A tribute to Greg Jericho

Knowing how much visitors to The Political Sword have appreciated the writings of Greg Jericho on Grog’s Gamut, this short piece is to thank you Greg for giving us such delight for so long.

Your contribution to political discourse has been outstanding. We have enjoyed your forensic dissection of parliamentary procedures, particularly Question Time. You have the uncanny knack of finding and reproducing the astonishing ‘dialogue’ of QT. Over and again you have captured the ludicrous and the farcical, the nonsensical and the preposterous, the foolish and the stupid, the brilliant and the banal, the stunts and the bizarre humour. Those who enjoy QT marvel at your perspicacity and incisive analysis.

There have been times when you have used graphs and visuals to starkly illustrate your points, often about technical or financial matters. Your capacity to find these data and analyse them so quickly fills us with admiration.

No matter what your subject, you address it with accuracy and care, such that puts many professionals to shame. We prefer to read what you write to most of what appears in the MSM, beset as the media so often is with inaccuracies, misinformation, incomplete information, distorted analysis, groupthink, journalists talking to journalists, partisan agenda-driven rhetoric, and the latter day curse of journalism: ‘opinion as news’.

We know journalists read what you say and if one can judge from the reaction of journalists at The Australian, one of whom thought he had a scoop when he ‘outed’ you as a public servant working in Canberra, you seemingly get up their noses. They seem affronted that a part time blogger, especially a Canberra public servant, could more than match them at their own game. They must have fumed at you being anointed political blogger of the year. You are now widely regarded as one of the most astute political commentators in Canberra.

Those of us who write for the Fifth Estate know how time consuming it is. We have admired your willingness and capacity to write your blog night after night after work, and understand the stress and fatigue that induces.

We were interested to read that you are now preparing to write a book, and that to do that you are taking part-time work. We appreciate that you will not be able to keep up the frenetic schedule of blogging while you do this. We know your output will be reduced at Grog’s Gamut, but we shall look forward to reading what you have time to write there and of course your book when it arrives.

Thank you for all you have contributed to political discourse for so long. We wish you every success in your next adventure.

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Patricia WA

27/06/2011Well, you've said it all for us, Ad Astra, and as usual so well. I know others will, like me, want to put in their two bits worth from here on. Meanwile, Hear! Hear!


27/06/2011What Ad Astra said. I may get more housework done, perhaps.


27/06/2011Hi Ad Ad Astra, how wonderful of you to write such a beautiful tribute to Greg, and as Patricia said from all of us. We know that Greg has always taken a special interest in "The Political Sword" and his comments from long past are buried deep in our archives. Greg has always provided us with a fantastic report on Question time. So good that we don't even need to waste an hour watching the Abbott performance, in fact Greg's articles are much more enjoyable. Not just Question time though ,Greg's writing about anything of importance is always a brilliant read. How lucky we are, now a book in the making, I will think all my Christmas's came at once, when I get my hands on that book, I can't wait. Maybe I will get an autograph on mine. [quote]Canberra public servant, could more than match them at their own game. [/quote] Fantastic Ad Astra, you are a wonder man, not superman like someone else, our wonder man. Cheers :):):):):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Sigh. I remember when Grog's gravatar was Woodward and Bernstein. Damn, I even remember when Grog started contributing comments to Jack the Insider's blog at The Australian and joined the Footy Tipping competition. And he was always top of the table there too. Simply the Best. :)

Patricia WA

27/06/2011I thought this time, I’d write something that didn’t rhyme. I’ve written several pomes for Grog, which shows how much I like his blog. There’s always something to inspire, which gets my old grey cells afire. Best of all I like the care he takes, and never ever makes mistakes. He’s accurate with each statistic, even at his most ballistic. I imagine he must have imperfections. Perhaps refusing to take directions from a very long suffering spouse, who must at times have cause to grouse. So if she gets to read this too, I’d like to say to her, "Thank you!" for being tolerant and generous, and sharing him with all of us.


27/06/2011Greg Jericho Like a Remora on a Whale Shark, I'll go along with Ad astra! You constantly show us the power of one. Amongst very many fine blog-warriors, you bear the standard as the Fifth Estate's champion, and you throw into stark relief the paucity of the MSM as well as the appalling nature of the Opposition. We honour you for your contributions, wish you great joy and success in your new venture, hope you can post often nonetheless, and look forward to more and more to come. And I just thought this a nice place to mention . . . I seem to remember that since Grog's Gamut's early days, a wee birdie has often been seen around The Political Sword, flapping and tweeting* excitedly all around your blog to bring people's gaze your way . . ? . . And look at you now! That little bird is as still a daily presence as you are, and we’re all pretty proud of her too. She draws our attention to many blogsites and from many bloggers to us too, and that liaising is just as important as the best writing. We all need to help each other here, the whole socio-political blogoshere I mean, and I must say, by and large, most do too. It's good. John Lennon said A working class hero is something to be: well as you say on your site Greg, from memory after all your fantasies of fame, wwte, "Now I'll settle for blogger", I think that's perfect. Only, be a best-seller important author too. We know you will. Australia Expects, Cobber. *That gives me an 'in' to post a link myself – just to make everyone feel good ! ( I might have posted it before, not sure; if I have folks, well, suffer! :) Me t'ink it 'mazing 'larious. ) And I hope Bushfire Bill watches this video, given that his Gravatar might learn a thing or two from Frostie! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bt9xBuGWgw Thank you Greg. You make us all proud.


27/06/2011Patricia said, "He’s accurate with each statistic, even at his most ballistic." That is one deadly rhyme Patricia. You once said some of my rhymes were to die for, well that one is a killer so there. I have to tell you though that your attempt for once not to rhyme was a Fail. You just get better.

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Here's something interesting to have a squizz at: http://www.petermartin.com.au/2011/06/swan-to-hockey-hockeys-response.html

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011I also think that the government has to stop playing nice with the Coalition. They must take every opportunity to publically scoff at them, especially Abbott. He should be made the subject of ridicule and exposed as the policy lightweight he is. Sure he's a heavy hitter at the politics but that's not all there is to government. Anyway, Abbott loves nothing more than being caught on camera laughing at the government. Which is the worst, most infectious sort of dog whistle.


