What then makes a good political speech? An analysis

Over the change-of-year break, we have had the opportunity to appraise several political speeches. Some of you have ventured an opinion about the characteristics of a ‘good’ speech. Some have given straightforward advice about how to create such speeches; for others, creating good speeches has seemed more complex and not amenable to a simple solution.

The purpose of this piece is to draw together those comments and fashion a framework for creating and evaluating political speeches for your consideration.

Let’s begin by detailing the purposes of such speeches:

A generic statement of purpose might read:

To gain and stimulate interest to:
- enable transfer of information, ideas, motivation and inspiration,
- hold concentration through the speech.

To transmit information about:
- what already is,
- what is planned,
- what might be possible,
- what is predicted.

To explain:
- why actions have been taken,
- the expected consequences,
- the benefit of the actions,
- the possible or anticipated drawbacks of the actions.

To garner approval for:
- what has been achieved,
- what is planned,
- what might eventuate.

To seek ideas about:
- the current situation,
- what might be done about it,
- creative alternatives,
- design ideas.

To motivate and inspire the audience to:
- accept the value of what has been done,
- accept the need for further action,
- change attitudes and values,
- create a vision of a better future,
- establish a different paradigm, another way of viewing issues.

To catch the imagination of the audience so as to:
- paint an exciting picture,
- describe a new perspective,
- generate a desire for action.

To induce harmony and understanding among the audience so as to:
- engender cooperation,
- achieve consensus,
- enable compromise where consensus is not possible.

Not all speeches will embody all of these elements, but all will embrace some.

In brief, the speechwriter and the speaker will need to ask themselves:
- what are the desired ‘take-home’ messages?
- how will they be transmitted?
- what inspirational devices will be used to maximize attention and assimilation?
- how will we know that the messages have been heard and assimilated?

There are a number of devices that facilitate the creation of good speeches:

Message and emotion
To begin with, there is a proven connection between what is to be transmitted and the emotional garment in which it is clothed. We learn and assimilate better when we are emotionally engaged, especially when swept along by the inspirational words, manner of speech, and gestures.

One reason that the speeches by Kevin Rudd, Paul Keating, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and Jesus are so highly regarded is that they touched the souls of the people, identifying injustice and discrimination. Ben Chifley’s speech reminded the people of traumas not long past and assured them support.

Speakers know that if they can engage the consciousness of the audience and establish good rapport, if they can build on the emotion that resides in their bosoms, the message, especially when it is one of hope and promise, will impinge more strongly. Unless the audience can be emotionally involved, messages will seem inert and devoid of feeling, and will usually go unheard or unheeded.

Sometimes the emotion is so adverse that transmission of information is nigh impossible, as we have seen several times in regional meetings about the Murray-Darling Water Plan. Unless anger and opposition in the audience are recognized, acknowledged, addressed, and neutralized, at least in part, little of the message will be heard, and even less remembered.

Words and their emotional clothing go together.

Engaging the audience
A speaking device that is a proven success is engaging the audience on a personal level. While even the best of speakers cannot engage everyone in a large audience, they can and do engage selected members. They eyeball one or two near the front and a little way back. It is possible to also target some right at the back and the sides. Good speakers talk to them as if they were the only ones present, moving from front to back, and from side to side, looking intently at their eyes, with an unspoken but unmistakable “You know this to be so”, or “I’m sure you understand this” or “I know you will give me your support”. At a distance, others nearby the targeted ones will also feel as if they are being addressed personally too. In this way, it is possible to personally engage large sectors, even of a big audience. This engagement is vital. Without it, the audience feels ‘out of it’, becomes restive and finally disinterested and unresponsive, and remembers nothing much positive, only feelings of boredom and disengagement. Some have suggested Julia Gillard lacked such a connection to her audience in her address to the ALP National Conference.

Of course, if some members of the audience come carrying adverse baggage about the speaker, it makes it even more difficult for the speaker to engage. From the description of PM Gillard’s audience, it seems as if there were some carrying such baggage, somewhat surprising among an audience of the so-called party faithful.

Avoid reading a speech
Eyeballing selected members of the audience requires the speaker to take his or her eyes from a prepared script. Anyway, it is desirable, if not essential, to not read a speech parrot-fashion. There is a technique of using written notes as a reminder, yet look at the audience while speaking. A quick glance at the notes then raising the eyes to the audience to speak is a well-tried method. The trick is to not read the script, and to speak only when looking at the audience. This is possible if time is taken to rehearse the speech so that most of it is committed to memory, and the script is used only as an aide memoir.

Tell them what you’re going to say
Another device used by successful speakers is the well tried – tell the audience what you intend to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you have just told them. They then know what’s coming, they recognize it when it comes, and they are left with the distilled ‘take home messages’. Handouts at the end of the take home messages are valuable, and visual aids to accompany the spoken word are useful, so long as they match. These devices are perhaps less suitable for political audiences than for other learning situations.

Repetition and reiteration
Repetition is a sound technique. Martin Luther King powered his address by repeating the now-famous words: “I have a dream.” Kevin Rudd repeated: “We are sorry” many times.

Many a good speech, at least in parts, includes short sentences, often using similar words or themes, delivered rhythmically, which create an attractive cadence that can be almost mesmerizing. Martin Luther King used this device, and so did Paul Keating and Kevin Rudd.

Reiteration too is effective. Reiterating the key elements of the message drives it into memory. Several of the speeches use this device.

Summing up or ending with a rhetorical flourish reinforces the message and the emotion that clothes it.

You may care to refresh your memory of the endings of these speeches by Julia Gillard, Ben Chifley, Kevin Rudd, Paul Keating, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and Jesus, and remind yourself of the take home messages and the rhetorical flourish with which most conclude. The initial final words are in the links.

We are the people who share and stick together.

I try to think of the Labour movement, not as putting an extra sixpence into somebody's pocket...

We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Australians.

There is one thing today we cannot imagine.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet…

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…

Manner of speech
This can have a significant effect on audience attention and affect the potency and attractiveness of the message. Julia Gillard’s ocker drawl is often criticized, and the less than enthusiastic reception she sometimes receives is attributed to this trait. Sometimes she is said to appear condescending or school-marmish.

There is no doubt that those with a strong resonant voice like Martin Luther King have an oratory advantage. Kevin Rudd spoke in suitable deep tones in his ‘Sorry’ address.

Speakers are stuck with their usual voices, but voice training can improve lesser voices.

The use of hand and arm gestures can enhance, or sometimes detract from the speech. They too can be improved with training.

How long ought a speech to be?
Many commented on the length of the speeches and drew the conclusion that shorter speeches are to be preferred. That is likely to be so when a politician is engaging a remote and largely disinterested audience, such as in a televised address. The attention span of most audiences is said to be about twenty minutes, after which concentration lags. For many audiences it is much less, conditioned as they are to ten second grabs on TV, and rapidly changing subject matter. Even serious subjects, such as those on news bulletins, generally last no more than a few minutes. When a politician is addressing a wide audience the speech needs to be brief. But if the audience is in an auditorium, the duration depends on the subject matter and the nature of the audience. An interested audience, anxious to hear the speaker’s message, will look for a longer presentation, and provided the speaker follows the twenty minute rule and gives the audience a break or takes them in a new direction, good speakers can hold the attention of audiences for an hour, and often do, for example in academic environments.

Speakers at meetings of the party faithful ought to be able to hold their attention for substantial periods. Politicians addressing businessmen or farmer groups, or mining executives, or economists, for example, ought to be able to hold their audiences for as long as it takes to transmit the message in its emotional cloak. Indeed, such audiences would rightly feel short-changed if offered only short ‘grabs’, when what they are seeking is detailed information, plans, predictions, encouragement, and inspiration. Shorter speeches are not necessarily better – the duration is very much a matter of ‘horses for courses’.

In conclusion
Above all, the good speech delivers clearly messages that the speaker wishes to be readily remembered, does so to an attentive and motivated audience that gathers inspiration and hope from what is said and how it is said, an audience that is emotionally engaged throughout.

Writing and delivering speeches is an exacting and complex process. To some it comes easily; others struggle to ascend to great heights. There is no simple formula. Each speech needs to be fashioned to suit the audience, and the message that the speaker wishes to transmit and have remembered. The relationship between the speaker and the audience is critical. A congenial relationship is essential for success – the opposite brings disappointment to all participants.

Although the above suggestions cover a lot of ground, there may be other elements of speechwriting and speechmaking that you would wish to advance. Please add them and tell us what you think.

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Ad astra

29/01/2012Folks Tomorrow, Monday 30 January is the beginning of a new year for [i]The Political Sword[/i]. The first piece for the year has been posted above in readiness for tomorrow. It is an analysis of the political speeches that have featured over the change-of-year break that attempts to define what constitutes a good political speech. Lyn’s Daily Links recommence tomorrow and will continue each weekday. We welcome Lyn’s return and look forward to another year of links as Lyn’s fingers do the searching for us to locate informative items in the political blogosphere. D Mick Weir has agreed to complement Lyn’s Links with his Mick’s Media Mix, which he will post as his time permits. He has served us very well over the break with informative and interesting material and links. Thank you DMW. Since Feral Skeleton has discontinued writing for [i]TPS[/i] and has started her own blog site, and Acerbic Conehead has decided to take a break, I will be the sole author for the time being. To make these changed circumstances manageable I will post one new piece per week, usually at the beginning of the week, and occasionally a second one when appropriate. While I will respond to some of the comments you make as in the past, I will not attempt to respond to all; rather I will leave it to you respond as you have done so well over the break. The momentum of the site will be maintained with your comments, both related to the theme of the piece and to contemporary political events. Some of you have graced the site with your regular contributions on your chosen theme and with verse; I look forward to this continuing. I hope you will all have an enjoyable year visiting [i]The Political Sword[/i], and making your contributions. I particularly welcome new contributors and hope you will enjoy adding your opinions to the mix.


30/01/2012Good Morning Ad Astra & All our Commenters & Readers, Thankyou for your very enjoyable article. A special thankyou for keeping TPS open over the Christmas Break. I trust you and our readers have enjoyed their holidays. What did Kevin Rudd say at his first Cabinet Meeting in 2007 "Well Friends Isn't it Good to Be Here". We are looking at a Fast & Furious Political Year. Mr Abbott has already resumed his hostile attitude & approach. I hope all our swordians have sharpened their swords and are ready to prepare some super comments for us all throughout the year. Dear Ad sorry about that huge gap on my first day back. Honestly I did back space twice up to my smilies. Would you be so kind as to fix it for me please. Cheers :):):):):):)

Ad astra

30/01/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your kind words. This blog engine does not allow editing of comments, so the only option is for you to repost your links with the spaces deleted, and for me to delete the first set links. Personally, the space does not worry me.

Ad astra

30/01/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


30/01/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Australia Day and Australia’s Beautiful Inspiring Beautiful Set of Numbers, Frank, A Frank View[/i] Bloomberg has done a survey and found that Australia is the 5th best and easiest place in the world to do business after HK, Netherlands, USA and UK. Read MoreThe #MSM and its hacks wont tell you this. They prefer to tell you the dooms & glooms championed by the Opposition. http://afrankview.net/ [i]Terry McCrann's Glowing Endorsement of the Gillard Government, Stephen Koukoulas[/i] The current mix of economic policy settings are near perfect. Look at the Australian dollar if you want confirmation of the assessment of global investors. As McCrann touches on, picking up the issue I have written about before, monetary policy can be changed quickly, reversed if needed, moved from super easy to super tight in next to no time. http://www.stephenkoukoulas.blogspot.com/2012_01_01_archive.html [i]“We’d better help him through too”, James Higgins, The Politics Project[/i] Loyalty. Mateship. Courage. Humility. Concern for one’s fellow human beings. A cool head in a crisis. There you have it, right there: the epitome of Australian values. http://thepoliticsproject.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/wed-better-help-him-through-too/ [i]Tony Abbott and Australia Day 2012 , Alex Schlotzer[/i] insensitivity of telling Indigenous Australians that a lot has changed since the tent embassy was first established in 1972, and that people should move on. It would also suggest that Mr Abbott is not as in touch with the issues and challenges of concern for Indigenous Australians as he’d like us to believe http://alexschlotzer.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/tony-abbott-and-australia-day-2012/ [i]Tony Abbott and the Tent Embassy, John Turnbull, Independent Australia[/i] Abbott backpedalled as fast as his legs would carry him, denying that he said anything offensive, and even if he did he didn’t mean it. It was a predictable display in this era of pollies who try to avoid making a statement on anything of substance, but you have to wonder why he bothered. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/tony-abbott-and-the-tent-embassy/ [i]The Liberals and Indigenous Australians, David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] her staff . It doesn't seem to be he who informed them of Mr Abbott's view that the Tent Embassy had passed its useful time. It wasn't he or anyone else that inspired Mr Abbott to assert that really we'd taken care of aborigines now with the apology and possible constitutional recognition so they didn't need their Embassy. http://davidhavyatt.blogspot.com/ [i]“It’s time to move on” – political speechwriters, riots and plagiarism, Paul Watson, What The Cat Dragged In[/i] the releasing of the Opposition Leader’s schedule/whereabouts as some sort of seditious betrayal (I would have thought that this was usually public information), rather than the meatier issue of WHAT was whispered/incited about Abbott’s remarks, suggests that Abbott himself may have been a possible knowing player in this game of set-up. http://paulwatson.blogspot.com/ [i]Kill Aborigines and Immigrants, mindmadeup, You Said It[/i] Abbott and Penberthy decided to spark flames on Australia Day and the 40th anniversary of the Tent Embassy despite the fact that the day represents invasion for so many who are still waiting for reconciliation in more than just the form of a political apology. http://theantibogan.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/kill-aborigines-and-immigrants/ [i]The Real Tent Embassy Story, Alexander Lamb, New Matilda[/i] They had no issue with the Prime Minister, Fred Hooper and Michael Andersen, co-founder of the tent embassy, later said. They were furious at that "foolish man", Tony Abbott. http://newmatilda.com/2012/01/27/real-tent-embassy-story [i]BLAME GAMES: True conservatives don’t blame crime victims for the actions of criminal thugs, Vex News[/i] Letting Pyne off the leash to hunt down and thrill-kill a twenty-something press secretary was not a good way to start the year or to continue the Coalition’s long march back to office that will see them almost certainly win in 2013. Pragmatic doesn’t mean cheap and sleazy. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/01/blame-games-true-conservatives-dont-blame-crime-victims-for-the-actions-of-criminal-thugs/ [i]Q&A- what Tony Abbott actually said on Australia Day, Petering Time North Coast Voices[/i] For the record - because the mainstream media is beginning to subtly alter what was said. http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com/2012/01/q-what-tony-abbott-actually-said-on.html [i]Will the Real Kim Sattler Please Stand Up – Just What Did Kim Sattler Say?, Preston Towers, The Preston Institute[/i] We have also had the ABC weighing into it by putting up an article at 1pm this afternoon that begins with the sensational headline “Union boss ‘contradicting’ PM in protest fiasco” and following it with the all too frequent first line “The Opposition Says” - http://prestoninstitute.wordpress.com/2012/01/29/kimsattlersay/ [i]Abbott says time for Tent Embassy to move on , Video You Tube[/i] What Tony Abbott actually said on Australia Day, inflaming Indigenous activists at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. (From ABC 7.30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUZjlYrQfsA&feature=youtu.be [i]Angry Gillard Explains Events Surrounding Australia Day Protest; Condemns Abbott, Malcolm Farnsworth, Australian Politics Com.[/i] She said she found the insinuations made by Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne “deeply offensive”. It was typical of Abbott’s “negativity” and “his tendency to go too far”. http://australianpolitics.com/2012/01/28/gillard-protest-press-conference.html [i]GetUp! launches attack ad on Tony Abbott boat people policy, Mumbrella[/i] Simon Sheikh, GetUp national director said: “It’s reckless and outrageous, but Coalition MPs will meet as soon as Parliament returns in a few weeks so we’re taking this chance to respond before they make their final decisions. But it’s not too late for the Coalition to abandon this terrible policy, http://mumbrella.com.au/getup-launches-attack-ad-on-tony-abbott-boat-people-policy-72173 [i][b]Tony Abbott Couldn’t Be This Stupid, Could He-, The Carmudgeon’s Magazine[/b][/i] Rumours about Tony Abbott and “a female staffer” are beginning to appear on Twitter.Not that they could be true.Tony Abbott is the Leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party and as such is the official Parliamentary Leader of the Opposition. He is married, with three grown daughters. And a solid, committed Catholic in good standing. http://archiearchive.wordpress.com/2012/01/29/tony-abbott-couldnt-be-this-stupid-could-he/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-3 [i]Ah, I love a divided house, Bruce Hawker [/i] So after March 2011, you’d have thought Coalition MPs in NSW were the happiest cohort of their species. But no, for them it is a divided house in Macquarie Street, not a happy one. http://brucehawker.com/2012/01/25/ah-i-love-a-divided-house/ [i]Stunning turnaround in energy costs for housing , Tina Perinotto, The Fifth Estate[/i] “the best 420 litre family fridge is now rated 318 kWh compared with about 1200-1400 kwh in the mid-late 1980s,” Professor Pears said.“Efficient lighting is giving 80 per cent savings. A good solar hot water service is cutting hot water bills by 70 per cent plus. The latest Samsung 100cm TV uses 30 watts – older flat screen TVs that size use 200-450 watts. http://www.thefifthestate.com.au/archives/31295 [i]Numbers tell grim pokies story, Crispin Hull [/i]. Gambling and Racing Commission surveyed the prevalence of gambling in the ACT. They found that only 30 per cent of ACT adults used poker machines in the past year. So 70 per cent either never or hardly ever use poker machines http://www.crispinhull.com.au/2012/01/28/number-tell-grim-pokies-story/#more-10117 [i]RedHot Pokies The politics of gamblingDerek Barry,Woolly Days[/i] The Coalition’s policy paper on gambling tries to have it both ways. The report says less than one per cent of the Australian population are problem gamblers which equates to 220,000 people (the productivity commission says 115,000 are problem gamblers and another 280,000 are at “moderate risk”) while it is at pains to note 150,000 are employed http://nebuchadnezzarwoollyd.blogspot.com/ [i]Dollars for denial- who has funded the threefold increase in IPA revenue since 2000-, Watching the Deniers[/i] What resources are required to deceive the public about climate change?Let’s ask the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), the right-wing think tank at the centre of climate change denial in Australia.There is little doubt the IPA can’t hide the incline in cash over the past few years. http://watchingthedeniers.wordpress.com/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-3 [i]Socialism and the ‘Rebuilding of Capitalism’ – A response to Nigel Farndale , Tristan Ewins, Left Focus[/i] But for radicals over the longer term there is still the dream of genuine democracy: of government by the people and for the people; where real popular sovereignty displaces the power of an economically and hence politically and culturally dominant capitalist class. http://leftfocus.blogspot.com/2012/01/socialism-and-rebuilding-of-capitalism.html [i]Social democracy and equal opportunity, John Quiggin, Crooked Timber[/i] The most obvious measures relate to wealth and education. Taxes on inheritance and capital gains can discourage the transfer of large accumulations of wealth from one generation to the next. As regards education, the crucial element is centralised funding http://crookedtimber.org/2012/01/29/social-democracy-and-equal-opportunity/#more-23045 [i]Galaxy: 54-46 to Coalition, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] Coalition’s two-party preferred lead at 54-46, from primary votes of 34 per cent for Labor, 48 per cent for the Coalition and 12 per http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/01/29/galaxy-54-46-to-coalition/#comments :):):):):):):):):):):):)


30/01/2012Hi Ad & Everybody This is good news at the moment, I stress at the moment, this could change as the morning progresses. The good news is the taxpapers don't have to pay for a he said she said we said they said everybody said , investigation. AFP says no probe into Australia Day fracas, ABC [i]Australian Federal Police say there is no evidence to suggest anyone acted illegally in telling Aboriginal protesters where to find Tony Abbott on Australia Day The Opposition says it wants the AFP to investigate the incident, and says it may make as formal approach to the AFP later today. [b]But the AFP says there is no evidence of a criminal act and it is not conducting an investigation.[/b] There is talk this morning of a no confidence motion possibly being brought before the House of Representatives next week on this issue. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has apparently said that he would support such a debate[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-30/opposition-calls-for-afp-investigation-into-tent-embassy-protes/3799520/?site=sydney :):):):):)


30/01/2012Good morning Ad astra, Thank you for the article, to which I will return momentarily. Lyn There could be no sight more welcome on The Political Sword than the wee Tweetie Bird. I'm hoping to see it soon. DMickWeir You have done a mighty job while Lyn has been away, I know I speak for all Swordsfolks in thanking and congratulating you on the very embarrassment of riches you have managed to bring together on a several-times-a-day basis, that I find quite remarkable in the time of least political activity. The Sword sandwich filling would have been very thin indeed without you. I hope you might continue to help Lyn, I suppose a division of labours and demarcation of territory is in order, I know Lyn does find the whole process of Daily Links pretty onerous (but she loves it too), but you might cetainly lighten her load, to everyone's benefit. Anyway, during her absence, you have kept the Sword keen. Thanks. Ad, your article should be compulsory reading for all Labor politicians, they should have it stuck on their walls and be tested on it before writing and/or delivering important speeches. Some quick thoughts A Czech friend of mine says authoritatively "There is no good writing, only good rewriting." After losing quite a few posts to the [i]FWTT![/i] monster that dwells within my keyboard, and then trying to rewrite them, I must dispute that, the spontaneous beats the laborious hands down for natural cadence and obvious conviction, both highly desirable in persuading the target audience to one's will. But "True ease of writing [and speaking] comes from Art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance." (Dean Swift) To speak best one must be across the issues, have thought about them, created some compelling mental images and perhaps the odd meme, e.g. Cicero's [i]Cartharginem delenda est[/i] with which phrase he ended every speech, eventually convincing Rome utterly to destroy that unfortunate city, down to the paving! These images should be ready-rubbed and practised in the speaker's mind, cued ready for use during the speech. And thinking on your feet is vital, winging it if you will; it's no use flogging a dead horse, if you're not getting through you must change tack, crack a quick joke, break the [i]durrrhh[/i] that takes over the audience when you see they are vegging out. As a teacher, along with voice projection, one learns quickly to have one's eyes everwhere, to use wording and imagery both inclusive and extensive, never to leave behind those slowest on the uptake, nor to insult the intelligence of the quickest, a big ask with big classes. You can watch students' eyes sparkling when you have their interest, you can see them wander and turn leaden when you lose it. People who have done some teaching make good political speakers as a rule. Universality is the greatest quality of the greatest speeches. I suppose that is oxymoronic, but it's not necessarily obvious. A speech which speaks more to one gender than t'other, or which is deliberately divisive or oblivious to the wishes of some of the audience might be shrewd and effective but will not reach the status of greatness. Ad your article has the extraordinary aims of analyzing and summing up the best recorded speeches of the past in order best to speak and fight for the future. It may be that the best speakers are born not made, I think of Don Dunstan and Gough Whitlam, but technique grows with practice in public speaking, and anyone who reads your consummatory thread ought to be able with thought and planning to deliver a pretty good rave. This is a messy post but it's such a big topic.


30/01/2012The Voice of the Tweetie Bird is heard again in the land! Welcome back Lyn. Sorry to misquote Mr Solomon. http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=the%20voice%20of%20the%20turtle%20is%20heard%20in%20the%20land&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbible.cc%2Fsongs%2F2-12.htm&ei=FcslT_yGHe6NiAegyNj9BA&usg=AFQjCNEdvYJiM0gyqWGUOOx1Ai04p4bb3g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Oops: 1, TT said As a teacher, along with voice projection, one learns quickly to have one's eyes everwhere, >M'mmm except [i]everywhere[!/i] 2, TT said [i]Universality is the greatest quality of the greatest speeches.[/i] I suppose that is [u]oxymoronic[/u], but it's not necessarily obvious. >No it's not an [i]oxymoron[/i] it's a [i]tautology[/i] I knew that! But it is tautological that tautologies are absolutely true, and meaningful too, (I'd never thought of that before), and actually that one above is quite attractive iyswim? It was Colin Thiele who in tutorials first induced me to consider the importance of universality in writing. The best writing and the best speeches touch everyone. As do the best Teachers. Ad back on your last thread, did you see that I pre-SNAP'd your Seekers Youtube recording with another? It was such a nice thought of yours to put the lyrics there, so I found one version on Youtube, good on them they enrich human life. Gee both versions are beautiful, hope you heard the one I linked to too. I'm so soft, teary events both of them for me, I know why too. My mistiness is [i]not[/i] so much for my pride of country I'm afraid, when I listen to that song. I get all emotional at all the things we have [i]not[/i] achieved as a nation and on a world scale as a race, and what we are doing to poor dear Gaia . . . The dignity that should be Man's, on this Earth that is the only New World all generations will ever have . . . This fantastic planet, which I believe to be the sole speck in the universe to have developed Life, in all its myriad forms, and which we are trashing at the speed of mould . . . You said it Ad, [i]if only[/i].


30/01/2012Bloody [i]Italics![/i] [i]Go back where you belong![/i] Sorry Folks, I hate doing that to you.

Ad astra

30/01/2012Talk Turkey Thank you for your complimentary words and your most thoughtful additions to this piece. I find myself in accord with your words. I agree with your view about the value of spontaneity in writing, and that too much editing can render inspirational sentiments sterile. While I once followed the routine of developing an outline and working from that, I now find it more fruitful to let the thoughts flow spontaneously. Much of what I write is ‘written’ in my head first, often when going to sleep, which is later transmitted to my computer. Of course, the ‘take home messages’ are there at the beginning, and they feed into the first paragraph or two, and the finale. By the time I have these in my head, the rest seems to flow naturally. Most of the editing is getting the grammar right, amending awkward sentences, fashioning the words into meaningful groups, and of course picking up the typos, at which my wife is expert. Any typo is entirely of my own making. You stress the importance of awareness of audience reaction, and the capacity to make the most of an enthusiastic reaction and to change tack when audience attention wanes. I agree. A speaker who is riveted on the audience rather than the written speech can pick up subtle changes and adapt quickly. Adaptability is one hallmark of the good speaker. Regarding your YouTube version of [i]I am Australian[/i], I somehow missed it. I played it just now. It is a particularly lovely version of that song by The Seekers, with beautiful visuals. Thank you. We should sing that song in our hearts every day.

Ad astra

30/01/2012Hi Lyn TT has paid you a great compliment in likening your links to the Song of Solomon: [i]Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.[/i] I agree.

D Mick Weir

30/01/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] The welcome back Very Special Linking Tweetie Edition [i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/i][/b] via [i]Front Pages Today[/i] http://goo.gl/enTjx & @jamesmassola's Twitpics Note the link after the newspaper name is to the [i]FrontPages Today[/i] website below the title is a link to @jamesmassola's Twitpics when Available Today I can't get FPT to talk to me so I am supplying both links [b]The Australian[/b] http://goo.gl/3bnTO http://twitpic.com/8da7u0 Bank bashers risk economy, Boatpeople passports & Alan Bond grieves [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] http://goo.gl/1kOHj http://twitpic.com/8da6xc Some tennis player ripping his shirt & LoTO wants Police Probe (where exactly?) [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] http://goo.gl/JXc7d http://twitpic.com/8da7ds Rudd odds Shorten - Bond pic [b]The Age[/b] http://goo.gl/j6tKW http://twitpic.com/8dbe90 Police Probe & PNG Coup - what? no Tennis [b]The Herald Sun[/b] http://goo.gl/0wNCf (no twitpic) Friendly Fire - adviser quits [b]The Courier Mail[/b] http://goo.gl/7NTLf http://twitpic.com/8da7k9 Crime Spree [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] http://goo.gl/ApkdY http://twitpic.com/8da7ov Prime Target (more poll stuff) [b]The NT Times[/b] http://goo.gl/7f7VB (no twitpic) No croc pic - but 'Crocs are Lurking' [b]The West Australian[/b] http://twitpic.com/8da728 I've lost my beautiful wife [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] http://twitpic.com/8da7h9 Heroic staff foil armed robbery [b]The Canberra Times[/b] http://twitpic.com/8dasad LoTO wants probe - still, but where? [b][i]... and the stories ...[/i][/b] [b]Gloves off as Father Bob loses fight to stay on[/b] Aleks Devis @The Aus [i]FATHER Bob Maguire says he is not a fighter, but a brawler. And he was punching above his weight with the mass crowd that attended his final bout. He was given boxing gloves as a farewell present, and even though he lost his battle with the Catholic Church, he was a winner in the eyes of the people who gave him a standing ovation before, during and after the service at his South Melbourne parish. More than 1000 "comrades", as the much loved priest calls his parishioners, attended his final mass at St Peter and Paul's yesterday, with many in tears.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/gloves-off-as-father-bob-loses-fight-to-stay-on/story-e6frg6nf-1226256689806 [b]Bid launched to widen superannuation options[/b] The Aus [i]A NEW superannuation roundtable will work on providing Australians with more options to bolster their retirement savings, the government says.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/bid-launched-to-widen-superannuation-options/story-fn59niix-1226256549811 [b]Coalition seeks police review of PM's dark hours after security breach[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMH [i]THE federal opposition will officially request today that the Australian Federal Police investigate events leading to the Australia Day security breach after it emerged that Julia Gillard was not told for almost a day that one of her staff members had inadvertently helped cause the incident.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/coalition-seeks-police-review-of-pms-dark-hours-after-security-breach-20120129-1qo1v.html [b]Opposition to call for police probe into Gillard adviser leak[/b] Michelle Grattan & Josh Gordon @TheAge [i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said yesterday that Ms Gillard's former media adviser Tony Hodges and Unions ACT secretary Kim Sattler should make sworn statements about their part in events leading up to Thursday's near riot. Tent embassy protesters stormed Canberra's Lobby Restaurant, where Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott were attending an emergency service medal presentation.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/opposition-to-call-for-police-probe-into-gillard-adviser-leak-20120129-1qo42.html#ixzz1ktZCHeUG [b]Tony Abbott to seek Australian Federal Police report into Australia Day riot[/b] The Aus [i]TONY Abbott will today request a police investigation into the involvement of Julia Gillard's office in inciting an angry protest by indigenous activists in Canberra last week.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/abbott-to-seek-afp-report-into-riot/story-fn59niix-1226256747994 [b]Update[/b] Reports are coming through that [i]There will be no probe[/i] [b]'No evidence of criminal act': AFP will not investigate disclosure of Abbott's location[/b] @SMH [i]The Australian Federal Police says it will not investigate the disclosure of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's location before the Australia Day tent embassy protest, despite an official request by the federal opposition.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/no-evidence-of-criminal-act-afp-will-not-investigate-disclosure-of-abbotts-location-20120130-1qoky.html [b]Bipartisan talk on same-sex unions as doubts grow over marriage equality[/b] Christian Kerr @The Aus [i]CHIEF government Whip Joel Fitzgibbon and his opposition counterpart, Warren Entsch, have discussed jointly sponsoring legislation for same-sex civil unions amid speculation any move for full marriage equality will fail. Mr Entsch, a longtime parliamentary campaigner for gay rights but an opponent of same-sex marriage, confirmed the discussions yesterday, adding he hoped to receive advice on appropriate wording for a bill this week.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/bipartisan-talk-on-same-sex-unions-as-doubts-grow-over-marriage-equality/story-fn59niix-1226256685997 [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]Bruised Gillard reassembles despondent troops[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge/National Times [i]WHEN Labor MPs return to Canberra on Sunday for Julia Gillard's pre-parliamentary ideas session and knees-up at the Lodge, they will have ringing in their ears the views of their electorates where they have spent the past two months.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/bruised-gillard-reassembles-despondent-troops-20120129-1qo0o.html#ixzz1ktbBgU00 [b]Julia Gillard's luck lasts about as long as a Chinese cracker[/b] Dennis Atkins @Courier-Mail [i]JULIA Gillard attended the Chinese New Year celebrations in Melbourne's Little Bourke St yesterday, welcoming the usually lucky Year of the Water Dragon. She could be excused for wondering where her luck was. Even when something seen as positive happens for Gillard it doesn't last longer than a Chinese cracker.[/i] http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/party-games-political-deals-and-squeals-help-turn-support-inside-out/story-e6frerdf-1226256677914 [b]Abbott's stance on gay marriage looks like strong-arm tactics[/b] Amanda Vanstone @SMAge/National Times [i]TONY Abbott's decision to wait until the Parliament had shut down at the end of last year before making it clear that he would block a conscience vote on any gay marriage bill could cost him in the long run. It can be a mistake to decide how to vote on something you haven't even seen. Alexander Downer made this mistake as Liberal leader when he took the shadow cabinet to that famous hotbed of Liberalism otherwise known as Burnie in Tasmania.[/i] http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/politics/abbotts-stance-on-gay-marriage-looks-like-strongarm-tactics-20120129-1qnwd.html [b]We will never abandon those who make Australia's cars[/b] Kim Carr @SMAge/National Times [i]THE fight for Australia's car industry is back in the headlines, with hard news at Toyota and open warfare in the Coalition.[/i] http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/politics/we-will-never-abandon-those-who-make-australias-cars-20120129-1qnwg.html [b]We can prevent famine if we heed the warnings[/b] Gareth Evans @SMAge/National Times [i]Why is it that in East and West Africa alike we are so often responding to crises — whether as a response to early warning, or (more often) after a crisis has already escalated far beyond the point at which we should have done something? What should we be doing to ensure that we are not always responding to new crises, wherever they occur, with emergency food assistance year after year?[/i] http://www.nationaltimes.com.au/opinion/politics/we-can-prevent-famine-if-we-heed-the-warnings-20120127-1ql78.html [b]Gambling our future away[/b] Tony McMichael @CanberraTimes [i]It's a pity that no cosmic authority was able able to impose a pre-commitment limit on our global emission of greenhouse gases - particularly since we have not yet fully understood the stakes we are playing for. In reality we are all big-time gamblers now, gambling with the planet's future.[/i] http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/opinion/editorial/general/gambling-our-future-away/2436446.aspx [b]Daughter maintains rage over Kevin Rudd's axing[/b] Mike Bruce @Sunday Herald Sun [i]KEVIN Rudd's daughter, Jessica, has spoken of her anger at the level of betrayal in her father's axing in 2010. ... "I felt heartbroken by what happened," Ms Rudd said.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/daughter-maintains-rage-over-kevin-rudds-axing/story-fn7x8me2-1226256277627

Ad astra

30/01/2012Hi Lyn Christopher Pyne is flogging the unfortunate episode at The Lobby Restaurant as hard as he can go. From what the AFP has said so far, it may be a dead horse. Jon Faine, returning to ABC 774 Melbourne’s morning show today, ridiculed Pyne relentlessly, painting him the stirrer he always is. I’m sure the Opposition will try to squeeze the last drop of pain from this episode, and it seems Andrew Wilkie might give them a hand. Oh dear! What a waste of time - there is so much to do for this nation.


