More falsehoods of the $8bn BER ‘waste’ claims

The first part of this post concluded by indicating the follow-up would reveal more of the fables around the Federal Opposition claim of $8 billion ‘waste’ in the Building the Education Revolution (BER) program.

The definition I am using for ‘fable’ is numbered 8 in the 1993 edition of The Shorter Oxford Dictionary at page 910, namely: “Something falsely claimed to exist, or having no existence outside popular legend”.

There could not be a better description of the Opposition’s $8 billion ‘waste’ claim on ‘school halls’.

But first, here’s something I found while doing research for this post.

BER waste tops $1.5 billion

The third and final report into the BER, conducted by former investment banker Brad Orgill… buildings of poor quality. Mr Orgill heavily criticised the Victorian governments handing of the scheme… 
8 Jul 2011 The Australian.

BER waste blows out to $1.1bn

The report, headed by former investment banker Brad Orgill, called for a Productivity Commission review… under the scheme. Mr Orgill found some governments had lost the expertise to properly manage building… 
9 Jul 2011 The Australian.

Wow, look at the dates and you’ll see The Australian saving $400 million in a single day!

False attribution:
The Australian has published many false claims about the BER. For example, the article with the headline ‘BER waste blows out to $1.1bn’ was based on the following false attribution in the second paragraph: “The third and final report into the BER, handed down yesterday found that $1.1 billion was wasted in delivering public school buildings to NSW and Victoria, when compared with their Catholic counterparts.”

The final BER Taskforce report contains no such finding. A computer search for the word “waste” in the 259-page BER Implementation Taskforce final report found one example – on page 250 in Appendix 14: Environmentally sustainable design case studies. The reference related to the fact that 80 per cent of construction waste during the work at Gold Creek Primary (ACT Government) was recycled and that topsoil removed during the construction phase was replaced prior to the completion of works.

The Australian goes on to repeat the $1.1 billion claim five paragraphs later when it says: “When comparing public school buildings delivered to NSW and Victorian schools with Catholic counterparts, $1.1bn was wasted in those states under the program. When comparing the cost of public school buildings in those states with independent schools, that figure blows out to $1.9bn. However, it is fairest to compare Catholic schools with public schools as both have centralised control structures.” An irony in this false reporting by The Australian is that applying its headline $1.1 billion claim to the whole P21 program exposes the Federal Opposition claims of $8 billion “waste” as “something falsely claimed to exist, or having no existence outside popular legend”.

The NSW and Victorian governments were responsible for 37 per cent of the expenditure of the entire P21 program. If their total ‘waste’ had blown out to $1.1 billion that would make the Australia-wide ‘waste’ $2.973 billion. The other 63 per cent of the P21 program would account for $1.87 billion of this.

So, on the basis of the report in The Australian, the “waste” is more than $5 billion below what the Federal Opposition claims. Even that estimation of the ‘waste’ is a gross exaggeration.

Double standard:
However, there is another interesting issue that arises from the approach by The Australian in calculating ‘waste’ that smacks of a double standard.

There is no doubt that the Taskforce figures show the regionally adjusted total project costs for halls/libraries/classroom per square metre/gross floor area (GFA) are higher for Government primary schools in NSW (the report claims 27 per cent) and Victoria (the report claims 28 per cent) than they are for Catholic primary schools in these two states.

From this, The Australian draws a conclusion that there is $1.1 billion ‘waste’ for NSW and Victorian Government primary schools when compared with Catholic primary schools in these two States.

There is also no doubt that these same Taskforce figures are higher for Catholic primary schools than Independent primary schools. In NSW (on the same basis The Australian uses to calculate percentages this equals 26 per cent) and in Victoria (22 per cent) than they are for Independent primary schools in these two States.

If The Australian uses these figures to claim ‘waste’ by Government schools against Catholic school costs, why does it ignore the apparent ‘waste’ by Catholic schools when measured against Independent schools?

Average size a factor:
The Australian also ignores a major factor affecting the cost of NSW Government primary schools.

The Taskforce report shows that the average square metre/GFA for halls + libraries + classrooms for NSW Government primary schools at 393 is 321 lower than NSW Catholic primary schools and 515 lower than NSW Independent primary schools. It is also only 68.5 per cent of the average project size for all schools involved in P21 projects of 574 sq metres.

On page 48 of its final report, the BER says: “A further variable driving building costs is average size of buildings. Given the smaller size of NSW Government buildings, the building cost per square metre in isolation, is notable relative to other authorities.”

The report goes on to note that projects with small floor areas may attract a higher cost per square metre than larger projects. It notes that the average project sizes vary from the NSW low of 393 sq. metres to the WA Independent average of 1599 sq metres.

Shooting from the lips:
Federal Opposition education spokesman, Christopher Pyne, showed his penchant for shooting from the lips with his comments immediately after the BER Implementation Taskforce was announced early in 2010.

The Brisbane Times of April 14, 2010 reported Pyne as saying the taskforce was a '’political fix'’ designed to neutralise negative publicity before the election. He said a judicial inquiry was needed, with powers to subpoena documents and compel witnesses to appear.

The Taskforce’s interim report, delivered on August 6, 2010 (15 days before the August 21, 2010 election), gave the lie to these comments.

In its executive summary of this report the Taskforce said: “In response to the issues identified in NSW, the Taskforce recommended to the Australian Government in June that $75 million of funding be withheld from the NSW Government. The Taskforce has been working actively and collaboratively with the NSW Department of Education and Training in respect of the value for money issues identified and in exploring solutions to complaints and we are encouraged by the early progress on a number of issues.”

By the time it had finished its work, the Taskforce had conducted 137 case studies of value for money (VFM) at schools by using quantity surveyors to provide separate costings (130 of these case studies were for Government schools). It also made more than 460 visits to schools to inspect and report on work and to interview principals and staff.

That seems far more practical than just sitting in a courtroom and hearing witnesses.

Deliberate deceit or ignorance:
The Federal Opposition’s most misleading approach of all is using the BER’s total budget of $16.17 billion to arrive at the $8 billion ‘waste’ claim.

As shown in the previous article, Pyne arrived at the $8 billion figure by managing to calculate that $8 billion is 50 per cent of the $16 billion total BER budget.

I do not know if it is deliberate deceit or ignorance (or perhaps both) that the Opposition did not take into account that the $16.17 billion BER program has the following three components:

- The $14.060 billion P21 project, of which $13.852 billion was funding for projects and $207.787 million allocated to 22 education authorities for administration. These 22 education authorities comprise the 8 State or Territory education departments, 6 Catholic and 6 Independent Block Grant Authorities (BGAs) and 2 combined Catholic/Independent BGAs. This program funded around 10,500 projects for some 7900 primary schools.

- The $1.288 billion National Schools Pride (NSP) project to fund minor capital and maintenance projects for around 10,000 primary and secondary schools in Australia, with amounts per school varying between $50,000 to $200,000 (depending on size) per school. The actual project funding was $1.269 billion with administration funding $19.049 million.

- The $821.8 million Science and Language Centres for 21st Century Schools (SLC) to fund 500 science laboratories or language learning centres across Australia. About $809 million was available for project funds and some $12 million for administration funding.

Why NSP and SLC should be excluded:
The combined $2.11 billion cost of the NSP and SLC programs should be eliminated from the $16.17 billion used in the 50 per cent claim for the following reasons:

- The Federal Opposition did not consider them significant enough to include when it sponsored a referral of the P21 element of the BER program to the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee for inquiry and report.

- The July 2011 final report of the BER Taskforce shows that of the total 332 complaints received 7 (2.1 per cent) related to the NSP and 13 (3.9 per cent) were about the SLC. However, only 4 (1.2 per cent) were designated as value for money (VFM) complaints – 2 each in the NSP and SLC.

- The 7 NSP complaints represent 0.07 per cent of the 10,000 primary and secondary schools involved in this project. The two VFM complaints represent 0.02 per cent. This does not indicate any outcry about “waste” of funds in this component of the BER.

- The 13 SLC complaints represent about 2.6 per cent of the 500 projects involved. Most of them involved eligibility to participate and ranking issues.

- The October 2009 Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) submission to the Senate P21 inquiry notes on page 8 that the SLC budget was decreased in August 2009 to $821.8 million (that’s a cut of $178.2 million) “due to target of 500 science and language centres being exceeded at lower than forecast cost.” (emphasis added).

Like must be compared to like:
If the Opposition is claiming 50 per cent ‘waste’ on the spending on Government primary schools, it is illogical to add the total spending on Catholic and Independent schools or the spending on the NSP and SLC to calculate that 50 per cent ‘waste’ by Government schools equals $8 billion.

Put simply, if 50 per cent ‘waste’ is claimed on Government school spending, the ‘waste’ in dollar terms can be related only to the total spending on Government schools.

The total funding allocated to Government primary schools under P21 was $9.508 billion. If 50 per cent of this was “wasted”, then the ‘waste’ in dollar terms is $4.754 billion.

So, on Pyne’s figure of $8 billion ‘waste’, there needs to be another $3.246 billion of ”waste” found in the P21 program.

The only other expenditure items in the P21 are the $4.344 billion on Catholic and Independent primary schools.

The $3.246 billion shortfall represents 74.7per cent of that total.

That’s where Pyne’s claim leads – to the utterly ridiculous notion that nearly three-quarters of spending on Catholic and Independent primary schools was ‘wasted’ while at the same time using the efficiency of these two systems as a way of slamming Government school ‘waste’.

What is equally obvious is that Pyne’s deliberate distortions and falsehoods and Abbott’s enthusiastic adoption of them was assisted greatly by the unprincipled campaign against the BER by The Australian. Instead of examining the claims of Pyne and Abbott objectively and putting them into context, The Australian enthusiastically promoted all unfavourable comments.

The Australian, shock jocks, and most of the other media did not bother to examine the lack of credentials of self-servers such as Craig Mayne. He was regularly described as a whistleblower and expert on building. Yet as early as May 19, 2010, Mayne’s evidence to a Senate inquiry revealed that he was not a civil engineer, and had not worked in the construction industry for nearly 25 years. Try finding any reports about this in any of the mainstream media, let alone corrections of Mayne's wrongly stated qualifications.

It is obvious that The Australian in particular, and much of the other media, were not going to let facts get in the way of their dishonest and false reporting.

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Tom of Melbourne

21/03/2012Some silly personally stuff aside, no one has addressed the hundreds of millions spent on wealthy private schools “performing arts centres”, “mini amphitheatres for the junior school”, fully equipped gymnasiums…” Still, to the economically illiterate a billion here or there isn’t really that important. Or whether $300,000 is good value when creating a single job. No, when talking about economic success and efficient government expenditure, the last thing that interests people here is economics.


21/03/2012ToM - what's your point exactly?

Tom of Melbourne

21/03/2012Only that when everyone is rejoicing over the successful BER, no one reflects whether the billion (+or-) that was spent in wealthy private schools was good value for taxpayers. I tend to think this was unnecessary. People here applaud it. This seems inconsistent with their criticism of the current model for funding private schools. Equally, creating a job at a cost of $$hundred thousands, is obviously inefficient. No one cares. Apparently suggesting that this is an expensive job is “knowing the cost, but not the value”. I’d say this is the type of comment made by people who don’t understand fiscal responsibility.


21/03/2012NormanK, No-one can say that we didn't try!


21/03/2012ian There is no measuring device of sufficient size to gauge the depth of my surprised disappointment. :(


21/03/2012Hi ToM you obviously missed my reply on the previous post about the government school that built a performing arts centre via the BER. For the life of me I don't know where you plucked the figure of $300,000 per job 'created' but it sounds a bit like a three stooges figure to me. It is a different discussion but I contend that the BER did not 'create' one job let alone thousands. However, there were many people who had jobs that did not lose them as a result of the stimulus provided by the BER. With a bit of jiggery-pokery I could prove that that the fact that those people didn't lose their jobs the government saved the poor and weeping taxpayers of this country a bloody big fortune by not having several thousand people on unemployment benefits (meagre tough that social security social safety net has become) and the consequent lowering of spending thereby reducing GST revenue and also probably creating further unemployment in the retail sector and on and on. [i]No, when talking about economic success and efficient government expenditure, the last thing that interests people here is economics.[/i] What a load of old cobblers. That statement is about as useful as telling me that the Greens are financed by the CIA, all Liberals are closet Libertarians, all Nationals are agrarian socialists and the Labor Party is a front for the Soviet Communist Party. The opinions that you have put forward hold about the same amount of water as a protruding belly button cavity and are about as useful as another allusion to receptacles of cold water.


22/03/2012Campbell Newman has pulled ahead of the ALP's Kate... I feel bad for Kate...she's beaut and has fought so well.. But the idea of someone else, particularly a Nat taking over the leadership if the LNP wins, gives me the I've mentioned before. [quote]7.19am: Campbell Newman looks to be almost guaranteed to win the seat of Ashgrove, according to the latest poll results. ReachTEL conducted a phone poll last night in the electorate of 931 people - about 10% of the total voters in the seat - and with just two days to go until the election, Mr Newman is ahead of Labor's incumbent Kate Jones by 49% to 40.8% of the primary vote. The results show Mr Newman's primary vote has increased for the first time since December, while Ms Jones' vote had dropped. On a two-party preferred basis (based on 2009 distributions), Mr Newman is on 54.2% of the vote, with Ms Jones trailing on 45.8%. ReachTEL also asked voters whether they would prefer an LNP government with Campbell Newman as its leader, or without. 57.2% said they would prefer it with him, while 42.8% said they would prefer someone else.[/quote] Read more: N'


22/03/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Running out of options, Andrew Elder , Politically Homeless[/i] Had the media treated Abbott in the same way that they treat the Prime Minister, he would have been peppered at every one of his picfacs over the past week about these comments, with commentary about how weak Abbott is within his party's organisation, LIB SPLIT SHOCK etc. [i]The retraction- if This American Life can, Tim Dunlop, The Drum[/i] Here's the rub, and it is something most of Australia's media don't get: in responding to their mistake in the way they did, This American Life did not undermine their credibility but enhanced it. Instead of fobbing off a page-one error with the equivalent of a column-inch on page nine, they came clean and explained in detail [i]Official: Australia the best place for miners in the world (again), Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Mining stocks have also continued to perform well (asked why local miners’ share prices were outperforming the stockmarket and their foreign competitors after the announcement of the RSPT in 2010, [i]The Greens, CIA and the MRRT, luiggi berrospi, Law and Politic Blog[/i] His statements quickly superseded the news that the Australian Parliament had passed a law imposing 30 percent tax on iron ore and coal miners’ profits.The controversial “Minerals Resource Rent Tax” will come into force on July 1. [i]Why would the ABC quote the AVN-, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] Why then is the ABC quoting her in medical stories? More to the point, why are they quoting Dorey about Whooping Cough when she has previously argued that it is not lethal to children? That the ABC should give even a shred of legitimacy to the AVN is disgraceful [i]The CIA, the Greens, and the time-travelling carbon tax, The Conscience Vote[/i] ‘carbon tax’ pushed up electricity prices starting from 2007. The ‘carbon tax’ forced any one of a dozen small businesses to lay off workers or close altogether months ago. The ‘carbon tax’ reduced our senior citizens to huddling around a candle for warmth because they couldn’t pay their gas bills. [i]The Media's Town Gown Divide, David Ingram, New Matilda[/i] The major newspapers oppose this and the most vociferous, The Australian, blasts the nation’s media academics for supporting Finkelstein. Thirty-five journalism educators sign an open letter condemning The Australian for shooting the messenger, one of the greatest indictments that can be levelled at a professional hack. [i]Julia Gillard Moves to 19, Stephen Koukoulas[/i] Tomorrow, Prime Minister Julia Gillard will become the 19th longest serving Prime Minister in Australia’s history clocking up 1 year and 271 days in office, Of Australia’s 27 Prime Ministers since 1901, Ms Gillard has served a longer time in office than McMahon, Cook, Reid, Watson, Fadden, McEwen, Page and Forde [i]DJs chief lives another day, Ray Hadley's Twitter hate, Kerry Stokes book, The Power Index[/i] Hadley, No. 3 on the Megaphones power list, yesterday slammed Oakeshott as a "registered halfwit" and "recalcitrant dope" for refusing to appear on his program to answer questions about a trust fund he set up in 2003 as a NSW state MP. [i]Clive Palmer is rich so we should hear him out, Independent Australia[/i] Yes, Greenpeace and the CIA being secretly in cahoots might sound implausible, and maybe even absolutely ridiculous, but I just get the feeling Clive Palmer is onto something. Anyway, he’s [i]CIA hits back at Palmer conspiracy claims, Emma Griffiths ,ABC[/i] Earlier, Mr Abbott laughed off Mr Palmer's claims, "He's a larger than life character and I think when he says that the Greens want to stop the coal industry he's absolutely right - of course the Greens want to stop the coal industry," Mr Abbott told Channel 10. [i]Clive Palmer’s “big” conspiracy theory: billionaire trades hard hat for tin foil hat, Watching The Deniers[/i] In the deniers world bankers, scientists, the UN, Freemasons, Greens and socialists are plotting to take over the globe and reduce our living standards on par with the stone age. How did the country respond to Clive’s attempt to alert us to this danger? [i]Foreign Minister says Palmer CIA comments “reckless”, David Twomey, Eco News[/i] Australian Greens leader, Senator Bob Brown, has challenged the LNP and Mr Abbott to repudiate Mr Palmer’s statements.According to the latest financial disclosure returns, Mr Palmer’s Mineralogy gave the coalition parties, at federal and state levels, nearly $500,000 last financial year, while his Queensland Nickel gave another $500,000 [i]How climate change gets lost in translation, Fiona Armstrong, Climate Spectator[/i] The latest salvo in the war of words about climate change from the blogger in the bowels of News Ltd suggests the recent floods are further evidence that climate change isn’t happening, won’t affect Australians, and that scientists are getting it all wrong [i]Solar technology could transform office blocks into power producers, Justin Norrie, The Conversation[/i] “In a new building, or one where the windows are being replaced anyway, adding transparent solar cells to the glass would be a relatively small cost since the cost of the glass, [i]This week's NBN rollout progress, Darren Driscoll, NBN Co[/i] Here's what the NBN construction team around the country has been working on in the past week.Because we're doing the same tasks in many different places at once, this report is repetitive -- so you may want to skip directly to the areas you're interested in [i]Why I'm an NBN Champion, The Angry Cripple Column ,ABC[/i] It means better services for people with disability, and better opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. Take, for example, people who are hearing impaired. Because the NBN conveys the visual medium [i]Mixed Message Strategy of the LNP in Queensland Election, Turnleft 2013[/i] And yet Campbell Newman’s party, I mean, the Liberal Nationals try to paint the ALP as being untrustworthy. Black is currently facing five criminal charges over whether she failed to declare a number of pecuniary interests while working in public office. [b]Video [/b] [i]Tax cuts: big ones, small ones or none at all? (03:30), National Times[/i] Julia Gillard prepares to take on the Greens and Coalition, Clive Palmer's CIA theory and Wayne Swan's "Curly" call in today's political news. 21/03/12 Palmer backs away from CIA claims Michelle Grattan: Playing field tilts in Labor's favour [i]Clive's conspiracy will anger US investors: Carr (00:43) The Age[/i] Foreign Minister Bob Carr suggests Tony Abbott "widen his sphere of influence" after top Liberal Party donor Clive Palmer's comments, Tuesday. 21/03/12 Palmer backs away from CIA claims , Tony Wright: Off their Rockefellers in bad-boy Queensland [i]Mining tax under the microscope, Stephen Koukoulas, Sky News[/i] Sky News political editor David Speers speaks with Stephen Koukoulas from Market Economics and John Murray from BDO Australia. [b]New Foreign Minister sets out his stall , Chris Uhlmann, 7.30pm report[/b] New Senator Bob Carr has given his maiden speech and joins us to talk about his role as Foreign Minister [b]Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category[/b] 21/03/12 Palmer backs away from colourful claims [b]CIA rubbishes conspiracy claims , Channel 7[/b] [b]The Drum Wednesday 21 March March 21, 2012 20:37:57 [/b] In this episode, John Barron speaks to Sue Cato from Cato Counsel, Radio 2UE broadcaster John Stanley and constitutional law expert Peter Black. [b]Daily Twitter Links [/b]


22/03/2012Sorry, try this link: N'


22/03/2012[b]TODAY'S FRONT PAGES[/b] Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 22 March 2012


22/03/2012ToM - "Private schools" being given funding is called equality, as you or I are not privy to their financial affairs we don't know how much of the building was paid for by BER funding and frankly I thought the public/private school thing died a natural death years ago. You have yet to justify your claim of $300k per job - the Federal Opposition has obviously forgotten the multiplier effect (or given the undoubted talent of the current "opposition finance team" have never heard of it). Sorry but a Abbott or Hockey "brain fart" is not justification.

