The Tragic Magic Pudding

It’s been over a year’s hard Labor for Tony Abbott since the Indos went along with Julia Gillard and not him. And to say the least, he’s getting a bit toey. He knows that he needs to swing their support his direction, so as to get into the big chair. But, to make things worse at the moment, he’s suffering from a bad cold that was brought on by cycling too much in the wintry weather. He is coughing and spluttering, and his nose is blocked and running like a tap.

Then, all of a sudden, Tones reckons his luck has turned when he receives an invite to go on MasterChef, where Tony Windsor and co are the judges, and have assured him that, if he wins, the keys to The Lodge are his. The other contestants, he is informed, are a motley crew, comprising of Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan, Christopher Pyne, Bronnie Bishop, David Bushby and Joe Hockey.

So, as everyone knows, the MasterChef format is stretched out over 6 nights and, on the first night – Sunday (CHALLENGE NIGHT) – all the contestants are given the same ingredients in the MYSTERY BOX CHALLENGE.

Unfortunately for Tones, however, he comes second to Jooles on this one and, for the next phase of the competition, the INVENTIONS TEST, she is invited into the pantry by Rob Oakeshott to choose the main ingredient for the next dish. Jooles chooses nuts as the main food item and again beats Tones with her very tasty NBN (“Nice Brazil Nuts”) salad.

Then, the next night, Monday’s PRESSURE TEST, is a big challenge for the bottom three losers from the previous evening. They are Wayne Swan, Christopher Pyne and Joe Hockey. In fact, as the dishes of these three are considered such duds, the whole lot are eliminated. For example, in his planning, Swannie goes way too much into deficit in weighing his ingredients, and ends up with only two peas and a cocktail sausage on his plate. Pynie, meanwhile, has the opposite problem and is disqualified for having too much mince on his. And Joe Hockey is drummed out for scoffing his creation before the judges even get a chance to see it!

Then, on the Tuesday – CELEBRITY CHEF CHALLENGE – Jooles, as winner of the INVENTION TEST on the previous Sunday, has to face off against Gordon Ramsay. Unfortunately for Jooles, Gordon makes more swear words in the alphabet soup dish than her. Gordon later informs the Cooking Correspondent of The Australian that he is relieved he didn’t have to go into a swear-off with Tones, as he knows the Leader of the Opposition is “the f***ing Fr Jack Hackett of the f***ing political swearing world!”

Anyway, the MasterChef bandwagon rolls on and it is now Wednesday night – the OFF-SITE CHALLENGE. Tones is given the job of managing Fawlty Towers for the night, but fails miserably and even makes Basil look like Conrad Hilton. For her part, Jooles is tasked with catering for a wedding and she uses the opportunity to show how she can multi-task by marrying Tim while she is at it.

So, Thursday comes along, with another ELIMINATION. It is hard to believe there are two worse contestants than Tones, after his debacle as Acting-Manager of Fawlty Towers. Nevertheless, Bronwyn Bishop and David Bushby are to compete head-to-head for this dubious honour.

However, Andrew Wilkie and the other judges decide that both are so appallingly bad, each has to go. For her sins, Bronnie nearly sets fire to the studio when she tries to brown the meringue with her kerosene torch, and manages to singe her beehive into the bargain. And, David Bushby is disqualified for trying to pass off some cat-food as tuna morney.

So, finally, the Friday match-off comes around and Tones and Jooles are the only two MasterChef contestants left standing. Tones is delighted he has made it this far, in spite of being handicapped by such a heavy cold. Now, with each ensconced in their separate, self-contained kitchens, Tones and Jooles bring out all their Tupperware containers they have brought from home, and plonk them on their respective preparation tables. The camera zooms in on Tones, who is being interviewed by Rob Oakeshott.

Rob: Okay, look like you’re loaded with the cold, mate...But, nevertheless, we want you and Jooles to each cook up a pudding. So, what culinary delight will you have in store for us tonight?

Tones: Yeah, mate...can’t seem to get rid of this bloody lurgy...But, anyway mate, shit happens! And yeah, I’m cooking up a Magic Pudding tonight, mate...40 problems, mate...

Rob: Okay, Tones...we’ll leave you to it...I’ll just head over to the PM’s kitchen to see how she’s doing...

[As Rob Oakeshott saunters off, closing Tones’ kitchen door firmly behind him, Tones is left alone in the kitchen. He talks aloud to himself.] Tones: Erm...righto...What’s first? Yeah...half a kilo of good old GUIDED DEMOCRACY gorgonzola...

[Tones fires the ultra-pongy ingredient into the mixing bowl, but, with his blocked nose, can’t smell how bad it is.]

Tones: Now...what about a dollop of ABOLISH THE MINING TAX mustard...heh...heh...

[Tones liberally (what else!) uses his fingers to mix the first two ingredients for his Magic Pudding recipe.]

Tones: Mmmm...lovely...and now for a few slices of DIRECT ACTION durians...and a litre of some ATROCIOUSLY EXPENSIVE PAID PARENTAL LEAVE lemon juice...and, for good measure, half a kilo of CUT BACK GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE NUMBERS for it...a cup of RE-OPEN NAURU guano granules...and 100 grams of self-raising-to-20% GST flour...with a few stalks of ROOTY HILL rhubarb...and a kilo of rancid but...but...butter...hee...hee...

[Even by this stage, and Tones hasn’t finished making his Magic pudding yet, there is such a stench off the pongy ingredients, it would make the Augean Stables, on a hot day, smell like one of Elizabeth Arden’s well-deodorised armpits. However, with his blocked nose, Tones can’t smell a thing.]

Tones: And now for 20 cloves of GOSPEL TRUTH garlic...and a litre of some PACIFIC SOLUTION sour milk...and a handful of crushed-up, over the used-by-date, TEA PARTY a container of NATURE STRIPS suet...and 100 grams of DEAD, BURIED AND CREMATED WORKCHOICES wheat-flour...and three tablespoons of PLEBICITE fish-paste...with a cup of NODDING DEATH-STARE noodles and some ECONOMISTS’ guts and SCIENTISTS’ garters – the pointy-headed pricks...heh...heh...

[Tones adds in the remainder of his 40 whiffy ingredients and blithely continues to mash them in the bowl.

Meanwhile, Rob Oakeshott and the other Indo judges have been checking up on Jooles. She is playing her cards close to her chest as to what sort of pudding she is creating, so they give her a preliminary mark for her MasterChef efforts so far. Then, they return to Tones’ kitchen.

Rob opens the door and, like a tumultuous tsunami, the wave of fetid air from Tones’ mixing bowl nearly “bowls” them over.]

Rob (holding his nose): OMG Tones – you call that a Magic Pudding – more like a Tragic Pudding to me! I’m afraid you’ve failed the MasterChef test and lost out on our support for another while, mate...

Tones:’s a fail-safe 40-ingredients recipe that Robbo gave me! He told me no matter how many times it’s on the nose, the ABC, News Limited and the shock-jocks will ensure it never fails to get on the menu! It’s a Magic Pudding, ffs!!!

[The judges ignore Tones’ protestations and quickly slam the door, heading off to the security and clean air of Jooles’ kitchen.]

Andrew: Okay, Jooles...we don’t think you’ve got any real competition around here at the, we’ll declare you the winner of this year’s MasterChef competition, and guarantee you our support for another while...

Jooles: Why, thank you gentlemen – it will be my pleasure to continue to work with you – long may it last...

Tony Windsor: Oh, and Jooles...what sort of a pudding did you finally come up with?

Jooles: Oh, it’s just a simple black pudding, Tony...It’s very solid, with no big holes in it whatsoever – unlike the Opposition’s...heh...heh...

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Dorothea dix

8/07/2011On that note I'm of bed, see if tomorrow me gets a "normal" day. :-)

Patricia WA

8/07/2011Black magic pudding, eh, AC? Cooked by a Chef Extraordinaire! Here's what Ken Parish over at Club Troppo thinks of her entry! Thanks DMW! [quote]Gillard’s carbon pricing scheme is modest, sound and sensible policy. It’s a miracle of political negotiation and constructive compromise that she managed to get the Greens to accept it. Julia’s skills at public communication aren’t as great as I’d hoped but she must be an awesome behind-the-scenes deal-maker, possibly the best Australia has seen. Moreover, given the disparate interests and personalities among the Greens and cross-bench Independents, the only way she would have achieved such an outcome is to have impressed all of them as a leader of great strength, integrity and fundamental decency. You don’t hold together people like Windsor, Oakeshott, Wilkie or the Greens by being mean and tricky. But that assessment doesn’t fit the current MSM hive mind narrative so it’s probably not what you’ll hear and read.[/quote]


9/07/2011 From: lyn Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 9:52 PM To: lyn Subject: links 9th july [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]End of the World to save Money, John, True Politik[/i] Rupert Murdoch’s ruthless business acumen, my money is on option 4. I believe that closing NOTW is a business decision only, driven by money [i]What is government waste? Bill, Billy blog[/i] The Australian is heavily biased in its reporting towards promoting free market values and never ceases to run mindless beat-up stories about government inefficiency and the need for more deregulation – especially when it benefits the American (who used to be an Australian) owner’s interests. [i]Get Ready for the Carbon Tax Cockatoos, Frank O’Shea, Independent Australia[/i] Anyone prepared to listen is convinced that the sky is about to fall, that thousands will be put out of work the coal miners have moved to a tree next to the union crowd – that the economy is doomed. Doomed,I tell you, doomed. [i]What does it profit a country if it gains the Olympics , but loses 2.1 billion, Matt Cowgill, We are all Dead[/i] I think the Prime Minister is right to describe the full-time jobs growth as “fantastic”, particularly in a year in which Australia and two of its major trading partners (New Zealand and Japan) have been hit with natural disasters. [i]Mr Negativity: Day in the Life of Tony Abbott[/i] Without a doubt Tony Abbott is the most mindlessly negative opposition leader in history. Sure people expect oppositions to oppose, but Tony Abbott has taken this to the point of ridiculousness. [i]Does Cheap Energy Make Us Dumb?, Moth, New Anthropocene.[/i] Cheap energy doesn’t make us dumb, but it has allowed us to overlook the bleeding obvious in favour of a needlessly energetic,overworked lifestyle that simply doesn’t make us happy [i]Murdoch's Business Is A Pox On Democracy, Ben Eltham, New Matilda[/i] As Stephen Mayne pointed out this week, "it takes a certain level of chutzpah to simultaneously run an utterly biased campaign against the Government whilst sticking your hand out for a juicy government contract, but that’s News Ltd for you." [i]The end of the World isn’t the end of the matter, Guy Rundle, Crikey[/i] the Murdoch organisation runs on Stalinist management principles, and thus presumes that it can rewritethe public record to reflect its current priorities. [i]Henderson loses it , David Havyatt, Anything Goes.[/i] I can tell Gerard that one economist - Frank Stilwell from the University of Sydney - does support Abbott's direct action plan. That is based on his paper Environmental Policy: But this provides the delicious irony that Abbott's only support comes from the anti-market Left. [i]This Opposition can’t even oppose properly, Anthony Albanese, The Punch[/i] Yet the Opposition has not managed to stop one of the Government’s Bills passing the House. So while it purports to bethe alternative Government, not once has it managed to attract enough support from the cross-benchers to block our legislative program. [i]The carbon tax and the ‘climate overboard affair’ Peter Christoff, The Conversation[/i] the real price of our carbon tax will be paid for by our children and countless future generations. The huge social, economic and environmental cost, in particular in our ecologically fragile, drought and flood prone continent, is being ignored [i]The dawn of baseload solar energy , Giles Parkinson, Climate Spectator[/i] “It cannot be an option for Australia to sit on the sidelines and wait for the technologies and supporting industries to develop elsewhere in the world. We should embrace the natural advantages [i]Growing a healthy Australian renewables industry, Dan Cass, The Drum[/i] Commentators in the media will want to focus purely on the politics of the ARENA deal, but soon enough it will become clear that there is anunderlying technological inevitability [i]Go Back to Where You Came From: Post Mortem,pjvetuna, Just the Messenger[/i] Sorry for the delay in posting this, have been preoccupied with other projects and writing assignments for the last two weeks [i]Remember! “True Liberty Is When Free-born Men Speak Free!”,Patriciawa, Polliepomes[/i] Tony Abbott, has done great damage in opposing the Government’s minerals tax and carbon pricing scheme along with promoting the chicanery of scepticism about climate change. [b]Murdoch[/b] [i]What Do You Do With A Busted Rupert?, Hart Williams, The Democratic Daily[/i] when a foreign media entity controls a substantial portion of the commercial press in YOUR country, without any inherent interest IN that country: Murdoch could probably flush his entire British media operation and refocus on his American and [b]Australian[/b] holdings and his world holdings. [i]Street of shame, The Economist[/i] Mr Murdoch is a ferocious businessman who has helped steer media through a treacherous digital transition. But if it is proven that News Corporation’s managers condoned lawbreaking, they should not be running any newspaper or television firm. They should be in prison. [i]With Rupert Murdoch's Empire in Crisis, What of Fox and His American Project?, John Nicols, The Nation[/i] The relationship between politicians and Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper empire is also under close scrutiny,” explained the BBC on Thursday, noting that “media commentators have argued that for the past two decades no politician with any prospect of power has dared to attack his empire.” [i]Gordon Brown: I'd still be PM if hacking claims had been aired earlier, The Guardian UK[/i] Brown has never, and will never, forgive the pair for the brutal manner in which they withdrew the Sun's support for Labour before the last general election.