27/06/2011Hi Talk Turkey What a lovely person you are, that is just a 'supreme' comment you just posted, thankyou so much. I love Frostie he is so out there and with it, how amazing. I hadn't seen him before. [quote]Frostie Dancing To Shake Your Tail Feather, Frostie can dance the socks off any bird [/quote] [quote] accurate with each statistic, even at his most ballistic[/quote] I agree Talk Turkey, that rhyme of Patricia's is a deadly rhyme and I agree with Patricia yours are too. You and Patricia have given "The Political Sword" a lovely little gold mine, a big thankyou to you both. Look at this, does this mean Labor is not on the nose after all. The Government is good after all, and the Liberals are bad after all, doesn't the voters vote for the policies of their preferred Political Party. [i]Labor would win election under Rudd: poll, Jeremy Thompson, ABC[/i] Mr Abbott was said to be "hard-working, intelligent and arrogant". http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/06/27/3254766.htm


27/06/2011Cheers guys. Thanks Ad


27/06/2011Geez - I read the headline and wondered if Grog had died (would have been a really bad week on top of the announced reduction in frequency!) Well said AA - hopefully the book is quick to write, as popular as Harry Potter and Grog gets back to his "real job" - pointing out the inconsistencies of our wannabe ruling class - as soon as possible.


27/06/2011Good Grog (great Grog!) trumps Bad Abbott every time.


27/06/2011 Good Michael Fabulous Bad Abbott reports.


27/06/2011Yes 2353, I wondered that myself :-)


27/06/2011Thanks for it all, Grog. Best wishes for the next step along the road.

Acerbic Conehead 2

27/06/2011Well said, AA. Thanks for that fitting tribute to Grog's invaluable contribution to political discourse over the last number of years. Hopefully he can find time in between writing his book for putting up some more incisive analyses of QT and other matters. I am looking forward to getting a copy of the completed book, so get down to it Grog! BTW, my recaptcha bingo is ' "236 tintle". Is that the number of sleeps before publication?


27/06/2011Once more the MSM's lackadaisical approach to serious reporting; Channel 9 Adelaide referring to the $36 Billion "taxpayer funded" NBN. Billions out, what hope is there? In fairness, I thought the rest of their piece was balanced enough.


27/06/2011Grog popped some over inflated egos and put a few badly needed burrs up some fat arses in the sewerage of reporters that is called the press gallery. Then, on top of that, gave factual and lucid reports on QT. He's already sold one book.


27/06/2011Tune: Mister Gallagher, Mister Shean (antique, hilarious, don't miss 'em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XxcVEedhMc It is mandatory to listen first, and then sing along with MISTER ABBOTT AND MISTER REITH “Oh Mister Reith - Oh Mister Reith!" -“Well, what’s on your mind this morning Mister A?” -“My friends say Stockdale’s no good, And we really think you should Grab the Lib’ral presidency while you may! Oh Mister Reith Oh Mister Reith You should be a shoo-in, that is my belief! And of course you may be sure I’ll back you forever more!” “Will you really, Mister Abbott?” “Absolutely, Mister Reith!” * “Oh Mister Abbott! Oh Mister Abbott! It's so good to know that you're supporting me! Well you've told me I can't lose, But I'm not sure who they’ll choose! Minchin says ours is an act of bastardry! Oh Mister Abbott! Oh Mister Abbott! I'm so glad to know that you're supporting me! Now we’re coming to the vote – ?! - Hey! WTF WAS THAT YOU WROTE?! - You chose STOCKDALE Mister Abbott!” - “Er I uh ah, Mister Reith!” * “Oh Mister Abbott Oh Mister Abbott Oh how could you treat an honest old boy so? Ever since I got rubbed out I have screamed and stamped about What on Earth more I can do I do not know!” “Oh Mister Reith Oh Mister Reith I am sorry to have caused you so much grief; Yes I do lie in my teeth - But you too lie underneath - It is just my real Bad Abbott - And it’s - yours - too - Mis - ter - Reith! :)

D Mick Weir

27/06/2011Thank the dieties for small mercies. For a moment I had a similar thought to 2353 @ 6:45 PM. At least this time the Grog has only been rationed and not turned off by some bar steward I wonder if Grog will riff off Mark Twain [i]'The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated'[/i] (and thank goodness for that :))


27/06/2011Ad astra What a nice man you are. Even if you did give a few of us a scare. Greg Write In Peace. Thanks for many great articles and in particular for your non-political contributions. I was really touched by your piece on Queensland after the terrible Summer that we had this year. Good luck with the book.

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Grog, You are such an inspiration I have decided to write a book myself. It is War and Peace II. It was inspired by Tony Abbott's speech to the gobsmacked, after his duplicitous vote for Alan Stockdale, at the Liberal Party National Conference last weekend, so full of innacuracy and fly-blown rhetoric as it was. I've written 40, novel-sized pages already, and I'm only 1/3 of the way through the speech. I'll race you to the finish line. :D

D Mick Weir

27/06/2011Has Labor learnt anything from the disaster that followed Rudd's choice (forced or otherwise) to walk away from doing something about [i]the greatest moral challenge of our time[/i] by not implementing an ETS? I would have hoped that if they only learned one thing it would have been that when you compromise on your principles the electorate will punish you. Has that lesson been learnt? The evidence would suggest the answer has to be a BIG FAT NO. There is a lot of evidence, that many refuse to see, that Labor has over the last two years or so consistently taken actions that are in contravention to the letter and the spirit of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. By doing so Labor is going against the principles it once claimed to stand for. When did the rot start to set in? One starting point was in or about April 2009 when the decision was taken to suspended the processing of new asylum applications from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. See [b]Refugee obligations violated[/b] - Michelle Foster, director of the research program in international refugee law at Melbourne Law School. www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/refugee-obligations-violated-20100412-s40l.html#ixzz1QTfSg5eo In October 2009 Rudd was gung ho about his plan to substantially increase Aid to Indonesia so that the could buy boats so that they could prevent free passage of refugees through the Indonesian archipelago. This possibly was in contravention of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) See [b]Refugee boats: what about innocent passage?[/b] Australian Observer, 18 October 2009 http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/2009/10/refugee-boats-what-about-innocent.html Apparently the boats that Indonesia bought are doing nothing like what was intended for them. With the UNHCR among others saying that the Malaysian Refugee Swap is against the principles of the Refugee Convention our current Prime Minister appears to continuing this downard trend by trashing the principles that she purported to have while in opposition. Labor is in the very dangerous position where the perception is starting to take hold that the Howard governments Pacific Solution, so roundly derided by the current Prime Minister and many others, was more humane than the proposed 'Malaysian Solution'. Is Julia Gilliad a principled or pragmatic Prime Minister? Is she willing to take a principled stand? I am starting to wonder.

