Is there life after neoliberalism?

Yes there can be, says Hugh Stretton in his unfairly neglected book, Australia Fair (UNSW Press, 2005). I recently wrote about the general argument of this book in Australia Fair by Hugh Stretton. Here, I’m going to look at the specifics. But just to recap, Stretton argues that the neoliberal economic reforms of the past thirty years - floating the dollar, reducing tariffs, privatisation of public assets, lower taxation and spending cuts - have not brought the economic gains claimed for them. And he says they make for greater inequality. There have been a few improvements since he wrote in 2005, but not many. Mostly, things have got worse. He argues that a rich country like Australia should be able to assure a comfortable living for all citizens, and outlines a program involving both the public and the private sector to achieve this. Interested?

It’s not possible in a short review to do justice to all that Stretton is suggesting, or to include all the for and against arguments, reservations and complexities he mentions. For this, you must read the book. Furthermore, the policies that make up his program are inter-related, though I am mostly discussing them separately. His writes in a somewhat idiosyncratic style, and though he tries to keep his economic discussion simple, he loses me sometimes. Please forgive my oversimplification.

Stretton begins with ‘work’, because in his argument, full or fairly shared employment should be the main purpose of economic policy. He says that ‘every consideration of economy and humanity should drive us to see that there is paid work for everyone who wants it.’ But having given up most of their power to control the economy in favour of free market prescriptions, the only way governments can control inflation is by sustaining a significant level of unemployment. This is not only disastrous for those experiencing it; it results in less production, less demand and less investment. It also means a higher welfare bill – and/or the demonization of the unemployed, even though there are no jobs for them. Furthermore it often results in an increase in working hours for the employed, not always paid, which in turn affects their quality of life. Achieving full employment depends on other parts of his program, so what he is advocating is quite complicated. It seems to be a combination of stimulating demand, including increasing some benefits, increasing some public employment and stimulating some private employment, particularly in the housing industry.

Stretton has had a long involvement with housing policy. He considers housing a right in a rich society like Australia, alongside the right to education and health provision. (This is the sort of ‘stuff’ Mitt Romney and Bill O’Reilly think Americans who voted for Obama are so remiss as to expect.) Here Stretton addresses the situation where as part of the neoliberal agenda, the Commonwealth has cut funding to the States for new housing investment, and States have sold off most of their existing stock of public housing. This has been replaced by a first home buyer grant and rent allowances to poor tenants who have to compete in the private rental market. The result of simultaneously cutting the supply and subsidising the demand was to raise prices, as first home buyers bid against each other for a limited stock of moderately priced housing. Waiting lists for public housing are years long, and homelessness continues to grow. His solution, which rather elegantly pays for itself over time, is to give Commonwealth money to the States who contract private builders to build good quality but relatively modest housing, half of which is for sale or rent to working families who pay full cost or rent, and half as welfare housing. If full employment reduces the numbers on welfare and increases the number able to pay market rent, then this proportion can change. An increase in public housing acts as a dampener on the private market, and everyone gains except those who are hoping for a large capital gain when they sell mum and dad’s house at an inflated price.

The next issue is what Stretton calls ‘children’, but is actually parenting. He asks how we can best bring up children and respect parents’ right to choose either paid employment or staying home to care for their young children. As things stand, women usually end up doing the unpaid housework in addition to paid work, and children end up in less than satisfactory child care. He agrees that family friendly work places may help, but argues that in addition, there should be a parenting wage equivalent to the basic wage available on a means tested basis to one parent so they can stay at home if they wish. He knows the arguments about rorting the system, but considers that the social good of the proposal outweighs the possible abuses.

In both health and education, Stretton argues that the Howard government favoured private over public provision, and allowed the latter to decline. The Rudd/Gillard government has made a start on these issues. There are some moves to fix the buck-passing between Federal and State governments, and the private health insurance rebate has been cut for some rich families. Stretton would have abolished it altogether, and spent the money on the public health system. He would also likely approve the Gonksi proposals to fund the public education system properly.

More surprising to me, he is also highly critical of current superannuation provision; he quotes another historian’s conclusion that ‘the privatisers of superannuation have presided over the creation of a league of parasites on a scale not seen since the close of the eighteenth century.’ Transparency, which is the best we are offered in relation to fees and charges, is not enough; he argues there should be a public superannuation scheme alongside the private ones to add some genuine competition. I find this chapter technical and difficult, but his general drift is clear.

On the environment, he says: ‘The neoliberal change of direction to greater business freedom, less public production, less government and steeper inequality could have been designed specifically to disable our environmental management.’ He outlines a ‘green program’ which is perhaps now somewhat out-dated, but more important is his warning of the further damage to equality that climate change and greedy consumption of resources could bring.

I also find Stretton’s chapter on managing money difficult, and guess that he might well revise the details post the Global Financial Crisis – which can only have confirmed his general critique; ‘the real fruit,’ he says, ‘of 25 years of well-intended blundering should be to discredit the economic theories on which the mistaken expectations were based.’

He has had a stab at costing his program, and suggests ways of finding the money. And here, you have to decide on whether he is unreasonably optimistic, or whether, as he argues, Australians really might support a program that offered better services and a more equal society, even if it meant higher taxes and forgoing some luxury consumption. It would take ‘guts and ingenuity’ to try, and of course leadership – which has so far been leading us pretty much in the wrong direction.

I do not know of any other book that not only offers a reasoned critique of the impact of neoliberal economic policies in Australia in the last thirty years, but also offers an alternative set that could just work. If only there was someone who would try them.

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22/11/2012I haven't read the article yet...too upset to do it just yet...That 7.30 interview about the AWU non-affair...Has the ABC. lost its' mind?...There never was anything there but subjective accusations. What are they tryin to insinuate?..This is the national broadcaster! This is supposed to be the balanced reporter and they are going in boots and all! The full statement from the PM's. office made it quite clear what the documents didn't say, yet 7.30 told us to go to the web-page...when they could have read the statement out before or after the interview..... At least Judas got 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal...I bet Rupert will only give Scott a sore ar*e!

Ad astra

22/11/2012jaycee I saw the Leigh Sales interview. My impression was that she was not unsympathetic to Julia Gillard. The questions she asked left the interviewee looking pretty bereft of any accusation. This is the pattern throughout. Lots of talk, but no accusations, no allegations, just innuendo, just nasty smear. People can see that this is no more than a malicious campaign to demean the PM, with no evidence of any wrongdoing, which is what Julia has maintained throughout. I believe that this will fizzle out in the next week or so, but that won’t stop the malevolent people at News Limited: Chris Mitchell, Steve Lewis and their ilk from pursuing this matter, because even if they can’t prove anything detrimental about PM Gillard, they persist because they believe that any smear will tarnish her. No doubt, cat-lady Julie Bishop will bare her claws in parliament next week, but that will achieve nothing, and then there will be the long end-of-year recess. It makes me angry, but it will come to nothing, because there is nothing.

Ad astra

22/11/2012Folks I'm calling it a day.


22/11/2012Just to keep you guys in the loop.. it's looking pretty serious now with both Vic police and now WA police interested in having another look at the AWU-WRA frauds. I wonder what Mr Blewitt has to tell them tomorrow. The smear tactic isn't working so well, it should be an interesting question time next week in Parliment though. But don't worry too much as the truth will be the winner and any liars will be caught out. Have a great night guys xx

Tom of Melbourne

22/11/2012So there is more evidence that Gillard has a history of dishonesty. This time it is clear that she has misled her former employer. But that’s all fine, it is much easier to BLAME THE MEDIA than to accept that there is plenty of evidence to demonstrate the dishonesty of Our Prime Minister.


22/11/2012It is interesting that there are those who come to this site and seek to outrage us by their cynicism..They claim they were once compatriots in both working class union and political affiliations..yet now they deliberately betray those principles. They have turned to treason. Rebecca West wrote a book titled : "The Meaning of Treason"..(Penguin)...I quote.: "...Even so we should abandon all sentmentality in our views of the traitor, and recognise him as a thief and a liar. He may be other things ; a criminal is very rarely simply a criminal. But, to a marked degree, the traitor is a thief and a liar."

42 long

22/11/2012Look at Grahame Richardson's position. Making a heap of dough lambasting the party he belonged to for so long. He is trumped up as a "labor" person when he is currently the antithesis of it. Latham ( by contrast) is a "hurt" believer. with a good brain, who may well contribute something of worth long term as a commentator who is not shy of telling his perspective of things. He is not a cash for comment person. So worth listening to..


23/11/2012Thank you Kay :) I'm afraid I won't be reading the book, as my brain just does not work with the intricacies of fiscal matters. One thing I would say, though, about affordable housing is that we need to totally abolish the blight that is Negative Gearing. This places unfair advantages to certain investors. I'm not saying you can't own more than one house, holding onto it & selling it when it appreciates in value. I'm saying all the perks in the tac system need to be eliminated. That way, the pool of housing is larger & would be way more affordable. But it would be a brave Government indeed to even suggest such a thing. In my previous life as a (successful) Real Estate Salesperson, I had many instances of inside knowledge (deceased estate/divorce, etc) where I could have picked up properties for way less than I sold them for. Could've made me very rich. But I just don't work that way. I find it very unfair people can use good accountants/solicitors to effectively rort the tax system (much like tax havens, in effect). This in turn robs others (mainly lower-income earners) of a chance to buy a home & not have a gazillion-year, unaffordable mortgage. About solicitors - I saw the shameful 7.30 report tonight. Mark Scott not only needs to be sacked - he needs to be SUED for the blatent innuendo he's permitting at MY ABC!!! Commentators keep saying our PM has to answer more questions about this non-story. I say, "WHAT QUESTIONS???" Ask them! But when Julia asks "what question would you like me to answer?" there's nothing....crickets chirping! It's all a beat-up. Also, if I were the partners at Slater & Gorden, I'd be issuing writs right, left & centre for people dragging their otherwise good name through the mud. S&G have issued enough warnings & statements the even The Age has had to print a few retractions, and The UNAustralian has so many legal outs in their coverage, it comes down to, effectively, "yes, this is all unsubstatiated rumour but we hate Julia Gillard & want her gone, so we'll print these specious allegations anyway". Getting pretty old. And, I so fervently hope, that when it all blows up in the LIEberals faces, not only Abbott but also Bishop will be confined to the dustbin of history!


23/11/201242long, about Richo - I'll never forget on that Q&A when Tanya Plibersek said to him what I & many, many others (from boths sides of politics actually) have long thought. The man is an ungrateful hypocrite! And Tanya called him on it, deservedly.


23/11/2012my apologies for the typos :-(


23/11/2012Thank you Kay. Sometimes one wonders if there will be a decent life in Oz after Tony Abbott has finished wrecking our democracy! In keeping with a tradition that's developed here at TPS with myself and Talk Turkey I'm posting my latest 'pome' inspired this time by [b][u]briefly[/u][/b]commenting at the Poll Bludger site. [b]He Gets a Kick from Campaign![/b] Tony Abbott is embattled, Clearly he is very rattled. Is he about to hit the wall? ‘Friends’ and foes await his fall. His rivals pledge their loyalty To him, as if to royalty, Protesting that he is their liege While all the time he’s under siege Murdoch tells him to persevere, News intensifies the smear And tales of doings sinister In the past of our Prime Minister. Abbott, being advised so often His pugnacious stance to soften, Swaps his daily verbal slaughter For photo op with wife or daughter. He’s no chauvinist from Hades, He says, mingling with the ladies. But still he has to hit out hard With, “Gillard’s playing the victim card!” [b]‘Victim?’[/b] Is he trying to inflame The PM as he did with [b]'shame?'[/b] His popularity’s so low Couldn’t he just have let it go? But that’s too difficult a lesson For him, an addict to aggression. From fighting back he can’t refrain. Abbott gets his kicks from campaign.

Truth Seeker

23/11/2012Patricia, spot on, and one of your best. A good rhyme is just so satisfying to write and read. BTW, thanks for your suggestion to Migs. Cheers :-) :-) :-)


23/11/2012TODAY’S LINKS Oh, THOSE ethics! Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate Nowhere do the "defenders of freedom" seek to address how freedom might encompass hacking phones, lying to readers about climate change, wilfully misrepresenting public policy to suit the ideological and commercial imperatives of their proprietors or whipping up populist fear campaigns that scapegoat the poor, the vulnerable and the different for ratings points. Young Libs push even younger child labour laws, Dan Gulbery, Independent Australia How could anyone could be so stupid as to use this phrase – and especially in an article advocating the abolition of child labour laws – is well and truly beyond me, though it does give an interesting insight into the mindset of both the Young Liberals and Menzies House Deterrence goal locks us onto a path of cruelty, Bernard Keane, Crikey the Malaysian policy overturned by an unusual combination of the High Court, refugee advocates, the Greens and the Coalition was apparent from the moment the Houston panel presented its report. So far, that’s exactly how it’s panned out. Between a rock and a hard place, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion What has happened to the idea that substantial refugee processing facilities to be set up in Indonesia to help speed up 'legal' resettlement through our recently expanded humanitarian resettlement program – up from 13,000 a year to 20,000? What has happened to the the 'Malaysia solution', with its e 'swapping' 800 sea-borne refugees, Asylum Policy Brings More Cruelty, More Boats, Ben Eltham, New Matilda Tony Abbott is making sure he uses the word "illegal" in every possible circumstance, regardless of the fact that it is not illegal to seek asylum in Australia. The Coalition will of course make sure that it never loses the race to the bottom on asylum seeker punishment, a structural fact of the political landscape that Labor seems unable to understand. Locked into the "solution" recommended by the "experts", Labor will continue to tighten the thumbscrews. Nauru: ‘Harsh is an understatement’, Tom Ganderton, Amnesty. Org What’s driving these people to breaking point is the lack of certainty about their situation. Authorities haven’t even begun processing a single detainee’s case for asylum. No one has legal representation, and Nauru has only two or three lawyers on the entire island. There aren’t even enough shower blocks and toilet facilities. As Graham said earlier this week: Asylum Seekers, Wars, And Australian Governments, Deknarf, The Australian Blog It’s not helped by political rantings about “Stopping the Boats’ or refusing to go along with the advice of a body specifically set up to provide solutions. Nor is it helped by making stupid comparisons about the size of towns and the number of arrivals whilst apparently using fuzzy refugee numbers to make the point. He Gets a Kick from Campaign!Patriciawa, Polliepomes In this case, the more adrenalin and testosterone and endorphins that are released, the more Abbott enjoys it, and the more he enjoys it the more frequently he must repeat the process. He is addicted to it. You might say, he gets his kicks from campaign! NO ROCKET SCIENTISTS: Greensparty Senators back misogynist, violent ultra-rightist religious fundamentalist Hamas, Vex News Christine Milne, proposed a bizarre motion that refers to recent events in Israel and Gaza, without mentioning what has led to them: terrorist rocket attacks emanating from Gaza aimed at civilians in Israel. Their propaganda line echoes the Hamas position, only lacking the celebratory gunfire they had in Gazan streets after the bombing of a Tel Aviv bus full of Israeli civilians. Why medicines take so much time to get listed on the PBS, Alison Pearce, The Conversation The Australian government introduced a controversial delay to the approval process for subsidised medicines last year, in an attempt to cut costs. We decided to examine the timelines of the approval process in response because such delays reduce access to affordable medicines.Our research found that while the government decision meant “Nonsense”: Turnbull rejects ABC’s FTTN criticism, Renai Lemay, Delimeter My personal opinion – and I think that of most Australians – is that Labor’s NBN policy is a much better policy than the Coalition’s. A better policy for all Australians. And I don’t think this will change, no matter how much detail Turnbull provides about his vision. FTTH is simply a better long-term option for Australia’s telecommunications needs than FTTN, and Labor’s NBN policy is already substantially down the road to being delivered Basin Plan, Australian Government The Murray–Darling Basin Authority welcomes the adoption of the Basin Plan by the Federal Water Minister.This is a result of a lot of hard work and effort over a number of years by people living in the Basin, industry, environment and Indigenous groups, scientists, and most recently, Basin officials and ministers. Lawyer claims discrepancy in PM's slush fund explanation, Video- Former Slater and Gordon partner explores AWU scandal (7.30), Nick Styant-Browne was a partner in the law firm Slater and Gordon and became involved in a bitter dispute within the firm Ralph Blewitt Speaks! - audio player Ben Fordham speaks to former union bagman Ralph Blewitt, back in Australia to come clean about AWU involving the Prime Minister. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 23 November 2012

Ad astra

23/11/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


23/11/2012Tried to listed to the Fordham audio (thanks Lyn)..but after only a minute had to turn it off...blah,blah,blah!..I don't know what that bloke eats for breakfast, but if it's the same stuff he blurts out on his show, it must taste pretty darn bad!


23/11/2012Hi Jaycee You should have tried hard to listen to the end or fast forward, move the progress bar along. At the end Fordham says to Blewitt "What would you have to say to Julia Gillard right now" Blewitt answers " How Ya Goin Julia". Hilarious because Fordham excitedly trying to get some nastiness. Btw Jaycee I laughed but not as much pleasure and laughter as you send me every day. :):):):):):)

N'ellie May

23/11/2012Hi Ad, Lyn and fellow Swordsters, What a great effort from the MSM on behalf of the liberal party. As I noted in an earlier comment, the conservatives in the USA did the same kind of dirt digging on Bill and Hilary Clinton. I'm just amazed that the MSM are willingly going along with this line against Ms Gillard. Thank heavens that finally Jon Faine on ABC Melbourne local radio this morning has weighed in with credible arguments against the rubbish. The trouble is all this smear and innuendo isn't going to be really scrutinised by the general public but the overall impression will be that this PM is dishonest and can't be trusted - so job done! Wow, what great scheming and planning. Just as Labor's numbers are starting to rise and the following year was looking a bit clearer.Let's send our positive vibes out to our PM for next week's final session.


23/11/2012I suppose I was a bit hasty, Lyn..But I have to weigh it up against how much time I want to waste shovelling the bulldust away to hear something interesting!..and, hey!...I mean ; Blewitt?...he's one of those blokes who would make a bet with you and you'd shake hands on it but insist a third party hold the stake-money! And what's with Uhlmann guest-spotting on Fran Kelly this morning....have the entire breakfast crew got constipation and they needed "Laxetting"!? or is the sniveller just snivelling around?....better check the cutlery!


23/11/2012 On Poll Bludger, William Bowe leads with this beginning to his consideration of Boothby. Read it carefully paying particular attention to the third sentence . . . [i]BOOTHBY Last held by Labor in 1949, the southern Adelaide suburbs seat of Boothby has been trending in the party’s direction since the early Howard years. UPDATE (12/11/12): Essential Research has Labor gaining ground for the second week in a row to attain their best position since March last year. [b]They now trail 52-48, down from 53-47, from primary votes of 37% for Labor (steady), 45% for the Coalition (down one) and 9% for the Greens (steady).[/b][/i] Is it only me doesn't understand this last sentence, or is it just that Bilbo doesn't know his ups from his downs,and his aproposes too? Okay we're talking about Labor (from sentence two) then this "They now trail 52-48, down from 53-47 . . . Now - Is Bilbo being deliberately turgid? The "They" then should logically relate to the former of the two figures, not the latter, so it should read "They now trail 48-52 . . ." but then of course it would also show sensibly as UP not Down! It is a sentence like one of Escher's impossible staircases. It doesn't make sense any way you turn it. Fortunately we get the gist, but only by unscrambling the meaning. Bilbo is a PhD student (forever?) who's been doing this forever. His analyses are excellent. This was an aberration. But it was a very good place for a quibble about keeping the logic straight in English. It's things like this that make one have to re-read sentences, and then you can lose the sense of the passage. [i]Good[/i] liars, (like LiarBird ;-)), and [i]clever[/i] politicians and lawyers and teachers, are very careful with the way we word our sentences! Because English is so infinitely nuanced. Scrambling of sentences (as Don Dunstan nor my brother Gordon never did, and as our host Ad astra equally never has in my experience) tells a great deal about the state of mind of the scrambler. Language is the edge of our Sword.


23/11/2012Nick Styne-Browne...Now, Ladies...tell me my radar is awry, but I smell all the odour of a spurned man! I mean, if it is so egriegous to "spill the beans" on a former client, why is this "fellow colleague" so keen to throw the dirt on a former legal fellow? Hell may not have the fury of a woman scorned, but vindictiveness hath no greater ally than a male forlorned!

Janet (@j4gypsy)

23/11/2012 Hi Ad and Lyn, Suspect this is the Barrie Cassidy piece from the Drum you were referring to yesterday.


23/11/2012Afraid I am off topic but a comment on the Sales interview............It truly does seem that the media are unable to do their job - mainstream journalists truly do seem incapable of investigative reporting. They have morphed into gossip columnists. As you said Ad astra, no direct informing the public of fact, just character assasination. If the facts were known the public might form an opinion contrary to the media agenda, and that cannot be allowed. If policy is ever mentioned it is only in a superficial way and then back on to the main story - scandal! I truly wonder how Australian media is viewed overseas. I feel ashamed sometimes of 'my' ABC when I see the smug 'insiders' These people do not represent my views or even inform me.


23/11/2012Jaycee - your comment above on Styne-Browne reminds me of an old joke with some relevance here. Why don't sharks eat lawyers? Professional courtesy. Seriously has anyone actually demonstrated that the Prime Minister either did or was aware of any illegal activity? This reminds me of "utegate" - it'll blow up into the face of one of the agitators, not in the face of the intended recipient. There is someone bankrolling the sudden reappearance of Styne-Browne and Blewitt in this country as well as the associated media coverage. My tip - follow the money.


23/11/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Janet, thankyou for the Barry Cassidy link. The 7.30pm report last night was as weak as water. The so called witness Browne is shonky too with an ulterior motive, as you will see by the article below 13th October by Mark Baker. Also you will see News Ltd attacking the ABC again: Twitterverse for you:- Stephen Koukoulas For PM Gillard: To be or not to be, that is the question she must answer. Greg Jericho ‏ Faine keeps asking Mark Baker what Gillard has done wrong. Baker keeps responding, "Well she has questions to answer" #abc774 TheFinnigans Nick Browne Interview on @ABC730: Lie No: 1: SALES claimed Browne "released" the CommBank Fax. Browne said: I didnt - … The man who knew too much stirs ghosts of Gillard's past, October 13, 2012, Mark Baker , SMH Now Nick Styant-Browne is embroiled in the fight of his life. But this time he has taken on no less than the Prime Minister. And in the process he has gone to battle with the firm he helped make famous, wrecked a 20-year friendship and provoked the wrath of many Labor supporters who view him as a traitor to the cause. PM faces new claims over union past Steve Lewis From: News Limited Network November 22, 2012 8:50PM Mr Blewitt is also expected to tell fraud squad detectives about Ms Gillard's role in helping to establish the Association and discuss how certain monies from the fund were spent Heat is on Prime Minister Julia Gillard over AWU scandal , Simon Benson, The Telegraph What has been settled, however, is the nonsense still being peddled by the ABC yesterday morning that the revival of this 20 year old case had been a News Limited conspiracy. The new allegations were raised only eight hours later by, yep you guessed it, the ABC. Bank letter links PM to union mortgage, Mark Baker The Prime Minister was asked for her comments on the latest information and her spokesman stated: Given your recent history of publishing unsupportable claims on this matter, and having afterwards to correct them, it's a pity The Age is again considering publishing allegations you can't substantiate. Labor neglects worker security issues, Laura Tingle Corinne Grant ‏ Abbott just called Gillard's misogyny speech playing the 'victim card'. Well said, Tonewado! Women who stand up to sexism are pathetic! Bronwyn Lea ‏ He tried the same line on Bernie Banton MT @latikambourke ABBOTT 'and how dare any Prime Minister of Australia play the victim card' #auspol Abbott among his female flock The Liberals wanted another go at rejecting suggestions that the Opposition Leader didn't respect women or treated them differently and, for good measure, they banned men from the function. The Newman Regime - Who's Who? LNP mates sons and daughters Popi ‏ LNP to investigate donations to embattled minister Ros Bates … via @couriermail How long has Ros got to go?,#kaosqld :):):):):)


23/11/20122353 I might've said this before on TPS, can't remember. A couple in a graveyard looking at the dedication on a gravestone: [b]Here Lies Arnold Pettifogger A Lawyer and An Honest Man.[/b] So She says to Him, [i]Why would they bury three people in the same grave?[/i]

Ad astra

23/11/2012N’ellie May and jaycee, I share your frustration. Janet, thank you for the link to the Barrie Cassidy article – that was the one that I was looking for. Isn’t it a terrible indictment on the media that on the day when historic announcements were made on the Murray Darling Plan and a Forestry Agreement in Tasmania, the media focus was on asylum seekers and the S&G matter! Our media sinks lower and lower.

