The Gillard-Abbott gap widens

For Labor supporters, 2013 holds great promise. An election is scheduled for later in the year, when Julia Gillard will ask the people of Australia to elect her Government for another term. The alternative is an Abbott-led Coalition Government.

The year has started well for the PM.

She has announced terms of reference for the Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse, appointed the Commissioners, and set the timetable for reporting. It has been widely acclaimed.

She has also reaffirmed her passion for implementing the Gonski Report, and initiating the NDIS in 2013. Her ‘message to Australia’ printed in the Herald Sun, shows her commitment to an Australia that is both strong and fair, but also smart, one built on a great education for all. Her message, one written from the heart, is inspiring.

I wonder how Tony Abbott’s message to Australia would read. If the recent promise on the Liberal website: Our plan to abolish the Carbon Tax is any guide, it would include a recital of how he would destroy Labor’s carbon pricing scheme before it could morph into an emissions trading scheme in 2015, how he will abolish the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, and how he would implement his Direct Action Plan, one he still has to explain to the people. He might mention how he will ‘demolish’ the NBN, although his ability to do that, or for that matter abolish the ‘carbon tax’, is questionable. No doubt an Abbott message to Australia would reflect his usual negative approach that seeks to destroy what Labor has worked so hard to achieve.

After a brief holiday with her recently widowed mother, PM Gillard return to Kirribilli to host a reception for victims of child abuse, one that showed her empathy with them and her determination to see them receive a hearing and justice. The media gave the event good coverage.  She has since visited fire-ravaged areas in Tasmania and New South Wales.

Tony Abbott said he was carrying out firefighting duties, well publicised in the media.

I suppose the letup in media items adverse to the PM and her Government is attributable to the end-of-year break and holiday time for journalists who specialise in such writing. But it was surprising to read Sid Maher’s article in The Australian on 7 January nominating Julia Gillard for the newspaper's 'Australian of the Year'. It began: ”If any politician has shown resilience, endurance and determination in the face of adversity it is Julia Gillard. Ms Gillard starts the year as the nation's preferred prime minister ahead of Tony Abbott despite a year of political turmoil in which she soundly defeated a leadership challenge from Kevin Rudd and faced down a concerted opposition attack on the carbon tax.” It ended with a reiteration: ”Her resilience, endurance and determination in the face of adversity make her a worthy nominee for this newspaper's Australian of the Year.” Of course, she may not be nominated. We remember how Kevin Rudd was successfully selected a few years back, accompanied by a flattering photo of him against the background of his library shelves, only to be pilloried by that newspaper thereafter.

Will Tony Abbott be on the list of nominees to be judged ”by a panel of senior editors and the winner announced on January 19 in The Weekend Australian.”? What will he and his supporters feel if he is not on the list?

While individual polls of voting intention have no value in predicting election outcomes this far from an election, the accompanying questions do give some insight into the opinions of those polled on a variety of topics, on the relative popularity of the leaders, and the how voters regard their political attributes. This Monday’s Essential Report, shows that in the four months since September 2012, Julia Gillard has improved her ratings on virtually all the positive attributes, some by a substantial margin, and she has rated lower on nearly all the negative.

As Essential says: ”Gillard’s key attributes were hard-working (72%), intelligent (72%), out of touch with ordinary people (53%), a capable leader (50%) and good in a crisis (50%). Almost all positive leader attributes for Gillard moved up from the last time the question was polled in September 2012. The biggest shifts on the positive attributes were on a capable leader (+7%) and good in a crisis (+7%).”

Tony Abbott too has improved his ratings a little on the positive attributes, but has slipped on the negative attributes. As Essential puts it: “Abbott’s key attributes were hard-working (70%), intelligent (64%), arrogant (61%), narrow-minded (56%), aggressive (55%) and out of touch with ordinary people (54%).

But it is the comparison of the leaders that is most revealing.

Julia Gillard rates higher than Tony Abbott in almost all positive attributes, some by a considerable margin, and lower than him in negative attributes, again by a considerable margin. The Essential Report reads: ”Compared to Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard is seen as more likely to be considered good in a crisis (+11%), intelligent (+8%) and a capable leader (+7%). Abbott is regarded by significantly more respondents to be arrogant (+14%), narrow minded (+11%), intolerant (+12%) and erratic (+11%).”

That just about sums it up, and explains to some extent the difference in the leaders’ popularity.

This week’s Newspoll, reported here and here, shows little movement in popularity. Julia Gillard has a satisfaction rating of 38 (up two) and a dissatisfaction rating of 49 (down three) giving a net rating of minus 11, while Tony Abbott's ratings were 29 (up one) and 58 (down one) giving a net rating of minus 29. That speaks for itself.

In the preferred PM stakes, Julia Gillard gained two percentage points against Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister and now leads by 12 points: 45 to 33 per cent.

The gap between PM Gillard and Opposition Leader Abbott is wide, and widening. The gap reflects what the electorate sees as the growing difference between the nation’s alternative leaders.

Labor supporters will be encouraged by the six point rise in Labor’s primary vote to 38% in Newspoll, way above its dismal depths last year, and the fall by two points in the Coalition’s primary vote to 44%, giving a TPP of 51/49. While we should avoid any feelings that this result is predictive, it is certainly more reassuring than a movement the other way. What is of some predictive value is the trend of recent polls, which both pollsters and analysts agree is moving in Labor’s favour. Possum Comitatus’ Pollytrend shows this clearly even before being updated by the latest Newspoll, and Andrew Catsaras’ Poll of Polls will show it when Insiders resumes. These trends point in a positive predictive way for Labor.

So while the gap is steadily widening between how the electorate regards PM Gillard and Opposition Leader Abbott, in Julia Gillard’s favour, the gap between the TPP of the two major parties shows a steady narrowing trend.

All this is good news for Julia Gillard and her Government as they approach the predicted tumult that will surely characterise the election year as Tony Abbott bares his teeth and shows again all his destructiveness, as he pulls out all the negative stops, as he engages in hand-to-hand, bare-knuckle combat, as he tries to land the killer blow that will flatten his opponent on the canvas bruised, bloodied and defeated and entitle him to raise his hand triumphantly and claim the prize he has always believed should have been his from the beginning.

The gap between Tony Abbott’s pipe dream, and the reality he now faces in a resurgent Julia Gillard, is wide and widening. It may never close.

What do you think?

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Ad astra

18/01/2013Folks I am posting this piece in anticipation of it being used as a test-bed for [i]TPS Mail[/i] when this new communication tool is launched later, hopefully over the weekend. When [i]TPS Mail[/i] is launched, a panel will be included at the top and foot of the piece that displays and enables the options that [i]TPS Mail[/i] offers. I will notify you when [i]TPS Mail[/i] is ready for use.

Ad astra

18/01/2013Folks The comments made by Graham Richardson (Richo) in his article in today’s [i]Australian[/i] newspaper: [i]Gillard’s survival technique[/i]: are relevant to this post. The anti-Gillard and anti-Labor comments made in recent years by Richo, a previous Labor minister, have earned him the pejorative label: ‘turncoat’. Why he has so commented, only he would know. We are allowed to express an opinion. Mine is that as he knows on which side his bread is buttered, he writes pieces and makes comments on TV that are in line with the generally anti-Gillard and anti-Labor line of those who own and run News Limited so as to secure his lucrative job with that firm as a commentator. Of course, he may really believe what he writes! Today, in his piece there is a hint of a change of attitude to Julia Gillard, although, like so many commentators, all of whom hate to be wrong, he likes to back the horse both ways. The question for outside observers is whether what he writes is a reflection of what he is hearing in the corridors of News Limited where the cocky assuredness that PM Gillard and her Government were in for an unprecedented hiding at the next election, may be dissipating as the [i]Newspoll[/i] TPP is narrowing, and the trend line is running steadily in favour of Labor. Even more so after this week’s [i]Essential Research Report[/i] that shows that while Julia Gillard’s positive attributes are on the up, Tony Abbott’s are not, and where a comparison shows her up in a much better light than him. Maybe there is a growing realization that Abbott might not be the all-conquering hero that will lead the Coalition to a massive victory that they imagined he was. Is Richo’s piece a reflection of a growing feeling of unease at News Limited that they may be backing the wrong horse?


18/01/2013Top stuff Ad.Keep up the good work.


18/01/2013I hope all of what we are hoping for comes to pass. After today's temps in NSW he will be kneeling beside his bed tonight saying:- "why are you doing this to me, your supposed to be on my side, just turn down the temp a bit, your making me look like a right prat" He has picked the wrong time to argue about climate change, many minds will be changing on this issue, & those that don't are like Abbortt, they can't be changed.


18/01/2013TT Petition signed


18/01/2013Happy New Year all!! AND may we all be even Happier come election time. I signed the Ashbygate petition today. I sure hope that those involved get their just deserts. For me JULIA always glows and people around her react positively towards her. TAbbott is a nasty negative creep. How can anyone be taken in by him beats me. Let the good times roll!!


18/01/2013To follow on from the last thread Sydney's hottest day on record as mercury hits 45.8 degrees Read more:

Ad astra

18/01/2013Thank you uriah. KHTAGH, have you read the latest on [i]Climate Spectator: What’s causing Australia’s heatwave?[/i]: Or the same article on [i]The Conversation[/i]: It is truly frightening. You are right. For Tony Abbott to promise to abolish the ’carbon tax’ at a time when it is needed urgently to begin the process of slowing global warming, warming that is even now causing such devastating effects, is grotesque. Making the next election a referendum on the carbon tax may prove to be the most stupid decision of Abbott’s political life, as the people finally wake up to the fact that the planet is beginning to burn up, and unless drastic action is taken to combat it, the situation will get steadily more catastrophic. If I were Julia Gillard, I would urge Tony Abbott to bring on his ‘referendum on the carbon tax’. It will be his [i]bête noire[/i].


18/01/2013Nothing like blind faith in a lying coward is there Astra? Gillard is defending jailing new born babies for life, she is having hundreds of people jailed in hell holes out of the country for no possible reason except to pander to the racists, she is forcibly deporting hundreds of Sri Lankans for no reason at all knowing they will be jailed, tortured or killed when they are sent home and she is treating aborigines with even greater racist contempt than Howard did. As she negotiated the tax that pays no tax she has negotiated a refugee policy that breaks every law. If we got rid of her and Abbott the country would be a good deal better off, they can go and fuck each other stupid in the corners of their racist minds.


18/01/2013Hi Ad astra, I'll be working hard to ensure the positive message gets out there. So many silly stunts pulled by the Coalition fronted by Abbott that they really are starting to look more and more like the rag tag bunch that they are. We have this nonsense from Graig Kelly, yep he's using some observations written down in 1790 and claiming "but it was hot in 1790" as an argument against global warming. [i]Australia has recently experienced a hot summer leading to calls of “global warming did”, but its actually been cooler than the time when the first convicts arrived in Australia back in 1790 [/i] Greg Hunt and his green army, not that I have anything against communities cleaning up their backyard but to put it forward as a policy and then to ask: [i]We are asking the Peninsula community to submit ideas for worthwhile projects. It may be cleaning up a local creek, restoring a bushwalking path, establishing a boardwalk or rehabilitating the foreshore, for example.[/i] Andrew Elders response: [i]If Hunt was in any way serious about his policy, he would have issued the above press release two years ago, and used his own electorate to deal with teething problems in the scheme.[/i] Then we have Truss: [i]ENVIRONMENTAL experts have ridiculed Acting Opposition Leader Warren Truss's claim that greenhouse gases emitted by southeast Australia's bushfires had exceeded those produced by decades of coal-fired electricity generation. "Indeed I guess there'll be more CO2 emissions from these fires than there will be from coal-fired power stations for decades," Mr Truss said in Brisbane yesterday. [/i] So we have a bunch of climate change deniers in the face of the extremes in weather that has been experienced all over. We even have The Australian having to retract an article claiming sea level's are not rising. [i]The Australian has retreated from its claim that rising sea levels are “not linked to warming” faster than a melting glacier — but it’s still not telling the full story on a recently released scientific paper[/i] Newman & Seeney up here in Queensland wrecking the place, taking the unemployment rate for the state to 6.2%, he promised to get the rate down to 4% - the only chance he has of achieving that is if the unemployed leave the state - which a lot will do - and what does that do to small comuunities and small business? Turnbull is trying hard but can't win the FTTN is better than FTTP argument. And then there is Ashbygate.

Ad astra

18/01/2013Lady-in-Red If Tony Abbott, Greg Hunt, Warren Truss, Craig Kelly and their Coalition ilk want to ridicule the idea that global warming is occurring, or that it was hotter in 1790, or in Jesus’ days, let them wallow self-satisfied in the deluded depths of their mythical world, but never let them in charge of combating global warming on our behalf, when they believe global warming doesn’t even exist. To elect them to government with such denialist credentials would be criminal. The people will see that.

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

18/01/2013AD, thank you for such a terrific 'test' piece. My apologies - I posted some Twitter stuff at the end of the last thread, not realising you had started a new one. So, reposting here. (Some of the readings have been picked up by you, LiR and others already.) ................................ Thank you DMW for the front pages and the news of a year ago. Not at all the least liked!, even if one of the most, oh, 'contrary' , as my gran might have said. Three cheers for almost a 'croc'. Thanks to Michael and Bob for the link to the Richard Ackland piece. It is, as TT notes, a critical one. Via Richard, who isn’t going to let this drop, we might be able to set up getting questions asked of T'Abbott at the Press Gallery speech on the 31st (because none of the indies or bloggers will be there: Margo, David Donovan, presumably). By the way, the PM is speaking on the 30th at the Press Club. LiR - honoured to be a cranky pants mate, though today it's gonna have to be cranky cossies. It is still 43.5 at Nobbies which is the Lighthouse at the mouth of Newcastle Harbour, right on/over the ocean. I'm inches from the water. Brain has quite fried, so today, just some Twitter grabs for you. (So hoping no-one is in the paths of fires today.) [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] You won't have to look far to see obvious bias on the Nat Press Club's FB page: … [i]GillardLabor2013 ‏@JGLabor2013[/i] Interview with the PM on Radio National this morning - "Ms Gillard joined RN Breakfast’s John Doyle this morn… [i]The Masked Crusader ‏@themaskedcrus[/i] Andrew Bolt: the globe-trotting weather presenter via @wordpressdotcom [i]Andrew Elder ‏@awelder [/i] Blogpost: when the heat is on [i]Possum Comitatus ‏@Pollytics[/i] Newman promises Year of Luurve for regions Screws them on hospitals, screws them on training, screws them on police. [i]margo kingston ‏@margokingston1[/i] Today's podcast by includes a rave by me on MSM #Ashby silence … [i]david ewart ‏@davidbewart[/i] Food For Thought #19: Democracy, Democracy! Wherefore Art Thou Democracy? @psychamuse @turnleft2013@btckr @6runs [i]TheQldPublicServant ‏@QPublicServant[/i] Newman is now into the Laughing Stock Zone - Premiers cannot just make ludicrous claims up! #maybelordmayorsdo #qldpol … [i]New Scientist ‏@newscientist[/i] Australian inferno previews fire-prone future #bushfires#climate [i]Climate Spectator ‏@ClimateSpec[/i] What’s causing Australia’s heat wave? BoM experts explain [i]Lizzie ‏@croquetcrazy[/i] What's causing Australia's heat wave? … via @conversationedu [i]sortius ‏@sortius[/i] So Abbott & Gash organised his fire fighting stunt, taking an RFB truck for it. Not sure who's worse: LNP or MSM who lapped it up#auspol [i]newmatilda ‏@newmatilda[/i] @bluntshovels explains the anti-discrimination reforms that will extend the power of religious groups to discriminate [i]John Pratt ‏@Jackthelad1947[/i] “@350Australia: Aust inferno a taste of the world to come - via@NewScientist - #climate” #auspol Say no to coal! [i]JohnQuiggin ‏@JohnQuiggin[/i] Not climate change, of course …@abcnews [i]DavidW2035 ‏@DavidW2035[/i] Australia 8/38 - bloody carbon tax strikes again! #AusvSL #auspol#tweetlikeLNP [i]Geoff Robinson ‏@GeoffPolHist[/i] Me in @ConversationEDU on Howard government 'fiscal profligacy' more interesting for what it says about Oz left #auspol …


18/01/2013Lady in Red, AA There is nothing wrong with the "facts" of the Kelly article, that there have been extremely hot days at various times in the past, but he ignores the key point that these are now happening with greater frequency. Also, his thesis is somewhat overtaken by the fact that Sydney did today record its highest temperature on record. He will now need to explain that.


18/01/2013AA Agree that the trend in the polls is the key thing and that is looking good. As I have suggested before, the incumbent government can often pick up 2-3% during the campaign as people, when faced with making a decision, rather than giving an opinion, go for the "devil they know". And if 3-4% change their minds before the election, the Government will be in a good position. Abbott's whole strategy, as I and others have commented on previously, was a short term strategy aimed at achieving an early election. Now that that possibility has disappeared, he appears not to have a "Plan B".

Ad astra

18/01/2013Folks While [i]TPS Mail[/i] has been uploaded, it is still being checked. Please wait until we have given you the go-ahead; otherwise you may get error messages.

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18/01/2013Doodle Poodle Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you. Janet Thank you for your kind remark, and for reposting your links on the new thread. Very interesting stuff! Ken The skeptics/deniers can always misrepresent the facts to suit their argument. What I would like to know is whether they really believe what they write, or whether they are simply taking us for suckers.


18/01/2013Ad Astra What a great first thread for the new year, very positive and informative. Truth Seeker If you are there I have been reading your blog, and will play the Willow song tomorrow. The words are wonderful and wistful. This weather has be horrific. Thank heavens for air conditioners. I know they are not good for the environment, but nothing is worth risking our health in this weather. I try to everything I can to not add to stress our planet is under, and will work extra hard to to try and make up for this excess use when it is cooler. I doubt there will be any polls on feelings/thoughts about climate change because I'm sure instinctively the pollsters will know that quite a few complacent people will have woken up after the last couple of weeks, and they won't want it be known, because it will cause more harm to their plans for Australia's future.

Ad astra

18/01/2013Gravel Thank you for your kind comments. I think you are right about the media and climate change.

Ad astra

18/01/2013Folks We have just posted [i]TPS Mail: a new communication tool[/i], which explains in detail its features and how it works. You can read it at: Please let us have your feedback.


18/01/2013AA A good start to the year keep it going, mention of the green army who funds it where do they come from and where to plant the trees. Tax payers will pay for it and the people will come from the dole queues swelled by the sackings in QLD, VIC and NSW, no work no dole great incentive. They have plenty of displaced fireys who can make sure they plant them in the correct places. There is always the mining waste sites saves them billionares millions and look what it will do to the environment. Gina will be proud, one small problem the noalition have to win an election then have a DD, win that and then start this brave new abbortive world. May be 2018??. I need a bex and a lie down only 40 degrees here today, now where is my next door rusted on lieberal to discuss the CC situation like a policeman never around when needed.


18/01/2013Doodle Poodle said [quote]For me JULIA always glows and people around her react positively towards her....... Let the good times roll!! [/quote] I absolutely agree, having met the PM at a Community Cabinet here in WA a few months ago. I had the privelege too of speaking to some of the wonderful men and women who serve as Ministers in her government. At one point I stood talking to a very happy group of women ministers and hearing them all agree that Julia Gillard is a joy to work with. I just had to write a pome about it and illustrate what a happy bunch they are. No wonder Julia Gillard and Labor are gaining ground in the polls in spite of the overwhelming negativity of MSM about her as they supported the Coalition and its dreadful leader. Quite apart from their astonishing legislative achievements, as Ad Astra and others here point out, they always present a cheerful and confident face. They are a genuinely happy team. [b]Women In Labor![/b] These women in Labor are feeling no pain; Find running the country’s no stress and no strain. All were up-beat and their spirits were high When at a Party event they explained to me why. Working conditions have improved much of late With their new boss who is efficient and straight. Labor’s productive. It’s not at all hard Conceiving new laws with PM Gillard. Not just these women, but ALP men Work well with her and if ever again Rudd were to challenge and push came to shove They’d vote for Julia. Working with her is a Labor of love!

Ad astra

18/01/2013Folks Web Monkey has spent countless hours developing [i]TPS Mail[/i]. There are over ten thousand lines of code in what is a very complex feat of programming. He has added to the original concept of a simple email service the option of using pre-determined lists of recipients in over twenty categories, and also the option to disseminate any post to a prepared list of recipients. I’m sure he would appreciate your feedback about [i]TPS Mail[/i], how it is working for you, and how it might be enhanced.

Ad astra

18/01/2013bilko Thank you for your kind comment. I have a piece coming up that addresses Tony Abbott's attitude and approach to global warming that I believe you will enjoy. Patriciawa I endorse you sentiments. I loved your pome. You are in fine form again.


18/01/2013Janice @ 6:27 PM being equally unaware I responded to your comment a bit later ------------------ Hi 'JayFor' thanks for your links in the tweets During my formative years on my grandparents farm I had a particular fondness for two black sheep (lambs) we had to hand rear. :) Also I commented: I've almost caught up with the goings on since I got distracted by family and other supposed 'real life' stuff. This is not directly related to (ugh) 'economic' asylum seekers but is an interesting article on how our immigration policy has shifted from 'social' to 'economic'. [b]Migrants Don't Steal Jobs[/b] Henry Sherrell, NewMatilda [i]The aim of Australian immigration policy has shifted from population growth to boosting the labour market. We should recognise this change for what it is - a positive, bipartisan development, writes Henry Sherrell In the past two decades, the way people migrate to Australia has undergone a profound shift. We now have an immigration program that sits firmly within the boundaries of economic, as opposed to social, policy.[/i] Note the phrase a positive, bipartisan development A tiny ray of hope?


18/01/2013Hi Ad, one of my comrades/sources said in the last few of days [i]... (JG) has hit her straps and is behaving like she is the Prime Minister. She has gotten over not being liked and said to herself something like 'I'm the boss and I don't care if you don't like me, I've got a job to do and I am getting on with it ...[/i] We batted around a few other points about (very) subtle shifts in media coverage and a few other positive signs. Today I came across this: [b]Gillard and Abbott in 2013[/b] Mumbles Brent, Mumble Blog TheOz [i]AT the start of this election year, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is doing what she should have done before the last election in 2010: asserting authority, building incumbency. She’s announcing things. I’m the prime minister, she’s saying, I run the country. The other side plays games.[/i] Intriguing


18/01/2013Ad Astra, a copy and paste, from months back I'm afraid. But just visiting my site to do it gave me a lift as I looked at all their lovely smiling faces. I hope others have the time to see what I mean at DMW both those comments, that of your friend and Mumbles in the Oz, are typical of the shift throughout the media, and their audience, rationalising their own reasons for viewing her in a different light. Julia Gillard has not changed or shifted ground that much. [b]They[/b] are having to reassess [b]their[/b] opinions, built on the false premise that this Prime Minister and her government could not and would not last, much less excel as they have. The legislative achievements from the first day of the new Parliament in 2010 and the sound economic management of our economy by Wayne Swann, Penny Wong and their departments have been backed by wise planning decision making by our Prime Minister and her Cabinet from the moment of their election, executing policies long debated and developed within the Labor Party. No doubt there have been growing pains and mistakes but the shift in public opinion and media coverage of very recent months is not about a poor government improving and an inexperienced PM finding her feet. It's about a very skilful politician planning and executing an awesome reform program in consultation with Caucus and the membership at large and surviving ruthless ongoing attack from an immoral opponent backed by huge business and media interests. I think these complimentary articles and comments in the Australian are possibly all about Rupert Murdoch beginning to acknowledge that if he can't beat Julia Gillard he'd better do something to appease her.

Ad astra

18/01/2013DMW What an interesting assessment by Mumble. There is a growing consensus among commentators that Julia Gillard is becoming more and more Prime Ministerial. On the other side, Tony Abbott has stalled, and is going backwards.

Tom of Melbourne

18/01/2013[i]” They are a genuinely happy team.”[/i] And no wonder!!! When Our Prime Minister knifed Rudd, she committed to correcting the lost way” and nominated the 3 critical issues – carbon pricing, MRRT and asylums seekers. Look at her success on each! [b]Carbon Pricing[/b] Gillard committed to- • No price before July 2013 • At big committee to consider all points • Community consensus • No carbon tax Score – failed on each commitment [b]MRRT[/b] • It’s a tax with no revenue! • Was to fund increased superannuation. Failure despite excuses. [b]Asylums Seekers[/b] • Cruel • Inhumane • Punishing the innocent • Ineffective • Dishonest • Immoral • Dishonourable • Hypocritical in the extreme • Pathetic appeasement of rednecks Adopted a policy far more extreme than anything implemented by the Howard Government. A disgraceful, hypocritical failure.


18/01/2013Note that the phrase "a positive, bipartisan development" refers to a change in the very reason to actually countenance immigration, to the very purpose of having migration here at all. It does not refer at all to the political argy bargy that is reflected in John Howard's Hansonite dog whistle "we will decide who comes here and the manner in which they come". About that, there is clearly no bipartisanship, as evidenced by the Abbotteers rejection of 75% of the Houston recommendations, all of which are supported by this government


18/01/2013I don't recall that I have ever reposted a comment from another blog to the TPS before. But as the following from Adam Carr at PB is so germane to various comments I have made here recently, I have decided to paste it here. I have no problem in agreeing with and acknowledging the list of negatives he provides about the government, because they are well balanced with his list of their achievements. Adam Carr has not simply talked down the government. [i]I’m the first here to admit when Labor has made mistakes. In fact, although I’m frequently called a Labor hack here, I’m often the ONLY person here who will admit that Labor has made mistakes. Let me list some recent corkers: * Electing Crean leader * Electing Latham leader * Electing Rudd leader * Changing Howard’s border protection policy * Scapegoating Garrett over the HIS * Dumping the CPRS and not calling a DD in 2010 * “Real Julia” * East Timor solution * Malaysia solution * “No carbon tax” * Then saying it was a carbon tax Given all these mistakes, it’s a miracle Labor is still in office, let alone in with a chance of winning in 2013. The fact that we are is due to the many things we have got RIGHT: * RIGHT on the GFC and stimulus * RIGHT on climate change and the carbon price * RIGHT on alcopops * RIGHT on plain packaging * RIGHT on the mining tax * RIGHT on the NBN * RIGHT on PPL * RIGHT on the NDIS * RIGHT on having a PM vastly superior to the LOTO in every conceivable way. [/i] Apologies to those who have already seen this over at PB.


18/01/2013Welcome to your new thread Ad astra, It feels like we are finally getting dressed in battle garb now, there is great resolve now to see off the Abborttian conspirators and with them the whole Rotten Right. Yes Ad, what a perfect start this year has been for Labor! From a political pov at least; not overlooking the horror of the bushfires, which ~ albeit a machiavellian observation par excellence to say so ~ is probably, counter-intuitively, a [i]positive[/i] for *J*U*L*I*A*, who has quite properly, and with obviously sincere and comforting sympathy, been visiting the devastated areas. (In sharp contrast to George Dubya wrt the New Orleans cyclone and floods.) And for the first time she is not being slagged off. The slag is on the slaggers now. Jan, Thanks for the splendid smorgasbord today, but this link in particular is a gem! What a beautiful, charming woman is our PM, how quick in apprehension like the Power Fox some call her! John Doyle, so gentle and polite! - What a difference from the hateful spiteful sorts of "interviews" we are used to, especially on the ABC! Don't miss this one folks, our Ranga Lass just glows! GillardLabor2013 ‏@JGLabor2013 Interview with the PM on Radio National this morning - "Ms Gillard joined RN Breakfast’s John Doyle this morn… Then there is the weird article by that unsavoury ex-Labor minister Graham Richardson - Well the beginning of it, like Ad I'm not through the paywall, but this is what he says in the teaser ... [i][b]Gillard's survival technique[/b][/i] by: Graham Richardson From:The Australian January 18, 201312:00AM [i]NEWSPOLL is frightening the hell out of me. Just when I am convinced the Coalition is coasting towards its long expected election victory, along comes this week's Newspoll which has Labor neck-and-neck with the opposition and in with a real shot of winning. [b]Like most pundits[/b], I had been thinking that Julia Gillard's unpopular image would never be overcome. What is getting harder to ignore for me, and presumably for many in the Liberal Party, is that Tony Abbott's image has been battered so much over the past 10 months, that the big question that has been asked about Gillard so often must now be asked about him - is the leader a help or a hindrance?[/i] [b]How many stupid bits can be crammed into two short paragaraphs?![/b] "Like most *Pundits*" eh! ... And Richo of all people is supposed to be so [i][u]shrewd[/u]![/i] Well let that be a lesson to us, they don't know SQUAT!


19/01/2013 AA This article is a perspicacious introduction to this election year and well sets the scene for our discussions here and in the 5th estate generally. Your 2nd last paragraph "All this good news....." especially set me thinking. Whilst I don't doubt that Abbott will try to do whatever is necessary to fulfil his hallucinatory quest to become PM, I am not totally persuaded that this year will be as "bloody" as 2012. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he is already mortally wounded, in his own mind as well as in some of his colleagues'. His demeanour even in the last sitting week (when JBishop took the running) was that of a man who is "down". Bishop as leader of the AWU assault in the last week was, I think, not only to keep his hands clean (as he begins to show us he is a softie at heart) but also because he is actually wounded. The sustained ridicule about his "well all be rooned" carbon price fear campaign (as lived experiences showed the lie) together with the impact of the PM's misogyny speech have been like several well delivered boxing blows to the solar plexus. Add to this the substantial ridicule across the breadth of the social media over the last 10 days as a couple of dozen photo shopped "where's Wally (Tony)" images subjected his media stuntsmanship to widespread criticism for the very first time Many have noted his blandish appearance for quite a few weeks now. Perhaps he is desperately trying to regain his wind (breath). The political coming-out of "Margie" before Christmas, his insipid Christmas and New Years messages showing "Margie" speaking for him, and the Credlin IVF/medicine in the fridge events may have announced an enduring different (less bloody) style as he "allows" us to see that he is really a softie. Meanwhile the government appears to be doing what it does best ..... focussing on its great policies rather than on Abbott ...... allowing him free rein to self-injure. If the government can up the ante and develop this into a policy driven campaign, a continuing (very) bloody style by Abbott might just not occur, if indeed he still has the ticker or psychological fortitude to engage in such a fight. I am reminded of the fact that often when bullies are called out and very publicly exposed, they go to water quickly. Time will tell. On another matter, we have Mumble's words from the Oz yesterday: [i]At the start of this election year, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is doing what she should have done before the last election in 2010: asserting authority, building incumbency. She’s announcing things. I’m the prime minister, she’s saying, I run the country. The other side plays games.[/i] Whilst I agree with the message here, the first seven words seem to indicate slow learning on Mumbles' part. This confident approach by PMJG dates well back before 1/1/2013. Maybe the "don't write crap" to the NPC about 10(?) months back first heralded this. But to even a casual observer, the PM has looked and behaved as a very confident leader at least since July 1 as the fear mongering carbon price campaign dissolved, and especially since the misogyny speech. And the various policy successes which began to consolidate in the second half of last year would also have contributed. I think it is a bit rich for Mumbles or anyone to suggest that the confident JG of today, with the personal growth her experiences as PM have provided, could have behaved in 2010 in the manner in which she is now capable. In contrast to her opponent, it will be a very different and more powerful and confident JG leading the 2013 campaign.


19/01/2013AA [i]TPS Mail[/i] is a winning concept and your various lists will enable us to fire off correspondence quickly to politicians and journalists. It will be an invaluable tool in an election year. Gremlins will of course appear and I am wondering about the email address that is listed for Mike Carlton ie, If one completes the various steps to create an email to Mike Carlton and then places the cursor on his email address, what comes up is the name 'Mary Carlton'. I have spent ages trying to google Mike's full name but have drawn a blank. I even tried to find the transcript of his court case - Wran vs Carlton but did not have sufficient info to follow through.


19/01/2013While on the subject of lists, here is an interesting one from Crikey in 2005: [b]Famous alumni on Latham's hit list[/b] Mark Latham has identified 67 high-fee schools for his funding hit list, but for many these “private” or “independent” schools are just nameless bastions of privilege. So Crikey is putting a human face to the funding furore with a list of the most celebrated (and notorious) alumni from schools on Latham’s hit list - as well as some of those he left off. [b]Loreto Kirribilli[/b] must rank as one of the strangest schools because it managed to produce 2 graduates who are at completely opposite ends of the left/right continuum: Miranda Devine - Tory agitator Clover Moore - Independent Lord Mayor of Sydney


19/01/2013Ad astra, Thank you for TPS Mail - I have no doubt it will serve us all well, especially in an election year. I had a SkyBridge Installer visit the other day to install a satellite dish, a satellite set top box and hook it up to my TV. When the young man had finished the job, instructed me re the "how to" bits and about to leave, I thanked him for his time and effort. He grinned and said "Thank Julia Gillard and her Govt for the generous $1600 assistance - I can't see her losing the election after all her Govt has done and is doing." This is the sort of thing I am hearing more and more - how can anyone continue to 'hate' a PM on the say so of a lying, scheming, irrational bully and a pack of ignorant media shills? Voters have the evidence before them that this Government is delivering a raft of desperately needed infrastructure and still finds the means to assist those at the bottom of the ladder. Yesterday, the mercury rose to 48 and was still 44 at 8pm. My Wireless Broadband went haywire in the evening and I ended up having to shut down the computer for the night. The change arrived around midnight but unfortunately it was only high wind and no rain.


19/01/2013gypsy I agree with TT, that radio national interview with Julia was just excellent. Cool, calm, composed and the questions were gentle but probing. jaycee Thanks for that from Adam Carr, he made some great points for us all to focus us. Great positive initiatives, hopefully Labor will repeat them continuously and not even mention the nopposition, unless to ask what they are going to do or where they are going to get the money from. Ad Astra When I opened The Political Sword this morning, the new post opened up well, but I had to go to the side bar to get to this post. I hope that makes sense. Beautiful cool night last night, slept like a log, but I will take a couple of days to get over the draining heat.


19/01/2013Christopher Pearson at The Australian writes: posing Nikki Savva as a political savant, which immediately undercuts anything else that follows. However, check this piece of nonsense from his text: 'The response to all this [Labor's] appeal to gooey social media hype so beloved of the Twitter-addicted press gallery should be for the Coalition to go back to basics, appealing to a wide constituency with good policies.' The words "Coalition" and "good policies" cannot meaningfully exist in any sentence, albeit that they do in Pearson's risible article about Tony Abbott's failure to counter Labor. Which essentially sums up the Conservatives' core problem in this country... The fish rots from the head down.


19/01/2013To get past The Australian's paywall for the Pearson article, paste http://www. and then into Google's search box, with no gap between the two pasted sections, hit Search. At the page you are taken to, click on the story headline. You should be taken to the complete story. I was. In short, paywalled addresses pasted here in two parts, separated after www. (so they don't default to an uneditable hyperlink) can work via the above steps to get past The Australian's paywall.


19/01/2013I do not intend to make a practice of re-posting from PB, but this from The Finnigans is a good list of where the MSM has been coming from. [i]15/05/2011 – Gillard is dead, politically dead – Peter Costello 06/06/2011 – Gillard gone by December – Andrew Bolt 01/09/2011 – Labor stalwart says Gillard ‘finished’ – Jeremy Thompson 06/09/2011 – JULIA, resign. Let Rudd resume rightful role – PHILLIP ADAMS 17/07/2011 – Gillard down for count – Phillip Coorey 20/02/2012 – Gillard delusional and in retreat – Dennnis Shanahan 21/02/2012 – Too late for Gillard to save herself – BY: NIKI SAVVA 23/02/2012 – Assassins reap what they sowed – Simon Benson 21/04/2012 – Gillard will be GORN by end of May, Hewson & Richo jointly on #Slynews 30/04/2012 – Credibility gone, PM should fall on her sword , Michelle Grattan 02/05/2012 – Julia’s going: it’s a matter of time – Dennis Shanahan 18/05/2012 – Despite the poll and budget uptick, Gillard and Labor are doomed – Richo 19/05/2012 – String of disasters mean the party’s over for Labor – Piers Akerman 26/05/2012 – A leadership change to Kevin Rudd is the last real option – PvO 28/05/2012 – Lame duck Labor likely to waddle on to term – Gerard Henderson 25/07/2012 – Labor’s choice is Rudd or oblivion – PAUL KELLY 12/06/2012 – Determined Gillard may be, but her leadership is looking terminal – Shanahan 14/08/2012 – Pride comes before a fall for Gillard Government – Derryn Hinch 23/08/2012 – Gillard in big trouble no matter what happens – Leo Shanahan 12/09/2012 – Just like Howard, Abbott has the numbers that really count – JANET ALBRECHTSEN 13/10/2012 – Misogyny tactic will backfire – PAUL KELLY 13/10/2012 – Gillard’s hypocrisy stripped bare – CHRIS KENNY 05/11/2012 – Hanging by a thread by Peter Hartcher 24/11/2012 – Knives are out for Gillard – Peter Hartcher[/i]


19/01/2013PatriciaWA @ 11.22pm [i]"[b]They[/b] are having to reassess [b]their[/b] opinions,"[/i] I agree with you that this is what is happening. It's what I was getting at in my 1.13am post (bottom half about Mumbles' observations). Some of the MSM are gelling to the possibility, even probability, that they have been backing a crock of shite and are trying to save a bit of face. This is neither surprising nor intriguing. Nor is it something that we in the 5th should trust. Sure, it's better than their habitual slagging off of PMJG and the government, but I doubt that it comes from "the heart". It is self interest, period.


19/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Weekend Australian[/b] - In leaps and boundaries, Pearson and Clarke prove our greatest A nation ablaze as firestorm turns deadly Private sector closing jobs gap Carr in joint plea to US on Mid-East [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - City sizzles in record heat For the first time in 500 years, East Timor stands alone [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - ONE HELL OF A DAY - Hunter in flames as Sydney swelters to 45.8C record ONE BIG LIE - Lance comes clean [b]The Saturday Age[/b] - Meddling MP fuels Liberal row Man dies, homes lost, as blaze sweeps through Gippsland [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - FIRESTORM (Scary Pic - Ed) [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - It might be a sign, no update to today's Front Page Still showing yesterday's - is QLd going backwards or just standing still? - Ed [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - KING CON - Armstrong admits all seven tour wins were 'one big lie' [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Luxury at Tassie's Highest Price - Room with a $5.6m view ONE BIG LIE [b]The NT Times[/b] - THE MONSOON HAS ARRIVED - and it could bring a cyclone with it OOR SHAME - Three Territory kids 'known' to Welfare Workers have died since christmas


19/01/2013[b][i]From the archives[/b] a brief lookback on this day one year ago[/i] But first to an event 131 years ago as presented one year ago: [b]Happy 130th Birthday, A. A. Milne: “Happiness” and the Origin of Winnie-the-Pooh[/b] Maria Popova @Brain Pickings [i]One hundred and thirty years ago (yesterday), Alex Alexander Milne (1882-1956) took his first breath. Best known for authoring the Winnie-the-Pooh book series, among the most beloved children’s books with timeless philosophy for grown-ups, ...[/i] One year ago today the internet was in 'blackout' as many sites 'went offline' in protest over the anti-piracy measures in the SOPA & PIPA bills. Also @ 9:04 AM a sad thing was announced. We have moved on. [i] and in the papers ...[/i] [b]Wilkie stands by pokie threat[/b] Richard Willingham & Jessica Wright, TheAge [i]... in a telling sign that his negotiations with the Prime Minister are on the brink of collapse, Mr Wilkie tried to set up a meeting with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott yesterday. ... It is understood the Opposition Leader was unable to meet Mr Wilkie on his first day back from his summer break as his schedule was already full with a factory tour.[/i] [b]Call to end people smugglers' 5-year terms[/b] Michael Gordon, TheAge [i]... dozens of cases threaten to overwhelm the courts this year and the states are threatening a revolt over the mounting costs of drawn-out proceedings. It also follows criticism from 10 Australian judges and law and human rights bodies that the penalties target the wrong people, ...[/i] [b]Scientists reject plan to save Murray-Darling[/b] TomArup, TheAge [i]SOME of Australia's leading scientists have rejected the proposed plan to save the Murray-Darling, saying basic information needed to have confidence it will deliver a healthy river is missing.[/i]


19/01/2013PWA @ January 18. 2013 11:22 PM, [i]... rationalising their own reasons for viewing her in a different light. Julia Gillard has not changed or shifted ground that much. They are having to reassess their opinions, built on the false premise that this Prime Minister and her government could not and would not last, much less excel as they have.[/i] I shall pass on the feedback to the comrade. They will have a very big laugh that they have been lumped in with Mumbles and the rest of the media and particularly the bit about them apparently believing the government could not last. As to whether the PM has changed or stayed persactly as she was, as I read comments by others here, some propose that she has and offer different views on which way and from when it may have 'started'. I, and I am sure many others, would hope that she has changed, just as most people change and grow, and that she will continue to grow as a person and a prime minister. I will leave it to 'history' to assess whether Ms Gillard grew into the job, or otherwise, and that assessment may well come down to who writes the history.

Ad astra

19/01/2013janice Thank you for your comment; I hope [i]TPS Mail[/i] works for you and enables us all to extend the influence of [i]TPS[/i]. You seem adept at new technology. I enjoyed reading what your TV technician had to say. Gravel I’m not sure I understand what you mean by having to go to the side bar to open the post, but to activate any post, just click the title and the [i]TPS Mail[/i] panel will appear.

Ad astra

19/01/2013Michael I’ll try to access the Pearson article later. I can imagine what his tone would be. Psyclaw Thank you for your splendid list of Gillard-knocking statements. They are relevant now, but won’t they be delectable come post-election.

Ad astra

19/01/2013DMW Thank you for the links and Front Pages. I see that the expert panel could not bring itself to choose Julia Gillard as 'The Australian of the Year' preferring joint winners; Michael Clarke and Sally Pearson.


19/01/2013Ad Astra Sorry, I know I wasn't clear. When I opened The Political Sword, it opened on TPS Mail topic. I usually scroll down to previous topic to catch up on comments I have missed, then read new topic. When I scrolled down this topic wasn't there so I had to go to the side bar and click on it from there. I see it now has a hyperlink to this topic, so really it was just me I think.


19/01/2013Hi Ad, I didn't bother going to the article and I didn't follow the nominations. I would hazard a guess that panel chose to 'play it safe'. Sport and sports-people are usually pretty safe bets not to stir up much controversy.