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22/03/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


22/03/2012Good Morning JohnL A big well deserved thankyou to you for you magnificent work, the research you have done is highly commendable. TPS has decided we need to keep you here. [i]More-falsehoods-of-the-$8bn-BER-‘waste’-claims[/i]. [i]Try finding any reports about this in any of the mainstream media, let alone corrections of Mayne's wrongly stated qualifications. It is obvious that The Australian in particular, and much of the other media, were not going to let facts get in the way of their dishonest and false reporting. [/i]


22/03/2012Good on the government for assisting the car manufacturing workers at this crucial time. So many useful skilled workers could've ended up on the dole. The Obama administration bailed out GM and such...during tuff times...saving plenty of workers jobs...GM is performing well now. China subsidies their industries. It's a different playing field now compared to the days the ALP quite rightly lowered tariffs. Incremental shifts need to be cautiously made towards the cleaner energy, more sustainable economy during this transition economy. In my neighborhood there are plenty of good decent hardworking family blokes and single fellas, and the odd woman, who work in the automobile-related sector. Their families depend on their income...paying off mortgages created during the Howard and early Rudd era...bloody big investment on their part...their houses purchased for 2-3 times what ours was in Jan 2002. 200 million sounds like a lot of money...but when ya think of all those smiles on the kids' faces next Christmas when their Dad or Mum doesn't have to make excuses but instead does a good shop and grabs a few goodies to give the end of year a bit of cheer and won't be the Federal Coalition they'll be thanking. N'


22/03/2012Good job JohnL: [quote]The Federal Opposition’s most misleading approach of all is using the BER’s total budget of $16.17 billion to arrive at the $8 billion ‘waste’ claim. As shown in the previous article, Pyne arrived at the $8 billion figure by managing to calculate that $8 billion is 50 per cent of the $16 billion total BER budget. I do not know if it is [b]deliberate deceit or ignorance (or perhaps both) that the Opposition did not take into account that the $16.17 billion BER program has the following three components[/b]: - The $14.060 billion P21 project, of which $13.852 billion was funding for projects and $207.787 million allocated to 22 education authorities for administration. These 22 education authorities comprise the 8 State or Territory education departments, 6 Catholic and 6 Independent Block Grant Authorities (BGAs) and 2 combined Catholic/Independent BGAs. This program [b]funded around 10,500 projects for some 7900 primary schools. [/b] - The $1.288 billion National Schools Pride (NSP) [b]project to fund minor capital and maintenance projects for around 10,000 primary and secondary schools in Australia[/b], with amounts per school varying between $50,000 to $200,000 (depending on size) per school. The actual project funding was $1.269 billion with administration funding $19.049 million. - The $821.8 million Science and Language Centres for 21st Century Schools (SLC) [b]to fund 500 science laboratories or language learning centres across Australia. [/b]About $809 million was available for project funds and some $12 million for administration funding.[/quote] Obviously deceit on the part of Chris Pyne and co. The right-wing propaganda machines and their gutless copycats jumped on the flaws...then hyped them up to the max to tarnish the entire reputation of the BER in a deliberate political campaign to paint the ALP as "incompetent wasters". Not unexpected...but morally bankrupt...and demonstrating much politically-biased poor investigative reporting...kind of stuff you'd expect from a national paper and tabloids saving moolah who hold a grudge. As for the turkeys who feed hate and loathing on the radio...this hype and exaggeration is red meat for their cynical, gullible, angry listeners. Frankly, when I look at those numbers you mention (bolded) I'm amazed by the scope of the BER schemes... sooo many's truly magnificent...the achievements of most involved are remarkable considering the time factor...well overdue I might add. The ALP should trumpet this achievement. Be proud of this massive investment in Australian education. It demonstrates vision and efficiency...during volatile times. Screw the negabores...and the Murdoch empire...and the mob of sheep who [u]bah[/u] & [u]meh[/u] behind them. This was a helluva damn good job as far as me and many others are concerned. How many governments woulda had the courage and fair-go instincts and foresight to pull off something so huge during emergency times? The ALP deserve a lot of credit. History was made...and it's a goodun. No more knockin' it...because Murdoch and the rich miners' boy Abbott says so. Top job JohnL N'


22/03/2012Gravel, Thnx for the kind, supportive words on the previous thread. I'm more worried for the students of QLD. The morale is good right now...much pride has been restored under the ALP... When Palmer and Katter and Joyce and McLindon...and LNP misogynists and porn site lovers...act like complete dipsticks it reflects, unfortunately, on the entire other states the wrong impression. We have plenty of rational, well-rounded people up here just getting on with their thing...not acting like an animal with rabbies...sure the clothes are casual...ya get the odd yobbo who left their manners in the stack of dirty dishes...and a few redheads who give ya the sh@ts who don't think about kids on the street...the occasional yahoo who shoots at anything in the bush...and even nasty arsonists and animal abusers and gun-tottin' wankers giving petrol station workers a hard time...yep, sometimes it feels like Florida... But on the whole I find them to be a rough kindness bunch up here...many would give ya a helping hand if ya find yerself in strife... Sure, they're not always the most wide conversationalists...footy, cricket, the weather, food, health, education, finance, Facebook and games, family, nostalgic memories...and gossip...being the main fare... But I luv the fact many are laid back...they let ya get on with yer life and don't look at ya like yer some crim preparing to mug 'em...they/we enjoy nothing more than a good sunny day at the beach or park...chatting with mates...catching up with family...feeding faces...whilst others diet (plenty up here caught up in weight loss plans of late...good to see...we were getting a bit fast food and chubby addicted/complacent...hope Newman doesn't suck up to the artery blocking fast food restauranters...fine in moderation). Let's hope Newman keeps it semi-laid back...pretty tolerant...respects cultural diversity (Expo was fun)...reduces traffic...and congestion...makes public transport a priority (I dug the subway/tube in Toronto, London etc.)...lets alternative music and arts places flourish...ensures QLD looks as clean and appealing as Brisbane was under Sally-Anne Atkinson...and doesn't screw with our beaches... Policing is fine...but no police state. Scapegoating people doing what most of the world does just creates long-term fear and hate. And hopefully our revitalised bush land and corridors so loved in the suburbs won't be mown down by rampant property developers... Nor private schools promoted at the expense of a public system...choice means choice. I'd love to see one Liberal leader who respects the effort of educators in less privileged areas...doesn't use fear-mongering and divisive policies and announcements to get their message across...treats public teachers as professional adults...not children who are their enemy. Gonna miss Anna. Unless miracles happen. I'm agnostic. :) N'


22/03/2012and a few redheads who give ya the sh@ts who don't think about kids on the streets Was meant to be revheads. Blasted IPad changes words/spelling and sometimes I miss it. N'


22/03/2012Hi Ad Funny this! The Coalition not attending this rally outside Parliament today: [i]Coalition MPs decline to attend anti-carbon tax rally by: Lanai Vasek From: The Australian March 22, 2012 10:06AM [/i] The Opposition Leader and shadow ministers Andrew Robb, Sophie Mirabella and Barnaby Joyce all said they would not attend the protest, despite organisers' expectations. Mr Abbott last year attended two separate rallies put on by CATA in March and August at which Alan Jones and Pauline Hanson were also present. In March he addressed the crowd before several controversial signs that labelled the Prime Minister "Bob Brown's Bitch", "JU-Liar" and a "witch". Mr Abbott's apparent refusal to attend the rally comes after the Coalition spent much of the recent sitting week attacking the carbon tax in parliament. It also comes after the Coalition supported Mr Palmer's bid to challenge the carbon tax in the High Court.


22/03/2012I don't know why people object to the way in which some journalists frame their stories. Our erstwhile professionals are astute in determining just which aspect of a story deserves the full heat of their intellect focussed upon it and which aspect deserves to be relegated to the bottom of a story as an after-thought. Lauren Wilson at [i]The Australian[/i] is particularly nimble in exercising this skill. Faced with two story-lines attached to the "I love the Murray" event in Canberra, Ms Wilson has no difficulty sorting out which one is important and which one is not. [quote]Helen Dalton, a farmer from the NSW irrigation stronghold of Griffith, told The Australian the Opposition Leader said he would scrap the plan at a private meeting with members of the group last month in his Canberra office.[/quote] OR [quote]The NSW and Victorian water ministers have launched an attack on Julia Gillard for attending the same community event in support of the Murray River that Tony Abbott spoke at yesterday.[/quote] It was a choice between a story based on two state Coalition ministers chastising a Labor prime minister for attending an event at which the Leader of the Opposition was also present or a story based on two women from [i]Women of the Living Basin[/i] group who were prepared to go on the record with detailed evidence of Tony Abbott talking out of both sides of his mouth with regard to his intentions on the MDBP. Given the willingness of newspapers to run with front page stories based on single 'unnamed' sources, I would have thought there might be some milage in the statements of two women who were prepared to go on the record declaring that Mr Abbott assured them that he would 'tear up' the Plan should he be elected even though it is still currently in the consultation stage. It doesn't help Ms Wilson's case that she fails to spell out just why Ms Gillard attending that event is such a sin. In fact that aspect of her article is a dog's breakfast. I think I probably would have lead with the Abbott story but I guess my priorities differ from Ms Wilson's. Still, she's the professional.


22/03/2012Hi Ad The blog site Turn Left 2013 launched this week. They have kindly included The Political Sword and Today's Links in their Blogroll. [i]Mixed Message Strategy of the LNP in Queensland Election Turn Left2013[/i] Hajnal Black, the Conservative politician of this article, who stood for the Liberal Nationals in 2009, and has been supported by the Australian TEA party and the ADL (whose British counterpart EDL – English Defence League has been compared to a fascist organisation) gave “police the slip as arrest warrant remains active” against her.


22/03/2012Oh yea, QLDers love going on and on and on about their jobs...that's why it's so good that Anna Bligh's tuff decisions ensured so many jobs were saved...and created. N'


22/03/2012Balmy Palmer maddest of all! Balmy Palmer made a bad call! All Palmer's money and all his mad friends Never restore Palmer's credit again. This is absolutely true. Own goal Palmhair. [i]Permanent[/i] own goal. Your [b]insanity[/b] will outlive you. It will be legendary. It will stick to you and your stupid lying ignorant sucking Party, this is your very own shit you threw at the Greens and the Government, but you hadn't reckoned on the wind in your face eh, how funny. You have revealed once and for all your own derangement. You have achieved a kind of shitfaced immortality. Congratulations. You have earnt it. I need to tell you this, because you are too stupid and full of yourself (over-full obviously), to realise it yourself. Everybody else knows it though. Even Abbortt. Keep your money Clive, you will anyway. You will never buy back your respect. People will ridicule you all the days of life, wearing the shit on your face as Downer's legs are forever always fishnet-stockinged. This will make a lot of people on my side of politics feel very well disposed to you, big fella, they will get a laugh every time they see you. [b]National Trash[/b] is your true value. [i]Don't You Worry About That! [/i] :)


22/03/2012Was disturbed to hear a renowned Courier Mail journo mock fellow QLDers by joking on SKY NEWS yesterday that most up here wouldn't even know what "unfettered power" meant. Do the Murdoch people think QLDers are dumb? Is this a perception across the Murdoch empire. ------------------------ Disturbed to hear from the QLD Treasurer that teachers and nurses will only receive 1percent increase in wages per year under the LNP due to the public service cap policy. So much for the Libs understanding the needs related to cost of living. -------------------------- Not good: [quote]ANOTHER Gold Coast-based LNP representative is embroiled in controversy, this time over plans to erect a mobile phone tower on his property, which will earn him hundreds of thousands of dollars. Residents are furious at Coomera MP Michael Crandon's move to lease part of his semi-rural Kingsholme property to Telstra to build the tower, only metres from one neighbour. Frustrated they can't punish him at the ballot box because Kingsholme is in the neighbouring electorate of Albert, residents are instead seeking to whip up public controversy as Mr Crandon campaigns to hold his marginal seat. The 25m tower was approved by the Gold Coast City Council without community consultation before Mr Crandon was elected to Parliament in 2009. It is set to go up within weeks. Mr Crandon, a former financial planner who earns almost $140,000 a year as an MP, plus allowances, stands to make more than $600,000 from the phone tower on land Telstra will lease from him starting at $18,500 a year and rising 5 per cent annually.[/quote] (Courier Mail) N'


22/03/2012Nasking Thanks for you explanation and response to what you meant. I too hope there is not too much damage done, but hey as a consolation, we have some very good Labor people from QLD in Federal Parliament, and I bet a lot of them were inspired by the Joh era, which Wayne Swan is an excellent example of how to be honest and do the best for everyone as well as Australia. JohnL Thank you for all your effort on your two part BER topic. I do hope people that only read and do not contribute here have learned a lot from your great input.


22/03/2012This is a repeat [b]CROW CALL! [/b] to South Aussies! [i]Rendezvous? [/i] This note is for those In the Land of the Crows And where I am glad To announce, so is Ad! And if, as I do, You would meet him, then you Could come to a spot we know In Sky City Casino! At 1PM on Saturday In the JUNCTION CAFE Upstairs on the Escalator: Get there ONE PM NO LATER. Get right there by ‘bus, or get right there by train, Or drive and park underground, not too much pain, It’s at Adelaide Station, our main transport centre, So it’s the place we’ll meet Ad astra, our mentor. And Ad will be there! Come alone, or au pair, And I'll wear my cat flap, well yeah OK my flat cap, The place isn't flash, but you don't need much cash: Cheaper than you'd think: Eight bucks, lunch'n'drink. [It's an adequate feed and a pretty good deal: Roast of the day or a fish’n’chip meal Because of the pokies, which of course subsidise These crumbs for their victims: your house for french fries! Here people give Packer the fruits of their yakka: Those machines are addictive as Coke and tobacker! But I got news for you, you, you Little Jim Packer, From this here TalkTurkey you don't get a cracker.] Staunch Swordsman Jason has answered the call But I know of no other Crowies at all But there's Adelaide Girl, and there's BSA Bob, I think you're both part of Us Adelaide Mob? And I'm sure there must be other ones too, Well you Croweatin' Swordsfolks I'm talking to you, And after all Comrades you've got just one op To meet our Ad astra while he's on the hop! Oh gee I'd better write this in ordinary, might take too long in verse. The thing is Ad has only a two-hour window 1PM-3PM, he'll be driving there, I will go by train because it’s easy and I’ll get there early. Yes I’ll have a flat tweedy checkerish cap on, and I’ll wear a pretty button over my heart. And whiskery facial stuff. More info: Umm it appears to have no actual street number address, it is Railway Station Building, North Terrace Adelaide, 8212 2811. It is adjacent to (west of) Old Parliament House and Parliament House, corner North Terrace and King William Street. Hard to miss. Parking available in several directions, down Station Road between RS and Old Parliament House is one. To find your way easily (it’s a big honeycomb) I suggest you enter from the North Terrace entrance ( around the Station road corner past the ramp down to the trains) I will have a man posted at the door there to inspect your shoes before you go in. Go straight in, only about 12 m., past the (?closed?) bar on your right and then, before you enter the main gambling dens, turn half-right up the escalator 1, up the escalator 2, U-turn , and head for the cheapo Junction Cafe! [b]Any questions? [/b]I'd be glad of replies. TalkTurkey


22/03/2012 [quote]we have some very good Labor people from QLD in Federal Parliament, and I bet a lot of them were inspired by the Joh era, which Wayne Swan is an excellent example of how to be honest and do the best for everyone as well as Australia. [/quote] Gravel, good point...I hope other QLDers appreciate the fact we have a top Treasurer at the federal level..and some other good members in parliament. They need to spruik themselves more. Off the top of my head I remember Swan, Emerson, Perrett and Rudd. Can't remember the rest. They should come automatically to mind. This list is useful from the Brisbane Times: [quote]How Queensland votes The distribution of federal seats in Queensland over the past 15 federal elections. 2010 (on latest counts) Labor 8 out of 30 seats Coalition 21 out of 30 seats Ind: 1 2007 (won by Labor Party with Kevin Rudd) Labor won 15 out of 29 Qld seats Coalition won 13 out of 29 ALP: 15 Lib: 10 Nat: 3 Ind: 1 2004 (won by Liberal Party with John Howard) Labor won 6 out of 28 Coalition won 21 out of 28 ALP: 6 Lib: 17 Nat: 4 Ind: 1 2001 (won by Liberals with John Howard) Labor won 7 out of 27 Coalition won 19 out of 27 ALP: 7 Lib: 15 Nat: 4 Ind: 1 1998 (won by Liberals with John Howard) Labor won 8 out of 27 Coalition won 19 out of 27 ALP: 8 Lib: 14 Nat: 5 1996 (won by Liberals with John Howard) Labor won 2 out of 26 Coalition won 23 out of 26 ALP: 2 Lib: 17 Nat: 6 Ind: 1 1993 (won by Labor with Paul Keating) Labor won 13 out of 25 Coalition won 12 out of 25 ALP: 13 Lib: 7 Nat: 5 1990 (won by Labor with Bob Hawke) Labor won 15 out of 24 Coalition won 9 out of 24 ALP: 15 Lib: 6 Nat: 3 1987 (won by Labor with Bob Hawke) Labor won 13 out of 24 Coalition won 11 out of 24 ALP: 13 Lib: 5 Nat: 6 1984 (won by Labor with Bob Hawke) Labor won 9 out of 24 Coalition won 15 out of 24 ALP: 9 Lib: 7 Nat: 8 1983 (won by Labor with Bob Hawke) Labor won 10 out of 19 Coalition won 9 out of 19 ALP: 10 Lib: 3 Nat: 6 1980 (won by Liberals with Malcolm Fraser) Labor won 5 out of 19 Coalition won 14 out of 19 ALP: 5 Lib: 7 Nat: 7 1977 (won by Liberals with Malcolm Fraser) Labor won 3 out of 19 Coalition won 16 out of 19 ALP: 3 Lib: 9 Nat: 7 1975 (won by Liberals with Malcolm Fraser) Labor won 1 out of 18 Coalition won 17 out of 18 ALP: 1 Lib: 9 Nat: 8 1974 (won by Labor with Gough Whitlam) Labor won 8 out of 18 Coalition won 10 out of 18 ALP: 8 Lib: 6 Nat: 4 1972 (won by Labor with Gough Whitlam) Labor won 8 out of 18 Coalition won 10 out of 18 ALP: 8 Lib: 6 Nat: 4 Poll: Are Queenslanders naturally conservative? Yes 82% No 18% Total votes: 702.Poll closed 25 Aug, 2010 Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific and reflect the opinion only of visitors who have chosen to participate.[/quote] N'


22/03/2012Hi Ad and Everybody At the 200 strong rally on the carbon Tax today, Cliver Palmer says the Prime Minister must resign:- [i]Clive Palmer calls on PM to resign [/i] She should no longer be the leader of the Australian government," Mr Palmer said via speaker phone to protesters gathered at an anti-carbon tax rally on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra. "When will she resign? Will she resign today, or will she resign tomorrow?"


