Destructive politics - Abbott style

Long past memories do fade, but can anyone remember a period in federal politics when there was more destructive behaviour from an opposition than we are suffering today? Last week Tony Abbott averred that his Opposition was the most effective in Australian political history. He said that was so because he had stopped the Great Big New Tax of the ETS/CPRS, had forced Julia Gillard to change her asylum seeker policy, had forced a change to the mining tax – another GBNT, and had played a part in getting rid of a Prime Minister – all destructive actions.

It seems to me that everything the Government says and does is countered by a destructive comment. This not only damages the Government, which is its intent, it also damages our democracy and the governance of our nation. Its only purpose is to destroy the Government and seize power.

Even before Julia Gillard had announced her climate change policy Greg Hunt was out on the ABC’s AM on 23 July with: ”Julia Gillard has failed her own test of action. Instead she has produced a 2020 summit meets the Copenhagen conference.” – a slick piece of meaningless but destructive sloganeering. He went on: “All that Julia Gillard has done is provide an excuse not to take any action before the 2013 election. She has talked the talk but she has not walked the walk. This is classic Labor chaos. She believes nothing. They have achieved nothing. They are about to do nothing. But they are talking as if Kevin Rudd were in office and all of a sudden a summit becomes an excuse not to take action.”

Negative, destructive, dismissive, schoolmasterly, arrogant – Coalition style, Abbott style, Hunt style. Hunt finds this sort of talk easy – he’s always instructing the Government what to do – because he knows best.

Talking with Eleanor Hall on The World Today on 23 July about Labor’s climate change plan, Abbott said: “Look I think it's a camouflage for Julia Gillard's plan to bring in a carbon tax. I think that she wants a price on carbon; Bob Brown wants a carbon tax. Thanks to the secret preference deal with the Greens there will be a Green balance of power in the Senate. So we will get a carbon tax if this government is re-elected.”

He’s onto the Great Big New Tax theme again, a theme that played such a large part in destroying the ETS that the Government, Malcolm Turnbull and Ian MacFarlane had negotiated, and would have passed had Abbott not destroyed it.

Negative, destructive, dismissive of community opinion, and once more on the GBNT scare bandwagon.

Later that day Tony Abbott had this to say in Western Australia in I will be next PM: Abbott: “I can sense there will be a change of government come August 21” and "Yes, I think that there will be a change of government and yes, I think that I will be the next prime minister of Australia" Hubris – he fancies his destructive actions will be rewarded by victory.

Reflect on Joe Hockey’s approach. Asked by Lyndal Curtis last Wednesday on AM about the Coalition’s Budget ‘savings’ Hockey said: “Well you will see that during the course of the campaign, but what I can tell you absolutely is that at the end of the election it will be perfectly clear to the Australian people that under the Coalition we will spend less than Labor, we will tax less than Labor, we will pay off their debt again and we will go down the path of easing part of the pressure. You can't ease all the pressure but easing part of the pressure on those family budgets and taking upward pressure off interest rates.”

And later: “Well the bottom line here is controlling inflation and at the moment the government has its foot on the accelerator. It is borrowing $100 million a day, every day, just to fund its expenditure today and then it's got the debt on top of that. So this government by, with its reckless spending is putting upward pressure on inflation and so the Reserve Bank is trying to put its foot on the brake. It's trying to slow things. It's increasing interest rates and the electorate is hit both ways. We've got higher electricity prices, higher water prices, higher public transport prices, higher house prices and Labor's spending more and more money with its foot on the accelerator. The Reserve Bank is slamming its foot on the brake with higher interest rates and if it doesn't happen this month it will happen in the next few months unless we get inflation under control.”

A destructive rant not based on verifiable fact. Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens said last week that Australia does not have a serious debt, but that is discarded by Hockey with the wave of his hand. According to Hockey the Government is wrong, on everything - incompetent, hopeless.

Hockey goes on to say: “We are the only party that has a climate change policy. Labor has just done a deal with the Greens, Labor has no climate change policy, but I bet you, I bet you that deal, which we'll never hear about until after the election is about introducing higher electricity prices, which is what the Greens want. Higher electricity prices and making life even less affordable for everyday households.”

Can you believe that he really thinks the Greens, or any party for that matter, wants higher electricity prices with the object of making living LESS affordable? Yet another destructive rant.

Later he says: "Tony Abbott is I think the best person to lead the country. You know he is a conviction politician, he believes in things. When he talks, he talks in real terms. At the moment we have someone who is not disclosing what she really believes in, I don't know what Julia Gillard believes in Lyndal. I really don't. I ask myself every day - what does Julia Gillard end up sleepless at night about? What really burns in her heart for our country? I don't know what it is and Julia Gillard...

Even allowing for Joe being slow on the uptake, how can he say such destructive things, how can he be so keen to assassinate her character, how can he be so negative when every day Julia is telling the people what she believes in. Some may not like it or agree with her, but we can all hear what she’s saying. Joe is deliberately seeking to destroy Julia Gillard in the eyes of the Australian people.

On PM on 20 July Hockey said: “This Labor Government never has delivered a surplus. In fact the last time Labor delivered a surplus was 1989 - 1989 when the Bangles led the charts."

Many times he has repeated that Labor has never delivered a surplus since 1989 and this Government will never deliver a surplus. On the 7.30 Report Hockey said: “Julia Gillard will never deliver a surplus. I said before that Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan would never deliver a surplus. I was right and here we go again. They'll never deliver it, Kerry.” He asserts he will deliver one: “Well, you know, we were running surpluses. We were running surpluses, the country was in good shape, we had four per cent unemployment. That's all gone. Surpluses are gone. We now have $90 billion of net debt, we're facing $40 billion of deficit this year, we're borrowing $100 million a day under Labor. Everyone has to pick up the pieces and ultimately it's the taxpayers and we've got to do the hard yards on that.”

Again destructive politics, and disingenuous to boot – Labor will NEVER deliver a surplus, WE WILL.

Defending Abbott’s ‘WorkChoices is dead buried and cremated’ mantra, Hockey tell O’Brien: “We're saying the Australian people want stability and certainty in industrial relations. They've had changes for the last three years - sorry, longer than the last three years - for the last seven years. There have been three major changes to industrial relations. We now accept the Australian people want certainty and stability out of Canberra. They've been on a wild ride. They've been on a ride with a new prime minister only a few weeks old, they've had pink batt programs that are reversed, school hall programs that have been a mess, they've got a boat policy that is in flummox. Give us back a proper government.”

Again, even while defending his own leader’s position, he destructively damns Gillard and the entire Government programme for the last two and a half years. Nothing it has done is of any value.

On The World Today Hockey said “The fact is the Labor Party is not committed to surpluses. It never will deliver a surplus. You can never repay the debt if you never have a surplus and for so long as the Commonwealth Government, as the 800 pound gorilla in the marketplace, is borrowing at least $100 million everyday in competition with the private sector, it's going to be harder for small business to borrow money. It's going to be more expensive for small business to borrow money.”

Here he is again destructively condemning the Government as ‘not committed to surpluses’, of being the 800 pound gorilla borrowing and thereby pushing up interest rates, although the effect of government borrowing has been shown repeatedly by economists to contribute just a tiny fraction of one percent to interest rates. More lying and deception.

Andrew Robb had this to say to Lyndal Curtis on The World Today on 20 July on the Coalition’s ‘savings’ in answer to a query about $400 million of savings claimed by the Coalition by not paying for infrastructure: “Well it's still something the Government has committed to so it is a directly a saving. But look the trouble with this government is that we as a government they're living beyond their means, they're making Australia live beyond its means. We haven't got the money. We've got to get our economy back into the sort of resilience that the Rudd and Gillard inherited three years ago.” Lyndal then asked: “Just a quick question of accounting. If you are not going to raise the money from the mining tax, can you really count the $400 million you're not going to spend from money you're not going to raise as a saving?" 
His response was: “Absolutely because if the Government is still committed to that $400 million, which will just mean they will borrow that money as they have done with most of their spending, it's borrowed money. A hundred million dollars a day they are borrowing to pay for their reckless programs - that's for the next two years. So that means that will be an extra four days of borrowing by this government to pay for that $400 million infrastructure fund.”

And so on goes the Coalition rant – destructive, disingenuous, intended to obfuscate and deceive.

On Thursday’s AM on 22 July, talking to Lyndal Curtis about the costings for the Coalition’s education initiatives and Labor’s challenge to them that showed a large black hole, the cost being double that stated, Christopher Pyne said: “This is a party with absolutely no credibility when it comes to figures, in the last election they claimed that to have computers in schools, that would cost a billion dollars, it turned out it would cost $2.2 billion. So this is the standard Hawker Britton mantra for the Labor party, as soon as the Coalition releases a policy, Hawker Britton says to Labor, go out and say the figures are wrong."

In other words, Pyne decided he wouldn’t address the question and explain how the costings were derived, just destructively condemn the Government’s financial management, and hope the question will go away. But it didn’t. Lyndal suggested the Coalition submit the costings to Treasury, to which Pyne replied: “Well look Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb are the spokespeople for finance and treasury, we'll go through exactly the normal procedures that every opposition and government goes through during election campaigns.”

In other words, don’t press me for justification; just let me rave on for a while about how incompetent financially the other side is. Destructive politics.

It still goes on. Today on Channel Nine’s Laurie Oakes interview with Joe Hockey, Hockey said “We don’t know what beats in the heart of Julia Gillard. Nor do the Australian people... Interrupted by Oakes with “But people say that about both leaders.” Hockey replied: “Well, no, no, no. But I say to you Laurie - everything Julia Gillard has touched in a policy sense has been a disaster. From Medicare gold, to computers in schools, to the school halls program, to the asylum seeker policy, to the mining fix, to the new 20-20 summit for climate change because she doesn’t want to be honest with the Australian people. Julia Gillard doesn’t stand for anything and is not being fair dinkum with the Australian people.”

So there you have it. More destructive politics, more character assassination, more negativity, more ‘nothing the Government has done is any good at all’.

Does the Opposition think the electorate is stupid and dumb, Does it think that its incessant negativity, its carping criticism of EVERYTHING the Government has done, its insistence that it has done NO good, that it will NEVER deliver a surplus, that it can’t get ANYTHING right at all, will impress. Does it believe that its destructive behavior over the ETS, the mining tax, asylum seekers and population and the BER will impress swinging voters to rush from what the Coalition insists is a wholly incompetent Government with hopeless leaders, with no policies or plans, with absolutely no achievements in Government, into the arms of the Coalition begging to be rescued from the disaster this Government has brought about?