19/01/2013An easier way to read full articles from the Oz (and other Ltd News) is to copy and paste the headline into a search engine, but put it all in double quotes. That way the search is for the entirety of the phrase. Usually the Australian article is the first listed, just link on the link provided and you get the full article. For example, the Richardson article headline is "Gillard's survival technique". Paste all of that, including the quotes at either end into the Google box, and the Richardson article is the first listed by Google. PS apologies if I post this twice, I had a problem the first time I posted.


19/01/2013This from the Conversation piece: The sequence of Australian mean temperature has been just as impressive. As things currently stand, the first two weeks of January 2013 now hold the records for the hottest Australian day on record, the hottest two-day period on record, the hottest three-day period, the hottest four-day period and, well, every sequential-days record stretching from one to 14 days for daily mean temperatures. I wonder if this will be a game-changer for AGW? When the Eastern States were in drought, more people accepted the science of AGW - when the drought broke then other things seemed to have a higher priority. Extreme weather, even though it isn't "climate" as such, makes people realise what their future (and their children's future) could be like. I too, have recently had an air conditioner installed, even though my house was built with passive solar principles and is well insulated. Unfortunately, when the overnight minimum only gets down to 30 C, no house can get cooler than that by natural methods. I wonder if off-peak cooling could be developed. It works by freezing a liquid by using overnight electricity (which is a lot cheaper) and then the liquid melts throughout the day, providing cooling with only a fan. Unfortunately, it's limited to commercial applications ATM.


19/01/2013AA Not sure that you have read my comment @ January 19. 2013 02:45 AM or indeed that of Psyclaw @ January 19. 2013 01:13 AM (both complimentary BTW) Michael re accessing articles at [i]The Coalition Times.[/i]As more often than not we begin with the name of the article I copy and paste that into Google and then just click on the found URL. I tried your method and found that I did not need to put in the http://www part of the address - usually the browser will add that part automatically.


19/01/2013TT The opening para of Richardson's article had me fuming and hoping that he has by now been thrown out of the Labor Party as a turncoat. [quote]NEWSPOLL is frightening the hell out of me. Just when I am convinced the Coalition is coasting towards its long expected election victory, along comes this week's Newspoll which has Labor neck-and-neck with the opposition and in with a real shot of winning. [/quote] Go to the final paras and he is critical of Abbott [quote]And what of Abbott? He looks like a one-trick pony. The relentless negativity served him well but it has run its course. Merely attacking Gillard won't be enough this time. He needs to introduce policy ideas and detail. I'm just not sure if he can.[/quote] Maybe Richo hopes that no one, most especially Rupert, will read through to the end.


19/01/2013Given my little bend towards the past over recent days I thought some of you might enjoy this [i]On this day ...[/i] It is actually from Jan 18 but at the time of typing it is still Jan 18 in the US where this comes from. [b]Dylan’s “Forever Young,” Released on This Day in 1974, Illustrated[/b] Maria Popova, BrainPicings [i]“May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true… May you stay forever young.” On this day in 1974, the world welcomed Bob Dylan’s Planet Waves album. On it was “Forever Young” — one of Dylan’s most beloved songs, inspired by his four-year-old son Jakob.[/i]

Ad astra

19/01/2013Gravel Thank your for your kind remarks. I do now understand what you meant when you said you went to the left panel. I seldom look there at all, but I see you went to ‘Recent posts’. I think you will find it easier to just click on the title, whereupon the [i]TPS Mail[/i] system will be enabled. Casablanca Thank you too for your encouraging remarks. I believe that once [i]TPS[/i] users become accustomed to [i]TPS Mail[/i] it will be well used, and extend the influence of the site. You are right about Mike Carlton’s email address. It should be Thank you for picking that up. I’ll have it corrected.

Truth Seeker

19/01/2013Gravel, I look forward to your reaction to my song "The Willow Wood Man", and for any that might be interested I have re-posted my poem "Friends in the LNP". Cheers :-)

Truth Seeker

19/01/2013Ad, great article, and I think that there are going to be some very unpleasant surprises for the right whingers this year. :-) :-) Cheers :-)

Ad astra

19/01/2013Truth Seeker Thank you for your encouragement and your remarks about [i]TPS Mail[/i]. Despite the quality of the writing therein, the Fifth Estate largely hides its light under a bushel because its means of dissemination is limited. I hope [i]TPS Mail[/i] will remove some of that limitation.


19/01/2013[b]Complex and intelligent people who are controlled by simple concepts[/b] Gordon, Gordon's Thoughts [i]“There’s a difference between simple and deceptively simple” – Frasier Crane describing a painting of a big red dot Here’s Tony Abbott’s entire game plan for how he’ll deal with the challenges of government and failing to deliver on all of the ridiculous and unrealistic promises he’s made if he wins the next federal election summed up in six simple words: “If I win, it’s Labor’s fault!” That’s all. No complex models. No sophisticated policy proposals ...[/i]


19/01/2013John Lord has written a brilliant piece on why Tony Abbott must never be Prime minister. I think you'll enjoy it.

Ad astra

19/01/2013MWS Thank you for your advice re getting into [i]The Oz[/i]. Yes, the article on [i]The Conversation[/i] was frightening. But the deniers will heap scorn on it!

Ad astra

19/01/2013Miglo Thank you for the link to John Lord's piece. What a catalogue of Abbott misdemeanours he has assembled. I will bookmark them for reference. And Abbott wants to be PM!!!!!

Barry Tucker

19/01/2013I've given up trying to understand the climate thing -- too many conflicting facts and opinions. I can recall periods of warm winters, cool summers, freezing winters and scorching summers throughout my life. I'm more concerned with the reasons for the opposition to pollution control from certain sections of the news media, big business and politics. I'm sure the reasons are purely commercial: pollution control, taxes, less use of coal and oil all cut into profits. I'm sure Labor supporters (and those who support a clean future) can get more traction in this debate by investigating crass commercial interests and ignoring the scientific argy-bargy which (in my opinion) is little more than a smoke screen. @btckr

Ad astra

19/01/2013Casablanca Mike Carlton's email address has been corrected.

Ad astra

19/01/2013DMW Gordon’s thoughts are worthy of note. I wonder how much longer the electorate will swallow Abbott’s simple slogans. Maybe with an election coming up it will demand more substance than the fairy floss he has offered so far. It is Labor’s task to promote its policies strongly, and insist the parallel policies of the Coalition be placed alongside them.

Ad astra

19/01/2013Barry Tucker The problem scientists have, and climate scientists in particular, is that they subscribe to Popper’s dictum that while scientific theories are able to be disproved, they cannot be proved absolutely. Science works on probabilities; only charlatans operate with ‘certainty’, their own version of certainty. Having operated all my life in a milieu of uncertainty, I am comfortable accepting the level of certainty that climate scientists offer in favour of AGW, around 98%. Why not back that level of certainty, or uncertainty for that matter. Who would not back a horse at those odds? All the more so when the penalty for not backing the AGW horse leaves a 98% chance of bringing about catastrophic climate change. Even arch-conservatives Margaret Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch have said that we ought to give the planet the benefit of any doubt. It is beyond most of us to understand the dynamics of global climate with its multiple interacting variables. Even climate scientists have difficulty, which is why they use powerful computers to model change in climate and make predictions. So why don’t we just accept the scientists’ words at face value, and act accordingly. [b]My plea is to leave it to the scientists to do their work carefully and advise us, and to accept their conclusions and endorse their advice. We cannot do their work.[/b] The question you pose is why so many in business and industry oppose pollution control, and your answer is self interest, to which I would add ‘short term’ self interest. Those with a long view can see that global warming above 2 degrees C will threaten their business and life as we know it. But short-term gains are more alluring than long term ones, and so they go for the quick buck and to hell with the future. In my view, Labor ought to speak about global warming in certain terms, and run the message that as time is rapidly running out to save the planet for our grandchildren, we must ACT NOW, and not muck around with Mickey Mouse proposals like Abbott’s so-called ‘Direct Action Plan’, and his ridiculous plan to abolish the carbon tax, just when it desired effects are being seen. Labor must ignore the Monckton’s, the Plimer’s, the Alan Jones’ and all the other climate charlatans, and get down to fingering the Opposition’s ineffectual policies and shaming the avaricious and selfish business community into responsible behavior for the common good, pressing the point that it is for its own good in the long run.


19/01/2013[b]What if Gillard were to lead?[/b] Geoff Davies, IndependentAustralia [i]PRIME MINISTER Julia Gillard’s October parliamentary speech, in which she systematically tore down Opposition Leader Tony Abbott for his persistent misogyny, got a big reaction world-wide. Why? Because it is a problem not often addressed in mainstream politics, and because of her obvious passion and authenticity, delivered with devastatingly articulate precision. In all the discussion that followed ‒ about whether this was routine parliamentary posturing, about why the commentariat was caught off-guard, about whether she is hypocritical about other issues ‒ one question was missing: Why doesn’t Gillard do this more often?[/i]


19/01/2013Barry Tucker I don't recall seeing you at TPS before so "hello" [i]"I've given up trying to understand the climate thing"[/i] I'm sorta in your camp. The fact is I didn't ever really try to understand it. I've had about 10 operations over the last decade and I must confess that other than at a very general level I didn't understand the detail. The surgeon who removed my thyroid did explain that the operation 's was fairly long because of the need to go slowly and avoid damaging many nerves, including vocal ones, in the area. Removing the actual thyroid takes about a minute or so. But don't ask me to draw a picture. I trusted her and left it up to her. Similarly in my few OS plane trips I've wondered how 4 or 5 hundred tonnes stays up in the air. I've got a very rough idea about power and flaps and uplift but I still can't understand it. The aeronautical engineers and pilots have got it all under control. As to how this computer and the www works, Dog Albitey knows, and a few IT geeks here and there around the world. So long as they keep it all going is all I'm concerned about. So too with climate change and AGW. Other than my common sense that tells me that since the advent of the industrial revolution in the 1800's(?), mankind has been belching exhaust toxins from billions of engines, plant and machinery all over the earth into the finite atmosphere and that inevitably it will have to come back and bite us, I know little about the detailed dynamics of AGW. But I do trust the scientific community to work it out for me, just as I trust doctors, pilots and experts in many other fields that have thus far made my life convenient, enjoyable, and reasonably long. About AGW, this group of experts speaks quite predominantly with a single voice. The conflicting facts and opinions come from sources other than the scientific community, and as you point out they are invariably based on some competing commercial interest.


19/01/2013AA It never occurred to me that it was a simple matter of an 's' missing from Mike Carlton's email address. I took the 'mh' to be his initials. lol Also, I meant to query why Labor, as in ALP, has been spelt Labour in the TPS Mail database.


19/01/2013Hi Ad, I am still 'processing' Gordon's Thoughts ... [i] It is Labor’s task to promote its policies strongly, and insist the parallel policies of the Coalition be placed alongside them.[/i] I agree with the first part however I wouldn't insist on the opposition doing anything. Come from a position of strength, showing 'we are in power and we can get this done'. Play from the front foot and set the agenda. Insisting that Mr Abbott and his band of merry shadows does this or that plays toward the impression that the opposition is the one that [u]has the power[/u] as opposed to [u]being in power[/u]. I will have to read Gordon again as some of it still 'jangling'


19/01/2013A good site that clearly explains AGW and rebuts all of the misinformation is They have "basic" and "advanced" sections, so all readers can understand. I agree with Aa. It is the height of arrogance to say - "I don't know what you are doing, but I'm sure you're doing it wrong." Nearly all of the deniers have NO specialised knowledge of AGW, they don't publish in the field and almost all take money from fossil fuel industries. A good book on the denial industry is [i]Merchants of doubt[/i] by Naomi Orestes and Eric Conway. Your local library should be able to get you a copy.

Ad astra

19/01/2013Casablanca I hadn't noticed the misspelling of 'Labor". I've asked Web Monkey to change 'Labour' to 'Labor'.

Ad astra

19/01/2013Folks I'll be out for a few hours.


19/01/2013AA I didn't have the rest of TPS mail to look at with my earlier post, looks like we will be more that a pebble on the road to the Lieberals & the old MSM this yr, more like a bloody big speed hump with teeth. Very well put together, I bow my hat to Web Monkey, I studied flash programing a few yrs back now & I know just how many hours of work he has had to put in. Especially the fact it is all done in HTML, my admiration goes to you [b]Web Monkey[/b]. Also to the host of us all [b]Ad Astra[/b], TPS has evolved, you have set the new bench mark for blogs. ------------------------------------------------------- I agree AA, the article you posted the link too is truly frightening. I posted here a few months ago that we will see the change that is to come & possibly see the start of the decline in the Human era within 20 yrs. I did get pilloried a little about presenting a doomsday scenario, but I do think that is where we are heading & in that time frame. If we slip into a full blown El Nino(remember we are on the cusp of the change, Southern oscillation has not swung yet)we will have days that will make what we have just seen look like an entree. Plants(our food)just cant take it, we plant in seasons, you don't have a chance to replant a lot of crops when the first sowing gets wiped out. We can't even consider the cost to protect crops from the extremes. 1 day is all it takes. I recall a fact from the program [i]Taking Australia's Temperature[/i] as written about by AA in the last few months of last yr. When the presenter remarked at the end of the program. "I get it, there is an extra 1 kilowatt of energy/sqr kilometer of land mass over Australia & that is what is driving the climate" We have just witnessed what happens to that energy when it gets locked into the centre of the mainland, we cook!. For those that have a good imagination, try imagining twice that energy & the result. I will be happy to be corrected on this, but can anyone else remember when so many states have had such destructive fires all on the same week? I remember the 67 bush fires here in Tassie, even though I was only in grade 4 & I remember it well for my age. There was one thing missing that was the wind we had this time. More oxygen hotter faster fires. In the recent fires we had the fire cross a bay down the peninsular (Eaglehawk neck for those that know of it) it traveled over 300 mtrs across the water. No fuel but it still crossed it, not embers a massive sheet of flames, that was the only way it got onto the lower peninsular. That's why they built a prison there, only 1 access point (one piece of land 100 mts wide all sand/dunes the rest a barrier of 100's of mtrs of shark infested water). What a fire does under these conditions is re-writing the manual, its all new, for those that have them, break out the crystal ball, its going to be the only way to see what is coming, even though we have been warned for decades, very few see what is really going to happen. Funny how Abbortt jumping around like a demented jack jumper about the carbon price makes headlines, yet climate changes is still treated with complete contempt by Ltd News, as we saw last week with the IPCC report about sea level rise. Sorry for the new yrs rant, but I really do get angry when evidence like what we are seeing gets ignored & whitewashed. I feel like the angry Jack Jumper myself right now.


19/01/2013From Gordon's Thoughts: [i]"It is Labor’s task to promote its policies strongly, and insist the parallel policies of the Coalition be placed alongside them."[/i] DMW suggests that the government does not "insist" on anything from the opposition, since this [i]"plays toward the impression that the opposition is the one that has the power "[/i] It is possible, I guess, that the word "insist" might to some convey an overemphasis by the government on what the opposition is doing/saying rather than the government getting on with its own positive message. However IMO the government must follow the traditional path, pointing out their strengths and the opposition's weakness. This will require them to put the spotlight on the Abbotteer's gross incompetencies both personnel and policy wise. Not to do this would be grossly incompetent. So make no bones about it, the government will throughout the campaign call on or insist that Abbott puts up. I think there are growing signs that elements of the MSM will do likewise, when push comes to shove. Abbott of course will minimise his exposure to sustained questioning and I expect any policy information from him will lack detail, unless he is pressed. It's all a matter of the government running a balanced campaign, and especially one that isn't in the majority negative. There is much grist for the mill about their great policies, and there is much grist for the mill about Abbott's inadequacies. Both are legitimate areas. I am reminded of the failed negative over-focus by the Bligh mob against CannotDo during the Queensland campaign. However, let's remember this was mainly based on wider Newman family issues, and the electorate rightly ignored it. So long as they do it with a large blend of selling their own positive message, the government should be able to beneficially keep some of the light on Abbott the person. Unlike CannotDo, he will be well behind the eight ball from the outset, despised as he is even by conservos, and so it won't be a matter of shooting him down from any existing position of personal popularity to which there might be a risk of a counter effect in the form of his regaining popularity. That won't happen; his deficits are too ingrained in his deeper persona. To express my view mathematically, I would want the government to focus about 75% of their effort in "selling" their own assets, and about 25% on highlighting Abbott's liabilities. Both aspects must be addressed.

Ad astra

19/01/2013KHTAGH Thank you for your kind remarks. I hope [i]TPS Mail[/i] extends the reach of [i]TPS[/i], and that more and more use it to contact MPs. Psyclaw I’m inclined to agree with your view on how Labor should play the election game. Casablanca “Labor’ now correctly spelt. MWS Thank you for the link to [i]The merchants of doubt[/i]. It sound like a great book. I’m now calling it a day.


19/01/2013Psyclaw @ 9:01 PM did you actually read Gordon's Thoughts? If you check carefully the quote you supplied was from Ad @ 2:46 PM. Rather careless research. How suprisement. ReCaptcha knows all: [i]issupTyp buffoons[/i]

bob macalba

19/01/2013Ad To yourself and WEB MONKEY a big thankyou for setting up TPS Mail, i cant imagine the hours and effort put in but im guessing that it was lots and lots....Thanx to all who have put up comments and links over last couple of days..cheers, great stuff lots to take in Miglo...that John Lord article was spot on.... ta very much Marylyn....'WOW'...thats a scarey sort of anger you got going there, just reading it and i could feel spittle on my face. not a good way to get your point across though, IMHO, anyway good luck with that tactic......cheers


20/01/2013Hi Bob, Marilyn is certainly an odd kettle of fish. An extreme passionista for her cause. She recently had an article published @ Independent Australia which was quite sane and sensible. If Marilyn put her case here in a similar way many of us could possibly engage.


20/01/2013I see there was pedantic error correction @ 11.00pm ..... pedantic because the error had no effect at all on the substance of my reflections. The misattributed quote simply set a general scene for the substance of my further reflections. [u]Erroneous attribution of quote by me:[/u] Yes [u]Essence of my post @ 9.01pm:[/u] Discussion of a suggestion of doom and gloom ie WTTE [i]"we'll all be rooned if the government "insists" that Abbott puts-up"[/i] (non-erroneously attributed to DMW) [u]Relevance of my attribution error to my 9.01 pm comment[/u]: Zero Recaptcha sure is all-knowing tonight: "forlorn sniper"


20/01/2013Psyclaw it is good to see the high horse is still your preferred mode of transport. I hope the view from up there is satisfying.


20/01/2013 Settle petal !


20/01/2013Piers Akerman has flipped out. I THINK he thinks he's being satirical. If "bile" and "rant" were synonyms for "satire", perhaps. But they aren't. And neither, as it happens, on a Journalism 101 fact-checking basis, was Peter Slipper "the author of a series of truly vile and misogynistic text messages". James Ashby 'authored' the initiating phrases in the jar of pickled mussels text thread. I know nobody takes Piers Akerman seriously, but someone is seriously paying him, and someone will be applauding his dragging the political gutter-motifs of 2012 into this new year. Thanks Piers. For reminding everyone that 'the line' you and your ilk crossed is so far in your past that what you abandoned beyond it, truth, integrity, honour, don't mean a thing. Clearly not to you. To us? That's a whole other story.


20/01/2013Michael @8.03am Even in the misogyny speech debate the real context was ignored ie that Slipper had merely engaged in a very long sms dialogue with a consensual, like-minded, like-speaking, potential "partner". This appears to have been his perception at the time, whilst unbeknown to him it was actually a honey trap. When criticism of private, intimate, sexualised conversations between potential partners is the norm for castigation, who really wants to throw the first stone. As to the "truly vile" way in which female genitalia was discussed, I noted at the time that the MSM by and large did not quote the actual words, nor did they tell that Ashby actually initiated the topic. Had they reported the actual words, there are very many people of both genders who would have previously heard both female and male genitalia being described in reference to other objects in nature by way of comparison, and who would not have believed that the actual descriptions in the sms texts were "vile". Distasteful? ..... maybe; poor form? .... maybe; proscribed by etiquette? ...... probably; unoriginal?..... certainly. But nothing really worth getting up on a high horse about, or even a shetland pony for that matter! Justice Rares was certainly not fazed by it. However the meme of the MSM and the opposition about the issue ...... that such words used by a MP, indeed by a Speaker !!!!!!!! indicates the onset of armageddon for the whole society ........ would have lacked any political potency if the actual words had been widely quoted. A big "ho hum" from large sections of the community would have ensued. Given Abbott's manly, misogynistic, testosterone driven character, I'd bet my house that he has privately had a good laugh about the words Slipper wrote, which would not only have been familiar to him, but part of his own vocabulary in the past.

bob macalba

20/01/2013DMW i read that article....thats the same Marilyn?

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

20/01/2013 Some Sunday reading, peoples. [b]UPDATE: TIMESTAMPS & PRESS RELEASES[/b] [i]Sortius[/i] It’s been over a month since I’ve updated my stories on Abbott’s press release regarding James Ashby’s case against Peter Slipper (post 1, post 2) , so I thought I’d give an update on some new information that has come to hand. [b]Trial by media [/b] [i]Barry Tucker[/i] IN the heart of the nation’s capital, in the heart of its Parliament, we have the Canberra Press Gallery and, in its private alcove, the National Press Club. It appears to be the beating heart of the political news media bias that is driving at least half of the country nuts. … What’s not so obvious is a complaint by Neil Spencer, on December 16, 2012. Mr Spencer questions the relatively poor coverage of the outcome of a court case which has become known as Ashbygate. The hearing created sensational front page news. The verdict was buried in the back pages. Instead of replying directly to Mr Spencer’s post, the FB page administrator referred him to another story in The Daily Telegraph relating to action being taken against the former Speaker, Peter Slipper, by the Federal Police. The administrator makes the rather snide remark: “We thought you would appreciate this one.” [b]The Ashbygate conspiracy — of silence[/b] [i]Margo Kingston[/i] Meanwhile In the Twitterverse, people have created timelines, Ashby archives and Ashby newspapers, listed Ashby questions and started a petition to force an inquiry. Independent media have bemoaned the ‘scandalous lack of curiosity’ of the MSM, and Independent Australia has continued its standout news, analysis and investigative reporting. Me, I’ve made a complaint about the Daily Telegraph’scoverage to the Press Council, signed the inquiry petition, and broken the story that the recent court summons against Slipper for old travel claims defies normal practice. I got that scoop because my sources didn’t think the MSM was interested. When it sticks in twitter’s craw, Twitter makes the running. [b]The Religious Right To Discriminate[/b] [i]Eleanor Gibbs[/i] While many aspects of the anti-discrimination laws are being updated, there is one area of discrimination that is not only untouched, but has in fact been extended. Under the current laws, religious organisations have a permanent exemption from the requirements not to discriminate, except in the provision of aged care. The proposed bill increases the grounds on which religious groups can discriminate to include gender identity, marital or relationship status, potential pregnancy, pregnancy, religion, sexual orientation. [b]I will not be renewing my Liberal Party membership[/b] Team Oyeniyi I’ve been feeling less and less able to to support the Liberal Party for some time. I’ve reached the point where I find I cannot, in all conscience, remain a member. I was particularly disappointed in Joe Hockey’s attack on the Prime Minister over Christmas. That sort of thing just isn’t necessary in a civilised country. Then we had the “lovely” Andrew Laming’s recent behaviour, which, as far as I know, has gone without chastisement from his leader. The Liberal Party’s hypocrisy over the Slipper affair just stunned me. [Comments are worth reading] [b]Comment:[/b] [i]Bushfire Bill[/i] The fact that he is just about THE most unpopular leader of an Opposition in history is waved away as a mere bagatelle. We hear that PPM and personal ratings don’t necessarily predict election results, which may be true when they are just unfavourable. But Abbott’s ratings are in the sub-basement. They had to dig a new hole to put them in. They had to clear the rats and the cockroaches out to make room. We also hear that Labor has to contend with marginal seats. But the Libs have more, yet they are never mentioned. [b]For Our Information: Politicians Need To Let Go[/b] [i]Suelette Dreyfus[/i] For those who want to keep the freedoms of the internet intact, vigilance is key. There is some reason for optimism, a slow changing of the guard among some in Canberra, if not among our elected representatives. A younger generation is beginning to enlighten the bureaucracy through open government movement organisations such as GovHack and GovCamp. The forward-thinking Australian Capital Territory government is working on the innovative dataACT program, an initiative to publish bundles of government data at a central web portal for the public to access and use online tools to analyse. While still early days, all this marks the very early beginnings of a culture change coming from inside the Australian government itself. Such changes will inevitably involve some loss of control, and that will be a hard struggle. But politicians and government decision makers on both sides of the Pacific just need to get a grip — and then let go. [b]Is unemployment set to rise?[/b] [i]Michael Janda[/i] Currently, this trend towards lower rates of participation has proved durable. If it remains so, it makes outlying economist predictions of a 6 per cent-plus unemployment rate later this year far less likely to come true. As one economist said in response to the latest jobless figures, Australia's employment market is hardly shooting the lights out. However, it is holding steady, and it is worth noting that 5.4 per cent is as low as the unemployment rate ever was during the period between 1978 and April 2004 - and the participation rate was much lower in that period. [b]A third official level of government?[/b] [i]The Canberra Files[/i] Throughout all these media friendly events there has been a fascinating and predictably under-reported affair taking place involving some of our top policy makers and academics. On Wednesday in Sydney there met a group of bureaucratic alumni for the Joint Select Committee on the Constitutional Recognition of Local Government. Although this title sounds exceedingly exciting it was probably a rather pedestrian affair; however with some very interesting information and important possible outcomes. [b]Street violence shows the need for Gonski reforms[/b] [i]Craig Emerson MP[/i] It is unworthy of an opposition frontbencher to seek a political dividend from a tense situation in which police were trying to keep the groups apart. And it is no thanks to Laming that the police have done a great job in brokering a peace between the families. But equally, it is incumbent on governments to implement policies designed to give young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the same chance in life as better-off children. The Gillard government has greatly increased funding for literacy and numeracy programs in Logan, targeted at indigenous children and those from non-English-speaking and low-socioeconomic backgrounds.


20/01/2013Go [i]Jayfa[/i], a very busy little beaver you has bin ... Well done and thanks :) :) :)


20/01/2013Does this work? [b]The Jayfa Jive [/b] [i]a merry dance around the blogs[/i]

Ad astra

20/01/2013bob macalba Thank you for your kind words. I hope you will make good use of [i]TPS Mail[/i]. Michael I doubt if Piers Akerman could write satire. His writings are so redolent with sarcasm and hate that satirical meaning would be so swamped as to be unrecognizable. His piece is archetypical and thereby worthless. Why is paid for such dross? His employer must have an ulterior motive.

Ad astra

20/01/2013Janet Thank you for a great collection of items which I enjoyed reading. Ashbygate seems like a simmering issue. I suppose we will have to wait until the parliamentary year begins to see how vigorously the conspiracy theory is pursued. BB’s comments, as always are spot on.


20/01/2013[b][i]The Sunday Papers[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Sunday Telegraph[/b] - THROWAWAY ‘BABIES’ - Exclusive: Parents told to destroy IVF embbryos Mobile Phone Ban on Star Swimmers Fire Heroes who saved Aussie Icon [b]The Sun-Herald[/b] - Treating children with kid gloves Back in the pulpit - Church reinstates priest who abused disabled women [b]The Sunday Age[/b] - Scorched, surrounded … undefeated MP’s son in council cash row [b]The Sunday Mail[/b] - FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE STREWTH! Boxing Roos put mum in hospital [i]... and from a year ago today[/i] [b]You are what you choose to learn[/b] Barnaby Joyce @CanberraTimes [i]Our future is determined to a large extent by who we are and where we live. When we are young we may have dreams of beauty, fame or wealth but mostly these are determined by genetics, the benevolence of our families and education.[/i] [b]Abbott’s stunts no substitute for policy grunt[/b] Anthony Albanese (Opinion in The Australian) @HisWebSite [i]Tony Abbott declared at the 2010 Press Gallery end of year drinks that he would host the 2011 drinks in the Lodge. Of course, we know that represented a triumph of ambition over reality.[/i] [b]Challenge for Gillard: to reignite the passion[/b] Michael Gordon @NationalTimes [i]NOW comes the hard part. Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have the chance to cast self-interest aside, right a historical wrong and nudge this country towards reconciliation. Will they grasp it? And if they do, will the nation respond?[/i] [b]Racism very much alive in Australia, says Dr Charles Teo[/b] Stephen Drill, Henry Budd @Herald Sun [i]Dr Charles Teo, the son of Chinese immigrants, who prolonged the life of Jane McGrath and has saved the lives of hundreds of Australians, said it was wrong to deny there was racism. At a launch of Australia Day Council celebrations yesterday, Dr Teo said that racism was still "very much alive in Australia".[/i] [b]Racism still shadows our history[/b] Mark Leibler @NationalTimes [i]The Australian constitution must abandon the 19th century idea that Aboriginal people's identity is based on race. Racism turns your life into a lottery. It reduces your ability to control your destiny or make decisions for yourself. To stay or go becomes a matter of life or death.[/i]


20/01/2013Truth Seeker I enjoyed your 'Willow' song. Was that an African drum (mind has gone blank on the name)? Oh and I though your voice had a great timbre to it, and as I haven't got anything to compare it to, I have no complaints. :-) Gypsy Thanks for those links, I'll read them between watching the tennis, they are actually showing a Women's match. :-)

Ad astra

20/01/2013DMW, Psyclaw I hope the debate about how Labor should approach the promotion of its policies, will not be lost in minutiae. It seems to me that Labor has to explain its policies and their rationale in sufficient detail for ‘the man in the street’ to understand and appreciate. Short populist slogans will not do. On the other hand, convoluted explanations will be lost on those whose attention span has been atrophied by our MSM. A number of short, lucidly worded sentences that an eleven-year-old could grasp are needed. As a long time educator, I would dearly love to compose them. Anyway, that won’t be possible! The electorate needs the policies of Labor to be compared with, and contrasted against the parallel policies of the Coalition. Only then can a rational decision be made to support one or the other. The problem with that objective is that Coalition policies, where they have them, seem largely hidden, or are reduced to brief slogans: ‘Abolish the carbon tax’. The latter does appeal to rusted-on Coalition supporters, the unthinking, and those who can’t be bothered. To get through to those, as I believe Labor must, it needs to analyze Coalition policies as they are revealed, or as it understands them to be even when not revealed, so as to present the core elements set alongside those of Labor policies so people can judge for themselves. Let me venture into an example – global warming: [b]Labor is alarmed about the rise in global warming. Scientists confidently predict that unless it is slowed and halted, devastating consequences will result. The record daily temperatures across Australia, and this year’s bushfires, are dangerous signs of global warming. Labor has moved to reduce the carbon pollution that is causing global warming by placing a price on carbon. Already that has reduced pollution and coal-burning electricity generation. Labor’s policy will slow global warming and reduce its devastating effects. Labor’s policy will ensure that we can hand a healthy planet, a healthy Australia, onto your grandchildren and theirs. The Coalition’s policy is to ‘abolish the carbon tax’. It will abolish the only measure Australia has to slow global warming. Why would the Coalition do that? Because, despite all the scientific evidence, it is skeptical about whether or not the planet is warming. It will also abolish the compensation to pensioners and families Labor has already put in place. The Coalition has a Direct Action Plan that it says will reduce carbon pollution. It involves planting 20 million trees in semi-arid land, and burying biochar (used organic material) in the soil. The Coalition has never explained how it will do that, but it will cost every family $1300 a year, with no compensation. Environmentalists and economists do not support the Coalition Plan. There is nothing else the Coalition has announced. As a voter you have the choice of Labor’s EFFECTIVE policy of a placing a price on carbon pollution with the compensation it provides, Or the Coalition’s policy that will: ABOLISH the only effective program we have to reduce carbon pollution, COST your family $1300 a year, TAKE AWAY the compensation you now enjoy. REPLACE Labor’s policy with its EXPENSIVE and INEFFECTIVE Direct Action Plan, one it has never explained to you, and which WON’T WORK. The choice is yours.[/b] The above does not easily lend itself to short slogans, but one can imagine they might read: [b]If you take global warming seriously, as Labor does: CHOOSE: Labor’s policy of pricing carbon pollution, with FULL compensation to you, Labor’s policy that is already working EFFECTIVELY. Labor’s policy to hand a HEALTHY PLANET to YOUR grandchildren. OR The Coalition’s policy of ABOLISHING the successful ‘carbon tax’ The Coalition’s EXPENSIVE Direct Action Plan that WILL NOT work.[/b] DMW, Psyclaw, I trust I have made my point about comparing policies clearly and have supported it with cogent examples. You be the judge.

Ad astra

20/01/2013DMW Thank you for your Front Pages and links - I'll take them in after lunch.

Truth Seeker

20/01/2013Gravel, thanks for your feedback and kind words. The drums are just bongos, and because of the theme of the book I am sticking with acoustic sounds as much as is possible. My voice is a bit unreliable these days due to the different types of steroidal puffers that I was on, and still am. So I have to choose my times for recording as it acts s bit like a mobile phone, at times, and just drops out in the middle of something as well as being affected by severe bouts of coughing. But having a digital studio helps a lot :-) Cheers :-) :-)


20/01/2013A good use of 6 minutes of your time, a sign of things to come this yr.


20/01/2013Hi Ad, the global warming 'speech' you have written is pretty good. Possibly needs a bit of a 'spit & polish' here and there :) The compare and contrast thing can be effective but like most effective things needs to be done sparingly. I note that you haven't asked the opposition 'to put up' their policies and that is good. I think that a 'theme' that could be used is along the lines of [i]... they want to keep their real plans hidden from and they can't or won't explain what they really intend to do ...[/i]

Ad astra

20/01/2013DMW Thank you for your feedback. I like your 'theme' in your last paragraph.

Ad astra

20/01/2013Folks I'll be out for a while.


20/01/2013AA Message received and understood. Your's is a good example of what I was referring to in my original post above; the one in which I spoke of a balanced approach by the government in the campaign which should include a focus on their positives and the opposition's weaknesses. I note that there have been no replies to my post which have put up any substantive counter argument. For the government to not place the opposition under such a spotlight would be to wage the campaign with one hand tied behind their back. It is after all the traditional and effective debating paradigm to point out your side's own strengths, as well as pointing out flaws in the opposing side's argument. This should also apply to discussions at TPS IMHO. Then of course, the protagonists of the opposing view have the right to defend their position using substantive argument related to any alleged flaws pointed out. Again IMHO, wherever in the election campaign the opposition harps at particular policies of the government and fails to put up alternative policies, or puts up questionable policies, they should receive appropriate, strong, constructive criticism for it. It will be a matter of judgement and finesse for the government in the way they use criticism of the Abbotteers so that it is informative and not a turn-off for the electorate.


20/01/2013Slipper and the Monk a dynamic duo By Mungo MacCallum [i] It was Slipper who cast the final vote to enable Abbott to knock off Malcolm Turnbull in 2009.[/i]

Ad astra

20/01/2013Psyclaw Points taken. KHTAGH Thanks for the link to the Mungo piece - intriguing reading!


20/01/2013Why should the government ignore the oppositions apparent lack of policies at this time? At this moment we are not in the election campaign period. Sure all hopeful candidates and political parties are gearing up for the inevitable, but, very few if any know when the campaign will start although they do know when the last possible moment is. To ask in any way for the opposition to put up their policies is a self defeating exercise as, although we might not like it, the non governing parties and candidates have no obligation to announce their policies until an election is called. As they say in the classics, [i]Tough Titties [/i] that is the way the system works. To ask Mr Abbott to put up his policy on anything puts the 'power' into his hands. He can quite rightly say [i]... we will let the people know in good time for the election ...[/i] and whoever is doing the asking is left tilting at windmills. Asking him to reveal his policies now also puts the focus on him and highlights the impotence of the person or organisation asking and, in the case of the government wastes valuable time and energy in taking focus off the good work it has done and continues to do. At various times over the last two years some, here and elsewhere, have lamented the Prime Minister's focus on the antics of the opposition leader and more particularly her invoking of the [i]ghost of Mr Howard [/i] when attempting to show up the opposition leader and his various lacking attributes. Many of the arguments for and against are similar. Until an election is announced asking the opposition to show their policies plays straight into their hands, takes the focus off the government and wastes valuable time and resources 'tilting at windmills' and wastes opportunities to present the positive future that the government may provide us.


20/01/2013I think just mocking the policy vacuum, from the LieNP is sufficient. Straight out ridicule them as Labor have been. Start making statements to reporters like "no one else takes Mr Abbott seriously why do you". Julia should unleash Greg Combet & Anthony Albanese, we all should keep up the rage about the Lies & involvement in recent events. Only one point is that mad monk stated late last yr "We will release policies in the new yr". Although I think that had more to do with diverting attention from the Ashby affair than actually meaning anything, which we all know is/was a lie as he will not release anything. I would love to see Julia step out with that stoney determination she has & rip into LOTO from word go this yr. She is magnificent when she gets her hackles up as we know. As remarked on IA yesterday. I would love to see Labor run a very simple election line:- "Not this man, not now, not ever" A good tea shirt for some enterprising person. A picture of Barbara Ramjan , with a fist hole either side of her head. "who's been here,...a loser"


21/01/2013KHTAGH, TT and others The following url links you to where you can access Abbort's speeches and Policy statements:

bob macalba

21/01/2013Casablanca hee,hee,hee,hee,hee,...nice one, 2 thumbs up cheers


21/01/2013KHTAGH [i]“I think just mocking the policy vacuum, from the LieNP is sufficient. Straight out ridicule them as Labor have been. Start making statements to reporters like "no one else takes Mr Abbott seriously why do you".”[/i] And [i]“Julia should unleash Greg Combet & Anthony Albanese” [/i] I think you’re on to something there. The psephologists tell us that the only aspect of polls that provides reliable information is the trend over time Well since about the time the carbon price became operative six months ago, the outlook for the government has grown and grown …… a sure and steady increase in acceptance by the electorate. Ditto for the PMs popularity and ditto conversely for the opposition’s outlook and Abbott’s popularity. There are several causes for this I suspect, including (a) the lived experience under carbon pricing, (b) positive actions by the government such as the consolidation, progress and bedding down of policies such as the NBN and the launching of the NDIS,[b] and[/b] (c) a blend of aggression and ridicule aimed at Abbott’s poor character and over reaching. There have been lamentations that the government is overly focused on criticizing Abbott. But what is the major source of these bleatings? Why the opposition and the MSM and anyone promoting the coalition’s interests of course. The same people who nominated the misogyny speech as a waste of space. The same people who march to the beat of Credlin’s drum. So why are they bleating? Because it is working. Because Abbott is a soft target. Because 60% of the electorate now dislike/disrespect their putative saviour. Is the bulk of the electorate really going to complain when their entrenched view of Abbott is confirmed. That would be most unusual for the human psyche. Like in most aspects of life, the key to success is balance and moderation. So government strategies, which rely only or mainly on attacking Abbott and his mob would be unproductive and ill advised. That is to state the bleedin obvious. But this is not what’s happening. After a tough first 18 months this government has now moved into a time zone in which their positive actions are biting, and the roll out of more positives in the form of firming up the NDIS, the education agenda and their response to child abuse keeps the positive ball rolling.


21/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Cyber war, China ‘key to security’ Sheep farmers flocking back to mulesing Lost HECS debt $6.2bm and rising Roxon bill 'a step too far' [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Dramatic rescue saves solo sailor Lost in translation: backstage drama over staging of Cho Cho [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - MY AGONY - Boyfriend tells of Eden's fatal balcony fall Car rego rockets as greenslips jump $50 [b]The Age[/b] - In a dusty country cemetery, Ned Kelly finally granted his dying wish Libs veto desal water [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - LOVE OF OUR LIVES GLAM SLAM Cement Tomb for Ned [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - TOLLS DRIVE FINES SNUB Mangoes to millions tale [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - Forget Lance, now it IS about the bike LONG IN THE TOOTH - Thousands wait years to see a dentist Internet addiction an illness - [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Hotel Treasure Trove STUDENT CITY BOOST [b]The NT Times[/b] - Something weird happening with the display of the NT Times The Front Page Pic not matching the headlines. I await the resumption of normal service and CROCS. ... [i] and some of the stories from the papers twelve months ago today ...[/i] [b]I'll turn back every boat, says Tony Abbott[/b] Matt Johnston @Herald Sun [i]A COALITION government will order the navy to turn around asylum-seeker boats and return them to Indonesia in an assertion of Australian border protection, Tony Abbott revealed. The Opposition Leader is determined to impose a new and tougher policy whereby Australia uses its navy to secure its borders.[/i] [b]Abbott wit needs cruise control on[/b] Laurie Oakes @TheDailyTelegraph [i]TONY Abbott's quip in his Adelaide FM radio interview on Thursday had the hosts hooting with mirth. The Opposition Leader, greatly amused by his own wit, joined in the laughter. But Liberal minders worthy of their jobs would have recoiled in horror, recognising it as one of those moments that raise the question: "Is Abbott fit to be prime minister?"[/i] [b]Staying afloat despite the shipping news[/b] Jessica Irvine @NationalTimes [i]People easily frightened or possessed of a delicate constitution may want to reach for the cottonwool and blindfolds this year. Economists and journalists have taken to foretelling the economic future with all the relish of a campside ghost story and dignity of a schlock horror movie. For journalists, it's like being granted access to the colour crayons box. We're suddenly able to crack out words like ''tumbling'', ''slumping'' and ''plunging''.[/i] [i]... and something whimsical that scored a link twelve monts ago today ...[/i] [b]Space Invaders[/b] - [i]Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period.[/i] Farhad Manjoo @Slate [i]Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong.[/i]


21/01/2013A comment on the magical thinking among the Coalition, particularly Greg Hunt view that if the Coalition gain government and legislate to scrap the ETS, then the ALP will vote with the Coalition in the Senate: [quote]Hunt is virtually promising that his own political opponents will do his bidding. How much further divorced from reality can a politician be?[/quote] I'm having trouble saving comments, apologies if this posts twice


21/01/2013Dragonista on Ashby: [quote]Nevertheless, the #AshbyInquiryNow campaign does nothing to address those wrongs. It is nothing more than an empty campaign, a hysterical witch hunt, driven by a single-mindedly desperate wish for Abbott’s downfall. As a result, #AshbyInquiryNow is seen as nothing more than tweet-spam; the left’s equivalent of #JuLIAR. While chants, hashtags, ranty blogposts and automated tweets may reinforce the views of your campaigners, it’s simply annoying for others and puts off any potential new supporters.[/quote] Comments by Maro Kingston, Andrew Elder, Bushfire Bill etal


21/01/2013psyclaw @ 9:36 AM [i]There have been lamentations that the government is overly focused on criticising Abbott. But what is the major source of these bleatings?[/i] To describe the criticisms and critiques of the government's obsession with Mr Abbott and any criticisms of the government's style as 'bleating' is a bit misleading. Equally, to suggest it only comes from only those interested in 'promoting the LNP's interests', those that 'march to the beat of Credlin's drum' and the dreaded 'MSM' is inaccurate. There have been members of the current government, members of the Labor Party, independent and interdependent observers of politics and others that do not fit into the mould cast above that have at various times commented on, lamented and criticised the obsession with Mr Abbott and also the obsession with Mr Howard. The use, and often misuse, of labels, pejoratives and lumping many into one basket is not very helpful for informing the debate or furthering discussion. The days of simple labels such as left and right being useful are long gone but that is a discussion for another day.


