Tony Abbott – the man who walks away

Tony Abbott is playing us all for suckers. He believes, and the contemporary polls of voting intention support his belief, that come 2013 he will waltz into The Lodge with no more than we see from him day after day. He believes that he will do that by opposing everything the Gillard Government is trying to achieve, by promising to repeal the carbon and minerals taxes and demolish the NBN, by mindlessly mouthing mantras over and again – about the ‘toxic’ carbon tax and the tax that is ‘killing the goose that is laying the golden eggs’, about how he will ‘turn back the boats’, and about the Gillard Government, ‘a bad government getting worse’.

And he believes he can do this by walking away without ever answering the hard questions.

Analyze carefully what this man says, and there’s not much more to it than that. No policy, no thoughtful statements about the economy, nothing of substance about the environment. Just vacuous utterances day after day after day, even in Question Time where it might reasonably be expected that policy issues might emerge, but no, it’s virtually all about the toxic carbon tax that will propel a wrecking ball throughout the entire economy, wiping out industries and towns and countless jobs and forcing the price of electricity, and everything else that you can think of, up and up and up to ‘unimaginable’ levels. Note the threefold emphasis.

He is not just playing the public for suckers; he’s playing the media for even bigger suckers. Journalists are the only ones who have intimate contact with Abbott, the only ones who can ask him penetrating questions, insist on answers, probe his responses, and be firm that he gives cogent answers. But this lily-livered bunch rarely does. And when an occasional journalist summons sufficient courage to be confronting, we see the typical bumbling Abbott, stumbling over accusations by Kerry O’Brien that he is careless with the truth, and mute when confronted by Mark Riley with the ‘shit-happens’ remark in Afghanistan.

It was therefore reassuring to read that at least one journalist is up to Abbott and prepared to call him for his evasive behaviour. Dennis Atkins, writing in the Courier Mail of 23 June in an article: Abbott steers away from the media, says: “In Canberra there's nothing more frustrating for press gallery journalists than trying to pin down Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, even though he makes himself available almost every parliamentary sitting day.

“Abbott very rarely fronts a full news conference in Canberra, preferring to do "doorstops" at staged events outside Parliament House. These are at a place where the Opposition Leader can run a line on the carbon tax and then take a few questions.

“There are not many - he will cut the session short by just walking away if questioning turns to things he doesn't want to talk about. Also, because these events are outside Parliament House, only a small number of journalists attend, as most have time and filing pressures and can't afford the hour necessary to get to and from what is primarily a picture opportunity.”

Note Atkins’ words: “…he will cut the session short by just walking away if questioning turns to things he doesn't want to talk about.” Exactly.

Atkins concludes: “Prime Minister Julia Gillard does at least give news conferences in Canberra when she takes questions until the reporters run dry, and she will appear on shows such as Lateline, Four Corners (to her regret) and the hour-long Q&A.

“Usually you learn something about Gillard when she subjects herself to this form of questioning - for better or for worse, as far as she's concerned.

“It should be a serious concern that the man who wants to be prime minister and, the polls say, is short odds to achieve that goal, doesn't give longer, searching interviews.

“The fact Abbott and his advisers have a deliberate policy to avoid scrutiny should be a major concern for all who take an interest in our national public life.”

We know what Atkins is talking about. We have seen Abbott in doorstops scores of times, doorstops he calls to make his statement of the day, or comment on something the Government has done or proposes. His spiel is well rehearsed (and is often repeated by others in his party), laden with his short snappy slogans, and is inevitably derogatory. He fields a few questions with glib answers, then walks away if the questions become awkward, leaving the journalists floundering with little for their efforts. They never get an in-depth story, never get to probe, never satisfy their journalistic desire for a solid, well-documented piece. Many don’t bother any more, but that doesn’t trouble Abbott so long as he gets his clip for the evening TV and radio news.

Not only does Abbott walk away when the questions get too hot for him, he avoids walking up at all to formal occasions where pointed questions might be asked.

How often does he front up to the National Press Club where journalists from many media outlets can ask questions? The last day in January of this year was the last occasion. His speech is on the Liberal Party website, but none of the questions or his answers. His previous NPC addresses were in August 2010, July 2009, and August 2006.

How often does he front on 7.30? Seldom, and then his interview is on specific matters, avoiding general questions, and is recorded and edited. And with limp interviewers like Chris Uhlmann, and the Dorothy Dixers he throws at Abbott, it’s not much of a challenge.

What about Q&A? The last time he fronted was almost two years ago, in August 2010, in the context of the election campaign. While Julia Gillard is prepared for an hour’s grilling, Abbott is not prepared to walk up for scrutiny. He has condemned everything PM Gillard and her Government has done, and has threatened to repeal much of it, yet has not been prepared, despite repeated invitations, to come on Q&A to explain his policies, his objections to the Government’s policies, how he would repeal its legislation, why he would run a better Government, and answer any awkward questions that the audience might ask.

When has he featured in a Four Corners expose? In March 2010, there was an edition on him. You can see it here; I can’t find any other recent appearance.

What about Lateline? Writing on Crikey, Jeremy Sear, in a 13 June article with a long title: #asktony – in which Mr Abbott tries to make up for avoiding Lateline or Q&A by pretending to be available to answer questions on Twitter for twenty minutes, and it backfires, had this to say: “Yesterday afternoon Tony Abbott tried a bit of a stunt where he pretended to be available to answer meaningful questions if people sent them to him on Twitter with the #asktony hashtag.

“You can see why the concept appealed to Abbott – it would make him look like he was open to being challenged on his pronouncements, whilst letting him ignore questions he didn’t want to answer and in a forum where nobody could expect more than 140 characters anyway.

“Which is good, because Tony’s preferred response to any question is the asinine (and false) “axing the carbon tax will fix it!” And the twitter “interview” lets him just keep repeating it (regardless of the question) whilst ignoring follow-ups…”

Sear gives some examples; here is one:
“Mark J. Cohen – What will be the macroeconomic effects on Australia if the Eurozone fails to stabilise its banks? #asktony

Tony Abbott – Serious. That’s why it’s important not to make extra burdens for ourselves such as the carbon tax and no ABCC. #asktony.

Can you believe it? Yes, you can!

Here’s another:
”Tim Ferguson – When you gut the carbon tax, do our other taxes stay the same? #asktony

Tony Abbott – I want to get taxes down generally. There’ll be no tax increases to pay for the carbon tax abolition.

Cate – Then how will you pay for it? And how will you fund the NDIS?

Cate – Lower taxes = razor gangs. What gets cut? Pensions? Who suffers most? The poor. Taxes = services. End of story.”

Abbott didn’t reply to Cate’s questions.

Sear goes onto say: ”Actually, many had tried to ask serious questions, but Tony didn’t respond.”

Then there was this tweet: “Emma Alberici – @TonyAbbottMHR #asktony When will you accept our invitation to do an interview on #lateline?”

Sear comments: “Like the other genuine questions, Tony didn’t dignify THAT one with a response.”

Sear concludes: “Naturally, other journalists were outraged. Tony Abbott, a man who expects to be Prime Minister after the next election, thinks he can avoid genuine scrutiny with faux interviews on Twitter? He thinks pretending to engage with the electorate for twenty minutes online whilst ignoring anything he doesn’t want to deal with is the equivalent of a Lateline interview or being grilled by a Q&A audience? He thinks ignoring the difficult questions he was asked won’t be noticed?”

“Tony Abbott is lucky that Herald Sun readers will be left with the impression that he bravely “reached out” and the Internet was too stupid and nasty to engage seriously, rather than the more accurate account that he declined to answer difficult questions and when people realised it was a shameless stunt then they started mocking him.

“Kudos to Jessica and her paper for not being annoyed by a politician’s attempt to sideline them and avoid genuine media scrutiny by spending twenty minutes ignoring difficult questions on Twitter in place of actually being grilled by a real journalist.

“We’ll find out how Tony Abbott is going to magically cut taxes without raising others or slashing public services whilst still maintaining the ALP’s surplus after he becomes PM. It’s just rude to ask him before the election. Twitter might not realise that yet – but the journalists Tony is willing to speak with do.”

So Abbott uses Twitter to walk away from giving thoughtful answers to genuine questions, seriously asked. It’s not surprising his glib non-answers soon attracted sarcastic, and at times silly questions. They could see he was just pretending to be interested in addressing the public’s questions; it was all another charade, yet another Abbott stunt.

Harking back to Lateline, Abbott’s last substantial appearance seems to have been in November last year when it ran for 21 minutes. An appearance in January lasted around three minutes, as did appearances in 2010. He simply does not favour this program with his presence. He deliberately avoids it.

In recent days, you will have seen Abbott, as he walked down a corridor, being asked about his response to the suggestion of some of his party and the Independents that he ought to re-enter into negotiations with PM Gillard about asylum policy. Several journalists asked him questions; there was no response. None at all. He simply refused the answer their questions in any way.

Yesterday we saw him walking away from genuine compromise, something yet another boat tragedy demanded of all parliamentarians. His so-called compromises were nothing more than a strategy to avoid making compromises that could really address the asylum seeker issue. Once more, he played his cynical game of avoidance by walking away from bona fide compromise.

But there are some interviews from which he does not walk away. Where? On 2GB where Alan Jones or Ray Hadley ask him soft questions and Dorothy Dixers, where he is never challenged with anything awkward, where every derogatory remark he makes about Julia Gillard and her Government is not just echoed, but amplified. He will go on Channel Seven’s Sunrise or Sky News where he knows he has supplicant interviewers, only too ready to promulgate his poisonous messages, and never assaulting him with questions that challenge or confront.

So here we have the man who would be Prime Minister of this country, this nation’s leader, who is unprepared to subject himself to any sort of scarifying scrutiny of the media, to answer penetrating questions about his statements and assertions, to respond to the probing questions of journalists who want to uncover his vision and his plans for the nation, his policies, their cost, his strategies for undoing what the Government has worked so hard to achieve.

All we get is glib answers, endless slogans, mindless mantras, incessant negativity, and unremittingly obstructive behavior, most recently about negotiating a compromise on asylum policy. We not only get nothing positive, we get nothing that lifts the spirits, that gives the hope and encouragement one ought to be able to expect from the man who wants to lead us. We get just negative nothingness.

If this man has anything to offer at all, we want to hear it. We suspect though that he really has nothing. Sycophantic journalists tell us that this is a clever strategy, a smart way of keeping under wraps the fifty policies that are said to be lying in wait, ready to be launched on an adoring public that will erupt with ecstatic enthusiasm once revealed.

To the discerning observer though this ‘clever’ strategy seems to be nothing other than one to avoid answering anything that might place him in a poor light, anything that might expose his hollowness, anything that might show up his shallowness, anything that might further highlight his nastiness, his malevolence, his destructiveness.

This man who would be leader of this nation is a fraud, a con man and a coward, one who walks away, with never a backward look at his questioners, and his public.

Tony Abbott is the man who walks away – shamelessly. He is playing us all for suckers. Who will have the guts to pull him up?

What do you think?

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28/06/2012A good video... Tony Abbott running away from tough questions!


28/06/2012Thanks Ad astra. I agree with your analysis of Abbott and how he gets a free ride, but I despair that he will be able to keep this up for a very long time yet. The below article has merit too. I think a lot of Australians actually have no clue on what is what as far as politics goes. Are we naive in our thoughts that once Australians see and live the truth that knowledge will win out? Or is it actually that he who has the media has the power, and to date that is Abbott as you so rightly point out above. He will be able to make Australians believe they are worse off even if they are not. He will easily get Australians to believe they are worse off because of the carbon price. I base that on the fact that very few Australians believe we got through the GFC because of decisive government action. Conservatives of all persuasions will not allow people to believe that spending up big got us out of it. Conservatives always close their purses, tighten their belts, when things get tough, look at QLD. They convince people that taking away services that ultimately the less fortunate depend on is the solution. Conservatives shrink government services, people get jack of it, put in a Labor government who spend and then conservatives get all hot under the collar and convince people the sky is falling in and so the cycle goes. Just some thoughts....


28/06/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Be sure to look at the link below to "Abbott’s Little Book of Deceit", Julia waved it around in Parliament during her reply to Abbott's SSO number 62? I think. Twitterati Question time today:- Bernard Keane‏@BernardKeane Coalition's talking points show they're keen to get the conversation onto the carbon price, not asylum seekers Misha Schubert‏@mishaschubert Abbott counters by seeking - unsuccessfully - to table Productivity Commission doc saying no other country has economy-wide carbon tax. #qt Latika Bourke ‏@LatikaQT He's been out there talking about snakes but actually peddling snake oil. JG on TA. #qt Misha Schubert‏@mishaschubert Julie Bishop on supplementary to the PM: wasn't the WA ALP conference cancelled because they didn't want you there? #qt Bernard Keane‏@BernardKeane "Abuse of points of order will not be tolerated," says Burke, tolerating Bishop's abuse of a point of order #qt Marianne ‏@justdreaming12 Julie Bishop proving everyone who thinks she is a bully right. Standing over a member of her party last night, being nasty today Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack #qt Dutton out. Misha Schubert‏@mishaschubert Combet taunting Abbott as "the prophet of doom". #qt Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack Supp asks Combet if he's aware of any pple aware of #cp who have acted. Why yes, Arthur Sinodinis has taken job as chair of coal mine AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Not one coalition question on asylum seeker policy. This coalition really care dont they? #auspol #qt Olivia Illyria‏@OliviaIllyria Member for Casey 94A'd Chris Johnson‏@seearjay Abbott rises...buttons his coat and the highly predictable is about to happen - unimaginable! #QT #SSO? David Donovan‏@davrosz Fancy that. Abbott introduces a censure motion. Goose. Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack #qt Abbott seeks leave to move a motion of censure on PM. Denied. Then moves SSO to allow censure on misleading Australians on #cp Sabra Lane‏@SabraLane JGillard: he is full of insults ... because on first of July he will be held to account for every reckless claim he has made. Olivia Illyria‏@OliviaIllyria Hahahahah. RT @kazonis @frankscan65 @OliviaIllyria It's 4 now: Dutton, Tehan, Hartsuker & Smith Rarrie‏@RarrieShoeshine MP Craig Emerson's closing speech was most excellent. ABBOTT’S LITTLE BOOK OF DECEIT: Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour Abbott's Little Book of Deceit is available online! #qt #auspol Tim Christodoulou‏@out_of_the_haze Abbott’s Little Book of Deceit is fantastic. #auspol Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour Abbott's Little Book of Deceit is available online! #qt #auspol


28/06/2012Agree with you completely that Phoney is a fraud,a liar, a coward, a hypocrite. How can a major political party have this hollow shell of a person as leader? If this bloke did not have the "green light" from the MSM he would have been thrown on the scrap heap ages ago. The media in this country is a complete and utter disgrace for letting this creep get away with the utter lies he spews everyday and never have the courage or balls to severely question his bullshit. I believe he is unhinged and " in your guts you know he's nuts".

Ad astra

28/06/2012Cuppa Thanks for the YouTube link. It is right on topic. I see there are several others that show walking away, indeed sometimes running away. LadyinRed Thank you for your comment and the link to Tim Dunlop’s very sound article. Abbott knows that his simple slogans appeal more to the people and are more memorable than facts, no matter how well they are portrayed. It’s sad that so many in the community have been dumbed-down to this lamentable level.

Ad astra

28/06/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for the Twitterati. The talking points were fascinating to read – we hear them over and again. Lies, distortions, and deceptions abound, but if the people swallow them, what do they care? This stuff is right out of the Tea Party play book.

Ad astra

28/06/2012Franked You are right. Phoney is a fraud, a liar, a coward, and a hypocrite, and will go on being all of these unless and until the media gets stuck into him, shows up his shallowness and deviousness, and repeatedly exposes his manifest defects in the MSM.


28/06/2012Can't argue with any of that, AA, spot on as usual. Though I do think Dennis Atkins was being more than a little disingenuous when he portrayed the media as noble seekers of the truth who are sadly frustrated by Abbot's evasive behaviour. Abbott only gets his grab on the evening TV news because that's what the producers choose to show us. If they chose instead to show their viewers repeated clips of Abbott walking away, running away, suffering brain blackouts, uuming and aahing, gasping for words like a fish gasping for oxygen - then I think he would very soon either change his tactics or lose his job. But the media chooses not to do this, the media chooses to let him get away with it all and it is their filter which is the real threat to democracy in this country. I'd like to see Dennis Atkins tackle that issue.


28/06/2012AA - another gem. Your post reminded me of an episode years ago when a 4ZZZ-FM Reporter (the radio station was at the time owned by the Uni of Qld Student Union - and that's another story!) asked Bjelke-Petersen the same question something like 50 times until he got an answer - obviously with the moral support of more mainstream reporters as they didn't "spoil the moment". Bjelke-Petersen at first was flippant, then annoyed and finally cracked and clearly displayed his lack of knowledge on the subject. The moment was captured for TV - and I think in the end it was played up here for quite some time. Of course this was in the days before networked media outlets but maybe it's worth the Canberra Press Gallery trying a similar tactic - if they are as fed up with LOTO as Dennis Atkins suggests they are. Bjelke-Petersen was again given the same treatment I think by Quentin Dempster (when he hosted the Queensland ABC current affairs show after the 7pm news. The question (which I'm sure you have seen or at least heard of) was about the doctrine of separation of powers of the state. NormanK and Lyn being fellow Queenslanders may remember the events as well. While I'm here - Patricia; hoe the injury isn't too painful and doesn't cramp your lifestyle too much. Look after yourself.


28/06/2012 Hi Ad Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke 29 ayes and 39 Noes - Oakeshott bill is defeated in the Senate ABC News 24‏@ABCNews24 #Breaking: Rob Oakeshott's bill to restore offshore processing has been defeated in the Senate #asylum #auspol National Times‏@NationalTimesAU BREAKING ... Senate rejects 'compromise' asylum seeker bill


28/06/2012 The first sentence sums it up nicely Ad Astra; 'Tony Abbott is playing us all for suckers'. I sometimes wonder if Abbott & his party are laughing at the gullible people and media, while he manipulates and plays his little games. I just hope the people wake up . Otherwise a vote for the Coalition is a vote to accept his woeful behavior, 'game play' and stance of playing the public as 'suckers'.


28/06/2012The sad reality in "voter land" is we are dealing with "THICK"..There's no polite way of saying it, no real way of avoiding it..Tony Abbott and his media backers know it, it only takes a "trigger word" or "cultural shock" to bring Pavlov's dog baying to his side like a faithful mutt! The answer is the is where all source of information is gleaned by the voting mob, all trigger emotions displayed by the tabloid outlets..We are really up against it with an electoral fool being "pissed in his pocket" by cunning, persuasive liars. I believe the Labor Govt' has to start getting serious and bring to brook those responsible for the Slipper Conspiricy and the Thompson Conspiricy and charge them with sedition. I believe if the accusations against the News Limited journalist prove true, the entire company should be shut down for a period(perhaps till the court-case is finalised)and fined such an amount that would beggar any reason to repeat the action!


28/06/2012Politics watchers will remember how, during the last federal election campaign, Abbott kept stalling and making excuses to avoid taking up the Prime Minister's challenge of a debate on the economy. As noted more than once so far in this thread the guy is a coward and an empty fraud. His minders know his shortcomings - that he cannot think on the run, speak off the cuff or answer unscripted questions in-depth and truthfully. So they (and I believe it is "they", not "him" who really run the Liberal show), keep him on a very tight leash. Personally I believe he lacks the intellect to do what he cannot. We've all got our strengths and our weaknesses. He's a thug and pugnacious attack dog, and with that an inarticulate bogan who struggles with his native language. I mean, if he WERE capable of orating well, they'd use him for that, rather than limiting him to what are, in effect, heavily-scripted set-pieces and three-syllable mantras. Peter Nicholson, cartoonist at [i]The Australian[/i], depicted him tellingly on 09 September 2011: So there we have it. A bloody-minded coward and fraud who's flat out stringing three words together. Lacking in the basic requirements of statesmanship, here he is within a swipe of taking power. What an appallingly low state the Australian democracy is at that this sort of character has risen so far beyond his capability.


28/06/2012I'd like to propose a scenario to you all, just to gauge whether I'm being too paranoid (as opposed to just paranoid enough). 1) Tony Abbott rampages around, spouting populist themes and whipping up support and controversy while dodging the hard questions. 2) The party switches into election mode, taking the pulse on each of the 'policies' that Abbott has been spreading around. Some are popular enough so that the daft bits can be overlooked, some are just a bit too daft to be realistic. There might even be a couple of good ones in there, you never know. 3) When the election gets a little closer, his party pulls the rug out from under him and someone else steps up (Turnbull?). At this point any insufficiently popular / overly daft policies (I'll dig up the NBN!) can be interred along with Abbott, leaving the new leader with a freshly focus-tested agenda. I can't think of a better reason why the party is still satisfied with Tony in charge.


28/06/2012Hi Ad I didn't get a chance to read your article before my last post. Thankyou for your delectable, delicious, entertaining article. So much work and so many genuine, factual words, you are our hero Ad Astra. Seems Julia Gillard's plan has met with some favourable comments: George Bludger‏@GeorgeBludger JuliaGillard The invite to individual coalition MPs is an excellent move. Let's see Tony Abbott try and wreck this Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke PM Julia Gillard - if the Oppn refuses, I will invite individual coalition MPs into the group. #asylum TheFinnigans JuliaGillard Dear PM, This Expert group headed by former Defence Chief Angus Houston is a brilliant move TheFinnigans GenGusface @frankscan65 We forgive the Greens, now they are backing PM Gillard's brilliant Expert Group move Bernard Keane‏@BernardKeane This Greens obsession with slavishly following the UN Refugee Convention at all costs is bad policy and sloppy thinking.

Ad astra

28/06/2012Pikiranku Thank you for your comment. You are right. Abbott could not survive without the complicity of a largely indolent and sycophantic mainstream media. Yes, Dennis tends to let the media off the hook, citing Abbott’s unpredictable and short doorstops as being too hard for ordinary journalists with their workload and deadlines. 2353 Thank you for your kind comment. I do remember the Joh Bjelke-Petersen days, his ‘don’t you worry about that’, and his three answer interviews, no matter what the questions were. I can’t recall the episode to which you refer, but if there is a record of it, it would be worth sending to MSM journalists as a ‘how to nail a politician’ tutorial.

Ad astra

28/06/2012Hi Lyn Yes, it is a sad day, where political opportunism and obdurate stubbornness by Tony Abbott and the Coalition, and adherence to political purity by the Greens, has left us no further ahead. It is shameless, and an indictment of the political process.


28/06/2012 [b]Jaycee[/b] Many voters are so very thick. Listened to Super Network this morning while travelling. One lady phoned to condemn Oakshott and labor for trying "to pass a law that the HC said they can't". She went on to say that the HC said "they just are not allowed to use Malaysia". Following this came plaudits to Abbott for wanting Nauru because "the HC said Nauru is OK". Poor dear hasn't a clue what the HC case was about, and that the problem it found can be fixed by fixing the Migration Act legislation. And bugger me, she gets to vote. Immediately after her an older man came on and said the same thing in his own way. The shock jock was a fill-in for the absent John Laws and replied to all these incorrect propositions with a series of "mmmmmms" and "isn't that bad" and "we've got a poor system haven't we" etc etc. Not once did he have the ability and/or inclination to say "hold on ..... that's not so etc etc". And 100s of thousands of stay-at-homes were listening and learning from this, from Gippsland in Victoria, throughout NSW and into SE Queensland.

Ad astra

28/06/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your very kind 6.49 pm comments. It's good JG is getting a little credit for her initiative, after all the abuse heaped on her by Tony Abbott in the censure motion and afterwards. He really is the most abusive man in parliament, but Julia is more than his match.


28/06/2012"The opposition will not acknowledge that the government has any right to govern, even in a crisis." A quote from: by Peter Hartcher. And this is the core of the issue. Every issue as overseen by this man who walks away. After 61 suspensions of standing orders, 300 plus pieces of government legislation passed, what exactly has Abbott's Opposition actually achieved? In parliament, nothing that reflects anything on it except the grimy persistence of spite. Beyond parliament, well, 'fair dinkum, he's got the wood on Gillard, hasn't he?' And that adds up to precisely what? "The grimy persistence of spite".

Ad astra

28/06/2012debbiep It’s bad enough playing the voters for suckers; it’s dangerous playing the media for suckers, because journalists are the very ones who [b]could[/b] expose this man for the shallow, devious, lying leader he is. They could not only expose him, but also ask the consequent question – do we want him leading the nation?

Ad astra

28/06/2012jaycee I suspect you are right; many voters have so little interest in politics, so little knowledge of what is actually going on, so short an attention span, that all that appeals to them is the simplest of messages, especially if they roll off the tongue as Abbott’s slogans and mantras do, no matter if they are trite, stupid, untrue or ridiculous. What Abbott relies on is that they are memorable and readily repeatable. It does not matter to him if they are deceptive, or just plain untrue. Let’s hope that when the Slipper matter shows the duplicity of many people, including Liberals, and when the Thomson affair shows how many others were doing just what they accuse him of doing, some of the scales will fall from some voters’ minds and cause an awakening, to the detriment of the perpetrators of these nasty affairs.

Per Ardua

28/06/20122353 @5.18 Joe was questioned about his understanding of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers by Hon Justice Michael F Moore during the 1988 Royal Commission into police and political corruption in QLD. His response was classic Johspeak - and indicated that he had never heard of any such nonsense!

Per Ardua

28/06/2012Duh.... Joh line 1

Ad astra

28/06/2012Haderak Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. The scenario you describe is plausible. I have often contemplated such. I have always felt that his party room would eventually see Abbott as dispensable. While his credibility with voters is still sufficient to maintain the strong TTP score, even although he is unpopular, they will hang onto him, but when the TTP moves towards Labor, and especially when his slogans and scaremongering are shown to be hollow, they will want to replace him, classifying him as simply ‘road kill’, a term he used after his initial election as leader, when he said that if he won the election he would be seen as a genius, if not, as ‘road kill’. The only reason he is still leader is the good TPP score, and the absence of a suitable alternative. While most Labor people see Malcolm Turnbull as an alternative – he was certainly better than Abbott – his own party don’t want him back as leader. But whom else of any talent have they got?

Ad astra

28/06/2012Cuppa I agree with everything you have written and endorse your conclusion: “[i]So there we have it. A bloody-minded coward and fraud who's flat out stringing three words together. Lacking in the basic requirements of statesmanship, here he is within a swipe of taking power. What an appallingly low state the Australian democracy is at that this sort of character has risen so far beyond his capability.”[/i] A classic example of The Peter Principle. And what an apt cartoon!


28/06/2012Per Ardua Is tht the same dangerously left-wing, biassed Michael Moore that our friend Kathy Jackson complained about?


28/06/2012Ad Astra. Your optimism is pitched just a shade higher than mine..thank goodness!(and I might add ; also your skill in spelling!!). When I reflect upon the vicissitudes of humanity under the severe rule of the Romans and their slow and painful record of decline, I must admit that the skills of plucking stupidity from the jaws of wisdom hasn't lessened from the lesson!....When one studies on the achieved magnificence from the ancient Greeks to the bottomless pit of despair in the ruins of Constantinople; that last eastern bastion of Christianity, finally destroyed, not by an Islamic army, but by a Christian army contracted for the job by the capitalist Venetians! Stupidity upon stupidity upon stupidity...such seems the lot of humanity...then there's Cambell Newman and possibly Tony Abbott!....Reflect on this dear readers : "And now may I present to you Australias' new Prime Minister..Tony Abbott"... Surely never, never so stupid? Gird the loins fellow warriors...we are fighting against a formidable foe..: Pig-ignorance!

Ad astra

28/06/2012Per Ardua Thank you for the Michael F Moore speech; what an extraordinary exchange it records between JBP and Michael Forde. It’s almost beyond comprehension that such a senior and longstanding politician did not understand the separation of powers under the Westminster system, but some of the utterances that contemporary politicians have made recently on this subject makes one wonder. I don’t know if it is the same Michael Moore of Kathy Jackson acquaintance to which Pikiranku refers. Do you?

Ad astra

28/06/2012jaycee You are right: [i]Gird the loins fellow warriors...we are fighting against a formidable foe..: Pig-ignorance![/i].


28/06/2012 NOW IT CAN BE TOLD! It's taken a bloody week but at last Sportsbet has allowed me to place a bet on the Australian Federal Election 2013/14 Thanks to the Golden-Haired Glorfindel who gave us the info that Labor is at 7:1 against! I tried to put $1000 on Labor but they would only accept a $500 bet. Weird. (They said it would usually be only $250 for a first-time bettor but they made an exception in my case because I got insistent!) I can afford to lose a thousand but I can't afford the chance not to put my money where my mouth is, at SEVENS, hell they're crazy, it is sheer hubris on the part of the kind of people who bet. Of whom I am not one. I'm just doing it this once. Note that in all cases they put the Coalition before the Government. Hubris. Here's their odds: [b]Australian Federal Election 2013/14 Sworn In Government Coalition 1.10 Australian Labor Party 7.00[/b] Pay on party which supplies the Prime Minister following the next Federal election.Bets settled at time of swearing in. All bets carry over if the Gov General does not swear in a PM because supply cannot be guaranteed.Coalition refers to the Liberal Party Liberal Leader Tony Abbott 1.20 Malcolm Turnbull 3.75 Joe Hockey 10.00 Peter Costello 41.00 Scott Morrison 41.00 Chris Pyne 51.00 Andrew Robb 61.00 Julie Bishop 101.00 David Johnston 501.00 Stuart Robert 1001.00 Wyatt Roy 5001.00 Pay on the candidate who leads the Liberal Party into the next Federal Election (2013/14). Bets settled on Leader as on voting day. Quote Others Labor Leader Kevin Rudd 2.00 Julia Gillard 2.70 Simon Crean 6.00 Stephen Smith 6.00 Bill Shorten 13.00 Bob Carr 21.00 Greg Combet 21.00 Wayne Swan 34.00 Anthony Albanese 126.00 Chris Bowen 151.00 Nicola Roxon 201.00 Kate Ellis 251.00 Peter Garrett 251.00 Pay on the candidate who leads the Labor Party into the next Federal Election (2013/14). Bets settled on Leader as on voting day. Quote Others Election Date 1st July 2012 to 31st Dec 2012 3.75 1st Jan 2013 to 30th June 2013 4.00 1st July 2013 to 31st Dec 2013 1.50 Pay on the Date the Next Federal Election will be held from the nominated options. Pay out on the day Australia goes to the polls. [i]Those odds haven't changed in months. Nobody is betting obviously. Do it now if you want to do it at all.[/i] [i]If Labor doesn't win I won't be thinking about the money. But if (when!) Labor does win I'm going to be really peeed off that I didn't put a lot more on us![/i] [b]But I'll be shouting next day![/b]

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28/06/2012Michael I agree with your assessment. As for a moment I thought your words were those of Peter Hartcher, I rushed to read his piece, only to find that the latest parliamentary saga arising from the asylum boats tragedy has fed into his thesis, explained in my piece on his book, that Australia is suffering from awful leadership. You will recall that in this regard he condemns Julia Gillard as a much as he does Tony Abbott. The last two days will do nothing but to reinforce Hartcher’s entrenched view. But at least he is prepared to recognize that: [i]"The opposition will not acknowledge that the government has any right to govern, even in a crisis."[/i] Let’s be thankful for small movements of opinion.

Ad astra

28/06/2012TT Interesting odds. I'm sure you'll enjoy your winnings. It's fascinating to see that the odds on Coalition leadership naturally have Tony Abbott first, Malcolm Turnbull a little behind, but all the rest are very long shots. Therein lies their problem.

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28/06/2012Psyclaw You have had the same reaction as I do listening to talkback, and I listen only on the ABC, namely that the depth of ignorance and narrow-mindedness is monumental among many, but thankfully not all voters. And as you say, no matter how uninformed or ill informed, they do have a vote.

Per Ardua

28/06/2012Pikiranku @8.51, AA @ 9.03, Yes, one and the same.

Ad astra reply

29/06/2012Patriciawa From the last thread, I was sorry to hear of your accident and wish you a rapid recovery. Out thoughts are with you - you are a precious member of The Political Sword family.

paul walter

29/06/2012Nobody thought thought the public would wear Howard either. St. Anthony is a political animal. Large parts of the community, turned off by the complexity of issues rendered impossible to understand by media mystification, want a big brother to tell their consciences and those who disturb these, to stfu. The public are well-complicit, they'll take any "out" to avoid facing up, unless it requires too much work.


