Turncoats and Political Judas Sheep

Well, over the last week and a bit, after the boil was lanced by the Labor Party and Kevin Rudd was squeezed out of the top job in the country, it seems to me that every entrail has been pored over, from the smallest blog in the land and by every Tweeter, to the analysis of the 'coup' generated by the heaviest hitters at the largest national dailies in Australia, before they paused for breath and turned their attentions to Julia Gillard.  Every word spoken has been recorded, to whom and by whom, every raised eyebrow catalogued and interpreted as to its meaning.  The modus operandi of the Rudd government has been explicated in detail.  Not so much the modus operandi of the media and the part they played in the downfall of Kevin, sadly. 


Which is exactly where I'd like to come into the conversation.

Today, I'd like to look at the way the media has used Labor turncoats, and former social progressives, against the ALP, as Judas Sheep to lead the electorate astray on behalf of the conservative side of politics.

Let me begin by explaining, conceptually, what I mean.

I began to notice a new phenomenon appearing in the media before the 2004 election between Mark Latham and John Howard.  The Murdoch media had incorporated a new weapon into their armoury and deployed it effectively to attempt to destroy the Labor leader and the Labor election campaign.  Chances are they are casting around for one to use against Julia Gillard right now.

The disaffected former partner, member of the ALP, or former ALP Member of Parliament.

When we cast our minds back to the 2004 Latham election, who was it that wounded Mark Latham repeatedly in front of the eyes of the voters, as they scanned their daily papers, over and above the daily grinding down contributed by the usual media suspects?  

Mark Latham's former wife.

She was given a national platform whose prominence was inversely proportional to the value of her contribution to the debate when assessed by objective eyes.  The Australian allowed her to regale the reader with lurid tales about the man, plus provide a running commentary and analysis of his behaviour throughout the campaign.  No wonder Latham had a nervous collapse by the end of it!

I'm sure many electors came to form a large part of their opinion of him based upon her negative characterisations.  For the life of me, I don't know why the bitter recriminations of a spurned spouse should have been given such prominence.  Except to say that they served their purpose well.

Now, fast forward to before the elections of Kevin Rudd and Barack Obama.  It was the appearance of the turncoat as critic that was again used as a tool to bludgeon them and to assail their characters. Both here in News Ltd. Publications and on Sky TV, and in America on the Fox News Network.

In America, Dick Morris, former close adviser to Bill Clinton, has become a strident critic of the Obama Administration on Fox News.  Rabidly so.

In Australia, we have a few also.  Firstly, let me say, before I mention any individuals specifically, what I think it is that their role has become, on behalf of the conservative cause which they are now advancing, whether they admit that that is what they are doing or not. Benignly branding it as 'analysis' cloaks its true purpose.

They are political Judas Sheep, who are being used to lead the electorate astray and the ALP to electoral slaughter, hopefully, if they do their job well for their new masters.

You will notice that the conservative media, whenever these people appear in their pages or on their screens, are punctilious about mentioning their former political incarnation with the ALP.  This serves two purposes as far as I can see.

Firstly, it lends an air of legitimacy to whatever criticism they have to make about the ALP.  Well, were not these people once of the ALP and do they not have the ALP in their political DNA?  So there must be an element of truth to what they say???  This is the expectation that is encouraged in the minds of the unthinking as I see it anyway.  But at the same time it is precisely that link to the past which has been expunged from their present political persona.  Nevertheless, this commentary has a most corrosive effect on the public's perceptions of the ALP, a fact which the conservative media thus knowingly exploits mercilessly.

So, let me just run through the roll call of those who were used, and I'm not saying that they don't do it voluntarily, up until last week, when the Prime Minister of the country was deposed by his own party in a bloodless fashion which was aimed at fending off the attacks to his credibility which had mortally wounded him, like the henpecked chicken and media punching bag that he had become during the last days of the terminal decline of his Prime Ministership, and, as a consequence, his government.

Now, to specifics.

Exhibit #1:  Mark Latham

With the reliable regularity of the terminally-embittered, ever since his own fall from grace at the head of the Labor Party into ignominious defeat was complete, Mark Latham has provided the generally conservative readers of the Australian Financial Review on a fortnightly basis since Kevin Rudd became leader of the ALP, the dubious benefit of his 'wisdom', gleaned from his many years on the inside of the ALP.  Without question his prognostications are now taken as gospel and holy writ.  No longer is he the electorally-humiliated 'Maddie' who broke a taxi driver's arm.  He has been reborn.

As a conservative tool.  No longer are damning assessments written about what he has to say by the likes of Janet Albrechtsen, Matthew Franklin or Dennis Shanahan in the Murdoch press.  Every nugget is now gold.  Pure, unalloyed soothsaying, to be absorbed as the gospel truth, magnified and echoed instead by that same conservative bootstrap machine that once used to flay him alive publicly on a daily basis.  Incongruous, to say the least.  Need I add that he was the first port of call for Murdoch's Sky TV when 'analysis' was needed of the machinations of the ALP's people post Julia Gillard's ascension to the role of Prime Minister.  Suffice to say that once his purpose has been served, and he has no further relevant 'insight' to give, he will be cast aside brutally once again by them, like a used tissue.  Just like his former wife has been.

Exhibit #2: Greg Rudd

As I mentioned before with respect to Mark Latham when he was leading the federal ALP, no one serves the purpose of the conservative media machine better when it comes to the capability of inflicting damaging blows to the credibility of a popular ALP figure than the close family member.

The pretext is, of course, that surely a family member would not speak out of school about their own flesh and blood, or relative by marriage?  Families are harmonious entities where everyone is on the same team, aren't they?  Except in exceptional circumstances, surely?  Hence, if someone from your own family feels the need to criticise you then, ipso facto, it must be a valid criticism.

Yeah right.  And the Easter Bunny is real too.

No converse criticism is ever mounted, no argument made, that I have come across anyway in the mainstream media, that maybe, just maybe, this person just might have an axe to grind with their famous family member.  Instead, what they have to say is given the imprimatur of legitimacy by being given a national platform in the national daily paper, from which all other media outlets appear to source their daily lines and talking points these days.