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Well guys, so much for the policy hard work that the Coalition are supposed to have been beavering away on recently. On Q & A tonight Joe Hockey has announced that it basically amounts to slashing 12000 Public Service jobs. Though Joe wouldn't go further than that and say which departments those cuts would be made in. I seem to remember having heard that promise before. Oh yes, that's right, in every one of every Coalition's, State or Federal, pre-election promise lists. Then, like John Howard, when they do get in, they slash the jobs of anyone in the Public Service they think votes Labor, then slowly and hopefully imperceptably, replace them with their own boys and girls from Liberal ranks, and then some. Plus, they outsource a lot of what was once Public Service work to their mates in Private Industry & get their mates in Liberal Legal firms to write their legislation for them. What a hoary old chestnut the 'Slash Public Service Numbers' is. And it just shows how truly bereft of real policy the Coalition is. Oh, but they run a fine line in criticising whatever the government is trying to do by way of substantial and meaningful action in government.

Patricia WA

27/06/2011TT - Maybe Stockdale told Abbott he wouldn't 'keep his mouth shut!' That was brilliant, but couldn't you winkle that line in too in an extra verse? I had a flash, enjoying that over again, that this will come back to haunt Abbott in a way that the inter-party war never could. It was such a personal betrayal, and he was so casual and public about it. Abbott may have voted as Nick Minchin wanted him to. But he didn't follow his other advice, did he? [quote]Do unto others as you would have them do to you![/quote]

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Bob Carr's blog: http://bobcarrblog.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/for-the-gillard-government-just-do-the-right-thing/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Ad astra reply

27/06/2011Folks Apologies to those of you who for a moment thought my tribute to Greg was post mortem. Maybe it should have been titled: "Greg Jericho we salute you" instead of using "a tribute" in the title. But a tribute it is to one who has inspired other bloggers and commentators in the Fifth Estate to press on even when the going is tough. He has shown that we can have an influence. There are some 'out there' who read what we write and take notice.

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011Good article on the 'One By-Election Away from Victory' idea that the Liberals are living by and which Joe Hockey alluded to on Q & A tonight: http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2770658.html

Feral Skeleton

27/06/2011D Mick Weir, Give the dog a bone. We get it that you are losing your religion. Frankly, if I could be bothered, I could dig around for evidence which proves that you prefer the position that we in Australia do not want to increase the number of refugees we take in. Because that's what the government wants to do too, and it's what you never mention.

D Mick Weir

27/06/2011FS, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. You can go on as long as you like hiding from the facts that even some within the ranks of Labor Parliamentarians can see. Labor is trashing its principles and it is a shame to see it happening. My faith that pinciples will overcome pragmatism has been sorely tested but I still hold that faith,


28/06/2011D Mick Weir [quote]With the UNHCR among others saying that the Malaysian Refugee Swap is against the principles of the Refugee Convention ......[/quote] You might have to provide definitive proof of that one. I have references which suggest that the UNHCR will get firmly behind this deal provided certain fundamental principles are addressed. The suspension of processing in 2010 was a brain explosion of some sort which has lead to the overcrowding we are seeing today. Granted it was a dumb idea. The whole UNCLOS thing didn't blow up in their faces so presumably there was no conflict. A small concession to you. (Don't get fat on the cream, pussycat.) :) This morning the PM did a radio interview with Jon Faine. In it she put together a few sentences which may, in part, reinforce your interpretation of what the government is up to. Here is a longish quote which I can't truncate because it was the flow of the answers that made me sit up and take notice. You also deserve some credit for encouraging me to listen with a more discerning ear. Slightly edited and with my emphasis. HOST: The Malaysia plan – Scott Morrison Shadow Minister for Immigration is visiting Malaysia. PM: And I’ve seen some of the publicity generated by Mr Morrison’s visit today. He seems to have had conversations and the journalists travelling with him seem to have had conversations with [b]people who have been found to be genuine refugees and been waiting periods like 10, 15, 20 years for a resettlement opportunity.[/b] Well, we are going to give 4,000 of those people the resettlement opportunity they dream of - to come here to Australia. HOST: Julia Gillard did you see any of the SBS program [i]Go back to where you came from[/i]? PM: Unfortunately I didn’t. I’ve had many, many people talk it up to me and say what a wonderful program it is, so when I can, Jon, I’m going to settle down and have a look, but I haven’t been able to watch it when it’s been on the TV. HOST: It humanises the refugee experience and takes it away from statistics and slogans and lets us see the real people who we’re talking about here. We’re not talking about abstracts, we’re not talking about policies, we’re talking about people and their lives and the hardship that they face. PM: Yes we are, Jon, talking about people and their lives. We’re talking about people who have got into boats and lost their lives. We’re talking about children who have drowned in sight of the horrified population of Christmas Island. We’re talking about an evil trade in people smuggling and we’re talking about [b]people around the world who have been processed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, found to be refugees and are more than a decade later still waiting for a resettlement opportunity and a start to their lives.[/b] HOST: And a compassioned vacuum from Australian political leaders from both sides, it would seem. PM: I do not agree with that, Jon. It’s not compassion to have people get in boats and lose their lives. It’s not compassion to have refugees in Malaysia and other places around the world 10 years in, 20 years in, still not getting a resettlement opportunity. [b]I don’t want to see people on boats. I do want to see more refugees here.[/b] http://www.pm.gov.au/press-office/transcript-interview-jon-faine-abc-melbourne Most of that is not new but for the first time (to me at least) Ms Gillard has spelt out the carrot and stick approach in slightly different terms. The stick is obvious and we've discussed it at length. The carrot though is that if your are seeking asylum you are more likely to be rewarded by this Australian Government if you go through the proper channels and (dare I say it?) wait your turn. I have remarked previously that I was surprised by mention of being 'sent to the back of the queue' but that remark makes more sense now if Australia is in fact attempting to establish a queue of sorts in the region. I've heard the arguments that there is no queue but frankly I'm not convinced. Who would be heartless enough to tell someone who has spent 10 years in a camp that there is no queue - that it's a random lottery? The establishment of more processing centres in the region would better facilitate a more orderly scheme whereby genuine asylum seekers could be given more hope of resettlement. The Bali Framework spells out many of the changes which need to occur within the nations in the region to better accommodate refugees while they are in transit e.g. the ability to gain work legally; protection from human rights abuse by the local authorities and so on. You might call it a dog whistle (I don't) but there was in her tone, if not in her words, a sense that she has more sympathy for those who have waited patiently in often appalling conditions than she does for those who make a head-long and dangerous rush to get here. Bear in mind that more sympathy for one group [b]does not mean no sympathy for the other[/b]. So, if you are a glass half-full kinda guy on this subject, as I currently am, the current moves might comprise the first steps in creating an orderly process whereby irregular travellers are assessed (identity, security and refugee status), given health checks and assistance where necessary and then released into a relatively safe environment until a place can be found for them or they consider it safe enough to return home. Encouraging more of the advanced economies to take more refugees must be an integral part of any plan. We can't take them all in one fell swoop so some form of humanitarian compromise has to be found. The huge camps in Africa are just such a compromise. Which reminds me, your figures are a bit off on the Jordan statistics but the point is well made. As I recall, it was 2 million refugees being housed by a nation that has a 'native' population of 5 million people. That's an influx of 40%. In Australia that would mean between 8 and 9 million people camping on our doorstep looking for help. It is indeed shameful that we moan and groan about 6,000 per year. We don't have a refugee problem. We have a political problem. I still don't like leaky fishing boats full of women and children on the high seas though.

