Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies

It is absurdly ironic that you, the one who has admitted on national TV that sometimes you do not tell the truth, should spend so much of your time and energy demonizing Julia Gillard as an inveterate liar, not to be trusted, even picking up on your favourite shock jock’s tag: ‘Ju-liar’. You have been relentless in labeling her a liar while day after day you lie bald-facedly to the Australian public.

Alcoa lies
Only last week you lied by attributing Alcoa’s decision to review the viability of its Point Henry aluminum smelter to the carbon tax, although the MD of Alcoa had specifically said that the carbon tax was not a factor. Later you said that Alcoa’s problems made it the worst time to introduce the tax, maybe afraid you had gone too far. But not willing to let the matter lie, you and the Leader of the Nationals both asked the same question of the PM in Question Time last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, selectively quoting from a Treasury assessment which mentioned that over a 60% reduction in aluminum output could occur consequent to the carbon tax, but failing to mention that the compensation to the industry for the carbon tax would reduce the cost to it to no more than a one cent rise in the Australian dollar. You failed to acknowledge what the MD of Alcoa had said was the real cause of the company’s difficulty: the high Australian dollar, low aluminum prices and the high price of the commodities used in production.

On Wednesday, you attributed the delay in the $3 billion upgrade of the Alcoa alumina refinery at Wagerup, WA to the upcoming carbon tax, but the PM read out a statement from Alcoa to the contrary, stating it was due to its inability to obtain a satisfactory supply of natural gas. By omitting those facts you set out to deceive – you lied. Still not satisfied you had done enough damage, you then sent out Eric Abetz on Lateline on Thursday to insist that the job losses foreshadowed by Alcoa and also those announced by Qantas and other companies, were ‘preemptive action’ by these companies in anticipation of the carbon tax. No evidence of this was evinced. Your lies multiply. We are tired of them. When are we ever going to hear the truth from you? You are a political opportunist to whom telling the truth is irrelevant.

Budget lies
You, and your two other finance spokesmen lied about your budgetary goals. You seemed unable to agree whether you would produce a surplus in your first budget. You and the other two vacillated until you were reduced to saying that if Labor can produce a surplus budget, the Coalition would. But we still have Andrew Robb being non-committal and insisting the debt be paid off before committing to expenditure, Joe Hockey loudly proclaiming there will be a Coalition surplus budget despite giving tax cuts and foregoing revenue, and you having a bet both ways. Who is telling the truth? We know you all lie, but why not at least lie consistently?

The Howarth ‘audit’ lies
You lied to us about your so-called ‘savings’ that would enable you to reach your budgetary goals. The $50 billion savings you trumpeted at the time of the last budget was shown to have a $10.6 billion so-called ‘black hole’, which you and the others steadfastly denied, citing ‘the fifth largest accounting firm in Australia’, the Perth-based WHK Howarth, as having certified the correctness of your figures in an ‘audit’. That was a lie. Howarth did not do a proper audit. All they said was that they reviewed the Coalition’s costing estimates and that ‘based on the assumptions provided’, they were satisfied they had been accurately prepared and could be funded from the 2010-11 budget.

Subsequently, the professional conduct tribunal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants imposed fines of $5000 each on Geoffrey Phillip Kidd and Cyrus Patell of WHK Howarth after a complaint over a report they compiled about the Coalition's 2010 election costings. You knew that the assumptions upon which your figures were based were to be kept secret so that neither Treasury nor anyone else could check them. Yet examining assumptions is a normal part of an audit process. You and Joe Hockey insisted it was a proper audit, and when challenged by economically literate journalists, Hockey fobbed them off by accusing them of engaging in a semantic argument. Even after the finding of improper conduct by WHK Howarth accountants, you still insisted on the validity of these costings of your election promises, and you still perpetuate the lie that they have been audited and are accurate. You even say that you are proud of them.

The $70 billion budget black hole
The lies go on. You claim that you have made savings of $70 billion in the context of this year’s budget, but we have seen no details. How can we believe you? The figure is in question; some of your finance troika go along with it, others don’t. When will you give us the details of the amount and how it is constituted? Will it be subject to the same shonky ‘audit’ as last time? You refuse to use the independent Parliamentary Budget Office, no doubt out of fear it will expose flaws in your costings. Economists ask how $70 billion can be removed from the budget without severe reductions in services, while still giving tax cuts and other benefits. You don’t answer. You seem to expect the people to just take you at your word that all will be well – magic pudding style!

’Demolishing the NBN’ lies
You continue to claim that by ‘demolishing the NBN’ you will save the cost of the network, although you know this does not contribute to the bottom line of the budget. It is a capital expense and an investment that will yield a dividend for the government. Yet you still claim ‘scrapping it’ will be a ‘saving’. That is a lie, and you know it.

While we are talking about the NBN, you still insist you will halt work to save money and add to your ‘savings’. You know you won’t do that. It will be too far advanced. Only someone disinterested in the damage that might do to our economy would even contemplate this, but you say you will. What about the 37,000 jobs that a fully operational NBN will create? What about the boost to the new digital economy it will provide, with all the jobs that implies? How can we believe you when you talk about demolishing the NBN?

The Home Insulation Program lies
Your lies traverse all areas of government. Take the Home Insulation Program that you have demonized from the outset. JohnL has exposed your lies on The Political Sword in his two part piece: Absurdities abound as Abbott wages a crass war and Abbott’s amazing amnesia on insulation inquiry. You said: “There were the pink batts that this government could not put into roofs for free without houses catching fire right around Australia”. That was a lie. Official records show that there were no fires in 99.98% of the million ceilings insulated. Two in ten thousand (224) had fires and just thirty had structural damage. This rate of fires was less than occurred prior to the HIP. Yet you pilloried the Government, and also made them out to be killers of insulation workers, although you knew full well that OH&S is a state responsibility, that it was breaches of OH&S that were responsible, and that no blame is attributable to the Federal Government. You and Greg Hunt even accused the responsible minister, Peter Garratt, of ‘industrial manslaughter’, a monstrous charge, which you had no compunction in making.

All we have heard from you about the HIP is lies, lies, and more lies. You said “No good government would ever spend more than a billion dollars putting pink batts into roofs and a billion dollars to take them out again.” That is a lie. You know perfectly well that the cost of rectification of faulty insulation installation is nowhere near that figure. Around twenty percent of ceilings had inspections but only 4.2% had rectification works to make them safe. How could that cost ‘a billion dollars’? That was a lie and you must have known that it was, but you said it over and again.

You and Greg Hunt insisted that there must be a Royal Commission into the ‘scandal’, and that you would institute it once in office. But there was no mention of it in your election speech. Did you ever intend to conduct one, or was this just another of your lies?

The Building the Education Revolution lies
The Building Education Revolution was another fertile ground for your lies, aided and abetted by Matthew Franklin, who got his teeth into it with relish, and The Australian, which ran a special section week after week to highlight the BER’s ‘waste and mismanagement’. You knew that speed of rollout was essential to achieve a stimulatory effect during the GFC and that in such circumstances there was bound to be some overcharging. But of course you never allowed for that when you condemned the Government’s effort to save construction jobs, stimulate the economy, and in the process replace or add to ageing school infrastructure that had ran down during the Howard era. You labelled some of it ‘Julia Gillard Memorial Halls’, yet your Liberal parliamentarians were at openings of them, enjoying the accolades these fine new buildings evoked.

You persisted with the ‘waste and mismanagement’ mantra even after three comprehensive reports from the BER Implementation Taskforce chaired by businessman Brad Orgill showed over 97% satisfaction with the program. The report said: “Overall, the Taskforce found that the majority of education authorities attained value for money and delivered quality education facilities. The Final Report notes that the program has touched every community in Australia, and has delivered substantial stimulus.” There was some overcharging, mostly in NSW where the rollout was fastest. There was some waste, but overall there was value for money, not billions of dollars wasted as you asserted. Your lying propaganda so convinced the public that a recent survey showed that an overall majority went along with your mantra. But the majority of those who had children at the schools where improvements had been made were well satisfied with the program, a significant finding. Those who benefited praised the program; those who didn’t benefit directly believed your lies, and went along with you. How do you feel about deceiving the electorate so blatantly?

Global Financial Crisis lies
Let’s go back a little further, to the Global Financial Crisis. The view of almost every reputable economist, here and overseas, is that the Rudd Government did a sterling job in shielding this nation from the crisis. Wayne Swan has been named ‘World’s Best Treasurer’ by Euromoney magazine, the IMF and World Bank continue to laud Australia’s efforts, and governments around the world indicate how they envy our position: our low debt, our low inflation, our low interest rates, our growth close to trend, 200,000 jobs protected during the GFC leading to low unemployment (now 5.1%, resulting in more Australians being in work than at any time in our history), our jobs creation (46,300 in January and 760,000 since the Labor Government was elected), and they say so repeatedly.

For the first time in our history, Australia has triple A ratings from all three rating agencies. Yet you, and your shadow Treasurer have the temerity to attempt to discredit what the Government has achieved, to attribute our strong situation almost entirely to prior reforms legislated by previous governments, previous Howard Government surpluses, a strong well-regulated banking system and Reserve Bank monetary policy that reduced interest rates to record lows. Of course all of these factors are relevant, but to deny the value of all the other actions the Government took – bank guarantees, cash supplements to promote retail trade, and targeted stimulus programs such as the HIP and BER to support the construction industry and local suppliers, is not just mean-spirited, it is another disingenuous tissue of lies with which you smother every good thing this Government does. Joe Hockey even queried whether the crisis ever existed when he said: “What recession?” You never give credit no matter how deserving; instead you lie, even though this flies in the face of informed opinion. We are sick and tired of your lies.

The minority government failure lie
One of your most laughable lies is that the minority government ‘experiment’ has been a failure. You assert this over and again despite the Gillard Government having so far passed 269 pieces of legislation without one failure, despite trenchant opposition from you and the Coalition at every step. Some failure! Some lie!

Changes to the private health insurance rebate lies
‘Addicted to tax’ is one of your favourite slogans to characterize the Government. In last week’s debate about the health rebate changes, you even chose to affix the tag ‘health tax’ to this measure. I noticed that you soon dropped this deceptive description, but I bet it reappears in your election campaign to push your line that the Government is ‘addicted to tax’. Your health tax label applied to the levy, one that was in your legislation, that was applicable if wealthy people refused to take out private health insurance, a stick the Howard Government introduced to push the wealthy into insurance instead of sponging on the public health system. The new legislation simply adjusted that upward. But to you it was a ‘health tax’. Another lie. Last time legislative changes were made to the rebate, Joe Hockey predicted a million would leave private health insurance; since then 800,000 have joined. Another lie, or a major miscalculation?

You threaten to reverse the legislation if you are elected, but say nothing about how you will manage the loss of $2.4 billion from your budget bottom line over the forward estimates, a loss that will amount to $100 billion by 2050. You are now using the qualifying words ‘as soon as possible’ no doubt realizing that you would be cutting off your nose to spite your face, all for a few votes, most of which would come from your supporters anyway. So already you are promising something you have no intention of delivering, as you know full well you will need every cent to balance your budget and achieve a surplus. This will be shown to be another Abbott lie.

Boat people lies
I could go on and on, but let’s touch briefly on your lies about the processing of asylum seekers. Both the Coalition and the Government favour offshore processing, which could begin if only you voted for Government legislation to allow any government to select its own offshore processing arrangements. But you refuse, insisting it has to be your preferred approach – incarceration on Nauru. You insist that this, TPV’s, and turning boats around will ‘work’ in deterring boat arrivals, as you assert they did during the Howard era, when arrivals did fall. You refuse to acknowledge that circumstances in world migration now are radically different from that in the Howard years; you refuse to accept expert advice that Nauru will no longer be a deterrent, you just press on with your deception knowing that much of the electorate will swallow your paltry reasoning.

You claim that within weeks Nauru could be ready for receiving boat people, although you know it is partly derelict and is currently used for other purposes. You know about the water shortages, and the substantial costs of readying the venue, but you are in denial. You get a ‘catering firm’ to give you a quote on the cost of restoration of Nauru, which you will not expose to scrutiny. It is much lower than experts from the public service have estimated. You know the quote is shonky, but you don’t care, so long as it makes the Government look incompetent. If you get into Government you will simply bury your miscalculations.

What about your threat to turn the boats around? You say it was done before and can be done again. Yet you know how many boats were disabled to avoid return, you know of the tragic deaths from such actions, you remember the 353 who died on SIEVX, but you still insist you will turn them around. That is a lie. You won’t because you can’t. Will you use your ‘boat-phone’ to instruct naval commanders to ‘turn them around’? Will you back off if they say that would be dangerous? I bet you will. Your hairy-chested threat is a charade, another lie to elicit redneck support.

Tell us why turning boats around and returning them to Indonesia is legitimate when that country has said it doesn’t want them back? Do you care about the damage such action would do to diplomatic relations with Indonesia? You threaten to send the boats back but you know that Indonesia is not a signatory to the UN Refugee Convention, although that is the very reason you state you won’t support Labor’s Malaysia arrangements. What rank hypocrisy.

To cap it all off you then seized on a recent media beat-up that boat people in detention were being provided with ‘luxury items’ such as TV sets, which Chris Bowen explained were just basic items for living, not for the individual, but for the dwelling. You insisted that this was sending the wrong message by ‘rolling out the red carpet’. You know this and all your utterances about boat people are designed to garner votes, and are simply a bundle of lies.

Lies about the ‘tax repeals’
This piece is already long enough, so let me finish by referring to the carbon and minerals taxes, which you have given a ‘blood oath’ to repeal. You insist you will do that, as well as reversing last week’s changes to the private health insurance levy, thereby sacrificing many billions of dollars of revenue, but you insist you will still give tax cuts and introduce your extravagant PPL scheme. This is where your $70 billion in ‘savings’ will come into play. You know you can’t make the sums add up, but you still persist, although I hear you now conceding that ‘it won’t be easy’. No doubt this is a prelude to claiming that Labor has left the budget in such a state that you cannot keep your promises and a surplus budget in your first year – core and non-core promises all over again! You say you will take away the tax breaks to families and businesses and the pension increases that accompany the carbon tax, along with the increases in superannuation, but you know you won’t and certainly can’t without a double dissolution election. You know the electoral backlash would be so severe that despite all your hairy-chested ‘promises’, you will go to water and blame Labor for your default.

We are sick and tired of your lies, your misrepresentations, your deceit, which you perpetrate day after day because virtually no one in the MSM has the guts to confront you with your deception, and when a marginally less timid journalist tries, you avoid giving an answer and close down the questions. Without a compliant MSM you would not be able to get away with your disingenuousness; you would be exposed for what you are.

To return to the beginning, the irony of you of all people lambasting our PM for lying is risible. It is not just a simple case of the pot benignly calling the kettle black, it is a premeditated, venomous, ongoing personal campaign to discredit our PM, to burn into the public psyche the belief that she is a lair, not to be trusted, and therefore to be thrown out of office because this renders her ‘incapable of governing’, despite her having passed 269 pieces of legislation. It is reprehensible in the extreme, based as it is on a long trail of lies and misrepresentations.

Finally, should any pro-Coalition reader wish to label this piece ‘the rant of an old lefty’, as I suspect some might, respond by exposing any facts in this piece you consider incorrect. To echo the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, you are entitled to hold a different opinion from mine, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

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Patricia WA

19/02/2012AA, forgive me - won't be able to read and comment on this today, have family for tea and a pome to finish! Back tomorrow, and then I can comment on comments too! Can I though push in here with a request to Ian, who left a great comment at the end of John's post and for whom I left a message re what he, or anyone else here, thinks about Cartoon No. 3 in Moir's gallery linked at

Catching up

19/02/2012Yes, Mr. Abbott could have the right solutions if the problems are as he describes, The problem for Mr. Abbott and maybe Australia, this is not so. Mr. Abbott not only lies but hides his head in the sand to the realities we face today. No carbon tax is not the answer to today's problem. There is much in the scheme that will benefited the economy. History will write up this PM with respect for what she has achieved, against the odds. The PM is not shaking in her boots. paralysed into inactivity. The opposite is true, the PM is getting on with governing the country. Mr. Abbott has entered Alice in Wonderland country.


