The disintegration of the Abbott machine

Early every morning, the Abbott machine swings into action. Fresh batteries are placed in Abbott man, he is briefed with the day’s messages, slogans for the day are identified, and he is sent on his way, a Duracell Bunny thumping his tub, to friendly TV stations for a puff piece encounter with a morning host who asks soft questions that serve as a vehicle for him to regurgitate the day’s messages and repeat his well worn slogans. It doesn’t matter what the issues are, or what questions he is asked, his answers are the ones for which he has been pre-programmed, and out they come on cue, with some tub thumping slogans as an encore.

He has done this successfully for years because seldom has an interviewer had the courage or perspicacity to challenge his answers, or divert him from his pre-ordained script. It has all been so easy. All that has now changed.

There have been gathering doubts about Abbott man’s legitimacy, about his authenticity, about his grasp of the complexities of today’s politics, about his capacity to cope with anything that is thrown at him, about his ability to answer the awkward or embarrassing question. The doubts have been obvious in recent press articles, documented in Journalists awake! You know Tony Abbott is conning you

But it was not until Leigh Sales took her courage in both hands and challenged Abbott man’s answers in a 7.30 interview last week on the deferment of work at BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam project, a commercial decision that Abbott man insisted was the fault of the carbon and minerals taxes, that he was exposed as the deceitful person we have always known him to be. The fact that the minerals tax does not apply to copper or uranium mining meant nothing; Abbott man ploughed ahead with his faux sorrow at the deferral, labeled the two taxes as responsible, and so sure was he that there was political mileage for him in this event, he precipitously took up a longstanding invitation to appear on 7.30. He now wishes he hadn’t. Through insistent questioning, Leigh Sales exposed his deception, his lies, his scaremongering, and his inadequacy as an alternate PM. If you haven’t seen it, here is the link to the interview and the transcript.

Abbott man obfuscated, hesitated, lied, tried to avoid answering her questions, diverted attention by reference to Jacques Nasser’s statement about the taxes made some months ago, said he had not read Marius Kloppers’ statement about BHP Billiton’s decision, and later said he had, and under Sales persistent questioning steadily disintegrated into a confused wreck. When she changed the subject to his scare campaign about the carbon tax, out came the now modified slogan, ‘python squeeze’ rather than ‘cobra strike’, and when she nailed him on his use of the word ‘illegal’ to describe asylum seeker arrivals by boat, he was left flabbergasted. I have not heard anyone extol Abbott man’s performance, because it was appalling, the worst since his infamous performance with Kerry O’Brien and later with Mark Riley. Here is the transcript of the O’Brien interview. Here is the video. Here is the Mark Riley shit-happens interview.

The disintegration of the Abbott man and the Abbott machine accelerates.

Emboldened by Leigh Sales, Channel Nine’s Lisa Wilkinson tackled Abbott man herself over the BHP Billiton deferment. What is usually a cakewalk for him on this channel turned into another rough road. Here is the link to the interview on The Wall website, which has added some amusing subtitles to the video. (You need to click ‘View all images/videos’ at the bottom to see them.)

Challenged by Wilkinson, Abbott man bumbled his way through, repeating his pre-programmed messages no matter what questions she posed, umming and arring, obfuscating, insisting he had read the Kloppers statement after all, yet having denied this in the Sales interview. He excused his ‘confusion’ over this by saying Sales’ questions were ‘rapid-fire’ and that he ‘had a lot on his plate’. If he thinks his plate is overloaded now, how could he possibly cope with a prime ministerial plate? Arthur Sinodinos was soon out in Abbott man’s defence, obviously feeling he was somewhat ‘embattled’, a term usually reserved for the PM.

The Wilkinson interview was another calamity for Abbott man, who was stunned by this usually benign interviewer really putting in the boots.

NormanK has pointed out how Abbott man blinked his way through this uncomfortable interview, blinking at a rate that indicates nervousness over and above what might reasonably be expected from a senior politician accustomed to being on TV. Notice this when you view it. Note too that Julia Gillard faced questions from the Canberra Press Gallery for almost an hour without ‘blinking’!

These two female interviewers were not the only ones to leap all over Abbott man. The PM opined that he seemed to have a misogynist streak; Nicola Roxon, who had had an unpleasant encounter with Abbott man during a press conference on health before the 2007 election, called him out by saying he seemed threatened by women in powerful positions, and Tanya Plibersek agreed, citing his behavior in parliament that had him thrown out for defying the Speaker’s ruling. Abbott man responded by claiming he was ‘a modern man’ used to working with women at home and at work!

He made another telling mistake last week when he said private schools were the disadvantaged ones, not public schools, where the majority of disadvantaged children attend. He was hammered on this by Julia Gillard in QT and characterized as ‘Jack the Ripper’, ready to ‘rip out’ funds from public schools.

It was a miserable week for him.

The media has noticed Abbott man’s disintegration. The sycophantic News Limited will probably go softly on him for a while, but a few journalists haven’t waited. In the SMH, Paul Daley says: “Beneath the veneer of assuredness around the Coalition, confidence in Abbott is also waning. That's got nothing to do with a single poll that indicates Labor's primary vote has lifted from catastrophic to merely disastrous. But it has everything to do with the fear that the opposition's ongoing tactic of negating or obfuscating on major government policy - not least on the interim carbon tax, the mining tax and education reform - is starting to lose potency, as the media and the public demand detail and alternatives. Abbott fared badly under the blowtorch last week regarding the reasons for BHP Billiton's decision to shelve its Olympic Dam expansion. He looked like a leader with a short attention span, and none for detail.”

Misha Schubert, in her last piece for the SMH, asked: “Will Abbott continue to lead the Liberals, and become prime minister? After last week, with his line that private schools - not public ones - were hard done by and his exposure on trying to tie the carbon and mining taxes to BHP's Olympic Dam deferral in a mesmerising interview with Leigh Sales on 7.30, some - including in his own ranks - began to wonder anew.”

Even Peter van Onselen in The Sunday Telegraph said in: Is Tony a one-trick pony? “In a week where media attention followed the saga of the Prime Minister's legal dealings 17 years ago, Tony Abbott has also come under pressure. His performance on the ABC's 7.30 Report on Wednesday was not good by any measure, and the government stepped up its attacks on the opposition's slippery accounting and overstated criticisms of the carbon tax in parliament. Even one of Abbott's own frontbench colleagues told me: "The carbon tax attacks are starting to look a bit stale, don't you think? Like he's a one-trick pony perhaps." There are growing internal voices calling on Abbott to broaden his appeal beyond what he plans to repeal if elected prime minister. So far the calls are falling on deaf ears.”

Paul Howes made a cryptic comment: “When the Harbour Bridge was built, the Liberal Party didn't even exist but, given the shrill knee-jerk reactions we see coming from the Liberals today about investment in new infrastructure projects such as the NBN, you could imagine a yesteryear version of Tony Abbott waxing lyrical about Labor's waste in building a massively expensive bridge across the harbour when there's a perfectly good ferry system in place.”

Lainie Anderson in the South Australia Sunday Mail also asks: Is Abbott just a one-trick Tony? She begins: “Every time Opposition Leader Tony Abbott opens his mouth, I feel like I need a shower.

“He's such a grubby piece of work - so naked in his ambition, so willing to stretch any truth to score a quick political point and so unimaginative. When he started picking over the carcass of Olympic Dam this week, he might at least have had the decency to wipe the smug look from his face.

“He might have taken five minutes to get his facts straight on the reasons for BHP shelving the $30 billion project. And it wouldn't have hurt to workshop a few credible arguments on how Gillard policies have had an impact on BHP's cost pressures, instead of lazily (and incorrectly) parroting his "great big taxes" line. Actually, if he had been really strategic he would have been a statesman - saying very little about the demise but announcing a Coalition plan to work with key states and mining companies such as BHP on new strategies to keep investment flowing in a volatile resources market.

“Alas, that's not Mr Abbott's style. He's a kick-heads-now-ask-questions-later kind of guy.

“That's OK when you're bull ... . ing over a few beers around a barbecue, where you can mouth off without fear or favour and your words aren't thrown back at you on national TV. It's not so cool when you're keen to run a country of 23 million reasonably well-educated people, many of whom would quite like the political discourse to rise above three-syllable slogans.

“With Labor's polls beginning to rise (albeit from a pathetically low base) and Mr Abbott continuing to languish near Ms Gillard in personal approval ratings, you would think party strategists would be single-minded in branding the Opposition boss as The Next Leader of Australia. But Mr Abbott seems incapable of transforming himself from masterful antagonist to credible alternative.

“Which begs the question. Is this man a one-trick Tony?

“Brand strategy group Marketing Focus ran 16 focus groups in four mainland states earlier this month to gauge customer views on the attributes of effective managers.

“They were surprised when talk turned to Australia's political leadership and unflattering perceptions emerged of Ms Gillard as a "turn-off" and Mr Abbott as "an angry, negative primate".

"The women participants were very specific," Marketing Focus chief Barry Urquhart told Radio National this week. "They felt uncomfortable, they felt offside, they didn't warm to him by nature.

"For that reason he's going to have to reach out, be warm, be embracing, be engaging."

“For the record, I'm not buying Labor's increasingly shrill line that Mr Abbott has a problem with women in positions of power - he has a long and strong record of promoting women into leadership. But there's no doubt he has to improve his standing among female voters. Taking a more considered, less opportunistic and bombastic line of attack would go a long way to achieving that. (Or, perhaps, that sounds too much like Malcolm Turnbull?)

“The Age political editor Michelle Grattan summed it up best this week: "If trust is the Prime Minister's stand-out problem, Abbott's is credibility. Put simply, the man exaggerates."

“When he was gleefully "exaggerating" about the carbon tax and the mining tax killing off the Olympic Dam project this week, Mr Abbott did at one stage try to insist that his primary concern was the future of our state. "I want those jobs for South Australia," he said. Really? I don't think so. There was only one job on Mr Abbott's mind when he seized the opportunity to opine on the Olympic Dam demise.

“There's only one job on his mind. The rest of us are just collateral damage.

Another focus group story emerged last week, which ended with the words: “When Tony Abbott’s name is mentioned, people laugh”. What a telling indictment.

Look for the signs of accelerating disintegration of the Abbott machine and the Abbott man in the weeks and months ahead. It probably won’t be explosive; a more gradual process is likely, as too much of the Coalition’s future and News Limited’s campaign to destroy the Gillard Government is tied up in Abbott man’s survival.

The Coalition has no one to replace him; Malcolm Turnbull would be the people’s choice, but his party can’t stomach him. News Limited has invested so much of its reputation in destroying Julia Gillard and replacing her with Tony Abbott, that it is unlikely to call Abbott man out. It will try to wrap him in cotton wool and distract from his disintegration by attacking Julia Gillard as it has done so disgracefully this last week via its ‘Walkley Award winning investigative journalist’ Hedley Thomas, and a host of opinion pieces and editorials, unadvisedly continuing these even over this weekend to justify its reprehensible position.

And there’s more to come. As the polls narrow, how possible will it be to repeal the carbon tax, which would require a Senate majority for the Coalition? How popular will stopping the NBN be among those who want the same as those that have it? How will Abbott man compensate Telstra for continuing to provide and maintain the ageing copper wires required by Fibre-to-the-Node technology, the Coalition’s preferred approach? How will Abbott man find the massive savings to fund his PPL and his other expensive promises? How will Abbott man cope with the increasingly strident connection between him and Campbell Newman being made by commentators and the public as Newman’s decline in popularity continues?

Abbott man and his Abbott machine have had a dream run. Propelled by three word catchy slogans, enhanced by countless stunts – truck driving, banana stacking, and fish kissing – to highlight the ‘catastrophic’ carbon tax ‘wrecking ball’ that will cause ‘unimaginable’ increases in the cost of everything, Abbott man is faced with the inconvenient reality that this has not come about, and the people have noticed. He is left naked, still reciting his negative mantras, scratching around for the odd statement that seems to support his position, and making one up if he can’t, as he did with the BHP Billiton announcement, now being openly challenged by journalists who are sick of his deception and lying, and now looking vulnerable to his own party’s machine men who will be wondering how they can ditch him if the polls fall away for the Coalition. The Abbott machine is shaky, destitute of any positive policies to appeal to the people, still reliant on boring, tired old slogans that are now being seen for what they have always been – hollow, disingenuous, and deceptive.

The Abbott machine is disintegrating, and the Abbott man with it.

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26/08/2012Well done AA. A great summation of the way it is with TA. The sooner more people wake up the better.


26/08/2012 Abbott has certainly been shown up this week at how 'lazy' in his job, he has been . He seems to have spent most of his days in Opposition travelling ( at our extra expense) around the country treating it like a long holiday, visiting friends. Telling them a few wild stories the most popular being the Chicken Little Story of The Sky is Falling , over a cup of tea. Whilst reading 50 shades of Grey when travelling from town to town. I think I have seen some of the best cartoons this last week portraying just that. Though my favourite that sums things up pretty nicely would be the rich ,lazy, attitude plus, bully, school boy sitting up the back of the class throwing missiles and paper aeroplanes at the head down ,hard working , smart , red head girl , in front of him.


26/08/2012AA An excellent discourse on Tones, one of my recent comments on a blog was that he was like a wind up doll, you have taken a small step for me but a gigantic one "for mankind(apologies to Neil Armstrong)" for all Australians with this and earlier blogs. How you find the time with all your running around amazes me.Must pick up Grog's book this week. Keep up the good work.

Truth Seeker

26/08/2012Ad, great article as usual. I get the feeling that I should have held off posting my poem "The ABCs Balls", for a few days, as it would be a perfect fit here and covers all the points that I would have otherwise made in complementing you on this piece. So I will stick with ...Great job and keep em coming. Cheers


26/08/2012A great overview of the past week, Ad Astra, and how the media is at last beginning to chip away at the Abbott facade which must surely now start to disintegrate. But didn't Tony Windsor set it all going the week before? His challenging Abbott about the carbon tax lie, was surely an i]Emperor Has No Clothes[/i] moment. I've been caught on the cusp of your two fine articles, Ad Astra, in promoting the joint efforts of myself, TT, TS and hopefully now DMW, in reporting that ground breaking speech at


26/08/2012Ad astra Your articles are now moving and shaking the political debate. Partly because everyone who reads them knows you have been 'on the money' ever since you set up this fighting blogsite for the purpose. I called you [i]Blogmaster of the Era[/i] remember around Crispmess, and since then you have grown, Lyn has grown, the site and its influence too. I'm loving what is happening now, doubled-fist set-jaw feeling everywhere on political sites, gee it's taken a while for your message to get through, but you have always been Out There and at last people including the MSM are catching on. I haven't even read your thread yet (saving it for dessert) but I know I'm going to agree!' I've read the first two posts, obviously I agree with Doodle Poodle, and as for that cartoon, debbiep, yes it is a beauty, sad that it is so true. "But when from [Abbortt] she's liberated Her former sufferings will fade from mind." Last line of this staunch and haunting ballad. Don't miss it!


26/08/2012Stephen Ragell‏@TheAviator1992 Is this the photo that could clear Assange via @MailOnline

Catching up

26/08/2012Abbott really believed that the PM would have fallen by now. He did not care about being found a fraud. He seen himself in power. He believe whatever he said would never be tested. That has not occurred. We are now moving into the time, everything will be tested and found wanting. Labor has to do little bit stock to their guns, and keep up the good governance, which will win out in the emd. One cannot beat a good economy.


26/08/2012debbiep it'smore than exceptional that cartoon, it is definitive, er, there must be a word for it as good as it is for the purpose it serves but it's [i]so[/i] good the Left must surely be able to use it. I'd be so-o-o-o proud if I could do a cartoon as good as that. Anyone link it please posseeble?


26/08/2012Tall Turkey, the cartoon is on the facebook page of Tony Abbott will never be PM Sums up the born to rule mentality nicely. Ad, a great analysis and "Abbott Man" is a great metaphor, but like all battery operated appliances they have inbuilt obsolescence. I wonder if he came with a guarantee?. But I would ask was he ever integrated to be disintegrated? I thought that was just an illusion.

Ad astra

26/08/2012DoodlePoodle Thank you. I believe people are waking up already. News Limited will try to postpone the awakening with anti-Gillard articles, but once started it will not be possible to stop the people from waking. debbbiep That is nice summary of the Abbott man. The dream is fading; the nightmare has started. If only I had the talent to draw the cartoon you describe so elegantly. bilko Thank you – I’m glad the description of Abbott man struck a respondent chord. It is hard to keep up to writing tempo, but I have to – politics is running fast. Truth Seeker Thank you for you comment. Why not repost your poem – ‘The ABCs Balls’ here. Patriciawa Thank you for your remarks. Your pome is delightful. Please post it here too. TT I hope you enjoy your dessert. Momentum is building. Already this piece as been re-tweeted to 3,368 people. Catching up You are right. A good economy and sound governance must win out. Abbott man thought he was in for a sprint, but finds himself in a marathon, the other runner ‘won’t lie down and die’, and he’s fading, in fact disintegrating. Shirley What a great cartoon. Thank you for your appreciation of ‘Abbott man’. His batteries are running down and replacements are hard to get.

Ad astra

26/08/2012Folks It's been a long day at the keyboard. I'm off to bed.


26/08/2012Ad sorry I got a bit ahead of myself there, and had an awful vision of Abbott man as at one time an integrated being, and then realised your article was "his machine disintegrating" which I wholly agree it looks like it is. I can not see anybody else in that party that is not tarnished by his ethics to be a credible replacement. But I also fear if he stays there the negativity is so insidious that it brings everybody down, and Australia and its people are the real losers.