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011D Mick Weir, And your solution would be? The Open Door? You know, prove to me that if the federal government changed policy to the Open Door and accepted all refugees who turned up here that we wouldn't be swamped. I can still remember about the time of the Oceanic Viking incident that Sri Lankan refugees, a lot, like 'Alex' who turned out to be chancers taking advantage of the hostilities between the Tamils and the Sinhalese to try and slip under the radar as 'Asylum Seekers, that when they found out that Australia had put a temporary stop to processing them here, hired a ship to take them all the way to Canada instead because Canada was still accepting them openly. That just smacks of opportunism to me and playing a nation's generosity off a break. I'm sorry, some of them may have been genuine refugees, but I'm still firmly in the camp that wants to take more of the Chin, Karen, Africans, even Syrians, Libyans, and many, many other refugees before those who are taking the Indian Ocean Refugee Cruise to Christmas Island. The system is being abused by them and I believe that it is indeed time that we developed a Regional Solution to the refugee issue and got some rigour, control and order into it. For everyone's benefit. Refugees, Australians, whose welcoming nature and general openess towards refugees is being sorely tested by the Asylum Seeker production line out of Indonesia, and the Australian government, who are being played for schmucks by a cynically-calculating bunch of feral dogs in the Opposition. I want traumatised Afghanis, Iraqis and Iranians to find refuge and settle here too. Just not the way that they are coming here for that purpose now, whereby I see them taking advantage of the government policy of accepting Asylum Seekers who come here by boat over and above those languishing in the refugee camps in, yes, Malaysia, and crowding them out of places in the refugee intake. Sorry if my pragmatism, and hope that finally an actual solution might be found to the insidious leeches feeding off refugees, called People Smugglers, who have no second thoughts about sending desperate souls to sea on boats not intended for sea journeys, with crew that cannot cope with inclement conditions when they occur, offends you. It's just that I don't like seeing people die at sea when a solution might be found to prevent it, and which may fix the problem of the People Smugglers and the particular group of refugees hand in glove with them who are gaming the system in my eyes. Yes, as probable refugees, they are all worthy of our great nation's succour. I just want to find a way to make the Asylum Seeker playing field level. What's wrong with that? And put Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison out of business, of course. :D

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Chris Bowen is married to a refugee FFS! Albeit one from the Civil War in Lebanon which was a while ago now. People who question his true intentions here are totally not getting it about him I feel.

Patricia WA

28/06/2011Dear Mick Weir, In what way is Labor trashing its principles with a policy that seeks to accept an increased refugee intake to Australia, and tries to bring some regional coordination about to lessen the misery of hundreds of thousands of people languishing in the limbo of statelessness? Do you really think that amounts to pragmatism over principle? It suggests common sense and a concern for others to me.


28/06/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]A Gamut of Emotions about once 'Honourable' Peter Reith, Patricia wa, Polliepomes[/i] Greg Jericho, Grog, recently announced a change of direction in his career. He’ll be spending less time on his blog and focussing instead on writing a book. He’s had lots of tributes from his readers and I’ve written this ‘pome’ as a token parting gift. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/ [i]How a Carbon Price WILL lower emissions, Ash, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] It would mean that companies that have more non carbon sources of energy will be able to undercut their competitors,and companies that refuse to change will have to increase their prices and hope the customer will pay extra http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/how-a-carbon-price-will-lower-emissions/ [i]Signs of life for Labor as Libs go back to basics, Mungo MacCallum, The Drum[/i] when the full story about the carbon tax emerges, everything will change. Well, perhaps it will. Last week for once the headlines were in her favour: even The Australian could not spin the breakthrough on the National Broadband Network as all doom and disaster. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2773278.html [i]Bleaters To The Right, One Cross Each, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] Kenny isn’t pointing out anything new to anyone with two-thirds of three-fifths of an understanding of the issues at stake. He’s simplyfilling in a newspaper column and engaging in his favourite pastime of whining about what he perceives as ‘lefties’. It’s what he does. http://www.waddayano.org/blog/2011/06/bleaters_to_the_right_one_cros.php#more [i]The by-election lottery, Malcolm Farnsworth, The Drum[/i] Tony Abbott's best chance of a by-election is a sudden death. But that's a lottery no-one really wants to play. He might note that three MPs died in the first nine months of the hung parliament elected in September 1940 http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2770658.html [i]Some quick Monday #lolbolts, Jeremy Sear , Pure Poison[/i] Talking of “bloody hypocrisy”, what has Andrew “free speech campaigner” Bolt done to fight against the local Liberal government giving the police the power to fine people for uttering arbitrarily-chosen “offensive” words? http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2011/06/27/some-quick-monday-lolbolts/ [i]Abbott makes Irish joke of Liberals’ economic cred, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Abbott wants it both ways — the freedom to announce a package of goodies — tax cuts! New road and rail networks! Welfare for everyone — without the responsibility of explaining — or even faintly alluding to — how it will all be paid for. http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/06/27/abbott-makes-irish-joke-of-liberals-economic-credentials/ [i]The weird world of climate change denial, The Business of Green[/i] They mirror the way the issue has been turned into a cause célèbre by Tony Abbott and the virulent attacks on climate science, climate scientists and people campaigning for a carbon price perpetrated by papers in the News Limited stable. “The virulence of the recent attacks on Cate http://www.gmagazine.com.au/blog/2614/weird-world-climate-change-denial [i]The false. the confused and the mendacious: how the media gets it wrong on Climate Change, Rooted[/i] no truthful analysis of the Australian media landscape can avoid highlighting the maliciousness of some media organisations, primarily those owned by Newscorp, which are cartoonish in their brazen serial distortion of scientists and scientific findings. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/rooted/2011/06/27/the-false-the-confused-and-the-mendacious-how-the-media-gets-it-wrong-on-climate-change/#more-2606 [i]How to Blow the Boom: Cocoon Manufacturers, Ross Gittins[/i] The obvious way to maximise our lasting benefits from the resources boom is to let secondary industry take its chances and put all our effort into boosting tertiary industry - with all its clean, safe, well-paid, high value-added and intellectually satisfying jobs. http://www.rossgittins.com/2011/06/how-to-blow-boom-cocoon-manufacturers.html [i]The GFC. Did Australia do something right? Peter Martin[/i] From the Bank for International Settlements http://www.petermartin.com.au/2011/06/gfc-did-australia-do-something-right.html [i]Don’t go changing: Stockdale still president as Liberals go for status quo, Zareh Ghazarian, The Conversation[/i] The battle for the Liberal Party’s presidency was therefore a referendum on whether the party was confident it had the organisational leadership to return it to government. http://theconversation.edu.au/dont-go-changing-stockdale-still-president-as-liberals-go-for-status-quo-2024 [i]16 tons and what do you get?*, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] never occurred to any Australian journalist that the “Carbon Tax” story they had been pursuing had any relation at all to the “Climate Change” story they had stopped pursuing when that nice Lord Monckton said it was all a Nazi plot. http://davidhortonsblog.com/2011/06/27/16-tons-and-what-do-you-get/


