The War Against the Kleptocrats & the Oligarchs Starts Here! Now! Today!

I know this blog will probably be read by 2 men and a dog sitting by their computer, also that my Call to Arms will have all the effect on the political discourse of the world at large of a cry in the wilderness, however I decided to set my sights pretty high this time.

I'm as 'Mad as Hell, and I just can't take it any more!'

Now is the time, and Australia is the place, for the Libertarian Social Democrats, my new  crew, to enjoin in philosophical battle with the Kleptocrats & Oligarchs. The 'Fightback' has to begin somewhere, and so today I declare War! On the Capitalist thieves in the night of the Taxpayers' Dollar.

The thought crystallised in my mind recently when I had had enough of reading about the full frontal attacks on taxpayers' dollars and how they are being spent, speciously on the taxpayers' behalf, right around the Western World, by resurgent political parties of the Right, for and on behalf of their benefactors and supporters, from the Tories in Britain, who cunningly co-opted the Liberal Democrats from the Soft Left to use as their blind, to the Republicans in the US, and, of course, to the shills of Big Capital in Australia, the Coalition.

What is so unfair about the interrelationship between government and the economy that it warrants a wholesale revision of the system, you might ask? And, if you don't, you should be.  Well. The fact that those who are obviously not in real need of taxpayers' dollars, or concessions from the government, are getting them! Why?  Because they say that, as taxpayers, they deserve their money back in the form of some sort of 'Benefit' or other! Or, that their industry will not survive, or is 'Too Big to Fail', without taxpayer support, and so will go jobs. What a hypocritical argument. That's not how the taxation system is supposed to work. 'I Contribute, I Employ, Therefore I Am Entitled'.  Erm, no, actually.

Virtually since the time of the Post Depression/WW2 New Deal era, which ushered in the concept of the Welfare State, wherein tax collected by government from companies and individuals was redistributed as fairly as possible to those in need of support by the country in which they lived, such as the Disabled, the jobless, and to those causes which needed support in order to enhance the quality of life of the citizens, such as the Arts, R&D, and 'Start-Up' industries with the potential to grow the country's pie, people have agreed that that was a fair redistribution of our taxes.

However, those who have been successful, both in their personal life and in the Business world, have subsequently manouvered themselves into positions where they have determined who gets Taxpayers' dollars and why.  And they have used their accumulated wealth to hone their communication and persuasion skills.  In fact, for example, at about the time that FM and AM technology diverged so that our radio stations no longer had to play music and talk in about equal amounts, and thus could concentrate on one or the other, such that Talk Radio could become a propaganda tool in the hands of the unscrupulous, the gullible 'mob' have been led a merry dance by the Pied Pipers of the Plutocracy and the complicit shills who spruik for them.

A merry dance that has led to 'Welfare' being considered acceptable, and that is 'Welfare' which=Taxpayers' dollars, to be paid to 'Too Big To Fail' companies, and wealthy, by any reasonable measure, individuals. 

What has been sacrificed at the Alter of the Plutocrats to pay to keep them in both business and a style of living to which they have become accustomed, especially after the GFC?  The benefits from hard fought for Pension and Welfare schemes that had to be clawed, dollar for dollar, out of the greedy clutches of those same wealthy businessmen in our past, that then came cap in hand with their begging bowls to governments around the world when their financially-engineered money-making schemes collapsed in a heap and produced the GFC.

Up until that point, of course, they had been beavering away on the dual track of deconstructing the Welfare State of the postwar era and/or turning it to their advantage.  A process which continues apace especially in America, and which forms the template for the rest of the kleptocracy, where the mantra from the Kochroaches(the Billionaire Industrialist brothers, Charles and David Koch, and their front organisations, such as 'Americans for Prosperity', The Cato Institute, and The Heritage Foundation), wherein they espouse that Social Security MUST be privatised, an oxymoron if ever there was one as Social Security is supposed to be administered by an impartial bureauocracy absent a profit motive which Private companies are bound to consider; and that 'Medicare' must be 'dismantled' and handed to the Private Health companies.  Companies whose behaviour led to the disgraceful scenes we witnessed at the end of the Bush era, where supposedly 1st World citizens of the USA had to queue like 3rd World supplicants, once or twice a year, to have their medical and dental needs attended to by 'charitable organisations'.  Beggars for the kindness of others.  Others, I might add, who on the other 363 days of the year made a fortune off the Middle Class in America by charging them usurious amounts, out of proportion to the real cost of their services, for Health Insurance and Health Care.

It's just not right!

The rich are getting richer.  The Middle Class is getting hollowed out, forced to pay an ever-increasing amount of their wages to the kleptocrats to obtain a halfway decent standard of medical care and Education for themselves and their kids, or throw themselves upon the mercy of a Public system increasingly dysfunctional due to underfunding.  So their standard of living is inexorably worn down as they scramble to pay for it all, staying one step ahead of the political parties who wish to further erode their standard of living with Industrial Relations policies like WorkChoices(which reared its 'Dead, Buried & Cremated' but not quite dead yet, zombie-like carcass up from the grave this week via the Liberal MP, Jamie Briggs and former Howard government Minister for Industrial Relations, Peter Reith). Moreso in countries other than ours, where the project is further advanced. 

Thankfully as a result of the national soul-saving fact that Australians haven't yet been worn down to meekly accept the artificial scenario which has been constructed to advance the agenda of the self-interested Business Class, we are not as far along that 'grubby path'.

Below the Middle Class I can increasingly see forming a Servant/Service Class, or 'Working Poor', which bubbles along just above the mentally and physically infirm on the bottom. Unemployed and virtually unemployable.

So, in this period of time in the lead-up to the Australian Budget in May, and because I have heard murmerings that there are moves afoot to start shifting the balance of the Budget back in favour of those who genuinely deserve help and away from the so-called 'Middle Class Welfare' State which the Coalition prefers as a way of locking in votes and favouring their natural constituency, wherein the more money you make the more concessions and benefits you get from the Taxpayers' purse(such as Abbott's Paid Parental Leave Scheme), I thus wanted to make a few things clear.

The time has come for us to steel the government's spine, and lay it out in black and white that, 'We are as mad as Hell and we're not going to take it any more!'

We're not going to let these conniving bastards who represent a mere 0.5-1.0% of our population but >50% of its wealth, keep successfully appealing to the greed of 'the mob' whilst they stealthily put their hands in our pockets and take our hard-earned for themselves, while at one and the same time giving us back as little of THEIR financially-engineered wealth as possible. 

The fightback begins today and with the Budget in May.

Are you with me, or will you stay comfortably ensconced in front of your computer screens yelling mutely into the internet wilderness? We must start voicing our concerns so that we can get the message through that we believe this is a move worth making and which is worthy of a Labor government to do.

All I can say, finally, is that if the dregs of One Nation can influence one of the two main political parties in Australia as effectively as they have recently, then we can try and have the same effect on the other major political party.

Is it possible to make a political party which is supposed to represent the interests of all Australians right down to the least well-off, do more to redress the obvious imbalances which exist in the Welfare section of the Budget? Should there be a push, especially at the upcoming Tax Summit, for Personal Income Tax to be cut, but also for Welfare Benefits, Private Health and Private School subsidies, to be more strictly limited or eliminated, and be directed to go only to those people and institutions who really deserve government/Taxpayers support? That's my theory of Libertarian Social Democracy. True 'Small Government', but with a heart. The 'Bureaurocracy' and the size of government will truly be able to be slashed, but for the right reasons. That is,  the churn of Taxpayers' dollars will no longer require vast numbers of Public Servants to administer them.

What do you think?

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Catching up

27/02/2011Where do I line up to investigate? What do have in mind? Are you talking about a new party, or a new movement to influence the government.


27/02/2011Hear hear. Three cheers for Hillbilly Skeleton. Some have forgotten that we are a COMMONWEALTH. They think we are back to serfdom. There is no one who is worth hundreds times the pay of the normal labourer. Yes hard work and enterprise deserve rewards, years of study deserve a higher pay level. However we should all contribute according to our means to thecommon good.


27/02/2011HS well presented, One could start by identifying the middle class welfare item by item and ways to eradicate/improve/them. Start with the private health fund rebates $b per annum.As a pensioner I receive a 40% rebate on my premiums. I would opt out of it but for the hidden slug Howard introduced to keep them afloat and has not been sorted yet due to the BOP in the senate for now.I would rather pay more into government health and dental schemes and see the private health funds disappear.All that duplication etc.over to you fellow swordpersons

Feral Skeleton

27/02/2011Catching Up, I wish there was somewhere we could line up and sign up to become warriors for this cause. Maybe others have ideas?

Feral Skeleton

27/02/2011Dong, Thank you for your kind words. :) I agree that we have lost sight of what the Commonwealth of Australia should be. That is, the Common Weal/Wealth of all its citizens, not just benefits for a select few who can get away with OUR taxpayers' dollars for themselves whilst they pay accountants to find ways for them to pay as little tax as possible. I agree with the Libertarians that we pay too much tax these days. However I don't agree with the American Libertarians who think that the Taxation system should be virtually gutted and every man should be left to fend for his/her self with what money they can make. That sort of Social Darwinism is akin to the Law of the Jungle and should not be practiced in a civilised society.

Feral Skeleton

27/02/2011Bilko, I was going to try and identify a list of Middle Class Welfare payments that should be jettisoned, in the interests of fairness, but, as you say, I thought that our fellow Swordsters might like to do that instead. That way lies a reasonable assessment, I thought. I'd like to start the ball rolling with Tony Abbott's so-called Medicare Safety Net, that just seems to benefit the wealthy who can afford to rack up enough by way of medical costs to qualify for the freebies on offer at the taxpayers' expense once the limit has been reached.

Acerbic Conehead

28/02/2011FS, Tones is calling the kleptocrats and oligarchs of the rugby world to arms, with Joe Hockey as his leader of the pack. Listen to his version of The Hollies’ classic, “He Ain’t Heavy”, as he tries to turn what you and I would call welfare on its head. :- ) The pack is strong, with Joe in the front row He leads us to (who knows) where, who knows where? And he’s strong, strong enough to carry us - yeah He so heavy - he's our scrummer :- ) When Gillard goes, my welfare is his concern When my mortgage’s being a real bugger As Treasurer, he will not encumber me He’s so heavy - he's our scrummer :- ) When he’s growing the pies, for the half-time refreshments He scoffs ‘em all, and off to the sin-bin he’s sent For jibbing his brothers :- ) It's a long, long road, for which there are lots of returns While we're on the way to there, only a mug would share And Joe’s black hole doesn't weigh me down at all He’s so heavy - he's our scrummer :- ) He's our scrummer – he’s so heavy - he's our scrummer

Catching up

28/02/2011Yes, the place to start is our constitution. It is a long time since there has been discussions on State rights among other things. I do not believe that there has been much interest in the topic since Gough Whitlam. There has been, in my opinion, an undermining of State rights by stealth, in the last thirty years, especially by Mr. Howard. This has not led to Australia being a better place. PM Gillard has shown more respect for the constitution, that our forefathers created than her most today. I do not know if this is by accident or if it is her belief. I believe we need to go back to the war years when the states ceded their taxation rights. Our founding fathers seen the States as having the responsibility for our basic needs such as health, education, roads, transport, housing among many other things. The Federal government has been forcing the States to carry out their policies in these areas, using the money powers they have gained when the States lost their ability to raised their own taxation. If anything goes wrong, the blame lies with the States. The GST has not corrected this imbalance, There should be an ongoing revision of the constitution, any changes should only occur after the changes have been taken to the people. Giving the States back their taxing powers, should not mean more tax being paid. It would mean that each jurisdiction would be responsible for the money raised and would face the anger of voters if they over stepped the mark. It would be an open and transparent system. States would be responsible for what they raise. The Federal government would have no part to play in State matters. There should be competition between the States. What we have now is murky, hidden and open to the blame game.


28/02/2011Professor Skeleton, Let's get summat real straight here: TPS is different from every other blog, as valid as any other, and one of the very best. One of the very best, and by Dog, one of the most valuable, because of Ad astra, for his direction and moderation; because of Lyn, for her links and welcoming of everybody of good will; because of NK and AC and Nas and PatWA and Miglo and Adelaide Girl and Jason and all the rest of us, regulars and casuals; but know this Comrade, without our Skeleton we would be but a wraith. Peripatic I may be, but your articles are the daily fare that keep me coming back and firing me to write too. I can't speak for everyone else, but hell, yes I can. WE think you're great!


28/02/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Easy Meat, Mr Denmore, The Failed estate[/i] It's just so convenient for the capitalists who run the media. And it's just so tragic for anyone with an interest in the future of democracy [i]Being the bigger person, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] the problem with being principled in politics – it just helps your more unprincipled opponents win, [i]Voters don’t care about political lies, DragOnista's Blog[/i] PM Gillard can privately dismiss current accusations of deception over the carbon tax. [i]The Bureau Fights back, John Quiggin[/i] not everyone on the right thinks this way (as witness Turnbull’s near-victory over Abbott a year or so ago) [i]The Abbott Monologues: a shrill man falls foul of Shakespeare & History, Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] he cried “Out, out foul spot” when supposedly quoting from Shakespeare’s play Lady Macbeth. [i]Ghosts of Fascists Past, Ian Kershaw, The National Interest.[/i] The concern, however, remains that extremist movements of the Right (since Far Left parties generally have little more than a miniscule following) could exploit the “political space” [i]Gillard, Labor and Carbon Price : How to Win, Bob Carr[/i]They are the government’s killer facts. You only win debates with killer facts. [i]The petrol price war is a mistake, Rod Burgess, Business Spectator[/i] before Gillard has tipped her hand with a definite carbon price – or even included petrol –leaves little room for manoeuvre when the full policy details are finally released. Newspapers [i]New-look carbon fix makes Abbott a man of steel , Phillip Coorey, National Times[/i] :Gillard promised there would be no ''carbon tax'' but she did not back away from a price on carbon.