9/07/2011Good Morning Acerbic Conehead Thankyou so much for more of your brilliant work, as always delighting everybody. I am so glad Ad Astra didn't let The Drum bribe you away from us. Cheers :):):):):)


9/07/2011Patricia, So good to read a sincere and accurate analysis of our PM isn't it? [quote]Julia’s skills at public communication aren’t as great as I’d hoped [/quote] I think our PM hasn't really had a chance to display her skills at public communication because msn (public enemy No.1) are too good at drowning out her message in order to replace it with the foul smelling Magic pudding put together by Abbott. No doubt you have noticed Peter Van Onselen's articles are suddenly very disparaging of the LOTO.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


9/07/2011Hi Janice Maybe just maybe this scandal will improve MSM in Australia, at least Questions will be asked about the threat by the Newspapers on our Democracy. You will note this report is not in the Australian Newspapers as far as I can find out, I haven't heard anything on the TV news either. [i]Australia Greens call for inquiry into Murdoch media, BBC Co UK[/i] Mr Brown said the potential for similar activity in Australia should be probed Speaking later to Reuters news agency, Mr Brown said: "We have the most Murdoch media ownership of any country in the world with eight of the 12 metropolitan dailies owned by the Murdoch empire. "I think that it's just prudent to take a raincheck at this stage, because the events unfolding in London are so serious, and it would be irresponsible for us not to look at the potential for [b]similar operations to have occurred in Australia," he said.[/b]

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011Folks If ever there was a sentence that summed up Tony Abbott’s approach to the ‘carbon tax’, it is this one from an article in [i]The Saturday Age[/i] about what is known so far about the carbon tax. [i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said Ms Gillard would claim tomorrow that 90% of households would be compensated. “This means that 10% will get nothing,” he said.[/i]


9/07/2011Ah AC, you've done it again. :-) Thank you giving me a good laugh. It has become a Saturday morning must read for me so that I get through the week. Will there be anyone here tomorrow so we can discuss the Carbon Price announcement? I am just so weary of the bias in the media, I would like to get other people's reaction to it.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011Gravel I'm sure there will be comments recorded here after PM Gillard's announcement. And the media will be in full flight, News Limited likely looking for adverse angles, and quoting Abbott negativity 'in the interests of balance'. According to his latest utterance, quoted in my comment above, he is not even a 'half glass empty' critic; he is a 'ten percent empty' man when the glass is nine-tenths full. Folks I'll be out for a few hours with the kids.


9/07/2011Acerbic Conehead What a hoot! Thanks for that. No wonder Mr Abbott is afraid of the NBN (Natural Bran Nuggets) - he's afraid his arsenal will be depleted. By the way, you may have missed a reference that I put up for you through the week. The collective noun that you were looking for regarding gerbils is 'horde'. Here is a historical reference just to show that I'm not 'making stuff up'. [quote]The hordes of Gerbil horsemen were adept at advancing swiftly on enemy campsites and, without dismounting, swooping up sheep, goats, and other pillage at a full gallop.[/quote] Fierce and frightening I'm sure you'd agree. If it hadn't been for an epidemic of duodenal adenocarcinomas in the 14th Century we might all have Gerbil blood flowing through our veins.


9/07/2011Folks I posted this yesterday and said I'd post it again today, just the once. Ain't nobody gonna play? It's a serious exercise if you so view it, who and what's our successes and failures. Oh well here tis again anyway. [b][u]Quarter Time at Big Game [/u][/b] The AFL (Australian Federal Legislature)game between the Guvnors and the Coalons is now at Quarter Time. This last week saw a Free Kick taken after the siren, the PM kicking a goal as I tolja she would Haitch Gee, so the score is now - Hang on, I know, I'm the official scorekeeper! (Someone's gotta do it.) But I want to hear how you-all Swordies call it so far, so I want you to guess. This is not a vote, it is a guess, the actual score is already recorded. (By me, see.) S/he who guesses closest may claim a small prize to be forwarded through Ad astra if the guesser selects 'Yep' with hs entry. Oh and that's if Ad astra agrees. He probly will imo. Oh and if he has your snail mail place of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Entries close at the end of next thread [b]THIS THREAD[/b]. I will repost this just once, OK? Please Play With Me! . . .(Us?) Here we go: - SCORE: GUVNORS . . . goals . . . behinds COALONS . . . goals . . . behinds [U wanna Prize for best guess? YEP / NUP ] (Optional) Best Players Guvnors 1 2 3 4 5 Goalkickers for Guvnors (and HM?) ......................................................... .......................................................... Injuries ................................................. Quick comment Haitch Gee? Watcha think about their captain? Best Players Coalons 1 2 3 4 5 Goalkickers for Coalons (and HM?) ......................................................... .......................................................... Injuries....................................................... COMMENTS ON THE GAME SO FAR Haitch Gee? (C'mon Swordies, that’s you in this case! Please make some serious comments, this could be interesting and fun.) As long as I get a quorum of votes I will be able to award a Quarter-Time TPS Medal to the Best Afield So Far (only Guvnors players need apply!)and the KneeCap Target Award to the nastiest (only open to Coalons!) Please note, the Best and Kneecap categories are NOT open to the PM nor LOTO. (We already know what we think of *H*e*r* and him!) If you think they are the really best or worst please say so in comments but vote for the NEXT ONE DOWN in that case. I'm really very interested in who we think our stars and midfield and laggards are. SO ARE THEY! Just in case you might have missed it, THIS is us Turkeys' fave rave game. The BIG AFL. Oh and we've just had a report that umpire Murdoch might not be feeling too good Haitch Gee, You saw he took that ball fair in the goolies just before the siren, we knew he was hurting, well it seems at the same time he swallowed his favourite whistle handed down to him by the Murdoch forefathers! . . . So, what effect do you think that'll have on the game Haitch Gee? TalkTurkey [I'll post the actual official scores in a few days' time. But come on Swordies, best players? Comments?]

Patricia WA

9/07/2011TT, sorry, can't play this one. Out of my league! ;-)


9/07/2011Hi Talk Turkey I love your character and your enthusiasm, but I can't play either I don't know what to do. Tell me in my talk what to do first. Big cheers :):):):):)

Acerbic Conehead 2

9/07/2011Dorothea dix, Sorry you had an abnormal day yesterday. Hopefully, today is a lot better. Patricia WA, Thanks for that link to [i]Club Troppo[/i]. Isn’t that the mob that reckons we’re the left-wing equivalent of Bolt’s blog? Lol. Lyn, Thanks again for your great links. It’s interesting you have a section on Murdoch. Hopefully more and more people are waking up to his machinations. [quote]I am so glad Ad Astra didn't let The Drum bribe you away from us.[/quote] I know what you mean, but if anyone thinks I get paid for writing here, that isn’t the case. It’s a labour of love and I am only too glad to support AA and his wonderful blog. Janice, Yes, it’s hard to get a message across if the media doesn't want it to happen. Maybe some soul-searching, due to the Murdoch shenanigans, will sober some of them up. AA, As you say, that 10% quote from Tony Abbott really sums him up. What a drongo. Enjoy the day with the family. I’m off to watch the Perth Glory play Glasgow Celtic today. Hope it’s a good game. Gravel, Glad to brighten up your Saturday. And yes, there will undoubtedly be a few around tomorrow to discuss the PM’s speech. Looking forward to reading your comments. NormanK, Great to hear the Tragic Magic Pudding got you hooting. [quote]No wonder Mr Abbott is afraid of the NBN (Natural Bran Nuggets) - he's afraid his arsenal will be depleted.[/quote] LOL. A dose of the backdoor trots would do him the world of good (plus a personality transplant). And thanks for that reference to the gerbils. I tried to open the link but it’s broken. Must have gerbils (or is it gremlins) in the system.


9/07/2011Hi Acerbic Conehead My comment about the Drum was supposed to be a compliment. Sorry if mt text came across wrong. I meant how good you are, next thing you will make your satire a full time job. Just a compliment with a joke. Cheers :):):):)


9/07/2011All you need to do to play for the prize is to fill in the goals and behinds for each of the Australian Federal Legislature teams at the end of the first quarter! Closest guess wins. Lyn you know the score alrady so while you are welcome to speak of Best Player etc you aren't eligible for the score prize. SCORE: GUVNORS . . . goals . . . behinds COALONS . . . goals . . . behinds [U wanna Prize for best guess? YEP / NUP ]


9/07/2011Wow, I just saw Prime Minister Julia Gillard address the NSW mob. If she can put as much passion into her speech tomorrow night, 6:30pm I think, it will do her a power of good.

D Mick Weir

9/07/2011When I saw the headline: [b]What we need is another Lady Sybil[/b] I jumped to the delusion that [b]Mike Carlton[/b] was writing a bout Sybil of [i]Fawlty Towers[/i] fame. Then I recalled that while that Sybil was a lady she wasn't a Lady Sybil. So Carlton has drawn inspiration from the period soap [i]Downton Abbey[/i] to illustrate some of the stupidities that infest Australian politics today. [i]In those times Australians had the courage of their convictions. ... A century on, wealthier than ever, better educated than ever, we are more timid than ever. Our politicians are in thrall to pollsters, focus groups and spin doctors.[/i] Enjoy

D Mick Weir

9/07/2011Some may find this site interesting and appealing


9/07/2011DMW I'm waiting with bated breath to hear what your cogitations on [i]Leaky Boat[/i] have produced. Does anyone know what time the PM is likely to hold a press conference tomorrow?


9/07/2011 Hi Norman K This is the ABC but not sure of the commercial channels: Changes to ABC1 Sunday schedule. Due to Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s Carbon Tax announcement this Sunday, there will be changes to the ABC1 program schedule ABC NEWS 24 ABC News 24 will provide full, live rolling news coverage through the day and evening. In the morning, Joe O’Brien will anchor from 7am to midday, previewing the release of the carbon tax announcement, with analysis and interviews with key stakeholders, [b] leading up to the Prime Minister’s press conference, scheduled for 12.15pm (EST). Times below in EST.[/b] Cheers

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011TT I’m not sure that I’m playing your game, but here goes! Guvnors 150 goals (legislation passed) 50 points Coalons 0 goals (legislation defeated) 100 points (very sharp and nasty) Best (and fairest) players Guvnors Julia Albo Nicola Jenny Kevin Coalons Malcolm Warren Goalkickers Guvnors Julia 100 Nicola 45 Albo 5 Coalons Tones (countless own goals) Julie (her very own goals) Joe (can’t count all own goals; too many black holes) Christopher (countless points of order, most kicked out on the full) On report Coalons Tones (unfair and nasty tackles) Julie (nasty confrontation) Joe (too much gas) Christopher (over the top points of order) Greg Hunt (incredible talking points) Peter D (excessive sneering) Injuries Coalons Tones (hyperextended noes) Christopher (repetitive point of order strain) Joe (blustering overblown rhethoric) Best umpires Harry Tony W Rob O


9/07/2011Hi Ad Good on you!! what a wonderful person you are, so busy but never to busy to join in. No wonder you are in such high demand with your family, they probably all want a piece of you at once. Thankyou Ad Astra for providing TPS and for being such a wonderful person. Big cheers:):):):):):)

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011AC Thank you for your wonderful Magic Pudding. As I reflected on the sequence of ingredients that went to make it up, I wondered what sort of a pudding Tones would make if every time he was offered an ingredient he snarled No, No, No, No, No…….. He would end up with nothing, which is about what he has now. I hope the football match was to your liking.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011Hi Lyn Thank you for your kind remarks. I still don’t know whether I’m playing the game TT intended us to play. Thank you for the ABC schedule for tomorrow. It will be one of the most important days ever in this nation’s political history. So much swings on it.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011AC Apropos my comment about No, No, No… have you seen this YouTube piece:


9/07/2011Hi Lyn Thanks so much for the info. There'll be an extra millet spray on the feed table tomorrow. :)


9/07/2011Monckton mocks 'darling' PM at Sydney rally Controversial climate change sceptic Lord Christopher Monckton has mocked Prime Minister Julia Gillard on the eve of the Government's carbon tax announcement, saying Australia will become a "third world banana monarchy" if it introduces the tax.

D Mick Weir

9/07/2011Hi NormanK, I've been out most of the afternoon being beautified, a very near impossible task!! However, the lady who did my hair was most expert and almost achieved the impossible. I had a couple of advantages when watching the first being that I could pause the program and wander outside and yell obscenities at the moon to vent and to (metaphorically) kick the cat. At one point I did suffer pain as I aimed my right foot fair into Mr Reith's gob that I had imagined the bin to be. My second advantage was that I had read the various comments of others and was forearmed to the probability of an emotional rollercoaster ride. The tissue box got a bit of a workout. Having those comments also helped get a sense of perspective on what was coming and gave me a chance to look at it through a few different sets of eyes. At a purely intellectual level it was a well constructed encapsulation of those very tumultuos months leading up to the 2001 election. I was very impressed with the candid assessments of the various defence people who directly involved in the whole sordid affair and new sympathy for them for the torn loyalties and emotional dilemmas they must have faced at the time. The then, young lady seamen has become even more of a hero in my eyes. At an emotional level it was very engaging and confronting. I went through many stages of rage, helplessness and even moments of joy. A whole gamut of emotions in fact. Ten years on from those events we got a fair and reasonable evaluation of the story. We only have ten years to wait for the cabinet documents to be released for us to get closer to the truth of the matter. It was a sad reminder that the events of 2001 were the 'making' of Commander Howard and how his backbone was steeled for the war he waged against various of his personal 'enemies' that played out in the War on Terror, The Culture Wars and many other battles. Many, on both sides, are still waging those wars and I am saddened that so few realise that 'War has no Winners'. In your comment you said [i]'... brought back into its proper context the nonsensical accusation that both major parties are in a race to the bottom on this issue.'[/i] I contend that we long ago reached the bottom and although, undeniably, Howard and his cohorts had a big lead and got there first, as the doco clearly shows. I suggest little, if anything has been done to pull us out of the muck at the bottom of the pit. I may have more to say on it but atm I am still in a state of anger and disgust and need to put a bit of space between that and a sensible take on it all.


