Where does probing stop and arrogance start?

Is there any observer of politics that objects to journalists probing the assertions, the policies, and the plans of our politicians? NO! Is there anyone who is content to have journalists inertly record what politicians say and report it unquestioningly to their audience? I suspect the answer is also a resounding NO! Yet we know the latter is what happens day after day. We are so often served up a diet of ‘he says, she says’, devoid of fact checking, devoid of challenging probing, devoid of proper analysis, devoid of reasoned opinion – sterile!

Frankly we are sick of it.

When we come across a probing interview we applaud. Who will ever forget Leigh Sales’ interview of Tony Abbott on 7.30 following BHP Billiton’s announcement of its deferment of its Olympic Dam project. If you haven’t seen it, and the transcript, look here. Why was it noteworthy? Because for the first time for months, the Leader of the Opposition was subject to probing questioning that refused to be deflected by glib or devious answers, that came back again and again to Abbott’s insistence that the deferral was due to the carbon and mineral taxes, when it was not. Abbott stumbled and bumbled his way through it, I suspect leaving determined to never again submit to such probing with such poor preparation, with such a flawed story.

How would you rate Sales’ questioning style? Probing, insistent, unwilling to be fobbed off, courageous in confronting Abbott with his looseness with the truth? Yes, all of these. Was it rude? Was it arrogant? I suspect Abbott acolytes would label it so. Judge for yourself. Here it is – video and transcript – play it from beginning to end and ask yourself was she rude or arrogant? In my view she was polite, albeit insistent. Abbott was devious in the extreme. It is a tribute to Sales that she kept her cool in the face of some of the worst obfuscation ever seen in contemporary politics.

Grahame Morris leapt to Abbott’s defence, opining that Leigh could be ‘a real cow’ in such interviews. He earned his comeuppance for that. Almost no one agreed with him.

Now contrast the Sales interview with Sabra Lane’s interview of the Prime Minister on AM on Tuesday about the Government’s response to the Gonski report and recommendations. Lane was abrupt from the beginning:

“The conservative states aren't happy with your plan. They've had an expectation that you would outline where the money's coming from, and New South Wales says you've just been plain antagonistic.” Rude? Perhaps not, but provocative.

To press her point, the next question went: “The premiers, the Liberal premiers, are most unhappy; is that what you want, a dust up with them as part of your campaign roadmap to the next election to distract from the carbon tax?” Rude? Arrogant? She repeats the ‘unhappy’ line which I suppose could be excused as simply repetition, but what about her use of ‘dust up’, which is code for ‘picking a fight’, and what about her assertion that this is “part of your campaign roadmap to the next election to distract from the carbon tax?” Is that presumptuous? In my view it is, and rude to boot.

But Sabra’s rudeness was far from finished. The preamble to her third question was that Queensland couldn’t afford it, and WA said it had a better base rate than Gonski recommended; then came: “Is this a grand plan that is unaffordable and effectively dead on arrival?” That is both unspeakably rude and appallingly arrogant. In thirteen words, Lane condescendingly dismisses the PM’s entire implementation plan for the Gonski recommendations.

The fourth question was more reasonable, focussed as it was on ‘where the money was to come from’: “In short, will you cut more, so-called middle class welfare to pay for it?”
 Julia Gillard sat her back in her box with: “Oh look I'm not going to play silly rule-in, rule-out games, and I well expected them Sabra…”, leading Lane to interrupt lamely: “…types of things your alluding to aren't they?”

Assured by the PM that the full figures would be revealed, Lane retorted: “And the full figures, given that you're hoping an agreement to this will come at COAG (Council of Australian Governments) next year, we won't see all the full figures until the budget in May?” Provocative? Yes. Rude? Possibly, judge from the tone of her voice.

Lane continues: “Still on the economy, retail sales came in much weaker than expected yesterday, and other parts of the economy are very strained. Are you confident about the strength of the economy and your promise to deliver a surplus?” Not in the least satisfied with the PM’s detailed and reassuring answer about the state of the economy, and that she would deliver a surplus, Lane pressed on, determined to assert that the economy was indeed failing and that the surplus was in doubt: “But given that commodity prices have been falling, the degree of difficulty in delivering your budget surplus now is increasing at a comparable rate.” The PM went through it all again, in detail. But was Lane satisfied?

She switched to Afghanistan with a reasonable question, and that was it.

My reaction as I listened to that interview was one of annoyance at the rudeness and arrogance of Lane, her unwillingness to accept the PM’s thoughtful and detailed answers. I thought what a pumped-up journalist she has become, so disrespectful even in the face of cool, calm and reasoned answers. She was out to get the nation’s leader, but failing miserably, showed she was the antagonistic, acerbic and arrogant person we have seen she is. If you doubt the validity of my assessment of Lane’s performance listen to the audio, note her tone of voice, and judge for yourself. She gave the PM plenty of time to answer; her questioning was the problem.

The National Press Club was the venue for the PM’s announcement of her Government’s response to the Gonski report and recommendations. There were several questions there worth reviewing.

Lyndal Curtis, an ABC interviewer on a par with Sabra Lane, living up to her unfortunate reputation, asking this long question: ”If it's going to take six years to fully put in place a system that will in 13 years put Australia into the top five schooling systems while not willing to replicate the methods of the schools that are already in the top five and given by the time COAG reports next year, you will have had the Gonski Report for more than a year, if you are really on a crusade to right a moral wrong for those children at school now, are you taking a little too long to saddle up the horse?” That is an arrogant and rude ending, which is code for ‘Why have you taken so long to process the Gonski report – I demand to know, we all demand to know.’ It’s not seeking more detail, or clarification of a point the PM has made; it is arrogantly saying to the PM: ‘You have taken too long – please explain.’

Michelle Grattan, well known for her antagonism to the PM, asked: “Ms Gillard, you have put a quite short timeframe on the discussions for this scheme and I'm just curious as to why you won't at this point say how much you want the states to bear of this, and when will you be telling the states that fairly vital amount? And secondly, would you envisage that the bulk of the new spending would be loaded to the back end of the six years, the last couple of years or so?”

This is code for ‘You ought to be giving us, the Canberra Press Gallery, the cost implications right now’, even before discussing it with the State Premiers. ‘What’s more, we want to know when you’re going to tell the Premiers. We demand to know, and know now!’

Paul Bongiorno of Ten News, asked a reasonable question with a touch of humour: “You are going to legislate an aspiration by the end of the year and then you have a six-year transition, which of course is two parliamentary terms. Judging on the comments that are coming from the Opposition today, both the Opposition Leader and Opposition spokesman, you don't have bipartisan support for this. Do you have some political strategy that would put an Abbott-proof fence around it? In a sense, aren't we really talking about the never-never here?”

Chris Johnson of the Canberra Times, led with his jaw in the final question with: “You’ve spent $16 billion on the Building the Education Revolution, which while it provided some nice new school halls it hasn’t had a huge impact on student results or raised Australia’s international standing. Now the pressure’s on for this $6 billion plus for Gonski which you want the states and territories to contribute to. Do you feel that the priorities were right, or has there been wastage here?”

He got an answer that hopefully will persuade him to ask a less provocative and arrogant question next time.

Can you believe that, given the opportunity to ask questions about the most important announcement on education for years, a chance to ask questions about the implementation of the most far-ranging report on education for decades, Kieran Gilbert from Sky News thought this was a good occasion to ask a question about boat arrivals, and Phil Coorey from the SMH, a query about Afghanistan. That such experienced journalists could be so far off-track is astonishing.

While still on the Gonski report, look at Lyndal Curtis’ interview of Peter Garratt, Education Minister, and her exhibition of gross impertinence and arrogance. You have to look at it to get an image of Curtis’ face as she presented, or should I say propelled, her verbal missiles at Garratt.

She began by cataloguing the steps in the Gonski process for thirty seconds, then wham: “What have you been doing for the last eight months?”, schoolmarmishly admonishing an errant schoolboy late with his homework. That’s how she started and it didn’t get any better. Garratt had hardly started when she interrupted: “It’s taken you all this time to decide the broad model that Gonski recommended is the right one. Why couldn’t you have begun discussions with them [State Premiers] at the time you released the Gonski report in February?” Note the way she thrusts her face towards him; her body language oozing arrogance and disdain.

She later accused him of intending to introduce only ‘aspirational’ legislation and asked provocatively: “What’s the worth of aspirational legislation?” She went on in this vein, accusing him of “trying to bind future governments”.

Although her hostility diminished towards the end, this was one of the most aggressive, arrogant and rude interviews that I’ve seen Curtis conduct, and that’s saying something!

If you think Leigh Sales interview with Tony Abbott was a once off, take a look at her interview this week with Joe Hockey. I won’t go through it sentence by sentence, but if you play the video or read the transcript, you will see the same courteous, albeit persistent approach she took with Abbott. No rudeness, no arrogance.

Look too at her interview of Barnaby Joyce on 7.30 yesterday. Same technique, persistent but courteous; certainly not arrogant.

Finally, take a look at an interview of Christopher Pyne on the PM’s Gonski announcement by Emma Alberici on Lateline on Monday. Apart from Tony Abbott, is there a more irritating, obfuscatory, motor mouth than Christopher Pyne to interview? Yet Alberici kept her cool, was consistently courteous while pressing Pyne for answers, and showed no signs of arrogance and rudeness.

The point of this piece is that it is possible to be a ‘tough’ interviewer, to ask probing questions, to be persistent, to press for an answer, even to the extent of annoying the interviewee, without being rude or arrogant. Rudeness bespeaks disrespect; arrogance insinuates that the interviewer has knowledge or understanding or intellect or insight or foresight or intuition or judgement superior to the interviewee. Arrogance looks down the nose.

No journalist has the right to treat those elected to high office with disdain, or to be rude or arrogant. Yet the examples given in this piece illustrate how some journalists believe they have this right. Culprits are exposed: Sabra Lane, Lyndal Curtis, Michelle Grattan and the occasional man, guilty of disrespectful, condescending and impolite conduct that is unbecoming and unworthy of senior professional journalists. If their peers can behave with respect, such as Leigh Sales and Emma Alberici, and still conduct the probing interviews we expect from experienced journalists, why can’t Sabra Lane, Lyndal Curtis and Michelle Grattan? You would have to ask them, but one could not be blamed for suspecting partisan bias or simply antipathy.

Probing can easily tip over to arrogance. Good journalists avoid that error.

What do you think?

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6/09/2012Grattan is of the AGE but you would think she was employed by the abc. Gillard could be perfect, beyond criticism( hypothetically) but Grattan would still find a way to end up ungratiously Curtis has no excuse for her behaviour, in thiws situation. It's rude and demeaning It's not a style I like to associate with a media organisation like the ABC should be. It's surprising treatment from a woman to the FIRST woman to be PM of Australia. Curtis's facial expression shows something akin to hate, or resentment, which she seems to reserve for Gillard. Jealousy or something, it's personal. A true professional would not show it. Should be above it.

Ad astra

6/09/201242 long I am of the same opinion. Only Lyndal Curtis can know how she feels, but judging from her body language, 'hate' seems to be just under the surface, erupting when her anger gets to her.

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6/09/201242 long Apropos this piece, I was interested to read what Katherine Murphy had to say in an opinion piece in [i]The Age[/i] on 3 September about the future of journalism: [i]Read all about it: journalism has a future![/i] with a byline: [i]If balance is a pillar of the new media then the truth will still win out.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/read-all-about-it-journalism-has-a-future-20120902-2588i.html#ixzz25M1l5sSP Some of her statements seem to herald a more realistic view of journalism in the years ahead: “[i]My own view is we will make the transition best if we put quality first; and if we know who and what we are, and what value we can add. “Modern journalism should be about providing clarity in the clamour. It should champion facts over what the American comedian Stephen Colbert has brilliantly termed ''truthiness'' (a statement that feels or rings true, regardless of the logic or evidence). “Journalism should be brave, and original; and seek to build a community of interest with readers. “There's been an interesting affirmation of core professional values over the past few days in the United States. I've been fascinated to watch a fact checking offensive unleashed by the US media covering the presidential campaign. “The trigger was an anti-Obama advertisement from the Romney campaign. This particular ad, a core element of the Republicans' negative campaign, reportedly contained factual errors. “This problem was called out. The response from Team Romney was not an apology. It was defiance. Romney pollster Neil Newhouse reportedly declared: ''We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by the fact checkers.'' “Election campaigns are pressure cookers. Perhaps this was nothing more than a bit of backroom bravado. But the statement resonated. It sounded like a pre-emptive declaration of victory for truthiness. That lies and evasions, well crafted, win. And that your sidelines nit-picking loses. “The sheer scale and ubiquity of ''truthiness'' in political discussion is gradually stirring journalism's pot, forcing decisions some outlets probably, in truth, don't want to make. “There is already so much conflict - posturing partisan hackery dressed up as news, brutal culture warfare and the like - that outlets that still cherish the principle of giving readers measured, balanced equivalence don't much fancy picking a club and swinging it lustily with all the other Neanderthals. “But balance can't be balance absent judgment. Sometimes statements are just wrong. Sometimes lies are just lies. Politics can't be allowed to manipulate voters by playing with journalism's best intentions to be fair. “Collectively, over the past few days, the US media have picked up the cudgels. There's been a minor flurry of defiant fact checking, and nit-picking, and calling out; an outburst of ''hang on a minute, Professional Politics, just how dumb and spent and captured do you think we actually are?'' “Perhaps it won't work. Perhaps truthiness will triumph. But at least rumours of our death may in fact be exaggerated.[/i] I can’t divine how she arrived at the conclusion in her last sentence. Can you? Does she mean journalists are about to indulge in [i]“a flurry of defiant fact checking, and nit-picking, and calling out”?[/i] Let’s hope so, but I’m not holding my breath.


6/09/2012Ad Astra. Great re-viewing of the behaviour of the worst of the female interviewers trying to drag down the Labor government. When it comes to going after the PM, I'll toss my 'new' word, gynospite, into the mix as a description for the approach taken by the Grattan, Curtis, and Lane, ilk.

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6/09/2012MIchael Thank you for your kind comment. Your word: [b]'gynospite'[/b] is apt. That's what it seems to be, at least in part.


6/09/2012Ad astra - an interesting article. I think Lyndal came out strong with Garrat, now this could be because she is always looking to put the person on the back foot as a tactic. She then settled a bit. She clearly had a list of questions, you could see her puting her finger on the paper so as not to lose her place. That I think is a mistake and shows her vulnerability. She seems reluctant to let go of her script. And so her interviews end up being a list of questions asked in a what she believes is a tough stance (to give a tough interview is the goal of all journos'...perhaps). Sales and Alberici have their list of questions but they are prepared to forgo the script if the response from the interviewee calls for it. So there is a risk involved. The interview is more relaxed, they appear to be in conversation which always, always, sounds better even when you have hard questions to ask. Conversation always wins over an inquisition. Lyndal is not prepared to lose the list and go for the risk. Nor is Uhlmann, and so their style loses a lot, and their delivery of their questions come accross as opinions, as arrogance as annoying. Language is subtle, it is cultural, it is also generational, and it is subjective. I find Curtis annoying, and I find Uhlmann particularly annoying. Jones is a bit snippy also, however he has his moments when he pulls his head in and does a good job. Alberici did not start out that way, I beleive her first few weeks in the chair she was aggressive, a bit like Lyndal Curtis but something has changed and I am glad to see she has worked on her craft because I like her. That must taken a lot of watching and rewatching yourself and tweaking. I think there is a real dislike bewteen Sabra Lane and the PM and Grattan and the PM. It is puplable.


6/09/2012I've given up on listening to interviews with Sabre Lane, her disrespect is only outdone by her lack of knowledge of the subject matter. In fact most political journalists appear to base their questions on articles in the australian or liberal "fact" sheets. For example had Lyndal Curtis read the Gonski report and based her questions on facts or had she read comments by the Premiers in the morning papers? For a reality check maybe Lyndal, Sabra and Michelle could be interviewed by Leigh to see how they measure up?


6/09/2012Ad I forgot to add that you can hear the PM when she talks to Sabra Lane - she always sounds like she is talking to an errant child. Which would make me as cranky as hell if I were Sabra. When she uses Sabra's name you can hear the patronising little slap on the wrist when she thinks the question is stupid. But the way to improve at being an interviewer is not to blame the interviewee, which is what Lane does and it shows.


6/09/2012Uhlmann should not be allowed to interview pollies as he is married to an ALP member in Canberra. Curtis is married to the very rude Philip Hudson, Coorey is an old Adelaide advertiser hack pretending to be a serious journalist and our press gallery all needs to be kicked out and replaced by less partisan old hacks. But let's look at one media narrative to see how wrong headed and lazy they are. For years they have counted the number of refugees arriving here by sea as if it is a news story rather than a legal right and fact of life not worthy of remark - 104,000 so-called boat people arrived in Yemen last year without daily announcements -but no matter how often they are asked about why they report it as if it is news they have no answers. Then we get to the whining about people smugglers, but no refugees have to be smuggled into Australia because it is a legal right - but the lies Ruddock told and the lazy bogans in the ALP continue have a life of their own. Getting transport to seek asylum is nothing to do with smuggling or trafficking, it is simply getting transport when death is the alternative. Now Roxon has decided that the Indonesian crews won't be charged with big bad crimes but will mostly be allowed to go home while the passengers will be sent into exile. Meanwhile a report in May shows that Pakistan is kicking out 3 million Afghans, Bowen was at the meetings and his only response was to let 100 Afghans drown, bring on a bogus expert committee to ask permission to throw the law in the bin in an effort to disuade Afghans from coming here. Meanwhile today another report shows that in the parts of Afghanistan where the Brits and Aussies are based nearly 30% of kids are starving. But instead of linking the bits and suggesting to the moron Gillard that maybe we should stop wasting billions persecuting Afghans we should fucking well feed them we get the babble and prattle about hero diggers being murdered. In a frigging war zone while they were playing poker, but it is not murder when they gun down a 70 year old imam who had nothing to do with anything, it is not murder when they gun down babies in their own homes and Houston covers it up, it is not murder when we pay Indonesia to torture refugees or force them home. And even when the media get primary documents proving the government are lying the morons tell me that an entire body of law is my opinion and more people die.

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6/09/2012LadyinRed I enjoyed reading your astute analysis of the Lyndal Curtis style of interviewing. You may have put your finger on her problem. You are right about the antipathy that seems to exist between Curtis and the PM. Julia Gillard can’t be bothered with Lyndal’s style and her silly ‘rule in, rule out’ questions, and let’s her annoyances show. That of course annoys Lyndal, who gets her dander up. All she has to do is show courtesy and not be a smart aleck, and the PM would I’m sure treat her with the same respect. The same antagonism exists between Michelle Grattan and Julia Gillard. sue You may be right – Lyndal may have been working from media reports rather than the Gonski report. That is not great journalism. I too would enjoy seeing Leigh Sales interview her colleagues in the same probing way.