Ad astra

23/11/2012Hi Lyn Sensing the decline of Tony Abbott and the rise of Julia Gillard, and realizing that she might well win the election next year, as I see Robert Gottleibsen is now predicting in [i]Business Spectator[/i], the MSM has decided to pull out all the stops in an attempt to bring down Julia Gillard. The media involved in this witch hunt do so with the knowledge that even when they fail to do so, they will have damaged her image in the eyes of some, and that for them will be a dividend that may play into the last few polls for the year. Both sides are desperate for a good end to the year, and this is the media’s attempt to make it good for the Coalition and poor for Labor. In my opinion, the electorate is sharply polarized about Julia Gillard. Those who hate her will revel in the S&G matter; those who have warmed to her will be appalled by this attack on our PM, and will move closer to her. I believe that if votes are moved by this matter, it will more likely be towards her than away from her. Talkback callers this morning have expressed their disgust at the vicious smear campaign that the media is waging, and as they continue, still unable to uncover a smoking gun, their campaign looks more and more obscene. It’s hard to see such a vicious assault without becoming angry at the injustice of it all, but we must retain our equanimity and confidence that she will win comfortably next year. I’m off now to spend the rest of the day with Web Monkey to work on the [i]TPS[/i] email application.

42 long

23/11/2012this of course is all organised. None of these things "just happen". Juia IS looking like she will pull it off, so the team is on the move. Imagine how bAD abbott feels when those polls come out. Julia consistently more popular than the Glorious Leader. All that anger plus pretending to be "nice" is a big effort. It's just not the "real" Tony that was so sure of getting the crown he so deserves, quickly . This is going to be nasty and dirty. Bugger me. Didn't tony just the other day say something about all the dirt comes from the labor side? Well that's changed about as fast as reneging on the refugee numbers. The main 2 games are make the asylum people issue political again and destroy the reputation of that "person" who dares to be more popular than me, who also happens to be a woman who made a speech about ME that wasn't nice and a lot of people read it and liked it. It's just too much for a borne to rule talented ( Rhodes scholar) to bear. It will be gut wrenching to watch the effort next week to spin a whole lot of hysteria, DIRT, muck raking character assasination etc but the LieNP are good at it because of a lot of practice and a natural predilection for that kind of thing. It shows most question times . The forum for giving it a free run for the publicity value. Murdoch's declared dislike of the possibility of a Gillard Government will ensure the compliant MSM will have all guns blazing.


23/11/2012'Playing the Victim Card'. Anyone who has witnessed our PM in her daily life as Prime Minister of our country knows that using the word "VICTIM" in combination with her name is laughable. She is not a victim, never was a victim and never will be a victim. He needs to be very careful when he uses language like this, it smacks of abuse, its the type of language that abusers use. It's not my fault.....its yours, I'm the victim here if you didn't upset me I wouldn't have to do what i do. He brought out Margie and the kids, and Bishop and any other female he knows to spruke "Tony is lovely". Who's playing the victim card Tony?


23/11/2012But in Abbott's eyes he is the victim LIR, because if the PM had read Abbott's script, she would have fallen on her sword by now - the ALP would have lost the election by a margin so substantial that the LNP would control both houses (and a majority of states) and he, Mrs Abbott and his daughters would be living in the style they would like to become accustomed to at Kirribilli. So we all need to feel sorry for Abbott - instead of his plan coming to fruition he's still living in the hose he owes a squillion on (or $700k less repayments for 5 years if the truth be known) and he has to battle the traffic on the way to work like the rest of us mere mortals. Seriously - you are correct. He does use the language and demeanour of an abuser.


23/11/2012Thanks for the review, Kay...Say!'re getting a rough time of it on your articles as there seems to be a crisis at the same moment you put them up!... As for the NeoLiberals...Most of our generation (boomers) who grew up and started work under the old The big old company systems..where there was a family type atmosphere..saw those same systems disintergrate under a generational change. Many old Family-based companies fell apart when the next generation took over...Technology and financial shifts did the damage and then the breaking up of the company and the subbying out of the skilled work finished the job. When I got old enough to work out I was just there for cheap labour, I lost any feeling of loyalty and quit and hit the road. I had a great time.


23/11/2012The abbort broadcasting corporation are truly shamefull. This whole beat-up is indeed an attempt to save the abborts backside by trying to once again imply that the PM is untrustworthy.As to why these two grubs have surfaced at this particular time, one can only speculate that this latest attempt to besmirch the PM has been timed so as to play out in the last sitting week and we can all predict the attack in QT will be about this garbage.These people are getting seriously worried about the next election and are now prepared to do anything to try to stop the rot that surrounds the liebrals. And as for accusing the PM of playing the victim, what a bloody joke.


23/11/2012Kay Thank you for your interesting article. As jaycee said it is unfortunate that the timing is bad. :-) Patriciawa Another great pome, can I say "Ahh McCain, you've done it again." :-) I've noticed a few comments saying 'my' abc. To me it has been like a long drawn out dying of a much loved 'Aunty'. After the final breath it will be a blessing, no more pretense of what she used to be.

Tom of Melbourne

23/11/2012[b]BLAME THE MEDIA!![/b]


23/11/2012jaycee @9.27am, Blewitt is the sort of person that if he shook your hand, you'd have to count your fingers afterwards. And @10.23am, I watched the Styant-Browne interview and all I could see was the usual beat-up leading nowhere. Wasn't the CBA the mortgagee for Blewitt's house? Is it common for a law firm to provide mortgages to clients? I wouldn't have thought so, but would like to know if they do. 2353 @11.11am, couldn't agree more. This also reminds me more and more of the smear campaign against Lionel Murphy conducted by the Liars Party. They hounded him to his grave and never produced a skerrick of evidence that he'd done anything wrong. LIR @2.24pm, agree with you absolutely. Just another ploy by the Liars and their spruikers the msm, in their obsessive lust for power. I've just been leafing through a Dymocks Xmas catalogue and what should be advertised on the first page but Neil Chenoweth titled [i]Murdoch's Pirates[/i] an expose of the skullduggery beneath Rupert's pay tv division. Robynne, right on the money.


23/11/2012Traitors have no country, no friends, no safe harbour...keep moving, traitor.


23/11/2012Just another update on Ralph's interview with the Victorian Police force today.. God damn media should of informed us of this before the last election and Abbott wouldn't be the scapegoat as Ms Gillard would of never been put in her current PM position. Anyway you guys sound like you are in support of Union corruption you don't have to look far to see how far and wide it is spread when there is no accountability of any money that is collected.


23/11/2012BLAME THE MEDIA!! Why not ToM? they all seem to be so shit scared that everything they print etc is littered with disclaimers just in case it blows up in their face! Tell me have you stopped beating your wife?


23/11/2012Is "lol" short for "lollypop"?...If you take Michael Smith News seriously, you'd have to be sucking on that "lollypop"! Man..I'm not a lawyer, but even I can see enough daylight through Mr. Blewitt's affidavits to drive a Mack Truck through! Keep sucking....."lol"....


23/11/2012Well you might not take it seriously here at TPS but the police and his lawyers are and not everything has been released to the public but if you chaps want to live in denial it's up to you. I just wanted to let you know the latest as you don't visit Mike Smiths blog.


23/11/2012P.S. It isn't me that is the sucker (lollypop!!)

Janet (@j4gypsy)

23/11/2012 From Bernard Keane in Crikey today: 'Tale of two Australia's: one disconnected from reality' This is against copyright law to reproduce, but am doing it anyway: it is so damn good. [i]We live, it seems, in two Australias. One exists in so-called "reality", allegedly observable via evidence and facts. The other one exists in the mind of many in the media and the government's critics in business. The purported "real" Australia doesn't look too bad. It has low unemployment, low inflation, remarkably low interest rates, a huge pipeline of business investment, low government debt and steady economic growth. Its government shepherded the country through the global financial crisis by protecting the banking sector and providing fiscal stimulus, and is now engaged in a dramatic fiscal contraction that has allowed the country's central bank to cut interest rates. Its tax-cutting government has presided over a 1.5% fall in tax to GDP ratio. The world's credit rating agencies are sufficiently impressed to have given Australia the best possible sovereign ratings, and its currency has, to the chagrin of its exporters, become a reserve currency valued by forex traders and central banks the world over. The country is governed by a minority government that, in spite of predictions about how unworkable it would be, has produced a long succession of legislated reforms, albeit of the small-to-medium variety, but some big ones as well: a carbon price, further big improvements to its already world-leading superannuation system, an overhaul of health funding, and cuts to the absurdly generous middle-class welfare bequeathed to it by the previous government. Its Prime Minister, initially clumsy and forced in the role, has over time grown into it, and now even appears competent on the world stage, with a close relationship with President Barack Obama. The country is the world's 12th largest economy and one of the few developed economies still showing vigour. All that stands in dire contrast to the Australia which, we're told, is actually out there and which we can read and hear about in the media. "The Australia portrayed in the pages of newspapers and on talkback radio increasingly bears no resemblance to reality ..." That Australia is an economic wasteland, on the way to joining Spain and Greece. It is labouring under a crushing public debt burden. Its pro-union industrial relations laws have slashed productivity and threaten to derail the country's resources boom. A "sea of red tape" stifles innovation. The government has bungled relations with China and its name is mud in Washington because we've cut defence spending. The country has a property bubble and its over-reliance on foreign borrowings that mean our banks will collapse when there's another financial crisis, necessitating vast bailouts. It's the government's fault that mining companies all tried to invest in new projects at once, bidding up the cost of labour and other supplies. Its carbon price (instituted because the Prime Minister, being a woman, was easily controlled by extreme environmentalist Bob Brown) has sent consumer prices through the roof, and all for nothing because climate change is a giant conspiracy, or even if it exists, Australia can't do anything about it despite being a massive carbon exporter and the world's most carbon-dependent major economy. The country's "Communist" mining tax, despite raising no revenue, is deterring investment. Corrupt union officials oversee our biggest superannuation funds, even if those funds out-perform funds overseen by the big banks. Indeed, the stain of union corruption is everywhere, for the Prime Minister herself is corrupt. Corrupt how, corrupt in what way, isn't made clear despite acres of newsprint and investigative journalists working full-time for months on the "story" and even the ABC, criticised by its media watchdog program, goaded into action; but somehow, in some unspecified way, she acted corruptly just under two decades ago, and is now somehow stifling an investigation of it, including making files disappear (and then reappear, presumably just to throw people off the scent). But she has Questions To Answer. And to distract from this corruption, the Prime Minister plays the gender card, claiming she's a victim of a misogynist campaign, while her deputy engages in class war, trying to demonise successful entrepreneurs. Worse, she's planning a Stalinist assault on free speech intended to censor her media critics. The Australia portrayed in the pages of newspapers and on talkback radio increasingly bears no resemblance to reality; the "coverage" is an ever more lurid fantasy based on the arch-villainy of Julia Gillard, simultaneously weak and incompetent at governing but fiendishly clever and ruthless at covering up her crimes, while the country she leads goes to wrack and ruin, or at least it will When The Boom Ends or When The Next Global Crisis Occurs or When Financial Markets Lose Confidence. That's if she lasts. Surely she'll be gone within weeks. Some new revelation, some smoking gun, some crucial piece of evidence will destroy her prime ministership. Just you wait. And we wonder where we'll get quality journalism from when the internet finally destroys newspapers.[/i]

Russell in Glendale

23/11/2012Thanks Jane, I agree with your comments. I have just watched the interview with Julia Gillard and cannot see any thing untoward. A beat up of huge proportions. What about the Murray Darling policy? Something that has been far from politcal grasp for 20 years, Hawke talked about it, Howard talked about it, Rudd didn't talk about it unless new corp let him and Julia Gillard fixed it. The best the MSM can get is a raking over of the coals of a non issue. Cannot, I repeat, cannot see the forest for the trees, just like slippers speech, the real issues buried under the usual pile of dross and flimflam. I might be a greenie but this garbage from the MSM is just lunacy.


23/11/2012jaycee, All "lol" has told us is a self confessed fraudster lair and and sex tourist walked into a police station to try and get immunity! Not only that Blewitt's own sister Penny said "... Ralph Blewitt is my brother, he is my older brother. He is as crooked as they come. It wasn't Julia Gillard that stole the money. She might have set up the fund, and Wilson and Blewitt, Ralph Blewitt, were the crooks, not Julia Gillard. Ralph is out to make whatever he can make out of this for himself." lol thinks this man is a reliable witness FMD!


23/11/2012 lol All-day Suckers are giant lollipops. lol


23/11/2012So does calling one side (Blewitt)names, make the other side innocent (Gillard) if she has done the wrong thing?


23/11/2012lol, Read this slowly self confessed means he called himself those names not me! I just repeated what he said. The other names were by his sister again not me! Is English a second language by any chance?


23/11/2012Jane..Thank you..thank you!..There are those in the opposition and in the MSM.who should be charged with sedition at least or taken out and ***T at best! Anyway, we know their names and even if they get off light, they will always, like JW Howard, be seen as the same as the pet troll...Give them no home, no country, no safe harbour. We shall turn them from our door..and we shall spurn them evermore!..........(to paraphrase).


23/11/2012Hey!...I like that..;"...not everything has been released to the public"....BWAHahahahahahahhaaha!...This jerkoff; "lol"...this..fool in a fun-suit...this..this-NOBODY!! has it on "good-authority" (Mike Smith's news blog!!)that (taps side of nose)there is a piece of paper "out there" that has a signed confession by Julia Gillard that says..:"I give up!..I did it!"....CHRIST!! this guy right in the head??.....But no, no...let's face it, he is not saying anything more stupid than the "most informed" of the MSM., he's just saying it more laughably!....Hahahahahahaha!

Tom of Melbourne

23/11/2012Well Jason, the interesting question is whether Gillard will say that Fairfax is full of “misogynists and nutcases” I suppose her former boss at S& G is a “misogynist & nutcase”.


23/11/2012ToM, If you work at fairfax well the answer would be yes! I learnt last night S&G named a confrence room after her! I was at the Gepps Cross hotel today where I saw a piss trough named after you guess what I done?


23/11/2012Jason Blewitt doesn't have immunity so if he has lied he will be up for perjury. If you think it's all one big smear go to Smith's blog and pick the documents and evidence to bits.


23/11/2012Lol...all I saw was a power of attorney document...(I saw that via poll bludger, not your Mike Smith site) she witnessed a poa many J.P.'s do that every day, it isn't the right of the witness to know what is contained in the document, just that the signatories are whom they say they are. You may have noticed that the document was a copy of a copy of a copy.....oh dear!..Dissmiss the Prime Minister on the strength of THAT?.....I don't think so. But hey!'s not a search for any guilt, is it?..But rather an act of smear. As for Mr. Blewitt....again..oh dear!...I hope your hero; Mike Smith has some "pull" upstairs...not just below the belt, because his prime accuser may have to delay his return to depravity.


23/11/2012Fellow swordsters...rejoice at the quality of commentry here on this site..even when we attack the tragic trolls, we at least use a degree of wit or creative abuse! But on sites like the haliographed (?) Mr. Smith...the right-wing are truly loopy...truly, truly loopy! There's this one "person"...She is warning Ralph Blewitt to take care as he doesn't go back to (presumably Malasia) till Tuesday. "I have looked into Julia Gillard's eyes..and I see evil..take care Ralph(note the familiarity?!)and be careful of your drinks..they could be spiked."...I kid you not...I kid you not!....I doubt "Ralph" would swallow ANY drink unless it was "spiked" with at least 80%proof! most likely post on that site..I'd let "Ralph" be warned that Aust' is the least of his worries...over here , he is of passing interest to the authorities....over "there" he WAS a person of minor interest...but NOW, and if he does succeed to compromise the Prime Minister in scandal...well, I have travelled to a few countries overseas..passed through Malasia over a couple of stand out, you know..a white stand out..and I'd suspect he will be elevated to "a person of considerable interest" doesn't pay to become too noticable as an anglo in some places. As they say : "Better get a lawyer, son..Better get a real good one!"


23/11/2012We will see what happens then in the next week then Jaycee, somehow I don't think fOI's give out the original copies but sure hope the cop's can find it after all them recent missing files have gone AWOL.. Anyway I have hijacked your site long enough (sorry about that) if you want to keep up with the latest check out Smiths blog sometime. Carry on as normal. Take care

Wake Up

23/11/2012I'm sorry but maybe I missed something here........... just to be clear, does Smith, Blewitt, lol, ToM, anyone from the opposition, any other Jorno, anyone from S&G, any State or Federal Police or anyone on the planet or in the universe have an actual allegation of wrongdoing of any description whatsoever against the PM ???

Ad astra

23/11/2012Folks I've been with Web Monkey today working on [i]TPS Mail[/i], a mechanism by which you the user will be able to send email messages to politicians and journalists with just a few clicks of your mouse. We plan to have it for ready for beta-testing over the end of year period when Lyn and I will be taking a break through December and January.

Wake Up

23/11/2012BTW Mike Smith and his pathetic blog are directly associated with CANdo who's Patron-in-Chief for NSW is the one and only ALAN JONES.............. credibility factor zero !!! lol, there's a sucker born every minute.

42 long

23/11/2012What statute of limitations applies also? What is going on here is very significant in principle. The aim of all this is to get rid of an elected prime minister, who has the support of (1) her electorate. (2) the party she belongs to Plus (3) the necessary independants/ green votes to claim legitimate right to govern. Murdoch has shown how he works his way into having power over governments in the UK. It's pretty obvious what his aims are here. Does anyone believe that what is going on in Australia is any different to what was uncovered in UK? If Tony gets in what will he owe these people? They are not supporting him for nothing. They will expect their pound of flesh, and the ordinary australian people will be the ones worse off.


23/11/2012Man.."checking out" Smiths' blog would be like conducting a sigmoidostomy on a constipated dugong!...; terribly smelly and possibly repulsive!


23/11/2012A JP's job is to witness the signature after making enquiries to ensure that the person proposing to sign the form is competent to do so. There is no need to check the veracity of the statements made on the form. If this all hangs on something that Gillard did as a JP (most Solicitors can sign as a JP), it is a smear because there is nothing else left in the cupboard. Smearing Rudd over a ute worked well too. Admittedly, I haven't looked at Smith's website as I've just finished getting all the crap of this computer :D I've been a JP for over 20 years (as punishment for sins in a previous life I suspect)- and wouldn't remember most of the stuff I signed a month ago - let alone 17 years ago.


23/11/20122353 In my limited dealings with JPs I've been given to understand that their role is to simply witness the signature. The contents are none of their affair.


23/11/2012lol, you make me lol. [quote].....if she has done the wrong thing?[/quote] Says it all really, lol. That little word IF. You'd think after all the years of muck raking, trawling through sewers and non-existent documents by the Liars and their stooges, there would be one teeny tiny scintilla of evidence that the PM is guilty of some wrong doing. But after 15+ years, they still haven't found the magic bullet. And who are these investigative journalists whose names you so breathlessly utter. Mike Smith? Next thing you'll be telling us Steve Lewis has received an email from Godwin Grech with proof positive that the PM murdered Jimmy Hoffa, or that Dolt has evidence that the PM's father was a Russian spy or that Anal Jones is really a nice bloke who doesn't kick puppies. And we know how well all that stuff works out, don't we. If Smith has all these pieces of paper providing proof positive that the PM committed, how come he hasn't handed them over to the cops? Gee, let me think.......could it be that he's lying through his teeth? Russell, you'd think the msm would take a passing interest in the welfare of the Murray Darling basin, wouldn't you? And a spot of faint praise and gratitude for the PM who finally did something about it? jaycee, I agree. These scumbags should put up or shut up. they've had over 15 years to produce their "evidence" but all we ever hear is that that although there's no evidence that the PM had anything at all to do with Wilson and Blewitt's skullduggery she still has "questions" to answer. Just what these questions are seems to be a closely guarded secret. Why can't they ask the "questions" and have done with it? Because they can't think of any that haven't been asked and answered a million times, but the PM won't give them the answers they want. Jason, do you find it astonishing that certain people who are soooo concerned about union corruption, always seem completely unconcerned wrt the massive corruption and skullduggery by big business which triggered the GFC and caused a world wide recession? Makes so-called union corruption pretty small potatoes by comparison. [quote]......does Smith, Blewitt, lol, ToM, anyone from the opposition, any other Jorno, anyone from S&G, any State or Federal Police or anyone on the planet or in the universe have an actual allegation of wrongdoing of any description whatsoever against the PM ???[/quote] No, but they do have lies, innuendo, insinuations and bullshit, Wake Up. 42 long, Liealot and the Liars will owe a lot of unsavoury characters bigtime. And none of them has the best interests of this country on their agenda.


24/11/2012November 23. 2012 08:09 PM Jason Blewitt doesn't have immunity so if he has lied he will be up for perjury. If you think it's all one big smear go to Smith's blog and pick the documents and evidence to bits. lol Smith lost his job because he thought he could bring a PM down,and was stupid enough to think he could say whatever he liked and the radio station would defend him! They didn't he was sacked. you say look at smiths blog I have where is the evidence of wrong doing? lots of hearsay and not much else. Find a better source than a man with an axe to grind!


24/11/2012jane, "Jason, do you find it astonishing that certain people who are soooo concerned about union corruption, always seem completely unconcerned wrt the massive corruption and skullduggery by big business which triggered the GFC and caused a world wide recession" I hear ya sister!


24/11/2012Almost every site I go to, almost every alleged "news" item I see on this issue, I am seeing the words that our PM Gillard "still has questions to answer" or "still needs to provide answers". WHAT THE F*&K IS THE QUESTION? WHAT THE F*&K IS THE ALLEGATION you want her to answer? Please! Someone? ANYONE?


24/11/2012Ad Astra, I know this is a "housekeeping" issue, but can you & Web Monkey work out a way to tell the actual time out posts were put up? It's barely midnight here, but my post says it's after 1am. Just a small annoyance, but I tend to take with a grain of salt posts after a certain time due to the possibility of inebreation, especially on a Friday night. Also, if the words on the CreCAPTCHA box were ACTUAL words that I could read & comprehend, it might not take me so long to post. Sometimes, after 3 or 4 goes in interpreting these "two words" and failing, I just give up. I know it's for guarding against spam, etc, but they do my head in sometimes! PS Jason & Jane, +1! :-)


24/11/2012Libbyx33...he question from the right-wing Libs' (crying through a river of tears) is..: "WHY!...why are you still standing??!!" The accusation (repeated as above) is..: " You stole the government from US!! coulda' been us!!!"

Ad astra reply

24/11/2012Janet Thank you for posting Bernard Keane's excellent article in Crikey. It is congruent with the two prievious pieces I wrote on how our economy is being talked down for political gain at the expense of business and us all. We do indeed live in two worlds - the actual real world, and a fantasy world created for solely political purposes.

Ad astra reply

24/11/2012Libbyx33 The time recorded on posts Is Eastern Standard Summer Time. Those posting from States not on that time will have their time of posting translated into ESST. So someone posting from WA at, say, 11 PM local time would be recorded as posting at 2 AM ESST. There is no way this can be changed as the server cannot know from where the post is being made. We realize that reCaptcha can be irritating and hard to read, but that is necessary to avoid spammers from contaminating the site, which was the case before we installed reCaptcha. If you can't read any of the words, touch the circular refresh icon in the reCaptcha box to get another set of words until you get a set you can read. I hope that helps.


24/11/2012I am laughing so hard my sides and face ache. Why are the 'trolls' so upset. Haven't they now got the magic bullet that will bring Julia down? If the did have it, wouldn't they be crowing about it, instead of screaming and yelling at us and telling us it's over. Ad Astra Will you new gadget allow us to email any or all politicians. I haven't anything to complain about with Labor or most of the Independents, but geez do I have lots to say to the rest of them, politely of course.


24/11/2012Libbyx33 There are QUESTIONS... It has been decreed thus. That's all the likes of you & me need to know.


24/11/2012Libbyx33 Chill Girl, reCaptcha is fun! You can't really og rwong! Just go letter-by-letter, do your best to sort out the nearest thing you can to each, run your eye over both versions when you've finished (you sometimes re-perceive it then), [i]place your bet[/i] and hit Save! And if you don't win that time, you get a new free game all ready for you. ([i]ad infinitum![/i]) I just got it [i]then[/i]. "The captcha text was not valid . . ." This new one's really clear. mategyi grandfather

Ad astra

24/11/2012Gravel The new gadget, [i]TPS Mail[/i] will allow you to create your own custom list of politicians, and also journalists, that will enable you to email them with a few clicks of your mouse. Your list can be modified at any time. It will be saved as a cookie on your computer, so that so long as you use the same computer, the list will be there for you to use over and again. There will be other features too that will allow you to forward pieces on [i]TPS[/i] to politicians and journalists. We plan to have [i]TPS Mail[/i] ready for beta-testing over the end-of-year break where we will correct any bugs, so that it will be fully functional for the beginning of the political year in February.

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012I think it’s particularly hilarious that the same people who said- • Union control of the ALP is “all a media beat-up” • The Thomson scandal is “all a media beat-up” • Rudd leaking is “all a media beat-up” • The Rudd challenge is “all a media beat-up” …are now saying Gillard’s role in the AWU slush fund scandal is “all a media beat-up” They have a great track record in identifying “a media beat-up”


24/11/2012ToM, The only one with a track record of "beating things up" and trying to intimidate people is you!

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012• Did the public have a right to know that Rudd was leaking to the media? • Were we entitled to know about Thomson’s nefarious behaviour, which resulted in uncovering Williamson’s role? • Was Rudd’s challenge an issue of interest to the public? • Is the honesty of the Prime Minister of legitimate interest to the public? Because if most of the people here had their way there would have been restriction on the media reporting of each of these issues.


