Proud to be a bigot: a view from the barbie

Everyone knows about George Brandis’s now famous comment:

People do have a right to be bigots, you know. In a free country, people do have rights to say things that other people find offensive or insulting or bigoted.

I have decided to take him at his word and tell Tony Abbott to eff off back to where he came from. He arrived here as a £10 pom and I will willingly refund his £10 (or $20 in real Australian money) if he takes the next boat home — perhaps we can spare him an orange life boat for the journey. Why wasn’t his boat stopped at sea and turned back? Given what he is doing to Oz, he must certainly rank as an ‘undesirable’ immigrant.

Yes, before the conservative critics start pointing out that Julia Gillard was born in Wales, in my bigoted view someone born in Wales (or Scotland or Ireland) ranks considerably higher than a conservative wanna-be toff born in England. If you doubt my ‘wanna-be toff’ comment, why did he re-introduce Knights and Dames into the Order of Australia? We got rid of those stupid, meaningless titles years ago but obviously a pom like Abbott still thinks they are important to Oz — where’s he been for the past 30 years? Perhaps he is hoping that one day one of his successors will offer him a title for all the great work he has done. But I’m not sure where he thinks this ‘great work’ will be done: it’s certainly not here in Oz going by his current performance.

Why do we need a pom running our country? He’ll only ruin it. Sorry, he already is, as James Wight pointed out so well in his piece here on TPS.

Although he may have arrived here as a kid (and I mean that in both senses of the word because in my humble view he is a goat), he doesn’t seem to really understand this country. I don’t know what he was doing when growing up out here but it certainly wasn’t in any way, shape or form giving him a genuine understanding of the Australian way of life. I haven’t seen him at the pub.

He pretends he is one of us but he tries too hard. Who else but Abbott still appears on the beach in budgie smugglers? Anyone who does is up themselves, thinks they are Adonis, or god’s gift to women — in my blatantly bigoted opinion, that fits Abbott to a tee. He walks with an exaggerated swagger — ‘look at me, look at me’, it says, ‘ain’t I the best thing since sliced bread’. He is a ‘big head’ and that is un-Australian. He seems to think he deserves to be a Knight, or perhaps a Lord, who can tell the rest of us what is good for us — as long as it is also good for him and his up-town mates. Sorry (again), he’s already doing that as well.

He bicycles. He jogs. He is a member of the volunteer bush fire brigade, at least when it presents a photo opportunity. He is a member of a surf live-saving club but you wouldn’t think so the way he treats the rest of us. There are plenty of others doing those volunteer jobs who never make it onto the telly and they deserve all the praise and credit they get but when someone turns up for the photo that will appear in tomorrow’s papers, you have to ask yourself: is this bloke for real?

And he sleeps with the police! What sort of bloke sleeps with the police and doesn’t go home to his missus? Yeh, I know that they’re repairing the Lodge but they rented some posh place for him and his family — $3000 a week as I recall: I wouldn’t mind earning $3000 a week, let alone being able to afford pay it as rent. Why didn’t he take that place and have his wife with him? Doesn’t she want to be with him? Perhaps she had enough of seeing him every day during the 2013 election campaign. Yeh, that was different. He didn’t want to sleep with police then. He wanted his missus in every second picture then — and his daughters. Where is she now? Have you seen her recently? — other than in Abbott’s Christmas address, and then she looked very uncomfortable. I don’t doubt that they’re a fairly normal family (as ‘normal’ as any family can be) but, gees, I can’t figure it out.

He thinks women should be at home doing the ironing. Yeh, sometimes I think that wouldn’t be too bad. Would save a lot of money with the child-minding. But we wouldn’t have a home for the cheese and kisses to do the ironing in if she didn’t work. And I don’t need a whingeing pom telling me or the missus what she should be doing. He’s the one who’s making it harder for us to survive without the missus working, and now making it harder even when she is. He’s supporting the top end of town and our wages now aren’t even keeping up with inflation. Does he expect we should thank him for that — pig’s a*se! (or ‘ass’ as the septics would say).

