Question Time – Rumble in the Jungle Book

G’day Swordians!

Question Time in the House of Representatives was a bit demure this week, so both sides decided to come back for a bit of overtime and try to get one over on the other. However, the extra session was no sooner underway when Tony ‘King Louie’ Abbott and his troop of monkeys ensured it resembles the set of the animated movie, ‘The Jungle Book’.

Accompanying ‘King Louie’ Abbott, there is ‘Gorilla’ Joe Hockey; Julie ‘Owl Monkey’ Bishop; Christopher ‘Chatter Monkey’ Pyne; Kevin ‘Howler Monkey’ Andrews; Greg ‘The Gibbon’ Hunt; Scott ‘Mandril’ Morrison; Andrew ‘The Ape’ Robb; Bronny ‘Baboon’ Bishop; and Peter ‘Drill’ Dutton.

The Speaker, Harry ‘Bagheera’ Jenkins, is definitely not tolerating any monkey business. He has chucked the whole simian lot of them out. Their antics included such stunts as emitting high-pitched screeches every time a minister got up to speak; mooning their red arses at the government front bench; pinching Julia Gillard’s handbag and hiding it in Gorilla Joe’s great big black hole (or down the front of King Louie’s speedos); running over the benches, defecating thereupon, and heaving the steaming proceeds at the members opposite, shouting in unison, “SHIT HAPPENS!!!!”. But the last straw for Bagheera was them taking turns to swing on the Prime Minister’s ample earlobes. After this unpardonable travesty of parliamentary decorum, he told them to sling their hooks, whilst Jooles temporarily retired to the sick-bay to get a packet of band-aids for her sorely-tested dangly bits.

So, King Louie and his troop of simian silly-buggers are out in the corridor and don’t know what to do with themselves. Then, ambling slowly in their direction, carefully inspecting the portraits of former politicians hanging on the walls, is obviously a primary school student on an educational visit who seems to have become separated from his teacher and classmates.

King Louie: Hey, g’day kid! Where are you from?
Kid: Why, my name is Mogli and I’m originally from Sri Lanka...
[At this revelation, an eighty-second noggin-nodding pause ensues from King Louie. Eventually, King Louie’s nods get so violent, his neck does a hammy, and so he attempts to reassert some resemblance of coherence]
King Louie: Mogli? Sri Lanka? You’re not a reffo off one of those bloody leaky boats, are you?
Mogli: Why, I am actually...we fled the civil war there and the only way we could get here was by sea...
[Background chattering emanates from the simians. Derogatory epithets such as, “bloody reffos”, “queue jumpers”, “towel-heads”, “job stealers”, are spat at Mogli]
Mogli: In fact, my father was killed in the fighting and my mother and I now live in Queensland...She is a doctor and is at the moment treating the cyclone victims at Cairns Base Hospital...
[An embarrassed silence falls on the simians, broken eventually by further questioning of the lad by King Louie]
King Louie: Erm...right...So, kid, why are you here in Parliament House? This place must be as boring as visiting your grandma’s and your grandad has scoffed all the ice-cream just before you arrive...heh...heh...
Mogli: No, it’s not like that at all. You see, I want to be a politician when I grow up...I’m here to seek information and inspiration for my future vocation...I want to make a difference for the greater good of my adopted country and the world...I want to champion the cause of the downtrodden, the soar with the democratic walk with the wounded bring about peace and harmony with the
[Mogli goes on with his address, a speech that, if given by Barack Obama, would make the latter sound like Mr Gobbledegook sucking a gobstopper. King Louie is mesmerised (as is Julie ‘Owl Monkey’ Bishop, incidentally) and can hardly speak coherently as he replies, starry-eyed, to Mogli]

King Louie: Oh my god!!! I’m speechless!!! I’m lost for words...There’s nothing else for it but to sing my favourite song:

:- )
Now I'm the king of the flingers’ mob
Oh, the jungle VIP
We’re called that, cos we get flung out
Ev’ry time QT’s on TV
I wanna be a statesman, mancub
And stroll right into town
And be just like the other statesmen
I'm tired of monkeyin' around!
:- )
Oh, oo bee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you, too
Time to renew
An ape like me
Can learn to be gospel true
:- )
Now don't try to kid me, mancub
I’ll make a deal with you
What I desire is heaps of power
To make my dreams come true
If you get elected, mancub
Pull me outa my blues
Get the Indos to come alongside with me
And I’ll make you a minister too
:- )
I wanna be like you
I wanna talk like you
Walk like you, too
‘Tis gospel true
Someone like me
Can learn to be
Like someone like me
Can learn to be
Like someone like you
Can learn to be
Like someone like me!
:- )

