Their ABC

Or, the Coalition and Murdoch Conspiracy to Co-opt the ABC for their own ends.


This blog is a Call to Arms. It is time for all Australians of good conscience to act before it's too late. Like a wraith, Mr Murdoch moves stealthily but deliberately. His work is always in the background, but he is a piece of work to be sure. Thus it is for this reason that I believe it is about time to shine a bit of sunlight onto Mr Murdoch's machinations in Australia, in particular as it relates to our ABC, a national treasure, as the BBC is in England, but one which is under siege from the forces of Global Media Inc., otherwise known as News Corp. I'm not imagining it. The game plan was laid out for all to see in a speech given last year by James Murdoch in London.  As the Murdochs think globally and act locally, there can be no doubt that the sentiments of James Murdoch are being echoed here, and our ABC has been laid siege to, as torridly as the Beeb now will be, seeing as how Mr Murdoch achieved his aim of getting David Cameron into 10 Downing Street, with the implicit promise that the BBC will be 'corporatized', we can only imagine what would happen to our ABC under an Abbott Coalition government.


So let's look at the evidence before us here in Australia:


Mark Scott: ABC Managing Director and former Liberal staffer.


Janet Albrechtsen: recently departed ABC Board member and wife of Malcolm Turnbull's best friend, John O'Sullivan, the chairman of his fundraising arm, The Wentworth Forum.


Keith Windschuttle: ABC Board member, current Editor of Right Wing polemical, Quadrant, Right Wing zealot and former Marxist (aren't they all these days?)


Maurice Newman: Chairman of the ABC Board, climate change skeptic and former head of the ASX (a bluest of blue-blood position for a member of the economic elite to hold), and great mate of, guess who - John Winston Howard, who it appears is no longer licking his wounds in Wollstonecraft but actively participating again in 'strategizing' for the removal of the Rudd government with his conservative confreres up and down the country.


So, does something smell fishy to you too? Well it should.


And those suspicions were confirmed when I read this little gem in the 'Tips and Rumours' section of Crikey recently: "Rebellion at ABC News? A staff rebellion is happening at ABC News about the way the ABC editorial agenda is being hijacked by News Ltd. A couple of people have threatened to go public..." 


Bingo! I thought so!


So, might I just say, to the putative ABC whistleblowers, this might be your last best chance to do something about it. So how about you let us know about it in more detail!  Come out of the shadows. Your 8c/day paying demographic desires it!


We, the people need the transparency that a full and frank disclosure of such matters would demonstrate. How can it be fair on the Rudd government for people in what is supposed to be OUR ABC to stay silent about this editorial coup by the forces of darkness? Why should we, in Australia, allow a megalomaniacal geriatric American media mogul, head of a corporate conglomerate that spans the globe, to insidiously dictate how we think and who our next government should be, by dominating all our sources of information? Especially that one which we have come to rely on as our trusted source of impartial and reasonable commentary, the Public Broadcaster.


I wouldn't be surprised, actually, if, at that infamous breakfast that Tony Abbott had with Rupert Murdoch at the beginning of the year, soon after he became Opposition Leader, you know the one, where Abbott, the Murdoch supplicant, said, “Oh, I just hope he liked me”, that at that meeting a similar undertaking was not made, to sell off the ABC in a forthcoming Abbott government, in exactly the same way that Murdoch is said to have reached agreement with the dough-faced David Cameron to sell-off the BBC, in exchange for his media empire's support in the run-up to the recent UK Election.


If Murdoch also achieves that aim in Australia, then it's 'All Over, Red Rover' for our National Broadcaster. After 'Corporatisation', or whatever bland, Orwellian managerialese they will use to style the media coup, even though we may still be presented with the same 'Talking Heads' that we are comfortably familiar with now, as the tip from within the walls of the ABC shows, we will know that they will have been nobbled by News Ltd., having infected the soul of the organization with a cancer which will be nigh on impossible to excise.


You just have to look at how the malevolent Andrew Bolt (who will hereafter be known as MAB, appropriately, I think), inserted himself onto last Sunday’s Insiders panel in place of the far more honest and reasonable Michael Stutchbury.  Barrie Cassidy should have just refused to do the show with Andrew Bolt, and demanded that Michael Stutchbury be reinstated to the couch. An act that would illustrate, once and for all, that the cultural cringe that appears to be automatically assumed by former ALP staffers when they go to work at the ABC, is no longer going to be manifest in their behaviour.  Now is the time, and now is the season, to come out and be proud of your Social Democrat heritage and links to the political party that embodies it, and be no longer willing to kowtow to the Bully Boys from Murdoch World Domination Enterprises. C'mon, Barrie, you know you want to.


So, what I would like to start now is the ball rolling; to start a Watchdog group on The Political Sword, to provide all and every scrap of evidence of ABC pro-Murdoch behaviour and echoing, or unfair anti-Rudd government bias.


Come one, come all, from inside the ABC (if must be, anonymously), and come out into the light. Bring us all the evidence you have of ongoing editorial bias and past misdemeanors. Let's show all Australians, and the world, that we're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!


After that, when we have the evidence in black and white, before our eyes, we might take it even further. I know I'd be willing to take whatever steps I could to get the information before the public and out into the spaces beyond the Fifth Estate, in order to snatch back OUR ABC, before it's too late and the 'Vampire Squid' of global media has sucked the lifeblood out of the real 'Right To Know' agenda.


What do you think?


Do you want to be a force for good, or do you want to let Murdoch steamroll over the top of the ABC and turn it into Fox News?

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17/05/2010Bernard Keane from Crikey gets it: 'While declining newspaper readerships and the dominance of free-to-air news bulletins mean News' attacks are not directly harmful, they influence other media coverage. In particular, the ABC now frequently marches in lockstep, repeating its polling spin verbatim, deploying resources to follow up attacks and giving a regular platform to anti-Labor commentators.'

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010HS For the benefit of visitors who may not be aware of the Guthrie unfair dismissal case, concluded last Friday, this piece from [i]Crikey[/i] will be of interest: [i]Guthrie case points the finger at news upper echelon[/i]. It gives some insight into the culture and [i]modus operandi[/i] of News Limited.


17/05/2010AA, It's beyond my technical proficiency, but are you able to post a link to the Jon Faine/Bruce Guthrie interview here? :)

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010HS Here is the podcast of the Bruce Guthrie interview with Jon Faine on 774 Melbourne radio this morning. Note his comments about John Hardigan, CEO of News Limited and Peter Blunden, Managing Director of the [i]Herald and Weekly Times[/i]. Listen to what Guthrie says about how much News Limited controls news in this country, his comments about it being ‘incredibly tribal’, its ‘we’re the elephant, we make governments jump and organizations jump’ attitude, and its ‘whatever it takes’ philosophy. At 9.25 minutes in he says ‘Every time you hear Rupert Murdoch or Lachlan Murdoch or James Murdoch saying the ABC has become too big and is a competitive threat, ignore it. We need more balanced reporting’. His words confirm your assertions in this piece. The link is


17/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Thankyou for your fantastic column on [quote][b]Murdoch Conspiracy [/b][/quote] [b][i][quote]wouldn't be surprised, actually, if, at that infamous breakfast that Tony Abbott had with Rupert Murdoch at the beginning of the year, soon after he became Opposition Leader, you know the one, where Abbott, the Murdoch supplicant, said, “Oh, I just hope he liked me”, that at that meeting a similar undertaking was not made, to sell off the ABC in a forthcoming Abbott government,[/b][/quote][/i] I am with on this one, I wonder what I can sniff out. Maybe a start is to email your piece to the ABC. We need to do some research on the ABC board, find out about their contracts beginning date and end date. Can you employ me on the "Watchdog group" making yu an offer you can't refuse, very minimal salary, no superannuation. no holidays or sick leave. The Abbott breakfast is extremely suspicious.


17/05/2010Effective piece. I've suspected such for years. The quality & balance of the ABC has been slowly eroded. And I agree w/ Lyn, the ABC2 Breakfast News spends far too much time promoting the News Ltd view, Fox Sports and their daily papers. Even 'Avatar' recently. Disgraceful stuff. Ads & promotion for the obscenely wealthy Murdoch empire paid for by taxpayers. Out w/ Mark Scott! He's a TRICKY DICK of the highest order I reckon. Faux debates w/ Murdoch as the ABC is taken over gradually by this malignant media tumour. N'


17/05/2010Hi Nasking Thankyou so much for commenting on Ad Astra's political Sword, Ad Astra will be pleased, we hope you keep coming back. Love your gravatar, but I think you will scare Tweety. Nasking we need to find out, what ties or links there are between the ABC and Murdoch's News Limited, as Hillbilly said it's been going on too long resulting in a great deal of damage to our democracy. Cheers


17/05/2010Hs, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, is what I read, but!, not without what appears to have weight behind your argument this quote: They also ranted about online Indie ads which said: “A few people count too much. Rupert Murdoch controls 40% of the Press in Britain. On May 6 he will throw the weight of the country’s two biggest newspapers behind one party.” David Cameron's backroom deals with Murdoch over the BBC, right wing biased board members installed by the Howard Government, and so one. So!, what about Tony's brekkie with the Murdochster, and why does it seem that Tony Abbott isn't really trying to win this election for all his bluster, does he feel he doesn't have to try because he thinks someone is winning it for him, therefore the question asks, is Tony Abbott a Liberal Candidate or the Manchurian Candidate. I'll leave you with this link by John Pilger

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010Augustus Thank you for the link to the Pilger article. I was taken by his conclusion: [i]"The national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has long been intimidated by the Murdoch press in the obsessive manner of the campaign waged against the BBC. Funded directly by governments, the ABC has none of the nominal independence afforded by a licence fee. Last year, HarperCollins, owned by Murdoch, was awarded a lucrative 'partnership' with ABC Books. "In 1983, there were 50 major corporations dominating the world's media. By 2002, this had been reduced to nine. Rupert Murdoch says that eventually there will be three, including his own. If we accept this, media and information control will be the same, and we all shall be citizens of a murdochracy.[/i]"


17/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Don't know if you have read all these pages from Crikey, I will put them up for you in case. John Hartigan, Crikey Guthrie v News , Crikey Rupert Murdoch , Crikey


17/05/2010Ad Astra, I thought Pilger summed it up quite well, and it is frightening that our lives are being controlled by just one person, and in the extreme, thanks heavens for the "Fifth Estate" where we can still make up our minds.


17/05/2010Wow! Such fantastic responses! lyn, You can be the canary in the democracy coalmine if you like! We must not let this matter rest. Rust never sleeps! I will be attempting to bring to this blog, over the next few days, all examples of ABC News Ltd.-leaning bias, wherein they are simply acting as an echo chamber for the anti-Rudd government, pro-Coalition lines that News Ltd. dreams up every day. I urge everyone to listen to the interview between Bruce Guthrie and Jon Faine that AA posted. A true peek behind the News Ltd. curtains. Whilst I admit that the co-option of the ABC by News(for the sake of 'balance', so the ABC line goes), is not blatant, it is insidious and actual. I guess if they can't buy it they'll just take it over by stealth! Augustus, Thank you so much for ferreting out that John Pilger article, I can't wait to read it(I have been waylaid this afternoon cleaning out our old fridge in the garage, as the new one died!). I make the obvious observation that a large amount of media real estate has been devoted to besmirching John Pilger's name, due to his perceptive observations. Nasking, Don't get me starrted on ABC2 Breakfast. It seems to me that they are trying to be the television equivalent to 'The Australian'. That is, a televisual broadsheet of record, with the emphasis on 'B' for bitch. I must say though, Jenny Macklin showed amazing forbearance today when Virginia Trioli was interviewing her, and she was asked the News Ltd. question of the day about Julia Gillard's so-called designs on the PM's job. Jenny said, "Stop being mischievous, Virginia!" Which was being very kind to Virginia, who loves nothing more than imitating a tabloid muckraking journalist at times. Not all the time, however, you can set your watch by the fact that she will always parrot the 'mischievous' line of anti-Rudd government sentiment being pushed around. The question, though, according to the hypothesis of my piece, is, does she do it voluntarily, or does the editorial team instruct her to take such lines and ask provocative, tabloidesque questions?


17/05/2010This will be interesting. An interview on 'The 7.30 Report' with Tony Abbott. Let's see if Kerry goes in as hard in his interview with TA, as he did last week in his interview with the Prime Minister. We'll be able to tell an awful lot from what is asked, as much as what is not asked of the Opposition Leader, as we all know of many questions which should be asked by any credible journalist.


17/05/2010Phew! An interview which showed that Kerry O'Brien still possesses integrity. He put Tony Abbott under a spotlight and wouldn't allow him to slide away from scrutiny. Job well done. Now, I wonder, has the increased amount of attention from the 5th Estate started to have its effect already on the ABC? I've certainly noticed an increased hubbub on the blogs around the 'Their ABC' meme. So maybe the collective 'they' at the ABC are feeling a tad chagrined? Maybe we are precipitating the fightback from within the ABC? I certainly hope so, but I remain eternally vigilant. I'm still also leaving out the 'Welcome Mat' for those disgruntled souls, from within the ABC, who may wish to tell us more about the News Ltd. editorial interference.


