Pushing for the pension

Tony “Andy” Abbott needs to get his hands on more of the folding stuff to pay off his big mortgage. So, having swapped his push-bike for a wheelchair and, in cahoots with his “Little Britain” carer, Warren “Lou” Truss, he turns up at Centrelink to be interviewed by two experienced staff members, Andrew Bolt and Steve “Canny” Cannane.

Bolta: Right, Andy...you don’t mind if I call you Andy...cos I feel I have known you for ever such a long time...hee...hee...So, my colleague Mr Cannane here, and I, believe you are applying for a pension, as you have recently become a paraplegic, having injured yourself seriously playing football...is that the case?

Andy: Erm...before we start, Mr Bolt...I’m not too sure about your colleague there, Mr Cannane – can I just get heard by you on your own?

Bolta: Oh, don’t worry about Canny here...everything will all come out in the wash anyway...After all, as you so elegantly said a while ago, it rains on the just and the unjust, and we all know which of those two sides I barrack for...heh...heh...

Lou: Yeth, Andy...thop making a kerfuffle...juth lithen to the two nythe men and we’ll have you out of here in a jiffy...

Bolta: Yes, thank you, Mr Truss...and I now want to outline all the pensions I believe Andy is entitled to...

Canny: Erm...Andrew...isn’t it a tad premature to be arriving at a judgment even before we have investigated Mr Abbott’s case...

Bolta: Oh, don’t worry your little head about things such as investigations, Canny...Now, as I was saying...Andy, having witnessed the awful state that nasty Mr Riley left you in, I believe you are entitled to a Nodder’s and Starer’s Pension...

Andy: I want that one...

Bolta: And because you are so hairy and virile, you should get a Threatened By Homosexuality Pension also...

Andy: I want that one...

And because you don’t have a brain inside your skull, but a weathervane instead, I believe you should also be granted a Can’t Make Up My Mind On Global Warming Pension also...

Andy: I want that one...

Bolta: And due to your speech impediment, I want to grant you a Can’t Stop Saying “Bullshit” Pension as well...

Andy: I want that one...

Bolta: And because you don’t seem to be able to come to terms with the concept of the will of the people, I think you should also get a Lovers Of Guided Democracy Pension too...

Andy: I want that one...

Bolta: And due to your limited vocabulary, I wish you to receive the Spruikers Of The Three Word Slogans Pension also...

Andy: Want that one...

Bolta: Now you’re getting the hang of it!! And because of your fear of flying and obsessive need to ride a bike, I think we’ll give you the Jet Lagger’s Pension...

Andy: I want that one...

Bolta: And due to your proclivity towards hanging around with senior citizens who listen incessantly to 2GB on the wireless, I believe you are entitled to the Revolting People’s Pension...

Andy: Yeah, I want that one...

[Canny, who has tried on numerous occasions to butt in, is by now totally exasperated. However, he has come to the conclusion that there is more than one way to skin a cat. He maintains his composure and addresses Andy.]

Canny: Okay, Mr Abbott...my colleague here has outlined for you the vast array of pensions you are possibly entitled to, which should, within a few weeks or so, totally wipe out that huge mortgage you labour under and [muttering] that great big black hole of yours during the last election campaign...So, before we go any further, why don’t we all have a tea-break...there’s an urn over there on the far side of the room – just help yourselves...

[Andy, never one to knock back a free feed, gets out of the wheelchair, sprints half-way across the room, only to come to a screeching halt, realising he has fallen, hook, line and sinker, into Canny’s trap.]

Canny (exulting): Yeeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!!!!! Gotcha!!!!!!!! I thought as much, Mr Abbott...your condition, it seems, is a tad more than “potentially treatable”...haw...haw...

[Andy, realising he has been well and truly rumbled, recommences sprinting...out the door he runs, into the street, and disappears over the horizon, making the Road Runner look like Phil Ruddock with a ball and chain around his leg...Later that day, Lou successfully makes contact with him on his boatphone.]

Lou: Well I never, Andy...that woth a major kerfuffle you cauthed earlier...And by the way, where in the dickenths are you anyway?

Andy: I’m up north of Woop Woop somewhere...picking fruit with a load of no-hopers...We get paid by the weight so I’m always on the look-out for the bigger ones...

Lou: Erm...Andy...I don’t know how to break thith to you...but...you’re no longer the Leader of the Oppothition...

Andy: What!! The Indos have seen the light and are now supporting me!!!

Lou: Erm...not really, Andy...

Andy: So that bastard Turnbull has finally got back into the big chair, has he?

Lou: Erm, no, Andy...In fact, Gillard hath granted a 457 Veetha to Col. Gadaffi and the caucuth hath dethided that, compared to yourth, even hith is a kinder and gentler polity...

[There is no reply from Andy. Lou can only hear a squabble going on in the background. It is seemingly between Andy and another fruit-picker. All Lou can hear is, “I want that one...” Lou leaves them to it and presses the red button on his mobile.]

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8/04/2011Hi Acerbic Conehead You have done it again, brought delight and joyful laughter to our "Political Sword". Thankyou Acerbic Conehead,you are a treasure, and I treasure you and your work. I love Lou's grammar: [quote]Lou: Yeth, Andy...thop making a kerfuffle...juth lithen to the two nythe men and we’ll have you out of here in a jiffy... [/quote] big cheers :):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011AtherbicC., As ever, your work is a joy to behold! Clarke and Dawe lookout! Now, a little homework(always good for the Protestant soul :) ), how about you work on a Mashup that can be posted on Q&A? You know it makes sense.


8/04/2011Ascerbic, you have brightened my day with a good laugh - thank you. NormanK, Thank you for you step by step directions to do Links in the last thread - much appreciated. I must admit I've actually done the Link thing successfully on a few occasions but the percentages of failures were frustrating enough to cause me to give up and put it all in the too hard basket. Because you have taken the time to put me on the right track, I'll get it out of the too-hard basket and try again. Cheers


8/04/2011LOL AC...the best I've read to date. Ahhh, the memories yer satirical piece has evoked...makes ya want to upchuck on Abbott's bike seat and chair in parliament...tho I imagine Abbott wouldn't notice as it would resemble his policies...and have a similar odour to the political animal sweat he exudes. N'

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011Nasking, I've gone all retro in my listening this Friday arvo: http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/playlist/Skeleton+Rocks/50588379?src=5 :)


8/04/2011Feral, In regard to the informative Stiglitz vid you kindly linked to on the previous thread, I thought you might find the original Vanity Fair article useful: [quote]Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% ...a modern economy requires “collective action”—it needs government to invest in infrastructure, education, and technology. The United States and the world have benefited greatly from government-sponsored research that led to the Internet, to advances in public health, and so on. But America has long suffered from an under-investment in infrastructure (look at the condition of our highways and bridges, our railroads and airports), in basic research, and in education at all levels. Further cutbacks in these areas lie ahead. None of this should come as a surprise—it is simply what happens when a society’s wealth distribution becomes lopsided. The more divided a society becomes in terms of wealth, the more reluctant the wealthy become to spend money on common needs. The rich don’t need to rely on government for parks or education or medical care or personal security — they can buy all these things for themselves. In the process, they become more distant from ordinary people, losing whatever empathy they may once have had. They also worry about strong government — one that could use its powers to adjust the balance, take some of their wealth, and invest it for the common good. The top 1 percent may complain about the kind of government we have in America, but in truth they like it just fine: too gridlocked to re-distribute, too divided to do anything but lower taxes.[/quote] more here: http://www.vanityfair.com/society/features/2011/05/top-one-percent-201105?currentPage=all I'd like to see Stiglitz interviewed in Australia again based on this latest Vanity Fair article & to get his views on the possible "government shutdown"...tho I doubt his wisdom & experience & wealth of knowledge would be valued on any news, current affairs programs other than a couple on SBS & the ABC. Shame on the ignorant in the Tea Party who have not bothered to do their homework and are allowing their biases/prejudices to dictate their allegiances whilst ignoring what should be obvious...and economists like Joseph Stiglitz. This latest move by the Republicans will help further undermine long-term stability in America...and lead to further dividing of communities that endangers the very existance of this corporate rich hijacked state. When the term "entitlements" is used in the media it should be used to define the theft committed by the wealthy in this country at the expense of the regular folk... and those in the media who support the measures that undermine the appropriate taxing of the mega-wealthy whilst protecting tax loopholes and insane rebates & deductions that benefit THE FEW, are basically aiding & abetting such corrupt activity...if not benefitting from it themselves...whether it be Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, some on the Fox News panels...or moguls such as Rupert Murdoch. The same can be said for the leadership of the Republican party...and any Democratic party senators & congressman who vote w/ them on these thieving bills. N'