And so it goes, drip, drip, drip, as their message seeps out into the broader community consciousness, from the loss-leading spigot that is The Australian, whose influence these days is not gauged by the number of papers sold, but by the number of other media outlets influenced.

Exhibit #3: Gary Johns   

This guy is 'the former Minister in the Hawke/Keating government' who now writes regular opinion pieces critiquing the policies of the current Labor government...from his perch atop the conservative Think Tank, the Institute of Public Affairs.  His value to the conservative media appears to lie in the fact that as he was a Minister in the belatedly acknowledged 'reforming' Hawke/Keating government, therefore his standpoint is one of economic rationality, reinforced by the conservative kudos accorded to the Austrian School of Economics fan club that is the IPA, and thus any criticism that he makes, therefore, exposes the economic irrationality of the Labor government.

As he appears to have drunk the conservative Kool Aid, his services probably won't be disposed of anytime soon by the powers that be.  Just expect him to fade from view if the Abbott Conservatives are elected to hold power in the federal government.  Or maybe he'll continue to be trotted out to write glowingly about the economic duds that the Abbott Party obviously are to those who look at them objectively, have more than two brain cells to rub together and eyes to see which are connected to them.

Exhibit #4: The Culture Warriors

Not ones to leave any flank exposed to attack and advancement by the progressive forces, the relentless prosecution of the Culture Wars is maintained in order to diminish the progressive iconography that social democrats hold dear and which form the basis for their faith.  You know, such things as the right NOT to get married, abortion rights for women, the right to be an atheist, or not to have children.  The sort of thing Julia Gillard has been vapidly criticised for already this week, by the feminist turncoat Bettina Arndt.

I mean, who better to have a seemingly similar perspective to the progressives than a former editor of Forum, the 70s equivalent of a ladies lad's Mag?  Couldn't she be relied upon to have the Sisterhood's best interests at heart?  Like hell she does.  I think Bettina Arndt is worse than Keith Windschuttle, who went from 70s Marxist to ultra conservative Editor of Right Wing Thinking Lad's Mag, Quadrant, and ABC Board Member-keeper of the conservative flame at the National Broadcaster for John Howard, as at least Keith is upfront and honest about his transformation.  Bettina, on the other hand, would still like her audience to believe that she still has her finger on the pulse of Australian women.  Hence her opinion is our opinion.  

Don't believe a word of it.  She is as traditionally conservative as they come these days, and I'd no more believe her pronouncements about contemporary female mores, than I would Sarah Palin's, who, coincidentally, is attempting the same conservative wolf in feminist sheep's clothing schtick in the US.

So, in conclusion, let me just ring the warning bells one last time.  Beware the political Judas Sheep who will be used as ALP or progressive proxies, by the powerful forces of darkness that lurk in the shadows, to lure 'the mob' (as Howard loved to derisively refer to the electorate) away from the party who seeks to do the right thing by them, to their doom, like lambs to the slaughter on the altar of global capital and free markets, and against their best interests.

Be alert to their ways and alarmed about why they seek to do it.

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Ad astra reply

1/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx I've archived Lyn's June links to LYN'S LINKS JUNE 2010: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-LINKS-JUNE.aspx


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly "[b]Turncoats & Political Judas Sheep[/b]" Thankyou for your magic column this morning, just seems to come natural, for me to agree with everything you say. Hillbilly you, and all our wonderful bloggers have got them all stitched up, [quote][u]Be alert to their ways and alarmed about why they seek to do it: [/u][/quote]. Sums it up nicely.


1/07/2010Lyn, Thank you! I am doing this for one very good reason, to make sure that the forces of darkness do not triumph in the upcoming election and take over OUR country.

Johnny Button

1/07/2010HS Good piece mate. They are out there and ready to infect the neighbourhood.


1/07/2010Ad Astra, Erratum: That should be 'Austrian School of Economics', as in Hayek et al; much beloved these days by the Cons.

Ad astra reply

1/07/2010HS 'Austrian' fixed - apologies, my mistake.

Ad astra reply

1/07/2010Folks I'll be on the road until late afternoon. I look forward to reading your comments then.


1/07/2010lyn, Thank you so much for the link to the Jonathan Holmes article on 'The Drum' today. Within it I found the answer to something which has been troubling me for years when it came to Murdoch News outlets never reflecting on their mistakes for long, if at all, and why it was that they never express regret for getting it wrong. Well, now I know! The answer is in Sky UK's motto, as explained by JH: ' "you're never wrong for long"' No regrets and move on after a nanosecond. Wow! Obviously Tony Abbott subscribes to this motto as well, as so many of his mistakes are glossed over by the next news cycle. No wonder he openly admits to bending the truth when it suits him, and now we have proof that Murdoch Inc. thinks that way too. I think it's pretty shameful, actually. But then I'm old-fashioned I suppose. :)


1/07/2010AA, No worries! We all get our Austrian and Australian mixed up. :)


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly and Everyone Three excellent Links by our friends. [b]Our friends Reb, Chris and Mungo:[/b] [i]John Howard: “Confused, Disappointed, Disturbed, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] A 70 year old gets knocked back for a job and [b]it’s a major diplomatic issue?? Oh how we laughed…! [/b]http://guttertrash.wordpress.com:80/2010/07/01/john-howard-confused-disappointed-disturbed/ [i]Howard's treatment by the ICC should not surprise anyone. Chris ownes, Sportolotics[/i] it is also possible that, having regard to his inexperience in cricket administration, he would ask the wrong questions, to the wrong people, in the wrong way. http://sportowens.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/howards-treatment-by-the-icc-should-not-surprise-anyone/ [i]Labor makes a quick clean kill ,Mungo MacCallum, Northern Rivers Echo[/i] [b]of course there were the media, most notably the hit men and women of the Murdoch press, whose relentless campaign eventually turned their endless predictions of Rudd’s downfall into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Australian gave its own team, particularly Dennis Shanahan and Peter van Onselen, top marks in this regard.[/b]http://www.echonews.com.au/story/2010/07/01/labor-makes-a-quick-clean-kill/


1/07/2010Great piece Hillbilly. Nothing in there I disagree with but I do think the media have always been thus except there used to be offerings of differing opinions. Never before have we experienced our National Broadcaster dancing the tune of a rabid conservative Murdoch monopoly. For instance, Poll Bludger Socrates says he did a survey of about 120 people in his electorate. Age group 50+; he divided them into 50% male, 50% female and 50% labor/liberal voters. He says most of them used the ABC for their news and information, so it seems to me all they got was Murdoch news and misinformation. His findings were interesting and if I can find his post I will post it here. I came to the conclusion half a lifetime ago that my dear old Dad's opinion of the human animal was right - he used to say, "People are queer cattle", meaning that it is easier to handle a mob of cattle than a few people who are more likely to bite, scratch and kick you in the guts for as small a reason as that they don't like the way you walk or the boots you wear.