[After the simians settle down, Gorilla Joe pipes up]

Joe: Hey kid, I see you’ve got a nice heavy lunchbox there...anything nice inside – cos I’m starving!
[Mogli opens up his lunchbox to reveal some food items that are, subsequent to the damage caused in Queensland by Cyclone Yasi, as precious as gold-dust – a bunch of bananas!]
Mogli: Yes, as you can see, I’ve got some bananas – they are just about the last ones to be picked before the cyclone hit...and some of my classmates lost everything in the disaster and can’t even afford to bring lunch with them...So I’ll go and find them to share my bananas...
[At the sight of bananas, the simians, Pavlov-monkey-style, go berserk. Led by King Louie, who has suddenly lost his new-found humanitarian gravitas, they snatch the fruit from Mogli’s lunchbox and barnstorm up the corridor fighting to the death over every tiny morsel. As the racket gradually diminishes into the background, a funereal stillness envelopes the place and Mogli sits down, overwhelmed with sadness at the crass behaviour he has just witnessed. Then, he is tapped on the shoulder by a hand-bag-carrying lady with long earlobes that are covered in bandaids]
Jooles: What’s the matter, little tacker – lost your school-mates?
[Mogli recounts the terrible story of the simian looters scoffing his bananas]
Jooles: Look, mate, don’t worry...cos in this big handbag, I’ve got a great big bunch of bananas that I bought at the Parliamentary canteen and you can have the lot for yourself and your mates...
Mogli: Wow! You are so kind, ma’am...they must have cost you a fortune – with the scarcity of bananas now after the cyclone...
Jooles: Nah, mate...the money didn’t come out of my pocket...That’s the advantage of being Prime Minister – you get to put on great big new tax levies to pay for things...heh...heh...
Mogli: Just like the other side did on about six separate occasions?
Jooles: Very good, little mate...You might only be eight years of age, but I think I might have a pre-selection for you at the next election...You would be more than a fair match for Wyatt Roy in Longman...two can play at that baby-faced game...heh...heh...

Questions for further reflection:

- Should the ringleaders of rowdy kindergarten classes view Question Time, so that they can really see what playing up looks like?

- When Joe Hockey asks a stupid question of the government is it called a Dory n’ Chipszer?

- Should the Speaker be issued with a taser and a bonus system every time he hits Christopher Pyne in the nuts with it?

- Whenever a member is ejected, should the speaker have the authority to substantially deduct from their pay?

- Should a Member only get the ‘nod from the Speaker’ during Question Time if they are able to do a perfect demonstration of Tones’ metronome dome movement?

Let us know what you think.

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12/02/2011Hi Acerbic Conehead Thankyou billions AC for your entertaining, enjoyable fantastic article', you have made this morning the most wonderful day in the world. Wow! us Swordians are getting delightful presents everyday. The best place to be: "The Political Sword". Cheers


12/02/2011"Abbott spent almost two minutes (80 seconds of which Channel 7 say they didn’t show in their news reports) nodding his head and glaring “menacingly” at a Channel 7 news reporter . . . " D'you reckon the other 80 seconds would be available from Ch.7 under FOI legislation? If JG had done it would Ch.7 have shown it all?


12/02/2011AC mentions "Tony ‘King Louie’ Abbott and his troop of monkeys . . . ‘Gorilla’ Joe Hockey; Julie ‘Owl Monkey’ Bishop; Christopher ‘Chatter Monkey’ Pyne; Kevin ‘Howler Monkey’ Andrews; Greg ‘The Gibbon’ Hunt; Scott ‘Mandril’ Morrison; Andrew ‘The Ape’ Robb; Bronny ‘Baboon’ Bishop; and Peter ‘Drill’ Dutton." No Orangutans took part in this raid. We vehemently disassociate ourselves and our Bonobo cousins from this sort of behaviour.

Acerbic Conehead 2

12/02/2011Lyn, I’m glad you liked the story. Monkey business was definitely the order of the day for Question Time before Christmas. Maybe King Louie and his mates now see the writing on the wall. Or, maybe it’s just a case of them being shell-shocked and the potential for childish antics is still latent. Also, Lyn, maybe AA could put your fantastic links for Saturday here as well as on BB's thread. TT, Yes, if Julia Gillard had nodded her head speechlessly for 80 seconds they would have done a slow-motion version and ran it as an hour-long SPECIAL REPORT. Ad breaks would have included special offers on cosmetic surgery to reduce ear-lobe size; elocution lessons for getting rid of non-kosher accents; pleas for donations to Tones’ BURY THE LEVY appeal fund; specials at Harvey Norman’s on heaters, cos climate change is a load of crap; and a party political broadcast on behalf of the Liberal Party, to promote the campaign of Hosni Mubarek, newly-endorsed candidate for the seat of Curtin (Julie doesn’t know it yet, but she’s staring at a new career change). And, yes, orang-utans and bonobos are completely innocent of such low shenanigans. They obviously would not associate with such low-lifes.