Worse than that, does the Coalition and its mouthpieces, Abbott, Hockey, Robb, Pyne and Hunt, as well as Joyce, Bishop and Morrison, believe that the destructive behavior of the Coalition is contributing positively to good governance in this country? How could they believe that by obstructing important Government legislation over and again, by destroying some completely, is good for the nation? How can they believe that continually distracting the Government from its work with spurious claims, outrageously deceptive statements, and downright lies is good for the people? When will they ever realize that we want our elected representatives from all sides of politics to contribute to good governance, not destroy it?

This is adversarial destructive politics gone mad and we’re sick of it.

What do you think?

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George Pike

25/07/2010Spot on with everything AD...couldn't have been put better! I hope Christopher Pyne, at least, is voted out of office next month...he's on a pretty slender margin I think. Every single item of feedback regarding his public performances have been negative to say the least. Julia looks supremely confident going into the debate...Abbott looks like a fish out of water. I'm not sure whether he's worried about Julia or the big black shadow of Turnbull creeping up behind him! I'm not sure what we can do about changing the ways of the Opossition, bar exiling them all to Macquarie Island along with the rest of the rabbits. We'll just have to keep plying away on the keyboard and hope we hit the mark with as many swinging voters as is not too hard to point out the shocking liabilities that are a hallmark of the current Liberal identity really, it's just getting the truth past the corrupt media and into the public domain!


25/07/2010Hi Ad Thankyou very much Ad, for a very well thoughout, enjoyable factual piece, supported by a marvellous collection of backup proof. [quote]It seems to me that everything the Government says and does is countered by a destructive comment. This not only damages the Government, which is its intent, it also damages our democracy and the governance of our nation. Its only purpose is to destroy the Government and seize power. [/quote] I think Abbott has become pathetically desperate to win power, anyone can tell by the looks on his face, his actions, and his behaviour. Phoney even said it's the supreme challenge of his life. Supreme challenge, to be Prime Minister, think about it, a personal gain, a supreme challenge, a definition to me, that makes Abbott's life seem pretty superficial. This supreme challenge is the reason why "destructive commenta" lies and behaviour doesn't matter to Abbott, because the values are just not there. It's all about winning the supreme challenge, at all costs, even jeopardizing his own being.


25/07/2010Hi Ad Debate Opinions: [i]Election 2010(day 9(or the debate that we've already forgotten)Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] The women controlling the worms did hate him; but the blokes didn’t really love Julia either – [i]Women give Gillard worm win , SMH[/i] Nine's worms put Ms Gillard well ahead of Mr Abbott in the final analysis of Sunday night's leaders' debate, with 63 per cent to 37. [i]Worm picks Gillard as debate winner, Channel 9[/i] Tony Abbott has failed to win over the "worm", with the election debate meter placing the victory in Julia Gillard's corner. [i]Leaders debate verdict: Tony Abbott vs Julia Gillard - so who won? News Com[/i]Channel 9's panel gave Ms Gillard an overwhelming win, while Channel 7's also favoured the PM by a closer margin. Sky News' panel mostly gave the nod to Mr Abbott.


25/07/2010AA Well done. Imagine if the MSM were doing their job properly and held the Opposition to account like you have just did!! It is a sad indictment on the Fourth Estate that the Liberals have been allowed to get away with such horse manure for far too long. The Fourth Estate is an willing accessory to Lib's "say anything (no matter how negative, disingenuous or deceptive) to win" modus operandi. Lets hope that Labor win will be big enough to put these charlatans to the sword.

Ad astra reply

25/07/2010George, Lyn, vote1maxine Thank you for your kind remarks. Well we watched the debate with keen anticipation. It’s reasonable to draw the following conclusions: Both did well – Julia lived up to expectations; Tony Abbott performed better than expected by many. With this country’s obsession with picking winners, the worm gave it to Julia for women particularly and surprisingly also for men who tracked lower for men than women on the Morgan worm on Channel Nine. It put Julia well ahead of Tony in the final analysis 63 per cent to 37. Women scored Julia more highly, giving her a 66-34 win over Tony and surprisingly although the men's verdict was narrower, Julia scored 61 per cent to 39 for Tony. With the Seven Network's ''Polliegraph'' Julia won 53 per cent of the vote. Commentators were divided – Laurie Oakes gave it to Tony, Arthur Sinodinos and Stephen Loosley gave it closely to Julia. As expected, Dennis Shanahan gave it to Tony as he didn’t lose! So it’s pretty much Even-Stevens, and will likely have little if any influence on how people vote. Sentiment went negative when Julia talked about climate change and her citizens’ commission; she has work to do convincing the public this is a sound concept and can work. The mechanism needs explaining. It also went negative for her when she talked about the East Timor regional processing centre; more work is needed there to explain how this is expected to work, Sentiment went negative for Tony many times with women, and when he himself talked negatively, although he got some credit with his ‘border protection’ policy. The women do not care for him much. So little will be gained on either side out of this and personally I doubt if further debates would add much to the campaign. David Spears moderated well. The journalists were well selected. Laura Tingle was sound, as was Malcolm Farr, but Chris Uhlmann tried to pursue his story about Rudd not attending some NSC meetings of Cabinet by asking how any times Julia warned Kevin Rudd about his behavior which was diminishing the Government. It was an unanswerable question and therefore a silly one to ask. Isn’t it strange how journalists find it difficult to let go of a scoop – Chris has succumbed. For me Tony Abbott’s negativity irritated. He continued his destructive, negative, demeaning attack on Julia Gillard and the Government, and gave me further evidence to support the substance of this piece – Destructive politics – Abbott style.


25/07/2010I agree with your every point too! And it's something that has been worrying me for quite some time. It's not just the negativity and lies either, but along with the MSM, as you say, it damages good governance and democracy. I noted recently that the NSW Govt. has allocated funds for a program to help teachers and parents get on better. Teachers, hospital staff, police, volunteer fire fighters, people who work for Aboriginal programs for betterment, are all treated with contempt and disdain, ridiculed, condemned, blamed, harangued, criticised, have to deal with outright accusations of lying and of disreputable motivations, have their integrity and privacy questioned and invaded, and sometimes worse. Often it is to suggest, or even because of, an association with the Labor Party. But just as often it is a beat-up by the Liberal Party and the MSM to discredit Labor and its policies. These effects always reach their peak in the build-up to an election - State or Federal. The headlines in each State are: "Labor soft on crime", "...unsafe to walk the streets...", "Police (or Ambulance) take ... long to attend an emergency", etc. ; and "Hospitals in chaos", "Waiting lists longer than ever", "Woman/child/person dies because of Doctor's/hospital's incompetence/neglect"; and "students failing", "can't read", "no discipline", "teacher accused of..." etc. Every paper in every State follows the same formula with the one intention of discrediting Labor Governments. The next step is to organise community gatherings of 'concerned parents/citizens/patients/victims' to fuel the bootstrapped issues and then demand action from the 'failing' Labor Government. My point is that all of this undermining of our democracy and of the respect that our citizens should have, and should be entitled to have, for our educators, health workers, police, fireman, judiciary etc. not only leads to a public perception of incompetence and corruption, but deprives us of any real opportunity to question honestly when the need arises. I think it's worse than that though. When I hear parents angry and critical of teachers, or patients abusing hospital staff, based on those choreographed public perceptions, I'm concerned for our society and its future. Facts are not just ignored, but overridden with lies and misperception and the public is roused not just to doubt and mistrust, but to a reactionary and oppositional stance. Rarely though does this do them any good. The media and the Libs have achieved what they've set out to do and the misguided public are left in the lurch, feeling ever more powerless and disillusioned, with neither respect nor trust in any Government representative or policy.

Ad astra reply

25/07/2010Lyn Thank you for getting the debate links so quickly = I've added them to LYN'S DAILY LINKS:

Ad astra reply

25/07/2010TCEPSER I do agree with you so strongly. The Coalition parties, State and Federal, aided and abetted by a voracious media, have combined to erode faith in our public institutions, politicians, bureaucrats and professionals trying to improve our society. They are not only criticized, but demeaned, humiliated, bawled out as incompetents, and sometimes as unworthy people. As you indicate, there always has to be someone to blame, someone to castigate; there has to be conflict, disorder and strife. The media thrives on this diet of nastiness. Why on earth can’t credit be given when it’s due; why do people have to be at each other’s throats? What can we do to reverse this antisocial, demoralizing and corrosive influence in our society?


25/07/2010One answer would, of course, be media diversity. But this has been even more diminished with the association the ABC now has with the Murdoch press. In most regions outside of the major cities the only newspaper available is the News Limited paper. The consequence of this is that for the local populations to read local news and public notices etc., and to advertise, there is no alternative. So there is an almost guaranteed income and readership for the Murdoch point of view. And it's been proved to be impossible to start up another paper and keep it viable - even a free one. The Murdoch strategy is to stand over the businesses who want to take their advertising elsewhere, start up a new, free newspaper on the same day as the alternate paper, stand over newsagencies and businesses who deliver newspapers and pamphlets, and just wait. It doesn't usually take more than a few months for the alternate paper to be unable to continue. Then Murdoch drops the free paper and there is again only one paper and one point of view. So, unless anyone knows of a multi-billionaire who is inclined to throw enough money into an alternate newspaper that is destined to be a deep financial loss, is free and doesn't rely on advertising, and organises and pays for delivery, I guess there isn't much hope of any change. As for the Libs and their destructive effects on our democracy and our society, I think the ABC Watch is a good beginning. If we can somehow force the ABC to report truthfully and with balance, the Libs will have one less outlet for their erosive behaviour.

