillard Government. It comes as Victorian police this week travelled to Sydney to launch a new investigation into several allegations levelled against Ms Jackson.‏ Newman's axe cuts deep in palliative care George Megalogenis‏@GMegalogenis Watching @TonyAbbottMHR on @abc730 reminded me of Hewson's birthday cake: he has an unsettling lack of knowledge of how taxes actually work. AshGhebranious‏ They did not obtain the transcript via FOI. Or from Slater & Gordon. So why did the Oz redact sections AshGhebranious‏ I caught him twice this week. First on Monday here and then secondly here #auspol AshGhebranious‏ They deliberately mislead in the story, then they opinions are not only incorrect, but distort story further Stan Steam‏ It's misleading as Nicola Roxon worked for Maurice Blackburn, not Slater & Gordon as implied by the headline


23/08/2012[quote]Just in case you missed it ToM because I know you suffer from myopia here it is in bold: Correction: Prime Minister Julia Gillard From: News Limited Network August 23, 2012 AN article in today's The Australian reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard had set up a trust fund for her then boyfriend 17 years ago. This is wrong. The Australian apologises for the error. [/quote] So I would think that Tfm would also want to withdraw all of your recent comments on Gillard now - or prove beyond doubt that he have no credibility now and in to the future. Or will he just change the lie to suit the circumstance (again). BSA Bob - loved the recaptcha (I actually have a couple of older Kato E8's) - thanks for the thought.

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012Hey Ad and TT, thanks for your continued support and feedback it is greatly appreciated. TT, yes, our language is fantastic, and we are blessed with many here who know how to use it, and yes again, when the inspiration hits you just have to go with it. Cheers


23/08/2012Well, I've seen articles about Tony's "No I didn't read the BHP Press release" on ABC and Fairfax web-sites. But surprise, surprise - nothing on any News limited sites. Please feel free to correct me.


23/08/2012[b]Abbott now says he did read BHP briefing document[/b] @ABCNews [i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott now says he did read the BHP Billiton briefing document at the centre of his fiery exchanges with 7.30 host Leigh Sales on ABC TV last night. Mr Abbott is continuing his political attack on the Government over the mining giant's decision to mothball a $30 billion expansion to its Olympic Dam mine, saying the mining tax and the carbon tax are partially to blame.[/i] Pretty good wrap of the latest sloppy slogan saga.


23/08/2012Even though I did provide the transcript of the 7:30 Abbott interview last night at this site, I did not comment at that time on how Shouldabeen looked when Leigh Sales asked if he'd actually read Kloppers' statement. He had that trademark smirk on his face, 'OK, you've caught me out, but we all know it doesn't matter'. A variation on the 'shit eating grin' he trundled out the day before when talking about the influential women in his life. This guy obviously believes nothing matters, what he says, what he does, because he's just going to walk into The Lodge come the next election regardless. But even he must realise that there is a critical mass reached, when the lies, the backflips, the 'cheeky little boy' grins, the fabricated high dudgeon about the PM, the hard hats and the fluoro jackets, and did I mention the lies, have all become 'him'. He's no longer Tony Abbott, dare I say "the real Tony", he's the mass of BS he's spun that has closed around him to actually define him. No longer a presentable alternative leader of the nation, just the fool who'll do and say anything to get his news grab of the day. But when even the least attentive member of the public begins to realise that he or she heard Shouldabeen say something completely different some time they can't quite recall when, but they know their memory is not sitting right with what he just said, then he's revealed as the lazy, hollow man he actually is. That critical mass was reached for many at this site a long long time ago, but now it is building in the wider world, perhaps because TA has tried so hard with a slogan-shouting opportunity sought every day, to make his inconsistencies and the vapidities inescapably obvious. The noose around his own neck, tightening beneath the childish smirk, he fashioned all on his own.


23/08/2012 Listen to the skunks trying to manipulate public perception and label the PM by way of their lengthy questions. We know who they are. Skunks...putting out a bad odour wherever they go. Some journos ask bona fide questions...but it's been obvious to many of us for some time there are a bunch of OCD character assassins amidst the MSM...working overtime for their egomaniacal bosses. As for the PM...gutsy lady. Let the woman het on with her job ya skunks. And stop trying to tar all unions because of a few bad apples. Are all businesses bad because of the conduct of ABC Learning centres admin...and certain investment banks? Get some integrity. N'


23/08/2012Gosh everyone on a very serious note - not that we don't all take stuff seriously but.... The Sunshine Coast is devoid of action. No-one spending any money. People in the Transport Dept. (and we know that dept is NEVER not busy), well in Noosa they have nothing to do..... No-one in cafe's, no-one in restaurants. Hardly anyone doing any business. THIS IS SERIOUS PEOPLE. TAbbott on his own was bad enough, but we plugged on up here. But the addition of that dimwit Newman has shut the coast down! No-one is making any money. Its dreadful. Talking down the economy is all the fault of the Noalition.


23/08/2012 Should read: [b]Let the woman get on with her job ya skunks!.[/b]


23/08/2012 [b]Well, I've seen articles about Tony's "No I didn't read the BHP Press release" on ABC and Fairfax web-sites. But surprise, surprise - nothing on any News limited sites. [/b] Paul, the PM was stuck into Abbott over his pathetic, lazy performance on 7:30 during her long gutsy confident response to the scumbags today. Got stuck into The Australian too...the leader of the scumbag pack. And that dickhead Pickering. She's a fighter alright. N'

Ad astra

23/08/2012Folks I’ve just caught the last half hour of Julia Gillard’s press conference about the increase in asylum intake followed by her dealing with the S&G matter. She was direct and powerful and straightforward. If that doesn’t shut up the media, nothing will. But don’t expect it will – News Limited is out to destroy our PM.


23/08/2012 [quote]Talking down the economy is all the fault of the Noalition. [/quote] LadyInRed, the Coalition hope to wreck the economy to destroy the govt and bring in grotesque job destroying essential service diminishing OZsterity measures. Irresponsible beyond belief. Disgraceful! N'

Tom of Melbourne

23/08/2012no use Gillard trying to weasel out now. She drafted the documents, she prepared the statements, she provided all the legal advice, she knew the information in the documents she wrote was false. She didn't disclose this to the AWU or her employer. All that may or may not be legal, but it is certainly shady and lacking in transparency. Which are traits that go long way back with Gillard.


23/08/2012All this cuffuffel about something that happened 17 years ago, even Tingle having a way in....sort of. Though she ends with lets get on with it. It all pales into significance when people are losing their businesses up here. TAbbott and Newman have to go, they are ruining this great nation. Ad, can the people of Queensland get rid of Newman? Is there any way? Can we do a Gough for example? Surely we have to do something. Newman knows nothing about running a state - he was just a flipping mayor for goodness sakes. What do mayors do they keep an eye on the budget. What do premiers do - they make sure we have an environment for growth, they don't run the place like a business. We came up with a great anaolgy for him yesterday. OK. boys the object is take that hill, stay focused on the hill, charge the hill, there's the hill don't lose sight of it. Charge! heehee got it. Ah...Gee look at all the collateral damage.....oh well....we got that hill.


23/08/2012Lady in Red If you reckon Noosa's bad - there is a lot of pain and suffering in Brisbane as well - the Parliament House end of George Street being especially hard hit. There is also a story in the Brisbane Times this morning about the Mayor of Toowoomba (a friend of the local LNP memebers) tying himself in knots attempting to justify Newman's actions while bemoaning the potential of job cuts in the area. I wonder if Newman has woken up yet that every employed person directly employs another 1.6 people according to economists. Therefore 20,000 sackings in the public service in Queensland means something like 32,000 other sackings in the same area. So Newman is actually stffing around with the lives of 52,000 people plus their families. No wonder the rhetoric is changing already (and I wonder if the federal LNP have had "input"). Costello's "I didn't know about it" claims also cast doubts on his level of competence to "inquire" into anyone's financial status.


23/08/2012 The PM is on fire in parliament. Selling the positive message effectively. Getting stuck in to the NEGABORE Abbott and his Coalition lackeys too. Pyne has already jumped up a few times doing his hysterical yapping and interrupting. The guy is hilarious. N'


23/08/2012Lyn & TT thanks for the invite, only new at twittering so please bear with me. Do we have many Dr who watchers here? After watching LOTO for as long as we have it is very clear that he has some kind of mental problem, maybe we could help diagnose it for him. Symptoms are inability to think on ones feet, hence has to repeat the entire interview in his head until the voices in his head agree with each other & are happy that he won't embarrass them. This results in parrot like verbal reactions similar to a pull string doll of only 3 or 4 words. Anything more & one of the other voices takes control to read from a carefully scripted verbal escape route. Being preformulated there can't be any deviation as it is recorded on the brain voice interface unit, which only has a forward mono directional ability, with auto erase if questioned. This control exchange stage is evident with a blank stare smirking grin that says "there is no one in control services will be restored shortly", if challenged in this state the body goes into a death stare mode designed to kill opponents where they stand, [that's what one of the voices thinks its doing]. Finally if this state is prolonged the auto escape function kicks in, shutdown of all auditory & visual reposes both input & output. "leg-it" mode kicks into overdrive. Head auto-balancing kicks in [unfortunately this system, as well as main body stabilization often fails], causing a barely controllable forward lurching motion this is due to 2BC [brain cell] operating system more than 2 instructions at once causes system overload[blue screen of death]physical manifestation of this are nodding combined with girlish laugh. He is a Teselecta [shapeshifting robot with a miniaturised crew], from murdoch.


23/08/2012Paul said [quote]Well, I've seen articles about Tony's "No I didn't read the BHP Press release" on ABC and Fairfax web-sites. But surprise, surprise - nothing on any News limited sites. Please feel free to correct me.[/quote] You're right Paul - but the Abbott "I was asking a different question" story has - including the bleatings of a number of LNP people claiming it will send SA back to the dark ages and all because of the Mining Tax and Carbon "Tax".


23/08/2012 [quote]Victoria’s national parks will be opened to private tourism development under sweeping changes announced by the state government this morning. Responding to a report investigating ways to boost the tourism industry, Treasurer Kim Wells said opening national parks to nature-based development would bring Victoria into line with other states and territories. [/quote] Check out the poll results. N'


23/08/20122353 Those stats are scary indeed. Bring on the dismissal of Newman!