42 long

6/09/2012I'm no expert, but I do study every nuance and expression. Sales thinks on her feet and as such is more on top of her job. I think there is some sort of competition between some of these to "break" the person being interviewed. Political journalism is a sort of incestuous thing, with it's own dynamic pecking order, so the pressure is on. If they realised how the audinece hate rudeness and interruption of the interviewee and their job security depended on it there would be an improvement. Real knowledge of the subject would show as a distinct advantage so how could the younger ones do it well? Political analysis comes with maturity and there has to be an awareness and interest in the topic.


6/09/2012Ad Posted the following at the tail end of the last topic before realising that you had posted another magnum opus which I will read later. In the mean time watch this video of Bill Clinton. No one could repair all the damage: Clinton defends Obama Read more: www.smh.com.au/.../...ds-obama-20120906-25gcy.html There is a video of Bill with this article and some great tweets like these ones: After his speech Clinton tried to drop the mic but a flock of golden doves swooped in and carried it off to a rainbow waterfall. I want a Bill Clinton backpack, a Bill Clinton lunchbox, Bill Clinton toothpaste, Bill Clinton curtains, and a Bill Clinton beach towel.lol I feel like I could do anything right now, so I'm going to try and lift this couch. #thanksbill Casablanca


6/09/2012Ad astra I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. I've just listened to Sabra Lane and watched Lyndal Curtis and I can't detect any underlying disrespect. Yes, the interviewing style is adversarial but so was Leigh Sales' when she opened with a question accusing Abbott of being loose with the truth. I've seen Sales get outright angry with Labor ministers and by virtue of tone of voice, attack them. Unfortunately, her 'successful' interview with Abbott is going to further ingrain the idea that adversarial interviewing techniques give the best results when in fact what served her well in that interview was her ability to think on her feet and being across the subject. Kerry O'Brien at his best was adversarial but relatively polite but what won the day for him was his research, depth of experience and the ability to follow an interview down the path presented by the interviewee. Sabra Lane, for example, seems entirely incapable of doing this. Chris Uhlmann too. They draft their questions, anticipate what the broad answer to it is going to be and draft a follow-up question that might very well show no regard of the actual answer given. Listen to Lane again and it becomes obvious that she is reading every question - at no point does she react to what has just been said. This leads to the impression that she is brushing aside some of the content of a previous answer when in fact it is more likely that her guess of what the answer would be was inaccurate. I think people read far too much into Lyndal Curtis's facial expressions. It is unfortunate for her that quite often her default expression is a down-turned mouth; she even does it sometimes when she is smiling at the end of a sign-off. I would take exception to some of the content of her questions to Peter Garret but not her overall demeanour. These exceptions would be: - being overly fixated on where the money is going to come from without conceding that we are talking about two or three budgets down the track - being unable to get her head around the idea of this Labor government making announcements of policies that will take four or five years to implement when they are 'so obviously going to lose the next election' - constantly reducing everything to political tactics because she is an insider and can see these things - an unwillingness to concede that the negotiation process involves a series of steps (I have no doubt that people like Curtis, if they had been given leaked information about 'secret' negotiations between the federal government and the states would have made much of this with talk of what is 'going on behind closed doors') But it is rigidity that is at the heart of these awful interviews. Curtis, for example, missed an opportunity for an unscripted follow-up question when Garret asserted that lengthy talks had already taken place with the states in order to bring the Gonski response to this point. Earlier in the interview Curtis had expressed the opinion that nothing had been done with the states. In the interests of her viewers, she could have winkled out a bit more detail but she didn't. The overarching problem with all of these interviews is that the interviewer is going into them with preconceived ideas such that they reckon they already know what the answers are going to be and their job is to ferret out the 'truth' (as they understand it). We, and they, would be much better served if they adopted Andrew Denton's technique (borrowed from Michael Parkinson) of conducting a conversation that is gently steered down a path without forever grabbing the handlebars and wrenching the interview back on to a preconceived pathway. A whole lot more homework wouldn't go astray either; both before and after the interview. I should also say that there is plenty of disrespect out there but I don't think these examples by these journalists point to it. Tony Jones is one of the rudest individuals that I have had the misfortune of watching and I no longer do so because he aggravates me too much. Let's not even mention Neil Mitchell, Jon Faine (on his day) and the other Mr Jones.

Ad astra

6/09/2012Casablanca I saw your comment and played the short video of part of the Clinton speech. He is magic. That will lift Obama’s campaign, as did Michelle’s yesterday. The Democrat convention is already overshadowing the Republican’s.


6/09/201242 long Yes I think you are correct. I think they do these interviews with a 'hermeneutics of suspicion' meaning they do the interview not with the premise of clarifying and a wanting to understand, or even better wanting the viewer to understand, but rather to unmask some hidden contradiction, a gotcha moment. And when you approach an interview like that you do not listen. Yes we all like an interview where TAbbott has a gotcha, but if it happens it happens. And, it is more likely to happen if you and the other person are relaxed. Let's face TAbbott has had such a free run of it he always approaches interviews in a relaxed way simply because no-ne has ever asked him anything hard. He got lazy and didn't even bother to prepare.

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6/09/2012NormanK Thank you for your thoughtful comment. As I’ve said before, you ought to be writing original pieces for [i]TPS[/i]. I take your points. Like sue, you question whether Lyndal has prepared sufficiently well, and is therefore following her scripted questions and the answers she anticipates will be forthcoming. That bespeaks inflexibility and limited capacity to think on her feet and adjust her follow-up questions. Regarding rudeness and arrogance, it was her interview with Peter Garratt that seemed to me to epitomize those unfortunate attributes. It was as much her body language, particularly the way she thrust her face towards Garratt and interrupted him, than it was her words that gave me the impression of arrogance and rudeness. I have seen her on ABC 24 quite a lot lately, and do not find all her interviews unpleasant. Her facial expression often gives the impression of disdain – as you say, here mouth is often downturned – but to me that is distinguishable from expressions of overt rudeness and arrogance. I am content to accept her demeanour as I have seen it several times on ABC 24, but to me the interview with Peter Garratt was over the top. Each of us reacts differently; you saw her demeanour differently from me. I agree that Tony Jones can be rude, arrogant and irritating as he interrupts repeatedly and attempts his gotchas. I don’t listen to Neil Mitchell, but some video clips I have seen of him have been both rude and arrogant, on of course ‘the other Mr Jones’ is unspeakably awful.


6/09/2012Ad I think this is a great debate. Allowing for all people to put forward their respective views and how interesting the differences are. I love that, its what makes us interesting, and treating peoples differences with respect makes me smile.

42 long

6/09/2012All that should be "normal".


6/09/2012Lady in Red:- [i] I think this is a great debate. Allowing for all people to put forward their respective views and how interesting the differences are. I love that, its what makes us interesting, and treating peoples differences with respect makes me smile.[/i] I could not agree more, this is why I like this site so much, it is like being at political college. Sitting back, watching & reading all the different debates is so nice to see. I have watched Lyndal Curtis myself for a long time too & I always thought I was being picky, now I see I'm not the only one that sees those little tel tail body language traits.


6/09/2012While Gillard can obviously think on her feet when "threatened" and Abbott can't, what is searching to one political viewpoint is rude and threatening to another. I would imagine an article on Menzies House (or similar) could with some justification claim that Abbott was being bullied because he couldn't get his usual slogans out without any further scruitiny. However it has been nice to see Sales show the audience how well some "leading" ALP & LNP figures handle a little pressure recently. A lot of others could and should watch a reasonably good interviewer at work. On a lot of occasions, just insisting on a direct answer to a direct question would be an improvement. I wonder if Lane, Curtis and Ullmann (who do just read the questions out in my view) have ever thought of just emailing the questions in to the "victim" and staying in bed? People like Sales and O'Brien can apparently also think on their feet (or can "war-game" questions really well) are much better interviewers and I'll agree with NormanK that Andrew Denton can get more out of a conversation that any of them based on the Parkinson technique. It's a real pity Denton doesn't want to appear on TV any more, never really "did" political interviews - and apparently is only doing "Randling" because he was "conned" into it.

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6/09/20122353 You and NormanK are likely right; the good interviewers think on their feet. They are adaptable and know how to seize opportunities and openings. They are not restricted to their pre-conceived questions. Flexibility and adaptability are signs of quality in most endeavours.

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6/09/2012Folks I'm calling it a day. Time to watch 'Rake', and read Grog's book in between programs.


6/09/2012For those who may be interested, Bill Clinton's NDC speech is available. Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv7bFW23poA Transcript http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bill-clinton-dnc-speech-full-transcript-article-1.1153058?localLinksEnabled=false

Tom of Melbourne

6/09/2012The attitude of Ad Astra verges on bizarre. He applauds the strong style of interviewing when it is applied to Abbott and objects when Gillard receives similar treatment. The double standards on display are breathtaking.


6/09/2012Just read the transcript of Clinton's speech. Thanks for the link, NormanK. A brilliant speech, highlighting the stark differences between the Obama administration and the wrecking crew of the GOP and Tea Party loons.


6/09/2012Hope you enjoyed Rake, AA. I just got sick of the promos! Just spent a happy half hour commenting over at PB about the 'real' Julia whom I met last night in Kwinana at the Community Cabinet. Astonishingly fresh after a solid day’s Prime Ministerial work with Barnett on Gonski she stood up for well over the allotted hour, managed the audience of hundreds in the hall and fielded questions from the floor to herself and her Ministers, all seated alongside her by the way. Suffering the odd fool gladly with great patience she answered everything that was thrown at her or referred some to her ministers where appropriate. There were some answers that were not popular e.g. re asylum seekers, or FIFO work permits for mining companies but there was no doublespeak or efforts to placate. Still unable to drive myself I had been given a lift from Freo by an ALP insider on condition I stayed on afterwards for the special invite for drinks with the PM. First time I’ve blessed that woman who knocked me down! WOW! I talked at length about the great things they’ve achieved to Nicola Roxon, Tanya Plibersek and Kate Ellis. All were really happy to hear how popular the PM is out here in the big wide world and promised to pass on those sentiments to her from me, with all of them having something to say themselves about how sensational she is to work with! A staffer standing with us then suggested I should tell the PM myself how I felt! Which I was able to do! I had been reluctant to intrude on her time since she was being extraordinarily generous with the scores of people lining up to get autographs or photos with her. But I couldn’t l knock back the offer of a personal introduction, could I? Imagine being hugged by the PM herself! I found myself willingly hugging her back! What’s all this nonsense about her being cold and wooden? By the way, she doesn’t hog the limelight and went to extraordinary lengths to draw in her team, give them credit and encourage general mingling before she exited at a very late EST hour. Which is how I came to spend quite a while talking to Chris Bowen who seemed something of a social recluse, but was interesting to listen to as he responded to more than one person joining us and commiserating with him about the lousy job he’d landed. Someone has to do it, he said. “We are all volunteers, after all.” And there are rewards with many of his clients. And yes, there are some who bring out the cynic in one. Nauru is almost ready to go by the way, but PNG is a bit slower and neither of them are just refurbishments of the old detention centres. The plan is for them to be quite different. All of SHY’s worst expectations won’t be realized. Altogether a very cheering and uplifting experience. Hardly a mention of the Opposition, even when the LOTO came up by name – the almost uniform response was a raised eyebrow, wrinkling of the nose or just a grimace and then the subject was changed. As if they just don’t want their personal space polluted with all of TA’s toxic negativity.

42 long

6/09/2012what a lovely personal reiteration of something real. patriciawa. It's nice people verses something else realy bad. thanks for the insight.


7/09/2012Patricia, what a wonderful evening and wonderful memories you will have. We're lucky to live in a country where we can approach our politicians, even the PM and be hugged by her. And all without the ghastly spectre of Liealot hanging over it.


7/09/2012Interesting that you mentioned Rake, Patricia. It was quite topical; he was caught having sex with the Premier in the back seat of her limo, causing a huge scandal involving text messages, stolen phones, questions in the House and all manner of political skullduggery.


7/09/2012PatriciaWA Aren't you the lucky one! I saw what I assumed was a live telecast of the Community Cabinet which I came across when channel surfing. If I had known that you were there I would have waved to you from my lounge room!! You could have spoken with Chris Bowen about Mahler. I saw recently that he noted in the Member's Gift register that Paul Keating had given him a ticket to a Mahler concert. Bowen must have a hard time of it at these community functions. Did you see the Australian Story about Nicola Roxon last week? Worth watching on iView if you missed it. I often have to opportunity for a brief chat with Craig Emerson at my local Coles Supermarket. I always reiterate that the PM commands more respect than the MSM would have us believe. I hope that you told the PM's minders where to find your pomes. Like you I was completely turned off Rake by the promos.


7/09/2012 Interesting piece Ad. It seems to me that some of these interviewers need to get off their butts and see the superb investment this government has made in its once ailing school system...in combination with those previous ALP govts, they have built the foundations for a brighter future...not just school halls valued for their diverse use...but injections of funds for upgrades and establishment of school libraries, computer rooms, science labs, school gardens, language labs...and by rolling out computers to schools and staff they are now CONNECTED...not just PATIENTLY WAITING as many would have to in the Howard era, waiting to get access to overbooked computers. Add a national curriculum...and now far more opportunities to access student and school info/test results by parents/guardians...a greater focus on maths & science...improved use of technology... the foundations have been created for a more innovative, future looking, imaginative, diversely skilled youth and future workforce/participators... add trade training centres...and industry partnerships...and excursions...and work experience... and you get a pretty good idea of where this federal govt is heading... preparing students for a complex, vibrant, new global jobs future...rooted in the strengths of our past but branching out to certain and possible futures...flexible...problem solvers...creative...adaptable...innovative...tech savvy. This government should not be underestimated. They deserve RESPECT. N'


7/09/2012 Kudos to Peter Garrett for his passion and determination. Stuff the naysayers. They have always existed... eventually their accusatory and ignorant words and fear-mongering and spin are swept away like old leaves...as the tree grows ever stronger...branches out...fills out...reaches for the sky...of a new day...robust...determined...nourishing...splendid in all its spring glory. N'


7/09/2012 Reminder of my Facebook page if yer interested...where I put up links, comments etc...for now: http://www.facebook.com/nick.king.1232760?ref=tn_tnmn N'


7/09/2012TODAY’S LINKS Silent George and the death of a story, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless The reason why the mainstream media has lost its role at the centre of Australian public discussion is because it can't even participate in such debates, let alone lead them or be the forum in which public debate takes place http://andrewelder.blogspot.com.au/ Where do internet trolls find their role models, Tim Dunlop, The Drum Who is doing more damage to our public discourse? Is it the random amateur who exceeds the bounds of all decency by attacking someone on social media, or the professional paid a handsome salary to insert pins and needles into the soft spots of our collective prejudices and fears? http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/4244936.html The Political Persecution of Australia’s First Female Prime Minister, Anne Summers AO Ph.D, The Looking Glass This page contains the unexpurgated R-rated version of my speech. Be aware it contains confronting images and language. If you are easily offended, you may prefer to read a Vanilla version from which the images and video links have been removed. http://annesummers.com.au/speeches/her-rights-at-work-r-rated/ FRIENDLY FIRE: Abbott’s failure to shoot feral Barnaby creates opportunity for Turnbull, Vex News But that doesn’t excuse his failure to exercise leadership and give Barnaby the public slap he deserved for defying their internal process for devising policy and a co-ordinated response to events within the framework of shadow ministerial allocations.In truth, he probably should have warned Barnaby and then sacked him if he persisted. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/09/friendly-fire-abbotts-failure-to-shoot-feral-barnaby-creates-opportunity-for-turnbull/September Don't Cry Over Contracts For Closure, Ben Eltham, New Matilda Given that the price of carbon is lower than expected, and given that Australian electricity demand is falling, most of the arguments made by the brown coal generators look overblown. Making the coal plants pay the full price of their carbon permits would make for a healthier carbon market, a better emissions trading scheme, and a healthier federal budget. http://newmatilda.com/2012/09/06/dont-cry-over-contracts-closure 2012 Editor's Note, The Monthly in light of TheAustralian’s voluble assault last month on Julia Gillard’s short-lived, long-ago career as a labour rights lawyer. The editor was one and the same, Chris Mitchell. His modus operandi can be summed up like this: 1) pick a target, 2) identify a rumour as a smoking gun and 3) go in with a thousand air rifles, and spray everything. You just might strike that Order of Lenin medal. http://www.themonthly.com.au/blog-september-2012-editors-note-monthly-wire-6236 Comment: Gillard and her Attackers, Christine Wallace, The Monthly Labor in power, a substantial legacy will yet be left. It is even possible that Gillard will grow sufficiently in the job to survive, and that a Tony Abbott prime ministership isn’t inevitable after all. Still, it’s one hell of a hyena pack. http://www.themonthly.com.au/comment-gillard-and-her-attackers-christine-wallace-6168 Gina Rinehart and the ascent of madness, Independent Australia Things are just as bad here in Australia, with an Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, who is destructively opposed to everything and is doing all in his power to bring down the Government before its term. It seems his argument is that the best thing for the country is to get rid of a “bad Government” ― but is unconcerned about the chaos and damage he causes in the meantime. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/gina-rinehart-and-a-world-gone-mad/ Don’t let the professionals do this job, Shouting at the Void Today, ‘news’ is a commodity with low to non-existent margins. It’s right there on Twitter, or ABC24, which can deliver events unedited and in real time. The value is in explanation, detail, analysis and, yes, opinion. Right now, the best of that is free, it’s online and, yes, it’s amateur. The sooner the ‘professionals’ realise that, the better off we’ll all be http://shoutingatthevoid.wordpress.com/2012/09/06/dont-let-the-professionals-do-this-job/ Backdown: Turnbull accepts NBN budget accounting, Renai LeMay, Delimeter It is heartening to see Turnbull finally acknowledge this point in public. We can only hope that other senior Liberal politicians pay attention and take the same approach. The NBN funding is not an expense, it is an investment. It is immensely gratifying to see Turnbull acknowledge this objective fact, http://delimiter.com.au/2012/09/06/backdown-turnbull-accepts-nbn-budget-accounting/ Turnbull's reply to our NBN questions, Malcolm Turnbull, Technology Spectator A dollar saved on the NBN Co build is a dollar less for the Commonwealth to borrow and service with interest. Under the accounting rules the expenditure on the NBN does not count towards the budget outcome – so much deficit or surplus – but it is cash – real money – nonetheless and it does add to the debt burden of Australians. http://technologyspectator.com.au/turnbulls-reply-our-nbn-questions?utm_source=Technology+Spectator+List&utm_ Telling the RBA like it is, David Collyer, OnLine Opinion Meanwhile, the sweeping tax reforms proposed by Ken Henry can proceed, crisis or not. His blueprint would cut major deadweight costs, restore government finances and restore incentive destroyed by the rentier counter-revolution of the last forty years that delivered to wealth in spades http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=14081 Rundle on Bolt: rewriting history on Cubbie, Guy Rundle, Crikey Oh dear, it is always fun when the Right start to quote books. In this case it’s Andrew Bolt, responding to Barnaby Joyce’s economic nationalism, and his plan to have the gummint buy up, and redistribute, Cubbie Station. Headed “Lenin tried Barnaby’s plan too”, Bolt quotes Vlad form his 1907 “agrarian programme”: http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/09/06/rundle-on-bolt-rewriting-history-on-cubby/ Hate mail and cyber trolls: the view from inside public health , Simon Chapman, The Conversation Within the blogosphere is a sewer of frothing, often anonymous, swill. The comments are today’s equivalent of the threatening call from a phone booth. A dozen or so blogs I check on occasionally – with the compulsion we have to look at car crashes – are echo chambers for the same small group of serial hate mongers. http://theconversation.edu.au/hate-mail-and-cyber-trolls-the-view-from-inside-public-health-9329 Kim Williams outlines structure for 'super' newsroom, Duncan Craig, Ad News “We have developed a 25 point editorial philosophy called 'Rejuvenation' which is applied to the stories we generate,” Williams said. “It includes simple ideas such as 'use our web and social media comments as story breakouts or follow-ups' and a direction to cover crime 'with a strong focus on prevention.” http://www.adnews.com.au/adnews/kim-williams-outlines-structure-for-super-newsroom Malcolm Turnbull’s Speech On Republican Virtues: Truth, Leadership & Responsibility Turnbull is critical of Question Time in parliament. He says of the Opposition’s approach: “For the last two years the questions from the Opposition have been almost entirely focussed on people smuggling and the carbon tax. Are they really the only important issues facing Australia? A regular viewer of Question Time would be excused for thinking http://australianpolitics.com/2012/09/05/turnbull-speech-republican-virtues.html Life after journalism: as Fairfax sheds 1,900 staff, one editor reflects on the end of an era, The joulnalism Foundation Many of us will have to do some corporate or government communications work, or something else altogether (wine bar, anyone?), but if that means governments or companies do a better job of talking to their citizens and customers, all the better. http://www.thejournalismfoundation.com/2012/09/life-after-journalism-as-fairfax-sheds-1900-staff-one-editor-reflects-on-the-end-of-an-era/ Today’s front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 7 September 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