8/04/2011If you follow the link to Huffington Post below and scroll down you'll find some enlightening, revealing & worrying charts: 15 Facts About U.S. Income Inequality That Everyone Should Know (CHARTS) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/05/us-inequality-infographic_n_845042.html#s261405&title=Deregulation_Of_Labor N'


8/04/2011Tune: Part of the Union : Strawbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdOCWUgwiWs Hey Uhlmann on the ABC They give you your kicks for free But you're still a sleaze, lickin spit on your knees From your masters in the LNP! And you think you're so damn' sly, Trying any nasty Gotcha lie, But you're too damn' thick, you just can't take a trick Cos at base you're just a straw-filled Guy. Chorus: So, you won't skewer Julia, Christopher Uhlmann She'll show you up to be an illwilled fool man You'll never even be in Julia's school man Till the day you die Till the day you die When she's with you at the microphone You're a dog with no teeth - and a bone! You slide and sneer, you’re snide and smear, On the show that you think that you own! But you'll always be left behind When Julia starts to unwind And I tell ya mate, I just can't wait When she gives you a piece of her mind! Chorus: So, you won't skewer Julia, Christopher Uhlmann She'll show you up to be an illwilled fool man You'll never even be in Julia's school man Till the day you die Till the day you die (Next bit is instrumental in the original, I've tried to put words to it!)(sorry Strawbs xxx) Oh we all know you’ll never come up to par, but of course you think that you are such a media star, You’re bigoted and smarmy and you’re not very smart, and in crossing swords with Julia you’re stuffed from the start, With Julia with Julia with Julia with Julia with Julia with Julia you’re stuffed from the start. Since those Uhlmann types appeared The ABC’s gone weird And at every hour They flaunt their power They’re an evil force that must be feared But they’ll never get their way If we fight them every day For the ABC Belongs to you and me And the People have the right to say Chorus and repeat chorus


8/04/2011Been watching The Nation w/ David Speers...the government's David Bradbury just gave an articulate & useful explanation of why a carbon price should be put in place... in desperation the hand wringing Helen Kroger interrupted him...and then Gerard Henderson who said something along the lines of: "David, 95% of the electorate, if you gave that spiel at a town hall meeting, would not understand what you are talking about". I say nonsense. The public should not be perceived as that stupid. Henderson's comment is insulting...and goes to demonstrate his elitism. Either that, or he was worried that Bradbury's explanation was persuasive and well put, considering his mention of a being a tax lawyer. Which then means Henderson is being deceitful, playing political games. Bradbury is a calm, collected & articulate fella doing a useful job of selling the carbon price. He should continue to take the approach he had today...he had me convinced. The media need to focus on rational charactersn like Bradbury & not worry about Abbott trying to get under a fence that is obviously not wabbot proof. N'

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011Nasking, Can you believe that the Conservatives in the US, and the Religious Right WingNuts, and the money they have accumulated as a result of the Tax Free status of the religious bloc around the world but especially in America where they used their ill-gotten gains to put a Church and a mouth-breathing, fire-breathing Pastor in every hick town and aluminum-sided community to spread 'The Word', have decided that Budget Deficits are no longer important? They have decided Budget Deficits are no longer important because it will cost more than it saves to shut the government down. And then start it back up again. And especially when their economy is in such a fragile state of recovery. But hey, what the heck do the 1% and their oddly-vampiric looking bunch of young Republican ciphers in the Tea Party governorships and House of Representatives, care? Come the economic apocalypse John Boehner will always have a Country Club to play golf at, and the rest will have their gated communities and mansions to retreat into, complete with their Hispanic housemaids and African American Security Guards. Right where they want them to be. Certainly not as POTUS, that's fersure. Not only that but the damned Rethugs are prepared to deep six the government over public funding for abortions, and funding for the Public Broadcasting Service, because they are the only two sticking points that the President/Democrats and Rethuglicans are split on. Oh well, Oprah's new TV network has a show about Bingeing and Purging and uncontrollable eating on it for the fat and brain lazy to be distracted by.


8/04/2011Hi Ad Your last article has been posted on the front page at Crikey: [i]Politicians in Australia more vilified than ever The Political Sword [/i] http://www.crikey.com.au/politics/ Cheers


8/04/2011[quote]Not only that but the damned Rethugs are prepared to deep six the government over public funding for abortions, and funding for the Public Broadcasting Service, because they are the only two sticking points that the President/Democrats and Rethuglicans are split on. [/quote] Feral, it also has to do w/ the EPA: House Votes to Bar E.P.A. From Regulating Industrial Emissions By JOHN M. BRODER, NY Times Published: April 7, 2011 WASHINGTON — The House voted 255 to 172 on Thursday to halt the Obama administration’s program to regulate industrial air emissions linked to climate change, delivering a rebuke to a central tenet of the president’s energy and environmental policy. Nineteen Democrats joined in approving a bill that, were it to become law, would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from acting to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that the agency has declared a threat to human health and the environment. The measure would also nullify a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that gave the agency the authority to issue regulations to curb those emissions. Representative Fred Upton, Republican of Michigan and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, called the vote a victory for American families and jobs as well as a message to the White House that its regulatory agenda was unpopular with many voters. On Wednesday, the Senate defeated four amendments that would have permanently or temporarily prevented the environmental agency from policing greenhouse gas emissions, including one measure that was virtually identical to the House bill. That amendment, sponsored by Senators Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, both Republicans, drew four Democratic votes but remained well short of a filibuster-proof majority. more here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/us/politics/08emit.html?_r=1&src=ISMR_AP_LO_MST_FB It's disgraceful stuff by the Republicans & some piss weak Democrats. They believe they've boxed in the Obama administration & Democrats in the Senate...but in actual fact they've sealed their own destruction at the next election. The tide is turning again on issues such as climate change, military spending & abortion/women's rights (as related to population & religion too)...and by passing this bill in congress the Republicans have once again put themselves on the wrong side of history. There are many of us who know the background of characters like Mitch McConnell and James M. Inhofe...and others who are trying to irresponsibly increase the role of enslaving & bigoted religions at such a perilous time...continue the harming of citizens by way of destructive industries that emit excess carbon & pollutants...and ripoff the public further by way of distorted pricing of military products and corporations connected to the military. In reality the Tea Party is a joke & a charade, a number of its leaders & funders & spruikers have the same goals as the previous Neo-Con, cheap-arse driven Republicans...and they have deceived the supporters who voted for something different...many who were convinced to vote against their own interests as they sicken from tooth & gum rot & diseases...suffer chronically & die agonising deaths from cancers & lung problems related to fossil fuel industries...watch their sons & daughters arrive home in coffins or lay still under gravestones having served bravely in wars that Republican leaders intentionally screwed up in order to lengthen them & profit by way of corporations & products/goods sold to the public military...at taxpayer's expense. These grotesque creatures who have no right to identify themselves as members of a party once headed by Abraham Lincoln are merely criminals... robbing their country of a brighter future that would see reduced healthcare bills for individuals, more affordable & wider education opportunities, a more sustainable environment freer of destructive & careless & corrupt energy companies... see Americans prepared to compete in any circumstance w/ vigor, boldness...led by a generation of revitalized & proud youth...as we saw in the early days of the internet & computer technology booms. Frankly, I do not believe the American public will remain sleepwalking on these issues...as they didn't when it came to the Nazi & Japanese related conflicts...big tobacco...seatbelts...and the Ozone layer problems. The tide is once again turning...and the Republicans & their sham Tea Party leaders & media supporters should prepare for a political HURRICANE. N'