30/01/2012Hi Lyn Welcome back! You have been missed. I hope you had a refreshing break.


30/01/2012Ad Thanks for your own kind words, it's always nice to know that one is indeed not a voice crying absolutely unheard in the wilderness, which by the way you may see as the tongue-in-cheek subtitle on the cover of [i]Brucie the Bilby[/i], Verse from the Wilderness, which if you say it in Brooklynese is [i]Voice[/i] from the Wilderness, bit obscure I grant you. "In Brooklyn, 'verse' is [i]'voice'[/i] Da word for 'worse' is [i]woise![/i]" :) (From [i][u]New Worlds[/u][/i]Ch.1. [i]A Pen upon a Pun[/i]) Abbortt eh. Battle lines eh. Yep, there's grace and chivalry for you, *J*U*L*I*A* concerned for Abbortt's safety (he's the one the crowd despises, or anyway despises far-and-away [i]more[/i]), he replies with all this nasty low nonsense. He has drawn his battle line in the gutter, she will need to stoop far to conquer him but she sure has the high ground. And a brilliantly-steered economy. Let us make a meme of that. Don't trust the Coalons with it. Abbortt will trash it. What you send around will come back around and bite you Abbortt. What hasn't killed us has made us stronger. Especially ha ha your feisty unmarried female atheist ranga nemesis, she will skewer you now boyo, and we will be sitting back delightedly with http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=popcorn%20youtube&source=web&cd=3&sqi=2&ved=0CDgQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAvDvTnTGjgQ&ei=9_MlT5etG8KjiAfU86XrBA&usg=AFQjCNERb2Gkcugs6_mL_j36RHqjX9raiw Watch to the very end folks, beware of the raw prawn. And Abbortt, Remember The Ides of September! By November an ember, Grey ash by December.

Ad astra

30/01/2012DMW Thank you for another set of informative links. I found the Front Pages fascinating and easier where they were grouped together. However, there were only eight there, whereas there were eleven in the Massola twitpics. What about using the grouped Front Pages as the basic group and adding the missing ones via Massola’s?


30/01/2012Hi Ad Thankyou for your compliment. Feels great to be back home in TPS's safe haven again. [i]TT has paid you a great compliment in likening your links to the Song of Solomon: Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. I agree. [/i] Beautiful words. I can't say much about Christopher Pyne, because he annoys me too much, but Kevin Andrews presser was just as annoying. They talk about all the stories about who said this, that and what, the stories came from the media misreporting nobody cares. [i]PM sets record straight about Australia Day fracas , Herald Sun[/i] The issue was sparked after Mr Abbott said it was time for Aboriginal activists to "move on" when asked if the protest movement was still relevant 40 years after it was set up.Mr Abbott yesterday tried to distance himself from his remarks, saying he did not advocate tearing down the tent embassy. [b]But conservative think tank Menzies House, co-founded by Mr Abbott's colleague Cory Bernardi, has set up a petition calling for the embassy's closure[/b]. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/pm-staffer-forced-to-quit-over-leak/story-fn7x8me2-1226255738200 [i]Online petition for tent embassy closure , News Com[/i] [b]Menzies House is urging Australians to sign the petition calling on the federal government to shut down the site near Old Parliament House.[/b] It is time we move beyond the failed policies of the past and treat all Australians as equals," [b]Mr Andrews said."It is time that the tent embassy is closed."[/b]The Menzies House campaign can be found at www.closethetentembassy.com. http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/online-petition-for-tent-embassy-closure/story-e6frfku0-1226255572761 Andrews flags no-confidence motion, Channel 9 Liberal frontbencher Kevin Andrews has given the strongest indication yet the coalition will move a no-confidence motion in the federal government when parliament resumes next week. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8410832/andrews-flags-no-confidence-motion Cheers:):):):)


30/01/2012To paraphrase Roy & HG -[i] Welcome to TPS - Where too many links are barely enough.[/i] Thanks Lyn & DMW - your work each day is appreciated. I don't know where to start (even though I am not at work today) and fear that I'll never finish. What a wonderful problem to have :D


30/01/2012Hi Talk Turkey Thankyou for your beautiful post at 10.26 am , you have got a wonderful heart, a very thoughtful person. Your contibutions to TPS are valuable, thankyou so much for your time and efforts in supporting Ad Astra and TPS. You are a constant delight, your support and daily posts are appreciated by all. Thankyou for your consistant day by day effort providing information for our commenters & readers. You’re not just a retired School Teacher you are still teaching us every day with you talent and knowledge. I think you were a Headmaster . Brucie the Bilby, Verse from the Wilderness There are so many vital things to be said, And we can’t say them if we are dead. @Bruce Bilby 1998 All rights reserved Cheers:):):):):):):)):):):)


30/01/2012Ad said Much of what I write is ‘written’ in my head first, often when going to sleep, which is later transmitted to my computer. >I write some of my verse that way, my day-to-day posts I just write, (they are not considered in such depth or with such order as yours) but I certainly picture my drawings and papercraft creations and things in detail in my head in bed, my mental models work in practice too. Many people see my tessellations and they ask, Oh you do them on computer I suppose? I tell 'em straight faced I do 'em on me neck-top, about a third of them get it. Because of course the computer can't know if a shape looks like an animal to a human, well it can't generate ones to do that, well not yet, that's why I am a bit in awe of RECAPTCHA cos it's getting too dam close! A mind taht can do such imaginings, plus, fingers, muscles, senses, What a work is Man! Yeah but we can't [i]fly[/i], dam dam dam.


30/01/2012Bad Abbott, very bad Coalition If we needed more proof that the Coalition has NO policies except 'BTTHYs' (Back To The Howard Years), then the current Godwin Grechian-style beat-up about the Aboriginal Embassy fracas, in tandem with 'tow the boats back to Indonesia', prove it. What a hollow mess of sanctimonious windbags this mob, shaped by Shouldabeen in the model handed to him by John Winston Howard, are. And Andrew Wilkie is a short head back from putting up his hand to join them in his self-regarding puffery, herky-jerky flummery, and out and out "sans-moi le deluge" mummery.

D Mick Weir

30/01/2012Hey 2353, I am reminded of a sign I read (you will guess where in a moment) [i]We aim to please[/i] underneath someone had scrawled ... [i]Would you please to aim[/i] The take home message could be to pick one that looks interesting and see where it leads.


30/01/2012Hi DMW Thankyou so much for filling in during the festive break, your work and efforts for TPS commenters & readers is very much appreciated. Your links to the Newspapers are very special this morning, thankyou very much. I have been dying for someone to offer to do the Newspaper Journalist’s for a long time, you have come along at the exact right time, the beginning of the year thankyou. Now that you are doing the Newspapers and not the bloggs , you will have more time to read the articles you are linking too, so that’s good. Your work will not overlap and not be duplicated at all. Aren’t we clever. Oh well! we are only trying to do our little bit of spreading the truth , the MSM won’t do their jobs. NK thankyou for saying. I am very pleased you missed me, everyone needs to be needed don’t they. 2353 thankyou for your appreciation message. Your regular consistant contributions are always very interesting & informative thankyou very much. Cheers:):):):):):)


30/01/2012Catey it might surprise you but I do love bits out of the Bible btw! The Song of Solomon, wish there was more like that! Anyway Ad this is another tribute to Lyn, it's too tempting [i]not [/i]to write, and the original sad unregobbled version is so beautifully sung by this delightful siren . . . (Youtube link below lyrics, do watch & listen, [i]charming![/i]) A Bird in a Gilded Cage (Arthur J. Lamb and Harry Von Tilzer) The ballroom was filled with fashion's throng, It shone with a thousand lights; And there was a woman who passed along, The fairest of all the sights. A girl to her lover then softly sighed, "There's riches at her command." "But she married for wealth, not for love," he cried! "Though she lives in a mansion grand." chorus: "She's only a bird in a gilded cage, A beautiful sight to see. You may think she's happy and free from care, She's not, though she seems to be. 'Tis sad when you think of her wasted life For youth cannot mate with age; And her beauty was sold for an old man's gold, She's a bird in a gilded cage. "I stood in a churchyard just at eve, When sunset adorned the west; And looked at the people who'd come to grieve For loved ones now laid at rest. A tall marble monument marked the grave Of one who'd been fashion's queen; And I thought, "She is happier here at rest, Than to have people say when seen: "Read more: UNKNOWN ARTIST - A BIRD IN A GILDED CAGE LYRICS http://www.metrolyrics.com/a-bird-in-a-gilded-cage-lyrics-unknown-artist.html#ixzz1kuYCDMfu Copied from MetroLyrics.com http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=only%20a%20bird%20in%20a%20gilded%20cage&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CC8QtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5EN_wsQwfd4&ei=ZSQmT66JEMKbiQeKwuTcBA&usg=AFQjCNHApJ-T7UK8Olnf4dqWJgN0NCIhIQ This is a very beautiful old song, but terrible sad . . . [i]But in Lyn's case it's all [u]reversed![/u] [/i] She’s [i]not[/i] just a bird in a gilded cage You may think that she looks [i]unfree[/i]: You may think she’s unhappy and worn with care It’s not like it looks you see . . . She’s glad as she thinks of her vital links To yous folks of every age - She just loves being told that her Links are gold - She’s at home in her gilded cage!

D Mick Weir

30/01/2012With apologies to Stealers Wheel [i]Well I don't know why I came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you. Stuck in the middle of the Australia Day poo... Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Please.... Please..... Tony Please Give Julia another bawling[/i] http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/reservoirdogs/stuckinthemiddlewithyou.htm

D Mick Weir

30/01/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] An evening Update - the [i]Is TAbbott putting in the UghBoot?[/i] Edition [b]Smearing Tony Abbott has backfired[/b] Radio2UE [i]Someone from the PM's office deliberately went out of their way to misquote Tony Abbott to whip up Aboriginal protestors Jason Morrison says. The intention was to smear the Opposition Leader, but it backfired.[/i] Various interviews an some 'very' informative comments - Ugh http://www.2ue.com.au/blogs/2ue-blog/smearing-tony-abbott-has-backfired/20120130-1qojh.html [b]Premier's adviser forced to resign over emails[/b] @ABCNews [i]A senior adviser to West Australian Premier Colin Barnett has been forced to resign over emails and text messages about Opposition Leader Mark McGowan.[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-30/premier27s-adviser-resigns-over-leaks/3801016 [b]Independent MP Peter Slipper cleared over expenses[/b] @News.com.au [i]FEDERAL Parliamentary Speaker Peter Slipper says he's been cleared of any wrongdoing linked to his MP expenses. The Department of Finance recently investigated a complaint relating to Mr Slipper's spending, as the member for the Queensland federal seat of Fisher, for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2009.[/i] http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/independent-mp-peter-slipper-cleared-over-expenses/story-e6frfku0-1226257545318#ixzz1kvCtZnaR [b]Wilkie 'kept in dark over pokies timeline'[/b] @SMH [i]Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie says he wasn't told about advice received last year by the Labor government warning his timeframe for poker machine reform could not be achieved. The opposition has called on the minority government to reveal all its advice on poker machine reform, following its decision to renege on a written agreement with Mr Wilkie on mandatory pre-commitment technology.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/wilkie-kept-in-dark-over-pokies-timeline-20120130-1qpg0.html#ixzz1kvCVYYvi [i]When you read this transcript hearing Jon Faine and Christopher Pyne's voices in your heads, it's very amusing:[/i] HatTip: Latika Bourke @latikambourke [b]Transcript: Hon Chris Pyne MP ABC774 - Jon Faine[/b] http://www.scribd.com/doc/79815822/What-s-a-riot [b]Exclusive: The Liberal Party’S Letter To The AFP[/b] Mike Stuchbery [i]Today, the Liberal Party announced that it would be writing to the AFP to ask for an investigation into the Australia Day fracas outside the Lobby restaurant. The AFP had previously stated that there was no criminal act to prosecute. Through some shady means, I have a copy of the letter that is to be sent. For you, my lucky readers, I have reproduced it here.[/i] http://mike-stuchbery.com/2012/01/30/exclusive-the-liberal-partys-letter-to-the-afp/ [b][i]Odd Spot[/i][/b] It is just plain and simple Un-[i]Bloody[/i]-Australian [b]US school bans ugg boots[/b] @ABCNews [i]A US school has banned ugg boots because students have been using them to hide banned mobile phones inside.[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-30/us-schools-ban-ugg-boots/3799614 [i]Bleedin' Septic Tanks - have they no shame?[/i] More power to the Ugh Boot

Patricia WA

30/01/2012Hi Lyn! Welcome back! I came here late this morning and spent my available reading time following up on your links, particularly the ones on the Australia Day fracas! I got all wound up by some of them and spent precious time commenting. Then I started a pome which I thought I'd dedicate to you! And here it is, but now that I've refreshed I see there are lots of new comments from TT, Michael, DMW, 2532 and others which I will have to read later. TT, any comments or ideas for a title would be appreciated What a hullabaloo! The PM lost her shoe, But Abbott lost the media edge And wondered what to do. After all the hullabaloo The PM retrieved her shoe, Got on with the job of governing, Leaving Abbott there to stew. Make a hullabaloo! That’s what he thought he’d do! Attack the PM’s leadership, Demand a police review. “Just a hullabaloo! There’s nothing more that we can do To help you, Mr. Abbott, sir,” Report back the boys in blue. What a hullabaloo! The mad fit that he then threw! He swore there’d been a conspiracy! A Feds shakeup was overdue! “Don’t give me hullabaloo! That shoe! Why only one, not two? You bastards wouldn’t let me through To grab the pair, step into them, And be PM without a bloody coup!


30/01/2012Hi Patricia Patricia thankyou so much. What an honour it is to provide information to someone so appreciative, you are an inspiration to everyone around you. You are gifted with wise thoughts, wise words and a very very wise mind. I love your pome, hullabaloo! how apt. Abbott started a hullabaloo to cover up for his words at the Opera House and he has just kept going building and building a Mount Everest hullabaloo. There were some wonderfull articles amongst our bloggers links today, all of them a very worthwhile read. I am so glad you enjoyed your reading Patricia, because then we get to keep you here, you have to keep coming back every single morning, lucky us. I just watched Chris Uhlmann on 7.30 report with Nicola Roxon. Uhlmann is no match for Nicola she has his measure Cheers:):):):)


30/01/2012Ad astra What a lot of thought you have put into developing support material for speech writers and makers. The Redfern, I Have a Dream and the Sorry speeches were my favourites. I was less impressed by the PM's speech at the Labor Party Conference and, since thinking so much about speech writing and making lately, have decided that particular speech should just have been about opening the conference. It needed to be short, sharp, emotional and inspirational and it needed to be delivered in a confident, punchy style (much like her address to the troops in Darwin when Obama flew out). Instead we got a bit of a dreary shopping list of achievements. I'm not saying she should not have presented that material, but it should have been at a different point within the conference and probably backed by visual aids or video. I am not overly keen on repetition. It was appropriate in KR's speech, but on many occasions it comes across as fake to me. So, on this I would say be careful and the same goes for slogans. I think the PM does a great job speaking off the cuff. When she makes prepared speeches she sometimes tends to go into the hushed, singsong, "let us all pray" mode. Maggie Thatcher also did this. It's all about breathing and projection. JG has a good strong voice and needs to use it all of the time. Her accent is natural and her accent not much different to most of the blokes in Parliament. Where was the criticism of Bob Hawke, PJK, John Howard, Martin Ferguson, Simon Crean. Albo, need I go on? We want JG to be herself, but maybe a smidgen more polished when delivering important speeches. TT I'm ashamed to say I am no scholar of the bible. I was raised and educated a Catholic, but Catholic kids weren't encouraged to actually study the bible - we just heard the readings during Mass and got a bit on an explanation as to the meaning from the priest during his sermon. I'll put read the bible on my to do list when I get time to write one. Lyn and DMW what a great list of links....not much sleep tonight I'm afraid.

D Mick Weir

30/01/2012Hi Catey, [i]I'll put read the bible on my to do list when I get time to write one.[/i] Bu@@er that, read the links instead :P


30/01/2012Lyn Welcome back. I watched the Roxon interview. I positively loved the sarcastic "thank you" from her at the end after enduring the usual Uhlmann attempts to override her, set up straw men & put words in her mouth.


30/01/2012DMW Oh yeah! The links are routine to read, the "to do list" is for way out when.


30/01/2012Hi Catey You are wonderful too, it's just great to see our readers get pleasure and delight from the pages of TPS. Your contributions are to be admired as well Catey I love reading your posts. What's that song "the Bible tells me so" good idea put it on your list to do when you get time to write a list. BSA Bob thankyou for the welcome, you sound bright and cheery tonight, good on you. Yes Nicola measured up Uhlmann a long time ago, there are no flies on her. This is my lead blog in the morning but I can't resist posting it now, it's burning a hole in my fingers. [i]Abbott is not the man for the top job, Bruce Haig, ABC Unleahed[/i] [b]No-one of that calibre should be allowed to remain in a position of public responsibility let alone a future prime minister[/b]. If that is his attitude to human suffering and people in need, how is he going to treat electors, [b]should he come under pressure as prime minister? It is shameful and illustrates a character that should not be allowed to hold or exercise power over others[/b]. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800048.html Cheers:):):):):):)

Patricia WA

30/01/2012Thanks, Lyn. I agree about Nicola Roxon! Title for the pome originally was : [b]Shoeless in Canberra[/b] I did try to write satirically about Abbott as if he were Milton's Samson Agonistes, who never did fulfil his promise to deliver Israel from the Philistines, but ended up a blind slave in Gaza! Hence Milton's title [i]'Eyeless in Gaza![/i] But that accorded too much [i]gravitas[/i] to all those Coalition antics, and all I could hear echoing in my head was [i]"Cockadoodledoo! My Dame Has Lost Her Shoe!"[/i] Should I keep that title, TT?


30/01/2012Hi Patricia Talk Turkey will probably come along in a little while, I am sure he will have a good clue for you. I love Cockadoodledoo! sounds good with hullabaloo! But for you know who Cocky doodle doo is good too. Cheers:):):):)

Patricia WA

30/01/2012Hello again, Lyn. I'm glad you're still up and about. I wonder if DMW is too! I wanted to make a few comments about the links we are getting from both of you. Like Catey I'm finding it a challenge to get through both. I've really appreciated Mick's Media Mix while you've been away, but sometimes I found myself on overload. He has been such a conscientious researcher. Thank you DMW! My understanding was that once Lyn's Links resumed then Mick would do a supplement at the weekends while Lyn had time out. I'd hate to think that each day I would have to choose between the two of you. As well I am wondering if an evening selection from Mick might somehow pre-empt what Lyn might come up with next morning - unless of course there is consultation to ensure supplementation and not duplication. Now that Acerbic Conehead is gone wouldn't a Friday night or weekend edition of Mick's Media Mix fill that particular spot at The Political Sword? Or does Ad Astra have some ideas about that? Please forgive me if I'm stating the obvious and this question has already been addressed.


31/01/2012Dear Swordsfolks, Someone observed what a lovely day this has been on TPS today, Yes it has, Thanks and bonhomie ( et [i]bonnedamie?[/i] :) ) to all who have posted today and all who have read Ad's wrap of Great Speeches and all who have followed Lyn's~Links and Mick's Media Mix, which . . . [i]Is that that what you're up to you two[/i], [i]Lyn does blogs and DMW does newspapers?[/i] If that's right it is a terrific division of labours, clearly demarcated, very little duplication [i]and where there is it will be because those will tend to be the really hot issues of the time and everyone will want all the info they can get [/i]. . . DMW I know Lyn found that part, the papers, a bridge further than she really wanted to go, just too much work on top of blogs so I'm sure she'll be vastly relieved. And what's more, I must say your MMM tonight was really sharp and screened and focussed, and if you Lyn and you DM manage to work together as you have today you will between you cement TPS as Liaison Central for political bloggers in the WBL. (Wide Brown Land, I like it.) The best thing that could happen. I don't buy papers, I don't bother circumventing paywalls neither, but to have the papers' entrails spread out before me for my delectations, oh that is sensational! And many will agree. Catey, thank you for your note to me, you sound like a very nice person, Catholic or Calathumpian I care not a whit provided what you've already said, you don't push your religion down others' throats (especially not youngsters, Dog help them!) and provided we would each try to help the bloke in the ditch on the road to Jericho . . . or of course desperate people in overcrowded boats on the high seas (listening Abbortt you advertisement-for-Christianity bastard?!) Common humanity, that is all we need. I was raised a non-Unitarian, that is sometimes me'n'me bro & sis got sent to the Unitarian Church (then just opposite Adelaide's central Catholic Cathedral, but we was water and they was oil of course, never the twain met.) But the good thing about Australian Unitarians is that, like one of the front runners for Archbishop of Canterbury in Yes Prime Minister, they have the advantage of not really believing in God. And I never did, the fallacy of Santa hit me hard though. But I liked the stories like Simpson and Delishus, and how Pharaoh's daughter convinced her Dad she found this baby floating down the Nile and that, and the building of the Ark of the Covenant, now that is positively trippy! But next time you get time to write a list don't put Read The Bible on it, as DMW suggests read the Links instead or better still while you are writing lists, write [i]posts[/i] instead! Hat tips to Michael, BSA Bob, NormanK and Whoever I've missed. And now . . . Patricia Pometricia said, TT, any comments or ideas for a title would be appreciated Patricia I think I'll do your bidding in a separate post. Because I'm looking forward to you as dessert! :) Well a latenight snack then.

Patricia WA

31/01/2012Thanks TT. So the clarification is about blogs versus papers? Now why hadn't I picked that up? Re the pome. Being impatient I have posted it at polliepomes with that title [i]pro tem[/i], but am happy to change if something more appropriate presents! Also would like to somehow get the idea of the madness of the man into last verse.


31/01/2012Patricia WA said Hi Lyn! Welcome back! . . . . . . I started a pome which I thought I'd dedicate to you! And here it is . . . . . . TT, any comments or ideas for a title would be appreciated Well your title is fine as is, Cockadoodle Doo My dame has Lost her Shoe but I'd go Cockadoodledoo Dame Julia lost her shoe to ride on the onmomatopoiea and alliteration and strong stresses on doodledoo and Joolia and shoo. too. 'OO' is very emotive, [i]OO look at Joooolia falling over![/i] Now as for your pome, it strikes me it [i]sings[/i] almost, to [i]Farmer in the Dell[/i]. You'd need to change the odd syllable and stress here and there though. I don't know if you have a tune in mind, I don't want to scramble it if you have but I'll point out where I think it would need a syllabolic tweak. I'll use [b]bold[/b] (PS I wasn't perfect in using that code I fear) Remember to think [i]Farmer in the Dell.[/i] [b]OH[/b] What a hullabaloo! [b]Dame Julia[/b] lost her shoe, But Abbott lost the media edge And wondered what to do. After all the hullabaloo [b]They gave Julia back her shoe [/b] (x PM retrieved her shoe,) [b]And she got on with Governing[/b] (x Got on with the job of governing,) [b][Which made poor Tony spew?][/b] (x Leaving Abbott there to stew.) "I'll make a hullabaloo! I"ll demand a police review! * I'll attack [b]her credibility!"[/b] (x the PM’s leadership,) That’s what he thought he’d do! * *(I have reversed the order of lines 2 and 4, it works better imo and it scans for singing.) I would also rearrange these lines, below, I've messed the first lot up, look at my suggested version below that: "[b]It was[/b] just a hullabaloo! There’s nothing more (that) we can do To help you, Mr. Abbott, sir,” Report back the boys in blue. "It was only a hullabaloo! There's no more we can do, To help you, Mr Abbortt, Sir!" Announced the Boys in Blue. [b]Then[/b] what a hullabaloo! The [b][hissy fit][/b] fit he threw! [i][b]"An AFP Conspiracy! A shakeup's overdue!" [/b][/i] Now, dunno wha' hop' in this verse but line 4 is urk! well imo. “Don’t give me hullabaloo! That shoe! Why only one, not two? You bastards wouldn’t let me through To grab the pair, step into them, And be PM without a bloody coup! Patricia WA That last verse needs work Patricia. We gotta compress & refine it like [b]"[i]One[/i] shoe?! Just one won't do! I need the other one too! I'll wear her pair and I'll be [i]there![/i] PM by cunning coup!"[/b] Chorus [PM by cunning coup! PM by cunning coup! I'll wear her pair and I'll be there - [i]PM by cunning coup![/i] ] These suggestions are throwaways Patricia, they are yours [i]without[/i] any acknowledgment [i]please[/i], happy to help if you like my suggestions, no offence either way if not. But be clear, any way it ends up is yours alone OK. There ought to be an opening for 'shoo-in' somewhere there, can't think how/where tho'. I believe that verse crystallizes word power Patricia. And Political Verse makes your Sword go all [i]electric![/i] :) I don't know about you Patricia, but with the verse I write I can usually sing it to a fairly limited range of bush ballads, limerick tunes and other simple (-minded?) folk tunes, I hear it in my head with utter clarity before I even write it down often, I know that it will work. But verse ALWAYS needs rewriting I think, rubbing and rolling words and phrases and wrenching sentences around like wrought iron sometimes to get the words right way round so they sound like natural speech gone magic. Then Yum I adore it. I am not 'musical' btw, wish I could imagine tunes as I imagine rhyming verse! That's where John Lennon was a genius, he put it all together. Good night at last all.


