The worst Opposition Leader in Australian political history

It really would be a one horse race if such a trophy were to be awarded. Tony Abbott would be so far in front it would be declared ‘no contest’. What is it that earns him such a dishonorable label? This piece puts together the pieces of this grotesque jigsaw, so grotesque that the prospect of Abbott becoming PM is abhorrent not just to Labor supporters, but to a significant proportion of Coalition supporters as evidenced by his relatively poor rating as preferred PM compared with the strong support for the Coalition in the same poll. Among those polled who want the Coalition, most prefer to not have its leader.

This piece sets out to support the contention that Tony Abbott is the worst Opposition Leader in Australian political history with evidence derived from his eighteen months in the job, and then compares his record with Opposition Leaders from past eras.

As predicted way back when he was elected to Leader of the Coalition in The pugilistic politician, he has been relentlessly pugilistic in his approach since unexpectedly being elevated to Leader. He has aggressively attacked Julia Gillard and her Government over and again, calling her election to prime ministership illegitimate and her Government illegitimate too. He has labeled her Government the worst in Australian political history. This piece returns that ‘compliment’!

We know that politics is a rough and tumble pursuit, and at times brutal. We know that oppositions are entitled to hold governments to account, but does that entitle them to behave like bare knuckle street brawlers, ready to viciously wield offensive weapons if fists won’t do? Is there no room for a modicum of decency, decorum and respect? Judging from Abbott’s behaviour such conduct is strictly restricted to motions of condolence. Even when addressing the same forum as the PM, no matter if this is a social event, Abbott cannot resist the sly, and sometimes not so sly dig, evoking the lame and totally insincere excuse: ‘the devil made me do it’, as he did when he recently took a poke at Kevin Rudd at such a social occasion. He’s very much a believer in the Catholic tradition of confessing ones sins and asking for forgiveness, a poor substitute for behaving properly in the first place.

My condemnation of Abbott comes in several categories:

He exhibits disproportionate aggression towards PM Gillard, and her senior ministers, and engenders the same in others. The inevitable consequence is vitriolic hatred.

One has only to watch Abbott’s face in QT and when he is in full flight with neck veins protruding and rage contorting his face to realize the anger and aggression in the man as he maliciously addresses questions to the PM. Her calmness in response angers him all the more. His pugilism is unbecoming in any potential leader.

If you need any reminding of Abbott’s parliamentary behaviour, take a look at this, yet another quasi censure motion.

How could the electorate choose the floridly aggressive Abbott over the calm Gillard?

This anger has been picked up and amplified by shock jocks like Alan Jones and those who appeared at the carbon tax rallies with their offensive placards that Abbott had as a background as he addressed the throng of angry people full of hate for Julia Gillard.

Cautioned against a repeat performance at the second rally, this is how Abbott urged the participants to ‘keep it civil’!

He couldn’t resist saying that he agreed with a lot of the placards but smilingly added: “some signs I don’t necessarily agree with”. ‘Don’t necessarily’ indeed!

Abbott’s aggression is not recent. In a 2004 article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Kerry-Anne Walsh and Candace Sutton about Abbott’s university days they wrote: "He was a very offensive, a particularly obnoxious sort of guy," said Barbie Schaffer, a Sydney teacher who was at Sydney University with Mr Abbott. He was very aggressive, particularly towards women and homosexuals".

Nothing has changed.

He is nasty. Reflect on the images of him addressing malicious questions in QT, his face contorted with anger, and at times rage when PM Gillard turns her back on his spitefulness. Is that gross degree of malevolence necessary in our political scene?

He is a nasty thug, just as he was in his university days.

Negativity and destructiveness
He is unremittingly negative about almost everything the Government proposes, and fights virtually every attempt of the Government to govern the country. He attempts to obstruct government at every turn. He is destructive. Paul Keating summed him up well: “Give me what I want or I’ll wreck the place”.

Abbott is a target for cartoonists with his No, No, No, to everything. He is determined to get what he wants no matter how much wreckage he leaves in his wake. He has no concern for the welfare of the country or how much destruction he spreads, or how much uncertainty and apprehension and fear he generates, so long as he gets his prize. He wants just one thing, prime ministership and will ruthlessly pursue that no matter what the cost to the nation. That is wholly reprehensible for someone who purports to be acting in the best interests of the nation.

Again, from the SMH article: “Published university reports show that after a narrow defeat in the university senate elections in 1976 - Mr Abbott's first year of an economics-law degree - he kicked in a glass panel door. In the ensuing two years, he was repeatedly accused in the university paper of being a right-wing thug and bully who used sexist and racist tactics to intimidate his opponents.” Has anything changed since then? Same man, same tactics!

Habitual lying
He lies. Every day he is out there distorting the known facts, omitting facts, cherry picking the facts that suit his case, and misrepresenting them. He is a bald-faced liar, yet has the temerity to build his case for another election solely on his assertion that Julia Gillard ‘lied’ to the public about the carbon tax. He lies daily, but insists PM Gillard and her Government ought to be thrown out on the basis of her one ‘lie’.

By his own admission we should not believe him unless what he says is written down, scripted. He has demonstrated the truth of that over and again. Although he shares bipartisan support with Labor for a 5% carbon mitigation target by 2020, he recently described that target as ‘crazy’ to an audience of pensioners. Since that is inconsistent with his own party’s policy, it is a lie, but few pull him up.

Recently on Alan Jones’ program he was drawn by Jones to taking the side of farmers against coal seam gas exploration by stating: "If you don't want something to happen on your land, you ought to have a right to say no" to it being accessed for gas exploration. But by the next day Abbott was telling miners in the West that he supports their rights for exploration. A Coalition spokesman came to his rescue claiming he was only ever talking about farmers' rights on 'prime agricultural land'. Even The Weekend Australian had a headline “Abbott wedged over mines”; wedged by his own lies.

He is opportunistic in the extreme. He doesn’t care what he says, and readily ‘clarifies’ any contradiction the next day as if nothing unusual had happened. If PM Gillard were to go through such contortions she would be condemned by all and sundry.

In response to Nick Minchin urging him to support good policy, in fact policy proposed by John Howard, Abbott stated that in a contest between policy and pragmatism, pragmatism would always win the day. In other words, principle always bows to pragmatism, to opportunism.

He changes position not occasionally, but often, sometimes on the one day, and sees no inconsistency in this. He will say to anyone or any group what he thinks will earn him support, and the opposite to others with the same intent – garnering votes, and often on the same day, richly earning him the ‘weathervane’ tag. And he does this shamelessly, almost thumbing his nose, with a smug smile on his face, at anyone who pulls him up. He is the epitome of hypocrisy.

If you need any reminding of his hypocrisy and weathervane attributes, look at this:

Time wasting
He wastes the time of the parliament with repeated censure motions, stupid questions and points of order in QT. He seems to care nothing about the cost to the nation of having 150 members of the House distracted from governing by his infantile shenanigans. The YouTube clip above of the Abbott motion to suspend standing orders shows this starkly in living colour.

He wastes the time of the media pack every day with his mindless stunts for the evening news: snuggling up to men in hard hats, driving trucks or front end loaders, riding horses, selling bananas, cutting meat or kissing fish. Everything he does subserves just one purpose – getting the keys to The Lodge.

Talks down the economy
He talks the economy down constantly. Consumer and business confidence is down for a number of reasons, many overseas, but some of it can be attributed directly to Abbott’s continual denigration of the economy, his talk of ever increasing prices, household costs and the costs of living, his prediction of massive job losses, whole industries going under and ghost towns, all resulting from a tax on carbon pollution by the big polluters.

Economically illiterate
He is illiterate at economics and bored with it. Worse still, he doesn’t give a damn about this grotesque deficiency in a would-be PM as shown most starkly in his budget reply speech and subsequent press conferences where he handballed the figures to Joe Hockey who in turn passed them onto the hapless Andrew Robb. He is only too willing to hand over financial responsibility to Joe Hockey who has shown by his recent utterances on the subject that he too is either illiterate, or worst still, deceitful in his presentation of financial information, or both. Paul Keating called Abbott an 'intellectual nobody'.

He is incompetent. Have you ever encountered an Opposition Leader so ill equipped for prime ministership? He has almost no policies, what he has exposed have been poorly articulated, inept and subject to change without notice, and he fobs off questions about his policies, plans and budgets with an airy wave of his hand and an assurance that we will be told well before the next election, despite the fact that he insists there must be one right away. He thumbs his nose at those who question him about this, and in turn he thumbs his nose at the electorate. We see his incompetence daily as he avoids the tough interviewers, sidles up to sycophantic shock jocks like Alan Jones, answers questions in press conferences and interviews superficially and often not at all using obfuscatory language, and walks away or becomes mute as soon as the going gets tough.

This attribute was most starkly exhibited in Abbott’s head-nodding encounter with Mark Riley over the ‘shit happens’ remark in Afghanistan.

A most telling indicator of his incompetence was his inability to negotiate an arrangement with the Independents to take over government, where he exposed to them his naked ambition to become PM at any cost – he would do anything they wanted to capture that prize. They saw through him, and contrasted his self-seeking approach with the sincere line of negotiation used by Julia Gillard. He lost.

Before anyone jumps on here and say I’ve said all this before, yes I have. I’ve written: What have we done to deserve an Opposition Leader like Tony Abbott? and If Tony Abbott were PM. Since Abbott repeats his condemnation of PM Gillard and her Government every day, often several times a day, so will I.

Is there any Opposition Leader who was worse? In my opinion, No! Let’s look at a few, beginning with the most recent.

Although many who comment here have little time for Malcolm Turnbull, especially after the disgraceful Grech affair, few would prefer Abbott. Only his party preferred Abbott, by one vote! And that was because of Turnbull’s advocacy for an ETS, which evoked bitter opposition from the climate skeptics that abound in the party room, along with some overt deniers. In my opinion, Turnbull was, and still is far the better man. Whatever downside he has, it could not match Abbott’s.

Brendan Nelson was not a success as Opposition Leader, harassed as he was from day one by Turnbull, who believed that he ought to have had the position. He was kind hearted enough, had difficulty simulating outrage, which comes so naturally to Abbott, and never succeeded in establishing himself before being struck down by Turnbull and an eager media bored by Nelson’s ordinariness. But he was not a nasty or aggressive man; he was simply naïve and ineffectual.

Kevin Rudd was a popular Opposition Leader. He was full of ideas for reform, fresh-faced, energetic, full of enthusiasm and articulate. The contrast with the aging incumbent was stark and politically potent. No matter what people now think about Rudd and his performance as PM, there would be few who could mount a convincing case that he was a worse Opposition Leader than Abbott, no matter how prejudiced.

Kim Beasley was a benign Opposition Leader in both his terms, universally liked as a decent man. Many would criticize him for not being aggressive enough in countering John Howard. He went along with Howard’s ‘Tampa’ escapade, declining to be ‘a carping opposition’. Had he become PM he would have been a decent one, but perhaps his lack of ‘mongrel’ would have been a drawback. Would anyone other than a blind Abbott sycophant believe he was worse than Abbott?

Mark Latham was a mixture. He started well and soon had John Howard on the back foot over parliamentary members’ superannuation. He had many good ideas that he wrote about in his first book, and kept up the pressure on Howard. But he turned out to be a loose cannon, shooting from the hip, notably with his off-the-cuff on air announcement in June 2004 that he would bring back the troops from Iraq by Christmas, a remark that earned him rebukes from US Defence, our own, and many commentators, particularly Paul Kelly who saw this as the beginning of the decline of his leadership. He was abrasive, sometimes pugilistic, often used bad language, and had a fractious relationship with his party members, labelled them in his Latham Diaries as dysfunctional and disloyal, and his campaign staff as non-communicative. He turned out to be an unpleasant man whose judgement was suspect, and in the end after failing to publically express sympathy at the Indonesian tsunami, and several bouts of pancreatitis, he had a giant dummy-spit, resigned and took himself out of the political scene. Despite his many defects, he comes nowhere near Abbott in disingenuousness, aggression, opportunism and plain nastiness. In fact most of his nastiness has emerged in recent times when he took an anti-Gillard, anti-Labor stance in reporting for Channel Nine during the 2010 election.

In my view Simon Crean was a good Opposition Leader, but was hounded from office by poor polling and an antagonistic media which heightened the growing discontent with him within the Labor Party until he was ‘tapped on the shoulder’ and resigned, becoming the first Labor leader not to take his party to an election. While in office he opposed Australia’s involvement in the Iraq War, but was unable to mount serious opposition to it against John Howard, determined as he was to go to war alongside George W Bush. Crean continues to fill a portfolio in the Gillard Government with distinction as Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government. He is always articulate and convincing. He seems to be well liked, and accepted by the regional communities. He certainly has none of the nastiness and naked aggression that Abbott exhibits every day.

To assess other Leaders of the Opposition we need to go back a long while to the days in opposition of John Howard (twice), Alexander Downer, John Hewson, Andrew Peacock (twice), Bill Hayden, Bob Hawke, Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser.  

Any objective appraisal, no matter by whom, could scarcely paint a picture of these men more damning than the portrait Tony Abbott paints of himself every day for all to see – aggressive, nasty, unremittingly negative, destructive, habitually lying, opportunistic, time wasting, talking down the economy, economically illiterate and incompetent. There could scarcely be a more damning catalogue of unpleasant attributes than that.

Of course his supporters regard him as a great leader who has elevated the Coalition close to Government – anything else is purely incidental. Winning is all that counts – no matter how.

The worst Opposition Leader in Australian political history – and the winner, by a country mile, is: TONY ABBOTT.

Is this the man Australian needs or wants as its PM?

What do you think?


Two video clips were offered by contributors to this piece as evidence of Tony Abbott’s propensity for lying. Because of their potency, I add them here as a postscript.

The first is a YouTube clip titled Phoney Tony caught out that captures his infamous interview with Kerry O’Brien in May 2010 where he conceded that he does not always tell the truth, and that his word should be taken only if his message is written down – ‘scripted’. In the last few days though he has gone back on even his written word over ‘pairing’ arrangements in the House of Representatives. Nothing seems to be sacred to him; no lie is too gross for him.

To show that nothing in this man’s lying behaviour has changed since then, take a look at Lyndal Curtis’ interview of him on 25 August this year. Click on the link below:

Lyndal Curtis interview of Tony Abbott 25 August 2011 ABC News 24

Observe his demeanour and language. In a past era, his bearing would have been described as sly and slimy. I can’t think of more suitable words now. Can you?

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21/08/2011AA - well written again. Abbott is a failed Jesuit Priest. The Jesuits have a reputation for victory at all costs while at the same time showing compassion for those that need it. I wonder if Abbott either missed that section of the indoctrination or couldn't grasp it - hence the reason for him being a failed Jesuit Priest.


21/08/2011AA An excellent summary of what a "normal" Opposition leader would not want as his CV. You have mentioned 7 coalitionist leaders here. Six of them I could have suffered as PM and in fact did suffer Howard (suffered a lot!) and Fraser. Suffering Howard was worth it as far as that most enjoyable payoff on election night 2007 goes, however with Tampa, children overboard and "we will decide who comes here......" he left an almost irreparable, disgraceful and bigoted national slant on migration. But as for Abbott, I am actually fearful of what he would do to the nation's psyche, reputation, way of life, and integrity. His defining characteristics of pugilist, fool and liar are indeed a lethal combination. Our real hope is that the coalition supporters who would agree with what you have written remain strong in their dislike of him, and vote otherwise, and that the moderates in the parliamentary liberal party understand this and eventually act on it. At the moment thay are all enjoying the transient adrenalin rush from seeing their boss stand astride the enemy delivering kicks ...... it's up to them to realise that such a style does not behove well for any society.


21/08/2011Hi Ad Another superb piece of work by you, thankyou Ad Astra. Congratulations from all of us. A fine example of the reasons why "The Political Sword" was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. [i]The Political Sword The Political Sword was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly. The publisher's site may provide more current information. Archived 15 Sep 2010 00:00 [/i] Cheers:):):):):):):)


21/08/20112353 I agree. But the most dangerous part of his religious personality is his belief in confession. This is what enables him to do anything "bad" and then for his conscience to be fully relieved by the act of confessing. It was this aspect of RC belief that led that church to treat victims of cleric abuse so poorly. They all focussed on the act as an insult to the "goodness" of God which could be quickly and effectively resolved by the offender priest going to confession. The victims' needs didn't get a look in ..... they were obviously quite OK because it was not them who had offended the "goodness of God". For an excellent appraisal of this, see the book by a former RC archbishop of Sydney, Geoffrey Robinson......"Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church". It contains huge insights into the way Abbott acts in accordance with these screwed up principles which he has internalised as core values(ISBN 978 1 920721 473).

Ad astra reply

21/08/2011Hi Lyn, 2353, psyclaw Thank you all for your kind remarks. What you say about Abbott’s Jesuit connections is pertinent. Such early influences have a permanent effect. We have seen this ‘sin first, ask for forgiveness and absolution later’ over and again. It enables him to say any outrageous thing one day and ‘correct’ it the next, without any qualms or embarrassment. It’s been a long day, so I’m packing up my iMac to take back to the south coast tomorrow. Goodnight.

Feral Skeleton

21/08/2011geeksrulz #ConvoyofNO only has 90 Tea Party Trucks vs Transport Union's 532 vehicles for 'Safe Rates' Convoy to Canberra in 2010 #honkhonk #auspol :)


21/08/201121. 2011 08:45 PM Ad astra I know who this is about, I just read a little at the top, I've pulled back a little way to sharpen my Vorpal Sword before I read the rest. I just wanted to comment on a couple of comments on the last thread. Feral Skeleton said Lyn, Those photos remind me of the Circus coming to town. > FS I was for a season Ringmeister for Swiss Circus Royale as we travelled around SA and SW WA in 1975. I used to follow the elephant trailer with my old Holden and caravan, picking up the odd trestle Tania would toss out anywhere she chose. Yep, we looked like that a bit, but we were poorer and happier, and our posters and banners were prettier and pleasanter, and we had a purpose, and we weren't mad. That shark Abbortt keeps jumping will jump him one day soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason said jj, THE Victorian Liberals paid at least $145,000 in legal fees to help senior government minister David Davis defend himself in a legal battle against the former state secretary of the Labor Party. Read more: Jason > You are a great scout Jason. You have a nose for bottom dwellers and a long memory too (for a young bloke). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2353 wrote Just speaking to a person in Canberra. Local media there is reporting the area that was expecting up to 2000 vehicles to stay there overnight in the Convoy of No Idea has got under 200 vehicles. So if this is in theory a "popular movement for democracy" and the Australian population is around 22 million - there are around 200,000 dissatisfied with the current Government assuming the normal marketing approach of 1 person who voices their complaint is worth around a thousand who feel the same way but couldn't be bothered. The organisers have done really well. Apart from admitting to the Fairfax media that they haven't informed themselves of the rationale for the introduction of these "punitive measures" - they still have to convince around 21 and a half million people their cause has merit. > I think they're Labor Party stooges who have promised to be there in huge numbers and have pulled out at the psychological moment to sabotage Abbortt. It's an old trouper's trick. ;-):) Then 2353 said Lyn - Michael Johnson didn't only blow the stationery budget - he was also running a private business from his electorate office from memory. The office is around 10km from here, so there was quite an to-do about it locally. > I was going to say Well THEY started this, but I see Lyn's tooken the words right out of my mouth. August 21. 2011 09:03 PM Folks I have posted The worst Opposition Leader in Australian political history Ad astra reply August 21. 2011 09:05 PM Interesting backgrounder to Bob Katter's merger with the Queensland Party: Feral Skeleton August 21. 2011 09:14 PM Hi 2353 No offence meant to Tacker, Paddy and Trevor's little dog, but it's looking like the Liberal's are as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Lots more stuff will come out, you see next week, they started it. Cheers Lyn Keep the info flowing Folks, knowledge is power and communication is key. Teabaggism is a terrible threat to the very survival of life on this planet - that is no exaggeration imo, I'm not sure at all that Life has a future anyway but I'll bet my chance at eternal life that, the way the Right is now, if they gain power in the USA, that'll be the final straw for survival of a liveable planet. In this century. And the Coalons in Australia grow ever more parallel to to the Tea Party in the united States. So Thanks to all our Ferrets. You do a mighty job.


21/08/2011Just want to add my voice to Lyn's at 9.31 PM, AND I want to congratulate the [i]National Library[/i] on its nous in selecting The Political Sword for regular archiving. No wonder TPS and Ad astra have both been shortlisted for the relevant categories of the 2011 Wonkley Awards! ;-)

Catching up

21/08/2011"He couldn't resist saying that he agreed with a lot of the placards but smilingly added: “some signs I don’t necessarily agree with”. ‘Don’t necessarily’ indeed" Noticed the smirk on his face when he said it. Mr. Abbott will be disposed very quickly if the Coalition get into power. Many in the Coalition are willing to sit back and let him rip. They are using him.


22/08/20112353 While I think that the Jesuits have a lot to answer for in the way that Abbott was moulded, I wish to correct your comment that he is a "failed Jesuit priest". Abbott was a Seminarian at St Patrick's Seminary, Manly, NSW. This establishment which closed in the mid nineties existed to train so called Diocesan priests, ie those that serve as priests in parishes. The Jesuits are a religious order of priests and brothers, which in Australia are engaged mainly in education and social justice. Abbott was educated at St Aloysius College, Milson's Point and St Ignatius College, "Riverview", both Jesuit establishments.


22/08/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Convoy on way to Parliament House, Channel Nine[/i] A 5.30am (AEST) start was delayed until about 6.15am because of insufficient numbers [i]Carbon Tax: end of the road?, Min, Café Whispers[/i] article by Tom Arup looks at a discussion paper by the Australia Institute of possible scenarios as to howa potential Abbott-led government could “ditch” the carbon tax. As a starting point it is highly unlikely that [i]Truckies seek end to Gillard govt ,Paul Osborne , SMH[/i] A petition will be presented calling for a double-dissolution election. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, who is expected to join the protest which will get to Canberra around 6am [i]Calls for a Double Dissolution are Constitutionally Impossible, Antony Green[/i] The "Convoy of No Confidence" currently descending on Canberra continues to be reported as demanding a double dissolution.In response to these reports, let me repeat once again that it is constitutionally impossible for there to be a double dissolution. [i]Convoy of Carbon Footprint ,Tim Norton, Stop the World Mummy, I want to get off.[/i] So... this Convoy of No Confidence thing, huh? A bunch of truckies driving from all over Australian into Canberra, to show that they don't like the people in charge. Riiiiight. [i]Fugitive emissions: what is the real footprint of coal seam gas?Dennis Cooke, The Conversation[/i] So what is the emissions profile of coal seam gas? How does it stack up against coal and renewables? We spoke to a US researcher whose study was among the first to raise concerns about emissions. We also asked two Australian researchers to provide different perspectives on the issue [i]Abbott Absurdities on Climate Change #11, Climate Change Action[/i] Mr Abbott exaggerated the impact of a carbon price on butchers, cynically exploited the anxiety of Qantas employees over the airline’s restructuring and took a xenophobic stance against international trade in carbon permits. [i]“New Video Seriously Indicts Climatology Science”, No Tricks Zone[/i] video – an excellent summary of how climate science has worked. Well worth the 16 minutes [i]Kroger joins call for ban on political donations, Paul Barry, The Power Index[/i] The landowner, Peter Carpenter is a family friend of local Liberal MP, Donna Bauer and has recently donatedthousands of dollars to local Liberal candidates, including Ms Bauer, the former local mayor,a current local councillor and another local Liberal MP. [i]Lib’s Dirty tricks in carbon debate – Abbott hits new low , Darin Sullivan,My [R] evolution[/i] He turned into a bit of a psycho about the carbon tax and was basically saying that they wouldn’t do anything for us unless we jumped on the Abbott bandwagon re carbon tax and followed up with an email after.” [i]Storm in a Telephone Account, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] just two words to describe this entire issue. ‘Big’ and ‘Whoop’. This is as opportunistic as you can get in the political arena. The conservatives clearly have a dirt unit running [i]In corporate scandals, the fish truly rots from the head down, Oz House Alt. News[/i] You don’t build a business empire —or even inherit one — by being a hands-off boss. What’s more, subordinates in major corporations don’t tend to commit serious crimes unless they think such behaviour is okay with the boss. [i]News Corp execs think James Murdoch may quit to hide out until the heat cools down, Oz House[/i] James, who is 38, is known for “doing his own thing”, one News Corp executive noted. A tattooed, ear-pierced record label owner before becoming the last of Rupert’s children to join the company, he now presents the image of a nattily dressed, conservative corporate executive. [i]Conroy: Oz Loves NBN & Scrambling To Get Connected ,Oonagh Reidy, Smarthouse[/i] The second release rollout sites hitting more than 50,000 premises currently undergoing development include: Armidale NSW, Kiama township & Jamberoo NSW, Riverstone NSW, Aspley QLD, Townsville QLD, Toowoomba Qld,Coffs Harbour, Gungahlin ACT and Goodna/Springfield Lakes [i]Will Thomson Scuttle The Government?,Ben Raue, New Matilda[/i] If it is impossible for either side to form a stable majority with 76 seats, the end result would almost certainly be an election, [i]Timeline: Tracking the Craig Thomson affair, Matthew Knott, The Power Index[/i] The Liberal Party is supremely confident that if Thomson is forced to resign they will win the ensuing by-election and force Labor from office. Thomson is the member for Dobell, a marginal seat on the NSW Central Coast. [i]Abbott tries dignified silence on Thompson then falls away,Barry Everingham, Indpendent Australia[/i] Any political leader with a modicum of history knows that at any minute he or she canbe faced with a Thomson moment, so it’s best to leave the shit-throwing to backbenchers or [i]Canberrans Feel the result of Abbott’s Fear Campaign, Andrew Leigh[/i] Everyone has the right to peaceful protest, but it’s pretty clear that Tony Abbott’s mobile scare campaign over recent months has whipped up plenty of fear. Permanent Link to Canberrans Feel the Result of Abbott’s Fear Campaign [i]Do or die, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] Normal people believe that it is best to regulate airlines to stop planes crashing, pharmaceuticals to stop side effects, food preparation to stop food poisoning, factories to prevent rivers being poisoned, and guns to stop people being shot.


22/08/2011Good Morning Ad Sorry looks like I have left of Andrew Leigh's link on Today's Links. Would you put it on for me please Ad. Cheers:):):):)


22/08/2011I laughed when I heard the spokesman for the Convoy of No Support on the radio this morning trying to spin the lack of numbers as "deliberate" because a larger convoy would have been unmanageable. Uh huh ... "Convoys 1 and 2 depart at 5.30am - cancelled".

Feral Skeleton

22/08/2011lyn, Did you know that David Horton is on Twitter: @WatermelonMan :)


22/08/2011 Hi Ad A couple more interesting links to stories about this Convoy thingo: So the interview on ABC24 this morning with Mick Pattel failed to mention he is a disendorsed Liberal national candidate, funny about that: [i]Angry mobs ready to face off as MPs take leave of trouble [/i] Phillip Coorey, SMH As she strolled past opposition MPs' offices, Christopher Pyne and [b]Joe Hockey, like two schoolyard ne'er-do-wells, trailed about 10 paces behind, heckling. Hockey was bellowing the Engelbert [/b]Humperdinck lyrics: "Please release me, let me go, 'cause I don't love you any more …" Pyne, doing his best to affect a menacing gravitas, was taunting repeatedly: [b]"You're drowning Julia, not waving, you're drowning.''[/b] The angry mob led by disendorsed [b]Queensland Liberal-National Party candidate Mick Pattel[/b], will arrive in 11 separate convoys from all over the nation to bemoan myriad issues - the carbon tax, New Zealand apple imports, the recent suspension of live cattle exports, the weather, the Greens, and anything else that springs to mind. [b]The rough plan is to stay in the city and cause gridlock until Gillard calls an election[/b]. [i]Convoy of unreal Australians. Express disagreement with “real Australians”. Johnboy, Riotact[/i] [b]A thoughtful person even in favour of some of their platform should baulk at the idea that a few thousand people with trucks can overturn a parliament elected by 14,086,869 Australian voters.[/b] To that end Rat Patrol is going to have a little ride into Civic on Monday morning to show that we “unreal Australians” aren’t signed up with the angry mob. [i]Convoy Stalked by Paranoid Delusions [/i] I’m having a great time over at the Just Grounds site, and my suspicions about the [b]mental state of some of the regulars there were further confirmed today[/b] Cheers:):):):):)

Ad astra

22/08/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: Hi Lyn I've added the Andrew Leigh link.


22/08/2011Hi Feral Thanks for letting me know David is on Twitter, I did know though, David has tweeted me quite a few times, when he posts a new article. What did you think about this heckling by Hockey and Pyne, behind Julia Gillard, aren't they disgusting? Cheers:):):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

22/08/2011Sorry, lyn, that's @watermelon_man

Ad astra

22/08/2011Hi Lyn Thank you for your additional links - most interesting reading. The Convoy of No Confidence didn't get much coverage on ABC this morning and those who spoke on its behalf revealed such ignorance that it's not surprising Tony Abbott has done so well to convince them they will all be rooned by the carbon tax or anything else the Gillard Government has done or has in mind!

Feral Skeleton

22/08/2011Here's another couple of reminders of Tony Abbott's unfitness for the highest office in the land:


22/08/2011Hi Jaeger [quote]numbers as "deliberate" because a larger convoy would have been unmanageable. Uh huh ... "Convoys 1 and 2 depart at 5.30am - cancelled". [/quote] I laughed out loud too. Cheers:):):):):)


22/08/2011Jaeger Jaeger you copy the Talk Turkey come back? Big 10-4 on that Convoy Good Buddy I saw the probly same fella on Teev, Big hat and big mouth. Journo popsy asks him How many trucks? He says NOthing about that, just instantly shifts gear - down! - and says something like "Canberra's in the middle of Canberra", can't recall his exact words but it made that much sense, his answer was all ready because he knew the question was coming and he feels like a mug about the whole convoy thing (well he got that bit right), because there's no Great Big Convoy of A Thousand Screaming Trucks, his answer sounds like sticking bananas in the sump of the car you're trying to sell so it doesn't clunk so much until it's a few clicks down the road and you're well away by then. Popsy doesn't even repeat the question. But the Great Big Convoy is a Great Big Larfff! As we erudite mob like to say, [i]Mons laborans protulit ridiculus mus![/i] You copy all that Jaeger? Back.

