We’re ‘aving Nan of it

Joannie Taylor (‘Nan’) from the Catherine Tate Show is visiting Australia to spend some time with her grandson, Jamie, who has got a student visa to study at Rooty Hill University. On campus, Jamie has joined the Young Labor Club, and has invited a few of his new chums over to meet Nan. Upon reflection, this was not a good idea.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the character of “Nan”, here’s an excerpt. However, if you’re a wowser, don’t go any further, as it contains very strong language. Oh, and by the way, if you’re a wowser, you shouldn’t be on this blog anyway – so rack off, lol!

Jamie has taken Nan down to the Rooty Hill RSL (‘Revolting Seniors Lounge’) for her to have a go on the pokies. To give Nan a treat wasn’t Jamie’s motive, however. Shortly before this, Nan had, in her own unique way, been taking the mickey out of his Young Labor comrades, and they didn’t know how to take her. So, he walked her down to the RSL to give them a break. The pokies room is packed, so Nan and Jamie wait until two regulars, Alf and Bert, who both have dodgy prostates, get up to spend a penny, and they pinch their seats. Nan and Jamie have momentarily forgotten about the prior tension and are well-ensconced at the adjacent pokie machines.

Nan: You come up to see me, son, didn’t ya? I noticed that!

[Jamie’s disappointment at Nan’s previous behaviour in his flat, however, is still latent below the surface. If the truth be told, he continues to fume at the treatment Nan meted out to his new pals.]

Jamie: Nan, I didn’t come up to see you...You came out to Australia to see me – so behave yourself or it’ll be the shortest trip of your life...And, to be honest, Nan, I wasn’t very impressed by your attitude to my new friends...

Nan: Oh, take a facking chill pill, you! Anyway, the snotty-nosed little gits should go and get a facking job...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[Jamie rolls his eyes to the heavens, but can’t help noticing some of the punters vacating the seats at the nearby pokie machines, obviously aghast at Nan’s bad language. He decides to go up to the bar to order some food. Nan wants bangers n’ mash, or steak n’ kidney pie, or some other English delicacy. Meanwhile, whilst Jamie is at the bar, Nan happily plays the pokies, making her chronic reflux “huuuuup” noises. After a while, Jamie returns, but is bereft of any typical English culinary fare.]

Nan: A pizza!! A facking pizza!! You wanna give me a facking bilious attack, or somefing?

Jamie: But Nan, it’s all they had...have a bite...go on...you’ll really like it...

Nan: Nah, son...I don’t touch that Italian muck – ever since that bint, Nana Mouskouri, pinched me name...What a facking liberty!!!

Jamie: Erm...Nan...I think she was Greek...

Nan: Same difference, son – they all look facking Greek to me...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[At that moment, in walks Tony Abbott, who is meeting a scheduled appointment to address a gathering of the Revolting Peoples Army who normally frequent the Rooty Hill RSL. Wearing his customary budgie smugglers, Tones glances around, failing to hide his obvious disappointment at the paucity of the punters. However, he momentarily gathers his thoughts, mounts the podium, grabs the mic and begins his address.

In his spiel, Tones rabbits on about a few issues, mainly to do with boats and how we are getting duded big time by Malaysia. Nan and Jamie are only half-listening, as Jamie is enjoying his pizza, and Nan is eagerly awaiting the jackpot. However, at about the fiftieth mention of boats, Nan’s attention is finally grabbed. Typical of the Barmy Army, she can’t resist a sledge.]

Nan: Hallo sailor!...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[Tones ignores this preposterous sleight on his masculinity and keeps on speaking to the ever-dwindling number of patrons.]

Jamie: Nan! Stop shouting out – you’ll get us barred and I haven’t finished my pizza yet...

Nan: Oh, he’s such a nice man, isn’t he son...you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s Prime Minister some day...

[Nan talks so loud, even Tones up on the podium can hear her. Chuffed at such high praise, he carries on with his talk and, for once, changes the subject onto something else – unemployment. He says we need to send all the lazy bastards to Woop Woop to pick cactuses and herd wild pigs. At the mention of unemployment, Nan’s ears prick up.]

Nan: Well said, old son!! And while you’re at it, keep me grandson here in mind, cos he ain’t got a job, y’see...

Jamie: Nan!! Why do you keep saying that – I’ve told you a thousand times I’m a student...

Tones: Bravo, madam...I’m glad you agree with me on how despicable these unemployed bludgers are...I’m glad we can rely on the vote of the elderly like your good self...

[If Tones, upon reflection, admitted that uttering phrases such as, “shit happens”, “that’s bullshit”, and “I’m really good at people skills”, wasn’t the smartest thing to do, upon further reflection he was to realise that referring to Nan as ‘elderly’ was as foolhardy as General Custer marching into the Little Big Horn saying, “Injuns? What Injuns?”

Nan is sitting there like a volcano ready to erupt. And Jamie can’t do or say a thing to calm the situation, as he has a gob-full of pizza. Initially, she vents her spleen on Jamie.]

Nan: What a load of old shit!! What a facking liberty!!! Who does this clown think he is, referring to me as old...a has-been...a facking wash-up!!

[Nan then turns her guns on Tones.]

Nan: Hey you!! My late ‘usband used to wear a pair of budgie smugglers like those...

Tones: Did he indeed, madam...Well, he must have been a man of exquisite taste...ho...ho...

Nan: Yeah, but at least my ‘usband’s fitted ‘im...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...And while you’re at it, sunshine...you wouldn’t be a German by any chance?

Tones: No, not at all, madam...

Nan: Nah, I thought not – cos even the facking Germans had the decency to wear their ‘elmets on their ‘eads...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[Tones is getting worried, as the old crone is scaring many of his audience away, and there is virtually no-one left to listen to his message. He tries to smooth Nan’s ruffled feathers.]

Tones: Erm...madam...I couldn’t help noticing that English accent...actually, I spent some time over there doing my studies...

Nan: Yeah, now that you mention it, me old china, I recognise your boat-race now – you’re Elsie Potter’s son from the flat below me...Yeah, I remember you now...you ‘studied’ at the Fulham Road Tech and even that dopey American exchange student, Bart Simpson, got more marks than you...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[At this stage, the RSL has emptied, and Tones decides to cut his losses and shoot through. Nan, looking immensely pleased with herself, gets back to plying the pokie machine with coins. However, the News comes on the idiot box and the barman turns up the volume, to catch up on the day’s events. The headline story is about Julia Gillard’s state visit to the Old Dart. Nan, distracted by the noise, glances up at the telly and, as a Pom, and not knowing Julia Gillard from a bar of soap, lets out another one of her maniacal cackles.]

Nan: Oh, ‘ave a look!! The facking Concord’s landed...what a conk...why, son, it makes the snoz on that girl you brought to see me at the ‘ospital look like a facking pimple...A facking nose like that needs shooting, it does...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Jamie: Nan! Stop! That’s the Australian Prime Minister – you’ve got to be more respectful in public, or you will get deported and it will be your own fault...

PM (on telly): And I would like to offer my support to all those unfortunate British people who continue to suffer under the jackboot of the Cameron Tory regime...

Nan: Oh, and she’s facking Welsh, n’all...It’s bad enough having a nose that big, but being Welsh – its even worse than having double facking pneumonia...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...

[Jamie’s Young Labor sensitivities are outraged by Nan’s deplorable bogan conduct, but, suddenly, a cunning plan hatches in his head.]

Jamie: Nan, I know you’re only out here for a few weeks this time, sooooo...why don’t you come out again, say...in about two and a half years, and I can bring you around all the polling booths in Warringah on the day of the General Election...I reckon that if you can do half as good a job of scaring away the Liberal voters as you did here at the RSL today, then old hairy-chest will lose his deposit...You would be like one of those Trojan Horses...whaddya think?

[Although she would never admit it, Nan would love to have another opportunity to visit Australia. As is her wont, her mood changes quicker than Tones’ weathervane in an election campaign.]

Nan: Son, now didn’t I tell ya that Prime Minister of yours was a lovely girl...now didn’t I, son?...Oh, and that reminds me, son...and talking about facking foreign animals...while you’ve been stuffing your face with pizza, my gastric juices tell me that I could eat a facking horse...And after that, and as I’m feeling lucky, we’ll put a few shekels on the nags...I gotta get the money up for me fare somehow...hehhhhhhhhhhhhh...huuuuuup...

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14/05/2011A read of an Ascerbic Conehead piece is enough to start the day with a chuckle. :) Ad astra, I apologise for the confusion I caused in the last thread when posting Bushfire Bill's comment. NormanK was quite correct that I used "on" instead of "about" and that I'm hopeless at providing links. I do hope Bushfire isn't annoyed with me because I did put a post in Pollbludger to tell him I had copied his comment and put it on Political Sword. These types of errors bring it home to me that I'm fast entering into my dotage. :)


14/05/2011Hi Acerbic Conehead You have delighted us all again, thankyou so much for caring. What a lovely way to start a Saturday with laughter. Your work helps so much to make TPS the best blog in Town. Cheers:):):):):)


14/05/2011 [b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Tony Abbott – A cancerous growth on Australia’s body politicm, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia[/i] I have to hand it to Tony Abbott, when he decides to get down into the gutter he doesn’t sit on the curb — and his Address in Reply was an illustration of that. http://www.independentaustralia.net/2011/politics/tony-abbott-a-cancerous-growth-on-australias-body-politic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tony-abbott-a-cancerous-growth-on-australias-body-politic [i]Ditch the budget reply — it’s a waste of time, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] if you hadn’t guessed, Hockey let his mouth run away with him when he talked about an “even earlier” return to surplus. It’s not the first time that’s happened, and it won’t be the last. http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/05/13/keane-ditch-the-budget-reply-its-a-waste-of-time/ [i]Budget clears decks for carbon tax, John Quiggin[/i] The government managed expectations well in the leadup to the Budget, warning of deep cuts, but in the end not taking too many risks. http://johnquiggin.com/2011/05/13/budget-clears-decks-for-carbon-tax/#more-9784 [i]Destabilising the elected government , Gary Sauer Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] slogans, soundbites and one-liners strung together. What matters is in the war of attrition is to destabilize the Gillard Government. http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/opinion/2011/05/destabilising-t.php [i]"Don't you worry about that!" - Abbott on his #Fudget, Standpoint[/i] We’ll have a standing Green Army, 15 000 strong. ok, how are we going to afford a standing,environmental army of 15 000 people?“Don’t you worry about that!” http://standpointau.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/%E2%80%9Cdon%E2%80%99t-you-worry-about-that%E2%80%9D-abbott-on-his-fudget/ [i]The Australian's media coverage: seriously, why bother, Spong-ist[/i] The right-leaning Australian has in the past become sidetracked by its own partisan political obsessions and petty vendettas, to (I believe) the detriment of its readership – as http://spongeist.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/the-australians-media-coverage-seriously-why-bother/ [i]Why can't we keep calling elections until the Liberals win? Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] anything but a new election completely unacceptable: if we don’t have an election now, then the Liberals can’t govern for at least another two years. http://anonymouslefty.wordpress.com/ [i]Cut and Paste Trophy 13-17 May 2011, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] News Ltd’s logic and ask media organisations to take responsibility for the more offensive material they publish on behalf of readers, or the decision to publish work by certain writers http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2011/05/13/cut-paste-trophy-13-17-may-2011/#more-10129 [i]It's A Budget Reply, Tony, Not A Campaign Launch, New Matilda[/i] Abbott drew attention to the Coalition’s "proven record of careful management of public finances" (thanks a bunch, Peter Costello), but didn’t provide any clear indications as to how http://newmatilda.com/2011/05/13/abbott-remembers-families-forgets-taxes [i]Lower house backs Labor govt’s carbon tax, David Twomey, Eco News[/i] The bid by the Labor-led government of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard to introduce a carbon tax has been boosted with the lower house of parliament backing the idea of a carbon price. http://econews.com.au/news-to-sustain-our-world/lower-house-backs-labor-govts-carbon-tax/ [i]Why Tony Abbot is not Prime Minister, Nemesis, Crusader Rabbit[/i] the fact remains and will remain, that he has alienated a lot of voters by what he did against One Nation, and that is why he is not prime minister today! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/?p=6213 [i]Scrap the NBN , Says Abbott,and build some roads, Renai LeMay, Delimeter[/i] The HFC cable networks of Telstra and Optus do run past a large number of premises in major cities like Sydney and Melbourne; however many residents and businesses are unable to get the service connected in practice, due to specific http://delimiter.com.au/2011/05/12/scrap-the-nbn-says-abbott-and-build-some-roads/#more-15428 [i]Bully Boy Tactics At The Oz, Peter Botsman, New Matilda[/i] News Limited likes, above all, to be seen as a king maker and power broker. It does not want to report the news — it wants to make the news. http://newmatilda.com/2011/05/13/bully-boy-tactics-oz [i]One.Tel judgment a win for the rich kids, Paul Barry, Crikey[/i] the dynamic duo — who lost almost $1 billion of Packer and Murdoch money between them in Jodee Rich’s mobile phone company — have to get back onto the witness stand http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/05/13/one-tel-judgment-a-win-for-the-rich-kids/ [i]Will the budget slow the growth of disability support pension numbers, Peter Whiteford, Inside Story[/i] To judge the success or otherwise of the budget, we need to take account of age and gender-specific rates of DSP receipt, and we also need to look at the total rate of welfare receipt. http://inside.org.au/growth-of-disability-support-pension-numbers/ [i]Use and abuse of FOI, Johnathan Holmes, The Drum[/i] "The way in which the modern media works is such that it is a constant recycling game of 'gotcha', and anything that comes out which looks as though it might be embarrassing or a source of difficulty is immediately seized on." http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/13/3215681.htm [b]Newspapers[/b] [i]You're a progressive until you write for The Oz, then you can just progress the hell out , Cut & Pate, The Australian[/i] The irony of using the paper of reaction to attack the Left is lost on Dyrenfurth. He is Murdoch's Uncle Tom, part of what he calls the "sane" Left, the carrion comfort of capital. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/youre-a-progressive-until-you-write-for-the-oz-then-you-can-just-progress-the-hell-out/story-fn72xczz-1226055599747 [i]Bugger the budget, Abbott talks about integrity instead, Peter Hartcher, National Times[/i] TONY ABBOTT last night seemed to have picked up the wrong text on his way out of his office to give his budget-in-reply speech. Instead of giving a budget speech, he gave an election speech http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/bugger-the-budget-abbott-talks-about-integrity-instead-20110512-1ekt1.html [i]Noel Pearson flays Steve Fielding's retreat on wild rivers laws , Lauren Wilson, The Australian[/i] IN one of his final acts in parliament, Family First senator Steve Fielding has sounded the death knell for Tony Abbott's bid to wind back Queensland's controversial Wild Rivers laws http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/aboriginal-australia/pearson-flays-fieldings-retreat-on-rivers/story-e6frgd9f-1226054960728 [b]Reading[/b] [i]Comments Are Dead. We Need You to Help Reinvent Them, Phillip Smith, Idea Lab[/i] It takes a lot of work to build a successful online community, and the outcome is not guaranteed to work in their favor.,publishers — realizing the conversation was increasingly happening elsewhere — have improved or re-tooled their commenting systems in the hope of keeping the discussion on their sites. http://www.pbs.org/idealab/2011/05/comments-are-dead-we-need-you-to-help-reinvent-them131.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+pbs%2Fidealab-feed+%28idealab-feed%29