9/07/2011Ad astra You are the hopefullest one-eyedest AFL supporter EVER! At least as far as the scoring is concerned. One hint for other hopefuls: At the moment the Coalons are well ahead. Fact. But Ad astra the rest of what you say is very germane. Your best players for the Guvnors will find a lot of agreement. But the Kneecap Target Award is for the Worst and Unfairest. Turnbull has been ruled ineligible because he once voluntarily conceded a free kick to the Guvnors (which resulted in a point.) The Poodle, Puff Adder, Morriscum, the Rhymer, and Mesma, have all polled well for the Kneecap Target award, but I reckon Jason might have a favourite or two for this (and it rhymes with) [i]category[/i]. Just in case what I'm sort of on about is all a bit turgid to you Folks, it's this, I think it might help our perspective to see the struggle for conrol of the Australian Federal Legislature as through the lens of an AFL game. I see Aussie Rules, when played in proper spirit, as a physical affirmation of our self-proclaimed sense of decency. High tackles, low blows, incidents behind play, staging - these are not the stuff of my heart's game. I would rather the Crows lost than that they won by unfair means, I love the game itsel, but there is where the analogy parts company with the Big AFL game, in that those bloody coalons play it dead dirty and want the rules changed so they never lose. So that's why I'm writing this drivel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we are literally at quarter time, 10 months into what at most is ?39? months, it's the Winter Recess, and time to take a breath. Soon comes the second quarter, where though nobody owns the keys to the future, I believe our superb team will turn the game around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u][b]Quarter Time Report[/b][/u] The Coalons have had it nearly all to themselves until the last few minutes.They have received free kicks all over the place from Umpire Murdoch (who, you may have noticed, just on the siren sustained a nasty assault by an errant boot to the goolies, and as a direct result has also swallowed his favourite oldest most expensive hand-me-down wooden whistle); the partisan and unruly crowd has thrown bottles at them, disputed scores as signalled by the goal umpires, and their management team has made exhaustive attempts to lure new recruits Oakeshott and Windsor (ex-rugby stars from NSW) into their own outfit. Flash flooding at the Guvnors' end made scoring nearly impossible for much of the quarter, though the forwards strove valiantly and performed very creditably given the extreme conditions. The Coalons have played a completely different game. They have never ceased playing the (wo)man (!) and while having made only a little of the play, find themselves still with a comfortable lead at the moment. Their tactics have been to hold up play wherever possible, forcing the ball out of bounds and kicking into their own backlines rather than making plays for themselves. So far their ruse has been remarkably successful. Many of the Guvnors fans are furious at the umpiring, which has seemed unusually one-sided, with 73 Coalon frees to just 1 for the Guvnors, taken after the siren by the skipper herself, scoring a scarce major for her team. The disparity in the number of frees has helped the Coalons to command nearly every position on the ground. Many of the Guvnors' supporters are of the opinion that unless Umpire Murdoch can somehow be persuaded to give their team a fair go, the Guvnors have no chance of winning, but there appears to be no mechanism by which he can be forced to account for his decisions. When news of his embarrassing ingestion of his own favourite whistle was aired, one Guvnors supporter was heard to quip, "Hope he chokes on it!" Positional changes by Conlon, Bowen and Roxon show promise, but have yet to produce much in the way of results on the scoreboard. Yet as the players take their quarter-time break, the Guvnors, while down on the scoreboard, are sanguine about the rest of the game. They expect to have the wind behind them this coming quarter, and there is some speculation that the Coalons may not have the lungs or the legs to last the distance. There is also some talk that Abbortt's game plan is not fully supported by some of the team veterans, including vice-captain Bishop, talented utility player Turnbull, who seems wasted in his forward pocket, and the out-of-form Hockey, who has been unimpressive in ruck. For the Guvnors, if the rain holds off, if none of their stars is injured, and if the umpiring becomes a little more even-handed, the half-time score may look a lot more hopeful. 'Cazaly' :) Only Lyn and I know the score so far though. C'mon Swordies. More guesses? Ad astra you may have another guess in light of what I've just told you. It's not the effort put in so far I'm counting(where your form of scoring is dead right) but what the Guvnors have been credited for, which is very different. Our game plan now must be to get the credit. It doesn't exactly fit the analogy but c'est la vie.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011TT My brain needs a rest. I might try again tomorrow. Time to retire; Sunday is going to be a very big day.

Ad astra reply

9/07/2011Jason Thank you for the Monckton link. Monckton has run amok.


9/07/2011D Mick Weir Thanks for such a candid reply. I hope it was not at too much personal expense. We should let our reactions sink in a bit deeper but I think the subject is worth returning to at a later date. How are you going to sleep tonight without messing up your beautiful hair? :D Catch you on the flip side. As Ad astra suggests, tomorrow may well be a very significant day if all goes well.

Feral Skeleton

9/07/2011Talk Turkey, Sorry, but I don't have the time or the wherewithall to play your game. I travelled triple figures kilometres today just to be able to see Julia Gillard speak at the Sydney Town Hall, and then home again. It was worth it to see her up close and personal, and to add my cheer to the rest of the throng. However, that means that, along with tomorrow's momentous day coming to us at last, and a multitude of other things crowding my plate, I will have to regretfully decline your offer.


9/07/2011AC I will never be able to face another slice of Magic Pudding again as long as I live! :) He is only a figment of whimsy, And it may be the story line's flimsy, But Albert's a good 'un - A 'cut-and-come-again' puddin'! Who made famous the name Norman Lindsay! OK Patricia they aren't perfect rhymes but you try fitting Kinsey and quinsy into a limerick with Lindsay (and my built-in Rhyme Detector reckons that's all there are.)

D Mick Weir

9/07/2011By George, he has way of putting it that is, well, spot on: [b]Will voters be see the big picture?[/b] [i]Meganomics Blog[/i] [i]LAST week, workers received their first pay packet since 2001 that did not contain an obligation-free income tax cut. Tomorrow, they will be asked to weigh national and personal interest before they receive their next handout.[/i]


9/07/2011Feral Skeleton said all the following: "Talk Turkey, Sorry, but I don't have the [i]time[/i] or the [i]wherewithall[/i] to play your game. I travelled triple figures kilometres today just to be able to see Julia Gillard speak at the Sydney Town Hall, and then home again. It was worth it to see her up close and personal, and to add my cheer to the rest of the throng. However, that means that, along with tomorrow's momentous day coming to us at last, and a multitude of other things crowding my plate, I will have to regretfully decline your offer. Feral Skeleton" [i](emphasis mine.)[/i] Feral, I'm glad you saw *H*E*R* and it was all worth it, and I certainly mean no stress in the following point, but it's something I've experienced so many times in my life, never so trivially, but also never in writing so not ever before so able to be nailed down and made a point of . . . Point is, to 'play the game' all that is required is the amount of [i]time[/i] to write: - Guvnors [b]x[/b] goals [b]y[/b] behinds Coalons [b]n[/b] goals [b]q[/b] behinds And of course you did have the [i]wherewithal[/i], what you sent your message on! So many times with people, like moving furniture for instance, you'll say "Let's do it like this", and your helpmates say "It's too heavy/difficult/(other objection)" and they talk and argue and discuss and propose weirder and more useless ideas, and at last you say "Look just try what I said will you please?", and if you're lucky they might, and Wow, it's done that easy, all that time you talked and you could have done it in a twink! I mean no offence FS. It's utterly unimportant. But the point concerns a great universal truth I reckon. You could still enter tomorrow . . ? . .

Feral Skeleton

9/07/2011Talk Turkey, Nope. Not going to do it. It plays into the 'Horse Race' mentality wrt politics too much.


9/07/2011FS OK then but then time and wherewithal weren't your reasons then eh. And there's no need to get snippy, neither.

Feral Skeleton

9/07/2011Talk Turkey, Time, wherewithall, and no desire to reduce it all to that which I find distatsteful in other's commentary about Australian politics. Not snippy, just being honest.

D Mick Weir

9/07/2011For some strange reason tonight reminds of when I was a kid on Christmas Eve not able to get to sleep waiting for santa to appear so I could get a sneak peek at the chrissie goodies. For any others that can't sleep, a bit on Climate-Gate and the media [i]The myth of Climate-gate has endured because of media failings.[/i] [b]When science is undone by fiction[/b] Jo Chandler National Times [i]There is, in truth, nothing very scientific about the processes that determine what makes news in this critical debate. It's a crap shoot. Often, you get crap.[/i]


10/07/2011[b][i]Merde[/i]och![/b] :P


10/07/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Understanding US Debt is Simple: Do as Little as is Necessary to Win Next Election, Peter, Aussie Views News[/i] there are more ways to decrease income tax liability in the US than you or I could imagine. So, the richer you are in the US the less income tax you pay [i]I am told – but am not able to verify, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Hacking phones? Who knows. But Brown’s got pretty good evidence that News Ltd regularly tells outrageous lies.We’ve covered a lot of it here [i]The News Ltd Code of Conduct – Calling All Former News Employees,Margaret Simons, The Content Makers[/i] contrary to my piece in the Crikey email today, that all News Limited journos get a copy of the News Limited Code of Professional Conduct on induction. [i]Hendo Analysed, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] a blogger and noted…..yes, you guessed it….’leftie’. Bottom line with Gerard’s rant about what he claimsto be Prof Quiggin’s ‘rant’ is that Gerard disagrees with John’s opinion. Does the taxpayer fund Prof Quiggin? [i]Ross Garnaut discusses the economics behind the carbon tax, Stephan Lewandowsky, The Conversation [/i] As part of the lead-up to Julia Gillard’s announcement of the carbon price on Sunday, this discussion provides insight into how the hard decisions were made. [i]Carbon tax: now comes the hard part, Ross Peak, Canberra Times[/i] Yes, she is a terrific negotiator with nerves of steel, but this last week has been an epic fail for the Government. And it capsoff a lacklustre 12 months. You can see why her team is unsettled. [i]Carbon Pricing – even the right admits it’s really all about neoliberalism, Dr Tad, Left Flank[/i] Kelly, in his typically elite-centric way, outlines how Gillard must act if she is to deliver on climate action for ruling class interests: [i]Gillard says nothing to fear from carbon tax, Naomi Woodley, ABC[/i]Ms Gillard was a special guest today at the New South Wales Labor party conference, where she said most people would not be financially disadvantaged by the carbon tax and some will even be better off. [i]Predicting the death of newspapers simply because they advocate a Republic — that’s justcrazy-talk. Barry Everingham, Independent Australia.[/i] Flint is wary about criticising Rupert Murdoch, an avowed republican, as was the mogul’s late father, Sir Keith Murdoch. [i]Third arrest as hacking scandal deepens, ABC[/i] but it is thought he will be keen to try and save his company's bid for control of the satellite broadcaster BSkyB, which is looking in doubt as the scandal deepens. [i]BSkyB shares dive as Ofcom lurks in the background, The Spy Report[/i] Doubts are now emerging about the extent to which News International, the News of the World's publisher, has been cooperating withScotland Yard in its phone-hacking investigation [i]By request – Rupert’s Voicemail Adventures, Tigtog, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] Bonus: this bizarrely rambling interview with McMullan on ABCNews24)(Bonus bonus: Hugh Grant’s part in the NOTW downfall) [i]Keith Olbermann Takes On Rupert Murdoch’s Growing International Scandals, Sarah Jones, Politicususa[/i] The UK has already put a hold on Murdoch’s BSkyB takeover, Australia is now probing the Aussie Murdoch empire and the US could file charges. And this story is just getting started. Watch the people running away the fastest and those whom Rupert & Co do not dump (Brooks),because those clues will tell you the real story of just how deep the criminal corruption scandal goes. The Murdoch empire is under great strain [i]My Al Jazeera English interview on Murdoch’s excessive global power, Antony Loewenstein[/i] Video on Murdoch in Australia. Phone-hacking, criminality, ethical breaches and romancing of the political and media elites, it’s time to assess how one man and one family has amassed so much power in countless Western democracies. It should be challenged. [i]Bad news from the Northern hemisphere, John Quiggin[/i] it looks as if 2011 will be another year in which I win my bet with Bryan Caplan that the gap between US and EU unemployment rates will be less than the gap implied by higher US rates of incarceration. [i]Sparrow through a mead-hall, david Horton, The Watermelon Blog[/i] This is now set up with random images, each representing a view from around my house, almost the full 360 degrees, different times of day, different seasons, with a few bird visitors thrown in for variety. Enjoy. [b]Newspapers[/b] [i]Gillard’s hanging out at the Last Chance Saloon, Laurie Oakes, The Punch[/i] Some Liberal MPs believe Abbott has assured Wilkie that, should be bring down the government, Liberal preferenceswill guarantee he holds his seat. [i]Thumbs-up for BER, despite problems in NSW, Victoria , Kim Arlington , SMH[/i] BER scheme has been attacked by the federal opposition as a waste of money, the president of the NSW Primary Principals Association, Jim Cooper, said the majority of schools had benefited

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Lyn, You've outdone yourself today. Normally your efforts are stellar, today they are interstellar! :)

Ad astra reply

10/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


10/07/2011Good morning all, Well, this day in July 2011 may well go down in history as the beginning of the end of the wizened prune of media moguls, and a new dawn for progressive politics in this great nation of ours. Our PM, the thorn in Abbott's side since she took on the leadership of the ALP, has grown into a thick tomato stake and at noon today, he will feel it as unbearable pain. What goes around always comes around.


10/07/2011Hi Feral Thankyou for your nice words. I must say I have been bogged down with News of The World, it gets me in, there is just so much information out there.. I read the book "The Man Who Owns The News" since this has happened, I have a kind of "payback time" feeling going on. Mr Abbott is over confident as usual: "What do they say Pride before a fall" [i]Abbott promises hot fight, Sky News[/i] The opposition leader has promised to unleash a storm of protest in Labor seats saying the carbon tax will put Australia's economic future at risk. He's warned Labor Mps they ain't seen nothing yet.

