Getting some balance into the RSPT debate

There has been much heat emanating from the RSPT debate, but little light to illuminate the details in a way that enables neutral people to be informed in a balanced way.

This piece brings together a number of articles and opinions that paint a somewhat different picture from that portrayed by the mining companies, the Abbott Party, and the media where the commentary has be largely antipathetic.  The articles are generally in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

In the interests of balance, the link to the Henry Tax Review: Australia’s future tax system released on 2 May is here.  The most recent Treasurer’s Economic Note of 24 May, which addresses ‘RSPT myths’ is here,  and the Minerals Council’s 25 May document: The truth about the super tax – the myths and the facts is here

The following is a collection articles relevant to the RSPT.  Most are accompanied by a short excerpt that summarizes the main points.  To read the full article, click the title.

The contribution of Peter Martin’s blog–site is acknowledged.  Because he has taken a special interest in the RSPT, there are more articles and links there than on any other site.

UPDATE 28 May from Peter Martin’s blog-site: Henry: Frankly there is more than enough investment in train in the mining sector...  There you will also find the link to the complete transcript of yesterday’s Senate Estimates hearings where Ken Henry was interviewed. 

Martin’s piece begins “The mining industry did not save Australia from recession as is widely believed, according to the head of the Treasury. And any investor who thinks the proposed new tax is causing stock market jitters deserves to do their dough.

“In two hours of calm, defiant and at times barbed evidence to a Senate committee just ahead of leaving on an overseas holiday Treasury boss Ken Henry rubbished claims the mining industry was Australia's Saviour, poured scorn on suggestions that it was highly taxed and inferred that what its executives say in private they don't repeat in public.  Asked whether the government was planning to water down the proposed new tax in response to industry concerns he said he was aware of no such proposal.  Asked whether he still expected mining investment to boom as forecast in the budget he said he had seen nothing to make him change his mind.”

To read his full piece, and use the link to the transcript, click here.  

Written as long ago as 28 April by Peter Martin, We'll still be mining begins: “Don't believe everything you read in the paper. Particularly not headlines like this in Monday's Australian: ‘Mining tax will kill industry’. It is not only wrong, it's also incredibly familiar.”  and ends “Minerals are about the most bolted down thing we have. Companies that want to extract our resources have no choice but to pay our taxes, even if they delay doing so until other mines become expensive. They are even digging up our gold, two decades after an impost that was going to stifle mining growth, destroy jobs and slash export earnings.”  

Martin’s 19 May piece Henry to miners - no compromise on where the tax kicks in begins “Treasury boss Ken Henry has flatly rejected talk of a compromise over the mining super profit tax saying to give in on the threshold would overcompensate miners to the point where they might not actually mine.”  Later: “When told mining companies didn't see things that way Dr Henry said he did "not want to debate the relative merits of intuition over analysis," adding "obviously I have a marked sympathy with the later."  I don't know how many times in 25 years I've been told... well that's all very well in theory but it's not actually how the real world works, only to observe years down the track that the people we call call financial engineers who can translate theory into practice at the speed of light have moved so quickly and done so much that governments have had to respond and at last recognise the power of the theory over perceptions of what the real world is like."

On 24 May Treasury released its paper Disparities in average rates of company tax across industries that can be accessed in Martin’s Treasury strikes back – Disparities in Average Tax Rates.  Martin’s quotes one paragraph: "With the exception of the finance & insurance industry, all industries pay a less than proportionate amount of tax, relative to their contributions towards gross operating surplus. The standout industries are mining and electricity, gas and water - the latter is of particular note with a contribution of less than 1 per cent to corporate tax collections for the 2004-05 financial year, but 7 per cent of corporate gross operating surplus." 

If you want to know what Rio Tinto had to say, read Martin’s 24 May: Believable statement? Rio says Australia number one sovereign risk worldwide  Rio’s Tom Albanese concluded: "If the tax had been in place 10 years ago, we would not have made the investment ... in the Pilbara..."

Those interested in the tenor of Fortescue’s letter to shareholders published on 25 May can read it in full.  Martin’s concluding comment is “Fortunately one of the questions in the letter can be cleared up straight away:  To make the point, imagine for a moment that your home loan was based on you failing to make your mortgage repayments and the house being sold in a mortgagee-in-possession auction. Do you think your banker would be happy that someone would make good 40 per cent of the loss as a reason to lend you the money - in return for taking 40 per cent of your income? The same income they were relying on to allow you to repay the loan? Clearly the banker would have stopped you buying the house because they rely on believable repayment schedules, not bankruptcy events.

“The answer is 'yes'.”

On 22 May Martin begins his piece: It's not a tax, it applies to more than super profits, so how did so many people get it so wrong? “Books will be written. By the way, the government will win this one.

“Someone somewhere in the Treasurer's office must be deeply regretting ever calling it a Super Profits Tax. For one thing it applies to profits that are pretty ordinary. For another, it's not a tax...” and concludes: “A previous Labor government lost office in 1975 when it tried to borrow $4 billion to buy back mines from mining companies. This government is planning to use legislative muscle to buy in. Neither has proved popular.” 

On 24 May, Ross Gittins, writing in his typically acerbic way in Gittins today - How Rudd got into the mess concludes: “And the precedent of weakness he set with all his cave-ins to miners and other rent-seekers over the emissions trading scheme means giving the miners something this time would be more likely to further incite their greed than calm them.  Rudd is a weak man fallen among thieves. He may be from Queensland, but his moral compass now comes courtesy of Sussex Street. I'm sure he remains convinced of his own uprightness, but clinging to office comes first.  Actually, for a bunch that puts political expediency above all, Rudd's cynical advisers have made a succession of bad calls...”

To highlight how deceptive the mining industry has been with at least some of its representations, read Martin’s 25 May piece: Mistrust anyone who produces a graph like this.  The miners have used the oldest dirty trick in the book in representing statistics by truncating the bars in a bar graph.  Take a look at the first graph that gives the impression that the miners paid around three times as much tax as other industries, but note that the scale on the vertical axis starts at 22% and goes to 29%.  Then look at the second graph and note how the bars look when the vertical axis starts at zero.  To use such a trick shows the level of deceit to which the miners have stooped.  Note that what is being featured here is the deceptive way the data is being presented, not the actual figures, which themselves are debatable. 

Martin’s piece of 22 May: Resources tax: Australia may be the first, we won't be the last begins: “The Paris-based Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development has swung its weight behind Australia's proposed resource tax saying it represents a ‘sharing of the bonanza’ and will not frighten away foreign investors.  The extraordinary intervention in support of the tax, in an ABC radio interview to be broadcast tomorrow suggests the so-called "rich nations club" regards the 40 per cent tax as a model to be followed by other members trying to regain control of their budgets.  Angel Gurría the Mexican-born OECD Secretary-General told the Sunday Profile program the tax was one of ‘a number of preferred ways in which we like to see tax structutres work’.”

To see the Henry Review paper that details the effective tax rates different industries pay in different countries read Martin’s 23 May piece: So what effective tax rates do mining companies actually pay?  You will see this is where the 17% figure for mining has been derived.

Martin’s 24 May piece: Okay so no-one likes to part with profit, but the mining fight is becoming a spectator sport concludes with: “Economist Ross Garnaut appealed for peace labeling the industry campaign "dangerous from a number of points of view". Simply to roll the Treasury on an issue that's been subject of very careful analysis without a lot of very careful analysis being the basis of variation of policy, I think would be very dangerous," he told the ABC.

"We need a strong Australian policy making process, we need a strong independent centre of Australian policy making, that's what gave us 20 years of reform and what is the main reason why we're in better shape than most of the world right now.  To simply have pressure from industry roll this, rather than have a good discussion in the public interest leading to legislation would, I think, be dangerous."

You will enjoy reading Martin’s 25 May piece Five easy pieces - the Mining Super Profits Tax.  All are succinct.

For a wry smile read Peter Martin's piece of yesterday What the experts think about the outlook for BHP and Rio? which points to what the market thinks of BHP and Rio’s prospects for investors.

If you want to read something positive about the RSPT, read Martin’s Three of the best things written about the Resource Super Profits Tax of yesterday where he gives the opinions of “Ben Smith, consultant to the 1986 Gutman inquiry into the taxation of gold mining that recommended the exemption be removed, subsequently making Australia making billions, John Freebairn of the economics faculty at Melbourne University who has the most lateral tax mind in the business as well as the most human understanding, and Alan Mitchell, economics editor of the Australian Financial Review who sees clearly where others see fog.”

Martin insists: “These pieces shows each at the top of their game.

In his 26 May piece How much tax? Martin publishes an critical article “Ian McIlwraith has dug where the Treasury appears not to: If the Treasury analysis of corporate tax, released by Treasurer Wayne Swan and recommended by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, is an example of the quality of that department's work generally - we're in deep trouble. After a heated 48-hour exchange of statistical fire, in which two US academics became collateral damage because their research was used as a weapon it was never designed to be, Rudd and Swan's army retreated to what it thought was higher ground, firing off a soon-to-be-published piece of Treasury research.” that concludes: “That says that the current tax regime is very inefficient in converting company income into tax receipts - something Henry's review was supposed to fix, and it is difficult to see why dropping the corporate tax rate to 28 per cent will fix it.”

Then yesterday we had Martin’s Resource Tax: 22 leading economists speak out that begins: "Although it is appropriate to debate modifications to the design of the proposed Resource Super Profits Tax, the current public criticism of the proposed tax has been dominated by misinformation."  The statement is reproduced.

John Quiqqin was one of the authors.  On his website there was Resource rent tax statement with links to the statement and press release. 

Crikey has good some articles: Yesterday Don’t look at what the miners say, look at what they do by Glen Dyer and Bernard Keane, concludes: “The ‘debate’ over the RSPT is increasingly boiling down to a simple contest between the Government and a number of huge, mainly foreign companies that are systematically lying about the impact of the tax — as demonstrated by their own actions — and who have in effect hired the Opposition in order to run a political campaign of obstruction.  These are very large, very wealthy companies used to getting their way with most of the governments they deal with. In an hitherto unseen demonstration of backbone, the Rudd Government has dared to take them on. And as Ross Gittins has pointed out, they’re deeply concerned that other governments will follow our lead. This is not just about the extra tax the biggest miners will be paying here, but about the extra tax they’ll find themselves paying overseas as well.  But as always, don’t look at what they say, look at what they do. And they’re spending up big here.”

Today in Crikey Adam Schwab’s: How the RSPT may end up costing taxpayers begins: “The biggest problem with the resources super tax is not, as the big miners had earlier tried to argue that it involves too much tax being paid - rather, that the so-called tax may end up being a cost to Australians. That is because under the proposal, the “government will effectively make a contribution of 40% to the costs of the project outlaid by the entity. [With those entities] able to access the contribution by deducting the costs outlaid on a project from: the project’s RSPT income; from income of another project owned by the entity or owned by another entity of the same wholly owned company group”.