I thought he said he would govern for all Australians but so many are missing out now. What happened to the Oz we knew where we looked after each other; where we did try to give everyone a fair go; when the government helped people who were down on their luck; when the government actually supported our local industry. Now if a factory decides to go to India or Vietnam, or some other cheap place, all the men and women under 30 who lose their jobs won’t get a cent for six months. Don’t tell me that’s fair! Yeh, there might be a few bludgers avoiding work but that’s no reason to take it out on everybody else who genuinely needs a hand. It’s more likely to make it harder to get a job.

He promised that abolishing the carbon ‘tax’ would help us with our cost of living and that it was his major achievement for women. I’m sure every woman in the land has thanked him for that! Yeh, there was a bit of a reduction this year but it’s a one-off. It will disappear in no time because electricity prices are still going up. And isn’t he worried about the kids? What sort of planet are we leaving them unless we do something about climate change? He can talk about it all he likes but he isn’t doing anything! He’s off in la-la-land, off with the fairies at the bottom of the garden and there’s no such thing as climate change in that garden.

He also promised ‘no surprises’ and it really was no surprise when there were surprises. Why can’t politicians ever tell the truth? We all know now that whenever a conservative government is elected, it will immediately drop most of its promises (that they made to us to get elected in the first place) and blame the previous Labor government for leaving a financial mess. It’s become a game and is so predictable: yet, as voters, we go into elections with the hope that, this time, they might actually keep their promises. They don’t have to look very far to realise why we don’t trust them anymore.

Abbott reckons he hasn’t broken any promises. He says we weren’t listening carefully enough to what he said. You can’t understand a pom at the best of times let alone when one like Abbott is twisting words to suit himself. How are we supposed to know what he means when half-the-time he doesn’t seem to know himself? And he takes so long to get a sentence out that we’ve given up listening before he’s finished.

Then he tried to big-note himself on the world stage. What a joke! He said he wanted to ‘shirtfront’ Putin. I bet that had the Russians quaking in their boots: more likely rushing to their dictionaries to find out what the hell he meant. Somewhat loses its effect, don’t you think, if the other bloke has to look up a dictionary to find out what you mean before you thump him.

Like Howard before him, he reckons that any job is better than no job. He would say that, wouldn’t he, when he’s never done a day’s labour in his life. He wouldn’t even have a parliament house to swan about in if it wasn’t for hundreds of labourers who built the place! But look at how he treats working people. He seems to think he’s lord of the manor and we are just his serfs — well, serfs for him and his mates. They think they own us and we should be happy that they’re providing work for us, even if some of them (and I won’t mention names) think we should be working for $2 a day.

Abbott wants to bring back Workchoices — under a new name of course because his mob ‘buried’ Workchoices years ago. They might have taken it off life-support but it didn’t die. He wants more individual work contracts — no awards and conditions just what the lord of the manor is willing to give you. It’s a bit hard to fight back on your own but that’s Abbott’s pommy world. And you’ll be arrested for poaching, for trying to get a feed for your kids. I can foresee it all.

The rest of his mob may not be poms but they’re just as bad. Foghorn Leghorn and Schwarzenegger having cigars when they handed down their budget that attacked working people and the poor. It reminds me of an old Irish song, ‘The rocks of Bawn’ and the lyric:

Come all you loyal comrades wherever you may be
And don’t hire with any master ‘til you know what your work will be
For you must rise up early from the clear daylight of dawn
And I know you’ll never be able to plough the rocks of Bawn

A curse attend you Sweeney for you have me nearly robbed
A-sitting by your fireside with your dudeen in your gob

(A ‘dudeen’ is an old Irish clay pipe.)

It all fits doesn’t it? And shows that the poms like Abbott haven’t really changed. They kept the Irish down. They kept the Irish in Australia down in the early years. And they keep the workers down. They want us to do the impossible, like ‘plough the rocks of Bawn’, while they sit there smoking their cigars. And you wonder why I’m bigoted!

I can finish with some fine English words that a wanna-be toff like pommy Abbott might understand: ‘You and your toffs, just naff off back to Eton’.

What do you think?

TPS presents this piece as a warm-up for the year ahead, just to get us back into a politcial frame of mind and boost the political spirits.

Our first serious post for the year will appear next Sunday. But watch out later in the week for a special post about some changes for TPS in 2015.

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25/01/2015Folks Here is some delectable satire from Ken to get [i]TPS[/i] started for 2015. Enjoy. There’s lots more to come this year.