29/06/2012TODAY’S LINKS The Sound of Chickens Roosting, Archie, ArchieArchives That hubris has brought Tony Abbott to the belief that the Prime Ministership is his by right. Not in 2013 after an orderly election but right now. He has shown that he will do and say anything to gain his God-given right.Never noted for his graciousness as a loser, Abbott has a history of bad behaviour. As has often been quoted, his fellow students remembered him with some fear. Abbott takes last swipe before tax day, ABC Abbott's Little Book of Deceit," she said."A ready reckoner so you can see every false claim day after day as they are exposed."The censure motion failed, but Question Time was also dominated by claim and counter claim about the tax. Knowledge isn't enough; power trumps all, Tim Dunlop, The Drum. Mr Abbott, with the help of various commentators, media outlets, business groups, think tanks and corporations, has managed to create an alternative reality where the government has been discredited and where he is able to be taken seriously enough to offer himself as a viable prime minister. Slipper, the staffer and the journalist: how close is too close?Matthew Knott, The Power Index In the federal court yesterday, Slipper's counsel David Chin agreed to give Lewis until July 6 to comply with a subpoena to produce all text messages, documents, phone records, emails and memos sent between him and Ashby between February and April 2012. Lewis and Campbell Reid, News Limited's editorial director, declined to comment to Crikey. The Problem with Nauru – A Christmas Reflection, Julian Burnside All the use of Nauru does is to make the process unbelievably expensive. Tony Abbott’s insistence on using Nauru as a place for offshore processing is simply a way of wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money. News That’s Fit To Punt – 28/Jun/2012, The Art Neuro Weblog The government’s argument is that if getting on the boat is futile because you end up back in Malaysia, then it serves to protect Mr. Hussein from himself and from making a particularly stupid and desperate mistake – and after all is said and done, this is what is being discussed Parliament Wants A Silver Bullet, Ben Eltham, New Matilda The politics of asylum seekers run largely in favour of the Liberal and National parties. It’s in Tony Abbott’s narrow political interests to see the continued failure of refugee policy. And, given Abbott’s record so far as opposition leader, you’d have to expect him to continue to act in those narrow interests. Substituting treaties for hard thinking on asylum seekers, Bernard Keane, Crikey It’s a tissue-thin justification for opposition, this Damascene conversion to human rights by the Coalition. And to see Phillip Ruddock and Kevin Andrews, men whose records as ministers included savage assaults on basic civil rights, stand up to lecture the chamber was to feel more than a little sick. The facts on carbon pricing and refrigerants, Invest in Australia. Opposition frontbencher Sophie Mirabella has been caught out once again making inflated claims about the impact of the carbon price. Ms Mirabella asserts that the carbon price will quadruple the price of a common refrigerant gas. She's not just wrong, she's way off Carbon Price Countdown: It takes a first step, Alex Schlotzer, Café Whispers Sure some of these companies have immediately used the carbon price as an excuse to pass on the full cost of the price on them. But this was to be expected. No-one was denying it but that’s why the federal government has been rolling out compensation packages for Australians as energy prices rise. Asylum Seekers Malaysian Solution Nauru Solution: Will Either Stop People Drowning??, Peter, Aussie Views New sat this point I should mention that Aussie Views News is against the concept of sending these people to Malaysia. For example, in the Article Julia Gillard Refugee Legislation: Out of Touch with Reality I asked what Julia Gillard's then new policy would do to people's rights? And answered that it would trample all over them. Asylum Seekers – Malcolm Turnbull’s Statement, Turn Left 2013 Malcolm Turnbull, long regarded by those on the Left as a moderate, in a discussion about the deaths of asylum seekers made the following statement “So what is this about, other than an effort to embarrass the coalition and to put pressure on the coalition?”. Here is part of what was said, edited for clarity: Corpses pile up, Tad Tietze, Overland Every concession to the legitimacy of the current ‘debate’ made by the Left weakens its ability to actually defend asylum seekers’ interests and undermine the influence of nationalism and racism. The Greens, for example, have lately been too willing to play a game of constructive engagement with a discussion that instead deserves bitter denunciation The NBN to end the Copper Age, Independent Australia The Coalition may not have got the memo, but the days of copper wire are over. Tech expert Kieren Cummings cuts through the spin to explain why only the fibre optic solution provided by the NBN is the only realistic way to future proof Australia’s communications infrastructure Oakeshott asylum bill defeated in Senate, ABC Mr Abbott said it was the Prime Minister's "pride and stubbornness" that got in the way of a deal.But Labor has accused the Coalition of being unwilling to budge, despite warning the legislation was needed to save lives Hockey shtick: who's driving NBN policy?, David Braue, ZDNet These are, more or less, the visions that have been presented to us by three senior Liberal Party politicians in recent months. Turnbull is sitting on the fence; Abbott wants to drive his tractor through the NBN at high speed; and Fletcher wants to correct the spelling on the warning signs attached to it. Govt reaffirms 2015 NBN satellite deadline despite looming Space Systems/Loral acquisition , Harrison Polites, Technology Spectator spokesman for the minister for broadband, communications and the digital economy confirmed that two satelliteswill be operational and servicing rural Australia by 2015, despite the impending sale of Space Systems/Loral. The leadership lessons of Chairman Rupert, Jack Shafer, Reuters .” Murdoch exhibited his faith in his own voice at the Leveson hearings in late April, when he said, “I’m under strict instructions by my lawyers not to say this, but I’m going to…” and proceeded to confess to a “cover-up” of phone hacking at News of the World. “Rupert famously doesn’t take advice,” one news story quoted an anonymous source. Quigley joins The Business NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley joins The Business to discuss claims smaller Australian firms are not getting a look-in into the network's construction Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 29 June 2012


29/06/2012 [b]Swordsters[/b] I think JG has now come up with a game changer. She was clearly waiting with this committee already quietly set up, as the speed of its announcement attests ..... less than an hour after the Senate rejection. [b]And it is a killer of a committee![/b] The three leaders are men with extremely strong backgrounds. LeStrange is an ex Howard advisor amongst many other things and former CEO of the Menzies Research Centre. His contribution will wedge Abbott. Paris Aristotle's inclusion will undoubtedly wedge the Greens ..... he has worked in the area of refugees, torture victims, and UNHCR for years. Angus Houston's inclusion will wedge all parties. These appear to be three very fine Australians, very experienced, and quiet achievers of the highest order. And all are humanitarians in their own way. (I read somehwere last night that AHouston was a whistleblower against Howard regarding some aspect of Tampa and/or kids overboard). There is always the chance that this committee will recommend against the government and Malaysia, but even if they do they will be putting up alternate recommendations which JG will undoubtedly accept, and which will really put the wood on Abbott and Milne [b](and especially on Sneerer Morriscum)[/b] In fact if this committee's recommendations are not followed by Abbott IMHO it could cost him the leadership....dear dear dear! And for Milne, their 12-15% support could quickly be reduced to a count-on-one-hand number. [i][u][b]Good wo[/i]rk [/u]PM.[/b] BTW took grandkids to see the movie Brave. A very poignant kids' movie about a princess who breaks the mould and successfully avoids the "queenly" life planned for her. The moral of the movie is contained in its final words [u][i]"you'll find your destiny deep inside you ..... all you have to do is be Brave![/u]" [/i] And the pièce de résistance.... [b]the little loveable princess is a brilliant (coloured) Ranga.[/b]


29/06/2012Bad Abbott Far be it from me to suggest Shouldabeen might be capable of spouting falsehoods, and as of 8:18 this morning I stand to be corrected, but I have so far failed to find anywhere in the news media just who this "Labor MP" who 'said' that the PM had "outsourced the Prime Ministership" might be. Anywhere but from the lips of Abbott and his callous cohorts, that is. Another invention, bugger the truth, Tiny?

Ad astra

29/06/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


29/06/2012Hi Psyclaw You said "JG has now come up with a game changer" so do I. Did Abbott say on channel 9 this morning he doesn't know the name of the third person on the advisory panel, you can see what he will say, nobody told me. Wonder how Abbott will get out of his invitation. As Michael said "bugger the truth, Tiny?" This is what Ash said there are a lot more comments.. But you have provided us with an interesting summary thankyou Psyclaw. AshGhebranious‏ PM doing a nice hatchet job on Abbott. The Houston panel will actually read the dept of immigration advice :):):)


29/06/2012Bad Abbott... at your expense. This report lists the extra money Parliamentarians spend in the activities of their office, for the period between July 1 and December 31 2011. You will not be surprised... Once again Shouldabeen PM has managed to spend more than the real PM, $400,000 plus. This is over and above his salary. Note that his Family Travel Expenses are amongst the highest on the list. Guess having a photogenic daughter or two in tow for 'bash the government at taxpayers' expense' tours around the nation does cost a buck or ten.


29/06/2012Psyclaw said the pièce de résistance.... the little loveable princess is a brilliant (coloured) Ranga. Have you ever seen the Aussie/Kiwi/Canuk animated production Jane and the Dragon? Jane is a frizzy redhead (like Rebekah Brookes) living in a mediaeval castle, she doesn't want to be a Lady in Waiting, she wants to be a Knight! It is a truly brilliant series, with moral themes and very well done. I said here on TPS a few weeks ago that Brave seems - (from brief glimpses on clips with an interview with that foulmouthed Scottish humorist who played Mr Brown with Queen Victoria, can't think of his name)- to be a derivative of Jane. As the Pommie series Silk is a lesser derivative of our splendid Aussie series Crownies. The Poms seem to lean a lot on Aussie soaps too, not that I watch soaps at all. I'm glad you liked Brave though. But if you want to watch Jane and the Dragon it's available on DVD, go to your local library and borrow it for free!


29/06/2012This piece makes no sense whatsoever. I think at last count the PM had only done about one third of all the media interviews Tony Abbott had done in the past year. She has only done about 3 TV interviews in the past couple of months! Oh, and i cant remember, is it Julia Gillard that always walks out of the chamber when a suspension of standing orders is moved by the opposition. If she was so open to public scrutiny, why doesnt she respond to questions that are wholly directed at her? Tony Abbott is far more accessible to the public, as well as more accountable. You might not like what he says, but at least he gets out there and says it.


29/06/2012Dear Patricia If you have your lapptop in hospital, you will be reading TPS so I am sending you this message. We are all very sad to hear of your accident, as Ad Astra said you are precious to us. We wish you a speedy recovery and are thinking of you each day. Love from lyn


29/06/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you all:- Media shockwaves put public interest to the test , Scot Ludlam, SMH Blogger Mr Denmore nailed it in a recent post on the Failed Estate: “It's a neat trick that equates freedom of the press with the notion of an unfettered capitalist free market. Anything that stands between the desire of media companies to make a profit by selling audiences to advertisers must automatically be an attack on freedom.” vexnews‏@vexnews Ashby lawyer to pay tax office $750,000 in past income tax, says deductions had been legitimate #auslaw #auspol #ashby National Times‏@NationalTimesAU New boats reach Christmas Island via @NationalTimesAU Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Tony Abbott's mantra he'll quickly repeal CO2 pricing is yet another charade It won't pass both houses YOU SERIAL LIAR Australian Media‏@aus_media Fairfax collapse 'nightmare' for News reports @darrendavidson Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Simon Benson puts asylum stalemate blame solely on Greens but Coalition has failed to compromise too NOV 2013 ELECTION Jason Om‏@jason_om I spoke to Andrew Wilkie about his attempt to lengthen #asylum debate #auspol Popi‏@popi6666 Media test not a knee-jerk reaction to Rinehart - Conroy via @brisbanetimes Chris Johnson‏@seearjay The spin used to spook us on refugee arrivals; here's a Scott Morrison myth busted: Did he recant this utter rot? TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM "MEDIA owners will be forced to submit to a public interest test under a plan to be presented to the federal... TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM Did the "Pacific Solution" stop the boats. Abbott and Morrison say it is, a lie. Furthermore, asylum seekers rose... Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Wilkie slams MPs over asylum deadlock @abcnews Jessica Irvine‏@Jess_Irvine Let's stop the boats by firing up the 747s and increasing Australia's humanitarian intake. My column: via @smh Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Typical Liberal Campbell Newman will start 2 dismantle Public Service next week while he looks after his business mates Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Tony Abbott's stop the boats offshore processing pomposity is a sham COALITION TWICE VOTED AGAINST ACTION DUPLICITOUS Michelle Grattan


29/06/2012jj- [i][/i]Tony Abbott is far more accessible to the public, as well as more accountable. You might not like what he says, but at least he gets out there and says it.[i][/i] It's not about not liking what he says - it's that what he says often is not based on facts but rather he wants to create fear and hence get your vote. More accountable? Hardly. Who holds him to account? Alan Jones? He doesn't do the hard press conferences in the blue room - he purposely holds them outside on the doorstop knowing full well most of the journos with any kudos wont go out there. And, if he gets any hard questions that he doesn't wnat to answer he just walks off. He has never to my knowledge done a Q&A - why? because he would have to go off script, and his minders know that when he goes off script anything might, and does, happen. Remember Wyalla would be wiped off the map! Perhaps we can ask you to hold him to account when Wyalla isn't wiped off the map?


29/06/2012thanks lyn........just got mobiliy means not much writing for now. thanks for all good wishes. knee reconstruction this arvo......lots of coffee in early hours prior to pre op very grateful for all your links to catch up with events tacker is fine.........hope he will be smiling at you all again soon........cheers....


29/06/ that an omen? we're back already.........

Ad astra

29/06/2012Hi Lyn Again, your links were great reading. I particularly enjoyed Bernard Keane’s article in [i]Crikey[/i] The Twitterverse too had many interesting items. Imagine Michelle Grattan supporting the Malaysia arrangement. Ian Rintoul’s article: [i]Howard’s Pacfic Solution didn’t stop the boats[/i], is an interesting read.’s-pacific-solution-didn’t-stop-the-boats/


29/06/2012Ad Astra the Denis Atkins piece just annoyed me because as a journalist he knows the answer to his own questions. A politician needs the media just as much as the media needs politicians. So it comes down to the media organisations to pressure Abbott. Imagine Abbott's response if the media didn't turn up to his stunts. Imagine if the nightly news didn't get vision of Abbott in a bright vest but instead had the PM giving an interview. The public may get to hear about all the programs put in place by the govt and that wouldn't be a bad result. Well good for the voters disastrous for stunt man. And as a test let the Insiders, 7.30, Lateline, Q&A do whole programs without ANY mention of the Opposition, even in the cartoon segments and see how quickly Abbott responds to their open invitations to appear.


29/06/2012PatriciaWA All my best wishes are coming your way. Enjoy being waited on in hospital. Glad to hear, and see, Tacker is fine. Take care and lots of hugs. Ad Astra Another great piece. Unless and until the MSM, including radio and TV, decide to show Abbott for what he is, the multitude of Australian's will not see how bad he is and will be. I could take or leave the Greens, but now I will just leave them with their new pals in the noalition. I have tried not to be disappointed with the Senate result, but it galls me that the Greens are happy to see people drown. I expect that attitude from the noalition, but the greens have shown me their real face, and I don't like it one bit. For me in the next election it will be 1. Labor in the lower house, with independents and the greens absolutely last and 1. Labor in the Senate.

Ad astra

29/06/2012Patriciawa Welcome back. Great to see you are already post-operative. Wishing you a quick recovery. Glad to see Tacker is OK.

Ad astra

29/06/2012Gravel Thank you for your kind words. Like you, I'm increasingly disillusioned with the Greens. Their quest for political purity left us without an ETS and now without an asylum seeker solution. With them we are getting a 100% of nothing, whereas we would have settled for 70% of something.

Ad astra

29/06/2012sue Wouldn't it be nice to have a week, or even a day without mention of Tony Abbott, without a word from his abusive mouth, without the vision of him in a hard hat and fluoro vest, or driving a B-double or a front end loader, or stacking bananas, or in a fishmonger's apron filleting fish and giving the fish a kiss for good measure. That would be bliss. But that's all the MSM can manage. Sad, pitiful and pathetic!

42 long

29/06/2012What sort of people does Tony appeal to? It can't be the thinking types because he doesn't give them anything to think about. Just short triple emphasis Dumb assertions. No facts ever. I can't believe he is getting away with it. He would have to rate close to the worlds best backflipping hypocrite.


29/06/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterati for you all Tony Abbott set to ignore any findings from the Labor panel set up to find boats solution @ 2:51PM , Ben Packman, The Australian TONY Abbott has declared he won't heed advice on tackling people-smuggling from a new expert panel led by former defence chief Angus Houston if it fails to back Coalition policy. Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 The Real John Howard Tampa an absolute utter blight on Australia achieved by him #auspol #Asylum GoneHomer‏@GoneHomeR So Libs produce ANOTHER document to attack political rivals with no signatures. They're not even trying anymore Stephanie Peatling‏@srpeatling Oakeshott said there was a document with both Abbott and Hanson-Young signing off on the deal. #asylum Greens deny boats deal with Tony Abbott , Ben Packman @ 1.48pm The Australian The only document that I know that exists is one that was created by Judi Moylan and Mal Washer, and they were looking at ways in which they could put things to Tony Abbott which would allow them effectively not to cross the floor.” AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious So TA personally shut down a possible compromise that he had at first agreed to. Surprise anyone? #auspol Joe Hildebrand‏@Joe_Hildebrand I see Tony Abbott will repeal the carbon tax in his first month as PM. Shame he doesn't have any policies for the next 35. Retweeted 17 times Canberra Journal‏@canberrajournal 'We will not cancel the NBN': Turnbull: The Coalition says it will now not roll back or cancel it, if it comes to...


29/06/2012 [b]jj[/b] You are either dead ignorant (literally) or like ToM you are a dishonest conservo fraudster. The only [b]proper[/b] interview Abbott has done [u][i]in the last y[/u]ear[/i] was the 7.30 report on the Monday after the Slipper papers were filed in the Federal Court. And as the ABC has subsequently disclosed, his appearance was conditional on questions being asked only about Slipper. He has submitted himself for general questioning to no authentic journo other than that. Of course he does fairy-flossers with the likes of Bolt, Karl Stefanovic and Koch occasionally but these are not interviews ..... they are unpaid adverts. And of course he does his daily 30 second grabs dressed up in a costume ....more free adverts. [u]Here is a recent expose and criticism of Abbott's media avoidance [b]and it's from a News Ltd newspaper.[/b][/u] [quote]As well as not fronting major news conferences, Abbott avoids longer-form interviews. He hasn't appeared on Cassidy's Insiders since the beginning of last year - and it's been the same time since he did an interview with Lateline. His appearances on the ABC's 7.30 are confined to specific events so that more general questioning is kept to a minimum, and it's a long time since Abbott has conducted a longer interview with any of the major newspapers. Prime Minister Julia Gillard does at least give news conferences in Canberra when she takes questions until the reporters run dry, and she will appear on shows such as Lateline, Four Corners (to her regret) and the hour-long Q&A. Usually you learn something about Gillard when she subjects herself to this form of questioning - for better or for worse, as far as she's concerned. It should be a serious concern that the man who wants to be prime minister and, the polls say, is short odds to achieve that goal, doesn't give longer, searching interviews. The fact Abbott and his advisers have a deliberate policy to avoid scrutiny should be a major concern for all who take an interest in our national public life.[/quote] [b][/b] To my knowledge there are three other similar reports of the facts about Abbott's media reluctance written by journos who are usually biased towards him. This is occurring quite frequently now as such journos try to repair the damage they have inflicted on their own reputations by their outspoken support for this fool, this pug. They now recognise that Abbott will have to eat his words about the carbon pricing, the Slipper matter, and the Thomson matter in the second half of this year. They are now rushing to disassociate themselves from him. So there you have the facts, in contrast to your mischievous crap which you have so unscrupulously made up.


29/06/2012So according to Lyn's tweets, Abbott and Turnbull have broken an election promise prior to gaining power :D. Wow - that was fast! Or maybe it's not written - so its not a promise, or maybe "the financial system is worse than we thought so everything is up for discussion - in the manner of O'Farrel or Newman. Thanks for the info Lyn, I couldn't have done the attempt at humour without you!


29/06/2012Aa, Did you see this? Mal Farr v Gerard Henderson MIDWINTER BRAWL: 'Why I called him a complete f...wit' A-grade banality merchant Gerard Henderson today reviewed the Press Gallery Mid-Winter Ball with the tone of a jealous man straining for vindication. Gerard attended the ball, although someone else paid for his ticket Read more: Read more:


29/06/2012Hi Swordfolks, Rainy windy and cold in Adelaide, I've spent a lot of time messing around on Twitter (Lyn, what have you done to me!? :) It's a dynamic medium nae doot aboot it. Not one that inspires (or allows) considered articles, but certainly quick and varied. I've said a few nasty things abvout Greens leadership there, and some of the ABC nest of vipers too. As for Disappearin' Tone, well to me he's a dead letter really, like our few pet trolls, not worth our time to talk about. But Sarah Hanson-Young and Christine Milne, I damn you and praise you at the same time, Damn you for the conniving cynical Machiavellian harpies that you are, for the people who will yet be drowned because of you; and Thank you because you have driven a stake into the heart of your precious Greens altogether, we will rub your noses in your own pure essences and drown you. Decent people of the Left who flocked to you because of the impressive presence of Bob Brown will now be ever-more aware of your hollowness and hypocrisy, and those good-hearted people will know then that Labor has always been the Party of people who work for the betterment of all. The Greens are and have been nothing but obstructive - from their inception, come to think of it. They obstructed the damming of the Franklin, for which all the Left cheered, but they've been essentially divisive and increasingly cynical ever since. Even under Brown. Now he's gone we've got these two ninnies. Fie on Milne and Fie on SHY say I. But Not everything I say is bitter When I tweet my tweets in Twitter . . :) A little while ago on Twitter was this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr Onthemoon‏@firstdogonmoon here is an echidna love train ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So I wrote this and I hope it gives Patricia a wincing giggle. I had to tweet it in 2 parts, first 4 lines first, then a second tweet with the last line on, but here I can put it together. It's not my [i]worst[/i] limerick . . :) There once was a girly echidna Who desired it, but her Ma kept forbiddin' 'er . . . She was followed one day By five fellers, and they ~~~> Well, some of them did, and some didn' 'er!


29/06/2012Hi Talk Turkey Sounds like you have been having a great time. See Twitter tells you everything you want to know "Tweeples" never stop talking. 2353 has got a giggle out of Turnbull's backflip and so did I, did you see the worn out picture on that article, Oh dear Turnbull has gone really haggard. Alan Jones is having a major supidification. Going so far as to say at the end of his stupid "Would someone take this thing away" before Sunday. Worth a listen for a laugh just a 1 minute segment. Talk Turkey I didn't realize Sarah Hansen Young was being called shy, I thought they meant she was shy as in shy you know. Friday, 29 June 2012 Alan Jones Comments 29/06/2012 Alan Jones on the disastrous impact the carbon tax will have on the economy. Latika Bourke ABC is tweeting the 56th Federal Council of the Liberal Party of Australia The Liberals are worried about the Unions: Latika Bourke ‏ Liberal Party Treasurer asks for funds - ‘we cannot let’ the Unions and left ‘buy the next election.’ #libfed Latika Bourke ‏ Liberal Party Treasurer says major threat by new ACTU Boss Dave Oliver who is proposing a permanent fighting fund via union levies Liberal Party‏ Phil Higginson - all signs are that unions are preparing their biggest campaign warchest ever ‪#MyLiberal‬ ‪#libfed‬ Liberal Party‏ Brian Loughnane - we must expect the most negative campaign from Labor in history ‪#MyLiberal‬ ‪#libfed‬ Liberal Party‏ Brian Loughnane - Julia Gillard weak Prime Minister who has no direction at all ‪#MyLiberal‬ ‪#libfed‬ Liberal Party‏ Brian Loughnane - time to return a competent and stable government to Australia #MyLiberal #libfed :):):):):)


29/06/2012PatriciaWA, I missed the news from you but I gather that you have had some serious troubles. I'm so sorry and wish you well. In the meantime here's a little cheer-up ... Patricia WA We miss Patricia from WA She leaves a gap when she's away. We miss her wisdom, even worse We miss her flow of brilliant verse. Ad Astra's Swordsters dearly love her, We hope that she will soon recover, We want to hear what she has to say, Our treasured Patricia from WA.


29/06/2012Pikiranku wish I had said (written that) thanks for expressing our thoughts to PWA


29/06/2012Psyclaw wrote to "jj": [i]You are either dead ignorant (literally) or like ToM you are a dishonest conservo fraudster.[/i] I agree with that summation. Ad Astra has made a comprehensive, unassailable case to support his premise. The RWF comes, without any substantiation, and straight-out contradicts him! The cheek, trying something like that on here where it's straight away going to be dismissed for the fraudulent rubbish it is. They should go back to the dumbed-down arena of the "mainstream" media. It thrives on dishonest conservo propaganda. That sort of stuff is never going to 'fly' here. Not for a moment.

Ad astra

29/06/2012Hi Lyn Methinks there is panic in Coalition ranks as July 1 approaches when its predictions that life on earth as we know it will cease, will be shown to be Chicken Little talk. Thus Alan Jones is peddling the 'business will carry the carbon tax burden' to explain why prices won't rise as Abbott predicted. What a charade they have perpetrated, and now their dishonest chickens will come home to roost. Thanks for yet more interesting and informative tweets. Time for bed.


29/06/2012Hi Pikiranku How sweet and lovely of you to write such a beautiful little verse for Patricia. I am sure she will be delighted.

el gordo

29/06/2012 'Or is it actually that he who has the media has the power...' Marx did mention something along those lines.

Truth Seeker

29/06/2012Hi A a, agree entirely, just saw Abbot telling the press that he does not need a panel of experts to tell him what his policy is. Anyone with half a brain would know that the panel is not there to tell him what it is, but rather what it should be. I have also read a couple of reports that one of his (Abbot's) representatives told someone from the US that boat arrivals were of benefit to the coalition, unfortunately, i cannot find them now but would appreciate a link if anyone has one.


29/06/2012 [b]Cuppa[/b] [quote]They should go back to the dumbed-down arena of the "mainstream" media. It thrives on dishonest conservo propaganda.[/quote] That is excellent advice. Of all the claims the JJ s and ToM s (who visit here with their lame attempts to "debate" issues) make, this one is the most ludicrous I have ever seen. Those few of the MSM who occasionally have a swipe at Abbott are all in agreement that he resists proper scrutiny by the media. The rest of the MSM who never utter any criticism of the pug also freely admit he resists proper questioning and praise him for that strategy (or praise Credlin). I enjoy the good fight and welcome any JG antagonists to visit here for a legitimate discussion, but it becomes a joke when we have to argue about the actual facts. It's one thing to argue about how the facts hang together, and how they may be interpreted, but to have to be pointing out that their "facts" are really exhibits of creative writing is a bit of a pain. [b]Truth Seeker[/b] See my comment at 7.54am today if you have not already done so. The Abbotteers energetic criticism of this committee indicates they are anxious about it .... so anxious that they have said tonight that they will take no notice of the recommendations. How intelligent! How insulting to the public and to asylum seekers that they are not interested in finding a strategy of consensus. The three leaders of the group are so eminent that a sensible solution is inevitable. That's what the Abbotteers do not want. With the mileage out of carbon price fear now leaving them, asylum seekers coming in droves is their next option of leverage, so they think. And so they will do anything..... ignore this committee .... do more crocodile tears if more boats sink ..... attack anyone who looks like providing a solution. They are unconscionable swine who as Fred Daley would say "are not fit to swill milk to pigs".


30/06/2012Must write this...... wokeup recovery raving about. Swa whearbelt. Town where land c ruined my brilliant. Career. As woman. PricipAlover thirty years ago. My c43 giver nurse this sift is grandaughter of p and c president back. Then.... Is that weird or what.......etsgra and. Capcha


30/06/2012They wanted me to cane kids banned......true...... Tt. .....there. is. A dog....... X XXXXEEVRYONE_---CAM


30/06/2012From Centrebet here's some puzzling stuff. Remember, Sportsbet is offering [b]$7[/b] on a Labor win in the next election, [b]$1.10 [/b]on the Coalition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tags : Specials Election Elections Get on! with new account bonus Federal Election Update Riding the anti carbon tax wave, the Federal Coalition has charged into its shortest price [b]($1.38)[/b] with leading election bookmaker Centrebet, while the embattled Labor government has hit a fixed quote of [b]$3.00 [/b]for the first time since clinging to power last year! This is the biggest fixed odds betting gap between the two parties since Labor stumbled to minority power in late August! And the bookmaker's media chief and price analyst Neil Evans says that while PM Julia Gillard's personal standing continues to disintegrate - literally at the public coalface - Defence Minister Stephen Smith's star continues to rise! "Mr Smith has shortened dramatically this week from $23.00 into $16.00 after sustained money," Evans said. "Even under public attack and policy pressure, he's considered a smooth and reliable communicator. I've spent the last week in various parts of WA, and I'm convinced he's one of the few Labor politicians at any level the resource-rich state actually accepts!" Evans added that Regional & Local Government Minister Simon Crean was still a long-priced X factor in the leadership story! "Mr Crean wasn't even listed in the leader's market, opened last year, but one punter yesterday backed 'Any Other Candidate' at $11.00 to win nearly $5,000.00!" And in something of a shock, according to Evans, up-beat Opposition leader Tony Abbott is not immune from leadership rivals either, according to the latest smart money! "In the last 24 hours we have received a string of bets on Christopher Pyne, Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate, and he's firmed from a long $26.00 into $17.00," Evans said. "A range of wagers from $20.00 up to $300.00 have been written, but while my mail is he is held in high regard by Liberal powerbrokers, I fear these punters are one election ahead of themselves!" "The intriguing candidate is still former leader Malcolm Turnbull who drifted from $3.50 to $3.85, back into $3.65 and now $3.70. Just when you think he's gone quiet, money turns up, and we know he pedals a vastly different policy bike than Mr Abbott!" "Its hard to believe Mr Abbott won't be in charge when Australia goes to the polls, but the money keeps telling us he's far from a certainty!" Aust Fed Election - Sch 2013 $3.00 Labor. (out from $2.90) $1.38 Coalition. (in from $1.40) ALP Leader Next Fed Election $1.54 Julia Gillard. (out from $1.53) $4.15 Bill Shorten. (out from $4.10) $7.50 Greg Combet $9.00 Any Other. (in from $11.00) $10.00 Kevin Rudd (out from $9.00) $16.00 Stephen Smith (in from $23.00) $16.00 Chris Bowen Coalition Leader Next Fed Election $1.46. Tony Abbott $3.70. Malcolm Turnbull $7.00. Joe Hockey $13.00 Any Other $17.00 Christopher Pyne (in from $26.00) When Will Election Be Held? $2.30 July 1 - Dec 31 2013 $2.75 Anytime 2011 $4.50 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2012 $6.00 Jul 1 - Dec 31 2012 $12.00 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2013 $34.00 Anytime 2014 Follow me on Twitter @NeilEvansmail For all the latest prices and Betting options for the Election and financials - Centrebet. last update : 20 July YYYY 10:25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something is fishy.


30/06/2012Interesting Lateline last night..looked like Pyne had smeared lippy on!..(must be my tele).Had to laugh when both Albers and Emmo cornered Pyne on the "turn the boats back" policy with the Indonesians....Pyne was caught out on that one and had to twist, swivel and swerve more than a downhill-racer on jet-skis!! Sinodinas claims sentimentally that the Liberal Party is united with hope.....united offering no hope for the community! hope for their biggest donor ; Palmer! of the troika of "palm-oil" providers for the Libs'...they better be careful not to get Clive offside or they will have to get those lobbyists to panhandle for coffee for the Liberal caucus room!

42 long

30/06/2012Clive Palmer has exposed their hypocrisy with his interactions with the Stalin like Abbot mob, who are not corrupt like they were years ago in Queensland. Yeah right!! Tony really is a control freak. It's ALL got to go his way. You're welcome to input the LNP as long as you shut up, or support what HE decrees. Morrison said even if the Labour people agree with our proposals we would NOT trust this government to implement them. There is no give and take whatever. Even under the recent dramatic events the relentless "this government is rotten" line is adhered to. The senate debate ( what I heard of it) seemed to be still about "GET Gillard" Any complete independent analysis of what is said in parliament lately and how much FACT (and not distortions) would be overwhelmingly favourable to the Labour party. The whole show is just a CON game for the LNP to fool the unsuspecting public who don't take the trouble/have the time or ability to actually find out what is going on. In fairness it's not easy. Murdochs tirade against the BBC as the greatest "whatever" against FREE speach should be the best indicator of what is in store, for the ABC under Abbot. If you donated to some homeless person in the street, THEY would see that as evidence of you being a commmunist, They are so bloody paranoid.


