Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective?

Let’s acknowledge that ‘being objective’ is a challenge not just for journalists. All of us have the same struggle. All of us bring to what we say and write our own beliefs, ideology, biases, prejudices, preferences, hopes and desires – our own personal agenda. This piece uses examples of writings about the same subject in one edition of the one paper to draw attention to how a story can vary depending on the optics of the storyteller.

Lest we start with different ideas of what ‘objective’ means in this context, let’s at least accept some common dictionary definitions: ‘impartial’, ‘free of bias’, ‘based on facts’, ‘observable’ – all reasonable synonyms.

Arguably the most important reform announced this year by the Gillard Government was the suite of aged care reforms detailed last week. Let’s use them as a template for assessing objectivity among those who reported it.

Starting with the front page headline in the Weekend Edition of The Australian Financial Review: Means test slugs wealthy, with the byline: Gillard’s aged-care shake up, we are invited to get the drift of Bina Brown’s article, or at least what initial impression the sub-editor is fostering. The word ‘slugs’, which my dictionary tells me means to ‘strike with a hard blow’, suggests that under this scheme the wealthy will be beset with an unreasonable imposition. Yet the article begins: “Aged people with high incomes and more valuable assets will have to pay more for their care in nursing homes under the biggest aged-care reform in 15 years.” That is a balanced factual statement. So why the provocative headline? I image you know – simply to attract attention. Accuracy is irrelevant. Later we read: “The plan is designed to ensure anybody needing care who can afford to pay, will pay.” No mention there of the wealthy being ‘slugged’. It ends: “In a positive for the thousands of elderly Australians that would prefer to remain in the family home, the plan includes almost 40,000 extra home care packages.” Again, a balanced, objective statement of fact.

I could find nothing negative in Bina Brown’s piece, yet the headline is pejorative and misleading. I wonder how she feels about the message of her piece being perverted by the headline. I can hear some of you saying: “Don’t subeditors always pull this stunt? Answer: not always, but often. But is that objective journalism? No, it’s misleading journalism, and it’s just not good enough. We do not deserve to be assailed by this editorial trickery by those running their own agenda.

On the next page we read the assessment of the highly-respected Laura Tingle, titled: Broad Support for the reform under a generic heading Retirement overhaul, which begins: “A major overhaul of aged care that invests new resources to allow more people to be cared for in their own homes and addresses a crisis in the aged care workforce has won plaudits from providers, consumers and industry groups.” Pretty positive stuff! The piece is accompanied by a table that lists the pluses and minuses of the ‘Stay at home’ and the ‘Enter a nursing home’ options. The list is objective, the pluses greater than the minuses, with the latter ending: ‘Tougher means test for fees’ and ‘Some people pay more, some less’, respectively. The article ended on a positive note: “The Council on the Ageing, aged care providers and union representing workers in the aged care sector presented a united front on Friday to endorse the package.” I could not find one negative word or pejorative comment in her article. It was an objective, factual account of what was proposed. If Laura can do it…!

Then there was the Industry view by Jason Murphy: Risk tactics spoil results. You might reasonably ask: ’What does that mean’. I don’t know and the short piece doesn’t clarify, but from the first paragraph, I doubt if the headline was meant to be complimentary. The piece begins: “The Government has dumped key Productivity Commission recommendations on aged care to dodge political repercussions and fiscal risk, industry insiders say.” Note ‘dumped’, where ‘not accepted’ would have done; note ‘dodge’, where ‘avoid’ would have sufficed. Words are important – they convey not only meaning but also the attitude of the user. Murphy reports that a Jim Toohey, a participant in the PC’s funding workshop, had said that: “…the package was positive overall but the government had been ‘cognisant of some of the politically damaging political fallout’. Who would have thought it? Murphy’s piece ended: “Canberra’s response to the report notes that full implementation of the [PC’s] recommendations would have involved significant cost.” Maybe that was why they ‘dumped’ some of them! Why the AFR included this nondescript piece is a mystery, but it appears its intention was to be somewhat negative. What personal agenda was the writer running?

Next there was journalist Brian Toohey’s piece: Time for balance in who pays how much for what. A regular rider of the ‘cut middle class welfare’ hobbyhorse, it was no surprise to read his opening paragraph: “It makes sense for a government trying to eliminate a $40 billion budget deficit to seek a bigger contribution from well-off retirees who are the biggest recipients of upper- and middle-class welfare in Australia. They receive heavily subsidized nursing home accommodation, bigger government rebates for private health insurance than low-income workers, much cheaper prescription drugs and an $800 cash grant to help with utilities bills they can afford to pay themselves.” Note that he makes his assertion and backs it with reasons. Later he says: “The government rejected a Productivity Commission recommendation that the new means test include the value of the family home. Perhaps the government did not go further because it anticipated the opposition’s unprincipled reaction. Having often called for smaller government and greater individual responsibility, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott attacked Labor for applying means tests and user pays charges to nursing home care.” Note again that Toohey backs his facts with his reasons. In the second half of his piece, he goes onto another of his hobby-horses, superannuation. Nowhere is he negative about the package.

Finally, let’s turn to the back to the paper for its editorial, which because it is found under ‘Opinion’, leaves the writer more leeway to stray from fact to express his or her own views. The author is not stated (it never is), but the Editor-in-Chief of the paper is Michael Stutchbury, previously from the Murdoch flagship The Australian. After the mostly positive articles earlier in its pages, garnished with facts and reasoned argument, the AFR editorial announces: Aged-care reforms miss the mark. We sense we are in for some negativity, and we are not disappointed. The first paragraph reads: With the number of Australians in aged care expected to increase fourfold to 1.8 million by 2050, the Gillard Government reforms will not solve the problem of too few aged care places nor attack the burgeoning costs to the budget of funding aged care.” That suggests the reform package is pretty useless – it ‘will not solve…’ the problem of too few places; and doesn’t ‘attack the burgeoning costs’. We read on looking for the reasons for these confident assertions.

The next paragraph reads: “In adopting some of the recommendations in the Productivity Commission report ‘Caring for older Australians’ released in June of last year, the government changes are a start in ending the worst of the problems that have beset aged care since the early Howard government dropped a plan to introduce accommodation bonds for aged-care places, in place of generous income and asset tests.” So it’s a start – that’s a relief. “However, the messy politics and high cost of aged-care reforms have convinced the government to propose milder restructuring than is needed. Despite the reform package announced on Friday, aged care will remain a huge expenditure item and the reforms will make a small dent in the future costs to government of funding aged care.” A dose of negativity to douse any enthusiasm, sans reasoning!

The editorial continues with facts about the reform, mixed with opinion. The writer questions whether the Government has gone far enough in ensuring that the middle class pay enough, and complains about ‘limits to choice and competition because the accommodation supplement is paid directly to the provider’ whereas it should have been paid to the individual as a voucher. Later, reverse-mortgages are canvassed as a useful reform. No rationale is offered for these opinions.

Later the writer says: “So while the government’s announcement was cautiously welcomed by major associations of aged-care providers, there is no guarantee that it will lead to an expansion in nursing care places.” A qualified endorsement of the reform (unlike Laura’s mention of plaudits), but no explanation of why it’s worth bothering with it at all if no new nursing places will likely eventuate.

In case any reader might go away with some positive feelings after reading it, this somewhat disjointed editorial ends: “Overall, the changes foreshadowed by the government will require extra federal funding [so it doesn’t come free], will create more bureaucracy and complex government regulation, [who would have thought that an extended scheme would increase bureaucracy and regulation], and will make only an incremental impact on both the shortage of places and the cost to the budget of the ageing population.” By ‘incremental’ the writer wishes to convey a small increase, and since this is the prediction, the conclusion might be to ask if it’s worthwhile after all. Ending on a negative is essential in case some reader got the feeling this might be a good package.

Now we all know that this is an opinion piece, but how come opinions are expressed without supporting evidence; how come most of the opinions are negative in the sense that the writer believes the government should have done something different? How come the opinion concludes that the whole package won’t achieve much, but no reasons are offered in explanation? How come this editorial, this opinion piece, is so divorced from the other pieces in the self-same paper? Could it be that the editorial writer has contaminated the piece with his or her inbuilt beliefs, ideology, biases, prejudices, preferences, hopes and desires, so that objectivity flew out of the window?

What a pity we can’t have more pieces with Laura Tingle style objectivity, a joy to read, and less of the hotchpotch we saw in the editorial that was so short on objectivity.

Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective?

This analysis of several pieces from the same paper on the same subject on the same day suggests it is because some allow their subjective feelings, their inbuilt beliefs, ideology, biases, prejudices, preferences, hopes and desires, their own personal agenda, to overtake their objectivity?

In his post on 22 April Sex Text Pest Bests Rest Test on The Failed Estate, against the background of the Slipper affair, Mr Denmore concludes his piece on the state of journalism in this country with: ”You see, what matters for our partisan press is not how many people a story affects (as in aged care, the NBN, health reform or improving disclosure around financial advice - all good reforms under this government), it is how a story can be spun to suit their chosen narrative and ideological imperative - in this case confecting a climate of permanent outrage to force regime change. If it involves someone taking their pants off, that's a bonus.” That just about says it all.

Should we not expect better, even demand better, from extensively read national and state publications that inform the voting public about what their governments are doing, so that they can cast their vote intelligently?

What do you think?

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27/04/2012Because they want to be players. It started with giving journalists bylines. That made reporting news into a competition. At first the competition was to report news most accurately and authoritatively. The ability to do the first built the credibility to claim the latter. Great newspapers had reputations established on the veracity of their reporting, and by extension their reporters. The bylines lured the readers which sold the newspapers which made the fortunes of media magnates. Money talked, and money 'said', "get me the news... first!". Radio and then television came along and went through the same processes, which inevitably became all about being first. The modern digital media have so accelerated the ability to be first that with the 'money talks necessity to be first' has come the impossibility of being both first and completely, unquestionably, accurate. With accuracy sacrificed to the need to be first, the only thing that media organisations have to fall back on is the claim to veracity. That claim is attached to recognised names, byline-bearers who have a history of veracity. They're trading on past glories, their names are being used as brands, and in the final analysis they are being abused, in the sense that everything they have built up over careers to be the 'credibility recognition' attached to their names, their bylines, is now about no more than the race to be first. And nobody can do it if they sign up to that race, not day in and day out. Because what needs to be found to fill the space that real news used to fill at a pace that had nothing to do with bytes and bits and digital deadlines is anything, anything at all that will fill the bytes and bits and digital deadlines. Scandal and blather, opinion and tit for tat 'expert' commentary. Shakespeare said it, "sound and fury signifying nothing", and man oh man, do we get sound, do we get fury, and man oh man oh Man, how much does it all signify nothing?

Ad astra reply

27/04/2012Michael Your analysis is profound. Sadly, it paints the reality of contemporary journalism. The sound and fury signifies nothing worthwhile, only the pursuit of power and influence and commercial advantage. There are so few left in the MSM who are the real thing. Is there any hope, or is this George Orwell - Two Thousand and Twelve?


28/04/2012" Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective? " Perhaps this sums it up; " A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide. Mickey Mantle " It's not so much having difficulty being objective as it is having the courage to be truthful. There is just not the strength of character in our press packs to stand up and tell, objectively, both sides of the story. I know I've said this before and AA, I'm pretty sure you don't agree with me, but Australian journalists, to a man and woman, are cowards. The disgraceful groupthink going on over the cabcharge dockets is a prime example. They hunt in gangs or packs if you will, and like all packs of mongrel curs, they ambush and attack from behind and slink back into the slime. These journalists must think that moral fibre is a breakfast cereal albeit one they would never purchase. It's why they outed Grog...he called them on their cowardice. I'll bet a penny to a pound of dogs^&t that they're already hunting down some of the really great writers in the blogging domain. Such is the way of cowards. What we have to understand is the harsh reality that you cannot make honourable, fairminded people out of cowards. You just can't. We just have to accept that.


28/04/2012There is hardly an ounce of integrity among the lot of them. They should be licensed under a demerit system as are motor vehicle drivers and be accountable before the law as is everyone else.


28/04/2012George Megalogenis is in full 'it pains me to have to write this, but...' which is his masquerade of faux objectivity, as in, "I'm no Piers Akerman, he's twice my weight". He concludes his article here: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/the-country-suffers-as-a-rat-in-the-ranks-taints-the-parliament/story-e6frg7ex-1226341170769 with... "Gillard has become Howard: too clever by half. She never considered the reputational risk to her of taking another party's vote." "Both sides now appreciate how easy it is to smear a defector [referring back to Mal Colston]. But surely they understand this is no way to run a country? If Abbott could take a step back, he and Gillard might consider an institutional reform for the benefit of all parties to prevent another Slipper or Colston from placing self above parliament again." So long as a serious political journalist in this country can even begin to believe that Tony Abbott could ever "take a step back" when he smells a free, unelected (heard that somewhere?) ride into The Lodge, then that political journalist is neither truly serious nor has he been paying any attention to just who and which side of politics in Australia these last eighteen months has brought politics down to the clotted with their manufactured filth gutter. Wake up, George. Have a good look at the Opposition, its leadership, and its spokespeople. Have a good listen while you are about it. You don't have a claim on 'running a country' if your only skill is pejorative strikes irrelevant of truth, due process in law, and always personally directed, spite-fueled by 'thwarted' prerogative.


28/04/2012 Michael said Because they want to be players. Yes right, spot-on, but that begs the question - why not [i]fair[/i] players? Stupid I could handle. Nasty even, if even-handed. But biased, puerile, sniggering, uninsightful groupthinkers as is almost universal today is making me murderous in my mind. Ian you're right I don't agree with you, "I'm pretty sure you don't agree with me, but Australian journalists, to a man and woman, are cowards." There [i]is[/i] Laura Tingle! But 997 or so out of a thousand ain't bad. Well, not good then. I do keep going back to my long pome post the Lass at Yarralumla on TPS at 10.42 on 12th October 2010, it was very prescient I reckon. The whole pome, but the spray on journalists especially . . . Then from the Murdoch stables all the hustlers made their run: They were breathing fire and brimstone every breath: That Labor’s illegitimate, that Abbott’s mob had won, And that any tryst with Brown and Greens was Death. Bloated with his self-importance was conniving Laurie Oakes, And Piers Ackermann, most bigoted of all, And the first one to throw stones, that loathsome, hateful Alan Jones: They’re three key bricks in the Murdochratic Wall. There was Andrew “Anal” Bolt , and that Glenn Milne, the drunken thug, Grabbing sleazily at any sleazy grab, And that ABC lickspittle, Chris Uhlmann, smooth and smug, And Annabel, the slyly-sidling Crabb. There was sour Red Kez O’Brien, seemingly forever trying To skewer Julia with some cunning stab; And Tony “Look-Me” Jones, interrupting her in tones That show he thinks he holds sole Royal Right of Gab. There was Fran "Ms Jelly” Kelly, Michelle Grattan lacking teeth, And Miss Trivia, Virginia Trioli, And that smartarse Barrie Cassidy, with snide asides and acidy, In ABC alliances unholy. So Our Ranga Lass was targeted by jibes and sexist jokes: Her Titian locks were tweaked, her finely-chiselled nose took pokes From those of the moral wee-ness of a teensy flaccid penis – And [b]unkindest cut of all came from that wimp-out by Megalogenis![/b] Thus was Julia besieged: [b]just Laura Tingle stood her friend[/b], And challenged Abbott on her comments page; In chivalry and courage she was loyal to the end: The one fair Australian journo of The Age. One of my new anti-favourites is Tom Piggulden. Watch him.


28/04/2012Good Morning Ad Thankyou very much for your new article Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective Your article reads like you are sitting in a chair talking to me again. Beautiful writing Ad, wonderful to read. Thankyou for your work you are appreciated very much Yesterday afternoon I posted three articles by three different Journalists, all on the same subject, different topic headings but the same story the same words used. I pointed out the same words. So don't worry about them being objective, they are just copying of each other. Malcolm Farr http://www.news.com.au/national/tony-abbott-sets-out-his-plan-to-turn-back-the-boats-to-indonesia/story-e6frfkvr-1226340727801#ixzz1tCjrMRYI Alison McMeekin http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/tony-abbott-to-reintroduce-protection-visas-for-asylum-seekers/story-e6freuy9-1226340693634 James Massola http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/immigration/abbott-compares-indonesian-people-smugglers-to-australians-who-smuggle-drugs-into-bali/story-fn9hm1gu-1226340792265?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheAustralianNewsNDM+%28The+Australian+%7C+News+%7C%29 :):):):):)


28/04/2012Hi Ad I have collected up the comments with links from the Twitterverse for you and everyone. There is no excerpt for Laurie Oakes because I can't stand one word he has said:- Gillard’s hypocrisy on the presumption of innocence, Laurie Oakes, The Punch http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/gillards-hipocrisy-on-the-presumption-of-innocence/#item8351 Trevor Cook‏@tcookAU Great column by Kitney (AFR, unlocked) In a nightmare with concrete boots http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/in_nightmare_with_concrete_boots_Fsv8Cf2d3nubLm34w6hcNI TheFinnigans The goal post is shifted again. Blank, he didnt fill in, he didnt make the trip, no no no. Now is his driver background http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/new-details-emerge-of-dubious-cabcharge-connection/story-e6freuy9-1226341260183 TheFinnigans Now it's Slipper driver who has a conviction 10y ago. Abbott was charged with indecent assault 27 years ago - http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/07/17/1089694611809.html #auspol AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Turns out the driver wasnt convicted of docket fraud at all. And yet Steve Lewis calls this explosive revelations. What a wanker #auspol JewelNature‏ Slipper explains cab dockets' & disturbing rumours @juliagillard 'may step aside' 4 NSW ex-premier Carr. WHAT ABT QLD? http://wap.news.bigpond.com/articles/TopStories/2012/04/28/Slipper_explains_unusual_cab_dockets_744370.html vexnews‏@vexnews Brutal treatment of a limo driver whose only crime was driving Speaker Slipper around Sydney #auspol http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/new-details-emerge-of-dubious-cabcharge-connection/story-e6freuy9-1226341260183 TheFinnigans low income earners on from $18,200 and $37,000 will pay zero tax - on super contributions. What a BISON - http://www.news.com.au/money/superannuation/budget-set-to-deliver-super-sized-tax-bill-for-superannuation-savers/story Trevor Cook‏@tcookAU And unintentionally? "But he says he has never intentionally handed over a Cabcharge docket with a blank trip value." http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-28/peter-slipper-denies-latest-cabcharge-allegations/3977682 Dog With Pigtails‏@mooreryan3 Peter Hartcher on the modus operandi of Abbott & the Opposition. "Small target, big letdown" http://j.mp/InBxhy #auspol John Hanna‏@John_Hanna Hartcher bangs on a bit with "Small target, big letdown" yet still manages to scare the wits out of me. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/small-target-big-letdown-20120427-1xqco.html fiz‏@fiztig Federal Liberal frontbencher to Hartcher:"we could put just about anything in our platform and still win the election" Dafid‏@davidlen2 Mike Carlton's piece this morning is required reading for all Labor MPs, but will they understand & act? Probably not.http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/booming-economy-is-the-main-event-20120427-1xq2a.html Lenore Taylor‏@lenoretaylor Sleepwalking to oblivion http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/unspeakable-dilemma-for-a-stumbling-labor-20120427-1xq46.html via @smh http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/unspeakable-dilemma-for-a-stumbling-labor-20120427-1xq46.html Taffey‏ A sound counter to Hockey's shallow & opportunistic age of entitlement rubbish; No more poor excuses http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/politics/no-more-poor-excuses-20120425-1xlhg.html via @brisbanetimes Russell Skelton‏@Skellor A reality check. Winds turn against Murdoch influence http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/winds-turn-against-murdoch-influence-20120426-1xnv1.html via @smh Murdoch Watch‏@WatchMurdoch Murdoch Points Finger at News Corp. Employees, Accuses Them of Cover-Up : TVBizwire : TVWeek - Telev... http://bit.ly/JLLSoI via @newspin http://www.tvweek.com/blogs/tvbizwire/2012/04/murdoch-points-finger-at-news.php John Hanna‏@John_Hanna I guess @GMegalogenis forgets that most of us don't pay the #Paywall. link here http://goo.gl/3U4os BTW a good read. Rupert Murdoch ‏@rupertmurdoch Dramatic, slimy events in Australian politics. Country desperately needs election to get fresh start. PB‏@youngapprentice rupertmurdoch start reporting on the dramatic slimy events of the #coalition something your newspapers shy away from #mediafail :):):):):)

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28/04/2012Ian Your thesis of journalists hunting in packs is apt. Packs are the aggressive end of the groupthink spectrum. There is a contemporary example with the Slipper affair, about which there a further angle on almost every news bulletin. As Michael pointed out, competition drives media outlets, which we see as each attempt to outdo the others, hoping to be the one to strike the killer blow. This morning it’s Channel Nine with yet another revelation about the Cabcharge vouchers, which Slipper has described as ‘bizarre’. He is being hounded by a pack of wolves, each adding injury to what they see as a mortally wounded politician, hoping to be the one that finally brings him down. Once the blood begins to flow and the victim starts to falter, the blood lust of the pack will heighten and the attacks will become more persistent and vicious. It is a sad thing to witness, a sorry reflection on human nature and media malice. janice In Canada there is said to be a law against lying in the media. I wish I could find the reference. We need something like that here along with your demerit suggestion – three lies and you’re out! Can you imagine the righteous indignation of media proprietors at such a suggestion?

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28/04/2012Michael Mega would be better to stick to his economic analyses, which are brilliant, and leave speculative suggestions that Tony Abbott might ‘take a step back’ to lesser journalists. Abbott is hunting with the media pack and will never ‘step back’, so long as it’s to his advantage to continue to attack.

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28/04/2012TT Indeed, why not [b]fair[/b] players? Because the proprietors and their sycophantic editors and journalists don’t want to be fair – they want to win for their boss. And as the interrogation of Rupert Murdoch in London revealed, they all know what the boss wants. Your 2010 pome is as relevant today as it was then. Sadly, the only difference is that journalism is steadily getting worse.

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28/04/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your always-encouraging words. You are right; journalists use even the same words as other journalists. Originality is sparse. Some of this is attributable to syndication, some to the habit of using press releases as news sources, and in this instance, bits of Tony Abbott’s speech to the IPA, and some is sheer laziness. ‘He said, she said’ journalism is easy, requires almost no research, and is usually not accompanied by analysis. With the contemporary pressure on journalists to produce copy to tight deadlines, copy that entertains and titillates, copy that achieves corporate commercial and political objectives, it is inevitable that lesser journalists will succumb, and go along with the pack. It is only superior journalists, the likes of Laura Tingle and Ross Gittins, who have the courage to write objectively and tell it the way it really is. Isn’t it distressing to see our MSM deteriorating before our very eyes, day after day, moving closer and closer to a moribund state, from which recovery will be impossible.


28/04/2012and the truly sad thing about all this business: Murdoch, in terms of his global operation, probably doesn't need regime change in Australia. He's doing it because it's what he has always done. He seems to have a cynical hatred of humanity.....strangely enough, I pity him.