31/01/2012Patricia you Night Owl you Can you believe it You beat me by 7 minutes Hey. :)


31/01/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Newspoll, Essential Research and Galaxy- 54-46 to Coalition, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] Tony Abbott’s numbers are all but identical to Gillard’s, his approval steady on 32 per cent and disapproval down two to 55 per cent. Gillard’s lead as preferred prime minister has narrowed from 43-36 to 40-37. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/ [i]Shoeless in Canberra., Patriciawa, Polliepomes[/i] I think my Cockadoodledoo pome is too soft on Tony Abbott. Hullabaloo? Bullshit is probably a better description, but it’s not easy to maintain that rhyme! http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/shoeless-in-canberra/ [i]Abbott is not the man for the top job, Bruce Haig,ABC Unleahed[/i] No-one of that calibre should be allowed to remain in a position of public responsibility let alone a future prime minister. If that is his attitude to human suffering and people in need, how is he going to treat electors, should he come under pressure as prime minister? It is shameful and illustrates a character that should not be allowed to hold or exercise power over others.http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800048.html [i]Turning back the boats, Mungo Maccallum, The Drum[/i] So how did Abbott come up with it and why does he persist with it? Well, simply to show he's hairy chested; he has balls while Julia Gillard self-evidently does not. Note the timing; when Abbott announced his brainwave, Morrison was supposedly in discussion with the Gillard's Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, to try and find a compromise which would allow off-shore processing of http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800150.html [i]Abbott-not-so-hairychested-as-the-pm-toughs-it, Bella Counihan, Blogging a Dead Horse[/i] Gillard has even stared down the talkback hosts. Earlier this year she appeared on Alan Jones's radio program on Sydney's 2GB just after the government had announced that the multi-party climate change committee had agreed to a carbon tax, with an emissions trading scheme to follow. http://bellacounihan.blogspot.com/ [i]Storm in a teacup , Gary Sauer-Thomson, Public Opinion[/i] The Australia Day events are a media beatup because the AAP reported (1.35pm on Thursday) that ''Tony Abbott says it's time to move the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra''. Yet the media isn't critical about the right wing's media practices in heating up the political atmosphere, or the whistle blowing about the riots http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2012/01/storm-in-a-teac.php [i]The Tent Embassy protests – a lesson in overreaction and social context, Neil Robertson, Overland[/i] actively disadvantaged the Aboriginal people ever since ‘settlement’ in 1788. That’s why the Tent Embassy still exists. It’s also why Tony Abbott’s comments were so offensive and able to arouse such fury so easily, because 40 years after the first Tent Embassy, governments (and their megaphones in the media) are content with rolling out policies that do so much damage to Aboriginal http://overland.org.au/2012/01/the-tent-embassy-protests-a-lesson-in-overreaction-and-social-context/ [i]Tent Embassy activists want to talk sovereignty, Reportage, On line[/i] Tony Abbott’s earlier comments on the Tent Embassy, in which he stated activists should ‘move on’, Ms Shaw said: “he is a coward to say that behind closed doors to the media… politicians and their parties need to recognise and understand and acknowledge that people were here before them. And we’ve got nowhere else to go, we were here first and we’re here to stay http://www.reportageonline.com/2012/01/tent-embassy-activists-want-to-talk-sovereignty/ [i]A House Divided, Henry Pill, Independent Australia,[/i] This ascendant exclusionary nationalism is a sickness caused by the divisive and opportunistic leadership of Howard. It will remain strong, and racial tensions will remain high, and debates over the meaning of Australia Day will rage ever longer, without leadership which rejects the ever-dangerous spoils of racial politics. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/a-house-divided/ [i]AFR black-out … Gill’s $1m claim … Gittens turns , Crikey[/i] including Nev Powell from Fortescue, which is virtually at war with the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation over its Solomon Project. All well and good, except, why use the words “blacks” in the headline when it is offensive to many indigenous people? http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/01/30/afr-black-out-gills-1m-claim-gittens-turns/ [i]Kevin Rudd a lousy bet as leader, Paul Barry, The Power Index[/i] Over the weekend, Sydney's Sun Herald lit the latest grassfire with quotes from "Labor insiders", while Michelle Grattan fanned the flames with her observation that Rudd is more trusted than Gillard. Today, it's the Daily Telegraph's turn to add fuel.This morning the Tele leads with a specially-commissioned Galaxy poll asking its favourite question, "Who do voters want to see as Labor leader http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/head-to-head/rudd-a-lousy-bet-as-leader/20120130970?utm_source=+Power+Index&utm_l [i]ANOTHER TURN FOR RUDD?, wmmbb , Duckpond[/i] It is certain that ALP members of the House of Reps will be concerned, and a change of leadership, it that is the decision will have to take effect reasonably soon after the Queensland State Election. http://wmmbb.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/another-turn-for-rudd/ [i]Morning Report – Monday, 30th January, Dylan Caporn, The Body Politic - Australia[/i] The AFP have responded to the Opposition’s demands for an inquiry by stating they will not be investigating the event further, and that there is ‘no evidence to suggest anyone acted illegally in telling Aboriginal protesters where to find Tony Abbott on Australia Day.’ http://bodypoliticaus.wordpress.com/about/ [i]Wilkie has crossed a thin line, Malcolm Mackerras, OnLine Opinion[/i] One would hope they might revise their thinking but I cannot say I expect it. I know too well what principled people are like.There is a very thin line between a self-proclaimed "man of principle" and a man I describe as a "sanctimonious humbug".There is no doubt in my mind: Brown and Wilkie today are big assets for Abbott. http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=13183 [i]EXCLUSIVE:THE LIBERAL PARTY’S LETTER TO THE AFP.Mike Stuchbery[/i] George says he has heard whispers that they told the dirty, angry people where Tony was so they could go and yell at him. Furthermore, George believes that kids from the ALP gang did this so Julia could prance about like she was a good person – we both know that the girl has a record for fibbing http://mike-stuchbery.com/2012/01/30/exclusive-the-liberal-partys-letter-to-the-afp/ [i]Where’s Tony?, Miglo, Café Whispers[/i] In the meantime, there’s too much to throw at Labor. They want Julia Gillard removed whereas they clearly want Tony Abbott to stay. He toes their line. Such a poll sets the scene or more leadership speculation over the coming days, weeks and months. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/wheres-tony/ [i]Polliferation, Massivespray, Spray of the Day[/i] To me the pinnacle of the bullshit was this morning when the morning “news” shows trumpeted that “twice as many people preferred Rudd to Gillard”, when the percentages were 52/30…but then since when did mathematics get in the way of a good beat-up. http://sprayoftheday.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/polliferation/ [i] Barry O’Farrell rolls into bed with Fred Nile, James blog[/i] For the record, in Australia’s history we have only once taken significant backwards steps in human rights for people based on sexuality. That backwards step was executed by the John Howard Liberal Government in 2004 when same-sex marriages went from simply being “not legal” to explicitly banned under Australian law. The changes to the law also prevented same-sex couples http://jamesfiander.net/2011/07/30/barry-ofarrell-rolls-into-bed-with-fred-nile/ [i]Katter's candidate for Southern Downs, A Black Cuckatoo[/i] Born and bred on the Southern Downs, Larsen manages his family's cattle and sheep farm and his family is heavily involved in manufacturing and engineering. He said he was "upset that people don't get representation" and he was aiming to give people a voice."Like many people, eight or nine years ago I realised there was some http://ablackcockatoo.blogspot.com/ [i]THE DISTILLERY: Half cut, Business Spectator[/i] Back-door listings were common in the high-tech boom of the 1990s when it seemed every second dormant mining company was suddenly transformed into a tech company with wonderful growth prospects. The tech analysts were back-door-listed but within several years the backers were seeking a new asset to back-door into the dying tech com http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Interest-rates-RBA-Reserve-Bank-Glenn-Stevens-Euro-pd20120130-QYQX8?OpenDocument


31/01/2012Bad Abbott... at the National Press Club today Televised from 12:30 on ABC1 and ABCNews, we can expect no more in his 'speech' than an extended censure motion rant. However, if the poodles of the Press do more than try to hump his trouser leg and/or sniff a little higher with questions not signed by Dorothy Dix... No. Fantasy. Nonsense. No-one tests this bloke, nobody asks him questions that count for anything. But even in the absence of incisive examination, most likely because of it and his confidence that nobody will go after him, we WILL see the real Tony Abbott. Still Shouldabeen.

Ad astra

31/01/2012LYN's DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx

Patricia WA

31/01/2012Am I an incurable addict? Here I am breaking my New Year's Resolution already, wanting to comment on TT's verses and other people's comments from earlier yesterday and AA's post which I'd recommend to all budding pollies, particularly those sections on motivating, inspiring and catching the imagination. Tacker is humphing with impatience beside me. He is quite right, the cool of the day will be lost if I stay here any longer.

Ad astra

31/01/2012Patricia WA Thank you for your kind comments and your clever poem about Julia’s shoe. TT is right about the complementarity of Lyn’s Links and Mick’s Media Mix. Lyn focuses on blog sites and Mick on newspapers. It is working well, enriching as it does the selection of links we can visit. They do take a while to view, but what an informative selection we have for our edification. Catey Thank you for your generous remarks and your comments about speechmaking. I agree that Julia Gillard’s off-the-cuff addresses have more appeal than her prepared pieces. Perhaps her speechwriter needs help, rather than Julia. TT Your exposition about Patricia WA’s poem was fascinating to read. We need someone to set it to music. Michael I will miss Tony Abbott’s NPC address today. If you locate the transcript or a video, please post the links.

Ad astra

31/01/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for another great set of links. I’ve just read the pointed piece by Bruce Haig that you posted at 10.09 pm yesterday, but now we have online only an edited version that is missing the pungent paragraph you posted: [i]Abbott is not the man for the top job, Bruce Haig, ABC Unleashed “

No-one of that calibre should be allowed to remain in a position of public responsibility let alone a future prime minister. If that is his attitude to human suffering and people in need, how is he going to treat electors, should he come under pressure as prime minister? It is shameful and illustrates a character that should not be allowed to hold or exercise power over others.” 
[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800048.html Either he or the ABC must have thought that was too caustic, and edited out. But you, our super-sleuth, have nailed it for posterity.

Ad astra

31/01/2012Folks I was busy most of yesterday preparing for and attending an important evening meeting, so wasn’t around much. Today I have a series of commitments that will take much of the afternoon, so I won’t have much time to get back before this evening.


31/01/2012Patricia's a blog-surfin' addick And a pome-writing rhymin' fanaddick I asked, "What's your excuse?" She said, "Too many loose Kangaroos in me top paddick!" Write on Patricia! Here, here! Ad astra the bloody ABC does that often, guts anything pungent adverse to Abbortt, plays up everything adverse to *J*U*L*I*A*. The Media Enquiry cannot be blind to that?! And for the childhood-deprived, here's the Wiggles with The Farmer [i]and[/i] the Dell Why and instead of in I don't know. Chinese translator? http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=the%20farmer%20in%20the%20dell&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDMQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHxQGkPcAze4&ei=f0YnT_6uMcLLmAW49OnWAw&usg=AFQjCNHhS96epX0S2FmWLxs4ukK3OohxRg

Patricia WA

31/01/2012Hello, TT! Thanks a million for those brilliant suggestions most of which I've incorporated and then acknowledged with notes on my final version at http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/shoeless-in-canberra/ I hope you like it. As you've observed to me before poems can always be improved, but with satire currency is vital so for the moment I think this version will have to do.


31/01/2012Bad Abbott Same old BS at the National Press Club today. Why? He asserted all over again that the comprehensively-demolished figure of 50 billion dollars of spending cuts which he offered the electorate at the last election demonstrated the Coalition's economic credibility, when that repeated and repeated figure has proved to do nothing but demonstrate the Coalition's belief in the electorate's gullibility. Similarly, all his policies were predicated on getting the economy into "strong surpluses" that had a slid-past 'end of first term of government' timeline attached to them. In short, no movement on policy until the government can point to sequential surpluses (that's a year between each one, folks, from whenever the first one occurs), and certainly no likelihood of that happening until at least the fourth year of a putative Abbott Coalition government - the first year of a second term. Abbott has a new way to spell "smoke and mirrors" - 'aspiration'. And in the Abbott thesaurus, the nearest synonym for "aspiration" is not a word, but a phrase - 'core and non-core promise". Buy Team Abbott, bye-bye to a fair Australia.


31/01/2012Ad Astra, hi. This link will bring you to a page that includes Abbott's... waftings http://www.tveeder.com/epg


31/01/2012Here's the transcript of Abbott's National Press Club Address http://www.tveeder.com/byrange?&from=1327973520&to=1327977000


31/01/2012DMW - The version I heard years ago was: [i]We aim to please, you aim too - please[/i] Effectively I do dive in and see where various links take me - and daily find it an interesting experience.


31/01/2012Hi Franco Welcome to TPS, we hope you keep coming back. Thankyou heaps for the link to the National Press Club address held today by the Aspirational Abbott. As Michael says above BTW Michael, thankyou for your link as well, also your brilliant Bad Abbott report. From Michael's report:- [i]"smoke and mirrors" - 'aspiration'. And in the Abbott thesaurus, the nearest synonym for "aspiration" is not a word, but a phrase - 'core and non-core promise". [/i] Cheers :):):):)


31/01/2012Hi Ad, ABC amazing no astounding . Very funny how they have removed the very paragraph I copied straight to TPS. TT must have been right with my eyes bigger than my whole body. I am able to spot stuff pretty quick I am so pleased we at TPS have that pungent paragraph good on us. Love this bit: 

[i]No-one of that calibre should be allowed to remain in a position of public responsibility let alone a future prime minister[/i] Anyway guess the ABC had a call last night from the Liberal party, requesting removal of the truth. I watched the Abbott address to the National Press Club. Seeing as you have been talking about speeches Ad. Abbott’s speech would be a classic, typical example of what not to do. You mentioned in our thread topic , reading a speech and looking at the transcript and not the audience:- [i]Anyway, it is desirable, if not essential, to not read a speech parrot-fashion. There is a technique of using written notes as a reminder, yet look at the audience while speaking. A quick glance at the notes then raising the eyes to the audience to speak is a well-tried method. The trick is to not read the script, and to speak only when looking at the audience. This is possible if time is taken to rehearse the speech so that most of it is committed to memory, and the script is used only as an aide memoir[/i]. Abbott read from the script, anyone watching can only see downcast eyes and [b]flapping large ears[/b]. Projection was severely hampered by [b]the words pointing to the floor[/b]. [i]To gain and stimulate interest to: - enable transfer of information, ideas, motivation and inspiration, - hold concentration through the speech. what are the desired ‘take-home’ messages[/i]? Abbott’s new word “inspiration” but I would be very surprised if anyone was inspired. “Take home message” to Abbott’s audience would have been I must do a lot of checking, in other words take home a truckload of doubts, dodgy statements, fake quotes and so on. The questions by the Press Club Journalists were to be expected, just empty questions with no objections or challenges to Abbott’s replies. Some of what was said from memory: Mentioned "I WANT" quite a few times Abbott pledges he will spend one week every year living in Aboriginal community. We will deliver tax cuts without a carbon tax. There will be more details before the election. (I assume he is talking about 2013 Federal Election) Quoted Ben Chifley Paul Bongiorno’s question: - how do we condemn a govt as incompetent when there is a AAA rating, low interest rates, Abbott waffled answer about the [b]Pink Batts[/b] I got to here and see the Terrograph has the story here it is:- [i]Tony Abbott delivers speech on vision for Australia if elected Prime Minister, The Telegraph [/i] [b]TONY Abbott has promised to spend a week every year in a remote indigenous community if he is elected prime minister[/b]. The Opposition Leader, delivering his first major speech of the year at Canberra's National Press Club, also pledged that the first thing he would do if elected is prepare legislation to repeal the carbon tax. Mr Abbott also said a coalition government would press ahead with a National Disability Insurance Scheme -- which will cost billions of dollars a year -- but only once the federal budget was brought back to surplus. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/tony-abbott-delivers-speech-on-vision-for-australia-if-elected-prime-minister/story-e6freuy9-1226258310970 Cheers:):):):):)


31/01/2012Bad Abbott postscript No-one, none of the poodle-Press 'giants' picked up on Abbott reclaiming the bogus $50 billion of cuts from the last election campaign as the basis of "adult" government policy for the next Conservative 'government'. And... OK, the cameramen may have been at bad angles, but I never saw Malcolm Turnbull in a cut-away shot, nor Joe Hockey, nor Christopher Pyne. The third I can believe may have been under a table or behind a potted plant, but NO shots of Mal or Sloppy??? Were they debriefing Claire Kimball, perhaps?


31/01/2012Hi Ad Do you like this excuse inadvertent un edited first draft, they got a phone call from the Liberals the ABC Bruce Haigh article has a note on the bottom Inadvertent and un edited :- [b]Inadvertently, an unedited first draft of this article was published. The error was made in production. The final and correct version has now been published.[/b] [b]Bruce Haigh is a political commentator. View his full profile here[/b] http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800048.html There is still a lot of straight talk left in Bruce Haigh's article such as:- [i]But bad enough as that may be it is his relationship with the [/i]bedecked, bejewelled and compassionless Cardinal George Pell, which should be of concern to anyone who believes Australia should remain a secular democracy. Abbott showed his form as a Minister in the Howard government. As Prime Minister he can be expected to wind- back on socially progressive issues. [b]Abbott is not the man for Prime Minister, he is not the man to lead this great country[/b]. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3800048.html Cheers :):):):)


31/01/2012Lyn, you're back! You little ripper. :)

Patricia WA

31/01/2012How apt, Lyn, to measure Abbott's 'speech' (ahem!) against the yardstick provided by our own AA. The phonier his utterings are the clearer it is that our media commentators have no integrity at all. What a disappointment Lenore Taylor is.


31/01/2012Hi Miglo Thankyou for your happiness, it just oozes out of the page, spreading kindness everywhere all over TPS. Thankyou for visiting TPS we love it. I see the Cafe is full of friendly chatty patrons today, say gooday. Cheers:):):):):):)


31/01/2012Hi Patricia I know I was watching Abbott, mind you not listening. All of a sudden I remembered reading in Ads piece about delivering speeches from a script, so I paid a little more attention. Ad would be good at pointing out what Abbott shouldntavdone. Yes Lenore, funny they all go bad must be money. Cheers:):):):):)

Patricia WA

31/01/2012Yes, Lyn, Lenore.......Poor lady, not just money but job security. We have 70% News Ltd where Rupert Murdoch pulls the strings. And now at Fairfax where Lenore is currently employed, we have Gina Rinehart, a very controlling lady, moving in in a big way. (See Hillbilly Skeleton's very informative post on this athttp://hillbillyskeleton-punkchicken.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/iron-ladys-iron-grip-on-tony-abbotts.html) What can she do? For a young, or even middle aged journalist, surely there are options elsewhere?

Patricia WA

31/01/2012TT, re your comments early yesterday which I finally got around to reading today. Interested in how you write your poetry, and prose too, I guess. I bet that phrases like [i]Abbott's feisty unmarried female atheist ranga nemesis,[/i] are written from both heart and head. Can you insert there some reference to her comeliness, her charm, her delightful smile, her intelligence and wit? The Bird in a Gilded Cage lyrics brought to mind the lovely Diana Bliss who has just killed herself and whom one could be forgiven for thinking to be such a one. But apparently not. She had been the loving and loyal wife to Alan Bond and seemingly fulfilled in that role, and in her career too, according to her brother and all around her, for many decades, and his mistress for years before that. Endogenous depression, from which she suffered, is apparently rather different from reactive depression when events or life's circumstances just overwhelm one.


31/01/2012 And a warm welcome back from me. [i]Nice to see your chirpy-ness back Lyn [/i]:) Hope you had a great break.


31/01/2012Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the Coalition regularly lampooned Labor's community cabinet meetings as a waste? And now the apparatus of federal government will be moved 200km west of Bullamakanka one week a year? The implication being that everybody'll sit around & be involved in decision making? And it won't cost much to instal & take down again the necessary communication & support structure? Mind you, if it were the cabinet & nobody else I'd be content to have them out there all year. As for Lenore Taylor, she's going with the flow in putting the cart before the horse, if we're talking about the article I saw today. The gist being that Labor's now so weak that Abbott can get away with anything. Lenore, your lot let him do it. Once more Labor's the scapegoat for the media's failings. Admittedly you've tried harder than most to give decent reporting.


31/01/2012Abbott seems to be using the "if you repeat a line at every opportunity, it becomes a fact" attack. It was demonstrated in the 2010 Election campaign there wasn't $50billion of savings - so how do they suddenly reappear. When will someone in the media ask the obviously question and publicise the response?


31/01/20122353 Not anytime soon.


31/01/2012And while I'm asking silly questions - has anyone else noticed that Fairfax online Media titles no longer allow comment on articles that involve Abbott?

D Mick Weir

31/01/2012The best laid plans of mice and men Evening all. Being the end of the month and knowing I had a big day attending to [i]other lives[/i] I got up early, like real early, to bring you the news from the papers and the internet decided to spit the dummy and the help desk was still asleep and oh geees. Now I am back and there are 521 unread items in my feed reader and the other computer is doing crazies and ... I need seventeen beers ... ... and I am peed off that I couldn't bring you the [i]The Tough Talking Tony Tuesday Edition[/i] ... oh well ... the Media Mix will be back tomorrow


31/01/2012Good evening all. Lovely to see your bright feathers adorning the TPS pages again Lyn. I note msm are excitedly reporting that the LOTO is going to "relocate" the government to an indigenous community for one week each year, IF he wins government. In actual fact he said HE WOULD VISIT an indigenous community for one week each year - big difference I'd say. And again, I see that everybody and his dog seem not to get the emphasis on the need for a STRONG surplus before his government could possibly see its way to bring in a Disability Ins. Scheme or provide a dental health scheme. However, he doesn't feel his PPL scheme designed for the top end of town should also await a STRONG surplus. Not one journo has asked his definition of a STRONG surplus as opposed to a surplus.


31/01/2012Hi DebbieP Stay as sweet as you are. Thankyou for your lovely warm welcome back. Your appreciation is wonderful encouragement, delightful . Yes I did have a wonderful break, but it's so good to be back at TPS, what did TT say jumping in and out of my golden cage, hiding from Bad Abbott. He has frightened me today:- Abbott vows to prove his heart's not cold, Jessica Wright, SMH "What Australia most needs now is a competent, trustworthy, adult government with achievable plans for a better economy and a stronger society. The pledge was a virtual repeat of the federal coalition's election slogan but Mr Abbott would not be drawn on specific policy details or how he intended to fund them saying, "we'll release all our costings in good time before the next election". Mr Abbott said his plan for a "stronger Australia" included scrapping the carbon and mining taxes, cutting the computers in schools program, cancelling GP super clinics, reducing bureaucracy in hospitals, reducing government consultancies and dropping 12,000 workers from the federal public service. http://www.smh.com.au/national/abbott-vows-to-prove-his-hearts-not-cold-20120131-1qqtg.html#ixzz1l1grzTzI Cheers to you debbie:):):):):)


31/01/2012Janice Has one journalist asked his definition of anything? I didn't see the speech but from the reports the whole flavour seemed to be "Turn on the lights & we'll try to find an electricity supply, not sure when though". That seemed to satisfy everyone.


31/01/2012Patricia WA quoted TT "Abbott's feisty unmarried female atheist ranga nemesis" . . . and asked Can you insert there some reference to her comeliness, her charm, her delightful smile, her intelligence and wit? Patricia I just write [i][b]*J*U*L*I*A*[/b][/i] ! Lyn that Bruce Haigh part-gutted article, who did the gutting do you think? "Final and correct version"? There was nothing [i]incorrect[/i] in the original except if they mean politically incorrect afa concerns the MSM which overall is the most bloodymindedly set on onesided bigotry I have ever seen it btw. It is [i]uncanny.[/i] Thanks to your great big eyes WE have the final and correct version hey! :) Welcome Franco, thanks for the link, hope to hear more from you as the politics heats up. Marvin, you're back! You little ripper. Good to see Miglo! Hope all is well with you and the Cafe. recaptcha : censify LORD

Ad astra

31/01/2012Michael, Franco Thank you for the links to the Abbott address to the NPC. It can be summarized in a few words. Platitudinous twaddle, redolent with heavily conditional aspirations, devoid of genuine undertakings, riddled with escape causes, empty of solid data. It was an archetypical Abbott speech, lots of superficially high-sounding rhetoric, but without substance. Most journalists asked reasonable questions. All were fobbed off, Abbott-style. It will be interesting to see how they report the address and his response to their questions. Will they call his non-answers, or will they, as usual, let him off the hook?


31/01/2012Ad astra My comment at 8.36 referred more to the later reporting of the speech than questions asked at the time. From the little I saw on evening TV news there was almost an avoidance of it, focusing instead on other favourite themes such as Rudd's challenge. Nice too how things staying the same such as some of the polling numbers automatically gets the "bad for Labor" treatment.


31/01/2012Hi Janice How's our lovely little friend tonight. Thankyou for your nice words and I thoroughly love getting compliments about my feathers. Abbott has ruffled them up today. The Press Gallery love him to death, the applause was sickening. You know he didn't directly answer one single question. As Ad Astra said [i]All were fobbed off, Abbott-style[/i]. Ad Astra you said it will be interesting how they the MSM report tomorrow. Well you will see a good example below, they are already mixing aspirations with commitments Somebody said "is Aspirations the new NO" Laura Tingle asked a very interesting question as Yambano of North Coast Voices says:- Yambano filter Yamba Laura Tingle did the rough sums - Abbott intends cut spend by $12b and increase spend by $10b. Abbott didn't dispute theses figures Abbott broke a promise will he be called lieabbitt, no Liar. [i]Abbott 'broke promise', says Shorten , The Telegraph January 31, 2012 4:41PM [/i] FEDERAL Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of backtracking from a promise to deliver income tax cuts during the first term of a coalition government. "He clearly broke his promise which he gave last year," Mr Shorten told reporters in Canberra today. "He admitted that tax cuts in their first term could only be in prospect." http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/abbott-broke-promise-says-shorten/story-e6freuy9-1226258589554 [i]Not one journo has asked his definition of a STRONG surplus as opposed to a surplus[/i] Janice they won't ask Abbott because they know he can't answer see then they would have to write the truth about their precious little pin up boy. TheFinnigans said:- Tony Abbott sold one million disabled Australians down the river and not a whiff of criticism from the MSM hacks, truly pathetic [i]Abbott pledges tax cuts, surplus budget, SBS Video 31 January 2012 | 08:07:15 PM [/i] Mr Abbott outlined his [b]commitment[/b] during a keynote speech on the same day a new political poll showed the opposition maintains a two-party preferred election-winning lead over the Labor minority government. Mr Abbott said the coalition [b]"aspired"[/b] to deliver a Medicare-funded dental scheme at a cost of around $4 billion a year and a disability insurance scheme he emphasised the dental scheme was [b]"an aspiration [/b]not a commitment" http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1622722/Abbott-pledges-tax-cuts-surplus-budget Cheers:):):):):):):)

Ad astra

31/01/2012BSA Bob You are right – if the poll numbers are the same as last time, it is reported that Labor has ‘failed’, to make gains, in this instance over the Christmas/New Year holiday period. No one asks were any gains over this period expected – it is tacitly assumed that gains somehow ought to have taken place. Why not say that Labor has ‘held its ground’ over the period? See how much the journalist’s anticipation of what might have, or ought to have happened, governs the way in which the poll outcome is reported. No one, and I suspect even the journalist, asks whether the expected change in polling numbers he/she anticipated were reasonable or even sensible. Why should, for example, the Government’s position, or for that matter the Opposition’s, have improved over the holidays? We really have a mediocre media pack in this country, with very few shining stars.


31/01/2012Just a general point, it has to be remembered that the media have really long passed the point of no return with their support for Abbott & can't be expected to change for this reason alone. The election costings is a good example- to examine these now or in the future is to admit their errors. And they won't do that. Some of the more serious commenters may do the occasional critical piece, the odd smart arse bits can be expected from the wits. The rest will just be a faithful rendition of coalition themes.