21/01/2013AA MWS says [i]"I'm having trouble saving comments, apologies if this posts twice"[/i] Ditto for me. Also ditto regarding the preview button. Is there anything at your end which might be causing this. My comments over the past 3 days or so have been taking 4 or 5 attempts to upload, including switching browsers and redoing posts several times. The preview won't work at all. Cheers

Ad astra

21/01/2013psyclaw I'll have Web Monkey check it out.

Ad astra

21/01/2013This is a test comment

Ad astra

21/01/2013psyclaw Web Monkey has checked the loading of comments via his system, which has fast Internet, and finds it works quickly and effectively. I often have the same trouble as you describe in loading comments, and need two or more attempts to get a comment to load, often having to refresh the page to get it to work. I have attributed this to the slow ADSL I have in the city, and the slow 3G I have in the country, especially at holiday time. I’m an impatient fellow, but just have to be very patient sometimes. As a precaution against failure, I always copy what is typed in the Comments box, before clicking ‘Save comment’, a necessary step especially if refreshing is necessary. The Internet is variable around the country, and can be very poor, even in the centre of a large city. Bring on the NBN! Web Monkey is looking at ‘Preview’. As I enter tags (using square brackets) manually, I don’t use Preview, so I did not realize it was not working. BTW, I've already made two attempts to load this comment. Here goes again!


21/01/2013George Monbiot on the failure of neo-Liberal economic policy (unless the system was designed to get the rich, richer (in which case it was a complete success: [quote]How they must bleed for us. Last year, the world's 100 richest people became $241 billion richer. They are now worth $1.9 trillion. This is not the result of chance. The rise in the fortunes of the super-rich is the direct result of policies. Here are a few: the reduction of tax rates and tax enforcement; governments' refusal to recoup a decent share of revenues from minerals and land; the privatisation of public assets and the creation of a toll-booth economy; wage liberalisation and the destruction of collective bargaining.[/quote] Fifth time lucky!


21/01/2013AA I have to say I have had only one problem so far, using TPS of late, I have a saved link of to gain access if the browser has not kept the current window on shutting down. Yesterday I had the same problem of having to go to the left sidebar to get to this thread after having to close firefox down due to a hickup. I went straight to TPS mail on opening the site, although that is not such a hassle. No problems posting though. MWS Thanks for that link to dragonistas blog, brilliant reading & the comments were very enthralling. [u]I hope others find this as appalling as I did:- [/u] Howard & Abbortts legacy. Last night I had a mate come down for a 'beer & c'. He told me of his marital problems of his wife trying to kick him out of the family home for [b][u]no reason[/u][/b]. Other than the fact that with him not there she would able to get more money from social security due to then being a single mum with 3 kids. She has a single friend with kids too who receives more than her & she is jealous of her friends ability to go out on the town more often than she can. How many other families have been split up for the very same reason? money over marriage. [b]Scandalous!!! [/b]


21/01/2013AA No problems with preview either, I'm on fast ADSL tho.


21/01/2013Hi all, I'm a long-time lurker here, and would like to thank Ad, and the many regular contributors, for the excellent site here at TPS. Why have I stopped lurking? For the last few weeks(1-2?), as I read the comment threads,what seems to be random underlining of thread text is intruding upon my consciousness, disturbing my reading. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem, and/or is aware of a fix? (I am using FF as a browser.) I'm pretty sure the underlining I see is not hallucinatory, a link, or done for emphasis.


21/01/2013For example, lines 1 and 3 of my previous post appear underlined, although I didn't include such formatting when typing.

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21/01/2013Pterosaur Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your kind comments. Do come again. On my browser, Safari, there is no underlining in your 3 PM post. Maybe it is a Firefox issue.


21/01/2013Pterosaur I also use FF & I see no underlining at all, I have noticed what you are talking about on a few other sites & once or twice on TPS too, not sure what it is or what causes it. It is not TPS centric I can say that much.

Ad astra

21/01/2013psyclaw This is test to see if [i]Preview[/i] is working. If this appears, it is working on my browser ([b]Safari[/b]). Web Monkey says it's working on his ([u]not Safari[/u]). KHTAGH says it's working on his.

Ad astra

21/01/2013KHTAGH May I suggest that when you come back to [i]TPS[/i] you click the title of the piece that presents. That should re-activate the system for you. Give it a try and let me know how you go.


21/01/2013This comment is not intended to re-ignite the discussion we had recently on Asylum Seeker issues but primarily to inform any interested people of a site that has some good coverage of the issue. (The second purpose is to test if preview is working for me now *) [i]Right Now [/i] is a volunteer, not-for-profit media organisation led by young people focused on human rights issues in Australia. They have a good Vision, Mission and Aims set out on their About Page Just published is an [b]Editorial: Asylum Seekers (December 2012 - January 2012)[/b] which gives an overview of their coverage over the last two months with lots of links. Those among us who appreciate poetry can scrool down toward the bootom of the page to get to some links to some pretty good writings. * and preview is still 'hanging' for me in my Chrome browser Save comment is also still hanging. Possibly not connected but sometimes in the past when two pages are open for comment we have had this problem.


21/01/2013Thanks for your efforts AA. It sounds like it is at my end. NBN is supposed to begin construction here in February 2013. Yes! Soon! Can't wait. My several tradie neighbours who were kept in work all through the GFC think the NBN is a waste, has no real relevance for most people, and costs everyone about $2K to connect. This is despite my assurances otherwise, based on numerous phone calls I have enjoyed with NBN Co. Every time I see a good example of the NBN in action I make sue I tell them. The last one I saw was really excellent, an examination of what a stroke victim could or couldn't do, by a neurologist 1000Klm away. Very suited to remote assessment. Think of the travel, inconvenience and money that that saved.


21/01/2013AA Yes that works, brings the current active article link onto the top of the TPS mail page. I use the same method as (I think it was Casablanca, or one of the other lovely women we have here) using the reload last page box in the options of Firefox normally, which reloads TPS I think it refreshes for the latest comments at the same time too.


21/01/2013Bruce Petty Not yet Bruce!! Sums the LieNP feeling up well.

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21/01/2013psyclaw We all yearn for the NBN, but right here in the centre of Melbourne we may wait a while, and in the country, we might miss out altogether. But if it takes the pressure of the wireless network, that would free up space for those who must use it. As I have said in a piece written in August 2010, [i]Would Tony Abbott be stupid enough to trash the NBN?[/i] there are many uses for the NBN, some as yet undiscovered, but the benefits it can bring to education and healthcare are monumental, as you have suggested. I was involved recently in a relative’s remote consultation with a neurologist, which was as successful as a face-to-face consultation would have been after a long and tedious journey to the city. Remote consultations by video will revolutionize consulting with people far away and save countless time, money, travel and inconvenience. The fact that the tradies to whom you speak can’t see that is distressing, but shows the power of derogatory slogans among those who refrain from seeking reliable information to inform themselves. The Coalition and its media echoes have done a dangerous disservice to us all; it will be difficult to uproot the entrenched biases that have been planted in people’s minds. Still we must try.


21/01/2013AA Not sure if you still want email address to add. Sorry if you don't. The Age opinion editors are Sushi Das and Paul Austin (, and The Sydney Morning Herald opinion editor is Helen Pitt (

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21/01/2013KHTAGH I'm glad that manoeuvre worked. I loved the Petty cartoon.

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21/01/2013HKTAGH Thanks, we will add new journalists' names in batches so we don't have to redo the legend too often.


21/01/2013Anyone want to see what depths the Lieberals will go. [i]Tiphereth Gloria, social media expert with VML Australia, said the bot evidence presented in the Storify post appeared to be accurate and she believes it pointed to a Liberal Party campaign. The fake accounts appeared to be part of a “propaganda war” effort to “increase share of voice of anti-Labor sentiment”.[/i] Read more:


21/01/2013Mungo MacCallum. After the fires, climate change debate rages on Someone who described himself as "the firefighter on duty" tweeted that Abbott's spotless uniform was clearly untouched by action and someone else claimed that while it was nice to see him back, it was in fact the first time he had fronted for an actual fire (as opposed to a branch meeting) in 13 years; but Abbott fans were entranced by yet further proof of his macho.


21/01/2013Oakeshott pushes Coalition on broadband plans [i]Fellow crossbench MP Tony Windsor said the NBN would be a “significant issue” in determining his support for either major party following the next election. Though he noted a slow initial transition to the NBN, he was positive that the economics of Labor’s project would get better with time and that “in two years’ time we’ll wonder what the bloody hell we were talking about”.[/i] I' know, I know, copy them & put them in one post. I'll do that in future.

Ad astra

21/01/2013KHTAGH You have been active. Great links. Thanks. I think the momentum of the NBN will be irresistible come election time. i'm calling it a day.


21/01/2013Knee High What a busy little bee you have been. Thanks for all the good links. Are things still on tender hooks down in Tassie? It's a real worry, this is only January, we still have another two months at least for more bad fires. I read in America they had fires all over the place for months on end, now they have a lot more snow than usual. Truth Seeker Ah never thought of the bongo, anyway it was all a great sound. :-)


22/01/2013AA - the underlining referred to above could be from using Windoze XP. The computer at work does so and underlining appears (on both Firefox and Internet Exploder) but doesn't at home on OSX Mountain Lion using Safari & Firefox.


22/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Unions return to Rio battlefield Being a burden on society doesn’t work for Amir Literacy, maths basics locked in to 'pass' school Dam case built on 'failures' in flood [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Being a burden on society doesn’t work for Amir Rise in Afghan refugees likely with army pullout [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - MANU’S PLATE ESCAPE The axe hovering on health [b]The Age[/b] - New threat to offshore processing High and mighty [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - SECOND CHANCE CRIMS - Victims of violent parolees plead for help Siege of Licola lifted for now [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - FLOOD CASH FIGHT - State face $1bn bill as legal battle heats up [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - Twilight drinks for Hollywood star I’M NOT THE AXE MAN - but Jack can't rule out health job cuts [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - WE GOT HIM ... and then lamb shanks and an Aussie red Mega council merger doomed [b]The NT Times[/b] - DOGS ATTACKED WITH MACHETTES - Shocking cases of animal abuse revealed ... as a year ago today was a Sunday nothing happened - well I have no records of anything :) As it was Sunday we may have been catching up on these: [b]PM sidesteps her way back to control[/b] David Crowe, Canberra Observed - AFR [i]Those who hope for the death of the doorstop should ponder on how much can be communicated by saying almost nothing. That’s what it was like day after day this week as Julia Gillard made it clear she could not stick to the letter of her written agreement with Andrew Wilkie that helped her form government in September 2010. On the surface, it seemed as if the Prime Minister had nothing to say. This has certainly been a problem for her in recent times. Yet the story of the week is one of Gillard getting back in control of her agenda and sending the signals required to rebuild her position within the caucus and, if she is lucky, in the electorate as well.[/i] [b]Weighty decisions bear down on the PM[/b] Ross Peake, Canberra Times [i]Wayne Swan picked a damned good time to take leave. If he is catching waves this weekend, good luck to him. But on his return, he should look seriously at awarding a medal for creative writing to the adviser who had the task of writing Thursday's press release on jobs. It came out under Bill Shorten's name, and it was a classic in its own lunchtime. That's because yesterday's edition of this paper carried the disturbing news that zero jobs were created in Australia last year.[/i] ... and a longer read [b]Left Behind: Why the Right Keeps Winning[/b] Peter Hartcher, The Monthly [i]Financial capitalism suffered a dreadful collapse in 2008 and the economies of the United States and Europe were devastated. Powerful voices called for the rich to pay more taxes to help rebuild. The odd thing was that the most resonant voices were those of the rich themselves. In the US it was the voice of the multibillionaire investor Warren Buffett; in Australia it was the voice of the wealthy investment banker Mark Carnegie.[/i]


22/01/2013I'm taking bets here. What are the odds that in Question Time Number One for this year that Julie Bishop steps up and asks the PM a 'Slater and Gordon' question? My odds are the Abbotteers will play 2013 just like 2012, policy be damned. They don't have policies, sleaze and smear all through the year.

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22/01/2013DMW Thanks for the explanation. Technology is sometimes an enigma.

bob macalba

22/01/2013thankyou wordsmaydestroy...ahh just figured it out, it is you DMW cheers

Ad astra

22/01/2013wordsmaydestroy Thank you for the Front Pages and the other historic links. I can see why it is necessary to check the dateline on the articles! I can understand bob macalba why you ask whether wordsmaydestroy is DMW.

Ad astra

22/01/2013Folks I'll be out for the rest of the day.


22/01/2013Hello I should have introduced myself before. I am visiting the mad uncle as we have a big family function coming up. I have been reading what goes on here for a long time and I have had some harsh words for the mad one. (The family calls him the cranky old socialist, in return he calls me the woman of many distractions but we still like each other - most of the time) DMW is in a bit of a flap (he is the father of the main attraction) so I said I would do the front pages for him (sorry I messed it up a bit). I will probably be back tomorrow.


22/01/2013How the Vatican invests its millions:


22/01/2013Good news, Nova Peris has been nominated by Julia for the Senate in NT, for the 2013 election. Tanya P was on 774 showing up the Lib lies on the hospital funding. Good job Tanya, you are going to have a busy year uncovering their lies.


22/01/2013Why tossin' Crossin is such a bad idea. It's so transparently politically opportunistic that it actually abuses both indigenous and female candidates in one move. Clearly whatever else Nova Peris is, judging from her introductory press conference, she will be eaten up by the Conservatives in the roil of election year politics. She looked and sounded out of her depth even when surrounded by friends and family. To know, which she must know already, or will by day's end, that she will not have the unmitigated support of Labor in the Northern Territory, is a millstone for a very fragile neck. I believe that she will step away from all this in very short order. It is not the time for a novice, she is manifestly not the politics-steeped to the bone individual, to take on disturbance within her own (even that, not yet) party on top of the attacks of opponents in an election year that cannot help but be one of the ugliest to end up on record come obituary time at the conclusion of election night 2013. To have her 'captain picked' is not a sign of the "captain"'s decisiveness, it's a 'Vote No to the Palestinians at the UN' bolshiness action by Julia Gillard all over again. For the captain to toss out a proven and competent performer to make a picture-opportunity point indicates that the 'captain' has spent too long in her cabin alone, or whoever's in there with her believes people are game-pieces, not... people. In an election year where Labor is the underdog, the party needs focused, capable, hardened performers. It doesn't need high-profile warm and fuzzy learning on the job candidates being ushered into place to start their careers - it needs members busting their guts to keep their careers. This reeks. Of opportunism, of cynicism, of complete disregard to loyalty, commitment, of backroom politics dressed up as meringue-giddiness at a kids party. Anyone who's read anything I've written here over the years knows that I am dedicated to there never being a Coalition Federal government in this country again. Abbott and his cabal make it easy to be so dedicated. The best of Labor, the best people, the best policies, the best beliefs of fairness, equal opportunity, and commitment to rooting out disadvantage amongst Australians, also make it so much more straightforward to support the Labor party and its policies in power, but... The Captain's picked a target for anyone lined up against Labor. Julia Gillard may believe that in Nove Peris the target is someone too laden up with characteristics of race, gender, highest-level life achievements as a sportsperson, but none of that will matter to political opponents going after her in this election year. Julia Gillard has carelessly set Nova Peris up. And capriciously torn Trish Crossin down. Dumb politics. Naive politicking. All the 'captain' had to do this year was steer a vessel that she had shaped up throughout last year to confidently take on the stormiest waters, a vessel with a crew in place and each knowing their place. Now she's fashioned a mutiny from her own position at the helm. "Captain's pick"? Might as well pick which home town she intends to retire to for writing her political memoirs. Perhaps entitled "Going Down With The Ship I Sank"?


22/01/2013MWS - Thanks for the link, I'm not surprised. THe Catholic Church has been known as RC Enterprises for as long as I can remember. Michael & Gravel - I'm lukewarm on Nova Peris being "given" a Senate ticket spot. While I'm not a NT resident and have no idea of how the decision would play out there, Peris is a well known person across the country and may attract votes based on her personal journey up until now. It also smack of politicking. If Peris is good enough to be "given" a Senate spot - she is also good enough to get one on her merit rather than by decree. I suppose we'll all know what sort of decision it was next Christmas.


22/01/2013Gravel Yes everything is back to normal, only dealing with the aftermath, hand feeding stock etc, just about to open a hive that was in the direct sun in the next day or so(not looking forward to that)one that lost a lot of bees. I wasn't sure how I felt about the said decision about Nova Peris, I agree about merit as stated by 2353, also consider it in maybe promoting aboriginal representation. As I'm sure you would admit it is not that easy to get selected in the NT as a woman let alone an Aboriginal one. As you say yr hence we will know. I'm also thinking maybe it might be a sign that maybe Julia is going to start doing what a prime minister can do make decisive decisions good bad or otherwise. As long as the strong decisions also includes an inquiry into the Ashby case.


23/01/2013KHTAGH - I agree, this might be an example of decisive leadership by the PM. "Decisive leadership" certainly didn't do Howard or Hawke (as well as a number of State Premiers) any long term political damage. While Crossin's supporters in the ALP will probably hold a grudge come election day - the issue will have well and truly blown over for most others. Any attempt to re-open the wound would probably be met by a large degree of disinterest. Look at what has happened withe the CPRS & MRRT (although the decision not to release the gross amount collected - if anything - is silly and keeps what should be a one day story running into perpetuity).


23/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - ‘Captain’s pick’ of Peris risks backlash in Labor Emissions drop signals fall in carbon tax take Tributes flow for financial pioneer Boat crew youths to sue over prison [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - We can seize this moment – but only together, says Obama ‘Idiot factor’ drives gun crime [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - I killed to save a life KNEEBONED - Senator discovers what happens to Rudd loyalists [b]The Age[/b] - Jobs cut at Royal Childrens Obama calls the nation to a progressive dance [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - Exclusive: At last, 18-year Grand Prix Secret Revealed BERNIE'S $170M GRAB [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - MAPS DON’T HOLD WATER - Revealed: Questions over tactics for flood class action recruiting Abbott digs in on the campaign trail [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - Armed and dangerous ROADS TO RUIN - No cash left to fix accident black spots [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Let’s level the score DUNALLEY RECOVERY - New School Symbol of Hope RESCUED SAILOR - It’s a second chance at life [b]The NT News[/b] - NOVA'S RUN FOR SENATE - Locals Furious As PM Gillard Overrides NT BUS DRIVER BASHED WITH WATERMELON And in the papers twelve months ago today: [b]Craig Thomson undermines Julia Gillard's reason for breaking her pokie promise, as her plan was improper policy making[/b] Exclusive by Patrick Lion and Andrew Clennell @The Daily Telegraph [i]While the Prime Minister claimed she ditched preset betting limits because of a lack of crossbench support, Mr Thomson insisted her backdown was a "big win" for NSW caucus members who had lobbied for change for the past year.[/i] [b]Peter Slipper props up Julia Gillard Government after Andrew Wilkie withdraws support[/b] Anna Caldwell @The Courier-Mail [i]Mr Slipper has twice declared he wouldn't have taken the Speaker's job if it would "guarantee the Government's endurance in office". He now finds himself in that position, keeping Prime Minister Julia Gillard off the knife's edge, despite 34,000 Sunshine Coast voters sending him to Canberra under the LNP banner.[/i] [b]Wilkie blow not lethal for Labor[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMH [i]Given that the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, is likely to test the waters with a no-confidence motion when Parliament resumes in a fortnight, Wilkie stressed he was not interested in bringing the government to an early end, a move that would also end his relevance.[/i]


23/01/2013Good Morning everyone, we have applied spit and polish to Uncle Grumpy Bum and he looks almost ok. On with the big day Bye

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23/01/2013KHTAGH I'm glad things are returning closer to normal for you. wordsmaydestroy Thank you for the Front Pages, and articles from a year ago. The latter are an interesting reflection on what was high drama a year ago no longer carries that impact. 'A year is a long time in politics'. Folks I'll be out for reveal hour.


23/01/2013Just happened to catch the Australia Day address from Kurt Fearnley, Paralympic gold medalist, at around mid-night on ABC24 last night. It was a cracking speech that can be found in audio format and partial transcript at: The iView video is at:


23/01/2013Michael Gawenda on Julia Gillard: [quote]At that point, Abbott’s strengths increasingly became handicaps. Abbott’s discipline, his constant use of slogans, his daily photo opportunities, his political rhetoric, which might have been appropriate if this was the really the most dishonest and most inept government in Australian history, a government that had to be removed immediately, seemed increasingly inappropriate. He was in danger – is now seriously in danger – of being considered a one trick pony, with a trick that no longer suits the political times. What all this means is that Gillard and her government now have the advantage of incumbency and history shows that incumbency matters, that Australians are reluctant to unseat governments, especially first-term governments like Gillard’s.[/quote]

bob macalba

23/01/2013wordsmaydestroy, thankyou and sorry for doubting your existence yesterday..i really did think it was DMW [thought he was bored or something] im not as clever as i thought, anyhoo welcome and ta cheers


23/01/2013MSW A good read, more sleepless nights for the mad monk.


23/01/2013KHTAGH Here are a couple more sleepless nights for the Mad Monk. Julie Bishop's pall of duty Max Atkinson January 22, 2013 [i]This is why her [Bishop's] theory of duty must be rejected as profoundly irrational. When people take a stand on a matter of principle, to oppose a war or racial discrimination, or to support reform of gambling or election finance laws, they do so for reasons of fairness, humanity, justice etc. that they believe are important, and see themselves as sharing with the community.[/i]


23/01/2013Gay Alocorn's story in the SMH here could be summed up as a plea TO the media by someone IN the media to follow the suggestion of someone who's the focus OF the media - "Don't write crap". Will it happen? The story explains why most probably not, why it hasn't until now, but ends with a challenge/wish/imprecation to her peers and to us, the voters. What do you reckon?

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

23/01/2013 G'day all. A mish-mash of reading from Twitter sources. More reading a bit later today (one has to mop the kitchen floor first). Hope all goes/went well with the activities today of Uncle Grumpy Bum. :-) [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] Groundhog day election campaign … via @kingstribune [i]HannahQuinn ‏@NannaHannah[/i] Worth a read >>John Quiggin » Trouble in paradise … [i]bluntshovels ‏@bluntshovels[/i] Wonky goodness from @benraue on potential NSW seat redistributions in @newmatilda today. Ping @mrtiedt #nswpol … [i]@bradsprigg[/i] I hope this article is correct in predicting that Windsor and@OakeyMP retain their seats in the coming election. … [i]Solomon Les Hunter ‏@SolLesHunter[/i] @ABCNews24 How's the PM nominating a candidate more of an issue than #NTpol generally, eg clp/lnp removing BDR … #Auspol [i]Geoff Pearson ‏@GCobber99[/i] [on how Gillard’s pick of Peris is being received in NT] … [i]The Hoopla ‏@TheHoopla[/i] Julia Gillard's 'captain's pick' is ultimately about winning government, writes @gabriellechan. [i]Van Badham ‏@vanbadham[/i] Wow. Fairly incontrovertible evidence that Nova Peris is a rather awesome person (via @catrionawallace) … [i]Lyn Bender ‏@Lynestel[/i] Dear #climate sceptic followers & trolls , my answer to you Practical solutions to #climate despair - Eureka Street … [i]@LockTheGate[/i] Coal mine wants to discharge waste water into the Hunter River. … [i]The Conversation ‏@ConversationEDU[/i] Bejing pollution is off the charts. @frostzhang @thedoctorsaid@uqnewsonline talk the Great Smog of China [i]@Jackthelad1947[/i] "China & Australia top list of 'carbon bomb' projects" - - #auspol this is a crime against humanity. Killing our kids [i]@Jackthelad1947[/i] "Big Coal to meet its fate in tiny Northwest town" - - Coal is killing us. We know the science. #auspol Time to act! [i]Ben Eltham ‏@beneltham[/i] Meanwhile, global climate change is already locked in. We are at endgame. [i]@RussellYann [/i] Pls send to Miglo News Corp gives backhanded compliment t carbon price. Truly unbelieveable … … [i]Simon Cullen ‏@Simon_Cullen[/i] Gillard vows to fight 'malicious' cyber attacks … @abcnews [i]Bernard Keane ‏@BernardKeane[/i] There'll be a lot of discussion of "cybersecurity" in coming days. Here's a great piece on why you should be sceptical: [i]@sortius[/i] Coalition must support FTTH: Oakeshott … | @OakeyMP is calling @TurnbullMalcolm bluff it seems #NBN #WheresThePolicy [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] 202 million people unemployed world wide...and rising … [i]Mark ‏@markjs1[/i] New Media onto Ashby/Brough scandal ...join in & show what 'people power' can achieve:… … #auspol...Please re-tweet :-) [i]Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa[/i] The whole truth -My political wish for 2013 [i]Wendy Bacon ‏@Wendy_Bacon[/i] And these are people O'Farrell government wanted to let decide who can shoot in YOUR NPs? … [i]Richard Di Natale ‏@RichardDiNatale[/i] The National Health Reform package failed to stop the finger pointing over hospital funding. The blame game must end …

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

23/01/2013 PM Gillard's interview with Jon Faine on ABC 774 at 8.30 this morning can be heard at:

Ad astra

23/01/2013Folks There have been a number of articles (several in Janet’s links) about the selection of Nova Peris for the first spot on the NT Senate ticket for Labor, and several comments here. Julia Gillard’s actions have been polarizing with strong support coming from Aboriginal activists Warren Mundine and Marcia Langton and some commentators, and trenchant criticism from NT figures who resent their right to choose being removed, from the sitting Senator, Trish Crossin, and from potential candidate Marion Scrymgour, who has already given Labor the flick, and was said to not have the numbers anyway. Crossin’s supporters, including the always self-opinionated Doug Cameron, have rallied to her support, and publicly flagellated the PM for her action. There have been many who seem to have rushed to judgment on presumptions. It is hard to fathom the basis for such judgments. Many seem to believe that it is simply a bad move, because of Nova’s inexperience, the reaction of the locals, the backlash it has caused in Labor, and the manner in which the choice was made by the PM. While I expect that political figures may feel they have the unfettered right to say what they please when they please – Doug Cameron fits that bill - might it not be better for journalists and commentators to be more deliberative, setting out the pros and cons, and then stating an opinion based on them, rather than condemning, or for that matter applauding, the move from the outset. To me, that seems presumptuous. I for one would prefer to wait until the facts behind the move are uncovered, some of which have emerged: Labor has never had an Aboriginal member of Federal parliament, Trish Crossin’s 15 years in the Senate have not yielded spectacular results; there is strong support for Nova among significant Aboriginal leaders, and Labor needs to strengthen its representation from the NT. It astonishes me how quickly opinions were formed and expressed within hours of the announcement. Time, and only time will tell us how valid these opinions were. Why not wait a while? Gabrielle Chan, writing in [i]Hoopla[/i] perhaps puts her finger on the most cogent rationale for the move: "But a political leader’s job is to ensure her team has the best chance of winning. If Peris gives Labor a better chance of winning in the Territory, Gillard had no choice."


23/01/2013Micheal [i]Gay Alocorn's story in the SMH[/i] A very enlightening piece, the comments were well worth a read, although time consuming. I did like this comment from Gay [i]I think the media - mainstream and new players - do very good things a lot of the time, and in the rush I make mistakes, too. Just think we need to rethink how we cover elections - it's time.[u][b] The ABC for one, has announced its shifting its focus.[/i][/b] [/u] Are we seeing light at the end of the tunnel, do we dare to think the ABC will shift its underlying propensity to push the "Lieberal barrow? Dog I hope so. There were so many comments that mentioned the Ashby/Brough/Slipper scandal, I did notice that Gay would not be drawn on replying to any of[b] those[/b] comments though. Where is TT? I haven't even seen any tweets from him of late, I do trust he is in good health.


23/01/2013The start of a new series: [quote]As this is an election year here in Australia, I believe the time has come to start highlighting a few of our politicians…. the really stupid ones. These are the politicians that leave me scratching my head wondering who the hell voted for them and what the hell they were thinking when they did? Hopefully within the next four weeks or so I will posting the full list of incumbent federal members and their stance on human-induced climate change and global warming. For each I will quote statements (some of them are fantastically stupid) they have made that support my assertion that they are either climate science acceptors or idiots. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will make you want to throw your computer out the window in a fit of rage, and I can guarantee there will be more than a few facepalm moments. So without further ado let me introduce our first idiot, John Forrest.[/quote] PS I've seen plenty of TT's tweets


23/01/2013Oh there you all are. I've been posting on the TPS mail aarticle and wondering where the heck everyone was. Gee and you all missed my cranky pants award. I gave it to bob macalba, yes he is now a two time recipient of the prestigious cranky pants award.

Wake Up

23/01/2013Good positive article by Jessica Irvine that you won't see published in The Australian or The Daily Telegraph................

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

23/01/2013 Another, rather confronting, take on the PM's choice of Peris over Crosslin from Independent Australia (online):


23/01/2013Janet, what happened to your Twitter avatar? I see only a white square.


24/01/2013Jeez Comrades Thanks for telling me! [i]Not![/i] I am the last one to realize that the Sword was happening all the time on a different thread! I thought I was going off my rocket! (Was that how it was for you LiR?) Anyway I have tried to catch up on several days of not realizing where you were all hiding (my computer defaults to TPS Mail, that's why I kept posting there) but I know must've missed something. Anyway [i]I'm reposting my post on the other thread [/i]because I wanted people to see it even if not to read it. And Ad I'm still working out how to deploy TPS Mail but I will! This is what I wrote. January 23. 2013 02:21 PM [b]Super-Nova![/b] Not merely because of her physical prowess - That would be to leave her on a footing only slightly above the otherwise-gormless John Alexander of tennis 'fame'. This woman helps her people. She has a world view. She weeps with joy, not at her personal ascension - if she were going to be spoilt by superego it would have happened when she won gold medals - but for the chance to achieve significant improvement in indigenous welfare, first amongst many things. Beyond any shame our asylum-seeker policies may rightly incur is the dominant Australian culture's blind-eyed ignorant bigoted treatment of indigenous peoples. *J*U*L*I*A*s choice of our Super-Nova in Australian politics will shine light on these, our forgotten abused dispossessed First Australians. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Warren Mundine! : - I think you have great heart, I for one want you back in the ALP and you may be sure that, with an attitude such as you have expressed this morning - the most gracious I have heard in ages - the great majority of True Believers want you back too. I have not heard you wantonly bad-mouthing the Labor Party, as some disgruntled ex-members have been known to do; I think there is wide recognition that you have had good reason for disappointment but all I can say is Hang in Comrade, you can help a great deal in the Labor Party, in which I think you command great respect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plainly there is great opportunity for healing here, with the Prime Minister's choice being welcomed by almost all who have expressed an opinion. Not quite of course, Senator Crossin is pretty miffed, (as I guess so is Kevin07), that's sad, but well, too bad, the ALP is a Party that must work and be effective, she's been there 15 years so she is on a full Parliamentary pension, (wish I were), and there's no guarantee of a lifetime job on the B Team! I wonder if anyone has made the point that in one way Ms Peris' non-membership of the ALP - given her service to her people over the last decade or so - is actually a testament to her personal selflessness. The very fact that she has not been looking for a political appointment places her at the peak of the high moral ground. Oh and one more thing: I have often used a football analogy in describing the state of play in the current Parliament (and we are now nearly at the end of three-quarter time!) And, our Prime Minister is an avid Aussie Rules fan too. Right, well, in a Grand Final, what's a playing Captain-Coach to do? Too bloody right, pull the under-performers, that's what. Honour and respect to our PM for making a tough but brilliant decision in face of certain shrieking from the yellow MSM. Eat your hearts out Abborttians, your side of politics will never attract such as Nova Peris. She is more than a vote magnet for the ALP, she is a wonderful potential healer and teacher and role model and beacon for girls and indigenes and disadvantaged minorities generally . Callings don't come any higher. Our best wishes Nova, and Welcome to the Australian Labor Party. You will help us make our great Party better still. TalkTurkey


24/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Inflation builds rate cut case Serena slain, tennis discovers a new poster girl PM's push for Peris sets off week of brawls Gillard says 9/11 decade is over - (use link on search page) [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Revealed: Obeids’ $3m water stake So proud they would swear by it [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - RBA board member calls for Badgerys OBEID’S MILLIONS - Family Fortune Laid Bare [b]The Age[/b] - Giant-killer becomes the new poster girl Assault guns made here [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Alfred Forced to Axe 300 Operations, Trishna & Krishna Plead To Spare RCH Vow to cut Grand Prix Costs [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - Rain won’t go away so pals brave wet ROAD TO RICHES - Experts Warn: Spending needed to revive boom [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - OIL STRIKE - Outback find 'big enough to fuel Australia' Blood and guts in the Hills [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - We don’t like cricket . . . we love it! PARENT TRAP - Childcare bottleneck for 1 to 3 year olds [b]The NT News[/b] - WATERMELON ATTACKER JAILED BOOT CAMP BASHING Fallout over Peris Senate Pick Continues And from inside the papers twelve months ago today: [b]PM’s bad bet adds to dud deals[/b] Laura Tingle @AFR (Free) [i]The realities of the weekend pokie decision are that although Gillard might have avoided a vote in the Parliament, the outcome does nothing to stymie these perceptions. The sense of uncertainty about crossbench votes has increased. The government once again looks as if it has blinked.[/i] [b]Jakarta slams Abbott boat plan[/b] Kirsty Needham, Tom Allard @SMAge [i]Expressing alarm at the Coalition's border protection stance, the UNHCR regional representative, Richard Towle, said: ''Any such blanket approach would potentially place Australia in breach of its obligations under the refugee convention and other international law obligations, and - as past experience has shown - is operationally difficult and dangerous for all concerned.''[/i] [b]Don't compensate Labor: Xenophon[/b] Ross Peake @Canberra Times [i]The fall-out from the proposed trial in the ACT of curbs on gambling is today focused on how Labor-controlled clubs will handle the federal compensation for expected losses. Canberra's licensed clubs will share at least $36 million worth of compensation ...[/i] [b]ALP finds it can't keep maverick member down[/b] Kate McClymont @SMH [i]HAVING quietly killed off his $3000 a head fund-raiser, Labor's head office no doubt thought its embattled federal MP Craig Thomson would keep a low profile yesterday. But Mr Thomson was having none of it.[/i]


24/01/2013Good Morning Everyone, The Big day went well and Uncle Grumpy Bum 'done good' I discovered some interesting family 'secrets' which I might let you in on someday. My last day here so I won't be able to dig into UGB's archives but I might come back to comment now I have put my toes into the water. Off to another family gathering - bye

Truth Seeker

24/01/2013Hey Swordsters, while the political year slowly comes to life, I thought it would be good to remind all of a common dilemma which I am sure will raise its ugly head again as we move towards an election. "Relevance Deprivation Syndrome" the poem posted yesterday on; The first new poem for the year "Tony Abbotts 'Australians for Honest Politics'" will be posted within the next week or so. Cheers :-) :-)


24/01/2013Thanks wordsmaydestroy - you done good. Glad to hear that Uncle Grumpy Bum did too. Psyclaw - this is not a coded communication and I have no idea what the "big" occasion was. The bigger shame is that I have to put this disclaimer on the post at all.

Ad astra

24/01/2013wordsmaydestroy You have made a great contribution to [i]TPS[/i] with your Front Pages and historical review of events a year ago. Thank you. Do come back as a commenter. Truth Seeker Thank you for your [i]opus magnum[/i]. It makes great reading. You have talent. Talk Turkey The dual posting has caused some confusion. Yet it was necessary on the one hand to describe [i]TPS Mail[/i] while at the same time providing a regular piece that could be used to try it out. I have now closed [i]TPS Mail: a new communication tool[/i] and left open [i]The Gillard-Abbott gap widens[/i] for ongoing comment. There will be no further posting of pieces until we resume normal activities on 4 February when a new piece will be posted and Lyn’s Links will resume. I suggest you wait for this year’s postings to try out [i]TPS Mail[/i]. This morning, Chris Uhlmann was doing a ‘Barrie Cassidy’ type review of Federal politics on Jon Faine’s 774 Radio Melbourne morning show, which reinforced your view that Uhlmann is a Coalition apologist. The way he characterized the Gillard Government as ‘accident prone’, always negating the good things it is doing with some ‘disaster’, this time of course the ‘mishandling’ of the Nova Peris announcement, was starkly anti-Gillard. He has already made his judgement about the Nova Peris matter, somewhat prematurely in my view. It is no wonder that Tony Abbott rates him as one of the ABC’s ‘best political commentators’. We will soon be getting on the road back to the south coast, so I won’t be back until this evening.


24/01/2013Loonpond reads Janet Albrechtson so you don't have to: [quote]Yes, instead of all the elaborate talk of 'fake' and 'confected' it would have been a lot more honest, a lot more simple and a lot more short if Albrechtsen had simply scribbled "oh I do so hate Julia Gillard and I do so yearn for the ascension of my overlord and master Tony Abbott".[/quote] Still having trouble saving my post. I'm using Chrome on Windows 7. Now trying on IE.


24/01/2013OK. IE works. Was it a fluke?


24/01/2013 All state-funded primary school nurses have been axed in a move doctors and nurses say will most affect children who are already disadvantaged Read more: Regrets over frivolous texts but Mal stays mum on Ashby Premier Campbell Newman stood accused last week of his own smoke and mirrors when he heralded "new" funding for ambulances and paramedics that had already been announced in the Budget. NOBODY building a new home, commercial or industrial building in the Gympie region will have to install a rainwater tank as of next month. The State Government last month announced its intention to repeal the laws enforcing the installation of tanks as of February 2013.


24/01/2013Andrew Elder's response of Gay Acorn's article: [quote]The solution is clear: sack the press gallery journalists. Yes, I'm serious: Grattan, Hartcher, pretty much all of them. They have shown that they do not - and cannot - tell us what we need to know. What's more useless than a journalist who won't tell you what you need to know? Like a Rechabite bartender, they undermine their own position to the point where it's easiest and best just to get rid of them.[/quote]


24/01/2013[i]Gay Alcorn proposes a whole new way of reporting election-year politics, kind of. I know, I'm being harsh and she's trying to do something worthwhile, but what she proposes simply doesn't ring true [/i]


24/01/2013Well, the temporary solution to my difficulty posting is obvious - IE works, Chrome doesn't. I've have to check cookies etc, because this problem is relatively recent.


24/01/2013MWS I know it is a hassle but I find Mozilla Firefox is way better than IE or any windows based program, much easier to use & is updated on just about a bi-weekly basis. Everything is transferred across from IE when installed. Its free too, has many add-ons like dictionary & add blocker, I would never use windows based browsers or mail programs ever again with their security holes & complexity they are way too risky, by the time Microsoft gets around to closing holes its too late most of the time.

42 long

24/01/2013LiR, should you move South before the border is closed? Look what happened in Iran and they seemed more rational than Can Do. If Queen's Land secedes, and becomes a suburb of london, will my insurance rates stay as they are now, when a cyclone and flood hit QLD next or will they go up 50% like they did last time? . Sure know how to pick them Ay!!. I'm not trying to be cruel and I'm sure that every queenslander who comes south will be welcome and increase the average intelligence of both states. ( With acknowledgement to "Piggy" Muldoon.


24/01/2013AA Like you I have been amazed at the quick rush to judgement about the NP announcement. I think the matter is already morphing into fish n chips wrapping. As I perused the 5th estate last night there was available the names of about 10 people from each side who were sacked a la Crossin over the past 10 or 12 years, put up by various commenters. The common aspect of all names listed was that I had to scratch my head in attempting to recall the persons. They had all made a pretty insignificant contribution. Here are my reasons for not being fazed by it all: 1. It is a decisive act of leadership 2. NP is an educated woman of self discipline and energy. This is not to say she'll be an ace politician, but she has key underlying qualities. 3. The lauded local selection process often serves up duds. One H of R mp about to retire at this election I knew very well in the former career, a career requiring intelligence, common sense and interpersonal relationships. She lacked all and was a real incompetent, the bane of her superiors and her "customers". 4. Ms Crossin had 15 years to show her wares and that she was a real asset. At best, she was ordinary. 5. Today I travelled to Country Music Capital, a 4 hour trip. The only radio available was talkback. Virtually all callers decried the PM's actions, claiming she has " trashed" democracy. They ignored that NP actually has to be voted in yet. Every one of the callers spent 10% of the call criticising the NP matter, but quickly went on to slag JG and the government generally ........"we need an election now!" rants. Any opportunity...... !!!!!!! 6. The announcer I listened to for most of the morning was very indignant, widely lauding "Trish McCrossin" as a great loss. He obviously was well aware of her as an excellent senator!!!!! Phenomena such as this indicate a lack of sincerity and suggest that the issue is a temporary beat-up. 7. Local preselection favours locals. This doesn't require a national perspective and often involves little-picture considerations, not big picture. Mr Combet was parachuted from Melbourne to the electorate next to mine. What a loss that would have been had he been still waiting for a local branch committee to favour the nation by preselecting him. Probably would be still waiting.


24/01/20132353@11.09am. "This is not a coded communication etc ........." After AA's sage advice and express wishes a few days back, I find your comment petty and tedious, and telling more about you and your character than anyone else's. It is very much a JBishop claws-out comment. A bit sad really!


24/01/201342 long Thanks for the offer to move south. But I am going to stick it out rather than see dramtic drop in intelligence level in Qld should I leave (tee hee). On a serious note I am concerned about the regional areas where so many skilled people are losing their jobs. It does impact on the whole region as these people invariably leave to find work (brain drain). Society does best when you have a good mix, culturally, intellectually, mixed age groups...basically diversity is what I mean.


24/01/2013[i]Why Crossin Must Bow Out [/i] [i]Proud to be a bigot[/i] Katters Party will attract all the extreme right views. The very far right (even further than Abbott) have found their platform, where once it was One Nation now its Katter.


