Memo to News Limited journalists

It was a comment on The Poll Bludger by Bushfire Bill that prompted me to write this satirical piece, a mock memo from the proprietors of News Limited to their political columnists.

Revered colleagues
As you are well aware, newspapers are losing circulation and advertising revenue.  Our content, so hard-won, is being stolen by Internet aggregators and purloined by blog-sites, who because they do no investigative journalism, feed off your efforts, with no thought of paying for what they take.  This has to stop.  As you know we are taking steps to correct this commercial theft.

But until that has been achieved, management has been forced to make some hard cost-saving decisions.

It has divided its political journalists into two categories: on the one hand the flag-bearers of News Limited, such as doyens like Paul Kelly and columnists like George Megalogenis, Mike Steketee and Greg Sheridan who write well-researched and soundly argued articles that appeal to thoughtful people who appreciate the balance they bring to political discourse; and on the other, ‘the rest’, who write indifferent pieces, occasionally factual and well-reasoned, but usually light on facts and reason, heavy on personal opinion, and often laced with rancour and scuttlebutt.

Management has decided to retain the flag-bearers in full employment, but reduce ‘the rest’ to half time as a cost-saving measure.  Conscious of the consequences for ‘the rest’ of this move, and not wanting to leave them in the lurch, experts in journalism and commercial spin have been engaged to advise on how to write their pieces in half the usual time, thereby enabling them to maintain their usual output, but freeing up time for them to find alternative half-time employment.  Thus the same number of column inches will be maintained at half the cost.

The spinmeisters have devised a natty seven point routine that we’re sure will appeal to all of you who fall into the category of ‘the rest’.  Here it is:

First, select your political orientation
Most News Limited journalists have a penchant for taking a political position.  Recently it has been anti-Rudd, anti-Government, and pro-Coalition most of the time. 

Newspapers sell better if conflict is highlighted and political biases are exhibited by their journalists; people love anything that makes them indignant.  Leave the balanced pieces to ‘the flag-bearers’.

Second, select your target
Stick to the big fish; people don’t know or care about the little ones. Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan and of course Peter Garratt are always good targets for your bile, while Tony Abbott, Barnaby Joyce and Joe Hockey are great targets for ribald humour, provided you throw in a few compliments.

Third, select your subject
This is easy. There are so many that make for good copy: the insulation scheme, the boat people, the health and hospitals reform debate, primary care, mental health, aged care, dental care, COAG, Federal State relations, the BER, the schools stimulus program, the ETS, climate change – the greatest moral challenge of our time, the MySchool website, national literacy and numeracy tests, league tables, the Australian Education Union, the Henry Tax Review, the May Budget, debt and deficit, housing affordability, public housing, homelessness, the Murray-Darling problem, the water plan, the private health insurance rebate, IR, PPL, the population debate, oil spills on the reef from vagrant coal carriers, the election, the double dissolution; and in slack time you can always resurrect the old chestnuts: Rudd’s overseas travel, his staff turnover, his ‘rudeness’ to staff, and his archived misdemeanours: Scores, the Burke affair, the hostie affair and so on.  You ought never to be short of a vehicle for attack.

Fourth, background your subject
This too is easy.  As you’re aware, more than half your material comes from press releases, so you have a ready source of quotes.  News items from radio or TV are another easy source.  You can supplement this with rumours, scuttlebutt and other nebulous material derived from your colleagues in the same building or the National Press Club, your drinking mates at the pub, from whispers in parliamentary corridors from pollies and staffers, leaks, and of course the oft-quoted anonymous ‘informed sources’, ‘usually reliable sources’, or just plain old ‘sources’.  Bootstrap as much as is necessary to make your story plausible.  And should some decent material ever come to hand, by all means use it, but realize it is not essential. 

Fifth, select pejorative words or phrases, or laudatory ones if you occasionally feel inclined, to embellish you piece
There is now a comprehensive collection of pejorative words or phrases:
Flawed, bungled, botched, failed, dumped, failure, fiasco, debacle, disaster, catastrophe, incompetent, fatal, electrocuted youths, electrified ceilings, ceiling fires, rip-offs, billion-dollar rip-offs, rorts, shonky tradesmen, flaws, waste and mismanagement, charade, ‘illegals’, queue jumpers, cashed-up refugees, out-of-control boat arrivals, running scared, panic, panic reaction, poll driven, populist, opportunistic, pre-election fix, political fix, policy on the run, unsustainable, admission of failure, forced to admit, gone on the defensive, under fire, debt and deficit, all spin no substance, all talk no action, all promise no delivery, rude, slave-driver and Jekyll and Hyde.

The laudatory list is smaller:
Courage, conviction politician, straight forward politician, consultative, collegial, you know his position, you know where you stand with him, greatest ‘retail politician’, the nation’s best communicator with the people, what you see is what you get; most of which are applied to Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce.

Sixth, write your piece
Here’s where you connect your target, the subject and the background quotes, and lace your politically-oriented opinion with as many pejorative words or phrases you can fit into the word limit.  Avoid holding back – the more the merrier.  The idea is to imprint these ideas into your readers’ minds, so they can repeat them without thinking, like a mantra.  

Don’t make your article too long – leave that to the flag-bearers.  The audience that wants to devour your writing won’t be bothered to read too many words – all they need is a dash of intrigue, a dose of conflict, an aliquot of condemnation or occasionally praise, and above all else reinforcement of their strongly held beliefs and their entrenched biases and prejudices, sufficient for them to support you strongly if you’re running a blog.

Use quotes to enclose bits you’ve taken from press releases or news items if you’ve got an ‘author’ you can reveal, and subtly insert your personal opinion in between, using as many pejorative words or phrases you can so it reads as if you are quoting someone else.  Don’t spare your target.