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011Peter Martin was up early/late, he posted this @ 1:15 AM [b]C-Day. It's best done as a carbon tax - Abbott[/b] [i]He said it. Presumably he meant it. Sky News sit-down interview, July 2009:[/i]


10/07/2011Sunday's Bad Abbott Tiny said: "Has anyone seen an electric-powered plane? Has anyone seen a wind-powered bus? Has anyone seen a solar-powered steel mill?" Mr Abbott said. "The truth is, you cannot run a modern economy without baseload power, and by far the cheapest and most efficient form of base load power is coal." Has anyone seen a coal-powered plane? Has anyone see a coal-powered bus? Has anyone seen a coal-powered steel mill? Well, yes to the last. But, approaching one, I smelled it and saw the exhaust stack's belching waste gases long before I saw the mill itself. In the same report, Shouldabeen used an interesting choice of verb for describing visits he and Coalition members would make to steel-making and coal-mining electorates to oppose the pricing of carbon - 'blitzing'. Touch of Lord Monckton's opinion on Ross Garnaut stuck in his mind, perhaps? You can hear 'the boy' decry Nazism imputations from someone else - oh, well done, Tiny! But you can't take the totalitarian approach out of 'the boy' when attack is his only mode.


10/07/2011Definitions from Concise Oxford [b]Insurrection[/b] [i]n[/i]. Rising in open resistance to established authority. [b]Sedition[/b] [i]n[/i]. Agitation directed against the authority of a state's executive, conduct or speech tending to rebellion or breach of public order. (op cit) Lyn quoted "[i]Abbott promises hot fight, Sky News[/i] and said "The opposition leader has promised to unleash a storm of protest in Labor seats saying the carbon tax will put Australia's economic future at risk. He's warned Labor Mps they ain't seen nothing yet." The man is off his twist. [b][i]Scientists threatened![/i][/b] What next?

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011Anecdotal reports from Canberra indicate that the Parliament House Flagpole is still holding the sky up. I can confirm that from my vantage point the sky seems to be the same distance from the ground as it was yesterday. I will keep monitoring and maintain contact with any anecdotes that are near the House on the Hill and report should there be any movement of the sky toward the ground.


10/07/2011Don't expect the journalists who've been helping Abbott to spread his gloom, doom and lies to suddenly eat their words. Of course they will go on huddling closer together in their group-think tank but slowly and surely, the tank will get smaller and smaller. Abbott will continue to run around the country blowing hot air. In time, the huffing, puffing dragon will be slain as the people come to realise the sky isn't falling and the government has, in fact, done them proud.


10/07/2011Hi Michael Thankyou for your Shoulabeen report this morning, I enjoy your comments very much. [quote]choice of verb for describing visits he and Coalition members would make to steel-making and coal-mining electorates to oppose the pricing of carbon - 'blitzing'. [/quote] See how shoulabeen talks, somehow, not sure how to describe what he says, but his words don't match, like when he says fair dinkham sounds stupid. Yes blitzing (damage ) really is stupid. Good comment from Twitter : SpaceKidetteSpace Kidette by AgnessMack Abbott. [b]“I’m gonna stunt and stunt and blow your tax down!” [/b] #auspol #cp 59 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply Cheers :):):):):)

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Herein is another example of 'She would say that, wouldn't she?' about media bias(as if I am somehow to automatically censor myself now about the subject of media bias towards/against the Labor Party because I am biased towards them. When at one and the same time Coalition-biased commentators are allowed to bleat incessantly about Leftie media bias. Why, I don't know, because if something exists as I see it then I will call that duck a quacking monstrosity). So, having just subjected myself to Insiders this morning, on this momentous day, when the government is finally going to do something about tackling Climate Change, what did we get? Two News Ltd/Coalition hacks, Niki Savva and Glenn Milne, and Laura Tingle, who since her unshackling and unrestrained appearance on Phillip Adams Late Night Live, appears to have totally embraced the low blow strategy when it comes to reporting on whatever this government is trying to do. In short, what we were exposed to for an hour was one big bitch session. The only ray of light and shred of informed by the facts sanity, came from the interview Rob Oakeshott did with Barrie Cassidy. Oakeshott was actually trying to put a positive spin on the outcomes of the negotiations of the MPCCC. Yet what did we get from the 'panel'? Snide swipes at the government over their decision to incorporate some Henry Tax Review recommendations into the package to increase the Tax Free Threshold. Oh, they pursed their lips and said, I don't think that this government should try and take on too much at once, not with their poor reputation for getting implementation wrong. It'll just be another 'Set Top Boxes', snipped the self-interested Savva. And they all joined in to repeat the mantra, 'Pink Batts, School Halls, Live Cattle Exports'. All of which have actually been implemented competently, except if you class perfection as your standard. But no, it became 'Sing Along with Tony's Slogans' time instead. No actual dispassionate analysis, just flat-out disinformation and distortion. Of course, we know that if we try and write a letter of complaint to the ABC it will be ignored and a trite little auto-reply will be generated. So easy to do in these days of 'All care and no responsibilty', press a button on the computer and away it goes replies. It just seems to me that we are barrelling towards the era of Newspeak faster than we think. And Tony Abbott as Prime Minister, should the disinformationists and propagandists in the media succeed, will be the cherry on top. All of which I just thought I'd say before the Thought Police come knocking on my door. I mean, given the Internet to control won't Mr Abbott have a nice time playing in that sandbox? He'll already have had the lead taken by various other oppressive regimes who are perfecting the tools of control even as I type this and won't give it a second thought to undertake similar measures himself in government, as part of his 'Guided Democracy' platform from which he will govern as maniacally as he is attacking the role of Opposition Leader now. Finally, might I note in passing the breathless way the voiceover announcer on the ABC mentioned that there were 'Hundreds!!!' at the Monckton Anti Climate Change Action Rally this morning. It all just makes me sick to the stomach to watch.

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011[i]There is no such thing as a tax that doesn't hurt'[/i] And only Tony can take away the pain. If taken to its' logical delusion then to take away the pain he would remove ALL taxes. Interesting, I can hardly wait to see how how he proposes to do that.


10/07/2011Feral Skeleton I commented yesterday that I watched Julia yesterday at the NSW conference, and it was very powerful. How did you see it? I mean to actually be there, was it as powerful as it came across on the TV? Julia is in a real fighting mood. The only thing is, after watching some of insiders, by the way Oakshott was really good, the media, and disappointingly (sorry Ad Astra) Laura Tingle was almost as bad as the other two on the panel. The only one that was even a bit nice was Cassidy. They have outlined how they are going to attack, attack, attack the Carbon Pricing scheme. That is why Abbott was so upbeat this morning as the media must have informed they will still back him to the hilt. Ah well, come 12:15pm we here will hear the truth. As for the rest of Australia.......?

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Fantastic article about scientists and the politics of science dissemination from The Guardian(after exerpt which says it all): [u]Hansen's attitude echoes that of Sherwood Rowland, who won a Nobel prize for his research into the effects of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases on the ozone layer. "What's the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions," Rowland said, "if all we're willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?"[/u]


10/07/2011AshGhebranious | 29 seconds ago What a sad week for Murdoch. Not only the NOTW scandal, but also he now has to print the facts on a carbon price. Sad sad week

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Gravel, You are sooo right about the hacks rehearsing their new lines on Insiders this morning. As I said, it was sickening to watch. They all seemed to delight in reinforcing each other and trying out new lines which they will all trot out gleefully over the coming days and months as they back the Great Prevaricator to the hilt as his Disnformation Express speeds its way around the country brainwashing the electorate that something which is meant to be Australia's contribution to the Global Warming efforet won't have any effect, and anyway, it's all just another Labor Tax. That man is truly the vilest politician to have ever come along in this country. No mention of his own party's plethora of broken promises when it/he was in government, no mention of the Conservtaive British government's much greater effort to tackle Global Warming and Climate Change, no mention of the fact Howard agreed, finally, to a policy to tackle Climate Change, no mention that the Coalition have a policy to reach the same level of emissions reduction as the government by, how? How is he going to pay for it, because it will all cost money, taxpayers' money to achieve, that's for sure. Yet the joke of a jerk of an Opposition Leader gets to do his jock walk down the corridors of Parliament House and the media is just hearts aflutter and their sense of reason and ability to do their jobs objectively goes flying out the window at his mere presence on the scene. And yes, I agree with you about Laura Tingle. The number of times I caught her glancing over to the other panellists to get their approbation after she had made a comment was also sick-making, only superceded by the number of times I could hear her in the background agreeing with everything they smearingly and sneeringly said. She should be ashamed of herself, but it appears that Abbott has given all absolution when it comes to shame.

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Bruce Guthrie reporting on Murdoch from inside the Court of the Newspaper King:


10/07/2011Feral Skeleton Don't you dare censor yourself. Where would we be without your passion?


10/07/2011 Hi Feral Love these words: [b]joke of a jerk [/b]of an Opposition Leader gets to do his [b]jock walk [/b]down the corridors of Parliament House There is something wrong with one bike riding leg, it's like he is always carrying imaginary weight lifts. I saw Laura Tingle look to Nikki Savva for an assurance on more than one occassion. Notice Glenn Milne thought he would assure everyone there is no underhanded reporting in Australia like there is in the UK scandal. They didn't mention anything about Bob Brown's inquiry into "The Australian". Cheers :):):):):)

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/2011So this is what mom wanted with my web book. OK! Hi I'm steph, "D D"'s son. (To the tune of :- Pink ((With The Indigo Girls), Mr President) Mr Howard. Dear Mr Howard, come power walk with me, Let’s just pretend you can show some responsibility. I’d like to show you your system is one of insanity. What would you feel to walk down a Daw Park back street, Feel the glass and syringes crush under your feet. A 6-year-old runs around from your baby bonus shroud, Are you proud? Do you feel at all or is your mind an iron cage. Do you understand at all human psycho emotional rage? Your plan to bring middle class wealth high, Some souls like gold melted down to die! In your capitalist lie. (musical interlude, child wailing, people fighting, glass smashing, a car drops a burn out) Dear Mr Howard,……. Were you a lonely boy! Were you a lonely boy? Are you a lonely boy! Are you a lonely boy? How can you say, “we helped the unemployed”, I see the simple ones go from plain dumb, to psycho annoyed! Sitting in two by four-meter cells. Their minds slowly are becoming inner hells! What kind of PM would create so much madness in this way. Trying to put some simpletons’ life into an iron cage. So they can take away Eight dollars in a hard worked day, Yet some know how much you “normal’s” ARE TUCKING AWAY. Can you feel at all or is your heart an iron cage. Can you understand at all human psycho emotional rage? As your party spun it’s plausible deny-ability lies, Some souls like gold melted down to suicide! Let me tell you about hard work,,, Closing down institutions for the government of the day… Let me tell you about hard work… We made so many promises to these perpetual children everyday… Let me tell you about hard work… You made our words lies to create an income stream to buy the votes your way… Let me tell you about hard work… Hard work… Hard work… You don’t know a thing about how a heart works, a mind works, a soul works.. Multi-channel surround sound, Psychotic anomie violence and strife, this is just my life… Dear Mr Howard, come share my engine of insanity… A parody for my anomie… Stephen Lazarus Graysun… Starting to see why she cheered up for a while... "No wonder Mr Abbott is afraid of the NBN (Natural Bran Nuggets) - he's afraid his arsenal will be depleted." One exapmle,,, MOM I HATE BLOGS, ahh well, mom says and i do. Steph. P.S., next will be a thanks for julia and seekning a soloutuion for said problem, probaly indigo girls closer to fine based :-) P.P.S., Asperger here, i do use a speel-ing chequer sum times... Watching. Wanna know more! See:-

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/2011&ppss, Acerbic Conehead, Do you stack up these little "weird al yankovitches" someplace ? where!! And if so would you mind some of them being recorded and you tubed?


10/07/2011The so beautiful Nikki Savva at it again on Insiders. Last year she had the audacity to comprehensively evaluate the PM's physical attributes and fashion sense...... of course the PM failed Ms Savva's assesment. Today her snide "what's with it with these eadheads" attempted to smear the PM ,by association with Ms Rebekah Brooks, of News International. What a lady of quality Ms Savva is not. Probably the strangest Insiders I have ever seen, given that BC himself was the most objective of the "staff".


10/07/2011Sorry. Line 4..."redheads"


10/07/2011Dear Stephen Welcome to the conversation. Some things you should know: 1) your song will be banned in NewsCorpLand. It's unconservative and unAustrAmerican 2) Piers Akerman and Janet Albrechtson will rail against you as a "left wing loony" in The Australian &/or The Daily Dunny (er... Telegraph, or other tabloid) 3) Gerard Henderson will try to trash you, & call you a "left-wing, chardonnay-sipping, latte-drinking Howard-hater". 4) Glen Milne, in a drunken rage, will try to punch you at a function (and fall flat on his face in one of life's poetically just 'Oh-No' moments) I can only suggest you take tham all as unintended compliments. :) Oh ... and .... "work hard, and be nice to your Mum"

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011I got a bit worried, I wander into the great outdoors and the sky appeared to be a heck of lot closer. A second and closer look, phew, just clouds rolling in. Meanwhile the anedotals at Capital Hill have told me that Chicken Little may have the dieties on his side as, when they went in this morning it was a delightful sunny day in Canberra but on going outdoors after hearing the PM there were masses of cloud and a very chill wind just proving that the climate is definitely cooling to the point of freezing. The next ice-age cometh.

Acerbic Conehead 2

10/07/2011Stephen Lazarus Grayson, [quote]Do you stack up these little "weird al yankovitches" someplace ? where!! And if so would you mind some of them being recorded and you tubed?[/quote] Only if you are a better guitar-player than Brendan Nelson. Just joking! I presume you are referring to my alternative song lyrics. If so, my moniker above is hyperlinked, so my articles, with some songs therein, from the start of this year are listed there. Also, if you want to go back even further, try the archives button at the top of this page. And if you are a real glutton for punishment and want the lot (I have got over 150 songs published on various blogs), send Ad astra your postal address (see "Contact" at the top of this page) and he will forward it to me. I can then put them on a cd and send to you. Best wishes, AC. BTW, everyone, did you see the two press conferences today? Talk about chalk and cheese.

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011Further info has come from the anecdotals on Capital Hill. The rent seekers have come down on the side of Chicken Little. The minerals mob apparently think it is cr@p and the sky will definitely fall in. Oh, apprently, when they eventually locate an average forgotten family blow me down they will only be twenty miserly cents better off. Like what does that buy? At about $1.00 per second for a $10,000 per head at a Chicken Little Fund Raising Dinner that's one fifth of a second.

