Julia Gillard can defeat Tony Abbott in 2013. But how does she neutralize Rupert Murdoch?

The ‘secret’ is out. We have known for ages that Rupert Murdoch has wanted PM Gillard out. Robert Manne wrote about Murdoch’s aspiration in The Monthly in Bad News: Robert Manne on Murdoch’s Australian and the Shaping on the Nation and many, many in the Fifth Estate have testified to his intention to oust our PM and install Tony Abbott - after all it’s his turn! But last week Murdoch’s twitter finger got the better of him and he tweeted: @rupertmurdoch 
Dramatic, slimy events in Australian politics. Country desperately needs election to get fresh start. 
28 Apr 12. There’s no room for doubt now – Murdoch wants an election and expects that it will be the end of Julia Gillard and her Government.

While PM Gillard needs to defeat Tony Abbott and the Coalition at the next election, that is not her most forbidding task. Her most powerful enemy is Rupert Murdoch. It is he who must be countered for electoral success. Our PM has two virulent enemies, and an unequal battle with them.

For Murdoch to tweet this message so soon after his most recent appearance at the Levinson Inquiry where his influence over the political process and politicians in the UK was placed under the public microscope so forensically, and where he denied having such influence despite overwhelming evidence that this was so, is a sign of the man’s arrogance and self confidence.

He has been subtler in the past, but seems to see no need for subtlety now. When all but one of his 175 papers worldwide editorialized in favour of US involvement in the Iraq War, he claimed that he had not instructed them to do so, or even influenced them. But they all knew what Uncle Rupert thought and wanted, and followed sycophantically. Just as kids know what their parents think, so do Rupert’s children, and knowing on what side their bread is buttered, readily, even enthusiastically, comply.

At the Levenson Inquiry, Murdoch put the lie to his earlier contention that: ‘I don’t instruct my editors’ when he said: ‘If you want to know what I think, just read the editorials in my papers’. The counsel assisting the Levinson inquiry, Robert Jay QC, used a telling description of the relationship between Rupert Murdoch and those he wishes to influence, and in turn, who want to influence him. He described it as a 'pirouette', where each circles the other subtly indicating wants and desires, without a telling word being spoken to convey the message – the ‘pirouette’ was all that was necessary.

On the Australian scene though, Murdoch’s pirouette seems unnecessary. Everyone knows his power, his capacity to make and break political leaders. After his first personal meeting with Murdoch over lunch, Tony Abbott said: ‘I hope he liked me’. We understand why.

Murdoch’s tweet was no subtle pirouette – it was bare-knuckle advocacy, Abbott style.

Most recently, a majority of the UK parliamentary committee set up to investigate phone hacking by News Corporation described Rupert Murdoch as “not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company”. This ‘unfit’ person is the one who tweeted that Australia needs an election and a ‘fresh start’.

But let’s go back to ‘Julia Gillard can defeat Tony Abbott in 2013’. Attribute by attribute, Julia Gillard is superior. As two political leaders in a face-to-face contest without the pernicious influence of the mainstream media malevolently distorting the truth, without the influence of Murdoch’s outlets gunning incessantly for PM Gillard, how would they measure up?

Negotiating skills
The old adage, coined by Prussian politician Otto Von Bismark in 1867: ‘Politics is the art of the possible’, is as true now as it was then. Negotiating what is possible is therefore a crucial skill. Julia Gillard has this in spades; Tony Abbott does not.

From her days as a legal advocate, through her time in parliament in ministerial positions in industrial relations and education, to her period as Deputy Prime Minister and then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard has exhibited outstanding negotiating skills. After seventeen long days following the 2010 election, she, and Tony Abbott negotiated with the Independents, seeking their support to form a minority government. The PM won hands down. Stories gradually emerged about Abbott’s approach – ‘I’ll do anything, offer anything to become PM’. As Tony Windsor reported, and repeated this week on Lateline, the only thing he said he wouldn’t offer was the nether part of his anatomy, and he’d even consider that. His desperation to do whatever it took to gain power was starkly exhibited when, sitting with his shoes parked on his coffee table, he offered Andrew Wilkie $1 billion to rebuild the Royal Hobart Hospital, an offer that Wilkie described as ‘almost reckless’, one he rejected as irresponsible, preferring instead Julia Gillard’s $100 million offer. Because Abbott failed to indicate from where the money would come, Wilkie moved toward Gillard on the grounds that Labor's proposal was "a much more ethical way to go than simply just grabbing $1bn for Tasmania". Despite the obvious appeal of a massive grant for his electorate, Abbott’s dubious ethics repulsed Wilkie.

Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott too gave PM Gillard high marks for her negotiating skills and Abbott very low marks. We know the outcome, so painstakingly spelt out on that fateful day in October 2010 when they held their press conference to announce their support for PM Gillard.

She also negotiated a compromise with the three big miners over the MRRT, which although some think is inadequate, is nevertheless now part of our laws.

And if anyone is entertaining the idea that Tony Abbott’s negotiating skills might be on the improve, just listen to his latest advice to Windsor and Oakeshott. He advised them “to wake up to themselves” and vote for a no-confidence motion in the Government; an admonition hardly likely to draw them to him.

Negotiating skills: Julia Gillard 9, Tony Abbott 0.

Policy creation
Even conceding that the party in Government is the one charged with the responsibility of formulating policy in order to pass legislation, the score of over three hundred pieces already passed is impressive. And many of those have been momentous. The much maligned carbon tax as a prelude to an ETS, the MRRT, the repeal of WorkChoices, the heath care and education reforms, changes to the private health insurance rebate, plain packaging of cigarettes, massive infrastructure projects, notably the largest ever, the NBN, and more recently the aged care reform package and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, are but some of the important measures that the Gillard Government has put in place. This is a vigorously legislating and courageous Government, which has achieved what it has against almost continual opposition and obstruction from the Opposition and its leader. Next week it will return the Budget to surplus after going into deficit to shield this nation from the ravages of the global financial crisis that devastated so many other developed nations.

What policy has Tony Abbott created? He excuses himself from announcing policies on the grounds that he will do so ‘in good time before the election’, which of course he insists should be held right away. What we have seen is an extravagant PPL scheme that favours the wealthy, a thought bubble about a nanny scheme for working mothers, an immigration policy that is simply a re-run of the Howard Government scheme, with the added hairy-chested effrontery towards Indonesia, Abbott style, which has already evoked anger in that nation. He has his expensive ‘Clayton’s’ Direct Action Plan to combat climate change that will pay the polluters to stop polluting and send the $1300 bill to householders. Economists won’t endorse it. Environmentalists doubt if it will work. Abbott also says he would set up a mechanism for monitoring government expenditure, which he insists he would prune radically; he would remove 12,000 public servants and abolish the climate change department as part of this pruning.

Is there anything else? Yes, he will piggy-back on the NDIS, for which he announced he is indeed ‘Dr Yes’.

His attempt to cost his shadow budget last year was beset with shonky figures and an $11 billion black hole; his efforts to find $70 billion of savings in his budget this year will be watched with great interest and suspicion.

Oh, I almost forgot, Abbott will repeal the carbon tax, the MRRT, stop the NBN, reverse the health insurance rebate, all if he can, and yet retain many of the goodies that flow from these Government policies, using his magic pudding approach.

If any Coalition supporters have read this far, please let me know if I’ve forgotten any innovative Abbott policies.

Policy creation: Julia Gillard 8, Tony Abbott 1.

Vision for the nation
Here the comparison is stark. While Julia Gillard has spelt out her vision for the nation repeatedly, one the tune deaf media cannot or will not hear, and has developed a policy agenda that embraces many far-reaching and courageous reforms that her Government is steadily having passed through the parliament, Tony Abbott has opposed most of them and has offered almost nothing.

Has anyone ever heard him make a comprehensive vision statement? If so, please post it in the comments.

Vision: Julia Gillard 8, Tony Abbott 2.

Understanding of global economics
Few words are needed here to describe the contrast. Julia Gillard was part of the team of four that fashioned the Government’s successful response to the GFC, and she is involved day after day with her economics team, Wayne Swan, Penny Wong, Bill Shorten and David Bradbury in attending to the nation’s economy, currently the envy of the world. Tony Abbott is bored with economics, should not be let anywhere near money according to Peter Costello, has made almost no statements on how Australia’s economy should be run, and what he has said has shown his ignorance. His team of Joe Hockey, Andrew Robb and Mathias Cormann add very little.

Economics: Julia Gillard 8, Tony Abbott 1.

Communication skills
The media would give Tony Abbott high marks for ability to communicate with the public, and mark Julia Gillard down.

When virtually all communications are endlessly repeated slogans and virulent attacks on the PM and her Government, communication is straightforward and seemingly effective. But what about Abbott’s current affairs appearances? He rarely appears on programs that probe, preferring to interact with sycophantic shock jocks like Alan Jones. His only appearance on 7.30 this year was with the flaccid Chris Uhlmann in the chair, a prerecorded event that allowed editing of the bloopers. His press conferences are tightly controlled, and when the going gets tough, he walks away. He did it again this week when asked probing questions about Christopher Pyne’s prior contacts with James Ashby, Peter Slipper’s accuser.

Skill in communication is needed when complex matters need to be explained and when the questioning is tough and insistent. Tony Abbott avoids these situations; Julia Gillard encounters them almost every day and takes multiple questions.

The problem Julia Gillard has is that whatever she tries to communicate is masked or overshadowed by the media, misreported or not reported at all. Journalists mark her down for her voice, her delivery, her demeanour, and her content, which it claims does not cut through, but never accept any responsibility for this lack of ‘cut through’.

Springboard diving includes a weighting for difficulty. Tony Abbott usually launches into a ‘bomb’ that any kid can do; Julia Gillard faces a substantial degree of difficulty almost every time she launches. That ought to be acknowledged when rating their respective skills in communication.

Communication: The media would rate Julia Gillard as around 2, and Tony Abbott as 9. I would rate her as 7 and him at 5.

Fairness and egalitarianism
Julia Gillard’s mantra from day one has been one of equality of opportunity for a good education, a rewarding job, fairness in the workplace, and equal opportunities for the disabled. What has Tony Abbott offered? A Rolls Royce PPL and the possibility of a nanny scheme that would favour the wealthy, and, despite his colourful denials, a veiled threat to bring back some of the features of WorkChoices. Is there anything else he has offered in the name of fairness?

Fairness: Julia Gillard 10, Tony Abbott 1.

Julia Gillard has exhibited dignity and restraint in her public appearances, even in the hurly-burly life of parliament. In stark contrast, Tony Abbott has exhibited snarling attack-dog behaviour ever since he became leader. Always demeaning PM Gillard herself, and virtually everything she says and does, he has spread such vitriol that deep-seated hatred of her has been generated in some of the electorate. He has appeared against a backdrop of placards displaying ‘Ditch the Witch’ and Bob Brown’s Bitch’. His venom seems to have no bounds; his charity is invisible. He is the most destructive politician in living memory. Should you have forgotten his malignant words or those of his colleagues, take a look at the video on Archies Archive on 2 May, The Right and Polite Discourse and the ‘list of ten insults and threats to our current Australian Prime Minister’.

Despite this verbal abuse, despite the media’s rudeness, despite much of the media insisting the electorate has stopped listening to her, she continues to exhibit equanimity, resilience, courage, strength, determination, and a sense of purpose. Few could have withstood these personal attacks as calmly as she has.

Abbott’s words have debased not only the PM and the Government and every action it takes, but the economy as well, the best in the developed world. He is a major contributor to the diminished confidence that the people and businessmen exhibit. We live in a wonderful country, the envy of the world, yet Abbott talks it down incessantly, frightens people with his talk of doom and gloom, scares voters with dire talk about the carbon tax and almost every other move the Government makes. As David Marr observed on last Sunday’s Insiders in the context of the poor popularity ratings of both leaders, “Abbott has managed to pull her down to him”. His incessant negative talk is dangerous and harmful to our nation.

Behaviour: Julia Gillard 7, Tony Abbott 0.

Let’s give them equal scores for intelligence, persistence, endeavour, and connection with the people. Julia Gillard does not rate well for trustworthiness in opinion polls, but neither does Tony Abbott.

So on a face-to-face contest with a neutral media free of unfair interference (what a bonus that would be), Julia Gillard would beat Tony Abbott hands down on vision, policy formulation, and negotiating policies through a parliament that has a minority government, thereby getting done an imposing set of reforms that will set this country up for the decades ahead. She would overwhelm him in the area of economics, fairness, and behaviour. It would be a ‘no contest’ event.

Tony Abbott is not a fit and proper person to be the leader of this nation. He lacks the necessary competencies, but more telling, since becoming leader his behaviour has been destructive in the extreme. He is incapable of building, incapable of leading this nation.

Yet we all know that the next election will be a mammoth contest, not because the skills of the leaders and their vision and their plans are well-matched, because they are not, but because the sinister spectre of Rupert Murdoch casts a dark shadow over the contest, so threatening, so menacing that unless it can be countered, victory will be impossible.

Every move that PM Gillard makes is blunted by the Murdoch media, aided and abetted by Fairfax and the ABC that now seems slavishly to follow the News Limited lead, echoing the headlines, often repeating the lines word by word. It seems that the majority of journalists, but thankfully not all, are captive to the Murdoch domination of news and current affairs, perhaps afraid that should they step out of line in this world of shrinking opportunities for political journalists, they find themselves on the outer.

Think how many announcements of splendid Government initiatives have been deliberately overshadowed by other events adverse to the Government. It is no accident that the Slipper affair entered the public arena just as Julia Gillard announced her important aged care reforms and the NDIS. As soon as she announces something that might bring credit to the Government, the media trumpets on its front pages a negative counter story. When did you see a positive Government story dominate the headlines of the Murdoch tabloids or its flagship, The Australian? Good news for the Government always gives way to bad news. Is it any wonder that Julia Gillard despairs that she will ever get fair and balanced coverage from the Murdoch press, or for that matter any other part of the media.

And when Coalition members and supporters step out of line with inflammatory comments, such as Graeme Morris’ ‘kick her to death’ remark, there is scarcely a murmur anywhere in the MSM. Christopher Pyne’s involvement in the ‘get-Slipper’ campaign is glossed over and quickly buried, even when more evidence of his complicity is uncovered.

The simple fact is that most, but providentially not all of the mainstream media, is engaged in a concerted and unremitting campaign to demean PM Gillard, to diminish her Government, to paint a dishonest picture of the state of our economy, to give scant credit to the Government for its achievements, to highlight perceived shortcomings, and to exaggerate so-called ‘scandals’. At the same time, it fails dismally to hold the alternative government to account for its lack of vision, policies and plans, its shonky economics, its incompetence and its appalling behavior. All the Coalition’s manifest deficiencies are glossed over, seldom challenged or simply not acknowledged. This is done via the well-tried editorial devices of burying the Government’s good news in the back pages or well down the news bulletin, overshadowing the good news with the bad, or simply not reporting it at all, and endlessly repeating the bad but not the good. Even the ABC exhibits this phenomenon, and in many of its interviews uses ‘wet-lettuce’ questioning of Coalition members, and acerbic, interrupting, harassing, rude questioning to intimidate and diminish Government interviewees.

How has this disgraceful and unfair state of affairs come about? In my view, the prime perpetrator of this malfeasance is Rupert Murdoch.

We have all known about the influence he exerts via his 70% ownership of metropolitan newspapers, and through his TV outlets here in Australia, and in recent months we have seen his pernicious influence on politics in the UK and the depths to which he will stoop for a salacious story. I expect we might see something similar in the US.

Rupert Murdoch has always sought to influence politics in every country where his vast empire has its tentacles. He has now stated overtly what we all knew, that he wants PM Gillard and her Government out and Tony Abbott and the Coalition in, and will use all his massive media power to achieve that end. He will not ease back, he will not take the pressure off, he will, through his media, one overseen by sycophantic hirelings, wage relentless war on our PM and her Government. It is to the mainstream media’s eternal shame that so many of the others have followed the Murdoch lead.

Julia Gillard would trounce Tony Abbott were the election to be based on competence, performance and behaviour, and an accurately informed electorate. But we know that the Murdoch factor will ensure that not only is the electorate not informed about the Government’s achievements and its plans, but that it will be deliberately misinformed through distortions, omissions, and at times downright lies.

Julia Gillard can defeat Tony Abbott, but can she counter the Murdoch menace? How possible is that? Can the Fifth Estate reduce the effect of the Murdoch hazard? How?

What do you think?

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5/05/2012Once again, blame everyone else for Julia Gillard's problems. No wonder the Labor Party is in perpetual decline.


5/05/2012Ad astra, [quote]Julia Gillard would trounce Tony Abbott were the election to be based on competence, performance and behaviour,[/quote] There is your answer, Ad astra. The more the rabid Abbott traverses the country spewing out his bile the more he takes on the image of a seething, putrid, muck-raking maggot. As is usual with people of Abbott's ilk, when they find a meme that appears to work they tend to push it harder and harder until there comes a time when they, themselves, look like the sewer they're trying to foist onto others. Abbott has reached that milestone. Murdoch's leather hide has been well tarnished in the UK and I don't think it will be long before the wizened old prune cops some of the same in this country given the way his employees have involved themselves in playing kingmakers, and indulging in dirty journalism since 2007 when Labor came into office. The times, they are a-changing and the 5th estate will grow stronger quite quickly as the NBN is rolled out across the country. So, I still am reasonably confident that Labor will win in 2013. I no longer see Abbott just as a desperate opposition leader willing to say and do anything to grab the reins of power. Everytime I see or hear him now I get an image of a rotting carcass covered by a seething mass of maggots and I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one.


5/05/2012Top piece Ad. It's truly disturbing that compulsive bomb throwers like Abbott & Murdoch have so much influence in this great country. You wrote: [quote]The PM won hands down. Stories gradually emerged about Abbott’s approach – ‘I’ll do anything, offer anything to become PM’. As Tony Windsor reported, and repeated this week on Lateline, the only thing he said he wouldn’t offer was the nether part of his anatomy, and he’d even consider that. His desperation to do whatever it took to gain power was starkly exhibited when, sitting with his shoes parked on his coffee table, he offered Andrew Wilkie $1 billion to rebuild the Royal Hobart Hospital, an offer that Wilkie described as ‘almost reckless’, one he rejected as irresponsible, preferring instead Julia Gillard’s $100 million offer. Because Abbott failed to indicate from where the money would come[/quote] Funny you should mention this...my wife only yesterday was saying she was beginning to suspect Abbott and a few Libs had setup Peter Slipper... she went on to say that "Abbott would do anything to get power"... and then brought up the negotiations with Tony Windsor...mentioning specifically his desperate statement that he'd "do anything". It got me thinking that Abbott would "do anything" to stay in power too. And we know Murdoch is much the same. I imagine the Tampa fiasco, an Iraq War based on dodgy evidence, the Aboriginal intervention, WorkNOChoices are just the first ingredients of one grotesque cake these loons hope to shove down the public's throat. N'


5/05/2012Thank you Ad Astra, as usual from you well said, well timed and on target. This needs to be said often by us all here in the fifth estate, but we also need a circuit breaker within the fourth, [i]the Failed Estate,[/i] as Mr. Denmore describes it. Is there some political figure of weight and stature in this country willing and able to do what Tom Watson has done in the UK. Mr. Denmore asked this question after, as you have, pointing out what a [i]blight on democracy[/i] Rupert Murdoch is, [quote] ‘Who will have the guts in Australia to take him on?’ [/quote] http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/strings-attached.html

Tom of Melbourne

5/05/2012Of course, the media made Gillard- • Appoint the dubious Sipper as Speaker. • Break her written commitment to WIlkie. • Say she has “complete confidence in Thomson” • Implement the carbon tax she promised not to. • Knife Rudd. Blame the media!


5/05/2012[b]Remember! [i]“True Liberty Is When Free-born Men Speak Free!”[/i][/b] John Milton’s Areopagitica, Crying freedom for the press Back in 17th century England, Resisted monarchy’s excess. His tract was a mighty weapon In democracy’s progress. We are the beneficiaries Of his most eloquent address. But we [i]‘free-born’[/i] are complicit, As we watch and acquiesce While that freedom is abused With a brazen shamelessness. We encouraged one man’s ambition To buy up, control, possess As property our thoughts in print, And we applauded his success. We shared profits with this behemoth Who now destroys our happiness, By publishing news of our world, Writ as he commands it be expressed. This threat of global tyranny, Warns us it’s time to re-possess What for him is now a licence To break all rules and decency transgress. Our precious freedom so perverted Has caused democracy’s regress. Let’s use our laws while we still can, Redeem ourselves, and truly free the press. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2011/07/08/remember-true-liberty-is-when-free-born-men-speak-free/

Ad astra

5/05/2012janice Thank you for your comment. Your description of Julia Gillard’s adversaries is apt. I too believe that the Fifth Estate can and will play an important role in truthfully informing at least some of the public about what is really going on in Federal politics. Lyn’s Twitterverse this morning was full of interesting snippets. Increasingly, the public will be informed by the social media, especially the younger folk, whose futures are being jeopardized by Coalition policies. We have a role to play and must use it to the full. Nasking Thank you for your complimentary remarks. I’m sure you are right. Abbott has tried for two years to upend Julia Gillard and her Government, and has failed every time. He is becoming more desperate as time goes by at his lack of success in overthrowing this ‘illegitimate government’, and as the benefits of the carbon tax and other legislation kick in, and as all his dire predictions prove to be wrong, he is going to feel more desperate and look like the liar he is.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Patricia WA Thank you for your kind remarks, your clever poem, so fitting a description of the Murdoch threat, and your link to Mr Denmore’s 2011 piece, which really spells out the danger to society of the Murdoch syndrome.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Folks I've a couple of hours of shopping - I'll be back later.


5/05/2012Mal Brough's involvement with and counseling of James Ashby on the front page of The Australian. Perhaps even Rupert has smelled a change in the wind. Or has he simply met Tony Abbott? At least now we know why, with Brough's involvement, just why Shouldabeen was so 'specific in his knowledge' that no Coalition-affiliated individual "in Canberra" had assisted Ashby. Which further proves the truth-shaving mendacity of the man. Tiny, that is. Well, all of them under him.


5/05/2012 Top poem Patricia. I might add, I've stood up to Murdoch and his minions from the first day I started posting...including telling them in no uncertain terms how I felt about their propaganda efforts on their very own Fox News site back in the early 2000s. I just wish more of our cajoled and whipped pollies and other authorities had done so a good long time ago. That includes my fellow Brits. Memories...the post I wrote in 2010: [b]Our Very Own Stasi Mess – Courtesy of Rupert[/b] September 28, 2010 by nasking https://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2010/09/28/our-very-own-stasi-mess-courtesy-of-rupert/ [quote]I reckon many of us have felt confined, surrounded by walls for a good long time thanks to the Murdoch empire’s decades long desire to become  [b]No. 1 global puppetmaster[/b][/quote]. N'


5/05/2012Lyn, Ad's gone out for the nonce, I have taken the presumptuous liberty of reposting your twitterverse in accord with your request to him, we all know he would and will approve. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good Morning Ad, Bushfire Bill and Everybody Twitterverse this morning;- Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Peter Slipper rival and former Liberal cabinet member Mal Brough confirms he urged James Ashby to sue [free] http://j.mp/J8xxAD www.afr.com/.../slipper_rival_brough_urged_ashby_nNWMtR3Y7vRNa4jefwOZoN paddy bts‏@paddybts Best piece for ages. Kudos! RT@BernardKeane.@murpharoo produces a ripper www.smh.com.au/.../...-repeats-20120504-1y4ki.html Mal Brough admits meeting Slipper accuser Michael Edwards reported this story on Saturday, May 5, 2012 08:02:00 Audio and transcript available shortly. http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2012/s3496149.htm Andrew Greene‏@AndrewBGreene Speaking to Mal Brough shortly on #weekendbreakfast over his involvement in the Slipper affair and plans for a return to politics #abcnews24 Andrew Greene‏@AndrewBGreene Former Howard Government Minister Mal Brough tells @abcnews24 "I have done nothing wrong" on Peter Slipper affair Joe O'Brien‏@joeobrien24 Brough: A yng man went with high hopes to wrk in Spkrs office - he had wrongdoing agnst him of heinous nature. He didn't know where to turn. Fit & Proper SpaceK‏@SpaceKidette aziazone Now I may not be a journo, but surely attempting to bring down a govt is FRONT PAGE NEWS at anytime. #LtdNews #mediafail #LNPLies AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Mal hears about it on 23 march. But Pyne and Ashby had drinks on the 19th march #auspol #abcnews24 Dreyfus and Brandis debate politics, Lateline www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3496121.htm Brough: I urged Ashby to go to court, Channel 7 au.news.yahoo.com/.../ ABC Radio‏@amworldtodaypm Coming up on AM: Mal Brough has thrown his hat into the Lilley preselection ring. Find out more in our interview http://bit.ly/aKzaGo TheFinnigans The plot gets even more thicken, now it's Ashby/Pyne/Brough/Bradford wait there's more Lewis+Uhlmann partnership, so no mention on ABC, hmm www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fn59niix-1226347306699 TheFinnigans The dam is bursting first Prissy Pyne forced to admit he has contact with Ashby. Now Brough has been forced likewise - Marian Rumens‏@mrumens The fact that Ashby was actively working for Mal Brough's election in Peter Slipper's seat was just coincidence? #auspol #liars #gotcha Fit 'n Proper rocket‏@sprocket___ Listening to the Brough interview om ABC newsradio, he is either naiive or the dumbest politician we have. Or he is not telling us all. TheFinnigans Wait there's even more ... Ashby, Pyne, Lewis, Brough, Bradford and now Ms. Simpson www.nationaltimes.com.au/.../...0120504-1y47p.html & throw in Uhlmann if you like PB‏@youngapprentice BerraBek: Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival.#SlipperGate http://www.theage.com.au/national/-1y4in.html” oh dear #noalition what can the matter be.. Rebekah Freeman‏ Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival.#SlipperGate www.theage.com.au/.../...rival-20120504-1y4in.html TAWNBPM‏ Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival http://fb.me/137xzFxb4 Possum Comitatus‏ Jesswrightstuff: I left 20 msgs Mal. Didn't you get em? RT Pollytics: Brough runs to sympahetic News Ltd http://bit.ly/K6Hazg www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fn59niix-1226347306699 The Punch‏ Everyone is wrong: Gillard will lead Labor to the election: Here’s a novel thought. Julia Gillard might be right...Laurie Oakes www.thepunch.com.au/.../? Slippergate Update – May 5 2012 Daily Derp thedailyderp.net/.../ Lyn