1/02/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]A politician and a journo walk into a bar, Dylan Caporn, Body Politic – Australia[/i] The media need to get back to reporting the news, playing their role as the fourth estate in government, and spending less time reporting interferenand conspiracy theories.http://bodypoliticaus.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/a-politician-and-a-journo-walk-into-a-bar/ [i]Australian Politics in 2012 , Alex Schlotzer[/i] threatening to vote against the government on a no-confidence motion over the Australia Day outrage. And Wilkie is prepared to take this course of action despite the instigator of the Australia Day outrage being Tony Abbott, the Leader of the Opposition. http://alexschlotzer.wordpress.com/ [i]Aliens in their own land- Sovereignty and the tent embassy, Derek Barry, Woolly Days[/i] These events have thrown light on just how screwed political discourse in this country has become. It involves any number of major issues – inadequate security procedures, police incompetence, political misconduct, media manipulation, treatment of Aboriginal issues and subsequent substitution of white fights masquerading as concern for those Aboriginal issues. http://nebuchadnezzarwoollyd.blogspot.com.au/ [i]Australian Racism is alive & Flourishing, David Donovan, Independent Australia[/i] We need to grow up and develop true self-confidence in our national identity and character — and not the shallow jingoistic parody of it we see on such events as Australia Day. This country would be much the worse were it not for our immigrant population. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/indigenous-australia/australian-racism-is-alive-and-flourishing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_ [i]Perhaps we all should move on, Miglo, Café Whispers[/i] Where I disagree is the emphasis on Indigenous Australia moving on. Perhaps we all should move on.We are no longer a British colony. We are no longer a white Australia. We are the best country in the world and that is what we should be celebrating. Less than half of the Australian population are of British origin. http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/ [i]Call to investigate police after tent embassy protest, Darin Sullivan, The Left Hack[/i] But one of the tent embassy founders, Michael Anderson, said the police actions on the day warranted investigation. “I was quite shocked at the behaviour of some police,” Mr Anderson said. “As far as I was concerned, all they had to do after the Prime Minister’s vehicle left was disband and everyone else would have as well. http://darinsullivan.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/call-to-investigate-police-after-tent-embassy-protest/ [i]The National Riot Mismanagement Squad, Ben Eltham, New Matilda[/i] Georgatos says that the protest was emotional, but non-violent. "There was no riot, there was no violence, there was chanting, there was some outrage." Georgatos describes the now-notorious "banging" on the glass of the restaurant as "more like tapping". http://newmatilda.com/2012/01/31/national-riot-mismanagement-squad [i]Sacrifice, and more sacrifice, Gary Sauer-Thomson, Public Opinion[/i] More sacrifice is required for those on mid to low incomes: doing without modern hospitals, having to work longer, abolishing the indexation of pensions; less protection from arbitrary dismissal; tax on home ownership; increase in value-added tax. If interest rates on the bonds climb, then that means the financial markets have judged the austerity measures are not harsh enough. http://www.sauerthompson.com/archives/opinion/2012/01/sacrifice.php#more [i]Housing credit dives to 34 year low- House prices down again, Stephen Koukoulas[/i] The level of business sentiment and conditions are now broadly consistent with the economy growing around 3%. Sentiment needs to remain positive to maintain the current level if economic growth of that order is registered in 2012 and beyond http://stephenkoukoulas.blogspot.com.au/ [i]Liberal Party: My Plan for a Stronger Economy, a Stronger Australia [Tony Abbott], Australian Politics TV[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/01/31/liberal-party-my-plan-for-a-stronger-economy-a-stronger-australia-tony-abbott/ [i]ABC: Bill Shorten responds to Abbott press club speech, Australian Politics TV[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/01/31/abc-shorten-responds-to-abbott-press-club-speech/ [i]ABC: Government responds to Australia Day inquiry request, Nicola Roxon, 7.30 report, Australian Politics TV[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/01/31/abc-government-responds-to-australia-day-inquiry-request/ [i]3AW: Neil Mitchell: ‘Gillard is finished’, Australian Politics TV, 3AW[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/01/31/3aw-neil-mitchell-gillard-is-finished/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm [i]Sky News: Paul Murray Live, Sky News[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/01/31/sky-news-paul-murray-live/ [i]Rinehart seeks another 9.9pc of Fairfax, Australian Financial Review[/i] Morgan Stanley is bidding for up to 9.9 per cent of Fairfax, representing 235 million shares.The bid values the stake at $192 million and represents a 10.5 per cent premium to the last closing price. http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/buyer_seeks_pc_of_fairfax_lcogOEFpPVTvp5IyHOteZI [i]Murdoch's media empire, Interactive, Aljazeera[/i] News Corporation owns a controlling stake in around 100 companies, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/interactive/2011/07/2011719163156896567.html [i]The future of journalism ethics- radical transparency, The Harbinger[/i] We are hit by a cacophony of conflicting bits of half-baked information and we have to sort out the real news from the fake news, piece it together from multiple sources and weigh different versions of the same story against each other. There is no longer a dominant voice of authority in most of our media http://www.theharbinger.co.za/wordpress/2012/01/31/the-future-of-journalism-ethics-radical-transparency/ [i]For the record: my personal first hand account of events that led to Gillard and Abbott’s dramatic “escape” and subsequent clash between police and demonstrators from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Field Notes and Foot Notes[/i] For the record, this is my personal account of events that led to the Honourable Prime Minister Julia Gillard being dragged along by her body-guard and bundled into her waiting car. I am not claiming to speak on behalf of anyone else who was there. This is my individual, personal account of these events. http://fieldnotesandfootnotes.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/for-the-record-my-personal-first-hand-account-of-events-that-led-to-gillard-and-abbotts-dramatic-escape-and-subsequent-clash :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Ad astra

1/02/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx

D Mick Weir

1/02/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] Feb 1st marks the start of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month in the UK http://lgbthistorymonth.org.uk/ also see Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_History_Month [i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] via Front Pages Today (FPT)[/i] http://goo.gl/enTjx & via James Massola @Capital Circle [b]The Australian[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/3bnTO Leaders Clash of Vision & Rinehart buys up Fairfax shares [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/1kOHj [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hu9 Rinehart goes for bigger slice & Ministers Line up to Warn off Rudd [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/JXc7d [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hon Go Straight to Jail (Minister reviews bail laws for gays) [b]The Age[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/j6tKW [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hsy Rinehart’s bid for14% of Fairfax [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/0wNCf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hjs $15m THANKS [i]A MELBOURNE boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering $15 million gift — the ultimate pay-off for their hard work and loyalty.[/i] [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7NTLf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2h1b Cause for Alarm [i]System failure over Sex Predator[/i] [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/ApkdY [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hlx Courts Risk Public Safety [b]The NT Times[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7f7VB [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hci No Crocs BUT Gored in the Groin by Buffalo [b]The West Australian[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hxb Gina's Media Play [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2hqw Hello Prince Charming [b]The Canberra Times[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8e2izz 14,000 PS Jobs to be Slashed [b][i]... and the stories ...[/i][/b] [b]Flowers that brighten up anyone's night[/b] By Katrina Stokes @HeraldSun [i]AN Adelaide scientist's world-first formula has made the beauty of flowers even more breathtaking. Professor Mark Tester's invention makes ordinary flowers and plants appear as though they are luminescent.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/flowers-that-brighten-up-anyones-night/story-e6frf7l6-1226259006133 [b]Ministers line up to warn off Rudd[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge [i]SENIOR supporters of Julia Gillard have rounded on Kevin Rudd, telling him to drop his leadership ambitions because the party would never have him back.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/ministers-line-up-to-warn-off-rudd-20120131-1qrh6.html#ixzz1l2n8KYMq [b]Australia: prepare for the future - Gillard-style[/b] Malcolm Farr @news.com.au [i]JULIA Gillard today will promise tax cuts to business which the Opposition yesterday said were too expensive to implement. The Prime Minister will also tell families a Labor Government will create a new range of jobs, and keep taxes down.[/i] http://www.news.com.au/business/australia-prepare-for-the-future-gillard-style/story-e6frfm1i-1226258828489 [b]Coalition begins to backpedal over its plans for tax cuts[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge [i]TONY ABBOTT has begun playing down expectations of what he can deliver in government, saying tax cuts and publicly funded disability and dental schemes will have to wait several years until the budget is back in ''strong'' surplus. In a sign the Coalition is battling to find sufficient savings to meet its pledges, Mr Abbott said yesterday ''the next few years are going to be very tough'' and policies, no matter how worthy, had to be affordable.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/coalition-begins-to-backpedal-over-its-plans-for-tax-cuts-20120131-1qrgy.html#ixzz1l2nqQ7kC [b]Practise what we preach: father of reconciliation attacks two-faced Australia[/b] Debra Jopson, Phillip Coorey @SMH [i]AUSTRALIAN governments present a different face on the international stage from the one they show when dealing with indigenous people, the ''father of reconciliation'' Patrick Dodson said[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/practise-what-we-preach-father-of-reconciliation-attacks-twofaced-australia-20120130-1qprd.html#ixzz1l2CSBTOV [b]Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott's clash of the visions[/b] David Uren & Mathew Franklin @TheAus(Free) [i]JULIA Gillard and Tony Abbott have marked out the economy as their preferred battleground for the year ahead, each claiming to have the solutions to lift the economy out of the doldrums.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/julia-gillard-and-tony-abbotts-clash-of-the-visions/story-fn59niix-1226258880642 [b]Rinehart secures another 5pc of Fairfax[/b] James Chessel &Stephen Shaw @AusFinReview (Free) [i]Iron ore billionaire Gina Rinehart has taken an additional stake of about 5 per cent in Fairfax Media through a $192 million share raid launched after the sharemarket closed on Tuesday.[/i] http://afr.com/p/opinion/rinehart_secures_another_pc_of_fairfax_lcogOEFpPVTvp5IyHOteZI ... and how they see it @The Aus [b]Gina Rinehart lines up Fairfax to expand media influence[/b] David Kitney & John Durie @TheAus (Free) [i]THE nation's richest person, iron ore billionaire Gina Rinehart, is seeking to expand her influence in the media by taking a strategic shareholding in Fairfax Media. Mrs Rinehart was last night attempting to secure an extra 9.9 per cent stake in the newspaper publisher through a $192 million raid launched after the sharemarket closed.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/media/gina-rinehart-lines-up-fairfax-to-expand-media-influence/story-e6frg996-1226258885016 ... and how they see it at The Age [b]Rinehart's bid for 14% of Fairfax[/b] Eric Johnston, Scott Rochfort and Mark Hawthorne [i]The development comes at a critical time for the media industry, which is battling a weak advertising market as well as adjusting to a structural shift towards the internet. Mrs Rinehart has rarely discussed her interests in the media. However, sources close to her recently indicated she was seeking a bigger influence in national affairs. During 2010, she was prominent via her opposition to Canberra's mining tax.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/business/rineharts-bid-for-14-of-fairfax-20120131-1qrhu.html#ixzz1l2lnrIE3 [b]14,000 jobs set to go[/b] Markus Mannheim @CanberraTimes [i]The federal bureaucracy and the military will shed more than 14,000 full-time jobs over the next three years, an analysis of the budget papers suggests. Canberra Times modelling, based on the funds Treasury predicts it will need to pay wages, shows the job losses will be spread evenly between 2012-13 and 2014-15, as Labor pulls out all stops to conjure a budget surplus.[/i] http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/14000-jobs-set-to-go/2439580.aspx [b]Long-range decision for subs project[/b] Ian McPhedran @TheAdvertiser [i]THE Federal Government has 18 months to decide whether to build its new $36 billion submarine fleet in Australia or source it from overseas. Defence Minister Stephen Smith said yesterday he would take a proposal to Cabinet within weeks seeking funds for a serious examination of the options, ...[/i] http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/long-range-decision-for-subs-project/story-e6frea6u-1226258838884 [b]Tool to cut internet crime[/b] David Ramli @AusFinReview (Free) [i]Regulators and experts have welcomed moves by IT giants, including Microsoft, Facebook and Google, that could dramatically slash the amount of spam received by hundreds of millions of people.[/i] http://www.afr.com/p/technology/tool_to_cut_internet_crime_iqY3ahefSeE5H4YMYYagXI [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]Aspirational Opposition Leader is careful with the P-word[/b] Jacqueline Maley @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]TWO things happened when Opposition Leader Tony Abbott addressed the National Press Club yesterday. First and best, Mr Abbott invented a new form of political promise, a quaint thing called a policy ''aspiration'', or alternatively, a policy that is ''in prospect''.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/aspirational-opposition-leader-is-careful-with-the-pword-20120131-1qrgm.html#ixzz1l4dsci9Q [b]Abbott stumps up with an early job application[/b] Ross Peake @CanberraTimes [i]Tony Abbott's application for the nation's top job is a mix of elaborately sketched scenes of a glorious economic nirvana, contrasted against the grim reality of a slash and burn approach to government spending and public servants. It is no different from the customary election stump speech, except that the election is almost two years away.[/i] http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/opinion/editorial/general/abbott-stumps-up-with-an-early-job-application/2439568.aspx [b]For dentist's son, positivity is like pulling teeth[/b] Michelle Grattan @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]TONY Abbott said much that was negative and nasty about the Gillard government, but his first major speech for 2012 also pitched to his political need to be modestly positive. His plan to include dental care in Medicare is attractive retail politics, as well as sound policy from a dentist's son.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/for-dentists-son-positivity-is-like-pulling-teeth-20120131-1qrgo.html#ixzz1l2irWJ2n [b]A new start for Abbott but it is only a start[/b] Peter Hartcher @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]TONY ABBOTT has implicitly acknowledged that it's not enough for him merely to sneer at Julia Gillard. Or, as he put it yesterday, that he needs to show the people that voting Liberal would not just be "changing one bunch of squalid fixers for another". It's been plain for months that Abbott's remarkable success in demonising the Prime Minister has carried a high cost - the electorate considers him a demon, too.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/a-new-start-for-abbott-but-it-is-only-a-start-20120131-1qrgx.html#ixzz1l2oNxYgY [b]Dr No impedes a fair compromise to stop the boats[/b] Chris Bowen @The Daily Telegraph [i]WHO would have thought it? Tony Abbott said "no" to a processing centre for asylum seekers on Nauru. It was a poor start to the year for those wanting to see Tony Abbott move away from his "Dr No" tag.[/i] http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/dr-no-impedes-a-fair-compromise-to-stop-the-boats/story-e6frezz0-1226258761432 [b]Damned lies and economic modelling[/b] Ross Gittins @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]One of my resolutions this year is to spend more time trying to prevent lobby groups from using dodgy economic ''modelling'' to mislead my readers. Canberra has developed a bad case of modelling mania, but most of it is dubious. The less you know about modelling, the more it impresses you.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/damned-lies-and-economic-modelling-20120131-1qr9x.html#ixzz1l2pcJfpY [b]In politics as in life, fruit doesn't fall far from the ministerial tree[/b] Peter Costello @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]Leave aside who told who what. The fact is the Prime Minister's office thought it was legitimate politics to organise an Aboriginal protest against her political rival. As a taxpayer-funded ''media adviser'', Tony Hodges sent a tip-off to the Aboriginal tent embassy that Tony Abbott was nearby so they could do what? So they could go and protest against him.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/in-politics-as-in-life-fruit-doesnt-fall-far-from-the-ministerial-tree-20120131-1qr9y.html#ixzz1l4sqL9kD [b][i]... and from the the Electronic Media...[/i][/b] [b]BREAKING NEWS: Aboriginal Leaders Did NOT Incite Violence – Jeff McMullen[/b] Nerida Currey @Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association HatTip: Sarah Joseph @profsarahj [i]The Northern Territory political candidate who implied that Central Australian Aboriginal leaders had incited Australia Day protesters to violence …has been contradicted…both by the Aboriginal leaders themselves and an esteemed journalist with over 45 years experience.[/i] http://caama.com.au/breaking-news-aboriginal-leaders-did-not-incite-violence-jeff-mcmullen [b]'Kevin Rudd no team player'[/b] Simon Crean interviewed by Neil Mitchell on 3AW http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/blog-with-derryn-hinch/kevin-rudd-no-team-player/20120131-1qqbl.html [b]The Transcript[/b] http://www.minister.regional.gov.au/sc/pressconf/2012/SCT004_2012.aspx [b]LoTO's whereabouts Revealed[/b] James Massola @CapitalCircle [i]Capital Circle can reveal the Opposition Leader will attend a six-hour meeting of the Coalition's policy development committee in Canberra today.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/capital-circle/gillard-sets-out-economic-vision/story-fn59nqgy-1226258985256 [b][i]... and Cartoons ...[/i][/b] [b]New Flag[/b] Lindsay Foyle @NewMatilda http://newmatilda.com/2012/01/31/new-flag-0 [b]Queensland Election[/b] Peter Broelman @NewMatilda http://newmatilda.com/2012/01/31/queensland-goes-polls-0 [b]Pope's View[/b] David Pope @ CanberraTimes [i]The January Gallery of David Pope's Cartoons[/i] http://www.canberratimes.com.au/multimedia/33572/448362/january-27-2012.aspx?Start=0&page=1 [b][i]... and somethings about Journalism ...[/i][/b] [b]The future of journalism ethics: radical transparency[/b] Anton Harber @ TheHarbinger HatTip: Mr Anderson @kevglobal via Mark Colvin @Colvinius [i]Journalists in the traditional media dealt with their ethics through a set of established rules and practices. We should not accept gifts or freebies, or allow a conflict of interest in stories we cover. We should be immunised from the influence of advertisers. We should separate commentary and news reporting and convey the views of all parties to a story. The watchwords were objectivity and fairness, and these values were reflected in codes of conduct and newsroom rituals.[/i] http://www.theharbinger.co.za/wordpress/2012/01/31/the-future-of-journalism-ethics-radical-transparency/ [b]The Death of the Editor and the Rise of the Circulation Manager[/b] Maria Popova @Brain Pickings [i]... so long as we have a monetization model of information that prioritizes the wrong stakeholders — advertisers over readers — we will always cater to the business interests of the former, not the intellectual interests of the latter[/i] http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/01/30/bliven/ [b]Can journalism graduates get jobs?[/b] Dianna Bossio @TheConversation [i]There’s no doubt that newsrooms in traditional media are shrinking. Morale of journalists within those newsrooms appears strained at best, internal politics and union battles seem rife. And the pay? It makes burger flipping look attractive. And yet, the thirst for qualifications in journalism and media-related disciplines continues to grow.[/i] http://theconversation.edu.au/can-journalism-graduates-get-jobs-3457


1/02/2012AA, All in all Abbott's speech was as empty as Gillard's Labor Party speech. Although he should get points for avoiding the ridiculous circle work that Gillard did in hers, as well as the nonsensical one-liners she spun. It wasnt a great speech, but unfortunately this is what the Australian government has come to expect from our nation's two political leaders.


1/02/2012To [i]'All Through the Night'[/i] Lyn You're being so prolific Here on our site! Your output is so terrific Guiding our fight! Softly while the world is sleeping For us all a watch you're keeping And what rich rewards you're reaping All through the night! There are many possible verses one might write and you DMickWeir would deserve a place in further verses too, but you get my feelings, your work is better than gold, it is precious and priceless, informing all who follow your leads with the best information available to us. What is that worth? It makes my spine tingle with pride to be part of it, it sets my jaw firmer as I contemplate the fight we must win. Some links bring me to [i]tears[/i] - some of anger, some of pity, some of regret, some of pride and hope. Never yet of total defeat and despair, even in defeat we always have the Labor Party and Dog! I do admit I'm soft, but I hope I am not the only one, even amongst the males, to shed such tears. They are companion to [i]resolve.[/i] We [i]will[/i] not let Abbortt win. Back to Lyn though: I think they've been putting steroids in your birdseed Lyn, you have never been so prolific while I've been around, tweet tweet tweet, it's like all that birdsong built up over your time away and now it is all bursting forth. If you, and now DMW sharing the lode, were not doing this, the blogosphere would be immeasurably poorer . . . but that is seriously [i]arsi versi[/i], as though you were a 'given', when the fact is the positive view, the blogosphere [i]is[/i] immeasurably [i]richer[/i] because of your daily work. If our thanks are insufficient reward to keep you going - and we know the work is really onerous - just imagine how much the Noalition must hate what you do for us, :) , and how they must wish for someone like you to get around [i]their[/i] horrid hate-filled sites. But [i]We[/i] got a [i]Tweetie Bird[/i]. [i]They[/i] would need a [b][i]Cane Toad.[/i][/b] Janice, DebbieP, cheers Dears, ready to do battle in the new Parliamentary year, well I was going to put a ? after year but I know you are. [b]Venceremos! [i]No Pasasan! [/i] ["We will win! [i]They shall not pass!"][/i][/b] All Through the Night (Nice little story to follow) [[b]i]Paul Robeson!!![/i][/b] Does that name not raise the hair on your neck Ad astra? http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=all%20through%20the%20night%20youtube&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDUQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_q3EWljg1JI&ei=FYEoT8CSF8-RiQfu39zcAg&usg=AFQjCNGhA-dnFka7f6oqroGZ2q0av7v4Bg Sleep my child and peace attend thee, All through the night Guardian angels God will send thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loved ones' watch am keeping, All through the night Angels watching, e'er around thee, All through the night Midnight slumber close surround thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loved ones' watch am keeping, All through the night While the moon her watch is keeping All through the night While the weary world is sleeping All through the night O'er thy spirit gently stealing Visions of delight revealing Breathes a pure and holy feeling All through the night Angels watching ever round thee All through the night In thy slumbers close surround thee All through the night They will of all fears disarm thee, No forebodings should alarm thee, They will let no peril harm thee All through the night. Though I roam a minstrel lonely All through the night My true harp shall praise sing only All through the night Love's young dream, alas, is over Yet my strains of love shall hover Near the presence of my lover All through the night Hark, a solemn bell is ringing Clear through the night Thou, my love, art heavenward winging Home through the night Earthly dust from off thee shaken Soul immortal shalt thou awaken With thy last dim journey taken Home through the night History This enchanting lullaby has a Welsh origin. It was written by Edward Jones around 1784. Mr. Jones was an exceptional harp player. He moved from Wales to London in the 1770's where he taught and performed harp music. His talent soon had him tutoring wealthy families and he ultimately moved into the St. James Palace as the official harpist for the Prince of Wales. The original Welsh title of the lullaby was "Ar Hyd y Nos." It is sung to a tune recorded in the Musical and Poetical relics of the Welsh Bards by Edward Jones. The lyrics are attributed to John Ceiriog Hughes.


1/02/2012BTW I didn't write that story at the bottom of that post and don't pretend I did, thanks to whoever did but I'm not going back looking OK?


1/02/2012Have had a very quick scan through the links this morning, but haven't seen anything referring to last night's 7.30 Report. I was surprised to see Heather Ewart present a segment unfavourable to Tony Abbott. I found it heart warming, but nearly choked on my s.blanc when the next item was the sinister Mr Uhlmann interviewing/bullying Kathy Jackson from the HSU. He tried throughout the interview to get her to say she suspected that the Government had interfered with the FWA investigation into Craig Thomson and guess what - the minute she finally conceded she suspected there was interference (but that she had no evidence), he finished the interview. Now, guess today's headline. Jackson also said she will be making her statement to FWA on Friday and she will be releasing this publicly on the same day. BSA Bob I agree that the media has reached the point of no return with their support for Abbott. Therefore, the links to alternative points of view and comments on this site become increasingly important.


1/02/2012Hi Ad, Laurie Oakes on Channel nine this morning appears to have studied psychology over the break, or at least mind reading. In his channel 9 report he said Julia Gillard hates Kevin Rudd, emphasis on hate about 3 times. He also indicated that Tony Abbott has changed from being the Mr No because he now has aspirations. So you see one speech and one person Abbott can change his whole persona. [i]Drum piece and a National Press Club rant, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut[/i] Most in the press gallery are hamstrung because he thinks like they do. Paul Bongiorno actually had the temerity to stand apart and introduce some facts taking about the fact all credit agencies rate Australia AAA, that the cash rate is lower than when the Howard Govt was in office, and the response was “lower taxes, less waste yada yada yada”. It was a good effort by Bongiorno, but he had little support. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com.au/ Greg Jericho/ Grog is surprised at the SMH story this morning: GrogsGamutGreg Jericho wow Journalists ordered to reveal sources http://bit.ly/xlmjRQ via smh [i]Judge set to order journalists to reveal sources, Louise Hall, Sydney Morning Herald[/i] In 2010, the newspaper reported that Ms Liu, a Labor Party donor and family friend of Mr Fitzgibbon, had paid him $150,000, which he did not declare. The payment was allegedly revealed in a copy of Ms Liu's personal finance records obtained by the journalists. But Ms Liu said the documents, including a list of "money paid" for unstated purposes to 22 people, were fabricated. http://www.smh.com.au/national/judge-set-to-order-journalists-to-reveal-sources-20120201-1qs6u.html#ixzz1l5WfaraV Kathy Jackson reflects on Health Services Union investigation [b]VIDEO, 7.30pm report[/b] Kathy Jackson chats with Chris Uhlmann about the Fair Work investigation into the Health Services Union National Office http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgEG1-hkm78&feature=youtu.be abc730abc730 Simon_Cullen Here's the website Kathy Jackson was talking about in last night's abc730 interview: http://www.cleanuphsueast.com [i]Why the delay over Craig Thomson investigation, asks union leader Kathy Jackson , The Telegraph[/i] Ms Jackson suspects – but is not sure of – government interference."I suspect it, but I'm not positive of it. I have no evidence of that,” she said. “But the question I ask is: why is it taking so long?"Ms Jackson said if the Gillard Government fell as a result, it would be a “catastrophic outcome”. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sydney-nsw/why-the-delay-over-craig-thomson-investigation-asks-union-leader-kathy-jackson/story-e6freuzi-1226259094459 [i]Bushfire Bill[/i] Abbott’s getting the Press Club to snigger out loud about how bad the government that achieved this is, was an indication to me that they have indeed mixed the Kool Aid and then made the mistake of drinking it themselves. the contention that the BER “failed” is an objective crock of shit. Three detailed reports into it – two by Orgill and one by the Auditor Gen http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/01/29/galaxy-54-46-to-coalition/all-comments/#comment-1142973 Cheers:):)


1/02/2012Well, I think Grog's Gamut has it right. No journalist at press conferences seems to want to drill in on the facts. http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com.au/


1/02/2012Hi Catey I was just preparing the information on Jackson, when you posted. you know I really wonder about this Jackson piece, what does she want. Somebody else may have counted but how many times did Uhlmann try to get jackson to say there was Government interference. Then she agrees she suspects, no evidence, suspects.Ummmm Uhlmann was woeful last night and you are right Heather's report was heart warming. [i]Heather Ewart present a segment unfavourable to Tony Abbott[/i] Cheers:):):)


1/02/2012Hi Talk Turkey You have excelled again this morning, bringing constant delight on TPS. What a lovely lullaby, just beautiful, you said enchanting lullaby and it is. Thankyou again for your appreciative remarks, most of all the little verse you wrote for me, it’s beautiful, but I don’t think I am the birdsong, you are. [i]Lyn You're being so prolific Here on our site! Your output is so terrific Guiding our fight! Softly while the world is sleeping For us all a watch you're keeping And what rich rewards you're reaping All through the night! [/i] My feathers are still ruffled this morning, regarding of course the media reporting. The Government just can’t cope, it’s one thing after another. Nothing is proven, nothing has facts, and now we have on top of Tipping reporting, Sources reporting , speculation, the latest “suspected”. Cheers:):):):)


1/02/2012Bad Abbott http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-01/young-abbott-misses-the-point-of-ndis/3804576 A piece that outlines just how rotten Shouldabeen is. Anyone who aspires to be PM on the basis of regurgitated and discredited costings and policies from his failed 2010 election campaign is not only callous and disrespectful, he's cynical spelt "s-t-o-o-p-id".


1/02/2012Paul, great to hear from you, been a while. I always wanted to ask the story of your fascinating gravatar, and never did, A Kangaroo in a lab coat . . . Obviously computer savvy . . . But what is s/he holding? What is written on the computer? S'il vous plait?


1/02/2012Oh and Paul, Thanks for the link to Grog, can't the b*gger write though! [h'mmm . . . bagger, beggar, bigger, bogger, b*gger! :) ] And isn't he on the money! Well the Truth anyway. What is it with the MSM? It's like they're all on DRUGS! Instead of seeking Truth, there's Them With Liars, Crooks and Thugs! For Abbortt is a Liar And Reith's a Lying Crook And as for Thugs, those Convoy mugs Whose hands Fool Abbortt shook! The MSM is Gutless, And Abbortt's Mob are [i]Frauds![/i] Let's render tham all [i]nutless![/i] Come Swordsfolks! [i]To Your Swords![/i] Michael, Catey, Ad astra, the MSM doesn't have many friends around here eh! Jane? [i]Hello?[/i] And can you bring some Tabasco with you please? For Abbortt's budgies? PS what [i]is[/i] a bogger? Suggestions?


1/02/2012Bogger: A blogger that writes sh*t. Grog ia definitely not a bogger.


2/02/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Drum piece and a National Press Club rant, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut[/i] Most in the press gallery are hamstrung because he thinks like they do. Paul Bongiorno actually had the temerity to stand apart and introduce some facts taking about the fact all credit agencies rate Australia AAA, that the cash rate is lower than when the Howard Govt http://grogsgamut.blogspot.com.au/ [i]The new Abbott? , Gary Sauer – Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] Contradictions run through Abbott's speech. He favours economic responsibility and a quick return to a surplus budget on one hand, but expensive new social benefits on the other, such as a paid parent http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2012/02/the-new-abbott.php#more [i]The beast regurgitates, Andrew Elder, Unleashed, ABC[/i] The press gallery are down on her because she is the first occupant of that office since Billy McMahon who didn't schmooze the press gallery in order to get there. By contrast, Opposition Leader Tony A. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3803424.html [i]What the #MSMHacks try to hide & don’t want you to see – The BISONs, Frank, A Franks View[/i] The #MSM and its hacks wont tell you this. They prefer to tell you the dooms & glooms championed by the Opposition.Also it’s good to see that the Gillard Govt has finally started to sell its economic http://afrankview.net/2012/02/what-the-msmhacks-try-to-hide-dont-want-you-to-see-the-bisons/ [i]Abbott thinks Australians are an unmotivated lot, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] Abbott, and to his coalition horde, any money spent on such things like equality and fairness and such is just a waste as Aussies are unworthy. Dental health? Unworthy. Better education system? http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/abbott-thinks-australians-are-an-unmotivated-lot/ [i]Turning back the boats - back to the future on asylum policy, Adam Fletcher, On Line Opinion[/i] There is even an open question of criminal liability if loss of life results from the towing procedures, not to mention the immediate physical risks to Navy personnel. In short, it would be a return to http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=13190 [i]Morning Report – Wednesday, 1st February, Dylon Caporn Body Politic Australia[/i] In an explosive interview with the ABC’s Chris Ulhmann last night, Kathy Jackson alleged that the Federal Government had interfered with the Fair Work Australia investigation into allegations against MP Craig Thomson. http://bodypoliticaus.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/morning-report-wednesday-1st-february/ [i]The Howard Years Were No Golden Age, Ian McAuley, New Matilda[/i] Tony Abbott has done nothing to establish his, or his party’s economic credentials. He seems content to coast on the public perception that the Coalition is more competent at economic http://newmatilda.com/2012/02/01/howard-years-were-no-golden-age-and-heres-why [i]Damned lies and economic modelling, Ross Gittins[/i], Where do these figures come from? Knowing how many people are employed in a particular industry isn't hard. Every month the Bureau of Statistics conducts a giant sample survey of households, asking http://www.rossgittins.com/2012/02/damned-lies-and-economic-modelling.html [i]Mirabella Misunderstands Manufacturing , Stephen Koukoulas[/i] The best performing years were when tariffs, protection and largesse were slashed. A bit of tough love goes a long way. Ms Mirabella is barking up the wrong tree. http://stephenkoukoulas.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/mirabella-misunderstands-manufacturing.html [i]Tony Abbott: sneers and fears, Min, Café Whispers[/i] out of seemingly nowhere, appeared a few articles suggesting that Tony Abbott’s Mr No persona might not last the distance. Was it the media had lapsed into boredom with Mr No? If so, who could blame them http://cafewhispers.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/tony-abbott-sneers-and-fears/ [i]Could Gina Rinehart move to a full Fairfax takeover?, Paul Barry, The Power Index[/i] Over at Ten, Gina's spending has paid dividends. She has helped install Andrew Bolt, whom she greatly admires, in a new Sunday morning show. Lachlan Murdoch James Packer & are also big Bolt fans http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/analysis/could-gina-rinehart-move-to-a-full-fairfax-takeover [i]News That’s Fit To Punt – 01/Feb/2012, The Art Neuro Weblog[/i] Interesting how Joe Hockey is merely comfortable. You’d think he’d jump up and down with joy at the thought that a right wing nutjob is trying to seize editorial control of the SMH.For the record, this is http://artneuro.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/news-thats-fit-to-punt-01feb2012/ [i]Does Gina Rinehart’s move on Fairfax make her an oligarch? Not yet …, Mark Rolfe, The Conversation[/i] They buy newspapers and other media outlets and set up think tanks to try to influence the terms of debate within the country, in the direction they like.Pressure brought about by Rinehart and others http://theconversation.edu.au/does-gina-rineharts-move-on-fairfax-make-her-an-oligarch-not-yet-5104 [i]Tobacco companies are biggest political spenders, Emma Griffiths, ABC[/i] Total donations to the major political parties came to more than $200 million.The Labor Party received about $92 million and the Coalition took in nearly $113 million. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-01/donations-yarn/3805064 [i]Herald Sun War on Science No.10 : The one where Andrew Bolt gets his “science” from discredited hacks at the UKs Daily Mail, Watching The Deniers[/i] Andrew, meet Mr. Kettle.In addition to the claim the globe stopped warming 15 years ago, Bolt trots out a whole series of debunked sceptic clichés http://watchingthedeniers.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/herald-sun-war-on-science-no-10-the-one-where-andrew-bolt-gets-his- [i]Clive Palmer extends war of words to Murdoch press , Daniel Hurst , Vex News[/i] Mining magnate Clive Palmer has used an extraordinary media conference to extend his war on the Queensland government and QR National to include the flood inquiry and the Murdoch press http://m.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/clive-palmer-extends-war-of-words-to-murdoch-press-20120201-1qsv4.html [i]Monckton, Rinehart and a plan to capture the Australian media,Graham Redfearn[/i] You look at the impact that Andrew Bolt has had since he was rocketed to fame and – without giving away too many secrets – Joanne [climate sceptic Jo Nova] is going to end up doing quite a bit more on that channel if all goes according to plan. http://www.readfearn.com/ [i]Clive Palmer not helping LNP, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] With Palmer known to be a close supporter and major funder of the LNP, and with a public perception that both major parties are too close to the mining industry, this is the last story the Opposition would want. But it will probably run and run. http://larvatusprodeo.net/2012/02/01/clive-palmer-not-helping-lnp/ [i]Campbell Newman under fire over Clive Palmer's $8bn coal claim , A Black Cockatoo[/i] THE Queensland Liberal National Party's chief financial backer, Clive Palmer, has launched an $8 billion legal action against coal carrier QR National, claiming it was doing the political bidding http://ablackcockatoo.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/campbell-newman-under-fire-over-clive.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_ [i]Smart Grids essential for future energy management, Paul Budde, The Budde Blog[/i] Current policies in relation to home insulation, solar panels, energy efficiencies, clean energy, renewable energy and electric vehicles all need to be addressed within one national blueprint, http://www.buddeblog.com.au/frompaulsdesk/smart-grids-essential-for-future-energy-management/ [i]Correction: Cutting the NBN won’t save money, Renai LeMay, Delimeter[/i] Looking at these facts, it seems clear that [b]Abbott’s statements yesterday at the National Press Club about the ability to save money by cutting the NBN were factually incorrect.[/b]Firstly, if the NBN policy delivers on its current plan, it will make between $1.93 billion and $3.92 billion in money for the Government, http://delimiter.com.au/2012/02/01/correction-cutting-the-nbn-wont-save-money/ :):):)

Ad astra

2/02/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


2/02/2012Another day - another "Rudd leadership" story. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/pms-hold-on-job-slipping-say-backers-20120201-1qtim.html Andrew Elder (link above thanks Lyn) has a good point.


