Slowing down the blur that is the colour and movement of a Tony Abbott speech

Tony Abbott giving his speech to the 55th Annual Liberal Party Federal Council, 2011

In the perpetual present that politics has become, worldwide, and especially in this country since Tony Abbott became Opposition Leader, where what happened and what was said yesterday is so last week, and as our Opposition Leader churns out speeches like butter to give to whoever will have him on their stage, like the journalist that he is, able to write a new story every day, we usually don't get the opportunity to analyse his words, so quickly do they pass us by in a blur, only to be replaced tomorrow by another set.

The tune remains the same but the words change. There are certain themes that are core but which get changed periodically as the Coalition Caravan moves on.

So I just thought that I would take the time that no one else seems willing or able to, and take one of Mr Abbott's speeches, which contain the 'Gospel Truth' I am to assume as it was written down, and analyse what he really means when he speaks those words.

Or does he? Because, like the journalist he used to be he is able to turn on a dime from one day to the next and write something completely different to what he has written in a previously written piece of work.

So, come with me as we explore the travesty for Australia contained in the speech given by Tony Abbott to the 55th Liberal Federal Council on the 25th of June, 2011.  

I will be starting at the beginning and going line by line through the whole speech adding my comments and pointing out implications of his words which he probably hoped we wouldn't go into too deeply. Which is exactly why I am doing it, because if the media is not willing to apply proper scrutiny to this man who wants to rule our country, who wishes to slide into the highest office in the land, based upon feel-good bromides that disguise a seamy underbelly of intent, and mindless slogans, then I feel honour-bound to do that which they will not.

Tony Abbott speaks with forked tongue, and I want to untangle the snake-tongued one's silkily delivered speeches from now until the next election. I think it will be fun, a worthwhile exercise, and hopefully enlightening for anyone reading it. So, here we go. Tony Abbott’s words are in italics.

“On this weekend exactly a year ago, when we last met, the Labor government was 10 points ahead in the Nielsen poll and Julia Gillard was 21 points ahead as preferred prime minister.

“Some difference a year makes!

Which only goes to prove that opinion polls taken after a year of relentlessly negative posturing by Mr A and the media, which indulges him, do have an effect – on the opinion polls, such that they have begun to feed off each other. Tony Abbott and the opinion polls, that is.

Tony Abbott attacks and launches 'Suspension of Standing Order' motions in order to rail against the government, day after day in parliament, based on very little of real substance, which makes the TV News, the newspapers, and the ABC, which serves to continue to adversely colour people's perception of the government and means that any positive achievements are continually swamped by this never-ending negativity from Australia's 21st century 'Nattering Nabob of Negativism'. Then another poll is taken: by Newspoll, or Nielson, or Morgan, or Galaxy, or Essential, or the plethora of media outlets, and, with no concurrent scrutiny or focus on Mr Abbott, the government again suffers in the polls. Especially when every minor detail of the Prime Minister's demeanour and anatomy is focused on with laser-like intensity, and every sexist slur is gleefully 'reported', and repeated, all the live long day, well, it's no surprise to me then that the polls are bad now for the government.

And yes, I admit, if they had delivered more in the last 12 months maybe things would be better for them in 'the polls'. However, only 1 year into a 3 year term I cannot see as how these polls should be taken as seriously as some, like Mr Abbott, would like them to be. I honestly don't remember the same portentous intensity being visited upon the poll numbers during the first year of any of John Howard's terms of government, and, in fact, I remember a benign indulgence by the media of his government being accorded to him if things had gotten a bit off-kilter for some reason.

Of course, however, it suits Tony Abbott and the media that is running his PR campaign to accord 'the polls' undue importance. Such importance that it was the first cab off the rank in his speech!

“Over the past year, this great party has deprived a first term government of its majority, brought a returned government to its knees, and now has despairing Labor MPs thinking about Kevin 11.”

Even though 'this great party' of Tony Abbott's wasn't able to win the August 2010 election, or convince a couple of Conservative independent MPs to support it to form government in the post-election negotiations. Nor any independent MP, no matter how much money he threw at them.

‘...brought a returned government to its knees.’

Well, obviously Mr A has a very different interpretation of what that is to what I do. I suppose if he calls having a 151 to zero success rate in passing legislation in parliament being 'brought to its knees', then I, um, guess so. However, I think that what he means is that being indulged, facilitated, and enabled by a Conservative-owned media, which also seems to wag the dog of the ABC, such that he is giving the impression of successfully challenging the Minority Gillard government to the public-at-large, when he is, in fact, being entirely ineffectual where it should really count, in the Legislative Chambers of both Houses of Parliament, then, well, I have to agree with him. Let's just see how long he can keep that up for though before the scales start to fall off the eyes of the electorate and reality intrudes on his carefully crafted mirage, that is the All Attack 'Action Man' Abbott political persona. Tick, tick, tick Mr A.

'...and now has despairing MPs thinking about Kevin 11.'

Erm, no, actually. From all credible reports, a return to Kevin Rudd as Labor leader is the last thing Labor MPs are considering. The truth is, bar a couple of minor niggles, they are happy with Julia Gillard. What made Kevin Rudd crumble, from Tony Abbott, the Coalition camp, and their camp followers in the media, is only making Julia Gillard stronger and more resolute. So, this is just another lie from the lips of TA. They trip off his lips so casually and so easily, don't they?

"And Barry O’Farrell has won the biggest landslide in Australian history campaigning against the carbon tax." 

No. Wrong again, T.A. Barry O'Farrell tacked the 'Anti Carbon Tax campaign' onto the end of the Coalition's NSW State election campaign, almost as an Abbott-directed afterthought, which it was. And that's the actual truth of the matter, isn't it, Mr A.?

Actually, truth be told, and I know that is an alien concept to Mr Abbott, but the venal behaviour of the NSW State Labor government lost them the election and delivered a massive mandate to Barry O'Farrell, who employed the smallest of small targets to face the electorate with, who made much of a gimmicky 'Contract With the People of NSW', wherein he promised to resign as Premier if he broke that contract, and which he already has (break the contract, that is), and which he hasn't done (resign, that is). He broke that contract almost on Day 1 with his retrospective Solar Feed-In Tariff legislation. I'm sure we'll find more examples of that broken contract as Premier O'Farrell goes on without resigning, no doubt. I seem to remember Mr Abbott had one of those 'Contract with the People' thingys too, before the last election.

“If only we’d taken the advice of the pundits!”

Que? What advice? Which pundits, Mr A.? The ones that suit you to reference, no doubt!

“The most positive thing we can do for our country right now is save Australia from a carbon tax; a carbon tax that will destroy jobs and the raise the cost of living for Australia’s forgotten families.”

No, the most mature and adult thing we can do for our country right now is to save Australia from the catastrophic effects upon it of Global Warming and Climate Change, not reduce such an important matter to an argument about tax. A 'Price on Carbon' that will not be paid by the 'Forgotten Families' but the biggest, dirtiest polluters, will not destroy jobs but create them as a result of the Decarbonised Economy and Green Industrial Revolution. Now, what WILL raise the Cost of Living for Australian Families is no jobs from the economic transformation of the future and no decent national income as Mining Boom Mark 2 goes bust as we fail to move with the times and the price for our Coal goes down as other base load power modalities and ways of stoking furnaces are developed and implemented in countries decarbonising their economies. Remember who used to sell lumps of Coal? The poorest of the poor.

“And the best way to stop the carbon tax is to change the government.”

No, the best way to ensure that the sensible moves with respect to Global Warming are made is to NOT change the government to the 'Intelligent Sceptic', and master of Climate Change tokenism, Tony Abbott. Also to resist the world wide push back from the 'Business as Usual' Fossil Fuel industries trying to orchestrate, government by government, failure to take action on Global Warming.

“I thank everyone in this room and Liberals right around Australia for your hard work to expose the faults of a monumentally bad government.”

I think Tony Abbott should be thanking the Murdoch media and their lapdogs in the ABC. They are the ones who continually give credence to Abbott's cockamamie 'policies', such as the 'More money for High Income Earners Paid Parental Leave Scheme', which even members of his own Coalition think is an irresponsible dog. Instead the media echo every condemnatory phrase uttered, generally hypocritically, by the Liberal Party leader, without question, or, if, on the rare occasion that they do try to probe behind the glib facade that Tony Abbott and his minders and handlers have constructed, they then allow the man to treat them with contempt, give them the kiss-off and just walk away from their questioning without a bye nor leave.

“I thank my parliamentary colleagues especially my senior shadow ministers led by Julie Bishop and Joe Hockey.”

Don't. Make. Me. Laugh. Two more lightweight performers, who epitomise the phrase 'All style, no substance', I cannot think of. 'Helpmeet' Bishop and 'Haw Haw' Hockey. Both continually being found out to be fudgers of the first order. Both having only a passing acquaintance with a concept known as 'the Truth'. Bishop by not even being capable of penning her own contributions to Liberal policy debates (and yes, I know, 'Pot Kettle Black', but then I'm not Deputy Leader of a political party, and I'm not a serial offender), or making fundamental errors of fact when she does come up with a few original thoughts, and, last but not least, her idea to get the Coalition's election promises costed by Horwarth's Accounting firm over there in Perth, before the last election. Genius move, Jules. Not. Yes, it hid the $11 Billion Black Hole from the electorate, into which disappeared double counting and counting of things which didn't even exist in the Budget yet, or were 'Off Book', like the NBN, but, in the end, it just served to show her up, yet again, as an entirely unprincipled politician.

And Joe Hockey was the man who hawked it all around the country before the election and since, like some sort of Pyramid Investment Scheme-extolling 'Financial Guru' and carpetbagger. Just like we found out this past week from the 'Go Back to Where You Came From' show on SBS, that the Vice President of the Young Liberals was a Financial Planner. No wonder the Liberal Party fought so hard to get their cosy deal with the public preserved, as it seems they love nothing more than a bit of financial sleight of hand and a shell game to bamboozle the punters/electors.

So, in other words, TA, shonks from the top of the Liberal Party's pyramid, to the bottom. Not particularly fine and upstanding individuals at all. Yes, there are some in the Liberal Party who are, and, may I say, it appears to me they are hanging on by their fingernails, that are worthwhile individual MPs, Dr Mal Washer being one, but not the one's that you have singled out.

“I thank Alan Stockdale for being the kind of president a parliamentary leader can normally only dream of...”

And I bet there was a ton o' political calculation involved in TA's vote for him, which revolved around the fact that Alan is now Tony's man, and he let him know it during the ballot.

“…and Brian Loughnane for being the best political operator in our country.”

Mm, yes, the Coalition HAVE become better at the political operation of late than the ALP. It used to be the other way around, and weren't the Liberals twisted Kimbies a-go-go about that back then? No more, it seems. It's to be worn as a badge of honour now. Of course, Tony. And especially since you became Leader of the Liberal Party and policy became the Cinderella in the Liberal Party 'family'.

Even though, as we all know, playing politics isn't all there is. On the evidence, it seems to be the modus operandi of the Liberal Party to play the politics hardest, scatter a few policies around in general terms and prior to elections to keep the naysayers about the Coalition's empty policy cupboard quieted, and generally hide their true light under a bushel until after they are elected. Whereupon they whip off the masks they have been hiding their true faces behind and, 'Whack!' they begin their Shock and Awe campaign of implementing what they truly believe in but failed to inform the electorate about, except in the most general of terms. A la Barry O'Farrell, Ted Baillieu, Colin Barnett, and no doubt, Isobel Redmond in SA, 'Can Do' can of production line Liberal soup, Campbell Newman in Queensland, and Michael Hodgeman (now, is he an example of Liberal nepotism and birth-right political hegemony, or what?), in Tasmania.

“Most of all I thank the Australian people for keeping their faith that government doesn’t have to be as bad as this.”

Um, TA, it's the Labor Party that is in government and they have some pretty big reforms on the boil, despite your constant cavilling at minor inconsistencies that are thrown up in the dust they leave behind as they 'Move Forward' with their reformist agenda, all of which can be carefully explained and elucidated to the Australian people should the media so desire. Still, you don't really want to give that impression, do you?

“On her first day as Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that the government had lost its way and that she was taking control.”

And after a period of less than 1 year since the last election, Julia Gillard has sought to find a definitive solution to the Asylum Seeker issue which will encompass the entire region; she has modified the RSPT to become the MRRT, which mollified the Miners and their Anti-RSPT campaign, except for Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest and Big Gina Reinhart, whose core motivation appears to be becoming among the richest people in the world off the back of the profits from the resources which belong to all the Australian people and who should thus all benefit from them financially, with increased provision of infrastructure and real tax cuts and superannuation increases for those who need them most. Which doesn't equal Twiggy and Big Gina as it happens.

Julia Gillard has also taken the Climate Change policy bit between her teeth and is on the verge of nutting out the final details of the deal and announcing it to the Australian people. A deal which WILL pass parliament and which WILL actually see Australia, the highest per capita producer of Greenhouse Gases in the world, do its bit to reduce its CO2 emissions and thus force behavioural change upon the community and Industry.

And then there's the structural separation of Telstra and the implementation of the NBN.

Looks like control of a lot of balls in the air to me.

“One year and one day later, the government is dying in a political desert and the transition from Rudd to Gillard has been as effective as changing from Burke to Wills. “

Still, when it comes to glib one-liners, Julia Gillard is no match for Mr Abbott. I have to admit that.

“Some say that this government is the worst since Whitlam, but that’s unfair – to Whitlam – who was utterly incompetent but never sold Labor’s soul to the Greens.”

Um, much as Bob Brown would've liked it, The Greens didn't exist as a representative political entity in Whitlam's time. Did even the Australian Democrats? And actually, if selling one's political soul to The Greens involves compromising with them such that more humane political outcomes are the result, then, 'Bring It On!'. To which I will add that Mr Abbott doesn't have a political soul to lose, having sold it to the devil long since, in my humble opinion, in return for the power to mesmerise the gullible with fine-sounding sentiment. He truly has mastered the dark political art of speaking with a forked tongue. As this speech exemplifies in spades.

“When a government loses its way, sooner or later the country loses its way too.”

Nope, sorry, TA. I think we're finally headed in the correct direction, not the 'Right' direction. The NBN, Health and Hospital reform, addressing Climate Change, Tasmanian Forest policy, Skills and Training for all our kids and anyone else who wants access to it, not just the ones who can afford to pay for it, combined with importing the rest of the workforce from other countries and paying them wages comparable to the countries they came from in many instances, since uncovered, and eventually dragging our own Unskilled and Semi-skilled workers' wages down with them. A definite 'fiscal drag', you could say, that was occurring under Howard's watch. While, at one and the same time Aussie workers missed out on those jobs. Or, worse still, those jobs were outsourced overseas. As Howard and Abbott, Hockey and Bishop et al, encouraged enthusiastically.

Not to forget the glorious WorkChoices for those who weren't the much-lauded 'Small Business Owners', in that Liberal pantheon of ever-so-humble capitalist greats.

So that's the big N.O. To the assertion that the country has lost its way under Labor. I think that the Gillard government is just getting a head of steam up after heading in the wrong direction under Howard, and going off track and off the reservation under Kevin Rudd. Bless his over-achieving cotton socks.

“That’s Australia’s problem right now.”

No, the problem is that you, Tony Abbott, want to take the country back to where it has just gotten itself away from, by dressing up Howard's tired old tracksuit in a new lycra bag of fruit.”

The next part of the Abbott address gives his expert analysis of the Gillard Government, about which he insists there is “almost nothing right”. You will have to wait until next week for a forensic analysis of this.

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5/07/2011Good job Feral. Using the kind of hysterical & hyperbolic words that Abbott so luvs to vomit on the public: Tony Abbott is the mother of all negabores...there has been no greater betrayal of reason & commonsense reform than Tony's NO NO NO campaign...the people find him revolting...and the biggest surrenderer of integrity since a certain slack arse fired a sitting PM called fact Tony Abbott's approach to politics is "absolute crap"..."shit happens" on a regular basis when Abbott gets his hands on the public microphone...his approach to politics has been a debacle. I could go on. :) N'

Patricia WA

5/07/2011Well done, FS! What a [i]tour de force![/i] I've been carried along by your passion as well your sound argument in this first read. I'll get back to you when I've gone through it again.

Feral Skeleton

5/07/2011Nas, I actually think that a lot of the 'Absolute crap' that comes to us in the Babbling Abbott's speeches is courtesy of a journalist that sold his soul to the Liberal Party in order to work with Howard, called Tony O'Leary. I can see his hand at work in a lot of the TA speeches and commonalities with Howard's rhetoric. Or, should that be O'Leary's? Anyway, birds of a feather flock together, as they say, and the Liberal lot remind me of Indian Mynas, or whatever vermin on wings infest your particular State in plague proportions. I mean, did you listen to the upstart in his 'Suspension of Standing Orders' motion this afternoon in parliament? Demanding that the Prime Minister jump to his tune and recall parliament next week so he can have another crack at her(which the ABC has been dutifully reporting as if he had a right to do so)? When we all know that all it would turn out to be is more grandstanding, persiflage and posing from the jumped-up jism of a politician who calls himself 'The Alternative Prime Minister of Australia'.


5/07/2011Thanks Hillbilly Skeleton, for forensically delivering a HUGE Bad Abbott!


5/07/2011Hi Hillbilly Thankyou for taking so much of your time to compile such a lengthy article for us. Wow !you have worked hard. There will be heaps of comments tomorrow. Fancy Mr Abbott demanding that Julia Gillard extends parliament just so he can carry on like a court jester again. Tony Abbott and the Coalition were invited to attend the Carbon debate committee , they declined, they never ask any sensible questions in Question time. Hey! did you hear Julia Gillard today, ask Abbott where he was going to find a place five times the size of Tasmania to plant his trees. Cheers :):):):)

Feral Skeleton

5/07/2011lyn, Thank you. :) Yes, Tony Abbott never answers questions asked of him, does he?