28/02/2011HS, You are right to be angry, we are right to be angry, about the injustices meted out by the self-righteous, self-interested and power hungry excuses for "christians". My anger and frustration is directed at the victims scrabbling around at the bottom of the ladder who allow themselves to fall prey to the lies told them by these fine upstanding "christians" so that they miss the chance at the ballot box to put them back in the gutter where they belong. IMHO there will never be fairness, equity, tolerance and integrity shining within our society until there is an awareness and a will among those who are victims of manipulation to cast off their gullibility and learn to recognise the difference between truth and propaganda. [quote]Is it possible to make a political party which is supposed to represent the interests of all Australians right down to the least well-off, do more to redress the obvious imbalances which exist in the Welfare section of the Budget? Should there be a push, especially at the upcoming Tax Summit, for Personal Income Tax to be cut, but also for Welfare Benefits, Private Health and Private School subsidies, to be more strictly limited or eliminated, and be directed to go only to those people and institutions who really deserve government/Taxpayers support? That's my theory of Libertarian Social Democracy. True 'Small Government', but with a heart. The 'Bureaurocracy' and the size of government will truly be able to be slashed, but for the right reasons. That is, the churn of Taxpayers' dollars will no longer require vast numbers of Public Servants to administer them.[/quote] As things stand in this point in time, I do not believe it is possible because the majority of the voting public have been conditioned (over a long period of time) to place self first. There is little understanding among the majority of voters as to how government works, why we have a government, how government revenue is distributed and why it is necessary for governments to budget wisely to provide adequate infrastructure. People have been conned into thinking that government budgets are as simple as that of household budgets and that there is a bottomless pit where taxpayer money is stored. All through the history of mankind, people have listened and followed the insane, the selfish and/or the power hungry manipulators who prey on ignorance and gullibility. The poor, the needy and low income-earners are their own worst enemy because they cannot, or will not, use their little grey cells to sort out the truth from the lies, to recognise mis-information when it is served up to them and to think for themselves rather than rely on those with an agenda of their own to do it for them.


28/02/2011Good Morning Hillbilly Thankyou for your interesting, well thoughtout, enjoyable article, put together with your, very high personal standards, valuable words, valuable opinion. See how much we need you Hillbilly, your clever work is a delightful attraction to "The Political Sword." If you have time, would you dissect for me please, the story I put up today, I am intrigued and would love to know your thoughts, and anyone else's as well, is it just another rant ???? Ghosts of Fascists Past, Ian Kershaw, The National Interest The concern, however, remains that extremist movements of the Right (since Far Left parties generally have little more than a miniscule following) could exploit the “political space”

Patricia WA

28/02/2011I'm happy to join Janice in proving you wrong:) in one small detail of your very rational rant. That makes it now at least two [b]women[/b] and a dog (Tacker doesn't read but he's always alongside me at the computer) joining the several men who have hurried to agree with everything else you say. Seriously, FS, I wish I had some constructive ideas for solving this malaise of the modern world where democracy is being destroyed by the abuse of what should be its mainstay - the hard won freedom of expression in our media. I have been asking myself how relevant to your argument is the courage of those millions now taking part in the 'Peoples Revolts' against tyranny and terror. Hundreds have become martyrs to their cause. Their survivors are bravely maintaining social cohesion by spontaneously undertaking local law and order roles in their communities in the absence of a formerly oppressive police force. I would like to think we in Australia would behave with similar goodwill, self control and selflessness. Many might, but many more would not. We have seen recently how politicians aided and abetted by vested business and media interests are prepared to promote and exploit a 'me first' mentality even at times of national crisis. The cynical, and to me obscene, assumption of the term "Peoples' Revolt" as a slogan to promote one man's political ambition is the latest example of how shallow an appreciation many have of their priveleged lives in a Western democracy. It also highlights too how ignorant and unappreciative some politicians are of the awesome sacrifices those people are making right now, before our very eyes, to gain for themselves and their children the freedoms which we no longer value and are prepared to trash.


28/02/2011[quote]I would like to think we in Australia would behave with similar goodwill, self control and selflessness. Many might, but many more would not. We have seen recently how politicians aided and abetted by vested business and media interests are prepared to promote and exploit a 'me first' mentality even at times of national crisis. The cynical, and to me obscene, assumption of the term "Peoples' Revolt" as a slogan to promote one man's political ambition is the latest example of how shallow an appreciation many have of their priveleged lives in a Western democracy. It also highlights too how ignorant and unappreciative some politicians are of the awesome sacrifices those people are making right now, before our very eyes, to gain for themselves and their children the freedoms which we no longer value and are prepared to trash. Patricia WA [/quote] My thoughts exactly, Patricia. However, it wouldn't be so bad if only some politicians are ignorant and unappreciative if the majority of the voting public were not so keen to follow the ignorant, unappreciative and blatantly deceitful self-serving wreckers of anything that looks like it might bring some goodness and fairness into the lives of the people.


28/02/2011Hi Everybody Your program guests, Q and A tonight: Next Program: Monday 28 February 2011 at 9:35pm Next Program's panellists Bill Shorten - Assistant Treasurer Malcolm Turnbull - Shadow Communications Minister Samah Hadid - UN Youth Representative Piers Akerman - Political commentator Gretel Killeen - Comedian and former Big Brother host cheers:):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011Talk Turkey, You are too kind, but thank you very much for your generous words. You know it's so hard to personally comprehend whether what I seek to write about, especially when it is not about a topic that is au caurant, is relevant or meaningful, or not. Oh well, I can only do what I can do, and put into words the thoughts that come to me. Now, how do you start a movement? :)


28/02/2011Folks, First there was the Tea Party, Then the Coffee Party ( And now the "No Labels" movement ( I'd say, let's do No Labels.....

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011janice, You make a fine point about the Faux Christians that are peopling our polity at the moment. They ride on the coat tails of the goodwill that we generally have for the religious. Traditionally Christians have been more concerned with doing good works rather than getting power in the secular world. Not so anymore. They have aggressively moved into the political sphere, in Australia with parties such as Family First and the Christian Democrats, and also into the mainstream political parties. Plus, they have their dedicated Lobby Group, the Australian Christian Lobby, who try to push and prod our politicians in their socially arch conservative direction, as well as seeking more and more money from the Public Purse. I don't think they deserve it. I think they should stand on their own two financial feet, and I even question their tax exempt status. I would modify it from a blanket tax exemption to a situatiion where they would have to provide audited proof to the government that the money they are claiming tax exempt status for is that which has been used to help the disadvantaged, or for other initiatives that will ultimately help the disadvantaged in society, such as housing projects. Of course, such provisions would apply to all 'Not For Profit' organisations which seek taxpayer largesse. However, janice, you are correct to point out in the latter part of your comment that it will take more than a sea change in the electorate's perception of what the tax and benefits system should be there for, in fact,it will take a tsunami of change in their belief system, before any change can occur. However, as the saying goes, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained', and so I have said what I have. Also if good men and women sit by and say nothing when something needs to be said, then nothing will ever change.


28/02/2011Hear, hear! I agree wholeheartedly, except for this: [quote]amount of their wages to the kleptocrats to obtain a halfway decent standard of medical care and Education for themselves and their kids, or throw themselves upon the mercy of a Public system increasingly dysfunctional[/quote] I know you conclude with the rider about reduced funding, but there's still a lot of good out there in the public system. I've been a patient of the public health system for 35 years and had nothing but the best treatment - you don't get kidney transplants in the private hospitals. I've also seen some friends and family receive some pretty shabby treatment in private hospitals. IMO it's talk like the above-quoted that reinforces the "mob" belief that public services are crap, creating a perceived need for private services, which in turn leads to a vicious circle of of people leaving the public services, which must mean they are crap - and on and on. I believe public hospitals and schools should be lauded for the fantastic services they are. Apart from that, and that I am neigher a man nor a dog :) Vive la revolucion!


28/02/2011Janice, don't be angry for they know not what they do. Tones and his crew provide bread and circuses, promising the Promised Land but neglecting to tell the masses that entry is subject to criteria the ordinary joe can never hope to meet. It is not a crime to be robbed, nor is it a crime to be manipulated and lied to. If only the media and education were controlled by the lefties! Vive la revolucion!


28/02/2011the 'Peoples Revolts' against tyranny Can you imagine anyone being selfish enough, and without a scrap of insight into their selfishness, to show up at Toneseses pathetic call to arms? How embarrassment!


28/02/2011Prof.Skeleton asked, plaintively, "Now, how do you start a movement?" Erm, Senna pods, I understand . . . Haw Haw Haw. More than 2 men and a Dog though are taking notice . . . For a start 2 Turkeys both called Bruce are watching you . . . What's different about TPS btw? - Why, decent depth in threads, and choose-your-own length and depth in posts, and room for peripateticism. If TPS didn't exist it would need to be created. Since it is here already, and we know that so very many people repair daily to it for links, it is vital not to take it for granted, but to support it with thoughtful contributions. Come on Folks, Write! You may find my lines very pathetic Some reckon it's downright emetic If you don't like my jokes Well pardon me Folks I'm a practising peripatic . . . Prof.Skeleton said so. A movement, Skeleton? You're standing in it!


28/02/2011Oops Bum Last line of limerick: Peripatetic

D Mick Weir

28/02/2011Hi FS I haven't had time to fully digest your post and I will need to read it again. Comments I have only breezed across but I get the sense that a 'revolution' is wanted/needed so off to trusty old google and I typed in: [i]how to start a revolution[/i] You guessed it heaps of links so a couple from the first page that look interesting: From [b]WikiHow - the how to manual you can edit[/b] which is a great resource btw [b]The Illuminated Mind[/b] offers us [b]How to start a revolution[/b] Another great resource when you need to find an answer for [i]almost anything[/i] is [b]eHow[/b] and they offer us

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011PatriciaWA, There are 'People's Revolutions', such as we are witnessing in the Middle East at the moment, simply to achieve what we have bastardised to a very great degree in the West, Democracy. There is the 'Revolution at the Ballot Box' that we witnessed occuring over the weekend in Ireland, whereby a political party that took the financial engineering meme to government got turfed out on its ear when it ended up bankrupting the country, and then there's Tony Abbott's cynical manipulation of all of the above, abused so as to shoehorn himself into a place he never deserves to be because I feel that he would exemplify all that the brave citizens of the Middle East are trying so hard to get rid of, and paying for with their blood. Of course, I cannot guarantee that Tony Abbott would end up like Muammar Ghadaffi, however, there have been one or two worrying signs that he may be capable of idiosyncratic behaviour which would stray into the realm of the autocratic. So I hope his so-called 'People's Revolution', amounts to the dampest of squibs. He is a man who doesn't need any encouragement to feed his delusions of grandeur. Finally, I have to add that we little people are able to make a difference too. Our 'Revolutions' may not happen overnight, but hopefully they will happen.

D Mick Weir

28/02/2011and btw my cat has read the post too!!!!

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011adelaidegirl, Of course I agree with your assessment of the Public Health system. I worked within its walls for many a year myself trying to help keep it up to the high standards that Gough set for it when he introduced Medicare(I think it was him and not Hawkey). Nevertheless, the point I was trying to make in as few words as possible was that after 12 years of Howard de-escalating funding for the Public Health system, it was in danger of, if we didn't redress the balance by electing a Labor government, descending into the chaotic mess that is the American Public Health system, what there is of it, full as it is of the altruistic, selfless individuals that our system is also. However, I will also make the point that yes, the Private system does tend to make as many mistakes as the Public system, it's just that Today Tonight and A Current Affair just seem to ignore them. Also, we do have one of the finest, if not the finest Public Hospital system in the world, notwithstanding all the criticism of it.


28/02/2011Hi Feral, I'm with you. Just tell me what to do.

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011D Mick Weir, How thoughtful of you to do that research for me. I must read it after I finish watching the Academy Awards. :) Suffice to say that I fully expect that any form of 'Peoples Revolution' will involve the sacrifice of a lot of one's time and personal & private space for the cause, coming out of the shadows to push the barrow. Hmm. That's the hard part, isn't it?

Ad astra reply

28/02/2011HS Thank you for your thoughtful yet feisty piece.  It gets back to fundamental issues in our society, issues of equity, fairness and decency. The fundamental flaw in society is selfishness.  It has always been so.  Richard Dawkins would attribute this to the genes that govern so much of our behavior; in fact he wrote 'The Selfish Gene', as far back as 1976. The 'selfish gene' motivates us to look after number one first, even to the detriment of others.  The world's religions generally persuade us to another view - that we should be concerned for the less fortunate and cater for them.  Note that I am taking about religions in a generic sense, not organized religion. From time immemorial the strong have had their way through superior strength or armies that enforced their wishes.  In most Western societies armies are no longer used to subjugate their own people.  Instead we have the powerful and the wealthy.  We saw during the minerals tax furore how the massively wealthy miners exercised their power through a lavishly funded media onslaught against the Government, that, amongst other things, almost brought it down, and brought about changes to the tax.  We now have hundreds of powerful well-funded lobby groups, seeking advantage for their cause with governments, even if that is to the detriment of the common good, in which they characteristically show little interest. Then we have governments, seeking to extend their tenure, plying the electorate with benefits among those whose votes they need for re-election.  The Howard Government's use of middle class welfare is a classic example.  Having created expectations among this sector of the population, any government seeking to reduce such welfare faces an electoral backlash that could threaten its survival.  Having fostered selfishness and for some welfare benefits having created it, reversal is fraught with such difficulties that only brave and securely ensconced governments will take the risk. Yet those of us who feel affronted by the injustice that our system perpetrates need to take action.  You have challenged us HS to take up the cudgels. We face formidable foes - the inherent selfishness that governs so much of our behavior, and the forces in our society that seek to exploit it.  Yet we see generosity exhibited at times of national tragedy, and when appeals are made for children's hospitals and charities. How can this generosity, this selflessness, this concern for others be mobilized and our inherent selfishness be repressed? This is a moral question, but one that progressive governments need to address.  We who blog here earnestly hope our federal Government will find the courage and the mechanism to address the inequities we see all around us. To return to your challenge HS, what can we, a small drop in the ocean of opinion, do?    We are indebted to Paul who has favoured us with two salient references - to 'The Coffee Party' and the 'No Labels' movement - neither of which i was aware.  The former organization's mission states '...that it is based on the underlying principle that the government is "not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will, and that we must participate in the democratic process in order to address the challenges we face as Americans." Its slogan is "Wake Up and Stand Up." Its stated goals include getting cooperation in government and removing corporate influence from politics.  We live in the time of the movement - where views and opinions of our citizens can be aggregated and collected and heard as one voice through social media and online organizing technology." There is another new movement afoot - one that represents the majority of Americans left out of the current political debate - it's called 'No Labels'. Organized around a single and simple idea, this movement encourages leaders to "put the labels aside" in an effort to seek common sense solutions to our nation's problems.' The 'No Labels' movement has as part of it's manifesto the following; "No Labels is not a centrist, conservative, or liberal movement. In fact, No Labels is not about ideology; it is about an attitude and new approach. We do not ask any political leader to ever give up their label - merely put it aside - in order to work together and find practical solutions to our nation's problems." These movements point to what might be possible here.  We ought not to underestimate the influence of the blogosphere, the social media, and the power of small groups to make a difference.  As Margaret Mead said: "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." This is us. You have stirred within our breasts an anger at the inequities we see, and a desire to do something about them.  As Gough Whitlam said: 'Maintain the Rage'. May we have more success than he did.


28/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Question Time: Another war dance, frantic, frenzied shouting, yet another censure motion. This Abbott guy is desperado plus, he has to to the end of June is approaching.