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/2011AC, lust whats running around here and a karaokie ripper for the orignal, audacity, and get a decent phne/cam and i rekon id have myself some fun and iconoclastic chaos for you tube... John, Thanks for the validation, LOL, me no feel like an invalid so mooch>>>NUdgE>> And as i sit listening to the one song over and over again, trying to make a thanks for Julia for mom. After she paid Ship High In Transit (S***) loads of $$$$ into teaching me some acting skills and singing skills years ago. So I could seem “NORMAL” (sic) >> poke Sir!! I promise I won’t scream it. Would love to know where mom did though sir Ian? I think it was, so lost after reading through a few months worth of this place. Sort of sits on the do list. And dad how to create using super 8 and 16 mm film 2 vhs and using an Amiga.. Way back when. Dad dead (nobly and with wiccan dignity), mom mad, ok guess somebody is going to go and use [quote]"psiberspace"[/quote] LOL, good one, for some "paradigm shifting", bahh, ahh well she sees me on this tv and she may be happy again. So they can Fornicate Unlawful Carnal Knowledge themselves John as far as I’m concerned, I’m siting here waking up, seeing potential in her psychosis. I HATE BLOGS, guess im glad she taught the asperger to be malleable at least with one person. And vitriol, ah a caustic substance for any horse hair if mixed right right. Must go and renew my membership, warren convinced me to shift from democrats back in alice, bout the time we got Kevin. Back to the indigo girls. :-) Closer to fine…

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Acerbic Conehead, As a glutton for political punishment I saw all 4 press conferences today after the Climate Change policy announcement! Government, Greens, Windsor and Oakeshott and the Fiberals. I identified two flat-out lies from Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey. Greg Hunt just spoke a lot of garbled gobbledegook. Probably the odd prevarication in there somewhere too. The two most obvious lies told were: 1. Tony Abbott says everyone will be better off with his tax cuts which he will provide after the election. However, how can pensioners, carers and most self-funded retirees, plus now those who earn < $19,200/year be better off if they pay no tax? 2. Joe Hockey says tax rates are actually going to go up 4% in the 15% and 30% tax brackets. However, as Phil Coorey correctly pointed out that that is just an acknowledgement by the Treasurer that the LITO is being incorporated into the tax scales for the first time. It has always been there though. So, not a real increase, per se. 3. While I'm at it, why is it that Tony Abbott says it's OK for companies to purchase Abatement certificates overseas but not the government? In order to make it to the Emissions Reduction Target? 4. Finally, what is it that Joe Hockey has against Public Servants? Of course new employees will have to be engaged to implement the new policy and work in the new Public Advisory Boards. Don't the Coalition believe in decreasing unemployment? Or, more to the point, do they only believe in Private Sector employment, probably because the Public Sector is one of the most unionised sectors left in the Australian workforce. In other words, it appears the Coalition are hiding their evil intentions under a bushell and out of sight in order to be out of mind of the community.

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011D Mick Weir, As long as the sky rains on Tony Abbott and the Coalition's parade, I'll be happy. Of course it won't fall in. Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? ;-)

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011psyclaw, I win ReCaptcha Bingo today because I got 'Rebecca'! It's not exactly Rebekah(an affectation to suit her grasping existence if ever there was one, and I bet her birth certificate would provide all the evidence we need for that), but close enough. You know what? From all I have read about the rise and rise of Rebekah Wade/Brooks, it looks to me for all the world like a strategy I thought about myself when I was younger and smexier. I even went down that same path for a while. Then my morals and ethical behaviour precepts kicked in and I was revulsed enough to abandon the pursuit and the shallow, grasping individuals that circulated like sharks in the waters around me. I'm a much happier, though not half as wealthy person for it now as a result. :)

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/20118 freudian slip perhaps,, LUST shoud have read just

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011john, Thank you for welcoming Stephen Lazarus Graysun to our, not as hectic as Poll Bludger, conversation here at The Political Sword. :0 Steph. you are most welcome. Please come again when you snatch that web book off yer mam. :)

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011DMW, I'm just wondering which 'average family' will sell their souls for 20 cents?


10/07/2011Based on just the one “live” listen, the carbon tax announcement seems to be very comprehensive and contained a couple of good surprises for me. As well as the expected aspects there was: • the investment of $100 billion to develop renewables • the establishment of ARENA (the renewable energy authority to administer the $100billion investment in developing renewables), • the establishment of the Climate Change Commission (to monitor progress and provide ongoing independent advice to future governments), • the expansion of the package on the economy side, to include the raising of the tax free threshold from $6K to $18K, • the juxtapositioning of the price per tonne ($23) to the current world price ($18 per tonne) to avoid sudden changes when the market price takes over in 2015, • the establishment of the guaranteed $15 per tonne floor price, to ensure certainty for investors regardless of sudden changes/colapses to the world price, But most of all, having listened to press conferences of the PM, the Greens, and the Independents, one of the most significant aspects of today must be the way that the differing policy views of all these participants have by discussion been evolved into the one package. It’s amazing what “good faith discussions” 2011 style can lead to, when Abbott the spoiler has no power to “bomb” them, as he did in 2009. Speaking of Abbott, his press conference looked distinctly flat, and gave the appearance of flogging a tired old horse. His worn out criticisms included: • this is a bad tax based on a lie • it’s economic pain for no environmental gain • all families will be worse off • by saying that 90% of families will get compensation, the PM is hiding the fact that 10% of families will get no compensation at all (yes...those with income >$150K) • the Coalition’s “Direct Action” has resisted all criticism for 18 months?????????? • Anyway, the compensation will be barely’ll be line ball as to whether it’s enough • This won’t cut emissions • It’s socialism masquerading as environmentalism • Families on the average weekly earnings of $65K (wrong) will be worse off (wrong) • Prices will soar, as will job losses • Millions of Aussies will be worse off But the piece de resistence contribution belonged to that paragon of economics, Sloppy Joe: • Transitional support to trade exposed businesses is “throwing money at businesses” (Hello Joe!!!!! Ever heard of “Direct Action”) • This will create a huge fiscal hole in the budget (Hello Joe!!!!! Remember the $11 billion dollar black hole! AND Hello Joe!!!!! Where will the Direct Action $s come from?) Incidentally, Abbott again refused to answer questions. At one point Lenore Taylor (I’m pretty sure it was her voice) began to ask a “criticising” question....when he realised that it was a testing question, he cut her off and went to another journo’s question. And quite pointedly and without warning, he terminated the conference, apparently making the judgement that the questions were not going his way. Scrutiny this man abhors. We all look forward to tonight’s amplification. Wonder will Abbott have composed a new song by then.

Ad astra reply

10/07/2011Folks I too was disgusted and appalled by this morning's [i]Insiders[/i], one of the worst programs I have witnessed for years, I have just sent this email to Barrie Cassidy [i]Dear Barrie As a regular watcher of Insiders for many years, I write once again to voice my dismay at the tenor of this morning’s program. You ought to have known that with Niki Savva and Glenn Milne as co-panellists the tone would be negative towards PM Gillard and her Government; this morning it was unremittingly negative. Even the usually balanced Laura Tingle was drawn into negativity; she was no counter for the other two. As an ABC user, I ask myself why just two hours before one of the most important announcements in our nation’s history where all the details of the largest reform since the GST will be provided, that the ABC allows, even facilitates such negativity, where two panellists virtually canned a favourable outcome for the event. They went on to can virtually everything else the Government has been doing, specifically the live cattle trade issue, the Swan ‘gaffe’, the catcall, and generally its approach to governing. To believe this pair, the Government has done nothing right, the people have stopped listening, and selling anything to this sceptical public will be nigh on impossible. The only bright spot in the program was Rob Oakeshott, and the few unsuccessful attempts you made to bring the panel back towards balance. I have always regarded Insiders as superior to the rather lightweight Riley Diary, but this week he surpassed Insiders for positivity, ending by urging Australia to wake up to facts of global warming and do something about it. Why does OUR ABC have to be so negative? Unless you can do something about your echo chamber of journalist opinion, especially when all it contributes to the debate is rampant negativity, fewer and fewer fair-minded people will bother to tune in. It really is in your hands and that of those who authorize and create this program, which ought to be the weekly political flagship of ABC TV, to ensure that Insiders lifts its game and provides balanced debate about contemporary politics.[/i]

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011This piece on true leadership, the lack of it at News International, and the Sergeant Shultz defence of "I know nuffink", is worth a read:


10/07/2011It's been a hard year for Abbott, surely the author jests? Newspoll, essential et al would suggest that the current government will be decimated at any poll. That would be a fantastic year by any opposition leaders standards. Hopefully the next two years will be generally poor for Abbott and the author will have to conjure less fantastical visions.


10/07/2011Ad Astra Thank you for writing that to Insiders. It was exactly the way I saw it. As I said before it really made me feel depressed. But never the less, I watched the Labor launch of the Carbon Pricing scheme. It was an excellent presentation. Bar for one or two absolutely over the top stupid questions, most of the rest were okay and did allow Julia, Wayne and Greg to clarify some things. Lets see and hear how it is reported tomorrow and what awful theme the media and opposition will run. Feral Skeleton Thanks for responding earlier. Now back to yesterday and the NSW thing that Julia spoke at, you said you were there. Was it as impressive as it came across on the tv?

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011psyclaw, Abso-bleedin'-lutely, Tony Abbott abhors real scrutiny. He really got the irrits at Phil Coorey, who pinged the Coal-ition on the lie of a 4% increase in tax rates, when it was just LITO incorpoartion. Joe just blubbed his answer to that. Also, I don't think Lenore Taylor will take kindly to being ignored by Abbott. Maybe it's because she's a woman? ;-) Then there was the uncompensated single income family on $65000, one child, <5y.o.(gee, I bet they had to search long and hard for a family that misses out in some way), also turned out to be a lie because there is a 'Single Income Family Payment' as part of the Compensation Package! I also remember Abbott et al claiming that this package will not reduce emissions at all. Tell that to the 45 million equivalent cars that will be 'off the road' as a result. Finally, I rather support social democracy(the equivalent of their revilo term 'socialism').

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Ad Astra, I think Barrie Cassidy only had the dregs of the Press Gallery to choose from for the Insiders couch today. All the decent ones were in the lockup. :D

Patricia WA

10/07/2011Still digesting it all, and yes, DMW, I watched all four of those press conferences. Content aside I can tell you that my first impressions were that three of them i.e. the Government, then the Greens and the Independents seemed upbeat, optimistic and credible in that all speakers seemed genuinely to have the best interests of the country in mind, and aware of their responsibilities in pushing for a hugely difficult to promote but necessary reform. The three Liberals looked pretty down in the dumps but doing their best to discredit the carbon pricing plan with their usual GBNT slogan and the usual 'She's a liar! This government is incompetent! Look at the BER and Pink Batts etc.' All negativity. Greg Hunt particularly looked a shrunken man

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Brilliant little summation of today's CC policy from Frank Jotzo at 'The Conversation:

Ad astra reply

10/07/2011Folks Like many of you, I've been watching the five hours of telecast about the carbon tax announcement. There will be countless interviews and comments from all sides of the debate. My assessment so far is as follows: The PM’s announcement was well done, if somewhat technical at times. I hope this evening’s short announcement is focussed more on how it will affect households. To begin with stating the reason for the move – unremitting global warming – was a sensible place to start. The three speakers blended well and did not overlap much. I thought she handled questions and questioners well, not standing any nonsense from any of them. The Coalition press conference was a pitiable sight. To hear what our would-be PM had to say was not just disappointing but frightening. The same old and tired slogans were trotted out; little rationale for what the Coalition proposes was given (we have to wait for the election); Joe Hockey blustered away making confusing and almost unintelligible statements; Greg Hunt gave his usual incomprehensible ramble, and Abbott wound up the press conference when the questions became awkward. There seemed to be few journalists in attendance. I saw Barnaby Joyce with Lyndal Curtis. I am seriously concerned about this man’s cognition. He rambles incoherently from one strange point to another, making no sense on the way. He seems to be having flight of ideas as he tries to make clever quips. He adds only to the confusion and gobbledygook in which the Opposition delights. The usual rent seekers: Hooke, Hillman and Evans were out doing their Chicken Little act; Heather Ridout was ‘underwhelmed’, but the Farmers’ Federation, the Greens and the environmentalists, and both Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott were enthusiastic. There’s lots more to come. It’s hard to encompass it all, but my general impression is that the scheme has been reasonably well received.

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Quote: 'The only lost job from this package will be Tony Abbott's. :D

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Ad Astra, Heather Ridout is the ultimate political weathervane. She even gives Tony Abbott a run for his money! Simply, if the polls are in the Coalition's favour, she will be 'underwhelmed' by government policy.