28/04/2012Hi Ad I have found these 2 links for you about "lying in the News in Canada", hope they are of interest to you. Laws Against Lying in the News, Thinking Politics Recently, Americans have become aware that Canada has a law against lying in the news media http://www.hardsf.org/ThinkPol/TPNewsLi.htm A Law Against Lying on the News Why Canada has one and the U.S. doesn’t. http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/a-law-against-lying-on-the-news :):):)


28/04/2012Good Ad & Swordsters one and all, You have asked [i]Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective?[/i] Ask this question slightly differently and we will get to the nub of the problem. [i]Why do [b]people[/b] have so much difficulty being objective?[/i] Journalists, believe it or not, are human beings just as the readers of their output are human beings. We are all the sum of our histories and carry with us biases and prejudices that inform how we view the world. We could equally ask: [i]Why do the readers of journalistic output have so much difficulty being objective?[/i] Michael @ 7:43 AM illustrates the point: Megalogenis wrote [i]If Abbott could take a step back, ...[/i] Michael's response is [i]So long as a serious political journalist in this country can even begin to believe that Tony Abbott could ever "take a step back" ...[/i] Here we have a problem. Everyone is quite at liberty to interpret that Megalogenis thinks that Abbott [b]could[/b] take a step back just as everyone is at liberty to have a different interpretation. Lets look at those seven words again with my emphasis (and therefore interpretation) added: [b][i]If[/i][/b] Abbott could take a step back, ... I doubt that Megalogenis wrote [i]If only ...[/i] and that the subeditor took it out and I guess we could ask George but why bother? We could also ask George if he believes that Abbott could take a step back but again why bother. We are all free to believe we know what George and other jounalists think and believe and, being human beings, know that what we, and therefore others should, believe is the best and, sometimes, the only correct view of the world. So, the challenge is to discover why do people have so much difficulty being objective. Separately Megalogenis does raise what is, to me, a very important point. There are wider lessons in this latest spat. I have been pondering for some days now when and if anyone would use this saga to raise the possibility of having a truly independent Speaker in the House. So far the hint has been a tweet by Mark Colvin saying that he thnks we should adopt something along the lines of the UK system and now George pointing another reform that would be, in my opinion, a move toward a probably better governance. Are we better informed for thinking we know what others believe? Does putting the sword to particular journalists for what we think believe serve our better interests? Would we all be better served if we also examined our own prejudices and put them aside for a little while and worked toward some reforms that could serve to make the governance of our nation better for the benefit of our children and/or grandchildren? In thinking that George believes in the impossible that Abbott could take a step back are we in danger of throwing out the baby with the bath water and missing the more important question? Are we able to use the current stupidities as an opportunity to put in place some systems and institutions that may serve us better in the future?

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28/04/2012Hi Lyn What an intriguing set of tweets and links. We should be thankful for journalists like Mike Carlton who can separate himself from the pack to write a balanced piece, where others, even the more moderate Lenore Taylor, is already writing off the Gillard Government. I see that while Peter Hartcher is too, he realizes that Tony Abbott and his team are not ready to govern. Why do we not see more of this? I think the answer comes in Rupert Murdoch’s tweet: [i] Rupert Murdoch ‏@rupertmurdoch 
Dramatic, slimy events in Australian politics. Country desperately needs election to get fresh start.”[/i]

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28/04/2012DMW Thank you for your thoughtful comments about objectivity, with which I agree. As I said at the beginning of this piece: “[i]Let’s acknowledge that ‘being objective’ is a challenge not just for journalists. All of us have the same struggle. All of us bring to what we say and write our own beliefs, ideology, biases, prejudices, preferences, hopes and desires – our own personal agenda.[/i]” Being behind a paywall I can’t read the whole of Mega’s piece. So I don’t know whether he offered any assessment of the likelihood that Tony Abbott would ‘step back’. Perhaps it’s just the improbability that this might occur, judging from Abbott’s performance since elected, that begs the question; ‘Does Mega think this is really possible?’ and if he does, what basis does he have for that judgement? I suppose the mere proposition: ‘if he would step back’ suggests that he thinks that is possible, and that is the point in dispute. If I were to say, with sincerity, “If only Julia and Tony would get their heads together to collaborate in giving this nation good governance, as they should”, I would be seen as a starry eyed idealist out of touch with the realities of political life. Nonetheless, I take your points.


28/04/2012Ad if you follow the link provided here http://goo.gl/pE9SW you can see the full article

Tom of Melbourne

28/04/2012Can anyone imagine the outrage if Howard had found himself in minority government and had – • Clung to power with the support of an MP with such a cloud over their honesty? • Walked away from the very written agreement that delivered him power? • Appointed Gavin O’Connor as Speaker because Richard Marles was about to take preselection in Corio? • Had thousands and thousands of people in detention? • Won in 2007 and then broke his election promise [i]to deliver[/i] carbon trading? The ALP supporters and most of the population would be justifiably outraged. But in the best the supporters come up with is- • Sipper is the victim of a media conspiracy. • Wilkie is wrong is being annoyed that Gillard didn’t keep her word. • It isn’t a tax. • Thomson has no case to answer. • Detention of asylum seekers is Abbott’s fault. • It’s all the fault of the media, and • It’s all the fault of the media Apparently, it’s all the fault of the media, though some journalists might be to blame too.


28/04/2012Good Afternoon ToM yes I can imagine the faux outrage. Can you imagine the possibility of reforms that may help prevent such stupidities overtaking reasonable governance of the nation? Can you imagine the current opposition doing anything that would assist in bringing about such changes? Can you imagine that Thompson or Slipper may actually be innocent of the charges leveled against them? Can you imagine that Wilkie may have overplayed his hand and bought the apparent backdown upon himself? A bit like John Lennon I can imagine a world without war unfortunately it is not the world we currently live in.


28/04/2012[b]Comrades Take a few deep breaths . . . Set your jaw . . . . . . Be not dismayed . . . . . . [i]Fight![/i] Fight Murdoch's slime. Recognise that Murdoch is The Enemy. Murdoch is a giant octopus, tentacles and suckers and slime everywhere. He inserts himself everywhere and strangles every form of prey there is. He has enslimed almost every journalist in Australia, without let or hindrance and with their base obsequious willing connivance. Abbortt is a disgrace and an insult to civilized humanity. His dreadful gang of cheats and fools lead in the polls only because of the complicity of the media. I agree with some comments on other sites, Labor must run some very hard-nosed paid advertisements, not many, but hard-hitting, poignant, no smartiness just give the lie to the Abbortians and trumpet the Government's great works. Above all Labor, TAKE ON THE INTERVIEWERS!

Ad astra

28/04/2012DMW Thanks for the link to the Mega article, which I have now had the opportunity to read in its entirety, instead of just the first two paragraphs. I thought it was a well-written and well-reasoned piece that made some telling points. Read as a whole article, the sentence: “[i]If Abbott could take a step back, he and Gillard might consider an institutional reform for the benefit of all parties to prevent another Slipper or Colston from placing self above parliament again.[/i]”, when read in context, takes on another meaning. It sounds as if Mega is posing a hypothetical, rather than a serious expectation that Abbott might step back; it was the latter that brought forth an exclamation of disbelief from Michael. Your points about objectivity are germane.

Ad astra

28/04/2012DMW What a good response to ToM. Will he answer your questions? TT You are right – Labor must hit back hard, but as this will receive no support in the media, paid ads might be the way to go. And I agree, take on the interviewers. But it needs to be done cleverly, politely and persistently. An example of how NOT to do this was an IPA-sponsored climate denialist on ABC 774 Melbourne radio this week, I think it was Thursday, who took on Jon Faine in a most aggressive, rude and overbearing way, talking over him loudly, so much so that nine out of ten text messages afterwards were highly critical of the interviewee. He did his cause harm.


28/04/2012Hi Ad, what will be interesting is if Mega opens up a blog on the topic as he sometimes does. The comments and thoughts of participants would make for interesting and probably informed debate. We could also get another insight into the mind of Mega which I suspect, is like many here, is very complex and nuanced. The wilds of outer West Belconnen are calling me so off into the forthcoming sunset I must ride. Type again later

Tom of Melbourne

28/04/2012What reforms MDW are you suggesting will stop the appointment of an MP (under a cloud) as Speaker for political expedience? I can imagine Slipper having an explanation, but Thomson has simply neglected to provide the “comprehensive statement” he promised a year ago. AA doesn’t seem tot bothered about this public neglect. Perhaps Wilkie did overplay his hand, but it was Gillard that willingly made a [b]written agreement[/b] with him - which delivered the Prime Ministership to her. She walked away from the agreement. Any other questions? The sycophantic cloying about Julia’s leadership and the “blame the media” for the woes of the government by so many here is odd indeed.


28/04/2012Under the radar David Humphries, Rory Callinan April 28, 2012 Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/under-the-radar-20120427-1xqaz.html#ixzz1tIvSt0Kr [i]It took one act too far of Slipper treachery to lift the lid on nearly three decades of smut, suspicion, innuendo and raised eyebrows. For all the finger-pointing, for the avalanche of evidence and allegation stretching back years and pointing to Slipper's unfitness, two pivotal questions went unanswered. How was he tolerated for so long by conservative parties - given local disquiet, agitation for his replacement and hand-wringing at the highest level - and what was the Gillard government thinking last December when it recruited to the speakership a man whose reputation was so sullied across politics? Ridiculed and written off as a rat, a rorter, a boozer and a bore, whose moral compass cracked under the strain of public expectation, thwarted ambition and human foible, Slipper nonetheless enjoyed preselection support of the Nationals (albeit in quieter days) and later the Liberals at nine federal elections.[/i]


28/04/2012Hi Lyn Agreed re your comment on Laurie Oakes' piece, can't stand a word of it. His selected points & moralising don't conceal his hatred of Gillard.For "balance" I thought he might've made mention of Abbott's solemn statements about the seriousness of sexual harassment charges. Or the Liberals' & the media's sudden fascination with Slipper's history, never of much concern before. Not quite the point this thread talks about, but few if any journalists would see themselves materially affected by the mistakes of an Abbott government.


28/04/2012Ad Astra Another excellent topic. You have a very good way of cutting through the rubbish and explaining very clearly. Michael, I fully agree with your first comment, thank you. I don't know about any one else, but I am totally over the "Slippergate" rubbish. It is another case of damned if you did and damned if you didn't. I had hoped that there would be some decent analysis of it but have as yet to come across any. The perception is now out there regardless of the veracity of the claims. If he is exonerated, it will not be blasted across the media for days and no one will be the wiser. I am just hoping this Government can last its full term and until all the excellent policies are bedded down. We can now say for sure they will not be given any kudos for the magnificent efforts. I certainly don't feel the lived reality of the Clean Energy policy will change many people's minds now because the denigration of this Government will continue without pause.


28/04/2012 Tom Of Melbourne - who are You going to vote for then. Abbott and his front bench are guilty of similar issues so why change over to a party that are guilty of the same doings . Do they deserve the reins more so when they show no change of behaviour & signs of bigger bungles & still lie whilst in opposition ? The Liberals should have brought good back benchers to the front. Not rehash a tested lying mob. To me I can not understand how people can see Gillard faults but not Abbotts and his current Liberal Party . Ad - Great article. What bugs me most is the Questions that our media ask reflect on our intellect. And questions they DON'T ask reflect on our priorities . Australians should be up in arms at the representation of our media .


28/04/2012I stand by my earlier comment that any serious journalist who believes Abbott is capable of taking a step back with the sniff of the keys to The Lodge under his nose has not been listening to or watching the man. It's almost completely certain that events in Parliament immediately following upon any successful (for the Coalition) motion of no confidence would see another such motion moved against the just installed by sitting in seats on opposite sides of the chamber Abbott government. He'd lose it because who can really see the crossbenchers supporting a Coalition government for 16 or 17 months until the next scheduled election? Doing what? Supporting what we know of Coalition policy? They'd pass the ball back to the Australian electorate. The loss of such a procedural motion of no confidence would be no skin off Abbott's nose, more likely it would be his preferred option, because... Since polls suggest the Coalition would sheet it in, the matter of having a delay of four or five weeks electioneering free rein to really stick it to Labor, as elections seem to demand bareknuckles as the style for putting a case to lead the nation now, before actually turning the key in The Lodge front door (and Kirribilli House's John Howard Memorial Wine Cellar) wouldn't matter at all to Abbott. He's guaranteed a win, and may even be urgent to bring on an election as quickly as possible before his own party become weary of his one-ugly-trick pony approach. Abbott is incapable of taking a step back. It's almost as if he considers it unmanly.

Ad astra

28/04/2012Casablanca Thanks for the link to the David Humphries, Rory Callinan portrait of Peter Slipper. I wonder if they did one on Tony Abbott, who seeks a higher office than Slipper, what we might read, or for that matter on any other parliamentarian. To start with the story of the tree growing over the neighbour’s fence was odd – were the authors trying to create the feeling that even on such matters, Slipper is slippery? One can only assume that the piece was not meant to enhance Slipper, but quite the opposite. What authority do the authors have? I have never heard of them. There are plenty of attack dogs out there, and many wise pundits who could see the Slipper matter coming a mile off!

Ad astra

28/04/2012BSA Bob Laurie Oakes seems to have a deep-seated hatred of Julia Gillard, perhaps born of his liking for Kevin Rudd. So his caustic piece comes as no surprise.

Ad astra

28/04/2012Gravel Thank you for your complimentary remarks. I think we are all over the Slipper affair, but the media strategy is to create the same feeling in everyone, hoping, not unrealistically, that people’s annoyance at the constant bad news about Slipper will rebound on PM Gillard’s head. It is all part of the denigration strategy of our PM that has been going on for years. We can expect more.

Ad astra

28/04/2012debbiep Thank you for your kind remarks. Most of the media is geared to ask the hard questions of the Government, and deliberately to avoid asking the hard questions of the Opposition. Had they done the latter, the electorate by now would know what it really would be in for with an Abbott government, and would be recoiling in horror.

Ad astra

28/04/2012Michael The question is whether Mega really believes Tony Abbott could take a ‘step back’ and work cooperatively. After reading the relevant paragraph in context, I sense that it was but a hypothetical in Mega’s mind, not a realistic expectation. We’d have to ask him to really know. We know Abbott would never take a step back, and I suspect Mega knows that too.

Ad astra

28/04/2012Folks We are off now to a big family birthday. I'll be back tomorrow.


28/04/2012Talk Turkey, may I please "borrow" your pome? Pretty please?


28/04/2012Hi Ad Craig Emerson shares our opinion of Abbott using the word Specific:- Abbott using 'weasel' speak on Slipper: Craig Emerson Dr Emerson was sceptical of Mr Abbott's use of the word "specific", which he referred to as "weasel" speak. "What did Mr Abbott really know?" he asked. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/devil-in-docket-detail-for-peter-slipper/story-fn59niix-1226341500296? Abbott uses 'weasel' speak, Emerson says http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-uses-weasel-speak-emerson-says-20120428-1xrbs.html Abbott uses 'weasel' speak, Emerson says http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-uses-weasel-speak-emerson-says-20120428-1xrbs.html ::):)


28/04/2012The pause before he uttered the word, and the slight emphasis he gave it, were dead giveaways, Lyn.


28/04/2012Fiona You may HAVE the pome as may everyone else. The whole of it was as I said, on October 12 2010, on the thread that says Grog Please come back I admit to being proud of it as a true record of the events of that amazing time, and I have had no reason to regret any of my pronouncements as to the characters involved. Rather I regret being so bloody right about them. Ad astra has never wavered from doing his best to hold these incestuous sycophants to account. It is time the Government dedicated itself to doing likewise. Our decent future depends on it.


28/04/2012Talk Turkey, thank you, and yes and amen to everything that you have said. Meanwhile, apart from going onto the streets and raising the barricades (bags a spot next to you, TT), we just have to keep hammering away at it - and somehow encouraging our v good Government to do so as well.


28/04/2012Mot of Telbourne, George Megalogenis wrote: [i]There is a wider lesson here for the system. Federal parliament needs an independent corruption commission, or at least a joint party committee, to quickly rule on questions of ethics so the public can have confidence in the vote of every MP.[/i] I am not particulary attached to either an independent corruption commission or joint house/party committee. I am wary of 'industry oversight' such as has proved to be less than adequate in a lot of situations over recent times which is what a committee of parliament would in effect be. Therefore I would tend towards an independent judicial corruption commission. Such a body properly set up would be able to look at the alleged misdemeanours of, for example, Tony Abbott and his book promotion tour at public expense or Craig Thompsons alleged misbehaviour during his time before entering parliament and rule with relative alacrity whether such allegations had substance and, if they did, if it warranted the dismissal of the person from parliament or some other appropriate penalty. Whatever process chosen our governance would be better served when allegations, such as those alleged against Mr Slipper, were bought up, the people had confidence the there were systems in place to deal with such matters and that they would be dealt with fairly and openly. Put aside for a moment all your (and my) opinions on the rights and wrongs of the various shenanigans around the elevation of Mr Slipper to the Speakers Chair and consider this: the use of smear in attempt to bring down a legitamate government is beyond what we , as a supposedly mature democracy, should tolerate. It does us no good as a nation to be dragged into the gutter at the whim of persons that are only interested in sitting in the biggest chair come hell or high water. That applies, in my mind, to all sides in this farce. On the Speaker in the UK the tradition is that the person who is elected to the chair is not opposed at an election so that they are able to resign from the party and act as and, be independent of any former party loyalties. The numbers in our parliament make that difficult, if not impossible, to follow the UK precedent so, we need to look at some other ways of having at a minimum the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate be independent of party loyalty. I would actually prefer that the deputies of both those people also be independent but, again, I am not particularly attached to that. Around the time of the seventeen days of impasse following the last election I put forward a possible way of having independent chairpersons of both houses and if you care to search the archives here you can read my thoughts at the time. Our lack of maturity as a nation, in my mind, is really being shown up by the gutter tactics being used, mostly, by the current Leader of Her Majesties Loyal Opposition and in different ways the incumbent and, I emphasise, like it or lump it, the legitimate gvernment.


28/04/2012Hi Michael, re your comment @ 4:19 PM Totally accept that the implication you have drawn is that Mega may think that Abbott could step back. Ad has drawn another conclusion that differs from my interpretation. Should, for example, NormanK, come along to offer us his insight, I fully expect that he would come up with another interpretion that would, in all likelyhood, weave a path between all three views. Given Mega's past form, particularly the contibution he offered us in his Quartely Essay shortly after the last election, the title of which escapes me for the moment, I suggest that he is not under too many illusions as to the character of either leader or the depths which either side are prepared too plumb. As I see it, largely because of our passionate interest, we all have difficulty in being objective and, because of the stupidity of the current political climate, we are all too easily led to see biases and prejudices in others that may well not be an accurate assessment.


28/04/2012ToM, please do not excuse my dyslexia when addressing you in my most recent comment toward you. I fully expect that you purposely misaddress my good self for whatever reason that tickles you fancy. I must salute your response as a clever avoidance of answering all the questions asked and am left wondering if you are, in any way, shape or form, capable of imagining the other propositions I put. Over to you Amigo.

Tom of Melbourne

28/04/2012No worries DWM. I don’t think either party would support the type of proposal you’ve outlined. I don’t know that I would either, unless the membership of such a commission or committee is approved by a 90% majority of a joint sitting. Certainly appointments by the Executive Council have proven to be entirely partisan. I’d be happy to see some specific rules for the behaviour of MPs. For example – An MP who declines to assist with the law enforcement should be suspended from law making. A legislator should have no right to decline on grounds of self-incrimination, unless they withdraw from the legislative process. Or an MP who has rorted travel expenses should be suspended from parliament for the equivalent duration over which the misuse occurred. Current penalties are insufficient to impose discipline on aberrant behaviour. ------------------ I’m not an advocate of the Westminster System. -------------- I also wouldn’t bother to sully your reputation for reasonable commentary by arguing that the standards of the opposition and their behaviour are particularly or specifically worse than that of the government. There is currently entirely appropriate scrutiny of the government and the Prime Minister, because…well they’re the government, and the opposition isn’t. Personally, I’m entirely happy with the decision I’ve made over the past few elections – to vote informal. I vote for some independents or minor parties and put the ALP and Liberals last (or second last if there is a DLP or similar candidate).


28/04/2012Fiona said . . . raising the barricades (bags a spot next to you, TT), What a beaut thing to say, thank you sincerely Comrade.


28/04/2012Any time, TT, and the offer is sincere - though I am an unpredictable short. DWM: "Put aside for a moment all your (and my) opinions on the rights and wrongs of the various shenanigans around the elevation of Mr Slipper to the Speakers Chair and consider this: the use of smear in attempt to bring down a legitamate government is beyond what we , as a supposedly mature democracy, should tolerate. It does us no good as a nation to be dragged into the gutter at the whim of persons that are only interested in sitting in the biggest chair come hell or high water. That applies, in my mind, to all sides in this farce." Indeed. The pity of it all is that starting a "you said it first" line will do no service to the side that I suspect we both support. Grubby pool.

Tom of Melbourne

28/04/2012…and by the way DMW, lest anyone think that the obstruction of the opposition is the major political foible, they should consider that this government has created a generation of political cynics. All those first time votes of 2007, who thought they were choosing a fresh government, now find that duplicity is the domain of both sides. That will be Julia’s legacy.


28/04/2012When I was studying Anthropology I learnt of two tribal groups in Africa, the Nuer and the Tiv. The two groups speak the same language, both groups raise cattle as their primary source of wealth and food. They are ethnically and racially indistinguishable, yet there is a hard-and-fast division between them. There are far fewer Nuer than Tiv, and they tend to live in lands surrounded by samllish Tiv villages, centrally more or less. The two groups live in peace most of the time, but every now and again the Nuer get a raiding party together and go and attack one of the Tiv villages, fighting the men, and stealing girls and cattle before heading back home. Few men are killed, though it certainly happens, and the Nuer never take more than a smallish proportion of the girls and cattle. The girls are then raised as Nuer, and accept their new lot pretty equanimitously. They do not after all have to adapt much at all, the cultures being identical. The Tiv men are less than happy about the arrangement (which is ancient) and mutter dark imprecations about going and wiping out the Nuer. They use the same weapons, and there are more of them; sometimes they do get it together to mount an actual raid, but they are rarely successful. The difference is that while the Nuer have a tradition of coalescing under pressure, the Tiv do not. Confronted with a small but tight group of Nuer, even lots bigger groups of Tiv tend to fragment, and run away. The Nuer say: WE are NUER! and the Tiv say, resignedly, wtte, Yep, they are Nuer! Yet when the whole of that language group, Nuer and Tiv together, face hostiles of completely different ethnicity, the Nuer take control, the Tiv fall in behind them and the two groups fight bravely as one. In a sense, the Nuer raise Tiv as well as cattle. They make sure that the whole arrangement stays intact by taking the lead in fighting off common enemies, seeing to it that enough cattle are raised for them suddenly to grab the cream of the usufruct of the Tiv. They have been doing it since time immemorial. They claim arrogantly that if it weren't for them the Tiv would be defeated by hostiles, and so they have a right to steal cattle and women. The Tiv do the most work, but the Nuer get a better lifestyle. There are two lessons for Labor here. One: We must not let the Abborttians get in in 2013, they will grab the best economy in the world and proclaim it as all their own work. Two: We must coalesce staunchly in taking the fight up to Them. I'm not sure my Nuer/Tiv story really leads to those lessons, but it's a good (and true) story anyway. The Hell's Angels have a dictum: [i]When an Angel strikes a non-Angel, all other Angels present will also strike that non-Angel.[/i] Guess who wins most bar brawls! .