17/05/2010Great piece Hillbilly. Just about everyone I talk to has noticed that our National Broadcaster has morphed into a Murdoch broadcaster and the majority of them are worried about it. It frustrated me during Howard's reign that people thought I was a little mad when I dared suggest the little rodent was out to destroy our National Broadcaster. In fact, it is only since Abbott took the Liberal leadership that people began to notice that our ABC has become THEIR ABC. I have no doubt that the Abbott/Murdoch breakfast was anything but innocent and you can bet your last cent that Murdoch promised the support of Murdoch's media in return for whatever Murdoch asks for when the Coalition gets back in government. Johnny Button suggested in the previous thread that Abbott might sell the ABC if he wins the election. IMO that is quite on the cards and the very thought should frighten the hell out of every single Australian. It is scary enough to think that we could end up with Abbott and the right wing nutters governing the country but it is absolutely terrifying to add the miserable, geriatric, power grabbing pseudo-australian Murdoch to the mix.


17/05/2010I for one am sick of the crap that the media in this country spin. For those interested, please feel free to join my Facebook group "Australians for an honest media". Let's spread the word.


17/05/2010HS, I only saw part of the Abbott interview but it appears he said, literally, he should not be believed in certain circumstances. Worth watching a few times, but I think if and when the media puts Abbott under pressure, it will all fall apart for him. Expect leadership speculation before the election. I have discovered Peter Dutton's diary over at Sportolotics, by the way.


17/05/2010Miglo, I'm there!...Well, in the morning, I'm a bit tired atm. :) Thank you for dropping by, 'The Political Sword'. Indeed we must keep the momentum going.


17/05/2010janice, There's one thing I will say for John Howard, he knew how to play the long game. Thus, even though he was voted out of office, he left behind people in the ABC hierarchy who were only a phone call away. I'd love to see the mobile phone records between those people that I have mentioned and JWH. There'd be a story just waiting to be found among the details. Oh for a perfectly transparent world, as I said, where our 'Right To Know' was actually respected by the media. We could ferret out such information for the common good. However, what News Corp. means by 'Right To Know' is something completely different, THEIR Right To Know everything! I wonder if Joe Hockey will make the announcement to sell the ABC in his speech to the National Press Club on Wednesday? Tee hee! Or, as Kerry O'Brien said to Tony Abbott, will you say one thing before the election, and do another after the election?


17/05/2010Congratulations, Hillbilly. I'm sure it took a lot of courage to write that. And thank you for doing so, and to Ad astra for publishing it. An activist blog, I like that very much! I hope this thread brings many responses from concerned viewers and listeners, and, I really hope, some pertinent details from insiders WITHIN the ABC (even posted anonymously if need be) of how it is happening that Australia's cherished, pre-eminent cultural institution is being subverted and perverted. I've been aware of the creeping bias for months now. It's been driving me nuts. Can't turn on a news or current affairs program without being assailed by a stream of hard right wing opinionists and spiteful anti-Rudd commentators. And it's not just the never-ending parade of very biased "guests" they have on, it's the presenters themselves, with snide, partisan asides, and interviews that give reactionaries a featherbedding and the fire-and-brimstone treatment to anyone from the Rudd government. That's when someone from Labor even GETS ON the ABC at all; most political interviews seem to be with members of the Coalition. Government Ministers, when they appear, are often quoted merely to punctuate, or "defend themselves against", the Opposition's Talking Point or angle of attack. I'm obviously not alone in noticing how baldly unbalanced it's all become, the propagandising for and by the Coalition, the crusading against the Rudd government. On a technical / housekeeping note ... As it goes with blogs, this post/thread will in a few days be pushed down the page by the latest contribution by AA, BB or HS. That would be a shame. The integrity of the ABC is of such importance, that this topic should not be consigned to the obscurity of the archives. I'd like to see it able to be constantly updated by allowing visitors to post details of ABC bias whenever they are spotted, now and in the weeks / months ahead. Ad astra, could you possibly add it to the right-hand [b]"Site Pages"[/b] menu, along with Lyn's Daily Links, Sword Watch etc, as a permanent feature of the blog ? I for one would appreciate this service very much. We must remain vigilant, for so much is at stake ...


17/05/2010Guess what? I joined Miglo's Facebook group! lyn, this should be a good one for you too! Come one! Come all! Strength in numbers!


17/05/2010HS, Watching but but but on with red Kerry I would think that even the most blue bloods amongst us could would be lying if they thought but but buts answers were nothing but CORE AND NON CORE.


17/05/2010Hi Hillbilly I can't join Miglo, he/she didn't leave a link. Can you ask Miglo to come back here and give me the link.

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010janice When this piece gives way to the next, from BB, I'll create a special place under 'site pages' for this dialogue to continue. Thank you for the suggestion. Jason The Red Kerry interview of Tony Abbott tonight peeled off yet another layer to reveal this man's inner self. It's not pretty,


17/05/2010HI AD [b]LINK TO OUR FAITHFUL, SUPPORTER CHRIS OWENS, THANKYOU CHRIS FOR YOUR PIECES.[/b] The Secret Diary of Peter Dutton, Chris ownes, Sportolotics Peter Dutton, he of the [b]punchable face[/b], went and bought some shares in BHP, even though the Coalitions’ line on the RSPT is that it will destroy the mining industry in this country.


17/05/2010hI hILLBILLY Some links you may be interested in: Gutherie v News ltd. (2010) VSC (14 May 2010) The first incident was an "altercation" in which (according to Mr Clarke) the plaintiff had a conversation with Mr Bolt, a journalist of the Herald Sun, and which concluded with Mr Guthrie making an inappropriate gesture to Bolt Murdoch Loses Another Courtt battle: Hartigan's Evidence Rejected, [b]STOP MURDOCH [/b] Gutherie wins case against News Limited, The [b]SPYREPORT[/b] Guthrie instead accused Peter Blunden – the managing director of the Herald Sun’s publisher, The Herald and Weekly Times – of having waged a personal campaign against him and spreading lies in order to have him sacked


17/05/2010Hi Miglo Thankyou for commenting on Ad Astra's, The Political Sword, we hope you will keep coming back. Love your gravatar. Ad Astra will be pleased.

Bushfire Bill

17/05/2010[The Red Kerry interview of Tony Abbott tonight peeled off yet another layer to reveal this man's inner self. It's not pretty] It was downright ugly. Kerry put fairly line and length questions to Abbott, who proceeded to hit wicket, snick to the keeper and lob to gully (or should that be gutter?) on just about every one of them. What we are left with is a Leader of the Opposition who claims we shouldn't believe him unless he's giving a prepared speech... but he won't tell us what's a prepared speech. We have to guess. Thus one of Abbot's great "virtues" - his ability to speak "off the cuff" - is relegated to mere [i]obiter dicta[/i]. I noticed, too, how ready Tony was to confess to his sins. Fair cop guv, you got me there, he seemed to be saying to Kerry. It was an admission that he not only [i]says[/i] he expects to lose the election, but that he [i]believes[/i] he [i]will[/i] lose the election. He's making it up as he goes along. We now have that from the horse's mouth.


17/05/2010HS, I still have faith that the ABC1 in it's current form will still stay as it is. News Ltd will have a problem with ABC's 24 news channel whenever that kicks off, probably because they have journo's all around the world who can think unlike fox news "We report you decide" mantra.Why Murdoch still plays in such a small media pond such as here who knows, maybe once the dame dies he'll go for good. The Tory's are always going to say that the ABC is biased I say let them as a 42 year old the 2nd world war set that listen to shock jocks etc haven't got to much longer, may their graves be filled with boat people .


17/05/2010Oh! boy didn't Tony go to water tonight and under little pressure really, not as much as Kevin Rudd had faced, one phrase I loved "carefully scripted remarks", so his message chances with his audience, ladies and gentlemen meet [b]puddles Abbott[/b] the man of water


17/05/2010Here 'tis the link.!/group.php?gid=111123122263533&ref=ts In my rush to spread the word about Uncle Rupe I forgot to include the link. The excitement got to me. :)


17/05/2010Another oops. That link to me to my own page. You'll need to go into the search box and type in 'Australians for an honest media'.


17/05/2010Hi AD Hillbilly and Everybody [b][b]Here is our friend Grog, With a brilliant, excellent report on the polls, thankyou Grog[/b][/b] [i][u]Newspoll: 50-50 (or, why so focussed on Julia?) Grog, Grog's Gamut[/u][/i] There’s a fair bit of media talk about no Budget bounce etc, which unfortunately ignores that a Budget bounce is a media fantasy.


17/05/2010Hi Lyn, I'm glad you like my gravatar. I've been using it for so long now that people actually think I'm a duck. BTW, I'm a friend of Nasking. He linked your page in my Facebook group about the Oz media.


17/05/2010An easier way to get to the Facebook group is to copy the above link and paste it into your browser.


17/05/2010Hi Miglo That's funny people think I'm a bird. Miglo, how nice of your friend Nasking to link The Political Sword in your facebook group. Thanyou very mnuch. We have met Nasking he/she was here at 6.07pm. I will visit your facebook page tomorrow, I have to watch Lateline now. Joe Hockey was whingy, whining, cranky on Q & A tonight with Lindsay Tanner. Tanner thrashed him, to be expected.


17/05/2010Hi Ad, and Hillbilly This is the Courier Mail's report on Tony Abbott on 7.30 report tonight. [b]UNBELIEVABLE, AND TONY ABBOTT WANTS TO BE PRIME MINISTER[/b] OK to stretch the truth in the heat of verbal combat, says Tony Abbott ,Stefanie Balogh Courier Mail [b]TONY Abbott has made the [u]remarkable political admission that some of his statements have serious inconsistencies.[/b] [/u]

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010Miglo Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. Folks Q&A is over - one conclusion can be drawn - Lindsay Tanner is highly competent, knowledgeable and articulate; Joe Hockey is a long way behind. Lindsay is convincing - Joe is not. Nothing more needs to be said. The Red Kerry interview of Tony Abbott was diagnostic of a deep-seated personality defect in Tones. How could anyone contemplate having him as the nation's PM?

Ad astra reply

17/05/2010nasking Welcome to you too. I hope you will join the [i]TPS[/i] family. There will be a permanant place on [i]TPS[/i] to comment on the ABC when this post is completed.


17/05/2010[This will be interesting. An interview on 'The 7.30 Report' with Tony Abbott. Let's see if Kerry goes in as hard in his interview with TA, as he did last week in his interview with the Prime Minister.] Oh I think you can say Kerry went in hard :-)


17/05/2010Rx, Consider it a 'Pre-emptive attack'! The problem as I see it is that these deals get done behind Oak-panelled doors, if you will. We, the citizens, often don't find out about it until it's a fait accompli. I can only cast my mind back to Howard's continued attempts to make the ABC stand own its own two feet financially. It may be drawing a long bow, but if you make an institution prove it can function independantly, then you can make the following argument that it no longer needs government support. Ergo, you can then sell it off to interested parties. For that reason we do need to keep a log of instances of ABC echoing News Ltd. Coalition-friendly talking points. Thus it's good to see AA assent to your suggestion for the Site Pages. Look, I'm not naive enough to think that the government is guilt-free and should be a responsibility-free zone, left unaccountable for its actions and the consequences of those actions. However, what I'm talking about is a different level of ABC scrutiny of the government again, one which is coloured, obviously, by News Ltd. talking points, which often don't bear a close resemblance to the truth of a matter. What I'm also saying is, I want to know, if at all possible, how and why is that bias coming about, at this point in time in the ABC?


17/05/2010Jason, The proof of my thesis will be in how that interview gets reported by the media tomorrow, and especially as it rattles around the ABC and gets refined by their editors.


17/05/2010lyn, Re Dutton's share buying. The Coalition are trying to spin the line that, "It was only $2000 worth of BHP shares". Wow! Do they know how disingenuous and elitist that argument is? I wish I had a lazy $2000 handy so that I could go out and purchase some BHP shares! Most people can't. And also, it's not only how many or how few shares he bought, it's the timing of the share purchase. Straight after the announcement by the Rudd government about the RSPT! That's the essential question that remains unanswered by the Coalition figureheads like Abbott and Hockey and Dutton, himself. Why then?


17/05/2010Jason, Murdoch likes to keep playing in this pond because Australia is his beach-head. The standard bearer from whose loins he sprang. It will always hold a special place in his heart. Also, as one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, we punch above our weight in influence over global debates. Remember in the good old days when Australia used to set the social policy trend, eg. Medibank, and other nations would follow our example? Well, that's why Murdoch wants the social democratic politicians and their policies not to succeed here. We're influential.


17/05/2010Bushfire Bill, You've heard of the Grubber Ball? Well, Tones just invented the 'Grubby Ball' tonight. :)


17/05/2010Augustus, Tony Abbott regularly goes to water, but the media turn it around to, 'Tony Abbott walks on water'!


17/05/2010I wonder if 'The Australian' will report Abbott's 'gaffe' tonight on the 7.30 Report?


17/05/2010Go Julia Gillard! "Every Australian should be concerned whether they can trust a single word Tony Abbott says."