D Mick Weir

5/07/2011Hillbilly, I have been looking forward to this post since what seems like 'forever' in the firmament that is, as you so nicely put it [i]'the perpetual present that politics has become'.[/i] Your 'teasers' and 'allusions' to epics such as 'War and Peace' have certainly 'whetted' the appetite. They would have done the promotions departments of most media organisations proud in alerting us to a forthcoming 'blockbuster mini-series'. I have to salute your effort as you have obviously spent considerable time honing your arguments and, no doubt, revising several drafts of this mini-series. I have to admit that I would not have been able to do it. Your passion and commitment to the cause are evident in what you have written. There is an old saw that goes along the lines of 'those that can, do, and those that can't, teach' and in the arts has been been modified to say something like 'those that can't become critics'. I will profess no ability to do, nor an abilty to teach however I will attempt the critic part. Having now read your piece right through twice, and looked at parts a third time I find myself in a state that is something akin to the let down that all the hype of that is generated in the promotion of a 'blockbuster' turns into 'just another bit of 'same old television'. You open well and then make, what to me is, a very contestable claim [i]'... I would take the time that no one else seems willing or able to, ... and analyse what he really means when he speaks those words.'[/i] To name just one, John @ True Politik in his post dated 26 June 2011, [b]Abbott: “Tax Cuts are in our DNA”[/b] seems to have taken up the cudgel with vim and vigour and made a pretty decent fist of it. I didn't have to go to far into your piece to think to myself 'oh no, here we go again' when I came to this: [i]'... because if the media is not willing to apply proper scrutiny to this man ... then I feel honour-bound to do that which they will not.[/i] It's all a media conspiracy. I had thought this piece was about dissecting the speech, not some tired old whinge about the media is 'agin us' which you in one way or another point to probably half a dozen times before we even get halfway through the piece. I could go just about anywhere in the political blogosphere and find whinges about 'media bias' from any and all sides of the political spectrum. This is not to deny that there is some pretty awful and partisan reporting in the MSM and elsewhere but, to my mind, it does nothing to 'enlighten' us. Up to about halfway through and I am in a state of thinking: 'Nothing new here, Mr Abbott is totally wrong and Hillibilly is totally right but, only because she says she is right'. It seems to me that you have used a lot of words to say not a lot new and the piece suffers from 'playing the man not the ball' more often than not. I had some hope that you might do as you proposed when you wrote [i]'... and analyse what he really means when he speaks those words[/i] and not resort to partisan ranting and playing the man. Your ending words [i]No, the problem is that you, Tony Abbott, want to take the country back to where it has just gotten itself away from, by dressing up Howard's tired old tracksuit in a new lycra bag of fruit.”[/i] while a 'good jibe' have left me wondering what we will get in part two of this series.

Acerbic Conehead

6/07/2011FS, Great forensic dissection of a load of self-serving tosh. Bono has the night off, so I’ve taken the liberty of casting you as the lead singer of U2, hammering out some alternative lyrics to their classic, “Sunday Bloody Sunday”. You’re angry as hell with Tony Abbott especially, but Greg Hunt as well, so sing with gusto. :- ( Yes... :- ( I can't believe the news today Oh, I can't close my eyes And make it go away How long... How long must we bear this nong? How long? How long... 'cause tonight...he just keeps bangin’ on Tonight... :- ( Broken promises never intendin’ to keep Changes his stance 50 times a week But I won't heed the bugger’s call Enough to drive me Enough to drive me up the bloody wall :- ( Spinday, Bloody Spinday Spinday, Bloody Spinday Spinday, Bloody Spinday :- ( And his prattle’s just begun Already he’s tellin’ porkies by the ton Wants a plebiscite on the carbon price But he’ll only count it if the result is nice :- ( Spinday, Bloody Spinday Spinday, Bloody Spinday :- ( How long... How long must we bear this nong? How long? How long... 'cause tonight...he just keeps bangin’ on Tonight... :- ( Spinday, Bloody Spinday Spinday, Bloody Spinday :- ( Don’t get sucked in by his lies Don’t get fooled, no way Oh don’t get fooled, no way Oh don’t get fooled, no way (Spinday, Bloody Spinday) Oh, he can stick his lies (Spinday, Bloody Spinday) :- ( There he is with his mate Hunt Fresh from sellin’ the doozy Direct Action stunt Now they’re addin’ insult to pain Makin’ capital out of Derry’s slain :- ( (Spinday, Bloody Spinday) :- ( But the battle’s just begun Won’t stop til we’ve got ‘em on the run On... :- ( Spindays Bloody Spindays Spindays Bloody Spindays


6/07/2011D Mick Weir, For me the key value in HS's article is in pointing out that every night the MSM reports the Chief Rabbotteer's daily frock-up (truck loader forklift.... wearing a lovely black overcoat .... and accompanied by a fool former opposition finance spokesman), and when parliament is sitting,every night the MSM reports his daily censure motion or MPI, as though these stunts are actually news, and actually the orthodox way of behaving as an alternative PM. I cannot ever recall one example of TV scrutiny/questioning/commenting about his daily, repetitious, amateur performances. Now I am not saying here that there is some media conspiracy to never embarrass him by reflecting on the trivia he dishes up. But I do observe that MSM never holds him to account about these practices. In other words, the elephant in the room, that our alternative PM is a clown, is just never raised. This elephant is one that I will contiue to cogitate on, and will gladly tell you all the answer whenever I can discover it.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Hi psyclaw, just for interest here are three headlines that have Abbott and stunt in them. [b]Tony Abbott's call for trip to Indonesia dismissed as a stunt[/b] The Australian June 27 [b]Tony Abbott's carbon tax plebiscite stunt could undo Julia Gillard[/b] Herald-Sun June 20 [b]Carry on Abbott: stunts hurt polls but not the house[/b] The Age June 25 Sure newspapers and not TV but there have been mentions of his Abbott's stunts as stunts more regularly of late. While not a 'hard news' programme the 7PM Project takes great delight in highlighting them. Not sure where I saw it but one I recall that got a run in a couple of places was of TA having several takes on 'bringing down a curtain' My point in my previous comment is that using 'medis bias' does not, at least for me, enhance the story or achieve further enlightenment. It adds nothing new.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Morning AC, nice take, it took me two reads to get the full impact but I am slowing down a bit after a long day and a couple of refreshers.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011That Mr Denmore has got the coverage of next Sundays Big Announcement all wrapped up:


6/07/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Precooked: Carbon Tax Coverage , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] Already struggling with their $600,000 mortgage and payments on their three investment properties, Matt and Nicky must now find the extra $1.20 they will pay in electricity bills a year ($1.15 of which will be rebated). [i]The dizzying heights of absurdity, The Concience Vote[/i] To undermine the government, demonise the Greens and ensure a Coalition election victory in 2013, if not much sooner. [i]When there’s so much wrong, where do you begin?,Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] There are some things that you read on the internet that make you think that theauthor may be wearing a tin-foil hat [i]Fran falls for Tony’s environment credentials,1Petermcc’s Blog[/i] I assumed she actually understood what he was saying and realised that Tony Abbott is hardly a reliable source when it comes to environmental matters. [i]Hockey’s truth Target, Tim Colebatch[/i] Few observers believe it will deliver anything like a cut of 33 per cent in per capita emissions by 2020. They say Tony Abbott would then have to choose between spending far more than planned or scrapping the target. [i]Clutching at Straws, David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] Yes Malcolm, a very thoughtful piece that explains why the right decision on improved broadband won't come from the market. [i]NBN in June: It's a deal... or is it?, David Braue, ABC Technology[/i] busy month that was one of the NBN's biggest so far - and was further helped by the company's launch of a quota-free trial satellite service and the commissioning of its first-release site in Willunga, SA. Expect more switch-ons [i]NBN will thrive if the price is right , Eric Knight, National Times[/i] To his credit, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has largely achieved this by what he calls ''structural separation''.Under the reform, the sale of broadband services to business will be independent [i]Broadband Speed major home buying factor, Paul Budde, The BuddeBlog[/i] Within this 11% of people, 17% indicated that they had declined homes as a result of their below-par internet performance. [i]Power out for Monckton at Port Adelaide as Lord lashes out, Andrew Cook, Crikey[/i] The Port Adelaide cancellation makes it six venues to ban Monckton from their premises, including the Broncos’ Leagues Club, Brisbane restaurant Gambaro’s and the three German clubs. [i]Too Late to Save the ABC?, Lunalava, Café Whispers[/i] Howard appointed conservative board members with few “neutral” appointees. The rot now goes much deeper into the organisation and will take many years to redress by which time the Liberal Party will be back in power [i]Not with a bang, David Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] Good things. Like, planting trees, that was a good thing wasn’t it? And, um, burying carbon in the ground. Also good.Now I don’t know if he had consulted with Barnaby, and the rest of his coalition partners [i]No carbon tax on petrol, but who’ll bear the brunt?, Richard Heaney, the Conversation[/i] The recent announcement that a carbon tax would not be levied on petrol for cars or light vehicles used by motorists, tradespeople and smallbusinesses is an interesting political statement. [i]78% of Aussies Believe Climate Change is Real and Happening, Moth, New Anthropocene[/i] regardless of what some media outlets say or AGW “sceptics” try to insist, the general public is listening to the message coming across from the science and sees climate change as an important issue, alongside humanistic principles [i]Measuring Australia's response to international climate change legislation, Joe Coghlan, On Line Opinion[/i] Since Gillard announced her intention to introduce a carbon tax from July 2011, initial positive Australian support for action on global warming, has turned negative [i]Can the carbon tax refloat the beached ALP ship?, Marius Benson The Drum[/i] So while it is a world of trouble for the Government, the road ahead is not necessarily smooth for Tony Abbott. His climate case has seen him dismiss scientific opinion and economic opinion. Labor will be working hard to build their case [i]The Calm Before the Carbon Storm, Ben Eltham, New Matilda[/i] As I’ve repeatedly argued here at New Matilda, the so-called "direct action"policies of the Coalition are at best unrealistically ambitious and at worst bald-faced lies. [i]No day of rest for the carbon price,Amber Jamieson, Crikey[/i] The Government is going to hit people with what we think is gonna be about $11 billion a year in extra costs in the economy. So it’s one billion dollars with us, versus $11 billion from them. [b]Reading[/b] [i]What’s Right?Peter van Onselen on the Future of the Liberal Party, The Monthly[/i] The current Liberal Party hasn’t had the chance in the short time it has been out of office to move from acting like a de facto government to an alternative government. [b]De facto governments act as if they have a right to rule; [/b]alternative governments develop a set of reasons why they should [b]Newspapers[/b] [i]Is it foot in mouth or simply premature enunciation?, Peter van Onselen, The Australian[/i] ACCI head Peter Anderson said something quite different on Sky News Abbott hoped to use a rare appearance on 7.30 to misrepresent support by the ACCI for his direct action plan. [b]Instead he was caught out bending (if not breaking) the truth.[/b]

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6/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011D Mick Weir, I thought I had highlighted instances of Tony Abbott's logical fallacies, but there you go, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you appear to have focussed on the metaphorical wart on the end of my nose whilst overlooking my 36-24-36 figure. Still, such is life. :( Nevertheless I will still continue to 'analyse' the rest of the speech by Mr Abbott, even if it is 'analysis' in my own style and just hope that people are sufficiently entertained, if not 'enlightened' by it to read it to the end. That's all I ever ask. Yet somehow I appear to be confronted now, from some quarters, with a weird sort of expectation that what I will write will scale the Olympian heights of erudition on a regular basis and say things and provide insight that no one else has done before me. Which appears to be the gist of your criticism, if I am to understand it correctly. Also, I don't get the part of your post where you say: [i]'I had some hope that you might do as you proposed when you wrote '... and analyse what he really means when he speaks those words and not resort to partisan ranting and playing the man.'[/i] I assume you mean that I should have done a forensic analysis of the statements made by Abbott with annotated references to evidence that proved my point. So please accept my apology that my work hasn't reached the high standards you were led (?) to expect. I honestly never thought that was what was expected of me, I truly didn't. I just thought I would have a go at teasing apart a speech of Abbott's, line by line, and see what I could come up with. Unlike John at True Politik, and no disrespect to him for his effort and I agree it was very good, but he did not go through the speech line by line and that is where the difference between our two efforts lay, and that was a valid difference between the two, or so I thought until you condemned me for my effort. However, if I follow your logic we should only be reading one analysis of each political item and then move on. Well, that makes a lot of journalists redundant then, as well as a lot of bloggers. To your way of thinking, if someone else beats them to the punch they should abandon their own attempt to pass their own comment. Correct me if I'm wrong(which you seem willing and able to do). Not only that but because other journalists or bloggers have referred to Tony Abbott's stunts, therefore it's not a new observation and I'm not allowed to make a point about them? Or because I reference media bias you have the right to slam my contribution in this way: [i]My point in my previous comment is that using 'medis bias' does not, at least for me, enhance the story or achieve further enlightenment. It adds nothing new. [/i] I honestly didn't know I was expected to 'enlighten' and add 'something new'. I thought I was just having my say and pointing out media bias if there was any, which is continuing to occur to the continued consternation of many, and thus I deduced that it is still valid to keep pointing it out. Not that it was the focus of the piece either, as you seem to think. I don't agree with you that this is the case with the piece either: [i]It's all a media conspiracy. I had thought this piece was about dissecting the speech, not some tired old whinge about the media is 'agin us' which you in one way or another point to probably half a dozen times before we even get halfway through the piece.[/i] I also thought that I provided examples and evidence to back up what I was asserting about what Mr Abbott was attempting to state as truth when it wasn't. Still, and yet again, it appears that I am to be held to standards that the best of Australia's political journalists, academics and bloggers are not. Why D Mick Weir? At the end of the day I'm just a suburban mum who likes to have a say about Australian politics on a blog, who trys her best to do good work inbetween all the other things that are on my plate. Nothing more, nothing less. I sure don't have tickets on myself about my work or smug expectations of enlightment from it which you seem to expect from it. That I do know for sure, without a shadow of a doubt and lots of evidence to back that statement up.


6/07/2011Wednesday's Bad Abbott You have to wonder about a leader of the Opposition who signs off on a party slogan of "Back on Track" when the Coalition has such a crap record on national public infrastructure. Presumably the "track" will be dirt, peter out into a dead end (no Reith pun intended), with over-head copper cabling along the length of it delivering a fading signal to... nowhere.


6/07/2011FS great article. Don't forget Tony Abbott and the Coalition had Pauline Hanson, first they adopted her policies than they got her imprisoned.

Patricia WA

6/07/2011DMW, perhaps those few headlines do look like a rare even handed approach to the political biffo, but the story content does not condemn Abbott's 'stunt' tactic, rather he gets credit for it e.g. [quote]Yes, it's a stunt. But it's a good one.[/quote] Abbott would be rubbing his hands over a mildly condemnatory headline immediately followed by a sizable shot of his handsome smiling self astride an even more handsome equine.


6/07/2011D Mick Weir Here is what I actually wrote: "I cannot ever recall one example of TV scrutiny/questioning/commenting about his daily, repetitious, amateur performances" I was not referring to TV (or newspaper) mere mentions of Rabbott’s stunts. Although even mere mentions are vastly, vastly outnumbered by the number of stunts. I was referring to a genuine analysis of his stunt behaviour as the singular modus operandi of the alternate PM. So if you can send me a link to any quality ANALYSIS of his stunt behaviour I will be appreciative. And if any such link is to one of the higher profile “political commentators” we see frequently on our TVs, I will be both appreciative and surprised.

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011sue, Thank you. :) I'm glad you didn't find the post derivative and unenlightening.

Patricia WA

6/07/2011psyclaw and DMW, I agree that no MSM commentators have analysed Abbott's stunt behaviour. Nor on the blogosphere have I come across a 'forensic' critique of the kind that DMW was perhaps hoping for from our Feral. I'm sure Lyn would have linked us all to that! There's plenty of running commentary on 'spin' though and Abbott's stunts get derisive mention all the time. I'm thinking particularly of the feature at which describes itself thus [quote]A weekly (mostly) look at media spin tactics: let’s dissect the PR and propaganda that aims to blow one’s own horn, bury one’s errors, resurrect the shambling zombie corpses of well-flogged deceased equines, and ooh look! A Big Distracting Thing![/quote] In response to DMW's comment on Feral's post in general I think that as '[u]'a forensic'[/u] i.e. [i]'a speech setting out one side of a question' [/i]in the American sense (OED) I think FS has done a good job of rebutting Tony Abbott's speech to his party faithful. Had it been in a public debate she would have wiped the floor with him!

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011 Hear! Hear!


6/07/2011Feral Skeleton Congratulations,Well done, the amount of hours you have put into this has paid off well. I must admit I do not read or listen to Abbott. I had the misfortune of reading D Mick Weir's comment which started out as complimentary. I then found myself getting angry because of the belittling way he accused you of not being good enough without adding what he thought would be better. I am one person whom can see how the media has badly, in many cases, misreported what Labor are doing. I see it in the way they give precedence to the opposition to put their case first, then have the government 'defend' themselves from the oppositions point of view, not allowing the government to grace to put their own point of view. I hope some of what I have just said makes sense. Again Feral Skeleton, congratulations and well done, I envy your ability to do this article and look forward to many more from you.