Catching op

25/01/2015People who are insulted for no good reason, also have the right to make reply. Margie was out this morning, at the Australian Day dinner. Looked a little happier. Maybe she knows the farce is nearly over, leaving her free. Will someone please tell him, making home movies instead of presenting himself in front of the media does not work. His announcement on the Japanese tragedy has reached as new low.


26/01/2015The Fitzgerald principles The Australia Institute has asked all political parties contesting next week's Queensland election to subscribe to the Fitzgerald principles. The principles were crafted by corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald. They are: Govern for the peace, welfare and good government of the state; Make all decisions and take all actions, including public appointments, in the public interest without regard to personal, party political or other immaterial considerations; Treat all people equally without permitting any person or corporation special access or influence; Promptly and accurately inform the public of its reasons for all significant or potentially controversial decisions and actions. Labor, the Greens, Palmer United Party and Katter's Australian Party all committed. The Liberal National Party has so far failed to respond. Even Alan Jones supported the principles.


26/01/2015TalkTurkey ‏@TalkyTurkey @TheKouk @vanOnselenP Australians All let us resolve To make our homeland free Of Right to Rule By English FOOLS In Abborrtt's LNP!


26/01/2015 Australians All let us resolve To make our homeland free Of Right to Rule By English FOOLS In Abborrtt's LNP! Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Too Few get Too Much Share! Vote LABOR's Way on Saturday And [b][i]Make Australia FAIR![/i][/b]


26/01/2015Continuing the satire theme - Abbott gives Prince Phillip a Knight of the Order of Australia! [quote]Mr Abbott said Prince Philip was being recognised for his contribution "to Australia throughout the Queen's 62-year reign". "Prince Philip's long life of service and dedication should be honoured by Australia," the statement said. Prince Philip's long life of service should be honoured by Australia, Tony Abbott has said. "For three-quarters of a century, Prince Philip has served the Crown, and the wider Commonwealth.[/quote] [quote]When he announced the return of knights and dames as Australia's top honours last March, Mr Abbott said the honour would be reserved for Australians whose contributions to national life were thrust upon them rather than sought.[/quote]


26/01/2015I am moved to reflect on Australia Day and why it has become so important with massive celebrations around the nation. Throughout the ‘50s and ‘60s it was largely ignored — just a holiday Monday near the end of January (the holiday was just on the Monday near Australia Day). There was some recognition of the day but it was usually very low-key. Some might argue that was because we were still too closely tied to 'Mother England' and so Australia Day had no real meaning. On the other hand, it was also very Australian not to be nationalistic. In the ‘70s Whitlam began breaking the ties to England, including no more appeals to the Privy Council (so the High Court in Australia became the final judicial arbiter) and introducing the Order of Australia to replace the old British Honours system that had held sway unil then. Hawke made the greatest change to Australia Day itself when he decreed that it should be celebrated on the day, not just on a nearby Monday. But even the day itself is questionable as significant — except for Sydney. The First Fleet had actually arrived in Botany Bay six days earlier on 20 January — and, it should be noted, even that arrival was staggered over a couple of days as the first vessel had arrived on 18 January (the old sailing vessels could not stay together very well). They found Botany Bay not very inviting and a boat was sent north, originally intending to look into Broken Bay which Cook had shown on his charts, but also decided to look into Port Jackson which Cook had not explored but simply marked its opening. They found a large, safe harbour to which all the vessels had moved by 26 January when many were brought ashore and the Union Jack raised in Farm Cove later in the day. (The female convicts were not brought ashore until 6 February.) The raising of the Union Jack wasn’t claiming possession of the country: that had already been done by Cook. And Western Australia wasn’t claimed by Britain until 1829. South Australia and Western Australia still have separate holidays related to their founding. The only claims that the First Fleet has wider relevance is that ‘New South Wales’ at the time actually covered the entire continent, except for WA; and, of course, the fleet carried the first white settlers for the country (or at least for Port Jackson) but as modern Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders say, for them it was ‘invasion day’. So I am not sure of the significance of 26 January and perhaps we should be looking for another more ‘uniting’ date but I doubt that will happen now because the date has become embedded in the past decade or two.