23/08/2012 As I wrote over at Cafe Whispers: nasking AUGUST 23, 2012 @ 2:57 PM Migs wrote: He looked and performed like an absolute dill. We’ve said for a good long time that Abbott is not leadership material…the Coalition put Mr. NEGABORE in there to be a wrecker and wedger…to get attention. They were surprised when the Murdoch empire and scumbag shock jocks with the aid of some ALP own goals helped Abbott win more seats and get higher polls for them than they expected. But now the Murdoch minions are being shown up for the lying sods they are and that media mob lose respect of more readers by the day…and as the public begins to turn a deaf ear to some of the corporate lackey BSing shock jocks…and the govt begins to incrementally move up in the polls…many of their policies gaining ground with the public…and Abbott’s HYPE over everything and anything begins to look like the desperate ramblings of a delusional egomaniac with the approach of a conman… the Coalition begin to panic knowing they’ve burnt Turnbull, now a pale imitation of himself, and lumped themselves with a DUD. A dud, a dill, a dickhead, a weathervane, a lead balloon, a negabore, a fearmonger without a principle, a Murdock puppet, a man who gives the nudge nudge wink wink constantly to Tea Party and women hating tactics…an overly aggressive politician who leads the talking down of the economy and damaging businesses in the process. Yep, they’re stuck with Tony Abbott. They deserve him. And the loss coming. -------- N’


23/08/2012The government's trashing of the Abbotteers in QT this arvo is of ginormous dimensions. It has been a whitewash. In Rugby league parlance the score was about 196-0. In the language of that funny southern game the score was like 100-2-602 to 0-3-3


23/08/2012 Superb passionate end of question time speech by the PM. I'd like to see her out there selling, selling, selling over the next few days. She's a gutsy sincere lady who obviously loves this country...offering up some top policies. Unlike that negabore Abbott. And his assassin media masters and allies. TWO THUMBS UP for the PM and the govt this week. You fought the good fight well. N'


23/08/2012 Well said Psyclaw. N'


23/08/2012ToM You really are a piece of work, aren't you? Over fifty minutes spent in front of Canberra's senior journalists, no waving away of questions and definitely no walking away and you're still not satisfied. . [quote]…. trying to weasel out ….[/quote] Please point out one instance of where she tried to weasel out of a question. [quote]She drafted the documents ….[/quote] No ToM, she drafted [b]some[/b] of the documents, those relating to how to set up an association that would serve the purposes as they were outlined to her. [quote]…. she prepared the statements ….[/quote] No ToM, she did not draft the latter parts of the documents as they were submitted and in fact her signature does not appear on any of them. [quote]she provided all the legal advice[/quote] No ToM, she provided legal advice on how to set up the entity, not on its purpose or methods of function. [quote]she knew the information in the documents she wrote was false[/quote] What proof do you have for this contention? She gave advice on the nuts and bolts of how best to go about setting up an entity that would serve the purpose of managing re-election funds. If some other person added extra documents that mention workplace safety and the aim of attracting funds from employer bodies, she can not be held accountable for that. If some other person set up bank accounts in order to manipulate these monies in an unethical manner, she can not be held accountable for their actions. [quote]She didn't disclose this to the AWU ….[/quote] Why would she? How far up the chain should she have reported her actions? She was serving a client and had no responsibility to any other entity. [quote]…. or her employer.[/quote] Some small oversight although I am perfectly willing to accept that offering low-level advice without charging for it is part of the way in which many businesses keep future clients onside. My brother does the same with his electrical contractor business. [quote]All that may or may not be legal, but it is certainly shady and lacking in transparency.[/quote] Indeed none of it is illegal and none of it is shady as Gillard's then-colleagues and partners have asserted repeatedly. How much more transparency do you require after over fifty minutes of questioning by twenty journalists who have had the best part of a week in order to frame their questions? ToM, I have no problem imagining your ability to construct a narrative that contains all of the smear and innuendo that has been published in recent days but I do wish that you could provide a single fact that supports your contentions. Gillard's signature is not on any of the documents and as such she can not be held responsible for the overall content of those documents. No charges have been brought against any of the players despite multiple investigations. No monies have been asked to be paid back. This woman has more guts than you will ever have and how you can fail to see her courage is beyond me.

42 long

23/08/2012The PM gave about 30 press types over an hour of intensive questioning opportunity as a result of the 'tripe" (some of which they had to issue an apology for) in the australian. Allowed them to keep going till the subject was exhausted. Then goes straight over to the Parl't to be involved head on. with QT Constrast Abbott can't even hold a one on one with Leigh sales for a few minutes. Was there EVER a more stark contrast of SUBSTANCE& ABILITY and "integrity perhaps. Your plotting and trust in your leaders performance is coming apart FAST, LNP


23/08/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse, a litte bit of everything Phew! First nice comments about Julia, there were millions of them, I copied during her Press Conference: Prime Minister Julia Gillard press conference, regarding Slater & Gordon Smear & The Australian’s apology Chris Mullins‏ The best Primeministerial presser in the history of pressers! If you had any question of the PM's strength before, U MUST NO LONGER Hilary Styles‏ PM: I have been standing here going on 50 minutes now, answering every question you want to ask me #auspol 2013 Labor Gusface‏ STANDING OVATION PM Wolf Cocklin‏ The media has been handed a lesson in Evisceration by the PM I SupportGillardgovt‏ What a stellar demo of strength & integrity @JuliaGillard has shown great leadership traits, this a PM! #auspol Peta‏ @JuliaGillard Fantastically proud of my PM. Excellent comments re future of accessing information AshGhebranious‏ Can anyone recall ANY prime minister ever in history that has given such an amazing presser? #auspol #abcnews24 AshGhebranious‏ What a woman! What a Prime Minister! The game has changed Question time Olivia Illyria‏@OliviaIllyria She's so awesome. I want to hug her. #qt Truthiness Geek‏@geeksrulz You don't mess with the PM. #qt Nikki‏ Lololololol "controversial book". Tones is too busy reading "that" book to read the BHP statement. #qt Marian Dalton‏ I'm not sure who this feisty person at the despatch box is, but I *think* she's the PM. #qt Justin Barbour‏ The Prime Minister has changed her tone today - this is the JG that we all loved as DPM. #qt Agnes Mack‏ #qt PM: Every overblown ridiculous claim coming back to haunt LOTO. Knows his claims are false.He goes round & round like mouse on treadmill PM fires back at 'misogynist nut jobs' as Australian issues apology ABC, Video Julia Gillard lashed out at The Australian newspaper and who she called "misogynist nut jobs on the internet" today in a marathon press conference prompted by days of rumour-mongering about her past The PM challenged "the journalistic elite of this country" to hit her with their best questions over reports about alleged impropriety during her time with law firm Slater and Gordon. National Times‏ Missed Prime Minister Julia Gillard's comments re: Slate & Gordon issue? Watch here for the full statement & questions PM claims she's victim of 'very sexist smear campaign, Jessica Wright, Video, @ 2.59pm Prime Minister Minister Julia Gillard says she has been the ‘‘the subject of a very sexist smear campaign" waged by means of false claims about her conduct as a lawyer 17 PM fires back at 'misogynist nut jobs' as Australian issues apology, Channel 7 PM Gillard responds to 'false' claims Channel 7 vexnews‏ Google cache reveals the truth about Stephen Mayne's partner-in-smear Larry Pickering #auspol


23/08/2012 Just a reminder: [quote]Abbott was involved in controversy in 2006 for opposing access to the abortion drug RU486, and the Parliament voted to strip Health Ministers of the power to regulate this area of policy. In 2007 he attracted criticism over long delays in funding for cancer diagnostic equipment (PET scanners). Abbott campaigned as Minister for Health at the 2007 Election. On 31 October, he apologised for saying 'just because a person is sick doesn't mean that he is necessarily pure of heart in all things', after Bernie Banton, (an asbestos campaigner and terminal mesothelioma sufferer) called him 'gutless' for not being present to collect a petition. [/quote] Wikipedia And didn't he run so late he missed a health debate with Nicola Roxon? And didn't he pull a billion dollars out of future funding for the Health dept? Wouldn't he be a great leader for the health of the nation? Perhaps he thinks intense cycling will cure all illness...with a touch of prayer? N'

Ad astra

23/08/2012NormanK Thank you for your sterling attempt to explain a few things to ToM. I earnestly wish you success, but I fear nothing, repeat nothing, we say will ever change ToM’s mind. He is an irritant, but his posts here do serve a useful purpose. They demonstrate that there are some people out there, and I suspect there are many, who will never change their adverse view of Julia Gillard, no matter how convincing the evidence that is submitted in her defence. Nothing will change their mindset. No facts will change it; no reasoning will change it; no opinion will change it. Their mind is made up, irrevocably. I have tried from time to time to respond to ToM. That has always been fruitless. I have never been able to change anything he believes. So I’ve given up, and no longer waste my time. I will leave his comments in place so long as they are not personally abusive of other bloggers, because at least they show us all what attitudes exist out there, lest we naively think we can change minds and hearts of the likes of ToM by the sheer force of facts and logic.


23/08/2012 LOL: It's Tony Abbott looking like a complete dickhead and sounding like a robocall @ First Dog on the Moon. N'


23/08/2012 Yes, excellent work Norman. Top linking and tweet reporting Lyn. I'm taking a break...looking thru pea fog can be tiring. Was a fun week. Top comments by many. Cheers N'


23/08/2012Well, The PMs presser was something to behold - lasted an hour and 10 mins as she answered all media questions until they couldn't think up any more to ask. Of course, after that marathon of a presser she went to QT and slayed the dragons opposite. Leigh Sales stuck some pins in the LOTOs hide on 7.30 last night. Not before time. Someone has said the interview was pre-recorded so maybe it would be interesting if we could be privvy to the "live" footage.


23/08/2012 Last link for the day: PM's timely swipe at sexist treatment N'


23/08/2012LadyinRed, [quote]Ad, can the people of Queensland get rid of Newman? Is there any way? Can we do a Gough for example? [/quote] I think the people of Queensland are stuck with the stupidity of their choice when they voted for Newman to govern their state for four (or is it three) years.


23/08/2012Ad astra I'm aware of all of that about ToM. It just made me feel a bit better to call him on his ongoing nonsense. Let's call it therapy. :)


23/08/2012Have seen a "game changer" today. It started last night with Leigh Sales...I was wondering when she would spit the Uhlmann gag and break free from "management speak" and show the promise she demonstrated in the years past while hands were tied under Uhlmann. I agree, Abbott would have got a much softer ride under Uhlmann's marshmallow gaze! Then the tsunami hit the press gallery like a brick-shithouse with a "wham, bamm..she's the Mamn!" they got the proverbial "knee in the nuts" when they were least expecting it! AND that mogul sleeze; Murdoch had to retract faster than a retreating hyena! You can bet he didn't like that and will blame his underlings for the faux pas. Don't be suprised if he throws his weight now behind Gillard because he hates being on the losing side. The coalition are in deep, deep poo, the current Loto is a goner and there is no visable replacement as they have "burnt all their boats" in a no-retreat policy. "Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of bastards!"


23/08/2012[quote]I'm still waiting for him to provide in-depth criticisms of the Coalition...and specifically Tony Abbott.[/quote] I hope you've got plenty of spare time Nas' And [quote]A dud, a dill, a dickhead, a weathervane, a lead balloon, a negabore, a fearmonger without a principle, a Murdock puppet, a man who gives the nudge nudge wink wink constantly to Tea Party and women hating tactics…an overly aggressive politician who leads the talking down of the economy and damaging businesses in the process.[/quote], absolutely brilliant! Go Nas'! NormanK @3.26pm, obviously you just don't understand how things work. ToM makes stuff up and we're not supposed to ask for evidence. If Tom says it, no proof is required. Perhaps he's psychic, because he seems to know the contents of documents he's never seen and what the writer was thinking at the time. Or maybe he's just a fiction writer. hmmmmm.


23/08/2012Hi everyone here is something we can do for Queensland. Just got this email from Wayne Swan's office to sign a petition: OK it isn't [b]the dimissal needed[/b] but it is a start.


23/08/2012Yeah finally the PM has said it - sexist and mysongynist - yipeeeee! and nutjobs - too right. LOTO looking worse by the minute leave alone by the day. What a PM! What a woman! Fietsy, intelligent, with a great team of front benchers!


23/08/2012May I suggest we create an "Honour"..: "The Red Kelly Inquisitory Medal" for persistant but honourable questioning in an interview. First recipient : Leigh Sales!


23/08/2012Frustratingly I have somehow got the flu - first time in years! So only able to read between sneezing, sleeping and shivering. Another brief nap means I'm a bit more lucid! T.S. your poem is a great response to an appalling interview! Sometimes outrage can push our pens along for us, can't they? Don't worry about your lines referring to the Australian, [i]the LNP's daily rag[/i] or to [i]that lying little dag[/i] needing modification in the light of today's apology, they still speak true. If necessary you can put in an asterisk and a small explanatory note at the end if facts change the sense of a post. Feeling physically lousy, but still uplifted by our PM today. She's magnificent! Such skill and stamina and forthrightness! I'm sure some of her critics in the press gallery are searching their consciences today. Mind you, I've always always thought that the establishment on the Right have always had her measure; her enemies know what they are up against. Knowing what a real threat she is to their vested interests has intensified their determination to destroy her. Surely though other business interests will see that there is no stability in Abbott or any other potential LNP leader. Murdoch and his minions in the media are no longer credible propping up this fool. Their 'malevolence' is proving counter-productive Oh dear. More sneezes......