28/02/2011Well said Feral. Keep that passion flame burning. The blogosphere needs the likes of you. The progressive movement has grown substantially in America off the back of this Wisconsin-based attack on worker's & union's rights...hopefully the same will happen here to counter Tabloid Tony Abbott's pathetic negabore revolt. I will continue to check in at The Political Sword now & then...but have decided to call it a day when it comes to blogging...a good friend in America has requested I join him in a project...and quite frankly, it's been a long and conflict-ridden road this blogging...and it has taken a huge toll on my health. Anyway, keep up the great work Swordsters. Final Post. Lyn, those links are ever so useful. Ad astra, great blog you've created here w/ the help of many other wonderful, enlightening, informative contributors. ...some sunny day. :) Cheers N'


28/02/2011Agreed, HS. We were on a slippery slope. The difference between us and the US, though, is that the US has never had universal healthcare while Australia does. It is because the Australian people (I hope) would not accept wholesale changes to our healthcare or the outright reveral of universal healthcare that the private-healthcare-good/public-hospitals-bad meme was set in motion by the conservatives, as a way of destroying people's faith in public health. The same goes for education. If one's self and one's family are in good health, one may be better off putting those premiums in the bank and, if a procedure in a private hospital is wanted, pay for it out of the savings. The truth is if you have a catastrophic accident, or get the 'flu in 'flu season, or need major life-saving surgery, you'll probably end up in one of our excellent public hospitals.

D Mick Weir

28/02/2011'tis a sad day when you read something like this: [b]Final post. - February 28, 2011 by nasking[/b] Thanks nasking for all your contributions. I am sure there is a silver lining somewhere in the cloud of your announcement.

Ad astra reply

28/02/2011Nasking It is so sad to see that you are retiring from blogging, but those who run blogs know exactly what pressures there are. Thank you so much for all your regular contributions here and at Cafe Whispers. We wish you every success with your new venture. We shall miss you. When you have time, please occasionally let us know how you are.


28/02/2011FS, Revolution seems to be subject dejour today! The young Libs etal are very busy on facebook, here is just one Basic Information .About Help Up Stop Gillard's Carbon Tax! Description In the leadup to the 2010 election, Prime Minister Gillard swore a solemn oath to the Australian people – that she would never introduce a carbon tax. On 23 February 2011 she broke this promise. In a deal with the Australian Greens, Prime Minister Gillard announced a multi-million dollar tax on carbon, with no offset in other taxes. This is a tax that will hurt every single Australian: electricity bills alone for the average family will go up by over $300 a year. But the real cost will be far greater than just electricity prices. The price of everyday day items will increase as the costs on doing business – transport, production and so on – rise. This is simply another grab for cash by a wasteful government that will do hardly anything to address climate change. SIGN OUR PETITION AND HELP SEND CANBERRA A STRONG MESSAGE: AUSTRALIA DOES NOT WANT MORE TAX! (read less) In the leadup to the 2010 election, Prime Minister Gillard swore a solemn oath to the Australian people – that she would never introduce a carbon tax. On 23 February 2011 she broke this promise. In a deal with the Australian Greens, Prime Minister Gillard announced a multi-million dollar tax on carbon, with no offset in other taxes. This is a tax that will hurt every single Australian: electricity bills alone for the average family will go up by over $300 a year. But the real cost will be far... (read more) Email Website


28/02/2011Jason all at the TPS, here is an article about how the rubbery Abbott wanted so desperately to become PM he would have introduced a price on Carbon himself. Courtesy of Tony Windsor MP Independant Tell that to the young Libs, oh and don't forget to ask for a donation.

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011Ad Astra, Thank you for your comprehensive reply. I'll tell you another book that had profound influence on the little guy which empowered us all down the generations that followed to have a go if we saw an inequity: Rachel Carson's 'The Silent Spring'. Where would society be if we were still pumping poisons into our environment such as DDT? Where would the environment movement be today without that one little book? Which is also why, a long way down that road, but still on the same path, we must now take action on CO2 in our atmosphere. Also, I think about courageous Doctors, such as your good self, who achieve great things but in a silent way, but also the iconoclasts, such as Dr William McBride with his courageous fight to make the world aware of the dangers of Thalidomide to unborn babies, and Dr Bertram Weiner who fought to make abortion legal and safe in this country despite widespread villification at the time from those Conservative Christian types that janice was referring to earlier and who wish to become resurgent again today, these are the people that light our way. However, as I don't have much time, as in the length of a career in which to make my mark in the way I wish to make it, then I shall have to think of a short circuit to get me to the point where I am able to have an effect on the conversation about an equitable distribution of our taxes, as soon as possible. That only leaves the media as a conduit to enact change as quickly as possible, and to light the touchpaper that may catch people's imaginations and change the conversation. There is, as you say AA, our small little corner of the media world here in the blogosphere. It is capable os generating small flurries of excitement, and sometimes change, if manipulated by someone like Grog, Cenk Uyger and Sarah Palin, the 3 most influential new media users in the political sphere that I can think of from the recent past. As Grog said yesterday, in his piece for the Walkley Foundation online magazine, you have got to love what you are doing because it will take up a lot of your spare time once you embark upon your chosen path. Do I have the time required to take myself off down the road to fruition? Sadly, no. My youngish family only have me now to look after them day to day. One is in Year 12 and the other in Year 10, so this year is out but next year is not, as far as I can see things. So maybe I have lit a slow burning fuse here today, but one which will go off next year. It's certainly not going to be a cause that I am going to give up fighting lightly. That I do know. On the other hand, if anyone has connections in the TV or radio or newspaper fields, then I would surely agree to at least go there to them and make my case in order to spread the word. As for an Australian offshoot of the Coffee Party or No Labels, I can say that I have friended on facebook the Coffee Party coordinator in America, but it comes down, again, to a time constraint that prevents me taking it further in Australia at the moment. As for No Labels, that is a collection of professional political, behind-the-scenes operatives who have all the skills necessary to do a good job and make a mark, readily at their disposal. I don't. I only have ideas and passion. Hmmm.


28/02/2011Hi Nasking Thankyou, for all your enjoyable comments on TPS, I will miss your support very much. I have a delightful memory of when you, and Miglo first came to TPS. I thought the pair of you were just wonderful. Inspiring pair ,a duck and a bear. I appreciate your everlasting support for Today's links, you never failed ever, to show your appreciation, thankyou Nasking. Recognition by fellow commenters, and Blog owners is one of the greatest incentives for all bloggers. Your work with Miglo in setting up "Cafe Whispers" is to be admired by all, I used to visit when you had Blogocrats, so you are a long time friend. Nasking you have worked hard and deserve a rest, I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do. Also Nasking, congratulations on your "last post" on Cafe Whispers , well written, well thoughtout, most enjoyable read, taking out the sad part. Best wishes Nasking.

Ad astra reply

28/02/2011FS What good examples you use - Rachael Carson, William McBride, Bertram Weiner, all courageous reformers who went against the trend but succeeded. Yes, it is the time it needs, and the mobilization of support that's required, that are formidable challenges. It is all too much for an individual alone, but together we can make a difference, small at first, but able to grow.  Let's sustain the feelings of injustice and unfairness you have fostered in our hearts, and reflect on how we might further out quest for equity. Movements such as The Coffee Party have enjoyed spectacular success.  According to Wikepedia: "The Coffee Party USA was established on January 26, 2010, on the social networking site Facebook. It was founded by documentary filmmakers and political activists Annabel Park and Eric Byler. After becoming increasingly frustrated with the incivility and obstructionism in political discourse, and the media narrative that the Tea Party represented America, Park posted a rant on her Facebook page. Numerous positive responses from friends prompted her to start a "Join the Coffee Party Movement" fan page. The group rapidly grew to over 155,000 Facebook fans in size from word of mouth and social networking in under six weeks. Newsweek noted the Facebook membership had surpassed 200,000 by April, and every status update receives about a million views." Could something similar occur here? Perhaps someone familiar with the potential of Facebook could elaborate. Wikipedia states the mission of 'No Labels' is: "No Labels describes itself as an alliance of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. The group claims to have started a grass roots centrist movement made up of citizens from across the political spectrum and plans to address attacks on liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats stemming from within their own parties. Additionally, No Labels promises to reward people for bipartisan behavior.  The organization argues that in American politics today the far left and far right dominate the news cycle, debates, and town hall meetings. The general public only sees who's yelling the loudest, not who's accomplishing something. Their goal is to tackle this problem by mobilizing citizens to pressure the political parties to work together to address major issues. No Labels maintains that it is not an attempt to start a third party."  Is there potential here for such a movement? Thank you again for stirring our distaste of injustice.  Let's reflect on how we might now proceed together.  And thank you for your detailed reply.


28/02/2011Fortunately or unfortunately I've met a few politicians (and those who later go into politics) in my life. Most of them have entered politics with the aim of improving the general condition for themselves and those around them (their suburb, town, city etc). The issue is how do these generous of soul people who enter politics then somehow get chewed over by the system? While I can understand (an to an extent share) Prof Skeleton's anger, I wonder if the real need for change here should be directed to the machinery that takes the raw recruit that really does want to help their community and turns it into in the opportunistic product of the sausage machine that Abbott appears to be in Parliament. I have a concern that the Tea and Coffee Parties are part of the problem, rather than a solution. To get to the top of the tree (a "secure" seat in Parliament, president of a large organisation etc), the accepted wisdom is that you must be a member of either the blue (conservative) or red (progressive) tribes and display the tribal loyalty to the people who put you there. Constant discussions within a limited group of people will always lead to a form of indoctrination or group think where diametrically opposed views will never be aired. The "beverage" Party movement is more of the above - only probably more hard line as the softer positions are taken by the red or blue tribes around the world in an attempt to appear to be a more inclusive group. It's interesting (and instructive) to ponder why most of the Independents in the current Federal Parliament came from the National Party - and there seems to be a fair bit of goodwill for them across the nation. Apart from the reason that forced them to leave the party, is it that the Nats pick the most "down to earth" people who genuinely have their communities at heart - hence their communities will vote for them without the backing of "the Party"? The other option is that the Nats (unwittingly in all probability) picked some candidates that are capable of independent thought who decided that "the Party" had some serious drawbacks - thus removing themselves from the sausage machine.

Ad astra reply

28/02/2011Paul, D Mick Weir, Jason, Nasking, Augustus and our link queen, Lyn Thank you all for feeding us such useful links today. They are both informative and valuable. Folks I'm flying home to Melbourne tonight on a Qantas A380. It should be a special experience. I'll be back here at TPS sometime tomorrow. I'll miss the fast broadband they have here in Singapore, but Malcolm says ours is OK, so why am I complaining?

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011Jason, Did you see the 'Support a price on Carbon' petition that I linked to on the previous blog? Please sign it and pass it around, if you haven't done so already. It's obvious Abbott is going to use some sort of petition as his fait accompli to bring about the downfall of the government and bring on another election. This issue is not about tax, it is about the environment and climate and what we as human beings can do to save it. The Carbon price is just a means to an end. Abbott is just appealing to the 'Selfish Gene', as Ad Astra pointed out. This issue is just too important to let that megalomaniacal fool win.


28/02/2011Hi Ad How exciting, you and your wife will be home tomorrow, I can't wait for you to get here. Doesn't matter how good it is to get away, there is no place like home. Mr Abbott called another censure motion today, Abbott is so nasty it makes ones blood run cold. Must be extremely hard for Julia Gillard, he is so harsh, if I was her it would break my heart, I would would just cry. Anyway Julia gave it back to Abbott, I am proud of her. But you see it is, as Hillbilly said to Jason: [quote]It's obvious Abbott is going to use some sort of petition as his fait accompli to bring about the downfall of the government and bring on another election. [/quote] The whole Abbott's hostility, is not about the price on Carbon or anything else, he is building up a case for presentation to the Governer General, requesting another election. Hope you both, enjoy your flight on that Qantas A380. Best wishes Ad

Catching up

28/02/2011Is that the same as the one to stop the levy coming out of Menzies House. Someone named Anderson was limked to it.


28/02/2011Lyn, There was also a censure in the senate today which as it turned out, was lost as well! AA hope you enjoy first class on the A380 lol! FS, signed your petition and passed it on. Catching up, Yes Menzies house is the same one! And when it was first set up it was funded by Senator Benardi and run out of his office and still is I think. Nasking, Thank You and all the best in your new endeavours!


28/02/2011Hi Jason They love the censure motions don't they. Abbott just loves to see himself on the news, that's obvious. SBS just showed video clips of Abbott's lies, where he said before the election, there has to be a price on Carbon, Abc didn't show the clips as expected. Turnbull still working away in the background: [i]Turnbull backs ETS but Libs will scrap tax SBS Karen Middleton report[/i] But the announcement was overshadowed by comments by Mr Turnbull who, in a broad-ranging interview with the BBC, said he still supported an ETS, despite it ending his leadership in 2009.


28/02/2011Lyn, The only trouble with the censure motion that was launched today and last Thursday! is with a hung parliament they can go either way! depending if the indi's think it's justified! Yet today as was the case last week when the opposition get expelled from question time they can't come back in and vote depending on how long they are given! which is usually an hour!


28/02/2011The fightback started after the last election. Listening to Julia Gillard on Alan Jones. wtte; "The Govt will calmly and in a measured way implement it's policies." I agree wholeheartedly with your post Hillbilly. Though I do advise caution. We are all well aware of the power of vested interests to influence outcomes. Let's not supply them with more ammunition. It has taken these interests years to turn Australians into the mean spirited, self absorbed individuals so many, too many of us are. As a virus in a petrie dish we have been grown and propagated. The only way to combat this, as I see it, is quiet,firm conviction. Quiet firm conviction, to ensure; Quality education for our children. Quality healthcare and welfare for the aged and vulnerable. Worlds best communication systems. Clean air, soil and water. A fairer, more equitable society can only be founded on well educated people living in a clean environment who communicate to the world. That the price for this is the spivs, the mug lairs and the corrupt among us is just a price we'll have to pay. Unwillingly and begrudgingly as we do now. It's taken time to get to this juncture. It will take time to leach out the poison. We must fightback....quietly. With conviction. With courage. And above all, With patience.

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011lyn, I was also amazed to see that SBS, whose Chief Political Reporter, Karen Middleton, is normally a staunch supporter of the Liberal Party, had gone to the trouble of actually unearthing the footage of Abbott tellingly stating his support for a Carbon Tax and an impost on petrol too! Maybe the worm is turning, finally, in the Canberra Press Gallery against the mendacious Mr Abbott? The cameramen are also turning against him as I notice a less than flattering lighting being used sometimes. It shows up his gaunt features and wrinkles. :)

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011macca, I like the cut of your jib. :) I have my two Little Australians that I am attempting to grow into responsible human beings. I guess that's all I can realistically do?

Feral Skeleton

28/02/2011We can also hope for those we despise to be hoist by their own petard(hopefully): However, I am not so naive as to think it will come to pass. Money talks in the American Justice system and Murdoch, if he does not plea bargain, will take this case all the way to the Supreme Court if he has to, where he has a sympathetic bench; also the Democrats have never been as willing to use litigation and the justice system to go after their enemies the way the Republicans have.