28/04/2012Ad astra @10.14am, there is such a law in Canada and it was the reason that country refused to allow any Murdoch media into the country, despite the best efforts of thst lover of freedom and democracy the Prime Minister of Canada, who wanted to repeal Canada's laws forbidding lying and misinformation in broadcasting news. http://roguemedia.org/2012/04/23/canada-refuses-to-allow-fox-news-a-license/ If only we had those laws here. I'd love to see Anal, Hadley, Dolt and the rest of the Murdoch press forced to be truthful. The sooner the Finkelstein recommendations are brought to bear, the better. Great post as usual. You know in all this hoo ha about Slipper, I haven't seen or heard [b]one[/b] of our learned smear campaigners in the press utter a word about Slipper's performance of the duties of Speaker. He has been a resounding success, some think he's the best Speaker they've had in a long while. He's shut Liealot and the Liars up and restored order. And is even handed; he even chucked the Treasurer out. Gillard could not have failed to notice his ability to keep tight control when he acted as Deputy Speaker. I think that aspect has been ignored in discussing her choice of Slipper as Speaker. Frankly, it will be disappointing if he is not restored. QT was becoming quite civilised. No more toleration of toddler behaviour and tantrums. I particularly like that he really gets up Credlin's nose; that alone makes it imperative he returns to the chair. ToM, Wilkie's bill had less than a snowball's chance of passing the Lower House. The opposition most certainly won't jeopardise their cosy relationship with big gambling and Windsor and Oakeshott won't support it. It would have sunk like a stone. So the most sensible outcome would have been to sit down with the PM and see what they could achieve. Or Wilkie could draft a private member's bill and put it to the Parliament and see how it goes. No doubt it would sink like a stone without the required support. I think the PM would have tried to explain the reality of the situation to Wilkie, but from what we're seeing, he is completely unable to compromise. He wants what he wants now, even though it's clearly not possible. And no matter how many agreements the PM has signed with him, his bill will fail. Most people know that beating your head against a brick wall is counter productive and look for alternatives. Apparently, Mr Wilkie is incapable of that.


29/04/2012ToM @10.16pm, sorry, nice try but no cigar. Liealot says he wants the job as PM. I've never heard of a job applicant who wasn't scrutinised to ascertain their suitability for the position. The higher the position the greater the scrutiny. However, scrutiny of Government policies should not begin with "Tony Abbott says.....unless scrutiny of opposition policies begins with "The PM says....." Fair and balanced reporting.

Patricia WA

29/04/2012Yes, Jane, I think the PM appreciates that Slipper has found his metier and also that he genuinely wants to keep doing that job well at this late stage of his career. It can only be a good thing if she can get him back into that chair ASAP. As well I agree with [b]imacca[/b] over at the Pollbludger that the PM is right to stick by him. [quote]ALP can stand on principle on this matter without any probs. If Slipper gets turfed as Speaker before the civil matter is “settled”, and its plain that the Lib/Nats and Indies are the movers then when it blows over the advantage in numbers is still with the ALP.[/quote]

Patricia WA

29/04/2012At last Annabelle Crabbe has heard of the entrapment theory! http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/if-the-slipper-fits-think-conspiracy-20120428-1xrgv.html Doesn't take it too seriously though. But least it's aired.

Ad astra

29/04/2012Folks I have important family business to attend to today, so will be away from my computer until this evening.


29/04/2012The sky is falling ... David Speers ‏ @David_Speers Craig Thomson will quit Labor Party today to sit as independent MP


29/04/2012DMW, HELP!


29/04/2012he MSM and the Right Wing politicians all march, in lock-step to a single controlling voice. The voice of one who appeared this week at the Levenson Enquiry in London. The voice of one who is becoming exceeding old and archtypical Grumpy Old Man with increasingly fixed shock-jock opinions! Mixed in with his delusions of grandeur which have been amplified by his Gotterdamerung syndrome. That is the reason all the published sleaze goes in one direction only. Why this subject is never talked about and why it remains a water-cooler gossip point! archiearchive.wordpress.com/.../


29/04/2012Oops, that link is supposed to be http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/04/28/pollylim-peta-tony-and-brian/


29/04/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you: The Daily Telegraph‏@dailytelegraph Breaking news - Craig Thomson is set to leave Labor and sit as an independent. Updates on the way. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/mp-craig-thomson-resigns-from-labor-party-to-run-as-an-independent/story-e6freuy9-1226341845378 ABC News 24‏@ABCNews24 Watch: Independent MP Tony Windsor discusses @DobellThommo's announcement that he'll quit the Labor Party. http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/ The Wall Australia‏@TheWallAU CONFIRMED. Labor MP Craig Thomson is going to crossbenches. http://thewall.com.au/topics/72339-confirmed-labor-mp-craig-thomson-is-going-to?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Wolf Cocklin‏@wolfcat Attention media hacks ... Do you really think Thomson would vote against the govt... No.. Therefore being on the cross bench has no impact . Bruce Guthrie‏@brucerguthrie This week's column: who's really to blame for Rupert's woes http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/ethics-somewhere-in-east-england-according-to-the-murdoch-compass-20120428-1xro7.html via @theage TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM The Daily Terror is at it again. Check the language of the headline, as Swan plans to "SMASH the rich". Then read. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/treasurer-wayne-swan-is-planning-to-smash-the-rich/story-e6freuy9-1226341583240 TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM More garbage from Grating Grattan......now Shorten will pitch for the top job, she infers. "If MPs did decide... http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/stand-strengthens-shorten-position-20120428-1xrgq.html Paul Howes‏@howespaul My column in today's Sunday Telegraph on right wing trolls, the HSU, Breivik and the moronic Tim Blair http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/cheap-shots-after-breivik-massacre-are-sick-says-paul-howes/story-e6frezz0-1226341529508 Tweeters opinion on The Insiders:- Ben Bligh‏@peregrinari7 RT @nickford: Marr's insight: You've heard of the teflon politician. Gillard is the velcro politician - everything sticks to her. #Insiders TheFinnigans天地有道人无道‏@Thefinnigans David Marr on #Insiders correctly pointed out that Abbott's insulted Indonesia big time over his turn the boats & big buana trip to Jakarta Daniel Breban‏@DBreban AbbottAbbottAbbott! #Insiders Bill‏@Billablog and whose fault is it that people aren't informed, Annabel? What is your profession doing? #insiders cjjosh‏@cjjosh Windsor: "Tony Abbott might need some laxettes, he's having trouble with this motion" re no confidence in the government @ABCNews24 #thomson :):):):):):)


29/04/2012Some years ago I came across the following quote which seems pertinent to your post: “Once journalism was all about the five Ws – Where, When, Why, What and Who. Today, it’s about the two Gs – Garbage and Gossip.” You raise a number of important issues in your timely post. I would note that objectivity and fairness can be lacking even when the raw facts are right. An example is reporting ambit claims by unions without explaining why they are necessary. Some time ago there was a push that editorials should be signed. One reason behind this move was that if editorials were signed, then the journalists writing them could use the Code of Ethics to prevent being directed to write things they knew to be untrue. Another reason was that the public had a right to know who was the author of an editorial, if only to give them fair warning of a fixed viewpoint. Today when every story seems to have a byline, even a public relations handout, it seems odd that an editorial should not. Long before Rupert Murdoch took over the Melbourne Herald, I remember an editorial executive of the paper arguing signed editorials were not necessary because the paper’s policy was very strict that opinions in editorials had to be based on facts and that the two should not be mixed. That’s an argument that would have no legs today.


29/04/2012AAARRRGHHHH Lopsiders It doesn't just denigrate Labor and the Government It denigrates the whole political system I despise Annabelle the Slyly-Sidling Crabbe I despise David Marr I despise Crassidy Mal Farcom is the least objectionable this morning so far. Wilkie and Oakeshott are hedging their bets. Bushfire Bill - fast forward Crabbe's face about 20 years . . . Whaddya reckon, Old Coke Bottles revisited! Marr has convicted Slipper without reservation. Outraged that after all this 'grubby' affair is dealt with, (without conviction almost certainly) Slipper will again be entitled to vote! Listen you dickwit, Peter Slipper is an elected MHR and has stood aside VOLUNTARILY while unsubstantiated accusations are 'dealt with'. When they are he will be entitled to take his place as a voting Member of the Reps, whether or not as Speaker. Thomson resigns from Labor, will sit on cross benches and support Government. Gillard gutless say Latika Blurrrk, should have ditched him herself. Marr says she is the reverse of Teflon, she is Velcro he says 3 times to make sure we know how clever he is with the imagery. But the story behind these stories is that none of the IndependAnts is likely to move to bring down the Government as long as it is transparent in dealing with the 'scandals' Tony Windsor to dickhead ABC24 gotcha gotcha gotcha trier Andrew ?????? : "You're not listening. I can't help it if you've got ear problems". Also wtte "Abbortt must have confidence in the Government,he's never moved a No Confidence motion, he's talked about moving such a motion for 18 months, I think he needs a dose of Laxettes . . ." I love that man, he is the wisest one of the lot. Crabbe: Slipper's "Self-inflicted suspension" . . . Not "voluntarily standing aside." Also: Since Gillard [i]lowered herself [/i]into this deal with the Independants to retain Government . . . What would she have called it if Abbortt had prevailed? - Why yes, he would have "Ascended" to the prime Ministership of course! Just like, er, Who was it again? :) These terrible journalists are making me sick in the pit of my stomach. But *J*U*L*I*A* will hang in despite all their venom-spitting, and we will give them a hiding in the next few months. I stake my unblemished reputation for being right, hem-hem, on being right about this. Time at last to go on the offensive. No more fannying about.


29/04/2012Here is a tweet by George M. which shows my point of How the media represents us and what is important to us. [i]And why we should be up in arms ( and ashamed). [/i] George Megalogenis‏@GMegalogenis Now if Spain (24.4% unemployment) goes broke and we're still be talking @PeterSlipperMP & @DobellThommo you'd wonder about Australia, right?


29/04/2012 Unfortunately, I think PM Gillard is going to have to resign...her decision to back both Thomson and Slipper leaves her in a terrible situation. Combet or Shorten will have to step up. N'


29/04/2012 Unfortunately, I don’t think PM Gillard can survive this…her decision to bring in Slipper…and support Thomson…has led to a further weakening of the ALP’s reputation. Stabbing Wilkie in the back in order to attempt to save Labor MPs from the wrath of the pokie clubs and their supporters had a bad and gutless look about it. Add the other issues, including the weak Malaysian solution policy that backfired…the carbon price issue…etc etc…sadly it has all added up to a perception by the public that the government is not being run well…and trust has been lost. The media haven’t helped. But, we can’t keep blaming them for everything. There are REAL problems here. It’s sad tho because Gillard initially did well negotiating Labor into government…they’ve managed to pass many useful bills…and some good policies are about to be passed or implemented. Furthermore, I respect Gillard for not caving into Murdoch’s bullying pressure the way many other leaders and pollies have. But I just don’t see how she can survive this latest judgement debacle. I reckon it would be best if she resigned…and her place was taken by Combet…or Shorten. I prefer Combet. We are running out of time. This zealot Abbott would be a disaster for Australia. N’


29/04/2012The whole business depresses me. I see a Liberal party now dominated by religious zealots and One Nation/Tea Party-like bullies… Gun crime increasing…bikies thinking they can war over turf at the expense of the general public… obsession of media and public with criminal underworld thugs… Gambling and corporate advertising left, right and centre… Religious characters and institutions being protected regardless of the way they have preyed on kids. Corporate media relying on sexual titilation, celebrity obsession, sex and porn scandals, character assasination, corporatised sport and backdoor advertising/product placement/infotainment in tabloid fashion to survive. Fast food companies and big pharma and mining companies/CEOs having huge influence. Belittling of the “safety net” and affordable as essential services by referring to them as “entitlements”. Good union work being undermined by corruption of some. Might as well be in bloody America. N’


29/04/2012Nas, The basic problem with Gillard is that she perceived to have never been elected to the role of PM. First she is seen to have rolled Rudd (who was elected in 2007), then she is seen to have stitched together a Government in 2010. If she resigns (regardless of who takes over), the replacement will also been seen to have never been elected to the role - giving a large part of the media (plus Abbott and co) even more ammunition in their grubby campaign. Also remember that Oakshott and WIndsor are supporting a Gillard lead government - you could assume that if Gillard was replaced, they could take the opportunity to reassess their support. The real answer is for Gillard and all of her Government to do three things:- 1. Keep on the specific message (Shorten's recent stuff up is a case in point). 2. Ensure that their actions outperform their words 3. Don't feed the Opposition's need for publicity. (Don't refer to them personally, don't get distracted by the tangents they throw up and tell the media to report objectively or their access gets cut as they are not performing to an acceptable level). It would also help if the ALP and the Government advertised the positives of the Government since 2007. The ALP's campaign advertising, planning and execution was atrocious for both the recent State and Brisbane elections - one example I heard about was one ALP Brisbane Councillor yesterday set up what I'm told was a wonderful display at a Polling Booth that is outside his ward - apparently his crew thought it was a joint booth! It's basic stuff - understand what you are doing, plan it well, and deliver more than you promise. Obviously in the case above, a simple check of the appropriate website would have "discovered" the problem. Based on the recent behaviour of the ALP in Queensland, they would be flat out winning a chook raffle if they had the only ticket. I really feel sorry for the ALP members that want to make a difference, Jason being one of them, that can't get the message through that change is needed. I hope you all get some traction sometime soon. It is possible to beat the LNP - the Brisbane City Council will have one independent member - Nicole Johnston - Google her for a good news story on how to represent your community. If she can do it and get re-elected in spite of another LNP grubby campaign, why can't the ALP?


29/04/2012TT, they make you want to spit chips. Has any of these carrot crunchers heard of innocent until PROVED guilty? Will the idiot Marr's outrage vanish and an abject public apology be given when Slipper is cleared of all the spurious, scurrilous gossip aimed at him? Ditto Thomson? Should they both lodge claims against the Liars and the msm for as much as they can legally squeeze out of the mongrels and a humiliating giant apology the msm will be forced to splash all over their front pages? You betcha! The font can't be big enough, imo! Should we be able to empty hospital waste into their begging bowls after they've been named and shamed. Blood' oath, Narrelle!!!! Bourke hasn't kept up. I believe the PM finally has asked him to resign. Apparently he offered to throw himself on his sword a couple of years ago, but she wouldn't let him. Not bad for a woman constantly accused of disloyalty. Can anyone imagine Liealot being so loyal? Of course, he doesn't have to worry about his team being dragged through the mud, any crime or misdemeanour is glossed over by the obliging @rse lickers in the msm. Why aren't we hearing more about the reprehensible Slagabella? Is tricking an old man with dementia into signing over his estate just a jape? Why is she being given the presumption of innocence? Surely gossip is enough to ensure her guilt? And the shoplifter and basher MJ Fisher? Why wasn't she forced to stand aside while her case was heard? the same goes for Sean Edwards. Misleading and deceptive conduct. I say he's guilty and should be chucked out. Don't worry about the courts and legal process, the allegation has been made. GUILTY!!, m'lud. Proof is not required, just ask the msm. Nas' we're losing sight of the fact that Gillard's judgement is not impaired or suspect. We mustn't allow ourselves to start viewing the PM through the msm's lens. She made the right call in both cases and if the msm weren't in Rupert's thrall, her coup would be reported in a positive way. Her recruitment of Slipper would have been reported as a triumph of political skill and negotiation and been written into the history books as an act of political genius. All this shit is only occurring because she stole a march on Liealot and left him flat footed. It's only because the msm is actively campaigning for him, that he's still LOTO. If he'd pulled the same stroke as the PM, the msm wouldn't be saying he lacked political nous and judgement; quite the reverse. Liealot can't hold a candle to Gillard for political skill, subtlety, wit, honesty and loyalty. And if the msm wasn't under orders from Rupert, Liealot would have been exposed for the thug and lying moral slug he is, long ago. And the PM and the government would be receiving positive press. I believe that he is not the architect of this attack on Slipper. I don't think he's capable of anything this Machiavellian; all he knows is how to be a mug boxer. Bish, bosh-that's the onlyskills he possesses. Gillard's mistake has been sticking to her principles; upholding the law and respecting the presumption of innocence, a belief in the Westminster system, that people should have a fair go and that the msm is basically decent and will report the truth. The only principle she should scrap is in relation to the msm. There she should fight fire with fire and adopt Joh tactics. If the chooks don't cooperate, they don't get fed and they only get fed what she chooses. We mustn't stop fighting or believing until the last corpse has been added to the pile. Like TT, I think we will prevail.


29/04/20122353 & Jane, You both make some useful points. I guess I'm pretty down today. I see Australia incrementally slipping away...becoming yet another American style corporate run state. My reply to Migs at the Cafe: [b]Migs wrote: Nas, I think it depresses a lot of us. Abbott and the Murdoch media have been very successful in introducing American style politics into Oz.[/b] I would agree with that Migs. But I also blame the likes of the Liberal supporting think tanks and their over-the-top libertarian views not unlike Ayn Rand… the Packers…Kerry Packer pushed for more corporate sports, gambling and brought the American motivational speaker stuff here fullbore… …the shock jocks…acting like Rush Limbaugh… …and some of the companies who kowtowed to or sold out to American predators…that includes Telstra. Our finely balanced social cum liberal democracy is being undermined by this American style rampant capitalism, corporate profiteering, political celebrities putting opportunism over principles, all the way with money money money …topped with libertarian aspiring nonsense. If Abbott has his way, no politician in this country will have any power to represent the people…any who try will be set-up, framed by people working for special interests…and forced to step aside from desicion-making processes. It’s enuff that some already fear the power of the media…or owe favours to big companies etc. Look at how paralysed and ineffective the American government has become…almost paralysed…infiltrated by special interests and corporate aristocracy at all levels. Abbott, Murdoch, Jones, Howard, the think tanks, evangelicals…certain influential corporate characters…and a number of other scumbags have managed to put this country on the road to nowhere. The same road America is taking. We need drivers who can take us elsewhere… I know Gillard and Obama are trying…but I reckon Gillard is too damaged now. Sadly. And Obama is too oft caged by the scumbags who sabotage and take his own party down the wrong road. N’


29/04/20122353, wise words. As you say, no more own goals ala Shorten. Stay on track and don't feed the chooks who keep laying rotten eggs. Mandatory study of JBP to see the master at work. NEVER give the opposition ANY oxygen. Constantly lay out your achievements and talk them up. NEVER give the opposition ANY oxygen. NEVER give the opposition ANY oxygen. Only feed the chooks what you want them to know. Bad layers get the flick. NEVER give the opposition ANY oxygen. Unnerstan'? Unnerstan'!


29/04/2012Anyway, I'm quite willing to support the government even if Gillard stays. At least she hasn't sucked up Murdoch's butt...like others have. And it's obvious Abbott is Murdoch's boy. N'


29/04/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Some Tweets for you to all read in regards to today's happenings:- There are a lot of Tweeters out there that support Julia Gillard Here is a few I have collected. The first lot in support of Julia Gillard :- MoreWords‏ I'm proud of JuliaGillard - she's calm, composed, level-headed and dignified. Thank you Prime Minister. #auspol #Insiders TheFinnigans OMG She is tough with all the shits that being thrown at her. No wonder they cant handle a strong woman #auspol Liz McLennan‏ JuliaGillard Gillard is a superb chess player, obviously. She's still there no matter what the slime balls throw at her! :-p Stephen Ragell‏ Whatever happens JG will remain one of my all time favorite PMs. No PM in recent history has governed so well under such bad circumstances JULIA ANNOYED WITH THE MEDIA:- Beeza Geeza PM Gillard serving up some verbal smackdown. Lovely to watch. #auspol #abcnews24 Zac Spitzer‏ geeksrulz what? she told Michelle to be quiet Jill Favero‏ 'A pack of fiction writers in the press gallery' PM Gillard. Well said! Chris Johnson Gillard forced to steer our media from fiction to fact. Gawd their tiresome. #auspol Carla‏ Quite frankly the disrespect shown by some of the the press gallery to the PM is disgraceful. Geordie Guy‏ So far the PM has accused the press gallery of being guilty of "group think" then said she didn't realise they were fiction writers Frances Farmer‏ Good call by the Prime Minister. The people want facts from the media, we are sick of the soap opera commentary. #auspol Brenton Baldwin Crossbench now comprises 8 MP's in Windsor, Oakeshott, Wilkie, Bandt, Katter, Crook, Slipper and Thomson. #auspol PETER SLIPPER :- Ken ‏ How reliable is James Ashby he was threatened with expulsion from Qld LNP before he resigned to join MP Slipper http://bit.ly/I3FpVy SET-UP http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/slippers-accuser-was-fined-over-phone-threat-20120422-1xf6v.html The Body Politic‏ The full statement made by Peter Slipper today. "I believe however it is imperative that the dignity of the. ..https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ke7mmktt4t5bs3/Statement%20by%20the20Speaker%2029%20April%202012.pdf CRAIG THOMSON :- Possum Comitatus‏ Abbott wants Gillard to disown - presumably not accept - Thomson's vote in Parli. There is no constitutional ability for that to happen Olivia Illyria‏ and it's by Michelle Grattan. *shock* “@NationalTimesAU: Gillard acted on desperate instinct http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/politics/gillard-acted-on-desperate-instinct-20120429-1xskk.html via @NationalTimesAU” SBS News‏ Oppn leader says the govt 'cannot disown Thomson while continuing to rely on his vote, it would be a tainted vote' AshGhebranious‏ Is now Abbott seriously calling for a vote of an MP not be heard , even if that MP faces no charges at all? #auspol #abcnews24 Craig Thomson to quit Labor Julia Gillard's leadership is again under threat and the government is in dire straits on a separate front because of the Peter Slipper affair.by Phillip Coorey. SMH With Mr Slipper currently stood aside, Mr Thomson's move will reduce Labor's numbers on the floor of the House of Representatives from 71 to 70, while the Coalition has 71 http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/craig-thomson-to-quit-labor-20120429-1xsiz.html#ixzz1tO6SOfmb


29/04/20122353, I would also add, it's time for the "ALP" to forget Abbott's name and start the narrative at press conferences of saying the "Coalition" make everyone of them take ownership of Abbott's comments, who knows when one of them might have a "civil charge" or a "cab charge" problem against them! and just mention the front bench by the seat they hold. Who knows maybe some in the press gallery might ask Abbott to put his money where his mouth is, and ask each and every one of his "team" to give the press a look at "their" cab charge vouchers just to make sure there are none like Slippers! I'd bet he'd say "NO" to that!

Tom of Melbourne

29/04/2012[i]” Should they both lodge claims against the Liars and the msm for as much as they can legally squeeze out of the mongrels and a humiliating giant apology the msm will be forced to splash all over their front pages? 

You betcha! The font can't be big enough, imo![/i] Jane, it’s fortunate that your hyperbole (or “hyper-bowl” as Julia says), is so over the top! Otherwise you’d constantly be picked up on errors of fact. Such as - that Thomson previously initiated action against the SMH! But humiliatingly he had to withdraw it, and pay the costs of the SMH. It was this $150K in costs that almost forced him to bankruptcy and therefore out of parliament. But fortunately the deep pockets of the ALP bailed him out, they kicked in and paid the $150K costs of the SMH, and therefore Craig remains in parliament. Phew! I doubt whether Craig will be looking for a repeat of this outcome, and I suspect the ALP would cough up a second time.

Tom of Melbourne

29/04/2012"the ALP wouldn't cough up a second time" (of course)


29/04/2012twat of Melbourne, You don't vote you're a member of a party that holds no seat in any parliament in the country, and yet you see fit to tell us how it should be done! Yet you accuse others of “hyper-bowl” wtf?

Tom of Melbourne

29/04/2012Well Jason, what’s changed regarding Thomson? Has the FWA report been provided to Gillard? What is the “line that has been crossed”? What information does Gillard now have that means she has lost her “complete confidence” in Thomson? In reality, nothing has changed about Thomson, other than the stench has become overpowering. It’s yet another example of Gillard’s hopeless judgement.


29/04/2012Tom, I might be many things! a mind reader is not one! Why don't you write a letter and ask? Yesterday you were complaining "I can imagine Slipper having an explanation, but Thomson has simply neglected to provide the “comprehensive statement” he promised a year ago. AA doesn’t seem tot bothered about this public neglect" Today he's said he's "innocent" but that's not good enough for you!if you have some evidence the rest of us don't know about put it up! os STFU!