Canbra Dave

26/07/2010Ad Astra, "Sentiment went negative when Julia talked about climate change and her citizens’ commission; she has work to do convincing the public this is a sound concept and can work." Sentiment went negative because it is a poor policy, cobbled together at the last minute to say 'hey we have a climate change policy'. Not that the Liberals climate policy is any better. Paying people to reduce emissions is an extremely costly and will ultimately fail to reduce emissions. Try paying people to only eat celery sticks at a party and see how many pick them up compared to those that still eat the chips. Then instead try charging people for each handful of chips they eat, you'll very quickly find people stop eating chips. But as for Labor's climate change policy it is a pure stop gap measure. The Department of Climate Change already does the work that the Climate Change Commission is supposed to do. The Citizen's Assembly will by itself do nothing at all to stop climate change. Only after a year will it either a) announce that Australia does want action on climate change, or b) say that Australia does not want action on climate change in which case the government will either a) introduce the ETS in 2013 like it is already proposing or b) spend more effort in trying to convince the populace that climate change is real. Or in other words the whole exercise will be a complete waste of time. The only effective way to halt climate change is to make people pay for the externalities and put a price on carbon. You need to get onto either your local member if they are a Labor rep or one of your Labor state Senators if they are not and tell them to support reintroducing the ETS earlier, or just to bring in a carbon tax. At the moment the Greens are the only ones with a credible climate policy. Still according to the Essential Research poll only 12% of Australians rate climate change as one of their three top issues, and they are all in the younger or more highly educated demographics, and therefore the ones most likely to vote Greens anyway. The party strategists have decided that this election won't be fought on climate change (a far cry from 2007 when the issue was almost as big as Workchoices in getting the Liberals out), that's why it's such a poor policy - because it is designed to not give the Liberals any leeway for raising the spectre of the Great Big New Tax even though it isn't even a tax. "I do agree with you so strongly. The Coalition parties, State and Federal, aided and abetted by a voracious media, have combined to erode faith in our public institutions, politicians, bureaucrats and professionals trying to improve our society." I read in a book, 'The Princes New Clothes', about how declining public trust in politicians and government actually helps the conservative ideology since, theoretically at least, the conservative and liberal side of politics are supposedly for smaller government and reduced trust in government makes it easier to sell the case for a smaller government. Social democrats therefore find it harder to do the work they want to because voters are more likely to vote for conservatives due to their lack of trust of government, and the conservatives then turn around and work to erode the public's trust in government even further! Just look at what has happened to politics in the United States. Trust in government over there has decreased greatly ever since Ronald Reagan declared "government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem". Now you have ever lowering levels of trust in politicians which ironically means that the Democrats stand a real chance of losing the House of Representatives in their mid-term elections. Then when the Republicans get in they'll just screw over their constituents even more by taking corporate bribes to deregulate big business so that they'll be free to start flouting safety regulations for oil wells and start betting against "widows and orphans" while handing out million dollar bonuses again. What's the bet that after 3 years of collecting the extra revenue from the mining industry and seeing it chug along swimmingly that our own Republican party decides that the MRRT isn't so bad after all.


26/07/2010Ad Astra and everyone, you have all again said what I would have said. Lyn your links are invaluable, I admire your work with envy. The media is just as culpable as the nasty Liberals, they just report the lies without calling them out, I just mainly stick to reading Lyn's links and some blogs. They are the only thing that are keeping me sane. Gee the spammers are getting clever with their rhetoric to.


26/07/2010No, I cannot remember such a destructive and negative Opposition, Ad astra. Nor can I remember the same destructiveness and bias across the entire spectrum of media journalists that has even swamped our National Broadcaster. We can hope that if the voters are wise enough to return this Labor Government on August 21st with a resounding message that they think Labor has not only done a good job in its first term but also that its policies and vision for this country is right and good, then we may see a less rabid media. I must say I was surprised that the people gave Julia Guillard a definite thumbs up after the debate but IMO she deserved kudos for her performance. I thought Abbott did a far better job this time at putting a gloss over his negativity and the panel were, in the main, reasonable. Chris Uhlman is stuck on the change of leadership issue, but then so are hundreds of others out here in voterland. In my view, the media are suffering an attack of the guilts over their part in destroying a PM by joining in the destructive attack-dog tactics of the Opposition since 2007, and are trying very hard to justify themselves in the eyes of the electorate. I thought Laura Tingle is one of the few journalists who is actually questioning what an Abbott Government will look like and I think she has grave doubts about the future of this country if we end up with another Coalition Government. Abbott has become desperate to be PM. He sees a great deal of personal gains for himself in the title itself, not least the fact that he will get himself out of his personal indebtedness ($700,000 mortgage) that must be hanging heavily on his shoulders. I feel mean and nasty to bring up Abbott's personal finances, but IMO this cannot be discounted because personal finances are a huge part of all of us. I am surprised that no-one has bothered to ask Abbott if he intends to do a Howard and live in Kirribilli House if he wins the PMship, because I think that if no-one does ask him he will do just that.


26/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Labor's two-party preferred 52 to 48 per cent.[/i] Dennis Shanahan The Australian. NEWSPOLL [i]Dead, Buried, Cremated, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Tony Abbott has already lost the election. He needed to win a dozen seats to secure the most bare majority on 21 August, but it just can't happen regardless of the debate later on [i]Moving forward to real action gets us absolutely nowhere , Mungo Maccallum, National Times[/i] While Ruddock and those other horrible relics from the previous regime, Bronwyn Bishop and Kevin Andrews, remain in Abbott's shadow ministry, the prospect of a return to the Howard years is a very real one [i]STABILITY, The Piping Shrike[/i] The Coalition’s problems are on full display. Abbott was chosen to make the Liberals feel good, not to win elections. [i]POLL POSITION: Be populist or perish!, Rob Burgess, Business Spectator[/i] copped an early bashing, with critics pointing out that immigration trends are heading for a level below that figure already. [i]Abbott/Morrison/Bernardi immigration press conference, Bernard Keane, The Stump[/i]Abbott and Morrison seem to have considerable difficulty explaining exactly what the policy means and how it will be implemented, especially in relation to temporary skilled and student visas. [i]Julia Gillard wins debate and worm steals it, Graham Young, what the people want.[/i]Gillard is spectactularly composed, assured and even winsome. Her self-deprecation at the outset over her "moving forward" slogan inclined one to forgive her for it, esp as she didn't overuse the slogan in the debate [i]A slow Australia-- let's cut net immigration to 170,000, Peter Martin[/i] the Coalition's plan to "cut" net migration to 170,000 (over three years) arguably meaningless. [i]Shrinking suburbs in growing cities , Don Arthur, Club Troppo[/i] The real problem is that we don’t have the planning and infrastructure we need to make our cities work. The Drum Campaign Diary ABC drumroll

Ad astra reply

26/07/2010Canbra Dave, Gravel, janice, Thank you for your thoughtful comments. There’s lots of talk this morning about the debate, but Peter Hartcher’s piece in the [i]SMH: Abbott, a man with a gripe and a mantra[/i] matches much of what has been said on [i]TPS[/i] He says: [i]”Tony Abbott made a strong critique of the Gillard Labor government in last night's debate, but utterly failed to establish his own party as the alternative.”[/i] and concludes: [i]“Abbott approached the debate as he is approaching the election - as an Opposition Leader, an insurgent, a little angry, seeking a protest vote, hoping we will reject the government rather than embrace the Coalition.”[/i] I noticed too that there is a report in [i]The Australian[/i] there is an article: [i]”Retail millionaire launches tirade against News Ltd”[/i] which begins: [i]Dick Smith has described Rupert Murdoch-owned media as the ‘evil empire’.[/i] and later: [i]”The Australian newspaper . . . it's just constantly gone on with bias, bias."[/i]. Who of us would disagree?

Ad astra reply

26/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKD updated:

George Pike

26/07/2010It makes you wonder Ad...Dick Smith is telling Tasmanians to vote Liberal, and then he smites the Liberal's greatest championer? It makes you wonder if it is not just another ploy to muddy the waters in order to detract attention away from the propaganda tactics of both parties. Notice how the "war" between Murdoch and Scott has evaporated into the mists of pro-Liberal propaganda from BOTH parties? What is REALLY going on here I wonder? Could it be that Murdoch and Scott have a mutual desire to see the ABC privatised...and that they are undermining the government to bring their own puppet government into power to ensure that their obscene objective can be realised? Just imagine the enormous political and industrial power they would wield over this country and this region with control over virtually the entire mass media. No doubt the likes of Kerry Stokes, Twiggy Forrest, Clive Palmer and several other powerful figures, with a heavily vested interest in bringing the Liberals to power, would also support any move to seriously undermine the government, albeit for entirely different reasons. A ten point gap favouring Labor in the polls last week, suddenly evaporates into a flimsy 4 point lead just prior to the onset of the mining industry's new anti-Labor ad campaign. How flukey hey! A brilliant strategy to bring about a "perceived" downward slide in the public's perception of Labor, just four short weeks away from the big day. Have no doubt about it...the actions we are seeing from the media and the industrialists is almost identical to the strategies used by Goebbels in order to elevate Hitler to the throne and to make fascism look like the ideology of the perfect society. I studied some of the historical propaganda campaigns at university a few years back and this campaign is strikingly similar to every one of them. Lies ad nauseum, blatant denial of the obvious, ommission of the relevant facts, mass audience penetration via use of ALL media to perpetrate the propaganda..etc etc etc...they are all tactics used by ruthless tyrants in order to bring about political objectives that suit their own particular agendas, no matter how dangerous those agendas are towards the public good. Hopefully the people will see through the would be hard to maintain a positive perception of a Liberal government with so much negativity attached to every one of their arguments. I truly believe that come reckoning day the people will vote for the party that is so obviously dedicated to real reform and in taking genuine positive action to ensure that those reforms are implimented, long before they will vote for a party of naysayers running on nothing but empty rhetoric. I hope that, following a Labor victory, there is a deep and thorough investigation of the behaviour of the media and certain industrialists during the campaign. I hope that investigation leads to the dismissal of a large number of journalists who have betrayed the public trust. I hope that the public perception of those industrialists who stooped to using propaganda to try and bring the government of their choice into power will be vilified, demonised and ostracised to the point where they will be excluded from all public debate for a very long time to come.


26/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART 2[/b] [i]Who won the debate?, Amber Jamieson, Crikey[/i] MEDIA WRAP [i]THE DISTILLERY: Baked debate, Glen Dyer, Business Spectator[/i] "Andrew Forrest's renewed national call to arms over the proposed minerals resources rent tax is likely to fall on heavily muffled ears of miners outside his home state of Western Australia." [i]Strange Newspaper, Strange Times.,Margaret Simons, Crikey[/i] Sadly, as I predicted earlier in the month, The Australian’s series on the ABC was so prejudiced and one-eyed that the good points it made were buried in the nonsense.