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011janice No, Bushfire Bill is not upset; he was quite happy that you had copied his comment onto TPS, as I was also. What he writes is always worth reading. He was just curious about the 'Hockeynomics' reference. Anyway NormanK found it on PB and left the link. And you show no signs of being 'in your dotage'. We all enjoy your always-sensible comments.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


14/05/2011Ad astra, Thank you - I am most relieved. The "Hockeynomics" is just a word that comes into my mind whenever I see or hear the man waffling on about something he appears not to understand.


14/05/2011Good Morning Ad I hope I didn't put the links up too early this morning,I didn't mean to commandeer all the space. Ad there is some fantastic content in today's links, the bloggers have excelled, as always. Bushfire Bill has made me miss him too, very much, I adore his writing it's a pleasure to behold. The comment on Poll Blugger that Janice so kindly posted for us was excellent. Is there a chance Bushfire Bill will come back and write for us, pretty please? Did you notice Abbott's rhetoric has changed a little yesterday. He was emphasising an election should be called on the Carbon tax. We all know that is just a "great big" excuse, he wants to be Prime Minister for no other reason than self gain. Have a nice day Ad, I hope you can have a little rest. Cheers :):):):)


14/05/2011Hi Janice No as Ad says, you are definately not showing any signs of dotage, what with your wonderful writing. I love seeing Paddy on our page, and your comments are always measured and well thought out, I love them. Cheers :):):):):):)


14/05/2011[quote]Lousy budget? Don't be fooled by harsh critics Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/lousy-budget-dont-be-fooled-by-harsh-critics-20110513-1elxo.html#ixzz1MHAguC00[/quote] Wow, I did it, by George I did it :) Ross Gittens giving an easily understood perspective on the budget. Pity this sort of article gets buried in the bash Labor media isn't it?


14/05/2011Hi Janice You are away, there is no stopping you now. Good on you, see we can do anything, only what we want to that means.


14/05/2011Good morning Lyn, It must be going to turn out a good day for me today :) Can't help but feel chuffed at my small achievement after all the frustration suffered trying to master the 'link' thing. The other 'good' thing that happened is that I have succeeded in off-loading 7 female guinea pigs I got landed with 12 months ago. We're back in drought again in this little neck of the woods so feeding the little animals has become rather expensive.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011FS I'm posting this here also, as well as on the last piece, as there is much important material to which you have linked us, and I see janice has also successfully posted the Gittins link. Ross Gittins’ article is excellent as it not only puts paid to the demeaning of the Budget by Alan Kohler and Robert Gottliebsen, but also gives us a nice lesson in economics and the terminology it uses. He is a straight shooter, unlike Kohler and Gottliebsen, who are weathervanes and I suspect Coalition supporters. Your question about why so far they have not said anything about Tony Abbott’s non-attempt to speak any sense about the Budget, is germane. We see here another example of how supposedly expert economics correspondents/editors disagree so ferociously with each other. It’s not surprising the voters find it hard to determine whom to believe. Can you or anyone explain Ross Gittin’s last sentence in his final paragraph: [i]”It's true that, should China fall in a hole, our return to budget surplus would be greatly delayed. But can you spot the weakness in that argument? If our boom evaporated, the need to get back to surplus ASAP would also evaporate.[/i]” The Gittins article is here: http://www.smh.com.au/business/lousy-budget-dont-be-fooled-by-harsh-critics-20110513-1elxo.html#ixzz1MH9D7KJI The Tim Colebatch article exposes the sham rage that the Coalition has evoked over the $150,000 salary level, which Tony Abbott insists is not rich. Anyone who was inclined to accept Abbott at his word should read that article. They will find themselves disabused of the furphy that the Coalition is wildly spreading. But if one can believe the Galaxy poll out this morning, its disingenuous campaign has been effective. The Colebatch article is here: http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/tax-benefit-anger-wasted-on-those-earning-150000-20110513-1emg2.html The Galaxy poll results are here: http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/galaxy-poll-shows-scant-support-for-the-gillard-governments-tough-love-budget/story-e6freooo-1226055631210 The article by Lenore Taylor exposes the nasty ratbaggery of Barnaby Joyce in trying to stir trouble for Rob Oakeshott in Oakeshott’s own electorate. Joyce has a motor mouth that emits nonsense on cue, but he thinks he’s a comic. Instead he is simply comical. Lenore Taylor’s article is here: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/joyce-baits-oakeshott-in-rally-on-carbon-tax-20110513-1embf.html

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011Hi Lyn No, you were not too early with your links. I was up and about. I've been in contact with Bushfire Bill and hope that he will be able to return to writing for TPS when the project on which he is working, which is taking a lot of his time, allows him.


14/05/2011Ad Astra, Alan Kohler and Robert Gottliebsen Coalition sympathizers! Give us a break. You quote Kohler when he says something nice about the NBN, and then slap him down and lable him as being biased towards one side of politics just because he criticizes the government for going soft. These two economists are not the only economists criticizing the government for not going tough enough; here are a few other names that you may want to check up on: - Chris Richardson (access Economics) - Saul Eslake (Grattan Institute) - Stephen Walters (JPMorgan) - Craig James (CommSec) Each of these economists in today's Financial Review have put forward areas where they believe cuts need to be made, and have accused the Treasurer of, not in any way, living up to his tough budget rhetoric. Oh, another two polls out today: Morgan- worst result for Labor since 1997 Galaxy poll- not many seem to like the Governments budget


14/05/2011AC As with all your satire, I never know what the punchline will be. You have made me laugh again with this piece. Well done. On the Budget Reply, that should be NON Budget Reply, if I had been a swinging voter who watched the Budget on Tuesday night, then tuned into the "show" on Thursday night to make a judgement on the response, I would have felt cheated by what was dished up by the leader of the opposition. At least with the Government I knew where taxpayers money was going to be spent, whether I agreed with it or not. In the NON-reply there was no indication of where the hard earned taxpayer dollars were going to go, or what a Coalition government would do for me if they were elected. Well done Janice on your new achievement, may you continue to master this technological stuff. I had learnt how to link, but at the moment the knowledge has gone into the dark recesses of my mind where I can't find it, which is very frustrating even though I don't need to use it at the moment. Lyn, I have linked to most of your articles again today which I hope to read, and if I can't read them today, I'll bookmark to read tomorrow or another day. Thank you for all your wonderful hard work, I don't know how you managed it day after day.


14/05/2011I have been around for a long time, and yet I have never had a phonepoll from the likes of Morgan,Galaxy,Newspoll eta, are they an accurate and reliable source for this type of information, or do they choose certain areas??????? you got to wonder.


14/05/2011Ad astra Gittens is referring to the fact that if the boom went bust there would be considerably less pressure on inflationary factors (and therefore interest rates), skilled workers would return to the 'normal' workforce, the two-speed economy would revert to one-speed and most of the economic reasons given for rushing back to surplus would evaporate. I believe he is indicating a return to 'normality' where other, smaller sections of the economy could be addressed in a much cooler, as opposed to over-heated, economic environment. Things like infrastructure building in non-mining districts could return to normal levels without risk of stripping skilled workers, machinery, transport and raw materials out of the mining areas which might otherwise result in holding back the boom. He is trying to point out that while it might appear that all of our recent good fortune is dependent on China as the Coalition would have us believe but so too is fiscal policy a reflection of our terms of trade with China and the subsequent pressure on resources including workers, machinery and capital. Imagine if Central Queensland no longer had to accommodate its current rapid expansion - South East Queensland and North Queensland would be repaired much more quickly because the contracting companies would be desperately seeking fresh jobs for their workforce and federal, state and local government capital would be redirected into these areas without risking a wages blow-out or a 'crowding out' of the private sector by the public. By gee, reCAPTCHA is being particularly obtuse at the moment.


14/05/2011Acerbic Conehead Thanks for a farking good laugh. I'm not a particularly big fan of Catherine Tait but Nan is a great character. I was disappointed that we didn't see an NBN this time around - it is one of your signature items. I'll have to make do with No Bullsh*t Nan. Keep up the great work.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011Hi Lyn I’ve just finished browsing your links this morning and will go back later to read the longer ones again. What a marvellous collection. We are full of admiration for you, and astonishment that you can dig them out of the vast array of MSM outlets and blog sites so early in the day. You give us a rich source of information every day. Tony Abbott has now established himself in the eyes of the commentariat as a weathervane, so he will swing to follow whatever direction the political wind is blowing. He will change every day if he thinks there’s a vote in it, and many in the MSM will applaud him for being politically smart. Thank you for your good wishes. I hope today will be a better day weather-wise than all this week, when gale force south westerly winds and squalls with pelting rain have been coming up the inlet, day and night, and the temperature has not got above about 15 degrees C. The sun is shining now, but another squall could come any time. Fortunately, the promise is for sunny dry weather next week when we take a few days’ break in the King Valley to enjoy the autumn leaves, if they haven’t already been blown off the trees. I hope you have a nice day in your warm part of Queensland.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011NormanK Thank you for your erudite explanation of the meaning of Gittins' last sentence. I now understand what he meant. You are obviously well versed in economics, in all likelihood better than some of our so-called economics correspondents.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011Crowey I can't answer your question, but I'm sure Possum could. I wonder whether the exclusive use of landlines for phone polling excludes the large number of younger voters who use mobiles exclusively, thereby distorting the sample.


14/05/2011Why Hasn't George Pell informed Abbott that "God" is a warmist? VATICAN CITY (AP) — A Vatican-appointed panel of scientists has reported what climate change experts have been warning for years: the Earth is getting warmer, glaciers are melting, and urgent measures are necessary to stem the damage http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5g10NglmvY5S--196nMSfug79L3BQ?docId=e80362e575554118aa3fabbc3f725c8e


14/05/2011Hi Ad This is a fantastic piece by Andrew Catsaras Here we go again. , Andrew Catsaras [quote]Tony Abbott had two opportunities to win government in 2010: first, at the August election - yet he was unable to form a majority government; and second, in the post election negotiations - yet he was unable to form a minority government. On both occasions he failed. Now he is suggesting he will do everything he can to force a third contest well before it is due. The Australian political system is not a plaything for those who were unable to win at their first two attempts, when the contests were real and legitimate, to be manipulated into a premature third contest by those who cannot accept that they lost.[/quote] http://andrewcatsaras.blogspot.com/2011/05/here-we-go-again.html

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011I picked up late on the sad news that [b]Joe Bageant[/b] has died. Joe, author of [b]Deer Hunting with Jesus - Dispatches from America's Class War[/b] was a great writer. Interestingly his last book [b]Rainbow Pie - A Redneck Memoir[/b] [i]'... was published first in Australia, where I have with my very eyes seen real customers in bookstores, there to purchase a book, not a talking greeting-card or a Shakespeare coffee mug to prove they have been inside a bookstore.[/i] Here are the opening lines of the introduction to [b]Rainbow Pie[/b]: [i]The United States has always maintained a white underclass — [b]citizens whose role in the greater scheme of things has been to cushion national economic shocks through the disposability of their labor, with occasional time off to serve as bullet magnets in defense of the Empire.[/b] Until the post-World War II era, the existence of such an underclass was widely acknowledged. During the Civil War, for instance, many northern abolitionists also called for the liberation of “four million miserable white southerners held in bondage by the wealthy planter class”.[/i] (my emphasis added) He was a trenchant critic of the rich and powerful and the politicians that 'conned' Americas poor. Steve Austin of the Australian Broadcasting Company called him [i]"The Woody Guthrie of the typewriter"[/i] for he championed the cause of the "redneck", a social group he saw as being one of the most marginalized and disenfranchised in America. When you have a few spare moments you can catch up with his brilliant writings and some heartfelt memories from people that knew him at his website - http://www.joebageant.com/ It is well worth the journey when you follow the link.