28/06/2011*J*U*L*I*A* is less popular than Abbortt!!! D'you see the ABC24 "interviews" with 'random' people off the street? Random my fat budgie! How many people would they have "interviewed" to have get that nasty gainsaying handful of whingers - The only one who gave her a + was that evil-looking dark person of Middle eastern appearance, just goes to show the kind of peple who support HER! . . . But it was good to see Western Sydney get represented just for once eh Jason!

Ad astra reply

28/06/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


28/06/2011Today's Bad Abbott. There is no 'bad Abbott'. I've been wrong all this time, desperately stupidly wrong. Tony Abbott is the shining light of Australian politics, the great man of his generation, who will see this country through the shoals, however rough and disorderly they may be, of events that come to challenge it. A steady hand on the tiller of the ship of state. My mea culpa. How could I fail to see he has the intellectual ability of the entire Labor Caucus multiplied by ten? He sees the truth and speaks it. He takes his message to the people and they recognise him as a fair dinkum bloke with no other interest in his heart but for them. This man, when he assumes the role that should have been his at the last election, guiding this nation of pure and simple people to the destiny that awaits us all under the tutelage of such an epitome of clearsighted visionary leadership, will come to be seen as a beacon of political virtue worldwide. The lesser-blessed leaders of other nations, big and small, will visit to sit with him in quiet contemplation, and then go away better equipped to deal with their own challenges by the down to earth wisdom and avuncular advice he has freely shared. All this I now know to be true because the smarter people of Australia, rising to the standard he embodies, and that he calls on us all to aspire to, have in the latest Newspoll, nominated him 'preferred Prime Minister'. Truly it must come to pass that this country will get the Prime Minister it not only deserves, but wants. Hosanna, hallelujah, Heaven be praised!

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Michael, You've been watching 'The Life of Brian' again. :D

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011FS @ 12:33 AM [i]And your solution would be? The Open Door?[/i] To the best of my knowledge I have not advocated an open door policy. If you have taken that impression I apologise for somehow creating it. I am not advocating any numbers. Although I believe we could and should take more and pull a weight that is closer to our level in of prosperity I would in no advocate, say, purely for example only, that we double or triple our intake. I have stood corrected in my 'unawareness' that Bowen's recent announcement included an increase of 1,000 a year. Bravo and I support that. I will leave it to him and the department to consider further changes to numbers as I am not able to get, or absorb, all the relevant information that is at the disposal of those I, and all of us, have entrusted the honour of making decisions on our behalf. [i]... it is indeed time that we developed a Regional Solution to the refugee issue and got some rigour, control and order into it.[/i] How could I disagree? One variation, or firther step I would I will add is that we need to also be working toward a lasting international solution. You make a very telling comment: [i]'... and the Australian government, who are being played for schmucks by a cynically-calculating bunch of feral dogs in the Opposition.[/i] What can I say, and the government is allowing itself to be played for schmucks? No, that may be a little to close to the bone for some. I will settle for what I have been saying consistently over the last few days: [i]The government are playing this on the oppositions terms[/i] IMO they are being fools for doing so. [i]... as probable refugees, they are all worthy of our great nation's succour. I just want to find a way to make the Asylum Seeker playing field level. What's wrong with that?[/i] Nothing. [i]And put Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison out of business, of course.[/i] No argument with that from me and I will support efforts to do so with the unnderstanding that playing by the oppositions rules just ain't gonna work.

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Please vote in this poll: http://www.abc.net.au/newsradio/

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011D Mick Weir, (K)


28/06/2011On Poll Bludger, at current thread Number 66, BUSHFIRE BILL is on fire yet again. I just had to post some of it, the rest is all good too. But on PB it's here and Fwtt! BB's writing deserves greater longevity! How's this for saying it well!:- "Yes Abbott the weathervane who is now the preferred PM. Why does this country make me despondent!!!! It’s a kind of collective madness. They’re still not out of the Reality TV syndrome. We had a week last week that was, on any fair and objective assessment, a flop for the Coalition, yet songs are being sung about how it was a great success. * Rudd did not challenge Gillard (as highly anticipated). * The Plebiscite failed in the Senate and wasn’t even proposed in the House. * Two censure motions failed. * Morrison disappeared somewhere in Malaysia. * The Budget passed. * The Telstra deal was done. * The “Class War” freeze was waved through. * Unfunded tax cuts were announced. * There was no election called. * Abbott’s man, Reith, didn’t become President of the Party (and is now spitting the dummy). None of this was reported with any of the attention it deserved, because it was all set-up in advance as a week-long Tony Abbott Festival. It didn’t seem to matter that none of the Abbott stunts came off, or even came near to coming off. What matters to the media is movement (trite, I know). What mattered was that Tony Abbott threatened to do all kinds of mischievous things, and then didn’t do any of them." (. . . continued . . . ) BB, why not post on PB AND TPS? I can't see why not, can anyone?* This is for the good of Country, the more exposure you get the better. I hate the Fwtt! syndrome, we might be brief candles but we're not party poppers. That's what's good about Grog's writing a book, a bit longer lasting than Fwtt! The Blogosphere evolves, its future reveals itself only little by little, but surely it has a vital part to play in keeping the Bastards honest, and there's plenty of Them at that. Such writing as Greg Sheridan's, Mr Denmore's and Bushfire Bill's, and Ad astra's of course, should be disseminated as widely as possible. We simply must do better in informing the majority who - AAARRGHHHHHH! - prefer Abbortt to *J*U*L*I*A*! As Boxer, the great draught horse in Animal Farm used to say: I (we) must work harder! The bloody MSM sure doesn't want clever people. We must reach out more somehow. It's down to the Fifth Estate. *I do see limitations here . . . Perhaps multiple postings by individual mutual agreement . . ? All I want is for the blogosphere to maximise its impact, by being as proper clever as possible.