Ad astra reply

7/09/2012Patriciawa What a wonderful experience you had last night. What you describe about how Julia Gillard handled the Perth Community Meeting sounds just like the way she managed the questions at that marathon press conference about the Slater & Gordon matter. She is an accomplished professional politician whom we are proud to have as our leader, and a warm engaging person when mingling at close quarters. Your experience puts the lie to the negative press she gets from a largely malevolent MSM. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It was exciting to read it.


7/09/2012Good morning all. I've been doing the emu(ostrich) trick of putting my head in the sand so as to avoid watching/listening to the tripe pedalled by msm so-called reporters. My BP has benefited enormously. Still, have to give kudos to you, Ad astra, for yet another superb article. I think the main problem with the likes of Lyndal Curtis and a few 'lesser' jouralists is lack of training. They interview politicians like they do entertainment stars where it matters not what questions are asked. IMO Curtis has improved markedly since I first saw her (and I have learned to forgive her facial expressions which is one of those little afflictions most of us have to endure), but she has yet to do the work to understand the issues/policies, and therefore her interviews will never reach the standard of Red Kerry. And that goes for the majority of political reporters at this time. Perhaps the problem lies in the current inclination of the media to deal with politics with journos interviewing journos and feeding off each others opinions. PatriciaWA, Aint she just so nice? Your description of your experience in meeting and talking with our PM is akin to mine but I didn't have the luck to mingle and talk with cabinet ministers.

Ad astra

7/09/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


7/09/2012Patricia - sounds like you had a wonderful night. Cherish the memory. I see Grattan & Coorey have some lazy articles in Fairfax this morning claiming that Rudd is now attempting to topple Newman because he'll never get a chance at Abbott. The reality is that Rudd is probably reflecting the angst and pain that he is hearing from people who live in his electorate - and as he has a media profile, he is using it to his advantage. Gratten and Coorey don't live in Queensland - thefore they need to do the research or shut up.


7/09/2012Hey 2353, I have a son who lives in Queensland - can I make an [i]... informed sources tell me Queensland is stuffed [/i] type comment. Just asking stoopid question :P


7/09/2012PatriciaWA WOW and again WOW how wonderful to meet the PM and thanks for letting her know of all the support out here. I am not surprised that you say her ministers were happy to tell how sensational she is to work with.


7/09/2012DMW - I've got no problem with anyone making a [i]Queensland is stuffed with the current stae government[/i] comment. I do have a problem with Rudd stating the bleeding obvious (and lets face it, he has some relevent experience here) and is automatically making a tilt at federal leadership again. Rudd had a go at Newman a week of so ago at the opening of a facility in his electorate with an LNP Minister in the audience. Why wasn't there a suggestion he is making another run at Leadership? Probably because it hit the Courier Mail on a Saturday. Yesterday Rudd was at a Union Rally in the Queen Street Mall in Brisvegas. He was probably invited because of his media profile - a clever move on behalf of the union (considering the Public Service Union has done some really dumb things here in the past 12 months - including saying that Newman would not be a threat). It is intellectually lazy reporting to suggest that just because Rudd spoke in front of a microphone this week at an event that got coverage outside Queensland - he's mounting another leadership challenge.


7/09/2012Good Morning Ad & Everybody Twitterverse:- George Bludger‏ Another train wreck interview by TonyAbbottMHR -Lisa_Wilkinson's interview this morning: http://video.au.msn.com/?mkt=en-au&vid=6b72fe7a-4164-45bb-8875-9339bff9f13d&f #today9 Bushfire Bill Posted Friday, September 7, 2012 at 8:26 am Coorey persists with his “exclusive”. It’s only exclusive because hardly anyone else gives it any credibility, except the perps themselves and a few long-odds punters taking out novelty bets on the off chance the favourite will fall over and their nag will be so far behind that he can avoid the pile-up at the finish line. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/09/03/newspoll-54-46-to-coalition-8/all-comments/#comment-1400918 Bushfire Bill Posted Friday, September 7, 2012 at 8:45 am The contrast between Clinton’s speech and the pathetic sham that our own political debate has become, forced upon politicians by a media that openly professes to be bored, cynical and short of copy was palpable http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/09/03/newspoll-54-46-to-coalition-8/all-comments/#comment-1400931 Abbott must cotton on – and quickly, Laura Tingle At a doorstop on Monday, Abbott was forced to ask himself a question about the carbon tax when there were none forthcoming from the assembled journalists. Foreign investment has been an ongoing issue of discomfort for the Coalition ever since Abbott’s clunky speech in China in July. However ham-fisted Labor’s attempts to deal with some issues, it has taken the wind out of the sails of the Coalition’s attack, whether it be asylum seekers or the buyback of dirty power stations. http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/abbott_must_cotton_on_and_quickly_yzjrwgKpTCXPpHD1FsrQzJ Rudd's attack on Newman sparks fresh comeback talk, Phillip Coorey With five full sitting weeks left between now and Christmas, Mr Rudd is starting to rebuild his profile, and taking on Mr Newman in his all-important home state of Queensland gives him a tactical advantage http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/rudds-attack-on-newman-sparks-fresh-comeback-talk-20120906-25hcu.html#ixzz25jQWcVPm Queensland's Peter Costello 'audit' trashed by experts Prof Quiggin said, as well as shifting the accounting goalposts, the Costello audit actually relies for a large part on the Newman Government's own estimates which it attacks as being optimistic. He and Prof Walker contend the Costello view of revenue outcomes is based on a never-ending financial crisis rather than a gradual recovery as the Queensland Treasury projects. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/queenslands-peter-costello-audit-trashed-by-experts/story-fndo1yus-1226466757844 Stephen Koukoulas‏ My Business Spectator article this morning: The ECB delivers on "whatever it takes" http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Euro-ECB-bond-buying-OMT-pd20120907-XVT29?OpenDocument&emcontent_spectators @businessspec The musings of Malcolm, Michelle Grattan Turnbull probes the anatomy of a political lie. ''A lie is a false statement known to be false by the person who utters it,'' he says. ''A change of policy is not a lie. If a politician says the best policy to promote innovation is ABC, and then comes to the view that it is in fact XYZ and says so, he is not telling a lie, he is changing his mind - unless of course he never believed ABC was the best policy in the first place does this leave Gillard for her notorious pre-election ''there will be no carbon tax'' promise? Off the hook? Not on Turnbull's argument, because she is guilty of a ''breach of contract'' http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/the-musings-of-malcolm-20120906-25h6h.html#ixzz25jM4Wlsy AshGhebranious‏ Cancer screening workers protest health policy | The Courier-Mail http://bit.ly/TsEosN smh.com.au‏ National News: Qld Health workers to learn scale of cuts http://bit.ly/Rqcskw #australia


7/09/2012Thanks for a thought provoking article. As usual! it occurs to me that journalists like Curtis, Grattan and Lane are never happy. These people asking why the government is planning so far out into the future are the same ones that criticise the same government for not articulating a vision for Australia. It appears they can never be satisfied.


7/09/2012"lazy" definitely sums up both Coorey and Grattan's articles this morning. Mischievous with damp gunpowder in regards to the former, damp panties schoolgirl crush on a hollow hero in the latter. Good God Almighty, with all the 'talent' that dived off the sinking ship Fairfax, how did these two get to stay on board?!

Ad astra

7/09/2012Hi Lyn What a delicious collection you have given us this morning! I'm still working through your Daily Links and have taken a glimpse at the Lisa Wilkinson interview, where the same old Abbott slogans were trotted out. He bristled at what he saw as her hogging the airtime. He obviously wants the airtime for himself to recite his slogans without interruption, without challenge, without awkward questions. Lisa has got her teeth into him because of his deviousness, and won't let go unless she is curbed from on high. Let's not discount that possibility. Notice though how she has sown the seed: "Will Abbott be LOTO come the election?" That will germinate if the MSM doesn't kill it with pesticide.


7/09/2012From the Courier Mail story linked to above. Looks like Sloppy Joe Hockey learnt his definition of 'audit' (see 2010 Federal election 'costings') at the feet of Master Shyster Peter Costello. There's no end to Coalition BS-tery and loose in the ground they 'stand firm on' goalposts shifting. As it was under Johnny, so will it ever be. "TWO separate reviews of the audit of Queensland state finances led by former federal treasurer Peter Costello have concluded the report was neither independent nor an 'audit' as such. An examination of the Costello document by University of Sydney's Professor Bob Walker argues that it simply follows a very familiar and politicised theme: "The incoming government had inherited a financial crisis. The financial cupboard was bare. There was a high level of debt. There was a need to cut a range of programs and reduce the size of the public sector." The Walker analysis, funded by the Queensland Council of Unions, is backed up by University of Queensland economist John Quiggin, who will today publish his own independent critique of the document. Both analyses conclude that the Costello report focuses almost exclusively on the liabilities side of the Queensland balance sheet while understating assets, at the same time as shifting the goalposts when it comes to accounting standards to inflate the size of the problem. Professor Walker's report to be handed down by QCU president John Battams this morning says "for the purpose of presenting alarming figures about debt", the audit report disregards the $28 billion in assets held by Queensland Treasury Corporation. Both Prof Walker and Prof Quiggin also try to debunk some of the claims made about the rise of employee expenditure. As Prof Walker notes: "In fact employee expenses have remained fairly stable over an 11-year period if expressed as a percentage of total expenses in the range of 34 to 38 per cent, peaking at 38 per cent in 2005-06 and falling to 35 per cent in 2010-11." The Walker document also challenges estimates of debt and infrastructure spending, stressing that borrowings have been used for hard assets, not for operating expenses. Prof Quiggin said, as well as shifting the accounting goalposts, the Costello audit actually relies for a large part on the Newman Government's own estimates which it attacks as being optimistic. He and Prof Walker contend the Costello view of revenue outcomes is based on a never-ending financial crisis rather than a gradual recovery as the Queensland Treasury projects."

Tom of Melbourne

7/09/2012Gillard is the least impressive leader I’ve come across. Rudd was a far more impressive person in discussion. personable too. Howard was articulate. As a matter of interest Brendan Nelson seemed particularly intelligent and articulate. Gillard is dull by comparison, she puts on the Australian “stryne” when she is lecturing/shouting. It isn’t as painful in discussion.

Ad astra

7/09/2012Hi Lyn I’ve enjoyed reading your Twitterverse. BB as usual is on the Money. What a pathetic article by Phil Coorey – he’s capable of better than that. The notion of a Rudd comeback that he peddles is built of the flimsiest of tidbits from his ‘sources’. It’s interesting to contrast how Michelle Grattan and Laura Tingle orient similar stories. Grattan outlines Malcolm Turnbull’s speech but nowhere does she suggest this is a problem for Tony Abbott except that it might be seen as ‘a poke in the eye’ for him; whereas Tingle sees the Turnbull speech and the Cubby Station matter as significant issues for Abbott. I see the troubles for Newman continue, and the Costello ‘audit’ was shonky. Perhaps the Coalition will ask him to audit its costings for the 2013 election. He might be able to do a cover up better than HK Howarth did last time.

42 long

7/09/2012So the Costello "audit" says what the customer ( Newman ) wanted. Where's the surprise in that? That document gives them the right to go to the excesses of sackings and adjustments, which apart from ruining the lives of quite a few people and making them sell houses and cars etc, will probably cause a recession in QLD, and a bank of unemployed, and even affect the federal tax intake and the fed budget bottom line. Is that the PLAN? Convince me it is not... Can some of this stuff just be a bit close to breaking "some" law?

Pappinbarra Fox

7/09/2012Costello would use the same definition that Joe Hockey made infamous where yous gets what yous pays for. I must say (having never voted Labour since 1977) that I am getting worried about the paucity of talent in the Opposition and there's a real growing fear in my innards as to what will happen to this country if that lightweight mob get their hands on the tiller of the ship of state. Even if they wanted to return the ship to the JW Howard safe port they just lack the ability to do so and are going to cause economic and social chaos in the process.

Ad astra

7/09/2012Nasking Thank you for your comment. I agree that journalists need to be versed in the facts, and focussed on achievements rather than continually looking for the negatives, which now seems to be the [i]modus operandi[/i] for most of the media, focussed as it is on entertainment, conflict, dissent and discord. Good news doesn’t sell. I hope you are feeling better. janice Thank you too for your kind remarks. I too thought that from what I have seen of Lyndal Curtis on ABC 24 that she had improved since her days on radio, and so was surprised to see her performance with Peter Garratt, to name one particular episode. I think you are right – she does not have the skill of probing interviewing, and allows herself to slip over into acerbic language, rudeness and arrogance. It may be that lack of training and experience in TV interviews is a problem for her. I hope you too are feeling better. Isn’t it sad that not listening to political discourse is therapeutic for our blood pressure? Aren’t politicians supposed to make us feel better, point us to a rosier future, give us succour and hope? What’s gone wrong? I listened to Barack Obama giving his address to the Democratic Convention. What an inspirational person he is. He, Michelle and Bill Clinton were inspiring, one and all. Without minimizing the difficulties, they pointed to a better place, where all got a fair shake, where none were left behind, where hope brightened lives. We hear similar messages from our own PM. She does not have the soaring oratory of Obama, but like him, she speaks from the heart of a brighter future for us all.

42 long

7/09/2012I listened to the full Clinton Speech. Whatever you think of Bill Clinton he is an impressive speaker. Most people agree on that. He covered the topic very thoroughly with a lot of FACTS in it Not deception like the Ryan and to a less extent, Romney speeches.


7/09/2012A win for the little guy. Just yesterday I challenged Malcolm Turnbull on his blog with this: [quote]Ah yes, Malcolm, let's have more honesty from our politicians. I saw you out and about after Mr Abbott's Budget-in-Reply speech where you stated plainly in interview after interview that Abbott's claim that funding for the NBN could be better spent on other things in the full knowledge that this is not the case without placing a major strain on the budget[/quote] [was completely untrue][quote]. Or was I dreaming? [/quote] http://www.malcolmturnbull.com.au/blogs/malcolms-blog/a-study-in-journalism-christian-kerr-today-in-the-australian/ Within hours we saw this: [quote]As far as the balance sheet point is concerned, let us just cut through the fog of spin and nonsense here. A dollar saved on the NBN Co build is a dollar less for the Commonwealth to borrow and service with interest. Under the accounting rules the expenditure on the NBN does not count towards the budget outcome .....[/quote] http://www.malcolmturnbull.com.au/blogs/malcolms-blog/a-response-to-the-technology-spectator/ Chalk one up to me (just kidding).

Ad astra

7/09/2012Hi Lyn At last I’ve read this morning’s links. Tim Dunlop’s article was very good reading. Anne Summers unexpurgated article was truly frightening in its violent sexist language and imagery. How can people be so vile towards our first female PM? The pieces on [i]The Monthly[/i] reinforced the reality of the attacks on our PM. The piece on [i]The Conversation[/i] highlights the viciousness of trolls in cyberspace. We are fortunate that our small number of trolls is nowhere as vitriolic as the ones described by Simon Chapman. Ben Eltham’s piece on the decision not to pay polluters to close down heavily polluting power stations is good reading. His conclusion” [i]”By re-opening the debate on carbon compensation, Minister Ferguson might just have done everyone a favour. Given that the price of carbon is lower than expected, and given that Australian electricity demand is falling, most of the arguments made by the brown coal generators look overblown. Making the coal plants pay the full price of their carbon permits would make for a healthier carbon market, a better emissions trading scheme, and a healthier federal budget. It would also lower Australia’s emissions. In other words, it would be good for everyone except Big Energy.”[/i] It is another illustration of the malign influence of rent seekers, especially those on the power sector. The [i]IA[/i] article by David Donovan was great reading, bulging with information and visuals. Malcolm Turnbull’s speech is now among my references. Can you imagine Tony Abbott giving such an intellectually strong address? His comments about the NBN foretell a change of attitude, finally recognizing that its cost is a capital expenditure that will yield a dividend, not a regular budget expenditure item. NormanK acknowledges this with surprise! NK you may have had some influence – let’s not discount that!