22/03/2012Lyn, Palmer is a zombie blowharding to other zombies. N'


22/03/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Here is Question Time today, as it happened:- [i]Greg Jericho‏/GrogsGamut[/i] Abbott: "I think the PM has [b]a new form of clinical disorder". Classy Tony. #qt[/b] [b]Misha Schubert‏[/b] [b]Tony Abbott suggests the PM has a "truth deficit disorder[/b]". He is sat down by Anna Burke & made to withdraw. Then says there is a cure [b]Stephen Mayne‏[/b] [b]What on earth is Tony Abbott doing accusing the PM of having a "clinical disorder"? [/b]Stupid to play around with mental illness language [b]Agnes Mack‏ [/b] qt Abbott's supplementary asking Swan to rule out things in budget - ruled out of order. Why?, asks Pyne. Sit down says Speaker [b]Lauren Dubois‏[/b] Darren Chester thrown out of qt I believe he was commenting on Albo's tie. From across the chamber. Loud [b]paddy bts‏ [/b] Member for Gippsland Darren Chester named for sneaking back into the public gallery. #qt Vote in progress. [b]Greg Jericho‏@GrogsGamut[/b] RT @ZuveleLeschen: Pyne leaps to his feet to argue that ignorance is a defence. #qt [b]Schtang‏[/b] What goes around comes around - MAJOR embarrassment for Tony Abbott & his long suffering Opposition. #auspol #qt [b]dragon‏[/b] Apparently the member for Gippsland is ignorant according to Payne #qt [b]Gwillotine‏[/b] Slipper is ruling with an iron fist, funny #qt [b]Malcolm Farr‏[/b] SSO #50. And the carbon link to the Qld election. TAbbott ends with session with a bang. [b]HannahQuinn[/b] TAbbott moving SSO - claims Sat Qld referendum on TAbbott er, Fed Gov but there is a mirror image happening right there [b]sortius‏@sortius [/b] 50th waste of taxpayer's money. Anotheqt destroyed by Tony "Wrecking Ball" Abbott. [b]Greg Jericho‏@GrogsGamut[/b] Even Slipper can't be bothered - has retired to the sheds and let his deputy take over #qt [b]Michael Wyres‏[/b] Anna Bligh's policies in QLD are a reason to suspend standing orders in federal parliament? Seriously Tony? #fail #qt [b]Externallylaws‏ [/b] One day in the near future, Abbott's head will simply explode. I live in hope. #qt [b]Future-Proof Geek‏[/b] The BIG 50 SSO for a Champion Loser #qt #auspol [b]Sabra Lane‏[/b] PSlipper is back in the Chair, and throws out Michael Danby for an hour. [b]Marian Dalton‏[/b] Pyne: 'JG's epitaph will be 'Here lies Julia Gillard, lying to the end'. He should be booted for that, given Slipper's earlier warnings. #qt [b]Lauren Dubois‏[/b] Albo says in the 27hours Abbott has spent on SSO - could've watched a [b]paddy bts‏[/b] AlboMP playing the house like a violin. Bravo mate.:) #qt [b]Martin Hodgson‏ Martin[/b] WTF, why is Lyndal Curtis making out that 50 SSOs is just normal old business in the house. It is a BLOODY disgraceful waste of money! #QT ll the Harry potter movies, lord of the rings, learnt Spanish # [b]sansBS‏ OzFacts[/b] Surely the media will go after Abbott after these comments, [b]"PM has a clinical disorder".[/b] But then again when @abcmarkscott leads the abc.. On this link you can hear Anthony Albanese saying there has been 27 hours lost of question time because of Abbott [b]Ross Greenwood‏ MoneyNewsShow[/b] What you can do with 27 hours lost in #qt AlboMP in fine form as usual. [b]Sound cloud[/b] [b]Jack Sumner‏[/b] I have already heard Abbott's slur about PM having a mental disorder repeated on Sky TV. Media it seems again does what Abbott wills Sabra Lane‏ And Tabbott tells parliament he used a metaphor in a conversation across the table that he now regrets. [b]The Body Politic‏[/b] [b]Question Time has wrapped up now until Tuesday, 8 May[/b].


22/03/2012 Lyn and others...did you hear that Abbott said in parliament that the PM and Albanese had targets on their foreheads? Bad stuff…sign of real frustration and desperation…that dope Sarah Palin put up a map with targets. Later, a congresswoman and others were shot. You’d think that idiot Abbott would know better…but he’ll say and do anything to get attention. The man is not fit to be the leader of a party…let alone Prime Minister. Anyone who likes to stir up that kind of hate during fanatical demonstrations against the carbon price needs their head checked. The fool obviously hasn’t changed since his bellowing uni student days. N’


22/03/2012JohnL, thanks for this second tranche of your BER investigations. Great post again and I love your forensic dissection of the msm and Liars Party mendacity and dishonesty. Re Prissy and the $8bn "waste", I seem to remember he was spruiking that figure well before the last cent had been accounted for. I'm sure that at the time he first started to spew forth that particular fable, only $6bn had actually been spent! Yet the msm published his lies unchallenged. Lyn, thanks for the links. I found an interesting blog site while reading the Andrew Elder post. The blogger is Lau Guerreiro and the address is NormanK @11.24am, it [b]is[/b] astonishing that some people would find anything to abject to in the way some journalists frame their stories. Just incomprehensible. I mean Lauren Wilson is obviously following the directive from Murdochracy HQ. What's to complain about? TT, I won't be able to get away from crustaceans, but would like to extend a big SA welcome to Ad astra. I'll be at the casino in spirit-much more fun than crayfish stuff. Nas' @12.29pm, looks like paper bag sales will rise dramatically after the Qld election.


22/03/2012Hi Nasking Yes I did hear the Targets on Heads by Abbott. Tony Abbott acted really crazy today in Parliament, yelling, saying dreadful stuff. Lyndal Curtis ABC bent over backwards trying to report as normal behaviour. Twitter was buzzing [b]Marian Rumens‏[/b] After what happened in America I can't believe Tony Abbott would say [b]Julia Gillard and Anthony Albanese have targets on their foreheads[/b]


22/03/2012 [quote]looks like paper bag sales will rise dramatically after the Qld election.[/quote] Jane, Will it turn back to a cash society? ;) Lyn, I was surprised that Lyndal didn't mention the "target" comment on Capital Hill...nor the ALP whip. If that had come from Gillard or Carr it would be a media tsunami. It is on ABC online: Abbott sorry for 'target on forehead' comment Abbott should not get away with such a disgraceful act of bastardry in the people's house. N'


22/03/2012The "target on the head" statement is typical behaviour. He has the headline, makes some half hearted apology and apparently it all goes away until next time. On this occasion I hope no one has a target on anyones head as a result of his actions.


22/03/2012[b]Another significant achievement for the Gillard Government.[/b] [i]The Fair Work Amendment (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry) Bill 2011 passed into law with the support of the Greens and the Independents this afternoon. Ms Michele O’Neil, TCFUA National Secretary, said “This is an historic day. Over the last 15 years the Parliament has heard evidence, shocking in its consistency regarding the systemic exploitation of outworkers in the TCF industry. This is an issue in which the jury is well and truly in. We congratulate the Gillard Government for taking this critical step in legislating to improve the working and personal lives of some of Australia’s most disadvantaged workers.” The new TCF law addresses the unequal position of TCF contract outworkers who labour at the bottom of long and complex supply chains by ensuring that they have the same status, protections and entitlements as employees under the Fair Work Act. It will also allow outworkers to recover unpaid wages and entitlements up the supply chain when their employer refuses to pay them.[/i]


22/03/2012I meant to add that Julia Gillard worked on cases for Outworkers when she was a lawyer at Slater & Gordon.


22/03/2012Bad Abbott Stupid, violence-inciting Abbott. "...this Prime Minister and this Leader of the House have got targets on their foreheads."


23/03/2012[b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Targets On Foreheads and Bullets – is this how the LNP thinks it will take Government?, Turn Left 2013[/i] There will be many people, however, who hear the original statement and not the retraction. Which, given the current state of the media in this country and the absolute deafening silence [i] Abbott sorry for 'target on forehead' comment, ABC[/i] In moving a motion to suspend standing orders, Mr Abbott tried to tie federal policies to Saturday's poll in Queensland, declaring it a referendum on the carbon tax and Ms Gillard's integrity. [i]Bob Carr not reading from the Wright page, apparently…JAMES Higgins, The Politics Project[/i] Fairfax journo [b]Jessica Wright [/b]has it in for Bob Carr. First, there was the overblown reaction last week to his comments about potential sanctions for Papua New Guinea if they postponed their imminent elections. Carr has said he should not have raised this issue in the manner he did (an admission which Wright felt strongly enough about to term a “humiliating backdown”). [i]The X-Files Factor, Ash, Ash,s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] The idea that Tony Abbott has what it takes to be a good prime minister also fades daily. For the fiftieth time, Abbott attempted to suspend standing orders. And for the fiftieth time, he failed. [i]Why Costello Must Resign Or Be Sacked, Dan Gulberry, The Daily Derp[/i] Since he was appointed to the board he has done nothing but bite the hands that fed him as mentioned in the Derp post referred to in the first paragraph. In article after article in the MSM, he has both [i]Media Release- Liberals warming up for back flip on superannuation, Bill Shorten[/i] Reports today of a chaotic split in the upper ranks of the Liberal Party show Tony Abbott’s team are warming up for a massive back flip which will leave millions of Australians worse off, [i]ReachTEL- 54.2-45.8 to LNP in Ashgrove, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] It overturns last week’s result in favour of Labor’s Kate Jones and has Campbell Newman with a 54.2.-45.8 lead on two-party preferred, based on the preference distribution from the 2009 election. [i]Oakeshott’s shot at Hadley, Macquarie bankers slumming it, new megaphone rules, The Power Index[/i] The member for Lynne and brunt of much of Hadley's morning vitriol yesterday, told his 8715 followers over night: "RHadleys 'show' has accused me today of 'hiding behind twitter'. How does this compare to hiding behind a microphone? Discuss." [i]This is a bumper version of the BISONs. Latest Updates – 22/03/2012:, Frank, A Frank View[/i] Australia No: 1 – 2012 RANKING OF 25 COUNTRIES FOR MINING INVESTMENT. Since 1999, the Behre Dolbear Group Inc. has compiled annual political risk assessments of the key players in the global mining industry. Over time, our assessment indicates [i]The Chinese Slowdown Intensifies as the RBA Fiddles, Stephen Koukoulas [/i] From overseas, the recession in Europe is unfolding broadly as expected, although very recent news suggests it is no worse than feared. At the same time, the news from the US has been [i]The politics of the top income tax rate, Guy, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Regardless of what the national fiscal situation looks like at any given point in time, few topics divide the commentariat right from th [i]Coalition LNP would have $9bn deficit: , Darin Sullivan, Left Hack[/i] Mr Abbott last week declined to recommit to a 2010 election promise to cut corporate tax by 1.5 per cent. Mr Hockey said the coalition did not know what kind of an economy it would inherit from [i]Queensland election on Twitter: a scorecard for Bligh and Newman, Axel Bruns, The Conversation[/i] In the landslide climate which currently prevails in Queensland, however, the difference in attention now bestowed on Newman and Bligh is more likely to be a first sign of the public [i]Mayne: PaperlinX board coup goes down to the wire, Stephen Mayne, Crikey[/i] The ASA is expecting to hold about 2 million undirected proxies at tomorrow’s EGM, which, in a knife-edge vote, could prove decisive. Interested parties should come along to watch the action [i]Abbott says Qld poll will be carbon tax referendum, Mark Colvin, ABC[/i] Tony Abbott's attack prompted another heated debate in Question Time, and he had to apologise for saying that Julia Gillard had a "target on her forehead".The Government called [i]On yer bike, Miglo, Café Whispers[/i] It’s incredulous that Abbott hasn’t had Robb deported, or jailed, or kidnapped, as he often goes off in different tangents than his party and leader. Well, his mouth does at least. [i]Turnbull's Government 2.0 vision, Malcolm Turnbull[/i] Labor’s double standards in this area can be seen in many areas. One of the clearest is their refusal to disclose to Parliament detailed quarterly information about the progress of the NBN or to subject it to the full effect of the Freedom of Information laws. [b]Video[/b] [i]Queensland faces rare change of government, 7.30pm report[/i] [i]Gillard announces cash injection for Holden[/i] [i]Queensland Votes: Storms, policy costings and more[/i] ABC, Anna Bligh, Channel 10, Channel 7, election, LNP, policy, Qld Labor, Queensland, Queensland Votes, TVC [i]March 22, 2012: Greens co-founder Drew Hutton is considering whether to press ahead with legal action against Clive Palmer[/i] after the mining magnate refused to apologise for controversial comments made on Tuesday. 2 [i]The Foreign Minister's come under fire for his second gaffe within a week. But do his slips really matter?[/i] 22/03/12 Carr stumbles over death of Brazilian student


23/03/2012[b]TODAY'S FRONT PAGES[/b] AustraliaN Newspaper Front Pages for 23 March 2012

Ad astra

23/03/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


23/03/2012Apologies for not responding sooner, but I only returned home last night after a five-day break. Thank you DMW and 2353 for replying to Tom of Melbourne. I did not intend to respond because as I mentioned previously his comments on the first part showed he did not understand the subject. He continued to demonstrate this again. To Lyn, Nasking, Gravel and Jane, I appreciate your comments. I should mention that I am impressed by the frequency and the range of issues in Nasking’s posts.


23/03/2012I've pasted Cuppa's letter to us a second time in view of its commendable aims re the [i]"public [/i](-ly funded!) [i]broadcaster"[/i], and because of the deafening cricket chorus about Abbortt's targeting of *J*U*L*I*A*s and Albo's foreheads. I listened in vain for ANY mention of it on ABC last night, not a peep. Flossie on 24 this morning [i]mentioned[/i] it, no outrage, just like it is normal but there you are, it upset Labor people, poor precious petals, drawing such a long bow to events in America with shooting politicians, I wonder why, [i]Oh could it be because they use high-powered rifles with telescopic sights, [i]not[/i] bows and arrows!?[/i] CAN YOU IMAGINE if *J*U*L*I*A* said that about Abbortt and Mesma? "Hello, Just popping in a quick plug for a new site dedicated to monitoring the editorial performance of the ABC. If you've seen or heard something on ABC news or current affairs that's made you see red, tell us about it. And if you could spread the word about this new effort to rehabilitate the ABC via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and however else you communicate online, that would be appreciated, too. Thanks. Cuppa Tony Abbortt should be poisoned stoned flayed keel-hauled hung drawn and quartered. Oh sorry! Did I say that? :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My email is not working, it is stuck on one message, I'm'a try to fix it today.


23/03/2012Yes, unfortunately I can believe that Rabbott will get away with being abusive and inciting, or should I say, daring people to use Julia and Wayne for target practice. There is no hope for him to ever be held accountable. Labor has managed to get some excellent policies passed and for that I am thankful. Unfortunately, the Nopposition will reap the benefits, like they did after all the hard work by Hawke/Keating era. They will also promptly piss it all up against the wall and Labor will have to get back in to fix it all up again.