Truth Seeker

26/08/2012Ad, as Patricia correctly pointed out, Tony Windsor started the Abbottquake, but Leigh Sales was the first wave in the consequent media tsunami. And as you asked the question, your request is my command oh Sultan of the Sword. Re-posted The ABC’s balls. The Abbott spent another day pushing bucket loads of spin While the BHP report… had the truth…not lies… within So as Abbott claimed the tax constraints made investment rather sparse The truth proved Abbott once again was talking through his arse So it’s just as well he didn’t sell it…. To buy the lands top job As the bulk of what he says comes from his bum.. through to his gob Which also highlights his problems of… identifying parts As his bum produces policy… while his brain produces farts And as the day winds down…. from his usual.. question time ..spat He rocks up to the studio for a cosy little chat With Leigh Sales from the 7.30 report who’s there to make the calls A most unlikely source for “our” ABC.. to find some balls But find some balls they did with Sales… in her opening… salvo Asking “weren’t you loose with the truth today” giving him nowhere much to go So as Abbott does when all else fails… he resorted to his spin Showing once again that, between THOSE ears, there’s a vacuous space within So the intrepid reporter soldiered on… quoting Marius Kloppers While Abbott dug his own Olympic dam…..and filled it up with whoppers And as the spin and bluster freely flowed… and he continued spewing bile Our intrepid blond reporter cracked her enigmatic smile Referring back.. to the report.. she quoted Line and verse And Abbott only blustered…making him look even worse So moving to the carbon “tax” Sales stated once again “weren’t you loose.. with the truth here too”… causing Abbott further pain He tried his slogans “The python squeeze” and not “A cobra strike” But he looked like the little Dutch boy… with his finger in the dyke And he knew that he was drowning and his brain was nearly spent When Sales.. used his own.. “Wrecking Ball”… to destroy his argument So he tried to counter her wrecking ball.. going back to BHP But again she quoted Kloppers ….leaving him nowhere to flee Then our Hero.. changed her tack to the asylum seekers plight And asked about “Illegals”… spoiling for another fight So Abbott replied to a question… that Sales didn’t even ask But Leigh Sales was having none of that, quickly bringing him to task Then she asked about pollies lying…and he thought ‘I’ve got this one’ So he started in on our PM… and on the “lies”… he says she’s run But Sales asked “are you absolutely scrupulous about not telling lies?” “Of course” he said quickly moving on… as the truth fairy promptly dies So Sales came back with three examples of how the Abbott lied And as with the poor truth fairy Abbotts shredded credibility died With his hole getting ever deeper and for him no end in sight He started looking for a door through which to plan his flight Then she asked “If we scratch your surface, what is it that we’ll find there?” And his answer showed a vacuum filled with naught but smelly air Then the subject changed to our PM.. and her time.. at S & G And the Abbott thought the tide had turned and that he was home free So he started on about some questions… he thought.. needs addressing But Sales asked “what are the questions then?” and to that end kept on pressing So he pointed to “The Australian”,….. the LNP daily rag And claimed that they were reputable … The lying little dag Then she asked if it was right…. that his front bench sought an answer But he dodged and leapt and spun around like a manic ballet dancer So she said “alas,.. there’s more I’d ask… but I’ve just run out of time.” And Abbott wiped his fevered brow thinking “That may be my line!” So thanks a lot Leigh Sales for calling Abbott out on his fibbing And thank you Mr Rabbott for the gift.. that keeps on… giving Cheers


27/08/2012Shirley Dear, I keep telling you I'm a short-arse [i]Talk[/i]Turkey not tall at all! BTW KHTOGH speaking of shortarses whither be gone to? But thanks Shirley for the link, on the other hand it's been cropped for copyright protection, I understand but it's a shame we can't see Abbortt's horrid face. Ad I got halfway through your article and had to stop to get some Mousse Chocolate to make the moments perfect. Dog you write a mean thread. It became crystal clear to me as I read what you have said, a succinct collation of the most condemnatory things ever said about a LOTO in my experience, that Abbortt Man is a Gone Goose, a Dead Duck, a Chopped Chook -(and us Turkeys know about this sort of thing.) He is now a burgeoning liability to his stymied Party, can you imagine the consternation amongst those around him! They have gone so far up the narrowing road to the Right with him, even beyond him, they have so despised and disempowered anyone approaching moderacy, they KNOW he's mortally wounded yet they have no-one to replace him. Ad astra, you know I go on about our [i]Eye of Time[/i], well we here were saying this by Crispmess 20[b]10[/b], same story, that [i]provided Labor can go full term Abbortt will disintegrate because he is a straw man.[/i] I still find it astounding that very few of all of us (and Bushfire Bill is certainly one) have been so prescient, but I'm delighted that it is all coming true on cue, I've always said, Abbortt Remember The Ides of September Challenged by November Dead meat in December Will he last till the Ides of September before the rumbles and fractures in hs party really become dramatically obvious? Three to four weeks till then. For Abbortt, a hundred and thirty six urgent changes of budgie smugglers, 2.8 billion eye-blinks. The guy's a nutter, his mob picked him on a whim, like stupid rowdy kids in playgrounds picking the stupidest rowdiest kid as their leader in teams, well they picked a loser in Abbortt. And Ad, how come so few could predict that rake's progress, when his hollowness was so obvious? Well we did, (I'm a Turkey, we preen and fan our tails when we're proud), it's like the first tulips and daffodils, planted at the cost of great Labor by J*U*L*I*A* and her team, and Kevin Rudd's before her, that we've been waiting for to come up, blooming gloriously now as we predicted and hoped, in the face Abbortt's predictions of the sky falling. I've never thought that Abbortt could get in, never, not since *J*U*L*I*A* negotiated the historic deal with the IndependAnts. What a great day that was. But it is intrinsic to my confidence in our eventual victory that the Left will have the sense to coalesce and put in unstinting effort, well it's all happening, and it is the 5th Estate that is increasingly calling the shots now. Aux armes mes amis! Merdeka! (Freedom!) VENCEREMOS! (We will win!) [i]No pasaran![/i] (They shall not pass!) Millions have died with these words on their lips. I don't use them lightly.


27/08/2012Ad They can't wrap him in cotton wool, they know that the game is up. The Meeja like a pack of starving dogs, having failed to get so much as a bite out of *J*U*L*I*A*s shapely ankle, have whirled on their cruel master who had promised them all and delivered nothing. If Abbortt tries to run and bury himself they will sniff him out like bloodhounds, dig him out like fox terriers, latch onto him like bulldogs, and tear him to pieces like Dobermanns. Dog Albitey! I like that image. The time is coming when images of rope . . . or gun . . . or beetling cliff . . . will come unbidden to your evil mind Abbortt. You have failed, and I don't know how you will cope with that, and I don't care either. Much. You have deliberately tried to drive Craig Thomson to that point, why should I not turn a mirror to you? I told you Abbortt: With my words I will wound you With my pen I will poison you


27/08/2012Talk Turkey, I followed your link re Assange. Just because I disapprove of some things about Julian Assange I certainly don't support his further harassment or extradition to the US for trial and execution! I don't think I'm a dupe of MSM either, but rather I try to read and assess what the man himself says. I'm sorry that this is one issue you care passionately about on which I can't entirely agree with you. DMW, I'm glad you were chuffed about the Abbott's arse thread. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your parody the first time I read it and then couldn't find it again. Put that down to my flu fuzziness and and general post operative frailty. So, are we going to get a copy? [i]Et tu, [/i]NormanK? Another rhymester! I particularly liked the [i]No bossy women[/i] line. Ad Astra, what a great blogmaster you are! You really do appreciate satire. I stopped commenting in prose or verse at Larvatus Prodeo years back when I was asked to please post verse only in their 'levity' category. Since it is relevant to this thread I'll happily accept your invitation to repost about Abbott's arse and hopefully TT will notice it and go to where he is featured. As well, I really do need his advice about the final couplet. [b]Tony Abbott Would Never Sell his Arse! Would he? [/b] The Bard himself might say that Abbott’s arse Was a worthy subject for a sonnet. Why then is it the butt of ribald farce With so much media commentary on it? It’s muscular and trim and very taut From long exercise on surfboard and bike. But his tongue has been looser than it ought And been recorded by a hidden mike. When challenged in the Chamber to his face, With carbon tax promise he can’t deny, He blusters, is called [i]‘a national disgrace!’[/i] And those other words, why say they’re a lie? We know he wouldn’t [b]sell[/b] his arse, okay? But to be PM he’d [b]give[/b] his arse away.


27/08/2012 Well here is an integrity story for the PM isn't there? She claims her trading of humans has to happen because she was so upset that these refugees drowned. But her government let them and broke all the laws of the sea in the process. Sales asked Abbott about the legal rights of asylum seekers to arrive here, when is someone going to ask that dingbat Gillard as she gets worse and more racist than Howard.


27/08/2012Today’s Links Making a fist of it, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless do not know if Hartcher was there (maybe he was busy, y'know it was just before Question Time) but it does not reflect well on Hartcher for him to put those questions:If Hartcher knew those questions were asked and answered, it's craven and dishonest to put them to readers of his article; and even worse If Hartcher didn't know those questions were asked and answered, his reputation as a journalist is on the line. Even more damaging is Hartcher's sad attempt at the smart-arse thinking A woeful week that Abbott can’t fix, Victoria Rollinson It could be argued that the historically soft treatment of Abbott by the mainstream media is now causing his downfall. When a politician is challenged on a daily basis, they get stronger, smarter and better at finding the right answer at the right time. Abbott proved, when challenged by Sales and Wilkinson, that he had nothing. Flustered, defensive and confused. No three-word slogan could hide History Never Repeats, Peter Wicks, Wixxy leaks Tony Abbott must have had a flashback to his infamous interview with Kerry O’Brien, the 7 30 Report. The one on which he admitted that only carefully scripted comments of his could be taken as gospel truth. Well, he seemed to have yet another one of those moments on 7 30 this week with Leigh Sales. Tony Abbott looked like someone The beginning of the end for Tony Abbott, Derek Barry, Woolly Days Laurie Oakes openly called out Abbott as a liar in his weekly article for News Ltd today. While most people would not find it surprising a politician is less than scrupulously honest, it is a problem for Abbott because, says Oakes, “the central message from Abbott supporters is that the Prime Minister is the liar - Tony Abbott charged with Indecent Assault – He Must Step Down, Turn Left 2013 This story from Michelle Grattan in the Sun-Herald in 2004 Abbott: I was charged with indecent assault, shows that these allegations against Slipper are not about Justice, it is a political witch hunt, by the Murdoch media Graham Richardson QANDA’s himself without realising, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery Unfortunately for Graham, his praise of Hedley Thomas’s treatment of his journalism I have already challenged not once, but twice. Today his piece is even more contrite with the word slush appearing as often as he can whip quotes around it. He seems to be wanting to say something but, as the Prime Minister said of the Leader of the Opposition, unable to articulate it. Tony Abbott’s “scare campaign was a fraud”, Miglo, Café Whispers In his latest epic fail he today he admitted to the Tasmanian State Council that: the initial impact of the carbon tax may not be absolutely catastrophic.What happened to the wrecking ball? What happened to Whyalla? What about those 1,001 visits to every butcher, baker and candle-stick maker with dire warnings that their business was doomed Open Letter to Tony and Greg, Archie, Archie Archives 15,000 planters, there is less than one day’s work for each to plant those 20 million trees. Of course it could be that you are planning to use 10,000 of those Green Army guys to grow the trees to planting stage and use just 5,000 planters for three days. However you do it, it will be an impressive boost to our plant stocks. How often will those trees need replanting or is this also a “once in a Century” Effort Is Tony Abbott a liar, or just plain stupid, James Wright if “liar” means “one who makes false statements”, then Abbott is a habitual liar. In fact, I can logically prove to you that Abbott is a liar.This is possible because if a politician promises one thing to one audience and a contradictory thing to another audience, it logically follows that one of those promises must be untrue. The dishonest, sexist, smear campaign against Julia Gillard, Independent Australia Kerry Chikarovski, Natasha Stott Despoja and Cheryl Kernot told The Hoopla that the PM’s speech was “courageous” and it was time that misogynist behaviour in politics was recognised and denounced. They also said personal attacks against her made it increasingly difficult for those seeking a role in public life. The Rise of the Fifth Estate - a good yarn worth reading, Craig Thomler, EGov. Au I did, however, ultimately feel a little let down by Greg's 'Fifth Estate'. He's told a good yarn, in the best journalistic vernacular, a good current history and analysis of the past and present of the rise of the blogging and Twitter as political and political journalism tools. What next, after the boom ends-, Peter Martin Tucked away in the budget papers two years ago were estimates from Treasury and Geoscience Australia about how long each of the nation's minerals would last. Iron ore was set to run out in 70 years at the current rate of extraction, gold in just 30 years. Black coal would last longer - 90 years, Gillard uses her luck to confront smear campaign, Bernard Keane, Crikey For an outlet with such malice towards Gillard, it was a strangely unmalicious error; the word “trust” had accidentally been transposed for “slush”. But when an outlet, and one that has made errors before on the same topic, is engaged in an extended smear campaign against a Prime Minister, doing the basics is more important than ever. Abbott faced questions over Hanson slush fund : 7.30 Report , Darin Sullivan, The Left hack A political furore has erupted over revelations that one of the Howard Government's most senior ministers, Tony Abbott, set up a slush fund to pay for legal challenges to Pauline Hanson and her party, One Nation. Abbott to retract carbon tax calls- Swan, Darin Sullivan, Mr Abbott admitted at the Tasmanian state council of the Liberal party on Saturday the immediate effect of the tax had been less than that of a ‘wrecking ball’ Tony Abbott Would Never Sell his Arse! Would he?, Patriciawa, Polliepomes Talk Turkey, over at the Political Sword, very quickly came up with this lullaby, a parody of that well known carol, Away In A Manger. It attracted lots of comment, Truth Seeker, a new rhymester, at TPS, has given us The Ballad of Abbottsarse How to fix your winter heating bills , Ask Gerbilnow if you are using electric heaters to keep warm and are concerned about your electricity bill - there is an alternative available that will cut that heating bill by 80 percent These two diagrams illustrate why air-conditioners are so much cheaper to run than electric heaters.The performance of air conditioner systems for heating is available at the Air Conditioner Energy Ratings government website. Abbott's absurdities exposed – Bulletin No. 29, Greg Combet a Belair Hotel bill quoted by the Member for Boothby last week included 15 different rates, calculated by a range of metrics, which together made up the overall electricity price.The Member for Boothby failed to disclose that the listed "carbon adjustment" on this bill was less than 10 per cent of the whole bill. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 27 August 2012

Ad astra

27/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


27/08/2012Patricia 1. I am delighted that you have softened even a little towards Assange. Remember I have never portrayed him as perfect, just I want him treated as I would want any expat Australian and certainly not put at the dubious mercy of the Yanks. 2. Thanks for putting [i]Away in the Chamber [/i]on Pollie Pomes, Lyn says it got some good comments. As long as it does the job! I think Abbortt will be remembered more for his arse than his class. You are welcome to put any of my pomes you wish on PolliePomes 3. Tune: [i]Colonel Bogey[/i] (aka [i]Hitler! He had one Big Red Ball![/i]) [i]Abbortt! He had a Wrecking Ball! Whyalla he said was sure to fall! But his scrotal Contents in total Show Tony Abbortt got no balls at all![/i] We got him Comrades eh! :)


27/08/2012Just a brief comment. I hereby retract adverse comments I made a few weeks back about those from north of our (NSW) border. At least 50% have now shown themselves to possess some level of perceptiveness, and are now prepared to characterise Newman for what he really is, a strutting mini Abbott. Hope those in the now anti- Newman camp realise the error of their ways in voting for him.


27/08/2012The libs', in placing all their leadership eggs in the one basket-case and by alienating and cutting Turnbull from the race have to start adding up the cost of such a risk. If one was to pay attention to the sickening flattery of their front bench to their "leader", you'd think they would follow Tony to the brink...though I notice only two jumped up to run with him out of parliament! Personally, with Abbott looking so much like a Federal version of Cambell Newman, he can stay just where he is..: on the road to political oblivium!


27/08/2012You're correct AA, in Abbott's game plan, one or more of the independents would have seen the obvious advantages of "switching" to his side by now (if for no other reason other than "public opinion") - and he would be PM. It's an interesting comment on his version of morals and ethics. That the independents haven't "switched" to Abbott's also is an interesting comment on their morals and ethics. There are some interesting assumptions that can be made here. You could probably tell some people that the background to this blog was brown until you were blue in the face and if the LNP said it was bright pink, the LNP would be believed. Up unto now some of the media have been in this camp. Having a quick look at the media on line this morning, there seems to have been a collective "bloody hell" moment in the past month or so, similar to [i]The Emperor's New Clothes[/i] fairy tale where there is a small insigificant voice that acutally has the courage to point out - hang on, he's naked and the perception changing dramatically. On top of Leigh Sales, Tony Wilson and Lisa Wilkinson (addressed appropriately by AA above), there is growing disquiet apparent in the media that Abbott may have been the a short term answer to a long term problem. Phillip Coorey has an article in Fairfax this morning discussing Newman's rush to unpopulatity that concludes with [quote] Some of this support is from Labor supporters who voted against Queensland Labor in a fit of anger and have now calmed down, part of the natural rebalance after such an election result. Others may be swing voters aggrieved at Newman. Newman is almost three years from an election. His majority is so massive it is an impossible election to lose. It is also likely that should he rebalance the books by then and learn a few lessons along the way, the negativity towards him will have abated. The more immediate interest is next year's federal election, and whether anger against Newman will play any role in that. Until now, it was thought only Kevin Rudd could save Labor in Queensland[/quote] The last comment is particularly telling - the "conventional wisdom" for the past three years or so is that only Kevin Rudd will "save" Queensland for the ALP. This article effectively questions if not destroys the myth. (As someone living in Queensland, I can't remember the last time someone actually suggested to me they would onlt vote ALP to get Rudd back - he isn't even an issue.) The tide is changing - it is always cyclical. Newman may have been the high water mark and Abbott may well rue the day he heard about the coup plans in Queensland. Apart from Newman plowing on regardless (my tip from having seen him as Brisbane's Lord Mayor), it seems that Abbott may (in his mind anyway) be the best person that was never PM - soley because of his lack of morals and ethics, combined with a greed for power.


27/08/2012^^^^^ I should have added that Newman being seen as "Abbott lite" is a larger issue in Queensland at the moment,than Rudd. It's sort of like the "State of Origin" rugby league - the concept was created because the NSW team came up to Lang Park for years (with a whole lot of ex-Queenslanders who went south for themoney) and flogged us. Now Queensland has won the trophy for 7 years straight, it much less of an issue. Queensland will get over any perception of "Gillard doing the dirty on Rudd" - in fact is pretty well an non-event already.


27/08/2012Israel is a criminal State. No mealymouth, no excuses. White phosphorus on civilains, untold nukes they really might use, grandest larceny, murder, bullying, every crime and then lots more.

Ad astra

27/08/2012Truth Seeker, Patriciawa Thank you both for reposting your delightful poems. TT Thank you for your kind words – I’m glad you enjoyed your dessert. Your words are always interesting and your predictions are getting closer and closer to stark reality for Abbott man. 2353 Your comments about the Queensland situation are important. Unless Campbell Newman can curb his slash and burn approach, Abbott man will be the loser, tarred with the same brush.

Ad astra

27/08/2012Hi Lyn Yet another interesting set of links this morning, several on a theme similar to this piece. I expect the rumblings in Coalition ranks about Abbott man’s performance will be heightened by today’s Nielsen Poll. He is on shaky ground, getting shakier by the day. Thank you too for re-tweeting this piece to your 1448 followers. With two others, the total re-tweeted was 3368!


27/08/2012Here, casting his mind back to his 'golden age', John Howard, ex PM, (putative Governor General under a landslide-delivered Prime Minister Abbott), offers sage advice to said potential PM Abbott. Sage advice which includes a regret ('hint, hint, Tony') that the GST was never put on food, because, well, people have to eat - with no acknowledgment at all that if food for whatever reason is too expensive, some people can't afford to eat healthily, which is why the political opponents to a GST on food fought so hard to ensure it didn't happen. But, you know, in the very last paragraph of the story, Howard is quoted for once saying something sensible. Not sensible in the sense that "minority government" is as intrinsically disastrous as he seems to see it, or that "certainty" in his mind is anything but having both hands on the steering wheel of a political steamroller, but sensible in the sense that minority government requires a particular response to handling its challenges by those in government. “I don’t think we will have certainty while we have a minority government, and that would apply whether the minority government were led by a Liberal or Labor person,’’ he said. By extension, since the Coalition currently defines 'minority government' as 'illegitimate government', even an Abbott-led minority government, unable to provide "certainty", would be illegitimate. By this reasoning, the actual votes of the people have nothing to do with the legitimacy of a government unless those votes amass to providing their holder with a seat behind the steering wheel of a steamroller. Wasn't WorkChoices delivered by steamroller?


27/08/2012A Duracell Bunny just thumping his tub The Rabbit-Man Abbortt gets a spray at The Hub! Now I can put that on Twitter with a link back here! Hee Heee Heeee This is my vow Abbortt, "With my words I will wound you, With my pen I will poison you." Fight fire with fire, and venom with venom. You are toxic and I despise you. You have injured this nation beyond forgiveability. We of the [b]Fighting :) 5th[/b] are finding chinks in your rusty stupid armour everywhere. Abbortt Remember The Ides of September Your end draws nigh. *J*U*L*I*A* has headed you now. You will never claw your way back up this ant-lion crater of credibility that you have made for yourself. Now There's an image for you! *J*U*L*I*A* like a patient diligent Ant-Lioness* waiting hidden buried at the bottom of the fine-sand crater she has dug, will now respond to your desperate scrabblings to get back to level ground by throwing sand at you - HARD! And you will lose and lose and soon you will be at the bottom of her lovely trap, close enough for her to seize you with the power of her jaws, and drag you under, and you are GONE! [i]*Folks if you've never witnessed an ant-lion in action well at least go and find some on Google. Bring a link back here if you would like. I want to go and post those top 2 lines on Twitter.[/i] Tweety these are the 'tweetest Links I've ever seen. (K) Recaptcha: Government: angzue . . . Wha'?


27/08/2012This is how it ended up A Duracell Bunny a-thumping his tub The Rabbit-Man Abbortt gets a spray at The HUB! Ad astra's blog & Tweety's nest. (139 characters!) Take that Abbortt.