7/09/2012 Ad wrote: [quote]What a wonderful experience you had last night.  What you describe about how Julia Gillard handled  the Perth Community Meeting sounds just like the way she managed the questions at that marathon press conference about the Slater & Gordon matter.   She is an accomplished professional politician whom we are proud to have as our leader, and a warm engaging person when mingling at close quarters.  Your experience puts the lie to the negative press she gets from a largely malevolent MSM. [/quote] Agree. N'


7/09/2012This discussion feeds into one of my long-standing questions - why aren't finance journalists allowed to interview finance-portfolio ministers & shadows? Likewise environment, military & education, etc. I'd love to see/hear Stephen Long interview Joe Hockey, Connor Duffy interview Greg Hunt & so on... Why leave it to generalist journalists?

Ad astra

7/09/2012Nasking We see eye to eye. Paul What a great idea. Why not suggest that to the ABC!


7/09/2012Patriciawa How wonderful and exciting for you. I am totally green with envy. I know you have had an awful time since the accident, but I always say there is a reason for everything, and unfortunately you had to have the accident to be able to get to personally meet Julia and all the other great Labor people. I am looking forward to another inspired pome about your meet and greet. Lyn Thank you for your help on twitter, I wanted to know if mine was still working and I knew you'd help and understand. Thanks for the millions of links in the last couple of days. How many links can a person have in their bookmarks before they run out of space? :-) I watched Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and each speech built on the other. I would love for our media to allow our politicians to present themselves and give them kudos for their great speeches. If everyone could see Julia when she gives some of her inspirational speeches and not have the media denigrate her afterwards what a wonderful Australia we would have.


7/09/2012http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-05/green-in-whose-interest-is-an-early-election/4244356 Makes for intriguing reading. Expect "Election now!" to disappear like the name Craig Thomson from the Shouldabeen little bag of slogans. Lisa Wilkinson a giant-killer? Boy, what a Prime Minister that Tony Abbott would make, huh?


7/09/2012 Ad, Abbott once again showed what a touchy character he is around powerful women during that interview on Channel Nine...his condescending comment about Lisa talking too much was revealing. He is on the downward spiral...he doesn't deal well with interviewers who take him to task, as you've aptly pointed out previously. I have a chuckle watching him sometimes...for me he's similar to Rick Perry of Texas...always putting his foot in his mouth...losing the plot on occasion...shrinking under REAL pressure...arrogant...cocky...wanting to be the man's man due to his own insecurities...use by date...up. Thnx to Lyn for the links. Valuable. N'


7/09/2012 [quote]I'd love to see/hear Stephen Long interview Joe Hockey, Connor Duffy interview Greg Hunt & so on... [/quote] Paul, agree. N'


7/09/2012 [quote]Queensland's Peter Costello 'audit' trashed by experts Prof Quiggin said, as well as shifting the accounting goalposts, the Costello audit actually relies for a large part on the Newman Government's own estimates which it attacks as being optimistic. He and Prof Walker contend the Costello view of revenue outcomes is based on a never-ending financial crisis rather than a gradual recovery as the Queensland Treasury projects. [/quote] Yep, another Hockey/Robb style fiasco...was predictable from Mr. Hammock Costello. Any excuse to cut funding of essential services eh? THE PUBLIC AND SOME MEDIA NO LONGER EYES WIDE SHUT... N'


7/09/2012 [quote]Patricia, what a wonderful evening and wonderful memories you will have. We're lucky to live in a country where we can approach our politicians, even the PM and be hugged by her. And all without the ghastly spectre of Liealot hanging over it.[/quote] Spot on jane. And let's not surrender to the gun lobby. Keep our politicians...our families...our children safe. N'


7/09/2012Patricia, did she happen to ask after me? :)


7/09/2012 Patricia, glad ya had a wonderful time. Thnx for sharing. Your education and experiences have obviously made you an interesting person to read. Love those pomes/poems too. :) N'


7/09/2012 [quote]did she happen to ask after me?[/quote] Migs, I heard she's looking for a duck to take a whizz on Abbott's shoes. :) N'


7/09/2012Nas, if I was going to poop on Abbott I think I'd be doing it from a greater height. ;-)


7/09/2012 Migs, LOL. Recently he acts like you already duckeyed him. :) N'

Ad astra

7/09/2012Michael. nasking Tiny Abbott is not good around anyone that challenges his statements, especially if the challenger is a woman. he looks shifty and unconvincing.


7/09/2012Greetings Comrades, I'm sitting in the cosy McKenzie Saloon on the PS [i]Ruby[/i] presently moored at Wentworth on the >>>>>>>>> River near its junction with the Murray. Yesterday we went from here down to Lock 9, a distance of ?80K (in nautical miles) and came back today in the old Ruby, a wood-burning side-paddle steam boat commissioned as a freighter in 1907 and refitted shortly thereafter as a passenger vessel. Steam is amazing, huge pistons, roaring fire, CHOOF-[i]CHOO[/i]F-a, CHOOF-[i]CHOOF[/i]-a, of the engine, [i]splissh-splissh-splissh-[/i] of the paddles, biting bitter wind behind us all day yesterday and the swiftly flowing Murray making steering tricky for our helmsman Neil, a strapping 6-footer who reckons his brother is 6'8"! wrestling the huge wheel to allow for side-slippage which is major in these falt-bottomed old vessels. Quite exciting as we pull into the concrete locks, quite fast necessarily because the boat would lose steerage if it lost way. It is sort of like screeching sideways into a parking space with cars either side and stopping dead where you need to. But a lot more difficult actually because the road is moving and you're being blown sideways in the wind racing down the river. And today was even windier and colder, good thing to get near the boiler and help load the wood which is anybody's chore who wishes to help. Sunday is the big regatta at Mildura, paddle steamers from all up and down the river will be there and the locals are all happy and excited at the prospect. Patricia we are all green with envy as someone said, well really just we are all happy for you, what a blast. And yes I think that Chris Evans has a pretty tough job there in anyone's money, we all wish him well because it is so important. Ad astra I can't help thinking, or hoping anyway, that perhaps we are starting to get these shock jocks and their ilk by the short and curlies, or at least to identify and answer them back. More I cannot write because J**** is itching to go for dinner at the Wentworth Services Club. NOW!


7/09/2012Lisa Winkinson in a points decision twice in two weeks. OK, own up - who in the LNP is throwing Abbott to the wolves? And how silly is Abbott, agreeing to front up again? Pretty to watch, thanks for the link Lyn.


7/09/2012Thanks 2353 and Lyn for alerting me to the Lisa Wilkinson i/view with Abbortt. I have said it for a year or so now : Abbortt remember The Ides of September when I have forecast that the rumblings and grumblings of the Coalition will become open and evident to all. I'm not sure that time isn't already upon us going on that performance. The MSM has tried and failed to wound *J*U*L*I*A*, now they have turned their attention to Abbortt who has so failed them. The smell of his blood is attracting the wolves already, but give it a fortnight, the Ides will be upon us and by then Abbortt will be stinking of death. Right on cue as predicted by my Eye of Time. So gratifying I'm chortling. Well done Government. Who to replace him? He is only there now for lack of alternatives. The only one that might even hope to win for them is Turdball but he's hated by most of the rest and we will make of him a laughing stock anyway and they know it. But Boy if Abbortt stays what fun we will have. Be of good cheer All, we're going to have Them on toast. :)


8/09/2012Good Morning Swordsters something a bit different to start your weekend [b]Rise of the Fifth Estate by Greg Jericho: Comic book review[/b] @thisisaustraliatoday http://thisisaustraliatoday.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/rise-of-the-fifth-estate-by-greg-jericho-comic-book-review-saturday-8-september-2012/


8/09/2012A short 'review' or teaser for [i]Political Animal: The Making of Tony Abbott[/i] David Marr's latest Quarterly Essay. [b]Bully tactics came out early in Abbott, says former rival[b] Damien Murphy @SMAge http://www.smh.com.au/national/bully-tactics-came-out-early-in-abbott-says-former-rival-20120907-25joi.html


8/09/2012I don't believe Tabbott is our major problem..he is only a "front-man"..like Benito was to the fascists. When govt' and commerce start to work together ina sort of "public/private" capacity, there will inevitably be a blurring of social support boundaries because once these "companies" are up and running, there is an expectation (like Telstra etc.) that there will be a profit and dividends for shareholders with all the commercial demands of industrial agreements etc. along with it. There has to be a "separation of interests" between the govt' of the day and business interests..otherwise those in need of social service attention will be demonised by the "go-get-it" proslytisers looking for cheap/controllable labour. This is the path both sides of politics seem to be taking..but Labor has the capacity to manage the more driven members of its' caucus, wheras the Libs' are pushing for all the worst possible solutions for a society to function fairly. The Liberal idea of government by and from the chamber of commerce is a receipe for disaster and IT is the main enemy!


8/09/2012If you believe this merde from Michelle Grattan, you'll believe anything. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/turnbull-speech-received-blessing-of-abbott-20120907-25jzm.html "Turnbull speech received blessing of Abbott" Believe anything... Perhaps even, "Oh, that BHP Press Release. I read it at 3:45 yesterday". Does Ms Grattan ever think about how much of a fool Abbott is making of her? This quote: 'Mr Abbott told Channel Nine that he had spoken to Mr Turnbull on several occasions about the speech. ''I thought it was an interesting and elegant speech. Malcolm showed me a copy. We had a dialogue about it."' Of course they did, of course Malcolm Turnbull the 'thinking man's Liberal' runs all his speeches past Bully Boy Abbott to have them vetted. Maybe Shouldabeen checks his grammar for him? Oh, come on, Michelle, how long have you been in the game? For a start, think if what you've accepted as true from Abbott is correct. Think about what that says about Malcolm Turnbull. (see paragraph above). You're essentially telling us Turnbull has a tongue brown to his tonsils. Or perhaps, sly old Michelle (and, man, am I drawing a long bow here about how many brain cells you retain), you're hinting, you're insinuating, you're suggesting... Abbott lied to Channel Nine? Because if that isn't your disguised message, what is manifestly not disguised in any way is your complete and utter surrender to the Coalition BS machine, and consequently, the raw and immediate necessity for you to quit - surrendering, pandering, writing.


8/09/2012More stupidity from Peter Hartcher here: http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/national/abbott-cuts-joyce-loose-20120907-25jos.html "Abbott cuts Joyce Loose" ...a story which finishes with this paragraph after telling us earlier Joyce is candidate #1 for Deputy Prime Minister in an Abbott Government. "But because Tony Abbott has outgrown Barnaby Joyce, choosing a rational policy over a populist one, Australia should be able to embrace the event in the national interest." "Outgrown him"!? Complete masturbatory BS. Shouldabeen's told Barnaby to quit frightening the horses. Abbott wants to slide into the Lodge with no questions asked, no commitments required, which he can only do on the stinking-landfill landslide of a 'toss Labor on the garbage heap' vote. If the electorate has reason to question Coalition behaviour, a reason to look into Coalition policies, a cold hard moment to consider how confected anger with Labor will mean an unexamined free pass to the conservatives, then Abbott knows he will be in trouble. It's a house of thumbed and creased old cards he's built the 'golden age' returned of a future Coalition government on. Demonise Labor and the public won't believe the government's arguments making precisely how clear the cards are both marked and wobbly. But have one of his own cardsharps begin pointing out the ace hidden up the sleeve, the dog-eared queen of spades, the nods and winks from compliant croupiers, and the whole edifice of lies and the crude persistence of bullying shivers, shakes, collapses. Back into the filthy mud where it's been crafted. Not a place "rational policy" comes from, but the cesspool of 'keep shoveling shit, too busy to talk'.


8/09/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse::- Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 7:42 am Michael Gordon finally gets it about Gillard and he gets it about Abbott. OK, so it’s grudging, surly and stupid. Abbott, it seems, has only not “performed very well” in the past fortinight (forget the other nearly three years of bumbles, uhms, aahs, shit-happens and python squeezes), since a couple of what should have been doddle interviews in friendly venues went pear-shaped .http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/09/08/seat-of-the-week-lilley/comment-page-1/#comment-1401767 How did the Libs get into this mess? Paul Kelly In effect, Abbott is undermining the principle of executive government authority. He is allowing the judiciary to decide offshore policy. He is flouting the best advice from the Immigration Department on how to stop the boats. He is empowering the UN Convention to decide who is a suitable partner for Australia. How did the Liberals get into this mess? http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/opinion/how-did-the-libs-get-into-this-mess/story-e6frgd0x-1226135212541?sv=c9d94edb5a8103e8bbfc5bbf720b6dfb Promises, promises, now it's time to do the sums, Lenore Taylor the Coalition has told us its long-term structural budget changes will flow from a commission of audit, to be conducted after it is elected, and will likely result in a massive devolution of federal government responsibility to the states, local government and community organisations. But it has not explained how it will make its budget sums add up for the next four years. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/promises-promises-now-its-time-to-do-the-sums-20120907-25jc6.html#ixzz25poLf22g Is this the beginning of a Gillard revival? Michael Gordon http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/is-this-the-beginning-of-a-gillard-revival-20120907-25jwr.html#ixzz25pJBlTLP Abbott sticks by question time ploy, Phillip Coorey Figures supplied by the government show that of the “302 questions the opposition has asked the government this year, 137, or 45 per cent, have been about the carbon” price. The next most-asked about topic was Craig Thomson, which elicited 39 questions. There have been 19, or 6 per cent, asked about asylum seekers http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/abbott-sticks-by-question-time-ploy-20120907-25jnm.html#ixzz25pWrf9SO Early elections, SMH, David Marr details the federal Opposition Leader's years as a reactionary Catholic warrior on campuses across the country. his head down to study at last, he was awarded one of the great scholarships of the world. For Anglophiles and rugby players, the Rho­des was died-and-gone-to-heaven time. Winners must be scholars fond of sport who display "moral force of character and instincts to lead http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/early-elections-20120903-2593o.html#ixzz25p7MJZkY Bully tactics came out early in Abbott, says former rival, Damien Murphy, SMH Barbara Ramjan, a social work student in 1977, told the author and journalist David Marr she thought Mr Abbott was coming over to congratulate her. ''But no … he came up to within an inch of my nose and punched the wall on either side of my head. It was done to intimidate,'' she said. http://www.smh.com.au/national/bully-tactics-came-out-early-in-abbott-says-former-rival-20120907-25joi.html#ixzz25okFQ48u What’s The Run Dude 16 Quotes From Tony Abbott to Remind You Why He Shouldn’t Be Prime Minister http://whatistherundude.wordpress.com/2012/08/23/16-quotes-from-tony-abbott-to-remind-you-why-he-shouldnt-be-prime-minister/ A couple of comments re Lisa Wilkinson Interview:- Long answer beating around the Barnaby says you're making alot of assertions can I get a word in Lisa You've done a lot of talking this morning Lisa" "I think if the Prime Minister called an early election, most Australians would cheer" - Tony Abbott #today9 Mr Abbott said he had read the speech and described it as "interesting" and "elegant". We have a process for dealing with foreign investment, that process has been followed. The Treasurer often imposes extra conditions on the sale and Wayne Swan has done that." "So you think Wayne Swan did a good job in this instance?" "No." MEDIA RELEASE Response to Report of Queensland Council of Unions and Report by Professor John Quiggin 7 September 2012 The Report prepared for the Queensland Council of Unions by Walker and Walker makes no substantive findings against either the methodology or conclusions of the Queensland Commission of Audit Report of June 2012. http://www.commissionofaudit.qld.gov.au/announcements/media-release-2012-09-07.pdf qldmythbusters‏ The QLD govt has saved 6000 jobs! #mythbusted #qldpol http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/budget-day-reprieve-as-newman-government-plans-to-cap-job-cuts-at-14000/story-e6freoof-1226467627716

Ad astra

8/09/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for the very interesting Twitterverse. It's good that you seek out BB's comments on [i]PB[/i]. They always make good reading. David Marr's Quarterly Essay on Tony Abbott should make good reading. I suppose it's downloadable as was Laura Tingle's. Paul Kelly's revisited article of year ago on asylum seekers makes interesting reading.


8/09/2012Just read some of the stuff by David Marr about Abbott. The longer one in the lifestyle section had me thinking of a certain person who gained power in 1930's. It is scary that it could happen here with the blessing of the MSM and vested commercial interests. I feel like I need to turn the computer off, bury my head in the sand and just not know what could happen from here on in.

Truth Seeker

8/09/2012Ad, another fine article, well done again. Patricia, sounds like you had a great time with our PM, good memories to have. TT, enjoy your break. As a long time viewer of the Today show, I can only assume that Wilkinson has had an epiphany, as up until a few weeks ago she was one of the most vocal apologists for Abbott, supporting everything that he said and rubbishing Labor at every opportunity. Karl Stuckwithnodick is still pretty much the same, but they do seem to be taking a slightly more moderate approach of late. I think that some women are taking their lead from Leigh Sales, as that is when I noticed the change in Wilkinson. There also seems to be a bit of a shift amongst other media outlets, and maybe that can be attributed to the LNP Premiers, at least in part. I am currently working on another poem "The 2013 political olympics", but it is off subject, so may leave it for a few days before posting. Cheers


8/09/2012Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke What an awful flight home. MT @ABCNews24: PM Julia Gillard is returning home from APEC following news her father has passed away.


8/09/2012My heart goes out to Julia.


8/09/2012Jason That is very sad news indeed. My condolences to Ms Gillard and her family. How awful to have been overseas when it happened.


8/09/2012Now you can see where Shouldabeen [thanks Michael] gets his interview technique. http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/2012/09/07/video-fox-news-to-romney-policy-director-on-failing-to-provide-tax-plan-details-youre-just-not-answering-my-question-so-let-me-put-it-again/


8/09/2012Just goes to show he has always been the same. chris murphy ‏@chrismurphys At every meeting in her UNI year as Chairwoman polite MsRamjan was addressed 'Chairthing' by TonyAbbott.Many witnesses. #auspol Retweeted by Lorna Simpson


8/09/2012Most people probably already know this but for any who might not, here is the address for sending messages to the PM: http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm

Ad astra

8/09/2012I'm sure all of us feel sadness for our Julia as she faces sadness in her own family. Both of her recent trips have been shortened by death. She was close to her father. This will be a big blow for her. But we know she is strong. Thank you NormanK for the email address for condolence messages.