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23/08/2012LadyinRed I was pleased to see your link to the Wayne Swan submission, which I have completed. That is the best answer to your question about what can be done about Campbell Newman, especially for those of us who live outside Queensland.

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23/08/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for your Twitterati, which was encouraging. Maybe a few more journalists may realize what a decent, strong PM we have in Julia Gillard, and give her a fair go. But I won’t be holding my breath. This episode today, and the events of the last few days have exemplified what this piece is all about: ‘The News Limited vendetta against PM Gillard intensifies'. If after all that has transpired once again these last few days, anyone out there still thinks that News Limited is not out to smear and destroy our PM, nothing will convince them otherwise. Yet I suspect some will come back with the same smear. If ToM is still of his previously expressed views, I hope he will play the full press conference, especially for the minute after the 37 minute mark.

42 long

23/08/2012I've signed the petition. Gillard stared her tormentors down beautifully. Just how many people could have done that? None of those bullies (paid too) can hold a candle to her. Abbott shown for what he isn't. ( Not foreman material) Well when he got the leader job it was only by one vote and one of those votes was, ( wait for it) Peter Slipper.... Perhaps the marrow of his bones failed.. There has to be a reason. . He didn't read the report (he says). I did read the report ( he now says) Gee ... That doesn't compute. How does such a public man come apart so publicly? (and there has to be more to come)before the bleeding obvious dawns upon the abominable NO people. The only honourable thing to do would be to foresake his evil ways and join the Hare Krisna.

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23/08/2012NormanK I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your fun. If you 'therapy' ever changes ToM’s mind, I will salute you. jaycee I agree with your sentiments.


23/08/2012LiR - petition "signed" NormanK - best of luck, but there are things that are even beyond superman. Everyone on this blog knows that he has no legitimacy due to non-voting and lying and I suspect that most just scroll on by. Sounds like the press conference from Gillard today was good (no I haven't seen it or read it yet. Lets hope its a sign of things to come.


23/08/2012Just watched the PM's presser today. Wow, Wow and Wow!!


23/08/2012Thanks to everyone who signed the petition. Let's hope he takes notice because it is getting dire - even people who have no reason to shut their wallet have. I tell you I am serious about a dismissal.....he needs to be turfed out.


23/08/2012Ah Gee I've just watched *J*U*L*I*A* in video. I do NOT want that woman as an enemy! She sends shivers of pleasure up my spine - Go you good thing! One of Labor's (male) front benchers, can't remember who, said comparing her with Abbortt was like comparing Black Caviar and Mr Ed. You'd have to say it hasn't been a real flash week for the Abborttians. Plain cigarette packaging . . . Thomson virtually cleared despite the MSM squealers . . . Abbortt becoming Sushi at the slicing by Leigh Sales . . . *J*U*L*I*A* giving the MSM a comprehensive lesson in jurisprudence . . . and [i]The Australian [/i]having to publish a retraction and apology to her. And though I haven't read it, and won't, I see a good bit of what looks like squealy stuff from ToM da Typo. That is fun to me just to scroll by it and know of his pain in losing losing and losing some more. But he ain't seen nothin' yet about losing. And for the info of another creep on this blog, I stood shoulder to shoulder with Vietnam vets last weekend remembering Long Tan at the Adelaide Parade Ground. This creep said I'd spit at them. No, but just give me a shot at YOU Creepy. SPLAT! I disagreed with the war, I fought with every ruse I could think of to stop it, but it was Menzies and then Holt and others who promoted it that I despised, not the poor innocent youth who were sent there as ordinary nice kids and came back as hardened soldiers to a nation that had come around to hating the war, where those who sent them turned their backs (Losers they saw them as) and it turns out that those who, like me, objected to the war on humanitarian grounds, have much more in common with those damaged isolated old men I stood in solidarity with than with those Rightist warmongers who are never seen. And in conversations with the Grunts, so much sadder but wiser now, they honour me for my forthright opposition and honesty. They are not sucked in any more by empty rhetoric. I am proud to call one of them in particular one of my very best friends, a leader amongst them, and I am an Associate member of the RSL. Not that I support it overall, but the Grunts and those who hate war now are some of the finest of Aussies.


23/08/20122353 If time allows, may I strongly recommend that you watch a video of today's press conference - a transcript will not do it justice. There is so much potential fallout (perhaps better described as potential retrospective finger-pointing to this having been a landmark event) that it behoves all political tragics to view it in its entirety. The ever-vigilant Lyn has posted a link above but for your convenience here it is again. Thank-you Lyn for all that you do. Lady In Red Done!

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23/08/2012Patriciawa I hope your flu is soon on the mend. TT, NormanK I agree. Julia Gillard was magnificent. But I have no confident it will stop the News Limited attacks. It is malignantly vicious, as is its owner. Whether it was a landmark event, only time will tell. I'm calling it a day.


23/08/2012Let's get this clear once and for all. The increase in humanitarian visas has nothing to do with asylum seekers, it is a proposal to shut out asylum seekers based on the lie that we have an obligation to pay people to double dip while not letting those with the legal right to help get help. If people are refugees in other nations and protected by other nations THEY HAVE NO RIGHT UNDER ANY LAW TO COME HERE. The cretinism in this country is beyond belief. Why the hell do they waste so much money on these lies when they just have to let people get visas to fly here. It is currently taking up to 2 years for our DIAC staff to get around to assessments overseas, for 457 visas it is done in 19 days. They just don't want any refugees here and to pretend otherwise is deranged. Bowen is the nastiest little shit I have ever seen, he's worse than Ruddock because he is well aware he is lying to us all. Coalition attempts to excise Australian mainland from migration zone Posted August 10, 2006 Mr BOWEN (Prospect) (10.17 a.m.)?In 1951 the United Nations convention for the protection of refugees came into force. The world realised the mistakes of the 1930s, when many Western nations turned their backs on Jews fleeing persecution in Germany. Collectively, we said, ?Never again.? I am sure that all of us involved in public life would like to think that we would have done the right thing in those circumstances and stood up for those facing the worst of circumstances, regardless of whether it was popular or unpopular. If the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 passes the parliament today, it will be the day that Australia turned its back on the refugee convention and on refugees escaping circumstances that most of us can only imagine. This is a bad bill with no redeeming features. It is a hypocritical and illogical bill. If it is passed today, it will be a stain on our national character. The people who will be disadvantaged by this bill are in fear of their lives, and we should never turn our back on them. They are people who could make a real contribution to Australia. This bill represents an extension of the so-called Pacific solution, in which we saw individuals who were processed offshore being treated differently from those processed in Australia. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs said in his second reading speech that the offshore processing system had preserved ?Australia?s strong commitment to refugee protection?. He is wrong. Let us take a look at how the Pacific solution has worked in practice. This bill extends the Pacific solution, so it is legitimate to look at how it has worked up until now. Firstly, we have seen families of refugees broken up?callously and in contravention of the refugee convention. Spouses of people who have been recognised as refugees in Australia received correspondence from the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, which has been reproduced by Michael Gordon in his excellent book Freeing Ali . It states: Your claims have been assessed separately from your husband?s claims because you travelled at different times. Under the conditions of your husband?s stay in Australia he is not able to sponsor you. Like all refused asylum seekers you cannot remain in Nauru indefinitely. You should consider voluntary repatriation now. What a callous piece of correspondence. I agree with Michael Gordon, who said of that letter: There was only one conclusion to draw: if you wanted to be reunited with your husband, whose fear of persecution if he returned had been judged to be well founded, your only choice was to return and to convince him to leave Australia and confront the very danger he had fled. Of course, several asylums on Manus Island and Nauru have had their applications rejected three, four or five times, only to have the government eventually accept their claims. Unlike people processed onshore, people processed offshore have no access to professional assistance. It is hard enough for a well-versed Australian native to understand Australia?s immigration system, let alone somebody with obvious language difficulties who is attempting"" And now the vicious little shit claims that uneducated refugees and illiterate Indonesian fishermen are reading and working out ways around the migration system as he punishes people even worse than Ruddock did. He will be defeated in courts again with this filth and he should be sacked and would be if Dillard was not so enamoured of her own racist ignorance. Getting the racist opposition to support crimes against humanity is not a good thing, it is fucking terrible.


23/08/2012 Patricia, get well soon. And relax for now to recuperate. We need you back fighting fit and offering up those splendid pomes that hit the Coalition where it hurts. ------- Cheers jane. Let 'em have it! :) N'


23/08/2012Patriciawa Get well soon. (K) Good vibes coming your way from an ageing hippy. :) :)


23/08/2012Marilyn, Thank You for the history lesson! don't call us we'll call you. I do hope this doesn't cause you to to hit the bottle again but by god give it up!

Truth Seeker

23/08/2012Patricia, hope your flu clears up soon. Thanks for your comments on The ABC's Balls. I did feel vindicated in regards to my inclusion of the lines you mentioned, after seeing another example of their bias this morning. Again, get well soon Cheers


23/08/2012JULIA GILLARD: Yes, it does worry me that that's where politics has got to. That things that are demonstrably untrue, indeed, absurd, are circulated and recirculated and recirculated and somehow, at least in some section of the population, manage to worm their way in to become the orthodoxy. CHRIS UHLMANN: The Prime Minister has good reason to worry. Does this section of Chris Uhlmann's opinion on the PM's press conference today sound like a threat? Does to me. From a slug to an eagle. But eagles have to land sometime, and on the earth, in the slime, slugs.


23/08/2012LIR, submission signed. [quote]I'm sure some of her critics in the press gallery are searching their consciences today.[/quote] Searching [b]for[/b] their consciences, I'd say Patricia. NormanK,ToM is well aware that if a bank account is set up for a client by a solicitor, a bank employee or other third party, that is the limit of their involvement with that account, unless you're Julia Gillard, apparently. 2353, thanks to Lyn's links, I watched the presser and she was great. The "chooks" were eating out of her hand.


23/08/2012 An important story...this is one reason we don't want health and education funding the sole responsibility of one level of govt...nor do we want Abbott putting control of health etc into local community's been a disaster for America. Dreadful and morally bankrupt investments and manipulation of Libor rates has stuffed jobs for educators, firemen almost looks like a grand conspiracy by those hoping to crash public services, jobs and pensions...THE GREATEST CON ON EARTH...alongside the unpaid for corporate war against Islam: [b]City heads class action to recover losses from banks[/b] NO LONGER EYES WIDE SHUT N'


23/08/2012Thanks Jane. The PM flattering the press today calling them the elite of journalism in this country. Scumbags and leaches the lot of them.


23/08/2012NormanK - done, and if you'll forgive me it's now waaaaay past my bedtime. However I am disappointed there was now embarrassed silences, no death stares and no nodding heads :D Night all


23/08/2012I think one or three Swordsters have been following a little exercise that Drag0nista has undertaken. To those that haven't can I suggest you drop in and have a look at the list she has compiled. Be careful though delving too deeply into the comments could cause some angst. [b]Belling the Abbott cat[/b] [i][b]To bell the cat: [/b]To undertake a dangerous action in the service of a group.[/i]


23/08/2012LIR @10.29pm, I'm not so sure the PM was using the term in a flattering way. She really was brilliant at today's presser. Played the msm like a Stradivarius. Patricia, hope you're in top form again, soon.


24/08/2012A wayward thought [i]Why do so many people feel the need to teach their Grandma how to suck eggs?[/i] NK. I know you are not a Grandma.