12/02/2011Hi Ad A nice Special request from Acerbic Conehead 2 [i]Also, Lyn, maybe AA could put your fantastic links for Saturday here as well as on BB's thread. [/i] Cheers

Catching up

12/02/2011You managed to put in context what I think about the last couple of weeks. Thankyou.

Ad astra reply

12/02/2011AC What a delicious piece you have treated us to this morning. Your selection of the video is exquisite. Every time I played it and sang along I saw King Louie cavorting with Mogli. If Louie had the oratory of Mogli, we might not be so terrified at the prospect of an Abbott-led Government, a prospect that fortunately for this nation is fading with every gaffe he makes. Folks I’ll be away for a few hours.

Ad astra reply

12/02/2011Hi Lyn I've posted your links below - they look OK. TODAY'S LINKS Morgan 51.5-48.5 to Labor William Bowe,The Poll BludgerLabor’s position is found to have deteriorated since the previous poll a fortnight ago, Bueller, Ashghebranious, Ash'a Machiavellian Bloggery think the coalition will move to a roll call system after an interesting moment occurred in parliament on Thursday. Menacing’ Tony Abbott glaringly out of his depth, Admin, Independent Australia Talk about cheap political behaviour—this bloke is way out there on his own. Abbott happens,Brian Hoover,So,this is what I'm thinkingWhat concerns me is that this guy may be Prime Minister one day Radical Muslims are Going to Kill Us All!Reb,GutterTrashIt’s the creepy pod person with the hair – Kevin Andrews!, Ozblogistan will grow larger,Jacques Chester,Club TroppoI am looking for more tenants. I wish to continue to host high-quality Australian blogs. Missing Link Friday, Don Arthur, Club Troppo Mr Andrews repeats the strange assertion that “we can’t have a discussion about (extreme Islam On Line Opinion vs people's opinions , Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty Sorry, but on this occasion I think OLO stepped over the line, Larvatus Prodeo statement on cessation of relationship with On Line Opinion and The Domain,Admin,Larvatus ProdeoLP intends to make no further public comment on these matters at this time Newspapers Applicable to Bushfire Bills topic: ,Sound and fury of that catatonic silence , Mike Carlton, SMH shit happens to Tony Abbott, as it has a lot lately, his first instinct is to run to the loving embrace of Alan Jones The power of the lens to shape image , Laurie Oakes, herald Sun he happily allowed himself to be filmed Rambo-like firing a Steyr assault rifle and a machine gun Abbott on the attack makes cuts on the run , Lenore Taylor, Brisbane Times senior members of his own party are urging Abbott to tone down the attack


12/02/2011AC, thoroughly enjoyable & imaginative stuff. Well done. N'


12/02/2011I've written an article on the, to date, successful & generally peaceful Egyptian overthrow of the Mubarak government. It could have positive consequences for our world...shrugging off the oppressors...perhaps be part of a social revolution that is spreading across the globe w/ the assistance of the internet: [quote]It includes challenging media empires & corporate conglomerates that dominate our airwaves, televisions, newspapers, political parties…censoring, distorting, crushing dissent…and playing apologists for corporate & dynastic theft and other corruption & crimes. Long live the internet…the blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter, the more gutsy reporters in the mainstream media – those who still have an ounce of integrity during these corporate cheapo & downsizing times…all those spaces & people that provide US with an opportunity to express our views. And fight oppression. Anyone who thinks they can own, control & profit enormously from these spaces, essential avenues of communication at the expense of the people …are deceiving themselves.[/quote] Cheers N'


12/02/2011Hi Nasking Thankyou for your link to "Cafe Whispers". Nasking's well thoughtout informative piece is a well worthwhile read for everybody: Posting here prepared for our Manager Ad Astra to collect when he comes along. [i]Standing up to Oppressors,Peacefully,Nasking,Cafe Whispers[/i] Well done Egypt. Your people are a great example to the world. Peaceful protest overcomes hate & oppression. Cheers


12/02/2011Yer very kind Lyn.