Sir Ian Crisp

22/08/2011What to [sic] you think? I note that AA has grey hair. I also note that he has a ‘well weathered’ face. While these physical attributes are not a sign that his mind is going through an atrophic phase his views must be discounted. According to the brusquerie of the ALP’s anointed people with grey hair and senior years are extremists. Also, because of their senior years their views matter little because they have a short time left on this earth. On a more serious note we have HS to thank for declaring that Craig Thomson’s antinomian morality is an indication of his innocence. If finding Craig Thomson guilty without a trial (in the court of public opinion) is ridiculous wouldn’t it be just as ridiculous to find him not guilty (in the same court) without a trial?

Feral Skeleton

22/08/2011Sir Ian Crisp, You truly are a laugh a minute. Which is about how long your commentary should last for in cyberspace. Hypocritcal much? How about that erudite Barrister and former Peter Reith staffer, who has actually had criminal charges laid against her? Oh, but Tony says she's different to Craig because she has actually had criminal charges laid against her and is facing her music. Oh well, that's that then. No double standards at all, I s'pose. You know, I have a quiet chuckle to myself every now and again when I muse about Mary Jo Fisher's parliamentary legacy, and the music she will forever be dancing to. Wonder if she'll put on a little performance in court for the judge? Maybe, if she does, he/she will absolutely be able to agree with the Defence about her mental health issues. Also, knowing the lengths that Tony Abbott and the Coalition will go to in order to slip away from association with, and responsibility for, those that are associated with them, whilst at one and the same time quietly orchestrating moves in the background( and certain actions by Mr Abbott wrt Ms Hanson come readily to mind there), I wouldn't be surprised that if Mary Jo gets off where an indigent Indigenous man in South Australia would not, she will be welcomed back with open arms by those in the Coalition who think it's only a crime if you get caught red-handed AND don't have an expensive Silk to argue the toss around the fine legal points of Shoplifting and Assault for you and get you off the charges you should have faced the Hokey Pokey for.


22/08/2011This Great Big Convoy Flop is the real beginning of the end for Abbortt. if you don't want to be afailure you don't want to associate yourself with failures. He has not just stood too close, he's been IN the trucks, their failure in numbers and inarticulateness in enunciating any sensible ethos is HIS failure, he's a caricature now, a buffoon. Even the trolls can't find anything good to say about him, now that he's flubbering. He's actually helping Labor, very much on cue. He needs to be done not-too-slowly-not-too-fast, like a gamy goose, basted lovingly, so he's ready to be rolled out just at the right time, and I think *J*U*L*I*A* is pretty handy around the kitchen . . . He needs to leave a no-man's-land in the Coalons at the psychological moment, like robbing a beehive of its queen, to leave them leaderless in the black hole they have chosen to inhabit. ([i]Queen Tony?![/i]) :) What a lovely war, when we have such fine warriors.

Sir Ian Crisp

22/08/2011Very poor form HS. When Dallas Hayden was detained for shoplifting their was a broad agreement within federal parliament that MPs wouldn't use it to denigrate anyone. Who is the hypocrite did you say?

Ad astra

22/08/2011FS Thank you for the references, which I’ve filed. They certainly support the theme of this piece, although no doubt Sir Ian would dispute that.

Ad astra

22/08/2011Sir Ian What would we do without you to pick up the typo. Bravo! All corrected – Sir! Your other references deserve only contempt.

Ad astra

22/08/2011Folks I’m getting on the road now to the south coast and will be away from my computer most of the day.

Sir Ian Crisp

22/08/2011Ad Astra, can you point to the article you authored where you leapt to the defence of Australia's elderly? Oh, that's right...the elderly were insulted by an ALP politician hence your silence. I've given you the chance to pick up on my typo but you have missed it.

D Mick Weir

22/08/2011At last a chink of light in the fraught debate on Asylum Seekers etc. Mark Bahnisch @ Larvatus Prodeo points to a report released yesterday that may be a game changer in this debate. [b]Breaking the stalemate on asylum seekers and refugees: How?[/b] [i]In the wake of last week’s report on the Australian Public Service, the Centre for Policy Development has released another substantive paper; this time on how we might return the debate on asylum seekers and refugees to rationality, and suggesting some short term policy initiatives the Commonwealth Government could take if it were interested in framing evidence-based policy. The report is based on extensive research, and was written by three researchers with extensive expertise and experience in immigration policy and immigration law ...[/i] Given my recent comments and my position on this topic I can't resist in highlighting this part of Mark's post: [i]Sadly, but predictably, we’re back in ‘Stop The Boats’ land with the supposed argument for the ‘Malaysian Solution’ reduced to a sound bite about “breaking the people smugglers’ business model”. Once again, the government has allowed its opponents to frame the debate, and its attempts to be proactive are in fact reactive. There’s been some talk over recent weeks about how Julia Gillard and Labor can respond to an Opposition Leader who’s torn up the rule book. The answer is actually obvious; to get on the front foot and to carve out distinctive positions based on both rationality and values.[/i] The report can be found thru' a link here: [b]RELEASED TODAY | A New Approach: Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees & Asylum Seekers[/b] (21 August 2011)


22/08/2011Ad Astra Your heading says it all for me. I love the way you can articulate your reasoning. The 'convoy' con didn't even get a mention on the mid day news on ABC...unusual they missed out on finding a way to have a dig at the government in some nasty way. There was a great 90 year old man who rang in on ABC774 this morning about how he understands the carbon price, how he has never been so well of. It was wonderful and he got a lot of fantastic feedback.


22/08/2011The unfolding Libyan situation is a testament to patience...courage...and planning. Thumbs up to NATO, the Obama administration, the Libyan rebel forces, and the Libyan people in general. Quality change can take time. Go in as invaders w/out appropriate planning and you get the Iraq fiasco. Interesting that this morning we are hearing from the impatient & bully boys across the media...Gadafhi making desperate, stupid, claims and trying to incite violence... John Bolton, former Bush admin. mouthpiece on Fox News attempting to sow the seeds of suspicion & negativity related to the Libyan overthrow of that grotesque regime... Allan Jones screeching about "conspiracy"...Barnaby Joyce doing another Tea Party-like hothead act to a band of oil & carbon wasting truck drivers...Tony Abbott raving on in parliament like some angro 1950s anti-communist pointing fingers and seeing enemies in every shadow. No patience. No visionary planning. Plenty of lies. And distortions. As Bluescope Steel spokesman said today...cause of job cuts are the high dollar...the mining boom...developing countries like China & India becoming main producers of steel. Bring on the super profits mining tax & carbon price I other sectors of the economy can get tax cuts. And worker's compensation. Allan Jones might think Tony Abbott is Iron Man...but even that lead balloon couldn't stop the steel industries need to change during the transition economy. N'

Patricia WA

22/08/2011Sir Ian Crisp, you know very well you didn't make that typo deliberately! I am sure that Ad Astra, even if he had noticed it [b]their[/b] [i]sic[/i] would not have bothered mentioning it, since unlike yourself he is more concerned with the content and context of comments than their spelling. [i]A propos[/i] of which I will take the trouble to respond to your comment, which I usually don't waste my time with. There is quite a difference between a family member of a parliamentarian being charged with an offence and a serving politician. That sad episode in the life of Bill Hayden's wife was of no relevance to his capacity to serve the nation, as he proved for many years afterwards. I seem to recall that some unpleasant people did in fact use it to question his suitability for appointment as Governor General. His exemplary six years' service in that role vindicated his selection.


22/08/2011Tony Abbott is "staying in touch with the people" he represents. One Nation. Shooters. Homophobes. Xenephobes. Road hogging truck drivers. Religious zealots. Liberal party under Abbott...big church filled w/ bigots, moaners, the impatient, animal abusers, luddites and greed for gainers. Embarrassing. Abbott: "I will be straight with the Australian people"... As in, "I will be as straight with the Australian people as a forked road". N'

Ad astra reply

22/08/2011Sir Ian I am not remotely interested in looking for your typos. Looking for typos might amuse you, but I have better things to do with my time. Gravel Thank you for your kind remarks. It does seem as if the Convoy of No Confidence might fall short of the organizers' expectations, but I'm sure TA will make much of it. After all, facts are of no interest to him - he just makes them up.


22/08/2011Excellent piece Ad astra. [quote]One has only to watch Abbott’s face in QT and when he is in full flight with neck veins protruding and rage contorting his face to realize the anger and aggression in the man as he maliciously addresses questions to the PM. Her calmness in response angers him all the more. His pugilism is unbecoming in any potential leader. [/quote] Reminds me of those fire & brimstone priests that many of my generation had to put up w/ when young and forced to go to church. Put me off for a lifetime. BTW, well done FM Kevin Rudd and others on Facebook & via petitions ( calling for NATO protection of Libyans...good stuff. A great day. Next stop Syria. End the slaughter of innocents by despots. N'


22/08/2011[quote][quote]This anger has been picked up and amplified by shock jocks like Alan Jones [/quote][/quote] This guys gonna play Franklin D. Roosevelt in Annie? Bloody insult to Roosevelt. The only New Deal under Jones would be another Flooding Upwards Deal. N'


22/08/2011I saw on the midday ABC news that Alan Jones was at the rally - even the King of spew-ious science could not draw a significant crowd.


22/08/2011The Convoy of No Confidence in the Convoy of No Confidence in the Convoy of No Confidence in the Convoy of No Confidence in the Convoy of No Confidence in the Convoy of No Confidence

Von Kirsdarke

22/08/2011This article sums up Abbott brilliantly. My liberal voting family are really confused as to why I despise this man, and it's for the exact reasons that you state above. Since when I started to take note of politics, Abbott has always taken my attention as one of the worst people in parliament. He really got to me when he scoffed at concerns of people losing their jobs under WorkChoices when he said "Well, just find another job". That was disgraceful, and shows how much he really cares about the people of this country. I've been reading the articles on this blog for over a year now, and I hope that blogs like this will dominate political discourse in the future rather than the trash on the MSM that seem to be actively trying to make this man Prime Minister. Probably because they think that there's a lot of profit to be made in that, reporting his every stunt to the delight of the more shallow of their audiences.

Feral Skeleton

22/08/2011D Mick Weir, Give. Me. A. Break. That CPD Asylum Seeker Manifesto put together by 'Professiional Bleeding Hearts Inc.'(But don't put them in my street in Dalkeith, Perth, signed Janet Holmes A'Court), is just a load of big hairy bollocks. Sorry, DMW, but it still fails to answer the basic bones of contention I have with any Asylum Seeker policy that essentially equates to: 1) Send out a message to People Movers that Australia is a soft touch and we will take as many people who want to come to this country as Irregular Boat Arrivals as can afford to pay the cost of the boat cruise from Indonesia to Christmas Island. 2) We prefer to take Asylum Seekers who are prepared to place their lives on the line in inappropriate fishing boats, so as to get ahead of those who cannot afford to pay People Movers, both as a result of not having the well-established financial networks that the particular ethnicities who make up the majority of the boat-borne arrivals do, and maybe because they are not able to country hop into a boat as a result of the fact that they are actually in a state of distress and utter hopelessness in a Refugee Camp, far, far away. Who are actually the people I would prefer Australia helped when it comes to taking our fair share of genuine refugees. As I explained to my son today, when he asked me why don't we get rid of Mandatory Detention? I said it would be fine if after we got rid of it(and this is based on past experience), the asylum seekers didn't just get into the country and abscond and melt into the black economy, such that they didn't pay taxes and ended up doing work for less than minimum wages and conditions so as to keep body and soul together; which only serves to undermine the system we have set up in our society. Also, for the more prosaic reasons that we have to check Asylum Seekers' health and establish their identities before we let them go into the community. However, if the Churches are willing to preferentially house these people at their own expense, over and above Australian homeless, well, that's their choice to make I suppose. I'm just starting to think that the whole Asylum Seeker issue needs a radical rethink, and not this Utopian exercise that Menadue has put together, which just goes Back to the Future for an answer. Numbers of Refugees, for whatever reason, and also as a result of the consequences of population pressure and religious rivalries playing out in countries and producing transmigration of populations, are exploding, and therefore the Western World of Refuge needs to put it's Thinking Caps on and realise that the old way of dealing with Refugees, based on a post-WW2 paradigm, is no longer valid as a framework to build action wrt Asylum Seekers on in the 21st century. The most cogent argument I have come across lately was along the lines that Australia must become a country of generous but orderly Refugee Resettlement. I really am not interested in the country either becoming the Lampedusa of the Southern Hemisphere, or for more misguided souls to lose their lives at sea, while the People Smuggler lives a long life in luxury at their expense.


22/08/2011Hi Von Kirsdarke Thankyou so much for your comment. I was pleased to hear you have been reading TPS articles for a year, and decided to talk to us. We will be more than pleased if you keep coming back. [quote]hope that blogs like this will dominate political discourse in the future rather than the trash on the MSM that seem to be actively trying to make this man Prime Minister.[/quote] Your very nice compliment is very much appreciated. Ad Astra will be along soon to say Hi to you. Cheers:):):):):):)


22/08/2011Feral, Did you manage to catch any of the "Convoy of no consequence" with good old Alan Jones verballing the police,saying they were keeping thousands of protesters away? He basically made up bullshit as he went, the Talk Turkey and I have never been so entertained.


22/08/2011Welcome aboard Von Kirsdarke - grab a coffee, have a read and join in. There are a couple of trolls around - beware they will try to lower you to their level and beat you with experience. A couple of times today I looked on various media websites to find out all about the "massive disruptions" caused by the Crisis or Confidence - I was disappointed :) One of the trolls above notes that Dallas Hayden was given some privacy when she committed a similar offence to Mary-Jo whatever her name is. The difference is that Dallas Hayden has never been elected to a Parliament in Australia - thus she is not bound by the same level of accountability and has every right to expect the same level of privacy as any other person facing the court system today. The hypocrisy the same poster couldn't spot despite it being straight in front of s/him is that she has been arrested for a criminal Act, Peter Slipper and a number of other MPs were forced to repay fraudulent claims around the time of the last election and it has not yet been proven that Thompson has a case to answer as there has been no additional evidence offered since the last investigation prior to the last Federal Election.

Patricia WA

22/08/2011Talk Turkey! You beat me to it! That was my title too! But I'm stuck on how to finish this so you've given me an excuse for posting it still in draft. Suggestions welcome! <b>Not Much Confidence in The Convoy Of No Confidence!</b> Whatever the reasons for their discontent And lack of confidence in our government, Those truckies’ energies seemed all misspent When they arrived in Canberra to a non-event. They’d had such great plans for their cavalcade, Driving big trucks; some with trailers custom made For their business, the live cattle trade, Promoting too the anti-carbon tax crusade. They don’t accept there’s air pollution To which the’ve made a massive contribution. They want a double dissolution Or else they'll join a ‘Peoples Revolution!’ But that slogan has been used before. Didn’t Tony Abbott once threaten war If Labor taxed the rich? [i]"You mean the poor!"[/i] No, big business, miners! They won’t take it any more! So why haven't they supported this demonstration, Joined these travel-worn truckies in their protestation About "No Taxation Without Representation!" No! That's some Tea Party in another nation! Come on, TT, move me along here! I want to finish on something about their lack of trust. About the PM being a liar, and they know that because they've been told she is by that very up front guy, the Leader of the Opposition!

Patricia WA

22/08/2011Antony Albanese has come up with an even better title for me! "The Convoy Of No Consequence!" I should have waited instead of rushing in to print. Ad Astra could you please delete my last comment with that draft of a pome? I'll get back with a good copy later.


22/08/2011Hi Patricia I heard the ABC newsreader say "Convoy of no Consequence" Also heard Convoy of no Confidence all "rev no truck." Cheers:):):):):):)


22/08/2011PatriciaWA said 'Antony Albanese has come up with an even better title for me! "The Convoy Of No Consequence!" I should have waited instead of rushing in to print. Ad Astra could you please delete my last comment with that draft of a pome? I'll get back with a good copy later.' Patricia, The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on; You hit 'Save comment', and in just an instant it is gone! But this time it doesn't matter, cos your pome makes much more sense Than those whingers in their stupid Convoy of No Consequence!


22/08/2011There are some great shots on here of some of the members of Mensa that turned up to to witness this fool. " Talkback host Alan Jones fired up a crowd of protesters to turn on a Herald reporter today after she asked if he had been paid to appear at the rally in Canberra. Journalist Jacqueline Maley said Jones looked outraged when she asked him if he had accepted a fee to be at the rally, made up of protesters who converged on Canberra in trucks, caravans and cars. She said he had angrily asked her what kind of a question was that and who did she think she was. Read more:


22/08/2011Ad Astra, loved the post and agree 100% with your assessment of Smuggles. He is a true product of his political father, the Rodent and is carrying on the work of that malevolent, mendacious, malicious manipulator with gusto. His legacy of mean spirited spite lives on in the current opposition. If Smuggles were to be elected, it would be an unmitigated disaster for this country. We would certainly be morally bankrupt and possibly actually bankrupt if this inept bunch of talentless hacks ever got hold of the public purse. I'm sure that great humanitarian Twiggy Forrest would be overjoyed if his great mate got elected. His grimy paws would be all over the government coffers and Sloppy would be far too dumb to realise that the likes of Twiggy, Gina et al were helping themselves. As for the Convoy of Whingers, it seems that their 2,000 was whittled right down and I wouldn't be surprised if half the participants don't really know what the hell they're doing there. Apparently, a large number of the the whingers decided that it was a monumental waste of their time and money and went home. So well done Smuggles, Anal & co; another fine mess you've gotten yourselves into!

Ad astra reply

22/08/2011Folks I’m back at my computer down on the south coast, but will soon take off to watch an interesting set of programs on ABC TV. Nasking Thank you for your comments. I see that you are disgusted with Alan Jones as is Casablanca. We share your disdain for this bully, a great mate of Tony Abbott, another bully. Von Kirsdarke Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. I’m glad you are enjoying your time reading here. Thank you for your encouraging comments. TT, Lyn, Patricia WA, Jason, 2353 I see you are enjoying Anthony Albanese’s ‘Convoy of No Consequence’. He is one of the best attack dogs on the Labor side. They should use him more often. It looks as if the event was somewhat of a fizzer, with the usual mix of bits and pieces advocating different issues. So it turns out to be more a sounding board for the angry rather that a focused attack on the carbon tax. Goodnight.


22/08/2011In part of the worst opposition leaders address to the crowded phone box today,I did notice a "slipery comment" well a lot, but one in particular! "if and when there is a change of government, I cannot promise you that all of your problems will be solved" He then goes on to say! " but I can promise, I can promise that I will respect the Australian people, I will listen to the Australian people and I will be straight with the Australian people."


22/08/2011Ad astra Thanks for putting all of this together. It was the sheer disbelief that I felt on Abbott's election to leader which caused me to start taking a closer interest in federal politics. I suspect that if or when he is no longer a key player my interest will wane. In the meantime I am still in a state of disbelief that no-one has taken this bully to task. Abbott's coat of many colours has so many loose threads hanging from it that I am completely nonplussed as to why not one journalist has seen fit to tug on them. Like every other bully, if someone stands up to him and calls him on his lies and flip-flopping he will either have a brain freeze of the type Mark Riley accidentally triggered or he will lash out in an over-exagerrated attempt at defence and deflection (similar to Alan Jones today - another bully who doesn't like being questioned). What is it that Abbott provides that journalists seem reluctant to take him to task? Perhaps the Tony versus Julia narrative is too much of a money-spinner to dare put it at risk.


22/08/2011Aa, When you get a chance, what do you make of this? "Firstly, is the Convoy of No Confidence just another Astroturf group - a fake grassroots organisation - much like the Tea Party groups in the US organised with funding from the Koch Brothers?"


22/08/2011[quote]Talkback host Alan Jones fired up a crowd of protesters to turn on a Herald reporter today after she asked if he had been paid to appear at the rally in Canberra. [/quote] Jason, nasty stuff. Would this be considered as "inciting" a crowd to be abusive? Imagine if some of those people had turned on the reporter and asaulted her physically? Dangerous stuff. Irresponsible use of the bully pulpit. [quote]We share your disdain for this bully, a great mate of Tony Abbott, another bully.[/quote] Aa, Having spent a decade in Nth America I'm used to aggressive shock jocks...and most of them I find spend alot of time wooing parts of the public w/ their charity work etc. whilst making mega millions and whipping listeners up into a frenzy over one issue or another...attacking one character or another. I find something very fake about's like they are trying to buy listener's trust like some cult...and then exploit them for grotesque purposes. And dwelling beneath each is a crazy fanatical side driven by self loathing and fear and guilt. And a secret loathing of much of the public. I don't believe they are well people. They display high levels of grandiosity. Is Jones similar? I'll let others decide. BTW, I noticed some in that crowd started picking on the SKY NEWS reporter...and he was forced to be subservient & kowtow...made the poor fella look really silly & weak... not disimilar to the time Chris Wallace, Fox News host, recently criticised Michelle Bachman and then just about got down on his knees for her w/ apologies... also like the Fox News business fella who questioned Rupert Murdoch too aggressively and then backed down like a sycophantic eunuch. N'

D Mick Weir

22/08/2011FS @ 5:18 PM, I am stunned. [i]That CPD Asylum Seeker Manifesto put together by 'Professiional Bleeding Hearts Inc.[/i] [b]John Menadue[/b] [i]Menadue was head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet from 1974 to 1976, working to Prime Ministers Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser. He was closely involved in the events of 11 November 1975, when Whitlam was dismissed. He was Australian Ambassador to Japan from 1976 to 1980. Menadue returned to Australia in 1980 to take up the position of Secretary, Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs. In March 1983, he became Secretary of the Department of the Special Minister of State. He was appointed Secretary of the Department of Trade in December 1983.[/i] Yep, A Grade 'Professional Bleeding Heart' It is so obvious I am sorry I missed it. [b]Arja Keski-Nummi[/b] [i]Arja’s career with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship spanned more than 30 years. Most recently, she was First Assistant Secretary of the Refugee, Humanitarian and International Division from 2007 – 2010, where her responsibilities included high level policy and reform of all aspects of Australia’s refugee and humanitarian program. ... From 1987 – 1993 she worked in Senior Adviser positions to immigration ministers in the Hawke and Keating Governments, including to Mick Young and Gerry Hand.[/i] Yep, A Grade 'Professional Bleeding Heart' It is so obvious I am sorry I missed it. [b]Kate Gauthier[/b] [i]Kate is on the academic staff of the Migration Law Program within the Legal Workshop at the Australian National University. Until recently, she was the National Director of refugee policy lobby group A Just Australia. She is the chair of the community group ChilOut – Children Out of Immigration Detention and sits on the NSW Legal Aid Review Committee. Formerly, Kate worked as the immigration and refugee policy adviser to Senator Andrew Bartlett and as the community liaison officer for Senator Aden Ridgeway. She was a co-founder of the Refugee Assistance Project, a board member of Pol Min (Political Ministry Network) and has regularly visited remote detention centres for 10 years. Kate has sat on a variety of government and Ministerial advisory panels on asylum seeker issues.[/i] Oh look a real live 'Professional Bleeding Heart' At a real stretch one out of the three authors might fit the description of Professional Bleeding Heart. However, as you use it as a term of derision I will treat it with the contempt it deserves. [i]1) Send out a message to People Movers that Australia is a soft touch ...'[/i] I forgot that the government is hell bent on proving itself a harder bunch of bar stewards than the opposition and that is so obviously the only acceptable way, [i]2) We prefer to take Asylum Seekers who are prepared to place their lives on the line in inappropriate fishing boats, ...[/i] Another memory lapse on my part. How stupid of me not to be suckered into the oppositions [b]Stop The Boats[/b] mentality that so many others have. When I read your statement: [i]I'm just starting to think that the whole Asylum Seeker issue needs a radical rethink,[/i] I for a moment thought there was some hope but then: [i]and not this Utopian exercise that Menadue has put together, which just goes Back to the Future for an answer.[/i] It appears to me that you made up your mind before even glancing further than finding a name like Janet Holmes A'Court's so you could write it off as a full blown anti-government bleeding heart bleat. Perhaps I have totally misunderstood the aims of the report and have taken the wrong interpretation of this: [i]This policy brief proposes a series of complementary actions that have the potential to deliver tangible progress on asylum policy. The hallmarks of an effective asylum policy are that it: » Adheres to all international conventions that Australia has signed » Quickly and correctly identifies who are refugees and grants them protection consistent with UNHCR policies and guidelines » Protects Australians from any health or security concerns [b] » Discourages dangerous journeys, but treats fairly those who have made those journeys[/b] » Affords all people in Australia their human rights, as well as access to the legal systems which deliver them, and » Rapidly returns home in safety and dignity those who are found not to be in need of Australia’s protection.[/i] Yes I am an idealistic old fool because I have been so gullible that when I read this: [i]We outline principles for reform and immediate implementable policy measures aimed at achieving the above objectives, in five key areas: [b]1. Restructuring the debate on national security and asylum. 2. Engaging fully within the region. 3. Refocusing Australia’s offshore humanitarian program. 4. Creating a new approach to asylum policy in Australia. 5. Reallocating funds to the initial settlement needs of refugees.[/b][/i] that I saw some small hope that there may be some hope for a sane and sensible discussion on the topic and that if people took the time to read the report there might be some shifts in thinking no matter how small. I can see that hope is wasted with you, as, and I sincerly hope that I am entirely wrong, but you appear to me to have been sucked in by the the [b]Stop The Boats[/b] bulldust. So no FS, I will NOT give you a break on this one because, as I see it, you have your mind so set that you cannot even contemplate that there might be something in the report that could just be the game changer that this government desparately needs on this issue. You are welcome to your opinion that the report is nothing but another Professional Refugee Advocate Bleeding Heart Bleat but I wholeheartedly disagree with you. I will take more time to reread the report and consider it with my Bleedin Heart well and truly on my sleeve and live in the apparently folorn hope that some others will consider the possibility that there may actually be some common sense solutions proposed in it.

D Mick Weir

23/08/2011FS, there are any number of facts and figures contained in the CPD [b]A New Approach: Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees & Asylum Seekers[/b] report that could inform a better debate but I will refer to only two facts for the moment. On page 16 of the CPD Report under the heading of [b]Did you know? Fast facts about refugees and asylum seekers[/b] » Most asylum seekers arrive in Australia by air. From 2001- 2010, boat arrivals accounted for 24% of Australia’s total asylum claims. » Most people seeking asylum who arrive by boat are assessed as being refugees. Most people seeking asylum who arrive by air are not. Those facts have been taken from information from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) (2011) Available at: When you, and others start saying [b]Stop The Planes[/b] then maybe I will believe that you believe in the rhetoric around your statement [i]...the asylum seekers didn't just get into the country and abscond and melt into the black economy, such that they didn't pay taxes and ended up doing work for less than minimum wages and conditions so as to keep body and soul together; which only serves to undermine the system we have set up in our society. Also, for the more prosaic reasons that we have to check Asylum Seekers' health and establish their identities before we let them go into the community.[/i] Plain and simple fact we have more to be concerned about by those that arrive in this country [i]illegally[/i] by plane than we do those that arrive by boat. I would rather that that people didn't undertake the journey by boat and thereby put their lives at risk but again, plain and simple fact, desparate people wiil undertake desparate measures to escape to a safe haven. Until such time that people understand that mandatory detention is not in and of itself a deterrent and people understand that sending a limited number of irregular maritime arrivals to Malaysia will have as much chance of [b]Stopping The Boats[/b] as prohibition had in stopping the sale and consumption of alcohol I will not believe that [i]'Breaking the people smugglers business model'[/i] is anything but a policy based on the [b]Stop The Boats[/b] bulldust.

Wee Willy

23/08/2011I think Abbott has small penis syndrome.


23/08/2011Wee willy said [quote]I think Abbott has small penis syndrome. Wee Willy [/quote] Short, sharp and to the point. :)


23/08/2011Great article AD Astra and I support your thinking. To sum Abbott up he made it very clear when I read a transcript of his speech to the Convoy of No Confidence yesterday. I wonder if his supporters are even listening to anything other than the three word slogans. Meaning this paragraph , which says it all really; He really promises nothing. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, should there be a change of government – yes, there should, yes, there should – and if and when there is a change of government, I cannot promise you that all of your problems will be solved but I can promise, I can promise that I will respect the Australian people, I will listen to the Australian people and I will be straight with the Australian people."