1/07/2010[b]We will decided who rules the ICC and the manner in which they come..[/b] Ha ha could not have happen to a bigger p#@ck. He can't believe it's for political reasons, what a joke. You cant run around being racist pig for 12 years then expect the very people you demonise to give you a job, what a moron. Australia has to realise that the power in world cricket has shifted.


1/07/2010I got the name wrong - Below is the post from Scorpio on Poll Bludger June 30th. [quote]I mentioned last night that I was going to attempt a focus group session with a 120 strong group of people aged 55 to 65. Not wishing to waste my time and alienate too many people, I selected a representative sample of 40 people and interviewed them either in small groups of 3 to 4 or individually. * population was 50/50 males & females and roughly 40% Labor leaning, 40% LNP leaning and 20% swingers or undecideds’. * All respondents thought the RSPT was a good idea, needed and should be pursued. * All females liked the idea of a female PM but none indicated it would change their voting intention. * All females except one, expressed dislike for Tony Abbott, but again, said it wouldn’t necessarily change their voting intention. * The overwhelming majority of females expressed disgust at the manner in which Kevin Rudd was deposed even those who didn’t particularly like him or would have voted for him. * One rusted on LNP female surprised me when she said she religiously watched QT on the ABC but expressed disgust at the kindergarten behaviour especially her own side. * The main source of political news for most of the respondents was the ABC and not the print media or internet. * Labor leaning males disliked Abbott while LNP voters were divided. Undeciders were anti Abbott. * Majority of male voters also unhappy with the manner of Rudd’s deposing but less so with undecideds. *Undecided males expressed unhappiness with both Rudd & Abbott and somewhat uncommittal towards Gillard. * Majority of the respondents consider the elevation of Gillard was due to pressure from the mining lobby directed through the unions. * Howes and Shorten came in for mention by a majority of respondents and in a very negative way. *No respondent expressed any particular dislike of Julia Gillard, not even the three teachers/ex in regard to the MySchools/Teachers Union spat. * The BER got some mention by LNP leaning respondents but was not considered to be any sort of game-changer or of much criticism. [/quote]


1/07/2010janice, Thank you for your fine contribution. It's interesting in the Socrates post that you quote that the ones who got the biggest raspberry were the 'Union Bosses' Howes and Shorten, lol. Trouble is, they are also the most effective political operators. Trouble for the Opposition, that is!


1/07/2010Ebenezer, Lols. John Howard thought that he could put that ol' twinkle in the eye back into practice with the ICC, the one that conned the electorate for a dozen cold, long years. The ICC were having none of it. They have the memory of elephants, thank goodness. Frankly, I don't know how he thought he could blot out his long history of racial politics.


1/07/2010Hillbilly, sorry to confuse you but the post was from Scorpio not Socrates - both are poll bludgers and initially I named the wrong one LOL. Howes and Shorten (as well as Senator Feeney) seemed to be blamed and named 'executioners' by a lot of bloggers. People are 'queer cattle' as my old dad observed and will only see what they want to see no matter what anyone says. It seems also that many people don't understand why Julia didn't do a major reshuffle, even though the same people say they believe the election will be early or mid August.


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly What do you think about this: [i][b]Mumble moves to the Oz ,Peter Brent, Mumble[/b][/i] I love youse all, thanks for indulging me at this place and I invite you to continue at the new one. http://mumble.com.au/?p=2739 [b]Link to the OZ[/b]http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/mumble/


1/07/2010HS Thanks for your item. This is not something I know a great deal about so your essay is informative, as will be the comments on it. This phenomenon is not the sole province of politics of course. If a cricketer is having a form slump, you can rely on Greg Matthews or Ian Chappell to give him a kick when he's down. Something you didn't mention is that for Latham any publicity is good publicity. Lyn Thanks for your links - you are a treasure. Forgive me Father June 2 Tony Abbott "But as an Australian I have a stake in saving this industry and that is what I will do as long as there is breath in my political body." June 30 Tony Abbott ''I'm not going to speculate on what we might do in respect to something that has not even happened yet.'' July 1 Ian Macfarlane “We will rescind this tax in government and we'll oppose it in opposition."


1/07/2010Very interesting article Hillbilly, and how very perceptive of you. Thanks heaps. Ad Astra, is it possible to use the same font Hillbilly has, and also for the comments? ( Or should I have done this by email? It is much easier to read.) And I agree about Howard. I couldn't help but smile.

Ad astra reply

1/07/2010Gravel We always use Arial 12 pt for the text of the piece. This morning it somehow turned out to be 14 pt. Did the type appear to you to be larger this morning? Do other users of [i]TPS[/i] feel we should use a bigger font size? With this off-the-shelf blog engine there seems to be no way of controlling the font type or font size for comments. BTW most computers allow you to enlarge the size of the printed word: Control + and Control - to reduce it.


1/07/2010Ad astra, I must admit I did find the text size of Hillbilly's piece easier to read than your last two pieces. Don't have much problem with the comments though. My old eyes aren't what they used to be these days with vitreous floaters and growing cataracts LOL.


1/07/2010Hi Norman K Thankyou, I am so pleased you enjoy the links. Tell you what! I love reading your very worthy, genuine, comments.


1/07/2010lyn, The point about the move to 'The Australian' of Peter Brent from Mumble is that will he retain his independance of mind, or will he conform to the Murdoch Mould?