If you’re not yet satiated there is more:

Resource debate needs less heat more light and Garnaut’s got the goods on mining taxes, both by Tim Colebatch, on his blogsite, Double bind of the minerals bonanza and Mining the figures uncovers deception by George Megalogenis on his Meganomics blogsite, Canberra doesn't mind if a few miners get shafted by Michael Stutchbury in The Australian, Our oldest enemy by Nicholas Gruen on Club Troppo, Risk and RSPT  and Attacking messengers by Joshua Gans on Core Economics, and Big update: Unravelling the RSPT and The RSPT as we know it will be dead before long by Christopher Joye on his blogsite.

Of course there are many other articles in the MSM on the RSPT, many written by non-economists, some by political commentators who focus more on the politics than the economics.  The above articles focus mainly on the economics and the factual aspects of this complicated debate.  I trust they will shine some light onto the facts that have been so overshadowed by the furious hyperbole emanating from both contestants in this emotive debate, and perpetrated by the media, much of which chooses to represent the RSPT negatively, often in doom and gloom terms.  I trust this collection of articles will provide better balance to this debate, so convoluted as it has been by misinformation and too often, outright lies.

Tell us what you think.


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27/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Bushfire Bill

27/05/2010Never fear TPSers! The increasing hysteria can only signal that the miners and their fanboys at the Coalition believe they are losing the RSPT debate. What next? Puppies and kittens die because pet food comes in cans? You either have to believe the miners with the funny names and the foreign accents, who style themselves as "Dinky-Di Aussies", just enjoy putting the boot in with ever more crazy scenarios, or they think they have to use every bit of the ammunition they have in a last ditch attempt to turn public opinion. They're like the cowboy who runs out of bullets and chucks his gun at the Bad Guy... but have you [i]ever[/i] seen the projectile actually [i]hit[/i] the baddie? I thought so. It always misses doesn't it? If we needed any further examples of how desperate the Coalition have become, just look at today's "Unapproved Version" of their Asylum Seeker policy. Too scared to put it past his backbenchers Phony Tony just sprung it on an unsuspecting public. Unsuspecting? Yes, apparently: Jor Hockey had a door-stopper scheduled for the same time as the abbott/Morrison announcement and had to cancel it. I guess they were worried about people being confused. The only confusing thing about todays A/S announcement was: Why do they bother? I can provide an answer: because they needed to take the heat off the RSPT debate that they're losing. I know AA thinks rational argument from the government should be part and parcel of the whole thing. But I beg to disagree. The crazier the better, as long as the government is one stop less crazy than the Coalition. Swannie is a street-fighter. I'm very pleased Kevin has given him his head and let him lead the debate. Lindsay has also done an excellent job. Between the two of them, a rising stock market and the increasingly lurid nature of the miners' arguments, that should be enough to stop Shanahan's "Rudd About To Backflip" nonsense cold. It was only run to seed the Newspoll and it seems to have disappeared rather suddenly. And good riddance. This will be a win for the government, maybe not in the next few days, but certainly in the next few weeks. They've got their mojo back.


27/05/2010Whew! Great collection AA


27/05/2010BB re CC the climate change office and various quangos have some v positive figures re take up of renewables Tones corner is getting tinier and tinier pass the paint


27/05/2010Hi Ad Ad, thankyou for your marvellous piece, "Getting some balance into the RSPT". Your links are wonderful Ad. I had been following the RSPT with vigor, then Fraser resigned, Julie Bishop took over with her major gaffe, now , Abbott announces the Coalitions, Refugee Policy, Border Control, Pacific solution, Asylum Seeker Policy, as Bushfire Bill says they needed to take the heat of the RSPT. I agree with Bushfire Bill, Phoney Tony is losing the debate on the RSPT . Ken Henry announced: Opposition leader's claim that the tax would hit the cost of living,Dr Henry said he had learned in high school that a “profits-based tax should not affect prices.”


27/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2 [/b] [i]So, who do we believe, Henry or Abbott? Only one answer to that. Day by Day[/i] Opposition leader's claim that the tax would hit the cost of living, Dr Henry said he had learned in high school that a “profits-based tax should not affect prices.” [i]THE DISTILLERY: Bulls mauled by bears, David Llewellyn - Smith, Business Spectator [/i]The Australian reports that the Rudd government is set to raise the uplift rate in the resource super profits tax (RSPT) and cut the co-investment model to fund it. [i]Architect of Australia's resource tax rejects reports of changes,Platts[/i] Citing unnamed sources within the government, The Australian newspaper reported Thursday that the government was set to raise the threshold of when the returns of a project are defined as a super profit to 11% or 12%, from the stated long-term government bond rate of 6%, after receiving the panel's report. [i]Treasury boss Ken Henry defends Kevin Rudd's mining super tax , Herald Sun[/i] TREASURY secretary Ken Henry has shut down claims a super-profits tax would stifle mining in Australia and push up prices. [i]RSPT: A tax loss, Steve Keen, ABC[/i] However I can't go along with the Resource Super Profits Tax as it has been designed, and precisely for the reason given by Ross Gittins in the SMH:

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27/05/2010Folks Take a look at Peter Martin's [i]A taste of Henry[/i]

mick smetafor

27/05/2010sorry to get off topic,this link belongs on the previous post but even sir ian might like to look.

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27/05/2010LYN's DAILY LINKS updated:


27/05/2010Mick After he has made the Tea if you dont mind :)


27/05/2010Hi Ad Thanks for the Peter Martin Link, Peter is so reliable, something everyday good isn't he. Did you notice Peter has listed [b]The Political Sword[/b]on the side bar of his column: [b][quote]picks “I want my country back” [quote]The Political Sword | Getting some balance into the RSPT debate[/quote] Curtains For Why is it so difficult to develop drugs for cancer? Gladwell NewYorker[/quote][/b]

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27/05/2010Lyn I'm glad you've enjoyed this piece. When Peter Martin's piece on the transcript of Ken Henry's statements to the Senate Estimates is available, I'll add it. It will be great reading.


27/05/2010Hi Gusface With a dash of cream.


27/05/2010Hi mick smetafor Thanks for the link to Peter Brent's piece, I will put it up with the next lot of links Ad will probably like to list it on the Political Sword's Home Page.

Nature 5

27/05/2010Now that's doing one's homework. Excellent work.


27/05/2010BB, your right the government have their mojo back and now, the good happy clappers need to wheel out boat people and all other distractions after Ken Henry turned up at the salom witch trials and put Eric Abetz and Barn yard mute. If anyone was in doubt they only had to see question time today Henry silenced them.

Ad astra reply

27/05/2010BB Every day, more and more, I get the feeling you're right - the anti-RSPT balloon is deflating and Ken Henry's statements today should burst it completely. I hope the Government sticks to its guns, and if it makes any changes that they give no advantage to the big miners, who Henry told us today did not save us from recession after all despite what the miners and their sycophants Abbott and Hockey tried to tell us.

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27/05/2010grog, Nature 5 Many thanks for your kind remarks.


27/05/2010Lyn You are a very perceptive tweety :)


27/05/2010I, for one, will fight to my dying breath against the takeover of our Western Democracies by the global corporatocracy. They are the natural consequence of globalisation, as national trade barriers have disappeared over the last few decades and these multinational corporations merged and aquired each other to the point where their financial wealth outstrips that of many countries, especially at the moment as we shudder and shake our way through the results of the actions of that other great multinational corporate power bloc, the banking industry. Can you believe it? These entities have squirreled away more money during the good times, and are more cashed up than many countries around the world at the moment. So, of course they can fund the most massive disinformation campaign since 'Animal Farm'. I was doing my shopping today and listening to music on my mobile, as I do, to drown out the, "Security to Children's Wear" and screaming toddler noise, when, in just about every ad break inbetween the music, the 'Keep Mining Strong" propaganda ad came blasting into my brain. They've obviously purchased the best voiceover talent that money can buy, with just the right amount of headmasterly timbre in their voice so as to sound authoritative and as if you cannot but help trust that what they are saying is right. However, what the 'Voice of Doom'(if the RSPT goes ahead, that is), was saying was simply a bunch of lies. Firstly was the assertion, debinked by Dr Henry today in Senate Estimates, that the Mining Industry saved Australia from recession. When, in fact, as Ken Henry pointed out, the Mining Industry shed jobs like dandruff when the GFC hit. Ergo, no tax, Mining Industry can save Australia no matter what storms may visit themselves upon our economy, but with the RSPT, they will become so financially-enfeebled that they won't be able to save the nation's bacon ever again. Which is pure poppycock. Not only that, but I have seen the dashing and debonair Mitch Hooke(and don't you think the grubby miners chose him to be their frontman for that exact reason?), only recently go on ABC Breakfast and state that the States own the minerals! Nothing could be further from the truth, but he is peddling this lie in order to substantiate the other assertions that he makes with a straight face to the cameras and microphones. Also, I have noted that the Miners are employing a technique that has been the anti-progress rallying cry of the Republican Party in the US. That is, this proposal is so flawed, they say, the only thing to do is scrap it, and go back to the drawing board. What they don't say is that if the government were to acede to that request, with the sniff of victory in their nostrils, all they would do then is cavill over every detail along the road to a conclusion to negotiations, endlessly. To the point where, the end result would bear no resemblance whatsoever to the original concept that the government had in mind, and the resulting beast would have been so emasculated as to be farcical. Pretty much like the ETS ended up being. Anyway, if I were the Rudd government, I would be getting out MY bully pulpit in every electorate in the country, as the Mining Industry is so obviously doing, and getting all the candidates in the upcoming election to organise Town Hall community meetings about the RSPT. I would develop a simple message to take to the people, and I would hammer it for as long as the Miners keep drawing breath to push their disinformation campaign. Fight fire with fire, or go down in flames. Again.


27/05/2010HS when the time comes metaphorically all of us will be needed to man the barricades liberte fraternite egalitarite


27/05/2010Posted Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6:00 pm | Poll Bludger: Batts on the Front page of Their ABC Online – Yep helping the Liberal Vote during Newspoll.


27/05/2010HS now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party with regards specifically to the ABC "by their words shall they be judged" And we shall judge them! :)


27/05/2010Hi Ad Here is delighful Grog, Grog your pieces are always excellent but this one is exceptional, thankyou so much. [i]On the QT: High School Economics and the Solution with no name, GROG, GROG"S GAMUT[/i] This is of course meaningless bullshit. They won’t turn them back. They only did that on the very quiet back in 2001 and the Indonesian Government was furious


27/05/2010Gusface, aka 'sausage fingers', 'liberte fraternite egalitarite' That's 'egalite' :)


27/05/2010HS I try to encompass those who egalitarianism may not embrace LOL ps I always stuff up the "egalite" -maybe I have conservative traits NURSE


27/05/2010A suggestion that I read elsewhere is that the Government commit a certain percentage of the RSPT revenue to a national dental scheme. It would be difficult for the reactionaries to argue against that, and difficult for the voters to vote against it.