5/05/2012Katherine Murphy has an excellent article @ The National Times today [/b]History repeats?[/b] http://goo.gl/8w1DR [i]What the Prime Minister says is true in this respect. The Rudd and Gillard governments have worked punishingly hard since 2007, adding substantial chapters to the story of modern Labor, staying just a nose in front of their tendency towards self-destruction.[/i]


5/05/2012Hi Ad I have moved the Twitterverse over here for our readers. This Slippergate is growing and growing:- David Donovan‏ Did Mal Brough pay Ashby $50,000 to help bring down the Government? http://thedailyderp.net/2012/05/04/slippergate-smells-a-lot-like-utegate/ Where is the ABC in reporting all this @markscott? Fit & Proper Geek‏@geeksrulz Abbott weasel words: "I had no specific knowledge of any of this " I think that goes for everyone in the coalition in CANBERRA ManO'Steel(town)‏ How have Pyne Brough and Murdoch's newsltd colluded in the campaign to use Ashby & Slipper to unseat Gillard Govt? Asktony Andrew Greene‏@AndrewBGreene Speaking to Mal Brough ABC News‏@abcnews Former Liberal MP Mal Brough denies he was involved in a conspiracy against Peter Slipper http://bit.ly/JZsovS Joe O'Brien‏@joeobrien24 Brough: A yng man went with high hopes to wrk in Spkrs office - he had wrongdoing agnst him of heinous nature. He didn't know where to turn. AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Mal hears about it on 23 march. But Pyne and Ashby had drinks on the 19th march #auspol #abcnews24 Dreyfus and Brandis debate politics, Lateline http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3496121.htm Brough: I urged Ashby to go to court, Channel 7 http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/13608649/brough-i-urged-ashby-to-go-to-court/ ABC Radio‏@amworldtodaypm Coming up on AM: Mal Brough has thrown his hat into the Lilley preselection ring. Find out more in our interview http://bit.ly/aKzaGo TheFinnigans The plot gets even more thicken, now it's Ashby/Pyne/Brough/Bradford wait there's more Lewis+Uhlmann partnership, so no mention on ABC, hmm http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/i-urged-slipper-staffer-james-ashby-to-go-to-court-says-mal-brough/story-fn59niix-1226347306699 TheFinnigans The dam is bursting first Prissy Pyne forced to admit he has contact with Ashby. Now Brough has been forced likewise - Marian Rumens‏@mrumens The fact that Ashby was actively working for Mal Brough's election in Peter Slipper's seat was just coincidence? #auspol #liars #gotcha Fit 'n Proper rocket‏@sprocket___ Listening to the Brough interview om ABC newsradio, he is either naiive or the dumbest politician we have. Or he is not telling us all. TheFinnigans Wait there's even more ... Ashby, Pyne, Lewis, Brough, Bradford and now Ms. Simpson http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/slippers-accuser-promoted-his-rival-20120504-1y47p.html & throw in Uhlmann if you like PB‏@youngapprentice BerraBek: Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival.#SlipperGate http://www.theage.com.au/national/-1y4in.html” oh dear #noalition what can the matter be.. Rebekah Freeman‏ Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival.#SlipperGate http://www.theage.com.au/national/slipper-accuser-ashby-was-secretly-helping-rival-20120504-1y4in.html TAWNBPM‏ Slipper accuser Ashby was secretly helping rival http://fb.me/137xzFxb4 Possum Comitatus‏ jesswrightstuff: I left 20 msgs Mal. Didn't you get em? RT @Pollytics: Brough runs to sympahetic News Ltd http://bit.ly/K6Hazg http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/i-urged-slipper-staffer-james-ashby-to-go-to-court-says-mal-brough/story-fn59niix-1226347306699 The Punch‏ Everyone is wrong: Gillard will lead Labor to the election: Here’s a novel thought. Julia Gillard might be right...Laurie Oakes http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/everyone-is-wrong-gillard-will-lead-labor-to-the-election/? Slippergate Update – May 5 2012 Daily Derp http://thedailyderp.net/2012/05/05/slippergate-update-may-5-2012/ :):):)


5/05/2012 Top stuff: [b]Bowel cancer program to get budget boost[/b] Posted May 05, 2012 ABC news.com [quote]The Federal Government is announcing extra funding for bowel cancer screening as part of next week's budget. At the moment screenings are only provided free to people aged 50, 55 and 65. The Government is spending $50 million to extend the National Screening Program so that people aged between 50 and 70 will be offered free tests every five years. Health Minister Tanya Plibersek says the program will gradually be expanded so that free screening can take place every two years. "This is really important because bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death with 80 people dying each week from bowel cancer," she said.[/quote] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-05/bowel-cancer-program-to-get-budget-boost/3993072 Two thumbs up. N'


5/05/2012 Bwahahaha...they must be panicking: [quote]The Heartland Institute is out with what is quite possibly its most ill-considered publicity stunt to date: a poster ad campaign comparing a belief in global warming to the psychology of mass murder. The Chicago-based think tank notorious for denying the basic facts about global warming on Thursday launched billboards in Chicago featuring the likes of Ted Kaczynski (better known as the Unabomber) and convicted murderer and cult leader Charles Manson, saying these notorious criminals "still believe in global warming" and asking viewers if they do, too. The first billboard appeared on Thursday over the Eisenhower Expressway, the interstate freeway running west from the Chicago Loop. "Of course, not all global warming alarmists are murderers or tyrants," notes Heartland in its press release (some killers also simply think puppies are cute, breathe air and tie their shoes one at a time). It isn't the first anti-environmental campaign to draw such outlandishly false connections, though it is probably the most prominent. The website Vegetarians Are Evil, for instance, makes such meaningless revelations as identifying Genghis Khan as a vegetarian.[/quote] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/04/heartland-climate-change-billboard_n_1478011.html A reminder: [b]The Heartland Institute [/b] is a American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank based in Chicago, Illinois which advocates free market policies. The Institute is designated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit by the Internal Revenue Service and has a full-time staff of 40, including editors and senior fellows. The Institute was founded in 1984 and conducts research and advocacy work on issues including government spending, taxation, healthcare, tobacco policy, global warming, information technology and free-market environmentalism. [b]In the 1990s, the group worked closely with the tobacco company Philip Morris to question the science linking secondhand smoke to health risks, and to lobby against government public-health reforms.[/b] More recently, the Institute has focused on questioning the science of climate change, and was described by the New York Times as "the primary American organization pushing climate change skepticism." The Institute has sponsored meetings of climate change skeptics, and has been reported to promote public school curricula challenging the scientific consensus on climate change. [b]Healthcare The Heartland Institute advocates for free-market reforms in healthcare and opposes federal control over the healthcare industry. Heartland supports Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), replacing federal tax deductions for employer-based healthcare with a refundable tax credit to allow individual choice over health insurance, removing state and Federal healthcare regulations aimed at providers and consumers of healthcare, and reducing litigation costs which are associated with malpractice suits.[/b] Check out their funding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heartland_Institute NO LONGER EYES WIDE SHUT N'


5/05/2012Worth reading: [b]The Heartland Institute Self Destructs[/b] Posted: 05/04/2012 7:37 pm It is an environmentalist's dream come true. [b]The once feared "Heartland Institute," funded by the secretive Koch brothers i[/b]n their campaign to undermine science and deny the plain evidence for climate change [b]has just committed a very public suicide on the Eisenhower Expressway on the outskirts of Chicago.[/b] That is where the first billboard appeared the other day to launch what has to be one of the kookiest public relations campaigns in history. I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw the image on the internet -- the disheviled "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski glowering down at commuters asking: "I still believe in Global Warming. Do you?" The weirdest part of it is that the Heartland folks actually put their name on the bottom of it for all to see. In other words, the notorious group has come out of the shadows (where they have been lurking for the last decade or so funding false front groups and harassing hard-working scientists) and finally fessed up to being the kooks and fanatics that we long suspected they were. The free market "think tank" was discredited in February when documents leaked to the press revealed its plans to disseminate a new school curriculum which aims at "dissuading teachers from teaching science." The documents detail how the organization has funded a rogue's gallery of debunkers (mostly non-scientists) to sow seeds of doubt about the clear consensus of researchers worldwide that our climate is warming due to the rising levels of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. But evidently this huge public fiasco only whetted Heartland's appetite for punishment. The billboard campaign which they have just initiated will undoubtedly finish off the spectacular crash and burn which the leaked "Climategate" memos initiated. The Kaczynski ad is only the first in the goofy series which are being put up in preparation for the group's so-called "7th Annual Conference on Climate Change" scheduled for the end of this month. Still to come are billboards featuring Charles Manson, Fidel Castro, Osama bin Laden and James J. Lee (who took hostages inside the headquarters of the Discovery Channel in 2010). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-schiffman/heartland-institute-billboards_b_1477499.html Downward spiral. It ain't pretty. N'

Robert Tobin

5/05/2012Rupert "The Dirty Digger" Murdoch is a Knight of Columbus of the Evil Rotten Roman Catholic Church. Tony, "The Mad Monk" Abbott is a "short robe" Jesuit having been brainwashed into the Evil Rotten Roman Catholic Church at St. Ignatius College, "Riverview" run by the Evil Rotten Jesuits. Abbott is also the pupper of George Cardinal "Go To Hell" Pell, Cardinal ARSEBISHOP of Sydney. Both evil characters have strong conections with "Opus Dei" that secret and dangerous organization of the Evil Rotten Roman Catholic Church. If Abbott becomes PM, the Government of Australia will ben runb from St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney by George Cardinal "Go To Hell" Pell.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Hi Lyn Thank you, and TT too for reposting the Twitter comments this morning. I see your list has expanded. The Twittersphere is very active – what a way of spreading a message quickly. It leaves the MSM for dead. What an interesting collection of tweets there are about the Slipper/Ashby/Pyne/Brough/Simpson, and let’s not forget Lewis affair, getting more tangled by the day. Ashby doesn’t come across as one loyal to his employer – actively campaigning against him in his seat. Such behavior will call into question the veracity of the man and his evidence.

Ad astra

5/05/2012DMW Thank you for the Katherine Murphy link; what a sensible, balanced article that was. We know there are some clear thinkers in the MSM, outnumbered though by the Murdoch sycophants, hell bent on destroying PM Gillard and her Government. If only more of the clear thinkers would come out of the closet and start some positive groupthink that others might follow.


5/05/2012AA, I don't think News Limited is going to be a problem in 2013. The UK Parliamentary Committee responsible for such things has ruled that the Murdoch's are not suitable persons to be in control of a media network. This unprecedented ruling will be followed up in the UK Parliament - no one is quite sure how yet because apparently it has never happened before. However it places a degree of uncertainty on the company as one of the unspecified actions of the UK Parliament may affect the company financially. I suspect News Limited is still highly geared (it owes a lot of money to the financial world) it nearly went bankrupt less than 10 years ago. Assuming the creditability of his company goes down (in the view of the general public worldwide) due to the finding and the subsequent penalty, less people will purchase the newspapers or watch the networks controlled by News. Apart from "ethically responsible" companies who must be starting to review their advertising in News Limited outlets, others will reduce their exposure due to a reduction in readers/viewers. Which leave Murdoch with a choice or two. Either News attempts to regain credibility and therefore readers or it sells a few assets to pay down debt. Either way, they have to demonstrate that the assets are worth buying - and at the moment they are seen by a lot of people as tainted which reduces the "readership/viewers", and less readers means less advertising and the value of the assets suffers a consequent reduction as well. Remember about 20 years ago, a bloke called Conrad Black (a Canadian billionaire media owner) controlled Channel 10. One minute Black was going to rule the media world - the next he was on charges (fraud in this particular case). There was a fire sale to end all fire sales, where he went from hero to zero in about 6 months and served some jail time. I seem to recollect he died recently having never regained his reputation or money, While Murdoch suffering the same fate really doesn't worry me, it's a shame his Mum is around to see it - she seems like a really nice lady. Nas - it's also encouraging to read your links above from the Huffington Post.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Nasking That was an interesting story about the Heartland Institute and the Koch Brothers. Could this be the beginning of the disintegration of extreme right wing groups, the Tea Party types, and the astroturfers? Wishful thinking perhaps, but If that is so, I hope it spreads to here.


5/05/2012Hi Talk Turkey I'm sorry I just raced in from being out, tranferred the Twitterverse without refreshing. Thankyou for being so caring and posting the Twitterverse @ 11:45 AM. Guess what now I have a brand new IPad, very exciting. Wonder if Tony Jones might ask me to Tweet for Lateline, Oh! no better still Chris Uhlmann could "special request me" to Tweet for 7.30pm would have to be special though because TPS comes first. You know Talk Turkey how I collect yours and others lovely words to me and put them carefully in the Golden box, well I am getting nice words on Twitter, in the golden box they go:- Maybe‏@Maybeee2011 lynlinking **big grin** every time I see little Tweety Bird in my timeline :) @GenGusface Drag0nista‏@Drag0nista lynlinking Love your avatar :-) Fit/Proper Gusface‏@GenGusface lynlinking EVERONE SHOULD FOLLOW YOU - do it NAO Fit/Proper Gusface‏@GenGusface lynlinking anyone who dont follow you isnt someone ☻ Any tips on using my new Ipad would be appreciated very much, :):):):):):):):):):):)

Mark Hyde

5/05/2012All the pro-Abbott posts here seem to be able to sum their views up in only one sentence. Kinda makes me wonder whether they really have looked at the history since the 2010 election. Their denial seems obvious, to me at least. Thanks for the saner comments in reply to this excellent post. Maybe there stance is from a frustration that they won't get a 'do over' election any time soon? Tactics to produce one on the by and by tend to produce a steely resolve to get on the with job entrusted to labor by the parliament. You know, by governing the country....

Ad astra

5/05/2012Nasking The bowel cancer screening program extension is good news. But I wonder how much media coverage Julia Gillard’s announcement will get. Bowel cancer is a common cancer and kills many. Screening enables early detection and cure. Another positive for Abbott’s ‘incompetent Government’; they really shouldn’t spoil his story of utter hopelessness in everything the Government attempts to do by churning out all these positive policies.

Catching up

5/05/2012I like to think that the PM will win this very unfair and ugly battle. The reason I have this hope, is that Mr. Abbott is becoming impatient, desperate and as each day goes, is becoming careless. Each new stunt is more extreme and the Opposition over reaching. Each day shows that they are not acting as a team. One can get many different opinions on anything, any day from different members of the front back. Mr. Abbott, himself is showing no consistency away from his mouthing of a few slogans. Every time, he gives an answer away from the slogans, he puts his foot in his mouth. I do not believe that time is on the side of Mr. Abbott. The uttering's on the carve up of the GST this week, shows that. The PM has had much bad luck, most manufactured by the Opposition and media. Mr. Abbott's luck must also run out.

Catching up

5/05/2012Patricia, this PM does not appear to jump to Mr. Murdoch's tune. That is a rarity in this country. Maybe for that reason alone, the PM deserves to win the next election.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Robin Tobin I think you have been here before, but anyway welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. The church that lurks behind is another influence that needs to be factored into any analysis of Abbott’s behavior and that of a clutch of his colleagues educated similarly. There is no doubt about the influence and the power of this church.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Mark Hyde You are so right. The one-sentence responses of the Abbott supporters focus on ‘blame’, yet what this piece is about is the undeniable and pernicious influence of Rupert Murdoch and his media sycophants. They don’t comment about that. Do they believe his is [b]not[/b] using his power and influence to dislodge the Gillard Government? Surely not! What this piece is saying is that Julia Gillard has two mortal enemies, Tony Abbott and his Coalition, and Rupert Murdoch and his empire. The latter is the most dangerous by far, because it suppresses or distorts the truth.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Catching up I agree with your assessment. Julia Gillard has decided she will not kowtow to the media. The effrontery of that in the eyes of the all-powerful, omniscient media and its subservient journalists is, I believe, what makes them so angry and antagonistic. They believe they can administer severe payback through their columns, which they do every day. Michelle Grattan come immediately to mind.

Catching up

5/05/2012"All the pro-Abbott posts here seem to be able to sum their views up in only one sentence." Is there such a thing as a Pro-Abbott group. I wonder, as most seem to be anti Gillard.


5/05/2012 Was just watching the [b]informative Situation Room on CNN with Wolf Blitzer[/b] and [b]balaced reporting[/b] of Elizabeth Warren"s Nth American Indian past came up...and the HYPED ATTACK by her critics for identifying herself as such. Warren is running as a Democrat for the Senate...she's a top lady...so of course the usual suspect media are attacking her. And of course the hypocrites attacking her never worry about the fact they oft go on about their Scottish and Irish and Italian etc. links... and how many business people use their ancestry to get a leg up...create a connection for business interest purposes?: I'm thinking Mr. Trump...and Mr. Murdoch for instance: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-17845593 Hypocrites I tell ya, hypocrites. Republican hypocrites. N'


5/05/2012Make that: Was just watching the informative Situation Room on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and balanced reporting...

Ad astra

5/05/2012Michael We can all see now the origin of the weasel words: ‘specific’, ‘in Canberra’, a cover up for what Abbott has known for weeks. It is implausible that Brough, who wants to join Abbott’s frontbench, would meet three times with Ashby and Abbott know nothing about it. Perhaps even [i]The Oz[/i] has woke up to the fact that if it avoids this story, it will be seen as complicit.


5/05/2012We could be in for some very different 'news' stories alter today and tomorrow: Michelle Grattan ‏ @michellegrattan Very hard to find Abbott press staff today. Stephanie Peatling ‏ @srpeatling @michellegrattan Indeed. Silencio. No budgie smuggler pics, no flouro encrusted stunts today. How boring


5/05/2012More on Elizabeth Warren here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Warren [b]In an interview at Newsweek, Warren commented, "To restore some basic sanity to the financial system, we need two central changes: fix broken consumer-credit markets and end guarantees for the big players that threaten our entire economic system."[[/b] I would hate to think the Obama administration is copping out once again by not giving her their full support for her Senate run... ...as they have done by hitting whitleblowers but protecting war criminals: http://www.abc.net.au/news/programs/planet-america/ N'


5/05/2012Ms Grattan seems to be changing her tune - slightly (apologies if this link is already up): http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/changing-stories-on-slipper-saga-put-coalition-in-the-frame-20120505-1y5dn.html


5/05/2012How to defeat Murdoch and Limited News? Well, I think the whole Slipper affaire may well blow the Opposition out of the water without requiring action against the Sun Kink. However, the following agenda could - and in my opinion - should be followed: 1. Reinstatement of the cross-media ownership laws. 2. Breaking up News Ltd under the monopolies provisions of the ACCC Act. 3. Enacting legislation along the lines of the Canadian statute whereby radio and TV licensees are prohibited from broadcasting "any false or misleading news" - though I'd extend that to ALL commercial media whether electronic, print, or otherwise. 4. Terminate Mark Scott's employment with the ABC. All that could be in place by the end of this year. :) :) :)

Ad astra

5/05/2012Fiona What an interesting article by Michelle Grattan. She smells a rat. Next thing she might write something nice about Julia Gillard!


5/05/2012Thanks again for another good analysis Ad. Maybe we are starting to see a decline in Murdoch"s and News Ltd influence as the results of the UK council elections have shown a huge swing to Labor away from the Tories. It could be argued that the austerity measures in the budget influenced the results. But it cannot be overlooked that the elections were held after the Senate committee made the finding of Rupert Murdoch as "unfit" and a bad week in Parliament for David Cameron. The Leveson inquiry will report its finding's before our election is due. Interesting to note the USA has also requested information from Leveson... Murdoch closed News Of the World only after advertisers refused to advertise... come on Australians let organise a campaign where we target the advertisers and demand ethical reporting. I Slipper affair is interesting- so many angles. So many people with their own agendas. Hopefully the truth will prevail. Until then hang in there Labor and our one ethical PM will doesn't background the press.


5/05/2012Does Tony Abbott really want Mal Brough in Parliament? The Mal Brough who was touted as a future leader back in the Howard days? The Mal Brough who, just like Howard, lost his seat in the 2007 election? The most senior Liberal politician to do so after Howard himself? Who might see himself as Lazarus With a Triple By-Pass #2? Abbott will not want Brough back, certainly not as a Liberal 'hero' come in to put a 'clean' MP in the place of Peter Slipper. Could history repeat itself here? Might an unelected Queensland Conservative politician be made Liberal Party leader before he's actually been elected? Queensland Can Do such things. However things play out in the end, James Ashby's foray into the smearing world of Coalition attack politics as originally personified by Godwin Grech will end badly for the Conservatives. And not just "in Canberra".


5/05/2012She [i]might[/i], Ad astra, but in the interests of your continuing good health I recommend against your holding your breath ;)

Ad astra

5/05/2012Fiona It is those first three moves that News Limited fears. Remember the fuss it made about the recommendations of the Finklestein Inquiry that a News Media Council be formed to replace the toothless Press Council. Although the intent was benign enough, not nearly as radical as your suggestions, we heard all and sundry screaming about ‘freedom of the press’, which in media parlance means being able to say whatever they want, whenever they want. It will be interesting to see where the Slipper affair ends. It may be the torpedo that holes the Coalition ship, whereas it was intended to hole Julia Gillard’s. Shirley Thank you for your kind remarks. The Slipper/Ashby affair is becoming more convoluted by the day as the Coalition’s involvement becomes clearer. Hopefully, ‘the scandal’ will now focus on Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne, Mal Brough and their mates, and leave Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan with some clear air for the Budget. What a pleasant change that would make.


5/05/2012Ad Astra, you are living in fantasyland. There is nothing that anyone in the Labor can do stop a bloodbath at the next election regardless of when it is held. Tony Abbott is eminently electable, Gillard (or anyone else the ALP puts up) is not - its as simple as that.


5/05/2012The police in the UK now doing the right thing: [b]Retired Met detective arrested over bribes[/b] [quote]A former Metropolitan Police detective was arrested yesterday by police investigating illegal payments to public officials by journalists from Rupert Murdoch's News International. The 57-year-old man, who served in Scotland Yard's special operations command whose responsibilities include counter-terrorism, was arrested at his Surrey home at 6.30am on suspicion of misconduct in a public office. The retired officer is the 27th person to be arrested by officers from Operation Elveden, the Yard's investigation into alleged bribes paid by journalists to police officers and public servants including civil servants and members of the military. The Yard said the man, who was being questioned at a south-west London police station while a search of his home was carried out, was not involved in the original investigation into phone hacking by the News of the World in 2006. The force refused to disclose the rank held by the officer when he retired or in which part of the special operations command he had served. The latest arrest was based on information provided by News Corporation's management standards committee – the body set up to investigate allegations of wrongdoing inside NI titles, including The Sun. Eleven current and former staff at The Sun, including its royal editor, have so far been arrested. [/quote] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/cameron-gets-legal-tutoring-to-prepare-for-grilling-at-leveson-7712389.html I'm proud of the police who did not allow themselves to be bought...and/or used by the Murdoch empire to push their own profiteering propaganda agenda. N'

Ad astra

5/05/2012Fiona I’m pretty fit, but I dare not hold my breath that long. Michael I feel sure Tony Abbott would see Mal Brough as a threat. The Coalition feels certain it will win the next election, but surely some must look at Tony Abbott’s popularity figures and ask if, having got the Coalition into what they regard as a winning position according to the polls, that he is now a liability, and expendable, or to use Abbott’s words, ‘road-kill’. If the Coalition could engineer Brough into parliament soon, he might be seen as a leader more acceptable to the electorate than attack-dog Abbott.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Michael I feel sure Tony Abbott would see Mal Brough as a threat. The Coalition feels certain it will win the next election, but surely some must look at Tony Abbott’s popularity figures and ask if, having got the Coalition into what they regard as a winning position according to the polls, that he is now a liability, and expendable, or to use Abbott’s words, ‘road-kill’. If the Coalition could engineer Brough into parliament soon, he might be seen as a leader more acceptable to the electorate than attack-dog Abbott. Rhythmz If you haven’t been here before, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i]. It must be comforting to have such a simple view of politics, so cut and dried so far out from the next scheduled election. Harold Wilson’s adage: ‘A week is a long time in politics’ is as true as it ever was. He also said: ‘I'm an optimist, but an optimist who carries a raincoat’. I hope you have a raincoat.


5/05/2012 Ad and all, I find it a bit more than odd that a man who was supposedly being sexually harassed at work would go to his bosses competitor to get advice - Mal Brough in this instance - and spruik another competitor via You Tube. I'm not making a judgement as to whether sexual harassment occurred or not...but if I was in that position I would go to the proper authorities within the party...perhaps get legal advice...but one of the last things I'd do is go to competitors because during legal proceedings it could give the impression I was working to undermine my boss. N'


5/05/2012Ad astra, your usual thoughtful, insightful work. A great post, yet again. Fiona @4.06pm, in answer to your 4 very pertinent and important points. 1)Emphatically YES! 2)Should be done post haste. The utmost speed is required. 3)Should be done urgently, without fail. With heavy punishments for breaches-jail and/or very large fines and licences revoked for long periods. No mercy should be the mantra for the likes of Anal, Dolt and the rest of Rupert's robots. 4)Yes and double yes! And should be done immediately. Crassidy, Uhlmann and Enema Alberici should also get their pink slips at the same time unless they adhere to the principles of fair, objective and truthful reporting. I don't want the same sort of sycophancy the msm delivered with the Rodentochracy and now with Liealot. I want an msm which will inform us truthfully, fairly and impartially about both the the government and the opposition.