26/07/2010Hi Gravel You are a sweetie, thankyou for your nice compliment. [quote]I just mainly stick to reading Lyn's links and some blogs. [/quote] I am so pleased you enjoy the links, there is much more sense in the bloggers columns than in the newspapers. The TV is very depressing this morning, of course Sky news has Phoney winning the election again. They are reporting Phoney won the debate and he looked very Prime Ministerial. Oh! well they may as well enjoy their frenzy because it is bound to be short lived again. Gravel, I love your gravatar. cheers Lyn

George Pike

26/07/2010Hi Lyn, I will try and put something together eventually..I keep getting sidetracked as I continually scrutinise the media and it's hard to stay focussed...I cancelled my uni enrolment for this semester for exactly the same reason! Here's a letter I just shot off to all and sundry via do you think the great debate went? The Great Debate was a Liberal propaganda stunt! Why do I say that, you say? Did you hear one single question about the way the Liberals destroyed the ETS? Not one single question was posed to the Liberal leader over how he helped to destroy a policy that both parties were mandated by the people at the last election to introduce asap. The single most important question that has never been asked during the campaign to date was again ignored by the journalists assigned to get to the truth. That omission came despite the fact that Abbott declared that he would carry out the will of the people to the letter after this election regarding Workchoices. How could anyone believe a word the man says after he deliberately destroyed the initiation of a public mandated policy so ruthlessly...and when it is very obvious that he acted directly against the public will, purely and simply for the purpose of satisfying his own personal political objectives. At least one responsible question was asked last night. That question left Abbott wallowing like a fish out of could he claim relevance over the immigration debate following his claims of halving the immigration intake, when the government's own policies have brought about a reduction that is going to result in a much lower intake than his own target? Despite being totally exposed as a fraud by this revelation, the media have chosen to hide every tiny bit of that issue from public scrutiny from that point since...preferring instead to stick to the script by saying that Oakes and co are right on the money with their bold declaration of Tony Abbott as the being the clear winner of the debate. What a fraudulent lot of whimps the media scribblers and yafflers really are!

George Pike

26/07/2010 You read this garbage and you wonder if Robb and his screwball mates realise the fact that the Liberals would be on track to dissolution as a viable political party if it weren't for the endless propaganda from their media mates. It is Murdoch, Stokes and co who are on 48....the Opposition are on 10 if they are lucky... How anyone in the Liberal Party can even hold their head up in public when they know they are nothing more than complete frauds is beyond belief!

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26/07/2010Folks I'll be on the road until late afternoon. Lyn, I'll post your second set of links then.


26/07/2010We shouldn't be too surprised about the negative nature of the Coalition in Opposition. Essentially, they are behaving precisely as they did in Government, except the smug smile of incumbency has been replaced by the angry visage of disbelief that they should ever not be THE government. Think back. All they did as a government was cut services to Australia's people, punch up middle-class welfare to coddle their 'white collar aspirationals', and go on about us "never having had it better". And follow the Bush White House lead on every foreign adventure George Bush had a hankering to throw lives at. Really think back, if you can bear it. These leopards haven't changed a single spot - they're just in the outer enclosure, that's all. So, the Coalition was a do-nothing/'market forces will see us right' government, and now is a cut-everything/'market forces will see us right' Opposition. And in both incarnations, exactly the same disparagement of politicians of any other persuasion. Personal, malicious, and more often than not, just as now, based neither on fact or their target's proven ability. They aim low in everything they do. In government or out. It's the nature of small-pond Conservatives all around the world.


26/07/2010Just had a read through of The Australian at lunch today. While Shanahan's piece on how the Opposition Leader "did well" on the debate occupied part of the front page, further on in the Election 2010 section, I found a nice balance of views about the debate from a number of other writers, a couple of which highlighted OL Abbott's numbers game with the immigration figures mentioned yesterday. Some hope for the OZ yet?

George Pike

26/07/2010The only real difference now Michael, is the fact that the Liberals now have almost the entire Australian mass media pushing thier cause, and not just the radical conservatives from News Ltd. Take a look at the report from the ABC's online newswire, Justin, below. See if you can see all the little subtle methods the journalist has used to push Tony Abbott way ahead of Julia Gillard in the "framing" of the piece.


26/07/2010George, hi. Yep, it's all in the framing. But, you do have to wonder about our standard of politicians when an Opposition Leader is credited with 'winning' a debate simply because he didn't screw up on national television. No blunders makes the man 'prime ministerial'? Puh-lease. Really, please. Actually, THAT does say more about our political commentators, doesn't it?


26/07/2010Lyn, Janice, Michael George and Ad Astra, you are all again repeating the thoughts in my head. George I feel your anger, I could see the way Howard was going and fortunately the majority woke up to him. Unfortunately, they seem to be suckered into the media theme that is being run since Labor were elected. May the deity's have pity on the less fortunate Australians if they pull this off. I have had a sick feeling in my stomach since Abbott got the leadership of the Liberals, and so far with all, including the ABC, backing him to the hilt, this next four weeks are going to be nasty.


26/07/2010Hi George Glad to hear you are thinking about putting something together. [quote]I keep getting sidetracked as I continually scrutinise the media and it's hard to stay focussed...[/quote] I know it's hard isn't it, sometimes I feel I will go silly if I keep telling the TV off anymore. See last night Phoney asked for another two debates, he thinks he is prime time viewing. The ego is busting today, with poll results and all his cheerleaders, telling him how colossel he was.


26/07/2010[b]POLL LINKS[/b] Newspoll: 52-48 Labor, Galaxy 52 -48 Labor Essential Research is unchanged from last week, with Labor’s two-party lead at 55-45. As in Newspoll, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger [u]Newspoll and Galaxy - polls vs trends, Possum Comitatus[/u], [b]all the hoo har over Newspoll today you’d be forgiven for thinking that there has been a substantial swing to Abbott over the past week[/b]. However, far from our Pollytrend showing a decrease in the Labor two party preferred vote after today’s info has been plugged in, it has, in fact, shown a slight increase – up from 53.2 to 53.6. Essential Report 26th July 2010

Hillbilly Skeleton

26/07/2010Why do the Opposition do it? Because it works.


26/07/2010Ad, I can't help but agree with you on the media's prevasive influence. In fact I almost sprayed my cereal all over the telly when I heard the talking heads rabbiting on about how boring the debate was, completely oblivious to the fact that the reason politicians won't say anything meaningful anymore is because the MSM will immediately savage it. I would love any pollie to push back at those vacuous media shills...something like this perhaps -->

George Pike

26/07/2010Hi Lyn, My telly, radio and computer all shiver every time I enter the room too. The neighbours may also be wondering who I am aiming my invective's lucky I am single and live alone or I would have nominated for a white coat long ago! There is a lot of public dissent regarding the heavy media bias becoming apparent over the wires on sites like Facebook may well be that the anti-Labor media campaign can be turned through that medium. I will certainly be doing all I can to bring that about at any rate.


26/07/2010Anyone have any data on how the Govt is travelling in marginal seats in QLD?

Hillbilly Skeleton

26/07/2010I thought this comment on Annabell Crabbe's latest blog was most apt and pertinent to this subject: * WayneSword: 26 Jul 2010 4:14:41pm 'Tony Abbott, the latest applicant for the job of Prime Minister, doesn't hesitate to launch into a tirade of insults, directed at the previous Prime Ministers ineptitude, while he is trying to win over the swinging voters that were responsible for electing Rudd in the first place. He repeatedly berates everyone who doesn't see things his way, with the zeal of a religious fanatic, yet the very people he is addressing, or trying to impress, are the very people who didn't agree with his political bent the last time we went to a federal election. I personally find his approach insulting, even though I wasn't one of the majority that endorsed Rudd's reign; but if I was, I would be doubly insulted! Not to be content with constantly deriding the elected governments actions over the last four years, he has jumped out of the gate like a raging bull on Julia Gillard's case for rising to the top job by doing the very thing he did to depose his predecessor. But now to the "piece de resistance", yesterday in Western Australia, he attacked the policy choice of the Gillard Government to open up the Climate Change Public Forum, as an apostasy to democratic principles, by assuring us the Australian Political System is specifically designed to eliminate public involvement in matters such as this. I think anyone who values democratic principles should be appalled at this man and the way he goes about his business. If, by any chance, you are not insulted at his arrogant assumptions on why a Labour government was selected in the first place and you can get over his double standards on which type of knifing in the back is acceptable, you should find no trouble in faulting his definition of Democratic principles and dump this recalcitrant before he further corrupts an already ailing system.'

Hillbilly Skeleton

26/07/2010Lynchpin, I think Possum or Mumble might have that Marginal Seat polling for Qld. :)

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26/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


26/07/2010Hi MassiveSpray Welcome and we very much appreciate your comment on "The Political Sword", we hope you keep coming back. We are interested in your opinion, I do regularly check your blog. A link to your blog has been included on Today's Links recently. Election 2010 and the media – or how to be relevant, Massivespray, Spray of the Day That their penchant for “gotcha” interviews means no politician can speak freely without being clubbed over the head with it later.

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26/07/2010Folks Thank you for your comments. George and Lyn, you have expressed concern about today’s [i]Newspoll[/i]. Possum has a good analysis on [i]Pollytics[/i]: It is acknowledged that the previous [i]Newspoll[/i] was too favourable to Labor at a TPP 55/45, having jumped two points from the previous one when it was 53/47. Pundits were saying that 53/47 was probably nearer the mark. Now it’s 52/48, close to where it should have been last time. The problem is that [i]The Oz[/i] makes such a big deal of movements in the poll as if it had the attributes of a precise instrument, but sampling variations and MOE makes it somewhat blunt. To interpret today’s change in the [i]Newspoll[/i] and [i]Galaxy[/i], which was similar, as indicating a significant shift in voter sentiment, is to place too much importance on these inter-poll movements, but it suits Dennis Shanahan, and the radio and TV outlets that run with his story, to make a big deal out of it, which it isn’t. Shanahan never mentions other polls such as last Friday’s Morgan polls 55/45 and 55.5/44.5 or today’s Essential, consistent for the last three weeks at 55/45, because they don’t accord with his narrative. Possum shows with Pollytrend that even with today’s [i]Newspoll and Galaxy[/i] the trend has [i][b]improved[/i][/b] for Labor from 53.2 to 53.6. So the message is that we ought not to get too exercised about these movement from poll to poll. The commentators seem to compare a given poll with the previous one, but less with others polls from the same stable, and never with polls from other stables. The only time Morgan and Essential are mentioned by News Limited electronic media is when they are adverse to Labor. In other words, they use polls as political levers to reinforce their political narrative. Labor is tracking well, and on Possum’s current phone poll trend would give Labor 93 seats, Coalition 54 and Independents 3, as against 83/64/3 at present. Of course elections are won from individual seats and some marginals in Queensland and NSW are problematic for Labor, yet in the other states are favourable for Labor. Let’s not fall for Shanahan’s campaign to use polls to erode faith in Labor and built it for the Coalition.