Feral Skeleton

8/04/2011Nasking, I watched the Climate Commission meeting in Ipswich last night on ABC24. Wow! You wouldn't believe how many different arguments against putting a Price on Carbon, and the cockamamie reasons for doing so that were espoused by people attempting to put serious questions to the expert panel. One questioner was even an ex-CSIRO researcher in Paleogeology(probably rose up through the ranks during Howard's time and resigned in 'disgust' when Rudd got in). Anyway, he went the Ice Core, so-called evidence that is supposed to show that, you know, the world has survived worse, so why bother? Another guy came equipped with CO2 readings in ppm for exhaled breath and in city offices, which were quite high in comparison to the 350ppm that people are upset about wrt Global Warming, and said, well, no one dies in offices or when they breath out, so what's the worry with 350ppm? Another guy wanted the panel to give him the 'Business Case' for acting, another 'One Simple Reason' to believe. Sheesh!

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8/04/2011Folks Back from a great day at Margaret River with visits to Redgate, Driftwood, Watershed, Cullen and Leeuwin Estate wineries, Prevelly Park beach where the surfing championships are being held, and the astonishing Mammoth Cave. AC You’ve enthanted uth all with your nithe piethe of thatire.and your grathe YouTube Clip –tho well chothen. Tony would not be impretht with his alter ego! I see you’ve all been busy with comments. Thank you Lyn for the [i]Crikey[/i] link – we are doing well when [i]TPS[/i] gets onto the Political page of [i]Crikey[/i]. TT Nice verse and a rollicking YouTube accompaniment. Nasking There are none so dumb as do not want to learn. Gerard Henderson is smart, but does he want to learn?

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8/04/2011FS Isn't it pathetic? The spurious, illogical claptrap that people raise in all seriousness to counter the evidence for global warming is mind-boggling. For scientists to get into this in the way you describe is an obscene perversion of the tenets of science; they should know better. I’ve got a piece coming up [i]How do you think about climate change?[/i] that proposes a way of evaluating the evidence about climate change. Perhaps I should put it up soon.

Ad astra reply

8/04/2011Nasking That was an interesting [i]Huff Post[/i] link about income inequality, as was the side link about the US survey that showed that free markets are less popular than before the GFC among those surveyed. I’ve a piece ready for posting: [i]Joe Hockey should read John Quiggin’s Zombie Economics[/i], which addresses both issues through John Quiggin’s eyes. You may find it interesting.

Patricia WA

9/04/2011Very funny and clever AC. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/ has a thread on a certain mining magnate today which inspired me to a pome. But after reading here about our very special friend pushing for the pension I had to up-date it for you. All citizens are entitled to benefit from whatever help is offered by the welfare state, aren't they? Even if, as in some places they don't want it. If they need it, they should have it. That's our duty, even if it is....... [b]A Heavy Duty![/b] Café Whispers had a formal complaint. Their post on Gina had a sexist taint. To list her among Australia’s beauties Ignored a weightier issue – Death Duties! This lady, clearly of substantial means, Would be an easy target for the Greens. But recently they’ve gone all pragmatic, Dropped that idea, with import dramatic For mining magnates who inherit wealth. Sad that, because it could improve their health. This lady with far too much cash to spend Would benefit with less, as would her friend, That heavyweight Queenslander, Clive Palmer, Like her he could be another charmer, But, too often at the Ritz and Hyatt, Both ignore advice about their diet! Government should intervene to help them. They are addicts and we should not condemn, Instead deploy those special powers of state For Income Management 'til they lose weight.


9/04/2011Not one but two interesting articles in the Brisbane Times this morning (and I would suspect other Fairfax papers/websites). Firstly lets have a look at the realities of Abbott's great big new tax mantra - http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/politics/abbotts-beef-on-carbon-price-doesnt-add-up-20110408-1d7fw.html And then there's the one about the new broom playing political games in Macquarie Street - http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/politics/honeymoon-is-over-now-its-time-for-truth-20110408-1d7fv.html.


9/04/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Dickhead removal strategy, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] hasn't Minchin made a right clown of himself? The commandant of ADFA bent over backwards to help his son so he thinks they're Christmas. http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/ [i]The Australian's conservatism, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] I see that News Ltd's plan to destroy The Greens is continuing to target their criticisms of Israel and support for the Palestinian people. http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2011/04/the-australians-14.php#more [i]Bolt trial only serves to feed the beast , John Birmingham, National Times[/i] he is read - and avidly so - by a veritable legion of mouth-breathing pinheads and shambling inbred fools, by barely closeted homophobes, and racists and the bottom-feeding scum at the foulest end of the rank, sour, stinking swamp that passes for public discourse on the far right? http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/blogs/blunt-instrument/bolt-trial-only-serves-to-feed-the-beast-20110406-1d42p.html [i]Andrew Bolt: expert offender, expert victim, Matthew Ricketson, ABC[/i] For well over a decade Bolt has been writing columns that have deeply offended many people. That other people agreed with them is not the point here. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/55610.html [i]Vilifying anti-vilification laws,Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] Mind you, The ABC’s erstwhile practice of giving Bolt air-time on Insiders, instead of more reasonable and serious-minded conservative commentators, rather undermines the http://clubtroppo.com.au/2011/04/07/vilifying-anti-vilification-laws/ [i]Bolt lands TV show, thanks to Gina, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep[/i] Go for it Andy. There’s still plenty of us producing good speech. You’ve got a long way to go before you drown us out, even with the Fox News template on your side. http://noplaceforsheep.com/2011/04/08/bolt-lands-tv-show-thanks-to-gina/ [i]Hockey in doghouse over trusts ,Peter Martin,Business Day[/i] DayAfter a barrage of complaints and a phone conversation with Mr Truss, Mr Hockey backed down, telling a news agency the Coalition had "no plan to alter the tax treatment of trusts". He made himself unavailable to other outlets to elaborate. http://www.businessday.com.au/business/hockey-in-doghouse-over-trusts-20110407-1d69x.html [i]Phoning it in, John Quiggin[/i] Hunt is one of the less silly members of the Opposition front bench, so I think the only explanation is that he is, as they say in the movie business, “phoning it in”. http://johnquiggin.com/ [i]The state of play in NSW politics – chaos and murky waters, Tim Badrick, The Independent[/i] Any politician who wishes to inherit the public administration nightmare which Barry O`Farrell has in NSW would have to have rocks in their head http://www.independentaustralia.net/2011/politics/the-state-of-play-in-nsw-politics-chaos-and-murky-waters/ [i]Liberal Party Reveal Alternative Plain Ciggie Packs!, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] The cash-strapped party receives considerable financial support from the tobacco industry and some within the Liberal party remain “cigarette cancer skeptics.” http://guttertrash.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/liberal-party-reveal-alternative-plain-ciggie-packs/ [i]Strange days indeed, most peculiar Mama, Andrew Catsaras[/i] Campbell Newman, who is not even a member of the Queensland Parliament. Is that not the most contemptuous and arrogant act, not only towards the elected members of the Queensland LNP, but especially towards the voters of Queensland http://andrewcatsaras.blogspot.com/ [i]Friday Night Relaxer: Grog's Gamut interviews, Greg Jericho[/i] I mean you attack Abbott, you find some way to praise Gillard, you have a go at News.ltd. I have to say, I kind of tuned out about August last year. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com/ [i]Rich parents using public schools, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Naturally Dr Hawkes is in favour of a two-tier system – it’s how the King’s School is so absurdly luxurious. http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/