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011Hi FS @ 3:49 PM [i]'... which 'average family' will sell their souls for 20 cents?'[/i] It is the 'forgotten' families we have to worry about in this. Now some might just enjoy that one fifth of a second of 'fame', some may rather to remain forgotten instead spending even a nano second with TA. @ 3:36 PM [i]'Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?'[/i] We are still unwrapping it all. However, it looks like batteries ARE included (solar rechargables naturally). There are so many 'books to read' it is hard to know where to start. First reading of the 'jackets' suggests maybe not as much as I had 'wished for' but more than I expected. There is one book [b]BUT, the devil is in the detail[/b] that looks to be a tome near as big as War and Peace. In the end I suspect waiting for the 'persistence pays' Mega to cast his eyes over the booty and give a considered view is a wise course. However Quiggin has given a 'quick take': [b]Carbon tax – instant reax[/b] [i]The proposed carbon tax is a substantial improvement on the heavily compromised emissions trading scheme agreed between the Rudd government and the Opposition under Malcolm Turnbull.[/i]

Feral Skeleton

10/07/2011Another good comment from Twitter: [quote]If Tony Abbott believes the biggest threat to our nation is the Carbon Tax, he is missing the point ENTIRELY[/quote]

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/2011Closer to alive. TO the Indigo Girls, Closer to Fine. I’m trying to tell you something about my life, Maybe show you my insight between black and white. And the best thing she has ever done for me, Is to show a P.M, can take life seriously, It’s only life after all!!!,,,, Yea Well Darkness has a calling that’s insatiable, And Lightness has a call that’s hard to hear. Four walls sit around them like a blanket, Sailing a ship of insanity till some sink it, At least soon they can make a call… And they go to the Dr, They go to the pharmacy. Most shut back then in those four walls, Soma for some semblance of sanity, Theirs more then one answer to these questions, She’ll be throwing a wide net, draw many a crooked line, And the more they seek the source for some definitive, The closer they’ll be too alive…. Yea. Closer too alive…. Yea. Because a Government is supposed to have a philosophy, To gather data so that darkness clears enough for all to see. So the counsellors will listen, fill in Likehard scales for clearness, Those ears will hear of life experience, Teach our government to see this clearly, And it’s only going to cost us sixteen million dollars to explore this mind, Try bring an end to this insanity, And they’ll still go to the Dr, Then they go to the pharmacy. Most will then shut back then in those four walls, Soma for some semblance of sanity, But as she seeks to answer all these questions, She’ll be throwing a wide net, draw many a crooked line, And the more the data points to the derivative, The closer they’ll be too alive…. Yea. Closer too alive…. Yea. A phone is of little use if it’s one way. When a brain is so lost inside it’s self it only seeks an end. At least soon it can distract it’s self using an otherwise useless phone. That a whole heap more then the government before, Who used mammonism as charity… And you’ll see why their at the Dr, And why they’re at the pharmacy. Why they’re back then in those four walls, Why the Soma for their sanity, And you will see why the madness, You’ll see why the suicide, Because data has this habit, Of putting to sense to an otherwise senseless social mind. And you’ll read up on this data, May you drink upon this fountain… You’ll read up on this data, A sentinel to put the death out. And as she seeks to answer all these questions, She’ll be throwing a wide net, draw many a crooked line, And the more the data points to the derivative, The closer they’ll be too alive…. YaY. Closer too alive…. YaY. There you go mom, Yin and Yang. And it’s all out there, Gratis ET Gratis, mom sometimes says. I believe it means free to free. Anybody wants ta do anything with anything I post in this orb or Psy,berr reality feel free. We are the borg, we were a-simulated. I give up, who can resist. Steph

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

10/07/2011Oh an FS, i would be snatching a PSP back of her at 63, F*&^ me. (rolls eyes)


10/07/2011I have just been out to check the stars. They are still up there, the southern cross, the milky way, millions upon millions of stars. When the sky falls in as promised countless times by the Prophet Abbott, where will the stars go? And how much is his policy of making the sky fall down going to cost working families on $150,000 plus struggling with cost of living pressures? I want some policy detail. It is time for Mr Abbott to put up or shut up.


10/07/2011Hi Jason I went and checked the stars and they are beautiful, a they are all still here too in Queensland's sky. What do you think it is "Bush Week" Everybody thought the Carbon Price announcement would blunt Mr Abbotts fair dinkum Blitz, no! he is just going to carry on the same. Great Big Heavy:- sigh sigh Cheers :):):):):):):):)


10/07/2011all the world is mad, but thee and me. And I'm not so sure about thee Mr Abott


10/07/2011Lyn, No doubt Mr Abbott will find some comfort and a more understanding audience when he next appears on 2GB and MTR!


10/07/2011[quote]I want some policy detail. It is time for Mr Abbott to put up or shut up. [/quote] You ask too much, Jason. Mr Abbott hasn't got any policy detail to put up but there is no way he will shut up. He will just go on scaremongering and spruiking the doom and gloom he's been carrying on with since he got job LOTO. Won't be long before the Libs realise they chose a loser and start thinking of ways to give him his marching orders. Just recently I heard rumblings in the retail sector that Mr Abbott's continual talking down of the economy is hurting their businesses because he's got people too scared to spend any money. Once this sort of talk starts it quickly gets momentum.


10/07/2011July 10. 2011 07:50 PM Jason Bad news! Bits of sky have been falling here for hours! It's splattered all over the place! Ad astra, you say it so well! That Lopsiders show, oh gee, I can't even keep my mind on it, (OMD as I write Abbortt comes on with Ooman, "Bad tax, a, people won't believe the government" on and on. Ooman sounding as though he's actually asking questions, but never challenging or inter rupting, just giving him a springboard for his nonsense. Soft landings guaranteed. First thing I saw in ABC 24 this morning was Monckton.[b]Ugh.[/b] [i]Why?[/i]Why do they run him? It isn't as though he's got some sort of automatic right to publicly-funded broadcast time just because he's ridiculous! ABC clarion flash: Many will be worse off under the Carbon Tax! Abbortt saying Australians need this tax like a hole in the head. Well that's what he's got. Folks it really makes me sick inside to see what the horrid Right-biased incumbents of the ABC are doing to it. They have so trashed its brand, as the saying goes, that when Lopsiders comes on, it's like I'm almost pre-anaesthetized to the guests including the likes of Savva and Bolt and Ackerman and Henderson and Milne, wormtongue commentators whose skill has nothing to do with sober consideration and clear insight but rather the ability to skew and distort any position the government might conceivably take on anything. WHY? Does the ABC EVER have ANY leftist equivalent? No, of course not. There is no leftist equivalent, nobody on the left is anywhere near so extreme, nor so mendacious, nor, especially, so hateful. I don't want them 'balanced' anyway. I don't want them at all! Ad astra, nobody says it better, you are truly inspirational. But psyclaw, you're a pretty dam good read too I must say.

D Mick Weir

10/07/2011Hi Jason, Lyn thanks for the reassurance cause I can't see any stars (or the sky) tonight. The clouds are sufficiently high to know the sky must still be staying up though.

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011Question Blogosphere:- is not this MOCK-TON, (like being mocked by a ton of bauvine skatt, i digress) Not a lord at all, but some maggie thatcher staffer? Clarifier please!? I look at his facial expressions and it looks like its got what i got whatever the PHHHhhoOOOoK thats is. Can i say retarded here? He is obviously retarding the process from what i notice of the little "mind policing" or TV i can cope with... I'm starting to think i've been throwen into the last bastion of Labors' Journo corner. I'm guessing Ad Astra was the first to seek to breech the horse hair of damoclese. Took about 15 minutes to explain to mom it was your blog. AA, when i first bought a digital TV it sat on 24 for months, all of a sudden i found myself resisting the urge to smash it. ABC even has gone George Orwell, 1984. Perhaps the rest of the world was complicant cos 1984 was something like 10 000 days back? Just mind musing... Watching. I trust moms "mind filter". <( SHAKES HEAD )> Thanks you motley lot, at least shes begining to smile. :-) Steph :-)


11/07/2011 [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]The Carbon Price-The Tim Tams are safe; not sure about hyperbole, Greg Jericho, Grog’s Gamut[/i] There is plenty of time to show up Abbott’s outlandish predictions for the dopiness they are,for now Julia Gillard need to focus on the electorate, not the opposition [i]Strings Attached , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i] News Corp now routinely uses its papers to pursue a policy agenda that suits its commercial and ideologicalinterests - whether it be campaigning against the National Broadband Network or fighting its silly culture wars. [i]Carbon Tax Details Confirm Gillard Win Over Abbott, Peter, Aussie Views News[/i] A carbon tax is designed to encourage the development and adoption of technologies with a smallercarbon footprint than the current version. So a charge is raised on heavy footprint [i]A Year of Decisions and Delivery (Part One), Ash, Ash’s Machiavellian Bloggery[/i] The opposition leader is determined to suffocate the new born because he is ona mission from god. The coal gods that is. Watch them spit hate at the new born. [i]The carbon tax: the experts respond, Sunanda Creagh, The Conversation[/i] Under the plan, which has been fiercely opposed by several heavily polluting industries and Coalition leader Tony Abbott,a $3.2 billion renewable energy agency will be created. It will manage some consolidated existing funding, topped up with new funding. [i]Cementing carbon pricing confusion. Dave Gaukroger, Pure Poison[/i] Gemma Jones’ article is grossly misleading, but I fear that it won’t be the last story of its kind from News Ltd, blaming carbon pricing for every single problem to befall corporate Australia for the next few years. [i]THE CARBON TAX THAT WILL DOOM US ALL, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i] Worst of all, how unfair is it for the government to finally release the details of the carbon price package and undermine Tony Abbott’s ability to completely make stuff up about it? [i]Carbon tax: CPRS + Garnaut + Greens — expediency equals , Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] This is designed to significantly lower effective marginal tax rates for low-income earners, encouraging participation and removing the burden of tax return lodgement from 1m taxpayers. [i]A tax and welfare package as much as an environmental plan, Malcolm Farnsworth, The Drum[/i] he reiterated his determination to oppose all of the government’s legislation to implement the carbon pricing plan. He again called for an election on the issue, saying it was “a package of economic pain for no environmental gain”. [i]Carbon Sunday: the early reaction, The Drum’[/i] In a package that dwells far more on compensation than abating greenhouse gas emissions, Labor is trying to bury fears about price risesand reassuring voters that the "average" costs to the "average" voter will be over compensated. [i]Opposition maintains attack in tax countdown, ABC[/i] What we are doing here in this country is all economic pain for no environmental gain and I think Australians are entitled to be a little bit angry about this," he said [i]Environmental Savior or Nothing More Than Tax Restructure? Steve Szetey ,The Fezzant Creak Rambler[/i] Now the details of the economic modelling from Treasury can be found here. There is lots of detail which will no doubt will be analysed and pulled apart by economic analysts and expert commentators over the weeks and months ahead. [i]Finally, we move towards a better future as carbon price scheme is unveiled! , Peter Darwin, The Caudal lure[/i] It's been slammed shut by the Labor Party as one of the first decent things they've done while in power. There's no more room for the Liberals and nutjob Tony Abbott to continue scare mongering about how bad Labor's carbon pricing scheme will be, [i]News end the World but saves Brooks, Independent Australia[/i] Do you always walk this fast, Mr Murdoch?” asked one panting hack. “Only when I’m runningaway from you guys,” retorted the mogul. [i]Hard sell on Abbott's turf , Paul Daley, National Times[/i] Tony Abbott - reckless, obstructive and obstreperous because he knows no other way in a parliament so tight with such high stakes - reckons it's because Gillard is afraid. ''She is afraid of the voters, she is afraid of the workers [i]Murdoch scandal a symptom of a broader sickness , Bruce Guthrie, National Times[/i] to distance the local operation from its British counterpart. After all, News is trying to clinch a separatedeal here - to win the right to jointly operate the Australia Network. [i]Staff put News of the World to bed for good, ABC[/i] The scandal has also raised questions about relations between politicians, including Mr Cameron, and powerful media owners such as Mr Murdoch, 80 [i]Carbon tax – instant reax, John Quiggin[/i] On the whole, these seem more carefully designed than the measures introduced under previous governments. [i]C-Day. It’s best done as a carbon tax-Abbott, Peter Martin[/i] Here's the whole thing. The interview was unedited and ran for 13 minutes. Abbott made the case for a carbon tax unprompted. He wasn't led into it. [i]Oh The Hypocrisy, Lunalava, Café Whispers,[/i] It would be naive to think that Murdoch and his Federal Liberal Party were not involved in similar activities in Australia. The smear campaign against Simon Overland by The Australian is a good example. [i]Combining Tax Cuts with Significant Tax Reform Joint Media Release withThe Hon Julia Gillard MP Prime Minister[/i]

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011Jason, Just you make sure that Whyalla stays firmly on the map. ;-)

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


11/07/2011tiffany232 said "all the world is mad, but thee and me. And I'm not so sure about thee Mr Abott" Tiffany, [i]what will it take [/i]for you to make up your mind???! Welcome though Tiffany, dywat!* [i]*[u][b]D[/b][/u]on't [i][b]Y[/b][/i]ou [u][b]W[/b][/u]orry [u][b]A[/b][/u]bout [u][b]T[/b][/u]hat! [/i] (Should I patent that? . . 's pretty good eh! - But maybe the Ghost of Holy Jo will come and haunt me . . ? . . .)

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011Did you know that the Nurse Managers and Policemen of Australia on combined incomes of $140,000/year will be worse off under the Price on Carbon? To the tune of about $10/week? How will they cope? ;-)

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011I note Tony Abbott is out there trying to get Pensioners to support him taking away their Compensation money if he gets elected, by telling them that they won't need it if there is no Carbon Tax? What he doesn't add is that they are going to be over-compensated, so they would be voting against their best interests if they vote for him in 2013. Out of the other side of his mouth, and to a different audience, he calls compensation to Pensioners and the low income earners, 'Wealth Redistribution'. Which, if you take it as read means that Mr Abbott believes that the wealthiest should have all the money. Everyone else can be lucky if he will allow them to afford catfood or Maccas.


11/07/2011[i][/i]John, Steph, Glorfindel, Dorothea dix, any other correspndents never personally (or not recently) greeted by anyone on TPS, welcome, (or welcome [i]back[/i].) I guess occasionally someone who writes here isn't specifically greeted, if that's so for you, you are welcome just the same, dywat! (*Don't You Worry About That! My new patent word as explained above. :) . For those few who don't know, "Don't you worry about that" was the signature quote of the arch-villain Johannes "Jo Bananas" Bjelke-Petersen, for too long Premier of Queensland. Oh and [i]Merde[/i] as in [i][i]Merde[/i][/i]och as I wrote yesterday is the French word for that which Tony Abbortt reckons happens!

