It’s time for the Government to play a game of Musical Chairs

Finally, an issue that stirred up the juices again. Something that I felt I could write about for you here.

Now, recently I have speculated, as have others in the media and blog diaspora, upon the fact of whether it would be a good time for a Spring Clean of the Ministry by the Prime Minister, especially in light of the appearance that a few of her Ministers aren't performing up to scratch. Nasking had a go at suggesting a few changes, and so I thought, well, why don't I give it a go as well and open it up for debate here? So what follows is my humble opinion. Feel free to weigh in.

Well, obviously, Stephen Smith is doing a good job in Defence, and, as one of the government's Senior Ministers he can virtually pick any job he likes to do. However, it is my belief that now he has got his teeth stuck into Defence's derriere, he won't let go until he sees the changes he has made through to their conclusion.

Now, Jason Clare, Minister for Defence Materiel, although he is proving to be capable should obviously step aside for Dr Mike Kelly. Also, as Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Senator David Feeney is having trouble finding a winnable spot on the ALP Senate ticket in Victoria, Mike could take that on as well. Mike Kelly in Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry is the wrong place for his talents. Which leaves his portfolio for Jason Clare maybe and especially with the Coalition State governments amping up their efforts to wind back environmental protection via introducing Commercial Fishing to what were once Marine Parks, Agriculture and Forestry is set to play an important role in the implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme, it may well be a good place for a telegenic up and comer to expand on his Ministerial CV.

OK, here's a controversial one. How about swapping out Wayne Swan and Bill Shorten? It's still within the PM's gift to tell MPs who's going to get what, and I think it's about time Bill Shorten was allowed to 'Put up, or Shut up'. Wayne Swan, whilst he has been a more than capable Treasurer, is no star performer in the job, in the mould of a Keating or a Costello, seeking to take the batting on at the other end to the PM.

Kevin Rudd, Craig Emerson, Simon Crean, Peter Garrett, and Jenny Macklin, I'd leave where they are. Although I have my doubts about Jenny Macklin, she appears to be wading through Indigenous and Family Affairs capably in what is a tough gig.

If the rumours about the Attorney General's office that we heard on Insiders are true, that is, a Minister poorly-served by his department, I'd have to say that the buck stops with the Minister on that one and he should have to pay with his job for the poor advice that came to the government over the Malaysian policy regarding Asylum Seekers. Which allows the PM to move Mark Dreyfus, a far better lawyer by far than Rob McLelland, into that job.

The best friend the Miners have got in the government, Martin Ferguson, should stay in Resources in order to put out any brushfires after the MRRT gets out into the world.

Nick Sherry seems to be doing OK in Small Business, as in I haven't heard Small Business complain much except for the obvious call for the power to hire and fire at will again and pay their staff peanuts for working at any time of the day or night. Plus ca change there I suppose.

Penny Wong appears happy and is doing a good job in Finance and I wouldn't want to upset a Mum-to-be.

I'd split Tourism away from Martin Ferguson, though, and bring in a talented backbencher like Melissa Parke. I think that, like Manufacturing, with the Resources Boom we need someone who can devote all their energy and talent to finding a way through the Tourism morass as it stands.

Tanya Plibersek in Human Services, I'm not sure about. She is a spirited advocate for the government but I'm not sure how good a job she is doing in her portfolio with Social Housing. I just saw a story on 7.30 NSW about some Women’s Crisis Accommodation, which has gone nowhere over the last year. However, that may be just a combination of old NSW State ALP government, and new Coalition government both stuffing things up. Still, if I were federal Minister overseeing a shemozzle I'd be putting a rocket up them regularly to get the job done ASAP.

Greg Combet has to stick around and bed down the ETS for the moment. However, next term I'd make sure he got a Senior Economic portfolio like Trade.

Actually, as Joe Ludwig is Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, now that I think about it, and Mike Kelly only Parliamentary Secretary Assisting, he should go after the Live Cattle imbroglio and be given Justice. He could still keep the Queensland Flood Recovery gig.

Mark Arbib just simply needs to be disendorsed for the Senate at the next election. He may have a Masters in Political Science, and is a master of political intrigues, but he's proven to be a hopeless Minister in any portfolio he has been given. I mean the Minister for Sport in a Labor government giving a photo opportunity free kick to Tony Abbott to reprise his goofy-footed Tennis schtick from the last election for the cameras? He totally blotted out Mark Arbib, and it sums up his realpolitik skills in one for mine.

As far as a new Minister for Sport goes, I'd draught Andrew Demetriou. Everyone knows he wants to get into politics for the ALP, so I'd put the weights on him to make up his mind and dangle the Ministry of Sport job in front of him like a carrot to get him over the line. Mark Arbib could go back to doing what he does best, being a faceless man.

Kim Carr is holding the line against the new Protectionist forces well in Science, Industry, Innovation and Research. So I'd leave him alone to keep fighting the good fight.

Brendan O'Connor is in Home Affairs and Justice. Well, as I said, I'd take Justice out and make it a separate portfolio. He comes across as capable in Home Affairs, and, if we revert back to needing to keep Australia strong from within its borders, instead of using the Howard Government 'Fortress Australia' model which incorporates the strong border protection model that sees Asylum Seeker boats towed out to sea and the SAS and Navy used to antagonistically threaten the people on the boats and fire shots across their bows and associated hairy-chested palaver, then Brendan might be the man for that job.

Which brings me to Immigration. Chris Bowen appears to have taken the bit between his teeth again after the Malaysian operation fell over. As he said on Insiders, the concept of a Regional Hub and spoke approach via the Bali Process was essentially a good one when it came to putting some sort of order and process into Irregular Migration into our region. So I wouldn't give the Opposition the body they and the media are baying for, I'd leave him there to get on with the job of crafting a new deal for Asylum Seekers who arrive by boat. I would hope he'd call a spade a shovel on the BS that the Opposition come out with, using their diarrhoea-esque imagery when they bleat about continuously: "The country has lost control of its borders", instead seeking to continue to find a way to elbow the People Movers out of the equation. There is a solution there to be found and I hope he finds it.

Also I'd put Chris Evans, Minister for Industrial Relations, Skills and Tertiary Education out to pasture. He doesn't have cut-through, and if IR is again to become a battleground for the next election I think you need someone with useful and youthful enthusiasm to take that fight up to Tony Abbott and the Coalition. I'd swap out Chris Evans for Mark Butler. Mark Butler has done an amazing job in Mental Health but the time has come for him to move on up to bigger and better things. Maybe Chris Evans could oversee the implementation of the Mental Health policy.

The Minister for the NBN, Stephen Conroy, of course has to stay put. He knows the portfolio like the back of his hand and everyone in the industry on a first name basis, and he is doing a good job to boot.

Gary Gray has always had my appreciation as someone who has cut-through in the media whenever he is heard and is more than capable of doing a good job in his portfolio of Special Minister of State, Public Service and Integrity (though I do wish he'd closely scrutinize Tony Abbott's Travel Allowance spending for his book tour to promote 'Battlelines'). I would also add another feather to his cap, therefore, and give him 'Freedom of Information and Privacy'. I think there is a battle going on there with regard to the media, who are using FOI as a Fishing ground for anti-government sensationalism, and whilst I believe in open and transparent government, I think the concept is being abused to no small extent by the media, and some tweaks along the lines that John Faulkner was considering, need to be revisited by the government, and Gary Gray is the man for that job. Not Brendan O'Connor.

Anthony Albanese must stay in Infrastructure. It is a very important part of the government's story that they must tell at the next election about how they are so different from the Coalition.

Finally, Kate Ellis in Child Care is a no-brainer, really.

Well, that's about it.

Here's the full Ministerial List so you can mull over it yourselves.

What do you think?

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Feral Skeleton

11/09/2011 Oh dear, Gary Gray collapsed today and was taken to hospital. The newsreader said he was allright and would be back on deck in parliament soon. :(


11/09/2011 Hi Feral Thankyou for your article, and thankyou for taking the time out of your very busy schedule. I don't want any of the Government MP's to change their portfolio's. They are all multi skilled and brilliant performers. I have yet to see anyone of them tripped up by the idiotic Journalists questions. They all seem very capable of handling questions outside their own portfolio's, there has never been any contradictions of each other. [quote]Wayne Swan, whilst he has been a more than capable Treasurer, is no star performer in the job[/quote], Wayne Swan doesn't need to be a star, his brain is full of figures. I have never seen Wayne tripped up, he is an excellent treasurer. [quote]MP Gary Gray hospitalised after collapse, ABC Posted September 10, 2011 19:52:56 [/quote] Mr Gray was attending a funeral at Fitzroy Crossing in the state's north when he complained of nausea and fainted Cheers:):):)


11/09/2011[quote]Mr Gray was attending a funeral at Fitzroy Crossing in the state's north when he complained of nausea and fainted[/quote] Maybe he thought he heard Liealot saying Craig Thomson could have a pair whenever his wife goes into labour.

Patricia WA

11/09/2011I'm sorry I can't comment knowledgeably about this, FS, but I am impressed with your grasp of the detail. One observation I'd make on Chris Bowen, who I agree is doing an excellent job in a really tough environment, with one reservation. Why can't he develop a very simple way of saying, [i]"Why lock people up in Nauru, when they can live freely in Malaysia?" [/i] I don't understand why we don't hear at every press conference and photo op, about that one big difference between Nauru and the Malaysian solution. The Coalition's Nauru policy is a laZY, expensive and inhumane process whereby we rent space to build a prison and house detainees. We lock them up and use our own nationals to guard them until those found to be genuine refugees (more than half of them?) come here anyway, traumatised and angry. The Malaysian solution though far more complex does not involve detention and has arrangements in place to protect the human rights of refugees returned into the 'refugee' community there. That also promises to help advance the cause of human rights generally in Malaysia. As well the swap means our humanitarian intake is dramatically increased and the burden on Malaysia lessened. As well it's clear to me that this government is working conscientiously with the UNHCR and other governments in the region trying to come to a cooperative arrangement which promises much for the future. Do you think your preferred new Attorney General could get that message across to the media, and to human rights activists, better than Robert McClelland?

Feral Skeleton

11/09/2011lyn, In one sense I agree with you. Despite all that is hurled at them on a daily basis, this government is still standing. That alone is a testament to the tenacity and talent of the Prime Minister and her Ministers. I also concede that Ministerial reshuffles can be incredibly destabilising to a government if not handled sensitively and with acumen. However, there is another side of me that thinks that there are some jobs that are coming to an end for some Ministers and some areas that could be constructively remodelled to create new portfolios with fresh emphasis for the period that will follow the passage of the government's major legislation due to be passed before the end of the year. That being the MRRT and the CPRS. The end of the year is usually when Prime Ministers get to put their feet up and reflect on the year that was and plan for the next year, although our indomitable PM had the Queensland Floods to deal with this year so didn't have much time to herself. Hopefully that will not be so at this year's end. Knowing what great foresight and planning she is capable of displaying, led me to the supposition that she might bring forth to the front of her mind similar thoughts to those which I have had here. These things, when handled properly can be good for the government.

Feral Skeleton

11/09/2011PatriciaWA, You would not believe the heat I got from fellow members of the ALP when I broached the subject of Chris Bowen's attempts to make sense of the Asylum Seeker issue by creating a Regional Process based upon the Bali Process model, today when I went to our monthly meeting. I was the worst in the world for not wanting to just let whoever come here by boat after paying a People Smuggler. I tried to explain in careful detail what the government are trying to achieve by persevering with the Malaysian option, but all I got in return was Liberal/Green propaganda about how whoever we send there will be beaten mercilessly by the Malaysian government operatives, especially after what they did to Anwar Ibrahim. Sigh. I tried to explain that that was exactly the reason that Chris Bowen and the PM were trying so hard to get Malaysia to change it's ways when it came to their treatment of refugees and wrt Human Rights in general, as a result of this deal, but alas, they could only look in the rear view mirror and not ahead to what might be possible. To imagine 'Change we can believe in!' :)

Feral Skeleton

11/09/2011jane, Sir Liealot the Tony comes the raw prawn so often you would have thought that it would be him that got food poisoning, nausea and fainted. :D

Feral Skeleton

11/09/2011Oh noes! I left out one of the brightest shining lights on the Labor Hill, Dr Andrew Leigh. So, I have created a new Ministry, just for him: Minister for Productivity Growth, to address the Liberals new catchcry, 'Productivity Growth by increasing employee flexibility', or, 'Bring Back WorkChoices(just use a new name for it'). So, here's Andrew Leigh's first Ministerial statement: :),-but-no-messiah/


11/09/2011Hillbilly Skeleton It's great to see you back in harness! :) This is not a subject where I am likely to have much of an opinion - much less a meaningful one. However, in the spirit of Mr Abbott's recently expressed desire to work constructively with the government, I could make a few suggestions although they might require the creation of a few new portfolios. George Brandis - Minister for State Police ( an umbrella organisation that would point out to the respective state bodies just what needs investigating and what laws are thought to have been broken). Scott Morrison - Minister for Nauru (to be performed [i]in situ[/i]). No doubt Mr Morrison's family would be delighted - they have great schools there, wonderful hospitals and no asylum seeker problems. Tony Abbott - Minister for Truth and Ethical Behaviour in Politics (based on the principal that it takes a thief to catch a thief). I tried to find a title for Christopher Pyne but couldn't condense it down to something pithy. His duties would involve curling up beside the PM's chair within easy reach of her hand should she decide to pat him on the head or give him a scratch behind the ear. Mr Pyne may be reluctant to accept the position since it would necessitate him being neutered (to protect the furniture) and in some way struck deaf, dumb and blind for security purposes. This would give the PM a chance to train him to stop doing POOs* in the House (which would be a relief to all concerned). *Hat tip to TalkTurkey who has pretty much come to own the expression.

D Mick Weir

12/09/2011Hi FS, Interesting on which chair you chose to place which bottom in your game of musical chairs. On Swan, the main reason he needs to be moved is that he doesn't seem able to weave a story, spin a yarn if you like, around why this change or that is being implemented as both Keating and Ol' Smirky were able to. Shorten may not be up to it either but I can't think of any that could except maybe Miss Penny but her bottom is on a red chair not a green. Except for convention I know of no other reason the treasurer 'has' to sit on a green chair. Might look into that. Mike Kelly is most likely where he is because it very miuch relates to his electorate which is affected by all those areas in his responsibilities. As to putting in any defence area not sure if it is smart to put 'one of the boys' in charge of any of the chapters of 'the boys club'. Dr Leigh to be used to his best capabilities needs to be in an education portfolio. He probaably knows more about education and what works best than the combined knowledge of the last ten ministers and their shadows (and possibly most of the department as well). An aside on the hard working Dr Leigh, a comrade mentioned that he had emailed the good Dr near midnight last night and had gotten a reply before 5:30 am this morning. Now that is service (there was probably a smile as well but I didn't see the emails)

D Mick Weir

12/09/2011I have to listen to this properly as I only caught bits and pieces as I was running around like a chook with its' head chopped of when it was broadcast today. [b]Erika Feller,[/b] UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection [b]Sunday Profile[/b] Radio National (no transcript) [i]Erika Feller is the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection. She is also Australian, and has strong things to say about the current asylum seeker debate in Australia. She talks to Julia Baird about the reasons why the UNHCR chose to accept the controversial agreement between Australia and Malaysia to swap asylum seekers in Australia for refugees waiting for resettlement in Malaysia - an agreement that the High Court later stopped from going ahead.[/i] The bits I caught caused me to think that she may have conversed with NormanK to get a well considered view :)


12/09/2011[quote]Sir Liealot the Tony comes the raw prawn so often you would have thought that it would be him that got food poisoning, nausea and fainted.[/quote] One could only hope, FS, but on reflection he would be more likely to give food poisoning than receive it.