24/01/2013LiR - it's a shame when the Government (the employer of a lot of the skilled and trained people that live in regional areas) sacks them on some ideological agenda. It will take far longer that the term of Newman and the LNP to restore the regions to the level of skill and expertise that was there in 2011. I'm convinced that Newman doesn't yet understand how far he has stuffed it up. A perfect example is where in the past Government Departments have let staff go into disaster areas to create the Recovery Centres - in the near future there won't be enough staff to run the individual Department's core services; let alone lend staff to other Departments regardless o the immediate need.

Ad astra



24/01/20132353 Good point about the disaster centres. Newman has no idea about the social consquences of his actions. In fact I don't think he has a social conscience.


24/01/2013Ad TICKLE :)

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24/01/2013TEST 2

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24/01/2013TT Funny man - that's why there are two.


24/01/2013 [b]NBN clears the way for 4K video.[/b] Asher Moses January 24, 2013 - 5:52PM [quote] 4K codecs were reducing file sizes of 4K video to the point where soon it will be able to be streamed from current cable connections. "The NBN will only accelerate this ability," [/quote] Read more:

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25/01/2013TEST 3

Truth Seeker

25/01/2013Hey Ad, I have been trying to post a thank you for your kind words WRT my work, but I have had a lot of trouble posting. Tried three times last night, with no luck. Hope this one works? Cheers :-) :-)

Pappinbarra Fox

25/01/2013I am not prone to conspiracy theories but is it possible that some ne'erdowell has infiltrated a bug into your system Ad?

Pappinbarra Fox

25/01/2013OK, to explain last post - I'd copied it onto clipboard before I tried to sdend the firat time. I clicked on "Save Comment" and then moved onto other work. I came back about an hour later and the TPS site was still saving the post. I had to close the TPS and start again - I pasted the comment, retyped my email address and name and the two words required and this time it worked straight away. I have just copied this comment in case the problem is still there.

Ad astra

25/01/2013Truth Seeker, Pappinbarra Fox I have passed your comments onto Web Monkey, who will look into the problems, especially with reCaptcha. Integrating the complex [i]TPS Mail[/i] system into [i]TPS[/i] has been complicated; it has resulted in some downtime and some problems, which we soon hope will be resolved. Web Monkey has designed the [i]TPS Mail[/i] to be simple to use, which belies the complexity of the several thousands of lines of code that supports the system. When it's all ready, we will have a great new tool to extend the influence of [i]TPS[/i] and which will provide you with a convenient, easy-to-use email facility.

Ad astra

25/01/2013Psyclaw I have just now had time to read carefully your comment about the Nova Peris appointment. Your local knowledge was interesting to read. I agree with you that this matter is likely to be a transient issue, used to fill a slow political news day. Let's wait and see! The pages that have been posted here recently from a year ago demonstrate how what was then portrayed as a major crisis/misjudgement/disaster/, has now evaporated into the political ether.

Ad astra

25/01/2013Casablanca The prospect of 4K video is very exciting. FTTH will be needed; FTTN won't be adequate. Why does Malcolm Turnbull pursue this option? Pure politics must be the answer for such a tech head.

42 long

25/01/2013Does "pure" politics mean "mouth" for hire?

Ad astra

25/01/201342 long Maybe it means 'mouth that echoes 'Abbott speak'. 'Pure' is obviously a misnomer!

42 long

25/01/2013Some jobs in the Senate are a job for life. The "Party" decides who the senate candidates are. IF the branch cannot resond quickly enough the only way is to intervene. Those who are the enemies of Gillard will stir this one. In their eyes she does nothing right. Politically it's a good move. They all do it. Labor in the NT have a bit of re-organising to do.

bob macalba

25/01/2013Katters krazies one nation eat your heart out


25/01/2013This furore over Peris is so sad. Crossin has had a good run, I understand she is upset, but she will not be able to change whats happened. Its a pity that she has not decided to go gracefully, rather than drag all the diry laundry for airing. How much better for her to have simply come out and said "I am proud of my record in the NT and I understand the need for indigenous representation, I wish Nova well and look forward to working in the community in other ways, and of course I look forward to my continued roll with Emily's List"....or whatever. What happened to people being gracious when they have had the priviledge to work for their community for so many years. It's not a right. If she is not careful going kicking and screaming is what she will be remembered for. This from Brandis. Did we need this comment. No. His comment is crass on so many levels.

bob macalba

25/01/2013Ad am able to scroll past re captcha, all sorts of stuff never seen before ie..request details, trace information,control tree, how did i get here? cheers

bob macalba

25/01/2013LiR Every time i see BRAINSINARSE brandis, my skin crawls, he is such a vile creature who is way way out of his depth, what are his qualifications? he comes across to me as a not to bright family lawyer, or am i being too kind, i cant even bring myself to Google the halfwit i dislike him that much, as i said before to me he is just a vile creature. ugh not after the 'crankypants' award just putting this one out for free

Ad astra

25/01/2013bob macalba Web Monkey is investigating.


25/01/2013LadyinRed I'm with Bobm all the way on that person, no read, no hear, no see. :-)


25/01/2013Ad Astra My comment went through without a hiccup, but there is no recapture, hope the trollbots don't discover that it is missing. :-(

Ad astra

25/01/2013Gravel Web Monkey is working on reCaptcha.

42 long

25/01/2013Brandis and Abetz are both scary. to think one of them may be Attorney General and neither of them can seperate politics from the Law. They are foundation members of the "Kangaroo Court". Where do the LieNP find these people to preselect?

bob macalba

25/01/2013Ad no probs all good again, thanks, i understand its just teething problems, its not affecting me in any way just thought you might want to know, but fixed now it seems to be cheers

42 long

25/01/2013Was Ogre Groger ( Costello's Mate) on with Jon Faine this morning repeating tripe about the earth cooling for the last 16 years. All the Lib trolls run this one back and forth it goes, because they pick a false high point on a graph and some british met office put something out( which I thought they had qualified since). the "science" is becoming less challenged than ever . Except by those who it suits to LIE and a few who deny it because it's genuinely too scary SSHHHhh. We know there's a murderer out there but we don't yet know how many he/she has killed and haven't found the knife so till ALL those facts are settled nothing has happened, and we won't put anyone on the case.....


25/01/2013bobm I agree about Brandis but we have to stay abreast of stuff even if we don't like it. bobm you are tooo modest - but I here what you say three times winner of the prestigious 'cranky pants' award might have other posters calling favouritism. So I think 42 long should get it for his 2:46pm post, its passionate but not over the top, managing to make some very good points regarding climate change deniers.


25/01/2013LadyInRed [i]What happened to people being gracious when they have had the privilege to work for their community for so many years.[/i] The screaming is all about having their noses pulled out of the trough, pure & simple.


25/01/2013[i]Tony Abbott: I'm too much of a grog-monster When he’s not busy being a “grog-monster” both Mr Abbott and Prime Minister Julia Gillard will separately present an hour-long show on the station 95.3 Sydney and smoothfm 91.5 Melbourne. Tune in to Prime Minister Gillard on Saturday 26 January at 9am (AEDT) and Mr Abbott on Sunday 27 January from 9am.[/i] Read more:


25/01/2013Could it be that our 'cranky pants' award has morphed into 'cranky boots' with Corinne Grant. Its a very funny read. [i]Strap on your cranky boots, a lot has gone down in news and current affairs this week and Corinne Grant’s outrage level is off the chart. [/i]


25/01/2013KHTAGH There is truth in what you say, sadly that's what its starting to look like. True character shines through when tested. Its not how we behave when everything is going our way that defines us but rather how we handle ourselves when life throws a curve ball at us and we have to swallow our pride. Gee Re Captcha has dissappeared?

Ad astra reply

25/01/2013TEST 6


25/01/2013LiR You raised my hopes that the dreaded reCAPTCHA had disappeared. But No! It is still present on my Firefox driven system. Actually, the TPS reCAPTURA is not as indecipherable as many other anti-spam software.


25/01/2013Casablanca Yes its back. As are the conservative bigots [i]THE opposition's immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, has reignited the debate over multiculturalism at the start of the election year, declaring a shift away from diversity to a more inclusive national identity is needed. "The policy deliberately set out to explicitly recognise the supremacy of Australian values, the primacy of the English language, respect of existing institutions and adherence to the rule of law," he told the Menzies Centre [/i] Implying what you racist, conservative, bigotted, ignorant, white Australia policy phobic......oooooh so and so! They cannot get in government!


25/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - The very late afternoon edition [b]The Australian[/b] - Smear campaign hits PM’S pick Coalition to focus on common values ahead of diversity - Adapt or sink, Combet warns industry Asylum guard sacked for force Leak cop seeking return to force [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Peris strikes back over rumours Virus wipes out millions of oysters overnight [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - THE GREAT NAURU RIP-OFF Exclusive: Aussies forced to rent huts at ridiculous prices Doped-out mag queen fleeced of $250,000 [b]The Age[/b] - Surgery shelved as cuts bite Beyond a choke [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - LEFT ME FOR BROKE Fallen Mag Queen tells ... [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - ‘WE’VE HAD ENOUGH’ - Police launch 'zero-tolerance' blitz [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - OUR GOLDEN PONDS - SA wetland joins the world’s wonders SAVINGS DRIVE - Monthly car rego to ease cost crunch [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Police probe suspicious Domain fire JOBS RUSH - Hundreds apply to fill scarce vacancies [b]The NT News[/b] - DEADLY SNAKE IN GIRL'S ROOM - 10-year-old's terror as western brown sneaks in Inside the newspapers from 12 months ago today :- [b]PM Julia Gillard calls in entire caucus for crisis summit[/b] Simon Benson @ The Daily Telegraph [i]THE entire Labor caucus has been ordered to an unprecedented weekend brainstorming session before parliament resumes, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard moves to keep her party on side. All 102 MPs will workshop policy ideas and strategies, with one saying: "We will be getting the butcher paper and Textas out and solving the country's problems."[/i] [b]Pokies ACT trial loophole identified[/b] Ross Peake @Canberra Times Gambling addicts may easily be able to avoid setting limits on their spending under the proposed trial of poker machines in the ACT, according to the clubs sector. The Federal Government confirmed last night that this loophole could occur if the trial followed the recommendation of the Productivity Commission that players could choose ''no limit''.[/i] [b]Audit criticises agencies' grant advice[/b] Markus Mannheim @Canberra Times [i]Federal bureaucrats repeatedly failed to warn ministers against approving controversial grants that could harm their political careers, an audit has found. Auditor-general Ian McPhee has also criticised government agencies’ failures to tell the public who won taxpayer-funded grants and how much money they received.[/i] [b]Labor's Chris Bowen reveals move to shift policy on asylum seekers but says Opposition Leader Tony Abbott kyboshed deal[/b] Simon Benson @The Daily Telegraph [i]IMMIGRATION Minister Chris Bowen agreed to consider a controversial return to temporary protection visas, as demanded by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, in an effort to break the asylum seeker deadlock. But the Coalition rejected the offer, exposing Mr Abbott to accusations he didn't want to end the stalemate.[/i]


25/01/2013LiR I wonder if self-confessed 'Grog-Monster' will do as Bob Hawke did and go on the wagon if, perish the thought, he becomes PM. reCAPTURA can be fun after all: [i]of mice[/i] Geddit! Abbott is a mouse not a man


25/01/2013Good Afternoon All, finally almost all the family - inlaws, outlaws and sundry others have left town and normal chaos is resuming. Guess I should thank that cheeky little niece for filling the gap although I completely deny all those scurrilous things she said about me - well almost all of it.


25/01/2013LIR, on this article there is a pic you may wish to 'borrow' and tweak a little for the cranky-pants award.


25/01/2013DMW That was actually a very interesting article. cranky boots, ranty there no end to the bastardisation of a euphemism from my childhood? Its crankypants or cranky-pants (I think I like that) or cranky pants....its not boots or ranty. Now I am getting cranky about people messing with my crankiness. Oh dear it must be Friday. And now for my reCAPTCHA.....affembe and


25/01/2013Casablanca If grog-monster was supposed to humanise TAbbott he would want to think again. He just can't stop trying to be all things to all people. He was out being Tony-the-cyclist today whilst being Tony-the-caring and then he morphed into Tony-the-negative by telling us he was going to launch a mini positive campagne this very weekend. Presumably because conservatives can only take so much positivity at one time, or they might explode.


25/01/2013Is Abbott suffering from relevance deprivation? He seems to be concerned that he isn't the "walking headline" anymore. And to my fellow Queenslanders - quack quack.


25/01/2013[i] "Some Australians want crunchy peanut butter, others want smooth peanut butter," he said in a statement. "Some Australians want halal meat and some want non-halal meat - these are just some of the great freedoms we enjoy in this country." [/i] Read more: And some people are intelligent and other are just bigoted and stupid. These are just some of the great truths we share in this country.


25/01/2013Katter is suffering one of the many problems when you establish a political party based on a personality and a hat. He should have just stuck with being an outspoken Independent who cares passionately about the land and the people who work it. He made his career by being outspoken and often offensively so, not caring who he insulted or incensed. Now he has a whole tribe of people who want to be just like him. They are bewildered, and rightly so, that they can't say what they think out loud just like Bob, oh and wear the big hat. Gee who didn't see that one coming?


25/01/2013I am still catching up up with a few things - did Mr Abbott get stuck into the Katter Party people about halal-meat and the other bits. Vague memory of a SA/WA (?) Liberal who had a whine about how we are being sold Halal meat in secret and it is turning us into Muslims. Don't recall that Abbott 'kicked' him in the bum. Interesting thing about Halal meat is that there is little if any difference with Kosher meat. So be warned eating Halal/Kosher food will turn us all into Jewish Muslims or maybe Muslim Jews or ...


25/01/2013LiR It's [i]Cranky Pants [/i]and [i]Bossy Boots[/i]. To mess with these is an attack on order in society. On the other hand, I keep hassling Corinne Grant (on Twitter) to offer herself as a candidate for the ALP. I think she's gold. Ad astra yes there's been a bit of glitching but dinnae fash yersel' worriting about the site, a few deep breaths eh. Thank you and Web Monkey for all this work you are doing.


25/01/2013Just a comment on the earlier stuff about the Katter party member's comments on not wanting his children taught by a gay teacher. The fact is that at least half the time he wouldn't know. Having associated with a number of homosexuals during my time, and been approahced by others, I do know that, for both genders, the one playing the "normal" role is no different from anyone else: i.e. the lesbian filling the female role is no different to any other female, and the homosexual male filling the male role is no different to any other male, to all outward appearances. It is only the individual filling the other role who may become obvious - the "camp" male, or the "butch" female. What would Katter's party do if they discovered their apparently normal appearing female teacher was, in fact, in a lebian relationship with a "butch" female. [As a PS, I have no issue using the term "butch" because lesbian couples I have known commonly used the terms "bitches" and "butches" - although I will admit the last time was some years ago now.]


25/01/2013LadyinRed I looked up the smoothfm radio and they charge to listen, sorry can't afford it, a report would be good if anyone listens to it. :-)


25/01/2013Absolutely TT an attack on the order in society is what it is. Of course its [i]bossy boots[/i] to mix it with [i]cranky pants[/i] is ....well its just not right. And if you don't like it [i]you can go and have a conversation with the tree over there[/i] (do-a-Katter) or you can "do-a-Joe-Hockey" and [i] all go to hell [/i].


25/01/2013Gravel I just went to the website went to the bottom clicked on what was playing live Bogart Torelli and then clicked open player in window right up the top of the screen and it started playing.

Ad astra reply

25/01/2013TEST 7

Ad astra reply

25/01/2013TEST. 8


25/01/2013Aa, what happened to Test 1 through 5? Or is there a prize for the first person to post the next number in the sequence?


25/01/2013If you have any doubt about how fast climate change will happen, watch this.

Tom of Melbourne

25/01/2013Katter's party will always attract nut cases. But in the mainstream it's Gillard who seeks to continue the institutionalised discrimination against homosexuals... and she doesn't even seek to anchor her prejudice in a cloak of religious conviction.

Ad astra

25/01/2013MWS Just playing with numbers! The system seems to be working normally again. Please let’s know if there are any further problems. KHTAGH That Greenland melting story sounds very frightening.

Ad astra

25/01/2013Folks Time for bed.

bob macalba

26/01/2013Morning all A touch off humour to begin the day cheers


26/01/2013LadyinRed Good morning, and thank you for that link, I don't know where I was but it wasn't this site, I have it playing now as hopefully Julia will be on soon. Thanks. :-) :-)

bob macalba

26/01/2013Listening to PM on FM Found this in NYT. India warns Kashmiri's to prepare for nuclear war madness...the advise given to survive any blast is just magic

bob macalba

26/01/2013sorry 'advice'

bob macalba

26/01/2013Sabre rattling?

bob macalba

26/01/2013Sorry could not go past this without sharing good health folks

bob macalba

26/01/2013Sabre rattling both sides


26/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Union tilt for BHP workers slammed Honour for humble hero still giving a town his all Bounty to lift network take-up (NBN) [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Honour at last for Balmain boy - Restaurants’ dirty secret revealed Would you put your child on a diet? [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - New law leaves us in a state of chaos Flying the flag [b]The Age[/b] - IT’S ITA Watchdog hobbled by lack of staff - [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - OUR TRUE BLUE HEROES (with pic of real firefighters) Ita is Australian of the year [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - Australian of the Year Buttrose to champion seniors’ rights Ita, Ita, Ita Oi, Oi, Oi BATTLE READY - Souteast braces for deluge threat [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - DAY of PRIDE - Downer, Ita lead national awards [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Former top cop attack - Man charged over alleged king-hit Spirit of mateship [b]The NT News[/b] - AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE Boy, Boy, Boy TEEN'S LUCKY CROC ESCAPE - 4m Saltie Lunges at Boy Fishing on Riverbank ------------------------- Thanks to j4gypsy for alerting me to this article that I missed: [b]Four spend night in tree to avoid croc[/b] In the SMH NOT The NT News!!!!!!!! ------------------------- Inside the papers twelve months ago today: [b]An Oscar for Albanese?[/b] Tim Lester @SMH [i]A senior minister in the Gillard government accused of ripping off lines from an old Hollywood movie, has conceded the quote in his National Press Club address today was a "stuff up".[/i] [b]Rudd aims worthy of support, says Evans[/b] Daniel Flitton @SMH [i]THE former foreign minister Gareth Evans will make a spirited defence of Kevin Rudd's global ambitions for Australia, accusing Mr Rudd's ''most senior government colleagues'' of failing to support his agenda. Professor Evans, Labor's longest-serving foreign minister, will use an Australia Day speech in Melbourne today to warn domestic politics has too often overshadowed attempts to reshape Australia's policy on tricky questions such as the Israel-Palestinian dispute.[/i] [b]Serco's 'secret' manual on use of force[/b] Meagan Dillon @NT Times [i]LAWYERS are fighting for the public release of a "confidential" document that outlines how Serco security officers are trained to handle asylum-seekers in a Darwin detention centre.[/i] [b]Kevin Rudd to take high profile in Queensland election campaign[/b] Anna Caldwell @The Courier-Mail [i]ANNA Bligh will tap into the popularity of Kevin Rudd as she battles to win the hearts and minds of Queensland. Labor insiders expect PM Julia Gillard will take a back seat to Mr Rudd on the hustings because his popularity far outstrips the PM's in the Sunshine State.[/i]


26/01/2013KHTAGH Re Greenland ice sheet, see this article from ABC news. Will be interesting to see more details when they become available.


26/01/2013This is a section of video that was not in the trailer in my earlier post, look at the amount of ice that calves off in just 75mins, equal to the entire lower Manhattan but 3 time the height of the current buildings.


26/01/2013A well deserved honour: [i] Today, aged 91, with most of his opponents fallen away - and a lot of them forgiven by him, including the Japanese - Tom Uren will receive the highest honour his nation can bestow on a civilian: Companion in the General Division of the Order of Australia. Of the 22,000 Australian prisoners of the Japanese, only some 400 are alive now, but Mr Uren said Ms Gillard's action displayed compassion and justice, which he valued above all else. [/i] Read more:


26/01/2013Debunking the NBN radiation myth: [quote]Ironically, the transmission tower erected in the early 1960s – (over fifty years ago) – for the then BTV6 to actually broadcast this story, is exposing at least as much, and probably more radiation to the people of Dereel than the proposed NBN tower ever will.[/quote]


26/01/2013PS I didn't encounter any problems posting the above comment.


26/01/2013bob Lets hope it is just sabre rattling. It has to be doesn't it? There can be no winner in war. If nothing else surely that has become obvious over the last how many wars now since WW TWO. Fools. KHTAGH That was bothe mesmerising and just down right scary, and the facts brought home the messsage. The rate of the glacier receding at 10 times the rate has to be due to human global warming. No wonder people want to deny climate chang is happening, for many deflecting the truth is easier to live with. Thanks for sharing. Lets fight so the Libs don't win.


26/01/2013Simply beautiful!


26/01/2013Here is a string of tweets about the most burning unanswered questions in our nation's political history, concerning as they do an attempt to pervert the course of justice with a longer view to overthrowing the Government. This is a dramatic story of intrigue and perfidy. [i]Why is the MSM not digging into it like rats into foodscraps?[/i] Well they aren't. But a few of the Fighting 5th Estate are. And not overlooking the likes of David Donovan on Independent Australia, I must remark that many of the foremost are women. This tweet from Jessica Wright started the string: Jessica Wright ‏@jesswrightstuff @janecat60 [b]I reckon I rang Mal [Brough] 20 times.[/b] He has never responded to a single message since ashby yarn. * 10hmargo kingston‏@margokingston1 .@jesswrightstuff @janecat60 Time to get in his face on his turf & call his fake excuses for silence. Test of journo & editor commitment. * 10hBridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn @margokingston1 @jesswrightstuff @janecat60 Commitment and professionalism. * 10hJessica Wright ‏@jesswrightstuff @BridgetOFlynn @margokingston1 @janecat60 agreed but remember outcry over Craig Thomson and reporters at his house? Can’t force to answer. * 10hBridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 evidence to the contrary. You can't force an answer. But his non answer is important information * 1hTalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 So glad U 4 women R on Brough's tail! Against you he must fall. Respect! * TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 Stupendous issue. Major crime, dire consequences attempted! GET 'EM! * Against men only, Brough might stand a chance of escaping the consequences of his crimes. But with the Girls after him he hasn't a hope. We must all lend a hand. 10hJessica Wright ‏@jesswrightstuff @BridgetOFlynn @margokingston1 @janecat60 agreed but remember outcry over Craig Thomson and reporters at his house? Can’t force to answer. Expand 10hBridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 evidence to the contrary. You can't force an answer. But his non answer is important information Expand 1hTalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 So glad U 4 women R on Brough's tail! Against you he must fall. Respect! Expand 1hTalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 Stupendous issue. Major crime, dire consequences attempted! GET 'EM! Hide conversation Reply Delete Favorite More 8:40 AM - 26 Jan 13 · Details Tweet LynLinking‏@lynlinking @TalkyTurkey @btckr Good Morning TT thankyou you have brightened my day too. Yes wouldn't miss Margo she is doing a Bravo job:) View conversation Reply Retweet Favorite More 10hmargo kingston‏@margokingston1 .@jesswrightstuff @janecat60 Time to get in his face on his turf & call his fake excuses for silence. Test of journo & editor commitment. Expand 10hBridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn @margokingston1 @jesswrightstuff @janecat60 Commitment and professionalism. Expand 10hJessica Wright ‏@jesswrightstuff @BridgetOFlynn @margokingston1 @janecat60 agreed but remember outcry over Craig Thomson and reporters at his house? Can’t force to answer. Expand 10hBridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 evidence to the contrary. You can't force an answer. But his non answer is important information Expand 1hTalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 So glad U 4 women R on Brough's tail! Against you he must fall. Respect! Expand 1hTalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @TalkyTurkey @BridgetOFlynn @jesswrightstuff @margokingston1 @janecat60 Stupendous issue. Major crime, dire consequences attempted! GET 'EM! Favorite More


26/01/2013OOPS sorry about all the space Folks!


26/01/2013Tom Uren is the sort of person who makes me proud to be an ordinary Member of the Australian Labor Party. I agree with the commenter and thank the retweeter. Darcy Byrne‏@MayorDarcy If u haven't read it yet: magnificent piece by @tonyowright on Balmain Boy, Labor legend and Australian hero Tommy Uren … Retweeted by Political Tragic

42 long

26/01/2013An exceptional person. There were quite a few back then and some good political commentators too. They dealt in facts and human beings, not the spin and bullshit that goes for coverage today. You are being subject to unending propaganda by uninspiring people. A Pox on them all. Well, the ones that don't try to redeem themselves. Three cheers for the girls who have come out to expose this rubbish. I AM impressed by that.


27/01/2013[b]The lucky country in 2013 - you won't believe this, but … [/b] Hugh Mackay. January 26, 2013 Most of this is depressingly predictable: [i] Looking back, the view often astonishes us. Different rail gauges for each state. Fathers banned from labour wards. People smoking in aircraft, workplaces and restaurants. Women obliged to resign from permanent public service positions when they married. Aboriginal children stolen from loving parents in an attempt to wipe out indigenous culture. White Australia. "How did they let that happen?" we ask, as we ponder what looks like the ignorance, recklessness or insensitivity of past generations. But what might 2013 look like, 50 years hence? Imagine the future's view of us. [/i] Read more:


27/01/2013[b]Abott's(sic) man under fire over extreme right lobbying[/b] January 27, 2013. Jessica Wright [quote]Mr Abbott's mini-election campaign aimed at emphasising his positive side kicks off in Sydney today ahead of a major address to the National Press Club on Thursday. Senator Bernardi's apparent non-disclosure on his register of pecuniary interests comes as he has claimed his party's first pick on the South Australian Senate ticket at this year's election, virtually guaranteeing him another term. The register aims to ensure the public understands politicians' financial interests and other benefits, including sponsored travel. [b][u]Senator Bernardi is chairman of the Senate committee that polices declarations.[/u][/b][/quote] Read more: Abbort's vampire is in charge of the bloodbank! This far-right loon has to be stripped of this chairmanship as well as of any other parliamentary positions that he holds.


27/01/2013 But seriously, get ready for Mr Positive January 27, 2013. Michelle Grattan Political editor of The Age Read more: [i] But seriously, get ready for another Michelle Grattan article that positively lacks objectivity.[/i]


27/01/2013From a rain sodden Brisvegas (climate change - bah humbug) thanks for the Hugh McKay article Casablanca - it's probably close tot he truth. I do however suspect jets will still be around, powered by "green" fuels such as algae that will be grown near airports to reduce transportation costs.


27/01/2013Casablanca Not to put too fine a point on it, Grattan's article's a crock of shit. :)

bob macalba

27/01/2013Agree with TT, gratten just writes pure crap,

Ad astra

27/01/2013Folks Is it true that Michelle Grattan is now an Abbott staffer, but still using Fairfax as her public face?

42 long

27/01/2013Gratten must be being paid by the number of words. Rambling nothing musings. Abbott is "appearing" in front of the (invitation only) faithfull. Whoo Hooo! Saw him blowing (hyperventilating?) a little kids paper windmill on ABC 24. Couldn't get it the right distance from his mouth, so it jammed. Tony's mouth seems to cause him most of his problems. This man comes across as more awkward than relaxed. No policies though!! His unpopularity is an acknowledged fact, but a few smiles and baby kissing will "fix" that. The man of little substance is going to have to show some GUTS at some stage and not run away from the HARD questions. I think most of us who have been watching him are well aware of what sort of "man" the "REAL" Tony is. How will they TRY to dress him up? More spin? THEY picked this Phoney with the express AIM of getting an EARLY election. This is what this great ALPHA male was supposed to be good at. Well everyone knows he FAILED. He didn't serve his purpose . So now they are stuck with this FAILURE who appears to be well understood by the electorate as not being PRIME MINISTER material. What does "Prefered Prime minister" mean if it doesn't mean that? His ratings rate close to the lowest on record. How do you ignore that? Can he do a good campaign. So far it's been an utterly POLICY-FREE zone and a bolt from questions.


27/01/2013[b][i]The Sunday Papers[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Sunday Telegraph[/b] - Born to be a Hero - MY LITTLE DIGGER [b]The Sun-Herald[/b] - The Power and the Pashing (Great Tie earns a Great Kiss - [i]Ed.[/i]) Smoking Gun - Abbott’s man under fire over extreme right lobbying (See Casablanca's link above @ 1:41 AM) [b]The Sunday Age[/b] - Court blow to push on dangerous dog breeds Victoria reigns again [b]The Sunday Mail[/b] - Ex-Cyclone Oswald rains on our parade - AUSSIE DAMPER Newman: Open The Floodgates | 17 Injured in Mini-Tornado | Southeast set for a bucketing ---------- Apparently there was nothing worth reading in the papers twelve months ago today. Memory says there was a lot about a certain missing shoe which is possibly why we ignored the papers that day :)

42 long

27/01/2013What surgery did Hockey undertake to lose weight? Lap band? If so it works by reducing the amount of food you feel like eating. There are other ways of eating less food, requiring things like education on what to eat, and willpower. It's a little bit like managing the economy. Joe has too big a surplus.


27/01/2013DMW/WMD Thanks for your daily Media input Cobber. Things are about to hot up and for our part, we must make it hot for the Media. We are already stinging them. Let us redouble our effort and double it again.


27/01/2013On the previous thread, @ January 1. 2013 08:53 PM I offered some observations on the possibility it might be the 'smaller' states that decide the fate of the current government. One seat I nominated was Bass in Northern Tasmania and I was intrigued to come across this article: [b]State Labor woes showing in poll, says analyst[/b] Rosemary Bolger, The Examiner [i]THE state government's woes would have contributed to the bleak picture for federal Labor painted in the latest polling, an election analyst says.[/i] It is only 'one poll' and elsewhere others have called into question its' relevance to the federal scene, its' method and sampling however, it is indicative of the challenges Labor faces in the Apple Isle. 'If' the contagion has spread the Libs could win all five seats there. I also mentioned Warren Snowdon's seat of Lingari in the Territory (which, thanks Jason, I have now unconfused myself over) as possible loss. My second thought when hearing about the 'Captain's Pick' was that this was as much about saving Snowdon as anything else. This article has confirmed some my thoughts: [b]Peris not the patsy they expect[/b] Jack Waterford, Canberra Times [i]If there is a swing against Snowdon of territorial election proportions, he is doomed. If he loses, it will not be because his friends and admirers in Aboriginal communities have come to dislike him. It will be because they are voting over his head to ''send a message'' to Labor, no longer confident that Snowdon can do much to smooth their pillow. Few think that his personal touch in his indigenous ministerial responsibilities achieves anything special.[/i] Waterford is probably Australia's best informed journalist on 'Indigenous policy and politics' and keeps his finger on 'the pulse'. This is an excellent article that is worth reading. A footnote on the 'Captain's Pick'. My only question on it has been [i]Why didn't Ms Gillard allow, or 'persuade', Ms Crossin to announce her 'retirement' gracefully rather than apparently 'springing' it on her?[/i]


27/01/2013This slight distraction on this rainy and windy Sunday arvo in Brisvegas comes from Keith Urban who hails from Caboolture (so close the commuter trains terminate there).


27/01/2013Tony Abbott began his "mini-election campaign" today with nothing. That's how he'll finish the real election campaign at year's end. With nothing.

Ad astra

27/01/2013Michael Is his 'mimi-election campaign' speech available for reading?


27/01/2013Ad, the 'mini' speech not up @ yet Yesterday's AusDay thing which included this: [i]The first lot of Australians were chosen by the finest judges in England, not always for good reasons, and from that rather inauspicious beginning we have become a rich, a free and a fair society which has contributed so much to the wider world in good times and in not so good times.[/i]

Patricia WA

27/01/2013Lady In Red, thanks for the link to Tom Uren's award. I've long been an admirer of his and every time I read his reminiscencess about WWII and Changi I am reduced to tears of compassion mingled with admiration. What a miracle of endurance and mutual support which had him and other young Australian soldiers organised by leaders like the heroic Weary Dunlop survive and return to serve their country again in peacetime.


27/01/2013Interesting pic (photoshop)from George Bludger:


27/01/2013... and now for something different to have a wander through: [b]The Koori History Web Project[/b] [b]WOW[/b]


27/01/2013via @JaundicedV & @tonedebone [b]The Best Australia Day Pic Ever[/b]


28/01/2013 Commenting on Grattan's vomitous article yesterday (which induced my comment [i]"Not to put too fine a point on it, Grattan's article's a crock of shit."[/i]) The estimable blogger Barry Tucker takes her apart bit by bit: Political publicity, posing as political opinion Comment and analysis by Barry Tucker January 27, 2013 What is wrong with this woman? How can she stand being Abbortt's media whore? What is her payoff?


28/01/2013Tony Abbott - Not a Good Look 1 - His "mini campaign" launch came on one of the local TV news shows around 6:15 last night with a commentary that the meeting was limited to party faithful. It pointed out that he "launched" policies that were already on the LNP websites and his speech was well received. The final images were Abbott walking away from reporters questions about Cory Bernardi. The advertising started in the next ad break - and looked like a Newman for Premier ad except for the graphics. The tone was very familiar. Tony Abbott - Not a Good Look 2 - According to the Brisbane Times (which as an aside has a good coverage of the current flooding/gale force weather in Queensland), Abbott is coming to Queensland today to inspect damage. Apart from a considerable part of the damage having not occurred yet (minor to major floods are "scheduled" for mid week depending on the river system), last time he was here in 2011, he happily posed shovelling mud out of a building in Brisbane - then as soon as he though the camera were off - handed someone the shovel. He then opposed the flood levy on income tax. Don't emergency services have better things to do that guide a pontificating politician around when effectively he has no ability to change either the weather or the various levels of Government response to the unfolding disaster area?


28/01/2013I've been blocked by one bloke on Twitter who immediately played the AntiSemitic card on me when he talked of the *Peace Process* and I said all I ever saw of the *Peace Process* was continued annexation of Palestinian lands and persecution of Gazans ... No I'm not antisemitic, I'm anti-[i]Zionist[/i], they are the most antisemitic people of all because they arrest and dispossess and murder Palestinians, and Palestinians like all other Arabs are predominantly Semites. Not Israelis of course, who are of [i]mixed [/i]ethnicity, having flocked from everywhere to Israel to grab the land from which the Israeli Government is constantly expelling the owners. I despise Judaism in all its horrible forms, Christian Jewish and Moslem and all subdivisions thereof, but it is specifically international Zionism which is dedicated to driving conflicts. But I don't despise people on the basis of their ethnicity, you are what you are. Israel itself is a Nazionistic State, that's what I despise. I am ashamed at the world's failure to condemn it in far more effective ways.


28/01/2013From Lyn on Twitter: LynLinking @lynlinking Tony Abbott and his refusal to answer questions about Cory Bernardi, by @phonytonyabbott …


28/01/2013More From Twitter courtesy Lena ✨‏@JarrarLena Young Israeli youth react to Palestinian documentary "5 Broken Cameras" @MMFlint Decent youngsters in a society which wants to turn them all into attack dogs.


28/01/2013No longer "Bad Abbott". Now he just looks and sounds silly. Nothing 'kills' a politician harder than looking ridiculous. With his "shame about the government" mugged face at his mini-campaign yesterday, and the lack of anything of policy weight or meaningful content in his words (spoken) or written (in an amorphous brochure), Tony Abbott's flailing... and looks it. Laughably.


28/01/2013PS. Even Grattan can see it.


28/01/2013Michael Grattan sees everything through Coke Bottle glasses, distortedly.


28/01/2013 Abbortt and Turdball in bed together: Tony in Lycra, Turdy in Leather!


28/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Military joins crisis recovery Ingenuity in wave of rescues Three’s sweet for Novak Coalition to curb union site access Abbott promises 'cranes over cities [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Millions may have overpaid land tax, rates Highs and lows of the Open Sydney braces for wild weather as cyclone system moves south [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - RESCUE IN THE BAG - Toddler plucked to safety as NSW put on storm alert Djokovic wins third-straight Australian Open [b]The Age[/b] - Coalition in pledge to shield super Djokovic makes it three in a row [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - SUPER NOVAK TOXIC RIVER - Dirty Yarra'a bacteria reaches toxic levels [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - SINKING FEELING There’s worse Double whammy on the way as families queue for sandbags [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - HERE TO STAY Tour's future secure as accolades flow Family fights over Lukin fortune [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - SAFE & SOUND - Heroic rescue from the floods Forced back to work now single mums take a stand [b]The NT News[/b] - DEADLY DELUGE - One killed, many missing and more flooding to come TASERED AFTER HOSPITAL RAMPAGE - Guard uses crutch to fight off man with knife ----------- What was on the inside of the papers twelve months ago [b]Prime Minister Gillard gets treated like a rag doll[/b] Laurie Oakes @Herald Sun [i]LET'S not make any excuses for the morons associated with the Aboriginal tent embassy who sparked Thursday's ugly events in the national capital. Sure, a member of the Prime Minister's media staff acted foolishly by indirectly passing on information about Tony Abbott's movements, but that in no way justifies what followed.[/i] [b]The spear of confrontation pays nation another visit[/b] Debra Jopson @National Times [i]IN 1790, Bennelong, the Sydney-born Aboriginal friend to the colonisers, was present when Governor Arthur Phillip was speared at Manly Cove, demonstrating how much relations between the two peoples had soured. It has been a while since Australia has been confronted with its own angry Aboriginal face, ...[/i] [b]Flying the flag for an Australia free of racism[/b] Stephanie Smart @Canberra Times [i]... in the lead-up to Australia Day, I turn on the news and see the Government and Opposition are still arguing over asylum seekers. The next day talks have broken down between the two parties. I open various news websites and see they're all reporting that people who fly Australian flags on their cars have been found to be more racist than those who don't.[/i] [b]Speedo politics scuttles any solution[/b] Mike Carlton @National Times [i]Just when you think he can get no lower, down he goes again. Tony Abbott's boast that he would turn back the refugee boats is rank populism, a despicable play for the talkback rednecks. It is a policy – and he must know this – that would risk the lives not only of asylum seekers but of young navy sailors.[/i] [b]On average, Aussies don't measure up[/b] Jessica Irvine @NationalTimes [i]So just who is this ''average Australian'' anyway? Well, he's just your average bloke really; two kids, a mortgage, one dog, one cat. Really? Advertisement: Story continues below Australia Day has evolved into the one day of the year when the 22.8 million people who call Australia home feel compelled to find some common ground, some common characteristics that define us as a nation. We're all the same, really, we tell ourselves. Except, no, we're not.[/i] [b]Numbers show why clubs are addicted[/b] Crispin Hull @CanberraTimes [i]The numbers tell the story. I know numbers are a big turn-off, but bear with me because the story is important, and precisely because numbers are a turn-off, the clubs have been able to dismiss problem gambling as a minor matter not affecting many people.[/i]

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

28/01/2013 DMW: Thanks for the Koori Web History project link. It is a Wow! Glad you put up ‘the Best Oz Day pic ever’, too. Inspiring, and lovely. Another moving moment for me from Oz Day was watching the Aboriginal Flag being raised alongside the Oz flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Thirty years of waiting, but it’s an achievement of this Oz Day under this Govt., I suspect. TT, so nice to see you back and busy here :-). Reading and viewing: [b]“I’ve answered everything in relation to James Ashby” [/b] [i]Kiera Gordon[/i] Journalists respond to Mal Brough’s claim that none of them asked to interview him about #AshbyGate. [b]Tony Abbott: raising the bar of stupidity[/b] [i]Miglo[/i] I must admit that I admire Tony Abbott for having the courage to continually demonstrate his extreme level of stupidity. Over the weekend he has leapfrogged local clowns such as Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones and Piers Ackerman and now sits alone on the top of the idiot tree. On the international scale, he is now in reach of George W Bush. What put him there? [b]“My dear…have no fear”[/b] [i]Monica Attard[/i] The Australian Day Honours List is always long and often political, though there are always a few surprises and they are becoming noticeably less partisan in their distribution. Because of the politics that used to attach to them in a very obvious way, some journalists for example, think their colleagues should never accept an honour when one is offered, lest they feel more disposed to write kindly about the government which bestowed it. But when you look at the history of the Australia Day Honours List, giving journos gongs is hardly the big issue. Why are so few women on the receiving end? [b]History Isn't A Balance Sheet[/b] [i]Sarah Burnside[/i] Our history isn’t a simple or a comfortable one, but we’re hardly alone there. We need to be able to look at its complexities together without reflexively grasping for a positive every time we encounter a negative, or seeking a set of scales capable of weighing us as a country. Manne suggests that the History Wars will be over only when "the overwhelming majority of Australians no longer flinch from the uncomfortable truths about their nation’s history". We’re not there yet, but each new year offers us the chance to get a bit closer. [b]Australia Day woes[/b] [i]sauer-thompson[/i] Chris Kenny's Australia Day column in The Australian states the now standard conservative/neo-liberal criticism of South Australia. Once the Festival State, South Australia has become a mendicant state, reliant on federal largesse, and it risks becoming a state of stagnation. Fiscal discipline is lacking. [b]Are today’s pollies scared of news media?[/b] [i]Barry Tucker[/i] Where have all the punching pollies gone? Why are Australia’s federal Labor politicians in particular putting up with so much negativity, distortion and bias in the news media? It is hurting Labor in the polls, and it is making the Liberals look rather nasty at the same time. Are they waiting for John McTernan, Director of Communications for the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, to pull a rabbit out of his hat? [b]Five of the most influential war correspondents in history[/b] [i]The Canberra Files[/i] It’s widely acknowledged that some journalists go to impressive lengths to get a scoop. There have been many others over the years however, who have actually gone to the extreme of walking straight into the middle of a fatal and furious fire-fight; armed only with a notepad and a friendly smile. While sane people (you know, those without a death wish) would normally clamour over their own neighbours to avoid the carnage of battle, war correspondents do everything they can to in fact work their way into the belly of the beast. [b]NBN Co offers $108 bounty on new customers[/b] [i]Delimiter[/i] To what extent is this legitimate? Personally I do not believe it is a legitimate activity. NBN Co should not have to incentivise people to sign up to its network. The infrastructure represents a huge improvement in basic broadband service delivery over that previously offered in Australia, and it also offers retail ISPs the chance to escape Telstra’s last mile monopoly. There is more than enough incentive for retail ISPs to switch their customers on to the NBN as soon as possible and for end users to pressurise their customers to let them join ASAP; I don’t think cash incentives are appropriate. Almost all Australians will eventually sign up to the NBN anyway as the copper and HFC networks of Telstra and Optus are closed anyway; what is the point of offering ISPs cash incentives to push customers to sign up early? [b]Climate science has already proven its worth[/b] [i]Fred Hilmer[/i] That we now have access to remarkably sophisticated and accurate forecasts of impending heat waves and bushfire risk, and management plans in place to minimise their impact, is no accident. It's the result of decades of research and intensive data collection both here and overseas: because of course while weather is local, climate systems are regional and global. Only continuous investment in serious, substantial research has enabled us to reach our current level of understanding of our dynamic and complex environment - and will enable us to respond and adapt to more extreme and frequent future climatic variations. [b]Life of Pi’s acidic island a warning for our warming world[/b] [i]Thomas Faunce[/i] The acidic island of the Life of Pi film contains a subtle, artistic warning for humanity. The Ark of Pi released a tiger rather than a dove when it reached dry land, and when the tiger reached land it didn’t look back to help its human rescuer. In Richard Parker the tiger we may be seeing the not too pleasant face of Gaia. [b]The Scourge of the Swing Voter[/b] [i]Vic Rollinson[/i] The attitude ‘there is no difference between them’ has resulted in a lot of angry Queensland and Victorian voters. It’s a bit late now to remind them that a protest vote against the Labor party will help deliver a conservative alternative. A lot of Queenslanders and Victorians who voted for their right wing party now appear shocked that these right wing governments are executing a right wing agenda. Cuts to education funding, cuts to public service jobs in the area of health; slash and burn, and Newman’s version of austerity, not stimulus. [b]One person’s opinion of the political landscape in 2013[/b] [i]Alex Schlotzer[/i] … after the last couple of years of significant negativity in our national politics, the political landscape in 2013 looks very interesting, to say the least. The often repeated statements by the Coalition that the minority government has failed Australia are at odds with reality. The Coalition’s commentary has been the usual negative critique of the government that had, until more recently, been repeated by the mainstream media is likely to continue this year. There are many successes this government has had with the support of the Australian Greens. And at the same time some of the worst this government has come up with has been done in concert with the Coalition, like the return to the worst policies for assisting asylum seekers. However, while the government is in some serious trouble, it seems to me that the Opposition is in even bigger trouble in reality. [b]The two party system[/b] [i]Kay Rollinson[/i] Why is it that we still hear intelligent and otherwise well informed people lamenting the dominance of the two major political parties in Australia? If only there were more Independents, they cry. Or more minor parties. If only MPs could vote as they like – or as their constituents direct them – instead of being bound to vote as their party decrees. Then we’d have much better government. I’m not making this up; I heard it again just the other night. [b]Cory Bernardi Wrecks Abbott’s Good Vibrations Tour[/b] [i]The Daily Derp[/i] Whereas loyalty can be an admirable trait, it seems anyone who helped, or continues to help Abbott in the pursuit of power he believes is his birth right, will be “looked after”, no matter how extreme their beliefs are. Being associated with wingnuts like Bernardi will ruin this desperate effort of Abbott’s to shake off his image. Australians have always rejected extremists at the ballot box, and willcontinueto do so at this year’s election. [b]Latham’s ghost will hover over Abbott[/b] [i]dragonista[/i] And so today Tony Abbott has launched an attempt to reinvent himself, in an effort to convince voters he’s more than the extraordinarily successful wrecker he’s portrayed since becoming Opposition Leader in November 2009. That means Abbott plans to dispel over three years of entrenched negativity in only seven to ten months*. Coalition spinmeisters are already hard at work, backgrounding senior journalists on the transition secure in the knowledge that if the media can be convinced about its effectiveness then so can the public. [b]Peris the thought[/b] [i]David Horton[/i] Anyway, in a first step to rectify this the Prime Minister announced she had, outside of the normal candidate preselection process, invited a well known Aboriginal former international sportswoman to be the Labor NT Senate candidate (and certain winner), to replace the current non-Aboriginal female Senator who has held the position for 15 years. Ok, win win win all round eh? Loud applause from all concerned? Supportive media? Labor Party welcoming new recruit? Current Senator happily standing aside? Praise for Prime Minister’s creative thinking? Community discussion about ways to get more minority groups into parliament? In your dreaming. [b]Dear Bob[/b] [i]Preston[/i] So Bob (and I hope we’re still on a first name basis after this), I hope you don’t mind if on behalf of every caring and open minded person in Australia, and every person in Australia who happens to have a homosexual relative or friend, when I say: you’re fired. Your “loveable maverick” routine will only get you so far, but you’ve become so gay that we just can’t tolerate you any longer. It’s time to go. Goodbye, Bob. Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. Especially if it’s a homosexual door.