23/03/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Eye catching Healines this morning. Must be because "the Opposition Said Popular headline Opposition says heaps more out there


23/03/2012 Cheers JohnL...I hope we get plenty more of your insightful and informative posts on this are a valuable addition. Many thnx again to the hard working Lyn. Just back from a blood test...chatted to a few people at the doc's office...still plenty of undecided...a couple of "a pox on both their houses". Still respect for Anna Bligh. I'm not sure the LNP have got bragging rights yet... If the ALP after nigh on 20 years of government (subtract the Borbidge era) can hold onto more than 16 seats I reckon Tony Abbott could be blamed for being so arrogant as to trying to manipulate QLD voters using the carbon price as a propaganda tool... QLDers know Hawke...many respect him as a former leader..".good old Hawkey"... Same goes for Howard. And Swan and Rudd are local boys. The PM is the PM. Abbott is a wannabe...intruding in QLD politics...overreaching. This could come back to bite Mr. Attack Dog. We'll see. Anna's still lookin' class without the wonder QLDers voted for her last time. As for the election coverage...the QLD ABC news was bloody disgraceful last wife was incensed, she reckons we should've counted the number of times they talked down Anna and the ALP's chances. SKY NEWS and the newspapers have been no better. This poster has a long memory. N'


23/03/2012Hi Nasking Would you tell your wife, I don't blame her for getting incensed, but you know what upsets me! I hear them say and read in writing "Anna Bligh won't admit defeat. I thought it was an election by the peoples votes not by polling results. The poll that came out yesterday was a Murdoch poll run be the Courier Mail. They won't know the result until the people vote will they??? Abbott connecting QLD State to Federal Election is making me furious too, what's he trying to do pinch Newman's popularity probably. [i]Newman in line for victory, Channel [/i]7 The ALP has run up the white flag. They knew at the start of this week they were buggered and sucessive [b]polls both internal and published, have confirmed that.[/b] I would have a brilliant time in my body if Newman didn't win, no what did Bono say "Won't Happen" Cheers Nasking:):)


23/03/2012Well said Lyn. Can totally relate. As for Abbott vs Gillard... I was watching Gillard closely yesterday…that confident, relaxed smile during the Holden press conference…reminded me of the strong, confident woman I supported and adapted a song for back in 06/07… That fire and love of the game is building in her again…she’s restoring political capital… and doesn’t she know it… once that lady builds up a head of steam…well watch out. The Prime Minister is incrementally and carefully out maneuvering Abbott…he’s a cocky lad…but I reckon she will have him by the proverbial balls soon. Gnawing on his entrails. When it comes right down to it Abbott is a gutless politician…he takes few risks…and generally permits himself to be caged because he knows his party will turf him if he acts himself…walks the wild side. And I reckon that not too deep inside Tony knows he has a flawed character that is somewhat alarming, offensive and seen as too brash & irresponsible by those who assess him from a distance… not a positive for a man who hopes to be leader but will have no chance of meeting all voters face to face. But I’m sure there’s a part of him that’s convinced he can overcome the flaws…show every doubter that he has what it takes. Caged Tony is like a wild gorilla…tamed and whipped into performing for the crowds…everyone once in awhile he let’s off steam…goes feral…and shocks the crowd… but his media and political minders are masters of spin and distraction…before ya know it the crowd are watching other shows, performances, clowns, beasts…distracted…whilst the minders whip Tony back into the shape they desire. Abbott’s not half bad at spinning and caging himself at times too…he’s learnt a great deal over the years from other tamed beasts… and let’s face it, you crap and rage enuff in the middle of the show leaving the audience confused and disgusted…yerself shamed and humiliated…yer owners, minders and fellow carnival participants damaged and pissed… well yer gonna learn to head straight for that cage. The one that the religious folk at the seminary…and educators at uni…couldn’t put him in. That was always Howard and Murdoch’s gift…they knew how to cage beasts…and they were/are good at choosing minders, whip into shapers…for when they are off doing other things. At least Julia isn’t caged anymore… with her decisive win in the leadership ballot she’s broken out…knocked the cage for six…straight into the Coalition front-bench… and giving Abbott the clawing of his life… the spinners are working overtime to excuse Abbott’s pathetic, odd behaviour …his ineffectiveness as bill after bill passes… Tony the gorilla is becoming agitated…he’s wants out of that cage… “Why is she permitted to come in here and claw me?” he yells “but I’m stuck in this straightjacket…this hellish cage”. He roars, he pleads, he sits in the corner mumbling. His minders try to console him…feed him more performance ideas…but they can feel the mood of the public, the audience is changing…they’re growing increasingly wary and fed up with the caged Tony act. Even his fellow tamed beasts in the party, the carnival, are having their doubts…the more he lets out those unpredictable roars…makes those odd moves without discussing them with the minders (think Paid Parental Leave) the more they worry he’s gonna blow the whole show… turn off the public. Malcolm the grand lion lies on his comfy bed of golden hay and licks his lips…purring…feeding…waiting…patiently… knowing Tony will never be permitted to go free… is beginning to bore the fck out of the audience…his antics coming across as more desperate and loopy by the day. The cage is creating distortions… Malcolm knows the Huntress Julia will be chewing on Tony’s entrails soon enuff. This knowledge helps him sleep…comfortably. N’


23/03/2012Tony Abbott has a calendar on it with numbered days. Nothing too unusual in that. Except... Most calendars count forwards through the weeks and months. His counts downwards to 'zero' - the day his "no to everything" approach has reached his end-by date, and all the Liberals say "no" with a resounding vote: 'no Tony'. Shouldabeen who never was. It will be. The count's on. But what will Peta Credlin do with the boss who ain't the boss anymore? I expect she may move long before 'Zero Day', which will well and truly signal just how close that day is in coming.


23/03/2012Hi Everybody Federal Labor Member for McEwen.Rob Mitchell tweeted: Victoria · [i]What does a dysfunctional, illegitimate government look like? by turnleft2013 [/i] 300 bills passed. Apparently it functions very well. [b]Rob Mitchell‏[/b] Home at last. 300th Bill passed 50th Stupid suspension motion defeated and another forced Abbott apology. Gillard Labor delivering This is a Prime Minister told she has a clinical Disorder [b]sansBS‏[/b] Surely the #media will go after Abbott after these comments, "PM has a clinical disorder". But then again when abcmarkscott leads the abc.. [b]CuppaT‏[/b] RightWingProjection: Abbott often succumbs. SabraLane auspol [says the PM has a new form of clinical disorder] [b]PB‏[RT @SabraLane:[/b] TAbbott asked about "target on forehead' comments yesterday. "I dealt with that yesterday". and hunt dealt with it today [b]sansBS‏[/b] SabraLane 1 more(sorry)..Abbott said "I said some comments earlier"& then apologised..That's not an apology.In my view, he got away with it [b]Jansel[/b]‏ Good read -TonyAbbottMHR "targets on foreheads": Stupid @greghuntmp spreading hate & violence!! [i]Hunt off-target with Abbott defence , Katherine Murphy, National Times[/i] Liberal frontbencher Greg Hunt went out and [b]blamed Anthony Albanese for Abbott’s remarks[/b]

Ad astra

23/03/2012Folks I’ve not been around much this last week, but you, the regulars, have kept the site humming along. Thank you. We have been enjoying the delights of the Fleurieu Peninsula. Tomorrow we travel to Adelaide to meet with Talk Turkey, Jason and any other [i]TPS[/] users who can meet with us at the Casino on North Terrace. After overnighting with a friend in Adelaide, we will return to Melbourne on Sunday. It will be a relief to return to reasonably fast broadband. Here in Cape Jervis 3G reception is very slow and unreliable. It has taken an inordinate time to carry out even the simple task of updating Lyn’s Links and announcing this on Twitter. This experience has sheeted home the need for fast broadband to use the Internet efficiently. Bring on the NBN! I have spent any time when we were not touring to compose the next piece, which I completed this morning. It is titled [i]Abbott’s atrophy[/i]. As JohnL has just returned to respond to comments about part 2 of his brilliant exposé on the BER, I will leave that thread open until I return to Melbourne. JohnL has done all readers of [i]TPS[/i] a great service in exposing the falsity of the claims of ‘waste and mismanagement’ that have afflicted what was in fact a spectacularly successful BER program which not only provided work for the construction industry at a time when it was short of work, but has left a legacy of magnificent and much needed school buildings that will serve our children for decades. The chronic neglect of school infrastructure has been remediated. Although almost every aspect of the BER was positive, one would never think so after all the unjust and vitriolic criticism heaped upon it by Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne, Coalition members, the MSM, and particularly [i]The Australian[/i], which took upon itself to run a politically inspired vicious campaign of denigration. Unfortunately, it is likely that the negative image that has been generated will influence many voters, but those whose children are benefitting from the new buildings can see the positives. We can expect some relief from the perpetual turmoil of Federal politics now that the parliament has risen for the next six weeks. At least that will put a stop to Tony Abbott’s ‘motions to suspend standing and sessional orders’, so he will have to conjure up some other stunts to attract media attention. I wonder what he will do next.


23/03/2012Gravel @10.55am. Absolutely spot on assessment. Just hope that after the benefits from the carbon pricing and the MRRT start hitting people's wallets and the sky is in the usual place, they might start giving some hard thought to just who has been lying to them. If the Murdochracy, and by inference his Australian rags, hits the skids shortly, perhaps we may see a return to neutral reporting in this country. That would be the death knell for Sneerleader and his band of liars, spivs and ne'er-do-wells.


23/03/2012Ad astra @2.50pm, I'm sorry I'll miss seeing you in Adelaide tomorrow, but unfortunately the demands of crustaceans override mine. I hope you have a wonderful time of it with TT, Jason and other Swordsters. If it's OK, I could also alert Adelaide Whisperers of your visit. There seems to be a bit of cross pollination and although they may not comment here, they may lurk. In any event, they are all aware of the sterling work done on TPS. I look forward to your new post and like you, have been very impressed by JohnL's posts. When I read yours and other posters work, I am filled with admiration for the painstaking research effort that goes into each one. Hopefully, in the next six weeks Sneerleader will come a cropper both literally and metaphorically.


23/03/2012<blockquote>I listened in vain for ANY mention of it on ABC last night, not a peep.</blockquotte> I trust you're not surprised at this, TT? <blockquote>Tony Abbortt should be poisoned stoned flayed keel-hauled hung drawn and quartered.</blockquote> So you're in favour of the limp lettuce leaf treatment, TT? :lol:


23/03/2012As I said at the Cafe, Palmer’s LNP will have a big job ahead of them if they win…If… convincing the public they aren’t going to make their lives more difficult. Not sure they can hold down electricity prices. Blaming the carbon price will not be a “Get outa jail free” card. Too many waking up to the fact that the widespread air- con demands and population growth across a vast area means increased maintenance and construction and delivery costs. Any asset sales will be difficult to sell to the public too. And if any of their major infrastructure programs are significantly delayed…or are shown to be structurally flawed…or have cost blowouts…or run over the regular folk and environment by being shoved thru without proper, appropriate consultation…or are linked to greedy, corrupt businessman/investors…or all of the above… it could be Borbidge time for Newman. Still, I guess Palmer’s LNP can always rely on the COURIER MAIL to spin and play apologist & justifier for them. Who needs a party communication machine when you’ve got Rupert spruiking you? RIGHT? --- Don't put out the light on the hill yet. Anna's still shining bright. N’


23/03/2012hmmm... [b]The nature reserves proving to be a thorn in Palmer’s side[/b] [quote]One of the battlegrounds cited by Greenpeace in its response to Palmer’s, er, strange outburst, is the Bimblebox Nature Reserve. “For Mr Palmer to dismiss environmental concerns over his own projects is worrying given that his China First mine in the Galilee Basin is proposed to be built on top of the Bimblebox Nature Refuge and that he is part of a proposal to build the world’s biggest coal port in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area,” said Greenpeace’s senior campaigner for Australia and the Pacific John Hepburn. The Bimblebox Nature Reserve is part of a network of reserves on private land established under joint Commonwealth and state initiatives. These reserves were established to protect remnant bush land, address salinity and protect the Great Barrier Reef. The owners of the reserve are well resourced, well connected and perhaps much tougher opponents than Palmer expected. When Palmer’s Waratah Coal took on Bimblebox late last year he just made things worse for himself. “Fortunately, the black-throated finch has wings and can fly, but when you look at the nature reserve it was originally a farm and a pastoral area, which had ‘devoided’ all of the vegetation, the main trees and things like that. It was then donated as a nature reserve — the state government independently assessed it and it was given the lowest classification of any environmental reserve in the state,” Palmer asserted at a function in Yeppoon in December last year. One of the part-owners of the refuge, Paola Cassoni, issued a press release shortly after Palmer’s appearance: “He has revealed an incredible ignorance about the environment and the impacts that would result from this development. “Over 95% of Bimblebox Nature Refuge is composed of remnant woodland. That means it has never been cleared. This place was saved from clearing when most properties around here were having their vegetation knocked down. “It was also found to contain some of the  richest plant diversity in the region because it has never been heavily grazed. Those are the very reasons this reserve was created. “The conservation agreements we signed with both the state and federal governments are the highest form of protection available for private land in Queensland. Clive Palmer needs to check his facts.” These networks of nature reserves, established in 2002, stretch across Queensland, use voluntary labour for their management and are extremely well organised. They are seen by a broad cross section of the community and government as a template for public/private targeted cost effective conservation. It is not surprising that they have mounted an extremely professional campaign against his proposal to mine Bimblebox that threatens to set a precedent for all other nature reserves[/quote]. Palmer's LNP are certainly ambitious. N'


23/03/2012 If the Brisbane Times are gonna offer up on the eve of an election drivel like this crap quoting from some ANU outsider…then I can’t be bothered reading them. Ain’t it enuff we have a Murdoch paper…without online media acting like clones? Anna is warning the voters for good reason. Too many conservative governments have been a disaster in the modern age. WA has let mining go rampant making homes unaffordable. It's becoming a police state. Victorian and NSW governments are disappointing the public and polls show it. GW Bush created revenue eating wars and let the economy crash. Berlusconi ate Italy. The Tories in the UK are allowing many to starve and suffer without decent paid jobs whilst giving a tax cut to the rich...Bush style. Anna has every right to warn the QLD PUBLIC. N’


23/03/2012Hope that you are tuned into ABC24 coverage of the Memorial Service in Sydney which commenced circa 4pm. Sorry about late notice!


23/03/2012Lyn, Ad and others...I thought you might find Migs @ the Cafes comment worth response below: on March 23, 2012 at 4:27 pmMiglo [quote]I’d like to see the media make an issue out of the Newman handshake incident, like they did with Lathan. My prediction is that they won’t.[/quote] Migs, That was indeed petty and odd. Unfortunately the media are biased too oft…they didn’t mind roasting Latham even tho Howard had been in for a good long time and had treated Aborigines poorly, got into a bogus war, dog whistled over the Tampa, looked the other way when the AWB gave 200 million to Saddam, lied about children overboard etc etc… I expect nothing from our MSM…that’s our job…shining the light of scrutiny on the political charlatans and potential dictators. N’

Sir Ian Crisp

23/03/2012[quote]Just hope that after the benefits from the carbon pricing and the MRRT start hitting people's wallets and the sky is in the usual place, they might start giving some hard thought to just who has been lying to them. Jane [/quote] Tarzan angry with Jane. Jane tell Tarzan ALP is best because it has suite of policies. Now Jane tell Tarzan that wallets are more important than policies. Tarzan ask Jane who are the real liars. Jane run sobbing to her room.


23/03/2012Casablanca, It's a beautiful service. Very moving. N'


23/03/2012SIC - you're obviously on something. Detox and report back.


23/03/2012Er, SIC, Carbon price and MRRT [b]are[/b] policies and they are going to put cash in people's wallets [b]and[/b] help people keep their jobs and businesses. I know this is a foreign concept to a Liars Party barracker, but ALP knows people like jobs and money. ALP giving them both; Liars Party take it away and give it to Gina, Twiggy and Clive. Make people angry, 'cos Liars Party promised they wouldn't. People reckon Liars Party aptly named. Tell other people about it on Facebook using NBN. People cross again 'cos Liars Party try to steal NBN and replace with little man on pushbike. People in bush very, very angry. People with disability like Insurance. Liars Party want to take it away and give to Gina, Twiggy and Clive. People with disability very, very angry. Government say small businesses get tax break. Liars Party take it away and give to Gina, Twiggy and Clive. Small business people very, very angry. Think about lynching Sneerleader. Sneerleader buy new bike. Go very fast. Sneerleader update lycra. Government give people tax-free threshhold 3x higher than before. Liars Party take it away and give to Gina, Twiggy and Clive. PEOPLE VERY, VERY, VERY ANGRY! People buying pitchforks. People look. See government doing stuff help people. People look. Liars Party kicking people in guts and giving everything to Gina, Twiggy and Clive. People angry. People not vote for thieves and liars in Liars Party, except ToM, SIC and Iain Hall. Liars Party gets well deserved kick in guts. SIC runs away, 'cos jane says he verballed her. jane not say money more important than policies; jane say policies put money in people's wallets. jane say Liars Party tells people giant porkies and steal their money. ALP=good, truthful. Liars party=bad, BIG FAT LIARS! SIC hiding in wardrobe afraid of truth.


23/03/2012Tomorrow promises to be a sad day for progressives in Queensland even though I do subscribe to the idea that we are best served by turn-about cycles - preferably 2 x 4 year stints with an extra one thrown in if the incumbent is seen to be doing a good job. I honestly can't convince myself that Conservatives are bad people or evil, they will do the things that they do for a couple of terms and then hopefully the wheel will turn. The only exception to that bit of fatalism is the question of the environment. Unfortunately, measures that are put in place to protect or restore natural treasures can too easily be over-turned. Measures put in place that ruin natural wonders are irreversible in terms of the damage they allow. Expect lots of whinging from this correspondent when it comes to Wild Rivers, the Great Barrier Reef, port expansions and other environmental vandalism. As FS would say : sigh. :(


23/03/2012Hello Fellow Swordsters I have just returned from a round trip of about 1000Klms today, to transport an aged relative. On the forward journey early this morning I stopped at a Golden Arches for R and R, especially a double shot long black to boost batteries. As usual at that venue I had a look at the complimentary Sydney Daily Telegraph, arguably the most vitriolic anti government rag of News Corp. As I’ve said several times before, I make it a point not to spend money on accessing News Rags. I have yet to recover from the shock of reading it today. On pages 40 and 41 are nearly two full pages which are complimentary to the government, at least in that they are quite negative to the Abbott mob. The headline reads [quote]“Coalition is Mining a Deep Well of Craziness --- Clive Palmer, Greens, CIA, Tony Abbott”.[/quote] The article firstly gives credit to Mr Swan as a man before his time, in having the foresight to condemn Palmer before Palmer self destructed with the CIA fantasy. It goes on to mention (rather than analyse) Barnaby Joyce’s cosy relationship with Palmer and his jet, the foolishness of Abbott’s parental leave scheme and its significant lack of support by his colleagues, and the struggles of his bean counters Hockey and Rob and their $70 billion black hole. Also referenced is the fact that the Coalition party room debate is “all about ideologies …… dozens of them ….. some crazy, some sensible, some unachievable”. Probably the most telling section in the article is a most negative reference to Abbott himself. It is worth quoting in full. [quote]“Abbott may soon learn that when you are trying to be popular all the time you will eventually get caught out because the debate will inevitably come back to substantive policy issues. Eventually you have to draw an economic line in the sand. The problem is that no one in the Coalition knows where that line will be drawn under Abbott. [b]It is a basic error of leadership”.[/b][/quote] The article was written by Simon Benson, National Political Editor. And it was actually printed and disseminated by News Corp. And on the same pages, to exacerbate the shock of seeing the Telegraph for once not blindly attacking the government, conservo shock jock Ray Hadley actually condemns an email myth being widely circulated at the moment (that Nolan’s Transport, Qld faces a $3million bill as a result of the carbon pricing) as a fake. Must be the first time Hadley has based a comment on a true fact. Also one of the very few occasions that he is not condemning the government and JG especially. Pages 40 and 41 of today’s Telegraph would not please Abbott at all. It very much pleases me. Could the Telegraph today have at least contributed a tack, if not a nail, for the lid of Abbott’s leadership coffin?