12/09/2011 [b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Hard Labor For the Innocent?, PatraiciaWA, Polliepomes.[/i] It’s hard to know the level of stress being felt by the somewhat impassive Craig Thomson, but it’s easy to imagine something of her more extreme distress. Does one have to have been a mother to fear the impact of all this on their unborn child? [i]No Retreat for Murdoch With Australia Attack,Gemma Daley and Robert Fenner , Bloomberg[/i] Murdoch’s papers aren’t the only ones criticizing Gillard and her party. Radio stations and papers owned by Fairfax Media Ltd. (FXJ), Australia’s second-largest newspaper publisher, last month revived allegations first published in 2009 that Craig Thomson, a Labor lawmaker, [i]11 September 2011 – a day to celebrate our victory over a bunch of fanatical criminals, Jeremy Sear, Anonymous Lefty[/i] They wanted to start a war between Islam and the West. They wanted to be elevated from petty psychotic criminals to super villains, the main enemies of the world’s last remaining superpower. [i]Three States Run From Opposition Leader’s Office What Metcalfe said … or is understood to have said, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Problem was, Metcalfe never said what he is reported to have said. But what he did say wasn’t totally divorced from the reports. His commentsmight have been grossly simplified, almost to the point of distortion, but he wasn’t misquoted or outright misrepresented. [i]Three States Run From Opposition Leader’s Office, Alex Schlotzer, The Angle[/i] Surely the voters of these states are beginning to wonder when their Premiers will take a greater interest in the needs of their states rather thanpolitical needs of the Leader of the Opposition. [i]Barry & Bairds Big Bad Backwards Budget, Peter Wiks, Wixxy’s Blog[/i] Raised??? WTF???? So all that gesturing about Julia raising mining costs doesn’t count for Barry?? This is a flat-out state tax, and it’s not even profit based???Geez Barry, we may be stupid, but we are not total idiots, we all understand hypocrisy when we see it [i]How Manne Would Run The Oz, Adam Brereton, New Matilda[/i] expect these journos to change and censorious to regulate their content, Manne does come to one good conclusion: breaking up the News Limited monopoly is thebest way to limit the malicious effects of a paper that no longer cares. News Limited’s 70 per cent newspaper ownership in this country is too much. [i]The vexed question of onshore processing and possible civil unrest,Andrew Jakubowicz, The Conversation[/i] I would treat anything coming out of Abbott’s office not with scepticism but with great care. What we now seem to have is a situation which is not toodissimilar to that generated by statements that Geoffrey Blainey made in 1984. [i]Tony Abbott’s blunder will haunt him as PM | #Auspol #Ausmedia, Darin Sullivan, The Left Hack[/i] it is surely the height of hypocrisy for the opposition to champion repelling boats and forcing them to sail back to Indonesia, but at thesame time object to sending people to Malaysia on humanitarian grounds. [i]Rethinking refugee policy, Noel Preston. Online Opinion[/i] but it is the end of policies which demonise poor, frightened and desperate human beings while giving ordinary Australians, once again, the chance to show their benevolence to individuals [i]Solar same price as grid electricity, MARK COLVIN[/i] MARK COLVIN: Solar power from Australian rooftops has become so cheap and efficient that photovoltaic cells now produce electricity for the same price that's charged by the electricity grid [i]Australian mainland rollout, Australian Government[/i] To date, 12 retail service providers have passed through NBN Co’s certification process and are ready to test services in the first release sites: AAPT, AARNet, Adam Internet, Exetel, iiNet, Internode, ispONE, Nextgen Networks, Optus, Platform Networks, Primus and Telstra. [i]How would you solve a problem like Julia's? , Richard Glover, SMH[/i] wonder why people despise her so personally and splenetically when so many of her actions have been a response to events outside her control: a hung parliament and the necessity to do a deal with the Greens; a marginal-seat MP with questions to answer; [i]Politicians plan to crackdown on the media to save face, Peter Rolfe, Herald Sun [/i] .The clampdown on newspaper, TV and radio journalists reporting Parliament also bans filming or photos being taken of MPs behaving badly,"unparliamentary behaviour" and "disturbances in the galleries or on the chamber floor" .

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Thank you all for your wonderful contributions! :) May I address them in no particular order. So,let me start with an Update to myself. Considering the polling today in the Fairfax press, it might be strategic for the PM to consider keeping her friends close, and her enemies closer, and offering the job of Deputy Prime Minister to Kevin the KRuddly. It would pop him back up on the first tier of the government, satisfy, hopefully and partially if not entirely, those that want him back in a very senior position, and allow him to be Prime Minister whenever Julia Gillard is out of the country. Which would have a twofold effect that I don't think I need to spell out. :)

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Now, NormanK, of course, how could I have passed up the oipportunity of putting out into the public domain a Grand Coalition government. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. :) Might I also add; * Sophie Mirabella-Minister for Manufacturing BS and Dissent. * Bronwyn Bishop-Minister for Running (Kerosene) Baths. *Malcolm Turnbull- Minister for Labo(u)r and Entrepeneurs. * Barnaby Joyce-Minister for Sideshows. *Phillip Ruddock-Minister for Undertakers and Double Standards. * Kevin Andrews-Minister for Christians and Unchristian Behaviour * Wyatt Roy-Minister for Short nerdy Guys. * Luke Hartsuyker-Minister for Propaganda in Port Macquarie. * Andrew Robb-Minister for Bassett Hounds * Joe Hockey-Minister for Teaching Himself How to Add and Subtract. * Eric Abetz-Minister for Skullduggery. * Mathias Cormann-Minister for Impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger. Finally, how could I leave out, * Kelly O'Dwyer-Minister for Dentistry and Talking Points. :D

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011D Mick Weir, You have a most interesting way of approaching issues, and I mean that in a nice way(before we get off on the wrong foot again so early in the week (K) ). Firstly, thank you for posting the Erika Feller 'Sunday Profile' interview on the Asylum Seeker issue. I heard it this morning and it helped to clarify a lot of my thoughts, and to think that I wasn't becoming a Rightoid in my 'Sunset Years' for thinking the way I do about the subject. Phew! Now, to your comments about my post. I agree with you that Swannie cannot spin a yarn to save himself. Treasurer is not only the Numbers Man, in both senses of the word in politics, he has licence to freewheel behind the PM, who has to maintain gravitas and can't go the jugular of the Opposition either. So the job has come to fall to the Treasurer of late. Now, over and above what people think of Bill Shorten, his opinion of himself, and his behind the scenes number-crunching, I, upon listening to him intently, have come to the conclusion he both, has the required mongrel in him for the job of Treasurer, and the way with a cut-through phrase. He's also prepared to champion what were previously unpopular causes, such as Disability Insurance, from go to whoa. Hmm, maybe Wayne Swan could be given Finance, and Penny Wong be given carriage of Human Rights, which would include drafting a Bill to Enshrine Human Rights for Asylum Seekers in the Region, and Same Sex Marriage legislation. Dr Andrew Leigh. Well, he needs to get more sleep. He is so thin and seems to run on nervous energy and probably coffee. So, I would advise him to read this: I offer him this advice because I'm Feral Skeleton, and I'm here to help. :)


12/09/2011FS Malcolm Turnbull should also have Ministry for Water after all during the 2007 campaign didn't his mate get a bucketful of money ($10 mil) for a Russian rain making scheme. Just the idea of seeding clouds when there are no clouds to produce rain has worked as the drought broke a couple years later.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011sue, Malcolm Turnbull sure knows how to make it rain money for his mates, that's fersure. ;-)

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011jane, Sir Liealot the Budgie-Smuggler'd Wedger has also thoroughly poisoned the political process in this country. No well is out of his reach when he wants to poison the wellspring of our democracy.

Patricia WA

12/09/2011Thanks for the caffeine article, FS. Come to think of it, I don't drink anything at all, much less coffee, after 6.00pm and I do most of my writing in the evening, sometimes very late. So that morning shot may not be necessary, after all? I'll think about that. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after....

TB Queensland

12/09/2011Dick ****As to putting in any defence area not sure if it is smart to put 'one of the boys' in charge of any of the chapters of 'the boys club'. Dr Leigh to be used to his best capabilities needs to be in an education portfolio. He probaably knows more about education and what works best**** As a member of "the boys club" (BTW it continues after discharged from service and now contains many girls too - maybe better called the Defence Force) ... I find it intrigueing that you say an experienced, ex-service politician should be kept away from the Defence portfolio but its OK by you to then recommend an "expert" in the field of education ... ... isn't that more than a little hypocritical? Or at the very least contradictory thought process?


12/09/2011Good morning FS and all. So nice to have you back on track with your blog input, FS. I'm afraid I don't feel competent enough to comment on which portfolio ought to be held by whom and therefore am happy to trust that the PM and party know their people well enough to decide on where they may be most effective. Having said that, I only disagree with you on Wayne Swan. I fail to see why he needs to be anything more than an extremely competent treasurer. I believe Swan's talents are in economics and budget balancing and I think he's doing a stirling job in keeping with his talents - he would be wasted anywhere else.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Some hope yet(from Twitter): [quote]AndrewCatsaras: Odds for the US Open said Stosur had a 1 in 5 chance of winning & Williams a 4 in 5 chance. The ALP has a 1 in 4 chance for the election.[/quote]

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011TB Queensland, Thank you for your comment. :)

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011janice, You are probably as qualified as I am to comment about such things. :$

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011PatriciaWA, Yes, it's a bit of a double-edged sword is caffeine. I think the motto, 'Moderation in Everything' is the key here. If you can keep your consumptiion down to 1-3 cups per day, and even have days when you don't have any, as I do, you might be on the best wicket. I only say that because I have also read in scientific blogs that that amount of coffee has a beneficial effect in delaying Dementia &/or Alzheimer's Disease, and I sure as hell want to delay that forever!


12/09/2011FS @8.43am, what, no comfy chair for that great champion of torturing pregnant women, Sen Brandis


12/09/2011Useful post Feral, good stuff. Didn't realise you had a post up, I've been crook w/ flu-like symptoms the past coupla days and away from the computer. Must be the "9/11 overreach" virus I get each year. Still not convinced that Swanny should go...if the economic wobbles get worse I have faith in him to deal w/ them efficiently, as he did durin' the GFC. Bill Shorten would be useful to prosecute the mining tax...but doesn't necessarily have to be the Treasurer to do so. It's great for us QLDers to have someone in a top job. Be a drag to get done over again. I also reckon Tanya Plibersek could be moved. Her strengths aren't showing up much of late. And she has many. Like the idea of Mike Kelly coming in. If they do go w/ the Malaysian Solution again (sigh) I imagine it's best to stick to Bowen...he knows the ins & outs. As for Garrett...I dig him in the Education portfolio. I reckon he's an all-rounder and underestimated by some. I like his passion. Performed well in parliament and an interview I saw recently. Rob McLelland, amiable fella, was the most impressive I've seen him in interviews for awhile on Meet the Press...but I'm not sure he breaks thru like Mark Dreyfuss. And yes, re: Arbib. I like what I've seen so far of Melissa Parke: N'

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011jane, NormanK got Brandy Balls in the right position for mine. :)


12/09/2011Feral Skeleton Thanks for all the work you have put into this. I, like a few others here, don't go as deep into portfolio's like you have, so I can only congratulate you on what you have done. I think Swanny should stay where he is though, he should not be compared to the blowhard Costello. Swanny has more nous in his little finger than the blowhard ever did. As for that poll this morning I just laughed. I have lost all emotion about politics at the moment, but not the interest. There is just too much bulls..t going on to care emotionally. In the media and the oppositions wild dreams. I am sure Labor are just going to keep on going and doing all the good government that they should be given many accolades for, and probably will be 10 years down the track.

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12/09/2011FS It’s really good to have you back authoring; thank you for your analysis of portfolios. I have enjoyed your and NormanK’s suggestions for the Shadow ministry. Spot on! I couldn’t find mention of Nicola Roxon. I find her an excellent minister who has done a great job in Health and Ageing, and good on her feet in countering Coalition nonsense. You have doubts about Tanya Plibersek, and I admit I have not followed her closely in her portfolio. But whenever she has appeared on [i]Q&A[/i] and other public forums, she has done well – thoughtful, logical and sensible. I like her calm and articulate approach and her capacity to neutralize adversaries in debate. I like Wayne Swan. He seems to be well across his portfolio. He is not a Paul Keating – there is only one Keating! So I feel we ought not to expect him to perform as did Keating. He is so much better than Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb on matters economic and financial. The idea you floated of Kevin Rudd coming back as Deputy PM is intriguing. Wayne Swan would likely be upset at losing his deputy position, and some in the party might be worried that Kevin would behave as if PM rather than deputy. Also, with polling so unreliable when hypotheticals are posed, there is no guarantee that the support for him in today’s Nielsen poll would be sustained if he were elevated. I think Chris Bowen has done a good job under extraordinary difficulties, and I would like to see him finally devise a ‘solution’ to what has become an intractable problem in every sense, one that defies resolution even for the Coalition with its simplistic approach. He deserves success, and then perhaps a less stressful portfolio. While Mark Dreyfus is impressive, Robert McLelland seems to have done a reasonable job, and has perhaps been let down by the advice given by his department, although it is seen as inadequate only because the High Court took the decision it did. If the Court had agreed with the Government, I suppose we would be lauding the department. Joe Ludwig has been unimpressive in the public arena but whether the actions he took on the live cattle trade were appropriate will forever be a matter of debate. Perhaps he did all that was necessary and possible in a timely way, despite the condemnation heaped upon him by the industry and the Coalition. I agree that Mark Abib is unimpressive and being a back room manipulator make him an undesirable minister. He can be removed from the Ministry, but it’s harder to get him out of the Senate. I find Chris Evans hard to assess. We see him mainly in QT in the Senate, where he comes across as droll. But whether he is good minister I do not know. That’s about all I have to add, but I thank you for initiating discussion on this important and interesting aspect of government.


12/09/2011Feral Skeleton Perhaps I have this wrong but doesn't the Deputy PM get to choose his/her portfolio? You would have to persuade Swan to relinquish the Deputy position or choose another portfolio of his own volition. For what it is worth, I'm not convinced that the Treasurer must be an attack dog (although I do wish that Swan could do a better job of spinning a yarn - Lindsay Tanner come home), just as the Deputy PM need not have leadership ambitions.


12/09/2011A transcript of the Erika Feller interview on [i]Sunday Profile[/i] can be found here for those who prefer to listen with their eyes.


12/09/2011[quote]Scott Morrison - Minister for Nauru (to be performed in situ). No doubt Mr Morrison's family would be delighted - they have great schools there, wonderful hospitals and no asylum seeker problems. [/quote] Norman, A future ALP government should make a retired Morrison High Commissioner to Nauru. He can keep an eye out for fake bananas lyin' around containing Russian or Chinese cryptic messages. In fact, he could take a few of the old guard Liberals w/ him & create Nauru's first-ever Dad's army. Would give them plenty of time to put together: Johnny boy! The Musical. N'

Ad astra

12/09/2011Folks I'm having trouble updating Lyn's Links this morning so I'm off to see Web Monkey to ascertain if it can be sorted out. I'll be away for a few hours.


12/09/2011Ohhh folks I was looking for my last night's post, it's not there, OHHH Yes, I just realized, I went to post it but the site was OOPSed at 3 AM or so so I SAVED it elsewhere! Jeez just as well. So important! I watch Poodle, I'm sure that you do too, Well he ought to start wearing a tutu! You know Chrissie Pyne - It would suit him/her fine, And save lots of time when he does POO-POO! There's this feisty [i]femme fatale[/i] called Feral, Who reckons the Guvmint's in peril: She says she ain't habin' it So she's revamped the Cabinet At one stroke! Not bad for one [i]gerr'l![/i]* *There's some thimgs you just can't put in writing. The Scottish 2-syllable pronunciation of 'girl' is such an one. I once wrote a guerrilla-theatre play aboout the police actions during the Moratorium days, its name was sort of a ragged line in s speech bubble being voiced by a fat snouty trottery curly-tailed creature because there was no way of replicating porcine utterances properly. So we had to publicise the play by word of sort of [b][i]SNNNOR-RRR-RRR-RRRK![/i][/b] which can only be uttered on an incoming breath through the nose, the resultant staccato vibration of tissues there being picked up sympathetically and amplified by the soft palate and the sounding chamber of the open mouth. Just thought you'd like to contemplate the wondrous mechanics of it all. I bet (I hope) you-all tried [i]snnnorrrrking[/i] just then yourself, am I right? If you want to call to a Koala you must use the same language. A good thing to know. No QT today, that right? Or not?