18/05/2010I just love this statement from Janet Howard about her Husband John Winston Howard when she was talking to Van-Olsen. “You talk about a whole lot of things when you’re trying to convince people to do things, but you don’t go back and honour every single one of those unless you have made a firm commitment about it and John wasn’t into making firm commitments.” After tonight's little exchange on the 7.30 report between Kerry and Tones I think one could substitute "Tones wasn’t into making firm commitments"

Acerbic Conehead

18/05/2010HS, Kev has finally realised that there is something rotten in the States of DenMark and Scottland. Is it too late for remedial action or has the fish rotted from the head down? Whatever the prognosis, he is not going down without a fight. Sing along with him as he rallies the troops. It’s to the catchy beat of the Jackson Five’s, “ABC”. :- ( They watched Play School to learn, guys How to spin yarns and all that jive Like telling core and non-core porky pies And how two and two makes five :- ( Now, now, now Aunty’s gonna teach you All about spin guys Sit yourselves down Take a seat :- ( All you gotta do is repeat after me: ABC Predictable as Fox TV Not worth the Eight cents fee ABC/Fox TV Each a bloody travesty :- ( Come on guys and harken just a little bit You whistle-blowers have to sing it out Come on, come on, come on Tell everyone what it's all about :- ( The denizens of the great big lie Windy, Planet, and Uncle Rupert Use Insiders, Lateline and News Breakfast To treat us as if we’re bloody stupid :- ( Aunty’s gonna show you How to cook the books To stack the Board with a loon or two Listen to me guys, that’s all they got to do :- ( ABC Predictable as Fox TV Not worth the Eight cents fee ABC/Fox TV Each a bloody travesty ABC Predictable as...


18/05/2010Ad astra, you gave me credit for Rx's suggestion. Mind you, I don't mind being thanked for the good idea but I can't be unfair to Rx.


18/05/2010[b]Hi Ad and Hillbilly[/b]Hillbilly you said last night about the Abbott 7.30 report interview [quote]"I wonder if the Australian will report it"[/quote] [b]Well guess what, here goes:[/b] Don’t believe everything I say - Tony Abbott Herald Sun… Don’t believe all I say, Abbott admits The Australian… Gillard slams ‘phoney’ Abbott ABC Online… Abbott admits you can’t always believe him The Age ... Read my lying lips: Abbott admits you can’t believe everything he says Sydney Morning Herald… OK to stretch the truth in the heat of verbal combat, says Tony Abbott Courier Mail


18/05/2010Hi Ad an Hillbilly Sorry guys none of those newspaper links work, here they are again: Don't believe everything I say - Tony Abbott Only believe me if it is 'scripted': Tony Abbott Don't believe all I say, Abbott admits , Gillard slams 'phoney' Abbott Abbott admits you can't always believe him Read my lying lips: Abbott admits you can't believe everything he says Abbott trips up on his own logic


18/05/2010Another example of why journalism is being bastardised by faceless self-publishing boggers who aren't bound by any standard of conventional journalistic ethics. The article has no facts or substance but is heavy with the bias of a malignant personal agenda. You geniuses who buy this sort of juvenile nonsense need to ask yourself one essential question: if Murdoch wasn't around with his deep pockets to keep funding big news centres around Australia and the world, who would step up to replace him? Answer? No one. He is the only 'media mogul' still standing, still employing, still expanding opportunities for writers, reporters, editors, producers, researchers, camerapeople, graphic artists and all the other media professions to get a job in a contracting media landscape. The ABC, on the other hand, is given a cheque for a billion dollars, every year, with no strings attached and near-zero accountability. They don't have to earn or justify it, they just get to play radio and TV stations with other people's money. Lots of it. And somehow, Mark Scott & Co have you believing that makes them special! Time to grow up and re-enter the real world, kids.

Sir Ian Crisp

18/05/2010Sell or buy? Just when we thought Dutton had been caught out making a goose of himself we find out that Mrs Kim Swan has been dumping her portfolio of mining shares. Was it pillow talk or does Wayne talk in his sleep? Swan defends wife's mining stock sell-off Updated Mon May 17, 2010 4:50pm AEST Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says his wife's share portfolio has nothing to do with the debate over the Government's proposed new mining tax. Yesterday it was revealed that Opposition frontbencher Peter Dutton recently bought 50 BHP shares worth $2,000. Today newspaper reports say Mr Swan's wife, Kim Swan, sold shares, including mining stocks, a month after Mr Swan received the Henry tax review.

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


18/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] Tony Abbott's amazing interview with Kerry O'Brien (17 May 2010), Twitter Newspoll: 50-50 (or, why so focussed on Julia?) Grog, Grog's Gamut There’s a fair bit of media talk about no Budget bounce etc, which unfortunately ignores that a Budget bounce is a media fantasy. Essential Report – consensus edition, Possum Comitatus, Crikey. 50/50 – unchanged from last week, giving is a bit of a consensus with today’s polls. Abbotts' not a risk to anyone but the Liberals, The Piping Shrike faced with O’Brien’s accusations that he can’t seem to stick to one point of view, Abbott defends himself by using what Labor are saying about him: Little love for Abbott, but voters have stopped listening to Rudd , by Graham Young, On Line Opinion The government's future, therefore, lies in the hands of its opponents. Labor has to see if it can help Abbott lose the election Why th 2010 Budget is a Clever Election Ploy, Alex Schlotzer, The Angle. Org At this stage there is much hysteria about government spending, which the Liberals seem to repeat ad nausea until told to stop and move on. So why is Kevin Rudd suddenly the problem? Bernard Keane, Crikey News also employs several commentators whose entire job is to smear and attack Labor, unrestrained by any adherence to facts or reason, so that even when Labor adopts pro-business policies it is criticised. The Coalition faces no such permanent media opposition. Abbott's job freeze figures 'out by $1b',ABC NEWS An accounting expert says Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott seems to have made a $1 billion mistake Let him who is without grubbiness cast the firsts stone, Tobias Ziegler, Pure Poisen The news of Dutton’s investment seems unlikely to cripple the Coalition’s position on the mining tax. But it seems to me that it says something about Dutton’s judgment – while he is certainly free to invest as he pleases, it’s hard to fathom that he didn’t foresee the embarrassment this decision could cause. Peter Dutton is ahead on his BHP Shares, by Peter Martin He was better share trader than he was a politician. Abbott's immigration paranoia, by Kerry Murphy, Eureka Street There are no queues. The processing of refugee cases is complex, and to liken it waiting in a bus queue is ridiculous. Application to deregister the ALP, by Kellie Tranter, The Drum, BC On behalf of many concerned citizens of Australia I would like to make an application for the deregistration of the Australian Labor Party. Tony Abbott's amazing interview with Kerry O'Brien (17 May 2010), Twitter The curse of Kerry: now Tony has a 7.30 meltdown, David Penberthy, The Punch. Abbott was being smashed all over Twitter tonight - not that surprising, given it has a lot of commie users - but he still deserved the flak. It was a rotten performance, it made him look like a sophist who would say anything if he thought there was a vote in it. Abbott being Smashed on Twitter Abbott under fire for 'gospel truth' gaffe. Lyndal Curtis A self-inflicted wound on his own credibility by the Opposition Leader would not have been part of the plan. Kerry, Kevin,Tony, Laurie and the interview cycle, Peter brent, Mumble Tony Abbott should have expected a bit of a going over on 7:30 Report last night. He got it, and he wasn’t prepared. Ow.


18/05/2010mediamonitor, You want a fact? How about this one for pro-Coalition bias from the ABC? Last week when Kerry O'Brien interviewed the Prime Minister, the transcriber of the conversation at the ABC included every 'um' and 'ah' from the PM in the transcript. Last night, after Kerry O'Brien's interview with the infamous 'ah', 'but,but,but' man, the ABC's new, inexperienced transcriber wasn't on last night, lol, so there's not an "um" or "ah" in sight in its 7.30 Report transcript. Next, Alison Carabine on ABC Sydney this morning, has called Tony Abbott's comments "only a one day wonder"! Talk about the ABC coming out and doing their best to minimise the damage from Mr Abbott's intemperate comments last night.


18/05/2010Hi AD Sorry I have,rel="nofollow come back to haunt me, here are the two links again. Twad twitter works on second one, why the link has gone up twice I have no idea. Two ABC links again Abbott's job freeze figures 'out by $1b',ABC An accounting expert says Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott seems to have made a $1 billion mistake Application to deregister the ALP,Kellie Tranter, Unleashed, ABC On behalf of many concerned citizens of Australia I would like to make an application for the deregistration of the Australian Labor Party.


18/05/2010Acerbic C., 'ABC, predictable as Fox TV.' Love it, love it, love it! :) You lit up a Sydney morning on a very grey, rainy day.


18/05/2010Samantha Maiden's Despatch Box story on the Abbott 7:30 Report interview has all the "um"'s and "ah"'s from the alternative PM. Stagger through his thought processes and (kerchunk!) delayed utterances at your leisure.


18/05/2010lyn, Thanks for the links. I think we need to follow this story as it morphs during the day. It appears, as I said above that the Press Gallery have decided to give Tony Abbott a 'Free Pass' on the admission. All I know is that if the PM had been forced to make a similar admission by KO'B, he'd have been hammered from pillar to post, up hill and down dale, from here till the election.


18/05/2010Mmmm, just in case the Maiden report gets magically cleaned up by some minion of Murdochinania (certainly all their other media outlets are putting Abbott's words in falsely unbroken flow). Abbott says: "Politicians are going to be judged on everything they say, but sometimes, in the heat of discussion, you go a little bit further than you would if it was an absolutely, uh, calm, considered, prepared, scripted remark," Mr Abbott said. "Which is one of the reasons why, the, the the statements that need to be taken absolutely, as, as gospel truth is those carefully prepared, scripted remarks." The 7:30 Report host then asked whether "every time you make a statement we have to ask you whether it’s carefully prepared, or on the fly". "Is that why your colleagues over the years have come to call you the weathervane?" Mr O'Brien asked. "And, some, and some, and some people Kerry, will judge me very harshly," Mr Abbott conceded. O'Brien then asked: "Are there two Tony Abbotts? The real Tony Abbott and the Tony Abbott that tailors what he has to say to the audience that he has in front of him." "Well again, I think, that, most of us know, ah, when we’re talking to people, when we’re listening to people, I think we know, um, when, ah, we can put absolute weight, ah, on what’s being said and when it’s just the give and take of standard conversation," Mr Abbott replied.

Sir Ian Crisp

18/05/2010Relax HS. I ‘own’ the ums, ahs, ers and all other utterances by The Monk. It was me who highlighted his caesural style of communicating. As for pollies being wedded to lies….what’s new. Pollies have a natural aversion to the truth. I called for the widespread use of scopolamine in our various parliaments. The two items below are from the bloopers package. Plenty more are available but to mention them all would see me hog the very valuable TPS space, something I don’t want to do. A LABOR government would attempt to bring Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, before the International Court of Justice to face charges of "inciting genocide" in an effort to force the rogue Middle East leader to justify his attacks on Israel. Stop Japanese whaling Status: Broken Overview November 2, 2007: According to Paul Watson of Sea Shepherds in a talk on Nov 2 at Town Hall, Fremantle WA, Kevin Rudd has promised that if Labour wins the election they will send the Aust. Navy to stop Japanese whalers from operating in Aust. waters in Antarctica Further information: The government has since claimed that this never was an election promise, rather it was a promise to consider acting, and in the meantime to use diplomacy to stop whalers – where diplomacy fails, the government has said it may consider taking international legal action in the ICJ - we are yet to see any action on this front.


18/05/2010Mediamonitor, If you are monitoring the media you aren't very good at it, are you? If you really think the malignant power-crazed, deep pocketed media mogul is the bees knees you are entitled to your opinion. The man is, however, pretty well loathed and despised across the globe and for good reason. You might like to think about the consequences to this nation if we lose the fight to keep OUR national broadcaster from becoming solely THEIR broadcaster. It means we lose a huge chunk of our democracy in that we are only told what THEY want us to know and hear. We who are concerned about our ABC only want our national broadcaster to report the news and not only give us the personal, biased opinions of journalists and those they support.


18/05/2010Michael, You are right, the cleaned-up transcripts just don't do justice to what was a prevaricating performance all on its own, and give no indication of the body language either. Mr Abbott looked and sounded shifty as he tried to evade answering Kerry O'Brien's questions truthfully, questions about telling the truth! Also, what I fins amazing today is the fact that all of a sudden callers into talkback, politicians and the media are saying that truth is not really important anymore anyway, and especially so if you are a politician!


18/05/2010Mediamonitor "Time to grow up and re-enter the real world, kids". Yes I think you should practice what you preach. No one on this blogg has argued that newspaper moguls should be destroyed. What we argue is that news should be unfettered to speak the truth, which does not include a biased campaign against one side or the other. If journalists tend to bastardised their own reporting and are not held to account by as you call us “faceless self-publishing boggers,” then who does? Why should we not speak out in these forums to protest the standard of conventional journalistic ethics? Are you suggesting that we should all be silenced and just keep our big mouths shut to satisfy people of your ilk? I have no doubt you feel very comfortable opening your big mouth and speaking out against a political party or politician who does not fit your political bias. I am a loss to understand you argument that New Limited should not be targeted for bias reporting when it has this great media-mogul Murdoch. “Still standing, still employing, still expanding opportunities for writers, reporters, editors, producers, researchers, camera people, graphic artists and all the other media professions to get a job in a contracting media landscape”. You may as well infer that a company like James Hardy should not be held to account for all the Asbestos related dieses as it employs thousands of workers and makes money for its shareholders. Using your analogy no large company should be criticised or held to account for anything provided large numbers of people are employed and the business is expanding.