24/11/2012The traitor seems to find sooo much "hilarious" that his sides must be splitting with laughter....but, fellow you, like me, detect a little bit of sadness under the "brave face"?...a sort of "forced happiness", a "forced smile"..That weak..limp laughter.. all the while inside the heart is breaking?...and why shouldn't his heart be breaking?'s do or die this sitting week for his "team" last shot at destroying the PM. or destroying themselves!...Forget the three-legged-race, this will be a "All-roped-together with the Kamikazi scream" race!...and if one stumbles and falls, they will bring the whole crew down!....and to think, ; the whole plan, the entire attack and maul is based on one person's evidence...the evidence of an "ureliable witness"...: a drunken sot with criminal suspicions surrounding him like wine flies around the glasses the morning after the drunken party!....A liar, a thief, a sex exploiter, a fraudster and general all-round useless pr*ck! Julie Bishop, Tony Abbott and the LNP. clang-bang-crew are going into bat with this person as their "king-hitter"....WOW!, as whatsisname from "Yes Minister" would say ; "That's a courageous decision, minister!"..when we've all seen murderers get off because of the dissmissal of the evidence of the "unreliable witness"..I'd say : "Goodbye careers" for those relying on Mr. Blewitt's accusations! Goodbye and good riddance!......."HELLO!..HELLO!..GODWIN GRETCH!...COME BACK!...ALL IS FORGIVEN!"

bob macalba

24/11/2012good day to all TPS folk, never posted a comment anywhere before but am a big fan of site and thoughtful contributers, only having a go so as i can tell ToM THAT HE IS A KNOB, goodness that felt good, sorry if spelling not up to scratch. cheers to all the Fighting Fifth the country really does need you


24/11/2012ToM, Who here said Rudd leaking to the media was a beat up? As for Thompson reporting what he's "alleged" to have done is one thing but the way you and the media carried on was as though he'd been found guilty, I suppose due process is some sort of slogan to be used sparingly is it? Rudd's challenge was news worthy when it finally happened,but being told for twelve months it was happening this week next week after the next poll, I think it qualifies as a beat up. As to the PM's honesty I take her at her word! I know you don't, but just because journo's sit around saying she has more questions to answer well I say no! it's up to them to make the case, she's answered the questions the media keep saying there is no evidence she done anything illegal case closed. That said all you and some of the journo's seem to do is say I got nothing new, so I'm just going to keep rehashing the old crap". You're getting that desperate you're starting to sound like the obnoxious drunk who complains about all the dickheads in the bar! Forget the phrase "show me the money" try "show me the proof"


24/11/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Thankyou Kay for your very interesting article, we do appreciate your contributions to TPS very much. Twitterverse for you:- Back and forth on Gillard allegations continue; Jon Faine, Friday 23rd November Friday morning, and host Jon Faine follows up his efforts yesterday to get to the bottom of the continuing allegations about the Prime Minister, her time and Slater and Gordon, and what links exists between her and AWU corruption. It's been prompted by the arrival of former AWU Ralph Blewitt (pictured), and today journalists who have been covering the story weigh in. Michael Smith, a former 2UE radio host, and Mark Baker from The Age, have taken issue with Jon's dismissing of the coverage. They exchange feisty words with Jon over whether or not the Prime Minister still has allegations to answer about the slush fund scandal. PDF ...... Press Release from Ralph Blewitt Lawyers I do not remember seeing documents: Gillard , PIp Freebairn, LUcIlle Keen and James Massola Online Political Correspondent, AFR Opposition Leader Tony Abbott made a third media appearance on Friday in Melbourne demanding the PM use next week’s parliamentary sitting, the last for the year, to explain her links to a loan used by an associate of her former boyfriend, former Australian Workers Union official Bruce Wilson, to buy a house in Melbourne. This was The Victim Card, ??? Lucy Clark, The Hoopla You know what a victim looks like, right? A victim cowers, a victim shuffles to the back of the room. A victim acquieses and deflects. A victim demurs. This is not a victim. This is glorious, righteous anger. This is a woman standing up for herself and saying enough. This is a woman whose blistering speech about sexism and misogyny was so on the money it went around the globe like wildfire, chewing up millions of youtube hits as it went. Abbott: I won't use gender and class to divide nation, Chris Johnson, The Age and how dare [any] prime minister of Australia play the victim card. The Opposition Leader said Ms Gillard was also engaged in class warfare by trying to set workers against their bosses. ''Now, one thing I will never do, should I have the honour of leading this country, is deliberately set out to divide Australian against Australian,'' he said. ''You will never find from me invocation of a false class war. fdm ‏@Rodicurus Julia did not mention the word 'victim' when she bravely demolished #ToxicTony, so STHU you dickwad Abbott Bernadette Malycha ‏ @TonyAbbottMHR Today is white ribbon day. I expect better of you than to brand PM a 'victim' for standing against sexism/misogyny. Shameful! Campaign of smear boils down to nothing: PM , YouTube Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she is the subject of an ongoing smear campaign over her role in setting up union slush fund decades ago. Knives are out for Gillard, Peter Hartcher This is an affair that, depending on what emerges and how Gillard responds, could lead the opposition to move a motion of no confidence in the prime minister The questions next week will overshadow any good news of the government's achievements. And its very existence could depend on the quality of her answers. The missing pieces that shadow a Prime Minister, Mark Baker Now all the mainstream newspapers, radio stations and TV networks are engaged to varying degrees and the ABC - pricked perhaps by accusations of partisan neglect - has arrived belatedly on the scene. At the same time, the federal opposition, hitherto content to see the media make the running, can smell blood and has decided to mount a concerted campaign against the Prime Minister on the issue, a campaign that is expected to dominate question time when Parliament resumes next week for its final sittings of the year. Boats policy comes full circle, Phillip Coorey Turning back the boats remains as impractical now as it was when Howard stopped doing it. Should Labor lose the next election, it is likely Tony Abbott will inherit the problem Labor has created and he has refused to help fix. Public service told to prepare for March poll, Chris Johnson, Canberra Times Fairfax Media understands Saturday, March 16, has been mooted within government as a possible election date. a senior Labor source said on Friday that avoiding bringing down a budget before the next election was a prime motivation Longing for grown ups to cut out the silliness, Lenore Taylor Tony Abbott has access to more focus-group polling than I do, and he's clearly doing something right because he still looks like romping home at the next election. But I really wonder if he is listening to the big message. Oh my god, Gillard and Abbott agree on something, Laurie Oakes Brisbane Times ‏ Liberal MP Judi Moylan urges the public to "stand up" to the "rubbish rhetoric" of her own leader over asylum seekers. … Policy hits new low: modern slavery :):):):):):):)

Truth Seeker

24/11/2012bob macalba, welcome and well said. He IS our resident knob, sadly, but TPS is like an online family, and he is the distant uncle who always turns up at family do's, gets drunk and embarrasses himself, but there has to be at least one. Good to know you're out there and do feel free to comment whenever you get the urge. Cheers :-) :-)

Truth Seeker

24/11/2012Ad, Hope you don't mind, but I felt the need to respond to Bob. Cheers :-)


24/11/2012TT..How's the Manflu going? the good lady is recovering?...I hope so. Here is a Toddy (serve hot or cold) My Italian father (from the Dolomities)..(not the Pope!) used to make... 1/2 litre decent fruity red (solid Merlot), into a small saucepan w/quatered apple, couple wedges lemon, 4 whole cloves, bloody good tablespoon honey..bring to boil and simmer then set alight to the alcohol fumes...when the fumes slow right down or stop burning..serve w/a generous smile! Bloody good for the sore throat!


24/11/2012Just watched Abbott's news conference. I know we put up with Howard's tooth-sucking for years when he spoke in public, and that was definitely not good sound and vision of a nation's leader. Do we really want to see and hear in Tony Abbott, Australia's number one lips-smacker and tongue-flickerer, a Prime Minister slathering his way across the newswaves? But seriously... Did he talk nothing but totalitarian-underpinned crap, or what!? Between the lip-smacks and the tongue-flicks, that is.


24/11/2012Michael, "Did he talk nothing but totalitarian-underpinned crap, or what!?" I think that sums it up perfectly.


24/11/2012Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 12:44 pm | Permalink BH Is there a Mark Baker story today? Mark Baker never HAD a story, a real one that is. All he has – at best – are some minor mistakes made in a busy law office, a few i’s and t’s left respectively un-dotted and un-crossed – maybe – and a 30-something woman caught up in an affair with a larrkin and his spiv mate who bamboozled her into doing some legal work for them that turned out to be hiding a confidence racket they were running with Theiss, the major construction outfit that put up most of the cash. She found out about it. She got out of both the affair and – soon after – the law firm. Her recollections made to her partners two or three years after the main dishonesty event were not illegal, or even improper and did not require police attention. But they have sure attracted the attention of the great moralizing wowsers of the press, in droves. Their own lives wouldn’t bear much scrutiny, I suspect, but that hasn’t stopped them from making judgement upon the lives of others. What DID require police attention was granted it at the time, and the cops found nothing substantial to go on. Today, in 2012, people who live, breathe and sleep with the documents in question and in their possession go through them with a nitpicker’s comb, expecting her to be able to answer questions off-the-cuff about who said what to whom, wrote wrote which memo, whether it had one signature or two, how many nights she stayed in the house, and whether she was prepared to swear on a stack of bibles that all the renovation work done on her home was paid for properly and above board, out of her personal funds. Was that chippy who was there for half an hour helping his mate out paid for out of the slush fund, or was he doing a favour for a mate who was behind schedule? Who knows? Who CARES? It was all such a long time ago. But the slightest retraction, clarification or contradiction – whether admitted or not – will be pounced upon by them like a pack of ravenous dogs, driven mad by hunger, thrown a scrap from their master’s table. The standards applied to Julia Gillard, examining more than half her adult life time, are ticked and flicked when it comes to Tony Abbott. He’s given a free pass for just about everything he’s ever done- wall-punching, Bernie Banton, his foul temper, his own slush find used against Pauline Hanson, his “illegitimate” child that caused him to run away from his girlfriend, only to turn out to someone else’s baby. His smears, when made in parliament, and when they cross the line, are followed by an apology to the Speaker made when the press gallery have all gone home to write up their rubbish stories about “The Arena of politics”. They are never reported and never replayed. It’s been the story of Abbott’s life: the Golden Boy who can always just say “Sorry”, and then resume offending just about everyone who comes across his path. Meanwhile, Gillard, a woman, has her entire life put through the wringer, focused through the lens of misogynists and exploiters (some of them women, to my disgust), political urgers, spivs, and lurk merchants with personal, pride, self-esteem or money-making agendas. Mark Baker is up before the Press Council soon, after a complaint by Slater & Gordon about a false story, and is desperate to pin anything on Gillard that he can possibly pin on her. Callers to 2GB and similar stations remember once when they recalled a file note from an old case a few years back, and then extrapolate that recollection (supplied without context) to all people and all files ever created, especially any file the PM dealt with, no matter how long ago. At heart the allegation seems to be – again, at best – that Gillard and Wilson conspired to stitch-up Blewitt into a contract for the purchase of property without his knowledge, falsifying records, issuing fabricated powers of attorney, back-dating documents and generally behaving like a 1990s’ version of Bonny and Clyde on a merry theft and fraudulent dealing spree, so besotted were they with each other. This is the best they can dredge up after 20 years of poring over files, inventing legal rules that never were rules in the first place and egging each other on further and further, trying to out-do each other with “questions that must be answered”. Not allegations, but prurient, voyeuristic, irrelevant and, in many cases, unanswerable “questions”. And when she says she can’t recall exactly what happened, they call it, like the AFR does today, “an excuse”. I would like Mark Baker, or Mike Stutchbury or Mike Smith or anyone else to tell me what they had for lunch, or who they spoke to, or what was in a letter received not only in another office, but in another building, by fax, on the 4th of February 1993. If they could – which they can’t – their smears might have more weight. Hartcher, surely a joke among his peers (he certainly is among his dwindling coterie of readers), comes up with some far-fetched scenario whereby the government will fall next week, more likely than not, via the vote of the Independents, after the Coalition moves a “No Confidence” motion, presumably. Except that every motion of this type the Coalition has ever threatened to move – from plebiscites to No Confidence – has on every occasion failed to materialise, or (in the case of the dozens and dozens of SSO motions they have moved) been roundly defeated time and time again, without one success. Hartcher cries rivers of crocodile tears that such an achieving government can’t get its message out, because “the media” are too obsessed with Slatergate to care about historic regulation of the Murray, our survival of the GFC,and over four hundred pieces of legislation successfully passed, with only one or two defeats. It’s the ultimate cynicism, isn’t it? The “Political and International Editor” of the Sydney Morning Herald has got the blood-lust up, and cannot bring himself to do what he pompously criticises others for not doing. The excuse is always “the politics” of the situation. It’s the worst excuse you could dredge up, but it suffices to do for just about every occasion. There’s always “the politics”. People like Hartcher have it in their power to change the media’s modus operandi, but do not deign to, even as their newspapers go broke and their shareholders weep in despair at the junk status of their investment. It’s just too easy to join the pack and yell, like T.E. Lawrence, “NO PRISONERS!” as they go in to slaughter the “enemy”. I don’t know what Gillard has done to upset the likes of Hartcher, and along with him, Blewitt, Stayne-Browne, Abbott, Hartcher, Grattan, Coorey, Rudd, Shanahan, Murdoch, Mark Baker, Mike Smith, the Bishop Twins, Mirabella and the scores of callers to shock-jock radio, except, perhaps to succeed where they have failed. Her success must gall them to the bone. She may be famously prone to clumsiness in high heels, but she’s sure-footed enough to avoid the traps that the above bunch of clowns set for her. She is a woman in survival mode. She will do anything to preserve her precious Labor government so that it can continue to govern and set the nation on an even keel. And the spivs and shonks, the low achievers and the outright crazies lined up against her cannot stand it. While they obsess over their little pieces of paper, putting 2+2 together and coming out with 5, while they microscopically examine every shread of “evidence” – giving her the benefit of the doubt over none of it – she travels, meets world leaders, inspires millions of women in millions of himes and offices all over the world, and just plain gets things done. I am so proud of her, and so ashamed of so many of my fellow countrymen and women for the envy and hatred, the petty jealousies and the compensations for their own failures to achieve that they harbour so mercilessly against her.

Ad astra

24/11/2012bob macalba Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family and thank you for your kind comment. Do come again. Hi Lyn Thank you for your Twitterverse. I see the malevolent journalists, including the Rudd man, Peter Hartcher, are pulling out all the stops to put our PM down before the Christmas break. Note that her critics are almost exclusively men, except of course Abbott's feline deputy, who may lead the charge in parliament. Their anger and frustration at not being able to put down a mere female, who has the temerity to be actually running the country, is palpable. When they realise that she 'will not lie down and die', there will be much gnashing of teeth. They can huff and puff until they become anoxic, but they will not succeed. I'm getting on the road now for the south coast. I'll be back tomorrow.

42 long

24/11/2012Good on you Jason. Good thoughts and well put. They are like a feeding frenzy of sharks in bloody water. They create the news not report it . They have made predictions that the would hate to be wrong. They are scared of running any line that murdoch wouldn't approve of because they are all"sucking" for jobs with him as the only show in town. Wasn't the current behaviour of the murdoch mob in the UK much the samw as what is going on here? Why should unelected monopoly media people be able to change governments? They always called her a witch, and the witch-hunt goes on.

Ad astra

24/11/2012Jason Thank you for posting BB's comment on [i]PB[/i]. What a fantastic summary. I can only echo his sentiments and his conclusion; [b][i]"I am so proud of her, and so ashamed of so many of my fellow countrymen and women for the envy and hatred, the petty jealousies and the compensations for their own failures to achieve that they harbour so mercilessly against her.[/b][/i].


24/11/2012Of course, the joke of it all is, as we all saw on that 7.30 street presser w/Blewitt when he said that now that he had been shown certain documents, he suddenly started remembering things!!!??? We've all met Ralph Blewitt types over the piece of insurance they harbour is to not keep ANY piece of incriminating evidence about their person or possessions..Their best defence has always been..: "I can't remember"..Blewitt never kept any "records", paper or otherwise..they had to be supplied to him by the other parties...I smell a charge of perverting the course of justice here! Of course, the best joke for the PM. to pull would to do what she does best and go overseas for the week dealing with the national interests and leave Swanny in charge to reply to each question from the fools opposite.."That question will have to be put on notice as I can't answer for the PM. personally"...Haha!


24/11/2012NOBODY SAYS IT BETTER THAN BUSHFIRE BILL! (Though Ad astra's just as good!) It's such good stuff I have taken the liberty of both the above to republish it here in its entirety. Thanks both of you, it says much for this form of communication that I can be confident of approval from you. [i]Bushfire Bill Posted Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 12:44 pm | Permalink BH Is there a Mark Baker story today? Mark Baker never HAD a story, a real one that is. All he has – at best – are some minor mistakes made in a busy law office, a few i’s and t’s left respectively un-dotted and un-crossed – maybe – and a 30-something woman caught up in an affair with a larrkin and his spiv mate who bamboozled her into doing some legal work for them that turned out to be hiding a confidence racket they were running with Theiss, the major construction outfit that put up most of the cash. She found out about it. She got out of both the affair and – soon after – the law firm. Her recollections made to her partners two or three years after the main dishonesty event were not illegal, or even improper and did not require police attention. But they have sure attracted the attention of the great moralizing wowsers of the press, in droves. Their own lives wouldn’t bear much scrutiny, I suspect, but that hasn’t stopped them from making judgement upon the lives of others. What DID require police attention was granted it at the time, and the cops found nothing substantial to go on. Today, in 2012, people who live, breathe and sleep with the documents in question and in their possession go through them with a nitpicker’s comb, expecting her to be able to answer questions off-the-cuff about who said what to whom, wrote wrote which memo, whether it had one signature or two, how many nights she stayed in the house, and whether she was prepared to swear on a stack of bibles that all the renovation work done on her home was paid for properly and above board, out of her personal funds. Was that chippy who was there for half an hour helping his mate out paid for out of the slush fund, or was he doing a favour for a mate who was behind schedule? Who knows? Who CARES? It was all such a long time ago. But the slightest retraction, clarification or contradiction – whether admitted or not – will be pounced upon by them like a pack of ravenous dogs, driven mad by hunger, thrown a scrap from their master’s table. The standards applied to Julia Gillard, examining more than half her adult life time, are ticked and flicked when it comes to Tony Abbott. He’s given a free pass for just about everything he’s ever done- wall-punching, Bernie Banton, his foul temper, his own slush find used against Pauline Hanson, his “illegitimate” child that caused him to run away from his girlfriend, only to turn out to someone else’s baby. His smears, when made in parliament, and when they cross the line, are followed by an apology to the Speaker made when the press gallery have all gone home to write up their rubbish stories about “The Arena of politics”. They are never reported and never replayed. It’s been the story of Abbott’s life: the Golden Boy who can always just say “Sorry”, and then resume offending just about everyone who comes across his path. Meanwhile, Gillard, a woman, has her entire life put through the wringer, focused through the lens of misogynists and exploiters (some of them women, to my disgust), political urgers, spivs, and lurk merchants with personal, pride, self-esteem or money-making agendas. Mark Baker is up before the Press Council soon, after a complaint by Slater & Gordon about a false story, and is desperate to pin anything on Gillard that he can possibly pin on her. Callers to 2GB and similar stations remember once when they recalled a file note from an old case a few years back, and then extrapolate that recollection (supplied without context) to all people and all files ever created, especially any file the PM dealt with, no matter how long ago. At heart the allegation seems to be – again, at best – that Gillard and Wilson conspired to stitch-up Blewitt into a contract for the purchase of property without his knowledge, falsifying records, issuing fabricated powers of attorney, back-dating documents and generally behaving like a 1990s’ version of Bonny and Clyde on a merry theft and fraudulent dealing spree, so besotted were they with each other. This is the best they can dredge up after 20 years of poring over files, inventing legal rules that never were rules in the first place and egging each other on further and further, trying to out-do each other with “questions that must be answered”. Not allegations, but prurient, voyeuristic, irrelevant and, in many cases, unanswerable “questions”. And when she says she can’t recall exactly what happened, they call it, like the AFR does today, “an excuse”. I would like Mark Baker, or Mike Stutchbury or Mike Smith or anyone else to tell me what they had for lunch, or who they spoke to, or what was in a letter received not only in another office, but in another building, by fax, on the 4th of February 1993. If they could – which they can’t – their smears might have more weight. Hartcher, surely a joke among his peers (he certainly is among his dwindling coterie of readers), comes up with some far-fetched scenario whereby the government will fall next week, more likely than not, via the vote of the Independents, after the Coalition moves a “No Confidence” motion, presumably. Except that every motion of this type the Coalition has ever threatened to move – from plebiscites to No Confidence – has on every occasion failed to materialise, or (in the case of the dozens and dozens of SSO motions they have moved) been roundly defeated time and time again, without one success. Hartcher cries rivers of crocodile tears that such an achieving government can’t get its message out, because “the media” are too obsessed with Slatergate to care about historic regulation of the Murray, our survival of the GFC,and over four hundred pieces of legislation successfully passed, with only one or two defeats. It’s the ultimate cynicism, isn’t it? The “Political and International Editor” of the Sydney Morning Herald has got the blood-lust up, and cannot bring himself to do what he pompously criticises others for not doing. The excuse is always “the politics” of the situation. It’s the worst excuse you could dredge up, but it suffices to do for just about every occasion. There’s always “the politics”. People like Hartcher have it in their power to change the media’s modus operandi, but do not deign to, even as their newspapers go broke and their shareholders weep in despair at the junk status of their investment. It’s just too easy to join the pack and yell, like T.E. Lawrence, “NO PRISONERS!” as they go in to slaughter the “enemy”. I don’t know what Gillard has done to upset the likes of Hartcher, and along with him, Blewitt, Stayne-Browne, Abbott, Hartcher, Grattan, Coorey, Rudd, Shanahan, Murdoch, Mark Baker, Mike Smith, the Bishop Twins, Mirabella and the scores of callers to shock-jock radio, except, perhaps to succeed where they have failed. Her success must gall them to the bone. She may be famously prone to clumsiness in high heels, but she’s sure-footed enough to avoid the traps that the above bunch of clowns set for her. She is a woman in survival mode. She will do anything to preserve her precious Labor government so that it can continue to govern and set the nation on an even keel. And the spivs and shonks, the low achievers and the outright crazies lined up against her cannot stand it. While they obsess over their little pieces of paper, putting 2+2 together and coming out with 5, while they microscopically examine every shread of “evidence” – giving her the benefit of the doubt over none of it – she travels, meets world leaders, inspires millions of women in millions of himes and offices all over the world, and just plain gets things done. I am so proud of her, and so ashamed of so many of my fellow countrymen and women for the envy and hatred, the petty jealousies and the compensations for their own failures to achieve that they harbour so mercilessly against her.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BB I am so proud of *J*U*L*I*A* too, I always write her name like that because it's my form of homage to someone I regard as truly extraordinary, and further, the more attention she gets the better she stars. The Media give her quick grabs but they take good care not to let people see too much of her in actual action. Addressing international conferences, negotiating with SBY . . . Abbortt by contrast . . . fillets fish (badly) . . . wet-brooms a flood-damaged wall for 30 seconds . . . The Abborttians are now like unto a brood of cane toad tadpoles, toadlets, almost adult toads with nasty little legs and arms but still big tails, and not ready to move out of their filthy drying-up pool full of slimy mud . . . Sliming around desperately with no way of getting over the survival line . . . Doomed because they have failed to make it in time. Gee Folks remember I have said for so long, Abbortt remember The Ides of September Challenged in November Dead Meat by December! Well here we are last week in November, Abbortt is now a stinking gangrenous zombie that [i]nobody likes [/i]who is far more unpopular than his own party, and therefore a big liability . . . yet they have not yet challenged him openly, directly - and WHY? Heh heh as if we didn't know. They have nobody with the charisma, nobody with the ability, nobody with the policies, nobody with the Party control, nobody with the *courage* in both senses of the word, to challenge Abbortt. The Leadership would be a chalice full of Eau de Shit Creek up which Abbortt has taken his cheering jeering yobs for years. And now they know it. And they are very very afraid as the reality slowly dawns. So will they try to keep swimming in Sewer Swamp holding up a dead weight called Abbortt? They don't WANT him now, but how to replace him? What to do? What horrified jabbering in nasty little LNP meetings can we imagine? BTW you Abbortt, which is it this week, dirtiest-ever campaign to come, or gentler nicer politics from us sweet snow-white Abborttians, or #*ck it we'll get the botch any way we can, or Infamy Infamy they've all got it in for me? Or is it like 4 seasons in 1 day with you? The MSM let you, we know that, yep. But we despise you all the more, and our contempt and anger fuels our determination to see that your spiteful hateful petty party will be confounded utterly at the next election.


24/11/2012Wow I just saw thatJason has republished the same post by Bushfire Bill. Well you know what they say about great minds . . !