6/07/2011I think I'm about to hatch a Zen. See how it goes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A certain man, world-weary and disillusioned from searching for enlightenment, hears of a remote fountain high in the mountains, where it is said that there dwells a sage able to grant enlightenment to those who drink of the waters. After great trials the man, thirsty, cold and hungry, makes it to the place, but instead of an isolated dwelling there is a new suburb nearby. And instead of a fountain, there is only a well. Close by it sits a woman of mature years, who looks up from the yarn she is spinning to greet him with friendly indifference. "Where is the Fountain of Life, Woman?" the man asks. "There is no fountain here, Pilgrim", says the woman, "but you are welcome to drink from my well." With a good deal of effort she draws a bucket of water from deep in the well. The man eagerly takes a long draught, wondering what the effect will be. Except that he no longer feels thirsty, he feels no change. "That was just ordinary water!" the man says in disappointment. "Well, it's from a well, what did you expect?" says the woman. The man begins to become angry. "Woman, where can I find the Sage?" he demands. "There is nobody here but me, Pilgrim" says the woman. "But I was told the water was magical, and that you were a Sage who could grant me enlightenment!" shouts the man. The woman addresses the man in firm tones: "Look, Pilgrim, I'm just a suburban mum who likes to have a say about Australian politics on a blog, who tries her best to do good work in between all the other things that are on my plate. Nothing more, nothing less. I sure don't have tickets on myself about my work or smug expectations of enlightenment from it which you seem to expect from it." The man goes away angry, resentful and disappointed, still cold and hungry. But as that night he squats in the poor shelter of the town's public dunny, shivering and starving, alone and despised by all, an epiphany hits him fair between the eyes: "Others may provide the pilgrim with wisdom, but enlightenment can only come from within; and even then the foolish man may not see the light."

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Good Morning FS, Great reply thanks. Your opening par almost causes me to retort with [i]'Nice legs, shame about the face'[/i] but I will resist that temptation. :) To go with the wart analogy. One, maybe two (at a pinch) 'shots @ the meeja' may have been needed but more only highlights the wart. Putting on the glasses (rose coloured or otherwise) of someone who came to this blog for the first time and had read only your post could they be left with the impression that blaming the media is all you have to support your case? To my mind (only?) 'blame the meeja' takes away from what is in most parts a solid critique of the speech and the ideology behind it. [i]'... if I follow your logic we should only be reading one analysis of each political item and then move on.'[/i] Not at all. One of the great things, and delights, about this 'place' is that Lyn and many others bring many different articles of varying POV's to our attention. Long may it continue. [i]'... it appears that I am to be held to standards that the best of Australia's political journalists, academics and bloggers are not.[/i] I suggest you may have set yourself up for that with [i]'... I would take the time that no one else seems willing or able to, ...[/i] I don't believe I am holding you to a higher standard than any and all others but possibly to a standard that is expected of others when they criticise the government. [i]At the end of the day I'm just a suburban mum who likes to have a say about Australian politics on a blog, who trys her best to do good work inbetween all the other things that are on my plate.'[/i] Whoa, I, and many others know you are much more than [i]'just a suburban mum'[/i] I see you also as a passionate, articulate supporter of a cause. A person who is willing to take a stand and not afraid of 'speaking your mind' amongst many other fine attributes and personas that you no doubt have. There is probably a difference between criticism and critique that I am yet to understand or master and have not intended with my less than adequate critique to offend you or demean your efforts. I have offered my comments in a spirit of making the good, better, or to use a bussiness speak phrase, 'continuous improvement'. Please keep writing I enjoy it and often learn from you and I love (and envy?) the passion and commitment you put into your writings (K)

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Patricia WA, [i]'... perhaps those few headlines do look like a rare even handed approach to the political biffo, ...'[/i] Without to much effort I could offer more headlines but there is no point. I deliberatly put the one from 'The Hun' in to acknowledge headlines can be misleading and yes, there is often a lack of 'even-handeness' whatever that is or means. There is criticism of the opposition and it's tactics around and we can't see, hear or read it all. And yes, there is a lot of criticism of the government around, some valid, some not. I am yet to get to the Peter van Onselen article on the Future of the Liberal Party that Lyn has pointed to in today's links but from the 'teaser snippet' it looks to have some criticism of the opposition. Time and reading will tell. It is easy to believe that it is all a conspiracy against the government and all the reporting and/or commentary is against the government if that is what we want to believe. It can be difficult, particularly when we have a different point of view to that being put, to challenge our own thinking and maybe, just maybe, accept that that other pov may have a little more validity than our own.

Per Ardua

6/07/2011Nice parable TT, very close to the bone. I am at a loss to see who it is directed at though! Not! Despite all the naysayers predicting doom and gloom, and decrying our current PM and Government initiatives in general, it is heartening to see the likes of FS et al exposing the hypocrisy and blatant lies of TA and ilk with a clarity that MSM is both unwilling and unable to. I feel that the pendulum is swinging to support from the general public and institutions as evidenced by this lot from the big business end of town and the Monckton venue cancellations. Keep up the good work.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011TT, what a parable you have weaved. Zen, Buddha maybe even Dalai Lama as well. I will ponder and absorb but before I go master, can I point you to par seven of the post and these words [i]... and hopefully enlightening for anyone reading it[/i] and ask: Was enlightenment expected by the recipient or offered by the giver?

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011DMW, Even the Dalai Lama would say that even he has not reached complete enlightenment and that we all have something to learn every day as we wend our way along the path of 'continuous improvement'. However, I just think that our mentors should be there to help us along the way and not to say, "Shape up, or ship out, your work at this point along life's highway is 'Absolute crap'". I will weigh in the balance, therefore, the time of the original comment and the tone and time of it's follow-up. All in the spirit of caring and sharing that we have here on The Political Sword. :)

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011Little tiny flickers of light in the Coal Black darkness(I love the Body Shop's CEO's name btw):


6/07/2011D Mick Weir said "Good Morning FS, Great reply thanks. Your opening par almost causes me to retort with 'Nice legs, shame about the face' but I will resist that temptation. :)" But you didn't did you. The Poodle and the Puff Adder both use the same despicable ruse in Parliament, and then disingenuously "withdraw". You have defined yourself by own utterances, and chosen your bedfellows. You say all that belittling and patronising and misogynistic stuff to Feral Skeleton who, you're right about this, gives us thought-through mountains compared to your disjunctive and curmudgeonly warts, and then you have the gall to blow her a (K) ?! Well, Good Afternoon DMW, Great reply, NO thanks. Your opening par almost causes me to retort with 'Nice gravatar, shame about the brain' but I will resist that temptation. I'm not quite blowing you an ( * ) this time DMW, (I am a Very Civil Turkey) but I'm getting very close. What you have said isn't even friendly, it's a snide and supercilious put-down. What are you about? Tell us true, Mr Weir.

Patricia WA

6/07/2011Dear Mick Weir, I have no doubt that should you list me a score of such apparently kind headlines most of the content following would contain at best a back handed compliment to the Gillard government but more often a free kick for the opposition, the like of which I quoted above. The Political Sword is a partisan blog and not an arm of academia. If it were the latter articles here could be fairly criticised for lack of objectivity. I think what Feral is attempting is a point by point rebuttal of Tony Abbott's speech to uncover the untruths it contained. One glance at her gravatar and the metaphor contained within it should make that clear to any unwary visitor here. I knew what to expect from her the very first time I saw it here months back. Forgive me if I stray off thread a moment or two....... I think FS is well named and depicted in the sense that she is passionate and untamed,ie feral, but also her frame reveals a very human skeleton. Her inner being is bare of any covering, flesh or fibre, apart from her feet, which reveal by her stance that she's in there, boots and all! Her wide open mouth is ready to debate and defend her case. I think the helmet demonstrates the value she places on her mind; she prides herself on presenting rational argument. Otherise, no body armor at all except for that shield she's holding. Of course there's that (political) sword she's wielding too, ready to take on all comers! Her image among others sent some subliminal message (gut feeling?) or flash which attracted me to 'The Political Sword.' The site title and authors' names like 'Feral Skeleton' and 'Ad Astra' seemed unerringly to guide me 'home' and I think I now know why. Every morning when I boot up and start in on Lyn's Links or check up on the latest post and comments I feel that same satisfying sensation of being home. It's always accompanied by a mental image of myself as a young girl, a scholarship child hungry for knowledge, sitting at an iron frame wooden desk in a re-furbished nissen hut classrooom, in post-war England, listening to my headmistress, in beautifully modulated tones, reading Bulwer-Lytton's oft quoted lines [quote]True, This! — Beneath the rule of men entirely great, The pen is mightier than the sword..... ...... Take away the sword - States can be saved without it![/quote] We didn't study his play, but we did learn those lines for homework! At the time we were reading Milton's Areopagitica and his plea for freedom of the press which was also hugely influential in the development of my young mind. Obviously my belief in the power for good of the written word has ever remained in my consciousness and resurfaced here when I first tried to defend Greg Jericho in more serious lines than usual for me. If I thought that FS was abusive of that power in her post I would have joined DMW in his criticism. Another aside apt for FS, DMW and myself to ponder here is a further quote from the mighty Milton, wielder of the most powerful political sword in the English language and wonderful poet, are these words from Dalilah in Samson Agonistes. [i] In argument with men a woman ever Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause.[/i]

Ad astra reply

6/07/2011D Mick Weir You have given a straightforward critique of FS’s latest piece from your own perspective. Having read her piece carefully while preparing it for posting, I have a different perspective. You feel that she is incorrect in asserting that: [i]“no one else seems willing or able to, ... and analyse what he really means when he speaks those words.[/i]”, and you quote the piece by John of [i]True Politick[/i] as evidence that others have done so. John’s excellent piece focused on one phrase in his speech: [i]“Tax cuts are in our DNA...”[/i] and comprehensively showed what else resides in the Liberal Party’s DNA. There is nothing though that I have seen that exhaustively analyses Abbott’s speech as does FS’s piece. So to me she is doing us a service by analyzing his address word by word. Doing so exposes the extent of his disingenuousness. You also take exception to what you perceive as FS whining about media bias, again. You cite links to MSM stories where reference is made to Abbott’s stunts to support your view that the media is onto his stunts. Well they are, but in what way? Phillip Hudson's piece was not critical of Tony Abbott's plebiscite stunt; indeed it applauded it: "[i]Yes, it's a stunt. But it's a good one.[/i]" Michael Gordon talked about another Abbott stunt - to have a vote on the carbon tax in parliament - but there was no condemnation of it as a stunt. All three articles used the 'he said, she said' approach, where the accusation of 'stunt' was mainly within the quotes of someone else. Nowhere did I see a condemnatory word about Tony Abbott and his stunts. To me this is media bias and in my view needs to labelled as such and analysed as forensically as the MSM is keen to do about anything PM Gillard does or says. For example, in the online version of [i]The Age[/i] this morning there was a front page story quoting Abbott’s statement that PM Gillard is ‘afraid’ with an ‘afraid –looking’ photo of her. It seems now to have been replaced by other news, but to make a front page story of what Abbott says about PM Gillard’s alleged level of fear is pathetic journalism, tabloid style. It will take a major change towards more balanced reporting to convince me that our MSM is not continuing to be guilty of gross bias, and I for one will continue to highlight it until change occurs; maybe I will have shoved off this mortal coil before it does, but I’ll keep at it. Why? Not to whine, but join the many others who believe we deserve better from our media which every day distorts the ‘news’ and mangles the ‘truth’, almost invariably to the detriment of the elected Government. In short, I enjoyed FS’s word-by-word analysis, showing as it did the deception that our alternative PM perpetrates even in his official written words, which according to his own estimation are the words we can believe.

Ad astra reply

6/07/2011Folks FS has given us the link to the [i]Business for a Clean Economy[/i] website, which is worth a quick visit at Its opening paragraphs read: “[i]Benefits of a carbon price “A price on carbon, with appropriate transitional arrangements for households and industry, and complementary support for the development and deployment of low carbon technology, is widely recognised as being the most efficient and effective way of reducing emissions to meet this target. A carbon price is also important to provide a long term signal for investors in early stage clean energy technologies - such as geothermal, wave, large scale solar - that there will be a strong and vibrant market for these technologies in the future. Investors need to know that funding the research, development and demonstration of these cutting edge technologies represents an acceptable risk.
 “What we aim to do “Bring together businesses wanting to demonstrate their support for a price on carbon pollution – and ultimately to start Australia’s shift to a low carbon economy by unlocking low carbon investment and cutting Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. “Carbon Price Revenue “The revenue generated from pricing carbon pollution should be used to compensate households and businesses, as well as the early stage development of renewable energy technology. Other countries that have put a price on carbon have channelled this revenue into clean energy to make them cheaper for everyone and reduce carbon pollution over the long term.
”[/i] It is very gratifying seeing some businesses lauding the notion of a clean environment and seeking to advance it through a price on carbon. It’s such a nice contrast to the self-seeking rent-seekers who seem to have only their own welfare in mind.

Per Ardua

6/07/2011Could this qualify for the TA’s hypocrisy I referred to at 11.48? (From ABC Radio The World Today with Eleanor Hall). “The Prime Minister shouldn't be allowed to get away with going around the country to carefully staged photo opportunities. She should face the people in the Parliament. That is what she should be doing next week.” This from the man who, in the words of our new erudite commenter on TPS, psychlaw (with a very scary Gravatar): “the Chief Rabbotteer's daily frock-up (truck loader forklift.... wearing a lovely black overcoat .... and accompanied by a fool former opposition finance spokesman), “ Astonishing, does this man ever think about what he says.....


6/07/2011Patricia Annabel Crabbe's discovered rhyme Coupling one pair at a time! :)

Ad astra reply

6/07/2011Folks A couple of days ago FS gave us a link to [i]14 Propaganda Techniques Fox 'News' Uses to Brainwash Americans[/i] on [i]Alternet.[/i] I wondered if it would be possible to align these techniques with the words in Tony Abbott’s speech that FS has quoted in her piece. Here goes. The quotes are in italics; their categorization follows in bold. See if you agree. You may need to refer to the [i]Alternet[/i] article. [i]“On this weekend exactly a year ago, when we last met, the Labor government was 10 points ahead in the Nielsen poll and Julia Gillard was 21 points ahead as preferred prime minister. Some difference a year makes!” “Over the past year, this great party has deprived a first term government of its majority, brought a returned government to its knees, and now has despairing Labor MPs thinking about Kevin 11.” [/i] [b] Panic Mongering, Character Assassination, Bullying, Confusion [/b] [i]"And Barry O’Farrell has won the biggest landslide in Australian history campaigning against the carbon tax."[/i] [b]Rewriting History [/b] [i]“The most positive thing we can do for our country right now is save Australia from a carbon tax; a carbon tax that will destroy jobs and the raise the cost of living for Australia’s forgotten families.” [/i] [b] Panic Mongering, Confusion [/b] [i]And the best way to stop the carbon tax is to change the government.” “I thank everyone in this room and Liberals right around Australia for your hard work to expose the faults of a monumentally bad government.” [/i] [b] Character Assassination (of the Government), Saturation [/b] [i]“I thank my parliamentary colleagues especially my senior shadow ministers led by Julie Bishop and Joe Hockey.” “I thank Alan Stockdale for being the kind of president a parliamentary leader can normally only dream of and Brian Loughnane for being the best political operator in our country.” [/i] [b]Rewriting History (They lost the last two elections)[/b] [i]“Most of all I thank the Australian people for keeping their faith that government doesn’t have to be as bad as this. On her first day as Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that the government had lost its way and that she was taking control. One year and one day later, the government is dying in a political desert and the transition from Rudd to Gillard has been as effective as changing from Burke to Wills.”[/i] [b] Character Assassination (of the Government), Saturation, Rewriting History [/b] [i]“Some say that this government is the worst since Whitlam, but that’s unfair – to Whitlam – who was utterly incompetent but never sold Labor’s soul to the Greens.” “When a government loses its way, sooner or later the country loses its way too. That’s Australia’s problem right now.”[/i] [b]Panic Mongering, Character Assassination (of the Government), Scapegoating, Confusion, Saturation [/b]. It was fairly easy to characterize Abbott’s statements thus. You may not agree with some, or feel other categorizations could be applied. But is does appear as if the “Propaganda Techniques Fox 'News' Uses to Brainwash Americans” are the same ones in use here by Tony Abbott and the Coalition. What do you think?


6/07/2011[quote]“The Prime Minister shouldn't be allowed to get away with going around the country to carefully staged photo opportunities. She should face the people in the Parliament. That is what she should be doing next week.” [/quote] Per Ardua, The man's got the hide of a rhino. FS, I see you are back to your old self - excellent analysis.

Patricia WA

6/07/2011Agreed, Janice, but I bet the best you can hope for from MSM comment is [b]'Pot Calls Kettle Black!'[/b] Thanks for that underlining of Feral's argument, AA. Perhaps we should keep doing that with anything he says that matches those criteria.