Acerbic Conehead

28/05/2010AA, Kev is trying to get a bit of balance into the RSPT debate by mining his rock repertoire and singing his version of that classic Aretha Franklin number, “ReSPecT”. So sing along and help Kev entice Twiggy Forest out of the pits. :- ) What you want Twiggy, no way dammit All your greed Nothin’ but the pits, get it? All I'm askin' Is for a little ReSPecT when you’re creamin’ the dough (just a little bit) Hey Twiggy (just a little bit) when you’re creamin’ the dough (just a little bit) Twiggy (just a little bit) :- ) Ain't gonna do us any good when it’s gone So you lot can quit comin’ the raw prawn All we’re askin' Is for a little ReSPecT when you’re creamin’ the dough (just a little bit) Twiggy (just a little bit) when you’re creamin’ the dough (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit) :- ) No-one’s tryin’ to keep all of your money And all we’re askin' in return, sonny Is to give us our desserts When you’re creamin’ the dough (just a, just a, just a, just a) Yeah Twiggy (just a, just a, just a, just a) When you’re creamin’ the dough (just a little bit) Yeah (just a little bit) :- ) R-e-S-P-e-c-T Find out what it means to us R-e-S-P-e-c-T Don’t be such a sour puss


28/05/2010[b][i]TODAY'S LINKS[/i][/b] [i]On the QT: High School Economics and the Solution with no name, GROG, GROG"S GAMUT[/i] This is of course meaningless bullshit. They won’t turn them back. They only did that on the very quiet back in 2001 and the Indonesian Government was furious [i]Abbott’s new Pacific Solution,Crikey[/i] TPVs were a notable and well-identified failure under the Howard government. , [i]Back to the future with tough love ,Yuko Narushima, National times[/i] Despite their demonstrated failure, the Coalition says it wants to revive punitive polices to give genuine refugees a better deal. [i]Coalition's 'Back to the Future' Refugee Policy Splits Libs, Rich Bowden,The Angle[/i] Judi Moylan and Judith Troeth, confronted Mr Abbott in his office to complain that no chance for discussion over the policy had been allowed before the announcement of the policy to the media., [i]A strange time for election watchers, Peter Brent, Mumble, Inside Story.[/i]opposition leader Tony Abbott is very difficult to vote for. Even if the electorate has tired of the Rudd government, it needs to be reassured that the alternative is safe. Under Abbott this is a huge task, [i]Phoney Tony stumbles under fire ,Mungo MacCallum,[/i] [i]The Northern Rivers Echo[/i] but the news coverage centred around Abbott and Hockey’s unforgivable snubbing of the people who really run things in Canberra. [i]Entitled to your opinion, too, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless.[/i] The fact that almost nobody in the Liberal Party truly values Fraser's legacy gives the lie to Wright's mis-analysis that the Liberal Party is fixed in place like the fence around a cattle-yard. [i]Stephen Conroy: Rupert Murdoch’s wisdom made me give all that money to the free TV networks, Mumbrella[/i] the furious reaction at the time by the Murdoch titles suggest that Conroy’s comments this week are intended to irritate the media mogul. [i]Fraser: The right goes all mushy , The Piping Shrike[/i] the pyrotechnics of Abbott who is getting more shrill by the day in his attempt to create an opposition out of nothing. [i]The Cheek, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Howard government minister Kevin Andrews trying to blame the housing affordability crisis on Labor: [i]And they wonder why Malcolm left, Richard Farmer, Politicalow[/i] a policy that will certainly split the parliamentary Liberal Party [i]SHAME FRASER SHAME: Libs cry fraud over Fraser’s book boosting at party gatherings, Vex News[/i] if the Rat had a conscience, how could he in good faith present himself to Liberal Party members at Party HQ, spruiking his book,


28/05/2010'Judi Moylan and Judith Troeth, confronted Mr Abbott in his office to complain that no chance for discussion over the policy had been allowed before the announcement of the policy to the media.,' Oh, but they got some 'serious face time' with the Coalition Messiah, doncha know? Normally he wouldn't give them the time of day, I imagine.


28/05/2010Acerbic C., There's no RESPECT for Asylum Seekers though, in the Abbott Party, sadly.

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28/05/2010LYN's DAILY LNKS updated:

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28/05/2010AC Great lyrics - next you'll be composing the music.

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28/05/2010Rx That's a good suggestion, but if the Abbott Party is willing to sacrifice company tax reductions and better superannuation and infrastructure spending on the altar of opposing the Great Big New Tax that aims a 'dagger at the heart on the mining industry golden goose that is laying mountains of golden eggs', it would probably be just as willing to sacrifice dental health. The Abbott rhetoric is entirely political, aiming as does to garner votes rather than fashion a rational tax system, so for him it a matter of 'whatever it takes'.


28/05/2010"Now that's doing one's homework. Excellent work." I agree w/ N5. Well done. BTW, I was surprised at how aggressive Ross Gittins article was. Musta been havin' a bad day. Like so many of the press it seems these days. As I mentioned on another thread, I've posted a piece on Tony Abbott today: In old guard Abbott we trust? N'


28/05/2010Very frequently I go to this blog. It very greatly is pleasant to me. Thanks the author


28/05/2010[u]The Abbott rhetoric is entirely political, aiming as does to garner votes rather than fashion a rational tax system, so for him it a matter of 'whatever it takes'.[/u] Indeed ad Astra. It's a "say anything, do anything" to win Coalition under Abbott...been heading that way since 2000 when they began to take on so many characteristics of Fox News & the US Republicans (ironic for Monarchists Howard & Abbott eh?...phony opportunists). This is a useful post by Kim at Lavartus Prodeo: I commented there: "I get the feeling w/ Abbott as PM we’d get a Murdocracy". And we know the Murdoch empire will just about do & say anything to pay the bills & expand...get readership/viewership. Sad days indeed. N'


28/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2[/b] [i]Will voters board the HMAS Border Control?,Daily Media Wrap, Crikey[/i] Signs of mutiny are already afoot, with moderate Liberals immediately and publicly slamming the plan. [i]Back to The Future, JJ Fiasson, The Daily Bludge[/i] More likely he’s just an uncaring, cynical conservative who’ll do whatever it takes to come to power. [i]Asylum seeker policy 'an appeal to fear and racism', ABC[/i] Ultimately, people who come into our jurisdiction seeking asylum have done nothing illegal; their claims need to be assessed fairly and justly." [i]Reject Tony Abbott's values Australia( because they have no value at all), [b]Chris Owens, [/b][b]Sportolotics[/b].[/i] “We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come”, remember that they are a pack of mean-spirited, ignorant, lying, arseholes.

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28/05/2010HS Rousing words – that’s what is needed. It’s a re-run of the ETS debate – even the childish slogan ‘Great Big New Tax’ is the same. The miners bellyache about not being consulted. They were, in as far as they had a chance, like everyone else, to have input into the Henry Review, and they did, seeking a profits based tax to replace the royalty system. Which is what they got, and they knew about it in principle long before it was announced – we all did. It’s just that they didn’t like the detail because it meant they will have to pay more tax. Now they say they should have been consulted AFTER the RSPT was fashioned and before it was announced. We all know that would have resulted in just the same brawl we’re having now, as Lindsay Tanner pointed out recently on [i]Lateline[/i], so what would have been the point of that? As with countering Murdoch propaganda, it’s difficult for the Government to counter MCA propaganda. But it needs to doggedly persist with its intent to introduce the RSPT until its opponents have exhausted themselves and alienated the public with their incessant doom and gloom. If the Government decides to modify the scheme it should not disadvantage its budget bottom line. It has been hinted that the level at which the super tax kicks in might be raised, but to offset this, the benefits offered as part of the RSPT package to smaller mining companies for starting-up projects might be removed. That would diminish the quality of the scheme, but as has been pointed out, the smaller companies, who stand to benefit from the RSPT, have been conspicuous in their lack of support for the RSPT, no doubt too scared of the MCA to speak out. So they may shoot themselves in the foot. When the public is sick and tired of all the inflammatory over-the-top rhetoric of the miners, the Government needs to come in as the paragon of commonsense and reason with its counter-propaganda, probably in the lead up to the election. Usually the one who has the last say wins, so long as the miners and the Abbott Party have not so poisoned the voters’ minds that the position is irretrievable. It a matter of fine judgement to know when to jump, but what the Government has to offer is better superannuation and lower company tax, which I suspect will have more appeal in the electorate than protecting the goose that keeps too many of its golden eggs all to itself.

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28/05/2010Folks I have just now included an update from Peter Martin's blog site in the text of this piece: UPDATE 28 May from Peter Martin’s blog-site: [i]Henry: "Frankly there is more than enough investment in train in the mining sector...[/i] There you will find the link to the complete transcript of yesterday’s Senate Estimates hearings where Ken Henry was interviewed. Martin’s piece begins [i]“The mining industry did not save Australia from recession as is widely believed, according to the head of the Treasury. And any investor who thinks the proposed new tax is causing stock market jitters deserves to do their dough. “In two hours of calm, defiant and at times barbed evidence to a Senate committee just ahead of leaving on an overseas holiday Treasury boss Ken Henry rubbished claims the mining industry was Australia's Saviour, poured scorn on suggestions that it was highly taxed and inferred that what its executives say in private they don't repeat in public. Asked whether the government was planning to water down the proposed new tax in response to industry concerns he said he was aware of no such proposal. Asked whether he still expected mining investment to boom as forecast in the budget he said he had seen nothing to make him change his mind.”[/i] To read his full piece, and link to the transcript, click the link that follows.


28/05/2010Hi Ad This is our friend, Nasking's piece from Blogocrats. [i]In old guard Abbott we trust?, [b]Nasking, Blogocrats[/b][/i] Haven't failed to notice that Phillip Ruddock & Alexander Downer have crept back out of the shadows to eagerly support Tony Abbott on his latest “dog barking” policy announcements on refugees.


28/05/2010Anyone know what time Morgan Poll results come out today?


28/05/2010Latest Morgan out. Face to face 54.5/45.5 (ALP/Coalition) Telephone 50/50 Via PB


28/05/2010Hi Ad Morgan poll: [i]Labor arrests decline, says Morgan, but we’re divided on the RSPT, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] The government appears to have definitely stopped its loss of support


28/05/2010Phew! :)


28/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2 THE ABC[/b] [i]Just when you thought Liberals were leading..., Chris Uhlmann, ABC[/i] So despite the recent good news in the polls there is still a brittleness in the Coalition that could see the whole shebang collapse at any moment. [i]ALP's Phoney Tony risks falling flat on Twitter, Brigid Anderson, ABC[/i] Back in the Twittersphere, there was a mixed response to the Phoney Tony account, [b]with some accusing the ALP of mud-slinging and others backing the move[/b]. [i]Weekly wrap: strength, courage and cruelty, Ben Pobji, The Drum[/i] it is a strong and iron-fisted policy, one that tells the world just what a powerful, muscular, virile slab of testosterone Abbott truly is, and by contrast makes Kevin Rudd look, frankly, like the petulant schoolgirl [i]Super tax stoush prompts ad rule backflip, ABC[/i] The exemption was granted on Monday and the Opposition says it is "outrageous". [b]LIBERALS AD[/b] [b][i]LIBERALS NEW AD TO GO TO AIR THIS WEEKEND[/i][/b].