28/02/2011Nasking, It is a desolating experience to read of your intended retirement from active blogging. I don't know where you might go to escape the blogosphere, but you have our best wishes. I have only been a contributor to blogs (TPS almost exclusively) since about Gillard's accession to the PMship, but I appreciate how exhausting it can be to carry on writing original and worthwhile copy for such an extensive period as you have. [Can we even imagine how exhausting the job of a conscientious PM such as Keating, Rudd and Gillard must be?!] I’ve written more to you but I think I will read it over in the clearer light of day. I just want to say I adore your writing, and I also want to recall the time I inadvertently sucked you in to a bit of too-convincing satire. I was both amused and apologetic at the time, sorry I caused you even brief angst, but may you remember that tiny episode with wry delight. In the end, I said, to set the matter straight, “Nas, you are a very weighty inputter, seems your berry diet has been good for your brain. Anyway glad you're not a bear with a sore head.” I hope your new path takes you along pleasant paths thick with luscious Bruinberries, and that that path keeps crossing the Way of the Sword at least sometimes. ****************************************************** Watching Q&A. Dear oh dear how did he get the surname SHORTEN? (Imagines crowd's thought-bubbles as Bill takes minutes to finish effall of what he meant say.) Bloody waste of opportunities. At least he did OK on the Why give money to Indonesia answer. And he improved by the end. Samahd Ardid is as good value as Waleed Ali. Dog bless the decency of Muslim commentators! Dopey woman at the far right end is a D'uh-D'uh. Hope never to see her again. Comedienne? We wish. Turdball is tied in knots trying to go right on his left foot and left on his right. Ackerman's neutralised. I get the feeling that he is trying to distance and distinguish himself from Anal Jones, I think he can see the writing on the wall. Wouldn't it be sad if the the parallel with Belshazzar's situation continued to its logical conclusion. Bring it on, says Julia Gillard yet again. She creamed Abbortt time and again in QT today, and is plainly spoiling for a showdown with him. He better be on his bike I reckon.

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011Honestly, when are the media in this country going to grow up and report a story fairly? All this pettifogging nonsense about a 'Broken Promise' by the PM is just another example of their 'Gotcha!' mentality, with the emphasis on 'Mental'. Tony Windsor got it right yesterday when he said that Tony Abbott was prepared to break ANY pre-election promise to get his hands on 'His Precious' the Prime Ministership. Where's the big deal in the media about that?


1/03/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]On the QT: Best Performance in a Shouty Role, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] leader of the opposition is reduced to calling the PM “Ju-liar” you have to concede that a point has been reached where he is no longer worthy of being taken at all seriously. [i]No more jokes on climate change: this is serious, Mungo MacCallum, ABC[/i] there is an upside to this commitment: it will leave him no time for biking in lycra and surfing in budgie smugglers). [i]Open letter to the Australian media – the sequel, Massivespray, Spray of the Day[/i] trivia or celebrity or preferably both is your sure-fire route to success. [i]A Proposal for a political fix, Robert Merkel, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] something Grog noted with enthusiasm) is to increase the cost of activities that emit greenhouse gases. [i]Another levy: A good one Today, Peter Martin[/i] Prime Minister Gillard will today face calls for a third new tax, a Medicare-style national disability insurance levy costed at $5 billion. [i]Reith stirs pot on IR, Alex White[/i] Howard-era IR Minister Peter Reith has called for the reintroduction of statutory individual contracts and urged the Coalition to regain its mojo on IR, [i]Final Post, Nasking, Cafe Whispers[/i] I’ve decided to leave blogging. It wasn’t an easy decision but after a decade of commenting on blogs… [i]Tony Abbott pledges to scrap carbon tax if Coalition wins the next election , Stephen Read, Stroke of Luck[/i] The Coalition is supposed to be the alternative government [i]Tony needs to step up, Dilan Thampapillai, On Line Opinion[/i] Telling people that you voted for Tony Abbott is not the best way to make friends [i]Open Immigration, Stephen King, Core Economics[/i] why not let anyone who wants to immigrate do so? I found his arguments interesting and persuasive [i]Billionaire Koch Brothers Next Target of "Anonymous" Hacker Group, Stephen Webster, AlterNet[/i] It's none other than tea party financiers Charles and David Koch, who were being targeted, an open letter stated, for their attempts "to usurp American Democracy." [i]The 20 most flattering things spammers have said to me this week, Mumbrella[/i] Rescued from the spam filter, these are my favourites of the last week, even if they could apply to any site in the world. [i]Hungry Beast returns to ABC1, Don't believe the Lies, Critically Analyze![/i] Over 12 weeks, Hungry Beast viewers will see investigative journalism, deeply moving explorations of what it is to be human, .

Catching up

1/03/2011I would also like to congratulate Mr. Windsor for his balance speech in parliament during the student's allowance debate. He is the only politician I have heard, or anyone else for that matter, who pointed out the positives in Labor's bill. That is that many more because of lowering of the age you are considered independent and the raising of the parents income allowing many more to receive the allowance without having to work for a prescribed length of time.

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011Catching Up, Tony Windsor also said yesterday that Tony Abbott said to him in pre-government decisions after the election that he would break any of his campaign promises that Mr Windsor asked him to so that he could become Prime Minister. We should get regular updates on what Tony Windsor has to say every day I reckon!

Ad astra reply

1/03/2011Folks I'm back in Melbourne. Thank you for your good wishes Lyn. And Jason, not first class, or even business, but I must say that economy on the upper deck of the A380 was congenial. Quiet and comfortable. I'm going to catch up on sleep now; I'll be back later.


1/03/2011Hi Ad Welcome back, I am pleased you had a comfortable trip, the both of you are back safe and sound. Thankyou for letting us know Ad, very much appreciated. I'm off now to watch Question time nasties, wonder if Abbott will call another censure motion today. Cheers:):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011lyn, No surprise there, One Trick Tony called another Censure Motion, as hypocritically and in as bald-faced a manner as he always does, sought to censure the PM and Treasurer for promising something before an election and then not delivering it after the election(which only happened to be due to the fact that her position as Prime Minister is due to the grace and favour of the Indies and the Greens, who wished for her to modify a pre-election position in order to get their support to form a government. Every fact an inconvenient truth to Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey, who seconded his motion to suspend Standing Orders in order to listen, all over again, to his pettifogging claptrap. I'm sorry, but if Mr Abbott wants to make allusions to characters from Shakespeare, he should be tarrred with the popinjay brush: A trifling, chattering, fop or coxcomb. ``To be so pestered with a popinjay.'' --Shakespeare. The pye and popyngay speak they know not what. --Tyndale.


1/03/2011Hi Ad After another dreadful nasty day in Parliament today, I hope the Liberals start fighting themselves. Those screaming words of Tony Abbott in the Censure Motion are disgraceful, awful. You know, Abbott says whatever he likes, personal, hurtful, horrible, and when Julia Gillard does her defense the Liberals have got the cheek to object,they get insulted, hard to believe isn't it. Here is a link to Lenore Taylor's piece just written, I hope it causes the Liberals trouble: [i]Wilkie tells Abbott to sack senior Libs for peddling racial hatred , Lenore Taylor, SMH[/i] [quote]In a speech to Parliament this afternoon, Mr Wilkie said the two MPs were "a disgrace to the high office you hold and the people you represent".[/quote] [quote] You must also look afresh at your party's policies, determined to address the way hate corrupts your party's approach to public policy," he said.[/quote]


1/03/2011Did anyone see 7 news tonight as I didn't? as I hear Windsor is getting death threats! or as possum tweets Pollytics | 2 minutes ago So now Windsor gets the fallout from grubby little deadshits like Hadley, Jones, Mitchell and Bolt.


1/03/2011If the Poll at the bottom of the article is anything to go by - it will 69% to 31% for the question should they be sacked. Oh hang on the Young Libs obviously haven't got around to voting yet.


1/03/2011 Hi Jason Found this info for you: MP Windsor threatened over carbon tax, Channel 9 news The Seven Network on Tuesday night played a recording of a message left on the mobile phone of Mr Windsor, whose vote will be crucial to passing the government's proposed climate change legislation. "You're a f***ing liar, a dog, a rat ... I hope you die, you bastard," the caller said. Climate Change Minister Greg Combet on Monday said Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's prediction that the carbon tax would inspire a "people's revolt" was borrowed from the US. "It's (from) the Tea Party, the far right of US politics," Mr Combet said. He means @3AWNeilMitchell RT @Pollytics So now Windsor gets the fallout from grubby little deadshits like Hadley, Jones, Mitchell and Bolt. 32 minutes ago via web MP Windsor threatened over carbon tax , SMH The Seven Network on Tuesday night played a recording of a message left on the mobile phone of Mr Windsor, whose vote will be crucial to passing the government's proposed climate change legislation. [quote]"You're a f***ing liar, a dog, a rat ... I hope you die, you bastard," the caller said.[/quote] Mr Windsor said there were some "points of commonality" to the debate over the rhetoric of the Tea Party movement in the United States.


1/03/2011Hi Lyn, Thanks for that you are a sweetie! been out of even mobile range for most of the day, and I'm just starting to try and get up to date with todays events. Thankyou xo

Catching up

1/03/2011"Mr Windsor said there were some "points of commonality" to the debate over the rhetoric of the Tea Party movement in the United States." Sounds very like comments that turn up in hundreds on some sites, that have been invaded by the astro-surfers (turf) or whatever they call themselves. Has anyone noticed that comments appear to be accepted on most sites at this time.


1/03/2011Hi Jason A pleasure Jason. Can't find Channel 7 video, but here is nine, Video, Abbott scaring people in a fruit shop, and Dutton with Craig Emmerson on Sky News, Dutton is really nasty. .Carbon Tax debate has turned nasty and personal Video of Abbott acting frantic, Peter Dutton fighting with Craig Emmerson on Sky News Cheers :):):):)


1/03/2011Hockey on the 7.30 Report tonight saying Australians are really hurting, which is why the Liberals opposed the flood levy. It must make sense to someone.


1/03/2011Hi Ad This is one of our blog owners, I follow everyday I have posted Neil's work on today's links in the past: I have left Neil a "get well soon", message in his comments section. [i]Where I am right now ...Neil's second Decade[/i] Wollongong Hospital after a small heart attack… I’ll be here a little while yet.

Catching up

1/03/2011Mr. Hockey maybe correct, but they are not the ones paying the levy.

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011lyn, No surprise in QT today, One Trick Tony called another Censure Motion, as hypocritically and in as bald-faced a manner as he always does, he sought to censure the PM and Treasurer for promising something before an election and then not delivering it after the election(which only happened to be due to the fact that her position as Prime Minister is due to the grace and favour of the Indies and the Greens, who wished for her to modify a pre-election position in order to get their support to form a government. Every fact an inconvenient truth to Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey, who seconded his motion to suspend Standing Orders, in order to listen, all over again, to his pettifogging claptrap. I'm sorry, but if Mr Abbott wants to make allusions to characters from Shakespeare, he should be tarrred with the popinjay brush: A trifling, chattering, fop or coxcomb. ``To be so pestered with a popinjay.'' --Shakespeare. The pye and popyngay speak they know not what. --Tyndale.

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011BSA Bob, As soon as I heard Hockey was being interviewed by the female Liberal Party facilitator on the 7.30 Report, Heather Ewart I think her name is, I switched over to 'Talkin' About Your Generation'. Life's too short. :)

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011They had Dutton comparing Julia Gillard to Ghadaffi today, but aren't the delusional ones the Coalition? Honestly, there was Tony Abbott, in his crisper than crisp, and whiter than white shirt CAMPAIGNING as if the election had never happened last year. Does he really think that he can surf to power with no policies and just avery slick propaganda campaign? Btw, I'm sorry to say that I won't be up to my usual sparklingly witty self for the next day or so as I have the flu. :(

Feral Skeleton

1/03/2011A couple of interesting blogs in addition to this morning's reading:

Ad astra reply

1/03/2011Folks It's been a busy first day back in Melbourne, with a first birthday party for our youngest grandson, and a delayed sixth birthday celebration of another, so I haven't had much time for politics.  Thanks to TPS I now have the salient facts. It seems to me that Tony Abbott is steadily killing his prospects with his words, and not too softly, to use the words of an old song.  He is alienating key independents upon whom he would depend if he wants to be PM.  Tony Windsor is the one most irritated, but now Andrew Wilkie is upset with the Coalition's asylum policy and their willingness to ruthlessly play the race card. So all we need to do is to watch Abbott's self-destruction, and draw attention to his increasingly nasty and irrational behaviour, now exposed for all to see.  While his sycophants applaud, the rest are increasingly rejecting his approach and him with it.  The polls tell the story.


1/03/2011Rejoice, I'm writing again (though still a bit rusty). My speciality is Indigenous Issues but I thought I'd dabble in some anti-MSM dialogue.