Remember the article doesn’t need to be factual, or factually correct, or accurate, or even true, so long as it’s a stirring, superficially plausible story that demeans Rudd, his ministers or his Government, or boosts or praises Abbott and his frontbench.

Be wary about writing about the GFC and unemployment; they are good-news stories for the Government.

Seventh, create a juicy headline
This is essential.  It doesn’t have to be related to the substance of your piece, so long as it attracts attention and draws in the audience you seek.


There you have it – the seven point routine to easy, rapid writing.  Can you do it?

If you wonder if you can follow this routine, take a look at what Dennis Shanahan did on 10 April in The Australian in Fix an admission of failure on asylum, and what Steve Lewis (of Grech fake email fame) writing with Alison Rehn, did today in Kevin Rudd likens year as a political staffer to a dog year as he remains unapologetic about working people hard in the Herald Sun.

You see, it’s easy.  So go to it.

Management hopes you’ll be able to find some productive paid half-time work to do in your spare time.


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16/04/2010Piers Akerman even at half-time would still be inefficient. The wastage of time and column-inches could be trimmed heavily with the use of shorthand: "Labor bad; Coalition good."

It's time

16/04/2010Ad Astra You have the bull by the horns. "on the one hand the flag-bearers of News Limited, such as doyens like Paul Kelly and columnists like George Megalogenis, Mike Steketee and Greg Sheridan who write well-researched and soundly argued articles that appeal to thoughtful people who appreciate the balance they bring to political discourse". These will be the people to be let go. All that research and thinking and balance takes time and time is money. More writing and less thinking must be the goal. The "rest" can work miracles with loaves and fishes (now called media releases and opinions). Whilst facts are rare and need to be discovered, opinions are plentiful and fluid. In fact, any of the "rest" can have a different opinion on a topic for each edition of the paper or each platform. And it's much more productive to have a conflict of opinions instead of a real world conflict of positions because your conflict of opinions can be manufactured to suit your news cycle. And if you want to improve your green credentials then the "rest" are winners again. They can recycle old stock like pros. Heiner anyone? I look forward to the ongoing race to the bottom of the gutter.

Bushfire Bill

16/04/2010One wonders whether words like: [i]bungled, failed, failure, fiasco, debacle, disaster, catastrophe, and charade[/i] are synonymous. Shanahan uses them interchangeably, but what exactly are his thought processes when he pick his adjective to go with the government program? For example, is Insulation a "a debacle" or "a disaster"? Why is Immigration policy "a failure" and not "a catastrophe". When [i]does[/i] a mere "charade" become a fully-fledged "fiasco"? From [i][b]de·ba·cle[/b]    /deɪˈbɑkəl, -ˈbækəl, də-/ Show Spelled[dey-bah-kuhl, -bak-uhl, duh-] Show IPA –noun 1. a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout: The revolution ended in a debacle. 2. a complete collapse or failure. 3. a breaking up of ice in a river.Compare embacle. 4. a violent rush of waters or ice. [b]dis·as·ter[/b]    /dɪˈzæstər, -ˈzɑstər/ Show Spelled[dih-zas-ter, -zah-ster] Show IPA –noun 1. a calamitous event, esp. one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure. 2. Obsolete. an unfavorable aspect of a star or planet. [b]ca·tas·tro·phe[/b]    /kəˈtæstrəfi/ Show Spelled[kuh-tas-truh-fee] Show IPA –noun 1. a sudden and widespread disaster: the catastrophe of war. 2. any misfortune, mishap, or failure; fiasco: The play was so poor our whole evening was a catastrophe. 3. a final event or conclusion, usually an unfortunate one; a disastrous end: the great catastrophe of the Old South at Appomattox. 4. (in a drama) the point at which the circumstances overcome the central motive, introducing the close or conclusion; dénouement.Compare catastasis, epitasis, protasis. 5. Geology. a sudden, violent disturbance, esp. of a part of the surface of the earth; cataclysm. 6. Also called catastrophe function. Mathematics. any of the mathematical functions that describe the discontinuities that are treated in catastrophe theory. [b]fi·as·co[/b]    /fiˈæskoʊ or, especially for 2, -ˈɑskoʊ/ Show Spelled[fee-as-koh or, especially for 2, -ah-skoh] Show IPA –noun,plural-cos, -coes. 1. a complete and ignominious failure. 2. a round-bottomed glass flask for wine, esp. Chianti, fitted with a woven, protective raffia basket that also enables the bottle to stand upright. Use fiasco in a Sentence See images of fiasco Search fiasco on the Web Origin: 1850–55; < It: lit., bottle < Gmc (see flask1); sense “failure” from It phrase far fiasco to fail, lit., to make a bottle, idiom of uncert. orig. —Synonyms 1. disaster, catastrophe, debacle, flop, bomb.[/i] As can be seen, many of these words are defing in terms of each other. It would be fascinating to know which words have been used by which journalists to describe which program. I wonder if they have favourites? And why?


16/04/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS [/b] The future of the Young Liberal National Party doesn't look so bright when they've got vile racists like Nick Sowden representing them, DARRYL MASON, The Orstrahyun Is this Australian?. Margo Kingston, Webdiary A vote changer,By peter Brent, Mumble Brumby's Numbers Don't Add Up By Ben Eltham, Work Like a Dog says Rudd., By Reb, Gutter Trash Class, voting and broad left demography, by Possum Comitatus No Asylum Seeker who arrives by boat should get permanent residency, by Iain Hall

Ad astra reply

16/04/2010It’s time Welcome to [i]TPS[/i]. Please come again. Thank you for your delightful satirical rejoinder.