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9/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx

Feral Skeleton

9/04/2011Interesting and informative article on the latest NBN kerfuffle from Rob Burgess: http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/NBN-Patrick-Flannigan-Nick-Sotiriou-fibre-pd20110408-FPSV8?OpenDocument&src=kgb

Feral Skeleton

9/04/20112353, Thankx for the links. Frankly, I think Lenore Taylor's had it up to pussy's bow with being manipulated by the Coalition's media machine and she just wanted others to know how they are trying to manipulate everyone else too. For example, by betraying the confidence of one of the Coalition strategists who told her that they are going to blame everything on the Carbon Tax. Also, we have this straight out lie from Abbott in Coffs harbour, where I suppose he thought the mainstream media would not catch up with him for it: [quote]'Abbott must have known he was very likely to be wrong when he told reporters in Coffs Harbour that ''pensioners will be saddled with higher prices but there's not much they can do to lift their pensions. Now, the government will tell you that they are going to compensate you but, take it from me, I know a little bit about this, the tax will be permanent, the compensation will be temporary and that's why you can't trust the government on this point.'[/quote] I'd just like to know how a Machiavellian Leader of the Opposition can know with certainty that the compensation wrt the Carbon Pricing Scheme will be temporary? And how he knows a little bit about these things? Is that because he knew that the compensation offered by the Howard government to Pensioners after the GST was introduced would be only a temporary fix, soon eroded?

Feral Skeleton

9/04/2011As a result of Joe Hockey's humiliating backdown on the taxing of Family Trusts at the Company Tax rate, it should be noted, and especially made to clear to one and all by the government, that, Tony Abbott may well be Leader of the Opposition, and Joe Hockey Shadow Treasurer, but the Nationals are running the Coalition. :)

Feral Skeleton

9/04/2011PatriciaWA, Your linguistic dexterity is a wonder to behold! :)

Feral Skeleton

9/04/20112353, What the second Brisbane Times article didn't also point out about the first couple of weeks of the O'Farrell Liberal National Government, as they like to style themselves these days, as opposed to the Coalition government, is that he pushed out Water from the Environment portfolio, which he abolished as well, and put it under a National Party Minister in the Primary Industries portfolio. As in, he believes it to be simply a commodity whose future should be in the hands of farmers. Sickening. See what I mean about the Nationals tail wagging the Liberal dog?


9/04/2011FS, By 2013, will O'Farrell's government be the ALP's biggest marketing weapon? They're off to a good start! The Nats always have had the backroom clout - they've currently got Seeney being a sockpuppet for the "real" leader in the Queensland Parliament as well.

Acerbic Conehead 2

9/04/2011Lyn, Yes, carers like Lou go that extra mile don’t they. But in Warren Truss’ case, its got to be the extra country mile (boom, tish). And thanks again for the great links you provided for us. I found the article by Matthew Ricketson on Andrew Bolt particularly interesting. Keep ‘em comin’! Janice, I’m glad you got a laugh out of the story. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Nasking, Thanks for the extract from that Vanity Fair article and the links to others. They talk about the trickle-down theory of wealth distribution, but I think it’s more the case of some creaming off the top at the expense of everyone else. TT, Thanks for your alternative rendition of the Strawbs, “Part of the Union”. I wonder is Andy picking strawberries north of Woop Woop and is he a member of the union. On the latter, somehow I doubt it. “For the ABC belongs to you and me”. And many of the clowns who work there think it’s been privatised already. AA, Great to hear you are having thutch a good time in the Wethe. Make sure you spoil that beautiful granddaughter of yours – that’s what grandparents are for! Looking forward to reading your article on “Zombie Economics”. I’ve heard economics being described as the “dismal science”. Now it seems it’s the “undead science” as well. Patricia WA, Thank you for that very clever poem on Gina’s and Clive’s problem of carrying too much weight in their bank accounts. As you point out, it’s bad for their health and, anyway, if their financial waistlines were thinner, there would be more to go around for everyone else. 2353, Much obliged for your links to the two articles. I see from Lenore Taylor’s piece that Tones is playing loose with the truth on compensation for the “carbon tax”. You’d think his Catholic background would alert him to the gross moral turpitude of sins of omission. He seems to share that old Gnostic trait of “I’m saved, so I can do whatever I like”. FS, I wouldn’t have a clue how to put together something for a Q&A Mashup. I’m afraid my skills are totally deficient in that area. But if anyone wants to use my stuff and be creative, then go for your life... And thanks for your playlist on Grooveshark. Your listing of “Jive Talkin” by the Bee Gees has got the wheels whirring in my head for something on Tones’ verbal delivery style. But, in the meantime, we don’t need reminding that Tony Abbott is a heartbeat away from the Prime Ministership. Harken to his hubris as he drools over the type of regime that could well be in store for us. It is based on Bob Dylan’s, “A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall” (this version by Leon Russell). Caveat emptor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4sMSSm0x2A&feature=related :- ( Long time comin’, my day in the sun But when I make it, look out welfare bums I’ll have you excavatin’ twelve misty mountains To make for my bike rides, six crooked highways Fake some Real Action and plant seven fad forests Do nothin’ and create a dozen dead oceans Dig up WorkChoices from its dead and cremated graveyard And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard It's a hard reign’s a-gonna fall. :- ( Oh, what will you see, you welfare bums? And what will you see, when my big day comes? You’ll see a newborn baby, its mum on ten thousand dollars Wearing a necklace of diamonds around her collar You’ll see a black branch burnt out by global warmin’ You’ll see a room full of men with their fingers a-bleedin' From dippin’ into their wallets to pay for The big black hole we’ve bequeathed ‘em You’ll see ten thousand talkers who phone up the shock jocks Whinge ‘bout the previous gov’mint, an’ talkin’ a load of bollocks And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard It's a hard reign’s a-gonna fall. :- ( And what will you hear, you welfare bums? And what will you hear, you who are so dumb? You’ll hear the sound of a thunder, from Middle Australia You’ll hear the roar of a wave that will stop all the boats You’ll hear one hundred drummers on tom-toms instead of the NBN You’ll hear me dog whistlin’, but no way scriptin’ You’ll hear some people starve, some all the way to the bank laughin' You’ll hear the tones of the toe-rag who dwells in the gutter No more sound from the clown, the bitch in the alley And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard And it's a hard reign’s a-gonna fall. [but only if we listen to the siren’s call]

Feral Skeleton

9/04/2011AcerbicC., It's my pleasure to have got your cogs cogitating. :) As for the Mashups, I think Qanda provide 'How To' instructions on their website. I must have a look. As for Tony's lycra-encased advertising which he has been putting out there, almost literally this last week, well, it ain't ever gonna tempt this siren. :)