Acerbic Conehead

2/03/2011FS, Julia Gillard’s plan to put a financial impost on carbon and thereby reduce its polluting effect on the environment is being dubbed, “CarbonWise”. However, Tones is very wise to it and is tuning up on his new theme song to ensure CarbonWise is stillborn. Listen to his little denialist ditty, sung to the melodies of the Eagles, “Lyin Eyes”. :- ( CO2 seems to be treated unfairly Melts the ice, raises the coast by a mile Leftie Ju-Liar Yeah, she’s makin’ us worry She'll dress it up, sayin’ carbon’s really vile :- ( Lately she’s been on about global warmin’ Sayin’ carbon’s got to pay a higher price But it breaks my heart to see the lefties swarmin’ Round a honey-pot that is just a greenie vice :- ( So I’m servin’ notice to Ju-Liar this evenin’ Just cos I get away with porky pies There’s no way her plan to big fat tax our carbon Will over my dead body see the light of day :- ( They won’t buy your CarbonWise When the press are our biggest allies I thought by now you'd realize There ain't no way they’ll buy your CarbonWise :- ( Jus’ cos we got away with core- and non-core promises An’ I walk out of pressers when the goin’ gets tough Ju-Liar won’t be granted the same privileges My mates the Bolta and Jonesie’ll see to that :- ( So this call to arms Is addressed to the battlers No more of this kinder, gentler bullcrappy The Peoples’ Revolt will bring the Indos to their senses An’ Gillard will go the same way as Gaddafi :- ( They won’t buy your CarbonWise When the press are our biggest allies I thought by now you'd realize There ain't no way they’ll buy your CarbonWise

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011AcerbicC., Hmmm. That one comes dangerously close to sounding exactly like the sort of arguments that TAbbott will put out there to try and convince the peeps that he is right. :)

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Ad Astra, I agree with you except for the fact that I think Tony Abbott has given up on convincing the Independants to side with him in parliament and decided to go sytraight back into election campaign mode and play to the Peanut Gallery in the electorate. I believe that it is his intention to simply win a majority in an election, win the seats of the Independants such as Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, and thus not need them anymore. He will continue his wailing and gnashing of teeth and calling for a fresh election as a so-called 'Referendum on the Carbon Tax'. I think 'Crazy like a Fox' just about sums Tony Abbott up, and it is he, not Julia Gillard who has more in common with Muammar Ghadaffi than any other politician in Australia. I don't say this lightly, but I really would fear for our country if that man became Prime Minister. He is prepared to say and do anything to get his way.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Dear Migs, Good to see you back on deck. We need all hands to the pump. :)


2/03/2011 TODAY'S LINKS [i] On the QT, a tax, and semantics, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] QT because once again after absolutely no momentum being built Abbott launched a motion to suspend standing orders so as to move a censure motion against Gillard. [i] Duel-plicity – Deliver us from policy, Ashghebranious. Ash's Machieavellian Bloggery[/i] there is no, none, nada, zippo, zero, naught etc evidence in anyway that indicates that what the PM said before the election was an untruth. [i]Every Hour of every day, Conscience Vote[/i] They uttered a few juicy soundbites and told the evening news that it was all about ‘lying’ [i]The Courage of No! Andrew Catsaras[/i] this little 'tutorial' neatly explains how fear and ignorance can be exploited by ruthless politicians to the detriment of their nation [i]Shorten and the cake, James Farrell,Club Troppo[/i] that Malcolm Turnbull is out of control, and thinks he can undermine Tony Abbott at will. So there’s some fun in store. [i]Climate change: the politics , Gary Sauer Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] the tactic behind the theatre of the various censure motions aims to put pressure on the "backstabbing" Independents (Tony Windsor a climate-change-8.php#morend Rob Oakeshott ) [i]Meanwhile, Miglo, Cafe Whispers[/i] Who cares what the Opposition thinks and why bother asking them, and why bother publishing a s tory that is based on innuendo [i]A mega-wrap of analysis of the Medicare Locals plans, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] part three of a series analysing the Government’s plans for the new primary health care organisations t o be known as Medicare Locals, [i]Suspending disbelief in the carbon debate, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] the earliest a [b]Coalition Government could kill off a carbon price would be a month or two into the 2014-15 financial year, assuming a massive election win delivers it control of the Senate. [/b] [i]The Latest News to use, Private Briefing[/i] But the nation’s net foreign debt fell by 4 per cent, in the December quarter, to $650,270 million. [i]"Tea Party" Style Campaign Against Carbon Tax, Global Voices[/i]Australian Federal election will be a referendum on a proposed climate tax. And the issue has already become nasty and personal [i]Greg Hunt Endorses NSW Labor’s Carbon Trading, Thoughtlines with Bob Carr[/i] Greg Hunt, NSW has arguably the best incentive-based emissions reduction scheme in the world. It’s been highly effective’s-carbon-trading/ [i] Carbon tax debate rages after Abbott repeal pledge, jobs at stake, Dynamic Business[/i] The Federal Parliament is in uproar following Opposition Leader Mr Tony Abbott’s pledge to repeal the proposed carbon tax. [i]Australian Politics TV, Daily Fix[/i], Video Q&A Malcolms speech. Tony Abbott vows to dump Carbon Tax Video Bishops eyes, bent the cutlery in the kitchen draws, Chanel 10 [i]The People Love Me.That's why I send the Tanks,Reb,Gutter Trash[/i] Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi is going to be the next despot domino to drop despite clinging feverishly to fading glimmers of power. [i]Abbott expects 'massive mandate' on carbon Audio Saba Lane reporting, ABC News[/i] The Opposition Leader seems to be hinting that he can win a Senate majority at the next election, as a result of the community backlash to the broken tax promise.


2/03/2011Hi Ad You might be interested in this article: Just shows what the people can and are doing in other countries, maybe here too: [i]How to Build a Progressive Tea Party, BJS The Daily Crock[/i] The only part of the media that attacked UK Uncut outright was, predictably, Rupert Murdoch’s empire. This isn’t surprising given that his company, News International, is one of the world’s most egregious tax dodgers, contributing almost nothing to the US or UK treasuries

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011lyn, Thank you for bringing out such delightful links for us to read this morning. :)

Mr Denmore

2/03/2011It may have been too late for Lynn, but The Failed Estate is updated today with a piece on talkback radio demagogues called 'Radio Ga Ga' "No-one is arguing against the right of people to vigorously debate issues of public interest through the media. But a radio station, using the publicly owned airwaves, has a primary obligation to providing its audiences with the truth before it sets its attack dogs off the leash."


2/03/2011Ad astra Welcome Home! Miglo welcome anytime! Lyn TXXXXXX as always. 2353 What is those number 31% - 69% referring to? BSA Bob it don't gotta make sense at all to the sycophants Nasking, A good deep sniff of roses, or ftm Freesias, Daphne or especially Brown Boronia will help I'm sure. Best wishes eh. Jason sent: So now Windsor gets the fallout from grubby little deadshits like Hadley, Jones, Mitchell and Bolt. Cobber, Windsor is a fighter for the Right now, where Right oddly enough in this case means Decent and Correct. Funny that eh. He will not be intimidated by this stuff: as one Labor candidate, later elected MHR, whom I know well, said when he got his first bomb threat, he was almost chortling saying well now he knew he had Them running scared. Not him. The fallout is all on Their heads, Dog be praised. Catching Up, Big 10-4 Good Buddy, Australia is incredibly lucky that 4 out of 5 House of Reps IndependAnts are men of conscience, commonsense, courage, outspokenness and goodwill. Even Katter knows that Abbortt and his scummy mob of hateful, racist, traitorous - yes TRAITOROUS! - hooligans would be a disaster for Australia, he's only sitting that side for electoral reasons, wouldn't be surprised if he crossed the floor on issues in the future. It will not even necessarily cost him votes if he picks issues, eg Flood Levy, that will stroke redneck Bananabenders - not that all Qlanders are hoons, I hasten to add, but there are enough of them to cause great evil. Not just Wilkie and Windsor, Oakeshott too gave the Coalmalicion a wonderful serve yesterday, the fact that he looks a bit like The Joker belies the fact that he is both a fine speaker and a principled man. Even young Adam Bandt seems both responsible and sensible. In the washout it could even end up being a GREAT parliament this time. Fingers crossed. And Abbortt like I bin tellim yous all for munce is goin DOWN. AC great stuff but "No way Abbortt can meet our PM's eyes" As PM Gillard is fond of saying, Labor will stare Them down and win.


2/03/2011I missed Professor H.F. Skeleton! The most prolific of us all! Get well soon Skelly.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011A new front in the Culture Wars, Tony Abbott's religious Crusade:

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Talk Turkey, *Cough* :( Children and their germs!

D Mick Weir

2/03/2011FS @ March 2. 2011 11:33 AM Interesting link. I happened to attend a citizenship ceremony last week. 40% took an oath of affirmation and 60% took a 'religious affirmation'. Those people who took the 'religious affirmation' option were invited to hold the holy book of thier own choice (if they bought it with them) while taking that affirmation. Seems the majority of commenters have no idea what happens at a citizenship ceremony and are regurgitating the biases and prejudices feed to them by others. How unusual!!!!!

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Sophie Mirabella is a fat,slimy grub. How that woman could compare our Prime Minister to Muammar Gadaffi is beyond me. Trying to save the climate of the Earth by doing our bit and introducing a Carbon Price has no equivalence whatsoever with murdering your own people to stay in power illegitimately. I shouldn't even be dignifying that grub's words with a comment but she deserves to be verbally sanctioned for her outburst. I hope Julia tears SM a new one in Question Time today.


2/03/2011I don't know about anyone else but I'm starting to get very concerned about the escalation of emotive rhetoric, not only over recent days but as part of a larger pattern. If some academic had a formula for ascribing points to various words within the context in which they are uttered, a representational graph would be quite shocking. We have remarked here at previous times over the use of 'illegitimate' and 'worst government since federation' and so on but now we have seen references to a 'people's revolt', Gaddafi, former Saddam Hassan ministers and threats of violence against an MP. We should be bracing for demonstrations on the streets led by rent-a-crowds, astro-turfed single-interest groups, dyed-in-the-wool conservatives and (unfortunately) a good many otherwise reasonable citizens who have been convinced that in some way their democracy is being undermined by the current Labor government especially through its moves to put a price on carbon. Some of this comes about as a result of having our first minority government in living memory. As a consequence the Australian public has no real understanding of the compromises required to keep it stable and functioning. Compromises which Tony Abbott, although apparently more than willing to do so, was incapable of enunciating in order to win over the cross-benchers. For whatever reason, a sizable percentage of electors fail to recognise that an Abbott-lead minority government would be no more or less legitimate than that which we currently have under Julia Gillard. This misunderstanding is one which the Coalition are exploiting to foster an impression that the government is acting against Australia's best interests and without a mandate. The more that Abbott & Co undermine respect for our constitutionally elected government (and concurrently shock jocks undermine respect for elected officials, in particular the Prime Minister) the more I fret over the future of civil debate in this country. The alarm bells are already ringing in my ears but they will reach fire alarm levels if we see words like 'dictator', 'regime', 'regime change' or 'revolution' start to be used in the mainstream. [b]Dutton likens Emerson to Gaddafi in fiery exchange[/b] [quote]Opposition frontbencher Peter Dutton has compared Trade Minister Craig Emerson to embattled Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein's information minister Mohammed "Comical Ali" Saeed al-Sahaf.[/quote] Granted, there was a misunderstanding in the Dutton/Emerson exchange where 'Comical Ali' was misheard as 'Chemical Ali' but never-the-less the overtones are still present. [b]Gillard as deluded as Gaddafi: Mirabella[/b] [quote]A Liberal frontbencher has compared Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi because of her plan to introduce a carbon price.[/quote] Once again, to be fair Mirabella and Dutton can argue that they are referring to Gaddafi burying his head in the sand and ignoring the reality of what is going on around him but they know full well the impact of the allusions they are making and care not for any misunderstandings which ensue. In fact they are probably counting on the misunderstandings to carry their message of fear. [b]Windsor calls for calm after death threats[/b] [quote]Independent MP Tony Windsor has called for restraint from talkback radio hosts and fellow MPs amid an increasingly vitriolic debate about the Government's carbon tax plans.[/quote] Ad astra Welcome home. FS Get well soon.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Some good points well made by Rob Burgess:

Mr Denmore

2/03/2011The level of rhetoric is ratcheting up. And it is all coming from the 'conservative' (read: extreme radical right) side of politics. The fact is the Liberal National Party and its backers in the mainstream corporate media have decided to import US-style hate politics to this country - complete with the deliberate spreading of lies and misinformation, the extreme polarisation, the raising of straw man arguments, the co-opting of conservative talkback demagogues to their cause and the inflammatory rhetoric. There ARE ways of stopping this. Getting organised would help. I've suggested a boycott of talkback radio advertisers, a letter writing campaign and the formation of a progressive alternative to the tea party fascists - call it the Cafe Latte movement if you must.

Patricia WA

2/03/2011FS - everything I am reading today confirms the disquiet I felt at the title of this thread, much as I agree with most of the sentiment in your post. Can we change the title? We cannot have a call to arms. We cannot speak in terms of a war. Yes, we can resist with our hearts and minds and souls. We can say 'No!' We can stare them down. We can unite. We can even march. But let's not fight.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011FS Sorry to see you have the flu.  There seems to be a high prevalence of cough around at present, here and overseas. My wife and I have it, and noticed at the Cebu conference many were coughing, spreading their affliction in the crowded conference environment.  Likewise on the air flight home. It seems to take a long time to resolve.  I hope you are soon well again. Thank you for your links - all interesting reading. I enjoyed particularly Michael Wyres' analysis of Louise Markus' speech on the NBN in the House. Her address was yet another example of the principle that truth in politics is largely irrelevant.  Facts can be readily replaced by any sort of fiction that suits the politician's purpose.  It is very sad, but starkly true.  So Labor's claim today of a   $20 billion dollar black hole in the Coalition's 'direct action' policy on climate change that would raise electricity prices by $720 per year for households, need not be true, even although it likely is.  It will have the negative effect it is designed to do.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Miglo Welcome back to blogging.  Your forensic analysis of yet another News Limited fabrication about the effect of the carbon tax on grocery prices is just what we need, day after day.  While shame is not a concept that such journalists entertain, if we do it often enough, eventually some of the disgust we feel will filter through to their consciousness. Remember Dennis Shanahan's biassed poll analyses.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Patricia WA, You can engage in a war of words. :) I think that what we have to realise here is that, as Mr Denmore says, it is the rabid,radical,'Death or Glory' Arch Conservative Right of politics in this country who have attempted, along with their camp, *cough*, followers, such as Alan Jones, Ray Hadley and the rest, to escalate the inflammatory rhetoric such that it is taking on a whole new meaning, meanings which are distressing you. To tell you the truth, I am becoming severely concerned that we are also importing the American gun culture back into this country after Howard banished it in 1996. Just the other day I heard an ad on the radio here in NSW for our upcoming State election by The Shooters Party, which was a call to arms(metaphorically,but when you are The Shooters Party you can join the dots), for all their supporters to fight for the right to hunt! Since when was there a 'Right to Hunt' defenceless animals in this country? Anyway, as my comments on the thread indicated, I'm not about to literally take up arms against the avaricious bastards attempting to steal our Treasury away from those who deserve the taxpayers' dollars. However, as this is the Political Sword, I reserve the right to fight against them with colourful rhetoric. :)

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Mr Denmore Thank you for yet another penetrating piece and comment.  You are right.  What we are seeing is a replication here of the Tea Party strategies, albeit not yet as extreme.  It is frightening.  Truth is being abandoned for misinformation and often downright lies.  And they don't care - they have no ethics, no shame.  This is a media mafia that intends to have its way by whatever means. You suggest we organize opposition. The question is how.  Social media seem to be a central component. But it's getting a start that is difficult.   Please keep your incisive pieces coming.  We enjoy and appreciate them.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Hi Lyn Thank you for your welcome back.  It is good to be back in Oz - now we need to throw off the lurgy. As ever, your links are informative and relevant.  The one to the Daily Crock is revealing, and gives an idea of what is possible.  Although at present a one theme movement, UK Uncut is a model we ought to watch.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Folks I'm watching QT and see Julia Gillard is pushing hard the extra $720 per year per household that the Coalition's 'direct action' policy will occasion. Good. But how much of that will the media report?