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012We don’t choose our leaders on the basis of whether their past activities are criminal. A criminal history is an automatic disqualification, but the lack of a specific criminal history isn’t enough to say someone is suitable to be Prime Minister, or an MP. People are entitled to make comments and pass judgments about the character and demonstrated behaviour (over time) of politicians. Gillard has a history of dubious judgment and behaviour over several decades now, examples of her similar behaviour prior to her entering parliament assists to illustrate her character.

42 long

24/11/2012The LieNP are about the nastiest bunch off amateur theatricals I have ever seen. They don't have to play the part. That is actually how horrible they are. Sophy and Blue asbestos Julie could be used to scare little children. So are all their friends and those they claim are shining examples of whatever. The MSM turns and ducks. News reporters? R slikking lackeys, playing their part in an evil plot. One wonders how the memory of one witness can be trotted up years later having been reprogrammed conveniently with facts provided. Watch his bank account...and getting immunity. I hope not. I hope he goes for perjury, and as for trying to bring down an elected government, There has to be a few possibilities of coming a gutser there surely?. They are confident. They think they hold all the cards. We'll see.


24/11/2012ToM, So in short you come back to speak in generalities!You have nothing, but tell me what questions in "the public interest of course" are so pressing that they can only be asked under parliamentary privilege? I would have thought that the coalition brimming with lawyers, that at least one of them might be able to suggest a question that won't land them in court for libel. You hilarity and hypocrisy is highly amusing!

bob macalba

24/11/2012thanks Ad. you too Truth Seeker, i have been following this site for a while now and tune in every day for my daily fix of whats really going on out there, not much of a writer myself so i find myself truly impressed when your regulars can continually put in comments and theories that i believe are better thought out and researched than most rubbish dealt up by our sad sad MSM, am normally just reader but your pet TROLL really needed to be told how i feel about tory propaganda and how i personally picture these people in my head, sorry if i have offended any good and decent KNOBS out there, och aye the noo


24/11/2012bob macalba Very much welcome, don't stop posting now you've started! There is much more worthwhile stuff to write about than the "Knob". And you tickle my ego, more, you make me a wee bit proud actually, for having been the originator of the term Fighting 5th Estate. (Ad likes the term too btw, it sounds strong.) Because I think it is a vital part of our fight to come that we be disciplined and organized and determined, we need a set-jawed doubled-fisted narrowed-eyes steeliness in our attitude. The Political Sword has that kind of steeliness. I love it. We the Leftish *own* this medium, the whole 5th Estate, in a very direct way, but we must find ways to make it work for us. As Lyn and Ad sure have. Tough acts to follow but we need footsoldiers mostly. Millions of us. So keep honing your verbal sword here Comrade.

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012This is a reflection of a dubious character- • Put the interests of her boyfriend in front of her client, you know the one that actually paid the fees – the AWU. • Put the interests of her boyfriend in front of her employer – Slater & Gordon, to the point that they gave her the boot. • Lost the confidence of AWU in S&G, so it cost S&G their biggest client. • Said she didn’t have to tell the police of the fraud – because they were already investigating – that’s a lie – they weren’t until months later. • Neglecting to report the fraud gave her boyfriend the opportunity to cover his fraudulent tracks. • Used the “girly” excuse of being “young & naïve” – that’s a lie – she wasn’t. All the above is demonstrable on the facts. Then add- • Her lie to Wilkie to win his vote in parliament • Her lie about not introducing a carbon tax/price until June 13 • Her lie about needing to build community consensus • Her devious knifing of Rudd Most people get distracted by the “no carbon tax” commitment, I don’t know why they bother, there is just so much more duplicity to Gillard.


24/11/201242 long, The (AWU scandal)is a matter of the LNP saying "Look over there" to hide their own lack of policy. When you look at what they have to offer on the policy front it's a time machine to take us back to some supposed golden age the Howard Government supposedly gave us! Abbott even wants to put up a private members bill next week to bring back TPV's! A stunt is what it's called not only wouldn't it pass the senate but I doubt Moylan,Washer and one other who I can't remember would even turn up to vote or if they did they'd cross the floor! The other problem Abbott has next week is some want Helen Kroger sacked as Chief opposition whip in the senate to put that other "Forward thinking" character Bernardi in the role! The mind boggles!


24/11/2012ToM, Hearsay! you have not one shred of evidence to back up any of this! • Put the interests of her boyfriend in front of her client, you know the one that actually paid the fees – the AWU. • Put the interests of her boyfriend in front of her employer – Slater & Gordon, to the point that they gave her the boot. • Lost the confidence of AWU in S&G, so it cost S&G their biggest client. • Said she didn't have to tell the police of the fraud – because they were already investigating – that’s a lie – they weren't until months later. • Neglecting to report the fraud gave her boyfriend the opportunity to cover his fraudulent tracks. • Used the “girly” excuse of being “young & naïve” – that’s a lie – she wasn’t. Your a liar and a bullshit artist you can't prove a thing you just like typing big words so you can impress your invisible friend!, and as for the rest of tripe you wrote about what is don't you understand about minority government?

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012By the way bob macalba, as I said the other day, I have no problem if people want to scroll straight past my comments. I don’t feel any need to exchange views unless someone specifically wants to. I scroll past plenty of comments here. But I always think when someone resorts to using “troll’ they’ve lost the plot and the discussion/debate. It is the term that is applied when you’ve run out of any rationale, and name calling is all you’ve got left.

42 long

24/11/2012TfM...As far as scrolling past your comments, You change your avatar. Sneaky and I read your stuff accidently a couple of times. I nearly threw up when I realised it was U in disguise. All you do is repeat the same inane crap over and over and tell us we are stupid. We are entitled to a "leftish" view. They havent' made it a crime YET! Man you are boring. And most of those other sites you probably like are full of vile malicous "coooks" spruiking venom and little fact.


24/11/2012ToM, Speaking of Wilkie who you like to throw around like confetti and why have you been slow to criticize Abbott who in order to stop two of his own crossing the floor back in June.This from one of Lyn Links today "Mr Abbott agreed he would support a 20,000 intake during parliamentary negotiations in June. He also offered a 20,000 intake in negotiations with Independent Andrew Wilkie after the 2010 election and Mr Wilkie was also cynical about the latest reversal. "It seems the 20,000 figure only suits the Opposition leader when it's related to its own political self-interest," Mr Wilkie said. Now he's going to back down from his written agreement should he ever become PM! But what is the sound we hear from you on this subject crickets!


24/11/2012libbyx33 Truth is there are now questions? Only smear and inuendo, statements that they dredge up and fling in the belief that somehow now after 20 years of repeatedly trying to find something, something will be found. There is nothing to be found - they all no it. Abbott will demand answers. This from the man who couldn't recollect slamming his fists in the wall to scare a woman who dared to take something he coveted. I don;t recollect........oh it never happened. The Labor dirt unit did it. The worst excuse for a man I have ever seen. "Gillard will be grilled" says Abbott. Bring it on......Abbott - bring it on. Obviously you need another toasting. Obviously you need another stinging verbal attack with a few home truths from Julia. You need to be slapped in the face with the fact that women in this country do not like you. Even men now hate you. There are no votes in this for you, aaah but its not votes you want. You want office the easy way, handed to you on a platter. You are a creep.

bob macalba

24/11/2012so sorry for describing you as a TROLL, henceforth i will just think of you as the KNOB,hope that helps you feel a bit better about yourself, that cool with you ToM the KNOB? also wont be feeding you after this last comment, instead will just observe as Jason smacks you around everytime you want to share your demented thoughts to those who really dont want to listen, your really only a two bit shit stirrer so adios

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012bob, I think you mean "you're" really only a two bit shit stirrer. ----------- Jason, I've already said I disapprove of the Liberal policy on asylum seekers. Certainly it's just as inhumane as the ALP's policy. But the ALP is the party that made political capital out of a more humane policy, then progressively and dishonestly moved to ever increasing levels of punishment of innocent people. Thanks for reminding me. ----------- As for you're earlier commentary, that's all factual, so do some research for yourself.

Truth Seeker

24/11/2012Nice one Bob :-) Cheers :-) :-) :-)


24/11/2012"IT is the million-dollar union scandal that has haunted Julia Gillard for 17 years, since allegations of wrongdoing were raised by a Liberal MP in the Victorian Parliament." The above is the opening paragraph of a 'story' by Steve Lewis in the Murdoch media. The word "million" appears nowhere else in the story except when Lewis writes "like millions of other Australians" about homeowners' experiences of having renovations done on their properties. The word "dollar" appears here: "Over a four-year period, from 1991 to 1995, Mr Wilson – aided at times by Mr Blewitt – misappropriated hundreds of thousands of dollars through a series of dodgy union entities linked to secret bank accounts." Note there is no reference to Julia Gillard in this paragraph which is presumably meant to echo the earlier reference to an amount of money. Remember the opening paragraph of Lewis's 'story': "IT is the million-dollar union scandal that has haunted Julia Gillard for 17 years, since allegations of wrongdoing were raised by a Liberal MP in the Victorian Parliament." An unsubstantiated allegation about "hundreds of thousands of dollars" and two men used to 'substantiate' a lead-in paragraph linking "million-dollar union scandal" and "Julia Gillard". No million dollars anywhere but in Steve Lewis's imagination... and the published article, which may just be one and the same. Surely the legal mind of Julie Bishop can see that this entire farrago of unfounded claims and reconstructed 'memories' forming in the likes of Ralph Blewitt and Nick Styant-Browne can only end badly for anyone hopping along for the ride? Those without legal training, Abbott and his co-harriers, thrilling at the smell of blood, surely they might like to consider that another legal mind, supposedly one of the best of his time, Malcolm Turnbull, has publicly offered nothing on this issue? Perhaps it all reminds him too much of another legalistic pursuit based on concerns about 'character' and 'integrity' that royally bit him on the backside, courtesy of another proliferator of documents and observations, Godwin Grech? Or is it possible he recalls all this too well, and biding biding biding bides his time before another Liberal leader falls victim to lack of judgment over what the excitement of the chase has masked about a need for the locked-down verified confirmed authenticated certificated evidence required to corral the pursued? I've never seen an angel, fearing to tread or otherwise, but I know a fool when I see one. A platoon of fools, all genders welcome, that I definitely recognise. So can you. All you need do is open a mainstream newspaper to see them, lined-up in lockstep and sanctimony. How many lifeboats were there on the Titanic? Not enough, I recall, when it began sinking.


24/11/2012ToM, Why do you keep telling lies? you make sweeping statements provide no evidence at all, then say do some research where do I find the lies you keep telling Chris Smiths blog Larry Pickering's blog? Fact is without the cover of anonymity that this and other blogs provide you'd say SFA because you're a coward! I hope next year Aa can recommend a good shrink for you! As Abbott become more and more unhinged it seems you are to!


24/11/2012Thanks for posting the BB comment peoples, it is powerful writing. I suspect that next weekend we'll be asking how Abbott and the LNP got it so wrong - yet again. If there was a case to answer, the charge would have lead the campaign - it hasn't. This smells too much like "utegate" all over again - and the funny thing is that no one outside the political blogs I read has mentioned it to me. Troll from Melbourne - you apparently can't cast a valid vote and haven't ever posted a factual comment on this blog. Are you going to change the habits of a lifetime?


24/11/2012I've been visiting your excellent site for several months and always appreciate the articles and Lyns daily links. Sooo much better than the MSM. Long live the fighting 5th estate !


24/11/2012Fellow Swordsters. Have you all noticed..: The sides are lining up!..On the dark side..;The LNP. and the MSM.....On the bright side..; The Govt' and the "fighting fifth" estate...This week, the last week in the paliamentry year...we meet on the field of "battle"...The opposition has had its' spies, traitors and agents provocateurs out in full has brought in mercenaries with "secret weapons" to attack our has tried to claim the high-ground of righteous indignation to fling its' arrows...Friends..we shall marshall our forces...we have one great thing in our favour, : We know our enemy..we know its' low tactics, its' strength, its' weakness...they have already displayed their weaponry..its' "cannon"...but there is a flaw in the casting, a weakness in the ranks of its' troops...look to their courage..what courage? is the courage of a "rum-ration"..has a more motley crew of cowards has ever taken to the fields, a more skulking crew of big-mouthed bragodoccio'd scribblers has ever been seen sloping and sneaking about the hoardings, seeking the safest spot for their cowardly hides from which to shoot their darts.These snivelling squirts will go down with the enemy! Stand firm, fifth estaters...for we are the left flank of a grand army...we are the warriors of the new dawn of truth in "the word". Bring on the fight..our weapons are shining..bring on the battle..our weapons are sharp..we are more than ready..we have "steeled" our hearts, "they shall not pass!"..we are led by the courageous, armed by integrity and fuelled by the fight for the rights of our own legitimate government! We will prevail! We will conquer! VENCERMOS!..VENCERMOS!..VENCERMOS!


24/11/20122353, Has Clive been causing any trouble for cando or others today?

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012Jason, just let’s clear up one thing – is it appropriate for a middle 30s professional woman, a political activist for over a decade, a partner in a large legal firm, who has had several relationships…to describe herself as “young & naïve”? If you feel like looking at another fact, was Gillard telling the truth when she said she didn't tell the police of the fraud because they were already investigating...though the investigation didn't start until months later?


24/11/2012ToM, is it appropriate for me who at the age of 44 who is divorced but has lived in a De facto relationship for the past 20 years of which two children were born to cast judgement on anyone else! As to your other point I'm only interested in what you can prove beyond resonable doubt!You say the investigation started months later and of course this was the only crime happening at the time! Have you written to the commissioner and asked why he didn't order the police to stop what they were doing and solve this matter urgently? When you ask can you also find out why Blewitt wasn't extradited years ago? ToM your preformance today is akin to a one legged man in an arse kicking competition.

Wake Up

24/11/2012How sad it is to see the miserable little troll that lives under the bridge of the mighty 5th Estate hoping and salivating at the prospect of any scraps thrown his way. In his mind these scraps are trophy's to be proud of as he thinks he has worked for his dinner when in reality he is really just another pathetic non thinking LNP rhetoric recycler using smear and innuendo as a substitute for anything of substance. I guess that would make him ToM, Knob of Tony !!!


24/11/2012When anyone in the government or any union is as corrupt and deadly as AWB and the rotten Australian farmers who raked in billions by paying millions in bribes to Saddam Hussein I might think there is a something to bother about. Tom, you need to get a life. How about securency under HOward, the illegal invasion of Iraq, the lies of children overboard, the hijacking and invasion of the TAMPA and so on. Gillard's real crime is happening right now, today, she is forcibly jailing children in malaria infested hell holes for no reason at all. Except she is a fucking racist coward.

Tom of Melbourne

24/11/2012Marilyn, Howard got the boot because he was regarded as dishonest, devious and sneaky. So it’s hardly any use to draw comparisons with his government, or his honesty. Actually, I’ve had a good day, mainly doing some gardening. ---------- Jason, you and other voters always make judgments about the character of politicians. no one simply defaults to basing their decision on whether a politician has a criminal conviction.


24/11/2012ToM, Wrong again!If they're on the Labor ticket that's who I vote for just tell me their name, And if they received a sentence of 12 months or longer they wouldn't be on the ticket anyway! Another fail ToM! after all it's you who call us barrackers isn't that what we do??


24/11/2012Oh what a sad garden...the thought of being masticated by a traitor's tooth!


24/11/2012MarkatPort To you I say the very same thing I said earlier to bob macalba! Welcome, come back often! jaycee I think we will have to slot you into the [i]Esprit de Corps[/i] Corps in the ranks of the Fighting 5th! After that inspirational burst my blood is summoned up . . . Only, sorry, it's VENCEREMOS not VENCERMOS (which would rhyme very well with thermos but you can't have everything.) And [i]They Shall Not Pass[/i] is [i]NO PASARAN![/i] As for the potion, it sounds good, we used to make mulled ale and mulled wine, sounds very much like that, certainly ours had the cloves (and a stick of cinnamon) but as for burning off the alcohol . . . Why? :) I have no merlot atm (not a red wine man meself) but if someone were to make me some Potion I'd gladly guzzle some, this cough does NOT want to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Sword sounds mighty perky today. The Trolls are despairing, they don't get a lot of sympathy here, this ain't no suckhole MSM. Yet it almost-entirely-automatically maintains a standard of variety and originality the MSM could only wonder at, how they must hate being beaten for originality and substance and truth by a raggle-taggle Gypsy band of unseen passionate voluntary writers like we see here today! Including all Lyn's links, and two doses of the same BB article!


24/11/2012ToM, JULIA Gillard's ex-lover Bruce Wilson has declared the Prime Minister knew nothing about a 1990s union fraud scandal. Speaking out for the first time the former Australian Workers Union boss said Ms Gillard "knew absolutely, categorically nothing" about the affair. Mr Wilson - who now works as a cook on the Central Coast - said: "They can go on a witch-hunt for as long as they like and they will find nothing that will do her (Gillard) any harm. "It's just a waste of time, they will find nothing." Mr Wilson also rounded on the union bagman Ralph Blewitt, attacking his former mate as a "very risky" person for Ms Gillard's critics to rely upon. "Relying on Ralph to be your star witness is a very, very risky strategy," Mr Wilson told The Sunday Telegraph. "It's not one I would be prepared to take." Mr Wilson - referring to those who are pursuing the AWU story - said "there is a group of people who are being funded by God knows who - good luck to them". "But they are going to come unstuck - big time." The Prime Minister has consistently denied any wrongdoing in the establishment of a union slush fund when she worked as a lawyer in the 1990s. As the Coalition warned the issue would dominate parliament during the final sitting week and accused the Prime Minister of "stonewalling", the Treasurer also attacked the credibility of Mr Blewitt. Mr Blewitt, a self confessed patron of Balinese brothels and union bagman has admitted he's "no angel". And Penelope Lennon, Mr Blewitt's younger sister who said she been estranged from Mr Blewitt for years, said she wouldn't trust his evidence. "I haven't changed my mind. He is a crook," she told The Sunday Telegraph yesterday. "They should lock him up and throw away the key." Mr Blewitt told The Sunday Telegraph: "I have a sister and others tipping the bucket on me right now. It's a private family matter, we haven't seen each other for 35 years." Mr Blewitt's Australian ex-wife, who asked not to be named, also confirmed that she had no idea Mr Blewitt had bought a house in Melbourne in the 1990s with union cash despite the fact they were married at the time. Previously, Mr Blewitt has conceded he has used the services of prostitutes but rejects suggestions he is a "sex predator" as claimed by the humorous political website Vex News.


24/11/2012Libbyx33 @1.08am, the question is there is no question, because they've already exhausted all the questions but they don't like the answers. They want different answers. But Jason @4.02pm, obviously you just don't geddit. In trollworld it's of no consequence how many lies Liealot tells, or written agreements he reneges on, because he's only the LOTO, so it doesn't count as an indicator of future behaviour, should he become *shudder* PM. To base your opinion on a pattern of behaviour is foolish, and you should not take this into account when deciding who to vote for. I think this particular method involves fairies, elves and wands. Logic doesn't apply in trollworld. Nor does accuracy, it seems. Gillard said that the police told her about the fraud, so it seemed a little pointless her telling the police what they'd just told her. LIR @4.20pm, not just 20 years of trying to find something, 20 years of asking the same tedious questions with the words slightly rearranged, over and over again, hoping the answers will be different. They are living proof that the definition of futility is correct. Michael, Liealot is a lawyer, although it's difficult to believe, considering he seems to know less about the law than I do. As for grilling, I imagine the PM is cranking up the barbie as we speak. In fact, the Liars Party is bristling with lawyers, including George Brandis their so-called expert on Constitutional law. I guess that says it all about the collective competence of Liars Party Law.


24/11/2012Seen that new program about deadly bugs . . . Funnelweb v Centipede, Scorpion v Inch-Ant . . . ? Gee I'd like to put ToM and Marilyn in a jar together and stir them up a bit . . . :)

Sir Ian Crisp

24/11/2012[quote][i]"Mr Abbott agreed he would support a 20,000 intake during parliamentary negotiations in June. He also offered a 20,000 intake in negotiations with Independent Andrew Wilkie after the 2010 election and Mr Wilkie was also cynical about the latest reversal. "It seems the 20,000 figure only suits the Opposition leader when it's related to its own political self-interest," Mr Wilkie said. Now he's going to back down from his written agreement should he ever become PM! But what is the sound we hear from you on this subject crickets! Jason [/i][/quote] No problem JGuy. When AA was kind enough to reply to me regarding Mr Rudd’s (remember him?) jettisoning of his ETS AA explained that it was to do with a tight financial situation. AA said: [quote][i]A funny thing happened as Kevin Rudd was taking his ETS to market. All of a sudden there in front of him was the GFC, a financial tsunami the likes of which the world has not seen for 80 years. Business saw it too. They recoiled at the cost of the ETS on top of the GFC. Rudd listened. He had no support for his scheme in the Senate from the Coalition and the cross benches, and no hope of it being passed. So what should he do? Stick stubbornly to his guns and make no changes on the grounds that two years ago he said he would introduce an ETS in 2010? Or try to reach a rapprochement with the Coalition on this issue so as to have some possibility of the ETS legislation passing? He chose the latter... .[/i][/quote] So you see JGuy if you’ve got a good enough excuse it’s OK. For more info get AA to explain it to you.


24/11/2012Hi Ad Here is an article just posted and pulled at the same time. Here is my copy: Julia didn't know about fraud scandal , From:The Sunday Telegraph November 25, 2012 12:00AM JULIA Gillard's ex-lover Bruce Wilson has declared the Prime Minister knew nothing about a 1990s union fraud scandal. Speaking out for the first time the former Australian Workers Union boss said Ms Gillard "knew absolutely, categorically nothing" about the affair. Mr Wilson - who now works as a cook on the Central Coast - said: "They can go on a witch-hunt for as long as they like and they will find nothing that will do her (Gillard) any harm. "It's just a waste of time, they will find nothing." Mr Wilson also rounded on the union bagman Ralph Blewitt, attacking his former mate as a "very risky" person for Ms Gillard's critics to rely upon. "Relying on Ralph to be your star witness is a very, very risky strategy," Mr Wilson told The Sunday Telegraph. "It's not one I would be prepared to take." Mr Wilson - referring to those who are pursuing the AWU story - said "there is a group of people who are being funded by God knows who - good luck to them". "But they are going to come unstuck - big time." The Prime Minister has consistently denied any wrongdoing in the establishment of a union slush fund when she worked as a lawyer in the 1990s. As the Coalition warned the issue would dominate parliament during the final sitting week and accused the Prime Minister of "stonewalling", the Treasurer also attacked the credibility of Mr Blewitt. Mr Blewitt, a self confessed patron of Balinese brothels and union bagman has admitted he's "no angel". And Penelope Lennon, Mr Blewitt's younger sister who said she been estranged from Mr Blewitt for years, said she wouldn't trust his evidence. "I haven't changed my mind. He is a crook," she told The Sunday Telegraph yesterday. "They should lock him up and throw away the key." Mr Blewitt told The Sunday Telegraph: "I have a sister and others tipping the bucket on me right now. It's a private family matter, we haven't seen each other for 35 years." Mr Blewitt's Australian ex-wife, who asked not to be named, also confirmed that she had no idea Mr Blewitt had bought a house in Melbourne in the 1990s with union cash despite the fact they were married at the time. Previously, Mr Blewitt has conceded he has used the services of prostitutes but rejects suggestions he is a "sex predator" as claimed by the humorous political website Vex News.


24/11/2012[quote]Page not found[/quote] Gees, it didn't take ltd. news long to pull that one Jason - didn't fit they're narrative? ;-)


24/11/2012Or [b]their[/b] narrative either :oops:


24/11/2012Sir Ian, I see you edited a bit of what I said! "Abbott who in order to stop two of his own crossing the floor back in June.This from one of Lyn Links today" DICKHEAD!

Sir Ian Crisp

24/11/2012Oh toss that in by all means JGuy. How does it change the thrust of what I said? C'mon pus eyes, tell me how that changes things.


24/11/2012Sir Ian, If you want to quote me quote me properly! Is that to much to ask?


24/11/2012Hi Jason Jason, Sorry I had TPS held up, as I had copied the whole Lewis, Maiden article and had to tidy side bars and ads up. The story was taken down within minutes of posting. The story was pulled before I could tidy my copy up, Frank Calabrese grabbed a twitpic.


24/11/2012Bacchus, Seems to be on the Herald Sun! Lyn no need to apologise xo!


24/11/2012O' ''s 7.30 plus and Crisp is back from doing his dough on the ponies...AGAIN!..and he's in a shitty mood.. Tell me ; Sir..have you tried betting on the curs?


24/11/2012You really are a legend Lyn, a fascinating exposure of the duplicity that surrounds the bullshit and malevolent behaviour that the msm are complicit in. We are all so gratefull for the work that you do in exposing these awfull people who have no interest in the truth. To everyone who is commenting today can I please say a big thanks, too many to mention individually but may the women stand proud for their insites, and patricia once again for her wonderous pome. I reckon that the trolls who are now most insistent on this site are probably staffers for the abbort, and if that prove to be the case they are pooping their nappies as they ramp up the rhetoric.