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011NormanK @ 12:11 AM At this moment I can't recall if there is a shortcut for an embarresment smiley (a very embarrassed one?). Yep I stuffed up those numbers for Jordan however, in defence, my point was not about the numbers but to give another example of the complexities of the whole situation. Not only is Jordan 'home' to many refugees but also there are many Jordanians who are refugees and who cannot return to Jordan. Here is one case where I think a 'refugee swap' might be a good thing. Re UNHCR, they have been critical of the 'send 800 (or more?) back' aspect of the solution. I still cannot for the life me understand how sending them back is within the spirit, or, most likely, within the letter of th UN Conventions on Refugees. If someone can explain that to me maybe I will rethink and even admit I am wrong. Thanks for that excerpt from famous(?) Faine. And compliments to you for listening with a more nuanced ear. Difficult at the best of times. If I can I will see if there is audio available (Been busy already 5 hours out and about this morning and have to go out again soon for another nine or ten hours) Grr, sometimes I have exterme aversions to some of my other lives. I think I have may have answered some of your comments in my response to FS above Either way as you can guess I will be pondering further as I wend my way around the the long and lonely roads today. [i]I still don't like leaky fishing boats full of women and children on the high seas though.[/i] Neither do I and I , as no doubt you, shudder at the thought of that jack-of-all-trades stuntman whatever his name is on a naval vessel turning any who do arrive that way back on a return journey.

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011Patricia WA @ 1:05 AM [i]In what way is Labor trashing its principles with a policy that seeks to accept an increased refugee intake to Australia, and tries to bring some regional coordination about ...[/i] The actions taken, and the words used by Rudd, Gilliard and others are, to my mind, and to the minds of others more learned than I in this area, are at odds with the what seems now to be, the rhetoric and, dare I say it, bovine waste, that those people used when crticising the previous government. To me it is a [i]Do as I say, not as I do[/i] type attitude/approach that most thinking, and even unthinking, people abhor.

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011Michael @ 9:14 AM I thnk you may have sold Mr Abbott a bit short on this [i]How could I fail to see he has the intellectual ability of the entire Labor Caucus multiplied by ten?[/i] Ten? At least a thousand as I have no doubt he would be willing to tell anyone who would listen.


28/06/2011Hi Michael Thankyou for a brilliant Bad Abbott Report. [quote]I've been wrong all this time, desperately stupidly wrong[/quote] I hate to tell you this Michael, but I just found out Bad Abbott is not that good, there is something sneaky afoot, because Joe Hockey said they are going to do something bad: [i]We'll axe 12,000 public sector jobs, says Joe Hockey , Jared Owens, News Com[/i] [quote]Mr Hockey last night confirmed an Abbott government would slash the federal bureaucracy, which has exploded under the Rudd and Gillard governments. "For a start, 12,000 public servants in Canberra will be made redundant over a two-year period immediately upon us being elected," Mr Hockey told ABC1's Q & A program[/quote] [quote]The two ACT-based electorates, Fraser and Canberra, are held by Labor on margins of 14.3 per cent and 9.2 per cent, respectively.[/quote] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/well-axe-12000-public-sector-jobs-says-joe-hockey/story-fn59niix-1226083112182 Cheers :):):):):):):)

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011NormanK [b]HELP[/b] I really need an embarassment emoticon now. When you find it can you reply to FS @ 10:56 AM for me please. Pretty Please? FS, please see above :)


28/06/2011Ad Astra After nearly fainting at your headline, I can say I fully concur with what you have written about Grog. I too will buy his book when it is published, unless of course it is on one of those new fangled gadgets like a kindle, which I know nothing about. Oh and probably can't afford. Michael I laughed at your 'no bad abbott' today. I can say honestly that it is the way I feel about the majority of people in Australia. Again does it come back to the negative story the opposition is running or the media that is running/repeating the same mantra day in day out. A good friend, and a Labor voter, was quoting the same lib/media theme about Julia, and we were quite shocked. She has very bad hearing so she must have gained her information from the written media. We are still in shock at this revelation, coming from someone who it intelligent. Is this why Germany became like it did in the 1930's ?

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Talk Turkey, You do mean Greg Jericho not Greg Sheridan, don't you? :$

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011This is going to be so slow and so expensive. If the Coalition wins government off the back of this they will have to pay billions more to buy back the Copper: http://www.businessspectator.com.au/bs.nsf/Article/Coalition-pushed-to-release-NBN-plan-report-pd20110627-J8R5T?OpenDocument&src=hp6&src=amm


28/06/2011Talk Turkey Thank you so much for your link to Frosty, it was excellent.

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Bet I know who the first Canberra Public Servant the Liberals want to sack is. :)


28/06/2011Feral Skeleton D Mick Weir would like to say :$ :$ :$ :$ I don't think he's ever been kissed by a skeleton before and it has shocked him to the bone. Boom tish. DMW Full colon dollar sign I'm hunting around for a succinct reference to the current UNHCR stance. I suspect you may have been led up the garden path with regard to their reaction. Initially they were unimpressed but once detail started to emerge they became moderately enthusiastic participants in negotiations and so far every point of contention that they have raised has been addressed. I will post stuff as I find it but another aspect of this deal which has been misrepresented (or at least under-represented) is Malaysia's part in seeking to bring about change within their own borders. There are many significant positive ramifications of a deal which would see Australia contribute substantial funds to revamp the entire irregular arrival laws and the way in which they are treated. Malaysian politicians are themselves instigating changes that will be to the benefit of all and we must not fall into the trap of judging them only on their history without acknowledging current reforms. No need to be embarrassed over the Jordan figures - the point was still well made. Listen to the PM with Jon Faine here: http://blogs.abc.net.au/victoria/2011/06/prime-minister-julia-gillard-selling-a-carbon-tax-the-tobacco-war-and-gay-marriage-drive-by-shooting.html

Patricia WA

28/06/2011Michael, I've loved your Bad Abbotts! I think there's one particular 'Bad Abbott' we should be talking about today, and that's the Coalition's continued addiction to donations from tobacco companies. Was this discussed at all at their recent and much publicised conference? If not, why not? It should be a major news story, given the threat to sue OZ over plain packaging. [b]Anyhow........Julia, Don't Let Them Have A Win![/b] Remember when Paul Hogan, Once our most beloved bogan Lured the younger generation To self incineration? Oh, how everyone applauded When our ‘Hoges’ was awarded Australian Of The Year And we all had another beer! Those days are but an echo, As brazen Big Tobacco, Not smiling now, not funny, Comes looking for more money. We have watched our children die, Understood at last the dreadful lie. Still those companies, undaunted, Kept on taking what they wanted. Now they’re funding Abbott’s unproven fiction That this government lacks guts, conviction. But whatever the cunning plots they hatch, In Julia Gillard cigarette companies have met their match.