19/02/2012Ad astra Thank-you for such a compelling article. We have all learned to live with the fact that all politicians lie to us at some stage but it is a rare thing that their lies can potentially cause such irreparable damage to our future prosperity. I am genuinely frightened by the new style of the Abbott era which sees no holds barred and no level of duplicity out of bounds. It saddens me that a scheme like the BER can be dragged down and not properly appreciated by so many Australians. The positive legacy of the BER will be with us for decades to come and yet it is vilified as a waste. As for the GFC deniers, here is a little something that I prepared earlier. A recent conversation on [i]The Political Sword[/i] turned to the efficacy of the Labor government's stimulus programmes, with particular emphasis on whether they were too big and lasted too long. One contention is that Treasurer over-reacted, exaggerating the perceived threat and by allowing the stimulus to run past the peak of the crisis he negligently placed upward pressure on inflation, overheating the economy and forcing the Reserve Bank to increase interest rates to cool things down. Treasury's predictions of the possible hit to employment has also been questioned. I thought it might be interesting to find out what the Governor of the RBA at the time, Glenn Stevens felt were the primary motivators for the rate cuts in the first instance and then subsequent rate rises as the risk to our economy abated. I was given unprecedented access to his diary notes and he graciously agreed for me to use these extracts. So, here then are the thoughts of Mr Glenn Stevens, Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia during the events surrounding the GFC, the movements in the cash rate and what, if any, effect fiscal policy may have had on the RBA's actions. September 2008 pre-GFC - the first rate cut (7.25% - 0.25% = 7.00%) [quote]Given the opposing forces at work, considerable uncertainty has surrounded the outlook for demand and inflation. On balance, however, it is looking more likely that household demand will remain subdued and overall economic growth slow over the period ahead. ********** Weighing up the available domestic and international information, the Board judged that there was now scope for monetary policy to become less restrictive.[/quote] October 2008 onset of GFC - the second rate cut (7.00% - 1.00% = 6.00%) [quote]Conditions in international financial markets took a significant turn for the worse in September. Large-scale financial failures in several major countries were accompanied by serious dislocation in interbank markets and heightened instability in other markets, including sharp falls in share prices. ********** Economic activity in the major countries is also weakening, and [b]evidence is accumulating of a significant moderation in growth in Australia’s trading partners in Asia[/b]. The recent deterioration in prospects for global growth, together with much more difficult market conditions even for creditworthy borrowers, now present the risk that demand and output could be significantly weaker than earlier expected.[/quote] November 2008 early GFC - the third rate cut (6.00% - 0.75% = 5.25%) [quote]International economic data have continued to point to significant weakness in the major industrial economies, and there have been further signs that China and other parts of the developing world are slowing as well. These conditions have contributed to further falls in world commodity prices. In Australia, the overall path of economic activity appears until recently to have been close to what the Board had expected, with a needed moderation in demand occurring after a period of earlier strength. Recent reductions in borrowing rates, the depreciation of the exchange rate and the fiscal stimulus announced in October will work to assist growth in the period ahead, but deteriorating international conditions and falling commodity prices will have a dampening influence. On balance, it appears likely that spending and activity will be weaker than earlier expected.[/quote] December 2008 - the fourth rate cut (5.25% - 1.00% = 4.25%) [quote]Weighing up the international and domestic developments of recent months, the Board judged that a further significant reduction in the cash rate was warranted now, to take monetary policy to an expansionary setting. ********** There has now been a major easing in monetary policy over the past few months.  Together with the spending measures announced by the Government, and a large fall in the Australian dollar exchange rate, significant policy stimulus will be supporting demand over the year ahead.[/quote] February 2009 - the fourth rate cut (4.25% - 1.00% = 3.25%) [quote]There was a significant deterioration in world economic conditions late in 2008. The effects on household and business confidence of the financial turmoil following Lehman’s collapse, and continuing strains on major financial institutions, saw a significant downturn in demand around the world. As a result, the major advanced economies contracted sharply in the December quarter, as did a number of emerging market economies. [b]The Chinese economy, though still growing, has slowed markedly.[/b] ********** Economic conditions in Australia have also been affected, though less than in other advanced economies. Australia’s financial system remains in a strong condition and large interest rate reductions over recent months have been passed through in substantial measure to end borrowers. Nonetheless, the combination of last year’s financial turmoil, a severe global downturn and substantial falls in commodity prices has had a significant dampening effect on confidence, and therefore on prospects for growth in demand.[/quote] March 2009 - unchanged (3.25%) [quote]Recent data confirm that the world economy has remained very weak following the sharp decline in demand that occurred late last year. ********** In response to that outlook, there has already been a major change in both monetary and fiscal policy. Market and [b]mortgage rates are at very low levels by historical standards[/b] and business loan rates are below recent averages, reducing debt-servicing burdens considerably. Together with the substantial fiscal initiatives, the cumulative decline in interest rates will provide significant support to domestic demand over the period ahead. On this basis, notwithstanding evident economic weakness at present, the Board judged that the stance of monetary policy was appropriate for the moment.[/quote] April 2009 - the fifth rate cut (3.25% - 0.25% = 3.00%) [quote]Recent information from abroad indicates that the contraction in the global economy continued during the first few months of this year, and [b]most assessments of the near-term outlook have been further marked down.[/b] Considerable economic policy stimulus is in train in most countries, the full effects of which are not yet discernible, but which should help contain the downturn over the rest of the year. There are tentative signs of stabilisation in several countries, including China, though it is too early yet to judge how durable these will prove to be.[/quote] May 2009 - unchanged (3.00%) [quote]The Australian economy contracted in the latter part of 2008, and this has continued in 2009 to date, with both domestic and international demand weaker. [b]Capacity utilisation[/b] has fallen back to about average levels, and [b]will decline further over the rest of the year[/b]. With [b]demand for labour weakening[/b], growth in labour costs will probably also fall. ********** The stance of monetary policy, together with the substantial fiscal initiatives, will provide significant support to domestic demand over the period ahead.[/quote] August 2009 - unchanged (3.00%) [quote]Economic conditions in Australia have been [b]stronger than expected a few months ago[/b], with both consumer spending and exports notable for their resilience. Measures of confidence have recovered a good deal of ground. This suggests that the risk of a severe contraction in the Australian economy has abated. The most likely outcome in the near term is [b]a period of sluggish output[/b], with consumer spending likely to slow somewhat and investment remaining weak.[/quote] September 2009 - unchanged (3.00%) [quote]Economic conditions in Australia have been stronger than expected, with consumer spending, exports and business investment notable for their resilience. ********** Unemployment has not, to this point, risen [b]as far as had been expected[/b]. Weaker demand for labour, evident in a decline in hours worked, nonetheless has seen a moderation in labour costs.[/quote] October 2009 - the first rate rise (3.00% + 0.25% = 3.25%) [quote]Economic conditions in Australia have been stronger than expected and measures of confidence have recovered.  Some spending has probably been brought forward by the various policy initiatives. [b]As those effects diminish, these areas of demand may soften somewhat[/b]. Some types of capital spending are likely to be held back for a while by financing constraints, but it now appears that private investment will not be as weak as earlier expected. Medium-term prospects for investment appear, moreover, to be strengthening. Higher dwelling activity and public infrastructure spending is also starting to provide more support to spending. Overall, growth through 2010 looks likely to be close to trend. ********** In late 2008 and early 2009, the cash rate was lowered quickly, to [b]a very low level, in expectation of very weak economic conditions[/b] and a recognition that [b]considerable downside risks existed[/b]. That basis for such a low interest rate setting has now passed, however. With growth likely to be close to trend over the year ahead, inflation close to target and the risk of serious economic contraction in Australia now having passed, the Board’s view is that it is now prudent to begin [b]gradually lessening the stimulus provided by monetary policy[/b]. This will work to increase the sustainability of growth in economic activity and keep inflation consistent with the target over the years ahead.[/quote] November 2009 - the second rate rise (3.25% + 0.25% = 3.5%) [quote]Over the past year, the Australian economy has performed [b]better than was widely expected[/b]. While activity contracted around the turn of the year – as it did in all advanced economies – a range of indicators, including private-sector surveys and information from the Bank’s liaison program, suggest that the economy has expanded at [b]a moderate pace[/b] over the past six months or so.[/quote] [quote]Inflationary pressures continue to moderate, consistent with the [b]slowdown in the domestic economy[/b], although in underlying terms inflation remains relatively high. Wage growth slowed significantly over the first half of 2009, and upstream price pressures are subdued. The recent appreciation of the exchange rate is also starting to exert downward pressure on inflation in the tradables sector of the economy, and inflation expectations are broadly consistent with the Bank’s medium-term inflation target.[/quote] [quote]As discussed in earlier chapters, the recent flow of data suggests that the domestic economy is growing, benefiting from the rebound in growth in Asia, the stimulus delivered by fiscal and monetary policies, and strong growth in the population and capital stock ..... In year-average terms, GDP growth is expected to be around 1½ per cent in 2009/10, 3 per cent in 2010/11 and 3½ per cent in 2011/12. These forecasts have been prepared using the technical assumption that the cash rate [b]increases gradually[/b].[/quote] [quote]The general improvement in the economic data and the decline in risk aversion have seen most equity markets record strong gains over recent months. ********** [b]These outcomes are better than those thought likely earlier in the year[/b] and forecasts for global growth have been revised up, with growth in Australia’s trading partners expected to be close to trend in 2010. [b]The large downside risks that were evident six months ago have also diminished. Significant risks, nevertheless, remain[/b]. ********** Economic conditions in Australia have also been stronger than expected. In contrast to other developed economies, the Australian economy is estimated to have expanded, albeit modestly, over the first half of the year and recent data suggest that this expansion has continued into the second half. [b]Confidence has improved and spending has been supported by stimulatory settings for both monetary and fiscal policy[/b]. The Australian economy has also benefited from the strong bounce-back in Asia, particularly in China, with export volumes remaining broadly unchanged during a period in which global trade fell markedly.[/quote] December 2009 - the third rate rise (3.5% + 0.25% = 3.75%) [quote]The effects of the early stages of the fiscal stimulus on consumer demand are fading, but public infrastructure spending is starting to provide more impetus to demand. Prospects for ongoing expansion of private demand, including business investment, have been strengthening. There have been some early signs of an improvement in labour market conditions. [b]The rate of unemployment is now likely to peak at a considerably lower level than earlier expected.[/b] ********** With the risk of serious economic contraction in Australia having passed, the Board has moved at recent meetings to lessen [b]gradually[/b] the degree of monetary stimulus that was put in place when [b]the outlook appeared to be much weaker[/b].[/quote] February 2010 - unchanged (3.75%) [quote]Interest rates to most borrowers nonetheless remain [b]lower than average[/b]. If economic conditions evolve broadly as expected, the Board considers it likely that monetary policy will, over time, need to be adjusted further in order to ensure that inflation remains consistent with the target over the medium term.[/quote] March 2010 - the fourth rate rise (3.75% + 0.25% = 4.00%) [quote]Interest rates to most borrowers nonetheless remain lower than average. The Board judges that with growth likely to be close to trend and inflation close to target over the coming year, it is appropriate for interest rates to be [b]closer to average[/b].[/quote] April 2010 - fifth rate rise (4.00% + 0.25% = 4.25%) [quote]Interest rates to most borrowers nonetheless have been somewhat lower than average. The Board judges that with [b]growth likely to be around trend[/b] and inflation close to target over the coming year, it is appropriate for interest rates to be [b]closer to average[/b]. Today’s decision is a further step in that process.[/quote] May 2010 - sixth rate rise (4.25% + 0.25% = 4.5%) [quote].......... the Board has been adjusting the cash rate towards levels that would be consistent with interest rates to borrowers being [b]close to the average experience[/b] over the past decade or more. The Board expects that, as a result of today’s decision, [b]rates for most borrowers will be around average levels[/b]. This represents a significant adjustment from the very expansionary settings reached a year ago.[/quote] June through October 2010 - unchanged 4.5% November 2010 - seventh rate rise (4.5% + 0.25% = 4.75%) [quote]Information on the Australian economy indicates growth around trend over the past year. Public spending was prominent in driving aggregate demand for several quarters but this impact is now lessening. ********** For some time, the Board has held the stance of monetary policy steady, which has resulted in interest rates to borrowers being close to their average of the past decade.[/quote] December 2010 through October 2011 - unchanged 4.75% November 2011 - first rate cut (4.75% - 0.25% = 4.5%) [quote]Over the past year, the Board has maintained a mildly restrictive stance of monetary policy, in view of its concerns about inflation. With [b]overall growth moderate[/b], inflation now likely to be close to target and confidence subdued outside the resources sector, the Board concluded that a more neutral stance of monetary policy would now be consistent with achieving sustainable growth and 2–3 per cent inflation over time.[/quote] Some readers may be surprised to see that during the period where the government's fiscal stimulus was starting to wind back and the cash rate was returning to normal there was no mention of the economy over-heating or the risk of inflation soaring out of control. If we are to believe Mr Stevens, it was a very orderly transition to what the RBA considers to be 'normal, average' settings. In fact, so balanced were the economic settings that the Board saw fit to maintain the cash rate at a steady level for 11 consecutive months. It is also worth noting that the RBA's forecasts for increases in the level of unemployment at the height of the crisis proved to be somewhat pessimistic in hindsight although they were in line with Treasury forecasts.


19/02/2012Ad, you've made a well-timed, articulate case against Abbott...well done. Abbott is a highly vulnerable leader of the Opposition who has demonstrated by way of his lies & weathervane approach...and inability to comprehend what socio-economic policies are required for this country in a time of volatile global economic times... the parental leave scheme is an overreach & panders to those not in need as badly as Howard's rebates for the upper-class; his stance on not subsidising certain industries even tho China, America & others do so is just plain stupid and will see the loss of essential skills & manufacturing; his inability to communicate effectively w/ his economic team and get a consistent & coherent message out displays a lack of effective leadership... and signals we could have a WOLF in SHEEP'S CLOTHING when it comes to damaging austerity measures... Abbott's approach to Aboriginal affairs reminds me of a missionary trying to introduce paternalistic control by the backdoor... his bias towards those of FAITH gives me the chills...I can't stand wowser crusaders like him & Bush who put on the clown performance in pretence of being a [i]regular guy[/i] yet are quite willing to allow their allies, including pollies such as Sen. Bernardi & media (think Allan Jones, Andrew Bolt & Murdoch rags) to fear-monger, dog whistle and divide communities by fingerpointing in order to gain political traction. It's gutless sewer politics. Bad for a world that is becoming increasingly inter-connected...yet ever volatile. We don't need more POLITICAL ARSONISTS. As for the BOATPHONE and such...the man is a joke. If he were to become PM we would see constant turmoil & upheaval as he has proven himself to be a nasty cultural warrior of the worst kind...and many influential people have a long memory. The Liberals think they have done themselves a favour listening to Howard and supporting this negabore... but in fact they have created a monster...a monster who has left them w/ webs of lies and deceit, catching them up time & time again... and just plain stupid & archaic & negative policies & responses at this time of the political pendulum... and once the ALP sort out there leadership's likely the Coalition will have a great deal of problems selling their confused message...and mean-spirited, too wily, crafty for his own good, leader. The public know when they're being offered up a spoiled product... give them quality and they'll dispose of Abbott pretty damn quick. They're sick of the stench...and the BS... but need a quality alternative that will help them decide to drop him in the bin of obscurity. It should be an easy case for an articulate, determined, trustworthy, respected, visionary, cooperative government leader/PM to make. Instead, we get distractions, stumbles & parliamentary feuds (Gillard vs Abbott) that resembles a spiteful custody battle. C'mon Labor, you can do better. It's time to kick this charlatan's butt. N'


19/02/2012Make that: Abbott is a highly vulnerable leader of the Opposition who has demonstrated by way of his lies & weathervane approach he is not a credible alternative PM. N'

Ad astra reply

19/02/2012NormanK Thank you so much for your comprehensive comment that so clearly puts paid to the lie perpetrated by Joe Hockey that Wayne Swan over-reacted to the global financial crisis, exaggerated the threat and overdid the stimulus. It is just this sort of documentary evidence that will effectively counter Coalition lies. We need more of this. What a pity it is that journalists in the MSM have so little inclination to write such well-researched material.