23/08/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Mr Jones Goes to Canberra, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] eternal election campaign - to patronise their readership and viewership by presuming that a few dozen truckies in bushirts and akubras standing outside parliament and calling for fresh elections somehow is the true 'voice of the people'. [i]The scandal that could bring down Australia's government, Nick Bryant, BBC News[/i] The story to watch is the one that Labor least wants retold: that of a little-known MP calledCraig Thomson. Inevitably and drearily, it has already been labelled the "Hookergate" scandal. [i]The subtle art of Dobell, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] The Liberals will probably not win Dobell without Labor's help. Dobell is theirs to lose, and thehunt for a "proven winner" shows they are more risk-averse than Labor and makes a Liberalloss more likely. As goes Dobell so go the chances of The Situation becoming Prime Minister. [i]Who’s the mystery MP that Grattan referred to this morning?, Andrew Crook, Crikey[/i] Tony Abbott has already hinted at the problems of a dirt war following Liberal SenatorMary Jo Fisher’s arrest in May for shoplifting and assault. And Crikey can think [i]The Hokey Pokey,Wixxy , Wixxy’s Blog[/i] Apparently Fisher doesn’t think we pay her enough, she has to steal to make ends meet…. Not content to justbeing a thief, when approached by a store security guard, she decided to assault the guard for good measure [i]Ten years after Tampa and nothing has been learned, Mungo MacCallum, The Drum[/i] It would take a very courageous bureaucrat to go to court over a relatively minor fraud with a brief which, if it succeeded, would in all probability bring down the Federal Government. Godwin Gretch [i]What Happens when the Speaker Resigns? Antony Green[/i] But if the parliament cannot resolve a new speaker, it cannot transact business and there would beno option other than another election, unless Labor put one of its own back in the Chair andcontinued to try and govern. [i]A SLEDGE TOO FAR: Bullying the PM in Canberra’s corridors not a good look for Pyne & Hockey, Vex News[/i] VEXNEWS has learned that this was not an isolated incident and while the PM is apparently unfazed by it (a background /in student politics and in representing various union rough-heads probably made Pyne/Hockey’s efforts seem rather limp) [i]Disability Broadband, Paul Budde, The Budde Blogg[/i] New technologies are offering unprecedented opportunities for people with disability, older Australians and people experiencing illnesses to develop a much more inclusive and accessible infrastructure for a range of communication, information and social applications [i]A Word about Welfare, Guest Post, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Am I the only person who is thoroughly sick of the neoliberals and right-wingers carping on about the evils of the welfare state? It was,after all, they who invented it. As an unapologetic member of the “left”, A[i] further hint at economic weakness, Richard Famer, The Stump[/i] Commonwealth Bank, the latest figures further highlighted how low consumer confidence was taking its toll on the Australian economy. “We are now seeing signs [i]Howard, Cheney and the Politics of Hicks, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia[/i] To its undying shame the Labor Government, as it was in Opposition, was unconcerned by the plightand future of Hicks, but this week we’ll know whether or not he can keep the royalties his book attracted [i]Why Malcolm Turnbull is wrong about the NBN being unnecessary, The Warne Account[/i] That population stress will be eased on major cities because it will be easy to telework from any remote location using a reliable, non-fluctuating connection. (Wireless _does_ fluctuate, and ADSL speeds are a crapshoot on a premise-by-premise basis.) [i]The fee, me and Alan Jones: how question of money turned crowd nasty ,Jacqueline Maley , SMH[/i] Alan Jones intimidates reporter at rally , verbally attacks a Sydney Morning Herald journalist Jacqueline Maley for asking a question at the Rally of No Confidence in Canberra. [i]fool, idiot, dyed-in-the-wool dope, grub, liar, Reflexio[/i] Alan Jones... a pot calling the kettle black. ,A brief history of Alan Jones vermin. [i]Industry shuns, but anti-government protest keeps on truckin’,Jason Whittaker and intern Clare O'Meara, Crikey[/i] “We need to take it to the Australian people to vote, the result being a government we haveno confidence in who have a mandate to rule the country.” [i]Police baffled by Alan Jones' claim Convoy of No Confidence trucks stopped at ACT border, Malcolm Farr, News Com[/i] Broadcaster Alan Jones said the smaller-than-expected crowd was because "thousands" of people had been blocked from attending the rally and that "hundreds" of trucks in the convoy had been stopped at the border as they tried to enter

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011[quote]» Most asylum seekers arrive in Australia by air. From 2001- 2010, boat arrivals accounted for 24% of Australia’s total asylum claims. » Most people seeking asylum who arrive by boat are assessed as being refugees. Most people seeking asylum who arrive by air are not. [/quote] I did know that already, but what are you trying to prove by highlighting it? As far as I can see the system wrt air arrivals is working, as most of their claims for refugee status are refused. Also, even if 'only' 24% of asylum seekers arrive by boat it is the nature of those arrivals-all from a few easily-identified groups that makes it disproportional in it's effects on the Refugee intake. I carefully listened to the interview with the author of the CPD Report(co-incidentally, also the Convener of the lobby group 'ChillOut' whose aim is to get Children out of Detention, so biased much?), and it was refreshing to hear Steve Cannane press her on the sort of inconsistencies in her position that I have dispassionately identified myself with the call to give special preference, because that is what it amounts to, to the asylum seekers who arrive by boat, over and above those asylum seekers languishing in refugee camps, destitute and despondent and feeling like they have no hope because they have no money to pay a People Mover. I must say though, that once her talking points had been exhausted and she was still pressed by Steve Cannane, she admitted to supporting Mandatory Detention, pretty much for the same reasons as I outlined yesterday, and also for the concept of Regional Burden Sharing of the Asylum Seekers who come to our region. So, after the emotive ambit claim was exhausted, she was forced into acknowledging that the government had a claim to try and solve, along with other governments in the region, the absurd situation which has sprung up whereby People Smugglers have set themselves up in Indonesia to cynically exploit for money those asylum seekers prepared to pay them to circumvent the regular channels. Sarah Ferguson, the 4 Corners Reporter, validated that fact because she said she had seen it first hand. Which is all I have ever advocated. That is, Regional Asylum Seeker Burden Sharing, the end of the cynical exploitation of our nation's sympathy for the plight of genuine refugees by People Smugglers and the more cynical pipelines of refugee groups that are also taking advantage of our 'better angels', and the regularisation of the system to the point where Australia becomes a country of generous Resettlement of genuine Refugees, from all over the world where persecution and flight in fear by persecuted peoples occurs. That's all. I'm no hardass, but I'm no fool either.

Ad astra reply

23/08/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Sir Ian Crisp

23/08/2011How apt that the party of no consequence should comment on the convoy of no consequence. That notion is underscored by the latest opinion poll from Libya. A mere 29% of Libyans would prefer to be ruled by Muammar Gaddafi and his DC party compared to the lowly figure of 27% support for the kakistocracy that is the ALP with Julia Gillard at the helm. In other interesting news the ALP prevented Craig Thomson from proving his innocence in our federal parliament yesterday. Strange times indeed.


23/08/2011Bad poll for Abbott Today's NewsPoll puts the Gillard Government in drover's dog territory. That is, the Coalition would win government whoever leads it, Bill Hayden's "drover's dog" as much as anyone. Can there be any Liberals now who don't see that with Abbott's 'dissatisfaction' level with the electorate so high, they don't need him anymore? Relentless negativity and "No, no, no" has worked so well the Government is sunk, short of a miracle, of winning the next scheduled election. I reckon it's going to be all about the timing. Retain Shouldabeen as leader for as long as necessary to keep Labor's polls down, then dump him with an election coming up so that a freshly-elected Coalition does not find itself starting government they would wish to run on for a long time with an unpopular (and incompetent) PM. "Unpopular" for all the reasons laid out in AA's kick-off piece for this thread, and "incompetent" as daily reiterated in the actions and utterances of Tiny himself.


23/08/2011How apt the coalition fluffer still has nothing of concequence to say!

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011Hmm. [quote] Arja Keski-Nummi Arja’s career with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship spanned more than 30 years. Most recently, she was First Assistant Secretary of the Refugee, Humanitarian and International Division from 2007 – 2010, where her responsibilities included high level policy and reform of all aspects of Australia’s refugee and humanitarian program. ... From 1987 – 1993 she worked in Senior Adviser positions to immigration ministers in the Hawke and Keating Governments, including to Mick Young and Gerry Hand.[/quote] So that means she was there, right from the beginning of the development of the Mandatory Detention system with Gerry Hand, through all the years of the Howard Government(don't remember her speaking out about the Pacific Solution), and on to a period with the Rudd government. Now, I admit, in the early period of the Rudd government the Immigration policy was redefined away from the Pacific Solution era, which was a good thing. However, all that seemed to happen as a result was the People Smugglers thought "Whacko! Let's make more money by sending more boats!" Which peed a lot of people off who had been prepared to accept that some asylum seekers come by boat. So, in what seemed like a sensible and pragmatic move by the government they got the Bali Process moving in an effort to try and, yes, 'Break the People Smugglers' Business Model' and create a Region-wide process that will regularise the present semi-anarchic situation. I again ask, as an obviously intelligent and rational woman, and one who, presumably was part of the Advisory Team wrt the Bali Process, why she won't thus give it a go because it just seems to me a better alternative than what we have now.

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011A straight-up analysis of the Convoy of No Consequence(whose name came from the Twitterati btw :) ) :


23/08/2011Hi Ad Thankyou for helping me yesterday with that missing link. But can I ask you to help me again please. Would you delete my post and I will post it again, thankyou in anticipation Ad. In my flurry of excitement about Patricia's blog, I have made 2 typo's, one on Patricia and one on 2 b's in facebook. Panic stations when I came back to read, now I worry about the National Library. Cheers :):):):)


23/08/2011Von Kirsdarke Welcome to the blog, hope you comment on more, we need as many voices as we can get.


23/08/2011Swordsfolks Don't ask Obelix what a fluffer is. Explanation might give ladies a fit of the Vapours! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WRT Tony Abbortt, yes he is indeed the worst LOTO ever. And though I've seen fewer than Ad astra, I've seen a lot just the same. Only some of them have become Prime Ministers, which in some cases is a pity, Simon Crean is one who comes to mind, competent and sincere, trustworthy and considered, but not a delight for the kind of media we have now. In many cases it is just as well that the LOTO never made the top job, I guess Mr Latham might be a case in point, but in the case of Abbortt it is much more vital than with any of his predecessors on either side. He is a religiomane, megalomanic and plain manic. His lust for power for power's sake has created the most grotesque distortion in the Australian political landscape, and if he had his way he would undoubtedly bring this nation to a standstill in his quest for kingship. I have often had cause to regret that my condemnatory looks and words and thoughts bottom out before inflicting utterly intolerable pain on those at whom I direct them - If my thoughts could kill, Plimer and Monckton and Howard and Anal Jones would by now be performing daisy-raising as their sole function, there, I told you I was nasty, but I'll never be as nasty as they. They are saboteurs, traitors to the good management of this nation and of this planet, and it would be better were they just to begone [i]fffwittt![/i] But there has never been one so completely unconcerned about anything but personal power as this insaniac the Coalons have saddled themselves with, and Friends he is more than a bemusing phenomenon, he is a great threat to the long-term governance of our country, because if ever his style of bullying and say-anything-no-responsibility tactics becomes Government policy it will be as ineradicable as cane toads. Abbortt is absolutely despicable, and if my words now could kill he would be dead. For my country and our planet I would take that responsibility on myself - [i]if[/i] my words could kill. But before the hypocrites jump on me for that (and I will count it a feather in my headdress if they do) let me say that 'if wishes were fishes', (etc), and words [i]don't[/i] kill, [i]nor am I calling for killing, as many of Abbortt's supporters do[/i]: I may wish these vipers dead but I don't support murder nor wish to raise the level of political hatred and induce violence, They have created too much of that atmosphere already, oh it's a tangled web but know this, it is because I am so much AGIN violence, so much FOR sensible dialogue, such a believer in the necessity of proper conduct including scrupulous truthfulness, responsiblity for one's actions and utterances, and at the interface, GOOD MANNERS, at which while Abbortt nil, *J*U*L*I*A* scores a perfect Ten. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the risk of bringing down a lot of vituperation on my head I guess, I must say I place a lot of blame on Harry, our Speaker. WHY WHY WHY does he put up with it? WHY doesn't he JUMP on it? Warn the Parliament right after "*Prayers*" (?!) that he's as mad as Hell and [i]LOOK OUT!!![/i] Tell Poodle STFU first peep out of him! 94A the very next disorderly conduct! Don't risk a ruling that will get himself into numbers trouble, see he's evicted one or two Coalons first, but be prepared to NAME offenders when the need arises! And then KICK 'EM OUT! All this is PROPER CONDUCT for a Speaker, it is his JOB to control the Parliament, to MAINTAIN ORDER, and he is FAILING in that RESPONSIBILITY! SORRY I'M YELLING, but [i]HARRY, HEAR ME!!![/i] As a Teacher, had I allowed such wastage of time (never mind the huge money, kids don't get paid the way MHR's do!) and countenanced such insulting and aggressive behaviour, and altogether failed to control my classes as Harry is failing to control the Coalons, I would undoubtedly had my contract terminated and deserved that too. Can you imagine how you'd feel watching a real-life candid video where your child was daily in a classroom as disgraceful as our National Parliament? YOU WOULD GO [i][b]BERSERK![/b][/i] - Yes? And, Damn, what about if you were actually PAYING for that? Come on Harry, Please do your job. Bring back some [i]decency[/i] to Parliament. It's up to you. Or as Julius Caesar would have wished someone said, (before things got [i]REALLY[/i] nasty)*: MORUM DECORUM IN CAPITOL FORUM! *This is very not funny. I keep hearing dark hints from e.g. Abbortt and Mesma that they are [i]expecting[/i] something to happen - "they don't know what, but . . . " and telling their acolytes to be ever-ready to grab power at a moment's notice . . . Has anybody else noticed this? If so [i]Speak now please[/i], it seems really sinister to me. Publicly expressing similar ideas based on similar noticings might actually be self-[i]un[/i]-fulfilling, iyswim, which is very much to be desired.

Von Kirsdarke

23/08/2011Lyn, 2353 and Ad Astra, Thank you for your kind greetings. I'll be sure to visit again.


23/08/2011Lyn said "Patricia has excelled, Congratulations Patrica we are very proud of you. Our blog friends are posting your blog WOW! brilliant PR for you. Your blog site is now on facebbok and twitter, thousands of people reading your work, well done." Well done Patricia. You don't need help from Turkeys! But you earn feathers for us all with your pomes. No wonder Ad astra and The Political Sword are shortlisted for the relevant categories of the Wonkleys this year! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh but Lyn said also "In my flurry of excitement about Patricia's blog, I have made 2 typo's, one on Patricia and one on 2 b's in facebook. Panic stations when I came back to read, now I worry about the National Library." So are we, never again to see an errant, comma, or a typo or apparently orphan line space Lyn? CURSE YOU NATIONAL LIBRARY! Lyn your work is now performing a function NEW to the whole blogosphere really, your archived Links are now a junction-box in history to Australian blogs past present and now obviously forever - because Lyn know this, were you to fall under a bus today, SOMEONE/S would HAVE to take your place now, and someone [i]would[/i]. Errant, commas, or no. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Von Kirsdarke Velcome! :) It is fascinating to think of you there for a year (I have yet to have my 1st anniversary here) - All that time reading us and not a peep! So you must have a lot to get off your chest by now! Well feel free, TPS is a good place to do it and the reading is always good too. Perhaps you can induce that family of yours to read us here too . . . Sure couldn't hurt. Jane, debbiep, and Regulars, and [i]All Those On The Side[/i]!!!! - Greetings. Wee Willy - All Budgie, no Bollocks, whatcha reckon? :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And FS mentioned that the name Convoy of No Consequence came from the Twitterati Yes! That's how we can really help! It will only take a few armour-piercing bullets like that and the Coalons are DEAD! How do I know, well FS there I was at Woodlands Railway Station in Adelaide in 1983, part of the party escorting Bob Hawke to The Colonnades Shopping Centre during the election campaign of he whom you can probly guess FS, on the very day *Bob's* comment about not keeping your money under the bed because that was where the Reds were, well that was the very sentence that finally finished Fraser. 'Course Bob got the credit. which was good. Much later I was introduced to the lass who came up with that line. She was still delighted that it had been used to such effect. Good on whoever that 'No Consequence' blogger was this time, Friend you have had HUGE consequence - Never again a convoy, that's how huge! Hope you come and write with TPS!

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011Talk Turkey, Speaking of the Opposition Leader of No Consequence ( ;-) ), who speaks lines that he thinks his audience wants to hear, caring not a fig for the consequences of being caught out today as tomorrow just allows for a whole new line to be thrown out with bait on it, you may like to compare and contrast with this politician:


23/08/2011Hey Talk Turkey Poor National Library. Anyway, thankyou for your comment very informative, actually most enjoyable. comma comma comma. Cheers:):):):)

D Mick Weir

23/08/2011FS @ 8:09 AM & 9:05 AM, I didn't see the interview you refer to so [i]No comment[/i] on your assessment of it. [i]'... (co-incidentally, also the Convener of the lobby group 'ChillOut' whose aim is to get Children out of Detention, so biased much?)'[/i] And your point is that because someone has biases they should be excluded from the discussion or is it they should be ignored because their biases a different yours or mine? I have a small problem with either choice. Is there any living, breathing soul on this mortal coil that is not biased? If we are to exclude or ignore a person because they are biased it would be a lonely old life and a very boring discussion talking only to oneself. I am biased, does this mean I should be ignored or dismissed? If that is what you want then well I guess I better just curl up in the corner and say nothing because I wouldn't want my biases exposed. Damn it, I can't do that, so, bringing all my biased baggage with me I shall continue ... [i]As far as I can see the system wrt air arrivals is working, as most of their claims for refugee status are refused.[/i] Are you saying that if more of those arriving by boat were rejected it too would become a 'success'. I don't think you are but now I am not sure? Are you able to explain why the system is working wrt 'air arrivals'? While you are doing that can you tell me how many asylum seekers arriving by air are put intto mandatory detention? How many of those arriving by air are refused visas and therefore become illegal entrants? [i]Current mandatory detention policies require that all non-visa holders should be detained (NB: in practice, 76% of all asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia over the past 10 years, those who have come here by air, have not been detained because they are issued with visas on arrival).[/i] see p36 of the offending report. Why don't we detain those that arrive by air? Why do we treat those that come by air differently to those that come by boat? Is it because it is easier to hide the from the fact that there are many 'illegals' arriving by air? No matter which you cut it we have a policies and the implementation of them that treat asylum seekers differently according to their method off arrival. That sucks and, in my mind, it is not a lot different to treating people differently because of age, gender or sexual proclivity [i]... that the government had a claim to try and solve, along with other governments in the region, ...[/i] In my readings of the report I didn't notice any statement that the government had no 'claim' to attempt to solve the problem. I will do a third reading to find any reference to the government having no claim. There are many pages discussing a regional approach to the problem. Amongst other recommendations: [i]3. Support the establishment of a well-resourced policy unit within the Bali Process Secretariat to work with regional governments and civil society organisations in developing the key elements of a regional cooperation and protection framework and: a. Work towards sustainable and practical protection outcomes in the region b. Scope out the development of common or complementary protection systems for asylum seekers in the region c. Develop and implement strategies addressing the humanitarian dimensions of displacement, providing practical support arrangements for displaced people in transit, and working towards durable solutions.[/i] See p24 of the report. There may be ways to 'marry' the aims and move to an even better solution. [i]... whereby People Smugglers have set themselves up in Indonesia to cynically exploit for money those asylum seekers prepared to pay them to circumvent the regular channels.[/i] And exactly how will the 'Malaysian Solution' stop those 'people smugglers'? There is much evidence, particularly from Europe, that no matter what a government does to prevent cross border movements the enterprising participants find new ways to circumvent the barriers. It would appear that we will have to live with some level of cross border movements of people seeking asylum for some time to come. The report does suggest that there things Australia can do to help minimise those movements. Also there is little or no evidence that mandatory detention deters people. [i]... all I have ever advocated. That is, Regional Asylum Seeker Burden Sharing, ...[/i] Read the report and you may find that there are similar desires. [i]... end of the cynical exploitation of our nation's sympathy for the plight of genuine refugees by People Smugglers ...[/i] Oh what a wonderful world it would be if we could end cynical exploitation. I guess when we find a way of ending Mr Abbot's cynical exploitation of peoples fears we may have found a working model for ending the exploitation of all vulnerable peoples. While I could hold that hope the more cynical side of me suspects we have a snowflakes chance in hades of of ending exploitation. As you wrote off Arja Keski-Nummi as a fully paid up member of the Bleeding Heart Refugee Industry I suspect that her previous experience in the area amounts to a small hill of beans. [i]I again ask, as an obviously intelligent and rational woman, and one who, presumably was part of the Advisory Team wrt the Bali Process, why she won't thus give it a go because it just seems to me a better alternative than what we have now.[/i] Obviously I cannot answer for Arja, however I can point to some references to Malaysia in the report: [i]Malaysia as a transit country is a key player in delivering a long term solution - indeed UNHCR in its recently released Global Report noted that while there are problems “constructive dialogue with national authorities has resulted in an improvement of the situation”. If this can be achieved we can dare to hope that - just as ASEAN is developing a regional Human Rights Instrument - we can look forward in the future to a Regional Protection Instrument. As Dr Jane McAdam, a Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales, has noted: “If such a framework were to succeed in reducing the number of asylum seekers making dangerous boat voyages, remove incentives for people smuggling and guarantee resettlement to all those found to be refugees then these would be laudable outcomes. But, as one commentator has noted these are “big ifs”. Its success will depend on the details” We have that chance now to make sensible and realistic polices and should embrace it. Governments are strengthened when they work collaboratively with each other and with civil society organisations; where all parties can find the common ground and build a position of trust. There are simple measures which the Australian Government can undertake to further facilitate this process.[/i] see p23-24 There is more but that is enough for now afterall I wouldn't want to spoil your reading of the report.

Ad astra reply

23/08/2011Hi Lyn Post deleted at your request. I hope I've deleted the one you wanted deleted. Sorry for being slow - I've been busy all morning.


23/08/2011Hi Ad Thankyou so much ,You got it right. Nearly time for the "questions of no consequence". Cheers:):):):):):)


23/08/2011Hi Ad Patricia has excelled, Congratulations Patricia we are very proud of you. Our blog friends are posting your blog WOW! brilliant PR for you. Your blog site is now on facebook and twitter, thousands of people reading your work, well done. The Convoy of No Consequence (via polliepomes)Darin Sullivan My {IR} Evolution Great analysis of yesterday’s event…. well done. Whatever the reasons for their discontent And lack of confidence in our government, Those truckies’ energies seemed all misspent When they arrived in Canberra to a non-event. They’d made such great plans for their cavalcade, Driving big trucks; some with trailers custom made For their endangered business, the live cattle trade, All flying banners in the anti-carbon tax crusade. Unconcerned about the air’s pollution To which they’ve made a massive … Read More Cheers:):):):)


23/08/2011 Sorry dead link, here it is again Patricia's Polliepomes

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011D Mick Weir, Yes, we can only hope that the big 'Ifs' become realities because the present situation with it's time-worn alternatives of Cruel and Inhumane Punishment, courtesy of the Coalition policy, or woolly-headed, warm and fuzzy policy, such as The Greens keep proposing, can be superseded by the rational policy that I think the government, and other governments in the Region, and the UNHCR, are attempting to bring about. Along with the attendant generous Resettlement programs for a wide variety of genuine refugees. Who no longer would have to place themselves in harm's way, or place money into the pockets of the People Smugglers.

Patricia WA

23/08/2011Talk Turkey, Thanks for your lovely comment which I shall copy to [i]polliepomes[/i] and store, not for publication and posterity as such, but for my family, grandchildren and maybe one day their children. I'm sure you, like me, have found that writing here within this warm and lively community has actually inspired you to express more of your thoughts in verse and collect them along with encouraging comments. Ad Astra, with Lyn and his other writers, really deserve their recognition by the National Library. If you hadn't said it I would have had to. You said [quote]So are we, never again to see an errant, comma, or a typo or apparently orphan line space Lyn? CURSE YOU NATIONAL LIBRARY! [/quote] Obviously we all want to get things right, but as Ad Astra has pointed out to me before, when I've been a bit too punctilious about [i]errata[/i], blogging is not the same as print media. We are all citizen journalists here and spelling, syntax and typos are all of secondary importance to sense and sentiment. We want peoples thoughts and feelings on a blog site like this! And by golly we get 'em!


23/08/2011Patricia Lyn is more deserving of thanks than I, she located you elsewhere, but yes it's nice that people bother to compliment others here for good writing, and better still good research and argument, their or there or they're is niether hear not thare. What I can't help thinking about is those twenty kilometres of writers waiting like Von Kirsdarke for a chance to be heard [i]and the police have set up roadblocks to stop them from getting into our blog![/i] :)


23/08/2011If I were the ALP I'd reduce the carbon price...up the mining resource tax and ram it thru if possible... and simultaneously do the hard yards when it comes to winning over the electorate of Dobell again. I can't see this Thompson stuff workin' out well. It does irk me to think of what the Coalition got away w/ over the years...inciting hate & bigotry & deceiving the public only leading to mere fines: [quote]Aftermath of Lindsay pamphlet scandal Five men were charged over the Lindsay leaflet scandal. On 29 April 2008 Greg Chijoff and Troy Craig pleaded guilty over the scam when it went before the Downing Centre Local Court in Sydney. The charges against Craig were dismissed. Chijoff was fined $750 on 7 May. The husband of former Liberal MP Jackie Kelly, Gary Clark, and Jeffrey Egan pleaded not guilty and their cases were adjourned to 27 May. A fifth man who was charged, Robert Mathew Holstein, was fined $500 on 20 May. On 19 May 2009, Clark was found guilty of producing the unauthorised pamphlets and fined $1,100, plus $2,000 in court costs. Egan, however, was found not guilty. Karen Chijoff declared both her political career and her marriage to be "truly over", and would look toward rejoining the workforce. However, she did not rule out a return to politics at some stage, declaring it would be up to the Liberal Party to make that decision. Ms Chijoff continues to deny any knowledge of the leaflet campaign. In June 2008, Labor alleged it has reason to believe the pamphlets were printed at a Liberal MP's office at taxpayer expense. (wikipedia)[/quote] Shameful. It wouldn't surprise me if Abbott was involved...when it comes to pumping up the bigotry & xenephobia I noticed a number of Abbott connections...whether it be this latest round of STOP THE BOATS...or the founder of One Nation working originally for him...then conveniently, opportunistically turning on him/them down the road. And his luv for Allan Jones interviews...Mr. Incite himself. There's a real stench hangs around Abbott...he plays complex Machiavellian games...and needs to be outed. Before it's too late & he gets his grubby hands on the PMship. Abbott's a bad seed. Like Murdoch. And his party knows it. Shame on them. N'


23/08/2011BTW, I noticed on Insiders that Abbott wants Jackie Kelly back. Why? Is it to return a favour? Make up for somethin'? The stench. N'

D Mick Weir

23/08/2011FS @ 2:07PM, [i]... time-worn alternatives of Cruel and Inhumane Punishment, courtesy of the Coalition policy, ...[/i] I take it from that you believe the current policies and applications thereof are less cruel and more humane than previous policies. Can you please explain how the incarceration of innocent people for extended periods who have no knowledge or understanding of the period of time that they will be detained is humane? We treat our homegrown criminals better than we treat asylum seekers; we tell them how long they will be detained, and, they have full knowledge of why they have been detained even though many of them may claim innocence. The people we detain for arriving by boat to seek asylum are not breaking any laws they only are in breach of the law because they are not issued with a visa, yet visas are issued to those who arrive by air. Is that fair let alone humane? The matter of the degree of cruelty we could discuss at length but I contend that to incarcerate people for extended periods when they have commited no crime is at the very least unkind. Many people seem to be more concerned about the apprently cruel treatment of animals in other countries than they are about the cruel treatment of people in our care. I admire you for having total faith that the governments policies will stop the cross border movements of people by boat facilitated by [i]People Smugglers[/i] I admire that you can maintain hope, in the face of evidence to the contrary, the policies will [b]Stop The Boats[/b] but are you able to tell me how they will work to stop cross border movements of those seeking asylum or are you just hoping they will work? After reading elsewhere I am coming around to a view that the government should give up any hope for a bipartisan policy on asylum seekers and refugees and get totally partisan, take the high moral ground and go for policies that actually are humane and treat these people as people and not political footballs. By the way I am also persuaded toward the view we do actually have a bipartisan policy as, the government has bought the oppositions framing of the issue and taken it hook, line and sinker and helping sink the government is certainly is. At this stage I am not persuaded by everything proposed in the CPD report but there is a lot there that is a hell of a lot better than what we have. The government has nothing more to lose in the terms of loss of support or votes and could do this country proud by changing it's approach. It may well expose the opposition leader and his immigration spokesperson as xenophobic, inhumane hypocrites. It may well be that the best approach is to continue with the 'Malaysian Solution' as it is and begin to 'tweak it' toward what has been suggested in the CPD report with some other as yet unknown 'solutions' but whatever is done the government needs to differentiate from the opposition and take the high road because by taking the oppositions low road they are on a total hiding to nothing and they demean as a country in the process.


23/08/2011Good on you Mr Speaker Harry Jenkins for taking my advice today! Poodle raised a completely flivorous Poodle POO, you thought about it, nearly named him, but then you shrewdly just chucked him out for an hour; if you'd only chucked one or two other Coalons out [i]before [/i]him you could have named him and got rid of him for 2 or 3 days as you suggested you were tempted to try to do anyway . . . but then, of course, the numbers . . . So what you did was the best thing anyway. Then you tossed 2 more, Craig Emerson Labor, and Hunt, aka oh well never mind. Cool. [[i]Craig gave a clenched fist salute to the Right as he left the Chamber,[/i] looking well pleased! :)] Harry I suggest you continue to take your advice from The Political Sword, we do know best. Just remember, next time chuck a few Coalons [i]before[/i] the Poodle, got it? Then Bye-Bye Poodle for a 3 day period of relative sanity, oh and [i]no pairs[/i] on the Carbon Tax legislation, Abbortt has spoken! OOOOOHHHH Harry what a poetic time that would be to pull a Poodle Coup! ;-) Today you scored 78%. Keep trying. A bit more effort and we will award you an Elephant Stamp!