Patricia WA

28/06/2011PS! Even as I pressed to comment I knew that last line should read: [b]In Julia Gillard cigarette cartels have met their match![/b] Bastards! I passed a poor soul on the street yesterday, pushing his gear around in a shopping trolley, dragging on a fag and coughing. No doubt smoking wasn't the worst of his addictions, but it surely was another proverbial 'nail in his coffin.' My old mum was a lifelong smoker. I vividly remember how, with a hacking cough and a young family to feed, she'd still scratch around for those few pennies to buy a paper packet of five Woodbines. We knew then, seventy odd years ago, that nicotine was a curse on society. Watching how the Coalition operates, accepting donations, and Labor too in the past, one wonders if we will ever be free of this awful addiction.

D Mick Weir

28/06/2011Hi NK I have been held up and have a few moments to throw in a a couple of quick bits. Oh but before I do A bit of housework to tidy up FS, :$ Lyn, I haven't had the chance to get to your links today and it makes the day seem 'not quite right'. btw or those that haven't read Mungo yet do so. I really laughed about the anecdote he told of Labor Party MP Michael Foot. Only Mungo could find something like that. Anyway I am more than willing to to be re-edumified about facts on the solution. I need to check a few facts and re-orient my geography a bit on the following but a partial explanation for my doubts on the 'swap' aspect only. In the Asian region there about a dozen signatories to the UN convention including Australia hmm add New Zealand and it might be a bakers dozen. On a boat journey from Indonesia/Australia there is only Thailand (?) and New Guinea that are signatories. In theory when an Asylum Seeker lands in Australia they have reached a safe haven and we are honour bound to give them refuge and confirm their status as a refugee. That does not mean we have to give them permanent residence etc. although I suggest we are morally bound to ensure their well being. We are obliged not to send any of those proven to be refugees to an 'unsafe' place. Debatable whether New Guinea is 'safe' and Thailand hmm, don't think it is safe atm. Sending them back to Malayasia, Indonesia or any number of other places is not in keeping with the principles as things stand at this time. I grant and acknowledge that we are with Malaysia and hoefully as time goes to change the safety thing and support that. I now return to the 'perception' thing. Rightly or wrongly the perception is building that the Malaysian people swap is inhumane. The art of good government is as much about managing perceptions as it is about managing reality. As janice and/or Patricia WA (I can't recall atm, so apologies if I put words in your mouth/s) have pointed out people react to the 'emotional' and personal stories and often do not understand (or care about?) the facts. As I have said I wish it were a non-issue but the fact is, as I see it, the government is to blame for creating the its own problems with a fair chunk of the issue. Sure stuntman & co are fanning the flames but who provided the matches? Must fly, by for now (I haven't proof read this and accept the facts may be a bit wonky which I am only too happy for you and all others to re-edimify me upon :))


28/06/2011Unemployment must be at 12%. Interest rates at 16% Housing prices crashing. Small business bankruptcies thru the roof. Goin' by the polls I've seen lately. But of course none of this is happening. It's just another week of manipulation & treachery by a morally bankrupt media, sycophantic lackeys of the corporate masters...and their ABC carbon copies. A more gullible. apathetic & misinformed public there hasn't been since the Tampa BS...led like cattle to the slaughter of their principles & common sense. WAKE UP Australia! Ya look like a bunch of dumb arses. Yer gettin' a top class national broadband network that will be the envy of the world...increases in health spending, including the building of significant cancer treatment centres...useful measures to undermine the life & finance destroying scourges that are smoking & gambling...significant investments in technology for educational purposes... most of the bloody boats ya wanted stopped, have stopped. Yer house assets are secure...yer businesses are thriving a damn site better than in many countries screwed over by the GFC...you have Fair Work Australia to ensure useful compromises are made regarding wages...and ya have alot better wages & conditions than many across the world... and flood ravaged roads & other infrastructure is bein' repaired at a swift pace compared to what we saw in New Orleans & places like Pakistan... and now you have a Green party about to get the balance of power in the senate that will ensure you don't let yer mining & pollution addiction completely screw up the environment that you so enjoy when you hit those coasts, go hiking, caravaning and visiting those geological wonders of the world. Australia...you really have become the biggest bunch of whiners & gripers since you allowed yerself to fall into the hands of the Murdoch...and the rats of radio. You even whinge more than the poms. And at least they have an excuse...the weather. Let's hope in the next few weeks we see the passing of some useful media cross ownership laws & others relating to the present media insanity. And some real changes at the ABC. And a bold & proud announcement of a carbon price...and compensation that redistributes moneys in this country a damn site fairer than they have been. And hopefully, we'll hear that a DentiCare system is not that far away. And fast trains between major cities. I don't need Kevin Rudd to do that. Julia Gillard is quite capable of providing vision. And righting wrongs. And doing the things that were badly neglected by a high taxing Howard government. So lets stop playing "follow the misogynistic ocker" games...it's time to stop kicking this talented & capable PM in the gut...and give her some support. 'Cause let's face it Australia...she's dealing w/ the confused, bi-polar decisions & inconsistent judgemental comments & polls you contribute to...YOU'VE created this mess... not the government. Because YOU allow yerself to be led down the garden path by a bankrupt media. Get yer sh*t together Australia. Recognise how good you've got it. Before you make the mistake of sacrificing another potentially great prime minister... and allow the "say anything, do anything, backstabbing" Tony Abbott to take the leadership. A man who is willing to backstab anyone to get power. Including mate & cabinet colleague Peter Reith. If he can do it to Reith...imagine what he'll do to YOU?...the little people. WAKE UP. Before it's too late. Coalition running the states...and federal governments. Brrr. The arrogance of the WA government & attack on state wages & conditions in NSW should be a real wake up call. OPEN...YOUR...EYES. N'


28/06/2011FS said "Talk Turkey, You do mean Greg Jericho not Greg Sheridan, don't you?" No FS I really did mean Greg Sheridan . . . - NOT!!! :$ !!! my recaptcha: and iditic I bloody reckon!