5/05/2012 Seems protecting Murdoch and austerity measures haven't done much for the UK Tories...nor the Lib Dems being in bed with the Tories: [quote]David Cameron is under intense pressure to change the course of his government after suffering a severe electoral defeat that saw Labour chalk up gains across the country, and Ken Livingstone run Boris Johnson closer than expected in the London mayoral contest. The prime minister's hopes that the elections would represent a chance to turn the page on a catalogue of errors since the disastrous budget were dashed as the Conservative right immediately called on their leader to be more assertive over his Liberal Democrat partners. [b]Ed Miliband, seizing control of 32 councils across the country, claimed Labour was back on the people's side, but promised he would work hard every day to win the electorate's trust. His aides, delighted by a strong showing in Scotland and southern England, admitted Labour had benefited from Tory abstainers as well as converts.[/b] Senior Liberal Democrats warned that another set of resultslike Friday's would spell the end of the party as an independent nationwide force.[/quote] http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/may/04/local-elections-drubbing-pressure-cameron Predictably some Tories knee-jerkly call for more Righty policies...but acting like a bunch of backward looking tosspots will only serve to demonstrate how archaic, old school tie, homophobic, xenophobic and mean-spirited the party can be. Cameron needs to be courageous as tell it as it is re: Murdoch and the empires' UK approach to doing business. He could end up being seen as a born again hero. Rather than a lame duck. N'

Gary M

5/05/2012Sexual harassment indeed. If I wasn't happily married for over forty years, anyone the same age with a pulse could have sexually harassed me anytime they felt like it. You really can't make this stuff up. For mine it was possibly an unrequited advance to the Slipper man from Ashby, and was possibly rejected. Hell hath no fury like a women/man scorned. I mean with the Slipper all dressed up in his speaker apparel, and with that wig, a nice after shave, I can see how Slipper could arouse the animal in anyone. I mean, he's and old fossil but he aint ugly. If Ashby had any nurries he would told Slipper to F.O. while he was well off, and not be taking legal action, how embarrassing. What a wimp. This is a set up plain and simple, if the Australian public falls for this even with the opposition being aided and abetted by the self serving Australian media, well, they should all hang their collective heads in shame.


5/05/2012Should be: Cameron needs to be courageous and tell it as it is re: Murdoch and the empire's UK approach to doing business. N'


5/05/2012Thank you Ad and Jane. If I could still blush I would... As for the demi-virgins of the media swooning about the Finkelstein recommendations (yes, milder than mine), I'd just tell them to get over themselves, stop writing/saying crap, and behave like real journalists [b]who tell the truth[/b].

Ad astra

5/05/2012Nasking It is odd; the whole saga gets odder by the day. jane Thank you for you complimentary remarks. You say: [i]I want an msm which will inform us truthfully, fairly and impartially about both the government and the opposition.[/i] And so say all of us.

Ad astra

5/05/2012Folks I'll be out for the evening. Back tomorrow.


5/05/2012Interesting info revealed during an Amanpour interview: [quote]In the explosive second part of his exclusive interview on Friday’s Amanpour, Ehud Olmert, former Israeli Prime Minister, said certain elements in the Jewish community in the United States had deliberately derailed the peace process. Olmert was speaking of the peace plan he proposed in 2008, when he was Prime Minister.  Knowing the political risks, Olmert sought a “full comprehensive peace between us and the Palestinians” - a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. “It broke my heart, the most difficult decision of my life,” said Olmert, once the Mayor of Jerusalem. “Because for me to propose a division of Jerusalem was really terrible.  I did it because I reached a conclusion that without which, there will not be peace.” But Olmert’s plan was never adopted.   “It was a killer for me,” he said.  “It was a killer for me not only because of the opposition in Israel.  I think that, by the way, in Israel the majority of the Israelis would have supported my plan, had it come for elections.” [b]Then, he leveled his astonishing charge:  “But I had to fight against superior powers, including millions and millions of dollars that were transferred from this country (the U.S.) by figures which were from the extreme right wing, that were aimed to topple me as Prime Minister of Israel. [/b] There is no question about it.”[/quote] http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/04/olmert-right-wing-u-s-dollars-killed-my-peace-plan/ Requires further investigation. N'


5/05/2012 Dog, Dog, I dig dis Blog! :) La Stupida began that farticle: Regardless of whether there is any Coalition ''honey trap'' involved in the case of Peter Slipper's staffer James Ashby, there is certainly a sticky spider web and it is snaring prominent Liberals . . . and ended thus . . . The moral is: guys, best to tell the WHOLE truth. [i]Guys[/i] eh Michelle. Buddies of yours eh and you want the world to know it. Nice fellers really. Cobbers. " . . . best to tell the WHOLE truth." Yeah it'd be good if [i]YOU[/i] did. Because the whole truth is that sly wording of yours shaves the truth as bald as Sinodinos. The truth is [i]not[/i] that they [i]failed to tell the whole truth [/i]- that is not even a sin, let alone a crime, you have the right to silence and the presumption of innocence in Labor's world, remember Michelle? The truth, and the sin, Michelle, is your guys [b][i]telling lies[/i]. [/b] They will become the [i]crime[/i] of perjury when Pyne and Brough and who knows who else are charged with the very real crimes of conspiracy and whatever else is involved here, unless one of them sings of course. These people are outright LIARS! CROOKS! TRAITORS! Your [i]Buddies[/i] Michelle. HTF do you justify attacking *J*U*L*I*A* ALL THE TIME, when creatures like Abbortt and the Poodle are the alternative? What is your religious persuasion if any Michelle, if you don't mind my asking? (Well I'm asking anyway.) In the absence of certain knowledge, I'd guess that genuflectors are pretty well represented in that little cabal . . . Might sound bigoted a bit . . . but I'm completely outclassed there, in comparison to Archbigot Pell whose shoes are not even worthy of my spitting on . . . Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/changing-stories-on-slipper-saga-put-coalition-in-the-frame-20120505-1y5dn.html#ixzz1tyyrUd4K

Ad astra

5/05/2012Nasking What an interesting result in UK council elections. Gary M The Slipper/Ashby affair gets more curious by the day. I wonder what will come out under the forensic examination of the matter in court. At present at least it should keep the Coalition occupied defending itself and thereby giving Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan a little clear air for the Budget, TT I hope Michelle Grattan reads your comment.

Gary M

5/05/2012Gary M 'The Slipper/Ashby affair gets more curious by the day. I wonder what will come out under the forensic examination of the matter in court. At present at least it should keep the Coalition occupied defending itself and thereby giving Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan a little clear air for the Budget,' Indeed it does. What will come out in court is anyone's guess? No matter the outcome I do know this, from comments read at right wing blogs, it is obvious the chattering class will and do believe anything. Unless the Labor party comes up with a prima facia case that the opposition has been involved in this saga, it will be business as usual. I firmly believe this is the last throw of the dice for Abbott. He must get the government to an election before the predictions of Armageddon come to nothing, after the carbon tax is up and running. To be fair, the relentless media campaign against Gillard is nothing new. I remember the Whitlam dismissal it has all the same hall marks. Whitlam was accused of everything from the bubonic plague to Herpes. Eventually as you know, the battering of Whitlam and the government paid off, they eventually after one further election, had him dismissed before the second. The rest is history. I fear for our future.

Tom of Melbourne

5/05/2012Whitlam wasn’t a liar.


5/05/2012Jnice @10.18am, couldn't agree more. I've never been able to stomach the Liars. When you examine their track record. it's littered with this sort of stuff, like Menzies [i]reds under the beds[/i] and [i]yellow peril[/i], dutifully reported by the msm, but with far less hysteria. The difference now is, that at the behest of a corrupt media mogul, who could be quite comfortably be compared to Goebbels, although with less good points and personality, they're conducting a sustained and vicious smear campaign against a single person-the PM of this country. The truth is of no account, lies are the new truth, and the urgers and touts are spruiking it for all they're worth. Now if they were giving both sides the same treatment, although it would be far less than ideal, they would be on equal footing. However, as it is, not only are both sides not on eqyual footing, but the side which is clearly inferior is the side the ancient foreigner has annointed. That his chosen side is not only inferior, but represents a clear danger to the economic health and welfare of this country, means absolutely nothing to this wizened mobster. Fortunately, the wind is changing; his corruption has lodged in too many throats and the foundations of his empire are cracking. Not a moment too soon. The rats have started abandoning the sinking ship as the wind and tide of exposure drive his creaking vessel toward some lovely jagged rocks. Fiona @5.51pm, I like your recommendations better; they're simpler, fewer and they'd force idiots like the shock jocks and oafish commentators like Dolt etc, to tread very carefully. They'll have to resign en masse, none of them would know the truth if it bit them on the bum! I echo your sentiments-the msm should "get over themselves, stop writing/saying crap, and behave like real journalists who tell the truth." Nas' @5.02pm, right on and @5.47pm, couldn't agree more. I suspect the tories in this country either don't have the wit or are too complacent to see the signs. Even Coke Bottles is finding it difficult to put a positive spin and a lid, on this mounting scandal. Funny, isn't it the msm can't resist a really juicy titillating scandal with all the trimmings-fiddling the books, gay sex, back stabbing, bribery sucking the LOTO, Mal Brough, a spurned assisstant and the heas of opposition business into its maw. Couldn't happen to nicer people! rofl. @7.42pm, and the skinny corrupt claws of the Tea party and their hangers on reach out to wreck and ruin. " . . . best to tell the WHOLE truth." TT if she'd even told a grain of truth, it would redeem her a little. And that goes for the rest of the pig-nosed bunch of gits. We should find the largest pile of excrement in the world and shove their noses in it up to their eyes! Oh wait........they already are! Go the spider and its web! The stickier more widely cast, the better. All the better to snare them with.

Tom of Melbourne

6/05/2012Just getting back to the actual thread… How did the media cause Gillard to?... • Knife Rudd • Break her written promise to Wilkie • Say there would be “no carbon tax” • Have “complete confidence” in Thomson • Appoint the dubious Slipper as speaker It seems to me that Gillard exercised her own free will on each of those issues, which have proven to be political miscalculations. Gillard has to wear the opprobrium associated with her own miscalculations. But [b]“blame the media” [/b]if you wish. That’s denial leading to defeat.

Gary M

6/05/2012"Whitlam wasn’t a liar. Tom of Melbourne" Andddddddddddddddd!!!. . 1. Knife Rudd • 2. Break her written promise to Wilkie • 3. Say there would be “no carbon tax” • 4. Have “complete confidence” in Thomson • 5. Appoint the dubious Slipper as speaker 1. Gillard did not knife Rudd. They took (Gillard & Co) a political gamble that depending on your opinion, may have back fired or not. We will see. 2. Are you serious? Gillard like all politicians will say and do anything to keep power, it is the nature of the beast. Do you really want a list of the lies the Howard government are guilty of? This very comment from you and your ilk, just goes to show the naivety of conservatives. Politicians lie so what's new? 3. A broken promise so what? Was that a core promise or non - core promise? 4. Although I believe Thompson is a sleaze, he has not been found guilty of F.A. 5. Well hello!!! It's called politics. You don't fight the enemy with your hands tied to your bollocks. Gillard is shrewd get over it. It is because she is shrewd, articulate, intelligent, bright and bubbly the conservatives hate her guts. Of course being the daughter of a Welsh working class family is just tooooo much isn't it? After all, scratch a conservative and there for all the world to see is a red necked racist arse hole. Yep that's conservatives for ya. If they're not worrying about boat people, and the workers getting paid enough for luxuries like food and clothes, they're peering through people's keyholes to make sure people are not having sex out side of the missionary position. Yep I can just imagine ol John peering through a keyhole watching a couple at it doggy style, the poor man would be mortified.


6/05/2012TT, Coke Bottles should definitely take her own advice. Gary M @11.20pm, you're right. Whitlam was crucified the same way Gillard is now. The amusing thing is the barrackers who squeal about "THE LIE". It's hard to tell if they're just stupid, easily manipulated, deluded, or all three. And isn't it interesting that they find it so easy to brush aside the fact that four members of the Liars Party are either convicted of a crime or have a case to answer, including the LOTO. Not a word of criticism when he resolutely stood by each of his criminals, but a world of confected outrage when Julia Gillard stood by an MP who has not been charged with or convicted of ANY crime. And boy do they crank up the faux outrage when they're called on their hypocrisy. Apparently, even when Liars Party MPs and Senators have been convicted of a crime as serious as assault, barrackers claim it doesn't matter because they're not in government. So if they were in government they'd suddenly becone paragons of virtue? Oh, but wait. Weren't they in government when they lied about invading Iraq? When Phone Card Reith embezzled $50k? When AWB bribed Saddam $300m, which just seemed to escape their notice? And these model citizens are the people who will be in government if they win in 2013. We'd better make sure they can't find the strong box.


6/05/2012How do we neutralize Germaine? Mind you, she is largely right in her observations but what's happened to the Greer of old who poured scorn on the double-standards applied to women? It's notable that a GG, even a male one, has a clothing allowance but a PM does not. It's high time for Gillard to roll up her sleeves Germaine Greer May 5, 2012 Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/its-high-time-for-gillard-to-roll-up-her-sleeves-20120505-1y569.html#ixzz1u0fMDy2E

Gary M

6/05/2012"The amusing thing is the barrackers who squeal about "THE LIE". It's hard to tell if they're just stupid, easily manipulated, deluded, or all three." Indeed. Mostly all three me thinks. Its really weird you know, all the political party's over the years have had their share of corruption, jobs for the boys etc, etc, but it's only the Labor party that's guilty. At the current period in time we have a couple of politicians that one of whom may be guilty of a little sexual innuendo, and another that may, and I repeat may, have fiddled the union till. These minor peccadillo's against sending Australian troops to their deaths in Iraq looking for non existent weapons of mass destruction, and the scandal of the Australian wheat board, just pale into insignificance.Yea right of course they do. Of course don't get me started on the money Tones withdrew from the health system when he was a Minister. Not illegal of course, a scandal none the less. Millions of dollars ending up in the pockets of abject scum bags, and we are supposed to be in the matter of Slipper, worried about a little unrequited love. As an aside, who could forget the A.M.A. when Medibank was first introduced, they said "Socialised medicine would rooon us all, rooooon us all I'm telling you.(Think carbon tax) The first three months of its inception about 100 Doctors got prosecuted for defrauding it. Ah!!! Free enterprise I think they used in their defence.Or was it they wern't making enough money? I forget. But I digress. My wife wants to know why I drink.

Ad astra

6/05/2012Folks Thank you for your overnight comments. They make interesting reading. We will be on the road for most the day back to the south coast. I’ll be back this evening.


6/05/2012Ad astra said TT I hope Michelle Grattan reads your comment. That's what it is about the blogosphere, and this blog in particular Ad, I have this notion that once a notion is put out here, it is Out [i]There[/i]; . . . and due to influences such as, and most particularly, [i]Lyn's Daily Links[/i], the best notions go viral. [i]Dog Albitey[/i], the [i]3 Stooges [/i] sure have, (iyswim), DYWAT! just as trivial examples, they all started their careers right here. BISONs (the Finnigans) and Ol' Coke Bottles (Bushfire Bill), the terms might only be fun and a bit triv, but [i]they help to raise our spirits,[/i] by ringing true, or being cute, and that is not actually trivial! But at the more important level we can hope to shame the Media into covering stories such as the inversion of the Ashby affair, even if they hate it and try to bury it. One of my earliest memories relates to the term *Air Mail*. Mum was always sending letters by *air mail* see, and I knew they had to have a stamp and the right address to send them, there were special *air mail* letters made of really thin paper. Well I had no idea how it all worked, I had this notion that you took these thin letters out and threw them up in the wind. And they would find their way to the addressee. Isn't that cute. Anyway that's what I do think about the best political blogs, the Political Sword most centrally, that it's like throwing my letters into the air and them finding the right addressees. Oddly, that is Yous! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dog AllbloodyBitey! Lopsiders just showed Graeme Morris's 'kicking her to death' rant! Oh and Frau Kelly and Minilopenis are all outraged by it suddenly! It's taken [i]how[/i] long? Hardly two comments in newspapers over that time, nor on TV. Taken 'em till now. [b][i]Did the blogosphere have something to do with its coming up now at last?[/i] [/b] - I said a couple of days ago, it was the most buried comment in history, and that given the opportunity I would use that particular example as a stake to stab through Murdoch's black heart. Maybe I shook Their ABC! They knew I had the weapon . . . And they know that I know the back passage through which I could reach his heart too . . . :) So they've moved to cover the old bastard's arse (and thus their own . . . ) Howzat for a metaphor Comrades? I only just used that image first time now but I did say wtte, [i]stake through his heart [/i]is better. Nastier than any Count Dracula but, uglier and greedier and richer. Turns out this is on thread!


6/05/2012In the Queensland Sunday Mail this morning. http://www.couriermail.com.au/ipad/we-cant-handle-the-awful-truth/story-fn6ck620-1226347647241 The rest of it is paywalled and (as I've read the "dead tree edition version) also doesn't follow the News Ltd script.


6/05/2012Talk Turkey: [quote]HTF do you justify attacking *J*U*L*I*A* ALL THE TIME, when creatures like Abbortt and the Poodle are the alternative?[/quote] It would be interesting to explore Grattan's [i]animus[/i] towards our Prime Minister. To some extent it might be the outrage of much of the third estate that Gillard never, even when Deputy PM, sucked up to them. To some extent it may be the way that Gillard now publicly dismisses Grattan's sillier questions (i.e., most of them). But there's something else, and just at the moment I don't know what it is... Top dissection of Grattan, "piece", btw, TT :)


6/05/2012Hi Ad Joe Hockey has come up with a novel solution to the Slippergate:- Leave Slipper matter for the court: Hockey May 6, 2012 - 11:14AM SMH Mr Hockey has hit out at the commentary and says the case should be left to the courts. He would not be drawn on the Brough issue. "I'm appalled at the more recent comments from the foreign minister that seek to discredit the complainant," Mr Hockey said. "I'm quite appalled at the debate going on at the moment, trying to treat this guy as a political football. It's got to stop. "I'm not going to join in the speculation on this matter." http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/leave-slipper-matter-for-the-court-hockey-20120506-1y6li.html


6/05/2012Hypocrisy, thy name is Hockey.


6/05/2012Morning all. Watching the insiders this morning and Barry's interview with Joe Hockey. Mr Hockey made the comment "we were put under real scrutiny then" while discussing budget figures in their last election campaign. I waited for Barry to ask the obvious "So you are not under real scrutiny now, why would that be" but nothing. Come on Barry you where handed an opening to hold the opposition to account, why didn't you take it.


6/05/2012Gary M @1.51am, oh how we larfed @ the old "Gillard knifed Rudd", boo hoo. You must know that sort of thing has NEVER happened in the history of politics. No! No! Why are you dragging carcases out of cupboards like that! They just fell on those knives when they were peeling an apple, I tell you! Stabbed in the back, hey. Hmmmm. Oh, I know, they were trying out for a post politics career in a circus. Roll up folks and see the politician peeling an apple behind his back! Works for me. roflmao! WRT Rudd, I think it's clear he was the architect of his own demise. Politics, like business is ruthless; if you're not up to the job, pack your bags! I do believe barrackers are just allergic to the truth. Brings 'em out in a rash and covers their tongues with pimples. I suspect everyone here with a couple of exceptions knows why you drink. lol TT, @10.26am, it's all a misunderstanding. Frau Kelly and Mr Minlopenis were kidnapped, held hostage and forced to watch endless repeats of [i]The Brady bunch[/i] and when they werre released they were so traumatised they could neither hear nor speak until just now. Had they been free at the time they would have whispered their disapproval from the Ltd News basement. Lyn, perhaps we should send a tweet, email or a note to Joe Hockey wrt his statement on the Slipper case and ask if he now intends to publicly extend the same courtesy to Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper and apologise publicly to both men. I encourage you to keep breathing while awaiting a response.


6/05/2012Hi Jane Joe Hockey is getting plenty of Tweets, I believe there is nothing I could say to his hypocrisy that hasn't been said this morning. They are still going on him at this moment. mrumens lynlinking How on earth does he look at himself in the mirror in the mornings? It just takes your breath away the hypocrisy of this moron Dafid‏ mrumensonya Marian re Hockey, they wanted to bully slipper before the Pyne/Brough/Ashby details emerged, now want to hush it up, no way!! Dafid‏ Hi I'm @JoeHockey I've harassed, bullied and taunted the #PM when she was alone and I was with #Pyne.& I'm appalled at the bullying of Ashby D.R.Davis‏@DavisMktng Joe Hockeys stock answers; "I'm not going to get into this" "I'm not going to answer this" Marian Rumens‏@mrumens davidlen2 @JoeHockey Remember a video of either Pyne or Hockey or both taunting Julia Gillard like the vicious little schoolboys they are Jennifer Wilson‏@NoPlaceforSheep Joe "I have standards" Hockey is appalled? Ahahahahahahahahaha! That's really feckin funny. ManO'Steel Joe Hockey calls for end to public commentary on Ashby, but not to ongoing attacks on Slipper. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/hockey-calls-for-silence-on-slipper-allegations-20120506-1y6ll.html #auspol #PotKettle Possum Comitatus‏@Pollytics Apparently this passes for political analysis these days http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/labor-needs-to-muscle-up/story-e6frezz0-1226347622421 Josh Taylor‏@joshgnosis Why is Joe Hockey asking Barrie questions? #insiders Greg Jericho‏@GrogsGamut Joe in trouble, so he runs as fast as he can to "the carbon tax!!" #insiders Mark ‏ Rcynicq: we have the right to know who in pm's office knew of au day conspiracy>> AFP has cleared everyone of any wrogdoing....as U know THE END Cheers :):):):):)


6/05/2012 Joe Hockey on Insiders....NEGABORE Go start up a deli Joe...you'll be much happier slicing and cuttng and munching there...free of Abbott and his devious plans. N

Gary M

6/05/2012"I do believe barrackers are just allergic to the truth. Brings 'em out in a rash and covers their tongues with pimples." I think the pimples are caused by conservatives having their tongues stuck up the chutney lockers of their heroes. Mostly liberal party politicians and the royal family. They also have trouble with their knees, but I surely won't tell you why.A hint! It's been reported that church numbers are well down with conservatives, they have finally realised that God, if there is one, is on the side of the righteous. It leaves them with no one to talk to really. So I will leave the cause of their knee problem to your imagination. As you know history starts for most conservatives about last Sunday, and books are something to start a b.b.q.with or prop up a short leg on a table. Drinking...My brother in law will be over today for the Sunday roast, he is a conservative. Yep I'll be drinking so I can fall into a coma. 1. So I can't hear his relentless twaddle and 2. It stops me giving him a black eye. Besides if I whacked him, the women I have been married to for over forty years would probably join in. She hates conservatives tooooo. We are indeed a close knit family.


6/05/2012From Insiders: BARRIE CASSIDY: We'll start with the Mal Brough matter. Are you satisfied there has been no collusion between the Liberal Party or any of its members and James Ashby over the Peter Slipper matter? JOE HOCKEY: Well, the fundamental issue here is the alleged sexual harassment of a member of staff by the Speaker of the Australian Parliament. I've been listening carefully to the debate. I'm appalled at the more recent comments from the Foreign Minister that suggests that - or seek to discredit the complainant. And frankly, when there is an allegation of sexual harassment it should be left to the courts without all of this speculation around it and any attempts to try to intimidate the staffer that is making the complaint. WELL, AT LEAST JOE CLEARED THAT UP BARRIE CASSIDY: Why do you suppose it is that whenever Christopher Pyne and Tony Abbott are asked about this they use that term 'no specific knowledge', does that imply they have general knowledge? JOE HOCKEY: No, I'm not going to speculate. I'm not going to join in the discussion on this matter. If there is any insinuation or any suggestion of a conspiracy it will inevitably appear before the courts. It will be used as evidence or they will call people as witnesses. I'm not going to join in what is an attempt to try and harass someone making a complaint about sexual harassment against the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I'm not going to do it. HOWARD WOULD BE PROUD OF YOU JOE. Frankly, I reckon Joe's nervous he's gonna get struck by yet another madly swinging Abbott wrecking ball: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I3SoLotPvck N'


6/05/2012Gary wrote: [b]Drinking...My brother in law will be over today for the Sunday roast, he is a conservative. Yep I'll be drinking so I can fall into a coma. [/b] ROFL. N'


6/05/2012Michael Stutchbury on Insiders assessment of the government's school bonus payment: "Being the Liberal hearting cynic that I am...and once a well paid hack for Rupert's Sinistry of Propaganda and Public Dumbing Down...I believe this school bonus is nothing but an attempt to copy the brilliant approach of our Lord and Saviour John Winston Howard and buy the votes of the bludgers...I mean battlers". I think that's what he said. N'


6/05/2012Hi you guys Gary and Nasking ROFL too Gary I have some of those relentless twaddle's in my family too. Don't even follow Politics but know all about everything, funny that! Cheers:):):):):)


6/05/2012Shirley wrote: "Come on Barry you where handed an opening to hold the opposition to account, why didn't you take it." I wonder why that would be so, Shirley? Hi, Lyn. Good to see Sloppy's getting the rounds of the kitchen. [quote]They also have trouble with their knees,.....[/quote] I think it's more likely to be carpet rash, Gary. Good luck with the b-i-l. Nas' wrote: Michael Stutchbury on Insiders assessment of the government's school bonus payment: "Being the Liberal hearting cynic that I am...and once a well paid hack for Rupert's Sinistry of Propaganda and Public Dumbing Down...I believe this school bonus is nothing but an attempt to copy the brilliant approach of our Lord and Saviour John Winston Howard and buy the votes of the bludgers...I mean battlers". I think that's what he said." ROFLMAO!