It's time

16/04/2010Ad astra "Thank you for your delightful satirical rejoinder. " Eer, it was management consultancy advice. Who do I send the invoice to?

Ad astra reply

16/04/2010It's time Why not send it to Uncle Rupert!

Ad astra reply

16/04/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated.

It's time

16/04/2010Bill "One wonders whether words like: bungled, failed, failure, fiasco, debacle, disaster, catastrophe, and charade are synonymous. Shanahan uses them interchangeably, but what exactly are his thought processes when he pick his adjective to go with the government program?" Shanahan uses our Negativo-meter (TM) software. After writing your piece, start up Negative-meter and it will automatically scan your writing and score it for the appropriate level of negative nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It also checks against overuse of a single negative word - variety is the putrescence of life. Optimum score is 100. Anything higher tends to send the program into a funk. We also have an add-on for also scoring negative numbers but Shanahan didn't need it. Our earlier package, Guilt-o-meter (TM) has been working a treat for the papacy for years. We're having a bit of resistance trying to sell one of our old products (Policy-o-meter) to Tony Abbott. Unfortunately, when he uses it, it can't distinguish signal from noise.


16/04/2010Ad Astra, Too true, and what is heartening to me is that this modus operandi by especially the News Ltd. hacks, is becoming more transparent and comical by the day. And more power to your skewering hand as we need to be constantly vigilant, and, as President Obama said last night to Kerry O'Brien, we need sunlight to shine on those who wish to carry out their Machiavellian machinations in the dark, as Tony Abbott is wont to do, and as Pauline Hanson can attest to. I must say though that, even as we speak about the News Ltd. bias, some cracks of sunlight are seeping into the edifice from some unusual quarters. We have had Peter Van Onselen's role reversal from Liberal Party journalistic stooge, to considered opinion writer. I know it probably won't be a stance that lasts forever, but it is good to see it at all. Also, in today's edition of 'The Australian', we have an article that comments on Tony Abbott as 'an exercise addict', and its physiological ramifications: Of course there's the obligatory insertion of a negative comment about the physiological effects of a lack of sleep on the PM, but generally it is negative towards Tony Abbott. Yes, it may well be just a coded warning from the bootstrappers to TA to get off his bike and back to work, nevertheless it was good to see it. Also, I have read a report in the Higher Education section of The Oz today that has Senator Kim Carr rounding on a report of a week ago about Labor Research Funding electoral biases: Of course, these articles are not on the front page and that appears to be still reserved for the Yellow Journalism, and probably will be, along with the Opinion pages, up until the election. However, it is better then not getting a guernsey at all in The Oz. What I will also say is that I would love to see the click figures for the respective bootstrappers in the online sphere. How many of them have had declining numbers? We don't have to read their articles anymore as we click through to that which we want to read. I note that the most popular online Oz blogger is Jack the Insider, who gives both sides of the political fence a kick, lacing his pieces with humour, as opposed to the po-faced pronouncements of Shanas and Milne(who appears to have not gone away at all from The Oz, much to my profound disappointment). Maybe there's a theory at News Ltd. that if they get the eyeballs looking at the more reasonable commenters then they can hope that once inside the tent the punters will have a look round at what else is on offer, and in this way insidiously infiltrate their minds with the reactionary conservative nonsense that is churned out like sewage from a pipe? I am also intrigued to know whether Uncle Rupert has decided to put up his paywall around his Australian outlets before the election. My guess is that he won't, so that he can suck in as many eyeballs as possible to his biased anti-Rudd government world, in the hope that his minions and factoti will be able to swing the election his preferred way. Suffice to say that we, the gatekeepers of political decency, need to be constantly vigilant from now until the election, and have our verbal bayonets at the ready to head off any and every attack by the News Ltd. Barbarians. Most especially we have to go into battle against the News Ltd. proxy, the former journalist and Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, who will be given every assistance to get his Coalition over the line, against all sense and reason.

Ad astra reply

16/04/2010BB Your comment points to the literary ineptitude of writers who use these pejorative terms interchangeably. But literary considerations are inconsequential to them; the object is to imprint these uncomplimentary, damaging terms into the minds and psyches of the electorate so that they will believe them and repeat them mindlessly. These writers know the Goebbels principle: ‘that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.’

It's time

16/04/2010"I am also intrigued to know whether Uncle Rupert has decided to put up his paywall around his Australian outlets before the election. My guess is that he won't, so that he can suck in as many eyeballs as possible to his biased anti-Rudd government world, in the hope that his minions and factoti will be able to swing the election his preferred way." Surely even Rupert in his dotage recognises that paywalling his writers will produce a dramatic loss of readership and dilute his sway over voters. Would he really want to turn his Australian into the Liberal newsletter before an election?


16/04/2010Let's not forget that onomatopoeic favourite, 'Shambles', with extra added twin sibilance for mucho snakiness! Then there's one of ex-hack TA's favourites, "the government are rattled". Sigh. No evidence is ever presented to back up the negative assertions, just an unquestioned acceptance by the media that, if Tony Abbott is saying it, as Leader of the Opposition, it must have credence. Not that these same media arbiters ever gave the same level of belief to Kim Beazley, Simon Crean or Mark Latham's pronouncements. Also, if you want to know who the modern day Goebbels for the Conservatives around the world, it is this man: As he says, "It's not what you say, it's what people hear." Hmmm. Anyway, I would advise you all to read this Wikipedia entry and take special note of who in Australia he has had a close relationship with.


16/04/2010Want some more words of wisdom from Dr Luntz, that we might hear the Conservatives under Abbott use ad nauseum until the election?


16/04/2010Lyn - in reverse send this link to the medja hacks! A good read and giggle to start the day, AA.