24/08/2012Today’s Links Leigh Sales doing what a journalist should do, ABC has Gone to Hell At 5pm yesterday ABC’s 7.30 anchor, Leigh Sales, tweeted that she had received word that Tony Abbott, Leader of the Opposition, would be her guest interview that night. Going off past interviews conducted with Abbott, those despondent with 7.30 and the ABC Tony Goes The Full Abbott, New Matilda Nobody should have been surprised, but as he bulldozed one question after another, the extent of the Liberal party’s preference for "truth creation" became clear. This is what an Abbott Prime Ministership will look like — not a cobra strike on the truth, but a python squeeze. Don't shoot the digital messenger, Tim Dunlop, The Drum So blogs, Twitter, Facebook and all the rest of it haven't just speeded up the news cycle; they have killed it. To even talk of a 'cycle' in an environment where the technology allows any story to be published instantaneously is to be hamstrung by a metaphor that is no longer useful. In fact, it is positively counterproductive. Open Letter To Senators Brandis And Abetz, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks I understand that the leader of your Party, Tony Abbott, has made his opinion of Kathy Jackson quite clear, comparing her to Joan Of Arc, saying she is heroic, and worthy of great admiration. I also note that it was Tony Abbott that appointed Michael Lawler to his current position Lies, damned lies and Olympic Dam sized lies, David Donovan, Independent Australia an excruciating interview on ABC 7.30, in which Abbott attempted to stick to his predetermined script, Leigh Sales’ unexpectedly direct questioning drew him unstuck. In a telling moment, Abbott admitted to not having read the reasons for BHP making their decision, but dismissed that fact as Tony Abbott you’re a disgrace: watch him implode on the 7.30 report , Watching the Deniers “But hang on, no, no, you haven’t read their statements today, but you’re on commenting about what they’ve announced today and how the Federal Government’s to blame for that,” she said. Olympic Dam delay is not the end of the world for South Australia , The Conversation The prospect of a four kilometre long and one kilometre deep open pit mine captures the imagination. Think about a chasm as deep as Mount Everest is high. It was going to take years to remove the overburden hiding the precious minerals in what was to become the largest mine in the world. After Olympic Dam, what next? Jack Thomson, The Power Index The sight of Abbott and journalist Leigh Sales trading BHP quote after BHP quote on the The 7:30 Report was ridiculous. Abbott was determined to get this message out – basically, the Olympic Dam decision shows everything we’ve said about these taxes is right – and even a skewering by Sales wasn’t going to stop him. Olympic Dam the warning of an Asian slowdown, Bernard Kane, Crikey As for Tony Abbott, who blamed the carbon and mining taxes for the Olympic Dam decision without even reading what BHP had to say — indeed, he appeared to suggest Marius Kloppers had deliberately misled investors — he should pay attention. This has potential significance for the economy he thinks he’ll inherit Abbott’s vast vault of verbal mediocrity revealed, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep I can’t remember an interview that has so thoroughly exposed Abbott’s utter uselessness as a leader, or indeed, as an MP at all. Racist, misogynist, ill-informed, incapable of intelligent debate on just about any topic, riddled with insecurities, Abbott’s only talent, if it can be described as such, is chanting Liberal mantras, those repetitive, monotonous utterances that mean nothing, . Red Rocks 4 Eva!, Petering Time, North Coast Voices Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard in this full length video takes all press conference questions regarding the never-ending “sexist and vicious" rumours about her spread on the internet by "misogynist nut jobs" and the factually incorrect and defamatory statements made about her in News Limited’s flagship newspaper and serial offender, The Australian. We can all relax – the Libs are happy, Miglo, Café Whispers Whilst I thought that his poor captaincy on display last night must surely be questioned I’ll be quick to declare that I was apparently wrong. Well, according to his mates who sit on their rightful side of Parliament I was wrong. Tony’s still their man and they’re throwing bucket loads of bullshit in defense of him. Venture below to hear what they said. Turnbull in conflict of interest investment, Renai LeMay, Delimeter personally believe it is a substantial conflict of interest for Turnbull to hold shares in a telecommunications company, France Telecom, which has substantial assets and hundreds of staff in Australia, and another company, Sprint, which has network assets here. I note that the Federal Government would not permit Turnbull’s staff to hold such shares, were he to become Communications Minister. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 24 August 2012


24/08/2012DMW - interesting thread you linked to. NormanK - Gillard's performance was impressive. She was on top of her subject, explained the answers well and was calm, cool and rational. The interesting thing in the early morning paper wrap on ABC Breakfast was that the Australian's front page was commented on with the precis that Gillard "played well yesterday". The political reporter commented that unless something genuinely new comes up, apart from a wrap up today - the issue is dead (maybe with the exception of Larry Pickering and some other "nut jobs").

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24/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


24/08/2012Saw that slimy News man on lateline...Why they give such creatures oxygen to spread their misery is anyone's guess, but ; Mark Scott's knowledge! You could transfer their facial smugness across the lot of them...a generic cruelty..They don't smile ; they smirk. They don't grin ; they grimace. They don't laugh ; they cackle!....They don't reason ; they prevaricate.

Pappinbarra Fox

24/08/2012Jason, Thanks, yes that is the one. I knew this site would have a good memory and know instantly what I was referring to. Thanks again.


24/08/2012Jane You are correct wrong choice of word. What I meant to say was she was being kind calling them elite.


24/08/2012David Pope, cartoonist @CanberraTimes is in fine fettle again (still?) [b]The Python Squeeze[/b] There is more than first meets the eye in this one. Nothing like a (wry) giggle to start the day


24/08/2012Jaycee I saw Lateline. Jones was racking through the coals looking for any embers that might be worth fanning. Coorey was cringe worthy - I agree with your sentiments. I have to agree with this statement from the abc has gone to hell - because I'm guilty of being grateful....and should I be your job MSM. [i]It’s tempting to go overboard on the praise of Leigh Sales, but really what she has done is not extraordinary. The situation must be really dire when you start becoming grateful for when a journalist does their job. But I guess when you’ve been conditioned to expect nothing, the tiniest something gets you all excited. [/i]


24/08/2012 I felt uncomfortable reading this: PHILLIP COOREY: If she succeeds, I think it could be seen as that. It reminded me of John Howard 10 years ago after the Ryan by-election when he did a similar one-hour press conference, "Hit me with everything you can," exhausted the questions, when he was absolutely on his knees in early '01, 11 years ago, and this reminded me of that. And that was a turning point for Howard. [b]Too early to tell with this. She's got a lot - the Prime Minister's got a lot bigger problems than John Howard did in 2001, I would say.[/b] TONY JONES: Sid Maher, what do you think? Defining moment or just a piece of well-orchestrated strategy? SID MAHER: I thought it was a fantastic performance today, [b]but I think the Prime Minister's got huge problems. The primary vote is still too low, although the trend is going in her direction. And I think - let's hope the Olympic Dam decision from BHP is not a trend because the - if the resources boom is declining, that'll be a much bigger problem than anything that happened at Slater and Gordon 17 years ago. [/b] TONY JONES: You could be right about that. Is the boom over? Depends who you ask. Thanks for both of you for being there. Three men discussing the fate of our PM late at night. Interesting that once again it's the ABC's Tony Jones who is providing News Ltd with an opportunity to try and get itself off the hook and spruik itself simultaneously. This conversation reminded me of a smoke filled backroom where men of privilege owned by wealthy masters made decisions for the rest of us. It does not sit well with me. I believe Tony Jones has had it out for Julia Gillard since she became PM...he's a big old sh@t stirrer...and uses his programs to do so - how many times has Q&A begun with an accusatory or insulting question related to the PM and/or her government? Far too many. The Australian should've copped more blame...the scrutiny of their biased unrelenting attacks intense by way of forensic questioning. Tony Jones did no such thing. Think of all the questions that could've been asked in relation to this campaign of war waged against our PM. Frankly, I do not trust Fairfax either. There is something about this government that worries large corporate shareholders...I imagine some of it has to do with the introduction of fair-go taxes...the NBN...and industrial relations. It is time the corporate elite realised the greater public are becoming more empowered and deserve such. The walls of power are collapsing. Just as the populace grabbed their right to vote...and force governments to grant protections for individuals such as social security, the minimum wage and various civil rights...the public are now exercising their rights to investigate the effectiveness of their democracies, critique the economic system and those who own the bulk of the assets and capital...and provide their own views of politics and the socio-economic system by way of diverse social media. And no amount of devious tactics on the part of some in the corporate elite will prevent the critique, exposure and redistribution that is just and necessary for a healthy progressive fully participatory democracy. We are not interested in living in a Murdochracy...or such. N'


24/08/2012I don't know who 'Hedley Thomas' writing at 'The Australian' is, or what his background is, but he is certainly the writer at that newspaper trying hardest to discredit the PM. In both recent articles of his that I have read, however, he does it by making assertions based on his reading of her statements that are at best opinion, and at worst, attempts to misrepresent simple statements by turning them inside out, assertions he underpins on his claimed basis that Julia Gillard set out, now and 17 years ago, to so play with language that only Hedley Thomas in 2012 has eyes to see and ears to hear what she is actually doing. He then most kindly sets out to ensure that we no longer remain in ignorance of what he has detected. His very generous 'reading' of what the PM had to say, yesterday, and in the transcripts of the interview at Slater and Gordon, are equally 'generously' supported by statements that are placed into his narrative with no reference to their occurrence in time. A sentence "She resigned" is placed in his article immediately following irregularly published quotes from Peter Gordon, a partner at Slater and Gordon about the interview she had 17 years ago, that imply "she resigned" as a direct consequence of the interview, perhaps even AT the interview. A slippery misrepresentation of both the legitimately released comment from Peter Gordon, and of the historical separation of events. In short, Hedley Thomas plays with language and grammar, and he makes opinionated assertions based on his playing with both, to construct arguments against Julia Gillard that are as fabricated in their own way as any 'nut job' diatribe on the Internet. Undoubtedly, however, he is doing precisely the job he has been hired and directed to do. Pity for Hedley that he's so transparently 'generous' in his undertaking.


24/08/2012 Top job on links Lyn. N'


24/08/2012Lady in red..Nasking. Thoroughly agree with you both..I thought the 3 blokes were looking for commas, anything! to pin some more sh*t on the PM. Read that piece on "The ABC. gone to Hell"..(thanks Lyn)..too true..we are so starved of quality ANY BIT of scrutiny looks fantastic..nonetheless, the "Red Kelly medal" for Leigh!


24/08/2012Good Morning 2353, we aim please and provide quality :P

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24/08/2012Hi Lyn and Everyone I'm about to write a piece for the weekend with a title: "Our Media: Prosecutor, Judge, Jury and Executioner" which follows on from the current piece. I can't seem to get behind the paywall at [i]The Australian[/i] today, except for the editorial, but would like to read the articles by Hedley Thomas (I see you have read him Michael), Sid Maher, Dennis Shanahan, Graeme Richardson and Gabrielle Chan. If any of you have access to the full text of these, could you please paste them here.