Ad astra reply

28/05/2010ABC WATCH updated: Thanks Lyn.


28/05/2010I must say, that new Lib campaign ad made me snicker a bit.


28/05/2010"Dodgy on detail? No problem! Just keep on making stuff up about Tony Abbott!" Oh the irony.


28/05/2010Hello Beerme Glad you dropped in, nobody's been around for hours. The Ad looks a first glance like a take away food ad, is that a Mcdonald's bag, kind of expect to see french fries somewhere. The voice over sounds like a food ad as well. Not good, Tony Abbott is very put out over the coming up, RSPT ad by Labor, ranting on about tax payers money, saying the government is desperate. cheers


28/05/2010It's a bit hypocritical of Tony Abbott to say that the government are wasting taxpayers' money, in their attempt to counter the well-funded disinformation ad campaign by the miners, when he knows that he is probably banking lots of their money right this minute for his own misleading ads in the run-up to the election. What are the government supposed to do, just sit back and cop it? Let the well-funded PR blitz trump their worthy initiative? No way!


28/05/2010Hi Ad More ABC [i]Never mind the rules, Labor wants its ads out, Barrie Cassidy, The Drum[/i] site=thedrum [quote]This has to take some beating. That's right. One minister has agreed with another minister Because - wait for it - there is "a national emergency, extreme urgency or other compelling reasons". the taxpayers will pay for the Government's efforts. You have big pockets too, apparently they quietly released the details of the advertising splurge. It is simply propaganda promoting a government policy. Rudd Government is already running expensive television advertisements on the new health arrangements. The guidelines that they operate under are wide enough to drive a truck through. it wouldn't do anything to repair the damage caused by the insulation program and it could further shred the Prime Minister's credibility. [/quote]


28/05/2010I've been away for a week and it appears that much has happened in my absence. Too much, in fact, to read and get a gist of the details. Would anybody be willing to fill me in on the main points?


29/05/2010Lenore Taylor has quite a good piece in today's [i]Sydney Morning Herald[/i]. Goes through a list of Abbott's many backflips and about-faces. He is presented as a cross between a weather vane and a circus troupe tumbler. Very flaky. Why are the rest of the mainstream media - News Ltd and their ABC - not running articles such as this alerting readers to the risk he represents? Seems they only want to give one side of the story ... an unremitting anti-Rudd diatribe. [b]Abbott no Captain Courageous[/b] [i]... Abbott's record since he became leader last December backs Hewson's assessment that he isn't exactly driven by policy consistency or courage.[/i]


29/05/2010Rx, You(and Lenore Taylor) are so very, very right. I think it's scandalous the way other commentators(like Barrie Cassidy above)in the media are totally ignoring the upside of any Rudd government initiative and instead seeking out the negative to play up to the hilt. It's almost as if they have not got over their Stockholm Syndrome from the Howard years and they are asking Abbott and the Coalition to "Hit Me Baby One More Time!" They are like sad little mice, dancing to the Pied Piper's tune.


29/05/2010Hi Miglo Good to see your sweet smile this morning. I will try to fill you in on what you missed: Well, you missed Julie Bishop,telling everyone"she didn't say what she said", she was on video. Phoney Tony is going to sink all the smugglers boats, so the evil boat people can drown,there, that solves off shore proccessing. The Coalition, are trying to sell Kevin Rudd as a new type of take away food, with a free recipe book. "Twiggy" Forrest is worried sick, he will only make 2 billion in 2010-2011, instead of 4 billion, he is going to throw an army of red arrows at Kevin Rudd, that should kill him off quick. Phoney Tony has had to miss his acting classes, to attend press conferences. Tone has been thinking hard about climate change, so he has changed. Hockey Joe is upset with Ken Henry, Ken is making him talk very cranky. Christopher Pyne, Bronnie Bishop and Julie Bishop got thrown out of question time. The ABC are working on new job criteria for journalists, number one requirement, applicants, must be able to bash Rudd to pulp, then kick him while he is down. I sincerely hope I have been some help to you Miglo Cheers


29/05/2010Folks, If you haven't already done so, please click on this link, register for the campaign, and [i]pass on the link[/i] to everyone in your Contacts list. JJ Fiasson writes: [b]CALL TO ARMS: MINING TAX"[/b] [i]... We can get top billing in google for the mining tax keywords if we take this approach, and that will truly allow us to influence the public debate.[/i]


29/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Morgan: 54.5-45.5 to Labor,William Bowe . The Poll Bludger.[/i] showing Labor with a dubiously big lead, after being in the ball park of the other agencies last week. The 54.5-45.5 result is a sharp upswing for Labor, comparing with 50.5-49.5 last week. [i]The (self-)destruction of Tony Abbott begins, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] This leaves Tony Abbott selling himself down the river on a hopeless mission and unable to come back once the inevitable defeat occurs - defeat electorally, defeat within the Liberal Party, and defeat psychologically [i]Rudd, miners dig in for the battle , LAURIE OAKES, Herald Sun[/i] Abbott's alternative - no mining tax, no company tax cut, and a 1.7 per cent tax increase for large companies - would see the same worker around $100 a year worse off. [i]Turnbull tips lively policy debate , Max Blenkin, SMH[/i] Former opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull has tipped a lively debate when Tony Abbott belatedly presents the coalition's hardline asylum seeker policy to the party room. [i]Henry cuts deep in mining critique ,PETER MARTIN AND KATHARINE MURPHY , Business Day[/i]Ken Henry rubbished claims the mining industry was Australia's saviour and poured scorn on suggestions that it was highly taxed. [i]Winners and losers of the Resource Profit Tax, Paul Frijters, Core Economics[/i] I consider Rudd exceptionally lucky with the current avalanche of misinformation and self-interested commentary coming from the rich mining companies, [i]The RSPT could cost Rudd at election time: Gottliebsen, Robert Gottliebsen, Smart Company[/i] This has become the corporate equivalent of the insulation debacle – a good idea badly implemented. [i]Govt uses emergency powers to back tax, John Phaceas, Business News[/i] the head of Minerals Council Australia Mitch Hooke has released a statement condemning the use of misleading radio advertisements outlining the current tax system for the mining industry [b]ABC[/b] [i]Government's mining tax ads 'outrageous', Abc[/i] Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane has told AM the Government is breaking its own rules to try to regain political momentum. [i]Government mining tax ad blitz to cost $38m,Saba Lane, ABC[/i] The Opposition says the ad campaign is also an admission the mining tax will have an adverse impact on the economy.


29/05/2010Ad Astra, Could you please add the following link to [i]TPS[/i]'s Sites of Interest list: [b]The Daily Bludge[/b] "Your daily source of independent, insightful and incisive analysis"


29/05/2010Hi Rx Thanks for the link to The Daily Bludge, excellent blog. I have put it here for Ad to include: [i]RUDD STRIKES BACK, JJ Fiasson, Daily Bludge[/i] Katharine Murphy has come out swinging against the this announcement, admitting that while ” there is a case to advertise the tax changes because they are far-reaching and complex… is there really a case to suspend its own standards of accountability to do it?”. ,,


29/05/2010For [b]ABC Watch[/b] please, Ad. The ABC doing their best to defuse an ALP campaign ... "ALP's Phoney Tony risks falling flat on Twitter"


29/05/2010Hi Lyn & Rx Peter Hartcher in today's SMH "Big miners gave Rudd the fight he was looking for" is saying that the RSPT is a premeditated plan to put Labor on the front foot again after the hysterically negative full frontal assault by Murdoch & the Abbott Tea Party on the Governments positive programmes (such as BER, HIS etc). It is worth a read and a link. If this is the case, then Rudd has successfully deployed "rope a dope" on the Abbott Tea Party who have boxed themselves into a corner by supporting Big Dirt on the RSPT debate.


29/05/2010Rx, I have done as you suggested. We are all in this fight against the corporate kleptocracy together. :)


29/05/2010Hi vote1maxine Thanks so much for your link. Sincerly hope you're right: [quote]then Rudd has successfully deployed "rope a dope"[/quote] Cheers

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29/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: ABC WATCH updated: Rx [i]The Daily Bludge[/i] has been added to 'sites of interest' in the right panel.


29/05/2010Thanks Lyn. I didn't really miss much after all: Abbott's still a nasty piece of work and Joe's still a goose. Silly me for thinking that something differemt might have happened.


29/05/2010At present, guys, I am battling on Twitter with Chris Berg over the RSPT! Into the Lion's den of Catallaxy and all that! :)


29/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Please be careful, can you put up a link, so we can go and have a look.


29/05/2010lyn, @chrisberg I'm HillbillySkill, because I cannot squeeze my full name into Twitter. I've has a bit of a break for lunch, but Chris Berg did give me access to the Treasury paper on the RSPT, which we should include here for everyone's edification. It's not too hard to wade through, actually and shows that Mining hasn't been paying its fair share:

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29/05/2010Lyn I read your answer to Miglo's question - has anything happened in the last week? What a delightful summary you’ve written. vote1maxine Peter Hartcher's was one of the most insightful articles I've read for a while. Let's hope we see more of this type of balanced comment to offset some of the partisan ravings that fill too many columns. Lyn, HS, Rx Barrie Cassidy's flagrantly partisan article raises a crucial question for Mark Scott. How can reporters and programme moderators whose responsibility it is to accurately report facts and solicit opinion from the key players, do that in a non-partisan way when they are permitted, perhaps encouraged, to write material for [i]The Drum[/i] which may be, and often is blatantly partisan, as was the case in Barrie Cassidy’s piece [i]Never mind the rule, Labor wants its ads out[/i] I for one will look differently at Barrie tomorrow on [i]Insiders[/i], through the optics of that anti-Government piece, and ask myself how he can be partisan one day and neutral the next. Is Mark Scott making a rod for the ABC’s and its reporters back by giving its reporters dual roles? [i]The Australian[/i] thinks so in its editorial of 26 May [i] Mark Scott must put news on top of the ABC agenda[/i]. Read what he has to say about [i]The Drum[/i].

Ad astra reply

29/05/2010HS I've added Treasury document: [i]Disparities in average rates of company tax across industries[/i] by Peter Greagg, Dean Parham and Pero Stojanovski1 to LYN'S DAILY LINKS. It's a very useful document.

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29/05/2010Folks As the link to Treasury document: [i]Disparities in average rates of company tax across industries[/i] by Peter Greagg, Dean Parham and Pero Stojanovski1 is not working via 'comments', visitors who want to view it should do so via LYN'S DAILY LINKS:

Canbra Dave

29/05/2010Ad Astra, I've contacted Jonathan Green personally via email over the Barrie Cassidy piece, particularly focusing upon his use of the words super tax on mining profits. While it is natural for the Liberal party MPs to pick up the line (that was obviously crafted by someone in Abbott's media office) it is quite shameful to see how quickly the rest of the media has run with the line, presumeably because it sounds catchy or something. We'll see if he responds back.