2/02/2012Hi Ad The best person to be talking about dodgy emails, would you believe Eric Abetz. Interview Presser just now:- One of the Journalists asked Abetz, if he is the best person to be talking about emails, he was asked twice. Good on whoever the journalist was. [i]Abetz releases 'inappropriate' Fair Work emails, ABC[/i] The Opposition says it has proof of inappropriate dealings between the Government and the independent tribunal investigating Federal MP [b]Craig Thomson[/b] Senator Abetz says the emails were requested by his office under freedom of information laws. He says Fair Work Australia sought to deny him access to the emails but they were eventually released on appeal to the Information Commissioner. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-01/opposition-releases-27inappropriate27-fair-work-emails/3805986/?site=melbourne


2/02/2012Hi 2353 Pleasure Cheers:):):):):):)

D Mick Weir

2/02/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] On this day [b]1990: De Klerk dismantles apartheid in South Africa[/b] via BBC [i]The President of South Africa has lifted the 30-year ban on leading anti-apartheid group the African National Congress.[/i] http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/2/newsid_2524000/2524997.stm [i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] via Front Pages Today (FPT)[/i] http://goo.gl/enTjx & via James Massola @Capital Circle [b]The Australian[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/3bnTO [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egorz Unions plan Equal Pay Expansion Jobs culled as surging dollar stings [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/1kOHj [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egnxz PM's hold on job slipping, say backers [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/JXc7d [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egocu TV Game Changer [b]The Age[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/j6tKW [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8ego7d Optus snaffles free footy PM plays down job losses [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/0wNCf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8ego7d Carey Jail Drug Bust [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7NTLf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egoq4 Best in the West, the further away the more admired Anna becomes [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/ApkdY [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egofu Wanted: Land Lovers, farmers seek wives [b]The NT Times[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7f7VB [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8egone 'I Thought I was Dead' man tells of encounter with buffalo [b]The West Australian[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8ego2g Optus wins bid to show games on internet [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8ego63 Just The Tonic, $900M New suburb promises 1000 jobs [b][i]... and the stories ...[/i][/b] [b]GetUp pays fare for snubbed pokies victim[/b] Lisa Martin @SMH [i]Lobby group GetUp will pay for a problem gambler to travel from Adelaide to Canberra to meet a taskforce devising the federal coalition's gambling policy, after the opposition declined to pay her travel costs.[/i] http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/getup-pays-fare-for-snubbed-pokies-victim-20120201-1qspd.html [b]Abbott must walk the walk[/b] Editorial @AFR [i]Mr Abbott is claiming the high moral ground when it comes to managing the economy. But the Coalition has steadfastly refused to provide any real details of the $70 billion in savings it will need to make to meet the promises it took to the last election, yet alone to build up a large budget surplus as a hedge against any serious downturn in our China luck.[/i] http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/abbott_must_walk_the_walk_fHbUjlOAXdkBDrs33AMq3I [b]Rudd breaks cover as Gillard speaks out[/b] Ross Peake @CanberraTimes [i]Kevin Rudd has sidestepped questions about leadership ambitions while declaring he is a team player. Despite saying he supported the Prime Minister, his first appearance in the Queensland election campaign yesterday partly overshadowed a major speech by Julia Gillard. Ms Gillard used her first speech of the year to hammer the theme that Australia was better off under Labor's ''new economy''[/i] http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/national/national/general/rudd-breaks-cover-as-gillard-speaks-out/2441218.aspx?storypage=0 [b]Kevin Rudd lends a hand to stop Campbell Newman[/b] Natasha Bita @TheAus [i]KEVIN Rudd seemed tickled pink yesterday as Kate Jones, the bubbly Queensland Labor MP battling to stop would-be premier Campbell Newman from seizing her seat, copied his unconventional campaign tactics.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/elections/rudd-lends-a-hand-to-stop-newman/story-fnbsqt8f-1226260035000 [b]PM's hold on job slipping, say backers[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]KEVIN RUDD has hit back at accusations by colleagues he is not a team player as close supporters of Julia Gillard concede her grip on the prime ministership is slipping. One factional boss, who is loyal to Ms Gillard, said yesterday: ''There's been quite a shift over summer'' and ''she's in trouble''.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/pms-hold-on-job-slipping-say-backers-20120201-1qtim.html#ixzz1lAscmTT1 [b]Tony Abbott accused of borrowing lines from Richard Nixon and Barack Obama[/b] Simon Benson @News.com [i]OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has been swept up in his own embarrassing claim of political plagiarism, appearing to have borrowed from speeches of two American Presidents and a US shock jock in his address to the National Press Club on Tuesday. A week after Labor Minister Anthony Albanese was lampooned for plagiarising a fictional Hollywood president, played by Michael Douglas, in his speech to the Press Club, Mr Abbott appeared to have gone a step further and taken liberties with the work of real presidents.[/i] http://www.news.com.au/national/liberal-leader-tony-abbott-accused-of-borrowing-lines-from-speeches-by-us-presidents-richard-nixon-and-barack-obama/story-e6frfkvr-1226260167183 [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]Woman in the wooden mask remains unable to break from type[/b] [i]The recurring mystery of Australian politics is why the first woman Prime Minister in our history, who has shown a quick wit in Parliament, warmth when dealing with the public face-to-face, and boldness in introducing major new policies, still manages to be uninspiring when speaking to the nation. She should also have sympathy for having to deal with the ego of the former prime minister Kevin Rudd - the root cause of his demise - and Rudd's stealth campaign to get his job back, with the aid of a news media obsessed with leadership tensions.[i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/woman-in-the-wooden-mask-remains-unable-to-break-from-type-20120201-1qtac.html#ixzz1lAv1tpgp [b]UN refugee convention is decades out of date[/b] Paul Murray @West Australian [i]One of the nagging problems many - if not most - Australians have with the $1 billion-a-year asylum seeker racket based on clandestine boat trips from Indonesia is knowing the people who arrive are not the world's most needy refugees. They are just the wealthiest. They can afford to fly half way around the world to Jakarta, bribe officials if necessary and pay the people smugglers. When you consider the risks they take, they may also be the most foolhardy.[/i] http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/opinion/post/-/blog/paulmurray/post/2562/comment/1/


2/02/2012 I fear it will not be long now till we will [i]NEED[/i] and rely on blogs like the Political sword, with the Links to other 'needed' blogs. When we have right wing powerful influence taking over. Latest being Rinehart. So it is a pleasure to see it grow stronger here with Lyn's Links and Micks M&Ms. I may NOT have all day to read the informational links . However the reference is there for future reads. And I find this extremely important , of the times which may lay ahead. So, guys , dont burn out and may this only grow stronger for future reference needed . Whilst we watch The MSM being over taken with lazy ( could add more descriptive adjectives :) ) journalism. To Ad and all, keep up the good work ! It is much appreicate more so I feel , in the future ! [i]Now, back to reading[/i].....


2/02/2012Hi Ad Well now Mr Abbott, what has he got to say to this:- [i]Claiming his speech was all his own work, and not the labours of his staff, when asked if he thought it was a good speech, Mr Abbott replied: [b]"Well I wrote it,[/b] so I hope so."[/i] Not exactly, it appears [i]Liberal leader Tony Abbott accused of borrowing lines from speeches by US presidents Richard Nixon and Barack Obama by: Simon Benson National Political Editor From: The Daily Telegraph February 02, 2012 [/i] OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has been swept up in his[b] own embarrassing claim of political plagiarism,[/b] appearing to have borrowed from speeches of two American Presidents and a US shock jock in his address to the National Press Club on Tuesday. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/liberal-leader-tony-abbott-accused-of-borrowing-lines-from-speeches-by-us-presidents-richard-nixon-and-barack-obama/story-e6freuzr-1226260047477 Cheers:):):):)


2/02/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Well for goodness sake, spare the people please:- [i]Kitchen Cabinet: sneak peek, TV Tonight[/i] he has to cook for Annabel Crabb on her upcoming ABC series Kitchen Cabinet he asks friend Amanda Vanstone to take charge. Was it like that in the Howard Government too? That’s what this new series is really all about, chatting to politicians in an informal environment and finding out more about them in unguarded moments. Lots of metaphors in the kitchen too (where are the knives people?). But [b]Pyne has a bash at the BBQ before Crabb [/b]asks him whether he has any friends on the other side of the bench. Kitchen Cabinet will air on ABC2 beginning 9:30pm Wednesday February 22nd. http://www.tvtonight.com.au/2012/02/kitchen-cabinet-sneak-peek.html Chers:):):):)


2/02/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Another black Hole for Mr Abbott, he keeps digging. [i]Dentists find ‘black hole’ in Abbott plan, Emily Parkinson and Fleur Anderson , Financial review[/i] Tony Abbott’s costings for a Medicare-funded oral health scheme are [b]“way off ­target” and it would cost closer to triple the $4 billion a year[/b] if based on the chronic disease dental scheme Mr Abbott introduced when he was health minister. he Gillard government last year tried to close the chronic disease dental scheme, introduced in the last few months of the Howard government in 2007, saying it was a failure because of cost blowouts and allegations of widespread rorting by a small number of dentists. It has said millionaire patients can claim dental treatment worth $4250 every two years because the scheme is not means-tested.[b] The Greens and Coalition op­posed efforts to close the scheme when legislation went before the Senate.[/b] http://www.afr.com/p/national/dentists_find_black_hole_in_abbott_aGqVWHCZ2rKfPLPFw7nrIL :):):)

Ad astra

2/02/2012Hi Lyn As usual, your links are interesting and relevant. Your reference to the Abetz claim of Government interference in the Fair Work Australia inquiry into the Thomson affair, illustrates how bald-faced this man is. For an intimate player in the Grech affair to be accusing the Government of dirty tricks is laughable. But then Abetz’s behaviour has been laughable for a long while. DMW Again your Mix shows up the crass ineptitude or the malignant anti-Gillard, pro-Abbott culture of the MSM, or both. Even those who clearly have doubts about this charlatan, even those who by their writings hint that the man is a fraud, couch their words in a way that gives him pseudo-credibility. Abbott’s speech was archetypical of someone in opposition promising to fix all the problems that infect his mind, but which don’t actually exist, full of clichés – a stronger economy, lower taxes, smaller government but better and expanded services, better productivity, everyone better off, and so on. What politician would not want that? But there was not a word, not one word about how he would achieve that dream. No mention about where the money would come from, only an admission that a surplus budget would be hard to achieve, and that the promises would have to wait until it was an undefined ‘large enough’. As Greg Jericho reminded us, there was nothing new, nothing. The whole speech was empty rhetoric yet some wrote it up in glowing terms. Take Peter Hartcher’s description of Abbott (as Min points out on Café Whispers) as “pro-immigration, pro-environment, pro-manufacturing, pro-social spending, pro-Aborigine, pro-infrastructure, pro-tax cuts and pro-productivity.” It’s another sign of the MSM’s incapacity to recognize fraud, or an unwillingness to call it. How will Abbott ever be placed under scrutiny when this is the standard of journalism we have to endure, and this man is from Fairfax. What will he become if Gina Reinhart gets her way? debbiep We have a battle on our hands countering the negativity to PM Gillard in the MSM, but we have the strength and resilience to continue against the odds. Thank you for your encouragement. Regarding accusations of plagiarism, Abbott will toss that off, as he always does when confronted with anything adverse, and the press will not pursue him, as for example, it did Antony Albanese. Let’s see if it gets a mention in tonight’s news/current affairs programs. Folks I was busy much of yesterday with one daughter and picking up another at the airport, and trying to get something together for next week. I’ll be working on this today and tomorrow, so you won’t see much of me. It’s called “Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats and contemporary politics.”


2/02/2012Talk Turkey, As for the avatar - well it seems to suit me. Y'know computers, reading, humour, research, work, Australiana.... And to others in general in general - might be worth keeping a watching eye on the newest media venture in Australia ("The Global Mail" - http://www.theglobalmail.org) With Monica Attard at the helm & with 5 years of funding by Wotif founder Greme Wood for this 'philanthropically funded journalism' venture, we should be able to see some 'professional' balance. Paul


2/02/2012Debbie I'm with you on the need for TPS links and comments given the abysmal state of our media. Thank you God for the likes of Andrew Elder, Grog, Mr Denmore and several others. I attempted to compile a mental list of fair and balanced MSM commentators and journalists - what a short list that was! I note the leadership hysteria is peaking again. I just heard Julie Bishop on radio claiming it will come in the next two weeks. She stressed it will be before the Qld election. I'm off to the nursing home to sit with my Mum for the day. Thanks for the links Lyn and DMW - I look forward to dipping into them.

D Mick Weir

2/02/2012LoTO takes to the Twitterverse Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Lunch break from shadow cabinet: good discussion about getting govt spending down. That means less borrowing and less pressure on rates. Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Happy to take some questions for the next 15 mins ---- RealCliffordWong @cliffordw80 @TonyAbbottMHR what are ur plans to offset the strong aud in manufacturing ? Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Close @cliffordw80 Not that much we can do about the dollar but we can scrap the carbon tax which is an economic own goal ----- Air Bag @airbagsandtree @TonyAbbottMHR Does the current government or Liberal have a proper nation wide strategy in managing the ups and downs of water resource? Retweeted by Latika Bourke Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR @airbagsandtree The short answer is yes, we do. Part of it is new dams, especially in nthrn Australia and new infrastructure in the MD basin ----- Latika Bourke @latikambourke Has @TonyAbbottMHR answered any questions yet? jon kudelka @jonkudelka Close @latikambourke @TonyAbbottMHR Don't answer that, Tony. ----- Sir Liberal GCMG AK @SirLiberal @TonyAbbottMHR will you introduce a nuclear engineering program at ANU or UNSW in order to promote a nuclear power industry? Terri @Terri168 @SirLiberal @TonyAbbottMHR # About time the GOV did some planning for the futere not just to next ellections Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Close @Terri168 @SirLiberal Yes, at the moment they're all desperately navel-gazing about themselves and Rudd v Gillard ------ David Micallef @saysdavid @TonyAbbottMHR will you support a conscience vote on #gaymarriage ? Retweeted by Latika Bourke Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Close @saysdavid We took a policy to the last election and we don't say one thing before an election and do the opposite afterwards ------ Stephen Koukoulas @TheKouk @TonyAbbottMHR What is your target for govt spending to GDP ratio? Lower than in 2012-13? ------ Glengyron @glengyron @TonyAbbottMHR In a Deathmatch battle between Reagan and Howard, who would win? #auspol Retweeted by Latika Bourke Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Close @glengyron I always go for the Aussie! Fake Paul Keating @FakePaulKeating Me RT @glengyron: @TonyAbbottMHR In a Deathmatch battle between Reagan and Howard, who would win? #auspol ------- Scott @Scott_CCC @TonyAbbottMHR Would you ever change a position if it was in the country's best interests, or is telling a "lie" the worst thing for Aus? ------- Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR Thanks twitterverse. Will try to get to facebook after we finish Shadow Cabinet. Sweary Cat @Swearycat Abbott has taken 11 Qns. 3 of them thanking flattery tweets. 1 a jovial answer re Howard v Reagan death match. Rest: LNP sondbites. Latika Bourke @latikambourke Nothing like RTing Tony Abbott to lose you followers. #AskTone Sweary Cat @Swearycat Now waiting for MSM to do a fluff piece tonight re Abbott "embraced" by twitter... Latika Bourke @latikambourke Some of the questions to him were *Gold* though. #AskTone Mike Stuchbery @mikestuchbery Well, that was disappointing. No questions answered. Stephen Koukoulas @TheKouk @TonyAbbottMHR Thanks of the opportunity to ask questions. I would imagine some answers require more than 140 characters.


2/02/2012Bad Abbott Well, what more do you expect than an empty space for the man who embodies said?

D Mick Weir

2/02/2012Michael @1:45PM [i]Quote:[/i] Well quoted Michael :)

D Mick Weir

2/02/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] [b][i]Reports from during the day[/i][/b] [b]Eight dead as asylum-seeker boat sinks near Malaysia[/b] Lanai Vasek @TheAus [i]ANOTHER asylum-seeker boat with passengers bound for Australia has sunk, with reports eight people are dead and 18 have been rescued. Marine police official N.Kalai Chelvan said the boat was heading to Indonesia's Batam island early yesterday when it sank in choppy waters.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/eight-dead-as-asylum-seeker-boat-sinks-near-malaysia/story-fn59niix-1226260850389 [b]Rudd plotting leadership challenge: Oppn[/b] @SMAge via AAP [i]Coalition frontbenchers have been told to expect Kevin Rudd to challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the Labor leadership before the Queensland state election in March. .... Deputy leader Julie Bishop told shadow cabinet Mr Rudd would soon get his revenge against Ms Gillard. "I expect there will be a challenge to Julia Gillard's leadership in the next few weeks," she said, adding it would be before the Queensland election on March 24.[/i] http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/rudd-plotting-leadership-challenge-oppn-20120202-1quco.html [b]Gillard's hold: Labor MPs nervous, says minister[/b] Jessica Wright & Judith Ireland @SMAge [i]Labor frontbencher Stephen Conroy has confirmed Labor MPs are nervous as senior government ministers rallied for the third day around the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who is reported to be losing her grasp on the leadership. A key factional backer of Ms Gillard was reported by Fairfax Media today as saying the Prime Minister had lost the support of a substantial number of MPs over the parliamentary break.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/gillards-hold--labor-mps-nervous-says-minister-20120202-1qujl.html#ixzz1lCfa11Rn [b]'I've done nothing wrong': Thomson says inquiry taking too long[/b] Jessica Wright @SMAge [i]Labor MP Craig Thomson believes the Fair Work investigation into his own alleged misconduct and misuse of a Health Services Union credit card has dragged on unnecessarily.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/ive-done-nothing-wrong-thomson-says-inquiry-taking-too-long-20120202-1ques.html#ixzz1lCeyGHUO [b]Gillard escape honoured in shoe design[/b] @HeraldSun via AAP [i]SHE'S been dubbed "Gingerella" but the company that made the shoe Prime Minister Julia Gillard lost on Australia Day wants to make sure she's never left barefoot again. Midas Shoes has redesigned its "Glorify" shoe - which Ms Gillard was wearing when she had to be hustled out of a Canberra restaurant surrounded by Aboriginal protesters - to have a strap.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/gillard-escape-honoured-in-shoe-design/story-e6frf7l6-1226260607517 [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]No way out of Labor's dilemma love to hate and an ex-leader caucus hates to love[/b] Phillip Hudson @Herald Sun [i]There is great disappointment and surprise in caucus that Gillard has not been the leader they thought she would be when she was elected unopposed to replace Rudd 19 months ago. She has not shown in public the confidence and skill she had as the can-do deputy. Even those closest to her admit she has to do a better job selling good news, particularly about the economy, which the stuff-ups, bungles and broken promises have been drowning out. Interest rates are much lower than when Howard left, inflation is under control, and economic growth is solid. While jobs have been flat, the unemployment rate is much lower than in Europe and the US.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/no-way-out-of-labors-dilemma-love-to-hate-and-an-ex-leader-caucus-hates-to-love/story-e6frfhqf-1226260031353 [b]Uninspired parties stick to the status quo[/b] Barrie Cassidy @TheDrum [i]Only twice since the Menzies era have the same two leaders of the major parties gone head-to-head at consecutive federal elections. ... So how is it that right now the major parties are on track to put up the same two candidates that failed to flatter in the 2010 election, failed to win a majority in their own right, and have been returning abysmal personal ratings ever since?[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-02/cassidy-parties-stick-to-the-status-quo/3806992 [b][i]... and some long reads from the Monthly...[/i] All About Cory: Cory Bernardi, Conservative Warrior[/b] Sally Neighbour [i]Bernardi has certainly wasted no time in the five years since he was elected a senator for South Australia. He’s played a key role in killing off the former Rudd government’s emissions trading scheme, toppling Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal leader and replacing him with Tony Abbott. He’s “carved a niche as one of Australia’s leading conservative voices”, according to his website. He’s riled Greens, gays, feminists, Muslims and small ‘l’ liberals with his campaigns against action on climate change, gay equality and the burqa. “Cory is deluded,” says a Liberal Party colleague. “He is one of the least effective or important members of the parliamentary team. Cory is a person without any intellect, without any base, and he should really never have risen above the position of branch president. His right-wing macho-man act is just his way of looking as though he stands for something.” [/i] http://www.themonthly.com.au/cory-bernardi-conservative-warrior-all-about-cory-sally-neighbour-4327 [b]Philosophic Emissions: Roger Scruton’s 'Green Philosophy: How to Think Seriously about the Planet'[/b] Peter Singer [i]Climate change is a threat to us all but it poses a particular difficulty for those who, like English philosopher Roger Scruton, are on the political right. Conservatives tend to favour market solutions and oppose expanding the reach of government. If the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of human activity is causing potentially catastrophic global warming, however, then the market is failing to capture the true costs of billions of everyday human transactions, and it seems that disaster can be averted only by granting governments powers to alter virtually every aspect of the way we live, from the cars we drive to the food we eat.[/i] http://www.themonthly.com.au/roger-scruton-s-green-philosophy-how-think-seriously-about-planet-philosophic-emissions-peter-singer [b][i]... and from the sometime you really have too wonder files...[/i] Man sentenced over rocket launcher in shed[/b] @ABCNews [i]A man who put an unregistered rocket launcher on display in his shed has been given a suspended jail sentence, despite calls for tougher sentences for firearms offences.[/i] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-02/rocket-launcher-suspended-sentence-shed/3807510 [i]... No this is [b]NOT[/b] from the NT News[/i] [b]Runaway freshwater crocodile found in backyard[/b] [i]A RUNAWAY croc named Chainsaw has been discovered in a western Sydney backyard. The baby freshwater crocodile was discovered basking in a backyard in Rooty Hill, in Sydney's west, by an astounded resident yesterday evening, the Australian Reptile Park said in a statement today.[/i] http://www.news.com.au/national/runaway-freshwater-crocodile-found-in-sydney-backyard/story-e6frfkvr-1226261103502#ixzz1lCoZugdL


2/02/2012 Hi Everybody For those of you who missed Mr Utegate this morning, what do you know here he is in all his glory on Sky Agenda: Abetz: Interview with Kieran Gilbert, Sky News’ “AM Agenda”, 2 February 2012 AM Agenda, Eric Abetz, interview, Opposition, Sky News http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/abetz-interview-with-kieran-gilbert-sky-news-am-agenda-2-february-2012/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AustralianPoliticsTv+%28Australian+Politics+TV%29 Cheers:):):)


2/02/2012A political strategist I'm not! However I think that for Labor to get "clear air" heading into the new "political year" It would be in the best interest of the party when they meet next week to bring on a vote! if Rudd or anyone else fails to get the "leadership" so be it stand behind the "elected leader". It shuts up the opposition and the media can try and report what the government is doing. I think this needs to be put to bed!


2/02/2012The problem Jason is that it won't be put to bed. If Gillard was "unchallenged" Rudd/someone else" was just biding their time; if Gillard won a challenge "Rudd/someone else" will be licking their wounds and will try again (based on Keating's actions 20 years ago); if Gillard loses a challenge "Rudd/Someone else" won't last because "Gillard/Someone else" will challenge at a *certain point of time* in the future. Denials only bring the "they would say that" response. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Sooner or later if the pressure is kept up, one of the events will occur - and then the media can do the "we told you so" line. In retrospect the ALP is an active Government (and considerably better than the alternative) however it has made a number of tactical mistakes since about 2005. Despite leading the ALP to Government in 2007, Rudd did have form as being like a dictator as Goss' Chief of Staff in the 80's, maybe he wasn't the best choice for LOTO. When he was elected, obviously everyone who had the power to tell him how a Federal Government really did operate (consult certainly but make a decision and stick to it) didn't do so for some reason and finally rolling the PM in a leadership contest was a really lame idea (convincing him to depart using health or something as an excuse would have been much better strategically). It doesn't matter that Abbott is the 3rd LOTO since 2007, the public expects that the Leadership of the Opposition will change. If the reports that Gillard doesn't get along with the media are true, it's far too late to change the media's mood now. About the only hope for Gillard is either Abbott implodes (and the ALP have been hoping for that to happen for a couple of years now) or the ALP/Unions/progressive Think Tank buys advertising to point out the record of the Government - and the crafting of the ads would have to be better than the Unions anti-Workshoices ads prior to the 2007 election for that to work as Abbott has got this far by trashing good policy such as NBN & BER. By the way - this post isn't intended as a trashing of the ALP/Gillard/Rudd or anyone else. It is however a reflection of the thinking of someone that would like to see Gillard get some clear air - but doubts it will happen.


2/02/2012Hi Jason How are you, have you been working hard. I agree, this carry on is overboard isn't it, I said the same as you. Get it sorted otherwise we will all go stark raving mad Combet wants the Gillard, Rudd leadership talk to end , News COM [b]An unnamed factional boss[/b], loyal to Prime Minister Julia Gillard, reportedly says her leadership is in trouble. [b]the source told Fairfax [/b] some Labor MPs were gathering http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/combet-wants-the-gillard-rudd-leadership-talk-to-end/story-e6frfku0-1226260410194 Kevin Rudd plotting leadership challenge, Coalition says , Heral Sun COALITION frontbenchers have been told to expect Kevin Rudd to challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the Labor leadership before the Queensland state election in March. I expect there will be a challenge Senior ministers are publicly attacking http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/kevin-rudd-plotting-leadership-challenge-coalition-says/story-fn7x8me2-1226260639109 Cheers :):):):)


2/02/20122353, Thanks!I agree, I spoke to "Bernard Kean of crikey" today on ABC Adelaide and asked if the member for "Moreton" Graham Perrett had rescinded his threat to "quit" if there was another leadership spill. He said no he had not and he wasn't the only one that would do it. Rudd belongs to no faction so where the support is comming from I don't know,but Labor needs to get clear air and a "circut breaker" of some sort is needed! not only for them but for everyone else! unless you're a miner or a "pokie barron" that has deep pockets, what hope has anyone else got to try and bring up "other" worthy causes that need government attention? I say none and say a pox on everyone Labor, The coalition and the media" this isn't "reality tv show" and it's about time it was treated as it should be.