6/05/2012 Lyn, on Insiders...that pic of Tony Abbott on the Financial Review Magazine really freaked my wife out: http://www.public.asu.edu/%7Ehiroshi/eng400/frankenstein/index.html Whoops... Meant this one: http://www.afr.com/afrmagazine Santamaria's monster. N'

Gary M

6/05/2012"Gary I have some of those relentless twaddle's in my family too. Don't even follow Politics but know all about everything," Gee Lyn I feel sorry for you. You must drink as well? My brother in law is the king twaddler, he gives a new meaning to the word dumb. He's as dumb as a bag of hammers, in fact, he is the most useless (like all conservatives) man and I use that term loosely, God ever shovelled guts into. He reckons (now dig this) The people in the western suburbs of Sydney are like sheep and gave us Kevin Rudd. I shit you not. This from a f*&^%$ who couldn't find his own arse hole with both hands. Give this man a screwdriver and a hammer any where near a good solid house, after ten minutes of any interference from him, you would need to call a demolition company, the house would be f&%$#@. This peanut, this holy than thou conservative, now get this, was on the dole for ten years. I tried to explain to him with out the union movement and Labor party there would be no such thing as the dole. I said in some countries f*&^%$* like you who are useless and non productive, could very well find themselves on the end of a rope. If he lived in Germany sixty years ago I'm sure he would have ended up in the Waffen SS as Stormfuher sh#t for brains. But yep you guessed it, I get more intelligent conversation out of my pet Gala. Who BTW probably has more words in his vocabulary than my thick brother in law. Conservatives how hate them, let me count the ways.


6/05/2012Fiona at 11.57 Amen. P.S. good avatar.


6/05/2012AA, I really think, if you are to be fair and reasonable on this blog, that you should remove the disgusting contribution Gary M just made to this blog. Not only is what he said baseless, it is deeply offensive and on par with the sort of comments you denounce from commentators such as Alan Jones. If you keep this comment up on this blog people must take it as you condoning such comments.


6/05/2012It is really great seeing all the people speaking up for Julia GIllard, and telling the truth about Tony Abbott,about his liars, decitfulness, shit stirrer, when he does an interview he is the 1st Politician I have ever seen have so many ifs and buts in his anmsweres, and when the questions get truthfullnes he runs like awounded rat with that smearky grin. Keep up the great work I love it, and will pass this web site onto as many people as possible

Gary M

6/05/2012"If you keep this comment up on this blog people must take it as you condoning such comments." Poor JJ you're so precious. Hey the Labor party and its supporters have had to put up with the swill from the ILiberal party and by way of its personal secertariate the Australian media for months now. We are allowed to get a bit tetchy our selves. But hey you know what they say? If the hat fits old bean, old chum, toodle loo.


6/05/2012I thought long and hard about this problem. I think I have the answer and it is not comforting. Julia Gillard is the subject of an Australia-wide meme, created and promoted by the mass media, Menzies House and all the "haters" on twitter#auspol! http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/the-lie-meme/

Sir Ian Crisp

6/05/2012[quote]Why Julia Gillard will win the 2013 election Thursday, 5 April 2012 12:48 by Ad astra Julia Gillard can defeat Tony Abbott in 2013. But how does she neutralize Rupert Murdoch? Saturday, 5 May 2012 09:10 by Ad astra [/quote] AA, it seems you have moved from a position of strong conviction, i.e., [b]Julia Gillard will win the 2013 election [/b]to a less forceful [b]Julia Gillard can defeat Tony Abbott in 2013. [/b]May I suggest that you allow a healthy pause (about 8 hours) between reading your horoscope and putting topics up for discussion. Consider this clanger: [quote]I'm not convinced that Labor will lose here in Qld...I thought so a few weeks back...but Campbell Newman has run a limp campaign, his leadership is in doubt...plenty of LNP candidates come across as equally limp, or complete misogynistic xenophobic dills...[/quote] Fancy a team of limp, complete misogynists and xenophobes forcing the ALP into a position where it doesn’t even meet the requirements to be recognised as a political party (10 or more members) in order to qualify for party offices, staff and resources. As you can see AA, The Political Sword is not the meeting place of the clairsentient. AA, don’t shut out the vox populi unless you have a desire to tip a bucket of excreta on yourself.


6/05/2012I dunno, jj. Seems accurate to me. After all, Gary is in a better position to judge the character of his brother in law than we are. SIC, I think the Liars are doing a pretty good job of showing the voters just what they're really like. Even coke Biottles has pulled her head in a bit and good ol' Sloppy has really demonstrated the true character at the heart of the Liars Party. It looks as though this isn't going away too soon.

Ad astra

6/05/2012Folks I’m back on the south coast after a long day driving, and have read your informative comments. It seems Joe Hockey’s performance on [i]Insiders[/i] was not well received. But you have to admit that for obfuscation, deviousness and hypocrisy, he scored top ratings. His capacity to turn any good move by the Government into a negative is a sublime skill that warrants full marks. Did he look somewhat disconcerted this morning? If so, let’s see more of it. Michael Stutchbury was true to form: still insisting, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary that the stimulus was too large and allowed to continue for too long. At least he’s consistent, even when he’s wrong. Could someone explain to Sir Ian the difference between the two pieces that he quotes. I can’t be bothered. You don’t have to use simple language by the way; he is erudite and understands big words. Maybe jj can be our exemplar for acceptable language, which we might deferentially follow on this blog.


6/05/2012Hello Lyn, I've found a new blog site which a bright young bloke has just established. He appears rather astute and speaks our language. I'd be pleased if you were able to link his topics if you get the opportunity. His site can be found here: http://theblogicalvoice.com/ Cheers, Migs.


6/05/2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUBnxqEVKlk I am Liberal, hear me lie At levels too loud to deny, And I have so many powerful lying friends! And I don't care what you say, Lying's in my DNA, So I lie and lie and lie and lie again. Oh yes I tell lies I just lie and lie again! Little porkie pies And look how much I gain! If I want to I can say anything! I am rich! I am invincible! I am Liberal! You can prove that I'm a liar But it only fuels my fire And no-one ever holds me to my word! So although my nose gets longer I just get stronger and stronger Even though I'm just a putrid lying turd! Oh yes I tell lies I just lie and lie again! Little porkie pies And look how much I gain! If I want to I can say anything! I am rich! I am invincible! I am Liberal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patricia You said something wtte rimewrithing was easier for me than for you, don't know where you get that idea, but I tell you what, before I started writing on the Sword I had written only a few parodies like the above, now it's almost second nature. You should try it, you said once you couldn't do it but you can, it's almost cheatily easy, a few words just randomly interconnect in my head with one line - in this case the first line, [i]I am woman hear me roar [/i]>>> [i]I am Liberal hear me lie [/i]. . . and the rest often just falls into place. It's only derivative art but it is undeniable and quite satisfying because then you can sing it or have it on your mind. The bad part is that if the lyrics are deprecatory as in the above - (not all of mine are nasty, just most!) - it sort of is a bit of a downer on the original. Lyrics of which appear at the end of this post . . . Apologies to Helen Reddy et al. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been watching a long program on child abuse by priests in the Catholic Church, [i]Deliver Us From Evil[/i]. Dog help us! What is it with people that they believe any of this crazy religious crap in the first place! Let alone letting filthy priests get away with rape on little children - 5-year olds! - and doing nothing about it for many years! One quote comes through from that program: [i]The only time Jesus ever got angry was when he went to church.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ad astra Your assurance that Limpy is erudite on account of he knows such big words is hilarious! Every now and again he uses a word he has found in his peregrinations that he didn't know, he writes a special sentence contrived however tortuously to manifest his erudition, and send most of us resort to the onomasticon . . . But what it really shows is the same as what it shows that he is self-beknighted . . . namely . . . he is a pretentious poseur. Language is for communication . . . Not for one-upsmanship games . . . so it's not erudition, it's a demonstration of arrogance and ignorance. Fact. He won't like this will he! And as for poor jj, what a precious petal s/he/it is! If I ever talked direct to trolls I'd say [i]Ohhhhh zere zere nezzer mine icky bubby jj Mummy kiss all better . .[/i] . But I don't. I Am Woman -Artist: Helen Reddy from "Helen Reddy's Greatest Hits": EMI ST 11467 -peak Billboard position # 1 for 1 week in 1972 -Words and Music by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back an' pretend 'cause I've heard it all before And I've been down there on the floor No one's ever gonna keep me down again CHORUS Oh yes I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained If I have to, I can do anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman You can bend but never break me 'cause it only serves to make me More determined to achieve my final goal And I come back even stronger Not a novice any longer 'cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul CHORUS I am woman watch me grow See me standing toe to toe As I spread my lovin' arms across the land But I'm still an embryo With a long long way to go Until I make my brother understand Oh yes I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained If I have to I can face anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman Oh, I am woman I am invincible I am strong FADE I am woman I am invincible I am strong I am woman Transcribed by Robin Hood with help from Maid Marian


7/05/2012[i]Two consecutive posts on Poll Bludger. Do check the link, it does give give you a wriggle of pleasure. Barnyard eh, I can't hardly believe it. And Coke Bottles! Ashby's goose is cooked. And all the golden eggs they thought it was going to lay, and some of the other LNP gooses as well. If William Bowe hadn't picked out the sentences below, I was going to. spur212 Posted Monday, May 7, 2012 at 12:07 am | Permalink Julie Bishop and Warren Entsch now involved in the Ashby affair http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/opposition-slipper-story-slips-20120506-1y72f.html 2630 William Bowe Posted Monday, May 7, 2012 at 12:09 am | Permalink From the Michelle Grattan article linked to by spur212: These details emerged as the Nationals leader in the Senate, Barnaby Joyce, hit out at Mr Ashby, saying ''he seems only slightly less dodgy than Slipper''. Senator Joyce said the question was what Mr Ashby was doing at Mr Slipper's house - where some of the inappropriate conversation was alleged to have taken place. ''He wasn't dragged into the house,'' Senator Joyce said, adding that Mr Ashby was ''not a boy in his teens but a man in his 30s''. I must say this all sounds uncannily, hilariously, cosmically ironic. Given the 'presumption of innocence' principle so trampled by the Abborttians re both Thomson and Slipper, Yee Har, how the biter has been bit! Hockey squealing! Har Har Har! Abbortt disappeared! Ashby in cryogenic crypt somewhere for the duration! Brough in furious confirmation of his complicity in the conspiracy to bring down the government! Pyne is a CROOK! They are ALL CROOKS! Now Julie Bishop is in on it! Seems like Uncle Tom Cobbley and all! Dog Albitey, [i]sool 'em![/i] Sniff out these lying conniving vermin, nail their duplicity, we have to get the goods on them, and make sure the Truth destroys them. This is Godwin Grech Reloaded, On Steroids! Utegate brought about Turdball's demise, this is a much bigger more devious more sinister conspiracy and its implications are majorly criminal. Attempting to pervert the course of justice. Dam, [i]it's an attempt at a palace coup![/i] These people deserve GAOL! Years and years! This is no piddling matter, it's sedition! Are all the main actors Catholics, I wonder? If it's a Popish Plot it's a Popish plot. I'm not saying it is a Popish plot . . . But if it is a Popish plot it is only right for people to know that it is a Popish plot . . . POOPOO we know is part of the Plot . . . Abbortt's the most Popish of the whole lot And as we all know very well They're both genuflect to Archbigot Pell. These people are [i]religious fundamentalists[/i]. They are every bit as dangerous as Zionists or Muslim fanatics. They are [i]crazy[/i]! - But worse still, remember, Catholics of Abbortt's stamp are [i]especially[/i] dangerous, because they are absolved of all wrongdoing every week at least, they regard the Confessional as like a cosmic dry cleaners of their souls, doesn't matter what you did during last week, [i]abu[/i], all forgiven, [i]go forth and do it all over again with new twists this coming week,[/i] yeah cool. I don't think most Aussies are going to like the idea of a Popish plot a lot . . . Because the conspirators in Popish plots do not owe their primary allegiance to their homeland . . . . . . And the very thought of a Popish Minister for Science . . ! . .


7/05/2012TODAY’S LINKS Abbott and Slipper 2- The Tar Baby, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless This week has shown that whenever Abbott gets an advantage over Gillard and Labor, he blows it. Any attack on the Budget will be blunted by his failure to dispose of low-hanging, rotten fruit like Thomson and Slipper. The idea that Abbott might fancy his chances against http://andrewelder.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/abbott-and-slipper-2-tar-baby.html Democracy v. Party ‘democracy’, The Piping Shrike The shenanigans at the HSU may be in extremis, but they highlight several things that go beyond just one union. It’s worth pointing out that the timing of the “actions” taken by the union leadership, t http://www.pipingshrike.com/2012/05/democracy-v-party-democracy.html Why people don’t care about politics anymore- Leadership, polls and the proble, The Blogical Voice http://theblogicalvoice.com/2012/05/06/why-people-dont-care-about-politics-anymore-leadership-polls- Penbo and the Bogans – Using the Working Class as a Weapon against Sneering Hipster, Preston Towers, The Preston Institute quick examination of the ALP’s policies and actions would show that they take the working class very seriously. But Penberthy, I think, is confusing the ALP with a smattering of people at inner city dinner parties he attends and those who go up to Joe Hildebrand in http://prestoninstitute.wordpress.com/ The Murdoch Virus Part 2 – Hillsborough, Dan Gulbery, The Daily Derp In Part 1 of the Murdoch Virus, we saw how Murdoch’s publications (Sydney’s Daily Mirror and Britain’s News Of The World), published fabricated stories about rampant teenage promiscuity which resulted in the suicide of a 13 year old boy and a 15 year old girl. This pattern of “making shit up, http://thedailyderp.net/2012/05/06/the-murdoch-virus-part-2-hillsborough/ More policy less air Hockey, Shaun Newman, Independent Australia I have just watched Joe Hockey on the ABC Insiders program and was left frustrated by the way he skirts around simple questions; basic questions such as how the LNP budget papers would be legitimized, saying something like “watch this space”. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/more-policy-less-air-hockey/ The Peter Slipper illusion, Independent Australia With LNP powerbrokers Mal Brough and Christopher Pyne now having been revealed to have met James Ashby at least six times in the immediate lead-up to his civil and criminal claims against Speaker Peter Slipper, Ian Harris asks if the whole affair is just an illusion. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/the-peter-slipper-illusion/ Wanda's World, (Only The Depth Varies There's no requirement that I know of for politicians to be intelligent. In most democracies the majority of adult citizens are eligible to run for public office. There's no minimum IQ, no minimum education requirement, no psychometric testing to ensure that candidates are suitably focused on public service, http://onlythedepthvaries.blogspot.com.au/ Unforgettable, Miglo, Café Whispers My regular Sunday Abbott bashing frenzy can wait another week. He’ll still be there in a week’s time providing us with something to mock. One of his uncontrolled thought bubbles will float to the surface over the next few days and his motor mouth will do the rest and bingo, another blog topic will be born. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/unforgettable/ My thoughts on the Ashby versus Slipper affair, Justin Barbour, Justin's Ineffable Rantings there is a clear pattern of behaviour from several senior Coalition officials that is troubling and leads to the impression that they have something to hide on the issue. These are questions that need answering outside of the ordinary legal processes that will take place in the federal court in Ashby’s action against Slipper http://justinbarbour.tumblr.com/post/22445816684/my-thoughts-on-the-ashby-versus-slipper-affair For a Balanced View of Julia Gillard and Against a Balanced Budget, Peter, Aussie Views News So why not judge Julia Gillard on what she has done, rather than on what someone else tells us she did or did not say, imply or mean? For a start, she has held together a government despite, during the first year, having only a cobbled together majority in the http://www.aussieviewsnews.com/2012/05/06/gillard-balanced-budget/ Michelle Grattan Finds A Way To Blame PM Gillard For Pyne/Ashby/Abbott, Turn Left 2013 The Slipper affair tipped the balance, because she wasn’t going to be able to sustain her stand. The opposition and crossbenchers had the parliamentary numbers to keep him out of the chair. In more normal circumstances, Gillard might deserve some credit http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/michelle-grattan-finds-a-way-to-blame-pm-gillard-for-pyneashbyabbott/ Global Mail teething: tensions and changes for Attard’s baby, Andrew Crook, Crikey The Global Mail has a yearly budget of $3 million, drawn from Wood’s deep pockets that, according to BRW magazine, hold wealth valued at about $337 million. (Wood did not return Crikey’s calls http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/05/04/global-mail-teething-tensions-and-changes-for-attards-baby/ Christopher Pyne, Mal Brough & James Ashby - the plot thickens, Clarence Girl, North Coast Voices Liberal Party frontbencher and Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne protesting his ‘innocence’ in The Sydney Morning Herald on 2 March 2012: http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/ Mr Hockey – The bet is ON!, Stephen Koukoulas, Market Economics Mr Hockey is framing the bet, it seems, in terms of whether there will either be a surplus or not: That is if expenditure is reduced to the level of revenue, then the Budget is in balance and yet lower expenditure than revenue means a budget surplus. http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1942-mr-hockey-the-bet-is-on Taxing the family home at the wrong time, Crispin Hull The result is that some first-home buyers buy smaller, cheaper places (and have to upgrade later) and others get shut out altogether. High duties encourage existing owners to extend rather than move and they deter empty nesters from moving to smaller places. They also discourage people from moving to get a job http://www.crispinhull.com.au/2012/05/05/taxing-the-family-home-at-the-wrong-time/ "Blitz on dental waiting lists to benefit low income Australians"Gov Funding injections into two additional programs will help to increase capacity in the dental workforce and boost services in the public sector and other areas of need, providing necessary foundations for continued improvement in dental care. “These are significant steps towards a better system of dental care.” http://www.alp.org.au:6020/federal-government/news/blitz-on-dental-waiting-lists-to-benefit-low-incom/?r Hockey casts doubt on surplus promise, Channel 7 "Whatever they claim on Tuesday night is flawed because nobody - including members of the Labor party - believes that Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard are going to be there to actually have to deliver it."Mr Hockey also cast doubt on the government's budget process http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/13612473/hockey-casts-doubt-on-surplus-promise/ The power and the glory: Australia’s politicians face an upheaval, Everald Compton, On Line Opinion commentators emphatically predict the death of the ALP. Many are also forecasting the final days of the National Party, and some are anticipating a major change in the political alignment of the Greens. There are those who are of the view that Bob Katter’s party http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=13582 Household assistance estimator, Australian Government The Estimator will guide you through a process to identify the average price impacts and cash assistance for a predetermined household type that most closely matches your situation, based on the information you provide. The results of the Estimator https://www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/helping-households/household-assistance-estimator/ Tony Abbott! What An Arse!, Patricia WA, Polliepomes Tony Abbott’s echoing of Germaine Greer’s criticism of Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s appearance has told against him amongst women voters as I’m sure internal party polling has informed him. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/tony-abbott-what-an-arse-2/ Surplus will provide cushion, Australian Financial Review The Australian government is certainly alert to challenges and opportunities in the region and we look forward to the white paper on Australia in the Asian century later this year. However, it is clear that not all sectors of the economy are benefiting from the mining boom and, as the government recognises, http://www.afr.com/p/national/surplus_will_provide_cushion_VnBEPm6aIcs67S9JNsgFUL Video Scandals dog Labor Government, The Insiders Insiders takes a look at a chaotic week for the Labor Government, with decisions to suspend Craig Thomson and sideline Peter Slipper leading to questions about the PM's judgment. http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/content/2012/s3496414.htm Laurie Oakes interview May 06, 2012: Political editor Laurie Oakes sits down with Wayne Swan ahead of the government's budget release 6 May 2012 | http://today.ninemsn.com.au/videoindex.aspx Meet the Press Greens Leader Christine Milne is guest and is asked about the http://ten.com.au/video-player.htm?movideo_m=186057&movideo_p=41949


7/05/2012TODAY'S FRONT PAGES Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 7 May 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

Ad astra

7/05/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


7/05/2012Lyn provided the link of course, I've posted the article in full. I think it is a great challenge to Sloppy Joe from Stepehen Koukoulas (read to the very end) and everyone should know about it. Hockey will be a renegger for sure I'd say. Well he already is. But Stephen The Political Sword deserves to be one of your fave rave sites. http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1942-mr-hockey-the-bet-is-on Mr Hockey – The bet is ON! Despite Mr Hockey offering to bet “the contents of his pocket” that the Budget will not contain “genuine savings”, the Shadow Treasurer has rejected my willingness to take the other side of the bet. Here is my desire to take up Mr Hockey’s offer for a bet: http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1917-mr-hockeys-offers-up-a-bet-but-will-he-follow-through Mr Hockey’s squibbing on the matter is probably because he knows there will in fact be “genuine savings”. Mr Hockey is not willing to bet that there will be a cut in real government spending in 2012-13, something that neither the Howard or Fraser governments ever achieved in 20 Budgets. He knows there will be a cut in real Government spending in 2012-13. Mr Hockey is not willing to look at the matter another way – taking the government spending to GDP ratio to a level below the average of the 12 Howard Government Budgets. He knows the government spending to GDP ratio will be around 0.5% of GDP below the average delivered by the Howard Government. To most, these would seem to be reasonable criteria by which to assess “genuine savings”. Mr Hockey would prefer another way. In rejecting the bet on either real cuts in spending or a lower spending to GDP ratio, Mr Hockey twittered: Joe Hockey ‏ ‪@JoeHockey ■@TheKouk reducing expenditure to level of forecast revenue…let’s take the table at back of Budget Papers re % of GDP. Ps well done on 50BP Just to repeat: Mr Hockey has set the criteria to be “reducing expenditure to the level of forecast revenue”. Mr Hockey is framing the bet, it seems, in terms of whether there will either be a surplus or not: That is if expenditure is reduced to the level of revenue, then the Budget is in balance and yet lower expenditure than revenue means a budget surplus. Even though this is another squibb as a return to surplus is not necessarily a question of whether or not their are “genuine savings”, I will take up the challenge from Mr Hockey. That said, if the Budget does not return to surplus due to a global double dip recession, for example, hitting revenue, this has nothing to with “genuine savings” in the Budget. This is why I think Mr Hockey has defined hit bet the way he has. Either way, BET TAKEN MR HOCKEY! If the government does not deliver a surplus in 2012-13 in underlying cash terms, I will donate $500 to Beyond Blue. It if does deliver a surplus, Mr Hockey, you can make a donation to your favourite charity. Deal? This entry was posted in Stephen Koukoulas. Bookmark the permalink. Favourite Links Paul Krugman Peter Martin Ross Gittins Mr Denmore Shane Wright Laura Tingle Greg Jericho Possum Comitatus Australian Bureau of Statistics Treasury Australian Budget Reserve Bank of Australia International Monetary Fund Archives May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 Copyright 2012, Market Economics, All Rights Reserved. Web design


7/05/2012Lyn, Patricia, The page http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/tony-abbott-what-an-arse-2/ cannot be found . . . according to this little black box anyway.


7/05/2012Hi Ad Here is more news about the Slipper/Ashby Coalition involvement: TAWNBPM‏ Thanks to Ian Black for this. The net widens: "A STAFFER of Speaker Peter Slipper twice contacted the office of... "Tony-Abbott-will-never-be-prime-minister" Thanks to Ian Black for this. The net widens: "A STAFFER of Speaker Peter Slipper twice contacted the office of Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop claiming he had been harassed in his workplace before public allegations were made against the Speaker. She said the staffer, who had not specified sexual harassment, had been told by her staff to contact the Finance Department, which handled staff employment. Her office informed her about the matter after the second contact, but she was not told the man's name and did not know whether her office knew it. As far as she was concerned ''that was the end of it.'' After Mr Ashby's claims were reported in the media, she spoke to Tony Abbott's office about the contact". mmmmm.....she told Abbott after it broke in the media? https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150915549395797&id=274330505796

Gary M

7/05/2012It is 0750 hrs over here in the west, I have just choked on my toast from reading the Helen Reddy song dedicated to evil lying scumbag Liberals. Hey Catspan and JJ not a good day for yous is it? One of the worlds biggest sleaze bags got the bums rush this morning. One can only hope the dawn of enlightenment doesn't stop in France. Too bad the poor Poms will have to wait an eternity do get rid of their pox doctors clerk they call a P.M.


7/05/2012TT, Lyn and anyone else misled - I messed up while sorting out my home site last night. My apologies! Only fit for clearing out jobs last night, even then I pressed all the wrong buttons. Then I got caught up with Miglo's latest at Cafe Whispers which Lyn has linked to. Found myself reminiscing about the end of World War II. Odd, isn't it, TT, how one's inner voice won't speak up until the just right moment. Right now Tony Abbott seems to have become the Invisible Man.


7/05/2012Hi Talk Turkey Won't work for me now either, not your black box. Maybe Patricia is doing some modifications at the moment. Love your work this morning, go Turkey go. Opposition Slipper story slips Michelle Grattan TheFinnigans OMG it's a cast of Lewis Ashby Pyne Brough Bradford Simpson Bishop Entsch & Abbott with Barnyard called Ashby "Dodgy" http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/opposition-slipper-story-slips-20120506-1y72f.html Opposition Slipper story slips Michelle Grattan :):):):)

Ad astra

7/05/2012Folks I see Michelle Grattan has got her teeth into the Slipper/Ashby story. If she attacks there as viciously as she attacks Julia Gillard, it should be a fascinating story to follow. I see Julie Bishop and Warren Entsch had prior knowledge of Ashby’s concerns; it seems improbable that Tony Abbott had no prior knowledge. According to Grattan: “[i]Barnaby Joyce, hit out at Mr Ashby, saying ''he seems only slightly less dodgy than Slipper''.[/i] Will Christopher Pyne now demand Joyce apologize to Ashby, as he has demanded Bob Carr apologize over his tweet: [i]''This Ashby seems more rehearsed than a Kabuki actor.''[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/opposition-slipper-story-slips-20120506-1y72f.html


7/05/2012News: [b]Sarkozy's reign ends Despite a last minute increase in support, Mr Sarkozy failed to overcome his own popularity and a growing rejection of austerity measures. [/b] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-07/francois-hollande-wins-french-presidency/3994466 And: [b]Greek pro-austerity parties suffer major blow[/b] By Europe correspondent Philip Williams, wires Updated May 07, 2012 09:43:00 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-07/heavy-losses-for-greek-pro-austerity-parties/3994478 A warning to all governments and parties who take austerity measures too far...and allow the mega-rich and robber baron corporations to keep on shovelling money and assets into their big gobs. N'

Ad astra

7/05/2012Hi Lyn The cast widens – it will soon match that of Ben Hur. I wonder why the media scavengers haven’t been onto Christopher Pyne for his reaction to Barnaby Joyce’s comment about Ashby: “[i]''he seems only slightly less dodgy than Slipper''.[/i] I hope in the interests of consistency that he will insist that Tony Abbott reprimand Barnaby and ask for his apology to Mr Ashby, who, according to Joe Hockey ought to have his sexual harassment complaints heard by the courts, and not be subject to condemnatory remarks by those [i]“seeking to discredit someone complaining of sexual harassment.”[/i] TT Stephen Koukoulas’ article offers a real challenge to Joe Hockey. Will he take Kouk’s bet? Joe is a blowhard who needs to be challenged by real economists. An amateur at economics like Barrie Cassidy is not up to the task, allowing as he does Joe to blather on, bamboozling him and some of his audience, but dismaying those who really understand economics. There needs to be a round table debate between Joe Hockey and solid economists that give sufficient time for all to be heard. Only then will Joe’s paucity of understanding of economics and his disingenuousness be exposed.