Ad astra

27/08/2012Michael Thank you for the AFR link. What an interesting speech John Howard made. A couple of sections stood out. His urging of the Abbott man to return to IR reform will cause him anxiety, and Howard’s reference to the economy ought to make Abbott squirm, although I suppose he’ll deny Howard’s view as out of date: [i]”Turning to the domestic economy, Mr Howard endorsed Labor’s view that the economy is in relatively strong shape. “When the Prime Minister and the Treasurer say that the Australian economy is doing better than most, they are right, I agree with them,” he said. “There is no doubt the Australian economy is doing better than most – our unemployment is remarkably low, our debt-to-GDP compares very favourably and on all the measurements, our inflation is low.”[/i] The other section of interest was on the carbon tax. This is how James Massola reported what Howard said: [i]”Pressed during the question and answer session on Mr Abbott’s unrelenting political campaign against the carbon tax and whether the opposition leader should shift his position to give business certainty, Mr Howard effectively admitted the Opposition Leader’s hands were tied by political, rather than policy factors. “Tony Abbott is in the political position he is now in because he stared Kevin Rudd down on the subject of the ETS. Whether you agree with that policy position or not, it’s the reason why the Coalition is where it is politically,’’ Mr Howard said. “If Abbott had not become leader and stared Rudd down, Rudd would still be in my view the prime minister in his own right.” “Mr Abbott was quite right not to shift his position on the carbon tax for political reasons, Mr Howard said, as he had gone to the last election opposing it. “To now turn around and say well I’m in favour of it or I’ll keep it, it might in according to one definition of certainty provide certainty, but on the other hand people would be entitled to say ‘but you’re no worse than Gillard, you said you were opposed to it and now you are going to keep it’.” “The public will support a change of attitude if they’re given an opportunity to pass judgment. We found that with the GST.”[/i]” How will Abbott man respond if any journo out there has the courage to confront him with Howard’s statements?

Ad astra

27/08/2012TT I like the phrase [b]The Fighting Fifth[/b]. It has a good ring about it.

42 long

27/08/2012Rough mathematics tells me that another 3 points of swing would get us close or into the position where we could have a hung parliament again. I'm not so convinced that they are a bad thing. They might be a bit difficult to manage. ( Abbott wouldn't be up to it as was proven) Illegitimate is not a word I would apply at all as it what the electorate delivered, so it is certainly NOT illegitimate. This is something that abbott has never been able to cope with. We also saw Howards excesses when he had control over both houses. Remember he was chucked out party wise and lost his OWN seat as a sitting PM. Fairly rare distinction there. Can do has a collossal majority and that has produced the path he has taken and the reaction against him that few would have forecast. There is no senate in Qld. I think the Indigenous CLP candidates in the NT may come out of this looking a little "used". I listened carefully to the new chief minister elect and have some concerns already. For the sake of the 2 candidates I do hope something is achieved to improve things, but I can't see Abbott being PUTIN helping. The swing in the NT was confined to some remote area seats. I think there was some confusion there and I see no relativity to the Federal situation whatsoever. Plenty will try to assert otherwise if it suits their aims but if it to fool themselves it doesn't achieve much. Anyone who adds "within margin of error" to a statement on the lates poll should not bother as there have been 3 at least moving in the same direction. This indicates a TREND in anyones view and is much more of value in assesing what is happening than any single poll by heaps. The names of the 2 main parties are not appropriate anymore. Obama's party is Liberal, the Republicans are "tories" or something far more right. Australia's situation does have some parallels with the USA but Labour is well left of Obama ( which is regarded as "communist" by the Republicans.) Whatever australia's Gillard government stands for it certainly stands for a fair go for anybody who tries and a caring society, and the general availability of education and health. Tony's mob stand for the old school tie and top end of town getting more so, and who Knows how far he will try to follow Tea OPart direction. SCARY.... I think the Labor platform is close to right for Australia, when you look at what is happening at other places in the world. What the hell are we wingeing about?. Go overseas and have a look and you will come back wondering why we aren't more pleased with what we have. The "constant scare tactics" of the Mad Monk have done a lot of damage. What's his next move. ( Out of politics I would hope.


27/08/2012Good Morning Ad & Everybody Twitterverse for you all:- Stephen Koukoulas‏ My Business Spectator column today: Merkel and a hard place All blogs are equal, but some are more equal than others, Malcolm Farr More often within this minority, there is clustering around blogs which appear dedicated solely to ripping apart the Gillard government and Julia Gillard personally. The mainstream media, with all its faults, remains the best barrier to that type of distortion. Blogs will certainly be a part of the national debate, an important part. But just as an uninformed opinion is not the equal of an informed one, not all blogs are equal. While Gillard is under fire, Abbott has been cosying up to Murdoch, Katharine Murphy Poll gives Labor glimmer of hope, Phillip Coorey However, Ms Gillard's rating as preferred prime minister rose 3 points in a month to 46 per cent while Mr Abbott's rating fell 3 points to 45 per cent. The Nielsen poll director, John Stirton, said Labor's primary vote had now increased by a total of 6 points during the past three months and that constituted a trend Labor hauls back Libs' poll lead, Michelle Grattan But federal Labor would still be trounced by a 4 per cent swing in an election held now, and the ALP ''brand'' received another setback with the decisive weekend defeat of the Northern Territory government, with a 6 per cent swing against Labor Bet on it, Abbott will bring back Work Choices: Swan , Judith Ireland Liberal backbencher Steve Ciobo - who supports a relaxation of unfair dismissal laws - said that Mr Swan's comments about Work Choices were a ''tired, old argument'' and said the Treasurer should ''get over'' himself.''It just shows what a broken old man Wayne Swan is,'' Mr Ciobo told Sky News. Paul donnelly‏ Newman support plunges amid job cuts - Yahoo!7 News At this rate, nest month Newman will not be popular 0% Vicki Ward Abbott will spend "little or nothing extra" for the education of needy kids@1RossGittins ABC NewsRadio‏ Latest Nielsen poll shows trend back to Govt, even if they still trail Oppn, says pollster ...(audio) #auspol Minister says female bosses must respect male primacy, David Humpheries A DISCUSSION paper urging Christian women to avoid corporate leadership roles that strip them of femininity has added fuel to the fire of whether the Sydney diocese of the Anglican church actively encourages subordination of women. Bernard Keane‏ I like to RT this occasionally: the multi-million dollar Howard Govt corruption scandal the media never touched - Paul Howes‏ JoeHockey but Joe you loved WorkChoices so much that you threatened resignation if the Libs changed it willy bach‏ Labor gets boost in Nielsen Poll. So, which tormenter of asylum seekers you prefer? @abcnews TheQldPublicServant‏ Newman support plunges amid job cuts #qldpol #BecauceHeLied&PeopleCanSeeIt

Ad astra

27/08/201242 long It’s only recently that the ‘margin of error’ has been quoted in news bulletins, at least at the ABC. Was it when Labor started to improve, or before that? I can’t recall; does anyone?

42 long

27/08/2012Ad, They ( The ABC) did it this morning..

Ad astra

27/08/2012Hi Lyn As usual your Twitterverse is loaded with useful information. Indeed many of the links I used in this current piece came from your recent links. We are a good team. Things are looking better for Julia Gillard and Labor, and worse for Abbott man and the Coalition, but we ought now to get too exuberant as News Limited has an seemingly inexhaustible capacity to throw mud. Goodness knows what they will come up with next to please Uncle Rupert. We’ll soon be on the road back to the south coast, visiting friends on the way. I’ll be back at my iMac this evening.


27/08/2012 There's lots of micro shots there, but then Go to where it says [i]Check out all the antlion pics at[/i], follow that link, [u]check out who's sent several of the photos[/u]. At the bottom of that page are some clear pix of the ant-lion's craters, and the delicate, almost ethereal insect - the lacewing - into which the feisty armoured Ant-Lion metamorphoses.


27/08/2012Ad astra Thanks for another interesting and informative article. I sincerely hope that you are right and that these signs are the beginning of the end for Abbott's leadership - I'm not counting my chickens. Although the malicious side of me would like to see a protracted demolition of this destructive individual, I do hope that his fall will be swift and decisive. If the media is allowed to feed on a weakening leader to the point where he has to be replaced then they will once again have reinforced for them the idea that they can make or break leaders. Of course they can be instrumental in the success or otherwise of leaders and parties but in this instance our democracy would be better served if the party was seen to be the main instigator of any change in leader. More worrying in the current commentary are the cryptic remarks of a few senior journalists. Peter Hartcher's contention that the S & G affair still has some way to run would not be so concerning if it was in isolation but when added to Uhlmann's strange remark that Julia Gillard has "plenty to worry about", it demands more attention. On top of this we have Paul Daley writing an opinion piece yesterday that contained this prediction: [quote]As Gillard bedded in the carbon tax and found a pragmatic - but to True Believers, deeply disheartening - short-term solution to the political problem of asylum seekers, it appeared she might finally have been regaining some support within her party and the electorate. It is not to be. But new details about her time as a solicitor with law firm Slater and Gordon, specifically about her conduct relating to a then client, threaten to linger. This story has a very long tail. Many allegations have been made in many forums since the mid-1990s. Despite all of the malicious and often false allegations that were magnified with the advent of the internet, no wrong-doing has been proven. But it is all very likely to continue to be a government distraction. And [b]there is a more cataclysmic scenario, which her Labor detractors are pushing. It's little wonder the opposition has scarcely gone near it. It doesn't need to.[/b][/quote] Is there a rumour of more dire news for Julia Gillard floating around Canberra?


27/08/2012As Abbott self implodes the question of a replacement LOTO arises. Other than MT who on earth have they got. I can't see even one credible option. This is a huge problem for them. So sad! Nah! So glad!


27/08/2012Psyclaw - Julie Bishop has been the "deputy" three times. Surely she has some support. Could it be her?


27/08/2012Gday Folks, as always you write such a good read AA. I'm still here TT, just been flat out planting the spring crops [I'm self sufficient food wise] meat too as long as I eat chooks only, but I do have 5 calves growing up on a mates property, which will become steaks sometime around November so I'm perfecting my beek jerky recipes.


27/08/2012Folks, Newman's Government demonstrating amateur hour has arrived. Queensland Premier Campbell Newman summons ministers and top-ranking public servants to a secret meeting in a Brisbane ballet school as a Galaxy poll shows his popularity with voters plunging.


27/08/2012Psyclaw and 2353.....There must be a problem about the leadership talent pool in the Liberal Party! Every time the Lib leadership issue has been raised in the last two years I could trot this one out without having to put in a new name. Scott Morrison has been mentioned. But seriously? I did see Sophie Mirabella's name somewhere at the weekend too.......say no more. [b]Liberal Party Leadership Speculation[/b] Leadership! Leadership! Where are the whips? Backbencher Liberals are licking their lips! Tony’s exploded. He can’t be reloaded. Let’s not replace him with Andrew or Mal. It’s gotta be Julie, the loyalty gal! She’s done a wonderful job Just shutting her gob Backing Brendan and Tony And Mal, the show pony. But what about Joe? Too sloppy. He’s not the go. He’s sometimes unruly. Let’s go for Julie, Snake-eyed and slim, She’s more photogenic than him. A woman is better to clean up the mess. The man we’ll choose later is anyone’s guess.


27/08/2012Very apt & clever Patricia. Hope your ills are receding quickly


27/08/2012I would like to see ajournalist go and visit each of the small businesses that Abbott used on his stunt campaign. Two things they could assess how have theor businesses fared since July1, and what affect did Abbott's using yhem have on business?


27/08/2012PatriciaWa Yep, that vixen from your state is one who could apply for the job, but really! She's incompetent on foreign affairs and economics so there's a good chance they'd think she's suitable. But she's only ever been depitty because she's the boss of the WA votes bloc.y


27/08/2012Hi Ad, Thankyou for another blockbuster, you are worth your weight in gold. I am going to download an App for my IPad called “Happy Tapper” the App is for Gratitude Journaling. Happy Tapper is a “Must have” especially for me ,so that I can enter Ad Astra and The Political Sword. Thankyou for your lovely remarks @ 11.12am, I love being in our team. With regards to your post @ 9.19am Tweeting new article, well that 3368 figure has increased and you scored me 5 more followers so total now is 1453 . This is what happens on Twitter, I am only there because of TPS. see this is how it works:- “this goes with this, that goes with that, you can’t have one without the other. :):)


27/08/2012Hi KHTAG Oh! no they are coming to get me again, at least this one is better looking than the last one. Aren't you just the best a self sufficient person, growing your own food. There must be a lot of satisfaction to be gained as well as a healthy diet. I could live on chicken I hate red meat also plenty of delicious chicken recipes available. :):)

Truth Seeker

27/08/2012Patricia, good verse, but I've yet to hear anything of substance come out of Bishops mouth and I can't imagine her leading anything. The only thing that the minister for bad cat calls, cats claws and bitchiness, is good for is her facial expressions and I thought I summed that up in a couple of lines from my poem "The Media". "So while Abbott bolted, Bishop stepped up, all prim and looking spruced But her expression really said it all.. “I’ve just been verbally goosed!” I agree with your initial premiss, but I, like others have already stated, believe that they (the LNP) have invested way too much in "The Abbott Man" to replace him now. And although their time is running out, to make a change, their "talent pool" is more like a puddle full of carp sucking the mud at the bottom, and destroying whatever goodness, if any, there was left. Besides, I think that Abbott should stay as leader as he is doing a great job... for the ALP. Cheers


27/08/2012TS - and you have heard something of substance come out of Abbott's mouth? (H)


27/08/2012Why has it taken so long for a journalist to challenge this person? Will others give it go? Will the MSM go soft again? Is this an aberation?


27/08/2012Agreed, TS, and to people in WA the idea that young Christian Porter will come out of the West ( to save the day for the Libs nationally is laughable. When you think about the wealth of talent on the Labor front bench and in junior ministries too it's a matter of national importance that we return the ALP at the next election. We need their competence and vision as a group, to say nothing that anyone of half a dozen of them would make an excellent PM. Don't forget to watch Australian Story tonight, Swordsters! It features Nicola Roxon.

Tom of Melbourne

27/08/2012[i]” The only thing that the minister for bad cat calls, cats claws and bitchiness…[/i]” No doubt that if that reference was to Gillard, we would experience a chorus of “misogynist”, there would be calls for banning, an apology. But mindless hypocrisy is par for the course here.


27/08/2012Hartcher, Uhlmann and Daley are just 'feeding the chooks'. Trying to cover both sides of the line so they can fall on whichever side of that line firms into shape, and then look doyen-like and prophetic. They have nothing, they just want to sound like they do so they can say "who told you so?" whatever happens. In short, wankers.


27/08/2012ToM, What about your hypocricy? I don't remember you writing a thing last week saying how appalled you were about Pickering's cartoons or what he was writing about the PM!


27/08/2012Some things are just impossible to resist. :) Dedicated to Acerbic Conehead who is fondly missed. (He's not dead; he's just ..... resting.) I wrote my memes last night pre-fight Zero hour two p.m. And I'm gonna be right with my lines by then I miss the truth so much it's such a shame It's lonely when you lie It's such a thankless plight And I think it's gonna be a long long time Till someone brings me down again to find I'm not the man they think I am at all Oh no no no I'm an Abbott Man Abbott Man burning out his fuse down here alone And I think it's gonna be a long long time Till journos bring me down again to find I'm not the man they think I am at all Oh no no no I'm an Abbott Man Abbott Man running down his batteries all alone Lies ain't the kind of things to teach your kids In fact it's wrong as Hell And there's no way to retract them (if you did) And all this science I don't understand It's just my job nine days a week An Abbott Man, an Abbott Man And I think it's gonna be a long long time Till journos bring me down again to find I'm not the man they think I am at all Oh no no no I'm an Abbott Man Abbott Man burning out his gears down here alone And I think it's gonna be a long long time …

Tom of Melbourne

27/08/2012I haven’t looked at Pickering’s cartoons for about 25 years, and I see no reason to start. But misogynist terms are routine here. “Slagabella” goes uncommented and uncorrected. Few seem to object to references to a bitch or bitchiness. Any level of misogyny is fine here, as long as it isn’t applied to “Our Prime Minister” or another ALP politician. “The Political Sword – Putting [b] (non ALP) [/b] Politicians and Commentators to the Verbal Sword”


27/08/2012 Here is what flourishes when the racist government let's loose on innocent human beings. The racists in DIAC get 90% of Afghan cases they reject dead wrong, which means they deliberately put thousands of lives at risk. Now the information shows that our rescue authorities allowed 93 Afghans to drown by waiting 41 hours after the first call for help we have a racist PM wanting to punish people for not drowning while sending home the Indonesians because we no longer consider them to be smugglers.


27/08/2012ToM, So not only are you offended on behalf of others we can now add "Drama Queen" to the list as well! Harden up man!

Truth Seeker

27/08/20122353,The last thing of any substance that I can recall, that came out of the LNP, was when Turdball made his deal on the ETS, which resulted in Abbott rolling him by 1 vote so that he could renege on said deal. And to further answer your query;I refer you to a verse from"The ABCs balls" above. "With his hole getting ever deeper and for him no end in sight He started looking for a door through which to plan his flight Then she asked “If we scratch your surface, what is it that we’ll find there?” And his answer showed a vacuum filled with naught but smelly air" So no, my response was to the thought of Bishop taking over the leadership. hope that clears it up. Cheers


27/08/2012ToM. Misogyny is "the hatred of women by men" - the definition is that specific. References to an individual's penchant for "bad cat calls, cats claws and bitchiness" is not necessarily, although in this case it does refer to a female politician in the person of Julie Bishop, misogynist behavior. As an opinion, most likely based on personal observation, it may be inaccurate, or overly harsh, but it is not by necessity or in any way exclusively "misogynist". It would seem to me, to what in your opinion would be an entirely different response at this site were the quoted terms applied to another woman, that what you are suggesting is that the quoted terms are preeminently applicable to women, and in doing so it is you who are displaying the greater inclination towards misogyny.

paul walter

27/08/2012Yes, the mysoginy shown toward Julia Gillard would have undone a lesser person. All Abbott is fit for is playing the body, not the ball.


27/08/2012Thanks Lyn you make me blush again. I have just had a great email & I thought I would share it with the rest of you, this a true politician the very personification of integrity itself. I am not his member don't forget, not even in the same end of the continent. I sure they must have just altered your mold Ad Astra & popped out another with the same ethic gene. I'm sure there would be know one here[well anyone that mattered]who would argue. Dear KHTAGH Just a short note to thank you for your e-mail message regarding my recent remarks to the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives. Your comments are greatly appreciated and many thanks once again for taking the time to contact me. Kind regards. Yours sincerely Tony Windsor MP Member for New England -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2012 4:54 PM To: Windsor, Tony (MP) Subject: Contact Tony Formstack Submission for form Contact Tony at 08/16/12 4:53 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: KHTAGH Address: Carlton River, TAS 7173 Comments: Just watched you in QT mate, well done you are a champ Tony. It is about time people really knew what the whinging wingnut is all about, we could all see your rage we know how you feel as I regularly have to stop myself throwing something at the TV when he is on. I don't know how you handle his puerile immaturity, when he turns his back on you in his little swigging chair to ignore you I wish you were my member, you deserve a medal for today's effort. PS Like most others here I scroll straight thru any posts from trolls as meaningless tripe these days. Have a good one fellow swordsfolk


27/08/2012Transposed from Twitter TalkTurkey, Your Tweet got a reply! TalkTurkey @TalkyTurkey 27 Aug @daveyk317 @Adastra5 TPS and Ad and Lyn have taken on the awesome job of being HUB of the poli-social media. The Fighting Fifth! [b]Ad is Ace.[/b] ________________________________________ David Kirkpatrick @daveyk317 @TalkyTurkey @Adastra5 [b]yes he is.[/b] _______________________________________


27/08/2012Ad Astra You are doing a magnificent job, thank you. Lyn Welcome to the TPS do come again......oh I see it is a Tweety Bird in disguise, you twicked me you naughty tweety bird. :-) And again thanks for all your great links. So many great pomes, our artists on this site have been so inspired. Well done everyone. My question, as I see a couple of others asking too, Why has it taken the media so long? Surely it wasn't just the great job done by Tony Windsor, Leigh Sales or the Lisa Wilkinson (sorry about spelling). It has been so obvious to most all of us here since he was promoted to LOTO. I would appreciate anyone else's thoughts on this.


27/08/2012You might also have added, Michael, in support of Truth Seeker that his words, [i] "bad cat calls, cats claws and bitchiness"[/i], describe actual behaviour by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition of which she is proud! There is plenty of recorded footage to prove that. The disgusting sexist characterisation of our PM is slanderous sewage.