9/04/2011Feral, I imagine there are also quite a few tricky dicks & CONartists prepped by the Coalition, right-wing think tanks and others to try and create doubt, confusion and to waste time at these climate commission community gatherings. I heard a drover on QLD 7:30 Report farting on about windpower technology...demanding a delay into rollouts and more investigation into their safety. What a load of BS coming from a fella who seemed to have no problem w/ kids riding horses amidst tons of cattle...if you've ever lived out in the bush ya know how many children and adults get killed or injured dealing w/ horses & sometimes trampled by cattle. I reckon we'd be better off researching health & safety in the horse & cattle trade than going overboard about windpower that can help replace that big killer coal. Ad astra, I look forward to yer piece related to John Quiggin...he's a smart fella w/ integrity & vision. As for the "free market"...it was never "fair"...just a con...providing cheap & often toxic goods based on a rigged, hostage taking "interest rates triggered by inflation so keep those prices down" system...leaving us less economically diverse...and damaging our manufacturing capabilities...less self sufficient for when some multinational corporations & neo-liberals who have infected China decide to pull the trigger and collapse that economy as they did America & the European/UK ones. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Watch obsession w/ Chinese housing boom & sovereign funds. Tick tock tick tock. I recommend people pay those mortgages & debt off real quick...India ain't gonna save us...the problems w/ water, farmers driven off land & ready to sue & revolt...and the corruption worth mega-billions by mobile phone company thieves is only the beginning of the rot. Notice gold is goin' thru roof...and speculators are once again exuberant...as they were prior to GFC. AC, Indeed. I see it as the "flood up effect". Watch where the mega-richies plant their moolah...as they prepare to trigger the next crash & debt crisis that will enable them to steal more homes, crash more pensions, buy more into new energy etc etc. I hope our government is ready for this. Thank goodness they didn't approve the sale of the ASX. As for that "coal power investing clown" Mike Smith of ANZ...I wouldn't trust his opinion on the government...not one bit. Anyway, I'm preparing for a mate from Sydney to arrive and will only be able to pop in once in awhile until Thursday. However, I will offer up a few links...this is a worthwhile read related to education in America...and should help keep us on our toes: [quote]The Fall of Public Education By MATT MEYER[/quote] http://www.counterpunch.com/meyer04082011.html [quote]If "democracy" is understood to mean a process of inclusion, equalizing diverse peoples such that power and resources are distributed fairly, then democratic movements have a potentially positive role to play in furthering revolution, liberation, justice and peace. By any definition, though, the experiment known as democracy in the USA today is in dire trouble. Nowhere is that trouble more strikingly evident than in the national campaign to do away with public schools. After little more than 150 years of federally-mandated and coordinated schooling-for-all, the US commitment to publicly supported teachers and students is quickly coming to an abrupt end. The global corporate penchant for the privatization, commoditization, and enclosure of practically everything is having particularly chilling effects in policies that Henry Giroux suggests "seek nothing less than the total destruction of the democratic potential of American education." It Has Happened Here: Education, the Military, and Prisons The same political analysis which views school primarily as a space for marketplace training has also been crucial to the movement for zero tolerance discipline and high stakes testing. Imposing punitive, militarized solutions to crisis created by chaotic, community-based social ills (poverty, unemployment, the housing shortage, and traumatic home lives caused by all of the above), 21st Century middle and high schools have become, for many, an early introduction to the realities of prejudicial policing and the "positive" alternatives that a life in the US Armed Forces can offer. Beyond the obvious links between war spending in the midst of a failing economy which calls for teacher layoffs and cuts in services, there is the more pernicious problem of a national trend towards promotion of a curriculum based on military mythology. Military recruitment in US secondary schools was on the rise throughout the 1980s and 90s, but the No Child Left Behind Act gave the military unprecedented access to young people in and out of school.[/quote] More here: http://www.counterpunch.com/meyer04082011.html Cheers N'


9/04/2011Hi Ad Sunday morning TV for everybody: Your guide to this Sunday morning's political and business interviews Full program listing available at: http://sundaymorningtv.posterous.com/ 8.00am Ch10 - Meet the Press No Meet The Press this week do scheduled Network coverage of the US Masters Golf. 8:30am Sky News 601 - Australian Agenda On Sky News Australian Agenda this week Opposition Foreign Affairs spokesperson Julie Bishop is interviewed on a range of foreign and domestic political issues. Host Peter Van Onselen is joined by the The Australian's Paul Kelly, Greg Sheridan and News Ltd Sunday's Samantha Maiden. 8:38am Ch7 - Weekend Sunrise - The Riley Diary Political editor Mark Riley takes a look at Tony Abbott who has taken to his bike to escape the media cycle, and the hyperbowl surrounding Prime Minister Julia Gillard as poli-speak takes a Kath and Kim twist. 8:40am Ch9 - Today on Sunday The weekly Laurie Oakes interview is no more. Laurie is next expected to return to your Sunday morning screen on Sunday 8 May for a pre-budget interview with Treasurer Wayne Swan. 9:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 - Insiders On Insiders this Sunday, Barrie Cassidy interviews the Finance Minister, Penny Wong. On the panel: the Courier Mail’s Dennis Atkins, Radio National’s Fran Kelly and political writer Niki Savva. And Mike Bowers talks pictures with Queensland-based freelance cartoonist, Paul Zanetti. 10:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 @ 5.30pm - Inside Business This week on Inside Business an interview with the boss of the world’s biggest share registry business, Stuart Crosby, from Computershare who’ll talk about the sinking of the Singapore/ASX deal. Also Stephen Joske, the Beijing Head of the Economist Intelligence Unit, about his latest work on a slowing housing sector in China and the hot topic of Chinese foreign investment in the resources game. And a feature look at the bidding war for broadcast and internet rights across sporting codes. In First Person they look at Australia’s smallest bank fighting the big four banks and big two retailers for a fairer deal for small biz. Plus the regular update of the latest news from the markets and Alan Kohler’s incisive commentary.

Feral Skeleton

9/04/2011Nasking, I actually saw 7.30 Queensland today and caught the story about the Wind Turbine protests. Did you see the phalanx of protesters inside the hall just as the camera crew were getting pushed out? All in Liberal Blue t-shirts? A coincidence? Not bleedin' likely. They are beavering away, given whatever opportunity throws itself up to them, launching a Tea Party style protest around it on every occasion. Creating distrust and dissension about every forward-thinking plan and its implementation that progressive policy produces. Also the Horse Whispering cattle grazier said that the horses might shy if they get too close to the Wind Turbines. And they might shy, while his young sons are on them, at any time for any number of reasons even now before any Wind Turbine has ever been built. That's horses for you. Have fun and a relaxing time with your friend from Sydney. :)

Ad astra reply

9/04/2011Hi Lyn Thanks for the Sunday morning schedule. It looks like now that Bolt is gone from [i]Insiders[/i] we will get Akerman or Savva. Oh dear. Folks We’ve had another great day in the Margaret River region; tomorrow the Busselton Pier and the Sunday market. Yes AC, my grand-daughter is having a marvellous time, and I see you can’t resist writing verse. Patricia WA We do always enjoy your pomes. Nasking, AC Next week there will be a piece by Feral Skeleton then I’ll post my piece about Zombie Economics. FS It looks like Tea Party tactics are being applied here already. I doubt if they will wash. Auzzies can take only so much bull.


9/04/2011A bit late in the day, I just remembered that on this day in 1865 the main Confederate army was surrendered to the Union, for practical purposes ending the American Civil War. The good guys win sometimes!

Feral Skeleton

10/04/2011BSABob, Too right, and that reminds me of a saying: 'To have the courage of your convictions, you've got to have courage and you've got to have conviction.'