24/08/2012 Julia Gillard declares file closed on union scandal allegations by: Sid Maher JULIA Gillard has admitted regrets but forcefully denied any wrongdoing in her first detailed account of controversial events at law firm Slater & Gordon 17 years ago that have dogged her political career. Speaking out in an attempt to end what she said was a malicious and sexist internet smear campaign, the Prime Minister answered almost an hour of questions on her actions in relation to an entity she helped create at Slater & Gordon for the Australian Workers Union that was later allegedly defrauded by her then boyfriend. Ms Gillard yesterday confirmed that she knew the AWU Workplace Reform Association, created for the "development of changes to work to achieve safe workplaces", was to be used as a slush fund for the re-election of union officials. She confirmed reports in The Australian of fractured relationships between partners at Slater & Gordon at the time of her 1995 departure, partly caused by the growing scandal surrounding the AWU And the Prime Minister admitted she should have opened a file at the law firm, which would have given the other partners an insight into her work for AWU and officials Ralph Blewitt and Bruce Wilson, her then boyfriend. But she denied any wrongdoing, saying she had no knowledge about the operation of the association and that she learned of the allegations surrounding the misuse of funds in the association only when it was raised within the AWU. "I provided advice, as the association was established. I then knew absolutely nothing about its workings until allegations about its workings became the subject of discussion within the AWU and then more broadly," Ms Gillard said. When she realised she "had been deceived about a series of matters, I ended my relationship with Mr Wilson". Although Ms Gillard leapt on an error in a report in The Australian yesterday to accuse News Limited of repeating defamatory slurs against her over the matter, she largely confirmed reports in the paper since Saturday about her time as an industrial lawyer at Slater & Gordon in the mid-1990s. The Weekend Australian revealed on Saturday that Ms Gillard left her job as a salaried partner with the firm after an internal probe in 1995 into the work she had done for Mr Wilson in relation to the establishment of the association. Yesterday, Ms Gillard said: "I determined to resign from Slater & Gordon. "I did that in circumstances where there had been growing tension and friction among the partnership. I think these are matters of public record." She pointed to a statement by former partner Peter Gordon on Tuesday that her departure followed a falling-out among the partners. Ms Gillard said she was a preselected Senate candidate for the ALP and had long had aspirations to move to a political career "so I made the determination to resign from Slater & Gordon". However, Mr Gordon's statement followed the publication in The Australian that morning of a leaked draft statement in which he said the firm considered terminating Ms Gillard during the 1995 investigation because her relationship with the firm's partners had "fractured and trust and confidence evaporated". Ms Gillard said yesterday she regretted using the term slush fund in the three-hour taped interview, saying she would not use the term again as it had a particular "overtone" to it. "My understanding is that the purpose of the association was to support the re-election of a team of union officials and their pursuit of the policies that they would stand for re-election on," she said. Ms Gillard said with the benefit of hindsight she should have created a file at the law firm connected with the establishment of the association, adding it had been "routine" not to open files for "relatively small jobs" and free legal advice. Ms Gillard confirmed she left Slater & Gordon amid increasing tensions among the partnership over a controversial court case and a debate about the firm taking on more class actions. "It is also true to say that these matters, these AWU matters, also added to tension in the firm," she said. Ms Gillard said she held no information under legal-client privilege that would help authorities with an investigation into the misuse of funds from the association. Mr Wilson used the entity to allegedly misappropriate funds, but no charges have been laid. Mr Blewitt has told The Australian he will provide information to authorities about the alleged fraud in return for immunity. Ms Gillard dismissed the issue as a 17-year-old story and declared she had been the victim of a "sexist" internet campaign. She did not expect the "misogynists and the nut jobs on the internet" to stop circulating claims against her and lamented the entry of "an eccentric lunar right Tea Party-style" Americanisation of Australian politics. But she ruled out legal action as "dignifying them with a status they don't deserve". Ms Gillard said she did not believe it necessary to make a statement to parliament after a press conference lasting more than an hour. Asked whether she could categorically say that none of the funds from the association were used to renovate her house in Abbotsford, Melbourne, Ms Gillard said: "Let's be very clear about it. I paid for the renovations on my home in St Phillip Street in Abbotsford. Like millions of other Australians, I had had the unhappy experience that I had a few blues with contractors along the way." Ms Gillard confirmed she did not open a file on the creation of the Workplace Reform Association and that she held private files on legal matters for other unions, such as the clothing union. Ms Gillard said it was "par for the course" to routinely provide free advice to union officials and trade unions but when a job became big a file would be opened. "I would routinely sit with officials of a clothing trades union and provide them with free advice about pursuing a claim for an out-worker and keep those documents either on a file labelled JEG general - my initials, Julia Eileen Gillard - or a file labelled CTU general, Clothing Trades Union ... " Ms Gillard said she took the same approach in relation to the file for the AWU association. "With the benefit of hindsight, of course it would have been better that I had opened the file on the system but at the time it did not strike me as a matter of particular significance." On the creation of the association, Ms Gillard said she had provided advice as a solicitor but she was not a signatory to the documents that incorporated the association. "I was not the signatory to the documents that incorporated this association. I was not an office-bearer of the association. I had no involvement in the workings of the association. I provided advice in relation to its establishment and that was it."

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24/08/2012Jason Many thanks.


24/08/2012Leigh Sales ought to be congratulated for exposing Tony Abbott for the lying buffoon that he is on the ABC's 7:30 program. In spite of being ignorant of the topic in hand, having not even read the report, he was nonetheless making stuff up to support the message he wanted to push. Too many journalists would have let him get away with it.


24/08/2012Aa, I noticed Richo's and Shanahan articles have only been there for a short while, perhaps you need to wait a couple of hours before you can get behind the pay wall!


24/08/2012Ad Astra, hi. Where would we be without Hedley? HEDLEY THOMAS From: The Australian August 24, 2012 TWENTY years ago, Julia Gillard used her expertise as a lawyer to help create a "slush fund" for her boyfriend and his mate in the Australian Workers Union to draw on to fund their own elections. "Slush fund" is not newspaper hyperbole. It is how the Prime Minister described it when she gave a long explanation of her own conduct during a tape-recorded 1995 interview, part of an internal probe by Peter Gordon, her then boss at the Slater & Gordon law firm. As Gillard was a relative nobody at the time, she must have expected that the transcript would never become a matter of intense public interest. Her use of the phrase "slush fund" was correct then, and it is correct now. At the time of the sensitive, serious and professionally humiliating probe into her undisclosed work revolving around the slush fund, Gordon considered "terminating" Gillard's job as a salaried partner at the Melbourne firm. As his recent draft statement leaked to The Australian this week stated, Gordon was weighing whether Gillard was knowingly involved in fraud and deliberate deception of her highly concerned partners. He decided this could not be the case. He decided to give her "the benefit of the doubt", adding: "Nevertheless, the partnership was extremely unhappy with Ms Gillard considering that proper vigilance had not been observed and that (her) duties of good faith to (her) partners especially as to timely disclosure had not been met." She resigned. The "slush fund" that Gillard had created three years earlier was a legal entity, an incorporated body, for the purpose of raising and holding funds for the re-election of union officials. It was designed to assist the personal advancement in the union of Gillard's then boyfriend, Bruce Wilson, who was then the leader of the West Australian branch of the Australian Workers Union. Wilson needed "slush", or money, to fund a forthcoming election that he expected to contest. Gillard's boyfriend, and his friend, union sidekick and bagman Ralph Blewitt, needed a name for this legal entity. They could have called it the AWU re-election fund. Or the AWU vote-for-a-new-leader fund. Instead, it was called the AWU Workplace Reform Association, a title completely at odds with its actual purpose. The written objects, or rules, for the association do not disclose the true purpose is to fund elections for union officials. On the contrary, the rules stress purposes including the promotion of safer workplaces and skills training. In the formal application for the association, Gillard advised that it was formed for the purpose of "development of changes to work to achieve safe workplaces". In this way, its purported purpose had nothing to do with its actual purpose - as a "slush fund" for the re-election of Gillard's then boyfriend. This is Gillard's Achilles heel. Yesterday, Gillard said she had not signed the document to set up the association and had only provided legal advice. Further, she said if the fund supported "trade union officials who would stand on a platform about reform and improvements in workplaces", then it had fulfilled its stated role. But this later explanation, at her hour-long media conference, remains difficult to reconcile with the facts. The question that might have elicited the devil in this detail was not asked by the press gallery yesterday, but it revolves around a simple point. The reality is that if any of the documents lodged with the West Australian government agency had disclosed that the association's true purpose was as a "slush fund" to help in the election of union officials, it would not have been registered. It would not have been eligible under the legislation that governed such associations. It would not have been permitted to come into existence. In her answers yesterday, the Prime Minister deftly moved the goalposts. It was a legalistic answer, a duck-and-weave that takes a minute or two to see as such. Gillard said: "My understanding of the purpose of this association was to support the re-election of union officials who would run a campaign saying that they wanted re-election because they were committed to reforming workplaces in a certain way, to increasing occupational health and safety, to improving the conditions of the members of the union. That was my understanding of the purpose of the association, and so I provided legal advice for the association." There it is. If Gillard had given the WA government agency the same answer as she gave yesterday, the bureaucrats in Perth would likely have rejected the application outright. They would have seen it for what it was: a "slush fund" for the purpose of raising funds for the election of union officials. Gillard's explanations on this will raise more questions about trust, integrity and professionalism. Almost all of the facts surrounding these tawdry circumstances have been revealed and confirmed in the past week as a result of one former equity partner, Nick Styant-Browne, breaking a 17-year silence to The Australian. By providing this newspaper with a leaked statement that Gordon had transmitted to him as a draft for possible release, Styant-Browne initiated a discovery of truths that have been concealed for too long. Until recent days, Australians had been told a starkly different narrative of Gillard's time at the law firm. Until Styant-Browne acted, an incurious media failed to do its job properly.

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24/08/2012Michael Thank you for the Hedley Thomas article. He is styled by his editor as: [i]"...the forensic, determined and dispassionate reporting of The Australian's award-winning journalist Hedley Thomas.[/i] Others my style him differently!


24/08/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Oh dear the MSM Political Journalist’s are consumed by sarcasm this morning or should I say as usual. Peter Hartcher’s sarcastic summary & he still wants Kevin Rudd “If Gillard wants clear air and blue skies, she'll need to go to the beach on a sunny day because she will not find them in Parliament” Toony Abbott is treating the Media and the Public like goons. Abbott says in his press conference yesterday I read the BHP report @ 3.45pm. Sure anyone would say that how stupid, wouldn’t a normal person say “I read it before the interview” or something like that. Abbott told his channel nine mates this morning, he hasn’t read the transcipt of Julia’s Press conference and didn’t watch it on video. Now he is demanding Julia Gillard should make a Parliamentary statement. Thankyou Nasking for posting Mr Miserable Coorey Sorry he is repeated in the Twitterverse but was already stuck there. Twitterverse: MrBlackRabbit Doesn't read much does he? @thetodayshow Abbott says saw "some" of the PM's press conference. He has not fully read the transcript. TheFinnigans Abbott told TODAY he only saw some of PM's Presser & hasnt read the full transcript, yet he accused PM hasnt answered all S&G questions WTF Top effort but it's not likely to work, Peter Hartcher And there is The Australian, dedicated to the destruction of the Labor government. But there are also her enemies in caucus, who are aiding and encouraging the campaign If Gillard wants clear air and blue skies, she'll need to go to the beach on a sunny day because she will not find them in Parliament MargaretSimons‏@MargaretSimons #newnews at 11.30 insiders or outsiders in acmi1. On ills of political journalism w @CUhlmann @timdunlop @melfyfe Sue Roff. PM's legal conduct 'not the issue': Abbott, Channel 9 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he hasn't yet heard Prime Minister Julia Gillard's defence of her conduct as a lawyer, but says that's missing the point. "Whether or not she was an untrustworthy lawyer is not the issue. I think this prime minister is an untrustworthy head of government," Mr Abbott told the Nine Network on Friday. Mark The 'un-hinging' of Tony Abbott is gathering pace.....and even #NewsLtd journo's are turning on him....not long now...:) :) #auspol Craig Emerson MP‏ Abbott didn't read BHP statement, now admits hasn't read PM's press conference transcript. Pre-programmed by staff with one liners Melissa Clarke‏ Tony Abbott, Sunday: "There are real issues that the PM needs to address." Joe Hockey, today: "The Coalition hasn't engaged with this Bernard Keane‏ "I think there are still questions that need to be answered by her" says manager of Oppn business after 4 QTs in which they didn't ask any. Is Abbott on thin ice? Absolutely MICHELLE GRATTAN August 24, 2012 Yesterday, he insisted he had in fact read its announcement, claiming he'd been referring to another issue when he had said ''no''. His explanation wasn't particularly convincing - he'd had an opportunity to correct himself on the program - but it was equally hard to believe that he didn't scan the press release. PM comes out swinging over claims, Phillip Coorey National Times‏ With her back to the wall, real Julia shows her mettle, writes Jacqueline Maley @JacquelineMaley MrBlackRabbit‏ Withering observation @markjs1: David Penberthy's excoriating critique of Abbott as perverse "opportunist"... #auspol” Leroy‏ Resources boom has longer to run say Mining industry leaders and @albomp at Forum in Perth #ausbiz


24/08/2012Anyone noticed a slight change in the phrasing of the LNP campaign over Gillard's time at Slater & Gordon. Prior to the 7:30 interview, she was being hammered by the (unasked) questions she had to answer on her involvement with Wilson. Since the interview, the phrasing has gone from that to [quote]The Opposition says the PM still needs to answer questions about her time as a lawyer in the 1990s - but will not say what those questions are.[/quote] - (I pinched this from the ABC Online this morning). It's also the phrase being used on ABC Breakfast this morning and in Fairfax. It's a interesting turn of phrase - and effectively editorialising negatively on the question while "reporting" it.