19/02/2012pleased to see this list of Abbott lies. I note that the [b]Global Mail[/b] has an article about Turnbull <a href="">Prime Minister On Hold</a> that mentions leadership. Turnbull looks good with less weight


19/02/2012Hi Ad Thankyou for your superb article "Tony Abbott we are sick of your Lies". You are doing your talking to me again Ad Astra, you and your brilliant writing. You have exposed many lies in your article Ad. There has been much written about Abbott's lies, I have listed a couple here for you. Budget Smugglers Can’t Hide A Dirty Big Black Hole, Patriciawa, Polliepomes this attempt to [b]win government by fraud [/b]and other frequent and self confessed lying by Tony Abbott, the electorate at large seem wise to his general lack of principles [i]Tony Abbotts lies,by Stuart Burnett, Phegans Ba Southern Free Times[/i] Much is made of Julia Gillard’s so-called lies. Nothing is ever said of Tony Abbott’s lies. He continually says that he will roll back the Carbon Legislation, the Mining Tax NBN etc. He can’t! The Greens have the balance of power in the Senate for the next six years and they don’t look like changing their policies in that time. Abbott absurdities on Climate Change, Larvatus Prodeo Tony Abbott lies about having never favoured a carbon tax or an ETS. Phonytonyabbott. Tony Abbott's Territory lie, ABC, Audio Tony Abbott exploited those ideas to generate a bit of publicity. In fact, the allegation from one person in the know, is that this story [b]was a complete beat up! Lies[/b]! No good government would ever spend more than a billion dollars putting pink batts into roofs and a billion dollars to take them out again. It wouldn’t spend $16 billion on over-priced school halls while the standards of academic achievement actually fell. Drum Piece and National press-club-rant, Greg Jericho,Grog's Gamut Only thing is of course it didn’t spend $16b on “over-priced school halls”; no report anywhere has suggest it did. But hey – let that one go through to the keeper. Academic achievement actually fell?? Actually what happened is the NAPLAN tests revealed that Cheers:):):):):):)


19/02/2012As for ANNA BLIGH and the QLD election...she's been a bloody good & courageous leader...and we're lucky to have her. I don't agree w/ all her decisions...but true leadership means that not every voter gets what they want. I don't mind Campbell Newman nor Jeff Seeney... they both seem like nice blokes. Rational enuff. If the LNP win, which they are likely to do primarily due to the fact Labor has been in government for a good long time and democracy is oft replenished by change...I certainly will give them breathing space to demonstrate how visionary & effective & fair they can be. I was impressed by the moderate conservative government led by Mike Ahern...and the mayorship of Sally-Anne Atkinson. I hope the LNP do not return to archaic policies such as the teacher transfer system which caused enormous stress for some teachers who were round pegs put in square holes. Many who turned on the Nats/Liberals in the mid-late 90s. They're has to be a better way. If Anna wins, then I'm happy. During the floods she was a calm & reassuring voice amidst the building panic. Still brings tears to my eyes. And I still remember my wife telling me about Anna Bligh's inspiring address to a group of science students & teachers a few years motivated my wife no a school that at the time was one of the toughest in QLD. Since then the teachers have worked their butts off w/ families & students & neighbours to improve the social environment & achievement levels...w/ the help of both state & federal funding & policies. I'd hate to see all that wrecked by knee-jerk policies by Nats & Libs who are suspicious of, if not hostile towards, public school funding & agendas (much of it just loopy paranoia on their part as I discovered as an educator in the 90s...many teachers in QLD are quite conservative in their approach & far less progressive than I expected)... generally educators are there to provide the best support they can for students...provide them w/ the skills to grasp the opportunities that come their way...and no media exaggerations, distortions & opportunistic culture warrior mischief-making can fool the majority of parents & guardians into believing otherwise on a consistent basis. If Campbell Newman does become Premier...I hope he respects the hardworkers in this state in all sectors...and the under-privileged...and the diverse multicultural makeup of some communities...and does not play cheap politics that divides people and damages motivation. Stomp blindly on someone, a community, and you might create an enemy for life. At least political life. BTW, I wonder if Ruddy doesn't reclaim the leadership if he'll ever run to be premier? He knows this state thru & thru. N'


19/02/2012make that: [quote]There has to be a better way.[/quote] I'm off for another week. Gotta keep the blood pressure down. N'


19/02/2012Well done AA. That's a damn fine "surgical strike", on Abbott's normal method of bluster and BS. If only the MSM would spend a fraction of their overpaid time, detailing the facts as you have. Then maybe we wouldn't be looking at this turkey, as a (horrifyingly) real prospect of being PM.

Ad astra reply

19/02/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for your kind comments and more evidence of Abbott lies. We could write a book! Nasking Take it easy – we look forward to your return when you are feeling better. paddybts Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Do come again. Half the problem is the gutless journalists in the MSM who can’t, or more likely won’t, call Abbott’s lies.


19/02/2012Hi Paddybts I would like to join Ad Astra in saying welcome to you. We are all hoping you will come again. Love your gravatar. [i](horrifyingly) real prospect of being PM[/i]. We should be scared, frightened, terrified, there is a definate unhinged reckless, attitude in Abbott's DNA almost as though he is on the edge each day about to fall off. As Ad Astra said we could write a book just on the lies. Twitters report lies by Abbott everyday: judyvw2judy woodman amworldtodaypm Once again Tony Abbott uniformed lies really He has no credibility MissBailey Let's chat about Abbott's refugee lies today #lateline SalimPickensSalim Pickens Lying Tiny Abbott whips up lying media lies. z3n_digitalZen Digital mutatedwombat yes but Abbott is blaming carbon tax not streamlining business or not the need anymore due to new tech #AusPol LNP = LIES jot_auJoT So what if she knew. Abbott lies constantly, cheated often, abuses cenures, misses crucial votes, refuses interviews, NO policies COME ON SpaceKidetteSpace Kidette Misrepresentation = LIES. Abbott LIES again about Alcoa. #qt youngapprenticePB ABCthedrum: Alcoa: seeing through carbontax doomsday predictions hold abbott accountable for lies #auspol toastman51Toastman A loose moments but somethings just have to be said,what with Abbott's and austerity and lies, yes bloody lies - it's not looking good! Greybeard3Greg R How can Abbott with catering company costings, ideological claptrap and vague non-policies be "stronger on economics"? Lies, damned lies... Cheers:):):):):):)


19/02/2012Hi Ad I tweeted your article and these are all the tweets you received,for a short time this is a really good response. Thankyou to all the twitters. demaflerdebbiep IDoNotSupportAbbott because 49 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply davidbewartdavidbewart zackster: The Political Sword | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies (all of them, it's a long list):" some facts - 1 hour agoFavoriteRetweetReply TonyAbbottBotTony A Bot Computer says NO... RT @davidbewart: "@zackster: The Political Sword | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies (all of them, it's a lon... 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply TonyAbbottBotTony A Bot Computer says NO... RT @batterbox: The Political Sword | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies: via @AddThis 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply demafler debbiep ISupportGillard because 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply davidbewartdavidbewart zackster: The Political Sword | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies (all of them, it's a long list):" some facts 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply batterboxjan jay The Political Sword rd | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies: via AddThis 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply Adastra5The Political Sword Posted on The Political Sword: 'Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies' by Ad astra. 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply lynlinkingLyn Linking Tony Abbott we are sick of your lies NBN’ you will save the cost of network a lie & you know it by Ad Astra sharing 2 hours agoFavoriteReplyDelete zacksterZac Spitzer The Political Sword | Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies (all of them, it's a long list): 2 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply Cheers:):):):)

Ad astra reply

19/02/2012Hi Lyn Thank you for the tweets. It looks as if the lies meme has taken off.


19/02/2012Ad astra said Hi Lyn Thank you for the tweets. It looks as if [b]the lies meme has taken off[/b]. Yeah Tony, [b]Why[i] do [/i]you tell so many lies?[/b] You've done it all, you've broken every code And pulled the Rebel to the floor You spoilt the game, no matter what you say For only metal-what a bore! Blue eyes, blue eyes, [b]how come you tell so many lies?[/b] Come up and see me, make me smile or do what you want, runnin' wild. There's nothing left, all gone and run away Maybe you'll tarry for a while It's just a test, a game for us to play Win or lose, it's hard to smile Resist, resist, it's from yourself you have to hide. Come up and see me, make me smile or do what you want, runnin' wild. There ain't any more, you've taken everything From my belief in Mother Earth How can you ignore my faith in everything Cause' I know what faith is and what it's worth Away, away, and don't say maybe you'll try. Come up and see me, make me smile or do what you want, runnin' wild. Ohhhhhhhhh la la la Ohhhhhhhhh la la la ohhhhhh Come up and see me, make me smile or do what you want, runnin' wild. Ohhhhhhhhh la la la Ohhhhhhhhh la la la ohhhhhh Come up and see me, make me smile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . [u][b]*Feed the meme!*[/b][/u] Here's some meme tucker: :) Tune: [i]The Bear Went Over The Mountain[/i] The Liberals are all Liars! The Liberals are all Liars! The Liberals are all Li-i-ars - [i]And Abbortt is the worst![/i] And Abbortt is the worst! And Abbortt is the worst! The Liberals are all Liars! The Liberals are all Liars! The Liberals are all Li-i-ars - [b]And Abbortt is the WORST![/b]


20/02/2012Comrades, Hey, Fear not the outcome of the apparent ructions within our dear old ever-new Labor Party. Be sure, [i]whatever[/i] it might be, it will be a resolution and we will emerge stronger and more determined than ever. The Liberals may yet achieve their despicable aim of forcing a spill to bring down *J*U*L*I*A*, I don't think they will, but if they do I think she will win hands down, and if she doesn't we will still emerge stronger because we will it so. We will. Good word that. [b][i]Will[/i][/b]. Let ours be strong. And the NOposition will be sorry that they caused us the angst, because we [i]will[/i] be stronger, feistier with the MSM too, better fighters, more determined, than we ever were before. And the legislation is mostly in place. But the concrete needs time to set properly, [i]the Government must not fall[/i], it needs to go full term to win the next election. It is one integrated strategy, and always has been since *J*U*L*I*A* took the helm. Be staunch, don't weaken now Folks. The fact is, (and spread this true meme), this is a GREAT government, it will be viewed with [i]wonder[/i] in the future as the most remarkable ever. Don't let it slip away because the MSM and the filthy rich want it to! [i]That's all it is[/i], just keep your eye on the doughnut eh?


20/02/2012At last a couple of more candid admissions about the over-focus on the leadership by the MSM: Leadership circus hurting Labor brand Ross Peake Canberra Times. February 18, 2012 [i][b]'If you think we in the media are jumping at shadows about leadership, you are absolutely correct.'[/b] 'The reason for that is the same one making caucus jumpy - the aftermath of the sudden knife job on Rudd in 2010. It stunned caucus, although some MPs had seen private polling.' [b]'Labor MPs and press gallery journalists don't want to be taken by surprise again, hence the over-reaction all round as Parliament resumed two weeks ago'.[/b][/i] Read more: Prime Minister On Hold. Bernard Lagan. The Global Mail. February 6, 2012. [i]'In the 23 minutes The Global Mail had with the Prime Minister the Wednesday before [Parliament re-convened], she appeared warm and relaxed until the unavoidable question about the leadership speculation came. Her brow furrowed, her hands slightly clenched and her eyes lowered; it seemed a script, invisible to others, was in her hands. "It's not my intention to keep dealing with this," she said. You could sense the frustration in the room. And it may be as much frustration with those of her colleagues who are fermenting speculation on the leadership as with those of us tasked with writing about it. On Friday, Feb. 3, she lamented that Bob Hawke had gained more media coverage for downing a beer at the Sydney Cricket Ground during the Australia versus India test than she gained for announcing a $95 million boost to cricket's infrastructure. She's right, of course. And [b]it does people like me no credit at all.'[/b][/i]

Patricia WA

20/02/2012This was inspired by a Moir cartoon, No. 4 at this link and later by the comments of Ian who copied here at TPS his comment from PB at 7525 [b]We Are In Her Hands.[/b] I think its very sinister That newspaper reporters wield Power to trap a Prime Minister In their cunningly laid minefield. Of course she must answer questions, But surely any argument From the people, their suggestions, Should be heard in our Parliament? That’s what our constitution says, Kings granted that right long ago. But orders seem to come these days From stars of TV and radio. If our politicians mumble A response, or have ‘accidents’ From snares set to make them stumble, They criticise, “No confidence!” These ‘judges’ were not elected. So whence comes their authority? They’ve none. They’re employed, selected By a wealthy minority. We’re ruled by a plutocracy! Of mining and media magnates. They control our democracy And one press baron dominates. Tales of ambition and revenge Are told, maybe to lift his sales, But with this leadership challenge To make sure a government fails.


20/02/2012 From: lyn Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 9:56 PM To: lyn Subject: links 20th feb [b]TODAY’S LINKS[/b] [i]Oxygen thieves, Andrew Elder, Politically Homeless[/i] Gillard takes the press gallery strike as given and gets things done anyway: this is a state of affairs that would mortify any of the other politicians named in this paragraph. That's why Gillard [i]WHAT DO WE HEAR, Catching Up, Café Whispers[/i] What we do hear, is many positives being turned into negatives.What we do not hear is anything positive about the PM. What we hear all the time is, “Mr. Abbott says . . .” A Frank View Are Journalists allowed to call Ministers liars – with no proof? I know the names of some of those he has spoken to. I know where he said it – in his office – on a parliamentary sitting day [i]Bushfire Bill, The Poll Bludger[/i] This is an attempted coup by the media. They don’t want to get rid of Gillard. They want to get rid of the entire government, by simply making stuff up [i]What do public servants and Tony Abbott have in common? They’re both headed to remote Australia, apparently, James Higgins, The Politics Project[/i] He also re-iterated his rather bizarre promise (one of his only promises actually) that, if elected Prime Minister, he will spend one week of every year living in a remote Indigenous community, [i]Buying into the speculationJames Higgins The Politics Project[/i] Of course, moving before the state election has some drawbacks for Rudd. The ALP is on the nose in Queensland, and there is a very real chance they will lose (it’s probable even). However, if Rudd [i]Steve Gibbons Statement On Labor Leadership,Australian Politics Com[/i] Rudd took us to a magnificent victory in 2007 on a well established policy platform after the caucus rejected Kim Beazley as leader.However, his chaotic and deeply offensive style of leadership [i]We Are In Her Hands, Patriciawa, Polliepomes[/i] The link to the Moir Cartoon is for No. 4 in his gallery, depicting Julia Gillard in a minefield laid by the media! She is tip-toeing along very skilfully and taking great care of Australia [i]Great News for Tony Abbott: Doesn’t understand his own ideology when it comes to private health, Alex White[/i] The Good News for Tony Abbott is that he is all over the place on this issue — like most others — because he is caught between wanting to protect the entrenched, privileged interests of the wealthy [i]The Australian's Kevin Rudd demolition, The Mayne Report, February 18, 2012 [/i] Despite Howard congratulating Abbott for Rudd's scalp, the leader was not destroyed by the opposition. Abbott cracked Rudd but it is hard to escape the feeling it was Rudd's personality [i]Daily Tele asylum seeker story is just rabble-rousing, The Conscience Vote[/i] In what might be charitably described as the most revolting and prejudicial piece of muckraking journalism since Scott Morrison was invited to complain about the injustice of letting refugees [i]WHAT GEMMA JONES’ TELEGRAPH REFUGEE STORY WAS REALLY SAYING: A TRANSLATION, Mike Stuchbery[/i] Using my cryptographic abilities, I’ve examined Jones’ words and have come up with what I believe is the substance of Jones’ message [i]Gullible-gate, John Quiggin[/i] It’s certainly true that the global warming problem has meant more funding for climate science, but there’s only so much in the budget, and much of this money has come at the expense [i]Herd behaviour, fashion and status seeking, Ross Gittins[/i] So, Oswald has been interested in finding more objective ways to measure feelings such as happiness. When I compare your rating of your satisfaction with life with your spouse's [i]The Political fog , Gary Sauer-Thompson, Public Opinion[/i] This public mood accepts that economic doom and gloom makes sense, and it's insecurities means that it buys the Coalition's calculated rhetoric that the economic decline it talks up can [i]The Campaign That’s Almost Over Before it Has Begun Has Now Begun, Aussiepollies[/i] dirtiest campaigns in the history of the state and perhaps up there with the dirtiest Australia has seen. This year the attack ads hit many weeks ago, a lot earlier than usual which is [i]the hollowman .....,John Richardson, Your Democracy[/i] Media reports of the provision of lounges, plasma televisions, whitegoods and food prompted the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, to claim yesterday ''the red carpet is being rolled out'' [i]Katter a dancing dingbat - if you haven't seen it, you won't believe it - a masterful rant by radio bad boy Alan Jones on a campaign issue starting to loom large, and other stuff. The Magpie’s Nest[/i] And didn’t The ‘Pie predict it - the Mad Katter appears to have suddenly forgotten to take his the medication, with a truly bizarre public performance as the front man for his political pop group Bob and The Kattertonics Video:- [i]This week on Insiders, 19/02/2012[/i] Barrie Cassidy and the panel discuss politics, including the private health insurance rebate and the Labor leadership. [i]Meet the Press 19/2/2012[/i] School Education Minister Peter Garrett is our guest, discussing the lea... [i]Australian Agenda[/i] Sky News political contributor Peter van Onselen speaks with political editor David Speers about the prospect of a Kevin Rudd comeback to the Labor leadership. [i]ABC: On the eve of the official election campaign Seeney insists he will not be Premier Video [/i] [i]Queen of no She's called the scariest woman in Canberra. Meet Peta Credlin, Tony Abbott's fixer[/i]


20/02/2012 [b]TODAY'S FRONT PAGES[/b] Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 20 February 2012

Ad astra reply

20/02/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:


20/02/2012I'm wondering if this article has been sent to a number of media editors and a comment requested as to why an unpaid blogger can find the information for this (nicely attributed) article - why can't they? NormanK's economics rebuttal is equally worth the same treatment.

Ad astra reply

20/02/2012Patricia WA Thank you for your insightful poem. The danger of rule by the mining and media moguls is ever present and dangerous.


20/02/2012Thank you for the compilation of the lies and the exposure of weak man hiding behind obsfucation and deceit.That he is the selected leader of a poliical party says more for the lack of leadership and lack of direction in the fragile opposition party. I hold mainstream media up as vacuous medium in our society.


20/02/2012Morning Lyn Thanx for the links as usual. Andrew Elder's got it with his use of the term "strike" & B.B. as ever gets it too. I think it's likely that we will be seeing some sort of mighty push from the opposition & media who're getting very frustrated by Gillard's refusal to lay down. Returning to one of my favourites, I also despair at the knowledge that having created this atmosphere of negativty the media can as easily create the reverse for Abbott.