12/09/2011Naski8ng I do like your idea of morrison being in nauru as it would help the calm people of cronulla.

D Mick Weir

12/09/2011TB Queensland @ 10:18 AM, bu@@er, exposed. One of the hazards of opening my mouth, or commiting my thoughts to print is that contradictions will be exposed. It took me a while to get over the horrifying thought that it could happen. Now I accept that I am full of contradictions and when they are exposed I have the opportunity to reconsider my position and with a bit of luck and a fair breeze I may get to better align my views. Guess that is called learning from life. Thanks for this lesson :) As defence though, I offer that, Dr Leigh's expertise is economics, his passion is education. FS @ 8:58 AM, yep rethinking Shorten, after I saved my previous I did think more about the public Shorten and he handled Beaconsfield well and certainly weaved a good yarn that captured many at the time.


12/09/2011Just read about the recent Annual Festival of Loathing & Fear...the following is a transcript of the music section of the festival: [quote]Welcome to Dante's City Music Hall in Darkside City...the hate world has been waiting for this one with bated & fetid breath... introducing various artists tonight is Alan Jones, known for heating up the charts many years ago with his single [i]Life's a Riot[/i] went down well with music hotheads... excitingly, it's recently been re-released on vinyl with the B-side [i]KERCHING[/i]!... we've been very fortunate to get that most mysterious of acts, Boys from Brazil, performing their stealth-like hit [i]It's in our DNA[/i]... they're followed up by Gullible Floridians with their schmaltzy [i]Wailing over Broken Tea Cups[/i]... and turning up the heat is Rapture Tomorrow with the fiery [i]Fanatic[/i]... now this is one that should light up the night sky...apparently GW Bush is making a guest appearance on whitewashboard... Donald Rumsfeld's rumoured to be using the Hydraulophone, a musical instrument that uses water to produce acoustic sound... we hear Dick Cheney will play a last hurrah on the Haliburton pipe... Bill O'Reilly will get down on the Heckelphone... and we're expecting Glenn Beck to do a solo on his Flugelhorn. It should go down bigtime with the armed progressives in the NeoCon crowd. I don't think we can ignore though Bernardi & Wilders...only amateurs at this game in the 90s...they've gone on to become a fearsome duo in the 2000s with head busting hits like [i]My Norwegian Fever Dream[/i]...[i]Day of the Islamists[/i]...and Glammy winner [i]Two Men and a Burka[/i]. More to come of this exciting we break for an ad from our sponsors Limited News from the Black Hole...[/quote] N'


12/09/2011QT on now


12/09/2011[quote]Welcome back to Annual Festival of Loathing & Fear... the revolting crowd has been getting really stirred up tonight by compere Alan Jones who suddenly belted out crowd favourite by The Rodento's 'My Rainbow has no Green'... this was followed up by a long set from The Duped Zionists vs Persian Hamas which brought a cacophony of sound from the audience...ironically finishing to fireworks with No End in Sight. But there was plenty more hatefest to come...lots more blood & sweat to be shed by the eager participants... the roars went up as the reformed Crusaders did a rendition of the musical The Hidden Crosses... Tony Abbott fronted the band and got the crowd literally panting with his Goebbels-like rants and pelvic thrusts wearing what one Australian in the crowd described as "dick togs"... tho many in the audience chanted SMUGGLES!!! SMUGGLES!!!... Kazoo expert Andrew Bolt abruptly chucked his instrument into the hands of salivating fans at one point in the show and went berserk on the bugle during From My Desk with Love...and Sourpussy... and the crowd went ape when Abbott & Bolt shared the microphone during the finale ballad, Dr. No No No... it was one HELL of a night. [/quote] N'

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Gravel, You may well be right atm about Wayne Swan staying put because he weathered the GFC so well, and took Treasury's advice to a T. I say this because I just had the pants frightened off me as I watched an interview on the 12PM News on the ABC wrt the more than likely eventuality of the country of Greece defaulting on it's debts!!! Which will put all the banks who hold Greek Bonds in the hole, which will have a domino effect on the countries, such as Germany and France, who have those affected banks within their borders. Of course, if Greece defaults then that may bring into play those other countries in the European Union on a financial knife-edge, like Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Where that scenario leads the global financial situation, nobody knows. Sheesh! Still, I think that Bill Shorten should therefore be encouraged to get out and about more, a bit like Andrew Robb does, in a sort of Economic Double Act to prosecute the government's case. As I said, he may be a headkicker and Numbers Man for the party, but that also translates into someone who is committed to seeing things through and fighting for what he believes in. Anyway, I'm sure Paul Keating had an inflated opinion of his worth to the nation too. :)

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Nas, That virus, which is probably the one that seems to have travelled up from Victoria, through NSW and thence to your home State of Queensland, is a kicker! I am just getting over it myself. Not too debilitating, just cough, cough, cough, cough. Or, in internet-speak, *, *, *, *, *. :) The Annual Festival of Loathing and Fear sounds like just the sort of place an old Punk, such as myself, would fit into nicely.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Talk Turkey, Question Time is on today!

TB Queensland

12/09/2011Dick ***As defence though, I offer that, Dr Leigh's expertise is economics, his passion is education.*** Clever choice of words ... no lesson intended, BTW, just struck me as "dischorded" ... As for Dr Leigh's expertise being economics, Kelly's is law ... thank Gawd neither are psychologists! The Education industry (what was once a profession) needs a good rattle up, from uni "teacher training" to school facilities - (not a dig at you or your lady Nasking - just my observations as a g/father of five and my invitations to talk with the kids in their classes on some subjects)... ... just as Stephen Smith is trying to do with Defence ... ... workplace training and assessment was stirred up in 1992 by Keating but is now slowly going back to the laziness of the 70s and 80s ... ... and after the Caucus decision this morning on refugees and asylum seekers I can't see any good governance in Australia for at least a decade or more - dire straits indeed! This ALP voter is no more ... with nowhere to turn!


12/09/2011Gai Brondtmann...she's the ALP member I was tryin' to think of the other day...lots of potential. Easy going, hard working, articulate, assertive, gets the message across, deals w/ opposition characters & hosts of shows efficiently...has a sense of humour & nice smile: and: N'


12/09/2011Mary-Jo Fisher's trial starting to wind up today. Somewhere (in [i]Adelaide Now [/i]I think) it was reported that ABBORTT QC aka Abbortt #2 suggested to Constable Brown, who turned up at the parking lot from which Fisher had been trying to escape, that he had exceeded his authority or wtte in parking the Police car behind Fisher's car to prevent her driving off! That would be calculated to get the police on side then? In a less-than-stellar overall performance in the Fisher saga by our local plods, it seems to me that Constable Brown was the only one who was really Sirius. (Ooh look pun and [i]double entendre [/i]in one line.) Still no explanation of nor ivestigation into the destroyed videtape. THIS IS FLOBBERGOBBLING! WATCH THE JUDGMENT AND SENTENCING CRITICALLY SWORDSFOLKS. (It might not be today though.) [I found that Constable Brown mailing but I lost it or it's been pulled. [i]Anyone[/i]?]


12/09/2011[quote]The Annual Festival of Loathing and Fear sounds like just the sort of place an old Punk, such as myself, would fit into nicely.[/quote] Feral, wearin' yer hobnailed boots? :) I doubt you woulda appreciated the a cappella group Heart of the Nation...made up of Akerman, Stutchbury, Kelly, Devine and a bunch from the Institute of Public Affairs wearing [i]Free Trade Uber Alles[/i] shirts... they pumped out boring & predictable versions of [i]Message from the Heartland[/i]...[i]Wall Street Mon Amour[/i]...[i]Coal Miner's Sons & Daughter[/i]...and [i]Gold, what is it good for[/i]?...enuff to make any sane person rush for the exit. :) ------------------------------------------------------------ Sue, thnx for the heads up. [quote]I do like your idea of morrison being in nauru as it would help the calm people of cronulla.[/quote] Well Sue, I reckon he'd have to pack a few characters like Jones & some other shock jocks in his suitcase...might take the heat outa things. If he ran outa room in wee Nauru he could always stick 'em in the closet. N'


12/09/2011BTW, anyone else get a headache watchin' parliament these days? N'


12/09/2011Hi Nasking Yes me. Cheers:):):):):)

Ad astra

12/09/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


12/09/2011Lyn, we'll have to share a Celestial Seasoning's Tension Tamer. :) BTW, thnx for the great links per usual...was readin' before @ Bloomberg: [b]No Retreat for Murdoch With Australia Attack[/b] By Gemma Daley and Robert Fenner - Sep 12, 2011 [quote]The phone hacking scandal in the U.K. hasn’t muzzled Rupert Murdoch in his native Australia, where his newspaper empire is doing more than any other to undermine Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Less than two months ago, Murdoch told the U.K. Parliament that the theft of voicemails by his News of the World made his appearance “the most humble day of my life.” That’s not the way it feels to members of Gillard’s Labor party, who say a drumbeat of criticism by his papers has created a “climate of fear,” according to Australian lawmaker John Murphy. Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph, the best-selling daily newspaper in Australia’s largest city of Sydney, is “running a campaign on regime change,” according to Communications Minister Stephen Conroy. Gillard herself demanded and got a retraction and apology from the Australian, another daily owned by the billionaire’s News Corp. (NWSA), after it printed a falsehood. She said the Daily Telegraph should enter another report “for one of our fiction prizes.” “It’s not surprising at all that Murdoch is at it again in Australia while the U.K. phone-hacking scandal is still fresh,” said Tim Bale, a professor of politics at the University of Sussex and the author of “The Conservative Party: From Thatcher to Cameron.” “He tries to use his economic power to get political influence. It’s part of his business model.” [/quote] Interestingly, I tend to watch Bloomberg business channel instead of the Murdoch empire run business ones. I noticed on Foxtel the Bloomberg channel has been given a low priority like the BBC World News. Not surprising. We don't even get MSNBC. N'


12/09/2011AA Thought that I had better let you know of some posting problems. I posted the following response to D Mick Weir at about 3.20am today. The comment counter appeared to click over suggesting success in posting, however, it seems to have disappeared into the ether. I kept receiving the [b]OOOPS![/b] message for approx 30 minutes before giving up. D Mick Weir I note that you have clarified your original comments about Andrew Leigh as follows [quote]As defence though, I offer that, Dr Leigh's expertise is economics, his passion is education.[/quote] However, I'm still not sure of the basis of your claim that education is his passion. He is certainly a clear communicator and a prolific writer but why does that recommend him for the education portfolio? What I wrote in the wee small hours follows: I agree with your general point that both Andrew Leigh and Mike Kelly appear to be under utilised in the current line-up. Some people are indeed multi-talented and in the present employment market we know that most people will experience several career changes during their working life. However, there are some in our parliament whose academic qualifications and previous occupation seem to cry out for a cognate portfolio. I'm not sure though on the basis of Dr Leigh's CV as provided on the House of Reps website why you would put him in the education portfolio as opposed to an economic portfolio. Feral Skeleton is on the money in creating a new portfolio for him of Productivity Growth. Andrew Leigh: Qualifications & previous occupations: BA(Hons), LLB(Hons)(Syd.), MPA, PhD (Harvard). Lawyer, Minter Ellison, Sydney and London 1995-1997. High Court Associate to Justice Michael Kirby 1997-98. Senior Trade Adviser to Senator the Hon. Peter Cook 1998-2000. Research Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute, Washington DC, 2001. Professor of Economics, Australian National University 2004-10. Principal Adviser, Australian Treasury 2008-09. Publications: The prince's new clothes: why do Australians dislike their politicians? (co-editor with D Burchell), University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 2002. Imagining Australia: ideas for our future (with M Duncan, D Madden and P Tynan), Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2004. Disconnected, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 2010. For Mike Kelly it's hard to find any previous link to his current responsibilities for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. While these are important matters in his electorate many other electorates share these concerns. His CV reads: BA, LLB (Macq), PhD (UNSW). Solicitor 1984-87. Army officer 1987-2007. Publications: Peace operations: tackling the military, legal and policy challenges, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1997. Restoring and maintaining order in complex peace operations: the search for a legal framework, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999. According to Wikipedia he attained the rank of Colonel and finished his military career as Director of Army Legal Services. Jason Clare, Mark Dreyfus and Mark Butler are obvious talent who are currently under-utilised. Mark Arbib and David Feeney are both a waste of space. It would be another self-inflicted wound if Wayne Swan were to be moved. He may not have the rhetorical flair of a Keating or a Costello but he is a good Treasurer. Bill Shorten is too inexperienced in the parliament to be given the Treasury. Also, he is not a good communicator in the Parliament or on programs like Q&A. I agree that the end of the year is the best time for promotions and demotions and that Gillard does need to make some changes. These changes should include carving up some portfolios.


12/09/2011Lyn, another good link by you...Jeremy Sear @ Anonymous Lefty gets it right: [b]A bunch of psychotic radicals in a cave did not defeat us. How could they? We would have had to be led by total morons to have given them anything they’d wanted.[/b] morons...and perhaps a corporate mob of profiteers? N'


12/09/2011Nasking Sorry but Gai's hubby could be her problem, esp if there were suspected leaks

Ad astra

12/09/2011Folks The glitch that prevented me updating Lyn’s Links this morning is now corrected. FS I didn’t mention Bill Shorten. He handled well the disabilities aspect of his portfolio; I had some very satisfactory correspondence on this subject with him. I am less impressed with his public persona, and not sure he has the ‘mongrel’ in him that Paul Keating had. He has a few catch phrases, but needs to develop a lot more assertiveness to surpass Wayne Swan, and speak more acerbically. Also I agree that Jenny Macklin has done a good job in a most difficult portfolio. As she knows the problems in all their complexity, I think she should be given te chance to have some successes. Peter Garratt seems to be keeping a low profile in education. He is a very capable and impressive speaker, and needs more time where he is.

Ad astra

12/09/2011Folks I missed QT today - anything noteworthy to report?

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Casablanca, Thank you for your contribution to the debate. Even at 3.20am!!! You must also read the link to Caffeine that I posted earlier. :) You may also be interested in how the government is rolling relentlously on when it comes to tackling Productivity growth from the correct perspective, and not the one that says you have to squeeze every last drop of blood, sweat and tears out of the workforce: I do note that Dr Andrew Leigh(wow! PhD from Harvard, but hope it wasn't just the Harvard Business School, which even Julie Bishop could pay her way into), is being given increasing prominence by the Labor government, and thus I would speculate that he is being groomed for greater things.


12/09/2011The PM was very impressive at her news conference today. She was more assertive, didn't take rubbish from the journalists and gave the journalists a few examples of Abbott's hypocrisy. She even spelled it out for the media that Abbott had the choice of working for a solution that could be used by either party or continue to be negative and harm any future liberal government. She continued in this frame into QT.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Nasking, Of course I used to own an imported pair of Dr Martens. However, I used to have the lace up shoes. My husband had a pair that he lent to someone without any shoes at all and never got back(as yer do in true anti-capitalist and egalitarian fashion), and he didn't get another pair until the last few years of his life. His eldest son wears them in his honour now. Though not with the rest of the kit. He's more of a Mod in Dr Martens. I, myself, still am the proud owner of a pair of red Dr Marten's Mary Janes. :) Now, as you did not attribute the Annual Festival of Loathing and Fear, am I to assume that it was an original contribution on your part? If so, well done! More please! :D

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011I'd say, Senator Mary Jo Fisher ISN'T good enough to be a representative of the people. Talk about a snow job, now as well as being depressed when she STOLE the groceries from the shop, she waas having a Panic Attack at one and the same time. I still don't think that excuses her aggression towards the female Security Guard. Might I ask, if you are panicing as bad as Senator Fisher says she was in the following article, how are you able to collect your thoughts in order to pre-meditate an attack, or two, on a Security Officer? Wouldn't you just be the blubbering mess she claims to have been on the night?

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Ad Astra, Question Time was more delusional stuff from the Opposition, denying the reality of the failure as an option and as a deterrent that sending Asylum Seekers to Nauru would be. It was as if Tony Abbott resides in some alternative universe where the facts of the matter are of secondary importance to his goals. Sort of along the lines of, 'I will be able to walk on water for the electorate because I don't believe in gravity.'