29/05/2010Another item for the [b]ABC Watch[/b] collection please, AA. [b]ABC in firing line over balancing act [/b] [i]The distributor of an Australian documentary sympathetic to the Palestinian cause was told it would not screen on the ABC until a program taking an opposing position was available for broadcast.[/i]


29/05/2010Hi Canbra Dave Good on you, can you let us know, what Jonathan Green says if you get a reply. It's just awful what is happening to the Abc. I was watching Saturday Agenda this morning hosted by Peter van Onselen. Interviewee Eric Abetz, honestly, they were both trying to pull Kevin Rudd's eyelashes out one by one. Marvellous how Peter van knows so much, about the inner workings of the Labor Party, [b]the Government, [/b]they would rather say Labor Party than Government, he even knows what they think and feel, who they like and don't like, as a matter of fact, I think Peter must be a personal, close confidant to every Labor Minister, the whole party tells him everything,even what they might think tomorrow. I get sickened by this unfounded, continual beat up about the Leadership, the media try to create, so they can then knock it down. The other thing that has become very noticeable, is the use of the , Australian Newspaper reports, when Sky news is interviewing, also used by the Liberal's in Parliament a lot lately. Free ads for the Oz, or lack of originality by lazy journalists, and opposition MP's. As Ad said above about Barrie Cassidy: [quote][i]How can reporters and programme moderators whose responsibility it is to accurately report facts and solicit opinion from the key players, do that in a non-partisan way when they are permitted, perhaps encouraged, to write material for The Drum which may be, and often is blatantly partisan,[/quote][/i] Here is the Peter van Onselen Video, on the Australian's page: [i]Gillard content to play waiting game, Peter van Onselen, The Australian[/i]. But when support wanes, a celebrity PM (think Kevin07) always looks cheap.


29/05/2010Lyn - Your summary of the latest news for Miglo was priceless. Much more to the point than the often spiteful headline to news items given by Christine Wallace on Breakfast Politics. I'll have to buy the latest cookbook put out by the Liberal Party - although my partner won't cook mudcakes.


29/05/2010Hi Ad [b]THIS IS A STOP PRESS REPORT, EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT.[/b] Great Big Woop !!!!!!! We all need to be well aquainted with the Liberal Party Candidates, right this minute. [b]The election is going to held in the next 3 minutes . [/b]It is very important the ABC inform us [b]immediately[/b] , of every single thing the Liberal Party says or does No story just an announcement, no comments invited. Oh! we did get told they are [b]SAFE labor seats.[/b] [b]Now that's important[/b]. Liberal Party announces preselection candidates, ABC The Liberal Party has pre-selected its candidates for the safe Labor seats of Canberra and Fraser.


29/05/2010Hi Ad [b]This is a very valuable blog for our ABC watch[/b] [i][b]Tell the ABC it's not good enough, STOP MURDOCH[/i[/b]]. 'The Australian's' political correspondent, Dennis Shanahan, is now a regular commentator on ABC Radio. (Hi, Tony Delroy!) Murdoch opinionists dominate the ABC1 political show 'The Insiders'. Ad I am not sure if your want to use this Insiders list, on our watch list or not: INSIDERS, REGULAR COMMENTATORS.


29/05/2010So I guess I won't be watching Insiders tomorrow morning. Guess who is going to be Barrie's guest for a softball interview to get the Liberal's Talking Points about about those nasty 'BoatPeople'? Yup, you guessed it. Scott Morrison. I wonder if Andrew 'Bigoted' Bolt., or Piers Attackerman will be on the couch to reinforce Morrison's bigoted propaganda? It's almost as if the ABC have given up any pretence of impartiality as we get closer to the election. Actually, I'm surprised about Jonathan Green's descent into the murky depths of anti-Rudd government information peddling. I used to think he was a rather good editor of Crikey. So, is the man the master of his editorial destiny, or is he answerable to his superiors editorial predilections? Maybe it was Jonathan Green himself who gave that leak to Crikey, that I spoke about in the last blog I wrote, which intimated that a number of journalists at the ABC were extremely uncomfortable with the Murdoch-inspired editorial direction that was being taken.


29/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Jeremy at Pure Poison tells us Sunday’s Insiders has Barrie interviewing Scott Morrison, the panel is Karen Middleton, [b]Andrew Bolt [/b]and Dennis Atkins, and Talking Pictures has Jason Chatfield.


29/05/2010Illuminating comment from Poll Bludger(wish I'd thought of it!). Another way 'they' are using 'our' ABC: Cuppa Posted Friday, May 28, 2010 at 4:51 pm | Permalink 'The billionaire mining bosses have been taking full advantage – and then some! – of the ABC’s airtime to promote their lies and agenda against the democratically-elected government. Paid for by the taxpayer. It is only right that the government defend itself against the lies. This isn’t a ‘Labor’ thing, because the government is acting in the public interest; the billionaire mining bosses are acting in no one’s interests but their own, and against the public interest.'


29/05/2010HS, On pure posion they say you were half right "Sunday’s Insiders has Barrie interviewing Scott Morrison, the panel is Karen Middleton, Andrew Bolt and Dennis Atkins, and Talking Pictures has Jason Chatfield." I can hrdly wait.


29/05/2010Very, very, very good point(sorry to keep doing this cross-referencing, but I just want to get the word out in case you haven't read PB: James Bodentown Posted Friday, May 28, 2010 at 5:14 pm | Permalink 'I don’t know if anyone’s already posted it, but the Oz have no gone from blatant bias pushers and propogandarists for the Opposition to actual Coalition advertising mediums. Free advertising anyone?×438lVSvfjlKtLvdDITTJibyR It’s even on the homepage. This is one of those ads that the early Santo campaign dreamed of in the West Wing. Spend little money on ad-buy, yet have it blasted to millions of people for free through the commercial media.'


29/05/2010Hi Hillbilly When you go to your video link, it says: [b]Sorry, the video you requested is no longer available[/b]×438lVSvfjlKtLvdDITTJibyR Do you have a copy of what was on the video, on your original link.


29/05/2010lyn, I thought it was a link to the Liberal's anti-Rudd ad, which I saw on 'The Australian' sight myself, earlier today. If you can't find it I can go through my History for today if you like and track it down. And speaking of tracking things down, I read a bit of Andrew Elder's latest blog on PB. Could you track down a link for us please? :)


29/05/2010Jason, Now I'm definitely not going to watch Insiders. Karen Middleton=biased to the Coalition Andrew Bolt=heavily-biased to the Coalition Dennis Atkins=biased to the Coalitioin if those around him are too. Groan. I wonder if Barrie Cassidy even cares about being even-handed anymore. Or, is he being instructed to go with the Murdoch flow?

Daisey May

29/05/2010Thank you AD for taking the time to collate all those articles. Don't know if my two bobs worth will add anything but I think the big media companies across Australia will be loving the big spending dogfight being conducted via their mediums. If revenue for media companies is as dire as some in the industry say it is then perhaps the ALP has to buy a few mealy mouths to whisper sweet nothings into the electorates ear. I never thought I'd ever advocate a means to justify the ends strategy but in the face of such a viscious campaign what else can they do? Some will say that if the Government of the day cannot sell its message to the electorate then it deserves everything it gets but in this climate it would be better to speak sofly and beat some very ugly opponents over the head with a very big stick. Politics is a rough game and the ALP at the moment can be likened to a frail old pensioner being set upon by a bunch of skinheads with repressed homosexual tendencies. They need to stand up and fight and be prepared for a typical Liberal Party, hair pulling, eye gouging below the belt battle. Rudd is not perfect but Abbott is just a ridiculous human being and when he is beaten at the forthcoming election he will be quietly drawn to a secluded part of the Coalition paddock and shot unmercifully. What a happy day that will be to see Mr Shrill converted into roadkill.


29/05/2010Hi Hillbilly This is Andrew Elders blogg, his latest column. Not sure which column you need The (self-)destruction of Tony Abbott begins cheers


30/05/2010Actually the easiest way to look at the RSPT is : The mining companies are cutting off their nose to spite their face


30/05/2010Love your style, Daisey May.


30/05/2010Another item for [b]ABC Watch[/b] please, AA ... Their ABC echoes the shrill chorus of the Liberals and mining magnates against the democratically-elected government: [b]Government's mining tax ads 'outrageous'[/b] The story is completely unbalanced. From the wording of the headline, and through the text, it serves only as partisan and sectional propaganda to attack the government and the Labor Party. It quotes Liberal Party federal director, Brian Loughnane, and Mitch Hooke from the Minerals Council. [i]""It's outrageous, the Labor Party should be paying for these ads."[/i] ~Loughnane. There is not one direct quote from the government or Labor.


30/05/2010The Rudd government is constantly accused of not being able to "sell" its policies. Certainly by comparison to Howard. Well the simple, rather nasty fact, is that this sort of 'selling' can only be bought, by buying media time. Our country has many odious practices to 'thank' John Howard for, and one of them is no-one noticing what a government is achieving until it's splashed all over every form of media. It's a trained habit of ignorance that Howard was quite happy to foster in Australian citizenry. The dark underside of "she'll be right, mate". The Coalition can spuriously claim that Rudd Labor is all "broken promises" because, naively, the Federal Government seemed to believe that Ministers informing reporters targets had been achieved would get through to the public. Some chance. Too 'boring' when there's Insulgate and BERgate to beat up into flatulent false storms of outrage. Governments spend taxpayers' dollars. That's all governments have available to spend. (The alternatives are not worth considering, unless you want some cocaine sprinkled on your banana.) In this case, with the possibility of every Australian swallowing lies made by the people who are slipping their hands into all Australians' wallets to ensure mining magnates are worth real Barnaby-billions, I'm all for the government spending MY money to ensure I have MORE money as soon as an equitable levy is made on mining companies for what they drag out of MY country.


30/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Shrill leaders bicker while punters look on bewildered, George Megalogenis, The Australian [/i] The mining companies are in a global business and they are run by foreign chief executives, a fact that in Labor's hands has become a cue for tall-poppy xenophobia., [i]Australian mining industry piles on tax distortions as it tries to win over the electorate,clarencegirl ,North Coast Voices[/i] Next time you see a talking head spruiking for the mining industry or catch one of the industry's televised advertisements - remember that all is not as these miners would have you believe., [i]Westpoll: 50-50 in Brand, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] The West Australian has published a Westpoll survey of 400 voters in the outer southern Perth seat of Brand, [i]Liberal Party: papering the contradictions ,Gary Sauer-Thompson , Public Opinion[/i] So they openly spoke for big business--- they looked naked as their conservative populist clothing fell away and they came out defending the power of the big miners over that of an elected government. [i]Gerard Henderson's, Media Watch Dog[/i]. Ms Kelly interviews daily RN Breakfast commentator Michelle Grattan. She completely backs the Rudd Government’s decision and bags the likes of Julie Bishop and former foreign minister Alexander Downer [i]How The Australian fell in love with the iPad, Tim Burrows, Mumbrella.[/i] So let’s celebrate [b]The Australian’s coverage [/b]of the iPad: But the big moment came on April 8 after owner [b]Rupert Murdoch gave the device his blessing, predicting:[/b] “It may well be the saving of the newspaper industry” [b]I’d love to bring you every article The Australian’s carried about the iPad. But Google tells me there are 4,790 of them. So I’d better stop there[/b].