Ad astra reply

23/08/2011Wee Willy Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. jane, debbiep, NormanK, Jason, Nasking, TT, Patricia WA, Michael, Lyn Thank you for your comments. There is a worrying development in Australian politics, one that has been evident for some time, but was manifest brazenly yesterday at the Convoy of No Consequence rally. Jason has given us links to [i]The Canberra Times[/i] verbatim record of Tiny Abbott’s ‘speech’ to the assembled multitudes, and also a piece on [i]The Drum Unleashed[/i] by Ramon Glazov where Glasov asks: [i]”…is the Convoy of No Confidence just another Astroturf group - a fake grassroots organisation - much like the Tea Party groups in the US organised with funding from the Koch Brothers?”[/i] Then there was Lyn’s link to Mr Denmore’s piece this morning in similar vein: For those not familiar with ‘Astroturfing’, Wikipedia says: “[i]Astroturfing is a form of advocacy often in support of a political or corporate agenda designed to give the appearance of a "grassroots" movement. The goal of such campaigns is to disguise the efforts of a political and/or commercial entity as an independent public reaction to some political entity—a politician, political group, product, service or event. The term is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass.”[/i] Grassroots movements usually generate sympathy and support from the people because they are, after all, the grassroots people, people like themselves, who are making the play. This is why big corporations and moneyed people or groups fund them. They get their messages out on the pretext that this is the ordinary people, the grassroots speaking. The very wealthy Koch Brothers in the US, who are extreme right wing in their views, fund Astroturfing there. The Koch family business, the second largest privately owned company in the US, is in the business of refining heavy oil into petrol. The Republicans, and in particular the Tea Party, are heavily into Astroturfing because it enables them make any proposition, any idea, any assertion, no matter how implausible, look valid, because, after all, it’s a [b]grassroots[/b] idea, and what the common people think and believe has an inherent plausibility and respectability about it – it must be right. The conduit for Astroturfing is the type of people we saw at the Convoy – all sorts with a variety of beliefs, ideas and gripes. In his speech Tiny Abbott identified those present as ordinary Australians who really care about the country with these words: “[i]The fact that so many of you have come so far shows that you care a very great deal about the future of our country. Our democracy will be in safe hands as long as the people of this country continue to care about it and you care about it.[/i]” But behind those words was Abbott’s intention to bring about an election, bring down the Government and become PM. This is Alan Jones' intent, as well as the organizer Mick Pattel, endorsed NLP candidate and National Road Freighters Association president, who demands ‘a collective overthrow of the government to save the country’. Others may have the same intent, but many are simply pawns moved around the chessboard by the master chess players. Astroturfing seems to operate by a few simple rules: Decide what you want the have the people believe. Make up a story to that effect. The story does not have to be true or correct. Lies can be told with impunity. Induce or inveigle ‘ordinary’ people into believing and mouthing the story. Prefer ‘ordinary’ people who have a gripe with government (or whatever the target), as they will react with suitable enthusiasm, anger or vitriol on cue. Organize a rally to get these people together. Get lots of publicity for the rally. Engage a rabble-rouser, or several, to stir them up at the rally. Encourage placards that express their views with colourful language and graphics. Get wide press coverage. Invite tame journalists to report widely and favourable on the rally, in the press and on TV and radio. Get an important compliant politician, or several, to endorse the rally and preferably speak at it. Repeat the process over and again until ‘the people’ believe the story as if it is ‘gospel’. If you want to see what I mean in graphic detail look at the photos in the [i]SMH[/i] piece, especially the first and the last.


23/08/2011[quote]Then you tossed 2 more, Craig Emerson Labor, and Hunt, aka oh well never mind.[/quote] TT, I'm not happy w/ Craig Emerson of late. I thought him a good bloke...but now he's opportunistically supporting coal seam gas...and speaking out against the palm oil bill. I'm beginning to think he doesn't give a damn about the environment. But then I guess he's supporting workers...and trade agreements. It's all kinda sad really. Add the Malaysian solution (interesting that it's Malaysia whining about the Palm Oil Bill) & the continuation of live exports...and I'm beginning to think that the ALP have thrown ethics to the wind to win over the so called middle ground & business. Fortunate the government has many other useful policies or The Greens might think of walking. Anyone who accusses this government of being driven by The Greens has got their head twisted on wrong...on is lyin' like a "children overboard" screamer. BTW, why the heck can't male politicians keep their dicks to themselves? many leftish governments have to be wrecked due to the roving idiot male? If we had a halfway useful media they'd learn that some Righty males do same...however, I guess we did learn of one who screwed around on his wife. I wonder how many use taxpayer's money to shack up in hotels, use taxis, go to restaurants/clubs, buy gifts etc.? It's all very tabloid isn't it? All public interest stuff. The seedy side of real life. And we wonder why the youth have lost trust in authority. I hope Sen. Brandis & shadow Dep leader Bishop are as clean as a whistle...considering they are dumping all over Thompson & the PM. Nothing some people hate more than bleedin' hypocrites and Squealers (Animal Farm). The rods that some create for their own backs eh? And the irony lies in the fact that political parties & the public rarely gain anything from such petty, seedy's the media moguls & shareholders that suck up the golden cream. As they do after helping build up conflict and sexed up evidence into war... as they do when scaring people over the economy and helping to create crises... as they do when building up hate towards so called activist judges...and pushing people to call for harsher sentences... the media roll in dough at the expense of many many others... as we've learnt from the phone hacking scandal... sometimes they are the real crims. Occasionally ya get a good one. Occasionally. Like a deep breath of fresh air. N'

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011Talk Turkey, I was listening to Senate Question Time today on the radio when I was out and about(yes, I am that sad :) ), and I noticed that the Opposition also got up on their hind legs for POOs half way through every government answer to one of their questions. However, what impressed me was the Senate President, John Hogg's response. He simply and clearly said, so it could be misunderstood by no one, "It is not a Point of Order to stand at the Despatch Box and repeat the question." That's all Harry Jenkins has to say. Pure and simple and unequivocally correct.

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011D Mick Weir, I thought that's what Interpretors were for? To explain the situation to people, let them know what is going on, in their own language, and to keep them informed. I think the problem is the English-speaking Refugee 'Rights' Activists act like a flea in their ear about what their 'Rights' are and induce unrealistic hopes and expectations in them which cause them anxiety and angst. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it is this constant agiation of the asylum seekers by the Activists that induces a lot of their Mental Health problems. Whereas, if they were simply told what to expect from their time in Detention, that is, that as soon as Health and Security and Identity checks were completed, and their refugee bona fides were validated, that they would then move into the community, then I'm sure that a lot of them would be more accepting of their temporary condition. Anyway, as far as I have heard, the greatest amount of discontent comes from those whose claims to be refugees have been refused. Do you propose, to keep them happy, that we let them into the community while their claims are assessed, when they are exactly the ones that Mandatory Detention waas created for in the first place because they are the most likely to abscond from Community Detention and escape into the community, hopefully not to be detected. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it the Labor Federal Government who created Mainland Community Detention Facilities at Inverbrackie, Northam, and in Queensland and Tasmania? Hardly a grim determination to keep Asylum Seekers behind Razor Wire like the Howard government.


23/08/2011There was a nice contribution from one Rosie Johnson to the brief opinion column today's Canberra Times: 'What's that? "Ordinary" Australians don't support the carbon price? Not to worry, a lot of extraordinary ones do.'


23/08/2011Hi Ad Oh! dear I hope this guy has been telling the truth, if not, well. @AndrewBGreeneAndrew Greene Craig Thomson has resigned as chair of economics committee, will continue to sit on panel thou 1 minute agovia webFavoriteRetweetReply Cheers:):):):):):)


23/08/2011Well Lyn, I think we now know one of the reasons the Murdoch media were so keen to trash the NSW police commissioners Nixon & Overland...they obviously knew this Thompson business by way of Fairfax was the govt's Achilles Heel and wanted to get top cops in who would suit their "assassination" agenda. It makes a mockery of democracy. I think it's sad too that Liberal Senator Mary Jo Fisher is bein' used like a political & media football. The lady obviously has deep depression and other mood disorder-related problems and does not deserve to be treated by so many so callously. Politics is a grubby game. Media world even worse. If the people can't see that the Murdoch media has too much influence on politics & police & other media in this country then they need to open their eyes. Our democracy has been hijacked. And how Turnbull & Hockey can work within the ranks of such obvious & ugly xenephobe stirrers I don't know? I would remind all those who have basically sold their souls/principles for ambition, money, fame etc: [quote]The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike...[/quote] (Doctor Faustus. By Christopher Marlowe) N'


23/08/2011Nasking: Im pretty sure Nixon & Overland were Vic commissioners but am happy to be corrected. On another note The Drum has this piece: On the current state of infatuation with polls that the political media has. I was both surprised & pleased that someone within the ABC has recognised it as a problem. Interesting to see if they do anything about it now.


23/08/2011[quote]Im pretty sure Nixon & Overland were Vic commissioners but am happy to be corrected.[/quote] Whoops! You've got me there Trevor. My bad. I'm obviously too tired. Dumb error. However, I still reckon the Murdoch media has too much influence. Trevor, did you know this?: Newspoll was established in 1985 as a joint venture between News Limited and Yann Campbell Hoare Wheeler. (wikipedia) Don't expect SKY NEWS & the Murdoch papers to do anything but promote it constantly. Polls...another way for the media to grab attention...get advertisers...make moolah...manipulate the public...screw the democracy. N'


23/08/2011From the ABC article Trevor put up: [quote]The Federal Government is often accused of timing a release for maximum impact before "Newspoll Tuesday".[/quote] LOL. Kinda forgets to mention the ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK campaign that goes on across the corporate media, particularly the murdoch papers, SKY NEWS & shock jocks before that stankin' poll comes out. Gimme a break! And the fact they mention the "progressive" element of Essential poll makes me suspicious. N'


23/08/2011Hi Nasking and Trevor I am just hoping so bad they fall on their swords. Brandis is so sure of himself and full of his own importance, reminding everyone of the jail term if found guilty. Did you read yesterday, there are a few options for Julia Gillard, seems they may even be able to put Harry Jenkins on the backbench. So The Liberals haven't automatically sown up Government, pending Craig Thomson's outcome. Who’s the mystery MP that Grattan referred to this morning? Andrew Crook, Crikey Thomson’s resignation over brothel expenses, ALP strategists might shift speaker Harry Jenkins to the backbench to preserve its House of Reps majority. According to Coorey, current deputy speaker Peter Slipper would then ‘do a Colston’ and assume the speakership with Labor support. The Fisher MP More tantalisingly, last October the Courier Mail wrote that John Howard’s office was alerted by a senior Liberal MP of an “inappropriate” relationship between Slipper and a staffer, after Slipper apparently spent a weekend away with his charge at taxpayers’ expense. Cheers:):):):):):)


23/08/2011Nasking: " [quote]Newspoll was established in 1985 as a joint venture between News Limited and Yann Campbell Hoare Wheeler. "[/quote] Nope. I didnt know that but it does make sense. Keep it in the family. Good old Aunty keeps quoting them so it makes it easy for Rupert to spoonfeed the days story. That a Newspoll can be the lead item in a news bulletin when we are two years from an election is staggering. Our news has really become so formulaic that I think I could tell you what next weeks news will be today.


23/08/2011Lyn: I heard but can't remember where, the mystery MP Michelle Grattan referred to is no other than Slippery Pete. The would be speaker if Jenkins vote has to be included in govt. Hmmmmm; the intrigue just piles up.

Feral Skeleton

23/08/2011OK, so the Liberals have got the smell of blood in their nostrils. Well, I've seen that look in their eyes before, and it ended in tears before they had put the demise of the, then, Rudd Government to bed. You could say that they are going off half-cocked because that's all any of them have on that side of politics. I only say this, and I may well be proven to be wrong, wrong, wrong, but, riddle me this, Batman(and these are the questions that really need answwering in my book); 1. Why is it that Fairfax was persuaded to drop it's original charges against Craig Thomson? What did he say to them and their lawyers, as I'm sure they were at the table, and I'm sure the Editors at the table wouldn't have let the story go by the wayside without some pretty convincing proof to get them to believe Craig Thomson's explanation? 2. Julia Gillard would indeed know everything there is to know about this issue. There is no way she would have given her full-throated support to Craig Thomson if she hadn't adjudged the situation first, and certainly not for the simple reason of trying to hold onto government(which she wouldn't when the truth eventually came out, even with the scenarios wrt Harry Jenkins etc., as at least Rob Oakeshott, Andrew Wilkie and probably Tony Windsor and Adam Bandt would withdraw their support for the government and it would fall if it was proven that the Prime Minister engaged in misleading the parliament over, and covering up for, Craig Thomson). No manufacturing a 'lie' to the Australian people there, a la the Carbon Tax broken election promise, this loss of faith by the Independants would be due to a real lie and cover-up of the truth of the matter(and being a lawyer, as well as Prime Minister, she'd know the consequences of that only too well). Which leads me to conclude that the PM knows the truth and has made her statements of confidence in Craig Thomson, as a result of this knowledge. Of course, I could be wrong. Embarassed But I don't think so, all things considered. Laughing


23/08/2011I like the way you think FS. Wouldn't have seen it myself, but if the rug is suddenly pulled away and a liberal mole is revealed I will be gobsmacked. On Philip Adams last night they were commenting on how riven the health care workers union is where Craig T is alleged to have committed his mis deeds. The thinking is some of the leaks have come from there as some form of payback. Having said that your point is valid, why would Fairfax drop a very juicy story. The $90K that the union dropped in for legal fees, was that also covering Fairfax costs? If so then it would imply his libel case did not have legs. sher


23/08/2011Trevor - here 'tis:


23/08/2011Sorry, Lyn - I didn't see your earlier link to that article.


24/08/2011Lyn That article you included in your list by Antony Green, [i]'What Happens when the Speaker Resigns?'[/i] was a good one and he in turn highly recommended an article by Anne Twomey published in Quadrant @ In her piece [i]'How to Succeed in a Hung Parliament'[/i], Professor Twomey examines the 1911 NSW Speaker crisis and summarises how the lessons of 1911 are relevant to the current Federal Parliament. They range, in her words, 'from the banal to the profound'. [quote]The first Labor government in New South Wales, elected to office in October 1910 was a hung Parliament. Throughout its first turbulent year, it lurched through controversies concerning the pairing of votes, the resignation of members, no-confidence votes, the resignation and restoration of the government, the prorogation of parliament, the appointment of an Opposition Speaker and the use of the Speaker’s casting vote—all issues of some relevance in the current political context.[/quote]


24/08/2011 Good Morning Ad Mr Abbott's new rules already in operation, doesn't it stink, wonder how Abbott can just change the rules on a whim. Wasn't this rule a handshake when the Government was formed in August, I suppose handshakes and promises whatever, don't count. Couple of tweets below: [quote]David_SpeersDavid Speers Opposition's tough new pairing rules already in effect. Denying Crean leave for Margaret Olley's funeral.[/quote]21 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply [quote]GreenJJonathan Green tsk. RT @David_Speers: Opposition's tough new pairing rules already in effect. Denying Crean leave for Margaret Olley's funeral[/quote]. 2 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply Cheers:):):):)


24/08/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]The Convoy of No Consequence, Patriciawa, Polliepomes[/i] Though I’m pretty sure that most truckies would not be aware of the tactics of Astro Turfing movement talked about by Ramon Glazov, writing today in the Drum [i]Comparing Apples, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] I expected someone in the Liberal Party to stand up for consumers (other than Mary Jo Fisher). Cheaper and better apples: what's not to like? At a time when banana prices skew the Consumer Price Index, [i]Up and Up and Up, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] the cheaper you can produce energy and the more competitive industry is.So next time Greg Hunt says up and up and up, remember what that r [i]Tales from the Convoy: less ‘no confidence’, more ‘conversation’ required, Rooted[/i] had taken a leaf out of Caffey’s book and dubbed it instead the Convoy of Conversation. Then, we could stop buying into the fear mongering and political games and get on with creating the Australia we all want to live in. [i]What motivates the Parl house rallies?, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] in the US: a conviction that they are being repressed and censored. There’s plenty to be concerned about when it comes to the state of free speech in Australia. But when right-wing rallies receive massive media coverage out of all proporti [i]BlueScope Steel, jobs and the Mining boom, Mark Bahnisch, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] while it’s been their vulnerability to the distorting effects of the low tax rates paid by the mining industrythat has cruelled their chances of competing in export markets, to their cost, and more importantly,to the great cost of their workers. [i]Inside the Tea Party: why these culture wars are personal,Harley Dennett in Washington DC, Crikey[/i] They only tell a small part, possibly the wrong part, of the story of how the Tea Party’s wildfire successhas fundamentally changed US politics and sown the seeds of its own undoing [i]Abbott Vs Gillard, Curiosity and Challenge, [/i] Honestly after the behaviour and comments at yesterdays truckie protest in Canberra I believe Australian politics badly needs a good smack on the bottom and a stint in the naughty corner until many of [i]Hadley and Jones take on journalists, politicians and former employers, Matthew Knott, The Power Index[/i] Hadley quit his Sky News TV show, Hadley!, after four episodes earlier this year, because he reportedly believed it was under-resourced. Senior journalists at the subscription channel had also refused to work with the famously hot-tempered broadcaster. [i]Hadley and Jones – activists or sooks?Darin Sullivan, Wixxy’s Blog[/i] Top-rating Sydney radio jocks Ray Hadley and Alan Jones have lashed out at journalists over their coverage of theConvoy of no Confidence, due to wrap up in Canberra this afternoon. [i]Mr Alan Jones, Bob Brown, The Greens[/i] The Senate request Mr Alan Belford Jones AO apologise to the police and wider public for his false claim that thousands of people and hundreds of trucks, on their way to Monday’s rally outside [i]When things turned ugly, Tom Cummings, Unleashed[/i] Jones should issue a public apology to Maley. He should send a message that his behaviour towards her was unacceptable, and not an example for others to follow. And he needs to do it quickly, [i]Revved up by Alan Jones, the angry mob turned on me, David Lipson, The Punch[/i] He called me over and asked me if I was calling him a liar on air. I explained I was only quoting Federal Police. He said he didn’t care what police had said, and why don’t I talk to one of the lead truck [i]Rebuilding Public Trust In Media and Journalism, Scoop[/i] If you feel mistreated in terms of ethical transgressions by media in Australia you need wide ranging knowledge of the system to know whereto lodge your complaint. Currently you can choose from [i]Labor’s carbon farming package passes Aust Senate, Eco News[/i] The conservative Liberal-National coalition said it regretted it couldn’t support the initiative as the Labor government [i]There are better alternatives to the ‘Malaysia solution’Kate Gauthier, The Conversation[/i] The Conversation spoke with Australian National University associate lecturer, Kate Gauthier who has just co-authored a report on alternative asylum strategies for the Centre of Policy [i]Craig Thomson: between confidence and a hard place, George Brandis, Unleashed[/i] there is one simple question that she must answer for the Australian people: why does she continue to believe that the conduct of the Member for Dobell is acceptable, and how can she possibly continue [i]The Convoy Took Real Rural Issues To Canberra,Adam Brereton, New Matilda[/i] Why? I’d suggest it had something to do with the convoy organisers both having direct ties to the Coalition. Anita Donlon failed in her bid to be elected to the Victorian state seat of Bendigo West last [i]James Johnson Blog, Candidate For Lalor[/i] Tanner vastly exaggerates the power and influence of the media in shaping parliamentary events, personalities and careers. Attention could be better put to examining the power and influence o [i]Newsstand up and running for a media inquiry , Derek Barry, Woolly Days[/i] The inquiry must examine how to promote higher standards, protect people’s privacy while guaranteeing the freedom of the press, stimulate a more diverse media marketplace, and ensure tha [i]Coulson 'paid by Murdoch while working for PM',Andy McSmith, The Independent[/i] The Electoral Commission is to be urged to hold an investigation into whether Rupert Murdoch's newspaperempire was covertly funding the Conservative Party while David Cameron was leader of the opposition. [i]Thomson stands down as committee chair, ABC[/i] I draw your attention, in particular, to the offence of larceny; fraudulent appropriation; larceny by a clerkor servant; and fraud."Senator Brandis said he considered the clearest offence to be fraud, " [b]Newspapers:-[/b] [i]Labor says Liberal MPs are breaking ranks with Tony Abbott to push for NBN in their seats, James Massola , The Australian[/i]South Australian federal Liberal MP Rowan Ramsey and his West Australian colleague, Steve Irons, have both tabled questions with the government asking why their constituents are missing out on access to the National Broadband Network. [i]Police probe allegations against federal Labor MP Craig Thomson, James Massola, The Australian[/i] In a statement today, the NSW police said: “Shadow attorney-general George Brandis has provided informationto police in relation to a number of matters concerning a federal Labor MP.” Motley caravan of crackpots , Paul Syvret From:, Courier Mail Remember that, right now, if it wasn't Julia Gillard in power with the support of Greens and Independents, it would be Dr No in the Lodge also relying on the support of Bob "give us back our guns" Katter.Now that is a prospect that truly does inspire no confidence [i]Tony Abbott reveals attack plan on Government's carbon bills, Malcolm Farr, News Com[/i] [b]Mr Abbott has banned “pairing”, [/b]the practice by which an MP absent from Parliament for a good reason is matched with a member from the other side to maintain relative numbers. [i]Alan Jones’ greatest truckin’ songs, Jack The Insider Blog, The Australian[/i] fired with the same moral absolutism that he displays daily now on a range of topics but most notably the carbon tax and a visceral loathing of the Gillard Labor government.

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


24/08/2011Hi Ad Here is Grog's, Greg's Drum article today: [i]I say debate, you say gotcha. Let’s call the whole thing off, Gerg Jericho, The Drum[/i] [quote]Last week before the Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network, the Secretary of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship did something rather bold for a public servant - he suggested politicians question current policy.[/quote]

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011So, will Tony Abbott's ban on Pairing mean that the Foreign Minister has to get up off his sick bed and drag himself into federal parliament to vote on legislation? What a cruel, heartless bastard Tony Abbott is.

Von Kirsdarke

24/08/2011Thanks, TalkTurkey, I'll keep that in mind and let them know when I next meet them, although my grandmother's probably a lost cause, she's a fan of Andrew Bolt. But the rest of them had a good chuckle when I expressed alarm at the fact that she watched that man's show on the Sabbath. Also, I was deeply impressed by Andrew Leigh's excellent speech in Parliament in response to Abbott earlier this week. It's a real shame that speeches like this are ignored by the vast majority of the population.


24/08/2011Lyn What a great question. Did you also know they stopped Simon Crean from attending the Margaret Ollie memorial service today. I turned the tv on this morning and watched Parliment. Anthony Albanese (don't know how to spell that) wanted a debate on pairing, I didn't catch how many voted but he lost, the questioned Harry about whether the opposition had reneged on the pairing for Julia, after they had it in writing. I got so angry. I also had to stop listening to Jon Faine after he started his show saying the Governments policies were a 'shambles'. Off went the radio. What to do now of a morning, can't get reception for any reasonable stations. I see a few of us are questioning what is really happening. The media are misreporting so much stuff......... I am worried that all my fears are going to come true and we will end up with the worst opposition leader ever as prime minister. The lower case for prime minister is intentional, as I for one will not have any respect for that position if it is ever help by tiny.


24/08/2011Hi Von Kirsdarke Thankyou for your link to Andrew Leigh. I am proud of all the Government Ministers but Andrew Leigh is one of my favourites. Cheers:):):):)


24/08/2011Hi Gravel Don't worry, eventually common sense will win. After all we have TPS to help us. Better than any TV channel or radio station don't you think. [quote]I am worried that all my fears are going to come true and we will end up with the worst opposition leader ever as prime minister.[/quote] Malcolm Turnbull can't go to the funeral either apparently, he was a Personal friend of Margaret Olly. I think they should just go together, Malcolm Turnbull and Simon Crean, just defy Abbott. Seems the Coalition has been defeated in their attempt to make Craig Thomson address the Parliament. [quote]crazyjane13Marian Dalton by GreenJ Motion to suspend standing orders is defeated. Craig Thomson will not be compelled to front Parliament. #hor[/quote] Cheers:):):)


24/08/2011VK (We mostly get abbreviated here except Lyn) It only takes one really pleasant contact with a good local MP to change some people's voting preference forever! One such as Andrew Leigh, Yes, what a treasure he is! So tell your family, right, (Grandma too, nothing to lose!), Please folks, don't live in false consciousness as to who us non-filthy-rich folks' friends are, it's [i]ourselves[/i] of the sensible Leftish persuasion, we're not flag-wavers or grandstanders or top-tablers or hate-spitters (or churchgoers, mostly!), but if you're in a jam and need a hand sometime, remember who the Good Samaritan was, a [i]Gentile[/i], (dare I say, that means [i]not a Jew![/i]), and by implicatiom a social low-life, but a moral man. [ It was probably the Sabbath and the Jews would have been breaking faith to lift a finger to help the poor feller that had fallen among thieves and left for dead! :)] [Thus gobbleth the TalkTurkey] The voices of hate in this country are all on the Right, and Grandma Dear, why would you like a man like Mr Andrew Bolt, I know he's good-looking and he dresses nicely but manners not mannequins maketh man. He is hateful and hurtful and nasty and pompous and rude and there is no truth in him. - And back to VK's family, we think you've got a good one there folks, s/he has a sense of humour as well as humanity. [i]Why don't the rest of you start reading us here too? Stay on the side as he did for a year, or forever, that's OK. [/i] "There is more joy in Heaven when a lost sheep returneth to the fold . . . " (or wtte) . . . I agree with that, and I don't even believe in Heaven! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lyn, Lyn, Lyn, (Who needeth no abbreviation), Dog Albitey! I see your compilation, I start to read the Links you've posted Early every morn, And by the time I'm [i]third-way-through[/i] The whole damn morning's [i]gorn![/i] :) and I love every minute of it, Thank You Lyn and Ad and all in attendance and the splendid bloggers everywhere.


24/08/2011Sorry everybody, Jon Faine said 'the crumbling agenda' of the Government.


24/08/2011[quote]Did you read yesterday, there are a few options for Julia Gillard, seems they may even be able to put Harry Jenkins on the backbench. So The Liberals haven't automatically sown up Government, pending Craig Thomson's outcome. [/quote] Lyn, I was wondering about that yesterday. Wouldn't that be handy? After seeing how ruthless, cunning & mean-spirited this Coalition lot are I'd hate to see this government fall. Especially considering they now have WA, NSW & Victoria. [quote]Did you also know they stopped Simon Crean from attending the Margaret Ollie memorial service today. [/quote] Gravel, I was disgusted. And I believe the petty & ever-competitive Abbott ensured Turnbull couldn't go either. Sad for Turnbull considering he was a friend. I noticed that the spiteful poodle Pyne was dog whistling this morning, stating that Thompson suing Fairfax was "as calamitous as Oscar Wilde suing the Marquess of Queensberry". Considering the intense discussion re: gay marriage, of the past couple of days, it's possible Pyne was doin' a bit of gay stirring. That's pretty low stuff. Unsurprisingly. Dog whistling is a part of the Coalition's modus operandi. Might add, interesting that Ad astra describes Abbott as a "pugilistic politician" in his post...and then Pyne refers to Queensbury, a boxing enthusiast. Hmmm... N'


24/08/2011What a hateful evil man Abbortt really is. It is more than stopping anyone going to Margaret Ollie's funeral. This is an attempt to overthrow the Government by attrition, filibustering on the Carbon Tax in the hope that someone will fall ill . . . Abbortt's refusal to grant pairs and to filibuster is the lowest most cynical piece of behaviour ever in an Australian Parliament, making seem almost honourable Fraser's denial of Supply to Whitlam's government in 1975. But it does make this comment seem pretty much on thread eh! Lyn's right: Why doesn't Turnbull grow a pair, and pair his pair with Simon Crean who already has a pair, and they go together to the funeral in poetic defiance of this horrible man?


24/08/2011We've had a very sad morning. My wife rang to tell me that her school had lost at least two current students and possibly one former school captain in the Logan fire. And a couple of students from the primary school across the road. I know more specific details about some of the victims but can't discuss until the names of the deceased are revealed. My wife was pretty broken up. I know how closely connected many students & staff are in her's gonna be a tough time for all. I'm so pleased Anna Bligh & our mayor were out there this morning offering up help & counselling for the schools & community in general. When S' told me some of the details this morn my eyes flooded w/ tears. Apparently one family had recently moved to Australia and was staying w/ the other until they got fully settled. Tragic. N'

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Hi Lyn You have given us a marvellous collection of links this morning. Thank you. I’m still working my way through them. Gravel, FS Like you, I am dismayed at the sheer malevolence of our alternative PM with regard to pairing in his vicious pursuit of Craig Thomson. He failed to get his motion through again this morning, but no doubt he will try again and again. “Give me what I want or I’ll wreck the place.” There have been further references to the ‘Tea Party’ phenomenon that was addressed in comments yesterday. An email from ‘GetUp’ begins: “[i]It's been getting pretty wild out there. There's a new right-wing force rising in Australian politics, and they’re taking lessons directly out of the US Tea Party playbook – even down to the name. The new so-called "Australian Tea Party" has many backers, but just one message: No. “No to a price on pollution. No to marriage equality. No to pokies reform. No to restrictions on live exports. No to anything that challenges their conservative agenda. “They may speak loudly and shamelessly, but they certainly don't speak for all Australians. Isn't it time the rest of us brought a bit of sanity and reality back to our national debate?”[/i] The email then goes on to ask for a small weekly donation to support the work of GetUp. Thanks to Von Kirsdarke we have a link to a parliamentary speech by Andrew Leigh, Member for Fraser: [i]Carbon Pricing – Getting on with the Job[/i] In a long speech, several paragraphs stood out. Speaking of the Opposition he says, among other things: “[i]They are the party of opposition, the party of denial, the party of negativity and the party of no. “There is another party like that in world politics and that is the Tea Party. We have seen Senator Bernardi calling for an Australian Tea Party. Senator Bernardi would like to see the Tea Party imported into Australia, but we do not need a modern Tea Party because we have the Liberal and National parties willing to say anything to any audience, willing to oppose anything that this government puts forward. They have been willing to oppose so many sensible reforms over the course of this year, including reforms which they introduced. We saw the extraordinary situation earlier this year in which reforms on fuel taxation introduced by then Treasurer Peter Costello were opposed by the Liberal and National parties for the sake of a cheap headline. They decided that it was better to back economic populism rather than support economic reform that was in the long-run interests of Australia. “The Leader of the Opposition is pursuing a strategy which has its strongest antecedence in the doomsday cult leader. Doomsday cult leaders are greatly successful for a number of different reasons. The first thing a doomsday cult leader can do is offer absolutely everything to their followers: ‘You want free food? I’ve got it. You want free wine? I’ve got it. You want free love? I’ve got it.’ You can see that in the $70 billion black hole in the opposition’s costings. The opposition have such a deep black hole in their costings because they are willing to offer something to everybody but are never able to say where the money will come from.”[/i] Andrew Leigh blog Isn’t interesting how parallels are being drawn with the US Tea Party. This is real, and a serious threat to the way we run our democracy. We ignore it at our peril. Note too the reference to Abbott as a doomsday cult leader. I had not seen that parallel drawn before, but some credence should be afforded to it. Sadly, because to date the media has by and large been unwilling to expose the seriously dark side of the Abbott persona, most of the electorate will be unaware of it until, should an Abbott Government be inflicted on this nation, it will soon becomes apparent as he breaks his assurances, changes his mind daily weathervane style, blows his phony budget or abandons it, repeals laws and dismantles infrastructure, and introduces draconian legislation that reflects his ideological positions, all with Machiavellian intent and malevolence.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Nasking, Yes, on the same day that Tony Abbott has shown just how bloody-minded and heartless a man he is, and just what sort of country he would create in his image if he is to succeed in his ferociously and relentlessly-pursued goal of the Prime Ministership and control(because that's what's really important to him), of this country, we have the sad contrast with a couple of families who were generous of spirit, helping each other out to try and gain a toehold in this great, wide brown land of ours, being sent to their maker too, too early. My heart goes out to those left behind with only their grief to remind them of what was, until yesterday, 2 big,happy families. I'm only speculating, but I have a scenario in mind which had them thinking how cold it was last night, in comparison to Tonga, and so why not leave the heater on to keep the house warm overnight? Sad to hear it was the 4 LPG gas bottles that sealed their fate when they exploded into fireballs. Sad, so sad. And equally sad that Margaret Olly, a 'Lefty', so what would Tony Abbott care, whose memory was not to be respected in the proper way today by those in federal parliament that knew her and our Arts Minister, Simon Crean. I hope he arranges a Dorothy Dixer today for Question Time about Abbott's shameless behaviour and gives him both barrells. It's the least the government could do in honour of Margaret Olly. Simply, Tony Abbott is a User, an Abuser, and a Loser.