14/05/2011Janice said "I have succeeded in off-loading 7 female guinea pigs I got landed with 12 months ago." Ohhh look Folks, You just gotta read 'Pigs Is Pigs' by Ellis Parker Butler ! 1905 ! Such a hoot! I read this story when I was a kid, Dad who was an English teacher, (no, a teacher of English) loved it too, and quoted the title sometimes for no apparent reason. When are pigs not pigs? Project Gutenberg, BRILLLLLIANT !!!!! http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2004 Best Sat'dy wishes to everyone. You'd think wouldn't you, with all those things to complain about Labor about, the curve on sameoldjj's gravatar's mouth would turn up . . . but no . . . sameold sameold:) If that colon/bracket above doesn't become a Smiley thing would someone explain again please?


14/05/2011OOH IT DID!


14/05/2011TalkTurkey HAPPY!:)

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011I'm just going to copy and paste a few of my responses from the last blog because I have been dwelling there this morning waiting for everyone else to turn up, when in fact the party had moved to AcerbicC.,'s place. :) Ad Astra, That Galaxy Poll concentrated heavily on the negatives and didn't make very much at all of this statistic: For the majority 56 per cent of voters their opinion remained unchanged. Ad Astra, The Coalition's campaigns ARE effective. However, as Barrie Cassidy rightly points out, that does not, ipso facto, make them a viable and credible alternative government. Ad Astra, In answer to your question, I think Ross Gittins is deferring to the need for another 'Debt-Fuelled', to use the emotionally-charged rhetoric of the naysayers, Stimulus Package, or some other sort of Keynesian remedy for the economy, should China discombobulate. It's canvassing a scenario most reasonable observers of the Chinese economy don't think is going to happen within the next few years at least, but, in lieu of any other line of attack, the Coalition and their supporters and enablers in the media are throwing out the 'Made in China' meme to explain Labor's fiscal strength. Therefore, reasonable analysts like Ross Gittins see it as their role to test these assertions and propose actions that would result as a consequence, and then give their opinion on it. John Connor from The Climate Institute brings the smart politics to the Climate Change debate. Barnaby Joyce brings the snapping turtle, himself: www.smh.com.au/.../...rbon-tax-20110513-1embf.html Janice, Wow! You must be a Dairy Farmer to be up and about at 5.46am on a bitterly cold Saturday morning. Did you see the illustration to the Ross Gittins article? :) Aha! Tony Abbott has been caught out in a lie with his plaint about, "I don't think that a Policeman with his wife who is a Nurse, on a total income of $150,000/year are rich." Here's the proof: www.smh.com.au/.../...g-150000-20110513-1emg2.html Finally, AcerbicC., I believe Catherine Tate is being interviewed by Tony martin tonight on ABC1, coincidentally.

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011Talk Turkey, 'the new jj' same as the old jj. :)

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011DMW, Sorry to hear about Joe bageant. I was always going to read one of his books. Instead I end up reading similarly-flavoured articles instead. Sigh. Might I just add, I hope Al Franken's health remains rude and good for many a year to come, now that Joe is no longer with us.


14/05/2011FS,Can't access page, Abbott caught out lying, message comes up saying, sorry your page was not found.

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011Crowey, you said at 10:47 AM [i]... and yet I have never had a phonepoll from the likes of Morgan,Galaxy,Newspoll[/i] If you think about the numbers involved with phone polls having a sample size of 1,000 or so for the whole country your chances of being 'selected' are pretty slim. Add to that you need to be at home when they ring. If you have an answering macine and it beats you to answering the call the pollster will hang up as they don't 'talk to' answering macines. Morgans face to face polls are usually conducted on a Saturday so you need to be home when they knock on your door. I have been home once when Morgan came to the door and I have had two (maybe three) phone polls done on me in the last ten years. As to accuracy well with all sorts of caveats and asterisks 'reasonably so'. It is generally accepted in that for a pollster to be 95% confident that the poll is accurate they would need to poll 1% of the target market which is, I suspect, why the likes of Possum average the results across a number of polls.

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011macine? and I did it twice :( I guess you knew I meant machine :)

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011FS Apologies, I should have emailed you of the changeover to AC’s piece. Thank you too for your explanation of Ross Gittins’ last paragraph. I see thenewjj is back. I just wish he would read the comments with which he argues before having a go at us. His reply reinforces my view that Alan Kohler and Robert Gottliebsen are weathervanes – Kohler wrote nice things on one occasion about the NBN, now he writes un-nice things about the Budget. It seems to me that what he writes varies with the political wind or perhaps with what the clique in which he operates is saying at the time. I watch Kohler on the ABC news and often wonder how he can hold such a variety of opinions, which seem to vary from day to day. So that’s why I regard him as a weathervane. I don’t know what way he leans politically, but I suspect it is towards the Coalition, as I said in my comment. thenewjj quotes economists that he believes regard the Budget as not tough enough. Some wanted more paring of ‘middle class welfare’; others just wanted it to be tougher in an unspecified way, especially after Wayne Swan painting it as a tough Budget. So when one economist talks of ‘tough’ it does not necessarily mean the same as another’s ‘tough’. We know for example that Brian Toohey has had a bee in his bonnet for ages about welfare and would only regard as ‘tough’ a budget that slashed and burned there. Even the economists that thenewjj quotes, while wishing for more ‘toughness’, have not bagged the Budget as has Alan Kohler and Robert Gottliebsen. In fact several have classed it as a well-crafted Budget in line with the current political exigencies. If thenewjj wants to add to his list of ‘baggers’ try Christopher Pearson, Dennis Shanahan, Andrew Bolt and Piers Akerman. There are probably many more anti-Labor people that he could add, but I hope he doesn’t push them up our noses, as if that proves anything. In my comment I said “[i] We see here another example of how supposedly expert economics correspondents/editors disagree so ferociously with each other. It’s not surprising the voters find it hard to determine whom to believe.[/i]” Perhaps thenewjj missed that. As Stephen Long is fond of saying: ‘economists make astrologers look respectable’. Another saying is ‘put ten economists in a room and you will get eleven opinions’. I have often questioned the usefulness of economists to us as ordinary citizens. They may be useful to the organizations that employ them, but when they enter the public arena and hazard a guess at interest rate movements, or employment figures, or consumer confidence, or any other economic parameter, or what the Budget should or should not have done, they almost invariably disagree with one another and all too often get it wrong. The only time they all agreed was on an interest rate movement, yet they were ALL wrong. So those of us interested in seeking an informed opinion seek out the most reliable, the ones with the best track record. For my part, I respect the views of George Megalogenis, Peter Martin, Laura Tingle and Ross Gittins. I don’t always find their views consistent with my viewpoint, but I do regard them as worthy of serious consideration. I hope that explains my position to thenewjj, which I thought my original comment made plain. thenewjj is fond of reminding us of the current poll figures, which we know are awful for Labor. If the election was imminent they would be very worried, but, barring unforeseen circumstances, it is not, despite all the clamoring for it by Tony Abbott, and the enthusiastic applause he is getting from News Limited for ‘setting the agenda’, ‘for defying Labor’s agenda, for evoking a ‘grim-faced Labor front bench’. There are dire predictions that Labor is ‘gone’ or for the more cautious ‘almost gone’, and unable to recover. I expect the same people were saying the same about John Howard in his first term. We need to understand what Lindsay Tanner says in [i]Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy[/i] that the media is into entertainment even when the subject is politics. So it matters little to them if in the fullness of time their predictions are proved wrong. They have but marginal interest in getting it right if this gets in the road of a good story. So they can write an entertaining story now about Labor’s ‘plight’, then when it recovers and wins the next election they have another entertaining and dramatic story of a ‘miracle recovery’ or another ‘Lazarus’. So I refuse to get exercised about polls right now. I wish they were the other way round, but they are not. Let’s not deny thenewjj the pleasure they give him, but he ought to realize that coming here and throwing them in our face is pointless. We are beyond that.

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011Crowey, It's the Tim Colebatch article AA linked to earlier. Here it is again if that link doesn't work either(I just checked it): http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/tax-benefit-anger-wasted-on-those-earning-150000-20110513-1emg2.html Essentially the lie that Abbott is peddling is wrt[b] a combined income[/b] of $150,000/year, as contrasted with a $150,000/year income for the [b]primary earner[/b], which is the truth.

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011I love this comment on Gary Sauer-Thompson's blog: [quote]The sole point of everything the muscular Coalition does is to force an early election.So we have preening displays of masculinity from the rightwing Australia tough guys anxious to display their manly powers of virility in attacking the feminine Gillard for being weak. Posted by: Nan[/quote]

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011Actually, I thought the Labor Party's front bench looked bored during Tony Abbott's latest campaign speech, er, Budget-In-Reply. But I would say that, wouldn't I? (just getting in before the sameoldjj). :) Ad Astra, if you haven't already, check out the Moir cartoon at the top of Gary Sauer-Thompson's blog. It makes the same point about Hockey and Abbott that you did.


14/05/2011Ad astra Your kind words are encouraging although perhaps misplaced, my understanding of economics in simple terms comes from following your advice as outlined above. Only take note of those commentators who have a decent track record while still keeping an open mind. Along with the partisan barrow-pushers and conflicting schools of thought there are also the 'nervous nellies' who will rank among some of those calling for greater cuts in this budget. For them, it is not enough that conservative modelling predicts a modest surplus in 2012/13, they wanted to see it in black and white, in figures of such a size that no amount of reasonably predictable (but improbable) downturn could jeopardise the surplus. I'm willing to bet that Swan has a number of areas where he can cut/defer projects and initiatives to compensate for around $5-6 billion of bad news in the coming financial year e.g. another bad summer of storms or a slowing in the terms of trade. He may have gambled on taking a smaller political hit this year compared to a larger one next year in order to maintain policy initiatives that the government felt were important. If the modelling is accurate, they will have done a good thing, as the more objective commentators have suggested, by sticking to their agenda. If the modelling is conservative and the figures end up slightly better than expected then he has won some political gain. I'm going with Ross Gittins - 'Gillard has guts'. This article from him more or less explains where I got the information for my earlier post. http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/deep-cuts-may-inoculate-against-future-pain-20110510-1ehkm.html


14/05/2011FS I reckon there was a deliberate strategy of the Labor front bench to look bored - for quite a while Gillard did not even make eye-contact with Abbott. Far more telling for me was Turnbull's demeanour - boredom, distaste and the odd wry smile. Keep an eye out for him if any footage comes on screen - a picture is worth a thousand words. Jason Well done on the Vatican find. It hasn't exactly landed in the mainstream with a splash though has it?