24/11/2012Robynne...It's interesting that the MSM. seem to be universally complicit in a conspiricy to discredit the govt'. Without falling into the consipiricy theory trap, the evidence seems to point that way..and THAT includes "our ABC." One has to wonder how the journos' in the MSM. feel that they are being prostituted in the process? Not being used to such an obvious corporate conspiracy in our very midst, one is sometimes doubtful of what is going on! One wonders what the journos' at the centre of the crisis think of it all?

Ad astra reply

24/11/2012MarkatPort Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your kind remarks. I'm glad you enjoy the discourse here. Do come again.

Ad astra reply

24/11/2012Hi Lyn We are back at the south coast. I was intrigued to read the piece in [i]The Sunday Telegraph[/i] that you posted, As you say, it has now been pulled from its site. When I clicked the link on Jason's post of the same item at [i][/i] it wasn't there. But it is preserved for posterity in the Fifth Estate. The curious thing to me is that it was published in the first place. Being so supportive of JG's contentions, why put it online in [i]The Tele[/i] of all places, as it has been running such a savage anti-Gillard line. Someone's head will roll at that miserable tabloid. [i]Insiders[/i] should be interesting tomorrow. With Tony Burke the guest, at least some policy will be discussed, but I bet there will be talk about the S&G matter. I hope Barrie Cassidy sticks to his line that this is a beat-up without substance.

Ad astra reply

24/11/2012Jason I refreshed my [i]TPS[/i] page, and found your link to the actual article in the [i]Herald Sun[/i], and by Steve Lewis of all people. Many thanks. I've saved it for posterity. That is a gem. I wonder what Abbott and Co will make of it?


24/11/2012Bahha! so you guys believe Bruce (one con artist) because he says what you want to hear over Blewitt who has admitted that he was a fraudster but is willing to come forward and reveal the past AWU fraud. As I said in my other post the "TRUTH" will be the winner in the AWU scandal and it's up to the police to find who is telling the truth by following the paper trail.(hint it's on you know who's site) but how much credibility would a sacked ex-copper have hey for bringing up this matter last August and losing his job for it. So who do you think is the mastermind of this fraud? So we have the players Bruce Wilson(ex-lover), Ralph Blewitt(patsy) and the lawyer advising them Julia Gillard, but she knows nothing right because she said so.(Geez! it must be all Abbott's fault though). Do police really act on political fluff/smear campaigns? [i]Jason, do you find it astonishing that certain people who are soooo concerned about union corruption, always seem completely unconcerned wrt the massive corruption and skullduggery by big business which triggered the GFC and caused a world wide recession" [/i] It's happening under your noses dear TPS swordsters but you are so blinded by your biases and hatred of anything to do with the opposition and Tony Abbott you can't see it. It is within the unions and the ALP and big businesses (especially government contractors).


24/11/2012Good on Bruce Wilson, I don't know what he's ever been convicted of, if anything, but I know this, he wouldn't have said (for free) what he has about his certainty of *J*U*L*I*A*s innocence of anything if he had had any doubt. The Abborttians will have to factor that in, knowing already they are out of luck and that NOTHING will turn up for them out of this. Doesn't it all seem puerile though! Surely there is a better Australian political dialogue to be had than this!

Wake Up

24/11/2012This is gold, from Jason Koutsoukis in 2007, on the LNP Dirt Unit and that Gillard AWU File.

Wake Up

24/11/2012Errrrrr, I thought you were going lol.......... "Anyway I have hijacked your site long enough (sorry about that)" Your words not mine.


24/11/2012lol, Has someone crumpled your tin foil hat you sound half reasonable tonight?


24/11/2012Thanks for that article, Lyn. That Blewitt's ex-wife was unaware he he'd bought a house in Melbourne, isn't all that surprising. The Green River Killer's wife didn't know he was a serial killer. lol, we know that the cops were looking at Wilson and Blewitt, not Gillard. As for Blewitt being the patsy....bwwwahahahahahaha! His own sister has described him as a conman and ne'er do well, the sort of person you'd have to search at the door before he left. Not a ringing endorsement from his nearest and dearest. Yeah, he's an innocent abroad alright. I didn't know Lehman Bros, Bear Stynes, Goldman Sachs, the Bank of Scotland, Iceland, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved with the ALP. You learn new factoids every day when dingbats start blathering.

Truth Seeker

25/11/2012Jane, nice one. "When dingbats start blathering" Nyaaaaaaahahahaha. That needs to be embroidered onto a cushion or carved in stone or something. Could be the title of Abbott the movie. Thanks for that :-) :-) :-) Cheers


25/11/2012Jason, I have to totally disagree with you. @ 3:43 PM you wrote to ToM [i]Your a liar and a bullshit artist ...[/i] A real bullshit artist displays artistry and is convincing. ToM displays little, if any, artistry and is far from convincing when it comes to his assessment of the PM's character.


25/11/2012jane, I know you think this couldn't get anymore bizarre but from Jessica Wright's article to appear in the faifax papers tomorrow is the is gem! Opposition deputy leader Julie Bishop, who has led the coalition's attack on Ms Gillard and the affair, said last night Mr Wilson's comments clearing Ms Gillard were "part of his continuing cover-up" and she called on him to give a "frank and full statement" of the 17 year old episode. Read more:


25/11/2012ROFLMAO, Jason. The script writers for the X Files couldn't have come up with anything more bizarre. [quote]Opposition deputy leader Julie Bishop, who has led the coalition's attack on Ms Gillard and the affair, said last night Mr Wilson's comments clearing Ms Gillard were "part of his continuing cover-up" and she called on him to give a "frank and full statement" of the 17 year old episode.[/quote] This is probably more accurate: Opposition deputy leader Julie Bishop, who has led the coalition's attack on Ms Gillard and the affair, said last night Mr Wilson's comments clearing Ms Gillard were "part of his stubborn refusal to read from the script we've given him so we can get rid of that Gillard bitch" and she called on him to "bloody well follow the script like Ralph and that Styne-Bullshit bloke or he'll miss out on the readies we've stumped up for that other pair of crooks." Ms Bishop went on to say that if Wilson wasn't careful, he'd cop a full bore death stare and a good haranguing from Prissy Whynne, followed by the prospect of an invite to El Rancho Slagabella for his elderly father. "If that doesn't bring the bastard to heel, we can always arrange for Tony to be photographed holding Wilson's baby," she said in a threatening manner. "If he thinks it's hard to get the kid to sleep now, imagine how hard it'll be after a photo shoot with Tone. The kid'll be scarred for life!" It's understood Jessica Wright has sought psychiatric help following her interview with Ms Bishop.


25/11/2012From your editorial: "Labor MPs insist there are significant risks in the PM doing so, because anything she says that is found to be not completely accurate could expose her to allegations she has misled Parliament." I SAY; WHAT MP'S??? NAME THEM. "The Prime Minister is under pressure to quit the stonewalling on the AWU affair and provide a detailed account of her conduct to Parliament." I SAY; WHAT STONEWALLING? WHAT EXACTLY IS THE QUESTION YOU WOULD HAVE THE PRIME MINISTER ANSWER? SHE'S ANSWERED EVERY QUESTION/ALLEGATION PUT TO HER SO FAR. "The PM, enjoying a modest improvement in the polls despite the July introduction of a carbon tax, must have hoped her political year would end on better terms." OH, REALLY? YOU'RE A MIND-READER NOW, ARE YOU? "Ms Gillard will no doubt breathe a sigh of relief when the week is over" THIS IS WHAT CONSTITUTES AN "EDITORIAL" BY YOU? "NEWS" PAPER? HUH! GIVE ME A BREAK! PATHETIC! --------------------------------------------------------------- PS How on Earth did I witness the birth of a brand new TPS troll? 4 and counting! Very disappointing :-(


25/11/2012Thanks to all about the CRECAPTCHA advice :) Talk Turkey especially. I now know how to see it as letter - by - letter.

Truth Seeker

25/11/2012Jane , your account is much more credible LOL :-) Cheers :-) :-)


25/11/2012It's not new, it's been going on for a year or more, I'm sure you've already noticed it... But I'm just signposting it here so your antennae 'flick' when you hear it. "Shrill". It's the word Abbott and several of his male colleagues, and to their shame, his female colleagues as well, use when describing almost anything Julia Gillard has to say. It was quickly applied to her misogyny slapdown speech in Parliament, Abbott's been using it the last week or so to describe her comments on the Slater and Gordon smear campaign. "Shrill" - by definition, 'high-pitched and piercing'. Not I would have thought the sound of Julia Gillard's measured demolition either of Abbott in parliament, or her taking down of each new 'question' she 'has to answer' about her past. But, 'shrill', think about how often you hear that word. Think about how rarely it is applied to males. Think about how the word is used to demean females. Think about how Tony Abbott continually denies he is misogynist. Abbott can't help himself. What he says is what he is. A diminisher. Every word he uses he uses to destroy, to talk down, to ridicule. He uses such words most often against women. Usually smirking while he does. You won't have any difficulty hearing the word "shrill" from Tony Abbott's lips. He says it every day. You can't miss it. He's determined you don't.

Janet (@j4gypsy)

25/11/2012 Morning all, Michael: November 25. 2012 08:02 AM The use of the word 'shrill' to indirectly trivialise and 'feminise' what women say, whether in public life but usually always in positions of power of some kind (woman boss, for example) has been going on for the last four decades of mine own feminist analysis. You're spot on. And I think it's Peta who's plotting the deliberate use of all kinds of linguistic dog-whistling. Bit scarey! To all, cheer up today by reading Andrew Elder's piece posted this morning urging the government to take a particular line of attack in Parliament next week. He's brilliant as usual. This direct advice from an ex-Lib to Labor is worth sending by email to the ALP front bench members, and to your local member before tomorrow, asking that they read it. Elder has been spending time on Twitter trying to persuade Craig Emerson to take these kinds of tactics to others on the front bench and in Cabinet. Email addresses for ALP members can be found on Barry Tucker's Truth in Media Resources site: Would anyone by any chance have an email address for John McTernan? Cheers

Sir Ian Crisp

25/11/2012[quote][i]Afraid I am off topic but a comment on the Sales interview............It truly does seem that the media are unable to do their job - mainstream journalists truly do seem incapable of investigative reporting. They have morphed into gossip columnists. As you said Ad astra, no direct informing the public of fact, just character assasination. If the facts were known the public might form an opinion contrary to the media agenda, and that cannot be allowed. If policy is ever mentioned it is only in a superficial way and then back on to the main story - scandal! I truly wonder how Australian media is viewed overseas. I feel ashamed sometimes of 'my' ABC when I see the smug 'insiders' These people do not represent my views or even inform me. xiaoecho [/i][/quote] Xiaoecho, recently a topic was posted with the following opening: [quote][i]Victoria, like many other independent bloggers, wrote last week about the failure of the mainstream media to understand the significance of Julia Gillard’s speech denouncing the sexism she has been subject to.[/i][/quote] In light of what Victoria has to say by way of supposition, shading, extrapolation, insight, views, opinions etc, what places her writing above the type of writing that you detest? Things like “...incapable of investigative reporting... morphed into gossip direct informing the public of fact...character assassination [sic]...scandal” How do we know that the bird of paradox’s speech was significant? Who said the mainstream media failed? What evidence underpins Victoria’s charge of sexism? What special gifts do the "many other independent bloggers" have that we don't? Victoria says so and we must believe her. There are many topics here at TPS that are cobbled together using opinions, shadings, bias, groupthink, interpretations, views, while others are just plain transfers of one’s horoscopes. Can you explain how the many topics here at TPS differ from the yarns you are concerned about in the various arms of the media.


25/11/2012libbyx33...That is not a troll, but another Mike Smith sucker!...I believe lol was the "person" on Mike Smith's blog, thanking Mike for showing the public (that's us!) the true character of the PM and inploring Mike to put up his bank account details so his followers could donate to support the good work he does!...."PLEASE, PLEASE..take our money, Mike!" How much did you "donate", lol?


25/11/2012Fran Kelly on Insiders this morning offering her end of show 'prediction': "They're [Labor] going to lose" the Federal election. Plus a couple of smart-arse comments about how this 'realisation' will smash Gillard in Caucus. There won't be enough egg in Australia to adequately cover her smug face come Election Night.


25/11/2012Thanks TS. Knowing what we do about Bishop, J, I figure mine is a far more likely scenario. [quote]There are many topics here at TPS that are cobbled together using opinions, shadings, bias, groupthink, interpretations, views, while others are just plain transfers of one’s horoscopes.[/quote] An admirable precis of your and our other trolls', resident or lurking in the downstairs broom cupboard, comments, SIC. Glad you are finally aware how pathetic you all are.

42 long

25/11/2012Fran Talks like an expert with a direct connection to god. Not much humility or objectiveness. Has no trouble with Grattan at all. That's a bad sign. Anybody who thinks that they can comfortably predict a LieNP win isn't reading the signs at all. A lot run this line. Hartcher Lewis.etc Is there a real advantage in running it?. Doesn't the underdog theme confer a slight advantage to the one they classify that way? It could only be to help RUDD or be one extra load to put on Julia to make her give up. The fact they are going all guns blazing this week for Gillard shows that she is a real threat still. This could rebound on them. More evidence of Abbott's constant inability to risk insure his moves. This man is too Macho to be a good leader of a country. Repoliticising the Boat people is a bit of a low act. There WAS supposed to be a deal there (forcing Labor to eat the must humble pie for weeks. Actually rubbing their noses in the catshit, for as long as they could delay the final vote. That done, he RENEGES on the asylum numbers, as well as politicising the show for a possibel advantage. The asylum and refugee problem is too serious and has such a human side that it should NOT be used for political gain. There are long term effects from stands taken. It divides the community and relies on some pretty base elements for some arguments made. Abbott still produces a contorted argument to paint them as "ILLEGAL". Only the operators might qualify as criminals but lets "taint" them all to work up public opinion against them. I seem to remember him saying " the Prime minister has only got to pick up the phone to NAURU etc. Inferred the place was "ready to go" (almost) The LNP defections to the Katter mob is a wild card with unpredictable consequences. The more i see and hear from MR ABBOTT the more I feel I would not want to deal with him at all, and I pity anyone who has to. He is TOO shifty To trust and would be a giant embarrassment for this country ( as he has repeatedly been when oversees).


25/11/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Robynne, thankyou for your compliments @ 08:35 PM. I am thrilled to bits you are here on TPS and thrilled to bits you enjoy TPS. Twitterverse for you. I didn’t post much twitterchattyatti about the Insiders because Bushfire Bill tells us all we need to know. Bushfire Bill Posted Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 10:32 am The Insiders got things so wrong today They are treating an interview Gillard did with her work colleagues over some matters that might have affected the law firm (as a result of the dodgy dealings of one of her clients) as some kind of sworn testimony for which penalties similar to those for perjury apply. They are listening to the wet dreams of Labor party anti-Gillardistas as if they mean anything other than, simply, wet dreams. Andrew Elder ‏ Having invested so heavily in the outcome, I will quit blogging if Abbott actually becomes PM. Will Fran Kelly & others quit if Labor win? Mari R ‏ Told Fran Kelly on Insiders said" ALP down in dumps as they will lose election 2013 Is this true or is this the comedy act for today? Marcellus Wallace ‏ Hey Fran Kelly! It's not up to you and the other MSM hacks to decide who will win and who will lose. This is called Democracy!!! johnnybridge ‏ #insiders Fran Kelly calls 2013 election result .Your subsequent "reporting ' 'to be seen thru prism of you proving urself right #bias Greg Jericho ‏ Poor Julie Bishop. So desperately envious that she never has reached as high as Julia Gillard #insiders Greg Jericho ‏ Bishop has hated Gillard for a long time. Pretty sure the feeling's mutual david ewart ‏ how dare any prime minister of Australia play the victim card.'' Tony Abbott 'I hope to be Australia's first female foreign minister', Jessica Wright Season's bleatings at year's end, Michelle Grattan In Abbott's one-time dreams, the Labor government would have collapsed by now, an election been held, and he'd be PM. Instead, the government is still standing. Not only that, but since mid-year, Labor's primary vote has improved and the two party gap narrowed Australian News ‏@LatestAusNews Labor confident Parliament will reject TPV push (ABC): The Federal Government says it is confid... #ausnews Geoff Pearson ‏ Opposition plots return of TPVs via private bill Read more: … scarystate ‏ Tabled contact registers outline the swindling cronyism that LNP have been hard at work on since March #qldpol… Details tabled in Parliament reveal access LNP-aligned lobbyists have to Newman ministers Defection seen as crisis for Newman Hopper's decision to join Katter's Australian Party is more about his own personal issues than broader problems LNP's plunge in popularity unprecedented: expert The dramatic plunge in the Queensland government’s popularity is unprecedented for a newly elected government with such a mandate, says one of the state’s leading political scientists Re :):):):):)


25/11/2012AA I didn't get a chance to post how much I liked your last piece, yours too Kay . I have been flat out chasing bees for the last week, although I have not had to use my smoker as I have had enough coming out of my ears due to the bullshit coming out of the MSM to suffice. I found it much quicker getting thru the 147 posted comments due to the [b]Troll Scrolling[/b] I was able to do this morning they make it much quicker as the lot of them combined could not write a competent post. I still have to catch insiders[saved on the set top box]in a while I hope its not a disappointment. TT How goes the man flu, sorry to hear you have shared it with you other half, I bet your popular at the moment. I had full blown Hong Kong flu while there in 79[very nasty], the thing is I have not had a cold or flu since. 33yrs lurgy free. This really pissed off my sister, who working in a hospital would catch everything going & she could never give them to me no matter how she tried. I have to say I loved reading all the great posts over the crap about our PM this morning, well done everyone. I see our brainless Troll has got some new mates to come here because no-one else would talk to him. I do wish they would take their bat & ball & go back where they came from. Hugs & kisses for Lyn ♥♥♥ , you do save me so much time & effort sorting out the dross on the net.


25/11/2012Congratulations Kay on your cerebral article is there life after Neoliberalism.Yes there is and the green shoots are sprouting.Corporations, using their conservative government stooges, will no longer be able too withstand the same criticism that has been directed to governments, especially socially democratic ones, throughout this period.The public are a wake up to this scam. Re the Maiden&Lewis article being pulled, thats just News Ltd sucking up to PM Gillard(God bless her).They fear her and know that she will win in 2013 so they must negotiate with her and on her terms. How encouraging!!!

Ad astra reply

25/11/2012Michael I thought the same about Fran Kelly. She is working on the principle that if she is right she will be able to crow, by when she is wrong, everyone will have forgotten her prediction of last year. It’s a pity we can’t do to journalists what they do to politicians, record such utterances for posterity and replay them endlessly to show their error or misjudgement. I am concerned about the usually balanced and poised Laura Tingle. Recently she has exhibited what I can only describe as ‘caution’ in what she writes and says, and she did it again today on [i]Insiders[/i]. My wife observed that this morning she was not as articulate as usual. She spoke hesitatingly about the S&G matter. It was hard to follow her line. I have a theory about her that you may like to comment upon. This change in her demeanour seems to date from when longstanding Gillard-critic Michael Stutchbury took over as editor of the [i]AFR[/i]. While working for [i]The Australian[/i] Stutchbury led the charge against the Government on the BER and HIP, and has been a trenchant attacker of PM Gillard in both print and on air. His personality is such that he would do a ‘Chris Mitchell’ at the [i]AFR[/i] and use that Fairfax outlet to vent his spleen against the Government and the PM, cleverly influencing his journalists to follow his line. Why did her give Laura Tingle, who has always been as prepared to give Labor credit where it is due as much as any other party, a four hundred page file on the S&G matter to dissect? Was this the equivalent of Tony Abbott giving Internet-lover Malcolm Turnbull the job of ‘demolishing the NBN’, something he would never want to do. I realize that Tingle is a political correspondent, but there are plenty of others who might have been given that forbidding task. Having examined it, is Tingle genuinely uncertain about Julia Gillard’s involvement and culpability, or is she fearful of putting a foot wrong lest she get on the wrong side of Stutchbury, her boss in an environment beset by sackings and uncertainty among those remaining. Journalists enjoy the attribution of being fearless in their reporting and would bristle at any suggestion that an editor could twist that fearless resolve, but we’ve seen it before, and still do at [i]The Australian[/i] where history shows how Mitchell drills his boys, and Stutchbury has been schooled in the Mitchell classroom, literally. I may be quite wrong in my hypothesis, but the change in Laura’s words is perceptible, and I’m struggling to explain why a much respected and usually balanced journalist has morphed to what we now observe.

Ad astra reply

25/11/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your informative Twitterverse. As usual BB is right on the money. I see that he too was concerned about Laura Tingle’s contribution to the innuendo about the S&G matter. My hypothesis about this is at 11.47 AM. I see others have as dim a view of Fran Kelly’s prognostications as I do. Michelle Grattan’s piece was a close to being balanced as any of her recent pieces have been. It is astonishing how quickly Campbell Newman has gone down in popularity, and how many shonky goings-on have been exposed. This can only help Labor in Queensland as the people realize that putting their trust in the conservative LNP was misplaced. If not already taking place, the electorate will realize it has been conned, and will turn away from the con men. HKTAGH Welcome back from the bees and thank you for your kind remarks. Uriah Please tell me what you mean by: [i]”Re the Maiden & Lewis article being pulled, that’s just News Ltd sucking up to PM Gillard (God bless her). They fear her and know that she will win in 2013 so they must negotiate with her and on her terms.”[/i] I must have missed something.

bob macalba

25/11/2012morning Ad,morning Lyn, morning all about to start on Lyns Links but first have to agree Fran Kelly and her partisan comments on Insiders this morning, desperation and hope, and i too will enjoy election night when it all comes home to them, like watching FOX when it was clear Obama was home,still chuckling now at those faces, TT remember first time saw the term the FIGHTING FIFTH in one of your comments, thought it was an excellent and apt description of what can and is being done online to help stop the spread of bullshit going on out there by most of our MSM, to mostly all here keep up the good work i enjoy reading your opinions, cheers

42 long

25/11/2012AD AS Laura Tingle.... The body language was there. She is a very articulate person. If you have to be careful what you say for whatever reason, It won't flow. You can see this in Abbott all the time. Not that I would wish to compare Abbott with Tingle EVER. I have a lot of respect for Tingle. I feel it is do what we want, or you will walk.

bob macalba

25/11/2012SBS 2.30 Liberal Rule the Howard years, for anybody wanting to relive those dog eat dog memories, antacid a must

Janet (@j4gypsy)

25/11/2012 Hi Ad, agree with you about your theory on Laura Tingle: that's she's cautious now under the reign of her new editor, or at least more tentative. Had no sense that she had found anything truly damaging against Julia Gillard in her 400 pg (!) file. But her discussion at that point was one of three places in the program where I'd noticed her 'saying something' and then pulling back. I think she's found no evidence but had to try and find a way of not saying so clearly. There was also the point in the program where she clearly said that she didn't think the whole smear story would be any kind of issue in parliament's sitting next week and that the focus would be on other issues. She pulled back a tad and the chat swept immediately on on ... but post Tony Bourke's interview, she picked up from his 'story over' comment this way. The third moment for me was where, on the asylum seeker policy she said something like:'The ALP has moved to LNP position [Nauru etc.] and so we might have to say the LNP position didn't work.' Again she pulled back a little. For me this is a 'Eureka' moment. LT is not the first journalist or blogger (and you may have been one?) who has implied that the Govt being 'forced' to re-open Nauru (with other 'harsh' policy implementation) has been a strategy the ALP knew it could later turn on its head. The Govt knew it would not 'stop the boats' and needed to wait to be able to say 'the LNP policy that we adopted hasn't worked'. May be getting closer to this point, because the public outcry about conditions on Nauru and the fact that the MAJORITY of asylum seekers will now be processed on our invisible shores - even if the debate goes on about how to do that - means the Govt has a shift back to the centre that its Left and the Greens have been shouting about. LT thinks like a party strategist even though a journo - which is probably why I respect her muchly also. One last thing: BushfireBill has been very cross on Twitter too this morning: '[i]Insiders and Meet The Press were a disgrace this morning. A dead profession - journalism - ever more desperate to set their agenda as ours.[/i]' When you calculate how much of Insiders was spent on the smear campaign today - well, he couldn't be 'rightier'!

42 long

25/11/2012I have watched Tingle over the years and try to be objective about it. She actually got me thinking that She would be an assett in politics. Experienced, clear thinking intelligent and fair. I contrast her with Maxine McCue and Mary Delahunty, and there is NO comparison. Both the just mentioned ones were ex abc. ( I can't get myself to type ABC easily these days with their political emphasis, but they still do magnificently in other areas) Maxine didn't appear to have any real political perception at all in the real sense. Just think how much some of those involved, especially those behind the scenes, with large vested interests, want Gillard out. Could you contemplate them not giving it their all, fair or foul? For many there IS a lot at stake here and pinko's, lefties,tafe teachers firies, single mothers and the jobless and those who can't fund private education will get no quarter in the future with the LieNP. The growth areas will be building Gaols and staffing them. A guaranteed growth area under the LieNP. Campbell Newman is a glimpse of the future. We don't even haqve to use our imagination.