Ad astra reply

16/04/2010HillbillySkeleton Thank you for the links to pieces in [i]The Oz[/i]. Ever since Tony Abbott said he was undertaking the Iron Man and Pollie Pedal within a week of each other, I have doubted the wisdom of a 52 year old attempting such extreme endeavours. Quite apart from the time taken away from his day job, it seemed to be placing his health under unreasonable stress. The experts agree. I wonder too how long it will take him to recover from these events, how long it will be before his brain in is political gear again, how long before he will be able give proper attention to what is an ‘extreme’ political responsibility – that of being Opposition Leader. I wonder does he really want the job he’s in, and more so, whether he really wants to be PM. If he did, would he not withdraw from those two sporting obligations? Who would have criticized him for giving more attention to his political responsibilities one he became leader? Kim Carr’s rebuttal exposes the disingenuousness of the argument that Labor is favouring universities in Labor electorates. We should expect more of this deception as the election gathers momentum. The links to Frank Luntz paint a rather frightening picture of the man and how he uses words to manipulate public opinion. As his polling techniques seem to be suspect, his spinmeistering is likely to be suspect too. If he is used by News Limited outlets we can expect to see attempts at even more deliberate manipulation of public opinion.


16/04/2010Ad astra The iron man action image is his day job and opening his own sports center with his super when he is dumped in November after the normal election cycle is almost a given. I believe the PM will not go for a DD and between the election in late OCtober (still my prediction) and next July a vanquished Coalition will pass most of the outstanding legislation or risk complete irrelevancy there after. I also remember responding on a blog recently that in QT where asking the government a loaded question including one of the many negatives above will not get any sort of answer and be brushed aside. HillbillySkeleton The Luntz list did not include "authentic" so where did that spring from,home grown perhaps.


16/04/2010Bilko, I imagine 'authentic' sprang from the cerebral loins of Tony Abbott. :) Tho' I have a memory pinging around the backblocks of my mind that indicates a certain John Winston Howard was fond of its use as well. Hence the revivification by Abbott.


16/04/2010HillbillySkeleton is revivification a real word, my mind pictured the rodent rising from a crypt supported on the crossbar of the mad monks trike and "cerebral loins" just freaked me out as my grandson says when we go over a bump in the car.


16/04/2010Bilko, Is this what you meant about Abbott and JWH?

Acerbic Conehead

16/04/2010Bilko and HS. "Authentic" as per his non-core promises. lol.


16/04/2010Wow! This is interesting. Have News Ltd. started censoring comment on their blogs by referring links through a filter? I just tried to post a comment with link on Jack the Insider's blog and the following message came up: Action Denied: Blacklisted Item Found


17/04/2010close enough HillbillySkeleton rather like a simpson episode where homer repeatedly went back in time to correct events he caused and ended up with all the family eating with extended tongues like lizards. He had had enough travelling and said the immortal line "close enough" Acerbic Conehead all his utterences are non core he learnt of the master, mind you authentic non core promises.

Sir Ian Crisp

17/04/2010It's about time we had a satirical piece. Ad Astra, I would urge you to get the boys and girls who write for the Murdoch stable of newspapers to look in on TPS from time to time. They could add to their book of instructions. They could adopt the TPS style and write a piece and then keep repeating it with subtle changes. I wonder if there is a narrowing gulf between the writing styles at TPS and News Limited. Ad Astra, satire is a wonderful thing.


17/04/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] Rudd reform has an achilles heal , Herald Sun, Laurie Oakes Game on: election speculation, anyone, by Bernard Keane, Crikey The iron man at Coag, by Stephen Mills, Business Spectator. Rudd is in full campaign mode and is dominating the political agenda with a discipline and energy unlike anything we have seen before in this country. Ignore the right's repulsive fear mongering, this iss what happens, by Jeremy Sear,, An Ononymous Lefty Tony Abbott Not Homophobic just honest, by Nick Sowden , Menzies House In defence, kinda sorta,of NICK SOWDEN, By Bernard Keane, The Stump Race Twit, ambitious Queensland Young Liberall activist calls Obama a "Monkey", Vex It’s about time News went without its dinner, by Jeremy Sear, An Anonymous Lefty Scoring points from DEATH, by Scott Bridges, Groupthink Five reasons why Malcolm Turnbull should urgently reconsider his retirement, by Bernard Keane, Crikey O’Brien’s Obama scoop leaves Speers out in the cold, By Andrew Cook, Crikey

Daisey May

17/04/2010Lovely article Ad. Let's face it, the muckraking slags that hide under old maid Murdochs' petticoat are lazy drones incapable of any semblance of impartiality or professionalism. Mere shivers looking for a spine to run up to paraphrase Keating. Unfortunately, they are the Opposition as the Coalition proper is unelectable and will probably lose more seats in the coming election. A few stand out and we all know who they are. The others we should not flatter with our attention. I believe that since the last Newspoll came out, the foetid drones of News Ltd infamy have been told to pull out all the stops to make the next delayed poll look better. Reading the OZ today (reluctantly I may add), I was struck by the abscence of Abbott references. Before the last Newspoll his visage and chimeric approach to policy was being shoved down our throats at every possible turn. At one point it was so bad I half expected to see Abbotts' stool samples splashed across the front pages of the OZ in lieu of serious analysis. Now, the News hacks are by and large remarkably stupid, that is unquestionable. Having to polish turds all day every day until election day and beyond however is another matter. I notice Richard Farmer has made the startling observation that the Murdoch press appears to be anti- Labour at present. Really? How astute these people are. How insightful. Also a creepy crawley article by Tom Dusevic in todays OZ seems to be laying the groundwork for the inevitable egg on face-athon that's coming up courtesy of Brad Orgill. His forensic slice and dice ballet beginning with all the sloppy and spurious reporting of the BER by the OZ should be a delight to watch. It would be a guilty pleasure to sink the slipper into all the other little halfwits but the washing basket is whistling a hideously off note tune to which I'm being bidden to dance. Dame Edith Sitwell once rebuked an impertinent detractor with this lovely put down, "I am currently denied the pleasure of putting you in your place owing to the fact that you simply don't have one".