Ad astra

29/04/2012Folks I’m back at my computer after a busy day on family matters, and have read your comments with interest. Your tweets Lyn are a revelation. While the MSM heaps opprobrium on our PM for not acting fast enough on Slipper and Thomson, others see her as upholding long-established principles against much media opposition, (and after all the media knows best), until she was back in the country and able to handle these matters personally, which she has done in a way that will take the sting out of the situation. Although we know the MSM won’t let up until it has sucked the last drop of venom out of the situation, sooner or later it will be forced to focus on what is important, namely the Federal Budget. Don’t be disheartened Nasking. Julia Gillard can outwit Tony Abbott with one hand tied behind her back. What she needs to do now is to outwit the MSM, and counter the perniciousness of the Murdoch press; by the sound of it this has already begun. It can be done. Take heart. TT keeps our spirits up; let’s join him in his optimism. It’s been a long day with lots of driving, so I’m calling it a day.


29/04/2012Tom, From over at "Poll Bludger" Danny Lewis Posted Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 8:07 pm | Permalink Ms Mirabella is facing current civil action. As is Mr Slipper. Are there any others? Yes, in the life of this current parliament, we have 3 Liberal pollies facing civil action; Ms Mirabella and Mr Abbott (don’t forget that he is being currently sued for defamation) and Senator Sean Edwards. We also have 1 Liberal member who has been found GUILTY of a criminal offence, but who has spared a jail sentence and who still sits in the Senate. In addition, we have the ex-LNP member that they propped up – and preselected – 9 times. Including as recently as 2010 and with a personal endorsement from Abbott late last year. There is 1 Labor pollie who hasn’t been charged with anything, civil or criminal. So that score card is 5 Liberals/ex-Liberals with civil/criminal actions vs 0 Labor. Guess who’s getting all the media heat? Do you care to add anything?

Dan Gulberry

29/04/2012I added a nice plug and link to the TPS article "Tony Abbott We Are Sick Of Your Lies" article on my latest post at the Derp. I hope the 200 odd viewers (so far) all end up paying a visit to The Sword. ;-) http://bit.ly/IhNmDp


29/04/2012While looking for something else I found an article by Crispin Hull which I found interesting given today's shenanigans and the way we have been 'informed' by the media. [b]So much stacked against sensible reform[/b] http://www.crispinhull.com.au/2011/04/23/so-much-stacked-against-sensible-reform/ In its' own way the article explained a bit about why the current government is apparently so unpopular.


29/04/2012ToM you also have a teensy problem with the facts. To paraphrase: I stated quite clearly that when Slipper and Thomson are cleared, they should sue the @rse off whoever they can squeeze as much money out of as possible, accompanied by a giant apology from the Murdochracy. The only overwhelming stench is from you. Thomson hasn't been charged with anything, nor is there a court action against him, whereas we can't say the same about Slagabella, can we? Yet you are strangely silent about the stench emanating from the Liars MP accused tricking an elderly Alzheimers sufferer into handing over his assets. Oddly enough you pass up the opportunity to pass judgement on her, nor have you once questioned Liealot's judgement in fostering her. If you remember, she's his special project. And of course no criticism of the fact that Liealot hasn't demanded that she step aside until the case is resolved. Why is that? Don't you think it's hypocritical of you not to demand the same standard of behaviourof the opposition as you do of the government? And then we come to Mr Slipper, apparently with all sorts of allegations about him dating from 2003 to 2010. No flawed judgement issues there, I see. MJ Fisher, raking in the cash from sitting on Senate committees while charges of shop lifting and assault were pending. Never asked to stand down by Liealot. Convicted of assault yet still parked in the Senate! Good heavens, how did this one escape your well developed sense of outrage? Any questions about liealot's judgement in this case? I'm so surprised; not a peep from you! And Senator Sean Edwards facing charges of misleading and deceptive conduct. Has Liealot insisted that he stand down or resign? Has he buggery? Anything to say about Liealot's integrity and judgement, Tom. Because, using your impeccable judgement, they're all guilty. so why are they all still flouncing around the parliament and not a word from you about this outrage! Or doesn't it offend your impeccably high morals when Liars Party MPs break the law? Not a word from you about Liealot's judgement in selecting this mob to be on his team. And of course the LOTO is in the gun for defamation. Deafening silence from you. Shouldn't Liealot stand himself down now that he's guilty-remember you don't subscribe to the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. So let's just say he's guilty. And if that's the case why is he still LOTO. Why aren't you demanding he stand down and questioning the judgement of the Liars Party for electing a criminal as their leader? Then we have Craig Thomson. Well gosh darn! Nary a charge, but there you are thundering from the pulpit that he's guilty as (not) charged and gibbering hysterically about Gillard's lack of judgement. The only overwhelming stench I can discern is your hypocrisy. In fact of seven issues raised by FWA, so far Mr Thomson has been found to have no case to answer in four. Three to go and it looks likely he'll come away smelling like a rose. Any comments? I take it in the event Mr Thomson has no case at all to answer, we can expect to see an apology from you to both Thomson and Gillard?


30/04/2012DMW Thanks for alerting us to the article by Crispin Hull (So much stacked against sensible reform. http://www.crispinhull.com.au/2011/04/23/so-much-stacked-against-sensible-reform/) I urge others to read it bearing in mind that Hull, a former editor for the Canberra Times, is also a lecturer in the journalism course at the University of Canberra. He has some useful insights and insider knowledge about the difficulties of getting the message heard above the political interference being run by lobbyists, in particular.


30/04/2012Thank you Fiona, jane and Ad astra for the heartfilling things you have said to or of the Turkey in the last day or so. You must know that it is because I am writing to the likes of yourselves, and those we have never yet heard from, and of the likes of *J*U*L*I*A* and her frontline lieutenants, and for the future shape of the society of Australia, that I feel I have anything to say. It is all I can really do about the future of the world, not much indeed, but I'm a bit like the Little Drummer Boy,(find your own link to that song if you want Folks, I'm too Bah! Humbug! to want ever to hear it again), anyway see what I mean, this is all I got to offer, my squibblings. Thanks to you I do feel a bit more worthwhile. (It's all about me of course you see.) Funny how you can never tell whether one should think of oneself as being[i] humble[/i] or whether one should feel [i]proud[/i], or is it not both at the same time. Well you blessed few who have said such nice things make me feel proud and humble at the same time, I do value you folks of good heart and sound mind in your opinions generally, (so I'm certainly not about to reject your good opinions of TT) and you see, the fact that I can even help you reset your jaw just a little more firmly helps me reset my own . . . So I do the best I can to gee the troops . . . But I only have to read yet another of the myriad writings of some of the other bloggers around here to feel very humble indeed. Which brings me to those Best Australian Blogsite Awards, (evidently being judged either solely or partly by Greg Jericho, who was himself deservedly adjudged pre-eminent blogger/blogsite owner similarly in 2010). Well I do indeed congratulate those shortlisted, and particularly Miglo of Cafe Whispers, whom I know to have suffered serious angst as a result of hosting his noble site yet continues undaunted. But I also agree with him, [i]how could The Political Sword, duly nominated, not have been so shortlisted?[/i] That's [b][u]ridiculous[/u]![/b] I mean it. There is no blogmaster on any political site with the gravitas and prolificity of Ad astra. And Ad sets the tone. No question. Because of Ad's lead we have comments here better than any anywhere on the MSM, and as good - as thoughtful, insightful, researched, funny, poignant, erudite, useful - as any on any other blogsites. [i][u]And[/u] we have Lyn's Daily Links[/i]. That alone makes TPS a beacon throughout the blogosphere. Let me remind Swordsfolks, I wondered aloud about the explicit implicit presumption by the Sydney Writers Centre, in the person/s of whom I'm not really sure, to judge the Best Blogsite, when we know that some fine sites were not nominated (Adelaide Writers Centre was unaware of this competition until about the day the nominations closed . . .) And when Poll Bludger didn't get a guernsey in the shortlist . . . as we all must know it deserves . . . then I wonder . . . It's not all sag rapes on my part Folks. It's about validity and it's about presumption. And we all know that Ad's site is not just as good as any, it's better. Abbortt [i]delenda, delenda, delenda[/i]. That is what this is really about. Or rather *J*U*L*I*A*! [i]VIVA![/i] recaptcha : penixe features,


30/04/2012 TODAY’S LINKS The Murdoch Virus Part 1 – The Virus, Dan Gulbery, The Daily Derp In this five part series of articles we will examine the detrimental effect Rupert Murdoch’s style of journalism (The Murdoch Virus) has had on journalism, society and democracy not only in Australia, but also in Britain and The United States. The second part (“Hillsborough”) will look at one of the most shameful episodes http://thedailyderp.net/2012/04/28/the-murdoch-virus-part-1-the-virus/ The Tony Abbott Election Policies Revealed, Archie, Archiearchive So there is the true Coalition Agenda. The one we don’t hear about. To be added to the NBN which will be stopped and the already constructed network which will be sold off to News Ltd. The Carbon Price which will be removed and the “Direct Action” scheme put in in its place at a cost of more than $1300 per household. http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/the-tony-abbott-election-policies-revealed/ Your responsibilities at work, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless I stand by the claim that Abbott won't become PM but putting union leaders under the same scrutiny as company directors is the sort of thing that will be introduced by the next Coalition government, whenever and under whomever it comes to office. Thanks to inaction http://andrewelder.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/your-responsibilities-at-work.html Trust Deficit , Only The Depth Varies we've had months of Craig Thomson' credit cards, years of JuLiar, and a week or so of Peter Slipper's bizarre behaviour with CabCharge dockets and young male staffers although it feels like longer.Speculation about the ALP Leadership just won't stop, and Kevin Rudd's name keeps bobbing to the top like ice in XXXX; http://onlythedepthvaries.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/trust-deficit.html?spref=tw The Courier Mail versus the ABC, Sally Piracha , Only the Depth Varies If the ABC news service disappoints the editorial team at the Courier Mail, then that's okay. It's their opinion. It's not mine. I believe the ABC is a modern news service that meets the needs of its audience now, and is positioned to continue to meet the changing http://onlythedepthvaries.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/courier-mail-versus-abc.html?spref=tw From the Archives - The Tiny Tony Abbott Tapes of 1979, Kate Doak, The Deadly NEWT,Blogspot as well as reviewing an old "Nation Review" article that highlights other events during Mr Abbott's tenure with the University of Sydney's Student Association, later today. In the meantime, enjoy the original "Tiny Tony Tapes" story that I wrote for TUNE!FM during the last weeks of the 2010 campaign on Mr Abbott's youth. http://thedeadlynewt.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/from-archives-tiny-tony-abbott-tapes-of.html If this was The West Wing: the Slipper affair, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep As far as the civil proceedings are concerned, it may well be that the last thing the LNP wants is to see them fought out in court. Awkward questions will no doubt be asked of James Ashby, such as who briefed him on Slipper’s alleged peccadilloes in 2003 and why? Who is financing the court action? How much simpler if the government falls, the Dark One leads his people into the Lodge, and the civil http://noplaceforsheep.com/2012/04/28/if-this-was-the-west-wing-the-slipper-affair Abbottvision – Tony’s Vision for Australia Revealed, Preston Towers, The Preston Institute The vision is – that we aren’t the current government. We will endeavour to direct every one of our new policies to show what is bad about the current government. The other policies – well, they will be Howard and Kennett’s ideas. You like those, don’t you. That’s what our country ought to have.There is Abbott’s “vision”. A bold vision of yesteryear. http://prestoninstitute.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/abbottvision/ Only in Australia would voters want revenge for a Government being too successful, Turn Left 2013 And, what, one may ask, because the media fails to – does Titanic proportions mean – The Rich will get lifeboats and Nannies, while the poor can go drown. Maybe he means, if you wear diamonds and furs, you will be saved, but if you are a poor brown boat-person, learn to swim. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/only-in-australia-would-voters-want-revenge-for-a-government-being-too-successful/ Going, going … have Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson finished the Gillard government?, Zareh Ghazarian, The Conversation If Thomson had decided to resign from parliament, a by-election would be called. Based on opinion polls, Labor would have lost that by-election and the Coalition would be in a stronger position to form government. But Thomson’s decision to remain in parliament http://theconversation.edu.au/going-going-have-peter-slipper-and-craig-thomson-finished-the-gillard-government-6723 Pedlars of Fear, Miglo, Café Whispers Now we have prophet Abbott as the pedlar f fear. Today it’s the carbon tax, which by the time of the next election may well be proven to not be as damaging as he squawks. He’ll have to move onto something else. On the eve of the next election what will it be? http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/pedlars-of-fear/ Nicholas Stuart, Canberra Times Thought provoking piece on inflation from Nicholas Stuart #ausecon #auspol I do not endorse the personal comments in it By Peter Martin http://www.twitlonger.com/show/h6apjk Rio to hire more workers - but from where?, David Weber/Natasha Harradine, ABC Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has said that the Federal Government has made it more difficult for businesses to bring in skilled workers.But Mr Evans says that is "complete nonsense". http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-27/rio-tinto-jobs-push-feature/3977160?section=wa FTTN rusting copper network, P Interest Malcom Turnbol rolling out FTTN and this is what he is going to use build his network, THOUSANDS of people are having their phones cut off every time it rains because cost-cutting by Telstra means the lines are no longer waterproof and sometimes protected only by children's lunch bags. http://pinterest.com/turbojv/fttn-rusting-copper-network/ The Coalition's NBN: cheaper or a false economy?, Nick Ross, ABC one of the prime requirements of the NBN is to simply replace the copper with fibre. Fibre costs less than 10 per cent of copper to maintain and operate, offers future-proof signal transmission and is much more robust. It has maxed out accelerated aging tests http://www.abc.net.au/technology/articles/2012/04/27/3490479.htm Coalition NBN Propaganda Allegations Blasted, Michael Wyres, Well, it would seem that the Coalition are continuing to muck rake against the National Broadband Network (NBN) project, apparently running to the relevant umpire – (in this case,theACCC) – in regards to a “promotional supplement” in appearing in a newspaper local to my past sparring partner, Paul Fletcher. http://michaelwyres.com/2012/04/coalition-nbn-propaganda-allegations-blasted/ Liberal MP missteps in NBN Co, ad rage, Renai LeMay, Delimeter Fletcher didn’t need to contact the SMH, the ACCC or the Australian Press Council as a first step to ascertain the truth here; he could have contacted NBN Co first directly, and found out that it hadn’t paid for the articles, before he went off half-cocked in his huge series of letters and media releases. http://delimiter.com.au/2012/04/27/liberal-mp-missteps-in-nbn-co-ad-rage/ The Murdoch Conspiracy, by Victoria Rollison The Murdoch press, in the UK, USA and Australia, is chronically addicted to performing illegal, wrongful, or subversive acts. The Leveson Enquiry is showing this in spades. Murdoch has built his media empire to influence the political opinion of the masses, in order to impose his will (or ideology if you like) and get what he wants (more power and more money). http://victoriarollison.com/2012/04/28/the-murdoch-conspiracy/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-3 Questions about questions: Murdoch’s performance at the Leveson Inquiry ,Edward Reynolds, The Conversation Commentators on Rupert Murdoch’s appearance at the Leveson Inquiry have pointed out some alleged inconsistencies between the evidence and his testimony, leading many commentators to reject Murdoch’s claims that he wielded no political power http://theconversation.edu.au/questions-about-questions-murdochs-performance-at-the-leveson-inquiry-6706 Mushroom Rupert: was he really kept in the dark? , Paul Barry, The Power Index Rupert Murdoch has admitted it at last. News International covered up the phone hacking scandal. But don't get too excited about the headline, because Rupe reckons he was the biggest victim. http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/analysis/mushroom-rupert-was-he-really-kept-in-the-dark?utm_source=l Rupert-and-the-right-to-know, Denis Muller, Inside Story There are significant parallels between these trends in the United States and what is happening in Australia. The rise of a strident, populist, right-wing talkback radio element in the media coupled with the clear pro-conservative political bias of the Murdoch press has polarised public debate http://inside.org.au/rupert-and-the-right-to-know/ Embattled Thomson suspended from Labor Party, ABC Julia Gillard has asked MP Craig Thomson to quit the Labor Party and told Speaker Peter Slipper to accept a longer suspension as she moves to dispel what she says is a "dark cloud" hanging over the Federal Parliament http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-29/craig-thomson-leaves-labor-party/3978614/default.htm?site= VIDEO Poll of Polls , ABC Andrew Catsaras takes a look at all the movement in polls around the country over the past month http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIoyIlDtPHc This week on Insiders, Barrie Cassidy and the panel look at the continuing crisis surrounding Federal Speaker Peter Slipper. http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/content/2012/s3491205.htm Meet The Press, Wayne Swan http://ten.com.au/video-player.htm?movideo_m=183722&movideo_p=41949 I want respect for the Parliament: Gillard, ABC 24 Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she hopes Craig Thompson’s resignation and Peter Slipper’s continued exile from the Speaker’s chair will help uphold the respect of the Parliament. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-29/20120429-gillard-presser/3978928 Windsor discusses Thomson’s departure, ABC 24 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-29/windsor-discusses-thomsons-departure/3978678 Abbott: Gillard Should Also Reject Thomson’s Vote, Australian Politics Com Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the Prime Minister should not claim Craig Thomson’s vote whilst the allegations surrounding him are resolved. http://australianpolitics.com/2012/04/29/abbott-gillard-should-also-disavow-thomsons-vote.html Libs vow crackdown on crooked union boss, Sky News Corrupt union bosses will face fines of up to $200,000 or five years in jail under a coalition government, Tony Abbott says http://www.skynews.com.au/politics/article.aspx?id=744679&vId= Liberal Party: Tony Abbott Address to the Liberal Party of Australia – Victorian Division http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/04/29/liberal-party-tony-abbott-address-to-the-liberal-party-of-australia-victorian-division/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_ Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category, Australian Politics TV http://australianpoliticstv.org/category/daily-fix/


30/04/2012TODAY'S FRONT PAGES Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 30 April 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

Ad astra

30/04/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


30/04/2012Ol' Coke Bottles said [i]At one point in her news conference Gillard wrung her hands.[/i] So I'm sure to follow Grattan's turn of phrase she'd opine that Slipper and Thomson have been [i]hung out to dry [/i]. . . Then La Stupenda needs to [i]iron out some [/i][i]wrinkles![/i] How much is who paying you to be so utterly noxious anyway Michele Grattan? What's causing you such pain Old Girl, that you are so horrible to *J*U*L*I*A* and so unrelentingly one-sidedly on the attack of Labor which you know has done such a terrific job of GOVERNING? [i] Making this land a fairer smarter place? [/i] [i]WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU MICHELE?[/i] Have you no sense of responsibility to your profession, your country, and yourself, that you so cynically, [i]cavalierly[/i], use your position of influence (now much diminished, once deservedly considerable) to comply so unreservedly with Murdoch's thought waves? [i]terminatexterminatexterminatexterminatexterminatex[/i] Read more (well if you think it's worth it): http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/credibility-gone-pm-should-fall-on-her-sword-20120429-1xt3a.html#ixzz1tT7IG6yg

Ad astra

30/04/2012TT Thank you for your always-encouraging words, and your never-failing optimism. From Lyn’s Front Pages, I see the MSM is in full flight in its campaign to keep the Slipper/Thomson affairs on the boil. Having moved to neutralize the angst over these matters and in fact do what the learned pundits have been urging, she is now described as ‘desperate’ and ‘an increasing number of commentators are urging her to fall on her sword’. In my view it is the MSM that is becoming desperate as it sees a couple of its juicy stories evaporating. Listen to Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne this morning banging the drum as hard as they can to keep ‘the crisis’ going, even preposterously suggesting that Craig Thomson’s vote should not be counted! Can you think of anything so bizarre as to suggest a sitting member, now sitting on the cross benches, cannot vote. This is a measure of the desperation of the Opposition for an election now, realizing as it does that if it can’t get one now, its chances of election will steadily decline hereafter. I’ve another busy day today so will not be around much.


30/04/2012Lyn your Links are marvellous, for me you make the Sword sing. If you were on a different blogsite I'd have to go there every day (though I'd stay here whatever anyway.) So I'm so glad that you are here and I am here so we are here and we are all together. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI-tkIXqHBw Funny words. Scrambled egg men at the time eh, but me tinkit 'mazing.


30/04/2012Everyone knows the only votes in Federal Parliament that should ever be counted are those made by Coalition members. Everyone else in the place was either illegitimately elected, fraudulently misrepresented themselves to their electorate, or is tainted because Shouldabeen says so. Solves the need to go to an election, too, fresh or otherwise.