24/08/2012Hi Ad Forgot to tell you Larry Pickering has posted a reply to Julia Gillard on his blog. I have the link but was to disgusted to post it on TPS. I was afraid of shocking my friends. If you want me to post the link you will have to tell me.

Ad astra

24/08/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for the Twitterverse which will help me in preparing the next piece. No, let's not give Pickering any airplay - but could you please email me the link privately as I caught only a glimpse of his vile cartoons somewhere - I can't recall.


24/08/2012Tony Abbott's performance on 7:30 was truly remarkable. Was he accusing Marcus Kloppers of misleading his shareholders and the markets? Or perhaps Tony thought BHP Billiton management had such a poor grasp of the business environment in which they operated that they attributed setbacks in the Olympic Dam project to industry-wide cost pressures, weaker commodity prices, instability in the Eurozone and a slowdown of growth in China, when it was really carbon pricing and the mining tax all along. Taking some of Tony's remarks at face value, he seems to think that BHP Billiton management are so intimidated by Julia Gillard that they would not state the real reason for their decision regarding Olympic Dam but had to get the message out to the cognoscenti through coded communications during the preceding months. Given that Mr Kloppers has hardly been backward in criticising the Government and its policies, that would seem to be very unlikely. It is much more probable that Tony Abbott was again playing the electorate for fools and that he expected to get away with it again.


24/08/2012I heard C Pyne on the radio this morning saying the PM had questions to answer but of course he couldn't say what those questions are. It has been pointed out by other that the Opposition has not raised this in the Parliament at question time. while i am sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong I understand that a minister can only be questioned about matters related to his portfolio. So any question to the PM about her work before she even entered parliament would be out of order.


24/08/2012Hi Ad Have sent the link, takes awhile to load probably because of all the spooky words just be careful won't you. This is a new article written in response to Julia Gillard's address to the media yesterday. All other blog entries, cartoons and such have been removed so I am told. :):)


24/08/2012Rather than taking up too much space here I will provide my Facebook page again so those interested can see my latest links and comments: Cheers N'


24/08/2012Hi Ad I had BB ready for inclusion in the Twitterverse, so don't ask me what I did. Here it is now: I also meant to mention Chris Ulmann's snide comment The Prime Minister has good reason to worry, but BB has covered it below: Bushfire Bill Posted Friday, August 24, 2012 at 9:05 am | But even then, Hartcher says The Australian is out to destroy the government. He says it straight-out The smug smiles said it all. You love to be able to reach out through the telly and slap them heavily across the face, eradicating those smirks in the most humiliating way. Perhaps the NBN will have this as an app? I hope so. To Uhlmann went the prize of the night. He won the meat tray with his logically disconnected, “The Prime Minister has good reason to worry.” This, after telling us for the previous 7 minutes that she had given one of the best performances of her political life


24/08/2012Our PM the wise woman she is could very well be setting a trap for the MSM that they just can't help falling into. By having a presser like she did yesterday gives her a perfect reason to entertain the idea of a "truth in media policy" along the lines of the Canadian model. By laying a well constructed trap the right wing twats are falling over each other to jump into, when it goes snap they will realise they have been the perpetrators of their own downfall & will start screaming unfair! from the roof tops. Although she stated in her interview it would not be a factor in any media policy decision, I'm sure it won't be far from her mind. It is so blatantly obvious the MSM are slowly but surly placing the noose around their own necks & will not be aware of it until they feel the trap door go from under their feet. We can all at least hope so. AA TPS is such a breath of fresh air, when all we get to smell is the stench of the sewrage from the Murdoch empire in the MSM.


24/08/2012Good morning Comrade Swordsfolks! We are getting very serious now. That's what we like to see - and seriously funny btw, the Left has a monopoly on humour and the Right do not understand its power. I'm just thinking about the term 'false consciousness' that they used to talk about in Politics IIA. Because that is what we must counter, nay defeat. Deliberate dumbing down is only part of it. Deliberate misleading, for a sinister and global purpose, is the other part. Murdochracy. At last it is being fought. In the UK and to an extent in the US, but in Australia, and in particular through the infected ABC, it is being actively promoted. False consciousness. Getting people to believe that what's good for them is bad for them. It's amazing that it works at all, it doesn't say much for our species that always around half of them believe the lies and rubbish of the Right but they do. It is down to the 5th Estate in this country to fight the false consciousness, to spread truth and understanding to the People. We are doing so as best we know how, Ad and Lyn are pioneers and revolutionaries. There is great power here, but we must learn to harness it, to reverse the false consciousness of the shock jocks, the complicit media generally, the ABC especially, the big money, the insane fringe, the Abborttians. We have btw as much as 15 months left to an election, but let's call it a year I reckon. I have always said, Abbortt Remember the Ides of September . . . that gives him only around 3 weeks before the "Libspill" mutterings break out into open speculation at last. :) I think it is teetering already, don't you Dear Reader? Were there any visible possible winner for them he'd be on the back benches already, looking very shit-eating-grinning-silly indeed. Oh he'll get there. After the Ides of September, as apprehension turns to gut fear to terror and panic in the ranks of the Right, it will be fascinating to watch their mad capering (remember Abbortt racing for the Doors? :) ) as they scrambel for something, anything to get them out of the Big Black Hole they're in. That will be in full cry by mid November I'd guess. (Eye of Time is dead accurate to date!) and really it must reach its full flower, a spill, before Crispmess, because after that they're stuck with him, well I guess they could do it in the first session after the long break (February) but won't we be in fits of laughter by then! He might not actually get replaced! They hate Turdball, the rest are more of the same as Abbortt himself, they're kinda stymied. But if Abbortt stays there it will be a very much reduced Abbortt, can you imagine early next year if he's still there, the pressure growing on him from the Government, him running from journalists or dumbly head-nodding, [i]'No I didn't not read that NHP report like I said I didn't'[/i]-ing, well if one journo can slice him like sushi in 12 minutes, let him face a real bollocking and see what happens! I don't really care who is the LOTO by then. We WILL rock them [i]anyway[/i]. Not a great deal rides on this next election in my opinion. EVERYTHING decent about Australia rides on it.


24/08/2012 [quote]we are so starved of quality[/quote] Jaycee, part of the problem lies with the culture and approaches of the media organs...they mix the work of columnists/reporters with integrity who put in the hard yards and accumulate corroborated statements, essential facts and bonafide evidence with the grubby articles that use innuendo, exaggeration, hype, distortion, political spin and 'gotya' tabloid well as infotainment...which serves to undermine the organs' attempts to be taken seriously...fails the public interest test...and inevitably damages the reputation of the paper/site...and all of those who contribute. A case in point being the lazy or deceitful journalism that led to the OZ being forced to retract yesterday (if you can call it that) and the offering up of an apology to the PM. What disturbs me about this entire issue is why the mainstream media have decided to vet our PM so long after the election? An intense vetting process apparently took place prior to the 2010 election...or so we were led to believe. If information was deliberately held back by News Ltd are any other news organisation it could be seen as a crafty method of keeping material up one's sleeve in order to possibly: (1) Blackmail a PM into pursuing policies and regulatory changes that could benefit the news organisation. (2) For political and/or profiteering reasons using a story at a particular time to attempt to gain advantage...whether it to be to wedge, destabilise a sitting PM and her govt...and/or create a buzz to increase readership. (3) To add evidence to an existing story...but in this case I find it hard to believe that a billion dollar news organisation couldn't afford to pay for appropriate investigations prior to the election knowing Gillard was a potential replacement for Rudd and highly influential... which brings to mind: (4) That in fact News Ltd did have a more complete story drawn from investigations by paid private eyes, phone and computer hacking etc...but were reluctant to go down that avenue due to the consequences of such activities in the UK. Hmmm... It seems once again that News Ltd is looking like it has failed the public interest test...and has further damaged its reputation. N'


24/08/2012Wow just watching Abbortt going insane onABC24 about the CARBON TAX CARBON TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX Heeheeheehe's flipping out and cornered! Now he races away. The FOOL!


24/08/2012I see reports this morning that the coalition are still running the "questions to answer" line & still being unable to say what those questions are. The unshutuppable Christopher Pyne being mentioned. Perhaps my favourite description of Howard's approach to the 2007 election was the Wizard of Oz analogy. Someone deperately pulling on the same old levers over & again & wondering why they don't work any more. With their current tactics the coalition are like this. Beyond a pathological bordering on psycopathic talent for damaging slogans they have nothing of substance. Just keeping on with what used to work. Convinced that if they say it often enough it will still get them to their rightful place in government. Lets hope the levers, having been exposed to the public gaze, don't ever work again.

42 long

24/08/2012Those in the know have been aware that the Lossmaking "Australian" is murdoch's big Gun. They so Baltantly use it, for personal gains that it is sickening. They talk of free speech being compromised utterly by the existence of the BBC. ( Murdoch' spiel in the UK) IF the ABC is biased left, (and it used to be)it can be justified because SOMEBODY has to be there to put the contrary view.(as a balance) The MSM will never do it.Every dollar they attract is from "business" and "rightists" who want unfettered development, sales, profits exploitation advertising to shape the "wants" to "needs" and persuade you to do their bidding from buying things that you really don't need, to going to invade a country to get cheaper oil. It has been universally recognised that Murdoch has great influence on who gets in government and what they do when they get there, in the parts of the world that have been foolish/ unaware enough to allow him to practice there. If you express NO concern about that then you are controlled by it or benefitting from it. This is not democracy by a long way. It's a corruption of the basic principle that all persons ( hopefully well informed) have the right to one vote freely exercised to elect the government of their collective choice. If there was any justice we would have something like the Levison inquiry here. I am surprised that they are so blatant under the current circumstances( The inquiry still going on, and the fallout in America yet to be assessed. When a paper is forced to publish an apology 3 times, you would wonder if any apology is worth anything from them iF they just keep repeating the accusation. Without reform of this out of control propagandizing this country is stuffed.


24/08/2012TT, the deranged Right is constantly spewing crapaganda that the UN is intent on a One World Government, which right (correct, that is) minded folk like Swordsters know to be nonsense. However, I think there is a push for a One World Government, not from the UN, but the wizened foreigner. And as Nas' pointed out @11.56am, he and his shadowy minions have been toiling away in their dark caverns and have been steadily and stealthily manipulating voters and governments in the UK, the US and here. And I'm sure that his tentacles are spread even wider. There is no doubt he has been engineering the downfall of the Obama government and the Labor government here. He thought he'd gained control of the Cameron government, until the depth of his corruption was inconveniently exposed and hopefully his reign of terror will be terminated by the Levenson Inquiry. Whether the fallout will be in time to save Obama, I don't know. A big fat ongoing scandal exposing the Tea Party's and GOP's ties with the Murdochracy would be helpful. Let's hope it erupts soon. Canada has had the foresight to pass legislation which ensures he cannot corrupt and manipulate their democracy. However, I think his grip is being loosened here and the PM's spirited defence of her good name and reputation is another blow to his dream of domination. He won't give up easily, of course. He'll keep attacking with savagery and ferocity, but the last few days have shown more people another layer of Ltd News corruption and lack of credibility and integrity and scales will start to fall from eyes in increasing numbers. The diehards will cling to their constructs, but they are being driven back under their bridges of irrelevance, along with the Convoys of No Consequence and the Truthiness Troops. I notice that now Liealot says that the PM's conduct as a lawyer is not the issue, bt her trustworthiness as PM is the issue. So why all the recent muckraking wrt her past work history?