18/05/2010Sir Ian Crisp, I could cherrypick the Howard government's litany of 'Core and Non-Core' pre-election promises, starting with the 'Never Ever GST', as well as you have highlighted the examples from the Rudd government. So, exactly what are you trying to prove therefore by doing so, when you are only giving half of the story here?

Ad astra reply

You are welcome to express your opinions here, but should you return please treat others who comment here with respect. We are not ‘kids’. If you take the time to read the comments you will find a mixture of views from the many sides of politics, some satire, some vigorous debate, but always courtesy. Those who comment here are mature, thoughtful people concerned about the state of politics in this country, and, in this piece the state of the media, the responsibility of which is to inform the public with the facts, to draw logical conclusions and to give us balanced, considered opinions. So often it fails those fundamental responsibilities by exhibiting bias and at times flagrantly disingenuous journalism. But what this piece asserts is that there is a more malevolent process going on - a deliberate attempt by News Limited to influence the operations of the ABC. Listen to what Bruce Guthrie said yesterday (among the comments), read what Bernard Keane said on [i]Crikey “While declining newspaper readerships and the dominance of free-to-air news bulletins mean News' attacks are not directly harmful, they influence other media coverage. In particular, the ABC now frequently marches in lockstep, repeating its polling spin verbatim, deploying resources to follow up attacks and giving a regular platform to anti-Labor commentators.”[/i] Read what James Murdoch said about the BBC in his London address (link in the above piece). No one here has challenged Murdoch’s right to run his empire and employ lots of people - what is being challenged is the extraordinary influence he exerts over the consumers of his products, and even more the way he exerts pressure on public utilities such as Our ABC to conform to his way of doing things. He regards the ABC as an unfair competitor, and therefore seems to take the view that it should be subject to the same commercial pressures he places on other competitors. What we want is an independent and balanced ABC, not one, as Keane puts it, ‘marching in lockstep’ with News Limited. So do return, but argue your case logically from verifiable facts, and please refrain from accusing us of “bastardising” or “being faceless self-publishing bloggers who aren't bound by any standard of conventional journalistic ethics”. It is ironic to hear from someone who so vigorously defends the Murdoch empire, that our journalistic ethics are questionable, when that is the very accusation we make about much, but not all journalists in the MSM.

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010Rx Apologies, as janice points out, it was you who suggested the special place for a continuation of 'Their ABC' in 'site pages'. I'm trying to work out the best way of doing this. I'm somewhat constrained by the limitations of this off-the-shelf blog engine, but I'll work out some way of recording ongoing comments and information about how Our ABC is being influenced by forces which predispose it to bias and away from its prime purpose - to provide balanced reporting of news and current affairs.


18/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2[/b] Tony Abbott: world's worst negotiator, Chris Owens, Sportolotics Make no mistake. This was not Tony Abbott being honest. This was Tony Abbott being dishonest, Phoney Tony: “You can’t believe a word I say!”, Reb, Gutter Trash In rare moment of truth, Tony Abbott has admitted that voters shouldn’t believe a word that he says. 'Don't Take My Word For It, I'm A Politician' Ian Woods, Australia correspondent , Sky News UK. telling voters they should only believe his "carefully prepared scripted remarks" and not his off-the-cuff comments. Tony Abbott 'blown the election' Neil Mitchell, 3AW Mr Abbott is facing claims he can't be trusted after his comment that things he says "in the heat of the moment", should not be believed in the same way as "considered remarks". Tony Abbott's face value truths 2UE 18 May, 2010 - 8:25 AM MTR1377 Media PlayerAndrew Bolt joins Steve Price in the studio to talk Tony Abbott's verbal indulgence Abbott put to the sword over 'gospel truth' gaffe Sydney Morning Herald. Labor's criticism of Mr Abbott showed the government was desperate, Mr Macfarlane said So honest, he happily admits to dishonesty , Lenore taylor,The Age So honest, apparently, he happily admits to dishonesty. Phew, that makes us feel a lot better.


18/05/2010Lyn Ad et al A short summation of Tone and his 7.30 report revelations [Abbott lied and then lied about lying cos he is a liar] As you were :)


18/05/2010Hi Gusface Good afternoon Gusface, how nice to see you, out of your nest so early today, you little cutie. see what Lenore Taylor said: So honest, apparently, he happily admits to dishonesty. Phew, that makes us feel a lot better Twitter went electric last night over but but, I promised to go out, and see Miglo and his/her friend Nasking today, but you see, but, but has kept me extremely busy this morning. I have to be careful of Nasking, he might bite me, and I haven't got my wings on anymore.


18/05/2010Hi AA, Are we able to have a dedicated 'ABC Watch', where we can all go with our snippets of bias and influence?


18/05/2010Gusface, Can you believe it? Media are playing down Abbott's admission of the truth about lying, lol, as 'everybody knows they all lie, move along, nothing to see here'.???

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010HS That's what I had in mind - I just have to work out how to update it with comments, as there's no capacity with this blog engine to comment in any item under 'site pages'. I think I'll have to manually add comments in the same way I update Lyn's Daily LInks.

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010HS While some of the media are playing down the import of Abbott's interview, such as Peter van Onselen in the 2UE interview, several are not so forgiving - listen to Neil Mitchell on 3AW (see Lyn's Daily Links). Abbott has further damaged his already tatty reputation. Some journalists are calling it a 'gaffe'. It's not a gaffe, this is true-blue vintage Abbott. This is how he is. This is not just an occasional error amongst a catalogue of sterling media interviews; this is how he behaves - all the time. He has thought bubbles, and dangerously hasn't got the discipline to discuss them with colleagues and stakeholders before he lets loose. It is deliciously ironic that those who would defend him, praise him for his 'honesty' in telling the nation that when he speaks, unless he's reading from a carefully prepared script, he may be dishonest! But of course the public has no way of knowing when he's having an honest moment or a dishonest moment. If this doesn't do him permanent damage in the minds of the voters (except of course his rusted-on supporters) then heaven help our political system. Such utterances would be of little consequence if Tones was chin-wagging with a drinking mate at the local pub, but this man was on national TV, and he wants to be PM! His performance last night, and all his similar performances on radio and TV, should render him ineligible for any high office in our federal parliament. Whether it will time will tell.


18/05/2010Hi AA Long before Abbott's self-implosion of his "honesty" he inhumanely attacked a dying man who had the temerity to attempt to present Abbott, as Health Minister, a petition to allow a drug on the PBS to assist other Asbestos victims. That man was Bernie Banton. He proved then that he was unfit for any public office and not even worthy as a piece of nightsoil underneath Bernie's boot. HBS Thank you for your series of excellent blog articles. Sorry for the delay in offering my congratulations but I've been wrestling with several personal issues. It is a great comfort to see TPS slowly building a strong company of shock troops manning the trenches of the Fifth Estate in the battle with the fourth Estate who will stoop to any level in order to try and win. (Even resorting to using germ warfare). Lyn Great effort in providing all those great links for us time poor TPS devotees. Keep up the excellent work and thank you.

Sir Ian Crisp

18/05/2010Stop sleepwalking HS. I have already told the story of the pollie who didn’t know he owned a 50% share of a concreting business (Lib pollie). I’ve related the story of the NP pollie who made 47 T/A errors, all in his favour. I recounted the story of the Lib pollie whose only functioning organ was his penis. To round it off I also told the amusing story of the NP pollie who didn’t know the difference between a V8 powered vehicle and a 4 cylinder vehicle. He had a habit of sleeping in his car so that he could claim T/A. I have been evenhanded.

Sir Ian Crisp

18/05/2010And I do believe I have tipped a bucket of shyte on the GST and how it showed how tired, lazy and lacking in imagination its authors were.

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010HS It was amusing to hear the Abbott Party members defending their leader today. They used words like: 'Tony is an honest politician', 'Tony is a straighter-shooter' and a 'conviction politician' . Now the truth is that he is not an honest politician or a straight shooter or even a 'conviction' politician, if that confusing term means being a person of conviction, as in 'firmly holding a belief or opinion'. Last night's interview shows that, by his own admission, he is randomly dishonest in interviews and supposedly honest only if what he says is written down and 'carefully scripted'. If he has convictions, does that guarantee honesty? We thought he had a conviction that the ETS should be passed 'to get it off the agenda', then that global warming was 'absolute crap', then that he could make political capital by opposing the ETS, then that he could gain voter support by proposing a 'direct action' plan to reduce emissions - all convictions of our 'conviction politician', but diametrically opposed to each other. So 'honesty' is hardly a descriptor that rings true for our 'conviction politician'. The Labor Party is understandably celebrating yet another mangled Abbott performance, but who do you think will be smiling most, perhaps wistfully and ironically, on the other side? Malcolm Turnbull. He must be feeling chagrin that a man of his intelligence, stature and articulateness was pipped by one vote by someone as inept and unsuitable for prime ministership as Abbott. Abbott is turning out to be the Liberal Mark Latham writ large. Turnbull will be watching, ready to pounce when Abbott finally runs out of supporters in his party ready to explain away and forgive his mistakes, misdemeanours and mess-ups. Only in religious circles can Abbott rely on repeated forgiveness for his sins; political circles are not so forgiving, and when forgiveness runs dry, watch out for Malcolm.


18/05/2010Hi Vote1maxine So glad you had time to comment today, also I wish you well, we all suffer things not going how we want them, not a perfect world. We have been missing you Vote1maxine. Thankyou so much for your very nice compliment, it makes me so happy when people find the links useful, as Ad Astra says it saves him a lot of time. Guess what!! Ad Astra gave me an honourable award yesterday, I think he might use HRH after my name from now on. Here it is: The Political Sword is growing rapidly, it's a great little community, extra special people on here.


18/05/2010AA, I agree with most of what you say, but I make the extra point that Abbott has shown himself to be a very adept populist. It worked a charm for Howard, and, as Howard's 'Love Child', Abbott has obviously been schooled at Howard's knee. It's a hard spell to break with the electorate, as Howard's continued success(and Silvio Berlusconi's as well, I might add), demonstarted. Howard got away with his 'Core, Non-Core' line for virtually his whole Prime Ministership, and the electorate still kept voting him back in. I'm not so confident that, even with his admission last night about his veracity, on the 7.30 Report, that Abbott has fatally wounded himself electorally. The spell has not yet been broken, and Malcolm Turnbull will be waiting a while methinks, because he may have all the attributes that you suggest, but he is no political svengali, as Abbott so obviously is.


18/05/2010'I have been evenhanded.' Sir Ian Crisp * Good to hear, SIC. I also try to be, believe it or not!


18/05/2010vote1maxine, You're welcome, and thank you for making the time in your busy life to read what I have to say. :)

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010Sir Ian I have a back-log of comments from you to which I must respond. First, the one on the last post. You assert that I have gone into ‘panic mode’ over Kevin Rudd’s drop in popularity. Wrong. How you interpret the last piece, ‘But, but, but’, as a sign of panic and nervousness escapes me. What it set out to do was to paint a picture of what an Abbott Government would like in the event of a Rudd defeat. As I’m sure you’re aware, it’s not just matter of how good or bad the Rudd Government is, but how good or bad the alternative would be. Then you accuse me of a ‘fixation on Mr Turnbull’. Well, he was Opposition leader. Are you suggesting that I should have had the prescience to know that the pieces written about Turnbull would be ‘wasted’ because he was subsequently dumped. If Abbott continues in his present vein, we may see Turnbull back again to rescue the Liberals from the Abbott onslaught on their reputation. Your acerbic account of the talent on [i]TPS[/i] is a backhanded compliment to the many thoughtful people who comment here. But we will ignore your sarcasm and follow your advice to write about how Rudd could ‘sell’ his policies more effectively, perhaps sooner than you think. I don’t know who has ‘smart money’ on an election date, although you seem to know. If I was Rudd, now that a DD seems unnecessary or inadvisable, I would not call an election until the last moment, early next year. That would give sufficient time for Abbott cook his own goose and the Government time to straighten out some of its contemporary policies and get its message right. So Sir Ian, I’m not rushing, or panicking, or nervous - I’m just quietly observing a dynamic ever-changing yet enchanting political scene, and musing about your comments.