30/04/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Today’s Twitterverse for you all:- Yahoo!7 News‏@Y7News Today's poll: Should Prime Minister Julia Gillard call an early election? http://au.news.yahoo.com/cloud/polls/popup/c00c5eab-935e-3b61-b702-c3f3d8d84d73/?cmp=twitter Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Katherine Murphy: 'Gillard is the Scarlett O'Hara of Australian politics.' http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Michelle Grattan: Credibility gone, PM should fall on her sword http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/credibility-gone-pm-should-fall-on-her-sword-20120429-1xt3a.html Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Julia Gillard’s Craig Thomson shift gives new doubts of whether colleagues want her as PM @jennifer_hewett says http://www.afr.com/p/national/mp_dumped_pm_at_risk_5e4JvffEiwU1CJ89XHaIFN #auspol http://www.afr.com/p/national/mp_dumped_pm_at_risk_5e4JvffEiwU1CJ89XHaIFN The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ Gillard's trying to cut her losses - could she do more? Mal Farr on the weekend's turn of events http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/gillard-may-need-to-consider-the-get-stuffed-option/ Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke 'The Prime Minister may soon be forced to cross her own line - out of The Lodge to be replaced by someone else.' - http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/13551307/gillard-draws-her-line-but-voters-saw-the-big-picture-long-ago/ The Daily Telegraph‏@dailytelegraph The Gillard government's hold on power is hanging by a thread, with key independents warning of an early... http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-nsw/labor-fighting-for-survival-as-numbers-dive/story-fn7q4q9f-1226342130606 Aleta‏@aleta_k I must be missing something: Gillard still has the numbers, supply guaranteed. Sure, it's messy, but is it a 'crisis'? Phillip Coorey http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/numbers-only-just-add-up-for-alp-in-lower-house-20120429-1xt3v.html John Psaltis‏@JohnPsaltis MikeKellyMP Did you read Greg Barnes on Drum site http://bit.ly/IGqpYE Media have no interest in policy only scandal, real or otherwise http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3979060.html ABC Radio‏@amworldtodaypm Now on AM: Nicola Roxon speaks to @SabraLane. Listen on ABC Local Radio & http://abc.net.au/am #auspol #Slipper #HSU #CraigThomson 2UE Sydney‏@Radio2UE Credibility gone, new elections now! http://www.2ue.com.au/blogs/2ue-blog/credibility-gone-new-elections-now/20120430-1xtj6.html @Morrison954 PM last to figure out there's something wrong w/ Thomson #auspol #2UE Peter van Onselen‏@vanOnselenP It's gonna make Howard's Lazarus act look minor... "Rudd firms for another shot at the leadership" | The Australian http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/rudd-firms-for-another-shot-at-the-leadership/story-fn53lw5p-1226342178692?sv=99d4ed2788f29df346664529b38018d1 ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Gillard's judgement calls: not too little, but too late - a piece by the ABC's Barrie Cassidy http://bit.ly/Iii0z7 #auspol Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Peter Hartcher - The right move but for the wrong reasons: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/the-right-move-8230-but-it-wont-rebuild-trust-20120429-1xt3h.html SBS News‏@SBSNews PM Gillard in crisis control amid fresh election calls http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1646269/PM-moves-against-Slipper-and-Thomson julie boyd‏@jboyded Excellent article by Greg Barns MT @ABCthedrum Presumption of innocence lost for sizzle and sales http://bit.ly/IGqpYE #auspol http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3979060.html ABC News‏@abcnews Abbott turns up heat on independents over Thomson affair http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/abbott-on-the-attack-over-thomson/3979544 :):):)


30/04/2012On a lighter note . . . you're gonna smile I guarantee . . . Dad's ipad app http://www.wimp.com/dadipad/ Watch the woman's face at the end :)


30/04/2012Hi Talk Turkey Thankyou for your sprinkled with magic words. TT you are a delight, spreading Goodwill, Courage and Happiness everyday. You sure brighten up the page. I keep all my verses you write you know that, in the golden box. See this: Palmer to challenge for Swan's seat, ABC Posted April 30, 2012 09:41:46 Queensland mining magnate Clive Palmer says he will seek pre-selection to run against Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan at the next federal election. Speaking at a press conference in Brisbane this morning, Mr Palmer said he wanted to challenge the Treasurer in the Brisbane seat of Lilley because the two men had opposite views on how to run Australia's economy. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/palmer-to-challenge-for-swan27s-seat/3979988


30/04/2012 There are days I feel incredibly sad when I think back on some past events…I was just reading thru The Monthly and came upon these past articles: A Coup By Any Other Name: Kevin Rudd Rhys Muldoon http://www.themonthly.com.au/kevin-rudd-coup-any-other-name-rhys-muldoon-4668 And: The Long Goodbye: Explaining Gillard’s Collapse Robert Manne http://www.themonthly.com.au/blog-long-goodbye-explaining-gillard-s-collapse-robert-manne-4815 I got to thinking about what a brilliant team Rudd & Gillard were during the 07 election…how well they seemed to get along…a breath of fresh air compared to the stale and ongoing cock fights between Howard & Costello… a couple of Laborites demonstrating passion and offering up a return to the “fair-go-for-all” and “accountable” approach to governing that had been lost under a divisive, sneaky, uninspiring, too oft bullying, union-hating, boss loving, nonprogressive administration… where “core” and “non-core promises” left the bad taste of BS…and trust came down to people trusting that Howard would find some issue to fear-monger over in the runup to an election…whilst house prices and interest rates soared…workers grew increasingly enslaved to the banks and their multiple jobs…shareholders and owners of businesses profited handsomely from middle class welfare and “choice” policies…money flooded upwards…and environmental protection too oft played second fiddle to business interests. How I wish we could go back in a time machine…the present Rudd & Gillard be provided with an opportunity to inform their former selves of what was to come… perhaps Rudd would’ve got more sleep…been more open to cabinet ideas and discussions…less anally retentive and more cautious in his approach to the insulation rollout…less dismissive of The Greens when it came to the ETS…more interested in media inquiries…taken a bolder and more Humanitarian approach to asylum seekers…prepared the path more carefully to a mining tax… perhaps Julia Gillard wouldn’t have felt compelled to convince Ruddy to drop the ETS…nor eventually make an agreement with big miners to axe Ruddy…but rather help him to create the foundations from which a mining tax proposal could be launched. Who knows? But it really depresses me to think back on the 2010 election…the accusations, the stumbles… and the recent battle between the Rudd and Gillard camps…so much pain and anguish…good people divided up into opposing camps…virtually tearing each other’s throats out… whilst the sh*t stirring Murdoch empire minions and their copycats worked their wooden spoons…larfed inwardly so hard…KERCHING KERCHING Frankly, I don’t know who to support anymore…Gillard? Rudd? Combet? Shorten? All good people wanting the best for the Australian people…finding different ways to ensure that Tony Abbott and his bunch of BA Santamaria cum One Nation actalike clowns don’t get their nonprogressive, ever-pontificating, mining tax hating, BULLY BOSS apologist, antiquated hands on government… in the process these good Laborites have confused the hell outa the public…including yers truly. So I guess I’ll go for now with the present leader, Julia Gillard, because she doesn’t seem to kowtow to Murdoch…takes guts to standup to that old bully and his minions… Furthermore, Gillard has the support of the Independents…well, most of them…most of the time…and the bulk of her caucus. And the lady has been able with the help of a few useful tacticians to get plenty of useful bills thru parliament. If only the public…and the media could see this. Gillard didn’t take us into that grotesque debacle the Iraq War. She didn’t do a Tampa. She didn’t hit us with a GST. Nor selloff Telstra yet leave the copper wires in its hands. Nor did she use troops to invade Aboriginal areas. Or make promises about interest rates. Yes, she’s bringing in a carbon price. And has done what seems like a few grubby deals to hold onto power…but isn’t that what strong, determined politicians do to ensure their party survives…delivers the goods? Howard was certainly no “As pure as the driven snow” politician…nor his mate Abbott. Yet Howard’s lot won time and time again without howls of protest from the bulk of the media and public. Double standards for a female PM perhaps? Perhaps Australia really hasn’t grown up yet…perhaps it does deserve leaders with antiquated, backward-looking views…to be controlled by media moguls…and religious zealots… who do the thinking for the people. N’


30/04/2012Speaker Peter Slipper’s sex harassment accuser James Ashby could be in sorts of legal trouble if rumours wildly circulating Brisbane about him receiving an undisclosed $50,000 payment to bring his Federal Court case are true. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/04/brisbane-buzzes-was-james-ashby-paid-50000-to-make-his-sexual-harassment-complaint-against-slipper/


30/04/2012Chin up Nas All is not lost Andrew Greene ‏ @AndrewBGreene One government wag's already noted that voters in Lilley may soon have a choice of a Swan or a Goose...


30/04/2012 @rupertmurdoch Dramatic, slimy events in Australian politics. Country desperately needs election to get fresh start. 28 Apr 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite Should be: @Darklordmurdoch Dramatic, slimy events in my own media empire. Country desperately needs me to resign, selloff my papers and me to tell the truth about my puppet Abbott so the country can get fresh start.


30/04/2012 [b]Today, when a would-be US president, Mitt Romney, is wealthier than 99.9975% of his fellow Americans, and wealthier than the last eight presidents combined, there’s a global conversation raging about the rich, the poor, the gap between them, and the role of vested interests in the significant widening of that gap in advanced economies over the past three decades. This is a debate Australia too must be part of. We’ve always prided ourselves on being a nation that’s more equal than most – a place where, if you work hard, you can create a better life for yourself and your family. Our egalitarian spirit is the product of our history and our national character, as well as the institutions and safeguards built up over more than a century. This spirit informed our stimulus response to the global financial crisis, and meant we avoided the kinds of immense social dislocation that occurred elsewhere in the developed world. But Australia’s fair go is today under threat from a new source. To be blunt, the rising power of vested interests is undermining our equality and threatening our democracy. We see this most obviously in the ferocious and highly misleading campaigns waged in recent years against resource taxation reforms and the pricing of carbon pollution. The infamous billionaires’ protest against the mining tax would have been laughed out of town in the Australia I grew up in, and yet it received a wide and favourable reception two years ago. A handful of vested interests that have pocketed a disproportionate share of the nation’s economic success now feel they have a right to shape Australia’s future to satisfy their own self-interest. So I write this essay to make a simple point: if we don’t grow together economically, our community will grow apart.[/b] http://www.themonthly.com.au/rising-influence-vested-interests-australia-001-cent-wayne-swan-4670 Indeed. N'


30/04/2012 A reminder: The 0.01 Per Cent: The Rising Influence of Vested Interests in Australia Wayne Swan THE MONTHLY | THE MONTHLY ESSAYS | MARCH 2012 | http://www.themonthly.com.au/rising-influence-vested-interests-australia-001-cent-wayne-swan-4670 They want to own more shares in the media. They want to pay less tax. They own Tony Abbott…think about his views on the mining tax. Now one of them wants to run for the Liberal party and get rid of our Treasurer. By choosing the Liberal party run by Abbott…Clive Palmer has told us all we need to know about the present Coalition. If I were a rich man, Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum. All day long I’d mine this country dumb. If I were a wealthy man. I wouldn’t have to work hard. I’d buy a political party. Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dumb. If I were a biddy biddy rich, Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man. N’


30/04/2012 [quote]Don’t be disheartened Nasking.  Julia Gillard can outwit Tony Abbott with one hand tied behind her back.  What she needs to do now is to outwit the MSM, and counter the perniciousness of the Murdoch press; by the sound of it this has already begun.  It can be done.  Take heart.  TT keeps our spirits up; let’s join him in his optimism. [/quote] Ad, writing that comment @ 10:11am above made me feel much better. And jane, 2353, yer good self and others on here and elsewhere helped me to see things clearer. And let's face it, when the usual suspects are throwing anti-Gillard columns out there this morning in a desperate and shrill way...and Sky News and other Liberal minions are salivating at the prospect of a leadership challenge...going fullbore at trying to manufacture one...ya get the idea of where THE LIGHT is coming from...and it ain't them... so it must be Julia. Yes... they almost had me yesterday...as the black dog of despair once again took a bite...shook me about. But then I saw THE LIGHT. Recognised once more the darkness that surrounds the Liberal party under Abbott...the black hole-like Murdoch shadow absorbing them...the mining mogul wraiths screeching above...the religious zealots a hangover from the Dark Ages slithering like snakes in and out of their orifices...the bigotry that walks amongst them like skeleton warriors...the giant xenophobe beetles, mandibles seeking and crushing prey for political purposes... I will stand with you Ad...and Gillard and her supporters. If we lose this fight...at least we didn't lose on our knees. We will have given the Abbott and Murdoch forces more than a few wounds to think about...and far less room to maneuver...To act out their paranoid, antiquated, deceitful plans. If we win. It will be the greatest victory of all. N'


30/04/2012<em>If we lose this fight...at least we didn't lose on our knees. We will have given the Abbott and Murdoch forces more than a few wounds to think about...and far less room to maneuver...To act out their paranoid, antiquated, deceitful plans. If we win. It will be the greatest victory of all. </em> Nasking, that reminds me of an old pome: <em>If we go forward we die. If we go back we die. Better go forward and die.</em. In the end, it's better to go down fighting than meekly surrender our throats to their swords.


30/04/2012Oooops.... but I hope y'all get my drift ;)


30/04/2012Sadly, I am not talented at topical poems, like the brilliant offerings from TT, Patricia and others, so I offer this little gem penned by my favourite uncle. Good Clive Palmer wants our vote His castle needs a brand new moat How then else shall he float? His mighty, new, gold-plated boat Not that Clive is one to gloat About his diamond-spattered coat or the ruby at his throat Perhaps he won them on the tote? Nay, and verily, the prophet wrote Do not let thy envy bloat For the Lord hath surely smote The lazy, good-for-nothing goat. Look Alive! Vote Clive! :)


30/04/2012It could be interesting if Clive Palmer does challenge Swan. Firstly he has to win (and I don't think his "name" is as good as he thinks it is) and secondly if he does he has to declare his financial interests. Wouldn't that be interesting :D If a week is a long time in politics, eighteen months is an eternity - and Gillard obviously still has the numbers, LOTO still has nothing except the realisation that if he could negotiate as well as Gillard, he might have formed Government in 2010 (and now he probably never will). Up above somewhere there is a post listing all the LNP members that have entanglements with the law at the moment. I suggest this information be added to every comment thread in the media where it has a reasonable level of relevance.


30/04/2012Fiona and adelaidegirl, well said. Tho I reckon a victory is still possible. Top news: [b]Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced the Federal Government will fund part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which will start from July next year. Ms Gillard says the funding will be outlined in next week's budget as the Government "does its part" to get the scheme started a year earlier than expected. [/b] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/gillard-announces-disability-insurance-scheme/3980662?section=nsw And: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/environment/koalas-protected-in-north-but-need-managing-in-south-20120430-1xu13.html Onwards...heads held high... N'


30/04/2012 [quote]Up above somewhere there is a post listing all the LNP members that have entanglements with the law at the moment.  I suggest this information be added to every comment thread in the media where it has a reasonable level of relevance.[/quote] 2353, indeed. We're certainly seeing double standards displayed by the Abbott-led Coalition...aided and abetted by too many in thei media. The PM was her happy, determined and feisty best today when announcing the Disability Insurance Scheme... as was Jenny Macklin. During the Q&A session afterwards some in the media acted like a pack of wolves...snapping and snarling...as tho the PM were their prey. She fought them off expertly...insane whipped beasts that they are. Money and a mistaken sense of job security has transformed them from human reporters into slavering beasts...both sad and truly pathetic. N'

Ad astra

30/04/2012Nasking I’m glad you are feeling better today. The way I read the MSM today is that it engaged in a desperate and frenzied fling to oust Julia Gillard as they realize that her move yesterday has neutralized the Thomson and Slipper affairs and cleared the way for the Federal Budget, and thereby two of their most powerful levers have been rendered inoperative. They wanted these matters to overshadow the budget, from which the Government is likely to gain some kudos, but now they won’t. The recent tweet from Murdoch to which you refer has brought out into the open what we’ve known for ages, namely that [b]HE[/b] wants the Gillard Government out. Now all his sycophants have been given publically the boss’s permission to go hell for leather after her, and this morning’s papers provide abundant evidence that that is their intention. It is they who are desperate, not the PM. They can huff and puff all they like but they will not blow her house down. Like the story of [i][b]The Three Little Pigs[/i][/b] [i]Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them "Whatever you do, do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world.” The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks. One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig. The wolf then came to the house of sticks. "Let me in, Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in." "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig. The wolf then came to the house of bricks. " Let me in, let me in" cried the wolf "Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs. Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house. The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf. The next day the little pig invited his mother over. She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can." Fortunately for that little pig, (s)he learned that lesson. And (s)he just lived happily ever after![/i] You can have fun assigning names to three little pigs and the big bad wolf.


30/04/2012Nasking, Julia has done a political u-turn, did you expect the media to just put that fact to one side in today's Q&A session? She has declared complete confidence in a man who she has now forced to resign from the political party without any logical explanation as to the timing. You guys claim on the one hand that she should stick with Thomson and Slipper as hey have a presumption of innocence, and then when she dumps them (contradicting her own position in the same breath) you claim it to be a brilliant political move. You possess about as much logic in your political though processes as Gillard does in hers...none!


30/04/2012 [quote]The recent tweet from Murdoch to which you refer has brought out into the open what we’ve known for ages, namely that HE wants the Gillard Government out.  Now all his sycophants have been given publically the boss’s permission to go hell for leather after her, and this morning’s papers provide abundant evidence that that is their intention.  It is they who are desperate, not the PM.  They can huff and puff all they like but they will not blow her house down.  [/quote] Spot on Ad, Today, once again, Murdoch and his minions revealed themselves for the biased sods they are...desperate to be rid of this government. Makes you wonder what Abbott and his cronies have offered him. Keys to the kingdom? so to speak. Abbott I imagine would be a menace to the blogs and those in the MSM who reduce the Murdoch shadow by shining a light on his mobster-like business practices. N'

Ad astra

30/04/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for your links and tweets. I don’t know how you keep up with them, but they are great fodder for us. TT I did like the iPad clip, and the look on his daughter’s face. Jason Interesting piece on VexNews about Ashby. I wonder will the MSM follow up? I bet most won’t. Fiona I like your stirring verse. BTW this blog engine uses square brackets for emphasis. adelaidegirl I enjoyed your poem. 2353 Exactly, Julia Gillard still has the numbers, which is why Abbott, Pyne and the MSM are so enraged. They want her gone now, because they know that eighteen months is an eternity in politics.


30/04/2012Tony Abbott has refused to endorse Clive Palmer as a candidate for the LNP in Wayne Swan's seat. Well, quelle surprise! Can you imagine a single party leader in Australia who'd want an elected Clive Palmer sitting in Parliament with them? The man sees himself front and centre in everything he does. Even Abbott is not so stupid he doesn't understand how Clive Palmer in government would redefine 'loose cannon' deep deep deep into the nuclear age. However... with the Coalition considered such an automatic shoo-in at the next election, it might be interesting to see just who else puts their hand up to contest pre-selection for seats already held by fellow (read, 'feral') Conservatives.


30/04/2012Jason @10.36am, oh dear. I wonder where that money came from? Where's the nearest forensic accountant? If true, how will Liealot talk his way out of it, [b]if[/b] the msm even reports it, that is. Nas' the greatest and, to quote PJK, "the sweetest" victory of them all. Fiona, couldn't agree more. adelaide girl, love the pome. Brilliantly executed. I think you should send it to Clive. lol 2353 @2.24pm, I'd love to see Clive have to come clean. Mind you I'd be checking any financial interest he claims to have with a semi-load of salt and a forensic accountant.


30/04/2012Ad astra it has occurred to me that I didn't address the question you posed in this post. The media doesn't find it at all hard to be objective, they just have absolutely no interest in being, or desire to be, objective.


30/04/2012 [quote]did you expect the media to just put that fact to one side in today's Q&A session?[/quote] jj, I expect the media to remember they are supposed to be reporting in the public interest...I expect them to ask more questions about the National Insurance Disability Scheme...and Aged Care...the Convergence Review... not just act like a bunch of slavering beasts trying to take a chunk out of our PM...like a wolf pack...or tabloid sewer rats. N'


30/04/2012Nasking Well done, hang in there. I read yesterday's comments and also today's, and it was great to see your reasoning has held you in good steed. Talk Turkey You do certainly keep most of us on the up and up. Fiona Welcome here, it is a great place to read and put up new information and the more the merrier. Okay, so now I feel I have really woken up in a whole different universe. Clive Palmer!!!! It was wonderful watching Julia give that great speech about the NDIS. Labor will help every time the little people. Then I heard Hockey screaming, where will the money come from....where oh where says he. A lot can be said about a country that looks after its poor and maimed and for a while we can be very proud we have a government at the moment who has the best interest of us all in their sights. Ad Astra That was so cool to read the three little pigs, and I look forward to everyone's interpretation of who they represent.


30/04/2012 [b]the greatest and, to quote PJK, "the sweetest" victory of them all. [/b] Indeed Jane. I can taste it. I reckon Clive wants to ensure his uranium interests don't come to nothing. So far Clive Palmer has been a pushy mining magnate, an aspiring casino owner, an aspiring media shareholder, an aspiring Liberal politician, a loopy conspiracy theorist...a national treasure...controversial football team owner...an Adjunct Professor of Business... what next? Bond villain? N'


30/04/2012 Cheers Gravel...good to hear from you. [b]It was wonderful watching Julia give that great speech about the NDIS.  Labor will help every time the little people. [/b] Indeed. As I wrote at the Cafe: It’s great news. Core Labor values. When I worked as a care attendant (4 years) in a number of houses with people who had various disabilities Bob Hawke visited one home…he cared deeply about providing opportunities for the less fortunate. PM Gillard and her team are continuing the good works of the ALP. ------- Okay, I'm heading off. Thnx to Lyn for the links. N’

Gary M

30/04/2012"You possess about as much logic in your political though processes as Gillard does in hers...none!" You really can't make this stuff up. Julia Gillard no matter what her faults by perception, or otherwise, is the P.M. of this fair land. Sad for some rancid right wing popinjay's I know, but true none the less. How she got there is totally irrelevant, and like all, I repeat, like all politicians of all persuasions, they will say and do anything to get into a position of power. They have been doing it since times of antiquity. Having said that, that does not mean the media in this country has carte blanch to say and do anything to get their champion elected. The method that is currently being used to dispose of Gillard is well recognised they used it in Germany in WW2 and before, to purge themselves of the Jews, and NO I'm not effing joking. The only difference now is the apparel. They have changed the brown shirts and eye catching insignias for suits that the average family would need a bank loan to buy. I don't mind people being to the right,some can be alert, after all like my dog they can have basic communications skills, they can understand basic commands like sit, and come here, and after a treat they can be very friendly, and in some cases they will try to lick your arse. But that they can't or wont see what is going on here is testament to their gross stupidity.

Ad astra

30/04/2012Michael Maybe Tony Abbott already realizes that the greatest threat to his authority would be Clive Palmer in his party room, the Clive who would insist on, even buy, a plum post on the frontbench, and who would for ever be on the airwaves telling everyone, including Abbott, how to get this marvelous, prosperous, envy-of-the-world country ‘back on track’. The ego and effrontery of the man would make Abbott look tiny, and even Barnaby Joyce look tongue-tied. jane You are spot on. Just look at the media today, only marginally interested in sound policy, but obsessed with ‘scandal’ and their own malicious rhetoric. Gravel We are allowed to allot the pigs and the big bad wolf to more than one character. There are plenty of BBW’s. Nasking We need to hear more about Labor Core Values. There are plenty of them. GaryM You have captured the situation cleverly and accurately.


30/04/2012Hi Ad Here is a few more links from the Twitterverse for everybody. Sure has been a busy day today. If you see two links together that is because sometimes the comments box will not accept the twitter link. George Megalogenis‏ New blog up, and it's 140 words long in honour of twitter: It's official, Peter Slipper is a bigger story than the GFC. http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/meganomics/index.php/theaustralian/comments/peter_slipper_a_bigger_story_than_the_gfc/ Financial Review‏ Senior ministers back #Gillard stand on Thomson, Slipper. #auspol http://www.afr.com/p/national/senior_ministers_back_gillard_stand http://www.afr.com/p/national/senior_ministers_back_gillard_stand_2MDU7Rnlo4mQLimH80ovRO Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Convergence Review proposes widening #media regulatory net, scrapping TV broadcast licences. [free] #tech #auspol http://www.afr.com/p/national/call_to_widen_media_regulatory_net_qYQUY4bZ6M0NvdIcQUT55N Senator David Feeney‏ Tony Abbott said today: 'I don't do deals'... What was this then? http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/wilkie-rejects-abbotts-hospital-offer-of-1bn/story-fn59niix-1225913517932 ABC News 24 Political Editor @LyndalCurtis joins us from Canberra with the latest in federal politics http://bit.ly/abcnews24 #auspol http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/ Financial Review Heaven help Australia if Clive Palmer's tilt at politics is successful, former Qld premier Peter Beattie says http://afr.com/p/national/beattie_mocks_palmer_tilt_at_politics_QXAfnkR3y3HQMImweBOEsN BBG PM Julia Gillard announces NDIS rollout in May budget - Herald Sun http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/pm-julia-gillard-announces-ndis-rollout/story-fn7x8me2-1226342874065 ABC News‏ Convergence Review committee calls for Govt to scrap ACMA and replace it with statutory regulator http://bit.ly/JVVu0k http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/govt-releases-convergence-review/3980316 BBG‏ Let Gillard do her job as PM, says Wilkie – SMH http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/let-gillard-do-her-job-as-pm-says-wilkie-20120430-1xulk.html :):):):):)

Patricia WA

30/04/2012A pity the Herald Sun report on the NDIS roll out didn't give us a picture of the PM making her speech. Still we got the whole thing at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/gillard-announces-disability-insurance-scheme/3980662?WT.svl=news1 Watching her had me just bursting with pride at having such an obviously warm hearted, attractive and stylish national leader. Yesterday morning at her special press conference with nary a sign of jet lag we saw again how strong, resilient, savvy and sensible she is too. And yet almost the entire Canberra press gallery didn't have a good word to say about her today. Their response has been mostly hostile and as usual seeming bent on bringing her and her government down. Michelle Grattan particularly seems to hate her with a venom her and to want to stir up even more the hatred people are supposed to feel for her out in voter land. Hatred? I don’t know many normal people who actively hate anyone, much less a public figure whom they’ve never met personally, at a time when most of them are employed and living in a country acknowledged as among the world’s most prosperous and secure, largely because of this government’s sound policies. So why all this reported hatred? Oh yes, it’s because she’s a liar and there is a stench of slime and scandal about her and her government. Who says so? Well Tony Abbott does every day and in every way that he possibly can and his message is aired and repeated continuously on every news outlet possible. What was the lie? Oh yes, she said Carbon[i] Tax[/i], not [i]Price[/i]! What are the scandals? The Speaker? Protected by the Coalition for decades! Craig Thomson? The Tenby Report doesn't seem to point to him at all. http://www.vexnews.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Interim-Report-26-April-2012.pdf

Patricia WA

30/04/2012Hello adelaide girl - come more often and bring some more of your uncle's poems with you! That was a gem!