30/06/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you Craig Emerson MP Bad news. Just went to Bunnings. They're all sold out of sky catchers! Late rush. You'll have to improvise tomorrow. Sorry. #carbongeddon Judge 'n Jury rocket‏@sprocket___ @BrigadierSlog Clive Palmer Greg Jericho‏@GrogsGamut "Opposition climate plan could cost extra $24b" via @lenoretaylor Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk The only govt ever to have had zero govt net debt during its whole time in office was the Whitlam govt. Just saying. The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ Laurie Oakes Giving new meaning to the term Rats in the Ranks: When Tony Abbott visited the RSPCA in Canberra on Tuesday, one... Political Tragic The Australian‏@australian PM hands out $90m for polluters as carbon tax looms Sid Maher Popi‏@popi6666 Carbon tax judgment day via @brisbanetimes Jim Beam on ice,saying final good byes,Tony said the world will end tonight The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ Mark Kenny says 'enough'. The asylum seeker debate is now a matter of life and death. Time to go to the polls. Coal Seam Gas News‏@coalseamgasnews Stoner about face on extremist insult #coalseamgas #lockthegate #auspol Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk On Sunday, Australian interest rates will still be 3.75%, a rate last achieved by a Coalition Govt in 1965 Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk On Sunday, Australia will be one of only 7 countries in the world with a stable AAA credit rating from all 3 major ratings agencies Peter van Onselen‏@vanOnselenP My column in the Weekend Australian... "Hardline asylum policy belittles a civilised society" Tim Christodoulou‏@out_of_the_haze The Opposition’s climate policy could cost an extra twenty-four billion dollars, a study has shown. #auspol Marian Rumens‏@mrumens RT @independentaus: Carbon tax to raise electricity prices less than expected Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa UN push on refugee effort is not good enough FIRST PLACE OF REFUGE must be enforced to save lives NO MORE DEATHS@SEA Popi‏@popi6666 Palmer blasts Liberals - Yahoo!7 @Y7News Its great to see the Libs tearing themselves apart ,go Big Clive TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM Rinehart is ramping up her attack on the Fairfax board: "Mrs Rinehart and her company Hancock Prospecting sent... The Age‏@theage PM tells voters to judge the carbon tax for themselves Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 Judge me from scratch: Gillard via @smh Peter van Onselen‏@vanOnselenP My column in the Weekend Australian... "Hardline asylum policy belittles a civilised society"


30/06/2012Mike Carlton in SMH He absolutely blasts both the Abborttians and the [i]Greenzzzzz[/i] over the AS issue, but not before he says without any real acknowledgment of how hard Labor has tried, that the Gillard Government has failed . . . But fortunately Mike Himself is in a position to be virginally snow-white, the only other one in the Wide Brown Land except for Space Kidette on Twitter. ;-)) I think it's he (or was it Oakes I forget) who today called Ms Rindlard [i]La Stupenda?[/i] Now hang on, isn't that Ol' Coke Bottles's stage name? I think surely the barely-estimable Gina could afford her own ... [i]I got it![/i] . . . [i]La [b]Colossa![/b][/i] [i][b]Colossa Rules OK![/b][/i] :) On Twitter yesterday I addressed a tweet to [i]Her Sliminess Leigh Sales[/i], for her suckholing Palmhair, [b][i]Sirrrrrrr![/i][/b] I do have regrets in abandoning my usually-polite forms of address, yes, based on the fact that it has come to this in the ABC, whom I accuse of nurturing a nest and culture of rightwing vipers. I wonder about OOman's part in all this conspiratorial stuff - Palmhair's in that somehow, along with Pyne and half the LNP it seems. Don't forget OOman was right in there in the breaking of the news of the Rolling of Rudd, and of the Challenge by Rudd, (Oh and [i]where's his wee wifey in this [/i]I wonder?) OOman's in cahoots with Lewis, and Lewis was in cahoots with Grech and Abetz and now he's in cahoots with Ashby and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all. [b]They're all bloody crooks, [/b][i]and crooks of the highest order[/i], the conspirators, this is [b]sedition [/b]we're talking about, this really is The Enemy Within. Sedition, trying to overthrow the Government, and conspiring in the fabrication of lies and vexatious spurious legal proceedings to do so! BE REAL! These people deserve lengthy gaol terms! Get angry ye goodwilled people of the Left, they are trying to steal our democracy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ad astra I see someone on PB, I forget who too, but she said to someone else, wtte [i]Oh and put Greg Jericho and Ad astra on your list [/i] basically because you're both so gravitatious. It makes us all proud to be part of your site, because you write so dam well that are you touted elsewhere and draw admiration from, and attention and influence to us all. And in the end that is what we are trying to do, to influence the outcome of the next election and the nature of the whole society.

Ad astra

30/06/2012el gordo You are right – the media has always had power, and too often has exercised it ruthlessly in pursuit of its commercial interests, but also to achieve ideological and political objectives. Although I’m only half way through David McKnight’s book [i]Rupert Murdoch An Investigation of Political Power[/i], I have read over and again how Murdoch has become involved in political matters, often at the highest levels of national and international politics and diplomacy. During the Thatcher days, one of Murdoch’s editors, Andrew Neil of the [i]Sunday Times[/i], became enamoured of the writings of Charles Murray, an ideological researcher at the conservative think tank , the American Enterprise Institute. Neil was so impressed with Murray’s work on welfare dependency that he wrote several editorials on the subject of “the imminent arrival of an ‘underclass’ in Britain”, which Murray described as a “population of working-aged, healthy people who live in a different world” and who are recognized by their tendencies to have ‘illegitimate’ children, commit crimes, and refuse to join the work force. Neil campaigned against ‘the welfare state’, which he asserted “divides and embitters our society without helping the truly poor and needy.” I mention this, not to debate the subject of welfare dependency, but to point out how involved Murdoch became in social and ideological issues, and used the power of his media outlets to try to persuade readers to his views. To use media power in pursuit of commercial advantage is understandable, if not laudable, but the use of this power for ideological and political purposes is much more problematic. This is what we see every day from the Murdoch media here, and in the US and the UK, and if Gina Rinehart gets her way we will also see it with Fairfax Media. It is a sobering prospect, one that highlights the need for the Fifth Estate to be vigilant and vocal.

Ad astra

30/06/2012Patriciawa It’s good to see you online again – I hope you are felling better every day.

Ad astra

30/06/2012Truth Seeker, Psyclaw The independent panel to review the asylum seeker issue is a threat to Tony Abbott, as most reasonable people out there in the electorate would be inclined to take its advice about a solution, especially given that the parliament of this country was unable to do so. A solution that did not match Tony Abbott’s policy exactly would be anathema to him, as he insists his is the ONLY way. He fears that they might come up with a solution that includes, amongst other things, the Malaysia arrangement or something like it, and that when he opposes that, as he surely would want to do, he would be seen as a destructive spoiler. Fear was etched in his face at the doorstop. It will increase as the Liberal Party Conference has to deal with powerful people like Clive Palmer, who will not be bullied by Abbott, and will be accentuated as July 1 comes and goes, the sky does not fall in, life goes on as before, the people pocket the compensation, and gradually the voters realize he has been conning them all along. Fear is corrosive; fear will bring him down.


30/06/2012Isn't it ironic that to be "successful" in the Liberal Party you have to be a failure in life-skills! JW Howard : two wars internationally, wars at home against the indigenous, unemployed, refugees,unions, "elites". Costello : Decision maker ala; blind-Freddy, sell off assets for surplace, spend all that for votes for the boss, leave small-change after a decade of boom. Abbott : No-hoper sociatally, no-hoper diplomatically, no-hoper policy, even offsides one of the most "successful" donors in the party!....No wonder ol' Rupert has to keep cracking the bloody whip over them just to get the curs barking...and that's all they can do...: bark! As for "stopping the boats"...the Navy ought to strap the "Monk" to the bows with his mouth in full throttle, as a figure-head and charge into the Arafura Sea toward Indonesia, it would be enough to stop everything, including the tides! Talk about "Jaws X"!

Ad astra

30/06/2012jaycee You are right, Christopher Pyne looked all at sea on [i]Lateline[/i]. Normally full of bluster, he was wrong-footed on the issue of towing or turning back boats to Indonesia, a non-signatory of the UNHCR Convention, and embarrassed by reference to his involvement in the Ashby/Slipper affair. At times, he looked flabbergasted, an unusual state for this self-confident, smart aleck motor-mouth.

42 long

30/06/2012There is plenty of movement out there in businesses in response to the "inevitable" price on carbon. The major problem is planning and direction. What damage does the liberal party think they might do to commerce by increasing the uncertainty we need to plan for the future? They continually "SABOTAGE" the australian economy with their negativity, lies and destructiveness. It does amount to sedition. Certainly IF they have actually participated in actions (which would be illegal) to try to deny persons carrying out their duties in the Parliament, and actually lead to the overthrow of a duly constituted government, (which it IS) there would be Jail terms looming for many people. That would be an earth shattering result. Wouldn't it? If it is not a strong possibility, then things really are crook.

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/2012The ALP policy on asylum seekers, so far... • “Another boat, another policy failure” (Gillard showing true bipartisanship) • “You’d turn the boats back” (Rudd showing true bipartisanship) • Off shore processing is inhumane • It’s all the “push” factors, nothing to do with our policy • Send them to East Timor! • Send them to Malaysia • Off shore processing is a great policy! • Form a committee!!!!! (and quickly!!)

Ad astra

30/06/201242 long Tony Abbott is a control freak, and most of all he wants to control the government of this country, and until he can, he wants to control Julia Gillard, his nemesis, and female to boot. Generally, he is able to keep his party members under control, bolstered by the position he has got his party to in the polls; who is going to argue with someone they regard as a winner? But when he come up against the likes of Clive Palmer, who has money and power, is used to getting his own way, and is not subject to Abbott’s authority, he has a battle on his hands. Palmer’s annoyance was exacerbated by the Conference organizers bringing on early the vote on the motion about paid lobbyists not holding executive positions in the party, a motion to which Palmer was to speak to on behalf of the Queensland LNP. He therefore missed the debate. He was so furious that he called it a ‘Stalinist’ situation where everyone was expected to bow down to the leader. Pretty strong words for a conservative billionaire! Unless he and Abbott can reach rapprochement, there is trouble ahead for Abbott and the Liberals. Already some have expressed the fear that such open warfare might affect the Coalition’s chances at the next election. As indeed it might!

42 long

30/06/2012ToM in the interest of appropriateness could you change your signature to Tom from Melbourne.or whatever you like, BUT You are certainly not OF melbourne because that infers some "bond" in perhaps a family tie to which you are not entitled to or should claim. Your post on the complex issue we are addressing is shallow in the extreme. We have long gone past the point where a few "selscted out of context supposed quotes" aimed at point scoring, should be part of the conversation. It really is offensive.

Ad astra

30/06/2012TT I looked at you latest odds, but couldn’t make head or tail of what’s going on. I’d never make money with the bookies! Thank you for your very kind comments in your 10.49 post. You are right, we in the Fifth Estate have a heavy responsibility in influencing the outcome of the next election.

Ad astra

30/06/2012Hi Lyn Thanks again for the interesting Twitterverse. While Tony Abbott prepares for tomorrow’ apocalypse, more and more are beginning to ridicule him. Greg Jericho shows what a charade the Coalition’s Direct Action Plan is with a projected cost of an additional $24 billion. Perhaps that is where the apocalypse will begin should we be so unfortunate to ever have an Abbott government. I see Michelle Grattan is sitting on the fence with a ‘she said, he said’ piece. What an easy way to earn a living. I’ll be out and about most of the rest of the day. I’ll be back after [i]Insiders[/i]

42 long

30/06/2012Agreed AD. We do, in this age of the internet, have the opportunity to gather lots of "real" facts. The dark forces of denial are well funded and organised and have their "Puppets" working for them.( Monkton, Bolt) etc The LNP are a fully funded and controlled subsidiary of identifiable, powerfull organisations that want to propagate and consolidate their "privileged" activities/positions Education, knowledge worries these people because it threatens them. They don't cope with change easily. Don'tseek/ take advice from experts. Against this the labourites have persued their reform programme even at enormous risk to remaining in power. They could have backed off and had an easier run. The LNP couldn't even aid any sensible outcome on the Murray Darlng water scheme. They just went out and tried to stir up dissent amongst the townspeople, bordering on inciting violence. Divide the community spread fear among the elderly. Harm the economy by talking it down in every way. Wreck anything including our international reputation, to get power. You can tell I'm mightily unimpressed, and I hope that day by day others are waking up to the empty man that T Abbott is. Just about 100% of the people he admires are SUSS.


30/06/2012Re Pyne on Lateline Having discarded a bunch of slanderous & scatalogical descriptors, I'll settle for "pathetic". It's obvious there was some serious cutting done to produce what went to air, I wonder why? If Pyne's lot win the Lucky Country will have to get the rabbit's foot out for some serious stroking indeed.


30/06/2012 [b]AA[/b] Abbott might be able to rationalise a bit about Paris Aristotle, whose humanitarian record on the books is so far distant from Abbott's. But wait till he starts criticising Michael L'Estrange, who has held many positions within the Coalition and has been appointed to top positions by them. He will be criticising one of their own and I don't think [i]"we're a broad church"[/i] will wash with Washer et al. This will be especially so if Washer et al take up a position(s) on the committee. Then there's Angus H, apparently the Chair. It is unthinkable that Abbott will slate him. I hope that the recommendations come quickly and JG decides to recall parliament just to do AS work. Abbott's refusal to agree to the recommendations might well be for her what the Tampa was for Howard. [u]Dog I hope that Abbott gets shafted soon![/u]


30/06/2012Tom...I guess the ALP. will cop it sweet for trying to placate all parties in this hung-parliament while trying to get a policy working..but at least it is really trying!..Now I will give you MY interpretation of the True Liberal Party Policy (unwritten)on boat arrivals...: "If people drown, so be it!" :....SINK THE BOATS!..STRAFE THE SURVIVORS..DENY THE REST..SCREW THE PUBLIC!..and there you have it.


30/06/2012I'm predicting that will cease operations before midnight. Really, they keep echoing relentlessly Abbott's claim that the sky will fall down tomorrow that I'm inclined to think they actually believe it. Let's see if they're still around come the day of the alleged Armageddon.


30/06/2012Bad Abbott Shouldabeen pontificated at the Liberal gabfest around midday today, and the inside of my TV fogged up from all the hot air. Guff, from start to finish.


30/06/2012Ad Astra wrote: [i]He {Clive Palmer} was so furious that he called it a ‘Stalinist’ situation where everyone was expected to bow down to the leader. [/i] There would not be many things that I agree with Clive Palmer about, but I do this one. Conservatives are not noted for original independent thinking at the best of times. Put them in a party situation and it seems they're perfectly content to outsource their opinions to a leader. And I'm sure it's safe to say that, when it comes to deep or lateral thought, Abbott is scarcely in the race! Therefore it is the blind leading the blind. Palmer is not the first to have noted the propensity of the conservative party to bow down to their leader. Andrew Robb was quoted on their ABC, 14 September 2008: [i]We can't be held captive to a messiah complex ... that often has plagued our party. [/i] And in the [i]Sydney Morning Herald[/i], 12 September 2008 we have this: [i]Costello argues the Liberals are captive of "a cult of the leader", which he contrasts with Labor's "cult of the party". Labor removes the leader when necessary; the Liberals, argues Costello, are the leader's captive. Costello is not sure that this can be reformed - "it's a cultural thing".[/i] Unknowingly prophetic there, as it turns out.

Acerbic Conehead

30/06/2012AA, Tones’ many experiences of walking away have made him the ideal candidate to up the ante tomorrow and lead a run-away from the beleaguered town of Whyalla, when the toxic carbon tax wrecking ball hits. And, to help with relief operations in aid of the poor unfortunate inhabitants, Tones has enlisted the services of Senator Mary Jo Fisher. Meanwhile, however, over at Mary Jo’s favourite grocery store, her nemesis, the intrepid Singing Store Detective is in the office scanning the monitor, looking for any signs of customers playing silly buggers. The Singing Detective had been playing the Hokey-Pokey and the Time Warp all day on the store loudspeakers and has been in fine voice singing along. Suddenly, the Detective notices Mary Jo racing down the aisles, chucking sundry food items into the satchel attached to her granny-trolley. Mary Jo’s motives are as pure as the driven snow, however. She has every intention of paying for them at the check-out, but, unfortunately for her, the Singing Detective only suspects the worst. So, before exiting the office to challenge Mary Jo, the Singing Detective changes the playlist and bungs on the Jimi Hendrix classic, “Hey Joe”. :- ) SINGING DICK: Hey Jo, where you goin' with those buns in your bag Hey Jo, I said where you goin' with those buns in your bag, oh :- ) MARY JO: I'm goin' down to feed poor Whyalla The Carbon Tax’s just gonna wipe it off the map Yeah, I'm goin' down to feed poor Whyalla The good folks there’re gonna cop a Gillard bum-rap Huh! and that ain't cool! :- ) SINGING DICK: Huh, hey Jo, I heard Gillard’s tax will flatten Whyalla’s Woolies down Hey Joe, I heard Gillard’s great new big tax Will smash Whyalla’s Woolies right down, Yeah! :- ) MARY JO: Yes, it will, it’ll be a wipe-out! You know, the tax’ll make a mess, such a mess round town It will, it’ll be a wipe-out! You know, the tax’ll make a mess, such a mess round town So, I’m gonna bring ‘em some buns “Kindly donated” ones Alright! Yeah! Dig it? Alright! :- ) SINGING DICK: Hey Jo, Where you gonna run to now, where you gonna go? Hey Jo, I said Where you gonna run to now, where you gonna go? :- ) MARY JO: I'm goin' way down south Way down to Whyalla way Alright I'm goin' way down South Where I can dish out the buns for the needy And you ain’t gonna fine me Ain't no store dick gonna Lay any shop-stealin’ charge on me You better believe it right now I gotta go now :- ) SINGING DICK: Hey, Jo You better come down town :- ) MARY JO: Goodbye everybody... :- ) SINGING DICK: Hey, hey Jo...

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/2012[i]” Against this the labourites have persued (sic) their reform programme even at enormous risk to remaining in power.[/i] Oh really? Is that why they did the deal with Wilkie to cling on to government and then reneged on the agreement (when she thought she didn’t need him to cling on tho government) ? Or perhaps that’s the explanation for Julia saying that “this reform will fail without community consensus, then abandoning the notion. Or maybe even why she promised to spend this term of government building a proposal to be implemented in July 2013, but caved in to the Greens. Or maybe even why she said “there will be no carbon tax” (for electoral expediency), then introduced a carbon tax (for political expediency). Yes, this government really has risked everything (to cling on to power).


30/06/2012yes, Michael, I watched as much as I could stomach! It was when the Monk asked for the mob to judge him not on what was written about him, but on his record. RECORD!!!...must be that scratched one that just says : "NO,NO,NO,NO,!!"...fell asleep after that so I musta missed any part where he told the truth!


30/06/2012Yet more crap from ToM I don't vote from Melbourne! So the government is bad is it? Why don't you put up a list of every policy that you have played a part in making life better for anyone! Your talk is cheap put up or shut up!!


30/06/2012Hi Acerbic Conehead Great to see you, thankyou for you skilled and talented post to delight and lighten our hearts. Smile, Smile Smile. After having Abbott, Hockey and Bishop on TV everyone has been down in the dumps. :):):)


30/06/2012Judge Abbott not on what's written about him but on his record????? Methinks there's a bit of bluffing psychology there! It sounds quite good, even a plea for a fair go, uttered in the near certain knowledge that few will be inclined to take him up on it. I fervently hope many people take him up on it.


30/06/2012And yet, Tom..Labor IS the govt'..Gillard IS the Prime Minister...and probably will remain so for another year or so perhaps another term or two(??)and the Liberals are looking more and more like a dead fish! Looking forward to your updated complaints posts fully aware how much it must "grate on your grits" that here she is and here she'll stay. Love and kisses.."lefty, jay'"

42 long

30/06/2012Oh father I have sinned. I have responded to Tom from Melbourne twice when I should have known better. That he doesn't listen. I should have heeded your words to stick to the righteous path and nor encourage those who would twist the truth, and bear false witness for their own gain.


30/06/2012 [b]SWORDSTERS[/b] In case anyone did not see my post on June 28 at 12.48am, the quote below is the last sentence. That post concluded a two week saga between [b]ToM[/b] and myself, in which I held him to account for his continual dishonesty here. He used every trick in the book to avoid accountability. Something about leopards and spots is relevant now. [quote]TPS readers! Beware! Take care to disregard whatever TomM writes. It will always be safest to assume the opposite.[/quote]


30/06/2012I had a Pavlov's Dog moment there . . . I saw an orange Witch's Hat with a silver stripe and I instantly cracked a smile! :) Good to see you AC. Alas, poor Whyalla. I knew her, Horatio. A township of infinite dust, of most excellent fish'n'chip shops. We have dug a reinforced concrete bunker deep in the slopes of Mt Laura, with a steel hatchcover made in the local foundries and capable of withstanding both seismic shock and external pressures up to 12 atmospheres, beyond that we figure everyone'll be #*cked anyway. From this position General Emerson will observe the unfolding disaster and attempt to direct any rescues if survivors can be found.


30/06/2012Psyclaw, 42 long, Trolls keep plotting from underneath their bridges, Stealing intellectual tucker from inside your mental fridges [i]They only get a feed when somebody addresses 'em![/i] Talk about 'em in THIRD PERSON, and that treely rooly messes 'em! Have fun with Trolls!


30/06/2012Hello Patricia Thankyou for your post last night. "Must write this...... wokeup recovery raving about" Wonder did you wake up from your operation and grab for your laptop under the influence of anesthetic. I hope so because that means you are doing not too bad perhaps. We are thinking about you Patricia and hope you are not in pain. Did you see the lovely little verse Pikiranku wrote for you. You haven't missed much news today as mostly about the Liberal Conference on ABC24, enough to put anyone down in the dumps. I call it a Nastyfest. Here is a few of Latika Bourke's tweets, Maybe some of the words Latika has used you could fit into a Pome? Latika Bourke tweeting ‏THE Liberal Party federal council: Julie Bishop, a little too enthusiastically, ‘I lurrrve working with Tony.’ First motion calls on future Coalition govt to repeal carbon tax-our plan announced yesterday: Second motion condemns Gillard Labor govt for spending close to $70m on carbon tax advertising ‪ Clive Palmer has slammed a Liberal Party meeting as 'Stalinist' after an anti-lobbyist motion failed Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey says Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd blacked out the sun and the coalition will bring the sun back. Oppn Leader Tony Abbott - the election is less than a year away and we are ready - it will be a big job but we are up to it. ‪ Opposition Leader Tony Abbott - ‘I have always tried to be ambitious for the higher things, not for the higher job.’ ‪ Opposition Leader Tony Abbott - I’m not asking people to elect me on trust but on my record and lifetime of work. ‪ Those surpluses weren’t just Howard’s and Costello’s, says Tony Abbott, they were ‘Abbott surpluses, Hockey surpluses, Bishop Surpluses’ Opposition Leader Tony Abbott ‘from tomorrow every problem we face will get worse under the carbon tax.’ PM's govt worst in history: Bishop Love and best wishes to you Patricia from Lyn


30/06/2012Hi Ad I thought this is funny:- Ministers visit to assess impact of carbon tax, Whyalla News The federal government will send two of its most trusted lieutenants to Whyalla on Sunday to assess whether Tony Abbott's prediction that the city would be "wiped off the map" is true. Trade Competitiveness Minister Craig Emerson and Special Minister of State Gary Gray will test Mr Abbott's prediction, made in April last year when he visited the city. Mr Abbott said Whyalla was at risk of becoming a ghost town, an economic wasteland, if a carbon tax was implemented.


30/06/2012The "take away" message from the Liberal Party Convention - "the floggings will continue in our "Broad Church" until morale (AKA your blind obedience) improves". Went to Dreamworld today - thought I should before the country falls off the abyss tonight :D. Bugger - I filled the car. I only needed a quarter of a tank to get there and back - why did I waste the time and money. Keep those in Whyalla in your thoughts - I hope they are ok tomorrow morning. I would wish you all a nice Sunday - but whats the point?


30/06/2012This is my last chance to save Whyalla , I have sent endless cries for help to Abbott and Pyne, even to Reith, tomorrow ,well it"s all over. So, what now,can you all please dig deep and arrange transport for the poor folk, alert life line, council Whyallians as to why me? George Pell has to know, Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, Miranda,Plimer, all the News Limited scribes,Kathy Jackson, the Lions Forum , Opis Dei, this is the chance to help Whyalla in the hour of despair, four hours from now . WE can do it.


30/06/2012Bad Abbott Infrastructure funding 'bs'. Mad as it sounds, $4billion goes hardly anywhere these days. The number of projects Tiny ticks off in his guff-loaded speech would swallow that up in no time. And yes, I know he includes State governments' and private enterprise contributions as necessary to fulfill the projects nominated, which means... "Get out of jail free" card for Shouldabeen. The man is full of it. Just watch the smirks that creep onto his lips every single time he knows he's spouting utter crap. The guy couldn't play poker in a kindergarten without the sleepiest kid in the class calling him out as a faker. But hey, just look at the polls and come to your own conclusion about what being old enough to vote does to our fellow citizens. Check the road toll and the takings from legal gambling and the number of drug prescriptions written and the illicit drug busts and the levels of domestic abuse and online and schoolyard/workplace bullying and the road rage and the neighbourhood disputes and the megalitres of booze sold every day of the week and... Of course Australia will elect Abbott. It's genetic. Fair dinkum.


30/06/2012"I have an ingrained instinct to serve: Abbott SMH June 30, 2012 - 1:35PM Case closed.


30/06/2012 Michael Someone at PB said that Abbott means "serve" in the veterinary sense.


30/06/2012 A local HS burned down tonight. Bloody carbon tax came 4 hours early! Whyalla should be ready already!


30/06/2012Good Evening Swordsters, it has been another shirty day in paradise. I swear it was snowing in Canberra today. Global Warming? not here today. Climate change? Most definitely in and around this neck of the woods. Just in case Mr Abbott is right and the end of the world is imminent, I would like to say: [i]It has been most pleasant having had you know me. So long and thanks for the fish[/i] For my 'last supper' I have requested 97 beers, an entree of Angels on Horseback followed by Roast Pork with crunchy roast veg and crackling with lashings of apple sauce infused with chilli and gravy. For pudding a baked bread and butter custard followed some fine cheeses and several bottles of fine port. Pity my request has been turned down :(


30/06/2012So ToM @ 12:11 PM, good to see you still have that same old broken record and that you have the ability to replay it ad nauseum. Tonight's challenge: What do you propose this (or any) government does about the perceived Asylum Seeker/Refugee 'problem'? What short, medium and long term policies do propose be implemented? I would appreciate an early response so that I may test it against some of my thoughts I look forward to your early response,


30/06/2012What are the odds news poll will publish poll results taken this weekend just BEFORE the 1st July to make Labor and Gillard look like they will get no lift from their efforts!?

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/2012DMW – [i]’ What do you propose this (or any) government does about the perceived Asylum Seeker/Refugee 'problem'?[/i] I’m concerned about loss of live but I’m not necessarily persuaded that it’s a “problem”. I think our attitudes and responses would be entirely different if the boats were full of blond Swedish backpackers (rather than brownish folk). ....and I still recall just a few years ago that all that all those who used to hate off shore processing were arguing that the boat arrivals were all due to “push” factors. However, in answer to your question. • If a deterrent is required, I’d still prefer to try temporary protection visas [i]before[/i] I pushed people off shore against their will. Packing poor asylums seekers out of the country is just heartless, and it is the very last option rather than a preferred one. • I don’t believe there is any adequate program informing Javanese fishermen of the likelihood of them spending a decade or so in gaol for engaging in people smuggling. Reports suggest that there is a high degree of ignorance about the illegality. If deterrent is required, direct it to the people crewing the boats. • And by all means participate in regional dialogue to develop longer term regional solutions. The Malaysian Solution or the Pacific Solution are abhorrent to decent people, there are more humanitarian options that the government has not contemplated. Thigh as I said, the government is hooked on a political solution, it’s in crisis management and arguably the crisis is due to the policy decisions it has made. ------------------------ Though why you would select my comment for negative reflection about repetition is odd, most of the comments here can be summarised as- • Blame Abbott • Blame the media • Gillard is doing a great job, but the media won’t say so, and • Blame the media.

Truth Seeker

30/06/2012Maybe ToM is one of the many tax payer funded LNP staffers, who spend their pathetic little lives manning (and I use the term loosely) the phones for quickly skewing the results of MSM phone polls thrown up by various, right leaning news programs, and watching their monitors so that they can "balance" out the negative comments made by normal, smart and articulate citizens who refuse to be conned by the LNP spin machines. Viva the free thinkers, and a pox on your houses, all you right wing hacks!


30/06/2012Thanks ToM, processing ...... oops, should say say considering ......

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/2012Brilliant reply Truth Seeker, such a depth of policy analysis, it’s so very typical here.


30/06/2012ToM - if you don't like it - don't read it. You add nothing anyway. Will the country fall off the abyss in two hours - stay tuned.


30/06/2012As I see it there is nothing in either major parties policies or proposed solutions that will actually [i][b]Stop the Boats[/b][/i] As for The Greens, well fantasy and reality don't have much hope of meeting but they are standing firm on their principles and it is refreshing to see that there politicians who still believe that being principled will solve everything. There are at least two things that two things that need to happen before there is a Snowballs chance in Hades of [i][b]Stopping the Boats[/b][/i] First we need [b]World Peace[/b] and the end to all forms of conflict, persecution and other forms of bigotry and hatred for the 'others'. Once the first has occurred we then need in an orderly fashion to move the estimated 40 million or so displaced persons to safe places (of their choosing?) so that they can lead lives with some hope. Excuse me for a few moments but there is a bit of a ruckus out the back that I need to attend to.

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/20122352, yes, I suppose it’s weakness. When some dim wit makes a specific misrepresentation concerning me, I reply. Dim wits find misrepresentation easier than discussing policy, and ethics in government.

Truth Seeker

30/06/2012Glad you appreciate it Tom, and as for policy analysis, there is no policy to analyse. Vague policy direction and goals without detail or costing does not constitute policy. If you want to talk "BIG NEW TAX", look at the 'proposed' payed parental leave scheme which will prove to be a non core policy IF they do win. If you want to discuss economic management, and wax lyrical about Howard and his so called surpluses. It is extremely easy to take other peoples money, and instead of maintaining the house and the car so that they work properly for those people that own them, shove it in a sack under the bed. This is exactly what Howard/Costello did and in real terms left an infrastructure deficit of billions. ETC ETC. Abbott is a political thug, Pyne is a whimpering fool, Hockey is economically illiterate and their entire campaign is based on lies, half truths and sloganeering. They are dishonest, deceitful and morally bankrupt and by trying to defend the indefensible, those that propagate the same spin condemn themselves to the same moral judgments. And for those that are happy to have the terms of their lives dictated to them by the big end of town, who are driven by their own self interest, then you are either rich your selves or sadly aspiration-ally delusional.


30/06/2012Apologies for the interruption the Fairies at the Bottom of the Garden were creating a helluva hullabaloo chanting something about [i]Peace, Love, Dove and Hare Krishna Man.[/i] Now where were we? Oh yes, World Peace and moving all displaced persons to where they want to be. Working on that. Meanwhile, [i]Reality Bites[/i]. Before any 'solution' to the minuscule 'problem' that Irregular Maritime Arrivals pose to this country, we, AND our 'leaders' need to face up to the fact that our leaders are powerless to solve this 'problem' that they have created for base political purposes. Towing the boats back to Indonesia is not only impractical it is immoral and most likely illegal. Equally rendering 800 or so hapless souls to Malaysia, while not impractical, is probably technically illegal and certainly immoral. The people swap of 4000 for 800 is immoral in many ways, none the least, that it gives someone the 'authority of god' to say that the lives of those 800 are less valuable than the 4000 that will be 'saved'. That numbers game is a con job. BUT, BUT, we MUST DO SOMETHING to stop people undertaking a perilous journey across a dangerous ocean with the potential to drown. How many of us get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle where there is a similar chance that we will be inolved in an accident that may kill us? People way up the options and take risks all the time. Unfortunately Australia has created a system where many people think it is worth the risk of drowing and spending extended periods in detention in the hope that they can build a better life for themselves and more importantly their families. We can only hope that Mr Houston and his fellow committee persons are able to inform us of some cold hard facts and that we as a nation have the maturity to listen and take notice.

Tom of Melbourne

30/06/2012I’ve no idea why you would bother to address that diatribe to me. Assumption and labelling - it seems to be part of the tribalism here.

Ad astra

30/06/2012Acerbic Conehead It’s great to see you back. I see that your satirical artistry is undiminished. I hope you will return often. I’ve just got in after a long day, so I’m off to bed. But I wanted to say hello before I do. I’ll be back after [i]Insiders[/i].


30/06/2012 my thankyou - to pikiranku for tt's witty dirty ditty lyn for love and kisses aa for his best wishes gravel too and dmw thanks 2353 for remembering me and any of you lot that i may have forgot


1/07/2012very frustrating with all these wires and things typing with one finger feeling good - my vital signs all ok - so tubes etc out soon - fitted with splint today - expect to be fully mobile in six weeksiif well cared for - food is excellent if i avoid dairy, bread, biscuits, desserts etc. really miss multiple s


1/07/2012 [b]TT[/b] I note that a visitor here this evening listed in dot points about 4 or 5 "blames" for the AS problems. But he forgot to list one of the major areas of blame ie the misleading of public opinion by the conservos and their MSM minions. I refer to the same sort of deception we occasionally see here from the likes of JJ and that other bloke from the southern capital.


1/07/2012 [b]PatriciaWA[/b] I was so sorry to hear of your mishap and hospitalisation. It's great to see that your astute mind is intact. I hope that your physical damage heals quickly and with good pain management. I've had about 9 ops in the last decade (none in the previous 5 decades) and I'm firmly committed to the view that in circumstances such as you're in, the more drugs the better. So don't be backward in demanding them. In this day and age with such a huge variety of good drugs you should never put up with bad pain. Every day that passes will bring you closer to 100%. Best wishes.