1/07/2010janice, Larger font size(14pt) is indeed more comfortable to read. I also made a point this time of putting more spaces between the paragraphs, as suggested.


1/07/2010Gravel, Thank you! I'm Hillbilly Skeleton, and I'm here to help elucidate the labyrinthine ways of the Murdoch media! :)


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly Re: Peter Brent Mumble, exactly my thoughts. I hope, Murdoch is not going to take over our Political bloggs one by one.


1/07/2010NormanK, A similar situation may well exist in the Sports arena (lol), however it's not a matter of national importance in the same way that attempts to influence the conversation around politics is. Also, I think that there is an important point of difference between the two. The sports commentators are usually analysing post facto, or as a voiceover comment while the sporting event is occurring; whereas, in my example, the Murdoch media pre-emptively engineer the commentary for a specific purpose, that being to contribute more acid to the spigot they have aimed in the direction of their target, which is usually an ALP politician.


1/07/2010Just read Catherine Deveney's response to Bettina Arndt. Brilliant http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/stories/s2940828.htm


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly Sky News report: [i]Julia Gillard set to finalise mining deal Updated: 20:12, [/i] [b]Politically, this arrangement would dent Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's assertion the mining tax would push up the price of house construction[/b]. http://www.skynews.com.au/politics/article.aspx?id=479640&articleID=


1/07/2010Hi Hillbilly, Thanks for the article.Ad Astra,Lyn,Yourself and the rest of the crew here on this site have exquisitely put into words the vague thoughts I have been having about the disgraceful bias in the media against the ALP.Keep up the good work.


1/07/2010Hi Simon Thankyou Simon, how nice of you, we appreciate your compliment very much.


1/07/2010Hello Simon! Thank you for your kind words. We aim to stimulate thoughts. :)


1/07/2010you left out Graeme Richardson


2/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] The hare and the tortoise: a lesson for reporters, Tim Dunlop, the Drum There has been an ongoing spat between the ABC and News Ltd about which of them breaks more stories. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/stories/s2941821.htm [i]How the 24/7 media cycle helped kill off Rudd,Matthew Ricketson, Crikey[/i] The speed and unremitting pressure of the 24-hour news cycle did play a part in the downfall of the prime minister, http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/07/01/how-the-247-media-cycle-helped-kill-off-rudd/ [i]Pull the other one, it tells a narrative,Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Once again, by merely reporting what's in front of them, the ,journosphere has failed us once again http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/2010/07/pull-other-one-it-tells-narrative-in.html [i]Op-ed quackery from Rosanna Capolingua, Tobias Ziegler, Pure Poison[/i] Capolingua twice remarks that Tony Abbott has obviously been listening to expert advice. It makes me suspect that she knows full well who advised him on this policy announcement.http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2010/07/01/op-ed-quackery-from-rosanna-capolingua/#more-6502 [i]John Howard – clueless to the end, Massivespray, Spray of the day.[/i] then he’s trotting out the line that Tony Abbott is directly responsible for the downfall of Kevin Rudd because his popularity started going down once Abbott became Opposition leader. http://sprayoftheday.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/john-howard-clueless-to-the-end/ [i]Tony Abbott's mental health policy gamit, Kim, larvatus Prodeo[/i] Health policy specialist Professor Stephen Leeder correctly warns that the Coalition cuts would make a nonsense of the overall health reform package. http://larvatusprodeo.net/2010/07/01/tony-abbotts-mental-health-policy-gambit/ [i]Could Rudd have been right? Leon Delaney[/i] it’s impossible to ever really know for sure, but it could turn out that history will judge that Rudd was right. http://leondelaney.blogspot.com/ [i]A mixed bag of reaction to Abbott’s mental health announcement,Croakey, Crikey[/i] The mental health lobby has been celebrating Tony Abbott’s announcement of “a real action plan for better mental health” http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2010/07/01/a-mixed-bag-of-reaction-to-abbotts-mental-health-announcement/ [i]Open Discussion: Mining Tax Deal, JJ Fiasson, The Daily Bludge[/i] According to Fairfax, a number of concessions have been made http://dailybludge.com.au/2010/07/open-discussion-mining-tax-deal/ [i]If this is what a dead industry looks like, job vacancies expand 20%, Peter Martin [/i] figures show show the industry trying to hire a record 6200 workers in May, far more than at any time in the Howard government's mining boom. http://petermartin.blogspot.com/2010/07/if-this-is-what-dead-industry-looks.html [i]Mumble moves to the Oz ,Peter Brent, Mumble[/i] I love youse all, thanks for indulging me at this place and I invite you to continue at the new one. http://mumble.com.au/?p=2739

Sir Ian Crisp

2/07/2010Lyn, did you even read HS's "turncoats and political judas sheep?"


2/07/2010Good Morning Sir Ian Crisp WHY? Have you got something to say to me.

Sir Ian Crisp

2/07/2010It's not me who should have something to say, it's you. Toss that white cane away and read his piece again.


2/07/2010Hi Sir Ian Crisp [b]Toss that white cane away and read [u][i]his[/i][/u] piece again[/b] Would you tell me who [b]HE IS [/b]please? I don't have a white cane, I am not blind in "sight" or mind.

Ad astra reply

2/07/2010Sir Ian What on earth are you talking about? You seem unable to resist having a tilt at other bloggers here and to have a go at Lyn, who does so much to make this blog site valuable, in your typically cryptic and insulting way is totally unacceptable. If you haven't got something useful to say about the piece in question, if all you're capable of is shooting at the people who blog here, what use are your contributions? No use at all. In the last piece I asked you to be constructive in your comments here and refrain from shooting the messengers. If you can't do that we might have to say goodbye to you, much as we encourage having a variety of visitors to [i]TPS[/i].


2/07/2010john, Graeme Richardson is an interesting case. It's just my opinion but I don't think he can be considered in my grouping because he doesn't seem to bear the same animus towards the ALP as those others that I have included. In fact, I would say that, despite the wealth and powerful friends he has accumulated throughout his life, before and after politics, he still is an ALP supporter at the end of the day. In fact, if you asked him I think he might say he was being cruel to be kind. I put his intervention recently into that category. The fact that today we finally have an agreement to the bitter and divisive debate around the Mining MRRT is proof of that. What he and Paul Howes did was create a watershed that benefited the ALP in the long run, as opposed to the curmudgeons like Mark Latham and those with an axe to grind that the Murdoch Press digs up.