12/09/2011FS, You are no mental health expert so stop passing judgement on Mary-Jo! Tell me (seeing as you are such an expert on everything), what in her past would suggest that she would do such a thing? Is it out of the ordinary? She is innocent until proven guilty and so leave her alone until then. Why dont you go back to the gutter where you belong! Whether it is a member of the Labor party or Liberal Party, when mental illness is a factor you should tread carefully.


12/09/2011[quote]am I to assume that it was an original contribution on your part?[/quote] It was. Original bear fart. [quote]More please![/quote] Slavedriver. :) I chuck 'em out there now & then. Muse went out for a coffee and forgot to come back. Might return tomorrow. But thnx. Keep up the good work. Nice to see you postin' again. til later N'


12/09/2011Forgot this... [quote] Of course I used to own an imported pair of Dr Martens.[/quote] me my pre-vego days. and steel capped construction boots in the late 70s. small world. :) Had some cockroach killers uni...and a paisley shirt. Doesn't time flee...? N'


12/09/2011Ad astra One slightly disturbing question today (and a reference in another question) with regard to what other deals were done with Malaysia, written and unwritten. If you are skittish it could look like the opening gambit of a long campaign to flush out some 'secret deal' but far more likely it is a smoke bomb meant to indicate that there is fire where there is in fact none. Ms Gillard dispatched it to the boundary with calm aplomb. Still, we may hear more along these lines.


12/09/2011JJ said [quote]You are no mental health expert so stop passing judgement on Mary-Jo! Tell me (seeing as you are such an expert on everything), what in her past would suggest that she would do such a thing? Is it out of the ordinary? She is innocent until proven guilty and so leave her alone until then.[/quote] As is Craig Thomson who it seems doesn't even have a case to answer according to the NSW Police. You can't have it both ways JJ

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011jj, And your opinion of the hounding of Senator Nick Sherry by the Liberal Party? Anyway, all I am saying is that it is an 'interesting' defence by Senator Fisher that seems to not be open to others of lesser means and standing to rely upon in court when defending themselves against similar charges. I'd also like to hear your considered opinion about the disappearance of the incriminating CCTV footage after a visit to the shop by people from the Liberal Party.


12/09/2011FS, If there was any wrongdoing then a complaint should be made to the police and they should investigate as to why such footage has gone missing. How about you just lay off on the Mary-Jo thing for a while and wait until she hears what the jury has decided. I have seen the effects of mental illness on family members, and its impact is unpredictable in both circumstance and intensity. It is an established fact that she has been suffering from serious depression for a long time now, and seeing as that is one of only a few facts floating around at the moment how about you just leave it at that. I just saw a report on a police probe into the HSU: It will be interesting to see its results.

Acerbic Conehead

12/09/2011Hi HS, Great to see you back and thanks for a very interesting run-down on the main players. I don't know enough about them to make any informed comment but the only thing I would remark on (and you've probably covered it already) is that there is a good spread of gender, talents and geographical aspects. Have a great week, AC.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011jj, Lots of people suffer from Depression and Panic Attacks 'for a very long time' and they never so much as steal a kiss their entire life.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Nas, Have I told you about the Purple Vinyl pants I had, that even a Vego could wear. :)

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011AcerbicC., Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated. :) Marx Brothers n'est pas, sometime down the road?


12/09/2011jj, September 4. 2011 10:57 AM "Jason, I know, i read the article on Jackson this morning. This is what your party and union 'mates' do to you when you tell the truth. Workers united? Tell that to Jackson. jj

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011NormanK, I'd say those 'Secret Deals' with Malaysia are probably for the sort of things that are anathema to Conervatives these days, like Aid.

Feral Skeleton

12/09/2011Before anyone gets too excited about the NSW Police Force investigation into irregularities wrt the HSU Credit cards, they should know this: [quote]Malcolm Farr tweeted earlier today he had checked the NSW Police investigation details and Mr Thomson was not mentioned..Ms Jackson yes.[/quote] from Poll Bludger.


12/09/2011FS ABC news said the same as Farr

Ad astra

12/09/2011Casablanca I’m sorry you have had a further Oops error. I haven’t seen one for a while. I talked with Web Monkey today. We will be upgrading to a new version of the blog engine in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully this will reduce errors, but after being in IT for a while, I know not to be overly optimistic. Folks I’m retiring to watch ABC TV. Back in the morning.


12/09/2011ABC is advertising for four advisors . . . [i]A-Ad?!!![/i] They need you more than ever! 1800 628 250


13/09/2011FS Julie Bishop boasts participation in the Advanced Management Program (Senior Managers) (Harvard Business School). Andrew Leigh OTOH won a scholarship to Harvard's Kennedy School of Government where he completed a Masters in Public Administration and a PhD. His Doctorate title was Essays in Poverty and Inequality. D Mick Weir I see from his website that Andrew Leigh has published quite a few papers on Economics and Education. see also I used to follow him on his blog largely because he brought a sociological perspective to economics. From the time that he was pre-selected here in the ACT seat of Fraser I wondered if his talents may be squandered in politics. I hope that I am wrong.


13/09/2011[quote]ABC is advertising for four advisors . . . [/quote] I'll give them some free advice. Make Jonathan Holmes the Managing Director of the ABC. Alter the Tony Jones' show that creates celebrities...ignores issues such as Barnaby acting like a fascist stooge in front of the revolting crowds outside of parliament...brings in too oft the same old elite like a revolving door of media & politics...neglects to correct News Ltd employee Hildebrand on his anti-BER claims...let's Greer sidetrack the show...and starts yet again w/ an all out attack on the PM...which seems to be the underlyin' theme of the night... no more ABC backdoor ads...and cameramen placin' the camera in front of McDonald's signs & Murdoch paper ads & so on...and studio & set designers puttin' in place crosses and crosses and crosses in every way shape and form...we get it, Sky News want to get across this is a Christian nation. And a Murdochracy. And stuff the rest of us. I hope The Greens run next time on religious & non-religious diversity & family/household diversity. This household is sick & tired of contributin' to a media that doesn't represent us. If it can put up Barnaby Joyce for the loopy right-wingers and give him a free ride it can put up an educated middle class vego agnostic who enjoys life, luvs sex, has a sense of humour, can be self-depricatin' and doesn't look like a trippy hippy bred on macro-biotic diet, nor acts like a Christian matyr...nor looks like an archaic hallowed halls academic who eats porridge, mumbles & loses their glasses every morn. Either that or a talkin' bear. :) ------------ [quote]Have I told you about the Purple Vinyl pants I had, that even a Vego could wear.[/quote] Feral, I can believe it. :) Did I tell ya about the time I dressed all in black & whitened my hair and when my Mum knocked at the door, and I answered it, she asked if I was in. :) Gave the poor woman half a stroke when I spoke. Whatever happened to the diversity of yoof? Most dress like their parents these days. Or hooded thugs. Some memories they'll have: "[i]I remember the days when Mum & I were mistaken for twins by the Bunning's cashier...those were the days eh?"[/i] "[i]Yeaaa...I still have fond memories of walking the streets like a regular binge drinking, hoodie-wearing feral yob...and treating my parents at christmas like I was the hooded kid in ya can't beat those memories".[/i] N'


13/09/2011Same as it ever was: [b]Islam in Australia (wikipedia)[/b] [quote]In the early twentieth century, Muslims of non-European descent experienced many difficulties in emigrating to Australia because of a government policy which limited immigration on the basis of links with Great Britain and Ireland. Known as the White Australia Policy, politicians of the era claimed that non-white immigrants would cause social disharmony. However, some Muslims still managed to come to Australia. In the 1920s and 1930s Albanian Muslims were accepted, whose European heritage made them more compatible with the White Australia Policy. Albanian Muslims built the first mosque in Shepparton, Victoria in 1960 and the first mosque in Melbourne in 1963.[/quote] Lesson for the day: If yer a muslim refugee pretend yer Albanian... or an Italian who enjoys a good game of Bocce Ball. N'


13/09/2011Nasking, I was ropable that nobody took on that smug lying git Hildebrand when he repeated Ltd News lies about the BER. Barnyard was allowed to get away with murder as well. I wanted to kick all their arses when they repeated the same old memes about why the government is low in the polls and the bullshit that Gillard isn't a good communicator. There must be an enquiry into the media. It would give me great pleasure to see Hildebrand chucked out on his ear and for the Liars party to be subjected to serious scrutiny.


13/09/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]House of Representatives – 12 September 2011, The Body Politic – Australia[/i] The House met, at 10 a.m, PRIVATE MEMBERS’ MOTIONS, Mr Melham—Community based organisations. Mr Hayes—Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. Mr Ripoll—Football Queensland licensing scheme. [i]Left, Right, Left, Robert Manne, The Monthly[/i] Why have I decided to begin a blog? In part I relish the opportunity to write more freely and with greater immediacy than is possible with printIn part, as I have just entered an area fraught with danger—a critique of the Australian, the most aggressive newspaper in the country— [i]A Rudd, A Rudd...Our Kingdom For A Rudd??, Neil Cook the Bannerman[/i] Only governments create and endorse public policy. We, the people, elect governments, we do not elect Prime Ministers, yet the media vow and declare, via their popular opinion polls, that we do. [i]Employment. What if it hasn't stopped growing-,Peter Martin[/i] We’ve created just 10,100 all year - 1442 per month nationwide. In the past three months employment has gonebackwards. We employ fewer people than we did in May. [i]Blogging and the revival of citizen journalism, Tim Badrick, Independent Australia[/i] The advent of independent media and a new wave of citizen journalism is fast becoming the straw thatbroke the camel’s back of establishment media. For the first time in the 500 year history of newspapers, [i]The Event That Never Happened, The Piping Shrike[/i] two major parties limply failing each other but with their insecurities even more open than then. One government is again breaking all records for unpopularity and lack of authority but incredibly, or maybe not given who they are up against, might still yet come back. [i]Can the ALP rebuild itself, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] My sense is that it's too late--the decline has gone on for too long, and it now has its own momentum. Even if it did start the rebuilding process, as opposed to its short term political survival, how many citizens would listen? Many of those [i]Labor's last hope and familiar faces, Mungo MacCallam, The Drum [/i] Her inactivity has allowed Tony Abbott and others to claim that she stands for nothing, which is untrue. Apart from her often-stated passion for education reform, Gillard is keenly interested in health and welfare issues and is developing a feel for economics which should lead to [i]Memorable headlines: BASTARDS!, The Editor’s Desk[/i] Copy editors at newspapers spend a great deal of time and energy on writing headlines. And for good reason — headlines attract attention, and some live on decades after they are written. This is the fourth in a series of posts on memorable headlines. [i]The Rudd affair: there’s a lesson in this for everyone, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep[/i] Rudd’s replacement would have had to be superhuman in every way to get the voters through their angst at losing “their” PM. Gillard didn’t stand a chance. The chalice was poisoned. What is staggering in retrospect is that those behind the coup apparently had no insight [i]Baillieu’s expensive stamp duty cut makes life harder for first home buyers; plans, Jeremy Sear, Anonymous Lefty[/i] So that’s even more money from schools and hospitals to make property developers and real estate agents rich and push housing even furtherout of the reach of young Victorians.Well done, people who voted for a Baillieu government [i]Daily Telegraph warns against LESBIAN MOTHERS!11!1!!!!!11, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] A surprisingly lazy, uninformative story from the Daily Telegraph that I’m sure will get them lots of website hits. [i]Nielsen: 58-42 to Coalition; 52-48 to Labor under Rudd, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] no change to the Coalition’s two-party lead of 58-42. Labor is down a point on the primary vote to 27 per cent, with the Coalition steady on 48 per cent and the Greens up one to 13 per cent [i]Malaysian Solution 2.0: Gillard turns heat on Abbott for offshore processing, Mark Rolfe, The Conversation[/i] Then it is questions of where he goes from there. Does he continue to obstruct the Government and we have more refugees arriving and there’s people being piled up in detention centres and the Government says “well, look, there is an option but the Coalition [i]Two Years On, Still In Villawood,Paul Farrell, New Matilda[/i] Mrs Jayaraman and her children made the perilous journey by boat from Indonesia to Australia in October 2009 along with 78 others. They werepicked up by the customs vessel Oceanic Viking and made headlines when then PM Kevin Rudd attempted to send them back to Indonesia. [i]Media Inquiry | Push them off the fence! | #Ausmedia, Darin Sullivan, The Left Hack[/i] The Greens are pushing hard for one, but the ALP is concerned about how it would look responding to pressure from the Greens – that's why we need pressure from the public (hint: that's us!). [i]9/11 Ten Years On – The Loons Come Out To Play (again), Grey Lining[/i] Apparently, this quantity of gold was removed from the centre of New York, in broad daylight, in a city gripped by a state of emergency and in full lock-down and somehow spirited away to parts unknown [i]When you have no idea, you should shut up, Conservation Bytes[/i] Oil palm is the single-most destructive practice in the South-East Asian environment, an area with the world’s which can boast some of the greatest endemic biodiversity. With classic greenwashes, the industry claims (but has been refuted time and time again) that: [i]Unsuitable suggestion, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] Outcry that he was “demeaning the office of President” ignoring, hypocritically (it was the start of 2 years of astonishing hypocrisy) all of the other presidents who had been photographed in casual clothes in the office. [i]How did the Libs get into this mess?, Paul Kelly, The Australian[/i] JULIA Gillard has got it dead right. The rock upon which she stands is that the Australian parliament should authorise the Australian government to negotiate what offshore processing it sees fit in third countries [i]Point-scoring fails political test , Paul Syvret , Courier Mail[/i] As such, it is hard to fathom the degree of savagery with which he is seeking to destroy his opponent. It is almost akin to a pugilist laying out his opponent on the canvas and then proceeding to put the boot into his rib cage.In the long-term, leadership must be more about policy and principle than political point-scoring.

Ad astra

13/09/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


13/09/2011Hi Jane Your comment at 02:06 AM [quote]smug lying git Hildebrand when he repeated Ltd News lies about the BER. Barnyard was allowed to get away with murder as well. [/quote] Jane Joe Hilebrand can never be taken seriously, his snide attempts at humour are sickening. He claimed the Murdoch papers saved dollars by exposing the BER rort, when all they did was cheer, Abbott's Industrial Manslaughter, and ridiculous claims, all of which were later proved untrue. The Murdoch papers have given the Labor party a huge compliment. You see there is nothing wrong with the Labor party, all they have to do is make Kevin Rudd Prime Minister, then they will win the election in 2013. What a fantastic compliment, nothing wrong with the Government, nothing wrong with labor Policies, they have a Minister available to win the next election. [quote]Labor could win if Kevin Rudd returns - poll, News Com[/quote] LABOR could turn a landslide election defeat into a winning position by bringing Kevin Rudd back as prime minister, according to a poll showing support for Julia Gillard at a record low. A couple of Hildebrand tweets: MoreOjJules Morrow Germaine Greer - The Female Eunuch. @Joe_Hildebrand - The Rupert Eunuch. #qanda 10 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply girlwondersSheona Thomson How many times did Germaine Greer look at Joe Hildebrand/Bananaby Joyce and think "You're a noob!" ? We'll never know. #qanda 9 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply Love the close up shot of Joe Hilebrand when Rupert Murdoch was mentioned. #qanda 10 hours agovia webFavoriteRetweetReply Mr Denmore missing from Today's Links:- [i]Double Fault , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] busy praising Tony Abbott's passing shots on asylum seekers or condemning Julia Gillard's clumsy backhand on legislating for the Malaysian solution that they cannot see that unregulated mass people Cheers:):):):):)


13/09/2011Swordsfolks g'day, If no others at least try to read Robert Manne's first offering on his new blogsite. Brought to you here as most (but by no means all, thanks all) by Lyn. He says in his first sentence if I remember wtte that he feels freer on a blog than in the print media. Well My recaptcha says it more tersely: Let typprot . . ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidebrand eh. Gag. (H'm, Unconscious pun until after I'd written it. I meant first that it made me nearly vomit but yeah a gag on Hildebrand especially one that hid his wormtongue smirk, then sure that'd prevent the former problem.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you think that the ABC should PLEAD with Ad astra to ADVISE on their Board WAVE YOUR SWORD NOW! Shouting out the battlecry of " Let typprot " ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Nasking, I was also one of the first people in Australia to get Dreadlocks. It was the influence of The Slits on my consciousness at the time. I remember going to the hairdresser and saying, "I want what they have!". The hairdresser replied, "I'll have to think about how to do it first." Anyway, he worked it out, and a few hours later I walked out of the joint with my Ari Up dreadlocked up-do. I can tell you my customers in the Pharmacy that I was working in at the time got a bit of a surprise, though luckily for me I was working in a Lobster fishing port town up the North Coast of WA, full of surfers and fishers, and they thought it was pretty cool actually. :D

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011[quote]Only governments create and endorse public policy. We, the people, elect governments, we do not elect Prime Ministers, yet the media vow and declare, via their popular opinion polls, that we do. [/quote] Exactly. Which is another thing I found extremely annoying about Q&A last night. That is, the fact that Tony Jones allowed Barnaby Joyce and 'Slimy' Joe Hildebrand(whose modus operandi is that if you smile while you are saying something slimy then that makes it OK), to keep putting about the myth that Julia Gillard has no mandate to govern because she was installed by the Labor Party and that the people thought they had voted for Kevin Rudd instead. WRONG. Electors vote for a party, the elected MPs vote for the first among equals in the parliament, the Prime Minister. Other countries like the USA vote for a President, or Prime Minister. Not Australia.