27/08/2012Lyn lovely tweetie you are. [i] There must be a lot of satisfaction to be gained as well as a healthy diet. [/i] I truly think that sitting down to a meal that I have grown from seed & egg has to be one of the most self satisfying things I have done in my life (& believe me it is a very long & incredibly involved list of achievements that most would not believe, just a little snippet [circumnavigated Aussie 3 times.] oh we live in a large country.

Tom of Melbourne

27/08/2012So many here condemn in critics the very behaviour they applaud from barrackers. I think that’s known as [b]HYPOCRISY!![/b]. The lazy characterisation of legitimate criticism of Gillard and her dubious history as “misogynist” is also an attempt to avoid scrutiny and duck debate.

42 long

27/08/2012Continual insults to the site and 99% of those who post here. Are you that RUDE everywhere else TfM?. Your comments are irrelevant, poorly researched, empty rhetoric. You lower the tone of this place immeasurably. Contribute no facts or realistic suggestions. If this makes your day you are SICK. Get help.... but it's easy to behave like you do on line. Rude Coward.!! You wouldn't do it in real life would you? Someone would make it a bit harder for you to get away with it.

Tom of Melbourne

27/08/2012Get over it. There is so much mindless hypocrisy here, it’s shameful, and it is entirely reasonable that it’s pointed out. Why should the nonsense be ignored on a political blog? I’ve given the assurance, that as soon as Ad Astra changes his misleading motto to something more appropriate, I’ll gladly depart. My suggestion for a motto is “Providing Comfort and Support without Qualification to Every Policy Backflip and Press Release of the ALP, and Putting Every Other Political Perspective to the Verbal Sword”


27/08/201242long said [quote]Continual insults to the site and 99% of those who post here. Are you that RUDE everywhere else TfM?.[/quote] Short answer is yes - that's why he has been banned from a number of sites. He also has no legitimacy here has he choses not to contribute to the process that elects our political leaders. To earn the ability to criticise our political leaders or to criticise those who vote for our political leaders - you have to take part in the process. TfM doesn't. [quote]You wouldn't do it in real life would you? [/quote] Idunno - I reckon he would.


27/08/2012Dear Tom. You stand condemned and dismissed to ridiculousness by your own bold capitals, HYPOCRISY, from the post above. "hypocrisy |hiˈpäkrisē| noun ( pl. -sies) the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense." Tom, that's you to the "t" in a nutshell! Or should I say "nutjob"?

Ad astra

27/08/2012Hi Lyn Back on the south coast and catching up. Thank you for your kind remarks about this piece. I looked at Happy Tapper, but couldn’t make out how it’s used. You are our social media ‘tech-head’; you will have to teach me. Twitter and now Happy Tapper! What’s fascinating to me about social media, particularly Twitter, is how effective it is at spreading the message – it’s fantastic.

Ad astra

27/08/2012Gramps If you haven’t been here before, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Yours is a good question – why has it taken a journalist so long to challenge this person. Ask Rupert Murdoch. Blame groupthink. NormanK I think Michael at 2.51 has the answer to your concerns about the remarks of Hartcher, Uhlmann and Daley. BTW, Acerbic Conehead will be back later this week for a once off appearance. I’m sure he’ll enjoy your verse. Gravel Thank you for your kind remarks. Sue I too wish a journalist would visit every retail outlet that Abbott man has used to promote his carbon tax fiction and check what has actually happened.


27/08/2012[b]Hey hey, what'd I say ![/b] Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk Election betting: At Sportsbet, ALP in from $6.00 to $4.00; Coalition out to $1.20. DRAMATIC ! Sorry for everyone else! :) But do you see what it presages? It's all a function of how much money is placed on each candidate (in this case the 2 parties) and it was only 8 weeks ago that Sportsbet gave me SEVENs, then it went down to sixes ( where it was yesterday) now it's FOURS! Woo-Hoo!

Acerbic Conehead

27/08/2012AA, Great analysis as usual. Yes, it looks like the Abbott man’s batteries are finally running out. I can’t see a replacement going down the same negative path, so a future focus on policy will play right into Julia Gillard’s hands. And, on the analogies of toys, if Tones is like a repetitive bunny, Jooles is more like a versatile Transformer. And NormanK, I love your version of Elton John’s, “Rocket Man”. Excellent take-off (boom, tish!). Yes, Tones is resembling more and more a damp squib.


27/08/2012Oh bugger poor old Whinging Wing Nuts week keeps getting worse, just on 7:30 Cathy Jackson (Craig Thompson's main accuser) has been internally charged by HSU for gross misconduct. The snow ball is gathering size & speed. Lets see him spin this one like the other ones. oh dear Captcha is now being predictive "senalian sociated"


27/08/2012 Piddling in pocket of Pickering, calling for mobs to lynch! No more political dickering! #*ck off Derryn Hinch!


27/08/2012Hi PWA, apologies for delay getting back to you, other lives overtook me completely yesterday followed by a big day checking the traps today. The little ditty was on the 'Hub for 5th Estate' post @ August 18. 2012 06:41 PM I don't think it fits with the theme of your [b]Tony Abbott Would Never Sell his Arse! Would he?[/b] post as it was an heartfelt ode to that wascally liddle twettie pie :) If you think it fits then go for it.


27/08/2012Hi KHTAG Thankyou for your reply @ 03:49 PM. You said " one of the most self satisfying things I have done in my life (& believe me it is a very long & incredibly involved list of achievements that most would not believe Yes I agree to grown your own food is fantastic, I don't have any space for vegetables but do grow my own herbs, which in a small way is enjoyable, fresh parsley, mint, oregano all healthy. Now that you belong to TPS maybe you could share some of your achievements with us, I am sure our readers would love to read about them. :):)


27/08/2012Lyn you asked, a rough outline. All true. started work at 15 Obtained black belt in martial arts Taekwondo [took 3 yrs] before 17 Brought first house by 17 cash 3 bedroom brick fully furnished & became a landlord [I have had up to 5 at one stage]. Joined navy became Electical fitter mechanic special class. Traveled 2/3irds of the world sailed around aust 3 times visited both Christmas[while the crabs are on the move] & Manus islands & most of the south pacific. Was on the official Ship RAN that was in the Salomon Islands to give them their independence. travelled thru Europe for 8 months. Then a major down turn, working in NSW Broke back industrial accident Then Had to re-learn a few mobility functions. [ That's hard] Moved to the country, saltwater river side [great for fishing]. Grew a good garden that appeared on ABC garden Aust. Now live the single life growing my own food & do what ever I want, with in reason. Biggest regret No wife No kids Biggest Blessing now No wife No kids 54 Life is great. financial story is something else. Me in a nut shell.

Ad astra

27/08/2012AC Thank you for your kind words. I’ll be posting your latest satire later in the week. I’m sure our visitors will be looking forward to it. Michael You will see that what I said at 10.43 about how Abbott man would respond to John Howard’s remarks were just the way he did. He said that Howard was two PM’s back and three Liberal Leaders back; in other words ‘out of date’. Patriciawa Great verse. Thank you. I’m off to watch [i]Q&A[/i].


27/08/2012DMW - Apologies! Of course it was your "Advance our Tweetie Fair!" tribute to Lyn! [i]Beneath our radiant thrusting sword She'll toil with heart and hands To make this blogoasphere ours Renowned of all the blogs For those who've come across to see She's boundless links to share With courage let us all combine To advance our Tweetie fair In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance our Tweetie fair[/i] I have a copy of it as a note I've kept in my log of my own pome for her on that same thread. I know it's only just over a week ago and so unforgivable in a way, but I have had the flu! And lo and behold when I go back to look at that thread I see that I had posted my first draft of Abbott's arse just a few comments ahead of your tribute to our lovely Lyn. So when I refreshed and went back to look at my post and scrolled down there was your tribute. Shortly thereafter I was struck down by flu! Which explains my failure to congratulate you and thereafter to have a very muddled idea in my head of your subject matter! It also explains how I've been looking for it in vain on the wrong dates! [i]Mea culpa![/i]


28/08/2012Today’s Links Estate of the Nation , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate Jericho is now a regular face on ABC panel shows and is the go-to guy for harried producers when they need 'new media person' to fill out talkshow rosters. So you might well ask at what point is the cache of being the blogging outsider put at risk by mainstream media appearances? At what point does he stop being a maverick truth teller and become just another insider, another talking head in a machine She Lied! Trust me, I’d know, Politics Australia From Tony Abbott’s point of view it seems Julia Gillard cannot be trusted because she lied on one issue, that of the Carbon Tax. It seems his own “credible alternative” is a prospective Prime Minister in waiting who didn’t lie about one issue, but about several. He claimed Climate Change was “crap”, but believes his Direct Action policy will reduce greenhouse gasses. Tony Abbott is a liar – that much is clear. He has a creditability problem that is worsening by the day You’re No Good, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks I am sure this won’t be the end of Kathy Jackson, rather just the start. Victorian Police are still investigating some of the many unusual financial transactions that have allegedly taken place, as reported here over the last few months. Labor’s Best Strategy: Become A Party For True Liberals, Andrew Leigh, The Global Mail Robert Menzies said “We took the name ‘Liberal’ because we were determined to be a progressive party, willing to make experiments, in no sense reactionary, but believing in the individual, his rights and enterprise, and rejecting the Socialist panacea. Trusting the Coalition to deliver “superfast broadband” Vince O’Grady, Independent Australia Is Christopher Pyne a Tom Pepper? I will leave that up to you, the reader, to decide. The other and more disturbing thing here is the serial failure by the ABC in letting Pyne’s misinformation go out to the public unchallenged. Tony Jones is a serial interrupter on Q&A. He is always correcting people when they get something wrong, but on the many occasions I have seen him interview Pyne, he has never interrupted him A Septimanae Horribilis For Tony Abbott, Dan Gulbery, The Daily Derp In both interviews Abbott seemed to be expecting the usual “full body massage” treatment he usually gets from both Uhlmann and Today co-host Karl Stefanovic. (Thankfully in both male interviewer’s cases the editors leave out the “happy ending” parts of the interviews Abbott usually gets from both of them.) Latham's long lunch with Robert Manne , Gary Sauer Thompson, Public Opinion So it is not black and white as Manne maintains, with his duality of scientific community versus public opinion. The current situation is much more nuanced in that the shift to clean energy has begun in spite of the hostility of the conservative/right wing commentators who dominate the popular mainstream media. Those misogynist nut jobs on the Internet are found within the Liberal Party as well. WARNING- O, Clarence girl, North Coast Voices When the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard referred to those spreading rumours about her on the Internet as misogynist and nut jobs, she could easily have included the Liberal Party’s Federal Member for Bowman Andrew Laming in that group. Julia’s job must be that easy even Abbott thinks he could do it, Miglo, Café Whispers How does he compare with Julia Gillard?If Tony Abbott thinks Julia Gillards job is easy then he’s in for a shock. The three basic skills I have introduced are three that he demonstrates with breathtaking incompetence. If he makes it to The Lodge he may as well stay in bed all day. Stupefied, of course Mining boom and gloom, Mungo MacCallum, The Drum Abbott said no, the real reason was the carbon tax, with a little help from the mining resources tax. Well, for starters the minerals mined at Olympic Dam are uranium and copper, neither of which is subject to the mining resource tax, and in any case the company's statement said explicitly, "The tax environment for this project has not changed at all since we started working on it six or seven years ago" - back in the Howard years . How to measure influence: using Twitter to rate Australian news sites, Alex Burns, The Conversation Day by day, we track all tweets which contain links to any of the country’s leading national and regional news sites, as well as to the various opinion and commentary sites such as Crikey and The Conversation; we capture those tweets even if the original link has been converted into a short URL (using,, or any other shortening service). Top end upended, The Piping Shrike Pearson has become the conservatives’ favourite because his message is what they want to hear as Abbott (along with Rudd/Macklin, although Gillard appears less keen) looks to translate this to a broader approach to welfare to be applied to the non-indigenous population (presumably without the charge of child abuse attached). Abbott isn’t taking the shadow cabinet up to Aurukun Abbott Out Of His Depth On Mining, Ian McAuley, New Matilda ABC’s beat-up of an apparent contradiction between Resources Minister Martin Ferguson and Finance Minister Penny Wong over the progress of the resource boom. This is almost certainly about the ABC’s obsession with "balance" — if Abbott makes an idiot of himself, then the ABC feels obliged to find some negative aspect of the government’s performance. Latham’s List was a Hit in the Polls, Peter Browne, Inside StoryThe plan provoked a furore, particularly on talkback radio. The prime minister, John Howard, characterised it as “old-fashioned class warfare,” a phrase that appeared repeatedly – along with “hit list” – in media coverage over subsequent days and weeks. The churches “savaged” Latham (according to a headline in the Australian), and the private schools warned of fee hikes and an exodus back to government schools. Robert Manne described the announcement as “dubious politics.” Andrew Bolt described it “abhorrent.” Traitor? The Oz falls out with the Press Council, David Salter, Crikey This is all a tad embarrassing for The Oz, as they’ve been running countless editorials and opinion pieces attacking any form of government-backed media regulation, arguing that self-regulation through the recently “beefed up” APC is the only appropriate approach. News Limited CEO Kim Williams has hammered this theme in public speeches and a vaguely threatening letter to the government. BUBBLES BURST: China confronts hard landing while Australia obliviously whistles a happy tune, Vex news too many Liberals have been excited about and distracted by the “misogynist nutjobs” as PM Gillard eloquently described the likes of online poo-players Larry Pickering and Stephen Mayne who have incessantly repeated increasingly silly conspiracy theories suggesting she is (somehow) a crook who embezzles and/or appoints her accomplices to the Federal Court, Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 28 August 2012


28/08/2012Lyn, fantastic links. "The Conversation's" data on Twitter relevance could be a really good reference (and advertising hook) in the future. The article on Grog by Mr Denham is also worth a read.

Ad astra

28/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


28/08/2012Abbott claims that the architect of the 'golden age' he wants to return Australia to, John Howard, has a political position on IR that no longer applies because he was the leader 'three leaders ago'. Surely Conservatism is all about the tradition of maintaining an essential core and 'strength of continuity' of political position? Who is leader at any given moment should have merely transitory influence on the Conservative position. Recently (well, continually) Abbott would have us applaud a leader who gave us a 'golden age', has explicitly promised to return us to said 'golden age', and is now denying the contemporary relevance of said leader. You can't have Conservative continuity, a 'golden age' attributable to it, and then start shaving bits of 'gold' off here and there wherever you don't want anyone looking too closely. Well, you can't outside of a kindergarten sandpit, that is.


28/08/2012Sorry, I may be mistaken, but...: Abbott..Turnbull..Nelson..Howard....That makes four leaders ago, doesn't it?


28/08/2012Jonathan Holmes' defence of Hedley Thomas reporting of the Slater&Gordon affair on Media Watch would be legitimate IF, and that is a big if, : THE REPORTING INTENT WAS HONEST. If Mr. Thomas investigated the story to report on an enlightening suspicion, THAT would be legitimate news! BUT, in reality Mr. Thomas did not seek news, he sought DIRT and as such it quashed any claim of sincere or honest intent in gathering his story. Sorry, Jonathon...Hedley Thomas, in this case, was little more than a deliverer of "over-the-fence backyard gossip!....He shamed his profession by stooping so low.


28/08/2012jaycee, you may have hit on an explanation for the 'black hole' problems they have. Some may recall the oldie about why do coppers always travel in pairs? [i]The qualification to be a copper is to be able to read OR write not necessarily both[/i] Why do Libs need to travel in threes? [i]Read, write OR count?[/i}


28/08/2012Interestin how the Liberal hard right is calling the policy shots at the moment WITHIN and WITHOUT Liberal leadership! Tony Abbott appears to be sidelined in policy delivery by both Howard and Reith...could this be because of an impatience with Abbotts' policy statements? This being the case and Abbott comes to be replaced, which of the far-right members would get the nod..: Ciobo? Mirabella? Bernardi? ......Roy!!?


28/08/2012Just realised that in my previous post naming possible replacements for Abbott, three of the four are Italian Catholics!!! Papal interference AGAIN!!?....Bring on Henry 8th!


28/08/2012Ad astra Great piece. I relly enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the link to the Sunrise clip. He really thought he could go on Sunrise and get a free ride as if his apprearance on 7:30 didn't matter. Afterall people who watch sunrise are not the politically engaged people who watch 7:30 and I can use this fluff piece to keep up my sloganeering....can't I? And no doubt you all noticed that for 3/4 of that interview a banner stating [b]GILLARD FIGHTS BACK[/b] was left on the screen right under TAbbott's nose. I think it is time for ministers to come out and start addressing this 'turn off' image thing that Julia is facing. They need to come out and start may not like her may not like her jackets.....these things are all superficial .....what you can say is ....she is strong, she is articulate, she is extremely intelligent, she is focussed, she really cares, she is passionate (and not just about being in the lodge like LOTO). She is the best person to lead this country into the future because unlike TAbbott she really believes we have a good future....he n the other hand justs wants to be the PM for the sake of being the PM and that just isn't good enough. Newman needs to go, one in two Queenslanders don't like him and what he is doing to this state. Even if he went today it wil take some time to undo the damage this man has caused. It really is quite dire. Now to Lyn's lovely links.


28/08/2012Good Morning Ad Everybody Twitterverse for you, sorry if it’s a bit short. I am getting hurry up this morning as have to do grocery shopping. NormanK I am going to buy a great big bunch of Pink Roses. 2353 you are always so appreciative thankyou you give me energy. Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 7:36 am | It’s not a catastrophe anymore, just a landslide. Why don’t these hacks wake up? Although Hartcher is a particularly repulsive example, it’s becoming plainer and plainer that the plummy-voiced, pin-striped oracle, handing down wisdom from on high – replete with absolute statements, dripping sarcasm and worldly cynicism – is approaching its Use-By date Rudd’s coming back this month, no next month, well, maybe the month after that, surely in The Killing Zone. Smith. Crean. Shorten. No-one’s listening to Gillard. Lookatthepolls! Lookatthepolls! Fall on your sword Julia. It’s all “the media’s” fault. Tony Abbott is a surefire next PM, so it really doesn’t matter what his policies are. He’ll let us know in time. Debacle. Catastrophe. Lookatthepolls! Stop the bloody boats! Misogynists and nut jobs need to turn down the volume Tony Abbott has, in anyone's estimation, been an Opposition Leader true to his pugilist past, vowing from the moment of his ascension to the job that opposition leaders were there to oppose. He's certainly a big reason for the relentless partisanship of our national debate. But he's far from the only one, helped along as he is by the shock jocks and shit-stirrers and hate-mongers who have heaped vilification on our first female PM from day one. Tony Abbott's problem neighbour, Michelle Grattan It’s not very neighbourly but an ‘‘Anyone But Abbott’’ campaign to run a candidate against the opposition leader has been started by a man who lives in the same street.Bruce Butler, who works for the Commonwealth Bank, said he approached friends to start up a website and search for a suitable local candidate to run in Warringah. An IR cartoon, but Abbott's not laughing, Alan Kohler So because of the dysfunctional state of national politics, Australian companies are reduced to hoping that the Opposition can slip into government while lying about its intentions on the subject of individual contracts. They want him to say: “There will be no individual contracts under a government I lead”, in the manner of Julia Gillard on the subject of carbon tax. The tide can turn fast in year before the election Jackson hits back in HSU power play, Channel 7 Ms Jackson has dismissed the charges as "a total fabrication"."Well obviously they're politically motivated, false and malicious," she told ABC radio. Twelve LNP MPs would go due to Campbell Newman's declining popularity, poll reveals , Public servant bill an abuse of power , Courier Mail Last Thursday, Queenslanders were treated with contempt when the Newman Government pushed a controversial Bill through the Legislative Assembly like mercury through a goose.

Tom of Melbourne

28/08/2012Jaycee - which part of the reporting of Gillard’s history as a solicitor at Slater & Gordon shouldn’t have been told? Exactly what was the reporting that wasn’t in the public interest? Gillard pretty well got the flick from the last job she had before her political career because she had neglected the iterests of her employer and her client. She had a huge conflict of interest, and erred on the side of concealing it rather than declaring it. ---------------------- Meanwhile, in Melbourne CBD an industrial dispute spins out of control. Unions seek to select the workforce for Grocon. Just what the government needs from it union controllers – violent picketing to support senseless claims.