28/01/2013I'm not sure if there are others that agree with me on this, but I was appalled at our new Australian of the year when she turned her acceptance speech into a political statement "Tony Abortt is not a misogynist" This is the first time in living memory when a person awarded our top civilian honor came out & made it a political speech. Absolutely disgusting in my book, who cares what she thinks, anyone who had listened to her in the last 12 months would know she supports the Lieberals. Does she think that just because she gets the Oz of the yr award she somehow has the right to tell everyone her [b][u]opinions!![/u][/b] on Mr Abbortt. She just crapped on her own award by doing so IMHO. Maybe she wasn't the best choice after all.


28/01/2013Even more incentive to spend every waking hour on the internet - Cambridge Journals Online has six weeks of free access to all 2012 articles:

Janet (Jan @j4gypsy)

28/01/2013 Another beauty of a comment (of course) on The Pub blog from Bushfire Bill: [extract] [i]Convoys, marches, filthy, insulting placards, joke “plebiscites”, signed pledges, abandoned censure motions, a disgusting trail of negativity were all that was put up in place of loyal, reasoned opposition. All were substituted by the catch-cry, “After all, an Opposition’s duty is to oppose,” first coined by the syphilis-ravaged brain of Lord Randolph Churchill in the 19th century, but quoted approvingly today, by as miserable a gaggle of lazy opinionista hacks – posing as “senior commentators” – as you could find anywhere, anytime, in any generation. Why? Lookatthepolls![/i]


28/01/2013Not only 'silly Abbott' but stupid as well. How much will this sort of comment/threat endear Shouldabeen to the voters of Queensland and northern New South Wales? Try... not at all (???)

Sir Ian Crisp

28/01/2013This week's Comedy Spot belongs to Bill Shorten: [quote][i]Fairer workplaces, a stronger economy The Australian Government has been working hard to ensure Australians get a fairer go at work, and to ensure employers continue to create jobs and keep our economy strong. The centrepiece of the Government’s industrial relations system is the Fair Work Act. Since its introduction in 2009 the Fair Work Act has delivered fairer workplaces for working Australians and businesses. The Fair Work Act has secured employment conditions including: • protection from unfair dismissal[/i][/quote]


28/01/2013I trust all our Qld & northern NSW people here are well & dry. I would like to make one comment on the NBN which has one excellent attribute that the current copper wire system doesn't have it works under water!! it doesn't short out like electrically powered copper system does. I couldn't believe it when I heard that the entire emergency system in Qld was down due the the floods, then the Lieberals will argue against the FTTH NBN. Yes if the local exchange goes under it might fail due the flooding, but local street flooding will have no effect. If we had the FTTN like the LNP want it will be out for ages as every street side NBN box will have to be redone, each one has a large battery in it to power them. Each one would be stuffed if flooded, & cost a fortune to fix if they used NICAD or Lithium batteries they could even explode destroying the node box completely.

Ad astra

28/01/2013Folks Thank you for your comments and links, which have been good reading. Bushfire Bill, as usual says it the way it is. TT, Barry Tucker has made a sound dissection of Michelle Grattan's article. There should be more of such dissections of the rubbish we read every day in the MSM. We have a heavy year ahead of us.

Tom of Melbourne

28/01/2013[i]’ Israel itself is a Nazionistic State,[/i]’ Unsupported and unsubstantiated bullsh!t is a specialty of some at TPS.


29/01/2013KneeHigh, [quote]m not sure if there are others that agree with me on this, but I was appalled at our new Australian of the year when she turned her acceptance speech into a political statement "Tony Abortt is not a misogynist" This is the first time in living memory when a person awarded our top civilian honor came out & made it a political speech.[/quote] I agree with you absolutely even though I did not hear her make that statement. I admit, I have long since stopped taking any notice of her. I was bitterly disappointed that, out of an impressive lineup (excluding, perhaps Kerry Stokes) Ita got the gong. In my mind I would have passed her if only because she has already received two gongs out of our award system. Certainly she supports good causes but, although she reasons that she is using her high profile to advance those causes, she is, imo more concerned in advancing her own in the Murdoch mode so that no-one would be courageous enough to disagree or deny her wishes. Therefore, it is not surprising to me that she used her 'gong' speech to defend Abbott (in true Murdoch journalistic style.


29/01/2013Michelle Grattan's calling Abbott "flaky" here: The times they are a changing.


29/01/2013bilko, [quote]mention of the green army who funds it where do they come from and where to plant the trees[/quote] The Green Army is just a load of bollocks which is accepted by our media without question. Apart from its funding (most probably the army will be those on the dole queues) where does the water come from to raise the trees? And if any survive the more frequent droughts and floods, there will be precious few left to help with carbon sequestration. Abbott is the leading mean character out of a scary fantasy novel, who is out to grab a little power for himself. He is only dangerous to this nation because the media is controlled by a wizened, power-crazed old prune who has even infiltrated our National Broadcaster so that it is only we in the 5th estate, who stand in his way.


29/01/2013TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey When facing an anal invasion For prostate - a thrilling occasion!- The best kind of digit Belongs to a Gidget So try for a small female Asian!


29/01/2013[i]"The fundamental difference between the Coalition and the Labor Party is competence and honesty" [/i]... Tony Abbott. [b]Well he got that right! :)[/b] Read more:


29/01/2013From Patricia via LynLinking‏@lynlinking Mini Campaign – Product of a Mini Brain? As that ra ra Party rally,.. by Patriciawa...excerpt.. …


29/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - The happy anniversary to my first best friend edition :) [b]The Australian[/b] - Flood disaster engulfs two states Hell for town not finished grieving Business fights to keep out unions that visit often Indigenous sentencing appeal [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Thousands hung out to dry in the west Storm surge: summer holidays end with a bang [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - DELUGE: - Military choppers in Bundaberg airlift - Mass evacuations on NSW north coast - Sydney caught in the eye of super storm [b]The Age[/b] - QUEENSLAND A STATE OF EMERGENCY Labor to push new rules for elections [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - HELP KIDS BEAT HEAT Exclusive Radical plan to start school year in March CITY UNDER SIEGE - More than 5000 people were last night evacuating their homes in Bundaberg ... [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - ON THE MARCH Qld Flood Crisis Special Edition [b]The Adelaide Advertiser[/b] - WATER TORTURE - Flood nightmare returns to Queensland Why Kossie quit - Reds hunt new coach [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - GET OUT - Your lives depend on it For the love of my wife [b]The NT News[/b] - MONSOON A MONTH AWAY - Cross your fingers for isolated storms RATES SOAR WITH POWER PRICE HIKES - Oh did we mentio Power & Water don't pay rates? ------------------------ What was in the papers twelve months ago today [b]Why Prime Minister Julia Gillard will keep on living dangerously[/b] David Penberthy @The Sunday Telegraph [i]Those in the business of applying the defibrillators to Julia Gillard's prime ministership have been quick to talk up her grace and decency during the tent embassy mayhem, while also pointing an accusatory finger at Tony Abbott for inciting the chaos.[/i] [b]Sisters in strife would do best to keep their distance[/b] Michelle Grattan @National Times [i]JULIA GILLARD and Anna Bligh, those two history-making women who are not close and have had their political differences, now find themselves sisters in strife. The nation's first female PM and the first female premier to win an election are both struggling against the downhill slide of their careers. The fate of one could influence what happens to the other.[/i] [b]Working class fan: Abbott's bid for the blue collar[/b] Misha Schubert @National Times [i]AT THIS point in the political cycle, Tony Abbott could be forgiven for thinking he has the blue-collar vote not just sewn up but triple overlocked. His pursuit of the carbon tax, asylum seekers and the nanny state have been potent, and Labor has been in a funk about how to drag it back. Until the past few weeks, that is. [/i] [b]How Immigration lost 17 boys[/b] Natalie O'Brien @SMAge [i]SEVENTEEN asylum-seeker children suspected of being trafficked from Vietnam have vanished from immigration centres across the country, and authorities admit they have not been searching for them.[/i] [b]Go-between backs PM's version in war of words[/b] The Age [i]Opposition leader Tony Abbott says the federal police must investigate the tent embassy protest that has forced the resignation of one of the Prime Minister's closest advisors. ... News Limited today reported that Ms Sattler said her conversation with the prime minister's office had made her believe Opposition Leader Tony Abbott wanted the Aboriginal tent embassy closed.[/i]

Patricia WA

29/01/2013Hi, Talk Turkey! Was that a prod to remind me that I'd promised you I'd always cross post! Apologies, I'm a bit behind with things lately! [b]Mini Campaign – Product of a Mini Brain?[/b] Is this LNP mini campaign, Product of someone’s mini-brain, Planned for Abbott because Newspoll Shows him still in a big black hole With his PR team in despair, Weeping, wailing, tearing their hair? Or just another permutation Of his varied self presentation? Once just a guy who loved to surf, Next he’s a new friend of the earth. Then shown as a mighty runner No one knows just when he’s gunna Come charging in upon his bike, Trying hard to sound statesmanlike As he fights every big new tax Like flames before his fireman’s axe. In parliament, suited, dutiful, No budgie smugglers on body beautiful; Once strict RC, a man of prayer, Has that gone up into thin air As ladies line up for liberal hugs And his help to store fertility drugs? Margie joins them, she’s not silly, Desperate for that house in Kirribilli. Now this image ‘presidential’ Seems suddenly inconsequential. As that ra ra Party rally, Meant to prove a grand finale To a [i]quasi[/i] election launch Ends with a rush up north to staunch Can-do Campbell’s disastrous floods. PS – TV shots so far aren’t a patch on Rudd’s. PS That reference to Rudd makes sense when you remember those images of him in last year's floods with trousers rolled up walking through water with some family's suitcase on his head. Shots a PRO would die for.

Patricia WA

29/01/2013Sorry about the inadvertent underlining people. Don't know how I did that. Please ignore. Curses on this damned plaster. Hopefully off within ten days.

Patricia WA

29/01/2013Funny - underlining, after jumping around all over my published comments, has disappeared. Maybe not my clumsy clunking wrist, after all. Or maybe I'm delusional!

Pappinbarra Fox

29/01/2013TT I am mildly disturbed by your limerick.

Pappinbarra Fox

29/01/2013But agree wiht your 10.05 comment


29/01/2013Peter 'Mumbles' Brent offers some food for thought on the pitfalls of campaigning to a single demographic. [b]Now it’s the Libs’ turn[/b] Mumble Blog [i]There was good news for the Gillard government on the weekend when Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s mini-campaign took him and his team to “Sydney’s west”. Where in “Sydney’s west” was difficult to determine from media reports but it didn't really matter because for the political class it’s less a place than an idea: of “everyday” Australians, flannelette shirts and unpretentious former Labor voters who are shifting to the Liberals It is a tale that’s been told for so long, so often it’s become extremely boring, but with interesting narratives hard to find in the modern political landscape commentators keep returning to it.[/i]


29/01/2013Andrew Laming's twitter account strikes again.


29/01/2013You'se just gotta lurv mad uncle Gerard (Henderson) dontcha's? GH shows us his dexterity in interpreting numbers and creating a story that suits his own narrative. [b]Howard's popularity key asset in Abbott's push for The Lodge[/b] SMAge/NationalTimes In an entertaining and enlightening (!) article he offers us some gems like: [i]In this election year, it's clear that history is not bunk. Last week, a Galaxy Research poll found that the former Liberal Party leader, John Howard, is regarded as the best Australian prime minister in the past 25 years. Howard, on 35 per cent, finished ahead of Kevin Rudd (16 per cent), Bob Hawke (15 per cent), Paul Keating (9 per cent) and Julia Gillard (5 per cent) with one-fifth of those polled uncommitted.[/i] I didn't even need a calculator to work out that 45% chose a Labor PM ahead of the only Lib in the poll. A whole 10% more preferred a Labor PM over Mr Howard. It would be a pretty safe bet that if Mr Howard had been put 'head to head' individually with each of the four Labor PM's two would would have whipped him at least two to one and the other two would likely have beaten him as well. [i]The Galaxy polling reflects the assessment of political strategies. Howard will be an asset to Tony Abbott in this year's campaign just as Hawke assisted Labor in 2010.[/i] Now I am not sure what leap of logic Gerard made to come to that delusion but I am sure he has total confidence he is right. I guess there are some out there who still pine for a white picket fence fifties style politics but how many? and are there enough of them? GH goes on to rewrite a bit of history and offer a blinkered view of Menzies with a swipe at Curtin and well ... ... if you a desperate go read :P

Patricia WA

29/01/2013Hey! It's back again! Underline all over my stuff. And some of yours too, DMW. Is it me, or is it the site? Does anyone else have inappropriate underlining popping up? It's not happening to me on other sites so it does seem to be a TPS phenomenon. Is this perhaps a teething glitch that AA is aware of and already mentioned and I have somehow missed? Does anyone else reading my pome see underlining anywhere there. I certainly haven't touched the underline button. I will do now, for the first time in months, [u]for these last few words. [/u] There they are - five words with a requested [u]u[/u].


29/01/2013Patriciawa, I don't have any underlining, but I'm using Chrome over windows 7. I think some people posted a few weeks back about random underlining with another browser (Safari, Internet exploror or firefox, I can't remember which). I recently had a problem that I couldn't save comments using Chrome, but IE worked fine. Try using another browser and see if you still have the problem.

Ad astra

29/01/2013Patriciawa There is no underlining using my Safari browser. What browser do you use? I hope your wrist can soon be relieved of its enfolding plaster.


29/01/2013Patriciawa There is no underlining here, and I'm on firefox. Someone linked to your pome I twitter so I responded at your site, another good one, thanks. :-) Knee High Busy watching tennis so missed all the Aussie of the Year stuff, and thank heavens for that if what you heard was correct. I too thought that should have been a better choice.

Patricia WA

29/01/2013Thanks, MWS, it's a relief to know it's my own problem, ie. not general to the site. Without being too precious about my verse I'd hate to have it butchered with senseless underlines. By the way I love your gravatar. Is that a special friend, as Tacker is for me? Mind you, I'm not sure if he'd approve of that particular picture now. The roses, I mean. Although it still looks like him it was taken years back when he was still a pup. He's a mature and thoughtful fellow now, with a mind of his own. Very cooperative of course, but because he understands what it's all about and is willing to comply rather than obey! He has on more than one occasion shown better sense than me and stubbornly sat on his haunches until I got the message.


29/01/2013Patricia No I wasn't dropping a hint, just linking TPS through Lyn to you. But since you mention it, Yes you did promise that come to think of it! Anyway why not, there's not much verse around, spread the wealth! I have not encountered the underlining problem. You do use the Preview function Yes? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now PB, I can only think that my limerick would induce even mild disturbation if someone came at my limerick [i]cold,[/i] i.e. without having heard Tim Mathieson's comment this morning? Ay and look, (this from a bloke who recently underwent a Trans-Urethral Prostate Resection) Tim has probably done more to reassure timid blokes and make it not seem too unpleasant than anybody ever has, so . . . there. Anyway, to show you I know you're no prude, I'll include the tweet I put up this morning. TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey Pretty Thai prostate nurse: It's normal to get erection when I insert finger.. Bloke:I haven't an erection! Pretty Thai nurse: No but I have!


29/01/2013Patriciawa, my gravatar is a blue heeler called Monica. MWS is short for "Monica's wicked stepmother," because I'm not Monica's owner, I just feed and walk her and take her swimming every week in a heated pool to keep her hip dysplasia and arthritic spine in good shape. I also have a border collie called Ginger who I fostered from the RSPCA some years ago while a long-running court case was on, and finally adopted.


29/01/2013White not black dysfunction January 27, 2013. Jack Waterford. [quote]I get more ''Well, what would you do?'' questions about my criticisms of white management of Aboriginal affairs than, probably, in all of the other fields in which I write put together. Not all dispute my judgments that things are seriously awry. But they wonder what we should be doing instead. The older I get, the less certain I am of the answer. I am increasingly cynical about the capacity of white institutions to learn anything about Aboriginal affairs, or about their capacity to bend Aboriginal minds so that they actually want the latest redemption or improvement on offer from Canberra.[/quote] Read more:

Ad astra

29/01/2013Folks Today we played a CD by Pludo ( that my wife bought off a Melbourne busker who plays near our apartment. Lovely music, reminiscent of Yani. The first item is titled [i]Time Heals Everything[/i], which I thought was relevant to Tim Mathieson’s ‘gaffe’ yesterday when speaking on prostate cancer to a group of men. All day ABC Melbourne radio has been canvassing this matter, strongly competing for air space with the floods! While the remark might be categorized as not in good taste or ‘politically incorrect’, if Tim had been out for maximum publicity for the need for middle aged men to have a prostate check, he could hardly have done better. If he had not made his ‘gaffe’, there would have been no publicity at all. News outlets are hungry for gaffes. They revel in them. Which begs the question: ‘Should they be used deliberately to get across a point?’ He has now apologized for his remark and Julia Gillard has conceded it was not in good taste, giving the ‘gaffe’ even more publicity. In fact he has done a ‘Tony Abbott’ – made a gaffe and then apologized. Abbott knows that if he makes a gaffe, all he has to do is retract it, apologize, and all will be well. Maybe Labor should adopt the Abbott strategy, although it could hardly expect the media to be as forgiving!


29/01/2013Another one bites the dust [b]Robert McClelland Announces Retirement As Member For Barton[/b] Malcolm Farnsworth, [i]The former Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, has announced he will retire from parliament at this year’s election. McClelland is the Labor member for Barton in Sydney. He has held the seat since 1996[/i]


29/01/2013Time for the TT syndrome . I was talking to a mate today who was in the fires, he relayed this story to me. While sheltering from the fires a man & his son were huddled down close to the river, when a small blue wren fell out of the sky exhausted. The man said to his son, quick put it in your pocket. His young son quickly picked it up & placed it in his pocket. After the fire had passed his son took the bird out of his pocket & placed it on his shoulder expecting it to fly away. It stayed sitting on his shoulder all day! finally flying off just before dusk. Dunnally have adopted the blue wren image as a community icon of friendship & help, gives you a lump in the throat??


29/01/2013Casablanca Thank you for the Jack Waterford article. As someone who worked in Aboriginal affairs for 30 years, I would say he is right. What happened under Howard, and has continued since, is continual ignoring of what Aboriginal people themselves are saying they want. They do have answers to many of the problems but no-one is listening. One problem all governments have had is how to deal with the more traditional people. They do not necessarily want white-fella education or houses or jobs. One group I knew of, when a number of jobs were created in the local community, weren't interested because they considered that they were "white fella business". Some of these groups basically just want to be left alone to get on with "black fella business". I would also add that, at the Public Service level, in my view, Howard filled the department with people supporting his approach and many of those have remained in the ensuing years - so the advice the current Government is getting is closer to the advice from the Howard years. There are many people out there who support Waterford's approach of listening more to what Aboriginal people are saying, including former Liberals like Fred Chaney. But like the Aboriginals their voices are not being heard in policy circles. Until there is a basic change in the policy approach (including advice from the PS) this problem will continue.


29/01/2013 NBN a ‘brilliant foundation’, says Berners-Lee The inventor of the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, says the National Broadband Network is a “brilliant foundation” for Australia, but now work has to be done to make sure that we make the most of it. Unburnable carbon – value of fossil fuel giants at risk Last year, following detailed work by European research groups, the IEA said that if the world was to meet its climate change goals – giving it a better than even chance of limiting global warming to 2C – it needed to leave most of its fossil fuels in the ground. margo kingston ‏@margokingston1 .@lucillekeen, here's News Limited's take on Tony using daughter Frances as a human shield against media questions Daughter Frances helps in Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott's pre-election campaign Mr Abbott then asked his young daughter to address the media. Appearing a bit nervous, Ms Abbott said she and her sisters loved supporting their father and especially enjoyed visiting Melbourne. … Makes you sick hey Abbott locks in with Tea Party and a green army [i] “Isn’t it bizarre that this government thinks that somehow raising the price of electricity is going to clean up our environment, stop bushfires, stop floods, stop droughts?” Abbott said in his speech. “Just think of how much hotter it might have been the other day but for the carbon tax!”[/i] Tony Abbott’s “mini campaign” upstaged by Big Wet [i]Tony Abbott has the audacity to stand up on a Western Sydney basketball court – like some third-rate Obama – with 300 handpicked suburban Liberal Party groupies, to declare he is going to axe Australia’s carbon tax — about the only decent thing Australia is doing right now to try to help mitigate global warming.[/i]


29/01/2013Hiding and seeking the real Tony [i] It was stupid for Abbott to put himself in a position where he was using public emergency resources for a self-serving stunt. He has put the NSW Government in an invidious position too; one that might come back to bite them at a time not of their choosing. [/i] Just too good not to post late. Off to bed now.

Ad astra reply

29/01/2013KHTAGH Thank you for your great links, all important reading. When the inventor of the WWW, Tim Berners-Lee, regards the NBN as brilliant and of enormous potential, and Tony Abbott wants to 'demolish' it, it tells us a lot about Abbott's grasp of technology. The IA piece was another that showed Abbott's stupidity and intransigence about global warming and the extreme weather events it has already spawned. The floods put paid to the publicity he wanted with his mini-launch. The article about the 'unburnable' carbon that may have to be left in the ground to avoid catastrophic global warming shows how hazardous it is for fund managers to have too much of their clients' money and superannuation invested in such resources.

Truth Seeker

30/01/2013Hey Swordsters, been off the air for a couple of days due to the bad weather in QLD, didn't get overly wet, but lost the phone/internet due to the exchange going down. Anyway, just posted my first poem for the year "Tony Abbotts Australians for Honest Politics", for any who may be interested. :-) :-) I hope that people keep talking about it and the other corrupt activities of Abbott and co until a wide ranging enquiry is announced. Cheers :-) :-)


30/01/2013KHTAGH, In that article, Abbott said, [quote]“As a parent I know what it is like to be with your kids in children’s hospitals … I know the importance of the service a hospital like this delivers.”[/quote] This is the guy who deputised his mother to be present at his first (I think) daughter's birth so that he could play a football match.


30/01/2013Israel is the Fourth Reich! The world's most NaZIONalistic State. The instant you say anything against Israel's outrages all around the world you're smeared as AntiSemitic . . . but ALL Arabs are Semitic (though most Israelis are NOT! - they are carpetbaggers profiting from expulsion of Palestinians!) . . . ZIONIST JEWS are the REAL AntiSemites! Nadine Lumley‏@NadineLumley .@shalompaz8 by International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.… …


30/01/2013 [b]It's the character that counts[/b] January 30, 2013. Jack Waterford [i]The election will not be won by popularity, being positive or negative or specific policies, but by who makes us more comfortable[/i] Read more:


30/01/2013 [b]Brown urges ACT voters to stop Katter's Senate run [/b] January 30, 2013. Chris Johnson Read more:


30/01/2013 [b]Bile is Killing Public Debate[/b] 30 January, 2013. Gai Brodtmann. I hope that Gai leaves a copy of this article on the breakfast table for her hubby Chris Uhlmann, who is one of the worst offenders. [quote]On the day Ben Chifley was elected leader of the federal parliamentary Labor Party in July 1945 the opposition leader Robert Menzies wrote expressing ''very warm congratulations''. He continued, ''At the next election I shall, of course, do my best to get rid of you [but] as at all times, I know that our mutual respect and regard will be maintained. The character of the personal relations existing between us has always been a source of great pleasure to me.'' The historian A.W. Martin records that Chifley replied that he ''would not feel that you were doing your duty if you did not do your best to get rid of me''. He added that nevertheless he ''wished to thank you for the many kindnesses and courtesies which you have extended to me, both in and out of Parliament''. Last year I tabled a National Council of Women petition, which called for: ''A more civil and dignified approach to parliamentary debate at the federal level and for greater respect to be demonstrated to the office of the Prime Minister". [/quote] Read more:


30/01/2013TS . . . And WE will be rattling THEIR dry bones in less than a year now! :) Ken It is good to have a real voice of experience in Aboriginal affairs on TPS. Please share your wealth of experiences with us all. MWS If my eyes don't deceive me Monica is a NORWOOD heeler, red and blue, UP the REDLEGS! My partner J****'s little Dog Muffin died on Saturday. She was 16 and well-beloved. The house is so empty without our little black Shihtzu-X! Very sad time. KHTAGH I love your posts, always different, fascinating and thoughtful. The little Blue Wren story is touching. But what on Earth is TT Syndrome? If it has to do with caring about biodiversity, I will be honoured to have a Syndrome named for TT!


30/01/2013NaZIONalist Israel! by a UK Labour Jewish MP.

Nadine Lumley

30/01/2013Truthy Alert: Criticism of Israel's apartheid crimes is ^NOT Anti-Semitism. Why is Canada’s right-wing Bush-lite Prime Minister Stephen Harper *SO* fanatical about supporting Israel bombing innocent Palestinian civilians? What’s the secret agenda at work here? ‎Surprise! It’s money: Canada does ONE BILLION DOLLARS of trade with Israel annually. Most of it military. It’s always about the money eh? At the 5:30 mark. ☻


30/01/2013Wet eyes TT, remember.


30/01/2013Knee High That was a great story about the Blue Wren, I was very moved, such a small act, yet with great impact. You have been very busy with all those great links, getting us warmed up for next week when Lyn will be back, Parliament will be back, and as a great warm up Julia will be at the NPC today..... Not looking forward to the politics this year though. If they can be so nasty about what a great job Tim is doing, it doesn't bode well for the rest of the year. I agree with Ad Astra, and going by my twitter stream, the furore over Tim's gaffe highlighted the importance of a prostate test, and I do hope all you blokes are taking heed. I know TT understands the necessity of it, his painful episode was horrifying.

Pappinbarra Fox

30/01/2013Tony Abbott; [i]The first lot of Australians were chosen by the finest judges in England,[/i] That is a little bit insulting to 60,000 years of civilisation that inhabited Australia before ole blighty thought they could just take it? And driving back to Sydney from flooded Haastings Valley I heard some wad on the radio suggest we were celebrating the day when civilisation came to Australia. The ignorance!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!

Ad astra

30/01/2013Nadine Lumley Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family and thank you for your comment. Do come again.

bob macalba

30/01/2013Been MIA for last couple of days, just caught up on all comments and links and you folk sure have been busy, thankyou.. Janet, DMW, MWS,Casablanca,Michael,Ken, KHTAGH, Nadine[its always the money, how true] Patriciawa thankyou your pomes are always a treat Truth Seeker nice one, always on the mark TT loved your limerick, funny cause its true, given a choice i would always pick a 'Gidget with a small digit'. An Ashby or a Pyne im not


30/01/2013Talk Turkey, I agree with your comments re Zionism above. I have long seen modern Israel as the biggest threat to world peace. I am disappointed in the Gillard govt's policy re Palestine's desire for an independent state. Commiserations to you and J on the loss of Muffin. A reminder to treasure every moment we have with all loved ones.


30/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - PM signals cuts to fund ALP ‘values’ Towns at the mercy of break-neck floods Water everywhere, but not enough to drink Iemma eyes McClelland's seat Islamis leaders join war on guns [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - PM gets tough on deals for well-off Street sees double as school year beckons [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - TRAGIC FACES OF THE FLOOD 2CM FROM DISASTER [b]The Age[/b] - Butt out wherever you are: push for world’s toughest smoking ban Church may lose ‘shield’ [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - Here come the twins of 2013 D-Day for AFL as Eddie McGuire demands ... FIX THIS DRUGS MESS [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - WATER TORTURE Bundaberg hit by worst flood disaster as Brisbane homes warned they'll dry [b]The Adelaide Advertiser[/b] - FLOOD TRAGEDY - The young life lost metres from home TASTE SENSATION Star power secures food festival [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - Geale v Mundine: It's fight night and .... It’s personal Our immigrant job list revealed [b]The NT News[/b] - There's a CROC BRUSH WITH DEATH - Grey nomads suffer serious injuries after tree falls on their caravan BUMMER - The hygiene issues alone are quite disturbing ---------------------------- and inside the papers twelve months ago today: [b]Opposition to call for police probe into Gillard adviser leak[/b] Michelle Grattan & Josh Gordon @TheAge [i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said yesterday that Ms Gillard's former media adviser Tony Hodges and Unions ACT secretary Kim Sattler should make sworn statements about their part in events leading up to Thursday's near riot. Tent embassy protesters stormed Canberra's Lobby Restaurant, where Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott were attending an emergency service medal presentation.[/i] [b]'No evidence of criminal act': AFP will not investigate disclosure of Abbott's location[/b] @SMH [i]The Australian Federal Police says it will not investigate the disclosure of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's location before the Australia Day tent embassy protest, despite an official request by the federal opposition.[/i] [b]Bruised Gillard reassembles despondent troops[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge/National Times [i]WHEN Labor MPs return to Canberra on Sunday for Julia Gillard's pre-parliamentary ideas session and knees-up at the Lodge, they will have ringing in their ears the views of their electorates where they have spent the past two months.[/i] [b]Abbott's stance on gay marriage looks like strong-arm tactics[/b] Amanda Vanstone @SMAge/National Times [i]TONY Abbott's decision to wait until the Parliament had shut down at the end of last year before making it clear that he would block a conscience vote on any gay marriage bill could cost him in the long run. It can be a mistake to decide how to vote on something you haven't even seen. Alexander Downer made this mistake as Liberal leader when he took the shadow cabinet to that famous hotbed of Liberalism otherwise known as Burnie in Tasmania.[/i] [b]We will never abandon those who make Australia's cars[/b] Kim Carr @SMAge/National Times [i]THE fight for Australia's car industry is back in the headlines, with hard news at Toyota and open warfare in the Coalition.[/i] [b]Daughter maintains rage over Kevin Rudd's axing[/b] Mike Bruce @Sunday Herald Sun [i]KEVIN Rudd's daughter, Jessica, has spoken of her anger at the level of betrayal in her father's axing in 2010. ... "I felt heartbroken by what happened," Ms Rudd said.[/i]


30/01/2013Pappinbarra Fox Sorry to call you PB, I meant PF of course. Was I correct in thinking you came to my limerick cold? See bob macalba approved, for the right reasons too. See I love writing Limericks, [i]OK?![/i] And it's one thing at which I'm [i]au fait;[/i] Mine are sometimes quite mean But I'm never obscene, But I flirt with the skirt of [i]risque![/i] KT


30/01/2013 The KT at the end of the post above is meaningless. Sorry. KHTAGH Yes gotcha re teariness. Nadine Lumley is Canadian. I reposted one of her tweets re Israeli Zionism, then she posted that shocking link about the shocking link between Israel and Canada. I would love her to keep coming. [Please, NL.] We have virtually no international links, not even NZ. Mordor's shadow creeps across Canada . . .


30/01/2013TT, I had to do a search to realise that Norwood football team is known as the "redlegs." I learn something new everyday! Monica is a stumpy-tailed blue heeler, but that is a generous description, as she has no tail whatsoever. All she has is some slightly longer hair on her bum. X-rays showed that she has just three vertebrae after the pelvis, not even an internal tailbone, as humans have. I have often been accused of having her tail docked (which isn't permitted in WA except for a medical reason). Apparently stumpy-tails aren't very common. I know how you are feeling, I lost my oldest dog (Snoopy) on Friday. Fortunately I have the other two to walk etc, so his loss hasn't affected my routine. Snoopy was found wandering the streets eleven years ago, and after nobody responded to my advertising, I kept him. He used to patrol the boundaries of my acre several times every day, as though his presence was essential to prevent intruders (Snoopy was a Jack Russell miniature pinscher cross). I've added a picture of Ginger (my border collie) as the header on my Twitter account, so all of my followers can see what she looks like.

Pappinbarra Fox

30/01/2013Yes TT (at 10.59) I did come to your limerick cold and all the talk of anuses and asians left me colder. I only just now heard about Tim's "gaffe" about prostate checks - though I have not heard the actual gaffe - am I right in assuming that the limerick had something to do with that?

bob macalba

30/01/2013PM Gillard speaks at the press club 12;30 [for anybody not aware] Abbort speaks [crap] tomorrow... also listened to Abbort this morning and it was 'she' this or 'her' that, that pompous turd kroger done the same thing yesterday using 'she' or 'her' when talking about PM Julia Gillard, if its a tactic its pretty crude but good manners and tory bastards are poles apart


30/01/2013I'm still pondering that so-called gaffe by Tim Mathieson which was the second big news item on the radio as we were driving home yesterday. As a woman and a confirmed Asiophile I thought that if there was any offence to be taken I'd find it. But, for the life of me, I still can't work out what was wrong with what he said. So rectal examinations aren't fun - true; so Asian woman have fine, gentle fingers - true. Where's the problem? I did hear some pompous git from the Cancer Council pronouncing that people shouldn't make jokes about prostate cancer, that it was far too serious for that. And I thought of all the skits I've seen over the years, all the jokes and witticisms I've heard about mammograms and Pap smears ... and not a word of dismay or disapproval to be heard from the Cancer Council. And nor there should be ... humour's a great aid to softening unpleasant necessities. Any fella who can't handle a joke about rectal examinations really needs to toughen up.


30/01/2013Gillard has called the election for 14 September. Interesting tactic that worked really well for Bligh about 12 months ago.

Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy)

30/01/2013 Twitterversy feedback on PM-the-fabulous chess-player post her Press Club speech: [i]Marian Smedley ‏@MarianSmedley[/i] Antony Green talking sense "there'll have to be more focus on policy now... oppn so far just trying to bring Gov't down" well said. MSM note [i]Mr Denmore ‏@MrDenmore[/i] Damn the PM for depriving the press gallery of nine months of election date speculation. What will the 'insiders' talk about now. Policy?? [i]Hilary White ‏@Hil58[/i] Whilst Abbott did his 'Sarah Palin' Tea Party Act for us Julia PM took the bit between her teeth and lead the way to an Oz election. Onya! [i]daniel obrien ‏@danny_from_oz[/i] The PM Prime Minister Julia Gillard rocks !!!! [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] Michelle Grattan asked PM about "media policy". Big clue as to what's been driving the news media's anti-Labor campaign. #mediafail [i]Le Grace ‏@bow_and_arrow[/i] Prime Minister Julia Gillard is trending. Twitter is more respectful than Grattan! [i]David Donovan ‏@davrosz[/i] What a shock, LNP sock puppet Chris Kenny doesn't think the Gillard election announcement is a wise move. #SkyNews [i]@MrDenmore[/i] This is the best speech Gillard has ever given #npc. It has vision and it connects the vision to people's day-to-day concerns [i] ‏@smh[/i] Analysis: @JuliaGillard should be congratulated for nipping six months of election speculation in the bud. #auspol [i]Robert Oakeshott MP ‏@OakeyMP[/i] I welcome the certainty of a September 14 federal election date announced. Parliament runs full term, election date confirmed. [i]Barry Tucker ‏@btckr[/i] Ms Gillard is good at out-manoeuvring Mr Abbott. His mini campaign curtain raiser has suddenly become the real thing. J[i]ohn Pratt ‏@Jackthelad1947[/i] @JuliaGillard "Policy & plans will be at the centre of our discourse this year" To end speculation we will go to polls Sept 14 2013 #auspol [i]Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk[/i] Market reaction to election announcement: ASX crashes 0.001%; AUD surges 0.002 cents; bond yields unchanged! Sums up the issue very well [i]ToryShepherd ‏@ToryShepherd[/i] It's gonna be a loooong election campaign... … Here's @farrm51's take #auspol [i]AshGhebranious ‏@AshGhebranious[/i] Senate will have half senate election on time meaning Abbott's first promise wont come through till price is market structure #auspol [i]Mike Kelly MP ‏@MikeKellyMP[/i] @profsarahj @2FBS @JoshFrydenberg how many from the community do you think will not be able 2 come 2 grips with the pre-poll/postal concept? [i]John Johnsonson ‏@JohnJohnsonson[/i] FINALLYsomeone with the courage to tell the real stories. #hero #journalism #walkley #npc … [i]Jenna Price ‏@JennaPrice[/i] Women of Australia! “@eraaustralia: Fed Election called- 14th Sept. Women of Australia: are you enrolled to vote?” #destroythejoint [i]Sam Mclean ‏@samuelmclean[/i] Early announcement should help reduce 1.4m aussies missing from rolls. Longest period ever from announcement to close of rolls. #auspol [i]Sam Mclean ‏@samuelmclean[/i] Lots of people asking about enrolment. Electoral enrolment and updates won't close until August 19th: 7 days after GG issues writs. [i]Simon Cullen ‏@Simon_Cullen[/i] Tony Windsor confirms he'll recontest his seat. He reckon the mood feels "pretty good", but unsure whether that'll translate into votes [i]sortius ‏@sortius[/i] @TonyAbbottMHR sidesteps questions on GST reform … | get ready for 6 months of this: no detail, all evasion #auspol [i]sortius ‏@sortius[/i] How elections are called is telling. LNP: 2 weeks out to lock out voter registrations. ALP: 6 months to include everyone #auspol Henny Penny ‏@penny_henny Julia Gillard on TAbbott's plans for superannuation "There is a difference between a policy and a platitude" #auspol [i]Bridget O'Flynn ‏@BridgetOFlynn[/i] The PM will answer more questions than normal. As is her wont lately. Pressuring Abbott to do the same tomorrow. Oh she's a smart woman. [i]Simon Copland ‏@SimonCopland[/i] With the election date being announced this is a good time to check your enrolment. I just changed mine. It's easy. [i]william ‏@W_A_Brown[/i] Now lets see the LNP try and protect Mal Brough before September 14th #AshbyGate #AshbyInquiry #auspol #AUSvotes2013 #federalelection [i]Marian Dalton ‏@crazyjane13[/i] Here it comes. 'Governing first, electioneering second'. #npc

Pappinbarra Fox

30/01/2013Game on Sept 14! Well Well, one early comment - knowing the date probably makes the LNP strategy to dump LOTO a bit harder - or they will have the incentive to do it quick - one of the two!