Acerbic Conehead 2

14/05/2011Canberra’s shonkiest hotel is, against all odds, still operating, under the flaky proprietorship of Tony “Basil Fawlty” Abbott. Before the restaurant opened for business last night, Basil laced on the lycra and went for his daily spin on his bike. However, he was pre-occupied with some staffing issues – Polly refused to come in when she was told by Basil she would be covered thenceforth by a resurrected WorkChoices, and Manuel had been replaced by a 457 Visa person who hadn’t turned up yet. Consequently, Basil forgot to do the buckle up properly on his helmet, and was haring along the nature strip. He went face-first into a ditch that some NBN (“Nobble our Beautiful Naturestrips”) clown had dug. Basil staggered back to Fawlty Towers and got Sybil to put a bandage on his noggin, as he couldn’t take the night off with Polly and Manuel not around. The first regular customers into the dining-room are the Battlers, with their son, Brat. Mr Battler: Ah, good evening, Mr Fawlty...I’m sorry to see you’ve hurt your head...or is that one of Abu Bakar Bashir’s cast-off caps you’re wearing...ho...ho... [Basil is singularly unimpressed by being associated with such a rat-bag, so pretends he can’t remember Mr Battler’s name] Basil: Oh, how very droll...Mr...Mr...Mr...hmmmm...your name seems to have completely slipped my mind for the moment – would that make you one of the Forgotten Families of Australia...heh...heh... Mr Battler: Touche, Mr Fawlty...but, speaking of the recent Budget, an expert like you would be very much up to speed with its effects on families and their eating habits...You see, I’m earning less than $150,000 a year, but when Mrs Battler’s income is added, we go over $150,000...So, we’re not sure if, after the Budget, we lose our Family Tax Benefit B for our little Brat here...What do you think, Mr Fawlty? [Basil hates economics. In fact, the only thing about the subject that interests him is being economical with the truth. He stares at Mr Battler and his head starts to nod bizarrely. After about 82 seconds, Basil is awoken from his comatose limbo-like state by Sybil, who, sticking her head around the dining-room door, yells at him to lift his game and get ready for more diners who have booked tables] Basil (blurting): Erm...yes...we’ve stopped the boats y’know...no more gravy boats in this establishment, I’ll have you know...no fear...we serve our gravy in recycled milk-cartons now...Real Action is what we believe in now... [Mr and Mrs Battler look at each other incredulously. Their son makes circular motion with his index finger, adjacent to his temple. They can’t make any logical connection between their query about the implications of the recent Budget and gravy boats. Mrs Battler attempts to break the ice by discussing the menu drawn up by Sybil] Mrs Battler: Erm...Mr Fawlty...I notice an innovation in your menu since the last time we dined here – for each dish, you seem to have a budget price alongside the full price...So, since we are unsure if we will lose our Family Tax Benefit B, we better order the budget choice, just to be on the safe side...Therefore, I’ll have the budget filet mignon please... [again, the mention of the word ‘budget’ makes Basil enter even deeper into gaga-land] Basil (ranting): Bloody Budget menus!!! You people have got too much choice...and just look what you do when you are given one of Sybil’s stupid menus – you choose either a Gillard goolash...or a bloody Bob Brown beef curry...or a Penny Wong chop flamin’ suey...Whatever happened to Guided Democracy, I ask you...STOP THE CHOICES!!! [the Battlers are now convinced that Basil has truly flipped his lid. They daren’t mention the budget menus again, and instead go for the full-price offerings, ready to risk a big bill later on at Sybil’s cask-desk. After the meals are cooked and delivered by Basil, the Battlers start to wolf them down, risking chronic indigestion. Shortly, even though they have not finished their meals, they flee to the front desk, leaving Basil to cart their still-half-filled plates to the kitchen. There, Basil, in line with his STOP THE WASTE!!! policy, proceeds to gobble down the left-overs. However, his feeding-frenzy is suddenly interrupted by Sybil screeching down the intercom] Sybil: Basil!!! Basil!!! Are you there? I’ve got the Battlers here at the front desk and they’re complaining that you were rude to them and wouldn’t let them choose from the budget menu that I painstakingly designed for people such as them... [Basil can hear, in the background, the Battlers’ unrelenting whinges and Sybil trying to placate them with her trademark, “I know, I know...”] Sybil: Basil!!! I’m not going to charge the Battlers anything for their meal this evening...and if you think that Labor’s Carbon Tax is going to clean out people’s wallets, then I’m going to clean out yours to make up for this debacle... Basil: But...but...but...Sybil, whatever you do, don’t mention the Budget...I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it! Sybil: Basil...I’m ringing Polly and Manuel right this minute to see if they’ll come back...And if they do, you are going to make it up to them... Basil: No worries, Sybil, that’ll be easy – you know how expert I am in the Peoples Skills department...heh...heh... Sybil: Erm...on second thoughts, Basil...that Round the World cycling marathon you said you would love to enter...just go ahead and sign up...And, as you “don’t do budgets”, I’ll be very happy to do up a one-way version for you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xnNhzgcWTk


14/05/2011 FS, [quote]Wow! You must be a Dairy Farmer[/quote] I used to be a dairyfarmer - seems like an age ago now. However, I've been rising and shining at piccaninny dawn all my life but I fade early at the end of the day. BTW George Megalogenis has written a good article about the budget. Good read if you haven't come across it yet. I'd provide the link :) but I'm in a hurry to get my chores done before the animals begin to think their throat is cut.


14/05/2011Hi Ad, I was racking my brain trying to work out when the Cost Of Living was such a big burden to households and suddenly the light went on. Going back a few decades is started in 1972 and continued till 1975. For no apparent reason it suddenly stopped and we had no problems up until 1983 when is suddenly started again and continued till 1996. Then as suddenly as it began it stopped and we were free of Cost of Living pressures till 2007 when again for no apparent reason Cost of Living pressures raised it’s ugly head again. I would appreciate if one of our learned contributors could throw some light on this mystery. Perhaps the newjj might have clue I know I’m stumped.


14/05/2011Open Personal Note to Bushfire Bill: As a frequent but relatively recent visitor to PB and TPS (and contributor, now, to the latter) I know that you were one of the very first on this blogsite, and a favourite of Ad astra Himself. Let me say that there is no-one whose posts on PB are more calculated to attract me immediately (via Lyn's Links of course!)to Bilbo's ring, oops double pun, than your own, BB. Grog is great and Bilbo is bonzer, but you BB are a scallywag, more power to you say I, you are fun and you do poignant stuff. And So Say All Of Us - all I think are worth knowing anyway. A digression: In the movie "Lawrence of Arabia" with Peter O'Toole, the pale English Colonel Lawrence needs the Arab chieftain, Abu Auda from memory, to take sides with him, to call together the various ever-warring Arab tribes, and ride with them across the desert to attack the Turkish enemy occupying Damascus by surprise from behind. Auda, proud and ignorant of anything beyond Arab desert culture, yet shrewd, fearless, and honoured of all - who boasts "I am a river to my people!" - is not convinced that he should help the English: basically he demands, "What's in it for me? - Why should I help you?" Lawrence, in a pivotal moment in the story, says wtte: "Abu Auda will not go because he hopes for booty. "Abu Auda will not go because I challenge him. - (Actually I don't exactly know what the above "Won't go because's" are, but I do know the last one, the kicker) - - "Abu Auda will go because - it PLEASES him!" Auda knows he has been trumped: He says of Lawrence wtte "You are the son of the Devil", which is the greatest honour he can bestow. Together they ride for days across the great desert to Damascus, where their wild little band pretty well cleans up the Turks. (Days later the British renege on Lawrence's promises to Auda and sell out the Arabs . . . Eh bien, plus ca change n'est-ce pas. . ! . .) Anyway see I reckon TPS is still your natural #1 forum, where your weighty and considered posts are archived and forever treasured, and responded to in the sort of depth they merit . . . Where Lyn and Aa and FS and all of us keep a hopeful special Welcome Back seat for you . . . We all wish PB the very best, yes we do, and probably nearly all of us go there all the time too, but we reckon because of the history and the nature of the stuff you get up to and write, you belong to Us at TPS just the same. In the nicest, but that's-the-way-it-is, way. [But of course, you guide your own space-craft anyway, so to speak . . .] BB I KNOW that this will find you, How? Why, I KNOW that SOME-one will tell you, that's how you'll find out! How do I know? Precisely because, this IS TPS! It's like a corollary, put it here, IT WILL BE READ! Considered! Evaluated! Responded to! (BTW I love your initials BB, they are the real initials of someone very close to me. TT.) Now, where that Lawrence of Arabia story kicks in, is this: It's like with Abu Auda: you won't post more often on TPS because we ask you; you won't post more often on TPS because you need us; You will write for TPS because you know we love what you do and you know we want you here first. And that MUST please you! And here's what we call a POME for you BB, just for you. Where else but PBS you gonna get that eh? BUSHFIRE BILL Tune: Bungalow Bill/Beatles (TT misty at memories) (Simply google bungalow bill and take your pick of sounds recordings) Hey Bushfire Bill Lend Us Your Quill! Bushfire Bill! Hey Bushfire Bill Give Us A Thrill! Bushfire Bill! He goes head-hunting with His Pen but not Our Sword! But every time He trumps a Troll We still applaud! On TPS, He always gets Lyn's Love-Hearts as reward! All the Swordies sing! Hey Bushfire Bill Lend Us Your Quill! Bushfire Bill! Hey Bushfire Bill Give Us A Thrill! Bushfire Bill! In Canberra's jungle where the Lib’rals tell their lies Bushfire Bill finds lots of Scum to satirize The way He writes He zaps 'em right between the eyes! All the Swordies sing! Hey Bushfire Bill! Lend Us Your Quill! Bushfire Bill! Hey Bushfire Bill! Give Us A Thrill! Bushfire Bill! Lyn thinks to write/ for someone else/ than TPS is sin, And Bill we know / You wouldn't want / to disappoint Our Lyn! Bilbo is great / but We want You / with Us instead of Him! All the Swordies sing! Hey Bushfire Bill! Lend Us Your Quill! Bushfire Bill! Hey Bushfire Bill! Give Us A Thrill! Bushfire Bill! Repeat 9x (or as many x as required!) [And btw it does so too scan perfectly, anybody says it don't ain't read it aright. ALL me pomes is like that. TT.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Original Beatles' Bungalow Bill below: Hey, Bungalow Bill What did you kill Bungalow Bill? (2x) HE WENT out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun In case of accidents he always took his mom (pronounced "mum") He's the all American bullet-headed saxon mother's son. All the children sing Hey Bungalow Bill What did you kill Bungalow Bill? (2x) Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise So Captain Marvel zapped him right between the eyes All the children sing Hey, Bungalow Bill What did you kill Bungalow Bill? (2x) The children asked him if to kill was not a sin "Not when he looked so fierce", his mummy butted in "If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him" All the children sing Hey, Bungalow Bill What did you kill Bungalow Bill? (9x) (fade out) Final word: Bushfire Bill, I mean to apply no pressure here - just suction! or as Abbortt would have it, pull factors, not push. And again Bilbo of PB, I love your blogsite too as we all do. Venceremos! Damn, this has taken me half the day. Wonder how many posts I have to catch up on?!:)


14/05/2011Hi Ad Everybody should have a little look at this video Please. Posted by Trevor Cook showing what can happen if they don't do the set top box give-away properly. I just think Oh! dear oh! dear, it's a dreadful worry. Tell me what you think: Set Box Drama , Trevor Cook VIDEO Please don't miss http://trevorcook.typepad.com/weblog Cheers :):):):)

David Horton

14/05/2011sawdustmick there will never be any cost of living under the Coalition. The peasants are so happy, singing all day in the fields as they work for the lord of the manor, who graciously prevents them starving (usually), that they don't have time to bother themselves about little trifles like that. If you don't believe me, consider this, if there was any "cost of living" in coalition times the media would tell us, wouldn't they?


14/05/2011Hi Talk Turkey [quote] Final word: Bushfire Bill, I mean to apply no [b]pressure here - just suction! [/b]or as Abbortt would have it, pull factors, not push. And again Bilbo of PB, I love your blogsite too as we all do. [/quote] Talk Turkey, you make me laugh and laugh with your magic, i hope you never get cranky because I will think you are just pretending. So half your day, Wow! we are honoured, thankyou Mr Magic. Brilliant work Talk Turkey, maybe Ad Astra will email your song to Bushfire Bill if you smile nicely. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


14/05/2011Lyn 4U:)


14/05/2011thenewjj, Have a read and take it back to party HQ! Once again, the myth that the Gillard Government is an illegitimate government has surfaced. Once again, it's time to deal with this myth. http://andrewcatsaras.blogspot.com/

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011[b]Just keep digging[/b] - George Megalogenis http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/budgets/just-keep-digging/story-fn8gf1nz-1226055284438

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011TT I have drawn BB's attention to your plea. AC A hilarious YouTube clip - one of my favourites - and how apt. Our Tones has taken 'Don't mention the budget' to heart - he didn't. sawdustmick That is very clever. Hi Lyn That video is so true. I know, having just connected a set top box to my TV here, because you know what - they turned my TV analogue signals off! That Julia Gillard!!!!

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011As jj won't be telliing you about this poll, I guess I'll have to. A poll of Marginal Seats, taken after the Budget, has recorded 44% of respondents who said that they thought it was a good Budget, and 39% who did not. :) And that was after a Full Court press by the Press to attack it.


14/05/2011WHOOPS! Re my post at 5.52 PM where I said of me pome: "Where else but PBS you gonna get that eh?" PEE BEE ESS ? Where did THAT come from!? Janice reckons SHE's in her dotage . . ! . . TEE PEE ESS if you please!

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011TT [i]TEE PEE ESS[/i] ??? I am sure if search the dark recesses of my addled brain I could find some off colour joke about TEE PEE :)

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011D Mick Weir Thanks for the link. Another sensible balanced article by George. It's great that he's back. FS Do you have the link to that poll?


14/05/2011Yeah DMW Wasn't that about the Apache chief who became addicted to Earl Grey Tea and he drank so much, one day they found him one day drowned in it? - His own TP?:)

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011TT sounds familiar :)


14/05/2011My turn to be confused. In the article below is Turnbull trying to pave the way for the Coalition to change its attitude to the NBN by claiming that a future LNP government would face extra billions in payments to Telstra if it (the government) sought to modify the NBN from Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) to Fibre to the Node (FTTN)? Along the way he seems to suggest that if Labor are still in government they may well lose their nerve in the face of [quote] the crippling cost of the fibre-to-the-home design[/quote] and try to switch to FTTN. Or is he just seeking a headline which includes 'billions of dollars', 'Telstra' and 'NBN'? I confess I don't understand the thrust of these statements.