Tom of Melbourne

30/04/2012Right, clearly there is “no scandal”. That must be why Gillard has off loaded both Thomson and Slipper. She has either acknowledged that- • both are sufficiently tainted by their behaviour to warrant being off loaded, or • she lacks the courage of her convictions in continuing to defend them.


30/04/2012http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olo923T2HQ4 :)


30/04/2012And: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Lx5Bmpojw&feature=relmfu Teach your daughters well . . .


30/04/2012Hi Ad and Everybody This is what Graeme Morris said on Sky News not long ago:- Tony Abbott will never be prime minister · 8,114 like this about a minute ago · . Tweet by Liberal strategist Graeme Morris today: 'PM should be kicked to death' ! Details :Grahame Morris said on SkyNewsAust PM JuliaGillard should be kicked to death. My humour on Palmer is replaced by total horror. Are we kidding ourselves guys? Should we give up now, and find a cave? Not this banana. They will not turn me into a smoothie. FIGHT! b2 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150851655215797&id=274330505796 ruawake‏ Hey TonyAbbottMHR do you think its ok for Graeme Morris to say that the PM should be kicked to… http://thewall.com.au/topics/72469-hey-tonyabbottmhr-do-you-think-its-ok-for-graeme via @TheWallAU Liberal advisor and commentator Grahame Morris has just said on SkyNewsAust that PM JuliaGillard "should be kicked to death" auspol Meghan_B_H - Meghan B. Hopper feeling like telling Grahame Morris what you think of his kicking proposal? drop him an email gmorris@bartondeakin.com.au @ibbers - jon


30/04/2012Tom, As much as it pains me to say it you're right! there is a scandal. I seen nothing but post after post on different blogs today from people in Syria the Sudan and North Korea all looking at the "scandal" saying how glad they are that they dont live here!

Sir Ian Crisp

30/04/2012[quote][i]Should they both lodge claims against the Liars and the msm for as much as they can legally squeeze out of the mongrels and a humiliating giant apology the msm will be forced to splash all over their front pages? You betcha! The font can't be big enough, imo! Should we be able to empty hospital waste into their begging bowls after they've been named and shamed. Blood' oath, Narrelle!!!! Jane[/i] [/quote] Jane, we’ve crossed swords on a few occasions but I’m with you on this. We panglossians should rally around CT at this most distressing time. I am heartily sick at the sight of Craig Thomson being dragged out of church to face the media blitz. CT has remained phlegmatic in the face of the media especially the nasty pasquinaders from the Murdoch stable. Jane, please join with me and others and let’s all make a difference. Let’s start a fighting fund so that CT can sue all those people who have delighted in traducing him. I hereby pledge $35,000 to the “Leave Craig Alone” fighting fund. Please Swordians, dig deep and give whatever you can. Any money left over after the court action by CT could be spent buying a taxi for Peter Slipper which would be cheaper than giving Pete cab vouchers. Jane, I have an Opera House and bridge for sale. Are you interested?


30/04/2012 [quote]Michelle Grattan particularly seems to hate her with a venom her and to want to stir up even more the hatred people are supposed to feel for her out in voter land. [/quote] Patricia, I noticed same. Grattan really is a grumpy old sausage. I think she takes her physical pain out on the younger PM. N'


30/04/2012 Ad, I meant to say much earlier that I enjoyed yer piece...informative and enlightening. Objectivity is a goal that few columnists and reporters seem to reach for in this day and age...particularly in this country...and the UK. What...or should I say, Who do they have in common? Yer ongoing effort to inform and educate...and expose bias in the media...deserves applause. N'


30/04/2012 [b]Details :Grahame Morris said on SkyNewsAust PM JuliaGillard should be kicked to death. [/b] Lyn, Morris is an attention-seeker like Abbott. He may well be sacrificing part of his reputation in order to get a character assasination message out. It goes to show how desperate the Libs are becoming. The clock is ticking down on their adolescent games. LOOK AT ME...LOOK AT ME...AND WHILST YOU ARE...THE PM IS A.... Tick tock...tick tock...tick tock... N'


30/04/2012 [b]The Murdoch Virus Part 1 – The Virus, Dan Gulbery, The Daily Derp [/b] In this five part series of articles we will examine the detrimental effect Rupert Murdoch’s style of journalism (The Murdoch Virus) has had on journalism, society and democracy not only in Australia, but also in Britain and The United States. The second part (“Hillsborough”) will look at one of the most shameful episodes Lyn, Thnx for that link, I thoroughly enjoyed reading thru Dan's assessment of the Murdoch virus: [b]Newscorp’s Australian arm (News Limited) has been running an attack campaign on the Australian Labor Party (ALP) since they took office in 2007. Steve Lewis, a journalist at Murdoch’s low-brow Sydney tabloid, The Daily Telegraph was instrumental in a bogus campaign against then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, known as “Utegate“. The debunking of this bit of frippery led to the downfall of Malcolm Turnbull as Leader Of The Opposition. Since the 2010 election in Australia, Murdoch’s outlets have been particularly vicious about the “legitimacy” of Julia Gillard as Prime Minister, as well as conducting attacks on the Greens Party and key Independent MP’s Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor. These attacks continue despite Australia having one of the best performing economies in the world.[/b] Indeed. http://thedailyderp.net/2012/04/28/the-murdoch-virus-part-1-the-virus/ N'


30/04/2012 From Paul Barry's piece @ The Power Index: [quote]So could this be true: that poor old Rupert was kept in the dark? Possibly, but there are a few big problems with the story. First is that Myler didn't come to the News of the World as editor until January 2007, five months after police arrested royal correspondent, Clive Goodman, and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire for hacking. By that time, News International had supposedly conducted a thorough investigation to ensure no one else was up to it. Second is that Myler sent an email to James Murdoch before the Taylor meeting, which would have shown Rupert's son that hacking was "rife", had he bothered to read it. Third is that Crone and Myler have both sworn on oath that James was shown the damaging "For Neville" email at the Taylor meeting, plus an explicit legal opinion from Michael Silverleaf QC, which suggested hacking was widespread. Fourth is that the story would involve James not telling his father about the huge settlement with Taylor until The Guardian blew the lid off in mid-2009, and then giving him a misguided explanation of why such a monster pay-out was justified. Fifth is that it would also involve Rupert's surrogate daughter and News International CEO, Rebekah Brooks, not telling Rupert about an even bigger payment in early 2009 to buy the silence of another hacking victim, PR agent Max Clifford. And there are plenty more points at which the story looks shaky, because Rupert and his fellow executives were warned several times it was not just one rogue reporter[/quote]. http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/analysis/mushroom-rupert-was-he-really-kept-in-the-dark?utm_source=l Frankly, I find it hard to believe that the know-it-all who tweets regularly on anything related to his empire's future didn't know what tactics and methods were being used to manufacture the stories and bring in the dosh. N'

Ad astra

30/04/2012Folks The media buffoons are out in force. Graeme Morris’ ‘kicked to death’ utterance is in the class of Abbott’s ‘bulls-eye on the forehead’ remark. Both are crass and unbecoming. The Opposition and its media sycophants are becoming hysterical as they see the target of their venom walking away unharmed and pressing on regardless. Thank you Lyn and Nasking for the updates. Patricia WA, I love your words of admiration for Julia Gillard. Finally folk, as I head for bed to watch TV, you will enjoy the solace of this discussion from the Essential Vision team: http://essentialvision.com.au/trends-australians-seeing-through-the-feel-good-mining-ads


30/04/2012Hi Nasking Sorry I haven't acknowledged your fabulous amount of work today. There is not a word I haven't read though, thankyou for your unrelenting support. Also sorry you got a bit off track and down in the dumps, but honestly you wouldn't be human if you didn't. What with the Convergance Review, NDIS,Temby Report, Abbott all over the TV, Craig Thomson, Peter Slipper, MSM's attack on Julia Gillard, phew! phew! I don't think Sky News is healthy for you either, seems to be excusing Graeme Morris to be expected, Speers tweets with neon lights everytime he thinks something is bad for Julia You will notice he says nothing SPECIFIC about Craig Thomson in the Temby report. Specific is Abbott's word isn't it. Stephen Kouklous is trying to bet with Joe Hockey, but Joe tweets and doesn't answer anyone apparently. Here is the conversations on Twitter:- Stephen Koukoulas‏ My Latest: Mr Hockey Offers Up A bet... http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1917-mr-hockeys-offers-up-a-bet-but-will-he-follow-through @joehockey Stephen Koukoulas‏ joehockey I take the bet: Surplus to be from "genuine savings". Use real growth in outlays, 12-13, CPI deflator? If up you win, down I win? Nicholas Gruen‏ TheKouk offers to take Joe Hockey's bet. Over to you Joe George Bludger‏ TheKouk @joehockey I'm prepared to put up $500 for either charitable cause. Come on Joe, take on Stephen's bet http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1917-mr-hockeys-offers-up-a-bet-but-will-he-follow-through #auspol Stephen Koukoulas‏ I'm no lawyer, but I wonder how close Morris went to testing these laws suggesting the "PM should be kicked to death"? http://www.alrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/pdfs/publications/DP71.pdf Stephen Koukoulas‏ C'wlth Criminal Code treason has 2 aspects. Section 80.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 makes it an an offence to cause the death of ... 1/2 Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourkeReply Joe Hockey asks if Australians are willing to pay $8b for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. David Speers‏ Grahame says it's a phrase he has used in the past on different issues, but shouldn't have on this occassion David Speers‏ I have just spoken to Grahame Morris who says his "kicking to death" comment was inappropriate and he's sorry. David Speers‏ Temby report damning on HSU. Nothing specific on Thomson. But no guidelines around credit card use. Amazing reading :):):)


30/04/2012 Hi Lyn, many thnx for the supportive words. BTW, I rarely watch Sky News these days...got tired of the spin and tricky Liberal spruiking. Eventually the bias became all too obvious. Thnx for all the great work you do...it obviously takes many hours a week...yer a credit to this fine blog. N'


30/04/2012 I feel compelled to give LNP leader Campbell Newman a thumbs up tonite...if he does get thru new gun laws and helps deter gun crime he and the police deserve alot of credit. I spent a decade on the border of America...and believe me when I say it takes guts to bring in useful gun controls...and out of control gun usage and ownership can wreck a country. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Let's hope Newman does as he says. Guns should not be a partisan issue. It was one positive for the Howard government...even tho they let other bad aspects of America infect this country. Let's keep our families safe...not go down the insane path of America. Less Underbelly type promoting the better. Provide kids and young adults with positive role models. For America iit seems it's already too late. Sadly. Schools, colleges, streets, offices, post offices, fast food restaurants, churches, army bases, courts...all places that have witnessed horrendous gun crimes. We don't need that here. Keep Australia safe and sane. N'

Tom of Melbourne

30/04/2012Do the ALP barrackers notice that every time Julia changes her position, they all just fall into line, with the flip? Gillard flips from her complete confidence in Thomson, to one where she kicks him out of the party. They enthusiastically flip from seeing the sense of her former position, to one where they staunchly defend the now, diametrically opposite one. “Slipper should return as Speaker as soon as he’s cleared of the cab charge issue” says Julia, echoed by her backers. Julia then says “he’s casting a dark cloud over the parliament, and has to go”. This is then vociferously endorsed by the followers. Do they bother to think for themselves?

Gary M

30/04/2012"As much as it pains me to say it you're right! there is a scandal. I seen nothing but post after post on different blogs today from people in Syria the Sudan and North Korea all looking at the "scandal" saying how glad they are that they don't live here!" Absolutely, well said Jason. I have it on good authority that all those immigrants brought here in the sixties, to not only populate the country or perish, and work in the Ford and Holden factories, have had enough. Yep they're sick of the corruption and heavens to Betsey. "They're leaving in droves" On a serious note, Julia will (it pains me) will soon be gone. Rudd will be like the second coming and (serious if I can be so bold/ bet?) be re-installed to save the Labor party from a rout. What went wrong? I don't know. But I do know this, Julia will go down (As much as I do love her) in history, as the person that destroyed the Labor party. I went to a union meeting the other night (I am retired BTW)attended by a couple of Yes Labor M.P.'s the topic !!!!!!!!! "Taking the Labor party back from the air heads, AKA over educated university trained drop kicks, before it's toooooooooo late ". Am I serious? Oh yes. As the representative of the AMWU said at the meeting. Like the Jews in WW2 we sat on our fat arses and let it happen. Watch this space. Oh yes BTW what was it Bob Hawke said ? Oh that's right "The union movement is too close to the Labor party. Bwaaahaaaaaaaa. And my wife wants to know why I drink???????????


30/04/2012Evening Swordsters one and all, it has been a long day for me out in the wilds of outer Canberra and, while I have been listening to the radio, I haven't had my finger on the pulse. Having read the comments between when I left home and now I can see that, in the words of Possum, [i]The Great Unhinging[/i] continues at a great pace. The comment about kicking the PM to death shows that the [i]derp[/i] is diving deeper. A gem that seems to have been missed is former Senator John Faulkner's address to the 2012 H.V.Evatt Memorial Dinner on April 28 which you can catch up with here: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/the-price-of-political-fear-20120430-1xuik.html Very interesting speech. Sobering and informative. There are, as you might expect, a lot of wise words to consider and I would like us all to consider these words as we engage with others who drop in from time to time to drop their little 'bombshells' [i]And debate on internet forums, blogs, and social media has developed a tendency to move rapidly to uncompromising and often abusive and bullying extremes: entrenching positions, limiting compromise, and often curtailing engagement with information that challenges or conflicts with the reader's own views.[/i]


30/04/2012ToM, like all barrackers you don't have the wit to appreciate Gillard's brilliant stroke. With Slipper and Thomson on the cross benches and the deputy Speaker in the chair, what has Lielaot got to gibber on about? He can't beat her over the head with Thomson, he's an Independent. Ditto Slipper. He can't call her judgement into question, they're Independents. He and his mob of half wits can't ask endless about them-they're Independents. They're neutralised as sticks to beat the government with because [b]they're Independents!!![/b] roflmao And now who's he gonna call? Ghost busters? SIC, no thanks. Unlike the plethora of Liars Party politicians, including their leader, with court cases pending against them, Craig Thomson has no such burden to worry about. But just in case you hadn't noticed, Thomson is an independent now. What does that mean? he asks. Well as an Independent he's no longer the government's problem. If, and it's a big if, there are any charges arising from HSU, it's Thomson's problem, not the government's. But when Slagabella and Edwards lose they'll be Liealot's problem and evidence of his poor judgement in standing by them. No glory but plenty of ammo for the government. Save your money for Liealot's mortgage payments. He'll need it after he has a big fat settlement to pay after he loses that defamation case. And while you're at it Slagabella might need some petrol vouchers when she has to give back her ill gotten gains. Don't forget Sean Edwards. Hope your budget has enough fat for his court costs. You might have to arrange home delivery for MJ. I'd say she's blacklisted at every supermarket in the country.


30/04/2012Can someone please tell me what this is supposed to mean, that was just tweeted by Kevin Rudd: Kevin Rudd ‏ @_KRuddMP Follow Hold tight Australia, your beloved Leader is on the next flight home! Be a chum and help poor Julia pack folks. #Auspol #Newspoll _KRudd


30/04/2012TT, no doubt you've already twigged, but the PM has pulled off a breathtaking stroke and the msm and barrackers are too dumb to see it. Because neither Thomson nor Slipper are the government's problem any more. Why? Because they're Independents. When Liealot tries to use them as sticks to beat the government with he'll fall flat on his face! IMO, it's a brilliant strategy and after the light bulb finally goes off for the dolts in the msm and the Liars Party, it'll be far too late. All they'll see is J*U*L*I*A's dust in their fat stupid faces. So much for her "poor judgement". Thomson and Slipper are Independents now and are no longer the government's problem. Liealot and Coke Bottles can say what they like, but they can't use Slipper or Thomson as weapons or example sof pooer judgement. Far from falling on her sword, she's like the phoenix rising triumphant from the ashes of the Thomson and Slipper fire the msm and the Liars Party tried to destroy her with. While they vainly poke the dead and dying embers of their great fire, she and the government will serenely go on to Budget week, secure in the knowledge that once again the spoilers clumsy plans have failed miserably. Can you imagine the great howl they'll let out when they finally realise they've been out flanked again? There once was a PM called Julia Whose enemies constantly dissed her But with cunning and guile She her plans did compile And confounded the fools who would still her.


30/04/2012"Liealot and Coke Bottles can say what they like, but they can't use Slipper or Thomson as weapons or example sof pooer judgement." Alternatively, Liealot and Coke Bottles can say what they like, but they can't use Slipper or Thomson as weapons or [i]examples of poor[/i] judgement.

Gary M

1/05/2012"Hold tight Australia, your beloved Leader is on the next flight home! Be a chum and help poor Julia pack folks. #Auspol #Newspoll _KRudd " Just hope that's bullsh%t in your case, cos it will be the end of Tones run for the lodge. Not that he was ever gonna be P.M. anyway. I mean sheeeet, not even the Liberal party needs the embarrassment of Tones on the world stage. He would be like, like, oh I don't know, what about a white Robert Mugabe but with much larger ears.

Gary M

1/05/2012Tones sat down to scheme and plot To get rid of Julia he despised a lot But his dastardly plan came unstuck The Rudd returned he was out of luck What would he do now no more to be king He would have to return to the circus ring The circus ring where he could act the clown The ring master said Tones get out of town So Tones packed his bags and left for Tangier's Two seats were booked one for him one for his ears Tones retorted my ears are small and neat It's my bollocks that need the extra seat Budgie Smugglers ain't the half of it.


1/05/2012Lyn, Thanks for the link to Wilkie's call to 'Let Gillard do her job as PM'. I wrote to him in the following terms beginning with a quote from the article: "[Craig Thompson] has been elected to the House of Representatives fairly. He is entitled to sit in the House of Representatives and it is entirely proper that we accord him a presumption of innocence until proven guilty." I agree with your sensible comment as reported in SMH. (http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/let-gillard-do-her-job-as-pm-says-wilkie-20120430-1xulk.html) However, you might like to consider what a lawyer friend pointed out to me. [b]It is not correct to say 'innocent UNTIL proven guilty' but 'innocent, UNLESS proven guilty'.[/b] There is quite a difference really and at the moment the press and many others seem to think that 'UNTIL' is the operative word and that therefore mud, slurs and demonisation are the order of the day.


1/05/2012TODAY’S LINKS Prominent Liberal says Gillard should be kicked to death, David Donovan, Independent Australia For News to not report someone in a prominent position in Australian politics urging, on one of their very own media outlets, for Australians to kill our nation’s democratically elected leader is an outright outrage — pure and simple. And for none of the Australian news media to pick up on this, even when the social media networks were in a frenzy? Well, we must conclude that these are very dark days indeed for journalism in this country. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/prominent-liberal-says-gillard-should-be-kicked-to-death/?utm_source=rss&utm__ Why have elections when the Gallery can decide? Dave Gaukroger,Pure Poison These are the same journos who accuse the government of “not being able to get its message out” while reporting “he said / she said” instead of policy.It seems that the opinionistas have already decided how our government should be run and will not tolerate anyone getting in the way. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2012/04/30/why-have-elections-when-the-gallery-can-decide/ Fall on your own sword, the lady’s not for turning, James Higgins, The Politics Project First of all, no journalist should be campaigning for the toppling of the Prime Minister. That’s not their job. Unless Michelle Grattan has suddenly become a government backbencher, I am not aware of any leadership rumblings within the ALP (and judging from the lack of http://thepoliticsproject.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/fall-on-your-own-sword-the-ladys-not-for-turning/ Lilley-livered, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless If Swan produces a cracker budget then you can expect Palmer's business interests to turn his head away from politics much more suddenly than might otherwise be the case. If you can persuade all but the silliest journalists to realise this is the most likely http://andrewelder.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/lilley-livered.html#comment-form Convergence or Submergence? , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate News Corp and Telstra had argued to the inquiry that all ownership laws be removed. Fortunately, the review authors decided otherwise The introduction of new services into a market does not necessarily http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/convergence-or-submergence.html NDIS launch obscured by political noise, The Conscience Vote The NDIS was supposedly bipartisan, yet now the Coalition is backing away from it, describing it in ‘aspirational’ terms and trying to point the finger at the government as somehow being at fault for going ahead with it. http://consciencevote.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/ndis-launch-obscured-by-political-noise/ Karma Chameleon, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery The coalition and some media commentators say that the Prime Minister’s position is untenable. Oh really? How exactly? Tony Abbott says he has no confidence in the Prime Minister but he also has no plans to put a no confidence motion on the table. Where I was taught logic, that means Abbott has no confidence in his own no confidence motion http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/karma-chameleon/ Ah, is that what left-wing bias on the ABC means?, Turn Left 2013 there we have it, ABC’s raison d’être, it is all about the dynamics, carpet-bombing, fireworks – the media is pushing leadership challenges because it gives lazy political journalists something to do. Speculation and opinion have replaced research and facts. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/ah-is-that-what-left-wing-bias-on-the-abc-means/ Media war ramps up, Massivespray, Spray of The Day Of course this will never happen because Tony Abbott is a gutless turd who can’t bear to has his tough guy image shattered by a motion not passing…basically showing him up to be the incompetent clod that he is. Mind you he will get the full coverage of the media, so if it goes down it will be spun as “the fault of those dastardly Independents and their lust for power, because they know they’ll be kicked out next election”, http://sprayoftheday.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/media-war-ramps-up/ Abbott compares asylum seekers with drug runners, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia When and if this megalomaniac ever becomes Prime Minister, he has warned the Indonesians he will board a jet plane for Jakarta and demand they treat asylum seeker with the same harshness they reserve for Australian drug smugglers and users http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/abbott-compares-asylum-seekers-with-drug-runners/ Clive Palmer for Canberra?, Antony Green the government would welcome today's announcement by Palmer as it swings the spotlight of political attention from Labor's political fringe dwellers to those of the Coalition.In my view the Labor Party would dearly love to see Palmer as an LNP candidate, and the LNP would be crazy-brave to select him as a candidate. http://blogs.abc.net.au/antonygreen/2012/04/clive-palmer-for-canberra.html Abbott, Slipper and an unedifying lack of perspective, Mungo MacCallam, ABC In one breath, the editorials lament the lack of genuine policy debate in Australia; in the next, they salivate over whatever new suggestion of low-grade sleaze the muckrakers can conjure up We deserve better. There are real problems and uncertainties facing the country, and in this wider context the goings on of Slipper and http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3980486.html Mr Hockey offers up a bet, but will he follow through? Stephen Koukoulas, Market Economics The Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, said today that he “would bet everything in his pocket that the surplus [in 2012-13] will come from higher taxes instead of genuine savings.”On Twitter, I asked Mr Hockey if he would be prepared to bet with me. I haven’t heard from him yet, http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1917-mr-hockeys-offers-up-a-bet-but-will-he-follow-through Forget contesting Lilley, Clive Palmer should stick to his day job ,Scott Prasser, The Conversation But I don’t think he personally has got the range of skills needed to be a politician. Business people often make the worst politicians because they’re used to making decisions on a very narrow basis – will it make a profit? And you expect people to always o https://theconversation.edu.au/forget-contesting-lilley-clive-palmer-should-stick-to-his-day-job-6747 Australian billionaire Clive Palmer to build Titanic II, BBC Co. UK His plan to build the Titanic replica was announced on the same day that he revealed plans, in a separate news conference, to contest the next federal election in Queensland.He told reporters that he has expressed interest in standing for Queensland's http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17890754#TWEET134827 Clive's 'Titanic II', Twiggy keeps swinging, Tom Cowie, The Power Index The mining magnate, whose predilection for giving money to the Liberal National Party scored him a spot on our Rich Crusaders list, told reporters this morningthat "Titanic II" would be a tribute to those who lost their lives in the infamous shipping disaster. http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/follow-the-power/clive-s-titanic-ii-twiggy-keeps-swinging Disability insurance scheme a gateway to change,Jeff Davey, On Line Opinion So what to do with our broken, dysfunctional system? The solution proposed by the Productivity Commission – and accepted by the government – is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). A universal, Medicare-style safety net for people under 65, it will pay for equipment, therapy and support. http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=13559 Lessons for the National Disability Insurance Scheme , Niki Ellis, The Conversation Grassroots disability services campaign group, Every Australian Counts is holding rallies in capital cities all over the country today, calling for the creation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). How the National Disability Insurance Agency, http://theconversation.edu.au/lessons-for-the-national-disability-insurance-scheme-2889?utm_ Media Convergence Review recommends sweeping changes, ABC World Today So it's recommending that broadcast licensing should be removed, and that's aimed at minimising and streamlining the regulation of the media market and it would additionally save the Government, http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2012/s3491752.htm HSU TEMBY REPORT: VEXNEWS is first with the worst, Vex News It doesn’t attribute blame, as far as we can tell, although naturally the leadership of the union headed by executive president Kathy Jackson and general secretary Mike Williamson will be http://www.vexnews.com/2012/04/hsu-temby-report-vexnews-is-first-with-the-worst/ HSU in $17m splurge without tenders: report, Mark Skulley ,Australian Financial Review The interim report seen by The Australian Financial Review – which is marked “for their eyes only’’ – makes no direct mention of former HSU national secretary Craig Thomson, who on Sunday suspended his membership of the Labor Party to join the cross benches. http://www.afr.com/p/national/hsu_in_splurge_without_tenders_report_YZnRMfdEk0F018GmVw0BlM What Can Money Do?Gonski’s hopes for equality, Bill Hannan, Arena Few in the media put it better than Stephen Long, the ABC’s economics commentator. The key to the report, he wrote, is not in its carefully-guarded language but in its data from which one can justly conclude that ‘the public money that goes to elite private http://www.arena.org.au/2012/04/what-can-money-do/ Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn Hates Democracy , Alex Schlotzer Since 2009, the Brimbank City Council has been under administration after the duly elected councillors were sacked by the then Brumby Labor government. While many at the time welcomed the news, http://alexschlotzer.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/victorian-liberal-mp-bernie-finn-hates-democracy/ VIDEO Government enters crisis management mode, 7.30pm report Prime Minister Julia Gillard took action on the weekend over the scandals surrounding MP Craig Thomson and Speaker Peter Slipper, so how are things looking for the Federal Government now? http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2012/s3492318.htm HSU interim report leaked, Lateline A report into the east branch of the Health Services Union has leaked which details damning financial mismanagement. http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3492399.htm Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category, 10 video’s today http://australianpoliticstv.org/category/daily-fix/ Julia Gillard announcing that the historic National Disability Insurance Scheme will be launched in 2013 at a rally in Sydney. 30/04/2012 4:35:23 PM National Disability Insurance Scheme to launch in 2013 PM http://www.alp.org.au/labortv/ Swan 'over the moon' to fight Palmer, abc 24 Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan responds to the potential challenge from mining magnate Clive Palmer for his seat of Lilley. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/swan-over-the-moon-to-fight-palmer/3980364 Abbott surprised by Palmer’s challenge, ABC 24 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-30/abbott-surprised-by-palmers-challenge/3980610 Michelle Grattan live chat: Why Gillard should quit, SMH http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/michelle-grattan-live-chat-why-gillard-should-quit-20120430-1xts3.html#ixzz1tUCmCYk9 This is Clive Palmer's Story , You Tube Clive Palmer loves mining. It's made him the $3 billion man he is. Everyone knows that environmentalists are funded by the CIA, but the story goes so much deeper than that... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y26-ADTaIJc