Tom of Melbourne

23/03/20122353 – [i] “we don't know how much of the building was paid for by BER funding”[/i] This is ayet another demonstration of the inclination of people just to post stuff that isn’t true. There have been various reports of the cash handed out to wealthy, elite private schools. There has been a breakdown by state and by school, by the $$$millions they got! Hundreds & hundreds of millions if not a billion, to the very privileged few. That’s fine for the facilities available to my children, but it is hardly efficient expenditure of public funds. That’s too to John L for confirming his ignorance of actual facts – he endorsed with this lazy point.


23/03/2012 [b]jane say Liars Party tells people giant porkies and steal their money. [/b] jane is right in many ways...Coalition ways high taxing government with sandwich and milkshake tax cuts for the workers...once bracket creep had damaged them. Costello and Howard big conartists. Tony's minders and teachers...taught him heaps about how to con the public by offering tax cuts. N'


23/03/2012I should have added a caveat to my comment @06:52 PM. Generous thoughts and a sense of 'live and let live' do not extend to the current leader of the federal Liberal Party and some of his front bench who are giving voice to a side of their personalities that would be best kept subjugated. Tony Abbott stands alone as a particularly reprehensible human being.


23/03/2012 [b]Tony Abbott stands alone as a particularly reprehensible human being.[/b] LOL Norman, Never a truer thing was said. Night all. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Superstitious nonsense. But we're permitted a bit of nonsense on election eve. :) Get out those lucky ties, rabbit feet (yikes) , horseshoes, shamrocks... N'


23/03/2012Dear Queenslanders Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got till it's gone - Pay Paradise, put up a parking lot! Paradise, those last wild river lands. Jo buggered a lot of them. By allowing roads to invade the Daintree ( I think it was) he caused the extinction of both species of Gastric Brooding Frog - my favorite amphibians, and the ones which promised the most exciting possibilities in the treatment of stomach ulcers. In these two unique species, close neighbours of each other and each confined to its own tiny microclimate, the females swallowed their freshly-fertilized eggs, apparently switched off their gastric juices, and after many weeks "propulsively ejected" fully-formed froglets, which had spent their whole tadpolehood in her stomach. Both species wiped out by one road, Jo the Rightist Hoodlum's doing. Never mind their intrinsic preciousness as ancient creatures, their value to Medical Science could have been worth [i]billions[/i] right there. See I need hardly point out, if they could find out how to switch off gastric juices . . . well you get it I'm sure. So hey you Queenslanders, Fellow Aussies, it's so true, you don't know what you got till it's gone. To those to whom the last Northern Wildernesses are not sacred, [i]nothing[/i] is sacred. You seem corporately set on allowing a Government of Jo's heirs successors and copyists to control much of the affairs of your great part of this great country, well with all my mite let me plead for the wild places, defend them against the likes of megalomaniac miners and their stooges. More than the minerals even, these rare lifeforms and their habitats are OURS, they won't ever be back! So Please Please Queenslanders, though tomorrow the awful happens - [ "you" do it to "yourselves" in the logic of electoral governmental systems . . . ] - though Anna Bligh be ousted . . . fight for all you ae worth against the excesses and pressures on the [i]environment[/i] that will inevitably flow from the hegemonic mob you will have to put with for the next n years. You don't know what you got till it's gone.

Sir Ian Crisp

23/03/2012[quote] Budget forecasts 500,000 new jobs: Swan Updated May 01, 2011 15:20:00 [u]"What I can say about the budget is that we will see the creation of an additional 500,000 jobs [/u]in the next couple of years with unemployment rate coming down to 4.5 per cent," he said. [/quote] [quote] ALP=good, truthful. Jane [/quote] May I know your definition of truthful.

Ad astra

23/03/2012jane Sorry you are unable to join us at the Casino tomorrow. By all means, if any Café Whispers folk want to come, we will make them welcome. Thank you for your kind remarks about [i]TPS[/i].

Sir Ian Crisp

23/03/2012[quote] “No it’s not possible that we’re bringing in a Carbon Tax. That’s an hysterically inaccurate claim being made by the Coalition.” Wayne Swan prior to the last federal election.[/quote] [quote] Er, SIC, Carbon price and MRRT are policies and they are going to put cash in people's wallets and help people keep their jobs and businesses. jane [/quote] Jane, you seem to be a walking paradox. Perhaps you are a member of an ALP esoteric sect or you may have a strong bias toward occultism. Are you saying that a policy that was categorically denied and was not supposed to exist does in fact exist? May we know what strange world you inhabit? Please explain the difference between truth as we know it and ALP truth which seems to be esoteric.


23/03/2012Hi Ad Wishing you all a wonderful get together in Adelaide. Talk Turkey, Jason everyone else who is with you, a wonderful milestone in your lives. Spare some thought for us in despair about the QLD election results. Cheers:):):):):)


23/03/2012ToM - while your life may be so boring you think looking up Government reports on the Internet is thrilling and exciting - you still don't know how much the buildings you object to cost or how much the school tipped in itself. Until you do in every occasion across the country, you will keep flying around in ever decreasing circles and throwing out red herrings. . . Face it the BER was a great success - 97%+ approval from those that actually educate children, kept a large number of architects, builders, subbies, certifiers, program managers, concrete truck drivers, sales assistants and the rest in a job for a few years and remedied a massive structural imbalance where previous Governments failed to invest in the physical infrastructure required to educate Australia's future.


23/03/2012JohnL For your exposes of the falsehoods and the distortions as exemplified in the relentless and scurrilous campaign to denigrate our eminently People's government, Thank You, you bring into clear focus particular examples of that which we already know in general about these antipeople. I do admire your research skills and patience and clarity. If logic won votes you'd make a good Labor candidate. But in Jonestown . . . Not you Darling Barry. (K) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jane I got that about the crustaceans. erm, well not really. there must be a story goes with that. [i]Je vous emprie a l'expliquer, s'il vous plait . . ? . .[/i] "And if you've got some rock-lobsters to spare Send me a pair!" (Apologies to Ginger Mick) I did write a very rude limerick once about a maiden lady and her propensity to experiment with certain arthropods for relief of her excess libido . . . but that's another story. But jane if you are stuck with Crustacea tomorrow, and if you are also going to feed the Trolls, may I suggest that you combine the two, [i]feed the Trolls to the Crustacea![/i] I do wish some other Swordies might get to the Adelaide Casino in the Junction Cafe at 1 PM tomorrow though. Perhaps, jane and others, we could arrange an eye-ball some other time, but of course without Ad astra. It used to be easy to meet with CB radio enthusiasts in the same city, or on sideband when you went to other cities and met people you'd heard a long way away, but it's not so easy with bloggers. But one day maybe, tell us what you think anybody of anywhere, I do see Bushfire Bill arranging meetings with simpatico persons in Sydney . . . And jane you said "I hope you have a wonderful time of it with TT, Jason and other Swordsters. If it's OK, I could also alert Adelaide Whisperers of your visit. There seems to be a bit of cross pollination and although they may not comment here, they may lurk." Personally I'd like to meet other Leftish bloggers anytime, and where I'm talking about in the Casino is sort of OK in a funny inverted sort of way, meeting in the Heart of the Beast as it were, but your query was directed to Ad astra himself and it is rightly up to him to OK your suggestion. This isn't exactly a [i]First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin[/i] meeting, just Goodday after all this time. Whatever Ad says. I don't see much difference between simpatico Poll Bludgers Cafe Whisperers and the like. One thing though, I have no interest in meeting anyone who wants to argue for the Right, I have long ago given that up, they don't acknowledge logic and it is not worth a tinker's dam to try. What I do here is to encourage our side, and to disparage theirs, no argument, I'm with Albo there, he says what he does is fight Tories. Arguing with them doesn't cut it. Just talk up our end, rubbish theirs (is rubbishing rubbish an oxymoron or what?) and as for our Government, passing 300 Bills unrepealable Bills sounds like the best way to thumb Labor noses at Them. Because They can eat their hearts out, nearly all these reforms are set in concrete now. Imagine how They feel! :) Don't it feel good! Which brings me to Gravel! "Labor has managed to get some excellent policies passed and for that I am thankful. Unfortunately, the Nopposition will reap the benefits, like they did after all the hard work by Hawke/Keating era." Now look here My Girl! [i]I will simply not have you talking this way![/i] The only benefits those swines will reap is the benefit of our never letting them into power again. Be of good cheer and take courage, we [i]will not [/i]let them win. Why else would I keep shouting, [i][b]VENCEREMOS![/b][/i]


23/03/2012Best wishes to the Adelaide TPS gathering tomorrow. Ill health in the shape of a recurring pain issue precludes travel, in any case in the condition I'm in I'm no company. Have a good time & have at least one for me.


23/03/2012As an ex Adelaidian, Ad astra, it would have been nice to be there to meet you. I can assure you that you have a large number of readers in Canberra, so if you're ever up this way . . .


24/03/2012[quote]May I know your definition of truthful[/quote] Perhaps you should reread JohnL's posts and Ad astra's on 19/2, titled [i]Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies.[/i] I particularly liked the Alcoa ones. Liealot claimed that Alcoa's decision to review its Point Henry smelter was down to the (non-existant) carbon tax, although the MD had categorically denied that was the reason. The [b]truth[\b] was the high dollar, low aluminium prices, and high commodity prices. And then there was the delay to the upgrade of the Wagerup WA smelter which Liealot claimed was due to the (non-existant) carbon tax. It must have been pretty embarrassing to be caught out in another lie when the PM read the disclaimer from Alcoa which stated that the delay was due to its inability to obtain a satisfactory supply of natural gas. [b]That[/b] was the truth. Bloody hell, they could have just hooked Liealot up. The supply would be inexhaustible. Seems it's Liealot and his minions whose relationship with the truth is more than a little esoteric.


24/03/2012Thank you for your kind words Not you Darling Barry. I do admire your patience 2353 in trying to convince Tom of Melbourne with logic. However, having seen his contributions here and elsewhere, I am afraid you are pursuing a futile course.

Tom of Melbourne

24/03/2012JohnL simply endorsed an incorrect statement by 2353, yet his is lauded for his knowledge of this subject! 2353 makes up a comment that is simply worng and rather than correct it, he provides a personal reflection. It’s all typical behaviour.


24/03/2012Jane All I could say to your comment was, yes, yes, yes,.....till the very end. Well done and well put. Talk Turkey Would you believe that was me being positive? (Said in a Maxwell Smart voice). I get in trouble here at home for my pessimism, so I had a giggle with what you wrote. I think the reason I love this blog is because you are all so positive and constructive and I do try to keep my end up. Hope all the Swordsters and the Whisperers have a great time meeting with Ad Astra, and each other, today, will be looking forward to a report from you all.

Ad astra

24/03/2012Folks Shortly we will be getting on the road from Cape Jervis to Adelaide to meet Talk Turkey, Jason and any other Swordians who come to the Junction Café at the Casino at 1pm. After our meeting, we will go to a friend’s home for an overnight stay before getting on the road first thing on Sunday for Melbourne. I will be out of contact with [i]TPS[/i] for most of today and tomorrow.


24/03/2012jane, Miglo, BSA Bob, Gee. Sad that none of you can make it. Thank you for your replies anyway. We will just have to struggle along without you, Jason Obelix will have to carry an extra large menhir to help make up. Dam crustaceans jane. I always said don't trust any of those dam aceans. Hordes of them coming down from up north. Have they got you surrounded? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JohnL1 yes that's right about convincing Trolls of anything, use your breath to ridicule them instead. I mean it. We must get past our noble ideas of convincing Them (and all the rabid Right) by appeals to sound logic, realize the futility of that and the fact that they only pretend to argue, only pretend not to understand that their utterances are skewed, only pretend to be open to rational persuasion. They will not change, it is idle to think that they will. They are like a different species. I say this with sorrow but you know it makes sense. Just rubbish Them, and get on with using power as fast and well as we can. BTW you did realize JL I was talking about the great Barry Jones then? who unfortuantely shares the same surname, (though surely not DNA!) with Joneses Wormtongue and Anal? Barry Jones is my first choice for First President of the Republic of Australia. Comments anyone? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Not too late for Adelaideians to get to: The Junction Cafe Adelaide Casino (Railway building) North Terrace at 12.45 for 1 PM TODAY to meet Ad astra and just a few others and have an $8 lunch[/b] [graciously subsidised for us non-gamblers by self-impoverished pokie victims, no joke really] You may take a train or a bus, But drive if you feel you mus'! Take this one opportunity To meet Ad with impunity And get there and back with no fuss. Not much of a limerick, no, not as good but not as bad as the one about [i]cherax destructor [/i] ("shelly destroyer") the common Yabby. But anyone who can get there please do. See yez there. Recaptcha: tmandate twice

Ad astra

24/03/2012PS I’m sorry BSA Bob you are unable to come to the Casino meeting, and hope you are soon feeling better. Any Café Whisperer that can come will be most welcome. Thank you for your good wishes Lyn – I’m sure we’ll have a most enjoyable time together.


24/03/2012I backtracked a load of concrete that I delivered to "private school" site during the BER. To get one load of concrete to site involves all of the following and probably more; Quarry; Loader Driver, weighbridge operator, crusher/screen operator, truckdriver, plant maintenaince fitter, labourer, tyre fitter, tyre reseller, truck mechanic, heavy duty fitter, heavy machinery auto electrician, hydraulic hose fitter not to mention the back office responsible for accounts receivable/payable, insurance, lease payments, overdraft fees. All of this comes into the price of a load of aggregate that ends up in the concrete mix. The Sandpit; As above The cement powder supplier/manufacturer...and it is made in Qld. Factory staff, truckdrivers, truck mechanics, maintenance fitters and others. The fly ash suppliers...(a byproduct of the coal electricity generation process.) Additive suppliers.etc, etc, etc. A fleet of specialised trucks and plant requires a maintenance system, fuel suppliers, insurance agents, lease companies, landlords and many, many others. All of these people contribute in some way to getting a load of concrete to the "private school site". All deserve to work. I guess now we should start talking about how many people are involved in getting 1 tonne of steel reinforcing rod/mesh onto the "private school site". First we go the Pilbarra........I'm sure you get my drift. The above, of course, doesn't take into account who supplied the food the entire workforce bought, who sold them the fuel for their cars, accepted their mortgage payments and on it goes. $300,000 per job ToM? It was a bloody bargain, old mate, a bloody bargain. and,in general, we must never forget that bile was designed to do its job in the stomach and not in the personality.


24/03/2012Ian Don't forget Gravel! :)


24/03/2012TT, Remiss of me. My apologies to gravel, in all its forms.


24/03/2012Hi Ian I love your stories, thankyou so much, most enjoyable. In 1969 I worked in the Production Office on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria. My job was to do the production figures each day. You will imagine the equipment used. I was just the Production Clerk , but I know very well what you are talking about, especially with Labour costs and costs of equipment. Have you got anymore good stories up your sleeve, I bet you have. Cheers:):):)


24/03/2012I don't think this link has been provided before and if it has, I apologise. On a gloomy day in Queensland we can all do with a bit of cheering up. [b]CIA conspiracy: don't Palmer it off as crazy[/b] by Ben Pobjie The Drum [quote]Well thank God that Clive Palmer doesn't care about being cool. Thank God that he sees the future of this great country of ours as more important than his image as a rational, mentally-competent individual. It may be that one day, in the future, we will look back and feel ashamed of the way we treated Clive Palmer - if we are capable of feeling anything after our spirits are broken by the Green army of solar-powered torture-bots lashing us into submission as we build their useless wind turbines by hand. It may be that one day we look back and cry, "Why did we not listen? We could have stopped this horror at its source!"[/quote] And the closing sentence won my admiration: [quote]Because once that coal isn't dug out of the ground, it's gone forever.[/quote]


24/03/2012Talk Turkey I was very confused when you said to Ian, 'don't forget Gravel' it was the capital G that did it. I had a good laugh, and indeed yes, you need gravel for concrete.