14/05/2011OOPS! Link: [b]Telstra in for billions if NBN plans change[/b] by Annabel Hepworth http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/in-depth/telstra-in-for-billions-if-nbn-plans-change/story-e6frgaif-1226055622468

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011NormanK I saw that article, which was the lead one in [i]The Weekend Australian[/i], which I succumbed to buying to see what the 'experts' had to say about the Budget. I think Turnbull is doing both: warning the Coalition of the cost of halting the NBN, but also pointing out that a similar cost would accrue if Labour decided to revert from the more expensive Fibre to the Home or Premises FTTH/P to Fibre to the Node, FTTN, which would require the copper network to connect the home from the Node, which would usually be at a street corner. Turnbull is smart, so is probably giving messages to both the Coalition and Labor.

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011Ad Astra, The poll was mentioned on the Channel 9 News. I imagine it will be in one of the Sunday papers, and 9 had a heads up on it. Sadly, it didn't turn out the way the, probably, Murdoch Sunday rag wanted it to. I don't think Ch9 has a link with Fairfax, so it wasn't likely to have been a smage poll.

Acerbic Conehead 2

14/05/2011Janice, I’m glad you got a chuckle out of Nan’s sheNANigans (boom, tish). Even though she’s going back to the Old Dart, there’s always [i]skype[/i], so she could possibly make a come-back. And congratulations on getting that link up – look’s like Lyn has another rival now! Lyn, Thank you again for your kind words of encouragement. As always, I found your links today an invaluable collection of very interesting and informative sources. Keep ‘em comin’! AA, Thanks for your thoughts on the Gittins, Taylor and Colebatch articles. They are three of the best economics commentators around. Its clear Joe Hockey or Tony Abbott don’t read them. Also, its great you are in touch with Bushfire Bill. He is one of the best commentators in Australia today and if it wasn’t for the fact that we have such a right-wing media, he would have been snapped up for a spot long ago. Hopefully, he will grace the lead article page of [i]The Political Sword[/i] as soon as the exigencies of his current workload subside. I’m sorry to hear the weather has taken a turn for the worse in your neck of the woods. You’ll have to make a few more trips to the West to thaw out! (hint, hint) Gravel, It’s great that you got a laugh from Nan’s antics. And you’re not the only one who doesn’t know what the punch line will be. Most times, I start something, not knowing where it’s going or will end up. But I must say, a few ambers usually help the creative juices to flow, lol. I hope you are getting stronger after your recent health challenges. Keep in touch, as we always value your contributions. NormanK, Yes, Nan is a great character, isn’t she. Her moods change so quickly, you can almost see Tones’ weathervane perched on top of her scone. And thanks for that additional NBN acronym. I’m rapidly running out of them, but managed another one in my Basil Fawlty story. However, the latter may be a repeat of one I used already. Jason, Thanks for that very interesting article on the Vatican and global warming, and your suggestion that it should have implications on the stance of some high-profile Catholics here in Australia. I’ve said before in other forums that global warming denialism is based on [i]fideism [/i](a philosophical or theological denial of science and reason). So its good to see an organisation like the Catholic Church make some attempt to return to ‘brand loyalty’ (after all, [i]fideism [/i]was officially rejected by the Catholic Church in the 19th century!). Sawdustmick, I am delighted you solved the mystery for us of why the cost of living rises and falls. Hereafter, it will be known across the realm as “Mick’s Law”, and I will be nominating you for the Nobel Prize for Economics. Arise, Sir Mick, lol. TT, Great rendition, in honour of Bushfire Bill (and his trusty quill),to the Beatles classic, Bungalow Bill. Loved it! FS, Thanks for the heads-up on the Catherine Tate interview. However, if it’s on at the same time as the FA Cup Final, I’ll have to crank up the video recorder. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone.

D Mick Weir

14/05/2011Interesting, At about 10:17 AM today a commenter postulated that several economists they listed [i]'...in today's Financial Review have put forward areas where they believe cuts need to be made, and have accused the Treasurer of, not in any way, living up to his tough budget rhetoric.'[/i] I wonder why the commenter did not mention this bit: [i]'The budget gained support from several market economists ...'[/i] from the same story the commenter gleaned the criticisms of Walters et al. Funnily enough I didn't see any mention by said economists accusing [i]'the Treasurer of, not in any way, living up to his tough budget rhetoric.'[/i] in the story Sloppy commenting not unlike the sloppy politics of the commenters idol Mr Abbott. PS my Captcha [i]'cismat (Tomcat's'[/i] Now why would anyone think that I would be 'catty' in feedback to a certain commenter?

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011Folks Here's you contribution to the last post on slogans" [b]Your slogans[/b] [i]NBN[/i] Connecting People 
It Gives You Wings 
 New. Fast. Efficient - 
Just do it For the future 

 The NBN: The Future to Your Home 
 Don't Worry about WiFi, Be Happy with the NBN Remember when 2001 was a science fiction movie about a fantastical future? That was set ten years ago. Yesterday's science fiction is today's reality. It's not just about US - it's about our children too. 

 TV on demand - no advertisements. Six hours of MasterChef if you want it. 

 Work from home - the Pacific Islanders will thank you for it. 

 That university degree you couldn't afford in your teens - now you can do it from home. Send your child on a tour of ancient Egyptian temples - from their classroom. The future is now. The future is digital. 

 If road, rail and sea are the backbone of Australian commerce then the NBN is its lifeblood. 

 Wireless broadband will be one of the growth industries of this decade - the fibre network is central to the success of wireless technology. 

 [i]Carbon tax[/i] A Price on Carbon: A Future for Humankind 
 The Coalition's Climate Change Plan: Indirect Inaction 
 Labor's Climate Change Plan: They Pay, You Save, the Planet Survives TAX POLLUTERS SAVE THE PLANET TAXING POLLUTERS GETS CLEAN ENERGY It's not even about us - it's about our grandchildren's children. 

 Are we so locked in to the present that we can't plant a seed which may not bear fruit for fifty years? 

 Why does everything have to be about us? Should we give no consideration to those as yet unborn? 

 [i]MMRT[/i] The Mineral Resources Rent Tax: A Little Slice of the Pie for Everyone 
 The MRRT: Whose Wealth, Our Wealth! The MRRT: Your Minerals, Your Rent 
 The MRRT: More Super for You, Less Profit for Them 
 Don't want to fill in a Tax Return? The MRRT is for you! Australia is not a magic larder - one day the cupboard really will be bare. 

 It's your dirt - don't you want to get a fair price for it? [i]Tony Abbott[/i] Vote 1 for Stupidity, Vote for Tony If Your Brain is in Your Budgie Smugglers, Vote Tony'? Tony Abbott, All Show, No Go' On yer bike, Tony! All budgie, no smugglers Tony Abbott - all put down no policy More Tripe from Tony Tony Abbott all put down no policy Action not Abbott/aggravation/ . . . 

 Business not bluster/bullsh*t/ . . . The Slogan is our Policy Abbott Abbott Abbott out out out 
 Anyone but Abbott 
 Better a third term than a third-rater 
 Abbott. Like a Rock. Only Dumber Tony Abbott from the Noposition.' 
 [i]Labor[/i] Labor for hospital delivery Labor Don't Just Talk the Talk, They Walk the Walk Quality in government. 

 It's up to you! 
Because you're worth it. Wayne is a Swan, 
 Joe is a Goose [i]Liberal[/i] The Liberal Party, All Anger, No Empathy. The Liberal Party, Sacrificing Correctness Altogether In Order to Slay Perceived Political Correctness. Of Coalition *policy*, All buggered 'n' smudgy! Don't vote LNP - it only encourages them The Opposition is all about slogans. 

 Slogans where's the Solutions Tony Abbott's budget in reply shows he is all opposition and no leader I have a dream for a better yesterday! 
Tony Abbott(2011) All feathers and no meat! LNP Our Bridge to the 11th Century [i]Slogans[/i] SUBSTANCE NOT SLOGANS! Government: 
Substance not slogans 

Slogans not substance 
 Slogans - where's Solutions The tone of the slogans will always be lower under a coalition government 

 [i]Bolt[/i] The Boltox Report 

 Agree with us 

Or get a fat lip. One Bolt and Three Nuts For every Bolt a matching Nut Race to the bottom [i]Miscellaneous[/i] Life is what happens TO you - health care is what we are building FOR you. 
 Don't Troll the Debate, Be Part of the Conversation


14/05/2011Hi Ad Thankyou so much for listing all those slogans for us, there is a lot and they are all good aren't they. I am sorry to hear you have to suffer the cold weather, we are complaining today because the temperature is 24c. I needed to wear a blouse with sleeves today, no cardigans yet. You will have a nice break next week, lovely falling autumn, leaves pretty season of the year. Cheers

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011I can't believe someone from The Australian was allowed to write this: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/budgets/labor-takes-lead-on-welfare-reforms/story-fn8gf1nz-1226055592000


14/05/2011I bang on about this, but once again it seems to me that the MSM gleefully reports any criticism of Labor- in this case the Budget- didn't cut enough, didn't cut in the right places, did cut the wrong thing, did cut anything, & assembles this mass of contradictions into a pretend whole. They allow Abbott & Hockey to make all these criticisms without pulling them up at all. Had some days off work, first day back yesterday & was disappointed to find the "the bloody government thinks I'm rich" attitude doing very well. Also met someone who thinks Julia Gillard's a communist. It does indeed take all kinds.

Ad astra reply

14/05/2011FS That was an unusual article to read in 'The Oz': 'Labor takes lead on welfare reforms' by Tom Dusevic, all the more so after reading in 'New Matilda' today about 'the club' atmosphere at 'The Oz', and the bullying that occurs there to keep journalists in line. Are some of the independent ones bucking authority and telling the story how it is? BSA Bob Read the New Matilda article in Lyn's links, which reveals how 'The Oz' sees itself as kingmaker, which it achieves doing just what you describe - publishing whatever it thinks will get it's man elected, and refusing to publish anything that is not in accord with that aim. It's appalling.

Feral Skeleton

14/05/2011BSABob, It's that 'Entitlement mentality' that Howard spent so long encouraging, once he sold his principles to the devil and became just another big government socialist. If you have friends that are going the big whinge, I always take note of what car they drive, how many cars the family owns, and how many bedrooms and bathrooms their house has. Not to mention whether they have a holiday house or a boat. Generally gives the lie to their tale of woe.

Patricia WA

15/05/2011Angela Shanahan clearly has a an entitlement mentality, FS, but don't bother to read her article at [quote]http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/budgets/tax-break-or-welfare-either-way-middle-class-families-are-the-losers/story-fn8gf1nz-1226055302947[/quote] which I cite here merely to confirm that I actually did read this which she had to say about the changes to the family tax benefit. She thinks that [quote] apart from its adverse effect on the birth rate, shrinking the middle class even further.....(it)does nothing to relieve the pressure on that overburdened, under-appreciated but still dominant specimen, the primary-earning male." [/quote] and......I know you'll love this...... [quote]Australian women do not want to work full time.[/quote] As I said, don't follow it up. I know you. You'd have to write a comprehensive response to these and other opinions she expressed. And it isn't worth your time!

Patricia WA

15/05/2011Ad Astra! You missed mine, courtesy of Ross Gittins - [b]Gillard has guts![/b] A natural follow-on for me would obviously be [b]Abbott is nuts![/b]