17/04/2010Hi Daisey May You are just wonderful, what an enjoyable comment you have posted. I couldn't agree with you more.


17/04/2010Daisy May - that Dame Edith Sitwell quote is wonderfully cutting. I had heard it but could never find the exact words. Thank you.


17/04/2010An excellent set of links today, lyn. You are a treasure!


17/04/2010Daisey May, I fear the lack of Abbott references in today's OZ may be a calm before the storm situation wherein Sluggo and the News Ltd. hacks wait with baited breath for the PM to be nobbled at Monday's COAG. Then they will launch themselves as termagents aiming for the throat. They will have their caustic opines pre-emptively written, there can be no doubt about that. THEN we might finally get a Newspoll.


17/04/2010Thankyou Hillbilly Skeleton You make me so happy. I think it's you, that is the real treasure, with all your wonderful pieces.

Ad astra reply

17/04/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated.


17/04/2010lyn, We are a virtuous circle. :)

Bushfire Bill

17/04/2010A classic of its kind: [i][b]Health debacle opens Lodge doors to Abbott [/b][/i] by Christopher Pearson. [i]A house divided against itself will fall and last week's events have increased the likelihood Tony Abbott will snatch an upset victory at the next election. It looks like a mystery wrapped inside an enigma until you ask the question: who stands to benefit most? It's plain that John Brumby and Kristina Keneally have concluded a second Rudd government is by no means inevitable and nor is it necessarily in their best interests. Fairfax columnists and left-wing bloggers may feel free to describe Rudd's 54-46 two-party preferred advantage in Newspoll as a commanding lead and neglect to mention the margin for error, but professionals in the business of day-to-day politics know better.[/i] It's all there: the "cack-handed attempt to sell a policy" that is the Rudd Health project has already reached "debacle" stage, the desperate hope that Rudd is a oncer, attacks on "left-wing bloggers" and their disregard for MOE (hint: "We own Newspoll"], praise for competitors (aka Michelle Grattan) when they ask "shrewd questions", disparaging dismissal of the proposed referendum as "unnecessary vaudeville", praise for State Labor (Kennealy is "a genuinely nice woman" who doesn't deserve to be bullied by Rudd, the "plain-speaking" Brumby has brought "quality governance" to Victoria), and much, much more. I won't ruin it for you all, but there's a Murdochism there for all the family. As I said, a classic of its kind from the ever-reliable, Chris Pearson, no doubt brought forward to the front lines to stiffen a few backbones with some fiery dudgeon.

Bushfire Bill

17/04/2010Here's a link to a 2007 criticism of a previous exercise in fairy tale generation from Pearson, from Possum's old site:

Ad astra

17/04/2010Bilko, HillbillySkeleton In the Abbott context, the most cogent definition of ‘authentic’, would be: [i]not false or imitation; true to one's own personality, spirit, or character[/i]. So if Abbott being authentic is a non-core promise, he’s a phony; if he is authentic, what we see is what we’re going to get. In that case - Heaven help us.

Ad astra

17/04/2010HillbillySkeleton Are you suggesting that the AlterNet link was the reason for the rejection of your comment on JTI’s blog? Or is News Limited blocking all links in comments? It would be worth including a link to a News Limited article in your next comment to check if this is so.

Ad astra

17/04/2010Sir Ian So you’re tiring of satire! If the likes of Dennis Shanahan, Glenn Milne and Steve Lewis desisted from writing articles that invite satire, there would be no need for it. Today Shanahan did write a more balanced piece; if only he did this as a matter of course! Milne is capable of doing the same, but seldom does; I’m still trying to work out if Lewis is capable. If you find the offerings here on [i]TPS[/i] below the standard you prefer, why not write something yourself and lift our standards?


17/04/2010Hi Ad Ad Steve Lewis is not credible, gossip column. Bushfire Bill thanks for the link to possum 2007, excellent reading The comments are all worth reading as well, BB yours in particular, number 12, 42, 44 I read the Christopher Pearson piece this morning, unbelievably stupid.

Ad astra

17/04/2010Daisey May I presume you’re referring to Tom Dusevic’s [i]Schools built on skilled Labor[/i] in today’s [i]Oz[/i], yet another sarcastic piece on the BER, which this paper has been pursuing for ages without much impact. I suppose it is frustrated at the appointment of [i] “…retired UBS uber-banker Brad Orgill[/i]”, [i] “…a fellow traveller in Labor's education project in as much as he is dedicated to equity, lifelong learning and public schools. UBS also facilitated the November 2008 visit of Gillard's New York City education guide and guru Joel Klein.”[/i]. Sounds like an early effort to ‘shoot the messenger’, nervous as [i]The Oz[/i] must be that Orgill will not only uncover the problems, but will just as willingly highlight the successes. Now that would not be what [i]The Oz[/i] would want to see.

Ad astra

17/04/2010BB Wasn’t Christopher Pearson once John Howard’s speech-writer? I wonder will he be as complimentary about Kenneally and Brumby if they eventually go along with the Rudd reform plan? Of course the MOE is relevant if they want to discount a TPP that is good for Labor, but not if it favours the Coalition. They will be hoping that the next [i]Newspoll[/i] shows a dip in Labor’s support; there will be no talk about the change being within the MOE then. In the meantime I suppose we can’t deprive dear old Chris of his dream – that “Tony Abbott will snatch an upset victory at the next election”.