6/07/2011D Mick Weir I guess it doesn't pay to stick your head up above the parapet, does it? :) Hillbilly Skeleton Thanks for all your work. I can see now why you felt we were on the same track with regard to my comment the other day about Abbott's statements being mostly meaningless. I can't leave DMW hanging out to dry by himself though. These days I don't give voice to my first impressions because bitter experiences (and a [b]horde[/b] of angry gerbils [for you AC]) have taught me that they are often ill-considered or at least poorly enunciated. On that basis I would not normally make these remarks but DMW is not wrong on all counts. After a first reading I thought the piece made too much of media bias. I still think that - by all means call attention to it but not so often. I would have hoped for a drier, more analytical article and was therefore disappointed on that front. However, reflection allows me to see that the basis for that reaction was more about how I would have written the piece rather than about your approach to the subject. Importantly, I didn't write the piece. I didn't get off my backside and attempt to do what you have done and therefore my criticism would have been unfounded. A second reading also makes clear something which was not apparent on the first reading. In a sense I was pushing through it looking for the meaty bit. Abbott's speech is much like a steak sandwich. A bed of rhetoric and broad sweeping generalisations is the first slice of bread. The filling should be meaty policy statements that the Party can chew over in the coming months. A bit of sauce to keep the media interested and another slice of rhetoric to finish it off. What you have covered in this instalment is the first slice of bread where there is not much of substance to be refuted, only half-truths and untruths. I run the risk of being prescriptive here (which I'm not) when I say that I anticipate that there will be more of what I was initially looking for in the next instalment where you are likely to cover the so-called meat of Abbott's speech. Instead of prime beef, I suspect we will find a vegetarian substitute which looks like steak but in no other way resembles the real thing. I look forward to the next instalment. I must say that I am disappointed in commenters' reactions to DMW's earlier remarks. Are we required to toe the line here and show no dissent? Lots of lip-service has been paid to welcoming contrary points of view at TPS and yet at practically every instance of it (no matter how politely put) the author is reviled. Very disappointing.

Ad astra reply

6/07/2011NormanK, D Mick Weir I hope that comments made here in response to DMW’s assessment of FS’s piece will not be taken as intolerance of his views. We respect you DMW, and your opinions, but like you we reserve the right to take a different viewpoint and to argue our case with facts and logical reasoning. I hope that has been the case today. If you DMW, or you NormanK, feel that comments have been abrasive or intolerant, please be assured of the goodwill we have towards you DMW, and our wish to have you continue to add to the richness of this site. We do value your opinions, even if we might not always be in full agreement with them.


6/07/2011Some may call this sitting on the fence but in my view FS' article and DMW's critique both have value. The article itself draws the distinction between the "truth" as Abbott sees it and the "truth" as others see it. Certainly the media is seen as being kind to Abbott by readers of this blog - but that is no excuse for Gillard not apparently being able to sell her first year which it seems to me anyway has laid the groundwork for the "kinder and gentler" Australia that Howard promised in the mid 1990's. Abbott was speaking to his audience which shows some application to the job at hand and frankly "the dog ate the homework" excuse of media failings (while having some truth) is beginning to wear thin. DMW's commentary has merit in that the the progressive side of politics in Australia has to realise that the status quo won't change anytime soon. Journalists have a personal view, as well as editors and media owners. They have just as much right to their view (however misguided in what seems to be our collective view) as we do to our view. That their view is reflected in their work is human nature - and lets face it Gillard has given them much hype and action (to date) to encourage them to change their mind. While FS' piece was well written - and the deity of your choice knows I don't have the time to even begin to write something of a comparable standard - did it really advance the discussion of why Abbott would be a hopeless Prime Minister, remembering that he was speaking to a crowd that hopefully think he is brilliant and the answer to all the perceived failings of the current Government? The crowd was never going to question the speech, the Liberal Party is probably thinking (with justification based on the polls) they have the next election in the bag and on the face of it why should the speech be doom and gloom?


6/07/2011D'oh - the 2nd last line of the 4th paragraph should read "...face it, Gillard [b]HASN'T[/b] given..."

Patricia WA

6/07/2011Hey, NormanK, where was anyone shot as they showed their heads above the parapet today? We've had disagreement, yes, but no shooting of the messenger, that I could see. Since AA did not include my own comment in his remarks about dissent from DMW's opinion I assume he found it fairly anodyne. But as I said very forcefully to Dear Mick Weir the other day I'd hate to think that anyone feared to make adverse criticism of anything written here. I know Ad Astra insists on courtesy here but he doesn't want us refrain from criticism of other comments. It's a forum for discussion, among friends. Why else come here? Isn't that one of the issues what we are up in arms about re. Abbott's tactics - the level of personal abuse which goes along with criticism of the government's pollies?

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Good Evening All, intersesting and informative responses from one and all. I thank you no matter that you agree in some small part or disagree totally. Of all the feedback to my pov there is only one commenter that I could take offence if I could be bothered being offended by what seems to me an intention to be offensive and to be a total misreading of what I have written. Whatever, and that commenter can think whatever they wish to think and good luck to them. FS, only for interest and not justification the time of my comment had nothing to do with the tenor of the comment. I had spent quite a bit of time from the first draft of my comment to what was eventually posted. I culled, edited, rethought and suffered much frustration in trying to get to a response without making it overly a personal criticism of you (and I obviously failed in the eyes of some). Again, no justification, in my editing I cut some bits that said that the post gets into a good stride from a bit after half way through and the focus moves onto (although I didn't know NormanK's words then) more 'meaty stuff'. I do not not in any way resile from the words that I wrote near the middle of today: [i]Please keep writing I enjoy it and often learn from you and I love (and envy?) the passion and commitment you put into your writings[/i] I will however refrain from adding the extra bit I did then as I have no wish to appear audacious.


6/07/2011DMW, "Good Morning FS, Great reply thanks. Your opening par almost causes me to retort with 'Nice legs, shame about the face' but I will resist that temptation" Yet you wonder why some might feel offended?almost causes me to say? but I will resist the temptation!

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Being the resident creator of controversy I will create some more that may offend some here and all of my direct family: [b]GO BLUES[/b] - put those Maroons back in the box.


6/07/2011Personally I thought Ferals piece was pretty good. Having family concerns, day to day life to contend with. I assume no research tools other than the internet. I would also imagine strictly rationed time. To put together a pretty fair analsys of Tony Abbott, wrapped in that fire and unique passion which can only be Feral Skeletons is a great effort. I agree that DMW and NormanK have some valid points and the defense of FS by others deserves merit. But, to be honest, how can anyone engage in a comprehensive analasys of a wraith? Science and physics analyse substance. Abbott has none. The words he uses are fairy floss in the fairground. Colourful, well presented but ultimately full of artificial colour, spin and air. That on this occasion he was preaching to the choir has, perhaps, limited the reach. Having just laboured through the speech I found it to be bereft of any basic, substantial or principled reasoning. To me it was the political equivalant of a morning tv infomercial. You buy the product at your peril. That he played to an audience of willing buyers is a moot point. This speech was designed around the media byte. That was it's purpose. The media love willing buyers. They need willing buyers. Willing buyers don't see wraiths. They see fairy floss. The media want them to see fairy sells. Substance doesn't. If we take the premise of fairy floss vs substance in relation to media bias I believe that the media is biased against the Govt. and the PM in particular. After having watched this weeks question times and the subsequent reporting has left me in no doubt whatsoever. I can only conclude that the QT I have been watching was in some other galaxy. If FS has erred it was in the most noble of reasons. FS attempted the impossible and I shall give her some unsolicited and definately not needed advice. It is impossible to analyse intelligent design when all you have is the design. The intelligence was never there to start with.


6/07/2011D Mick Weir Now you've crossed the line! [b]Go the Maroons![/b] Not that they need my encouragement, it'll be a walkover when NSW chokes.

Patricia WA

6/07/2011Can I go off topic and maybe be really controversial? Did anyone else react as I did to the pastoralists who is threatening to shoot his livestock? My immediate response was "Go ahead. It's the kindest thing you can do." All sorts of reservations came up later, of course, about wanting them to be humanely disposed off, and was that possible in large numbers etc. I can't imagine that even with more supervision at the Indonesian end their journey will be a pleasant one, in crowded conditions for a sea voyage, ending as it inevitably will in death. Then I thought about the man himself and how depressed he sounded and probably not thinking straight and not well informed about what assistance was available to him. I was glad to notice that was the government's immediate response too. I noticed for the first time last night some serious questions seemed to be asked of the MLA and their role in all of this. Good to know the RSPCA are taking a very lively interest in the whole affair.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011NormanK it appears you are are a superior prognisticator than I. Have not actually been watching but dearly beloved daughter did not hesitate in gleefully informing me I am yet again WRONG :)

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Patricia WA, this short post by Peter Martin may help:

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011PatriciaWA, I noticed Mr Bothe in the Kimberley didn't have to shoot his cattle because the ban on Live Cattle to Indonesia has been lifted tonight! Huzzah! They can now be slaughtered humanely over there now. And Mr Bothe can save his lead. :)

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Ad, while out a short while ago I saw a physical copy of todays Age. I didn't see the pic of the PM as her being afraid mor quizzical, questioning maybe, wondering 'what the heck is going on here' However Tandberg was brilliant. [i]'Julia Gillard wants time on commercial television. Who the hell does she think she is? Tony Abbott?[/i] Pure Gold.


6/07/2011Hi D Mick Weir But did you see Mr Abbott on ABC news video. He said Julia Gillard should not be going around the Country next week "just for a photo shoot". Pure Gold

Feral Skeleton

6/07/2011Did anyone else watch The Drum tonight? I usually submit myself to the torture so that I cannot be accused of being a biased media watcher and only tuning into shows when I know there will be commenters biased my way on, and as The Drum seems to be the way station at the ABC for the BSDs from the IPA, and other assorted Right Wing Think Tanks, where they get together with the host and snark along with Annabell Crabb about the government, even though it does cause me discomfiture, I watch. However, tonight, even though the redoubtable Ms Crabb was on, again, with Steve Cannane, Sue Cato and David Marr, I was pleasantly surprised to sit through, for the best part of an hour, reasonable discussion of the issues of the day! Interspersed with Joe Ludwig's Press Conference and an interview with a British Foreign Correspondent about the NoTW Phone Hacking affair. I couldn't have asked for more from OUR ABC. See? I don't find media bias wherever I look. :)

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Hi Lyn missed the Abbott bit about 'photo shoots' but did hear some grabs about PM wasting shoe leather or some such pretty ho hum really the puff seems to be running out for our loyal and wonderous opposition. Thanks for your links today (and always :) ) I still have to get to a some of them but of the PvO ones much as I hesitate to click on links to the Oz I was glad I read [b]Is it foot in mouth or simply premature enunciation?[/b] no comments but I could hear the screams from of how dare you and whatever from some all the same. The Monthly piece while interesting in some ways was a bit ho hum for me.

D Mick Weir

6/07/2011Lyn, a bit time consuming for you maybe but Andrew Leigh's [b]What I am reading[/b] post from the other day has some interesting stuff in it. [i]The evolution of cooperation[/i] link took my fancy. [b]Nice Guys Finish First[/b] David Brooks - NYT

Patricia WA

6/07/2011 Thanks, DMW, if Peter Martin thinks like me on this, and judging by comments, plenty of others too. I can't understand why some enterprising business person hasn't come up with a clean, humane, local processing plant. I notice the Indonesians say they are re-considering the import of livestock for slaughter too. FS, re. ABC, there has been a shift in the past couple of days - hardly seismic but definitely there. Could the word have gone out that there should be a little less Gillard and government bashing? Am I reading too much into the delayed decision over the Asia network being of significance here? Is Stephen Conroy going to flex his muscles re local news commentary now that he has a bit of leverage with that decision now within his gift, as it were? Six months is a goodly length of time to think through a decision which had all but been published.


6/07/2011D Mick Weir I wish I followed Rugby League passionately so that I could get in some unseemly gloating but I pretty much only get interested around State of Origin because it has an unusual chemistry. Still, the boys played beautifully tonight for a well-earned win. Patricia WA Perhaps I am guilty of a bit of projecting unwarranted meaning on to some of the comments today but reading them all in one sitting left an impression of the gang rallying around to bully an individual who was guilty only of speaking his mind. I thought we encouraged that here. If you want to know what I think is a good and balanced response, read Ad astra's comment. For graciousness and generosity of spirit I would recommend Feral Skeleton's measured replies. With regard to the chap who was going to shoot his cattle, I'm afraid I saw that as blackmail by media. I saw somewhere today that his company had only just recently bought the property and that part of the sale agreement was that the herd be reduced from 30,000 head to 17,000. Okay he might have been caught by unfortunate circumstances but when he said that he was postponing the cull for 24 hours because he was giving a [i]Sixty Minutes[/i] team time to get there, he lost any sympathy I may have had for him. It had all of the hallmarks of a stunt worthy of our illustrious Opposition Leader. As an aside, imagine if his very public cull had of been juxtaposed with the looming famine in Somalia. Thousands of people on death's door through lack of food and he was going to leave 3,000 head of cattle to rot in the field (at least figuratively). Surely they were worth more than a bullet to somebody. Feral Skeleton After your good news story about [i]The Drum[/i], I feel a bit bad about wondering aloud about Chris Uhlmann's response to the lifting of the ban. At very short notice he was still able to declare that this spells trouble for Julia Gillard - angry people to the left, angry people to the right. I don't point this out as being anti-Labor or even anti-government but it does bring home the unhealthy fascination with conflict. It seems that there is no such thing as good news in politics any more. Happy dog and cat stories, plenty of sporting triumphs and dangerous rescue 'heroes' but very little sense that the country has any good stories to tell. Interest rates didn't go up - oh no! growth has slowed. Interest rates go up - oh no! inflation is spiralling out of control. Is it any wonder more and more Australians are being treated for depression?


7/07/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Tony in Abbottland: a one act play, Tim Dunlop, The Drum[/i] industrial relations policy that, despite the best efforts of that dickhead Reith, has managed to just about bury the name WorkChoices, and we are likely to do it in a landslide. [i]Mountain, meet molehill, Ash, Ash’s Machiavellan Bloggery[/i] do feel sorry for THE AUSTRALIAN as the releasing of the carbon plan will no doubt ]mean the reducing of the staff they had dedicated to the over throw of the plan [i]Julia Gillard Wins on Carbon Tax; Ratings Destined to Improve, Peter, Aussie Views News[/i] So he is now changing the rhetoric. You will find that there will be a degree of cross party support for this once it eventually reaches parliament [i]Countdown to the carbon pricing package announcement, Brian, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] wear out her shoe leather to answer questions and explain the package. There is also talk of information packagesto spell out the impact on individual electorates. [i]Emergency carbon tax compensation for power plants , Eco Business[/i] Ms Gillard was overnight telling the premiers she had postponed the Council of Australian Governments meeting scheduled for July 15, avoiding a clash with the Liberal premiers on climate change [i]Climate Action: let’s Swap Facts for Fear, Kevin Rennie, Labor’s View from Bayside[/i] The Federal Opposition has a lot to answer for. Tony Abbott’s partisan performance over carbon pricing reflects the quality of his leadership, rather than that of the economists he attacked [i]News Ltd phone hacking thead, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Presumably News Ltd journos here are taking note of how quickly anyone involved is being cut adrift from the company [i]Murdoch’ Way, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] now toxic News of the World. Even The Australian, which is so quick to point the figure for wrong doing for instance, is silent [i]The News of the World news that Murdoch’s OZ papers forgot, Crikey[/i] The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. But the other six News dailies — the Daily Telegraph, the NT News,the Advertiser, the Courier-Mail, The Mercury and the Gold Coast Bulletin failed to mention it at all [i]News of the World phone hacking: live coverage, Guardian UK[/i] With pressure building on Rebekah Brooks and News International, follow all the latest developments in the phone-hacking scandal including PMQs and the emergency debate in the Commons [i]No Hikes. The RBA listens evidence, Peter Martin[/i] “Cautious behaviour by households and the high level of the exchange rate are having a noticeable dampening effect, [i]John Quiggin, “Marxism without revolution and Left strategy: A response (Part 2), Dr Tad, Left Flank[/i] Neoliberal ideas persist because they are a powerful ideological framework for the class struggle from above , [i]You're All A Bunch Of Fairies, New Matilda[/i] The Green bashing started before the federal election last year — but there were enough votersunconvinced to elect six senators. [i]Government lifts live cattle export ban, ABC[/i] Federal Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig says the Government is now comfortable that animal welfare standards can be assured [i]Telstra deal will benefit all taxpayers: Quigley, Technology Spectator[/i] more mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, a fixed-line broadband network was required to provide the increase in data needs [i]Equities Spotlight: Telstra (TLS) Macro Business[/i] Telstra has shown to be a poor manager of shareholders capital. This is reflected in low returns on funds employee(i.e.high debt), decreasing equity per share in the past and extremely poor share price performance over more than 10 years. [b]Reading[/b] [i]Listening to Labor's true believers, Geoff Robinson, Political Histories[/i] What do these voters think? This question is of interest because primaries if they were to mean anything might empower them to have more impact on the ALP and because left-wing critics of the Greens see


7/07/2011HB this by far the best article that you have written a pity you could not have woven in the Murdock phone hacking uk expose as indications of how far support of Abbort could go. Keep up the good work


7/07/2011Patricia, [quote]My immediate response was "Go ahead. It's the kindest thing you can do." All sorts of reservations came up later, of course, about wanting them to be humanely disposed off, and was that possible in large numbers etc. I can't imagine that even with more supervision at the Indonesian end their journey will be a pleasant one, in crowded conditions for a sea voyage, ending as it inevitably will in death. Then I thought about the man himself and how depressed he sounded and probably not thinking straight and not well informed about what assistance was available to him. I was glad to notice that was the government's immediate response too. [/quote] The bloke has every reason to be depressed. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. He has a grossly overstocked property which is the case with all those people and companies in the live cattle trade. This man apparently has 25,000 head of which a big percentage were destined for Indonesia this dry season. His property most probably would not sustain more than about 8,000 breeding stock over the dry season so he is up the creek without a paddle to provide for 25,000 head.