2/07/2010Sir Ian Crisp, Nay, it is you who needs the White Cane, for this 'he' is a 'she'. :)


2/07/2010Good Morning Ad "Thankyou Ad, you are so special". I have just finished watching Julia Gillard's press conference on the RSPT. We will see what the press have to say, but I thought the press conference was excellent, journalist's questions handled admirably. I will put up further reports as they come in. Reb, First cab of the rank, excellent, report: [i]Mining Tax Breakthrough!, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] In an extraordinary move, and despite the fact that the agreement has been welcomed by the large miners, Joe Hockey has slammed the deal and says that the Opposition will not support it. http://guttertrash.wordpress.com:80/2010/07/02/mining-tax-breakthrough/


2/07/2010As I said on the other blogs: I think that this is a good outcome for the country and the government. A compromise was always going to have to be reached with the big Miners because they were refusing to support the original deal. That there has only been a $1.5 billion cut in revenue, while still being able to raise Super from 9% to 12%, give companies 1% at least cut in Company Tax, and maintain the Infrastructure spend and other goodies, is a positive outcome. So let's celebrate the win for Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan and Martin Ferguson by opening the champagne, and let's Paaarrrtttaaayyy!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjkQeBG8r_s


2/07/2010Another morgan poll with poor news for the good side of politics http://www.roymorgan.com/news/polls/2010/4522/ And the mining tax has turned out to be an exercise in surrender so swift and absolute it would make the French blush.

Ad astra reply

2/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx


2/07/2010Hi Hillbilly [quote]let's Paaarrrtttaaayyy!!!: [/quote]just came back from the move your feet party had a fantastic time. Isn't this RSPT resolution, just so wonderfully exciting.


2/07/2010Let's just patiently wait and see what the next Morgan poll says now that the deal has been done on the MRRT(that sounds a whole lot better than RSPT, don't you think?). ABC News have just announced that Mitch Hooke from the Mineral Council of Australia has endorsed the dealas "A positive outcome for Australia and the Australian Mineral Industry", and "An encouraging sign but more work needs to be done." Eventually, I think this message will seep through to the electorates such as Flynn, Longman and Dawson, and especially in Western Australia and South Australia, where Julia Gillard is from after all.


2/07/2010lyn, It feels good to be on the side of the angels, doesn't it? I can't believe Joe Hockey and Julie Bishop were putting this deal down still this morning. I guess they have no choice. They have been wedged!


2/07/2010Hi Ad and Hillbilly Wedged for sure! Hillbilly I love being on the side of the angels, has made my day. RSPT reports: [i]Done deal: Gillard’s mining tax compromise, Media Wrap, Crikey[/i] The tax will apply to iron ore and coal and will be capped at 30%, down from the originally proposed 40%. http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/07/02/done-deal-gillard-announces-mining-tax-compromise/ [i]Gillard's breakthrough, in her own words, Peter Martin[/i] Today the Gillard Government is proud to announce a breakthrough agreement on improved resource tax arrangements http://petermartin.blogspot.com/


2/07/2010Hi Lyn, Clive palmer isn't happy http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/07/02/2943091.htm?section=justin


2/07/2010Hi Jason Thankyou so much for the link to ABC News: [quote]Queensland mining magnate [b]Clive Palmer [/b]was unmoved by the change to a 30 per cent tax rate and urged the Opposition to stand firm against the tax.[/quote] I think (or Know) Clive Palmer will only be happy is if the Coalition is elected to Government.


2/07/2010From the ABC article(thank you Jason!); 'Commodity Broking Services managing director Jonathan Barratt says the deal falls roughly halfway between what the Government originally wanted and the mining sector's ideal outcome. "I think it's a complete compromise across the board," he told ABC News Online. "I think, given that the Government wanted to put a tax in, even though they've backed down, I think it is the halfway mark in terms of negotiations. And at the end of the day I think the market will accept it." * '"So I think, if anything, if we have a balanced outcome today then I think that's a good result."'


2/07/2010Did anyone else notice on the ABC 12o'clock News today that the photo op with Tony Abbott, where he was at a Metal Fab factory, showed him to not have the usual spring in his step? He seemed to be going through the motions with shoulders slumped.


2/07/2010Ad Astra, thanks for your response. I think it is more the heavier (I don't know if that's the right word, maybe bolder?) type that is easier to read. I have my screen enlarged as far as I can with have to scroll sideways. Thanks goes to a couple of others for liking it too. Wow, the mining tax is good from my limited view of the world. As commenter on another blog says "Jules Rules". (Maybe Kevin could have got the same result, we will never know, but thanks goes to him for initiating it.)


2/07/2010Oops sorry that should have been 'without having to scroll'