30/05/2010The whole of this mornings INCITERS should be referred to ABC watch


30/05/2010gusface, Too right. It was basically a workshop on this week's attack lines on the government. It was, basically, a Liberal Love-In.


30/05/2010Alan Kohler has just pointed out that Rio Tinto has made a $40 billion turnaround in 2 years since the GFC! And they're trying to say that they can't afford this new Resource Rent Tax. Yeah right!


30/05/2010Hi Gusface You are so right, what a set up, every single thing Tony Abbott and the Coalition say and do wrong can be excused, because Kevin Rudd does worse. Did you hear, one small, tiny, tidgie, word in Kevin Rudd's favour or the Government's favour, no nothing. Just one tiny word.


30/05/2010It's disingenuous of Tom Albanese to say that Brazil, Canada and West Africa will take advantage of opportunities if the RSPT goes ahead. That's a load of hooey. The truth is that Brazil is waiting for Australia to do the heavy lifting on the RSPT so that they can follow in our wake and introduce one themselves. West Africa is both politically unstable, subject to massive corruption wrt mines, so, in effect, levying a de facto tax to mine there, and Canada is just too far away from the Asian markets, does not have the quality of ore that we do, nor the quantity to be able to negotiate long term contracts for supply. Also, the various States of Canada have their own onerous levies that the apply. Also, basically, Tom Albanese's argument to Alan Kohler seemed to revolve around the fact that he had gone around the world and spoken to his buddies in other Mining Companies, and they didn't like the idea either. Well, no s*it Sherlock! Also0, he was trying to play God with the RSPT by saying that the government should throw the RSPT in the bin and come on bended knee to him and his Tax specialist employees and ask them what they would like to do about tax arrangements in this country. You can't get any more hubristic and arrogant than that, can you? Interestingly, it is the simulacrum of the tactic the Republican Party in the USA are using. That is, they say, "Your plan is rubbish. Junk it. Go back to square 1 with us at the table, and we'll tell you what is appropriate." From that even the Village Idiot can deduce that what they believe would be more appropriate and the 'right' way to go would encompass a framework entriely advantageous to them and an emasculation of any sort of muscular attack on them. This has always been their approach to the little guy getting more of what large companies have managed to appropriate unto themselves, since Jesus was in short pants and threw the Money Changers out of the temple. Which is exactly why the government has to stand firm, keep the ads going, withstand the criticism of the ad campaign and win this battle of David versus Goliath.


30/05/2010Lyn i reckon the worst part was the feeble defence of mesma I feel ashamed to be an australian when i watch INCITERS

Sir Ian Crisp

30/05/2010"That is an absolute commitment when it comes to the quantum of ... the abuse of public funding which has occurred with taxpayer-funded advertising of late. "This actually is a long-term cancer on our democracy." Mr Rudd said a Labor government would put processes in place to prevent the wrongful use of taxpayer funds to pay for government propaganda. "I'm serious about this stuff, I think it stinks," he said. ― Kevin Rudd in 2007. That and other aphorisms flowed from Mr Rudd’s tongue in 2007. Rudd was determined to erase all traces of Howard’s flagitious reign, including Howard’s penchant for propping up the advertising industry. After announcing that the taxpayers’ purse is once again to be raided by the Rudd government Rudd has proven to be nothing more than a whited sepulchre rather than a White Knight. Even Rudd’s deputy, the Bird of Paradox managed to highlight Rudd’s two-faced stance regarding what is said and what is done. The Bird of Paradox was sent out to corral Phoney Tony but she managed to lasso Rudd as well. ‘”Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says it is clear the public cannot trust Mr Abbott. "How will you ever know when Tony Abbott makes a statement - is this the time he's telling the truth?" she said. "There's apparently 'Gospel Truth Tony' and then there's 'Phoney Tony.'" ― Julia Gillard 2010. Is Rudd channeling Abbott? In the blue corner we have Phoney Tony and in the red corner we have Krazy Kev. Maybe Rudd could change his name to Kevin Rudd-Abbott. The PM has lost another round in his courageous battle with narcissism and so we are going to fan his vanity with an ad campaign in an attempt to forge public opinion to anneal around his proposed RSPT. Both Rudd’s and the mining industry’s messages will get ballyhooed Australia wide and I’m sure both sides will employ casuistic distinctions to underline their case. Rudd’s message has to somehow paint a different picture than the Kafkaesque fantasies of his government so far. Australians have rightly formed the notion that our governments are guilty of institutional inveracity so Rudd has a task on his hands. He might start off by explaining why a RSPT was not levied in 2007. Australians know little about the mining companies with names like BHP, Fortescue, Rio Tinto and others being all they know of the mining companies. The mining companies will have to lift their profiles if they want to impress the great unwashed. I rely on Ad Astra to get out his ALP dictionary and explain Rudd's various dichotomies. How can Rudd say one thing and do another with regard to spending taxpayers’ dollars on ads? Why are foreign owned companies now on the nose given the ALP's eagerness to become a player in world trade? Has the ALP accepted donations from mining companies and will this money now be returned?


30/05/2010Sir Ian So you do support selling schools to refurbish run down mines!!! Thats all you neede to write :)

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010LYN’S DAILY LINKS updated: ABC WATCH updated: Please check that I have all your contributions properly listed. Thank you all for your additions.


30/05/2010Gusface, HillbillySkeleton, Insiders was so blatantly biased this morning that I ended up having to turn it off - Barrie Cassidy should be removed forthwith from OUR ABC - if he wants to promote the Murdoch line then he has no business putting his hand out to be paid by us, the taxpayers who own the ABC. Ian Crisp, The Rudd Government has my full support to spend taxpayer dollars to counter the blatant untruths being put out by the mining companies. We have an all-out anti-government campaign going on by the media which refuses to allow the government to be heard, and which is actively promoting an obviously incompetent replacement which is not in the interests of this country or its people. Therefore, the Government has no alternative but to PAY them by way of advertising to get their message across - you can be sure the rotten mongrels won't refuse the millions of advertising dollars. As an Australian, I have no wish to have our government run by greedy multi-national companies so they might keep on lining their already stuffed pockets with profits gained by digging up and selling the national resources of this nation. If they want to get richer by mining our resources they can damned well pay a fair price for them.


30/05/2010janice, You're right. Basically Insiders this morning was a circle jerk.

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Folks I had a birthday party to attend yesterday and one to organize today so I’ll be out of action until this evening. But thank you all for your contributions to the debate in my temporary absence. I agree that [i]Insiders[/i] today was the worst exhibition ever of anti-Government and particularly anti-Rudd rhetoric which Barrie Cassidy let run unchecked. Yet more disgraceful partisan politics from OUR ABC. The only comment I have time to make now is to Sir Ian. Please read what Daisey May had to say on the subject you raise. We don’t need you to quote what Rudd said about advertising – it’s all over the airwaves and on [i]Insiders[/i] this morning. Instead, answer one question for us all – what you do in the face of a barrage of well-funded disingenuous ‘advertising’ from the mining industry? Let it burn you and the Government to ashes all the time feeling righteous that you had complied with an earlier assurance not to ‘advertise’ without ‘authorization’ by the body appointed to oversee ads, or fight back with whatever means you have? Remember this is not just Rudd or his Government that is threatened by the heavy hitting miners, it is you and me and all Australians who will go on being short-changed by the mining industry until the RSPT is implemented.

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Sir Ian Before you tell us what you would do if this was your problem to address, also do read what janice had to say in a post at 11.31 today. We're breathless for your answer.


30/05/2010Daisy May - you've made my Sunday. The images you've created in the last few sentences are great. You're right, of course, and the Govt. has got to get the message out in advertising if it can't get the balance the media should be providing. Graham Richardson has said he'd hate to be in QT now. What he should have said was that the rabble Opposition have made a mockery of QT and the Senate and go in hard on them. He didn't so he's left it hanging that the Govt. is to blame too. Just whose side is he on - I know the answer I suppose - his. Gusface - I'm with you. "The whole of this mornings INCITERS should be referred to ABC watch". It was appalling.


30/05/2010"Insiders was so blatantly biased this morning that I ended up having to turn it off" Janice & Political Sword friends I've posted on this very "fair & balanced" morning episode: Come one, come all to the great labor bashing show!!! N'


30/05/2010Hi Nasking I put a comment up on your piece at Blogocrats. Keep up the good work. Cheers

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Agree that Insiders was absolutely appalling this morning. Kick the crap out of Rudd and the rest of the government. Yet very little hard analysis of Abbott and in particular Julie Bishop's cock up. By the way, is there something wrong with the pollbludger site this morning?


30/05/2010JB It has been down for about 4 hrs.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Thanks gusface. mIt is either Conroy's internet filter or one of those Young Lib viruses.


30/05/2010JB I sense the Sith have deployed all measures today to blitz the Media both old and new They know this is the last throw of the dice


30/05/2010@KarenMMiddleton Very surprised by the level of Vitriol today on Inciters- not your best perfomance by a mile.I hope you find your balance i just tweeted this karen M

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Gusface, the dark side is strong today. Good to hear you got stuck into Middleton. She did, however, had a go at Bolt over something which for the like of me I cannot remember. All bluster. It was very shrill today. Once upon a time I used to like that show as it was fairly balanced. Now it has become another arm of the News and Cassidy is a deadset joke/fraud. Off for some lunch, be back soon.


30/05/2010The pot thickens LNP powerbrokers so out of touch trying to control MPs with banning Twitter and Facebook! Explains 20 years of political wilderness in QLD!!


30/05/2010Poll Bludger down at this end too. Maybe we can be the de facto PB until it gets back on the road? And I was going to quote the full context of the PM's opinion about political advertising back at SIC, which was kindly given to us all by a contributor over there the other day, because, of course, the Opposition and their handmaidens in the media only quote half of it, out of context, to damn him.


30/05/2010What's the point of having a program like 'Insiders' if it will not cover politics with fairness and integrity? As it stands the program is simply a conduit for News Ltd to insert its mouthpieces and editorial line into the public broadcaster's content. Why should taxpayers subsidise the furtherance of billionaire Murdoch's activities? I don't see any point in keeping the program going, frankly.


30/05/2010gusface, I think Karen Middleton is a comfort eater. Did you see her from side on today? The broad side of a barn comes to mind. Maybe it's because she knows she's sold her soul to Shaun Brown at SBS. :)


30/05/2010HS karens performance today was seemingly scripted by lib HQ, the lettuce leaf on the Dolt was weak as! i was V disappointed.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Unfortuantely it is becoming a mouthpiece for Uncle Rupy. I guess the best thing to do is to stop watching it. Sending in complaints usually doesn't work.