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Thank you for your welcoming remarks.  Like you NormanK, I am concerned about the escalating rhetoric we are seeing - but I guess we have to get used to it. The Coalition is following the pattern of rhetoric of the conservatives in the US and the offshoot, the Tea Party.  That is frightening but is likely to get worse while Tony Abbott is leader.  Only a new leader, a less pugilistic one, can break the pattern. TT The anger among the rural independents is growing, and with almost every Abbott utterance directed at them is exacerbated.  It seems as if he is deliberating baiting them. FS feels he has a broader agenda - precipitating a new election. AC Thank you for another delightful piece of satire - this time about CarbonWise.  You always hit the target.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011Folks I see Tony Abbott is on to another censure motion in QT. Unfortunately the ABC transmission of QT is finished, so I hope some of you can see it on live streaming.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Here is the Verso Economics Report on Jobs in the Renewable Energy sector that the Oppositiion were crowing about in Question Time today: Essentially what it concludes is that with respect to the policy of the Scottish Parliament, whose policy concentrates on jobs in the renewables sector, then the job impact of that policy will be negative. However, what the Australian Opposition fail to take into account is the fact that the Australian government has not said that they wish to take away the jobs of workers in our Fossil Fuel Extraction sector. They do wish to create jobs in the Renewable Energy sector AS WELL. So, the argument of the Opposition is weak at best and spurious and misleading at worst.


2/03/2011<blockquote>FS feels he has a broader agenda - precipitating a new election.</blockquote> Something I've also been saying for some time. The Smuggles Set is desperate to force an election before the senate changes composition on July 1. The clock is running down,leaving them increasingly desperate to chance their arm and that's why their slavering toadies in the MSM are ramping up the hysterical, spittle-flecked, bullying invective against the government and increasingly against the Independents. Bullying and hectoring is the only tactic they seem to have in their repertoire; God forbid that they should sit down and negotiate for the Independents' support in a calm rational manner. They are a rabble and are looking more desperate every day. I predict that when the critical date passes for an election which would install them on the government benches while the Senate is still in their hands, this disgusting behaviour will subside until 2013.

Mr Denmore

2/03/2011Ad Astra, social media allows for organisation. I've recommended as a first step that someone monitor the talkback stations for a day or two and form a list of advertisers on those stations. Publish the list of advertisers on the blog and put next to their logos some of the shameful statements made on talkback radio. Write to the advertisers with a petition signed by all those who follow on Twitter and through sites like these that we will boycott their products until such time as they cease advertising on 2UE/2GB/3AW etc. Write to ACMA and complain. Bombard the broadcasting services minister with petitions for reregulation of radio.


2/03/2011Hi Ad Thankyou Ad, I really appreciate your opinion on the article about UK Uncut in the Daily Crock. I only asked you because, I thought it was interesting how people are reacting. Yes, I agree we should watch them and stay aware. I am not interested at all, in small Political Parties, being formed all over the place, in fact they annoy me no end. We have the Labor party in Government, and I believe we should be putting all our efforts into supporting them. Isn't that nice of Mr Denmore, to take time from his busy productive blog to visit us at TPS, his articles are always an enjoyable read.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011The always perspicacious Kerryn Goldsworthy has an excellent take on what we have all been discussing here this afternoon: The question I have to ask is, why are the media covering Tony Abbott's antics as if he was in an Election Campaign wherein the customary practice is to give the Opposition Leader equal time on their news programs? The subject is no longer whether we need to take action on Climate Change and how best to go about it but this pantomime of spurious misleading of the public that Tony Abbott is engaged in. Why don't the media just ignore him and it until there is a concrete basis to his attacks? It's not news reporting, it's propaganda dissemination otherwise.


2/03/2011AA, Old Bazza Cassidys piece on the drum has a compliant, "Insiders is in its tenth year. We get a steady stream of feedback, positive and negative. Most of the negative is thoughtful and thought provoking. But this year, we have we been inundated with vile filth passing as political commentary, of the type we have never before received in such large numbers. It is hateful and vicious. No political party would knowingly want these creeps in their ranks."


2/03/2011Hi Hillbilly I hope your cold gets better right now. Thankyou for the comment you left last night. Sorry I didn't mean not to answer, I just got busy so late, the blogs for my links, just kept coming in late. Then I had all the today's links lined up lovely, and lost them all in one flick of the finger, so to the rubbish bin I had to go. Your comment: [quote]March 1. 2011 10:37 PM lyn, No surprise in QT today, One Trick Tony called another Censure Motion, as hypocritically and in as bald-faced a manner as he always does, he sought to censure the PM and Treasurer for promising something before an election and then not delivering it after the election(which only happened to be due to the fact that her position as Prime Minister is due to the grace and favour of the Indies and the Greens, who wished for her to modify a pre-election position in order to get their support to form a government. [/quote] But isn't it funny ha ha, the same as you said yesterday applies to today as well. The difference today was, Abbott was all about, Julia Gillard has not provided any detail, how much is the carbon price going to be, how much will householders have to pay, [u]how much extra will their electricity be[/u]. Julia got up and in her reply, said " now that Mr Abbott has been to the Fruit Shop, the Supermarket, The Petrol Station, he told all those people how much extra electricity they will have to pay, and now he is asking me, so Julia says what are you going to tell those business's now, seeing you have told them yesterday, how much more they are going to have to pay. She said, this proves Mr Abbott is making prices up. Hillbilly I agree with you, this frantic frenzy, and censure motions everyday, by Abbott is somehow providing him with evidence to use in demanding an election before June, there is skullduggery going on for sure. Jane is spot on in her prediction up above.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Channel 9 6PM News gave Tony Abbott's stunts today very short shrift! There was a 1 nanosecond flash of Tony in the Fish Shop, then a concentration on Sophie Mirabella's vile comment about the PM, followed by Wayne Swan declaiming the comments. I think Channel 9 might have decided that the Coalition are pushing things too far and they have thoughts about Arizona in the back of their minds. Especially after the death threats Tony Windsor received rrecently.

Catching up

2/03/2011 This is nasty but in the light of the last few days, I cannot help myself, especially that many are saying we can say what we like. There was a Labor member in the previous parliament that was crucified for telling an Opposition member, if she kept evil thoughts, her baby would be born a demon. The Labor member got it wrong, it is the mother that is the demon. What I am amazed at is the abuse that Mr. Wilkie and Mr. are getting for speaking out. This from people who reserve the right to say what they like, no matter how abusive. I take from the outcry from many on the other side, including Coalition Shadow Ministers, this right only applies to their side of politics. I was disgusted that three shadow ministers in the space of several hours likening PM Gillard to a Colonel Gaddafi, that she was as delusional. Mr. Abbott, the Opposition Leader stated that he would not use that language and with a grin on his face, said that maybe he would speak to her. He was not asked how three come to use the same words.

Catching up

2/03/2011Heard somewhere it was Mr. Latham that introduced a censure motion every day. Problem for Mr. Abbott, the Opposition leader seem to enjoy the exercise.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Catching Up, You are correct to be suspicious about the co-ordinated attack on the Prime Minister. Of course Tony Abbott approved it, and his limp-wristed condemnation of the MPs who smeared the PM proves, I think, that it is he that has blood on his hands, not the Prime Minister as Lady Macbeth redux. Tony Abbott is using the talk radio stations as platforms for his own propaganda, which they reinforce after he leaves the studio, plus they CC it and send it around the internet and to the rest of the media, who, hungry for content, run it all day. What really surprised me the other day was the number of news shows that each channel is running now, from early in the morning, all through the day, and then on into the night. I mean, look at Channel 10. They have the 5PM News, then 6PM with George Negus, then the 6.30PM News, then the 7PM Project! No wonder the Opposition cook up a stunt a day at the moment. It's enough to blow your mind.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Catching Up, It was explained elsewhere today that the Opposition love to suspend Question Time and call a Censure Motion or Suspension of Standing Orders because it is the only chance they get in parliament to have an uninterrupted spray at the government. Also, it gives the 6PM News something to put on.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Guess who's actually the closest political confrere with Muommar Gadaffi?

Catching up

2/03/2011 I think some of these media outlets need to review some of the activities. I have no love for Maxwell Newton but what was revealed in court today leaves me a little cold. It was alleged that he suffered a bashing, resulting in a broken nose after a media outlet encourage people to give him a bashing. The media clown was interviewed, showing no regret saying he got what he deserves, maybe if he had a bashing earlier, he might have left his girlfriend alone. No wonder we have a problem with bullies in the playground, they have wonderful role models to follow. Have we reached the stage in this country, that it is OK to take the law into our own hands. It is OK to belt up people we do not like. It is OK to destroy our opponents. If this is what being Australia is, I do not like it. I do not accept this type of behaviour. Do not tell me to get out of the country, I am a fifth generation Australian and I love my country, it is just some of the low life we are producing I do not like.

Feral Skeleton

2/03/2011Catching Up, It's the culture of the Footy Hooligan. All these loudmouths who emcourage vigilante behaviour, I have found by checking them out, have come into journalism via a connection with the sporting arena. Alan Jones, Ray Hadley. Probably a lot of others. Also, there's so much alcohol-fuelled violence around in society at this point in time that violence is just on everyone's mind all the time and so it is very easy for provocateurs to poke and prod people until one of them loses control. Then the ensuing violent act ends up becoming grist for our 24/7 news cycle, and it starts all over again as the Shock Jocks and agitators alight onto their next victim. Rule by Bully. Sigh.

Ad astra reply

2/03/2011jane I think you are right - the 1 July Senate changeover looms, beyond which Tony Abbott's chance of toppling the Government drops precipitously.  So we can expect lots more belligerence until then. Mr Denmore Your suggestions are sound.  Are there any listeners out there to 2UE, 2GB and 3AW who could post here the advertisers who use these outlets Jason Thank you for the Barrie Cassidy link - it is interesting that his show is receiving so many vitriolic emails.  Those who deliberately stir up hatred should be pleased. FS If Channel Nine is having qualms, the nastiness must really be turning them off, which would take a lot! Catching Up Thank you for your several comments.  Many would share your feelings. Hi Lyn Perhaps it is just as well that I did not see the Abbott censure motion. What a waste of parliamentarians' time.  How tragic that they have endure all this to satisfy the Abbott ego and strategy,


2/03/2011Hi Ad This is another petition being sent around: [i][i] UK: STOP RUPERT MURDOCH,AvaaZ. Org[/i][/i] [quote]In 48 hours, nearly half the British mass media could be bought by one of the world's worst media moguls. Rupert Murdoch has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, spread resentment of muslims and immigrants, and block global action on climate change. He undermines democratic government across the world by threatening elected leaders with vicious and often false media coverage unless they do his bidding. Britain plays a key role in Europe and the world. If Murdoch has a lock on British media, he will use it to undermine UK, EU and UN support for human rights and democracy. The UK is up in arms over the Murdoch bid, and even the government, elected with Murdoch's help, is split down the middle as it makes a decision this week. Global solidarity bolstered Egypt's pro-democracy protesters -- it can help Britain's. Let's build an urgent global outcry to stop Rupert Murdoch. Sign the petition to Prime Minister Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Clegg[/quote]!

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011Here's an interesting little blog by Catherine Deveny about one of the issues I raised: Great minds think alike? :)


3/03/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Radio Ga Ga, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] put a blackban on his program and to send a mildly threatening letter to 2GB's licence holder about broadcast standards. [i]High Emissions Retail Politics , Ben Eltham, New matilda[/i] the truth is: we are not in an election campaign. The next federal election is likely three years away. [i]No News Is Conservative News, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] Does Abbott even have any realisation of the people’s needs, wants or desires? Clearly those who aren’t Christian don’t [i]The girl who kicked the Coalition's nest, Barrie Cassidy, ABC[/i] we been inundated with vile filth passing as political commentary, of the type we have never before received [i]Carbon Price opinion – the starting gates, Possum Comitatus. Pollytics[/i] Over the next 12 months, we’ll have more polls on pricing carbon than we can poke a stick at–-the-starting-gates/ [i]Surprise surprise. Howard lies, Miglo, Cafe Whispers[/i] Murdoch paper has published a story that throws doubt over the intentions and integrity of the former PM, John Howard. [i]Breaking News: Howard Government interfered in Hicks Case, Admin, Independent Australia[/i] David Hicks outlined explosive documents in the hands of US investigative journalist Jason Leopold which showed the Howard Government [i]Where do the Liberals find these people?,Admin, Independent Australia[/i] There seems to be an un-Australian vein of evil running through the ultra-far Right conservative section of the Liberal Party, [i]A Liar Calls a Liar a Liar, AB Watson,Winds Light to Variant[/i] The sickening hypocrisy of the man who would have us believe he is Prime Minister material must turn even the most radical right-wingers’ stomachs [i]Windsor receives death threats as climate of hate ramps up, Clive hamilton, Crikey[/i] calls for a “people’s revolt”, Tony Abbott has adopted a level of demagoguery rarely seen in Australian politics. [i]Independent Tony Windsor says “Media are Running Orchestrated Campaign to Destroy Govt”, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i]Mr Windsor today revealed that he believes that so called “radio shock jocks” are running an orchestrated campaign to get key crossbench MPs to switch their allegiance to the Coalition [i]Shock jocks running campaign - Windsor , Bigpond News[/i]Tony Windsor says radio shock jocks are running an orchestrated campaign to bring down the govt. he told ABC Radio [i]Why are the angry so Mad?, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] this is a vicious feedback loop where the Abbotts of the world, with their ever aggressive and reckless rhetoric, stoke the fires [i]Why talking about taxes negates the climate change case, Kim Larvatus Prodeo[/i] The flurry of hysteria may subside, when the perenially angry and the media find some new set [i]Australia's Vital Step on Climate Change Important for the Region, Alex Schlotzer, The Angle[/i] ridiculous misinformation being espoused by big business and the Opposition; particularly climate spokesman Greg Hunt and Leader Tony Abbott. [i]Americans only content with the division of wealth because they don't realise quite how bad it is, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] here’s the breakdown of wealth in the US in easily-digestible form: [i]Not quite a gay marriage victory, Amber Jamieson, The Stump[/i] Mardi Gras time this weekend in Sydney. Unsurprisingly, gay marriage is expected to be the most dominant political theme [i]The Noise before defeat, Gus Leonisky, Your Democracy[/i] Orientalist, tactician. The Prime Minister has accused her of being able to bend spoons with her famous glare [i]$20bn black hole in Abbott's Carbon Plan, Adam Morton, Blogistic Digression[/i] I don’t know what [Mr Abbott] would be reversing,” said Mr de Boer, [u]Chookpen is especially for Talk Turkey[/u]: This is why that ignorant halfwit Tony Abbott must never become PM., Chook, The Chookpen[/i] Mr Abbott called yesterday for ''tens of thousands of people'' to ''bombard'' Labor and independent MPs with emails, phone calls and letters, and to bail them up in the street [i]No Election No Carbon Tax, ComeOn. An independent, grass-roots organisation helping[/i] Australians hold their Governments accountable If you oppose a Carbon Tax and increased costs, sign our petition

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011here's a blog you may not normally come across with a comment about Mary Jo Fisher's laughable behaviour in the Senate:

Mr Denmore

3/03/2011Ad Astra, A thoughtful poster on my blog has provided this link to 2GB's full list of advertisers from A to Z.