18/05/2010[b]TODAY LINKS PART 3[/b] [b]PHEW FINISHED FOR THE DAY[/b] [b]BUT BUT SURE MADE ME BUSY[/b] [i]Tony Abbott’s struggle with the truth,Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] What would Abbott be like representing Australia in international negotiations? What would he be like dealing with business? [i]We knew Tony’s a phoney, but is he fit for the job? Crikey[/i] The Tony who — and let’s be honest here, maaate — should never have been Liberal leader. A politician just a little too transparent for his own good. [i]Thewetmale Institute, Mathew Lee[/i] Abbott’s admission that he’s not always completely truthful is proof that he tells the truth. [i]Own goal for Australian opposition in election race , Rob Taylor, AletNet[/i] An admission by Australia's opposition leader that he does not always speak the full truth has given an unexpected gift to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's government, [i]Peter VanOnselen's war against Class Warfare, Mark, Lavatus Prodeo[/i] Peter Van Onselen has written a piece in today’s Australian warning Paul Howes of the dire consequences should he engage in that cardinal sin, appearing to advocate “class warfare”:

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18/05/2010Sir Ian 
You make a nasty insinuation and draw a very long bow about pillow talk between Wayne Swan and his wife giving her inside information to sell mining shares. It does not seem to trouble you that there was no logic to selling mining shares because of anything in the Henry report. But I suppose reference to KIm Swan was to offset Peter Dutton’s share purchase. As Peter Martin points about in his piece today, Dutton’s purchase was good share trading but poor politics, which it was, embarrassing as it did Dutton’s leader. Regarding your second post this morning, you categorize change of intent as lying. Politicians often state an intent to do something when in office only to find that circumstances prevents that intent being fulfilled. This leads to an accusation of ‘broken promise’. I suppose to avoid this a politician needs to say: “I would like to do this or that, or intend to do this or that, but circumstances at the time may make this difficult or impossible, but I’ll do my best.” Now would that long-winded statement be reported, and if so heard by the people, and if so, be acceptable? With the pressure for short sound-bites for TV or radio these days, I suspect no. So our expectations and the media’s demands too often force politicians into short and at times simplistic, unqualified statements of intent. Coming to Tony Abbott’s ‘no new taxes’ statement, that has been labelled as a promise, and doing the opposite a broken promise. It would have been a lie only if at the time of uttering it Abbott knew that he was going to do the opposite. I doubt if this was the case. I suspect at the time he really meant what he said, but a subsequent PPL thought bubble overrode that assurance, leaving him accused of breaking a promise or even lying. It was the thought bubble, not discussed with colleagues, that constituted the problem, not the original assurance of ‘no new taxes’. Sadly many journalists, because they don’t understand the nuances of the concepts of promises, intent, and lying, confuse their reading public. You cite Rudd Government ‘lies’. The first one, in October 2007, about bringing the President of Iran to court begins: [i]“A Labor government would [b]attempt[/b] to bring Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, before the International Court of Justice...”[/i] Surely ‘attempt‘ means just that, a statement of intent, so not achieving it is hardly a broken promise or a ‘lie’. Likewise, the whaling issue is stated to be ‘a promise to consider acting’, and there has been activity by the Government to achieve this which is extant. Again hardly a ‘broken promise’ or a ‘lie’. It seems as if politicians need to qualify their ‘intent’ in a way that avoids the ‘broken promise’ accusation that the media inevitably use as a weapon against them. Yet I suspect that the qualifications and the caveats would be omitted by the media, leaving the intent exposed as a guarantee, a promise, which if not achieved is held against the person making it. Isn’t it a sad media-dominated world we live in?

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010vote1maxine Good to see you back at [i]TPS[/i]. We hope your personal issues are resolving. Yes, the Bernie Banton episode was a sad reflection on the inner Abbott and his inability to control his mouth. He's racking up a lot of misdemeanours, yet still hopes for forgiveness. His church may be forgiving; I don't know how forgiving the electorate will be, especially as he wants to be our PM!

Ad astra reply

I have had an email from the Campaign Manager of [i]Friends of the ABC[/i], which is a supporter of the ABC dedicated to it thriving as an independent public broadcaster. [i]Friends[/i] are as concerned as we are about the implications of Murdoch for democracy. Visitors may wish to check out the article on the front page of the current newsletter [i]Global war on public broadcasting[/i]. Go to click ‘See the latest FABS newsletter’ in the right panel, then on the next page click [i]Autumn 2010[/i] to go to the front page of the newsletter. It’s theme matches the theme of [i]Their ABC[/i]. The URL of the [i]Friends of the ABC[/i] website is : They are in the process of building a new website that will contain more info, but address will remain same. You can subscribe to [i]Friends[/i] email notices (see right panel of homepage).

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010Folks For reasons I don't understand, only the second part of the two URLs in the last post actually work.

Ad astra reply

18/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated for the third time today:


18/05/2010Media Monitor;...Who would give us the news if not for the benevolent Rupert? Huffington Post,Crikey, Guardian Online, Crooks and Liars...the list goes on and on and on. Not to mention FTA television..not to mention Google. What are Murdoch and his band of two bob hacks understand and are scared off? Google,Huffpo,Crikey and all the others are only news aggregators for the time being. You certainly put the cat among the pidgeons this time Hillbilly!!!


18/05/2010Hi Ad That is what happened to me a few times, and again this morning, if I get that " rel="nofollow">, only the second part of the link will work. It is something going wrong in the system, because links are fine when entered into the comments box. Ad, that's interesting getting the email from Friends of the ABC , I registered It has been an excellent news day today,and it just keeps coming. Mostly about, but, but, He is in hot water this time, Labor and Paul Howes will get millions of miles out of Phony Tony's "it's honest to tell lies".

Sir Ian Crisp

18/05/2010Ad Astra, thank you for your forbearance.

Daisey May

18/05/2010Could it be that the ABC is positioning themselves as a centre right voice on the Net for when Murdoch brings in the paywalls? The Murdoch camp has said that they will announce their paywall plans in late June so the very thing that many of us have hoped for is not far off. When the 'dessicated old coconut" MK 2 finally realises that no-one with half a brain will fork out their hard earned for such a blatantly partisan pack of rags that are barely fit to wipe your arse on it will be too late. I think Mark Scott understands that the first port of call for the readership of the Murdoch press will only come to the ABC if they continue their copy and paste approach to News Ltd reporting. This really is the last hurrah for crappy newspapers and Rupes is going down swinging. The old dog will put up a good fight but he and his feotid empire will eventually collapse. It may take another 5 or 10 years but the old tyrant can't last forever. The consolation prize will be to see the ALP returned to power at the coming election and watching all those pathetic hacks at News Ltd having to eat the biggest shit sandwich in history lol.


18/05/2010Hi Ad and Hillbilly [b]Here comes our ever faithful, favourite, Grog. Thankyou Grog another brilliant piece[/b]. [i]Because his Lips are Moving. Grog,GROG'S GAMUT[/i] [b]I don’t think this will make too much of a hit in the polls – the polls at the moment are still mostly about the Government, but I think this has pretty well killed the election for him,[/b]


18/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Video of the advert. Labor had prepared, just hours after the 7.30pm report last night. [i]Tony Abbott - You can't trust anything he says You tube video just released by Labor[/i]


18/05/2010[b]Hi Ad and hillbilly[/b] [b]I just had to post Andrew Elder straight away, he writes a FANTASTIC PIECE, EVERYTIME.[/b] [i]The Ross cameron Moment, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Rudd can now go to the people saying: I might not be perfect, but golly gosh I'm doing my best. Even if it only happens in the last week of the election campaign, people will rally


18/05/2010Hey Lyn, I had that same link problem yesterday with the two articles, but found that you could fix it by making sure each link has a backslash at the end: i.e.: "" to "" This was in the comments box though.


18/05/2010Hi Beerme Congratulations, you are number 100 comment. Thankyou so much for your tip, it is very valuable to me, because that rotten rel="nofollow"> gives me a panic attack everytime I see it go up on my post. So is this what I need to do, forward slash 3 dots forward slash after dot com /.../ Beerme Have I got it right? thankyou heaps


18/05/2010Aw darn - I thought putting my links in " " would prevent it from being converted to a link. Just to clarify, add a "/" at the end of your link if it doesn't have one, and see if it helps.


18/05/2010Thanks Lyn. Whoops, that comment I made after your post was done without knowing you had posted something else in the mean time. To answer your quesion directly, you do not need to add anything either than a "/" to the end of your link, if it doesn't have one already. I think the link system is having some problem deciding when a link begins and when it ends - putting a "/" lets it know thats the end of your link. The "/.../" that you see is done automatically by the link system.


18/05/2010Hi Beerme Yes the other comment crossed over. Thankyou so very much for your help, excellent, I will try it in the morning on Today's Links.


18/05/2010Apropos of nothing Joe has 10300 odd followers Tone has 7900 odd followers Mal has 20200 odd followers JB is still to crack the ton Rudd has 970000 even followers


18/05/2010HiGusface You little cutie. You have come out of your cosy nest, I talked to you this morning, but you didn't come back, I know you went scurrying back it the tree trunk, didn't you

Acerbic Conehead

18/05/2010HS, the SLY (Serial Liars and Yahoos) Olympics are in full flow and the 400 metres final is just about to begin. However, the number of finalists has been reduced to seven, with Tricky Dickey Nixon disqualified, having been impeached by the officials for throwing Waterbombs at the Cambodian and Vietnamese supporters. So that leaves Bill Clinton, George Bush Jn, Pinocchio, Bernie Madoff, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Troy Buswell and, of course, Tony Abbott, to compete for the gold medal. They are under Starter’s Orders and the race gets underway, with Troy Buswell especially ripping into the field, making Usain Bolt look like Phil Ruddock watching the grass grow on the roof of Parliament House. However, with Troy, it is a case of flattering to deceive as, when a woman vacates her seat in the front row, he promptly jumps the advertising hoarding know what happens next. So that leaves six Serial Liars. Oh, and by the way, HS, I forgot to mention that after the runners started the race, the organisers set loose a little soft toy, just like in the greyhound racing, to entertain the kiddies in the audience. Coming into the beginning of the first straight, Bill Clinton is in the lead but old habits die hard, as he spots Monica in the throng, looking resplendent in her sexy black beret. Then there were five. Dubya is well ahead at this stage and is running so well, he’s sure to have a cocaine test waiting for him after the race. However, the Closing Ceremony organisers are having a bit of a practice and set off a few loud pyrotechnics. Thinking he’s found Saddam’s WMD’s at long last, he starts to do a premature lap of honour, but unfortunately in the wrong direction. So that leaves four. Bernie Madoff is now in the lead, but that doesn’t persist, as he spots a four-year-old in the crowd, counting his pocket money. Bernie mugs the kid and is promptly carted off by security. And that leaves three. By this stage, Pinocchio leads the radically-reduced field. However, ever since he got onto the track, he has been telling everyone he is a real boy. Consequently, his nose has got so long, he decides to enter the pole-vault instead. So now there are two. Coming round the final bend, The Boy Who Cried Wolf is in the lead over Tones. But, at that moment, Christopher Pyne’s poodle runs onto the track, frightening the bejesus out of The Boy, and he runs off, burying himself in the long-jump sand-pit. So, Tones is the only Serial Liar left and, understandably, he enters the final straight with his arms raised, fists punching the air in triumph. However, out of nowhere, the soft cuddly toy streaks past him and flies across the finish line, relegating Tones to the silver medal position. Very disappointedly, Tones looks up at the big screen as the soft cuddly toy is being interviewed by Fox News. Interviewer: As a rank outsider, and virtual unknown, you’ve certainly gone against the script by winning this race, haven’t you? Soft Cuddly Toy: No, I couldn’t really agree with you on that...You see, Tones and I actually go back a long way in the Serial Liars game...In fact, as far as telling porkies, I taught him all he knows...So, whether it’s keeping to the script or talking off the cuff, I’ll always have the beating of him in the Serial Lying stakes...It’s a bit like the servant not being greater than the master, y'know... Interviewer: Hmmm, by the way, you are such an outsider tonight, many of the viewers probably don’t know your name... Soft Cuddly Toy: My name? Why, I know I haven’t been around in a while, but in my hey-day, I was known to everyone simply as the Lying Rodent... Tones: Huh, ain't it the gospel truth...


18/05/2010Lyn sadly I forget most things most of the time,its only the important things that lead me to TPS. also my tongue gets very tired from poking out at silly people :)


19/05/2010Thnx for the kind welcome Lyn, Hb & Ad Astra. Certainly some marvellous links provided. And insightful comments. I've put up few posts over the past weeks you might be interested in: Even empires have bad days Why does Tony Abbott keep saying those strange things? Erratic Tony's Budget for a New Tory Nation...A bit of fun and my latest post: Joe and the Wrecking Ball There are some great posts from the blogmaster joni too on Blogocrats. I also post music & comments on Guttertrash. Comments on Lavartus Prodeo. I spent the years 06-08 primarily on Tim Dunlop's 'Road to Surfdom'. And I am a friend of Miglo...and member of the new Facebook site Miglo mentioned: Australians for an honest media!/group.php?gid=111123122263533 As a retired media teacher and grad of film & media studies at uni I've been very concerned about the state of media ownership in Australia for a good long time...including the undermining of Aunty as an "independently" thinking & balanced news broadcaster. And the growing tentacles of the Murdoch empire across the globe, in particular the USA (think Fox News, 20th Cent Fox, Wall St. Journal...the list goes on. And the corporatisation & vertical integration aspects that undermine balance, objectivity & integrity. It's reassuring to discover others who feel the same. BTW Lyn, I like yer gravatar too. This bear is only scary to those who undermine true democracy. :) And are tricky dicks pretending to be what they're not. Come across a few extreme Righties in my time pretending to be something they're not. Keep up the good fight. Cheers N'


19/05/2010Hi Nasking Thankyou for your excellent comment 12.17am. I have checked you out on Blogocrats, and am impressed with your opinions. I knew I had run into you before, but couldn't remember where, now I know, it was at Reb's. Great to hear your brief personal information, now we know you, we would love to have you here, as a regular Nasking on The Political Sword. I am going to post your piece "[b]Why does Tony Abbott Keep saying Those Strange Things? [/b]on today's links. Have tried to read "Australians for an Honest media" on Facebook, but must have done something wrong as can't get in, must admit I am a bit dopey with Facebook. Cheers


19/05/2010Hi Gusface Sorry I forgot, about that funny little habit of yours, poking your tongue out. Glad you come here to The Political Sword with all the important things, because we are very important you know.