28/08/2012The best time to select the new Noalition leader to replace Abbort is when he has lost them the election next year and all their nutjobs can put their hats in the ring. Last person standing gets the job but only until they in turn stuff up as inevitable as the sun rising each day.


28/08/2012F off ToM.


28/08/2012jaycee, I see the natural born liar is up and about early this morning, just ignore him.


28/08/2012Scroll past the Liberal/Costello acolyte troll.


28/08/2012With right-wingers, I like to give them the complex debate their posts deserve!


28/08/2012TfM - meanwhile in Brisbane City, the new LNP State Government employed a number of LNP members in senior ranking positions within the Government while sacking thousands of non-aligned staff. They include 1 DG, all Minister's personal staff, Liasion staff (including a early 20's son of a new Minister on a $100k pa salary when his only previous working experience was working at a fast foor chain) and who could forget the same Minister's daughter appointed to a middle ranking position (which was discovered after she had a drug overdose in the faire stairs of the Executive Building). If you abhor the claimed union involvement in the selection fo staff to construct a building in Melbourne, surely if you as as "neutral" as you claim to be, you would have to abhor the excesses of the Newman Government to date as well. We won't go into the trashing of the Westminter System that Newman promised to uphold (refer Lyn's links above) and the threat of sacking still hanging over 20,000 direct employees (plus the other 32,000 that have a job in the private sector due to the government staff). However I suspect you will abhor one and justify the other - despite your claims of political neutrality - as basically your backflips and ability to lie are up there with Abbott, Brandis and co. I would like to be proved wrong - but suspect I won't be. Basically you still have no credibility here or elsewhere. Go back to the Gutter. Oh - and remember to vote, it might give you some legitimacy.


28/08/2012P.S. Sorry Cuppa - couldn't resist.


28/08/20122353 Best just to ignore him. He is a typical bully, and a nutjob. Ths from the Global Mail Story - by the way a very good read indeed....thanks Lyn. [i]By contrast, Deakin regarded the Anti-Socialists and hard Conservatives as little more than wreckers brought together by their "attitude of denial and negation" to progressive reform. [/i] I don't need to say who it sounds like. Deakin wrote that in 1903. So spot on.


28/08/2012ASRC ‏@ASRC1 10:40 AM - 28 Aug 12 ASRC can confirm #asylum seekers designated for Nauru include pregnant women, children & unaccompanied minors & they're terrified #GoBackSBS

Tom of Melbourne

28/08/2012[i]”Go back to the Gutter.”[/i] Unusual as it seems to those that post here, has about an equal number of contributors who are left oriented as conservatives. The reason that people contribute there is that values the diversity of opinion and rigorous, but orderly, political discourse. Most are politically interested but are aligned to a philosophy rather than to a political party. Few mindless barrackers of either major party survive the scrutiny.


28/08/2012SBS Documentary ‏@SBSDocumentary Six prominent Australians begin their life-risking #GoBackSBS journey tonight 8:30pm on SBS ONE. Watch the promo -

42 long

28/08/2012I heard of the participation of Reith some weeks ago. Pretty gutsy move on his part and I will try to watch it. These sort of events would be life direction changers. Reith has little to gain from his usual associates, in this but, He did not have to do it. So I say GOOD ON HIM. He wouldn't have to do very well to contrast with Nick Minchin's trip around addressing climate "opinion". ( I was nearly going to say "science", but there wasn't much of that from his side of the deal) Again Minchen didn't get paid? Can I be sure of that? No I can't, but we know for sure that Andrew Bolt amd Monkton do and of course Alan JONES and the Sydney shock locks. Increasingly their position looks ridiculous but I don't think they will notice while ever the money keeps rolling in.

Ad astra

28/08/2012Hi Lyn I’ve just finished reading your Daily Links and Twitterverse; what an informative collection they constitute. Like you, we have to go shopping this afternoon to replenish a depleted fridge, (life goes on despite the demands of [i]TPS[/i]), but before we do, here’s a couple of comments. I was taken with the ‘Opinion’ piece in the [i]Age[/i] today [i]Tide can turn fast in year before the election - PMs have trailed by more within months of elections and won[/i], which say some things I’ve never before seen in the MSM. This is especially significant in a paper that sponsors the monthly [i]Age[/i]/Neilsen poll, that runs second to [i]Newspoll[/i] in importance. It begins: [i]”Can the Gillard government escape polling's valley of death? Opinion polls show Labor's primary vote recovering and the Coalition's lead on preferences being cut to between six and eight points. That would be a landslide win for Tony Abbott, but the election is still a year off. The landscape can be transformed in such a time. In at least half of the last eight federal elections, the government reversed late-term polls as bad - some worse - than Labor's are now. [b]All polls are snapshots; none can look a year ahead"[/b].[/i] My bolding. Part way through it says this: [i]”For the year ahead, Labor will be unburdened by state governments that wore out their welcome. The weekend's loss in the Northern Territory is the latest rejection, but Labor has only one federal seat to lose there. More significant is the impact of first-term governments in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, which must make unpopular decisions while they have the political capital to do so. In Queensland in particular, Campbell Newman is reprising Jeff Kennett's first 100 days and his support has plunged. In 1992-93, the ''Jeffing'' of Victoria probably helped the Keating government recover.”[/i] It concludes: “[i]When the Coalition fails to set its own policy agenda, Labor can invite voters to fill in the gaps by looking at what state Coalition governments do. Mr Abbott won the first two rounds of this three-year political bout hands down. He must still show he will be a better prime minister than Ms Gillard and the Coalition will be a better government than hers."[/i] The whole piece is worth a read, particularly after all the dire forecasts of electoral oblivion we have had to endure from ignorant commentators peddling the ‘if an election were to be held today’ story, even more than a year out from the scheduled date of the next election. Readers might like to revisit: [i]Why Julia Gillard will win the 2013 election[/i] written in early April this year, and read the first half, which is about the polls. A juxtaposed article also written in April is germane: [i]Fear, uncertainty and doubt grip the Coalition[/i]. Turn then to [i]What is making Labor stalwarts gloomy?[/i] and scroll well down the page to the subheading [i]Deteriorating State Coalition governments[/i] where it is predicted that this will favour Labor, as it now is, and then to the subheading [i]The Great Abbott Unhinging[/i]. Finally, there was this piece today’s [i]The Australian: Newspoll findings show Liberal premiers on the slide[/i] by John Ferguson and Irme Salusinszky that begins: [i]”Julia Gillard's strategy of exploiting the backlash against the conservative premiers to claw back disaffected Labor voters will be bolstered by the latest Newspoll surveys, which reveal voters are increasingly dissatisfied with Ted Baillieu in Victoria and Barry O'Farrell in NSW."[/i] Add to that the increasing dissatisfaction with Campbell Newman and you have confirmation of the ‘Deteriorating State Coalition governments’ theme. [b]It’s all been said before here and in other blogs in the Fifth Estate. The Fourth Estate is just beginning to catch up.[/b] On another matter, I was amused by [i]Tony Abbott's problem neighbour[/i] by Michelle Grattan and Damien Bright in today’s [i]SMH[/i] “[i]It’s not very neighbourly but an ‘‘Anyone But Abbott’’ campaign to run a candidate against the opposition leader has been started by a man who lives in the same street. “Bruce Butler, who works for the Commonwealth Bank, said he approached friends to start up a website and search for a suitable local candidate to run in Warringah. “The group felt that people wanted to give the Liberals a crack at government ‘‘but no one wants to give Tony Abbott a crack at it’’. In this situation ‘‘the only option we have is to try to unseat Tony Abbott’’.[/i]” I suspect many, many Liberals feel the same! Politics is an ever-changing drama!

Ad astra

28/08/2012KHTAGH Thank you for giving us a pen picture of your life. We are pleased to have you as part of the [i]TPS[/i] family.


28/08/2012ToM, I trust you will take this man to task!!!! PROMINENT Liberal Party strategist Grahame Morris has been forced to apologise after calling 7.30 host Leigh Sales a "cow" on ABC radio today. Or because you didn't hear him say it, it didn't happen?

42 long

28/08/2012It seems evident that many supporters of the LNP are as nasty as their party has become lately. Seeing they are supposed to be better educated, born to rule types, and have ALL the answers, why doesn't their "class", show. Contrast most of our lefty people they appear much more civilised and look for facts beyond the sloganeering and character assassination they continually resort to. The truth is they live by control of a good lurk and they don't want to share any of the perks with the "Public". What's new, but the evidence is there for all to see.


28/08/2012 Grahame Morris 'apologises' to Leigh Sales. This is the future just as it was the past in the "golden age" of Howard when Conservative politicians and their cohorts/staff/consiglieri are at the levers of power. Mouths run off, brains and gonads set at cavemen level.


28/08/201242 Long, hi. My initial reaction to hearing that Peter Reith was part of the SBS show was positive, too. That no-one could 'go back where they (asylum seekers) come from' without developing sympathy for their efforts to reach Australia. But this story and the concluding paragraphs pasted below make it pretty clear that well might Peter Reith have been on a road from the Middle East to Christmas Island, but most certainly he was on no style of 'road to Damascus'. "Despite what many may think, actor and model Imogen Bailey was not invited along to sunbathe on the sidelines as Go Back ''eye candy''. She was chosen as representative of the many Australians who hold a neutral view on the refugee and asylum-seeker issue but are bombarded by the strident coverage of the tabloid media and radio shock jocks such as her travelling companion, Smith. In fact, she is the one, during a group discussion on Christmas Island at the end of their gruelling journey, who finally takes Reith to task about the ''children overboard'' affair. By this point everyone is exhausted. Emotions are running high. The exchange soon descends into a slanging match. Reith was unimpressed. He stormed past me (the director0 on his way to the minibus and said: ''You set her up to do that. You manipulated it.'' I responded: ''I can assure you, Peter, I had nothing to do with it. Did you really expect to come on this program and never have to talk about 'children overboard'?'' ''Well, you made sure of it. Manipulating her like that. Typical of your lot with your left-wing pinko SBS agenda.'' Perhaps, even for Peter Reith, the history is not as ancient as he'd like the nation to believe." ............. "left wing pinko SBS agenda"! Oh boy do we have golden days to look forward to whenever Conservatives regain power in Canberra - hopefully five or six Liberal leaders from now.

Ad astra

28/08/2012Patriciawa What a lovely tribute to our own precious Lyn. Hope your flu soon resolves. LadyinRed Thank you for your kind comments. I agree with your analysis, and your comments about our PM, Julia Gillard. I'm out shopping for a few hours now.

42 long

28/08/2012Thanks M for that insight into it. He has never been anything like my favourite person, but I thought he could have played it safe and not even accepted it. How would you not have expected a question on that matter? Has he been getting used to a "promised dream run"? as Abbott seems to indicate any time he is seriously questioned, by performing badly. Going back to that children overboard thing. I reckon they got caught when Ruddock (if i recall correctly) got involved in it and it was too close to the election to run an explanation of what I think was considered possible tactics that the refugees/AS, people MIGHT try, got presented as what had occurred. Does that sound feasable?


28/08/2012oh dear Graham Morris giving a non-apology. He was a cranky little fellow that Leigh dare to ask pertinent questions of the 'One Trick Tony'. So lets shoot the messenger! Then added to his dilemma with his appology by calling us 'poor sensitive souls that we are' - if anyones sensitivity was on show it was his own. He really is irrelevent - I believe I saw the word dinosour referred to a lot.


28/08/2012Morris....What a wheezy, weedy little Dickensian character he is!...One can envisage him sloping and skulking about the lane-ways and back-streets of old London Town, his tatty top-hat and threadbare coat all dingy at the sleeve-ends, coughing and wheezing and rolling his hands and whinging ;"I'm very 'umble squire..very 'umble indeed." What a crappy little Uriah Heep he is!


28/08/2012Afternoon fellow swords folk, copyed this from Crikey. Pretty well sums up why the world is so stuffed from the US infection. An American passes by a Romanian who is sitting by a lake taking in the view. "What are you doing?" asks the American. "Nothing, just looking at the lake," comes the reply. "Well you could at least get yourself a rod and do some fishing," says the American. "Why would I do that?" asks the Romanian. "You could eat some of the fish and sell the rest. You’d make a bit of cash." "But why would I do that?" insists the Romanian. "With the money, you could buy a boat and catch even more fish." "Yes, but why would I do that?" "You’re too much." The American is exasperated. "With the money you could buy a boat, and then you could employ people to catch fish. You wouldn’t have to do anything. You could just sit there watching the lake." "But that is exactly what I’m doing." Ho hummm


28/08/2012try copied


28/08/2012*J*U*L*I*A* the Power Fox Abbortt the Komodo Dragon! That's RIGHT, isn't it! Not just different species. Different PHYLA! One a Furry'un ~ One a Scaly'un One Reptilian ~ One Mammalian! One a Clever'un ~ One a Silly'un One worth Zilch ~ One worth a Zillion! I'll put that on Twitter, anyone wants to retweet it don't let me stop you. But it's true isn't it! He really, really looks like a dirty dusty old slithery tongue-flicking Komodo Dragon. In action as in appearance. No wonder women aren't taken with Toxic Tony.

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Hey Swordsters, I have been absent for a while today putting the finishing touches to the latest instalment of Arsegate, amongst other things. Now we are all adults here, with a couple of notable exceptions, so I hope no-one takes offence at some of my "Loony Left" musings. so here it is. Arsegate for begginers. Tony Abbotts blind ambition served us up the term arsegate To be PM.. he promised everything.. except his arses fate So for an ETS ..or carbon tax ..he’d surely compromise He begged and pleaded… but the indies… saw straight through his lies So cast to opposition… Abbott set about his plan To bring the quick demise… of the Labor party clan With lies and spin and slogans… he threw away due care For the country and economy …as he really doesn’t care So with a scare campaign ferocious.. and throwing morals.. to the wind And ignoring all the experts… and with truth and fact.. all binned His goal was really simple… gaining power at any cost But with monumental brain farts,… his cause was quickly lost But.. in the minds of many..Arsegate’s now.. much more.. generic As they watch the right wing, zealots,… lining up behind their cleric The Abbot man.. who would be king … he’s heading up the charge While the list of arsegate devotees… is looming rather large There’s Pyne.. the Mincing poodle with his mega dummy spits And his whinging, wining manner giving everyone the shits And his social ties to Ashby giving rise to speculation That there’s more to that.. than meets the eye.. and cause for consternation Then there’s that man Ashby… who cried sexual harassment by Slipper But the allegations going round.. are the man prefers a nipper And the chances are the harassment case.. will not get very far As Ashby’s known for leaving his arsegate… always half ajar Then there’s Sophie Mirrabella .. who is rotten to the core Who would sell her own grandmother if there’s money she could score She will take unfair advantage of the old… and frail… and rich And to sell her arse is normal…for the nasty little bitch And Cocky Hockey tags along with his smug and arrogant smile Making much.. of getting numbers wrong… by a decent country mile With his ties to Abbotts arsegate all we’ll get.. is.. a bad.. smell From this man who would be treasurer …who would do us over well And with Bishop as his 2 IC, the minister for not much He shows.. just how far… his front bench is ..really.. out of touch With her contribution to debate.. making claws and pussy calls And her head up Abbotts arsegate it’s no wonder they’ve no balls Then the whistle blower Jackson,… Abbotts hero of the minute With the charges that she’s facing… could dump all of them right in it And with Fair Work’s Michael Lawler.. a Tony Abbott.. appointee Engaged to one K Jackson… there are conflicts there to see With Abetz and Brandis on her side and Peter Reith as well And the H R Nichols Society prepared to ring her bell And she’s up to her elbows in the cookie jar… with egg upon her face And there’s so many arsegates up for grabs.. it’s like an Olympic race There is also Malcolm Turnbull... whose hands are far from clean With his lies and obfuscation… on the NBN clearly seen As the brief for his portfolio was to seal our broadband’s fate And although his heart’s not in it,.. it has proved… his own arsegate And as a savvy tech head… he has sunk the Liberals boat As the Abbotts broadband policy… is impossible to float And he knows that fibre optics works… but sold out the mother-load By adopting Abbotts policy of... arsegate to the node So the burning question for us all.. is do we want this rabble Representing our great nation… with their slogans, lies and babble Knocking holes in our economy, while looking after.. all their mates While covering up corruption from their numerous… arsegates. Cheers


28/08/2012giggle giggle giggle...I'm still giggling.... thanks...Truth seeker.


28/08/2012Not my tribute, Ad Astra! Much as I would love to claim authorship! It was written by DMW! I put it into quote form, but obviously did not give appropriate accreditation! was


28/08/2012Truth Seeker, I like that one, too funny, so very good.


28/08/2012Truth Seeker Spot on!! Very clever.

Ad astra

28/08/2012KHTAGH That is a very amusing story. What a punch-line! Truth Seeker You really are a talented creator of verse. That is a clever representation of the alternative government, or is the word ‘government’ applicable, maybe ‘rabble’ would be more apt.

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Lady in Red, thank you for quick response, if my efforts promote a smile or a giggle, I am a happy little vegimite! KHTAGH and DP , thank you for your comments, they are greatly appreciated. Cheers

Ad astra

28/08/2012jaycee ‘Dickensian’ is an apt descriptor. David Donovan, editor of [i]Independent Australia[/i], describes him thus: [i]”He is the archetypal apparatchik — with the stooped shoulders, the pasty oleaginous skin, crinkled from an endless hallway of smoky rooms, and the perpetually sly sneer of the party insider who looks out at the general public with a scarcely concealed contempt.”[/i] That sounds Dickensian to me. Your description is perfect: [i]“What a wheezy, weedy little Dickensian character he is!...One can envisage him sloping and skulking about the lane-ways and back-streets of old London Town, his tatty top-hat and threadbare coat all dingy at the sleeve-ends, coughing and wheezing and rolling his hands and whinging ;"I'm very 'umble squire..very 'umble indeed." 
What a crappy little Uriah Heep he is!”[/i] How would he react if we called him a Uriah Heep?


28/08/2012KHTAGH I am in awe at your experiences and peregrinations. Thank you for that nutshell, you fitted a huge amount into it. You are our special Grasshopper now. I can't acknowledge everyone, but I have to pay homage to Arsegate for Beginners. It reminds me of someone else's rhyme . . . I wonder who? . . . Funny, I read my verse monthly to Adelaide's biggest oldest 'poetry' group, Friendly Street Poets, and no-one out of the very many there writes stuff that so reminds me of my own badarsegate DOGgerel. Love it in others! With Patricia we hold a virtual triopoly on Pollie verse it seems to me. No-one's commented on the fact that Sportsbet odds on Labor have gone from sevens two months ago through sixes to FOURS now! The Abborttians's hubris level is dropping by the hour . . . Our confidence level is rising even faster. Abbortt today was plainly in terminal unhingement. But WHO WHO WHO will replace him? Their desperation now is a thing of vast amusement and nourishment to the Left.


28/08/2012Truth Seeker That was so deliciously funny, thanks. Ad Astra I am so glad that we are going to have an Acerbic Conehead special. Many of the newbies here are in for a treat, although after reading Truth Seekers last verse, he'll think he's found a soulmate. Knee High You have certainly fit a lot into your lifestyle so far. Wow, how lucky you were not to end up a para, you are really blessed. Talk Turkey I saw your little ditty on twitter, but it is presented much clearer and better here. Thanks.


28/08/2012AA. I wish I had a command of language as David Donavan! One can picture such an apparatchik as Morris hanging at the fringe of a group of "insiders" all ears and with a cigarette lighter handy ;to "oblige".


28/08/2012Morris is the epitomi of all I despise in a follower...the mere sight of him is a throwback to the snivelling archetype bullys'"boy" in the schoolyard. Perhaps it IS nature! But I doubt he has changed from those days to these...only changed his allegiance to another bully!