1/07/2012 [b]Swordsters[/b] It is now 6.45 am and I have just awoken from a deep sleep with a jolt. Two large units of anxiety descended on me immediately and I see that this is going to be a day of immense worry for me and for many of you. My first anxiety was for the well being of those poor souls in Whyalla. Dog help them. As the clairvoyant Abbott had predicted, it will have been a python that did all the damage. Pythons work in a slow, quiet methodical manner and that's why we here on the mid-East coast of Australia didn't even feel a rumble in the earth as Whyalla quietly slipped into oblivion. Cunningly the python has destroyed all communication systems first, and that is why we have not yet officially heard on the ABC and other news sources about the demise. The second anxiety for me is dealing with the problem of buying a new map of Australia to update my GPS. Wouldn't you have thought that Navman, Garmin, Tom Tom etc would have anticipated the reprehensible tax imposed by this non-functioning government and had new maps already prepared. Dog help any other poor soul strangers who visit the former Whyalla precincts, and drives right into the Great Southern Ocean, just for want of a simple GPS map. Now we'll have to drag out the scissors, an eraser and a pen to modify our old paper maps .... it appears there is no other way to solve the problem. As I recall, the top of maps is always South ..... or East.... or North???? Dog help me! Who'd have thought the carbon "tax" would have had such dire consequences. Dog help us all as our turn comes to suffer this huge impost inflicted on us all. They should've just let the planet overheat if that's what it wanted to do.

Ad astra

1/07/2012Welcome back, phase one has now been completed (moving to the cloud system) and phase two (DNS move) will be done tomorrow. You may now continue posting! Psyclaw, please repost you last comment at 5.11pm.


1/07/2012Acerbic Conehead Great to see the GBNT didn't wipe you off the map with Whyalla. It was great to read your piece. PatriciaWA Glad you are doing well, six weeks of having you doing more pome's whilst you recuperate, what a bonus for us all. I love The Political Sword, all the encouragement and good tidings when one of us has something happen to them. I know it helped me when I was unwell. It's a bit like the Labor government, there when we need them.


1/07/2012Good Morning All "The coalition has promised to abolish the carbon tax if they are elected." Not when anymore notice. Very much IF. Ha ha. The Man Who Walks Away didn't look or sound real flash at his Liberal love-in yesterday. There was nothing new but much repetition of outworn BS, and the applause was very forced. Frau Jelly is saying that people have been cutting their power usage dramatically already. *J*U*L*I*A* will be able to congratulate the People for their frugality. Speaking of *J*U*L*I*A* - Voici! Whyalla Lives!


1/07/2012Hi Psyclaw Have filled out the form. Good on you finding that cheater. I have requested a reply and also copied the form so we will see how efficient they are. How dare they do that on the very first day, very brazen or money hungry. Everyone has been repeatedly warned not to increase prices unless they have proven documentation to say the Carbon Tax has caused the increase. :):):)


1/07/2012Twitter makes me do stuff like this ~~~> The impact is tiny / The benefit's great / Poor Tony Abbortt / You've had it now Mate!


1/07/2012 Labor is in the strongest position it has been since the election. Every inch valiantly won by our beleaguered but brilliant Govt. Well done. Doesn't everybody feel better now? (I don't count trolls.) Now that the price is On, the MSM is talking about it as never before. Mal Farcom says as I wrote that, [i]It's not a tax.[/i] Oh my. Don't forget you can still (I think) get $7 on Labor on Sportsbet! Yum! I have never put a bet bigger than fourpence on anything until now. SEVENS! I should put my all on it!


1/07/2012 [b]TT Comrade[/b] Malcolm Farr went on to say "the carbon price is no more a tax than a speeding fine is a tax on cars". This is because as the HC held in the Air Caledonie Case in November 1988, if payment is optional, it ain't a tax. Speeding fines and the carbon price are both options. With regard to the former we have the option to drive at the prescibed speeds and pay no fines. With regard to the latter, many big emitters will actually pay less for their permits as a result of already exercising their option to instal cleaner technology which emits less CO2. TT, I thought JG spoke well ..... good clear sense. And she was politely firm and deprecating about some of Crassidy's sillier questions. What say you?

Ad astra

1/07/2012Folks [b]The [i]TPS[/i] site has been transferred to the Cloud server, but is still propagating the new DNS configuration. Since anything you post until that is complete may be lost, I recommend you defer posting until I give the all clear.[/b]

Sir Ian Crisp

1/07/2012[quote][i]And the world continues to turn, the sun came up and Whyalla is apparently still on the map. 2353 [/i][/quote] Not only that but a massive 20 billion tonnes of carbon was sucked out of the air and the temp went down by about 2 degrees. It's working already.

Ad astra

1/07/2012Folks I thought [i]Insiders[/i] was reasonably balanced this morning, with three sensible panelists. Julia Gillard was strong in her interview. On the asylum seeker issue, the Greens were pictured as naïve and intransigent, but the intransigence of Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison, while touched upon, seemed to be accepted as the norm by Fran Kelly who therefore questioned the value of the expert panel, as Abbott was not going to accept its advice! The clip from [i]7.30[/i] where Leigh Sales asked Morrison if the Government gave the Coalition everything it wanted, would it accept that and support the Government, and the answer was NO, was telling. Abbott does not want the asylum seeker problem solved, or the boats to stop, and I suspect is fearful that if the Government reverted to Howard’s Pacific Solution absolutely, and it failed to stop the boats, it would cut the ground from under his feet. I’ll be out much of the day at a family birthday and later working with Web Monkey on some technical changes to [i]TPS[/i]. I’ll get back to you later.

Ad astra

1/07/2012Patriciawa It's great to read of your steady progress. We wish you a speedy and comfortable recovery. We're all thinking of you.


1/07/2012Well, sir, you cur...if you only want to be part of the problem get out of the way of those who would be part of the solution!

42 long

1/07/2012She did do well. Quite impressive, really. There are some hopefull signs around for labour, but remain realistic, and not lose sight how much work has to be done to overcome the damage to the brand. It's not a level playing field as we all know, though as labour goes from a write-off to something better a lot of things may change. Abbott has really boxed himself into a corner with saying thay he will axe the tax etc on day one and have a mandate for that by running the platform based on that to the electorate. He will, (having the mandate) be able to say that labour MUST vote with his policies. I hope they never do that. The greens may have lost ground in the last week, so some of their votes may return to labour. It wasn't the House of Reps that failed last week it was the Senate. The government does not control the senate and it was not a "genuine house of review", on this occasion. The 3 persons on the Asylum review commitee are hard to better. They would put a lot of pressure on "The Abominable NO-man", Abbott. To disregard quality advice is a dangerous aspect of his "modus operandi". Abbott seems to believe in a sort of "mob rule" outcome, fuelled by the creation of fear and panic by misrepresentation of facts. FACTS are not a part of his act. It's a stage managed pathetic pantomime. 62 times a suspension of standing orders (and counting). during question time, so far. Has he heard the story of the "little boy who cried Wolf"? Surely this IS a total abuse of Parliamentary process, to allow him to indulge in his theatrics so frequently.


1/07/2012Collective sigh of relief this morning!! All of these great changes are now underway and as time goes by it will make it so much harder for the Libs to gain any traction. When all the birds come home to roost with the Slipper and Thomsen affairs there will be little credibility left for them. Long live our JULIA!!

Sir Ian Crisp

1/07/2012Tell me jaycee (jock strap) why the PM doesn't do the right thing if she thinks carbon is evil? The 300 plus big polluters have been identified so why not withdraw their ABNs? That would remove the need to create layers of bureaucracy to collect and distribute the tax. I thought the bird of paradox was committed to a cleaner and greener future.


1/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse:- The Australian‏@australian Carbon tax: to PM a win, to Abbott a lie: JULIA Gillard has claimed day one of her carbon tax as a victory for L... Schnappi‏@Schnappi5 Is this daily terror article to condemn ashby and whitewash lewis? Chris Barrett‏@selga55 Ha ha bring it on you feckin idiot #carbontax Battle lines drawn as Abbott launches the charge via @brisbanetimes The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ Fer Chrissakes, pollies, pull yourselves together! Penbo on the asylum seeker paralysis Mike Kelly MP‏@MikeKellyMP Greens are as stubborn as Abbott Australian Labor‏@AustralianLabor Best of luck to @CraigEmersonMP who's braving Whyalla despite Abbott's prediction it'll be wiped off the map by the carbon price tomorrow. Craig Emerson MP‏@CraigEmersonMP Ngunnawally All good here in Whyalla. A brilliant winter's day. Light meter off the dial. ‪#Carbongeddon‬ averted.‏@smh National News: Abbott won't dump carbon tax: Gillard #australia Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 Anti-carbon tax ads launched by the oppn via @sharethis Craig Emerson MP‏@CraigEmersonMP Shibi Survival from#Carbongeddon is a pleasant surprise. Perhaps Abbott was just trying to terrify people for his own political gain Wayne Swan‏@SwannyDPM All taxpayers with incomes up to $80,000 get a tax cut from today, with most getting a tax cut of at least $300 #carbonprice Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Victorian Liberal Treasurer Kim Wells says while households will be compensated, the state budget will take a hit Mike Kelly MP‏@MikeKellyMP PM to Abbott: act in national interest Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Grattan on ETS and asylum parallels. RT @MikeKellyMP: Greens are as stubborn as Abbott Judge 'n Jury rocket‏@sprocket___ JuliaGillard Congratulations on this great achievment to finally price carbon. Future generations will look back with pride at your courage Vincent Alvaro‏@VincentAlvaro @JuliaGillard answering the tough questions on #insiders while Abbott answers puff pieces on Sunrise. #auspol Mr Jatan‏@nickjatan @JuliaGillard great work JG I am very proud to be an Aussie today! #carbonprice :):):)


1/07/2012ToM June 30. 2012 09:10 PM I missed your response last night. [i]If a deterrent is required, I’d still prefer (TPV's) ... and it is the very last option rather than a preferred one.[/i] Though not proven beyond reasonable doubt TPV's caused an increase in numbers on boats and deaths at sea. SIEVX was just one disaster. TPV's are/were a shiming example of our inhumanity. Family reunion provisions would do a lot to decrease numbers of women and children boarding boats. For me TPV's or anything similar are an absolute no go. Take your point about educating potential crew of the boats. Not sure how effective it would be given the huge number of islands that would need to be covered. It may be a bit like trying to pee into the wind. Regional discussions are happening and like all diplomatic negotiations long and hard and seemingly no actual resolution in sight. Among the challenges in the whole issue is that there are many with a vested interest in not solving the problem. In a different context Peter 'Mumbles' Brent wrote [i]This is a political battle, not a fact-finding mission.[/i] That applies to this issue.


1/07/2012 [b]AA[/b] Fully agree abut Insiders today. Quite watchable. JG spoke well and held subtle but firm pressure on Cassidy when he strayed onto silliness. I think we can expect an improving demeanour form many interviewers over the next year. I believe they are slowly getting the message that if they talk crap to the PM, she has the capacity to embarrass them .... even harm their careers. [b]Swordsters[/b] The current whirlwind of carbon price “furore” (as the ABC Radio News put it this morning) will in all likelihood last a few days, maybe weeks. Does anyone think Abbott will be able to maintain this as a hi profile issue for 16+ more months. Betcha it pretty well disappears as a day by day issue, to be replaced by some other “peril” which will befall us as a result of this “incompetent government”

Tom of Melbourne

1/07/2012[i]” Not sure how effective it would be given the huge number of islands that would need to be covered.[/i] There is no silver bullet, but surely information to those unknowingly hoodwinked into this activity, who then face lengthy gaol sentences, is the starting point. The starting point should not be “send them to Malaysia” There are numerous reports that indicate that the crews have no idea that they’re facing gaol. But those (here) who used to object to off shore processing now endorse it as the first and best option. I think they’re hypocrites without shame or morality. As for TPVs, if “breaking the business model of the people smugglers” is necessary, this is more humane that sending asylum seekers to Malaysia.


1/07/2012I think you could work THAT out all by yourself..sir Thick!


1/07/2012Our *J*U*L*I*A* on a presser right now, looking RADIANT! Confident, groomed, pretty, Dog she's a good-looking woman and I mean more than skindeep, her smile warms the day ?!!! . . . ABC at 12.17 cut off *J*U*L*I*A*s joint presser with Jenny Macklin for some stupid pap in a fecking music store! This is unbebloodylievable. ABC is a nest of rightist vipers. They're doing it deliberately!


1/07/2012Hoping this missive gets through... Well, the small piece of Insiders I saw I didn't like at all. Fran Kelly calmly saying Abbott's "way out" (if I recall correctly) would be to go straight to an ETS. Two years worth of disruption waved through. With, I thought, the implication that Fran at least wouldn't be calling Abbott out in any way if that was what he did.

42 long

1/07/2012I know you haven't just discovered it but keep pointing it out. We value the ABC. STOP trashing itself. The rotten LNP will get rid of the ABC anyhow. Put up a decent fight and you have a hope of continuing with Labour. Remember the journo's who die for honest journalism in war zones russia etc. Be inspired by them You don't even have to get a scratch on you. A bit of money won't buy self respect. Just stop it ABC You are transparently pathetic at times.


1/07/2012Psyclaw you said TT, I thought JG spoke well ..... good clear sense. And she was politely firm and deprecating about some of Crassidy's sillier questions. What say you? I say [i]They treated her like a piece of rag: Now she's Top Dog, and [i]they[/i] can wag![/i] I always told you about the woman who wears her lower lip like that. She told us herself about what her attitude to roadblocks is. She is made of better stuff than I, but at least I can acknowledge that. She is also made of better stuff than any of the media and they have do have great trouble acknowledging that. Patience. She is incredibly patient, restrained, measured, biding her time until everything is in place - which it is now, with the exception of AS problems, and even there she has reversed the onus now onto the Greens and the Abborttians. No minister in her time has failed in any way. She leads by example and she has huge support and respect. Dam why am I saying this now, when the hell haven't I! I said all along about her long game - I mean, so, first, did [i]she![/i] So did Ad, so did Bushfire Bill, anybody could see what she was about, she has taken huge buffeting but she's given better bumps herself, what hasn't killed her has made her so strong, she fears no-one! What does surprise me is all you worry-warts, gee I love being able to jolly you up but only because I have seen clearly what the Government's been doing and then, how would I not be upbeat? The funny thing is, I could never have anticipated the cross-country varied terrain this race would be, the unexpectable hurdles and hits, the hate campaigns against *J*U*L*I*A* and the hate campaigns against Thomson and Slipper, the leadership challenge the miners campaigns the Media bias the NO campaigns. . . but [i]more-than-equally [/i]nobody could have seen Slipper defecting from Them, *J*U*L*I*A*s resounding leadership win, Carr taking Rudd's job, now the fightback from Slipper and I hope Thompson, on every front she has stood toe-to-toe and dealt flawlessly. Don't write crap she said, cutting cutting-edge comment. She challenged the Media to tell on her if they could claim she'd ever leaked to them, remember? and not one could. She's like that, bloody scrupulous. The Media can't stand it! :) And through all those trials and hits she has never been budged from her course, her and our frontline warriors, Oakeshott and Windsor eminently and yes Wilkie too not least. Diligent, principled, determined, I honour them. So Yeah, be of stout heart Comrades, [i]all is on track,[/i] the astounding buffetings notwithstanding. *J*U*L*I*A*s Government has weathered the storm and the slings and arrows, and we are set now. What it takes (now that I think You-all do sound a little more sanguine) is for us all to talk up the Government, that's OUR job, never mind [i]The Government can't get its message out![/i] General Craig Emerson is one leading the way. As is our Tweety and our Ad astra in no uncertain way. It's Mind War Time now, and we are strong! Well that's my story anyway . . . :) No truly. We're OK. Just [i]tell it on the mountain[/i], that's all.


1/07/2012Lyn, in regard to your second twitter link, NewsCorp is preparing to cut James Ashby loose and this is the first stage of their justification. Live by the sword . . . (and sorry for the pun). Psyclaw, No I don't think that the LNP will be able to keep the "Carbon Tax" (that isn't) going for 16 months. If Insiders regulars are (truthfully) pointing out that it is not a tax anyway - the wall is already crumbling. The proof is the Slipper and Thomson "scandals" where the LNP seems to be implicated in some of the creation of the event, the lack of proprietary has been discovered and reported and the matters are now more or less afterthoughts. I would hope that the ALP has enough courage to keep some of the footage etc surrounding these events and uses it closer to the next election as a demonstration of morals and ethics as understood by the LNP. The other alternative is that the LNP does have some morals and ethics and will expel the offenders once they have been identified and found to be involved.


1/07/2012AA I also thought that insiders today was reasonably balanced. Another telling comment was from, I think Barrie Cassidy, in trying to understand why Scott Morrison had obfuscated when asked if they would allow legislation to go through if the govt gave all they were asking for. He mused that perhaps it was because they thought it may not work. None of the other panelists had an issue with the comment, it was just allowed to go through but you got the impression they thought he may be on the money. Tony has absolutely no interest in trying to solve the problem while he thinks there is political mileage in it. People dying as a consequence? Bah who cares. I can go to confession, George will give me absolution. Regardless what he says now about not listening to the Houston committee report, once released pressure should be back on him. That is if we could only rely on our media to do their job and not let him run away.


1/07/2012My the heavens are in a mess today. On top of the carbon tax that isn't -> And the world continues to turn, the sun came up and Whyalla is apparently still on the map.


1/07/2012PatriciaWA Here's hoping that you have a swift and full recovery. While you are sitting around doing nothing :) this might provide a bit of food for your imagination. :D These links are part of an email that I am composing to send to the relevant ministers in the hope that they might embark on an inspiring project that will capture the imagination of the public. Picture one of these buildings somewhere like Mt Isa. [b]Whittier Organic Food Center Towers Flip Greenhouses Vertically[/b] [b]The vertical farm[/b] [b]Future farms: High-Rise, Beach Pod & Pyramid Pictures[/b] [b]Towers of food, farms in the sky: self-sustaining skyscrapers in the city, vertical farming gains new interest[/b] [b]Goingup? Go green! 15 Eco-towers & sustainable skyscrapers[/b] [b]Floating cities: 15 last-hope homes for a watery world[/b] [b]10 most stunning and sustainable spiralling towers[/b] [b]Solar Updraft Towers to Generate Food and Energy[/b]

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1/07/2012[b]Folks IMPORTANT NOTICE Today you may experience some interruption to [i]TPS[/i] service. No, it’s not Armageddon or the apocalypse, nor will it be due to the carbon tax. It might occur as Web Monkey migrates the [i]The Political Sword[/i] website from its server in a Melbourne suburb to a Cloud server situated in Singapore. As it is a large website, the migration will take some time. Those seeking to access [i]TPS[/i] will be no longer be pointed to the old DNS configuration, but to the new. It might take some hours before this change is propagated throughout the Internet. Therefore, if a comment is added during this period it might not remain on the site. It is recommended that you refrain from posting comments until I give you the all clear. In that way, none will be lost.[/b]

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1/07/2012Folks Propogation of the DNS configuration of the TPS Cloud server is complete. You may now post as usual. Hi Lyn This is the all cleat to post your links for Monday.

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1/07/2012Psyclaw, Michael, jaycee, ABC gone to hell Regrettably, the comments you made late yesterday afternoon have been lost in the change to the [i]TPS[/i] Cloud server, as they were posted while the change was in progress. You may wish to repost them now that the changeover is complete.


1/07/2012Well done Web Monkey & AA - another successful completion. Onward to better things. The comment quoting me from SIC demonstrates his complete lack of understanding on the subject of pricing for external eventualities (including carbon pricing). The second comment demonstrates his complete lack of knowledge of the Australian Tax System.


1/07/2012 TODAY’S LINKS Mad Tax, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate July 1, 2012: The day the insanity began. Towns deserted. Streets no longer safe. The Carbon Tax appeared to have destroyed every semblance of civilization. No-one stood in its way. Except one man. Last Stop This Town, Wixxy, Wixxyleaks The problem for those living in Lawler Creek, is that the impending explosion in Jacksonville is going to send massive fallout across its border. This could well damage the name Lawler Creek forever in the public’s eye. A town that was once seen as family friendly and clean could forever be known as smutty and smeared with dirt from the fallout. Tony, Tilting At Windmills, Archi, Archiearchives The only time Julia Gillard has used the term “Carbon Tax” was in a 7:30 Report interview with Heather Ewart. Heather had used the “T” word four times in fairly quick succession while the Prime Minister had used the term “Price Mechanism” or “Price on Carbon” eight times.The transcript then records this exchange; The Happy Land’ – The Life and Times of John Winston Coward – Part 1, Independent Australia Was John Howard’s Australia the place admirers like Tony Abbott promote? ‘The Happy Land’ is Graham Jackson‘s satirical alternative reality. This challenging work, illustrated by Gee, consists of thirteen Papers written by the major players in a dark (?) period in Australia’s short history. IA will be publishing all of them over the next two weeks Black, white, grey and the art of compromise, Victoria Rollinson Everything Gillard does is reported negatively, which makes it even harder for her to compromise. Look what happened when she compromised with the Greens to bring in the Carbon Tax. The best journalists painted this decision as ‘weak’, the worst have labeled her a ‘liar’ ever since. But if saving the planet, and saving refugees from death by The carbon price package and low-income earners, Matt Cowgill, We are all Dead Will there be wailing and gnashing of teeth on Sunday? There will if the Coalition’s voluminous prognostications about the carbon price package are correct. There will also be a reduction in the effective tax rates faced by low-income earners, but that doesn’t fit so easily into a glib slogan. Asylum seekers- a panic of the political class – an update, The Piping Shrike the public doesn’t even want it. Polls show that understandably, most of the public thinks that if they arrived they may as well be processed on-shore. On-shore processing is the preferred option even among Coalition voters. What is clear right across the board is that Abbott’s “turning the boats back” is not seriously considered, #1 - Crocodile tears and Carbon fears Jeremy Sear , Something Wonky The inaugural episode of Australia’s most loved podcast has arrived. Dave and Jeremy discuss the impending Carbon price, asylum seekers, marriage equality, and some of our favourite News Ltd journos Mr Abbott – How much is this going to cost?, Stephen Koukoulas, Market Economics Has Tony Abbott just kicked an own goal? Mr Abbott has indicated that should he win the next election, his first act would be to repeat the carbon tax. Indeed, even before he might be Prime Minister, Mr Abbott has said:“As soon as an election is called, the Coalition will take immediate and concrete steps to repeal the carbon tax.” Newman did it in Queensland, so Clive could do it federally, Oz Politic THE bitter feud between Liberal Party life member Clive Palmer and senior Liberal figures will spill into the party's federal council meeting this weekend, with Mr Palmer saying his concerns about ''disgraceful'' internal conflicts of interest are being swept aside in favour of ''motherhood stuff about how Tony Abbott is a great leader'' Propaganda will continue despite no meltdown, Crispin Hull after tomorrow, the Opposition will be held account, or at least should be held to account, for its predictions: economic activity in Australia should grind to a snail pace from tomorrow. Mining investment will dry up. Households will suffer unbearably under the yoke of the carbon tax. And people will start moving out of Whyalla. Australian government looks to the future with its carbon policy, Christina MacPherson, Antinuclear IF you believe the prophecies of carbon pricing opponents, the world as we know it comes to an end tomorrow. The sky will fall in, Whyalla and Gladstone will be wiped off the map, the coalmining industry will be annihilated and price rises will be unimaginable. Carbocalypse In Whyalla and nothing happened – I blame the carbon tax, Turn Left 2013 But the one place in Australia that all eyes were on, was Whyalla, South Australia:These series of screens shots from the Whyalla Webcam, show the minutes leading up to Carbogeddon, and moments after. And nothing happened. Whyalla was not, as Tony Abbott predicted, wiped off the map. When the price isn’t right: ACCC sets sights on price gougers in wake of carbon tax , Julie Clarke, The Conversation In the lead-up to the introduction of the carbon tax on July 1, there has been considerable focus on the potential for price gouging – inflating prices beyond the cost increases reasonably attributable to the tax. In recent days, this has been fuelled by a letter sent to small business from the opposition, urging them to place flyers in their shops CARBON TAX: QUICK Facts , Monica Attard, The Hoopla Whether it turns out to be a python squeeze or a cobra strike, one thing is for certain – it won’t be the cause of job losses at Fairfax.Nice try, Senator Brandis.It will however, begin to change the way we live. Even if that only means turning off your TV Why Abbott shouldn't axe the tax, James Thomson, The Power Index More than a few comments have asked why SmartCompany couldn't spell out exactly what prices will rise and how this will impact businesses. The simple fact is that we don't know.I don't think any business of any size has a really good idea of what costs will rise and when. Energy costs will increase, probably by more than 10%, but it's hard ACT NuEnergy Solar PV Installations ,Ask Gerbilnow the good news. After installation, receiving the deposit refund, and the feed-in tariff approval, this is the energy output by a Nu Energy 1 KiloWatt Solar Photo-Voltaic system on a sunny day . On Jay Rosen and wicked problems, Denis Wright, My Unwelcome Stranger We look for solutions to boats filled with people appearing on the northern Australian horizon. "Send out the Navy and sink a few," is one bright idea. "You'll stop 'em pretty damn quick then." Is Whyalla Burning?,Miglo, Café Whispers Whyalla was meant to be wiped off the map at midnight this morning. It wasn’t.Tony Abbott lied.The place is a shit hole. For once I hoped Abbott would be right. I’ll never trust him again. Our Plan to Abolish the Carbon Tax, Tony Abbott On day one, I will instruct the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to draft legislation that repeals the Carbon Tax and to have the legislation ready within one month. On day one, the Finance Minister will notify the Clean Energy The carbon tax facts, ABC Video Tony Abbott ignoring, walking or hiding away from questions Since the last election campaign in 2010, he has failed to appear on QandA despite repeat offers, while the Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been on twice (3.02)He has not appear on Lateline for a long form interview (3.36) He has not appeared on ABC Insiders, and neither had any Coalition members 7 programs into the year 2012 TODAY’S FRONT PAGES Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 2 July 2012


1/07/2012 [b]Swordsters[/b] [u]This email is self explanatory. What a joke this all is, especially the incompetence of hi profile interviewers.[/u] [quote]Fran Kelly, you are a disgrace. It is inconceivable that a "top" interviewer on a national program can make the statement "but the tax free threshold is not related to the carbon tax". Greg Combet answered instantaneously and appropriately "rubbish, Fran" How on earth can you have the gaul to ask any questions of the government, or make any comment (eg on Insiders) when you of all people are so ignorant of this basic fact. Or are you just on your own agenda! Hang your head in embarrassment, if not shame. An apology for gross misleading of the electorate is your only ethical option. Now! On air![/quote]


1/07/2012I just KNEW a "poll" would be realesed to downplay any lift for the govt' re carbon abasement scheme...only I thought it would be Newspoll!...just goes to show about Nielson as well!eh?


1/07/2012 [b]Swordsters, one and [u]ALL[/u][/b] I refer Swordsters to the ACCC dob-in-a-carbon-price-gouger form. Brandon Lynch, Town and Country Hotel, St Peters, Sydney says on P13 of today’s Sunday Telegraph that he will put his residents’ rents up 10%-20% because of the carbon “tax”. Come on Swordsters! Report this to the ACCC….. if the ACCC gets 10 or 20 reports from us, this could become a well publicised test case. Might even get onto the pap and swill MSMs like ACA and TT (Today Tonight ......not Talk Turkey!) [b]You can do it online NOW at:[/b] (1) Click “Making a Carbon Price Claim” at the top of the links in the top right box. (2) On the next page click “Carbon Price Claims Webform” link which is in the middle about 4 cm from the bottom of the text. This gets you to the complaint form. You will need these details for the form: [i][b]Brandon Lynch Town and Country Hotel 2 Unwins Bridge Rd St Peters, NSW, 2044 Ph 02 9519 1[/i]965[/b] Just write the substance of the first main paragraph above in your own words in the "Contents" box on the form. Do it!!! No excuses!!! Actions speak much louder than words!!! Don't be like the Greens .... all talk an tears about the problem but no action! [b]Take TT's advice. He is always calling us to arms. Donate about 3 minutes to the cause now1 Do it! Now![/b] [b]AA[/b] Thanks for the advice to repost. I think this one is important. [b]Lyn[/b] Your great soldiering qualities are always on show here. Thanks and congratulations for being the first Swordster to take up the call and contact the ACCC. Great lady!

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1/07/2012Hi Lyn I'm having trouble accessing TPS on my computer this morning, so have not been able to upload your links. I can access TPS from my iPad, from which I am sending this message. I'll keep trying.


1/07/2012Relieved to report that Whyalla is still on the map. Unsurprised to have to report that Abbott lied again. What was that about his career hingeing on his stopping the "carbon tax"? Another lie from the Lying Rabbott.


1/07/2012So, according to Barrie Cassidy on Sunday's Insiders, the parliament didn't let the Oakeshott asylum seeker bill go through, and for that Julia Gillard should be blamed to her face. Well, one house of Parliament passed the legislation against obstreperous denial, the second house didn't because... "obstreperous denial" has the numerical edge up there. So, why exactly is this Julia Gillard's fault, or indeed, failure? Because she already knew the numbers were stacked against her??? They have been since Day One of a minority government that has to negotiate every step of its way. Because she couldn't persuade enough people in the Coalition and the Greens that a move to deny commercial opportunity to people smugglers was a sensible and ultimately life-saving proposition? And on Insiders it's her fault that neither of her opponents would shift a millimeter? Come on, Cassidy, get real. You know how politics works, so does the Prime Minister. But for all the tears and high dudgeon amongst the Coalition and the Greens, they still voted for lives to be put at risk on the high seas while opportunists line pockets in back alleys. **************** In the last five years the Australian nation has had a unique opportunity to observe the workings of our national parliament in two diametrically opposite situations. When John Howard's Coalition had control over both houses, which essentially rendered the then Opposition and all public opposition irrelevant, we saw what absolute legislative free rein could mean. Workchoices epitomised it, but the actions of a government with no constraints on it ranged from bribing the electorate every Budget, to denying ministerial responsibility for shenanigans under their department's purview. It was government by prime ministerial whim. Directly following that both-Houses-controlled experience, post 2007's election, there was a hiatus of something closer to 'normal' Australian political shape in Canberra - a government with clear control of the House of Representatives, but needing to seek and secure the support of others to have legislation pass through the Senate and ultimately into law. Checks and balances placed back into the process. Following the national election of 2010 we have had a minority government, a major parties parity of the number of votes on the floor of the House of Reps which might have gone either way immediately post-election, except that the leader of the Labor Party more convincingly negotiated for support from elected independent members than did the leader of the Coalition parties. Resulting that within one five year period, Australia has had an example of untrammeled power in a Federal government, and but for 'business as usual' in the middle years, a second one of power that relies upon persuasion and political compromise. The two 'extremes' could not be more different, and the behaviour of the two Prime Ministers involved more distinct. One went for the ram-through approach that delivered Workchoices. The other seeks to achieve comprehensive collaboration in Parliament. Which strikes you as the better definition for Parliament operating as the standard for our democracy? There is absolutely no credence in anyone, politician, media commentator, the bloke (or his wife) leaning over the side fence, in comparing the performance of Julia Gillard with any other recent Prime Minister. As Prime Minister of a minority government, she cannot be meaningfully assessed by any measure that might be comparatively applied to any other PM since John Curtin was in a similar situation reliant upon the votes of independents in 1940. 72 years since any other Prime Minister of Australia has had to negotiate being the nation's leader at the head of a minority government. And yet still she is criticised that 'John Howard would never have done this/did do this', 'Bob Hawke took the people with him', 'Menzies knew how to run the country', etc etc. Each of them had political logjams to face, but none of them had to continually rely on non-party members to get legislation through the House of Representatives. Rely with the absolute certainty that she never has a chance in the Senate without negotiation, compromise, persuasion. And always, she must assure those who join with her that the interest of the nation is clear and measurable, which she regularly does, or how else has she achieved the legislative record that her government has? It completely bemuses me that Julia Gillard is 'professionally' criticised by even the supposedly sober and seasoned mature-aged members of the media when it is clear that the job she is doing barely anyone in Australia has ever seen done before. You'd have to be 90 years old to have been mature enough in 1940 to actually comprehend what 'minority government' was, (lets say, 18 years old), and by the time you got to vote, in August 1943 (being by then 21 years old), it was over. Line them up, please, the people in Australia who have ANY experience of a Federal minority government. Then introduce me to those of them with a Press card and job in media. Not even Laurie Oakes (sorry, Laurie) fills that bill - he was only seven days old when John Curtin's re-election on 21 August 1943 consigned national 'minority government' to history until 2010. (It had actually ceased in 1941, but that historical byway is one for the political tragics.) Nobody whose opinions we have been regaled with since Julia Gillard became Prime Minister knows what they are talking about when they talk about what's required of her in handling the job, or how she's not meeting the standard set by other PMs. Nobody has had to do the job the way she has to do it since World War Two. Blather as they like, media or Opposition politicians, they are talking tosh. Compare her with any past resident of The Lodge they wish, they're "making shit up" (to quote a recent David Cup Captain). And while they make ordure up, just cast your mind back over the last eighteen months, hypothetically put Tony Abbott in the position of a PM required to compromise, negotiate, persuade. It would never have happened. He's incapable of it, wouldn't even bother trying - observe his current behaviour on asylum seekers. We wouldn't have had a minority government dealing with other elected members of Parliament, we'd have had a rush back to the polls brought about by some manufactured legislative crisis. And that's where we'd still be, in manufactured crisis, as Abbott knows no way of promoting himself as the 'steady pair of hands to guide a country' except by constantly telling the country that it needs a steady pair of hands, by constantly scaring the electors back to Daddy. The next government will almost certainly have the luxury of a majority of seats in the House of Representatives, but will almost as certainly not have a majority in the Senate. It will be a return to business as usual. At that time, Australia will have experienced both ends of the Federal electoral model - one side dominant in both Houses, and losing government because it couldn't handle that dominance without over-asserting it; and both sides in the lower House evenly balanced except for one leader's skills at building political links with independent members consistently superior enough to assure the passage of legislation. Through it, and the Senate. Julia Gillard should be recognised as a politician of rare skill, as a person of remarkable forbearance, and as a woman who has earned the highest regard as a model for her gender. History will do so, no matter how laggardly the shouters and snide-spitters are today. She's on the job, she's getting things done, and she's Prime Minister of Australia. She deserves to be.