Ad astra reply

12/02/2011Nasking What a good piece you have written. A significant aspect of the Egypt episode has been the involvement in the protests of many young people, most of whom have never been able to experience and enjoy democracy. They were the ones ready to lay down their lives for it. A unifying force has been the communications technology that they have used to share their feelings and aspirations, and communicate with each other. Their mastery of this technology – Internet and social media – has enabled them to counter the traditional media that until recently has held sway, perpetrating the stories that the rich and powerful wanted broadcast. Their use of the new media has overwhelmed the old, thereby rendering I increasingly obsolete. This is what the MSM is facing here – a burgeoning blogosphere that more and more are using instead of traditional news conduits for their information. We have a long way to go here, but what has happened in Tunisia and now Egypt shows the power that ordinary people can exert so long as the technology allows them, and now it does.


12/02/2011Hi Ad Here is Sunday Morning TV: February 11, 2011 Sunday morning TV, Feb 13 #auspol Your guide to this Sunday morning's political and business interviews Full program listing available at: ttp:// 8.00am Ch10's Meet the Press Paul Bongiorno is joined on the Panel by The SMH's Jacqueline Maley and Marius Benson from ABC News Radio. Together they interview the Manager of Opposition Business Christopher Pyne and NSW Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell. 8:30am Sky News 601 Australian Agenda On Sky News Australian Agenda this week, NSW Premier Kristina Keneally is interviewed by Peter Van Onselen and panel Paul Kelly and Matthew Franklin from The Australian before she heads into a crucial Council of Australian Government meeting in Canberra. Also, Federal Shadow Minister for Health Peter Dutton. 8:35am Ch7 Weekend Sunrise - The Riley Diary Political editor Mark Riley takes a look at the comings and goings of week one of Parliament for 2011. 8:38am Ch9 Today on Sunday - Laurie Oakes interview Laurie Oakes' first program guest for 2011 is Health Minister Nicola Roxon. 9:00am ABC1 Insiders On Insiders this Sunday, Barrie Cassidy interviews the Independent MP for New England, Tony Windsor. On the panel: the Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt, the Sydney Morning Herald’s David Marr and ABC Online’sAnnabel Crabb. And Mike Bowers talks pictures with Fairfax photographer, Andrew Meares. 10:00am ABC1 Inside Business & on ABC News 24 @ 5.30pm This week on Inside Business a feature interview with Rio Tinto CEO Tom Albanese. A look at Australia’s sudden switch from a nation of spenders to a nation of savers... the most dramatic turnaround in the developed world. Following on from that we’ll also check out the challenges facing retailers. The First Person piece looks at the business of piano tuning. And the regular update of the latest news from the markets and Alan Kohler’s incisive commentary.


12/02/2011Hi Ad If this happens I will be doing Talk Turkey's dance. Challenge to Bishop 'would hit Abbott' , Phillip Coorey, SMH Julie Bishop, would most likely spark a challenge by Joe [b]Hockey against Tony Abbott, throwing the Coalition into chaos[/b].


12/02/2011Hi All, Just reading Piers Akerman blog - for the thrill of the sheer nastiness of it all (gotta know what they're up to and all - and boy are they absolutely spewing about Ch7). One of the funniest things is that they're all spewing about Ch9 too. And cold comfort on Ch10 (ha ha). Probably one of the saddest sights though was to see a poster named JJ - probably our jj - who's obviously returned to the fold. Don't know if any of you read my post of late last night. I'd appreciate some feedback, if nothing else. Thanks heaps and it good to be back home Cheers