8/09/2012Just heard about Julia's father passing away. It will be a horrible time for her and her family. Can I just say he would have died a very proud man. Through humble beginnings he and his wife were able to raise a daughter to become Australia's first female Prime Minister. May he rest in peace.


8/09/2012Thanks NormanK. Ever the practical one! Humanist that she is, and her father too, no doubt they will have talked this through and lovingly prepared for it, knowing that each farewell could be their last. But ultimately the sadness and the grief of loss is there and she deserves all of our support and sympathy at this time.

Truth Seeker

8/09/2012Thanks NormanK for the link, used it straight away to send support and condolences.


8/09/2012I made an assumption there about John Gillard being a humanist. I see references to his children being raised in the Baptist tradition, and have no reason to believe that Julia Gillard's family have changed in that regard, though she herself is now a declared atheist.

42 long

8/09/2012People are classified as a lot of things ending in "ist", etc. Usually relates to an occupation or belief. At the end of the day, we are all human beings. We have that in common and that should be respected.


8/09/2012A good early article on the passing of John Gillard; includes PM's statement. [b]PM Julia Gillard's father passes away[/b] by Mark Kenny news.com [quote]"My father was my inspiration. He taught me that nothing comes without hard work and demonstrated to me what hard work meant as a shift worker with two jobs. He taught me to be passionate about fairness. He taught me to believe in Labor and in trade unionism. "But above all, he taught me to love learning and to understand its power to change lives. He always regretted his family background meant he had not proceeded on to higher education as a young man. He was determined that I had the opportunities he was denied. "I will miss him for the rest of my life." http://www.news.com.au/news/pm-julia-gillards-father-passes-away/story-fncvfxcm-1226468036614#ixzz25rKvbvDI[/quote]


8/09/2012 Condolences to PM Gillard...sorry to hear about her father's passing. N'


8/09/2012And, scrolling through the annals of history, if you classify people in terms of things ending in "elsh", you find a distinct correlation between indefatigable, inspiring, exemplary, fairness-loving, eloquent altruists and people of Welsh descent. What you love most in a dear parent you weave into your own way of being - they live on with you and are present in everything you do.


8/09/2012 Read the article by Marr on Abbott... man, that is one crazy fanatic. Not surprised he got that Rhodes scholarship...someone really wanted this propagandist and wrecker to go far. It's pretty disgusting that so many influential people in Australia have kept quiet about this political thug. The mainstream media in this country have generally been complicit in giving this bullying missionary a free ride and advancing his cause...one nation under Tony Abbott. Shouldn't the end goal of a politician be about improving the lot of all citizens and uniting & inspiring a country to progress towards being a better place than it was...because there is always room for improvement. It's about compromise and listening and negotiating with an open mind...governing for the many...not the few. Tony Abbott has demonstrated a pattern of behaviour that sees him attempt to build political power by using the bully pulpit to divide and discriminate...instill fear and loathing...he is anti-progress. He spreads cynicism & negativity...and inspires only those who he can sell his agile hate and vitriolic passion too. He is a man of energy...oft negative energy...a volcano waiting to explode over an entire nation...the thick destructive lava already trickling down thru the country...wrecking all progress and positivity in its way. How does such a destructive man evolve into a leader of a respected mainstream party...and potentially a prime minister of one of the most progressive and courageous democracies in the world? I believe over the next few months there are many influential characters in Australia who need to reflect on their actions...their silence. And their obvious irrational decisions based on bias and desperation to retain and perhaps improve their privileged position in this society. YOU have helped to enhance this fantics' power...YOU have put this country in danger of being governed by an extremist who uses another divisive and fearmongering fanatic, Bob Santamaria, as a template on how to rule. Is this what you want for such a great democracy that has led the way on so many issues? I think not. N'


8/09/2012 [quote]and inspires only those who he can sell his agile hate and vitriolic passion too. [/quote] should be "to" Not superb at syntax use...nor grammar...I just say what I think needs saying...if I make mistakes due to eyesight probs...or lack of knowledge...or because I believe English is a living not dead language...so be it. Only got one life...probably...might as well speak up. Whilst I still can. N'


8/09/2012 This news makes me wanna vomit: [b]A year of scandal at News Corp, a bonus for James Murdoch by Paul Barry [/b] [quote]You may remember that in May 2008 James was shown an email and a legal opinion that revealed the hacking at the NotW was rife. He claims he didn’t read either, yet agreed to buy-off a victim who was suing News International with a £700,000 settlement. So, has young Jimmy been sacked, demoted, or shown the door? Well, no. He’s been promoted to News Corp’s “Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Chairman and CEO International”. And, as the 96-page notice of News Corp’s October annual general meeting shows, he has also been given a pay rise, with a $US5 million cash bonus for having such a great year. James did the decent thing in 2011 and refused to take the $6 million bonus the board was keen to give him then — in view of what had happened on his watch at the NotW and The Sun, dozens of whose journalists have now been arrested on suspicion of phone hacking or corruption. But this year, he has had no such qualms. Accordingly, his pay packet has swollen to $US16,838,072 from the paltry $US11,921,625 he had to make do with last year. His dad has done even better, taking home $US30,022,292, or almost twice as much, but poor Rupert has been forced to tighten his belt after last year’s $US33,292,753 because the board has made him take a share of the blame for what went on at his favourite British papers. News Corp’s compensation committee goes to great lengths to explain to shareholders why this sort of money is entirely deserved, and make a fair shot at it with Rupert, whose “leadership” helped send the stock price up by 23% in 2011-12. But they struggle to find much to say about James’ contribution, suggesting that two of his key achievements were that he “transitioned into his new role” and “successfully transitioned into his new role”.[/quote] http://www.crikey.com.au/?p=314372#comments What kind of a world do we live in when these crims can get away with this kind of money whilst they sack staff left right and centre? And the average worker breaks their health to pay off shelter and will never see the likes of such a payment...yet their Super can be swept away whilst this lot reward themselves for their vile governing tactics, incompetence and use of media organs to manipulate markets? It's insane! IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT. N'


8/09/2012 BTW, Tony Abbott is being supported by Murdoch's empire. So much for his loathing of those who misuse money and privilege. He backs rich miners too...does our opportunistic weathervane Abbott. N'

Ad astra

8/09/2012Alcyone Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Thank you for your words about the Welsh. Very appropriate.


8/09/2012 Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan said the job cuts in Queensland were "an awful, ugly preview" of the "wrecking ball that Tony Abbott" would unleash across Australia if he won the next election. "You can't sack thousands of health workers like Mr Newman is doing and not impact frontline services," he said, in a statement. "We are extremely concerned about what this will mean for waiting times and patient care in Queensland." He accused the Newman government of "attempting to hide the truth about the state government finances with a dodgy audit". "The reason these cuts are taking place is that Campbell Newman made $4 billion of unfunded promises and Queensland workers and services are now paying the price," Mr Swan said. [b]Unions claim victory as government caps job cuts [/b] http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/unions-claim-victory-as-government-caps-job-cuts-20120908-25ks5.html The PEOPLE SPOKE. They know when IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT Millions to the racing industry and essential service jobs are lost? Gimme a break! Do they think we're mugs? N'


8/09/2012 [b]Queensland govt forced to defend budget audit[/b] [quote]Two scathing academic reports have forced the Queensland government to defend a financial audit it has used to justify massive public sector cuts. The commission of audit into Queensland’s finances, chaired by former federal treasurer Peter Costello, found the state would have debts of $92 billion within four years. Premier Campbell Newman has used the audit to claim the state has thousands more public servants than it can afford. [b]But University of Queensland economist Professor John Quiggin said the audit was ‘‘a routine political manoeuvre undertaken by incoming governments seeking to abandon electoral commitments.’[/b]’ Professor Quiggin said the assumptions used in the audit were based on a repeat of the global financial crisis, and of the devastating floods which hit the state in January 2011. He said it was ‘‘misleading’’ to focus on Queensland’s gross debt level, rather than taking into account the state’s financial assets.‘‘ Focusing purely on financial assets, Queensland’s net financial debt remains comparable to, or slightly below, the average level of other states,’’ Professor Quiggin says. Former University of Sydney professor of accounting Bob Walker also had harsh words for the audit in a report conducted for the Queensland Council of Unions. Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls reacted angrily to the criticisms. [/quote] http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/queensland-govt-forced-to-defend-budget-audit-20120908-25kkm.html IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT Money for Big Brother...whilst they cut essential service jobs. N' N'


8/09/2012 I have alot of respect for this gutsy lady...Elizabeth Warren is one smart cookie...and she tells it as it is...did so at the brilliant Democratic Party Convention in America: [b]THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED[/b] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/05/elizabeth-warren-speech_n_1859741.html?ref=topbar Ya only gotta look at the bonuses going to incompetent, devious, predatory, secure job destroying CEOs and their minions and families to know it...believe it. Romney benefitted in the millions whilst others were thrown aside and left to rot. A few good deeds to hide a core of greed, intolerance, self-centredness and distract from an obsession with asset & capital accumulation does not make a good moral man. GO OBAMAS...MICHELLE & BARACK N'


8/09/2012From Warren's speech: "[b]The Republican vision is clear: 'I've got mine, the rest of you are on your own,'" Warren told a cheering convention crowd here. "Republicans say they don't believe in government. Sure they do. They believe in government to help themselves and their powerful friends. After all, Mitt Romney's the guy who said corporations are people. "No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. And that matters. That matters because we don't run this country for corporations. We run it for people," she said.[/b]" Spot on! N'


8/09/2012 WANTS TO CUT MINIMUM WAGES IN AUSTRALIA http://www.facebook.com/NOGinaRinehart?ref=stream N'


8/09/2012 The Taliban are a desperate immoral disgrace...sending a sixteen year old to kill women and children...and himself. No respect for life. Not surprised Obama uses drones to take out these insane leaders...merchants of death...religious fanatics. [b]Teen Taliban bomber kills six in Kabul[/b] [quote]A senior police official speaking off the record gave the same death toll. "It was a suicide bombing carried out by a young boy. So far there are six dead and five wounded. Most of the victims are young children who gather around ISAF to sell small items to soldiers leaving or getting into the base," the police official said. General Ayub Salangi, the Kabul police chief, confirmed only four deaths. "A 16-year-old boy on foot, blew himself up killing four and wounding two, all civilians. There are some children among the dead and wounded," he said. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack.[/quote] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-08/teen-bomber-kills-6-in-kabul/4250470 Scum. N'


9/09/2012 Julia Gillard's tribute to her Dad as her inspiration made me think of how proud he would have been of all that she had achieved. I wish I could have written down and sent to him some of the things her colleagues said about her when I had that chance to talk to them about her at the community cabinet do last Wednesday. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/women-in-labor-2/ [b]Women in Labor[/b] These women in Labor are feeling no pain, Find running the country’s no stress and no strain, All were up-beat and their spirits were high When at a Party event they explained to me why. Working conditions have improved much of late With their new boss who is efficient and straight. Labor’s productive. It’s not at all hard Conceiving new laws with PM Gillard. Not just these women, but ALP men Work well with her and if ever again Rudd were to challenge and push came to shove They’d vote “Julia!” Working with her is a Labor of love.


9/09/2012Seeing the new chairman of the ABC. being interviewed on lateline last week, I am now more than ever convinced he is an "institutionalised" item. I was hoping he, with his background in Labor ideals, he would stabilise the ship and steer a more humanist course, rather than the bland political or bling entertainment principles exhibited now on the public broadcaster. The retaining of Mark Scott as ceo means more bloody of the bloody silly same. Last night for instance...7.30....Dr. Who..ok, if you're a ten to twenty something year old. Then Sinbad the Sailor...it started with a bloke getting the snot punched out of him and he comes up with the sparkling pearly whites????....and then Hustle...ok, well made, sharp, but still..??!! I mean ; Saturday night? it is all so trite and shallow. Even news 24 is old hat, old news. And then there are those bloody, bloody balloons!. And on top of all that we have stooges from the IPA. popping up on every forum!


9/09/2012 Too tired to reproduce links and comments on here today...see my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/nick.king.1232760?ref=tn_tnmn Top poem Patricia. N'

Truth Seeker

9/09/2012Patricia, nice one, many impressive women in the ALP. So sad for Julia. Cheers


9/09/2012PatriciaWA Lovely pome! :) Now if only the WHOLE team could row in the same direction.

Truth Seeker

9/09/2012Nas, saw on your FB page that you are a fan of Tull, BROTHER, one of my strongest influences as a muso. Cheers


9/09/2012 I would describe Christopher Pyne as a smug little know-it-all who is completely full of crap who would've made an excellent dodgy insurance salesman...I just don't believe a word he says. Like Abbott, Joyce and Allan Jones he seems to have a problem with women in power who don't agree with him or who question and don't cop the blustering spin and poisonous adolescent antics. Those condescending comments about Anna Burke were beyond the pale considering his role in parliament. There is definitely a weird aura that comes off that group...similar I imagine to past Puritans and Spanish Inquisition types...fearful of powerful women who don't obey them, spoil them, act as sycophants...an underlying religious fanaticism...yet typical male adolescent antics that demonstrate hypocrisy and arrogance. Weird characters. What are they hiding? And didn't Barnaby also go to uni in Sydney? Anyway, I reckon Pyne is just a big spin machine...an all spin zone. As for his comments about education (not that he says much in parliament about education) related to disabled people in schools...I kept thinking, you were in govt for 12 years...why didn't you do something then penny pincher? Pyne's all talk...all SPIN. And I noticed he tried to put Turnbull back in the dungeon...making excuses as to why Malcolm doesn't get to ask questions. Sure, Turnbull is gagged in parliament because his opposite Conroy is in the senate...YEA RIGHT...pull the other one. No, Turnbull is gagged because Pyne's master Abbott is terrified Turnbull will get attention as a moderate and show him and his extremist cronies up for the penny pinching religious fanatics they are...and lying turdbuckets. And useless, progress hindering spoilt bullyboys. But it's fine that Pyne the chattering spin machine gets to ask repeat questions in parliament that have stuff all to do with his portfolio...education. What a BSer. And Abbott apologist and sycophant...just like Gerard Henderson this morning...also on Insiders. Spew. N'


9/09/2012 Truth Seeker, good on ya...I first discovered Jethro Tull in the 70s by way of the album Aqualung: Aqualung Sitting on a park bench eyeing little girls with bad intent. Snot running down his nose greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes. Drying in the cold sun Watching as the frilly panties run. Feeling like a dead duck spitting out pieces of his broken luck. Sun streaking cold an old man wandering lonely. Taking time the only way he knows. Leg hurting bad, as he bends to pick a dog-end he goes down to the bog and warms his feet. Feeling alone the army's up the rode salvation à la mode and a cup of tea. Aqualung my friend don't start away uneasy you poor old sod, you see, it's only me. Do you still remember December's foggy freeze when the ice that clings on to your beard is screaming agony. And you snatch your rattling last breaths with deep-sea-diver sounds, and the flowers bloom like madness in the spring.   ------- Brilliant. N'


9/09/2012Good Morning Ad & Everybody Ad Astra thankyou for another wonderful article, as always you are appreciated very much. Twitterverse is not as interesting this morning, people are quite sick of the Insiders, not one person has anything positive to say about Pyne. Patricia thankyou for your brilliant work, I think you must be feeling a whole lot better. Talk Turkey hope you are having a lovely time with all the paddle Steamers gathered together today. Thankyou for sharing with us. Nasking thankyou so much for your work, it is so good to have you here providing a wealth of valuable information. I hope you are feeling much better. Norman K thankyou for sharing your posts are magnificent, Ad Astra keeps telling you, "you should be writing an article for TPS but I never see an answer anywhere. Also you haven't told me if your rose is a Dahlia, I did ask a few weeks ago. Twitterville:- Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm I wrote on the Political Sword months ago that the survivors who made it into the media lifeboat as the media Titanic sank, wouldn’t change attitudes willingly. Survival would embolden them. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/09/08/seat-of-the-week-lilley/comment-page-5/#comment PM Julia Gillard's father passes away Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Email Share http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/pm-julia-gillards-father-passes-away/story-fndo2j43-1226468036614?utm_source= Chris Ogilvie ‏ this is murdoch's SkyNewsAust attitude towards Australia's dignity..@LizBuff46 please don't look http://pic.twitter.com/KHG73jD1 JacktheInsider‏ Awful headline. John Gillard's age wrong. Capitalised 'ten pound pom'. Amateur hour reporting w/ a streak of nastiness. http://www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=792891&vId= Opposition Leader Tony Abbott can rein in his squabblers , Samantha Maiden http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/opposition-leader-tony-abbott-can-rein-in-his-squabblers/story-e6frerdf-1226468079987 David Marler‏ Newmania "Second Review Also Challenges Costello Audit" - http://ow.ly/dzgbf Real debate lost in petty politics, Paul Daley This was presciently self-fulfilling; the comment was scarcely reported. Not so, however, Turnbull's decision to highlight the Coalition question-time tactic of focusing narrowly on the carbon tax and asylum-seekers. Inevitably, this was viewed as an attack on Tony Abbott, with whom Turnbull is substantially at odds - philosophically and stylistically http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/real-debate-lost-in-petty-politics-20120908-25kwg.html#ixzz25v6G5iQ5 Uganda TV star blasts Gina Rinehart's $2 comments http://m.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/uganda-tv-star-blasts-gina-rineharts-2-comments/story-e6freuy9-1226468099594?sv=4ad6201bfc50f549db9b0d704a21a065 Jennifer Brown‏ TheHeraldSun Tony Abbott dealt another blow over his dealings with women | Herald Sun http://bit.ly/O1CVo0 Insiders:- Invisi-Bill‏ Some people exaggerate. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Gerard Henderson. #insiders TMD‏ Very, very weak argument, Gerard. Pathetic. #Insiders 730reportland‏ I`m relieved old misery guts is sticking-up for poor Gina, she`s only earning 2mill$ per hour -- #insiderp #insiders Ian Harris‏ “ Lenore nails it on Opp'n qt tactics... don't want answers, just want grab for evening tv news.” Aussie Oskar‏ Insiders this morning has simply proved one thing. The LNP are fractured and unravelling. libspill is coming and Jack Sumner‏ Pyne criticises Anna Burke on insiders. Would he like Slipper back? Should Pyne apologise first.

Ad astra

9/09/2012Patriciawa That is a delightful pome. We all feel that way. I’m finishing off my next piece: [i]Six reasons why I admire Prime Minister Gillard[/i] which I’ll post when it’s ready. Truth Seeker Thank you for you complimentary remarks. TT We hope you and J are enjoying your Murray River Cruise, and celebrating National Bilby Day. Nasking I see you are in full flight and fine form this weekend. You must be feeling better. Thank you for your input to [i]TPS[/i]. I must get David Marr’s QA on Abbott man. I saw Gerard Henderson defending him vigorously this morning on [i]Insiders[/i]. Gerard is not only a Coalition supporter; he is a strong Abbott advocate.