13/09/2011Hi Feral Congratulations to you, well done:- you are really fantastic you know. Not too many blogs get on Crikey's front page. [i]Is it time for Gillard to give her ministry a spring clean? The Political Sword [/i] Given Labor’s slump in the polls and waning confidence in the Gillard government, now might be a good time for the PM to shuffle around her ministry. The Political Sword has some suggestions. Cheer:):):):):)


13/09/2011Hi Feral, Ad Astra and All our readers Missing Link: [i]Murdoch Makes No Retreat From Scandals With Attack on Australia Government, Gemma Daley , Bloomberg[/i] Most of Murdoch’s metropolitan papers, including the Australian and the Daily Telegraph, urged voters to support Abbot’s coalition, consisting of the Liberal party he leads and the National party. In the early-September Newspoll, the Abbott coalition got 50 percent backing, compared with 27 percent for the Gillard government. Cheers:):):)

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Wow! lyn I didn't know that about Crikey. :$


13/09/2011Hi Feral Jealousy is a curse, the Liberals are annoyed at Kevin Rudd's following on Twitter reaching 1 million: No Link provided, not giving any credit to Liaberals. [quote]The Australian media erupted earlier today with the news that former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had amassed a staggering million ‘followers’ on the popular social network Twitter. This result would easily make Mr. Rudd Australia’s most popular twitterer, with Shane Warne (536, 138 followers) a very, very distant second To investigate, Liaberals undertook an in-depth analysis of Kevin Rudd’s Twitter followers to search for evidence of the ‘one use only’ accounts employed by paid-follower-companies. [/quote] Cheers:):):):)

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011lyn, You'd think that the Liberal Party would have better things to do with their time than chase Kevin Rudd's twitter followers down a rabbit hole. Like, maybe develop some sensible policy. :)


13/09/2011lyn @8.55am, I did notice that Hildebrand and Barnyard got very little half hearted applause for all their repulsive lies. The audience seemed pretty lukewarm at best. I also wanted to slap Tony Jones for allowing Barnyard and Hildebrand to constantly talk over the top of Greer. She must be slowing down, once upon a time she would have devoured them on the spot! And that perennial favourite of the liars Party, [b]The Mandate[/b]. We know that in this country we elect an MP and the leader of the party which gets the majority of seats becomes PM or Premier, but for some reason this meme has become entrenched. More lies and obfuscation from the Liars and their cheerleaders. [quote]To investigate, Liaberals undertook an in-depth analysis of Kevin Rudd’s Twitter followers to search for evidence of the ‘one use only’ accounts employed by paid-follower-companies.[/quote] They must be desperate.


13/09/2011As PM introduces Carbon Tax into house of Reps tony abbott not present. TV shows only 2 Libs in the house. Will the msm report this fact.


13/09/2011That was great the PM was applauded by the public galleries. More applause as the PM left the chamber. Tim Flannery at the press club today


13/09/2011An historic moment. Loud applause from the public gallery. The Speaker just sits there calling 'Order, Order!' What a killjoy. ReCAPTURA: [quote]Catalysts ndscLIE[/quote] I guess that the legislation will be a further catalyst for the lies by Abbott

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Casablanca, I thought Harry Jenkins was being a killjoy too in not allowing a smattering of applause for the PM after she introduced the CPRS Bills. I think he takes his job too literally at times. :( Anyway, we have finally got here! Now to push it over the line and jump that last hurdle, to mangle a couple of metaphors. :) Here's some lovely photos of the PM with a ruly(is that the opposite of unruly? :) ) mob of appreciative supporters, outside of Parliament House earlier today, courtesy of GetUp:


13/09/2011Wow. A media enquiry has been announced. reCAPTURA is spot on today with [quote]THE rydress[/quote] We do indeed seek redress for all the disinformation spread by the media.


13/09/2011According to Sky News, Stuntman was giving a press conference at the time of the PM's announcement - no doubt bad mouthing the same (probably easier if you're ignorant of the details...)


13/09/2011jaeger abbott must have paired himself as there were only 2 libs in the chamber. it would make a good picture for the papers, abbott missing when most important bills for the nation introduced


13/09/2011Clean Energy Bills available here

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011You just can't trust the Coalition as far as you can throw them:

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011You just can't trust the Coalition as far as you can throw them:

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Fantastic article on Think Tanks and their funders from George Monbiot:

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011More evidence of the Control Freakery of Tony Abbott and his office:

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Here's the Coalition's Carbon Tax Legislation Talking Points memo(courtesy of someone in the Coalition who dropped it into Lenore Taylor's pigeonhole at Parliament House, *cough* Malcolm Turnbull):

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011jaeger and sue, The PM should have put all 13 CPRS Bills up for immediate vote when Mr Abbott and most of the Coalition decided to be out of the House for their introduction. :D


13/09/2011Abbott not present when clean energy legislation is introduced. Too busy big noting to msm. Well, that's a good look after all the hysteria and hyperbole. I hope his cheerleaders are satisfied with that performance. Very flattering photo of Liealot in that article. Looks like the government had better produce their own talking points.


13/09/2011fs wouldn't that have been good. someone could spread a rumour that a vote is to be taken. heheheh


13/09/2011[quote]I was ropable that nobody took on that smug lying git Hildebrand when he repeated Ltd News lies about the BER. Barnyard was allowed to get away with murder as well. [/quote] jane, Lyn & Feral If a government member had addressed & pumped up what the right-wing see as a "revolting crowd" they would have been slowly roasted on the Tony Jones it too much to ask for some bleedin' consistency? And even tho I agree that the newspapers did contribute to discovering waste in the BER program which helped focus the state & federal project managers & did feel the public interest stories went far beyond the normal call of duty...and became part of a hysterical campaign & barrage of accusations thrown at the then PM & ministers. Based on personal experience of the BER program by way of my wife's school & her intense involvement in it, I can state that in regards to this area of QLD the BER unfolded in a fairly professional & efficient manner...and many staff & students & parents were/are pleased w/ the results. Murdoch empire staff should not be permitted to air exaggerations on the publicly-funded airwaves w/out bein' taken to task & asked to provide evidence and so on. Jones did not do his job. And it wasn't as tho Hildebrand made these exaggerated statements just once. I don't mind the fella...but he does come across as yet another Murdoch press character trying to be independent at times but ending up in an embarrassing head up own bum yoga style position due to the contortions necessary to keep in good stead w/ the gatekeepers & mogul. It's a sad state of affairs. -------- Feral, ahh The Slits eh?: [quote]The Slits were a British punk rock band. The quartet was formed in 1976 by members of the bands The Flowers of Romance and The Castrators. The members were Ari Up (Arianna Forster), who died of cancer in October 2010, and Palmolive (Paloma Romero, who later left to join The Raincoats), with Viv Albertine and Tessa Pollitt replacing founding members, Kate Korus and Suzy Gutsy. Palmolive was replaced by the drummer Budgie (aka Peter Clarke), formerly of The Spitfire Boys and later of Siouxsie and the Banshees. Although not all line-ups were exclusively female, the three main female members appeared on most record covers and publicity photos, and the group was generally presented as a female band. -1982The group supported fellow punk band The Clash on their 1977 White Riot tour along with the Buzzcocks and the Subway Sect. Club performances of The Slits during this period are included in The Punk Rock Movie (1978). In November 1978, The Slits toured with the Clash again on the "Sort it Out Tour" and were joined by The Innocents who opened the shows. Captured on a Peel Session, the Slits' originally raw and raucous live sound was cleaned up and polished by the time of their debut album. A mixture of reggae rhythms, scratchy guitars, anger and mischief, the Dennis Bovell produced debut album Cut was released in September 1979 on Island Records with Neneh Cherry joining as additional vocalist. The album's sleeve art depicted the band naked, except for mud and loincloths. (Palmolive left before the recording sessions for Cut, partly because she disliked the others' concept for the sleeve). The Slits's sound and attitude became increasingly experimental and avant-garde during the early 1980s, when they formed an alliance with Bristol post-punk band The Pop Group, sharing a drummer (Bruce Smith) and releasing a joint single, "In The Beginning There was Rhythm" / "Where There's A Will" (Y Records), followed by a bizarre, uncommercial, untitled album of mostly homemade demo recordings, and a few more singles. The band toured widely and released another album, Return of the Giant Slits before breaking up in early 1982. Ari Up went on to be part of the New Age Steppers. (wikipedia)[/quote] I knew of them at the time...good stuff...durin' my heavy travels & work across the UK, Canada & Europe at the time I got into The Clash...primarily due to London Calling & Sandinista!... ...and enjoyed some music from The Damned & Public Image Ltd & Siouxsie and the Banshees...and Joy Division. The Clash really captured the mood of the disposessed & multiculturalism at the time. I really dug it as someone who had come from privilege (kinda) but took a different path from my friends & saw how the other half (or more) lived. One helluva journey. Really dug Echo & the Bunnymen, The Cure, The Jam, The Smiths & early Simple Minds too. You had plenty of great, vibrant, passionate bands here too. N'


13/09/2011FS Thanks for that link to the Coalition's Talking Points. I suggest that we adopt the descriptor 'Cheat Sheet' which Christine Milne used in her press conference.


13/09/2011[quote]abbott must have paired himself as there were only 2 libs in the chamber. [/quote] sue, I didn't see Malcolm Turnbull...did he vanish into a puff of yellow smoke durin' the readin' of the carbon bill? Gillard is one gutsy lady/woman. I like it. Combet came across as determined too. Thumbs up. If any country can afford to discover the positives & negatives of a half-decent carbon price this one can. We don't get anywhere in life by just standing still. It's not takin' the lead...but it's doin' somethin' useful for the world. That's the real Aussie way. Not this fear-mongerin' shrivelled ball sack approach of Abbott's. The man is a panic station...alongside his Murdoch mates. N'


13/09/2011This from a recent Lateline: [quote][b]China closely monitors Australia's carbon policy[/b] Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 09/09/2011 Reporter: Hamish Fitzsimmons Dr Jiang Kejun from China's Energy Research Institute says China is watching Australia's carbon policy carefully and dismisses the view Australia's actions are unimportant in the global context. Transcript ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: China is closely watching what Australia does with emissions trading. That's the message from one of the architects of China's ambitious plan to reduce its carbon emissions. As China prepares for a pilot emissions trading scheme covering 250 million people, Dr Jiang Kejun, from China's Energy Research Institute, has dismissed the view that what Australia does is unimportant in the global context. Hamish Fitzsimmons reports from Melbourne. HAMISH FITZSIMMONS, REPORTER: As the hail fell outside, China's plans to reduce carbon emissions were outlined by one of its senior policy makers at a breakfast organised by the Federal Government's Climate Commission. It's urging Australian businesses to get in at the ground level. ROGER BEALE, CLIMATE COMMISSIONER: That challenge for China is a huge opportunity for Australia particularly in technology, R and D (Research and Development), and the professional services sector HAMISH FITSZIMMONS: As China's economy grows so does its pollution. It's the world's number one carbon emitter and its government is taking action. China's 12th five-year economic plan began this year, and key parts of it are energy intensity reductions of 16 per cent on 2005 levels and carbon intensity reductions of 17 per cent. DR JIANG KEJUN, ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, CHINA: They have very strong policy on energy efficiency together with the carbon intensity target. So this is a very good signal that we will soon have a very big package to implement such kinds of targets. HAMISH FITSZIMMONS: China has identified six cities in four provinces to trial an emissions trading scheme; regions with much of the country's heavy industry, and a population of 250 million people. JIANG KEJUN: It's possible in the six pilot cities and provinces they will start an emissions trading by 2013. And hopefully maybe the national wide emissions trading can be done possible by 2105 or later than that HAMISH FITSZIMMONS: Dr Jiang says the political debate about an ETS in Australia is being closely watched by Chinese policy makers. JIANG KEJUN: What happens in Australia is quite interesting. So we are looking at that and personally I strongly hope that Australia can go ahead fast and take the lead in the world. I think many other countries can really learn from this process.[/quote] ---------------------- Also, Lateline had a thought provokin' exposé on the Murdoch empire last nite but it doesn't seem to be up on the site yet. It demonstrates yet again that the Murdoch empire is far too influential, oft an all-spin zone...and doesn't always treat women w/ respect. N'


13/09/2011This morning there was the introduction of CPRS Legislation, this afternoon brings - Media inquiry launched in Australia.


13/09/2011The unruliness of members, their rudeness towards speakers and their unruly behaviour is appalling. The Speaker is too lenient on those engaging in disruptive behaviour. The minority Government is functioning very well indeed but the same cannot be said of the Opposition. I could not continue watching QT today. In fact it has left me with a tension headache. reCAPTURA SURVIVE otoGall. Surviving gall should not be the daily challenge for QT


13/09/2011Watched our Prime Minister introduce the Clean Energy Bills. It was a fantastic hour or so. Well done. Now for more chaos and mayhem by the idiots on the other side of the house. recaptcha: "Fact ureninto


13/09/2011I managed to watch most of QT on ABC 24 today which is something I rarely get an opportunity to do. I was a bit surprised that the opposition wasted a number of questions trying get the Craig Thompson affair back on the agenda. Also that pretty much most of their questions were about asylum seekers when I would have thought the price on carbon would have been the issue of the day. What surprised the most was after QT had finished I left ABC 24 on for a bit and they had a couple of talking heads wrapping up. I think Lyndal Curtis & someone else. After some small talk they mentioned that the focus of QT had been on Carbon pricing and that was what the oppositions questions had been aimed at, they then said there had been almost as many questions on the asylum seekers as there had been on carbon pricing. I was staggered were they watching the same QT? I heard one question from the opposition on carbon pricing and that was from Greg Hunt which JG had a good response to. The rest of their questions were either Asylum seekers or Craig Thompson related. The only other carbon questions were dixers from the gov benches. I had not realised how wrong ABC 24 could get it. Are they just assuming the opposition will be responsible without really checking or listening to what is going on?

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Yes, it appears that the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Tony of Liealot, had another cunning stunt organised for today's presentation of the CPRS Bills to Parliament and the Question Time that followed. He seems to think that it was OK to corral his 'Convoy of Grey Nomads'(with more money to pay for petrol to Canberra from Sydney, than sense), in the Public Gallery, and let them disrupt Question Time with their juvenile chanting of "NO Carbon Tax". Obviously, he is hoping that this puerile incident will dominate the 6PM News Bulletins tonight instead of the positive news relating to the introduction of the CPRS legislation. No doubt, Tony Abbott and the Stooges, will have more of these stunts organised to perpetrate upon our federal parliament as the Bills wend their way through federal parliament, in place of any worthwhile contribution to the debate. It has ever been thus with this Opposition.


13/09/2011I've not seen any speculation as to which way Turnbull's vote may go on the Carbon Tax Legislation. Any thoughts on this?

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011BSA Bob, Turnbull was part of the Opposition walkout when the CPRS Bills were presented to federal parliament today by the Prime Minister. So, and this is only a supposition, if he was too gutless to defy the Coalition leadership over a petty stunt like that, my best guess is he doesn't have the requisite spine left to cross the floor again when the Bills are voted on.