7/05/2012From Robert Reich @ Huffington Post: [quote]What to do? Learn from our own history. The last great surge in productivity occurred between 1870 and 1928, when the technologies of the first industrial revolution were combined with steam power and electricity, mass produced in giant companies enjoying vast economies of scale, and supplied and distributed over a widening system of rails. That ended abruptly in the Great Crash of 1929, when income and wealth had become so concentrated at the top (the owners and financiers of these vast combines) that most people couldn't pay for all these new products and services without going deeply and hopelessly into debt -- resulting in a bubble that loudly and inevitably popped. If that sounds familiar, it should. A similar thing happened between 1980 and 2007, when productivity revolution of computers, software, and, eventually, the Internet spawned a new economy along with great fortunes. (It's not coincidental that 1928 and 2007 mark the two peaks of income concentration in America over the last hundred years, in which the top 1 percent raked in over 23 percent of total income.) But here's the big difference. During the Depression decade of the 1930s, the nation reorganized itself so that the gains from growth were far more broadly distributed. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 recognized unions' rights to collectively bargain, and imposed a duty on employers to bargain in good faith. By the 1950s, a third of all workers in the United States were unionized, giving them the power to demand some of the gains from growth. Meanwhile, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and worker's compensation spread a broad safety net. The forty-hour workweek with time-and-a-half for overtime also helped share the work and spread the gains, as did a minimum wage. In 1965, Medicare and Medicaid broadened access to health care. And a progressive income tax, reaching well over 70 percent on the highest incomes, also helped ensure that the gains were spread fairly. This time, though, the nation has taken no similar steps. Quite the contrary: A resurgent right insists on even more tax breaks for corporations and the rich, massive cuts in public spending that will destroy what's left of our safety nets, including Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, fewer rights for organized labor, more deregulation of labor markets, and a lower (or no) minimum wage. This is, quite simply, nuts. And this is why a second Obama administration, should there be one, must focus its attention on more broadly distributing the gains from growth. This doesn't mean "redistributing" from rich to poor, as in a zero-sum game. To the contrary, the rich will do far better with a smaller share of a robust, growing economy than they're doing with a large share of an economy that's barely moving forward. This will require real tax reform -- not just a "Buffett" minimal tax but substantially higher marginal rates and more brackets at the top, with a capital gains rate matching the income-tax rate. It also means a larger Earned Income Tax Credit, whose benefits extend high into the middle class. That will enable many Americans to move to a 35-hour workweek without losing ground -- thereby making room for more jobs. It means Medicare for all rather than an absurdly-costly system that relies on private for-profit insurers and providers. It will require limiting executive salaries and empowering workers to get a larger share of corporate profits. The Employee Free Choice Act should be an explicit part of the second-term agenda. It will require strict limits on the voracious, irresponsible behavior of Wall Street, from which we've all suffered. The Glass-Steagall Act must be resurrected (the so-called Volcker Rule is more ridden with holes than cheese), and the big banks broken up. And it will necessitate a public educational system - including early child education - second to none, and available to all our young people. We don't need socialism. We need a capitalism that works for the vast majority. The productivity revolution should be making our lives better -- not poorer and more insecure. And it will do that when we have the political will to spread its benefits.[/quote] Much more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-reich/the-answer-isnt-socialism_b_1491243.html?ref=homepage N'


7/05/2012Where's Tony? And where's [b][i]Peta Credlin?[/i][/b] I bet [i]she's[/i] involved in this meddlin'! And if that is true They've been lying with POO - She'll need Napi-San for washing their bedlinen in! Joe Hockey please notice that this disgusting piece of scurrilous scuttlebutt is a deliberate and outrageous attempt to involve and besmirch a woman on whose character there is not the slightest stain. It is misogynistic rumour-mongering of the most despicable kind, and even hints at sexual shenanagins between the lovely Ms Credlin and our honourable Most Catholic Leader of the Opposition. It even insults your pious Nearly most Catholic Manager of Opposition Business by referring to him as POO. And I did it all myself. :) Oh speak of the Angel, here's Sloppy Joe as I go to post! Sounding STUPID! He hasn't a CLUE! The Great Dismemberment begins! Hockey on defensive . . . MSM on attack! They smell blood here. No joy to be gained from Labor. I predict Hockey will cut this short asap. I'll wait and see. Hockey's flobbering. Head-bobbing, toe-rocking, wriggly and faux giggly, Oh the next months my friends are going to be fun as They come unstuck. He stayed to the end but departed very ungraciously. Only one question about Ashbygate. They are all running for cover. But they will be unable to hide now. Abbortt Remember The Ides of September! My Eye of Time [i]sees[/i] You begone by December.


7/05/2012[b]The Media Smell Blood On That Elusive Liberal![/b] We seek you here, we seek you there. We journos seek you everywhere. Are you a bit crook, or really unwell? Come out, Tony! Come on, tell! You said there’d be a Dissolution Now you could pass that resolution Right at the start of Budget week, Before Slipper got the chance to speak. We seek you here, We seek you there! We journos hunt you everywhere! The word is out. We’ll get a bell, Then we’ll track you. We know your smell. Tony, call us! We need your story! Come on! Tell it! Make sure it’s gory! Answer our questions. Don’t cut us short. It looks so bad when you’re a spoil sport. They seek you here, they seek you there The lefties seek you everywhere! Till now you gave them nothing but frustration Now they want your decapitation. Gillard can call for your execution. After all you did cry, “Revolution!” Okay, stay lost. Your story‘s dead. Tomorrow’s headline will be, “Off with his head!”


7/05/2012From adam abdool on Poll Bludger Posted Monday, May 7, 2012 at 12:36 pm | Permalink An objective assessment of our PM: http://media.smh.com.au/news/national-times/inside-julia-gillards-character-3276345.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is why I write her name [i]*J*U*L*I*A* ![/i]


7/05/2012Ad Astra Terrific piece, and am so glad all here know it to be true. Patriciawa Your poem at 12.51 is just excellent as usual. Well, the ABC is living up to its wonderful new standards. Bash Labor by the hour, dead silence on the opposition. I think it must be only the people on blogs or twitter that are aware that and awful lot of Liberal/National politicians are involved in setting up Mr Slipper. Nothing, ziltch, nada......on any ABC medium at it at all. Oh oh, now we have the report on the HSU. Let's make up lies about Craig Thomson.


7/05/2012My view of why Gillard has it tuff: I don’t think it woulda mattered what Gillard had done…the Murdoch empire and its clones were out to get her and this government… too many of the mega-rich and corporate privileged are worried about the precedents being set… look how the super profits mining tax is spreading across the world…governments need revenue…to provide opportunities for the many… with the kind of media and business vice Gillard was/is in it’s not surprising she stumbled sometimes…any small stumble is expanded into a supernova these days by a media also looking for an audience…struggling financially… Gillard reaches out for allies, some companies…but who can you trust in this panicked world of dog eat dog, dogs and old school ties, dogs collude for profits, dogs bark loud in need for more and more profits driven by the demands of shareholders? A lady will never be safe & secure amongst the hungry dogs. Then you have a grumpy electorate…more more more (sing it)…and attacks from all sides expecting infinite from finite… And tired, overworked, house & child & eldely parent burdened incurious drivers and listeners…congested and sleepwalking…looking for easy answers and reasons to explain the sense of malaise and exhaustion and loss of youth…radios blaring with misogynistic shock jocks feeding on their apathy…spreading cynicism like a virus…infecting, infecting… and some of the elderly watching the sun get lower and lower…in more pain than ever…looking for answers in all the wrong places…oft taking the traditional route… MSM…where Gillard is now ENEMY NO. 1 Pragmatic lady making hard calls…fixing the problems of the past few PMs…Keating letting Murdoch off the leash…Howard’s neglect and carrots to too many buying votes…Rudd’s sometimes careless spending… Any wonder its hard for her in this sunburnt, sometimes rain-soaked outpost…where men have the inside track and luv it…and the corporate aristocracy thunder. N’


7/05/2012Isn't that a great testimonial, TT! Says everything we already knew about her and more! Gravel, I'm glad you like it. Sadly I think he won't stay elusive for too much longer, so my pome won't last the day in currency. Never mind, it was fun while it lasted and I have to thank Talk Turkey for the [b][i]smell blood[/i][/b] idea! In fact, I think our Tone has already surfaced alongside the PM at a Red Cross Function. It seems our heroine got a big laugh when she introduced herself and Tony Abbott there. [i]“I’m Red and he’s always cross!”[/i] Mr. Abbott was not amused!


7/05/2012Gary M, If the ALP existed in France it would be considered a right wing party, and so to claim that a win for the extremist left is a win for the ALP, or your side of politics, is a myth. Even under their now ex-president, the size of Government as a percentage of GDP was 56%; a figure considered totally ridiculous by all economists in in the non-European Western world. Oh, and if such leftist winds were to sweep the world we would be seeing Christine Milne as our PM in the next few years; and even you, i am sure, would not want that. Simple correlations are used by simple minds...


7/05/2012jj, Worry about these winds blowing about the place! Ashby's character may be in for a seeing to. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/05/life-of-the-party-james-ashby-accused-of-procuring-unwitting-young-men-for-hiv-positive-millionaire-mate-for-pleasure-palace-partying/


7/05/2012IMHO Christine Milne would be a better bet than Tony Abbott. Considering the Leader of the Opposition was a part of the Howard "core and non-core promises", "children overboard", "AWB" fiascos, Christine Milne seems to understand that a better all round result is gained by negotiation, agreement and a touch of truth in advertising. It would also have the additional benefit of a number of media proprietors and self made "shock jocks" spin so fast they'd be drilling a hole to China before the first 30 days were up :D.


7/05/2012 Sue at Cafe Whispers has given us the link to the Red Cross do. http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/blogs/the-pulse/politics-live-may-7-2012-20120507-1y7me.html#ixzz1uA2a2ZTg I thanked her and told her much I love the picture of the PM sitting alongside Abbott with her little girl ‘aren’t I naughty’ grin, Very natural and endearing. Sue then pointed out that in that in the video clip [i]"when Abbott arrived not only did he not greet Matilda House he ignored the PM. He apologised to Matilda House. But not to the PM."[/i] I think it was after that the PM made her little quip. Who can blame her. But anyway he did look like a very angry, or at least distracted man, from the moment he stepped up on that stage. The PM looked very happy throughout.

Gary M

7/05/2012"If the ALP existed in France it would be considered a right wing party, and so to claim that a win for the extremist left is a win for the ALP, or your side of politics, is a myth. Even under their now ex-president, the size of Government as a percentage of GDP was 56%; a figure considered totally ridiculous by all economists in in the non-European Western world." JJ like mine, that is only an opinion. The Labor party consists of many factions, some of it's members would no doubt make you look like a communist. We unlike the conservatives have to serve many masters,and very unlike the conservatives, who in the main all have the same M.O. Greedy, indifferent, Er, actually it can be summed up in a few words, most of them are that shallow they could parachute out of a snakes arse. That's just their good points. Your economic theory holds about as much water as my 'Scrotum' Sarkozey got the arse because he is 1. A sleaze. 2. Taking France down the road with austerity measures that will mainly affect the poor. Besides the French are a bit more sophisticated when they know they're being screwed, they are known to revolt, storm the Bastille. It is true, conservative politics in this country at this stage is in the ascendancy, why wouldn't it be? It has the media in this country in its back pocket, and is spewing out anti Labor propaganda 24/7. With absolutely (in the scheme of things) no balance and accountability for the opposition. Even the ABC is getting like PRAVDA. Unlike some on this blog, I admit my Labor party has had its problems. But don't piss down my back and tell me its raining. The Liberal party under the tutelage of John Howard made corruption, jobs for the boys, and out right lying, an art form. People would be less inclined to insult you if you would have the decency to stop gilding the lily. The Liberal party has just as many sexual deviants, shysters, and lying arse holes as the Labor party. Christine Milne is a star, and yes I would have her as the P.M. any day. She makes Tony Abbott look like a hillbilly you would find in the hills of Kentucky.


7/05/2012Gary M What have you got against Kentucky Hillbillies? :) *J*U*L*I*A* looked marvellous on the stage with that boor. *I'm Red, he's always Cross!* As Patricia said, she was wearing "her little girl ‘aren’t I naughty’ grin, Very natural and endearing." Abbortt looked ill. Everybody else enjoyed the joke which was very much at his expense. Good on you J-Girl. [i]Go for the throat. [/i]

Tom of Melbourne

7/05/2012Has anyone here heard the latest "media beat-up" about Craig Thomson??!!


7/05/2012That was one great quip, well delivered by our PM. I've watched the video a few times now on the link provided (Thanks PatriciaWA). Before watching it online, however, I saw the report of the event on the Ch 9 6pm News with Peter Ovington. I was left wondering if they were a record of the same event. The 'doctored' video on Ch 9 made it look as if not one person laughed and that the PM was left. I know how they edited the video to give that impression but why? Why such vitriol and wilful mis-reporting of our extraordinary PM? BTW the link at http://media.smh.com.au/national/selections/im-red-hes-always-cross-3276915.html?from=newsbox works better. It does not have that long video of how to bath a baby preceding it. We are now beyond the half way point in the ABC 7pm News in the ACT and there has been no mention of the Red Cross event. Not only did Abbortt ignore Matilda House and the PM but he reached across the PM to shake hands with Christine Milne. It will go unremarked in the MSM.


7/05/2012OOPS! meant in para 2 to say 'PM was left, mouth open like a failed stand-up comic.'


7/05/2012ToM, I have heard something about it! However since you are to lazy to even vote and participate in the "democratic process" who cares what you think? You're a grub on about the same level as "rock spiders"


7/05/2012The Red Cross event did not rate a mention on the ABC 7pm News. We had the Budget being overshadowed by the Fair Work Australia & Craig Thompson matter. The same intro that we had from Uhlmann.

Tom of Melbourne

7/05/2012That’s terribly coherent Jason. No doubt entirely in accordance with the protocols for commentary on this site too. I've heard though, FWA has made some adverse findings against Craig. Can you believe it? They're probably part of some anti ALP Murdoch push.

Sir Ian Crisp

7/05/2012AA, you should have put it like this: Julia Gillard will defeat Tony Abbott in 2013. But how does she neutralize Rupert Murdoch? That statement dovetails nicely with your earlier statement: Why Julia Gillard will win the 2013 election. When you use a passive word like ‘can’ you merely deflate the upbeat mood of TPS’s ALP acolytes and soon enough the dark clouds of doubt appear.


7/05/2012ToM, "I've heard though, FWA has made some adverse findings against Craig. Can you believe it?" Yes I can! and as I understand it they are "civil matters" not "criminal". However "if" he's done the wrong thing and is found to have done so, well hang him high! I unlike you was unaware that he had been found guilty! Mary Jo Fischer from here in SA was found Guilty of assault ( should've gone for shop lifting as well),but the judge declined to record a conviction and she's still in the senate,so is there a point to this or is it just something get off on?


7/05/2012Yes, Casablanca, they do that all the time. They either ignore her altogether or distort their reports and footage to diminish her. Appalling isn't it? I tried to cheer myself up today by actually getting a new post together after all, TT and Lyn. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/that-damned-abusive-liberal-3/. I did a bit of distorting myself today, set off by the [i]smell of blood [/i]from you, TT. I hope you like this new version, now [i]The Damned Elusive Liberal![/i] All wishful thinking, I suppose, about Abbott being hunted down by the media, and getting his just deserts. I thought I'd better post it with a few notes before he and his Murdoch mates get a chance to wipe Ashby/Slipper/Brough/Coalition nexus off the public consciousness. Mind you, tomorrow promises to be very interesting!


7/05/2012Hello Swordsfolk. About four or five of us from Cafe Whispers will be meeting up in Sydney on Saturday, May the 19th. We'd be delighted if anybody from TPS would like to join us. Kindly drop a note at the Cafe if you're willing to come along and I'll email you the details. Regards, Miglo.


7/05/2012Evening All, It has been a long day checking the traps - did I miss anything? Didn't think I had. Seeing as the budget will be delivered tomorrow and we will get lot's of commentary while it is as all 'spewing forth' at you keep this in mind: [b]Leaked… Hockeys Flow Chart for #budget reply[/b] WolfCat @InsertCleverTitleHere http://www.wolfcat.com.au/randomrants/2012/05/postid-2197/


8/05/2012TODAY’S LINKS Black Budget Blasts Battling Blue Bloods , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate Don't talk about alleged "middle class welfare" to Prudence Hetherington-Alswyth. This is a woman who already felt she had sacrificed enough. And now with Wayne Swan's heartless budget, her struggling family feels it has reached rock bottom. This is their story. http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/done-like-dynasty.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email) LIFE OF THE PARTY: James Ashby accused of procuring unwitting young men for HIV positive millionaire mate for pleasure palace “partying, Vex News Speaker Peter Slipper’s harassment accuser and political player James Ashby has been accused by those familiar with his exploits on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast of socially introducing young gay men to the acquaintance of a close millionaire friend without disclosing the friend is HIV positive http://www.vexnews.com/2012/05/life-of-the-party-james-ashby-accused-of-procuring-unwitting-young-men-for-hiv-/ FWA urges civil suit against Thomson: experts respond , Justin Norrie, The Conversation Third, reform of the relationship between unions and the ALP is long overdue. With the decline in union and party memberships, the relationship has become too narrowly based and operates too much like a closed network. A more open relationship is required, http://theconversation.edu.au/fwa-urges-civil-suit-against-thomson-experts-respond-6891 Compare The Pair – Tony Abbott refuses to answers questions V Arrested Development Chicken Dance, Turn Left 2013 Tony Abbott deals with anything he doesn’t like, for example, for a man who has been running an election campaign since he lost in 2010, endlessly fronting the media, he has been strangely absent for the past several days http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/compare-the-pair-tony-abbott-refuses-to-answers-questions-v-arrested-development-chicken-dance/ Budget BonBons, Only The Depth Varies My response, via Twitter, to Paul Murray's question was that the change occurred during the Howard years, when each budget included some kind of allowance or bonus or tax cut to help Howard's 'Aussie Battlers' - families in the mortgage belt...except that we got greedy. http://onlythedepthvaries.blogspot.com.au/ Who’s a low taxing government? This one, Stephen Koukoulas If Mr Hockey and the Coalition are to deliver this guarantee, yet aim for Budget surpluses of 1% of GDP at the same time, which is also a Coalition objective, they are going to have to deliver net spending cuts of around $20 billion per annum. Throw in the fact that they are rescinding the carbon and mining taxes http://www.marketeconomics.com.au/1960-whos-a-low-taxing-government-this-one Reserve steals Swan’s budget forecasts thunder, Ross Gittins While normal people are awaiting tomorrow night's federal budget to see if the measures Wayne Swan announces are naughty or nice, misguided souls in business and the financial markets are more interested in knowing Treasury's forecasts for the economy in2012-13. http://www.rossgittins.com/2012/05/reserve-steals-swans-budget-forecasts.html TIP FOR SWAN- The right way to present budget forecasts, Peter Martin Stephen Bartos at ACIL Tasman tells me the Bank of England introduced them in 1996, the UK Office of Budget Responsibility uses them too.Our Reserve Bank is moving in that direction. It's latest collection of forecasts uses a very wide range of projections for the out years. http://www.petermartin.com.au/ The many adventures of Clive Palmer, James Thomson, The Power Index, James Thomson, The Power Index Palmer says he will target Wayne Swan's seat of Lilley, although Opposition Leader Tony Abbott seems more than a little unsure if the entrepreneur would actually get pre-selection. But Palmer is talking much bigger than a Brisbane seat. "I see it very important http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/analysis/the-many-adventures-of-clive-palmer Monday in Canberra, Miglo, Café Whispers We have been following the “slippery slipper” across a few stories . But it may end up with its own thread with the revelations today in the Age. Just how many Liberals are involved will soon be left to the bookies, I guess http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/monday-in-canberra/ That Damned Abusive Liberal!, Patricia wa, Polliepomes Four days from Friday to Monday without an interview or statement for mainstream media was a record for him. When he did front this morning on stage with the Prime Minister at a Red Cross function .http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/author/patriciawa/ Keneally's nihilism and the mother of all backflips, Mungo Maccallam, The Drum In other words, the Prime Minister should stand in parliament and announce that she is repealing the legislation that she has spent nearly a year and a half manoeuvring through both houses, so abandoning all her principles and allies in a last, desperate effort to kowtow to the rent seekers, shock jocks and opinion polls; http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3995528.htm 4G faster than the NBN? I don’t think so, Renai LeMay, Delimeter However, the long-term future for the NBN is even better than that of Telstra’s 4G network. Long-term, the NBN can be upgraded to support gigabit speeds. That is, 1000Mbps or similar. Will Telstra’s 4G network ever offer gigabit per second speeds? Not in the foreseeable future. Right now, it will be a very hard ask even to get it to do something a tenth that speed over the next decade or so — 100Mbps. And that’s still a theoretical peak speed, http://delimiter.com.au/2012/05/07/4g-faster-than-the-nbn-i-dont-think-so/ Too hard for Coalition to reverse NBN, says Forrester, Australian Financial Review the opposition party has promised to halt further development of the NBN,” the report said. “NBN Co has made binding agreements that will be hard for any incoming government to reverse and even the opposition has vowed to lift Australia’s performance with its alternative broadband policy. http://www.afr.com/p/technology/too_hard_for_coalition_to_reverse_fPVSWzQwtVyUyvtq2zz1CN .Video Opposition reacts, Government responds to HSU report release, 7.30pm Report Opposition Leader in the Senate Eric Abetz reveals the contents of the Fair Work report on the Health Services Union, and Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten responds http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2012/s3497431.htm Episode 14, 7 May 2012 , Media watch The Convergence Review's Final Report was released to the media at 11am last Monday. But some papers had already been busy telling us what would be in it - and getting it wrong. Four days earlier, The Australian had run this on its front page: http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s3497375.htm Thomson named in FWA report, Lateline The Fair Work Australia investigation into the Health Services Union has been released under parliamentary privilege, naming Federal MP Craig Thomson. http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3497517.htm Show me the money... Q and A ABC Here are the questions our panel faced this week. Tell us what your answer would be or what you think our panellists need to say. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/txt/s3492211.htm


8/05/2012TODAY'S FRONT PAGES Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 8 May 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia

Ad astra

8/05/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


8/05/2012Lyn, Gracias for all the valuable links and tweets today and over the weekend. Tony Abbott this morning: [b]Even this surplus is like a culinary delight...and being that my last budget reply was based on rubbery & artificial figures...I'm going to project that onto the Treasurer's surplus...and keep boringly saying my negative label for the week to see if it sticks...artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial me...I mean them...the surplus...not me...definitely not me...I'm not artificial am I Joe?...Joe?...JOE?...artificial, artificial, artificial, artificial...[/b] N'


8/05/2012Here's a thought...instead of trying to neutralise Murdoch, how about the PM stops treating us like half-wits and stops diminishing her office with cynical realpolitik??? FFS it's like bloody Mafia runs the country these days. Forget the light on the hill - its all about the red light outside the brothel.