30/05/2010 Read this article carefully,Abanese admits that he doesnt even know what TAX they have paid these jokers are getting worse and worse


30/05/2010Big Dirt just doesn't want to pay more for OUR minerals. End of. And they know their front man, Mitch Hooke, could charm the pants off a nun. That's what he's there for.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Gusface I for one am getting so tired of these blowflies coming in from O'seas telling us how they are paying a fair share of tax and doing their bit for Australia. Well they are not paying a reasonable share for the resources that are owned by us.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Big Bad Clive is angry! CM distorting the truth on how the RSPT has reduced share prices and $A. Truthy must be writing for them.


30/05/2010JB HS et al So Alabanese says 35% tax rate and Palmer says no no no its 30%.Wonder what figure Twiggy will come up with. This a farce and the MSM should be on this like the proverbial on the proverbial


30/05/2010What I'm looking forward to is the National Press Club debate between Paul Howes and Clive Palmer. Paul may have left school at 16 but I'll bet he runs rings around Palmer. It should be a nationally televised debate but I think it's not on a Wednesday.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010The whole thing is appalling. The cannot even get their stories straight. In addition, whatever figure they are reporting they are paying is more than what they actually are.


30/05/2010Johnny Button wrote: [i]"I guess the best thing to do is to stop watching it."[/i] We can stop watching it, Johnny, but what will that achieve? ABC decisions are not dictated by ratings (well, I think they're not supposed to be), so if they lose viewers, it won't change anything. What I want to stop, as a taxpayer, is subsidising partisan content and Murdoch encroachment masquerading under the cover of 'current affairs programming'. I want the program wound up. I can't see any point to it continuing when it so often fails to deliver with integrity and balance. They are flagrantly flaunting biased poison in our faces - this is unacceptable. Just ditch the thing. Give Cassidy, Akerman, Bolt their marching orders. I don't want them getting another cent of my tax money to run a vile agenda against this country's interests. Replace it with a rerun British cop show or something uncontroversial, I don't care what.


30/05/2010JB Actually A request to the TAX OFFICE based on their various PUBLIC statements about their TAX RATE First thing Monday I am calling the Tax office and demand an audit My duty as a citizen I think :)

Johnny Button

30/05/2010gusface-good idea. Excuse my ignorance, but are we allowed to do that? RX-Ok so what do we to get it wound up? Friends of ABC?


30/05/2010If you have any information relating to possible tax fraud please contact us using the details below 1800 060 062

Agnes Mack

30/05/2010 Ad, Lyn This tweet from @abc_investigate could be one for ABC watch. On present form it could be a dirt digging exercise. I would like to be proved wrong. "Do you know any builders/contractors with the BER? We want to hear from them via Please retweet! 3:56 PM May 27th via TweetDeck "

Agnes Mack

30/05/2010Insiders' anti-government bias was obvious right from Barrie Cassidy's introduction. I exclude Karen Middleton's very sensible comments on asylum seekers from that charge.

Agnes Mack

30/05/2010The link in the @abc_investigate tweet is to the webpage of the ABC Online News Investigative Unit wich carries the following text: "The ABC News Online Investigative Unit encourages whistleblowers, and others with access to information they believe should be revealed for the public good, to contact us. To leak a story, please fill out the form below and click the 'Send' button. Please click here if you wish to send information anonymously. Please note, we cannot guarantee to directly respond to anything you send here." This sounds more and more like the beginning of a get-Julia campaign. Wonder if they're running their investigation in co-operation with News Ltd.


30/05/2010As soon as I saw who was going to be on Insiders, I knew it was going to be awful. I couldn't bring myself to actually turn off the tv, but listened to snatches of it as I did some housework. Wow......I'm glad there are other people that think it was as bad/awful as I thought it would be. If the 'Liberals' do get in at the next election there will be many many Australian's in for the shock of their lives. I have refused to buy anything that is not absolutely necessary for the last three months on the basis of the way the media are behaving. As a carer/pensioner I feel in my inner most self that I will need every cent I have in the future. Mind you all, if Labor get back in I will party like there is no tomorrow.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Agnes Mack - that is truly disturbing by the ABC. At a superficial level, can't the ABd do it themselves (lazy sods).

Johnny Button

30/05/2010I'm sure I'm on the blacklist at CM's. My comments never get posted. A week ago I was so pissed off about it, I wrote a pro-Lib reply and it was published straight away. Not fiar that pro-Lib people can right biased views jam packed with lies and I cannot even get a rebuttal in.


30/05/2010Gravel, I hope lots of Australians stage a consumer strike if the Liberals get in. I'd say, buy up big now before the election - let Labor get the benefit of the increased GDP activity. Then, if the Liberals get in, stop spending. Essentials only, and keep your money under the mattress. That's my plan.


30/05/2010Rx, thanks for that advice, but if 'they' get in I'll need every cent I can get because the pensions with be the first thing that suffers, no tax cuts to pensioners. I would rather help the country again if 'we' get in, to reward Labor.


30/05/2010Hello all. This site is an oasis. I have been driven to look far and wide to find an explanation for the current mood in the MSM and here at least I can go a little way towards understanding it. I'm up in Qld and believe me it isn't just the Federal Labor government that is copping it from commercial media. Commercial evening news broadcasts are full of snide remarks about Anna Bligh and her government - sarcastic in tone and content. To stay on topic, how about the lead-in to Insiders this morning - "whether miners should be 'whacked' with a super profits tax." There are probably twenty other words he could have used instead of whacked but then we might have misunderstood where he stood on the proposal. When did journalists get so opionated and who let them?

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Welcome Norman aboard. MSM has been moving further away from reporting facts and into 'loaded' opinion pieces (sponsored by News Corp). In time, technology will wear down News. ABC needs a good bolloking. As for Cassidy, not sure why his level of contempt towards Rudd is OTT. Probably some personal stuff there.


30/05/2010Rx, don't get me wrong about the spending, I should have worded that better. If the financial market keeps being unstable and we end up in another global financial crisis, the Liberal's certainly won't do anything to help pensioners or low income workers. As Phony Tony tells us " the poor will always be with us, it is our job to look after the Billionaires". I was in two minds about spending the stimulus money, but wanted to help the country, so I took a deep breath and I am glad I did. But the ungrateful people out there are willing to be led by a lying opposition and media, rather than being grateful to this wonderful government for keeping us out of recession and saving hundred's of thousands jobs. Welcome NormanK, this is a great blog, they are helping me from going insane. Can I suggest you read some of the topics that have been discussed here, the writers and commenter s are very smart.


30/05/2010JB Cassidy is peeved because Kevin does not come on his program. I had recorded it today but from the comments here watching it might be too big an ask. In the mean time us the Fifth estate can help to try and explain the real situation as opposed to the msm Goebbels line. Anyone know what has happened to Crikey it’s been down all today and where can one place a bet on the election I am only familiar with the TAB


30/05/2010Rx, [quote]I want the program wound up. I can't see any point to it continuing when it so often fails to deliver with integrity and balance. They are flagrantly flaunting biased poison in our faces - this is unacceptable. Just ditch the thing. Give Cassidy, Akerman, Bolt their marching orders. I don't want them getting another cent of my tax money to run a vile agenda against this country's interests. Replace it with a rerun British cop show or something uncontroversial, I don't care what.[/quote] That is precisely what I want as well. The ABC are simply ignoring our complaints and are using the same tactics as the Murdoch/coalition to stifle our voices. I fear for the future of this country if this coalition of multi-nationals+murdoch+Abbott succeed in their campaign of lies and mis-information.


30/05/2010Re: Insiders, I wonder if there is a mechanism somewhere in the ABC charter that allows for removal of people like Cassidy. He obviously doesn't have the journalistic integrity the ABC was founded on. Friendsof the ABC help us out?


30/05/2010Hi Norman K Thankyou for your comment, We all hope you keep coming back. Ad Astra will be very pleased. I'm from Qld too, and yes they beat up on Anna Bligh something cruel. Norman K nice compliment, this site is like an oasis, we love it here on The Political Sword, we all get to voice our opinions, there is always somebody here to talk to, Ad Astra listens to us all. Cheers


30/05/2010Norman, Welcome to Political Sword. Sure they're attacking Anna as well - it is a Labor Govt after all and besides Q'ld is also the PM's home state. Gravel, I agree with you that we carers/pensioners will be up the creek again if the libs manage to get in just like we were during the Howard years. Worse still, though, the whole country will be up the creek as we go back to the future with the incompetent Abbott and his mob of nongs. I am just trusting that voters will realise what a good government we have and that the grass on the other side of the fence is poisoned.


30/05/2010Thanks Janice I have agreed (silently) with all your posts, and almost everyone else, and it is nice to have someone on here who is in the same financial category.


30/05/2010Macca, Rx re Insiders. What we need is a petition with a million signatures on it. I wouldn't know how to go about doing such a thing though but someone else might. Perhaps the Friends of the ABC might help.


30/05/2010Hi Macca and everybody Here is friends of the ABC, they even have a draft letter you can email, righto, everybody go to it, chop, chop, Email: Write to Politicians, [b]the ABC Board, Management[/b] Friends of the ABC[/b]

Patricia Lorimer

30/05/2010Thank you The Political Sword, I feel I have found my political family. I too was outraged by the disgustng Insiders programme today. Whilst I think it has become a bit of a game to bag the Rudd Government, I believe in time Barnaby Joyce will become the leader of the Nationals, who will then be the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia if the present Coalition becomes the Government. Really! What is the ABC's agenda???? I did leave a message on the Insiders site to vent my feelings after this morning's programme. I was motivated to visit The Political Sword following a message from Lyn on The Drum. I imagine there are many who read The Drum who are similarly seeking a more informed site. I think your followers will increase. Cheers, minnie


30/05/2010Would it be better to write direct to the ABC Board members who are reasonable (not Howard appointees) and complain about the use of so much Murdoch inspired rubbish. Re the BER - If ABC Investigates is asking for complaints why can't we ask them to include the extremely successful 90odd % of the BER as well Most of the schools complaining via the OO's articles seem to be in Lib electorates and some principals and staff may be Lib members for all we know.


30/05/2010Bilko, What a great idea. We should all put our money where our mouthes are and back the ALP to win the next election. It's one thing that all the journalists look at, probably because they are all mad punters, and if the money on the ALP goes up and affects the odds in their favour then they at least won't be able to point to the betting market as telling a particular story about the ALP's chances. It's worth a try anyway(she says feebly). Anyway, I think you can put a bet on the election online at Betfair or Sportsbet. I'm not sure because I'm not a gambler, thank goodness. Anyway as Gravel and janice can attest, as Carers we just don't have the money to waste on gambling. Btw, did you know that one of the measures in the Budget that the Coalition will stop, if they vote against the RSPT, is the making permanenet of the Carers Bonus which we get yearly for large purchases etc.? Yes, the Coalition are truly evil.