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Trevor, That was the same Question Time I watched too, though not the one the commentators want to report back to the viewing public who didn't watch it.


13/09/2011Turnbull was not in the chamber when carbon tax introduced like most coalition mps who were checking to see if the 'cheat sheets' were numbered. the yelling nomads were guests of the opposition, was their luncheon with the opposition paid for by our taxes? and the PM called liealot a "poor petal" as he was upset that the PM spoke to him in a vile way. typical bully likes to dish it out but cannot take it.

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011sue, Apparently Laurie Oakes is going to have something to say about the Marauding Hordes of No Carbon Tax Nomads tonight on Channel 9 News. I'm hoping he's up front about the Liberals connections with them. I don't know, but they seem to me as if they could all afford to pay a little towards a Clean Energy Future for our country. They certainly have enough money to pay for the petrol to come down to Canberra all the time.


13/09/2011Abbott just can't help himself, can he? During what should have been a bi-partisan motion of condolence on the death of former Liberal minister David Jull, Mr Abbott just had to say: [quote]"He said back in 2007, 'I entered Parliament after the nation was absolutely wrecked by Whitlam and I leave it during a tremendous John Howard-led period'. What wise words, Mr Speaker. "It has been a lesser Parliament since he left."[/quote] The last sentence may have been appropriate if it hadn't been preceded by the Whitlam jibe. What a fool. And then what was all the nonsense over the Obama announcement? If QT today is anything to go by, we have a lot to be proud of when it comes to the conduct of our elected members in the big house. Or not. :(

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011NormanK, Like a teenager who has discovered masturbation, Tony Abbott just can't help himself.


13/09/2011Hi Feral I missed Question time today, but just heard Paul bongiorno's report. Were those roudy mobs in the gallery, invited there by the Liaberal's? Paul said the barracaded Anthony Alboneses's office. He also said the 18 bills do not need the Liaberal's vote, only if one of the Independents or a Government MP gets run over by a bus. I am anxiously awaiting the Channel nine report by Laurie Oakes. Oh! yes and "Poor Petal" Abbott, what a whimp, foul mouthed dishing out, too precious to take it back. A few tweets, nobody is sorry for Abbott, Poor Petal. AshGhebraniousAshGhebranious I got the title for my blog! 'Poor Petal' #qt #auspol gordongrahamGordon Graham poor petal ... that's going to hurt Abbott's ego #qt #auspol wrb330Wayne Brooks Tony gets Bile from Julia, poor precious inagine his tender feelings being hurt..Bah ha ha ha Poor petal she says, pissre. PollyticsPossum Comitatus Oh, poor Tony #qt The PM picks on him <sniff geeksrulzDirect ActionGeek That PM Gillard is such a bully. Who wll think of that poor petal Tony and his wrecking gang #qt #auspol Cheers:):):):):):)


13/09/2011[quote]Thanks for that link to the Coalition's Talking Points. I suggest that we adopt the descriptor 'Cheat Sheet' which Christine Milne used in her press conference.[/quote] Casablanca, would it be appropriate for government back benchers to ask Liars Party MPS if they've got their cheat sheets with them at every opportunity? Turnbull won't buck the Liealot line. IMO, he's long since had a spinectomy. What a pathetic bunch of kindergarten kids the Liars Party is. All mouth and trousers, empty vessels all. Do they expect to gain respect from anybody except dingbats for this latest demonstration of childish petulance? Does Liealot expect that these stunts impress anyone except Anal's mouth breathers? This is the sort of stuff undergrads did during Prosh Week. What miniscule respect he might still have on the credit side of his ledger, has been removed. What a tosser!! And once again this mob of spoiled brats are selling their constituents short. Wankers!


13/09/2011FS And yet Robert Manne described him as: [quote]Tony Abbott, a reactionary in many ways but also essentially a decent human being[/quote]. I guess Mr Manne sees something that I don't. A compulsive slagger with no sense of what is appropriate during solemn occasions is not 'essentially decent' as far as I'm concerned.

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Here's the latest You Tube ad about the Price on carbon:

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011lyn, Did you know that your taxes paid for those loud-mouthed bullies(and I don't mean the Opposition...oh,yes I do! :) ), that caused a ruckus during Question Time to have lunch today in the MP's Dining Room with the Liberal Party MPs?

Ad astra

13/09/2011Folks I'm off to a birthday celebration tonight, not my own. And today is also the third anniversary of the launching of [i]The Political Sword[/i]. Tomorrow will be the third anniversary of the first definitive piece. To mark that occasion, I will post a piece [i]Is Julia Gillard entitled to a fair go?[/i] Good night to you all.


13/09/2011Jane [i]"What a pathetic bunch of kindergarten kids the Liars Party is. All mouth and trousers, empty vessels all. Do they expect to gain respect from anybody except dingbats for this latest demonstration of childish petulance?"[/i] One of the things I struggle with is; I think I get Tony Abbott. Dont like him, in fact I think there is an element of self loathing in his character so on that a least we can agree. But what I dont get is the others in the party who are prepared to sacrifice their own dignity and self respect. Putting aside political affiliations, and the whole left right thing. There are a number in the party who are intelligent people who do understand the issues and would be capable of sensible debate. Yet they carry on like performing seals, I suspect they may have to self medicate quite heavily after each day of this to stop a spiral depression. Are they that shallow that they will sell their souls in order to maintain Tony's polls. I guess they are. I do still struggle with the concept though that intelligent people who entered politics to achieve something are content with barking and clapping hands in return for?


13/09/2011Hi, All Found to to visit again. I agree that Chris Evans should go, despite his father, Gareth, being a former Minister. IR is not his strength, and the Tertiary education is experiencing significant funding pressures, including teh "public education" arms: Universities & TAFE's. This is from the economic rationalist's approach to funding & restructures. Mark Arbib? Well not many would be unhappy to see him disappear. The ALP, and other parties, need people who work for the party, not manipulators for solely political games. :)


13/09/2011Hi John Good to see you, I hope you are having a well deserved rest. Mark Arbib, umm I kinda agree with you there, but I still like Mark Arbib , his talents just need to be guided into a more worthwhile direction. Goes back to the days when there was a disruptive Union Leader, the big Company's would put them on staff. Utilize their talents. Cheers:):):):):):):)


13/09/2011Hi, Lyn Thanks. I just looked at ALL my typo's in the above, which probably reflectgs my brain running much too fast for my fingers. I also thought: 1) it was disrespectful to the office of PM that the Opposition all left the Chamber when the PM began to introduce the carbon tax bill. 2) I'm a bit over political rent-a-crowds, as in the public gallery at Parliament House today. :)


13/09/2011Ad astra Happy birthday to your good lady wife (if memory serves me correctly). I hope you had a lovely evening.

Acerbic Conehead

13/09/2011John, If you are referring to Gareth "Biggles" Evans, I don't think he is Chris Evans' father.


13/09/2011The Murdoch Press up to a particularly mischievous stunt: "Help us decode the carbon law". Yeah, right. Help us cause confusion and dissent out of ignorance. How many nutters will come out of the woodwork on this one, finding 'black helicopter' clauses and UN world government threats across the 18 pages of legislation? Has any media organisation in this country ever before seriously invited all the 'back-paddock lawyers' and ersatz legislators out there in Murdochinania to sift through government legislation and inevitably sow discord through misunderstanding and slanted barrow-pushing? Of course, the implication is also that the Opposition is not up to the job.


13/09/2011[quote]Are they that shallow that they will sell their souls in order to maintain Tony's polls. I guess they are. I do still struggle with the concept though that intelligent people who entered politics to achieve something are content with barking and clapping hands in return for?[/quote] Trevor, they have auctioned off their souls to restore what they think is the natural order of things and they're prepared to humiliate themselves as Liealot's performing animals to realise that ambition. John, the intention was to be insulting, however it's backfired because they have shown themselves up as being petty, spiteful and completely without manners. Ditto the childish rent-a-crowd nonsense in the gallery. All these stunts achieve is to make the Liars Party look less and less like government material. Who in their right mind could possibly want kindy kids running the country?


13/09/2011Michael And the government is yet to set the terms of reference for the media inquiry? And maybe all australian governments could outsource the legislative process to News Ltd. Seems to work in other countries. Next do away with elections, Newspoll told me so is a much better guiding hand. Is there no democratic principle this toxic organisation won't try to corrupt. good grief


13/09/2011Professor Skeleton Congratulations on your article here, and of its publication in Crikey: it is indeed well deserved. It will give material for thought to those who read it I'm sure. There is a good bit I agree with you on, but most of it is where you say that particular Ministers are doing well in their portfolios, rather than underperformers of whom I think there are astonishingly few, if any. I must side with Lyn here, I see no Ministers misbehaving, for a start, so no-one to be disciplined, and really no-one not across his/her job neither. I don't agree with the notion of replacing Swan, I think he has a lot of respect now having grown in his job a lot, and having been spot-on in his economic predictions and settings. Basically I can't think that the present speculation would have the use of its legs at all if it weren't for the oxygen being supplied to the present speculation . . . by those who wish the government ill . . . and though I know your article is sincerely well-meant and well worth its place in the auspicious pages of Crikey, I'm not sure that I think their motives were entirely benevolent. So I will leave any reshuffle of Cabinet to the PM, if she blows it well that's the nature of the game but it's her call for now. The pool is muddied enough as it is, I see no point in stirring it, the Coalons are my target and there's plenty of them to shoot at.

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011Michael, Good to hear from you again. :) I had noticed that you were MIA. Maybe you have had the dreaded lurgy like half of the rest of us? Anyway, glad to see you here again. Yes, it's interesting that News Ltd want to insert themselves into the legislative process in such an overt way, though, as you say, it is probably because the powers that be there have concluded that the Opposition aren't up to the task of an effective counter-attack to the legislation. Obviously the Ltd News crew have another Demolition Job planned for the CPRS. The Gillard government having a win and turning around public sentiment just wouldn't be right now, would it? A lot of Rich people might have to concede a bit of their wealth to the government, and that's just not on in their world. Actually, in their world spending $20 million on an Advertising Campaign to see to it that the general public have got the wrong impression, is simply a good investment to their way of looking at things. They care little about the Common Weal, they are just the big fat pigs a squealing. You know, I can't seem to remember News Ltd making the WorkChoices legislation available for public scrutiny and analysis. Wonder why?

Feral Skeleton

13/09/2011jane, In a world where 'Ignorance is Bliss' is the new credo for our dumbed-down population, the equivalent of tantrum-throwing toddlers are exactly who the majority of the electorate seem to want to run the kindercountry.


14/09/2011Nasking @ September 13. 2011 02:44 PM Thanks for that Lateline transcript. I noticed that a date given by Dr Kejun has been transposed: it should of course, read 2015 and NOT 2105. Abbort and his coterie probably like to argue that China cannot reduce its emissions before 2105 but in fact they have an ambitious target of 2015 - four years away not 94 years away. I have sent a request to Lateline to correct their error. JIANG KEJUN: It's possible in the six pilot cities and provinces they will start an emissions trading by 2013. And hopefully maybe the national wide emissions trading can be done possible by [b]2105[/b] or later than that


14/09/2011John@September 13. 2011 06:59 PM I don’t know where you got that crazy idea that Gareth Evans is the father of Senator Chris Evans. Gareth John Evans, AO, QC, Senator for Victoria (1978 to 1999) was born 5 September 1944; Christopher Vaughan Evans, Senator for Western Australia (1.7.1993 to present) was born 14 May 1958. Gareth was a Melbourne schoolboy age 13 and a bit when Chris Evans was born in Cuckfield, UK.;query=Id%3A%22handbook%2Fallmps%2FAX5%22 Gareth Evans, now Chancellor of the Australian National University, ‘is married to Professor Merran Evans, an econometrician who is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Quality) at Monash University, Australia. They have two adult children, Caitlin and Eamon, and four grandchildren. His leisure interests are reading and writing, travel, architecture, opera, golf and Australian Rules football.’


14/09/2011Ad astra said: [Yesterday was] "the third anniversary of the launching of The Political Sword. [Today is] the third anniversary of the first definitive piece. To mark that occasion, I will post a piece Is Julia Gillard entitled to a fair go? " [u][b]Congratulations Ad astra![/b][/u] [i]Blogmaster Extraordinaire[/i] I didn't realize this before, but it is also my Sword anniversary! My first post was exactly one year ago today! I don't remember how I came to this blog, in fact I don't even remember how I came to blogging at all, but I do remember that it so happened that I had already written a piece on *J*U*L*I*A*'s brand new Prime Ministership when I came across yours Ad, and I thought [i]This is the site for me![/i] I have never wavered, for several reasons. The first is of course you yourself Ad astra. In my quite long life, not as long as yours but a lot longer than a lot of people ever reach, I have not come across any writer who it seems to me so richly deserves the adjective 'wise'. I have never in any important way disagreed with any of the pearls which you keep casting before us, though fortunately there are few swine that attempt to destroy them, they offer so little disputable material that the greasy pigs can't get a grip, I guess that's bending the metaphor a bit but ykwim. Perhaps the distinguishing mark of this blog is the core of faithful and conscientious contributors who day by day share thoughts and hopes and goodwill here. The quality of comments and commenters here are the sincerest tributes you could ever have, as we know you know well; it must give you a sense of immense satisfaction, even though in the midst of great anxiety for the survival of this, the most progressive yet embattled Government since the great Gough Whitlam (to whom thanks and praise ever.) While I TalkTurkey never suffer anything but self-amusement from ridiculing the wet attempts of our faithful few trolls to scramble this noticeboard of sanity, I do admit over time to having had feathers ruffled on matters of principle by a few of the very bloggers who are most central to the good feeling on this blog, and in turn I have ruffled a few myself (or made fur fly, bones rattle, roses wilt, dogs bark, whatever ;-)). On a few occasions I have been moved to write quite vituperative comments about one or two of them, but never posted them due almost entirely to my respect for you Ad astra, and my concern for this precious unique and fragile forum. I am glad I stayed my hand, it would have been hard to pull back from some of my comments had I posted them, though on rereading them I agree firmly with every word I said then. Others may wish for the sake of this site too, on occasion, to remember 'what wisdom there may be in silence', [[i]Desiderata[/i]] because in the end we regulars all love your blog and your comments and our own comments and others' comments and the facts we find here and the friends we make here. And I love being able to use the archive to check on things I've said in times past. I usually seem to agree with me, which is a real relief. If I were to continue now I would have to start naming names of those whom I have come to respect and communicate with, it's half past 3AM and I'm not about to start that, all I will say is that everyone who writes here in a spirit of goodwill is welcomed, valued and considered, it's all down to you Ad astra and the invisible ethereal long-suffering Web Monkey. Thank You Ad astra. Onward now to Win the Wonkleys! And thanks to all the other contributors too, I've had a few cross words but never really crossed swords with anyone here. The Sword itself is the point. Helping re-elect this brilliant government is the goal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have reposted my first post from 14/9/11. Like yours about the same brand new first Australian female Prime Minister on the same day, Ad, I reckon it stacks up pretty well, and it so happens that it is exactly on thread for once! [i]A bas les detracteurs![/i] NO PASARAN! [i][u]Venceremos[/u]![/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 14. 2010 08:34 PM Congratulations Prime Minister Gillard to you and all the new Government. A great win for Australia, women in special, and in very particular, us Rangas(!) You have thrilled us with your instant grasp of relevance and your uncompromising responses to media sneers, though imho you are way too subtle for most of them even to realise the rises you take from them. There’s the rub, though: Abbott and his lot fight down and dirty, he’s not just a puncher, he kicks low too, and though (metaphorically speaking of course) he can’t kick you as he could kick a man, (which confuses him a lot), and though you could kick him that way but have never stooped so low, (which is completely incomprehensible to him) the simplistic and agenda-driven media ruck will score him high on points anyway. He and they just don’t realize how much better fighter you are than he, and that has to date given him the great strength and invulnerability which deliberate ignorance of the Bjelke-Petersen stamp bestows. But you have anyway won this bout by that one precious point, and now you have the opportunity to deal firmly with those voices of hate, we all know who I mean. But it won’t help just sweetly to pat their slings and arrows away, they must be smacked back in their teeth! Above all Labor has so far failed to take this action, you’ve all been so Marquess of Queensbury! That won't work on Them! It is excruciating to watch him and Them and their tactics getting away with lies and smears - fair-minded people are yearning for you to give him and Them a big fat lip time and again in the next little while. Julie Bishop would surely love to scratch your eyes out, metaphorically speaking of course,(?!) but again, you are a far better fighter than she. I wish you well, for much rides on your success. TalkTurkey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and [i]Happy Third Birthday [/i][b][u]SWORD[/u]![/b] I'm going to post this now (10 to 4 AM!) and I'll repost it on the new thread when you put it up, OK Ad?