26/07/2010Hi Ad Miglo over at Cafe Whispers has an interesting discussion going on truth doesn't sell Newspapers: Work Week Fiesta, Miglo, Cafe Whispers The Australian to see examples of how truth doesn’t sell a paper. The Australian is littered with this garbage:

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26/07/2010MassiveSpray Thank you for your comment - I hope you will return often. I enjoyed your piece and thought that if only interviewees would adopt the answering style you suggest, we would get improved interviews. Kerry O'Brien's interview with Tony Abbott tonight illustrated that no matter how much an interviewee is challenged with the disingenuousness of his/her position, if they do as Abbott did, just plough on insisting they are right, it is hard to counter. On one issue Kerry just gave up. Although Abbott probably felt his words got him off the hook, his facial expressions exposed his discomfiture at being nailed on the deceptiveness of his immigration policies. It's not so much the words that expose, but the body language.

Ad astra reply

26/07/2010HS I agree that WayneSword's comment on Annabelle Crabb's blog is apt. She writes an interesting piece: [i]Girl power driving the Libs batty[/i]


26/07/2010Thanks Ad but I have looked at Possum and no real info I din't think. Is anyone privy to internal polling?


26/07/2010Hi Lynchpin I have some links for you, hope they will help: Morgan marginal seats polling, William Bowe, The Poll B ludger July 1, 2010 If a Federal Election were held today the LNP would now win the Queensland ALP marginal seats of Flynn, Longman and Dawson, while the ALP would retain Leichhardt according to a special telephone Morgan Poll conducted June 25-30, 2010 in four Queensland ALP marginal electorates: Flynn, Longman, Dawson and Leichhardt. The LNP vote (Two-Party Preferred) in Flynn was 55% (up 7.3%); Longman 56.5%, (up 8.2%) and Dawson 51%, (up 3.4%). In Leichhardt the ALP was virtually unchanged at 54 Antony Green's calculator, Abc Cheers


27/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Election 2010: Day 10 part 2 (or polling gravity) Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] If Abbott is to win he will have to do what no opposition leader has ever been able to do. Rudd's demise traced to front page focus, Michael Gillies Smith, The Drum Kevin Rudd's shock demise as Labor leader and prime minister can be traced to a relentless front page focus by The Australian newspaper on the mining tax row [i]Tony Abbott's 7.30 Report comments on Immigration, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Tony Abbott tied himself in knots trying to explain to Kerry O’Brien tonight why, if he chose to use 2008 as a baseline for his immigration cuts (which is misleading, as the intake is on the way down), [i]2010 Federal Election "Debate", Ileum, OzPolitik[/i] Even though Tony Abbott feels within reach of a “famous victory” there will be a change of government and yes, I think that I will be the next prime minister of Australia”, [i]The Debate - clear win for the Candidate I Support, Jeremy Sear, Onymous Lefty[/i] The Candidate I Support looked serious, and spoke directly and plainly – where The Candidate I Dislike seemed rattled [i]The Wimp v the Wuss,Mungo Macallum, Crikey[/i] contested by such a pair of abject, craven, weak-kneed, whey-faced, chicken-hearted, lily-livered, jelly-bellied milksops. And what a lead up to the so-called Great Debate: the Wimp versus the Wuss. [i]A wedge we must not tolerate, Keith Warren, Webdiary[/i] Don Randall’s recent attempts to drive a religious wedge into the political debate by publically reiterating anti atheistic views and concerns about Julia Gillard being a “godless Prime Minister” must not be allowed [i]Give them Hell, Spock, Groupthink[/i] Business and the mining industry have clearly shown that they are not friends of the ALP and are more than happy to beat them over the head with whatever they can, no matter what decision they make. [i]Will Dutton hold Dickson?, Mumble, The Australian[/i] Peter attempted last year to move to McPherson but when that failed he tucked his tail between his legs and returned to Dickson. [i]What Australia's population really looks like, clarencegirl North Coast Voices[/i]debate concerning Australia's population appears to have degenerated into an argument about asylum seekers, [i]Thank heavens for population growth, Peter Martin[/i] Population growth is the only bright spot in an in an otherwise bleak assessment of the NSW economy [i]Abbott's axe will fall on after-hours GP services , Sue Dunlevy, [/i] [i]Adelaide Now[/i]760,000 after-hours consultations with doctors and nurses will be axed under Tony Abbott's plan to abolish a $417 million after-hours GP service, according to Government estimates [i]Preserve us from an Aussie Iron Lady, Graham Cooke, On Line Opinion[/i] Julia Gillard has hardly warmed the seat in the Prime Minister’s Office before some breathless commentators are setting her up as an Australian equivalent to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher


27/07/2010Thanks Lyn, that's great. Not great results, were they? I don't suppose there is any more recent polling? Did anyone detect a subtle shift after the debate. I thought Abbott and Libs have gained some momentum. They are setting the agenda. Not good signs, given they are pushing the Nauru option and the small miners are about to start another ad. campaign. Still, hope springs eternal.

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27/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


27/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS PART2[/b] [i]Tipping point, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] the Coalition has solid leads on national security, asylum seekers and a number of economic measures, while Labor is streets ahead on health, education and industrial relations. [i]Essential Report - Approvals and vote decision, Possum Comitatus, Pollytics[/i] If things were “going south” – or going anywhere for that matter, it would still be picked up with a two week average considering that the headline results haven’t really moved with Essential for weeks. [i]Battle of the sexes, Amber Jamieson, Crikey[/i] one of the oddest news articles we’ve seen so far in this campaign, focused on Gillard’s apparently large ears. Kate Legge in The Oz says Gillard’s lobes were the most memorable part of the debate:, [i]Costello's refusal to free up funds angers Libs , Royce, Millar, The Age[/i] Mr Costello, who now chairs both the Higgins 200 club and foundation, refused repeated requests by The Age for an interview about the Higgins money and related matters. In a brief written statement, he said the money has been invested for "the long-term benefit of the 200 Club".

George Pike

27/07/2010"The Opposition says fathers will not be paid at their full wage level if they take up its offered paid parental leave scheme." Justin, 27/07/10. The statement above proves beyond all doubt exactly how deceitful the Opposition have been with their promises to the women of this country. The pressure on businesses to maintain pay inequity for women will be increased substantially by this policy...and it goes to show that all the filibuster and rhetoric about Tony Abbott and the Liberals being the great friends of all families and all women is exactly that...deceitful pretentious bluster aimed at gaining support from the very group of people that they intend to keep under the grinding heel of male domination within the area of remuneration for as long as they possibly can.

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27/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

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27/07/2010Lynchpin If you are looking for another perspective on the poll trends, read Possum's account of yesterday's Essential Report, including the comments at If you think Tony Abbott is getting on top, read the transcript of his interview with Kerry O'Brien about the Coalition's immigration policy at There are certainly fewer buts and ums and ahs, but read the words and the obfuscation that infects many of Abbott's replies. Take just this series of questions and answers: [i]"KERRY O'BRIEN: But isn't it also true that the immigration figures have already come down sharply from that peak of 300,000, a peak of 300,000 under Howard policies and will keep falling sharply in the next couple of years, probably below 150,000, no matter who is running the government? TONY ABBOTT: Well, I don't know what's gonna happen under Julia Gillard's policy because she hasn't told us what her policy is. I've told you what my position is. It will come down to under 170,000 in the first term of a Coalition government. KERRY O'BRIEN: But let's just nail this down, because even if Julia Gillard doesn't change her policy one iota, and they have already changed the policy with regard to intakes of students coming in, they've tightened up rorts that first developed under the Howard Government - and again, I'm sure you'll be honest enough to acknowledge that; they've tightened up rorts so there will be fewer students coming in, looking and assuming that they will get permanent residency. But even if she does absolutely nothing more, isn't it true that immigration will continue to come down sharply in the next two years? TONY ABBOTT: Well there's a private sector forecast out, but there's no government forecast out, there are no government figures out and that same private sector forecast says it will be back to 250,000 in 2015 under the policies of the current government. KERRY O'BRIEN: That's five years from now. But according to Immigration Department, net migration into Australia for the financial year just ended, is down to be between 230,000 and 250,000 from that 300,000 figure. According to the BIS Shrapnel report that you've just referred to, net migration down to 175,000 by June next year, 145,000 the following year. So it seems your new migration policy is already - is going to happen anyway, no matter who's in government? TONY ABBOTT: Well if that's the case, why didn't Julia Gillard tell us this last week when she tried to have a conversation about population, but dishonestly pretended that population had nothing to do with immigration, even though two-thirds of our population increase is via immigration? KERRY O'BRIEN: But are you prepared to acknowledge that these figures make clear that your policy will make no difference to the figures coming down over the next two years? TONY ABBOTT: Well, last time I looked, Kerry, BIS Shrapnel don't set immigration policy. It's the Government that should set immigration policy. Under any government that I lead, the Government will clearly be in charge. The numbers'll be set firmly in Australia's national interest, it will be sustainable and there'll be a maximum of 170,000 in the first term of a Coalition government."[/i] The rest is not much better - obfuscation, deception, disingenuousness and outright lies are Abbott's stock in trade. His presentation has improved, but his words are as devious as ever. It's not just how he says it, it's what he says - and as Tony has told us, we should not always believe what he says unless it's written down. This morning George Pike has pointed us to the Coalition's change of policy on PPL as described by Andrew Robb, so now Chris Bowen is labelling this change as 'policy on the run'. There will be more slips like this.

George Pike

27/07/2010"Nauru's government has dismissed claims that it is not in a position to negotiate with Australia on re-opening a refugee processing centre on the island." Justin, 27/07/10. Doesn't that fly in the face of the chief objective of having a regional processing centre though? Won't they still have to jump onboard the people smuggler's boats to get to a point where they will be picked up by the navy to be taken to Nauru? I thought the whole idea was to take the risk element out of the equation by having a processing centre near the point of assembly in Indonesia...hence the East Timor proposal.

George Pike

27/07/2010"A report on the Federal Government's $500 million regional grants program has found a disproportionate number of applications from Labor-held electorates were given money." Justin, 27/07/10. It will take a hell of a lot of disporportionate spending in the Labor seats to catch up to the Liberals twelve years of pork barreling in their seats...take Malcolm Turnbull's $11 million splash on for one his electioneering buddies for a rain seeding system that the Tasmanian Hydro had already discredited a long time beforehand!