25/11/2012Regarding the use by the Opposition of "shrill." It is know that when people unpractised in denial do so, they tend to raise their voice, especially when they are the denials are false. Unfortunately, women have higher voices then men, and so "shrill" implies that a woman's denials can't be trusted because her voice is pitched higher. It's another way of being sexist. Regarding Julie Bishop getting a verbal commitment from Tony Abbott that she will be the foreign minister in his Government, perhaps she ought to remember that Abbott said on the 7.30 Report that his off-the-cuff remarks that aren't carefully scripted aren't to be taken as "gospel truth". I advise her to get any commitment in writing, preferably in Abbott's blood. Otherwise she could be very disappointed, considering Abbott's history of reneging on his word. I liked another quote from BB in the link from Lyn: [quote]To my mind, the real story is about them [the MSM]. About their triviality, their obsessions, the failures, their astonishingly hypocritical moralising, right alongside their contemptuous cynicism about the truth versus fantasy.[/quote]


25/11/2012Greetigs Comrades, Yes Ad astra, as a long-term Tinglophile I am dismayed by her, shall we say, [i]diffidence,[/i] today in particular, but I've noticed it once or twice before, just recently - probably within the timeframe you suggest re Stutchbury. The feeling I get is, a), she would like to say things much more stridently, b), she would liketo say some things entirely at odds with her fumbling pronouncements today, c), she is aware that her employment depends on her every utterance being less than critical of Abbortt, and d), that having weighed the outcomes she has decided to kow-tow for the present at least. But I wonder about her motivation. I think she is beyond selling out, especially given her advancing years and huge reputation, and her personal partnership with Alan Ramsay, one of the greats of Australian journalism. The man who so sorely missed my brother's presence in Parliament, remember? Ramsay and Tingle together have no reason ever to be intimidated, but LT might feel that she should keep her powder dry enough - and that means retaining her job - that she can still fire off some shots when the hot war starts. I keep harking back to parts of my big *pome* [i]The Maid from Yarralumla,[/i] one of my first posts on TPS, on 12th October 2010, (find the whole pome easily using the archive at the top of this page), I guess it's narcissississississism on my part but I can't help agreeing with my assessments then; since then everything that's happened with the Media seems simply to have reinforced them. But Laura Tingle is like the very last free-minded woman in Stepford afa I'm concerned, I think she's only pretending to be good. Dam I hope so. The Lass from Yarraluma Stanzas 9-12 Then from the Murdoch stables all the hustlers made their run: They were breathing fire and brimstone every breath: That Labor’s illegitimate, that Abbott’s mob had won, And that any tryst with Brown and Greens was Death. Bloated with his self-importance was conniving Laurie Oakes, And Piers Ackermann, most bigoted of all, And the first one to throw stones, that loathsome, hateful Alan Jones: They’re three key bricks in the Murdochratic Wall. There was Andrew “Anal” Bolt , and that Glenn Milne, the drunken thug, Grabbing sleazily at any sleazy grab, And that ABC lickspittle, Chris Uhlmann, smooth and smug, And Annabel, the slyly-sidling Crabb. There was sour Red Kez O’Brien, seemingly forever trying To skewer Julia with some cunning stab; And Tony “Look-Me” Jones, interrupting her in tones That show he thinks he holds sole Royal Right of Gab. There was Fran "Ms Jelly” Kelly, Michelle Grattan lacking teeth, And Miss Trivia, Virginia Trioli, And that smartarse Barrie Cassidy, with snide asides and acidy, In ABC alliances unholy. So Our Ranga Lass was targeted by jibes and sexist jokes: Her Titian locks were tweaked, her finely-chiselled nose took pokes From those of the moral wee-ness of a teensy flaccid penis – And unkindest cut of all came from that wimp-out by Megalogenis! Thus was Julia besieged: [b]just Laura Tingle stood her friend, And challenged Abbott on her comments page; In chivalry and courage she was loyal to the end: The one fair Australian journo of The Age.[/b] October 12. 2010 10:42 AM

42 long

25/11/2012When one uses terms like Gospel truth and the marrow of my bones I get really confused. Neil Mitchel was too.Truth is not able to be qualified. You either deal in it or something else. A bit like being pregnant, You can't be half pregnant.. What is the word of someone worth. Don't they say "judge the tree by the fruit it bears. Tony is not too much of a tree.

Janet (@j4gypsy)

25/11/2012 TT: When you're good, you're scanfully brilliant!: [i]And Tony “Look-Me” Jones, interrupting her in tones That show he thinks he holds sole Royal Right of Gab.[/i] Wow. :-) And agree absolutely with you about Tingle. Yep. Reckon she's holding her fire for now.


25/11/2012Can I welcome Bob and Mark. It is hard the first time you make comments and I only comment here and on Patriciawa's blog. Mostly by the time I read the comments everything I want to say has been said, but gee I wouldn't miss reading TPS, when I do I'm like Grasshopper, read every comment that I miss even if it takes me a day or two to get through. jaycee You are sure on fire in this thread. Can I just please ask you to do the odd paragraph break to make it easier to read. :-)


25/11/2012Bishop is in for a fall.


25/11/2012Jason - Palmer resined his LNP Membership on Friday and seemed to have a quiet day of Saturday. The Courier Mail didn't however. A rather long article with polling showing that Newman has lost 10% of his support in a tad over 6 months bringing him down to a 56% TPP - which would still win an election but the trend is evident. The cartoon was Newman digging a tunnel (his legacy to Brisbane is two tunnels in financial problems and a third under construction) with a comment that at least this one doesn't have a toll. Today's Sunday Mail has the Bruce Wilson "nothing to see here" story as a column on pages 1 and 3 followed by a 2 page "in-depth" article on the AWU and Gillard by Steve Lewis starting on page 44. They can't even get their own stories straight. The story is still on the Courier Mail website -> The really interesting thing in Newmania this weekend is that one long time ex Nationals MP has defected to Katter's Party and is threatening that up to another 8 ex-Nats will follow. The claim is that there is not a minister west of the Great Divide (I think Springborg is actually straddling it but anyway . . .) and the LNP machine is trying to remove the National Party influence despite the National Party bringing the money tot he LNP (the Liberals in Qld were practically broke). If I was Julie Bishop I'd be asking for promises of the Foreign Ministry in writing as well. She needs to be given something for here dedication to the cause (assuming Abbott is around to do the giving of course).


25/11/2012Hi Ad, Kay and Everybody, Ad your opinion hypothesis of Laura Tingle makes perfect logic, exactly as I saw her. As you say her articles have declined different since Stutchbury. Khtagh I love my Hugs & kisses ♥♥♥ , thankyou, Shankshoo very much. Those busy Bees are keeping you busy. I was looking at the Honey in the Supermarket, the choices are mind boggling. Would you tell me which is the nicest tasting commercial one to buy. I know yours would be the ultimate, nothing like producing ones own pure honey. Bob macalba I am lovin having you on TPS, and enjoying your comments thankyou for being here. Janet hello. I enjoyed your hypothesis of Laura Tingle thankyou Jan. "November 24. 2012 05:07 PM" I've been visiting your excellent site for several months and always appreciate the articles and Lyns daily links. Sooo much better than the MSM. Long live the fighting 5th estate ! MarkatPort Mark Thankyou for your very nice comment & thankyou for being here on “The Political Sword” we are hoping to read many more of your posts. I am pleased you have been enjoying “Today’s Links” it’s all my lovely friends on TPS who make the job worthwhile. Jason, Libbx44, Jaycee, Gravel, BSA Bob, Talk Turkey, Bob Macalba, Truth Seeker, Michael, 42 Long, Lady in Red, 2353, Markat Port, Wake Up,Jane, Bacchus, Robynne, Khatgh, Janet, Uriah, MWS, DMW. Huge thankyou to all our contributors from Ad Astra & TPS & me. Did know you guys, you have contributed 111 posts since yesterday. Fantastic, well done, no wonder people are enjoying TPS with all those brilliant comments and a brilliant lead article. Thankyou Kay. Bits and pieces:- Darren Laver ‏ Lib source confirms Gillard "scandal" timing down to last Newspoll of the year. Abbott's "last chance" to improve bad polling. #Libspill Gillard knew nothing about AWU scandal: Wilson, ABC Updated 1 hour 39 minutes ago Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop says Mr Wilson's claims do not change anything. She says Mr Wilson should go to the police and make an official statement But Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has mocked Ms Bishop on Channel 10. "Julie Bishop is applying to be Miss Marple, running around the country trying to solve something," she said. PM faces new claims over union pastby: Steve Lewis From: News Limited Network November 23, 2012 9:39AM In some editions of today’s Herald Sun, an incorrect page 8 was published. This meant the remainder of the front page report headlined 'Heat rises on PM' was not published. The mistake occurred in the production process. The Herald Sun apologises to readers for the confusion. Mr Blewitt is also expected to tell fraud squad detectives about Ms Gillard's role in helping to establish the Association and discuss how certain monies from the fund were spent. :):):):):):)


25/11/2012Lyn...An oversight, surely, but you forgot to thank the trolls for playing the "Straight-Man" for the rest of us comedy routines!....A big thank you to the trolls for playing the dummies for our entertainment!.....Oh! weren't playing..??.. Seriously,'s always a pleasure!

42 long

25/11/2012It seems to me, Having been around for a while and having listened to RG Menzies demolish those who spoke to oppose him in the 50's when I was actually quite young. That we did have great journo's and some good gentle men and Ladies in both sides of the house who had true friendships across the house, back then. Many of these people were returned service people. Did that make a difference? I would suggest that it did, but none the less there is a total lack of manners and bearing and respect for process in parl't but more so from the LNP. These individuals being more likely to have been Private School educated don't generally appear to be shining examples of the upperclass they purport to be, or make you want to follow in their footsteps or their example. Although I am obviously now a left leaning person. I'm a little surprised this is the case. Perhaps they are just spoiled little terrors who think the world is theirs for the taking. Funny when Hockey accuses the Labor mob of playing tha class war thing. Albaneses statement " the biggest dummy spit in history" is on the money. They still haven't adjusted to the fact that they didn't get government. That could be the reason for their lack of decorum, and poor example. Poor little dears, they are desperate to be acknowledged. This could be an interesting week but I hope I am not too revolted by the behaviour. I don't think I could stand to see what Tony would do to this lovely land if he gets in. It's only a freak accident that he got it. Scary . Perhaps a psychological assessment should be done by all aspirants to high office, so we don't get "funny" people by accident or quirk of fate. The outcome is too serious as to the consequences.


25/11/2012Poor ol' bloody, bloody Blewitt!...he's REALLY going to live up to his name NOW!..He's really BLOWN IT!.. He'll never get back "home" before he gets thrown out of his "hotel room" back in Malaysia..truly (if you'll forgive me)a "Melee in Malaysia"!


25/11/2012On another note, This Steve Lewis and that Mark Smith..if they are using the police time to investigate a vexatious claim...could that be construed as "perverting the course of justice"?


25/11/2012Ad @ 12.18pm-Sorry I didnt get back sooner I have been mowing and gardening in between watching the cricket.News Ltd often do this ie post a story complimentary to the Govt and then pull it, after all they will have agreements in place with Abbott and company for when and if they form Govt.Some interesting phone calls will have been made this morning.Its a bit like having 2 bob each way and at the same time sending a concilatory message to PM Gillard.However,she will not take the bait, she may though have a little chuckle to herself.I feel that this indicates that a desperate News Ltd thinks Labor will win the 2013 election, however that will not stop them doing anything to block this eventuality.This is why they fear PM Gillard, she stands up to their intimedating bully boy tactics whilst being completely unruffled by them and she wont do deals with them as they are rotten to the core and they know it, so they fear payback but the PM is above this type thinking and it will be business as usual after Labor wins in 2013.


25/11/2012Lady in Red...Chess moves...: Bishop takes pawn..Queen takes Bishop...:Checkmate!


25/11/2012Speaking about lead articles... Kay..The impossibility of managing a society and an economy on the principles of capitalism is because the entire Raison d'etre is human propensity toward greed!...Let's face it, while a good many citizens will supress the urge to take advantage of their fellow human, the capitalist system is geared to reward the opposite. For such a system to generate reliable income for those who would rise to the top, there must be an accompanying military presence to maintain the status quo and suppress protest. Evidence of such tyranny goes back to Mycenae, in the Ancient Civilisations, where it was discovered that after at least six sackings of the city, no foreign weapons were discovered, revealing that the populace itself rose in revolt against the ruling elite and destroyed their stronghold time and again. Ancient Rome is the best archived example of capital-based greed gone awry. Too numerous are the examples of corruption and greed gone crazy and the resultant revolutions that followed. Sufficient to say, in my research through those histories, it appears that whenever the entrepeneurial/speculative middle-class (not to be confused with the producing middle-class)gets hold of the system of social and financial control, it is only a matter of time before that society collapses. Witness the Ptolomys of Egypt..The oligarchs of Athens..The Equestrian order of Rome, the Captains of Industry of the British Empire and now the Masters-Of-The-Universe of The USA. The grand illusion of the modern world is that there is only one system that can bring contentment to humanity, and that is capitalism.....on this folly all fate must lie. The "Gods" help us all!

Sir Ian Crisp

25/11/2012[quote][i]Thanks TS. Knowing what we do about Bishop, J, I figure mine is a far more likely scenario. There are many topics here at TPS that are cobbled together using opinions, shadings, bias, groupthink, interpretations, views, while others are just plain transfers of one’s horoscopes. An admirable precis of your and our other trolls', resident or lurking in the downstairs broom cupboard, comments, SIC. Glad you are finally aware how pathetic you all are. jane [/i][/quote] Jane, you sound chafed. I don’t think you are in the best position to offer opinions about other people. Weren’t you the one who didn’t understand Fair Work laws regarding guilty until proven innocent? Next to you Lara Bingle and Brynne Edelsten are geniuses. I am still waiting on you to provide a satisfactory answer regarding my question about Mr Swan and the creation of 500,000 jobs. Do you need more time?

Tom of Melbourne

25/11/2012@6.49 - the history of the world and the failings of capitalism, all neatly summed up in 268 words. Hilarious!


25/11/2012Oh..Hello, Tommy, been hiding, have you?..."History is bunk!"...History of the world, summed up in three words.."hilarious"..But since it was spoken by Henry Ford, arch capitalist?...What do you think, Tommy?...You suck any "lollypop" he offered you, wouldn't you? the good traitor you are.


25/11/2012jane, Ignore Sir Breivik she's still looking for reason to well? who cares?


25/11/2012jaycee So not content with making a fool of himself yesterday,ToM has decided to troll tonight instead? I guess he thinks we'll all be in bed by 10pm!

Ad astra reply

25/11/2012bob macalba, 42 long, Talk Turkey, Janet, Lyn, uriah Thank you for your comments related to Laura Tingle, and thank you to all of you for your other contributions, which I have now read. Thank you uriah for you explanation. This afternoon, I’ve been working on my next piece: [i]So the globe is warming after all[/i], while keeping an eye on the cricket. We have an interesting week ahead. Tony Burke was right when he declared the ‘story over’ with the Wilson statement, but of course Julie Bishop is determined to squeeze the last little drop out of it, even if she looks foolish and mean in doing so. I noticed that all four TV evening news bulletins I watched gave full positive coverage to the Wilson statement, followed by a vindictive looking Bishop declaring that the smear and innuendo would continue in parliament, and there was even talk of a motion of no confidence, something that would require some pretty convincing evidence to mount without looking malevolent and stupid. SBS reported that JG was going to ‘tough it out’ and not make a statement answering the ‘questions’ they insist she must. If she does that, I can see Bishop, Pyne and Abbott becoming apoplectic. It should be fun to watch. The suggestion that the escalation of this matter has been timed to coincide with the coming [i]Newspoll[/i] is plausible, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out. I’m calling it a day.


25/11/2012Bishop, like all the liebrals, has overeached. She has destroyed any credibility she may(but then again not) have had. I reckon she is persuing this as a way of offering herself as the obvious leader when someone(anyone??) wakes up to the fact that abbort is terminal. These idiots reckon they could run the country, for mine they couldn't run a bloody chook raffle.But no doubt the abbort staffers will ramp up the attack at TPS in the hope that someone will listen.


25/11/2012[quote]Weren’t you the one who didn’t understand Fair Work laws regarding guilty until proven innocent?[/quote] No. [quote]I am still waiting on you to provide a satisfactory answer regarding my question about Mr Swan and the creation of 500,000 jobs. Do you need more time?[/quote] Well seeing that you've never actually asked ME the question, you'll be waiting a lot longer. However, I'm certain that Ad astra, Jason, NormanK, TT, Lyn and a host of other Swordsters have in fact provided the figures of jobs created under this government any number of times, with links, if you genuinely want the information, but I suspect that you don't. Here's one link for you.


25/11/2012Libbyx33...That is not a troll, but another Mike Smith sucker!...I believe lol was the "person" on Mike Smith's blog, thanking Mike for showing the public (that's us!) the true character of the PM and inploring Mike to put up his bank account details so his followers could donate to support the good work he does!...."PLEASE, PLEASE..take our money, Mike!" How much did you "donate", lol? Nope that wasn't me.. I may or may not comment you assume to much.


25/11/2012Lyn I like most although I find leather wood too strong, but clover is a good favorite. I was able to get a small amount out of a young wild hive I collected last Friday down at Marion Bay. There was lots of lemon gums flowering, it was truly the most divine honey I have ever tried. Think honey mixed with sweet lemon. Joan said I could take some hives down there next yr, fingers crossed they collect it again.


26/11/2012ALP rort anyone Parliment's Hansard's are full of them over the years. Also a number of Royal Commissions have been held 'WA INC' to name just one. Wayne Swan is in this one. Corruption should be stamped out and dealt with for all sides of politics as I don't barrack for one side of politics so don't hold biases. Also what your trying to tell me is that Ms Gillard split up with her lover Bruce Wilson because he was a con man in 1995 but in 2012 when he says she knew nothing he is to be believed. So is he a con man or not?


26/11/2012[b]Your taxpayer money is funding the live export of children.[/b] [i]On 21 November 2012 the Australian government started exporting children and their families to offshore detention facilities. The first four children went to Manus Island, a place notorious for it's deadly form of malaria. Others will be slated for transfer to Nauru and Manus. The physical and psychological price of detaining these children cannot be calculated. But the dollar price can. According to the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers the estimated cost of housing asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island will be $2.3 billion over four years (more if the number of boat arrivals continue to rise). That amounts to $575,000,000 a year, $1,575,342.46 a day, $65,639.27 per hour, $1093.99 per minute or $18.23 a second.[/i] HatTip imogen bailey ‏@officialimogen


26/11/2012TODAY’S LINKS Newspoll: 51-49 to Coalition, William Bowe The Poll Bludger unchanged on the last: Labor and the Coalition steady on 36% and 43%, with the Greens up one to 11%, and two-party preferred steady on 51-49. Julia Gillard’s personal ratings are likewise perfectly unchanged at 37% approval and 52% disapproval, although Tony Abbott is up three points on approval from a dire result last time to 30%, and down two on disapproval to 61%. Gillard’s lead as preferred prime minister has narrowed marginally from 46-32 to 46-33. Questions to Answer, Victoria Rollison The Australian failed in its bid to destroy Gillard’s government by attacking political policy. Their campaign against the carbon price was long, exaggerated and mostly made up of mistruths about the science of climate change. And it failed. The current campaign that aims to attack Gillard on a personal level will also fail. Apart from anything else, what reasonable person on the street really believed Obama was a Muslim from Kenya? The story that killed the story, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Bishop, remember, is the Liberals' most substantive appeal to female voters. This time yesterday she was the nice one, the brains of the Coalition outfit. The day before, Abbott engaged in a, um, ah, piss-poor attempt at, um, insisting that the PM answer questions, ah, without, um, articulating what those questions might be. This attack has happened on Abbott's watch and Abbott must pay for its failure; but cutting his deputy out from under him would be the sort of gut-wound that neither Abbott nor his party could salve, let alone heal The unauthorised voice, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Social media didn't just threaten Jones, the warning shots went straight to his hip-pocket nerve: Matthewson either knows this or wasn't paying attention. She has, curiously, paid much greater attention to talkback radio than to Twitter, a sign of confusion among a political class with little feeling for those they purport to govern Give it a break , Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion Gillard, the media keep saying, has an avalanche of questions to answer. But they keep on forgetting to say what these questions are. They just assume that Gillard has done something wrong and they are tacitly suggesting that the ALP is responsible for defraud hundreds of thousands of dollars from the AWU. The media demands a comprehensive response from Gillard etc etc. The headline no one’s buying, Miglo, Café Whispers The media has been in a frenzy over the last couple of days demanding a statement from the Prime Minister and one media legend, Steve Lewis, has provided his dear readers on a list of the matters that they will need to know, in order of course, to form an opinion that is even more detrimental to Ms Gillard than the one MAKING US RALPH: Horny old loser Ralph Blewitt’s lengthy custodial sentence could starve Asian sex industry, Vex News News Limited’s Sunday papers are making a big splash in the Prime Minister-is-an-embezzler conspiracy theory yarn promoted by a motley crew of Woodward&Bernstein wannabes, Rudd-boosters, a few intrepid souls in the Coalition, including an occasionally poorly advised Leader, boned scribes, self-confessed fraudsters and low-lifes. Of course we’re not racist, but…Sally Baxter As we blunder our way through another round of demonisation and persecution of refugees, it might be useful to remember that the world is watching and making its own judgments.We might like to think our policies reflect our compassionate regard for “genuine asylum seekers,” as the discourse goes, but our message sounds more like the Dazed, Beautiful And Bruised, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks Pushing, shoving, or hitting is quite obviously violence, however raising your hand as if to strike a woman, cornering a woman, physically blocking her path are acts of violence. So too are punching walls on either side of a woman’s head, or making threatening gestures and comments towards a woman. White Ribbon Day 2012 in New South Wales, Clarence Girl, North Coast Voices In New South Wales one of those ‘ambassadors’ on 25 November is:The Hon Tony Abbot MP, Leader of the Opposition, Federal Member for Warringah, Australian Parliament ....What on earth were the organizers thinking? Gillard gave 'best recollection' of home loan events, Simon Cullen, ABC Prime Minister Julia Gillard insists she gave her "best recollection" of events surrounding a home loan involving her former partner when she was interviewed about the matter in 1995. Medicare Local row exposes health jobs as hot issue, Mark Metherell, Croakey Ms Plibersek said Medicare Locals do things like link-up frontline health professionals to fill gaps in local services, such as afterhours care, and placed decision-making about health care needs in the hands of local communities.“Medicare Locals are delivering home-grown solutions to local health problems and making it easier for Australians to see Australian scientists find excess greenhouse gas near fracking, Carol J. Williams, Los Angeles Times Santos told Australian journalists that the findings showed greenhouse gases at levels even higher than in Russia's massive Siberian gas fields, where environmental protection has been minimal.Helen Redmond, a physician with the New South Wales chapter of Doctors for the Environment, cited rising complaints of rashes, nausea, headaches and nose bleeds among people living close to the Tara gas fields.,0,7039884.story Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 26 November 2012 :):):):):)

Janet (@j4gypsy)

26/11/2012 Lovely links from lovely Lyn. Thank you. Just one more from ... Laura Tingle in AFR (and not paywalled): Gillard to go on the offensive over AWU affair 'QUESTIONS OVER WHAT BLEWITT KNEW ABOUT MORTGAGE But the same conveyancing file contains eight references to Mr Blewitt being aware of the mortgage, contrary to his statements to former broadcaster Michael Smith. These include an invoice from Slater Gordon Financial Planning Pty Ltd addressed to Mr Blewitt at his home in Perth, charging a $750 fee for the “MTGE” for the Fitzroy property.'

Ad astra reply

26/11/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


26/11/2012lol..;"Nope, it wasn't me."....For christ's sake bugger off and buy some IQ. ;'re so thick you can't see the hook from the bait! You are the sort of right-wing dumbo that Mike Smith relies upon to sell his "smegma- sandwiches"!


26/11/2012The conclave of males (with 'beard' and "good girl" Julie Bishop out front) pursuing Julia Gillard must realise that the more they throw mud at her the more they force women to look at just who is throwing the mud. A conclave of males with... All of the heated hounding of the Prime Minister is chronologically after, and subsequently seems to be (is?), an effort by conservatives to defuse the impact of Julia Gillard's misogyny slapdown of Shouldabeen. This campaign is 'ah, but this is the real woman you went viral for on the Net. See, you can't believe a word she says'. Toss in the reiteration of the word "shrill", and what you have is... Misogyny. Personal, direct, targeted. And bleeding obvious. Especially to precisely the people who watched and listened to Julia Gillard's speech in response to Abbott's hateful comments in Parliament. Julie Bishop out front of the men wistfully nodding their heads that 'it's so sad our Prime Minister just isn't the right sort of person to do the job' seems to be so silly she doesn't realise that "the right sort of person" is a woman, any woman. Bleeding obvious, Julie. Just ask another woman. Well, maybe not Sophie Mirabella.