Lt. Fred

24/08/2012Of course, no conceivable Australian government policy could deter people from fleeing persecution on a boat. At the very best, a policy might deter people from fleeing from persecution TO AUSTRALIA, but obviously they would simply flee to country with a humane asylum policy like New Zealand.


24/08/2012If I was at home on my trusty PC I'd be researching the www to find some shite about Abbott when he was 33 years old.... It must exist. Unlike JG I think he probably has not grown up more since then, so any examples of his past conduct would be quite familiar to all.

42 long

24/08/2012Let's get a bit REAL here. Which side of the parliament are trying to DECEIVE anybody? Abbott is not only trying to constanrly deceive the Parl't He is trying to deceive ALL of us, every time he opens his mouth. There is NOTHING he says you could take at face value. Most of it is fairly incomprehensibel anyhow. You KNOW it will be self-serving. You can identify all the corrupt people from what he says. The ones he admires and recommends (as a start) Jones, Kathy Jackson. GINA (the white Knight,doing wonderfull thing's for Fairfax) etc.etc Clive Palmer er er he's not running now is he? Could make a good list here.( Add your own candidates).


24/08/2012 [quote]he and his shadowy minions have been toiling away in their dark caverns and have been  steadily and stealthily manipulating voters and governments in the UK, the US and here. And I'm sure that his tentacles are spread even wider.[/quote] Indeed jane, when you pick up a Murdoch empire paper or watch Fox(Faux) News and Sky(Sly) News you don't feel like you're generally going to get accurate and objective news reporting. You feel there is an overt that is either based on right-wing free market principles and pursuant of smaller government - unless conveniently it's about spending tax dollars on defense, security or propping up other Republican, Australian LNP base voter and donor interests and redirecting essential service moneys to private sector interests...and also dictates their views on environmental protection and utilisation of heritage and public spaces... these media organisations are also supportive of an ongoing war with Islam in the guise of a war on terror and civilising dictatorships on the benefits of hearty capitalism (sadly inconsistent regulatory practices combined with endemic corruption, the unfettered consolidation of business holdings across multiple industries - think News Corp - and a too oft casino share markets & cowboy banking practices have led to rampant and rigged capitalism wherein any billion dollar corporation calling for free market practices is not only being dishonest & hypocritical...but in danger of being broken up if such a pure ideology is followed in practise)... Returning to these media institutions...they also cater primarily to so called 'Judeo-Christian patriots' with distinct and oft hostile or wary views on atheists, socialists, Marxists, social democrats, Islamics, those who critique the the role of religion, nationalism & excessive patriotism in government and the public arena...war protestors, political agitators on the Left and progressive side of politics...the Occupy Wall Street movement, Greenpeace... and anyone else who does not put at the top of their priority poll uber patriotism, gun ownership, the bible, protection of Israel (not that they've done a good job at this by inciting more paranoia about the Jewish state due to their clumsy and overly aggressive acts, assisting in the recruitment of Islamic terrorists, destabilising the Israeli economy and promoting plans that backfired)... but first and foremost the News Corp agenda is to create conditions in which it can flourish, expand and profit without hindrance. Be free to spread its head honcho Rupert's ideas and values far and wide. N'

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24/08/2012Steve777 Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Your comments are apt. Tony Abbott was insulting Marius Kloppers with his remarks, and our intelligence to boot. Lt. Fred A welcome to you too. Do come again. TT, Nasking, 42 long, jane, BSA Bob, KHTAGH Thank you for your comments. Thank you Lyn for the BB comment on PB. It opened in an unusual format for me and so I couldn’t find his remark.


24/08/2012 Phillip Coorey‏@PhillipCoorey @BushfireBill @guytaur @Lateline hey Bill, chill, have some Trill 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @PhillipCoorey @guytaur @Lateline Have some Trill? After the way you guys let Abbott feed the chooks, I've sworn off birdseed for good. 2h Phillip Coorey‏@PhillipCoorey @BushfireBill @guytaur @Lateline did you see Tuesday's paper? 2h Joe2‏@eatatjoe2 @PhillipCoorey @BushfireBill @guytaur @Lateline did you say something outside the MSM groupthink, Phil? 2h Phillip Coorey‏@PhillipCoorey @eatatjoe2 @BushfireBill @guytaur @Lateline your premise is flawed 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @PhillipCoorey @eatatjoe2 @guytaur @Lateline "We get paid to be cynical" is the premise. It shows why your readership is tanking. 2h Phillip Coorey‏@PhillipCoorey @BushfireBill @eatatjoe2 @guytaur @Lateline so you'd rather we question nothing. 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @PhillipCoorey @eatatjoe2 @guytaur @Lateline You've had 17 years to ask qns, and 72 unprecedented minutes yesterday, yet still whingeing. 2h Phillip Coorey‏@PhillipCoorey @BushfireBill @eatatjoe2 @guytaur @Lateline mate, you've lost me, enjoy your hatred. Bye 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @PhillipCoorey @eatatjoe2 @guytaur @Lateline No Phil. It's your READERSHIP you've lost. I don't think you really get it, do you? 2h Scott‏@guytaur @BushfireBill @phillipcoorey @eatatjoe2 @lateline Look at Share Price of Fairfax and sales of paper figures. Money talks says it all. 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @guytaur @phillipcoorey @eatatjoe2 "Money talks says it all": that would be being realistic wouldn't it? MUCH better to be cynical. 2h Bushfire‏@BushfireBill @BushfireBill @guytaur @phillipcoorey @eatatjoe2 The problem with Coorey and pals is that they accept no blame for their businesses failing. Hide conversation Reply Retweet Like 11:14 AM - 24 Aug 12via web


24/08/2012Ad astra Bushfire Bill's excellent comment this morning: If that link still doesn't lead you directly to BB's comment, it is halfway down page 90.


24/08/2012rocco @ 11:01 AM [i]... any question to the PM about her work before she even entered parliament would be out of order.[/i] The 'rules' or Standing Orders for the House of Reps can be found at: [b]House of Representatives Standing and Sessional Orders[/b] The full version is available for download as a PDF as are individual chapters. From Chapter 9 [b]Questions seeking information: 98 Questions to Ministers[/b] [i] (c) A Minister can only be questioned on the following matters, for which he or she is responsible or officially connected: (i) public affairs; (ii) administration; or (iii) proceedings pending in the House. (d) Questioners must not ask Ministers: (i) for an expression of opinion, including a legal opinion; or (ii) to announce government policy, but may seek an explanation about the policy and its application, and may ask the Prime Minister whether a Minister’s statement in the House represents government policy.[/i] There is further info in [b]100 Rules for questions[/b] which are interesting such as: [i] (d) Questions must not contain: (i) statements of facts or names of persons, unless they can be authenticated and are strictly necessary to make the question intelligible; (ii) arguments; (iii) inferences; (iv) imputations; (v) insults; (vi) ironical expressions; or (vii) hypothetical matter.[/i] I am not even a trainee Bush Lawyer but my reading would be that the PM can be asked any questions about any portfolio and/or government business. Asking questions about past actions before becoming a Member of Parliament of the PM or any Minister [i][b]might [/b][/i] squeeze through if it could be shown that it was relevant to some current policy decision or action but I suspect it would be difficult. Hope that helps


24/08/2012Hi Ad Very important & well worth your time to view the video below of Lisa Wilkinson interviewing Tony Abbott this morning on Channel 9. I have noticed something wrong with Crikey for some time, as a matter of fact since they kept crashing a few months ago. Anyway Norman K has another link I see. Thankyou NormanK also thankyou for your appreciation notably your comment yesterday . Ad I watched The Drum yesterday which is stacked with IPA & ex Liberals BTW. Anyway they were interviewing Kathryn Murphy, well she said Tony Abbott may not have heard Leigh Sales’s question or could have been that he is so well disciplined , he was thinking of his lines and didn’t listen , Kathryn said “you know how that can happen”. So her political column is credible isn’t it. You may or may not have read Independent Australia posted an article on 20th August by Denise Allen (Denise Allen is the former Victorian State MP for Benalla, political strategist. In the article Denise recommends reading a small book by George Lakoff, I have downloaded onto my kindle but have only had time to read the excerpt. I thought you might like to read the book & wondered if the information is useful for your research. VERY IMPORTANT: The video below of Lisa Wilkinson interviewing Tony Abbott this morning is well worth your time to watch. Lisa sounds much like Leigh Sales did, Abbott is smirking. Posted by Denise Allen Wake Up Australia on Independent Australia I downloaded this book via Google books for $6.00 and read all 140+ pages in one sitting. It helps when the weather is cold and wet and one is miserable with the flu! Plus it’s a great read and insight into how the people are being conned by Conservatives who claim to have the peoples best interests at heart but are actually brainwashing them with designed “framing” of words simply to get up their extreme right wing agenda. While Lakoff uses specific examples in a specific context of the struggle between liberals and conservatives, his argumentation strategies can be applied anywhere, which makes this book a worthwhile read even for those who aren't terribly politically inclined. For those who are politically inclined, however, this book is an essential read which will provide serious insights into the nature of the current partisan dialog. Channel 9 TODAY: Week In Politics August 24, 2012: After a 17-year silence, the Prime Minister addressed a packed press conference yesterday denying any wrong-doing during her time at law firm Slater & Gordon. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott Craig Emerson MP‏ Abbott doesn't know what to say, doesn't know what he said, doesn't know time of day, doesn't know what he's read Truthiness John Faine on radio said that the Labor Party is going through the records of all LNP lawyers in Parliament. Fun and games. :) Gillard paid for her home renovations, says builder Kon Spyridis , Steve Lewis RETIRED Greek-born builder says Julia Gillard paid for renovations on her Melbourne home herself. Kon Spyridis yesterday broke a 17-year silence to confirm that Ms Gillard personally paid him for nearly $4000 worth of renovations with two bank cheques. Susan McDonald The Insiders panel this Sunday August 26 is David Marr, West Oz's andrewprobyn & SMH's Jacqueline Maley 9am ABC1 & ABCNews24


24/08/2012Rules have not stopped the Abbotteers doing/saying anything in QT up till now. If they wanted to raise the SnG matter they would, even if it needed Ms Burke to be shouted down. That it hasn't been raised is strategic.... Nothing to do with rules.


24/08/2012Someone want to try and work out how and why this was done? [quote] Mr Palmer this morning pledged $250,000 to establish a "Hope Fund" for Queensland public service workers facing the sack through cuts foreshadowed by the Newman government. A long-time conservative who once worked for Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Mr Palmer made the announcement alongside Together Union secretary Alex Scott this morning. The men are both involved in high-profile battles with the Newman government. Queensland's richest man said the money would go towards helping affected workers with counselling and vocational training.[/quote] It is widely rumoured that Clive Palmer funds the LNP in Queensland.

42 long

24/08/2012Clive is reported to be extremely litigeous and runs many things for effect, and then walks from them once the desired outcome is achieved. he certainly is interesting. He must have spent some time watching Cats play with mice.