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27/07/2010George Julia Gillard’s idea of a regional asylum seeker processing centre was to send the message that even if the boats do get to Australian waters, the asylum seekers will be taken to the centre, (her preference is East Timor), and will be processed by UNHCR as they would have been had they stayed in Indonesia (the usual last port before embarking for Australia). Nauru is not a signatory (which Julia stipulates as essential) and even although it says it might be interested in becoming one, it would take time to establish that status. Scott Morrison says UNHCR status is unnecessary, because the Coalition wants simply to go back to John Howard’s old Pacific Solution, which, when the Government discontinued it ages ago, the Coalition voted with the Government. On Nauru asylum seekers were not detained under Australia law, or the laws of Nauru, but instead were granted Special Purpose Visas by those countries while they awaited processing and resettlement or return. They had their refugee claims assessed by either the UNHCR or the Australian Government. The program was administered by the International Organization for Migration We remember the stories of asylum seekers being stranded for years on Nauru in uncongenial surroundings waiting for resettlement. 905 genuine refugees were resettled: 531 in Australia, 335 in New Zealand, 19 in Sweden, 10 in Canada, six in Denmark and four in Norway. The Howard Government seemed to use it as a punishment centre, which it justified on the grounds that it slowed the boat arrivals. But other influences, such as lower push factors, were also operating. There is a balanced and comprehensive document on this subject by the Australian Human Rights Commission called [i]Face the Facts 2005 - Questions and Answers About Refugees & Asylum Seekers.[/i] Although a little dated, it provides a vast store of factual information: Take a look at the map - it shows how much further away is Nauru than East Timor. If you want to see the Nauru related information, put 'Nauru' into your 'Find' box and 'Nauru' will be highlighted.

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27/07/2010George As one would expect, the media will highlight unfavourably aspects of the audit of the Government's $500 million regional grants program which [i]“found a disproportionate number of applications from Labor-held electorates were given money”[/i]. [i]”The National Audit Office found the approval rate for projects in Labor held seats was 42 per cent, compared with just 18 per cent in Coalition electorates.”[/i] But don’t expect much emphasis on the Audit Office’s qualifying statements: [i]However, it said the value of funding was largely consistent with political representation in the Federal Parliament.[/i] and that the Government [i]told the Audit Office it believed the number of applications was skewed.[/i] As you say, this Government will have its work cut out matching the Howard Government's regional pork-barrelling.

George Pike

27/07/2010 Take a squiz at this pile of garbage from news Ltd. This is a plan that is going to take 10 long years to fully impliment and the expected tax reforms in the meantime will make it much easier for businesses to digest. One minute these guys are telling us that it will all come out of the workers own wages, to scare hell out of them, the next they are trying to scare the hell out of small businesses by telling them it will come out of their turnover...when it has been made obvious that the vast majority of the cost will come from business tax relief provided by the mining tax. These News Ltd and Business Council guys are just a pack of lying scheming thieving scoundrels to say the least. I hope to hell that Abbott does something so outrageous shortly that the campaign will be all but can just about bet your bottom dollar that it will happen too!


27/07/2010Gosh, people can be unreasonable. Julia released her commitment for funding on mental health. Professor McGorry lost no time in proclaiming the funding was a mere drop in the ocean and says he and John whosit gave the Labor (Rudd) Govt a complete blueprint for mental health which has been ignored. Since the Howard Govt allowed the whole health system, together with education and other infrastructure to crumble over more than a decade despite having boom revenue rolling in, it beggars belief how a Labor Government is expected to fund and fix the whole country in just one term. Can someone please help me understand why it is that the media and voters will blythely tell us that Abbott and his motley crew are better economic managers; that they will better fund mental health and the health system overall; that our education system will be better; that they will solve the homeless problem or in fact, do anything other than increase the middle and upper class welfare? Does Professor McGorry think that the Abbott will immediately take up and implement his blueprint for mental health? It seems to me that most voters want big budget surpluses and mountains of handouts. They want something done about climate change but only if it doesn't cost them anything. They want to pay as little as possible taxation yet want the government to provide world class roads, public buildings, health and education. And, to top it all off, they swallow Abbott's nonsense that Mining Companies should get our resources for a pittance. I give up. If they elect Abbott they deserve him and I'll be joining the queue yelling for help from Professor McGorry. Don't get me wrong though, I still think that Labor will win :)


27/07/2010Hi Ad Were are all our friends tonight: Cooee, Cooee Thankyou Ad, George and Janice for keeping me going. [b]Here is Grog, brilliant as usual, thankyou Grog[/b] [i]Election 2010: Day 11 (or a Woman PM needs a man like a fish needs to be gutted by Tony Abbott), Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] The Australian decided all this news about Tony Abbott having a problem with women was obviously hurting their man’s chances of a win and so they did what any scum-bucket, shit sheet would do – it ran a front page story about how Julia has a problem with men.


27/07/2010Anyone following the Oakes' "scoop" re Gillard opposing PPL scheme. If it is true that it is a leak from Rudd, we are buggered. If it is Libs, this will hurt ALP anyhow. I despair.

George Pike

27/07/2010Hi Lynchpin, It more than likely came from the dark dingy offices of the News Ltd corporation than any credible source. The nadir of Australian journalism was surely reached today with the personal attacks on Julia any underhand rumour mongering from those same sources would not surprise me one iota! There was one brilliant light beginning to shine at the end of day, and it came from the much maligned 7:30 Report. It was truly great, and ever so appreciated, to see Kerry O'Brien really take it up to the Opposition over the issues of the NBN rollout and the government's handling of the GFC. Every single business person and health rep interviewed for the NBN story stated how vital its implimentation is for this country's future and totally destroyed all trace of credibility for the Opposition's stance. The Oppositions economic credibility was also left in tatters after an interview with the American noted economist Stiglitz. He vehemently asserted that the Ausralian government's response to the GFC was second to none and that it helped Australia avoid recession and begin to recover long before even China. Stiglitz stipulated events which also proved that every single word uttered by the Opposition over the GFC was nothing but worthless ridiculous garbage. It will now be very interesting to see if Tikky Fullerton continues with the O'Brien's fair and factual neutral journalism tonight on Lateline Business...or if she reverts to the same old anti-government rhetoric that has defined and degraded her program of late.


27/07/2010Thanks for that comment back. I am just a bit nervous. All of the media bar a few seem to be against Gillard. I fear the Libs will make a lot of this PPL stuff and it fits nicely into the narrative of Gillard as unmarried, barren and therefore anti-family. Am I paranoid? I know there are 3 weeks to go - that is a long way. But the barrage from anti ALP is simply endless.


27/07/2010Hi Lyn, You're not alone in the ether. I have been trying furiously to get a look at a transcript of Alan Jones' outrageously rude interview with the Prime Minister but the server is jammed by the look of it - both from my browser and Grog's link. I'm furious. On a lighter note, 7.30 Report was good tonight, especially the endorsement of Labor's actions to stimulate the economy how and when they did. Coming from an outsider it might carry some weight with undecideds. The NBN article was positive as well. Where are my manners. Ad astra Thanks for your piece. Nothing I can add except to say "opposing" has been Abbott's stance from December 1 2009 when he took over. I've been trying to find the doorstop (as I recall it) where he said "it's time for us to get back to what oppositions should be doing and that is opposing" and "the government's mandate (re ETS) is over. We are now on a pre-election footing." This was two years into a three year term. More importantly this latter quote is rather telling in light of debate comments - "we listen to the electorate on IR legislation. The government had a mandate yahdah yahdah yahdah." How did our illustrious panel of journalists fail to miss the obvious follow-up questions? Top of my list would have been "what about the mandate for an ETS?" Back on topic, I dimly recall Howard employing this negative tactic during the dying stages of the Keating Government.

George Pike

27/07/2010Abbott continues to deceive and lie without the slightest sign of guilt. His blank but slightly cynical leer as he waffles on ad nauseum about his great ambitious plans gives him away to the more astute amongst us I would say. An example of that was given tonight when he stated that the expansion of the Marine Parks was going to be stopped because it was damaging to the fishing industry...when he knows full well that such a change in legislation will take a senate majority to occur...can you see the Greens and Independents siding with the Liberals on that one! The fact that most of the marine parks are in state waters and are designed and regulated by state authorities also deems his great big new stroke of libertarianism as worthless useless nonsense!


27/07/2010Hi NormanK I love your gravatar, it is new isn't it, a beautiful rose, my favourite flower. 7.30pm report was good on the NBN, I think the Coalition will fall short there, because it seems they don't have a policy, only direct action. Also the endorsement of the stimulus package ( as you said) was excellent. I have collected a couple of links for you on the Alan Jones, rude, ill mannered, smart alec interview. There is audio provided on the Australian link, of course there would be, if it's detrimental to the Government. But wondering, if your server is playing up, you probably won't be able to open the links. Anyway I'll put them up for you: Gillard falters on tax rate question,Emma Rodgers, ABC When Jones tried to link her involvement with the forum to a recent preference deal with the Greens, Ms Gillard gave the idea short shrift. Julia Gillard stumbles on company tax date as she is cross-examined by Alan Jones , Patricia Karvelas, Joe Kelly, The Australian At the height of the cross-examination Ms Gillard asked Jones to “settle down just one second”.He replied: “I'm perfectly settled, Julia.”


27/07/2010Really george you cant blame mr wingnutt,{now lets talk about ears},for not being able to distinguish between state matters and federal matters as even loughnane doesnt realise the difference because if he did realise then his whole ad on taxes and charges and household increases is a blatant pile of rubbish,lies ,spin and deception and shows the calibre and the intelligence of loughnane when he goes out of his way to deceive aussie voters by trying to blur the lines between state and federal responsibilities,policies and consequences from those same responsibilities and policies concerning increased prices,taxes and charges.these liberals really are the scrapings of the bottom of the barrel and calling them morons really is complimenting them.

Ad astra reply

27/07/2010Folks Thank you for your comments. I share you anger at the dirty tactics being employed by the Opposition, the media and particularly the malign Laurie Oakes. I believe the personal stuff will rebound on the perpetrators as it did on Kevin Rudd's detractors, and will probably enhance Julia's image. It's not all negative though. I agree the NBN discussion was positive on the [i]7.30 Report[/i] and there has been some positive reaction to the mental health announcements, especially by those involved in suicide prevention. It is disappointing that some mental health experts are not more positive, but they are advocating for their special interest area and are bound to ask for more than the Government can afford. I've been working on a piece [i]In support of Julia Gillard’s Citizens Assembly on Climate[/i], which I hope to have ready tomorrow. Off now to watch [i]Lateline[/i].


27/07/2010Hi Lyn You're a gem. Thanks for the links. Re-reading my previous post, it is a bit confused. I'm furious with Jones not my browser (with whom I am in love) and it is operating admirably. The 2GB site is probably being bombarded by people like me who want to see (or god forbid hear) all of what was said and I couldn't get through. Eventually I did get through to 2GB but I'm not keen on listening to Jones because my hackles go up and I would prefer to dissect a transcript. I'll try to muster courage overnight. I'm glad you like my Julia rose, it was commissioned for the debate. When I settle on a gravatar after the election I hope to make it a rose from my garden.