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011tiffany232, Steph Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. tiffany 232 No Tony Abbott is not mad; it just seems that way. His strategy is carefully planned and is based on the Goebbels dictum that if you assert something repeatedly, with conviction, no matter how preposterous it is, no matter how gross a lie, a majority of the people will eventually believe it. And a majority is all he wants and needs. He’s playing the electorate as suckers, but thinks he’s on a winner, and with much of the media on side, he gets away with it, over and again. Steph Lord Monckton is not mad either, although after listening to him talk about climate change, one could be excused for believing that was so. Like Tony Abbott, he believes that if he spreads his disinformation and deceit long enough and with confidence, which he does, the people will eventually believe it. He is intelligent and plausible. My query is whether he seriously believes the nonsense he perpetrates, or knows that it is claptrap but continues on his merry speaking circuit because it pays well, gives him the publicity he needs as a showman, and is a comfortable lifestyle. I suspect the latter. His physical appearance with his bulging eyes is, I understand, due to a medical condition called exophthalmos, which is often caused by an overactive thyroid gland, when it is called Graves’ disease. Wikipedia explains this condition.


11/07/2011[quote] [/quote] Excellent analysis from George Mega.

Per Ardua

11/07/2011Further to the piece AA did on interview techniques some time ago, I always wonder when I hear interviews such as this one on ABC Radio AM this morning, why do interviewers feel the need to seek assurance that the point of their question, invariably negative, is valid eg these questions put Treasurer Swan. (In a very disrespectful tone I might add). It's hard to fathom sometimes whether it indicates that the interviewer is just being the devil’s advocate, trying to propagate preconceived notions, or just being provocatively rude. SABRA LANE: Mr Swan, good morning. This is do or die for the Government. If you can't sell this, the Government will be tossed out at the next election, [b][i]won't it?[/i][/b] SABRA LANE: But if you can't sell this, you're out? SABRA LANE: There is mixed reaction in the papers this morning. The Herald Sun says working families will pay the price. Some families will be worse off, [b]w[i]ont they[/i][/b]? SABRA LANE: Is your message to those families then, you're rich, you can afford it. SABRA LANE: Some newspapers say though that working families will be worse off. [b][i]Do you agree[/i][/b]? SABRA LANE: There is no leg up here for small businesses. They are the engine room for the country. They're going to cop it, [b][i]aren't they[/i][/b]? SABRA LANE: I think many economists will doubt that $4 billion equals budget neutral. They would really question that. Doesn't this become an issue of trust? What you say and do are again very different when you deliver the policy. SABRA LANE: Hand on your heart, will this scheme definitely cut emissions by 5 per cent by 2020?


11/07/2011Janice, I know I ask too much! But surely the media can't let Abbott run around forever saying "well before the next election I'll put out the detail?" Janice I've just seen the error of my ways,expecting the media to do their job is asking too much!


11/07/2011Doctor ad astra, I disagree fundamentally with your diagnosis of Tony Abbortt. I think his overweening lust for personal power, for which he is unhesitatingly prepared to wedge all Australians towards who knows what future, must count as some form of megalomania, and his utter disregard for truth would seem to me to indicate a delusory state in which truth and fantasy have equivalent weight. His nodding episode was truly bizarre, and whether or not it is ever repeated, the fact it could happen even once makes me think that in moments of real stress he would very likely 'fail', as an electrical circuit fails. He certainly did that time. He has become increasingly irrational, shrill and implausible as the time has ticked down until now, when he has lost the Senate, lost the NBN, lost the 'debate' on pollution; and our cows can happily go off to a pleasant death after a sea cruise to a tropical paradise now. Abbortt is left with a failing rump of the issue of Stop the Boats (which Bowen is nearly on top of I hope); 'GBNT' I haven't heard for a while, Abbortt's focus group must have given up on that. He is holding on to Big Tobacco funding, and that will win him fewer and fewer friends, and his only really big support (and it is) comes from the big miners (apart of course from a sycophantic, and in some cases hateful and bigoted media, without any effective counter apart from the Fifth Estate.) Ad, I really think Abbortt is mentally unstable, if not actually around the twist. He is not going to get any saner or calmer or more truthful, and were he ever to gain power (he won't) he'd be bloody-well right, Australia, you ain't seen nothin' yet. [i]Exophthalmos[/i], how I love medical names, so erudite-sounding, all this one means is 'out-eyes', can't argue with that. Gee I'd like someone in an excess of congratulatory vigor to slap ol' Monckey good and hard on the back after one of his rants . . ! . . :)


11/07/2011Let's get this straight...there are many households such as mine that will cop the brunt of the costs when it comes to this carbon price. My wife & I are pretty relaxed about it at this point...but I think that mocking people who are earning over 80 grand that will get stuff all or no compensation will only help feed the negabore opposition forces... and I don't think hard working nurses, policeman, teachers & so on should be taken for granted considering the years they've put in to reach incomes over 80 grand. Considering the compensation some mockers will be receiving I recommend that they ease off on those who won't. Plenty of people I know are quite willing to cop the costs...but assuming they are well off & mocking them will only lead to further irritation & divisions. Frankly, an extra 15 - 20 bucks a fortnight is no big deal to ensure we get a useful shift to more energy diversity... and it's pleasing to see a useful increase in the tax free threshold - my father-in-law is 74, a self-funded retiree, earns about 15 grand a year gardening & will be thrilled...he said last week he was hoping for such a move... Very pleased w/ the billions available for renewable projects...'bout bloody time considerin' the subsidies & advantages that have gone to fossil fuels companies for so long. And thumbs up to money going to aged pensioners such as my Mum & her husband. Alleviates some of their fears. Let's pass the carbon price bills in August and get on w/ building a "cleaner energy future"...and start focusing on other issues. In this house we're bored stiff w/ the discussion/debates. As are our families. Tony Abbott & Barnaby Joyce & the rest of the negabore crew will be MUTED, DELETED and IGNORED in this house until they start putting forward positive, useful, visionary ideas that enthuse rather than giving bile. Ads by griping mining companies and other corporates will be put on fast forward & ignored too. The idea that this carbon price package is "socialist" & "put together by The Greens" is absurd...Abbott & co. are just pulling on the same arguments as The Republicans & Fox News & Rush Limbaugh directed at Obama & the Democratic party. It's lazy politics partially pushed by a media that we should have little trust in...considering what we've seen emerge in the UK re: Murdoch's News of the World. What next? Paying criminal characters to disappear kids & others to create front page stories?...then paying off police to cover up the truth? What kind of grotesque precedents have the Murdoch group left for journalism/the press? I'm sure that making this carbon price & its useful tax reforms disappear will be a priority for a media that sips at the toxic well of Murdystopia... but not this household...not this blogger. I'm not interested in the inconsistent, unprincipled, flip-flopping, exaggerated, distorted, profit driven words of a media and Coalition that pray at the altar of a megalomaniac and his less than "clean" media empire. The UK police need to get Rebekah Brooks & others to talk. So unlike Abu Graib it's not just the little folk who get punished. The TRUTH needs to be revealed. It's time for a real transformation. So the people can start trusting more in government, the media & police again. At least a damn site more than they do now. Add investments in useful renewable energy & NBN-style projects across the world...and ensuring we protect our environment better...make education & healthcare affordable priorities...and regulating the share market more handouts to Wall Street & investment banks...and we'll create a brighter, better era. Time to put the negative "old guard" of politics & energy & media into the history books...and let the "positive", "YES" types get on w/ the job. I'm 50 today...and it feels like I've been listenin' to the negabores of rampant capitalism & corporate scrooges w/ big paypackets my entire life. Time to put "fear" aside & get on w/ gettin' on. So we don't end up w/ depressed future generations who feel as "bored, bored, bored" w/ governments & corporations & media as many of us have been. And no celebrity, boob & scandal-ridden, gripin', whinin' tabloids have changed that mood. Good riddance to them. Bring on a positive, rational, wide thinkin', diverse media. N'


11/07/2011Whoever is coaching the Prime Minister for her set pieces i.e. last night's address to the nation, deserves a swift kick up the pants. Having watched the initial press conference, interviews on Channels Ten and Nine, SBS and the ABC, I have to say that the weakest point of yesterday's announcement was the pre-recorded speech. This should have been the high point or at least as good as the midday press conference. The PM has to learn that people don't want her to be their friend. It looks condescending, talking down to viewers with her tone of voice and attempts at reassuring smiles. I know we've had this conversation before and I understand those who argue that she should just be herself but she wasn't being herself yesterday evening. The ability to appear 'natural' on television is a rare talent to have without coaching and I would say that the direction that Ms Gillard is being given for these taped speeches is entirely wrong. Her demeanour and tone of voice during the press conference was prime ministerial, a very strong performance and, I suspect, better reflects her natural personality. So too the interviews, with the exception of her answer to the first question by Karen Middleton where she dropped into this false bonhomie that doesn't suit her or her position. The content of the pre-recorded speech itself was sound - simple, easy to understand and didn't get mired in numbers and projections. I agree with others who have asserted that the Opposition Leader's press conference was a poor performance except that he (and Hunt and Hockey) succeeded in muddying the waters with waffle, broad-brush criticism and the deliberate misconstruing of numbers which served their purpose of sowing doubt. Suffice to say that I was happy with the package and pleasantly surprised by the new 80% target by 2050 and the lifting of the tax-free threshold.


11/07/2011Ad, 'Ern Malley''died of Graves disease'! Ern was the mischievous mythical poet created as a spoof on free verse by two naughty clever men, (I forget their names, but it's worth looking up,) whose definitively-nonsense poems so completely sucked in the subsequently-famous Adelaide literary entrepreneur Max Harris, (he made his name from being the most infamous literary dupe in the English-speaking world!) Max Harris came at the invitation of Colin Thiele to give us a lecture when I was at Teachers College. (Name-dropper!) Max Harris was funny, but Thiele was brilliant and adorable. His literary style, so clear and unpretentious, so descriptive and so everyday, is a perfect example of why I love English. Not quite sure that was [i]exactly [/i]on thread . . . :$

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011Per Ardua I too was appalled by Sabra Lane's performance on AM this morning. I'm writing something on this now. TT You may be right with your Tony Abbott diagnosis of megalomania. It seems to me to be more likely to be just the ruthless and pugilistic pursuit of political power no matter how it is achieved, for which he is known. Is that 'normal' political behaviour, or is it 'pathological'? That is the question.


11/07/2011Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Candle Hippy 50th Bathday Nasking Hope you feelin' good.


11/07/2011The ad – created by former Chaser Charles Firth – include Roman soldiers insisting nothing more would be heard of Jesus, priests refusing to accept the world is flat and aborigines convinced that the First Fleet will be passing through. These positions are then contrasted with Liberal leader Tony Abbott expressing doubt about climate change science.


11/07/2011Hi Nasking Happy birthday to you, that was a nice little party Talk Turkey put on for you. I didn't have a present for you so I will have to send you some happy information:- UK to block News Corp bid: report, ABC The phone-hacking allegations have also prompted Britain's independent broadcasting regulator, Ofcom, to say it will consider whether News Corp directors are "fit and proper" persons to run BSkyB. Ofcom has not given a timeframe, but any Ofcom finding could have consequences beyond the bid, since it is not clear how it could find that News Corp was fit to run 39 per cent of BSkyB but not 100 per cent.

D Mick Weir

11/07/2011Ross Gittins' has a sobering point of view that is worth reflecting on. [b]Tax will be neither as good nor as bad as we're told[/b] [i]Uncertainty over? Don't you believe it. Now begins the search for the devil in the details. And what a frantic, spine-tingling, imaginative search it will be, led not by seekers after truth but by all those who stand to gain by convincing us disaster is about to befall us and our economy.[/i]


11/07/2011Per ardua, Ad astra (Where have I heard those words?) You scan the skies With eagle eyes - Our vigilant cyber-birds! I love you guys, and Jason and Skeleton and Lyn, and all people who spread truth and news and thoughts and other people's ideas, I feel as though through you lot I am actually not so ignorant as I would be without you.

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011TT; Beats the bauvine skatt out of tv TT, Honestly lately even the ABC is like they are trying to pin my ears to my ankles, pull my rectal sphincta over my ears and eyes.. And shove all that i go to the toilet to get rid off back in again. Try making that into a cartoon ya loons Watching and winking :-)

D Mick Weir

11/07/2011NormanK I didn't see the either of the Statements to the Nation SWMBO would totally agree with you assessment Nearest and Dearest said "I felt like I was back in kindergarten she was very hard to listen to ...." Most of the women in my life have a similar view that JG is like a school ma'am in these situations and is either very stilted or plastic. It is a worry

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011Abbott and carbon tax on ABC 24 coming up now


11/07/2011Nasking Happy Birthday. You share this day with Gough Whitlam who turned 95 today. Happy birthday Gough, you are one of Labors best and have done so much to help Australia to become a modern country.

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011Nasking, When I turned 50(sort of not that long ago ;-) ), all I could think of was, "Wow! I survived half a century! Now for the next half!" So, many happy returns of your birthday to you. :) You've already had a couple of good presents, a new and guaranteed policy to tackle Climate Change, and the first cracks in the dam walls which have been holding all the Murdoch pus in for far too long. So, my song for you, by way of a present, is Led Zep's 'When the Levee Breaks'. Put it on loud enough for Murdoch to be spooked by it all the way from Australia! :D


11/07/2011DMW You can watch Ms Gillard's address here if you so desire.

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011Nasking May your 50th birthday be one redolent with happy memories and full of excitement about the next fifty.

D Mick Weir

11/07/2011Is this new senator one to watch? [i]Former Tassie MP Lisa Singh lost her seat in Hobart last year - and then won a spot in the Senate a few months later. Was she too valuable for the ALP to lose, wonders Jack Brady[/i] [b]Switch and swap to Canberra[/b] I know no more than what is Brady's article and now what is on her official PHouse Bio;query=Id%3A%22handbook%2Fallmps%2FM0R%22 Sounds like a good one to me.