9/09/2012Hi Lyn I didn't recognise your dahlia comment as a question. Sorry. :) No, it is a rose called Grace which is my late sister's name but it does look like a dahlia, doesn't it? I now have a clearer photo attached to my e-mail address and no doubt it will pop up here when BlogEngine and/or Gravatar decide to get around to updating assigned images. Something weird is going on but I can't discern a pattern. Thank-you for the endorsement of my comments. Unfortunately, I'm very spur-of-the-moment (when time allows) so I don't have the discipline to be able to commit ahead of time that I will be able to meet a deadline or even see a promise through. A happy confluence of writing something topical and getting it to Ad astra at a moment convenient to him is probably the most likely way that something will get up. I am still on a roller-coaster ride of keeping our mother's spirits up whilst dealing with my own grief.


9/09/2012 Cheers Ad & Lyn. Thnx for the links and tweets above. Great valuable work. In fact, all week and weekend I've been suffering from a stomach virus and cold...but decided the best way to fight thru the vomiting and pain is to have a cathartic act all over Facebook and this blog. :) Ad, Gerard Henderson pretends he's balanced but he's pretty OCD on some issues. Certainly a well-educated and articulate fella...but rather fixated, biased and myopic. Predictable. Boring. He shouldn't worry so much...we've got Israel's back. Even tho we might be critical of certain actions and policies (and so we should be as democrats free to voice an opinion unlike those in some totalitarian states and fake democracies) we are only trying to help strengthen Israel's reputation in the world by promoting a two-state solution and more respectful treatment of non-Jews and progressive & pacifist Jews in that country...and a return to the positive and welcoming approach of the past kibbutz system. Frankly, many of us are aware of Iran's meddling in relation to Hezbollah (don't dig that leader at all...real shit stirrer) and the ugly approach, including terrorist activities, of the religious fanatics in the Iranian regime and military. And the last thing we want to see is Iran get nuke bombs they can use to protect themselves as they undermine functioning democracies like Israel and those reforming states like Saudi Arabia and UAE. We don't need another rogue bullying state like Nth Korea. Obama, Gillard and others I reckon are on the case. N'

Ad astra

9/09/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your news from Twitterville. I thought BB’s comment on [i]PB[/i] was so pertinent that I’ve reproduced them [i]in toto[/i] below. It was depressing to see the indifferent way Sky New reported John Gillard’s death, and the inappropriate photo of Julia they used. The comments about [i]Insiders[/i] are apt. It was a pretty ordinary session this morning, entirely because of the two male panellists. "Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm on [i]Poll Bludger[/i] [i][b]"BB Your recent tirades against the MSM I suspect are a factor in the recent shift in the MSMs attitudes towards Abbott. Have you considered putting them (the PB tirades) together in a blog or similar? They are great pieces of political writing and deserve a wider audience.[/b] The ones I contact eventually end up calling me either a “moron”, “hate filled” or tell me to “feel free to f**k off”. The single exception was Jason Koutsoukis back in 2007, and he delivered handsomely on the day the election was called, with a mocking Sunday Age piece on the Liberal Dirt Unit becoming the subject of much derision the following Question Time. I should stress I NEVER use this type language to them. But you don’t have to, to get their ganders up. Even gentlemanly types like Mr.Denmore and Grog get the shoofty from equally gentlemanly types like George Megalogenis when they brush too heavily across the media’s glass jaw. I wrote on the Political Sword months ago that the survivors who made it into the media lifeboat as the media Titanic sank, wouldn’t change attitudes willingly. Survival would embolden them. Their first class tickets that got them into the lifeboats would be seen as marks of First Class character as much as First Class privileges. If I may quote myself (a privilege we morons jealously guard): [b]The media lifeboat, full to the scuppers with by-lined opinion writers, tries to distance itself from the suction that will be generated by the sinking of the traditional medium of the printed page. In the meantime, any poor wretch who tries to climb aboard to have their side of the argument heard is mercilessly shoved off with the sharp end of an oar for their trouble.[/b] As they waved their boarding passes at swimmers in the water, saying “Show us your tickets” before they’d let them clamber aboard, they’d come to believe they had a right to be saved. So, we have Grattan, Coorey, Hartcher and all the rest of the usual suspects still there, still telling their bosses to stay the course, self-indulgently writing whatever they want to write according to their personal political preferences. There is little consideration for the damage this does to the nation’s psyche. When the news is always bad, when even a fall in unemployment is greeted as a disaster, when us being the top country economically in the world is dismissed as a mere detail, when shoe malfunctions are written about over and over again as “metaphors” for something or other, the national discourse suffers. They implicitly tell half their readers that they’re mad for preferring Labor, and that their vote is wasted. They continually refer to the polls (Michael Gordon does it again today, almost reflexively). They run leadership agendas. The amazing thing is that they think we don’t notice! Criticise an article by one of them and suddenly the broad brush with which they paint a picture of despair, political poverty and economic incompetence becomes a fine pencil, skewering nits picked out of your argument. Sentences, phrases and even words are quibbled over in an almost legalistic effort, designed to prove their “balance” and “professionalism”. And that’s if they haven’t already decided you’re a moron, or told you to f**k off. Of course I’m a moron, at least in their terms. I’m someone who criticises them and they don’t like it. Everyone else who does it gets similar treatment. There was someone else here at PB (sorry, can’t remember who) who used to publish his emails to and from Carney, saying Shaun seemed to be a reasonable fellow. But eventually he copped the “moron” treatment as well. It’s just a matter of time until you say something that offends them – not objectively offensive, but subjectively – and they pile on the epithets like papadoms at a curry night. But, let’s face it, it’s [b]their[/b] industry that’s wrecked, not ours. It’s [b]their[/b] industry that has the mass sackings, while ours is growing and forming into new media. [b]They[/b] have the defunct business plan of the “journalist-savant” pontificating from on high, proudly proclaiming that “We’re paid to be cynics”. [b]They[/b] are the ones who told us [b]they[/b] were bored last election campaign and couldn’t be bothered reporting or hardly even enquiring into the wool that was being pulled over their own eyes, publicly. [b]The[/b] are the ones who, looking out from their slit trenches during bombardments, can’t believe that the rest of the nation isn’t beseiged in the same way, to the same extent as their own business model. When you have a chronic bad back it’s easy to believe the world’s in pain. Likewise, when your industry is tanking, visibly, by the day, it’s easy to believe the rest of the commercial world is simultaneously going under. Add up the suspicion in the office, the fear, the tears, falling share prices, careers ruined or truncated, and empty desks in the workplace, plus the natural tendency to believe you’re better than others at the cynicism game, with the hubris you exude when your columns are quoted by parliamentarians as proof the Prime Minister must resign, or the government must fall, or the leadership is up for grabs (pick your peccadillo), and you have a perfect recipe for more failure. Nothing’s going to improve until the political and economics writers join their remaining colleagues in the other sections of the newspapers – the property writers, the sports writers, health, lifestyle and so on – in talking things in their areas of expertise up instead of down, providing confidence instead of destroying it. Bad news clearly doesn’t sell. It only kills hope. Fairfax let the wrong people go. They permitted the editors and sub-editors to take the package. These were core people, workers, productive, organized. Now they’re gone. They kept the lazy opinionistas, the stars, the group thinkers and the rest of the twerps who wake up in the morning and dash off 800 unaccountable words of stream of consciousness, who hear the phone ring from a nameless “insider” with a bodgy news tip and write it up as if it means something, or whose specialty is the “gotcha” question, inevitably hit for six into the car park by any competant politician, all so that they can then write up how “spin obsessed” the government or the opposition are. Such a shame, because it’s only going to make things worse when the final reckoning comes."[/i]

Ad astra

9/09/2012Folks We're now off to Melbourne to another family birthday. I'll be back this evening.


9/09/2012NormanK - thanks for the link to the PM's comment box, I hope that there are millions of expressions of sorrow. The (Brisbane) Sunday Mail this morning reports that Newman is going to put $800million into Health so that staff can be paid to perform extra operations on weekends! Personally I would prefer to be operated on by a medical team that had proper rest breaks and actually could perform their "real" jobs during the week rather than doing the paperwork that used to be performed by the soon to be sacked Admin staff. For the record, Gillard's fathers death rated page 4.

Truth Seeker

9/09/2012Nas, one of my favs,I do an acoustic version of Aqualung as well as Thick as a brick and many more Tull songs. The first song that I heard was Bouree when I went to see the bass player in my first band. 1970-71. Seen them three times live, brilliant. Cheers


9/09/2012On Gillard's return from the APEC Meeting - I think Putin did it well and it was well reported by the ABC News last night. It must have been a horrible trip hope - hope she was on a RAAF 737BBJ (Boeing Business Jet). Also forgot to add - has Abbott expressed his sorrow at Gillard's loss?


9/09/2012Nas, it's time to rumble in the jungle. You can bet London to a brick. Bring it on.


9/09/2012 Why is there a Coalition of National Party and Liberals? I find it bizarre based on my overseas education and experiences. I thought Liberals were different than just conservative One Nation catering, greedy big business kowtowing, religious extremist types. Isn't the National Party just socialist agrarians in guise with the morals of family values Republicans and warped Nationalism of 'blut & boden' fascists? Strange mix. What on earth do these two parties have in common? And why are Liberals called liberals here? The Democratic party in America are liberals. Look at the Lib Dems in the UK...certainly no Abbotts and Mirabellas and Bernardis. Or supporters like Bolt, Jones and Henderson. Why is this 'Coalition' thing taken for granted here? The ALP aren't joined at the hip with The Greens...so why are The Libs with The Nats. N'


9/09/20122353 Mr Abbott put out a statement: [quote]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott also extended his sincere sympathies to the Gillard family. "The thoughts of all Australians will be with the Prime Minister, Mrs Moira Gillard and their family at this difficult time," he said. http://www.news.com.au/news/pm-julia-gillards-father-passes-away/story-fncvfxcm-1226468036614#ixzz25w69HKQt[/quote] Thankfully we haven't been subjected to any lip-smacking, downcast eyes 'sincerity' from that particular gentleman.


9/09/2012Hi NormanK Thankyou for taking time out to answer the Rose problem. If you only knew what I have been through trying to work out my perplexity. I said to myself, no there is too many close petals for a rose, no the petals are too narrow, then I tried to peer into the picture at the leaf thinking now that will certainly tell me, but unable to see enough. There did I explain my quandary, did you laugh to yourself. Beautiful rose with a beautiful name “Grace” graceful & charming the colours and petal formation is exquisite. I can understand as you said spur-of-the-moment (when time allows), very different from having a schedule or time frame. I hope your Mum is coping ok. Clover Moore winning in Sydney has upset Mr Jones I believe, so I am quite pleased she won.


9/09/2012Patriciawa Great pome, I have responded on your blog. I love that I got that problem fixed and can do there. I'm still envious of your meeting with Julia. I hope she is getting a lot of support from the public, as I know she will be from her workmates and family. Nas Great to see you back in the swing, you come up with some great insights. I tried to watch insiders, but didn't last long.


9/09/2012 [quote]Seen them three times live, brilliant.[/quote] Truth Seeker, nice. Unfortunately never got to see them...nor Led Zep...The Floyd...Gabriel's Genesis...nor YES...all faves. Did catch The Who and the Stones...The Who were brilliant...so much energy...The warm up for the Stones were better than them...New Barbarians. Stones at that time did a concert as community service in Canada due to a drug offence...the concert was pretty flat. Other great concerts: Sonic Youth Crow Boston Mogwai Mark Eitzel Luna Eagles The Church Swervedriver Luka Bloom Beach Boys Gaslight Radio... to name a few. Migs, great to hear yer a Tull fan too. I'd luv to have seen Queen...and Spirit...in their heydays too. And Miles David. And Stevie Ray Vaughn. And Hendrix of course. And Suzanne Vega & Joni Mitchell. N'


9/09/2012Nasking There's a story that in the '60s the Stones financed a film showcasing the big English bands of the time, naturally with themselves as the headliners. Only to bin it when The Who blew them & everyone else away. Not sure if it's true or one of those... As an old Rolling Stones fan it grieves me to tell that, but at their best The Who were stunning. P.S. Stumbling around last night I chanced on a couple of fairly current interviews with Grace Slick, worth digging out just to see a survivor. I always liked her voice more than I actually liked the Jefferson Airplane's songs, except of course for "White Rabbit", surely on the shortlist of great rock songs.


9/09/2012 Cheers Gravel. As for Insiders...they sure enjoy catering to News Ltd and ex-News Ltd people. That fella from the Financial Review is so predictable...talking boom down...debt debt debt...can't afford this and that. Yet the Lib supporters can always find govt money for their wars...and for govt job advertising in their papers. Newman cuts public health...to shift money to private healthcare/hospitals...so who makes the moolah on the boards? Who are the shareholders that will benefit? Who runs the big pharma and medical equipment companies the private sector can now buy loads more from? Who are the specialists who will benefit? Well paid I bet compared to the nursing staff and ancillary staff. And soon I expect Newman will use his media mates to try and bring down the reputations of public hospitals and schools. Create fear about certain state schools...whilst promoting and building more religious propaganda schools...poach the best performing students...all the gross tricks in the LNP book. And to hell with the state school staff working their butts off the past decade to improve the reputation of these schools...making the students feel more confident, more secure, increasing morale and intrinsic motivation for study and participation. Creating an improved community sense of pride. Nope...it will be bash bash bash...to make money money money for the few mates...propaganda propaganda propaganda to keep the young ignorant and having babies at an early age...stuck in poverty...consuming consuming...in debt debt debt... and along comes another fed Lib govt offering baby bonuses and advice to leave school early... a trap. In reality...in hoc to the banks...working overtime... no real choice. Just empty words...a scam. A con. Sad stuff. N'

Ad astra

9/09/2012Folks It's been a long and tiring day, so I'm calling it quits. Back tomorrow.

42 long

9/09/2012The country party represents wheat sheaves and thinks all the money should be spent in the country, and hates Pinko's, and most immigrants unless they work real cheap. The Liberal party is not liberal at all and represents religious people and people of taste wealth class and privilege and doesn't know where the country is let alone want to spend any money there, because it is not a nice place to live Because it's in the wrong place, is dusty or muddy and people who work there sweat and things like that. They have become united by a paranoid hate of taxes and of Pinko's or anybody who wants to have the same chance as their kids get by knowing all the right people, and going to private schools. If you know the right people, you used to be able to get called "Sir" by paying 15K and then Japanese gentlemen are nicer to you. Someone would have a word in Betty Windsor's ear and you would be right mate. Now that's all been mucked up by those labor Bee'ss who have the OAM or Koala or something. Even QC's are gone. They probably want a republic too. Yikes!! They both try to stop their kids breeding with Labor type people . Just like the Tea party in the good O'le USA. Gotta watch out for school teachers. Those lazy Bee's all vote for the Labor whackers. Don't want them marrying your daughters. You might have their kids not believing in intelligent design or something.


9/09/2012 Miles David...should be Miles Davis. BSA Bob, wouldn't surprise me. Tho I do luv The Stones...they do display a certain arrogance. Competitiveness. I grew up in the early 70s as a young teen in Canada obsessed with The Stones...sprawled out on the carpeted floor listening over and over again to my step-mum's vinyls...Between the Buttons and Beggar's Banquet. Brilliant. Over time I got to luv Exile on Main St...and Goat's Head Soup...Sticky Fingers... Let it Bleed...superb. Even His Satanic Majesty's Request... I was also a big Moody Blues fan...Threshold of A Dream...In Search of the Lost Chord...Days of the Future Passed. And The Beatles...Magical Mystery Tour...Sgt Peppers...and those Red and Blue Greatest hits that were big back then. Hendrix: Are You Expeienced. Carole King. Gordon Lightfoot. And of course Who's Next...and Tommy...and Quadrophenia. My first ever Aussie album I bought in Toronto...ACDC: Back in Black. Bought a Deep Purple at the same time if memory serves. I think it was Machine Head. N'


9/09/2012 Yep, 1980-81...about a year or so after the bus accident...our grade 12 trip...4 killed...many injured including me. Drank fiercely after that...and travelled... head was spinning...listened to alot of heavier stuff...ACDC...Rush...Led Zep (tho great Blues too)...Deep Purple...I was angry...traumatised...drunk too often...and heading for a crash. Thnk goodness I used YES...and Tangerine Dream...and Vangelis...and classical...and some Neo-Romantic music to calm down. And The Church. Lucky to still be here. That's why I never took to Rose Tattoo and The Angels when I returned to OZ in the 80s...they seemed to angry and full on...been there...done that. Did enjoy Icehouse, Goanna and Midnight Oil 10,9...tho. N'


9/09/2012 [quote]I always liked her voice more than I actually liked the Jefferson Airplane's songs, except of course for "White Rabbit", surely on the shortlist of great rock songs.[/quote] Indeed, superb voice. still gives me goosebumps when I hear Grace Slick. BTW, Cream another fave. N'


9/09/2012 One last contribution drawing from my youth...it was either this or something from Born to Run: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zS5qRG_no-I Spoke to me when I left home early...out there in the shadows...across the tracks from my spoilt buddies Darkness on the Edge of Town. N'


9/09/2012Nasking As you hail from the land of Glenn Gould & Neil Young, you might remember a 60's band called the Guess Who? Don't remember much about them except that I liked them & I think they had a fairly mellow sound? Agree with your choice of Stones albums. For my money their late 60's stuff, Beggar's, Let it Bleed etc were their greatest years. Also one of those eccentrics who loves "She's a Rainbow" off Satanic Majesties. Hardly their usual style & off what most consider one of their weakest albums but I likes it. Must away for a bit. G'night.