2/07/2010HS “for this 'he' is a 'she'.” Thank goodness for that or I would have had trouble reconciling my attraction to your gravatar! I take your point about my sporting comparison. I was probably just making conversation, although I do believe Mathew Hayden was hounded into early retirement by the press. Not in the same ballpark though is it? AA Using 14pt for the main article is a relief to my eyes. The comments section comes up as grey which is what makes it more difficult to read regardless of size. My colour chart shows it as mid-level grey instead of black. Fellow Swordians In light of the compromise deal struck by the government with the miners, I’d like to return to my pet topic of the Conservatives’ $47 billion “savings” from the budget bottom line over four years. Bushfire Bill wrote at length here at TPS in the offering - "politics is officially bunk". Let’s call this a supplementary. A bit of background. May 19 7.30 Report Hockey “What we announced today was $47 billion of gross savings.” Kerry O’Brien “You're claiming around $12 billion of savings by cutting all the programs the Government was going to pay with the revenue from the profits tax on miners. But you've promised to oppose the tax in the Senate.” Such nonsense is an insult to all Australians but more damning is the fact that so far they have pretty much got away with it. Rabid dogs should have torn this to pieces. My nomination for Quote of the Year 2010 comes from the same interview - when Kerry mentions $47 billion in savings : Joe Hockey: “That's a big number.” Sure is Joe. So is $12 billion in funny money. This from the Shadow Treasurer. The nonsense is unravelled here : Savings Not As Big As They Seem May 20, 2010 Tim Colebatch "The list of savings measures unveiled yesterday by Coalition finance spokesman Andrew Robb adds up to almost $47 billion. But the net savings to the budget would be far less." http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/savings-not-as-big-as-they-seem-20100519-vf8l.html And here : http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/editorial/abbott-still-needs-to-explain-what-he-will-do-20100520-vnyq.html Hockey is sticking to his guns and the dollar figure of his “savings”. June 29 Hockey “We didn't announce $47 billion of gross savings at the National Press Club to then go and increase taxes.” http://www.smh.com.au/national/hockey-election-pledge-no-new-taxes-20100629-zgqh.html And despite Tony Abbott looking to position himself for a U-turn : June 30 Tony Abbott ''I'm not going to speculate on what we might do in respect to something that has not even happened yet.'' http://www.smh.com.au/national/rudd-wanted-to-confine-battle-to-mining-giants-20100630-zmvm.html Hockey is maintaining the line. July 2 Hockey "The coalition would rescind the tax in government, Mr Hockey said. It would not base any election promises on forecast revenue from the tax. "We are good to our word," he said. "We will not base spending promises (on the revenue) because we will not support the tax."" http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/coalition-will-rescind-resource-tax-20100702-zr56.html If the suggested shortfall in RSPT/MRRT is around $1.5 billion, we should in coming days see a shift downwards in Joe’s “big number” to reflect the change. That is if they are to be consistent with their nonsense. As mentioned in the Colebatch article, many of their "savings" come from cutting schemes which they intend to replace with something "better" and in some cases more expensive. How is this a saving? Not borrowing to pay for the NBN is a saving? And they haven't yet costed their broadband alternative. Selling Medibank Private is a saving? Get real. If ‘fiscal responsiblity’ is to be a centrepiece in the upcoming election campaign, a keen watch should be kept on these manouverings. I know I will be scrutinising them closely.


2/07/2010NormanK, They sound like 'Core' and 'Non Core' Savings coming from the Coalition. :)

Ad astra reply

2/07/2010NormanK Thanks for the helpful summary. I can't understand why Abbott et al would still oppose the Government collecting around another $10 billion in revenue from miners who can afford to pay, and seem willing to do so. Does he have some focus group data telling him he's on a winner, or is he just going for broke hoping to crash through? Re type size, I'll try 14 pt next time for the main text. But I can't alter the comments type face or size.


2/07/2010Ad astra I don't think Abbott is averse to collecting $10 billion in lovely mining dollars - in fact he is probably licking his handsome lips. His comment the other day looked for all the world like he was positioning himself for a "what is done is done" attitude and banking the money. He must surely feel he owes the big miners nothing now. Robb, Macfarlane and Hockey seem to have put a stop to this sidestepping but I would not put one hard-earned cent on a bet that if elected Abbott wouldn't try to keep the lollies.

Sir Ian Crisp

2/07/2010Sorry Lyn, I forgot HS was a female. Read 'her' piece again and see what you can find. Ad Astra, where were you when I was being 'insulted'? Where were you when the 'people who blog here' were having a go at me? Did you threaten those people with a ban?


2/07/2010Why ban US when YOU started it with your derogatory characterisations, Sir Ian Crisp? We should be banned for replying to your insults? That's too cute by half.


2/07/2010Abbott neatly wedged here. No wonder he's getting about with a defeated look to his demeanour. He cannot say he wants to pay off debt AND turn down 10 billion dollars revenue too. What would he cut, besides that already flagged such as the National Broadband Network and Computers in Schools? And how does he 'justify' wanting Big Dirt to waltz off with super profits from OUR common wealth without making them pay a fair share? Hard questions for Abbott. The media MUST, really MUST, stop playing footsies with this fellow right away. Hard questions please! and allow him no wriggling!


2/07/2010Rx, I won't be holding my breath that the media will start putting hard questions to Abbott. It will only happen if Rupert Murdoch decides he needs to suck up to Julia Gillard.

Ad astra reply

2/07/2010Sir Ian You could have asked simply if Lyn had read HS's piece, although that's insulting enough as it insinuates the Lyn, who spends so much time on TPS, had not bothered to even read the piece, but there was no need to add the reference to the white cane. If you look back at those occasions where you feel you have been insulted, I think you will find that the 'insulting' remarks were in response to 'insults' that you had perpetrated. You know you are welcome but [i]sans[/i] insults. Let's all behave like mature adults.


2/07/2010Hi Ad and Hillbilly Compliments of Jeremy Pure Poison: This Sunday’s Insiders line-up has Barrie interviewing Martin “Marn” Ferguson; the panel is [b]Andrew Bolt, Malcolm Farr and Phil Coorey[/b]; and Talking Pictures will have a special tribute to SMH political journalist Peter Bowers (Mike’s father), who passed away this week. We’ll add other line-ups as they come to hand. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/


2/07/2010HS, I was listening to PM and it sounded as though Twiggy seemed a little miffed that the big three had gone and struck a deal that left him and Clive palmer some what out in the cold. Twiggy was then talking about what he and Rudd were discussing and on it went. Twiggy be careful what you Clive and Gina wish for.

Ad astra reply

2/07/2010Folks Those who were concerned about the [i]Morgan[/i] marginal seats polling in Qld this morning should take a look at this evening's marginal seats polling for Qld, NSW, WA, Vic, SA and Tasmania. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/ Also look at Possum's Betting Markets that shows the betting approximately 70% for a Labor win, a bounce from the last couple of weeks. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/ Both good to sleep on.