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011Thanks for the welcome Ad astra and response, “tiffany 232:- (and there after myself), No Tony Abbott is not mad;”…”ditto Mock-Ton”…etc Is that like 9 out of 10 doctors say if you [i][b][u]don’t[/u][/b][/i] smoke pot you will go mad, just ask any Nimbin DR? Ahh Graves dis-ease, like “Marty Feldman”? I think that old actors name was. It can give him a certain lunacy in his idiocy at times. Mock-ton or Marty Feldman, think back to “Beau Geste” methinks back it t’was. Feral Skeleton, Agreed… “Did you know that the Nurse Managers and Policemen of Australia on combined incomes of $140,000/year will be worse off under the Price on Carbon? To the tune of about $10/week?” "Wealth re-distribution", means buying marginal seats from struggling middle classes like I watched in the late 90's. Give them someone to “look after” last time so they can feel good for voting Liberal for the first time in their life. Didn’t suck us in though, we still voted Democrats. TT, Thanks for the reminder. Suddenly I have a Sky Hooks song in my head, “Get me south of the boarder, down to NSW”. & Can I do the back slap; CAN I DOOOO THE BACK SLAP, Pleeessssseeeeeeeee :- Normank, My G.G Grandma recently through failing eyes made the comparison, “Marionette, too complicated for plain puppet.” Shame for me as I can see Julia has a mind worthy of the Job. But orator!? Hence an Abbott can practice lots of really intelligent sounding to some Skull Sodomy and the populace don’t engage because his sophistry can be lie his Philosophy. Uncertainty over? D Mick Weir: “Don't you believe it. Now begins the search for the devil…… disaster is about to befall us and our economy.” Yep, as above, so below… And as I watch “our” ABC as I type, 3 Cents on this, 2 on that, 4 on a chockie bar. I sit and ponder on the monetary replacement value of a planet! As a pensioner, happy to pay mere bronze shekkles. Tony, more like bad rhetoric getting worse, even this retard can see this. "Better angels, Better angles" $140 000 per year is RICH, ya mammonistic ferret. But unfortunatly, Tony spins Good Bauvine skatt,Imploring eyes, "thank God", (5 minutes latter I return to qweryt after cleaning off vomit. Sure Tony, all those jobs you used to keep power in your last "term", sort of like a sentance. As they say "B*** S*** baffles brains." Barny-Bee, "glee Club", as labor try to clean up your money grubbing misery. Ahh can we evolve beyond survival of the fittest i ask ya? Steph. :-)

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011Yep 2 hours of TV and Im full of it!

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011For a 'Socialist scheme', if you believe Tony Abbott, the Climate Change policy appears to be attracting the interest of a lot of capitalists:

D Mick Weir

11/07/2011Oh sheee - it, I just caught a grab of a town hall type meeting with Jovial Joe at the podium. He was asked [i]'... when peoples democracy is denied they will take up arms against the ... what is the coalition going to do to stop the people taking up arms ...?[/i] Oh no. I am in shock and horror that any of our elected reps could play into this sort of ... I am lost for words

Feral Skeleton

11/07/2011This is just disgusting:


11/07/2011Stephen Lazarus Graysun wrote 'And as I watch “our” ABC as I type, 3 Cents on this, 2 on that, 4 on a chockie bar. I sit and ponder on the monetary replacement value of a planet! . . . 5 minutes latter I return to qweryt after cleaning off vomit.' Great bit of writing Cobber, more please!

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011Folks I've just posted [i]The negativity syndrome infects the ABC[/i]

D Mick Weir

11/07/2011FS, thanks, but I really didn't need to read that so soon after hearing the bit from Hockey's TownHaller. I will however, remian confident that such stupidity will not travel too far.

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011Mick!!! "taking up arms", Oh dear, but wait, the libs took away the arms way back when an undiagnosed asperger went psycho in Pt Arthur. I seem to remember Howard standing in front of a bunch of shooters in a flack jackett, grinning memorie. And i HATE guns...

Ad astra reply

11/07/2011NormanK, D Mick Weir I note your comments about Julia Gillard’s five-minute Address to the Nation. Anyone who missed it can see it on Ross Gittins article in today’s edition of [i]The Age[/i] I too would have preferred a different demeanour, although I’m not sure what the difference ought to have been. As I reflected on your comments I wondered what we are expecting of our leaders. There seems to be some idealistic notion that we carry in our imagination – the demeanour of an actor trained to simulate an impressive speech like Atticus Finch’s (Gregory Peck) to the jury in [i]To Kill a Mockingbird[/i], the ‘blood, toil, tears and sweat’ oratory of Churchill during the war, the words of a Gettysburg address, or the inspiration generated by Ben Chifley’s ‘Light on the Hill’ address. Few of our leaders have had such attributes. In our memory Gough Whitlam did – we all remember his ‘It’s Time’ Address; Paul Keating did – his Redfern Address was a classic; Bob Hawke had such knockabout charm that almost anything he said was applauded. But there are not many others, and very few are around now. The commentators like to label Julia Gillard as wooden in her public presentations, apparently unwilling to accept her manner of speech and her ocker accent. While appearance and presentation are unquestionably important in transmitting messages, is it not the substance that really counts? What is said must trump how it is said. Yet that is not how she and other politicians are judged. Looking at contemporary politicians, who actually possess the attributes of oratory for which we long? If Julia Gillard doesn’t make the grade, does Wayne Swan or Greg Combet or Kevin Rudd (he did in The Apology, but after that?) or Peter Garratt (he can be impressive)?; or on the Coalition side, Tony Abbott or Joe Hockey, or Andrew Robb, or Christopher Pyne or Greg Hunt or Barnaby Joyce? Not many are there! So why do we demand so much from our PM? It was what Julia Gillard said last night that ought to have been the focus of attention, but for some her demeanour detracted from that and again evoked the ‘schoolmarm’ rebuke and of course the ‘wooden’ epithet. What a pity. Is it possible for her to be morphed into an actor with all the style good actors enjoy? Maybe not. And if that were possible would she be accused of artificiality, of being chameleon-like, or of being insincere, or being just an actor? Lest we get too carried away with romantic notions of what a PM should be and do and say, take a look at the ‘Light on the Hill’ address (below) that is held up as the shining beacon to which our leaders, our Labor leaders should direct their vision for inspiration. It is sincere, it points the faithful to the [i]“great objective - the light on the hill - which we aim to reach by working the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand”[/i], and it focuses on the working man. But is hardly stunning oratory. Look carefully again and see if you can discern among the words the very things Julia Gillard has been saying over and again about work and the working man. See if you can see any comment about the tribulations that leaders attempting big reform have to endure. See if you can detect any resemblance between the Gillard climate change reform and Chifley’s quest ‘for the betterment of mankind’ and ‘for a greater feeling of security’ for children. Rather than becoming caught up in the media-induced demeaning of the Gillard demeanour instead of focusing on what she is saying and doing, let us admire her gutsiness and determination in taking on a major reform in the interests of future generations knowing it will cause political pain now, a reform that is as major as the GST reform and the reforms of the Hawke/Keating era, and give her our heartfelt support. I have not got the audio, but here is the transcript of Ben Chifley’s ‘Light on the Hill’ address to an ALP Conference in 1949: “[i]I have had the privilege of leading the Labour Party for nearly four years. They have not been easy times and it has not been an easy job. It is a man-killing job and would be impossible if it were not for the help of my colleagues and members of the movement. “No Labour Minister or leader ever has an easy job. The urgency that rests behind the Labour movement, pushing it on to do things, to create new conditions, to reorganise the economy of the country, always means that the people who work within the Labour movement, people who lead, can never have an easy job. The job of the evangelist is never easy. “Because of the turn of fortune's wheel your Premier (Mr McGirr) and I have gained some prominence in the Labour movement. But the strength of the movement cannot come from us. We may make plans and pass legislation to help and direct the economy of the country. But the job of getting the things the people of the country want comes from the roots of the Labour movement - the people who support it. “When I sat at a Labour meeting in the country with only ten or fifteen men there, I found a man sitting beside me who had been working in the Labour movement for fifty-four years. I have no doubt that many of you have been doing the same, not hoping for any advantage from the movement, not hoping for any personal gain, but because you believe in a movement that has been built up to bring better conditions to the people. Therefore, the success of the Labour Party at the next elections depends entirely, as it always has done, on the people who work. “I try to think of the Labour movement, not as putting an extra sixpence into somebody's pocket, or making somebody Prime Minister or Premier, but as a movement bringing something better to the people, better standards of living, greater happiness to the mass of the people. We have a great objective - the light on the hill - which we aim to reach by working the betterment of mankind not only here but anywhere we may give a helping hand. If it were not for that, the Labour movement would not be worth fighting for. “If the movement can make someone more comfortable, give to some father or mother a greater feeling of security for their children, a feeling that if a depression comes there will be work, that the government is striving its hardest to do its best, then the Labour movement will be completely justified. “It does not matter about persons like me who have our limitations. I only hope that the generosity, kindliness and friendliness shown to me by thousands of my colleagues in the Labour movement will continue to be given to the movement and add zest to its work.”[/i]

Stephen Lazarus Graysun

11/07/2011AA "The job of the evangelist is never easy." After strugling through a depression i guess the people back then needed an evangelist to lead them from emotional and financial depression. Like the word ev-angel-ist has it's angel in it. Seems Tony is geting away with the angles to angels spin. Something my eldest elder said not so long back "We need a decent war to bring the people back together and clear their petty squabbling" Humm,,watching this sort off seems like she is waiting for another depression or something!?


14/07/2011Just Shaking my Spear Hear… From the ongoing play we see around us, MAX WEALTH… To set the stage;,. A big room. Along the walls, lots of strange occult looking books. High Jovial Confabulation abounds. Enter the three for witchery & bitchery. Tony Abbnot;,. Thrice the bovine skat cats’ hath clawed. ABC;,. Thrice and once the group mind thawed. Mal comm;,. Then Turn Bull cries, "'My horde, 'My horde." Abbnot. Round about the Bovine skat flows; In the poison'd thoughts, we throw! For I forsake heart, Just cold, cold stone Days and nights, our spewed spell must run. Being in opposition, we can be cruel kids, what fun. Like the Private school bullies, the race of birthright we all know!!! ALL. Double, double, toil and trouble; May Brains burn and may brains bubble. ABC Flow it round just like Nechushtan the snake, In the beta through epsilon brains, boil and bake; Except the tail and mouth in each ear, so wisdom doesn’t equate. Like wool over their eyes, our snake tongue lies, Our magic of mind, they’ll think empowerment tries. To give them illusory democracy, For a charm of powerful trouble, hypocrisy. Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. ALL. Double, double, toil and trouble; Brains now boil and brains now bubble. Mal comm Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witch's mummy, maw and gulf Oh my scapegoat Tony I bow to thee, And ABC for this insanity, Between you two we create a “blaspheming Jew”, Gall’s the mobs and plants like wood yew Sliver'd in the minds eclipse, Noise of division, on the populace lips. Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-deliver'd by a crab, Tony such witchery of bitchery, Mate your not bad. Between you too, you put such mould on, For the ingredients of our mental cauldron. ALL. Double, double, toil and trouble; Brains must boil so brains make trouble. ABC. Cool it with their baboon blood, Go-Spell it out for them, keep it firm and “good”. Enter “Miasma-Dock” to the other three Witches. Miasma –Dock Or Mirrdock O, well done! I command your plans, And all our schoolies, Manifold gains. So long as they think this insane, sane We become the some for their, misdirected pain, Enchanting all that you, together we control this game. Music and a song, "TOOL, 10.000 days, RIGHT IN TWO." Hecate retires. ABC, so together we must Spell it out, Collectively feed their indignant shouts Then Open,Locks, When this indignation knocks! As before stated so too today, I’m watching Julia on ABC, listening to her plainly speaking. Clear, enough. Isn’t the shoe meant to pinch and the parents next door grab it. [quote]He:- SHE’S a (I paraphrase for politeness} “A Pompous pair of outer mons” She:- “Vulgar vexatious vindictive vagina, was the Libs that payed for your kids “C” word”! (and as if to say these children are Julia’s)[/quote] I see a man intently listening, his ears wide. Pity my parental neighbours stoped listening with “isn’t the shoe meant to pinch” (I Assume);- The 4 kids see above-mentioned man with wide ears, the 15 yo boy then primes said juvenile advocacy, A maybe 9’yo states “he is listening”, as I see this man. Parents crack it with these kids. I watch the elder child remove the three younger to the local park. Time passes…. Laura Tingle gets up and asks a really good question, nobody is hearing our Primed Minister now, so primed by debate their concentration span is, as above mentioned. Running commentary on Julia and “Carbon Tax, National Bank Press Club”, Next Door, stereo on now, TV off. Yes, it can get that loud… One of these Parents put on TOOL, AENIMA. I JEST NOT, Now sitting here waiting to hear, [quote]"The only way to fix it is too flush it all away, LEARN TO SWIM"[/quote]. RAOTF Holding head and lementing from the seat of Makin. THE IORNY… AHHHHhhhhhh [quote]"Don't write crap"[/quote] and this rolls off my mind finished, thanks again for the sounding board room. Not reading again yet, as above so below, just realy ego-centric right now as you probaly Know... Maybe also another Tool head could make a case:- [quote] The property line that an animal experiences is that of the instinct it has when it senses it's going to be eaten, shot, decapitated or maybe even burned by the fire in the forest. Otherwise it has no boundries. The animal does not have any neighbors; it's walls consist of poop over it the lush green grass it wishes to eat, maggots in the corpse it wishes to devour and bullets flying through the air when the hunter unleashes his fury of gunfire.... The animal lives and breathes, then dies and in all irony feeds the plant it once enjoyed as a satisfying meal... The animal does what it needs to do when it needs to do it, nothing more nothing less. That is all, to the pup that crossed my field of view, journey safely through the woods and journey with your snout held high.... [/quote] from KaneAndy Am i the only one that can see a realy long plan being unfurled, like back to Mal-Comm Phraser, Sucked me in with "CARE, australia", creating lots of work for his family and friends, think it was 33 percent geting out the countree from memorie. Mal-Comm was always going to lead into 2013, all this just Deus-EX-Machina methinks tony is, a scapegoat. seems libral can make even division seem as unity, in illusion. Time Will Tell, 10000 days from 1984, and i ask all of you what is the score?
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?