Bushfire Bill

19/05/2010Shorter Tony Abbott: [b]"Honesty is NOT the best policy"[/b]


19/05/2010Hi Budhfire Bill Good Morning, is "Honesty is NOT the best policy" scripted. Cheers


19/05/2010Gracias Lyn. I look forward to spending more time visiting this valuable site. N'


19/05/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Because his Lips are Moving. Grog,GROG'S GAMUT[/i] I don’t think this will make too much of a hit in the polls – the polls at the moment are still mostly about the Government, but I think this has pretty well killed the election for him, [i]"Phoney" Tony Admits to being Economical With the Truth, Rich Bowden, The Angle Org[/i]. The admission will have definitely damaged his electoral chances, said Robert Manne, professor of politics at La Trobe University [i]An Honest Man in Seventhirtyreportland,Jeremy Sear, Anonymous Lefty.[/i] Tony didn’t just misspeak. He repeated his declaration that some things he says shouldn’t be taken seriously [i]Tony Abbott, pants on fire! , Dominic Knight[/i] To summarise this extraordinary revelation, then, a man who intends to convince the electorate to make him Prime Minister admitted that the only statements we should take as being entirely credible are the written ones [i]Why does Tony Abbott keep saying those strange things?, Nasking , Blogocrats[/i] Abbott's character can go through quite dramatic and abrupt transformations...we’ve seen him sullen & petty (end of debate after arriving late) to fierce & venomous [i]The Self Destruction of Tony Abbott, Leon Delaney[/i] If the Leader of the Opposition cannot outwit Kerry O’Brien on the ABC, shouldn’t we all be worried about how he would go as Prime Minister dealing with other world leaders, [i]Gratitude" for Howard & Costello's legacy? Hardly, Jeremy Sear, Anymous Lefty [/i]Ignoring for a moment that H&C’s main method of “achieving” surpluses was selling off public assets, [i]David penberthy, and the pinko pervert commie bastards have taken to twittering[/i], Doroth Parker, Loon Pond Commie users? Is this a twit's attempt to out twit the tweeters with an outrageously tweety twit? [i]Australian politician tells public: 'Don't believe what I say' ,Bonnie [/i]Malkin ,Telegraph. Co. UK Mr Abbott stunned political commentators when he made the full and frank admission, telling an interviewer that voters should not bet on his off-the-cuff comments being strictly true [i]Don't threaten with Pinocchio's Nose,The Political owl[/i] lie successfully — is thought to be related to development of brain regions that allow so-called “executive functioning,” [i]Don't trust politicians: Aussie opposition leader, Talek Harris, AFP[/i] "I acknowledge that at times, I have stuffed up," he said, as his deputy Julie Bishop mouthed:"That's true".

Bushfire Bill

19/05/2010In a truly sickening development, The Australian sinks to a new low by enlisting Mirko Bargaric to defend the ethics of lying on behalf of Tony Abbott. [i]"[b]Honesty not always the best policy position[/b] White lies are also permissible where they act as social lubricants, obviating the need to engage in drawn-out character evaluations. Better to say you can't make it to dinner because you're busy rather than because you find the person revolting. ... (Abbott) is occasionally expedient with the truth on non-core issues to attract his audience. Is this justifiable? [b]Yes, if it is a means to improving the greater community good by removing an incompetent government.[/b] It is a judgment call whether federal Labor has reached this level yet, but the scourge of pink batts, school halls and non-action on refugees, human rights and the environment makes it a line-ball decision."[/i] It seems all Abbott has to do is decide in his own mind that the Rudd government needs getting rid of, and Marko Bargaric gives him the all-clear to lie to his heart's content to achieve that end. Lying is really just a "social lubricant", after all. But Marko Bargaric, emeritus professor at Deakin Law School, has form. He likes to take the exceptional and turn it into the unexceptional. Take torture, for example: [i]"[b]Some torture a needed life-saving tool[/b] by Marko Bargaric ... people who propose an absolute ban on torture either ... lack compassion or have a warped moral compass. ... Fanatics who oppose torture in all cases are adopting their own form of extremism. It is well-intentioned, but extremism in all its manifestations can lead to catastrophic consequences. Cruelty that is motivated by misguided kindness hurts no less. In order for the anti-torture extremists to move from the base of the moral mountain, they need to accept that sometimes the only way to deal with evil is to hurt it and that evil is not transmittable."[/i] ... yes, again in the Auastralian. And from The age: [i]"The belief that torture is always wrong is, however, misguided and symptomatic of the alarmist and reflexive responses typically emanating from social commentators. It is this type of absolutist and short-sighted rhetoric that lies at the core of many distorted moral judgements that we as a community continue to make, resulting in an enormous amount of injustice and suffering in our society and far beyond our borders. Torture is permissible where the evidence suggests that this is the only means, due to the immediacy of the situation, to save the life of an innocent person. The reason that torture in such a case is defensible and necessary is because the justification manifests from the closest thing we have to an inviolable right: the right to self-defence, which of course extends to the defence of another. Given the choice between inflicting a relatively small level of harm on a wrongdoer and saving an innocent person, it is verging on moral indecency to prefer the interests of the wrongdoer."[/i] Marko Bargaric paints a veneer of ethical respectability onto Tony abbott's lies. He also advocates the cold-blooded use of torture. One sick mind defending another. I'd like to see Tony asked whether he agrees with Marko, and whether he supports his other views on ethical exceptionalism.

Bushfire Bill

19/05/2010Marko Bargaric literally wrote the book on torture:


19/05/2010Macca, Thank you! I'm Hillbilly Skeleton and I'm here to ruffle feathers! :)


19/05/2010Daisey May, That's an interesting hypothesis that you brought to the table about ABC positioning in the marketplace post-paywall. I still believe that the editorial bias is a reflection of internal editorial policy to echo the News line, which I would hardly characterise as 'Centre Right'. Well, on most days anyway. I do think that, as we watch Joe Hockey's speech at the National Press Club today, and then read what the ABC has to say about it later, we will be able to obtain more evidence for my hypothesis, or yours, as, if the ABC is about Centre Right positioning(and you could almost characterise the Rudd government as a Centre Right government when it comes to economics), then you should see close scrutiny of his speech and balanced reporting, as opposed to cheerleading for the Coalition, and echoing of News Ltd.'s point of view. There is a big difference.


19/05/2010lyn, You are a tireless worker for 'Truth, Justice, and the Australian Way'! You deserve your award. :)


19/05/2010gusface, Some of the PM's followers are porn stars don't you know!?! As if that means anything. :)


19/05/2010Hi Ad and Bushfire Bill You said [b][quote]In a truly sickening development[/quote][/b] well I think the bootstappers are sickening and ridiculous continuely using the the word Authentic to describe Tony Abbott's performance on the 7.30 report. I knew the meaning of authentic since I learnt to read, but thought maybe my memory is is wearing out, so I looked up my 50 year old, Oxford and the definition says: Trustworthy Genuine Establish the truth Reliable Tony Abbott is none of those, I have proof, [b]BECAUSE HE SAID SO[/b] I HEARD HIM on National TV. Do you think the bootstappers know the meaning of authentic. Ashleigh Gillan, on Sky News agenda this morning said to Labor backbencher, "Do you think is fair for the Labor party to call Joe Hockey Sloppy Joe," Oh! no. that's not fair, but what do Tony Abbott and the Liberals call The Prime Minister, the list is too nasty, and too long. Yesterday the bootstrappers spent all day long and into the night, making fun of Abbott, rightfully so, he had it coming, gleefully reporting, headlines, pot shots you name it. [b]Today the sickening mob[/b], are going to [b]spend all day building Tony Abbott back up again. [/b] This is "news reporting" from the [b]Murdoch army of pathetics.[/b] Unbelievable. The can't remember what they wrote yesterday.


19/05/2010Acerbic C., We may need to run that race again after Joe's speech to the National Press Club. :) Might I also suggest a new form of Modern Heptahlon? Your footrace; Gymanstics, specialising in the backflip; Diving, where the back somersault with Triple Pike is the manouver-de-jour; Navigating a Political Obstacle Course; and, finally, successfully getting across the Kerry O'Brien, 7.30 Reportland Mine Field. :)


19/05/2010gusface, May your tongue forever have the strength to poke!

Ad astra reply

19/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


19/05/2010Nasking, Can I give you a bear hug? :) Thank you so much for your mighty contribution to TPS yesterday! It is true that we have to build up the strength of our networks. The 5th Estate may be individually powerless, but together we can present strong pushback against those who seek to dominate the conversation.


19/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Good morning. Thankyou so much for saying that to me, you guys make my day. I love my award, doesn't it look just great on the links page, very expensive diamonds "wow". I just had [b]A GREAT BIG MOAN[/b] (Awarded, saying of the year everything is GREAT BIG) ABOUT THE BOOTSTAPPERS, in above comment. The only thing we can do is keep exposing them all. I took a look at the ABC site this morning, Drum and Unleashed, none of the writers are even worthy of linking in [b]today's links[/b], how depressing.


19/05/2010Bushfire Bill, It is truly only an Opposition meme that the Rudd government is incompetent. The facts suggest differently. Then, to build a defence of Tony Abbott's, 'whatever lie it takes', behaviour on top of that other lie is to take grroming of the electorate to an all-time low. As you said, Mirko Bargaric has form. What distresses me most is how someone of his undoubted intelligence can direct it to such perverse ends.


19/05/2010Bushfire Bill, Let's see if the ABC bootstraps the News Ltd. house point of view, re Tony Abbott's free pass to lie as he sees fit, in order to win the next election?


19/05/2010Lyn, I previously felt that Ashleigh Gillan was one of the more "balanced" & "fairer" talking heads/interviewers on on Sky News...but my opinion has changed of late. Her comment to Lib Ian McFarlane yesterday that his backflip on the ETS & support for present Lib policy was "refreshing honesty from a politician" or such, was so sycophantic it made me wanna upchuck. Perhaps Gillan has had pressure applied to her in the run-up to the election?...or mebbe it's just the normal state of affairs w/ any host of a program that has connections w/ the Murdoch empire? Certainly Fox News was extremely devious back in the late 90s by ensuring Bill O'Reilly changed his previous Republican voting stance to "Independent"...and incrementally he became more Right-Wing & Bush supporting on the show. I find it hypocritical of a media empire that stirs the wooden spoon on Rudd's delay of the ETS to be calling McFarlane's view & stance "refreshing"...and furthermore taking a rather uncritical approach of it...particularly when this Liberal who worked w/ Penny Wong to get a compromise ETS bill is now citing "change in international climate change agendas post-Copenhagen" as the main reason for his kowtowing to Abbott's view of climate change. Talk about hypocrisy...and media message inconsistency. N'


19/05/2010Hi Lyn, Ad Astra, Here is another link for today's Daily Links ... [b]A big black hole in Abbott’s credibility[/b] Sue Dunlevy, [i]Daily Telegraph[/i], 18 May 2010 [i]... One thing he’s unlikely to tell you is that about $2 billion of the current budget deficit is due to poor control on programs introduced when Abbott was health minister.[/i]


19/05/2010sorry, the link:


19/05/2010Hi Nasking Ashleigh Gillan did start of reasonably well, but she is now copying of David Spears and Keiren Gillbert. The way they but in, talk down to Labor Ministers, is nothing short of shocking. The biased towards the Liberals is more than obvious.I'm always telling them off, trying my utmost not to watch, but watch we do, us political tragics. Tell you what! I originally thought Ian McFarlane was one of the, a bit more, genuine Liberals, but not anymore, he is just as shifty as the rest of them, his response yesterday to Tony Abbott's performance on the 7.30pm report, was so creepy, crawly, cowing to Whimpy Budgie. I am waiting with breathless anticipation at the moment, for Joe Hockey's address at 12.30pm. It will be very interesting to see Peter Martin's report later, given that he wrote, Joe Hockey is Julie Bishop dressed up in different clothes. Did you read Malcolm Turnbull's column, he is now adopting Tony Abbott's climate change direct action plan. See the creepy crawly, I thought he was passionate about Kevin Rudd's ETS, hence crossing the floor, and a GREAT BIG SPEECH to Parliament, with no-one watching. Hypocrisy means authentic. Nasking, hope there are no typo's in this I am, trying to cook lunch, peg out the washing, watch the news, so in a hurry you could say.


19/05/2010lyn, 'Hypocrisy means Authentic' in Liberal-land! :) Shows On! It's Joe's time to shine.


19/05/2010Wow! I almost feel sorry for Joe Hockey. That was a truly shonky performance just now at the National Press Club. It was interesting to note which journalists tried to give him a free kick with their questions, by giving him an opportunity to have a go at the Rudd government...Mark Riley from Channel 7, and Matthew Franklin from The Australian(no surprises there). Paul Bongiorno, on the other hand, tore strips off him! Generally, the journos were, 'Not happy, Joe' because he had not given them either a list of the cost-cutting measures, or even a copy of his speech, beforehand!


19/05/2010Hs, I still think Turnbull is making phone calls, remember Hayden and Hawke in 1983, Turnbull coming and adopting the current coalition policy on climate change I can't wait to see joe Hockey's speech


19/05/2010HS, by the way forgot to say great piece, you have certainly attracted some considerable interest in the article.