30/01/2013I liked the PM's speech today, Julia has now put the mad monk on the spot, no way he can get away with not releasing his policies anymore or the costing of them (but he will try). Julia nailed it with calling a lieberal policy without costings meaningless (I forgot the actual word used). He will have no where to hide now. Will the so called journalist ask mad monk about Ashbygate tomorrow? my money says no they won't. Even Grattan asked a half decent question without the vile bile that normally comes out of her mouth. TT I couldn't agree with you more about Israel, they will not be happy until the evict every last Palestinian from they own land. Anything is acceptable as far as the Israelis are concerned, murder, land theft, apartheid, starvation through blockades, using banned weapons in a built up area (phosphorus bombs), shooting children for entertainment because they chucked a stone at them. You name it they get away with it. Then the Israelis ask the world to feel sorry for them, even more galling most the world does!! Just for one second think how stable the world would be now if the League of Nations had not bowed to the Jewish people & not given them someone else's land after WW2. How could they not see it would be a festering sore for evermore? I dare say it was just a case of "They are only Arabs, who cares if we take their land & give it to someone else". They (the Israelis) still complain that the LofN didn't give them land with oil under it, what an injustice. No I'm not anti Semitic, I just don't barrack for the bullies in life, just because they are bullies. IMHO WW3 will start in one of 2 places, India/Pakistan or Israel/Iran even money.


30/01/2013It has been 8 weeks since I had my solar panels installed, I have just ticked over 1Mwh (1000Kwh, or 1,000,000Wh) fed back into the grid. It sure beats getting a power bill.

Ron P

30/01/2013It was the most the coherent explanation of recent economic history/reality and government finances that I've seen in the msm that won't get reported in the msm.

Ad astra

30/01/2013Janet It seems as if the Twitter reaction to Julia Gillard's election date announcement has evoked largely positive comments. After listening to Tony Abbott's and Christopher Pyne's reaction, it will be a long and tedious seven and a half months of Coalition slogans, reiteration of the Government's 'failings', and high sounding but empty rhetoric. Oh dear! Sabra Lane tried her best to nail Pyne, but like a programmed automaton he talked on and on with his predetermined speil, no matter what questions she asked, and of course Tony Abbott just walked away without taking questions!

Ad astra

30/01/2013Ron P I'm not sure if you are the 'Ron' who has visited previously, but if not, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i]. Do come again. I agree that Julia Gillard's speech was well organised, beginning with a lot of factual information that the electorate needs to understand as the background the upcoming election, followed by the plans for education and disability and aged care. Funding details will follow, but when will we hear anything concrete from Tiny Abbott?


30/01/2013Tony Windsor, Independent Federal Member for New England is now on Twitter @TonyWindsorMP So far he is following these four tweethearts: AYCC ‏ @AYCC The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) Malcolm Turnbull ‏ @TurnbullMalcolm Federal Member for Wentworth Robert Oakeshott MP ‏ @OakeyMP Independent Federal MP for Lyne. ACOSS ‏ @ACOSS The Australian Council of Social Service

bob macalba

30/01/2013Tiny Abborts advisor Maurice Newman, a brainiac not Luddites all of them \ cheers

bob macalba

30/01/2013PM Gillards speech to press club And didnt our PM look good?

bob macalba

30/01/2013Abbort spin backfiring cheers


30/01/2013A comprehensive list of Members of House of Reps on Twitter:


30/01/2013further to above there are 95 Members of HoR on twitter You can also find the list of the 48 senators on twitter here: and just because I can and I am having a bit of a thing for lists try this one: SMH'n'Age (+ other Fairfax: BrisTimes, CanbTimes, WAToday) journalists #Twitterati


30/01/2013TT I think congratulations are due. I think I'm right in saying you predicted September 14 in a previous thread or two. The issue now is whether the MSM will do as the PM hopes and focus on policy rather than election speculation. It does a good job in under-cutting Abbott's "mini-campaign" which now appears somewhat pointless. It also makes his negativity more obvious in the sense that it may have had a purpose when he was trying to force an early election but now that it is clear that Parliament will go its full term, what does he do? Does he have any policies? He accused the PM of not having anything substantive to say but the so-called policy document released for his mini-campaign is nothing but unsubstantial statements. KHTAGH and TT On the Israeli question. As I understand it, one group who is forgotten in the Palestinian-Israeli debate is the "Palestinian Jews". There were native Jews in Palestine before the mass immigration of European Jews post-war when Israel was created and, for the most part, they had no problem with their Arab Palestinian neighbours. I read some years ago now that the native Palestinian Jews were more synpathetic to the Palestinians (Arab) than they were to Israeli Jews.


30/01/2013My understand of "conference" is that it requires at least two people to talk. Surely Tony Abbott should have "press diatribes" not press conferences? Will the Press Club have a more "select" audience than Abbott had today when he refused to answer questions? Or possibly a sympathetic chair who will only permit questions from friendly press? When you compare the Prime Minister and her exhaustive press conferences to the stunts and, spin and avoidance of the LOTO, there is no contest as to who is better for Australia.

42 long

30/01/2013The LieNP should come "fresh to the Fray" Mentally alert and ready to go. After all WHAT have THEY contributed to the parliament for the last two years except to indulge themselves in a childish game. What mental effort did that require? They should donate their incomes to a charity as they haven't earn't a cent. Saying NO and BAD government. That's the sum of it. Most expensive and longest dummy spit in history. Isn't Abbott's expense account a whopper? having fun cycling and promoting his book and much more at taxpayer funded expense claims. Jetting everywhere. What was the purpose of the trip to UK and Afghanistan? Anyone who hasn't seen what this inadequate man really is is a rusted on vote for anyone who The LieNP PUT IN. Golly!!!! They have a bit to answer for FOISTING this DOPE onto us as the man who will win the next election for them. ACTUALLY 'HE" (he he), MAY easily be the big factor in losing it for them. He has feet of clay, increasingly regarded as a FOOL by those who assess him seriously,stowing praise on the weirdest of people, behaving weirdly, getting, (recruiting) the women around him ( all of whom will benefit from him getting the job he seeks with a passion bordering on desperation), to "vouch" for his "NICE" way with women ( that he controls. He can handle that kind). The ones he can't control he would love to put in Gaol. He walks away from QUESTIONING. WOW!!. WHO will be the FIRST journo to get him to answer important questions?. What a challenge and what accolades will flow to the HERO who did what everyone thought was impossible. Won't Australians look like right GITS, if they get rid of the current government, that so many overseas highly qualified commentators regard as remarkably competant and uniquely successfull in the western world, and replace it with this bunch of Tea Party, Climate science denier etc, RATBAGS ( No it's not too strong a term). Guaranteed to embarrass us every time HE opens his mouth overseas as he has done on every occasion so far. Scrutinise and REJECT..


30/01/2013KHTAGH, what is the size of your PV system? I calculate you are producing an average 18kWh per day. I've only got a 2kW system, but in summer I get around 12kWh every day. So far I've generated over 8MWh, but the system is several years old.


30/01/2013Mike Seccombe on the PM's speech:


30/01/2013MWS Size is 4.1Kw (17 panels), I get 28Kw/day. I love!! sunny days now.


30/01/2013MWS Don't forget we get longer days in summer down here tho, opposite in winter but. It starts generating at around 5:30 finished at 20:45 I'm surprised that they even generate when its light before sunrise & after sunset for a short time.


30/01/2013Ken said [i]TT I think congratulations are due. I think I'm right in saying you predicted September 14 in a previous thread or two.[/i] Yes! I DID! WOOOOO~~~~~~HOOOOO! I'm grinning all over! And Why, and How? Why, my Eye of Time! I didn't predict *J*U*L*I*A* would make this amazing move though. I always talk of her as a very shrewd political chess player as compared to Abbortt's being a very indifferent draughts player . . . But while our PM is ever so much better at political chess than I, yet I still have the ability to discern her subtle, powerful, determined long term strategy. I don't have to be a chess guru like Boris Spassky to know that Boris Spassky would beat me at actual chess. And I don't need to be an all-knowing political guru like Cassidy or Grattan or Uhlmann, (irony alert), to know that *J*U*L*I*A* is capable of moves that confound and dismay her foes - from the Rolling of Rudd, to the Induction of the IndependAnts, to the Seduction of Slipper, to the Reiteration of the Rolling of Rudd, to the Second Coming of Carr - and now this! Really, all my Eye of Time comes down to is my channelling of our Prime Minister. I have believed her because she has always been across everything, she is simply the best of all her peers to lead. She is velvet and she is steel. That's why I always put her name up in *S*T*A*R*S* . Months ago I said my Eye foresaw early 2013 as the Time of the Great Dismemberment. Not [i]unhinging[/i], that is passive, we have to GO GET'EM! We the Fighting 5th must now focus on helping the Government to force Abbortt into a corner, and to shame the MSM into applying the blowtorch to him, time and again. I have great faith that we can and will do so. I'm depending on it! Be of good cheer Comrades, all is very well. All is as I have predicted thus far, I have no intention of being wrong now! BTW Folks, it was on September 13th 2008 that Ad astra first launched TPS. And September 14th 2010 that I started posting here. So TPS'll be 5 years + 1 day old on Election Day, and it will be my personal 3 year TPS anniversary on Election Day itself. That fact did influence my Eye of Time, just a bit, yes I must admit. But it was really just logic. Or maybe my Eye of Time influenced *J*U*L*I*A* by some ethereal soul contact . . . ? September 14th. The day we will be vindicated and victorious. [b][i]*VENCEREMOS*![/i][/b] I do so LOVE being RIGHT! :)


30/01/2013After a bit more thought on the Prime Minister's announcement today - it seems typical. Gillard has form in doing something that on the face of it seems strange and then when you think back on it - you can see the logic. I suspect her biggest problem is keeping the discussion on policy and governance - and not being distracted by leadership speculation or LOTO's increasingly shrill cries for relevance.


31/01/2013Gillard sets an example for future PMs January 30, 2013 - 4:29PM. Ross Peake [quote]It should become compulsory for future prime ministers to announce the election date at their first major speech of the election year. While that will not happen, Julia Gillard's example will certainly put enormous pressure on future leaders to follow suit. After all, the dates for polling day in spring are limited, curtailed by football and international conferences, so why not get it over with early, rather than follow John Howard's example of guessing games all year. The Prime Minister's decisive action means the day of reckoning for federal public servants approaches. They now know when it is likely – if current polling is accurate – that Tony Abbott will begin to severely prune their ranks.[/quote] Read more:

Truth Seeker

31/01/2013Just saw Hockey, stating the announced election date will just create more uncertainty... WTF? The man has just proved conclusively that he suffers from RDS. Maybe his weight loss has affected his brain? Cheers :-) :-)

Pappinbarra Fox

31/01/2013Uncle Joe wants an election now before the uncertainty of the polls turns inexorably against LOTO and Co

42 long

31/01/2013I wonder what Turnbull's thinking?

bob macalba

31/01/2013Turnbull[shit] is thinking..'how can i invest in the NBN' 'what laws can we change so i can invest in the NBN' 'where can i get trees to sell to the green army' 'should i wear my leather jacket' lots of things running through turdballs head cheers

bob macalba

31/01/2013Abbort just wants to be liked. the bastards are in disarray woo hoo


31/01/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Hotel CCTV, documents to yield clues as Thomson case steps up Roxon to spare the right to offend PM blindsides cabinet to trap Abbott Time will reveal if gamble an advantage Lift your game or your gone Libs told Baillieu [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Gillard’s long shot on poll 227 first dates: we’ll be over it by then [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - EIGHT MONTHS HARD LABOR - PM rolls dice om marathon poll Plan to introduce $12 abortion pil [b]The Age[/b] - GILLARD’S GAMBLE PM’S dilemma: campaign at home or G20 in Russia? [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - Nation's babies on red alert as PM orders marathon poll 227 DAY FARCE [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - Election called and Kevin’s here to help … with the clean-up START OVER AGAIN - State's pain as billions in repairs washed away [b]The Adelaide Advertiser[/b] - Australia Decides - September 14 LONG SHOT - PM kicks off marathon election campaign [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - YOU BEAUTY, DANNY BOY Our eight-month date with destiny [b]The NT News[/b] - SAVE OUR TOWN TERRY - D-Day arrives for Gove CHILD KILLER'S PAROLE BID Given yesterday's announcement it would be better to focus on the future than reviewing the past so the papers from twelve months ago will take a rest and we will look at some of the 'commentary' today [b]Relax, it's not even day one, says PM[/b] Jessica Marszalek, NT News [i]JULIA Gillard has told people to take a chill pill, playing down the idea of an eight-month election campaign. But the Prime Minister has already identified the economy, jobs, education and the NDIS as key issues ahead of the September 14 poll, and made it clear the Government will hammer the Coalition on policy and costings. ''Relax, relax, relax. This is not day one of the election campaign,'' Ms Gillard told the Today Show in one of two morning TV interviews.[/i] [b]Wilkie tips election victory[/b] The Mercury [i]DENISON Independent MP Andrew Wilkie is expecting a smear campaign against him but believes he has the support to win back his seat. Describing the federal election date as a "positive development", Mr Wilkie said he wanted to see politicians getting down to business. "The good in today's announcement will be wasted if it heralds a seven-and-a-half month election campaign at the expense of the country being run well," he said yesterday.[/i] -------------------- BREAKING NEWS - BREAKING NEWS [b]Isobel Redmond quits as leader of the South Australian Liberal Party[/b] Adelaide Now [i]Ms Redmond is in Port Pirie for a two-day planning summit with fellow Liberal MPs. She told them this morning she was stepping aside as leader of the South Australian Liberal Party. Ms Redmond then issued a short statement and said she would be making no further comment.[/i] -------------------- [b]Revealed: Tony Abbott's email on election agenda[/b] Simon Benson, Herald-Sun [i]TONY Abbott has been advised by his staff to cut a controversial budget cut from a key speech to be delivered today, in favour of trying to convince the media to like him. Under pressure today from the Government to reveal the Coalition's policy agenda, the Opposition leader was expected today to set out his agenda for the election year. However, an email exchange within his inner circle, including his wife Margie, obtained by The Daily Telegraph online, has revealed that Mr Abbott appeared more concerned with making friends in the media and convincing them to think he was a "good bloke".[/i] [b]Chill, says PM. It's not about me and it's not about Rudd[/b] Judith Ireland, SMAge/National Times [i]Prime Minister Julia Gillard has denied her decision to announce the election months in advance is about protecting her leadership from a Kevin Rudd challenge. Ms Gillard shocked politicos and punters on Wednesday by setting an election date – September 14 – seven and a half months ahead of time. "Whatever to the flibberty gibbet politics that goes on. Nothing about this decision is in any way related to [Kevin Rudd]."

Ad astra

31/01/2013Folks We are now getting on the road to Melbourne. I'll be back this evening.

42 long

31/01/2013Craig Thomson arrested apparently. i'm a bit surprised at that Comments?

bob macalba

31/01/201342 long 2 different state police forces involved.. NSW fraud squad arrested him on behalf of Vic fraud squad, after PM calls election date next day Thomson arrested? coincidence?

42 long

31/01/2013i would like to know what is going om Bob. has his lawyer made a comment? I trust no-one.The stitch-up was too "typical". and predicted.


31/01/2013I was surprise & glad to see nearly all the questions put to the mad monk at the NPC toady were very good (& he didn't answer 1 of them directly either), it looks like the press in this country have woken up to the fact that they have been backing a donkey in the Melbourne cup. I loved Laura Tingles question, "when are you going to stop running away from press conferences that you call?" Also the very last one " I don't know if you have done a better job that the PM yesterday, other than bringing more friends & family with you today" sums it up perfectly. His demeanor was a man very worried & not at all sure of himself, to say that "Mal has been very upfront about the Ashby affair & has held lots of interviews about it & answered all questions" [u][b]WHEN?? [/b][/u]I was gob smacked to hear him say that. He put so many nooses around his own neck today, I think that in 24 hrs Julia has him in a spin already. I too find it way to coincidental that the 2 Lieberal state polices forces have Tommo charged the day after the election date is announced.

42 long

31/01/2013interview with McCardle Thomson's lawyer on ABC. (Hope it is viewed often) FIVE police to arrest him. TV interviews, ( same person ewho did the last one for NSW police) conflict regardinf assertion of being invited to go to Vic and offer himself up prior. Will MNM try to tie this up with Gillard's calling on of the election. You Betcha! McCardle says first he knew of the arrest was a few hours ago when thomson called him.


31/01/2013Just a quick note. I haven't had electricity for approx 90 hours. It came back last night. Phone also came back last night but no internet until Saturday. Also I live in mobile blackspot. So am really feeling the loss of communication. Still many people worse off. We are on tank water so bucketing water for 4 days not fun. So much happening politically too. Lady in red

42 long

31/01/2013Laura tingle did well today with Abbott. Tony must be in another world. His people ( incl specifically Brandis ) are impeccable when it comes to not getting law and proper process mixed with their behaviour. Mal Brough has been ready to answer all questions about Ashby. HE (Brough) replies to no-one. Is Tony over the edge? He definately is not with it.

bob macalba

31/01/2013KHTAGH i could only stomach 5mins Abbort crap before i started talking back[yelling] at the telly, before turning it off, but i did notice Abborts face was heavily made up with makeup, i swear that was more than lipgloss on his lips, i also kept thinking Botox for sure and did Bronwyn Bishop do his face for him..... meow hiss....


31/01/2013This buffoon could be our next Treasurer.

42 long

31/01/2013Has "Chrissy" really been airbrushed out. They have to make way for Sinodinis. ( though he is smarter than the rest put together) The question was asked today about the front bench staying intact. It was a gut wrenching thing to watch. rent a crowd of admirers clapping on cue. Bronwin with a face that could sink a thousand ships all longing to go back to the heavenly past with Howard at the helm. Well not at the helm but love-child of of Howard/Bishop snr. ( shudder)doing it. It's a Dynasty sort of thing. It gets in your blood. Full of promise(s) principle and the onlyway it should be.


31/01/2013 How To Con A Journalist [i]Plenty of spinners, poor regulation and a compliant reporter: the Ashby-Slipper scandal was a top-notch PR job. Steve Lewis was conned - and the media may suffer as a result, writes PR expert Paul Begley[/i]


31/01/2013Bob I didn't watch his speech either, just the questions from the reporters. It was the set top box, just rewound it to where the questions started. More important things to do than watch that prick, I just wanted to see the standard of questions & how he would dodge them, as always.

Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy)

31/01/2013 LiR, I am so sorry I didn't realise what you were dealing with after the Queensland Oswald impact. Am thinking of you ... (no electricity, no water, is no fun! TT: Congrats on picking the election date. You are always prescient :-) Guys: Bushfire Bill has nailed exactly what's going on in the 'timing' of the Thompson arrest. It's terrifying in some ways. One is getting beyond 'cranky pants' to fury, but also a recognition that the coalitions of power in this country are many, and embedded.

Tom of Melbourne

31/01/2013I suppose we should be talking about former Senator Mary Jo Fisher


31/01/2013ToM, You're free to talk about what ever you want! As I'm the only one who replies to your bullshit and lies it better be good!


31/01/2013Sorry to do this Ad I hope you all forgive me for doing so, but I know we have a few Qldrs on here. Sharing for - Karen Peek URGENT MESSAGE - PLEASE SHARE- copied and shared One of my friend's had 5 staffordshire bull terrier puppy's for sale --a man come to view the pup's yesterday --going under the name of Peter Heartright-- my friend has woken up this morning and all the pup's have been taken from her home in Maidstone the mother off the puppy's is at this moment at the vet's with a cracked scull and two broken leg's they think she was stamped on over six times and sadly she wont make it-- but more to the point the puppy's were not ready to leave mum//So if anyone sees or hears of someone selling 5 pure blue pups please let me know by comment/inbox- Karen Peek -and please please Home check the person and find out more info before telling someone on facebook your address. This is the contact number if anyone hears anything.07553962620 PLEASE SHARE THIS AND GET THE WORD OUT. That is heart breaking I know we have a lot of dog lovers on here.

Ad astra

31/01/2013Janet When one reads BB's account of recent happenings re Craig Thomson, it seems as if conspiracy is not out of the question. How come News Limited knew what was happening before Thomson did? Yet when there seems to a Coalition conspiracy around the Ashby affair, that is not reported, and Abbott is allowed to airbrush away Brough's involvement by claiming he has been transparent, which he hasn't, and that he has given many press interviews since Justice Rares judgement, which he hasn't. Abbott lies, and gets away with it, because much of the MSM is complicit. How much longer can he get away with his disingenuousness? Ask the Murdoch press.

Tom of Melbourne

31/01/2013Jason, do you think the Thomson charges are- • An Abbott plot? or • A media beat-up? or • The result of trolls polluting the blogs?

Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy)

31/01/2013 Jason, I've been a relatively 'quiet' contributor to TPS in terms of comments for more than six months. But I have a serious request to you and others now. Please. We are fighting for something we might not have had to fight for in most of our lifetimes - a maintained democracy via a Gillard-led Govt in election 2013. Many people are coming to TPS and many more will come. To find 'responses' to 'trolls' who are more than one person, and paid, is to waste their time, my time, your time, all our times. It frustrates me to even have to scroll past ... Please don't spend time responding to the Toms of Melbourne or the Ian Crisps of who knows where. I repeat-they are not one person, and they are paid to bait you. My apologies for being so blunt. Jan

Tom of Melbourne

31/01/2013Heavens! I'm paid! Got any evidence of that or is this just stuff you make up to avoid scrutiny? Please note I'm calling you a liar!


31/01/2013Your wasting your time here Tom of Melbourne they just don't get that their precious ALP holds a lot of rotten apples that are facing up to the consequences of their past dirty deeds and for trying to cover it up. TRUTH is the winner in all these scandals surrounding TPS's precious party. Who will be the next person of interest to be questioned by the fraud squad in Vic keep your eyes peeled folks.

Sir Ian Crisp

31/01/2013[quote][b] Many people are coming to TPS and many more will come. To find 'responses' to 'trolls' who are more than one person, and paid, is to... Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy) [/b][/quote] And I'm calling you a liar Janet. Please provide proof that I am in any way paid to add comments to TPS. AA, it's time for another of your "let's be nice fireside chats" and admonish some of your attack dogs who have been let of the leash. Janet, you are a liar.


31/01/2013First KHTAGH That is shocking Bastards All dogs are essentially pure of heart. Like all other animals, but most especially, Dogs don't deserve people. Well not some people anyway. Hope Karen Peek succeeds in fnding *Peter Heartright*. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LiR Poor you! Cripes we get all sorts of real-life events on this and other sites, floods ... fires ... fiends ... Hoping things look up soon ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DMW Hey Thanks Comrade, that's a lot of effort you've put in there! I am sure now ~ with things Lyn has taught us, with the tradition being carried on by NormanK Janet(Jan@ J4gypsy) and yourself, with the odd few links here and there by others of us ~ and with Twitter and other friendly sites too ~ that [i]no known information of any real importance will pass us by.[/i] That is a great change from when for instance we opposed the Vietnam War. Now at least we have the means to communicate what is known. But we don't have the means of [i]finding out [/i]a lot of what is going on, as in [i]Who's paying for Ashby[/i], and [i]Who's involved in today's Thomson arrest debacle.[/i] We have underexposure and overexposure at the same time, and it behoves us to try to be selective. But TPS keeps me pretty focused I must say. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaking of focus, I'm just LOVING my [b]Fujifilm W3 Finepix Real 3D Camera![/b] It is MAGIC, gee Folks if you are the least interested in wonderfully easy great photography, GET ONE, everybody who sees even the simplest of snaps is WOWed! You should be able to get one on ebay for no more than $200. A 3D camera will brighten your life - I guarantee it, unless only one of your eyes works very well. I'm only telling you this because I want you all to have a good time !


31/01/2013This from Jane Cattermole (@janecat60) is something I wish I had written: [i]A few comments about the MSM (mainstream media) which has plenty of detractors on twitter but is rarely given credit for any good work that they do. (I can hear the collective groan already because I've have this argument many times before). I don't use the term myself and won't RT tweets that contain it. I don't know what the answer is but I'm hoping that this post will give others a better idea about my view so I don't have to respond every time it pops up in my timeline. I remember tweeting at the beginning of the New Year that I hope we can come up with a better term than MSM which seems to include everybody from shock jocks on FM radio to our most seasoned & well respected newspaper journalists. The anonymity of Twitter emboldens people to make disparaging and disrespectful comments to, and about journalists and allows them to make sweeping generalisations about MSM, which appears to encompass everyone from Kyle Sandilands to George Megalogenis, and everyone else in between! This is partly what I object to. It's not that I don't think the media should be immune to criticism and I agree that at the moment there seems to be an eerie silence surrounding the Brough /Ashby case. So far Brough seems to have escaped any serious scrutiny, in fact any scrutiny at all, and yet the findings against him were damning. But I don't buy this blanket MSM fail attitude either. A lot of what we know about the Ashby/Brough /Pyne connection, even prior to the Rares judgement, is from mainstream media, namely Jessica Wright who broke the story as early as May last year, but pieces have been written about Brough by others as well with special mentions to Lenore Taylor, Laura Tingle and Katharine Murphy. There may be others that I've missed but these are the journalists whose work I follow closely, and respect. The reason I feel compelled to write this is that these are decent and talented writers, with strong ethical standards and deserve better than to be lumped with the Kyle Sandilands and Andrew Bolts of this world under the generic term MSM! I know I'm not alone in this view and I don't know the answer. All I know is that I feel uncomfortable about it and it's now off my chest! I'm open to suggestions....[/i] Jane Cattermole you are a gem, thank you :)


1/02/2013From Twitter: Joe Catron‏@jncatron .@CBS will still air a @SodaStream commercial during the #SuperBowl, but it won't be this one: What a terrible State is Israel, to carry out all manner of raids on simple people . . . beat them, gas them, steal their land, knock down their houses or simply evict them from houses and take them over . . . KILL people . . . Israel is NOT the Land of Victims, it is the Land of Victimizers, and it's beyond high time the World recognized and dealt with that. Because Israel is making come true the ancient writings predicting the End of the World in the *Holy Land* Palestine, (or have I got that wrong?) So glad just a few people here are with me on this. It is scary just to mention it because there will instantly be shrieks of Antisemitism, well I never persecuted anybody.


1/02/2013Sorry I should've put [i]Joe Catron‏@jncatron .@CBS will still air a @SodaStream commercial during the #SuperBowl, but it won't be this one: [/i] (i.e., in italics) to separate it from the rest which I wrote myself.


1/02/2013 Good morning all. The above link is a must read because I think it gives the best insight into Abbott I've ever come across. It would be good if Tweeters got busy and passed the link on to all and sundry, especially to our blind journalists.

Pappinbarra Fox

1/02/2013Normally I scroll the troll but I do love irony so... SIC You do not deny being a TROLL, nor do you deny that there are more than one of you. Indeed your response supports the truth of that part of the statement. Just scrolling on nw .....


1/02/2013ABC Breakfast displaying on it's "headline" bar down the bottom of the screen that Abetz suggests a link between Thompson and the election call. Anyone know more?


1/02/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - [b]The Australian[/b] - Scandals swamp PM’s campaign Abbott in pitch for the middle ground Coffee wort a $75m tip Blow to asylum battle as intelligence links Sri Lankan official to smugglers [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Day one: dogged by scandal Arrested MP Thomson faces 149 charges Moses Obeid and the truth test Gillard’s attempt at distraction runs aground [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - CRAIG’S CALL GIRL BAN Obeids had $75m good thing going in coal deal [b]The Age[/b] - Thomson arrest rocks Labor Building watchdog chief awarded contract to friend’s firm [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - 149 CHARGES: - Court bans MP from contacting prostitutes - Gillard's election campaign rocked on Day 1 [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - FLOODS BUSTER Exclusive: Newman's plan to beat disasters [b]The Adelaide Advertiser[/b] - MARSHALL LAW Leadership Showdown - Deputy wants job on his terms ... but Downer still looms large [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - KIDS AT RISK - School bus drivers hit out at motorists You’re my champ, Daddy [b]The NT News[/b] - IS THIS BLOKE AN ICED COFFEE TOSSER? - Pensioner found guilty of flavoured milk road rage --------------------------------------------- It is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack finding articles on Mr Abbot's 'campaign launch', oops I mean Press Club Speech but we found something. [b]Abbott to up super tax on battlers[/b] Jessica Irvine, Courier Mail [i]SUPERANNUATION has emerged as an election issue, after Opposition leader Tony Abbott confirmed plans to axe a super tax break worth up to $500 a year for 3.6 million low-income earners. Meanwhile, Labor is running the ruler over the nest eggs of high-income earners in its search for budget savings.[/i] [b]Thomson charged, but Abbott less than arresting - [i]With Julia Gillard on the back foot, Tony Abbott makes a foolish ministry pledge. [/i][/b] Michelle Grattan SMAge/NationalTimes [i] He was asked whether he planned to take his whole shadow ministry into an Abbott ministry or would be looking to give portfolios to Arthur Sinodinos (John Howard's former chief of staff who is only a shadow parliamentary secretary), Mal Brough (former federal minister) and Christian Porter (former West Australian treasurer). The latter two will come in at the election. Emphasising what a good job he believed his team members were doing, Abbott gave this stunning undertaking: ''I think all of them can expect to go into government in their current positions.'' His stand, presumably driven by wanting to keep everyone loyal, is extraordinary - usually an opposition leader is reluctant to give more than a few top people public assurances they will definitely hang on to their same jobs in government. This is serious foolishness. ...[/i] [b]Abbott shies from revealing budget plan[/b] Mark Kenny, National Times [i]TONY Abbott has promised to restore trust to politics but has refused to explain how he will balance the budget while delivering new spending and abolishing some taxes. The Opposition Leader has also promised to do whatever it takes to scrap Labor's carbon tax, even if it means another election within a year if the Senate proved unco-operative. ''When I say there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead, I am telling the truth,'' he told the National Press Club.[/i] ... and then, well it got very predictable. [b]Leaders up and running in 'unofficial' campaign[/b] Patrick Lion, Daily Telegraph [i]IT was just another day at the office for the Gillard government. For all the claims about the set election date allowing Labor to continue to govern, the first day of the unofficial campaign certainly had all the colour and drama of an official campaign. ... Opposition Leader Tony Abbott appeared on breakfast television, suffered an embarrassing leak, did a major address at the National Press Club and flew to Tasmania for an event today. And then Kevin Rudd emerged in Brisbane declaring he was here to help on the hustings.[/i] [b]Another bad call by Julia Gillard[/b] Editorial. HeraldSun [i]JULIA Gillard's erratic judgment must again be called into question. Not only for putting the country through 227 days of an election campaign. But for continuing to rely on the vote of Craig Thomson. The MP is facing 149 charges over the Health Services Union scandal.[/i]


1/02/2013re the Thomson affair Enjoyed Bushfire Bill's comments on the case. It's very hard to separate the evidence from the politics in this case. How far the police are being influenced/pressured by the politics is an interesting question. If the police want to restore their integrity in my eyes, that will be done when they also charge Jackson. And Brough and Ashby. on the leader of "Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition" - as expected he had nothing new to say at the Press Club. And thanks DMW for the links which indicate that even some normally supportive newspapers and journalists are starting to ask questions and raise doubts about his judgment.


1/02/2013Morning 2353, among other reports this in SMAge/NationalTimes: [i]Coalition workplace relations spokesman Eric Abetz questioned what Ms Gillard knew and when, hinting that she might have been tipped off before she announced the election date on Wednesday. This suggestion was rejected by Ms Gillard while she toured flood-affected Bundaberg, describing Mr Thomson's situation as ''something for the police''.[/i] [b]Thomson Arrest Rocks Labor[/b] Mark Kenny Can't recall exactly what was said last night when Waleed Aly gave George Brandis a fair good going over on RN's Drive but think there was something Listen/podcast here:

bob macalba

1/02/2013Janice..that link to Whiticisms..very very interesting, it helps to fill the gaps on what is really going on in Abborts twisted mind, the catholic connections are something that should be noted seriously, this is an organization that IMHO has only one thing as its objective POWER,and if innocent 'non catholics' stand in the way then they must be destroyed for the sake of the 'church' pty ltd, these buggers are in it for the long haul, they are patient as well as ruthless, every time i hear someone mention that Muslims are planning to take over the world i automatically think catholic propaganda,,look over there not at us, dont misunderstand me i detest all religions but the big business corporation that hides itself behind a religious disguise known as the catholic church, well that i have a special contempt for, i gotta pull myself up here im getting myself worked up, cheers

bob macalba

1/02/2013DMW... cheers for the links, gotta agree with Ken a few journos starting to ask questions that count, how long for but is anybodys guess, maybe it will become trendy to start asking Abbort and the cohorts awkward questions i hope so but not holding my breath cheers re captcha..'sewer animals'

bob macalba

1/02/20137;32pm 8;26pm 8;39pm 9;26pm 9;39pm.. stop salivating and get back under the house you silly was only the bloody doorbell


1/02/2013Bob macalba, This is not the whole of the catholic church, Bob. This is the "Opus Dei" that is now asserting itself into our politics. To me, I have been stunned and concerned that they have infiltrated into key places across the board - ie. the LNP, the Police, the Judiciary, all state parliaments and local government. They are the DLP which split the Labor Party and kept it out of government for many years. Abbott is a dangerous power hungry mongrel backed by a network of equally power crazed mongrels.

Ad astra

1/02/2013janice Thank you for the link to Whitwords. The last part, a post-script to Abbott’s NPC address, was chilling. Excusing his broken promise on the Medicare Safety Net in 2004, he said that he was ‘rolled’ by his senior colleagues, but: [b]“Then I was a man under authority. Now I am the authority!”[/b] All Australians should reflect on those words.


1/02/2013janice loved the article on Abbott as a DLP man. I am old enough to remember the DLP and Santamaria and I was aware of Abbott's admiration for Santamaria. It also fits what I have said earlier about Abbott culling the small "L" liberals from his version of the Party. That is why people like Fraser and Chaney are now on the outside of their own party. It's ironic that the Liberal Party now has a staunchly Catholic leader as it used to be the party of the Anglican church. As I recall, Phillip Lynch was the first Catholic to hold a Ministerial position in a Liberal government (under Fraser). It was the Labor party that was the Catholic party, originally because of religious segregation: power was in the hands of the Anglicans and a large proportion of the working class was Catholic. It was the DLP that first split that for reasons explained in the article. It would be interesting to see what the current split of the parties is in terms of the religious affiliation (or none) of their Parliamentary members - it wouldn't surprise if it was now the Libs that had more Catholics. Does any one know if this info is availabe somewhere?


1/02/2013Ken, From my own observations, the LNP catholics are the conservative DLP types which languished under Santamaria and have now found a home within the LNP under Abbott's 'guided democracy'. Some of them have joined the Abbott Opus Dei faction of the Catholic Church because of their conservative leanings, and have been too one-eyed to see/withstand their manipulation by Abbott et al. Other interesting research would be the religious affiliations of the media pack who are rabid Abbott supporters (i.e Chris Uhlman), and those in high places within the police and judiciary and our ABC personnel. We have been blaming the wizened old prune Murdoch, but I've been wondering whether this has been a red herring served up to us, so we do not twig to the real culprits. As Astra, yes you are right about the chilling [quote]“Then I was a man under authority. Now I am the authority!” [/quote] It is not often Abbott drops little gems such as this but he's getting more and more cocky that no-one will notice.

bob macalba

1/02/2013janice I believe you when you say its not all of the catholic church, but this 'Qpus Dei' even though its obvious what they do why do they get away with it unopposed? why not the rank and file have a say why dont the church hierarchy pull them up? i dont believe they really want to because to date the mantra seems to be 'the end justifies the means' seriously, i personally do not want to live in a world run from Rome, thats the way it was all those centuries ago and look how that worked out, corruption on a world scale, bribes for this bribes for that and the rich and powerful guaranteed a seat next to dog for a price or a favor to the catholic church, apart from the mafia or south american drug cartels is there any other organizations making obscene profits from the poorest of folks like the catholic church does? i do feel though for the honest people of the faith, i dont condemn them personally just their 'church' and all the bad things it does for the selected few, have to pull up again dont want to start drinking before lunch cheers

Ad astra

1/02/2013Folks The Coalition must be working on thesis that most of the electorate are mugs, and will swallow anything it dishes up to them without question. George Brandis suggested that there might be a nexus between Julia Gillard’s announcement of the election date and Craig Thomson’s arrest, and that in some curious way she thought the announcement might take attention away from it. Apart from the flawed logic, how on earth would she have known in advance of his arrest? The police seemed happy to tip off the media, but can you imagining it tipping off the PM so far in advance that she then changed her NPC address to include the election date? Brandis is playing us for mugs. Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, George Brandis and Christopher Pyne all insist PM Gillard should not accept Craig Thomson’s vote now that he has been charged. In other words, in their minds he is already being found guilty of a crime that should deprive the voters of Dobell of representation and the parliament of his vote. So much for due process! Again, we are being treated as mugs. Abbott said in his NPC address that PM Gillard had been running a ‘protection racket’ to protect Thomson, and Brandis, even when challenged on [i]Lateline[/i] by Tony Jones that his accusation implied criminality on behalf of our PM, weaseled his way through this challenge, still leaving the strong impression that she had been running a protection racket that might have criminal connotations. Only a mug would believe that. How can someone be running such a racket, when the man at the centre of it has not even been tried? If he were found not guilty of all the charges, would these accusers of the PM apologize to her for wrongly accusing her of ‘running a protection racket? We know the answer. Brandis, Abbott and Co. are treating us as unthinking, unreasoning mugs that will swallow without question whatever they say. We shall remember this slight. If you missed the Jones interview of Brandis, and can stomach listening to Brandis’ weasel words and obfuscation, it is here:


1/02/2013Bob macalba, [quote]I believe you when you say its not all of the catholic church, but this 'Qpus Dei' even though its obvious what they do why do they get away with it unopposed? why not the rank and file have a say why dont the church hierarchy pull them up? [/quote] Did you read The Da Vinci Code and Bryce Courtenay's "Sylvia" ? In both of these books you can see exactly how Opus Dei get away with their manipulation. It requires a great deal of patience, image making, sheer audacity and secrecy plus careful repetition of the message they want to put into people's heads. Once they have infiltrated key positions within politics and society, other voices are drowned out or ignored. If you think this sounds like what is happening in our political arena at present, you are right. We are lost if Abbott is elected on Sept.14 and it will be one hell of a battle to purge the country of this cancer.


1/02/2013I've found a solution to the problem tablet users have of scrolling to the end of the page to read the latest comment. On the left of the TPS site, there is a list of "recent comments" (below "recent posts"). Click on the [more] for the top comment and you are immediately directed to that comment. No more scrolling!


1/02/2013TT "So glad just a few people here are with me on this." You can add me to your list. The impetus for the formation of organisations like Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah stems from anger arising from the treatment of the Palestinians. Continued recruitment depends on it too. There will never be peace in the world until there is justice for Palestine. The anti-Semitic accusation is the fall-back position taken by those who support/gain from what is being done to the Palestinians. I, too, have been accused of it - absolutely wrongly. I am opposed to the appalling treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government, I'm opposed to our government's condoning of it, I'm opposed to those people who've made an industry of the Holocaust - but I am emphatically not anti-Semitic.


1/02/2013Janice Yes, there is more going on all the time than we are privy to: Opus Dei on the Catholic side and the Masons (in its higher levels) on the Anglican side. As I understand it, it was only in relatively recent times that the English PM no longer had to be a member of the Masons (or be made one when elected). Many exposes have shown their devotion to supporting fellow Masons, the Monarch and the establishment at all costs. In Australia, the Catholics formed the "Knights of the Southern Cross" which was originally intended as their answer to the Masons. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but how much this battle still goes on behind the scenes is the big question? And we may never know!!!


1/02/2013Ken, I just love your gravitar. :) I think we all should be extremely wary of anyone seeking high office in this country who show that they are rabid believers of any religion.

bob macalba

1/02/2013janice its been happening all over for quite a while, i have lived amongst the sectarian bullshit, early 70s small town couple of miles east of Edinburgh pop about 5000, for the first 10 years of my life i was brainwashed into the protestant faith pure fire and brimstone bollocks, i was told that all catholics were evil, i wasnt allowed to mix with them even at play, it was a ridiculous situation but everyone[both sides] treated it as normal, i remember that the catholic school kids started half an hour earlier and finished half an hour earlier than us 'prods' so as to lessen the chances of confrontation[remember this is primary school im talking here] but what you have to understand is the multiple reasons behind this mutual hate, for us kids it was pretty simple 'football' you were either a 'GLASGOW RANGERS' [protestant] or you were a 'GLASGOW CELTIC' [papist catholic' for the adults a more complicated hate, you could choose whatever grievance suited your agenda one of the most popular being some battle where William of Orange sailed to Ireland and gave a Papal army a right touch up[see i couldnt help myself even now hundreds of years later i described it as a 'touch up'that 'us' prods won] anyhoo that 'famous' victory over 300 years ago is celebrated every year throughout Northern Ireland and Scotland by means of the 'Orange Walks' a way of rubbing it in, you would have seen the 'marchers' in Belfast and the troubles it causes as they march past catholic neighborhoods, this was the same thing an ancient archaic tradition that only caused more troubles and hate, the response of the catholic minority though was one of patience, outnumbered they managed to fight back in different ways, infiltration being the most effective, they managed to find themselves the majority on all the important govt bodies, councils, cooperatives,etc, it was catholic back scratching on a grand scale, [my dads feeding me this info about the adult view] it was this on top of the IRA mainland bombing campaign that helped my parents decide to move to this magical country as they were sick and tired of sectarian us v them bullshit, now here in this untainted by religion country im seeing the papists changing the rules to suit their agendas , and im not to pleased about it, never ever should state and religion become bedfellows as all that manages to do is divide, but thats Abborts long term goal with the full cooperation of 'Opus Dei' chaos then Abbort on his white[never black] charger bible in hand 'i looked and before me was a pale horse, its rider was named death, and Hades following close behind him' REV6:7-8 cheers


1/02/2013bob macalba, Well Bob, I was born in this here 'untainted by religion' country and my experience was the same as yours, except it turned me into an atheist. ! It used to be though that the 'separation of powers' was respected but it scares me to death that I am seeing Abbott and his Opus Dei bunch of power crazed bigots seeking to turn this country into an Opus Dei State, run by himself and George Pell et al.


1/02/2013janice thanks for your kind comment on my gravitar. If you and the others will forgive a personal indulgence, I will explain why I picked it. It is, of course, a howling wolf. That fits with my surname and the "howling" I do on this site about the political situation and other issues. Also I'm a fan of the blues and love the blues man "Howlin' Wolf". Put those together and I thought it was an appropriate gravitar.