2/02/2012Sorry I haven't posted today Folks, things come in 3's eh. First my computer got the won't-works [can anyone tell me how serious it is if I get an hdd/ssd alert and it says back up your files as er, wtte, the system is expected to fail??? Scary sound, and something to do with Toshiba it sort of seemed, I'd appreciate any info., but KISP.] Anyway we have backed 'em up, (I think they're already backed up like Idi Amin's famous flatus, but they don't mean like that), and if I have to get a new computer, well I bloody will too. But I didn't have a computer until well into the arvo. [BTW A teacher lives next door to me, he came home a week ago from his SA [i]State[/i] school with a brand new Apple Air computer, presented to him at the school, I said [i]Wow what did you do so special to get that?[/i], he said [i]Oh all the teachers got one![/i] :) Bet they hate that!] Second thing, I ring my friend 'Pino, little dynamo manufacturer bloke he is, (and with whom I hope to help create and produce some wondrous Kangaroo-and-Australia paving tiles the like of what you never saw) to tell him I've done my drawings for it, to find he's just been in hospital with kidney stones, I know to be excruciating as well as potentially life-threatening . . . He's out again but not well, dear oh dear. Get well soon Cobber. But you know the thing that really hit me was like this: [Background: My friend J**** live in a set of units, she owns No.2. A young yuppy couple, (he's a sparky, she works whitecollar for the Council), has recently started renting No1, been there 6 weeks, so far they've complained about J****'s TV too loud (maybe), gas leaking from the public footpath outside (true), birds crapping on their cars, and the rats which are not in evidence anyway. I told them, look any rats here are only fruit rats, they live outside, they can't get into our rooves here, not plague carriers, relax, no worse than starlings or spoggies or Senegal turtledoves.] They looked unconvinced. Anyway this morning I'm doing the dishes at J****'s place and I hear this intermittent rattling, quite loud, I look out the back, nothing, it happens three or four times over 20 minutes. Eventually I went out and waited, then I heard it again, looked over the yupppies' fence, [i][b]Oh NO![/b][/i] There was our very favourite friendly local bird, just a little unassuming native Murray Magpie, on the ground, its beak broken and bloody and clamped in a #*king plastic rat trap! I had to kill it, its beak was completely broken, poor little thing. Dog I'm savage about that. I was near tears (again) thinking especially of his poor mate . . . They were always together, they mate for life, he calls Pee-[i]Wit[/i] she goes [i]Phwheeeeep![/i]It sounds like one bird callling but it's two. Things like that make me really sad, really depressed. So I went to bed for several hours. Depression gets me like that. The bird is still dead though when I woke up. I know I'm soft but we did so like that bird, it was so unfair, bloody stupid people leaving rat traps where innocent birds can get caught and it wouldn't be a bloody starling or a feral dove, it had to be Murray. aNot that I don't feel pity, yeah love for even the lowliest of creatures, fruit rats and feral doves included. I'd shoot a cat on sight but I'd never deliberately cause it pain and not rejoice in killing it, cats have no reciprocal agreement with wildlife though. Cane toads, feral pigs, alla same longa them too. Later on I'll send a pome, no actually I think it's a poem, that I writ once to that effect. Greetings to all posters and lovers of Dog. But I'll lighten up now with an article I received from my friend Professor Paul scott, who sends lots of people lots of lovely fun posts. He is so clewy with graphics and pure mathematics and playing brass instruments and stull you wouldn't believe, you can bet he is across the technology, wish I were. Note that Tweetie gets a special mention in person! [u]Should I Really Join Facebook? (Priceless)[/u] Read it all the way through! It's a good laugh and really quite true! A good laugh for people in the over 60 group ! When I bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, 13 grandkids and 2 great grand kids could communicate with me in the modern way. I figured I could handle something as simple as Twitter with only 140 characters of space. That was before one of my grandkids hooked me up for Tweeter, Tweetree, Twhirl, Twitterfon, Tweetie and Twittererific Tweetdeck, Twitpix and something that sends every message to my cell phone and every other program within the texting world. My phone was beeping every three minutes with the details of everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation. I am not ready to live like this. I keep my cell phone in the garage in my golf bag. The kids bought me a GPS for my last birthday because they say I get lost every now and then going over to the grocery store or library. I keep that in a box under my tool bench with the Blue tooth [it's red] phone I am supposed to use when I drive. I wore it once and was standing in line at Barnes and Noble talking to my wife and everyone in the nearest 50 yards was glaring at me. I had to take my hearing aid out to use it, and I got a little loud. I mean the GPS looked pretty smart on my dash board, but the lady inside that gadget was the most annoying, rudest person I had run into in a long time.Every 10 minutes, she would sarcastically say, "Re-calc-u-lating." You would think that she could be nicer. It was like she could barely tolerate me. She would let go with a deep sigh and then tell me to make a U-turn at the next light. Then if I made a right turn instead.Well, it was not a good relationship.. When I get really lost now, I call my wife and tell her the name of the cross streets and while she is starting to develop the same tone as Gypsy, the GPS lady, at least she loves me. To be perfectly frank, I am still trying to learn how to use the cordless phones in our house. We have had them for 4 years, but I still haven't figured out how I can lose three phones all at once and have to run around digging under chair cushions and checking bathrooms and the dirty laundry baskets when the phone rings. The world is just getting too complex for me. They even mess me up every time I go to the grocery store. You would think they could settle on something themselves but this sudden "Paper or Plastic?" every time I check out just knocks me for a loop. I bought some of those cloth reusable bags to avoid looking confused, but I never remember to take them in with me. Now I toss it back to them. When they ask me, "Paper or Plastic?" I just say, "Doesn't matter to me. I am bi-sacksual." Then it's their turn to stare at me with a blank look. I was recently asked if I tweet. I answered, “No, but I do toot a lot." P.S. I know some of you are not over 60. I sent it to you to allow you to forward it to those who are. Us senior citizens don't need any more gadgets. The TV remote and the garage door remote are about all we can handle. ________________________________________ Thanks Philip ... Thanks Paul ________________________________________ [u]Everyone needs encouragement[/u]! Prof Paul and Margaret Scott NB This motto is on all Paul's posts. Ain't it the truth! TT ] Oh. Politics, yes. I'm with Jason. Let's have a spill in time! Jason just rang! (since I wrote the word [i]time![/i]) I'm on the phone to him as I speak! What do yous think? There are other matters concerning the exercise of power on which Jason Obelix and I are at variance btw. I say we [i]must[/i] hold on to power with every fibre and breath. I'm getting an argument about that. Again, what do yous think?


2/02/2012TT/Jason Yeah, I agree. Julia needs to say "enough is enough - bring it on boys". I've had an absolute gut full and if I feel like this I cannot begin to imagine how the PM must be feeling. It's absolute rubbish that unnamed sources quoted by the MSM and the Coalition can do so much damage to a functional, democratically elected government. This is soo-o-o frustrating.


2/02/2012paul, Thank you for your incomplete answer! I burn with desire to know the nature, purpose and isness of the pointy object apparently in the right hand of the studious-looking bespectacled Kangaroo with the lab coat and folder and a lap top displaying a 5-pointed star and something inwisable . . . What is that [i]Thing?[/i] Now, re the Global Mail, I knew this was coming but what a venture! How rich is Graeme Wood? He's funding it entirely, these journos - Dog let them be worthy! are flying around the world etc all at his expense! Is he BTW the bloke who funded he Greens, the biggest single funding by anybody to any party at last election? Monica Attard is one of the best, and one of the Few.


2/02/2012With the endless "leadership speculation" Qantas announced it's charges for the "carbon tax" To cover Australia's carbon pricing system, from July 1 Qantas passengers will have to pay from $1.82 to $6.86 depending on the flight distance Jetstar will charge a flat rate of $10 to cover both fuel and carbon pricing costs. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-02/qantas-carbon-tax/3807758 or here http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20120202/pdf/4244cc5vj8v185.pdf Sorry you pricks in the media where were the comments from Hunt and Abbott?

Patricia WA

3/02/2012TT, I'm so sorry about Murray. I can imagine how you felt as you put him out of his pain, and how sad you feel about his mate.


3/02/2012Ye Gods,Shanahan now tells us! Kevin Rudd may challenge Julia Gillard before Queensland state poll Dennis blow wind up my arse and I MAY walk on the moon! So this from behind the paywall A CHALLENGE from Kevin Rudd to Julia Gillard as prime minister is now possible within the next eight weeks as despair grows within government ranks. As Labor MPs prepare to attend a prime ministerial "ideas session" at The Lodge in Canberra on Sunday night ahead of the resumption of parliament on Tuesday, there is a view there could be a challenge to the Prime Minister before the Queensland election on March 24. Before last week's involvement of the Prime Minister's office in the Australia Day debacle near the Aboriginal tent embassy, there was an understanding among Labor MPs that the leadership would not come to a head until at least April or May. Labor MPs had said Mr Rudd's involvement in the election in his home state of Queensland meant there was an effective truce on the federal leadership to avoid causing problems for the state Labor campaign Now Labor MPs and supporters of the Foreign Minister are suggesting there could be a tilt at the leadership within the next five federal parliamentary sitting weeks, during the extended Queensland election campaign, which Labor Premier Anna Bligh is expected to lose. While Ms Gillard's supporters reject the possibility of a leadership challenge and believe the latest change in deadline is a tactic to frighten the Prime Minister, some Labor MPs say it is possible. "The odds are there won't be anything until after March 24 but it is still possible something could happen before then to cause a leadership spill," one Labor MP told The Australian yesterday. "There are three scenarios: there could be an overwhelming movement next week when we all get back to parliament; the Prime Minister could call for a ballot; or the mood of hysteria could build (to) where another mistake could spark a challenge." Speculation about the leadership has gone into overdrive within the ALP since former party leader Simon Crean attacked Mr Rudd this week for not being a "team player" and being a "prima donna" who could not become prime minister again. Mr Rudd refused to criticise Mr Crean for his comments but the public division has led Labor MPs to the view there will be a leadership contest and it will be between only Mr Rudd and Ms Gillard. The Rudd camp has now increased the pressure on the Prime Minister by suggesting the possible timetable for a challenge has come forward from March 24 to any time during the resumption of parliament. Yesterday, Tony Abbott continued his campaign against the government over allegations of the misuse of a credit card by NSW central coast MP and former union official Craig Thomson, and accused Fair Work Australia of delaying investigating the allegations. The Opposition Leader said the Coalition would pursue the government next week in parliament over the allegations and investigations into Mr Thomson's behaviour. Earlier, Liberal Party Deputy Leader Julie Bishop told a meeting of the opposition frontbench the government was a dysfunctional rabble. "I expect there will be a challenge to Julia Gillard's leadership in the next few weeks," she said, adding it would be before the Queensland election on March 24. "Senior ministers are publicly attacking each other and Kevin Rudd is more likely to attend one of our meetings than Julia Gillard's." Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan continued to back his leader yesterday, citing her determination to help rebuild Queensland after last year's natural disasters as evidence of her "guts and determination". "She's got strong support because she's a really strong leader," Mr Swan, a Queenslander, said in Tully in the north of the state. "She's demonstrated that time and time again. We've got a terrific team and we all work well together." Mr Swan insisted Mr Rudd was doing a good job. But Industry Minister Greg Combet expressed frustration over the instability. "I must say I lose patience with people who are talking to journalists and there's no name attached to it and you wonder who on earth it was," he told ABC radio. "We've got a huge job to do, and I focus on my job and I think all of my colleagues do their best to focus on theirs." http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/kevin-rudd-may-challenge-julia-gillard-before-queensland-state-poll/story-fn59niix-1226261322265

Patricia WA

3/02/2012Jason, I'm surprised that you are so concerned about these 'leadership challenges' which anyone who knows the inner workings of the Labor Party will tell you are pure fiction. They are thrown up by the Opposition and by News Ltd. to keep up the impression of a government in disarray. It's a good government, held together by a brilliant leader, doing a solid job, no matter what News Ltd. and other MSM say and do to destabilise them. There may be a few weak players in the team who get spooked by the polls and by the so called leaks about challenges to the leadership but no one seriously supports the idea of a Rudd comeback. Even if by some freakish turn of events or miracle he were restored as PM the media would be after him again as ferociously as they were before his fall from power. He's in favor with them again now only because he's a useful weapon with which to attack Julia Gillard, who as Lindsay Fox said on 7.30 yesterday, is making a very good fist of the hardest job in the country. I even think that if Gillard thought her successor would be given the clear air you speak of she would find some way to achieve an effective and credible transition to a new leader like Combet or Shorten. But the forces which support the Right and a return to Coalition rule are so massive and the determination to destroy the Left (i.e. the ALP, the Unions and the Greeens with them) so ruthless, that pressing on and holding firm is the only possible course right now. That Julia Gillard has managed to hold this government together so well this far suggests she'll get them through.


3/02/2012 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Repealing a tax will ‘save’ $4b? Er, no, Tony Abbott, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] The funny thing is, Abbott continues to call the carbon pricing package a tax but in the same sentence says that repealing it would save the government money — unlike any other tax in history. http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/02/02/repealing-a-tax-will-save-4b-er-no-tony-abbott/ [i]Have the dark arts of spin outflanked the fourth estate?, Tim Dunlop, Unleashed[/i] In an environment where the media routinely call Julia Gillard's ascension to the prime ministership a 'coup', where Kevin Rudd is said to have been 'assassinated', and Gillard is accused of having http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3805332.html [i]Greens meet Libs on donations hypocrisy, Paul Barry, The Power Index[/i] So whatever happened to the Liberals' resolve to take no more Palmer handouts? Two years ago, in February 2010, the Liberals' Senator Michael Ronaldson, then shadow special minister of state, was asked a http://www.thepowerindex.com.au/power-move/money-palmer/20120202979 [i]Judging Australia's worst prime minister, Norman Abjorensen, ABC Unleashed[/i] McMahon: distrusted, lacked gravitas; Whitlam: questionable judgment; Fraser: imperious and overbearing; Hawke: vain; Keating: unable to sell his ideas; Howard: pandering; and Rudd: timid.It is too early to make even a preliminary judgment on Gillard, http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/3805180.html [i]What Tony Abbott promises if you make him Prime Minister of Australia, Clarence Girl, North Coast Voices[/i] Abbott ended this strange but predictable ramble with: People should be in public life for the right reasons. Mine are to serve our country, to stand up for the things I believe in, to do the right http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/what-tony-abbott-promises-if-you-make.html [i]There’s something visceral about the way we women respond to Tony Abbott., Tracy Spicer, Hoopla[/i] This is nothing more than “pinkwashing”. His inability yesterday to commit to a National Disability Insurers Scheme says the same.Women are the carers in this country, can’t he feel our frustration, pain http://thehoopla.com.au/trouble-tony/?cpg=2 [i]The Great Big New Economic and Market Quiz, Stephen Koukoulas[/i] In relation to question 6, in how many years was the tax to GDP ratio below 21.0% when the Coalition was in government? In how many years was the tax to GDP ratio below 21.0% when Labor was in gov. http://stephenkoukoulas.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/great-big-new-economic-and-market-quiz.html [i]It's more than lazy journalism , Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] The media are political players with their own agenda and they are spinning just like the politicians. They both spin together and the spin of both often reinforces each other--as exemplified by the http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2012/02/its-more-than-l.php#more [i]IN PLAIN SIGHT Andrew Wilkie’s crew dresses to the leftVexNews[/i] Those Liberals thinking they’d win over leftist independent and pokies errorist Andrew Wilkie to the Coalition’s cause any time soon should probably note the presence of a young lad Django Merope-Synge on his staff. http://www.vexnews.com/2012/02/in-plain-sight-andrew-wilkies-crew-dresses-to-the-left/ [i]No place for jingoism in Woolies' sell-off of Dick Smith, Andre Sammartino, The Conversation[/i] Entrepreneur Dick Smith has been very vocal in the past few days about the prospect of his namesake retail business falling into “foreign hands”. Despite him selling the electronics chain to http://theconversation.edu.au/no-place-for-jingoism-in-woolies-sell-off-of-dick-smith-5138 [i]A Wealthy Amateur Who Wants Respect, Ben Eltham, New Matilda[/i] Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and she is fast catching up on Bill Gates, who is in the process of giving away most of his fortune via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We are approaching the time http://newmatilda.com/2012/02/02/wealthy-amateur-who-wants-respect [i]Mayne: now’s not the time for Rinehart to be be saying ‘look at me’, Stephen Mayne, Crikey[/i] Gina Rinehart has created an avalanche of commentary with her high-profile raid on Fairfax Media. We’ve had everything from Paul Barry saying she will almost certainly score a board seat to Michael West s http://www.crikey.com.au/2012/02/02/mayne-now-is-not-the-time-for-gina-rinehart-to-be-be-saying-look-at-me/ [i]Gina Rinehart and herinfluence on Australian media,Antinuclear[/i] Last year Rinehart was named by Forbes magazine Australia’s richest person. She is reported to hold more than $20 billion in assets. Citigroup estimates she is on track to become the richest person in the world. http://antinuclear.net/2012/02/02/gina-rinehart-and-her-influence-on-australian-media/ [i]Rinehart’s media ambitions: bad news for coverage of climate change, Mary Debrett, The Conversation[/i] (with 10% of the company shareholding) reputedly aided the launch of the TV career of tabloid warrior/columnist, Andrew Bolt, providing a soap box for right wing commentary and coalition politicians. http://theconversation.edu.au/rineharts-media-ambitions-bad-news-for-coverage-of-climate-change-5124 [i]No hidden danger lurking in the Fair Work decision, Sally McManus, The Punch[/i] They are highly skilled, and many have university degrees and it beggars belief that many are paid a miserly $45,000 a year on average - less than someone who works stacking shelves at the local v http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/no-hidden-danger-lurking-in-the-fair-work-decision/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter [i]NBN BUZZ: Abbott's faulty kill switch, Supratim Adhikari, Technology Spectator,[/i] A future coalition government could easily use the existing framework of the NBN to gain political mileage but the emphasis will need to shift from how much money it’s going cost to the benefits its going deliver. I suspect that elements within the coalition understand this but Abbott’s clearly not one of them. http://technologyspectator.com.au/nbn-buzz/nbn-buzz-abbotts-faulty-kill-switch [b]VIDEO’S[/b] [i]THE BEAST FILE: GINA RINEHART, Video[/i] Lang died in 1992. Rinehart spent 14 years brawling with her step-mother, the remarried Rose Porteous, over the estate. Lang’s body was cremated, but with Gina hoping tests would eventually prove Rose killed him, his heart, kidneys and liver were locked up in Perth mortuary where they remain to this day. The coroner found he died of natural causes http://hungrybeast.abc.net.au/stories/beast-file-gina-rinehart [i]Channel 7: Thomson maintains his innocence, Australian Politics [/i]TV http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/channel-7-thomson-maintains-his-innocence/ [i]Abetz: Interview with Kieran Gilbert, Sky News’ “AM Agenda”, 2 February 2012[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/abetz-interview-with-kieran-gilbert-sky-news-am-agenda-2-february-2012/?utm [i]CHANNELTEN: Playing politics ALP, Channel 10, state opposition, Victoria[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/ten-playing-politics/ [i]ABC: Commentators react to Prime Minister’s economic plans for Australia[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/abc-commentators-react-to-prime-ministers-economic-plans-for-australia/ [i]TEN: Not the ticket[/i] this clip is about the Lord Mayor of Melbourne backing away from plans that would parking inspectors being disallowed from helping people. It seems that people are none too happy about the proposed guidelines including the parking inspectors. http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/ten-not-the-ticket/ [i]ABC: Bill Shorten Workplace Relations Minister discusses economic plan and HSU inquiry[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/abc-workplace-relations-minister-discusses-economic-plan-and-hsu-inquiry/ [i]Sky News, Paul Murray, on Simon Crean & Kevin Rudd[/i] http://australianpoliticstv.org/2012/02/02/sky-news-paul-murray-live-2/ :):):):):):)

Ad astra

3/02/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


3/02/2012 Hi Ad Here is another opinion on Abbott's speech to the NPC, Jeremy Sear comparing Andrew Elders article to the MSM reporting, if only MSM reporters would report like Andrew Elder and our other bloggers. [i]Andrew Elder on Tony Abbott and the National Pikers’ Club, Jeremy Sear Pure Poison[/i] Seriously, it’s ridiculous that an entire Press Gallery can be so incompetent as to be unable to call Tony Abbott on his utterly fatuous “cutting tax will SAVE $4 billion and I haven’t got the faintest idea how economics works!” speech this week. So here’s another eloquent debunking, this time from Andrew Elder: And he proceeds to actually call Abbott on the fudging, misrepresenting and outright stupidity of the claims, promises, and vague wishes that made up that speech. Imagine if we had journalists who did that. Instead we had, as Elder summarises: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2012/02/02/elsewhere-andrew-elder-on-tony-abbott-and-the-national-pikers-club/


3/02/2012Catey said BSA Bob I agree that the media has reached the point of no return with their support for Abbott. Therefore, the links to alternative points of view and comments on this site become increasingly important. I think that little paragraph is [i]awe[/i]ful. Come Swordsfolks! To your Swords!


3/02/2012~ [i]"the media has reached the point of no return with their support for Abbott." ~[/i] I am worried that maybe we haven't. Maybe there is even MORE to come. Anyone see Lateline last night. And the interview with Clive Palmer?


3/02/2012Hi DebbieP I was just looking for a link when you posted. Worry [i]Clive Palmer talks to Lateline Updated February 03, 2012 00:58:00 [/i] Queensland mining magnate Clive Palmer talks to Lateline about politics and political donations, media diversity and integrity and billion-dollar lawsuits. Tony Jones http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-02/clive-palmer-talks-to-lateline/3808642?section=qld Cheers:):):):):):)


3/02/2012Lyn's~Links today remind me of Rat's luncheon-basket. The last bit of the the quote I just couldn't bear to delete, btw I just found out that Kenneth Grahame, author of Wind in the Willows, was Governor of the Bank of England before retiring to write this most beautiful of children's books for all ages. Thanks www! 'Hold hard a minute, then!' said the Rat. He looped the painter through a ring in his landing-stage, climbed up into his hole above, and after a short interval reappeared staggering under a fat, wicker luncheon-basket. 'Shove that under your feet,' he observed to the Mole, as he passed it down into the boat. Then he untied the painter and took the sculls again. 'What's inside it?' asked the Mole, wriggling with curiosity. 'There's cold chicken inside it,' replied the Rat briefly; 'coldtonguecoldhamcoldbeefpickledgherkinssaladfrenchrollscresssandwichespottedmeatgingerbeerlemonadesodawater----' 'O stop, stop,' cried the Mole in ecstasies: 'This is too much!' 'Do you really think so?' enquired the Rat seriously. 'It's only what I always take on these little excursions; and the other animals are always telling me that I'm a mean beast and cut it VERY fine!' The Mole never heard a word he was saying. Absorbed in the new life he was entering upon, intoxicated with the sparkle, the ripple, the scents and the sounds and the sunlight, he trailed a paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams. The Water Rat, like the good little fellow he was, sculled steadily on and forebore to disturb him. [Well the internet can seem like that too, it has its own magic . . . especially with such a picnic-basket each morning . . . ] Thanks Patricia WA, yes.


3/02/2012Hi Ad and Everybody And this person doesn't want to pay tax. Wonder do they think of the starving and homeless. Bill Gates cares. [i]Daughters beg Gina Rinehart for cash , Herald Sun[/i] "I don't think you understand what it means now that the whole world thinks you're going to be wealthier than Bill Gates. It means we all need bodyguards and very safe homes," Hope wrote. "I should have enough money to have a bodyguard, housekeeper and cook. [b]Even my friends who have nothing compared to your wealth have more staff.[/b] In another email Hope sent Mrs Rinehart a birthday wish list which included a "cook so you can be sure (her daughter) April is fed right, bodyguard so the kids are safe and a housekeeper that is good (with) kids so if I need to go out I can." "I would buy them myself but I'm down to my last $60,000 and you're only paying my husband $1 a year," she wrote. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/daughters-beg-gina-rinehart-for-cash/story-fn7x8me2-1226261339610


3/02/2012Catey & Talk Turkey Thanks for the mentions. If I had a dollar for every time I've said something like "That's it, I give up, the media can't get any worse & the noalition can't get any lower & there's no point taking any of it seriously" I could at least buy myself a decent hangover. But the uncritical idolisation of Abbott's recent speech, I reckon, is some sort of a new low because we see, perhaps for the first time? the institutionalisation of the media agenda.That a speech so easily ripped apart by other commentators should receive the fawning reception it did makes one lose hope. P.S. viewers of the ABC coverage would've seen one of their reporters' (Mark Simpkin?) questions turned into a joke about Labor by Abbott to accompanying laughter. My memory of it is that the reporter looked a bit abashed, probably a bit confused & upset that his question had been hijacked & he'd been ridiculed in front of his peers? The ABC cheerfully played that in its prime time news. Is this what's known as taking one for the team? P.P.S. I've rattled on before about how a media that creates a picture of a country in strife in order to get Abbott in will be able to create one of a country going great guns in order to keep him there. Best wishes with yer ma Catey, been down a similar road.


3/02/2012TT - Graeme Wood started up Wotif and is obviously worth a bob or two. He is also rather outspoken on "Green" issues and seems to be developing a reputation for using his wealth to support his ideals. The online media outlet is something he certainly knows how to do well,


3/02/2012 Hi Talk Turkey I am very sad to hear about your poor little maggpie Murray. Wind in The Willows, we have tried to get every child we come across to read it, bought the book for birthday presents for years. I love the Facebook story from your friend Professor Paul scott very typical of what is happening to people including me with my Grandchildren.. It was Joey my little Grandson who joined me up he is just 14 years old. [i]Lyn's~Links today remind me of Rat's luncheon-basket[/i] See I told you a rat's luncheon basket is important because that's what the journalist are a rat's luncheon basket, our bloggers are exposing them left right and centre. Pleasing to see Andrew Leigh out and about especially on Sky News Agenda. [i]Andrew Leigh's Blog VIDEO of Agenda[/i] Federal Member for FraserI appeared yesterday on Sky AM Agenda with host Kieran Gilbert and Liberal MP Kelly O’Dwyer. Our discussion focused on the strong Australian economy (inflation, interest rates, and income taxes are all lower than when Labor came to office in 2007), and the Gillard Government’s commitment to equal pay. http://www.andrewleigh.com/blog/?p=2143 Cheers:):):)


3/02/2012[i][b]From the Newspapers ...[/b] via Front Pages Today (FPT)[/i] http://goo.gl/enTjx [b]The Australian[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/3bnTO [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8euga3 Wivenhoe Dam report 'a fiction', Fair Work Turn Off & Yes The Rudd Run Again [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/1kOHj [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufef Deadliest cancers lose funding race [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/JXc7d [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufry Poor Little Rich Girl [b]The Age[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/j6tKW [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eug0j Job cuts gloom & Illegal Dog Abbotoir [b]The Herald Sun[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/0wNCf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufpm Time to Stop Smacking (Kids that is not pollies) [b]The Courier Mail[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7NTLf [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufmv We've Been Duped, a flood of emotions over dam enquiry [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/ApkdY [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufxz Ring The Alarm - Murray Still in Grave Danger [b]The NT Times[/b] - [i]via FPT[/i] - http://goo.gl/7f7VB [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eug73 CROC vs CROC vs CROC [b]The West Australian[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufca Don't Let it Happen Again - Anniversary of Perth Fires [b]The Hobart Mercury[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8eufue Too cold for Crocs - A BIG Fish instead [b]The Canberra Times[/b] [i]via @jamesmassola[/i] http://twitpic.com/8euhwg Elite Police to form Super Group I eagerly await the release of their first hit record :) [b][i]... and the stories ...[/i][/b] [b]Tip-off leads to trio of young Thai women who were 'held as sex slaves'[/b] Rachel Olding @SMAge [i]A TIP-OFF to the Salvation Army uncovered their ''abhorrent situation''. Three young women, allegedly lured to Australia from Thailand on the promise of student visas, had been allegedly held against their will to work as sex slaves in a Sydney brothel.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/tipoff-leads-to-trio-of-young-thai-women-who-were-held-as-sex-slaves-20120202-1qvnu.html#ixzz1lGLctfh6 [b]Desperate Labor MPs turning against Gillard[/b] Laura Tingle @AFR (Free) [i]The tide has turned with a sharp but silent menace against Julia Gillard. The best sign that her leadership is in deep trouble before Parliament meets next week is that her colleagues have spent much of recent days not propping her up but working to shape the debate on who should replace her. The previous arguments against leadership change – that Labor simply couldn’t afford to do so again – are no longer mentioned.[/i] http://www.afr.com/p/national/desperate_labor_mps_turning_against_6WlIZxAGKfSHAXWLoI9nzL [b]Wivenhoe Dam report 'a fiction' as engineer grilled[/b] Jared Owens @The Aus [i]WIVENHOE Dam engineers have been accused of concocting a fictitious and self-interested report of their conduct in the lead-up to last year's flooding of Brisbane, as it emerged that the document was written with the assistance of a top public relations firm.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/elections/wivenhoe-dam-report-a-fiction-as-engineer-grilled/story-fnbsqt8f-1226261325044 [b]Health union allegations turn a brawl into open warfare[/b] Kate Mcclymont, Phillip Coorey @SMH [i]THE bitter brawl within the Health Services Union has escalated with Michael Lawler, the vice-president of Fair Work Australia and partner of the union whistleblower Kathy Jackson, asking police to investigate whether officials attempted to pervert the course of justice or were ''accessories after the fact to criminal offences committed by Michael Williamson''.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/health-union-allegations-turn-a-brawl-into-open-warfare-20120202-1qvov.html#ixzz1lGp4SLu1 [b]States slow on reform agenda: report[/b] Colin Brinsden, AAP Economics Correspondent @SMAge [i]The effectiveness of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) will be put to the test over this year as it tries to drive reforms to make the national economy more seamless.[/i] http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-national/states-slow-on-reform-agenda-report-20120203-1qvxo.html [b]Queensland flood inquiry behind on first day of new hearings[/b] Mark Solomons & Sarah Vogler @The Courier-Mail [i]PREMIER Anna Bligh said last night she had no reason to expect that the flood inquiry would again fail to complete its work in the allotted time, despite already falling behind on the first day of the new hearings.[/i] http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/queensland-flood-inquiry-behind-on-first-day-of-new-hearings/story-e6freoof-1226261286452 [b]Alarm bells for a River Murray still in grave danger[/b] Clare Peddie & Daniel Wills @The Advertiser [i]AUSTRALIA'S leading environmental groups warned yesterday that a ''once in a century'' change to save the River Murray is at risk if politicians did not work together to secure reform. The reform coalition will take over billboards in the seats of Liberal powerbroker Christopher Pyne and emerging Labor minister Kate Ellis to warn there is "no future on a dead river".[/i] http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/alarm-bells-for-a-river-murray-still-in-grave-danger/story-e6frea6u-1226261319857 [b]Government under pressure as eight more drown[/b] Patrick Lion @The Daily Telegraph [i]THE federal government is facing renewed pressure over asylum seekers after two mid-ocean boat disasters in which at least eight people drowned.[/i] http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/government-under-pressure-as-eight-more-drown/story-e6freuzr-1226261314773 [b]Bowen restates policy as boat bodies found[/b] Kirsty Needham @SMAge [i]THE Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, said he was saddened by yet another boat tragedy involving asylum seekers heading to Australia, with yesterday's incident in Malaysia highlighting the need to reinstate the government's refugee swap.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/bowen-restates-policy-as-boat-bodies-found-20120202-1qvon.html#ixzz1lGuB32qU [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]Abbott’s small government, big interventions[/b] Canberra Observed Laura Tingle @AFR (Free) [i]What sort of government does he (Mr Abbott) offer? It would be hard to judge this from the speech he gave at the National Press Club on Tuesday, despite all its reassurances that he had a plan for a stronger economy and a stronger Australia. The speech was redolent with references to small government. There would be tax cuts. There would be spending cuts. But not just that, there would be huge new spending commitments at some point in the undefined future on the national disability insurance scheme and bringing dentistry into the Medicare net.[/i] http://afr.com/p/opinion/abbott_small_government_big_interventions_4BZV0zhQye1cc2X4Rk5CeL [b]We'll have to learn to love this dollar[/b] Jessica Irvine @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]Were the title of Julia Gillard's speech on the economy this week to have been plagiarised from an American film - as so many political speeches are these days - it would have to be ''How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Dollar''. As it was, the spin doctors opted for ''Building a New Australian Economy Together'' (going forward, of course).[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/well-have-to-learn-to-love-this-dollar-20120202-1qvil.html#ixzz1lGteUycZ [b]Payouts simply shore up this socialist Government[/b] Jeff Kennett @Herald Sun [i]HAVE you noticed that every time a new policy gets announced, it is accompanied by a generous payment of taxpayers' money to those who might be affected by the change? In other words, the policy cannot be introduced on its own for fear of electoral backlash. If politicians don't believe in the principle of the change they impose on the community, why introduce the change in the first place?[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/payouts-simply-shore-up-this-socialist-government/story-e6frfhqf-1226261289648 [b]Abbott has painted himself into several corners[/b] Lenore Taylor @SMAge/NationalTimes [i]THE fight over the car industry shows exactly why Tony Abbott doesn't want to explain where he will make his budget cuts. Under pressure last January to show how he would pay for natural disaster recovery without a flood levy, he included a $500 million cut from the assistance the car makers had factored into their operations over the next three years.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/abbott-has-painted-himself-into-several-corners-20120202-1qvok.html#ixzz1lGsXE8SF [b]Kenny: Why Gillard's days are numbered[/b] Mark Kenny @TheAdvertiser [i]TYPICALLY, looming leadership contests have that nagging chicken-or-egg character about them. They usually involve a period of intense public speculation with MPs and other insiders anonymously cited as favouring this or that option. It is a process which can leave voters unsure of the forces driving the crisis forward, with most suspicious of motives, if only because change, division, and conflict, make great news copy.[/i] http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/ipad/kenny-why-gillards-days-are-numbered/story-fn6br25t-1226261242707 [b]Media mining by Gina is one of the fair facts of democracy[/b] Jeff Kennett @Herald Sun [i]GINA Rinehart has the faint-hearted squirming. She has reportedly purchased up to 13 per cent of the shares in publisher Fairfax. Who's protesting most? The media - and some journalists around town who operate in, and from, a privileged position.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/media-mining-by-gina-is-one-of-the-fair-facts-of-democracy/story-e6frfhqf-1226261289501 [b]Fighting fact-free journalism: a how-to guide[/b] Ulrich Ecker @TheConversation [i]A growing cohort of commentators has bemoaned the descent of contemporary political “debate” into a largely fact-free zone. People used to be entitled to their own opinions, but not their own set of facts. In the contemporary spectacle that passes for politics, it appears as though politicians are also entitled to make up their own facts at will. There are small but encouraging signs that this era of post-fact politics might be coming to an end.[/i] http://theconversation.edu.au/fighting-fact-free-journalism-a-how-to-guide-5125