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Nasking We share your wife’s distress, and yours, about the tragedy in Logan City. For those of us who do not know the victims it is distressing, but for those who knew them, heartbreakingly sad.


24/08/2011Margaret Olley I am truly sorry Not Ollie nor Olly - Let your name be carved: OLLEY


24/08/2011Cheers Ad astra & Feral, I will relay yer kind words to my wife who can relay them to others at the school. N'


24/08/2011I noticed the press goin' all feral on the speaker for the NSW Health Services Union earlier. Particularly the shock jock radio stations. Cruds. Will they do the same w/ the bosses at Bluescope Steel who are sacking so many workers after havin' fed themselves hefty bonuses? This from CounterPunch related to another greedy corporation expecting its workers to sacrifice...whilst they profit: [quote][/quote]Verizon Worker's Strike by BRIAN TIERNEY Workers geared up for the possible strike a week before with a 20,000-strong rally in Manhattan outside of Verizon’s corporate headquarters. As soon as the midnight deadline passed on Saturday night, the picket lines were set into motion and workers were mobilized to stop the company from rolling back decades of collective bargaining gains. The givebacks that Verizon is trying to squeeze out of the striking workers are staggering when one considers that the company raked in $10 billion in profits in 2010. In its most recent quarter alone, Verizon took in $3.2 billion in profits and its top five executives were paid a total of $258 million over the last four years in salaries and bonuses. The telecommunications giant is also a notorious corporate tax-dodger that hasn’t paid a dime in federal income taxes for the last two years, yet it received a $1.3 billion federal tax rebate this year. Still, the company wants more – and it’s going after its workforce to get it. Its long list of proposals amounts to $1 billion a year in concessions, which is equivalent to about $20,000 for every worker, according to CWA. Among the concessions Verizon is demanding, cuts to benefits and job security protections will have the most damaging impact on working conditions and living standards. Verizon is seeking to weaken job security provisions, pass 25 percent of health care costs onto workers, and freeze pensions for current employees while eliminating them for future workers. Additional cutbacks would get rid of accident disability benefits, slash sickness disability benefits, reduce the number of paid holidays, and decrease the maximum for annual paid sick days to five; workers with less than two years of seniority would get no paid sick leave at all. And while real unemployment nationally rose to over 16 percent in June, Verizon also wants a freer hand to outsource jobs to low-wage contractors and move work overseas. In a statement released on the first day of the strike, CWA said the strike would continue “until Verizon stops its Wisconsin-style tactics and starts bargaining seriously.” “Even at the 11th hour, as contracts were set to expire, Verizon continued to seek to strip away 50 years of collective bargaining gains for middle class workers and their families,” the statement said. IBEW President Edwin D. Hill echoed CWA’s outrage. “We cannot stand by while one of the richest, most successful corporations in the world joins the race to decimate the middle class of this country,” he said. A sign of things to come? N'


24/08/2011Anthony Albanese so nailed Shouldabeen's hypocrisy in the aborted Question Time today I recommend his speech be engraved somewhere that every Australian citizen will be able to see it. Shucks, Hansard for today will do. Have a read, but I warn you, just reading it won't convey how Abbott's face turned a doughy shade of cement as Anthony Albanese took him down, down, down... and using Tiny's own words to do it. Notably, his quoting of when TA said a few years, "there are some things it is not the Australian public's right to know". I reckon he has a whole lot of things he never wants the Australian public to know. Too bad for him he embodies them every day of the week.

mark leahy

24/08/2011He is denigrating political processes and undermining confidence in our economy and parliament. He is the worst we've ever had because he doesn't care what damage he does with his fake outrage, his lies and impotent fury. he has no respect for due process and will do anything to get into power.


24/08/2011The Health Services Union has now referred the Thomson case to the NSW Police saying that their first loyalty is to its members and not to the Labor Party. Things are looking a bit serious.

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011mark leahy Welcome to the {I}TPS[/i] family. Do come again. Abbott has no respect for parliamentary processes – he will destroy them to suit his purposes. The man is ruthless. Michael I thought the same. Antony Albanese was magnificent in demolishing Tiny. Could you please post the Hansard transcript of what he said when it becomes available?


24/08/2011Let's hope that Lesson 9 in Prof Twomey's article,[i]'How to Succeed in a Hung Parliament', [/i]pertains in the current environment. [i][quote]Lesson 9. Disruptive tactics are likely to backfire. Fighting every point, maintaining the rage, causing disorder and proffering insults are likely to be electorally damaging in the long run. Oppositions need to be seen as alternative governments before they will be elected as governments. [/quote][/i]

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Casablanca I couldn't get your link to the Twomey article to work - found you please post it again.


24/08/2011As i stated previously, this Thomson thing has got a long way to go... and today it has just got a whole lot more serious, and it seems the unions have realised that they are backing a broken horse in the ALP. The desperation of the ALP today in question time just shows that they know how serious this is as well; trying to bring up things about Pauline Hanson and scandals that occurred in the Liberal party a decade ago. Their behavior stinks of pure desperation! They know they are just about to lose government.


24/08/2011AA Re-posting as requested. If it doesn't work this time go back to my post at August 24. 2011 01:19 AM which worked when I checked both a few minutes ago. Alternatively, there is a link from Antony Green's article, [quote]What happens when the speaker resigns?[/quote]

Amy Rorke

24/08/2011For the first time in my life I have been following politics closely... and not out of a new-found interest, but from pure fear of Abbott. I feel that if this "man" gets into power we are doomed and can only hope and pray that in the end he will keep showing his nastiness and misogyny and that people will become so appalled that he will eventually self-combust. Even if you believe in the Libs policies (although am still not sure what they are), surely nobody would vote in an aggressive bully. To the point of actually losing sleep after watching Question Time from worry that he could one day be making decisions about our society and with our taxes, it is deeply disturbing.


24/08/2011Good article, I agree wholeheartedly. Just one quick correction. Bob Hawke was never really an opposition leader, not in parliament anyway.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Nasking, There are Liberals just salivating at the prospect of putting workers back under their boot and bringing the Unions to heel.


24/08/2011JJ, You said [quote]it seems the unions have realised that they are backing a broken horse in the ALP[/quote] No such thing! As Kathy Jackson, the National Secretary of the HSU said today "We make decisions for our members, not the Labor Party." The HSU is following due process, Tony Abbott is not. Read more: Anthony Albanese in QT summed up Mr Abbott very aptly, using the instances that you mention to illustrate the rank hypocrisy of his attack on the Politician, (Thomson) the Party (ALP), the Parliament, the Polity and the PM. As Anthony Albanese said, [i]"There is no process, there is no convention, there is no tradition, there is no norm that this Leader of the Opposition will not trash. This man is not a conservative, he's a reactionary."[/i] JJ Albanese was not relying on decades old scandals - the LNP has a lot of form with scandals. If you want to use that argument then the Thomson matter goes bad at least 5 years. It is a silly argument.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Amy Rorke, Welcome to 'The Political Sword'. Thank you for your comment and your new-found interest in politics. Basically, politics is all about your future. You are right to be worried about the sort of future Tony Abbott would try and create for this country. You only have to look to America for the sort of plicies he would like to implement here. He is from the Religious Right. That's all that needs to be said,really.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011jj, You have no shame and obviously don't know the meaning of hypocrisy. You are just a pathetic little troll and camp follower of the Agrarian Socialist Party.


24/08/2011Hi Amy Rorke Thankyou for your welcome comment, and thankyou for joining in with all of us on "The Political Sword". I hope you keep coming back , we need your opinions, along with your support. [i]he could one day be making decisions about our society and with our taxes, it is deeply disturbing. [/i] You are right to worry, one day if Mr Abbott somehow gets elected, our country will be in big trouble. Mr Abbott does not have the normal attributes of any other Opposition Leader or Prime Minister in our history. If Mr Abbott gets into power he can't hurt me, but he will do a lot of damage to Australia and future generations. eg Climate change. Work Choices, Welfare, unemployment benefits, pensions, etc. Cheers :):):):)


24/08/2011Hi Alex Welcome to "The Political Sword" thankyou so much for your very welcome comment, but more so thankyou for joining us on "The Political Sword." Not sure about your correction, so can't comment there. Cheers:):):):):)


24/08/2011Hi Everybody Greg (Grog's Gamut) will be on ABC24 The Drum at 6pm tonight: [quote]AgnessMackAgnes Mack Hey, all you people addicted to @GrogsGamut 's On the QT, don't forget he'll be on The Drum tomorrow night. #qt #auspol 5 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply[/quote] Cheers :):):):)


24/08/2011Sooner or later - the no pairing thing will come back to bite Abbott. It will be another brink in the wall that eventually brings him down.


24/08/2011^^^^ D'oh - brick, not brink. Where's the edit button?

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011mark leahy, Thank you for your comment and welcome to 'The Political Sword'! I hope you like the following quote about Tony Abbott, it chimes in with your own(it's from my facebook group): [quote]Bruce Fletcher The thing to remember about Abbott is that he's intelligent. He was a Rhodes Scholar. If he wanted to, he's more than capable of pursuing an educated, informed and intelligent opposition to Labor. But no, not our Tony. He's deliberately chosen to pursue a simplistic, slogans for bogans, mindless anti-scientific strategy in which everything is the fault of the carbon tax and hence Gillard. He'd rather whip up mob hysteria. Interestingly, I note that while Gillard's approval rating is down, so is Abbott's. Perhaps he's starting to alienate some of the more moderate Lib voters.[/quote]

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Casablanca Thanks – the Twomey link works now. Thank you and FS for responding to the tiresome jj, who comes here only when he thinks he can throw some mud and gloat. He loves gloating, which seems to give him perverse enjoyment. Amy Rorke Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. There are many here who share your apprehension at the prospect of an Abbott Government. Every QT shows how appalling this aggressive bully is, and how sullen he becomes when he is knocked back, as he was again today. Alex Thank you for your comment. You may be right; I was going on the Wikipedia list where Bob Hawke is credited as being Opposition Leader from 3 February to 11 March 1983 at the end of the Fraser Government. Maybe parliament was not sitting during that time.


24/08/2011[quote][/quote][quote]The desperation of the ALP today in question time just shows that they know how serious this is as well; trying to bring up things about Pauline Hanson and scandals that occurred in the Liberal party a decade ago. Their behavior stinks of pure desperation! [/quote] jj, I believe it's in the public interest that we know about the relationship Tony Abbott had w/ David Oldfield...why he decided to turn on One Nation so aggressively...and where did that fighting slush fund come from? There are too many things that we don't know about Abbott. I think he's pulled the wool over this country for a good long time. Good on Albanese for gettin' stuck in today & askin' some important questions...and showin' the hypocrites for the nasty desperados they are. Cheryl Kernot on Agenda today seemed disgusted w/ the hypocrisy...and the fact that Brandis had referred another parliamentary member to the police. Brandis, Abbott, Ciobo, Pyne & Bishop will go down in history as The Disgraceful Desperados...or somethin' similar. Say & do anything to win power. Imagine how they would rule? Imagine trying to stand up to them & their OZsterity package...they'd set their media allies on ya like a pack of vicious hounds. [quote]There are Liberals just salivating at the prospect of putting workers back under their boot and bringing the Unions to heel.[/quote] Feral, didn't the Victorian Premier already declare a war on unions? I thought I saw a headline somethin' like that on the front cover of a newspaper recently. N'


24/08/2011Lyn...thnx again for the splendid links. From The Independent article you linked to: [quote]Andy Coulson 'paid by Murdoch while working for PM' By Andy McSmith But the discovery that Mr Coulson was acting as Mr Cameron's adviser on handling the media at the same time as he was receiving payments from the country's largest media organisations, has raised new questions about the relationship between David Cameron and the Murdoch empire. Mr Watson said last night: "Did anyone at the Conservative Party know about these payments to Andy Coulson? If these were discretionary payments, they must surely constitute an undeclared donation to the Conservative Party. I will be asking the Electoral Commission to investigate."[/quote] Hmmm... I would like to know what relationship Allan Jones & the Murdoch empire have w/ the Liberal party here. N'

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Folks Late this afternoon, we’ve been enjoying the beauty and tranquility of the south coast at our local jetty and in front of our house. The water is flat and the exquisite sunset is reflected pink on the water’s surface. The glow of the setting sun merges into the soft grey-green horizon. It will be a starry night. What a contrast to the brutal clashes we saw today in our parliament where our representatives are trying to govern in the face of the obstruction, time wasting, vitriol and unbridled nastiness of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. If only they could take a cue from nature at its best and show some gentleness, some kindness, some consideration, some humanity, some common decency.


24/08/2011Tell you what, Abbortt's behaviour is not doing The Political Sword any harm! All these new people in the last couple of days - Welcome all Goodwillians, it's hard to keep up with all of you, if someone doesn't welcome you personally someone else usually does, and we hope you keep coming back. Just today, Mark Leahy, Alex and Amy Rorke, and a day or so ago Von Kirsdarke came through with intelligent comments after having silently followed TPS for a year. (I couldn't shut up for 2 days in a row.) Come on you other shrinking violets, aux armes mes amis, we now havw a man who thinks he's breathlessly close to a coup by attrition, a man who has our friend Gravel worried sick, (along with many of us too), a man of whom today Amy Rorke said, "For the first time in my life I have been following politics closely... and not out of a new-found interest, but from pure fear of Abbott. ... To the point of actually losing sleep after watching Question Time from worry that he could one day be making decisions about our society and with our taxes, it is deeply disturbing." Exactly, and oh what a great thing for our so-well-governed lucky well-off society, to have a maniac like Abbortt scaring rational people out of their wits - not idiots who know nothing and think Labor is going to eat their children or whatever the Coalons tell them, but people like Lyn and Nasking who know the issues and are absolutely right to be scared! (Jason's scared of [i]nothing[/i] :) Oh except the Crows.) We need more and more recruits, spreading the word at grass roots level because the MSM only push Coalonic effluent. Abbortt must be Abbortted (retrospectively, eh!) He is The Enemy Within, and he threatens FOREVER the conduct of Australian Parliaments and Governments. Like clearing pristine wilderness, what is destroyed in the way of long-honoured decent behaviour can never be restored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The lovely Greg Jericho, Winner of last year's Wonkley Award* for his terrific blog Grog's Gamut, is on The Drum as I write. What a great change to have real intelligent sane comment. The others with him are not the slavering sycophants we have become so used to neither. Oh for intelligent responsible and media all the time! At least, Trioli, and Uhlmann, I seem rarely to see these days,(rarer the better!) - or is it just that I've just grown used to not going where I used to go on TV, as lab rats learn to stay away from aversive stimuli? I know that 7.30 so-called is mostly not worth watching these days, I get my info right here on TPS and Lyn's Links mostly. *Speaking of which, The Political Sword and Ad astra are shortlisted for their categories in the Wonkley Awards this year, and TPS is now officially archived by the national Library. "Our story matters!"


24/08/2011Hi Ad If only. You put tears in my eyes saying those words. I have to wonder where is all the niceness gone, where is common decency, consideration. Not in our Politics or Parliament that's for sure. Tell you what though it's in my house. Watching Abbott this afternoon, he asked one question, then 5 minutes gone into Question time, a censure motion. Cutting words, yelling dreadful attack on Julia Gillard and Craig Thomson. Abbott is so sure he is going to bring the Government down, and his adrenalin flow has taken over reason. Cheers :):):):):)


24/08/2011Ha TT ~ Just sat down to read you reminded me of Grog being on The DRUM. Rushed in and the ARTS Quarter just started. Wonder if the Drum tonight at 10 is a repeat? All day after lyn announcing this I was excited to watch , and I forgot. :( Amy ~ For the same reason only one word being different. I could have written your sentence ; "For the first time in my life I have been following politics closely... and not out of a new-found interest, but from pure fear of Howard." Although I also 'fear' Abbott like you, Howard I was very very concerned about, enough to start an insight into politics and politicians. I guess we need to remember we have witness is polls go down faster, than they take to go up. Abbott tide can turn.


24/08/2011Hi DebbieP The Drum is repeated at 10pm, so you can watch then, howz that. Cheers:):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011This is what Budget Cuts, like the $70 Billion the Liberals want to make to our country, eventually result in-unbridled development and lack of safety standards, with potentially disastrous consequences:


24/08/2011 GREAT ~ Thanking you Lyn ;) Ps, now you have me singing that Sherbet song, How, how, howzat..... LOL.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011I saw Grog on The Drum! He sounded nervous to me, like the Public Servant he is, finally brought into the spotlight. Still, I was so proud to see him there. It was a small but significant victory for us tireless bloggers. His appearance finally put us up on the same level as the Think Tankers, the lobbyists, the academics and the lawyers, who generally populate these political opinion programs. We bloggers have opinions too, and they are just as valid, when properly researched and validated with evidence, as any opinion from any Think Tanker or journalist. And you could even make an argument that our opinions are a tiny bit more valid because we aren't paid to make them, we do it out of a sense of Civic Duty. I mean, when you look at the body of work of our own bloggers, Ad Astra and Acerbic Conehead, they are as good, and a lot of the time better, than any of the number of paid opinion writers that appear in the MSM. And I reckon Acerbic Conehead is even better than the Chaser Boys these days. But I guess that's because I'm biased, I suppose. :D Anyway, I think we shouuld continue to press the ABC to bring even more bloggers onto The Drum. Of course I would nominate Ad Astra. Also I believe Tim Dunlop, Andrew Elder, and Ash Ghebranious would add value to the show. Now, how do we go about getting the ABC to listen?

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011You know, I was just thinking how sad it is that the media, aided and abetted by that scuzzbucket Tony Abbott, only appear to be interested in tearing things down, like our federal government, like environmental protection(and isn't that being ripped away at the rate of knots in NSW since the election of the Coalition State government? 2 Chemical spills into the Newcastle River+ 2 cover-ups of same, already), like the moral fibre of our society, which is being absolutely rent asunder, all for the Lust for Power that seems to drive certain sociopathic alpha males, like Abbott and Murdoch. They just don't care what or who they rip to shreds to get where they want to go and to be who they want to be. They definitely have no empathy for anyone or anything, and the saddest thing of all is that their 'magnetic' personalities draws the people around them, many who started out being reasonable, into their perverse alternative political universe at who's black heart is an ethical and moral black hole.


24/08/2011Feral, Be careful the two resident fluffers will be out to? well not that they make sense but they will be out lol!

Sir Ian Crisp

24/08/2011[quote]The Health Services Union has now referred the Thomson case to the NSW Police saying that their first loyalty is to its members and not to the Labor Party. Things are looking a bit serious. Casablanca [/quote] Casablanca, I too feared that some of the mud dished up by mealy-mouthed members of Her Majesty’s Opposition would stick to Craig Thomson. I didn’t sleep much last night. When I woke up this morning I decided to read TPS's comments again and after reading sillographer HS’s comment I can’t tell you how relieved I am. HS told us that she observed Craig Thomson emerging from a media scrum and she studied Thomson’s suety face. HS brushed aside Thomson’s obliquity and declared that he was as good as innocent. HS’s declaration is good enough for me and we should now see an end to the cruel pasquinades. Should Mr Thomson be charged will our courts depart from the normal standards of evidence and instead rely on the testimony of Australia’s foremost authority on physiognomy? I hope for the good of the nation that HS is the first witness called.


24/08/2011Sir Ian, Stop it or you'll go blind!

Sir Ian Crisp

24/08/2011J guy, you just keep sinking those pints and sneeking home via the backstreets to avoid the boys in blue.

Patricia WA

24/08/2011I thought you'd like to know I sent an email to Minister Anthony Albanese today thanking him for his great work in Parliament and support for our wonderful Prime Minister. I also thanked him for the title to my Convoy of No Consequence pome. I've just come home to find what looks like a personal response thanking me for my kind words. Perhaps we shouldc write nice letters to them more often. I also sent an encouraging message of support to Craig Thomson and his family. I can't imagine the pain his wife must be feeling.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Sir Ian Crisp, Your comments are as limp as they come. You're not David Flint are you? It's just that your comments and faux intellectualism(I mean, how long did it take you to look up the dictionary today in order to compose your latest effete diatribe?), well, they just serve to confirm what a twerp you are.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Jason, I've been abused by the best of them. That bottom-feeder doesn't even come close to the standard required to take some paint off me. :D

Ad astra reply

24/08/2011Jason Sir Ian enjoys exhibiting elegant words from his stylish lexicon. In the interests of educating us, he ought to favour us with a set of definitions to complete each of his offerings. A word a day would keep our ignorance at bay. I'm calling it a day.

Feral Skeleton

24/08/2011Just for the record, this information piece from Vex News serves to let us know exactly who the 'Salvation Army Charity Worker' that Craig Thomson was supposed to have abused at the Anti-Pokies Pre-Commitment Rally truly is: (Not exactly a little, old lady with a tambourine in one hand and a collection box in the other).


24/08/2011Sir Ian, I pass them as I walk home!but you're still a coalition fluffer though!


24/08/2011Hi Patricia Aren't you just the loveliest. What a nice thing to take your time to do, Wasn't Anthony just the best, you know he would make a good Prime Minister. Like you I feel so sorry for Craig Thomson's wife, she must feel so upset. Abbott is being cut throat, stop at nothing, he has no feelings for people, pretty obvious before and even more so today. If this turns out to be another Utegate, I don't know what I will do, just the delight of seeing that Coalition mob of sharks go down. Did you hear Barnaby Joyce on the doorstop OMG. What about Uhlmann tonight, he now uses Abbott spin for a question. Cheers:):):):):):)

D Mick Weir

24/08/2011NormanK, I trust all is well with you and your 'silence' is only for lack inspiration or something to add. If otherwise best wishes


24/08/2011Let me be the first here at [i]TPS[/i] to acknowledge that I have misjudged Mr Abbott. He is the salt of the earth, a dinky-di visionary with Australia's best interests at heart. I know, I know. "Political pragmatism wins out over policy purity every time" not withstanding, Mr Abbott has (and I quote): [quote]vowed to put long-term policy concerns ahead of short-term political gain[/quote]. Now does that sound like the cynical opportunist this site spends so much time trying to depict him as? Poor misunderstood Mr Abbott - he's even got a hole in his hat, poor thing. And he can't afford a straw to chew on. [b]Abbott puts stop to NZ apples bill[/b] [quote]OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has vowed to put long-term policy concerns ahead of short-term political gain as he dumped a Coalition bill that appealed to rural voters but would have breached world trade agreements. The decision sends a wider message about the Coalition's stance on economic policy as it chooses between appealing to its own supporters or backing free trade and long-term economic gains.[/quote] Never mind that as usual he let the threat of the bill stand for a week in order to score Brownie points with his Coalition partners or that he has yet again backed down on one of his stupid threats that can be seen through by anyone with half a brain. Onya Tony, at least you tried mate. It's not your fault that those WTO mongrels would have retaliated like the vendetta-obsessed foreigners that they are, you gave it a shot and wore your hat out doing it. Tony Abbott, the farmers' friend. I take back all of those harsh thoughts I've had about you Tony. Even the ones where I thought that depicting you as the leader of a Doomsday cult was the most apt description so far. It's all been a gross misunderstanding and I look forward to hearing more about your efforts to prevent members of your own front bench from attending the funeral of one of their friends. As St Christopher the Pious put it, it really is all about the national interest with you Tony. God bless.


24/08/2011BMW Cheers. Nothing to say and all the time in the world in which to say it.

D Mick Weir

24/08/2011KormanDay and you say it so well :)

D Mick Weir

24/08/2011It seems that misterabbotts mob reckons it is in the 'hot seat' to be on the treasury benches very soon. [i]In the debate over plain packaging of cigarettes, we had some procedural shenanigans this afternoon, with the Coalition calling two ‘quorums’ on every Labor speaker. In order to get the debate finished, Labor eventually withdrew several of our speakers, including yours truly. But I rather liked my speech (which Huw Pohlner and Louise Crossman had put a lot of time into), so have pasted it below for your enjoyment. Most importantly, the bill has now passed the House of Representatives.[/i] Andrew Leigh [b]Plain Packaging of Cigarettes[/b]


25/08/2011A thoughtful article: 'Howard haters' a potent reminder of who's still framing the debate Sarah Burnside August 23, 2011 [i]How is it that "Honest John" weathered the untruths of "children overboard" and "weapons of mass destruction", while Gillard is damned as "JuLIAR"?[/i] Read more:


25/08/2011This story needs to be told over and over again. For the first time in history this country is in danger of one who lurks as its potential leader.Hatred is prevailing over rational debate.

Sir Ian Crisp

25/08/2011 [quote] Sir Ian Crisp, Your comments are as limp as they come. You're not David Flint are you? It's just that your comments and faux intellectualism(I mean, how long did it take you to look up the dictionary today in order to compose your latest effete diatribe?), well, they just serve to confirm what a twerp you are. Feral Skeleton [/quote] Now you’re sounding like Lyn (minus the wandering apostrophes). You ask how long it took me. It took me about as long as it takes you to lump together your tired old vomit of “it’s the meeja’s fault” and “Tones is a bad ass”. And remember, it’s my work and not something I’ve plagiarised. [quote] Sir Ian enjoys exhibiting elegant words from his stylish lexicon. In the interests of educating us, he ought to favour us with a set of definitions to complete each of his offerings. A word a day would keep our ignorance at bay. AA [/quote] C’mon AA, wasn’t it you that mounted that ride-on mower and mustered up all that energy to turn 400h of long grass into a well manicured lawn? With all that energy surely you can find your way to: Etc. Etc. Etc.


25/08/2011As requested, Anthony Albanese's ripping into Shouldabeen after the Hypocrite in Chiffon called for an interruption in Question Time yesterday, and then railed for ten minutes like Mussolini in heat, duly followed through the droppings by Poodle Pyne. Hansard, August 24, 2011: Mr ALBANESE (Grayndler—Leader of the House and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) (14:19): If there were any doubt that the Leader of the Opposition was unfit for high office, we have seen it demonstrated yet again today in this debate for the suspension of standing and sessional orders. The Manager of Opposition Business outlined a range of real issues of import to the Australian community—the issue of the pressure created by the high Australian dollar, the issue of the global economic situation and the issue of jobs. These are the issues that this government is focusing on but the opposition could not care less about. After one question from the Leader of the Opposition, they end question time by moving a suspension of standing and sessional orders. We have seen it all played out in the contribution of the Leader of the Opposition: one standard for himself and another standard for everyone else. Hypocrisy writ large. There is only one member of the Australian parliament who has charges against them—and it is not just shoplifting—and that is a member of the opposition. When did that occur? In May. When did we find out about it? In July. For two months they said absolutely nothing to the Australian people or in their party room. She is still chairing a committee; she has just stepped aside so she stays on the payroll. What hypocrites we see of those opposite. There is no process, there is no convention, there is no tradition, there is no norm that this Leader of the Opposition will not trash. This man is not a conservative; he is a reactionary who has been determined from day one, in what is the longest dummy spit in Australian political history, to trash the parliament, to trash its institutions and to drag everything down. You never see those opposite happier than when an Australian loses their job. They are only concerned about themselves, and we see it day in, day out. Just look at their hypocrisy. The Leader of the Opposition spoke about parliamentary standards, but last year, on 17 September, he said: ... what we envisaged with the Parliamentary reform ... was that the House of Reps would have a pairing system very much like the system that’s operated effectively for years in the Senate, where typically the government hasn’t had a majority ... He went on to say, later that same day: I also support doing what’s reasonably necessary to ensure that the Parliament can function given the closeness of the vote in the parliament. What a farce. Today, we saw the Prime Minister's vote not counted because she was doing the job of a Prime Minister—a job that this man will never do because he is incapable of holding high office. We saw the Minister for the Arts and the member for Wentworth prevented from attending the funeral of Margaret Olley. Last week, we stood as one in this House for the condolence motion on her death; yet today, in spite of the fact that it would have no impact on the result—no chance did the opposition have of getting an absolute majority—they chose to make a petty, mean-spirited act, lacking in old-fashioned decency. Then they came in and moved a motion to override the separation that exists between judicial proceedings and the parliamentary process. We had the shadow finance minister's speech last night—an outrageous attack under parliamentary privilege. We had a motion this morning and now we have another one. This is what the Leader of the Opposition said about the member for Bonner, when there were investigations taking place: "The matter is really now before the police and perhaps the Criminal and Misconduct Commission in Queensland, and let's let those authorities make their investigations and come to any conclusion," ... "He's a backbench Member of Parliament and I think he's entitled to stay in the Parliament until these bodies have come to their conclusions," he said. We also have Senator Brandis, of Brandis on Brandis fame. This is what he had to say today, as reported in the Australian online: ... while the Thomson matter "has potential important political ramifications, from my point of view this is not primarily a political matter, it is primarily a legal matter". That is what the shadow Attorney-General said just today. Of course, he has also said about his own side: I think people ... are entitled to the presumption of innocence ... Particularly since these people are members of parliament ... What a farcical situation we have. Former Prime Minister John Howard had the same thing to say on 7 March 2007. He said, 'A lot of people who are under investigation end up having nothing to answer for.' The Leader of the Opposition's hypocrisy is perhaps best exemplified by his actions in the establishment of Australians for Honest Politics. Remember the slush fund? When David Oldfield set up One Nation out of his electorate office, along with Pauline Hanson in Warringah, he said, 'A hundred thousand dollars in the fund—we still don't know where it comes from.' When the Leader of the Opposition—the same person who is now moving a motion that the Prime Minister should respond, and there are no allegations against the Prime Minister—was asked, 'Where did the money come from?' he said in the Sydney Morning Herald on 5 September 2003: "There are some things the public has no particular right to know." That is what he said. But, of course, he was part of a government where there was barely a day in its 12 years that one of their frontbench was not under investigation or under threat of having to resign. They lost nine ministers and parliamentary secretaries. It was a revolving door over there because of the accusations and the proven circumstances which led to the resignation of minister after minister, parliamentary secretary after parliamentary secretary, day after day. We know that they then stonewalled. They had a position whereby, no matter what you did, you were going to get defence. We had Wilson Tuckey providing references to police on his letterhead and Peter Reith giving his credit card to his son, conceding that he should not have done so, and his son giving it to someone else, with the public picking up the bill for all of that. We had the misrepresentation to the public about 'children overboard'. We had scandals involving the former Minister for Foreign Affairs over AWB. We had the member for Wentworth with his rainmaker grants. We had the member for North Sydney launching tourism campaigns for farm stays a couple of days after he opened his own farm stay business—a bit of insider knowledge there. So, day after day, we had those sorts of circumstances occurring, but what we heard from the now Leader of the Opposition was: "There are some things the public has no particular right to know." Earlier this year, on the front page of the Australian, one of his mates who helps run the group that has raised over $110,000 for Tony Abbott was talking about Work Choices, but he made no declaration of interest whatsoever. The Leader of the Opposition gave an interesting speech last week to the AMA. He said: 'You don't have to judge me by my words; you can judge me by my actions.' Well, we do judge the Leader of the Opposition by his actions. His actions are those of someone who is absolutely desperate because they cannot engage in a policy debate about the future of this country because they are too busy trying to dig themselves out of a $70 billion black hole. That is why those opposite have gone away from the policy debate on the economy; they have no interest whatsoever. They are just interested in slurs and digging dirt on members of parliament. It is important that due process be upheld.