Ad astra reply

7/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Tim Dunlop has been having a squizz at Acerbic Conehead methinks. :)


7/07/2011Hi Ad Tim Dunlop is one of my many favourites, you would have noticed. Reading Tim's article today, I say [b]congratulations[/b] to our very own Acerbic Conehead, who's articles are well and truly on a par with Tim Dunlop. Ad please don't let Acerbic Conehead write for the Drum will you. Have a nice day Ad Astra Cheers :):):):):):)


7/07/2011Thursday's Bad Abbott Tiny Abbott doesn't even seem to know what Parliament does when he says it should be recalled on Monday to "scrutinise" Sunday's announcement by the Prime Minister of the conclusions reached by the Multi-Party Committee on tackling climate change. Parliament scrutinises drawn-up and presented for debate legislation. It's not a hire-out theatrical space for jumping to your feet and howling at the government. Oh. Silly me. Seriously, though.... No, really. The Opposition has been given five 'free' weeks to work up their analysis of the climate change strategies of the government, five weeks to shape their response into logical and financially-assessed order WITHOUT being being distracted by the daily pressure of having to come up with cogent and considered arguments against the government's position in parliament... Oh. Silly me. Seriously, though... I swear, it was a rabbit, in a big hat, and a cat, a smiling cat, it winked at me, and...

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Sorry, Ad, couldn't get rid of the white space under Bilko's post. :) Hmm, how apt, in a post about Abbott a ReCaptcha in caps:SEWER


7/07/2011Hi Michael Another fabulous report on Shouldabeen. I am still getting annoyed though about the Government being dumped in the same basket as shouldabeen, everytime he mucks up the Governemnt gets the blame as well. Not fair. Here is another typical example, you will notice they are all Coalition MP's getting warned and thrown out: Raucous question time puts Speaker in an argumentative mood, Judith Ireland., Canberra Times As question time limped along, other members weren't so lucky. Greg Hunt, Bronwyn Bishop (B1), Julie Bishop (B2) and Scott Morrison were all booted out for an hour for interjecting too obviously. Even in spite of Christopher Pyne's protestations that the Opposition was ''operating in a new environment of listening''. Somewhere, the new New Paradigm was crying itself to sleep .


7/07/2011Lyn, I tought I taw a Tweety Bird on Aussie Views News! You always say such encouraging things to everyone Lyn. And Yes, isn't it good to see someone else giving *J*U*L*I*A* at least a 7. I give her a 9+, I take into account the 10-goal handicap she was dealt, the opposition she has had, (the state of the economy nevertheless), and the unrelenting media attitude. And I do share the upbeat prognosis of her popularity on that site, for the same reasons, it's what I've always said because it is so obvious that she is locked into doing it anyway, and she has never wavered on the important stuff. By the next election much will have been done that only maniacs would try to undo. Thanks for your links always Lyn.

Patricia WA

7/07/2011Hi NormanK - re speaking one's mind and TPS encouraging that. I thought that too. Something which throws me in weighing into a discussion is the time lapse between reading an article, reacting to it and only after that seeing other comments. If I don't refresh, or even as I do, others have interjected with another perspective, or even the same, making mine superfluous. So the debate does sometimes get disproportionately negative, or out of kilter. When traffic is heavy and a topic is really 'hot' it's possible to miss an offensive remark and only see it later when actually looking for it! If I do see something abusive I tend to ignore it and trust the moderator to deal with it. I've only recently learned that on this site the moderator can't edit a comment, only delete it entirely later, if they come back in after a break. So perhaps one shouldn't ignore gratuitous personal slights we see, but pull each other up if someone gets carried away when arguing the majority view. None of us would want a dissenting voice who has met with overwhelming opposition decide not to put their 'head above the parapet' again. Particularly not D Mick Weir. An exchange with him gives me new insights - much as lively discussions with my son cause me to question my old guard leftie perspective. I am still looking forward to that discussion with DMW about needing to reframe the feminist debate in an environment where generations have grown up not seeing it as an 'issue' at all.....they think!:-)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Patricia WA, There is an 'Edit' function in the blog engine, but, as I indicated above I am loath to do any more than pretty up a post, as opposed to an active edit of someon'e words. I also, in general, leave the Deleting to Ad Astra, except for obvious spam. Or obvious abuse, which we don't seem to get too much of here, and even when we do we all seem able to hold our own against the abusers, which is much more fun to do because it means we have to justify ourselves against them. :)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011It appears, from what I have heard this morning, that we are going to be subjected to a faux election campaign over the next 5-6 weeks, as the PM and Abbott go toe to toe across this wide brown land to sell their repective versiions of Climate Change policy. It seems as though Abbott will be trying to follow in Julia's wake in a spoiler role so as to try and undo the foundations she is attempting to lay in the community wrt the Price on Carbon. Sort of like a naughty little boy coming along behind the guy who has just concreted the footpath, to scrawl his name in it. However, if Peter Van Onselen is to lead the vanguard of Murdoch media representatives in applying a blowtorch to the belly of Abbott now that both schemes will be out in the full light of day, then 'Bring It On!'. Wonder how many interviews with unsympathetic media outlets he'll do over those 5-6 weeks? Let's keep count shall we? ;-)


7/07/2011Good Morning Talk Turkey Thankyou so much for your wonderful bright and cheery comment on this beautiful bright and sunny morning. I enjoyed Aussie Views News, I wish more writers would take such a positive approach, Peter needs congratulations, nice site too. Peter van Onselen was a bit out of my jurisdiction but I like to check if there is a tiny bit of disillusion amongst the Liberal cheer squad. I was a bit worried that I may have posted too much about Mr Murdoch this morning but you will notice there is little or nothing in the MSM, the investigation is getting bigger than the highest mountain. You must ask Hillbilly how Bruce the Bush Turkey is going in the colder than ever NSW weather. I forgot to tell you yesterday How enjoyable your Post was at 11.19am [quote]I think I'm about to hatch a Zen. See how it goes. [/quote] :):):):):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011I have also decided to ressurect an old political saw when speaking about Our Stuntman Abbott: 'Loose with the Truth' I haven't heard that one for a while but I think it's so apt. :D


7/07/2011Hi Hillbilly If I have to face a as you said: [quote]faux election campaign over the next 5-6 weeks, as the PM and Abbott go toe to toe across this wide brown land to sell their repective versions of Climate Change policy[/quote]. I don't know what I am going to do, Mr Abbott was just upsetting my TV with another press conference, at yet another factory in Canberra. At least the journalists are starting? to get annoyed about the selective answers and non answers they are getting, they should feel insulted really. Cheers :):):)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Mr Abbott being 'Loose with the Truth' at Brindabella Airlines today. He claimed that the Owner Operator has no choice but to continue using the same fuel that he does now, after the Price on Carbon is brought in. Logical Inconsistency #1: That Small Airline owner doesn't look like one of the 500 biggest polluters in Australia to me, so won't have to pay a Price on Carbon. Logical Inconsistency #2: If no Price on Petrol is going to occur, except for we don't know who yet, how can Tony Abbott say this guy WILL pay more for his fuel? Logical Inconsistency #3: If , as it seems, even the Petrol Refineries are not going to have to pay a Price on Carbon, how is the guy at Brindabella Airlines going to have to pay more for his fuel?

Ad astra reply

7/07/2011Hi Lyn Tim Dunlop’s article was pointed satire. Maybe he took a cue from AC about how effective satire can be. Note how many times he reiterated the complicity of much of the media (except Laura Tingle and Peter Martin) in avoiding analysing Tony Abbott’s numerous acts of deception. This weekend we have another entertaining piece of satire from our own AC [i]The Tragic Magic Pudding[/i]. He is a prolific creator of satire for [i]TPS[/i]. We won’t let [i]The Drum[/i] poach him! D Mick Weir Since my wife took a free subscription to [i]The Age[/i] online for her iPad, we have enjoyed beautiful graphics, easy to read stories and page turning with the flick of the finger. I understand the content is updated four times a day. It is brilliant – we will not buy again the printed version, which is updated just once a day. I’m not surprised the ‘looking scared’ photo of Julia was not in the printed version – it disappeared from the online version later in the day. But it was a photo that could be represented as ‘looking scared’; indeed it looked as if she might have had a tear welling up in her eyes. I’m sure the media has lots of photos of politicians, compromising and unflattering as well as complimentary, which they can trot out to suit their purpose. This was one. Folks I’ll be out for a few hours.

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011So now we have Tony Abbott's latest spurious speculation that, if the government are re-elected in 2013, then they will put the Price on Carbon on the other 500 top polluters that aren't covered by the policy to be announced on Sunday. Complete and utter twaddle, there's no way Tony Abbott can prove his idle speculation, but no doubt he will keep running with it until called out by the government on it. Which won't stop him saying it because he'll then just say "You can't trust what they say." It's Plausible Deniability run amok. What a devious evil man he is.


7/07/2011So Channels 9 and 7 have decided "TWO commercial broadcasters have done an about-face on televising Julia Gillard's carbon tax announcement on Sunday." Which makes me wonder were they worried they might miss out on the advertising revenue that will flow from the announcement?


7/07/2011[quote]Complete and utter twaddle, there's no way Tony Abbott can prove his idle speculation, but no doubt he will keep running with it until called out by the government on it. Which won't stop him saying it because he'll then just say "You can't trust what they say." It's Plausible Deniability run amok. What a devious evil man he is.[/quote] FS, And his adoring media followers could, if they so wished, show up the devious evil man for what he is. There are times when I wish I could strap him to a chair in a corner to answer real questions when he knows a lie or a deception would mean a nice hard zap to his nether regions.


7/07/2011A SENIOR New South Wales Liberal is calling for the sacking of colleagues she says gave us the carbon tax after being more concerned with factions than winning the last election. Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has written to colleagues accusing members of the party's NSW executive of robbing Liberal Leader Tony Abbott of four seats - and national victory - at the August, 2010 poll. Read more:


7/07/2011 My contribute :) 7 July 2011 [b]Tony in Abbottland: a one act play[/b] 193 Comments 9 [i]Make SURE you read the comments also[/i]...0 Tim Dunlop Office Parliament House. Night. A TV on the wall in the background is tuned to The Biggest Loser. Tony Abbott is doing push-ups in his Speedos. A staffer enters. Abbott jumps up. Abbott: Where've you been? I need you to bring my bike around. Staffer: Chris just gave me a sneak peak of next week's Newspoll. Abbott: And?


7/07/2011Opps , sorry . lyn's first link of the day, ughh...knew I had seen it somewhere :)


7/07/2011[quote]The bloke has every reason to be depressed. He was caught between a rock and a hard place[/quote]. I have no pity for the man. He's a greedy bast*rd making good money...and its the animals that pay the ultimate cost. He's part of an unnecessary system of suffering. He was willing to destroy the animals he feeds off rather than find a way to keep them going. I saw it as a crude & petty threat to feed the media "feel sorry for the cattlemen" campaign we've been assaulted w/ the past two weeks. Yet another desperate and immoral way to impede the progress made towards stopping this grotesque practise of live exports...and give the government an "out". This is a land bathed in blood & destruction...and too many unimaginative, disinterested & apathetic unwilling to change the course of its history...or profiteers themselves. We allow the greedy mongrels of our country to create unnecessary demand in other nations and then call that demand "essential". Floodgates are opened for monetary & job opportunities...and then we hear whines & protests about "damaging essential industries...hurting people's lives" when we attempt to stop the blood flood. The fact the live exports will resume makes a mockery of many of those concerned voices from the meat industry & some in our government. But then, money makes the world go around. And votes. And a morally bankrupt media. Think Murdoch's version of Mordor. Cattle don't vote. And they can't buy their way to freedom. Only Evolution will do that for them. So the blood flood continues. And some in government, and their supporters, think/say: "Phew! one less problem to deal w/ on the eve of the carbon tax announcement". I'm not one of them. Tho, I do support the carbon price. And it's not me that has to deal w/ that part of my conscience today. N'

Patricia WA

7/07/2011Agreed about aussieviewsnews, Lyn, but I also got a lift, and then a huge laugh from your Guardian link on the NotW scandal through which I found my way to Yes, debbiep, the comments on that unleashed article are delicious in that even the negative ones show how on the mark was Tim Dunlop. So no harm done in reminding us to revisit it to catch up on them.


7/07/2011BTW, unfortunately I watched 'Richo' on SKY NEWS last nite. The Abbott interview. It was like watching a hack giving a leader a BJ. I'm sure owners of SKY NEWS, Ch.9 & Murdoch empire, approved of Graham Richardson's efforts. Abbott seemed to get what he wanted. Like I said, money makes the world go around. N'


7/07/2011SHARES in Australia's largest livestock agent, Elders, gained ground after it said it would resume live cattle exports to Indonesia next month. Herald Sun - Rebecca Le May ------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's all that matters. The markets can feed...and the feedlots can dance. And Murdoch can distribute his movie 'Australia' again. Droving & live exports included. N'


7/07/2011Hi Nasking I am so pleased you are feeling so much better, evident by your worthy comments. Thankyou Nasking for you enjoyable contributions, I love reading what you have to say, you are a wealth of information wrapped up in that big bear rug. [quote]He was willing to destroy the animals he feeds off rather than find a way to keep them going. I saw it as a crude & petty threat to feed the media "feel sorry for the cattlemen" campaign we've been assaulted w/ the past two weeks. [/quote] I agree Nasking it's all about greed. Janice provided us with a measured informative comment regarding those cattle thankyou Janice [quote]This man apparently has 25,000 head of which a big percentage were destined for Indonesia this dry season. His property most probably would not sustain more than about 8,000 breeding stock over the dry season so he is up the creek without a paddle to provide for 25,000 head[/quote] Cheers :):):):):)

Ad astra reply

7/07/2011D Mick Weir I've found the 'looking afraid' photo of Julia Gillard that was on the front page of [i]The Age[/i] online yesterday alongside the Abbott story that 'this PM is afraid'. As I said, she looked as if she had tears starting. I see that the caption on that photo in an Michelle Grattan article: [i]It's make or break on carbon[/i] in [i]The Age[/i] today indicates that it was taken while she was speaking about the death of an Australian soldier this week. Right underneath it are the words of Tony Abbott: [i]‘‘This is a Prime Minister who is afraid. She is very, very afraid,’’ he said. ‘‘The proper place to debate the carbon tax is in the ‘people’s house’.’’[/i] You can see it at:

D Mick Weir

7/07/2011Hi Ad re photo. the one your linked page looks similar but not the same as what I recall of the one in printed edition I think it was a slightly different angle as well Not sure if this link will go to Tandberg cartoon I mentioned yesterday or to the gallery of his cartoons If it goes to gallery it was @ no. 4 when I looked and the ones before it had some good giggles as well. I am off again will type to u all later

Ad astra reply

7/07/2011D Mick Weir Tandberg is great - I enjoyed the others too.


7/07/2011Hi Lyn, thnx for the supportive comments. In actual fact my health hasn't improved, I'm still havin' severe breathin' problems. I see the cardiologist tomorrow re: his view of the many heart tests I've done lately. Fingers crossed. I get the feeling this has more to do w/ my lungs than my heart tho. Anyway, at least I should know soon. It's been quite frustratin'. It's a good opportunity to get on here now & then tho to air my views...appreciate the opportunity...I find it helps ease my frustations & takes my mind off the health problems...provided I don't go overboard. :) Lyn, I was watching Hockey go for it in parliament today...all blowhard & bluster...and couldn't help get the feelin' that the doubts about Abbott's long-term viability as leader are truly sinkin' in today...and some like Hockey have decided to display their peacock feathers to the public. Some faces on the Coalition backbench seemed melted w/ despair. Many forced smiles...I thought: "thou doth larf far too much & too hard". It was Abbott's failure to negotiate w/ the Independents & his constant negativity (not to mention Barnaby & the Nationals abuse & threats towards Indies) that has led to a more solidified government & the Coalition's inability to prevent the carbon price. They have been defeated. On a playing field that was not fact rigged for the Coalition by a morally bankrupt media (bar the odd character w/ integrity). Abbott has failed. But constant fearmongers & negabores usually do in the long run. If he didn't have the master of negativity & fearmongerin', Rupert Murdoch, on his side...and that relic Allan Jones who was willin' to say anythin' for a "comeback"...Abbott woulda been crushed w/in mths. Nature will have its way...entropy has taken hold of the Murdoch empire & its leader. Disintegration is inevitable. Somethings new media will sprout. The Moriarity of our times will be flung off the cliff by his own shareholders, family, readers & advertisers. Allan Jones' words will once again be recognised as smelly flatulence best avoided. And Abbott will become the "less than incredible shrinking man". Lyn, keep up the great & consistent work of supplyin' links & commentary. Cheers N'


7/07/2011BTW, agree...excellent piece by Mr. Denmore @ The Failed Estate. He knows our media landscape & the festerin' sores that inhabit much of it. N'

Patricia WA

7/07/2011Ad Astra, re that photo. Yes, it is properly captioned, but it is still used for a 'carbon tax' story. Surely someone in MSM should do an empathetic article about that picture and the Prime Minister being close to tears having to announce the death of yet another Australian soldier. Imagine having responsibility for our country continuing to be at war, responding to news of an inevitable death with appropriate gravitas and then almost immediately have to face distortions and taunts from Abbott in Parliament and others in the media. I wonder who chose that particular photo to accompany Abbott's remarks about her being afraid?