20/02/2012Hi Mel Welcome to "The Political Sword", thankyou for your support, as Ad Astra will say when he comes by, "please keep coming back". [i]I hold mainstream media up as vacuous medium in our society.[/i] I agree with you the MSM have a lot to answer for, they have put Abbott on a pedestal, he is treated as their mascot. "Tony Abbott Said", the Opposition Says................. Can you help me find one just one Political Journalist that supports the Government. Cheers:):):):):):)


20/02/2012Hi Ad In case you didn't see the ABC interview with Simon Crean. To be honest the report does not read how the interview sounded. I thought Simon Crean was quite good. [i]Crean dares Rudd to launch leadership challenge, Emma Griffiths, ABC[/i] Talking on ABC Local Radio in Melbourne, Mr Crean said Mr Rudd was "well short" of a majority of caucus votes and dared him to launch a challenge for Prime Minister Julia Gillard's job. "If Kevin Rudd can't be part of the team, let him exit the team," he said. "If he thinks he's got the numbers, let him challenge. "Kevin hasn't got the numbers to challenge. He's well short of anywhere near a majority. He can't win." Mr Crean, himself a former leader of the ALP, said Ms Gillard needed to have a "frank" discussion with the man she ousted from the job. "Clearly he's not playing as part of the team and I think that conversation should happen," he said. "If he can't be part of the team then he should exit the team, or challenge


20/02/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Andrew Elder is very unhappy with Malcolm Farnsworth article in the Drum this morning:- [i]Andrew Elder[/i] Poll: is mfarnsworth's piece in today's abcthedrum the sorriest piece of shit yet written about this non-event? Choose: yes/no/Collingwood 23 seconds ago [i]The Labor leadership: a time of peril and opportunity, Malcolm Farnsworth, The Drum[/i] This challenge is like no other before it. Even the hallowed Menzies had to form a new party and fight his way back through two elections from opposition to reclaim the prime ministership he lost in 1941. It took him eight years. Yet we're looking at Rudd retaking the prize from the deputy who grabbed it from him a mere 20 months ago. Whether he succeeds or fails, this is a rare moment in our political history, one which will be written and talked about for years to come. It's a great battle and a great human drama. :):):):):)

Ad astra reply

20/02/2012Mel Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and for your kind comments. Do come again. I agree strongly with your conclusion: [i]”I hold mainstream media up as vacuous medium in our society.”[/i] 2353 Pieces on [i]The Political Sword[/i] are regularly featured on a personalized news service [i]wotnews[/i] to which anyone can subscribe: If you go to the politics section: you will see the most recent items of political news listed, and if you type ‘The Political Sword’ into the search box at the foot of the screen, you will see the latest [i]TPS[/i] piece comes up in the list. It came up this morning on [i]wotnews[/i] for me. I am sure political journalists would take in [i]wotnews[/i] as well as other services as part of their surveillance of current news. This is a long answer to your suggestion that [i]Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies[/i] be sent to news editors; I feel sure their staff would be aware of the activities of the Fifth Estate, and although they would seldom, if ever acknowledge material there, I feel sure they take note of it. Every view expressed there contrary to their views will have some impact, albeit small. We just have to keep grinding away. Lyn You are right – the Simon Crean interview this morning was up to his usual high standard. He is spot on – Kevin Rudd should ‘put up’ and challenge or ‘shut up’. Crean is in favour of a personal confrontation between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. I look forward to reading the Malcolm Farnsworth article and the Andrew Elder response.


20/02/2012Good Morning BSA Bob Thankyou so much for supporting "Today's Link's" thankyou for you being you too, your comments everyday are always enjoyable. [i]atmosphere of negativty the media can as easily create the reverse for Abbott[/i] I agree with you the MSM could reverse Abbott in half a day, we can if we had their power. Ad Astra said to 2353: [i]The Political Sword are regularly featured on a personalized news service wotnews to which anyone can subscribe:[/i] Also Blogatariat features "The Political Sword's stories all the time, and always up to date Articles from The Political Sword Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies February 19, 2012 - 18:03 -- Admin Cheers:):):):)


20/02/2012Ad astra Thanks for the view Through those spectacled eyes; It near makes me [i]spew[/i] Abbortt's litany of lies! But what makes me furious, malicious, and sad Is, the Media's not [i]curious[/i]: Abbott Good . . . Gillard Bad.


20/02/2012Mel, Billie, Paddybts, welcome. Billie I couldn't get your Global Mail link to work, no matter, actually I think Mr T's looking pretty gaunt myself. And I do go to Global Mail, yes. Casablanca, BSA Bob, Mel, you all make good points. Ad's lead is compelling isn't it. It should be read by every Government politician and union organiser, printed and posted on walls in hard copy on every Government politician's office and workplace, it should be a well-publicised focus for ridicule of this disgrace of a man and his fawning lickspittle sycophants. (I know that's sort of redundant but it's still not enough!) If I could photoshop I'd do a video [b]loop[/b], I'll try an [i]air movie [/i]instead, OK here we go, Tony Abbortt Monday morning in a dazzling white suit He immediately starts picking up lumps of s#*t labelled like, [i]Alcoa Lies[/i], etc, and throwing them at *J*U*L*I*A*, and [i]he wipes his hands on his suit every time![/i] Tuesday . . . Wednesday . . . Thursday . . . Friday . . . Absolutely filthy by Saturday. S#*t [i]faced[/i] even. Still grinning stupidly. Sunday in his s#*tty suit he goes to Church. He kneels before ArchBigot Pell, (Holy water, censers, pretty little boys) Cherubs anoint his head, here comesthe blessed plonk, the cracker, Pell's making magic passes with a gold-plated window pole, (Heavenly music, from 'harpers harping on their harps', swells in the audio version of this air movie, can't you not hear it?!) . . . [b][u][i]*ABSOLUTION*! [/i][/u][/b] [b]He emerges from church radiantly snow-white, and floating three feet above the ground . . . [/b] surrounded by adoring fawning lickspittle sycophants . . . And the Loop goes on . . . And the funny thing about that air movie [i]is[/i] ? It ain't funny.


20/02/2012Ad You know me Dam I have to say this Not sodum. Not magnesum. Not uranum helum titanum strontum germanum um um um um um You know what I'm going to ask . . . [b]Why [/b][i]aluminum[/i]? :) Damn Yankees.

Ad astra reply

20/02/2012Folks I'm getting on the road now for Melbourne. I'll be back this evening.


20/02/2012[i]Never taunt a gal who holds her lower lip like [/i] [i]*J*U*L*I*A*s![/i] Those green and LASER eyes tell me she's gonna make a [i]fool o' yez![/i] [ . . . [i]*J*U*L*I*A*s [/i]. . . . . . [i]fool o' yez [/i]. . . :) ]


20/02/2012 Hi all- just checking in. I Have started tweetering over the weekend. Hi lyn ;) as you can see. Great article Ad, and John previous...keep it up- with the links, and comments, makes interesting insightful reading ! Replaces the MSMedia mis-mash.


20/02/2012I wrote this not long after *J*U*L*I*A* took over. I never posted it I think, but it makes interesting reading now. I gave it a title, [i][u]The Oakes Conundrum[/u].[/i] There is a logical absurdity relating to the leaking of Rudd/Gillard conversations. It’s quite fascinating really. Laurie Oakes, has apparently an inside informant about matters about which very very few people could possibly have known. The most obvious source is of course Rudd himself, but it ain’t necessarily so. Firstly, he was bound to be the most obvious. Secondly, he has [b]absolutely denied*[/b] being the source. He had no reason to lie, he could have just remained silent, as Gillard has correctly chosen to do. Rudd tell an outright unnecessary lie? I think not. He is not that stupid. [b]erm, . . . [i]Surely?*[/i] [/b] So if not Rudd himself, then who? [b]Therese Rein?*[/b] Could be, I suppose. I would not be surprised if Rudd had confided in her, and she could very well feel like doing Gillard and the Labor Party in the eye. But it’s only a shot in the dark, at best. Their kids? They’d be good and peeed off, no doubt, but he probably didn’t tell them the facts anyway. Other members of Cabinet? It seems the only other possibility, because no-one else knew about the matters involved – did they? And there seem to have been so few who could have known all the facts, surely he/she/it must be obvious to others at the centre? Anyway Laurie Oakes knows who is the rat (unless he himself is the author of what must be amazingly prescient prognostications – too amazing really, taken together.) And there are [b]only 2 possibilities as to whether it is indeed Rudd himself, or no. Either he is innocent, in which case he possibly doesn’t know who it is himself – which seems to stretch credibility; or else he is guilty both of treachery and of lying.* [/b] Now, obviously, Oakes is sworn to secrecy as to his informant’s identity – though he could, quite logically, exonerate Rudd himself if he wanted to, without necessarily compromising the true culprit’s identity. That he has not chosen to do so should not be taken as guilt on Rudd’s part, though. But this is where Oakes’ dilemma comes in. [b]Supposing that Rudd is indeed the serial leaker, as Mark Latham claims him to be, then on the one hand, Oakes has the responsibility as an investigative journalist to protect Rudd’s anonymity, yet on the other he has the responsibility as an investigative journalist to blow the whistle on Rudd as an outright liar.*[/b] These two countervailing ethical imperatives are [b]irreconcilable.*[/b] Think about it. There’s Oakes, the only one apart from the leaker who knows his/her identity, in the position of either betraying his informant by exposing him/her, or betraying the public by failing to inform them of a legitimate matter. And it’s no small matter at that. He could still exonerate Rudd, if Rudd is indeed innocent; he hasn’t, and one might ask why not? [end] [b]*Emphasis in bold added today.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Musing on the above, Me thinking, Who was it said, (I forget, someone Left though) wtte, [i]You may tell the truth sparingly or creatively, you may remain absolutely silent, but you must [u]never[/u], [u]never [/u][b][u]lie[/u]![/b][/i] I think it was PJK, correct me please if wrong. If Rudd has been lying all along he is [i]WORSE[/i] than Abbortt! Who is only treacherous in a yobbish sort of way. I just find that Rudd could be doing this [i]unbelievable[/i].


20/02/2012hi Debbie Congratulations on joining Twitter. We look forward to your reports and sharing on here, you will love the twitter experience. I followed you yesterday, not sure if you accepted yet though. Also now I can't find you again. Is your twitter name debbiep with nothing else??? Once I find you I will give you a tweet. debbiep ISupportGillard because Cheers:):):):)


20/02/2012Whoops sorry Debbie I meant to say thanks for your tweet and link to TPS.


20/02/2012Whoops sorry Debbie I meant to say thanks for your tweet and link to TPS.


20/02/2012Hi Ad Just in case you are a bit behind with the news on your trip to Melbourne, in my travels trying to find out about the health policy, dental scheme I fell over all this stuff. I have put together a special list for you. I wouldn't want you to miss out and if you are busy perhaps may not have realized the topic of the Newspapers ,TV’s. Radio Stations. MSM talk again today. MisdaMagooMisdaMagoo [b]Toxic Tony saying he is preparing for Govt. Just doesnt have any REAL policies or REAL costings yet. #Auspol #AbbottFraud @SkyNewsAust [/b] latikambourkeLatika Bourke [b]Word is Tony Abbott's told his Shadow Cabinet Ministers to clear their diaries bar the essentials this week...Wants to be ready [/b [u]So here is today's news for you all in a line, get ready go:-[/u] Battle for Labor leadership out in the open, Chris Uhlmann, ABC PM should confront Rudd – Crean, Sky News Voters react to Labor's leadership rumblings, ABC 24 ABC: Rudd v Gillard for the role of PM, Melissa Clarke, ABC Gillard supporters front up, Sky News Rudd's rage Channel 10 Kevin Rudd’s expletive-laden outtakes leaked, Channel 7 Channel 7 Rudd quiet on Labor leadershipFeb 20, 2012 | 3:38 mins channel 7 Rudd dodges leadership questionsFeb 20, 2012 | 54sec channel 7 Julia Spillard responds to RuddFeb 20, 2012 | 52sec channel 7 MayneReportStephen Mayne Surprised Aunty tolerates Barrie Cassidy talking to opposition at 3AW but worth a listen: 'Australia deserves better' 3AW Neil Mitchell came out with a scathing criticism of the crisis in Canberra this morning, saying 'Australia deserves better.' Scroll down for all related audio links, including audio of Rudd's outburst and Simon Crean's interview with Neil Mitchell* PM should confront Rudd – Crean Simon Crean says if Kevin Rudd thought he could topple the PM he would have made a move. Sky News Australia - 1 hour, 57 minutes ago Rudd goes mum again after declaring he's a changed man Kevin Rudd has gone quiet again on the issue of a leadership challenge after his defiant interview late on Saturday night. Canberra Times - 20 Feb 08:21AM PM should confront Rudd Crean - Sky News Australia Gillard should face up to Rudd, says Crean - Sydney Morning Herald Leadership battle looms as Rudd ambit... - The West Australian via all 281 news articles… PM should confront Kevin Rudd - Simon Crean IF Kevin Rudd can't be a team player he should quit to the back bench says senior minister Simon Crean. Herald Sun - 2 hours, 58 minutes ago Kevin will tear the joint down The life-or-death struggle between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard over the prime ministership is no longer in the shadows. It can no longer be dismissed as a media beat-up. The West Australian via - 20 Feb 05:43AM Now it's dirty A DAMAGING video of a furious Kevin Rudd swearing and rounding on embassy officials and a Chinese interpreter has been posted on YouTube on the day a Labor MP publicly warned the party would be "decimated" if it stuck with Julia Gillard. Sydney Morning Herald - 2 hours, 44 minutes ago Rudd makes caucus pitch Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd insists he's a changed man amid mounting prospects of a leadership spill. BigPond News - 19 Feb 09:09PM Rudd makes caucus pitch then zips Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd insists he's a changed man amid mounting prospects of a leadership spill. BigPond News - 19 Feb 07:47PM Three-part gift: only Kevin can stop Kevin THE anonymous person who tried to claw at Kevin Rudd by leaking video footage of him swearing in exasperation has, inadvertently, done him a tremendous favour. Queensland Country Life - 20 Feb 08:52AM Crean: Rudd hasn't got numbers 11:45AM UPDATE : Senior minister Simon Crean says Kevin Rudd must go as Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the government is "cannibalising itself". Adelaide Now - 18 minutes ago PM orders rival to show his hand A LEADERSHIP showdown between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd is almost certain to take place as soon as next week. The Courier Mail - 20 Feb 01:00AM I wonder how Hartcher failed to notice Rudd’s moves Peter Hartcher of the Sydney Morning Herald was once reputed to be Kevin Rudd’s media conduit of choice. Either he’s off the drip now, or… Herald Sun - 20 Feb 06:13AM Thanks for the publicity: Rudd supporters KEVIN Rudd's supporters were delighted when a YouTube video was leaked showing their man swearing and thumping his desk. - 20 Feb 12:00AM Blame game over leaked out-takes A MEMBER of Kevin Rudd's staff - who also worked for him as prime minister - was one of only two people who had regular access to a Mac computer and the auto-cue inside he used to record video tributes while in the top job. The Age - 20 Feb 07:46AM Resurgent Rudd the man Canberra loves to hate Kevin Rudd keeps saying he's no Mother Teresa. After knocking off Kim Beazley years ago, Rudd asked us not to compare him to the little saint of Calcutta. "As I keep saying, I'm no Mother Teresa. I've been in politics in one way or another for nearly 20 years and it's a difficult and bloody business." Brisbane Times - 20 Feb 12:06AM Sacking Rudd 'an option' Simon Crean urges PM to confront Kevin Rudd, saying Foreign Minister should 'put up or shut up'. The Age - 29 minutes ago Farrell rejects leadership vote 9:10AM UPDATE: LABOR'S most powerful faction leader Don Farrell has rejected any calls for a change of leadership from Julia Gillard to Kevin Rudd. Adelaide Now - 20 Feb 12:30AM SWORN IN? Kevin Rudd stars in expletive-laden YouTube video KEVIN Rudd regrets any offence caused by a video posted to YouTube showing him repeatedly swearing. Herald Sun - 19 Feb 03:15AM Crean warns Labor of 'mutual destruction' Former Labor leader Simon Crean says Labor is in danger of 'mutual destruction' unless the tension between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd is resolved. Sydney Morning Herald - 1 hour, 31 minutes ago 'Kevin clearly wants the job back' MP says Kevin Rudd made it clear to him that he wanted the leadership back as swearing video goes viral WATCH THE VIDEO. Daily Telegraph - 19 Feb 03:19PM Rudd questions blue tape's timing UPDATE: KEVIN Rudd says the timing of a video leak of him swearing and losing his temper is a little unusual. WATCH VIDEO Herald Sun - 19 Feb 12:00AM Questions over leaked Rudd video Senior Labor Party figures are scratching their heads this morning as to who leaked an embarrassing video of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd swearing in absolute frustration on YouTube. ABC via Yahoo!7 News - 19 Feb 07:13AM Leadership fight looms as heads counted A leadership battle between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd is looming as both look to fellow MPs for support. BigPond News - 20 Feb 06:46AM PM denies releasing Kev's rant AN angry Julia Gillard has rejected suggestions her staff leaked a video of a foul-mouthed Kevin Rudd. Adelaide Now - 20 Feb 12:30AM 'Steady the ship, it's sinking slowly' - Crean IF Kevin Rudd can't be a team player he should quit to the back bench says senior minister Simon Crean. Herald Sun - 2 hours, 23 minutes ago Rudd all the rage on video Damaging video of a furious Kevin Rudd swearing posted on YouTube. The Age - 19 Feb 12:20AM THE CHALLENGE: Gillard urged to strike first and sack Rudd PM being urged to ditch Kevin Rudd as some MPs believe a leadership ballot could happen as early as next week. - 20 Feb 12:00AM PM denies releasing Kev's cranky rant AN angry Julia Gillard has rejected suggestions her staff leaked a video of a foul-mouthed Kevin Rudd. - 20 Feb 12:00AM A peace offering to Kevin Rudd (Bumped from yesterday) Yes, I was vehemently against Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister. The grandiose plans, the even more grandiose spending, the wild global warming preaching and the… Herald Sun - 18 Feb 12:03AM Rudd cuts and runs amid political storm KEVIN Rudd will wake in Mexico today, leaving behind a political storm that is engulfing Anna Bligh's re-election campaign. The Courier Mail - 20 Feb 01:00AM Rudd cuts and runs from ALP storm KEVIN Rudd will wake in Mexico today, leaving behind a political storm that is engulfing Anna Bligh's re-election campaign. The Courier Mail - 20 Feb 01:00AM There will be Labor challenge - Wilkie Independent MP Andrew Wilkie says Kevin Rudd has talked to him about possibly returning to the top job. BigPond News - 19 Feb 10:47AM Cheers:):):):):):):):):)