3/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Gillard's Grateful, Admin the Daily Bludge[/i] lost Labor souls, numbering about 1.1 million (8 per cent of voters), have been waiting for a reason to return to the fold. To their immense relief, Gillard has given them that reason. They are “Gillard’s grateful”. http://dailybludge.com.au/2010/07/gillards-grateful/ [i]who hadn’t said a word in favour of it while it was being attacked Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Sorry, guys – Labor tried to extend an olive branch to you and, in a display of utter bastardry, you let them hang for it. Enjoy the consequences, you short-sighted idiots. http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/who-hadnt-said-a-word-in-favour-of-it-while-it-was-being-attacked/ [i]Swings (Queensland) and roundabouts (Hindmarsh), William Bowe, The Poll bludger[/i]Roy Morgan has again rained on Julia Gillard’s poll parade http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2010/07/02/swings-queensland-and-roundabouts-hindmarsh [i]Kohler: Rudd an autocratic idiot, and Gillard shouldn’t be let off the hook,Alan Kohler, Crikey[/i] It turned out Rudd was a bit of an idiot who didn’t know what was going on. Even last Wednesday night he vowed to stay on, unaware that he was already dead. http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/07/02/kohler-rudd-an-autocratic-idiot-and-gillard-shouldnt-be-let-off-the-hook/ [i]Where was News Ltd when Howard snubbed the Lodge?, barry Everingham, Crikey[/i] News Limited’s egg-beater mentality knows no ends … witness Wednesday’s really outrageous story about what it costs to leave The Lodge empty. http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/07/02/where-was-news-ltd-when-howard-snubbed-the-lodge/#Scene_1 [i]Everyone's a Winner , except Kevin, Leon Delaney[/i] It’s also a win for the Gillard Government because now we can all get over it and get on with it The Government can go to the election looking forward instead of looking backward . .http://leondelaney.blogspot.com/ [i]Great Big New Weekend Gab Fest!, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] Here’s what Tony Abbott had to say about Weekend Gab Fest earlier today….“Because, it’s the same product, he just writes the same old, same old shit, week after, ah week, and I think that the ah, the ah, the ah, Australian people will, will, see that, that for ah, what it is..”http://guttertrash.wordpress.com/2010/07/02/great-big-new- [i]Bolt FAIL round-up, Tobias Ziegler, Pure Poison[/i] A lot of rubbish on Andrew Bolt’s blog and in his newspaper columns this morning. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2010/07/02/bolt-fail-round-up/#more-6510


3/07/2010I've a feeling the turncoats club might have a new member. Just read Philip Adams article in The Australian (June 30th, sorry no link!) where he announced his resignation fron the Labor party after 50 years over disgust at Kevin Rudds removal. It's interesting to note that KR urged him to resign from The Australian over their editorial line but he refused and he continually refers to the factional leaders as thugs. Better that PA should protest against the people who responded once a situation arose rather than protest against those who were responsible for creating that situation in the first place. It's also cheaper that way. I suppose I would take PA's actions a bit more seriously if he came out and critisized News Ltd's character assasination of KR (and include his ABC while he's at it). While he's at it he could also revisit the role played by The Australian in getting this nation involved in the war in Iraq etc., etc., etc. I'm sure the Labor party can cope without one of Rupert Murdoch's freak show token lefties.


3/07/2010FFreddy, Well said that man! Phillip Adams became a paid-up member of the bourgeousie a long, long time ago, and wore his ALP membership as a leitmotif of his callow youth in the Paddington Middle Class Left of the 1970s, which included John Singleton, P.P.Mcguiness, David Williamson, Bettina Arndt, and Martin Sharp from 'Oz' fame, amongst others. All of them now comfortably-off in their dotage on the North Shore and in the Inner East and Inner West of Sydney. Phillip Adams should have done what he did a long time ago. Especially after his own poor behaviour last week as Kevin Rudd was being thrown over. No words of support from him then that I can remember. No words of support throught Kevin Rudd's whole Prime Ministership that I can remember. Suffice to say he will now be used by Murdoch to attack Julia Gillard. I'd put my house on it.

Ad astra reply

3/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx


3/07/2010This was an interesting comment from Poll Bludger about the Morgan pollster, Gary Morgan: ruawake Posted Friday, July 2, 2010 at 6:47 pm | Permalink For those who are sensible enough to avoid Gary Morgan – this is his tax rant precis. When Governments nationalise an industry they take the risk, the Gillard ALP Government wants to take 30% of the Mining Industry Profits with NO risk! In 1950 the Roy Morgan Gallup Poll showed Australians found 75% of Australians agreed “a special referendum was necessary before any industry could be nationalised", only 17 % disagreed while a low 8% were undecided – nothing has changed! If today, any Government wants to nationalise the Mining Industry or any other industry they would need a referendum. And if the Mining Industry or another industry were nationalised the Government would then take the risk and the reward. The proposed 30% Mining Rent Tax means the Federal Government takes 30 % of the reward with NO risk – an outrageous proposition! Today's new 30% Mining Rent Tax represents the ‘thin edge of the wedge’. The Government has created the platform for a ‘Rent Tax’ on a broad scale. If the Gillard ALP Government is re-elected they, with the Greens, can: • Expand the Rent Tax coverage to include gold mining, banks, retail, media etc... Is this really a pollster?


3/07/2010Another good story Aa. I certainly wish I had your writing skills, or Nasking's for that matter. Over at the Cafe I've put up a couple of posts that I hope will attract some good comments. The first asking whether the current opposition is too obstructionist: http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/open-forum-is-the-current-opposition-too-obstructionist/ The second questioning the media's influence in our voting behaviour: http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/do-the-media-moguls-think-they-are-the-key-policy-makers-in-australia/


3/07/2010Miglo, Thanks for the vote of confidence. That is, if you are referring to this particular blog because I was the author! :)


3/07/2010Hi Hillbilly So Phony rejects the RSTP with, "what did he say", his last political breath ,so now he says there is something fishy: "[quote]It's very hard to see how with this dramatically changed architecture the new tax can raise almost as much money as the old tax," Opposition Leader Tony Abbott told reporters in Sydney. "I'm not accusing the government of cooking the books ... but it would help the government's case if all the modelling were released."[/quote] So after all Phonies hysteria, is worried about lost revenue, because of the drop from 40% to 30%. Phony says " no way to treat a Prime Minister" awful, terrible, and all the rest of it, one day later he claims fame for Kevin Rudd's scalp. The media says nothing. Phony says the election is on tax, one day later the election is on boat people. Phony say's the Government should adopt the Coalitions policy on asylum seekers, but doesn't say how they are going to send the boats back, the media doesn't ask. Phony pledges 35 Million for diabetes, but doesn't say anything about costing Phony pledges 1.5 billion for mental health, where is he going to cut back, no costing. The media and Abbott, whinge and whinge about Julia Gillard taking over, media constantly asking her, then when she does she has blood on her hands. The media says nothing. Oh! dear what next.