26/01/20152353 More justification for my 'wanna-be toff' comment.:-)

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26/01/2015Casablanca I do like the Fitzgerald principles. If only they were applied all over our nation. TT Very rousing! Ken Thank you for the historical account of Australia Day - very enlightening and provocative. As you say, it's so entrenched now that it cannot, certainly will not be radically changed.


26/01/2015Ad I think the best hope is that when Australia becomes a republic, we can choose 26 January as the start date: then it truly will be Australia Day.


26/01/2015My former local member, and the man who was instrumental in me getting a job in the public service, Tom Uren, has died aged 93. He was a great local member and a man of vision.


26/01/2015Vale Tom Uren Much admired by his public servants at Department of Urban and Regional Development. (DURD)


26/01/2015Fairfax Poll - 92% of over 25,000 disagree with knighthood for Prince Philip. Arise and vote at Fairfax! Tony Abbott defends decision to make Prince Philip a knight Knighthoods Actually A Real Policy The genuine nature of the policy has caught many by surprise.


26/01/2015My apologies to readers. It turns out my 'satire' was more truthful than I thought. Treating Abbott as a 'pom' was meant to be satire but he obviously takes his 'pommie-ness' quite seriously and so has knighted the Duke of Edinburgh. (I don't think it will have any impact on the 'order of precedence' at official functions.) Abbott said part of the reason for the award was that 'the monarchy has been an important part of Australia's life since 1788'. And he did not deny that it was a 'captain's pick'. He said he did not expect gratitude (grovel, grovel). It seems more and more like Tony is trying to set himself up for a return to the land of his birth where he hopes to be looked after by those he is sucking up to. I can say what I like here because, according to Tony, it is only electronic graffiti. It is perhaps because he is so single-minded in his own beliefs that he can't see what the majority of the country sees. While the monarchists came out in support, I noticed in a number of comments on this that even professed Liberals are tearing at their hair. It is hard to believe that so much political stupidity can exist in a single politician.


26/01/2015An electronic graffitist posted this article link: Ming The Merciless ‏@MGliksmanMDPhD 1h1 hour ago “What is it like to be a psychopath?”,,,,,Ask Australia's Prime Minister @TonyAbbottMHR. 0 replies 6 retweets 14 favorites “What is it like to be a psychopath?” Scott Barry Kaufman | January 19 2015 Cognitive neuroscientist Kent Kiehl discusses his research and personal experience working with “those without conscience.” Scott and Kent demystify the historically fascinating illness as it relates to criminal activity, genius, evil, flourishing, the brain, gender and treatment.


26/01/2015On Saturday there was a cartoon in the paper depicting the arrival of the First Fleet. Aboriginals were holding a sign "Stop the Boats"!!


26/01/2015Doodle Poodle I didn't see that but I like it. It's similar to one I saw many years ago -- two Aboriginals standing watching the boats come in and one says to the other: "There goes the neighbourhood"


26/01/2015 [b]Former Whitlam minister Tom Uren dies[/b] Anne Davies. January 26, 2015 - 2:40PM "As part of Weary Dunlop's force, he lived by what he described in his first speech as 'the principle of the fit looking after the sick, the young looking after the old, the rich looking after the poor'. "His philosophical approach to reconciliation was exemplified by his often-used quote by Martin Luther-King: 'Hate is always tragic. It disturbs the personality and scars the soul. It's more injurious to the hater than it is to the hated.'


26/01/2015Philip – A Just And Fitting Honour Of Someone Who Worked Quietly Behind The Scenes With No Recognition! Rossleigh. January 26, 2015 When Abbott first introduced them, people suggested that it was a crazy idea, but I think you’ll all agree, that this just shows how firm a grip Abbott has on reality, and what an astute politician he really is. If we can’t honour rich men who live overseas on Australian Day, when can we?