8/05/2012 Example of an artificial sweetener: Anything offered up by Tony Abbott that his Lib and Nat colleagues won't go for...and the country cannot afford: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/business-sounds-alarm-over-abbotts-parental-leave-plan-20120306-1uifh.html and: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/liberals-split-on-parental-leave-20120305-1uefc.html and: http://www.chrisbowen.net/media-centre/blogs.do?newsId=5709 N'


8/05/2012 Now courtesy of Sky News (partially controlled by Rupert's Sinistry of Propaganda and Public Dumbing Down) Tony Abbott's latest words of pissdom: [b]As long as the government does what John Howard and I have done in the past by accepting a democratically-elected member of the parliament's vote this is a tainted love affair with Coalition style politics...and we can't have that kind of tainted love reminding the Australian public yet again how truly tainted Coalition politics has been since the AWB scandal, Tampa affair, children overboard lies, Iraq War bum slumming with Bush based on sexed-up evidence, the Gretched Affair, accepting Peter Slipper's vote to win the leadership then knifing him...tainted, tainted, tainted, tainted, tainted tainted me...NO NO NO NO them...not me...them...we're not tainted..are we Malcolm?...Malcolm?...MALCOLM?...tainted, tainted, tainted...[/b] N'


8/05/2012Good Morning Ad Here is this mornings Twitterverse for everybody: Latika Bourke ‏ Tingle: Swan to forecast $1.5b surplus and scrap biz tax cut: http://www.afr.com/p/national/company_tax_cuts_at_risk_lermqmlXdQN4s1B94qoxHP Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk To all the surplus knockers, would a deficit of $10b? $20b? be better? Why not $30b? See how silly their argument is? Rob Stott‏@Rob_Stott Could someone please tell me how the PM is supposed 'disown' Craig Thomson's vote? He can vote however he wants and she can't stop him. Rob Stott‏@Rob_Stott 2FBS Made more ridiculous by the fact the PM has no power to reject a vote. She's done all she can by kicking him out of Labor ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Budget 2012: a recipe for disaster - a piece by Bill Mitchell http://bit.ly/KSbEo2 #budget2012 John Hanna‏@John_Hanna I don't suppose @BreakfastNews will be interviewing Gail Kelly from Westpac. http://www.smh.com.au/business/hands-off-julia-gillard-says-westpac-boss-20120507-1y954.html Hands off Julia Gillard, says Westpac boss http://www.smh.com.au/business/hands-off-julia-gillard-says-westpac-boss-20120507-1y954.html David Bradbury MP ‏@DavidBradburyMP Good story in the @PenrithPress about Nepean Clinical School built with Federal Government funds http://ow.ly/1LPBs4 Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Ahead of #Budget2012 @SwannyDPM makes his case for a return to surplus in @FinancialReview [free] http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/restraint_creates_room_to_move_TRD9pzOf8cRys0Jdx8yDCK #auspol #ausecon Financial Review‏@FinancialReview IMF says advanced economies must cut public debt but the mix of austerity vs growth should vary by country [free] http://www.afr.com/p/world/austerity_versus_growth_false_debate_OSliF6C9pBLEmCDMu6uw0N #ASX The Age‏@theage Budget? What budget? We're too busy watching the sex scandals, says Tony Wright http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/swan-an-alsoran-as-scandals-gather-steam-20120507-1y95l.html via @theage The Age‏@theage Thomson damned by HSU findings http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/thomson-damned-by-hsu-findings-20120507-1y96q.html via @theage Paul Bongiorno‏@PaulBongiorno Just yesterday the FWA inquiry was " politically motivated cover up" or "incompetent" now the Opposition says it's "thorough Nobody‏@iFigaro2u Top quality journalism from the Age again http://m.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/circumcision-debate-fires-up-as-medicare-benefits-reviewed-20120507-1y936.html vexnews‏@vexnews How do you 'disown' or 'not accept' a vote? #auspol #confused http://bit.ly/IDoRyq jan jay‏@batterbox Both sexes are to blame for misogynist vitriol against Gillard http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/both-sexes-are-to-blame-for-misogynist-vitriol-against-gillard-20120507-1y8zg.html via @smh Mark Reed‏@champagnesocial Not standing by Thomo, standing by agreement. Distinct difference. RT @perthnow: Windsor standing by Labor Thomson http://bit.ly/KT65FY walabytrack‏@walabytrack Joyce takes Brough to task over meeting with Slipper's accuser | http://smh.com.au - National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Swan's song to be in the key of austerity http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/business/federal-budget/swans-song-to-be-in-the-key-of-austerity-20120507-1y94s.html via @NationalTimesAU National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Phillip Coorey Joyce takes Brough to task over meeting with Slipper's accuser http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/joyce-takes-brough-to-task-over-meeting-with-slippers-accuser-20120507-1y95o.html via @NationalTimesAU vexnews‏@vexnews Malcolm Farr Tonight is about the surplus, not leadership speculation http://bit.ly/JQUdWb #auspol #ausbudget National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Thomson's credit card lies confirmed http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/political-news/thomsons-credit-card-lies-confirmed-20120507-1y964.html via @NationalTimesAU ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Video of the Day (via @ABCMediaWatch): The media's misreporting of the convergence review http://bit.ly/zoMZ4h #mediawatch :):):):)

Ad astra

8/05/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for yet another great set of links - wasn't Mr Denmore's piece delightful - and the Twitterverse, so varied, so intriguing. I'll be out for a couple of hours but hopefully back in time for the start of parliament.


8/05/2012Patricia Smokin'! But he's actually "That [i]Constipated[/i] Liberal"! You said "You said there’d be a dissolution, Now you could pass that resolution, Right at the start of Budget week, Before Slipper got a chance to speak." No, Abbortt can't pass resolutions - Too much trouble with ablutions! Eighteen months to move that motion: Windsor prescribes a laxative potion! :) Abbortt him one nasty Janus: Him two-faced, each mouth an anus! Stand well clear, but never fear: It's only verbal diarrhoea! I don't think he can move anything while Slipper is still in the Chair, and when Slipper has finished being in the Chair he's not in the House any more I think . . ? . . So that will be that. Oh here's a funny thing. I've thought about this for a while but I can't see anyone else mentioned it . . . when Anna Burke is in the chair she might give Ministers a little more rein in answering questions. . . I think Slipper was too tight altogether on Relevance, to the extent that he called *J*U*L*I*A* several times for simply comparing Labor's performance etc with the NOposition's. I think genuine comparison and contrast is a fair part of any answer. If so there'll be some lively hatred coming from Them crying Foul. But they do that anyway no matter what. Will Anna do her 'nana? Stand by for today's drama Comrades. What will happen, and what might happen today, is all [i]unprecedented[/i]. And this week is very important to Labor. Swan was perfect on doorstep, completely on focus and sounding very confident in whacking the Thomson questions away, and in doing so letting the journalists know their business. I think Swan is great. Wasn't there somebody called [b]Ashby?[/b] No mention of him on ABC this morning, not one on Q&A last night! Duck me fed those questions are crooked! The first one was a story all in itself, [i]these questions are vetted first, [/i]they are not randomly picked from the audience! There's Wormtongue Jones KNOWING the questions, smug creep, gleeful at the tone of the question he has personally chosen! [i]That's not what's supposed to happen![/i] It's the equivalent of astroturfing, well no it's 'way worse! Does no-one else see this as a parody of what Q&A is supposed to be about? [i]Vetted questions!?[/i] Like that first one last night? *What do you think?* Abbortt: The Prime Minister need not accept Thomson's tainted vote. Give me strength. Oh Windsor and Oakeshott should wake up to themselves . . . again . . . Abbortt remember The Ides of September And see I'm right about the perfectly balanced budget . . . $1.5 billion . . . Howzat for perfect balance! "Twenty pounds and a [i]penny!"[/i] What it shows is that the Government is in superbly nuanced control. Will that make Australia the first developed economy back in balance? I love little Tweetie's Bright notes every dawn! By the time I have read them, The whole morning's gorn! (K)


8/05/2012Great article ad so refreshing to get balance. And thanks for all the links. I despair at the thought of federal labor going the way of QLD. If the electorate keeps having this unbalanced view forced on them by Murdoch (and lets face it the ABC is no better - they really get up my nose)the Australian people will be the losers. Abbott has no policies and it looks like if 'we' are going to give him power then why should he do anything other then be this hideous attack dog, with these relentless one liners. His PPL? I can't believe this gets serious consideration by the media? What he is saying is some babies are worth supporting to the tune of 75K and some are worth 15K, or 8K and if you don't work ...well hey yours are worth nothing. And we see no problem in that?


8/05/2012 How many people with kids, mortgages, debts work almost til they drop? Plenty. And they are so exhausted they don't have much time to do anything but trust that their financial leaders are doing the right thing. More and more over the years tho they've begun to wake up to the mess...the corruption...the arrogance that lies beneath. More and more people are starting to believe too many leaders of the world's finance companies/corporations are takin' them for a ride. Are in fact psychopaths...morally bankrupt...criminals. Helping a privileged few at the expense of the many. Not to be trusted. Unable to recognise their contribution to the GFC. Increasingly the people are becoming annoyed, angry, rejecting austerity measures that wound the many...but too oft turn out to be wagging fingers...minimal punishment and deterrents for the psychos and highly testosteroned and conniving sh*ts that ran the financial system and housing markets into the ground. The trust has been lost. I wonder why?: [b]Sandy Weill, Builder Of Too Big To Fail, No Longer Accepts Blame For Crisis[/b] [quote]The man who brought you Too Big To Fail has had just about enough of everybody blaming him for big banks failing. In an interview with Fortune's Nin-Hai Tseng, Sandy Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup, said his lumbering beast of a bank, and other lumbering beasts like it, aren't to blame for the crisis. Weill was the CEO of Citigroup until late 2003, during the key "becoming a monstrous disaster waiting to happen" phase of its existence. He lobbied, tirelessly and successfully, to break down Depression-era regulations against banks becoming too big. He even has a plaque in his office that boasts "The Shatterer of Glass-Steagall," according to a New York Times report. And after (or, really, before) those regulatory shackles were cast aside, Weill worked tirelessly and successfully to bolt as many moving parts onto Citigroup as he could. Every other bank followed suit, just to keep up. Citi was king of them all for a while, the biggest bank in the world, and Weill rode off into the sunset in 2006, when he retired as chairman, his handiwork complete. And then the wheels started to come off. About a year and a half after his departure as chairman, Citi announced horrific losses due to its exposure to subprime mortgages, and a year after that the government pumped $45 billion into the bank to keep it from creating a black hole into which all of our money would be sucked. Citi has ever since been shedding as many of the parts Sandy Weill bolted on as it can. So, naturally, Sandy Weill, whom Time magazine labeled one of the "25 People To Blame For the Financial Crisis," feels deep regret for all of this, no? No! Are you kidding? Do you really think the man who loaded half his family tree onto a Citigroup jet for a Mexican vacation just weeks after the bank received the second of its enormous taxpayer bailout checks still has a functioning shame gland? [/quote] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-gongloff/sandy-weill-too-big-to-fail_b_1497761.html Grrrrr.... and the bankers wonder why we don't believe them when they make justifications for sucking more and more money out of us... and when they attack governments trying to tax the bigwigs more to provide more opportunities for the many. Clean house I say...clean house. Demolish some. Time to rebuild. Regain trust. N'


8/05/2012Good Morning Nasking Thankyou for being brilliant, providing a constant source of information. You are definately keeping TPS's engine revved up. Fast forward. (Gracias for all the valuable links and tweets today and over the weekend) the very same back to you Nasking. :):):)


8/05/2012 [b]plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose[/b] (the more things change, the more they stay the same): [quote]Mitt Romney is campaigning across the country as a business-turnaround specialist, casting himself as a political outsider who understands “the real economy.” Yet to craft his economic plans, the Republican presidential candidate has turned to a group of Washington insiders. Among the financial and business experts advising Romney’s campaign are Columbia University’s R. Glenn Hubbard and Harvard University’s N. Gregory Mankiw, both economists who headed the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush. Rounding out the team are former Missouri Senator Jim Talent and onetime Minnesota Congressman Vin Weber, now Republican lobbyists at Washington-based firms... [b]Ties to Bush Hubbard, who helped craft the 2001 Bush tax cuts, played a key role in drafting Romney’s tax initiatives. He, and later Mankiw, chaired the Council of Economic Advisers amid the slowest job growth for any prior president since World War II.[/b] “[b]Glenn Hubbard helped George Bush turn record budget surpluses into record deficits with massive tax cuts for the rich, and he’s ready to do the same for Mitt Romney,”[/b] said Obama for America Policy Director James Kvaal in an April 25 statement.[/quote] http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-05-07/romney-economic-outsider-image-backed-by-bush-era-policy More on [b]Glenn Hubbard[/b]: [b]Inside job - Glenn Hubbard backed into a corner[/b] http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=CaXNqGgIc-g Hmmm... So Americans can TRUST Mitt Romney and his team then? N'


8/05/2012Hi LadyinRed You definately need a big thankyou for your comments. I hope you make TPS Your Place to Come Too. hideous attack dog you said, well it seems he is very cranky today, and barking like a rabies ridden dog. Here is some Abbott gossip: Fit & Proper Breaking: Abbott to refuse Thomson's vote in support of a no confidence motion. #auspol Latika Bourke ‏ PM Julia Gillard on her and Tony Abbott being bipartisan for Red Cross - 'I'm Red, he's always Cross.' #lol Askgerbil Now‏ bJillHallMP Tony Abbott's idea for a carbon tax was stolen by the Gillard Labor Government http://blog.gerbilnow.com/2012/05/threat-to-secular-government-in.html #auspol #carbontax Sky News Australia‏ Abbott re Thomson: "this is a tainted government relying on the tainted vote of a tainted member." Zuvele Leschen If Julia Gillard is to blame for everything that happens in a union, does Tony Abbott get to wear the blame for corporate fraud? #auspol :):):):)


8/05/2012Cheers Lyn. Yer a gem. Doin' it tuff: [b]Black Budget Blasts Battling Blue Bloods[/b] [quote]Don't talk about alleged "middle class welfare" to Prudence Hetherington-Alswyth. This is a woman who already felt she had sacrificed enough. And now with Wayne Swan's heartless  budget, her struggling family feels it has reached rock bottom. This is their story. True blue Australian battlers, the Hetherington-Alswyths did not land here off a boat.  (Well, not quite, Prudence's great-great-great grandfather Horace did arrive in Adelaide on a clipper in the 1870s to buy a 50,000 hectare pastoral property in the South Australian hinterland). "Christmas Island? I'd like some of that," says Prudence with a snort. "We haven't had a decent Christmas at Whistler in at least three seasons. Lawrence is looking at skiing in Innsbruck this year. And have you got any idea of the price of the ski-lift there?" [b]Lawrence, an investment banker, has seen his bonus halved in the four years since the financial crisis, lost his paid parking space due to the crackdown on fringe benefits  and now as a high income earner faces losing his tax concessions on super.[/b] "Success has become a sin in this country since these jackboot socialists and their tree-hugging, koala-cuddling mates dragged their fat behinds across the line in 2010,  "Lawrence says. "I mean look at the wine cellar. We're buying cleanskins for goodness sake! Have these people got any idea about the dignity of the Aussie family?"[/quote] Thnx for the link Lyn. Mr. Denmore knows a family, dynasty in strife when he sees one. http://thefailedestate.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/done-like-dynasty.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email [b]Playing a Sad Tune on Tiny Violin[/b] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxauqa7rJgI Boohoo...boohoo... N'


8/05/2012Okay, I am already strapped in and ready to watch Question Time on ABC24 and hope they show the lot......probably not if it is going to look bad for the Nopposition. Lyn Thanks for your great links, and the extra bonus of some tweets. I don't understand how twitter works but I am following quite a few people, and you seem to pick a few of the good one's I see.

Gary M

8/05/2012"Does no-one else see this as a parody of what Q&A is supposed to be about? Vetted questions!? Like that first one last night? *What do you think?*" You must be some what confused, didn't you mean the 'Kelly O'Dwyer'show? This women apart from being more plastic than a Chinese toy factory, is smug to the point of nausea. Does she ever, I mean, does she ever shut the F.U ? Never before have I heard a women prattle on about ten minutes with out taking a breath, and say absolutely F.A. She was dead set going blue from lack of oxygen. She could no doubt swim to the bottom and back of the San Andreas trench in one breath. I mean how old is this women? The way she prattles on about the world, I would have thought she was born in about 1860. She may just have been a friend of Florence Nightingale who knows Jesus!. I have no doubt she is a twin of Sophie Mirabella they both have facial expressions that look like they came out of Madam Tussuad's. Fixed in a constant state of 'Smug' Then there was old Richo. Now anyone not growing up in Australia and taking a passing interest in politics, would think this over weight gas bag was a paid up member of the ILiberal party. The real laugh was when he said Labor was in his DNA and he would always vote Labor. Yep I bet that's real cold comfort to Julia Gillard who he sat and bagged all night. Yep folks there it is the modern Labor party in action. If it was up to me I would cancel his membership. What a laugh. OBTW who was the blond air head on the panel who giggled now and then and just looked, well just looked blond? Yep take out Mark Bouris and Mark Butler the only two on the panel who actually said anything with any depth, we were left with a three ring circus. A fat man, an air head and a female Albert Einstein impersonator. Tony Jones. The joke about the credit card went down like a lead balloon. Just like his show I guess. What a load of unmitigated crap. No more for me this show is done.


8/05/2012From the tweets offered up by Lyn: Zuvele Leschen [b]If Julia Gillard is to blame for everything that happens in a union, does Tony Abbott get to wear the blame for corporate fraud? [/b]#auspol I wonder if any of Abbott's team were partners in firms that defended big tobacco?: http://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/folklaw/bishop-taunts-gillard-on-lawyerly-past How many deaths by tobacco? Perhaps Abbott shouldn't accept that vote. N'


8/05/2012Hi Gravel You are such a little sweetie. Tell me your twitter name and I will follow you, then you get to see the tweets of who follows me. Also you can follow my followers then they will follow you back. Howz that. cheers Gravel :):)


8/05/2012Interesting: [b]The Final Collapse? The Nuclear Industry Has Melted in Japan and France[/b] by HARVEY WASSERMAN Counterpunch [quote]There are zero commercial reactors operating in Japan today.  On March 10, 2011, there were 54 licensed to operate, well over 10% percent of the global fleet. But for the first time in 42 years, a country at the core of global reactor electricity is producing none of its own. Worldwide, there are fewer than 400 operating reactors for the first time since Chernobyl, a quarter-century ago. And France has replaced a vehemently pro-nuclear premier with the Socialist Francois Hollande, who will almost certainly build no new reactors.  For decades France has been the “poster child” of atomic power.  But Hollande is likely to follow the major shift in French national opinion away from nuclear power and toward the kind of green-powered transition now redefining German energy supply. In the United States, a national grassroots movement to stop federal loan guarantees could end new nuclear construction altogether.  New official cost estimates of $9.5 to $12 billion per reactor put the technology off-scale for any meaningful competition with renewables and efficiency. In India, more than 500 women have joined an on-going hunger strike against construction of reactors at Koodankulam.  And in China, more than 30 reactors hang in the balance of a full assessment of the true toll of the Fukushima disaster. [b]But it seems to have no end.  Three melted cores still smolder.  New reports from US Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), confirm that at least one spent fuel pool suspended 100 feet in the air, bearing tons of hugely toxic rods, could crash to the ground with another strong earthquake—a virtual certainty by most calculations. Those uncovered fuel rods contain radioactive cesium and other isotopes far beyond what was released at Chernobyl.  A fire could render vast stretches of Japan permanently uninhabitable (if they are not already).  The death toll could easily claim millions worldwide, including many of us here, where the cloud would come down within a week.[/b][/quote] http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/05/07/the-nuclear-industry-has-melted-in-japan-and-france/ But windpower makes noise...hasn't got the aesthetics required for the landscape...warms the ground a bit more... N'


8/05/2012Nasking You are a deep wide minefield of information. Your writings are the broadest of anyone's I know. I don't always agree with you but I dips me lid on content and original opinion and peregrinicity. Hang in Bear Man. Ten minutes to the players coming onto the field. The ump is expected to swallow his own whistle before the game gets under way. And then we'll have an umpirella! Now that will be something! Here we go. GAME ON! For the beginning of the third quarter! Slipper acknowledges Country. He starts Gawd's Prayer (and the broadcast sound almost fails!) Now he is making his statement. [i]Go Slipper![/i] He is sounding staunch and rightly so. He protests his innocence and calls for the reaffirmation of the presumption of innocence. Beware Abbortt! Slipper sounds very sure of his grounds here. Hands over to Anna Burke, steps down, [i]exit[/i]. Nothing more, (and that was about as I anticipated.) Condolences now. Phony war time while frontbenchers oxygenate their lungs . . . And QT must be about to the hostilest ever! [i]The throat[/i], Guvnors! [i]Go for the throat![/i]


8/05/2012 How sweet...the People's Party of Spain are about to bailout Bankia...no links between them of course: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/05/06/uk-bankia-idUKBRE84504K20120506 And: [b]Spain to spend billions on bank rescue[/b] http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/dfd702ee-9840-11e1-8617-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=published_links%2Frss%2Fcompanies%2Ffeed%2F%2Fproduct#axzz1uFPdN8Mu Nationalise the banks? Out of the question. Where would the sweets come from? The people really cleaning house? [b]No Way, José[/b] Just handover the dinero suckers...the voracious beasts must be fed. You can go to the back of the line. N'


8/05/2012Gary M I am getting to be a fan of your acerbic sprays . . . And Anna Burke sounds very firm indeed to POOPOO. Oh they've got the sound fixed at last.


8/05/2012 Pyne put forward the motion to suspend standing and sessional orders today. He's become yet another Abbott lacky. Pyne's judgement can't be criticised...he's one of those "always gets it right" characters: "[b]Now Barnaby Joyce has that job as (shadow) minister for finance, I'm very confident he'll do it well." [/b] http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/pyne-defends-joyces-finance-appointment-20100214-nyzz.html Whoops. N'


8/05/2012GO ANNA! GO ANNA! GO ANNA! GO ANNA! You shut POO-POO up the World's Coolest Manner! He looks like he's stuffed with a monster banana! GO ANNA! GO ANNA! GO ANNA! GO ANNA!


8/05/2012AA In the past week I have chosen not to contribute here, nor have I been visiting for a read. I am always enthusiastic about debating issues and reading others' research, poems, and points of view. However I have come to the opinion that some of the posts here are in dire need of moderating. I am not a puritan and can and do curse and swear and talk crudely, but in a time and place. In the past week or so comments of the ilk of the following have been published here: [quote]"trying to r**t your mate's missus" "sniff the air t see if she f**ted" "watching a couple do it doggy style" "try to lick your a*se" "tongues stuck up the chutney locker"[/quote] I have abbreviated a few words , unlike in the original posts. These are but a few of the available examples. As a visitor to a number of sites, I have very very rarely seen this level of uncalled-for vocabulary exceeded. IMO it reduces the appeal and otherwise good quality of TPS. In good faith.


8/05/2012Psyclaw @ 03:49 PM I second the motion.

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8/05/2012LadyinRed Thank you for your kind remarks. I wonder does Tony Abbott remember Brendan Nelson’s remark that ‘all babies are equal’. Nasking You are a fountain of useful information. Thank you for your postings from multiple sources.

Ad astra

8/05/2012psyclaw It is my desire, as I see it is yours, that this site be free of impolite and crude comments. There is no need for them and they do detract from the quality of the site. I have asked repeatedly that we abstain from personal abuse, and that we all show decorum in making our points. Sometimes, in the passion of the discourse, some bloggers go over the top and use indecorous words. I once more ask all who blog here to be respectful and courteous and use civil language. It is a pity when otherwise useful contributions need to be deleted because they include unacceptable language.


8/05/2012Cheers Ad & TT. I does me best. :) N'


8/05/2012 Got a chuckle out of me: Worst budget in the history of the world balanced media discussion open thread May 8, 2012 – 11:47 am, by Jeremy Sear @ Crikey blogs     [quote]And this is what we demand of Wayne Swan: He must cut government waste He must not cut any services any of us actually like He must produce a surplus He must not increase revenue by raising taxes He must keep interest rates low although this means the economy’s COLLAPSING He must not tax the rich (class warfare) He must keep inflation down. He must keep growth high.[/quote] http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2012/05/08/worst-budget-in-the-history-of-the-world-balanced-media-discussion-open-thread/ -------- Good old Pure Poison blog...always spot on. BTW, I wonder if Hockey's reply to the budget will be original...or the words of a backseat driver?: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn5115484 N'


8/05/2012Many thanks AA As my examples show, my issue is about extreme crudity. By and large I think that your urgings for no personal abuse on TPS is pretty well and widely observed. Indiscretions are fairly rare. Whilst some level of personal abuse occurs in the hustle and bustle of political debate on most websites, outright crudity gives the impression of a site which is not too classy. I wish that TPS remains the classy site it has been in the past. Regards


8/05/2012Hi Ad I have collected some tweets for you on Question time today. Anyone that missed QT should nearly know exactly what happened by reading the tweets. 2 censure motions :- Stephanie Peatling‏ Slipper - I am entitled to presumption of innocence and a proper hearing in the courts. Trial by media is unfortunate. #qt #auspol Marian Dalton‏ Slipper: 'I believe I am entitled, like any other person, to have the presumption of innocence'. #qt Justin Barbour‏ It's straight up with a suspension motion from Christopher Pyne National Times‏ Video of Peter Slipper's statement to Parliament: http://media.nationaltimes.com.au/video-national-times/national-times AdelaideNow‏ Peter Slipper has declared his innocence as the Opposition tried to bring back former Speaker Harry Jenkins. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/former-speaker-peter-slipper-has-declared-his-innocence-as-opposition-tries-to-bring-back-harry-jenkins/story Greg Jericho‏ Abbott's use of "debt ceiling" shows his use of right wing US political tactics continues unabated. #qt Greg Jericho‏ LNP talking gross debt instead of net debt. Geez this is stupid. #qt Brigadier Slog‏ 51 failed SSOs in the house, 51 failed SSOs, if the Libs move another SSO it will be 52 failed SSOs in the house.. #qt#auspol The Daily Telegraph‏ Opposition attempting to suspend Thomson http://bit.ly/KWmeKXTHE Opposition is attempting to suspend former Labor MP Craig Thomson from parliament for 14 sitting days SBS News‏ Opposition attempting to suspend #Thomson http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1648605/Opposition-attempting-to-suspend-Thomson Judith Ireland‏ Wilkie moving to the coalition side again #thomson #standingorders Judith Ireland‏ Vote lost 72 to 70 #thomson ozleaks‏ Hypocrisy at its best, media reporting Slippers accusation of "trial by media" in which the media are the judge, jury & executioner #Auspol Jennifer Wilson‏@NoPlaceforSheep2FBS Indecent assault: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/07/17/1089694611809.html

Ad astra

8/05/2012Folks After a busy few days with family matters, I’m trying to catch up with political events. What an intense period it has been. It seems extraordinary that just when the Government needs some clear air for this most important event of the year, the Budget, the Craig Thomson affair should have come to a head the day before the Budget is to be presented. Is this just an unfortunate coincidence? We might have expected that the media and the Opposition would be all over the Fair Work Australia report on the HSU when it came out, and they are. Let’s hope that after this afternoon’s lamentable session in parliament, the way has been cleared somewhat for proper reception of, and debate about the 2012/2013 Budget. It is hard to imagine how the Opposition could carry on as they did this afternoon when important economic matters that concern the future of the nation need attention. I hope that Opposition supporters witnessing today’s charade in the House will realize that Tony Abbott and the Coalition are much more focussed on destructive politics than they are in contributing to the economic future of the country. Winning power by destructive and obstructive behaviour is all that interests them. The nation can go to pot as far as they are concerned. Last night’s Q&A was appalling in many ways. Graeme Richardson was at his destructive worst. There is nothing as despicable as a turncoat. Kelly O’Dwyer seemed unable to stop the flow of vindictive words aimed at Julia Gillard and the Government. Tony Jones had difficulty stemming her overbearing logorrhea. What a contrast Mark Butler was. Calm, logical, articulate and not overbearing. He commanded respect and attention. I thought businessman Mark Bouris was sound and balanced, and made a worthwhile contribution. Kate Miller-Heidke seemed to be there mainly to sing at the end. Her contribution was paltry, and at times rude. Clearly, she knew little about the questions being asked; once again we saw our PM spoken of in a most disrespectful way. Surely Tony Jones could tell his panel to show respect not just for our PM, but for all parliamentarians. It is no wonder there is such disrespect for politicians and our parliament when ABC programs allow such condemnatory remarks to be made, as occurred when Germaine Greer was on the panel, and again last night. It is yet another example of the media being a central part of the Government’s problem. Tony Jones was salivating at some of the nasty anti-Government questions and comments. Let’s hope tonight’s appraisal of the Budget will be fair and balanced.