14/09/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Assume the position, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] Guess what media. Now it’s your turn. Sorry Mr Abbott. But your friend Rupert needs to assume the position. Your turn next. [i]Blank Cheques, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Depth is what we want from political coverage and you're not going to get it from Niki Savva or James Massola. If that sort of depth is too hard for today's journalists then we need new and different and better journalists [i]Let’s have a real conversation about Asylum Seekers, The Conscience Vote[/i] Yes, that’s right, folks – any moment now the boats will pull up on St Kilda Beach or surf into Bondi, and we’ll be invaded by thousands of asylum seekers who will force us to eat halal meat and wear burqas. Quick, circle the wagons, hide the women and the silver! [i]The morality of offshore processing, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] As for policies that have been demonstrated to fail, like Temporary Protection Visas, or are unlikely to work, like Nauru, they fail any basic test of morality. They are likely to cost lives, if implemented. [i]Gillard- from words to deeds, Min, Café Whispers[/i] Meanwhile, Tony Abbott is encouraging “the others” to cross the floor and most definitely will not be supporting “her” or was that “she”. [i]Carbon tax laws introduced in Lower House, SBS[/i] The bills will be subject to at least 35 hours of debate. In comparison, there was under 23 hours of debate on the Howard government's Work Choices laws and 21 hours for the GST legislation.The use of the parliamentary "guillotine" is not uncommon, with the Howard government usingit on 43 bills between 1996 and 2007. [i]Coalition distorts facts in campaign on pollution charge | #cp, Darin Sullivan, The Left Hack[/i] they also assert the government’s plan would mean ”$3.5 billion a year in taxpayer dollars is going to pay potentially dodgy and corruptforeign companies to do things like plant trees in other countries, not in Australia” when in fact [i]The Coalition's cheat sheet. What to say about carbon tax, Peter Martin[/i] The Coalition plans to install 273 solar panels per day. Really. Malcolm's speech: "If Margaret Thatcher took climate change seriously..."What to say about Craig Thomson. Here's the cheat sheet: [i]Australia to probe media after hacking scandal,Amy Coopes (AFP[/i] Conroy's spokesman said the inquiry would likely include a "broad reference" to media ownership, but "it wouldn't be a criticism of one media organisation," instead examining measures like strengthening Australia's newspaper regulator. [i]Murdoch Makes No Retreat From Scandals With Attack on Australia Government, Gemma Daley , Bloomberg[/i] Most of Murdoch’s metropolitan papers, including the Australian and the Daily Telegraph, urged voters to support Abbot’s coalition, consisting of the Liberal party he leads and the National party. In the early-September Newspoll, the Abbott coalition got 50 percent backing, compared with 27 percent for the Gillard government. [i]Far from sinister, privacy laws might mean media does its job better,Bruce Arnold, The Conversation[/i] What of the media? Reports by law reform commissions over four decades have emphasised that privacy law involves a balance between personal and community interests, along with the importance of a vibrant mass media [i]Government flags wide-ranging media inquiry, Jeremy Thompson, ABC[/i] The Federal Government will set up a wide-ranging independent inquiry into Australia's media in thewake of strident ALP and Greens criticism of reporting by the Murdoch-owned News Limited group. [i]77 things not to do if you hate taxes. Australia Now[/i] The fact is, we pay for the lifestyle we expect. Without taxes, our lifestyles would be totally different and much harder. The less we pay, the less we get in return. So, you’re a Liberal that hates taxes? Well, since you do not like taxes or government, ,[i]How did Kevin Rudd become Australia's Twitter master?,Thomas Tudehope, The Drum[/i] Andrew Bolt, whom this author is loath to disagree with, suggested that Rudd might well be buying Twitter followers to boost his online following. Speaking on MTR Radio this morning, Bolt said "do we really suspect that Kevin Rudd would be that sneaky and go and buy all his friends?" [i]Gillard one ups Rudd as Obama promises Oz visit, again, Angela Priestley, The Power Index[/i] If there's one thing that Julia Gillard has on Kevin Rudd, it's that US president Barack Obama hasn't cancelled a visit to Australia on her – at least not yet. [i]House of Representatives – 13 September 2011,The Body Politic – Australia[/i] CLEAN ENERGY BILL 2011 AND RELATED LEGISLATIONThe following pieces of legislation were presented to the House of Representatives, all read a first time. Debate on all bills was adjourned until a later date [i]From chief of staff to Senator: the rise and rise of Arthur Sinodinos, Anne Tiernan, The Conversation[/i] Sinodinos is regarded as one of the most professional and effective individuals to have held the role of prime minister’s Chief of Staff. A consummate professional, he is respected across the political divide for his approach, attitude and political nous. [i]Sinodinos to fill Senate vacancy, Tom Cowie, The Power Index[/i] Sinodinos said his major focus would be on getting Tony Abbott elected to the prime ministership and the Liberal Party elected to government.Asked whether he expected that to be at the next election, Sinodinos answered: [i]Gillard’s future according to the Crikey Leadership Indicator, Richard farmer, The Stump[/i] Yesterday morning’s Nielsen poll puts a strong case for Kevin Rudd’s return but the betting markets on the event don’t have him favourite. Some bookmakers have [b]Newspapers:-[/b] [i]Help us decode the carbon law , News Com[/i] At we want you to help us sift through the fine print and tell us what you think.So take the time to go through the bills – there are links [i]Prime Minister Julia Gillard has introduced carbon tax bills into parliament , Ben Packman, News Com[/i] [b]Liberal MPs left the chamber [/b]as Ms Gillard spoke, apparently on the instruction manager of opposition business Christopher Pyne. Outside the parliament, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said the government was refusing to listen to the overwhelming public consensus against the tax. [i]Detention centres to be opened to media for scrutiny , James Massola, The Australian[/i] Mr Bowen told the Labor caucus today his department was working on revised terms of access which would allow reporters to enter detention centres with pen, paper and other journalistic tools.


14/09/2011 Hi Feral Chris Berg ABC plays Musical Chairs with the Ministry too:- It's time for the Government to play Musical Chairs, Hillbilly Skeleton recently I have speculated, as have others in the media and blog diaspora, upon the fact of whether it would be a good time for a Spring Clean of the Ministry by the Prime Minister’s-time-for-the-Government-to-play-a-game-of-Musical-Chairs.aspx [quote]Prime ministerial musical chairs, Chris Berg, ABC [/quote]What possible benefit would the Labor Government receive from ditching Julia Gillard now? Cheers:):):):):)


14/09/2011Al Gore [] Dear [TalkTurkey], Tomorrow, people from around the world will join hands to create 24 Hours of Reality. I hope you'll join us. Together, we're going to focus the world's attention on the scope, scale and impact of the climate crisis. 24 Hours of Reality begins at 7 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, September 14. Over the course of the day, there will be 24 presentations across 24 time zones in 13 languages. I'll be presenting in the final hour at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Use our simple tool to set a reminder so you don't miss it. Together, we're going to take a stand against the "new normal." We're going to remove any doubt stirred up by deniers. Together, we're going to catalyze urgency around an issue that impacts every one of us. Find a presentation in your language or your part of the world and use our tool to schedule a reminder email. You'll receive 15 minutes before the event. Make sure you're a part of this event. Make time. Tell your friends and followers you're participating and encourage them to join you. At the bottom of this email, you'll find some easy links to help you spread the word. I'm truly excited for tomorrow and I hope you are, too. Sincerely, Al Gore Founder and Chairman The Climate Reality Project CLICK HERE TO UNSUBSCRIBE. ©2011 THE CLIMATE REALITY PROJECT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


14/09/2011 Hi Feral Malcolm Farr gets annoyed:- [quote]This is NOT a [b]bloody carbon tax[/b], Malcolm Farr, The Punch[/quote] It is not a tax on carbon, [b]just as a speeding fine is not a tax on cars.[/b] You wouldn’t know it from what the Opposition has been saying for the past 12 months, and even the Government has surrendered to the word “tax” to describe its carbon pollution pricing scheme. But that doesn’t make it correct, and it doesn’t mean voters are being appropriately informed about what Opposition Leader Tony Abbott calls the “toxic tax”. But on past performances, Tony Abbott might still be able to make the carbon fines a negative in two years time when the next election is scheduled, even if it is by using what Climate Change Minister Greg Combet yesterday called [b]“misrepresentation and outright deceit”.[/b] Cheers:):):):):)


14/09/2011Hi Feral, Ad and Everybody Missing LInk:- [quote]Policy principles: avoid the perception, stick with the facts Greg Jericho, The Drum[/quote] when he states that carbon emissions are "invisible, odourless, weightless and tasteless", that climate change is crap or comes up with a climate change policy that rather lacks believability Cheers :):):):)


14/09/2011I like it: [quote][b]Report gives hope for two-speed economy[/b] Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 13/09/2011 Reporter: Andrew Robertson A new report from accounting firm KPMG and the University of Sydney suggests China could be the solution to the two-speed economy if Australia's non-mining business sector can gets its act together. TICKY FULLERTON, PRESENTER: We've talked a great deal this year about how China's insatiable demand for coal and iron ore has caused Australia's two-speed economy. Now, new work by accounting firm KPMG, along with the University of Sydney, suggests China sould also be the solution to the two-speed problem, if only the Australian non-mining business sector can get its act together. Andrew Robertson reports. ANDREW ROBERTSON: Jason Chang is one of the authors of a study into Australia's future relationship with China. It points to enormous opportunities in China for companies outside the resources sector. JASON CHANG: The long-term outlook for commodities and, in particular, Australian resources is, in our view, very positive, but we have tourism and we have got the services sector, financial services - not just banking but funds management - we've got infrastructure... these are areas that China, in its new five-year plan, is really focused on. ANDREW ROBERTSON: And the potential is huge, as fellow KPMG partner Graham Brooke explains. GRAHAM BROOKE, PARTNER, KPMG: The plan is to build 36 million units of affordable housing stock. Now, the total housing stock in Australia is 10 million units, or 10 million houses, so just look at the scale of that opportunity over a period of five years. ANDREW ROBERTSON: Although competition for work will be tough, Graham Brooke is confident Australian companies have many advantages over firms from other countries. GRAHAM BROOKE: We've developed the relationships between Australia and China over many years - particularly the links in the resources sector are very tight - so you can see Australian companies able to take advantage of those links; probably easier than some of the other overseas organisations. ANDREW ROBERTSON: But even more important for the Australian economy, China is flush with cash and KPMG predicts it is will soon be spending up to $150 billion a year on foreign investments. JASON CHANG: If we get it right - we capture our fair share of it, our current share of it - that's going to make a huge difference in how we're going to develop infrastructure here, develop resources, develop the banking industry, education, tourism, and so on. ANDREW ROBERTSON: Capturing our "fair share" won't happen by accident, though, and Jason Chang is concerned Australian companies may not be ready. JASON CHANG: Around the top 100, our experience is that there is an understanding of China but there hasn't been any sort of a tangible strategy about what to do with China and how to go about it. ANDREW ROBERTSON: He is convinced, though, if business can take advantage of all potential opportunities, the non-mining sector will soon be earning more from China than the likes of BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.[/quote] Adapt & use contacts & knowledge of yer potential customer. Loyalty...firm but friendly. Willing to do that little bit extra. Utilise yer special skills & training. Find openings. No whining. Constructive negotiations. Remembering sustainability & durability & health/safety. N'


14/09/2011Perry & Beck luv the WE THE PEOPLE sign. More like WE THE PRIVILEGED. Why is their still a THIRD WORLD AMERICA...even "at Christmas time"...and thanksgiving? Governors? What kind of conditions are you creating by these massive layoffs & misuse of previous stimulus? Corporations, including Bank of America? What kind of conditions are you creating by these massive layoffs & misuse of previous stimulus? You can't just redistrict those votes away Mr. Perry. Education & yer health & safety. Means alot to THE MANY. As much as a well paid job. Might be nice to have all eh? And durable homes...and that includes along the Texan border w/ Mexico. Do disabled people live there? What kind of access to useful healthcare do they have? And what's w/ all that asthma? You set by example. Brash can demonstrate insecurity & guilt. And neglect. Even intentional neglect. Can't it Mr. Beck KERCHING! N'


14/09/2011[quote]Why is their still a THIRD WORLD AMERICA...even "at Christmas time"...[/quote] Make that: "Why is there still a THIRD WORLD AMERICA...even "at Christmas time"...? N'


14/09/2011Swordsters For those with TVs turned off. Tune in to ABC and watch Abbott live in parliament bleating about the ETS.

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14/09/2011NormanK You have a very good memory. We had a lovely evening. My wife thanks you for your birthday greetings. Talk Turkey Thank you for your most generous comments about [i]TPS[/i] and my role in overseeing it. It feels as if you have been part of the family for much longer than one year, so substantial have your contributions been. You are right when you say that the regular contributors here make the site what it is. The quality and volume of the comments are outstanding. Long after the theme of each piece has faded, the conversation continues about contemporary political events and issues. Lyn, along with other contributors, add links through the day that keep us informed and up to date. FS and AC add unique dimensions to the blogsite that enrich its impact and extend its reach. I am most grateful to them. Behind the scenes Web Monkey copes with the glitches that seem to be part and parcel of free blog engines. Hopefully, when he installs the next version, there will be fewer problems. Thank you for posting again your comment made when Julia Gillard formed her new Government. How apt. Please also post it on the next piece, with which I believe you will agree it fits well. Again, thank you for your warm and encouraging words, which I appreciate deeply.

Ad astra

14/09/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: Hi Lyn I've added Greg Jericho's piece to your special links page.