1/05/2012TODAY'S FRONT PAGES Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 1 May 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia


1/05/2012 The media are generally appalling in this country. The front page attacks on PM Gillard are well and truly over-the-top this morning. Anyone else think it suss that the Sydney Morning Herald's front page has headline [b]Gillard's job on the line[/b] sitting next to the one [b]Sweeping Media Review Calls for New Watchdog [/b]? http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/australia/sydney-morning-herald/newspaper.cfm Hmmm.... N'

Ad astra

1/05/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


1/05/2012 Checkout this not so subtle attempt at manipulating public perception by the Murdoch empire: http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/australia/herald-sun/newspaper.cfm [b]QANTAS JOBS CULL[/b] is followed underneath by [b]Business Leaders Demand TIME'S UP JULIA[/b] Disgraceful stuff by the biased, desperate Murdoch minions. N'


1/05/2012Thnx for the links Lyn...I have to agree with this: Prominent Liberal says Gillard should be kicked to death, David Donovan, Independent Australia [b]For News to not report someone in a prominent position in Australian politics urging, on one of their very own media outlets, for Australians to kill our nation’s democratically elected leader is an outright outrage — pure and simple. And for none of the Australian news media to pick up on this, even when the social media networks were in a frenzy? Well, we must conclude that these are very dark days indeed for journalism in this country. [/b] I recommend everyone read this site...it seems Sky's David Speers has become an apologist for Grahame Morris: http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/prominent-liberal-says-gillard-should-be-kicked-to-death/?utm_source=rss&utm__ So we get Abbott talking about "targets" on the PM's forehead...and Allan Jones saying she should be put in a "chaff bag" and thrown out to sea. Now Morris reckons she should be "kicked to death". We all recall the Tea Party/Salem witchhunt-like banners used by the anti-carbon price protestors that Abbott and other Coalition members stood in front of. Are these the kind of people we want running this country?...influencing leaders? Misogyny is alive and KICKING it seems at the highest levels of this country. N'


1/05/2012 ABC 24 have brought the Morris issue up. Good stuff. This is a pattern of behaviour that needs to be exposed more. N’


1/05/2012 From Sue @ Cafe Whispers: one of the fairfax papers has a short story but you may not recognise it as the slur “kick to death ” is referred to as a quip http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/liberal-strategist-sorry-for-gillard-quip-20120430-1xvhi.html Hmmm... If it was just Morris perhaps it could be seen as a quip...but it's possible this is part of an orchestrated campaign. Morris is far too experienced on TV to make a mistake. Or just lose it. I'd like to know how Speers responded to the grotesque comment at the moment it was said by Morris. N'

Ad astra reply

1/05/2012Folks Don't be dismayed by the all out onslaught on Julia Gillard by the MSM. It is part of a concerted destabilization process to dull the impact of the program of popular reforms she is introducing, of which aged care and the disability insurance scheme are recent examples. Those who want to bring the Government down realize that every well-received reform will enhance the Government, and a surplus budget will do likewise. To counter these positives, the MSM needs to run some bad stories, some sleeze, which is exactly what it has been doing. So while we might rightly feel indignant, let's look it objectively as a planned campaign of denigration that will continue relentlessly. Our PM has to counter this as well as the LOTO, and she will. Let's support her in her fight against 'Rule by the MSM'. If you think I'm exaggerating, read David Gaukroger's Pure Poison piece on Crikey, second on Lyn's Links today.


1/05/2012Pip @ the Cafe wrote: Morris is a purposeful fellow, and he would have been using the same tactic as Alan Jones with the chaff bag comment and no doubt thought he’d get away with it on Sky. My response: Pip, what does that tell us about SKY NEWS? I noticed its also catering to shock jocks too. It’s becoming a Fox News cum shock jock mutant…with some tabloid behaviour. Obviously the other owners of Foxtel don’t care. But going by the investigations in the UK it could come back to BITE them. And to think the government permits David Speer to host debates…and News Ltd in general. Pathetic. So much for "objectivity". N’


1/05/2012 [b]It is part of a concerted destabilization process to dull the impact of the program of popular reforms she is introducing, of which aged care and the disability insurance scheme are recent examples.  Those who want to bring the Government down realize that every well-received reform will enhance the Government, and a surplus budget will do likewise.  To counter these positives, the MSM needs to run some bad stories, some sleeze, which is exactly what it has been doing.[/b] Ad, agree. It's solidified my support for Gillard as PM. For the MSM to go this overboard...and SKY to act so desperate...tells me Gillard and her team must be doing something right. N'


1/05/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse buzzing again this morning, comments coming in every 6 seconds. We are not the only ones talking about the Media and their biased reporting, the word is spreading fast as the social media becomes more popular:- Mark ‏@markjs1 Murdoch is using #NewsLtd & NewsPoll 2 destroy our Prime Minister...he's done it before with two British PM's: http://bit.ly/ILs5Ae#auspol And let’s not forget Australia TV. My God, what a laughing stock we would have been if we’d given Murdoch control of our country’s face to the world http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/04/30/newspoll-59-41-to-coalition-2/comment-page-7/#comment-1238104 Andrew Elder‏ ConGeorgiou That's right: journos can deny her airtime and then report on how she's not selling. I think that's what you'd call a win-win. The Australian‏@australian Test your support, Windsor tells Abbott: KEY independent Tony Windsor has challenged Tony Abbott to mount a no-... http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/test-your-support-tony-windsor-tells-tony-abbott/story-fn59niix-1226343374607? Matt Cowgill‏@MattCowgill Anyone tempted to believe Gerard Henderson or Judith Sloan on the effects of Fair Work should read this first: http://www.economics.unimelb.edu.au/staff/jib/documents/harvardtalk.pdf vexnews‏@vexnews Libs duel for numbers - Abbott & Turnbull to hold competing post budget dinners just 800 mtrs apart http://bit.ly/JvVr7h #auspol (2nd item Danielle McKeen‏@DanielleMcKeen A @Joe_Hildebrand Guide: How Labor destroyed itself #auspol via ThePunchHQ http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/a-hildebrand-guide-how-labor-destroyed-itself/ Miss Eagle‏@misseagle @smh: National News: Liberal strategist sorry for Gillard quip http://bit.ly/Jv3GR6 #australia ScottyFreak‏@ScottyFreak Grahame Morris is indicative of the cancer infecting the Liberal Party. A cancer which needs to be expunged quickly. Media? #auspol Bailster‏@redbuttons14 Campbell Newman and Tony Abbott duck for cover on Clive Palmer federal Parliament tilt http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-lukewarm-on-palmer-tilt-20120430-1xtpa.html via @brisbanetimes The Age‏@theage Tony Wright charts the many fateful voyages of Cap'n Clive Palmer and Slippery Pete http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/clive-the-entertainer-refloats-his-political-boat-20120430-1xv5k.html Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour Peter Hartcher writes that @KRuddMP might not even be interested in returning to the leadership at this point. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/party-in-hell-may-find-there-is-no-kevin-20120430-1xv5v.html ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Trivial politics matters more than you think, writes @idislikeedward http://bit.ly/Jm5edf #auspol ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Peter Reith: Proposals to have Slipper stand aside isn't authorised under the constitution & could end in farce http://bit.ly/Jm51H4 #auspol Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour WA Nationals MP Tony Crook may soon leave the cross benches and sit with his federal Nationals colleagues. http://bit.ly/J4KBnX #auspol Tim Lester‏@telester lenoretaylor in Breaking Politics says Labor MPs are 'almost in a state of panic'. Also, @dylanwelch on defence cuts http://media.smh.com.au/news/national-times/leadership-gloom-but-who-else-would-take-on-the-job-3260358.html National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Budget raid could see Defence hit for billions http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/budget-raid-could-see-defence-hit-for-billions-20120430-1xv4r.html Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour The @australian seems particularly proud of itself: 'Coalition hits an 11-year high in latest #newspoll.' http://bit.ly/JK4osV #auspol :):)


1/05/2012 [b]So while we might rightly feel indignant, let's look it objectively as a planned campaign of denigration that will continue relentlessly.  Our PM has to counter this as well as the LOTO, and she will.  Let's support her in her fight against 'Rule by the MSM'.  If you think I'm exaggerating, read David Gaukroger's Pure Poison piece on Crikey, second on Lyn's Links today.[/b] Ad, it's spot on: [quote]Now can someone please let me know which constitutional clause we need to call on for the will of the press gallery and opinion columnists to replace our democratic processes? Surely screeching in the journosphere is more important than our judicial processes and democratic institutions? The 43rd Federal Parliament is a strange beast to the members of the press gallery who haven’t had to deal with a minority government before. It’s a strange beast for the two major political parties too, who aren’t used to having to share the limelight with any other players on the big stage. However the fact that this parliament hasn’t run to a script that we’re used to doesn’t mean that it’s been in a constant state of crisis, though the Opposition and most of the media seem to believe otherwise.[/quote] A media pack screeching as the Murdochracy shadow attempts to darken all of our democracy. N'


1/05/2012 UK Labour leader Ed Miliband was on fire in parliament last night: [quote]In a dramatic exchange in parliament, opposition Labour party leader Ed Miliband asked Mr Cameron why he had not started a probe into Mr Hunt, who was responsible for impartially overseeing the bid. "The prime minister is defending the indefensible and he knows it. Protecting the culture secretary's job... and we all know why," Mr Miliband told Mr Cameron, who sat next to Mr Hunt throughout the raucous session. "The culture secretary has to stay to protect the prime minister. The prime minister has shown today he is incapable of doing his duty, too close to a powerful few, out of touch with everyone else," Mr Miliband said.[/quote] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-01/cameron-in-crossfire-as-murdoch-pressure-mounts/3981644 PM Cameron has generally let these phone hacking investigations and media ethics inquiries run their course...I give him credit for that...but keeping Hunt on damages his credibility. Cameron should come clean about his dealings with the Murdochs and Rebekah Brooks and other Murdoch empire minions...he seems a decent enuff fella...not unlike some my Tory mayor grandfather knew... he could shrug off the yoke of Murdoch oppression by being totally honest with the people... if not, it will haunt him throughout his leadership. A bit of courage goes a long way. N'


1/05/2012Yeah quip eh. NO, [i]incitement to murder[/i]. Anal Jones: Stick her in a chaffbag and dump her out at sea. Abbortt: Draw crosshairs on her forehead and shoot her. Morriscum Major: Kick her to death. I am listening to ABC 24. So far The Polls (Abborttians on 51% TPP!) Thomson Qantas jobs to go Stabbing somewhere Body of woman in creek Runners trapped by bushfire last year, several minutes re inqiry Hogan clears self of tax fraud No news AT ALL about a top Liberal Party apparatchik inciting any and sundry to murder the Prime Minister, in the shadow of the Norwegian madman's massacre. Drown the witch! Shoot the bitch! Kick the slut to death! Australia Today. Be of good cheer and staunch Comrades We [i]will[/i] win [i]anyway[/i] Partly because we MUST And that is part of our strength - That the Abbortians are so evil. VENCEREMOS!


1/05/2012Good Morning Talk Turkey David Donovan new information:- IndependentAustralia‏ This newsletter has just been sent out to 100 of journos. The media silence is deafening. Independent Australia 'The journal of democracy and independent thought' www.independentaustralia.net UPDATE Apart from a small story in Fairfax, which downplayed the comment as a "quip", this brutal call to violence on Australia's female Prime Minister has not been reported in the Australian press — apart from in Independent Australia. READ MORE :- http://ymlp.com/z4yJCh


1/05/2012 Well said TT. This from Lyn's last post: ScottyFreak@ScottyFreak [b]Grahame Morris is indicative of the cancer infecting the Liberal Party. A cancer which needs to be expunged quickly. Media? [/b]#auspol And: Mark ‏@markjs1 [b]Murdoch is using #NewsLtd & NewsPoll 2 destroy our Prime Minister...he's done it before with two British PM's:[/b] http://bit.ly/ILs5Ae#auspol [b]And let’s not forget Australia TV. My God, what a laughing stock we would have been if we’d given Murdoch control of our country’s face to the world [/b] Sometimes it feels like we're in Lord of the Rings...a small fellowship working against the odds. Murdochracy = Mordor N'


1/05/2012 From Lateline: [quote]EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: Outlaw motorcycle gangs were centrestage in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia today with state and federal law makers moving to crack down on bikies. The Queensland Government introduced tougher gun laws to combat gang violence and tomorrow WA is expected to introduce new laws which ban bikies from gathering in groups. The Federal Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare says that some states have weak firearms databases and a new national approach is needed to stop crime gangs buying and selling guns. JASON CLARE, HOME AFFAIRS MINISTER: At the moment there's 15 different databases that hold information about firearms around the country, but they're not linked. So, information's not shared between law enforcement properly around the country. Here in NSW, when we seize a firearm off a criminal, we can do a ballistics test and test the history of that firearm, link it back to other crimes, see whether it was involved in a murder or a robbery or drive-by shooting. But the same system doesn't exist in any other state in the country. The federal police use it, the NSW police use it, but I think we need to take it nationwide.[/quote] http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3492400.htm Agree. We can't sit back and let this country devolve into a gun-crazed hell like parts of America...and Central & Sth America. It's so tragic that a few out of control and criminal bikies are staining the reputation of all bikie groups...some have done great charitable work. But soon people will FEAR the sound of a motorbike pulling up...or the look of a bikie...if we don't get on top of this gun problem big time. My sympathies and support go out to the brave police and investigators and lawyers and judges and good reporters and politicians on the front line of this problem. Their courage and integrity can help keep Australia on a saner, safer path. Keep our youth safe and free of this menace to society. N'


1/05/2012 A worried and increasingly desperate [b]Tony Abbott said[/b] angrily to the media today that [b]Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott should "wake up to themselves". [/b] Cheeky bugger. N'


1/05/2012 From The Guardian: [b]News Corp case shows a cap on media ownership is the way forward The lessons from the Leveson inquiry are clear: the hold on our media of proprietors like Murdoch must be restricted[/b] Claire Enders and  Chris Goodall guardian.co.uk, Monday 30 April 2012 [b]In the past few days an impressive political unanimity has been developing behind the view that Britain needs to reintroduce clear limits on media ownership and define what plurality means. The UK dismantled most of the specific rules governing who can own media companies in 2003, and in all but a few cases the competition authorities were left with complete autonomy.[/b] Indeed, only a last-minute amendment to the Communications Act allowed governments to intervene to protect plurality. Without that protection, the full takeover of BSkyB would have proceeded with no check whatsoever, even though it enlarged the scale and scope of News Corporation, already the largest media company in the UK and, indeed, the world. The concept of plurality remains entirely undefined in law. To date Ofcom and other bodies have largely assumed that plurality is entirely about the media providing a wide range of news and opinion to citizens. [b]In the UK, News Corp controls over 35% of newspaper circulation and most news on commercial radio and BSkyB, and has significant financial muscle. An increase in this scale and scope could have detrimental effects on all News Corp’s competitors, and thereby on British democracy.[/b] But the UK should not only impose clear restrictions on the maximum share of news provision held by one proprietor. (This should be in addition to conventional competition rules that stop one business monopolising single markets of newspapers, books or TV). [b]Steps should also to be taken to ensure that no one company can exert the level of economic control over the entire media sector that would have been possessed by the combination of BSkyB and News Corp’s other UK businesses, including a large publisher and a major film studio.[/b] [b]Media companies such as News Corp are the funnel through which almost all forms of entertainment or news must go. The BSkyB takeover would have made the merged company a gatekeeper of unparalleled influence. This would be at a time when its relative ability to decide what gets through the media bottleneck, and at what price to the citizen, is growing sharply as the BBC’s income is reduced and other media face revenue erosion[/b]. UK media businesses, including computer games and book publishers as well as TV, radio and press, have revenues of about £32bn a year. The enlarged News Corp would have had about 20% of this total, roughly twice as much as the BBC, its nearest rival. The simplest way to ensure plurality in the UK would be a clear limit on the share of all media revenues held by one company – 15% seems reasonable, but an open debate is needed. Jeremy Hunt, the beleaguered culture secretary, has himself argued that with the convergence of digital media, we should cease looking at plurality in a single market but look across the whole landscape, from newspapers to social media. More here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/apr/30/cap-media-ownership-lessons-leveson And to think we have one paper major cities. N’


1/05/2012RBA slashes interest rates 50 basis points. Good news for us mortgage holders if the banks pass it on: http://www.smh.com.au/business/rba-slashes-interest-rates-20120501-1xwgg.html N'


1/05/2012The manipulative silence of the MSM on Grahame Morris's disgraceful statement is not the only MSM silence today. The Temby report showed what I have been saying for about one year ie that Mr Thompson's issues are related to the fact that the HSU had no rules or codes or internal control of its accounting processes. This is why the NSW police first walked away from it more than a year ago. Whether or not Thompson incurred the alleged expenditure is irrelevant ..... there were no rules he could be seen to have breached. The report last night showed that HSU East had no rules for procurement, private expenditure, tenders, credit card use etc etc. [u][b]Now here is the matter of MSM silence:[/b][/u] Ms Kathy Jackson is the Secretary of the HSU National Body [b]and the President of HSU East branch.[/b] She has been held up by the media as the "whistle blower". Last night she commented that it was so good that the report had found what it found, and that now "we can get on and clean up the mess". Dog Albitey (TT) she was the freakin President for 5 years under whose nose and in whose watch these important rules did not exist. Michael Williamson, the National HSU President (and HSU East Secretary who reciprocally shares strong enmity with Ms Jackson) has been replaced during his stand down by a Tasmanian HSU exec whose name eludes me. However on ABC RN today the replacement stated about Ms Jackson that it was quite strange that she leaked complaints to the media which in 5 years as National Secretary, she did not raise once with the National Executive. This is similarly as strange as the fact that as President of HSU East she "did not know" !!!! that, for example, there were no rules or guidelines regarding credit card use. This begs a very big question as to whether or not she as President has a HSU credit card, and how she uses / has used it. A quick google search shows that Ms Jackson is well experienced and competent in the "get down and fight" environment of union and faction conflicts. She has been a notable participant in many scraps over at least 2 decades. She is not merely a simple maiden who has stumbled on some issues in her HSU workplace ..... quite the contrary.[u][/u] Why is the MSM not telling the electorate all this. And incidentally, a quick perusal of the HSU East website show that there are 96 people in the organisational section of the branch at the moment. It could be expected that hundreds of people occupied those various positions in and since Mr Thompson's time there. Watch the MSM blame this one man who left the HSU 8 years ago for the structural, procedural, and rule failings of HSU East.


1/05/2012COALITION frontbencher Christopher Pyne spent almost two hours drinking and chatting with James Ashby a month before the political staffer lodged court documents accusing Speaker Peter Slipper of sexual harassment and misusing CabCharge dockets. The National Times has learnt that on the night of March 19, around 9.30pm, Mr Pyne - the Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives - met with Mr Ashby and another Slipper staffer in the Speaker’s office. Two separate sources have confirmed details of the meeting to the National Times - both insist Mr Pyne rang back later the same evening to request Mr Ashby’s mobile phone number. http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/pyne-confirms-i-had-drinks-with-slippers-accuser-20120501-1xweb.html


1/05/2012Jason, Pyne has been looking haunted and worried of late. Verrry interesting. N'


1/05/2012N, I thought the same as you about Pyne!