9/09/2012 BSA Bob...ahhh, that brings back great memories...the Guess Who...and BTO (saw live). Luv 'em. Share the Land: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rLQJ4toj-JY N'


9/09/2012 I'm off for the night... this one kept me happy back then: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6BajH1t3uHY 2000 light years from home... imagination fired up... N'


9/09/2012 [b]Bligh predicts bleak future for Queensland[/b] She said privatising $15 billion worth of state assets was a last-resort the government adopted to avoid the kind of public service cost-cutting program embarked upon by the Newman Government. “I know of people whose husbands are losing their jobs, people who had no idea that this would mean that their families are going to be torn apart and shattered by unemployment,” Ms Bligh said. “And I think that that’s going to have a devastating impact on the lives of those people who are losing their jobs. But it’s equally going to have a very, very significant impact on the economy... people without jobs are not going to restaurants. They’re not buying as much petrol. They’re not, you know, going on holidays. They’re not buying clothes. They’re not consuming in the economy. “And if you’re trying to get the economy up and running and out of a sluggish period then these sorts of things I think will have just a terrible human impact. Unemployment is a terrible scourge.” Though she admitted the Newman government had inherited an economy with “structural problems”, Ms Bligh said the state was still young and growing and that the Costello audit failed to tell the full story. “What Peter Costello has done is deliver a report for political purposes that in my view is little more than a justification for what has become a, you know, the largest job-cutting exercise in Australia at the moment,” she said. But Ms Bligh said her government, faced with the consequences of the global financial crisis, had considered “all options” in the weeks after taking power in 2009. However she ruled out making cuts to staff and infrastructure and settled on selling assets instead. In doing so, Ms Bligh said she was keeping an election promise to prioritise jobs. But she said she failed to explain the matter properly to the electorate, and paid the price in the polls. More here: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/bligh-predicts-bleak-future-for-queensland-20120909-25m1k.html I miss Anna. N'


9/09/2012[b]Fair Warning[/b] Some may be offended or outraged by some of the following. I make no apology if you find yourself offended or outraged as it is up to you to choose to be offended or outraged when my intention is not to cause ofeence or outrage. My intention is to offer something for consideration that may in some small way change the thinking of some people, Also take note that I am well aware that easy to find things that align with our own way of viewing things and prove that we are [i]right[/i]. Many would be well aware that I hold the view that the meeja are not the biggest problem of this current government and that many of its' problems are of its' own making. It was of great interest to read this little snippet, which I reproduce in full, from Richard Farmer. [b]Media not all powerful in politics[/b] @politicalowl [i]The easy re-election victory of Sydney law mayor Clover Moore should give us reassurance that the media is not all powerful in how people vote. The city's biggest selling newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, and the top rating talk radio station 2GB have been almost hysterically anti-Moore for years. But today's vote has proved that people are quite capable of ignoring tabloid and shock-jock nonsense.[/i] http://politicalowl.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/media-not-all-powerful-in-politics.html Before anyone protests too loudly; no, I don't think all the reporting in the meeja has been fair and reasonable. Yes, I am aware that there have been many beatups and misinformation campaigns. And so it goes, it has been going on since the printing press was invented. Clover Moore has shown that the crap dealt up by the Tabloid Tyros and the Shouting Shockjocks can be overcome and that running an effective administration will be remembered at the ballot box long after the crap fed by the meeja is forgotten.


9/09/2012... and for something completely different. If you haven't seen the movie [b]The Sapphires[/b] http://www.hopscotchfilms.com.au/the-sapphires-film just do it. It is absolutely brilliant. Eleven and a half stars out of ten.


10/09/2012TODAY’S LINKS Politics 101 – a guest post, Victoria Rollinson At the far right was the unfettered free market. Positions along the way were determined by attitudes – or actual policies – on matters such as the state’s role in education, health, welfare, banking or transport, and on the issue of progressive taxation. The greater the role of the state, the further to the left; the less intervention in the market, the further to the right. http://victoriarollison.com/2012/09/08/politics-101-a-guest-post/ 25 Labor Policies That Have Been Building a Better Australia Since 2007, Liam, What’s The Run Dude 1. An increase in health funding of over 50% with literally more of everything: more doctors, more beds, more nurses, and upgrades to more than 37 emergency departments http://whatistherundude.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/25-labor-policies-that-have-been-building-a-better-australia-since-2007/ Treasurer's economic note The Australian economy grew faster than every single major advanced economy both in the June quarter and over the year to June. It was particularly pleasing to see that growth was broadly based: http://www.treasurer.gov.au/wmsDisplayDocs.aspx?doc=economicnotes/2012/033.htm&pageID= Judging Abbott At Face Value (But Which One?), Mike Seccombe, The Global Mail But after studying Abbott's record in politics, Marr's judgment is that every time the two Abbotts have come into conflict, it is Politics Abbott which has predominated, at least to date. Who knows which Abbott might emerge, though, given the power of the Prime Ministership? http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/judging-abbott-at-face-value-but-which-one/373/ The coalition’s costly obsession with individual workplace agreements, Luke Williams, On Line Opinion Prime Minister Howard told a private forum hosted by Westpac last month that ‘‘There is no reason why this country should not go back to the workplace system we had between 1996 and 2005, where you had individual contracts”.Mr Abbott responded by saying the former PM was ‘‘three Liberal leaders ago. That was then; this is now.’’ http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=14087 We’ve been saying that all along, Miglo, Café Whispers Have you read Ad astra’s well-written, probing piece titled Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies in The Political Sword? Ad astra reels off a plethora of issues in which Abbott has been caught out lying, including the Howarth audit, the NBN, the Home Insulation Program, the BER, the Global Financial Crisis, the Liberal’s budget ‘black hole’, boat people and his promise to repeal taxes. In a direct address to Tony Abbott Ad astra says: http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/weve-been-saying-that-all-along/ Government waste on teeth and disabled, Crispin Hull The history of Medibank and Medicare proves the point. These schemes have to be nipped in the bud. After the Whitlam Labor Government introduced Medibank in the face of a fairly good scare campaign, it only ran a couple of years before the Fraser Coalition Government grabbed power and chiselled away at it until it was all but gone. http://www.crispinhull.com.au/2012/09/09/government-waste-on-teeth-and-disabled/ Political Correctness Australia is Drowning In It., Wayne Brooks, Curiosity and Challenge “Politically Correct” its interpretation and application has me more than a little intrigued so I have decided to research it at the grass-roots level that the likes of me perceive to be its meaning and common usage. I am curious if after years of use, incorrect use and warping of its meaning for individual purpose does it resemble what it was and its original intent? http://wrb330.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/political-correctness-australia-is-drowning-in-it/ Keeping-up appearances , John Richardson, Your Democracy For a political leader still struggling to gain traction with female voters, it is a hugely damaging allegation and perhaps unsurprisingly Mr Abbott's rebuttal was the only comment he was prepared to make when he granted Marr an interview for the article http://yourdemocracy.net.au/drupal/node/20937 Think homosexuality is “wrong”, an “abomination”?, Turn Left 2013 Australian Christian Lobby, not very Christian, although for 5 men and a pet goat, they are very successful as a Lobby given the amount of free press they get from the ABC and other news organisations. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/think-homosexuality-is-wrong-an-abomination/ Recent Correspondence, Outbox, Under The Milky Way Abbott’s use of the term ‘illegals’ is intended to dehumanize refugees of war and denote them as criminals. This operates in tandem with Scott Morrison’s descriptions of asylum seekers as ‘illegal arrivals’ to which Morrisson adds ‘diseased’, unethical and manipulative (document destroyers), all of which Abbott endorses. http://indifferencegivesyouafright.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/recent-correspondence/ Pants on Fire, Sal Piracha,Only the Depth Varies But back to the USA for a moment, where the professional and amateur fact checkers are breaking records to score President Obama’s Acceptance Speech. With such a focus on fact-checking, several organisations are worth watching. For the best look at how American politicians are shaping up during the two months between now and election day, keep an eye on PolitiFact for broad coverage of who said what and who lied http://onlythedepthvaries.blogspot.com.au/ A LETTER TO AN ADVERTISER – a little old lady destroying the joint This is an email I sent to one of the companies with whom I’ve done business over the years, who advertise on Alan Jones’s programme. I was so outraged with Mr Jones’s comments that I felt compelled to do something, no matter how small and ultimately insignificant, other than just rail against the day. http://boeufblogginon.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/a-letter-to-an-advertiser-a-little-old-lady-destroying-the-joint/ He says cutback, we say fightback, Emma Ross, Solidarity Net Au Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s attacks are coming so thick and fast it’s hard to keep up. He is continuing to launch cut after cut to the public and community sector in the lead up to the budget, which will no doubt feature even more austerity. http://www.solidarity.net.au/highlights/he-says-cutback-we-say-fightback/ Mungo MacCallum John Kerr … guilty of premature ejection, Hinterland Times Kerr sacked Gough Whitlam’s government because the opposition controlled senate was refusing to vote on the supply bills. It is important to note that this was not a denial of supply, simply a blockage. And it only came about because two state premiers, Tom Lewis in New South Wales and then crucially Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen in Queensland, had committed unheard of breaches of convention by http://www.hinterlandtimes.com.au/2012/09/07/mungo-maccallum-john-kerr-guilty-of-premature-ejection/ How Rupert Murdoch took over The News,Rodney E. Lever, Independent Australia There are two sides to every story,” is an age-old mantra and most people know it is true. Indeed, there are multiple sides to every story.My first editor, Brian Con Penton of the Sydney Daily Telegraph had a simple answer: “Just give me the facts.” And that was his rule http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/australian-identity/australian-history/how-rupert-murdoch-took-over-the-news/ Gina Rinehart – Meme Mining , Jonathanandrewbrown, We Matter Media There is a big difference between criticising someone for their actions, their words or their values and criticising someone for their gender or appearance. There is an inherent viciousness and hypocrisy in Rinehart’s recent statements towards the less fortunate in our community that is worthy of ridicule. Many of the memes that have spread relating to Rinehart http://wemattermedia.com/2012/09/09/gina-rinehart-meme-mining/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog Women In Labor, Patriciawa, Polliepomes I had the privelege just a few days ago of meeting the Prime Minister personally at a community cabinet here in W.A. in nearby Kwinana. I just wish I could have let him know of the conversations I had with some of her colleagues at the less crowded social event which followed the public forum. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/women-in-labor-2/ Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 10 September 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

Ad astra

10/09/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


10/09/2012DMW - have to agree with your comment above about the meeja. The other election in Queensland this year was a local government election held about 6 weeks after the state election. In one Ward in Brisbane, there was a sitting Councillor - Nicole Johnston - who was elected as a part of Newman's LNP "team" in the 2008 election. Quickly johnston stood up in the Council Chambers and spoke against something Newman was doing in the area on a number of occasions and after some bullying and carrying on was booted out of the LNP. At the recent election Johnston ran against a LNP candidate with a considerable amount of support from the machine (the current Lord Mayor apparently said at the LNP election launch that Johnston's seat is the most important). The electors put Johnston back in with an increased margin. It is possible to beat the system - Moore and Johnston are proof. The secret seems to be communication as both Moore and Johnston were subject to frequent adverse coverage in the local media, yet they seem to communicate with their electors to an extent that the electors will ignore the "conventional" advice. Like DMW [quote]Before anyone protests too loudly; no, I don't think all the reporting in the meeja has been fair and reasonable. Yes, I am aware that there have been many beatups and misinformation campaigns. And so it goes, it has been going on since the printing press was invented. Clover Moore[/quote] and Nicole Johnston [quote]as shown that the crap dealt up by the Tabloid Tyros and the Shouting Shockjocks can be overcome and that running an effective administration will be remembered at the ballot box long after the crap fed by the meeja is forgotten.[/quote]


10/09/2012Mungo's commentry on the premature ending of the Whitlam Govt' gives fact to the extreme damage that the Right-wing criminals did and shows they have an overiding agenda to create a type of "bonded workforce" throughout the OECD countries. If one considers the establishment of the Fraser govt' here..Thatcherism in England and Reaganism in the USA. and numerous dictatorships in the third world of those days, there was a very damaging blockage put on a growing sense of "new world-New direction" in both societies and politics...a very anti-captalist sentiment reflected in the music and dress of the times here and in Britain and the USA. The sentiments expressed in musical tastes here on the forum in the last couple of days demonstrate a certain sadness that such economic-social-spiritual moods were severly truncated by right-wing dictatorship... Is there now a new mood and a new energy for a resurgence of the "Aquarian"new-age? "...and we got to get ourselves back to the garden."


10/09/2012Naskin, reading your posts with commentary and searching questions about Queensland today and then all your lovely exchange of music nostalgia with BSA Bob I wonder if you ever consider returning home? I spent only a few years in Canada, Toronto and then the Yukon in the late sixties. Loved it then, and suspect if it weren't for my family being here that I'd be happy there again.


10/09/2012Apologies for that missing 'g' - I should have stayed with N'!


10/09/2012Dmw and 2353...I think there is a big difference between local govt' and federal govt' media seriousness. One can see "on-the-ground" results as far as local govt' goes and vote accordingly...consider the "can-do" qualifications with local govt' "so-called" achievements against Labors' national achievements...no comparison really, yet there is a disbelief promoted by the MSM against any achievement at all! One : Newman gets elected on his local govt' record...two ; Tabbott gets too much mileage by the MSM. for no achievements of note at all! Yes, the MSM. can and IS being overcome, but one cannot hold up a small flame of achievement against a Arc-light of condemnation and say the spotlight is of no accord!


10/09/2012 Patricia, I'm Aussie all the way now...it's been 25 years since I last left these shores...did my uni studies and teaching here...great place for opportunities. Love the Medicare system and HECS was handy (rather than upfront fees unaffordable for most). I have an Aussie wife, born in Beaudesert...22 years we've lived together this november...19 year anniversary on 18th sept. We have a beaut humble 3 bedroom house close to my wife's work...her family aren't far and supportive (great for a fella whose parents were married seven times...nice to get some support and consistency...I luv havin' a few beers with Stace's Dad on Boxing Day watching the cricket...a real tradition). And we have a great garden with palms (always dreamt of palms swaying in warm breeze when freezing my butt off in icy bus stops in Toronto)....and lots of natives filled with chatteting colourful birds. Paradise. Nope. No intention of moving back to Canada. I do want to take Stacey there oneday tho...and visit my bro and his family...and my Dad and his wife. And visit Montreal and Vancouver. Glad you enjoyed it Patricia...I certainly had some great times there too. I miss going skiing and going to Maple Leaf Gardens for the ice hockey. :) Cheers N'


10/09/2012 Lyn, thnx for the links...found [b]How Rupert Murdoch took over The News [/b] interesting. [b]Jack Williams and the other senior executives were horrified by the prospect of young Rupert running the company. As a student at Geelong Grammar he would come home for weekends and spent Friday afternoons in the boardroom supposedly doing his homework, but more often arrogantly marching around the building giving to orders to the staff. He was called “the brat.”[/b] Plus ce change...eh? :) N'


10/09/2012 [quote]Apologies for that missing 'g' - I should have stayed with N'![/quote] No need to apologise Patricia...i'm always stuffin' up as I write...even dropping my N's now and then in a rush: N' N' N' Fall from grace with the cyber sea. :) N'


10/09/2012 Of course Pyne would dismiss the word of a woman...take the word of his boss over her...he's one of Abbott's verbal bully boys in and out of parliament...a living breathing machine: [b]Pyne hits back at claims of student Abbott's fists of Fury [/b] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/pyne-hits-back-at-claims-of-student-abbotts-fists-of-fury-20120910-25n09.html?fb_action_ids=10151088027368505&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582 Pyne's not his own man. Yet another Abbott apologist and spruiker. N'


10/09/2012 That should be: a living breathing [b]spin machine.[/b] N'


10/09/2012Nas, Spent three weeks in Canada last year - simply wonderful place. Don't know how I would cope in winter however. When we retire, the plan is to go back and do some of what we missed as well as return visits to Niagara Falls, Banff, Toronto and Montreal. Jaycee, I take you point about local government not getting the same scruitny by the national media - however Sydney is Australia's front door and Brisbane has a larger population and budget than Tasmania. In Brisbane's case at least the local government is probably more politicised than the state and federal governments. There has not up until the last election been a independent Councillor in Brisbane for something over 20 years. The local media in Brisbane (which plays to the state) was certainly Newman's friend up until recently and I know Johnston certainly was subject to a campaign within the Brisbane media over the past 2 years aided and abetted by Fairfax and NewsCorp publications. There are a number of media reports of Johnston being hauled out of the Council Chambers by Police etc in the recent past.


10/09/2012 How successful was the Paralympics 2012? Brilliant. Imagine if parts of the Paralympics committee had broken away and gone off and done their own thing instead of them all coming together and creating a great games? What a confusing mishmash that woulda been. Get it Premier Newman. People with disabilities need consistency...unity...working together. Not division...not be treated as a political football. N'


10/09/2012  [quote]Don't know how I would cope in winter however.[/quote] 2353, central heating, long johns, a whisky/rum or twelve next to the fire...thick steaming soup...scarf, ear muffs, gloves/mitts, big puffy jacket, spooning in bed. :) Banff...and Lake Louise...great times. N'


10/09/2012 Peter Dutton is an unimaginative dud. Doesn't surprise me the religious fanatic and Santamaria lover Abbott picked him for the frontbench. He's so 1950s. Head in the sand. Predictably stifling critical thinking...and pushing fearmongering morally bankrupt approaches. N'


10/09/2012 Development development development...crowd everyone in...leave no bush untouched. So much for the roomy QLD with the laid back lifestyle. As long as Newman's property development mates are happy eh? [b]Fears over future of southeast Queensland bushland[/b] http://www.theage.com.au/queensland/fears-over-future-of-southeast-queensland-bushland-20120909-25m4x.html Anna Bligh tried to warn us...but she was ridiculed by a complicit media. N'


10/09/2012Please take notice of Christopher Pyne's signalling on Insiders this past weekend how the Coalition plans to neutralise Labor's perceived advantage in the electorate with social policies. But first, recall how Abbott enjoined Turnbull to "destroy the NBN", and Pyne only recently promised there would be no Gonski effect on Coalition education policy. Now, consider that Talcum Malcolm is lately telling us the NBN won't be destroyed, merely tailored to fit in more snugly with Coalition 'policy' (italicised because "Coalition 'policy'" is a non sequitur). Softly softly, 'See, there's really no difference when Labor gets it, well, not right, but has stumbled their clumsy way to embrace what we always said'. The calm voice of reason, carried on the caries breath of the rotten teeth behind the pearly white bridge job on what the world can see. Heard again on Insiders, slightly higher pitched, pink complexioned rather than pasty-faced, Pyne instead of Turnbull. The same soft sell (soft because the bright shiny apple's rotten to the core, shoppers! All out of the same barrel, that's why). Pyne assured us after everything he's ranted about dumping Gonski since 'the current system works so well and has for so long' is now... unranted. The Coalition, he lullabies, will retain the elements of the Government's education policy that match and adhere to Coalition statements of intent. The horses need not be spooked, parents may relax, 'the Coalition is just like the Government on this, except competent'. Thing is, for someone who's always demanding where the money comes from, he never mentioned the base foundation of Gonski-driven reforms: the students, and consequently the schools they attend, are financed on the basis of each student's need to be matched education dollar for education dollar to every student to ensure no student in Australia is financially disadvantaged by the way all governments participate to finance education. Pyne's spinning BS, just like every voice out of the Coalition. Trying to sound fair and reasonable, honest and embracing. Another series of Coalition non sequiturs.