30/05/2010How about we use insiders own program where it says" Your Shout allows people anywhere in Australia to air a grievance or just sound off about issues that concern them." If we could find enough like minded people in each state and territory to simultaneously bombard their contact page who knows!


30/05/2010One for ABC Watch from 702Sydney twitter feed(tho I must admit they didn't write it but they have allowed it onto their Twitter feed for the world to see): ' 702sydney RT @martincorben: Wonder what Premier and co think about the chalk tag campaign "State Government - who needs it"? ( Sorry no pic). Catchy


30/05/2010Hi Patricia Lorimer Patricia, Wow! that's excellent, we are so pleased you have come here, make sure you keep coming back. Yes you have found a political family, a wonderful one at that, Ad Astra will be so happy to meet you. So pleased my comment worked on the Drum, we got you here, so maybe more will come over and visit us. Cheers


30/05/2010Hi Jason Excellent suggestion, Your Shout, think I will go there right now.


30/05/2010Good opinion piece on the politics of the RSPT from Shaun Carney:

Agnes Mack

30/05/2010My partner just pointed out that there was something very off about Cassidy and Insiders panel pontificating about the use of taxpayer funds for the RSPT ads when the whole Insiders program was effectively a Liberal Party advertisement funded by taxpayers.


30/05/2010"What I'm looking forward to is the National Press Club debate between Paul Howes and Clive Palmer. Paul may have left school at 16 but I'll bet he runs rings around Palmer." Should be a goodie Hillbilly. I noticed Palmer was snorting away again on Meet the Press, and fancy him saying that his billions are "irrelevant". Even bragged about the donations he gives to The Libs...and QLD's LNP. Nuthin' like objectivity on an issue. Nice to see you & Lyn on Blogocrats. And agree w/ the bulk of comments above. Great to see that people are standing up to the biased media...led in it's myopic charge against Labor by the Murdoch empire. Time to say ENUFF IS ENUFF. Keep up the great work...and that goes for the brill, articulate commentors on here too. N'


30/05/2010Hi Ad [b]Everybody read this blogg, The Australian Conservative, they have gleefully picked the choice video clips out of the INSIDER'S program.[/b] [i]Rudd Govt’s credibility meltdown continues – more hypocrisy and desperation, The Australiam Conservative.[/i]


30/05/2010Agnes Mack, What an excllent point your partner made. He is so very right that the Insiders programme was a taxpayer-funded ad for the coalition.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010How about we start a movement against Insiders calling it 'Can the Cass' after Suzie Quatro's 'Can the Can'. I know hacks and others read this site and PB etc. So we should start referring to Barry Cassidy as Can the Cass and see how far it goes. If any of us manage to get any of our comments published on online media (particularly ABC and News)always end it with Can the Cass. See how it goes.


30/05/2010Thanks Ad Astra for your lead article re the RSPT and all the links which enable a much better appreciation of the situation than that gleaned by the majority from the mainstream media. Wouldn't it be wonderful if their reportage contained as many verifiable references to enable readers to make up their own minds on questions of National importance. The appearance of Clive Palmer on Meet the Press this morning was so appalling it will most likely prove a bonus free kick for the Labour Government. He was so thrilled to be on t.v. as a "political player" he did not seem to care how he came across. I hope that his appearance on National Press Club with Paul Howes is broadcast live on A-PAC (although I doubt it will be). I note Ian Crisp has been in bed again with his friend the good old Webster, presumably giggling when he comes to a word he thinks will show "the great unwashed" how dashingly dashingly clever he is. Ian, while it is good for your ongoing education to consult dictionaries to enable you to participate in conversations, it would be good if you could occasionally try to make some sense of what you say and at least throw in one or two verifiable comments instead of just venting spleen. It does you no justice and it is time you moved on from juvenile ripostes.


30/05/2010 Insiders today]]Insiders today

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010NormanK, Patricia Lorimer Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Thank you for your kind words. We hope you will return often. It is a friendly blog. Folks Back on deck after the birthday party, I’m fascinated to read the dialogue that has been going on all afternoon and impressed by the intensity of the anger that this morning's [i]Insiders[/i] has generated. I have never seen as much anger about an episode of this programme as I have seen today here and on PB. We need to express our views to the ABC. You can go the the [i]Insiders[/i] site click on ‘Contact Us’ and complete the form.


30/05/2010swordians The #canthecass hash tag has gone up on twitter as an addendum Insiders Inciters has a catchy ring about it :)

Johnny Button

30/05/2010My view is to 'Can the Cass'! I cannot get more succint than that. All slogan and no substance on my behalf.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Champion Gusface.


30/05/2010Hi Gusface Thankyou for putting The Political Sword on your Twitter page again, your just the bestest. Gusface, I am a bit dumb on understanding twitter lingo, can you explain to a dumby. [b]Hash tag has gone up .... der! what, as an addendum, sounds like Greek to me.[/b] Grog did explain a while ago, but I still don't get hash tags.


30/05/2010Hi Lyn :) A hash tag allows user to follow an event or such so by using #canthecass people can log stuff that Inciters does check out #myliberal for some guerilla efforts i did earlier :)


30/05/2010Hi Johnny Button Thankyou for posting [b]The Political Sword and Ad Astra [/b]on the Poll Bludger, You are the bestest too.

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Folks I have just sent this message via 'Contact Us' on the Insiders webpage. [i]"I am writing to complain bitterly about this morning’s episode of Insiders. Never in all the years I have faithfully watched this programme have I witnessed such a partisan, biased and unbalanced programme. I have complained before about the inclusion of Andrew Bolt on the programme, and you have replied that he’s there ‘for balance’. No programme where Bolt is included can be balanced because his views a unremittingly one-sided – anti-Rudd and anti-Government. "The rot seemed to start before the programme with Barrie Cassidy’s piece on The Drum “Never mind the rules, Labor wants its ads out” where he castigated Kevin Rudd over his advertising campaign about the RSPT. Clearly he was against Rudd’s actions before he came to Insiders and he opened the episode with a comment about the miners being ‘whacked’ with the super profits tax, showing he was sympathetic to the miners’ cause. Why ‘whacked’? Why not say ‘asked to pay a super profits tax’? Those words set the tenor for the session which became a bash-Rudd session of an intensity I have never seen before. It was disgraceful for a programme on OUR ABC that purports to be fair and balanced. At no time was the Government’s argument advanced by Cassidy or the panel that it needed to counter the misinformation of the mining industry with ads of its own. "Cassidy let the panellists, especially Bolt, free hand to cast as many stones as he wished at Rudd, and the others joined in enthusiastically. And even when the issue of Julie Bishop’s misdemeanour over the Israeli forged passport matter arose, Cassidy allowed that to be flicked away as of little consequence. "I’ll not go through all the instances of bias, all the partisan comments – play the episode back and you’ll see them all. If you need any verification of their pro-Liberal bias, go to the website of ‘Australian Conservative’ and you will see they have used clips from this morning’s Insiders there to support the Coalition’s cause. "Also take a look at the comments on ‘The Political Sword’ where many posting there have expressed intense anger at this morning’s Insiders. "Look also at ‘The Poll Bludger’ where similar comments were made despite that site being non operative for much of the morning. "This is a very serious matter. I resent MY ABC being used as a blatantly political platform for the Coalition. "Please respond to this comment, and please don’t insult me with boilerplate about the programme seeking to be balanced. Like many others, I want an explanation of how Insiders this morning was allowed to degenerate into such a partisan tirade. "Some who feel similarly would like to see Barrie Cassidy replaced with a more balanced moderator. Chris Uhlmann was much superior when he temporarily filled this role. They are even suggesting a ‘Can Cass’ campaign. That is a measure of how angry people are."[/i]

Agnes Mack

30/05/2010Well done, Ad


30/05/2010Hi Ad Fantastic Ad. They will be obliged to reply. "can the cass" by Johnny Button is an excellent slogan.


30/05/2010Hi Ad, Johnny Button has put your letter up on [b]"The Poll Bludger, page 15"[/b], WOW!! Big thankyou to [b]Johnny Button.[/b]There is over a thousand comments over on Poll Bludger, so that is getting the word out big time. Did you have a nice party Ad?

Johnny Button

30/05/2010Hi Ad F%$&^*& brilliant! Loved it. I'll do my bit tomorrow as the brain cells are starting to slow down. Lyn This slogan from Gusface is a pearler We decide who should be PM and when!!!

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Johnny Button Many thanks for your comments about [i]Insiders[/i] and 'Can the Cass' on PB, for referring PBers to[i]TPS[/i], and your many helful comments here today.

Johnny Button

30/05/2010No probs Ad. My pleasure in spreading the 'gospel'. I've written it down so it's true.


30/05/2010Hi Ad This is interesting by Possum. [i][b]Why Andrew Bolt should be Sodomised with a Calculator – Part 142[/b][/i]Elsewhere: Ken Parish at Club Troppo, Robert Merkel at Larvatus Prodeo, Gary Sauer-Thompson at Public Opinion, The Piping Shrike, Agmates, Pure Poison (of course!), Andrew Bartlett, The Political Sword, Jack the Insider with a terrific piece. Provided by "vp"comment The Poll Bludger Posted Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 9:00 pm


30/05/2010Well done, Ad Astra. Will be VERY interested to hear how they explain themselves. Listened for a while to [b]ABC NewsRadio[/b] this afternoon, but had to turn it off in disgust after hearing just one news bulletin. They are STILL running the line of Coalition "outrage" about the Government defending itself against the Coalition and Mining campaign of distortions. This "story" (if I may grace it with such a term) has been dominating ABC news and current affairs for the whole weekend, since at least Saturday morning, when 'Saturday AM' ran a very one-sided segment quoting the Liberals and the Mining lobby. What a ridiculously overblown beat-up. Anyone would be excused for the impression that the ABC is itself marching in lockstep with the Coalition in a campaign against the Government's campaign. How on earth is it appropriate that a public institution is seen to take sides with one party (and that party's industry backers) against another party? The fact that the Conservative blog is using segments from 'Onesiders' is proof in itself of how gratifying they find their ABC's efforts.

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Lyn An interesting Possum piece. What would he write after today!!! Rx I too will be intetested to see if I get a reply and what it says.

Ad astra reply

30/05/2010Folks As I’ll be on the road very early in the morning, HillbillySkeleton’s latest piece [i] The Canberra Press Gallery will decide who governs this country... And the manner by which they come to power[/i] has been posted tonight. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it.


30/05/2010Thanks AA - hope you get a reply because I don't expect to get anything other than the usual one.


30/05/2010My memo to Insiders "Insiders today was almost a Coalition political broadcast when are we the public going to get a bias free program which REPORTS the facts NOT try to create them. And when glib false or misleading statements are made and let go through to the keeper, only confirms my opinion that the program has lost its credibility." glad crikey et al are back up keep up the good fight

Ad astra reply

31/05/2010Folks As there's been only spam today, I'm closing comments.

11/07/2010Pingback from The Political Sword | Getting some balance into the RSPT debate | Croatia today
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