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012TT, a trilogy of political poetic justice for the deceptions of the radical right. We will break them down to their putrid and decomposing component parts. And... loving it. Gravel, what a wonderfully complementary turn of phrase, thank you. Cheers


28/08/2012Hi KHTAGH Thankyou for sharing a little story about highlights in your life, how good of you. "Grew a good garden that appeared on ABC garden Aust" congratulations, you must have been proud to show off your hard work, also would have been very exciting for you. Sounds to me like you have earned your life of peaceful gardening. "first house by 17 cash 3 bedroom brick fully furnished & became a landlord" Wonderful achievements at a very young age, sorry you hurt your back though, good news seems to be ok now eg. gardening. You sound like the young people in the book "The Pillars of the Earth" in the 1300's no stopping them from being self sufficient and innovative. What do they say there is a book in everyone, I am so pleased you found TPS. :):)


28/08/2012Many thanks to you all AA TT Gravel & A big hug for Lyn. Lyn Having Peter Cundall here most of the day was a great experience, he has had an increadable life & chats for hrs off camera. Serious injuries are a great leveler, they teach you what is really important in life. They are as you said earlier "good food & good health" ensuring one gives you the best chance at the other. I have never seen anyone that can eat money it is not all that nutritional,it doesn't buy integrity & then becomes your master. Why I have a shot at Miss piggy, with all her wealth she could do such good that people would sing her praises, if only she had a heart . AD Thanks mate. TT As I'm sure you can understand how much fun the little tube extensions are for many weeks at a time. Diminished feeling can have its blessings small as it is. I trust you are back in full health now. Gravel It was perilously close, luckily after 5 ops most came back after many months of good old physio etc. Trouble is I now carry so much metal & screws in my lumbar region I set off radars in all airports. Then they break out the rubber gloves. I do watch & have great respect for the para games & para Olympians. Best wishes for tomorrow & more currents in the turning tide, as the best saying I have heard for many yrs goes, "As long as you wake up & your elbows are not touching pine its a good start to the day".

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Ad, thank you for you gracious comments it is a pleasure to be included as a small part of TPS. Cheers

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012KHTAGH, that's one hellova nut shell, a full bio would be worth considering. Did my back a minor damage at work when I was sixteen, and have wrestled with it ever since, so I can imagine a small amount of what you went through. Bloody hard and bloody painful. Good onya mate. Cheers


28/08/2012Truth Seeker Is there any truth in the rumour that it was kicking out at you, that did in Sophie Mirabella's knee? Apparently she is off for an operation, she may miss parliament and the coalition are expecting the government do the right thing and pair her!

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Sue, alas no. I would be proud to be the one to have pissed her off that much (although if I got within a hundred metres of her I would feel compelled to go and scrub myself raw), but it is more likely that it was an old SPORT injury caused by tackling some old man for his bank account. As far as the government pairing her, that would be a tough call, imagine how dirty that would make her "PAIR" feel? The only one that would fit the bill, that I can think of is no longer in parliament, but I am thinking... Graham Richardson. Cheers


28/08/2012Truth Seeker Craig Thomson should nominate himself, as the pair! The Coalition couldn't run from an offer like that and afterall the coalition only expected a medical certificate from a specialist, when he was ill.

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Sue, I don't think CT would want to be in any way shape or form associated with the likes of Mirabella, so if she is paired I expect that it will be with a little known backbencher. BTW, Wixxy wrote an enlightening piece on Mirabella, it will be interesting to hear the outcome of that case. worth a read Cheers

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012If anyone is interested Wixxy's article is called Sophies choice Cheers


28/08/2012Yes, thanks TS. I have read of that affair...sordid. The truly horrible thing about these times is that we are assulted by the bad taste of right-wing machinations, the dishonesty of right-wing media and the downright dishonesty and deceipt of the right-wing LNP. party. Thank goodness the Labor Party (with all its' "idiosyncracies") is the governing body at this moment.

Truth Seeker

28/08/2012Jaycee, yes I agree entirely. I try to capture those very points in my poems like "Arsegate for beginners" posted this afternoon. They are a great source of satirical verse. Cheers


28/08/2012Lyn told KHTAGH (amongst other things) [i]You sound like the young people in the book "The Pillars of the Earth" in the 1300's no stopping them from being self sufficient and innovative. [b]What do they say there is a book in everyone, I am so pleased you found TPS. [/b][/i] And our amazing Grasshopper replied (first of all) [i]Many thanks to you all AA TT Gravel [b]& A big hug for Lyn. [/b][/i] Lyn It is not for nothing that you are called [i]Magic[/i] Tweetie Bird, it isn't just for your Links, it is your peck on the cheek as you flit by that makes you so beloved. We are all enriched and encouraged by you. All over Twitter, here and there and everywhere, little chirpy comradely messages for people, the way you tweet us is so special, we all feel good and stimulated to do more, and better. It really does feel magic. And sometimes we get an Elephant stamp from Ad astra too, which is as it should be, he is the only one on the [b]Fighting 5th Estate[/b] entitled to give one! The Political Sword is a continuing wonderful experiment in firing imaginations bringing people together and i TALK TOO MUCH.


29/08/2012TODAY’S LINKS Night Of The Living WorkChoices, Ben Eltham, New Matilda The media is perhaps the most interesting actor in this scenario. We may be at an inflection point in the national debate, because the tone of media coverage is starting to turn negative on the Opposition Leader. That’s something he has hasn’t really had to contend with so far. The Australian’s BER campaign: Building an Election Result, Sandi Keane, Independent Australia The Murdoch press has a reputation for destroying governments that offend Rupert Murdoch’s commercial ambitions or conservative agenda. Using emotive language such as “waste” to prosecute its anti-Labor agenda is a classic example of tabloidization, especially where little context or background information is provided (Mooney 2011, 39 An IR cartoon, but Abbott’s not laughing, Alan Kohler, Crikey I’d say Tony Abbott definitely agrees with this but can’t say so. The reason is that he has so distorted the national debate with such wildly cartoonish characterisations of Labor government policies, like the carbon tax and refugee processing, that sensible policy discussion has become impossible Howard bashes Abbott’s Great Gaffe of China, Macro Business His comments are at odds with the position taken by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, who said on a visit to China five weeks ago it would rarely be in Australia’s national interest to allow a foreign government to control an Australian business. When it comes to WorkChoices, Abbott can't take a trick, Bernard Keane, The Power Index Tony Abbott gets away with many things, his critics charge. The media too often fail to hold him to account, to pull him up, to challenge him. To the extent that that's true on other issues, it isn't on industrial relations. In fact, Abbott can't take a trick on IR. Tony Abbott’s performance on 7.30 on 22 August was deeply disturbing, Julian Burnside Abbott then deflected the conversation to the situation of unauthorised arrivals in America. Obviously, whatever American law says about unauthorised arrivals has nothing to do with the Australian legal position Carbon price floor axed, but EU market links a good substitute , Frank Jotzo, The Conversation It will be interesting to see how Australia’s large emitters react to the change. Many of the large emitters, and in particular the power industry, criticised the price floor model for its “meddling in markets”, and expressed their preference for unfettered market pricing. The new model means rapid integration of Australia’s scheme with the world’s largest carbon market. On the face of it, industry should welcome this. TOUR OF PUNISHMENT: Age scribe Misha Schubert signs up to work with notorious ex-Labor boss Tim Gartrell, Vex News Misha Schubert’s capacity to work productively with all sorts cannot be questioned. The VEXNEWS Vault of Pictorial Freedom contains this happy snap of the one-time Republican campaigner hanging out with Bruce Ruxton while wearing a splendidly patriotic Aussie flag dress that must have absorbed his full care and attention. An open letter to Mark Scott, News with Nipples I calling women names, is an acceptable part of public discussion. Because when you continue to get Grahame Morris on as a guest, what you are telling Australian women and men is that you have no problem with what he says. Four days ago, Julia Gillard said there were “misogynists and nutjobs on the internet“. She’s right. There’s loads of ‘em on here. They’re also, very clearly, on the ABC Scandal-mongering or good reporting, Media Watch And the stuff-ups at ABC promos department pale beside this one. Apology to the Prime MinisterAn article in today’s The Australian reported that Prime Minister Julia Gillard has set up a trust fund for her then boyfriend 17 years ago.This is wrong. In the year 2050, Miglo, Café Whispers Tony Abbott has lamented that the introduction of the carbon tax has not been “absolutely catastrophic” but warned Australians they will be $5000 worse off by 2050 unless it is abolished. Because of that dastardly Julia Gillard the carbon tax will take $2.53 a week out of our pockets for the next 38 years,quipped Blogotariat Turn the axe around on the state Liberals, Solidarity Net The government has demonstrated its nastiness by deregulating BreastScreen, defunding a School Band Competition, Fanfare, and tearing up the Wild Rivers legislation. This is on top of cuts to tenancy services, HIV services, job search providers, environment organisations, prisoner advocacy organisations and too many more to mention. NBN to revive Ceduna’s historic role in satellite communications, Matt Dawson, NBN Co It will also revive the town's historic role in satellite communications after nearly 30 years. From 1969 to 1984, Ceduna provided the gateway between Australia and Europe for telephone and television communications. The former OTC earth station is now used by the University of Tasmania as a radio astronomy observatory. Speech - Labor Politics, Conservative Politics and Australia’s Future, Kevin Rudd Launch of Volume II of Gough Whitlam’s Biography Gough Whitlam - His Time by Jenny Hocking Museum of Sydney 28 August 2012 Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 29 August 2012

Ad astra

29/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


29/08/2012Guess who's trying to out-do Can Do? "O'Farrell to slash benefits..." Benefits, of course, actually being negotiated and agreed (that is, legally contracted) conditions of employment. You make 'benefit' sound like something employers/governments were giving up till 'now' by the generosity of their warm hearts, and soon a wage or a salary is also no more than employees should be grateful to receive! Both these Coalition cut and slash merchants will definitely screw Shouldabeen, acting as curtainraisers and clear previewers of a Federal Coalition government. Go Bazza! You bewdy, Newmy!


29/08/2012Newman and O'Farrell will learn to their cost that public servants generally take a salary reduction as a trade off for better than average working conditions and security. Take the conditions and security away and the public servants who are motivated and interested will gradually move to where the money is - on the basis there is no point accepting lesser money when there is no trade off. So does the public sector them promote beyond ability or get a load of political lackeys to do the work? Either way, it's a long term issue that will not help those in NSW or Queensland. On another note - "big tobacco" hasn't finished with the plain packaging legislation yet. And surprisingly - the article has some deserved praise for Howard.


29/08/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Here is Twitterverse for you: Bushfire Bill Posted Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 7:21 am | Permalink Carney pretends to be aghast at Abbott’s Perpetual Campaign, but I’m not sure he is. Today’s column, like all of Carney’s columns is the product of a tortured soul, continually writing and rewriting justifications for the unjustifiable, reasons for the unreasonable. Right there on the page we see Carney trying, yet again, to exorcise the demons he knows have possessed him and that he can’t shake off. His mental anguish is palpable behind the calm, well wrought lines he writes and the educated turn of phrase. It’s time for Carney to open his eyes, see Abbott for the crackpot he is PM's concession on carbon After months of backroom talks with the Greens, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet announced yesterday he was scrapping the $15 per tonne minimum ''floor price'' the government had previously insisted was needed to give businesses certainty about the scheme Andrew Leigh‏ Terrific speech by @JuliaGillard on the value of a strong public service Liberal commonsense not for public consumption, Editorial Tough at the top, on both sides, Shaun Carney O'Farrell to slash benefits for 80,000 workers AT LEAST 80,000 NSW public sector workers are set to lose salary benefits and conditions under sweeping cuts to their awards. The O'Farrell government yesterday confirmed it had applied to the NSW Industrial Commission this week to change 98 awards for public sector workers, including 1000 nurses who assist people with disabilities and those in aged-care facilities. Liberal Party strategist Grahame Morris has been forced to apologise for calling 7.30 host Leigh Sales a 'cow' , Staff Writer PROMINENT Liberal Party strategist Grahame Morris has been forced to apologise after calling 7.30 host Leigh Sales a "cow" on ABC radio today. PSA accuses NSW govt of disgraceful attack Public Service Association (PSA) general secretary John Cahill said on Wednesday the union would fight the move. "These changes will leave tens of thousands of workers - including prison officers, park rangers, disability support workers, school support staff and community services case workers - out of pocket," he said in a statement. Ross Gittins We need a more balanced approach to progress - my column

Tom of Melbourne

29/08/2012[b]Government Failure 1.[/b] When the government lied about the carbon tax, the rationale for the fixed price was to provide certainty. Gillard, Wong, Combet, Swan all argued that a fixed price was required to provide certainty, for business and planning as well as consumers. Not now, we have a new range of arguments to support moving to a variable price. How does a variable price support investment in alternative energy? It doesn’t- is the short answer. All those convoluted self serving arguments to support a lie are now replaced by new self serving arguments – to support the same lie. This is a government with no direction, it just makes it up on the run. [b]Government Failure 2[/b] When a government changes the regulatory regime on companies to tax stuff that wasn’t previously taxed, and to promote increased union disputation and intervention, it cannot expect company investment decisions to remain unchanged. Olympic Dam is an example. BHPB will seek a reasonable medium term return (rather than long term). BlueScope Steel is another example, facing increased industrial disputation and manufacturing decline. Then we have the scenes of lawless industrial disputation in Melbourne yesterday, in part promoted by the closure of the construction regulator by this government.


29/08/2012ToM, I guess you'll just have to learn to live with it! it's not as though you're going to vote the government out of office is it?


29/08/2012 Everyone just "Scroll the troll". He has no legitimacy.


29/08/20122353 Exactly, what will happen is that the cream will go to private enterprise - and why wouldn't you, if the one thing that makes the public service more attractive is taken away then you may as well go where the money is and take your chances. To be fair a lot of public servants also work there because they are community minded and believe they do good work. But if you get the nod from the top that actually they don't really value you and see you as a drag on the public purse that is also quite insulting. It takes great skill in a leader to get this balance right, value for money and respect of the workforce. Newman has no skill....he thinks he can run the public service like a militant dictator. Great links Lyn, with lots of chinks appearing in TAbbott's MSM armour. He is being shown up for the most pathetic LOTO we have ever had. At last! A brilliant article in the Independent on the lies and distortions regarding the BER. The Julian Burnside article - Tabbott's performance is deeply disturbing ----- eh dah!. Something we at TPS have known for a very long time. Ad you have always been ahead of the pack. Grahame Morris should be told he is no longer welcome on the ABC. Its supposed to be our ABC - he does not belong there.

Tom of Melbourne

29/08/2012People resort to “troll” when they are unable to respond with a rational argument to a legitimate political argument. “troll” therefore equals making an unassailable point, and demonstrates that the user of the term is unable to intelligently reply.

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29/08/2012Hi Lyn I’ve already worked through your links and Twitterverse. What variety they present. Ben Eltham’s piece on [i]New Matilda[/i] is another that questions Abbott’ suitability for high office with paragraphs such as: [i]”The media is perhaps the most interesting actor in this scenario. We may be at an inflection point in the national debate, because the tone of media coverage is starting to turn negative on the Opposition Leader. That’s something he has hasn’t really had to contend with so far.”[/i] And: [i]”Calls for greater scrutiny have long been heard in the blogosphere. But it was a Barrie Cassidy op-ed in The Drum that appears to have changed a few minds. Days later, the ABC’s Leigh Sales humiliated Abbott on national television. In a remarkable interview, she forced Abbott to admit he hadn’t read a BHP media release that contradicted his claims blaming the carbon tax on the shelving of the Olympic Dam development. A visibly unsettled Abbott was then unable to explain what questions Prime Minister Julia Gillard should answer over the union campaign fund she set up at Slater and Gordon back in the 1990s.”[/i] Later still we read: [i]”The Coalition’s relentless attacks on the carbon tax are starting to seem baseless, with voters pleasantly surprised that the sky is not falling after all (the citizens of Whyalla must be particularly pleased). Inflation is running below 2 per cent, so it’s not surprising that few consumers are feeling a carbon price sting.[/i]” And: [i]” It doesn’t help that many of the Coalition’s policies are negative, whether it be on the carbon tax, or its pledge to oppose the Gonski schools funding reforms. And unpopular austerity measures from conservative state premiers may also be reflecting back on the Coalition federally. “Taken together, these dynamics suggest that all is not lost for the Gillard government. At the very least, we can say that a bit of precious momentum seems finally to be rolling Labor’s way.”[/i] Eltham ends by telling progressives not to get too excited. Good advice. The editorial in the [i]SMH[/i] provides yet more evidence that the MSM is questioning Abbott and his strategy. Referring to John Howard's views as stated in his recent speech, the editorial concludes: [i]”Most of Howard's observations are commonsense - and accepted as such by Coalition supporters. But Abbott cannot accept the commonsense view because he has already taken a different, populist line, and cannot back down without looking silly. “The Coalition's supporters are thus left hoping Abbott will see sense and renege on his promises once elected. “It does not say much for Abbott's political nous that he has snookered himself in this way, or for the state of Australian politics that our leaders - and Abbott is not alone - feel obliged to stay on message so consistently, even when doing so leads them to oppose the simplest and most effective course of action.”[/i] Shaun Carney’s non-article is beautifully critiqued by Bushfire Bill. No mre analysis is needed here. [b]Once the tide begins to turn, what can stop it?[/b]


29/08/2012Bushfire Bill - brilliant analysis of Carney's article. The Titanic is turning, we have to keep up the pressure in whatever way we can. We can defeat the MSM with the truth. Every positive tweet, every blog like this, every move towards positivity helps. Its positive energy and it is powerful.

Ad astra

29/08/2012LadyinRed How right you are – Sandi Keane’s article in [i]Independent Australia[/i] lays out systematically what a success the BER was, and how [i]The Australian[/i] deliberately misrepresented it as ‘waste and mismanagement’. It is what we have been saying here for ages. As far back as August 2010, two years ago, there was [i]A salute to a very successful BER[/i], which is worth re-reading. Then in March of this year John L wrote two pieces that forensically analysed the BER: [i]Nonsense of $8bn BER ‘waste’ claims exposed[/i]$8bn-BER-‘waste’-claims-exposed.aspx and [i]More falsehoods of the $8bn BER ‘waste’ claims[/i]$8bn-BER-‘waste’-claims.aspx These pieces expose the sheer disingenuousness of the News Limited’s ‘waste and mismanagement’ long-running campaign and illustrate how malignant that campaign was, metastasizing throughout the community to become given truth. At the weekend family party, as I spoke with a middle aged woman, the subject of the BER came up. I was disappointed to hear her mouth the ‘waste and mismanagement’ slogan. When I told her that only 2.7% of projects evoked a complaint, and only a half of those were about not getting value for money, she was astonished. She has swallowed the slogan hook, line and sinker, almost totally unaware of the real story. Slogans win hands down; facts and logic are too boring for many, too difficult to digest. She had similar feelings about the HIP, but had no idea that a million ceilings had been successfully insulated, and that the deaths were due to shonky operators, the last one due to hyperthermia occasioned by a young man being forced to work in a ceiling on a 42 degree temperature day, or get the sack. How come we have been writing on this matter for two years and only now have others taken up the challenge to say it the way it was, and we still have seen nothing in the News Limited press. We know the answer!


29/08/2012Aa, Mr Denmore Posted Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 1:17 pm | Permalink A post on my Twitter spat with Mega George on media regulation.


29/08/2012Actually TfM people resort to "troll" when describing another on blogs when the accused will not enter into a discussion - rather they prefer to through yet more mud. A case in point is yesterday when I responsed to your comment about building unions apparently chosing staff for construction projects with some examples of the ethics of the Newman Government. So, instead of agreeing or giving me a reason why your example had greater lack of ethics or morals than my example did - all you can find to say is that in your opinion another blog site is better than this one. Sounds like the perfect definition of a "troll" to me. Go back to the Gutter until you find out how to vote.

Ad astra

29/08/2012Jason Many thanks. As usual, Mr Denmore is on the money. The saddest part of his piece is the last paragraph: [i]"That the outwardly most reasonable member of the News Ltd machine [George Megalogenis] should so thorougly refuse to engage with the arguments for more effective media regulation and public accountability speaks volumes in my view.[/i]


29/08/2012I concur with Ad thanks Jason a great read.

Tom of Melbourne

29/08/2012[i]” instead of agreeing or giving me a reason why your example had greater lack of ethics or morals than my example did[/i] Queensland state politics is of absolutely no interest to me. I think I made that clear. Also of no interest is stuff that can be summarised as [i]our lot might be unethical and duplicitous, but the other lot are even worse”[/i]. This type of comment excuses poor government, and this is common on this site. However, on the positive side, it does allow open commentary, unlike some other blogs. It should be congratulated for that much.