Catching up

26/01/2015I hate to say this, but Abbott does remind one of the whinging poms of post war migration. The ones that spent their time telling us what our roots were, and what we should believe, along with how thankful we should be to mother England. Sadly most deserved the reputation they were labelled with. In time, in fact, looking back the whingers disappeared quickly. Well so I thought, until I got on plane with one to England in 1990.Yes before we got off the ground she was taking me back to my roots. This amused me, as all my ancestors entered this land pre 1860 at the latest. Only one came from England. Married in this country. My best girlfriend while at high school came from London. She soon put her fellow country peers in their place with a simple, stop whinging, you do not know what you are talking about. My roots, according to her, could be found in the home town of Captain Cook. Had fun pointing out, that he short visit to the eastern coast of Australia was only a small, very small part of his voyage. Sadly a long friendship, during university and working together, did not survive the six weeks we spent together. Yes, Abbott belongs in her camp. She really believed I owe England much, Still cannot see what. If one listens to Abbott's Australian Day speech, same message being given, I have this funny idea, it is them that owes us.


26/01/2015Some electronic graffiti from Julia: Julia Gillard ‏@JuliaGillard 21m21 minutes ago Tom Uren - a gentle man, a Labor giant, an Aussie hero. An honour as PM to implement his policy for POW benefits. An honour to know him. JG


26/01/2015Further Update: 93% of 42339 votes against the Royal Knighthood for Sir Philip of Abbottsville. Tony Abbott defends decision to make Prince Philip a knight


27/01/2015There is hope here. O'Farrell fell on his sword over a bottle of Grange - Abbott is even being ridiculed in NewsCorp publications this morning. The Courier Mail is using a masthead from 1965!


27/01/2015Kochs plan to spend USD900Million on 2016 US Election campaign.


27/01/2015The other side of the knighthood debate. As a monarchist Abbott should be apologising for his action, not defending it. The reason that he should understand is the embarrasment this is causing for his monarch.


27/01/20152353 The Kochs sound really scary. Out here Murdoch doesn't have to spend the money, just tell his papers what to say, and then tell the politicians.

Florence nee Fed Up

27/01/2015Indeed he should


27/01/2015Hi all Looks like fun times ahead, first Qld election this coming weekend. Then NSW in March. My apologies for my absence for many months, had a few problems to deal with, too much Lieberal input was not helping, I had the need for a calm state of mind. At least we might just be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel come back on. Belated Happy New Year to everyone here.

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27/01/2015KHTAGH What a great pleasure it is to see you back at TPS. It's good to read that things are improving for you. There's plenty going on on the political front with the Liberals self-destructing, ably precipitated by Tony whose moniker, 'Toxic Tony', is more applicable by the day! There's lots to read and write about! And a Very Happy New Year to you too.


27/01/2015Khtagh Welcome back and a belated Happy New Year to you as well. I think the best fun in Queensland will be Newman losing his seat to Kate Jones. Although I hope for a Labor win, I think it more realistic that they will achieve about an 8% swing state-wide (up to 15% in some seats) but probably not enough seats to gain government because they are starting so far behind. But even that outcome will be enough to scare the Liberals in Canberra because it would mean a swag of Queensland seats will change hands in 2016. Unfortunately I think Baird is fairly safe in NSW. He comes across well in the media and showed appropriate leadership during the Lindt cafe siege (unlike a certain PM who, as usual rushed out with extravagant statements). Add to that, that Labor changed leadership barely three months out from the election, and I don't think Baird is in any trouble. The main interest will be whether Labor can make a dent in the Liberal vote or whether Baird actually manages to increase the Liberal vote. I will readily admit that I don't know what the local issues may be in NSW and, of course, they can always make a difference. Still, it will be interesting to watch the elections unroll.

Florence nee Fed Up

27/01/2015Will someone ask this mob, why in the hell do we need knighthoods at all?


28/01/2015[b]Final Count[/b] Fairfax Poll- 93% of over 54,000 disagree with knighthood for Prince Philip. I know the inadequacies of these polls but to have such a large number participating is very unusual.


28/01/2015[b]Tony Abbott Wakes With Nagging Feeling He Gave A British Monarch A Knighthood Yesterday[/b] Another insider said the last he saw of Mr Abbott yesterday, the Prime Minister was riding around on a make-believe horse, wearing nothing but a paper crown and shouting ‘close the drawbridge and man the cannons!’


28/01/2015Australia's Flag's a FAILURE! We need one bright and new, With the Symbol of Australia: [i]A Flying Kangaroo[/i]. It's always been our Symbol Since it featured on the Penny; It's eternal and universal, And of rivals there aren't any. Of all animals most graceful - Beloved of all the world - I long to get a faceful Of a KangaFlag unfurled!


