What do you expect from TPS in 2021?

First, you may be interested to read what I wrote over ten years ago, in September 2008, in a piece titled Welcome to the Political Sword blog. The history of The Political Sword though goes back further.

It began when Possum Comitatus (aka Scott Steel) gave me my first opportunity to have a blog piece published - in July 2008 - on a political blog site he created: The Possum Box. The initial piece was titled: Is adversarial politics damaging our democracy? Sadly, adversarial politics is as rampant now as it was then! Here is the link to a recent replication of this piece.

The response that initial piece evoked gave me so much encouragement, I decided to create The Political Sword.

Times have changed so much since then. There is now a plethora of online political sites, so many that reading them all is beyond the time scope of most people. It is not surprising then that online comments on individual pieces are in short supply. Initially, TPS pieces attracted as many as 300 comments! Can you believe it? We noted at the time that the commentary on each piece morphed from offerings about the piece itself to an online chat among participants, who seemed keen to engage with each other.

Comments on TPS pieces are now quite limited; half a dozen is regarded as a good outcome. Some of you are regular commenters, for which we thank you.

A more satisfying statistic is the number who give our pieces a five star rating. Sometimes the number is as high as thirty!

By courtesy of our valued colleague Michael Taylor, who operates AIM - the Australian Independent Media Network, pieces from The Political Sword are reproduced on that site. Often, as many as thirty visitors to AIMN offer a comment. Michael’s clients are decidedly more communicative than are our own.

Which brings me to the point of this piece. What do you expect of TPS in 2021?

To begin, we ask you to enlighten us about how those who visit TPS might be persuaded to comment on the articles we offer, and thereby encourage those who take the time and effort to write for this blogsite.

Here’s another issue. There has been widespread discussion about the role of the mainstream media, print and online, much dissection of its offerings, much criticisms of the political stances it takes or declines to take, and much comment on the role and orientation of its journalists. There is uncertainty about what it should do, described so nicely in Bernard Keane’s Crikey article: Even the dumbest social media critics of journalism might have a point. It’s worth a read. We’d appreciate having your comments about it.

Where then does TPS stand? We have no preordained views to promote. We examine political issues, both local and overseas, which have risen to prominence in both the mainstream and social media. We select those that we believe will be of interest to our readers. We seek to avoid partisan bias. We may not always succeed. We are neither rabid ‘lefties’ nor entrenched conservatives. We prefer to occupy the middle ground, because we believe most solutions to political issues reside there.

What then do you, the readers, expect of TPS in 2021? Your views will always be welcome. Polite, considered feedback is what we seek. Give it a try!

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Greg Gilmour


As a new subscriber I really don't feel qualified to comment however I'm encouraged by your request that I do so. Probably the best indication I can give you of my expectations is to say that I am here looking for informed commentary. I'm dismayed by the narrow focus of views expressed in the mainstream media. I'm even more dismayed that the people I associate with are too often uncritical of those views.

Michael Taylor


Welcome back, TPS. 

Many are predicting that Morrison might call an early election this year. It’s only speculation, of course, but nonetheless we’ll need to be on our guard. 

I look to TPS to be leading from the front in our fight for justice. 

PS: Thank you for the mention. It is an honour to stand beside you. 

Laurie Forde


I'm looking for an alternative, ethical voice to the extreme Right propaganda that we are fed daily by the MSM led by Murdoch's lickspittle journalists.and increasingly followed by many ABC journalists, many of whom are "ex" Murdoch unethical lickspittle journalists.

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Greg Gilmour

Welcome to The Political Sword. We hope you will find the commentary you find here informative. You personal input would be appreciated.  

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Laurie Forde

Welcome to The Political Sword.

We hope you will find what you read here both interesting and challenging. Your input would be appreciated.

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Michael Taylor

Thank you for your generous comment. We look forward to another year of collaboration with AIMN, which has been so fruitful over the years.

After listening to a very confident Morrison addressing The National Press Club today, you, I feel sure an election this year is almost a certainty.

Emma Wright


Hi I don't normally comment here but I am here for unbiased journalism, not the tainted right-winged Murdoch vitriol that the majority of other "new sites" sprout!

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Emma Wright

Thank you for the compliment you pay us, and welcome to The Political Sword. Do come again.

Cath O'Connor


I too am here for unbiased commentary on Australian Politics and international politics that impacts Australia. 

Anne Magarey

2/02/2021I'm after rational, evidence-based, thoughtful commentary and insight into the political events that warrant such commentary. I get an alert when there is a new post, which I appreciate.

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Cath O’Connor and Anne Magarey

We thank you both for your kind remarks, and hope we can continue to satisfy your desire for a balanced appraisal of contemporary political events. We will never be short of material suitable for commentary in today’s tempestuous political world.

How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?