Patricia WA

28/06/2011Well, 'N, you're certainly wide awake! And I thought you were hibernating! I guess though with the political climate really heating up you thought it was time to come up and have a growl. And grrr! to you too! Now don't go back to sleep again!


28/06/2011Bit off topic. But I just noticed this in the New York Times Classifieds. The Australian Govt, for and on behalf of the Australian people, will soon be introducing Legislation into the Parliament of Australia to regain control of the nations natural resources. It has moved to this unusual step in order to bring control to a sector that, at present, does not have the best interests of the Australian people at heart The Government of Australia, for and behalf of the people of Australia, is seeking expressions of interest for the short term restructure, day to day management, production and marketing of the nations natural resources. Consisting of, but not limited to; Iron Ore.... all grades and onshore pelletising. Coal...both black and brown. Bauxite...raw and pelletised. Liquefied Natural Gas....and any subsequent by products. The successful tenderers would have a demonstrable and proven commitment to carbon pollution abatement practice. Commit to the absolute retension of all staff. Adhere to, implement and improve the Fair Work Australia act. Prove conclusively that their..(the tenderers) finance arrangements in no way include; Hedge Funds Private Wealth consortiums Soveriegn States International Banking Cartels Individuals with a proven record of ethical and honest corporate behavior would looked upon favourably. There. Just fixed the mining tax for you.


28/06/2011Hi Nasking Good to see you, I hope you are feeling much better after your rest. Sounds like you are back to your energetic self, glad to read your opinions again. [quote]"follow the misogynistic ocker" games...it's time to stop kicking this talented & capable PM in the gut...and give her some support. [/quote] Poor Julia she has a massive job to do, just dealing with the MSM must be big enough. Then we have bad Abbott out there spruiking "Julia Gillard should come to Alice Springs with me and sit down around the fire eating bbqed whitchetty grubs". She should come with me to Indonesia and look at the dead cattle people want to eat. She! as is her name by Mr Abbott, really is trying to Govern the Country. I suppose he will want "she" to go horse riding, spray-paint roller doors, ride quad bikes, lay some bricks, truck driving, bike riding, surfing, running, clean houses, ironing, electric drilling, "she" should do what 'he' says, because 'he' is leading in the polls. They say "she" is poll driven, then they say she is down in the polls, they say she doesnt stand for anything, then they say she has too many things going, they say she is not sad enough, her ear lobes are abnormal, her voice is wrong, she is not married, she hasn't had children, Poor Julia. Cheers :):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Nasking, I got a warm and fuzzy feeling all over when I saw the big bear back again on TPS. :D They're nice, big growls you came out with. However, I fear that you, and the rest of us who haven't drunk the Kool Aid, are screaming and no one is listening anymore. They're too busy listening to Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, David Oldfield, Jason Morrison, Howard Sattler, even darn Madonna King in your home State. Can you believe it? The speakers in every home blaring out the mind-numbing propaganda that we read about in Brave New World are now there, and every damn where else too. Workplaces, taxis, fast food joints, newsagents, in fact everywhere we go now it seems. Pretty damn depressing. No wonder the Organ Grinder's Monkey is leading the Preferred PM polls. :(


28/06/2011Nasking, I was worried about you . . . as I'm sure were many other Swordsfolk. I almost wrote and asked you what was up . . . or going down . . . But sometimes silence is better . . . But anyway there you are in fine growl. And all spot-on too. Lyn, I swear that your posts in your own right get stauncher with every day that passes. The Sword grows with you, and you with it. C'mon all yous others, Adelaide Girl, Sawdust Mick, all you good people, do touch base here often eh, we rejoice when you speak up, we gotta know you'll be there when Election Time comes around, we will be fighting for our very freedom you know. We must be able to invert adverse idiotic opinion, and idiots are tough to teach. It's so damn important! And the scariest thing is, any one drongo's vote is worth just as much as Ad astra's or Barrie Jones's, maybe much more depending on seats! So we need us all. One thing for anyone to ask self: How many non-Swordsfolk have I directed or invited to check out TPS in the last few days?


28/06/2011Thankyou Talk Turkey That's nice of you to say so , thankyou for caring. Cheers :):):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

28/06/2011Nice comment in a Crikey article about Peter Reith: Frank Campbell Posted Tuesday, 28 June 2011 at 2:46 pm | Permalink [quote] According to Reith, Abbott asked him to stand- and rounded up some votes for him. If so, this confirms Abbott’s capacity for gaffy errors of judgement. The Naked Jesuit is busy seducing Labour’s industrial workers, so why let Rottweiler Reith off his chain? Middle Australia can’t stand him either. We know who let the dogs out… Free kick for Gillard.[/quote]

Patricia WA

28/06/2011Talk Turkey, I know how you feel. That PPM poll was a call to arms! I agree with your suggestion that sometimes multiple postings are in order, particularly on a day like today when support for the PM is vital. I think tho' that comments, even if repeats, can be tailored to meet the line running on any given thread. So I slightly amended my "Anyhow........have a win!" pome which seemed to fit Jon Faine's blog referred to by FS and I see it's been published there. [quote]blogs.abc.net.au/.../...age-drive-by-shooting.html[/quote] It occurred to me I might seek out a few other of the MSM sites and try something similar. What do you think?


28/06/2011Patricia, How ironic! The saintly Swordsfolk declare war and evolve into trolls. Julia is going to need a little more help than your mindless crap! That is part of her problem, she speaks enough of it herself. How about you take a cold shower instead!

Ad astra reply

28/06/2011Folks First Nasking, welcome back. I enjoyed reading your comments. Thank you all for your comments today. I've been busy putting together the next piece, which I'll post shortly.

Ad astra reply

28/06/2011Folks I've just posted [i]What Julia Gillard DOES stand for[/i]. http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/post/2011/06/28/What-Julia-Gillard-DOES-stand-for.aspx


28/06/2011jj, It seems you have "Poll" fever again! No election this weekend, Abbott will still be the opposition leader until Reith decides to get payback, for believing his lying lips! Disunity is about to rock the coalition!


28/06/2011Aa, Lord of misrule The Right are in the ascendancy in the Liberal Party at the moment. So long as this remains the case, the Liberal Party will be unelectable. The leader who wrests power from them will lead the Liberal Party to victory over the ALP. http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/2011/06/lord-of-misrule.html


29/06/2011Aa, For your global warming thread Climate sceptics, deniers, contrarians – call them what you like – are engaged in a fight for column inches, radio waves, TV talk-time and community sentiment. In Australia, the issue has turned decidedly unsavoury, with climate scientists revealing inboxes chock-full of hate and Government advisors being slurred as Nazis. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2775298.html

Nike Lebron 8

30/06/2011You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of the colored races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world.
How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?