12/02/2011Re my request for feedback Just to see if i'm on the right tram Ta

Acerbic Conehead 2

12/02/2011Catching up, Yes, I think Tones’ lack of policy formation is starting to really catch up (boom, boom!) with him. As others have pointed out, he had months of notice that the issue of DungGate was going to be raised, and a couple of hour’s notice that The Riler was going to ask him about it. Hoping to hear comments from you again, you will always be very welcome here at The Political Sword. AA, Yes, imagine King Louie becoming the PM of Australia. The shop-keepers in the Kirribilli area would be happy though – they would be selling lots of cans of Mortein to kill the flea infestation. Seriously though, I believe Tones is a creature of the MSM and the shock-jocks. Once they cut off his air-supply, he will quickly start to asphyxiate. There are signs of that happening already. Nasking, Thank you for your message of appreciation and for the marvellous service you provide at Cafe Whispers. As you and AA have astutely pointed out, the role of the social media is crucial in bringing about democratic developments both here and abroad. And Lyn, Thanks also for the synopsis of the political broadcasts on TV this weekend. It is a tremendous assist for us in our planning of our weekend viewing. Hopefully, there will be lots of interesting political insight and less of the gotcha garbage. And, talking of political broadcasts, Tones has had a follow-up interview with The Riler. Read about it below. NEWSFLASH...NEWSFLASH...NEWSFLASH...NEWSFLASH Mark Riley has come back to do another interview with Tones and it is absolutely withering. Earlier forensic examinations of Julia’s earlobes and Kev’s hairdryer are nothing compared to the water-boarding he gets from “The Riler” over DungGate, BigMortgageGate, GospelTruthGate, IroningGate, JetLagGate, and BathroomGate. Sing along in sympathy with Tones as he laments that the nodding idiosyncrasy has spread to the rest of his corporeal members. It is to the groovey rhythms of The Who’s version of the old Johnny Kidd classic, “Shakin’ all over”. :- ( When The Riler’s right up close to me That's when I get the nods all over me :- ( Quivers ‘bout my boatphone I got the shakes in my cojones Shivers cos of my big loans Like I'm Noddin’ all over :- ( Shit happens when the questions get too hard for me This noddin’ feelin’ comes all over me Noddin’ down my backbone I got the nods in the knee bones Noddin’ in the thigh bones Like I'm Noddin’ all over


12/02/2011Hi Kerry Is it this comment you are referring to: [quote]And what about - the confected outrage round the traps should all die down now and they can just put all their energies into steaming vitriolic bile directed at Julia again. [/quote] or the one about Kelly O'Dwyer: [quote]Gotta say I'm a bit sick of the cherry-picking to support an argument. But that's good ole Kelly o'Dwyer for you (probably coached by the master of Higgins himself) [/quote] Hillbilly re Kelly O"Dwyer this morning, back on Bushfire Bill's thread. quote]February 12. 2011 09:02 AM PatriciaWA, Kelly O'Dwyer is being 'groomed' as one of the women of the future of the Liberal Party. As far as I can see from her performances thus far in the public sphere, she is another case of 'all tip, no iceberg'. Feral Skeleton [/quote] Kelly O'Dwyer appears extremely confident, but wobbley with the facts, in other words her information from Peter Costello is being misconscrued in transit, from one ear to another. I watched her on The Drum the other day and I was confounded. Is it this picture and story, you are referring to : Tony Abbott and Seven's Mark Riley make their peace over a controversial interview , James Massola, The Australian Well I did see that story, but I scoffed, coughed and scoffed, therefore, I decided very quickly to move on, out of the draught. My opinion is , knowing Mr Abbott as we do, I would not be at all surprised if the picture shot was set up at Mr Abbott's request, the story too. Did you note the author off the story, Mr James Massola, says it all. Kerry I am pleased you are back home and you have come straight to the right place, to your friends on TPS. Not sure what you meant by the right tram, but if you call TPS a tram, you are travelling along fine. Don't worry, I have seen JJ on a lot of blog sites, she has heaps of like minded friends, loving her opinion, Piers will make her quite comfortable, I am sure. Cheers

Ad astra reply

12/02/2011Kerry Welcome back to TPS in 2011. Somehow I missed your post yesterday. The article on bias was most interesting, as were the comments. The kiss and make up article sounds phony. Piers Akerman’s blog always spews vitriol against whatever is upsetting the Coalition.


12/02/2011Thanks Lyn and Ad I know I'm being terribly inarticulate. The feedback I was requesting was about the focus on: bias in the media. And I'd had a thought that "we seem to be on a hiding to nothing re bias in the press" because "all the other blogs I've read have either die-hard (comments supporting) one side or the other, to the extent that there is no genuine discussion/debate on any topic" That is, most people seem to be completely subjective rather than objective. For instance, if we cannot take on board some sane and considered opinion from another point of view then we are just going to end up as polarised as the rest. That's why I have been reading as much right-wing stuff as I can - to see where they are coming from - and it gives me pain to say it (re jj), but we might fit into the same curveball, or at the very least we may be considered that way. Whaddayareckon? By the way, AC, terrific article as usual. So stringent, and couldn't help myself from laughing/agreeing with with you. Guess I need to provide you with a for instance: Bushfire Bill and I certainly don't agree about Julian Assange, but that would never stop me from admiring/agreeing with most of what BB has to say. I'm not going to be able to post for at least six weeks, so if I seem demanding, I want something to chew on while occupied with a family situation. Thanks guys, All the best, (phew, at last an easy two-word task) Cheers


12/02/2011And Ad, Your extreme patience when dealing with some bizarre posts has been noted.