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1/07/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


1/07/2012Michael Well said and I concur, whilst I was peeved that KR was moved aside he had lost his way,did not behave as a team player, his way or the highway approach,Julia has been abused since day 2 of her leadership. A lesser man would have thrown in the towel. Let us face it a majority of Aussie males do not like a female boss and boy do they show it in spades. I worked for two during my life one was good the other not so good,but they both received my respect. Front page of the Canberra times headline "Costs to soar as new tax kicks in" by Ross Peak. I have already sent a complaint to ACCC and Greg Combet's office re ACTEWAGL which announced a 17.7% rise in my energy costs of which they say n 14.2% is due to carbon pricing. I know the prices are going to increase but this gouging and blaming the Carbon price is just playing into the Lialot opposition's hands. I can not remember the GST getting this amount of adverse press. The Government better start fighting back or we will indeed all be rooned if the noalition get in.


1/07/2012ps AA the date is not updating


1/07/2012Good Morning All, Thanks WebMonkey, for letting us on your Cloud! Seems to work exactly the same from here! recaptcha: ithtsCh correction . . . Hope it's all correct now.


2/07/2012Dopey blonde sheila on ABC 24 [i]interrupts[/i] intelligent bloke Jonathon Justsen talking rationally about the fear and ignorance re Carbon price to say [i]Why is that, is it that the Government has failed to sell its message or is it that it's easier to latch on to fear etc?[/i] No you bloody bimbo it's because on the MSM and the ABC in particular Rightist-agenda-driven people of whom you are one keep referring to it mischievously as Carbon Tax in the full knowledge that "it is no more a tax than than speeding fines are a tax on motor cars." Take note Labor. Hammer it a thousand times a day, this is NOT a TAX, YOU don't pay it!


2/07/2012Psyclaw said Take TT's advice. He is always calling us to arms. Donate about 3 minutes to the cause now1 Do it! Now! I must say Jason Obelix puts me to shame, he's always ringing up local shock jocks and taking the fight up to them. They're like trolls of course, feeding them is feeding them but I guess someone has to. The most powerful thing we can do is to write pithy truths which have viral resonance. Greens leadership since Brown left is cynically self-seeking obstructive and counter to the interests of the People.


2/07/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse:- Bridget O'Flynn‏@BridgetOFlynn Fran Kelly talking to Combet. Just admitted to world she was unaware change to tax free threshold was linked to carbon pricing. Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Mr Abbott has done 4 media interviews this morning - including Radio National and ABC774 Melb. Marian Rumens‏@mrumens Abbott plan 'would double carbon cost' via @smh #CT #auspol Tony Wright‏@tonyowright ABC News‏@abcnews Today's top story is the carbon tax fight: plus Spain wins #Euro2012 - check out our pic! ABC Radio‏@amworldtodaypm The purpose of govt is to do the big things in the nation's interests: @JuliaGillard spoke to @SabraLane #auspol TM™‏@happytman Qld's unHealthy! "Almost 50,000 Qld Health employees will receive letters on Monday seeking the return of overpayments" Mr Denmore‏@MrDenmore 300 major businesses, including Westpac, AGL and GE, declare support for carbon pricing in joint statement Mr Denmore‏@MrDenmore Are people THAT stupid? Really? Mike Stuchbery‏@mikestuchbery Ahahaha, Coalition wants to keep asylum seekers in ‘floating detention centres’! No, wait. That’s terrifying. - The Age‏@theage Climate change a hoax, Jones tells tax protesters via @theage Margaret‏@Margy011 Pensions will be slashed under Abbott says Julie Bishop on CH10 National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Sour reception for carbon tax via @NationalTimesAU National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Most blame government for boat people deadlock via @NationalTimesAU ABC NewsRadio‏@ABC_NewsRadio Crunching the numbers as Nielsen poll shows #carbontax support down to 1-in-3 people .. (audio) #auspol National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Phillip Coorey Sour reception for carbon tax via @NationalTimes vexnews‏@vexnews Carbon tax support lowest ever (33% -Nielsen) as Libs dream of 20 years of government #auspol


2/07/2012The challenge with Mr Abbott is to identify the tactic, the method behind the lies. We know they are lies. But his method works because it is like he lays land mines everywhere he goes redefining the landscape onto his own terms. Its hard to keep up, keep track, or correct them before another on goes out. Maybe its better to ask the other Liberal ministers what they think about the lies? Bullies can run out of friends real fast that way. What I see is a pattern where he attacks the opponent with the very thing he is guilty of while avoiding having to take any responsibility over the issue. This method redefines the situation by putting the focus on the opponents weakness or inventing one for them out of his own imagination. Eg Bernie Banton anti-asbestos campaigner, a dying man with a petition, was labelled as "Not true of heart" by the then HEALTH MINISTER Tony Abbott. Mr Abbott's accusation is the purest form of black hearted cowardice I have ever seen. It reveals the dirty process in his mind. If we work out a way to expose the tactic and make it resonate just then we might have a chance against the most paralysing and dangerous force in politics. Thank you for your blog.

42 long

2/07/2012I just voted on a survey and the results were only 29% didn't know or were against the idea that climate change is real. You can get a lot of variation depending how you ask questions around this subject. Tony is a denier. He believes much the same as the tea party. Essentially that it is a trick to get rich nations to give money to poor nations. (Same as Minchen) If Tony had a brain tumour would he seek advice from experts or do the operation on himself with no advice from anybody? He would need an electron microscope to find it, the way he thinks. Mine owners and oilmen would consume excessively till the world ends. Their aim is to make money, and enough is never enough. Bugger the environment and the little people and the descendents of them. I would respect Abbott more if he was HONEST about his views. Instead he states in that ( not from the marrow of my bones ) voice Climate change is REAL. You can tell he's lying. I don't know about cobra's and pythons , but HE's a SERPENT. and a backflipping hypocrite. HE will SAY ANYTHING appropriate to the line of most advantage for him He has scared lots of people especially the old, He moves in the company of cash for comment liars. If you want to know where he gets his policies from look up Heartland (USA). Money buys influence, but it is a corruption. How low are people who say what is required to spread deceit on the FACTS of climate change, just for money. You can pick the liars. Not only do their lips move but they inevitably laugh about it.


2/07/2012 [quote]How often does he front up to the National Press Club where journalists from many media outlets can ask questions? The last day in January of this year was the last occasion.[/quote] When's the last time Gillard appeared? :)


2/07/2012Thank you Michael for your comment last night. Well said as you so ften do. But this time more so than usual. We are indeed blest to have Julia Gillard as our Prime Minister and blest that for once collective wisdom of powerbrokers, caucus , cabinet etc seem of like mind. Or is that another mark of her capacity to lead?


2/07/2012Michael Wow, that was just one huge good comment. Could you maybe think about doing a whole thread with your piece, it hit so many good points that have never been discussed. Thank you.


2/07/2012Absolutely agree with you Michael. The media are a bunch of sheep all the MSM herding together for safety none of them willing to go out on a limb and actually look at what the PM is dealing with. None of them willing to give her the tiniest amount of encouragement.


2/07/2012The other possibility LadyinRed is that the media have been critical of Gillard for so long, they can't be seen to stop cold turkey. There are signs of a warming with a number of articles that suggest as least some competence, humour and conviction in the PM's behaviour.


2/07/2012now you'd think if you were going to do a poll to assess the opinion of the implemented carbon abatement scheme, you'd do it a week or more into the actual working of the scheme. We all know the general opinion before July 1st, so one can only suspect mischief on the part of Nielson Polling to release such figures stating the bleeding obvious first thing in the morning!....Of course, The ABC. and other suckoles use it as a weapon on the govt', like it's something we all don't know!!....


2/07/2012Clive Palmer has Tony Abbott's measure when he speaks of "Stalinism". Here: Shouldabeen is reported thus: "Mr Abbott says a coalition government will call on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to ensure prices fall once the tax is gone." The idea that a Federal Government can direct a Commission to set marketplace prices by 'ensuring they fall' is so deep under the bed with the Reds that it's hard to believe anyone on any side of politics can look this guy in the face without laughing. We know Palmer can't do it without shouting and turning the air blue in frustration. Seriously, and I do mean seriously, does Abbott have any idea at all how parliamentary democracy works in the country? He makes pronouncements like Caligula on his way to the stables.

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2/07/2012Rob If you haven’t been here before, welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Thank you for your comment. I agree that Tony Abbott is: [i]”the most paralysing and dangerous force in politics.”[/i] He must be stopped. What we are seeing today, and will see for the next couple of weeks, is entirely to be expected. It is the last throw of the dice for Abbott and his sycophants. Two weeks from now the people will be bored stiff, and will have turned off the same old repetitive sloganeering and scaremongering, and Abbott will be on the decline, and as time goes on and the world goes on as usual, recognized as a liar of monumental proportions.

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2/07/2012Folks I've had a long day with family matters, so I'm calling it a day.


2/07/2012 [b]GZG @12.46 pm[/b] Easy answer. The PM was on QandA for one hour of impromtu questioning by a crowd comprised of 50% coalition supporters. And she did well. For Abbott, his favourite is Karl Stefanovic, journalst extraordinaire, who belts him all around the studio with such deep questions as "do you have time to do gardening?" Feel free to ask any more lightweight questions.


3/07/2012 [b]Swordsters[/b] As usual, in a cafe today when I had the unpaid opportunity, I had a squiz at the News Ltd Daily Terrorgraph to see what they're up to. There were about six full pages devoted to the carbon "tax", but I noted something quite peculiar. All of the articles were quite benign .... very little aggro and fury. There were a number of pieces of the ilk "this is how the carbon tax will effect Fred Gullible, his wife Obedience and their four kids". Sure, there were the usual exaggerated claims of total ruination, bankruptcy, and having to move house to live in their station wagon. But I noticed none of the high level anti government venom which is commonplace in that rag. Maybe this issue will run out of fizz earlier than I expected and we'll be moving onto another issue. The report of the Houston group and parliamentary follow up will certainly change the focus in early August. Good luck to Abbott in getting the media and the public hyped up again about carbon pricing after the renewed AS debate.


3/07/2012TODAY’S LINKS At an impasse, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless If Labor succeed at painting Abbott as the bullshit artist, he's finished: he is supposed to be the action-man, not the loser who gets stymied allthe time, on every issue. He is the doer with an eye to the future: not the Field of Dreams guy who not only thinks the world before the Global Financial Crisis can be resurrected, but that he's the one to do it. His line that roads symbolise Jacksonville 14: Baby you can drive my car, Independent Australia It is unclear what legal services Jackson thought the union members needed in Hong Kong, where Wai Quen Chan is based. Nevertheless, $22,000 was reported to have been transferred to Wai Quen Chan, despite there being no invoice to back up the payment. FWA's Probe on HSU Puts Kathy Jackson on Defensive Mode,Au.Ibtimes As on the subject of his sons helping out on HSU, Ms Jackson defended the set-up by clarifying that "the engagement, and the connection with my partner, was disclosed to the (union's management committee) and the engagement approved.""I considered that the branch was fortunate to have persons of their ability available to take that work," she added. Introducing the Qld Treasurer, Possum Comitatus, Pollytics God help them when the inevitable policy crisis lands in their lap, where the effectiveness of its management will be defined by their actual policy capabilities and policy knowledge. From what we’re seeing so far, there’s a lot of childish pretenders hanging around. "Say anything" Tony, Opinion Dominion The carbon pricing is going to hurt Labor for quite a while yet, but there is simply nothing to be done about that. Media reporting always has "tax" in the title, and it's new. This just guarantees introductory unpopularity. (It was a mistake for Gillard to give in so easily and just say "you can call it a tax if you want.") Labor and the myth of the rational voter, Bernard Keane, Crikey Radio entertainer Neil Mitchell lashed out at Wayne Swan on Twitter for noting that Whylla, contra Tony Abbott’s apocalyptic claims, remained in existence.“Is this stuff from Wayne Swan really the level of political debate we want?” he angrily demanded. “People in Whyalla and Yallourn and similar are actually concerned for their future. This reaction is offensive to them.” Dragging asylum seekers into the break,Barry Everingham, Independent Australia Tony Abbott and his followers have behaved disgracefully over their attitude towards asylum seekers, as well as their outright lies about the Carbon Tax. As the days roll on they are adopting more and more the persona of their American heroes — the Tea Party Drowning, Not Waving, Sal Piracha, Only The Depth Varies, The Australian Labor Party would do well to stop trying to take ground away from the Coalition, and turn around. There’s an enormous streak of centre ground where Labor Voters – the lapsed True Believers, the Greenies with moderate economic views and the genuine Centre-Lefties are waiting with votes and bags of money for their party to return to them. It’s the end of the world as we know it, Marian, The Conscience Vote Just remember – it’s only going to get worse from here. Soon, we’ll be reduced to living in armed camps and eating each other for food – uncooked, of course. Tony Abbott warned us and we didn’t listen. And he couldn’t possibly be wrong, could he? Just look at the evidence. July 1- It's not just the carbon tax, Peter Martin Other carbon tax compensation measures will permanently boost pensions and family tax benefits 1.7 per cent. Worth up to $338 per year for single pensioners and up to $110 per child for families that receives Family Tax Benefit A some of the increases have been paid up front. The rest will paid Abbott has pledged to repeal the carbon tax – but could it be done? , Andrew Macintosh, The Conversation First, the Coalition gets control of both the House and Senate at the next election. If this occurs, the Coalition would presumably wait until the new Senate is formed and then commence the legislative process to repeal the scheme. Although this is the cleanest scenario, it would still mean that the carbon pricing scheme would operate until 2014, possibly 2015. Sustainable Mining? Pull The Other One!, Liz Barrett, New Matilda While the Australian media were in a frenzy over mining magnate Gina Rinenhart’s attempts to take control of Fairfax, many of the world’s leaders, corporations and NGOs were at the RIO+20 summit discussing how to work together towards a sustainable development model to create a "more equitable, cleaner, greener and more prosperous world for all". Peak oil and the lost message of the carbon tax, Tom Holland, OnLine Opinion Abbott has argued can be identified as hyperbole, or in some cases simple untruth; but the tactic is aimed at inducing electoral fear and shutting down more substantive debate, and it has worked very well. Voters are fearful of manufacturing job losses and cost of living increases, If I could stop one heart from breaking: carbon tax greeted with gnashing of teeth, claims of witchcraft and blood oaths, Mike, Watching the Deniers there is one thing we can do today to counter the fear and panic being spread by conservative politicians and the Murdoch press in Australia: we can tell our fellow Australians “It will be OK”.We can push back and tell the media and the organised campaign of deceit and denial by saying we will not succumb to fear. Australia’s economy will continue to grow, with carbon price in place, Christina MacPherson, Antinuclear The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will provide grants and financial assistance for projects with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies to make them more cost competitive. ARENA will administer $3.2 billion in existing Prepare for a carbon tax call back, Alan Kohler, The Power Index Tony Abbott would cruise to one of the biggest ever election victories and a second election -- a double dissolution -- would follow soon after to repeal the carbon tax. Offshore processing of refugees, probably in Malaysia as well as Nauru, Claims carbon tax will hit Bass Strait freight, Channel 7 News Senator Eric Abetz says tourism operators could be hit by more expensive interstate flights, while agriculture and other industries reliant on imports and exports will be affected by higher freight costs. Meet the Real Tony Abbott – a mumbling coward who runs from the Media, Turn Left 2013 all the pensioners who whine about JuLIAR and the carbon “tax” better not ever think about one word of whining if they vote Abbott into govt The rising value of the Fifth Estate, Miglo, Café Whispers Fourth Estate (the mainstream media (MSM)). Ad astra’s piece at The Political Sword, DragOnista’s at her self-name blog, Mr Denmore’s at The Failed Estate and this short piece by Massive Spray at Spray of the Day are all worthwhile reads Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category Emerson sings 'no Whyalla wipe-out' Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 3 July 2012

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3/07/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


3/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you all:- Malcolm Farnsworth ‏@mfarnsworth16hMungo MacCallum on Tony Abbott's total political victory in the asylum seeker debate: Tony Wright‏@tonyowright Janice Gill‏@JaniceGill1 Slipper accuser stays quiet in latest turn Space Kidette‏@SpaceKidette Excellent article on the impacts of the Carbon Price Retweet it far and wide! #auspol National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Horror moves as carbon tax battle becomes a song and dance show, writes Jacqueline Maley InstofPublicAffairs‏@TheIPA The average household will now be worse off even after compensation: #carbontax #auspol RealityXone‏@CuppaT2 Farmers reject Abbott sums The Coalition's climate / carbon con job. #auspol Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Mega bank #tech boss says #NBN cost critics don't understand the true value of the internet [free] #auspol #ausbiz weezmgk‏@weezmgk The responses of @SMirabellaMP & Greg Combet to @SimonGetUp fainting speak volumes about their respective characters. Janice Gill‏@JaniceGill1 Panellist collapses on Q&A RealityXone‏@CuppaT2 Opposition climate plan could cost extra $24b - study You can guess who'd pick up the tab: Taxpayers would. #auspol RealityXone‏@CuppaT2 Abbott plan 'would double carbon cost' And you know who'd be sent the bill: Taxpayers. #auspol Kevin L‏@kevOnAusPolitx "Sophie Mirabella the butt of Twitter jokes after GetUp! director's Q&A collapse" #auspol John Pratt‏@Jackthelad1947 The economists got it right, Liberals don't like the truth they live in a fantasy world. #auspol #qldpol #climate The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ We've heard some dodgy justifications against the carbon tax. Today our @ToryShepherd debunks them all. Here: John Birmingham‏@JohnBirmingham Damn your carbon tax on international super authors. Damn it all to Hell! via @brisbanetimes The Punch‏@ThePunchHQ Changing the toxic climate of the carbon tax debate: “Democracy is dead,” they cried, wielding blow-up baseball ... Chris Barrett‏@selga55 Liar liar #herewejohagain Newman's 100-day warning: state must do 'more with less' via @brisbanetimes walabytrack‏@walabytrack Probate win fires legal row for MP Sophie Mirabella | The Australian -

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3/07/2012Folks [i]Q&A[/i] revealed a stark contrast between the Labor approach to contemporary issues and that of the Coalition. The former, via Greg Combet, was factual, logical, and sensible. The latter, via Sophie Mirabella and Graeme Morris, was characterized by nastiness, disingenuousness, deviousness, emptiness, and misinformation. Morris ran the ‘climate science is not settled’ line, not quite as gross as Alan Jones’ ‘climate change is a hoax’, but just as potent as a sop to the skeptics. His contribution was paltry and unconvincing. Why do they bother with him? Mirabella showed her archetypical vindictiveness by running the ‘bad government’, ‘reckless spending’ line; gave a feeble answer to the moral dilemma of the Coalition turning back boats to Indonesia, a non-signatory to the UNHCR Convention; made an unconvincing attempt to explain why ‘levying’ big business to pay for the PPL was not a tax, and could not explain how the Coalition’s Direct Action Plan would work. She exposed the shallowness of several of the Coalition’s policies, yet this is rarely shown up in the MSM. When did you read, for example, how the Coalition will plant millions of trees, enough to cover the whole of Tasmania and part of Victoria, where they will find enough suitable land that is not already being used for food and fibre production to plant them, who will plant the trees at a time of labour shortages, and what it will really cost? Where have you read that 60% of the cost its DAP would be on biochar that farmers would plough into the soil; where have you been informed of the problematic production and distribution system for biochar? When did you read that the cost would be many billions of dollars? All we hear from Tony Abbott that the planting of trees and use of biochar is ‘direct action’ as if that has some special virtue, and that he will engage ‘smarter technology’, but never defining what that is. It is no wonder Mirabella sound so pathetic; the policy she is describing is pathetic. Yet the media seem disinclined to call it for the expensive and likely ineffective plan it is. Why is this policy not torn to shreds? Even Ross Garnaut on [i]Lateline[/i] was not prepared to say outright that the Government’s proposals were superior to the Coalition’s DAP, but he did insist that economists considered a market based approach superior to a regulatory approach where the Government ‘picked winners’, yet the pro-market, small government party is going for the opposite. If we had the Murdoch media empire at our disposal we could expose the Coalition’s shallowness in a few days. Folks, I’ll be out and about most of the day on family matters.


3/07/2012I have seen George Pell twice in the last couple of months on ABC. The first on Q&A and the second last night on four corners. In both instances when he looked at his audience or questioner I had the impression he could be looking into a petrie dish concerned about a mould. The man appears devoid of compassion or empathy. Despite his supporters assuring us that he really is a caring person I have yet to see this backed up by evidence. The issues raised by 4c last night were tragically, all to familiar, a number of lives destroyed, on going grief in families who thought they could trust the church. Yet the over riding impression left be Pell's responses were that this is an issue to be contained and manged. Straight from corporate crisis management 101. Pell and his administration are only focused on minimising damage to the church both reputation and financial. Victims are collateral, perhaps because if they were good Catholics they would not be taking action against the church and would have accepted the weasely letter of contrition and left it at that.


3/07/2012And a good compare/contrast with the introduction of the GST ... "C-Day plus one still adds up" Paul

42 long

3/07/2012When Tony plants all these trees, how is he going to ensure that a dirty great bushfire won't burn them all up like it does regularly in the alpine country, when we get these scorching summers we have now.? Perhaps that's where the biochar comes from that he is going to put into the ground. How much diesel would we need for the trucks and plows/ Perhaps brown coal could be incorporated instesd? that wouls be a nicer use for it than burning it. Half-arsed stupid ideas from a bloke totally contemptuous of the experts, so what would you expect?


3/07/2012Thanks Lyn for the great links. Meet the real Tony was particularly illuminating. Lot's of fodder there come election time. But why doesn;t this stuff get aired on the news and MSM? Abbott Refuses to Answer Questions......Again. I just read Phillip Coorey piece and the thing that gets me the most is he puts the following as the last two paragraphs and just lets them hang there. He doesn't examine them, question them or even have an opinion on them he just leaves them there unchallenged. It makes me want to pull my hair out! [quote][/quote] "Mr Abbott has promised to scrap the carbon price and the $15 billion in tax cuts and pension increases to compensate low- and middle-income earners. He claimed he would still be able to offer separate tax cuts and pension increases funded by ''intelligent reductions in government spending''." Read more: Here is the link:

42 long

3/07/2012How about the 300 or so businesses who are PRO carbon pricing? How do they get their point of view put forward. The Business Council won't run it. The Murdoch Media won't run it. The ABC 'probably" won't run it. It will be a growing number as the truth inevitably comes out. Tony's scheme will cost heaps more and won't work. Her is a reversal of what you would expect from each party from their praditional one. Labour proposes a "market' solution/mechanism and "liberals" propose a directed by government and pick winners ( their mates )and more costly answer. What more evidence of the desire to just blindly oppose the government for the sake of it, do you need?


3/07/201242 long @ 12:08 PM Last night on RN Drive Waleed Aly spoke with Graeme Wise Chairman, The Body Shop (& chairman ? of the group of 300) In that segment he also spoke with some doubting business people. It was an interesting discussion.


3/07/2012Could I just throw this in to see what others think? When the Rudd government's legislation to dismantle Howard's Asylum Seeker legislation went through the Lower House, Turnbull's Liberals didn't vote, as I recall they didn't even turn up to avoid the embarassing spectacle of several of their number crossing the floor to vote with Labor. I'm not sure, but if something's carried on the voices without a vote, does that mean that those who didn't vote are deemed to have supported it? I've rung the offices of several Labor pollies over the last couple of years to say this point should be hammered, it seems so obvious to me. But nothing's ever said. Am I wrong about anything I've just posted here?


3/07/2012Good Morning (still) everyone, Thanks for your Links Lyn so early and clever: Each day I think that these are the best ever! And I think that that's true, for the writers get better, And Tweetie, you're a better and better Go-Getter! Bit of a doldrum now. But that's OK. A thinking space. Our concrete is setting Steady and slow And Labor is go-getting Ready Set Go! Abbortt is now in a sort of maze of his own making. It has looked to him hitherto as if every avenue will inevitably lead to his deserved triumph, but each time he meets that so-unjust, infuriating, but insurmountable problem: he ain't got the last couple of footsoldiers he needs. Shit happens eh. I love it when it's him it's happening to. But it gets worse still for him from here. Now don't panic, I'm going to project a world where Abbortt has won the 2013 election, but then I'm going to show why it can't happen. Abbortt's first act is to try to "undo the carbon tax" - in fact, to remove the price on carbon. [His accounting won't have added up in the election campaign, which will be part of how we stop him winning in the first place, but we're envisioning that he actually has . . . ] He [b]won't[/b] have control of the Senate, and they [b]will[/b] block him. He [i]will[/i] try for a double dissolution, he has to have a trigger for that, OK say he gets it and it all goes ahead, he [i]still[/i] won't have a majority!!! He'll NEVER have an overall majority! Not by 2013, not by 2014, 2015, 2016 or any other time![i] It won't happen![/i](Hold that thought.) I don't at all remember the particularities of the Senate electoral system and its practical effects, nor the double dissolution/joint sitting requirements, but what I do remember is that it is ever-more-difficult to achieve an absolute majority in the Senate, and beyond Abbortt's reach even more so to achieve a majority vote in a Joint Sitting. And he has to try to convince the electorate he'll be able to do that. He won't be able to. People like Anthony Green virtually assure us so. So if he ever got elected he'd have steered us into a dead end. See? He's stymied. Now go back to that thought you held. [i]Because [/i]of all the foregoing, i.e., that he will no way be able to assure anyone that he can ever do all this stuff, including kill the NBN and so on, and [i]because[/i] he won't be able to convince both business and humans that he can be sure of doing it all - or indeed great chunks of it - [i]it all loops back[/i], he will not have the People's confidence [i]very soon[/i]. He is looking like Punch in Punch and Judy, nasty, selfish, and stupid. And [i]off his rocker![/i]. Our Judy* is his exact reverse eh. (Isn't P&J an apt metaphor too!) It all loops back, yes. [i]He's in a maze that he can't pass through, but and therefore because if he did he'd be stymied anyway, he won't be able to.[/i] Get your head around that, it's a loop, it works and it's true. Realize the power of that thought and be of good cheer and brave heart because our energy and belief is what we can give! Unbelief in Punchy-Wunchy, Full Belief in Judy-Wudy! :) If we were all just passive chooks I wouldn't be saying this. We're not, we have the chance and sort of the responsibility to influence opinion, even just with the odd [i]bon mot[/i]. But with whole useful points of view and helpful memes at best. [Not sure I didn't unduly influence Craig Emerson 2 nights ago, I tweeted him wtte [i]humour is the stake for Their black hearts[/i], next thing he's [i]singing[/i] and I'm [i]cringing![/i] OOPS! :) ] (But that just goes to show eh!) Oh and I started Swannie on the Three Stooges! Dog what a record! Turkeys ain't all feathers. *Damon Runyon, one of the funniest of depression-era American writers - personal associate of Al Capone - refers to any beautiful young woman as a Judy.


3/07/2012The SMH has over 400 comments on an article about Mirabella's response, or lack of, to the GetUp fellow's collapse on Q&A last night. I can't get on to comment so had to bring it here. Sorry if this has already been noted. From the SMH article: "She was in shock," the spokesperson said. "She was unaware at the time that it was a medical emergency." Read more: She is obviously a master multitasker to be both shocked and unaware at the very same time!

42 long

3/07/2012Abbott has surrounded himself (or created them) with a sea of sloganeering hollow people dependent on the MESSiah delivering them the promised land where the chosen ones will rule over the lesser types, who undeservedly stole the kingdom from them by actually being able to communicate and deal with those independants ( who have NO right to be in parliament anyhow). and WE (the LNP) will make sure they are rubbed out next time,by means fair or foul, 'cause they are getting pretty adept at the foul means, because they thought "wih all their mates in the right places" they could get away with anything and the people will be kept in the DARK about what really went on with slipper and Thomson. I can't wait till it all unfolds and makes my day. Thanks IA and Wixxy, and all the other GOOD people

Tom of Melbourne

3/07/2012[i]” When Tony plants all these trees, how is he going to ensure that a dirty great bushfire won't burn them all up like it does regularly in the alpine country, when we get these scorching summers we have now.?[/i]” Cut down trees to prevent bushfires!! Honestly, why is it that any pathetic, dim-witted comment here just passes without comment, as long as it reflects on Abbott?

42 long

3/07/2012Showing your true side now ToM. Lost your cool have you? Insults from you are a badge of honour because Mate, I can only be insulted by people I respect. and you are not one of those. Tony is definately running the show and it's his actions I am addressing and questioning. These are FACTS TfM. Why don't you ever mention any?

Tom of Melbourne

3/07/2012More trees cause bushfires!! Stupid.


3/07/2012ToM, I suppose Abbott shouldn't answer where under his direct action he will start planting trees that will be the size of Victoria and Tasmania combined! much better to get your mealy mouthed opinion on everything!


3/07/2012 [b]AA[/b] [quote]She exposed the shallowness of several of the Coalition’s policies[/quote] Vampirella did that and more. She exposed her own shallowness, her ineptness vis a vis her own policies, and her poor ability to debate, using only worn out and stale 2 year old mantras. When AM this morning replayed the questions about the tax on corporations to fund their parental leave (to which she said "it's a modest levy" and Jones re-asked "but is it a tax?") the ABC left the loud derisive clapping of the audience in their grab. It was a joy to listen. Any leader worth his salt would ban her from the public and put her in the furthest backbench ASAP. What a lightweight she is, yet delusional enough to believe that she's Dog's gift to Australia. And to think that she is mentioned as a possible replacement if Abbott gets the chop. Words fail me. [b]Swordsters[/b] For the second day in a row I have been socialising in a coffee shop, and once again checked out the freebee Terrorgraph. Now understand that in NSW this rag is the News Ltd No 1 attack dog. I carefully scoured the whole rag and found just four articles about the carbon "tax". (1) In a P13 "What They Said" section, Alan Jones the slime is quoted[i] "AGW is just witchcraft"[/i] (2) In a full page article at about P9, Peter Lewis of Essential discusses both the government hopes that people's real experiences will show that there is only a slight CPI increase occurring as a result of the "tax", and Abbott's hopes that his damnation hyprebowl will come true. (3) Under the Lewis article is a small item (about 5cm x 10cm) by Sloppy Crier Joe about how we'll all be rooned (soon!). (4) And the article of highest import to the editor was put on P2 ...... a condemnation of Craig Emerson's abuse of his position by singing on TV. So as you can see, the Terrorgraph's coverage again today is quite (very!) benign. Their sails appear to be steadily running out of wind.

Tom of Melbourne

3/07/2012Jason, ,ost people, regardless of their political persuasion, prefer more trees to less. That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone criticise tree planting. It’s stupid, bizarre. Totally dumb. But is goes unchallenged here.


3/07/2012ToM, I agree most people do prefer more! Those that live in the cities that is. Those that have had to deal with the realities of not being able due to enviromental regulations to properly prepare their own properties for the fire season let alone hope "others" do as well, as happened in your state a few years ago may disagree.


3/07/2012Im bored Tom. Sitting at home with a cold, wishing it would hurry up & get out of my system. So to fill in a bit of time I will take the response to your last post which is an obvious bait, but what the heck. As I mentioned. I'm bored I think the point Jason was making was not that we don't like trees, heck of course we do. Were tree huggers aren't we? The point was that if you think about the tree planting, as outlined in Direct Action for more than 5 seconds it does not make sense. By all means plant more trees but don't pretend this will solve the problem. Your side of politics needs to come clean, fess up that you think it's crap and we shouldn't be doing anything. At least you would arguing from a honestly held opinion which is better than tossing up faux arguments for a position you think is crap.

Tom of Melbourne

3/07/2012[i]”your side of politics...[/i] As Jason is keen to remind people whenever he feels inclined, I’m a member of the Australian Democrats and hve voted informal for the past few elections. I was a member of the ALP for many years, as well as the ACF. Like so many, you like to label anyone who is critical of the government (and its poor record of honesty) as a supporter of the opposition. It’s funny that so many just want simple, but inaccurate, compartmentalisation.


3/07/2012Oakey Doakey Tom. Glad I fleshed that out. Your a Dem, congratulations. To the question though. Do you accept the overwhelming scientific opinion on climate change? If yes, do you support Tony's Direct Action as a valid response? If no, well fair enough, you obviously think we should be doing nothing. That's another discussion we could have though.