27/07/2010Hi NormanK Couldn't agree with you more about Jones, I really can't talk about him at all. I will be pleased to see a rose from your garden NormanK, I love them all, but adore Double Delight, and Mr Lincoln. I am putting up Andrew Elder for you, he cheered me up, so I hope you enjoy the read too. [i]She stoops to conquer, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless.[/i] [b]Only fools would follow Abbott through the valley of the shadow of death,[/b] and Liberals won't do so for long: particularly if they end up losing seats


28/07/2010[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Election 2010: Day 11 (or a Woman PM needs a man like a fish needs to be gutted by Tony Abbott), Grog, Grog's Gamut[/i] The Australian decided all this news about Tony Abbott having a problem with women was obviously hurting their man’s chances of a win and so they did what any scum-bucket, shit sheet would do – it ran a front page story about how Julia has a problem with men. [i]She stoops to conquer, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless.[/i] Only fools would follow Abbott through the valley of the shadow of death, and Liberals won't do so for long: particularly if they end up losing seats [i]Silliest election article so far?, Tim Dunlop, The Drum[/i] And no, that's not from a tabloid or some unknown blog, but from our self-styled most important national newspaper. [i]Nothing underhanded about Labor-Greens deal,John Warhurst , Eureka Street[/i] Other past examples range from the Liberals and the Democratic Labor Party through to the Liberal Party and Family First in the 2004 election, a deal initiated by then Liberal Prime Minister John Howard himself. [i]The Debt Delusion, Mr Denmore, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] the Coalition is bending the truth to make a political point. The shame is the media, either out of laziness or ignorance, routinely lets them get away with it. [i]Unequal Pay, Eva Cox, The Stump[/i] the Coalition assumes that women will continue to be paid less than men, without questioning whether it is fair or whether it needs to be changed. [i]An Abbott Government - A very Scarey proposition,Barry Everingham,The Everingham Report[/i] The thought of a Government headed by Australia's arch conservative, Tony Abbott,is very chilling. [i]Day 10 of the Campaign - I hate politics, Mac, Moderately Left[/i] I am fed up to the back teeth of the negative, sneering, dog-whistle, partisan, vacuous and vapid void of substance that is the 2010 campaign.


28/07/2010This rubbish about Julia, she will definately have to get in or I will need mental health services. I feel I am in a different world to the media, the lies, the destructive Liberals... Lyn Your latest links and this blog let me know we are not alone, but the leaks have been coming to regularly, or are they leaks? Notice how it is all supposedly coming from Cabinet members, ergo no one can refute them, ergo they are taken as true.

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


28/07/2010Try this for an idea the MSM are only being so anti labor because if they were balanced mob the coalition would be swept away and be left just a rump and that would not be in the long term national interest of the country. On the other hand it could be they are just a bunch of ba***ds and why let the facts get in the way of fairy story plus bad news sells. On another topic my Liberal next door neighbour ex military listens to Alan Jones now that confirms to me where he gets his head in the sand racist etc attitude from, however we will still converse even after Abbott goes down in flames in Aug. The only thing to stop such a rout would be the return of big Mal but that won't happen before 21/8. I am avoiding the MSM in all its formats as it leads off with the opposition at every opportunity the fifth estate is last hope of rational debate lastly Mr Denmore's blog answers lots of questions in my mind a very worthy read. may the force be with us.


28/07/2010People, As the full-of-his-own-importance Oakes intended, there is widespread speculation as to the source of the cabinet leaks in order that a wedge of mistrust will be driven into the Labor Party. I do not think Rudd has anything to do with it at all. However, I would not discount the idea that there is a person or persons formerly employed in the Rudd PMO who is disgruntled, bitter and stupid enough to talk to Laurie Oakes.

George Pike

28/07/2010Hi All, here is a little note I've dropped across the country today...I hope it has the desired effect! It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is con the media into believing what they want to believe! The current bout of anti-government propaganda can be put to bed with a tiny bit of intelligent thought, yet the media choose to let it run on ad nauseum because it suits the political agenda of their corporate masters. Let's get straight to facts then. Here we have a "leak," given to Laurie Oakes of Channel Nine, stating that Julia Gillard opposed the paid maternity leave scheme and the rate of the pension rise, when it is obvious that all she said was that there would be adverse public reaction to those schemes from some quarters and they should be prepared to fight for them come what may. 1. Laurie Oakes and Channel Nine are exactly the same as Dennis Shanahan and News Ltd, they will ALL jump at the chance to bring down the government that represents the workers, in favour of a government that represents the wealthy elites and the corporate sector. The fact that they have now twice used supposed discussions from cabinet, which cannot be verified or otherwise for confidentiality reasons, points immediately to dirty tricks tactics by that Channel. 2. As with Shanahan and News Ltd's great revelations over government treachery leading to the OzCar Affair, this latest "leak" will no doubt be nailed down to some new "Godwin Grech" type behaviour that has been perpetrated by yet another John Howard plant in the senior public service. 3. Channel Nine is majority owned by a shady foreign investment group that, for all we know, could well be majority owned by News Ltd...and if anyone has any doubts about the arch bias perpetrated against Labor by News Ltd, they need their heads read. You would also need your head read if you didn't notice that the current political news and current affairs coverage by Channel Nine is heavily biased towards the Liberals...therefore ANY "leaks" that stem from this source are tainted from the outset. 4. It has become obvious that the media are campaigning heavily against the Labor Party to suit the agendas of the elites who run the member corporations within it. The fact that the ABC and SBS feel obliged to betray the public by jumping on the bandwagon is nothing less than despicable...and those are the simple facts of the matter. For Andrew Robb to have the audacity to say that Julia Gillard stands for nothing is a heresy, especially when his comments were based on a contrived rumour from an organisation like Channel Nine, an organisation which glorifies organised crime and everyone in it, while campaigning heavily against the police. To say Julia stands for nothing when she fought John Howard and Peter Costello to the death over Workchoices and openly and fundamentally supported paid maternity leave from the outset, while Tony Abbott wanted to fight it to the death, is nothing more than political filibuster that any sane person would relegate to the mental dustbin in a flash. I think the truth will out very quickly over this media instigated debacle and that the people will start to realise just how low the likes of Laurie Oakes will go to bring down the government, and they will view every report from them with contempt.

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010Julia Gillard’s press conference just now will neutralize much of the uncertainty created by Laurie Oakes’ allegations. She was at he forthright best, even feisty, as she told of her approach to decision making in Cabinet, namely that no matter how good a proposal, it had to be affordable. We should be grateful for that. In my view her statements this morning and her answers to questions, some of which were quite nasty, were brilliant, straightforward, and open, exposing her attitudes and values for all to see. The contrast between her up-front honest approach contrast starkly with the deviousness of Tony Abbott, who is characterized by his side as ‘authentic’. Yet it’s Julia who comes across as the authentic one. If electors want openness and honesty there is only one choice.

George Pike

28/07/2010Here is an email I just sent to the ABC in Tasmania regarding their blatant bias... I notice ABC radio has not once mentioned the critically important advice given to Kerry O'Brien on the 7:30 Report last night by the American Nobel Prize winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz. He stated that the Labor response to the GFC was perfect and second to none and it was the only reason that Australia avoided a recession and came out of the downturn even before China. Your propaganda by ommision confirms my belief that the ABC's Tasmanian news and current affiars staff are heavily biased towards the conservatives and they should ALL be totally ashamed of their act of blatant treachery against the stipulations within their own charter pertaining to political neutrality.


28/07/2010Hi Ad [i]How the taxpayer helped Tony Abbott flog Battlelines, Glenn Milne, Unleashed[/i] Abbott's total air travel costs of $29,633.85 for the same period. Then of course there's the cost of the Commonwealth cars and drivers that he also billed to taxpayers on the days he was promoting Battlelines. That final tally: $962.60. [i]Leaks tarnish Gillard’s shine, Amber Jamieson, Crikey[/i] Tony Abbott came to the Liberal leadership with more positions than the Kama Sutra. Julia Gillard took the Labor leadership without saying a thing. There has been too much Tony and too little Julia. [i]MP'S argue in Cabinet. Headline News, Jeremy Sear, Onymous Lefty[/i] she argued for in Cabinet before she was PM. And this is headline news?

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010The online [i]Australian[/i] has a reasonably accurate report of the press conference but headlines the piece [i] Julia Gillard admits early doubts on pension rise and paid parental leave scheme[/i], thereby reinforcing Oakes’ story. It knows that it’s the headline that counts. Note the word ‘admit’, a word associated with guilt. A headline in [i]The Advertiser[/i] reads [i]Gillard forced to defend herself[/i]. Note ‘forced to ‘defend’. The headline could have been ‘Gillard: I did support pension rise and paid parental leave; I first checked their affordability’, but that would be too much to expect from [i]The Oz[/i].


28/07/2010Ad astra [quote]Julia Gillard’s press conference just now will neutralize much of the uncertainty created by Laurie Oakes’ allegations. She was at he forthright best, even feisty, as she told of her approach to decision making in Cabinet, namely that no matter how good a proposal, it had to be affordable. We should be grateful for that.[/quote] Not if you read some of the comments from Liberal supporters who're now saying that 'she hides behind cabinet confidentiality only when it suits her'. They appear to think it was a breach of cabinet confidentiality to hold a presser to refute the allegations and talking about how she approaches policy formulation in cabinet. Pretty hard to please aren't they? Listened to Ross Gittens (interview on our local radio this morning) explaining the debt and deficit issue. Pity all the ABC stations are not interested in putting out clear, precise and understandable information on issues such as this to counter the scare tactics of Abbott, as does our Local ABC. Ross did make the point though that he thought Julia made an error during the debate when she was asked about whether she would delay the return to budget surplus should we find ourselves facing a double-dip recession. I also picked up on this point and thought she should have said "Of course the Government would take the necessary action to protect the economy and jobs should that happen". However, she sort of left it up in the air by saying she was determined to get the budget back into surplus as planned. Ross said he thought Julia had inadvertently turned a 'plan' into a 'promise'.