29/08/2012Concerning today's announcement of a dental scheme... Whenever Joe Hockey shrills "where's the money coming from?" and Tony Abbott huffs "spending like drunken sailors", we know that whatever is being disparaged will never exist under a Coalition government. It will be repealed if Labor has introduced it, it will never ever happen if it's a Coalition 'aspiration'. Watch their lips - "no no no" becomes "go go gone".


29/08/2012Michael I agree. I heard Hockey on radio he was livid. And why? If we truly want to lift the health of our nation (and that should always be a governments aim no matter who is in) then dental care is an absolute must. Dental maintenance is so expensive and its the first thing that goes (or isn't even considered) when household budgets are tight. The nation ends up paying for this neglect 10 fold. Healthy teeth and healthy gums are an absolute must for overall health. So its money well spent. Hockey doesn't get it, no vision, no future with the LNP.


29/08/2012Jason Thanks for that link, I follow both on twitter and followed the debate. Mr Denmore, being an ex-journalist was winning on points from what I could see. Michael, I liked your last line, 'no no no and go go gone'. You have summed the Noalition perfectly.


29/08/2012In a similar vein TfM - construction workers have no interest to me. It really doesn't matter where the example is - if you claim that the actions of construction unions in Melbourne are unethical and have no opinion on "the other side of politics" doing the same thing in Queensland you are not "independent" as you claim - but biased and a troll. Go back tot he gutter and learn to vote.


29/08/2012Seems Tony Abbott has perfected that delicious move in ballet called (if I am correct!) a ; pas de deux....Just last week he was telling us that the carbon price will go up,up,up now, it seems it is going so low,low,low it will not raise enough tax! So now the LOTO has performed that dance routine for two and has gone from being Mr.; No,No, Mr. ; I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!


29/08/2012Mr Denmore is on the money I reckon, about George Megalogenis I mean, and a few days ago, before Mr D started his series of contretemps with him, I tweeted George accusatorily about the time I referred to in [i]The Lass from Yarralumla[/i] on this site, when in a joint interview with Laura Tingle, imo he behaved effectively as a yellow quisling, going very silent and non-committal while Laura Tingle was attacking Abbortt for all the right reasons, reasons which only now are under scrutiny again from anyone in the MSM. Here's the particular stanza, on The Sword on 12/10/10 at 10.42 am, in the [b][NB Web Monkey, HARD-TO-FIND thread [i]Grog Come Back[/i],[/b] which in the Archives has been omitted by name between others in October. George So Our Ranga Lass was targeted by jibes and sexist jokes: Her Titian locks were tweaked, her finely-chiselled nose took pokes From those of the moral wee-ness of a teensy flaccid penis – And unkindest cut of all came from that wimp-out by Megalogenis! Thus was Julia besieged: just Laura Tingle stood her friend, And challenged Abbott on her comments page; In chivalry and courage she was loyal to the end: The one fair Australian journo of The Age. Be it noted, I take no pleasure in saying things like this to persons who may not be actually hostile to Labor, but it was employmental cowardice imo and it was very damaging to *J*U*L*I*A*s cause. To say it was unpleasant but not to have said it would have been cowardice on my own part. I call things as I see them: though I be the sole one to say so on occasion. When I placed that tweet a few days ago GM came back at me with what was surely a smart-arse answer, basically claiming to be a fence-sitter and threatening next time to support Abbortt just to annoy me. (I posted the whole series of tweets here a couple of days ago, me to him and vice versa.) Mr Denmore took up his own issues with GM a few days ago, subsequent to though not apropos of my previous comments. Mr D next to Ad astra is one of my best-regarded commenters on the 5th Estate, and he is manifestly not in it for the money. His comments to George reassure me that I was not far amiss. It's a shame, when so many people think George to be a Lefty. To me, that is a reputation of which he is currently unworthy. But like Leigh Sales, he could always win back my respect with some courageous nor-fear-nor-favor journalism.


29/08/2012Saw the awful Uhlmann making his point on 7.30 tonight...How did he get promoted over Michael Brissendon? I remember Brissendon was political reporter under Kerry O'Brien, then suddenly he's American correspondant and Uhlmann fronts 7.30! If Leigh Sales has any say in production, I'd say; Drop the drop-kick! and get a serious side-man(or woman)! Not a Liberal stooge.


29/08/2012Web Monkey, The Thread that has been omitted from the list in the Archives - but not from the archival record itself - is [i]Grog do come back, we need you. . . published 10/10/10.[/i]


30/08/2012TODAY’S LINKS Honourable zombies gnawing at Tony Abbott!, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless If you're going to depart from The John Howard Way on Chinese investment and workplace relations, where does it end? Abbott has saved the Liberals considerable heartache by mandating that any disputes are to be settled in favour of whatever the Howard government did. He has, however, made a rod for his own back; one he had borne proudly until recently Blinkered. Mr Denmore. The Failed Estate And this is part of the problem with the media – their refusal to see their own agency; that their own behaviour is the issue.That the outwardly most reasonable member of the News Ltd machine should so thorougly refuse to engage with the arguments for more effective media regulation and public accountability speaks volumes in my view. News Ltd's Double Standards On Anti-Semitism, Jeff Sparrow, New Matilda The Australian, in particular, has devoted reams and reams of paper to denouncing the Greens for involvement with the BDS movement, even though no-one from the Greens ever talked about "vanity-driven, thieving Jews". Why, then, won’t the Australian devote equal space to condemning the anti-Semite who has been on its payroll and whose work still features on its site? FOOT IN MOUTH Disease, Mr Denmore, The Hoopla This is a “transcript” of an imagined appearance by Grahame Morris, former Liberal Party strategist after his comment to ABC 702 radio yesterday that Leigh Sales “can be quite a “cow” during her recent interview with Tony Abbott.) Something rotten in free market economics , Gary Sauer Thompson, Public Opinion The free market economists at the IPA, who are hostile to subsidies for green energy schemes, are also opposed to the carbon market setting the carbon floor price. In emissions trading the government merely sets the target; it is the market that sets the price. Alan Moran, for instance, talks of a humiliating backdown in the AFR: Rock Superstar, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks So while people like Nicola Roxon, do their best to fight Big Tobacco, and save Australian lives, there will always those of us with their moral gauge set to Low, like those in the Liberal Party. Happy to take money from the companies who are actively looking to kill your family and friends, and maybe even you Labor plugs the gap in dental health care , Charis Palmer, The Conversation Universal access to publicly funded dental care is a major plank of The Greens’ policy, and improving the system was a key item pledged by Prime Minister Julia Gillard in return for the Greens’ support after the 2010 election. The additional $4 billion in spending comes on top of $515 million announced in the 2012-13 Federal Budget to target Online training for youthful brains, Julie Milland, Independent Australia He said “crystallised intelligence”, or stored knowledge, does not begin to decline until after 60, whereas “fluid intelligence”, or speed of learning, decreases after the age of 21. Stough said the online training would help fluid intelligence:“There is a theory that links them together. It says that if you improve brain speed and the ability to learn, then people should be able to make new connections and to make new memories Lying About Lying, The Serial Liar,Archie, Archie Archives No, this is NOT a headline about whether or not Tony Abbott had read the BHP Report. Not about whether he lied then or not. It seems Our Tones is a serial liar.And a serial liar about whether he lied. Bludging on the dole, Min, Café Whispers John Howard had it down to fine art: find someone to blame for his government’s political agenda; the method of demonizing.Immediately asylum seekers come to mind, however Howard was also adept at demonizing other groups of people Should dental reform aim to benefit dentists – or the community?, Melissa Sweet, Croakey “Dental Access” Proposal: Proposal to the Australian government for a Scheme to assist disadvantaged Australians obtain improved access to dental care. 20 November 2009 STOP PRESS: In his Budget Reply, Tony Abbott said: "I Can Save $50B" - If so, his Blackhole is still near $70B. But he cannot tell us where the $50B saving will come from Why Drop the Price Floor- Taking a Gamble on the EU, Martin C Jones The price floor, though, was there to stop the Australian market being flooded by cheap foreign permits; to give domestic sources of investment into potential abatement (or offsets) the certainty that they would be able to get at least $15 for their product. What fulfils that role? Rupert Murdoch set to be next Aussie media mogul to get Howzat treatment, Mumbrella The story of Rupert Murdoch’s rise to become the world’s biggest media mogul looks set to become an Australian TV telemovie,Screen Australia has provided funding development for the work which is being written by Bob Ellis and Stephen Ramsay. Cook Islands lays out the welcome mat for Pacific leaders, ABC The Pacific Islands Forum annual conference has opened in the Cook Islands capital Raratonga.Leaders, including Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, received a spectacular welcome, as Pacific correspondent Sean Dorney reports. Murdoch offer for Whitlam footage, Michael Gordon, Casey Weekly Mr Whitlam filed a $500,000 writ against News Limited claiming defamation and ''injurious falsehood'' over the story, particularly over the comments he was alleged to have made at the breakfast, which became known as the ''Iraqi breakfast affair'' I’m no FTTN “zealot”, says Malcolm Turnbull, Renai LeMay, Delimeter A quick message for Mr Turnbull: Anyone can throw the ‘zealot’ word around. But what takes a great deal more courage is to publish the rival NBN policy you’ve painstakingly developed behind closed doors, or even answer basic questions about it. Now that would be pragmatic … or perhaps we’re being a little too ‘zealous’ in our quest for the truth? Ideological Uncertainties, Dennis Altman, Inside Story in Joe Hockey’s attacks on what he calls an entitlement mentality and Tony Abbott’s claim that Australia cannot afford the Gonski reforms. On social issues, the Liberals are largely more liberal than their Republican counterparts; indeed, people like Hockey, Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop would seem radical within the current Republican Party. But there is a socially conservative strain within the Liberals, and more so within the Nationals, and a Romney presidency would give them renewed confidence. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 30 August 2012

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30/08/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


30/08/2012Jaycee Yep Uhlamnn's conservative hair shirt was well on display last night. Uhlmann was pathetic. Since when has 7:30 Report become a place for opinion pieces? Because that's what he gave. If he wants to do that he should go over to The Drum. Nasty piece of work that he is.

Tom of Melbourne

30/08/2012The ALP barrackers must be so proud that Gillard is negotiating the deal with PNG and Nauru to imprison asylum seekers. Gillard isn’t simply seeking an arrangement to house them while they’re being processed, she will deliberately detain them for years, as a deterrent. After all the talk about the inhumanity of detention, this government is implementing a policy of actual punishment of the innocent. Gillard is a disgrace.


30/08/2012Agree, Lady in Red. I was yelling as much to the tele' myself! The thing I wonder about is who gives him permission to preach such diatribe out of Aunty? Bet 6/4 "fave" it is that bastard right-wing management crowd! Purge the lot! Start at the top!


30/08/2012ToM, The only disgrace is you! Two weeks ago you were on about this,and like then as now I don't give a F#ck! what happens to them I really don't.I also don't give a F#UCK about your views on the matter! But as you're someone who shares the world view of Anders Brevick nothing you write shocks me!


30/08/2012Greg Jericho ‏@GrogsGamut 9:16 AM - 30 Aug 12 Me in @TheHoopla: News sites that want to be trusted need to realise that content includes comments as well as articles Matt Cowgill ‏@MattCowgill 9:38 AM - 30 Aug 12 @GrogsGamut nice piece Dr Gamut


30/08/2012Hi Ad & Everybody, Julia Gillard appears on front pages, in beautiful pictures of her visit to the Cook Islands, but the headlines with accompanying articles are not very nice to say the least. I like Katharin Murphy's article Mr Abbott could be in touble with misleading Parliament "Mr Albanese says in the letter. ''Based on the available facts, he either misled the 7.30 program or misled the House.'' Jaycee and Lady in Red, I agree with you, that report Uhlmann did last night was horrific. Did you hear him say the newly released Dental Scheme is a Layby policy. Stephen Koukoulas was unimpressed: Stephen Koukoulas Oh dear: cuhlmann goes into a 2 minute Budget analysis on 730 & talks of a "spending spree". Really sloppy work. Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk My Business Spectator Article today: A deficit of budget surplus sense Stephen Koukoulas‏ Lots of chatter on Budget: but most of it's like looking at a football score that has Man United 2 and no ref to the other side. Useless Stephen Koukoulas‏ People get so feral when you talk budget deficits and debt. If only they understood it all. Timothy Stuart‏ Even The australian is losing confidence and interest in @Tonyabbottmhr While the government may be drawing its strategy from the Howard government's playbook in the lead up to the 2001 election by addressing problems and spending on new initiatives to restore voter trust, it does demand a more compelling performance by Tony Abbott if the government's strategy is to be more effectively scrutinised. Abbott's record queried, Katharin Murphy Mr Abbott could have corrected the record three times during the 12-minute interview, but did not. ''The Leader of the Opposition's statements on the 7.30 program on 22 August and to the Parliament on 23 August cannot both be true,'' Mr Albanese says in the letter. ''Based on the available facts, he either misled the 7.30 program or misled the House.'' PM gets lift on way to raise status of women Ms Gillard - Australia's first female PM and the only woman among the dignitaries - set to reveal a $320 million personal initiative to raise the status of women in the Pacific Brucer-gate a fabrication, Mark Latham, The Financial Review Ever since, every two-bit scribbler with a notepad has dreamed of toppling a popularly elected government. Labor’s $120bn budget blowout, Australian Financial Review Future governments may need to raise $120 billion – or almost $20,000 for the average four-person family – by the end of the decade to pay for Labor’s spending commitments.Analysis by The Australian Financial Review of future demands on the budget supports recent warnings by Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson and his predecessor, Ken Henry, that the tax system will be unable to cope with new spending promises. Carbon link to EU mad: McKibbin, Financial Review Former Reserve Bank board member Warwick McKibbin says the federal government’s decision to link carbon permits to European prices is a dangerous policy equivalent to signing up the Australian dollar to the euro zone. Labor brings real world into carbon tax fight The Coalition's warning of a budget hole invites fresh scrutiny of its $10 billion ''Direct Action'' policy. Deposed Coalition leader Malcolm Turnbull rightly warned this could be a recipe for ''fiscal recklessness on a grand scale''. If revenue is not raised from emitters, they have less incentive to make the structural and technological changes needed for the economy to remain competitive. The entire cost of cutting emissions falls directly on taxpayers. Labor plans $4bn expansion of dental service, Queensland Government backflips on wild rivers promise The Courier Mail THE Queensland Government will break a pre-election promise not to replace wild rivers protection of the historic Cooper Creek and Diamantina and Georgina rivers Before the election, Environment Minister Andrew Powell said: "The LNP has no plans to repeal or replace any of the wild rivers declarations in western Queensland


30/08/2012Looking at the above post about asylum seekers, I have to ask ; "Has Marilyn morphed into ToM?" Well..I suppose if I was a failed small-businessman, now reduced in circumstances by ongoing illness and reliance on welfare, I too would be shaking my fist and striking out at an "unjust world".....bit like Basil Fawlty lashing his broken down "Morris 1100" with a piece of branch and "teaching it a lesson!"..and crying out; "Thank you God..Thank you very bleeding much!"

Tom of Melbourne

30/08/2012Jason – “[i] Anders Brevick[/i]” It’s a little early in the day to be smoking that stuff Jason, because that’s the only explanation I can imagine for your odd comment. Jaycee also prefers to attack the messenger rather than address the dishonesty of Gillard. The current Gillard policy is far more severe and deliberately punitive than anything that operated in the past. Rudd was entirely correct when he said he wouldn’t support a “lurch to the right” on asylum seekers. But those here cheer the “lurch to the right”. TPS is overburdened with contributors who willingly excuse and support policies in this government that that are more extreme than those they condemned in the Howard Government


30/08/2012If you find it all so horrible - don't come here TfM. Surely you have that much intelligence. You may notice that we discuss things here which is obviously a foreign concept for you. Go back to the gutter and get some legitimacy next election.


30/08/2012Lyn Yes I did hear Dullman say "Layby policy". And also the attempt to tie the words "black hole in the budget" to Labor rather than a slogan that has repeatedly been attributed to the Lib's. So the BS in on. The fight for hearts and minds people - one way is to blur the slur. And Dullman is trying it on, prickly, nasty piece of work that he is.


30/08/2012Stephen Koukoulas debunking Chris Uhlmann's reference to a 'spending spree' by the government (without naming Uhlmann). [b]A deficit of budget surplus sense[/b] by Stephen Koukoulas Business Spectator [quote]Attracting most attention are some items that will, in isolation, reduce the size of the surplus. The NDIS, changes to carbon pricing, dental funding, offshore processing of asylum seekers and education reform are all expensive big-ticket items. A monkey with a calculator can add the cost of these programs and, in isolation, suggest the government is on a spending spree or that the budget surpluses will be blown out of the water. But of course, anyone with any knowledge of government and budgeting knows these changes to policy will not be delivered in isolation. ********** And a final point. If there was any legitimacy about the grossly inflated concerns about the fiscal position of the government, it would show up in financial markets. A true, as opposed to a made up, problem with the budget would see foreigners exiting Australia faster than you can say “triple-A”. They are not.[/quote] Now if someone could just explain to me what Uhlmann meant when he observed: [quote]Someday, someone is going to have to make this all add up. But you get a sense from the recent flurry of spending commitments that Labor is trying to buy back its base and doesn't believe it will be called to pay the piper.[/quote] There is a Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook to be handed down in November and another budget in May next year, both of which will need to show how Labor is going to pay for these policy promises. This idea that Labor is trying to buy votes on the never-never without having to explain where the money is coming from is a complete nonsense. As for believing that they will never have to "pay the piper", presumably this means that Labor believes that it will lose the 2013 election and won't need to fund its promises. So why try to "buy back its base"? Oh, that's right, it's about saving the furniture. Chris Uhlmann is a tabloid hack.


30/08/2012Oops. Sorry Lyn, I should have read your 10.11 AM first. :$ Oh well.

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30/08/2012Hi Lyn I have enjoyed your links and Twitterverse this morning. Perhaps the most telling article was the editorial in [i]The Australian[/i] that contained these paragraphs: “[i]The Opposition Leader's dogged pursuit of the government has been successful in helping to erode Labor's credibility with voters and driving its support to low levels. But is this the right strategy for Mr Abbott in the year ahead? Certainly, previous opposition leaders were able to expose government weaknesses while promulgating an alternative policy agenda. We doubt that Mr Abbott's successful exploitation of public dissatisfaction with the carbon tax is as potent as it once was. “As we have previously argued, the opposition needs to focus on improving its economic policy development and advocacy. Allaying voter concern over the $11 billion hole in its election policy costings and showing how it will cut $70bn in spending remain a priority. This is important as the government must show how it will deliver a budget surplus while increasing spending amid signs revenue may be falling.[/i]” When the editor of the Murdoch flagship is showing that amount of concern about Abbott’s strategy and policy development, the paper must be worried about Abbott man’s capacity to do other than he has been doing these last two years. In similar vein, Andrew Elder’s piece [i]Honourable zombies gnawing at Tony Abbott![/i] had a couple of intriguing paragraphs: “[i] Abbott will almost certainly survive as leader until the next election, even though his heart is increasingly not in it (Pyne and Julie Bishop have taken on the attack-dog roles in Parliament that seem to bore Abbott these days. For the government, this must be like the experience of encountering a couple of pampered yappy dogs while doorknocking). His leadership would only become untenable under either/both of these circumstances: “His lack of popularity, as I've said before, is a prophylactic against the election of a Coalition government. Gillard's popularity only has to rise to about 40% and he's in trouble. “He explodes, and reveals some aspect of his character that just confirms people's worst suspicions about the guy. “In that case, the next leader of the Liberal Party would be Julie Bishop. She'd negate the gender issue and has a hint of steel, but is not deft enough or deep enough to parry with Gillard. She would not go back to first principles and rethink things, as Turnbull would, and she would put up with the clowns that preselectors have foisted upon her better than Turnbull would.”[/i] Scary stuff!


30/08/2012Hi Norman K No you shouldn't I love everybody to post what they like Please don't worry sometimes time does not allow one to go back, I do it myself it's very important for our readers to post any & all the information they find. By the way thankyou very much for posting your interesting links, excerpts and comment. Stephen Koukoulas's comments and Business spectator article is a worthwhile read. I like Stephen he seems to be the only honest writer on the economy.