3/03/2011Ad astra You may have missed something interesting in yesterday's QT. I thought perhaps Grog would have covered it but it seems he didn't post last night and curiously I see no coverage in the press that I've looked at today. The motion from Abbott was to Suspend Standing Orders so that the Prime Minister could explain to the House just exactly what the price per tonne of carbon would be and the level and mechanisms for household compensation. Also, if she could not give such details, why not? Where was the leadership? Where was the certainty for business? Hockey got up to Second the Motion and Albanese attempted to quiet blustering Joe by agreeing to the Motion but since it had not yet been seconded, no vote could be taken. Albanese offered twice to vote in favour of the Motion and then allow the Prime Minister to address the House. Joe blathered on in the same vein as Abbott - where are the details? The Prime Minister, in speaking to the Motion, responded in a way which I thought was especially clever (probably because I am so slow on my feet). She pointed out the hypocrisy of Abbott having spent the last four or five days scaring the public with a set of figures detailing the expected price hikes as a result of the carbon tax but then today stands up in the House and demands to know just exactly what the details are - because he doesn't know. Ms Gillard turned this on its head to point out that if he doesn't know the details then he can't speak with any authority on what the price rises will be and of course, has made no mention of compensation. She went on at length about duplicity, falsehoods and Abbott's fear campaign based on hypothetical scenarios. Then, in what I imagine was an embarrassment for the Opposition, a vote was taken on the Motion to Suspend Standing Orders and it was voted down. So Blathering Joe got his ten minutes at the microphone but the Prime Minister was not obliged to address the questions contained within the motion. More importantly, for me, Abbott showed yet again that he will pick up any line of attack regardless of whether it contradicts something he had said literally only minutes before. Curious that the Press Galley saw this as unimportant. Interestingly, The 7.30 Report saw nothing of import had occurred in the national debate yesterday. No mention of the Gaddafi references, in particular Abbott not refuting them. No mention of the hypocrisy of Abbott saying 'here are the figures which are going to ruin Australia - by the way, what are the figures?"

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011Mr Denmore Thank you for the link to 2GB advertisers.  A total of 24 are listed, but not specifically for the Alan Jones Breakfast Show. The ones listed under that heading, on another page, were 'challenger' and 'Pupdate'. I tried putting in various combinations of the Alan Jones Breakfast Show in the left-sided field, but without success.  It would be good if we could target Jones' specific advertisers.

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011NormanK This is an example of selective reporting, leading to avoidance of issues that might prove embarrassing to the Coalition.  Today they are more focussed on the so-called 'rebellion' among some Labor parliamentarians about the private members' bill regarding the overturning of bills in the states and territories by the Commonwealth.  They clearly prefer a beat-up over an accurate account of the censure motion.  Their reporting really is a shallow charade. Hi Lyn and FS Thank you for your valuable links - great reading.


3/03/2011Hi all...thnx re: comments. Very kind. Great links. I'm busy w/ another project but thought I'd relay this email: Dear friends, The world's largest and most dangerous media baron wants to buy nearly half of the British mass media, boosting his power to undermine global efforts on everything from peace to the environment. We only have 48 hours to press the UK government to stand up and stop Rupert Murdoch: In 48 hours, nearly half the British mass media could be bought by one of the world's worst media moguls. Rupert Murdoch has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, spread resentment of muslims and immigrants, and block global action on climate change. Getting a lock on British media will massively boost Murdoch's power, affecting virtually every issue we care about, from human rights to the environment. The UK is up in arms over the Murdoch bid, and even the government, elected with Murdoch's help, is split down the middle as it makes a decision this week. Global solidarity bolstered Egypt's pro-democracy protesters -- it can help Britain's. Let's build an urgent global outcry to stop Rupert Murdoch. Sign the petition to UK decision-makers: Murdoch undermines democratic government across the world by threatening elected leaders with viciously biased media coverage unless they do his bidding. He has manipulated US, British and Australian democracy for years, but now he wants more complete control. In the US, most of the likely Republican presidential candidates are actually paid employees of Murdoch! When his Fox News Network was shunned by Barack Obama as a mere propaganda mouthpiece, it spawned the far right "tea party" and broadcast constant, often hate-filled attacks against Obama and his healthcare and peace agenda -- resulting in a huge win for Republicans in the 2010 congressional elections. We can turn the tide on this powerful threat to democracy. Last year, Murdoch had lunch with the Canadian Prime Minister, who sent his chief aide to set up a murdoch-style political propaganda TV network in Canada. A mass outcry from Canadian Avaaz members prevented this network from being funded by taxpayer money, and just last week, another mass campaign from Avaaz prevented the Canadian government from removing the journalistic standards that would prevent this new network from spreading lies to the public. This week the battleground is the UK. The fight against Murdoch has just begun, but already we've begun to win. Click below to keep up the pressure: The power of Avaaz and of this moment in our world's history, is the power of unity. Across the Arab world and beyond, people are coming together in common cause across all boundaries. Murdoch's power is the ability to divide. His networks use fear and misinformation to divide left from right, citizens from foreigners, muslim from western, immigrants from non-immigrants, etc. Murdoch knows that democracy must be divided before it can be conquered. This week, let's show him what unity looks like. With hope, Ricken, Alex, Emma, Sam, Milena, Alice, Iain, Morgan, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team Sources: Murdoch close to deal with regulators over Sky What's at stake with Murdoch's bid for BSkyB Murdoch editors' repeated meetings with police chiefs Rupert Murdoch's assault on peace and democracy Rupert Murdoch’s growing media empire Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science Police fail to investigate mass phone hacking Keep well. Feral, I've left some Ohio-related info on yer wall. Cheers N'


3/03/2011Here's one of the advertisers from Mr Denmore's link that would appeal to many of Anal Jones' listeners: Affordable Granny Flats.


3/03/2011Lyn, great job as ever...whenever I get a chance I'll be checking yer links. Cheers Talk Turkey, Jason, Mick, Patricia & others...keep up the great commenting. Ad astra, whenever I get the chance when chatting to mates by email or on Facebook I will link to your great site. You & Hillbilly and Lyn & yer other wonderful contributors are extremely informative, consistent and should be read by wide an audience as possible...including politicians, their advisors, groups such as GetUp & the media. Superb work as ever Mr. Denmore of 'The Failed Estate' blog. Til later. N'

Mr Denmore

3/03/2011Ad Astra, I wouldn't worry about just targeting those who advertise on Jones. Better to target the licensee itself. The idea is to hurt 2GB

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011Nasking Many thanks for your kind remarks.  I wish you a happy spell from blogging; should you return, you would be most welcome. Thank you too for your Murdoch links.

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011Mr Denmore Advice noted. Thank you.


3/03/2011FS, you're absolutely right. Abbott [b]is[/b] in election mode geeing up his trolls and orcs to try to force an election based on the myth that Gillard lied about a carbon tax. I find it extraordinary that he has the gall to try and get political mileage out of Gillard allegedly lying to the electorate, when his path is knee deep in the breathtaking lies, obfuscations and non-core promises of the Howard government.


3/03/2011Hi Ad Another day, another censure motion. Five in a row. I watched an interview at 12.30pm, on ABC 24 with Anthony Albanese,in which he said the Government will move to change the rules regarding censure motions. [i]Abbott moves to censure Gillard - again , Herald Sun[/i] Mr Abbott has now tried to suspend regular proceedings on five straight sitting days - three times for censure motions and twice to demand explanations from the prime minister. [i]Abbott persists with carbon censure strategy,Tim Leslie,ABC[/i] It is absolutely urgent that the Prime Minister come into the House and [b]explain exactly why it is that her Government has been hijacked by the Greens."[/b] Note the heading, on this piece by Ben Packman, designed to make Julia Gillard look bad, more or less, implying that Julia Gillard is responsible for the fiery Question time. Wonder if, Ben Packman has counted how many times Tony Abbott has been told to withdraw his dreadful statements in Parliament, no because he would lose count. [i]Julia Gillard withdraws race claim against Abbott in another fiery parliamentary sitting , Ben Packman, The Australian[/i] Defence Minister Stephen Smith also objected, claiming the suspension of standing orders should only be allowed in rare circumstances. "The practice has (been) for a very long period of time that it is moved in exceptional or rare circumstances, not every day," he said.

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011Hi Lyn I'm so glad I missed QT today.  Another Abbott censure motion would have been too great an assault on my nervous system.  If political addicts like us can take no more, imagine how less tolerant regular folk would be.  I think Abbott is wasting his time and everyone else's too.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011jane, Tony Abbott operates in a perpetual political present. What happened yesterday, let alone what he did as 'far' back as the Howard government are political irrelevancies to him. He may have lied, he may have admitted openly to lying, but that is a mere bagatelle when it comes to his stated aim of "ferociously holding the government to account". To mimic Shakespeare, who is the flavour of the month for the mouth from Manly, 'That is all there is, and all there should be'. As he constantly opines, when caught out in a lie, or having to make an excuse for one of his Shadow Front Bench who have gone too far, again, "Well, I wouldn't say that, but let's move on from that shall we?" So that he may bring back the attention of whatever interviewer is trying to extract an acknowledgement of malfeasance from him, to whatever juicy skewer he has decided to insert into Julia Gillard that day. No one ever calls him on it. It may make for a laborious interview to constantly have to forensically probe Mr Abbott's motivations for doing the things he does, and what he really meant by whatever allusion he has made, or whether there is a co-ordinated orchestrated theme to whatever appears to have been the message for the day the previous day, but that is where journalists need to be going. They need to be getting down in the weeds growing out of the political pond scum that generates them. That is where the story is with Tony Abbott and the Coalition. Where their dark hearts beat. Not with the flurry of colour and movement that is his perpetual manic smoke and mirrors show. It's just an example of the classic "Look over there, not over here" ruse. Abbott is a manic megalomaniacal political meringue. Hard on the outside and insubstantial once you crack the outer layer. If journalists don't start taking their job seriously, he will waltz into the job he covets by abusing every convention in the Westminster system of government. Every move he amkes, every step he takes, we should be watching him, and slack-arsed journalists should be questioniing him about it. Sheesh! It's almost as if he has them hypnotised. If only one of the main players would snap out of it and truly analyse the game he is playing. Instead they are behaving as if they are suffering from a type of political Stockholm Syndrome as he beats everyones' brains out daily with his constant barrage of sympathetic Shock Jock radio interviews, followed by a Photo Op for the late morning news, then his 'Suspension of Standing Orders' stunts which are a farrago of megaphonically enunciated abuse of the Prime Minister and distortions of reality so as to create a seemingly believable parallel universe, WHICH HAS NO RELATION TO THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER AT ALL. It's past time a so-called Senior Member of the Press Gallery made a concerted effort to call Mr Abbott out on his silly little game of faux electioneering. The government, duly elected and consdtituted with the Independants, is trying to govern in the National Interest. Tony Abbott is trying to wreck a delicate balance in Tony Abbott's interest. So unbalanced an individual should never be let near high office. The world has enough trouble trying to get rid of petty despots as it is.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011Nas, I knew you wouldn't be able to stay silent for too long. :) Your voice is always a welcome one to hear from.


3/03/2011ad astra, why have I been blocked from following you on Twiitter. Ok I don't make comments on TPS, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate what your blog does. I'm a lurker, but am too daunted by the ability of your regular contributors to even attempt to match them. If this is some sort of exclusive club, how do join?B

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011NormanK, Another Question Time, another Suspension of Standing Orders' so that Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey could verbally abuse a woman for 10 minutes and 5 minutes, respectively. No matter that it was the Prime Minister of Australia that they were abusing on national television. What do they care? In the patriarchal society that they favour the little woman should be seen in the kitchen, and not heard. So to abuse one who is above her traditional station in life, in order to knock her down a peg or two and make her realise who's boss around the joint, seems to be some sort of a nefarious motivating factor. I don't know, I'm probably exaggerating slightly, but one thing I will note is that it is a strange irony that it was the Howard government that ran the Public Information campaign about abuse of women, which also included verbal, as well as the traditional physical, abuse. Anyway, what I heard today on ABC24 about Tony Abbott's Censure Motion stunt, was that Anthony Albanese and the Cross Benchers are going to get together during the parliamentary Recess to see if they can nut out a way to chop him off at the knees, so that he is unable to continue to hijack Question Time in this way in the future.


3/03/2011Hi Tiffany232 Ad Astra will be along soon to tell you about Twitter, I can't imagine what has gone wrong for you. Thankyou for commenting on "The Political Sword", you are very much appreciated and your comments important to all of us.. Don't get daunted just talk to us, I do, I can assure you my comments are as ordinary as ever they could be, I just go along and talk to everyone. Cheers

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011tiffany232, Let me just say on AA's behalf, which I am sure he will endorse and second, that he would be mortified to think that you had been blocked unecessarily by him on Twitter. The more the merrier is our motto! :) All I can venture to say by way of explanation is that he thought you were a spambot, which I have noticed tends to happen a lot on Twitter, people you've never met before in your life all of a sudden want to follow you on Twitter, but they're not real, interested people who have never met you before that want to follow you on Twitter, but companies or Twitter 'Entrepeneurs'. Anyway, I'm sure everything will be allright as far as it goes by tomorrow, and you can always follow me on Twitter! @HillbillySkill (because I couldn't fit my whole name in). :) Oh, and even if you only contribute a Hear! Hear! to TPS, it will be good enough to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside!


3/03/2011thanks Lyn. BTW Love your links

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011Wow! There's a lot of really concerned people all over the world that are signing the Avaaz petition. I was just watching the site after I signed it, and they have a rolling roll call of signees and the country they come from, and it is red hot around the world. If Cameron agrees to Murdoch taking over then he is virtually saying that the oligarch has bought his soul.


3/03/2011Feral, Murdoch won. Not good.


3/03/2011maybe it's because I followed as my company address. Let me tell you my company thinks as I do.

Ad astra reply

3/03/2011tiffany232 I have not blocked you on Twitter; indeed since going overseas over two weeks ago I have not accessed Twitter, as I'm using an iPad. So I don't know why you are blocked. I'll check tomorrow when I get back to my definitive computer. By what name did you register to 'follow' on Twitter? You are welcome here. We look forward to reading your comments.


3/03/2011Somewhat off topic here but I spent over two hours tonight as a guest on a Virgin Blue flight (half an hour due to air traffic control). In the inflight magazine there is a story about "leaders" (commercially supported by a number of Uni's pushing their MBA and similar programs). Gillard is mentioned in the article as gaining power though unorthodox methods however she proved her mettle by winning the last election in her own right. Just though it was an interesting comment for a non-political magazine with I would imagine a fairly large readership to make. The flight also explains why I haven't been here for a few days - TT the numbers in the post ^^^up that way somewhere related to the poll in the comment two comments further up. FS hope you're better soon. AA Welcome back to the land of OZ.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011Miglo, I know. I was just reading about it in The Guardian. Murdoch pulled the same scam, along with his willing accomplices in the Tory Party, of 'spinning off' Sky News in the UK with a supposed 'Independant' Board and Chairman. The same thing he promised would happen with The Wall Street Journal. As someone carefully noted, that doesn't mean he's not going to be funding it still. So, you know, where's the 'Independance' in that if you still have to answer to the same shareholders at the end of the day, ie,him?