3/07/2010Lyn Sic 'em.

Garden & Landscaping

3/07/2010What kinds of vegetables are good for container gardening? Vegtetable gardening in containers is only limited by the size of the container and your climate. http://www.gardeninglandscapingideas.com.


3/07/2010Lyn, Yes, it's deplorable isn't it? Honestly, that announcement today about Type 1 Diabetes was the most cynical case of political child abuse that I have ever seen. It is obvious to me that the amount of money announced is but a drop in the ocean when it comes to Diabetes, and the subject was only chosen, cynically, so that Phoney could set himself up amongst children for his feeble attempt to humanise himself some more before the election. He and the Liberal Party are truly the biggest bunch of sleazy political operators that you could ever hope to meet outside the American Republican Party in America. However, the ties between the two are deep and close. John Howard's son, Richard(named after 'Tricky' Richard Nixon would you believe?), has been getting his political education over there for years, and I well imagine that he is being groomed by his father to come back here and go into politics in Australia. Maybe in Maxine's seat of Bennelong after John Alexander fails miserably this election.


3/07/2010Hi Hillbilly The Lemon Video axed, here is the Liberal's new video: LIBERAL'S NEW VIDEONew video: Puppet Show BRIAN LOUGHNANE FEDERAL DIRECTOR | 03/07/10 http://www.liberal.org.au/Latest-News/Blog/2010/07/Puppet-Show-Master.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=SwordEmailer&utm_content=507014180&utm_campaign=GillardAd-PuppetMasters&utm_term=image Oh! dear again, and again and again.


4/07/2010lyn, The new Liberal ad= 'Absolute crap'. Don't be sucked in by their media massage.

Canbra Dave

4/07/2010A few days ago Abbott announced that Labor's campagin for this election would be 'filthy'. Well it certainly is turning out to be a filthy campagin indeed.


4/07/2010Canbra Dave, Any election campaign is rendered filthy by the presence in it of Abbott.


4/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] Gillard's ascension and the new political order, Waleed Aly, Unleashed consider the frequency with which opinion polls become the story in Australian media. They do not merely inform commentary; they lead bulletins. Almost every week. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/stories/s2942079.htm [i]Julia Gillard mining Kevin Rudd's mistakes, Laurie Oakes, Herald Sun.[/i] Yet Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and Warren Truss are adamant that they continue to oppose the tax in Opposition and will rescind it if they win government.It hardly seems like a brilliant strategy. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/julua-gillard-mining-kevin-rudds-mistakes/story-e6frfhqf-1225887303999 [i]Is Julia Gillard the new Bob Hawke?, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo.[/i] It’s pretty clear that there’s a rebranding exercise underway. Gillard, it’s suggested, has the common touch, has authenticity http://larvatusprodeo.net/2010/07/03/is-julia-gillard-the-new-bob-hawke/ [i]Robbing peter mac to pay for the pall – mental illness and the Coalition’s health policy, Guy Rundle, The Stump [/i The invitation to four million Australians to think of themselves as ‘mentally ill’ – as opposed to encouraging resilience, reflection, and changing the way we live, is an invitation to check into society as ‘one huge hospital’. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/thestump/2010/07/03/robbing-peter-mac-to-pay-for-the-pall-mental-illness-and-the-coalitions-health-policy/ [i]Is the current opposition too obstructionist?, Miglo, Cafe Whispers[/i] Yet the current opposition have delivered the most obstructionist Senate in 30 years. Virtually every major reform of the Government is being blocked by the Liberal Party in the Senate, http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/open-forum-is-the-current-opposition-too-obstructionist/ [i]Looking for a higher quality of Smear, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] publishing this type of ridiculous, misleading, abusive, one-sided attack on a party and its voters against the Liberals? Or Labor? http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/ [i]Commentators at the Oz an action man versus the leader of the gang of four,Dorothy Parker, Loon Pond.[/i] Here at the pond it only increases our desire to see The Australian go boldly where no antipodean rag has yet gone, and put up a paywall. http://loonpond.blogspot.com/2010/07/christopher-pearson-clique-of-cabalist.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LoonPond+%28loon+pond%29

Ad astra reply

4/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/Lyns-Daily-Links.aspx


4/07/2010Abbott is a master at distracting attention away from the actuality of his own actions. Thus the so-called 'Filthy campaign' that is supposed to emanate from Labor is actually coming from his side of politics, quite obviously.

Ad astra reply

4/07/2010Folks Waleed Aly's article on [i]The Drum Unleashed: Gillard's ascension and the new political order[/i] is well worth a read. It highlights how the media has created a 24 hour cycle in which politicians have become entangled, for which they are roundly criticized, and how difficult this has made genuine long term reform. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/stories/s2942079.htm


4/07/2010I agree, Waleed Aly's article is soundly argued and well-considered. A lot like our own Ad Astra's work. :)

Ad astra reply

4/07/2010Folks To start the week, I've just posted: [i]Contemplate soberly the alternative – an Abbott Government![/i]. http://www.thepoliticalsword.com I look forward to reading your comments.


4/07/2010HS, The next election will be fought on dog whistles! and if anybody can find me someone that had the money (Members of our opposition) that would sit in a refugee camp for many years in the so called "Que" and not try to take their family by what ever means to any country is telling Bull s_it


4/07/2010Jason, That's exactly right. If you are the sort of person who makes the great escape from oppression in your home country, you're hardly the sort who will languish in a non-existent queue letting everyone around you push in front of you because they pay the going rate of baksheesh. You'll make the journey by hook or by crook to get to where you want to go.
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?