28/01/2015Courtesy Casablanca: [i]Fairfax Poll - 92% of over 25,000 disagree with knighthood for Prince Philip.[/i] ha ha Only the very weirdest RWNJs voting for this very weirdest of all PM decisions. But I only just figured out his figuring. And do I mean this. I think he figures that he has WEDGED Queenie into the position that she cannot avoid creating him a Knight. Consider her position: He has "knighted" her husband (presumably without prior notice, let alone approval!) She [i]cannot ignore [/i]that Abborrrtt has served the Royal Househole *extraordinarily* (!), nor very well abide the notion of a commoner presuming to honour Highborn Phil, it's sortof untenable. If she doesn't knight him it will be seen as a blatant slight to him, and to Australia in a hyper-weird way too. A serious break with tradition and protocol. [i]Of course [/i]he deserves a Knighthood. She could even create a new Order for him: Order of the Suppository maybe. But if she does knight him she will be seen as ridiculous, suckholing Sir Suckhole. I reckon he's got her. I don't think he cares what She thinks, in fact I think he'll preen & gloat and brag forever more that he got her in a right-down regular Queen-Trap. Maybe they could get him driven to Buckingham Palace for the BeKnighting down a long curving subway, very fast, in a big black Mercedes ... Truly you couldn't fit this story into Yes Minister, it'd be too fantastic to have any credibility! KHTAGH Good to see you Comrade. Hope the bees is good.


28/01/2015With things monarchial in the news, I do like this story about the Queen and the late king of Saudi Arabia. In relation to that story the Queen would have been 71 or 72 at the time. While I am not a monarchist, I do like the way she made a point without a word said about it.

Florence nee Fed Up

28/01/2015I believe that Abbott is attempting, seriously attempting to impose his strong Monarchy views on us. He reminds of the post war years and the many whinging poms one encountered. He believes we owe what we are to mother England. Cannot see, others see things different. Yes, I for one believe what we are is in spite of England, not the other way round. Well what would one expect of fifth generation Australian, with both Irish and French roots. What's more, Mr Abbott, I am proud of the Nation that arose from the British setting up a penal colony, as a part of their empire. Mr Abbott is attempting to change our history, to fit in with his perceptions. In Battlelines, he is reported to have said, when he went back to England, it was like coming home. Like many of my youth, who seen the British Isles as the motherland.


28/01/2015TT, Those dismal Fairfax poll figures got even better ie more dismal. The final count was 93% of 54,468 - an exceptionally large volume of votes. Votes on NineMSM were not as large but 74% were against the benighted PM's position. (should that be be-knighted?)


28/01/2015[b]His Master's electronic graffiti[/b] Media Baron and 'electronic graffitist' sprays tweet over Abbott's wall. [b] Rupert Murdoch calls on Tony Abbott to sack Peta Credlin[/b] Caroline Overington in New York In a series of three Tweets, Mr Murdoch said that Mr Abbott should sack Ms Credlin – who, as chief of staff to the PM, is arguably the most powerful woman in the country – or else Ms Credlin should do her patriotic duty, and resign. [b]Rupert Murdoch calls on Tony Abbott to make 'cruel choice' and sack Peta Credlin[/b] Latika Bourke. January 28, 2015 - 3:03PM Just days after Mr Abbott dismissed social media as "electronic graffiti", Mr Murdoch weighed into the debate via Twitter and urged the Prime Minister to "forget fairness" and focus on "team work".


28/01/2015[b]Boats and votes don't go hand-in-hand[/b] Peter Lewis and Jackie Woods The Abbott Government has delivered on its pledge to stop the boats, but asylum seekers are now devalued political currency for the Coalition and it has not been rewarded.


28/01/2015As for yours truly ;....I am almost speechless!...can the absurdity ever get more bizarre?..That it has got this far without constitutional intervention shows the "safety-valve" failings on how to deal with such a fiasco of civil governance. So much for the system of elite schooling at the "Old-School-Tie" institutions...they certainly didn't see THIS ONE coming! The one consolation we can take away from this govt', is the absolute proof that there can be no-one now or into the future who can claim with any shred of integrity that ;" The LNP. always will be a better manager in govt' ".....never, never, never again!