3/07/2012 [b]TT Comrade[/b] I address this to you in the knowledge of your particular sporting interests. Like most commenters here I have never disclosed my very high level qualifications. You will be interested to know that I possess range of investigative qualifications all held at the above-superior-extremely talented level. These qualifications have taken (days) sorry….years to obtain from top class tertiary and quaternary institutions run by organisations such as the RSPCA, the NRMA, the AFL, the AWB, the IPA, and of course Menzies House. In fact I have on a number of occasions been lauded by various worldwide intelligence agencies for my great work, including commendations by the UK’s [b]MI[/b] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.32 and 14.94. Pertinent to this discussion is one of my many post post-doctoral degrees (with extreme Honours), ie my degree in FAST. (This is written as Dr.Fast if you feel the responsibility to refer to me appropriately). This is a language degree and gave me unbelievably high skills in analysing the syntax of the most complex, obtuse, obfuscated and hyperbolic written works. This week I have been exercising this not in the slightest inconsiderable skill with regards to the hugely deepest analysis of written works by the (dis)Honourable P Reith on The Drum, and by a representative of Buckley’s and Batman’s southern capital city who is an occasional visitor to TPS, and who is named after the son of dog’s doubter. These studies have yielded incredibly complex data which only a handful of specialists in the world could possibly analyse. I am of course the only living Australian skilled to the sufficiently most superior high level to interpret this data. As you TT Comrade are a trusted correspondent of mine, I am prepared to share the extremely most confidential public results with you. The analysis of syntax shows possibly unequivocally and most probably perhaps that to a confidence level of 101.987654321% and with Standard Error of Measurement of 0.12345, the aforementioned southerner[i] is in fact and in fiction[/i] none other than the (dis)Honourble P Reith. I wager that you will be so greatly surprised and excited by this totally unexpected information that you will have difficulty sleeping tonight as a result of a major attack of virulent, infectious underwhelmedment. Cheers Psyclaw [i]Fast D. (Doctor of Forensic Analysis of Syntax of Trolls)[/i]

42 long

3/07/2012I am not against tree planting and it distresses me whe fires rage for weeks through and spoil the forest for hindreds of yesrs. My point ToM is that planting trees on large areas, including farmland to a total area of TAS and Victoria is pointless unless some way of preventing bushfires ruining them and returning the stored carbon to the atmosphere could be employed. Large forrest fires are becoming frequent around the world adding carbon to the atmosphere not removing it. That's the point I'm trying to make. I think you read things into everything before you read anything. Why don't you try to deal with facts. You're the one pre-judging.


3/07/2012It seems Mary Jo's year can't get any worse! EMBATTLED Liberal Senator Mary Jo Fisher has yet to pay almost $10,000 of the $156,000 legal bill for her shoplifting trial, court documents show. Grope Hamilton Lawyers - which secured Senator Fisher's acquittal - is suing her in the Adelaide Magistrates Court over the alleged debt.


3/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Adelaide Girl at 1.07pm Your posts are always enjoyable, you brighten up the page & I enjoy your opinion as always. Don't worry about the newspapers comments they are giving Sophie a head bashing on Twitter she must be embarrassed surely: Talk Turkey thankyou for your pleasurable entertaining, beautiful little verse: Thanks for your Links Lyn so early and clever: Each day I think that these are the best ever! And I think that that's true, for the writers get better, And Tweetie, you're a better and better Go-Getter! Lady in Red I do so much enjoy your posts highlighted by your beautiful Gravitar you always look so demure. Trevor I am thrilled to see your posts each day, I missed you when you were away. 42 Long you always have heaps of interesting stuff in your head thankyou for sharing with us each day, I have a great time reading your opinion. Michael you are amazing thankyou for your pat on the back brilliant post @ 11:17 PM yesterday BSA Bob your always as ever providing your short and enjoyable opinions for us thankyou, don't like motor bikes but like yours. (Doctor of Forensic Analysis of Syntax of Trolls) 99 Sword Circuit Swordsville. Vic. Australia. Dear Sir Pysclaw, Just a little note to tell you no reply as yet from the ACCC regarding page 13 of the Telegraph. I don't really expect one, but they do ask if you require a reply. My interpretation of your qualifications is the study of the rules for the formation of trolls. Sorry I forgot the Forensic part. Yours faithfully, Lyn Twitterati: Andrew Elder‏@awelder smirabellamp Your reaction to Simon Sheikh last night is further proof of your moral laziness. Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Typical Liberal Sophie Mirabella is in shock alright shocked that her lack of caring for others was shown to all of us Nic Christensen‏@nicchristensen Sophie Mirabella blames poor vision for failing to help GetUp chief Simon Sheikh on #qanda Simon‏@taletale Simon Sheikh of GetUp! passes out on Q&A 2/7/2012 #qanda archiearchive‏@archiearchive KasiaCichonska The Mirabella lierick - from Q&A last night Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Interesting. Get Up first to defend Sophie Mirabella following her reaction to their spokesman fainting on-air - Australian Media‏@aus_media Mirabella thought TV panellist was joking: SOPHIE Mirabella has blamed poor vision and shock for her delayed rea... Zuvele Leschen‏@ZuveleLeschen SMirabellaMP 's account of events contradictory - she couldn't see him but thought he was bent over laughing? #auspol The Age‏@theage Mirabella 'in shock' when Q&A panellist fainted. Latest via @theage Wayne Swan‏@SwannyDPM After all the talk & billboards, @CliveFPalmer doesn’t have the guts to fight 4 the huge tax cut @TonyAbbottMHR's promised him. Humiliating. samanthamaiden‏@samanthamaiden Mal Brough to face competition in pre-selection fight from well-regarded James McGrath architect of LNP election win Australian Labor‏@AustralianLabor Looks like Clive Palmer gilded the Lilley: #auspol #auslabor vexnews‏@vexnews The Greens are as stubborn as Abbott, says Michelle Grattan #auspol Mike Kelly MP‏@MikeKellyMP Retirees win from carbon tax compo Paul B‏@kiwipaulb Idiot Abbott warns of double dissolution to get his way for dumping the carbontax | WA Business News via @sharethis Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Here is a copy of Christopher Pyne's email sent to MPs and Senators and obtained by the ABC:


3/07/2012Psyclaw, You forgot to mention that 86.342% of statistics are made up :D. Jason, $156k for a shoplifting trial - where is the value for money in that [insert surprised smiley here - I can't remember the code] over <$100 of groceries? No wonder she resigned rather than spend that again - the next one would have been even more expensive. Bankruptcy is a disqualification from federal political office I believe. I do like the name of the legal practice - its nearly as good as the (unfortunately) mythical Suem, Grabbit and Win - Solicitors.


3/07/2012Psyclaw ". . . the son of dog’s doubter." MoT?


3/07/2012 [b]2353[/b] [quote]You forgot to mention that 86.342% of statistics are made up[/quote] In all probability, what you say is possibly a self evident truth perhaps, if you analyse it carefully and especially if you do so carelessly. It is a fact and obviously a fiction that what you say is almost certainly one of the many unique characteristics of statistics and other prose calculations.


3/07/20122353, I think a decision is due to handed down soon on her application that the tax payer pay her costs! Probably get the roth of Psyclaw but I agree where is the value for money in this particular case should the judge order the "tax payer" to pay costs.

42 long

3/07/2012You might have to convince me there. I consider that "employee's" in the course of carrying out their duties, incurring liabilities, should be indemnified. Unless we suggest that she needed to defend actions that were required in or because of her job, I can't see the obligation. Was she proscecuted because of her job whereas someone else would have been let off? Is that the suggestion? It may well be.


3/07/2012Don't really like the colour scheme - but it's an interesting website.


3/07/2012Thanks Lyn! You are the sweetest tweeter in blogland. Hearts to you :)


3/07/2012I don't know why everyone is being so mean to Emmo. Aren't pollies people too? At least most of them. I thought it apt and fun and taking a little of the (preposterous) heat out of the argument. Pun intended. Please! Won't somebody think of the politicians?


3/07/2012 [b]Swordsters[/b] Email to the Sloppy one [quote]Good Evening Mr Hockey I just saw you on the news commenting sagely about the Emerson singing. Such episodes should be banned by Standing Orders, along with the silly wearing of tutus and shrek ears. Keep up the good work.[/quote]

42 long

3/07/2012This coming from a MOB who have suspended standing orders in QT for 62 times during the telecast time. Called the Prime minister "rotten" or worse. Think it is OK for Chrissy Pine to poke his tongue out at the deputy speaker of the chamber Had more members sent from the chamber for inappropriate behaviour. I could write for ever on this but I won't bore you. And DEAR JOE thinks Emmo singing is Offensive Behaviour. You are just ridiculous Mr Hockey . And to think YOU could have been the leader when you could have run against Turnbull. You would easily have beaten Tony. Any body can be leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party, because none of them have talent. If you think Emmo singing is bad, there will be worse coming yet.


3/07/2012I have seen the clip of Emmo quite a few times today and after he did it, and I still nearly wet myself laughing. It has certainly stopped a lot of Abbott's rot talking. Even the ABC tonight showed the clip of abbott holding fish and Hockey in the tutu with a gold crown. I wonder if what Emmo has done is allow the media to run with some of the stupid stunts of the NLP. Whatever, I enjoyed it. As for Mirrabella, the disgusted look on her face just shows that she lacks any compassion at all. Lyn Too late to read your links tonight will catch up tomorrow. Thanks heaps again for them.


3/07/2012 [b]TT Comrade[/b] As the book of religious fiction says, when Jesus had risen from the dead he visited the disciples, to show off. One was not there, and when his colleagues told him what had happened he said words to the effect " Bullshit! Unless I can put my hands into the holes (wounds) in his sides, I will not believe". This is the genesis of the saying we oft direct to someone who requires concrete proof "Don't be such a tool. You are nothing but a Doubting Thomas" Comprende Comrade?


3/07/2012 [b]Jason[/b] [i]draco dormiens nunquam titillandus[/i] (don't tickle the sleeping dragon). Relax! This proverb does not apply here! When in all cases that do not go the distance because of mental illness, the mentally ill defendant's costs are paid by the taxpayer, then MJF can expect likewise. Until then let her whistle dixie!


3/07/2012 [b]TT Comrade[/b] [i]rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior[/i] (redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies, fairer than all things, I do ever glory in thee) I thought of you and someone you very, very much admire when I stumbled on this.


4/07/2012Psyclaw Yes I have known the origin of Doubting Thomas since almost before I knew the story of Peeping Tom, I don't quite understand why you were telling me though. Non comprende. Adelaide Girl good to see from you, and yes indeed, isn't Tweetie Lyn a blessing. She has made an ideal nest under Ad astra's eaves, she flies free everywhere and back each morning, tweeting all the way to everyone, even her Gravatar is beyond perfect, it's [i]inspired![/i] It's all really quite *M*A*G*I*C*A*L*, including her interaction with The Political Sword. Speaking of Adelaide let's us Crowies get together soon eh? Jason Obelix'll be in it for sure, sing out anyone else please eh? Pikiranku we will listen out for your movements. I just looked back over this thread, to see who's written in the last few days. Wow. No order, but LOOK: Rob Bilko Michael Cuppa jaycee 2353 NormanK Trevor 42 Long BSA Bob DMW Doodle Poodle Gravel Patriciawa Truth Seeker CMC Jason Acerbic Conehead Miglo el gordo pikiranku Lady in Red Sue Paul Walter per ardua Haderak Franked Lyn Ad astra TalkTurkey At least 30, not counting unpersons! :) Be it noted, there are at least 3 not mentioned in the list above who are essentially ill-willed, well that's sad but too bad. But to give them their due, they do provide some fun for the feisty folks here, so I just thought I'd mention that. 'Course I never feed trolls myself, only wave titbits just out of reach in front of their faces, I like that. If I've missed any real goodwilled persons Sorry, but welcome anyway, on behalf of the rest of us. This is a wonderful blog, a dedicated fighting site unlike any I have found, imbued with Ad astra's attitude and spirit, and Lyn's daily feasts of news and views; it's not a random set of ramblings, though there's great latitude: there is a flexible but determined focus on the words you see at the top of the page. It never wavers in that respect, driven by Ad's own will and implicitly supported overall by all of us. It is quite experimental, and it is unique in its focus and input. I am very proud of being part of it, and deeply grateful to Ad astra and Lyn. Together we are special. And we have just a little influence. But just to be clear: we make no secret that we are dedicatedly opposed to the Opposition's ever gaining power, and equally, avowedly supportive of the return of the Gillard Government at the next election. To pretend else would be idle. That said, let no-one call us Hypocrite. We wear our hearts pretty much on our sleeves, and those who don't, well, it's not our fault! I think that's all right. What do you think?


4/07/2012Not to mention those of us who like to cheer from the sidelines!


4/07/2012 Today’s Links A study in character Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Mirabella, who aspires to the job currently occupied by Combet, showed only that she must not be put in a position of any responsibility whatsoever and must be removed from any such position she now holds. Simply calling for help would have showed the humanity that is needed in her position, but which she clearly lacks It’s the end of the world as we kn…wait hang on a second!!!, Massivespray, Spray of the Day The fact that Abbott made his ridiculous statement about Whyalla should be a gift for the Government. They should be running vision of his statement coupled with photos of Whyalla at every opportunity, highlighting him for the useless prick he really is. RBA keeps Cash Rate at 3.50%, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut There have been no changes to the Bank's outlook for inflation. Over the coming one to two years, and abstracting from the effects of the carbon price, inflation is expected to be consistent with the target. Maintaining low inflation over the longer term will, however, require growth in domestic costs to slow as the effects of the earlier exchange rate ABC News 24 preferred a stunt over policy, ABC Has Gone to Hell A Government Minister talking about the implication of policy is not considered one of those “breaking stories”, unlike the rare phenomenon of the Leader of the Opposition at someone’s place of business talking about his alternative climate change policy how terrible the price on carbon will be. Tony Abbott cannot escape the international climate change, Daneil Bray, Independent Australia This means that a future Abbott Government will have to negotiate a legally binding reduction to Australia’s carbon emissions in its first term. It might choose to play hardball and let the burden fall on other countries. This would put Australia in breach of its responsibilities under the UNFCCC. Australia would also be free-riding on the cuts of other countries, which is Sophie Mirabella shouldn’t be attacked for failing to emote , Lauren Rosewarne, The Conversation The entire Q&A debacle went for under a minute. Under. One. Minute. One second Greg Combet was rabbiting on about something vaguely sleep-inducing and the next second Simon Sheikh’s head hit the table. I don’t know how I would have reacted had I been at that desk. I do know however, that watching at home, my initial assumption was theatrics. Unsure about the difference between Left and Right – Combet is Superman, Mirabella is horrified, Turn left 2013 Combet was in the process of explaining about solar panels, and Simon Sheik, passed out. Mirabella (LNP) recoiled in horror, she looked offended that Sheik went down. Meanwhile, Combet (ALP) gets up and goes to him The Good News About The Carbon Tax, Ben Eltham New Matilda In policy terms, as Peter Martin points out, this is not really about Gillard’s broken promise, the existence of global warming or the fact the party of free markets now appears to believe that government knows best when it comes to emissions reductions. "It is all about what will work and what will work at least cost to taxpayers and the community," he argues. Martin observes that electricity prices in Perth have risen by 57 per cent since December 2008 Price signals- A carbon copy of the GST, Stephen Koukoulas Like the GST, the price on carbon is designed to change behavior although in a more complex way. Demand and therefore consumption of goods and services with high carbon inputs are expected to fall. The producers of those high intensity carbon goods and services have a massive incentive to change the was they do business – using less carbon in the production chain will save them money and boost profits. Journalism Is Not Dead, Jane Gilmore, The Kings Tribune Holmes knows that Australian political Twitterati love Media Watch and he doesn’t underestimate the value of the Monday night line up on ABC, or how valuable Twitter has been in increasing the visibility of that line up. It’s a mystery as to why commercial networks haven’t yet tried to incorporate the live tweeting phenomenon into shows like Masterchef and The Voice, Welcome to The Political Compass The idea was developed by a political journalist with a university counselling background, assisted by a professor of social history. They're indebted to people like Wilhelm Reich and Theodor Adorno for their ground-breaking work NBN backers question Turnbull’s support, Renai LeMay, Delimeter There has been yet more FUD [fear, uncertainty and doubt] and disingenuous statements from the Federal Opposition in recent days with respect to the National Broadband Network (NBN),” Wyres wrote in a post on his popular blog. “In other words – ‘We will stop the NBN, we’ll just replace it with our own plan, but keep calling it the NBN so we can say we completed it.’” The NBN Supports Newspapers. As for the Public Interest, Malcolm Turnbull “Satire” Although some analysts have seen the NBN Co as a threat to the newspaper industry, it is supporting the industry by printing thousands of its own newspapers to garner support for the rollout. At the time of publication, Senator Stephen Conroy was yet to sign up to the newspaper's charter of editorial independence. Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 4 July 2012 George Bludger just uploaded a video, Liberal Party Stunts R Us.m4v Gravitas Shrek as Workchoices Saviour, Joe Hockey Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category

Ad astra

4/07/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


4/07/2012 Good morning Lyn Good morning Ad Too much to do today Too bad.

Ad astra

4/07/2012Folks Like you TT, I've a busy day ahead. I have family matters to attend to. So I won't be around much. I'll take a look via the iPad when I get a chance.

42 long

4/07/2012Just reflecting on the Greens performance in the last few years. I'm certainly not opposed to a green influence and I am sure that some labour supporters have joined their ranks and may stay there, They are the natural allies of labour, and the sworn enemies of the "rightists". I don't feel liberal suits then for a name. "Country" Party ,what does that mean? I have no idea. Anyhow back to the Greens performance. In the arena of real politics, I would say they need to enter the real world where no-one gets everything they want straight away. ( Bullies might be the exception) The greens, by taking the "holier than thou" approach achieve little for labour. They gain a few brownie points amongst their supporters at labour's expense frequently, have actually denied the passage of legislation that would have advanced their cause. (the ETS). Moved not a centimeter with the Asylum seekers drama. If abbott DOES get in, by frustrating good intent by labour, the greens have aided Abbott, by making the Gillard government LOOK "not in control" and ineffective, which they are not, if we take the record number of bills passed by them by working with the independents who have truly made this parliament notable for it's serious treatment of diverse issues. I suggest that the greens so far have been "with friends like them you don't need enemies"people.


4/07/2012 [b]TT Comrade[/b] My initial post was following your advice: [quote]Trolls keep plotting from underneath their bridges, 
 Stealing intellectual tucker from inside your mental fridges 
 They only get a feed when somebody addresses 'em! 
 Talk about 'em in THIRD PERSON, and that treely rooly messes 'em! 

 Have fun with Trolls! [/quote] That’s why I addressed it to you, about a third person, since you are well tuned into such matters. When you replied: 

[quote]". . . the son of dog’s doubter." 

MoT?[/quote] ….. this went over my head. I was [u][i]non impediti ratione cogitatio[/u]nis[/i] (unencumbered by the thought process). I totally missed your [quote]MoT?[/quote] clue which indicated that you were on the right track, and I thought your reference to the doubter indicated that I had been too obscure in my reference to the Saintly Thomas. Hence my further “explanation” about biblical matters, to point you in the right direction. At this stage I am confidently assuming that Buckley and Batman (of the John Batman variety) successfully directed you to the correct southern capital city. Regards


4/07/201242long As I said the other day, Labor 1 in both houses for me from now on. I came to the same conclusion you have. Lyn Still catching up on your other links before I start todays. Thanks heaps you are doing a brilliant job.


4/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterverse:- Brumby's under fire over 'blame carbon tax' memo One of Australia's largest bakery chains, Brumby's, is under fire for an internal memo that suggests franchisees increase their prices and "let the carbon tax take the blame". Turn Left‏@turnleft2013 Slappy is now being mocked internationally - the price of being heartless... and Combet is superman around the world Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke RT @ange_anderson: Premier Campbell Newman has been involved in a minor car crash on the Sunshine Coast @nova1069 Popi‏@popi6666 Nine line up to replace Slipper | Sunshine Coast Politics | Local Politics in Sunshine Coast | Sunshine Coast Daily TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM Looks like they may want to keep Brough on the outer for the time being, wonder why? : "THE bid by the former... Schnappi‏@Schnappi5 Abbott gets overpaid while doing fraudulent stunts at taxpayers expense.‏@smh National News: Brough's tilt for Fisher may be challenged #australia vexnews‏@vexnews Hard-working Australians missing $17.4 billion in lost & unclaimed superannuation #auspol #superannuation #ausecon Leroy‏@Leroy_Lynch Former WA Premier Geoff Gallop opens up on State & Federal Politics @thewest_com_au #wapol #auspol Schnappi‏@Schnappi5 Turnbull showing the coalition ignorance of the NBN. Bill Shorten‏@billshortenmp . @latikambourke you should visit all you need is your tax file number, your name, and your date of birth #lostsuper Leroy‏@Leroy_Lynch Carbon Tax: Quick Facts - a useful basic backgrounder via @TheHoopla #auspol #carbonprice #carbontax #ausbiz #climate Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa Typical Liberal Ted Baiilieu is heading for election defeat He must be resign Canberra CityNews‏@city_news Why Abbott can't compromise on boats. John Pratt‏@Jackthelad1947 2400 specialist positions to be cut from NSW public schools #nswpol #auspol Libs don't value education. More jobs gone.

42 long

4/07/2012All the new state liberal governments are reading from the same book. Cut education languages TAFE Teacher's aides public servants. This sort of stuff creates a slowdown as the effect filters through and unemployed people have to stop spending, sell cars sell houses and do WHAT? The cruellest thing I have noriced is to cut off support for accident victims after 18? months. You don't have to be clever to do this. You just have to be callous and uncaring. Most of those people didn't vote for the "rightists", so they can cop it from them without loss of support, or will they? This WILL cause a slowdown, affecting businesses investors and even the top end of town. Behaviour of this kind will be a big factor in aiding LABOUR nationally, when people wake up that there is nothing in the USA republican way, ( which they are copying) for the ordinary people in australia. The timing is perfect, if the federal government runs it's full term as it should.

Ad astra reply

4/07/2012Hi Lyn I've taken a look at your Twittervese while visiting a sick relative. What an interesting collection. In this morning's links, I found The Political Compass website fascinating. I took the Left/Right, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian test. I recommend that anyone who would like to see where they sit on these two axes take this test. It might be interesting to compare notes afterwards. The other tests on the site are intersting too.

42 long

4/07/2012I'm just as libertarian and slightly left of the dalai lama. Looks like a lonely place to be. Some will use that against my jusgement and views, but I would rather be there than up with some of the others


4/07/2012I am Mahatma Ghandi. :D :D Who knew that he was a redhead? :)


4/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Ad I am glad you did the test on Political Compass it is very interesting. I haven't had time to do the test yet but I have had some labels put on me on Twitter, so maybe I better hurry up and label myself officially. Twitterverse for you. Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Here's the statement from Retail Food Group - parent company of Brumby's: #carbon Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk Does Brumby's apology mean they will not be hiking prices? Or are they just saying sorry as they try to rip off their loyal customers? Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke David Bradbury accuses Oppn Leader Tony Abbott of 'condoning' Brumby's planned price rises. Chris Ogilvie ‏@ChrisOgilvieSnr I informed Bickfords that my family will no longer buy there products, due to there involvement in Abbott's CT stunts: Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa CRAZY TONY ABBOTT thinks Clive Palmer would be a parttime MP just like himself SOS time wasting BLUDGER ALWAYS WRONG Le Grace‏@bow_and_arrow Won't ever shop again at Brumby's. #blamethecarbontaxmyarse Paul Bongiorno‏@PaulBongiorno Have you caught up with Brumby's trying to make dough out of the carbon tax. Already the ACCC is interested. Z☰N Digital ‏@z3n_digital @AshGhebranious yes Abbott leading the fear campaign on the carbon tax and this is what happens when they gouge Abbott runs away #auspol maddog‏@Greatmaddog Boycott Brumby's stores everyone. Sweary Cat‏@Swearycat Thanks Mr Abbott for spruiking "carbon tax" at Bickfords. Another business off my shopping list. Mark ‏@markjs1 I see Abbott's cut Brough adrift...won't be long before he does same with his heroine Kathy Jackson......all expendable!! #auspol steve ‏@steveuwa Power bills to include price rise 'facts' via @smh #auspol Juzzy Zelig‏@JuzZelig IT WASN'T ME: "A Victorian man has appeared in court charged with threatening to kill Attorney-General Nicola Roxon" Chris Mullins‏@topher_mullins LNP state governments "afraid of people hearing the facts about electricity prices" #eusol

42 long

4/07/2012Brumby's probably reckon they "knead the extra dough" to run their business and make more "bread". Certainly caught red-handed with that little effort. Won't do their business any good whatsoever. Abbott has been saying fool things for so long that he knows nothing else. How embarrassing he is. Dog help us if he is the big leader We will look as stupid as he is, for putting him in there. I thought the American republicans would lie low for a while having foisted Geroge W Bush upon us, but they Know no shame. The new candidate looks as potentially SUSS. People should take very seriously who they give power to. The future of the only world we have, lies in their hands. It's not enough that they will do anything, say anything, spend anything, be obligated to anyone to get the job. In fact that should rule them out.


4/07/2012It seems Ghandi is somewhat more right wing and authoritarian than me. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -6.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90 Probably why I never wanted to become a politician - I don't like rules (apparently) Thanks for the link Lyn.


4/07/2012If you would Like to feel good by making someone feels worse Give this a fling Give Bickfords a ring and give them a critical burst! I did. I talked with Poppy. She sounded nice. I told her, sweetly, Poppy I said, Bickfords is an old SA company, I've known it all my life, I love your unique zangy Lime Cordial, (she's saying wtte Oh how nice) then I say Now it's sad but I can never buy anything Bickfords ever again, because your CEO has been keeping company with this dreadful man Abbortt, and your CEO has been telling lies about how it will impact on his business. Bythis time Poppy figured i was not there to compliment Bickfords after all. She kept it together, said Sorry you fell that way, but I did make her feel worse so I felt better,andI hope she passes on the worseness to her CEO. Bickford’s Australia Head Office Address: 162 Cross Keys Road Salisbury South South Australia, 5106 Postal: PO Box 283 Salisbury South DC SA 5106 Telephone: [b](08) 8182 1888[/b] Email: [b] [/b]


4/07/20122353 A couple of years under my benevolent leadership and you would soon learn to love rules. :D


4/07/2012NK, a benign oligarchy?

Ad astra reply

4/07/2012Hi Lyn The Twitterverse, as usual, is topical and interesting. 2353 Thank you for posting your score on The Political Compass test. I hope others will do the same. Then I'll post mine. It's been a long day. Time to retire.


4/07/2012Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -6.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00


4/07/2012Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -2.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.82


4/07/2012Clive Palmer says he'd like to serve the people of Australia... You can, Clive..MIGRATE!.....and take the "Mikimoto Queen" with you!


5/07/2012Economic left/right : - 7.88 Social lib//auth:: - 4.15


5/07/201242 long @10.43am & 3.44pm, I find I am in lockstep with you wrt Greens and Liars Party state governments. Why is it that Liars Party governments must ALWAYS attack, undermine and underfund the very things which not only afford the poor the chance to fight their way off the poverty treadmill, but are the mechanisms ensuring economic and social security? And cutting off support for accident victims after such a short time just shows them in their true colours. Some victims never regain their health and ability to earn a living and most families don't have the financial and emotional resources to care for them for many years. And as usual, the unemployed are convenient whipping boys. The longer people are unemployed, the more difficult it is for them to get a job. It's not just essential skills that are lost; confidence and health suffer enormously. People can barely survive on the pittance they receive, let alone present well at job interviews-hair, makeup, nails and clothes are very important and along with a decent set of teeth, are very costly to maintain. For a supposedly wealthy country, we don't seem to care enough about our least fortunate. Gravel @12.28pm, I like the cut of your political jib. TT @7.45pm, very disappointing about Bickford's. How will I live without their brown lime juice cordial? Your political compass Economic l/r: -8.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41 I guess that explains why I could never vote for a Liars Party candidate. Very interesting to see where political leaders of varying stripes lie in the social libertarian/authoritarian quadrants.


5/07/2012TODAY’S LINKS Asylum seekers and the art of compromise, Victoria Rollinson, Independent Australia . I liked Jonathan Green’s article on ABC’s The Drum: Crying shame: tabloid cynicism over asylum seekers, as it was a satisfactory summary of how the mainstream media flips from one position to another (hatred to sympathy), with no acknowledgement of the anti-Government impulse that drives the change. WHAT’S THAT SMELL? Stephen Mayne sh*t-sheets himself, pooh-pooh locals, Andrew Landeryou,Vex News Mayne’s known involvement in dudding and defrauding hard-working low-or-no-paid original founders and contributors of Crikey when it came to the sale of the “business” (unprofitable then and now) to Eric Beecher; Mayne’s life-long sociopathic pattern of leaving hatred and burned bridges wherever he’s been, every workplace, every organisation, everyone; Mayne’s battle with Marfan’s syndrome, Sophie Mirabella Shows Her Humanity, Dan Gulbery, The Daily Derp This is how much the LNP cares about people. Had serial buffoon Joe Hockey, or perpetual hypocrite, coward and liar, Tony Abbott, it is doubtful that they would have performed any better. They would’ve probably called for a cost benefit analysis be performed before The Gambler, Peter Wicks, Wixxy Leaks Abbott’s seeming belief or “sense of entitlement” as Joe Hockey would put it, that he was born to be Prime Minister. This belief it appears means he will seemingly risk all that is not his, to fulfill his destiny. Happy for others to risk their careers and credibility for him, happy to risk the Australian economy, happy to risk the The Carbon Price Madness , Alex Schlotzer The Australian Industry Group helpfully pointed out that many Australian businesses are prepared to rip off customers and jack up prices in line with the carbon price beginning. And this was going to happen from day 1 despite the tangible price impacts still yet to be felt by most Australian businesses. The AiG then goes to some lengths to rubbish the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC Cory Bernardi suddenly thinks only the named top polluting companies will be paying the carbon tax, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison That’s right, if you believe the Coalition, a Labor carbon price, I mean TAX, affects EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY. Although Cory Bernardi isn’t so sure you should believe his party. Here he is in his laughably-named “weekly dose of common sense” email trying to convince his supporters to ignore the pro-carbon price businesses: The ABC is not part of the ‘left wing’ groupthink on climate change, The ABC Has Gone To Hell None of the denialists I have listed have credible climate science backgrounds and most are supported either through institutions or directly themselves by industries that are looking to protect their bottom line. Yet despite these blatant conflicts of interests they are given a powerful platform on the ABC under the guise of ‘balance’. Hot cross-carbon buns! Did Brumby’s bakeries just get itself into regulatory “issues” over carbon price claims?, Mike, Watching the Deniers Ah, the coming months will be fun… claims, counter claims and investigations by the ACCC while Tony Abbott and the LNP claiming every sneeze is due to that “great big new tax” on everthing.The Twitterverse is now baying for blood and demanding a boycott. Your call reader if you wish to do so. Brumby’s Bakery ‘raise prices and blame carbon tax’ has now annoyed the Mummy Bloggers – Guest Post Jo Nakashima Turn Left 2013 Due to encouraging your franchise holders to raise prices and blame a carbon price, my family and I will be boycotting all of your brands. I will be encouraging as many people as possible to do the same. I am contributor to a successful Australian “mummy-blog” and will be reminding readers as often as possible to also boycott your brands. Abbott on Pell- “One of the greatest churchmen Australia has seen.”, Jennifer Wilson, No Place for Sheep Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is credited here with having described Cardinal George Pell as ” one of the greatest churchmen Australia has seen.” If this is a measure of Abbott’s ability to judge character, and an example of someone he profoundly admires, I fear even more for our future should he become the next Prime Minister. NSW Education set for 2400 job cuts over four years | #nswpol #ausunions, Darin Sullivan, The Left Hack The new figures follow revelations in the Herald yesterday that the government has no cap on the size of its public sector redundancy program, opening the way for numbers to exceed the 10,000 figure announced in this year’s budget on top of the 5000 announced last year. Greens newcomer takes up the fight for the middle, Greg Jericho, The Drum As Senator Whish-Wilson is filling Brown's position in the Senate, it is worth discovering who he is and also the changes he brings to the Greens as they move to the post-Brown eraA quick look at Senator Whish-Wilson's CV reveals someone who in another time would have been nabbed by the Liberal Party to run in the seats of Wentworth or North Sydney. The Dreams of Clive Palmer, Ian Harris, The blowfly Tony Abbott had grid-locked the political system by saying NO to everything so anyone in the Liberal Party who thought for themselves really stood out.(Malcolm Turnbull could think for himself but when he admitted that they would not pull the NBN down when they came to government Tony Abbott banished Moderation problems at the Bolt blog, John Quiggin while Andrew Bolt had correctly calculated the impact of the carbon tax for the year 2020, he hadn’t completed the analysis by evaluating the impact over the relevant policy timeframe. While I was working on this, Bolt produced another post, linking to this The solid data keeps rolling on, Stephen Koukoulas, Market Economics In addition to low inflation, the world economy remains extremely fragile, the main budget tightening is still being felt and the Australian dollar rise of recent weeks could, if sustained, come back to constrain activity. These dynamics will encourage more rate c House prices won't collapse, but won't take off either, Ross Gittins Which brings me back to where I started. The value of your home is easily determined: it's worth what you can find someone willing to pay for it. The value of homes generally can be no higher than what people generally are willing to pay and able to pay Don't tell police about HSU', FWA , Big Pond News Asked by Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop why she did not refer the matter to the police she responded, "My advice was (from the Australian government solicitor) that I was not permitted to do so."Amendments were passed in the parliament last week that Ms O'Neill said Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category Senator Matt Thistlethwaite warns against Carbon Price Telephone Scam - Prime Dubbo Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 5 July 2012

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5/07/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


5/07/2012Every few days I go to The Drum as I surf the news sites and there are the same old stupids from the right-wing, trolling out the same stupid old slogans and the moderators neither discourage nor censure their blatand imbecilic babbling, so one must presume the ABC. has no interest in elevating the public discussion above conservative imbecility......just where T. Abbott likes it!