8/05/2012I don't watch Q&A anymore. I lament what the ABC has become. I found this on Ashby. hmmm. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/05/life-of-the-party-james-ashby-accused-of-procuring-unwitting-young-men-for-hiv-positive-millionaire-mate-for-pleasure-palace-partying/


8/05/2012Hi Pysclaw You place Ad Astra in a very precarious position. You have not named the particular commenter or post you are offended by. Ad Astra does not have the time to read every single post and perhaps some words may go unnoticed at times. You will remember just a day or 2 ago there was a barrage of troll comments, this caused Ad Astra grave concern in deciding whether these people should be banned or just deleted as the offending posts are discovered. You will appreciate that owning and moderating a "not for profit Blog site" is not as easy as it looks. Maintainence is time consuming, writing and posting articles takes time. Decisions may not always please some. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ad Astra for providing "The Political Sword" as a platform for all the over 400 commenters that visit here. I trust you and Norman K will take the time to consider what you would like Ad Astra to do to please you???? Does Ad Astra bann the person/persons concerned, that means remove their registration from the system? Does he punish the commenter by deleting his/her post? Does he name and shame ?


8/05/2012 I enjoy psyclaw's comments. Being a classy joint I believes we should dress appropriate: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv5tuKwb2Vk ;) N'


8/05/2012 [b]I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ad Astra for providing "The Political Sword" as a platform for all the over 400 commenters that visit here.   [/b] Well said Lyn. I'll join you in that. Gracias Ad. N'


8/05/2012 [quote]I don't watch Q&A anymore. [/quote] LadyInRed, same here. I got tired of the usual dump on PM Gillard and government opening question... the catering to Labor rats who prefer to dump on an ALP government to bring in the dosh than try to help promote their good cause... the spruiking of News Ltd types... Tony Jones acting like a smart-arse ring-master and egotistical prat instead of a dignified host... the list goes on. I have no desire to visit that circus again. It's well past its use-by-date. N'


8/05/2012Hi Nasking Thankyou for seconding me in thanking Ad Astra..I can vouch for Ad in his efforts to maintain a standard on this blog, I have been seeing this happen for three years.... I just admire Ad Astra and am understanding of the amount of time he dedicates to this blog. I know there were numerous comments deleted recently, the decision would not have been made without a considerable amount of deliberation from Ad Astra. With regards to words appearing here and there I would imagine they would be easily missed from time to time. BTW the comments have been over 70 lots of days and even more, very difficult to read every single comment in detail by one person. Nasking I must tell you I like your classy Dinner Suit, real fur too. I do enjoy everybody really. Cheers:):):):):)


8/05/2012Swan majestic, unruffled by occasional outbreak of braying. Anna Burke sounding [i]Don't-You-Dare-Try-Me! [/i]to the Abborttians, and I think she will be the best Speaker of all, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Look out Pyne and Abbortt! More Power to you say I Anna. No pomp, just firm sound rulings and just enough wriggle room to make it a sensible working place to be. Slipper was good for the time, ruling with his mace after the disgrace of the Abborttians under Harry, (who never since 2010 had the numbers to name offenders), but Anna Burke looks as though she will just do the job without airs and graces but with aplomb. She made a brilliant ruling today when she refused Pyne a second-bite question because he'd wasted his first call on calling a SSO [i]first up[/i] instead of asking a question Heather Ewart [i]didn't[/i] slag the Budget! Chris Richardson insipid. I think Swan has delivered a brilliant baby. Congratulations Wayne and *J*U*L*I*A* and all in attendance. In interview with OOman trying and trying, interrupting repeatedly, to find gotchas and putdowns and naysays, Swan is totally on message, and right across the financial management of this nation. OOman is disgusting. Swan has him on toast. [i](Urgghhh.) [/i]


8/05/2012Just saw 7:30 report agree OOman is disgusting. Constantly interrupting and belligerent attitude to Swan. Agree Swan held his own, but the OOman attitude is offputing and I think he turns the interview into an opinion piece - his own. Did give Hockey some good questions but his mannerism is noticeably different with government than opposition.


8/05/2012 Lyn, both you and Ad and other contributors have done a fab job...it's alot of work keeping a blog going. I don't mind the odd Dinky Di Aussie comment...provided our contributors are treated with basic respect. A wee bit of robust discussion helps to ignite passion...provided it doesn't go overboard. I'm sure all contributors here are seeking to add something worthwhile to the blog even if we differ and get a headrush now and then. I'd hate to see the discussion becom stilted...and certain passionate new contributors put off. I'm sure tho compromises can be found...language moderated somewhat...yet the passion and views still presented effectively. ----------------///// As for the budget...it's Labor returning to core Labor values. Nothing fancy. Practical. Useful. Helps and provodes opportunities and incentives for the lower income families...and part of the middle class...and many underprivileged. It ensures the well-off sacrifice more. No big surprises. Looking out for the working families...battlers. Dentalcare funding (tick)...more healthcare funding including bowel cancer testing (tick)...National Disability Insurance Scheme funding (tick)...more money for families with school kids (tick)...money for the Pacific Highway (tick)... sounds generally good to me...bar the foreign aid slowdown...and I'd like to see the Newstart Allowance increased...to show we are a compassionate, fair society. All up tho I reckon the government is on the right track with this solid budget. And heading steadily toward the forecasted surplus. More here: [b]2012 Australian federal budget [/b] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Australian_federal_budget Cheers N'


8/05/2012 Couple of errors above due to being stuffed. Long few weeks. TGTBHBA THANK GAWD THE BUDGET HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED :) N'


8/05/2012Hi Lyn I had AA's email address a year back but after a hard drive crash I lost it. I would have preferred to have spoken to him by email, privately, but not possible. I make absolutely no criticism of AA. he runs an excellent ship and you are a most important asset to him. As to what AA can do, one suggestion is that he deletes any ultra crude phrases/posts he sees. I accept your view that he can't always read 100% of posts, but having said that I do believe he does peruse virtually all of them. My intention was in fact to give him support. I had no doubt that what I have seen in the last couple of weeks he has seen too. I also have no doubt that he would have been troubled by the particular comments. My post was to say to him that I am one who had noticed the poor tone and I fully anticipated that he would see that I was affirming his good standards. I don't believe that a name and shame or a deregistration is needed, but certainly if I saw my posts being deleted I would do some self examination. BTW what I refer to is much more than "words appearing here and there". It would be hard to miss about 16 examples in one week.

Gary M

8/05/2012"As my examples show, my issue is about extreme crudity. By and large I think that your urgings for no personal abuse on TPS is pretty well and widely observed. Indiscretions are fairly rare." Offended oh please give me a break. I find it equally offencive, but just as amusing you only use my examples in your burst. I can find comments on this blog by regulars who use the F word with gay abandon. Besides who made you the arbiter of what is crude? You have obviously led a very sheltered life. You should try visiting a shearing shed, you may get an education. Of course this is not about crudity is it? You have got on a hobby horse because your moralising just doesn't stop at what people say, it's about what they think as well. This in a nutshell is not about crudity, otherwise I wouldn't be the only one under scrutiny. You were found wanting in our debate about Thompson where you couldn't get your own way. I might add, it was you that started the insults not indirectly, but directly at me. No I don't need a book on what constitutes good manners, crudity, or indeed what constitutes the logic in any debate about morality. There are commenter's here who say exactly the same as I do masking it in other language. I can break bread with shearers or kings so spare me the faux indignation. OBTW Thomson I might add, is on borrowed time.


8/05/2012 This from Annabel Crabb…some more interesting nips and tucks in the budget: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-08/crabb-nip-and-tuck-budget/3999290 N’


8/05/2012Swanny tomorrow will be singing this tomorrow when he does breakfast TV! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fSEjlLQcRY

Per Ardua

8/05/2012Gary M, I am a long time lurker (and a very occasional commenter) on this site and have been so for a number of years. I take issue with your statement "There are commenter's here who say exactly the same as I do masking it in other language". I read every comment posted here and have never seen any that could compare with your level of crudity. I know there are a lot who do lurk here such as I do, who are interested in respectful and courteous debate which is the norm for this site. However comma I fear that your distasteful expressions and aggression, regardless of your affiliations/passion, have the potential to drive us away. If I want this sort of gutter discourse I would frequent sites that provide it as a matter of course. Please lift your game.


8/05/2012Hi psyclaw - doesn't the contact form above work for you? My experience is that Ad does address one's concerns, if not fully he gives his reasons. I'd be sorry not see your opinions pop up here from time to time. I certainly appreciate them. We all have a slightly different style but my sense is that we do share common values about politics in particular and a general empathy for our fellow humans. Some of us express our opinions more often and more exuberantly and vehemently than others, particularly when feelings are more involved than just rationality. If I exceed the bounds of good taste from time to time I hope you allow a little licence if only in the interests of rhyme, but also for the passion I feel for the Labor movement and my pride in our Prime Minister struggling so bravely against overwhelming odds. So if overly colorful words and metaphors escape me onto the page, please forgive me.....and come back to TPS with your insightful and lucid comments, please.


8/05/2012Comrades all, Sticks and stones may break one's bones: Bad words harm but little: So I use this pictograph for Tones: (*) It's better than 'lickspittle'! But come on folks, let's not be too gratuitously liberal with the most extreme obscenities, [i]nor[/i] too hurtful personal insults (where's 'Ol' Ckoke Bottles' f'rinstance?) - and on the other hand goodness me let us not be too precious neither! The thing is it's not the language anyway, it's the intent that matters, I have always hereon spoken of Goodwillians and illwillians, I still reckon that's the great divide, I don't know why so many people are curdled but they are . . . ain't no such thing as uncurdling . . . Most people here proudly wear their Labor leanings on their sleeve, because that is what proper Labor people do. Many have deep sympathies with the Greens, and I have empathy with them, but I'd never vote any other way but Labor and urge good-hearted Greens never to put Labor down and please give Labor your preferences. And there might be honest Liberals (?!???) who post here, but I don't think so, the few people of the Rightish sort of position are so [i]hateful![/i] They are the illwillians of whom I speak and Dog Albitey Deliver Us From Them. They are little local outriders of the same spiteful hordes of the Abborttians. They are like the Big Bad Wolf trying to blow Ad's little house down, and to divide us is always their best hope. So all of those of us sheltering inside, let us sort it out and not chafe each other too much over nothing important eh? I am running with the hare and hunting with the hounds a bit here . . . I am not entirely without sin . . . perhaps . . . a little :) But I do it for emphasis and passion, as one may see the author of the above impressive collection does too, there is artistic choice involved. And there is a stern argument supporting the right to use bad language, though using it too freely is a bore. But there is a countervailing interest here, and that is our host's wishes. Just his [i]wishes. [/i]Ad would prefer that it be, not precious, but pretty polite. Gary I can tell you that Psyclaw is a clever and helpful frequent contributor here, while in turn no-one can doubt the pent-up rage in you -(which I applaud, should be more of it), - the urge to fix [i]Their[/i] Little Dirty Black Wagon for good. I am with you on that, but there you go, *J*U*L*I*A* says 3 syllables, no obscenities, [i]Don't write crap[/i], and does more good than I will ever do with all my rants! And then she says [i]I'm Red, he's always cross[/i], How [i]brilliant![/i] And that's why she's the Best, and all without even getting nasty. By being witty. We must keep our eye on the big picture, the enemy are those who are illwilled towards the government and to this blogsite and I don't think either of you is. Just work it out amicably please eh, Ad would like that.

Ad astra

8/05/2012Folks I've been watching the ABC News 24 almost all day until [i]Lateline[/i] finished just now. What an interesting day it has been! After the interruption occasioned by the Pyne/Bishop assault in QT, all of this evening has been dedicated to in-depth discussions of the Budget, which, after all, is what Budget Day ought to be about. I've had but a quick glance at your comments. Thank you for your supportive remarks. I'll attempt to respond more comprehensively tomorrow.


8/05/2012 BTW to save Ad astra from explaining this, the program used for this blog does not allow him to alter or excise any part of incoming posts, he must either allow them or remove them.


8/05/2012Hi Patriciawa Thank you for pointing out the contact form. Mea culpa, I didn't even look for it. Just spent time unsuccessfully searching for old emails from AA in my mail and totally overlooked the obvious. Regards

Gary M

8/05/2012"I am a long time lurker (and a very occasional commenter) on this site and have been so for a number of years. I take issue with your statement "There are commenter's here who say exactly the same as I do masking it in other language". I read every comment posted here and have never seen any that could compare with your level of crudity. I know there are a lot who do lurk here such as I do, who are interested in respectful and courteous debate which is the norm for this site. However comma I fear that your distasteful expressions and aggression, regardless of your affiliations/passion, have the potential to drive us away. If I want this sort of gutter discourse I would frequent sites that provide it as a matter of course. Please lift your game." I can only repeat what I said. Distasteful expression to some is high brow poetry too others. I am not going to debate with you about my expression or otherwise. Suffice to say this, I have only replied in kind when provoked, and until a complaint was made by my interlocutor their was no problem. My only debate with the complainant was very robust, it was he/she who insulted me in the first instance. Thank you very much. Besides if you don't like my self expression easy, my avatar is there for all to see, if you don't like it don't read it. Simple. I would suggest you look up the top of this very page there are many metaphors not of my making that mean the exact same thing. My sexual innuendo or some may call crudity is, has always been, in (like beauty) in the eye of the beholder. Lenny Bruce (look him up) sold books making profanity an art form. People that were offended didn't buy his books.He sold plenty but. The people have been fighting censorship of the type you want from before the time I was born. The book 'Lady Chatterlies Lover'(Look that up) Can be found under Church pews now. Thank God! Finally crude or other wise at least I don't have an air of superiority which is found in most wowsers. Lift my game, indeed.

Chris T

9/05/2012Here is the problem. When the Labor party made the biggest blunder in Australian political history by removing the most popular Prime Minister in our history, we tried to justify it by arguing that people vote for a party and its policies and no one man is bigger than the party. Yet, here we are now debating what Julia Gillard needs to do to beat Tony Abbott and Rupert Murdoch. We can't have it both ways. The unfortunate truth is that the majority of the voting public do base their decision on who they like the best. And just like a reality TV show, their decision as to who they like best is based on who the show/media portrays as the good guy (or girl). When Labor removed Rudd, Rupert Murdoch had already struck what will end up being a fatal blow because it was his relentless smear campaign and dodgy polls that spurred the faceless/spineless men into action. ,It certainly was not brought about by anything that Tony 'blithering idiot' Abbott did, that is for sure. I can't see how Julia could possibly turn things around because Rupert Murdoch is just one of many powerful enemies that want Labor out. Alan Jones, Clive Palmer you know who they are. In 2007 Kevin Rudd had a numerous MSM options that favoured him and helped build his profile. The two important ones in my eyes were Ch7 Sunrise (obviously) and the other which doesn't get enough credit was Rove McManus. Julia and the Labor party now have absolutely no friends in the MSM. The mining tax immediately halted any Ch7 support because in mining you have two choices, you either buy Caterpillar trucks from Westrac or hire them from Coates, both of which along with Ch7 is owned by Kerry Stokes(along with his business partners the Carlisle Group). Rove saw it coming and left the country and the ABC has been hijacked by Abbott lovers. (by the way, how much should we,the tax payers, invoice Clive Palmer for that sickening PR stunt on Foreign Correspondent?) Anyway, the end result will be that come 2013 the Australian people will willingly vote for a new Prime Minister, a man who we know as the mad monk and I am certain he is also referred to in the bible as 'the abomination of desolation'. Oh yeah, and lets not forget his sidekick, the wicked witch of the left. It makes me ill just thinking about it.

Gary M

9/05/2012"We must keep our eye on the big picture, the enemy are those who are illwilled towards the government and to this blogsite and I don't think either of you is. Just work it out amicably please eh, Ad would like that." There is no way I have any ill will to his blog. As you say the enemy is not here. My crude delivery is not, and I would have thought obvious, not directed to anyone on this blog apart from the rancid right wingers who may drop buy to read it. If you think for a nano second I use my routine at home or any where else for that matter, you are much mistaken. I use profanity because I know it drives right wingers nuts. I use sexual innuendo and smut because it drives them even more nuts. I know whilst they are out campaigning against pornography, they are hanging around public toilets. So I don't fall foul of the censorship brigade again, what they are doing there I will leave to your imagination. I am an x digger and tradesman, when I couldn't get a job to go right I said, " Oh dear that nasty thing is just not working out, I will tell mummy when I get home and she will console me with an extra spoon of suger in my milo. If you want to read real profanity, warmongering rhetoric, boogey on over to A Bolts blog. You cannot defeat these people by being nice. Julia Gillard is just starting (a bit late no doubt) to find that out.


9/05/2012[b][u]20000 Public Servants Jobs to Go [/u]-[/b] Joe Hockey Tune Men of Harlech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz9_ELpil9w Workers in the Public Service Must be feeling mighty nervous! From Abborttians Dog preserve us! - Go it Julia G! Just beware of Fat Joe Hockey He wants to make your life rocky! (Though tonight he seems less cocky: :) ) Hearken, Folks, to me! [i]You like your job do ya? Does it matter to ya? Sloppy Joe - I'm saying so you know - Is plotting ways that he is gonna screw ya! [/i]Men and Mothers! Girls and Brothers! Understand this now, and tell the others: Joe won't care about your druthers - Then how sad you'll be! You'll be frettin' And regrettin' If Abbortt and his mob ever get in - We must see they don't get let in - [b]Unity's the key![/b] [i](Repeat last two lines Slow and straight and gnarly with clenched fist)[/i] We must see they don't get let in - [i][b]Unity's the key![/b][/i]


9/05/2012GaryM - me thinks you protest a tad too much. The budget seems to be reasonably well received - despite the negativity that seems to be inherent in Australian politics at the moment.


9/05/2012TODAY’S LINKS Craig Thomson, political football, Marian, The Conscience Vote Opposition Leader Tony Abbott thundered that this was a ‘stinking, putrid mess’. Shadow Attorney-General George Brandis scolded the government for relying on a tainted vote. On ABC1′s QandA last night, Kelly O’Dwyer opined that the whole affair smacked of a government cover-up. http://consciencevote.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/craig-thomson-political-football/ The Federal Budget and health: what’s on the table (or not, Melissa Sweet, Croakey Like the eye of Sauron, the Gillard Government’s attention remains firmly fixed on a surplus. Twelve months ago, its gaze was fixed briefly on mental health. Treasurer Swan went as far as to call the $2.2bn 5 year package the ‘centrepiece’ of last year’s budget http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2012/05/08/the-federal-budget-and-health-whats-on-the-table Wayne Swan Austere Budget – Unlike Europe, No Marching in the Streets, Peter, Aussie Views News Treasurer Wayne Swan will bring down in a few hours. It will be an austere budget, at least by Australia standards. And it follows a period in which company after company have either laid off Australian workers or announced that they soon will. Well, Qantas has not exactly announced how many engineers will loose their jobs in Victoria, http://www.aussieviewsnews.com/2012/05/08/budget-austere-eurozone/ Ross Gittins Says – Media missed it, but growth will accelerate, Turn left 2013 read the entire article and when Swan brings down the budget, you will understand that the Oppositions scare campaign about the ‘bad’ economy is just a tactic to bring down the government and force an election, and does not reflect reality. http://turnleft2013.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/ross-gittins-says-media-missed-it-but-growth-will-accelerate/ Corporate tax cuts at risk – but are they really required? , Graham White, The Conversation In the last 24 hours, we have heard mutterings about the possibility that an earlier commitment to cuts in the corporate tax rate may not go ahead in the budget. Some in the business community have, unsurprisingly, raised alarm at this possibility http://theconversation.edu.au/corporate-tax-cuts-at-risk-but-are-they-really-required-6911 Kathy Jackson, The Power Index, She's also been slammed for pocketing more than $26,000 in fees for sitting on the board of the HESTA industry superannuation fund over the 2010-2011 financial year. All the other union representatives on the board donated their fees to their union.HSU insiders also question her motives, saying they believe her anti-corruption crusade http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/union-heavies/kathy-jackson?utm_source=The+Power+Index&utm_campaign=14a1232114-Thel Labor’s ‘fair go’ budget to conquer political pressures, David Twomey, Eco News Similarly, he also refused to say whether he would back a new education rebate.He described the government’s revamp of the education tax refund into twice-yearly payments as “dressing mutton up as lamb”.Mr Hockey said the policy change amounted to giving http://econews.com.au/news-to-sustain-our-world/labor%E2%80%99s-fair-go-budget-to-conquer-political-pressures/ The Opposition Says , Café Whispers Get the picture? Click on any of the hundreds of related articles in Google News and you won’t have to look hard to see somewhere that “the Opposition says . . .”The Treasurer is about to hand down the Budget and I’ll be back later to add more of what “the Oppositions says . .http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/the-opposition-says/ A surplus of rhetoric as the government chases battlers, Bernard Keane, Crikey The opposition, which you may recall couldn’t balance its books before the last election and is still looking for tens of billions of dollars in savings, has accused the government of “cooking the books” — indeed, it’s a “a cooked-books surplus based on fiddled figures”, according to Tony Abbott, to which he added that the Prime Minister was “living on borrowed time as well as borrowed money”. Nice line. http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/05/08/a-surplus-of-rhetoric-as-the-government-chases-battlers/# Kochie's Federal Budget Breakdown, David Koch The Reserve Bank will wait for the Government to prove that it will get all the budget measures passed through the parliament before it does anything but most economists are forecasting between 0.5 per cent and 0.75 per cent cuts before the end of the year http://au.smallbusiness.yahoo.com/article/-/13635518/federal-budget-breakdown/ Budget 2012: e-health gets $233m boost, ZDNet According to the government, Australians will be able to register for a record online, by phone or at Medicare outlets. Of the allocated money, $161.6 million will be devoted to operating the PCEHR system over the next two years, while $4.6 million will be used to maintain safeguards for privacy of the records. http://www.zdnet.com.au/budget-2012-e-health-gets-233m-boost-339337447.htm Biggest cuts to defence since Korea, John Kerin, Australian Financial Review The magnitude of the planned cuts and delays has already triggered an outcry from the opposition, defence analysts and former military chiefs that it will undermine the ADF’s capacity to defend Australia. http://www.afr.com/p/national/budget/biggest_cuts_to_defence_since_korea_3gqR08FSEUWGPwssTHVM6N The Budget At A Glance, Ben Eltham, New Matilda Where are the spending cuts? Who's getting extra cash? Everything you need to know about Budget 2012-13. Fresh from Budget lock-up, Ben Eltham has the highlights Highlights of Wayne Swan’s Budget 2012-13 $1.5 billion surplus for 2012-13, growing to $7.5 billion in 2015-16. http://newmatilda.com/2012/05/08/budget-glance It's tough at the top but you win some, you lose some, Video, Ross Gittins IF YOU are having trouble seeing the horror budget we were told to expect, that's according to plan. This government has always wanted to be tough in principle, but never in practice.For most people, Wayne Swan's fifth effort doesn't contain much that is nasty and includes a few things that are quite nice. http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/its-tough-at-the-top-but-you-win-some-you-lose-some-20120508-1ybiw.html Drum wrap: experts analyse the budget, ABC featuring 5 video’s The 2012 federal budget has been released. The Drum takes a look at what commentators across the country are saying. Dark clouds hang over government - Michelle Grattan [National Times] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-09/drum-wrap-experts-analyse-the-budget/3997728 Back to black as Swan budgets for the boom, Simon Cullen ABC The Federal Government is scrapping billions of dollars worth of company tax cuts, instead redirecting the money to welfare payments as it reaches for a budget surplus. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-08/swan-hands-down-2012-budget/3998806 Video Bribes, debt and cooking the books: Robb, Lateline http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3498527.htm Back to black as Swan budgets for the boom - Federal Budget 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf2s71xINpM&feature=uploademail Joe Hockey Budget 2012-13 reply interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioOQqvZuiSA&feature=uploademail Penny Wong's interview on the 2012-13 budget http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_WFC-2AcqI&feature=uploademail Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category, Australian Politics TV http://australianpoliticstv.org/category/daily-fix/


9/05/2012TODAY'S FRONT PAGES Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 9 May 2012 http://www.frontpagestoday.co.uk/index.cfm?PaperCountry=Australia


9/05/2012Good Morning 2353 Nice to see our bright and cheery comment early in the morning. I am usually here by myself at this time. (The budget seems to be reasonably well received ) Yes isn't it great news all reports are looking good, except for Hockey, Robb and Abbott. Front pages are excellent really to what I was expecting. Guess we will see what the day brings, another theatre in QT probably :):):):)


9/05/2012sorry my "Y" is missing should be your :):):):)