19/05/2010Hi Augustus Thankyou for the link to Reb, Reb, at Gutter Trash,I just finished reading, he writes up good stuff eh! I will put the link up here again, so that Ad can then, tansfer to Today's links. Turnbull, His Highness, is just being authentic means Hypocrisy, I keep telling everyone. Have just finished watching Joe Hockey's speech, think I will post my take on it. So stand by, I am new at this dissection of speeches stuff.


19/05/2010Hi Ad [i]It’s Bullshit, but I like it, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] His royal highness Sir Malcolm Turnbull has had a complete change of heart and converted to the climate change wit and wisdom of Tony “read my lips” Abbott [b] [/b]


19/05/2010Tweety HRH, just had to say once, you're welcome


19/05/2010Hi Ad, Hillbilly, and Everbody [i]Hockey dances around issue of opposition budget cuts ,Katherine Murphy, National Times[/i] [b]If you’ve tuned in to watch him at the National Press Club just now you will have seen him pulling a burlesque worthy of the Moulin Rouge[/b] Where were these much anticipated cuts that would offset some of the Opposition’s massive multibillion-billion pre-election spend? [b]Nowhere.[/b] Joe would do the nasties. No, apparently Joe would not do the nasties. Joe is the nice guy, not the nasty guy. Andrew Robb will do the nasties later this afternoon. Hockey’s fandango also doesn’t reassure that the Coalition has the smarts, the organisation and the internal discipline to be a serious contender in this election race. [b]It was a train smash[/b], in sequins granted, but a train smash nonetheless.


19/05/2010lyn, thanks for the instant update on opinions about Hockey's speech. :) It was woeful, wasn't it? And he thinks he's qualified to be Treasurer of this great land? No way, no how.


19/05/2010And they call Kevin Rudd a boring speaker. Rudd is the Obama of speakers compared to today's Hockey. I reckon Turnbull must be gettin' pretty excited about the his future now. What w/ Hockey puttin' us into a coma...and Abbott constantly wounding himself. It's like a bad sitcom. Hopefully this present Lib/Nat team will be put out of its misery like so many bad TV pilots. No series warranted. N'


19/05/2010Hi Ad, Hillbilly and Everybody Joe Hockey's budget speech explained in full raw, un-edited detail: [b]By Tweetie Bird[/b] [i]factual notes taken from speech, by Joe Hockey[/i] I was furiously taking my notes as Joe Hockey uttered them,after 5 mins, I suddenly decided there was a very strong theme, that Poor old Sloppy Joe was deperately trying to get across, The were many brow wipes and scratchings of forehead in between words. (a lot of sweat) This is an honest word for word, as I heard uttered. [b]IF ELECTED[/b] WE MUST WE WANT WE BELIEVE WE CAN WE WILL WE WILL WE NEED WE WILL WE WILL WE WILL WE BELIEVE WE WILL WE WILL WE WILL WE WILL WE ARE WE NEED WE MUST WE COMMIT WE WILL WE CAN WE LIKE WE WILL WE WILL DOES ANYONE GET THE THEME?. Four or five journalists expressed their annoyance, at not being given the costings before the speech. Joe Jockey replied you will get the costings when you go out the door or Andrew Robb will tell you on night time television. When asked by Michelle Gratton about the shelving of the ETS (set up), Joe Hockey said (with a mournfull look)"I did believe,really believed MY Prime Minister. (MY PRIME MINISTER) MY honestly, that was supposed to make the audience cry The Coalition has a policy I back 100% called "Direct Action" Keiren Gillbert's summary, after the speech: [quote]Key was, the 46 Billion savings claimed by Abbott and Hockey, costings were not provided[/quote]. [quote]Press Club reported very poor form, holding back costings until after the speech.[/quote] Joe Hockey would not, confirm if the Coalition would keep Ken Henry employed. Pretty amateurish, my report I know,learning gets harder.


19/05/2010Hi Ad, Hi Hillbilly Bernard Keane's summary of Joe Hockey's Budget Speech [i]Hockey’s bizarre media management obscures Budget Reply, bernard keane, the Stump The refusal to provide the detail of costings – which were provided at the end of the speech after questions had finished, annoyed a number of journalists [/i]


19/05/2010There's a beautifully apt adjective for Tony Abbott - "Jesuitical". Look it up* and you'll see it applies Coalition-wide. *Oh, all right: "dissembling or equivocating, in the manner associated with Jesuits."


19/05/2010Hello there Lyn. Just read Bernard Keenes piece via your link. I don't agree with Keane that Hockey's speech was "well crafted" - I thought it was a great big mountain of bullshit and reminded me of the mountain ranges of grey slag that has become the main view we now have in the Hunter Valley which is dotted with dozens of open cut mines. Isn't it rich that Abbott passed the baton to Hockey who in turn has passed it on to Robb? They really do think we are all stupid and that their media will spin their straw into gold for them. They sure found a Rumplestiltskin in Murdoch.


19/05/2010Has anyone got a transcript of Jo(k)e Hockey's speech? I analysed the whole thing, in real time, then pressed the wrong button and it went off into the internet ether, never to return! Sigh.


19/05/2010Hi Janice Abbott gave costings to Hockey, Hockey gave to Andrew Robb, journalists are saying "pass the parcel", (that's a kids party game). I agree with you Janice, I don't agree with Bernard either and neither does his commenters, nor do the {Press Club). How Bernard can find "well crafted" out of,to use your words that mountain of b*llsh**t, it reminds me of Queenstown in Tasmania, absolute devastation. Hockey performed very poorly, it's being reported that the costings were withheld during the speech so as the journalists coudn't ask hard questions. I wonder if the press club are still going to favour the Liberal party. Here is a transcript of Joe Hockey's Speech, just in case somebody is slightly interested [b][i]Joe Hockey Speech to the National Press Club - Rebuilding Sustainable Prosperity - 19 May 2010 , Australia. to. News [/i][/b]


19/05/2010The baton could end up with barney rubble cos he was an accountant but the Parl House cleaner is on standby if all else fails. However the swop out of Abbott for Turnbull like Hawky and Bill Sneddon back in the distant past, just before or directly after the election is called will be a master stroke. It will see the coalition triumphant but hang on my crystal ball has gone cloudy due to all that polution from the mining companies.


19/05/2010Hi Hillbilly Just posted the transcipt of Jo(k)e Hockey's speech. cheers


19/05/2010lyn, Thank you. :) I went to 'The National Press Club' website, and they wanted to charge $10 for it! Never in a million years would it be worth that much!


19/05/2010Hi Bilko good to see your happy face. Does your crystal ball say Turnbull is going to cause a spill, can you have a look when the pollution clears.


19/05/2010Hillbilly What a rip off, it's only good to fill the pot under the potting mix.

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19/05/2010Folks An interesting observation on the ABC's treatment of Kevin Rudd's interview with Kerry O'Brien and Tony Abbott's. Look at the Rudd interview and check for the number of times 'um' is uttered (control F) Then check how many times 'um' is uttered in the Abbott interview You will find the 'ums' have been expurgated from the Abbott interview. Why?


19/05/2010Bilko, my thoughts as well, I think there is an element in the Liberal party finding it hard to defend Tony Abbott at the moment, cringe factor +8, it was Bill Hayden who was dumped for Hawke just as Malcolm Fraser called the election in 1983


19/05/2010Classic photo Gunner Sugden anyone?


19/05/2010Hi Ad Thanks for the 2 links to abc, and the removal of um's. Um! very interesting, I tried "but" also, Abbott said "but" 14 times. Gusface just reminded me to look at his/her twitter page. Thankyou Gusface I found this: RT @MacYourselfhome: Please yes! RT @samanthamaiden: NO ! @1petermartin reckons Hockey is entering the #7:30 Report land . TONIGHT. LIVE

Daisey May

19/05/2010Bravo to all the tireless foot soldiers on this ever growing site. I think a strong and pernicious streak of senility is creeping into old Unkie Rupes thinking if he thinks he can make this pig fly. News Ltd can only help Phoney Tony so much but even he must feel utterly humiliated by backing so publicly a bunch of pathetic losers like the current line up of the Coalition. It just goes to show that having all the money and power in the world does not make you immune from poor judgement, pride and hubris. It must sting him to the core to go from being a self made man to become the world wide pariah that he undoubtably is. Only a Mother could love it and he will probably be more loathed than Hearst and Robert Maxwell combined when he finally carks it.


19/05/2010here is the list of coalitions savings that Joe Hockey couldn't bring himself to mention during his speech and left up to Andrew Robb to mention later out of the spotlight


19/05/2010Hi Lyn Mostly i am abloke but sometimes, SWMBO sneaks in a comment you are indeed worth your weight in gold :)


19/05/2010Sorry I forgot Peter Martin's take on things


19/05/2010Hi Gusface Thankyou for your compliment, your pretty worthy yourself, smart and cluey. Because I am a bit green, could you tell me what SWMBO means, please.


19/05/2010She Who Must Be Obeyed otherwise known as the better half


19/05/2010Watched the 7:30 report, I noticed Andrew Robb chewing his nails when Joe Hockey was asked about whether we need to get what he said in writing, The Coalition are tryin to bluff their budget with large fantastic numbers especiallt the 12 Billion savings by rejecting the mining tax, when pressed by Kerry O'Brien that it wasn't savings because if the tax isn't passed the money isn't spent therefore no savings, no wonder Hockey didn't want the press to have the figures, too many uncomfortable questions to answer.


19/05/2010Hi Gusface Thankyou so much gusface, see how cluey you are, I could never have guessed that abreviation. Joe Hockey 7.30 reportland, a Great Big Fizzer. Hockey failed miserably, stupidly. Caught out on every question by Kerrie. Dumb and dumber.

Daisey May

19/05/2010I wonder if anyone here can speculate on what sort of impact the NBN will have on the media landscape? Will old world media like newspapers suffer? Will free to air and the ABC suffer? I'm trying to imagine what the media (all forms) will look like in 5 years time. Any ideas?


19/05/2010The Coalition's 'Savings' amount to getting rid of the government's most positive and productivity-inspiring initiatives, such as Teacher Quality improvements, Computers in Schools, the NBN. Other than that there is true class warfare stuff like abandoning GP Super Clinics, which just ends up placing pressure back on the poor old Public Hospitals. However, of course, if you can afford Private Health... Then there's the cancellation of the Renewable Energy Future Fund. They really have shown themselves to be economic troglodytes.


19/05/2010Lyn Last week I said in another post the following As the title of this subject said "Wake in Fright" No doubt the News Ltd hacks will have found a hidden message (dog whistle) the rest of us have missed in the morning, except for the unions that had a good ear "IR reform". As for "Action Man" we now have to wait for Shrek to face the press club next week, no doubt if he fails then it could be Robb, Joyce, Tuckey Bronny, Andrews although I think someone pissed in their gene pool it will matter not. The man is a weathervane. vote1maxine Your right Jason they're nothing but predictable


19/05/2010Hi Jason Conversation on here, "but, but,but" has been pretty lively, as was on Bushfire Bills piece "Wake up in frieght", can you refresh my memory. I forget where we got up to.


19/05/2010Hi Daisy May I know that the NBN with the use of optic fibre will be absolutely fantastic for this country. Because of the speed it will allow Doctors, Nurses, hospitals, businesses, all people to download anything they need at a greater speed, from here and overseas. I am just guessing, but I suspect Rupert wouldn't like it too much, because the more information we can download or view, we will rely less on his papers, magazines, pay tv, etc. We will be able to download unlimited information, without having to pay excess useage fees, so therefore more people will watch overseas tv on their computers, read books, anything and everything. Hillbilly, Ad and I am sure Bushfire Bill will be able to tell you more. Here is a site you may or may not like to look at: [b]National Broadband Network. Westnet [/b] The excitement around the NBN stems from the increased bandwidth potential of FTTH technology, paving the way for new advancements in the way we communicate. Bandwidth refers to how fast data flows through the path that travels to your computer; the greater the bandwidth, the more information transferred at one time. FTTH delivers the fastest broadband available in Australia and promises a range of communications benefits in all areas of life, but notably business, health, education, security and recreation.


19/05/2010Lyn as I said BB's piece wake in fright after "read my lying lips" budget in reply I said we now have to wait for Shrek to face the press club next week, no doubt if he fails then it could be Robb, Joyce, Tuckey Bronny, Andrews . as it turned out Robb faced the nation They are nothing but predictable


19/05/2010'The Liberal Party are in danger of becoming a political billabong'. Great line from Peter Martin blog.


19/05/2010Hi Jason Sorry, silly me, yes you were so right, predictable into the bargain, Abbott,Hockey, Robb. Did you see Hockey arguing with Mark Riley at Robb's press conference. There may be more yet, could be passed to Barnaby, he did have some experience remember, in Andrew Robbs job. The media are calling it "pass the parcel".


19/05/2010Do you know that if you had just flown in from another country and went to The Australian website, you wouldn't even know that Joe Hockey had given one of the most important speeches of his political career today. If you turned on SBS 9.30pm News you would think that the $47-odd billion in 'savings' that the Opposition 'found' today was a good thing for the country. You know, there's a real dichotomy developing in the media. Those expressing an honest opinion, versus the Coalition boosters at any cost to their journalistic credibility. The ABC is on the verge of going from one to the other.


19/05/2010This is a great comment from 'The Stump' blog over at Crikey: 'The overlords of mining in Australia are not the National Treasures they consider themselves to be. As I said elsewhere, I’m sure the Chinese would gladly pay the new levy in return for being given the opportinity to mine the stuff themselves.'