17/04/2010Hi Ad See this, Kevin Rudd has achieved another new name , fiscal phony [b]Hospital takeover 'lunacy' says Abbott [/b] During his 25-minute speech, Mr Abbott also talked up the government's failures on asylum seekers and financial management, describing Mr Rudd as a [b]"fiscal phony".[/b]

Ad astra

 Another informative set of links. The Abbott speech to his party faithful is just another recycling of all the nasty language we’ve all heard before ad nauseam, except of course his new term: ‘fiscal phony’. No doubt we’ll hear that over and again. The speech was, as usual heavy on criticism, but Abbott’s alternatives were, as usual, absent. But of course we’ll be told about his policies ‘well in time for the election’! He does seem though to have burnt his bridges about a Federal takeover of hospitals, something to which he's given support in the past and in his [i]Battlelines[/i]. He may have painted himself into a corner. But he's gifted at doing that.


17/04/2010Hi Ad Twitter Tweets about Lunacy as of April 17, 2010


17/04/2010I have just indicated the need for a forklift truck to remove the horsemanure contained in CP column I will be interested to see if it gets published seeing there are zero comments at present


17/04/2010Hi Bilko Did you notice, Christoper Pearson's article was posted at 12am last night. It's very strange there are no comments, don't you think. I have emailed the Editor, wonder if I will get a reply.


17/04/2010lyn we can hope but don't hold your breath waiting

Bushfire Bill

17/04/2010Pearson referred to Labor's Newspoll 2PP lead over the Coalition as "54/46", which was not the lead in the last [i]published[/i] Newspoll. So, I wonder whether if there [i]may well have been[/i] a 54/46 Newspoll last week which was not published, or was Pearson just referring to averaged 2PP figures? Whichever, he is a known goose, not well appreciated for his dexterity with figures.


17/04/2010Hi Bilko There are still no comments, very suspicious.

Daisey May

17/04/2010Big thanks to Lyn for her tireless work and her lovely encouragement. It may(or perhaps not) be surprising to hear a tentative voice emboldened by facelessness. The real kudos belong to Bushfire Bill, Ad Astra, Grogs Gamut, Possum and of course the one and only Piping Shrike who offer incredibly well informed and in depth commentary at the drop of a hat. There are others of course but these people I read religiously. It bugs me somewhat that the insight and acumen these people espouse are streets ahead of the so called journalists that pretend to inform the nation. I long for a parralell universe where truly gifted commentators who know what they are talking about hold sway. Sadly I guess It won't happen simply because the great bulk of people love ignorance as it is easier to digest than truth.


17/04/2010Hi Daisey May Thankyou for your kind comments. [quote][b]The real kudos belong to Bushfire Bill, Ad Astra, Grogs Gamut, Possum and of course the one and only Piping Shrike who offer incredibly well informed and in depth commentary at the drop of a hat.[/b][/quote] They are wonderful, but how could we cope if we didn't have [b]Ad Astra [/b]providing this space for us.

Acerbic Conehead

17/04/2010AA, Tony Abbott’s “fiscal phoney” insult, addressed to Daffyd Rudd, has backfired on him. You see, Daffyd is adamant he’s the only GAY in the village and will fight tooth and nail to hang on to his crown. According to Daffyd, the current climate calls for an approach based on spending like a Gay Abandoned Yahoo (GAY). As usual, Daffyd is propping up the bar, chatting to his friend the barmaid, Myfanwy Gillard. Daffyd: You know, Myfanwy, that global financial crisis was a blessing in disguise – it gave me the opportunity to show how GAY I am with my StimPac spending... Myfanwy: Oh, without a doubt, Daffyd – when it comes to spending like a drunken sailor, there’s no-one as GAY as you...ho...ho... Daffyd: Yes, the only GAY in the village, that’s me... Myfanwy: Oh, by the way Daffyd, I hate to burst your bubble, but I sent out the invitations to the other GAY’s in the village to participate in the BER tenders we’re hosting in the bar tonight... Daffyd: Huh...pretend-GAY’s, you mean...don’t forget I’m the only GAY in the village... [just at that moment, in walks Barnaby Joyce] Barnaby: Hi Myfanwy...thanks for the invitation to take part in the tender submissions process tonight... Daffyd: Just you hang on a minute, boyo – I reckon you’re not GAY at all...the bidding for building a sand-pit in the local kindy starts at one million dollars... Barnaby: Only one million dollars! Why, that’s chicken-feed! Anyway, everybody knows that when I hear a quote I just add a few extra noughts onto the end...I’ll be charging 100 million dollars – and that’s without even supplying the sand! Daffyd: Now, there’s a GAY after my own heart! Myfanwy – give that man a glass of pink champagne... [just at that minute, in walks George W Bush] Dubya: Hi there partner GAY’s! Is this the joint where I start the biddin’? Daffyd: Hmmm...are you sure you’re GAY, mate – didn’t Pink write a song calling your credentials into question? Dubya: No way buster! My credentials as a GAY are impeccable – just look at how much I wasted shaking down those non-existent WMD’s in Iraq...and the corporate cowboys had a field-day on my watch during the GFC... Daffyd: Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate...and here was me thinking I was the only GAY in the village...Myfanwy – give that man a pink champagne... [suddenly, the door opens and in walks the self-styled biggest GAY in the village – Tony Abbott. Tones is very appropriately dressed for the occasion in his PVC/latex rubber/lycra combo suit] Myfanwy: Well, well, well...if it isn’t Tones himself – I’m surprised you accepted the invitation, Tones – what with you feeling “threatened” by such company...heh...heh... Tones: No way, Mafanwy! Some of my best friends are GAY – just look at Nick Sowden for god’s sake...and I can spend money quicker than Paris Hilton at the January sales – please let me stay... Daffyd: You’re not GAY at all, mate – just look at the time when you were Minister for Health in the Howard government – you stripped more than a billion dollars from the hospitals...if you’re GAY, mate, I’m Fred Nile... [Tones can’t talk himself out of this one, so slinks out of the bar with his weathervane between his legs] Daffyd; Well, Myfanwy, I reckon we should start the bidding for the BER tenders now... Myfanwy: Maybe we should just wait another couple of mo’s Daffyd – I sent an invitation for John Brumby to come along... Daffyd: Is he GAY? Myfanwy: I dunno – but we’re gonna find out pretty soon...