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

George Pike

28/07/2010Apart from Channel Ten and Fairfax you get the distinct impression from the local media here in Tasmania that the Labor party is the closest thing to the Third Reich that this country has ever seen! When you KNOW that it is the Liberals who REALLY DO hold that exact same honour, it just defies belief that we constantly told otherwise. At least the ABC's Midday Report just ran an interview with the leader of one of the Queensland pensioner organisations, a person who liased with Wayne Swan right through the initiation of the policy, and he claimed that there was no opposition to the pension increase from within cabinet to his knowledge. Sane level headed people deride the nonsense every time, yet the media continue to run it ad nauseum anyway. Listening to the endless waffle on commercial television, on how damaging it all is for the government etc, is just nauseating to say the least. This is the use of blatant hysterical propagandist journalism at its ugliest...these organisations are no better than the nazi filth who drowned the German public in their flood of hateful destructive racist garbage in the 1930-40s. I am beginning to fear for the integrity of our democracy under the weight of this onslaught..never ever has such scorn and derision been so wilfully piled upon any government in our history...and all based upon totally unfounded claims at that. I hope I am wrong, but I can see people taking affirmative action to stop the Liberals taking over the government under such utterly false pretences and to ensure that our democratic right to be delivered critical political information in a totally unbiased manner, is not destroyed by vested interests who are running hideously deceitful propaganda campaigns in order to get the party of their choice into power.


28/07/2010I too watched Julia's press conference, she was brilliant. We need to see more of this but unfortunately the media will turn this around against her. Is anyone in the media going to ask Abbott how he is going to afford these tax cuts to business without the mining tax? I think I can answer my own question. NO!!!!

George Pike

28/07/2010He said he is going to take them from the "nominated savings" the school spending, computers in schools, NBN, super-clinics, health reforms, infrastructure spending etc etc will all have to go so Abbott can declare himself the winner in the company tax debate by .5 of a percent! What a phoney poor old Tony really and truly is hey! Then we have the fact that the company tax INCREASE of 1.5% for 3,500 of the biggest companies is still on the just keeps getting more complicated every minute! Don't worry, this bloke is heading for a major booboo any minute now...


28/07/2010 Listened to Ross Gittens (interview on our local radio this morning) explaining the debt and deficit issue. Pity all the ABC stations are not interested in putting out clear ====================== Hi all, Yes I heard this as well - a good piece. This IS the news that needs to be out there . But I'm guessing Juila Gillard's ear lobes are more important :) I wonder if there is a transcript of this interview?

George Pike

28/07/2010Imagine what is going to happen to workers rights when the Liberals get into power and give these corporate thugs even more power than already have...


28/07/2010Hi debbiep This is Ross Gittins, video clip about debt and deficits: Don't take the bait when they say we're drowning in debt , Ross Gittins, National Times Video clip I've argued all along, the Liberals' relatively recent obsession with deficits and debt (it was the creation of Costello, never being part of John Howard's rhetoric when he was treasurer or in opposition) is way overdone.


28/07/2010An excellent piece Ad astra. Per usual. The Libs are such a bunch of NEGABORES. Moving backwards. Bloody media. Useless. N'


28/07/2010George, I will tell you how Tony Abbott will pay for the loss of revenue to the government from a reduction in company tax, it's called the GST. This bloke will do what the Consevatives have done in England that is to decrease company tax and increase the VAT.


28/07/2010hi Janice Julia's press conference on the leaks and Oakes' so called bombshell was excellent, and I really can't see how the press or Phoney can argue with her response, a masterpiece actually. Laurie Oakes is shameful, I will never listen to him again, or read his column again. I think it's just wonderful that Julia Gillard is featured on the cover of the Womens weekly today, do you? The magazine will be on the stands for 4 weeks, it is a beautiful photo of Julia. Another good thing is phoney can't make the cover, of any magazines because he has already done that months ago. He has also exhausted other avenues such as 60 minutes, proves only fools rush in. Here is a link to The Australian with the cover photo of Julia, in case you haven't seen it already. Julia Gillard tells Australian Women's Weekly she is 'wistful' reflecting on life choices , The Australian


28/07/2010Hi Ad An excellent piece on Julia Gillard re the leaks: Not your usual Cabinet leak, Bernard Keane, Crikey The last big bombshell lobbed by Laurie Oakes exploded with a sound like the crack of doom but appeared to interest punters in the real world not a jot.

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010janice, Gravel The ABC has handled the press conference story reasonably – I think this episode will play out more as a positive for Julia than a negative. She showed the no-nonsense side of her personality. She would be wise to continue in this vein. George What I can’t abide is the lack of media scrutiny of Abbott’s funding proposals for his promises. Today he said blandly that they would just be funded out of ‘other savings’ already announced, which economists know amount in real dollars to no more than about $5 billion. But the day of reckoning is coming when under the charter of budget honesty the Coalition will have to submit its costings and funding to Treasury. Then it may be found wanting, and if it is, that will damage their economic credibility. Lyn You’re a wizard at finding references. Thank you for the Ross Gittins piece. Nasking Thank you for your kind remarks. There is little doubt Abbott would take us backwards – no NBN, building of GP super clinics halted, health reform radically curtailed, computers in schools halted, mining revenue of over $10 billion forfeited, elements of WorkChoices reintroduced, infrastructure building slowed, and so on it goes. I hope to see soon some Labor ads pointing this out.


28/07/2010Thank you Lyn for the like to Julia's cover photo. There was a time long past when I occasionally purchased a copy of the WW (before it became a 'monthly') but these days I only get to look at these mags in the doctor's waiting room :) Too expensive for my wallet even if I did find them interesting. Of course I agree that Julia is doing a fantastic job and will make us all proud to welcome her back as our PM after the election.


28/07/2010Sawdustmick, [quote]I will tell you how Tony Abbott will pay for the loss of revenue to the government from a reduction in company tax, it's called the GST. This bloke will do what the Consevatives have done in England that is to decrease company tax and increase the VAT. [/quote] I think you are spot on with this comment and it buggers me why Abbott hasn't been asked about it. If he happens to win the election he has three-quarters of a year to do it before the new senate takes over. Don't know how he'll get around the bit regarding the requirement of agreement of all states, but by then he might have a couple more states with Lib premiers.


28/07/2010Wow, just got home from a group gathering (7), and I've come home more positive. Not one of the women, who have never mentioned politics, didn't believe the Oakes rubbish.

George Pike

28/07/2010Why do you reckon the ABC would mention the centre-left in this article? They wouldn't be trying to smear the centre-left Australian government by any chance? Like hell they wouldn't be! I reckon Abbott will get the states to sign on to an increased GST in a would give back their 33% they've already lost because he has already said he's not going to honour the health reform deal, and it would increase their revenue by the extra 5% or so GST that Abbott would hit us with. We are going to get hit with back to the future policies left right and centre from this mob!


28/07/2010Hi Gravel Well, that would be a fair indication of the general public's opinion, probably as good as one of these so called polls they keep bashing out, day after day. cheers


28/07/2010Gday all, What a moronic fool this wingnutt abbott is he is no more than a vaccuous shell standing beside humpty dumpty another empty shell and stating that he will reduce company tax by one point five percent if elected prime minister,this is after telling australians that he will increase company tax by one point seven percent on businesses to pay for his parental leave promises which means a net loss on businesses of point two percent which is way less than was offered by labor.Not only that but i do agree that he would eventually try and increase the g.s.t that is probably why he and the other two treasurers are so unconcerned over the costings of their policies or indeed where the money for them is coming from as relying on their maths concerning savings is a pipe dream


28/07/2010Hi Lynn So do we know how the numbers we were waiting on today came out concerning the cpi and the chance of an interest rate rise?


28/07/2010Hi Jimbo Yes all the news is good, inflation figures good, no interest rate rise, they reported on Sky. Excellent report. My information is limited as yet, I will get you some more info shortly. Cheers


28/07/2010Hi Ad This should be funny tonight: The Chasers new show, "Yes We Canberra", starts airing tonight and will air each Wednesday at 9:45 pm on ABC1 during the election campaign. Chaser persuades Julie Bishop to repeat death stare, Tonight’s episode – which runs at 9.45pm – also sees The Chaser offer a parody of the Angry Angus burger ad featuring Kevin Rudd:


28/07/2010Hi Jimbo Here is one report, that is surely going to upset Phoney and his clan: 'No rate hike' on soft inflation numbers, Michael Janda, ABC We think it's unlikely the Reserve Bank will hike next week at its August board meeting and there's a good chance that this pause that we're seeing in this tightening cycle, that began quite aggressively, there's a very good chance that this pause becomes extended and the RBA sits on the sidelines for the next few months at least."


28/07/2010Hi Jimbo Here is the link again

Ad astra reply

28/07/2010Folks I've just posted [i]In support of Julia Gillard’s Citizens' Assembly on Climate[/i]


28/07/2010In case anyone is wondering how a Federal Government could change the GST rate, this is how it could happen. There does not have to be a agreement from the States to increase or decrease the GST. Howard and Costello deliberately designed the Never Ever GST in this manner to enable only an Act of Parliament by the Federal Govenment. Research Note 12 1998-99 Locking in the GST Rate George Williams Law and Bills Digest Group 9 February 1999 Conclusion Constitutional change is the only means whereby the rate of a GST could be 'locked in'. Otherwise, there is no legally enforcable means of requiring a future Federal Parliament to gain the support of the States and Territories to do so. The rate of a GST could be changed by an ordinary Act of the Parliament. However, this does not mean that a provision requiring the consent of the States and Territories is of no value. A requirement for agreement, even if it can be overridden by subsequent legislation, may create a political convention. Hence, a government may not be prepared to change the Australian flag without putting the issue to the Australian people. Similarly, in a politically contentious area such as taxation, future governments may not be prepared to breach convention, and may seek the agreement of the States and Territories before initiating a change to the GST rate.


28/07/2010Thankyou Lynn for that information and i see that humpty dumpty is on the intrest rate bandwagon again only this time its the opposite instead of being bagged for maybe causing interest rates to rise through a higher c.p.i labor is now blamed for no interest rise due to a lower c.p.i,talk about walk both sides of the line and make out youre right when plainly the libs were wrong again except if you are humpty dumpty hockey who has had more than enough falls playing rugby and thinks he is right when he is wrong and right if he ever manages to be right which is pretty much never a bit like snidely bumslap oakes,i wonder if he plays rugby and had a few head knocks.oakes you need to retire while you still have a good journalistic record or get back to the journalism i once admired you for, concise ,well balanced and unbiased.really if i were you i would look at what i was becoming and be disgusted at what i saw.


28/07/2010[quote] will tell you how Tony Abbott will pay for the loss of revenue to the government from a reduction in company tax, it's called the GST. This bloke will do what the Consevatives have done in England that is to decrease company tax and increase the VAT. [/quote] George, I agree. Didn't they do same in New Zealand? N'
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?