19/05/2010HS as I live in Adelaide and i'm on half hour delay Late line could be interesting depending who is on maybe that Johnson that wanted 12 mil can answer. Great week for the tory's leader says what ever depending on the crowd Shreck handballs costings to Robb Turnbull now agree's with "Read my lying lips" on climate change what next? but it's only Wednesday


19/05/2010Lyn, "pass the parcel" they were my thoughts, I think what the coalition are doing is pushing their lack of ability to formulate an alternative budget out the back door and hope no body notices, claim plausable deniability, remember someone gave the budget response, remember, they did. I am amused by the split in the media, the murdochracy spinning the virtues of the coalition no matter how bad it looks and rest saying the coalition doesn't get it, interesting times. I did notice that Kerry O'Brien tonight was even refering to the Government in positive light, are we beginnning to see a shift in the media perseption that Labor actually aren't that bad after all, at least they can confidently put together a bugdet and deliver it.


19/05/2010Joe Hockey being interviewed by Kerry O’Brian on the 7.30 report was once again at his brilliant best. No quite up to the brilliant performance of his leader Tones the night before, nevertheless a statesman like performance from our Joe. Tones and Joe must feel they nailed their interviews with Kerry and left the audience speechless, I know they left me gob smacked and shaking my head in disbelief. I could only muster silently under my breath was WTF. I just hope that when LT takes a look at Joe’s budget cuts he remembers that saying from the good book of fiscal policy, forgive them LT for they know not what the do. Thanks to Mirko Bagaric we have Tony’s slogan for the up and coming election “Honesty not always the best policy position” Can anyone help me out with this little gem from Barney Rabble when he was explaining Tones Gaff with Kerry. Quote, "What someone might say to their lover in the heat of passion is entirely different -- or should be entirely different -- to what you would say to the lady checking out your groceries at the supermarket,"


19/05/2010SDM I think Joe was referring to the $ value of the transaction?


19/05/2010SDM, Old Barney comes from a small town what if the check out chick is one in the same or it has been said well we all know about hill billys


19/05/2010Hi Lyn crystal ball still foggy but the foot shooting is spreading to Robb,Barney et al Augustus forgive my senior moment it was as you say Bill Hayden. What other possible reason would Turnbull have to have such a change of heart. They are a complete shambles and going backwards at a fast pace. The old rodent really did call all the shots didn't he.


20/05/2010TODAY'S LINKS [b][i]Political pawns in a media game, TIM DUNLOP, THE DRUM[/i][/b] A case in point is this piece by Chris Wallace that appeared in The Australian on May 15. [b][i]Hockey admits bungling budget cuts speech, Kerry O'brien, 7.30 report[/i][/b] Joe Hockey admits bungling the announcement of the Coalition's proposed savings measures but denies trying to manipulate the media. [b][i]Future of Kevinism? Peter Brent, Mumble[/i][/b] Labor increases its majority (still my best guess) then he’ll be King once more: he always knew what he was doing, has opposition leaders for breakfast and so on. [b][i]Wednesday Column: Who would have thought? It's all up to Hockey, Peter martin[/i][/b] Joe Hockey will announce further measures to reduce spending and to increase productivity including a detailed response to the new spending and new savings proposals in the budget." [b][i]Dousing petrol on Abbott’s pants, Media Wrap, Crikey [/i][/b] The rest of the nation’s pundits haven’t foregone the opportunity to lay in the boot, too. Here’s how they see it today: [b][i]Oppn details $47b of cuts - eventually, Colin Brinsden, Trading Room[/i][/b] We need to adopt an approach that makes a statement to people out there that we have got control of the finances of this country," Mr Robb said. [b][i]Hockey sweats over tax replacement plan ,Tony Wright, national Times[/i][/b] IT WAS one of the more awkward versions of pass the parcel. No one much wanted to play: the parcel contained a great big stink bomb. [b][i]Ramblings of a political tragic , mac ,Politically Homeless[/i][/b] Robb finally arrived at his own presser and faced a very obviously pissed off press gallery. It got a bit ugly and there were some very prickly questions. [i]Liar liar, entrepreneur on fire,Smart Company[/i] There's not much left to say on Phony Tony's tattered credibility, except to point out that many have been waiting for Abbott to say something utterly ridiculous, and he didn't disappoint. , [i]Turnbull’s About Turn, Leon Delaney[/i] After all, he lost the party leadership over it, he damn near quit politics because of it, and he previously described the coalition positive action plan as “bullshit”. Could it be that not everything Malcolm says is “gospel truth” either? [i]Henderson lessens himself, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Rudd can be said to be more his own man than his disingenous opponent who would restore Howard in every way except personally. [i]Bolt bites Henry,Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] Bolt has been quite critical of Ken Henry, particularly questioning whether he acts in a partisan fashion


20/05/2010lyn, Thank you for today's links. :) It's interesting, isn't it, how the Coalition and their bootstrappers in the media, such as Andrew Bolt, work off the presumption that the electorate has the memory of a goldfish? It certainly is basing their attack on Ken Henry on this presumption. It was only the other day that John Howard's words of support for Dr Henry, upon his reappointment to the post of Treasury Secretary, were brought to our collective attention. To impugn the man's integrity and behaviour since the election of the Rudd government is simply scurrilous.


20/05/2010Well, it looks as though Joe Hockey has been flayed with a limp lettuce leaf by the media over his very sloppy performance at the National Press Club yesterday. I heard commentators on NewsRadio and ABC2 Breakfast saying that the Press Gallery didn't give Joe Hockey an even break, and had arrived to the speech in a cranky mood! Now, I'm listening to Barnaby Joyce on ABC Local Radio Sydney tell absolute lies about the RSPT. He is totally mischaracterising how it will work, and he is being allowed to get away with that, unquestioningly! It appears that a suspension of disbelief occurs whenever a leading Coalition MP is interviewed, yet they get out the hammer and tongs when the government MPs are to be quizzed. Sure they ARE in government and the Opposition are not, but I remember the exact opposite also being the case when Howard was in power...ALP Opposition given the 3rd degree, and Howard government given the once over lightly.

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20/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


20/05/2010Hi Ad I have put 2 links to the [b]Polical Sword [/b]on Tim Dunlop's piece this morning. Tim requested links here: ([b][i]BTW: if any journalist has written rejecting Wallace's assessment of the press gallery, I'd be pleased to be given a link.)[/i][/b] This is a copy of [b]my comment [/b]on Tim's piece: Lyn : 20 May 2010 7:34:49am [b][i]Hi Tim Excellent column, The Chris Wallace piece you have talked about has been discussed at length on the Political Sword. Bushfire Bill's piece, Wake up in fright is an excellent piece. Hillbilly Skeleton, excellent piece as well Here are the links: Cheers lyn[/i][/b] [b]Ad and Hillbilly [/b]when you go to Tim's piece, check the other comments some excellent: emess : 20 May 2010 8:22:04am Ravensclaw : 20 May 2010 7:20:30am Ant : 20 May 2010 7:19:16am


20/05/2010HS, apparantly there was some research done on the political leanings of the media by the ANU, surprisingly the ABC was the most Coalition oriented, according to the studies

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20/05/2010Folks A piece by Bushfire Bill [i]Politics is officially bunk[/i] has just been posted: Enjoy. I'll leave [i]Their ABC[/i] open for more comments.

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20/05/2010Daisey May, Lyn Regarding the NBN, there is widespread support for it in IT circles, but of course those people who think like NIck Minchin and say "I'm happy with the speed of my Internet connection", have no concept of what 100 megabits per second will do to transform commerce, industry, medicine, education and just about every aspect of our lives. There will be applications created that don't exist now, in fact haven't been even thought of. In medicine for example where much surgery is done laparoscopically, fast broadband opens up the possibility of surgery being carried out in remote areas by surgeons working in centralised specialist centres. Diagnostic images and images of, for example, dermatological conditions, could be transmitted in an instance to diagnostic centres. Every doctor would have a specialist immediately at hand, as if in the next room. It is an indictment of Abbott Party thinking that it could be so short-sighted, so ready to keep this nation in the IT dark ages, so willing to impede the progress that fast broadband can facilitate. Again, they want to stop the e-medicine project, which everyone in the health field knows will reduce medical mistakes and thereby morbidity and even deaths, will benefit patients by ensuring their medical records are instantly available wherever they seek medical attention, and will save enormous amounts of professional time. To put a stop to this to save a small amount of money is retrogressive and stupid in the extreme. On these two grounds alone keeping the Abbott Party out of power will be greatly to the benefit of our nation.


20/05/2010Hi Ad Thankyou so much for your comment on the NBN Ad, you would have well informed, considered, knowledge on the health benefits, being a Doctor yourself I read where a Perth Surgeon, would be able to operate on a patient in Sydney,([quote] Every doctor would have a specialist immediately at hand, as if in the next room). [/quote]once the NBN optic fibre is up and running, amazing the sky is the limit. When the NBN was first annouced, my next door neighbor complained ( "what do they need to waste money on fast, internet connections for, we don't need it") this coming from a person that plays games, and sends chain joke emails, that's what she thinks the computer is for. Just an example of [b]The Narrow Minded People on a Narrow minded Street. [/b] [quote]NIck Minchin and say "I'm happy with the speed of my Internet connection[/quote]", one thing for a neighbor to be narrow minded but Nick Minchin we deserve better.


20/05/2010Their ABC doing their bit for the WA ‘Liberals’… [b][i]WA in strong financial position for budget[/b][/i] Opinion presented as news headline to benefit ... who else? The Liberals.


20/05/2010Hello great TPS people, Just a quick response to this blog. I’m really technologically illiterate - I only worked out on your website that the Fifth Estate was this kind of blog. Der. However, I do read the ABC website, Drum and Unleashed in particular. And after reading Tim Dunlop’s article this morning, and its comments, I found links in Lyn’s comments to this website. All of a sudden I found a concordant voice. I have been saying to my partner, my two dogs, and anyone else who would listen, that the ABC had shifted right (have said so on the Drum site/comments) over the past few months. Now I understand why, and understand that other people out there are equally outraged at the highly personal vitriol that has been exhibited by a formerly cogent, reasoned media outlet. Thank you for your website and the intelligent and well written articles that I have read to date (one day). Sally

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20/05/2010Sally Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. I'm glad you found us from Tim Dunlop's blog. Do come again. Thank you for your kind remarks. We will be running an [i]ABC Watch[/i] segment under 'site pages' in the right panel on which we will record comments about ABC bias. I'll set this up tomorrow.

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20/05/2010Augustus Thanks for the very interesting article on media bias . Everyone concerned about this should read it. We need another study now. My impression is that it would reveal even more pro-Coalition bias in the MSM, especially News LImited outlets, and in the ABC.

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21/05/2010As the LYN'S DAILY LINKS file was becoming so very long that it was taking ages to upload after updating, it needed to be abbreviated. But as the links are such a valuable resource they need to be retained and accessible. So I have created an archive for the April links which you will find at the foot of the list under 'site pages' in the right panel. LYN'S LINKS APRIL 2010 is at LYN'S DAILY LINKS for May as usual are at


21/05/2010More anti-Labor, anti-Kevin Rudd bias at the ABC. [b][i]The Prime Minister has snuffed it[/b][/i] TWENTY-ONE times the author (Bruce Haigh) used the word “Rudd” in his piece. Here are some excepts: [i]Respect and Rudd are not words that they would put together" ... He has blown the well of public goodwill ... His words mean nothing ... the vain glorious emperor ... the failed Rudd agenda ... Rudd is to govern with Spin and Secrecy ... will see Rudd beached, gasping and looking to flop ... panic which saw Rudd throw billions into the economy ... Rudd is not fiscally cautious [/i] If ever there was doubt that the Liberals' ABC has joined the media campaign to assassinate the Prime Minister’s character, this spiteful pile of merde should put the doubt to rest.

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22/05/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

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22/05/2010Folks I have just created a page [i]ABC Watch[/i] which you will find at the foot of the list under 'site pages'. The page is for keeping an account of what the ABC is doing on the political scene. It will become a repository for evidence that the ABC is biased, or otherwise. [i]ABC Watch[/i] is at The initiative to address the issue of ABC bias directly was that of HillbillySkeleton who wrote the above piece [i]Their ABC[/i] that argued that the ABC was becoming increasingly influenced by the Murdoch empire. Around two hundred responses were posted, many of which supported this argument. [i]Friends of the ABC[/i] made contact with [i]The Political Sword[/i], drawing attention to a similar article in its Autumn Newsletter. You may wish to check out the article on the newsletter's front page [i]Global War on Broadcasting[/i]. Go to click 'See the latest FABS newsletter' in the right panel, then on the next page click 'Autumn 2010' to go to the front page of the newsletter and the article. FOR REASONS I DO NOT UNDERSTAND, ONLY THE SECOND INSTANCE OF THE [i]Friends of the ABC[/i] URL IS ACTIVE, SO CLICK THAT ONE. As it is not possible on this blog engine to add comments to the [i]ABC Watch[/i] page, please add any comment you wish to make about the ABC in any contemporary piece. Please label it as a comment you want recorded in ABC Watch, and it will be copied there. Your collaboration in keeping track of what OUR ABC is doing may contribute to a change of its policies and improvement in its performance as a national broadcaster.

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22/05/2010Folks As all we're collecting here now is spam, I'm closing comments.
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?