18/04/2010Ad astra, re Hillbilly's comment not making it in JTIs blog, it would have been rejected because of the AlterNet link. I remember some months back JTI telling his bloggers the OO had a new policy that would no longer allow him to publish comments containing links. However I've noticed that some links are allowed to other Murdoch sites. BB, Christopher Pearson has come down with "Shanahan Syndrome". SS affects the brain, is viral in nature and causes blockages in the thinking pathways of the brain. Symptoms include delusions and irrational perceptions of what is going on around them.


18/04/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] Compare and contrast by Tobias Ziegler, Pure Poison How Journalists are Using Social Media for Real Results, Mashable The Christine Nixon defence rests, by David Bonnic, Groupthink Playing with fire. by Legal eagle, SkepticLawyer How Jounlists respond to new technoloogy an historical example, by Trevor Cook Abbott criticises Rudd's health plan, Sky News What Should the Hold out for, by Charles Richardson, The Stump Whatever it Takes by Walterbass, Walterbass's Weblog Liberal Party Tribulation: Tony Abbott, by Douglas, Mangled thoughts

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated.

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010Folks Apologies for the barrage of spam - I was away from my computer for over 12 hours!


18/04/2010Lol, I love Lenore Taylor. She gets to the heart of phoniness with laser-like accuracy. On today's Insiders(and how refreshing it was not to have a News Ltd. shouter and baiter on the couch), she pulled out Tony Abbott's WA Race Day giveaway promo card, with its 6 points of importance to the Coalition, and said "It's a pity the 6 bullet points aren't backed up by 6 policies." Zing!


18/04/2010janice, I don't think you're right about the Alternet link not being allowed because of the previously enunciated policy re links. People have been linking to Alternet successfully since the time that policy was announced. I thought that maybe it had to do with a new decision which had subsequently been made to Blacklist sites which are anathema to News Ltd., such as Alternet. You should have seen the font they used as well to announce the action, big, black and menacing! So, you may be right that it was blacklisted because it was Alternet(and because the story was having a dig at Fox's new darling, Sarah Palin), but my contention is that it was as a result of a new policy by News. I'll keep testing those waters, as I don't agree with censorship of this kind. If News Ltd. aren't man enough to cop a bit of criticism from left field on their blogs, especially considering the blatant propagandising that their outlets undertake for the political Right, in all countries in which they operate, then we are indeed just one step away again from Goebbels.


18/04/2010Bushfire Bill, 'Pearson referred to Labor's Newspoll 2PP lead over the Coalition as "54/46", which was not the lead in the last published Newspoll.' Fair point. As we know, even though News Ltd. owns Newspoll, they do purchase its polling, and they are under no obligation to publish it, say if the results didn't fit their narrative, and thus it would then be their choice to consign it to the bin. Christopher Pearson( NOT the only gay in News Ltd. ;) ), would no doubt have had the results, however.


18/04/2010Hillbilly Skeleton, I tried posting a comment to Jack's blog including a link to [i]Pollytics[/i] at Crikey. I got the same result as you. I'm leaning to your theory: that they are blacklisting sites anathema to News Ltd (as alternet and Pollytics/Crikey surely would be).


18/04/2010[b]Hi Ad and everybody[/b] [b]This absolutely excellent, brilliant by GROG[/b]


18/04/2010Daisey May, It's not only the OO that is conspicuously bereft of Abbott content. Have noticed fewer "news stories" about and featuring Abbott on the ABC also in recent days. It makes a welcome relief, that's for sure. Up till lately it's been Abbott overkill wherever you look, listen or read: the media swamped with his pictures, quotes, footage, voice grabs, talking points and press releases. Perhaps his PR / media people have woken up that what they've been doing has failed to have the desired effect. Perhaps the media, too, have wised up that they've overdone this whole Abbott schtick and that it's turned people off. Possibly the advisers and the agenda-media have changed tack to a strategy of "Less is more"? What a bind they can get themselves into when attempting to inundate public perceptions under a tidal wave of propaganda. Lol!

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010Folks Lyn's link to the piece on Grog's Gamut [i]The Liberal Party's 'Action Plan': Six points in search of a policy[/i] added to LYN'S DAILY LINKS.

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010HillbillySkeleton It would be fascinating to know which sites News Limited may have blocked from comments on its blogs. We should, when relevant, try inserting a link to [i]TPS[/i]. If it is blocked it would be, according to your belief, that [i]TPS[/i] has become such an irritant, the bloggers on News Limited sites need shielding from our remarks. What a a feather in our caps that would be.

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010AC Thank you for another delicious piece of satire. Even Sir Ian, who thinks I’m overdoing satire, would be amused.


18/04/2010Don't bet your house on it, Ad Astra!