3/02/2012BSA Bob, Catey Have a look at the article in the last link from today's froom the papers: Fighting fact-free journalism: a how-to guide


3/02/2012I said I'd post a poem I wrote a long time ago, here 'tis, I had to retype it, more tears, true. It was particularly addressed to my partner J****, who also shared yesterday's unhappy bird experience. Soft in the middle, me. And head. But I don't think I'll ever write anything better just the same. One Tiny Bird One tiny helpless orphan fledgling Dove - It seems absurd That we ourselves should feel such helpless love for one small bird. And [i]such[/i] a bird - the colour of a lump of Leigh Creek Coal, Fallen from his nest, and lying low in Bunsen's Hole.* Not like WOL, a white bird, nor like Rainbow, brightly plumed,* But [i]so[/i] appealing - hungry, cold and weak, Shedding brownish baby-down, and [i]very[/i] badly groomed: A size-1 neck, and Extra-O.S. beak. [i]Feisty[/i], you called him - Indeed, he [i]was[/i] game In face of his alien environs: He would raise his wings bravely, when new dangers came: His whole being said: [i]I can fight LIONS![/i] [i]His species, you know, is as common as muck: A Senegal Turtledove - a pest, not a pet; A plague-bird, a rat bird, and who gives a feral A helping hand when its small life is in peril? No-one but you, J****.[/i] *** And [i]me[/i] of course, 'cos then of course, You got me sucked in too, of course! Love is a boomerang, so I've been told: I'm sure, in ways, that's true, And surely, sometimes, boomerangs, returning, may hit [i]you:[/i] You warmed him at your bosom, on your very naked skin, And somehow little Feisty burrowed deeper still within. The Spirit that moves pity,mercy, charity, - that's Love, Whether for a fellow human, or a feral turtle-dove; And [i]You[/i] never were more lovable than when you rang, and cried, And said between your broken-hearted sobs that he had died. This episode is all about love and freedom, do you see . . . For the purest love of all says [i]You are yours - and You are free [/i]. . . Not anticipating thanks, nor even feedback for your pains, Taking comfort from the memory, when nothing else remains. In the end it was just too hard - He'll not spread earthly wings; He would have loved the thrill of earthly air; Doves [i]do[/i] try to fly to the sky** - they strive for higher things - But Feisty found a short cut skywards - he's already there. 'God knows when even a sparrow falls' . . . I can't recall the rest; That must go [i]double[/i] for turtle-doves, for doves are heaven-blessed - But Feisty is a Special Dove, and Special Doves [i]ascend ![/i] In spirit Feisty flies forever free. - With Love. Amen. *Bunsen was my very dear Dog. WOL was a white pigeon, a breed called [i]African OWL[/i] with huge eyes, and Rainbow was my broken-winged Rainbow Lorikeet who had me for 26 years! All memories now. ** Male Doves' display is to fly as high as they can and then drift down for as long as possible. For the Few: (who are interested in rhyming verse) *** J**** is a 2 syllable [i]unusual[/i] simple name, not telling yous, but for purists, the second is the stressed syllable and rhymes with [i]pet[/i]. And there is no perfect rhyme [i]including stressing [/i]in the whole dam language! I do like that very verse with J**** btw, you need to read it a couple of times, say it aloud-in-your-head maybe, it's a bit erm [i]clever.[/i] Footnote: that's the first time I've written the first word of that last stanza in a long long time, guess what, my RECAPTCHA is . . . oxamit LORD . . . !

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3/02/2012Hi Lyn What a great article in [i]Crikey[/i] by Jeremy Sear. He calls Abbott for the fraud he is, pointing out that most MSM journalists either cannot see that, or chose not to do so. We have a disgraceful bunch of journalists. Even some who normally write balanced material, such as Lenore Taylor, now write uncritical, unbalanced pieces. It is sad. Andrew Elder’s piece, as usual, is spot on. How come no MSM journalist has the guts or insight to write like that? His last paragraph resonates: [i]” Come, friendly bombs, and fall on the National Press Club. Come, Mrs Reinhart, and sack the press gallery space-fillers over whom you will have influence or managerial control. Realise how little would be lost, and how well politics could be reported on from the communities affected by it.”[/i] Amen. I have a very busy day today, so you won’t see much of me until tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day blogging.


3/02/2012DebbieP [i]the media has reached the point of no return with their support for Abbott." ~ I am worried that maybe we haven't. Maybe there is even MORE to come. [/i] We need the bloggers more and more:- Bushfire Bill gets onto the journalists, Jessica Wright this morning. [i]Even the weather is against her And this is journalism???[/i] [i]The storm clouds in Canberra hovering over Prime Minister Julia Gillard's leadership [/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/gillard-backers-fear-seismic-shift-in-support-for-pm-20120203-1qw8m.html#ixzz1lGt7tVDY Bushfire Bill goes on to say:- [i]Yeah, but it was Jessica Wright that wrote it. She was the one who did the fluff piece the other day speculating (with pants-wetting glee) on whether Abbott’s speech would contain references to Pink Batts, Thomson, the BER and Albo’s “gaffe” (which it did of ocurse, so I guess she has an “in” to Tony’s press people).[/i] [i]I ask the question again: is Jessica Wright Tony Wright’s daughter/spouse or something similar? Or has Tony himself had a sex change? Not that would be news[/i]. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/01/29/galaxy-54-46-to-coalition/all-comments/#comment-1144745 This is interesting:- [i]Friends of Indi gone, The Border Mail[/i] A SYDNEY group offering financial support to federal Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella has wound up, with its remaining money donated to the Liberal Party. Friends of Indi was formed after Mrs Mirabella was elected to Parliament in 2001. Friends of Indi public officer Tom Robertson said the group had been left with $35,500 and after bank fees were deducted, $35,338 was given to the Liberal Party. “The association had achieved its objective and didn’t have an ongoing purpose supporting the member for Indi,” Mr Robertson said. Asked why it was being wound up when Mrs Mirabella was still in Parliament, Mr Robertson said “that’s a question for her”. Mr Robertson formed Friends of Indi, which was based at Cremorne, to help the re-election of Mrs Mirabella. He had became acquainted with Mrs Mirabella during their days in student politics at university http://www.bordermail.com.au/news/local/news/general/friends-of-indi-gone/2442528.aspx Cheers:):):):)


3/02/2012Lyn quoted TT 'Lyn's~Links today remind me of Rat's luncheon-basket' and then said See I told you a rat's luncheon basket is important because that's what the journalists are a rat's luncheon basket Lyn that's the funniest dam thing I've heard since Slipper took on the Speakership! The word is [i]droll[/i], drollery, best form of humour of all I think, I love it. DMW : 'O stop, stop,' cried the Mole in ecstasies: 'This is too much!' It is too but it's [i]not[/i] though. I knew a bloke with some ferrets, I asked him whether he'd fed them lately, ([i]Nuh[/i]), You going to? [i]Nuh, what they don't get they won't eat[/i] he said. But this is [i]reversed[/i]. [i]Just cos it's there we don't have to read it all[/i]. But it is there for all, this is obviously the best site for info across the media in this country now. I would bet there is nothing else like this service, which is what it is, thanks both. Oh yes and btw the Thing couldn't handle everything in the rat's luncheon basket, it was too big a menu, it had to be broken up otherwise you missed out on the drinks! 'There's cold chicken inside it,' replied the Rat briefly; 'coldtonguecoldhamcoldbeefpickledgherkinssaladfrenchrolls-cresssandwichespottedmeatgingerbeerlemonadesodawater----' 'O stop, stop,' cried the Mole in ecstasies: 'This is too much!'


3/02/2012Hi Everybody Thankyou to Brenton Eccles for posting another informative well written piece by Bushfire Bill. [i]BrentonEccles Thanks to Bushfire Bill for saying a little more succinctly than I have been, what is true: http://tinyurl.com/8a89jh5 (via @Leroy_Lynch[/i] I’m predicting that eventually the punters are going to want to know more, especially when they are reminded that the NBN will be vandalized, the tax cuts taken away, the NDIS stillborn and 12,000 public servants sacked (among many other nasty things). They will want to know how all this can be done while at the same time increasing the surplus (or achieving a “strong surplus” in Abbott’s words, which appears to be his “out”… define “strong”?), reducing taxes and increasing infrastructure, health and plenary “prosperity”. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2012/01/29/galaxy-54-46-to-coalition/comment-page-89/#comment-1144765 Cheers:):):)


3/02/2012 Queenslander Clive Palmhair climbs into bed On the Fairfax Board with Gina Rindlard: I'm sure they will try, but they're both so 'well fed' What Clive needs to find he will find hard! Urghh. [i]'Turkey should be [i]'shame[/i] . . . :)[/i]. . . of inflicting images like that on innocent Swordsfolks . . . But No, TT [i]wants yous[/i] to imagine those two [i]in flagrante delicto[/i], on a gigantic cerise waterbed, squirted at frequent intervals with Palm Oil . . . Dog I wish I had a MindPixCam, but then I'd get arrested when they found the memory stick eh! Enjoy the video!


3/02/2012I haven't had a chance to read all of this speech by Chris Bowen yet: [b]“The Refugee Convention and Beyond”[/b] http://www.chrisbowen.net/media-centre/speeches.do?newsId=5484


3/02/2012Too Little, Too Late? [b]Julia Gillard tells MPs, 'quit the challenge talk and get to work'[/b] Malcolm Farr @news.com [i]JULIA Gillard has ordered her MPs chattering about a looming Rudd challenge to instead focus on policy and stop talking about themselves. The Prime Minister defended her leadership and Caucus support as anonymous chatter continued to promote a challenge by her predecessor.[/i] http://www.news.com.au/national/julia-gillard-tells-mps-quit-the-challenge-talk-and-get-to-work/story-e6frfkw9-1226261735262 If only she had said this twelve months ago and stomped hard then.


3/02/2012DMW Mal Farcolm, :)


3/02/2012DMW Thanks for the link to Fighting Fact Free Journalism. It fits in with what I think is the PM's main problem ie her lack of popularity in the general community. This stems from the hammering of the Juliar message to do with the introduction of the carbon tax. It was very clear at the time that this fiction needed to be debunked, but the MPs preferred to think that, given time, it would all go away. What? Tony Abbott let this one fade away? I think not - if JG is leading at the time of the next election, just think of the political mileage the coalition will still be milking from this one. Today we are told by Laura Tingle and Fran Kelly that MPs have returned from their break downhearted and worried at the lack of support for the PM in the community which has led to the fresh flurry of leadership speculation. All I can say is they are reaping what they have sown ie the lack of attention to debunking the rubbish dished out by the likes of Alan Jones and his lieutenant Tony Abbott. Now, let them get off their backsides, stop their whinging to the media about leadership and deal with the matter of debunking the cr*!p. Also, just a quick note to say that I was unfortunate enough to see Clive Palmer last night on Lateline. What is the ABC thinking, using our taxes to provide a platform for the rantings of this ..... ? words fail me. Thank you so much for the mental image conjured up by your item on the meeting of the magnates TT.


3/02/2012Hi Everybody Channel 7 just devoted more time to this rotten speculation than they would to a world war. Oh no, we have had Speculation, speculation now we have increased speculation: But this is worse we can't escape the speculation, so the ABC tells us [i]Rudd dodges leadership speculation, Channel 7[/i] Video Coalition frontbenchers have been told to expect Mr Rudd to challenge for the prime minister's job before the Queensland election in March Gillard on the Ropes Video http://au.news.yahoo.com/video/national/watch/28176226/ [i]Increasing [b]speculation[/b] over PM's future, Emma Griffiths and Sabra Lane, ABC[/i] there is no escaping [b]speculation[/b] renewed focus on the Labor growing despondency among Labor MPs some concluding suggesting there could be backers insist One MP told the ABC keenly suggesting Another has put forward http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-03/increasing-speculation-over-pms-future/3809774 Some twitter comments:_ The only speculation is coming from you RT @abcnews: Speculation is increasing over PM Julia Gillard's future http://bit.ly/xLeIMM The only leadership challenge speculation is coming from the media trying to make news, its easier to make news than reporting! #Auspol Media reports speculation of the media [b]speculating [/b]about a spectacular sceptical. #lulwot 9NewsOnline9News Shorten hoses down leadership [b]speculation [/b]ninem.sn/z5jCJs Coming up on The World Today: Leadership [b]speculation[/b] reaches new heights with some openly predicting a challenge within weeks. TheAge Breaking News 'Seismic shift' for Gillard: PM battered for fourth day by mounting s[b]peculation[/b] her hold on leadership is slipping bit.ly/wU9Bv5 thewest_com_auThe West Australian Abbott fuels Rudd leadership [b]speculation[/b]. yhoo.it/yOvVbM “@Y7News: Rudd continues to dodge leadership [b]speculation [/b]yhoo.it/wJQsxE #AusPol” THIS IS NOT NEWS @abcnews "Increasing [b]speculation[/b] over PM's future" should be unsubstantiated "Increasing [b]speculation[/b] over PM's future" abc.net.au/news/2012-02-0… Increasing [b]speculation[/b] over PM's future abc.net.au/news/2012-02-0… @abcnews < IT IS TIME! jamesmassolaJames Massola Rudd's backers say former PM can count on at least 25 votes in the Labor caucus, and up to 40: http://bit.ly/xU8FXr australianThe Australian Rudd backers say support is building: KEVIN Rudd's supporters say he can count on at least 25 votes in the Labor... http://bit.ly/zVw6Wb [i]Journos desperate for a leadership spill to keep talking about the fact that they keep talking about a leadership spill, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] The lead story on the ABC “news” site right now isn’t something that’s happened, something important that someone has said, or something that’s been announced. It’s self-fulfilling [b]speculation[/b] about leadership [b]speculation[/b] http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2012/02/03/journos-desperate-for-a-leadership-spill-to-keep-talking-about-the-fact-that-they-keep-talking-about-a-leadership-spill/ Cheers :):):):):):):)

Ad astra

3/02/2012Folks Let’s not engage in the spurious media-fuelled leadership ‘speculation’ about Julia Gillard. Let’s focus on the growing dismay in Liberal circles that despite polls favourable to the Coalition, it cannot win the next election, whenever it is, with Tony Abbott as leader. Well-informed sources close to senior Liberals concede that Abbott is seriously unpopular, and that he is now widely considered as a liability. They point out that two years into his leadership, the only positive policy he has produced was the extravagant PPL scheme that was announced without consultation, and was deeply flawed and poorly costed. Senior figures were astonished and disappointed that just when they thought Abbott was about to cast off his negative mantle and announce some positive policies in his NPC address, he just dished out more of the same policy-deficient rhetoric, replete with caveats, escape clauses and weasel words that did not commit him to anything at all. They were relieved that to date the MSM had not picked him up on his deceptive words, but feel certain he will soon be called to account and will be found seriously wanting. “Once that happens”, a senior figure said to our reporter, “we are done like a dinner, with no one to turn to as an alternative that is acceptable to the party.” Speculation about a replacement for Abbott is already rife, but with such a poor set of alternative leaders, party members are already factoring in another term in opposition while another leader is selected and groomed for the job. Our source ended by saying: “If you think Labor is headed for a leadership train wreck, wait until you see the disaster we’re facing.” I’m getting on the road to the south coast now. I’ll be back later.


3/02/2012Spill and be dammed Labor Just do it *J*U*L*I*A* Put us all out of our trough You'll win hands down No more speculation You know where they can stick their speculum. They have been wrong so many times. My Eye of Time wavers not a jot. [i]Abbortt, remember The Ides of September! November an ember Cold ash by December.[/i]


3/02/2012Ad astra I agree about speculation insofar as I am quite utterly confident that *J*U*L*I*A* is untouchable, I'd just like her to stick it to all speculators just by quite casually saying, [i]OK Troops, anybody wanna have a go? Come on then!?[/i] How few of us there are who [i]don't[/i] waver about Abbortt's inevitable demise, it astonishes me. But I only want a spill because I know her position would be not only unassailable but beyond speculums. Their chorus will be gobsmacked to silence if *J*U*L*I*A* pulls a spill and wins at a walk. C'mon everyone, how'd you like to be a Member of the PLP and back the wrong horse? Not a good career move!


3/02/2012Hi Ad Doesn't it make one sick, remember you and I talked about this ridiculous Mr Speculation way before Christmas. They have Speculation trending now, They are talking about the word speculation as I was pointing out. Media talking about media speculation It's hard to believe they all use the same word. TrendsAustraliaTrends Australia 'speculation', 'grimes', 'shaw' & #mynameis are now trending in Australia http://trendsmap.com/au http://trendsmap.com/local/australiahttp://trendsmap.com/local/australia This is quite funny Tony Abbott’s Try-A-Thon. I like the Gaffe register. [i]The race to the Lodge[/i] Tony Abbott’s love of endurance sports events is the perfect metaphor for his own personal race to the Lodge. As hard as he might be trying, employing all his guile and tenacity, getting clear of a deeply unpopular Prime Minister Julia Gillard has proved difficult. This week's espresso video features edited highlights of some of his ‘‘sporting’’ achievements. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/blogs/rocco-bloggo/tony-abbotts-tryathon-20120202-1quq4.html#ixzz1lI46RARe Bernard Keane has made a video :- Bernard Keane’s month in politics [i]Welcome to Bernard Keane’s political analysis of the last month in [/i]Australian politics, now with added video. This is a new monthly series (catchy name suggestions welcome), with the January edition kicking off with a discussion of the car industry, trust in politics and the Australia Day Tent Embassy shemozzle BernardKeaneBernard Keane I made a video for like the first time in 2 years. Check it totally out... http://is.gd/BYXGtB Cheers:):):)

Patricia WA

3/02/2012I can't see that I would become more likely give time to watch and listen to Bernard Keane than to read his wrap-ups on political issues which have done a pretty good job of turning me off Crikey anyway.


3/02/2012Hi Ad I love your magnificent report on Mr Abbott very clever Mr Astra you are definately in the wrong job. How come you only mentioned Speculation once, oh! I know why, You are very brilliant Ad Astra, would you be kind enough to reveal how I can take a screen snapshot of your article before it gets pulled by the MSM . How come you know so much, in the know I know, wink wink. you had your sources [i]Let’s focus on the growing dismay in Liberal circles , by Ad Astra , The Political Sword[/i] [b]dismay[/b] in Liberal circles Well-informed [b]sources[/b] close to [b]senior Liberals [/b]concede widely considered as a liability. [b]They [/b]point out [b]Senior[/b] figures were astonished [b]They[/b] were relieved [b]a senior [/b]figure said to our reporter, “we are done like a dinner, with no one to turn to [b]Speculation[/b] about a replacement for Abbott is already rife, party members are already factoring in another term in opposition [b]Our source [/b]ended by saying [i]“If you think Labor is headed for a leadership train wreck, wait until you see the disaster we’re facing[/i].” Have a nice drive to the coast Cheers:):):):):):):)


3/02/2012What're your prognostications? Abbortt gone by Christmas? *J*U*L*I*A* gone by Christmas? Both still there? Both replaced? Both replaced by next election? Both still there? Abbortt still there, not *J*U*L*I*A* *J*U*L*I*A* still there, not Abbortt? If *J*UL*I*A* were to be replaced it would be by Simon Crean Wayne Swan Kevin Rudd Steven Smith Greg Combet Bill Shorten Others ? When Abbortt is replaced it will be by Malcolm Turdball Joe Snotty Robb da Sob Poo-Poo Pyne Soapy Vampirella Mesma Bishop Others? Recaptcha: reeith nomise


3/02/2012Hi Patricia I haven't watched all of the video, because I turned off when I heard Bernard say these words "he ended up being knifed by Julia Gillard, don't worry she did that to a lot of people". So I won't waste my time watching anymore. Bernard is being mean and miserable in his articles as well, has been for quite some time. But you should watch the other video above about Abbott's race to the lodge, very funny I thought. Cheers:):):):)

Patricia WA

3/02/2012My Prognostication, TT? Some days it looks like this. [b]Headline quotations?[/b] Loud exclamations Secret relations In odd locations Mass perturbation Ejaculations! Then speculations With no foundation Throughout the nation Shock jock vibrations The usual stations Misinformation Dissemination New revelations Ramifications Wide implications Assassination Then resignation Lost reputation Failed aspirations New combinations Annihilation Commiserations Congratulations Right's jubilation Oz situation? Normal! All F...ed Up!


3/02/2012[i][b]From the Places North East West and South...[/b][/i] It is most likely apocryphal but legend has it the word News was made of the beginning letters of the compass points ... For your Friday night edumification NO SPECULATION. First a word of warning: [b]Or how reading the tabloids might help turn you to a life of crime ...[/b] Dorothy Parker @LoonPond [i]The steady pitter patter of the rain in Sydney immediately reminded the pond of the incessant pounding of opinion delivered by the mainstream media. What would the world do without the power of metaphor? Or even simile?[/i] http://loonpond.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/or-how-reading-tabloids-might-help-turn.html [b]Lost in Learning: Celebrating the Art and Spirit of Discovery[/b] Maria Popova @BrainPickings [i]What Galileo has to do with Columbus, The Library of Congress, and rediscovering the great purpose of art.[/i] http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/02/02/lost-in-learning-celebrating-the-art-and-spirit-of-discovery/ [b]CAAMA Radio News[/b] News Team: Nerida Currey, Pam Reilly [i]A national discussion on healthy and positive aging has shown the Northern Territory often has the same issues as the rest of the country…but they are more pronounced. Federal Member for Lingiari Warren Snowdon has issued a challenge to the community to stop drinking for the month of February…and raise money for a good cause. Police in Alice Springs and the Southern Region of NT will be wearing a new uniform.[/i] http://caama.com.au/caama-radio-news-3-2-12 [b]Three Primary Colors: OK Go and Sesame Street Explain Basic Color Theory in Stop-Motion[/b] Maria Popova @BrainPickings [i]In my nearly six years of writing and editing Brain Pickings, I’ve used the word “awesome” as an adjective exactly once. Today, this is about to change — because Three Primary Colors, a new collaboration between OK Go and Sesame Street explaining the basics of color theory in stop-motion, is nothing short of awesome.[/i] http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/02/02/three-primary-colors-ok-go-sesame-street/ [b]10 Things You Do to Save Money That End Up Costing You More[/b] Paul Michael @lifehacker [i]Money's tight these days, and as a result, you make an effort to save it. Make sure you don't waste that effort on strategies that hurt more than they help.[/i] http://lifehacker.com/5876890/10-things-you-do-to-save-money-that-end-up-costing-you-more [b]Suckville[/b] @xkcd http://xkcd.com/1008/ [b]How I See Things vs. How My Cat Sees Things[/b] http://icanhascheezburger.com/2012/01/25/funny-pictures-how-my-cat-sees-things/ Now some extraordinary reading HatTip @colvinius [b]One Town's War on Gay Teens[/b] Sabrina Rubin Erdely @RollingStone [i]Every morning, Brittany Geldert stepped off the bus and bolted through the double doors of Fred Moore Middle School, her nerves already on high alert, bracing for the inevitable. "Dyke." Pretending not to hear, Brittany would walk briskly to her locker, past the sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders who loitered in menacing packs. "Whore." Like many 13-year-olds, Brittany knew seventh grade was a living hell. But what she didn't know was that she was caught in the crossfire of a culture war being waged by local evangelicals inspired by their high-profile congressional representative Michele Bachmann, who graduated from Anoka High School and, until recently, was a member of one of the most conservative churches in the area. When Christian activists who considered gays an abomination forced a measure through the school board forbidding the discussion of homosexuality in the district's public schools, kids like Brittany were unknowingly thrust into the heart of a clash that was about to become intertwined with tragedy.[/i] http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/one-towns-war-on-gay-teens-20120202#ixzz1lI09JAi1


3/02/2012Hi Jason Do you know if the normal Political shows are resuming on Sunday? Will you be kindly posting our program for us again, like you did all last year. Thankyou Jason Cheers:):):):)


3/02/2012Lyn, Thanks for the OK Go link. OK Go have some really clever stuff on Youtube. Worth a look one day if you're not doing much.


3/02/2012Hi 2353 Which one do you mean. You have me intrigued now. Cheers lyn


3/02/2012Lyn I know where Jason lives! I'm'a take [i]the Girls [/i]around for a little visit if he doesn't agree to do the weekend stuff . . . I'm sure he will.


3/02/2012Sorry Patricia, meant to hat tip to you too. But do watch the donut, not the hole! Determination Vindication Jubilation Exultation Happy Nation! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzV-8TofHTw And why hasn't Abbortt deflated yet? Cos yet just hasn't happened yet. The Ides of September, Abbortt remember.

Patricia WA

3/02/2012Thanks, TT. Lovely! Cheered me up no end! I think that's what *J*U*L*I*A* must have been taught by her Mum and Dad! How else could she come smiling through what she has to put up with!


3/02/2012Amid all the speculation, bootstrapping, wishful thinking and right wing projecting I would say that there is an area of calm rationality. The area that is inhabited by Julia Gillard, her Ministers and Windsor and Oakeshott. We know and understand how corrupt the Canberra Press Gallery is. Imagine the insights the PM and her Ministers must have. The press have, for years, alluded to politics being a dirty, corrupt business. I, for one, am grateful that the political debate has reached this level of high farce. The corruption oozing out of the pores of the Canberra Press Gallery is there for everyone to see. Visible to all, even those who choose not to look but cannot now help but see. In 12 months time, Julia Gillard still the PM with Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd and others nowhere to be seen, the only people running for cover will the hacks of Canberra. We will see and learn nothing new from the hacks of Canberra this parliamentary session. I think we will from the Govt.


4/02/2012I only saw the end of Lateline with Craig Emerson and Poo-Poo but Henry on Poll Bludger said it exactly: Posted Friday, February 3, 2012 at 11:11 pm | Permalink Bravura performance from Emerson on lateline vs the mincing poodle. Diced him beautifully and then went on a brilliant monologue at the end, accusing the libs of being no hopers and a shemozzle. Who is Chris Pyne he said – what is his portfolio? Nobody knows! Health? Education perhaps? Perfect. Pyne, expecting the last word got the “thanks for joining us” and was left with a befuddled blank stare. Beautiful. Well said Henry. Craig got a last full devastatingly- contemptuous broadside into the Noalition and Pooey was gobsmacked, he didn't get the chance to interrupt and Emerson was absolutely full-on, Pyne was white-faced and it was a demonstration of what the Labor Party has in store for Them including the MSM from now on. *J*U*L*I*A* has had it with Them, especially since Australia Day. Be very afraid Moron Noalition ratbags, MSM hacks, it's a Brand New Day. Can't wait for the New Order from our Mr Golden Slipper. :) Oh To see Pyne STFU! And Vampirella!


4/02/2012 Sunday morning TV - February 5 #auspol Your guide to this Sunday morning's political and business interviews 8:30am Sky News 601 - Australian Agenda On Sky News Australian Agenda host Peter Van Onselen and The Australian's ..... interview ... awaiting confirmation of program lineup ... 8:38am Ch7 - Weekend Sunrise - The Riley Diary The Riley Diary returns on February 12 8:40am Ch9 - Today on Sunday - The Laurie Oakes Interview The weekly Laurie Oakes interview is in hibernation until further notice. 9:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 - Insiders The Insiders program returns for 2012 this Sunday, February 5th. Barrie Cassidy interviews the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, Wayne Swan. On the panel: the Financial Review’s Laura Tingle, the Courier Mail’s Dennis Atkins and the Australian’s Niki Savva. And Mike Bowers talks pictures with Daily Telegraph cartoonist Warren Brown. 10:00am ABC1 & on ABC News 24 repeated @ 5.30pm - Inside Business ... awaiting confirmation of program lineup ... 10.00am Ch10 everywhere but Canberra at 12 noon - The Bolt Report - Check local program guides for encore performance timings later in the day On the first Bolt Report for 2012 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott talks to Andrew Bolt. Panelists: Former Liberal Minister Peter Reith and ALP Campaign Advisor Bruce Hawker. 10.30am Ch10 everywhere but Canberra at 12.30pm - Meet the Press - Check local program guides for encore performance timings later in the day On the first Meet the Press for 2012 Paul Bongiorno is joined by panelists; Malcolm Farr from news.com.au and Misha Schubert from The Sunday Age. Together they interview Workplace Relations Minister, Bill Shorten and Australian Party leader and Independent MP, Bob Katter. http://sundaymorningtv.posterous.com/


4/02/2012Wow, on the ABC website I watched that Lateline with the eye-opening [b]* Emma Alberici *[/b] with Craig Emerson and Poo-Poo Pyne, here's the link: (you're gonna love it) http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=abc.net.au%2Flateline+emma%2Bemerson*%2Bpyne&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CD4QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abc.net.au%2Fnews%2F2012-02-03%2Ffriday-night-forum%2F3811320%3Fsection%3Dbusiness&ei=XekrT4KGFMSpiAfU6YDHDg&usg=AFQjCNFjCwb5MM1Fp3kpCU1_3DPMunWgLQ BTW I mentioned my friend Pino yesterday with kidney-stones, today Victoria a frequent staunch poster on PB says her OH has likewise exactly, same treatment options, lots of folks on PB sympathising, so excruciating everyone says. Funny coincidence but yes not ha-ha. You know what Swordsfolks, I am more confident now than ever. Ad astra said it earlier today, ending up saying Our source ended by saying: “If you think Labor is headed for a leadership train wreck, wait until you see the disaster we’re facing.” A masterful effort Ad I must say, your eyes must have twinkled as you wrote that. When Abbortt crumbles on his own gaffes (see EA take PooPoo to task and give Emerson and the Government a triple tick? ) A few times like that, the Noalition will fall apart. Inconsistencies such as the several CE pointed out tonight will [i]rip[/i] them apart, they will have no cohesion when the questions start at last to get serious - Alberici mark yous-all is something a bit else! - [Uhlmann be very afraid, people will come back to ABC for her, you drive us away and I loathe you. Smarmy creep you are.] And the MSM will soon turn its attention from laughing with Abbortt to laughing at him. He will become the object of ridicule and disgust and derision which is his due. His rationality if not his very sanity will be seriously under question by June. (Eye of Time.) Enough in the MSM will ask just enough proper questions of Them, inconsistencies will appear - as in support for the motor vehicle industry - and the few game and proper journos will at last work on those as a boxer works on a cut on his opponent's eyebrow. It's taking a long time for this to happen because the Noalition has held out hope of an early election, that won't happen, so, [i]bor-ing[/i], they won't get anything from Labor any more, all old hat, they are left with turning on those who have made suckers of them all this time. People are at last becoming aware that the choice is between a bag of gold and a bag of crap. I don't know either why they are so inclined to go for the crap but there you are, but Abbortt is promising to take so much away from the People, they will catch on at last. The Fall of the House of Abbortt is going to be so-o-o-o pleasurable . . . :) Oh yes Ad astra, just to explain, just because I [i]say[/i] Spill doesn't [i]necessarily[/i] mean I [i]think[/i] Spill, I think the very word is enough to clench a lot of sphincters on the [i]other[/i] side of politics, they are thinking [i]Oops, what if *J*U*L*I*A* holds a spill and she is re-elected unopposed?![/i] (which is what I think would happen btw.) We will prevail, and relish the stoushes in the process, because we will be winning hearts and minds from now on. The nation needs to be healed from the poisoned wounds from the days of the Lying Rodent, perpetuated to this day by the Murdochracy and the Noalition. We're on our way. Wwatch that Lateline, Double the Fist!


