
This piece won’t take you long to read. Its message is clear, precise, and uncomplicated. The social media abounds with descriptors of the Morrison Government. Few are complimentary. Many are rude, even obscene. Many emanate from an adversarial viewpoint. There are few restraints on those seeking to denigrate; it’s easy to be critical when contrary views are limited. So let’s skip those, and find a descriptor that is accurate, even polite.

We need only to reflect for a moment on recent events to arrive at a conclusion.

Among the many possibilities, it seemed to me that ‘disarray’ was an apt descriptor for the contemporary Morrison Government. A Google search for the meaning of this word says: “Combine the prefix ‘dis’ meaning ‘lack of’ with array which derives from the Old French word areer (‘to put in order’), and you've got a mess on your hands — or a lack of order. That's disarray.

Here’s how the Merriman-Webster Dictionary defines ‘disarray’: “lack of order or sequence”. The meaning of the word is not obscure!

How applicable then is the noun ‘disarray’ when summing up the Morrison Government?

Reflect on its actions and performance.

Take its handling of the COVID vaccine arrangements. On again, off again; confusion about which one is most suitable; uncertainty about contraindications; confusion about when and where the vaccines will be available, to whom and for whom; lack of certainty about the continuity of supplies, their sources, their arrival times, even their efficacy; lack of clarity about who will administer them and where; uncertainty about the legal responsibilities of suppliers and those administering the vaccine, a worrying aspect for general practitioners.

As The Conversation puts it: The vaccine rollout — which remember, started stubbornly late — is in disarray. A promised four million inoculations by the end of March and completion by the end of October proved wildly unrealistic. On another front, reflect on Morrison’s handling of his recent political problems: the Laming saga detailed in sordid detail under ‘Controversies’ in Wikipedia, the Christian Porter scandal, the Craig Kelly schemossle, and now the Holgate affair, which has exposed his propensity for bullying behaviour for all to see.

Need I continue? What more evidence do you need to confirm that the Morrison Government is in a state of disarray, perpetuated by a confused, conflicted, con man, who sadly is also our Prime Minister?

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Phil Pryor


Disarray? A word which embraces all the mismanagement, disappointments, unfitness, inadequacy, unsuitablitiy, lack of qualifications, stupidites, assorted superstitions, dogmatic mentality, pretentiousness, and utter bullshit, all together.

Michael Taylor


I think Grumpy Geezer might have found the answer to this earlier today on The AIMN when he said:

”This human embodiment of the gag reflex would not be successful at the great con if more people paid attention.”

All we have to do now is wake those people up. 

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Phil Pryor


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Michael Taylor




It is a great word but scummo’s mob do not deserve it.

Sadly, they are simply lost and are making a pure mess of government. 

Right from the start they were blind to a cruise ship being no different to a hotel except the untrained private security people could leave the hotel. 

They were confusing the concepts of giving and getting the virus. 

The masks were some protection from transmitting the virus but no protection from getting it. So if the virus was present then professional protection was needed.

Amateurs were lambs to the spreading.

who thinks smug twits, hunt, is aware of his failings

Michael Taylor


Ad astra, the elusive answer to that has been keeping me awake since 2013. 

There is a wall between truth and the government. That wall is the Murdoch media. 

If that wall is knocked down then the rest should be easy. 

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Michael Taylor

Let’s hope Rudd’s attempt to establish a Royal Commission into the Murdoch empire eventually succeeds. But with the Morrison government so addicted to Murdoch’s tabloid largesse, that will be impossible. Sooner or later though Murdoch will get his thoroughly deserved cummupence  

Ian Parfrey


I would to think that Murdoch is the only cancer on society, but now we have Costello's Scum Rags ex Fairfax running a very close second. 
I despair that the Opposition can't, or won't, accept the basic fact that when you control the media you control the political leanings of that media's consumer.
Murdoch and Costello both push spruik the LNP line, and while you have these two media behemoths blowing your horn, do you really think any alternative message you have will get airtime?
Trump got the top job because of the media. wise Johnson in the U.K so it's obvious that aptitude is no pre-requisite for the job. 

Why should the United States of Australia be any different?




Aaarrrgghh it's so hard to write when i know that words just can't express my disgust, disappointment, dismay at the disarray that now has infected every aspect of Australian life since this hateful regime took charge in 2013. Religion, privilege and greed promoting division, ignorance and hatred throughout the community .. 

And talking about it does nothing at all. 

People say It's time to do this, that, whatever ..  No it's not, it's way past time to do anything about it.

They say The Government must do this, that, whatever .. No they mustn't, they have the power

People say We must get rid of Murdoch ..  Yes well How? 

We have frittered our hard-won rights and allowed our society to slide so far down the slippery slope to a far-Right hegemony that I see no way out. Even if Labor can win the next election .. the cynicism and anti-scientific attitude is interwoven throughout our society now. 


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Ian Parfrey

Welcome to The Political Sword. Do come again.

I agree that the influence of the media is central to political discourse, and we, the consumers, are the victims of its pernicious influence. It’s not surprising that a feeling of helplessness pervades.

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Talk Turkey

I share your despair.

How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?