28/01/2015[b]Where, dammit, have all the monarchists gone?[/b] Peter FitzSimons. January 28, 2015 - 11:02AM Yes, yes, yes, I know this is the Duke's 31st knighthood, and you might be excused for being exhausted for celebrating just one more for him, but get a grip, you grovellers! This is the highest point of maniacal, monarchical Australia since Sir Robert Menzies did but see her passing by, and yet he loves her till he dies.... The nation hasn't stopped laughing for three days, and if you mob could give us a day or two of either grovelling or, better still, robust defence, I reckon we could keep the hilarity going till at least the weekend.... Tell you what. We'll keep the comments section at the bottom of this column open till 6pm. Whatever else, just drop us a line, or send me an angry tweet. You don't have to either grovel or robustly defend, if you're too scared, just let out a peep to let us know that somewhere out there in our brown and pleasant land, there are still a few hearts out there, that still beat for England! [b] Tony Abbott's political deficiencies go on spectacular display[/b] Jack Waterford. January 27, 2015 - 11:45PM But there's an additional problem. Abbott's colleagues, whether in the Cabinet, ministry or the party, have by now seen enough to know that his judgment is rotten, his instincts are bad, and that much of the promise he once showed has its other face. Inevitably, by now, this means they distrust him; that they fear that he cannot find short or long-term fixes for the government's problems, and that they cannot simply support him by reflex. Abbott needs a short leash from his party as much as he does from his advisers. [b]No, Tony Abbott, you can’t dismiss social media as ‘electronic graffiti’ [/b] Collette Snowden. 28 January 2015 Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s announcement of a knighthood for Prince Philip on Australia Day sparked both a mainstream and social media storm. But Abbott’s response to this backlash, when he casually dismissed the public expression of incredulity at the knighthood, only served to create another social media story... Abbott’s narrow view of graffiti seems to confuse the banality of “X woz here” with graffiti as a tool of subversion and a medium for the expression of political criticism and social outrage... Everywhere humans go they leave graffiti... Graffiti may have been anonymous but it could be powerful. It has certainly been a medium that subverted and challenged the status quo and presented new ideas. What graffiti artists write about, in any age, can be significant as an expression of public focus, attention or concern... Political graffiti is frequently a sign of inequality in a society. This is a form of media that allows the disempowered or unrepresented to have a public voice. Some of the most potent public political statements today begin as graffiti. One of the most successful contemporary artists, Banksy, is a graffitist. Social media transfers graffiti from the street and amplifies its power and impact by rapidly increasing the audience.... It’s not surprising that the language of social media uses the brutal brevity of the epigram. The short, concise and clever language produces the best, most powerful graffiti and, not coincidentally, the most entertaining text messages, tweets and social media posts... Every prime minister should pay as close attention to what is being said by the electronic graffiti artists on social media as they do to focus groups and opinion polls.


28/01/2015So Rupert is suggesting to Tony, do the usual! Blame that bloody woman! Fire [b]her[/b]!


28/01/2015'The Drum' tonight pointed out that Murdoch's tweet was very American -- 'patriotic duty', not a phrase common in Australia. I think it was Jonathon Green who said the US presidential system basically says the president can do no wrong so when things do go wrong someone lower down the chain wears the blame and does their 'patriotic duty' by tendering their resignation. It just reinforces jaycee's (often) comment that Murdoch is no longer an Australian. But, even tonight, Abbott is referring to him as one of the greatest Australians since federation. And Florence, you are right. This is the most ridiculous monarchist approach since Menzies embarrassment of the, then, young Queen. This is just as embarrassing. And Casablanca's links point to the stupidity of his 'electronic graffiti' comment. Poor old Tony has lost it. But I do hope he can hang on - for Labor's sake. :-)


28/01/2015If one was to sit back and study the current state of affairs re. the governance of this country, study the titles and qualifications of those placed to command, manage , advise and cogitate on the well-being of the ship of'd have to agree there is good, sound reason for social revolution and a civil war to eradicate that dross and flotsam that has fooled the people and betrayed the citizen body to deliver such bedlam to the state. If ever there was good reason for such dire action in the light of such incompetence and imbecility, and in some respects ; outright treason, it is this chaos that calls itself "governance"...that we do not erect barricades and rush to "torch the Reichstag" demonstrates more our patience for the passing of such blunder than our seeking of immediate recompense with the blood of the gormless guilty! But I wouldn't want to try the public's patience too much longer....remember the Eureka Stockade !