10/04/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Missing link friday - Social Mobility Edition, Don Arthur, Club Troppo[/i] Dillow argued that equality of opportunity pays no attention to the wellbeing of those at the bottom of society. It ignores absolute outcomes in a way that doesn’t make much sense: http://clubtroppo.com.au/2011/04/08/missing-link-friday-social-mobility-edition/#more-15326 [i]I Knew that, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] Conservatives I’ve come across clearly have split personalities, are overtly aggressive, express themselves in terms of fear & loathing of that which they http://www.waddayano.org/blog/2011/04/i_knew_that.php#more [i]This is your brain on politics, Brian, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] as we grow older, do we collect more scars and scares, causing our amygdalas to grow?). http://larvatusprodeo.net/2011/04/09/this-is-your-brain-on-politics/#more-20736 [i]AToxic Culture, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] Will Stephen Smith, the current Defence Minister, succeed where others have failed? Or will they bring down Smith as they did Fitzgibbon? http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2011/04/a-toxic-culture.php#more [i]The proud tradition of shameless self-promotion behind brand Bolt, Bridget Griffen-Foley, The Conversation[/i] It remains to be seen whether Bolt will emulate Glenn Beck, who was this week dropped from Fox News due to low ratings, http://theconversation.edu.au/articles/the-proud-tradition-of-shameless-self-promotion-behind-brand-bolt-797 [i]Anti carbon tax protesters rally in Sydney, ABC[/i] with over 1,000 people attending a protest at Blacktown in Sydney's west http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/09/3186891.htm [i]POWER – in the Political sense – or Fuelling Industry? The Eyeball Opinion[/i] Please Mr Abbott, We serious Australians want sensible debate, and such stupidity hardly improves your credibility. http://bleyzie.wordpress.com/2011/04/09/power-in-the-political-sense-or-fuelling-industry/ [i]Reducing our carbon footprint requires kicking our carbon diet, Joshua Gans, The Conversation[/i] soon-to-be published book, Adapt, economist Tim Harford tells of the work by The Carbon Trust – a UK organisation devoted to working out carbon footprints http://theconversation.edu.au/articles/reducing-our-carbon-footprint-requires-kicking-our-carbon-diet-793 [i]"Scrutiny", redefined, Jeremy Sear. An Onymous Lefty[/i] but instead attempt to misrepresent and belittle it via associations, smears from opponents, and outright lies. http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/ [i]Gossip columns," Let's Bash Kevin Rudd's head in", now there's a refreshing change, (they think) :[/i] [i]Former PM still popular in a Government that is not, Laurie Oakes, NT News[/i] with a street-walk in the Sydney seat of Banks, and the local paper there called it a "superstar-style" reception. http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2011/04/10/223751_opinion.html [i]Why Kevin Rudd's behaving badly,Samatha Maiden, Adelaide Now[/i] It is not hard to imagine he still is Prime Minister. Such is the rock-star reception - for a man who is reviled within Cabinet and ALP caucus. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/why-kevin-rudds-behaving-badly/story-e6frea6u-1226036584491 [i]Rudd's guilt-edged sword , Paul Daly, The Age[/i] Gillard is doing enough to damage her government's prospects without the help of Rudd, who seems determined to burn the house down http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/rudds-guiltedged-sword-20110409-1d8hs.html [i]Kevin Rudd's motivation is beyond politics , David Penberthy, Herald Sun[/i] His star turn on Q and A last Monday was the most flamboyant demonstration of his media strategy. Rudd is determined to do as much media as he can. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/kevn-rudds-motivation-is-beyond-politics/story-e6frfhqf-1226036543083 [i]Kevin's ghost haunts Julia in voter land , Editorial, Herald Sun[/i] there is no campaign and he's not the leader - here was the consummate politician walking the streets, pressing the flesh and smiling with babies. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/editorials/kevins-ghost-haunts-julia-in-voter-land/story-e6frfhqo-1226036619292

Feral Skeleton

10/04/2011Jeez, 'over 1000' people would turn up to a Flower Show in Blacktown, just to get out of the house on a nice Autumn day. Anyway, what sort of commitment to the cause does it show when you have to bring the protest to the people, not draw the people from all over the city to the protest, as the Action on Climate Change Rally did last weekend in Sydney ?

Ad astra reply

10/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


10/04/2011AC Apropos Lou'th lithp One of my tessellations is of little fishes (the commonest but least interesting of all tessellable animalesque shapes, except for maybe eels which, yes, are fishes anyway.) Every tessellation potentially extends infinitely of course, which is what the real deep meaning in this silly little verse is about. Anyway I write verse for all my designs, even if it's only a limerick, and for the Seven Fishies design I wrote: Down by the river in thum thlothy thuthy goo Thwam thebben itty fiththies with their mummy fithy too: "Thwim!" thaid their mummy, tho they thwam off to thchool, Learnt addithion and timething, and they filled the whole pool! Poor Ita Buttrothe. (Ath if thhe needth my thympathy!) Lyn, Thanks as always, each day is a new experience on your Links. Re the notion of a *Brain* like what I mentioned back a few days, it's really not even an *idea* Lyn, if it were Joe Hockey making the suggestion I would possibly call it something rudiculing it. But I think there will be something happen to pull the bloggers together, we need a centre somehow, in order to focus our power. A noted Patent Lawyer once counselled the folks at the Inventors' Association that, when considering how to set about making a new invention, it makes sense first to fantasize the way it would be if you could just magic it out of thin air in an ideal state . . . rather than in the early stages sweating too much on how to engineer its manufacture, test it and so on. Just imagine it if it were perfect, how would it be? It seems to me that advice could apply to our putative Brain. I recognize that there would be a lot of effort and cleverness involved, and surely some expense. Still Ad astra and Lyn seemed to think there’s something to be achieved along the lines I’m thinking of, both of them and WebMonkey would know far better than I, but anyway I’d be pleased to hear what some others might say.


10/04/2011Hi Talk Turkey I thought you might enjoy the article on "our brain on Politics" at Larvatus Prodeo. [quote]as we grow older, do we collect more scars and scares, causing our amygdalas to grow?). [/quote] On your brilliant idea, to enhance "The Political Sword" Uhmm! well, a few things have happened. Ad says he is thinking,and considers the idea worth talking about. Ad would not have had time, to talk to Web Monkey yet. Norman K says he is a pocket on a singlet, but at the same time, sees himself as having a complicated idea, now there is a thread of hope. That complication could be deciphered. Norman K, I don't agree with the pocket in a singlet, you are a tech head, and we all know it. cheers


10/04/2011I think pockets on singlets would be wizard! Anyway I've been looking at Golden Orb Spiders' Golden Webs! They're not flat, they have smooth complex curves in them like spinnakers, and they're guyed multidimensionally with golden hawsers which can be several yards long! And She, Fiona, my favourite, like the Brain, and as big as the last joint of a big man's biggest finger, is in touch with every golden thread in the whole mesh, including the line which the much much smaller male is cheekily, peskily plucking as his foreplay of love to her. If that doesn't get us thinking . . .

Ad astra reply

10/04/2011Folks I watched [i]Insiders[/i] today while doing other things, but thought it pretty tame. Here we had journalists sitting around dissecting what he said and she said, trying to discern deep meaning and profound implications from each utterance, each action. I wondered how worthwhile all this introspection was. Do politicians watch the program and have a giggle? I suppose at least they get a notion of what screwed-up interpretations journalists are entertaining so as to be ready for their equally screwed-up questions. I wonder how useful this program still is, now that it has become mainly a forum for journalists to express their own idiosyncratic opinions. There is precious little additional information provided; in fact the visual summing up at the beginning, which I expect keeps producers busy, is the only information supplied, which I suppose is useful for those who haven’t been paying attention during the week, or were overseas or bushwalking. [i]Insiders[/i] needs a revamp. It’s tired, the journalists are stereotyped, and Barrie seems weary of it all. I’ll be out much of the day exploring Busselton and surrounds – back this evening.