14/09/2011Events in Kabul today...and in Afghanistan generally the past few weeks, remind me so much of another era: [b]Walter Cronkite Remembers His Tet Offensive Editorial [/b] What is the state of Vietnam today? How have the Vietnamese refugees fit into our communities over time? Remember ALL THE WAY WITH LBJ? How did Nixon approach the war there & in neighboring states? Was this appropriate? What did it achieve? Did his trip to China make a difference? How many lost years between the Tet offensive & capture of Saigon? How many soldiers died? Has the violence in Pakistan due to muslim extremists spurred on by hate & recruitment motivated by invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq increased or decreased in the past few years? Is it possible w/ fruitful negotiations & incentives offered that the Taliban families sick of playing sacrificial lambs to al-qaeda's vicious goals will eventually turf them out? Or are some one & the same? How many conveniently refer to themselves as one or the other due to a need to belong based on fear &/or need for revenge? Where does hate go when you take the motivation for it away? Do men & women generally have different ways of expressing hate? Does hate help create a job & secure a family? N'


14/09/2011 Hi Ad and Feral Everybody is astounded that News Ltd has at last reported, or sort of, the Carbon Tax is not a tax at all, seems some people believe the carbon tax will be added onto their shopping dockets. The Australian has been sort of kind to Julia Gillard. Choice of words are poorly selected "doggedness" is to Julia's credit, couldn't they just say determination or good management, sounds better. [quote]News columnist admits: it’s not a “carbon tax” at all, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/quote] It is indeed “late in the show”, [b]and only on a News Ltd blog, not an actual newspaper, but Malcolm Farr this morning [/b]finally makes a point that [b]should’ve been heard long, long before now[/b]: “This is NOT a bloody carbon tax”. [quote]Historic carbon debate begins [/quote] The Australian That it has got this far in such difficult circumstance is testimony to Ms Gillard's [b]doggedness[/b], and to her credit, the legislation is essentially economically rational. The initial target of cutting 160 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 is achievable, although the long-range target of an 80 per cent cut by 2050 will depend on technology. Inevitably Australia, along with the rest of the world, will have to adapt to a carbon-constrained future. The legislation before parliament is a step in that direction Cheers:):):):):)


14/09/2011Can a child be brainwashed by his father? Does that child have "choice"? Can a brainwashed child be exploited as an adult by the brainwasher? When that child as a man is introduced to a challenge or threat to his dominance by way of the introduction of new family members, how will that affect his performance & decisions? How does a victim recognise they have been brainwashed? Are part of a cult? Their level of responsibility for their actions? James Murdoch: Dynasty: Do libertarians believe in "choice"? How do they feel about individual responsibility? N'


14/09/2011[quote]Thanks for that Lateline transcript. I noticed that a date given by Dr Kejun has been transposed: it should of course, read 2015 and NOT 2105. Abbort and his coterie probably like to argue that China cannot reduce its emissions before 2105 but in fact they have an ambitious target of 2015 - four years away not 94 years away. I have sent a request to Lateline to correct their error. [/quote] Yer welcome Casablanca...and good pick up. N'


14/09/2011Useful & eye openin': [quote][b]Fair Work prepare Scientology report[/b][/quote] [quote]ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: The Church of Scientology is facing the prospect of back pay claims that, on some estimates, could run into millions of dollars. Lateline has obtained a draft copy of the Fair Work Ombudsman's report into the investigation into the Church of Scientology, an investigation that shows some workers were being paid as little as $10 a week. The draft report contains allegations of false imprisonment and forced labour. A former chief spokesman for the Church in the United States has also told Lateline the Ombudsman's report could have international ramifications. [/quote] Alot of it goin' on...particularly in America. And third world countries. N'


14/09/2011One story that brought a smile & tear of hope to my lost somewhat due to the oft fear-mongerin' 9/11 & asylum seeker news: [quote][b]Healing through cricket[/b] Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 08/09/2011 Reporter: Michael Brissenden New York's Muslim community, still struggling with the backlash from the 9/11 attacks, have found an outlet in one of Australia's favourite sports. Transcript CHRIS UHLMANN, PRESENTER: After the 9/11 terror attacks, many American Muslims say there was a backlash against them and their faith. And US authorities have had to walk a fine line, protecting Muslim citizens and watching for extremists. But they've found that a strange game is helping them to build bridges. North America correspondent Michael Brissenden reports. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN, REPORTER: New York takes its reputation as America's great melting pot seriously. But since 9/11, one community in particular has been given special attention. This city is home to one of the largest Muslim communities in America. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: As Commissioner for Police in New York, Ray Kelly has overseen a proactive engagement with the city's growing Muslim minority. And he personally takes the message from City Hall and Police headquarters in Manhattan to the mosques, schools and sports fields of the wider New York suburbs. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Deputy inspector Amin Kosseim is in charge of the New York Police Department's unique outreach program. And Jazab Tariq is one of New York's cricket stars. JAZAB TARIQ: It's a really nice - you know, a great feeling playing with the NYPD and all the stuff they do for us. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Jazab and his team of young Pakistani Americans are also well-aware the tournament serves another important purpose as well. JAZAB TARIQ: Of course we're living in a country, the country that's alive for us. Like, look what they're doing for us, the NYPD. If they do a lot for us, then of course we're gonna give respect to the country too. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Cricket in this case is a bridge between the cultures. The police have a valuable foothold into the world of young Muslim men and they're hoping the young men may also see something valuable in return.[/quote] The relationship w/ the NY police has been rocky due to certain revelations...but I do think that sports & arts can bridge the can cooking & architecture...and teaching & science lab work. And festivals. Such a shame that big money & gambling & xenophobic, loud-mouthed people in crowds have to undermine the harmony. I also enjoy the World Cup...but I reckon the top two characters have to go in Australia...and FIFA needs a real shakeup. Frank Lowy has worked his butt off...but it's time for a change. Money needs to be redirected into the schools & clubs to help football/soccer. And haven't Fox Sports got the soccer rights cheap? SBS is multicultural...a natural place for it. N'

Feral Skeleton

14/09/2011Nasking, I have always found it intrguing how you self-identify as having come from a family of relative privilege, yet have made the journey over the bridge, Crossing your own personaql Rubicon perhaps, into the world of we Social Democrats and Progressives. What intrigues me about that headspace is that you seem to still have a residual connection to the world of your forebears(or is that foreBears? ;-) ), such that you continue to identify with their political stripe, if only residually and by way of of a 'Compare and Contrast' with where you find yourself today. Of course, I have also at times commented here about my own dalliance with the Dark Side and the world of Wealth and Privilege and entre nous to all the best parties, the 'Right' Chalets at Thredbo, and the best tables at the best restaurants. I, as is also plain to know, came from the wrong side of the tracks and due to my, I don't know, effervescant personality, sparkling wit and incisive mind(or maybe it was because I did used to look sorta hot as well :) ), thus I got to see how 'the Other Half' lives and plays. And I found it the most tedious, tiresome and affected millieu I have ever come across in my life. Disingenuous and disloyal just barely scratches the surface of the deceit, duplicity and double-dealing that is 'Standard Operating Procedure' for these people. Not to mention a callous disregard for those less fortunate than they. Suffice to say, that there was no way that I could absorb that zeitgeist with a clear conscience. I like to sleep straight in bed at night. Yet, here we are, at a pretty pass where the Tories and their agents in the mass communication and brainwashing industry have been able to convince those that they contemptuously sneer at behind closed doors, to vote for them and against their best interests. Let alone subscribe to the morally bankrupt concept of allowing the Mercantilist Pollutocratic Oligarchs to destroy even the very concept of a society-wide care and concern for those less-favoured by birth and circumstance, than ourselves. Not only that, but they have couched their attack on the very institutions which government, and 'We the People', have built up over a century of Progressive Social Policy, that help the 'Down and Out' in our society. Instead the Conservative Capitalists have encouraged the Little Guy to strive hard to get where they, their Overlords are, in their lives, and kick as many people when they are down, along the way, without care or concern for their mental or physical well-being. And that's exactly what Joe Hockey's $70 Billion in cuts to the Budget equates to in reality. Cuts to the programmes which form the interwoven strands of our Social Safety Net. Nothing more nor less than a massive start on the road to dismantling federal government oversight of the country and a reversion back to State fiefdoms, more easily controlled by the forces of Capital, with their manipulative and misleading Ad Campaigns full of the sort of Propaganda that would make Stalin blush. Sorry, Nas, if I have drifted off into the land of speculation, and don't take anything in a negative way or personally, but I just had cause to reflect on this and that when I was out in the glorious Sydney Spring sunshine this morning doing a bit of weeding, reflecting on what you have said and the godawful transition that American society appears to be undergoing, reflected in the saidistic applause that the Republican Presidential Candidate, Rick Perry got for the fact that he has put to death more American citizens than any other Governor in history, plus the added fact that the audience at that debate were quite comfortable with the scenario placed before them and the Republican debaters, that if a man in a coma ran out of Health Insurance would you let him die or still keep treating him? And the participants like Ron Paul, a Doctor himself, no less, chose the former option of letting him die once he run out of money to pay for his continuing treatment. What a sick and sad society America has become that it has got to that pretty pass, huh? And there can be no doubt that Tony Abbott would endorse a similar sentiment for this country. Not this little black duck. Not now, not ever and definitely have never been able to go there in the past. As, it seems, have you, dear Nas. :)

Feral Skeleton

14/09/2011lyn, I sent Malcolm Farr a congratulatory Tweet this morning when I saw his article on the Payment to Pollute Charge(I'm never going to adopt the Coalition shorthand of 'Carbon Tax' again!). I think there are some amongst them in the Press Gallery that are staging a Journalists' revolt! And I'm glad they are. :)


14/09/2011Want durable housing, work w/ the private sector, opportunity to mingle w/ lots of similar thinkin' neighbours, affordable healthcare...? Well, visit Ohio correctional shirkers here: [quote][b]Ohio prison chief plans changes to system[/b] By Associated Press Sunday, September 4, 2011 OLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio’s prison chief has sweeping changes in mind for the state’s correctional institutions. Prisons director Gary Mohr told The Columbus Dispatch that the sale last week of one of Ohio’s correctional facilities to a private buyer doesn’t change his plans to reorganize the system to make it easier for inmates to re-enter society. Mohr’s plan would create a three-tier system of prisons where, at the lowest-tier, low-risk inmates serving shorter sentences would work in jobs such as truck driving or light manufacturing "I want to put inmates to work," Mohr said. "We’re going to do a time sheet every day. He said prisoners wouldn’t be stealing jobs from the private sector...[/quote] promises...promises... and: [quote]September 8, 2011 [b]Hartmann: Privatized Prisons...Criminal in a Democracy[/b] Ohio Governor John Kasich made history yesterday - as Ohio became the first state in the history of this country to sell a state-owned prison to a for-profit private corporation. The Lake Erie Correctional Institute opened up in 2000 - and at the end of this year will be officially owned and operated by the Corrections Corporation of America - also known as CCA - which shelled out $72 million bucks to buy the facility from the state - and will now get paid for every single new prisoner they lock up. CCA is the largest private prison corporation in America - and made over $430 million in the last quarter of this year. And the guy who runs Ohio's Department of Rehabilitation and Correction - and is in charge of overseeing the state's prison - a guy named Gary Mohr - just so happens to be a former employee of CCA. But CCA is no stranger to getting what it wants - namely more prisoners to lock up for more profits. As a member of the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council - which writes tailor-made legislation on behalf of its corporate members to hand off to state legislators to turn into laws - CCA has spent years writing and pushing legislation for stricter laws to throw more and more people in prison. It's simple - if your business depends on locking people up - then you're going to push for legislation to lock up more people - whether it's good for the criminal justice system or not. Cliff Schecter joins Thom - he is the National Progressive PR strategist at Libertas LLC. Today - the United States has more people in prison - both as a percentage and in absolute numbers - than any other country in the developed world. And it appears the destructive nature of administering our criminal justice system based on the profit motive plays a huge role in our nation's exploding prison population. A fact that seems to allude Ohio Governor John Kasich. So how worrisome is it that corporate power is now creeping into the commons of our criminal justice system? And what are the consequences?[/quote] How stimulating. Corporate profits...and cheap labour...and supposedly a way out...freedom. "Arbeit macht frei" Kerching! N'


14/09/2011Feral, I agree w/ much you say...tho, I once knew conservatives/tories who did give a damn... they thought that small business thriving could help bring about wholesale upward mobility... but over time they began to lose faith as their businesses were chewed up by predatory & uncompetitive practices... and the rules of the game from a few quarters ensured they were knocking their heads against a wall... ...and they lost opportunities, ownership & capital due to big companies and others havin' access to big lawyers... I saw some, even in my family, wither & grow more selfish in some areas...bitter... even tho they oft spoke like Greens & progressives & even working class they expressed their frustrations... but could not bring themselves to vote that way. Unthinking habit? Behavioural pattern instilled by family environment? Fear of unions or distrust of unions based on negative experiences? Perhaps reacting to stereotypes manufactured & perpetuated in the media? Type of education? Perhaps one or two moral issues determined their voting patterns? Hard to know. Perhaps all of the above. It saw them time & time again vote against their own interests. My Dad once told me that his construction industry (he's now retired) benefitted from changing the government now & then...keeping democracy fresh & vital. I heard Fox News business analyst Cavuto this morn poo poo Obama's infrastructure stimulus. I've seen the QLD & federal govt workin' w/ local councils do amazing things the past few years re: infrastructure, road repairs, altering roads, flood repairs, makin' bypasses, puttin' up school buildings, training centres, constructing bridges & footpaths & bikeways, expanding highways, underground tunnels etc... I reckon my Dad would appreciate it. But would he vote for this government? I'm not sure. I don't always understand the motivations of many of my conservative/Tory/once swing voting family & friends & acquaintances anymore. In this Murdochracy. In this time of war...and refugees. In this time where images on TV & via the internet too oft remind them of "the blitz". In this time where "a pox on all their houses" & claims of "broken government" & rampant cynicism rain down on their heads. In this time of casino markets...and expensive homes too oft refinanced...and talking down of the economy...where "insecurity" becomes the hook into the darkside...temporarily. In this time of manufactured confusion. And fear-mongering. Keep up the good work Feral. N'

Feral Skeleton

14/09/2011Nasking, Thank you for the reply. I, too used to own a Small Business, a Pharmacy. I still haven't recovered from the trauma! I was chewed up and spat out by forces that were greater than that which I knew about. The sharks circled around me when they smelt my naivity. I took business away from them, so they conspired to destroy me and put me out of business. They succeeded spectacularly. And from that point on it spurred me on to challenge them at every turn and try to expose them to the light. I could certainly never learn from the experience and become like them, that's for sure. And Tony Abbott epitomises all that they represent, in one neat and vindictive little package. As does that vile creature, Sophie Mirabella, who is speaking at The National Press Club as I type this. I cannot let their type prevail. Just as much, though, as I cannot let the Union types, typified by the boss of the HSU, Michael Williamson, prosper, if reports about him are to be believed, who have grown fat off the backs of their members' hard work. :)

Patricia WA

14/09/2011Did anyone else pick that specious little lie in the Australian opinion piece Lyn linked us to above? It looked promising, but then this....... [quote]"Some voters will accept that the urgency of reducing carbon emissions and changed political circumstances justify the Prime Minister's decision to break a[b] clear pre-election commitment not to put a price on carbon[/b]."[/quote] Was that deliberate do you think?

Feral Skeleton

14/09/2011PatriciaWA, Well-spotted! Of course the PM has always said that she wanted to put a Price on CO2 Pollution, just that she would prefer it not to be a Carbon Tax under a majority government which she led.


14/09/2011Hi Feral and Ad Stephen Conroy ABC 24 on Media Enquiry:- I have to go now, I can hear Abbott wrecking my TV, with his first question, and Poo has just got up to help. [quote]Media Release:- Government announces Independent Media Inquiry,[/quote] The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator StephenConroy, today announced an independent inquiry into the Australian media.“A healthy and robust media is essential to the democratic process,” Senator Conroy said ABCNews24ABC News 24 Stephen Conroy to journalists: If you all turned cameras off and put your pens down, there'd be a lot of laughing about the Press Council. [i]Media Inquiry – Terms of Reference,Body Politic Australia[/i] The Communications Minister, Sen. Stephen Conroy, has released the terms of reference for the upcoming media inquiry in Australia. A copy of the statement is available here. Cheers:):):)


14/09/2011One more interesting article for everybody:- [quote]Grog’s Gamut joins The Chaser, Media Diary, The Australian[/quote] POLITICAL blogger Greg Jericho, better known in the online world as Grog’s Gamut, has scored a new job as a researcher on ABC program The Hamster Wheel, the upcoming production from the team behind The Chaser His role involves closely watching the worlds of politics, media and the bureaucracy and feeding what he gleans into the show’s scripts. According to the ABC, The Hamster Wheel will “examine the contemporary media landscape, where everyone from journalists to political fixers is perpetually at risk of spinning out of control’’. Jericho says the job came about “purely through Twitter”, where he posts as @GrogsGamut. “I’ve been conversing with (Chaser team member) Chas Licciardello, just chatting about media and everything, for over a year now,” he says. “When they came up with the idea for this show he asked if I was interested and I decided to take the plunge.” Jericho used to work in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in the office for the arts and blogged anonymously until his identity was controversially revealed by Media a year ago. Cheers:):):):)

Ad astra

14/09/2011Folks To mark the third anniversary of the first definitive piece posted on [i]The Political Sword[/i], on 14 September 2008, I have just now posted [i]Is Julia Gillard entitled to a fair go?[/i]


15/09/2011[quote]"Some voters will accept that the urgency of reducing carbon emissions and changed political circumstances justify the Prime Minister's decision to break a clear pre-election commitment not to put a price on carbon."[/quote] Patricia, a clear and blatant lie. Quoting the PM's statement and then altering it to suit their twisted agenda, is more proof that an enquiry is desperately needed into this corrupt and untruthful msm. Nice try, but no cigar, Murdochracy. This is the sort of stuff that should be severely punished; a humiliating public apology and correction in huge letters on the front page accompanied by a crippling fine.
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?