20/02/2012[quote]We’re ruled by a plutocracy! Of mining and media magnates. They control our democracy And one press baron dominates. [/quote] Patricia, if you & others on here truly believe that then why don't you demand that Gillard & Swan come up w/ a better deal. The present mining tax deal is a joke. By the time any appropriate revenue comes in these exploitive mining turds will have done a runner, as they oft do. They're as patriotic & loyal to their country as Rupert Murdoch. Greedy opportunistic multinational corporate swines who con the public by way of manipulating union bosses & politicians time & time again... it's one reason Rudd was axed. W/ the help of a complicit & super profits terrified media who are partially involved in mightily profitable gambling and sports...amongst other things. The fact that BHP polls were kept from Rudd by Labor/union insiders, as shown on 4 Corners, attests to the power of these mining barons. Why do you think the four large banks are getting away w/ highway robbery? They screw the average mortgage holder whilst they help bail out their rich mates w/ savings accounts etc...some based overseas...those who have made bad decisions & investments which partially led to the GFC. Why should the Australian small business owner & mortgage holder have to bailout the greedsters by way of covert, backdoor measures by banks? More community/co-op banks the better I reckon. It's time to look out for the little's time they ROARED. Tony Abbott gets a FREE RIDE bashing the government on their carbon price...when in fact the high Australian dollar, too high interest rates combined w/ competition from places w/ mass subsidies and currency & wage advantages such as China & India are doing the REAL damage. An Australian dollar pumped up by a mining boom that resembles the American housing boom...irrational exuberance. An irrational mining boom supported by Abbott who is unwilling to support a mining tax... he's either a complete dill... or in the pocket of some very very rich miners... most probably both. And when this mining boom crashes...and we are left w/ the fallout, including rampant lung-related diseases and a fcked environment...where will Abbott (the man who took a billion dollars out of public health) stand then? Will he stand w/ the terminally ill, the way he did w/ Bernie Banton? Or will he too busy pontificating from the puplit...intruding in women's affairs...climbing into their ovaries to check the state of things contraception-wise? --------------------- BTW, I dig Kevin Rudd...but where the heck is he? Why build up such momentum and then piss off to Mexico? Yes, he's doing his job...but he's also giving Abbott another FREE RIDE. Simon Crean's passion for the party & agenda really hooked me in this morn...good stuff on ABC radio. --------------- [quote][b]despite her having passed 269 pieces of legislation[/b] [/quote] Ad, it's certainly an achievement. If Gillard could reach the likes of me the way Crean did this morn I wouldn't feel the need to talk leadership change. I will give her credit for her negotiating skills...and pushing thru w/ her team some essential bills...and putting on the agenda some important issues...being real labour people... but the polls are consistently are the stumbles... but then, I guess Thatcher stumbled a few times in the beginning...but she grew more confident, determined, assertive, skillful from it as she learnt & pulled herself together... she wouldn't cop sh*t. And she grew on the public. If Rudd is unfortunately too gutless to take her on...and his lot keep leaking to the press...then she has no option but to sack him. Put him on the backbench. And if Kevin decides to leave the party, showing disloyalty fullbore...and forcing the party to an election they are unprepared for...then he will lose any ounce of respect that many like my wife & I have for him. This battle needs to end. Get some spine Kev. Like ya had in 07. No more FREE RIDES for the BSing culture warrior and weathervane Abbott. N'


20/02/2012Hi Nasking I am so pleased to see you are feeling a lot better, but as you said yesterday you just need to take it easy for awhile. It is great to read your comments Nasking and your neighbors story thankyou for sharing your thoughts and opinion each day. Regarding Kevin Rudd: [i]BTW, I dig Kevin Rudd...but where the heck is he? Why build up such momentum and then piss off to Mexico?[/i] I know this is what the media are saying Nasking but really common sense tells me that plane was not waiting just to fly Kevin Rudd to Mexico on the spur of the moment. Rudd's trip would have been planned for weeks. Appointments, interviews, meetings, the agenda would have to be worked out. Easy for the lazy media they just say "oh! the going got tough so Kevin Rudd flew to Mexico, I say to them pleeeeeease Sorry about my feeling and I like Simon Crean, but IMO he is unsuitable for PM. I watched him close when he was leader and said no, he can go and help Hughie cook. Nice bloke but sorry no. Cheers:):):):)

Von Kirsdarke

20/02/2012Brilliant article. It shows just how dangerous that man is. As an ALP member, I'm saddened about how everyone is in an absolute frenzy over this leadership issue. Some people say that Gillard's position is hopeless, but I call nonsense on that right away. There are gamechangers coming up. I don't think people are just going to ignore Wayne Swan triumphantly holding a Surplus Budget in the air in May; I don't think they're going to ignore that they've been lied to by the Coalition's hyperbole on the Carbon Price; I don't think that they are willing to throw the best internet in the world out in favour of a backwards-looking party that wants to destroy everything built between 2007-2013. The only thing that has a chance of stopping these things from happening is if Julia Gillard is removed as leader. Which is exactly what the Coalition and MSM are begging for. They know that these things will be electoral game changers and they must stop them from happening at all costs. The leadership issue has reached absolute saturation. The MSM has made an all-in bet on this thing working; and if it doesn't, then they will lose credibility to their audience big time. And further attacks on Labor will be more and more weak. As for the polls, yes I am looking at them. Last time the media attacked Labor so viciously, the polls went down to 59-41 to the Coalition. This time around, the polls can't seem to go below 55-45. And what will happen around election time if the media tries another round of anti-ALP saturation? People won't take them seriously. I just hope the people that will choose the leader at the end of the day will decide to just hold on and see how those issues pan out. I have a good feeling about them, but if we self destruct to our opponents' delight before then, then all we've endured these past 2 years will be for nothing.


20/02/2012Hi Von Kirsdarke, good to see you here again, I've spotted your distinctive (new?) gravatar :) elsewhere but yes here's where we'd like most. paddybts I love Gromit. Yours is a top gravatar too. V K I agree with all you have to say, But even more I say again, [i]Whatever[/i] happens, Labor and the Government, including those whom it needs of the IndependAnts, will emerge stronger, feistier, more determined than ever.


20/02/2012Hi Von Kirsdarke What a massive delight to see you on TPS's page again with a sparkling Gravatar. Thankyou so much for your welcome enjoyable piece of opinion. .[i]The leadership issue has reached absolute saturation. The MSM has made an all-in bet on this thing working; and if it doesn't, then they will lose credibility to their audience big time. And further attacks on Labor will be more and more weak[/i]. I agree, I saw saturation in the media before eg. Utegate, but this Mount Everest speculation is the biggest I have ever seen. They don't just want a new Leader they want to tear down the Government and Abbott is licking his chops. Like you I am saddened too, it makes me want to sit down and just cry, this morning at Julia's presser she looked drawn, haunted and tormented. Cheers:):):):):)


20/02/2012Hi Lyn, thanks for the kind words. Yer doin' a great job as usual. Yer a bloody hard worker/volunteer. :) A credit to the blog. [quote]Appointments, interviews, meetings, the agenda would have to be worked out. Easy for the lazy media they just say "oh! the going got tough so Kevin Rudd flew to Mexico, I say to them pleeeeeease [/quote] That's true Lyn, but Rudd musta known this would all blow up after the 4 Corners episode...he woulda known when that episode was being why didn't he & his team plan things more efficiently? Why have this backbench fella demand the PM stand down when Rudd's not prepared to stand and fight. Sadly, it reminds me of Abbott fleeing to the UK after he got whipped last year. This will strengthen Gillard's case...she is a tough cookie who has shown the skill previously/on occasion of taking advantage of percieved weakness, as do her backers. Tho, sometimes she or her advisors shoot themselves in the foot right afterwards. [quote]Sorry about my feeling and I like Simon Crean, but IMO he is unsuitable for PM. I watched him close when he was leader and said no, he can go and help Hughie cook. Nice bloke but sorry no.[/quote] I think you've misread my view there Lyn, no probs...I'm not calling on Crean to throw his hat into the ring...I merely wanted to credit him w/ a useful, passionate, inspiring interview on the ABC...and hope that Gillard realises that she could learn from this... ya gotta inspire the people...get the base revved up...remind us of why we felt so proud when Keating gave his TRUE BELIEVERS speech... voters wanna feel motivated by those who sound like they are PROUD of their party, their history/legacy... that's why I started to get so sh*tty w/ Gillard after the ALP conference...I felt she showed no respect for Rudd's accomplishments...and wasn't willing to trust the the regular folk w/ the party...just the chosen political apparatchiks. But I kept much of it to myself. When she, Wong & Swan proudly announced in the mini-budget they were taking away the dependent spouse rebate from couples w/out children under 60, hurting many who fall between the cracks, my annoyance increased. It felt like we were being herded into a one-size fits all system... my Nth American background reacted to such cuts as tho they were an allergen. They seemed very unfair & petty considering the PM & her crew of pollies gladly accepted a huge payrise just as the dependent spouse rebate was announced. I coulda smacked their smiling mugs. My entire family were enraged because they know how me & others have struggled w/ our health w/out access to healthcare cards for so long... and how much effort we put into voluntarily trying to assist this government and the community in general... and it's the inconsistent, capricious, major health problems that prevented us from keeping our careers in the first place. Talk about insult to injury. Added to the rejection I felt from my employers when I got really ill. It also made us feel worse about not having's enuff that the Coalition make us try to feel bad on many occasions via their BSing family values media/greedy advertisers...w/out Labor adding to it... having lost a child...and becoming infertile due to an accident...and my wife deciding to put the care of school kids ahead of us going for expensive & potentially life wasteful IVF...I felt taking away the dependent spouse rebate from couples w/out children was a double blow & insult. It felt like a knife in the back. But after the last frosty, unreasonable response I got here re: the initial dependent spouse rebate cuts last May (some posters do not help promote the government when they go off half-cocked here and on other blogs w/out understanding the needs and financial/health demands on the wider public)... I decided to keep my reaction to the further cuts announced in the mini-budget at the end of the year to myself...thinking it best to keep supporting the party & Gillard due to the positive policies coming up...even tho doubts were increasing exponentially in my mind... I attempted to be selfless. I truly wonder if many who are benefitting from government pensions, welfare, subsidies woulda done the same if they had been put in peril by this government? However...once that crafty knifing of Wilkie came about...and I reflected in the summer on the piss weak mining tax & the awful Malaysian option...and the talk of giving principals hiring & firing power here in QLD arose (so they can rule schools like fiefdoms)...amongst other things...I felt enraged...thinking [quote]WTF is this leader & party about? They're pissing on their own supporters. Coming up w/ some draconian and BS policies on top of some half-decent ones...and the good ones are taking a bloody long time to come along...or are not passed in the senate yet...or are reworked to a useless level...IS THIS ALL A GAME?[/quote] The more I reflected on the politics & advisors the angrier I got. When the Aboriginal tent embassy fiasco exploded on to our screens... followed by the grotesque plan against Rudd being revealed on 4 Corners... it just added to my anger, frustration & disappointment... I could not look at PM Gillard w/out feeling really pissed off...betrayed. Add the freakin' change as shown by Possum. More annoyance. Doubts. Anger. Frustration...after all the work w/ put in since prior to the 07 election...seemingly going down the drain w/ Gillard in charge. Once that happens, those thoughts creep in and then get voiced whilst yer watching her on TV...well then, the criticism of others starts to sound more reasonable...the rot has set-in. I got thinking [quote]If Rudd...or Smith don't takeover then I'm gonna vote Liberal if Turnbull gets in. He's reasonable, moderate enuff. [/quote] That's generally how I got to where I am now. Gillard has alot to do to bring family back into the gain out trust. I hope this comment helps some of you get the idea why I've pushed for a leadership change...and lost belief in Gillard. Sadly. I really did dig her once...even tho I disagreed w/ some of her views. N'


20/02/2012I might add, it also didn't help that Wayne Swan farted on so much in his demands the banks bring on the rate cuts...only for the rates to go up. As a mortgage holder I looked at him w/ disgust...a toothless tiger...drama queen...even tho my rational side told me there was stuff all the government could do...and people are free now to move to other banks charge-free thnx to govt. policy. It just added to my annoyance w/ the government. The same when I heard that after so much money spent only a few thousand had connected to the NBN. It all adds up. That's why I'm uncertain about these school funding changes. Will we really get more funding in public schools that doesn't bring in the wolves & corporate fascists by the backdoor...creating more job if there isn't already enuff of that w/ this bloody Chinese miracle. Chris Pyne's ideas presented today sounded woeful...apparently he digs Asian schools... yes, lets spend less money on schools...and introduce the oh so very democratic Singapore, Japanese & Chinese styles... who cares about INDIVIDUALISM when you can have HOP TO IT...STUDY NOW NOW NOW AT HOME BE STRESSED YOU MUST ACHIEVE WORK HARD DON'T LOOK TO YOUR LEFT OT RIGHT JUST FOCUS ON MAKING MONEY AND WORKING FOR THE STATE 24 HOURS A DAY approach. So, I guess as far as Abbott & Pyne are concerned we protect our borders from foreigners by sending the boats back... but the ASIAN WAY should be brought in the backdoor to dominate the way we run our we Aussies deal w/ our students. Why doesn't that surprise me...going by the way Howard learnt to KOWTOW once he realised he could bring in heaps of revenue via selling heaps of our valuable resources to China, super profits mining tax free... and could bring in heaps of cheap, toxic goods from low paid Chinese factories to keep the gullible consumer happy...and keep the inflation down. Didn't keep the interest rates down tho...ten interest rate rises in a row... guess Howie wasn't half as smart as he thought he was. But his upper middle-class handouts/welfare worked well for awhile...Howard didn't mind handing carrots out to everyone & anyone w/ a family... regardless of the fact it would mean no or few significant infrastructure building or investment in education & hospitals under his leadership... NO...that was best left to the shonky private sector...and could be put on the average person's credit card... and certainly left to a next ALP government to deal with... knowing full well they'd have to exit the budget surplus...and spend bigtime to makeup for HOWIE'S NEGLECT. As far as I can see it, Anna Bligh's govt & this federal govt. should get heaps of credit for the amount of infrastructure projects they've funded & built... and for assisting hospitals & schools... dealing w/ the GFC & HOWIE'S NEGLECT. So perhaps I should give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to these recent announcements. Confusing days. But I sure dislike that PRAT PYNE...he's like a bloody prim & proper grammar school prat from Bunter days. Not surprised he doesn't have any mates on the other side of politics. Prig. N'

Von Kirsdarke

20/02/2012I'm sorry you feel that way, Nasking. If I had my way, anyone who was having an unfair time would get a fair go. People who are dealt a worse hand than others deserve a hand to help them up to the fold. I'm personally disappointed that so many people are going to suffer for the sake of a stupid surplus, but my reasoning in response is that this surplus may just be a political victory that the party needs right now if it is to survive. I'm sorry if I come across as horrible in trying to argue that the ends justify the means. Maybe I'm just deluding myself, but a surplus next year could mean that all these benefits would be able to come back. And as a member of the ALP, I'll try my best to get it across to the party that they should not forget the families that support them, ever. And a 2013 election victory would mean that Labor will have another 3 years in power, most likely still with Senate control with the Greens, allowing us to make sure that everyone benefits when this GFC ends and times turn for the better. Liberals in power from 2013 will mean that only the few will benefit while the less well off will be only thrown table scraps at election time. Just like during the Howard years. I know that Julia Gillard has flaws, but I feel that these flaws are magnified way too much, and her positives are erased from all view, coming up with the media portraying her as an evil witch that delights in making people suffer. And when I think of the purpose of this - to destroy the entire Labor government and roll in another Liberal era ruled by someone that would be right at home with the neo-cons and the tea partiers in America, I feel the need to stick up for her. A habit of this is that I try my best to erase her flaws and magnify her good attributes as a reaction, because to just attack Julia Gillard's flaws like everyone else would just leave her and the rest of the Labor Party isolated and vulnerable while the Coalition mow them down. In conclusion, I hate this disunity. I hate that the media and the Coalition are succeeding in making people lose faith. I hate that we're on the verge of a great success only to have supporters and members everywhere falter. The Liberals are not faltering, they're delighted that the Labor base is crumbling and they can't wait to spitefully punish us all for giving them humiliation in 2007 and snatching victory again in 2010.