Ad astra

9/05/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


9/05/2012Some sobering words by Paul Krugman in America... they help you to realise how lucky we are to have Labor governments that ensure we have a useful safety net we can bounce off...who fund training for youth...provide enuff free and affordable education...and provide money for parents and guardians to be able to get the necessary learning tools...fund school maintenance and the latest technology...and don't throw tons and tons of teachers out the door so they can afford to bailout corporations...a Labor party that ensures the public doesn't go broke due to healthcare needs...and tries to support manufacturing in the face of corporate games and sabotage...and funds essential infrastructure...is building a country-wide broadband network...and putting in place a national disability insurance scheme...and prioritising aged care...whilst preparing to rollout funding to help create new cleaner energy research, businesses, projects and jobs...so we don't have our eggs in too few baskets... how often do too many in this country take that for granted?: Now, there have always been people claiming that there's no such thing as involuntary unemployment, that anyone can find a job if he or she is really willing to work and isn't too finicky about wages or working conditions. [b]There's Sharron Angle, the Republican candidate for the Senate, who declared in 2010 that the unemployed were "spoiled," choosing to live off unemployment benefits instead of taking jobs. There are the people at the Chicago Board of Trade who, in October 2011, mocked anti-inequality demonstrators by showering them with copies of McDonald's job application forms. And there are economists like the University of Chicago's Casey Mulligan, who has written multiple articles for the New York Times website insisting that the sharp drop in employment after the 2008 financial crisis reflected not a lack of employment opportunities but diminished willingness to work[/b]. [b]The classic answer to such people comes from a passage near the beginning of the novel The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (best known for the 1948 film adaptation starring Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston): "Anyone who is willing to work and is serious about it will certainly find a job. Only you must not go to the man who tells you this, for he has no job to offer and doesn't know anyone who knows of a vacancy. This is exactly the reason why he gives you such generous advice, out of brotherly love, and to demonstrate how little he knows the world." Quite. Also, about those McDonald's applications: in April 2011, as it happens, McDonald's did announce 50,000 new job openings. Roughly a million people applied.[/b] If you have any familiarity with the world, in short, you know that involuntary unemployment is very real. And it's currently a very big deal. ...There are now four job seekers for every job opening, which means that workers who lose one job find it very hard to get another. Six million Americans, almost five times as many as in 2007, have been out of work for six months or more; four million have been out of work for more than a year, up from just 700,000 before the crisis. [b]This is something almost completely new in American experience--I say almost completely, because long-term unemployment was obviously rife during the Great Depression. But there's been nothing like this since. Not since the 1930s have so many Americans found themselves seemingly trapped in a permanent state of joblessness.[/b] [b]Long-term unemployment is deeply demoralizing for workers anywhere. In America, where the social safety net is weaker than in any other advanced country, it can easily become a nightmare. Losing your job often means losing your health insurance. Unemployment benefits, which typically make up only about a third of lost income anyway, run out--over the course of 2010-11 there was a slight fall in the official unemployment rate, but the number of Americans who were unemployed yet receiving no benefits doubled. And as unemployment drags on, household finances fall apart--family savings are depleted, bills can't be paid, homes are lost.[/b] Nor is that all. The causes of long-term unemployment clearly lie with macroeconomic events and policy failures that are beyond any individual's control, yet that does not save the victims from bearing a stigma. Does being unemployed for a long time really erode work skills, and make you a poor hire? Does the fact that you were one of the long-term unemployed indicate that you were a loser in the first place? Maybe not, but many employers think it does, and for the worker that may be all that matters. Lose a job in this economy, and it's very hard to find another; stay unemployed long enough, and you will be considered unemployable. To all this add the damage to Americans' inner lives. You know what I mean if you know anyone trapped in long-term unemployment; even if he or she isn't in financial distress, the blow to dignity and self-respect can be devastating. And matters are, of course, worse if there is financial distress too. When Ben Bernanke spoke about "happiness research," he emphasized the finding that happiness depends strongly on a sense of being in control of your own life. Think about what happens to that sense of being in control when you want to work, yet many months have gone by and you can't find a job, when the life you built is falling apart because funds are running out. It's no wonder that the evidence suggests that long-term unemployment breeds anxiety and psychological depression. Meanwhile, there's the plight of those who don't have a job yet, because they're entering the working world for the first time. Truly, this is a terrible time to be young. Unemployment among young workers, like unemployment for just about every demographic group, roughly doubled in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, then drifted down a bit. But because young workers have a much higher unemployment rate than their elders even in good times, this meant a much larger rise in unemployment relative to the workforce. And the young workers one might have expected to be best placed to weather the crisis--recent college graduates, who presumably are much more likely than others to have the knowledge and skills a modern economy demands--were by no means insulated. [b]Roughly one in four recent graduates is either unemployed or working only part-time. There has also been a notable drop in wages for those who do have full-time jobs, probably because many of them have had to take low-paying jobs that don't make use of their education.[/b] One more thing: there has been a sharp increase in the number of Americans aged between twenty-four and thirty-four living with their parents. This doesn't represent a sudden rush of filial devotion; it represents a radical reduction in opportunities to leave the nest. [b]This situation is deeply frustrating for young people. They're supposed to be getting on with their lives, but instead they find themselves in a holding pattern.[/b] Many understandably worry about their future. How long a shadow will their current problems cast? When can they expect to fully recover from the bad luck of graduating into a deeply troubled economy? Basically, never. Lisa Kahn, an economist at Yale's School of Management, has compared the careers of college graduates who received their degrees in years of high unemployment with those who graduated in boom times; the graduates with unlucky timing did significantly worse, not just in the few years after graduation but for their whole working lives. And those past eras of high unemployment were relatively short compared with what we're experiencing now, suggesting that the long-term damage to the lives of young Americans will be much greater this time around... ...[b]Educating the young is crucial for the twenty-first century--so say all the politicians and pundits. Yet the ongoing slump, by creating a fiscal crisis for state and local governments, has led to the laying off of some 300,000 schoolteachers. The same fiscal crisis has led state and local governments to postpone or cancel investments in transportation and water infrastructure, like the desperately needed second rail tunnel under the Hudson River, the high-speed rail projects canceled in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida, the light-rail projects canceled in a number of cities, and so on. Adjusted for inflation, public investment has fallen sharply since the slump began. Again, this means that if and when the economy finally does recover, we'll run into bottlenecks and shortages far too soon...[/b] Much more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-krugman/how-bad-things-are_b_1498070.html?page=2 AND this from one of the commentors: Wilson 50 minutes ago ( 5:37 PM) [b]And then there are those of us that are forced to work when we want to retire. For example I have played the game fairly and responsibly all my life. I started paying medical insurance premiums when I was 18. I made my first medical claim at the age of 55. Now at 60 and with a pre-exisiting condition even though I have enough money to retire I am unable to because I could not obtain medical insurance. My job is killing [me (inner city resource challenge population special education teacher who now has high blood pressure). I must work until I can obtain medical insurance. Same story for my 61 year old wife (RN inner city hospital surgical medical nurse). We would be bankrupt in less than a year if we retired and making demands for social services. Not complaining though because I know literally millions of other people are in the same boat. Yet we have enough money to search for weapons of mass destruction that do not exist.[/b] Let's hope the majority of Aussies wake up soon. N'


9/05/2012Abbortt with Sabra Lane Sounding frantic! And since I wrote that SABRA WENT FOR THE JUGULAR! REALLY TRIED to nail the creep to answering what he knew when he said [i]No specific knowledge.[/i] (Failed, but was prepared to interrupt an Abbortt obfuscation, wtte "[i]NO[/i] Mr Abbortt, the important thing is for you to answer these questions!"


9/05/2012Sloppy Joe Hockey reckons this is a [i]*confewsed*[/i] Budget. So would that be like Bananaby's *naughty* Landcruiser that drove itself into the river? Sure it's the [i]Budget[/i] that's 'confewsed' Joe? Everyone else bar those who hate it for political reasons reckons it's a WONDERFUL budget! Even the usual naysayers mostly. Groupthink works for us for once!


9/05/2012TT, I thought PM Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan sounded professional, confident, determined and on top of their game this morn. Was impressed. Real leadership. Core Labor values. N'


9/05/2012 I certainly don't think small business can complain. Not with an instant $6,500 write-off for the cost of new assets. And: [quote]Unlike big business, small businesses will receive some relief as they will be able to offset tax losses of up to $1 million against previous years[/quote]. http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/the-budget-the-winners-and-losers-20120508-1yb11.html Isn't it the Liberal party that blocked tax cuts for small business because it was too precious...playing games? N'


9/05/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you this Morning:- Video | Tingle on the budget | UPDATED: 09 May 2012 02:46: http://www.afr.com/p/national/budget/video_tingle_on_the_budget_FsIle4SXWeHrXP6BEKEIjK Christine Milne budget 2012-13 interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxZkawdCGjc&feature=uploademail Interview with Joe Hockey Updated May 09, 2012 08:53:12 Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey discusses the 2012 Federal Budget http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-09/interview-with-joe-hockey/4000080 Cash splash takes us back to stimulus levels, ANALYSIS: GEORGE MEGALOGENIS http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/cash-splash-takes-us-back-to-stimulus-levels/story-fn59niix-1226350437021 Gillard and Swan won't be here – Hockey, Sky News The federal opposition says it will oppose immediate cash payments to parents of school children that were outlined in today's federal budget http://www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=748289&vId= Financial Review‏@FinancialReview The carbon tax is a "dead cat on the table", says Shadow Finance Minister Andrew Robb http://afr.com/p/national/budget/swan_spruiks_fair_go_budget_B645UziqoQipoz28JrIZhP Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Live | @SwannyDPM declares #Budget2012 is not about saving @AustralianLabor in the polls [free] http://www.afr.com/p/national/budget/swan_budget_sales_pitch_begins_cRP1rOzdfvylvlnODn2b3J #auspol Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Video | Business leaders on what #Budget2012 will mean for industry [FREE] http://afr.com/p/national/budget/video_reactions_to_the_budget_dYqwvGxYTR3Fn3cneooAAJ #ausbiz Sam Wells‏@SamWells_ RT @WebsterSmoggule Swan shows Astaire's flair http://bit.ly/LGZi54 #auspol #AusLabor ABC Radio‏@amworldtodaypm Tony Abbott is currently speaking to Sabra Lane live on AM - http://bit.ly/aKzaGo http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2012/s3498572.htm Occupy Sydney‏@occupySYDNEY theage: Full coverage of the federal budget. News, reaction, analysis http://occupysydney.visibli.com/share/CWWKfC Tim Cooke Ten News opens their budget coverage with "whats in it for you and what will you get". wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kc4fycwaWuA# Bernard Keane‏@BernardKeane After weeks of bagging the govt for returning to surplus Tim Colebatch is now complaining about all the spending in the budget... The Tax Institute‏@TaxInstituteOz swannyDPM and davidbradburyMP's "Tax Reform Road Map" in #budget2012 papers a worth-while read http://www.budget.gov.au/2012-13/content/glossy/tax_reform/html/tax_overview_01.htm 2DayFM 104.1‏@2DayFMSydney AUDIO: @JuliaGillard on @KyleAndJackieO talking #Budget2012 and a "ring" from Tim http://bit.ly/JRrXy0 #Budget #AusPol Matt Simpson‏ The PM @JuliaGillard reveals to @kyleandjackieo that her partner Tim has given her a ring! Ms Hermes‏ Abbott getting a bit manic. Excellent. If you push this man you soon see his true temperament. And it is scary. @abcnews24 #budget SBS News‏@SBSNews The government's decision to increase the debt ceiling shows it's worried about its forecast surplus, Tony Abbott says http://bit.ly/JWDYa7 Sandi Logan‏ This is also a useful read, though 2010-2011 figures: http://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/60refugee.htm wontletyoufly‏ Carbon tax repeal not so easy http://www.theage.com.au/business/carbon-tax-repeal-not-so-easy-20120508-1yavn.html via @theage Stilgherrian‏@stilgherrian : New blog post: "Budget 2012: the key numbers" http://stilgherrian.com/politics/budget-2012-the-key-numbers/ #budget [If it's good enough for @abcnews ... ] Craig James‏@craigjamesOZ Want an easy read on the Budget? http://bit.ly/JWNtG0 Judith Ireland‏@CanberraCamper Slipper, Thomson and what went down in the House yesterday:http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/speaker-slips-out-as-new-crossbencher-sits-tight-20120508-1ybc8.html #qt :):):):)


9/05/2012Hi Ad This is another link for George Megalogenis, hope it works Cash splash takes us back to stimulus levels by: ANALYSIS: GEORGE MEGALOGENIS From: The Australian May 09, 2012 12:00AM http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/cash-splash-takes-us-back-to-stimulus-levels/story-fn59niix-1226350437021


9/05/2012 So important we get on top of this: [b]Student charged over gun taken to school[/b] Updated May 09, 2012 09:44:47 PHOTO: Boy allegedly took loaded gun to school (7pm TV News SA) MAP: SA A teenage boy and his father have been charged after the boy allegedly took a loaded gun to school. Police say someone telephoned them on Monday to say a Modbury High student had taken a gun to the school in Adelaide's north-eastern suburbs. They searched a house in the area and allegedly found a revolver and ammunition in the boy's schoolbag. The teenager and his 41-year-old father have been charged with offences including possessing an unregistered, loaded firearm. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-09/student-father-loaded-gun-school-charges/3999958 The descent into mayhem can happen so quickly if guns become a normal way of life: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=0Vh_Cq7h_gI Nip this problem in the bud now whilst we still can...our population is small enuff. N'


9/05/2012Our PM offered business some money, But the Liberals said [i]No you Don't Honey![/i] So without any fuss She gave it to US! Am I wrong, or is that [i]really funny?[/i] :) That rabbit went down the big mining hole . . . Taking with it a bag labelled [b]1% [/b]And popped up again through Swannie's top hat! Brilliant. Well done Wayne. You would hardly believe this but those businessmen who missed out on the 1% tax break because of the Noalition ([i]AND THE GREENS[/i]) are [i]whingeing[/i] now! There was I thinking they'd be [i]stoic[/i] . . . Take it on the chin like proper ANZACs, with a grin and a quip . . . Like [i]Ah well more fool us Cobber![/i] But, erm, . . . :)


9/05/2012 Hi Lyn, Thanx for the useful links. Top job. BTW, I'd check out George M's article if it was @ Crikey...or Fairfax...or New Matilda...or The Drum...even an independent blog...but I won't read it via The Australian. It's part of the Murdoch propaganda machine...and that media empire has demonstrated itself to be as morally bankrupt as an underworld criminal organisation...or a totalitarian state security apparatus. N' N'


9/05/2012 Thnx for the tweets too Lyn. Good work. Ms Hermes [b]Abbott getting a bit manic. Excellent. If you push this man you soon see his true temperament. And it is scary. [/b]@abcnews24 He's a worry. Things don't go his way... N'


9/05/2012 [b]Gillard and Swan won't be here – Hockey, Sky News The federal opposition says it will oppose immediate cash payments to parents of school children that were outlined in today's federal budget [/b] Miserly idiots. Too busy looking after the interests of Gina, Clive & Twiggy. N'


9/05/2012 From Lyn's links...Graham White @ The Conversation: [quote]In the last 24 hours, we have heard mutterings about the possibility that an earlier commitment to cuts in the corporate tax rate may not go ahead in the budget. Some in the business community have, unsurprisingly, raised alarm at this possibility. It is worthwhile, however, considering the justification for such cuts, since the economic imperative is not altogether crystal clear. And this is even more so for a budget where the goal of a surplus poses risks in terms of cuts to the social wage. One argument raised both in political debate and within the media is that the cuts in the corporate rate are a compensation for the mining tax. However, for those who thought the latter had something to do with equity and with a broadening of the tax base, particularly for longer-term fiscal sustainability, this is a somewhat strange argument. It seems to be suggesting that there should be some compensation in terms of tax cuts for entities which were taxed in the first place because of their ability to pay. Strange! The other, more economic, argument that is often put in favour of cuts to the corporate tax rate is that such cuts would stimulate business investment and economic growth. On closer reflection, it is not at all clear what the mechanism at work is supposed to be by which a cut in the corporate tax rate would stimulate business investment. If you think about business investment in terms of the fact that it’s generating extra productive capacity, then the critical element is an expectation of growth in sales. If growth in sales is not expected to change, it is unclear why businesses would speed up the rate at which they are expanding their productive capacity and thus the rate at which their investment expenditures are growing, even with an increase in current and near-term after-tax profits. In this case, one is left asking why businesses would not simply “pocket” the tax cuts without any significant change in their investment activity.[/quote] http://theconversation.edu.au/corporate-tax-cuts-at-risk-but-are-they-really-required-6911 Frankly, going by what we've seen in America where many corporations have sat on their money...scooped up tax cuts and either gone partly offshore...rewarded management...and/or made their top shareholders happy...or used money to act like predators, barbarians...and for advertising blitzes to kill off smaller competition... not to mention using it to buy political influence... I'd rather see the money go elsewhere. N'


9/05/2012 Zombies reach Australia May 7th, 2012 John Quiggin The Australian edition of Zombie Economics, updated and with an additional chapter on Economic Rationalism, is about to go on sale. I’ll be appearing at a launch event at Gleebooks in Sydney on Wednesday (9 May) talking with Jessica Irvine of the SMH. The launch coincides with the US publication of a paperback edition, with a new chapter on Austerity. The Italian translation also came out recently, and there are versions coming in French, Greek, Portuguese, Korean and Simplified Chinese. Collect them all! http://johnquiggin.com/2012/05/07/zombies-reach-australia/ Sounds like good timing to me. N'


9/05/2012 What's with Abbott and the Senator often giving him "I want you, I adore you" eyes and mouth over his shoulder during interviews of late? Looks creepy...like some Berlusconi act. I detest this "do anything, say anything" fella the more I see him. That female Senator should get some dignity. Embarrassing for his wife. N'


9/05/2012 Peter Anderson is on TV whining for selected businesses. Give it up! Write-offs worth 6,500. Tax loss carry-back measures. More money into hands of many consumers to spend on goods and services. A significant interest rate cut. Gettin' greedy methinks considering the wobbles across the world. They should talk to the unemployed on Newstart Allowance. And those awaiting disability assistance. You can't always get what you want. We lost the dependent spouse rebate for this year. We've adapted. Sometimes you've just got to suck it up...and change the way you do things. And not take the good stuff for granted. Too easy to be grumpy...and have unrealistic expectations. N'

Gary M

9/05/2012"GaryM - me thinks you protest a tad too much." Much ado about nothing. But I will try and sleep tonight worrying about what you think.


9/05/2012 Anyway, I'm taking a break from blogging for a few days...and from watching the news...and reading about it. I'm exhausted. And quite frankly I'm sick and tired of the negativity of the media in general...the spinning...the attempts to take every useful policy and turn it into toxic sludge... and I find the apathy of the general public pretty pathetic...demonstrating Murdoch and his Coalition minions under Abbott have achieved the great "dumbing down" they hoped for - when people prefer to be sucked in by manufactured "reality" TV instead of watching the budget ya know yer living in a country competing with America to be Dopeyville. Anyway, I'm positive the clones of Murdoch will earn their blood money and spin this budget into another positive for dictator-in-waiting Abbott and his less than inspiring team...so he can hand the entire set of keys to the country over to scoundrel Rupert...the grand opportunist. Shit happens. N'


9/05/2012Swan grows in stature each year - he is really across his port folio. He gave an inspirational address to the Press Club. He said towards the end of his speech 'We are at our best when the voice of the optimists drowns out the voice of the pessimists'. The Treasurer also said to the assembled journalists, 'Be as tough as you like on the Government but please also offer the same level of scrutiny to the Opposition'. Good stuff.

Ad astra

9/05/2012Folks After spending most of yesterday afternoon and evening watching ABC24 right up until [i]Lateline[/i], I’ve now caught up with your comments, although I have still to peruse Lyn’s Links. Thank you for all the useful information you have provided and the insightful comments you have made, you Nasking for the abundance of overseas intelligence you provide, and you Lyn for your links and tweets. It has become almost a full time job reading the content on [i]TPS[/i]; fitting in the writing of new pieces while keeping up with the site is a challenge. I note that several of you have commented on the issue of indecorous language on [i]TPS[/i]. I thank you Lyn, Nasking, TT and others who have made supportive and helpful comments about this issue. TT is right psyclaw, this blog engine does not allow me to edit a comment. I have just two choices, leave it intact, or delete it in [i]toto[/i]. I am reluctant to do the latter when the comment contains useful information or opinion but includes indecorous language. I realize that words that might be acceptable to some may be quite offensive or upsetting to others. I acknowledge also that politics evokes deep passion in those who take seriously how our nation is being governed, and how it might be governed by an alternative government, and that passion gives rise to exaggerated language. We all use extravagant language from time to time In my opinion though, it ought to be possible, without emasculating it, to moderate our language so that it passes the ‘good manners’ test. It ought to be possible to refrain from crossing the line between polite and crude language, and thereby avoid giving offence. I would not want to dissuade anyone from blogging here and expressing views forcibly, but hope they could be expressed politely. This comment is not aimed at any individual. Please accept it as a generic statement. Shall we leave the matter now and watch what we write. Personal abuse against other bloggers here is another matter. It is always unacceptable. I have deleted comments where the abuse has been over the top, and will continue to do. BTW, as Patricia WA points out, if you want to sent me a private message, click ‘Contact’ on the top menu, whereupon an email template is generated that comes to me, to which I can respond.

Ad astra

9/05/2012Folks I've been watching Wayne Swan's very good NPC address and was impressed by the proficient way he answered questions, and the Anthony Albanese's impressive presser on the Pacific Highway, and am now going off to watch QT. I wonder what the Opposition will get up to today.


9/05/2012AA See my comments above @ 1.07pm. I thought that the Treasurer's speech was better than 'very good'. I was pleased that he answered some questions with 'Yes' or 'No' although he did go on to provide further justification for his response. Later in question time he just left the answer at a simple 'No'. I thought it an effective response.


9/05/2012[b][u]Labor Doubles the Fist[/u]![/b] Right on cue. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is sure past the end of the beginning. Labor Ministers sounding splendidly vengeful, and very confident of their record. Great budget. Abborttians spitting chips. Red in Red as someone said. Her voice is like cut glass when she talks to Pyne. Go *J*U*L*I*A*. Jenny Macklin pays 'em out! Peter Garrett in full flight, gets a cheer too. Anna Burke being [i]perfect![/i] (K) Not lax. Not pompous. Just sensible and in control, as any good teacher would be. But the Abborttians are more boorish than any class of youngsters, and much nastier. Hooray for a sane WOMAN in the Chair! I know that's sexist, albeit inverted, well so is the power play, the Coalition DARE NOT defy a woman! I predicted that yesterday before she took the Chair . . . . . . I almost lost hope in the first few minutes as she let Pyne talk over the top of her, but it was like she was tickling a trout, when he was so-o-o-o sure he had her in his manly power, she grabbed him by the gills! It was a brilliant ploy, and the Abborttians are suddenly VERY, VERY well-behaved today. [b]GO ANNA![/b] They know that this time they're screwed, this woman has [i]proper[/i] control. They have never been so subdued. HAR HAR HAR. Anna Burke is the Speaker we [i]really[/i] needed! Best QT since *J*U*L*I*A* became Leader. Tomorrow night the Abborttians will be given the opportunity to account for its own budgetary plans. And after that they will be asked. Then the journalists will demand it of them. And finally, at long last, they will be hounded and corralled. And that is when they will turn on each other. And I can't wait.


9/05/2012AA Your statement at 1.52pm makes good sense.


9/05/2012 Cheers Ad, will just be a few days…clear my head…recuperate…get some other duties and projects done. You know what it’s like. Til later, Have a goodie N’

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9/05/2012Nasking Get well soon. We will miss you. Casablanca You are right. Wayne Swan has steadily grown in confidence and assurance. The competent way he answered questions make Joe Hockey, Andrew Robb, and of course the LOTO, look like the rank amateurs they are. How can Coalition supporters contemplate such incompetents running a trillion dollar economy? psyclaw Thank you for your comment.


9/05/2012Hi Ad and Everybody In the morning the tweets I call Twitterverse, in the afternoon they are called "Twitterati":- Annabel Crabb‏@CrabbTwitsard Keep in mind - Mr Thomson's speech will be under parliamentary privilege, so he will be free to unburden himself fully. Robert Corr‏ Coalition has 72 members, only got 70 votes. Nice whipping. Tony Wright‏ High brinksmanship on display in #qt. Careful dealing only slightly more obscure. Coalition motion defeated 70-72. TheFinnigans Under privilege, Thommo could also throw some of his own muds. It might backfire on Abbott & His 40 Thieves #qt Annabel Crabb‏ Thomson stands. Says he will seek to make a statement. Anna Burke says he has three seconds. #harsh Andrew Greene‏ This opposition suspension motion destined to fail - not helped by the fact the Member for Riverina Michael McCormack was kicked out... #qt HannahQuinn‏ Wow! Pyne gets told to stop shouting! About time. Hasn't stopped him though. #qt Financial Review‏ Christopher Pyne is seeking for Craig Thomson to make an immediate statement on the FWA report #qt samanthamaiden‏ Crikey. Just heard Julia Gillard's call for Tony Abbott to "get off Sydney's north shore" and go talk to some real families... Carry_On‏@C_L02 LNP tried to stir up trouble over the budget & got nowhere so now they have gone back to their usual of trying to bring up Thomson issue #qt Naomi Woodley‏ Pyne now moving a motion to force Thomson to make a statement about the FWA report. Leave denied, so he's moving a suspension motion instead Myk says...‏@Myk42 Poodle wanted to SSSO - Cowardly little shite #qt Aleksandr Kharkovsky‏@Epigrammist Pyne moves obliquely onto Thompson. I smell a censure motion coming on #qt Mike Stuchbery‏ Trying to frame Wayne Swan as some representative of the Occupy movement, bloody hell, that's just absurd. Possum Comitatus‏Pollytics Only way the Coalition could get sillier here is if Chairman Abbott launches a censure against the tripling of the tax free threshold #qt The Wall Australia‏ Coalition in twist over school bonus http://dlvr.it/1Xg567 Annabel Crabb‏ The PM is luxuriating in Mr Abbott's answer when asked the difference between the school bonus + baby bonus... "They just are". #qt Little Loud Guy‏@LittleLoudGuy Christopher Pyne is the LNP's primary shit shoveller. At the moment he is shovelling it all over himself ROFL #qt #auspol :):):):

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9/05/2012Hi Lyn Interesting Twitterati. I’m getting the feeling that in parliament Julia Gillard and here ministers are steadily getting on top of Tony Abbott and his team. He, and they, are sounding more and more frantic, and today Christopher Pyne was almost apoplectic. PM Gillard is wiping the floor with the LOTO and making him look foolish. The 53rd motion to suspend standing and sessional orders to force Craig Thomson to make a statement failed, as it was bound to do. The Coalition got what it wanted, but will have to wait about a fortnight for it, when t