4/02/2012Sorry, link isn't, is it. Goodnight anyway.


4/02/2012Hi Everybody Talk Turkey thankyou for your link to Lateline Emma Alberici is lovely, she slapped down Pyne a few times. Craig Emerson finished up leaving Pyne with a useless pathetic look on his face. I thought Christopher Pyne said their surplus is aspirational. http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3422999.htm Cheers:):):):)


4/02/2012Hi Jason You little Bobby Dazzler, thankyou for posting the Sunday Morning TV program for us. Cheers:):):):):):):):):)


4/02/2012Hi Ad I always wanted to link the Political Journalists for TPS readers, if only to run a lottery, the winner is one jounalist in favour of the Government. Here is a couple of the Political Journalists for you, such as they are:- [i]Abbott needs magic to pull surplus out of a hat , Lenore Taylor SMH[/i] Paying for all of that will require cutting a lot more than government waste and red tape. If Abbott really has savings in his top drawer to cover it, that would definitely make the news http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/abbott-needs-magic-to-pull-surplus-out-of-a-hat-20120203-1qxb0.html#ixzz1lM9cVU5y [i]Pressure rises in Gillard's war room , Laurie Oakes, Herald Sun[/i] Hence the strong commitment Gillard is making to a national disability insurance scheme (in contrast to Abbott's position that such a scheme is merely "an aspiration"). Hence also the emphasis on jobs in the Gillard speech - particularly the need for government subsidies to protect car industry jobs. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/pressure-rises-in-gillards-war-room/story-fn56baaq-1226262290366 [i]After the tumble, and staffer bumble, she's ready to rumble , Michael Gordon The Age[/i] It is only then, before the final picture is taken and the recorder is switched off, that Gillard gives the strongest signal possible that she is preparing for the fight of her life http://www.theage.com.au/national/after-the-tumble-and-staffer-bumble-shes-ready-to-rumble-20120203-1qxny.html#ixzz1lMA6Jov5 [i]Rudd would not race to poll , Michelle Gratten, The Age[/i] KEVIN Rudd would not rush to an early election if he regained the prime ministership from Julia Gillard, Labor sources say. As Ms Gillard continued to be buffeted by a barrage of speculation about her future, http://www.theage.com.au/national/rudd-would-not-race-to-poll-20120203-1qxwi.html#ixzz1lMDu5GID Cheers:):):):)


4/02/2012Lyn Thanks for correcting my useless attempt at a link, anyway Dog Allbitey everybody, [i]read the transcript[/i], PooPoo doesn't even have any consistency, he is verbal diarrhoea. We've got 'em. Pyne is going to blow a gasket I think. The NOpposition has nowhere to go but down, the Government will go up steadily now, if I'm wrong you can jeer later, meantime I am very confident, listen to Emerson's tone, check his body language, just a few interviews like this and They will be on the run and rattled. The Lieberals have fooled too many people too much of the time, now it is all going to come home to roost as their shabby threadbare political raiment falls apart completely. Abbortt is like the keystone of an arch, but he's not granite he's talc, slippery and weak, and the rest of the blocks are clay and sandstone and shonky concrete, Robb, Pyne, Hockey, bloody fools. One will crumble, wait for it, the collapse is going to be spectacular. Abbortt Remember The Ides of September From Wikileaks: This article is about the day in the Roman calendar. For other events that occurred on 15 March, see March 15. For the 2011 film directed by George Clooney, see The Ides of March (film). For other uses, see Ides of March (disambiguation). Vincenzo Camuccini, Mort de César, 1798The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martii) is the name of the 15th day of March in the Roman calendar, probably referring to the day of the full moon. The word Ides comes from the Latin word "Idus" and means "half division" especially in relation to a month. It is a word that was used widely in the Roman calendar indicating the approximate day that was the middle of the month. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months.[1] The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. Caesar was stabbed (23 times) to death in the Roman Senate by a group of conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The group included 60 other co-conspirators according to Plutarch.[2] According to Plutarch, a seer had foreseen that Caesar would be harmed not later than the Ides of March and on his way to the Theatre of Pompey (where he would be assassinated), Caesar met that seer and joked, "The ides of March have come", meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Ay, Caesar; but not gone."[3] This meeting is famously dramatized in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, when Caesar is warned by the soothsayer to "beware the Ides of March."[4][5] And from The Bard himself :- Soothsayer: Caesar! CAESAR: Ha! who calls? CASCA: Bid every noise be still: peace yet again! CAESAR: Who is it in the press :) that calls on me? I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music, Cry 'Caesar!' Speak; Caesar is turn'd to hear. Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March. CAESAR: What man is that? BRUTUS: A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March. CAESAR: Set him before me; let me see his face. CASSIUS: Fellow, come from the throng; look upon Caesar. CAESAR: What say'st thou to me now? speak once again. Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March. CAESAR: He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass. Sennet. Exeunt all except BRUTUS and CASSIUS who then begin plotting . . . Comes the Ides of March, Caesar sees the seer again see, he says (like, [i]nyah nyah[/i]) “The Ides of March have come”. The seer says, [i]“Ay, Caesar; but not gone.” [/i] :) (heh heh!) Abbortt, Remember! The Ides of September! By November an ember . . . Just ash by December. My Eye of Time, by Grace of Dog, Sees thee accursed on this blog.

Ad astra reply

4/02/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for the links to political journalists. Interesting reading. Lenore Taylor gives us a reality check, something quite foreign to the Coalition. I have a very busy weekend ahead with family matters, so you won’t see much of me until Monday.


4/02/2012 This is becoming a wonderful Library :) TT , on purpose missed Lateline last night now I may have regrets lol.


4/02/2012debbiep Right, right, you're bloody well right! That's what it is too! TPS Links is already a huge and unique and priceless repository of writings re history as it happens, it's SPECIAL, and can only get more so. And see you haven't missed Lateline at all, Lyn's~Link at 7.44 AM gets you there in a flash! (My attempt was a Fail.) http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=bloody+well+right+supertramp&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CD4QtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebaumsworld.com%2Fvideo%2Fwatch%2F1079593%2F&ei=03MsT6fZN_GuiQfKmpncDg&usg=AFQjCNHbMqcV1NMBagWZMaB31LaddSmuuA You have to listen for quite a while to hear the singer sing the lyrics in that song btw. It gets more interesting when he does.


4/02/2012[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b] The Saturday Arvo [i]It's better late than Never[/i] Edition [b]Anouncement[/b] The Global Mail is Born - watch the Welcome video http://www.theglobalmail.org/welcome/ [i][b]From the Newspapers ... ... What the Front Pages are saying... [/i][/b] Today the Front Pages come to you from [i]Front Pages Today[/i] http://goo.gl/enTjx [b]The Weekend Australian[/b] http://goo.gl/8kaR7 Mass evacuations as big wet turns to lethal threat MP Says He Will QUIT if Rudd Returns - [i]JULIA Gillard’s supporters are warning that any shift to Kevin Rudd as prime minister would force ‘‘suicide’’ resignations from Labor MPS and a disastrous snap election, as ministers and backbenchers are being urged to close ranks and stop...[/i] [b]The Sydney Morning Herald[/b] http://goo.gl/1kOHj O’shane judged wanting by a higher court Australia raising its own jihadists - [i]THE face of terrorism has shifted dramatically in Australia since the start of the Iraq war and is now dominated by locally born violent jihadists willing to attack their fellow citizens. This is in line with a worldwide trend towards ‘‘homegrown’’...[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/australia-raising-its-own-jihadists-20120203-1qxmx.html [b]The Daily Telegraph[/b] http://goo.gl/JXc7d Cars lost, water at the door but Bonnie says she’s lucky Phone Spies - [i] IT’S the world’s sneakiest speed camera, able to spot drivers talking on mobile phones or not wearing a seatbelt from 500m away — and it’s coming to a street near you. NSW and Victorian police are considering buying big brother speed cameras with...[/i] [b]The Age[/b] http://goo.gl/j6tKW ‘I can do it’ - [i]Over the Christmas period, I spent time with bothbobhawke and Paul Keating and you listen to the stories and the tales of how hard it can be when it’s really hard, and I thinkwe easily all talk ourselves into the proposition that it’s never been as...[/i] See After the tumble below Rudd would not race to poll - [i]KEVIN Rudd would not rush to an early election if he regained the prime ministership from Julia Gillard, Labor sources say. As Ms Gillard continued to be buffeted by a barrage of speculation about her future, it is understood Mr Rudd has changed his...[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/rudd-would-not-race-to-poll-20120203-1qxwi.html [b]The Herald Sun[/b] http://goo.gl/0wNCf GOTCHA from 600m - [i]THE world’s most advanced speed camera — so accurate it can catch you using a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt from 600m away — is being assessed for Victoria. Victoria Police yesterday told the Herald Sun it was ‘‘watching with interest’’ the...[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/super-cam-nabs-drivers-on-phones-and-without-seatbelts-from-600m-away/story-e6frf7l6-1226262428942 [b]The Courier Mail[/b] http://goo.gl/7NTLf Flood inquiry sinks into new scandal UP TO HIS NECK IN IT - [i]ONE of the three flood commissioners is working for a company on the payroll of the besieged dam operator. The Courier-mail can reveal that Phillip Cummins (pictured) is being advertised as a ‘‘key staff member’’ of a consultancy hired by Seqwater to...[/i] [b]The Adelaide Advetiser[/b] http://goo.gl/ApkdY Sky's The Limit - [i]TALLER maximum building heights in key city centre precincts are being considered to unlock hundreds of millions of dollars in property investment from ‘‘deep freeze’’, the State Government says. Planning Minister John Rau is in the final stages of...[/i] [b]The NT Times[/b] http://goo.gl/7f7VB A CROC - Beauty and the Beast [b][i]... and the stories ...[/i][/b] [b]Newsmaker: Louie the Fly[/b] Stuart Washington @SMH/BusinessDay [i]A well-known star of the Australian small screen, notorious for his poor personal habits, received his last rites during the week. To be fair, Louie the Fly has been biting the dust regularly since he first appeared in 1957.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/business/newsmaker-louie-the-fly-20120203-1qxi9.html#ixzz1lMsXeATe [b]All deals off without Gillard: Oakeshott[/b] Paul Osborne, AAP Senior Political Writer @SMAge [i]Federal Independent MPs are poised to pull the rug from under the Labor government if its leadership changes.[/i] http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/all-deals-off-without-gillard-oakeshott-20120203-1qw4e.html [b]After the tumble, and staffer bumble, she's ready to rumble[/b] Michael Gordon @TheAge [i]EVEN with her back to the wall, Julia Gillard can laugh at herself. We're chatting after a formal interview in her Melbourne office and she recalls the previous time she took an undignified tumble in front of the nation's media, an occasion that was far less fraught and dramatic than last week's stumble, when she was whisked from perceived danger by bodyguards at the Lobby restaurant in Canberra.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/after-the-tumble-and-staffer-bumble-shes-ready-to-rumble-20120203-1qxny.html#ixzz1lMqUo3BF [b]Return of Rudd could spark exodus from cabinet[/b] Phillip Coorey @SMAge [i]LABOR faces a possible exodus of senior ministers should Kevin Rudd retake the leadership, with several members of cabinet confiding they would find it difficult to work under him again. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, several cabinet ministers told the Herald yesterday that in the event of a leadership change, they would most likely go to the backbench.[/i] http://www.smh.com.au/national/return-of-rudd-could-spark-exodus-from-cabinet-20120203-1qxl9.html#ixzz1lMvULYhK [b]MP Graham Perrett says he'll quit if Kevin Rudd returns[/b] Dennis Shannahan & Joe Kelly @TheAus (PayWalled) [i]JULIA Gillard's supporters are warning that any shift to Kevin Rudd as prime minister would force "suicide" resignations from Labor MPs and a disastrous snap election, as ministers and backbenchers are being urged to close ranks and stop destabilising the government.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/mp-graham-perrett-says-hell-quit-if-kevin-rudd-returns/story-fn59niix-1226262348241 [b]Coalition in talks on constitution[/b] Patricia Karvelas @TheAus (Free) [i]TONY Abbott's Coalition was yesterday locked in talks with the head of the expert panel into Indigenous recognition in the Constitution. The Coalition's legal spokesman George Brandis yesterday met with expert panel co-chairman Mark Leibler about coming to a unifying position on a way forward.[/i] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/coalition-in-talks-on-constitution/story-e6frg6n6-1226262289378 [b]Julia Gillard plans BBQ diplomacy in leadership snag[/b] Simon Benson & Patrick Lion @HeraldSun [i]THE Prime Minister will host a barbie with MPs after a strategy summit aimed at getting her government on the front foot, but leadership tensions and no-shows threaten to derail the plan.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/prime-minister-julia-gillard-in-for-the-chop/story-e6frf7l6-1226262442367 [b]Our best and brightest[/b] Daniel Hatch @TheAge [i]They are our brightest and best: future leaders in the fields of government, law, medicine, academia, science and enterprise. Every year more than 400 young Australians opt to further their studies at two of the world's oldest and most prestigious universities - Britain's Oxford and Cambridge.[/i] http://www.theage.com.au/national/our-best-and-brightest-20120203-1qxs3.html#ixzz1lMrgaH1H [b][i]... and from the Opinion Pages ...[/i][/b] [b]Never mind the Greens, here’s Gina Rinehart[/b] Rowan Dean @AFR (Free) [i]News that Australia’s richest person, mining magnate Gina Rinehart, has moved to gain a majority share in Fairfax Media has sent shockwaves of anger and suspicion throughout the commentariat.[/i] http://www.afr.com/p/opinion/never_mind_the_greens_here_gina_a6hzwAxmosqMje9oAT6EpO [b]This week with Ross Brundrett[/b] Ross Brundrett @Herald Sun [i]YES Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus ... he's the Melbourne patriarch of a bus company who forked out $15 million in bonuses to his staff because, get this, he thought they deserved it.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/this-week-with-ross-brundrett/story-e6frfhqf-1226262294164 [b]Pressure rises in Gillard's war room[/b] Laurie Oakes @Herald Sun [i]Vultures are circling. Kevin Rudd's support has increased because of the bungles since Parliament adjourned in late November.[/i] http://www.heraldsun.com.au/opinion/pressure-rises-in-gillards-war-room/story-fn56baaq-1226262290366 [b][i]... and from the Blogs...[/i][/b] [b]Stop. Ruddy Time.[/b] Preston Towers @ThePrestonInstitute [i]With each passing day, we have more and more stories from our Canberra press gallery telling us that Julia Gillard is under dire threat of a challenge from Kevin Rudd. No matter what she does, it seems that all stories will now include what this means in the context of What It Means For Kevin. Polls are reported as being overwhelmingly in Favour of Kevin – even though, when you look at, potential Labor voters prefer Julia and Kevin evenly – whilst it’s potential Liberal voters who prefer Kevin.[/i] http://prestoninstitute.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/stop-ruddy-time/ [b]Just what does the second coming look like?[/b] James Higgins @ThePoliticsProject [i]Now, I am opposed to any leadership change. I was against Gillard replacing Rudd in 2010, and I am against switching back now. Despite their flaws, I greatly admire both Gillard and Rudd. And they are doing their best in their current positions. The ALP needs to very quickly realise that they themselves are the problem, not their leader.[/i] http://thepoliticsproject.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/just-what-does-the-second-coming-look-like/ [b]Saturday’s socialist speak out[/b] John Passant @enPassant [i]Julia Gillard is getting the brothers and sisters of the Labor Party caucus together for an ideas fest on Sunday. It should be a pretty short meeting. [/i] http://enpassant.com.au/?p=12229 [b]Last call for Julia Gillard[/b] Tess Lawrence @Independent Australia [i]Julia, we’re just not that into you. He, she, it, they, are just not that into you. What part of ‘not’ don’t you understand? We don’t need any more opinion polls. We weren’t that keen on you in the first place, otherwise you would have won a majority in the last Federal Election.[/i] http://www.independentaustralia.net/2012/politics/last-call-for-julia-gillard/ [b]Crumbling from within[/b] @PipingShrike [i]Federal Labor has now entered its zone. Don’t bother shouting or banging on the windows (even violently) to get its attention, it can’t hear you. It is now fully absorbed in its internal dynamic and anything it says that suggests it is thinking about the outside world is just pretence.[/i] http://www.pipingshrike.com/2012/02/crumbling-from-within.html [b]Oh no, whatever you do, don't look under the bed, or around the toilet door out the back, or behind the paywall ...[/b] Dorothy Parker @LoonPond [i]Yes things move fast in the digital world, and the fickle crowd swirls through the cloud like a bunch of zombies in free fall swallow-like flight. But what you ask has this got to do with the commentariat?[/i] http://loonpond.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/oh-no-whatever-you-do-dont-look-under.html [b]Why economic modelling is so tricky[/b] Ross Gittins @HisBlog [i]When I was studying economics at university in the mid-1960s, I wasn't quite sure what a "model" was. These days, politicians and business people are always using the word, and most of us think we know what they mean.[/i] http://www.rossgittins.com/2012/02/why-economic-modelling-is-so-tricky.html [b]This Is Your Brain on Comedy[/b] Maria Popova @Brain Pickings [i]The laugh track as cultural currency, or what David Letterman has to do with the dopamine circuit.[/i] http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/02/03/chris-bliss-texrainier-comedy/[b][i]Mick's Media Mix[/i][/b]


4/02/2012Lyn, Your Three Primary Colours link above has a bank called OK Go who have done some really clever song film clips, one song has them "performing" on 8 working treadmills and another has a version of the domino race. Search "OK Go" on Youtube. On topic - As a resident of Moreton, I'm all for Graeme Perritt (& others?) resigning if there is a challenge to Gillard. Kevin Rudd & Julia GIllard both have good and bad points - the ability to be PM question should have been sorted out long before either of them became PM. To take down a PM once is bloody stupid, to do it twice is absolutely ludicrous. You would have thought the ALP's faceless men/power brokers/faction chiefs would have learnt the lesson the first time - obviously not. The action didn't do anything for the Government's popularity, didn't get rid of the current Opposition Leader and didn't lead to a decisive victory at the 2010 election. All it did was give the LNP enough ammunition to nearly bring down a reasonable Government. Clearly they want to put themselves out of power for a generation. And to hose down the media speculation, all ALP players need to be seen to support the current PM, the media need to be told that if they want any information on Government business they need to be factual or even better introduce post haste a factual reporting law so that it is illegal for some of the crap that passes for reporting in this country to be uttered in public.


4/02/2012Ahem - Correction The Gravatar that posted the the link to OK Go @ February 3. 2012 08:12 PM is nowhere as good looking as the Tweety Bird


4/02/2012From Mick's Media Mix The Saturday Arvo It's better late than Never Edition Anouncement The Global Mail is Born - watch the Welcome video http://www.theglobalmail.org/welcome/ Please everybody [b][i]GROK ON THAT !!![/i][/b] Thanks DMW, what terrific news! So easy to register too, they only want your email address, nothing else. That GLOBAL MAIL Welcome video is wonderful, I watched it first with the sound turned off, it was fun silent, didn't realize that Monica Attard, (one of the Best and one of the Very Few), was speaking, it was [i]double[/i] the fist when I turned her on, well in a manner of speaking, she sounds pretty turned on as it is! Check it all out Folks, this is Good News.


4/02/2012. . . and here's my reply on email: If you have any difficulty viewing this email, please view the web version. Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe Hi there, Thanks for signing up. We'll email you again when we are approaching our launch. Please add this address to your safe sender's list now, you'll be the first in the know when we get ready to go live with The Global Mail. (We won't spam you in the meantime, promise.) Our mission is to bring you independent journalism for independent minds. You, our audience, will be our only agenda. We need all your like-minded friends, too—so please help us spread the word and send them to The Global Mail sign-up page. If you'd like to see our impressive line-up, visit out Team's page now: Meet Our Team And, while you're here, feel free to like our Facebook page: facebook.com/theglobalmail and follow us on Twitter: @theglobalmail Speaking of free; yes, we will be. And there'll be no ads either ... seriously! We are 100% philanthropically funded. All we need is you! See you in 2012. The Global Mail Team (produced by Digital Global Mail Limited) Independent journalism for independent minds. Our audience is our only agenda. www.theglobalmail.org


4/02/2012Hi DMW You are working hard as ever, weekend and all, you are very much appreciated. Thankyou for the compliment to Tweetie about her face, she likes to look pretty everyday under extreme difficulties, her hair style is a continual problem. Also I am glad you cleared up the OKGo question, I was scratching my head trying to remember where I put it, so you see I didn't put it. Funny not realy in keeping with political blog articles. Thankyou 2353 for telling us about OK GO I am going there this afternoon to have a little look see. I agree with your comment re [i]the media need to be told that if they want any information on Government business they need to be factual or even better introduce post haste a factual reporting law so that it is illegal for some of the crap that passes for reporting in this country to be uttered in public[/i] But the crazy part about all this leadership speculation is that it’s the media speculating about their speculation. Every single Labor Minister that I have seen interviewed have denied the Speculation,so then the media turns around and says “so they denied it , so that makes it true then” Spot any named sources in below links:- PeterLewisEMCPeter Lewis Scouring newspapers to find a single names source in any of the Labor leadership stories [i]Return of Rudd could spark exodus from cabinet , Phillip Coorey, SMH[/i] LABOR faces a possible exodus of senior ministers should Kevin Rudd retake the leadership, with several members of cabinet confiding they would find it difficult to work under him again. http://www.smh.com.au/national/return-of-rudd-could-spark-exodus-from-cabinet-20120203-1qxl9.html#ixzz1lNo79TYB [i]All deals off without Gillard: Oakeshott, Paul Osbourne, SMH[/i] Part of the agreement is for the parliament to run its full term and for an election to be held in late 2013.Mr Oakeshott said a leadership change could lead to the end of the Labor government."If the Labor Party thinks they can make an old-style change of leader without it affecting the make-up of the parliament they have rocks in their heads," he told AAP on Friday.The Greens have previously flagged a similar position. http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/all-deals-off-without-gillard-oakeshott-20120203-1qw4e.html?utm_ [i]Opposition releases Nauru detention costings, ABC @ 14:19:11 [/i] Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has released the Coalition's costings, claiming it could reopen the centre within 12 weeks. "[We could] build it at a third of the cost of what the Government says and deliver 600 more beds - almost double what the Government's costing claims," he said. Mr Morrison says his costings are based on advice from a company that has had eight years experience running the detention centre on Nauru http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-04/opposition-release-nauru-detention-costings/3811552 :):):):):):):):):):)


4/02/2012Hi Talk Turkey, Thankyou for your support, your kind remarks to DebbieP are appreciated, [i]TPS Links is already a huge and unique [/i]. Your loyal support of TPs along with your enjoyable posts. Your efforts and posts are sure helping to make TPS the place to be. DebbieP your just a sweet P, [i]This is becoming a wonderful Library [/i] [i]Emerson's tone, check his body language, just a few interviews like this and They will be on the run and rattled[/i]. Craig Emerson made Pyne look like a goose. Yes Talk Turkey the Global Mail was announced yesterday, what a great blog to watch, and we at TPS will be watching. You are Bloody Well Right, Talk Turkey terrific news. [i]Anouncement The Global Mail is Born - watch the Welcome video http://www.theglobalmail.org/welcome/ Please everybody GROK ON THAT !!! Thanks DMW, what terrific news[/i]! Cheers:):)


4/02/2012Swordsfolks with memories of up to a year might recall my querying "our" almost complete complicity in the 'rebels' blitzkrieg the West fomented, bankrolled and armed in Libya. I was pretty seriously razzed at the time for even putting my hand up to ask. Today the article below was sent to me by a man who has to my certain knowledge directed more than one [i]Liberal [/i]Federal election campaign in a local seat, he is a strident Climate Change denier and I have argued with him on that, but this article reinforces all I knew and understood and feared of the Libyan situation. Please remember that most of [i]"Us"[/i], Labour and NOpposition alike, were either gung-ho rah rah rah, or silent as the tomb, over our part in the debacle. The article is apposite in more ways than one, and by a Jew, notice. [u]The Man Who Came to Dinner[/u] John Swinton, the doyen of the New York press corps, upon his retirement, made the following speech: “There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty four hours, my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting of an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” I do understand that you have to eat like all of us and therefore must keep your mouth shut. You are Jewish and so am I. (Sephardic). For the sake of truth, I will give you here another side to the Libyan story. Just imagine a country where there is no electricity bill. Electricity is free to all its citizens. There is no interest on loans, banks were state owned and loans given at zero percent interest by law. Having a home was considered a human right. All newlyweds received US$ 50 000 from the govt to buy their first apartment and to help them start a family. Education and medical treatments were free. Before Qaddafi, 25 % of the population were literate. Today this figure is 83 percent. Should Libyans want to take up farming, they would receive land, a farmhouse, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick start their operation, absolutely free of charge. If citizens could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the govt would fund them to go abroad, free of charge, and would get some US$2,300 per month for accommodation and car allowance. Cars were government subsidized to the tune of 50%. Fuel prices were $0.14 per litter. The country had no external debt and its reserves amounted to some $170 billion, now frozen globally plus some 27 tons of gold, which the new regime found safely in the National Bank. Any graduate unable to find a job would get the average salary for the profession, as if he/she was employed, until employment found. A portion of oil sales were credited once a year to every citizen bank account. A mother who gave birth, immediately got some $5000. [i]Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15[/i].[Wha'? I think something wrong here. TT] 25% of citizens have a university degree. An immense project bringing water from aquifers in the south made it available all over the country, free of charge. [i][I knew about this. They also had brilliant roads. TT][/i] That is what that “tyrant” Qaddafi gave to his people. There are some 150 tribes in Libya and a strong hand was necessary if the country was to remain in one piece. Every citizen was in possession of a military weapon. Qaddafi was not frightened of his own people. [u]The so called rebels who took over, so we are told, would not have lasted a few days without NATO air power, British and French commandos and thousands of mercenaries.[/u] [Underlining mine TT] Those are the winners. Now another Karzai has been installed in Tripoli, and the country can be plundered at the victors’ whim and fancy. It takes $1 to extract a barrel of Libyan oil and today’s price is over $100. Total the French company has already grabbed some 30% of the Libyan state oil company. BP is starting exploration. And of course massive contracts for the reconstruction of Libya will be handed over to US and European companies. Of the sovereign fund, only some 1.2 billion have been released out of the $170 billion. With the state of the European economy, I doubt very much if Libya will see the rest any time soon. Now Libyans are free as you say, but [i]as Janice Joplin used to say…freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose,[/i] as Libyans queuing for funds at their bank’s door are finding out. Qaddafi is gone and so are the perks. What will be left is a terrible civil war. The price of democracy! “It is the joyous jiggling dance Americans do –USA! USA!- when their government slaughters someone illegally. It is primitive, but it is positively Libyan”. Wrong. It is positively American! Just saw a movie on the training of the US Army before going to Iraq. Soldiers running and singing:" Kill the women! Kill the children! “Then we are shown the results when civilians are gunned down in the streets by those braves. All on film. When they come back home, realising what they have done, they just commit suicide! These are ordinary Sunday soldiers with families. We can hide the truth with prison sentences, but the truth eventually come through, and unfortunately for us we cannot plug the dyke any longer. (end of article) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not to labour the point, those who were not vocally against it were silently for it - and some were explicitly. Do the deaths and the damage and the injustices haunt you? Kids maimed and homes and livelihoods destroyed? It always was about [b]oil[/b]. Did you really think it was about the treatment of women? * Now, [u]what about [i]Assange?[/i][/u] Nobody think it's anything about a Yank agenda to silence him for good? Am I still a sole voice crying in the wilderness about that too ?


4/02/2012Hi Everybody So much for the Coalitions costings on Nauru this morning: [i]STATEMENT ON OPPOSITION’S NAURU COSTINGS,Posted February 04, 2012 Chris Bowen[/i] Today Scott Morrison has released[b] anonymous, unfunded costings [/b]for a processing centre on Nauru, more than a week after the Government released its own detailed costings from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). Mr Morrison has refused to reveal the name of the ‘major company’ that provided the costings and provide any details as to how its costings have been calculated http://www.chrisbowen.net/media-centre/media-releases.do?newsId=5487 :):):):)

Patricia WA

4/02/2012Sorry, TT, can't support you on Assange. That he does not impress me as a man of good character and judgement is something to do with it. More importantly I do not support the idea that an unelected individual can choose to subvert our national security system, gather confidential data which may affect my security and that of my family, my community and my country, and then publish it via whatever news agency he sees fit.


4/02/2012Patricia I wasn't talking about Merdeoch! And "That he does not impress (you) as a man of good character and judgement is something to do with it." C'mon, we're talking about the rule of Law, principle, hard facts, not body language!

Patricia WA

4/02/2012Exactly, TT, and Julian Assange thinks he is above the law. I make it very clear that my major concern is that no one individual should be above the law and able to undermine any government, whether elected or not, nor however imperfect, by taking it on themselves to