28/01/2015Repost from Ellis Tabletalk... And there was Gratten on RN. Breakfast, delivering her mullock heap of opinion AGAIN…; Go fall on your sword, Gratten..and take a few more of your gormless bastard MSM. mates with you..start with Oakes, then Hartcher and co. The Murdoshians need special attention..their time will cannot betray a nation and it’s people to a foreign master for his shekels and gold without being delivered for another kind of payment..their time will come..there is no redemption for the traitor..the most heinous of crimes. Roy, in his post above listed the least of the corruption of the MSM. the utter , utter betrayal was to deliver US, who warned and called for unbiased reportage on the wastrel Abbott and his vile creatures even to that bastion of what we thought was an icon of “fair reportage”, ; The ABC… to deliver US to this place, here and now, of despair and mockery…to have made a fool of a proud nation..To deliver the vulnerable whose voice is only a whisper at it’s loudest, to the silent,cruel cuts of the tyrants sword…it is more than treason! is brutal torture and brutal ignominy. We will NEVER forget! We will NEVER forgive!

Paul of Berwick

28/01/2015Folks, As PM Abbott is at the National Press Club next week, we should be getting in touch with journalists now. Who knows, they might even ask what the people want them to ask!


29/01/2015Now Abbott's lost Bolt. And it's all happening the week before the Queesnalnd election where it seems there is some concern in the LNP ranks. As Paul Keating once said - this is a beautiful set of numbers!


29/01/2015I posted this section as part of a whole in March still stands accusingly! "...Those with long experience at their craft are constantly thinking of technical points relating to that job even while sitting relaxing or on the road or even at another job...plotting the lines, the theme, the time-line, the length or load...not to mention the personal obligations of our everyday lives. The skilled "Professional and Artisan" must have the capability to do this even while doing handstands to entertain the kids!....There are no excuses for sloppy workmanship in the professional work-world. It disgraces both the craft and the creator. So....: J'accuse. I accuse the Forth Estate of negligence in accessing the source and validity of their material. I accuse the Forth Estate of slacking off in the preparation of their work and dedication to quality of delivery. I accuse the Forth Estate of gross indifference to the quality of their craft and to vanity over value of product. I accuse the Forth Estate most of all in the lack of professional application to the "dignity of letters", a dignity bestowed through a good education and favourable employment that has allowed yourselves the pleasure to deliver, in print, with your own by-line articles of what ought to be erudite delivery and succinct against the cautious uncertainty whereby one of such self and mixed education as yours truly, must place oneself in the front line of possible literate ridicule to draw attention to YOUR shortcomings. I accuse you, I accuse you , I accuse you.....and in the end....I DAMN YOU!"


29/01/2015[b]Andrew Bolt attacks Tony Abbott over 'pathetically stupid' Prince Philip knighthood[/b] Latika Bourke. January 29, 2015 - 8:20AM But this is just such a very, very, very stupid decision, so damaging that it could be fatal," Bolt said.


31/01/2015Of course Abbott's a pom. He hasn't renounced his British citizenship. Whoops. He's ineligible to sit in Parliament and must therefore payback millions in wages, superannuation and entitlements..


1/02/2015To All Thanks for the good wishes on my return, most appreciated. Ken, I see you slightly underestimated the Qld swing, but didnt most. There is a reason that I have hopes for the removal of the LNP, both state wise & federally. Tassie has nearly always been 180 degrees out of kilter with political parties in Canberra, one of the reasons we never seem to get anywhere because having the opposite brand of government here & in Canberra always results in us being financially punished because of it. Now that we have a Liberal government down here with strong seat #'s it will take at least 2 terms to kick them out(although with the Qld result maybe not, especially now they are trying to build & log in the wilderness areas in our national parks). Now that we are getting mainland states going back to the ALP one by one leads back into this pattern. If this pattern does keep going that would mean the lose of the LNP in Canberra next election. It will be very interesting to see how it all goes. Bye the way well done Qld, well done Labor. Take note NSW, it can be done.
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?