24/08/2012 [quote]If I was at home on my trusty PC I'd be researching the www to find some shite about Abbott when he was 33 years old.... It must exist. [/quote] Psyclaw, not quite age 33 but it seems Abbott had a bit to do with 'slush funds'...and odd, secretive characters: [quote]Evidence continues to mount that the trust was not a matter of Mr Abbott acting "entirely on my own" - as he has claimed - but a broad political operation aimed at denying $500,000 of public funding to One Nation before it could be used in the 1998 election campaign. Mr Abbott's co-trustees included the former state and federal Liberal politician Peter Coleman and the former Labor politician John Wheeldon. Mr Abbott refused to comment yesterday on suggestions that Harold Clough, a Perth magnate and Liberal Party donor and activist, was a major backer of the trust. Mr Clough, who is ill, could not be contacted. John Samuel, another West Australian figure with close links to the Liberal Party and Mr Clough, has admitted to a role in organising funding for Mr Abbott's attack on One Nation. Terry Sharples, a former One Nation candidate, yesterday named both Mr Clough and Mr Samuel as being involved. It was Mr Sharples's legal action that laid the basis for the successful prosecution of the One Nation founders Pauline Hanson and David Ettridge. Yesterday, Mr Sharples also claimed that another One Nation defector, its former treasurer Ted Briggs, had delivered two CDs concerning the party's finances and membership to the Sydney office of the Prime Minister, John Howard. Mr Sharples said Mr Briggs, who died in November 1998, had told him of flying to Melbourne and paying "at least $10,000" for copies of stolen computer records obtained from One Nation's headquarters in the Corso, Manly. "Ted said he paid the money, flew to Sydney and handed the CDs to a senior administrator at Howard's office," Mr Sharples said. "He then flew to Brisbane and dropped off some other copies at [National Party senator] Ron Boswell's office." Mr Sharples said he had no idea whether Mr Howard or Senator Boswell had seen the CDs. "Ted had no reason to lie. He was working with the Nationals to undermine One Nation. It was part of a pincer movement with Tony Abbott's Australians For Honest Politics." Last night Senator Boswell admitted giving money to Mr Briggs, but denied knowing anything about a $10,000 payment for the data. He said he gave a cheque for $266 to Briggs to cover the costs of a trip to "Sydney or Melbourne" in early 1998.[/quote] More here: Frankly, I don't give a damn about Abbott's past apart from the fact it reveals him to be an extremely intense culture warrior who will do or say just about anything to get power... he runs dangerously off at the he doesn't seem to care who gets in his way...whether it be Hanson, Bernie Banton, John Brogden and so on. The man will turn out to be a bane for the Liberal party. That suits me. :) N'


24/08/2012 Useful questioning by B.Bill...such a shame Phil Coorey got so hot under the collar...I like Phil and most of his work...we've often linked to him. Certainly he can get a bit cynical cocky boy's club style at times...but I guess he has to rub shoulders with alot of ocker News Ltd and shock jock types. I hope he endeavours to write more balanced factual stuff in the future...and not fall in with the grubby innuendo obsessed 'let's pull down another PM to show how tuff and influential' part of the press club. Too many of them are too full of themselves, too cocky by half. I didn't perceive Phil Coorey that way. Hope the pressures aren't distorting his personality and leading him away from being a brave independent columnist. He has done some top work over the years. N'


24/08/2012 That should read: and not fall in with the grubby innuendo obsessed 'let's pull down another PM to show how tuff and influential we are' part of the press club. I really need that break. Eyes failing. N'




24/08/2012How unfortunate. [b]UN won't work with Labor on asylum-seeker processing on Nauru and Manus Island[/b] BY: Ben Packham From: The Australian August 24, 2012 2:18PM [i]THE United Nations High Commission for Refugees is refusing to work with the federal government to process asylum-seekers on Nauru and Papua New Guinea's Manus Island. The Angus Houston-led expert panel on asylum-seekers said the UNHCR's involvement in registration and processing of refugees from Nauru and Manus Island would be “highly desirable”, and should be urgently pursued. But the UNHCR's regional representative Rick Towle today said the organisation would play an arms-length monitoring role in relation to the facilities under the refugee convention, but would not play any part in their management.[/i] The headline and opening par scream for attention and the guts of the story tells us the detail a touch more soberly.

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24/08/2012Thus dirt digging stuff not only taints politics but should be a "he who is without sin, cast the first stone" thing. Many pollies have questionable pasts and it is quite amazing that given the effort to "nail" her , that they really haven't done it with Gillard other than by innuendo. the "RIGHT" side of politics does seem to rely on these sorts of tactics frequently, rather than just using logic, fairness, consistency force of a good argument, etc. Think it is a product of an attitude of "we have the Power (and influence) and we will exercise it", so just try and stop us. This is only a manifestation of the "born to rule "syndrome. another manifestaion is" My father knows your father and we went to the same( Private) school so we will look after you". The preservation of privilege for the few. Not a meritocracy at all. Promotion by performance is not part of it either. They are more occupied with establishing the pecking order than getting the best. Doesn't this concept FIT the LNP and explain why their people are so uninspiring at the moment? The Libs weren't always that way.


24/08/2012Lt Fred, until asylum seekers are just seen as people fleeing for their lives, rather than as convenient political blunt instruments, we won't get better legislation and treatment for them. And until enough of the public DEMAND that asylum seekers are treated better, we're stuck with what we currently have. Unfortunately, too good a job of demonising and trivialising their plight has been done by opportunists when they need a handy whipping boy or "Look over there!" Nas' @1.42pm, spot on. It [b]is[/b] interesting that the msm hasn't bothered to give Liealot a grilling about his role in raising the slush fund to get rid of Hanson, don't you think? Goes to demonstrate his fitness to be PM, surely? A fine example of some really nasty misogyny from the (Dis)Honourable Member for Warringah. As soon as the Rodent had managed to woo One Nation supporters to the Liars, she was an inconvenience. Seems the (Dis)Honourable Member has a long history of misogyny Ad astra, Liealot was extremely insulting to Kloppers. Very nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I was waiting for the whispered aside that poor old Marius had lost the plot!


24/08/2012Jessica Wright writes a memo for liealot.


24/08/2012Ground Control to Major ToM? :( :( :( I think we've lost him to the ether.


24/08/2012Psyclaw, You're right about it being strategic! Albo warned the coalition when they were going after Thompson that if they wanted to "play" this particular game, Labor would return fire. Particularly Mirabella who as a lawyer herself has a few questions about her own conduct that need explanations as well. However the coalition want the best of both worlds they can get the media to do all the leg work and ask the questions etc and should something of substance turn up then they can pounce whilst giving the appearance of being above the fray!


24/08/2012 [quote]It is interesting that the msm hasn't bothered to give Liealot a grilling about his role in raising the slush fund to get rid of Hanson, don't you think? Goes to demonstrate his fitness to be PM, surely?[/quote] Indeed jane. Seems to be one approach to Abbott another to Gillard...most of the time. But I think the times are changing and more and more writers and reporters who seek to survive in the long run by demonstrating balance and integrity know that a more intense vetting of this LNP leader must go on...lest we are lumbered with one of the worst and meanest and loopy PMs in history gratis of the MSM. I do believe the PM will finally be given an opportunity to grow and demonstrate her don't get to her position in the ALP without having considerable ones...and let's face it...being handed the poisoned chalice of GFC affected Australia, the complexity of the asylum seeker debate off the back of huge people displacements caused by Sri Lankan genocidal attitudes and a war on terrorism...add the need for a carbon price and mining tax whilst trying to balance the various interests with a bunch of Tea Party-like loonies hanging all over you thnx to LNP bloody minded tactics and misogynistic shock jocks etc...not exactly an easy run... yet, I watched the PM talking in a school library and she's coping...she's achieved regardless of all the naysayers and abusive critics...Gillard came across ariculately selling the fair-go message...she displayed confidence and determination...was likeable... she looked great... and she's moving us forward...helping to take Australia down a road to more energy, finance, tech, communication, healthcare, training, cultural, job diversity. Nuff said. N'

42 long

24/08/2012Who ever is writing their lines should not give up the day job they said they had. Maybe I'm expecting too much and Australia really is dumb,and their game will pay off, but surely someone will wake up well and truly and not allow the most unpredictable right wing loopy neo fascist inclined tea party inspired bunch of unperformers to get the GONG without proving in any way that they deserve it. No one can really have any idea what Abbott will do. If the Qld Nsw and Vic gov'ts are any indication we wil be put into recession (like Greece) by CUTS to all things with the word PUBLIC in them. Will the medium we use here be monitored? Controlled? Why not? It's a threat to MSM which is the Holey Grail. Vested interests that pay, rule the day. To GO... School teachers, class sizes. TAFE funds. Reduce Public servants numbers Look at O Farrel cutting accident victim money after a short time. etc . It's all very predictable. All the signs are there. sack a lot of people and reduce expenditure create Recession. Works every time. Do they (LNP) tell the truth before an election. Well Did Can do? Nope. After a "shonky" audit by his arms length??? mate Costello. sets a new record for going back on his promises. This is in the ONLY state in australia with no upper house to even comment on it let alone review it. I wonder how Queenslanders view their New Man. Some may still see him as the new messiah, so it may be a bit of pain before any change will happen there. Anyhow a State election is a long way away, but surely they will wake up to the fact the LNP times 2 for that state is TOO much. Would setting up a factory to run some "T" shirts with "Come back Anna, ALL is forgiven", be a good investment. When I reinsured my house recently although I don't live in a flood prone area and not a cyclone prone one either. my premiems went up massively because of the Qld events, probably by a lot more than the LEVY. I dunno how fair that is but it's all in a good cause because New Man is doing such a good job of running the state that it will all be worthwhile.


24/08/2012Lyn @ 2:40 PM thanks for the link to Denise Allen article @ Independant Aus. As I read through I couldn't understand the niggling feeling that I had read this before and well I wasn't quite right but almost. Long time readers may recall this post from Monday, 2 May 2011: [b]It’s time for the ALP to drink a protein word shake and muscle up to the Coalition[/b] The article, based on some Lakoff's thoughts, provoked a quite lively debate here and elsewhere around the intertubes and is worth reading again.


24/08/2012DMW @4.11pm, this will set the cat amongst the pigeons! I wonder how the Liars will spin this little lot? That regional solution is looking better and closer and onshore processing might get a guernsey. We will see.


24/08/2012Swordsfolk, it's happening, it really is happening. The new game is afoot. Yet another woman trips up Wing nut on 9. Will he run away & hide for a week or so, then come out like nothing ever happen. Then try & tell us as straight faced it didn't happen like that. What I think we will see in the next week or 2 most of the MSM reporters/commentators/opinionartos trying to figure out what side of the fence to jump & what will be the trouble jumping the wrong way, oh & then there is not wanting to upset uncle Rupert. Oh what fun is coming, for a man that fractures under pressure I can see a time soon when he will really lose it BIG time, like swearing at a woman commentator or something like it on national TV. To quote another great labor man, "Do him slowly lovely red lady"


24/08/2012Hi Jane, there is still a long way to go with this and I am trying my best not to get too hopeful/disappointed as it wends its' way. One aspect that I have just become partially aware of is that the legislation strips away the ministers' responsibility to be the guardian of unaccompanied minors. This is a good thing as it takes away a conflict for the minister balancing the welfare of the child against the need/desire to send them off to Nauru or wherever. The problem seems to be that there will now be no guardian to look after the interests of the child. That is not a good thing in my mind. There must be more to be told on this


24/08/2012Is there a pattern developing / being revealed? Women interviewing a bloke who claims all sorts of affinities with women but he drops the ball and loses the plot?


24/08/2012 2353 I don't believe Palmer for one second.

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24/08/2012Folks I've just posted [i]Our Media: Prosecutor, Judge, Jury and Executioner[/i]. Enjoy.


25/08/2012 [b]He once confessed to telling lies, Which self-disclosure has given rise To friends and foes alike inviting Him to put his promises in writing. Fearing that for truth his name’s now mud, He swears he’ll sign to some in his own blood. [/b] Patricia, good to read you are well...and obviously back in fine form. Abbott is on the downward trip out today revealed such...people's negative views of him have erupted. N'
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?