15/05/2011 [b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Philosophising the “Yarn”, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] Try finding Swan’s Budget Speech in the Oz. It comes under the Business pages. Abbott’s reply is, naturally, front & centre in National Affairs. Yet The Australian, along with every other Murdoch publication, http://www.waddayano.org/blog/2011/05/philosophising_the_yarn.php#more [i]Illegitimate - Budget edition, The Piping Shrike[/i] Abbott can’t decide whether he’s standing up for the Battlers or those over $150k, or maybe those so financially incompetent http://www.pipingshrike.com/2011/05/illegitimate-budget-edition.html [i]George Megalogenis on the state of Australian politics, Paul Barratt, Australian Observer[/i] This is George Megalogenis at his best. Access the article in full here. http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/2011/05/george-megalogenis-on-state-of.html [i]Communication, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] The Liberals cannot put up a convincing case that they will handle things better - or even that they understand technological change issues. Lumping it in with "waste" won't do, it shows the Liberals don't understand http://andrewelder.blogspot.com/2011/05/communication-communication-always.html [i]News you can use - Abbott's budget reply speech was a steaming pile of turd , Lukeryan, The Vine[/i] It was merely a dirt smearing exercise from a man whose entire political career has been built on such. If ever there was a moment to show the utter intellectual and political void that is the Liberal Party under Tony Abbott http://www.thevine.com.au/news/current-affairs/news-you-can-use-_-abbott's-budget-reply-speech-was-a-steaming-pile-of-turd20110513.aspx [i]Just making it up as they go along, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Surely this kind of blatant, relentless bullsh*t from the media must be seriously harming our democracy. http://blogs.crikey.com.au/purepoison/2011/05/14/just-making-it-up-as-they-go-along/#more-10138 [i]What's class got to do with it? The debate over $150k families and middle class welfare, Dr Tad, Left Flank[/i] They portrayed themselves as struggling because of very high cost of living circumstances and the loss of certain cash benefits delivered by the Howard government through http://left-flank.blogspot.com/2011/05/whats-class-got-to-do-with-it-debate.html#more [i]Here we go again. , Andrew Catsaras[/i] The Australian political system is not a plaything for those who were unable to win at their first two attempts, when the contests were real and legitimate, to be manipulated http://andrewcatsaras.blogspot.com/2011/05/here-we-go-again.html [i]Fairfax management: We know exactly what we are doing, Margaret Simons, The Content makers[/i] , Bronwen Clune is quoting investigations by Fairfax staff that allegedly show Fairfax has grossly underestimated the number of pages that will have to be sub-edited by Pagemasters under the oursourcing http://blogs.crikey.com.au/contentmakers/ [i]Set Box Drama , Trevor Cook[/i] VIDEO Please don't miss http://trevorcook.typepad.com/weblog/ [i]Centrelink will be helping page pensioners switch to digital TV in 2012, North Coast Voices[/i] what pitfalls to avoid while waiting for this assistance to become available on the NSW North Coast next year. http://northcoastvoices.blogspot.com/2011/05/centrelink-will-be-helping-page.html [i]We'd be high tax, were it not for the amount of it we pay ourselves, Peter Martin[/i] So big is Australia’s middle-class welfare system it turns Australia from a high tax to a low tax nation when government payments and tax benefits are taken into account. http://www.petermartin.com.au/ [i]No Show and no Pony, Gus, Your Democracy[/i] Based on this week's performance, Tony Abbott still sits with the long list of low achievers.His populist, contradictory, rhetorical and shallow analysis of the budget has been matched only by the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey. http://yourdemocracy.net.au/drupal/node/12487#comment-15775 [i]Missing Link Friday - Sluts, set-top boxes, taxes and more, Don Arthur, Club Troppo[/i] In this week’s Missing Link Friday bloggers discuss slutwalking, teenage pregnancy,the demise of the book, typical Australian incomes and the problem of men who don’t work. http://clubtroppo.com.au/2011/05/13/missing-link-friday-sluts-set-top-boxes-taxes-and-more/ [i]Just keep digging ,George Megalogenis, News Com[/i] Abbott and his shadow treasurer Joe Hockey betrayed an almost comic lack of seriousness in their budget response this week. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/budgets/just-keep-digging/story-fn8gf1nz-1226055284438 [i]The worst decision Network Ten ever made , Clembastow, The Vine[/i] They had a debate with mysterious Liberal Rumplestiltskin like character Michael Kroger and Mark Latham. All three of them agreed on everything. Australia has its own Fox news now" http://www.thevine.com.au/blog/clembastow/the-worst-decision-network-ten-ever-made20110513.aspx

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011PatriciaWA, That would be Angela Shanahan, wife of Dennis, the leader of Captain Catholic's female laity, and total hypocrite because she works as a journalist and is not at home looking after her and Dennis' 5 kids, the ones still at home, that is, or at least keeping the home fires burning in Canberra for when Dennis gets in after a long day's toil engaging in 'Manufactured Outrage' and 'Partisan Hackery'? :)

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011They really should rename Glenn Beck, er, Andrew Bolt's show, so people are left in no doubt about it when they are flicking through the TV Guide. I suggest, 'The Weekly ALP Slag and Bag Report' However, when Bolt does his predictable 'Exclusive Interview with John Howard', it'll have to go back to 'A Bolt and a Dessicated Old Coconut'.

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011After reading lovely lyn's link to The Bannerman, I came up with this: 'There goes Abbott, off on another Mind Bender'.

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011lyn, The Vine link is broken. :)

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011lyn, Sorry, lyn, I meant the first Vine link. :)


15/05/2011Hi Hillbilly Not sure but looks like the article has been removed, I am in a hurry but without a thorough search of the site certainly looks like it's been removed. My excerpt and topic heading is as it was: News you can use - Abbott's budget reply speech was a steaming pile of turd , Lukeryan, The Vine It was merely a dirt smearing exercise from a man whose entire political career has been built on such. If ever there was a moment to show the utter intellectual and political void that is the Liberal Party under Tony Abbott http://www.thevine.com.au/blog/clembastow/the-worst-decision-network-ten-ever-made20110513.aspx


15/05/2011To all those commentators and pundits that bang on about the Govt. being cautious, defensive and not having sense of itself. I say this; " You try draining the swamp when you have got crocodiles snapping at your arse 24/7." That the Govt., both Gillard and Rudd versions, have achieved what they have is, to any thinking, fair minded person, a series of remarkable achievements. There is an unpalatable truth that we Australians don't want to recognise. A truth that cuts close to our sense of ourselves. Like all truths it's essence lies in our denial of it's existence. That truth? We have been poisoned! Simple as that. The Howard Govt. drip fed us a mildly euphoric, yet addictive toxin for 11 years. Ably assisted by Murdoch and his lickspittles. They gave us asylum seekers to pillory. Foriegn wars for our jingoism. Upper middle class welfare for our sense of entitlement. Tax cuts in leiu of infrastructure. Workchoices to keep us in line. Happy billionaires/millionaires and media moguls to write whatever legislation they felt we needed......and on it goes. Fortunately, enough people realised that the damage the poison was doing us was way in excess of the euphoria and the Rudd Govt. was elected. Unfortunately Mr. Rudd didn't understand how much the suppliers of the poison had invested in their ideology and how demonically they would defend it. Julia Gillard does. The pushers of the poison are still out there. Large as life and they know full well the addiction of their toxin. They also know that Australians haven't the courage to go cold turkey. Even though we need to. This Govt. is not draining a swamp. They are trying to drain out the poison from an addicted society. It's our job to take on the crocodiles. nb. Slogans are all very well. They work because they don't have to be thought about. They don't register that deeply in the mind. FWIW, I believe the Govt. should go for a slogan or theme that strikes into the soul. Something that resonates deep in the individual.

Tom of Melbourne

15/05/2011 http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/will-you-marry-me-julia/story-e6freuy9-1226055937846 This is so much more worth of attention than that gay rights marriage question. Julia should marry Tim, just for the sake of it – to make the point that they can get married. In a single ceremony they’d demonstrate that they have a relationship that is consistent with the policy of ALP National Conference, and which reflects Julia’s personal views about marriage. It would be a policy statement and a commitment! Anyway, if Julia was any decent sort of woman, she’d made an honest man out of Tim. Fascinating interview, when read in full. So revealing. Such probing questions. Apparently he’s a hairdresser!


15/05/2011Hi Hillbilly I found the link it is cached in Google: It's a snapshot: http://www.thevine.com.au/news/current-affairs/news-you-can-use-_-abbott's-budget-reply-speech-was-a-steaming-pile-of-turd20110513.aspx The link works for me but, here is the whole article as it was just in case the link doesn't work in the comments box: http://www.thevine.com.au/news/current-affairs/news-you-can-use-_-abbott's-budget-reply-speech-was-a-steaming-pile-of-turd20110513.aspx News you can use - Abbott's budget reply speech was a steaming pile of turd by lukeryan on May 13 2011, 08:00AM News [quote]My God, I weep for politics in this country. Tony Abbott's "budget reply speech", classically a moment when the Opposition attacks the Government's budgetary plans and suggests their own plans for actually running the country, was, instead, another entirely empty rhetorical exercise from Mr Abbott, part call for an early election, part renewed assault on the carbon tax, a feature that was entirely absent from the Government's budget. And God knows there was plenty to criticise in that budget. But not for Tony. His speech was completely devoid of policy or ambition. It lacked substance, clarity or hope. It was merely a dirt smearing exercise from a man whose entire political career has been built on such. If ever there was a moment to show the utter intellectual and political void that is the Liberal Party under Tony Abbott, this was it. Of course, if the past two years of US politics have taught us anything, it's that voters are tremendously susceptible to blinding, hollowed out bile, so a budget reply speech that didn't actually contain a single novel thought on the budget was probably a good tactic for Mr Abbott. Best not to give the voters something they can actually think about or discuss, 'ey Tony? It would almost be funny if it wasn't so drastically important. Sometimes I do wonder how these supposedly intelligent, aspirational people we call our leaders can actually sleep at night knowing that they are so consciously warping and eviscerating our political dialogue. Sigh[/quote]


15/05/2011Hi Hillbilly So the link doesn't work, anyway you have the snapshot, excellent, well thought our article, enjoyable read I thought. Have a lovely, hey hey it's Sunday cheers:):):):):):):):):)

Patricia WA

15/05/2011Thanks, Macca. You've pretty well summarised my feelings about Oz right now. I've found myself grabbing at instances of the poison at work, but it's hard to see the big picture as clearly as you've shown it here. I think you're right. Julia Gillard understands what she's up against. If anyone can draw the ALP together and keep it focussed on what needs to be done, she can. Murdoch and his minions know that too. That's why they'll put every effort into keeping toxic Tony Abbott on the front foot. It would be nice to see him on the ropes. Forgive the mixed metaphors. Time for Tacker's walk.


15/05/2011 Hi Hillbilly Try this copy of Google cache: This is Google's cache of http://www.thevine.com.au/news/current-affairs/news-you-can-use-_-abbott's-budget-reply-speech-was-a-steaming-pile-of-turd20110513.aspx. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 14 May 2011 00:15:42 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more Text-only versionThese terms only appear in links pointing to this page: http www thevine com au news current affairs news you can use _ abbott's budget reply speech was a steaming pile of turd20110513 aspx

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011This one works for the whole page. I particularly like Luke Ryan's reference to Bernard Keane's comment that the real ones who should be called 'dole bludgers' are the ones on $150,000k/year who expect welfare payments from the government. :) http://www.thevine.com.au/news/current-affairs/news-you-can-use-_-abbott%27s-budget-reply-speech-was-a-steaming-pile-of-turd20110513.aspx


15/05/2011Hi Ad This is what Ash had to say about the Bolt report this morning: A Current Bolt Affair. Today and Tonight, Ash, Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery Episode two of the Bolt Report has aired. And I am still laughing. OMG!!!! He had a psychologist on??? Seriously. He had a psychologist on to discuss glass breakage. I missed her name but she was labelled ‘program psychologist’. Which makes you wonder why they need one. http://ashghebranious.wordpress.com/2011/05/15/a-current-bolt-affair-today-and-tonight/

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011To mix my own metaphor, Tony Abbott and the Murdoch/Mining Magnate media are souring the milk of human kindness that used to run through the veins of every Australain, rich and poor. To be replaced by the Cargo Cult of 'What's in it for me?'

Ad astra reply

15/05/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: http://www.thepoliticalsword.com/page/LYNS-DAILY-LINKS.aspx


15/05/2011Further to my comments yesterday about the different types of economic commentators - partisan barrow pushers, conflicting economic schools of thought and nervous nellies, I overlooked (by taking for granted) the headline chasers. Have a look at this for two different ways of reporting the same thing. The subject under consideration is 'bracket creep' where some taxpayers who are hovering on the borderline between two brackets find themselves elevated to a higher tax bracket through a relatively modest pay-rise. Periodically, government raises the threshold to accommodate this creep and more often than not this is billed as a 'tax cut' where it might be better described as a 'bracket correction' but there's no political mileage in that. Occasionally the government will provide a genuine tax cut in order to put money into the pockets of a particular demographic which it sees as needing a bit of a help-along (or if you're cynical - a bribe) or where it feels there is a case to be made for 'spreading the wealth around'. By describing both types of adjustment as 'tax cuts' successive governments have left themselves open to allegations of 'tax grabs' when they don't address bracket creep. In terms of 'bracket correction' I don't think it is unreasonable to believe that, after eight adjustments in a row, the brackets are pretty much set where the Tax Office would objectively consider them to be fair and equitable. In fact the figures suggest that some of the recent 'tax cuts' have in fact been just that and moved beyond bracket correction. Those who exist on the very cusp of two brackets might argue that they are continually missing out but if someone can suggest how to address that circumstance while maintaining a fairly simple taxing regime, I'm sure the TO would be interested in hearing about it. So now to this year's budget. By not providing any 'tax cuts' (read 'bracket corrections') the government has taken the conscious decision that the current cut-off points are pretty much right and need no adjustment and that in the current climate no-one is getting a bribe. Ross Gittens described it thus: [quote]It pledged to ''allow the level of tax receipts to recover naturally as the economy improves'', which means it swore off further tax cuts for the duration. So it promised to put the proceeds from bracket creep into improving the budget balance.[/quote] [b]Carping about the budget? The record says Labor isn't doing too badly[/b] by Ross Gittens http://www.smh.com.au/business/carping-about-the-budget-the-record-says-labor-isnt-doing-too-badly-20110513-1emf4.html Samantha Maiden prefers to bring it to her readers' attention as a [quote]tax trap[/quote]: [quote]HALF-a-million workers face a [b]tax trap[/b] that will force them into higher tax brackets following last week's Federal Budget. Increased wages and [b]more jobs[/b] are set to deliver a $22 billion tax [b]bonanza[/b] into federal coffers ..... Bracket creep is the [b]secret[/b] to the Treasurer's path to a budget surplus by 2013. As a result, the Treasurer will [b]grab[/b] an extra $2 billion from Australian workers this year alone ....... "This [b]tax by stealth[/b] significantly adds to the Budget bottom line and gets the Government out of deficit in 2013-14 with a $6.8 billion bonus to tax coffers," NATSEM's[/quote] (National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling) [quote]Ben Phillips said. It's the same [b]trick[/b] former Treasurer Peter Costello used 10 years ago.[/quote] To be fair, Maiden does go on to point out that some of the tax cuts of recent years were above and beyond bracket correction and therefore: [quote]"While bracket creep is the Treasurer's friend, through the last decade tax cuts and bracket increases actually led to lower average tax rates for taxpayers," Mr Phillips said. "The bracket creep here is simply evening things up."[/quote] (My emphasis) If you made it to the end of the article, would you feel comfortable that this was an accurate headline? [b]Creeping tax will erode workers hard-earned wages[/b] http://www.news.com.au/money/federal-budget/tax-by-stealth-erodes-workers-wages/story-fn84fgcm-1226056000878?from=igoogle+gadget+compact+news_rss Is it in the best interests of keeping your readers objectively informed to use terms like 'tax trap', 'bonanza', 'secret', 'grab', 'tax by stealth' and 'trick'? Also curious that the 'more jobs' component is glossed over without mention of what percentage of the new tax receipts will come from the forecast 500,000 new jobs. Personally, I prefer Ross Gittens' no-nonsense evaluation where he quotes the Treasurer and does not imply that this is somehow 'secret' or 'tricky'. It is spelled out in the Budget Papers.