12/02/2011And Ad, Oops, including mine (posts, that is).

Ad astra reply

12/02/2011kerry If those holding a different point of view came on here with facts and figures and a well reasoned argument, we would be more than willing to enter into a sensible debate, but sadly most of the time the assertions made are not supported by evidence or logical reasoning. ‘Rant’ is a word that comes to mind to describe their offerings. Sometime they list the faults they attribute to our PM or her ministers, but the faults are usually a matter of opinion. For example, the latest slogan attached by Tony Abbott to Julia Gillard’s modified health reform plan is ‘a greater surrender than Singapore’. Like all his slogans it is superficial and misleading. Gillard has simply taken the only pragmatic route she could. WA has always been opposed, now Victoria is, and within a month NSW will be. So as she said: “we could all become tired and old trying to achieve consensus”, while patients wait in vain for the health system to improve. Abbott supporters will likely come here and mouth the slogan rather than arguing the pros and cons of sticking to the Rudd plan, or modifying it to achieve an outcome that will help patients. Slogans are no substitute for facts and reasoning, yet that is about all we get from the Coalition and its supporters here. It is sad. All the best with the family situation - we will look forward to your return.

Bring Back Maxine

12/02/2011AC Loved your "QT Rumble in Jungle Book", what a lovely piece. Unfortunately, you have made a minor error. "Greg ‘The Gibbon’ Hunt" is incorrect. He has been known as [b]"Mike"[/b] to both friend and foe alike ever since he abandoned decades of personal commitment to addressing climate change in order to save his political skin and to secure a Shadow Ministerial position in Abbort's Climate Change Denial shadow cabinet. Please AC, update your "facts" now and in the future. ;)

Bring Back Maxine

12/02/2011So it should be [b]"Mike 'The Mongoose' Hunt"[b/].


12/02/2011Cheers as Astra & Acerbic Conehead. [quote]Their use of the new media has overwhelmed the old, thereby rendering it increasingly obsolete.[/quote] and [quote]the role of the social media is crucial in bringing about democratic developments both here and abroad.[/quote] Indeed. And thnx to both of you for yer public service & contributing to this new social revolution. [quote]Just reading Piers Akerman blog - for the thrill of the sheer nastiness of it all [/quote] kerry, it's enuff to make one want to have a long hot shower afterwards. I do enjoy it when Piers panics for Tony Abbott & rides in like the cavalry, chest & gut pumped, blathering on about all kinds of silliness & reductionist hyperbole in order to mobilise his motley troops. Another Custer perhaps? :) Lyn, many thnx for the useful links & quotes...and Sunday morning show info...I often come here to read yer dependable info to find out what's goin' down...I'm lookin' forward to the Oakes interview w/ Roxon...and Windsor interview on 'Insiders' (shame Bolta has to be playing the 'tricky dick' role for the panel again...I find him to be such a a bore/Boar in Sth Africa before the freeing of Mandela). Cheers N'


12/02/2011Ad astra said "For example, the latest slogan attached by Tony Abbott to Julia Gillard’s modified health reform plan is ‘a greater surrender than Singapore’." Typical misrepresentation of Tony by you as a rabid Lefty, Tony would never exaggerate, what he he said "the greatest surrender SINCE Singapore". I think you should apologise abjectly and go into voluntary exile on Pitcairn Island until at least 2090. Oh sorry, thought I was Bum-Bolt there for a minute.