24/03/2012Top reminder ian...well said. Lotta people involved. Ross Cameron, one of the most pompous & arrogant Liberals and former MPs in Australia (and that's saying something) gives voters yet another reason not to vote for The Coalition...attacking the minimum wage: [b]Minimum wage means job-seekers wasting time[/b] [quote]But the human costs of this idea massively outweigh the benefits. Because while it may benefit workers, the minimum wage is prejudicial to the poorest and most vulnerable members of our community - the unemployed... The premise of the minimum wage is that Australians cannot be trusted to figure out how much to pay each other. So we have this intensely bureaucratic process when some wise soul hands down from on high the annual determination. Beforehand, affected parties are consulted and make submissions. This week we saw another outbreak of hostilities over how much it should be increased, as we entered the final days of consultation between the competing groups before Fair Work Australia hands down its decision on June 30.[/quote] Who needs a living wage when you could be exploited for your labour power?... I'm thrilled about the fact I got paid peanuts for breaking my back doing jobs around the world for employers who thought I was worth exploiting as a young man... Still I guess it saved them money...those topline cars and masseurs are expensive...good for the back too. Shame about mine...mighta been nice to have been paid enuff to see a physio back then. N'


24/03/2012JohnL I'm a bit late coming to the party but thank-you for your hard work. No doubt you had to wade through reams of dull (to some) reports and Senate Enquiry minutes. Your evidence adds further credence to the theory that the connection between this Abbott-led Opposition and the truth is at best tenuous and more likely non-existent. As you have plainly shown, the only viable explanation for the degree of waste that apparently took place in the BER roll-out and more particularly the P21 projects, is that $100 bills were used to fuel furnaces to heat schools during the winter months in cooler climes and $50 bills were used as roofing insulation for schools in the northern half of the country. Thank-you for your hard work - this article should stand as a reference work to be drawn upon to refute all nonsense claims of waste and mismanagement in this particular stimulus programme. Still didn't win ToM over though, did it? :D :D :D


24/03/2012Meant to say, Hope Ad, Jason, TT and others have a great time. With Abbott sticking his big gob into this QLD race Min over at the Cafe reminded us of Abbott's lack of empathy for people sometimes...Bernie Banton for one. Indeed. Caged Abbott is all nicey nicey like a missionary sometimes…but when he slips out of the gorilla cage and reverts to feral Tony he can be rude, brash and lacking empathy. If he won the next election I reckon caged Tony wouldn’t last long… Can you imagine feral Tony set free on the public? Arrogant, paranoid, abusive, bullying uni student all over again… Backed by the likes of Cameron, Reith, Howard, Minchin, Murdoch, Vanstone, Jones, Brough, Joyce and the Krogers…all over the media like a contagious disease. Gawd forbid! Freakin’ nightmare for workers and the underprivileged and the not so religiously extreme. I reckon Campbell Newman will be getting alot of advice from Pushy Abbott. N’


24/03/2012Hi Everybody Some Tweets and Links for you to read:- [b]Leroy‏[/b] Great piece by @BushfireBill on @PeterSlipperMP, @lenoretaylor, The Terror, & the poor state of #ausmedia on #auspol the email “Godwin Grant”). Except… the reason there was no email available was because there was no email. Did the DT (in the form of the odious Steve Lewis) apologize? Murdoch papers don’t do apologies. [b]Some Tweets for you talking about the QLD election:-[/b] [b]George‏@OverTheHill[/b]Voted in LNP heartland asked polling clerk is this one of those new BER halls she said nice isn`t it. better than a Flagpole I said Oops [b]PB‏@youngapprentice[/b] mishaschubert have u looked at #couriermail ongoing blog/commentary? so pro-LNP it is vomit-inducing #mediafail #qldvote #vominmymouthalot [b]PB‏@youngapprentice[/b] What's wrong with this article? Hmm...nearly EVERY picture is of the LNP. CourierMail=LNP propaganda machine #qldvotes [b]Justin Barbour‏[/b] LNP booth worker claims that Labor will be left with five seats tonight. Hysterical. [b]George‏@OverTheHill[/b] Courier Mail headline "Newman Reeling Them In" very apt choice of words for a snake oil salesman he has conned the Media... Voters WAKE UP [b]The Australian‏@australian[/b] VIDEO Live coverage of the Qld election from Sky News and The Australian's own experts begins at 1600 AEDT [b]Kevin Rudd‏[/b]Good to see my Jess +1 supporting the cause. KRudd “@Jess_Rudd: Me in my #keepkate t-shirt at Ashgrove State School " [b]Sue Lappeman‏[/b] YOU ARE JOKING! RT @seanparnell: Campbell Newman urges Queenslanders to vote LNP | The Australian @campbell_newman [b]The Australian‏@australian[/b]Newman set for 'immense responsibility': CAMPBELL Newman today declared there was a mood for change in Queenslan... [b]Campbell's Web‏@CampbellsWeb[/b] This guy is one of the LNP bigwigs. It's Barry O'Sullivan's & his virgins. [b]Peter Black[/b] "The Labor brand is damaged - and so is the product" says laurieoakes [b]Sky News Australia‏[/b] Never say die, Fraser [b]vexnews[/b] ‏Lefty Greens-voting academic John Quiggin say Labor's bad result will be due to "asset sales" #qldvotes @qldpol [b]Julia Gillard‏[/b]Only Anna Bligh and @QldLabor can give Queenslanders the future they deserve. Vote Labor today. #QldVotes JG


24/03/2012I appreciate your comments NormanK. I'm not exactly heartbroken for my failure to win over Tom of Melbourne.


24/03/2012Thnx Lyn. N'

Tom of Melbourne

24/03/2012John L - you’re not likely to “win over” anyone (informed) if you choose to endorse factually incorrect comments, without bothering to think. Here’s another way of looking at “success and efficiency"- • 3% used for buildings that schools specifically complain that they don’t want = $420 mill • Amount to the wealthy elite private schools = $800mil • The contractors management fee, 6% = $800mill Amazingly how quickly the government can put $2,000,000,000 to good.


24/03/2012[b]3%[/b] Ooh! [b]$420 mill[/b] Aah! [b]$800mil[/b] Gasp!! [b]6% = $800mill[/b] Bravo!!! [b]$2,000,000,000[/b] Bravo! Bravo! Encore!! How does he do it, ladies and gentleman? [b]How does he do it?[/b] Numbers plucked from thin air right before your eyes! If you want to see more you'll have to come back tomorrow. Tell your friends! [b]The Great ToM[/b] performs here twice a day!! No number too big or too small or too fanciful that [b]The Great ToM[/b] can't conjure it up for your delectation! Whatever you do, don't ask him how he does it. [i]That's a professional secret.[/i]


24/03/2012Well said Norman. N'


24/03/2012Gravel, thank you for the compliment, but Ad astra and JohnL provided me with the ammunition. But Ian @11.03am, what about the $300K? We can't go around wasting that sort of money on *cough*, *splutter*......workers. What about Liealot's bottom line? And his $70bn? Surely you must see they're so much more important? And anyway, if you mob hadn't got rid of SerfChoices, those people would have cost a lot less than $300K. [quote]Have they got you surrounded?[/quote] They're waving their disgusting feelers at us as they lurk in dark unfathomable water, TT. But revenge is mine as I chuck them in Nally bins and send them to oblivion in China. Bbbwwwahahahaha! We have to babysit the foul things. To leave them unattended is to court financial disaster in the event of a power failure. Pumps and refrigeration go out and it's bye bye crustacea. The worst thing is I can't stomach the things! They make me itch! Grumble! Hope you had a great afternoon with Ad astra. JohnL, trying to win over ToM with cold hard facts, the truth, impeccable evidence and logic is pointless. ToM, SIC and their fellow travellers are impervious to all those things, otherwise they couldn't barrack for the Liars Party. NormanK @5.54pm, roflmao!!!!!

Tom of Melbourne

24/03/2012[i]”The independent sector will receive around $1.5 billion from BER funding.{/i}”


24/03/2012[quote]How does he do it?[/quote] He has a rare and unusual talent for figure plucking, NormanK.


25/03/2012[quote]Perhaps, jane and others, we could arrange an eye-ball some other time, but of course without Ad astra.[/quote] TT, I would enjoy that a great deal.


25/03/2012Well. The bad news is we lost Queensland. It was probably the loss we had to have. And it is not all bad news at that. It will redound on the Coalons in the Federal election. One Federal Government is worth more than all the others put together. [i]Keep your eye on the big game Comrades[/i]. That was the last 'good news' for Abbortt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ My good news is that Ad astra and his delightful wife, plus Jason Obelix, plus two of my friends, one of whom is Jason the Younger, had a wonderful meeting over lunch today, everything went smoothly and for those of you who don't know, Ad astra looks just like his gravatational photo as Jason does just like his. It felt like we have all known each other for a very long time. Our physical meeting just confirmed the fact of our mutual understanding reached over time via the Political Sword, as the tongue just confirms in taste what the nose has first assured you in bouquet when sampling a Cab Sav. Tortured metaphor maybe, but it just shows that you can get to know one another pretty well, in some ways at least, via this medium. We all came away glowing, that's as good as it gets. And Lyn, everything you said about our host and his OH is so right, I knew it would be. BTW should Swordfolks in Adelaide ever actually wish to meet anywhere, well the place we met today, in the Junction Cafe, part of Adelaide Casino is sort of cool, easy to get to by public transport (recommended), cheap meals subsidised by the Pokies' self-impoverishing victims who may be seen all around single-mindedly (well no, [i]mindlessly!) [/i]divesting themselves of funds . . . and besides it's sort of righteous meeting there in Sin City in what used to be Adelaide's nice old railway building, it feels like reclaiming a tiny bit of it for a moment in the name of the People, Ad agreed. But it is seriously sad, all the way to terminally tragic, for those self-impoverishing victims. Dog I am glad I would rather be doing this rather than Pokieing. I am a slow typist, I often take hours here on this blog, but many of those addicts spend more time playing their dumb games than I do writing on TPS. I can't imagine how so much money and time is spent by so many for so few. Where do they get it from? Who goes without what, so that James Packer can be obscenely rich? [i]Put some money in . . . no good. Put some money in . . . no good. Put some money in . . . no good. Put some money in, [b]*Ring*Ding*Toot*Jingle*Flash*BLEEEP*!* [/b] Ooh I won 50c, quick [b]I'm on a winning streak[/b], Put some money in . . . [/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jane I am actually rather fond of crustacea, poor little things, they don't want a trip to China, they want to be left alone to make love and eat vegetables in their habitat . . . People tempt them with sinful meat baits, they're like people with sugar then, can't help themselves. If it were people it wold be called Entrapment! :) They can't help having antennae, in fact they rather like them . . . Yabbies get to be tame and appreciative of small attentions . . . I had a few in a tank for quite a while, they can be as beautiful a range of blues as ever was seen on Dresden China. But I can see that kindling a little flame of love for them in your heart might be a lost cause . . . :) Anyway are there any other Swordsfolks, Bludgers, Whisperers, other simpatico Adelaideians who would like to have an eyeball? Speak now eh Comrades, could be done and could be fun. Seems like it would be nice for people in other places too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gravel, Fancy thinking of you as [i]aggregate![/i] But Ian has apologised beautifully, so reinforcing his reputation on this site . . . Reinforcing. Pun, see? :)


25/03/2012 After my battle supporting Kevin Rudd for PM I felt put in the corner by many people on the blogs…ya see, during my time away from blogging I got a real sense of how angry the people are with the ALP…they really disliked the ALP axing their PM…and telling them how democracy should work. It was a big insult to QLDers to have their PM disposed of…and his lovely wife. The attacks on Campbell Newman brought those memories flooding back…they came across as personal and vicious and low. Like the stuff thrown at the former PM. It’s why on TPS I wrote that Anna should move away from this attack and the party promote their achievements. It was already too late. The damage had been done…the attacks on Newman were bad strategy off the back off the back of the Rudd stomping before the leadership ballot. Any reignited enthusiasm for Labor diminished after Rudd was crushed…and it died when the attacks on Newman seemed to be baseless due to the investigation being dropped…or that was the perception. Left a bad taste in voter’s mouths. Part of what we saw last night was the people getting a chance to vent their spleen and disgust…much easier to do it with an old, stale government than risk bringing in the WorkChoices Abbott… And of course QLD labor had many problems that were obvious for a good long time, as mentioned above… BUT… there’s alot more to this… unfortunately it does have federal ramifications… the public don’t mind taxing rich miners…but they are not sure the tax will work…nor do they understand why the tax cuts to small business are so small…and why the revenue is not being spent on frontline service delivery, dental schemes, transport etc. There are many who worry that increased Super at this time will cause them and their employers pain. And the dividing of the small and big business tax cuts looks too smart by half. Like the Malaysian Solution. The idea that Abbott is wedged looks flimsy to many. Furthermore, the relationship with the Greens is sadly backfiring…the problems with swarms of bats…the games played with fisherman…the Wild Rivers decision…all served to piss off certain groups…and their concerns were ignored…the way Howard ignored senate reports and concerns about the Iraq War and changes in IR legislation until it was too late. Equally arrogant and perceived as dictatorial. Not listening. Furthermore, the carbon price is seen as a useless joke. Voters cannot understand how this thing will change the climate…they see it as a burden on their electricity prices and businesses…and the examples in Europe don’t sell the idea because Europe looks like a mess… You only have to look at people like TB whose concerns about electricity diversity are real…and how his family changed their usage from the ground up using incentives…nothing to do with a carbon price…to know that Abbott might be seen as having the better option. Sadly. There are indeed problems with his approach too. And he also is not trusted. Also, Too many of the ALPs salesmen and women are now tarnished by these internal fights…and frankly many are a bit limp in their approach…or come cross like they are spruiking policies they don’t believe in. Here in QLD saw no one but Anna and Kate. Where were the blokes? Many unfortunately were forced to excuse mismanagement previously…think hospital pay debacle for one… it seemed the blokes were either hiding…or had run for the hills…leaving it to a couple of formidable but weakened by the perfect storm women to do the job that shoulda been done by a team. As for Andrew Fraser, treasurer…former treasurer now…his somewhat arrogant and dismissive approach the past few years was part of the problem. He was warned. Continuing, I remember when pregnant mothers in Beaudesert were forced to go to Logan Hospital during closures…a few years back now…I said to my wife this dismissive approach towards country, regional folk would come back to bite the ALP. anyway…I hope the ALP start listening to more than their advisors and most fanatical supporters. They mean well…but myopia can lead one to miss the train bearing down on you. And it’s coming big time… It’s time the ALP recognized its big hitters…Carr was a start…and it seems they may have to start listening to gripers like Richardson. Frankly, I always felt, and said, imposing two huge taxes on this country at once was madness. Especially if you haven’t got the media machines on yer side…dya really think it was a good idea to leave an ex-Fairfax employee in charge of the ABC? I saw little but attacks on the ALP from our ABC news here. Perhaps tho, there is good reason. I still don’t understand why the party of Medicare didn’t push early for Denticare and the Disability scheme… too busy paying off debt I guess…mighta been a good idea to have had the courage to standup to Rudd and Arbib etc. at the time and said “no clean coal money”…”slow down the insulation rollout…let’s diversify what the money is used for”. It’s complex. And the GFC made it more so. Much good as achieved that should not be run away from, including the BER… But temporarily wedging Tony Abbott looks too obvious and smart for its own good… It doesn’t deliver. And it’s about delivering on promises. Perhaps next time promises, commitments should be made directly related to Labour core values eh? Because quite frankly too many people like me are tired of coming in and having to be optimistic and to pretend…during the runup to the elections…only to see the disasters occur they’ve been warning about the rest of the time… and being knocked for it. I did what I could. But there was stuff all to work with. I warned the fracking and asset sales approach would be a disaster. What more can you say? ---------- Other reasons we lost: I think we did well pulling a win out of the hat last QLD election…we were bound to lose big time with the pressures of the perception the ALP had been in long enuff…add the carbon price skepticism up here (I said it should be reduced and was problematic here).. the perception of broken promises…p add the dredging putting reef and fishing at risk Add repeated hospital stuff ups… Add some underlying misogyny… Add the fact Newman is in the Sth East corner and comes across like a moderate.. Add the general malaise and lack of vision perceived of ALP generally… Add asset sales..people protective of their assets and land…Chinese incursions included... Add the extremely biased media…and lack of newspaper diversity in QLD…and ABC constant criticism of the government. The perfect storm. Little we could do. But…when ALP lost federally in 04 Beazley predicted we’d be out 6 years. Didn’t happen. This loss should galvanize supporters…and motivate the ALP to get it right. Gillard's chances are now reduced...but...the huntress can adapt...bring in heavy hitters...rethink policy priorities... N’ N’


25/03/2012I think there will be more than a few QLDers waking up with a three year (or more) hangover this morning... As TT pointed out, having the Three Amigos (Faillieu, O'Fail and Canna Do) running amok in the Eastern states will not do Abbott and "brand Lib/LNP/Nat" any favours. The question is, how long will it take to repair the damage? (And I don't just mean to Labor.)


25/03/2012LNP wins 78 seats in Queensland Parliament. Watch 'em fight over the spoils of office in double-quick time, the ones who've been there for years, the ones Can-Do will shift sideways, the ones he won't have room for at the top trough who'll claim that as part of the landslide they've delivered him twenty years as Premier and he owes them, the ones who realise they have a decade or two ahead of them in poli-perks land and will already be figuring out just how big a perk can get, the ones who will skate and skim in their electoral duties figuring the swing necessary to dump them will keep them safe for two terms minimum, the ones who will feel their noses shifting out of joint as the months and years unfold. A huge majority can be harder to manage than a lean and tight edge over an Opposition with no more than a 3 to 5 per cent swing to make up to take over. The latter keeps everyone tightly focused on the job at hand. Nothing I've seen of Campbell Newman suggests he is up to handling his 'cobbled-together in desperation just to be competitive' a few years back LNP 'party', let alone governing on top of that simmering pot of stitched into mistrustful collusion agendas. Campbell Newman as Premier of Queensland with the dominance he has in parliament and the public expectation attached to that ("now, deliver, Can Do!") may just be the best news out of Queensland for Federal Labor 17 months down the track come a national election.

Ad astra reply

25/03/2012Folks As Talk Turkey has said, we had a very happy meeting at the Junction Cafe at the Adelaide Casino.   TT and Jason, and TT's friends, including young Jason who describes himself as a regular 'lurker' on TPS, had a long lunch together with us, of course talking about politics and TPS.  What a delight it was to meet with people we have got to know so well via the site.  As TT has indicated, we all turned out to be as expected.   As an encore to our lunch, TT delighted us with a brilliant exhibition of origami, his own 'ozzigami', crafting a beautiful bird mobile from a flat sheet he had stylishly designed, with deft scissor cuts and clever folding by experienced fingers.  We came away with this gift for one of the grandchildren, along with the ingredients for doing our own origami and some colorful T shirts he had designed.  Most of all we left with a warm glow of friendship and mutual admiration, born of our association on TPS, now reinforced by our physical meeting.  Like TT, I recommend such meetings of TPS bloggers as a splendid way of cementing relationships. Thank you Talk Turkey for arranging such a fruitful encounter. As TT has said, the Queensland result was bad, but inevitable.  Labor would likely have lost the last two elections had the LNP presented as any sort of reasonable alternative, but being a leaderless shambles until Campbell Newman came along, the people of Queensland wisely voted to continue with Labor until the LNP got its act together, and now that on the face of it that seems to be the case, they have decided in no uncertain terms to give the LNP  and Campbell Newman a go.  They now have to deliver, and Labor has to rebuild. The lesson for Labor is not as Tony Abbott predictably paints it - that Federal Labor has to wake up to itself, but rather that the Federal Coalition has to present itself as a credible alternative with competent front- benchers, plausible policies, honest costings, and inspired leadership, not the negative pugilistic leadership it now exhibits, which the people, particularly women, do not like.  On Insiders today, the entire panel agreed that this was what was needed.  While Tony Abbott continues in his ugly style and until he develops decent policies and a competent front bench, the people are likely to do what the Queenslanders did in previous State elections, stick with Labor, which is doing a sterling job federally, until a more attractive and competent alternative, with a decent leader, presents itself. After a most enjoyable evening with dear friends will get on the road to Melbourne after lunch.  I will post my next piece 'Abbott's atrophy' either later today, or tomorrow depending where I can get decent 3G reception.

Ad astra reply

25/03/2012Nasking Thank you for your detailed analysis of the Queensland result and its implications for federal Labor. Your thoughtful comments, born of local experience, deserve careful study.