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010Daisey May You’re right, Lyn has added a new dimension to [i]TPS[/i]. Her links are special because many are from unusual places. They make consistently good reading. Thank you for your kind remarks about what BB and I place on [i]TPS[/i]. The comments which follow add such a valuable element that by the time the post concludes the post has been vastly enhanced. Possum’s [i]Pollytics, Grog’s Gamut[/i] and [i]The Piping Shrike[/i] are sites we all visit with anticipation. Please tell us what subjects you would like addressed on [i]TPS[/i].


18/04/2010Hi Ad None of the columns over at the Oz have any comments on them, even Dennis Shanahan, Jennifer Hewitt, Oh Jack the Insider does and I think George. I posted a link on Peter Van Onselen's piece, it was accepted but not posted.

Ad astra reply

18/04/2010Lyn That's strange. I wonder what's going on. Anyway, let's all continue the investigation of what links [i]The Oz[/i] is accepting in its blogs, and if a pattern emerges, an email to the editor would be appropriate.


18/04/2010Rx, Thankx for testing my theory out! It's all starting to get a bit of a smell to it in the run-up to the election. I would also like to speak to a Constitutional Lawyer, maybe George Williams, about how legal it is to restrict speech in this way. Tho I'm sure that there is some sneaky legal recourse News has in its back pocket to cover its behind. AA, I will try and link to this blog to test the breadth of News Ltd.'s bans. Frankly, I can't wait for News Ltd. to disappear into irrelevancy behind its paywall. I can't see anyone other than Coalition fanboys and girls actually paying to read the Bootstrappers Gazette.


18/04/2010Hi Ad I went to Google put Kevin Rudd in and pressed news search,it brought up The Australian, Peter Van Onselen. and Brisbane Times. Do the same on Tony Abbott, search news, none of the Murdoch papers come up. So that would mean Tony Abbott's name has not been mentioned in any Murdochs papers today anywhere. Or it could mean that Murdoch has stopped Google putting up the headlines, or the comments have gone behind a paywall maybe. I noticed the opinion pieces are all marked 12am 17th. Even Paul Kelly doesn't have any comments.


18/04/2010Ad Astra, My post to Jack the Insider expressing my concern at the new 'Blacklist' and linking to this blog was accepted.

johyn Ryan

18/04/2010Kinda interested in what %of GDP our nation debt is,and what % is the national debt of countries, US, GB, Europe, just interested and it helps to be able to put the kibosh on the young Liberals hysterical letters in the online papers


18/04/2010John Ryan, With the caveat that Wikipedia is not necessarily a reliable source, here is a: [b]List of countries by public debt as percentage of annual gross domestic product[/b] Japan 172.1 Italy 114.4 Greece 102.6 Iceland 96.3 Belgium 93.5 Hungary 77.0 France 75.7 Portugal 75.2 United States 70.0 Canada 69.7 Germany 68.8 Austria 66.2 Netherlands 65.8 United Kingdom 56.8 Norway 56.0 Poland 54.0 Ireland 48.5 Sweden 47.0 Spain 44.2 Switzerland 44.0 Finland 40.7 Denmark 39.8 South Korea 26.8 New Zealand 25.3 >> AUSTRALIA 14.3 << ... And, by way of Crikey’s Glenn Dyer and economist Shane Oliver, here’s a handy graph that shows just how small Australia’s public debt and deficit is in comparative terms:


18/04/2010Hi John Ryan This link 'The Stubbornmule" will tell you excellent graphs: Cheers


18/04/2010Rx, That's a very interesting list you have put up. Combine it with the constant 'Debt and Deficit'(absent any reference to the cause of the 'Debt & Deficit') rhetoric, or, should that be hyperbole, from the Coalition, and their new 'Action' card, as referenced by Grog today, and you can plainly see what empty vessels they are.They are the ones who make the most noise after all, and that appears to be all the Coalition are capable of. However, I must add at this pooint that I am not so stupid as to think that they will be bereft of policy in the run-up to the election. They have just come off an amazing winning streak under Howard, and so I believe that they must have something still left up their sleeves. That doesn't mean that it won't be able to be filed under 'Mean & Tricky', though, as their 'Action Card' appears to suggest.

johyn Ryan

18/04/2010Thank you to the posters who answered my question it and you have been very helpful

Paul of Beriwck

19/04/2010Folks, Apparently, we have a paler imitation of what happens with newspapers in the UK. There, they are rabidly for their side of politics. And, its interesting to note that there is a feeling that these newspapers have lost their political clout in this new digital age. So, here's a few links about the UK election, the blogging, and the media (perhaps we bloggers can learn, somehow, from these Brits are doing):


19/04/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] Nielsen: 51-49, by William Bowe, The Poll Bludger Nielsen says 51 to 49, by Peter Brent Mumble Voters want it, but Grim Reaper happy to kill health reform ,by PETER HARTCHER , National Times Backing for Rudd on health by MICHELLE GRATTAN AND DAVID ROOD , The Age Fess up - you grinned when that Goldman Sachswas charged with fraud, by Petering, North Coast Voices Battlelines - what's Tony Abbott really about by Tristan Ewins, Left Focus The Role of Government, by Fred Argy , Club Troppo Spotlight the Spin, by tigtog, Larvatus Prodeo Weakened immune system and cognitive impairment is great news for Tony Abbott, by Alex White

Ad astra reply

19/04/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated.

Ad astra reply

19/04/2010Thank you Rx for your list of countries by public debt as percentage of annual gross domestic product, and Paul of Berwick for your list of election blog sites in the UK. Both are most useful. Folks I have just posted [i]Is the ABC’s ‘Insiders’ balanced?[/i]. I will now close comments on this piece.

Public Sector Tenders

10/05/2010Trackback from Public Sector Tenders Public Sector Tenders



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