12/02/2011AA, not criticising you for a minute, and thanks for your reply. I see you’re off to Cebu . Bon voyage and have a great time. One last grumble, if I may. You’ll never believe this after all my raging posts today. Was sitting down to a quiet one-person barbie before. Setting the scene: Had just seen the youngest & his girlfriend off for a night out & was anticipating the arrival of my oldest son with his German sweetheart for a hook-up with Oxford (an interview for a place in their ‘prestigious’ MBA later tonight - they want to use my ADSL2+ because, ironically for TA at least, they don’t trust their wireless connection for this auspicious occasion – through skype and video) and contemplating spending the next six weeks with my sister who has breast cancer (radiation treatment). While setting a place for one, lo and behold, I spied a copy of today’s HeraldSun or SunHerald, whatever, on the outdoor table (long story – my ex had been here earlier today with a friend and left the unread paper) Flicking through it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Andrew Bolt ‘s two-page spread now has about a 144pt head – must be raking in a fortune. But that is not what really caught my eye. The following four pages were about Jordan Rice. About three weeks ago, I heard on the radio that a young lad had given up his life for his young brother - “save him first,” he supposedly said. Being stricken with the tragic events up north and hungry for more news, I checked it out on the web. I finally found a story about this young lad and the person who saved the younger child. I can’t remember the details precisely, but nowhere in the saver’s account did he say that the young boy had said “save my brother first.” It was more along the lines of we just grabbed the first person we saw and when we came back the other lad and his mother were gone. I thought “typical media beat-up” and dismissed it as poetic licence as it were. I didn’t read the story in the paper. A few pages further in I saw a pic of Julia Gillard with the Australian flag and I felt sick. It reminded me of her heartfelt speech in parliament the other day – about Jordan Rice and his mother, Donna. I know she was genuine but I just couldn’t help thinking to myself “it didn’t happen that way; it was a media beat-up. And now the dad’s in on it.” The upshot? All our ‘fussin’ and fightin’ about the media will come to nought, I fear. We’re really not going to change a thing. I don’t think I’m being negative, just realistic. PS. By the way, the Oxford hook-up is for my son’s girlfriend – wouldn’t want you to think I’m bragging. Also, she’s one smart cookie, headed for success, but also has a level, compassionate head on her body. Cheers


12/02/2011Kerry, Is the media as biased as we might think? Take NSW you have in that state Jones, Hadley, and Laws at one time and the rantings of News Ltd! yet for 16 years state Labor have been in power! although when Labor is out of office next month those listed above will think it's all their own good work! Also from that same state during the last federal election it delivered the opposition nothing! In Melbourne you have that radio station MTR that bolt gets on yet according to the last survey I saw they had an audience of 10 thousand (they have 40 thousand at the MCG tonight)! The shock jocks and the news papers have a core audience that in the main check in each day to have their prejudices confirmed and are generally coalition voters anyway. As to "could we end up as polarised as the rest." I wouldn't think so!(jj) offered nothing no links would seldom I think look at other comments that were made, and I think recycled most of what s/he wrote. There are plenty of blogs where you can have rational debate on policy and not be subjected to the vennom you get from some of the News Ltd sites! The thing I notice the most is that while we on the left say the media (newspapers and Television)) is biased against us those on the right say exactly the same thing! Who knows?


12/02/2011Phew, Jason, when you put it like that re NSW, I think you're right. Perhaps we, the great unwashed, araen't as stupid as the meeja like to think. Good to hear from you. Hey, I was watching a clip on youtube about "a chap and his wife and his baby girl" waiting for the result of the last fed election - then they went for a drive to cash and carry (I think) and bought out the whole store! Was that you? Sure looked like you. Cute baby girl, too. Off to bed now, Night all


12/02/2011kerry You might like to listen to this audio. Warren McErlean, one of the rescuers in the Rice incident, says "Jordan wouldn't go". Good enough for me in the absence of contrary evidence.


12/02/2011Last one I promise - gotta get some shuteye before the kids arrive. Thanks nasking - yeah piers has the effect, like something stuck on the bottom of the shoe that feels as if it's somehow gotten on to you. Brings out the shower in me, I can tell you. And NormanK, thanks for that, will listen to that audio tomorrow, but it makes me feel heaps better knowing that it's true. Gotta stop being a Doubting Thomas and so serious - as my kids say. Cheers


12/02/2011YTF with twenty million Australians does the ABC need yet again again and again to choose the most divisive mischievous and gleefully hatefullest lyingest nastiest columnist in the Wide Brown Land on their frogshit erm sorry flagship political programme Insiders tomorrow? This publicly-funded program could be discussing problems and solutions but instead is hellbent on creating stumbling blocks and opportunities for gotchas. It is treachery. The ABC seems dedicated to divisiveness. It is outbloodyrageous and Cassidy and his minders should be sacked. This is no joke, it has nothing to do with balance, it has to do with disruption and dirty tricks. Swordsfolk, PROTEST! We really must deal with the ABC! THIS IS VERY SERIOUS POLITICAL MISCHIEF and WE MUST STOP IT. Watch critically tomorrow please, but you all already know this ( * ) Bolt. Of ALL the people the ABC could choose, why him? You already know. But if the Fifth Estate can be the spur to oust Mubarrak, surely to Dog we can shake the shit out of the ABC? WRITE!