20/02/2012Hi Ad Somebody mentioned Dennis Shannahan recently, well here he is putting his normal miserable 2 bob in about Julia Gillard he is on Video a movie star:- The australian VIDEO Politics editor Dennis Shanahan claims the PM is delusional and retreat after evading leadership questions. cheers :):):):):)

Von Kirsdarke

20/02/2012Thanks, TalkTurkey and Lyn. Yes, I admit that I'm a sucker for statistics and have been on PB more often, but I'll try to stick around some more. It's just that I don't feel the urge to post very often thanks to an annoying bipolar disorder that makes such activity difficult to keep up.


20/02/2012Hi Everybody It is getting worse:- KarenMMiddletonKaren Middleton It's getting mighty ugly now. RT @sspencer_63: Rudd's hit back at Crean from Mexico, and put the onus on the PM to settle it PaulBongiorno tennews The leadership Mexican stand off, playing into Rudd's hands? Tonight on Ten news, the tumbril rolls on. Sorry Nasking if I misread [i]think you've misread my view there Lyn, no probs...I'm not calling on Crean to throw his hat into the ring...I merely wanted to credit him w/ a useful, passionate, inspiring interview on the ABC...and hope that Gillard realises that she could learn from this[/i]... Nasking you are entitled to your opinion though, that's just me about Simon Crean,. I enjoy your comments anyway. Cheers:):):):)

Patricia WA

20/02/2012Von Kirksdale, enjoyed reading your comments. Reminded me of a teachers' union organiser, many years ago, trying to get me to hang in there on the issue of corporal punishment on which I was a bit ahead of my time. I didn't think I could take much more of the crazy and virulent personal abuse from within my school's community and then from the wider world when appeal was made to 'authorities' - would you believe because I thought kids performed better if you didn't hit them! He said, [i]"When people are kicking you in the arse you know you are ahead of them!"[/i] News Ltd and the right know that Julia Gillard is well ahead on substance more than holding her own in spite of all the support that Abbott and the Coalition have had. They just can't keep this good woman down, no matter how they try. This is another strategy to try to get rid of her. She'll outsmart them. It's encouraging to read that Andrew Elder who is no leftie thinks she'll win the next election. Follow Lyn's Link to


20/02/2012oh HAZZAH my friend.... *note to Piers Akerman* "that's telling it like it is, not the shit the daily torygraph prints from your rantings"


20/02/2012Thank you, Ad Astra. You and Andrew Elder have helped me keep - if not sane - at least not banging my head against the wall for the last 24 hours.


20/02/2012Patricia WA I don't mean to bifurciliate . . . but just so you'll know . . . it's not Von Kirksdale it's Von Kirsdarke. Say 10 Hail Lassies and leave a donation in the Tacker box. :)


20/02/2012AA said [quote]Pieces on The Political Sword are regularly featured on a personalized news service wotnews to which anyone can subscribe: If you go to the politics section: you will see the most recent items of political news listed, and if you type ‘The Political Sword’ into the search box at the foot of the screen, you will see the latest TPS piece comes up in the list.[/quote]. Thanks AA, never knew that site existed. What a wonderful resource. Pity those professional newgatherers don't seem to read, comprehend, write and publish stuff that is not rumour dressed as reality as they are doing today. Frankly I'm over it - I suspect a lot of others are as well. All the media are doing here is setting up a "we told you so" moment by soiling their own nests.

Von Kirsdarke

20/02/2012Thanks for that, Patricia. And yes, I read Andrew Elder often. I hope that many more will unite in the cause of making sure that Tony Abbott will never be Prime Minister of Australia.


20/02/2012Hi Fiona Thankyou so much for commenting on The Political Sword, we hope you keep coming back. I am glad you appreciate Ad Astra and Andrew Elder they are good stuff, we know we are getting the truth from our bloggers. Hope to see you soon, please don't bang your head, come and tell TPS your opinion, it's good for you. Cheers:):):):):)


20/02/2012[quote]It's just that I don't feel the urge to post very often thanks to an annoying bipolar disorder that makes such activity difficult to keep up.[/quote] Von Kirsdarke, sorry to hear that...and believe me, I can totally relate. It's the co-morbid tourette's aspect to my personality that keeps me writing...but unfortunately my brain can work effectively only on a p/t basis these days...the same for this rotten body of mine. BTW, you have nothing to apologise tell it as it is w/out referring to my efforts as [quote]dross[/quote]...I enjoy reading your comments. As for the media, how is that media inquiry going? Perhaps Gina Rinehart bought it and put it up in the attic w/ all her other goodies, like Tony Abbott's integrity. [quote]Sorry Nasking if I misread [/quote] No problemo Lyn...I appreciate the fact you are so supportive and actually read the comments. You always get two thumbs up from me. You sweetie pie you. :) I have to say I'm highly impressed by the work of many bloggers of late...perhaps PM Gillard has more support than I realised...some real loyal fans. I just hope she or her advisors and other Laborites read the comments of the critics...and those very disappointed/ she learns why the polls remain problematic...and is able to discern between the well-meaning and the saboteurs & haters. The Libs are worried more than some think tho...that's good. --------------------- BTW, Mitt Romney, presidential Republican candidate is hilarious... he plays an android learning to speak in Michigan: [quote]I was born and raised here...I love this state it seems right here... the trees are the right height[/quote] This guy should retire from the race and do a stand-up routine across Mormon retirement villages...[i]Louis[/i] for the privileged cultists. Imagine him as president...flies to France: [quote]I studied here...I love this country... it seems right here... the women are just the right height[/quote] -------- Anyway, I'm very tired now so I'll take a break. Not sure when I'll return. Keep well all. Superb links and many useful comments on top of Ad's brill post. N'

Patricia WA

20/02/2012Von Kirsdarke, Apologies! Thank you, TT, for knowing that I would prefer to have [i]errata[/i] like that pointed out to me! My only excuse is that I had a funny night last night. Did not sleep at all because shortly before midnight when saving my 'pome' and notes I found myself tussling with a wipe-out of all copy. It had looked so beautiful too with the Moir illustration in my draft. This happened a few times before I finally understood that I was not going to be allowed to publish with the cartoon actually illustrating the post, though I could link to it. I was wide awake by then and didn't get any shut-eye until 5.30 this morning. Never mind, I learned a lot! Though I still haven't found out what was different from this image in a gallery and others of his I've used. Can anyone give an easy answer? Am now working at staying awake so I can have an early night and get back into routine. It's a bit like the old days when I burned the candle at both ends, as they say. I'm also looking forward to seeing how our friends at 7.30 eat their words. Too much to hope they'll bifurciliate, do you think, TT?

Mandy Mack

20/02/2012Thanks for a well argued and supported critique of Abbott and Co's bullshit. I have shared it on facebook and have bookmarked it for future reference. Many of the comments are also extremely useful, so thanks go to to your readers for those as well.


20/02/2012NormanK, 2353 and all other econo wonks in the midst, Buried in the business pages of The West Aus a gem from the ever wondrous economics editor, Shane Wright: [b]Reserve boss to face the music[/b] There is a graph that tells a story that gives a lie to the doom and gloom merchants. The article is pretty good too as I have come to expect from Mr Wright - hmm maybe he should drop the W from his name.


20/02/2012Hi Mandy Mack And a massive big welcome to you, thankyou for commenting on TPS, how nice of you to join us in our task of trying to keep our Government. Good on you for sharing TPS on Facebook, we appreciate your work very much. We have to keep trying because of the very real possibility of an Abbott Government, then we will be in serious trouble. Ad Astra will come along soon and say welcome to you. Cheers:):):):):)

Ad astra

20/02/2012Folks Back in Melbourne, I’m just getting organized. Thank you for your interesting and informative comments while I was in transit. debbiep Thank you for your kind comment; I hope you have a great time tweeting. Lyn is an expert. The only tweet I do is when I post Lyn’s Links or a new piece. She then re-tweets to her numerous followers and they in turn tweet to their followers and so on it goes. This piece has spread far and wide already. This is how social media works – it’s faster than newspapers! TT We shall probably never work out the ‘Oakes conundrum’, because the mystery that surrounds it is what Laurie treasures. Lyn Thank you for the long list of news items on ‘the leadership’. The list grew further tonight with the ABC News and Heather Ewart and Chris Uhlmann on [i]7.30[/i]. Heather said nothing we didn’t already know, nor did Chris, but they felt the need to rehash the day’s events. I hope they feel better now. Even when questioning Peter Garratt on the unrelated Gonski report on education, Uhlmann could not stop himself from throwing in leadership matters and several rude taunts, which Garratt handled well. As it will be a week before there is a meeting of caucus, how on earth are they going to keep the leadership pot boiling? Surely they can’t serve up the same old dish day after day. It’s really going to be amusing watching MSM journalists trying to stretch the meal. Will they throw in a few carrots to make the dish look new and more colourful? Let’s enjoy their gastronomic convolutions. Dear old Dennis is sounding desperate. He’s staked his reputation on ‘things coming to a head in the next three weeks’, and he’s going to pull out every stop to make sure his prediction is right, even to the extent that he has called the PM ‘delusional’ in the hope that it will bring things to a head. Meanwhile she is playing it coolly, which Dennis finds unutterably frustrating. Poor Dennis. Nasking Why don’t we all ignore the polls for the next year. They are meaningless unless used to make political points, when they become pernicious and deceptive. If there were no polls, where would the leadership tensions be at right now? Nowhere. Poll driven decisions at this stage in the cycle are imprudent. We have already seen how polls brought about Kevin Rudd’s demise. As for the so-called Gillard ‘stumbles’ that journalists and commentators enjoy referring to, but seldom name, they are by and large subjective and the product of journalists’ fertile imagination and groupthink. Forget them. Let’s focus on the many great reforms she has initiated and accomplished. She is a clever, resourceful, and determined politician. Let’s never forget that; let’s not fall for the persistent MSM nonsense. von Kirsdarke Welcome back. Thank you for your kind remarks and your insightful remarks about polls. Polls always narrow near election time, at least at a Federal level. So let’s ignore them now and see how they look in twelve months’ time. Of course the media will try to influence them, but the story will be different then. I do like your Gravatar. shane and Fiona Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i]. Do come again. Thank you for your kind comments Fiona; I’m pleased if I have assisted you to maintain sanity in this crazy political world. Let’s not fall prey to the marauding MSM, whose object is to create confusion and chaos, not to inform. As they are running their own agenda, we ought to view what they do against that agenda. Then we will see more clearly what they are up to – and it’s not nice. I’m off now to watch [i]Media Watch[/i] and [i]Q&A[/i]. Goodnight.


20/02/2012DMW Thanks for the link - much appreciated. It makes a pleasant change from moaning Sloane. I read another of her earlier pieces today and boy, does she know how to press my buttons! Perhaps my gerbils are tired but what on earth does the headline mean. [quote]Reserve boss to face the music[/quote]? It implies that he is going to be held to account for his remarks but then the article reinforces his contentions. What's that about? By the way - keep posting. If something is worth keeping, it has to be worked at.

Ad astra

20/02/2012Mandy Mack Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family. Please do return. And thank you too for sharing this piece on Facebook. The more were promulgate the truth about the sort of man who wants to be PM, the better.

Ad astra

20/02/2012DMW Thank you for the link to what Martin Parkinson had to say. He speaks good sense and puts the doom and gloom talk in proper perspective. No, we are not living in Greece.


20/02/2012Hi Ad Glad you got to Melbourne OK. I was just preparing this post when you posted your brilliant as usual comment on the 7.30pm report. So Heather Hewitt, Ewart, something art or it concludes with “ [i]Who knows what's going to unfold over the next week?, but something will have to give[/i]. Chris Uhlmann sees all Labor Mp’s as underlings to be talked down too and interrupted as he sees fit. Uhlmann is bad mannered and rude. Here is the video for what it's worth, proof of rude I suppose, that's all. Peter Garrett did well very well I thought:- [i]Federal Labor leadership tensions grow, video, 7.30pm report Broadcast: 20/02/2012 Reporter: Heather Ewart[/i] With several backbenchers and ministers publicly voicing their backing for either the Prime Minister or Kevin Rudd in recent days, what leadership issues came up on the first day of parliament for the week? Some comments from twitter :- mwyres SimonReidy What's the point of Uhlmann asking a question only to interrupt every answer, except to be an indetermineable prick? abc730 maxphillips Uhlmann legitimately asks "What's wrong with the Labor Party". It's a pity no one asks "What's right about the Liberal Party?" abc730 Davis_GM It's time. To get rid of Chris uhlmann and heather Hewitt 730report retweet if you agree lapuntadelfin I think CUhlmann is wasted on TV. He should move up to talkback radio or taxi driving abc730 Fluffula Chris Uhlman proving yet again his bias & obsession with Leadership issues, there is other issues Uhlman abc730 bow_and_arrow CUhlmann being an arrogant twit as usual when interviewing. abc730 Cheers :):):):):)

Ad astra

20/02/2012Hi Lyn Political journos are addicted to leadership speculation. As was pointed out by Bill Shorten, the first half of Q&A was spent on the subject, and what did we learn. Nothing new. So what all that about - entertainment Tony Jones style. When he took the hint and got onto other subjects, the level of interest leapt. The tweeted comments about Chris Uhlmann are spot on. He is no adornment to the ABC. What a joy it is to have a quality journalist in Emma Alberici on [i]Lateline[/i].


20/02/2012Ad astra thank you for your post. It went a long way to lifting my spirits and helping me keep the faith by targeting the true enemy amidst the absolute rubbish we've had from the msn for the past 4 days. Patricia your poem inspired by Moir's cartoon was one of your best. Much appreciated.


20/02/2012NK, I given up on churning the grey matter on that headline. Almost didn't bother to look at article until I noted it was by SW and thought hmm what's this about? I am starting to think that now Canberra Times has gone all Fairfax that West Aus may be best source of independent writings. Disclaimer on that. As long as CT keeps putting up stuff by Waterford and Hull (and some others) I will keep checking it out.


20/02/2012Hi Catey Thankyou for dropping in, it's always nice to see you. I hope your Mum is Ok or more importantly you are going along OK, coping well, to enable you to look after your Mum. Cheers:):):):):):):)

Patricia WA

20/02/2012Thanks, Catey, I will treasure your comment. I particularly liked that cartoon because it suggested to me that Moir does understand that our Prime Minister truly cares for Australia and is having to protect it from the harm the media are doing it in an effort to destroy her.


21/02/2012Patricia I just have to smile at this line! :) Kings granted that right long ago. Yeah only because The People fought and died and at last topped one and forced the Monarchy to give people some rights! And hereditary wealth and class-based privilege still rule supreme.


21/02/2012[b]TODAY’S LINKS [/b] [i]The Piping Shrike guide to the coming leadership crisis, The Piping Shrike[/i] Any change in the leadership will likely have a major impact on the Liberals. In the case of a successful Rudd return making an electoral case against the ‘old’ politics, it would almost certainly mean the end of Abbott [i]Pull The Trigger & Silence Those Hogs,Niall Cook,The Bannerman[/i] In the grand political scheme, this is a fascinating time for political watchers. I think what really peeves me is the way media feeds off this stuff. Pigs in a trough have better manners [i]Labor needs leadership resolution, Mungo Maccallum. The Drum[/i] The more gung-ho of Gillard's backers are urging her to take the initiative by sacking Rudd from the ministry outright; but it is too late for that now. It might have worked if it had [i]Silly Judgement versus The Facts, Stephen Koukoulas[/i] I'll present a few facts. Foreign investors are voting with their wallets, driving the Australian dollar to record highs in recent weeks with another jump of almost 1 cent today [i]Welcome to all-out warfare, care of Labor, Crikey[/i] We’re in for at least another week of the media scrabbling for new quotes from rent-a-heads (hello Peter Beattie) and loyal foot-soldiers (Simon Crean has conducted interviews with at least [i]ALPa self-inflicted madness,Gary Sauer-Thompson,Public Opinion[/i] The momentum for an end to the civil war continues to build. Gillard should call a spill and end the speculation, rumours, gossip, whisperings, outbursts, bad mouthings, leaks etc when Parliament resumes next week. Rudd goes to the back bench and Gillard stands on her own [i]Rudd says leadership contestnot in prospect,Emma Griffiths,ABC[/i] In a press conference in Canberra today, Ms Gillard repeatedly referred to the "strong support" of her caucus colleagues but also sidestepped questions about whether she should sack Mr Rudd or bring on a spill. [i]Labor's 'gordian knot' and the myth of leadership, Trevor Cook[/i] The ALP's policies are not that different to the Coalition's; it just hopes that their leader (whoever it might be) will be considered less worse than Abbott by the swinging voters. [i]New party tipped to take regional seats in Qld election, ABC[/i] Associate Professor Geoff Cockfield agrees with the ABC's Election Analyst Antony Green, who says the new Katter's Australian Party [i]Morning Report – Monday, 20 February 2012, Dylan Caporn, The Body Politic Australia[/i] It seems almost destined now that there will be a ballot on the ALP leadership before the fortnight is out, with open warfare beginning to play out in the media. This morning, former leader, [i]Gillard Showdown, Derryn Hynch[/i] And today, when the PM unveiled the biggest projected $5 billion shakeup of our education system, the most talked about question was: Will you be around next week, let alone next month [i]Take The Power Back, Wixxy, Café Whispers[/i] you may think that all that sounds reasonably fair, however the legislation also allows individuals to spend over $1 Million dollars on a campaign for a political party. [i]Gonski roundtable, Mercurius, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] This is the thread to discuss schools funding related matters arising from the release of the Gonski Report (Feb 20, 2011). [i]Gonski review: public inquiry on school funding needs more work, Scott Prasser, The Conversation[/i] The main recommendations of the review are for a comprehensive approach to funding which would entail a realignment of current Commonwealth and state roles, the payment of a base grant [i]Coalition rejects Gonski school funding plan, Laura Tingle, Financial Review[/i] The Coalition plans to portray the first attempt at a major overhaul of school funding in 40 years as a Labor attack on middle Australia, rejecting recommendations from the Gonski review [i]Will he or won’t he? Why Kevin Rudd won’t give a straight answer on his leadership aspirations, James Mahoney, The Conversation[/i] Even when directly asked his intentions in that strange late-night interview for Sky News on Saturday, Rudd would not answer directly [i]Opinion of NBN,Essential report[/i] From what you’ve heard, do you favour or oppose the planned national broadband network (NBN)?Since the question was last polled, support for the NBN has risen 2 percentage points to 56% (+2%) and opposition has declined to 25% (-3%). Video’s:- [i]Rudd talks down leadership challenge prospect, Lateline[/i] Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd says a contest for the Labor leadership "is not in prospect", as tensions continue to mount. Government non-committal to school funding changes, Lyndal Curtis, [i]Capital Hill, ABC[/i] Lyndal Curtis speaks with Education Minister Peter Garrett, who wants extensive talks before changes recommended by the Gonski review are implemented. [i]2012. Gillard outlines response to Gonski review.[/i] Prime Minister Julia Gillard has outlined the government's response to the Gonski review into school funding [i]February 20, 2012. Gillard discusses Labor leadership[/i]. Prime Minster Julia Gillard says she has the strong support of her colleagues [i]February 20, 2012. Tony Abbott Q&A (Raw Video[/i]) Tony Abbott answers questions from the media in Western Sydney. [i]Queensland Votes: Labor aims for sixth term in Qld, Antony Green[/i] [i]Queensland Votes: State election campaign begins, Channel 7[/i] [i]Queensland Votes:I’m going to ignore what Labor is saying:Newman,ABC[/i] [i]Channel 7: Kevin Rudd’s expletive-laden outtakes leaked, Channel7[/i] [i]Sky News: Australian Agenda[/i], commentary, Kevin Rudd, interview, Peter van Onselen [i]Why Stephen Conroy is most influential[/i] Stephen Brook and Simon Canning look at how they compiled their list of the Australian Media's most influential players [i]Broadband Deals, Channel 9[/i] February 20, 2012: TODAY technology expert Charlie Brown takes us through the top broadband ,