3/03/2011Feral Skeleton I suspect you may have been exaggerating a little with regard to the bullying of Julia Gillard having a sexist overtone. :) I watched all of it today (for my sins) and my hackles didn't go up in that respect. It seems that part of the ploy of using Suspension Motions is to get Abbott's ranting to air on ABC1 before the close of play at 3.00 PM EDST, hence the metronomic regularity of his motions (heh, heh). Also, providing the media with fifteen minutes of unadulterated blather from Abbott and Hockey makes it easy for them to pick out 3-4 second grabs of the good bits for the evening news. Frankly, although I am politically naive, I can't see the point in all of this nonsense. The independents are not going to fall for it, there will be no people's revolt to force the GG's hand and an election is as much as three years away. Beats me. By the way, I particularly enjoyed your 8.33 reply to jane. Steam! Consider yourself let off! Ad astra The Alan Jones/2GB boycott would make more sense to me if we knew who the small advertisers are that get slotted in during his programme (and others I guess). For it to have any noticeable affect, 2GB would need to be eventually made aware of it through a petition or some such. It is a good idea, it just requires co-ordination.


3/03/2011thank you Ad Astra. Not sure if I can match anyone on your blog. All I can say is that I am as mad as hell that there''s no fair media in Australia. If Rupert Murdoch doesn''t pay tax in the US and the UK, are we so stupid to believe he pays in Australia. In the first year of running my business I paid $36K in tax. Kerry Packer paid $28K. How does that equate?

Catching up

3/03/2011 What I would really like to say is that I decided to google Mr. Pyne's favourite word he voices throughout QT towards the PM. I know the speaker has banned the word, but he has got around this by adding bag, another two word slogan. The word "slag" is a much nastier word than I imagined. The word is slanderous and how any decent man could use it against any woman is beyond me. To sit in parliament and accuse a woman of not being able to form a relationship and to sleep around is beyond the pale. In my eyes, if it happened in the community or office, he would be facing charges of sexual harassment or stalking. Has anyone have a similar word to call him? “An individual who cares not for relationships beyond the realm of the sexual, these people sleep with many partners not caring about ...”

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011Catching Up, Christopher Pyne is one slimy individual who would tread on his own mother on his way up the greasy pole if it was in his best interests...I believe. :) Anyhow, my favourite descriptor for him is 'Poonce'. Also, he knows that the word 'slag' has a duel meaning, thus thinks it is therefore allowable for him to say it in parliament. If you asked him he would swear black and blue that's all he meant. We, of course, know otherwise.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011tiffany232, Rupert Murdoch probably subscribes to the Kerry Packer dictum when it comes to paying tax, which went along the lines of, governments never do the right things with taxpayers' money, so why should I give them mine? Which is, it goes almost without saying, an entirely self-serving opinion.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011NormanK, I think I was making a valid point, if somewhat imperfectly put. Basically, I was wanting to say that I would have thought that our first female Prime Minister would have commanded more respect from a Conservative political party, ultra traditionalists and all that they style themselves as. However, my perverse thesis was that maybe because Julia was not conforming to their tired traditional perspective of a woman's place, then possibly that engendered a type of subliminal contempt, which manifests itself in their attitude towards her. And the fact that a woman beat such an Uber Male in the only competition that counts to Abbott.

Feral Skeleton

3/03/2011tiffany232, You might be interested in the graph in this link: It may be America but the ethos is global. All global companies want it to look like that in their countries.


3/03/2011Catching up I wasn't aware of Pyne's predilection for that particular word. That is just gross if that is what he is doing. I'm a bit old fashioned so if I heard him address a woman (any woman) in that manner he might receive a potent reminder of what old-fashioned men do when they witness such denigration of women. I also retract my comment above regarding sexist behaviour towards the Prime Minister. tiffany232 Welcome aboard.

Patricia WA

3/03/2011I agree with you NormanK, and that's because Julia Gillard has not looked at all like a victim throughout this week of Abbott histrionics. She has been remarkably calm, taking up the attack again when permitted after interruption by their nuisance tactics. Grog today quoted her simple and clear explanation of how carbon pricing will work. [i] Ms GILLARD–Let me explain in detail our mechanism for pricing carbon. The first proposition is an incredibly simple one. At the moment carbon pollution can be released into the atmosphere for free. There is no disincentive for doing that. We will put a price on carbon, a price on every unit of carbon pollution. It will be paid for by businesses and as a result, because our business community is smart and adaptable and innovative, they will work out ways of pursuing their business and generating less carbon pollution. They will work out ways of making sure they pay less of a price when carbon is priced. Then they will enter into contracts, they will make investments on the basis of understanding the rules and understanding that carbon will be priced. And as they go about making those transitions, innovating, making the new investments of the future, we will work with those businesses in transition to a clean economy. Having priced carbon and seen that innovation, yes, there will be pricing impacts; that is absolutely right. That is the whole point: to make goods that are generated with more carbon pollution relatively more expensive than goods that are generated with less carbon pollution. But because we are a Labor government this will be done in a fair way. We will assist households as we transition with this new carbon price. What that means is that people will walk into a shop with money in their pocket, the government having provided them with assistance. They will see the price signals on the shelves in front of them—things with less pollution, less expensive; things with more pollution, more expensive—and they too will adapt and change. They will choose the lower pollution products, which is exactly what we want them to do. Between the business investment and innovation, between households who have been assisted in a fair way by a Labor government responding to price signals, we will see a transition to a cleaner economy, to a low-pollution economy [/i]

Catching up

4/03/2011tiffany232 I am sure I am right. I have heard it alleged on more than one occasion. I was watching QT on the day it was found to be unparliamentary. After he withdrew, he immediately added bag,which made it worse. There have been others from Mr. Abbott, the Opposition, such as "I will make an honest woman of you". I have watch Pyne standing at the attache box waiting for the Speaker to say he can speak. He stands there mouthing words the whole time. I do not know what he says, but it appears to be the sane word repeated. I think that Mr. Abbott has pulled baxk a little, probably because he becomes bored very quickly.

Patricia WA

4/03/2011Re-reading comments on sexist slurs I'm not suggesting that Pine, Abbott and Co. aren't using them, but essentially that they are ineffective because the PM ignores them. Of course, she is the supreme example of a fully liberated woman and has the capacity to make their slurs ineffective. Somehow they are turned back on perpetrators who are seen to be the low life they are. Watching Joe Hockey today. Can anyone imagine him as our Prime Minister? No wonder Malcolm Turnbull is so much preferred, but even he comes across as a hollow man these days. Hi Tiffany232! It will be interesting to see what comes up during the review of Murdoch's application for BSkyeB now that Cameron has given him the OK to go ahead. Now, a people's revolution against Murdoch media really does make sense to me. It's appalling that so much media power worldwide is concentrated on one man. Talk about imperial ambition and megalomania. Why doesn't someone leak what Wikileaks are holding on him?


4/03/2011Tiffany 232 said "I'm a lurker, but am too daunted by the ability of your regular contributors to even attempt to match them. If this is some sort of exclusive club, how do [I] join?" Welcome Tiffany Let me assure you, TPS is as far from being exclusivist as Opus Dei is from being inclusivist! With no special talents apart from a penchant for being trenchant in my opinions of the Rotten Right (and an equal and opposite appreciation of those who oppose it to the best of their own ability) I have been made to feel welcome since my first peripatic posts, as have all other goodwillians since then too. TPS posters are comradely to a fault, you need never feel that your opinions will be ridiculed if honestly made with a good heart. We will all be hoping to hear from you often from now on.


4/03/2011[b]TODAY' LINKS[/b] [i]On The QT:Well that was expected,Greg Jericho,Grog's Gamut[/i] Abbott’s shoutyness seemed even more futile than usual – his side really wasn’t interested either – [i]Carbon pricing. Wots it all about Alfie?, Ashghebranious, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] just wanted to take the debate off what does the carbon price take away from me back to what does a carbon price do for me. [i]Scare tactics don't add up, Mungo macCallum, Northern Rivers Echo[/i] Abbott is now repudiating former leaders from the right, the centre and the left of his party, as well as his own previous stance. The public has a right to be confused. [i]Like Hitler, Crabb misses the point, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] I'm sure Annabel Crabb won't mind me saying her latest piece is stupid. [i]They’re not Captains Courageous, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] coalition parties have clearly displayed a lack of competence in addressing issues like NBN, carbon abatement, asylum seekers [i]Why Won't she let us eat Cake, Ben Pobji, New Matilda[/i] Liberal Senator Mary Jo Fisher. As she combined a full-body twitch with a severe mental health episode in full view of the nation, we realised that finally, Australian history had reached its [i]The Unhinging, in interpretive dance, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] I feel sorry for Mary Jo. I couldn’t help thinking, as I watched that, that here is one person in our national Parliament who seems to be in way, way over her head [i]An Insiders insight into the political mood, Richard Farmer, The Stump[/i] I believe we should take note of, and be worried by, what he has written for the ABC’s The Drum website [i]The 'Tax' word doesn't have to hold us back from commencing a serious discussion about Carbon Pricing, Clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] pposition Leader Tony Abbott and his merry band of hysterics literally frothing at the mouth over the carbon pricing proposal [i]The Prisoner's Dilemma: let everyone else tackle climate change first, Jeremy Sear, An Anymous Lefty[/i] an electorate informed by the hysterical ravings of shock jocks, and Rupert’s boys and girls, and the lazy hacks on the commercial TV stations [i]Tax alert for real alarmists, John Quiggin[/i] near-majority vote for Malcolm Turnbull a year ago shows that not all conservatives are alarmist cranks. It is time for pro-science conservatives to take [i]Has someone infiltrated Bronwyn Bishop's email account? Peter Martin[/i] Are they sending silly emails on her behalf? [i]There is a Difference, Bill, Billablog[/i] Miranda Devine and her column “No sympathy for sooky independents,” wherein she rationalises abuse directed at independent MP Tony Windsor [i]Lustre comes from within, Mr Rabbit, Still Life with Cat[/i]. 'the Guvmint' (have you noticed how Tony Abbott's pronunciation of this word becomes more strident and nasal with every passing day?) [i]Is the carbon tax debate getting out of hand?, Radio, Adelaide Breakfast[/i] Opposition leader Tony Abbott suggests he cannot prevent the anger in the community that has resulted from this “betrayal” by the Gillard government. [i]Carbon price: The Libs Get Personal, Australian Politics TV[/i] Now they can’t help themselves but to start personally attacking others. Hardly the kind of folk you’d want to have representing you. [i]How to Create JOBS in Australia, Bleyzie, The Eye-ball Opinion [/i] every Australian citizen requests an Australian rep, how that would impact the number of extra Australian jobs needed. [i]A Bad week in - and for - politics. Likes to write[/i] Mary Jo Fisher, who referred to both the Hokey Pokey and the Time Warp in a rambling, bizarre speech on the carbon tax in the Senate. It's mind boggling bad; [i]Paul Sheehan and Scott Morrison: dog-whistling in the gutter, Nick Possum, Alternative media Group[/i]now here he is telling Herald readers that in the past he has had a “sharp disagreement” with Tony Abbott over Abbott’s faith in Scott Morrison, Joe Hockey, Malcolm Turnbull and Christoper Pyne (SMH 21 February). [i]The carbon war moves to the streets, Rod Burgess, Business Spectator[/i] received notification of the Canberra event in an overnight [b]email from Senator Eric Abetz, who is urging Tasmanians to join the main rally at Parliament House, and details of this [/b]and other events are starting to show up on Facebook and Twitter.


4/03/2011Hi Ad When I read the Business Spectator, they didn't ask for registration, but I see now, they have the form plastered all over the page text. I hope most people will get the gist of the story by my excerpt, if they don't want to register. The Prime Minister needs [b]"An Honesty transplant[/b]" and if she looks behind her she can't find one donor. This is what Mr Abbott said in his raving rant yesterday, he will stop at nothing, on channel nine this morning Abbott had the hide to say to Lisa "Where is Julia". I hope you have settled back into home by now Ad, but I guess there is a thousand jobs to do. I wish you a happy day Ad. Cheers :):):)

Ad astra reply

4/03/2011Folks I have just posted: Simplicity - the opiate of the people

Ad astra reply

4/03/2011Hi Lyn Thank you for your cheery message. We are gradually overcoming the lurgy we brought back from overseas. We are off to the south coast today, so life will resume some normality. So we will be on the road from late morning to late afternoon. I hope you too have a happy day Lyn.

Ad astra reply

4/03/2011Hi Lyn What a marvellous collection of links you have given us again this morning. I particularly enjoyed Tim Dunlop's piece. BTW, I was able to access the Business Spectator article without difficuly.

Ad astra reply

4/03/2011tiffany232 Your contributions will be welcome. Like you, we here despair of our media - indeed our byline is 'Putting politicians and commentators to the verbal sword'. So if you have instances of poor performance of any part of the media, please post it here for our information. Only by pulling up the media whenever it steps out of line can we hope to effect change. It might be slow, but it does work.

Catching up

4/03/2011Maybe the reason that PM Gillard thought it is wise to release the outline without detail in the carbon pricing proposals. We have allowed a climate to involve in this country, where many expect to be spoon fed and do not believe they have any responsibility to seek information for themselves. I question the ability of people to learn anything, if they take three word slogans as the main source of information. The result of the PM action appears to be a very confused public and has allowed the Opposition to darken the waters. It has been very difficult for the government to focus on the fact that they have introduced a framework that they believe best meets the needs of addressing climate change. The proposition in itself is not complicated. The proposition is that a fixed price on carbon for three to five years that is to evolve to a full market based charge on carbon. This is not much different from that what Labor proposed during the election campaign, in spite of what those in Opposition are attempting to convey. How much more difficult it would have been if the whole framework was released with details. I believe if the government follow this course of action, the Opposition, with the assistance of the MSM, on their present behaviour, would have derailed the proposal for good. The Opposition is not raising the possibility that climate change is not a fact. The Opposition is spending very little time on defending their own climate change propositions. The Opposition has spent it's time in alarming the public with made up costs to the community, without any facts to based their assertions. The Opposition are portraying the picture that there is no positives in the proposals. The Opposition main response is in personally attacking and slandering members of the government, without contributing anything to the debate. The government needs to continue in this manner, educate the public about the framework, and move on quickly to the details. The public debate for the good of the Nation needs to focus on what is being done, and changes made if necessary. It is up to the Opposition if they want to partake in the process or not. The stance they are taking now will lead no where.
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?