25/03/2012Cheers Ad. N'


25/03/2012on March 25, 2012 at 11:39 amnasking LOVO… well said. The core values message is important. It’s about integrity and consistency. Rudd certainly made some big mistakes…but it was early days…Howard did too…Costello even lost billions in neglectful currency decisions…but they didn’t axe them. They were consistent, loyal and fought their way thru the storms…sadly for us. Certainly having the Coalition in more states will help the ALP’s chances a bit…but less so now that the victories in QLD and NSW were so big. Important Labour power structures are in flames… And now. The LNP, COALITION state premiers and treasurers have more bargaining power…weakening Gillard’s. A bloody disaster. Building up the brand again is going to take yonks…and plenty of mistakes and corruption by the Coalition parties… And can we trust the media to do the right thing? Scrutinise…investigate…expose…keep the bastards honest… It’s important we rebuild united…but the truth telling is going to be hard to cope with for many who have fought so hard. It’s important on our blogs that the centrists and those from small business experience and from conservative families but now often vote ALP are listened to...their thoughts taken on board related to policy formation and selling the message. Lessons learnt. ----------- Another problem with the mining tax…the deal done with BHP and Rio (the latter not very respected by many) looked like the ALP selling out to the biggest corporations… It’s sad that Labour has permitted the pushy arrogant Palmer and Rinehart to get away with this message. The truisms undermine the ALP argument. And BTW, Palmer and Rinehart are getting away with heaps… Partly because of the mismanagemt of Labour over these issues, policies. The Coalition are just being opportunists…scoring points with the help of the media… It’s been made easy for them. ----------- —————— Small business knows that the rampant mining leading to high dollar and sucking up of employees is hurting them…not to mention export prices for some… And the Internet sales. but they must see a measly 1% tax cut as minimal help…the writeoff helps a bit… But the carbon price negates that wee bit of help. It just complicates selling the message… And permits Abbott, the supporting media and business groups to get away with some BS… The know rampant mining and high dollar is killing other businesses…but they get away with the carbon price bogeyman argument…not having to justify their own anti-mining tax position. N’


25/03/2012[i]GOOOOOOOD[/i] Morning Comrades Not a lot of cheer about nor to cheer about But we are here. [i]They[/i] have lots and lots and lots of rope. Lyn I am sure you know the story of the Princess of Doiley and her two suitors. Her Daddy wants her to marry the rich nasty one but she wants the poor nice one. The rich nasty one demands that she choose between them, in any physical trial she cares to name, because he is bigger and meaner and faster and stronger than the poor nice one and confident he can beat him at anything. So she has them compete for her hand (and the rest of her I assume) by a cunning plan . . . She asks that they each sew the hem at the wrist of one of her pair of silken gloves, a task at which neither is practised, and she gives the nice lad several shortish lengths of thread but to the nasty one she gives one long thread, dropping him a sly wink as she does so. He thinks she is favouring him, that he can do it all without having to rethread his needle . . . So off they go, sewing, sewing, and it's not very long before the nasty one has impossible tangles in his long thread,(scissors not on hand presumably), and that is where the LNP and indeed all the Coalons are at. They can think they've got us lassooed but it is they who will be in a tangle soon. And they are like the people running down to the beach in Japan where the sea has retreated after the earthquake, unaware that very soon the water will come roaring back, we will win the 2013 Federal Election on the back of their hubris and the People's soon-to-be-dismay at what the Governments of the Right will have done by then. This may all sound a bit forced and perhaps it is too, but it's Our Force, not theirs, and this is the Labor Party we are talking about, we will [i]always[/i] be back, and Canberra is what we must never let get into the hands of Them. I do not subscribe to the notion that it's ever a matter of It's Time For A Change, all that is about is a Media-driven-Rightist stunt to bring about a new wave of ripping off what Labor Governments have achieved in the meantime. As Gravel hinted at, yes that's what they do. When Gough won on [i]It's Time[/i], it [i]wasn't[/i] time, it was long past time, time started with Magna Carta or was it the Good Samaritan, it's never been time to change back to let these pre-civilization lifeforms be our bosses. I believe there is no reason for Labor [i]ever[/i] to be rolled from Canberra if it stays true to doing its best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Coalons v Guvnors match is on halftime break atm, just as the AFL season starts. Relaxez-vous, deep breaths, think clearly. This was never a Government for the short-term Tonies. This is a Government that has built in stone and concrete and magic fibre, one which will stand on its record and will prevail. *J*U*L*I*A* may not be popular, but she will command increasing respect. She will distance herself a little from the full glare, she knows very well that she should not be and doesn't want to be The Story, she will let her brilliant ministers share the load, and they will destroy Tony Abbortt and his Goonshow. She is our Leader but her Ministers are our strength. Queenslanders, Australians, I cry for you, the duped along with the aware, truly I do, real tears too for the land. But Comrades set your jaws, resist, defend, stand, this is your mother country and you know how the Right treats females, RESIST! Fight on. [b]VENCEREMOS![/b]


25/03/2012 [quote]the Federal Coalition has to present itself as a credible alternative with competent front- benchers, plausible policies, honest costings, and inspired leadership, not the negative pugilistic leadership it now exhibits, which the people, particularly women, do not like.  On Insiders today, the entire panel agreed that this was what was needed.  While Tony Abbott continues in his ugly style and until he develops decent policies and a competent front bench, the people are likely to do what the Queenslanders did in previous State elections, stick with Labor, which is doing a sterling job federally, until a more attractive and competent alternative, with a decent leader, presents itself[/quote]. Ad, I generally agree... Abbott is a problem for the Coalition...he is a weathervane, not trusted, the economic message is confusing from the Coalition... But I think the people will elect him anyway...if the ALP doesn't recognize the problems with selling too huge taxes at once... And the fears of a degree. I reckon we must now show loyalty to Gillard...another change might save some seats if we lost...but more political maneuvering on the leadership front will only serve to diminish the chances of getting over the line...and reinforce the public's view that the ALP are an undemocratic party filled with spineless chooks. I don't think they should discard the carbon price...just lower it significantly to comparable world prices... Provide incentives like rebates for those doing the right thing by way of clean energy choice via their electricity companies... And increase the mining tax...redistributing more to small business...2-3% tax cuts and assistance to help pay for shop etc rentals... Announce a Denticare scheme... Dispose of that union hack Craig Thomson...and run in his place someone well respected from NSW politics... Bring in more heavy hitters like Brumby, Bracks and Rann...make more solid and communicatively effective that ministry... And focus on the team surrounding the inconsistencies, flaws in arguments, past decisions etc more... Abbott feeds on attention of any kind. Like a publicity is bad get the gist. N'


25/03/2012if the ALP doesn't recognize the problems with selling too huge taxes at once... Should be " two huge taxes" N'


25/03/2012I feel sad for Queenslanders. No-one to hold the government to account. The media will do what they are doing in Vic and NSW, bolster the Libs. Talk Turkey Thanks for your description of meeting with Ad Astra and Jason and the other people. Your generosity to group with origami and t-shirts just confirms your good nature. Nasking I don't want you to be right. I guess in my heart, and as you have proven before, you probably are. As I have said earlier, at least Federal Labor have brought in a lot of great stuff. Has any seen or heard of the reports of Abbott's promise to pay for nannies? Funny how there is not enough money to support people with disabilities, but there is more than enough to pay the rich to have nannies.


25/03/2012I don't think it's all that bad from a federal pov. To me, a sandgroper living in Qld, it was just about Qlders' having a gigantic, if over the top, dummy spit. Unfortunately, for them, dummy spits have unintended consequences. The extent of which we will all have to wait to see. Federal Labor should be heeding the messages in this result. Two of them quite loud; 1/....Stop attacking Abbott as much as you do outside of Parliament. Such is the weakness of his character he needs no help to undo himself. Compliant media spivs and slatterns aside. 2/....Improve the communication with the electorate. Accept the fact that your never going to get a fair hearing in the msm. You have no choice other than go to the electorate directly and electronically. Once, just once, I would like to see the PM and Tim go into a suburban pub/club. No media, no minders, just security and have a yarn. Face down the critics. Be people, just be people. I did notice something rather different this morning down at the local shopping centre though. Usually on a Sunday the "vibe" is pretty positive. Shoppers smile more than weekdays, mothers appear less harassed, toddlers less petulant and the old fart brigade, like me, tend to glide along, as opposed to our normal shuffle. This morning was different. People seemed subdued, quiet, more pensive I would guess. Perhaps they're feeling the morning after effects of having had to put down what was once your favourite dog and now seeing glimpes of what the new puppy is like. Perhaps not. The " vibe " wasn't one of celebration. One thing is certain. There are interesting times ahead for Qld.


25/03/2012Gravel, I've told you before! Don't talk like that! Truly. Please only talk positive or not at all. There is no point to doing otherwise! It only saps people's energy, resolve, esprit, you know what I mean,


25/03/2012Good Morning Gravel I am not sure if you wanted to read more about the Abbott Nannie, they are calling it Abbott's Great Big New Nannie Thing. Read TurnLeft 2013 they think like us :- There are some more links below and some twitter discussion for you. Like you I was delighted to hear about the TPS rendezvous in downtown Adelaide, absolutely delightful to see the people you have made friends with on TPS. Yes and I agree wholeheartedly with you Talk Turkey has a very generous nature and a very thoughtful attitude, his work is magnificent. I have a lovely little book called Brucie the Bilby given to me by Talk Turkey. [i]She’s got Style, She’s got flair… She’s Got A Taxpayer Subsidy: Abbotts Great Big New Nanny Giveaway[/i] Turn Left 2013 Where will the money to fund this policy come from?[b] Unlike Annabel Crabb, I seriously doubt that Tony Abbott will be paying for it[/b]. So the money will have to be found somewhere? You can’t maintain a budget surplus otherwise – [b]services to the the disadvantaged, the working-poor, the aged, they may have to have their budgets trimmed.[/b] Are the faceless billionaires in this country in such desperate dire-straits that they need the [b]taxpayer to step in and financially looking after their offspring? [/b]If so, then perhaps this is a situation best dealt with by children’s services and not throwing more taxpayer money at it. [b]Greg Jericho‏[/b] Abbott looking at subsidizing Nannies. He was thinking about it 2 yrs ago as well [b]Stephen Koukoulas‏[/b] annabelcrabb @srpeatling No: Abbott won't be paying for nannies - he has either to cut another program or hike another tax to fund it [b]Abbott considers subsidising nannies, ABC[/b] [b]TheFinnigins[/b] [Abbott is considering taxpayer-funded subsidies for nannies] - good, i want the au pair, then i vote for him #auspol [b]vexnews‏[/b] Free-spending Tony Abbott to dangle multi-billion dollar carrot of federal-funded in-home childcare by nannies #auspol [b]A-PAC‏[/b] Abbott to extend childcare rebate: Tony Abbott plans to extend the childcare rebate for nannies, as he tries to ... [b]hughriminton[/b]‏ Yes, but what about my gardener?RT @annabelcrabb: Fscinating @srpeatling yarn: Tony Abbott wants to pay for your nanny [b]Angela Lo Rosso[/b] sortius @tonyabbottMHR Well if he fails at Maths I do not. Only rich can afford nannies on weekly bases. FAIL. [b]Future-Proof Geek‏[/b] Now for Abbott's nanny state So hard to find good hired help these days. Who will think of the nannies? #auspol Cheers:):):):)


25/03/2012Gravel, I'm beginning to think that Bruce Hawker is either a traitor...or he like the party has been duped. Reasons? The main push for Rudd to move against Gillard was by the Murdoch papers and SKY NEWS... Hawker was all over SKY and papers pushing Rudd. I believe it was partially his advice that got Rudd to move so early...damaging the QLD campaign. And the party brand. Hawker also became a bad focus...reinforcing the idea that the apparatchiks ran the party... Notice it was SKY NEWS and certain Australian opinion-makers that focused on that element of the campaign... And who advised Rudd to use the term "faceless men"...? Making it even more a headline issue. Next we see The Courier Mail and The Australian exposing Newman's baggage here in QLD... advisors (who?) push Anna Bligh to go negative full bore on Newman...known as a useful mayor (once the Liberal with the biggest seat post-Howard losses). It comes across as another Rudd like attack on a good man and his wife. Reminds people of the Rudd knifing...and treatment during the recent ballot. And who happened to return to the Bligh campaign after Rudd lost the ballot...and just as the papers attack on Newman built up? Yes. Bruce Hawker. In charge of two big losses. I like Bruce...he seems amiable enuff...but either he got duped...or was a co-conspirator. I wonder if he's paid on SKY AGENDA? Notice how the People's Forum debate was skillfully manipulated by Sky News' David Speers to sit Bligh and Newman on the stage after the debate part...and brought up the Bligh accusations? Notice how Speers permitted questioning of Newman and his wife regarding their hugging and kissing...illiciting sympathy for Newman's wife...and Speers even pursued the matter further...making sure the victim message got thru to the public...cameras focusing on the supposedly distraught wife. This was followed by the papers promoting Newman's wife's depression over ALP attacks...then many shots of her and Newman walking together...her waving cheerily. And once Anna Bligh had been duped into attacking Newman, even on stage, the Courier Mail etc did a U-turn... They revealed that the CMC had been infiltrated by the ALP... suddenly the investigation of Newman was dropped... Anna was made to look full of sh*t and left holding a rotten potato. Reminding all voters that the ALP these days is incompetent...full of it...and uses attack dog desperate approaches to try and beat its opponents...particularly good, reputable QLD politicians...including Rudd. Brilliant tactics by the alliance of corporate media ( particularly Murdoch's lot)...and the LNP AND COALITION. So Abbott and Murdoch. Duping. Using ALPers as both conduits and critics. Even one of Rudd's old, short-term advisors was in on the act. He wrote a book recently promoted here. I hope he chokes on his pay. Unfortunately I woke up to the dupe, strategy too late...warned Anna to get away from the Newman accusations...and gave Newman's wife sympathy but tried to spin it that Newman had contributed to his wife's embarrassment. It was too late. The fatal damage had been done. A big win for the Righties and Murdoch empire...and Alan Jones...who picked up, like Katter, on our fear of fracking. Nicely done a-holes. Now you have Katter's Australian party to run here and elsewhere against The Greens and Labor... Yes, you can pretend the party is nothing like One Nation...but we know the truth... It's connected to the Murdoch empire...Probably partly their idea...and Abbott's..or Howard. Maybe all. I've always suspected Abbott and Howard and Murdoch and the Packers and Singleton had something to do with the creation of One Nation... Games were played...and Abbott's taking on Hanson etc was all part of the show... It was all designed to help grab the worst instincts of QLDers...and help push the Coalition further to the Right. Sacrificing Aboriginal, homosexual, asylum seeker rights in the process... And farmers, exporters...the little ones...who were damaged by the One Nation protectionist approach. This is a naked, Machiavellian, deceitful power grab by THE FEW...and their right-wing minions... The public and the ALP have been duped. But I'm on to you fckers. Hopefully the entire Left...Labor...and the public will be too...soon enuff. Don't sleep too comfortable. In the books and the latest TV series people thought Sherlock Holmes dead... That in many ways Moriarity had won. Hmmm... Tick tick tick tock.. N'


25/03/2012 Expect uranium mining to go fullbore in QLD now…and nuclear energy to be pushed here and eventually in other states. This is all about money and owning shares in the future of energy creation and delivery. And providing the Chinese and Indians. Possibly Indonesia. Corporate wars. Politicians are expendable…disposable…as are THE MANY. N’


25/03/2012This morning was different. People seemed subdued, quiet, more pensive I would guess. Ian, Usually after elections we hear cheering, partying, fireworks in our area... Nothing at all last nite. Eerily silent. N'


25/03/2012Here is a quote which I think applies to current Australian politics. “Insanity is the compulsion to keep doing something that has always failed in the belief that THIS TIME it will surely work. Psychologists call it repetition compulsion. It is a sign of serious dysfunction.” That’s an accurate description of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott repeatedly moving the suspension of standing orders and repeatedly failing to get the numbers.


25/03/2012Just remember power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely. The ALP in the 70's and 80's were in a similar position in Queensland. Rather than mope about it, they overcame a gerrymander with a leader than wasn't tarnished with being a member of the ALP machine (sound familiar based on the result this weekend). On this occasion, the attack politics didn't work and it won't work for the ALP federally either. The "web of intrigue" the ALP was painting around Newman could be factually accurate (although the CMC suggests there was nothing illegal) - but what reason does it give me (or the other 4 million people in Queensland) to vote for the ALP? People in general have had an absolute gutful of pollies having a go at the other side rather than explaining why they are a better alternative. For Gillard not to go the same way, her Government needs to ignore the distractions (Abbott and the media) and advertise what they've done, why they've done it and also why sometimes promises just don't come true outside Disney movies. In other words - stop stuffing around while trying to be a "small target" and sell the buggery out of the progress that has been made since 2007.


25/03/2012The four-page wraparound with The Sydney Morning Herald’s Friday, March 23 edition contained an article with belated recognition of the success of the Federal Government’s Home Insulation Program (HIP). Using the Federal Government’s December 12, 2011 State of the Environment Report (SOE) and a September 2011 report by Energy Efficient Strategies for the Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ), the SMH article under the heading ‘Key saving strategy bounces back after a pink battering’ noted that home insulation has “helped propel a startling reduction in household energy use”. I looked at the sources mentioned and found the following: Chapter 10 of the SOE 2011 report relates to the Built Environment. In 2.2.2 ‘Energy Efficiency’ the report notes that after household energy per person peaked at 48.0 gigajoules in 2005/06, it has fallen by about 5 per cent to 4.5 gigajoules, ‘reflecting more efficient use of energy’. The report goes on to say that one likely factor contributing to this fall is an increase in the use of insulation. The September 2011 report by Energy Efficient Strategies – The Value of Ceiling Insulation: Impacts of Retrofitting Ceiling Insulation to Residential Dwellings in Australia – was prepared for ICANZ, which is promoting the retrofitting of ceiling insulation to the remaining 800,000 to 1,400,000 dwellings not fitted with it. The foreword of the report says: “In 2009-10 the Commonwealth government, as part of its response to the GFC initiated the Home Insulation Program (HIP). The objective of the HIP was to retrofit ceiling insulation to the uninsulated dwellings of Australia. “Unfortunately that program encountered difficulties and was terminated half way through leaving an estimated 0.8 – 1.4 million households without ceiling insulation. “In hindsight, it is little wonder that the program encountered difficulties. In an average year, approximately 200,000 new and existing dwellings are fitted with ceiling insulation (75% new dwellings and 25% retrofit of existing dwellings). In the first year of the HIP, 1.2 million existing dwellings were retrofitted – a six-fold increase in the level of delivery previously managed by the industry. The capacity of the industry was clearly overstretched and, unsurprisingly, less than optimal outcomes resulted. The rapid growth in demand for labour (a goal of the program in the context of the global financial crisis) led to some poor outcomes in terms of opportunistic business practices and reduced levels of staff training. “Whilst it is understandable that, in the aftermath of HIP, political sensitivities have meant that governments have baulked at any new programs to retrofit ceiling insulation, this report argues that a properly designed and paced program could deliver significant benefits with little risk. After all, every year all new dwellings in Australia (typically 160,000+ per annum) are fitted with ceiling insulation (with a further 40,000+ existing dwellings retrofitted) with little or no problem. The issues with the HIP related to the design of the program delivery and NOT (original emphasis) the measure itself.” The Summary of Findings said: “This report, commissioned by ICANZ, demonstrates not only the value and cost effectiveness of the Home Insulation Program (HIP) but also the additional benefits that could be realised by completing the retrofit of the estimated 0.8 – 1.4 million remaining dwellings yet to be fitted with ceiling insulation. By responsibly pacing a retrofit program between now and 2020 to insulate approximately 100,000 additional dwellings per annum (rather than the 1.2 million retrofits per annum attempted under the HIP) the benefits associated with the HIP program could be extended to the remaining stock of uninsulated Australian dwellings.” The benefits the summary listed from the HIP for the householder were: • Average energy savings of almost 10 GJ (gigajoules) per annum which equates to a reduction in energy costs of almost $300 a year now, rising to $375 by 2020. • An average payback on investment period of less than 7 years (at 5% discount). The payback period is significantly less in the cooler climates. • An average reduction in household greenhouse gas emissions of almost 1 tonne CO2-e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per household a year. • An increase in the average NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) star rating of each insulated dwelling of more than 2 stars. • Improvements in comfort, energy bill control, noise, maintenance costs, property values and health outcomes for the householder that some studies have found can outweigh the savings in energy costs alone. The summary said that by 2020 the HIP would deliver the following benefits for the nation: • Cumulative savings in space heating and cooling energy costs of $3.88 billion • Cumulative savings in greenhouse gas emissions of 10 million tonnes of CO2- e. • A reduction in peak electrical load by 2020 of 400MW. • A cumulative saving in capital investment in infrastructure required to meet that peak load demand of $1.7 billion.