15/05/2011TREASURE HUNT FOR SWORDIES! On Onesiders, they showed cuts of Swan's Budget speech, comments by that Wyatt Roy turning 21 saying in his lifetime there had never been a Labor surplus budget - (which was a falsehood, he was over a month old when the last Labor surplus budget was delivered, but let that pass for the moment) - - and then one of *J*U*L*I*A* saying to a media scrum (who had just made an extended gotcha attempt on the back of a previous Swan gotcha) - "Yes" she said, she DOES know when the last Labor surplus budget was, viz., 1989 - -(that sort of shut them up )- - but today on Onesiders AS ALWAYS* they DIDN'T have the decency to show *J*U*L*I*A* doing her own marvellous brilliant antigotcha on the media mob, asking wtte, "OK, then yous lot tell me, whose government was the highest taxing on record? Huh? - - You tell me, come on then! Anybody? Hey? . . . (pin drops several times) . . . . . . then one of them sheepishly asks, "Well you tell us then, PM . . ? . . and she does in no uncertain terms! - Howard/Costello's of course! - in which of course, Dog help us, Abbortt was a Cabinet Minister! It was a truly brilliant antigotcha - a form *J*U*L*I*A* herself has devised!- She's a GENIUS I tell you! - It wrote in letters ten feet tall what Tanner has been saying, that the journalists have been trying for gotchas and never had the decency nor intellectual rigor to focus on the important matters - Oh a And they SO gobbled! SILENTLY!!! and believe me, as a TalkTurkey, I do know a silent gobble when I don't hear one! For it WAS a weighty matter, bringing into sharp focus Abbort's hypocrisy and misrepresentational M.O., and so poignantly their own, and they bloody knew it, they're not that dumb. In that audible silence you couldn't help but not see on their faces,(only because they were never shown), OOOH, the embarrassment, and shame! but they haven't had the guts nor intellectual or any other kind of honour to show that BECAUSE it is implicitly so telling on them! - Oh and of course on Abbortt! *except maybe, once - just maybe, I'm not sure - one channel did show it once that I saw but was it the ABC I don't know) - Jason tells me he never saw that episode at all, was quite unaware of it. That tells the story don't it eh. Basically the MSM has excised her antigotcha from history, at least as far as most people will ever know about it. Here's the Treasure Hunt bit. Please someone clever, FIND THE VIDEO CLIP OF IT, and post the link if possible.(I'll have a look too when I've posted this.) Her performance compares with the best of ripostes by Disraeli, Churchill, Menzies, Whitlam, Bilney, Keating, and in fact her very own last year when she noted in Parliament that Costello's publisher's motto was "Books With Spine", and as if that wasn't enough she said she went looking through the menu for his book launch dinner next day, first thing was Prawn Cocktails, . . . "No spine there . . ." she said mock-bemusedly, you wonder why I think she's a GENIUS! The Government was rolling in the aisles. The Opposition wasn't. Onesiders was much less worse than it has been. Almost feels like a sea change. Speculation as to whether so, why if so, - Change in ABC management? Or because *J*U*L*I*A* was Guest today? Or because the MSM has been collectively sprung by Tanner? Or because of the 2 women, one OK the other brilliant, who were on the panel? ('cos it sure wasn't that male person!) Or all the above? Or do they at last realize that the coalition is not in government and won't be for a while yet? Or - most of all I reckon - Crassidy minding his own nose after Julia's antigotcha? Or just a flash in the pan? No, I think it's a seachange, BECAUSE of all the above. AND the FIFTH ESTATE, YEA! Oh and I must pay a tribute to LAURA TINGLE! What a champion of ordinary decent sensible people! Please remember I described her last year (in "The Lass At Yarralumla") as "The one fair Australian journo of The Age." I'm proud of that, less for the nice little pun, (no not on her hair colour neither)than for giving her credit because it's her due. Today on Onesiders she was brilliant, and if I might say so, beautifully turned out too. All who saw her will agree. "Laura Tingle, you are to the world of Australian journalists what Julia Gillard is to our Politics. You're simply the Best. Can't say fairer than that." [Oops in anticipation of any typos and dysfunctional bits.] Have a good day Swordies. Venceremos!


15/05/2011Gillard politically dead, says Costello PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is politically dead, former Liberal treasurer Peter Costello says. Speaking on Network Ten, Mr Costello said voters were now turning to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott as the next prime minister. "Gillard is dead," Mr Costello said. "I can't see how she can possibly get back. I'm not saying she's physically dead, but politically dead. "I think the public has made up its mind, and it's not pretty. "So, now public interest has turned from her, we've taken a view on her, we'd now like to form a view on Tony Abbott. "The question is: `Is he an alternative prime minister?' "What he has to show over the next couple of years or sooner is... (that) he can be a statesman-like figure who can manage Australia and I thought he took the first step (towards that) in his budget reply." http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking-news/gillard-politically-dead-says-costello/story-fn3dxity-1226056155234


15/05/2011Who are the real 'rich' in this country, and where will a dozen of them be this Monday evening? Twelve very fortunate Australians will be enjoying a private dinner with Tony Abbott this coming Monday evening, May 16th, at the private residence of Village Roadshow chief Graham Burke in Melbourne. For the small price of $10,000 a head donated to the Liberal Party. Total $120,000 for just over two hours 'work' on the part of the Coalition leader (with a free meal thrown in). It has to be that very small period of a little over two hours, as TA has to be somewhere else equally pressing after 9:30. Works out to roughly $1,000 a minute to share the man's company and insights. Assuming that some of those minutes will be given over to enjoying what promises to be a five-star meal, that probably leaves time for those present to speak in nothing more extensive than slogans. Three words at a time, the master and his disciples in perfect pithy sympathy, $1,000 a minute, $16.70 a second. Oh, to be a fly on the wall. Or, better yet, in the soup.

Ad astra reply

15/05/2011Folks Sorry, I've been absent this morning. I've been preparing the latest fine piece from Hillbilly/Feral Skeleton for posting, which I'll do last thing tonight as we're off early tomorrow for a few days' break from routine in the King Valley in central Victoria, which we hope still has autumn leaves. Her piece is titled: [i]Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right, Here I am, Stuck in the Middle with the ALP[/i]. That should stir your interest in anticipation. Patricia WA Sorry I missed your gem. I'll add it to the list as well as Penny Wong's comment about Tony Abbott: 'All opposition, no leader' If anyone else has any last minute slogans, please post them and I'll put out an enriched list later.


15/05/2011Lyn If you are around and have the time, I couldn't get the Barry Cassidy Link to work and now I can't find it at all. Thanks Acerbic Conehead Thanks for you thoughts, health is improving by the day, I can now concentrate on reading again (as well as doing housework, yuk). re Captcha, difficulty, which is what I am having with the above link, how appropriate.


15/05/2011Apology to Mr Jesus Christ I said (*J*U*L*I*A*'s) performance compares with the best of ripostes by Disraeli, Churchill, Menzies, Whitlam, Bilney, Keating, and in fact her very own last year. I left you out Mr Christ! I'm sorry! That was a cool riposte you came back with when your Jewish persecutors the (Pharisees?) asked you whether it was lawful to pay tribute to Rome - which was a Very Nasty Clever Question Eh! Because it WAS against Jewish holy writ, (so publicly to support Rome's right to levy tax was punishable by the Jews) but to refuse to pay it or speak against the tax was punishable by Rome. So it was an ultimate double-edged Gotcha attempt by the early equivalent of Abbortt, and Pell, and the Religious Right who have not changed, Jesus, I'm sorry to say. But you sure gazzumped 'em that time old son. You said wtte "Show me this-here tribute money" and when they did you pointed to Caesar's relief image on the coin and said "Who's that then?" And they said, "Why that's Caesar, a'course", and YOU said, "Well give Caesar what's his'n, and give my Dad his bit an' all!" "...and after that they durst not ask of you any more (Gotcha) questions!" - (that's Gospel!) - - because they knew you were better at it than they would ever be. Like our *JU*L*I*A* now wrt to THEM!* That was one cool answer Bro. The ultimate AntiGotcha. Didn't help much though eh. They just decided to get you anotherwise, yeah we heard about that. And didn't they just Gotcha too, by Dog! But the sad part now is the unaltered attitude of the Pells and Abbortts and all the Rotten Religious Right. I'd keep my head down if I was you Jesus. I'm'a tell you Bro they'll do it all over again if you show your face around here again. We've tried to talk reason to them, old mate, but you know what they're like . . . And I worry about *J*U*L*I*A*. I DO. I still think about Don Dunstan's sudden illness, and the early sudden death of his second wife Adele Koh. They're REALLY nasty people, these Pharisees by any other name. *Like Crassidy today suddenly being not quite so Gotcha-obsessed!

David Horton

15/05/2011Renae, interesting, but you must have misunderstood something in the news item, I think you will find that the Liberal Party was paying some people $10,000 each to spend 2 hours with Tony Abbott. Lots of TPS people visiting http://davidhortonsblog.com/ thanks to Lyn's kindly linking, but where are you all today? Are you frozen? Watching And-ew B-lt? Still ooodles of good stuff waiting patiently for you there if you don't have to go somewhere else.

David Horton

15/05/2011Thought a number of you might be interested in this press release: ”The Four Horsemen of the Anti-Apocalypse” "Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, Hitchens announced as speakers for the 2012 Global Atheist Convention – ‘A Celebration of Reason’ The Atheist Foundation of Australia is excited to announce that the next Global Atheist Convention – ‘A Celebration of Reason’ will feature headline speakers Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens (health permitting). The Global Atheist Convention will be held once again at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from13 - 15 April 2012. ”This is the first time that the Four Horsemen have spoken together publicly in five years,” said Atheist Foundation President David Nicholls. ”Their best-selling books on atheism earned the group the moniker ‘The Four Horseman of the Anti-Apocalypse’, and fittingly so as they have been instrumental in bringing forth a new enlightenment in the face of growing irrationality, fundamentalism and superstitious thinking around the world.” The 2010 Global Atheist Convention gave local, interstate and international attendees the opportunity to hear first-rate speakers from a range of fields including science, philosophy, politics, education, stand-up comedy and more. ”Atheism has provided the perfect foundation in which people can come together to celebrate science, reason and secular values in today’s society. With the planet in a state of organised chaos and the menace of religious extremism threatening everyone’s quality of life, this 2012 world-class event will once again provide rational discussion and debate about what can be done to address the issues facing the globe,” said Nicholls. ”The 2012 Global Atheist Convention – ‘A Celebration of Reason’ will also send an important message to Australia’s political institutions that freethinking Australians are a growing force to be reckoned with.” The entire line-up for the convention will be released gradually via official social media streams in the lead-up to tickets going on sale later in the year. The last convention sold out well in advance, leaving many peopledisappointed to have missed out. The Atheist Foundation of Australia expects this event will also sell out very quickly and encourages prospective attendees to purchase their tickets as soon as they go on sale. The Atheist Foundation has succeeded in obtaining financial support from the Victorian Government for the convention." The last convention in 2010 was a beauty. I will be going, health willing, to this one, maybe I will see some TPS posters there?


15/05/2011Here's that conversation,, I found it! But if anyone can find it on video, oh please link us up! (JG answers outworn gotcha question about last time Labor ran a surplus budget) - JULIA GILLARD: It's 1989/90 but very happy to play a pop quiz with you. Highest taxing government in Australia's history? Anybody got the answer? Anybody? You've heard Mr Abbott talk about tax a lot. Highest taxing government in Australia's history? What's the answer? REPORTER: I don't know. I don't know… REPORTER 2: You tell me. REPORTER 3: The Howard government? JULIA GILLARD: The Howard government of which Mr Abbott was a senior minister. SABRA LANE: And the Prime Minister also sought to turn the pressure back onto the Opposition. JULIA GILLARD: Wayne Swan did smash a glass this morning. That's less important than Tony Abbott smashing the budget surplus tonight. *J*u*l*i*a* . . . *X*X*X*X*X* !!!