10/04/2011As, with most things, I am probably wrong. But...., If you were in a minority Govt. facing an increasingly toxic national media,who are only interested in sensationalising the minutiae of the trivial, and, have to face the electorate in two years. What would you do? Understanding the strategy of your opponents would be a pretty good start. By opponents I mean the Murdochracy of course and the second rate hacks who aspire to his payroll. Uhlman and Keane amongst others. You understand that these two bob scribblers are only looking for tomorrows headline. They need it to prop up their failing circulation and prove their worth to Rupert. Sort of like a canned chicken soup for an ageing billionaires soul. The packaging is nice, but the product is watery, full of toxins,of no nutritional value and leaves the system in the same form it was originally taken. So, if Rupert wants watery chicken soup....give it to him. Kevin Rudd on Q+A is a classic case. What he said is of no real importance. What he didn't say even less so. But he has instigated a media debate. Drawing out the toxins, if you will, and negating another avenue of attack in the future.Whatever his motives, and being a glass half full person, I don't think they are as sinister as is being made out. Holding fire on the details of the pollution tax until all the "T"s are crossed and the "I"s are dotted is good strategy. They are drawing out the bile of the enemy. I get the sense that the corporate world has accepted the fact that the tax is coming and they just want it implemented so they know where they stand, can adjust and get back to business. IMHO, the Govt has pinpointed the areas of attack that the LNP, the msm, various other boofheads, rentseekers and lickspittles will target. The more hyperbole, disinformation and outright lies that are spread the better. When the time comes and thoughtful, earnest people decide their vote. The charlatans will be found hiding in the deep, dark recesses. Presumably hiding from Ruperts wroth.


10/04/2011I've got to admit I don't watch Insiders all that often but its usually pretty lame. It seems to be a number of people (who think they know whats going on) sitting round trying to gain some hidden meaning from the entrails of Australian politics. It's usually of about the same relevance as a snippet I saw on the TV last week of Kerri-anne Kennelly and Deborah Hutton discussing the drama of the Royal Wedding. (Amusingly the spellchecker suggested "Kennel" for "Kennelly" - that was the rip-off character on "Fast Forward" years ago.) All the "Insiders" have their axes to grind and seem to want to remind you they work in the Canberra Press Gallery, rather than reporting the story. Then you have Bolt, Ackerman and Savva . . . It always amuses me that Barrie Cassidy disappears for a while then pops up again on the "Offsiders" sports show too. I really do wonder what he does for that half hour he's not on camera :)

Feral Skeleton

10/04/2011macca, I hope you are correct and good people enough are left, when it comes time for the next election, to mark up a government that has tried hard to do what's best for the nation, and not to give electoral approbation to those who seek to mischievously manipulate their minds, for no other benefit than their own.


10/04/2011Macca, you're right. Even diehard LNP voters have acknowledged to me there will be some form of Carbon Reduction Scheme in place before the next election and it will be done in a way that it won't cause a change in Government (like the "never ever GST" didn't). The bottom line here is that the Greens effectively control the Senate in a tad under two months, the Independents seem to be able to see the wood despite the trees (maybe with the exception of Wilke who is posturing on pokies in the same way that Xenaphon does) and Abbott can't do a thing about it. The more he complains, the cheaper and crasser he sounds. And in Recaptcha Bingo - "would desport"

Feral Skeleton

10/04/20112353, Tony Abbott certainly likes to desport himself about in his Lycra. Ew!


10/04/2011Folks I'd tell you-all that John Pilger's program on secret war is about to be on SBS 1 but being as I'm in SA I think it's already on over East, but bloody daylight saving plus the half-hour difference scrambles all the times in my mind. Anyway Croweaters and Sandgropers, it's still ahead.


11/04/2011[b]TODAYS LINKS [/b] [i]The Truth Test, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] Yes, there is a journalists' code of ethics, which lists 12 major principles that journalists must follow -well at least http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com/ [i]Compare the pair, Ashghebranious, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] Not so now! Now any MP in parliament can create policy if they can sell it to their peers and the nation. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/compare-the-pair/ [i]Love to Hate, but don't love the Haters, DragOnista, The King's Tribune[/i] Obviously Abbott is capitalising on the fact that voters love to hate. But does he realise that we are simultaneously repulsed http://www.kingstribune.com/magazines/april-2011/1240-love-to-hate-but-dont-love-the-haters [i]Giant tax hole sets up savage budget , Peter Martin, Amy Corderoy, Nicky Phillips , Brisbane day[/i] Tomorrow, researchers and scientists will join nationwide rallies to protest against a reported planned $400 million cut to funding for the National Health and Medical Research Council. The protest in Sydney will be held at Belmore Park at 12.45pm. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/giant-tax-hole-sets-up-savage-budget-20110410-1d9fv.html [i]Swan vows 2012 surplus despite revenue hit, The Trading Room[/i] Mr Swan on Sunday released new figures showing Commonwealth tax collections had fallen short by $4.5 billion http://www.tradingroom.com.au/apps/view_breaking_news_article.ac?page=/data/news_research/published/2011/4/100/catf_110410_140900_7800.html [i]The PBS deserves reform – but perhaps not the Government’s “blunt axe, treatment, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] The PBS is an area of health policy that has served the taxpayer well, and, overall, it has provided Australians with timely access to a wide range of prescription http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2011/04/10/the-pbs-deserves-reform-but-perhaps-not-the-governments-blunt-axe-treatment/ [i]Murdoch faces flood of hacking claims, ABC[/i] There will be a massive flood of people contacting lawyers," said lawyer Charlotte Harris of law firm Mishcon de Reya. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/10/3187081.htm?WT.mc_id=newsmail [i]Cracks at the HELM …, Eyeball Opinion[/i] The World has been gunning for Murdoch for many years – waiting for him to make a mistake – both politically and commercially – this may be the first http://bleyzie.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/cracks-at-the-helm/ [i]Poker Machines – a cancer on Society and Government needs to decide , EyeBall opinion[/i] Seeking to profit from any addiction – be it drugs, alcohol or gambling – can only mean that feeding the addiction makes someone else pay the price. http://bleyzie.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/poker-machines-a-cancer-on-society-and-government-needs-to-decide/ [i]The Deep insecurity of Murdoch press and Zio Lobby over Palestine, Antony Loewenstein[/i] Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan, whose care of human rights can be determined by whether he’s been wined and dined by Western-friendly dictators, thinks the Greens are mad: http://antonyloewenstein.com/2011/04/07/the-deep-insecurity-of-murdoch-press-and-zio-lobby-over-palestine/ CLIMATE CHANGE: [i]Learning the hard way: Australia's policies to reduce emissions- A Grattan Report, Gratten Institute[/i] Australian governments have introduced more than 300 programs to tackle climate change since Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, we can assess the evidence of what works and what does not http://www.grattan.edu.au//pub_page/077_report_energy_learning_the_hard_way.html [i]To feed the world, farming emissions must rise, Richard Eckard, The Conversation[/i] By 2050, there are likely to be nine billion people on the earth, requiring 70% more food than we currently produce. Based on current trends, we can expect global farm emissions to increase by more than 50% http://theconversation.edu.au/articles/to-feed-the-world-farming-emissions-must-rise-802 [i]Julia Gillard needs to be more proactive on climate debate ,Australian Politics Blog[/i] jobs will be created by this carbon tax. Is it wind turbine manufacturing jobs? Is it solar panel manufacturing jobs? Is it solar panel installation jobs? They must convince the skeptics out there that there are new jobs for people in this. http://australianpoliticsblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/julia-gillard-needs-to-be-more_11.html [i]Reasons not to take them seriously , Steve, Opinion Dominion[/i] Lenore Taylor takes to task a specific example of Abbott scaremongering about the cost of a carbon price, noting that a large increase in a butcher's electricity bill is not quite what it seems, for the customer: http://opiniondominion.blogspot.com/2011/04/reasons-not-to-take-them-seriously.html [i]The science of reporting climate change, Brian McNair, On Line Opinion[/i] Journalists in the main know little more about science than their readers. Very few of them have science degrees,and very few journalism degrees http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=11876&page=1 [i]Is climate change becoming the new abortion debate,John Metcalfe, TBD[/i] The report’s author, University of Michigan professor Andrew Hoffman, suggests that those involved in the climate debate are experiencing tunnel vision by focusing mainly http://www.tbd.com/blogs/weather/2011/04/the-three-reasons-climate-change-skeptics-deny-science-10116.html [i]The climate change conference no one is talking about, Rooted[/i] The Economist posted an interview with IPCC’s Chris Field. Dr Chris Field, co-chair of working group 2 of the IPCC (which is assessing climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability), discussed the role of the IPCC and their recent findings. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/rooted/2011/04/08/the-climate-change-conference-no-one-is-talking-about/#more-2416 [i]Errors in IPCC Climate science, does Professor Ross Garnaut play with words on the "Insight TV Show? Tom Nelson[/i] The science is quite clear, there’s a way of dealing with it that won’t lead anyone to be poorer. http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2011/04/errors-in-ipcc-climate-science-blog_10.html [i]Lawyering up, Judith Curry, Climate Etc[/i] Climate scientists, bloggers, and journalists are increasingly providing business for lawyers. What’s going on here?http://judithcurry.com/2011/04/09/lawyering-up/#more-2863 [i]Tweaking the climate to save it: Who decides?, Todays Defense[/i] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N.-sponsored science network, foresees temperatures rising as much as 6.4 degrees Celsius (11.5 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100, http://todaysdefense.com/?p=902