Tom of Melbourne

26/11/2012Has Gillard answered this question – why didn’t she tell the AWU about the fund? So that they could take steps to recover the money?


26/11/2012 I reckon Tony Abbott's accusatory comments related to the PM during this morning's doorstop in front of parliament means his past activities should also be fair game. The gloves are off when it comes to this former Oxford pugilist it seems. Let it be. :D N'


26/11/2012 [quote]You obviously watched Q&A last night You are spot on when you state that Rudd and Turnbull are "stuffy and full of piss and wind". Both of them were endowed with an overdose of ego and a sense of their own importance. Neither of them are worth the space they take up on the parliamentary benches.[/quote] Janice, I relish the thought of battling Tony Abbott throughout the election year...oh what fun it should be taking on the big mouthed weathervane...exposing him for the FRAUD and DUPLICITIOUS SCHEMER he is. :D I'm so pleased Tony is still with us. N'


26/11/2012You just KNOW ToM's sat up ALL night honing this question to it's most piquent point!...: "YEAH!!..heh heh!...Let's see 'em answer THAT one!..yeah!* me dumb!...I'll show them what's DUMB!"


26/11/2012"Has Gillard answered this question – why didn’t she tell the AWU about the fund? So that they could take steps to recover the money?" I don't know! Perhaps you could man up and ask her yourself! Let us know what her answer is.


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT:[/b] In his 2009 book Battlelines, Abbott proposed that consideration should be given to a return to an optional at-fault divorce agreement between couples who would like it, similar to the Matrimonial Causes Act, which would require spouses to prove offences like adultery, habitual drunkenness, cruelty, desertion, or a five-year separation before a divorce would be granted. Abbott said that this would be a way of "providing additional recognition to what might be thought of as traditional marriage". Wikipedia

Tom of Melbourne

26/11/2012One thing about this site that is always reliable is that the regulars, the ardent ALP supporters, will always default to name calling, rather than actually address a political or policy issue. Either that or they’ll provide all the information they know about capitalism and world history in 268 words.


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT[/b]: [quote]While Mr Abbott says he has not yet made his decision, it seems he has made it for the marginal electorate of Geelong, where three weeks ago he told voters he expects to fund a PET scanner within weeks. "I am very conscious of the need to extend regional Victorians' access to PET scanning services," he told the local newspaper. Senator Milne questions the motivation behind Mr Abbott's promise to Geelong. "The Australian community ought to be really cynical when politicians come to town moments before an election and say, 'Hey, I have this new machine for you,'" she said. "They should ask, 'Why haven't we had this machine for the past seven years, because you have known for that length of time that these machines are safe and clinically effective?'" And that really is the question. PET scans have been available for a select few for most of the past decade.[/quote] Hmmm... N'


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT[/b]: [quote]A political furore has erupted over revelations that one of the Howard Government's most senior ministers, Tony Abbott, set up a slush fund to pay for legal challenges to Pauline Hanson and her party, One Nation. Despite repeated denials back in 1998, Mr Abbott last night acknowledged to the 'Sydney Morning Herald' newspaper he'd raised almost $100,000 in an attempt to fund actions against One Nation. While he and his colleagues were refusing to make any comment today, the admission is a setback for the Government. It clearly suggests Mr Abbott did not tell the truth in the affair at the time, and has provoked government fears of a backlash from voters responding angrily to Pauline Hanson's jailing. [/quote] [b]In Tony we...TRUST?[/b] N'


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT:[/b] [quote]Abbott campaigned as Minister for Health at the 2007 Election. On 31 October, he apologised for saying 'just because a person is sick doesn't mean that he is necessarily pure of heart in all things', after Bernie Banton, (an asbestos campaigner and terminal mesothelioma sufferer) called him 'gutless' for not being present to collect a petition.[/quote] Wikipedia [b]But he that is spiritual weathervane judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged to be a dickhead.[/b] N'


26/11/2012ToM, You're like a dog returning to it's own vomit! You offer nothing new! Just recycle the same tired old talking points and lies you've been trolling about for years!


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT:[/b] [quote]Climate change Speaking in July 2009, Abbott told the ABC's 7:30 Report that though he thought the science of climate change was "highly contentious" and that he thought that the economics of an ETS was "a bit dodgy", [b]he nevertheless thought that the Opposition should pass the Rudd Government's ETS as he did not think it would be "a good look for the Opposition to be browner than Howard going into the next election".[/b] [b]At an October 2009 meeting in the Victorian town of Beaufort, Abbott was reported to have said: "The argument is absolute crap... However, the politics of this are tough for us. 80% of people believe climate change is a real and present danger". On 1 December 2009, when questioned about that statement, he said he had used "a bit of hyperbole" at that meeting rather than it being his "considered position".[/b] Speaking in November 2009, prior to being elected Leader of the Opposition, Abbott told the ABC's Lateline program that in relation to Climate Change Policy: “I am always reluctant to join bandwagons. I think there are fashions in science and in the academe, just as there are fashions in so many other things. But look, we should take reasonable precautions against credible threats. I think it is perfectly reasonable to take action against climate change. The problem with the Rudd Government's position is that Australia could end up impoverishing itself through this dramatic ETS, and not do anything for the environment if the rest of the world does not adopt an ETS or something like it.” [b]Outgoing Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull wrote that Abbott had described himself as a 'weathervane' in relation to climate change policy in the months prior to his becoming leader of the Liberal Party.[/b] Upon becoming Leader of the Opposition, Abbott put the question of support for the Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) to a secret ballot and the Liberal Party voted to reject support for the policy - overturning on an undertaking by Abbott's predecessor, Malcolm Turnbull, to support an amended version of the government's scheme. Under Abbott, the Coalition voted against the CPRS in the Senate, and the bill was defeated twice, providing a double dissolution trigger.[/quote] [b]The distinct sound of FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP makes its way across the Opposition side of parliament.[/b] N'

bob macalba

26/11/2012Morning Ad, morning Lyn and thankyou for the links, i dont know how you find it all and get it out there so quickly but you do and cheers for that, jaycee-- 'smegma sandwich' nearly spilt my tea, hee hee hee hee hee but very fitting, we will know who they are because of their breath

Truth Seeker

26/11/2012Abbotts irony. He spoke at the 'presser?' this morning on ABC24 about how Julia has so many questions to answer, as a result of all the "new" information that has come to light, and about how it was not them that started this, then outright lied about things that Labor members said emphasising lies about what Bill Shorten said. Then was asked "What questions do you want her to answer?" to which he reiterated his previous innuendo and smear, only to be asked the same question again, while others of the press called him out on his lies about what Shorten said and he did the bolt. He wants Julia Gillard to answer questions that he can't even formulate, yet he can't even answer one direct question relating to the subject that he has just finished speaking about. And this is the 'man (?)' that they think should be running this great country? What a joke.


26/11/2012Truth Seeker, Abbott and Bishop are cowards on this matter! The only questions they can ask on this matter will be asked under the protection of Parliamentary Privilege! Despite all the members in the coalition with law degrees they are yet to work out how to ask the PM a "question" outside the parliament that wont land them in court for libel!


26/11/2012 [b]ETHICAL ABBOTT:[/b] [quote]TONY Abbott will cancel Labor's increase in the annual refugee humanitarian intake to 20,000, saying the Budget can't afford the $1.3 billion cost. The Opposition Leader will make the announcement in Melbourne today to strip it back to 13,750 after warning the large number of asylum seekers arriving was "a peaceful invasion" with no end in sight. Mr Abbott has also taken aim at Prime Minister Julia Gillard accusing her of trying to start a gender war. Ms Gillard has won worldwide praise for her recent speech in Parliament where she said Mr Abbott was a "sexist and misogynist". Mr Abbott fired back yesterday during a speech in Perth. "You will never find from me any attempt to invoke the gender war against my political opponents," he said. "Never will I attempt to say that as a man I have been the victim of powerful forces beyond my control and how dare any prime minister of Australia play the victim card." Marking the fifth anniversary tomorrow of John Howard's defeat by Kevin Rudd, Mr Abbott has tied his promise to stop asylum seeker boats with a pledge a Coalition government would "live within its means".[/quote] [b]Asylum seekers...women...the First People...the ill and disadvantaged...all political footballs for The Man with Disposable Principles. And he thinks WORKERS will trust him? They can already hear him digging away at midnight of Election Day...furiously scraping away the soil atop the coffin of the "dead and buried". Whispering and salivating: “Awake, O sleeper, arise sweet WorkChoices...arise from the dead, and I will..." [/b] N'


26/11/2012 [quote]I thought Q&A was more tabloid than ever last night. Tony Jones has flicked the switch to vaudeville. Although most questions were laudable, Jones’ repeated interruptions morphed considered answers into ‘entertainment’, which is a prime objective of Jones. [/quote] Ad, perhaps Tony Jones should wear a different outfit?: N'


26/11/2012 Let me try that again:


26/11/2012 Oh well...ya get the gist.

42 long

26/11/2012I would bet big money (and I don't gamble) that Tony is a straight out climate change denier. Some are putting out that the argument is over. IT'S NOT HAPPENING, at the same time as the credible responsible fact based sources are saying that things are worse than expected. I listen carefully to the little asides that he makes. It was only a matter of weeks ago that he commented " it's cooling actually". It was only an add-on at the end of the substantive statement as if he was saying it to himself. His "formal" position is to sort of say the "right" things carefully scripted. It usually starts off, "climate change is er REAL um... This bloke has been caught out LYING. REAL ones so many times that I've lost count. The Cardinal Pell one as a good example, yet this hypocrite can keep a straight face ( sort of) and project the Liar tag onto Gillard in a constant blatant character assination programme. knowing that the more it is repeated the more some shit will stick. Happy to do the same with Thomson ( no "P"by the way) stupid talk of "tainted" votes. Makes it up as he goes along. I can see the speaker in a future LieNP lower house, (Hypothetically I hope.) ready to vote." Ayes to the right No's to the left Tainted votes to the corner. I appoint ... as the tellers for...etc The sprinters, gazelle party close the doors.....ready set GO! Great performance... from the most successful leader of the opposition ever.... OK maybe "cock of the walk, one week, a feather duster the next"


26/11/2012There was Shouldabeen this morning outside Parliament House, not only unable to frame what questions Julia Gillard actually has to answer, but once again throwing around the word "shrill". I've commented on this reiterated use of the word several times now, most recently at November 26. 2012 08:34 AM above. The 'argument' I put at that very recent time still holds, and may be said to have been reiterated by Abbott in his reiteration of "shrill". Fact is, if anyone is sounding shrill these days, it is Tony Abbott himself. That's "him" "self". I have no doubt he thinks of himself as very much "him". But as to "self", he's a weathervane of automatic viciousness. That 'self' seems embedded in some sad centre of the man that his determined Catholicism suggests to me is a desperate attempt to have a 'clean' soul, something regularly provided to him by Cardinal Pell's "inviolability of Confession". A get out of jail free card that local Roman Catholicism has transformed from a sacrament between sinner and deity into cover-all forgiveness (and 'blind' eyes, 'deaf' ears) for acts and behaviour neither God of the Bible nor Jesus of Nazareth are recorded to even begin to countenance. You might like to visit here: and consider if anything about 'Confession' reminds you of Tony Abbott. Except the need to make it.


26/11/2012 Inside *J*U*L*I*A*s Mind! Ooh Mesma! You've asked for it now! You've asked for it now! You've asked for it now! I've been smeared as a Witch, as a Bitch and a Cow, But you've smeared me as CROOKED! You've asked for it now! [i]By the set of my jaw, by the glint in my eyes, By the cut of my lip, by the voice you despise, I will teach you what cartoonists mean by Ka-POW! Cos OOOHH Mesma! You've asked for it now![/i] (Start again!) Can't wait for QT! :)


26/11/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody, Good Morning bob macalba 10:01 AM, you sound so happy and cheery, ready to start the day. Hope you have a lovely day thankyou for your appreciated nice words. Nasking, Hi how are you, it’s great to see you here. Truth Seeker @ 10:03 AM (He wants Julia Gillard to answer questions that he can't even formulate) no he wants to be “Shrill” in QT he is always blaming Julia for what he does himself. Michael @ 10:38 AM “ throwing around the word "shrill". as you say Michael “ That's "him" "self". What did Anna Bourke say he can’t help himself. Julia Gillard is playing the victim, that just shows his complete misunderstanding of misogyny. Abbott also said in his speech “ Never, ever will I attempt to say that as a man I have been the victim “ Doorstop Interview, Parliament House from the Prime Minister so far are increasingly shrill stonewallings, increasingly shrill denials 3rd last para :) Never, ever will I attempt to say that as a man I have been the victim … Twitterverse for you:- Bushfire Bill Posted Monday, November 26, 2012 at 8:04 am The story is telling on Bishop. She looked haggard and, frankly, ugly on TV yesterday. Move over Dorian Gray. This affair has become a Picture Of Mesma, where the nastiness and simply preposterous charges she is not-quite-levelling have finally taken their toll on what’s left of her face. Hatred will do that to you. Bushfire Bill Posted Monday, November 26, 2012 at 11:07 am He sold the idea that we should be outraged that someone, particularly a Labor government that “lied” should dare to ask us to consume less. The compensation helped, but on balance I think Abbott scored an own-goal on Carbon Pricing. It’s worked. Mark ‏ Abbott reinforces misogynist credentials by describing a naturally higher frequency female voice as "shrill" ...a pejorative term!! #a Whit Goughlam ‏ Abbott, verbals Bill Shorten, gets called out, turns and walks away, a coward and a low life. #skynews Malcolm Farr ‏ There is no doubt TAbbott will never give JGillard the benefit of the doubt. The Punch: The Opposition will keep this witch hunt trouble bubbling, Malcolm Farr Now, as I’ve said repeatedly this week, I am prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt,” the Opposition Leader told reporters on Saturday. And the Opposition Leader has no intention of giving Ms Gillard the benefit of the doubt on anything. Abbott denies union crackdown linked to PM The coalition plans to introduce a private bill to parliament which it says would ensure a level playing field for union leaders and company directors. Mari R ‏ Obviously Phil hasn't read the Newspoll, mind U a bit hard to find in MSM today isn't it? 13 %lead for PM over TA No smoking gun but loaded words have already damaged Gillard, Phillip Coorey Liberals call on PM to explain AWU fund action, Michelle Grattan Team Abbott should chart a new course, Katharine Murphy Yes, I know the negative politicking is putting the Coalition on track for victory. I know elections can be won purely on the crush-your-opponent formula. But it's a diminishing process, this. Ross Bowler ‏ So former Asbestos defence lawyer Julie Bishop, accused of altering Hansard & twice accused of plagiarism, is still running a Smear Campaign Stephen Koukoulas Treasurer Swan on the Commonwealth Govt bond market: Worth a read … About the House ‏@AboutTheHouse Good morning. Here's what's happening in the House for the final sitting week of the year. … Doctors take aim at 'vaccine objectors', ABC Doctors and scientists are launching a campaign aimed at parents who refuse to have their children immunised. The Australian Academy of Science, with the support of the Australian Medical Association, have published a booklet explaining why vaccinations are so important. grace pettigrew ‏ Windsor supports PM: … :):):):):):)


26/11/2012So we come to the last week of Parliament. In an Aussie Rules metaphor, we're 4 minutes from three-quarter time. 2 goals 2 behinds down but closing continuously since before half-time, and winning all positions except AS, (not Evans' fault though, High Court most of all imo). The best performers, Roxon, Combet and the rest are growing in stature and performance all the time. No Opposition players are starring at all, POO-POO is a national joke and Turdball a confounding distraction. Slipper and Thomson are uncertain assets but I personally believe they will be helpful to us. What will Question Time bring today? A showdown? A feint until tomorrow? Thursday is Break-Up and they all pretend love and goodwill, but don't take your eyes off the game for the next few days Folks. Because whoso wins this week will feel a lift over the long break. And I think Julie Bishop is liable to be sidelined with a corked groin, this very day. Just a hunch. 2 Goals 2 Behinds down, with 4 minutes to go to the 3-quarter time break. Labor Members won't be on holiday much though! And then come the next sitting in February it'll be on for young and old as they say. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just saw Abbortt as an Ambassador for White Ribbon Day! Irony knows no limits with this bloke. And some people are happy to suck it up. Like those who watch American *wrestling* knowing it's all BS but somehow believing it anyhow. Beware of Combet today, you Abbortt and you Bishop, I think you might see Clark Kent's alter ego and there will be NOTHING you can do. Cos you've asked for it now! ZAP! Whack! Ka-POW!


26/11/2012jason @10.12am, and if you remember their great Constitution expert Brandis couldn't work out what the Constitution had to say about minority governments, or so he said. Which gave Liealot the excuse to weasel out of negotiating with the Independents and start his meme that the Gillard minority government was illegal and crank up the echo chamber to support his demands for another election IMMEDIATELY!!!! He obviously had no intention of keeping to any deal he made with the Independents, which they sussed the minute he opened his lying gob. That's why he had Brandis scurrying around looking for an out in the Constitution. [quote]I am always reluctant to join bandwagons.[/quote] He invented the things, Nas! Lovely to see the bear again. How are you both? TS, interesting to see that ToM has latched onto another Liars talking point wrt the alleged slush fund. Why would the PM or S&G have been obliged to advise the AWU about the work done for Wilson and Blewitt? The AWU was not her client in the matter, so she would have been in breach of client confidentiality to advise them. And as it was the police who told her about the embezzlement of funds, it was a pretty safe assumption that the AWU already knew about it. But of course little things like the facts have never been a factor to consider for ToM. TT, Mesma should be very afraid. The PM will make mincemeat out of her. It'll be hamburgers for dindins tonight.


26/11/2012Mari R ‏@randlight Evidently Tony Abbott & LNP front bench not present when the Govt made an apology to the ADF people who had suffered abuse. WHAT A DISGRACE


26/11/2012Not sure if this has been posted before but the PM has called a pre-question time press conference at 1pm.

Tom of Melbourne

26/11/2012[i]” He obviously had no intention of keeping to any deal he made with the Independents,[/i]” Now that is genuinely hilarious!! Given that Gillard broke her written commitment, and Abbott hasn’t yet had the chance. Jane, your over the top, one sided/lop sided commentary is always a pleasure to read, it is just so entertaining! ------------------- [i] The AWU was not her client in the matter[/i] Are you sure? In any event, the AWU were the client of her employer, they paid the bills, that’s why her employer was so cross with her about not opening a file. If Gillard was taking private clients, ones with interests that were opposed to the interests of the fee paying client… I think that’s what is known as a conflict of interest. It all just continues to illustrate the character of Gillard.


26/11/2012Our peregrinacious Lyn has received this Crispmess Cake recipe that sounds and looks amazing, here's the link Matter of fact I want one NOW!


26/11/2012 Hi Lyn...I noticed you posted this useful tweet: [b]Abbott reinforces misogynist credentials by describing a naturally higher frequency female voice as "shrill" ...a pejorative term!! #a[/b] Abbott can't help certain points he has to release his rancid inner-YUCK It's a vile PATTERN OF BEHAVIOUR. N'


26/11/2012 Hi jane! Nice to hear from you...I've been on Facebook. Nomad me. :D [b]Which gave Liealot the excuse to weasel out of negotiating with the Independents and start his meme that the Gillard minority government was illegal and crank up the echo chamber to support his demands for another election IMMEDIATELY!!!![/b] He must be severely disappointed then...scowling and prowling about...waiting...waiting...watching policy ball/bill speed past him...into the goal. SCORE SCORE SCORE...GILLARD SCORES AGAIN! Must be extremely frustrating...barely landing a blow...rarely scoring a the odd own goal. N'


26/11/2012LiR That'd be 1 PM EST, Any minute now, tx 4 the heads up! What will *J*U*L*I*A* say? This might be amazing I think.

Janet (@j4gypsy)

26/11/2012 The Powerfox knocked it out of the field! The Ranga Gillarded 'em good and proper. What a presser. Loved the way she kept grinning and some of the put-downs were so sweeet. She knows she's on a great big roll! 'I feel better now'. Dum de dum de dum


26/11/2012ToM, Why is it that you're just as grubby a character as Blewitt? Smear & lies that's all you have!


26/11/2012Dave McRae‏@DaveMcRae Calling time of death 13:50pm, after a long debilitating illness @GeorgeBludger Australian Journalism. RIP Nov 2012 #mediafail #PMPresser


26/11/2012 [b]The Powerfox knocked it out of the field! The Ranga Gillarded 'em good and proper. What a presser. Loved the way she kept grinning and some of the put-downs were so sweeet. She knows she's on a great big roll! 'I feel better now'. Dum de dum de dum[/b] Janet, couldn't have put it better meself :D What a grubby bunch of tabloid predators so much of the MSM are here...on full display once again. Think of all the REAL ISSUES they could be dealing with...but no...they'd rather act like a bunch of starved wolves...try to take a bite or twelve outa the PM...try to bring her down...or distract her. Well, it ain't workin'...this piss weak bunch come across as stragglers...left behind by the best of the bunch...many retired now...some unwilling to participate in such an inglorious hunt. Once again that particular press pack are left looking desperate, moronic...and foolish. Helping to turn even more readers and listeners away. Well done good lady. A true warrior thou art. N'


26/11/2012TT She was incredible. She answered everything. The problem is that the MSM want her to say that in hindisght, she should have had hindsight, before hindsight was able to be had. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. Julie Bishop needs a toungue lashing.


26/11/2012 Jason @ November 26. 2012 02:07 PM LUV IT :D N'


26/11/ we finally know ToM's employment...He must be a pediatrician...we can conclude this fact because he must have had to borrow the feet of a couple of dozen of his customers so he could count to 268!


26/11/2012 Julie Bishop's highly anticipated onslaught today: 1. damp squib A type of firework (squib) that has become wet (damp). Basically, a dissapointment. (Urban dictionary) Leaving the Coalition led by Tony Abbott looking like a soggy, smelly sock. N'


26/11/2012Well....After that presser AND that question time in parls'...all I can say is that if the oppos'n AND the MSM AND all the sundry trolls desire to see more still than what was shown today, they take their concluded images with themselves and a soft torchlight under their bed-clothes and WANK THEMSELVES SILLY!!..because THAT is all the satisfaction they are liable to get from any further chatter on the for Blewitt, if he isn't already at the airport, ticket and small-change in hand waiting for the boading call for his exit..then my estimation of the skills and capacity of crooks and fraudsters to slip quickly and quietly away will have diminished something cronic!

42 long

26/11/2012Fortuitously I happened to watch both the press meeting and QT. Not the LNP's best day.... Many will cover it but the best line was as Gillard moved to end it at 3.10 to say "for the benefit of radio listeners that the LOTO WAS present in the chamber at Q T" Good!

Ad astra reply

26/11/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for your Twitterverse and thank you all for your comments. I missed JG’s presser, but saw QT. It must be embarrassing for Coalition backbenchers to see every question asked on just one subject by just one person, her face distorted with vitriol. Julia Gillard waved away her contorted questions with disdain and an ever-so-knowing smile on her face. Strategically, Bishop and the Opposition have been left at the starting gate. They will not catch her now. I was amused but Craig Emerson’s quip that in over 1000 days there had not been one question from the Opposition about Trade. He pointed out that in that time Captain Cook had sailed to Australia, discovered Botany Bay, sailed on to Pacific islands and back to England! And this is Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition! Nasking Good to see you back in full flight.