5/07/2012 MGrattan on RN today: [quote]"Carbon [b]tax[/b] blah blah blah. Carbon [b]tax[/b] blah blah blah. Carbon [b]tax[/b] blah blah blah." [/quote] And then: [quote]"many businesses want a moving [b]price[/b] rather than a floor [b]price[/b]"[/quote] Now why didn't she say [quote]"many businesses want a moving [b]tax[/b] rather than a floor t[b]ax[/b]"[/quote] Says it all really....... a mere [b]Fraudian slip[/b]


5/07/2012Greetings Comrades Doctors this morning, not much time now, don't ask. Jane it's sad about Bickfords Lime Cordial, but you can see from their new prettified brightly coloured plastic-bottled stuff they've Yankified their company, so don't regret this too much now, just ring Poppy or someone and (dis)abuse them! What the CEO said was as stupid and partisan and overthetop as it gets. This is the [i]grinding-down quarter [/i]of Labor's term. Our positions are established, the legislation is through, and we are united in our scorn of the Opposition. Our heavy hitters will now pursue the Abborttians relentlessly for costings, for policies, challenging their decisions and positions everywhere. But the Media remain our single biggest problem, they are so bent! Lyn has taught me that through Twitter one may talk direct to many more people again. It is like an extrematised Poll Bludger iyswim, at the far end from blogs with considered longish papers like TPS. [i]We must learn to use each of these modes of communication to our best advantage, [/i]marshalling the BISONs to trample the Opposition, forcing the slyly-sidling Crabbes to investigate and criticise and corner the Opposition . . . and what about occasionally, just once or twice in a year or so please, just now and again FFS, spare a word of PRAISE for this, the most beset, hardest working, best-delivering Government EVAH! Fists doubled Comrades? Jaws set? Eyes narrowed into hard chips of steel? Yep, now we gotta turn it into effective action on the Blogosphere! Off to the doctors. Yeek.


5/07/2012Good Morning D and Everybody Twitterverse:- timdunlop‏@timdunlop Great reminder of how much friggin polling they do! Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly, New York Times In just 12 cases, Rasmussen’s polls overestimated the margin for the Democrat by 3 or more points. But it did so for the Republican candidate in 55 cases — that is, in more than half of the polls that it issued. Zuvele Leschen‏@ZuveleLeschen "Last year alone, leaking systems, we used 100 kilos of refrigerant..." Don't blame carbon price, fix the leak! #auspol Judge 'n Jury rocket‏@sprocket___ @ZuveleLeschen The govt should nail this refrigerant beatup quick smart. Front foot - answered in QT, but not in the media. Not Rupert Murdoch‏@RupertMurdochPR Local news in US newspapers "written by staffers in the Philippines who were paid 35 cents per story." Latika Bourke ‏@latikambourke Labor looking forward to seeing the content of 'thousands of texts' sent by Slipper staffer James Ashby: The Australian‏@australian Peter Slipper subpoenaes LNP head Bruce McIver Judge 'n Jury rocket‏@sprocket___ @BrigadierSlog Steve Lewis in court at 9.30am tomorrow to get Slipper's subpoena removed. NewsLtd protect themselves, ditch fools pronto Judge 'n Jury rocket‏@sprocket___ One senior Labor source said: "I understand there are thousands of texts (from Ashby's phone). #auspol vexnews‏@vexnews Mal Brough's preselection in jeopardy over jobs for Slipper complainants saga #auspol ABC Environment‏@ABCenvironment Despite what Abbott says, 80% pf polluters expect the #carbontax to stay (listen) via @amworldtodaypm ABC News‏@ABC New ABC News iPad App: Five Things You Need To Know Before You Download (#6? It's Free!) ABC The Drum ‏@ABCthedrum Putting a price on pollution is not about to destroy the economy, or even sectors within it, writes Simon O'Connor Jane ‏@janeelot Radio interview with Susan Mitchell about Abbott, #terrifying TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM ''An overwhelming majority think there will be a carbon price in the medium to long term, but more than half the... Jeff Sparrow‏@Jeff_Sparrow Carbon trading will save the planet? Yep, just like derivative trading provided housing for everyone. Peter Brent‏@mumbletwits A reminder of why Gillard never had to enter into an "alliance" with the Greens in the first place: Lyn Bender‏@Lynestel #ClivePalmer our new celeb lib lowering the toneRT“@abcnews: #Abbott told me not the challenge Swan: Clive Palmer, The Punch News‏@punch_news The carbon tax should really be an easy sell ☜ #thepunch National Times‏@NationalTimesAU Big polluters convinced carbon price is here to stay Sarah Kate‏@Kikicet Michelle Gratten wrote an article without mentioning the downfall of the ALP&leadership WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY #auspol


5/07/2012Bad Abbott 'disease'. Extremely disappointed with Liberal MP Mal Washer, who has been accorded 'heroic' status just lately due to his position on asylum seekers. Here: he is quoted: "Dr Washer, who last week said he would vote for legislation to allow the government's Malaysia solution if his vote could get it through, told The Age he now thought the government should ''roll over'' and accept the Coalition's position. This is for processing on Nauru and the use of temporary protection visas. He said that course would put the acid on the Coalition if the policy did not work." The "acid" in this case would require deaths, self-mutilation, and mental deterioration amongst asylum-seekers transported to Nauru and/or having Temporary Protection Visas slapped on them (reflecting what happened last time this suite of 'policies' was applied). All real lives put into distressing situations to build up enough "acid" to force the Coalition leadership into accepting that their policies of the past are either non-effective today, or equally as punitively 'effective' in terms of human suffering, as they were last time. Does Doctor Mal Washer seriously believe that the Coalition leadership as it is currently peopled is likely to even notice such 'acid' when it is clear that Shouldabeen and his Star Chamber have no interest other than political manoeuvring on this (indeed all) issue? For a doctor, bound by the Hippocratic oath, to propose that human beings be shuffled into a game of politics to force a response through their real pain and suffering, suggests to me even more forcefully than the actions of Abbott himself just how perverted the thinking in the Coalition parties room has become corrupted. This is realpolitik reduced to it's cruelest. And yet, with a leader prepared to live by the credo of 'so be it' when it comes to the loss of peoples' lives, the 'shit happens' guy, what else can we expect?


5/07/2012 [b]Michael[/b] I sent this email to Washer earlier this morning. To clarify one bit, this missive refers to the second last line of an earlier email when Washer was bleating about Craig Thomson being under pressure and I reminded him that words are cheap. [quote]Good Morning Dr Washer I refer you to my previous email hereunder about the Craig Thomson matter and especially to the second last line. Your words have proved to be fairly inexpensive. I am profoundly disappointed by the reports today that you have shut up shop regarding the Asylum Seekers. It seems you are to join those who weep and who can simultaneously sit on their hands and be handwringers. Sarah Hanson-Young and your own Joe Hockey are prime examples. In retrospect, all you have done is a bit of highly publicised handwringing, you have presumably tried to influence your colleagues, and you have done a faux cross-the-floor but safely retreated before the actual vote. I was hoping that you would at least seek to speak to the Houston committee on the record, and in defiance of your leader. And if you had any influence at all perhaps you could have convinced a number of colleagues likewise. I strongly suspect that you really think your own leader and shadow minister are committed to spoiling any reasonable efforts other than their own proposals (so roundly criticised by all experts and DIMA) . This is the issue you should bring to the public. How about going onto the 7.30 Report and telling Leigh Sales the truth viz "Sadly I must put on the record the fact that my leader does not want to see a successful solution to this problem found, because he sees it as a political winner." Now those words would not come cheap, would they.[/quote]

42 long

5/07/2012Since Tony has to find lots of money, ( cause he is giving it all back to his mates) What is the LNP's approach to the ABC? Why hasn't he been asked will it be funded/obliterated or what. It's a fair question especially as he would not be particularly fond of it. It's the only one who occasionally ( not half often enough) asks anything of him . The others give him a dream run ( as you would expect) Rupert doesn't want labour in. That's no secret. THAT should only be a matter for comment, but it is far more serious than that. It's almost a guarantee, that they won't Murdoch called the BBC an organisation that is a (major attack on free speech) What a Joke coming from someone who loves a monopoly when HE has it. It is easy to read what the plan is. Why doesn't the ABC show some "balls". They are in strife anyhow, if the grim reaper gets in. Perhaps we can get someone else to put the question, and keep putting, it till we get an answer from the "marrow of his bones" or somewhere that means you can believe him. On form that place doesn't exist, but you know what I mean. About time he answered some questions.


5/07/2012Psyclaw, well done.

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5/07/2012The radio adelaide breakfast interview is worth a listen, if you want insight's into abbotts formative years and personality. Again I state, we must be extremely carefull who we give the opportunity to lead this country to. LNP, dump him before he does the damage he is capable of. His put-down of the economy and relentles negativity will not last the distance, or tolerate scrutiny wich will come in the future, pre the election. You can't keep a lid on it much longer. Your man is FLAWED and you know it in your bones, LNP It's decision time. Clive knows your man is a "tin Hitler" and Clive won't go away. Time to put your "Boneyard DOG" down.


5/07/2012jane, you said: Why is it that Liars Party governments must ALWAYS attack, undermine and underfund the very things which not only afford the poor the chance to fight their way off the poverty treadmill, but are the mechanisms ensuring economic and social security? I think you've answered yourself :D I have emailed Brumby's and Bickfords. Really sad about Bickfords. I hope the efforts of affronted consumers will have an impact. Poor old Bickfords, wanting to be a "playa". I hope they are feeling the backlash.

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5/07/2012Michael and psyclaw, re the Washer event. You are spot on. Everything is politics and winner take all, there. There is no doubt Abbott wants more boats( with the attendant loss of life linked to that being a fact) because it helps him politically. Pretty callous stuff by any measure. I'm ashamed this leader of the opposition gets his views aired, let alone condidered and supported, when they are so OFF. because it demeans Australians who really don't think like that but have been deliberately whipped up into a fear and demonisation of desperate people, for political outcomes. I am at a loss to think of anything more loathsome.


5/07/2012Anyway, Labor can't "roll over" & implement the coalition position on asylum seekers. Scott Morrison said they'd vote against this to prevent it. Although we do live in the Perpetual Present it's true.

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5/07/2012BSA Bob , Morrison did say that. So ONLY the LNP can implement anything. What a great catch 22 that is. But that is not the way the "rightists" present it. Makes Joe Hockeys impassioned "hand on heart" oratory look a piece of sham acting, and very inapproprate on the serious matter thay is is.


5/07/2012Doing home!!!! HSU members and affiliates very much on my mind after all this care from nursing and other staff. Cheers! Thanks for alll the links, twitterverse and comments keeping me in touch with thingss, Lyn. AA and Swordsters.




5/07/2012Hi Patricia Thankyou for telling us, Wow! home for you how exciting. Patricia you sound like you are doing well. Be careful when you get home though no doing too much take it easy. Here is Twitterati for when you get home relaxing in bed with Tacker by the bedside and your laptop on a serving tray: Ben Holgate, Australian Financial Review Fairfax Media chief executive Greg Hywood has attacked Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited for creating a climate of distrust for the industry which has led to the government planning to introduce a public interest test for media mergers and acquisitions. Mr Hywood refused to sign a letter to Prime Minister Julia Gillard that was co-authored by News chief executive Kim Williams and six other media bosses outlining their opposition to a public interest test. ACCC says it's "not hitting business heavily" as it investigates two solar panel suppliers for carbon price claims The watchdog's action against the solar panel suppliers comes after the ACCC busted Brumby's yesterday for making false carbon price claims, but the regulator says it is not going into "overkill" in policing the new tax. Adrian B‏@Volvo_of_doom Christopher Pyne claims the Navy is being used like the NRMA. Carefully omits that the LNP want to use the Navy like a tow truck company Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 Result when motivated by greed: Solar firms in hot water over carbon claims via @NationalTimesAU #CarbonPrice Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Why is Clive Palmer playfully swatting Tony Abbott? The Punch: Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Mr Abbott refuses to answer questions about why he told Clive Palmer not to run in Lilley. "Yesterday's story," he says Katie ‏@the_very_least The LNP's crocodile tears for asylum seekers have officially dried up. Joe Hockey‏@JoeHockey Swan won't rule out tinkering with the carbon tax and it's only 5 days old. It is going cost us billions in new taxes... Just abolish it Co2 Tax is Theft‏@AxeCo2Tax Alan Jones on the Thomson saga, and points to corruption that goes deeper than just the HSU. #auspol Margaret‏@Margy011 Abbott what force are you suggesting Navy take to turn boats >Abbott spruiks boat turn-around policy via @brisbanetimes Obviously I wasn't on the spot yesterday, but those commanders on the spot under our policy would have had the option of turning that boat around," Mr Abbott told reporters Askgerbil Now‏@Askgerbil Liberal party MP Alan Tudge lies about the #carbon tax. Can Parliament take action against him? #JGlive Chanel Bearder‏@ChanelBearder The Fifth Estate: Media Meltdown @AndrewJaspan founder of @ConversationEDU presenting as part of @wheelercentre new fortnightly forums

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5/07/2012Just listened to A Jones. Why does anybody do that? If you weren't crazy to start with you would ba after a while. I feel sorry for the oldies etc who come under his spell. They would need years of treatment to get their mind sorted out, afterwards. Perhaps it would be permanently damaged and they might make up signs with 'Bitch" and "Witch" and enlightening things like that The fact that he distorts and falsely reports everything doesn't seem to matter. How can you get away with that rubbish? Pity there isn't a Dog, because he would get him if there was.

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5/07/2012Patriciawa It's good to see that you are home again and able to access your usual facilities. We hope you recover quickly. We are all thinking of you.


5/07/2012Welcome home Patricia. NOW LOOK AFTER YOURSELF, accept help if it is offered and ask if it isn't, take the meds and go the the physio sessions. Australia is one of the richest countries in the world with a wonderful public health system (once you are in it). You've contributed to Australia over many years - now let the country return the favour. Take care.


5/07/2012PatriciaWA Great news that you are in your own home again. I can't offer much advice on how to cope with your sudden lack of mobility - I'm a giver of care not a recipient. From that perspective the best thing that you can do to assist whoever is looking after you is to let them now about every little ache and pain. They can't help if they don't know about it. This might require putting aside a bit of pride for the short-term but it will be worth it. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Take care. :)


5/07/2012 [b]PatriciaWA[/b] I'm very glad to see that you're home safely, so to speak. I hope your pain levels are under control, but don't forget, healing pain is the best variety.


5/07/2012We learn tonight that Mr Abbott intends to instruct our navy to board other vessels on the high seas & steal their fuel. There's a word for that; Piracy.


5/07/2012Liealot's path to victory in 2013.


5/07/2012Patricia Isn't it wonderful to get back with your Dog Tacker! That's the thing I missed most in my stints in hospital, my dear old Dog Bunsen, sadly now gone but always a grateful memory to me. Tacker will comfort you now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psyclaw said . . . [i]those who weep and who can simultaneously sit on their hands and be handwringers. Sarah Hanson-Young and your own Joe Hockey are prime examples.[/i] Yes, well said. Pity it needed saying! Washer running with the hares, hunting with the hounds, not prepared to take a stand. There's no excuse. He made all the comments Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear, but "when the tide rises and sharks are around his voice has a timid and tremulous sound." Pathetic.


6/07/2012Glad to see you're home, Patricia. Make the most of any and all help, no matter how irritating it may seem.


6/07/201242 Long said Pity there isn't a Dog because he would get him if there was. Whaddya mean! No Dog? Dog [i]is![/i] Praise be to Dog! Religiomanes just got Dog arse-about. Dog really is loving and loveable. Undemanding, responsive, warm, real, devoted. Dog is everything his arse-about is not. See whether a child saves its puppy or its Jesus-thing in event of a fire. BTW 42 long I'm not having a go, not at all. Just saying: Dog really is real, an antidote to loneliness and disbelief in the goodness of Life. Dog is a metaphor for [i]Bugger Off Religion[/i] iyswim. I truly proclaim the power of Dog to give the lie to belief in the supernatural. Fed me Duck! Is it not amazing that 3500 years after the Greeks basically started treating belief in gods as merely figures of imagination, that Religion writ large still plays such a part in controlling the minds of a majority of our 'sapient' species! Those who walk in the daily presence of Dog in the flesh, and those who carry Dog always in their minds, are in my belief a Hell of a lot more humane, and more [i]human[/i], than religious fundmentalists. And mostly mutually exclusory, I think, for did Jesus not say, Verily, a man may not serve two masters? (Dunno about women, and/or two mistresses!) I see Religion as being deadly poisonous to our society. Church schools guzzle education funds to cater for social privilege. Church organizations dominate services for the poor, always at a price for its cold-as charity. Prayers in Parliament! [i]Prayers to the groupthink Almighty to intervene benevolently in our temporal affairs FFS![/i] Swearing on the Bible is worth more in court than affirmation, I know who I'd trust, and it wouldn't be someone who can go and get purified scot-free forever anytime by a sleazy creep like Pell! So Dog is a power for good, ever present, as honest as a young child, uncritical and devoted, and a lot more essential to Humanity than we have ever given him. Dog has always been with us and will be with us until we are no more. We will never colonise other celestial lumps, but if we did Dog would go with us. Dog in the flesh is known to be able to detect incipient heart attacks, and reputedly able to smell developing cancers. What he might really be capable of is as yet far beyond our understanding. So I really do believe in Dog, in the same way I believe in Science and goodwill, and not in Religion, the insane scourge of Humanity. I do see Dog being used often around the place, so pleased I am, it says a lot about the Devotee of Dog to say that, it's a minimanifesto, a little dog's-brown-eye to religiomanes. A defiant one-word affirmation that civil and political life in Australia is forever secular. Praise be to Dog. It seems to me that most of our politicians and probably most of the journalists are 'religious'. It is a great problem, belief and refuge in the supernatural, always on the side of the believer. What massive arrogance and self-delusion! That's why this rave. We must say it like it is about Religion. All power to Dog the master! recaptcha: rysterds commode I'm glad.


6/07/2012 TODAY’S LINKS Nobbled, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless Journalists like Michelle Grattan would write it up as a victory for the Coalition. At a time when they have been caught out playing silly-buggers over Ashby-Slipper and Thomson-Jackson, at a time when they have failed to block a carbon price that wasn't as apocalyptic as first thought, they are clearly in need of a win to maintain the MSM narrative (which Grattan plays a lead role in determining) Dear Media CEOs: stop meddling in our democracy, Ethical Martini It is in the news, opinion and editorial columns of the newspapers and on talkback radio that the tone of hysterical outrage and fear-mongering has been promoted.The recommendations of both inquiries have been misrepresented and attacked. There has not been a reasonable debate. Who's Afraid Of The Public Interest, Ben Eltham, New Matilda Media outlets can therefore wield considerable power in a democracy, as every politician tacitly acknowledges. Because of this, regulating media is by definition a political act, because it will inevitably impinge upon the political interests and fortunes of the government of the day. Thus the neat libertarian slogan we hear from the Institute for Public Affairs, that a public interest test is really a "political interest test". 44 Peta Credlin, Matthew Knott, The Power Index Six foot tall, with a long face, and a mane of brown hair, Credlin's an imposing figure with an imposing personality. Her authority within Abbott's office is absolute -- and extends far beyond it. She's worked closely with Scott Morrison on asylum seekers and George Brandis on the pursuit of Craig Thomson. Code for pharmaceutical industry ‘falls short’, Justin Norrie, The Conversation The pharmaceutical group admitted bribing doctors and must pay US authorities $3 billion for fraudulently promoting antidepressant drugs for the treatment of children, without revealing research linking the drug to suicidal thoughts.=“We’ve got to be completely open about what money changes hands down to the dollar,” My Book– The Rise of the Fifth Estate, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut yes there will be an e-book version! I’ll let you know about book launches etc. For those wondering, there are only seven graphs in the entire book. And in keeping with my early days of blogging, one of them is (with his magnanimous permission) from Possum. Want to stop the boats? Make refuge accessible off-shore, Lucy Fiske, The Conversation Afghans are considered a “high risk” of seeking asylum by most signatory countries and arerarely granted tourist or other temporary visas. This means that Afghans wanting to seek asylum must enter without proper papers (a lawful right in Australia’s Migration Act as well as under the Refugee Convention). Stop the deaths!,Miglo, Café Whispers I’m perplexed that Mr Abbott is so concerned about people dying on boats he wants to stop (the boats, that is). The number of deaths aren’t small, yet they are small compared to the number of deaths suffered by ‘ordinary’ Australians for which he has not one policy to address. Perhaps it’s because he can’t grab some political mileage from them, What we missed when the Australian media was distracted by Football matches and Carbon tax lies, Turn Left 2013 The Australian media are so easily distracted. The stunted Tony Abbott turns up at a work place, hard hat optional, he refuses to answer questions, and the media fall all over themselves repeating what “Tony Abbott says”. Coalition’s policies? We’ve got ‘em — well, sort of, Bernard Keane, Crikey (Click on blank page space to remove subscription Ad) Is there anything new here? Any howling errors? Anything worth digging into? We’re crowdsourcing the analysis of the only real insight into the policies of an Abbott government we’re likely to get until next year. NSW Libs eye off $250 emergency services tax, David Sullivan, The Left Hack NSW property owners could face a new tax of some $250 apiece to pay for emergency services. A PROPERTY-BASED tax is being considered to raise the more than $1 billion a year needed to keep firefighters, police, paramedics and the State Emergency Service going. Airport gouging and shock jocks, Crispin Hull In Brisbane, it is worse. Canberra’s parking fees are merely high. Brisbane’s short-term parking fees verge on extortion: $17 if you stay over an hour.On the side of the freeway about a kilometre outside Brisbane Airport, two dozen cars or more line up awaiting the mobile phone call to guide them in to the airport so they can pick up without paying. Doing it tough- Suddenly we're buying cars big-time, and starting to shop,Peter Martin Low interest rates and $1 billion of lump sum carbon tax compensation payments propelled consumer spending toward a record high at the end of the financial year making June the biggest month for motor vehicle sales in Australian history. How to put solar panels on your roof, even if you don’t have a roof , Lisa Hymas, Grist The bill … aims to enable people who don’t own homes, or own homes that don’t have suitable roofs for solar panels, to buy clean power and offset their utility bills. They could sign contracts with owners of solar power projects for a portion of the power produced, and the amount they pay for would show up as credits on their utility bills. Living on a thin line, David Horton, The Watermelon Man All of the “debate” about asylum seekers seeking Australia takes part in an historic, geographic, social vacuum. It is as if, until they appear on a leaky boat near Christmas Island, these people don’t exist, and, having appeared, that they exist only to help Tony Abbott become Prime Minister. Conroy slams Turnbull’s NBN policy “pretence, Renai LeMay, Delimeter Mr Turnbull has made 772 tweets, issued 26 press releases and delivered 7 public speeches in the first half of 2012. But he has not done the one thing the Australian people want from him – he has not released a broadband policy. The Coalition’s position on broadband remains one of total confusion. The Coalition cannot be trusted when it comes to the NBN.” The NBN propaganda war ,Supratim Adhikari, Technology Spectator then there are the pot shots at the NBN community information kit on the NBN. Even the pens and the USB sticks in the kits aren’t spared Turnbull’s pithy gaze and then there is that “NBN newspaper”. A clear sign, according to Turnbull, that the NBN is going into the newspaper business, an act that should for some reason give heart to journalists across the country. My NBN news - the newsletter for home and businesses, NBN Co There are now more than 1,800 homes and businesses in areas around Armidale, Toowoomba, Tamworth and Ballarat that are now able to order a service from participating telephone or internet service providers as part of the NBN Fixed Wireless trial A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All, YORAM BAUMAN and SHI-LING HSU, The New York Times Of course, carbon taxes also lower carbon emissions. Economic theory suggests that putting a price on pollution reduces emissions more affordably and more effectively than any other measure. This conclusion is supported by empirical evidence from previous market-based policies, Pokies legal fund, Getup This was all started by shareholders like Karen, a GetUp member from Melbourne, who has owned Woolies shares for years. Karen lost her partner to suicide spurred by problem gambling. Now she's calling on Woolworths to simply hold a meeting to discuss making their machines safer. Ita Buttrose interview for Mumbrella Ita Buttrose, former editor of Cleo, Women's Weekly and The Daily Telegraph talks to Mumbrella's Tim Burrowes about Paper Giants, magazine publishing in the 70s, working for both Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer and re-igniting magazine ITA for the iPad. Posts from the ‘Daily Fix’ Category Today’s Front Pages Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 6 July 2012


6/07/2012Alexander Downer has learned nothing. If you ever wondered how he managed as United Nations Envoy to have half Cyprus chasing his hide, and the other half saying "Alexander who?", just read this: where he, in true Howardian-era style describes dealing with boat-travelling asylum seekers as being "like a war". In the same article, he proudly describes himself as the "father of the Pacific Solution". What a wanker (pun intended).


6/07/2012 Retired Admiral Chris Barry, Chief of Navy at the Howard / Tampa time just told FKelly on RN that “tow back the boats” is not on (1) It conflicts with International Maritime Law (2) It makes the boat travellers more desperate and they will sabotage boats and place themselves in danger. (3) in the end it is ship’s captains’ decisions which must prevail, not the will of “land authorities” Sneerer Morriscum and Abbott are unlikely to take his advice. Factual info is irrelevant to their cause.

Ad astra

6/07/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


6/07/2012 I bet our Ranga wished she’d been the first to find a decision to stop the boats, and not the Greens SH-Y. And it was so so easy …. 24 hour visit to Indonesia, talk to a few ASs and Bob’s your uncle. All we need to do is immediately bring 2.5K ASs from Indonesian detention centres and the boats will stop. And she said “it’s a durable decision”. Surprisingly Naomi Woodley of ABC AM thought this was all so self explanatory and decided not to ask SH-Y how this would work. What rubbish rhetoric flows from SH-Y, and apparently what she says is Greens’ policy. How sad. Will they ever get a grip on reality. Milne et al can rabbit on as long as they like that both major parties have got it wrong and are as bad as each other, but the reality is that every time the Greens go neutral, they ipso facto give Abbott a leg up. Imagine the heartache, vitriol, trashing of parliament, and polarisation of the community that the nation would have been spared had the Greens voted for the CPRS. Abbott would still be a non entity and may have well left parliament and be part of the big end of town by now, going about the business of lining his pockets with his true mates. The inescapable conclusion is that unlike most of the country, the Greens don't really mind if [b]"PM Abbott"[/b] actually comes to pass.

Ad astra

6/07/2012Psyclaw Your comments are apt. The naiveté of Sarah Hanson-Young’s ‘solution’ is astonishing. I am writing a piece on the asylum seeker issue and have just completed a section on the Greens’ approach. S H-Y has reinforced what I have written. If only she had authenticated her assertion that there had been a dramatic drop in boat arrivals after upping the intake to Australia with some hard data. But as usual, unsupported rhetoric is all she offers.

Ad astra

6/07/2012Folks I’ve another busy day ahead with family matters, so I won’t be around much. I’m part way through writing the next piece, which is on the asylum seeker issue, but family matters have delayed its completion. I might get it done around Sunday.


6/07/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for You all :- Janice Gill‏@JaniceGill1 Coalition's talking points sound all too familiar The Coalition's ''Speaker's Notes'', leaked to the website Crikey yesterday, read like, well, exactly the kind of anodyne blather we have come to expect of our politicians.‏@news_com_au Supermarket giant Woolworths has been accused of using "brutal negotiations" to squeeze price cuts from supplier... david ewart‏@davidbewart "@theheraldsun: Labor adviser cleared over Australia Day protest" #abcnews Minkel‏@minkel2012 Former Defence chief warns against turning boats back @abcnews Admiral Barrie repeats his previous advice... Popi‏@popi6666 Clive wants a miner party | Sunshine Coast Opinion | Local Voices from Sunshine Coast, Australia | Sunshine Coast Daily Ken Sekiya‏@ki_sekiya Legal action considered against Government cutbacks - might cost Campbell more than he saved. #qldpol #heh‏@smh National News: Indonesia rejects Abbott 'tow back boats' vow #australia Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 More of Abbotts arrogance? Coalition yet to commit to asylum seeker group via @smh #Asylum #auspol The opposition and government were allocated three spots, while the independents and Greens were offered two places each.Today, Ms Gillard said she had received responses from all parties ''except the opposition' Australian Media‏@aus_media Herald Sun editor resigns: The editor of The Herald Sun Simon Pristel has resigned from the company, the Herald ... Mad_Monk‏@effoff_Monk re: turn back boats... So when is #lateline getting Indon ambass on to destroy LNP policy? Pull yr finger out, Jones Ken McAlpine‏@KenMcAlpine AFR's @meddlesompriest having a good run of page 1 stories this week... Chris Barrett‏@selga55 Rally for public sector workers #LNPlies Public servants to rally over Queensland Government job cuts The Courier-Mail TAWNBPM‏@TAWNBPM "THE Indonesian government has confirmed that it would not accept the towing back of asylum seeker boats to its... Financial Review‏@FinancialReview Questions about Speaker Peter Slipper’s travel claims await explanation on his return from overseas [free] #auspol AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Abbott admits that the Navy would fire on asylum seeker boats if necessary. Nice Tony. Humane as. #auspol #abcnews24


6/07/2012 A couple of tweets I sent this morning. Who knows who reads them? They are gone in a flash. (When they aren't it's because everybody's in bed.) Yet I believe absolutely in "osmosis", ideas with resonance seep out into the wider community like goanna oil through glass bottles, it's all tied up with synchronicity and vibes and technical stuff, . . . but well yes it is too, there is a tide in the affairs of ideas as with the affairs of men which taken at the flood lead on to greatness . . . [i]Lyn's Morning Links[/i] is one such great idea, unique, hers alone, hugely effortful for her, (she loves it too!), but of great moment in this political situation. But the wind beneath her wings in the winter predawn is knowing that more and more people are following her links, because she is there to help *J*U*L*I*A*s amazing Government to victory in 2013, she isn't just whistling Dixie. Though being a Tweetie Bird I wouldn't doubt her ability so to do. Lyn is to blame for my conversion to Twitter btw. She is also responsible for bringing many many people to the Sword, the visible photons and the unseen bosons too. As more and more people come to The Sword taking advantage of Lyn's efforts,(and they are doing so by the way) so are all our thoughts reaching more people . . . seeping out like goanna oil through glass bottles . . . and Lyn's Morning Links are Info Central. Abbortt tweeted yesterday about how he'd been to Sulo Bins to tell them how they'd be rooned by the Carbon Tax, I tweeted straight back saying You should have put yourself in one and it could have been sold to somebody at a reduced price. Here's that couple of tweets I sent this morning, just to give a glimmer as to how we might extend our use of social media (to Labor's advantage and the salvation of decency in our society.) Define decency? erm, unAbborttianism, what else? 3m TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey Good morning Ad, good morning Lyn, I'm still going where you bin! Everybody, if you're bored, CHECK OUT LYN's LINKS ON THE POLITICAL SWORD! 10m TalkTurkey‏@TalkyTurkey @bexxbissell Is there another openly nontheist Prime Minister/Head of State/President in any democratic country? *J*U*L*I*A* is so precious! [bexxbissell "human rights gal" is an irreverent woman in the US who is distinguishing herself by frequent uncompromising tweets condemning religion. Essentially I agree with her, some of what she says is a bit er ott but she is just paying back in Spades the way she feels Religion has always affected people. It's a pity what she says is often so true, priestly abuse of kids is only one aspect of the evil done by religion and its ministers. Shocking, but only one. The promulgation and perpetuation of the whole hateful belief system is the big one. Nontheistic people never hate like Moslems Jews and Christians! How much of the hatred against *J*U*L*I*A* is due to her atheism? She is a lover of Dog btw, Check this out!- And I also said, wtte, [i]Will the cameras follow every move Craig Emerson makes from now on? - Will they not! [/i] Lyn's right, we need to use Twitter and communicate in every way we can. The Mass Media's bias makes it imperative that the Fifth Estate be ever-more-effective. Lyn's Links, via Twitter and on the Sword are central to all worthwhile political commentary day by day, we all need to help her by spreading her work further still. If I can learn to tweet anyone can!


6/07/2012I'm usually a great fan of Andrew Elder (see Lyn's link above), but his analysis of Michelle Grattan reporting on Mal Washer's "acid" 'conversion' yesterday seems to be skewed by his determination to nail Ms Grattan's journalistic failures. Regardless of what pressure was applied to Mal Washer from the leaders of the Coalition to fall back into line (really, that 'Stalinist' approach is news???), the words out of the good doctor's own mouth are what he should be pilloried for, not that he was pressured into a callow mea culpa by men not suited otherwise to lick his boots. Mal Washer chose the words he used, regardless of how he was forced into uttering them. Besides, he was virtually paraphrasing the suggestion Malcolm Tunbull made about a 'suck it and see' use of Coalition asylum seeker policy by the government, which is not Abbott orthodoxy at all. Grattan is an appalling apologist for Abbott, but that should not be an obscuring red flag for content in her stories that is unambiguously out of the mouths of those quoted. The 'real story' is never completely told - it accretes from a thousand disparate places. Writers are still exploring Watergate, for example, as per the parody Andrew offers in his piece. Michelle, work harder. Mal, think deeper. Andrew, keep digging.