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Thank goodness Joel Fitzgibbon isn't a Minister or he'd have to be sacked again. ;-)


7/07/2011From the NY Times re: Murdoch empire-related phone hacking scandal: [quote]Murdoch Facing Parliament’s Ire in Hacking Case By SARAH LYALL and ALAN COWELL Published: July 7, 2011 The scandal posed new hurdles for Mr. Murdoch’s proposed $12 billion takeover of the pay-television company British Sky Broadcasting, as many legislators criticized the deal, and Britain’s media regulatory agency, Ofcom, said it was “closely monitoring the situation.” “We have let one man have far too great a sway over our national life,” said Chris Bryant, a Labour member of Parliament. In addition to The News of the World, Mr. Murdoch’s media holdings include The Times and The Sunday Times of London; The Sun; and a large stake in BSkyB, as it is called, as well as several other international newspapers and television networks. Meanwhile, John Whittingdale, the Conservative chairman of the House of Commons culture and media committee, rehearsed in tones of high indignation how executives from The News of the World and its parent company, News International, had thwarted legislators’ efforts to get to the bottom of the phone hacking affair by stonewalling, refusing to testify and even lying outright during parliamentary hearings. Zac Goldsmith, another Conservative legislator, said that Mr. Murdoch was guilty of “systemic abuse of almost unprecedented power” and had run roughshod over Parliament. “There is nothing noble in what these newspapers have been doing,” he said. “Rupert Murdoch is clearly a very, very talented businessman — he’s possibly even a genius — but his organization has grown too powerful and has abused that power. It has systematically corrupted the police and in my view has gelded this Parliament, to our shame.” [/quote] more here: Not sure it takes genius to appeal to the public's seedier, greedier & more cynical side. Just money...and rich dynasty-based contacts, influence & media business...a knowledge of "tabloid" & perverse behavioural addictions & obsessions history...general lack of integrity, flexible principles, large quantities of greed & ambition & grandiosity...longevity due to DNA...plenty of reporters & editors willing to sell their last remnants of integrity to the highest bidder...and gutless or fear-ridden politicians. What makes Murdoch special is his ability to reach into the heart of darkness and sell to his readers/viewers and workers the idea that he is providing LIGHT & truth. When in fact it's mostly mud w/ the stench of decay. N'


7/07/2011Lyn I'm trying to locate a blog from a fella by the name of Peter, but can't find it. I noticed you'd left a comment there. Can you help?


7/07/2011Hi BSA Bob Is it Peter at Aussie Views: Julia Gillard Wins on Carbon Tax; Ratings Destined to Improve, Peter, Aussie Views News So he is now changing the rhetoric. You will find that there will be a degree of cross party support for this once it eventually reaches parliament Cheers :):):)


7/07/2011FS, I say bring "Fitzgibbon" back to the front bench! I say that in the knowledge that two wrongs don't make a right,however with the constant innuendo that drips from Abbott's mouth mainly about her "marital" status or her lack of children,I say Julie Bishop got her right whack today! Do any of the "offended" pull Abbott aside and ask him to at least in question time address the PM the same way they whish to be spoken to? But the one thing that has to be done over the winter break is! for Harry to grow a set and take back control of question time,and if that means kicking "members" out for 24 hours so be it and keep doing it until the message sinks in.


7/07/2011[suspicion on]Do you reckon the ABC is making a fair bit of "The News of the World" phone tapping story because or in spite of the current tender for broadcasting the Australia Network into Asia?[suspicion off] Also can someone tell me if Abbott will get rid of the Carbon Tax if he is elected (by the way - has anyone seen this in writing?) or tax the 500 next biggest companies that Gillard is apparently missing?


7/07/2011Hi Lyn, Don't forget "leaky boat" is on tonight followed by Q&A on the program


7/07/2011Hi Jason Thankyou for reminding me your worth your weight in gold. Cheers :):):):)


7/07/2011Lyn Yes, that's the one. Ta muchly.

Dorothea dix

7/07/2011Greetings all, just poped in to post Kudos, Very joyous for me today, to ((((Julia)))) THANKYOU, for with your suicide prevention plan you have made me very happy. Now we will generate a better data set and learn why, what I could describe perhaps as a political “uterus of mind”, FULL KUDOS. Again (((((Julia))))) The simple ability to use a phone that otherwise for most is simply incoming, long needed. BB… DD :-)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011My goodness gracious me, Mr Murdoch's earlobes give the Prime Minister's a run for their money. No wonder his Australian editors are obsessed by the PM's, Mr Murdoch must be obsessed by them too(as we know that whatever Rupert is bugged by so his editors get bugged by too), and he has a horrible, stubby little thumb: Sorry, just doing a 'Rupert' and kicking someone when they are down. ;-)

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Dorothea Dix, I agree that it is a good move by the government to have decided to pay for calls to Lifeline from Mobile Phones, even if the caller has no credit. They really should do it for Kids Helpline too.

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Well, 'Leaky Boat', followed by Q & A, followed by Lateline! Phew!

Feral Skeleton

7/07/2011Points well made by An Onymous Lefty:


7/07/2011I kid myself that I am politically astute, but that self image took a heavy blow tonight with Leaky Boats. Whilst I was generally aware at the time of the dishonesty and deception of Howard and Reith regarding the Tampa , and 2 days later the “children overboard” affairs, to see all the specifics in logical order, and to hear the testimony of so many ADF personnel who were “at the scene” was literally stunning. Some of the highlights (ie blights on our history) included: 1) The use of maximum force against the Tampa by deploying the SAS instead of the navy. An SAS officer stated that this was a manipulative strategy to suggest to the electorate that the Tampa was a huge threat to security. 2) The purposeful strategy to not allow media publishing of any photos of asylum seekers or events which might humanise them. Howard, Reith, and sadly Beasley too, were shown on TV actively dehumanising the boat people by saying that the types of people who would throw their kids overboard were unwelcome here. 3) Reith’s banning of all ADF press releases by ADF Public Affairs. Only releases approved by Reith were allowed. 4) Reith’s refusal to return calls to the ADF Public Affairs office who wanted to tell him that no children were thrown overboard. This was despite the actual information being left on his answering service. 5) Reith’s decision to use a photo of a mother and child in the water after another boat sank, as evidence of children being thrown overboard. These were totally separate events. 6) Reith’s deliberate touting of the incorrect photo to various media outlets. 7) Reith’s savage and repeated attack on an ABC interviewer who suggested that the photos were false .....”are you criticising the courage and integrity of our armed forces?" 8) The testimony in the show of many ADF (naval) personnel ruing the fact that they had been used as political pawns, and especially ruing that they knew so, even at the time of the events. The documentary outlined to me for the first time just how unbelievably deceptive, manipulative, and intrinsically bad Messrs Reith and Howard are. My previous distaste for them has been increased a hundred fold, and then a hundred fold more. There is now no doubt whence Abbott’s unrestrained and unethical style derived.

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011psyclaw, My 17y.o. son said to me after 'Leaky Boat', "Now I know why you and dad hated John Howard so much." Interesting also to note that Reith has obviously calculated that the time is right for him to emerge from the sewers, to where he was cast after the Phonecard Affair and Children Overboard. No one should take that re-emergence lightly. Also, 'Leaky Boat' was a salient reminder of why we should never let Abbott near the levers of power.


8/07/2011FS, [quote]Also, 'Leaky Boat' was a salient reminder of why we should never let Abbott near the levers of power.[/quote] And, the Q&A espisode also shows why that scumbag Morrison should be pushed back into the sewers from which he came.


8/07/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [quote]News Corporation: time to go, Alan Austin Online Opinion[/quote] Rarely is a nation faced with a malicious influence which it has the chance to eradicate. Such is Australia's luck today with Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, owner of The Australian, Sydney's Daily Telegraph, Brisbane's Courier-Mail, Melbourne's Herald Sun and other 'news' outlets. [quote]Asylum Seekers in Australia: Memories of Tampa, a leaky boat and a dodgy Government,Mark Thomson,Seeking Asylum Downunder[/quote] By default I became a member of the Prime Minister’s task force on offshore asylum seekers or ‘illegal migrants’ or ‘boat people’, depending on the agenda of the day. The core business of this group of senior public service [quote]Seeing the Future, Kerryn Goldsworthy, Still Life with Cat[/quote] But they are what will help to save it, if anything can, and Windsor and Oakeshott have had the vision to see that and the courage to act on it. [quote]Monckton Gets it Wrong Yet Again, Moth, New Anthropocene[/quote] Adam Spencer (apparently another pawn of the socialistic ABC) interviewed Monckton this morning in what turned out to be a very heated argument (the man, quick to fall back on Godwin’s Law or to accuse academics of looking like crustaceans, [i]Christopher Monckton turns the press Club into a circus, Barry Everingham, Independent Australia[/i] Back to his current barnstorming of Australia, which is being funded by Gina Rinehart.Clubs in Melbourne, Adelaide,Brisbane and Perth will not let him through their doors [i]The Australian lies to its readers about Climate Change, Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] Remember that this dishonest piece of misinformation comes from the newspaper that only a few weeks ago said: [i]Fairfax: No police contact with our exec over phone hacking, Mumbrella[/i] News Ltd columnist Andrew Bolt has today broken ranks with the company line, telling readers of his blog: “The allegations also stain News International, an arm of News Corp, of which I’m also a part. I would like to see every single employee who was involved rootedout and sacked, no matter how senior. [i]The biggest skeleton in the News International cupboard, Greg Wilesmith, ABC[/i] An even bigger prize for News is BSkyB. It has almost 40 per cent of the company and wants to buy the rest which would probably cost around $15 billion [i]Simons: Murdoch’s UK reputation is trashed, Margaret Simons, Crikey[/i] In many Australian newsrooms, it is commonplace to find things such as reverse telephone directories,(which have been illegal in Australia) illegal police scanners and devices to record telephone conversations without informing the subject that they are being recorded. [i]Murdoch paper suffers new blow in hacking scandal,Richard Allen Greene, CNN[/i] The Royal British Legion said Thursday it is suspending ties with the News of the World after accusations that the newspaper hacked into thephone messages of families of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. [i]Murdoch’s Ideology, Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] The News of the World phone hacking scandal is being interpreted as one of the great scandals in modern British media history. This raises questions about the role of the Murdoch media in a liberal democracy [i]Deplorable and indefensible’: the ethics of the News of the World, Dennis Muller, The Conversation[/i] don’t think many people would think Rupert Murdoch has a reputation for ethical journalism. If he ever did, it disappeared long ago. It could get in the way of his getting regulatory approval to take over full control of BSkyB. [i]Factbox: Advertisers drop Murdoch paper over hacking claims, Reuters[/i] Car makers Ford, Vauxhall and Mitsubishi Motors, along with Britain's biggest high street lender Lloyds and billionaire Richard Branson's Virgin Holidays, have dropped advertising in the News of the World due to allegations of hacking by the newspaper. [i]The Clowncar School of Politics, James Purser[/i] So what does Dear Joe do to celebrate this special day? He (or a staffer) spends the day taking a freaking cardboard cutout of Kevin Rudd around Canberra and taking pictures. [i]News Ltd's Favourite New Senator, Jack Brady, New Matilda[/i] history shows progressive political parties can be effectively captured by the very system that they are trying to change". How Rhiannondeals with this challenge personally, and how the party deals with it more broadly, may shape the new Senate. [i]$23.00 Carbon Price, 4 Billion Blowout, Tim Colebatch[/i] Opposition Leader Tony Abbott yesterday obliquely threatened a Coalition government would consider a double dissolution if the Senate blocked the repeal of the carbon tax. [i]Leaky Boat, Brian, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Tonight ABC1 puts to air its documentary Leaky boat plus a special edition of Q&A. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but the arrival of MV Tampa which Howard turned into the Tampa affair in the context of the 2001 election not only changed the way we treat refugees but changed Australia. [i]NBN BUZZ: Telstra's new clothes, Alexander Liddington-Cox, Technology Spectator[/i] during its presentation to analysts on June 23 that it could either co-operate with the government over broadband policy or suffer the enormous consequences – in this light the deal was seen as a good one [b]Newspapers[/b] [i]Coalition MPs buy into mining companies , Paul Osborne, SMH[/i] Mr Abbott has described the taxes as an act of "economic self-harm" and says the carbon tax in particular would"over time spell the death for the Australian coal industry".But the updated register shows coalition MPs have enough faith in the future of the industry to put their money into it.

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011janice, Yes, like a cornered sewer rat, Mr Morrisoon lashed out at David Marr whenever Mr Marr was laying out the full scope of the culpability of the Howard government, with it's actions in respect of Asylum Seekers. Also wrt Morrison's own misleading lies which he has told about Nauru(Birdshite Island), and Malaysia. Three of the biggest lies about Malaysia were that he had had full access given to him by Foreign Minister Hishamudin to the officials working on the deal between Malaysia and Australia and knew it's full contents, and also that the Detention Centre he had his lackeys film himself in front of, as he hypocritically decried it's razor wire, was the one that will be used for those sent back there. Not so. Not only that but he lied about the fact that those people sent back would not receive any health, education or accomodation assistance. I note also that, since he has returned from Malaysia the bleating about the returnees being caned has quietly been dropped by Scott Morrison. Finally, can I just make the observation about Rae, the woman from the 'Go Back' SBS program? Now, I know she has been through a life-changing experience, however, you'd think that there were only one group of refugees that deserved resettlement in Australia the way she was going on about the Africans in Camp Nowhere. I can see how her views can become easily unbalanced, as she certainly takes the bit between her teeth about issues she focusses on. And no correspondence can be entered into!


8/07/2011FS....following is a copy of my e-mail to Morrison at 10.55pm last night: Dear Mr Morrison In the Q and A I have just watched, you vigorously, naively, and dishonestly attempted to defend Peter Reith. You claimed that there was no evidence to support the view that he attempted to dehumanise the boat people, and that to that end he controlled all media output regarding the Tampa and the “children overboard”. Please revisit “Leaky Boats” and this time listen to the direct testimony of Brigadier Bornholt, Jenny McKenry, and sailor Bec from HMAS Adelaide. Their words are evidence, and corroborative of each other. Your conduct on Q and A was intellectually crude. It is reputed that you are a religious man. Why then do you vainly and obscenely defend the subversive, inhumane, and politically motivated actions of both John Howard and Peter Reith in this scandal, which will go down as a blight on Australia’s history....a blight of the same magnitude as the Myall Creek Massacre. In revisiting the documentary, please ensure that you listen to the 3 Commanders who said that the navy was “used” politically, by Reith and Howard. Note also the comments of the SAS Officer, who said explicitly that the SAS was deployed to the Tampa unnecessarily and as a beat up to suggest to the public that the issue was nation threatening. As a retiree with postgrad qualifications in psychology and legal qualifications, and substantially more life experience than you, let me say that your misguided ideological and malicious approach to the boat people is transparent. Let me also say that your approach defies the teachings of Christ. And as a well practised pragmatist myself, let me assure you that any claim by you that the pragmatism required to solve the asylum seeker “problem” excuses your conduct will not suffice.


8/07/2011FS....copy of my email to Chris Bowen last night:...... Dear Minister You did a pretty good job on Q and A tonight in difficult circumstances. But a word of warning. Rae, the lady who went to Africa as part of the SBS show, is not someone that you should align with. Sadly, near the end of the show I think I heard you say "I agree with Rae....". This lady has been doing the TV interview rounds and on other shows has stated explicitly that: 1) Only African refugees are true refugees 2) Refugees from the Middle East are not true refugees 3) Boat people are not true refugees and should be sent back. This came out in the show when she argued with the young Muslim lady that African refugees suffer more than Afgani refugees. Thankfully the microphone was removed before she could do further smears. This lady can only conceptualise the issue of refugees when she has actually seen the very people under discussion. No-one else is a proper refugee. This is a primitive form of reasoning which characterises young kids. It is called "reasoning from particular to particular". Mature thinking invoves reasoning from the particular to the general. Regards

Ad astra reply

8/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011psyclaw, You are a gentleman and a scholar. :D

Patricia WA

8/07/2011When I came to TPS two hours ago expecting it to be abuzz with comment, though not quite ready to write myself, I was surprised by how few of us seemed to be up and at it. I read and digested what Janice, FS and psyclaw had to say, but still could not write. Instead I focussed on every one of Lyn's Links and now I'm back and still with nothing to say. Last night I was shocked by what was revealed, by the things we asked men and women serving in our navy to do on our behalf. I was very impressed by the moral strength of so many of them who made their attitude to that clear at the time and later. That was the one ray of hope that shone through the whole sorry saga. I knew about those events, I lived through them, as they were 'reported' to us in those sanitised news reports, and I knew the government was acting immorally. I expressed my disapproval, of course, I did, Howard hater that I was! My own son-in-law, a naval officer deployed on coastal surveillance before going to Iraq, was tight lipped with the wider family about having to 'obey orders' and the government's policy, but clearly empathic with the boat people he dealt with; the women with their children they'd in wrapped service supply blankets before carrying them on board. How could he not be, father of two little boys himself. So the 'facts' from someone who'd been involved first hand told me my own response was the right one. Last night I realised that I still did not fully 'know' or realise what was done in my name? Or did I not want to know? I am not yet sure if I am ready to take full responsibility for any of it.