1/02/2013Thanks, AA, for the link to the Lateline interview with Brandis ... very interesting. When Tony Jones pointed out that the NSW police could have simply phoned Thomson up and asked him to come round to the police station, Brandis trotted out the the NSW police version of events, namely that Thomson had already been given the opportunity to do that. However, Thomson's lawyer has denied that, saying tht he was simply asked to come to Victoria and answer questions, not to surrender himself. Assuming that what the lawyer asserts is true, then the question remains... WHY didn't the NSW police just contact Thomson by phone instead of staging the 5-copper circus we all saw yesterday. More evidence for Bushfire Bill's thesis.


1/02/2013bob macalba wrote [i] re captcha..'sewer animals'[/i] That's the best one since my own best, when at the end of 2011 I took it upon myself to award Ad astra the title [i]Blogmaster of the Era [/i](a title which more than ever he deserves of course :) ) and at the end of that very post was the recaptcha - edoctor worldwide - which if you know anything of Ad's past you will see is [i]Magic![/i] Here's the link back to that: December 30 8.37 Evrything I said then still applies! Anyway I think that magic recaptcha is a really pretty bit of The Political Sword's legend.

bob macalba

1/02/2013janice, i too can call myself atheist, and a lot better person i feel from that, it was the hate for the sake of hating that convinced me that religion sucks, now i can focus all my crankypants dislikes towards those i really detest 'Tory Bastards' and 'Tory Bastard groupies' ie-grattan, bolt, jones,uhllman,piers etc but 'bad experience' =good result go atheism

42 long

1/02/2013In furious agreement Bob. That religion "monkey" is off ny back. Causes most of the hate in the world. each saying the other is the great satan or whatever.I used to be told I was a "bastard".. Didn't know what it meant but it couldn't be good, so I enquired why? "your parents are not married". Well you are wrong there because the ARE married. Not in OUR church so they are not. The price of believing is too high. You have to block out thinking and feel guilt in large quantities. If some of the people ( like Abbott) are going to heaven I don't want to be there, thanks. HE is more EVIL than any atheist I have met.

Tom of Melbourne

1/02/2013At every point of the Thomson saga the committed ALP supporters look for a conspiratorial explanation beyond the most obvious one. • When the original claims were published in Fairfax it was – “a media beat up” • The delay in the FWA investigation was “because there was no evidence” • When independent contributors said “Thomson had a case to answer” the response was mindless insults/name calling. Not addressing the questions. • When FWA published its adverse findings, the explanation was that VP Michael Lawler had somehow influenced the investigation, without any evidence that this was the case. • When FWA indicated that it would initiate proceedings, the response was “look at Jackson!!” • When an allegation about honesty was made it was “look at Mary Jo Fisher” • Now that the police have laid charges, it’s back to “it’s all a conspiracy!” Really how do such people, having been proven wrong on so many occasions, take themselves seriously?

Ad astra

1/02/2013Folks Let me give you a heads-up on [i]The Political Sword[/i] agenda for 2013. The first official day of the year 2103 will be Monday next, 4 February. Lyn will post her first set of links for the year that morning. She has some new ideas for that very popular and valuable feature of [i]TPS[/i]. I will post the first of the regular pieces for 2013 on the evening of Sunday, 3 February, to be ready to receive Lyn’s Links the following morning. The first piece is titled: [i]Forty-nine questions for Tony Abbott about global warming[/i]. Subsequently, I will post one new piece per week, usually on a Sunday evening, ready for the week ahead. If the political need arises, there may be another piece posted during the week, but generally, I will pace myself at just one per week. It will be a very busy year with lots of comments from users, some on the thread, but other comments will be on the issues that arise through each week. February 4 will also be see the launch of the new service [i]The Political Sword[/i] is offering: [i]TPS M@IL[/i]. In shaded panels at the top and foot of each piece, [i]TPS M@IL[/i] offers several options: [i]Disseminate this post[/i] will give you the opportunity to send that post via YOUR email system to a set of politicians selected by the author of the piece, and should you have identified your local member, a copy will be also send to him or her. A message will have been composed for you; all you have to do is to type your name at the end, and ‘send’ the email. We feel this facility will extend substantially the influence of [i]The Political Sword[/i]. [i]Create your own email[/i] will enable you to send your own email to politicians and/or journalists that you would select. The idea is to make it easy for you to email politicians and journalists by providing you with their email addresses and an easy way to select them. Read about the several options that are available to you. One in particular might prove of interest and value to you: 'Ad Astra’s custom lists'. These are lists I have compiled that identify top people in the parliament and media that you may wish to email, and also the parliamentarians who carry specific portfolio responsibilities or shadow responsibilities, or who are involved in committees related to the various portfolios. There are eighteen such portfolio lists, and in each instance, the leaders of the three major parties are included. For example, if the subject was environmental, as is the first piece for 2103, those who are involved in this area have been identified and pre-selected for you to use. We have provided this facility to save you the time and effort of finding yourself the relevant people and their email addresses. [i]Identify your local member[/i] gives you the opportunity to select your local member, and if you choose to do so, that member will be copied with any email you send to others, provided you use the same computer each time. Your selection is stored on your computer as a cookie. Of course, you can always send an email solely to your local member. If you want to always copy your local member, select him or her at the outset, before using [i]TPS M@IL[/i] to send emails. The [i]FAQ[/i] option is offered to answer any questions that may arise in using the system. In addition, we will offer [i]TPS M@IL[/i] at the top of the left panel. This is provided for those who might wish to visit [i]TPS[/i] just to send an email. We hope to attract those who use other Fifth Estate sites to come here to use [i]TPS M@IL[/i]. It does not offer the ‘Disseminate this post’ option as this is offered on the piece itself. We owe this new facility to the brilliance of our Webmaster, ‘Web Monkey’ who has been working for months to perfect [i]TPS M@IL[/i]. Thank you Web Monkey for giving us this resource, which we know will increase the penetration of posts on [i]TPS[/i], and the power of users to make their thoughts and feelings known to politicians and journalists. I hope all of you will enjoy what [i]TPS[/i] has to offer for 2013, and that you will participate fully in the dialogue that will occur here during what promises to be frantic and fascinating year ahead.


1/02/2013Wixxy's latest on the unusual circumstances of the Craig Thomson arrest:


1/02/2013Insiders ABC‏@InsidersABC #insiders Sunday 9am: @AlboMP speaks to Barrie Cassidy, plus panel @lenoretaylor, David Marr and Gerard Henderson. Plenty to talk about!


1/02/2013MWS Thanks for that link, I loved it, unfortunately my blood pressure didn't. Is this a method by the Lieberals to deflect the attention that has been gaining into the Ashbygate matter? I'm sure the trolls are reporting back to dungeon central (Lieberal HQ) that "The Ashby matter is not going away, unfortunately Christmas didn't kill it like we wished" We know the mad monk will conspires against his enemies just ask Pauline Hanson for one as to just how much conspiring he is capable of. I really am getting scared as to just where this country is heading when people can do what has been going on of late & just get away with it because they know some Liberal front bencher or are working for their political goals. Cathy Jackson is reportedly paying back money which she stole (which she must have or why is she paying it back?). What has been uncovered on AI & Wixxyleaks that is well in excess of 1/4 mill. No charges no media circus waiting, yet she must have been seen by the police, or again why is she paying it back?. Then we are expected to believe everything is equal under the eyes of the law. Unfortunately we are starting to see Lieberal law eyes don't see anyone from their own team or their friends. I really can see we are not far away from being a police state/country when they can be used as a political tool, that's more than frightening. You couldn't right a movie with the twists & turns that have been going on in Australia over the last 2 yrs or more. We can see why the Lieberals have bugger all policy's, they are too bust thinking of schemes & plotting against the government & the PM.


1/02/2013Given recent history, the LNP's various real and claimed shenanigans in the past 24 hours really won't have that much effect on the political reality. I work with a group of people who are politically disconnected. The majority of them really don't give a stuff. Today when someone started a conversation about the election in September most of them suggested they didn't really like the Prime Minister but they couldn't vote for Abbott. The Prime Minister's problem apparently being that she wasn't "elected". And if they couldn't vote for Abbott - they can't stand Newman. The Prime Minister's biggest challenge is to demonstrate she has the authority of the position (and her colleagues keeps their loose lips zipped - rather than using them to sink ships (of state). This I fear is her biggest problem.


1/02/2013*Interesting* The FinReview is reporting this: [i]The Gillard government’s rocky start to the 2013 election year has gotten worse with the resignation of cabinet minister and senate leader Chris Evans.[/i]


1/02/2013[b]Chris Evans to resign from Gillard Cabinet[/b] ABCNews [i]Senate leader Chris Evans is set to stand down from Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Cabinet tomorrow. Senator Evans is the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, and Science and Research. He is expected to make the announcement at a press conference in Perth tomorrow.[/i]


1/02/2013[i]Retweeted by Mark Colvin #OnThisDay - Greg Chappell convinced his brother Trevor to bowl the last ball of an ODI under-arm. [/i] I have always related this to the Kerr/Fraser coup.

Sir Ian Crisp

1/02/2013It's now 10:30pm and more than 24 hours have elapsed since I called Janet a LIAR. I still haven't seen any evidence put that I am a paid TPS commentator. Janet, you are a LIAR.


1/02/2013On ABC24 the news is that Senator Chris Evans will tomorrow announce his resignation as a Minister and that he will leave the parliament in 2 months. Whatever his reasons for leaving, he will give his replacement a chance to settle in before the election. I would not be surprised if we did not see several such announcements from both sides in the next few weeks. It's what happens when an election is called.


1/02/2013I am impressed with the series of anti-religious sentiments being expressed here - never much here before, but these feelings are obviously in us atheists all the time, because we see so starkly the evil done in the names of Jahweh, and Allah, and .. . [i]G'ggg! - [/i][b]Gg'gh'hhh !!- [/b](koff) Dog AllFighty I can't seem to say it .. :) I was lucky, never brought up to believe in this nonsense. I really can't imagine what it must be like to be held in thrall by a concept as illogical as the Easter Bunny. Imagine no religion ...

42 long

2/02/2013Chris Evans resigning indicates no more than the Rudd challenge is over and with it his chance of being a minister with a significant portfolio.


2/02/2013MWS Just read the Wixxyleaks piece 'The Ice Cream Man' [quote]The timing of this arrest seems incredibly convenient, not only straight after an election is called, but also during Tony Abbott's speech at the press club. It was as if the whole event was being stage-managed, along the lines of “We will now cross to the NSW Central Coast live for the Thomson arrest” then “Back to you Tony…”[/quote] No one seems to have pointed out who was the National Press Club Moderator for Abbott's Thursday address. It was none other than [b]Steve Lewis[/b]!! Thus, it does not take much imagination to think that, he, if not Abbott, knew that they would be able to throw to the seat of Dobell for the announcement of Craig Thomson’s arrest. Liberal Party connivance is blatantly obvious by the very fact that Abetz, Pyne and others hit the hustings with the indignant accusation that the PM had announced the election because she had prior knowledge of Thomson's arrest. As AD Astra said: [quote]The Coalition must be working on thesis that most of the electorate are mugs, and will swallow anything it dishes up to them without question. [/quote]


2/02/2013 [b]Cabinet shuffle expected as Evans resigns[/b] February 2, 2013. 12:19am [quote]Mark Riley of Seven Network tweeted that Senator Evans had informed Ms Gillard of his decision last week.[/quote] [b]Roxon, Evans expected to quit politics.[/b] 2.10am approx In addition to news of Senator Evans's departure are reports that Attorney-General Nicola Roxon will retire at the next election. The Australian newspaper is reporting that Mark Dreyfus, who is currently the Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation, will assume the position of attorney-general. [b]Evans, Roxon exits trigger reshuffle[/b] Peter van Onselen and Dennis Shanahan. February 02, 2013 12:00am JULIA Gillard has been forced to reshuffle her ministry after veteran Chris Evans' decision to quit and with Attorney-General Nicola Roxon expected to announce today her retirement from politics at the next election. Amid speculation in Labor circles last night, it was understood Ms Roxon's portfolio would be given to Mark Dreyfus. Immigration Minister Chris Bowen was understood to be in line to pick up Senator Evans' portfolios of higher education, skills, science and research, while Mr Bowen's old portfolio of immigration would be handed to Housing Minister Brendan O'Connor. Justice and Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare was expected to be promoted to cabinet. The Prime Minister is also likely to promote a parliamentary secretary to the ministry and create a new parliamentary secretary from Western Australia - possibly left-wing MP Melissa Parke. Deputy Senate leader Stephen Conroy is the frontrunner to replace Senator Evans as the government's leader in the Senate. If elected it would mean the position of deputy leader of the Senate would also be open. The deputy's post could be contested between Kim Carr and Finance Minister Penny Wong, both from the Left. Digital Pass $1 for first 28 Days Ms Gillard faces a crucial Parliamentary Labor Party meeting in Canberra on Sunday when she has to outline the political strategy to her colleagues for the election year after creating anger and confusion in Labor ranks over her early announcement of the election date. The shock resignation of Ms Roxon, a solid Gillard supporter, created a storm of commentary within ALP ranks late last night as the word spread she was stepping down and not expected to contest the next election. One senior Labor MP told The Weekend Australian late last night that "Rome is burning". News of Senator Evans's departure comes amid reports that retiring MP Robert McClelland has applied for a $265,000-a-year post as a commissioner on the bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. Sydney's The Daily Telegraph reports today that a decision by the NSW Coalition government on IRC appointments is expected late this month or early next, with the posts due to be taken up mid-year. Mr McClelland, a Kevin Rudd supporter, said this week he would not contest his seat at the election. Speculation about the reshuffle gathered pace through the afternoon yesterday as the Prime Minister's office made arrangements to talk to ministers. Senator Evans was elected to the Senate at the 1993 election and became Labor's leader in the Senate in opposition, in 2004. He has served as leader of the government in the Senate since Labor's election in 2007, a position elected by caucus that usually comes with a frontbench portfolio. Additional reporting: Tom Dusevic and Sid Maher Um. I think that I will retire to bed before anyone else pulls a surprise announcement. Though, as I said at 11.12pm [i]'I would not be surprised if we did not see several such announcements from both sides in the next few weeks. It's what happens when an election is called'.[/i]

42 long

2/02/2013Turnbull must be wondering whether he has any real future with this mob of ever more concentrating right wing NUTS. Perhaps he will go back to that day job he said he had making money. He must feel ike a Petunia in an onion patch. Wasted years can never be recovered Malcolm.


2/02/2013Quoting from 2353's post above: 'I work with a group of people who are politically disconnected. The majority of them really don't give a stuff. Today when someone started a conversation about the election in September most of them suggested they didn't really like the Prime Minister but they couldn't vote for Abbott. The Prime Minister's problem apparently being that she wasn't "elected".' Then vote Labor in your electorate and 'elect' her in September, you blithering idjuts! The same to all the rest of you around Australia who've swallowed Conservative propaganda. Julia Gillard WAS elected. As the Member for Lalor in Victoria. The Prime Ministership is an appointment voted on by the governing party's parliamentary members. Sanctimonious piffle about electoral process without the first understanding of how elections work in Australia is a pretty piss-poor reason for the rest of us ending up with Abbott PM!


2/02/2013Casablanca [quote]I would not be surprised if we did not see several such announcements from both sides in the next few weeks. It's what happens when an election is called'[/quote]. I agree that there are usually a number of resignations leading into elections but the timing is not the best for the Government. If Evans and Roxon were already considering retirement from politics, they should have discussed it with the PM, made their announcements, allowed the PM time to announce her new Ministry, and [u]then[/u] announce the election date. The way it has happened allows the MSM to claim that this is simply "leaving a sinking ship" and I think we are already seeing some of that. Despite what we may say or think, it does leave a negative perception in a large portion of the electorate.


2/02/2013[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - The summer is almost over edition - well at least the holiday bits of summer Welcome to some form of [i]The Real World[/i] [b]The Weekend Australian[/b] - Roxon exit forces PM to reshuffle Equal party airtime 'starts now' Case study, as teens escape cycle of strife The fight to survive after rescue never came [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - Obeids’ billion dollar bonanza - Sinodinos ‘astonished’ Another one off the bucket list: a nude ocean swim [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - Obeid: All talk, few answers JULIA’S NEW POLL THREAT Exclusive: Labor MP could vacate seat early [b]The Age[/b] - Brewers hop through history to serve up beer lost for 130 years Pokies pay out to parties - [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - Man accused of Jill Meagher murder hit with ... SEVEN NEW CHARGES SHOCK SHAKEUP [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - HIGH ON THE HOG - This little piggy won't come down MOVING ON UP Exclusive: Plan to shift flood-prone homes [b]The Adelaide Advertiser[/b] - JOBS FOR THE BOY - Libs accuse ALP after staffer gets top role - [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] - GREEN TAPE, RED TAPE - Abbott hits Tassie hustings - [b]The NT News[/b] - QUESTIONS TO ANSWER ------------------- [b]Gillard's woes grow as Evans quits posts[/b] Mark Kenny SMH [i]JULIA GILLARD'S extended election campaign has suffered another damaging blow with the shock resignation of the third most senior minister in her government, the Higher Education Minister, Chris Evans. Senator Evans, the government's Leader in the Senate and therefore the third in line to the prime ministership, will quit on Saturday morning, resigning from both his cabinet post and the leadership position immediately. He will stay in the Senate until the September 14 poll but will not contest that election.[/i] [b]The election campaign is still about these two men[/b] Laurie Oakes News/The Punch [i]... Abbott is doing something clever. He is harnessing the popularity of rival Malcolm Turnbull - the man he deposed as Liberal leader - to maximise his chances of avoiding pariah status. There is still some speculation about Turnbull as a possible challenger if Abbott stumbles.[/i] [b]The real fun begins now that Julia Gillard has called an election for September 14[/b] Dennis Atkins, Courier-Mail [i]THE biggest risk for Julia Gillard in naming an election date almost eight months before the poll is held was that it would be seen as too political. Gillard still fires up resentment for the political way she got the job in June 2010 telling a sitting prime minister his time was up in a night of Canberra intrigue and madness. Since then, Australia's first female Prime Minister has held her position sometimes seemingly by her finger tips through horse-trading, backroom positioning and calculated, high-stakes gambles.[/i]


2/02/2013Michael [quote]The Prime Ministership is an appointment voted on by the governing party's parliamentary members.[/quote] I think the problem with some of the electorate is too much American television!! It's almost as if they think we have (or should have) an American Presidential system. You will recall that this was what sank the Republic referendum - the Republican vote split by the direct electionists. The problem is that they don't understand the difference between the Parliament (legislature) and the Executive Government. And we could add to that the role of the judiciary. Although I'm loathe to use an American model, this is a good argument for more "civics" education in schools - at least some explanation of our Westminster form of Government so the electorate actually know what they are voting for!!!

bob macalba



2/02/2013Hi all still no internet starting to get angry 6 days is ridiculous. While this disaster has shown how wonderful we all pull together to help our neighbour it certainly shows how fragile our infrastructure is. Wireless is great but it can't handle the load and there are too many black spots. Mobile is great but if you can't power your device its not much help. We live in a world where communication is vital. I have a real sense of its fragility.

bob macalba

2/02/2013News conference PM, Evans and Roxon coming up shortly ABC24

Ad astra

2/02/2013Folks While we ought to expect the MSM to dramatize the decision of Chris Evans and Nicola Roxon to not contest the next election, and run the ‘rats deserting the sinking ship’ routine, the fact is that both have been contemplating this move for some time, and now is an ideal time. Julia Gillard is well advanced with her cabinet reshuffle, which can now be announced before the parliamentary year begins, leaving the Government to get on with the big legislative program it has ahead. There have been remarkably few changes to the Gillard ministry over the years: Kevin Rudd, Robert McClelland and Kim Carr being among the most memorable. Chris Evans has not been a stellar performer; he always looks tired. On the other hand, Nicola Roxon has performed very well in both health and as A-G. She will be missed, but her successor, Mark Dreyfus, a QC, will be a valuable asset. He performs well and is highly respected. Since Leader of the Government in the Senate is the third highest rank in the Government, after the PM and the Deputy PM, that appointment will be keenly sought after. I hope Penny Wong gets the nod, but factional allegiances may see Stephen Conroy get the post. It seems as if JG has decided to clear the decks, appoint a new ministry early, and have the team ready to go when parliament resumes next week. That looks to me like a smart strategy, but the MSM will no doubt paint it differently.


2/02/2013Speaking of being taken for mugs ... I've just read the link to the SMH "Sinodinos Astonished" article. Am I correct in understanding that Sinodinos expects us to believe that, while Chairman of a company, he was not aware of an agreement which sold one-third of that company to the Obeids? Give me a break. While the press focus is on the Obeids, it seems bleedingly obvious that a lot of Liberals are up to their necks in it too.


2/02/2013LadyInRed I feel for you, being cut off from the 'net, hope it all resolves soon. MWS What is your twitter address, mine is @lynsan. Knee High I am scared too, especially after what has happened with Craig Thomson, and what it will lead to if Labor doesn't win the election this year. LNP won't release their real policies because if they did no one in Australia would vote for them, that is all we need to know. Julia and co are on now......


2/02/2013Why the emphasis on the PM being "forced" to reshuffle her Cabinet? If John Howard was PM, it would be reported that the PM had an opportunity to introduce new blood to reinvigorate the Cabinet well before the election. BTW, I know the answer to these questions - the paradigm that the MSM has created and sticks to at all costs, despite the evidence. This is the perfect time for Ministers to resign if they don't want to contest the next election - because new Ministers need time to get across their portfolios and be effective. However the MSM beatup is chaos and confusion. Apparently the PM had discussed the timing of the resignations with the two Ministers, and after the election announcement is the correct time for Ministers to re-commit themselves to the next three years, and to give their positions to others if they want to retire. The MSM are claiming that the resignations should have been announced BEFORE the election date was set - completely missing the point that the election date was known only to a few before the PM's speech. There was no opportunity for the Ministers to resign earlier - they didn't know the election date!


2/02/2013Was Nick Minshin's resignation a "rat deserting a sinking ship" (quote from the ABC AM program), or is that phrase reserved for ALP members? The imagery from the MSM is appalling - whatever the Government does or doesn't do is overwhelming reported negatively. They aren't even being subtle about it!


2/02/2013Ad Still think they got the timing of the announcements wrong. I know there are reports that Roxon and Evans had discussed their plans with the PM during the past year. If they had announced their retirements "at the next election" and allowed the Ministerial reshuffle before the election announcement, it could easily be sold as refreshing the Ministry and then announce the election with the new ministry - it could have been done at the same time, e.g. "As my colleagues are retiring at the next election, I have taken this opportunity to bring fresh views into the Ministry and will take my new Ministry to an election on 14 September."!!! With the sequence chosen, it does leave it open to the "leaving a sinking ship" criticism. My scenario would have lessened (but not perhaps eliminated) the effect of that.


2/02/2013Apparently SEVEN LNP MPs are retiring at the next election. I look forward to the "balanced" ABC describing them as "rats deserting a sinking ship."


2/02/2013The seven LNP "rats" are Mal Washer, Alex Somlyay, Patrick Secker (disendorsed), Alby Schultz, Paul Neville, Judi Moylan and Joanna Gash. The same number of ALP members are leaving (five on Antony Green's blog plus the two Ministers who spoke this morning). Antony Green's bios of the twelve leaving Parliament:


2/02/2013pikiranku @ 11.06 Such cynicism is unbecoming of you. Why, as an example, we have the assurance of Lord Downer of Mayo himself that both he & his department spent an entire decade in ignorance of another of our fine local companies' activities. This is standard LNP practice.


2/02/2013Ken, [quote] If Evans and Roxon were already considering retirement from politics, they should have discussed it with the PM, made their announcements, allowed the PM time to announce her new Ministry, and then announce the election date.[/quote] Can't agree with you here. Both Roxon and Evans have discussed their decisions with the PM some months ago and it was agreed between them that the timing of the announcement of their departure was 'at her convenience'. In fact, the PM lobbed a grenade or two at the NPC when she announced the date of the 2013 election. She has now tossed them another this morning by including in the presser with Roxon and Evans, the resulting reshuffle. The press gallery can spin it as they will but they know the PM has caught them wrong footed on both occasions and if they continue chasing Abbott's butterflies all over the country, this will happen again and again. The PM is forcing the media to focus on what the govt is doing instead of focusing on the stunts and slogans of the LOTO and writing a lot of crap.


2/02/2013Gravel, I'm @Monicas_WS. I've got a "protected" account, so I have to approve requests to follow me (just to be "safe" when I started Twittering, and to stop trolls and abuse). I've just "followed" you, so you can find me in your followers list if you want to follow me in return.


2/02/2013[i]Rats deserting a sinking ship[/i] A convenient metaphor that doesn't tell the whole truth. *Scratches Head*, *Strains Brain* attempts to recall ancient nautical training ... ... the rats leave the ship only just before the captain, unless of course it is a certain cruise liner and well the captain leaves first. This would indicate *IF* there are any rats in the ranks they are still there and will remain for a long time ... ... others can add one plus one and get any number they want :)


2/02/2013TT Just 4 U, I'm one too, I have a mind & use it, the proof of a so called god is just not there. Just look who dies & how on a daily basis in his name, end of argument. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.


2/02/2013After opening my big mouth ... err ... letting my fingers massage the keyboard before checking the 'facts' thought it wise to consult ... [b]"like rats leaving a sinking ship"[/b]

Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy)

2/02/2013G'day all. A bit of Twitter stuff from the last two eventful (very!) days. [b]What Twitter's saying ...[/b] [i]Bernard Keane @BernardKeane[/i] God. ABC journalists' habit of asking politicians to comment on the internal affairs of their opponents' party drives me nuts. Retweeted by Greg Jericho [i]Vince O'Grady ‏@vogrady2132[/i] Relax Tweeters The Liberal Fox is in the MSM henhouse having a really good time. The chooks might just gang up agin the fox soon? [i]Stilgherrian @stilgherrian[/i] @BernardKeane @mishnmash You don't need a cabinet shuffle to distract the press gallery. A ball of string or a few coloured beads will do. Retweeted by Geri [i]Space Kidette @SpaceKidette[/i] BREAKING: The LIB's in turmoil, 7 MP's jump ship. #ohwait#sameasALP #mediafail #auspol Retweeted by Denyse Gibbs [i]TalkTurkey @TalkyTurkey[/i] @TonyWindsorMP You turned up for decency in Australian politics, we'd be ingrates if we didn't turn up for you. [i]Chester @Bearpolitics[/i] If you have only the normal problems and you are at screaming point with the manipulative lib politics. Then imagine the disempowered. [i]George Bludger @GeorgeBludger[/i] LULZ! So much LULZ! “@David_Speers: Abbott: I hope the PM can steady her ship and offer stable govt.” [i]Jo @jot_au[/i] SUNRISE doing a story about the shocking fact that our economy is actually GOOD! GLORY! Retweeted by paul donnelly [i]cjjosh @cjjosh[/i] The Convoy for Cancer trucks are out in force in Canberra. And many, many more than the anti-carbon tax rally with bonus lack of Alan Jones. [i]Maddie Charles @maddiet5[/i] I hope we see a more compassionate approach to #AsylumSeekers with @BOConnorMP #fingerscrossed [i]Jane Cattermole @janecat60[/i] .@Cuhlmann Have you ever asked Mal Brough for an interview to comment on Justice Rares findings? Apparently he's waiting for a call. [i]Brian Schmidt @cosmicpinot[/i] Is may just be me, but when they call becoming the Minister of Science, Innovation, Industry, and Universities a demotion -it makes me mad [i]Steve Thompson ‏@stevethompson49[/i] Just heard Tony Abbott on radio trying to link Qld floods to Julia Gillard’s ministerial changes. Nasty, opportunistic little prick. [i]Jo @jot_au[/i] press gallery must go prepared with ear plugs lest they actually hear something....and listening is punishable by death [i]Barossa Observer @BarossaObserver[/i] Um, isn't Kelly a Rudd supporter? So much for the "revenge" theme some have been frothing at the mouth over #LOL #reshuffle #auspol Retweeted by Mark Norton [i]Barry Tucker @btckr[/i] Tough reporters nail Abbott to wall; expose plan to impose DLP agenda on Australia - there's a story that will sell a few papers. [i]wonk_arama @wonk_arama[/i] My irony & derp meters are borked. A member of the Press Gallery asked the PM how she would ensure more balance in reporting#reshuffle [i]Bromide West @bromideW[/i] Go to your window. Put your head out and yell: I'D QUITE LIKE TO SEE AN OUTBREAK OF BALANCED COVERAGE AROUND THE NATION #auspol #ausmedia [i]Bernard Keane @BernardKeane[/i] Aaaaaand again Federal Labor has commendably reported all donations above $1000, while the Liberals strictly adhere to the $11K+ threshold [i]Glebe2037 @Glebe2037[/i] MT @Gump5000: excited about Dreyfus, he represented Aboriginal plaintiffs relating to Stolen Generation, environmentalists over gunns Retweeted by Mark Norton [i]David Horton @watermelon_man[/i] yes!!! “@beneltham: Not many politicians can claim they've made decisions that have saved thousands of lives. Nicola Roxon can” [b]What Twitter's reading …[/b] [i]JacktheInsider @JacktheInsider[/i] Only 225 sleeps to the election. My latest:… [i]Ross Gittins @1RossGittins[/i] Gillard talking surprisingly tough in an election year - my column #ausecon #auspol [i]Victoria Rollison @Vic_Rollison[/i] My latest post about the mainstream media's coverage of this week's political news: A broken record #mediafail [i]margo kingston @margokingston1[/i] Guess who got the scoop that police would soon arrest Craig Thomson? … [i]Ross Bowler @BowlerBarrister[/i] Top story: Fair trial in doubt for Thomson - The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcast… …, see more [i]Dan Cass @DanJCass[/i] It's almost like the ABC gets bullied by The Oz's culture wars?@Raf774: @Cuhlmann Faine tweet try again…… [i]YvonneCorcoranNantes ‏@YvonneCorcoranN[/i] Why would Abbott want to make the MSM like him when we all know they adore him.…#adorabletony #auspol [i]Hipster Geek Rulz @geeksrulz[/i] @GrogsGamut performs citizen's arrest on Andrew Bolt. Then proceeds to strip search him. What he found is ugly. #auspol Retweeted by Phil Smith [i]Stephen Mayne @MayneReport[/i] Is the LNP in the pay of the fracking industry? Beach Energy gave $55,000 to LNP in 2011-12. Print to decipher here:… Retweeted by EcoPolitics&Animals [i]Anita Heiss @AnitaHeiss[/i] Must read article MT.@Axxio: WOULD YOU LIKE REFERENDA WITH THAT? via @TheHoopla great article 4#politics #AusElection [i]Glebe2037 @Glebe2037[/i] MT @Gump5000: excited about Dreyfus, he represented Aboriginal plaintiffs relating to Stolen Generation, environmentalists over gunns Retweeted by Mark Norton [i]Tao de Haas @TaodeHaas[/i] BE WARNED! Abbott confirms 3.6 million low paid Austr would see their taxes rise Coalition tax earning below $37,000… [i]david ewart @davidbewart[/i]…TonyAbbottNFI is going to screw Tasmania

42 long

2/02/2013Why do I trust Non Theists def.. A person with no INVISIBLE means of support. Because they care about people other than themselves, and they are more honest, and not as hung up about sex (demons in their head full of guilt. This is MY experience Watched a couple of BoFarrell interviews lately. what a NASTY person. Low shot at Thomson but "I only alleged it" Asked a climate change question/ "Give ME a Break". How much of a break should someone who has acted against any recognition of climate change when eventually the majority will have good cause to face up to it, be given. ANSWER the question Barry .( GRUB).It is a fair one. You are in public office !! The DENIERS are Sooo smug and sure of themselves. That is what gets me. No.. "perhaps we should look at it". Perhaps we should be aware of what the learned scientific experts are in virtually unanimous agreement on. No... it's a great conspiracy to redistribute wealth. The coal and oil and power oligarchs are the ones to be listened to. You are all duped you poor fools, idiots,( fill in lots of disparaging insulting swear.words) The world is ACTUALLY warming these last 13 years. Keep repeating the SAME lies, by PAID liars. Have you noticed they ALL use exactly the SAME words. Carefully scripted and rehearsed & memorised. ( Self indoctrination).. Could anyone but a MANIC denier get into ABBOTTS CLIQUE. ( A carefully selected Bunch of TEA party Clones and right wing "scaries" , that any thinking person would HAVE to be worried about ( Like the Italians should have been worried about Mussolini and the germans about that"Austrian". They both promised all sorts of "cures" without being very truthfull or specific about how they would behave too.


2/02/2013I'm pleased to see that the Ministers' resignation and the election date weren't leaked beforehand. It's a good sign for the PM, after all the destabilising leaks in the past. And doesn't the MSM HATE not knowing what's going on? I wonder if the anger displayed towards the PM is because the MSM didn't know anything about the leadership challenge that toppled Rudd until it was too late? That seems to be the problem with the PM - she doesn't cosy up to journalists and selectively leak to them, unlike Howard and Rudd.


2/02/2013Victoria Rollison on the increasingly irrelevant MSM: [quote]There’s no doubt that journalists and commentators in the mainstream media are feeling their relevancy quickly slipping away. Rather than assess why it is that people are turning off their news coverage, and instead flooding to social media and independent media, they ramp up their ‘look at us, we’ve got scandal and smear over here’ strategy, which just leaves them looking even more irrelevant, incompetent and desperate. Like a dumped boyfriend who just won’t stop calling.[/quote]

42 long

2/02/2013There is no subtlety at all with the MSM's support for the LieNP. shameful in the extreme. They are pretty cocky no cover up just go for it. Steve Lewis must look in the mirror and admire such an influential person he sees. Should anyone have this power? Isn't what is happening here EXACTLY what the levison inquiry was all about. Cops being bought , cosy arangements with the Murdoch media. and some in the political sphere? Same people , same activity, same concerns, same abuse of power and influence. No one votes for Murdoch. Why are they so Cocky? Do they actually have the influence to ignore completely the possibility they may draw the crabs upon themselves? I hope the Guardian picks up on this matter. You think it has got as bad as possible and it just goes on getting worse. Do they test the water, and when nothing happens just go further? The matter with Jon Faine's being "judged" to have overstepped the mark make me more confidant that Faine has Guts. Uhlman ( somewhat surprisingly0 has supported Faine fully as far as I can ascertain . Bloody abc. what a shadow of it's former self. The "lefties" thing it has sold it's soul and the neo Nazis think it is livid LEFT. That shows how far to the right they have moved. This shift in balance is quite significant. How can commentators say they are both the same with policies? Maybe that comment would carry some weight in the past. But Abbott, Minchen, Bernardi etc have hijacker the show to the extreme right, based on HR Nicolls, Opus Dei. IPA and religion (Catholic) and more privilege for the already privileged. Any concept with the word "public" in it is to be eradicated. Tony's terrifying Brave New World. ( Don't go there) It's too risky.


2/02/2013AA One to add to the next update list Media writer on The Australian, Email:


2/02/2013MWS Thanks for that, now why do I know your handle? You've been around for a while. Can I just say with what I have read I pretty well agree with you on most, if not all.

bob macalba

2/02/2013Comrades cheers

James Adelaide

2/02/2013Ad Astra, I have been reading and posting on the Drum and Independant Australia. Permit me to post them here as well I was reading the comments on, but they closed the comments, so I post here The story , by Barrie Cassidy was ‘Certainty makes a rare and fleeting appearance’ In summary, that comments stream was of the opinion, judged by the number of majority of identities (not posts) that: #The timing of the election announcement had little to do with the Tim Matheson joke. #The timing of the arrest appears contrived to advantage the LNP. #There are fears of State LNP (Vic and NSW) involvement #There fears of police collusion with State LNP. #The arrest exhibits unusual features. Media present at the arrest, strip search. End of consensus analysis. Start of personal opinion Steve Lewis was MC at the press club, he joked with Abbott as if they were friends. He set the rule that only one question was to be asked. No follow up questions. Most unusual for the press club. This man was involved with Gretch and Ashby. He appears to now be involved in Jacksonville (Thomson). Further allegations at Independent Australia that when a jounalist announced that Thomson had been arrested, no-one (press or LNP) showed any surprise, apparently they already knew. I know not, I only heard it on radio. The Journo served the news to Abbott as if it were a present for Abbott from what I heard.

James Adelaide

2/02/2013Take Heart Fellow comment-er’s. I detect a seismic shift. I believe we are at the tipping point in the propaganda campaign and that the Australian people are now fed up, aware of the bias and angry at the media. To explain: I read the comments in most internet stories which have them (of the stories whose topics interest me, politics mostly), so as to gauge the opinion of my fellow citizens. Obviously the MSM is useless as an information source currently, although I monitor it though Google News (usually yelling at the screen, ‘you’ve got the wrong end of the stick’). I have tried most publishers, but I must confess I only skim Murdoch comments because they are so hating and angry. I sometimes find reasoned, polite conversations between commenters in Fairfax and ABC Drum comment streams. To Analyse: In the last few months, more and more new identities have commented. They are real people because each has an individual well argued opinion. If they were trolls using different identities, the posts would be repetitive, sticking to talking points. Trolls are easy to spot and fairly common. Most encouragingly are the opinions of these new commenters. Virtually all are absolutely fed up with the MSM, craving real journalism, and many cite IA as a place where real journalism exists. Some cannot wait for the Gruiniad (a fond name, alluding to their poor typesetting the the past). I emailed their editor last night to ask when they launch their Australian edition, no reply yet. The arrest of Craig Thomson, with all it’s fishyness (Steve Lewis’ story the night before, timing of the arrest, Press staking out the arrestee, the strip search, the lack of surprise with which the news was received by the Press and LNP at the press club) has particularly caused disquiet amongst commenters. Conclusion: I believe that we are at the tipping point when the voting population spits the dummy and revolts against the propaganda campaign.

James Adelaide

2/02/2013Sheesh, that last post took three tries: good to exclude bots, but still hard for humans. Group Think and the Fox News Bubble. Most of us recognise the comment-ers who post variations of ‘worst government ever, incompetent, scandal ridden, phone box after the election, Gillard and labour will take a generation to recover’. As if you need to ask where I comes from: it comes from murdoch. The link below illustrates well the repetitive repeating (now there’s a tautology) of the slogans, the reinforcing of each others’ spoon-fed outrage. This leads to a question. Are those who post and read these posts, describing reality, or stuck in an Australian version of the FoxNews Bubble, the News Ltd Bubble ? In the USA, the Fox News Bubble meant that the election loss came as a surprise to the conservatives.


2/02/2013janice [quote]Can't agree with you here. Both Roxon and Evans have discussed their decisions with the PM some months ago and it was agreed between them that the timing of the announcement of their departure was 'at her convenience'.[/quote] I don't disagree that the decision was at the PM's convenience, nor that she now has some control of the agenda but my point was that her advisors are still giving her bad advice. My scenario accepts all your points but allows better PR. That is what concerns me - the Government still doesn't have its act together in terms of PR and most of that can be laid at the feet of the advisors. There are positive ways to view it but I do think it could have been managed better.

42 long

2/02/2013When everything she says or does is "interpreted" as a disaster and Tony (who IS a disaster) can do no wrong, and can get away with most things, how can Julia be blamed for not getting the message across? It is a "sick" Joke when the MSM point this out to her. ( (Rubbing the nose in the catshit) Their agenda is to discredit her and they have been successful. Plus a whole army of trolls are busy spreading disinformation. Labor has it's job cut out to get and keep government anytime. Newman and Abbott are helping by being observeably lacking in charisma and ability.


2/02/2013MWS Liked the Victoria Rollinson article. While I agree with her interpretation of where, and why, the MSM is going in the direction it is, I would add another. I think the 24/7 news cycle has them flummoxed. They feel that if they take time to actually analayse something it will be old news by the time it is circulated. They believe (in my opinion wrongly) that they need to be providing something new every few minutes. In this mindset, they have become locked in to attacking everything the Government does, thinking this gives them something new to say that will attract readers (obviously relying on the polls for this view). I believe that as the polls tighten, and even reach a point of favouring the Government, that same mindset will see them attacking Abbott. To the point that the polls have already tightened, we have seen some more questioning of Abbott - not widespread as yet but give it time. And don't forget police have been asked to investigate whether a crime has been committed in the Ashby case. The most obvious crime is Brough requesting, and Ashby providing, the private diary entries of a sitting MP. Will be interesting to see whether that is pursued.

42 long

2/02/2013With all the character assination of Craig Thomson ( no P) he has about the same chance of getting a fair trial as Lindy Chamberlain had. Consider the behaviour of Brandis and Abetz and their constant "kangaroo court" Parliament usurping the function of the justice system, antics This pathetic pair will be the legal experts of the Abbott government. Brandis will be Attorney General We have had many examples of the way they do things.Any thing they do should be no surprise. Masters of character assassination. trial by smear and denigration. They are a disgrace but fit in quite well with the "mentality" of the rest of the gang, but to do all this and then become the highest justice officer in the land is preposterous


2/02/2013Ken, I don't think it could have been managed better. The decks are now clear except for some unforeseen illness or something. What the "press gallery" need to understand that in every state and Territory except QLD and Tasmania where there are fixed term elections there is nothing unusual about a minister who wont be standing at the next poll to retire to the back bench! (we had 3 do exactly that here in SA 2 weeks ago) Abbott on the other hand seems to think there is some value hanging on to the likes of Bronwyn Bishop Kevin Andrews et al. Yes they were ministers under Howard are they relevant today without being "ageist"? Sadly most of our media are only interested in the gotcha questions and what might make a name for themselves to impress thier peers. We the consumers rate a fairly poor second in their thinking.


2/02/2013Ken I have wondered many times in the last few yrs at some of the things that have happened & have also wondered myself, "Who is advising Julia" I'm not necessarily talking about the current situation, just this niggling doubt in the back of my mind that someone is not doing the best for the PM with some of their advice. The question then becomes who & why? Rudd plant, Lieberal plant?. Either way they are not earning their money, or maybe they are? I really hope that James Adelaide is right about the simmering furry is beginning to boil, I really can't imagine something as blatantly obvious as the MSM bias, obvious police/political manipulation is just going to be swallowed by the electorate on mass, or are the majority really that gullible? As TT would say Dog AllFighty I hope not.


2/02/2013Jason see my earlier post at 11.19 a.m. My only issue with the announcements is their sequence. In my view, the best PR approach was to announce the retirements, announce the new Ministry and then announce the election. That way it is seen as refreshing the Ministry in the lead-up to an election. The sequence in which it has been done still has that effect but has allowed a more negative first perception to take hold. Back to my comment about advisors!!