25/08/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Department of Dirty Tricks, The Conscience Vote[/i] No more appearances at the Press Club. No opening ceremonies for the NBN. No overseas trips toG20 conferences. In other words, to make government unworkable. [i]Peak Abbott?, Massivespray, Spray of the Day.[/i] If the media start to do their job and report the facts without the atrocious pro-LNP spin, theAustralian public will start to see Abbott and his lackeys for the talentless nobodies they truly are and the total policy void that exists in the Opposition. [i]Why Labor can’t afford to lose Craig Thomson … or any MP,Zareh Ghazarian, Conversation[/i] So Labor really is in the box seat, even though things are going wrong, it’s not popular in the opinion polls, it’s got this current controversy now but in terms of servicing the interests of the independents they’re doing that. [i]Abbott Does Truck All For Democracy,Ian McAuley, New Matilda[/i] The Liberal/National Party Opposition, aided by the Murdoch press and by talkback radio hosts, is doing a remarkably effective job not only in tapping into people’s discontent, but also in fomenting discontent. [i]Shadows of ’75 creep across the political landscape, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] In contrast, Senator Mary Jo Fisher, who has been arrested and charged with shoplifting and assault while she was a serving member of Parliament, has merely “stood aside” from her committee work. That’s a rather strange [i]The Katters, Min, Café Whispers[/i] One cannot help but ponder as to why Bob Katter having a gay brother has so little empathy, surely B. Katter must have seen the homophobia towards his brother while they were growing up. . [i]Carbon scaremongering to make even dishonest advertisers blush, John Quiggin, The National Times[/i] How can this be? The answer is that the NSW government engaged in an exercise in misleading advertising that would make even the most shonky of infomercial vendors blush [i]Is this the end for Gillard? Body Politic – Australia [/i] A House of Representatives election, after no party could guarantee supply, or the ALP winning over Katter or Crook, or the Coalition winning over either Bandt, Oakeshott,Wilkie or Windsor. None of these are likely, with neither Katter [i]Dearth of Journalists in Australia: A Threat to Society, Peter, Aussie Views News[/i] Without skilled journalists capable of detailed investigation backed by by their incisive intuition and gutfeeling, the interest of the public would be buried under the influence of those in power. Either politically or financially. [i]Andrew Robbed of Our Say on Same Sex marriage, Kevin Rennie, Labor View from Bayside[/i] This comes from the same Opposition that are supposedly combing the budget "line by line" to find $70 billiondollars in cuts if they are elected. [i]Who goes to right wing rallies, and why, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] ludicrous claims about ‘censorship’. And about the way the Coalition is essentially using this diffuse resentiment tocontribute to its recreation of the febrile atmosphere of 1975. [i]Katter's brother face of new GetUp! campaign, Tom Cowie, The Power Index[/i] The 33-year-old is the face of a new GetUp! campaign for same-sex marriage, which iscalling on supporters to end what it says is an act of "disgraceful discrimination". [i]A mega-wrap of the news about health, journalism and related innovations, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] The implications of the digital revolution for health and media will feature in the public health session of the Public Interest Journalism Foundation’s two-day New News conference, which opens as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival this Friday, (Aug 26 [i]The NBN's accessibility opportunity, Technology Spectator[/i] the National Broadband Network, and its related trans-sector policies in e-health, e-education, e-government, e-commerce and smart grids,would allow the disability community to break through [i]Mining hurts us more than we think, Peter Martin[/i] If you are in any doubt that as mining advances manufacturing inevitably retreats you can set yourself right by examining an extraordinary graph of mining and non-mining export [i]Debate should we defend the carbon tax, Solidarity Net. Au[/i] The GST is a good six and a half times greater in terms of its impact on households budgets than the carbon tax would be. The GST over the next three years will collect about $130 billion in revenue whereas the carbon tax will only collect about $20 billion. [i]Never mind the substance, feel the hypocrisy, Barrie Cassidy, ABC[/i] Thomson is not under scrutiny for anything he has done while a Member of Parliament. Thomson just happens to be the difference between government and opposition; and boy does that make a massive difference. [i]Cloaked in hypocrisy, our elected display their cheek, Tony Wright, National Times[/i] ''It is with considerable reluctance that I move for the suspension of standing orders,'' he oozed.Piffle. Mr Abbott was about as reluctant to create the opportunity to torment Ms Gillard as an evil child might be to pin a fly to a corkboard. [i]Ship of fools, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] but obviously Malaysia isn’t going to want Tony Abbott, Andrew Bolt, Miranda Devine, Barnaby Joyce, Ziggy Switkowski, Ian Plimer, Fred Nile, Jo Codling, Bob Carter, Sophie Mirabella, Alan Jones etc,

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


25/08/2011Thursday's Bad Abbott As Lyndal Curtis elicited from a smirking Shouldabeen this morning, written commitments from the Coalition can be rescinded with less than 24 hours notice. Which rather makes Tiny's written commitment on Workchoices never being reinstituted, "dead, buried, cremated", worthless. Well, worth the paper it was scrawled on.

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011Ecstra Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. You are right. Hatred is the prevailing emotion, and it does stifle rational debate as we saw so strikingly yesterday in QT. Casablanca Thank you for the [i]SMH[/i] link to Sarah Burnside’s well reasoned article. Michael Thank you for posting Anthony Albanese’s address in reply to the Abbott motion to suspend standing orders. What a telling statement. Do you have the link so that I can file it for future reference?


25/08/2011AA, hi. is a sub-page of the overall Hansard website but it's the quickest way to get there for the House of Reps.

Marian Dalton

25/08/2011 By the way, congratulations on being chosen for archiving by the National Library of Australia!

Feral Skeleton

25/08/2011Michael, Well spotted re the Evil Angel's statement this morning about his written undertakings. :D

Feral Skeleton

25/08/2011Can someone who's more religious than I remind me of the name of the Evil Angel that was cast out of Heaven by God and went on to become the Devil? I think it was the Archangel Gabriel. Anyway, that whole sage reminds me of nothing so much as God's actions in casting Tony Abbott out of the Manly Seminary, as, if you believe in God, as Tony Abbott does, you cannot construe his leaving the Seminary, whether voluntary or not as God works in mysterious ways remember, as anything other than God casting another Evil Angel out of his sacred place, the Seminary. Hmm, maybe there is a God, and maybe he does know all, or at least knows things about Tony Abbott that would cause a reasonable person, ie God, to take such action. ;-)


25/08/2011[quote]As Lyndal Curtis elicited from a smirking Shouldabeen this morning, written commitments from the Coalition can be rescinded with less than 24 hours notice. Which rather makes Tiny's written commitment on Workchoices never being reinstituted, "dead, buried, cremated", worthless.[/quote] Michael, spot on. Useful interview by Lyndal Curtis this morning...needs to be watched by every voting Australian. Abbott was willing to tear up the "pairs" agreement. It seems even his written words and agreements can't be trusted. A reminder: Phoney Tony caught out N'


25/08/2011Hi Marion Thankyou very much for your congratulations. That is nice of you to drop in to TPS. Congratulations on your own Blog too, The Conscience Vote, I thoroughly enjoyed you last post. Department of Dirty Tricks, Marion Dalton, The Conscience Vote


25/08/2011'Morning Ecstra! :) @ 6.12 AM ! It is a very serious situation this horror of an Opposition is fomenting, yes. Old women, and young men, and all Australians of goodwill, have cause to be [i]terrified[/i], a word as deserved as your use of the term hatred. There has never been a threat like Abbortt and his vandal horde to the kind of society we would like to have. Sharpen your Vorpal Sword Ecstra, looks like you might be on Early Morning Watch! Gotta get up pretty early to beat our Tweety Bird Lyn, ('course she's been up for hours before she's ready to post her Links! - which encompass the best political writing in the Wide Brown Land.) She would be chuffed to know that there is another really Early Bird somewhere, ready to be the first to grab the juiciest worms she selflessly digs up for the rest of us. We welcome you to [i]TPS.[/i]


25/08/2011It was certainly a great speech by Albo. You would think it would leave the opposition red faced but I would bet they just laugh it off. Why? Because they know it will be only heard be the select few who can be bothered and will not be reported in any MSM. If the worst was to happen & TA was to form a govt how quickly do you think they would be calling for new standards in parliament? The blame for all of this time wasting would be sheeted to the ALP. Should any opposition to them try the same tactics they would be torn apart by the Murdochracy.


25/08/2011It's now Kelly O'Dwyer, George Brandis, Tony Abbott, Steve Ciobo, Christopher Pyne & Julie Bishop that will go down in history as The Disgraceful Desperados...or somethin' similar. Say & do anything to win power. IMO, Kelly O'Dwyer joined the Desperado team by way of her Agenda interview this morn. MY QUESTIONS OF THE DAY: Can Tony Abbott be trusted now that we see he is willing to tear up written agreements? Why did George Brandis contact the NSW Police Minister? Is Brandis attempting to use the Police Minister to exercise influence over the NSW Police Commissioner regarding a possible investigation into Thompson? Are the Coalition, under the leadership of Tony Abbott, using wrecker strategies & focusing ad nauseum on the Thompson affair, in & out of parliament, in order to create the perception that "the government has been distracted from working to protect jobs and manage the economy"?...when in fact the government is getting on with the job of governing, as evidenced by COAG agreements related to health & transport...and the passing in the lower house of the tobacco plain packaging bill. N'


25/08/2011Hi Ad New articles just in, George Brandis is caught out, smelling like Utegate, looking like Utegate, feeling like Utegate, Utegate again. Abbott favourite saying :- up, up, up, and up, well this story is going up, up, up, and up. [i]Police Minister rang Scipione about Thomson investigation , Sean Nicholl's, SMH[/i] [quote]THE NSW Police Minister, Mike Gallacher, is being accused of improperly interfering in the Craig Thomson affair after he phoned the Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipione, to discuss calls for an investigation into the Labor MP soon after being contacted by the opposition Senator George Brandis.[/quote] [i]Brandis call adds new twist to Thomson scandal,ABC[/i] [quote]The political row surrounding the fate of Labor MP Craig Thomson has intensified again after revelations the shadow attorney-general called the New South Wales Police Minister before referring material about the backbencher to police.[/quote] [quote]The state's Labor Opposition claims that constitutes political interference. A spokesman for Mr Gallacher says he mentioned it briefly in passing to Commissioner Scipione and has rejected the interference claim.[/quote] [i]The politics of attrition , Shaun Carney, The Age[/i] [quote]The decision by the national executive of the union yesterday, [b]announced by Thomson's sworn enemy[/b], national secretary Kathy Jackson, to ask the NSW police to look into its financial affairs increased the pressure and added to his sense of humiliation[/quote] [quote]Yesterday, opposition leader Tony Abbott veered close to over-reach, with his extraordinary claim that the issue was stopping the government from dealing with more serious problems.[/quote] [quote]But the [quote][b]niceties of the law do not really interest the Coalition; [/b]they are merely vehicles by which they can continue their assault [/quote]on Thomson's state of mind and Gillard's political authority. Any legal case against Thomson for misappropriation of union funds would take years to be mounted, listed and heard.[/quote] A couple of tweets for your info: Retweeted by Artspeakcentral @Deadly_Thoughtsthat dude you knew @LaborFAIL matter of democracy and seperation of powers politicians cannot order investigations as may have happened #auspol #brandiscalls Deadly_Thoughtsthat dude you knew brandis needs to answer the question did the NSW liberal party order the investigation in craig thomson on his behalf #auspol 20 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply @Simon_CullenSimon Cullen ABC Reporter, Parliament House, Canberra The House of Reps has now spent more than an hour debating whether to change the order of business. Oppn wants to talk about Thomson 26 minutes agovia web esseeeayeennSéan Hawkes by Deadly_Thoughts Tony Abbott just said he went back on promise because "circumstances changed" exactly why Julia revisited carbon price! #hypocrisy #auspol latikambourkeLatika Bourke, Political and Social Media Reporter by Kevin_Rennie Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he agreed to pair Simon Crean for Margaret Olley's funeral but 'circumstances changed.' #ABCNews24 16 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply Cheers:):):):)


25/08/2011Thnx for the links Lyn...great job: [quote]Mining hurts us more than we think, Peter Martin Higher minerals push up the Aussie dollar which makes exports harder to sell and imports much cheaper. There’s also a secondary mechanism. The mining boom (particularly the mining construction boom) gets the Reserve Bank worried about inflation. It talks up the possibility of higher interest rates - until this month that’s exactly what it has been doing - and consumer and business confidence stall. Step three takes place when our relatively high interest rates and talk of higher ones draws more money in from overseas pushing up the dollar further. It’s bad for steelmakers, bad for any trade-exposed industry, and to a lesser extent also bad for industries with no competition from trade. If consumers and businesses are wary of spending - as the Reserve Bank has tried to ensure they are - they will be wary across the board... What can be done to make sure we continue to make things? OneSteel is making a better first of it than BlueScope, expanding its iron ore export operation as a hedge in the same way that newspapers are getting into the internet. Getting behind the originally-designed mining super profits tax would have helped. It would have taken money from the miners and given it to manufacturers and other non mining companies in the form of a 2 percentage point tax cut - enough to offset the effects of the higher dollar for a while. Some may be regretting not getting behind it. And staring down the Reserve Bank would help. It’s been saying it’ll eventually have to push up rates because wage growth is running ahead of anemic productivity growth. It is, but the measure of productivity growth relied on to make the claim is bogus: Australia Institute research released this morning shows non-mining productivity growth is a very respectable 2.5 per cent. Mining productivity is plummeting pulling the average way down. As minerals prices get higher more and more resources are being thrown at mining and less and less productive mines are opening. The gross value added per mining worker has almost halved since the start of the mining boom eight or so years ago. This shouldn’t surprise us, and it’s not a bad thing. But it isn’t a reason to punish the non-mining economy even further. That’d be adding insult to injury.[/quote] Martin also looks at the positives of the high's worth reading the entire article. When we see today BHP Billiton profits coming in at $US23.6 billion ($A22.46 billion), an Australian corporate record, you can't help but ask why there is no appropriate mining resource tax in place to ensure all Australians benefit from this boom. And I think most of us would agree that the Reserve Bank overreached on interest rates...and they need to start coming down ASAP. N'


25/08/2011Hi Ad Here is the video of Lyndal Curtis's interview with Abbott this morning. Lyndal asked about written agreement on pairing: Abbott saying circumstances changed. [b]Posted by our Nasking:[/b] thankyou Nasking:- [quote]As Lyndal Curtis elicited from a smirking Shouldabeen this morning, written commitments from the Coalition can be rescinded with less than 24 hours notice. Which rather makes Tiny's written commitment on Workchoices never being reinstituted, "dead, buried, cremated", worthless[/quote] Cheers :):):):):)


25/08/2011Marion Dalton said "By the way, congratulations on being chosen for archiving by the National Library of Australia!" Yes and right on too. May I make the obvious point that you too now are forever archived in the National Library! Makes us feel a litle bit important, as indeed we are. As a blogger yourself, what do you think of TPS and Ad astra being shortlisted for the Wonkleys this year!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feral Skeleton said, "Can someone who's more religious than I remind me of the name of the Evil Angel that was cast out of Heaven by God and went on to become the Devil? I think it was the Archangel Gabriel." Marion Dalton said "By the way, congratulations on being chosen for archiving by the National Library of Australia!" Yes and right on too. May I make the obvious point that you too now are forever archived in the National Library! Makes us feel a litle bit important, as indeed we are. As a blogger yourself, what do you think of TPS and Ad astra being shortlisted for the Wonkleys this year!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feral Skeleton said, "Can someone who's more religious than I remind me of the name of the Evil Angel that was cast out of Heaven by God and went on to become the Devil? I think it was the Archangel Gabriel." Feral, actually it was me ole mate Satan, he used to be a Goodie (as that suckhole Gabriel still is) until he had a sort of psychodrama with his boss who gave him the heave-ho from heaven and he's been on a dummy spit just like Abbortt ever since. Actually imo his boss is a megalomanic irrational [b]( * )[/b], and did Satan ever get his day in court, not a word, kangaroo court if ever there was one. FS also said "Hmm, maybe there is a God, and maybe he does know all, or at least knows things about Tony Abbott that would cause a reasonable person,ie God, [HA! TT] to take such action. Feral Skeleton " They're all tarred with the same brush. Bloody religiomanes the lot of them, even poor dumb nasty Satan, dunno why he just doesn't move on and have a good time while he's got the chance. [Is this a link? I copied it and I hope so. don't blame me it's weird. If you can't see the youtube clip just google Peter Cook Bedazzled, one of the delightfullest movies ever made.] Recaptcha : divilli patient (!?) Not much good at spelling your name you old Devil! But we know you're patient, just watch Bedazzled!


25/08/2011Sorry Ad, messy last post, fix it or leave it as you wish. Recaptcha this time: typicts University [b][u][i]STOP FOLLOWING ME ![/i][/u][/b] with your crazy sardonic messages.


25/08/2011Hi Ad Another one of our friends have posted the Political Sword, featuring your article : Thankyou Reflexio The Political Sword | The worst Opposition Leader in Australian political history, Reflexio


25/08/2011If this whole Thomson affair has shown us nothing else it has pointed to the inability of our opinionistas to offer any sort of coherent guidance on the subject. [Thank-you to Lyn for your dogged pursuit of material on the subject.] :) It's been a bit like trying to find an objective economist who's advice can be considered to be sound and based on more than the particular school of thought they belong to and how much partisan politics plays in their musings. Or whether they are looking for a juicy headline. We have seen today opinions ranging from this being a mere blip on the radar (provided the government holds its nerve); passing through it being a major headache for Gillard et al but far from fatal; culminating in the typically absolutist stance in the mainstream that this could bring the government down. Somewhere in the middle of this lies the probable truth of the matter. If Thomson is guilty of some criminal activity at a time prior to his being elected to Parliament surely history shows that many months will be spent assembling the case before the laying of charges. From there any halfway decent brief should be able to string the process out for the eighteen months needed to see the government through to the next election. The Independents have shown themselves to be fair-minded individuals who are unlikely to abandon the presumption of innocence until such time as a court case is completed. If the Constitutional pundits are to be believed, Thomson can stay in his seat until such time as a guilty verdict is brought down for a crime that could attract a sentence of more than twelve months. It will be interesting to discover whether the appeals process influences his need to step down i.e. can he stay while appeals are heard or does the Constitution dictate that a guilty verdict prior to sentencing is sufficient for him to resign? Further, if it is less than six months before a scheduled election would it serve anyone's interests to hold a by-election? Famous last words but all in all it seems like much ado about nothing provided Thomson holds his nerve and Gillard continues to back him. The longer-term political fall-out if he is found guilty is another matter but this minority government must at this point be concerned with getting through the next twelve to eighteen months and passing its major pieces of legislation. This bit of noise does not seem to threaten that possibility.

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Like Michael I've just been across to Marion Dalton's excellent site. What a compliment AA and Lyn to be commended by her! Also ike Michael I left a comment, copied and slightly edited here: What a telling interview with Lyndal Curtis! What a pity she wasn't able to pick up on that up on that [b][quote]"Circumstances have changed!"[/quote][/b]rationalisation from Abbott for his tearing up of his written agreement on pairs? By his own definition from his condemnation of Julia Gillard he was lying when he made that commitment! In writing too! Not just verbally in the wider context of carbon pricing and a market mechanism in a press conference as the PM did about the [i]'carbon tax'[/i] pre-election Didn't he say somewhere that the only time we could be sure he was telling the truth was if we had it in writing? Obviously even then he was lying as we can now see. Even his commitments in writing aren't worth the paper they're written on! For how long are the media going to leave unchallenged Abbott's casuistry, dishonesty and hypocrisy which are for proving more dangerous to our polity than any misappropriation of funds that may or may not have occurred in the pre-parliamentary life of an MP?


25/08/2011Hi Talk Turkey Thankyou so much for your marvellous comments, everybody should be having a great time this morning with all the information being posted. Talk Turkey, how nice are you, very lovely of you to say that comment to our new reader Ecstra! at 10:22 AM . [quote]Tweety Bird Lyn, ('course she's been up for hours before she's ready to post her Links! - which encompass the best political writing in the Wide Brown Land.) She would be chuffed to know that there is another really Early Bird somewhere, ready to be the first to grab the juiciest worms she selflessly digs up for the rest of us. We welcome you to TPS. [/quote] I am thoroughly enjoying your correlations of readers comments, and your replies to them, what a novel idea. Cheers :):):):):):):):):):)


25/08/2011Cheers Lyn. and thnx for the useful link: [quote]Police Minister rang Scipione about Thomson investigation Sean Nicholls THE NSW Police Minister, Mike Gallacher, is being accused of improperly interfering in the Craig Thomson affair after he phoned the Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipione, to discuss calls for an investigation into the Labor MP soon after being contacted by the opposition Senator George Brandis. The Herald has learnt that Mr Brandis phoned Mr Gallacher last Friday to alert him of his intention to write to Mr Scipione asking him to investigate allegations that Mr Thomson used a union credit card to pay for escort services. Mr Gallacher has confirmed he returned Mr Brandis's call and then telephoned Mr Scipione that evening to discuss what he had been told by Mr Brandis. The NSW opposition police spokesman, Nathan Rees, said the telephone calls by Mr Brandis and Mr Gallacher created the perception of political interference. [/quote] Hmmm... N'


25/08/2011Now, Senator Brandis has admitted in a letter to SKY NEWS that he contacted NSW Police Minister, Mike Gallacher, on Friday the 19th of August, 2011. Yet, if you listen to the Friday the 19th of August interview w/ Alan Jones he makes no mention of intending to do so. Nor does he mention making contact in the Monday, 22nd of August interview w/ Alan Jones: Considering the depth of the discussion...and the details mentioned in both seems more than odd that Brandis failed to provide listeners & Jones w/ that important piece of info. Looks suss. N'

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011Marian Dalton Thank you for your congratulations and welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. We hope you will come again and comment here. I did enjoy your very well-argued piece on [i]The Conscience Vote: Department of dirty tricks[/i]. How right you are. We need more of this type of article – calling Tony Abbott for what he is – a ruthless rule and promise breaker and an incorrigible liar to boot. Nasking Thank you for that telling YouTube clip [i]Phoney Tony caught out[/i]. It is symbolic of his approach to politics – truth is irrelevant – say anything you like – change your mind the next day – anything goes in order to get the keys to The Lodge. This man is despicable in the extreme, and the most serious risk to contemporary Australian politics.


25/08/2011Furthermore, if one listens closely to the two Brandis interviews w/ Alan Jones: you cannot help but feel the bias on the part of Jones...that he is egging on taking part in a propaganda campaign to bring down Craig Thompson, PM Julia Gillard & the government...that Jones seems to have an enormous amount of details at hand regarding the Thomson affair... and is making unsubstantiated claims against Julia Gillard. For instance, in the Monday, 22nd August, 2011 interview Alan Jones makes the following accusations starting at the 4mins:10 mark: "...if Thomson had pleaded guilty, originally, to the alleged fraud...he'd most probably get a favourable sentence (etc.)...he's chosen not to go that route to protect the Gillard government..." Then at the 5:38 mark: "...hanging on and denying may suit Julia Gillard..." These are pretty bold claims on Jones part. N'

Patricia WA

25/08/2011That interview with Lyndal Curtis reminded me of the very first comment on your post, Ad Astra, by 2353 which begins [quote]Abbott is a failed Jesuit Priest.[/quote] He did learn well from one subject - casuistry or argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading. Not many of us are good at that. I often wondered why Julia Gillard the lawyer and great Parliamentary debater has not responded to the [i]"Liar"[/i]accusation from him with his own more frequent and egregious examples of dishonesty. Has she been waiting for this far more telling evidence from his own mouth? Watching Lyndal Curtis struggle with his lying and rationalisations I wondered how anyone could pin him down. But her persistence did the trick and he condemned himself. But of course he already had been out-manoevred by Kerry O'Brien. Hallelujah for taped recordings! Let's keep circulating that.

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011Hi Lyn Thank you for your additional links and especially the one to the Lyndal Curtis interview of Tiny Abbott, who again showed what a deceitful person he is. I thought that Lyndal, who is often aggressive towards Labor interviewees, handled the interview well and fairly, exposing the cunning and untrustworthiness of Abbott. His demeanour resembled that which he exhibited in the infamous interview by Kerry O’Brien when he conceded that he lied.

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011Folks I’ll be away for a few hours.


25/08/2011Hi Ad For you and anyone who have missed the presser with Craig Emerson this morning. Craigmetals. iningni gets stuck into Abbott and Brandis: Cheers:):):)


25/08/2011Nas What a tragedy for the Logan community. My sympathies to all who have someone they know involved. To all the newcomers in the last 24 hours, can I add my welcome, and as Ad Astra says, please come again. Lyn, again your links are just wonderful. Still I have to ask, when will the media pull their finger out, I know, I know, never. Abbott will never be shown as the vile person he is. My dislike for him is as high, if not a bit higher, than my dislike was for Howard.


25/08/2011Am I missing something here? I just heard on ABC, I will paraphrase, "The Prime Minister has resisted pressure to cut Mr Thompson loose which would result in a by election". My understanding is the only thing the ALP has the power to do, is toss him out of the party if it was inclined. He like many others who have fallen out with their part does not have to resign his seat. So it still comes down to whether he is convicted on any criminal charges that may preclude him holding office. So am I missing something or are the media just ignorant of how parliament works?


25/08/2011The Sword went a bit quiet-ish while Abbortt was away. He comes back and it is his awfulness rather than The Government's competence that has brought so many new contributors here. And more bloggers are posting Ad's articles . . . [ReflexiO] . . . and so they should. Welcome all newcomers and silent readers. ( As well as those who say the words aloud while they read. :


25/08/2011Professor Shouldabeen's Spelling Lesson. What we learned today out of the 'refusal to pair' action taken by Tiny. Simple spelling: "never, ever" is now spelled "circumstances change". No surprise, of course, but a phrase to keep an eye and ear out for. After all, it promises to be the very foundation stone of Coalition policy for a long time to come.

Patricia WA

25/08/2011LYN that link to the aap video of Craig Emerson's presser doesn't seem to work any which way I go at it. I also note that it's not archived. Any other way to see it?


25/08/2011Trevor, You're not missing anything! The media as usual are just as ignorant as the "protesters on Monday",and if charges were pressed against Thomson, he could sit there until either the election is called and booted out or convicted which ever comes first!


25/08/2011Hi Patricia try this one:>20110824) Cheers


25/08/2011Sloppy Joe just gets 94A'd (3rd Coalon today!) Someone calls out [i]Ta-DAAA![/i] Then someone says [i]"Off you go Fatso . . . "[/i] . . . :)

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Lyn, Already been there, just tried again, no video access at all. Do I need to log in? If so, no access to that.


25/08/2011Hi Patricia I don't know what is going on there my dear, both links are working when I click. if this one below doesn't work, I will try and find another site for you. Worth the time for you to take, it's an excellent interview, presser, Craig Emerson is another one of my favourites, umm they are all my favourites in the Government. Try this one>20110824 Cheers

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Why did I get the impression from Lyndal Curtis wrapping up QT just then that she had been told to pull back from 'undue' credit to the Julia Gillard and the government? I thought the PM was magnificent, regardless of the pressure she's been under this fortnight. But in the light of Opposition's obstructionism and negativity the achievements of the government have been near miraculous.


25/08/2011Patricia WA I hate to say it but it may have been a bit of an 'eye of the beholder' impression.