21/02/2012[b]TODAY’S FRONT PAGES[/b] Australia Newspaper Front Pages for 21 February 2012

Sir Ian Crisp

21/02/2012Ad Astra, you'd do well to stop reading ALP press releases. [i]Expert report on insulation could have spared lives A SECRET report from an expert advisory panel might have saved lives and hundreds of millions of dollars had the federal government commissioned it before launching its disastrous $2.45 billion home insulation program in 2009. The 47-page Insulation Advisory Panel Report obtained by the Herald through freedom of information laws provides a scathing assessment of the home insulation program. [/i]

Ad astra

21/02/2012LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

Ad astra

21/02/2012Catey I’m glad this piece lifted your spirits. Like you, I enjoyed Patricia WA’s poem. Her poems too lift the spirits.

Ad astra

21/02/2012Hi Lyn Thank you again for your links, which I’ll read later – I have appointments this morning. The Front Pages are interesting in that the focus on leadership is waning. This morning the ABC tried to dish up some more on it but there was little new. Most was derived from Bill Shorten’s comments on Q&A. My prediction is that apart from a few dribs and drabs there will be little of interest until next week. The public will soon tire of the speculation and ongoing commentary. Red Symons, 774 Melbourne’s breakfast presenter, put it well when he pleaded that we hear no more ball by ball account of the leadership tussle – ‘just tell me who won’ was his final plea. It really is amusing to witness the convolutions of the media as it tries continually to make a meal out of this when the food for thought is running out. Can you imagine Dennis Shanahan’s frustration! I wonder what he’s cooked up for today.


21/02/2012Hi Ad You are right the front pages are waning, but I think the MSM are making up for that on their other pages: I have put these headlines together to show you , just in case you didn't know already:- Leadership rivals wait to see who blinks first Sydney Morning Herald - ‎9 minutes ago ‎Reports of rebel Labor members' plans to spill the PM and Gonski's $5 billion cost, as online political editor Tim Lester runs over the day's political news. ''YOU call it on.'' ''No, I'm not doing it - it's up to you.'' The Rudd and Gillard camps ... Shorten denies a switch to the Rudd camp Sydney Morning Herald - ‎15 minutes ago ‎Will - and should - Kevin Rudd challenge Julia Gillard for the top job in Australian politics? Here is what some voters think. The Treasurer's job is not enough to tempt Bill Shorten over to the Kevin Rudd camp. The Workplace Relations Minister has ... Shorten backs Gillard amid leadership tensions ABC Online - ‎19 minutes ago‎ Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten says he has confidence the Prime Minister will sort out the issues that have led to intense speculation about her leadership. Speaking on ABC TV's Q&A program last night, Mr Shorten said he thought Kevin Rudd ... Labor rebels draw up battle plan to bring on challenge Sydney Morning Herald - ‎21 minutes ago‎ Reports of rebel Labor members' plans to spill the PM and Gonski's $5 billion cost, as online political editor Tim Lester runs over the day's political news. Senior ministers have held secret discussions to reassure themselves Julia Gillard still has ... Labor MP says party wreckers 'gutless' Ninemsn - ‎26 minutes ago ‎Labor backbencher Bernie Ripoll says Kevin Rudd's backers are gutless and should stop wrecking the government. Mr Ripoll is challenging the foreign minister's supporters to come out into the open. "What I am saying very clearly to those people who are ... Gillard Vows to Stay Australia Leader Amid Rudd Speculation San Francisco Chronicle - ‎37 minutes ago‎ AP source: Manny Ramirez close to signing with A's 02.20.12 Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Julia Gillard predicted she will survive 2012 as Australia's leader and Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd played down speculation he is planning a challenge, after days of ... A compromise is the party's sole chance to survive Sydney Morning Herald - ‎41 minutes ago‎ This country is best served when we have a strong government and a strong opposition (''Showdown inevitable, say both sides'', February 20). It doesn't really matter who wins the leadership challenge, Gillard or Rudd, because either will be leader of a ... Prime Minister Julia Gillard dares challenge Kevin Rudd for leadership Herald Sun - ‎46 minutes ago ‎Video Video Video Image Rudd rules out a challenge - for now Kevin Rudd says a leadership spill is 'not in prospect', as the PM insists she has the support of caucus. Crean: Leave Julia alone Senior Labor minister Simon Crean delivers a message to ... A party paralysed by ego and weak leadership ABC Online - ‎1 hour ago ‎In my time I have seen political conflict, naked ambition, party room challenges, political positioning, skulduggery of various sorts, but I have never seen anything like the contest of Rudd v Gillard. Until 2010, never had an Australian prime minister ... Choice will be dire for voters The Age - ‎1 hour ago‎ JOURNALISTS must be celebrating. Their pursuit of the discord within the ALP has finally been rewarded. A spill is imminent. I wonder whether those journalists who relentlessly kept this in the headlines, in spite of Julia Gillard's many successes, ... I'll still be Prime Minister at end of the year - Julia Gillard - ‎1 hour ago‎ Kevin Rudd says a leadership spill is 'not in prospect', as the PM insists she has the support of caucus. Julia Gillard just wants to get on with the job of being Prime Minister. Picture: Renee Nowytarger Source: The Daily Telegraph JULIA Gillard has ... No job offer from Rudd - Shorten Sky News Australia - ‎1 hour ago‎ No job offer from Rudd - Shorten Updated: 06:24, Tuesday February 21, 2012 Labor powerbroker Bill Shorten has rejected suggestions he's spoken to Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd about the possibility of becoming treasurer in return for factional support in ... Forecast is for continued fog of delusion and conflict over policy The Age - ‎1 hour ago ‎The term fog of war has become something of a cliche. In domestic politics, from time to time, reality is offset by the fog of delusion. In Australia most journalists, including most members of the press gallery, believe in the necessity of what is ... Don't just do something, stand there - Gillard's Zen defence The Age - ‎1 hour ago‎ Reports of rebel Labor members' plans to spill the PM and Gonski's $5 billion cost, as online political editor Tim Lester runs over the day's political news. Julia Gillard has decided to fight Kevin Rudd's passive aggressive leadership campaign with a ... Polling points to 'difficult choices' Brisbane Times - ‎2 hours ago‎ Supporters of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd have referred to internal polling showing Labor's primary vote under Prime Minister Julia Gillard's leadership is ''even worse'' than published opinion polls. A senior Rudd supporter said Labor was now forced ... Labor elder warns of 'torrent of tears' Brisbane Times - ‎2 hours ago‎ Residents in Julia Gillard's heartland are echoing calls for an end to the leadership speculation. FORMER Labor Party national secretary Bob Hogg last night warned that the government's leadership crisis could end in a "torrent of tears" at the ... Rudd denies planning Gillard heave Irish Times - ‎4 hours ago‎ Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd (L) and Germany's foreign minister Guido Westerwelle talk at a working session of the G20 foreign ministers summit in Los Cabos, Mexico yesterday. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/Reuters Australian prime minister ... Strategies for the party showdown New Zealand Herald - ‎5 hours ago ‎By Greg Ansley Austraslian PM Julia Gillard. Photo / AP If Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd were to be taken at face value, Australia could forget about a leadership challenge in the next few weeks. Kathy Marks: Wisdom of potential second coup hard to fathom New Zealand Herald - ‎5 hours ago ‎By Kathy Marks To many Australians, particularly those outside the claustrophobic bubble of Canberra politics, it seems extraordinary that a party that has yet to recover from deposing one sitting prime minister would contemplate getting rid of a ... PM ducks the leadership chaos The Australian - ‎6 hours ago‎ Image Video Video Video Gillard delusional and in retreat - Shanahan Crean: Leave Julia alone Leadership fight looms as heads counted JULIA Gillard has refused to be baited into a Labor leadership ballot, insisting she has strong caucus support and ... Bets off as lines drawn over Labor leadership Herald Sun - ‎6 hours ago ‎Video Video Image Leadership struggle continues There's intensifying talk of a leadership showdown between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard as early as next week. Crean: Leave Julia alone Senior Labor minister Simon Crean delivers a message to Kevin Rudd ... Gillard Stops Short of Party Vote as Australia Labor Woes Endure BusinessWeek - ‎7 hours ago ‎By Jason Scott and Michael Heath Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and predecessor Kevin Rudd failed to quash speculation they will face off in a party leadership contest, raising the prospect of a prolonged showdown. Gillard Refrains From Calling Vote as Australia Ruling-Party Woes Persist Bloomberg - ‎7 hours ago‎ Enlarge image Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Enlarge image Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd Patrick ... Labor party power struggle all a bit pathetic Herald Sun - ‎8 hours ago‎ I AM 20 years old and about to begin my first year of international studies at RMIT. As a one-time voter, I think it would be a bit silly for them to be changing leaders again. They've already had one swap and I think it makes them seem unstable to be ... Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd must call election Herald Sun - ‎8 hours ago‎ HOW much longer must Australians wait for the Labor party to bring an end to the disunity that has destroyed it as a government, is the burning question. The repeated assurances from Prime Minister Julia Gillard that she is supported strongly by her ... Put up or shut up, Rudd told as Australian power struggle descends into farce - ‎8 hours ago‎ Kevin Rudd's disloyalty has turned the ruling Labor party into a farce and he must pledge support to Julia Gillard or resign, says the government's most experienced minister, Simon Crean. By Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney Mr Rudd, who was ousted by Ms ... Abbott attacks Labor 'soap opera' The Australian - ‎8 hours ago‎ TONY Abbott has attacked Labor's leadership stand-off as "a poisonous soap opera", and accused the Gillard government of cannibalising itself. The Opposition Leader yesterday declared the government completely dysfunctional, saying voters deserved a ... We need to talk about Kevin ... again The Australian - ‎8 hours ago‎ IF you feel completely bamboozled by the present federal ALP shenanigans, let me share some knowledge from inside the parliamentary triangle that you cannot possibly be expected to know unless you're in it. To the outside world Kevin Rudd is a charming ... Rudd talks down leadership challenge prospect ABC Online - ‎8 hours ago ‎Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd says a contest for the Labor leadership "is not in prospect", as tensions continue to mount. EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: It's open warfare in Canberra as Labor MPs air their grievances in public about the party's leadership. Neither Rudd nor Gillard is showing real leadership The Australian (blog) - ‎8 hours ago‎ PERHAPS the most distressing aspect of the leadership contortions preoccupying our national government is the core motivation for the contest. Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd (despite the state of denial both exhibited yesterday) are locked in a ... :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


21/02/2012Hi Ad and everybody Seeing as my links above did not work in the comments box, I have posted the headline and a new link below. The links are in line with the headlines and article excerpts above: Leadership rivals wait to see who blinks first Shorten denies a switch to the Rudd camp Shorten backs Gillard amid leadership tensions Labor rebels draw up battle plan to bring on challenge Labor MP says party wreckers 'gutless' Gillard Vows to Stay Australia Leader Amid Rudd Speculation A compromise is the party's sole chance to survive Prime Minister Julia Gillard dares challenge Kevin Rudd for leadership A party paralysed by ego and weak leadership Choice will be dire for voters I'll still be Prime Minister at end of the year - Julia Gillar No job offer from Rudd – Shorten Forecast is for continued fog of delusion and conflict over policy Don't just do something, stand there - Gillard's Zen defence Polling points to 'difficult choices' Labor elder warns of 'torrent of tears' at poll Rudd denies planning Gillard heave Strategies for the party showdown Kathy Marks: Wisdom of potential second coup hard to fathom Labor rifts widen as PM ducks the leadership chaos Bets off as lines drawn over Labor leadership Gillard Stops Short of Party Vote Amid Australia Labor Woes Gillard Refrains From Calling Vote as Australia Ruling-Party Woes Persist Labor party power struggle all a bit pathetic Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd must call election Put up or shut up, Rudd told as Australian power struggle descends into farce Tony Abbott attacks Labor 'soap opera' We need to talk about Kevin's restoration again Rudd talks down leadership challenge prospect Neither Rudd nor Gillard is showing real leadership


21/02/2012Well Ad & Lyn, I'm pretty well over it. Felt good to get my frustrations out in the open...hopefully the government will take into account the views of well-meaning critics. We might as well let Gillard continue negotiating successfully w/ the cross-benchers...I am feeling more positive about upcoming policies and the bills that have been passed. At least this latest upheaval provided an opportunity to see where various individuals stand, including the cross-benchers & Greens. And to recognise who the truly opportunistic, sh*t stirrers in the media are. The usual suspects have not failed to reveal their true character/biases once again. My mate is sending me a book on the life of Bob Brown...he reckons he has even more respect for him now, reckons he's one courageous individual. As for Q&A, I was impressed by Bill Shorten...he knows his stuff...can see why Hawke digs him. Fortunately his parliamentary performances are gradually improving...he's not a natural parliamentary showman/woman like Hawke, Keating, Gillard, Rudd & Albanese. However, he does do well in interviews & shows like Q&A. Julie Bishop came across like a tittle-tattle...I kept thinking [quote]yea you can talk cockroach...all the leaders you professed loyalty to. [/quote] And then Shorten said it...more diplomatically...and someone tweeted it S' & I larfed. The look on Bishop's face. :) Anyway, I hope Rudd tells his supporters to quiet down, stop leaking & get on w/ the job like he's doing. A revolution at this point would be fruitless...the past week has demonstrated such...Rudd's poll supporters just melted away. This Syrian, Iranian business is too requires Rudd to focus more on his job...same goes for problems in various African countries...out of control drug wars in Mexico and other parts of the Americas...the elections in Russia & France...the human rights/trade & wage issues in China...and Tibet. Climate change. Dealing w/ food stocks. The list goes on. -------- Bring on the test tube meat...I'd luv to see animals free of abuse by humans based on desire/need for meat. --------------- As for 4 can people treat each other like that? Syria has become a basket by true psychopaths...war criminals. Shame on Russia, China, America, Israel, Iran & the Gulf States for permitting countries to dissolve into hell like that. And this ongoing war between Shia & Sunni etc...Suffer the little children. Wouldn't Allah be impressed. NOT. Good interview w/ Robert Fisk. I have so much respect for Kerry O'Brien...miss him on 7:30 Report. He gets ya thinking. ------ BTW, that Woodley comedy show on ABC looks good...Mr. Bean-like. I could use a few more good larfs. Enjoyed the relaxed & humorous interview w/ Woodley on ABC24 this morn. Cheers N'


21/02/2012Hi Nasking Great comment thankyou. You do really sound like your health is improving a little each day. Well not affecting your talented writing is it. Julia Bishop sounded very spiteful on Q&A, she spits her words out with a sarcastic smile. [i]My mate is sending me a book on the life of Bob Brown...he reckons he has even more respect for him now, reckons he's one courageous individual[/i] Bob Brown always sounds calm considerate and measured in his approach, I love the way he gives it back to the media. He is an experienced politician seen a lot of happenings for sure. I have always liked Bill Shorten for the dedicated work he did during the Tasmanian Mine disaster. Regarding Julia we just have to stick with the positives, she must be strong that much we definately know. Bushfire Bill tells it as is again this morning: [i]Bushfire Bill Posted Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 10:16 am | comment 1310[/i] The media have tried their coup, they have bootstrapped their Rudd Revolution, but the public and the Party have at last opened their windows to see the parade… and saw only tumbleweeds rolling along an empty avenue. Having been forced to look upon this disgraceful beat up from the point of view of a member of the public for the last 36 hours, this is what I have seen: Rudd CLEARLY doesn’t have the numbers, and never had them, except in the fevered imaginations of a select group of bullshit artists in a handful of offices in a few media organizations. In my opinion, it’s over before it started. I doubt whether there’ll even be a vote Cheers for you Nasking :):):):):):)


21/02/2012Hi Ad Jeremy is annoyed along with the rest of us:_ [i]The power of the press, Jeremy Sear , Pure Poison Posted on 21 February, 2012 [/i]| A place to collect the stupidest media commentary on their long sought-after “leadership spill” they appear to have almost manufactured. I PREDICT ONE DAY THIS PM WILL NOT BE PM Self-congratulating commentary being smug that the “leadership spill” they’ve spent more than a year saying is days away might now actually happen. What’s that saying about a stopped clock? WHY SHOULD VOTERS GET A CHOICE? Commentary from opponents of Labor’s reform agenda suggesting if only the Labor leader would be more like Tony Abbott than Tony Abbott they could “win back” the support of conservatives who’d never vote for them in a blue fit (eg Andrew Bolt’s “if only Rudd would promise to reintroduce WorkChoices, then he’d be a Labor leader I could support”!)