25/03/2012JohnL Thank-you for that update - very welcome news indeed. It would seem that in the final analysis the HIP was too ambitious in its timeframe and (with hindsight) it might have been better to spread the initiative over four to five years. The unfortunate aspect of the 'pink batts' assault is that no federal government is likely to instigate such an initiative again in the foreseeable future. That report does fit in well with the notion that the benefits of much of today's policy implementation by Labor won't be measurable (and therefore recognised and appreciated) until much later in the decade.


25/03/20122.45pm: First it was mining magnate Clive Palmer; now it's media mogul Rupert Murdoch praising Campbell Newman's election as Queensland premier. Murdoch made his feelings known through Twitter. Rupert Murdoch ✔ @rupertmurdoch Queensland , Oz, wipes out Labour govt. must scare Feds. Well deserved. 25 Mar 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite Read more: --------- Might add, Related to my speculation above...don't you think it's interesting that Katter's party used the word AUSTRALIAN...JUST LIKE MURDOCH's national paper The AUSTRALIAN? The red not only of the ALP... But also of Andrew Bolt's channel ten show? The logo design similar to that of SKY NEWS? Something very fishy going on here. Murdoch, Bolt, various other Murdoch stooges, Packer, Singleton, Palmer, Abbott, Joyce, Howard , Rinehart, Speers, Jones and a few of the other usual suspects are playing games with the Australian public. We need to remember that a number of these joined up with the wily neo-cons prior to 9/11 and the Iraq War...and have been involved with the pushback against the mining tax and carbon price... not to mention trying to undermine climate change scientists. It was Howard who pushed for nuclear energy See here: And there also seems to be a connection with the anti-Islam movement and fear mongering over Islamic asylum seeker connections...always thought it odd that Palmer didn't pull his support of Coalition due to Abbott's stance...tells me he's possibly playing a game. Something related to the Israel lobby too... And the Saudi connection partially via big shareholder in News Corp. I believe that not only are the Coalition moving towards nuclear energy for Australia...but also nuclear weapons. And hoping that a US Republican war means they can support a bombing campaign on Iran. I expect that if Abbott wins they will use the Australia Party to push them further to the Right... And via the mountain out of a molehill allied media come up with another Tampa, Aboriginl intervention, 9/11, Iraq chemical weapons-like fear mongering order to build on the military and security institutions, businesses...and related profiteering corporations... Murdoch's cable news and papers would do well out of a war buildup, terrorist, resistance acts...and the LIVE conflict itself. With his back against the wall over many allegations and compensation payments...what better way to distract the public, prosper...and keep his politicians in power. An event could also be used to tarnish The Greens. And peace movements. The true enemies of Murdoch's fear and war-mongering empire...and the rampant resource companies. Cheney just got a heart transplant BTW. Mock me if you wish...but observe...scrutinize...remember. N'


25/03/2012 Btw, The Sunday Times sting leading to the resignation of Tory Peter Cruddas I reckon is a way for one Murdoch paper to up the reputation of News International possibly before more serious allegations come out… And possibly Murdoch is sending a warning to PM Cameron not to fck with him… especially after the latest investigations…and Cameron buddying up to Obama in America…might be Israel/Iran pressure related to…another multi-purpose attack… I wouldn’t be surprised if Murdoch is preparing to take down Cameron to put that rich man supporting toff Osborne in… At the least I reckon Cameron is being warned…this is what we can do. Democracy is under attack…but being made to look like it’s the Murdoch papers doing the defending of democracy by way of corruption investigations. Tricky, very sneaky. Could be a way of putting more Murdoch supporters into the UK government…I’ve noticed some Lib Dems are already gone. N’


25/03/2012Link here: UK Labor need to be very cautious...they've been in bed with Murdoch's lot before...left a bad smell. Hopefully the approach will be smarter this time...less morally bankrupt. Anyway, Enuff speculation from me today. N'


25/03/2012From SMH: Helped by some timely approvals for its mine in Ghana, Perseus's share price rose nearly 70 per cent between Rudd's announcement of the tax in May 2010 and Julia Gillard's return to office in late August of that year. But if the Perseus executives thought they had escaped the grim hand of the taxman, they were in for a shock in November last year. In a surprise move, Ghana announced plans to force mining companies to pay a tax rate of 35 per cent, instead of the existing corporate tax rate of 25 per cent. An additional 10 per cent tax on windfall profits was also announced, with little supporting detail on when and how the changes would be enacted. ''I blame Canberra as [that's] where the disease started,'' Mr Calderwood said. ''They see the [Australian] government getting away with it so it's hard to resist it.'' Ghana is not alone in following Australia's lead: governments in Mongolia, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela and many more nations have recently sought - with varying degrees of intensity - to take a bigger slice of their resource riches. Some have ruled with a heavy hand, threatening to enforce compulsory divestments and nationalisation upon privately held assets. As Australia's tax secured passage through Parliament this week, the claims that it would turn mining companies away towards friendlier jurisdictions overseas seemed weaker than ever. ''Given the governments in all these mineral provinces of the world are either talking about [taxes of their own] or implementing them, that basically puts Australia back on a level playing field,'' UBS expert Tom Price said. ''We don't have governments nationalising whole industries here, they still respect the mining industry to some extent and none of the companies foreign to Australia have left the country because of it, so it can't be that bad.'' Far from being a bad place to invest, a recent report by American mining analysts Behre Dolbear suggests Australia is the world's most attractive mining destination. The Denver-based advisory firm said ''almost every minerals producing nation'' had attempted to raise taxes in recent years, and their 2012 rankings declared Australia to be the most attractive destination ahead of Canada and Chile. Indeed. N' Read more:


25/03/2012Further to the Behre Dolbear rating of Australia as the least worst[b]*[/b] place for mining investment, here is a Crikey article that contains a link to the entire document for their 2012 evaluations. [b]Official: Australia the best place for miners in the world (again)[/b] by Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane [quote]During the debate on the new mining and carbon taxes, we’ve had terms such as “sovereign risk” tossed about by people who don’t know what it means: not just the likes of Tony Abbot, but people who should know better, like Tom Albanese of Rio Tinto, any number of newspaper columnists and online chatterers (like Robert Gottliebsen at Business Spectator).[/quote] [b]*[/b] I know, I know but that is they way that they have done their calculations - they are offering advice as to which are the worst countries for mining investment in 2012 and of 25 countries, Australia ranks as the 25th. It is the least worst country for prospective investors.


25/03/2012This has to be one of the most insincere spin filled articles I've ever read...kinda makes me wanna puke considering the author is a hypocritical attack dog working for one of the worst character assassinating media empires we have ever witnessed: [quote]In recent weeks the worst of Australian politics has been on display in Queensland where the embattled Premier Anna Bligh went well below the sewer in her efforts to find muck with which to smear her opponent, Campbell Newman. The results of yesterday's poll would indicate that the electorate could not stomach the egregious assault on Newman's integrity. As The Courier-Mail's political writer, Dennis Atkins, said last week: "They needed to tear down Campbell Newman and make sure the damage landed heavily in the seat of Ashgrove." The assault on civility was just as publicly displayed during the leadership struggle between Gillard and her predecessor, Kevin Rudd, with supporters of both taking personal invective and betrayal to levels not reached during even the worst of Labor's previous bouts of factional infighting. Yet traces of the decency which applied among other generations are still to be found. Just before Christmas former prime minister John Howard paid a quiet and unpublicised visit to Gough Whitlam, the oldest living former prime minister at his city office. "I'm glad I did. We had a happy hour or so, just talking," Howard later told me. "I came into the House in 1974, about halfway through his three-year prime ministership, Gough was and is always interesting to talk to. After he left politics, he wrote to me, just as he explained, Bob Menzies had written to him, it was very civil of him." The visit was welcomed by Whitlam, according to members of his family, one of whom said: "Dad was very pleased to see John, to reminisce and talk over the politics of the day." Looking to the future, is it possible to imagine that Kevin Rudd, Mark Latham or Julia Gillard would be capable of such a relationship with an opponent from the other side of politics, let alone one from the ALP?[/quote] Will the Australian public ever wake up to this BS? The Murdoch softly spoken scumbags have been getting away with this propaganda nonsense or far too long... This is not a piece about civility... It's a blatant attempt at public perception manipulation... Another way to label he ALP...part of an ongoing campaign to undermine the reputation of the ALP and help the Coalition win the next election..and divide the ALP. Don't be duped. And Piers Akerman has the gaul to use Margeret Whitlam's death...and Gough's suffering for his own goals of political point scoring. Sickening. Stooping so low in that so called "sincere" way... The. Murdoch media is indeed evil...a scourge. N'


25/03/2012Btw, why would John Howard tell Piers Akerman about his visit to Gough? Think about it. All part of a crafty plan. The ALP and public have been duped. Again. N'

Ad astra reply

25/03/2012Folks I've enjoyed reading your comments. I was amused by the Great Big New Nanny Payout. Thanks for the links Lyn. Abbott will drive Robb to despair. Thanks JohnL for the update on the HIP. It makes fascinating reading. We are in Horsham tonight, and will return to the south coast tomorrow where I will post 'Abbott's atrophy'. Lyn has to go to Sydney for a while so will not be posting her links for three weeks. Goodnight


26/03/2012Ad astra By now I hope that You and She are home safe and in good order. Yesterday was very special to me, so glad it went without any dramas and allowed us to talk. Wasn't it easy talking to each other eh, I have the feeling that all humans ought to be able to relate so easily, but then the problem seems to be that "All the world's queer except thee and me, and even thee's a little . . . [i]strange/i] . . . " . . . :) . . . and since I know for sure that I am myself more than a little odd - in fact that is the one thing I think I am really certain of, now I come to think of it . . . that makes it unanimous. Actually, except for you, I have never yet found a dam thing to disagree with you about. :) I suppose the term [i]simpatico[/i] implies the certainty of the reverse, but anyway it is rare in my experience to feel so instantly comfortable with people, and those with whom it does tend to happen at all for me have usually been non-theistic and/or academically inclined, preferably both. Perhaps that is because my own predilection to that subset is at play, but I think it is more that without belief in the supernatural one is free to be rational, and academic rigour especially wrt any form of science helps equip one to be so. Not to attempt to spin human nature into something it isn't, there are such things lurking in us as envy, spite, cupidity, emotions beyond rationality and our own ability to control. But the best tamer of these wild feelings is education, it always gets back to that, it is at the core of true civilization. That's why the dumbing down of Australians is such an unspeakable crime, deliberately promulgated by Murdoch and his acolytes. And why our non-theistic PM, dedicated as she is to the cause of education, is so very precious to the future of this nation. Ad astra our meeting yesterday meant a lot to me. You are just as I imagined you, testimony to good education and goodwill and long broad deep experience of humans, and love of Dog. And I know I speak for Jason Obelix, and Jason the Younger, and J**** too. It was great Mate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My email is not working properly, I will have another go at fixing the problem tomorrow. (K)


26/03/2012Lyn, Have a safe trip to Sydney. Thnx for all the useful links. I'm taking a break for awhile too. Stuffed after an intense few weeks. Ad, Have a goodie. N'


26/03/2012Lyn, May your Sydney trip be all you want of it. We will all miss you while you are gone.


26/03/2012Nasking, you too. You are sure prolific, in Spades. Thank you, and may your R&R have its desired effect.


26/03/2012Nasking, you too. You are sure prolific, in Spades. Thank you, and may your R&R have its desired effect.


26/03/2012Cheers TT, Keep up the good fight. I'm gonna spend some time researching and reflecting. And getting a few jobs around the home done. N'


26/03/2012Meant to add his link before I left... Remember Ros Cameron's attack on the minimum wage I posted above? This article from America discusses the issue...and Australia gets a mention...this is an important issue for the ALP: N'

Ad astra reply

26/03/2012Good morning TT Thank you for your kind words, the sentiments of which I reciprocate. We are not quite home on the south coast yet - a little over 400 km to go. When I get there I'll post 'Abbott's atrophy'. In the meantime we will be on the road.


26/03/2012Sorry, not much of a breather...been putting up heaps of links here today: Re: Murdoch, The Shire, mining and carbon tax etc. Look forward to Ad's new post. Thnx JohnL for a great post. N'


26/03/2012Gravel Did you sort out your commenting problems on PolliePomes? If not, the link provided in this article might prove helpful. perhaps it was only a coincidence that you changed your e-mail address at the same time as WordPress changed its operating procedure.


26/03/2012[i]Queensland election: Labor on the wrong side of the boom[/i] by Jason Wilson The Conversation [quote]So there are precedents for parties suffering as Labor have. A number of factors combine to make Queensland especially volatile. At a state level, optional preferential voting means electoral races come to resemble first-past-the-post affairs, especially in elections where voters are of a mind to make changes.[/quote] [i]Queensland election – the washup[/i] by Massivespray Spray of the Day [quote]I would like to congratulate News Limited (especially the Courier Mail) on an outstanding campaign…not for them the short term blitz of the election campaign proper, but they played the long game sticking the knife into the ALP at every single opportunity over the past 3 years with lurid headlines and vaguely fact-bearing articles.[/quote] [i]The Work to be Done in Queensaland[/i] by Andrew Elder Poltically homeless [quote]There are two aspects to the Queensland state election: the LNP has won it and the ALP has lost (and as usual, my predictions sucked). There is a lot of silly commentary about the Federal implications, with Coalition people dressing up their best-case scenario as "pragmatic reality" to the point where journalists accept it as a real story, and it's time to have a long hard look at that.[/quote] [i]'Freedom' Versus Truth[/i] by Mr Denmore The Failed Estate [quote]To someone who no longer depends on making a living from the media, it is instructive to observe how much one's former employers are acting like any other self-interested lobby under attack. In fact, it's fair to say there is an inverse relationship between the grubby self-interest of their cause and the high-mindedness of their borrowed rhetoric.[/quote] [i]Kitchen Cabinet's Empty[/i] by Jennifer Wilson No Place for Sheep [quote]I would like to believe that the ABC is on my side, that is, an independent, unbiased as possible link between me and the politicians. When the chips are down, I want an ABC that will ask the hard questions without fear or favour, because its journalists are working in the public interest, not those of the politicians. I want the ABC to intercede for humanity. What else is a public broadcaster good for?[/quote] [i]Newman's power price band-aid[/i] by Keith Orchison Climate Spectator [quote]The landslide defeat of the Labor government in Queensland at the weekend will have one immediate effect on electricity supply: a popular but strategically misplaced move by in-coming Premier ‘Can-Do’ Newman to freeze the state’s standard domestic tariff, reducing, he claims, residential power bills by $120 a year.[/quote] [i]And so to a lesson in authenticity ...[/i] by Dorothy Parker Loon Pond [quote]Meanwhile, in Queensland, plucky Queenslanders have taken a stand against a government which indulged in asset sales ... by giving an overwhelming mandate to a government which is highly likely to indulge in asset sales ...[/quote] [i]Gillard calls Huawei decision 'prudent'[/i] by AAP Business Spectator [quote]Prime Minister Julia Gillard says a decision to not allow Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei to take part in tenders for the national broadband network (NBN) project is "prudent". Huawei Technologies ..... has been advised it can't tender for NBN contracts because of concerns about cyber attacks emanating from China.[/quote] [i]A desalination revolution that saves water and energy[/i] by Mikel Duke The Conversation [quote]Desalination plants have been controversial, mostly because of their high energy demand and the waste water they produce. But a new desalination technology uses almost no electricity and has the potential to save huge amounts of water.[/quote] [i]Govt announces funding for 10 solar projects[/i] by Staff Reporter Climate Spectator [quote]The federal government has announced $12 million in funding across 10 solar power technology projects as part of the Australian Solar Institute’s (ASI) round three grants program.[/quote]


26/03/2012[i]The more things change......[/i] by Andrew Catsaras [quote]Presumptive pronouncements and confident predictions are common in politics, however, they are very often wrong. The most ridiculous has been, following the NSW and now Queensland state elections, that this is the end of the ALP, not only in those states but also across the nation.[/quote]

Patricia WA

26/03/2012Thanks Norman. I'm back into routine! Lost this morning in the after shock of the extent of the Queensland loss, and without Lyn's Links I was doubly disoriented.


26/03/2012NormanK Thank you for that link, I will look at it tomorrow and hope that it fixes my problem. And thanks too for the other links, although I am late reading today, as there was no links from Lyn, I was thinking it was still Sunday....ooops.

Ad astra reply

26/03/2012Folks We're back home at the south coast. I have just posted [i]Abbott's atrophy[/i]. Enjoy.

Ad astra reply

26/03/2012NormanK Heartfelt thanks for stepping into Lyn's shoes and providing us with a great set of links today. Now that I'm home again, I'll take a look during the evening.
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?