11/04/2011Hello all again. Yesterday for some stupid reason i decided to take a quick peak at the old leftist hideout 'The Political Sword', and out of amazement i found that you guys had actually got worse in your baseless rants and ravings than when i left you. I laughed out loud a few times after reading some of your posts. it was not because anything you wrote was in any way intelligent or insightful, but because of the absolute absurdity of many of your claims: The ABC is biased towards the conservative side of politics! Crikey is biased towards the ABC Insiders shouldnt have people that criticise the government on it! We must waste hours of our own lives to write ridiculous complaints to the program to get Bolt, Akerman, Savva, Cassidy and Milne off the show! Conservatives i know understand that there will be a carbon price by the end of the year! Murdoch and his evil minions are going to destroy the world! You do realise that this website is probably a snap shot of about 0.01% of the voting populace; that the views you hold, and seem to pretend deep down all people hold, are so stupidly narrow minded and blinkered! I will give you an insight into how those on the outside of your little cult believe you believe: Labor always no matter what = good Liberals are extremists that should be dismissed as being nutters and so therefore = bad The whole media is out to get Gillard and therefore = bad people that send their kids to private schools = evil! people that do well financially in life = bad anyone that is a member or fan of the Liberal Party = extreme anyone that is a member or fan of the unions = come on down! anyone that is a fan or member of the Labor Party = Political Sword is your refuge. I am no fan of Gillard's, sure. But i can give reasons other than some mistake she may have made in an interview, or whether she is of any religious persuasion or not. Gillard is a liar, a backstabber, a PM that does not believe in most of what she splutters. This however does not make me a die hard believer in the Liberal Party, the National Party or any other right of centre party that exists in Australia. I just believe that this PM is a dud, as is the government; and that an Abbott led government would be the lesser of two evils.


11/04/2011Apparently ABC News Online is now "stuff I read in The Australian": http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/11/3187406.htm No analysis, no verification - just parroting. Pathetic.


11/04/2011Hi Ad Q&A http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/coming_up.htm This Week Monday 11 April, 2011 Penny Wong, Penny Wong is the Finance Minister and as such is at the centre of preparations for next month’s Federal Budget Greg Hunt Greg Hunt is the shadow minister for climate action, environment and heritage. Bess Price, Bess Nungarrayi Price is a central Australian Aboriginal leader. Graeme Innes, Graeme Innes was appointed Australia's Disability Discrimination Commissioner and Race Discrimination Commissioner in July 2009. Graeme is a lawyer, mediator and Company Director. He’s been a Human Rights Practitioner for almost 30 years in NSW, WA and nationally Chris Kenny, Chris Kenny is a journalist, author and former political staffer. He served as Chief of Staff to the former Leader of the Opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, and was also Chief of Staff to Alexander Downer, the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the former Howard Government.


11/04/2011Hi Jaeger Thankyou for the ABC link. I agree, absolutely pathetic. Did you notice on ABC 24, on the writing across the bottom of the screen, they are running: [i]ANZ Chief blasts the Government as weak[/i], been there for "3 days", why is this news for three days. Jaeger's link to the "copied from The Australian", ABC story: Smith 'in stand-off' with top brass, ABC [b]The Australian newspaper is reporting [/b]there is a "Mexican stand-off" between Defence Minister Stephen Smith and his department's top officials over what action to take against Commodore Bruce Kafer. [b]The paper says [/b]Mr Smith asked Defence Force Chief http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/11/3187406.htm

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11/04/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx

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11/04/2011Folks I see jj has returned, as ‘thenewjj’, but nothing else has changed; there is nothing new. Jaeger You’re right, it is pathetic.

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11/04/2011Folks I’ve just posted [i]Joe Hockey should read John Quiggin’s ‘Zombie Economics’.[/i] It is an attempt to demonstrate that many of the arguments Joe Hockey and his Coalition colleagues used to demean the Government’s efforts to manage the GFC have been debunked in John Quiggin’s book. But as Quiggin points out, many of the now discredited ideas that brought about the GFC live on in zombie form, so don’t be surprised if they emerge again, in utterances by economists and of course those of Joe Hockey and Coalition members. I hope you find it interesting.


11/04/2011thenewjj, So this is a little cult? only we here at the sword have strange thinking? Have you ever looked at Menzies House or Andrew Bolt"s Piers Akerman"s web sites? Ever listened to Jones, Hadley or Smith? thenewjj as with the old still trying to fatten the Coalition pig on market day. As for your claim of this being a "Dud" government the independents seem to think the only "Dud" is Abbott, and with only 17 or 18 senate sitting days left before the senate changes, the only hope for you is a leadership change.

Feral Skeleton

11/04/2011It's amazing how arrogant the Nationals and their camp followers have become after a little success in the NSW State election. 'The new jj' same as the old 'jj', now with added hubris. :)

Feral Skeleton

11/04/2011Oh, that's right, jj isn't a Nationals supporter, therefore jj must be a Tony Windsor supporter. And, as Tony Windsor supports the ALP and thinks Tony Abbott is the greater of 2 evils, where does that leave jj? Yup, the Gillard government is such a 'Dud' government, says jj the shopkeeper from Outer Woop Woop with all the answers but no solutions; with an 83-0 record of getting legislation passed since the hung parliament came into being. Nothing to see here folks from 'the new jj, same as the old jj'. Move along.


11/04/2011FS, Is that the same Mr Windsor who got over 70% of the TPP at the last election? Seems like he would have to piss off a lot of people for the do nothing Nats to take it again,What was that about 0.01% of people again?


11/04/2011The new jj - bwhahahaha. LNP HQ has reassigned s/he to us again. Aren't we lucky. P.S. The liquid dropping from your screen now is sarcasm dripping off the statement above.!
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?