21/02/2012Hi Ad and Everybody Simon Cullen on ABC24 report "the Prime Minister wants to talk about education funding but the leadership question is looming, Joe the news reader say he received a tweet from Kevin Rudd KRuddMP Spoke to G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting on key principles for G20 in dealing with global economic instability KRudd But Joe says " I have tweeted Kevin Rudd back about the Leadership, he has not replied. Just showes you how crazy they are and then say the Government can't get the message out. amworldtodaypmABC Radio Listen in @12.10: MT eleanorhall1 On the program today Tony Windsor warns of early election if Labor dumps Julia #Gillard from #leadership abissicusSandra Tony Windsor gives Lab a reality check,praises this Parl for work done so far and JuliaGillard for her hard wk & skill in negotiating. vexnewsvexnews Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott warn Labor over leadership change auspol Cheers:):):)


21/02/2012 I'm as sick as anyone at the BS going round: Folks have a Bex, a cup of tea, and then a good lie down, Remember all the wise laws Labor's managing to pass, Instead of gazing in a rear-view mirror, looking up your own *past!* * But the great thing is, that *J*U*L*I*A* at last has had the pip! Just watch those green eyes glint, and the way she holds her lower lip! En garde now Tony Abbortt! You've had it now you creep! And - you journo body language gurus - Just read [i]hers[/i], and weep! [i]Your own gotchas soon will getcha, as your lies come home to roost, You are empty, naked, hollow when to facts you are reduced: And I contemplate with pleasure how you'll make each other squirm When you turn in spite on Tony- Parasitic-Anal-Worm.[/i] *You might be able to find a better rhyme than [i]*past*[/i] . . . :)


21/02/2012Hi Lyn, gracias. Good work on yer part. To be honest, I'm a bit washed out today. I just don't have the staying power & energy I used to have for blogging. My blood pressure spiked again last nite. Bloody nuisance, considering I'm on pills, eating well...and treadmilling. Genes are a pain. My Dad just survived a huge op (a week ago) on his heart at the age of 75...I gotta tell ya, that didn't help my sleeping & anxiety levels. I didn't think he was gonna make it. I spoke to him twice in the runup to morning for 4 hours, evening his time in Canada...tons of memories flooded back of things we'd done together... visiting DisneyWorld, him giving me a Chicago Black Hawks uniform for Xmas, the food poisoning he got from some seafood in a hotel yet soldiering on to take me thru the Haunted Mansion twice... the hols we took to England to visit rellies & seeing our first colour TV at my uncles, the cricket players looking kinda green as tho they were invading Martians... playing golf badly until they turned the water sprinklers on us...him trying valiantly to teach my Canuck friends & I how to play cricket... regularly going to the drive-in, lots of horrors & Clint Eastwood films...and can ya believe it [i]Zabriskie Point[/i]...they looked the other way re: age in those days...the awkward, agonised, bewildered looks on his face during this rad, counterculture film were something to behold...not surprised he kept sending me off for food. It was like somethin' straight outa The Courtship of Eddie's Father...minus the & my single Dad: sure we've had our bad times...but amazed me how they drifted away...seemed so minute...once I realised I might lose Dad...never see him again. Such a relief when his wife emailed us he was fact doing remarkably well considering he had to have new artery pathways created...having had multiple bypasses 20 years ago. Listening to Dad's croaking yet determined voice on the phone yesterday brought home to me more than ever how quickly life passes by...and how important it is to find time to cherish the family & friends who have chosen to share special moments w/ us...and treasure those moments as tho they were nirvana itself. As for feeling washed out politics-wise...perhaps I'm watching too many news shows again. They're so bleedin' addictive...yet oft filler gifts beneath the Christmas tree...the packages are alluring...but unwrapped they provide nothing...just an empty box. Best get back to my West Wing reruns. :) Have a great day Lyn. N'

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21/02/2012Hi Lyn Thanks for posting the links to a motley collection of unedifying pieces by the MSM’s political journalists. They are having a field day writing about their favourite subject – leadership speculation – but saying very little in the process. Some, such as Michelle Grattan in this morning’s [i]Age[/i], did a front page ‘he says, she says’ piece that a cub reporter could have written, with a less amateur analysis on page five. Dennis Shanahan is showing growing frustration that this ‘delusional’ PM cannot see that he is right. He wants action and plenty of blood on the floor. He is like a spectator at a cockfight who has put his money on a bloody fight, but the cocks won’t budge, each standing proud in their corners. The editorial in [i]The Australian[/i] speaks of ‘lack of leadership’, a trusty accusation that journalists fling when they don’t understand what is going on, when a leader defies their call for action. The cocks won’t fight. Surely one of them has enough ‘leadership’ in their hearts to get out there and fight to the death! The editorial says: [i]”… there are opportunities for useful policy debates and proposals. No such initiative is coming from the Prime Minister or her undeclared challenger.”[/i] Really, where has the editorial writer been hiding? What about the Gonski report on education that came out yesterday? There’s enough scope for comprehensive policy debate there and PM Gillard launched that report yesterday, just when lesser journalists were trying to distract her with leadership questions. The disconnect between what journalists write and reality is stark and alarming. What has happened to our political journalists? Is it ‘leadership’ they are lacking, or just the basic skills of journalism? The editorial writer should have spoken to Matthew Franklin who opened his article with: “[i]Julia Gillard has refused to be baited into a Labor leadership ballot, insisting she has strong caucus support and placing the onus for any spill on Kevin Rudd. Rejecting advice from colleagues to sack or discipline her rival over his leadership ambitions, the Prime Minister swept the issue aside yesterday, focusing instead on education and boasting of her determination to continue to deliver "nation-changing" policies.”[/i] The editorial in the [i]Herald Sun[/i], after huffing and puffing at the beginning: [i]”How much longer must Australians wait for the Labor party to bring an end to the disunity that has destroyed it as a government…[/i]”, exposes its real underlying agenda, but not until its final paragraphs: “[i] Nothing of any value will be resolved until Labor calls an election, or can be forced to do so because those independents who have supported it decide its time has finally come. For the sake of all Australians, Ms Gillard, or Mr Rudd, whichever of you is PM next week or next month, call an election. If you believe in democracy, let the people decide.”[/i] Then of course [i]The Hun[/i] believes it will get what it has wanted since 2010 – an Abbott Government. As you would expect, Peter Reith has seized on the ‘lack of leadership’ meme is his puff piece in [i]The Drum[/i]. Unsurprisingly he concludes: “[i] Whatever happens, it looks like an early election is well and truly on the cards. As Bob Hawke wisely once said about the Coalition, the party that can't run itself can't run the country. That is Labor's problem and a change is unlikely to make any difference. It seems that Labor has already sealed its fate.”[/i] I could go on and on, but what’s the point. Journalists and ex pollies can pontificate, predict, count dodgy numbers, put names in columns even without talking to them, quote countless sources, write lots of ‘he said, she said’, pose a variety of intriguing scenarios, foretell bloody conflict with just one winner, but so far they can’t get the cocks to fight. PM Gillard says she has more important things to do in the national interest; Kevin Rudd, away carrying out a punishing agenda as Foreign Minister, ‪asked whether he would challenge Ms Gillard, said: [i]"That is not in prospect, because we have a prime minister and I am the foreign minister.”[/i] You see, so far the wretched cocks won’t fight. They about the best cocks there are and have won many fights, but they just sit there smiling at each other while the journalistic audience urges them on, insists they must have a scrap, dares them to fight to the bloody death, craves for the blood of one of them, or better still both. What inconsideration, who do they think they are – ministers of the crown who have important national jobs to do? Next thing, the journos will ask for their money back.


21/02/2012Ad astra That is a great summary of the current state of play. I will add 'journalists asking for their money back because the cocks won't fight' to Andrew Elder's 'journalists' strike' and 'oxygen thieves' and consider myself blessed that I have had three quotable quips in as many days. If only I had the skills, that would be a cartoon as soon as I could draw it.

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21/02/2012Hi Nasking Thank you for your comments, which I enjoyed reading. Like the rest of us, you need a spell from the nonsense that permeates the MSM – and I mean nonsense. My defense is to take the effusions in the MSM with a large grain of salt and muse about their rage, their pumped-up predictions, their attempts to start a bloody fight, their frustration that so far no blood has been spilled. It really is amusing to watch their antics. Belly laughs are good for us all. The MSM has lost its prestige, its authority, its authenticity, its value as a public utility. It has been surpassed by the plethora of information sources that any of us can access. We can expose journalists’ mistakes, their false predictions, their so-called ‘insider’ knowledge, even their ‘superior’ ability at political analysis, now the province of amateurs, as well as the once respected professionals. And the more they protest, the more they pontificate, the more the claim special status, the more they become an object of ridicule. TT As usual, your verse gives us insight, while at the same time giving us light relief from the frenzied journalistic convolutions we see hour after hour.

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21/02/2012NormanK Thank you for your kind comment. If you missed today’s [i]The World Today[/i], I’m sure you will enjoy what Tony Windsor had to say to Sabra Lane, as part of her segment on leadership issues. I thought how fortunate we are to have such a sensible and balanced person on the cross benches: [i]ELEANOR HALL: Now Sabra, what about the Independents, how much influence are they likely to have on a leadership issue inside the Labor Party? SABRA LANE: Well it might focus some of the minds of those in caucus who are wavering. But again, the Prime Minister's supporters say that Mr Rudd still would be lucky to get numbers in the 30s, that he's struggling to get a three in front of the number of people who actually support him within caucus. 

 Andrew Wilkie has been out on the record before saying that he's had general talks with Kevin Rudd about the leadership, and that he considers his deal with the Prime Minister over given her policy statements last month on poker machines. 

 Mr Oakeshott's indicated he'd have to negotiate another agreement. And also the Member for New England, Tony Windsor, says his support can't be assumed, that if there is a change in leadership - which he says he doesn't think will happen, it's important to highlight that. But he says it's not a case of simply renegotiating a new agreement with a new leader, that it might be something that ends up in an election.

I spoke with Mr Windsor earlier.

 TONY WINDSOR: I'd say it's an issue that needs to be tidied up one way or another.

 SABRA LANE: You've got an agreement with Ms Gillard to support the Government in this minority parliament. Would that stand if there is a change in the leadership?

 TONY WINDSOR: No, it wouldn't, not necessarily, though obviously you'd have to look at those circumstances if they came along. 

I don't think it will come along. I think the Prime Minister will remain the Prime Minister. But within the scenario that could exist, where there is a change of prime minister, all bets would be off in my view.

 SABRA LANE: Has Kevin Rudd or any of his supporters actually approached you?

 TONY WINDSOR: No. No. Not one parliamentarian, including Kevin Rudd, has approached me as to how I would stand if in fact there was a change.

 SABRA LANE: Could you work with Kevin Rudd?

 TONY WINDSOR: I quite like Kevin. I've had a bit to do with him over the years. And that's not the question, whether I could work- I can work with anybody. I've worked with, you know, a whole range of different governments since 1991 - the first one being a minority government when I supported Nick Greiner, and that hung parliament led to his demise too.

 So I wouldn't have a problem working with people. It's in this particular circumstance, though, I think that the work that we put in at the start of this process in terms of negotiating with leaders, both Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard, for the term of this parliament, three years. Three years isn't up and we're talking about changing prime ministers. 

I'd see that as a little bit of a breach - not by Julia Gillard but by the Labor Party - as to the agreement. She was the leader of the Labor Party when she negotiated that agreement. And if the Labor Party are starting to welch on their part- their side of the agreement and their leader, well, all bets are off. And I'd have to not only look at Kevin Rudd as a potential leader but as to whether it was time for the people to actually have their say, seeing we've had our go at determining who could lead for the three years. And maybe it's time the people had a go of it.

 SABRA LANE: You're argument then being that maybe it's time to go to a complete general election.

 TONY WINDSOR: Well, I wouldn't rule it out. I wouldn't rule it out. And on a number of grounds, it may happen automatically. The Governor-General may have to come in if there were a resignation say from Graham Perrett and others, or the parliament became dysfunctional. 

I don't think it is dysfunctional at the moment. I think it's worked very effectively. But if all of those things came into play, well … And given that we attempted, in a difficult circumstance during that 17 day period to determined whether a hung parliament could, in fact, work at a Federal level for a three year period, if in fact the people who were given the guernsey have decided that they want to change the rules halfway through it, when they don't have a majority to do so, then maybe that's one of the options is to let the people in the gate again.

 SABRA LANE: Has the Government undersold the merits of a minority parliament, do you think?

 TONY WINDSOR: [b]I think so but I can understand, particularly when a large slice of the media is wanting the other people to govern at the time and they have continued on that pathway.

 A minority parliament has actually put in place an enormous number of long-term issues. And that's the other thing that disturbs me in a sense, that there's been a lot of hard work go into some of these issues - whether it be the Murray-Darling, the climate change issues, the renewable energy, national broadband, the Rent Resource Tax, the list goes on and on. Any one of those is a major initiative in any parliament. And for those things to get through in a hung parliament is in part a tribute to the negotiating skills of the Prime Minister.

 And to put all those things at risk- well, a small group of people in the Labor Party, to put all those things at risk because none of them are truly bedded down yet, is to me a little bit of a slap in the face. Because we've put some skin in the game too, in terms of backing some long term initiatives that other governments in the past have always avoided. 

If a small group in the governing party can't see that, well I think they deserve to be dragged on. And they can't assume that just change leaders and they'll go on for another 18 months and then determine when they go to an election.

 There may be a determination made much sooner than that. 

They're the risks that they play. But the risk long-term to the country is much greater in my view because there are some very positive longer-term initiatives that won't benefit today's parliamentarians but they may benefit tomorrow's Australians. And I would have thought that's why people put people into parliament, and some of the self serving parliamentarians are starting to come to the surface.

[/b] ELEANOR HALL: That's independent MP Tony Windsor speaking to our chief political correspondent Sabra Lane.[/i] The bolding is my emphasis. The full segment is here:


21/02/2012[quote]You see, so far the wretched cocks won’t fight. They about the best cocks there are and have won many fights, but they just sit there smiling at each other while the journalistic audience urges them on, insists they must have a scrap, dares them to fight to the bloody death, craves for the blood of one of them, or better still both. What inconsideration, who do they think they are – ministers of the crown who have important national jobs to do? Next thing, the journos will ask for their money back. [/quote] Ad, I like this. You put it so well. I said to my wife last nite that the media are addicted to conflict, wars, political bloodbaths...anything to hook-in the curious public...who grow more bored w/ them, more distrusting by the day. Unfortunately they now resemble sports commentators...setting the scene...describing animatedly and w/ hyperbolic statements the teams, the superstars...building the tension up...predicting a big head to head battle...working themselves up into a lather...announcing the betting odds... so what happens if one of the teams doesn't turn up? There's always a culture war...a real war...a drug war...a crime war to turn to... anything to try and grab the audience's/readers' attention. It's the too oft seductive...yet glitzy, oft factually BS, overly-competitive package that the Murdoch empire...and American/UK news has left us. Inside, fool's gold. The bane of our corporate democracy. I'm off. Cheers N'


21/02/2012DMW - welcome back - great link, thanks NormanK -" journalists asking for their money back . . ." - great line, can I please borrow it? I wonder if they keep pumping the crap out on the basis the believe they've gotta be right at some point, or are they so caught up in their own perceived brilliance they can't see the wood for the trees? Nas - hang in there, it seems you're slowly returning to reasonable health. My first watching colour TV story for your interest. A neighbour ran a TV Repair Shop and got his hands on a colour TV and Betamax recorder a year or so before Colour TV came to Australia - well someone has to find out how to fix them I s'pose! Anyway he had one tape - a Benny Hill Show. Now my parents still are morally conservative and you could see the pain and anguish they were going through by lettin