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Psyclaw. Agreed... [i][quote] "This is a primitive form of reasoning which characterises young kids. It is called "reasoning from particular to particular". Mature thinking invoves reasoning from the particular to the general"[/quote][/i] I observe the same process being used in "cognitive behavioural therapy" when applied to people with below average intelligence in our own society. As I seem to recall FS saying one in a previous blog “mind slavery”. If I was to add a suggestion to Julia re my previous and ongoing axe grind, stop trying it on these 70 – 90 IQ’s, trying to turn their experience into a lie. Where did “work, consume, BE HAPPY”, come from again? They are being retarded by DEEWR in my observation, no different to a TV can be used to implement mind slavery. I refused to watch this SBS thing for this reason, but I’m obviously going to have to catch up with QANDA now. Be happy folks… DD

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011Dorothea Dix, This will be right up your alley, and explain why such a concerted effort by Conservatives is expended in dumbing down the country:

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011PatriciaWA, I joined the Labor Party in 2001 entirely because of the Tampa incident. Yet, sadly, after all that time, and through the Cronulla riots to today, what have we got? The principal actors in that government forcing their way back into the public discourse again. Shameless coves one and all. Howard. Reith. Allan Jones. Pauline Hanson. Chris Corrigan. And now their philosophical progeny. Tony Abbott. Ray Hadley. David Oldfield. Scott Morrison. Gina Reinhart. Andrew Forrest. I'm especially glad that 'Leaky Boat' included a clip of Phillip Ruddock in it's reportage from the time. It should be replayed over and over again to remind people of the cancer that is barely repressed within the Coalition still and just waiting to metastisise and break out again. Might I also just add that the whole sorry saga that was the Tampa and the "We'll decide.." era of the Little General Howard, must have been as seamy as your son intimates to have made Peter Tinley, ex-SAS Deputy Commander, join the Labor Party. The Army are not generally known for their support of the ALP. But first the Abu Ghraib incident gave us Mike Kelly, and Tampa and the Pacific (Non)Solution gave us Peter Tinley. What I found most elucidating in the information which came out last night, was that it was the fall of the Taliban, after 9/11, that really stopped the boats coming from Afghanistan, for a time at least until the fighting spurred more on. NOT Howard's Orwellian Hell called the 'Pacific Solution', as the Coalition still try and convince us to this day, and as Scott Morrison was still bleating about last night with his disgusting advocacy of TPVs and sending boat arrivals back to Birdshit Is. As was carefully laid out, the boats kept arriving but they were merely placed 'Out of sight and out of mind' of the country.


8/07/2011Hi psyclaw Thankyou so much for posting your emails to Chris Bowen and Scott Morrison. Your comments are providing very interesting reading and adding more genuine, valuable quality to TPS, your posts are very much appreciated. [quote]misguided ideological and malicious approach to the boat people is transparent. Let me also say that your approach defies the teachings of Christ. [/quote] Apt words to Mr Morrison. Cheers :):):):):)


8/07/2011Thank You Jason for reminding us about Leaky Boat. You're a great scout Cobber. That's three blockbusters in a few weeks: Live cattle exports - Go Back Where You Came From - and now, Leaky Boat. These rare programs remind us of just how powerful a tool Television may be in the hands of responsible film-makers. The horrid corollary is that it also points up just what a waste of Logie Baird's wondrous magic the likes of the real-life global arch-villain Murdoch have made it for most of all air time in the world. TV had the potential to raise awareness around the world, I mean really raise it. Had it been exploited even to a quarter of its potential, with a thriving industry aimed at educative programs, there would be virtually no illiteracy, lower birth rates, less horror and more hope. the world would be a very different place. Re the Tampa saga, Peter Reith, John Winston Howard and all who pulled that most outrageous political scam in Australian history should be behind bars for treason. Simple as that. Leaky Boat is a chilling reminder that what we are doing here on TPS, what the Government is doing, what Labor stalwarts, and I certainly include most Greens (at least by intention!) too, are doing here, is fighting a deadly-serious Clayton's War - the 'war' we are fighting so we don't have to fight a bloody WAR. It seems almost unbelievable that in Australia, with probably the best-favoured mainstream community in the world courtesy of unmatched economic leadership by the Rudd and Gillard Governments, he who would be Fuhrer is calling meetings of rabid Rightists to revolt! Calling for INSURRECTION ! [Oxford: (n) Rising in open resistance to established authority: incipient rebellion]. The crime is actually [i]sedition[/i], ["Agitation directed against the authority of a State's executive"] which I believe was put back on the statute books some decade ago by Howard's hoons, as a defence against unions I suppose, how's that breathtaking irony or just par-for-the-course Coalonic hyperhypocrisy! The threats against Australian scientists in recent days are proof, if any were needed, of the truly deadly potential of the Abbortt assault on Austalian goodwill and reason and co-operation. I really believe that if he thought he could pull off a violent coup he would do it, and it is painfully obvious that if he could pull a non-violent one he would do it at the drop of a hat. I call him and Howard and Reith traitors to interests of the people of the Wide Brown Land and the world. Cheryl Kernot on ABC24 on the Cat-Call. What a bloody fool Fitzgibbon. He has trashed Labor's squeaky-clean image in a trice. Kernot reminds people that Mesma did a Claw at *J*U*L*I*A*, so it's a bit zero-sum now and Good On Her for humbling FitzGibbon, (the Gibbon that goes [b][i]FITZZZ![/i][/b] :) What a mug. Little things Labor Members do get so much airplay, Abbortt gets away with everything. As he says in Tim Dunlop's brilliant satire, thanks for the link debbiep, here 'tis again folks, wtte "Once I realised that people thought I was so honest because I admitted I was a serial liar I knew I could get away with everything." (Not a direct quote btw) That really is the great open secret to his success, as never knowing anything about anything criminal was Howard's, and genuine carefully-preserved ignorance of e.g. the Separation of Powers was Jo Bjelke-Petersen's. These are really bad people we're talking about here, people fostering insurrection for their own political gain. All three of these I just named, the dead hand of Jo and the palsied hand of Howard plus the geriatric global genius of Murdoch are all still potent forces in Australian politics. We must be very vigilant and as vocal and visible as we can be in defence of a peaceable society. The other two alternatives to preserving this society are complete capitulation to the likes of Abbortt's jackboot mob, or bloody War. It can't happen here. Oh no? Don't miss the signs. Don't forget dogs on Aussie wharves at Howard's behest. Police horses ridden into crowds on Coalition orders during the Vietnam War. Conscription for an opted-into war they couldn't get people to volunteer for. Opted-into wars to curry favour with our great and powerful ally (?!) - How many now? That somehow Labor has to extricate ourseves from. What has it cost? (And in this case, I mean casualties aside.) What could that funding and energy have done to right wrongs in Australia? Why do I despise 'Liberals'?! Can't happen here? These are the SAME PEOPLE as have done and ARE DOING all this. Sorry to YELL! Truly. But they really scare me. But Fear Not, Hold the Line, Press On, That's what the Government is doing, it's Crash or Crash Through now, and I honour it for that. How can Abborttism win if we are staunch?! Even if he were, Dog forbid, to win the next election, he would be brought up short in the Senate if he tried to undo things set in place with their help in the next two years. You know what I always say Folks, [b]VENCEREMOS![/b] [b][i]NO PASARAN![/i][/b]


8/07/2011Patricia I found the 'Leaky Boats' brought back all the horror I felt at the time, the way the asylum seekers were treated, the trashing of international seafaring laws, the....... I just can't say any more, it does my head in just reliving that horror.


8/07/2011[u][i][b]OmiDog![/b][/i][/u] I've finally had the courage to use b i u above. See Turkeys for all their gobble are Birds of Little Brain. But look out Mesma now! Cos now I too can go [u][i][b]FITZZZZ![/b][/i][/u] while to Puff Adder I graciously go (K ughhhrrr NO I can't bring myself to do it I think I'm going to be sick! (curtain) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BINGO! My RECAPTCHA : account, witsion


8/07/2011With regard to the [i]Leaky Boat[/i] documentary, I'm going to break one of my cardinal rules (or at least stretch it to the limits of its elasticity) by speaking of the overwhelming feeling that I was left with last night, as opposed to the rational understanding that the Australian public was manipulated by unscrupulous politicians. The sentiment that I was left with last night was one of guilt. We, the Australian people, were responsible for the aftermath of Tampa, 'children overboard' and the Pacific Solution. When the children overboard story was debunked, did the voting public recoil in horror and drive the Howard Government out into the wilderness where it belonged? Not a bit of it. As a nation we endorsed their lies by giving them a boost in the polls and subsequently increasing their majority. The fact that as an individual I did not contribute to that electoral success does not diminish my sense of culpability. After letting a night go by, a period when my rational faculties would normally put my feelings into their rightful place by deconstructing the manipulation of them by politicians and media, I awoke with a palpable sense of having been part of a deplorable slide in our collective sense of what is right. I doubt that I will be able to shake that perception. What I can do is to stay alert to the possibility of it occurring again. I agree with all that has been said above with regard to the documentary. It reinforced my dislike (understatement alert) of Howard, Reith and Ruddock. At the same time I was surprised to see how far Beazley followed down the same path before he realised things were about to get out of hand. It also brought back into its proper context the nonsensical accusation that both major parties are in a race to the bottom on this issue. When Labor sends our most aggressive military strike-force to board a leaky fishing boat, when they turn a foreign-flagged ship back and deny it access to our ports, when they order our navy to tow boats full of women and children back out to sea, then I will believe that there is a race to the bottom. As it stands, the Coalition has a significant (almost insurmountable) head-start in that race and we need to be reminded of the dark days of Howard and how easily we could find ourselves in a similar or worse position if Abbott succeeds in storming The Lodge.

D Mick Weir

8/07/2011Hi All I haven't seen Leaky Boat yet, I hope to get to it tonight if I can work out how to operate the delayed watching black box thingy. Psyclaw, Whew, your contribution does us proud. Wish I could have written the bit to Morrison. (I will wait to see the QandA re the bit to Bowen) Irony alert. FS, I haven't found a tongue in cheek emoticon yet so I will go with nearest thing I have :P @ 8:00 AM [i]... she certainly takes the bit between her teeth about issues she focusses on. And no correspondence can be entered into![/i] And none of us here could ever be accused of that could we? Note I include myself in that. :P re Morrison only three lies he must be slipping though I note you did say biggest lies. PatriciaWA, [i]... still did not fully 'know' or realise what was done in my name? Or did I not want to know? I am not yet sure if I am ready to take full responsibility for any of it.[/i] I am with you on that. I wonder at times if I put my head in the sand well because it was just easier at the time. I noted your comment way back about returning to the discussion on the topic of attitudes to women in power or powerful positions. It is in my pondering space atm but no sparks have come out yet. Side Track. Just caught a snippet of TA predictably saying something along the lines that govt. is really being run by the Greens and Milne's announcement this morning proves it. Same old, same old Other lives summon urgently. Type to you later. Captcha: [i]naftesp returning,[/i] a naf t esp hmm something about TA speaking same old cr@p


8/07/2011[u][b]Quarter Time at Big Game[/b][/u] The AFL (Australian Federal Legislature)game between the Guvnors and the Coalons is now at Quarter Time. This last week saw a Free Kick taken after the siren, the PM kicking a goal as I tolja she would Haitch Gee, so the score is now - Hang on, I know, I'm the official scorekeeper! (Someone's gotta do it.) But I want to hear how you-all Swordies call it so far, so I want you to guess. This is not a vote, it is a guess, the actual score is already recorded. (By me, see.) S/he who guesses closest may claim a small prize to be forwarded through Ad astra if the guesser selects 'Yep' with hs entry. Oh and that's if Ad astra agrees. He probly will imo. :) Oh and if he has your snail mail place of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Entries close at the end of next thread after this. I will repost this just once, OK? Please Play With Me! . . .(Us?) Here we go: - SCORE: GUVNORS . . . goals . . . behinds COALONS . . . goals . . . behinds [U wanna Prize for best guess? YEP / NUP ] (Optional) Best Players Guvnors 1 2 3 4 5 Goalkickers for Guvnors (and HM?) ......................................................... .......................................................... Injuries ................................................. Quick comment Haitch Gee? Watcha think about their captain? Best Players Coalons 1 2 3 4 5 Goalkickers for Coalons (and HM?) ......................................................... .......................................................... Injuries....................................................... COMMENTS ON THE GAME SO FAR Haitch Gee? (C'mon Swordies, that’s you in this case! Please make some serious comments, this could be interesting and fun.) As long as I get a quorum of votes I will be able to award a Quarter-Time TPS Medal to the Best Afield So Far (only Guvnors players need apply!)and the KneeCap Target Award to the nastiest (only open to Coalons!) Please note, the Best and Kneecap categories are NOT open to the PM nor LOTO. (We already know what we think of [b]*H*e*r*[/b] and [i]him[/i][b]![/b]) If you think they are the really best or worst please say so in comments but vote for the NEXT ONE DOWN in that case. I'm really very interested in who we think our stars and midfield and laggards are. SO ARE THEY! :) Just in case you might have missed it, THIS is us Turkeys' fave rave game. The [i]BIG[/i] AFL. Oh and we've just had a report that umpire Murdoch might not be feeling too good Haitch Gee, You saw he took that ball fair in the goolies just before the siren, we knew he was hurting, well it seems at the same time he swallowed his favourite whistle handed down to him by the Murdoch forefathers! . . . So, what effect do you think that'll have on the game Haitch Gee?


8/07/2011My BP became elevated after watching Leaky Boats followed by Q & A. It makes me so angry that some people, educated people who should know better, are prone to come to a conclusion and take a stand on an issue with only one side of the ‘facts’ before them. The Howard solution to stopping the boats gave him a popularity based on “strong” leadership when, if the facts had been allowed to be seen (and heard) by the people, may have shown him up to be the little opportunistic mongrel he always was and will always be. Now, soon after the people ditched the Howard/coalition forces, they have again taken up the cudgel (helped by anti-labor vested interests which includes the Murdoch press) to mis-inform, downright deceive and con the voting public by drowning out facts put by the government and/or ensuring that the argument is one-sided and aided by one fear campaign after another. It worked for more than a decade under Howard. The difference between the Howard era and now, is that this behaviour is now much, much more destructive. We are dealing with a faster changing world with greater challenges to face to ensure a sustainable future and a continuing strong economy. It is imperative that the nation stays confident and is willing to take on the necessary reforms with a positive eye on the future. The current obscession with boats and refugees is stupid and utterly ridiculous. If we are to be a compassionate country, willing and able to absorb as many of the world’s displaced people as our economy and space allows, we need an orderly process devoid of scaremongering, razor wire and discrimination. We need a regional solution that works and it can only work if we all work together with our neighbours and the UN. In doing so, we will save ourselves billions of wasted dollars spent building/maintaining detention centres on and offshore. Wasted money that could and should be spent on infrastructure which would enable us to take in more refugees already wallowing in the misery of camps around the world. The hysteria that rises over the boats is fraught with petty argument that ignores the overall picture. Queues or no queues. Detention or no detention. Let them all in or not. So few or too many. Pointless, stupid and mind numbing rubbish. We cannot blame these people for seeing a shortcut to securing a better lifestyle, nor ignoring the fact that they do so at the expense of those poorer, more unfortunate perhaps, who have been waiting in camps for years or decades for a place of safety and opportunity. What we can do is close the shortcut and with the money we save from the present method of dealing with asylum seekers, provide the necessary infrastructure and increase our refugee intake. What we can do is support the PM and her government in her endeavour to get a workable regional solution in place so that the shameful scenario that happened in 2001 and shown to us in all its ghastly detail, does not happen again.

Ad astra reply

8/07/2011psyclaw Thank you for your several comments this morning; well reasoned statements with which I find myself in agreement. Thank you too Dorothea dix, FS, janice, Patricia WA, Lyn, Talk Turkey and Gravel for your thoughtful additional comments. Last night’s ‘Leaky Boat’ confirmed what we already knew about the Howard Government’s approach to boat arrivals, and reinforced it with statements from service personnel that had not previously been aired to the extent they were last night. The despicable behaviour we assumed turns out to be as bad as, perhaps worse than we thought. The infamy of that behaviour seems unlikely though to rebound on Tony Abbott and the Coalition as the people’s attitude to boat people seems as hard now as it was then, mainly due to the Coalition’s rhetoric, although some many be having second thoughts after the SBS ad ABC documentaries. One new fact for me was that the fall in boat arrivals at the time of the ‘Pacific Solution’ coincided with a fall in Taliban activity in Afghanistan. So the ‘success’ of the Pacific Solution may be a figment of the commentators’ imagination. Scott Morrison’s behaviour on Q&A was archetypical. We should take note. When the argument is going against him he uses vehement denial, bluster and bullying by talking over his opponent. He often uses this technique. No matter how convincing a counter argument is, he will fervently deny its veracity. If my dear old Mum were to have heard him in full flight, she would have described his rhetoric as ‘arguing the leg off an iron pot’. In all, while the recent documentaries and the discussion afterwards will have refreshed our memories of these awful events involving boat people, I wonder how many will have changed their mind towards a more tolerant attitude. What do you think? Folks I’ll be busy for the rest of the day preparing for the arrival of kids and a grandson for the weekend.

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011NormanK, Saddest thing of all was to be reminded that once Beazley could go no further in lockstep with Howard the ALP's vote collapsed soon after. :(

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011Just to prove how big of a scumbag Tony Abbott is, this morning we have had him misconstruing the position of the AWU and the TWU and demanding that the AMWU stand with those other Unions AGAINST the Gillard government's 'Carbon Tax', if they really want to stand up for their members. Fair dinkum, I'm so close to constantly referring to that man as 'Antichrist' Abbott. And I have not taken the decisiion lightly.

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011Miners are leading the GAINS on the local sharemarket today. Nuff said.