6/07/2012Lyn's link above to the "leak" of the LNP talking points demonstrates that the election planning for the next Federal election will broadly follow the plan used in Queensland (and I assume NSW etc). Instead of the Queensland "four pillars", we have five Federal Pillars, whatever they talk about will be related back to one of these "goals" and once in power, the pillars will be used as justification for whatever they want to do. I wonder if the ALP will have the guts to prepare a response - comparing the pillars versus actuals. It could be a interesting exercise.


6/07/2012Susan McDonald‏@McDonaldSusan The #Insiders panel this Sunday July 8 is @GMegalogenis, David Marr & @JacquelineMaley 9am on ABC1 & @ABCNews24 #auspol Retweeted by ABC News 24


6/07/2012Susan McDonald‏@McDonaldSusan On #Insiders this Sunday July 8, Barrie Cassidy interviews the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott @TonyAbbottMHR 9am on ABC1 & @ABCNews24 #auspol


6/07/2012Michael said, Michelle, work harder. Mal, think deeper. Andrew, keep digging. Michael KEEP WRITING! Yes I agree with everything you say here at 11.07. I'd go further, I thought Elder's reasoning pretty uncertain. Yes Grattan is very strange nowadays, but as you say Washer was worse than wishy washy wasn't he. I would be ashamed to be part of the Abborttians, but how much more so first to say what Washer gushed, then scuttle back to a safe little hole doing nothing at all! What are ya Washer? All [i]*faff*![/i]


6/07/2012PatriciaWA Welcome back here and to your own home. Please keep us updated on your progress. Take care.


6/07/2012Michael, I think you're far too kind to Lord Downer. [quote]The inescapable conclusion is that unlike most of the country, the Greens don't really mind if "PM Abbott" actually comes to pass.[/quote] My thoughts too, TT. But I don't think SH-Y is naive, she's a carrot cruncher par excellence, imo. I think the Greens' utter refusal to compromise on anything regardless of the consequences, is sheer bloody mindedness on the same scale as Liealot, except for once he is more honest about his motives. Very presumptuous of Liealot to infest businesses telling they'll be rooned by the carbon price as if they haven't had the wit to do the research themselves. I can't help thinking the world would be a far better place if that careless driver had cleaned Liealot up instead of Patricia. So on 8 July we can look forward to an even more sickening amount of "Tony Abbott says.....", Jason. Might as well start sharpening the razor now. Back at the carbon price...


6/07/2012Hi Ad Twitterati for you:- Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Retail Food Group (which owns Brumby's) has sent an internal memo asking franchisees to remove any Liberal Party placard re: the carbon tax Simon Cullen‏@Simon_Cullen Brumby's Bakery boss quits over carbon tax comments: Ashby facing prospect of criminal charges, court hears Justice Rares said he was concerned about the amount of time and money being spent on the case, especially when the amount of damages Mr Ashby was seeking was likely to be relatively small. "[This case] seems to have got out of all proportion to the allegation made", he said. The hearing continues Ken ‏@KoenjiEikaiwa CRAZY TONY ABBOTT IS A SCUMBAG DEATHS@SEA=COALITION MPs A-PAC‏@APAC_ch648 Slipper matter a Watergate, court told: James Ashby's lawyer says allegations made by Peter Slipper and the Comm... A-PAC‏@APAC_ch648 Abbott writes PM for terms of reference: Tony Abbott has written to the Prime Minister asking for the terms of r... Craig Emerson MP‏@CraigEmersonMP Former Navy chief confirms yet again that Abbott's tow-back policy is dangerous and ineffective. Schnappi‏@Schnappi5 Navy could disobey abbott, who lives in the past,abbott only knows how to cause conflict,certainly no leader. Jennifer Wilson‏@NoPlaceforSheep Just heard #TonyAbbott declaring navy will do as government of the day tells it. Liberating his inner tyrant. Deborah‏@harrypusspuss With lawyers, the Navy and Indonesia against Abbotts despicable turn the boats around policy, he's looking like a dill


6/07/2012The govt' MUST act and insist the appropriate authorities act on the Ashby case. This case isn't BEING politicised, it HAS been a political move by the LNP. from day one!! Brandis' tooling is all one can expect from such a tosser! Sure, Ashby doesn't want to present any defence because he is in "it" up to his tonsils! This is the fascist network going into action..this is sedition in action..the govt' must act and act quickly AND thouroughly to nip these traitors in the bud and put an end to the bastards once and for all!

Tom of Melbourne

6/07/2012I see, so now you want to blame the judiciary for the Slipper debacle… The government has given a running commentary on a case before the court, and this is the consequence. [i]““You have raised the stakes, now in raising the stakes you cannot just pull back a bit . . . You don’t know how somebody might use that information in a criminal investigation,” Justice Rares told Mr Slipper’s lawyer David Chin. Justice Rares said the counter allegations by Mr Slipper and ministers of a criminal conspiracy meant it would almost be impossible for Mr Ashby to be compelled to file a statement in response to the abuse of process claim. “Your client and one of the senior ministers in the press is reported to make similar allegations . . . Having put this on the table why should I force Mr Ashby to do something that may incriminate him.”[/i]


6/07/2012Having been a Marxist of the Groucho variety for a long time I find this article by Seth Godin thought provoking. [b]The declining problem of (Groucho) Marxism[/b] [i]"I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member..." That's the (Groucho) Marxist credo. You're invited to speak your mind online. To post thoughtful comments and tweets and posts. You're given a place where you can post your music, or your art or your photography or your take on the state of your industry... Most of us refuse.[/i]

42 long

6/07/2012Don't hear much from Tony about the church he loves so much and the way they treat minors. VERY silent indeed. When the Ashby set-up started Bob brown mentioned the comparison with a 33 year old being able to handle his situation and comparing it with 13 year olds relating to priests behaving badly. Bob made a good point really. How can they continually laugh off the dirty tricks they are being caught out doing. Playing games with peoples lives. Trying to talk Baker's into lying about the effect of the Carbon "PRICE" ( even KPMG called it that). Their behaviour borders on sedition. They are prepared to trash our reputation. Hurt the economy. damage the value of companies. Sloganeer and not discuss anything, and on and on it goes. How DUMB does he think the australian people are? Time is not on his side nor sre FACTS. which will come out despite the rotten efforts of the MSM to shamelessly campaign for Abbott. Jones approach to discussion and fair comment is nothing short of "TACKY" His narrative is discracefull but he's laughing. He is well rewarded for the role he plays, as is Bolt, Monkton, and their ilk. HISTORY will judge all this and I wouldn't like to be in Abbotts shoes or those who support him. His behaviour borders on having some significant psychological disorder. He is a too serious risk to be out leader. That is becomming increasingly obvious to many, including those in his own party. Then will some responsible people start to rectify the situation?


6/07/2012Don't you "see" what you read, Tom?...did I mention "judiciary"? or did I say "authorities"?...take your brain off your tounge and you'd have more respect for your opinions! As for "politicising" the issue, only dumb and dumber would forget the running commentry by "Capt' Tony-Tug-boat" and his crew provoking the police and the judiciary to convict BEFORE charging!...As for yourself,'ve been playing too long with that hangmans'slip-knot on your rope to be able to have a reasoned debate on the issue at all!


6/07/2012Thanks Gravel, and other well wishers. I'm here and at CW all the time, but not having the energy to comment. Really wanted to over the asylum seeker issue. Psyclaw is doing a mighty job there when the Greens, especially at PB seem to be lacking all commonsense and humanity. Normally I'd say give up on them but I think Psyclaw's persistence is showing them up in their true colors. I think he's doing a great job. Also his stoush with FB over punctuation was brilliant and revealed so much about her and others of a like mind, which a discussion of policy might not have done. Gave me a real insight into their thought processes. Wow, Lyn initiating TT into Twitter! Impressive! Cheers, everyone!


6/07/2012 [b]PatriciaWA [/b] Thanks for your kind words. Great to see you able to do a paragraph or more again. Soon we all hope it'll be pomes as usual. Cheeers

Tom of Melbourne

6/07/2012How many policies on asylum seekers has the government had so far? I’ve lost count! I think it’s 5, but maybe 6 or 7, it’s certainly a world class number of back flips. The great thing is, that each change has been welcomed, applauded by the barrackers here, even when diametrically opposed to an earlier version. It’s policy by trial and error, but mainly error.


6/07/2012ToM, Where is the great list of all your great achievements that I asked for, to make the life of people better?


6/07/2012jaycee @6.32pm, not only "in it up to his tonsils", but a more than willing participant and plotter before he was even in Slipper's employ. It seems that text messages, not emails will mark the downfall of this particular Liars Party debacle. They should just stick to straight out crude smear campaigns, they're good at them. Anything requiring a delicate and subtle touch is completely beyond this mob. [quote]How DUMB does he think the australian people are?[/quote] Unfortunately, 42 long, judging by the commenters on Ltd News propaganda sites and others such as Dolt's, he must have every confidence the Australian people are even dumber than he could have imagined. I do stand in awe of you having the stomach to let Anal give you earache for longer than a nano second. Do they hand out medals for such bravery? Patricia, don't tell me psyclaw out nitpicked a certain Green supporter. Psyclaw, I dips me lid, your bravery knows no bounds.


7/07/2012Well done ToM. Obviously you think a mantra advocating an illegal policy is better than exploring other options.

janice piper

7/07/2012Good morning Swordsters. Next week I get my new glasses and hopefully my vision will be improved. Problem is cataracts - the one in the right eye is growing more quickly. Patricia WA - So pleased that you are home and on the mend. Looking forward to more pomes. Don't know what is about this site, but I find it so hard to read as all the print is blurry = Mostly I am able to read more over at PB if I take it in short stretches. So, will love you and leave you and hope things improve with the new spectacles.


7/07/2012One has to remark, Jane, that in my working life I have found two things that are impervious to sensitive is 22mpa. concrete, the other is right-wing "thinking". There are a few right-wingers who frequent this site only for the reason that measured next to their "mates" over at Dolt and co., they must feel they stand above Soctrates himself for wisdom! Christ!!..if only they could see the repetitious drudgedom they impersonate!They indeed must be thankful T. Abbott and co. only use one or two syllable words for their consumption.


7/07/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse for you:- Taxing the truth: why we must not let Abbott's dogmas lie, The Age To keep calling what the Prime Minister said a ''lie'' is to misuse language, disfigure the debate and debase politics. And it is to be guilty, as Abbott is, of telling a lie yourself. For the repetitions, just watch the TV and listen to the radio. Every time an opposition politician gets the opportunity, they repeat the ''lie'' claim over and over again. This happens with such predictable regularity it cannot be mere coincidence Queensland Online‏@QLDOnline Tony Abbott's car has collided with a scooter in Brisbane. He's uninjured and assisted the lady riding the scooter. @news_watcher1 Des Egan‏@egan_des Looks like young #Ashby will be getting a royal rogering ...and not the type he apparently enjoys. via @theage #auspol TheFinnigans Wow, looks like from all reports that the Ashby/Slipper civil alleged sexual harassment case is turning into a criminal case.. MOAR is here Andrew Hedge‏@andrew_hedge The Australian headline here is hilarious: How is it a backfire for the judge to say Ashby might have committed crimes? Stephen Tuck`‏@Imagine4756 Another harpoon in Abbott's "Plan";Indonesian waters off limits to an Abbott navy via @smh #auspol #Asylum hat Cate‏@GalacticWomanAu LNP tells Clive to shut up. can count on the LNP for open honest government then?? :oP acca‏@auscca Labor boss takes aim at Greens | The Australian #auspol Pamela‏@Pamela_November TONY ABBOTT SANTIMONIOUS? WITHOUT Q: TWO FACE ....POWER AT ANY COST #auspol Turnbull's gay marriage swipe via @theage Michelle Grattan Malcolm Turnbull‏@TurnbullMalcolm Reflections on gay marriage – Michael Kirby Lecture 2012 This is the complete speech vexnews‏@vexnews Senator Mary Jo Fisher's shoplifting case has cost her $212,000 so far - $50k more than first thought #auspol #saparli Pamela‏@Pamela_November Newman gov to approve 1000 new pokie machines for QLD. cancelled Literary Award PRIORITIES? John Pratt‏@Jackthelad1947 "Journalists and climate disclaimers" - - shared from @TaptuGreen #auspol #qldpol Pamela‏@Pamela_November TonyAbbott is saying NO to a CT only cos tis Labor Policy Businesses reject Abbott's vow to repeal carbon tax via @smh Mandy Mack‏@mandymcn the Higgs boson boffins should run findings past Alan Jones Lord Monckton and others who know what theyre talking about :):):):)


7/07/2012[b]Janice, Dear One! So good to see you here again . . . even better for those who have been here longer than I. But, I have been looking at your comments elsewhere and wondering what we have done or haven't done . . . It's the [i]typeface???[/i] I've looked back-&-forth at PB, perhaps it looks crisper, I wouldn't have picked it and am surprised that you can read one much more easily than the other. I am sure Ad and Web Monkey will take your info on board, I don't know what they might be able to do about it though. I don't think the typeface has ever been any different, but your eyesight has deteriorated obviously, we will all praise Dog and hope that your glasses will help . . . But what about surgical correction, no? I'll try the only other available options atm to see if a change could help. (4 possibilities.) Just to see if a completely different typeface helps. Obviously size matters but I don't know whether it's negotiable. [b]bold[/b] [b]Am I right in thinking it was you who more than a year back made a plea for writers to limit our paragraphs to no more than half a dozen lines where possible? I did shorten my own paragraphs but nowhere near enough I know.[/b] Bold italic [b][i]Am I right in thinking it was you who more than a year back made a plea for writers to limit our paragraphs to no more than half a dozen lines where possible? I did shorten my own paragraphs but nowhere near enough I know. [/i][/b] Normal Am I right in thinking it was you who more than a year back made a plea for writers to limit our paragraphs to no more than half a dozen lines where possible? I did shorten my own paragraphs but nowhere near enough I know. [i]Italic[/i] [i]Am I right in thinking it was you who more than a year back made a plea for writers to limit our paragraphs to no more than half a dozen lines where possible? I did shorten my own paragraphs but nowhere near enough I know.[/i] By the way [b]what's the answer?[/b] And How's your Dog? Here's another thing: if you use a laptop don't overlook the difference [b]tilting the screen[/b] makes. And the ambient light conditions of course too. Probably you've done it all but just saying. [/b] Anyway it's cheering to see you here after a long time away. [b][i]Old Friends Are Gold.[/i][/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abbortt's boat is sinking. People are close to fed up and this AS issue is the one that will show up his lying M.O. Australians are a stiff-necked people and they take a lot of turning, but this is the quarter-of-our-term for grinding down on the Enemy. We have held our own course, now to confound and rout Them. Abbortt is in a deadly trap of his own making - deadly to his chances of re-election, but of course potentially literally deadly to people coming across the seas, lured by the perceived odds of what is obviously a desperate gamble, whatever the other circumstances. Abbortt doesn't give a toss about them. Neither do the Greens, who have the most ridiculous notion of the lot, that by increasing our intake we will relieve the pressure forcing people into boats . . . Dog it's like punching a hole in water. The Greens' position would multiply the crossing attempts immediately. Why they can't see it surpasseth understanding, unless it is pure cynical Machiavellian bastardry on the part of the Greens' new leadership. Patricia verily I say unto you, Though your eyes grow dim with the mists of age, yet many there are whose clarity of sight is far less than thine own. Comrades, view this great battle with your Eye of Time, and you will see that Labor's way - Oakey's way too essentially, that should reassure us all - our way is the sane and sensible way, the humane and practical way, and we will carry the day on this nastiest of all issues. Our Navy is smarting at the thought of being ordered to tow boats back into uncertain circumstances, it will plainly be illegal under international law, and Indonesia has already told us they won't wear it, as neither they should. So Abbortt's in a sinking boat with no lifebelt now!


7/07/2012Stuffed that up with the typefaces didn't I!

Ad astra

7/07/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for another fascinating Twitterverse this morning. There’s such a lot going despite the parliamentary recess. I’ll be busy most of the day with family matters but hope to complete by tomorrow the next piece: [i]Applying facts and logic to the asylum seeker issue[/i]. Welcome back janice. Have you tried enlarging the print on your computer page? It's Control + on Microsoft and Command + on Macs We hope your leg continues to improve Patriciawa.


7/07/2012Ad astra said Welcome back janice. Have you tried enlarging the print on your computer page? It's Control + on Microsoft and Command + on Macs DAM I didn't know that! Why wasn't I told? Thanks Ad! :)


7/07/2012Good morning everyone Janice Hope your new glasses help, we miss your input here. Ad Astra I am having a lot of fun catching up on Lyn's links, I have heaps in my bookmarks to catch up on. Grandkids have a bye in the footy so will endevour to get through as much as I can before your next post. Talk Turkey I loved your attempt at trying to help Janice, well done.

42 long

7/07/2012My problem is the large finger on my right hand goes numb sometimes, and mucks up my typing. Can U fix that?


7/07/2012Hi 42 Long Put it on the foot massager cheers :):)

Tom of Melbourne

7/07/2012[i]” Obviously you think a mantra advocating an illegal policy is better than exploring other options.”[/i] I’m willing to say that Jane is a fibber or worse. She’ll have to identify where I’ve advocated any policy that is illegal. It’s typical of Jane, if she is unable to make a point, she’ll just misrepresent.


7/07/2012Gravel said Talk Turkey I loved your attempt at trying to help Janice, well done. Thanks Gravel but Ad astra's advice is what should fix Janice's problem! It has also allowed me to see my own graphics (tessellations etc) on my own website [i]as I have never seen them before[/i], including my jumping Kangaroo 'tessellanimation', [i]Quantum Leap[/i]. Wow. (Have a look Comrades. The graphic quality's ragged but my tesses are quite well-thought-of by the Esoteric International Order of Escheresque Tessellophiles.) Dog, all this time and I haven't known that you use [shift plus +] to change size, dumber than dumb me, thanks Ad.


7/07/201242 long said My problem is the large finger on my right hand goes numb sometimes, and mucks up my typing. Can U fix that? Remedy: With an apple corer, core a large cooking apple. Microwave it for just enough time to raise it to blood heat. Smear Red Tiger Balm liberally inside the hole. Stick finger into hole for several minutes. If apple is unavailable, improvise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Now you'll think I'm awful.[/i] :)

42 long

7/07/2012TT You'd have to try harder than that. It's actually a pinched nerve in my neck. I've therefore got an excuse for the poor typing, I do.


7/07/2012Jeeezuz! Talk Turkey...Tiger balm you say?!!..improvise, you say!..I don't even want to think about it!


7/07/2012Tom says for Jane to make a point...To make a "point" with you, Tom, she'd have to use a blunt instrument! Boom-boom!


7/07/201242 long Ah so! The neck it is, not the finger! Then I recommend an old remedy I learnt from Turkey. Don't omit the Red Tiger Balm but I would caution that you may need a snorkel tube.


7/07/2012Abbott, the life-saving (well, correct positioning) 'anti-Mirabella', says, in response in particular to Malcolm Turnbull trying to be all things to all men in relation to civil unions being available to all: "...the Coalition does not do one thing before an election and do a different thing afterwards." Which logically means that the Coalition can never change their policies from those taken to the country in 2010.* Just so we know, although it's a verbal quote, not written down. *Well, "logically", not under the current leader, anyway. So....


7/07/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Twitterati for you:- George Megalogenis‏@GMegalogenis When @KRuddMP wants colleagues to know he's ready to lead again, he tweets & Therese talks to Fairfax. @TurnbullMalcolm just gives a speech. TheFinnigans When everything else fails, bring out the Wife again - how patheticment - - Rudd Dynasty rolls on Mike Bowers‏@mpbowers #Insiders ABC 1 & NEWS 24 9am Sunday Barrie Cassidy interviews The Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott #auspol Agnes Mack‏@AgnessMack Abbott on Sunday #insiders.Does Abbott think Barrie's easy? Chance for BC to give TA first taste of scrutiny. Over to you, Barrie @mpbowers Stunt Spud‏@SpudBenBean Wonder if Peta Credlin has already submitted the questions for Barrie to ask tomorrow? #insiders Asylum seekers to Indonesia up 800 percent. Jakarta Post Pakistan received 1 million refugees; Iran had 800,000; Thailand had 100,000; Malaysia had 98,000 and Australia had 29,000. Labor boss takes aim at Greens, PETER VAN ONSELEN, Dastyari is successful in convincing his Labor colleagues to cut Labor off from the Greens,it will put pressure on Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party to do likewise Justin Barbour‏@justinbarbour Pretty great post from @turnbullmalcolm on #marriageequality, and some hysterical claims made by Andrew Bolt. #lgbti Col Smith‏@Dangerman_2 "@abcnews: Abbott rejects Turnbull's calls for civil union compromise on gay marriage" But not in LNP Qld. #qldpol Tick-tock, time for the shock-jock test, Mike Carlton PB‏@youngapprentice “@Snow_Crash: We will not cancel the NBN: Turnbull #NBN #LIAR” @TurnbullMalcolm @TonyAbbottMHR #pleaseexplain vexnews‏@vexnews Turnbull under fire over gay marriage #auspol The Age‏@theage Taxi owners threaten government with court action


7/07/2012Michael at 5.05 On one of my hobbyhorses again, but I think one of the biggest legups the media's given Abbott is to let him get away with this line. When the fact is that once Abbot took over the leadership the coalition not only reversed its position but opposed & ridiculed the overall environmental policy it had taken to the previous election.


7/07/2012Thank you TT and Ad astra. Yes I have enlarged the print but it doesn't do much to relieve the situation. Liked the "bold" print though TT - but I don't think that would be a good idea just for little old me. I am hoping the new specs will do the job and stop the blurring. After reading a few posts it is just impossible to continue.


7/07/2012What is it with cars that contain LNP politicians being involved in traffic crashes in the past couple of days?


7/07/20122353 Instant Karma?


7/07/2012'Instant car'! Incidentally, one news report I read said that the scooter rider is 41 years old. Abbott is quoted as describing her as "a young woman". I guess that was his Conservative opinion. They do tend to hang with an older crowd.


7/07/2012LOTO visited Yatala Pies today. I've already sent an email suggesting as they support political stunts, I won't support them. Can I suggest others follow.


7/07/2012Hi 2353 Hey! that is a top idea, but sometimes I miss the name of the shop or whatever he is at can you tell us please if you have time. I thought I will do an email on file and just change the address each time that would work. :):):)

Truth Seeker

7/07/2012Where are all the real Journos? Saw Abbott earlier today at a whistle stop Press conference, where he trotted out an alleged business rep, to back up his spurious claims about the carbon price, and then asked for questions. The first question asked, which was accorded the longest answer, was not about the false and misleading statements made, or about the fact that all the experts say that his so called policy on asylum seekers wont work, but rather about his prang and if the "Young Woman" was alright, followed by three or four questions that even Abbot had trouble hearing, but responded with his usual diatribe, followed by his running off, yet again. I understand that he cannot allow the experts, the facts or the truth to get in the way of his fully rehearsed sloganeering, but I do not understand how these so called journalists, have the gall to collect pay cheques, or how anyone would be prepared to pay them for their (and I use the term loosely) efforts!


7/07/2012Truth Seeker, Yes it is beyond perplexing, it's astounding, "journalists" today don't seem to *do* questioning any more. When it's Labor they badger and heckle and interrupt in trivial matters, and won't listen to answers with any content; when it's the Abborttians they serve marshmallow, and let fools like Morriscum and Snotty Joe rabbit on ad nauseam. They NEVER corner them on matters of moment. They don't even really try. Well I'm calling them out, by name where applicable, here and on Twitter. It's our job I reckon. Look at the top of this page!

Tom of Melbourne

7/07/2012[i]” Abbott is quoted as describing her as "a young woman". 
[/i]” True, how annoying is that!! Like when Gillard described herself as “young and naïve” even though she was a mid 30s partner in a legal firm! Gillard is full of B/S too isn’t she?

Truth Seeker

7/07/2012Tom, I hope that you and your right wing hack mates continue to make your puerile, uninformed comments, as you make the best case by far for making sure that phoney Tony never gets to be PM. Thanks again and good job!


7/07/2012ToM, What's happening mate? you seem to have delusions of adequacy let me help you!


8/07/2012There's some things we treasure As we're growing old: Memories of pleasure In silver and gold; And speaking of pleasure, What gives me a bomb Is to take at my leisure The piss out of ToM!


8/07/2012ToM, you've been chanting Liealot's mantras for so long you don't know you're doing it. Ditch the Liars Party handbook.


8/07/2012But but ToM is a democrat supporter, he once had a real crush on the GST lass Meg Lees.


8/07/2012ToM. You can consider yourself "young and naive" at any age, but to characterise a mature adult female as a "young woman" indicates to me a male who leans to considering any woman as 'young and naive'. Shouldabeen again manifesting negative gender bias ("she's a good girl"), and bone deep doing it.


8/07/2012I see Andrew Bolt was having his usual whinge the other day at "Emmo"....Truly, that "hand-screw Dolt" displays all the petulance and spoilt-brat expectation of a "kept-man"!

Tom of Melbourne

8/07/2012 Oddly Jane, on this occasion I’m entitled to call you a complete bulls**t artist. You have proved it this time. With your comment about my supporting “illegal” treatment of asylum seekers. Bulls**t.

Per Ardua

8/07/2012Jacqueline Maley - Annabelle Crabb doppelgänger?


8/07/2012Just watched Abbott's "performance" on Insiders...the first half was a "bullett-point" presentation, with set questions and answers, the second half was the presentation of a fascist as future leader!


8/07/2012Further on the subject of "Insiders", I see we have three journo's being interviewed by another journo!! Are the public now irrelevant? are there no other "insiders" out there in the world? Are we to forever be subject to the interpretations of reviewers and social speculators with a vested interest in maintaining confrontation and conflict discourse? BIZZARE!!


8/07/2012Abbott gibbered on 'Insiders'.


8/07/2012Good Morning Ad and Everybody Twitterverse, you will see the general opinion on Abbott's interview with Barrie Cassidy, did you notice Abbott's use of she and her continues. As Jaycee says BIZZARE!! As Michael says Abbott gibbered on 'Insiders' Joel Fitzgibbon‏ @TonyAbbootMHR interview with Barry Cassidy surely the most embarrassing for a leader ever! Stephen Koukoulas‏@TheKouk Abbott getting away with lies on spending and tax to GDP. Factually wrong #insiders Mandy Kirsopp‏@MandyKirsopp #insiders Abbott suggesting 'they put themselves there' poor buggers - it's the asylum seekers' fault they're in Indonesia. Pathetic. Mr Denmore‏@MrDenmore It's a pity the ABC doesn't have any interviewers who are economically literate. Abbott has got away with murder on #insiders ManO'Steel(town)‏@berkeleyboy Ashby? Abbott sticks to the line of #LNP front benchers having "specific" knowledge. Abbott is hiding the truth. #insiders Sally Piracha‏@SalPiracha TAbbott: "I'm not in he business of giving people instructions." um...STOP THE BOATS, AXE THE TAX. Lloyd Blakeley‏@aziazone Coalition have set the language of this debate...hello?#Insiders Wayne Brooks‏@wrb330 Abbotts evasivieness on turning boats shows he has nothing the people would accept. How do Liberals find this man a fit leader?? #insiders Ms Jennifer‏@Newjelan RT @jeremysear Tony refuses to tell #insiders viewers how his mad Navy plan would work, or what precisely it is. Because he has no idea! People Skills‏@people_skills Why is Abbott pushing for Slipper-Ashby to be heard in court, but LNP comments on Thomson nonstop? #insiders #LiberalLies Hitch in $2m Health Services Union payout , SMH THE COURT-appointed administrator of the Health Services Union is refusing to pay $2 million apparently owed to officials because there are no proper records to support the claims. A preliminary investigation has also failed to find any records authorising "the very large pay increases" granted to seven former HSU East branch officials, including national secretary Kathy Jackson and president Lawyers acting for administrator Michael Moore have also flagged the union may seek to recover money from the ousted officials TheFinnigans Yay a BISON- PM @JuliaGillard is no: 23 most powerful woman in the world - - WGAF about Gina at No: 19 G_R_E_E_N_S___W_I_N‏@Greens_Win ‪#KinkyTonyAbbott‬ Is Over The Lap For A Spanking … ‪#auspol‬ ‪#alp‬ ‪#greens‬ ‪#gay‬ ‪#myliberal‬ ‪#tonyabbott‬ ‪#jesus‬ ‪#porn‬ ‪#nbn A-PAC‏@APAC_ch648 Labor and Greens in spiteful exchange: Greens leader Christine Milne has called on Kevin Rudd to say where he st... AshGhebranious‏@AshGhebranious Abbott brushing up on S&M mummy porn | Abbott confirms he is reading THAT book. From the Sunday Age. | Lockerz #auspol :):):)


8/07/2012"nsiders" Abbott in full lying mode, not pulled up once. Ah Australia, what will become of you?

Ad astra

8/07/2012Hi Lyn I was interested to read the Twitterverse about the Abbott interview on [i]Insiders[/i]. It accords with my impressions. Abbott showed us two things: how to be evasive, and how to use nothing but well-worn slogans to answer questions. He told us nothing new at all. He looked shifty, but after all, he is. I’m finishing off [i]Applying facts and logic in the asylum seeker issue[/i]; it will be ready for posting this afternoon.


8/07/2012 [b]AA[/b] Abbott lied three times to Cassidy. The most obvious was his response to Cassidy’s third of fourth question about whether Abbott spoke to the Indo PM about boat tow backs. Abbott lied by innuendo [i]“I don’t discuss private conversations”[/i] trying to suggest that he did discuss the topic. He made this response two or three times. The last question involved Cassidy saying [i]“I have impeccable sources that you did not raise the issue”.[/i] Here Abbott averted his eyes as Cassidy spoke, and when Cassidy stared at him as he began answering, he again looked down and refused eye contact. Abbott’s averted eyes and moving lips gave the game away. Later, regarding CPalmer’s candidacy he denied that he had told Palmer not to nominate. On his second attempt to deny he began with [i]“[b]Believe me[/b] Barry I don’t issue instructions.”[/i] The sheepish look on his face showed the self awareness of his faux pas.

Ad astra

8/07/2012Folks I have just posted [i]Applying facts and logic to the asylum seeker issue[/i] It has taken several days to complete amongst attending to family matters. I hope you find it informative. I look forward to your comments on this contentious issue.

Truth Seeker

8/07/2012At one point when the questions got too intense about Ashby/Slipper, I thought we might get another dose of the famous and prolonged glare and stare, but he obviously realised that it would look even worse than the first time, so he resorted to the tried and true method of dodging, weaving and using the court as a convenient out. He looked and sounded dodgier than they accused Slipper of being. The LNP and their supporters must be sooo proud!


8/07/2012Abbott's and Gillard's insistence that we whitey cowards can simply dump people in their nations is beyond belief.


9/07/2012I have asked before why don't we have Kerry O'Brian to tackle Tony Abbott, ABC Tony Jones, and Emma A,they are far too soft on him, when he did appear they treated him with a kid glove, this man isn't fit to be anywhere near the top Job, Whoever is giving him advice how to get the people on his side has delved into history during Hitler's days, because Tony Abbott is doing exactly what Hitler was doing using daily propaganda, saying the same words over and over again on the radio ,take the lie word. Tony Abbott has repeated that word to a colossal, which isn't a lie anyway, he has used the Carbon tax the same, as the biggest toxic tax ever. he has repeated these every day for the last 15months, that is what Adolph Hitler did, Noone is saying Abbott is a nazi, but someone has to ask why he and the party he leads are doggedly using discredited Nazi propaganda techniques' he has definitely gone down that road to get what he wants which is the top job. When will Australia come to their senses, There is no comparison between Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard she is far superior to him. To think he got away with a slush fund to put people in jail just to get rid of them from the political scene, was a crime.Who is his political advisor because Tony Abbott wouldn't be able to think all this propaganda stuff for himself. the opposition can't trust him to be let loose in case he puts his foot in his mouth to spoil his chances to be the next PM. Im looking forward to reading more of your comments. Im a novice at this. Tony Abbott is now getting under my skin , someone should put a sock in his mouth if he visited my town id throw eggs at him, and im not a youngster at this either.

Andrew Laming

9/07/2012Wow, traveling regional Australia for the last two weeks, I was beginning to think there was no cheer squad left for Julia Gillard. Then found this angry little thread. Good to know a few of you are still out there. Dont lose the rage whatever you do.

el gordo

10/07/2012 'Don't lose the rage whatever you do.' No, carry on being boofheads. I live in regional Australia and the agrarian socialists out here are intent on destroying Labor because Julia lied about the CO2 tax. Barrackers are pathetic...get a life.

Ad astra

10/07/2012Mary If this is you first visit to [i]TPS[/i], welcome to the family. Please come again. You are absolutely right - Abbott exhibits Goebbels behaviour every day. Andrew Laming Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again and join in the fray.
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?