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Hello, David Horton! I'm sorry I haven't been to your blog today, I had a very long Nanna Nap after Insiders/Outsiders, and have just got up again. Thank you for the news of the Atheists Convention, I wish I could go but I get very lonely going to different cities and to conventions where I don't know anyone, no matter how stimulating the guest list, and it sounds hot! :)

Ad astra reply

15/05/2011Renae Welcome to the [i]TPS[/i] family. Do come again. Thank you for the information about Tony Abbott’s fund-raiser. He certainly is an expensive item, but I’m sure he’s muttering to himself: “You’re worth it.” Gravel I’m glad to see you’re recovering, but housework is not much of a reward is it! Jason We didn’t believe Peter Costello when he was in office; why should we believe him now? The Liberals think that by saying ‘Gillard is dead’ over and again will make it come true. They will eat their words. But no, they won’t come to think of it because they will deny ever saying that, or that they have been misreported, or that they didn’t really mean it. Truth is irrelevant. NormanK You can’t escape our new title: [i]TPS’ economics correspondent[/i]. You’ve more than earned it after another erudite comment today. You are a great asset to us. Thank you. TT I see you’ve been really active this morning. And that J*U*L*I*A is alive and well and flourishing in her Prime Ministership, much to Tony Abbott’s chagrin. Your analogy heralds a new Abbott slogan: “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and take back from Caesar what rightly belongs to those whose income exceeds a paltry $150,000.” David Horton What an interesting line up for the Atheist Convention, and it’s being held in Melbourne.

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Talk Turkey, Sadly, Laura Tingle works for the Fin Review, hence her work is not available on the internet, except via a very expensive subscription. Also, Lenore Taylor, 'the other woman', is also brilliant, I think. Today on Insiders she was the only one to make the salient point that weren't Peter Costello's surpluses 'Made In China' too? Another good point to make is that, since Insiders has not had Piers Akerman or Andrew Bolt on the couch(and has anyone else noticed the absence of Mr Akerman recently?), the better quality journalists, like Laura Tingle, have started reappearing on the show. And the interviews by Barrie have improved, and, hopefully, his ratings have improved to show that the viewing public care enough to grace Insiders with an increased presence again.

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Talk Turkey, I noticed you dropping the surname of 'Bilney' into the mix of 'Ace' riposters. You're related to Gordon, aren't you? :)

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Gravel, I'm so happy to see your improvement going ahead in leaps and bounds. :)

Ad astra reply

15/05/2011Hi Lyn I missed the Bolt Report this morning and I’m devastated. Being on rural TV, all I could get was some pop music with rotating ladies instead! I wonder how many watched Bolt today apart from conservatives looking for an anti-Gillard fix and political tragics? Wasn’t it a relief to see the always-sensible and balanced Laura Tingle on [i]Insiders[/i] with Lenore Taylor to balance the comments of Michael Stutchbury, who can’t or won’t let go of his longstanding belief that the Government’s stimulus during the GFC was too big and too wasteful, no matter what evidence to the contrary accumulates. He is like those scientists that continued to believe the phlogiston theory of combustion long after Lavoisier showed that oxygen was the essential ingredient. Some went to their grave still believing the phlogiston theory; Michael may do the same with his ‘too much stimulus’ theory. I thought Barrie Cassidy was more measured again this morning, and had no dispute with Laura Tingle’s comment that the News Limited tabloid treatment of the Budget week was appalling. I noticed that while Lenore agreed, Michael sat mute, as well he might, being part of the News Limited stable. I’m getting on the road now to Melbourne. Back this evening.

Tom of Melbourne

15/05/2011One of your contributors posted over at Gutter Trash, and I hate to have anyone thinking that I would speak behind your backs... I haven’t noticed any ‘intellectual capacity’ over at TPS. I’ve noticed- -plenty of made up on the run, reinterpretation of ALP platform and rules. -lame excuses for outrageous and socially unacceptable discrimination. -’evidence’ based on friendship and family, ie ‘fact free’ posting. -resort to personal abuse in preference to rational discussion or even a rationale. -excuses for every possible ALP foible and duplicitous deal. -lack of willingness to provide any analysis for the structural malaise of the ALP, other than ‘blaming the media’. Other than that maybe you’re right, the place is probably full of independently minded intellectual heavyweights! (particularly the one that excuses homophobic inspired ALP policy so readily) http://guttertrash.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/a-message-to-gillard-there-is-no-rationale-argument-against-same-sex-marriage/#comment-62052

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011David Horton, This is long, but I think you'll be interested in the interview with a couple of Atheist authors: http://www.alternet.org/story/150900/good_without_god%3A_why_%22non-religious%22_is_the_fastest-growing_preference_in_america?akid=6964.172728.5QXckV&rd=1&t=12

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Tom of Melbourne, That's your opinion, you're entitled to it. Hypocritically, however, you appear unable to allow me to have mine.

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011Ad Astra, I too missed The Bolt Report. I feel like an $11 Billion Black Hole has opened in my life as a result, never to be filled. :)

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011I did see Peter Costello's smirk, like the Cheshire Cat, reappear on the screen of the ABC this afternoon. Of course the ABC couldn't wait to lack discretion or judgement and put his unkind comment about the Prime Minister to air. I guess that will be Andrew Bolt's ultimate fate, content provider for the ABC, so they don't have to get their own hands dirty with smear material.


15/05/2011Hi Gravel How is our lovely friend Gravel going today? you sound as though you are doing well Gravel, thinking about Barrie Cassidy's column is a good sign. Your interest is well and there is no missremembering for you, all good signs my dear, we do wish you a speedy recovery Gravel. I have found a link for you but not sure if it's the one you are looking for, let me know. [i] Looking for a great opposition leader. Still looking. Barrie Cassidy, ABC[/i] Based on this week's performance, Tony Abbott still sits with the long list of low achievers. His populist, contradictory, rhetorical and shallow analysis of the budget has been matched only by the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey. For months, both have demanded deep cuts to the budget. But when the government made a modest attempt to prune welfare, they described it as war on the middle classes. Watching his face as Abbott delivered the comically named budget-in-reply speech, offering a wry smile as the chamber erupted to the "building an entertainment revolution" gag, you couldn't help but sense he was musing: "Is that all you have to do? What was I thinking?" http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/13/3216341.htm


15/05/2011Hi David Thankyou for posting "The Four Horsemen of the Anti-Apocalypse” very much appreciated, adding more genuine quality reading to TPS, your work is to be admired by all. Did I tell you I love your gravatar of you and your beautiful little grandson. Did you say no-one has been around today. I think it's just because the other life as DM Weir says, takes over. I have had visitors this afternoon, so now need to catch up on our wonderful commenters. Cheers


15/05/2011Hi Hillbilly You make me sad when you say: [quote]Thank you for the news of the Atheists Convention, I wish I could go but I get very lonely going to different cities and to conventions where I don't know anyone, no matter how stimulating the guest list, and it sounds hot![/quote] David said: [quote]The last convention in 2010 was a beauty. I will be going, health willing, to this one, maybe I will see some TPS posters there? [/quote] Off you go to the Convention.

David Horton

15/05/2011Ah Lyn, thank you, but the avatar is of me with my beautiful old granddad (check the date in caption). Have offered to have coffee with FS at the convention.And for others who feel the same - you are likely to meet lots of friendly interesting people there. FS thanks for the link, interesting, but the title very misleading. it was more like substituting non-standard religion for the usual stuff, because, as they were arguing, atheism leaves out "spirituality". Nonsense. I had a couple of goes at this common myth on my old, now archived (so apologies for long addresses), blog: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/117782/20100316-0942/www.blognow.com.au/mrpickwick/95768/Soul_brother.html http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/117782/20100316-0942/www.blognow.com.au/mrpickwick/38557/Spirituality_in_the_sky.html


15/05/2011Costello, the cowardly custard, has spent years spitting at the back of party leaders from Labor and Liberal. No courage, no class.


15/05/2011FS SHOOSHHH!:)

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011David Horton, I agree that it is hard for Americans to make the break completely from some sort of 'spirituality'. It's why they put so much effort into discrediting Dawkins and Hitchens, and our own Peter Singer. Still, it goes without saying that the increase in percentage of the number of Americans claiming to be Atheist or Agnostic is pleasing to those of us who don't even believe in The Great Spaghetti Monster! :)


15/05/2011David Which one is the grandfather?:) I do enjoy your input. Renae Welcome on behalf of all at TPS. Five-star meal eh? Plus $10K for just two hours with Abbortt? I'd endure it for even half that amount or even for 3 hours, it'll be tough but I can use the dough! Where do I sign? Oh but how is he going to pay? He already got a big mortgage! I think I better get it in writing. In blood eh!:) Gravel, I do hope you start feeling more concrete soon!:) Will this work I wonder? Lyn this is primarily pour vous, since you sent me so many Smileys yesterday. But for everyone else too: :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) :)!


15/05/2011Hi Talk Turkey Wow! so many smiles you have made my day, thankyou. Whoops! I called David the Grandfather, anyway it's a very nice photo I don't think he minds. Thousands turn up for rally, wonder if the figure 3000 is real or is it 300, after all the report is from News Com: See this: Thousands join NSW anti-carbon rally, News Com Along with federal member for New England Tony Windsor, Mr Oakeshott this week voted in parliament for a resolution in support of the carbon tax. The proposed tax has been criticised for potentially costing jobs and increasing living costs. About 3000 people attended Sunday's rally, which was held outside Mr Oakeshott's Port Macquarie office, on the NSW mid-north coast, Consumers and Taxpayers Association (CATA) spokesman Jacques Laxales said. Of those, more than 90 per cent were local, he said. Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/national/thousands-join-nsw-anti-carbon-rally/story-e6frfku9-1226056254555#ixzz1MPJPjRUH http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/national/thousands-join-nsw-anti-carbon-rally/story-e6frfku9-1226056254555#ixzz1MP4Vcmq0

Tom of Melbourne

15/05/2011[i] “That's your opinion, you're entitled to it. Hypocritically, however, you appear unable to allow me to have mine.” [/i] That’s nonsense. I think you should have your opinion. No one else would want it. I’m pointing out that your opinions support a policy position that reinforces homophobia. They’re partisan and you don’t bother to address yourself to questions of substance, you lapse into a lazy defence of the ALP. Like most here. For example, Crowey is always welcome at http://guttertrash.wordpress.com/ I’m sure. But he popped in to launch an attack on a contributor, who happened to enquire about Nasking. However, this regular here, didn’t bother to attack anyone here (Feral Skeleton particularly) for their unfair and pointed comments towrds Nasking. Macca, is also most welcome at GT, but he popped in to launch an attack! Many contributors here are lazy and partisan, they don’t address policy or structural issues, the only interest is reinforcing the political interests of the ALP. Lazy. The Political Sword - [i]“Putting politicians and commentators (who don’t share mindless approval of the ALP) to the sword” [/i]

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011New slogan, courtesy of my Dilbert daily e-mail: 'When did ignorance become a point of view?'

Feral Skeleton

15/05/2011TT, You're just showing off 'cause you figured out how to do Smiley faces. :)


15/05/2011FS Yep. Now I want to learn to do ones that wink at you . . . Ones that express bewilderment, rage etc . . . And especially ones that spit venom at THEM. Seriously, anyone tell me where to go to find those others?:)


15/05/2011Too (yawn) lazy to reply to ToM the Typo . . . And why would I bother . . ? . . . . . zzzzzzzz . . . These trolls, they got NOTHIN'! Just venom. No wonder they got such a down on everybody. 'Everybody loves a lover' . . . But what about these haters? They're caught in their own vicious circle. They only got themselves to blame . . . But it's sad anyway. Especially for the rest of humanity, that doesn't deserve them at all.

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15/05/2011Folks I've posted Hillbilly Skeleton's latest piece "Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right, Here I am, Stuck in the middle of the ALP". It is thought-provoking. It gives you the opportunity to to comment on the ideological base on which Labor might build it's future. Your comments and thoughts on this challenging subject are invited. For the few who come here to knock Labor, please put knocking aside for the time being. This is an opportunity for you to suggest hoe Labor can chart a productive nation-building course that will bring benefits to us all, while at the same time caring for the less fortunate. I was intending to post this later in the evening, but here in the very centre of Melbourne I have diabolical trouble connecting to the Internet consistently and have so many dropouts (unlike the stable service i get on the south coast miles from the township) that I decided to post it while I was connected rather than risk a non-connection later in the evening. That was wise because I can't get connected now, and am having to send this message via the iPad using 3G.

Tom of Melbourne

15/05/2011Talk Turkey said – [i]“Too (yawn) lazy to reply to ToM the Typo . . . And why would I bother . . ? . . . . . zzzzzzzz . . “ [/i] Certainly that’s the case, intellectually. ...and - [i] “These trolls” [/i] I’ve also noticed that you’re too lazy to do anything other than exercise your personal abuse valve. You’ve used “troll” before to seek to dismiss an alternative view that you’re too narrow minded to consider. You’re just another lazy ALP barracker, apparently without the capability to engage in a policy discussion, unless you’re- • Reading from an ALP press release, or • Resorting to insults to shut down any dialogue
How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?