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Sorry, Lyn. I get the four graphics. I've clicked each one and nothing happens. I see that registration is not required to view videos and images, so that's not the problem. The Craig Emerson presser does not appear in their Videos section either. Their videos work fine for me, by the way. I've tried every clue I can see on those images to click and nothing happens. No movement, no sound. I think it must be me, so I need to learn where I'm going wrong.

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Thanks Norman. Point taken - if you mean my impression of Lyndal Curtis and her wrap up. Not about the PM's performance! By any one's standards it was very impressive, which was why the Opposition tried so hard to drown her.


25/08/2011Cheers Gravel...I'll pass on yer kind words. IN YOUR FACE, the PM & the government sure gave it to the opposition in parliament. It was a fiery & passionate performance...not only did the PM do an Albanese on Abbott time & time again...but achievements of the government were communicated effectively...including information on pensions, health reform and trades trade centres by the likes of Jenny Macklin, Nicola Roxon & Peter Garrett...all of them feisty and as clear as a bell. Attorney-General Robert McClelland chimed in w/ a beaut slap at Sen. Brandis by way of a civil reminder of parliamentarians obligations when it comes to reporting possible criminal matters relating to other members of parliament. I did not see any signs of a government wobbling or depressed or in end of Whitlam gov't mode. PM Gillard demonstrated real leadership qualities today...leading from the front...boosting her troops' morale...effectively taking it to the opposition...providing opportunities for her ministers to display their unique qualities whilst outlining their portfolio achievements...and providing the public w/ useful information regarding ongoing and upcoming socioeconomic reform. Top job. Obviously reports of this government's demise have been greatly exaggerated. :) N'


25/08/2011Hi Patricia You have done everything right. Click on video option at the top of the slide show. I think it is my fault, for not taking more time . Seems the video is not in the video section only a slide show on display for now. Maybe they will fix it later. They have got every other video on today, marvellous isn't it. Julia was fantastic on QT today, full of spunk a match for the Abbott Listen to the first 2 seconds of this radio clip, ABC journalist, asking people in Dobell what they think of Craig Thomson, the person she speaks to says: [b]it's disgusting spending tax payers [/b]money, and the journalists makes no correction whatsoever. [quote]This idiot went and told ppl that tax payers money was spent on hookers RESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM MY ASS @abcnews #ausense[/quote] Cheers :):):):)


25/08/2011Hi Ad The ABC have got hold of Andrew Elder now: good though, means the bloggers are being read and taken notice of. [i]Comparing apples with apples, Andrew Elder[/i] Cheers :):)


25/08/2011Jason. That was also my understanding. But that brings up the next point. What exactly are those opposite asking the govt to do? Other than lame attempts to try & get them to say something contradictory in parlt so they can cry "misled parliament". Given the police are investigating I just cant see what role parliament now plays. Of course that is if you disregard the politics of feeding lines and talking points to the media.


25/08/2011Listen to all of you! I mean you get up Abbott for mindless negativity and yet that is all you do here: no to the Coalition; no to Abbott; no to insiders; no to big mining companies; no to coalition supporters; no to leigh sales; no to Chris Uhlman; no to the Daily Telegraph; no to The Australian; no to any right wing commentary whatsoever etc etc. You are all pathetic! You know deep down that Thomson is a goner now that the media and police have a hold of this thing. Sure Labor may cling onto power for a little longer but that does not mean that they will get to choose the time at which they leave. I mean, just look at all of the allegations against him now- if he says he has nothing to hide which he continually repeats, then why not present his case to the parliament? What is to hide? How could anything jeopardize a police investigation when he has not done anything wrong? of course the problem is that he has done things wrong, but he is just terrible at covering it up.


25/08/2011Just something whimsical. Can you imagine the scenario of Craig Thompson, just before lapsing into unconsciousness after a bit of water boarding by the NSW wallopers, blurting out the name of the person who forged his signature, . And the name being a mate who was a Lib MP. It had all been a setup. I think the look on Tony's face would surpass that on Malcolm's when told Godwin had been nabbed.


25/08/2011jj, Ply your trade as a coalition fluffer elsewhere! Unlike Mary Jo, Thomson is yet to be charged with anything. I guess we could ask, as could be asked of any of us "do you still beat your partner or have sex with your children?" No foundation of course but why not ask? What next? I suppose you have evidence of God,the tooth fairy and easter bunny? jj I could claim you ring me! disprove it.

D Mick Weir

25/08/2011A colleague has been doing some research on politicians and lying and passed on this from 2004 Two Cultures - Posted on October 13, 2004 by Andrew Leigh David Burchell has a piece in today’s AFR. I think it’s so good, he’s let me post the unedited version. [b]“Two Cultures”[/b] David Burchell [i]About half-way through the federal election campaign a poster appeared on a telephone-pole not far from my home. "You Lie, You Lose", it said, with stark Biblical simplicity. The authorization was from the "Not Happy, John" crowd. And since the only other adornment was a portrait of the PM, looking shifty, you were left to fill in the dots yourself.[/i] Very interesting reading indeed. Now that Andrew is a member of the government I wonder if he recalls the article and is suitably advising government members?


25/08/2011Hi Patricia At last they have posted the Emerson Video: Cheers:):):):)


25/08/2011Well worth a read. [b]The Coalition's race against time[/b] by Jane Shaw [quote]The Coalition's increasingly hysterical attempts to derail the Gillard Government is not just political showmanship, it's a desperate race against time. There are still 23 parliamentary sitting days left this year, more than enough time for the Government to pass its carbon tax legislation through the House of Representatives, and Tony Abbott knows that as soon as that happens the most effective weapon he has against the Government is gone - and there is no way to get it back.[/quote]


25/08/2011jj, "Who’s the mystery MP that Grattan referred to this morning?"


25/08/2011Take 2

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Thanks, Lyn. Good to know it was not my IT ineptness! Re which, can anyone explain to me why I can't access the Drum live at the times shown on ABC News 24? Is it time lapse with EST over here? It's shown on the screen as coming up at 6.05pm but at 6.05pm here, but it is nowhere to be found! The news just goes on and on and on. Same with the repeat.


25/08/2011Patricia WA Sorry, my 'eye of the beholder' comment was a bit ambiguous. I did mean your eye with regard to Lyndal Curtis. I too thought the PM was in fine form today. Poor old Lyndal cops a lot of undeserved flack because her default expression is with her mouth turned down which we would normally interpret as disapproval or more general unhappiness. To be unkind to Ms Curtis, she is one of those people about which it can be said that she has a good face for radio. However, I applaud the ABC for not going fully down the road of only employing telegenic reporters. These days I'm actually biased in the opposite direction - the more good-looking the reporter/presenter the less likely I am to take them seriously as a journalist. Sure, there must be some very capable journalists who are incidentally attractive on TV but nowhere near as many as there are splashed across our screens these days. My analysis of Lyndal Curtis relies more on whether I think that she has been dispassionate in her summary of something that I have just watched in full. Facial expressions aside, she has always struck me as being objective and pretty-much just what I want from a political journalist.

Ad astra reply

25/08/2011Folks I’ve been busy all afternoon and evening, but have managed to catch up with your comments and links, which have been fascinating. I was delighted to see Julia Gillard take off the gloves with Tiny Abbott and give him a taste of his own medicine. The [i]Unleashed[/i] article by Jane Shaw gives insight into why Abbott is so desperate – time is running out for him to stop the carbon tax. If he can’t do so before it’s legislated, the chances of repealing it if he becomes PM diminish significantly. Once it’s enacted and his fear campaign is shown to be just empty rhetoric, people will loose confidence in what he says – heavens know why they still give this liar any credence at all. It is a relief that we will now have two weeks break away from Abbott/Pyne shenanigans. I’m calling it a day.


25/08/2011Interesting that Chris Uhlman has labelled the government as "incompetent" four times the past two 7:30s by referring to the "people's/voters' views. And he managed to turn the important Lyndal Curtis interview w/ Abbott into an attack on Gillard... whilst bringing up the topic of "trashing pairing agreement = can Abbott's written word be trusted" in an insipid fashion himself whilst interviewing Pyne. Why didn't he use the powerful Lyndal Curtis interview for this purpose? Seemed very odd to me. N'

Patricia WA

25/08/2011Agreed, Nasking. That and the news coverage too looked like a very determined effort to put Julia Gillard in as unfavorable a light as possible. Even while acknowledging her spirited performance they interlaced it with excerpts from Abbott's later prepared speech about her shrill performance in QT. Surely any reasonably perceptive parliamentary reporter could have summed up the week in terms of the record twenty pieces of legislation passed during all this Abbott generated mayhem and the failure of the Opposition to get Thomson and the PM to crack in spite of the all the noise and negativity. It's almost as if the PM's invincibility is something they don't want to see or acknowledge. NormanK - This time that's not just my perception. It's the reality. Another reality the media seems not to perceive, or is determined to hide from the public, is that this Opposition and its leader has nothing but negativity to offer and promote. When are the media going to see that this Leader of the Opposition has not one shred of a program to put before the country should he actually brawl his way into office?

Patricia WA

25/08/2011PS NormanK - I thoroughly agree with you about good looking and glamorously groomed news commentators. I find Ali Moore's arch self consciousness of her own charms absolutely off-putting, now matter how perceptive and intelligent she may be.


25/08/2011Hmmm! "Circumstances have changed". Where are the outraged ravings of the professionally outraged in the msm over this? I thought the changing circumstances excuse was proof positive of being an egregious liar. Could I be mistaken? I sincerely hope the carbon price bill gets passed asap. It will prove to all and sundry what a bunch of ineffectual empty vessels the opposition are. As a very dear relative of mine used to say-"Like the barber's cat. Full of wind & p!ss!" It will be very interesting to see what happens if the NSW police find Craig Thomson has no case to answer. Watching the Smuggles Set implode will be more fun than listening to Sloppy try to explain simple arithmetic. Listening to Anal going into terminal rant will just be the icing on the cake. However he would be very well advised not to upset NSW Plod too much, I'd say.


25/08/2011Patricia WA I hope I didn't sound too judgemental. I am the worst offender when it comes to getting perceptions wrong. The only thing in my favour is that I am aware of my shortcoming and try to take steps to remedy it e.g. don't offer knee-jerk reactions to things or read the article twice and so on. As a case in point, I have just read the transcript of Uhlmann's piece from tonight because I felt nasking was being a bit harsh on him. My first impression watching it live to air was that Uhlmann's summary wasn't too bad (the interview with Pyne was hopeless) but when I went to find evidence to back up my argument, I found that it didn't really exist. Perhaps it was the mood I was in when I watched [i]7.30[/i] tonight or the fact that Uhlmann wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be. Who knows. But the difference between my first and second impressions was stark. Incidentally, we could get a real debate going on presenters. I actually quite like Ali Moore and have never seen her as being particularly attractive - not unattractive but also not the plastic model good-looks we see on commercial television. She is articulate, polite and well-prepared. That'll do me.


26/08/2011Yes Nasking: Im afraid I was shouting at my television again (note to self must stop that). Whenever the Poodle had a slightly tricky question he just went on a rant and Uhlman let him go. Pyne like all pollies, is media trained & know there is time constraints, so the more they can rant away the less time there is for tricky questions. 7:30 Report should have just replayed the Lyndal Curtis interview, TA did not perform and you had the feeling the aggression was struggling to be contained. Im sure he TA made a note; "no more interviews with ABC 24"


26/08/2011On Poll Bludger, Bushfire Bill said "Jay Rosen, Professor of Journalism at NY University currently tearing Tony Jones a new one on Lateline, and Jones doesn’t even realise it, the effing dummy. Watch it on Iview tomorrow… compelling." Well BB I usually agree, but this time NO! Jones turned it into a relief massage session for himself by outlining [i]his telling [/i]of the repeated-gotcha-attempt session he had last night with Craig Emerson, where he wasted so much time on Craig Thompson, then suddenly when at last Emmo was able to get the conversation turned to something useful Jones is suddenly saying [i]Hurry up we're running out of time![/i] Emmo said [i]Well if you hadn't [b]wasted[/b] so much time [/i]. . at which Jones defended himself instantly, saying Thomson was important too, no it wasn't germane at all. So tonight the Emmo-snotted, still smarting (but not real smart) Jones feeds this Rosen bloke this line, "Oh-the Government-politicians-won't-answer-the-questions-we-conscientious-journalists-put-to-them" , this Yank Jay Rosen plainly hasn't a clue about Australian politics, so he swallows Jones' projection as gospel and goes on to say just what Jones wants him to say, with Jones just getting him to use more Vaseline. Tony Jones is a self-opinionated self-righteous not-very-bright prat with a self-important agenda of his own. Come on Government, get stuck into the MSM, but in particular the rats and prats in [i]*OUR*[/i] ABC. But the Goverment is at last hardening up. *J*U*L*I*A* is a better pugilist every time than Abbortt, and that's the only sort of thing Abbortt's at all any good at. Today she whacked him with some real hard truths and some very cute descriptions of Abbortt and the Coalons*, [i]disgusting [/i]and [i]stinking[/i] were a couple of high points, Abbortt and the Coalons looked pretty dismayed, hee heeeee! *(Sounds like a Punk group eh, well [i]guess what![/i] :) )


26/08/20117.30 Thursday, 25 August 2011 [quote]CHRIS UHLMANN: John Howard has also noted that once people are convinced that a Government is incompetent, it is very hard to come back. And, to come back, [b]Julia Gillard has to find a way to be heard above the din.[/b][/quote] What is clear is that Chris Uhlmann is part of that din thanks in large part to using Opposition Talking Points and framing most questions and observations from the Opposition's perspective. The full transcript and video is at


26/08/2011[b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Courtesy Call, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] In the coalition’s eagerness to get a head on a pike, they have muddied the waters further. So I give them this courtesy call. Beware. Those that live by the sword, die by the sword. [i]Still baffled – a larouchian tea party? , The Baffled Kettle[/i] It is also highly problematic when political leaders, particularly alternative prime ministers, jump on these zany band wagons, lending them credibility and succor. Even worse when they speech A[i] political crisis like '75? Tell 'em they're dreamin', Mungo MacCallum, The Drum[/i] all Tony Abbott can block is parliamentary pairings. Fraser's lust for power at least produced drama on a grand scale; Abbott's manifests itself in stunts and spite. Wacky and frantic it may be, but 1975 it's not. Trust me; I was there. [i]Tyrant Tony Trashes Democracy, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia[/i] His quest for power has overtaken his sanity — he wants to be the Prime Minister of Australia, to turn this country of ours into a right wing reactionary disgrace. [i]Craig Thompson’s credibility, and why we (and Tony Abbott) tell lies, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep[/i] Tony Abbott‘s declaration that his word means nothing unless it is recorded and signed is a profound breach of public trust. Whether or not he maintains this same position in his intimate life, I don’t know. [i]The last Thursday in the House, Body Politic – Australia[/i] After the early closure of question time yeaterday, it seems that Sophie Mirrabella (Indi), Jamie Briggs (Mayo), Joe Hockey (North Sydney) and Scott Morrison (Cook) were happy to miss it today as well, all being thrown out during the period today. [i]When can an election be held?, Antony Green, ABC[/i] Any early House election would require a half-Senate election between August 2013 and May 2014. This may be held separately or in conjunction with a second house election, or be replaced by a double dissolution brought on in the new Parliament elected at an early House election [i]The Coalition's race against time, Jane Shaw, ABC[/i] The constitution doesn't want politicians mucking about with double dissolutions too often, so there are deliberate roadblocks built in, which mean it's unlikely he'd be able to get a double dissolution until mid-2015 and even then [i]Thomson backer Michael Williamson faces tough questions, Matthew Knott, The Power Index[/i] Craig Thomson isn't the only one with tough questions to answer about how thousands of dollars of union funds came to be spent on prostitutes – so does his mentor, Health Services Union supremo and Labor right factional boss Michael Williamson. [i]Thomson’s (and Labor’s) fate grows murkier,Amber Jamieson, Crikey[/i] But will the Gillard government be brought down by an idiot? It’s possible, declares Paul Sheehan in The Sydney Morning Herald: [i]If there's one BlueScope they'll be hundreds- Why Treasury shuts its wallet tight .Peter Martin[/i] The Reserve Bank is having increasing trouble maintaining its line that higher interest rates will soon be needed regardless of the position of BlueScope and other firms struggling under the weight of the high dollar. [i]Laboring to defeat, Paul Barry, The Power Index[/i] The reformists in the Labor Party, like the Left's John Faulkner and the Right's Sam Dastyari, want to take power away from the unions and give it back to the rank and file. That means allowing them to choose their candidates [i]Public servants invisible heroes or easy targets, Darin Sullivan, My [R] evolution[/i] The report highlights the damaging role the mainstream media and our politicians play by talking down the public sector. Why do Australian politicians feel they need to trot out the same tired and groundless stereotypes about the men and women of the APS?” [i]Space Filling on The Drum , Steve Szetey, The Fezzant Creak Rambler[/i] What is interesting is how the title of the piece, "Never mind the substance, feel the hyprocrisy" doesn't accurately reflect the contents of the article. Well, not in the way that it was hoped by Barrie and the ABC. [i]Means testing is a start but private health rebates should be scrapped,Peter Sainsbury, The Conversation[/i] I imagine they’ll keep putting it off for as long as they can until they can convince enough of the independents to vote for it. But hopefully they’ll keep working on those independents that are persuadable but have yet to be persuaded to vote for it. [i]Bye Bye NSW Health Department, hello Ministry, Melissa Sweet, Croakey[/i] About one-third of positions in the NSW Health Department head office will disappear under sweeping changes predicted to make it the country’s smallest state health authority when adjusted for the size of the system it regular [i]Rural protesters are homeless, John Warhurst, Canberra Times[/i] Take away Alan Jones and Tony Abbott. Cut away all the rhetoric, spin and political manipulation and the genuine rural dissenters have nowhere to go. There are some potential short-term wins in the offing for them, such as no carbon tax, if Abbott becomes the prime minister soon.

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26/08/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011I see, so when the PM was the Minister in charge of Fair Work Australia, and the issue wrt Craig Thomson had started to bubble up through the rumour mill in Canberra and as it was just about to hit the front page of the smh, someone from her office rang Fair Work Australia to see if the Union he had been Secretary of had referred the matters to Fair Work Australia, as was the right and proper thing for the Union to do. He was rebuffed. No further correspondence by the PM or the people who worked in her office was entered into. This is somehow as bad as George Brandis, just this last week, ringing his Liberal mate, Police Minister, Mike Gallacher, in NSW, and 'courteously' advising him to go and make another phone call, as a favour to George and the Liberal Party, to the Police Commissioner? According to The Daily Telegraph and the Opposition it is. However, isn't it just a bit too convenient that when the Opposition make an egregious mistake, such as the one with George Brandis, The Daily Lapdog and the Liberal Party work hand-in-glove to dig around in the dirt and come up with the evidence of a phone call(and, where, might I ask, did they get that phone call evidence? With News Corp you can never be sure these days), and they immediately hit back with this absolute garbage attack? It stinks. It's just another example of the way the Conservatives go about their dirty political business these days. When they are caught with their pants down around their ankles, they say "Look over there, that lady's slip is showing! What a loose woman!" However, when you actually get the facts of the matter you find out that their pants are around their ankles, and they found out the information about the lady's slip showing because they were voyeuristically perving on her through her bedroom window. And they had invited a mate from the newspaper along to record it. Sleazy and slimy are only the beginning of the words you can find to describe this behaviour.


26/08/2011[quote]As a case in point, I have just read the transcript of Uhlmann's piece from tonight because I felt nasking was being a bit harsh on him.[/quote] Norman, I was merely pointing out that Uhlmann had used the word "incompetent" 4 times over the last coupla nights to describe the government...for an articulate presenter it seemed odd for him to repeat a word so pointedly so often. And I made mention of his insipid, low key reference to the "can you trust Abbott on his written word?" bit. And failure to use the Lyndal Curtis interview for its strengths. Seemed like petty competitiveness to me...and/or letting Abbott off the hook to a degree. Perhaps inadvertently. I don't consider that a harsh assessment. Others, such as Patricia & Trevor, noted it too. As for the introductory stuff...was kinda balanced...but still fed into the ABC news decision to select parts of PM Gillard's speech that came across as a slanging match in order to fit w/ Abbott's later comments in parliament that she had been "petty". It was a "pox on all your houses" approach...which ignored the fact that Gillard caught Abbott out when he started question time by stating he was asking a question of behalf of the NSW Health Services Union National Secretary...Gillard responded w/ a fiery littany of instances that her & the National Secretary stood shoulder to shoulder protesting problems in the Health dep't when Abbott was minister. It was a highly effective response...yet the ABC chose to ignore it & go w/ the coded "Gillard is just as petty & vile in her attacks as Abbott" bit. Creating the impression there was some kind of equivalency. The ABC 24 hosts fed into that this morning...constantly fartin' on about how good it was parliament had finished. A lazy approach..."ain't parliament pathetic" bit...which does not reflect the true state of affairs...for instance, no mention was made of the tobacco plain packaging bill in that first hour of ABC 24 important reform. I find the media are actually undermining democracy in some respects. It puts people off voting. And helps the promoters of non-compulsory voting. Pretty suss...considering what that has done for Yank politics. This "pox on all yer houses" approach by the ABC brought to mind the same approach that many in the mainstream media used during the debt ceiling debate in America. When in fact the Democratic party had bent over backwards and made many compromises...and the President had even brought up changes to Medicare & Social Security. It was the Tea Party-driven Republicans that took the non-compromise approach. I have my suspicions this is partly to do w/ the fact that the media benefits from head on clashes & bringing down leaders. Exciting theatre & manufactured games for the armchair imperialists & those apathetic when it comes to politics...bred on tabloid, shock jock & competitive "win at all costs" sports-like pap. Also, as our media becomes increasingly corporatised, commercialised, including the ABC, it fits the "broken government" agenda...weakening the role of government in order to enhance the role of the private sector etc. Just a few thoughts. It would be interesting to analyse, deconstruct the Uhlmann piece at uni, journo/media studies...would be much more thorough than my rushed attempt. N'


26/08/2011Casablanca, thnx for the link & quote. Thnx also to Lyn for all those useful links. MY QUESTIONS OF THE DAY: Why do a number of former Hawke government ministers feel the need to bash this government so much?...and use the Murdoch empire to do it, including The Australian & SKY NEWS? Graham Richardson is one of the worst offenders. Is about money? Shareholdings? Fame? How do mining booms end? Do any booms end well? Or do they destabilise the economy & many people's lives? Who primarily benefits from booms? Is it appropriate for QLD's Courier Mail to use its front page for dual purposes on a day of mourning?...attacking the PM in large font underneath a picture of two Logan mourners? What impression is the paper trying to create about the PM? (think of the mainstream media's descriptions of Gillard during the floods...compared to Bligh). N'


26/08/2011nasking Perhaps I wasn't clear. In the end I agreed with your assessment, if I hadn't I would have made my case. The point I was trying to make was that as I watched Uhlmann's introductory piece live to air I thought it was okay because he gave the PM a chance to elucidate some of the achievements of the week and Uhlmann fairly clearly spelled out the Coalition's tactics regarding the undermining of the public's perceptions of the government. It was on reading the transcript and indulging in a second viewing that I came to realise your comments were fair. In that context, I was curious as to why my first impression was so favourable. We are indeed interesting and complex creatures.


26/08/2011Hi Nasking What a good idea "Questions for the day". You could do that everyday for us to ponder away. With regards to Graham Richardson, the question I would like to yell at him is "Do you want Abbott as Prime Minister"????? I think it's about money and power, ego comes into it, after all the media keep printing what he says, he gets on TV. The Courier Mail: well they just hate Labor. Booms, they don't affect me, apart from changing our Superannuation value up, down, up, down. Guess it depends on when one dies, how much is left over, boom day or gloom day. We know it will be gloom for us but boom won't matter much will it. I can't find anymore stories for you at the moment, unless you want to read about Craig Thomson, still and again. Are they going to say he is not being Ausralian now. Thoroughly enjoy your comments, Nasking thankyou. Cheers:):):):):)


26/08/2011As far as I understand these things: Primitive societies have always had a council/tribal circle of elders. Those charged with the protection of the tribe and their future. It was, by any measure, a great honour and even greater responsibility.The council was comprised of those who understood the hunt for meat, the knowledge of forage and healing, the skill of weaponery, the tactics of war, of resolution of conflict. All in all a pretty fair representation of the tribe and their ethos. Commited only to the survival and safety of their people. I can imagine the business of the tribal debates to be many and varied. And, yes, sometimes fiery, vindictive and divisive. Do we send the young warriors over to the next valley to extoll punishment for an alleged sleight? Should we be making war spears when we need hoes for the upcoming seasonal planting? Do those most proficient at the hunt keep the best cuts of meat and give only that which they attach no value? What hunting and cleared grounds do we avoid and leave fallow to ensure food and medicine for the future generations? It doesn’t take much imagination to picture these debates being discussed around cooking fires. Perhaps setting brother against brother, man against wife, friend against friend. With many a callow youth and prancing maiden copping a clip around the ear for injudicious remarks about the elders and their dithering. Eventually, all was resolved to the betterment of the tribe. Wisdom, as always, does prevail. And the reason wisdom prevails? The leader. The storyteller. The one who passes on the lore. The one who sets the narrative. The one who cares for the elderly, nurtures the young, encourages the youth and protects the both the farmer and the hunter. The storyteller understands that the spirit of the lore is sacrosanct, the telling of it must, by necessity, ebb and flow. As does the fortunes of the tribe. The spirit of lore, the truth of the lore is as always. The telling and understanding of it must change to ensure its inherent value. What isn’t understood is of no value. Storytellers have always stood between the lore and those who would attack and deny its existence. They stand in proud defiance of those whose noise drowns out the persistent, gentle resonance of the lores’ cadence. Storytellers sacrifice much. They protect so much more. Julia Gillard is a storyteller.


26/08/2011Nas, Patricia, Trevor, Talk Turkey, NormanK, Feral Skeleton and any one else that I have missed. You are all doing what I have been doing about the media reporting of question time and all the other issues. We are all just scratching our heads, wondering what planet either they or us, are on. I think we need Dr Who to come on down and sort the idiots in the opposition and the media out quick smart or we will see Australia become a dictatorship, and all the unrest we see on the tv every night oversees, will probably happen here in the next 10 to 15 years. May whatever deity that exists please help us now, or my children and grandchildren will have a horrible world to live in.


26/08/2011Norman, no problemo. :) "We are indeed interesting and complex creatures." Ain't that a fact. Did you happen to see Graham Richardson on Agenda this morn? He just feeds the "government is doomed" narrative...I have lost alot of respect for the guy. There's somethin' of the Judas stink about him. There's a difference between frank assessment and acting like one of the Murdoch bashers...he's hopped on board their hellish train and looks as crazed as the rest of them, feeding the diablo steam train the fuel it so desires to crash thru the walls of this government...and making a mockery of democracy in the process...transforming further into a Murdochracy. N'


26/08/2011[quote]What a good idea "Questions for the day". You could do that everyday for us to ponder away. [/quote] Thnx Lyn, I thought they might be a useful addition. Get our wee grey cells sparkin'. :) I get so tired of feedin' into the mainstream media's talkin' points. Sure, some of the questions I ask are related to issues they deal w/...but it's empowering to be independent and shape yer own questions. Focus on topics/issues from a different perspective...not framed by the old commercially-driven parameters. [quote]I think we need Dr Who to come on down and sort the idiots in the opposition and the media out quick smart or we will see Australia become a dictatorship, and all the unrest we see on the tv every night oversees, will probably happen here in the next 10 to 15 years. [/quote] Gravel, in some ways the blogs & social network sites & GetUp are like Dr. Who. Spinning thru cyberspace...outside of the mainstream...offering up alternative answers to problems...unknown by many humans... if only we had the ability to shift thru time...we might've changed the course of history by giving One Nation a run for its money...or by helping convince the public that the Tampa should be allowed to dock on Australian shores...or making the difference in Florida so Gore had won the presidential race. Still, we can investigate the past. Perhaps motivate reporters & historians to have another look...say for instance, check out the effects of past booms... or scrutinise Tony Abbott's relationship w/ David Oldfield. Where did the ideas for One Nation spring from? What was Abbott's role? Or his initial views of One Nation? Why did he turn on them?...lead the campaign to take them down? Where did the slush fund money come from? Why does Hanson forgive Abbott up at demonstrations that he speaks at? Was it always the plan that Hanson would be sacrificed? Was the creation of One Nation an elaborate plan by a number of right-wingers to stir up xenephobia? Howard could do a Tampa...?... The list of questions go on & on. Considering Tony Abbott could be PM of this country, I think it essential we try to answer some of these questions. News moves so swiftly, we often don't have time...nor are commercial & ideologically-driven media entities interested in pursuing them. Some of the questions above may seem somewhat conspiracy-oriented...but I notice that some in the mainstream media have no problems these days equating the Thomson affair w/ a Nixonian style government coverup. N'


26/08/2011Lyn, thnx for the Mungo link: A political crisis like '75? Tell 'em they're dreamin', Mungo MacCallum, The Drum [quote]No matter how you looked at it, 1975 was always heading for a resolution. Sooner or later, something had to give. While very few people (whatever they may say in hindsight) expected Whitlam's chosen governor-general would sack him, it was clear that the impasse over supply could not go on forever; somehow the money had to be found. Whitlam himself wanted to force a half-senate election, which may or may not have resolved the issue. Malcolm Fraser, of course, wanted the full deal. Around Parliament House, the feeling was that at least some of the Liberal senators were on the brink of giving in; the polls were swinging back to the government and the public fury seemed directed fairly evenly towards both sides. The place was chaotic and half its inhabitants seriously manic, but everyone knew it was heading for a climax. But today... well, what climax? Unless and until the Government loses the numbers in the House of Representatives, there is no reason why it should not go on for another two years and finish its allotted term. This may eventually change if any government member dies or is convicted of a criminal offence, but the most likely prospect, Craig Thomson, is a very long way from that; so far he is simply the subject of an investigation into whether there should be an investigation. If the credit card affair is ever to lead to a climax, it is many months away... Compared to 1975, it's pretty Mickey Mouse stuff. Whitlam had to sack cabinet ministers; Julia Gillard is having problems with a single backbencher. Fraser responded by blocking supply; all Tony Abbott can block is parliamentary pairings. Fraser's lust for power at least produced drama on a grand scale; Abbott's manifests itself in stunts and spite. Wacky and frantic it may be, but 1975 it's not. Trust me; I was there.[/quote] So true...I reckon DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE. :) We're not that gullible. N'


26/08/2011Really enjoyed this piece. It really says it like it is. Does Australia need a PM like Abbott? Need? No! But want? perhaps. But then this can only be because they are so focused on raging about Labor that they have no idea what Abbott really stands for. For that matter, do any of us really know what Abbott stands for? He seems to stand for anything that might help him edge closer to the lodge.