10/09/2012 Lyn, I found the Global Mail article fascinating...I too believe Tony Abbott wears a mask: http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/judging-abbott-at-face-value-but-which-one/373/ Which mask will he be wearing today? Tomorrow? N'


10/09/2012 [b]Pyne's spinning BS, just like every voice out of the Coalition. Trying to sound fair and reasonable, honest and embracing.[/b] Michael, in a Cafe Whispers post I referred to this type as a 'softly spoken scumbag'. Faux sincerity. It's all very shock jock and Fox News/Sly News technique. Since then we've had the spectacle of Abbott, Joyce, Hockey, Pyne ranting and hyperventilating in parliament...the anti-carbon price protestors being egged on by blowhard Alan Jones... not quite softly spoken. All spin zone. N'


10/09/2012"Where does the probing stop...?" AA asks...I'd say as far as Pyne goes : not till those aliens reach the back teeth!

Truth Seeker

10/09/2012Hey Swordsters, thought this may be a good time to add a bit of light relief. The 2013 political Olympics. There are three teams competing to take home the prize ALP… LNP… and the Greens With the purveyors of spin all predicting a win To the libs and their right wing dream team With un-backable odds… the LNP sods Seem a shoe-in.. to the take home the meet While the Greens proudly waving their ideological flag Promptly shot… themselves… in both feet With the odds stacked against them… the ALP team Put their heads down and aim for the prize While the LNP mob focus not on the job But on giving each other.. black eyes There’s their.. illustrious team leader.. the Abbott Trying hard… to play many parts But his only… podium finish Was for producing the greatest brain farts He entered the triathlon… starting the run In his budgies… and channelling the force But he was side-tracked by an inquisitive journo And quickly… ran off the.. course In the swim he seemed right on the money Flying quickly… around.. all the floats Till from out of his goggles he spied course officials And swam off.. to tow back.. their boats The bike leg… he started with confidence But his own…. preparation was lax As his wheels were both buckled and his tyres were flat And he lost.. blaming that big.. carbon tax Pyne’s only option for… a podium finish Was for throwing political fits As he reacts.. for his part… defending Abbotts brain fart With his own brand of.. big.. dummy spits In archery.. Hockey’s their best.. medal bet As he’s sure.. to put on.. a good show Like he does.. in his statements on the economy He’s an expert in drawing a long bow So he lined up against Swan on the archery field Swan knocking his arrow.. and loosing And the arrow it sailed.. and the bullseye was nailed Handing Hockey a hell of a goosing Hockeys aim like his policy direction Was not good… as he stood on the grass But his arrow flew true.. past the target.. mind you To hit Abbott…. fair in the arse Mirabella lined up for the equestrian event But with Roxon… so far ahead She returned to her roots.. and her old winning ways And mounted… the judges.. instead. Then Turnbull turned out for skeet shooting Calling ..pull…and the NBN sailed.. close by But his heart wasn’t in it.. and his aim couldn’t pin it And he hit nothing… but pie in the sky And the rest of the teams.. contributed their bit To the medal count… all neck and neck Till the ALP captain.. stepped up to the start With the marathon.. the last box to check And the marathon girl said we’ll give it a whirl Lining up against.. the dastardly.. Abbott Who took off like a hare running here and running there Looking more like a maniacal rabbit Then he stopped.. then he started.. as his brain loudly farted But Gillard would not be distracted And he ran round in circles…tripping up on his lies As his race became largely protracted And the Abbott cried foul as his ambition was lost And the marathon girl won the day Proving lies.. spin and slogans.. will not serve these bogans But credibility and truth is the way And the LNP lost.. with Abbot.. paying the cost And the ALP… claiming the prize And the podiums top spot.. was claimed by that.. Labor lot While the Liberals.. just sat down.. and cried And the lesson to learn is that bridges you’ll burn And you’ll end up just losing your seats Telling lies isn’t right.. and you’ll just lose the fight Running round like a mob of drug cheats So be honest.. and true.. and straight speaking With a decent… and credible fight And don’t treat us like fools…. expecting to win Just because …you believe…. it’s your right. Cheers

42 long

10/09/2012After listening to Hunt's commentry on Hazelwood. How are we as society going to get anywhere when no requirement to be truthfull exists? You can just say ANYTHING at all and not be held to account Hunt would "clean up" Hazelwood which was likened to a 1954 Holden that had been used as a paddock "bomb". All experts will tell you that is dreaming.. The concept of cleaning up a brown coal power plant is a complete furphy, that can only confuse the issue. Confusing the issues has been a "tool" of the LNP all along. This is why I "DESPISE" them. ONE stated reason why the owners "Overseas)want to extract money from the FED. Gov't is because Abbott would repeal the TOXIC tax which is actually on plant food according to Tones. This promise makes them very profitable indeed The gas is "weightless" too. He's got talent that man.. Abbott doesn't believe in man contributed global warming (same as Minchen). God's UP there looking after everything anyhow according to the USA Republicans, so just keep driving them Humzee's guys. There's no tomorrow and the American way is not for discussion. A good investigative bunch of journalists would fix all this in a few weeks. Why don't some of the talented knowledgeble ones who are surplus and have time on their hands now, make a momentous contribution to history, and make up for their past sins, to some extent and get some FACTS out there.


10/09/20122353 - easy to get warm, even in the sub-Arctic, whether indoors or outside. Thermal undies, parkas and lots of exercise! But keeping cool in the heat is altogether different. I hate air conditioning, and though I have achieved a very treed garden now, it's difficult to keep things green and watered with restrictions here in WA which is essentially a hot dry sand pit. Already I can feel the heat coming on. My habit of very early morning rising and time in the garden after my walk does help. But from mid-morning on here it can be fiercely hot for months on end. Sorry to moan in anticipation of summer, cos after some rain, at the moment gardens are just lovely in the sunshine and I'm going out now to get pictures of poppies which are everywhere on our streets before they are replaced by sunflowers.


10/09/2012Hi Ad and Everybody, Ad if you have time please listen to Barnaby Joyce being interviewed on Radio this morning, honestly it's absolutely hilarious. I promise it’s laughing tears stuff. They are trying to get Barnaby to answer about his conflicting opinion on Cubbie Station. Twitterverse: Bushfire Bill Posted Monday, September 10, 2012 at 7:40 am How does one answer a question, when not even asked. The government’s only resort is to ask itself the questions, or else nothing about what’s actually going on ever gets any chance of an airing. Not that the Press Gallery wants to listen to boring stuff about policy or outcomes http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/09/08/seat-of-the-week-lilley/all-comments/#comment-1403658 Latika Bourke ‏ Barnaby Joyce v Marius Benson. Tweeting it can't do it justice. You MUST listen: http://latika.me/P2ZKtQ (You won't regret it!) #promise Latika Bourke ‏ That was the BEST. Seriously, have a listen: http://latika.me/NUNQG9 Punching on with a popular perception Phillip Coorey http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/punching-on-with-a-popular-perception-20120910-25ncj.html RN - Radio National‏ Did you catch David Marr talking about his new quartely essay on Tony Abbott on rnbreakfast? #abcrn http://bit.ly/PgczTC Kevin Rudd stirs leadership pot with staff ads, Simon Benson Mr Rudd's office confirmed the new position but said a vacancy had opened with the departure of a staff member who had been with Mr Rudd as foreign minister and before that as PM. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/kevin-rudd-stirs-leadership-pot-with-staff-ads/story-e6freuy9-1226468463350 Politics live: September 10, 2012, Katharine Murphy http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/the-pulse/politics-live-september-10-2012-20120910-25n4p.html Coalition set to oppose Oakeshott code for parliamentary behaviour, Lenore Taylor http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/coalition-set-to-oppose-oakeshott-code-for-parliamentary-behaviour-20120909-25mh1.html#ixzz261Q3LL3s Toastman‏ O'Farrell says he was unaware of illegal donation http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-09/o27farrell-says-he-was-unaware-of-illegal-donation/4251446 @abcnews Libs unscrupulous as always, anything to gain power. Lacie Jane‏ O'Farrell says he was unaware of illegal donation: New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell ... http://bit.ly/P8J3Md


10/09/2012 Interesting: [quote]Xstrata boss in line for £8m payout (UKPA) – 14 hours ago  [b]The boss of Xstrata is reportedly in line to receive a pay-off of at least £8 million and receive company shares worth up to £30 million if commodities trader Glencore succeeds in its bid for the mining giant.[/b] Xstrata chief executive Mick Davis is set for the payout if Glencore boss Ivan Glasenberg pushes through his revamped takeover bid for the miner unveiled on Friday, the Sunday Telegraph said. Glencore tore up plans for a merger after failing to agree with investors on the value of Xstrata's shares compared to Glencore's, opting instead for an outright takeover bid that would see Mr Davis replaced by Glencore chief executive Mr Glasenberg. . However, the payouts would reportedly be far lower than the retention agreements agreed by the Xstrata board for Mr Davis and other company executives when the two firms were considering a merger, which could have seen up to £200 million paid in bonuses to Xstrata's executives. Xstrata had lined up a payout of as much as £75 million for Mr Davis as part of the agreed deal, with another £144 million put aside for payments to 72 other key executives.[/quote] http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5jrrvd9ZKpDIuF4X5OstqiPpXllxQ?docId=N0064011347194793169A AND: [b]Xstrata axes 600 jobs as prices sink[/b] http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/mining-and-resources/xstrata-axes-600-jobs-as-prices-sink-20120910-25nk9.html Priorities eh? More here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glencore N'


10/09/2012Help fight back against Alan Jones "women are destrying the joint' comment: http://www.change.org/petitions/all-companies-which-advertise-on-2gb-get-alan-jones-to-apologise-make-a-contribution-to-gender-equality#


10/09/2012 Barnaby Joyce...proud leader of One Nation. Oh hang on!!!...he's in the Coalition. He's a mate of Liberal leader Tony Abbott...he who must be obeyed. Unless it's Barnaby of course. Barnaby...gets away with whatever he likes. He's the Coalition's brat. And the Coalition family now look hypocritical...opportunistic...a rabble...because Tony lets Barnaby do whatever he wants. Say whatever he wants. He hopes to make Barnaby Deputy. Whilst keeping talented bizz boy Malcolm in the dungeon. That should please Sydneysiders. N'


10/09/2012 LadyInRed, signed. Useful petition. That hate-filled fool gets way too much airtime. N'


10/09/2012Truth Seeker That was just great. It would be just wonderful if it comes true late 2013. You are very optimistic. :-) Lyn That interview with Barnaby Joyce was so funny, thanks for that gem and all the others you have given us. :-)


10/09/2012[i][b][u]ABANDON[/u] [u]SHIP[/u]![/b][/i] Yes J**** and I had to abandon the poor old [i]Ruby[/i] after two days aboard, going down to Lock 9 first day Thursday, back to Wentworth on Friday, upriver and against the wind, but we passed the much more salubrious PS [i]Marion[/i] on the way to everyone's delight. It wasn't a race, it's just that [i]Ruby[/i] has a faster best-operating speed than [i]Marion[/i], but it felt like fun as we passed the newer spiffier vessel. But that huge old steam engine I spoke of broke its poor heart, or at least one of its pistons maybe, anyway she was unfit for further service and her future as a passenger vessel is now questionable. So sad, built 1907, so much love by many to bring her back from the grave (since 1905!) and she didn't make the big regatta celebrating the PS [i]Melbourne[/i]'s centenary in Mildura yesterday. Tough on [i]Ruby[/i]'s lovers. J**** and I did make that event, on the PS [i]Industry[/i], thousands of people lining the banks all happy and waving . . . We felt like stars. I raised a big cheer from the onlookers as we passed the thickest of the crowd. [i]LET'S HEAR IT FOLKS[/i], I yelled, [i]THREE CHEERS,[/i] [b][i]HIP HIP [/i][/b]and they all [b][i]HOORAY[/i][/b]ed! But it was sad dear old [i]Ruby[/i], best-beloved of all, wasn't there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ad astra your legend grows on Twitter and everywhere, yours is the voice with the most gravitas of all on the political social media. Lyn is your perfect co-worker, and I have felt from the first, and now more than ever feel honoured to be a gnome on your site. And more than ever too I am certain that this site [i]is[/i] making a difference, we are helping to grow confidence and resolve amongst the Government supporters, and that is a noble and strengthening thing. It makes me proud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abbortt remember The Ides of September Friday the 21st! On that day your phalangists Will become your own challengists And for you things will get worse and worse! Let's just see how accurate my Eye of Time really is. Actually, the stage I'm predicting for that date has pretty well happened already. But by then less than a fortnight away I reckon the "libspill" pressures will be [i]obvious to all[/i], and [i]that[/i] is the moment I'm focussing on. Albanese has just in effect called both Abbortt and Hockey liars about a matter of fact, concerning the time when Abbortt said he had been reading the BHP doco on the non-eventuating SA copper mine. He said (in a re-telling of his admission to Leigh Sales that he had [i]not[/i] read it) that in fact he [i]had[/i] done so after all, at the specified specific time of 3.15 PM on the day in question. Sloppy Joe supported that claim, saying they had read it [i]together[/i] ( ! ) - Albo has come up with the fact that their individual whereabouts at that time are [i]known[/i], and they were [i]not[/i] together! WOO-HOO! Popcorn! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sadder matter, I was essentially incommunicado when news of Mr Gillard's death came out. Through this medium may I express my condolences to all his family, *J*U*L*I*A* most especially since she has so much other weight on her shoulders. But be of calm mind Dear PM, your Dad is at peace, and We the People [i]will[/i] win the election, without you being on deck for the next few days. We'll still be here when you have dried your eyes.


10/09/2012 Truth Seeker, good one. I was just thinking that the ALP for Christmas should a WOMEN IN LABOR calender. Not quite as raunchy as this Czech politician one: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704334604575339011352332760.html but showing the ALP women strengths in their portfolio. WOMEN IN LABOR is a nice play on words. End the calendar with a shot of all the ALP men giving a thumbs up. N'


10/09/2012 Darn, that should be: should make a [b]WOMEN IN LABOR[/b] calendar. N'


10/09/2012Welcome back, TT, I missed you this weekend. I see that N' is talking about [b]Women in Labor[/b] as a nice play on words, but not, I think, [i]a propos[/i] my own [i]Women in Labor[/i] first draft of http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/women-in-labor-2/, posted above. No compplaint intended N':-) but TT would know how I labored over finding appropriate metaphors and rhymes for those few lines which stressed how fertile of ideas and productive of legislation our government has been with Julia Gillard as PM and her team of men and women in Labor. I also missed you on National Bilby Day, TT, and have waited for your return to express my frustration with trying to donate again this year to the Save the Bilby Fund. The Shop and Cart are not the best way to do it anyway, but the route to donating is not clear even so and open to error in several ways which I won't go into here. I hate being a grouch and want to help. Is there an easier way? Truth Seeker, GOLD!


10/09/2012 Patricia, what dya think of the WOMEN IN LABOR calendar idea? Remember that movie 'Calendar Girls'? N'


10/09/2012 Patricia, Good stuff...the title musta stuck in my head...as I was laying in bed resting today I began thinking about how the ALP could get more promotion in kitchens, dining rooms etc. And BINGO...I thought "calendar". It musta been your images and title that gave me the idea...sitting in the back of my noggin'...then went searching to see if a female politician calendar had been done before. N'


10/09/2012Hey, Talk Turkey!...Is there a paddle vessel called 'M.V. Coonawarra" there?....I worked for a short stint as a deckhand on that old boat when she used to ply between Murray Bridge and Morgan. I have memories of that boat!


10/09/2012 I wrote this post 19 months ago: FEB 8 2011 [b]Tony Abbott stuff-ups: A Pattern of Behaviour[/b] http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/tony-abbott-stuff-ups-a-pattern-of-behaviour/ Hasn't it be fun? I think the people are catching on now. N'


10/09/2012 Should be: Hasn't it been fun? Eyesight not doing me any favours today.

Ad astra

10/09/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your links and Twitterverse. I'm having trouble with my Internet today, as i often do in central Melbourne, so haven't been able to get online. But I did manage to listen to Barnaby Joyce being interviewed by Marius Bensen on the iPad. Barnaby's avoidance of every question bordered on the pathological. This man is making himself a laughing stock. I have another piece ready, and will post it as soon as i can get online.


10/09/2012Thanks Nasking for signing the Jones petition. I have found Marr's essay most interesting reading, Political Tony and Values Tony, and his willingness (or cunning) to put his values on hold for political expedience. Fascinating stuff. Doug Cammeron has come out saying it shouldn't matter what TAbbott thought and did 35 years ago what we need to focus on is the now and what he stands for now. And to a certain extent I agree with that. However, the Tony of today doesn't sound all that different to Tony of yesteryear. I think Doug is thinking we all grow and change? I know I have. Growth is evolving, letting go of, or modifying, old ideas and replacing them with new ones, changing because beliefs you had have been challenged and found wanting. Growth is not puting your beliefs or values to one side and spruking a different line to get something you want, like power. People are complex no doubt about it.

Ad astra

10/09/2012Folks I have just posted: [i]Why I admire Prime Minister Gillard[/i]' Enjoy http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/post/2012/09/10/Why-I-admire-Prime-Minister-Gillard.aspx


10/09/2012G'Day all, a friend sent this to me today & thought I might as well share with the swordians. Sorry if I am about to upset anyone. Prostate Exam After experiencing the discomfort and embarrassment of a prostate test by the National Health Service, a bloke decided to have this next test carried out while visiting friends in Thailand, where the beautiful nurses are allegedly much more gentle and accommodating. As he lay naked on his side on the table and the nurse began the examination. "Don't worry, at this stage of the procedure it's quite normal to get an erection" said the nurse. "I haven't got an erection" said the man. "No, but I have" replied the nurse. Unfortunately center line scripting doesn't copy & paste well.

Truth Seeker

10/09/2012Gravel, Thank you for your kind comments, my original idea was to take a satirical look at the oppositions approach to winning government, based around the current focus on the olympics but I think that there is more than just a bit of reality to it. And yes there is a level of optimism, but like TT, I think it is well founded, and I do believe that JULIA is our marathon girl. Nas, hopefully produced a chuckle. Patricia, I agree with Nas, "Women in Labor", is a great play on words, and your posts both here and on CW are a great tribute to our PM and her father. Well done. And thanks for awarding my poem "Gold". Cheers
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?