26/11/2012 Classic!: [quote]The bete noire of Australian politics — the carbon tax — has come in from the cold. [b]The latest poll by Essential Research has found that for the first time in a long time, more people support the carbon tax (46%) than oppose it (44%). [/b] While net support is at a wafer-thin +2%, it’s the first time since at least March 2011 that the carbon tax has more fans than critics. [b]The carbon tax is now significantly more popular than its chief detractor, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. Support for Abbott is at -31% (voter satisfaction compared to dissatisfaction, in today’s Newspoll published in The Australian).[/b][/quote] AND: [quote]The public was less confident of the Coalition’s promises to repeal other Labor reforms, however. Voters were split on whether the Coalition would repeal the mining tax (35% said the Coalition wouldn’t repeal it if elected, 33% said they would) —  [b]and the poll found the mining tax was fairly popular, with 63% support compared to 22% who didn’t like it. [/b] Just 18% of respondents thought the Coalition would repeal the national broadband network if elected, while more than half thought they probably wouldn’t. The Coalition has criticised the NBN and proposed replacing it with a less costly mix of technologies. [b]Those polled have taken a shine to the NBN, with 69% in favour and 20% against[/b].[/quote] Now we know why the Abbott-led Coalition has become so desperate...using tabloid-like behaviour and accusations in order to distract from Abbott's lack of popularity...and his over-the-top carbon price attack strategy turning out to be a FIZZER. And it seems, choosing Turnbull to push the "demolish" the NBN campaign. A choice it seems almost as effective as Barnaby Joyce as shadow finance minister. And obviously Abbott brown nosing the greed machine mining barons has gone down like a dog turd on a barbee. Looks like that rotten lemon with accompanying note ON YER BIKE could be delivered into Tony's Xmas stocking yet. By Joe? N"

Sir Ian Crisp

26/11/2012[quote][i]Weren’t you the one who didn’t understand Fair Work laws regarding guilty until proven innocent? No. Jane Do you mean her dumb blonde idea of the presumption of innocence, SIC? No doubt insisting that the provision of evidence to support one's case in a court of law is another example of Roxon's dumb blonde ideas? And that unsupported and untested allegations don't constitute proof? And here's me thinking that our legal system has held these tenets for centuries, not just the last few days. I bow humbly to your superior knowledge. jane [/i][/quote] [quote][b]Currently Mr Ashby is taking legal action against Mr Slipper. Mr Ashby is using s351 of the Fair Work Act. Section 351 of the Act uses “the reverse onus of proof” rule which means the respondent - Mr Slipper - is presumed guilty. As you well know the ALP drafted the Fair Work Act but I’m assuming no one told our AG, Nicola Roxon. Here is an example of a case that applied s351 of the FWA: Summary; In that case the court noted that where an employee argues that there has been a breach of the act, then it follows that s361 of the Fair Work Act (FWA) is enlivened. This means that there is a presumption in favour of the employee making a compliant (sic) that the facts are true. There is a reverse onus on the employer to rebut that presumption. s. 361 Reason for action to be presumed unless proved otherwise (1) If: (a) in an application in relation to a contravention of this Part, it is alleged that a person took, or is taking, action for a particular reason or with a particular intent; and (b) taking that action for that reason or with that intent would constitute a contravention of this Part; it is presumed, in proceedings arising from the application, that the action was, or is being, taken for that reason or with that intent, unless the person proves otherwise. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to orders for an interim injunction Sir Ian Crisp [/b][/quote] Yes, it was you Jane. Jane, our community is made up of about three (3) groups: a) Those that make it happen b) Those that watch it happe c) Those that have no clue about what is happening Jane, sadly your rightful and earned place is in group three (3) and your group resides in Boeotia.

42 long

26/11/2012He would have to be desperate NOW. How would you laugh all that off ? It's ALL your own work Tony. "The next election will be on the CARBON TAX." HMMM! Julia did the "presser well" I couldn't do it. Just the right amount of distain and control. Dismissed Gratten so quickly I didn't catch it. Some of the questions were contorted and mealy mouthed. Surely the MSM must exhibit some sense of shame and failure. They can't be that out of touch with reality.


26/11/2012 Cheers Ad...thought I'd pop in before you went on a well-deserved break. Been fun :D [b]I was amused but Craig Emerson’s quip that in over 1000 days there had not been one question from the Opposition about Trade. He pointed out that in that time Captain Cook had sailed to Australia, discovered Botany Bay, sailed on to Pacific islands and back to England! And this is Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition![/b] Got me chuckling too...the ALP were on fire today...Combet got me larfing too when he thanked Turnbull for making the meaning of "mendacity" clear...used in relation to Abbott's approach to the carbon price (from what I recall). men·dac·i·ty/menˈdasitē/ Noun: Untruthfulness. Synonyms: falsehood - lying - falsity - lie - untruth (Google) A poor performance by the Coalition today...most squirming in their seats...looking as bored as housewives waiting for their John Howard clones to come home. Abbott hid like an accountant who'd neglected to shower and use deodorant. Mr. Popularity. "You do the work today Julie...I've got a stench about me". N'


26/11/2012 Had me in stitches...I applauded at this point: [quote]Ms Gillard used her press conference to hit back at Mr Blewitt, arguing he lacks credibility. "Mr Blewitt is a man who has publicly said he was involved in fraud. Mr Blewitt is a man who has sought immunity from prosecution," Ms Gillard said. "Mr Blewitt is a man who has fled Indonesia to avoid a police interview in relation to land fraud, although he denies wrongdoing in the case. Mr Blewitt says he owes money on another Asian land deal. "Mr Blewitt admits to using the services of prostitutes in Asia. Mr Blewitt has published lewd and degrading comments - and accompanying photographs - of young women on his Facebook page. "Mr Blewitt, according to people who know him, has been described as a complete imbecile, an idiot, a stooge, a sexist pig, a liar, and his sister has said he's a crook and rotten to the core. "His word against mine? Make your mind up."[/quote] Simply brilliant...from the warrior queen. :D N'


26/11/2012jane, Dame Ian Crisp can't even be relied upon to quote me correctly even when he wants to make fun of me! No doubt she's trying to verbal you as well! Forget her silly title as I think all members of the "knights Templar" bestow such useless titles upon themselves!


26/11/2012 Hehe: [b]The Prime Minister brushed the questions away, arguing she had "just dealt" with them in her press conferences today as well as in August. "This is bordering on the embarrassing," she said, suggesting that the Coalition were presenting conspiracy theories. "I didn't fake the moon landing." Ending question time, Ms Gillard also pointed out that Mr Abbott had not asked a single question. "For the benefit of those listening on radio, I can confirm the Leader of the Opposition was present in question time today," she said.[/b] Great pic at that site of Julie Bishop doing her impression of a pissed off nanny on an Abbott minuscule/minimum wage. N'

Sir Ian Crisp

26/11/2012[quote][i]jane, [b]Dame Ian Crisp can't even be relied upon to quote me correctly even when he wants to make fun of me![/b] No doubt she's trying to verbal you as well! Forget her silly title as I think all members of the "knights Templar" bestow such useless titles upon themselves! Jason [/i][/quote] You don't need my help to make an idiot of yourself.


26/11/2012Mark ‏@markjs1 RT @leighsales: My guest tonight is former AWU bagman Ralph Blewitt #abc730 >> He's the #ABC 's go-to man when they want the truth!! #auspol


26/11/2012Hi Ad and Everybody You will see below where Julia told Sid Maher off during Presser, also snapped at Michelle Grattan for asking a crazy question. This is Julia’s Press Conference for you:- Furious Gillard fires back over AWU claims, Simon Cullen, ABC Video A fired-up Julia Gillard has delivered another spirited defence against suggestions she was involved in any wrongdoing in relation to a union slush fund nearly two decades ago. Talk Turkey the Xmas Cake receipt by Joan looks absolutely scrumptious. Think I will make it on my holidays. Khtag thankyou for telling me about honey. I did an ebay search and found these 3 links. What do you think of them. MANUKA ALTERNATIVE ACTIVE AAH NZ THYME HONEY 500G INTRO PRICE FREE POSTAGE, AU $29.80 BYRON BAY MACADAMIA HONEY100% PURE RAW NATURAL AUSTRALIAN HONEY, AU $7.99 Natural Organic Australian Native TEA TREE Honey AU $5.00 Twitterati Julia’s Presser and Question Time:- Bushfire Bill Posted Monday, November 26, 2012 at 3:49 pm I guess what they’re trying to accuse Gillard of is tricking, or being negligently careless that other might trick the WA Registrar of Associations into thinking the AWU “association” was a kosher one under the rules pertaining to such entities. The reason you might wish to include “AWU” into such an association’s name was so that an account could be opened, and cheques deposited into it looking like they had been donated to the AWU for “workplace safety” reasons. Peter van Onselen ‏ I just had it confirmed by a senior CBA source that they DO NOT keep bank records for 17yrs, as the PM stated... Greg Jericho ‏ Gillard: "What is the big deal?". Press Gallery: Crickets... Wendy ‏ 'What is the big deal?' PM asks. Press go strangely quiet... AshGhebranious ‏ Here is the article the PM is referring too Yes... 2007. Yes. coalition with a dirt file #auspol #abcnews24 Wolf Cocklin ‏ ROFL PM says Com bank doesn't keep records from 17 years ago, but the Oz says S&G are part of a doc destroying conspiracy Shane Bazzi ‏ PM Gillard: "Sid, with respect, you completely misunderstand everything to do with this matter and maybe that explains some things for us" 3AW Melbourne ‏ PM Gillard on Ralph Blewitt: ‘His sister says he is a crook and rotten to the core. His word against mine. Make your mind up Peter van Onselen ‏ Presumably Julie Bishop will now call a press conference as promised? And so more reporting begins. Ben Packman’s article is incorrect and has misconstrued Julia’s answers. My word against that of a 'liar, sexist pig, imbecile', make your mind up: PM , Judith Ireland The prime minister said when Mr Abbott and his deputy Julie Bishop were asked to articulate what it was she had allegedly done wrong ‘‘they are unable to do so’’. Julia Gillard hits back over slush fund, saying she didn't need the AWU executive's approval ,November 26, 2012 3:12PM , Ben Packman Gillard launches counter-attack over AWU claims, Business Spectator Impressive Gillard attack narrows target for critics, Michelle Grattan Of course her critics won't be satisfied, and will throw up more questions. But Gillard has narrowed their opportunity to get fresh momentum. Question Time:- Politics live: November 26, 2012, Included Julia’s Presser and all the journalists questions: live coverage of politics from the national capital. All times in AEDST. She's pressed by Sid Maher from The Australian. The establishment of this entity required a resolution. The Prime Minister doesn't think it did. Mr Maher persists. Don't hector me Sid, she says. Agnes Mack ‏ #qt As @GMegalogenis tweeted Opp'n has endorsed PM's mysogyny speech by having JBishop replace Abbott as shouter-in-chief Agnes Mack ‏ #qt Julie Bishop now trying to ping the PM for allowing two AWU officials to breach AWU rules...JB clearly too busy to follow presser Marian Dalton ‏ JBishop, supplementary: now openly questioning the PM's credibility. #qt Agnes Mack ‏ #qt.Bishop tries to table letter from WA police. Albo refuses & tables more JB/asbestos stuff. Marian Dalton ‏ BBishop imputes that PM 'has something to hide' and says she is not fit to be PM. #qt Marian Dalton ‏ Albo again tables an article about JBishop's association with James Hardie. #qt Agnes Mack ‏ #qt PM quotes number of false statements from Julie Bishop. ... When we were last dealing with this Dep LOTO mislead parlt 3 times Eschertology ‏ Julia wiping the floor with JBish - and J Bish keeps coming back for more - must be a masochist or insane #QT Agnes Mack ‏ #qt Strange Julie Bishop & Opp'n don't realise they were gazumped by that presser. All questions asked and answered already Latika Bourke ‏ PM Gillard's parting shot, ends #QT and for benefit of radio listeners would like to assure OL Tony Abbott was present today. :):):):):):)


26/11/2012 I see SLY/SKY NEWS is providing Julie Bishop with an opportunity to pour mud on the PM again...this coming smugly from a woman with the ethics of a hungry snake if you look at her past work. Why doesn't it surprise me the 'dirt file' Liberals are working in league with the Murdoch empire and its associates? Why would the Murdoch associates be so desperate? AHHH: [b]In this context, it’s worth remembering the Met’s Sue Akers told the Leveson inquiry last February that police had uncovered a network of public servants whom The Sun was paying for information, and that moles in the police, military, government, health and prison services had been all pocketing the Dirty Digger’s cash. “There also appears to have been a culture at The Sun of illegal payments,” Akers told Leveson. “And systems have been created to facilitate those payments, whilst hiding the identity of the officials receiving the money.” On that basis it seems inevitable more high-ranking editorial executives at Britain’s top-selling tabloid will soon be in the dock if the police get their way. All this is likely to stir up the Department of Justice in the United States, which has been leading an investigation into possible breaches by News Corporation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977. Given a significant amount of money is involved, that Murdoch’s former British CEO is one of the accused, and that a Ministry of Defence official has allegedly been bribed, it will be much harder for the DoJ to ignore. Its investigation is still likely to drag on for years and ultimately be settled by fines not prison sentences if offences are found — but it now seems less likely News will escape scot free.[/b] Bring an inquiry to Australia...and you'll probably find similar behaviour. N'


26/11/2012I have a confession to make..Fellow Swordsters..: Sir Ian Crisp didn't get that moniker by deed-poll..that was a fib!...I confess..BUT...How he DID get it is like this..: It was bestowed upon him by the Flat-Bookies at Moonie Valley Race-course, because he would turn up every race-day and proceed to bet AND do his dough with brand-new spanky-crisp banknotes!...Some of the bookies' touts even changed "Ian" to "Iron" as they laughed when they took his money saying it looked " if he ironed the notes crisp!" The "Sir" was bestowed upon him later by a grateful coiterie of bookies thanking him for "donating so generously to their favourite charity!.....: Themselves." "Ah!" they'd say "Here comes Sir Ian Crisp to make another donation to the bookies pension fund...God bless him!" And THAT'S the truth!


26/11/2012Abbott didn't say "died of shame" but he might as well have. In responding to the Prime Minister's eulogy to a recently-deceased Whitlam government Labor minister, Shouldabeen slipped in that he was the 'last of a dying breed of honorable Labor men' (paraphrased). Yep, find a new depth of snide crassness to sink to, Tony Abbott will already be there.


26/11/2012Michael, He almost repeated his jibe from Friday about Bryce Courtney's death and wtte of how he came to this country the right way. Today he only said he wasn't born here.


26/11/2012What's the point of having an 'as it unfolds' blog like this: if the person writing it puts this down: "Question Time has opened with a condolence motion for Joe Riordan, the former secretary of the Federated Clerks Union and a minister in the Whitlam Government. Both Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott have kind remarks noting his passing on November 18." which demonstrates all over again the free passes that mainstream media constantly give Abbott. His last dig at contemporary Labor politicians in the name of Joe Riordan was in no way a "kind remark". Does nobody get this bloke!!?? He's a vicious, small-minded boofhead. In his own words, out of his own mouth.


26/11/2012 Doesn't look good for 'Dirt file' Julie...zoom in and check out the folder title: Peta and Julie...slithering through the mud partners in disposable ethics N'


26/11/2012ToM, the fact remains that in the matter of the work she did for Wilson and Blewitt, they were her clients, not the AWU and they paid the bill. That the AWU was a client of S&G had no bearing on the matter, neither did the fact that Wilson was an office bearer in the AWU. It may surprise you to know that lawyers in large firms do have their own clients. The partners expect them to bring new clients into the firm. Wilson and Blewitt did not get Gillard to do the work for the AWU as that body's representatives. Rationalise all you like, the FACTS are that Gillard acted properly. She completed her role and had no further involvement. She was at no time instructed to oversee the association nor the bank accounts. Neither was she involved in any aspect of the purchase and settlement of Blewitt's property. Conveyancing was carried out by another S&G staff member who worked in the conveyancing department housed in another building. Nice try but still no cigar. Acquaint yourself with the facts, not dingbat factoids. Nas' @1.00pm, lol. You're on fire. [quote]Looks like that rotten lemon with accompanying note ON YER BIKE could be delivered into Tony's Xmas stocking yet.[/quote] ROFLMAO, Nas. Janet @2.05pm, PM:1,000,000, Liars:-1,000,000. rofl. Jason @2.07pm, +1. Will there be a viewing of the corpse? LIR, Bishop, J just needs a good lashing. Ad astra, perhaps someone should warn Bishop, J that her face will stay that way if the wind changes. lol


26/11/2012Hi Lyn All 3 look nice. MANUKA ALTERNATIVE ACTIVE AAH NZ THYME HONEY 500G INTRO PRICE FREE POSTAGE This would be like our leatherwood, very strong flavour. If you can find it combed honey is the absolute best[honey still in the honey comb]& the healthiest, when bees seal the honey cell they use a natural anti fungal/bacterial component to keep it in the best condition for later use in the coming winter. This is unfortunately removed by all processes that give you container honey. Combed honey is also like chewing gum when you eat it, as the wax combines into a chewy lump that can either be swallowed or discarded. I would love to send you some when I have it, if you wouldn't mind asking Ad to pass on my email address at his convenience. It would be my greatest pleasure to repay you in some way for the job you do for us all. I do have to remove a very large comb in the next few weeks from my falls hive. It might not be warm but it will be very fresh. I loved the PM's presser, she finally put a rocket up the so call press gallery, peanut gallery in my books. To put Grattan in her place like that was a yrs highlight.


26/11/2012 [b]Nice try but still no cigar. Acquaint yourself with the facts, not dingbat factoids.[/b] Spot on on. And LOL :D Julie Bishop said on SLY NEWS they were "just setting the scene"...much more to come. Why do I get the feeling we're about to see the Coalition's version of 'Ishtar'? BELLYFLOP!!! N'


26/11/2012Michel @5:36pm Absolutely agree that last remark from TAbbott after the words for Joe Riordon shows what an absolute low life he really is. it was not appropriate, and down right disrespectful. But there yah go - this guy is supposed to be a credible alternative PM....what a joke.

42 long

26/11/2012I think the Liar's are so intense and soreheaded that they will not accurately gauge the public reaction to this smear campaign. To be worthwhile it has to be a vote winner. Abbotts comment on the Joe Riorden matter showed NO CLASS at all. Trying to score a political low hit point that way is OFF. really. This guy has to go regardless. Julie Bishop is not nice either. Don't think either of them would score highly in the world of diplomacy. Funny innit? Bishop Abbott Bishop, all church office titles. I never hear the angels singing. Julia really has the worst workplace in the world. A couple of real smiles to day. She deserves it. What sort of low types gain power by destroying the reputations of others? virtually exclusively as a method


26/11/2012Talk Turkey, were you time travelling this morning? I know I get confused with our three hours difference from EST, but surely you wrote these brilliant lines [u]before[/u] the PM spoke to the media and then in QT? Or was it as you watched her? Wasn't she magnificent? And wasn't that great political theatre she and her team laid on for us? [i]Ooh Mesma! You've asked for it now! You've asked for it now! You've asked for it now! I've been smeared as a Witch, as a Bitch and a Cow, But you've smeared me as CROOKED! You've asked for it now! By the set of my jaw, by the glint in my eyes, By the cut of my lip, by the voice you despise, I will teach you what cartoonists mean by Ka-POW! Cos OOOHH Mesma! You've asked for it now![/i]

Ad astra reply

26/11/2012Folks I have just posted [i[So the globe is warming after all[/i]. Hi Lyn Could you please repost your 5.01 PM post here.

Tom of Melbourne

26/11/2012Jane, you should stop being so blinkered. The reason that these firms require files is to ensure that the equity partners can review them…and make sure that the work is appropriate and that conflicts of interest do not arise. Clearly in this case Gillard created a conflict of interest. This was a result of a combination of incompetence, oversight, neglect, deliberate concealment. All of which are characteristics she has shown repeatedly since then. Abbott was manager of a concrete plant at some point. If there had been fraud under his watch, by his partner, I think you’d be having a pretty good look at the issue. Equally, if his slush fund had been to attack a union, rather than Hanson, that too would generate some discussion. Scrutinising the past behaviour of leaders is fair, because pat behaviour represents their character.


26/11/2012ToM, "Clearly in this case Gillard created a conflict of interest. This was a result of a combination of incompetence, oversight, neglect, deliberate concealment." Do you plan to say and prove this in a court of law under your real name? Or act like a convicted sex offender and hide in the shadows?

Tom of Melbourne

26/11/2012Summary of an uninterrupted TPS thread… Contributor 1 - I love Our Prime Minister. Contributor 2 – She’s a genuine beauty with so much natural charm Contributor 3 – I agree with Contributor 1. Contributor 4 – I hate Abbott! Contributor 1 – Contributor 4 is absolutely right. Contributor 3 - I agree with Contributor 1. Contributor 1 - I love Our Prime Minister. Contributor 2 – She’s a genuine beauty with so much natural charm Contributor 3 – I agree with Contributor 1. Contributor 4 – I hate Abbott! Contributor 1 – Contributor 4 is absolutely right. Contributor 3 - I agree with Contributor 1.


26/11/2012That link to the photo of Credlin and Mesma, don't just look at Credlin's folder, check the "jewellery" on her wrist, it looks like something out of Mad Max! And while you're there check her [i]moustache[/i]. She looks like a budding Johnny Depp! Patricia said [i]Talk Turkey, were you time travelling this morning?[/i] Well, I have brought my Eye of Time to a tight focus on these last few days, and just as I have been spot on in my long-range prognostications, (by reason that I think I have always read *J*U*L*I*A*s fighting abilities aright), so I had only to put myself in her mind, she could hardly have felt other than the way I projected. It's always her I'm really proud of, I preen myself a little for getting things so dam right but it's only because she has lived right up to my hopes, nay, expectations - and Abbortt has lived 'way down to my expectations of him. We are EXACTLY where I have always thought we would and should be at this stage, I am very comfortable with our position as we near the last long break. You can't score Own Goals in Aussie Rules but you sure can in Politics and Mesma kicked one today.


26/11/2012Well having witnessed ToM of Melbourne's twin brother on 730 report I can now see why he's so neurotic! yet here was I thinking it was that he just didn't know how to hide "cousin" Larry Pickering!


26/11/2012Ohh, Talk Turkey. I think I'm in lurve, what a brilliant piece of poetry. Bishop is finally meeting the fate that she deserves, sliding into the abyss that she thought was reserved for the poor bastards that she denied compensation for when she worked for CSR. She obsfucated as she watched them die in order to deny the victims of asbestos their rightfull compensation. She's starting to make the member for Indi look like a compassionate human being.


26/11/2012And having watched her performance today in QT the "death stare" has become a comedy routine surely designed to do what? Cover her embarrassment perhaps at the vacuous stupidity of her behaviour and her kow-tow to the leader who has chucked her the bucket of manure and told her to turn it into gold.


26/11/2012 Well, I just watched 7:30 and all I learnt was Blewitt comes across as a grubby character whose flight and hotels are being paid by an obsessive. I felt like I was watching some crappy Channel Nine Current Affairs tabloid pap. Leigh Sales should have better things to do... but I guess hopping on board the sleaze model train is an addiction these days... NINE, Seven and Murdoch and shock jocks having trampled all over themselves acting like crazed kids at the playground in order to get attention from an increasingly bored audience, readership... and so it's not surprising that Fairfax, a Fairfax-run and Murdoch-influenced ABC and increasingly desperate TEN should dive into the muddy playground and come out looking just as grubby and mud-smeared...and foolish. Nothing like wasting the public's the hope you'll come out on top. King of the castle. Time for a media inquiry I reckon...this place has the UK infection obviously. Pathetic. Sadly, I think Sales has hooked into her past...seems to have worked for NINE. I guess it's hard to shrug off that kind of fever when you've got Gillard-haters poking you left, right and centre. I'm thinking the ABC could use a real flush. I'm still wondering why they put one-tenth the effort into exposing the lies and BS in the run-up to the Iraq War. And Abbott's slush fund. Oh, that's coming is it? YEA...RIGHT. I won't hold my breath. Not with so much misogyny and union-hating around. And child-like behaviour...everyone trying to be Rupert. Well guess what kids...Rupert's crown is made of paper-mâché. N'


26/11/2012LIR, I find nothing surprising in Liealot's disrespect of Joe Riordan. Remember his snide remarks at Margaret Whitlam's funeral? There was no conflict of interest. Gillard had no interest in either the AWU or Wilson's and Blewitt's partnership. Your analogy using Tony Abbott is foolish for several reasons. You say that Tony Abbott and his partner work for a cement company and the partner embezzles funds from their mutual employer. In that event, Tony Abbott would come under scrutiny. However, if Tony Abbott worked for a cement company and his partner worked for a building company which dealt with the cement company and the partner embezzled funds from the building company, Tony Abbott could hardly be held responsible. Julia Gillard was employed by Slater and Gordon, one of whose clients was the AWU. Her then boyfriend Bruce Wilson, worked for the AWU. She did some legal work for Wilson and his coworker Ralph Blewitt incorporating the AWU Workplace Reform Association. Subsequently Wilson and Blewitt embezzled money from the Association bank accounts, although there is some doubt that the money was in fact the AWU's. To claim that this is somehow Gillard's responsibility is ludicrous; it implies that she knew the pair planned to embezzle money from the accounts and was a party to it, when there is absolutely no evidence to support the claim, just as there is absolutely no evidence whatever that Gillard knew that Wilson was a crook and that he intended to embezzle from the Association bank accounts. Ultimately, Wilson and Blewitt are responsible for what they did, Gillard is not.


27/11/2012SIC, when you can provide concrete evidence that untested allegations have been accepted as proof of wrong doing by the courts or the cops, let me know. Anyone can make allegations, they can take them to court, but unless they can provide credible evidence that their allegations are in fact true, they have to take their bat and ball and go home. You are talking about an interview of Roxon by Emma Alberici on Lateline, where Alberici was attempting to ambush Roxon into publicly commenting on the Slipper-Ashby case while it was being heard. Roxon refused to comment because she considered it was improper.

Tom of Melbourne

27/11/2012Wrong Jane. Slater & Gordon confirmed this mornign that it was a conflict of interest.

Sir Ian Crisp

29/11/2012[quote][i]The other similarity between Breivik and sic(k) Ian Crisp is they both like John Howard's policies. By the way, the Sir in Ina Crisp's name is probably illegal unless he has changed is name by deed poll or was knighted prior to the introduction of the Australian Honours System. On the balance of probability that neither of these options have happened - someone who is regularly committing an illegal act has no basis to criticise or comment on what anyone else does! 2353 [/i][/quote] Don’t put me in the slow learner group. When I settled on the Sir Ian Crisp moniker I was ‘young and naive’ (where have I heard that before?) and as we know there can be no illegality if you admit to being ‘young and naive’:)
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?