26/08/2011Another great link, thnx Lyn...good work by Barry Everingham @ Independent Australia: [quote]Tyrant Tony trashes democracy Frothing at the mouth, spittle spraying and occasionally turning to his front bench – the moderates looking as though they’d rather be anywhere else — Abbott let it rip. Alas to no avail and he didn’t count on the brilliance of House Leader Anthony Albanese, who demolished Abbott mercilessly. Albanese went straight to Margaret Olley: “Today,” he said, “there is a funeral of a great Australian, Margaret Olley”. “The Australian Government was to be represented at that funeral by Simon Crean and her friend Malcolm Turnbull.” “Last week,” Albanese went on, “in this chamber we acknowledged Margaret Oley’s passing.” “In that, the Prime Minister, moved the motion of condolence.” “She – that is Margaret Olley – did habitually what we all find difficult: doing good without being found out.” Albanese went on: “This was supported by the Leader of the Opposition who had this to say: “‘I rise to support the eloquent words of the Prime Minister. She – that is Margaret Olley –did habitually what we all find difficult: doing good without being found out.’” Then Albanese went for the jugular. “It is indeed extraordinary that the Australian Government will not be represented at her funeral today. “I say to the Opposition that they should have a good look at themselves for the way that they are determined to wreck proper process, wreck parliamentary conventions, and wreck common decency when it comes to their behaviour.” Back to Thompson. “We know there is only one member of the Australian Parliament currently under charges — well, that we know of, because we do know that the member was charged in May and we only found out anything about that until July.” Pointing to the Opposition, Albanese said: “We know there is a history of that side of the House— there were multiple police investigations into members opposite, including the great print-gate affair (Andrew Laming) with Ross Vasta and Gary Hardgrave allegedly misusing public money. “Peter Reith and the telephone card, Alexander Downer and the AWB and Joe Hockey and the Malanda farm scam.” Tony Abbott displays daily his total unsuitability to be the political leader of this country.[/quote] (It's worth checking out the picture of Tony the wrecker): There are indeed plenty of old guard Libs acting as Disgraceful Desperados...and others who are scandal-ridden in the Coalition ranks. Do Australians really know the opposition that might come to power? Do they really know Tony Abbott...or just the glimpses, the lame accounts of his past & present actions we oft get from the mainstream media? N'


26/08/2011[quote]And the reason wisdom prevails? The leader. The storyteller. The one who passes on the lore. The one who sets the narrative. The one who cares for the elderly, nurtures the young, encourages the youth [/quote] Well said Macca...when you think about the amount of funding this government has put into schools including for computers, maintenance, refurbishment of science and language labs & libraries, training, trade training centres...halls so children can stay out of the sun during for school uniforms and to motivate the young to go to to create school gardens w/ nutritious veges that can be used for educational purposes too...pension increases & electricity assistance...stimulus money to help pay off bills and buy needed things...heaps of extra funding for elective surgery...and cancer on & so on... if this government doesn't win the next election, how likely is it that we'll see the work done for the elderly that PM Gillard has announced? If the NBN is trashed how will regional/country-based elderly contact specialists in the city? Will that contact be of the same quality under a OZsterity driven Coalition? Unlikely when you look at the cuts in community services by the Tories in the UK. And didn't Abbott go to the Tory conference in UK before he went to Afghanistan and applaud them on their ideas? N'


26/08/2011Hi Jara Welcome to "The Political Sword" and thankyou so much for your appreciated comment. We all hope you keep coming back. [quote] He seems to stand for anything that might help him edge closer to the lodge[/quote] You got it. See here certain members of the Liberal Party don't like the Abbott pairing rules. Pretty obvious why. [i]Liberal senators voice concern over Abbott's ruling of no pairs in carbon tax vote [/i]James Massola , The Australian Senator Abetz stepped in following complaints from Coalition senators, who feared the ruling would apply to them. Mr Abbott's “no pairs” edict flies in the face of Westminster tradition, under which governments and oppositions allow MPs to be absent without affecting the outcome of votes. Cheers:):):):):)


26/08/2011[quote]He seems to stand for anything that might help him edge closer to the lodge.[/quote] Jara, welcome. I agree. Well said. It worries me when a leader is intense as Abbott & throws rationality to the wind in order to pick up the support of climate change sceptics & One Nation supporters who are into cheap populist & overly-protectionist policies driven by xenephobia & fear. This wrecker, demolisher, promising to repeal the mining & carbon taxes is creating alot of uncertainty in the community...including business. He lacks vision & seems more focused on creating the Cult of Tony. I can't remember any cult leader who has been successful in nourishing a democracy...many have desperately defended their WAY in wreckless, destructive fashion. When I watch Abbott addressing groups like the Convoy of Concerned Worry Warts it reminds me of all those loopy cult leaders. Gives me the chills. Barnaby is like his right-hand goon...and Alan Jones his propaganda dude. There is somethin' anti-democracy about them, fundamentally they fingerpoint & shout people down. Intimidate. Demonstrate paranoia in their aggressivity towards attending media. N'


26/08/2011Feral @8.31am, they probably pulled her slip down like the perverts they are! Well said, jara. It's definitely time for the government to get cracking on a media inquiry in this country with plenty of bells, whistles and major hoopla! Smuggles is trashing long standing Parliamentary conventions and standards of behaviour to satisfy his obsessive pursuit of the PMship. He is prepared to do and say anything to get his grimy paws on the glittering prize he craves. And if that includes trashing the country, too bad!


26/08/2011"... the Shadow Attorney General's reputation as a lawyer is diminished by this sloppy over-egging of the political attack." 'Senator Brandis: better get a lawyer, son' Drum article by Alex Steel, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of NSW. This article is another glimpse at the manipulative over-reaching in the Opposition's unbridled lust for the Lodge.


26/08/2011Great link to the [i]"Coalitions race against time" [/i] article today Lyn. Reading it and the comments I can gain an understanding for Abbott's increasing negativity - and things like this weeks Convoy to Canberra. Rightly or wrongly Gillard cobbled together a government some 12 months ago. While Abbott had exactly the same opportunity, he failed to capitalise. It was then decided that Abbott would attempt to wedge the ALP/Green/Independent coalition apart and install himself in the PM's Office. He has worked all his public persona for the past 12 months on that premise. History will tell us it hasn't worked. While we aren't privy to the discussions behind the scenes (don't forget a number of the non-alighed are also disucssing things with Abbott weekly - by self admission), the front presented is united as demonstrated by the passing of over 180 pieces of legislation. Abbott's retoric on the other hand is that that Coalition Governments don't work, this one is on its last legs and will fail any day (despite the LNP Coalition for the last 60 years). Those that have some reason for distrust of the Government took Abbott as his word (who knows why - but anyway) and now that it seems Gillard has sucessfully completed year 1 of a 3 year term, there is a sense of despair creeping in. When cornered - a lot of animals come out fighting - humans included, hence the agressive tone and delivery. In a sense, they are grieving that Abbott didn't deliver the goods as promised. Psycologists will tell us there are various stages to grieving - sooer or later anger turns to resignation and acceptance. Abbott needs to keep the retoric up until the Carbon Pricing Scheme is legislated so he doesn't loose face, and then has to either find another mast to hang his cloth on or be reduced to the person that cried wolf. Once legislated, the people complaining about "they" will have to pay a Carbon Tax won't want to give back the compensation they have received - so the Carbon Tax will effectively be off the agenda. Abbott's played a high risk strategy (aided and abetted by media and other sectional interests). I think it was Grog that suggested early this year that either Abbott or Gillard won't survive 2011 in their current position. Grog is probably right (again) and at this stage Gillard is looking better than Abbott - hence the increasing level of panic from those that would prefer otherwise.


26/08/2011I have just watched the interview on [i]Lateline[/i] where Tony Jones speaks with Jay Rosen. It can be found here: Rosen is not at his best, primarily because he goes to great lengths to be measured in his comments, a bit like a guest in someone else's house who knows that if they want to be invited back they would be unwise to criticise the host's cooking. Rosen tries very hard not to get Jones' back up by being too pointed or too specific in his references. Jones uses this to his advantage to imply that Rosen is talking more about the media in the U.S. and that his criticism doesn't necessarily apply to Australia. What fascinated me more than anything else was Jones' absolutism. As the year goes by I am coming to believe more and more strongly that this is one of the primary factors driving public debate into the gutter. In Jones' case, he flatly refuses to acknowledge that the media have any part to play in the dumbing down of political discourse and reporting. Rosen, and Tanner as well (who gets quite a few mentions in the interview) are both very willing to concede that politicians, their advisors and spin doctors have a lot to answer for in the creation of the current malaise but typically Jones uses those concessions to bolster his argument that it is all the politicians' fault. Throughout the entire interview I was hoping that Rosen would come out with the magic word that best depicts how we have come to this current state of affairs. Training. The media have trained politicians in the way that they ought to behave if they want to remain risk-averse. For example, the way in which single words were leapt upon when the government started to speak of next year's surplus as an 'objective' or an 'intention' and the media immediately produced headlines and entire stories around those single words. Perhaps that is not the best example since it may have been the case that the government was testing the waters to see if the climate of turbulence on world markets was going to give them an out on that promise. As a hypothetical example of training, let's say the Prime Minister, in answer to a question on nuclear power, states quite flatly that Labor Party policy does not embrace the use of nuclear power and that she sees no change on that stance occurring in the near future. The following day a senior minister has cause to say that personally he is in favour of nuclear power and would like to see Labor re-examine its policy platform and perhaps instigate an inquiry as to the feasibility of its use in Australia. In answer to follow-up questions, he reiterates that what the Prime Minister said the day before was entirely correct because it is Labor Party policy and that he was merely expressing a personal opinion that he would like to see it discussed later in the year at the Federal Conference. A bit of honesty from a senior minister who was taking the opportunity to express a personal view whilst at the same time toeing the party line. Inevitably, the headlines would feature terms such as 'minister at odds with PM', 'rebel speaks out', 'maverick stirs the nuclear pot.' What does this teach the politicians? If you want a relatively quiet life where party disunity is not a feature of the press's headlines, don't offer personal opinions, stick to the party line all of the way down to the individual words. Is it any wonder that politicians no longer offer colourful personal opinions when they are presented day after day with such negative reinforcement? In the mean time, what do we see on the other side of the ledger? If Tony Abbott visits a butcher, cuts a slab of meat while mouthing some new half-clever line, jumps in his car and buggers off back to his office, he will be rewarded with full, unquestioning coverage in the press and on the nightly news. What does that teach him and his minders? Such positive reinforcement will see him doing more and more stunts and spouting more and more vacuous one-liners. That is just a tiny example of the training that goes on day after day. The politicians and their helpers are far from innocent in this but the fact that Jones sees things as being absolute (it's either the media's fault or it's the politicians' fault) doesn't take into account that it takes two to tango. As Rosen tried to subtly point out, if the media desisted from publishing meaningless drivel; desisted from their obsession with gotcha journalism where today's comments are forensically compared to yesterday's in the quest for some nuanced discrepancy; did a bit of actual research and spent more time discussing the actual facts surrounding an issue and ignored the superficialities perhaps the politicians would follow the lead and loosen up a bit. Jones and a good many others, as we saw evidenced in the response to Lindsay Tanner's book, seem convinced that the current problem can only have one primary cause and that as far as they are concerned the blame rests with the politicians and their media management teams. Why is it that on almost every question under discussion these days, one is only allowed an absolute view? Either you are for a price on carbon or you are not. If you are in favour of it then you must be vehemently opposed to any and all aspects of the Coalition's Direct Action Plan. When did the middle ground become a place of shame inhabited by cowards lacking in conviction? When did it cease to be the home of careful, moderate thinkers?


26/08/2011Hi Ad and Everybody This is good news about the latest Abbott claim on Julia Gillard. The Abbott and Hockey said: The Prime Minister has a lot of questions to answer." Well it doesn't pay Abbott to believe everything he hears does it: [i]Records undermine claim Julia Gillard's adviser pressured official in Craig Thomson probe [/i] [b]Malcolm Farr, at 1.15pm today[/b] [quote]OFFICIAL records [b]undermine suggestions a senior adviser to Julia Gillard tried to pressure the official [/b]in charge of the investigation of problem Labor MP Craig Thomson[/quote] They show that in fact it was the official, Industrial Registrar [b]Douglas Williams, who contacted Ms Gillard's office [/b]when she was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Workplace Relations. [quote]Mr Williams agreed with Ms Gillard's staff that "it would be [b]inappropriate to discuss the matter further", according to Hansard[/b], the official transcript of parliamentary transactions.[/quote] [quote]"I think the Prime Minister should tell us all the facts," said Opposition Leader Tony Abbott today claiming Ms Gillard was asking about the investigation before it became public.[/quote] [quote]Joe Hockey said: "Now it appears that the Prime Minister's own office, her chief of staff, was enquiring of the inquirer how investigations were going a year and a half ago into Mr Thompson[/quote]. Cheers:):):):)

Feral Skeleton

26/08/20112353, I'm just waiting for the list of proposals that the Coalitiion will eventually have to put up in order to satisfy people's desire to keep their compensation and tax cuts, once all the filibustering in parliament is over and the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bills are passed. We know they think they can save quite a bit by getting rid of the Department of Climate Change, however, as has been noted, who do they think is going to implement their (In)Direct (In)Action policy, if not the Coalition's favourite boogiemen, 'beaurocrats'. Of course, they'll probably just make a big show of getting rid of the Department of Climate Change, and then just rehire everyone quietly to work in an expanded Department of the Environment, in the typically sleazy way that Coalition governments operate.


26/08/2011There is a strong attempt in Tom Iggulden's introductory piece on Lateline, 25 August 2011 to report with accuracy and balance. [quote]Gillard goes on attack over Thomson affair[/quote] Tom Iggulden, Reporter Compare and contrast the video footage selection and the story line by Tom Iggulden with the report on the same events by Chris Uhlmann,'Controversy Cripples Canberra' Even the title, which may not have been coined by Uhlmann, puts a biased slant on the story. [quote]CHRIS UHLMANN: The most effective lines [by Abbott] feed existing prejudices.[/quote] Uhlmann further stokes the existing prejudice in his over concentration on the Abbott message at the expense of the PM's. [u]Hint Chris[/u], if Political Editor's, like yourself, downplay or ignore the real work and achievements of the government and dish up 'he said/she said' snippets, or headline reports with Abbott's 'slogans for bogans', then the important messages just won't get out and prejudice will flourish. [b]186 pieces of legislation have been passed by this parliament. Hardly a sign that the government is crippled or has ground to a halt. The only group that Abbott's maniacal lunge for power is crippling is the Parliamentary Press Gallery.[/b]

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011Jara Thank you for your comment and welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. You are right about Abbott being prepared to do anything no matter how outrageous, tell any lie no matter how shameful, renege on any promise no matter how dishonourable, do anything no matter how discreditable, use language no matter how vitriolic, to get the keys to The Lodge. I see jane agrees, and so say all of us. macca Thank you for your thought provoking comments – so wise, so relevant. Julia Gillard is a storyteller, but the noise coming from the Opposition and the media make it hard for the electorate to hear her. Maybe we need to contemplate this vexed issue of communication. Nasking Thank you for your many comprehensive, thoughtful contributions. Your really are running hot! You inform us and make us think.


26/08/2011Welcome Jara who said ". . . do any of us really know what Abbott stands for? He seems to stand for anything that might help him edge closer to the lodge." I think you answered your own question right there. He's mad. So not [i]he keeps edging closer to the Lodge[/i], more like [i]he keeps lodging closer to the edge![/i] [That almost works hey!:) ] He thinks he's close, I don't. Nobody who has thought it through could think he is. Chill, as they say, Folks. He can huff and puff and slaver and hope but I'm just thumbing my nose at Them. What hurts is seeing decent people caused needless worry. Harden up, and be of good cheer my countrymen. Smoke and mirrors, desperation, beset by rich and poereful and ruthless enemies, all these and more yes, but for constitutionally sound reasons I say with great confidence, [i]the Government is far from being toppled,[/i] and they are on track to pass everything they want to. Those vandal hordes are not as We, look at the Convoy of No Consequence, huffin and puffin, and what they get, [i]nuffin[/i]! Har har har, just bad publicity for Abbort jumpimg into that truck, bloody fools the lot of them except for the one who had the nous to go with them for a stretch and turned tail and fled back to where he came from, that's so delicious! Come again Jara. Those on the side, take heart from all our newies! The nastier the Right gets, the more honest people need to communicate.

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011NormanK, Well said that man! :) However, how do you explain the sort of behaviour we are seeing from the Opposition now, whereby they are framing their own debate via a couple of degrees of separation from their own dirty fingerprints which are all over an item of so-called 'fact' that they are presenting to parliament in order to influence Public Opinion? For example, that low-life scum scraped from the bottom of the Coalition pond, Senator Concetta Fieravanti-Wells, yesterday said in Parliament wtte: "I have heard that Craig Thomson and one other Labor Backbencher have been sent letters and asked whether they have renounced their New Zealand citizenship." Guess who sent the letters? No official body like the AEC, although that was the implication from the intonation and spin CF-W put on the statement in parliament. No, it turns out, after a bit of detective work from Darren Cheesman, the other Labor Backbencher in question, that the letters sent to the 2 men came from a Liberal Party-linked Law Firm. Hmm, strange how CF-W forgot to mention that. Anyway, I just don't know what you can call a situation like that where a political party sets up a sting, or tries to, at arms-length from itself? All I do know is that this is yet another example of the Sleaze Factor being turned up to 11 by the Coalition, and why any right-thinking elector would want to vote for this bunch of miscreants is beyond me. Oh, that's right, like jj, those sort of people revel in being domineering and sleazy miscreants with perpetual sly grins on their faces as they take advantage of the weak and defenceless too. Nothing like kicking a good man while he's down, a la Clockwork Orange, for them. It's just Survival of the Biggest Bastard stuff, or Social Darwinism, as others like to call it.


26/08/2011Feral Skeleton I have very little experience and no expertise in the field of dirty deeds by politicians but if that were the only problem we faced I could live with it provided there are people out there willing to seek out the truth behind the ploy. At the moment, our main information-givers are obsessed by the ploy and blow-by-blow descriptions of the game rather than investigating motives and sleight-of-hand tactics such as you describe.

Ad astra reply

26/08/20112353 Thank you for your shrewd analysis of Jane Shaw’s well-written article. Your use of the grieving metaphor is apt. I agree with your conclusion. NormanK What a splendid dissection of the Jay Rosen interview by Tony Jones last night on [i[Lateline[/i]. Having watched it with great interest, I agree with your analysis. Tony Jones is determined to lay the ‘blame’ at the feet of the politicians, or dispatch the reality of media dysfunction offshore as a US phenomenon. I agree that ‘training’ is an answer, so long as it included training in objectivity. We know how difficult absolute objectivity is for any of us, but at least having it in the forefront of the mind is essential for all who make public statements, or who ask questions, no matter from which side of the desk. Prejudging is a mortal sin for journalists, yet so many do that habitually, sometimes on ‘instruction’ from above, sometimes from their own predilections, sometimes from laziness. Whatever the cause, the outcome is inevitably suboptimal.

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011Hi Lyn You really are a super sleuth. Thank you for the link to the Malcolm Farr article that shows that far from Julia Gillard’s office contacting Industrial Registrar Douglas Williams about the investigation of Craig Thomson, it was the other way around and led to the mutual agreement that nothing more should be said publically by either side while the investigation was in train. Since the ABC has made a big feature of this issue in today’s news and has repeatedly broadcast Abbott’s comments on it, now clearly mistaken, will the ABC correct the matter in subsequent bulletins? I won’t be holding my breath!

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011Casablanca Thank you for the Tom Iggulden and Chris Uhlmann pieces and for the latest count of 186 pieces of legislation this term so far. Not bad for a do-nothing government that is totally distracted by the Craig Thomson affair! FS Thank you for your insights about the Concetta Fieravanti-Wells manoeuvers, which are as sleazy as we have come to expect.


26/08/2011Adopted Bad Abbott for Friday I, too, applaud Lyn's detective work on the truth behind the exchange between then Deputy PM Julia Gillard's office and the Industrial Registrar. However, you ain't kicking heads hard enough, Lyn. You've brought us the Opposition Leader, the Shadow Treasurer, and a Coalition Senator, caught out not only in telling bald-faced lies (well, I never!), but shown how those lies were the icing on a cake they've been baking since February 2010. And what will happen, who will take notice? Nobody at all who should, which is to say every little soul out there in 'fair dinkum land' who still hasn't twigged that Shouldabeen and his coven is headed for Level 10 of Malebolge in Dante Alighieri's Inferno (although Levels 8 and 9 look accommodating for the type, too). Very appositely named Malebolge by the poet, though I am sure budgie smuggling and attempting to pronounce that word in English is only an accident of phonetics.

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011Folks I’ve added as a postscript to this piece the YouTube clip titled [i]Phoney Tony caught out[/i] that captures his infamous interview with Kerry O’Brien in May 2010 where he conceded that he does not always tell the truth, and that his word should be taken only if his message is written down – ‘scripted’, and also the Lyndal Curtis of Abbott yesterday. In a past era, his bearing in both of these interviews would have been described as sly and slimy. I can’t think of more suitable words now. Can you? I’m now going to get something together for next week. Tonight I’ll be posting another piece of Acerbic Conehead’s clever satire: [i]Spongebob Shenanigans[/i].


26/08/2011Lyn @2.45pm, once again the Coalition shoots itself in the foot. I hope Gillard and her team pound them into the ground. This latest debacle should be shouted long and loud as should Brandis' sloppiness and obvious ignorance of the law in NSW. Ad astra, if the ABC doesn't correct the matter, perhaps a concerted complaints campaign could be waged until they do. I have truly never come across such a mob of sleazy female politicians as are in the Coalition. Fieravanti-Wells, Mirabella, Bishop and Bishop, the list goes on. What gutter do they trawl to find these creatures? Casablaca, the point is that the media don't want the public to know about the government's achievements. That's why it's all Tony Abbott says....The opposition says....Pity they never report the truth: Tony Abbott is a serial liar....the opposition is a claque of incompetent w@nkers.....


26/08/ 8:30am Sky News 601 - Australian Agenda On Sky News Australian Agenda this week Treasurer Wayne Swan. Also NSW Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon. And a special package on the Middle East with Dr Daniel Pipes, from the Middle East Forum, and Professor Efraim Inbar, Professor in Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University and the Director of its Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies. Joining host Peter Van Onselen on the Panel, The Australian's Paul Kelly, and Michael Stutchbury. 8:38am Ch7 - Weekend Sunrise - The Riley Diary This week political editor Mark Riley takes takes a look at the Red Queen and the perils the Red Light District. 8:40am Ch9 - Today on Sunday - The Laurie Oakes Interview The weekly Laurie Oakes interview is in hibernation until further notice. 9:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 - Insiders On Insiders this Sunday, Barrie Cassidy interviews Tasmanian Independent MP Andrew Wilkie. On the panel: the Sunday Age’s Misha Schubert, The Australian’s George Megalogenis and the Sydney Institute’s Gerard Henderson. And Mike Bowers talks pictures with QLD Independent MP, Bob Katter. 10:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 repeated @ 5.30pm - Inside Business This week on Inside Business ... 10.00am Ch10 everywhere but Canberra at 4.30pm - The Bolt Report - Check local program guides for encore performance timings later in the day This week on The Bolt Report, more information on the Craig Thomson saga. On the panel, MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin and former Liberal Minister Peter Reith. Also Efraim Inbar, Professor in Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University Israel on what's happening in Libya. 10.30am Ch10 everywhere but Canberra at 4.00pm - Meet the Press - Check local program guides for encore performance timings later in the day Paul Bongiorno is joined by panellists; Simon Benson, The Daily Telegraph,and Jacqueline Maley, the Sydney Morning Herald. Together they interview Government Leader of the House, Anthony Albanese, and AMWU National Secretary Dave Oliver.


26/08/2011Well thanks to the Stirling work being done by Julia Gillard we won't have to worry about opposition leader Abbott for too much longer. Soon we'll have PM Abbott. What does it say about a government when the worst opposition leader in our history is in a position to win ??


26/08/2011Glorfindel, Nothing but premature speculation!

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011jane, The ABC won't correct their error wrt the PM and Fair Work Australia, they'll just stop saying it and instead grab a hold of the latest Liberal Party Press Release and go with that instead.


26/08/2011Hi Ad Well so far the ABC are reporting the facts. Ash tells us in plain language, how the Abbott attack is smacking Abbott around the head, this will make his head wobble eh. [i]Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Gretchness!, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] [i]Kathy Jackson it turns out is ex wife of one Jeff Jackson. Jeff Jackson is reported to have paid back $15,000 to the HSU in overpayments on credit card misuse. The same charge she is pursuing against Craig Thomson. Jeff Jackson was accused in 2009 of credit card misuse by one Pauline Fegan[/i] Records undermine latest Thomson attack Updated August 26, 2011 17:37:49 [quote] News Limited reported this morning that Julia Gillard's chief of staff called the industrial registrar in 2009 to ask if he was investigating the besieged Labor MP, who has been accused of misusing a union credit card to pay for prostitutes. This prompted renewed attacks from Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, who claimed it showed Ms Gillard had known about the matter for a long time. But official records contradict the reported chain of events, and show an [b]Opposition senator knew of the communications more than a year ago.[/b][/quote] [quote]Dr Emerson compared the Opposition Leader with his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull, who had overreached by relying on the testimony of a senior public servant in 2009 to pursue Kevin Rudd in the Oz Car affair[/quote]


26/08/2011Ad Astra A CORRECTION OOPS! I mis-quoted Anthony Albanese. What he said was: ‘That makes 182 pieces of legislation we've carried this term.’ See Transcript of interview with Chris Uhlmann. ABC1 (7.30 Program) 24 August 2011.


26/08/2011Jason I'm led to believe counselling will help with that. :) Oops, perhaps I'm thinking of premature expectoration. Something Tony Abbott doesn't suffer from - after all it has been almost twelve months and he still hasn't got the dummy out from between his clenched teeth.

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011lyn, Ash certainly has a way with putting together a timeline of a story and marrying it with relevant facts from the past that inform the story that we are reading today. As I said previously, I wish he could be given a spot on The Drum, TV and Online, as well.

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011You really have to love Twitter, it has a way of encapsulating an issue in a little gem of a hashtag. So, today we have got #libfib :D


26/08/2011Hi Feral Can you tell me about hashtags and how & when to use them. I have been trying to find out for ages. Appreciate.:):) Cheers:):):):)

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011lyn, As per usual with any Twitter phenomenon, it's easy once you know how. :) Wrt hashtags, you can either create one yourself, and all you have to do is think of a meme, basically, such as #libfib above, and then put a hash # symbol in front of it when you Tweet and it automatically is then listed as a hashtag which others can contribute to, or click on to see the Twitter history of that hashtag. For example if you click on #libfib, you will see all the contributions to that hashtag in a new tab. So, if you want to contribute to a hashtag, just type in your Tweet and then put the hashtag at the end of it, separated by a space, otherwise Twitter won't recognise it. Have fun! :)

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011lyn, You may also be interested in using the Twitter platform app that I use to Tweet from. It is called Kanvaso and has a whole lot of fun extras that you can play with. :D It's at


26/08/2011Hi Feral You beauty, thankyou.22 I get it. So form of filing for easy access to a particular subject. Cheers:):):)

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011This is a most apt comment on this blog's subject from Schtang on Twitter: [quote]Schtang: The main aim of Abbott is to reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of ignorant people[/quote]

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011Bob Carr's erudite take on the Craig Thomson affair d'amuse:


26/08/2011Hi Ad and Everybody If I was a Truck Driver I wouldn't listen to Alan Jones. Some people are saying 2GB lied: [i]The pub with no patrons: a detour that depressed a small town [/i] SMH Rachel Olding, Henrietta Cook August 26, 2011 [quote]The organisers of the mobile protest told the Herald last week that 11 convoys carrying up to 30,000 truck drivers would line the country's roads, travelling several designated routes to Canberra, with an official overnight stop in a country town[/quote]. [i]In Wallendbeen, however, only 10 vehicles showed up, Ms Murphy said. ''We are a bit depressed. It was a big flop. We busted our nuts for nothing and prepared for days, but only 10 trucks arrived,'' she said. ''They overexaggerated. They said it was going to be crazy, that Wallendbeen was never going to see anything like this again[/i].'' Cheers:):):):)

Feral Skeleton

26/08/2011lyn, Another couple of blogs you may wish to keep an eye on:

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011jane You are right – the Coalition women don’t shape up very well. Sophie, Bronwyn, Julie, Concetta and of course the new arrival, Kelly O'Dwyer. Hi Lyn, Jason, Casablanca Thank for the links and further comments. Tony Abbott has shot himself in the foot, but only the careful observer would ascertain that from the media coverage.

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011jane You are right – the Coalition women don’t shape up very well. Sophie, Bronwyn, Julie, Concetta and of course the new arrival Kelly O'Dwyer. HI Lyn, Jason, Casablanca Thank for the links and further comments. Tony Abbott has shot himself in the foot, but only the careful observer would ascertain that from the media coverage.

Ad astra reply

26/08/2011Folks I've just now posted Acerbic Conehead's latest delight: [i]Spongebob Shenanigans[/i]


26/08/2011Thought I might put up something to bring up the 300th comment. Yes, Tony Abbott gets my vote for the worst opposition leader in this country's history. He's bloody horrible.

Ad astra reply

27/08/2011BSA Bob Congratulations on being number 300. And your diagnosis is accurate.
How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?