30/08/2012One would think that the Government would have some idea where it was sitting financially (it's not like they only balance the cheque book every six months). Assuming this is the case and because of the politics of running a deficit (rather than the actual logic of running a deficit), you'd think that Swan and Gillard would know exactly where the money os coming from for the Dental Scheme and any other program they choose to introduce. Given the standard of general reporting in the Australian media, its probably understandable that Ullmann sprouted his opinions rather than asking a question to obtain the fact. Understandable but not forgivable.


30/08/2012ToM, I remember when Rudd said " he wouldn’t support a “lurch to the right” He lied as do you for repeating it! the facts say otherwise.


30/08/2012I watched the Para Games procession today and the thought that this was a unique group of persons came quickly to mind..... so many demographics represented..... many people with most able intellect but physical/sensory disabilities of various types, degree, and origin, and able bodied people with intellectual disabilities of various degrees, and a combo of both. The thought crossed my mind that this great group would be abundant in empathy. They have all suffered and survived some serious vicissitudes of life, either congenitally or as a result of post-birth accident/illness. The only demographic not represented was the able bodied and able minded group, which IMHO contains all the selfish, non-empathic, whinging xenophobes who are thr grist for the mill of the MSM and the shock-jocks. It would probably be a far better society, more just and fair, if the minority was composed of these types and the majority was comprised of the Para Olympian demographic. I'm still away from home and using iphone to write this.... Not too easy... But a quick comment on funding for the NDIS and the "dental medicare". I don't give a hoot where the $s come from. In such non-optional matters, the plans and policies have to come first. In all our lives there are some things that just have to happen and the cost is dealt with later....... Necessity, the mother of invention, will lead to a solution of the cost problem. I am presently far away from home dealing with a life n death family matter, and the various costs incurred are the furthest thing from my mind. So too with essential social policies and reforms, IMHO.


30/08/2012[i]Our politics is not necessarily reality-based ... it is based around versions of reality that suit political imperatives. And it's set like stone in various shades of prejudice and practicality.[/i] Jonathon Green @TheDrum with his take on the SBS doco [i]Go Back To Where You Came From[/i] [b]Holding a mirror to a country divided[/b]


30/08/2012Psyclaw Thank you for keeping in touch at this time. All the best for what you are going through.


30/08/2012G'Day Swordsters This explains the insides of uncle Rupert & shows he is a very nasty manipulative arse hole, why he gets on with Wing Nut so well. Why he loves his political clout now & will not let go till his cold dead fingers give no choice. [i] Rupert was particularly disappointed at having been rejected as an applicant for a television licence in Perth and was moaning to me that he had lost out because he had no political influence [/i] [i]Rupert had recently spent a few weeks driving alone around Australia and buying any provincial newspaper he could get his hands on. His technique was simple: he would bully the owner into selling his paper with a threat that he would start a competing paper in the town.[/i]


30/08/2012Mmmm, sorry Psyclaw. People with disability are just like everyone else. Some are nice, some not so much. Just like everyone else. Implying there is somehow an abundance of empathy may be right, in the context of the games, but cognitive impairments are more conducive to self-focussed behaviour and traumatic accidents can result in lifelong bitterness and melancholy. To try to classify people with disability as more nicerer than the rest of us is a bit patronising, I think.

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30/08/2012Psyclaw We are thinking of you at this time of family stress. We hope the crisis resolves successfully and soon. Thank you for keeping in touch.

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30/08/2012Folks Today's issue of Crikey list those leaving Fairfax either voluntarily (e.g. David Marr, MIscha Schubert), those who have either taken redundancy, or have been pushed: "[i][b]The flight from Fairfax: who’s leaving the building?[/b] "In June, Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood announced a dramatic plan to shed 1900 jobs in a bid to slash the company’s costs. Applications for voluntary redundancies have closed and it’s clear an enormous amount of talent — and experience — is leaving the company. Crikey is compiling a list of editorial staff who have announced or confirmed their departure, and we’ll be keeping it updated as the names roll in. The Sydney Morning Herald/ Sun Herald Peter Fray (The Sydney Morning Herald editor-in-chief) Amanda Wilson (The Sydney Morning Herald editor) David Marr (The Sydney Morning Herald senior writer) Adele Horin (The Sydney Morning Herald columnist and journalist) Malcolm Brown (The Sydney Morning Herald journalist) Judy Prisk (The Sydney Morning Herald readers’ editor) Andrew Stevenson (The Sydney Morning Herald education editor) Bruce Elder (The Sydney Morning Herald popular culture writer) Ian Verrender (The Sydney Morning Herald senior business columnist) Scott Rochfort (The Sydney Morning Herald ‘CBD’ business columnist) Elisabeth Sexton (The Sydney Morning Herald senior business writer) Leonie Lamont (The Sydney Morning Herald business reporter) Annette Sampson (The Sydney Morning Herald personal finance editor) Matthew Moore (The Sydney Morning Herald urban affairs editor) Geesche Jacobson (The Sydney Morning Herald crime editor) Deborah Smith (The Sydney Morning Herald science editor) Clare Morgan (The Sydney Morning Herald arts editor) Julie Robotham (The Sydney Morning Herald health editor) Mark Metherell (The Sydney Morning Herald health correspondent) Julian Lee (The Sydney Morning Herald media writer) Debra Jopson (The Sydney Morning Herald senior writer) John Huxley (The Sydney Morning Herald senior writer) David Humphries (The Sydney Morning Herald senior writer) Josh Rakic (The Sydney Morning Herald sports journalist) Nadia Jamal (The Sun Herald deputy editor) David Knox (The Sun Herald senior editor) Jessica Irvine (The Sydney Morning Herald economics writer. Moving to News Limited. Understood not to have taken redundancy.) Joshua Dowling (The Sydney Morning Herald motoring editor. Moving to News Limited. Understood not to have taken redundancy.) The Age Paul Ramadge (The Age editor-in-chief) Misha Schubert (The Sunday Age political editor) Kirsty Simpson (The Age media editor) Lorna Edwards ( The Age “Melbourne Life” editor) Ray Cassin (The Age senior writer) Tom Ormonde (The Age senior subeditor) Ian Davidson (The Age subeditor) Shaun Carney (The Age associate editor) Simon Mann (The Age ex-Washington correspondent) Mike van Niekerk (The Age weekday editor) Paul Millar (The Age police reporter) Patrick Smithers (The Age executive news editor) Tom Hyland (Sunday Age international editor) Roslyn Guy (The Age associate editor) Raymond Gill (The Age senior arts writer) Ian Munro (The Age senior writer) Gary Munro (The Age senior editor) Jo Chandler (The Age senior writer) Gary Tippet (The Age senior writer) Nicole Brady (The Age senior writer) Julie Szego (The Age senior writer) Farah Faroque (The Age senior writer) Philip Hopkins (The Age business writer) Ian McIlwraith (The Age business writer) Fran Atkinson (deputy Age Green Guide editor) Veronica Ridge (Sunday Age Life & Style editor) Frank “the littlest cowboy” Maiorana (The Age artist) Judy Green (The Age designer) Christina Carter (The Age designer) Mark Ellis (The Age deputy arts editor) David Dick (The Age iPad editor — will leave early next year) The Australian Financial Review Roger Johnstone (The Australian Financial Review weekend editor) Deirdre Macken (The Australian Financial Review columnist) Derry Hogue (The Australian Financial Review foreign editor) Marguerite Winter (The Australian Financial Review Magazine deputy editor) Barrie Dunstan (The Australian Financial Review columnist) Mark Fenton-Jones (The Australian Financial Review special reports editor) The Canberra Times Ian Sharpe (The Canberra Times cartoonist) Diana Streak (The Canberra Times arts editor) Rossyln Beeby (The Canberra Times environment reporter)[/i]


30/08/2012This is a question that I have been hoping would be answered ever since Hedley Thomas wrote his post-press conference article on Ms Gillard and the Slater & Gordon affair. After following this affair as closely as I could I was left with one niggling doubt, one series of unanswered questions. If Gillard was approached for advice on what entity to establish in order to have a legal repository for funds that would be used in any upcoming union election campaign, was the best answer an incorporated association? Would this association, with the stated aims of assisting in re-election of union representatives, be approved in West Australia where the application was being filed? If the answer is yes then Gillard's account of events holds up and she can't be held responsible if some other individual wrote up a different set of aims and subsequently (allegedly) defrauded the association. If the answer is no, then two further questions need to be answered: Was the advice that Gillard gave Bruce Wilson flawed, the application got knocked back and the applicants decided that they needed to list a different set of objectives for the association in order to satisfy WA law? Or did Gillard advise Wilson (off the record) to describe the association as one that would promote workplace safety since this stated aim was more likely to meet with approval? Here's how Hedley Thomas framed the question: [quote]The question that might have elicited the devil in this detail was not asked by the press gallery yesterday, but it revolves around a simple point. The reality is that if any of the documents lodged with the West Australian government agency had disclosed that the association's true purpose was as a "slush fund" to help in the election of union officials, it would not have been registered. It would not have been eligible under the legislation that governed such associations. It would not have been permitted to come into existence.[/quote] Finally, today we have evidence that someone has done their homework and to my considerable surprise it is Mark Latham, not one of Gillard's biggest fans. [quote]According to Thomas, if the relevant West Australian government agency had known that the association was designed “to help in the election of union officials, it would not have been registered. It would not have been eligible under the legislation that governed such associations.” Strangely, for a so-called investigative journalist, he provided no corroborating material for this assertion. No legal advice. No extracts from the WA legislation. No departmental assessment. To test Thomas’s claim, I contacted the Associations and Charities Branch of the WA Department of Commerce. Its officers informed me that under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987, “you can basically register anything as long as it’s not-for-profit”. Indeed, Section 4 of the statute makes provision for associations with “political purposes”, thereby covering a wide range of election types. When I asked about fund-raising for trade union elections, I was told that “there should not be a prohibition on that”. Thomas’s final accusation against Gillard was, in fact, a fabrication.[/quote] Now the question must be asked: why was it left to a former Labor leader to do this bit of digging? Where are the rest of our investigative journalists? Too busy reading press releases I suspect. It is worth noting, in passing, that filling out the application form to incorporate an association can be done over a beer; it's that simple. The constitution or rules of the association can be drafted from a model provided by the department in the relevant state and all that remains is a list of aims and objectives to be written up. It strikes me as not in the least unusual that Gillard didn't open a formal file on what would have seemed at the time a straightforward bit of form-filling and advice.


30/08/2012Psyclaw My thoughts are with you. Here's hoping for a favourable outcome.


30/08/2012I will probably come across as a hard hearted bar@#$@d but I can't find it in myself to be sympathetic to Faifax employees or any in the media who get the boot.....just can't. The msm we have didn't arrive by accident. It came to us through a thorough, well executed, brutal and coldly calculated plan. The implementation, culmination and collusion of vested interests made it plausible. The employees made it possible. They are all accountable. If a " mug punter " like me can pick up 10 years ago the disturbing trend that the politics of media reporting was to ensconce the flavour of the moguls month, those on the inside would have been more than fully aware and actively engaged. None spoke out. They should damned, not pitied.

42 long

30/08/2012The view has long been "out there", that there are only 2 kinds of journo's in Australia. Those who work for Murdoch and those who are going to. it's monopoly of sorts. Plenty knew of it and none had the guts to do something about it. Liberals were always in a better position to do well from it. The Tories in the UK didn't vote with the findings of the Leveson enquiry. They benefit from it. Have you ever heard a Rightist speak of media monopoly as a bad thing?. No way. They call it FREE speech. FREE advocation of their line, is not free speech. Fair fax wasn't as bad, but essentially all the participants knew the rules. It was go with it or do something else. Now they will have to do something else. Pity is most people in Australia have litle respect for most journalists as they have sold their soul, along the way.


30/08/2012AG Having spent 40 years working in the area of disability, i have yet to meet a person with a disability who is a redneck, and very few who whinge about superficialities. One of my favourite songs is "Life is the Best Teacher of All". Some take a lifetime to learn about our commonality..... until one of the few "levellers" which can bring all of us crashing down to reality befalls them... Illness, mishap, misfortunes etc .....then comes the realistion that when it's all said n done, we're all just flesh and blood, ASs, other races, n those we might look down on. Certainly what I wrote earlier was a generalisation, but it was a considered generalisation and not without some basis. One aspect that i failed to emphasise in my earlier post was that as well as persons with actual disabilities, it is available to their wider circle of rels, friends, neighbours n acquaintances to also have their empathy "upgraded" by their vicarious n not-so-vicarious experience of the disability. What I did not say in the earlier post was that persons with disabilities are "nicer" than others. But i' m darned sure that they are more in tune with the oft quoted underlying (selfish) basis of empathy ie "there but for the grace of Dog goes I"

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30/08/2012Folks ACERBIC CONEHEAD is back for a once-off appearance with a contemporary piece of satire: [i]The Queensland Quagmire[/i], which you will find delightful. Enjoy.


30/08/2012Jonathan Green's article in "The Drum" and a trip to the local barber got me thinking today. Green's article on "Go Back to Where You Came From" talks about the political divide is so great that even when confronted with living and breathing evidence to reject the opinion, Reith for one blames the whole mess on Gillard. The person in the chair when I arrived at the barber shop this morning is a public servant - one of the 200,000 or so concerned about their job. When the barber asked if there is too much bureaucracy in the Queensland Public Service the short answer was "yes - but". The "but" was interesting. The barber agreed that there were a number of business decisions he didn't get right either at the time or in retrospect. He lives with the outcomes and learns from them. In fact, his business is probably better as a result of the poor decisions he has made. Apparently there is the "Courier Mail test" in the public service - as in what would that decision look like on the front page of the Courier Mail. So there is a massive vetting system in place to ensure that a poor decision doesn't end up on the front page - occasionally one still does anyway. The conclusion was that if the opposition party (whoever that was) and the media would not crucify the politicians and public servants for the occasional (say 10% or so - comparable with any private business endeavour) poor decision as long as there was some evidence the same decision wasn't being repeated - there would be less need for the multiple layers of bureaucracy, the process would be faster and probably more responsive and we could have more people caring for children or more public housing and less Admin people in "oversight" roles. My "spin" on these events is this. As demonstrated by Reith (and this is not a "go" at him as I haven't watched the SBS show this time - yet), there are political divides that apparently cannot be crossed despite considerable evidence that no one in the Australian political system comes out of the asylum seeker argument smelling of roses. Its not just this issue - but generally the expectation seems to be by some or maybe a combination of the public, the press and the politicians that there can be no compromise. Why is that - everyone is aware of their own failures on a daily basis (where are those keys again?), but we can't accept any sign of failure in others without tearing shreds off them? The reality is that no group of people can ever do everything 100% correctly all the time. There is a research paper in existence that studied CCTV Camera operators. The paper demonstrates that one person observing a set number of screens will "miss" about 20% of the movement on the screens. Two operators using the same screens will miss 10% of the movement and while adding more operators will reduce the "miss" rate, it will never be eliminated. So is it a problem where the Government of the day across Australia (no, I'm not naive enough to believe Queensland is the only state with a "media" test) can support levels of bureaucracy on the basis that a decision somewhere some time may become "Viral"? Similarly, does it seem to be a problem that Reith can't get over the political rhetoric when confronted by evidence of the failure of a policy that he - and the current Government - managed at various stages of the last 15 years. I don't remember the same level of anger and vitriol in state or federal politics (and in reality across society) twenty or thirty years ago. There were a number of well known good friendships across the ALP and Liberal/Country Parties and Beattie was known to call in on Bjelke Petersen when in the Kingaroy area (despite Bjelke Petersen having a "Special Branch file on Beattie years earlier) as examples. It's also a comment on our society that we can't acknowledge the mistakes of others - and get over it.


30/08/2012Psyclaw May your problems resolve quickly and with the best possible outcome. While Adelaide Girl has a point - not all disabled people are ipso facto humble or pleasant in manner - yet I think, to look at those who have had it good and easy all their lives, the odds are that humility and empathy are more likely to be found amongst those who have seen hard times in some way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ad astra that list is a shocker. Yet it is inspirational to us of the Fighting 5th Estate. Like: [i]All right youse bastards if you won't let your employees spread the Truth we'll do it ourselves![/i] Summon up the blood Comrades, The Sword really is a very effective potential weapon, and we are only just beginnoing to learn how to wield it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NormanK that is a very good bit of gerbilizing on your part, and a fine bit of research by Mark Latham. Very interesting. A bit of psychological bluff and bullying by this Hedley Thomas, worded cunningly in a way he could never be held down for, "[i]it would not have been registered. It would not have been eligible under the legislation that governed such associations.” (where he actually richly deserves a good ribkicking, in yer [/i]proper Aussie lingo), sly low lying biased creep. He'd just of course say "Oh I was only giving an opinion" but the way things are he won't even be accused of lying by anybody but Latham and now us. Not by the MSM anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember I have always said [i]Abbortt Remember the Ides of September[/i] That's when I have reckoned visible public dissatisfaction with Abbortt would surface (as it has surfaced already on the 5th Estate.) Three weeks I reckon. When's the next sitting date anyway? Hee hee hee, can't wait. The only thing that can keep him there is the utterly empty shadow cabinet, they have really nothing else to wear. And the longer he stays there the more desperately torn they must become, as the Government demonstrates its authority and its superiority in every department. And the slithering thing they have made their leader will look more and more ridiculous as the time goes by now. Surely if they are to ditch him it will need to be before mid-December. After that they are probably stuck with him, if they leave it till next year they are desperately exposed to a gleeful but assuredly controlled Government. In all this time while the MSM have had so many rumours of imminent challenges to *J*U*L*I*A* - (and Yes they did have it right [i]once[/i], in the sense that they had information [i]they had kept from us[/i], remember? But we, well I anyway, never doubted the outcome, neither did Jason Obelix ftm.) - - but in all that time, I have never wavered from my predictions of Abbortt's downfall. [i]The Ides of September 2012 [/i]is when my Eye of Time foresees the cusp of it, the moment when he becomes an absolute baggage to his foolish nasty simplistic born-to-rule hubristic horde of loser suckhole mates. Go or stay, he has brought his party to a shameful cul-de-sac. [i]No pasaran![/i]

42 long

30/08/2012Politics is never about perfect outcomes. Politics is the too and fro of ideas, beliefs, self interest power and ego Pride etc "The Art of the Achievable" In past parliaments there were many friendships across party lines, and respect shown. I recall Pyne saying that he had NO friends on the other side of politics. THAT doesn't surprise me at all with him. The "Send them back to where they come from" programme is an ambitious one, which is pretty "gutsy". It's a topic where there is nor REAL answer to the problem which WE might be considered to have the key to. The real answer would be to have conditions in these countries that are good enough for the inhabitants to live safely and well in. Most people have strong ties to the countries of their origin, and would prefer to live there rather than emigrate. There are around 42 million potential refugees in the world. Australia because of it's remoteness has never had the sort of pressure that Iran, Jordan,Pakistan, Spain France etc have on them. Australia is isolated somewhat and surrounded by water which is at times treacherous. The losses today are unfortunate proof of this. The greens view of this and their response in my view has been the most un accommodating and unyielding. The LNP were stung by the Rudd attack, justifiably, but they demonised people so They don't get a tick from me. Parties can only go as far as the population will let them in these matters as ingrained attitudes are at play. The Labor party has to accept this, in forming it's position and has moved and should get some credit for going for something that is achievable. It should never have been a partisan issue.. If everybody in australia had the opportunity to do what Reith and Co have done it would have an effect on our views for sure. We don't appreciate how fortunate We are and continue to be greedy wasteful and pre-occupied with things that aren't that important. Everyone who comes here after being overseas for a while cannot understand what we are whingeing about.


30/08/2012Well sais, Ian...I take back the "nondescript"!!..I a tradie I have lost or quit jobs where the boss was an insult to our employment and we went on strike..many times! Why these journo's havent consolidated themselves with their union and protested is another thing!!??


30/08/201242 long - agreed. Funnily enough another comment from the bloke in the barber's chair before me (who had just been to Greece and Eastern Europe) was that the Greeks were living with a 25% unemployment rate - and we whinge about 5%. We really don't know how well off we are. After a trip to the US and Canada last year - I'd agree, Australia is really doing well under some difficult conditions. Car dealers in SoCal (Southern California) were advertising new cars for 0% with nothing to pay for 6 months, there were a lot of rental and for sale properties - and SoCal is still doing well in comparison to other parts of the US. It really is scary once you get off the 777 overseas!
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?