2/02/2013KHTAGH [quote]I really can't imagine something as blatantly obvious as the MSM bias, obvious police/political manipulation is just going to be swallowed by the electorate on mass, or are the majority really that gullible?[/quote] Sorry to say but I think that 30-40% probably are that gullible. Another 30-40% aren't. It is the middle 20% or so who don't know what to believe that we need to work on.


2/02/2013Ken, I take your point, but I think if it were done in the way you suggest it would be too much for the "Gallery" to digest. parliament resumes on Tuesday and it will be business as usual Carbon tax Thomson and AWU questions! Today will be nothing more than a memory except for "we" political junkies.


2/02/2013Jason [quote]parliament resumes on Tuesday and it will be business as usual Carbon tax Thomson and AWU questions! Today will be nothing more than a memory except for "we" political junkies.[/quote] Unfortunately too true. Back to the mud slinging.


2/02/2013Ken, I have some sympathy with your thinking on the handling of the announcements. Another part of me is saying that is the 'old-fashioned' way and asking does that make it the 'right way'? There may appear to be madness in the method at the moment but it seems to be turning into the PM is showing up to be sane and sensible amongst all the madness. In today's 'presser' the PM gave a sense of calm control, comfortable with her authority and using it wisely. There are some subtle shifts that will bear fruit if continued. Now Labor has to work on the 2IC who unfortunately has a face that would suit radio and a demeanour that doesn't inspire confidence in quite a few.

Ad astra

2/02/2013James Adelaide Welcome back to [i]The Political Sword[/i]. Your comments are welcome. I have a piece coming up that asks why the Coalition lives in an imaginary world.


2/02/2013Well, I just think that finally Labor has come up with a tactic to deal with the media and Abbott's stunts the media get so excited about. Like James Adelaide, I detect a stirring in the electorate that is causing people to break their silence and express their dismay/anxiety/anger/ at the way Abbott and the media are behaving and taking voters/audience for mugs. We watch the pressers, we hear the questions asked and the answers given. Then we listen in astonishment at the misinterpretation, distortions and rewriting of the content of the speech and the answers to those same questions. What the media and Abbott's mob of mongrels forget/ignore is that the 5th Estate are more than active in providing verbatim reports of pressers, tweeting and retweeting links and videos of those pressers. The message is getting out and the media and Abbott are shown up for the miserable dishonest lot they are. The 5th Estate are winning this battle. And it is thanks to Ad astra and people who run similar blogs and their regular commenters for putting in the time by providing links to point people in the right direction to obtain the information they need to find the truth.

Ad astra

2/02/2013Folks Now that Julia Gillard has made her public announcement about the Evans/Roxon resignations and her Cabinet reshuffle, everyone can see that the resignations have long been planned, that JG has announced them at her convenience, and that those retiring have been lavish in their praise of the PM. Despite the MSM headlines, there is nothing unusual here. The timing is in order, and there is no aggravation, no dissent, no underlying tension, nothing to warrant sensational or sinister headlines. Nor is there any reason to question the PM's judgement, or question the quality of the advice she has been given on this matter. To assert that she has been poorly advised assumes that better advice was available, and that the critic was in possession of it. That requires taking an egotistical approach that might be misplaced. Who can judge better that those with all the information at their disposal, those who know the political environment intimately? Second guessing the best informed and the most experienced is hazardous.

Ad astra

2/02/2013janice As is so often the case, I agree with you. As James Adelaide hints, the punters are waking up. Treating them like mugs, as has been the case for so long, has its limits. The limits have now been reached. No one likes to be regarded as a mug - once realised, the reaction is savage.


2/02/2013Aa, The Voters Legislative Transparency Project, Inc. announced this week they had uncovered documents demonstrating that 17 representatives of seven foreign nations have been secretly involved in creating legislative bills and policies meant to become laws of policy in the U.S. This includes the writing of proposed “model bills,” resolutions sent to Congress and the President in support of key policies they wish the U.S. to adopt. All of this is allegedly being done outside the protocols and provision of the U.S. State Department – and possibly without that Department’s knowledge or approval. Sixteen of these officials are Members of the European Parliament or foreign governments including: the United Kingdom, Poland, Australia, Belgium, Brussels, Punjab, and the Czech Republic. The 17th is the former U.K. Minister of Defense, Liam Fox, who resigned earlier this year following a scandal involving the Atlantic Bridge Charity and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Journalists did not discover this US/UK scandal involved foreign officials holding full membership in ALEC – and helping craft and develop laws for our states and policies at the federal level. These foreign officials all hold seats upon ALEC’s International Relations Task Force (IRTF). The IRTF has been responsible for creating model legislation that has become law in Utah, South Carolina (as reported in August 2012) including the Sound Money Act recently passed in those states. As full members, the foreign representatives have full rights of voting and discussion on ALEC’s proposed legislative bills and resolutions. Member Ayesha Javed, Punjab Provincial Assembly, Pakistan, sponsored a resolution calling for a reduction in the tariff rate for textiles exported to the U.S.. The bill, called “Resolution Calling for the Establishment of Reconstruction Opportunity Zones in Pakistan and the Elimination of US Tariffs on Pakistani Textiles,” was adopted by ALEC’s full membership in August 2010 along with several other important model bills. Besides Former UK Minister Fox and Ayesha Javed, other foreign ALEC members include, MEP Richard Ashworth (UK), MEP Ivo Strejcek (Czech Republic), Senator Cory Bernardi (Australia), MEP Adam Bielan (Poland), MEP Syed Kamall (UK), MEP Chris Heaton-Harris (UK), MEP Roger Helmer, and MEP Richard Ashworth (UK). A VLTP director stated, “Obviously, interference with our legislative processes from foreign government officials is far beyond troubling. The fact that it involves ALEC was not surprising, given their continued involvement in corrupting our laws and lawmakers." “We are awaiting responses from the UK, European Union and the US State Department about activities involving foreign official’s hidden participation in influencing US laws and policies. As soon as those agencies respond, we will update readers on official government responses and positions.” Last month, VLTP filed a formal Whistleblower complaint/claim with the Internal Revenue Service against ALEC, claiming the organization has been secretly funding the travel, lodging and expenses of public officials (including the international members) related to ALEC events without reporting those expenditures as required


2/02/2013Ad @ 8:28 PM, [i]Who can judge better that those with all the information at their disposal, those who know the political environment intimately?[/i] Interesting proposition. Now it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that, for example, gallery journalists may have 'all the information at their disposal' however, many would 'know the political environment intimately'. On the suggested premise it would be unwise for us to second guess gallery journalists as one example yet many of us are prone to do so. What an interesting dilemma - something for me to sleep on.


2/02/2013[b]World Online Whistleblowing Survey [/b] Griffith University and the University of Melbourne are running an international survey about attitudes to whistleblowing. The survey is anonymous and anyone can take part, not just whistleblowers.


3/02/2013This was intended to be double-posted to Miglo of Cafe Whispers in relation to his latest thread but I wasn't logged in can't remember password so b*gger it. (bagger, bigger, beggar, bogger, bugger! ... Unusual.:) Miglo (I said) Comrades of the Fighting 5th don't have to have as many readers or anything like as many, we are much more aware & influential per capita than Joe'n'Josie Lunchbox* in our everyday lives. And we only need to turn 1-2% of waverers our way, if we have not done so already. We will fight for them in the schools and hospitals. We will fight for them on the oil rigs and in the Aboriginal communties. We will fight for them in the factories and the cafes. And we will succeed. We will pool our information by communicating it through the social media, we will help the Government whenever and however we can, we will DEMAND investigation into Ashbygate, and the longer it takes for our demands to be met the stronger will get. Independent Australia's David Donovan, and Mad Wixxy Peter Wicks are doing great investigatory work as you know, and there is so much stink of skulduggery here as cannot be buried nor denied. Criminal stuff, real crooked on a national scale, an attempt at the biggest crime ever in Australia, a mighty crime, of intrigue and espionage - Peter Slipper's diary ! ... conspiracy to commit crimes ... , vexatious attempts to pervert legal process ... and so on! ... all aimed at bringing down the egitimate Government. I wonder under what pressure this whole filthy episode has put most especially Nicola Roxon, not to mention many other Government Members. [Spare a thought for poor Craig Thomson, a man outrageously wronged in my firm belief.] These Abborttians have made much of Nicola's life so unpleasant that, having achieved plain packaging of Tobacco, she has been moved to leave Parliament, having received a lot of hate-laden opposition from Big Tobacco. A loss to the People, thanks (not!) to the Abborttians, but Thanks for real to you Nicola Roxon, may you find the peace and sanity you need for your child/ren and life. Migs I have never doubted that Labor (well the Government including IndependAnts if necessary) would win this coming election. Though I have never made a real bet before in a longish life, I have put (for little me) serious money on Labor, I keep gloating I got SEVENS in August on Sportsbet and tried and tried to get friends to do likewise, one taker grabbed the chance, no-one else, but someone said they got TWENTIES earlier than I, and I turned green, with envy that is. Twenties, well done that person! But Sevens'll do me, now it's around $3, but that's still great odds. Because Yes we will win. Miglo you know I only usually write on Ad astra's blog The Political Sword , and Twitter now thanks to our TweetieBird Lyn @lynlinking- who returns to TPS on Monday, when Ad will also publish a new thread - first for the year. WOO~HOO! It's ON! And I'll repost this what I'm writing now there as well. But I thought after all this time I should write you a decent note to express my respect for your site too. And to say, well our numbers and clout aren't as great as the MSM but we are cleverer and nobler than they, and we are very well-informed compared to what they are used to writing their pap for, and we are very determined. But it will take all our work to make my confident prediction come true, just talk us up and keep on doing what you're doing, you can't do more but it will be enough, [i]have I ever lied to you?[/i] :) Note: If you read the thread I linked to on TPS, it tells you of Ad's new secret weapon, to make it easy to email selected target groups e.g. journos & pollies & unions. I still haven't come to grips with it, Turkey of small brain that I am, I will try anew though when his new thread's up. I know it's powerful, a bit as New Guinea Highlanders in 1943 seeing an aeroplane for the first time know it's powerful, even if not understanding how it works! *I have just found out that the Lunchboxes are now on Twitter.


3/02/2013[b][i]The Sunday Papers[/b] What the front pages are saying[/i] via Front Pages Today - The Pass the Popcorn edition [b]The Sunday Telegraph[/b] - PM v RUDD : The Movie [b]The Sun-Herald[/b] - I was very torn (Roxon) Labor in crisis [b]The Sunday Age[/b] - The long goodbye Timing, PM, is crucial Parents face laptop sting as funds run dry - [b]The Sunday Mail[/b] - SMOKING GUN - EXCLUSIVE: Threat to sue tobacco companies - [b]Ministers leaving puts Julia into spin[/b] Samantha Maiden, Courier Mail/News [i]JULIA Gillard wept as two of her senior ministers quit politics yesterday, insisting the pair was not deserting a sinking ship. But senior Labor sources predicted more resignations would follow before the next election as Ms Gillard hinted the Speaker may choose to delay any resulting by-elections until September 14, the date of the federal election.[/i] [b]TV series of Rudd knifing a real drama for Gillard[/b] Linda Simalis, The Telegraph [i]PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is set to relive one of the most tumultuous episodes of her political career with a major television drama under way on the leadership knifing of Kevin Rudd. The Sunday Telegraph can reveal that work has begun on the series, with author Bob Ellis commissioned to write an initial script. The series, in pre-production at Sydney-based international media and content group Beyond, will map the events leading to the dramatic removal of Mr Rudd on June 24, 2010.[/i] [b]Labor in crisis: Gillard on back foot after ministers quit[/b] Mark Kenny, Jessica Wright National Times [i]THE Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, capped the third day of her election campaign with the resignation of two frontbenchers, leaving her to fend off accusations Labor was spinning out of control. Ms Gillard announced a frontbench shake-up on Saturday after two of her most trusted ministers resigned: the Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, and the leader of the government in the Senate, Chris Evans.[/i] [b]Thomson arrest has put Labor's campaign in handcuffs[/b] Samantha Maiden, The Telegraph [i]IT MAY strike some voters as strange that a bloke last spotted being marched down the street by police ahead of a strip search will be back voting in parliament on Tuesday. In his quieter moments, Craig Thomson probably thinks the whole affair a little odd too. But don't expect the Labor Party to refuse Thomson's vote on the floor of parliament any time soon. Plenty of conspiracy theories have emerged since Thomson was arrested.[/i] [b]Get set for a long and grinding road[/b] Mike Carlton, SMH/NationalTimes [i]The pundits - I suppose that includes me - have been frothing with excitement from the instant the Prime Minister announced she'd send us to the polls on September 14. The clamour was deafening. ''Gillard just sunk [sic] the early election option for Rudd,'' blathered Graham Richardson in The Australian on Thursday. It's sank, Richo, sank. That apart, take your pick of the theories on offer. At one end of the stick, naming the date so early was a mad gift to the Liberal Party planners; at the other, it was a stroke of genius to flush out Tony Abbott's policy confusion.[/i] [b]Coalition to hand ASIO power over refugees[/b] Daniel Flitton, The Age [i]ASIO will have unfettered powers to brand refugees a security risk to Australia under a Coalition government - condemning more than 50 people presently held in detention to a legal black hole. Refugees given a negative assessment by the security agency will lose their only form of appeal to the secret finding, with the Coalition pledging to scrap a review introduced by Labor last October for a retired judge to examine their case. ''I also do not believe that ASIO rulings should be reviewable,'' chief opposition whip Warren Entsch said in a letter responding to a campaign urging the release of refugees held with the adverse assessments. ''The current processes that ASIO go through are already incredibly sensitive and we rely on them absolutely.'' The plan to abandon the review process would enshrine a form of indefinite detention for people judged to be refugees but not permitted release into the community.[/i] [b]First Lady-in-waiting[/b] Samantha Maiden, The Sunday Telegraph [i]MARGIE Abbott's desire to keep her day job as a childcare centre manager was once cited as a reason the family would live at Kirribilli House, rather than The Lodge in Canberra, if Tony Abbott was elected prime minister. Such was her reluctance to grab the limelight as a political spouse at the last poll, Mrs Abbott was confident life could go on as normal. But there's little chance of that if her husband wins the federal election. There's no word yet on whether her 2010 pledge to keep working at the childcare centre still stands. But three years on, she's no longer in the background.[/i]


3/02/2013Maybe I am getting a bit 'sensitive', starting to see things that aren't really there ... The opening sentence of the ASIO article linked to above reads: [i]ASIO [b][u]will[/u][/b] have unfettered powers ... under a Coalition government[/i] Surely it should read: ASIO [i]would[/i] have unfettered powers ... under a Coalition government I just checked, and yes, there are [b]Reds under my bed[/b] ... ... fortunately it is a small 'cellar' of shiraz, merlot and some other fine drops :P


3/02/2013Heres some food for thought for the federal parliament: [b]Post-Obeid Labor sets MP income rule[/b] [i]NSW Labor will try to make a desperately needed break with the Eddie Obeid era through a new set of rules designed to root out politicians ''motivated by personal gain''. The Opposition Leader, John Robertson, will launch on Sunday a six-point manifesto, ''A New Standard'', forcing Labor MPs to reveal their taxable income for the first time. ... Mr Robertson will also foreshadow the creation of an ''inspector of parliamentary standards'', who would be appointed to look into pecuniary interests and would be given the power to fine those who fail to comply with the reforms.[/i] I've banged on about a Parliamentary Integrity Commisioner or similar for quite some time. A long overdue reform

Janet (Jan@ J4gypsy)

3/02/2013 Morning. For all those comments here on the beautiful way the PM presented yesterday at the presser confirming the resignations from parliament of Roxon and Evans, I give you thanks :-). (By the way - the 'press' had been in receipt of a 'press release' on the resignations, well before the presser. No need for the still-continuing 'shock' 'chaos' questions/headlines at all, was/is there.) This warm authentic human being who laughed through tears you couldn't see, but heard, as she sniffed and wiped her nose like a wee child, is just the person we now need to see often, and everywhere, eating up the worst of the media's nonsense and tossing it aside. The first blog reading of some below, from the crusading Margo Kingston, summarises this really well. [b]I can see clearly now: PM[/b] [i]Margo Kingston[/i] The Prime Minister has made a bold, perhaps revolutionary decision that has already flummoxed the MSM and will be fascinating to watch play out this election year. She’s detached herself from the 24 hour news cycle. That’s why she looks grounded. Settled. Real. Her stridency has gone. She can even shed a tear in public, as she did today at her farewell press conference to two minister friends. [b]The media should not be the message[/b] [i]The Conscience Vote [/i] Today Attorney-General Nicola Roxon and Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans announced their resignations from the Ministry and the Parliament. Evans will stay on until a replacement can be found for him, and Roxon will step down at the next election.... Cue the wild speculation. Cue the hyperbole. Cue a mainstream media frenzy, hurriedly written scream-sheet stories, and any number of pundits dragged from their Saturday brunches to give us their ‘expert’ analysis. This is probably my favourite headline: [i]Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s Campaign In Disarray As Chris Evans Resigns And Robert McLelland May Vacate His Seat[/i] . Really, all it needs are four or five exclamation marks. [b]Lemons[/b] [i]Otiose94[/i] Fact. Despite everything the Liberals tried to bring down the legitimate Government earlier than usual, Abbott FAILED. The next Federal Election will be held as normal on 14 September 2013. Fact. The following list, while not complete, is an attempt to provide voters with the TRUTH. Where available video has been linked and published quotes have been used. Elsewhere, links to published articles are used. These are they:- Abbott will CUT TAX FREE threshold FROM $18,200 to $6000 ** Abbott NOT to Support low income super rebate ** Abbott will CUT Tax breaks for Small Business ** [etc.] [b]Liberals Ashby wall of silence cracks…[/b] [i]Margo Kingston[/i] CHRISTOPHER PYNE: Well, all of those matters are contested, of course, Emma. Mal Brough contests them, James Ashby has appealed against Justice Rares’ decision. All of those matters will need to be aired in the court, in the same way that Craig Thomson matter’s need to be aired in court. And if he is found to be innocent, well, good luck to Craig Thomson. He has the presumption of innocence. This argument is about the Prime Minister’s judgment in standing by a person who… [i](Brough has not contested them – he has said nothing and refused to take questions since the judgement. There is no appeal – Ashby has asked the Federal Court to let him appeal and they haven’t decided whether they’ll let him. The judgement stands – Pyne now claiming that on Ashby no-one can comment until the appeal process is exhausted but on Thomson everyone can go for it before his trial. Quickly changes the subject.)[/i] [b]Andrew Bolt trends towards dodgy graphs[/b] [i]GrogsGamut[/i] I don’t normally blog about Andrew Bolt, because really, what’s the point? The bloke struggles with basic levels of research (a fact I have encountered personally) and hell, his stuff is pretty much pure opinion (or the opinions given to him by his readers), so there’s not much point saying I disagree with him because, well everyone is entitled to their opinions. But today he decided to try his hand with some graphs. [b]Anthony John Abbott – Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing[/b] [i]Whitwords[/i] Tony Abbott is not a Liberal. Malcolm Fraser knows it, Malcolm Turnbull knows it, in his heart of hearts, Joe Hockey knows it. Indeed, any member of today’s Liberal Party who is a student of the once great party, founded by Sir Robert Menzies, knows it. It’s the greater Australian public who think Abbott is the alpha Liberal. [b]Election year narrative shaped by the common good[/b] [i]FATIMA MEASHAM[/i] But the language and specificity of the policy detail must bear scrutiny. Are these details concrete and reviewable in the first place? Do they match complex realities? Are they consistent with the advice of non-partisan experts? Do they lend themselves to a coherent national vision? Most of all, does the policy serve the common good? This question ought to frame the narrative for these elections. It deflates the character assassinations, entitlement mongering and prevarication. It invites conversation about what the common good looks like in Australia, where median wealth is high compared to the rest of the world, and inflation and interest rates low. [b]Now is the time[/b] [i]Victoria Rollinson[/i] Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of the party. Is this anything more than a typing exercise? Yes, it has to be. Men and women of Australia, we can and must unite to Keep Abbott Out. Before the election was called yesterday, I read another of those annoying articles, this time by Jack Waterford in the Canberra Times, along ‘the parties are both the same’ line. No, Jack, they are not. [b]Real media revolution gives the people the power[/b] [i]Tim Dunlop[/i] In a recent article, former Sunday Age editor Gay Alcorn wrestled with the idea of how the media might conduct itself during the upcoming federal election. Concerned with criticisms that they did a lousy job in 2010, she wondered if they might be able to improve this time round. The signs are not good. Not only are there fewer journalists available to cover the election this year - thanks to lay-offs at both Fairfax and News Ltd and in television - but just as importantly the industry is still dominated by a mindset and a power structure that resists change. [b]Abbott kicks off: second verse, same as the first[/b] [i]The Conscience Vote[/i] Yesterday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard assured us that – despite announcing the election date seven months early – the campaign had not actually begun. Today, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott fell right into her trap, and came out swinging in full campaign mode. His address to the National Press Club left no doubt that as far as he was concerned, knowing the poll date was a signal to ramp up the rhetoric. Right from the beginning, he spoke as though he was directly addressing the Australian public – that he was listening to ‘you, the Australian people’. Now, while the NPC is televised, it’s primarily a forum for the media to listen to a long speech and get an extended time for questions. Not for Abbott, though. [b]Expert political judgement[/b] [i]Gordon's Thoughts[/i] What we will see a lot of this year are political predictions from the “experts.” The problem is most of them will simply be opinions. There will be no understanding of the nuance or what’s really happening. It will all be “She said, He said” or merely coverage of the surface fanfare and silliness that consumes a lot of political campaigning and reporting. [b]How To Con A Journalist[/b] [i]Paul Begley[/i] Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told the UK Leveson Inquiry that he was reluctant to goad the press barons in government, and there is merit in that caution. However, if there were there nothing to lose in this country, government strategists might ask themselves the question: why not? In some quarters there is an abiding belief that the News Limited press, in particular, would be hard pressed to be more unfair to the Gillard Government than they are now. If that belief became prevalent, the Communications Minister, Senator Conroy, may very well get the green light to set the Finkelstein wheels in motion. And Steve Lewis will have done his bit to make it happen. [b]IS ABBOTT A TRAITOR?[/b] [i]Yosef Albric[/i] What would you call a man who deliberately undermined a countries economy for personal Gain? What would you call a man who deliberately undermines business confidence with a campaign of lies for personal gain? What would you call a man who deliberately undermines the confidence of the population in its Government for personal gain? [b]Hockey admits: We can’t shut down the NBN[/b] [i]DeLimiter[/i] Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey yesterday admitted that the Opposition would find it hard to “shut down” the National Broadband Network project completely if it wins the upcoming Federal Election in September, and would release further details “in the next few weeks” about the Coalition’s plans for the project. [b]Who’s afraid of James Ashby?[/b] [i]Ross Jones[/i] Karen Doane, James Ashby’s colleague and co-conspirator, has signed a statutory declaration alleging she fears at least one person wants to do her personal harm. We know this, because the Federal electoral role shows Ms Doane’s residential address in Queensland’s Wide Bay electorate has been suppressed. [b]Liberals Part 5: Are they hiding a radical agenda?[/b] [i]James Wight[/i] The countdown has begun: 226 days until an Australian federal election in which the Liberals look likely to sweep into office. Yet we still have very little idea what the Liberals would do in government. Leader Tony Abbott contradicts himself from day to day, apparently depending on who he’s speaking to, and even his party’s official policies are not very clearly explained. At this stage, a vote for the Liberals is a blank cheque. In this vacuum of confirmed information, I am forced to resort to informed speculation. You’ll know whether I’m right when the Liberals finally announce their fully detailed policies (which looks like it will be about 5pm on 14 September). [b]From honest John to Abbott the good bloke: selling conservative values to Australia[/b] [i]Geoffrey Robinson[/i] One of the largest political graveyards is that occupied by former opposition leaders such as Mark Latham who promise in their first interviews to come out fighting. They excite their party base but alienate voters looking for pragmatic solutions. Tony Abbott is an exception. But his success has been less a reflection of his own talents than Labor’s own difficulties. [b]150 Gifts for Tony Abbott[/b] [i]Gabrielle Chan[/i] A hung Parliament is like a fishbowl. Every peccadillo magnified, every sin scrutinized. Entrails are examined. Tea leaves divined. When the numbers get close, the loss of even the most humble backbencher can change the game. Since Julia Gillard formed a government with the support of the rural independents and the Greens, the Opposition have been sniffing for any sign of weakness on the government benches. [b]Goodbye fixed election date, hello long campaign[/b] [i]gonzomeetsthepress[/i] A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, according to the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu. Prime Minister Julia Gillard took that single step this week by announcing the general election date 227 days in advance. The journey is aimed at putting pressure on the Opposition to debate issues and policy rather than to engage in slanging matches in Parliament and on the hustings.


3/02/2013Ad @ 8.28PM Don't wish to prolong or protract the argument unncessarily but just to clarify. The PM's advisors may understand the political situation but over the past year or so, have caused me to have some doubts about their media savvy. They obviously know the MSM is negative so the logical approach is to reduce the opportunities for such negativity but they have failed to do that, sometimes even providing opportunities. I agree Gillard, Roxon and Evans handled the press conference really well but that's not what is being reported (except on the 5th). All I am saying is that a different sequence of announcements would have reduced the opportunity for the MSM to take the approach it has. On the positive side,I like the approach of An Onymous Lefty. Unfortunately we will have to wait until much later in the year to see what approach the Government takes. One advantage the Government has is that Abbott has already shown most (if not all) of his hand in terms of the campaign he will fight. The Government still has its ammunition dry and if it can come up with an approach that takes the LNP party machine by surprise that will really put them on the back foot during the campaign. I just hope some the election strategists are working on such campaign approaches.

Granny Anny

3/02/2013There was a brilliant put down on ABC morning radio in WA last week that our friends in the east may not have heard. Craig Thomson's lawyer was being interviewed and he said words to the affect that he had heard that Senator Brandis used to be a lawyer and the best decision he ever made was to stop being one. Cheers


3/02/2013Ken, The media are behaving true to form. Think back and reflect on how many times you have watched a presser (live on TV), listened to the questions and answers, and then become confused and horrified that the reported interpretions from the media are from another planet. The days following that same presser, the picture becomes more and more distorted so that you begin to wonder whether you dreamt what you saw and heard. This is why it is important that the 5th estate don't let go of the reins and strive to get the truth out to people. It will take a little more time before these journalists get it into their thick skulls that their continued existence depends on them writing truth and facts.


3/02/2013TT, I've taken the liberty of posting your excellent thoughts from February 3. 2013 04:28 AM over at the Café. I hope you don't mind... Bacchus

42 long

3/02/2013been happening for a long time in tnis country. No FACTS just OPINION and a coerced opinion at that. It has to come out anti labor. In the past similar "directions/impressions have existed. I have had journo's tell me this to my face. Followed by "There are only 2 types of Journo's in australia. Those who work for rupert murdoch and those who are GOING to". This is not second hand . It's My personal experience, What's changed??? Nothing at all except they are more blatant and obvious. It was always known that the "loss making AUSTRALIAN" was Ruperts BIG GUN. Performing the needs of the owner to exert power and influence that suit his purposes. Why is there NOT a Leveson style enquiry being contemplated? this Corruption has gone on long enough. Why should this caper be able to unseat a government under the guise of " FREE Speech" Yeah Free to the friends of Murdoch. You could never pay the equivalent advertising bill.


3/02/2013Bacchus (and other tablet users), I'm repeating my post from Friday, in case you missed it: [quote]I've found a solution to the problem tablet users have of scrolling to the end of the page to read the latest comment. On the left of the TPS site, there is a list of "recent comments" (below "recent posts"). Click on the [more] for the top comment and you are immediately directed to that comment. No more scrolling![/quote]

Truth Seeker

3/02/2013Hey Swordsters,Now that we are in an election year, there is much written about comparing Abbott and Gillard as PM material. To me it’s about leadership and who can best represent us at home and on the world stage. I have just posted my take on the question of leadership. Cheers :-)

Ad astra

3/02/2013DMW, Ken Once again, janice writes words of wisdom. The point you make DMW about journalists having an intimate knowledge of the political environment is not evidenced by the facts. They were left flat-footed at the time of Kevin Rudd’s removal and at Bob Carr’s appointment. They rely on leaks, tidbits and rumors from politicians, staffers, and public servants, and too often hear only what is reverberating in their own echo chambers. Therefore, I give them little credence; those in the Fifth Estate are often more accurately tuned and better informed. So while it would be arrogant for us to attempt to ‘second guess’ journalists, it is arrogant for them to second-guess those who work at the centre of Government, which of course they do all the time. They express their opinion, which they are entitled to do, but how often do they back their views with facts, precedents, or examples from similar scenarios? Seldom. We are just expected to accept their insider ‘wisdom’. We here at [i]TPS[/i] have often urged the installation of a more proficient media unit, when at times it seemed that it was having difficulty countering the false and often malicious distortion by the MSM of Government initiatives and messages. It now has an experienced and seemingly proficient media director. But to categorize the events of the last few days as ill timed, or ill-considered, requires critics to suggest, and validate from facts and experience, what timing might have been better. Should the resignations, know about for around a year have been announced before the PM’s NPC address? Why? Or last year? Why? Or after parliament resumed? Why? Or nearer the election? Why? Should the PM have announced the election date now? If not, when? The usual time? Where election dates are already known at the time of the last election (as is the case in several states), has that been an impediment? Has the announcement given Tony Abbott a strategic advantage? Hasn’t he been in election mode for two years already? How many more stunts can he fit in between his bike rides, his fire fighting, his heavy haulage driving in flouro gear, his hard hat appearances at sundry factories and construction sites, and between his banana stacking and fish kissing? Give us a break. Abbott will go on doing what he has done for years, and the media will give his stunts the same publicity - they could scarcely give him more unless they invent a new series: ‘Abbott’s Stunts Rule’ Today, on [i]Insiders[/i] we heard from David Marr that in his view what had transpired over the week was perfectly regular and unremarkable; from Gerard Henderson that it was a mistake to announce the election date early; and the always-serious Lenore Taylor questioned Julia Gillard’s judgement, again! They were all opinions, all different, all from ‘insiders’, all based on some experience, but also bias and preference. Is Gerard likely to say the PM had made a good strategic move? No. Is Lenore? Not likely? Is David? Probably. They are predictable. WE are the insiders who know these people well. While we should avoid arrogance ourselves, we are entitled, indeed obliged to challenge their statements, question their judgements, and query the facts underlying them, if indeed there are any, and show them up whenever they come out authoritatively with unsupported assertions and empty media-talk, when their own biases, prejudices and preferences show through in their offerings.


3/02/2013I think it is a corollary of Godwin's Law's_law that the first one to mention Nazis in a discussion loses. [b]Pyne compares Labor to Hitler's Downfall[/b] HeraldSun via AAP [i]COALITION frontbencher Christopher Pyne says the federal government is unravelling like Hitler's government in the movie Downfall. He says the resignations of two senior ministers and Prime Minister Julia Gillard's cabinet reshuffle after she announced a September 14 election shows the government is divided and dysfunctional. "This government is starting to resemble a scene from Downfall," Mr Pyne told reporters in Adelaide, referring to the 2004 film that depicts the final days of Hitler's reign.[/i] Totally a class act is Mr Pyne, he has style, he has ... a real winning way about him.


3/02/2013Thanks for that MWS. I find that if I keep the TPS page open at the last comment, when I come back to the page, it gets refreshed and stays where I was. This, of course, is no good if the tablet gets shut down :) That's where your "Recent Comments" idea will work for me...


3/02/2013I'm wondering if the dislike the MSM have for Julia Gillard is because the PM doesn't cultivate the media (particularly the Press Gallery) as other PMs have? The PG are used to having "insider" status - receiving "exclusives" from the Government, being wined and dined by Ministers and getting advance notice of Government decisions and (very selectively) being told about what has happened in Cabinet (to the benefit of the informer, obviously). This type of behaviour from the PM and Ministers creates obligations on the part of the PG and they reciprocate by giving their "mates" an easy ride in the press. Writing anti-Government columns would result in a journalist being frozen out, limiting their opportunity to get bylines and column inches and possibly harming their career (because somebody else would be getting those "exclusives" instead). Imagine how a journalist would feel about the PM if they were exclusively told in advance about the announcement of the election date in the NPC speech. Such a "scoop" would alter their behaviour towards the PM, firstly due to a desire to get another scoop in the future, and because we are psychologically programmed to want to reciprocate a favour (think of "free steak knives with every purchase"). Instead, the PM treated the PG equally (and fairly) by giving them all the information at the same time. That's how she works, by using press conferences instead of "briefing" a favoured journalist. Tony Abbott was a journalist - he knows how the press works. He also has many friends who are still senior journalists (eg Greg Sheridan). It probably goes against the grain, but the PM needs to cultivate the PG, make them feel important and give them scoops (except for the journalists who are welded onto Abbott).

Janet (jan@j4gypsy)

3/02/2013 David Horton's blog post today on 'fixing' the ABC, especially news, reporting seems apt, especially after Ad's last comment:


3/02/2013MWS, The PM watched Rudd cultivate the press gallery and how the PG got more out of the deal than Rudd or the Labor Party did. It's a matter of lying down with rats, expect to get fleas. We all know the Press gallery do not like being treated equally, nor do they like being advised to stop writing crap.

Tom of Melbourne

I have just posted my take on the question of leadership.[/i]’ To the tune of the perennial favourite “I Like Aeroplane Jelly”


3/02/2013Ad, [i]Imagine how a journalist would feel about the PM if they were exclusively told in advance about the announcement of the election date in the NPC speech.[/i] Not sure how Simon Benson 'feels' but he did get many congratulations for this tweet :- [i]simon benson ‏@simonbenson Julia Gillard expected to announce election date today. Tip is September 14. 12:46 PM - 30 Jan 13[/i] In itself the tweet doesn't prove much except Benson 'announced it' before the PM did. Exceptions/Rules? How intimate a knowledge of the political enviroment do the PM's advisers have. Is it any more or less than any of the more experienced political journalists/commentators? Many of the media advisers who work for the government, and other parties, are, more often than not journalists plying their 'craft' for another part of the machine. Some may be better than current 'working journalists' others are quite possibly worse. The PM's advisers, just like all advisers for all other ministers and shadows etc. are NOT all seeing, all knowing fonts of wisdom. They too are 'hoomen beans' subject to the some foibles and weaknesses of other journalists and we the 'punters'. Ken's view has merit, just as Janice and yours have merit. Which view is correct? Neither and both. With the wisdom and hindsight somewhere around 7:30 PM on Saturday 14th September we will be 'told' with great authority which view better informs the then perceived wisdom.

Ad astra

3/02/2013janice Thanks for the link to David Horton's excellent appraisal of the ABC.


3/02/2013Bacchus Thank you very much for reposting that letter I wrote for Miglo at Cafe Whispers, it actually means quite a lot to me that you did that. I couldn't get in there, I hate and do not comprehend what is supposed to happen if you are challenged on another site for the fact that (e.g.) TalkTurkey (Me) has another site in the name of TalkTurkey (Me!)so I am supposed to remember my password and I don't, so then, ohhh (Kennedyesque *Crow~call*) it's all too hard. But it's nice that you did that. In mitigation, may I say I preferred your previous Gravatar, the bearded half-pissed robust Bacchus with the grapes and the goblet. Your call but my opinion, but I bet most Swordies are with me. But I don't really care about the Gravatar, I care about You. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Showdown begins tomorrow. AUX ARMES MES CAMARADES! For now, we are players too, we've been right far more than the MSM who have arrogated that position to themselves and think it's their sole preserve, well We got News for Them! But we must USE everything at our disposal, realize our power before it's too late. I'm counting on that Comrades. We must begin using Ad's new secret weapon TPS M@IL, which I haven't so far, and in particular use it to help generate a DEMAND that the Government URGENTLY INVESTIGATE the Ashbygate Affair. It is a highly criminal story of intrigue and malfeasance, and we MUST have access to the truth about it all. No prevarication or BS, WE NEED IT NOW before the election. I call on honest MHRs and journalists to INSIST on getting at the truth. Not to do so will amount to cowardice or complicity with the PopishPlot that threatens to engulf our homeland, and plunge it into the everlasting darknessand damnation of rightwing religious fundamentalism. It is no less than this my Comrades. David Donovan and Margo Kingston are among those who are finding chinks in the MSM/LNP armour, and as for you Ad astra you have just shown again how well you are across the issues that matter in the Wide Brown Land. Keep your eyes peeled for gaffes Folks, for humour, lies, hypocrisies, gems. By our intelligence, both meanings, we will help our Government to a triumphant return.


3/02/2013[quote]janice Thanks for the link to David Horton's excellent appraisal of the ABC.[/quote] Twasn't me Ad astra - not that I mind being thanked :)


3/02/2013I have bought a pre-paid mobile broadband device. Its outside on the balcony where it gets the best reception and I feel a bit like my old self. The internet wont be back until Tuesday or Wednesday, it's hard to believe that a weather event could so much widspread damage, but there you go. I think the PM announcing the election was a good move, the media can stop speculating, no wonder they are annoyed they sell most of their news is based on speculation. To actually have something concrete sent them in a spin. Now the latest push by the MSM is her lack of consultation (MSM speak for if she doesn't consult our regular informants how will we get the scoops?) And so they will continue to try to teach her a lesson. Women consult, men are decisive, go outside those prescribed roles you pay the price. A man who consults will be seen as weak and a woman who doesn't consult will be seen as hasty and lacking judgement, even uppity, who does she think she is? the PM or something? With regards to the timing, don't get sucked into that vortex, the PM is damned no matter what she does. As a woman who would ever want to be a Prime Minister in this country? Abbott what did they do to his face in his press conference? He looked like he had whte out on his eyes and lip gloss and way too much makeup. And he justs wants to push this lacking judgement barrow. Eight months of him harping on about it is going to be just like his carbon tax, python, cobra rubbish. I'm already tuned out. I can't be the only one.


3/02/2013Ad It wasn't a matter of when - theoretically it could all have been done at the same time. It is obvious this was pre-planned as the Ministerial reshuffle was ready to go - normally it would take a few days. So if the retirements were known, the reshuffle was ready ... ???? Nothing wrong with any of this except announcing the election first. There may be a reason behind that but, for the life of me, I can't see it!!!


3/02/2013Lady in Red Agree the journos are in a spin because the PM doesn't play their game. As Ad correctly pointed out she has blind-sided them on a number of occasions.

42 long

3/02/2013Why they believe their'opinion' is worthy of serious consideration Beats me. I would be happy to have them point out a good argument or bring some facts into the equation. They must be frightfully conceited is the only conclusion I come to. The parliamentary mob have an incestuous groupthink mentality and some hierarchical seniority competition going. Some think they have the power to change the world. Their opinion is no more valid than Mine. They should be in a position to get more facts, but most times that is not what we are talking about . They just have the power of coverage. Talking about coverage, who would have been more condemned by the media and public opinion more than Craig Thomson? How could this guy get a fair trial? The LieNP have trashed his reputation mercilessly. tried to make him bankrupt. etc. that is the way they do things


3/02/2013I have been so cranky having to listen to the MSM day in and day out for the last week without being able to get some commonsense put into the arguments via the 5th estate. Why do they play a soundbite (ABC) where Abbott or Pyne simply says 'this is a rotten government'! What's that supposed to mean? What kind of a comment is that? It says nothing. I have never heard the PM say the opposition are rotten. If she criticises she backs it up with something, let's see your costing, give us a policy argument....something. The MSM is pathetic.


3/02/2013Ken, [quote]Nothing wrong with any of this except announcing the election first. There may be a reason behind that but, for the life of me, I can't see it!!! [/quote] Can you explain to me why you are questioning the PM's choice of how and when she makes announcements? I ask this because in my book she is the PM, has a mind of her own, a good brain and she listens to and takes advice. As with any decision, there cannot be a guarantee that there won't be bumps in the road but if one never made a decision or went with what every PM has done in the past, it is possible many opportunities would be lost. I think the PM probably does have reasons for the sequences of the steps to her plan and I don't think she has to explain. Anyway if she did try and explain her reasoning, you can bet she'd slammed by all and sundry who think they could have done it better.


3/02/2013Agree Janice I think the media are of the opinion that this is a strategy with some ulteria motive. I believe she did this to stop all the speculation, to stop the inevitable non-stop questioning about when will the PM call the election. This way it simply gets the question off the table. Otherwise everything that she did, or didn't do, would be linked somehow to calling the election date. Policy would get the sidelined.


3/02/2013[quote]...may I say I preferred your previous Gravatar, the bearded half-pissed robust Bacchus with the grapes and the goblet.[/quote] Your wish is my command TT :D

Sir Ian Crisp

3/02/2013I see that the ALP is exhibiting confected outrage again but memories are in short supply in the ALP. The source of the ALP caterwauling is reference to the Nazi party by the mincing poodle. Reaching into the ALP vault we find Mark Dreyfus has already given us the Third Reich redux. [quote][b][i]Shades of Goebbels in 'truth campaign' Opinion March 11, 2011 The Dreyfus Files Mark Dreyfus is the Federal Labor Member for Isaacs [/i][/b][/quote] Then AA weighed in with his suggestion of what he calls the nexus of Goebbels, Abbott and anyone who doesn’t like the bird of paradox. AA reminds us that Goebbels was Hitler’s Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany. Given AA’s frank admission that Goebbels was the Propaganda Minister I can’t help thinking that he may have written a few panygeric articles for bird of paradox here at TPS. [b][i]Abbott and the Goebbels Factor Thursday, 26 July 2012 18:36 by Ad astra This is where the Goebbels Factor comes into play. As Hitler’s Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany, Goebbels built his strategy on this dictum: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” He went onto say: “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State (my bolding).” Abbott, Jones, Hadley and their followers have used this strategy consistently and tellingly since the 2010 election, when Abbott believed he was robbed of his rightful place as Prime Minister of this nation. [/i][/b]

Ad astra

3/02/2013Janet Sorry, it was you who provided the Horton link. Thank you. Thank you too for your links earlier in the day - such interesting and informative reading. DMW Thank you too for your Front Pages and links. We are grateful to you both for the splendid way you have filled in during Lyn's break. Thank you so much.

Ad astra

3/02/2013janice Again, I find myself in full agreement with your comment at 7.57 PM.

Ad astra

3/02/2013Folks I have just now posted [i]Forty-nine questions for Tony Abbott about global warming[/i], the first regular post for 2013. I am now closing comments on this thread.


3/02/2013Read this, with a growing sense of boiling frog dread. From the Watermelon Man

Mark Taylor


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