Patricia WA

8/07/2011Dear Mick Weir! Not quite hiding my head in the sand, but for the moment having a bit of time out to chew on some 'comfort' brain food. Normally we would all now be delighting in Murdoch's miseries with NotW, and I know it's a distraction, but I used it as a chance to play around with an old idea. Also I do hope this scandal could lead to a wider public awareness of the need to stop him hi-jacking national soul-searching over boats, refugees, climate change and everything else that matters! [b]"True Liberty Is When Free-born Men Speak Free!"[/b] John Milton’s [i]Areopagitica[/i], Crying freedom for the press Back in 17th century England, Resisted monarchy’s excess. His tract was a mighty weapon In democracy’s progress. We are the beneficiaries Of his most eloquent address. But we [i]'free-born' [/i]are complicit, As we have watched and acquiesced While that freedom has been abused With a brazen shamelessness. We encouraged one man’s ambition To buy up, control, to possess As his property our words in print, And we applauded his success. We shared profits with this behemoth Who now destroys our happiness And publishes news of the world, Writ as he commands it be expressed. This threat of global tyranny, Warns us it’s time to re-possess What has now become a licence To break all rules and decency transgress. That precious freedom perverted thus Has seen democracy regress. Let’s use our laws while we still can, Redeem ourselves, and truly free the press.


8/07/2011Hi Ad Do you think the Murdoch scandal may reach Australia? How much Government information has been leaked and then published in the past 4 years' Well since the Labor Government in 2007 would be a fair guess. Ute-gate comes to mind, remember the email, reported as leaked to The Australian but it was a fake email. Britain's scandal-hit News of the World to shut, says James Murdoch , The Australian In Sydney, Chairman and Chief Executive of News Limited (publisher of The Australian), John Hartigan, said in a statement to staff today the phone hacking [b]scandal was a "terrible slur on our craft[/b]". "The behaviour that has been uncovered at the News Of The World is an affront to all of us who value the integrity and credibility of good journalism, the reputation of the company and our own reputations as professionals," Mr Hartigan said. "I am confident that the practices that have been uncovered in the UK [b]do not exist in Australia[/b], at News or any other respectable media outlet." Mr Abbott said early in the week how dare Julia Gillard demand free air time to announce her Carbon Tax, he has changed his mind and demanding air time, but it has to be straight after Julia Gillard. Abbott demands immediate carbon tax reply , SMH In Brisbane today, Mr Abbott said he should be given air time on the same night for a response. "If the Prime Minister is going to be given free air time for what is, in effect, a party political broadcast, obviously the opposition should get equal time and they should get equal time at the same time as the Prime Minister," he told reporters. The ABC told this website it would give Mr Abbott a right of reply but it was still working out when. A Nine Network spokeswoman also said the time for the reply was yet to be confirmed. In a release this morning, Channel Seven said Dancing With The Stars would immediately follow Ms Gillard's address. Cheers


8/07/2011latikambourke | Independent Andrew Wilkie will announce his position on the carbon tax at 2pm, according to his media alert. His vote will sink or pass it.


8/07/2011A day in the life of Tony Abbott!

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Morning All And Particualy FS, Thanks for the phrase, sort off :-) Your about to be quoted in a building "brain fart" @ Get Up. "MIND SLAVERY MIND SLAVERY" all F@#$#n night, thanks for the inspirational "Blessed Curse". Link, opening now..., I Check the "System Tray" Bottom Right, Ahh well let it slide, It's just the Coffee, Chug chug, has finaly kicked in. ^shrug^ Latter.. BB DD


8/07/2011latikambourke | 1 minute ago Independent MP Andrew Wilkie met the PM yesterday and Greg Combet this AM - made his decision to support carbon price today.


8/07/2011Jason Thank-you. That was a nervous half-hour.


8/07/2011Friday's Bad Abbott Close on the heels of the announcement of a national renewable energy agency, Shouldabeen's in high dudgeon about who really runs the government. Too slo-o-ow to have picked up, should his strategy to switch the independents' votes to the Coalition, and thus slime himself and his photo-opportunity family into Prime Ministerial digs ("Daddy, Daddy, please, can we live in Kirribilleeee, it'll be way awesome!"), that the Greens will 'run' his government, too. 'Run' as in controlling the flow of legislation, which in the case of the retro-minded Coalition, could only be for the good of the nation. Then we'd see what "No" really means, since so far it's use hasn't stalled 153 plus pieces of Gillard Government legislation.

Patricia WA

8/07/2011Michael, are you psychic, or do you have a real link I can use for my revision of my [i]'Tony Abbott Doesn't Want the Lodge'[/i] pome? which I drafted towards the end of comment on AC's Mr. Squiggle satire. I'd love to have even a hint in MSM that he's already eyeing Kirribilli House preferentially over The Lodge! Then I can link it in with pictures I'm gathering ready to publish at polliepomes. Re which, I've got a generic weight lifting picture which could pass for him, but I can't seem to track one of Abbott himself actually flexing his muscles with weights. Can anyone help? I love the idea of Abbott's girls squealing with delight at the thought of living at Kirribilli. Could be worth a verse of its own! Thanks Michael, think of all the bad abbotts they'd get into there!

Ad astra reply

8/07/2011Hi Lyn Goodness knows what effect the [i]News of the World[/i] scandal will have on the Murdoch empire here. It is doing its best to bury the matter in its outlets, relegating the item to its ‘World’ section towards the back of the papers, because, after all it is a ‘world’ matter. Yet other ‘world’ matters: Libya, Middle East revolts, even world sport, gets the front page. The Hartigan denial is meant to quieten questions here. I can’t see an uprising against Murdoch here, but his credibility will have taken another lurch downwards, and people’s opinion of him will harden so long as this matter is in the news. Whether it will lessen the attacks on PM Gillard and her Government, I doubt. But the Murdoch media must by now be beginning to wonder about the obsessive negativity of Tony Abbott, and whether it is smart supporting him against the surging tide of support for a price on carbon from business, as they rely on business for ads in their media. I suspect that may soon cut him adrift and let him wallow in his whirlpool of destructiveness until it sucks him under. Sunday’s announcement may suck most of the oxygen out of his attacks until they die of asphyxia. I’m off shopping now – back this evening. Jason Thanks for the timely information about Andrew Wilkie's voting intention on the carbon issue.


8/07/2011Hi Patricia I am sending you this link if there isn't a photo here then it doesn't exist, don't look at the buddgie ones I'm not kidding they are awful.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tlif131010496696710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=bi Cheers


8/07/2011 Hi Jason I like this new ad the Government has produced: Prime Minister Julia Gillard has numbers to ensure carbon tax is passed Labor also moved to hit back at Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's anti-carbon tax crusade with a new internet campaign presenting him as "Mr Negativity''. Labor's national secretary George Wright said Mr Abbott was the "most mindlessly negative Opposition Leader in history''. "With no vision for Australia, no plan for the future, Tony Abbott's default position is No, No, No,'' Mr Wright said. Cheers

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011I AM ACTUALY RETURNING TO COGNITION!!! “9:21 AM!!!”, Could have sworn it was more like 3 or 4! Firstly To Patricia, Ditto, You and I were going through exactly the same sort of thing for different reasons at exactly the same time. And as I read all what is in this array of binary bits and bytes before me,….. Serendipity or synchronicity!? ^shrug^ Was the experience, and this experience definitely a verb… check the time stamps, I at the time hit enter, then hit bed. Maybe you’re the reincarnation of a distant relative my Gran tells me I’m related to, Ursula Mother Shiption, honestly, like an… ABRACADABRA ((((((((((((((((((((PATRICIA))))))))))))))))))))) ++"True Liberty Is When Free-born Men Speak Free!" Well Met. I offer for you something personal in return... I ask! “Oh mother of all within this orb please hear this one childs plea, I seek to understand you, I seek Earth empathy! I seek to understand your songs of space, of land and air and sea, To be a humane being, walk with you in harmony, May this be not sophistry, but my philosophy for equanimity…. Blessed Be.” I feel and observe:- “If we can not learn to do these things like create and maintain a carbon sink! And push your womb, Your own Earth mother closer to the brink! For if I have to go back to scratch, and most of my oceans die away! Your actions much more then your words tell me that’s OK! To come along and clean your room, Fix it up again a different way! Go ask your science, Your observant ones, they tell you everyday.” A conversation with a Goddess. B.O.S. Wake up and read and review what is before me, a wet spot of tears pooling on my bed. As I stare into this vision sphere contrivance I call F.R.E.D. F@#^*! Ridiculous Electronic Device. ( a 10 inch samsung web book thing’ie.) But hey, seems it’s my best therapy I can find, for a catharsis, an enema for my mind. Seems too have loosened all that has been Sodomising the skat in my skull as it was. Too all of you thank you, I think watching this thing you have here is about the only thing keeping me sane. Keyphrase! Voice, again whoever come up with this realm of the matrix to you in particular. Kudos to you. Again ((((((((((((((((((((PATRICIA))))))))))))))))))))) <<Thinks to self, “now why am I on a psyche pension and only capable of volunteering these days again?”>> Feral:- for:- [quote] For Republicans, education and intellectualism is the enemy of their wafer-thin bumper-sticker marketing strategy, and so denying people an affordable education has become a matter of survival for the Republican Party. [b][i][u][quote]An uninformed voter can be manipulated by sloganeering and trickery.[/quote][/u][/i][/b] A smarter voter is more likely to see through shallow appeals to fear and transparently deceptive marketing schemes.[/quote] MMM, like perhaps a current “ABC” of politics maybe, which I see before me and cam-PAIN against via Get-Up in times of late. Talk Turkey, You too especially:- [quote] “These rare programs remind us of just how powerful a tool Television may be in the hands of responsible film-makers. “ ++ Abbot picks up a can of Lynx Voodoo deodorant from his desk and sprays under his arms. And a mouthful off coffee to clean of a keyboard and screen. ALL GOOD ALL GOOD Still laughing.[/quote] But again too all of you again thank you, for your little pieces of mind. You keep me sane. Almost as if it is an expression of consciousness trying to create a collective cognisance in cyberspace, yea ok, I’m still a little insane. Maybe!? Kudos to da lot’ta ya… Always listening with my eyes, Sometimes speaking with my fingers. :-) Better then a NOOSE paper though, and most certainly my second last TV station, the "ABC" My only other therepy, a childs computer game, A PSP and a thing called "The 3rd Birthday!!! AT MY AGE!!! Wish I had this for a form of therepy years ago for some kids, ahh sad memories, anyhow..i ramble. <<<shakes head>>> [quote] WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY… WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY… WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY… WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY… WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY… WORK, CONSUME, BE HAPPY……………………………………………………………….[/quote] Maybe again soon! Maybe? Brightest Blessings to you all as a wicce would, say. @ 2 all of U Blessed Be D.D.


8/07/2011Patricia, hi. The Kirribilli 'quote' in my Friday Bad Abbott is a not completely misremembered statement from one of the Abbott girls in that quasi-pornographic Australian Story (or was it something on a commercial channel?) about the Abbott family at home and frolicking in the pool before the last election. One of his daughters, asked what it would mean to her if Daddy became PM, was just, like, stoked, at, you know, living at Kirribilli House. Awesome, rooly.

Sir Ian Crisp

8/07/2011Dorothea dix used the following: [quote] “Cognition, binary, serendipity, synchronicity, reincarnation, abracadabra, equanimity, contrivance catharsis, sodomising, matrix, cognisance” [/quote] Calling Lyn. Has anyone seen Lyn? Paging Lyn. Lyn, consistency should be your name.

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Sorry, Have i breached consistancy in some way in my little ramble? :-) Ahh Psiberspace...


8/07/2011DD - no you've breached nothing. Sir Ian Crisp's acronym is SIC and not just because of the initials. S/he must be checking to see if the password still works before Abbott's "magnificent" reply to Gillard's Sunday announcement even though Abbott will have no time to comprehend, let alone digest, the full implications of a CPRS. One trick Tony won't have time as he didn't have (at his choice) representation on the multiparty committee that negotiated the final product. Apart from that, I doubt the full legislation will be released on Sunday. As Abbott doesn't know whats in it - if he has the interests of Australia at heart, how can he oppose it prior to knowing what the plan and its implementation is?


8/07/2011Dorothea Dix, You have breached nothing. You just awoke the resident TPS boofhead. No Biggy.

Feral Skeleton

8/07/2011Wow, Annabel Crabb being reasonable about the Price on Carbon issue:


8/07/2011Hi DD As Macca and 2353 said, you have breached nothing at all. Cheers :):):):):):)

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Ahh, no biggy, as in:- [quote] sic2 sik or sek, (Latin) , thus - printed within brackets in quoted matter to show that the original is being faithfully reproduced even though incorrect or apparently so. sic passim (pas¢im) so throughout, a phrase used to indicate that a word, spelling, etc has been printed in the same form throughout in a book, article, etc. (c) Larousse plc. All rights reserved[/quote] Thought I would stay and watch 4 a change <( WINK :-) )>

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Oh and P.S. My appologies to Sir Ian, if needs be :-) Just coming out of my ego-centric world. :-)


8/07/2011DD As macca and 2353 and Lyn have said, you have breached nothing at all. Don't you worry your interesting head about that SIC, aka "Limpy" Crisp. We don't. Few people are unfriendly here, though some people reckon I am! (K)

Sir Ian Crisp

8/07/2011No breach has occurred by you Dorothea. There is a bit of history and to give you a brief synopsis (ooops!) I peppered my posts with words such as the ones you used. That was over the top for one person who chided me. That person failed to chide our materteral resident of Gosford who used similar words and is still using words of that type. Where, I asked and still ask, is the consistency. See if you can find a slap down handed out to FS. When I struck back on a few occasions Ad Astra would give us one of his fireside chats about not attacking people. Those chats were directed at me but not others. We have not crossed swords yet Dorothea so no apologies are needed. I do however prefer to be known as a josser rather than SIC.

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Ta TT

Patricia WA

8/07/2011Hi DD! I don't know exactly what you did to offend SIC. I couldn't get his point at all. Pompous ass! Oops, take that back - sorry moderator! But you certainly didn't offend me. Have just come from reading your message. Now [u]you[/u] are a poet and a wordsmith, in the sense that our Talk Turkey is. My rhyming doggeral is just a fun way of getting my head around politics and not letting them depress me too much. Sometimes serendipity or whatever gets into it and adds something extra. Anyway I'm glad they turn you enough on to send us messages and to write as you did for us [i]“Oh mother of all within this orb please hear this one childs plea, I seek to understand you, I seek Earth empathy! I seek to understand your songs of space, of land and air and sea, To be a humane being, walk with you in harmony, May this be not sophistry, but my philosophy for equanimity…." [/i] PS to TT - [u][i][b]How did you do that? [/b][/i][/u] Like that? I think Lyn would agree with me that you are not so much unfriendly as impulsive, and thereafter seem to find it difficult to retract! :-)


8/07/2011Hi Patricia No good asking me I'm bias, I think Talk Turkey is , fabulous, magic I said before. Talk Turkey's regular daily contributions here are very much appreciated most enjoyable, we couldn't do without you Talk Turkey. Did you get the link I left for you above?, links to about one million photo's of Mr Abbott. I thoroughly enjoy your work too Patricia, you are a valuable asset to TPS, we could not do without you either. Cheers :):):):)


8/07/2011Good job, Hillbilly. I would have found it nauseas to wade through TA's speeech, and analyse it as you have. Lyn - I agree about pix of TA in budgie smugglers! Absolutely Dreadful ... oooh, that could be new TV series starring TA & Julie Bishop, The Goodies, and Monty Python. Or perhaps John Cleese could do "The Ministry of Silly Assertions While Arm-waving". Use The Beatles' version of "Act Naturally" with slightly-altered lyrics for the theme song: WARNING: ear-worms could eventuate ---------------------------------- They're gonna put me on the TV They're gonna make a big star out of me We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely And all I gotta do is act naturally Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star Might make the headlines on The Tele Ru-pert's gonna make me a big star 'Cause I can play the part for him Well I hope you come and see me on the tv Then I’ll know that you will plainly see The biggest fool that ever hit the big time And all I gotta do is act naturally hehehehe :) :) :)

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011LOL @ John:- [quote]"The Ministry of Silly Assertions While Arm-waving"[/quote] Reminded me of a "plebicite" Dead Parrott Sketch a little while back.

D Mick Weir

8/07/2011Good evening all, In my eyes Fiona Katauskas is rising in the ranks of great cartoonists. Todays is a good one: It's only about 36 hours until the great striptease finishes and all will be revealed. @ CT a very interesting post (short and sweet so no teaser) [b]Michael Pascoe nails carbon pricing state of play[/b] The above article refers to this column: [b]Don't waste your energy on the carbon tax[/b] [i]At the carbon tax’s present rate of evolution, by the next election companies may have to apply for the right to pay it.[/i] I worked out haw to get the delayed viewing black box thingo to replay [i]Leaky Boats[/i] and the follow-on [i]QandA[/i] I am very cranky about a lot of things after viewing. I will take a cue from the always wise NormanK and sleep on it before I write anything I may regret later.

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011Just went to post at Get to find censorship, what i cant say "uterus of mind"???!!! On a blog that advocates the gay rights movement. Umm, admin contact if you want an "uncensored" version? Thay sense-or-ed my little fart of mind )-: :-)

Ad astra reply

8/07/2011Folks I have just posted: [i]The Tragic Magic Pudding[/i], another piece of stylish satire by Acerbic Conehead for you to enjoy over the weekend.

Dorothea dix

8/07/2011**** Try Get-Up, Phhhhhhh


9/07/2011Hi, all There have been several references to my piece on what else is in teh Liberal Party's DNA (apart from the "tax cuts" to which Tony Abbott referred). See: As was noted in one post, I only wanted to examine what else is in their DNA, in particular the fundamentals the Liberal Party's DNA. The analysis by FS is a worthwhile addition to our reading, and it is by reading widely that we can individaully and collectively arrive at a thoughtful position. :)
T-w-o take away o-n-e equals?