1/05/2012ToM jj, So low unemployment, low inflation, low interest rates, low debt. Thank goodness the electorate wants to turf this govt out eh?


1/05/2012Corruption, mismanagement, poor political judgment, broken political promises, lack of conviction, hypocrisy... yes, this is why we want to kick this Government out!


1/05/2012 The Victorian government is no friend of public servants…but it does seem to heart fines: The Government says it will make $1 billion in savings partially through cutting a further 600 public sector jobs on top of the 3,500 already announced. It will also increase fines by 12.5 per cent, take more dividends from water authorities and scrap the first home buyers grant. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-01/victorian-state-budget/3982948 ——- Interesting that the MSM worry about private business jobs when they get cut…and anyone losing their job is a sad thing indeed… but they sure don’t seem to care about public servants… people with families to support, mortgages, rent to pay, food to buy etc. Public servants are faceless and EXPENDABLE, DISPOSABLE it seems. N’


1/05/2012 I sure hope the government doesn't cut foreign aid. Agree with GetUp etc. I must give more to Save the Children to help with the West African crisis that is unfolding. http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/agencies-warn-millions-go-hungry-west-africa/5/121352 N'


1/05/2012jj, I'm not interested in John Howards record!


1/05/2012Psyclaw said . . . Dog Albitey (TT) . . . Hey I'm not the Messiah, I'm just a naughty blogger! (and a humble and grateful servant of Dog, Muffin in this case.) I love it that Dog is off the leash. A palpable and true friend, genuinely forgiving of sins, unconditional lover of mankind. Yeah Dog is good. What a shame, lysdexic idiots got his name wrong way round and had to start imagining what such a non-existent being might be like . . . and now it's come to this, people believing in a ghost! Well yeah you're right Psyclaw, Dog all-[i]bloody[/i]-bitey!


1/05/2012Good one, Jason. Yeah, he must have been all of those seeing as he lasted 11 and 1/2 years in office. John Howard looks like a political God compared with the shameful efforts of our current PM.

Ad astra reply

1/05/2012Folks I've been out and about all afternoon and when I get back home, I'll be preparing Bushfire Bill's next piece. Thanks for all your comments. We live in interesting times!


1/05/2012jj, Howard may have been there for 11.5 years,He was just lucky he had his wife to do the thinking for him! Every time I saw him on TV and he was asked a question, eg "wheat for weapons" he knew nothing or I wasn't told. Howard had a big sign in his office "The blame starts here"!

Gary M

1/05/2012"This is why the NSW police first walked away from it more than a year ago. Whether or not Thompson incurred the alleged expenditure is irrelevant ..... there were no rules he could be seen to have breached." Yea there was, they're called the rules of morality. Whilst Thompson was swanning around in his Amani suite quaffing Champers with gay abandon, and suffering extreme wind from too much crayfish and fine cheese. His members were falling asleep from night shift, had badly chaffed hands from wiping some poor souls arse and cleaning up their vomit. But hey the cries from the shrill opposition is worse, most of them apart from being born have never been inside a hospital, not a public one anyways. Have we lost our moral compass here? If he is guilty (Iffffffffff Bwaaahaaa) he should be made to clean hospital floors with his bloody tongue. But I guess a palate like his used to stuff most of us dream about wouldn't worry him in the slightest.


1/05/2012Apparently Mr Baillieu doesn't think so. Mind you, as always when these right wing wankers get their paws on the levers and fire a heap of public servants it all ends in tears because there's no one to do all the extra work. jj, apt description of the current Nopposition. all extremely good reasons to make sure they stay out of power. There's a rumour that Mr Ashby was [strike]given a bribe[/strike] paid $50,000 to lodge his allegations against Slipper, and it seems Prissy had drinkies with him. I wonder if a large brown paper bag changed hands? http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/pyne-confirms-i-had-drinks-with-slippers-accuser-20120501-1xweb.html#ixzz1tapwZtQw

Gary M

1/05/2012"John Howard looks like a political God compared with the shameful efforts of our current PM." Ah!!!!Drugs, aren't they lovely?


1/05/2012 Just finished an Interesting read ' The price of political fear ' by John Faulkner [i]In Australia, since Federation – even in 1975 when the Liberals used the Senate to block supply to the Whitlam Government in an unprecedented abuse of parliamentary and constitutional processes – no Opposition has gone as far as the current Opposition, led by Tony Abbott, as to undermine, through their political rhetoric, public trust in electoral and parliamentary process. Tony Abbott has sunk to new depths... We also see it in how so much political commentary in Australian mainstream media has devolved into endless opinion polling, and speculation and analysis of its findings. Detailed examination and explanation of policy, coverage of political debate beyond the issue – or scandal – of the day, are largely absent. Why unpack the intricacies of government policy or Opposition alternatives, why interview experts in the field, when you can poll just a handful of randomly selected citizens and fill your column inches with their opinions? The specialised knowledge of policy professionals, and the expertise of the best in the press gallery and universities, gets short shrift.[/i] Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/the-price-of-political-fear-20120430-1xuik.html#ixzz1tbEVPlpG


1/05/2012Gary M [quote]Yea there was, they're called the rules of morality.[/quote] The NSW police force do not investigate acts of immorality. They are not the "morals supervisors". They investigate only those acts suspected of being illegal. So too with our courts. For this I am very grateful and I think many others would agree. Perhaps you would prefer Sharia law where morals are very well and very actively supervised by the state? You speak of the "rules of morality". Perhaps you could steer me in the direction of these rules .... I would love to see a copy, and particularly the definitive copy. Does one of those rules cover the big end of town travelling at the pointy end of the 747, staying in 5+ star hotels, and frequenting lavish restaurants at shareholders expense. Perhaps it covers the actions of an acquaintance of mine (a partner in a big accounting firm) whose wife last week complained to me that their recent staff conference (including wives and families as freeloaders) was [b]only held in Australia[/b], and [b]"not OS as it has been in the past"[/b]. She went on to say that the OS jaunts at taxpayers' expense were very enjoyable. Dog Albitey help us if the likes of Abbott and his mob can deprive a minority government of a vote on some "moral" basis. Such would be quite immoral according to my values, but perhaps not according to yours.


1/05/2012What is it with this gutless Labor Party? If they try to switch leaders now, they deserve every bit of condemnation that is thrown at them. This is not a cricket team - changing the captain will not lift the performance of the rest of the team. It will just delegitimise everything that the Gillard government has done and it will burn up another leader by thrusting them into the top job before their time. I am completely gob-smacked that this is even being talked about. Get behind your leader you gutless mob of losers.


1/05/2012NormanK - couldn't agree more. I do wonder if it is a media beatup however. The Slipper/Ashby thing looks more sus all the time, Thompson can't be found guilty of misappropriation as there are no rules in that particular workplace in regard to financial accountability (although I would be baying for blood if a member of the Union) and the Leadership speculation bait has worked before. The really amazing thing is that the ALP in general won't shut up and actually comment on this dross - unbelievable.

Gary M

1/05/2012"The NSW police force do not investigate acts of immorality. They are not the "morals supervisors". They investigate only those acts suspected of being illegal." No they don't, but they did, it was called prostitution. The word 'Morality' if you care to read any court transcripts is mentioned in many cases. Because something is illegal or for that matter legal, has got five fifths of F.A. to do with it. It was legal in our own statute laws once in the not to distant past to beat your wife, but I guess at the time in your book that was quite moral because it was legal? As for Sharia law I won't even dignify that with a reply. The rules of Morality are common dog, that you don't understand that concept says more about you, than my own good self. Your 747 analogy is abject nonsense again, I wont dignify that with a reply. As for Abbott and the coterie of numb nuts called her H.M. Opposition, they will say and do anything (like most politicians) to get into power. However, that does not excuse the actions of Thompson or Slipper for that matter. In my burst I said, If found guilty! That there are no rules as you say is, irrelevant. That you even question the logic of moral compass is not worthy of further debate. Suffice to say, if at the end of the day the government falls because of Thompson(If guilty) so be it.


1/05/20122353 Normally I would take such speculation with several grains of salt but this was from Wilmington on Channel 10 and he spoke very confidently that someone had been bending his ear about leadership and talking Rudd again. They are a bunch of nongs. Just shut-up, rally 'round your leader and get on with the job. If you're going to go down, go down fighting not quaking with fear that maybe you've got the wrong leader (which implies the wrong leadership team as a whole). Do they really think that the enemy doesn't have a dirt file and a game plan mapped out for whoever might take over? Gutless fools.


1/05/2012Re leadership "speculation", "chatter" etc. A post on P.B. & others in agreement put it well. The target is the Labor party & I for one can't be doing with the "put so & so in & things will be OK" line of thought. Attack lines on every Labor figure are ready to roll, to be picked up & run with by the second stringers & auxiliaries. Get behind Gillard.


1/05/2012Gary M At the great risk of offending you, your reply is almost total nonsense. I am happy to let others judge this fact. 1) Sharia law is the currently most widespread [i]legal[/i] system which is based on the supervision of citizens' "morals". On the basis of logic, if you are arguing for NSW police to supervise "morals" then you are in favour of "moral" policing, a la Sharia. 2)Having read literally thousands of court cases I have never read one where a decision was based on "morals". If you are aware of even one, I suggest you research it to the level of the Court of Appeal, where undoubtedly it will have been quashed on the basis that the lower court judge failed to apply the law and only the law. Of course in sentencing people who have been already found guilty of [b]illegal[/b] acts, the judge at times uses the word 'moral' as he tries to describe the victim's hurt and society's outrage. In reading court cases 101, the first skill taught is the ability to differentiate when the judge is speaking judicially. 3) The rules of morality are not [quote]"common dog"[/quote]. They are made up by mere mortals to promote their view of the world. One dominant "moral" regarding the Vietnam war was that it was legitimate to kill the soldiers/supporters of the North, because by the Dominos, they were going overtake Australia. Many citizens had totally opposing "moral" views. 4) It appears that your "morals" don't apply to the rorting of shareholders funds by corporate leaders with snouts in the trough. Your view here clearly demonstrates the changing and subjective sands on which "moral" [b]opinions[/b] are based. Fortunately our legal system is not opinion based. 5) [quote]"That you even question the logic of moral compass is not worthy of further debate."[/quote]. I would have thought that the changing nature of "morals" over time (prostitution is not now seen as a matter of "morals" by many of us) and the fact that there can be two or more competing and compelling "moral" views about the same issue, (ie a "moral" dilemma) as my examples in (3) and (4) show, are well worthy of discussion by mature adults. 6) Just a reminder, you forgot to give me the reference for the definitive list of "moral" rules.


1/05/2012Oops. Hugh Riminton on Ten not Phil Wilmington on Nine.

Gary M

1/05/2012"At the great risk of offending you, your reply is almost total nonsense. I am happy to let others judge this fact." Yawn.......... Gary gets ready for bed. Oh but wait there's more. " 3) The rules of morality are not "common dog". They are made up by mere mortals to promote their view of the world." Yawn.......... I repeat it is 'Common dog'... In most human beings it is taught by their parents, in some (too few) it is innate. In some cases beaten into the individual. "One dominant "moral" regarding the Vietnam war was that it was legitimate to kill the soldiers/supporters of the North, because by the Dominos, they were going overtake Australia. Many citizens had totally opposing "moral" views." Yawn......... In fact tedious Yawn......... There is no moral equivalence here what so ever. The war was totally immoral period. That some put up the domino theory as an excuse for killing women and children, only proves my point, not yours. That some supported an immoral war makes them morally bankrupt. Your analogy is a load of abject twaddle.If you want to debate the legality of the war fine, another time. "I would have thought that the changing nature of "morals" over time (prostitution is not now seen as a matter of "morals" by many of us) and the fact that there can be two or more competing and compelling "moral" views about the same issue, (ie a "moral" dilemma) as my examples in (3) and (4) show, are well worthy of discussion by mature adults." Jesus H Christ are you for real? Taking money from a person or an organisation by way of stealth, and by claiming there are no rules governing such activity is moral bankruptcy of the highest order. Because some hard nose rat bags think it is o/k to do this, is of course a question of morality. That does not make them any the less wrong. A list of moral rules, Now I know you're taking the piss.


1/05/2012Gary M Have a nice night's rest. Perhaps in the morning you'll magically wake up competent to engage in a logical discussion. Your simplistic understandings of the complexities of human behaviour are underwhelming. I am happy for you that you feel free to make up your own private, subjective, irrational "moral rules" as you see fit. Thankfully our system of government and policing of citizens' conduct is not so fickle.

Gary M

1/05/2012"Your simplistic understandings of the complexities of human behaviour are underwhelming." Yea I know what ya mean. You obviously have the same problem. But you see me old China I was born like it, What's your excuse? But I see ya point, you used Vietnam, I'll use WW2 (Don't go all Goodwin on me now) Yep I can just imagine all those German soldiers having a moral dilemma as they put the Jews, Gypsies, communists, and all the other unter menschen into the gas chambers. Yea they didn't lose a minutes sleep knowing that their days work was not only in their eyes legal, it was moral too. Some of the people around at the time thought they were arse holes, but yea that was just a bit of "Moral" confusion. Yep just before they dropped these moral crusaders of the Reich through the trap door, Some were heard to say "My work was good I was just following orders" That about sums up your own understanding of morality, and human nature. OBTW spare me the insults. Good night. Yes I will sleep well.

Ad astra

1/05/2012Folks I've just now posted another superb piece by Bushfire Bill: [i]No Room in the Lifeboats[/i]. Enjoy. http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/post/2012/05/01/No-Room-in-the-Lifeboats.aspx


1/05/2012Gary M Since you clearly don't understand the concept, I suggest you google "moral dilemma" for an impartial description. Here's an example from me. "Man A sees wife of best friend Man B kissing another man on a street corner. Does he tell Man B?". This is a dilemma for A and there are many arguments in favour of him telling, and also in favour of him not telling. What is he to do? I am sure of one thing. You, the knower of "correct" "morals" won't be able to direct me to a "moral" rule textbook where the answer will be neatly given. On past behaviour, you will either dismiss my request or deem your idiosyncratic opinion to be "morally" right. BTW, from whence does your omnicience derive which enables you to say that the soldiers who actually killed the Jews did not feel that they were acting immorally and/or illegaly. Some may indeed have complied with orders fearing their own death if they refused. (Another eg of a moral dilemma ...... "what do I do? ..... I kill or will be killed"). I'm sure that while most would find it difficult to address this dilemma, you will be perfectly willing to "moralise" about it and make judgements from afar! How would you know what mental health consequences these soldiers may have subsequently experienced through their guilt. It must be comforting to believe that you know all these answers.

Gary M

1/05/2012There is no moral dilemma in your scenario.Only extreme caution of what you do with the information, you have deducted from what you have seen. The said man may be her brother an old friend.If your best mates wife is playing away and you are in no doubt, for mine I would tell him. What your mate does after with the information is his moral dilemma. "How would you know what mental health consequences these soldiers may have subsequently experienced through their guilt." Most of them are in denial about the events of the 'Final Solution' it is all well documented, so spare me your attempt at Freud. For your information, my father was wounded at the Normandy landings and had shock treatment after the war.(He was a pacifist) My own brother is a Vietnam vet with PTSD. I myself am old enough to remember WW1 soldiers coughing their lungs up in the Royal Adelaide hospital in the fifties and sixties, from the effects of gas. So spare me your sanctimonious ramblings pahlease. "It must be comforting to believe that you know all these answers." I wouldn't normally reply to condescending twaddle such as yours, but for the record, no I don't know all the answers. But I do know what's right and wrong which you clearly do not. If you have a PhD in one of the social sciences or Psychology I suggest you ask the university you attended for your money back. You must have a cognitive dissonance problem. There is no moral dilemma here about the main point that started this merry go round. If Thompson has been using union funds for his own purposes, notwithstanding the rules/legalities or other wise he is morally wrong, and none of your red herrings, or straw men, will change that salient fact.


1/05/2012Gary M (1)[quote]"There is no moral dilemma here about the main point that started this merry go round"[/quote] Well talk about tying yourself up in knots. If you would bother to revisit my first post on the matter, the word "moral" does not appear. At this stage of the proceedings there appears to be no law broken by Thompson, no-one has referenced any such law, and if this remains the case, regardless of his actions, Thompson has not broken the law, any law. (2[quote]"he is morally wrong"[/quote] At no stage in this thread have I argued that anyone has done right or wrong, morally or otherwise. I have simply reflected on the fact that Thompson's actions cannot be illegal unless he has broken a law, a law. Just to restate, our western legal system does not police conduct of citizens on the basis of "moral law" as interpreted by you or me or the queen of sheba. The view you propose has simply no basis in history, logic, or common sense. It is a figment of.......


1/05/2012NormanK, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the old "leadership speculation", "worried backbencher" flannel. The msm always falls back on that old chestnut when all's quiet on the Western Front or the PM has pulled another swifty. I think they may have finally twigged that she's done it again. I had a light bulb moment when I was writing a comment about the PM asking Thomson to resign from the ALP and move to the cross benches. That she'd finally asked him to step aside after refusing to do so for 2 years, seemed out of character to me as did the rather lame reason. Ditto Slipper. Then it struck me. Thomson and Slipper have been neutralised. They are now both Independents sitting on the cross benches and are [b]no longer the government's problem.[/b] So when Parliament resumes, the Liars won't be able to use either MP as a stick to beat the government with, because they're part of the government. The government will be assured of their support, so it will still have its buffer. Most importantly, the budget will be safe and so will Thomson, Slipper, the PM and the government. In fact, I think this is the safest she and the government will have been since she took the challenge and stepped, uncertainly into the role she was born to take. The other great result is that the msm are completely stuffed wrt beating up their own failure. Coke Bottles and the rest of the idiots have been flambammed yet again by some fancy footwork and a fine acting performance. She must have been terrified she'd start guffawing at the presser. But I reckon she and Tim would have been rofl for hours! Thomson was possibly in on the scam but I'm not certain Slipper would have been. Who cares, she's f*cked the msm and the Liars over again and I love it!!! Liealot probably knows she's out foxed him again, because there's been precious little baying from the Liars about Thomson or Slipper since they sashayed to the cross benches. And it appears from 2353's comment upthread that Thomson may finally be OK and Slipper is also looking safer by the hour, dashing Liars hopes once more. As for the peripheral noise from the ALP, perhaps they're just having a bit of fun at the expense of Rupert's Robots. It's about time.

Gary M

1/05/2012"Just to restate, our western legal system does not police conduct of citizens on the basis of "moral law" as interpreted by you or me or the queen of sheba." Jesus H Christ are you for real? What do you think all law is based on then ?, If it feels good do it. Murder, illegal morally wrong - Stealing, illegal morally wrong, - rape illegal morally wrong. Trying to root ya mates missus not illegal, but yep you guessed it, morally wrong.OBTW on the latter, cemeteries are full of men who thought it was o/k to root their mates wife. No moral confusion there then. And I will repeat for you, I could care less if he (Thompson)has not broken any laws, regulations, etc, etc, ad nauseum etc. He has been accused of tickling the union till. Denying he has not done anything legally wrong, does not negate the fact he is morally wrong, if indeed he has been doing what the union says he has been doing. If you are trying to tell me because a law doesn't cover what most people would consider a scandal, obscene, or down right Yep... morally bankrupt, you are having a laugh. I agree with you, that Abbott and the coterie of shit bags that sit in opposition are using this affair for all it's worth. I am old enough to know this,- This whole affair may be a put up job, and as each day passes, It is starting to smell like rotten fish. What is more, I would rather have my bollocks squeezed in a vice and toe nails removed via my anus than contemplate having Tony Abbott as P.M. He will make Australia look like a laughing stock. He has already got the George Bush swagger and looks like he is carrying a merino ram under each arm when he walks. If I hear one more word about his physical appearance, which in my opinion being an x weightlifter, he looks emaciated. I think I will go dead set mad. But I digress. Is all I am saying is, Thompson is obviously not the type of person to be serving in parliament,we will leave it at that. Brother!!!


2/05/2012Gary M, it may have escaped your notice, but being accused of committing a crime is not proof that you have committed the crime. That's why the law states that you are innocent UNLESS proved guilty in a court of law. Much as you'd prefer that just making the accusation should be sufficient, thankfully that's not how it works. WRT Thomson, an accusation has been made that he fiddled the till. However if it is found that in fact he did no such thing, then he is legally and morally not guilty. Just because you may not like or agree with the decision, is beside the point. It appears to be increasingly likely that Thomson has no case to answer as he has constantly stated. If so, the assumption would be that he did not abuse his position. Which means he is exactly the type of person to be serving in Parliament.


2/05/2012Gary M, an accusation isn't proof. anyone accused of a crime is entitled to the presumption of innocence UNLESS proved guilty. As it seems increasingly likely that Thomson will have no case to answer, the assumption is that he did not do what he is accused of doing, whether you choose to believe it or not. Which means that he is exactly the type of person to be serving in Parliament.


2/05/2012 (1)[quote]"Murder, illegal morally wrong - Stealing, illegal morally wrong, - rape illegal morally wrong. "[/quote] Killing civilians in war by drones..... legally correct/morally wrong. (2) [quote]"Trying to root ya mates missus not illegal, but yep you guessed it, morally wrong.OBTW on the latter, cemeteries are full of men who thought it was o/k to root their mates wife.[/quote] Thanks for confirming my argument. It's the cemetries that may well be full of such persons. But the act you crudely describe is not illegal. No-one is in gaol under our legal system for that reason. (Except in some countries under your favoured law form ie "moral" law ie Sharia.) QED BTW Amazon have [quote]Logic For Beginners[/quote] on sale at the moment.

Gary M

2/05/2012 "Thanks for confirming my argument. It's the cemetries that may well be full of such persons. But the act you crudely describe is not illegal. No-one is in gaol under our legal system for that reason. (Except in some countries under your favoured law form ie "moral" law ie Sharia.) QED" You obviously must be dyslexic? I said it wasn't illegal.I never said anyone was in gaol for any reason. "BTW Amazon have Logic For Beginners on sale at the moment." Best buy your self a copy.

Gary M

2/05/2012"It appears to be increasingly likely that Thomson has no case to answer as he has constantly stated. If so, the assumption would be that he did not abuse his position." Yea right!Don't hold your breath. He will be charged with something of that I am sure. Heard the news? The NSW police have raided the offices of the HSU. Watch this space.

Gary M

2/05/2012"Gary M, it may have escaped your notice, but being accused of committing a crime is not proof that you have committed the crime." Please spare me the obvious. Where did I say Thompson was guilty of anything? It has been stated by comments here, clearly that Thompson, because rules or regulations or by omission doesn't cover fiddling your employer then ipso facto, he is innocent of any crime. These are weasel words and most sane people would find that action morally repugnant. What part of that don't you understand?


2/05/2012Why do journalists have so much difficulty being objective? For me it is a question of culture. I think the House of Commons findings in their inquiry last night gives us the answer - "corporate culture of News Ltd". In Australia with News owning over 60% of our print media and the current ABC's head a Howard man the diversity of culture and ethics is diminished. At the end of the day we have to do want our employers want or we seek alternative employment. With current saturation of media where is the alternate employment avenues. Also given that the cadet reporter will be socialised into the employing culture being "objective" in itself is political statement. As Murdoch said in his evidence at Leveson when the unions legal team where questioning him about an employee complaining "did they leave" Also his reason for not acting on News of the worls sooner 'the people kept buying it. I think the answer will someday come from the reporters themselves when they realise and accept their professionalism is compromised and the people stop listening and stop buying their products. Thanks again Ad for a thought provoking topic.
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?