Feral Skeleton

13/02/2011All I hope for on Insiders today is that David Marr 'demolishes' Andrew Bolt and his tired Rightoid proselytising. However, having just witnessed the Liberal Ventriloquist's dummy(I swear I could see a hand up his back), Christopher Pyne on 'Meet the Press', where he did not answer one question straight, instead going off on a pre-programmed anti-Labor rant(Paul Bongiorno tried to pull him up a couple of times, but to no avail, it just gave him time to catch his breath and take off on his merry anti-ALP way again). The Liberal Party, as a collective, remind me of nothing so much as a bunch of bitchy gays after Mardi Gras. That's the sort of verbal line they take these days in order to convince the electorate of what, exactly? Some spurious concept, rather than reality.


13/02/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Healthy Change From Gillard , John,True Politik[/i] Abbott has a history of criticising absolutely everything from the Federal Government, so his comments are no surprise. [i]Training Tony Abbott, Gerry McCusker, Business Spectator[/i]three basic threat responses: flight, fight or freeze. Abbott's freeze option looked bad for one so predisposed to PR pugilism [i]Grog notices Hartsuyker's underwhelming performance, clarencegirl, North Coast Voices[/i] flood tax” becomes a tool for Gillard to slap down Abbott for being one to go back on his word [i]All that talk about interest rate moves, forget it, - Governor, Peter Martin[/i] As far has he is concerned there is "too much coverage" of the question in the media. [i]Egypt: the Revolution will be tweetet, The Conscience Vote[/i] In Tahrir Square people are waving - not burning - the Egyptian flag [b]sunday reading[/b] [i]The Digital TV assistance Scheme, Paul Budd, BuddeBlog[/i]The scheme which commenced in 2010 can provide a HD STB with free installation to an eligible recipient. [i]The Trends Are Back., Possum Comitatus, Pollytics[/i]If Tony Abbott wants to get public support to push the Independents into switching sides, that would require just over half of the undecideds identified ... [i]New Models for the Book Industry[/i], Kwanghu Lim,Core Economics [i]Rupert Murdoch want an Independent Australia, Independent Australia[/i] Australia is no longer a dependency so it should be become independent… [i]Compensation For Carbon Price, The Art Neuro Blog[/i] corporate sector is going to pay a heavier toll than if the Coalition had let the Emissions Trading Scheme get up. The boot’s going to be on the other foot come 1st of July.


13/02/2011Skelly, Does it make you seethe when you watch a lying Thing like Poodle-Do does his poo on me'n'you on TV? Does me. Can you imagine being next-door-neighbour to it? I'm sure that he'd be pleased to know how awful, how insulted as a dicerning he makes me, but Their evil horde is in opposition, and Our Noble Order is in Power, so suck whatever happens on you Poodle. Har har. Meanwhile ABC is using a line "Public Enemy - Julian Assange . . ." as a promo for some beatup they're plotting . . . However they spin the reasoning, they've already spun it. Pure poison, potentially lethal to Assange. Swordsfolk should be united on the Wikileaks issue imo. As for poor Pte Bradley Manning . . . Cassidy rides again starting now. Bloody Bum-Bolt.Urrrgh. "Old man in a hurry" he says of Robb. Not even an original line. (In The lass from Yarralumla I called him "poor old Andrew Robb" last year, glad others realise it.)


13/02/2011Make that "Boer" above. Woke up this morn & thought ya spelt it wrong dummy. N'


13/02/2011Lyn, or anyone else, any idea when Oakes does his interview. I can't stand sittin' thru the whole of that show & already recording two other things. He needs his own show. Cheers N'


13/02/2011FS, The funniest thing Pyne had to say this morning was if anyone was to try to go after Bishop or Hockey that they would have to go through him first! I'm almost tempted to join the party just to have a go!


13/02/2011So much for Marr. No match at all for Bolt's poison, and with some of his own for Rudd. What does Marr hate Rudd so? Of course Labor will get its flood levy, it's in none of the Indies's interests for it to be stalled. The Senate simply cannot introduce (legal) money bills. No argument. Tony Windsor will hear the faux arguments, but he will never support them, nor Oakeshott neither. It would be the end of all reason in Oz Parlt, the Senate majority effectively would be the Govt, in a double disso they'd win. This is just crazy. I really like Windsor and Oakeshott, and Wilkie too. They are sober and responsible.


13/02/2011N, Usually it's between 830 and 900 or it used to be


13/02/2011Nas wrong again the word is BOOR Dunno about Oakes i/view. Jason U r a hoot.

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13/02/2011LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated:

D Mick Weir

13/02/2011Good Morninig All, some extra sunday reading via Andrew Leighs' blog 'The Progressive Strategy Handbook' is a pdf you can download: I haven't had the time to read it yet but this from the opening says a lot to me: [i]'We are currently in the midst of a battle for the soul of America. Will we become the weak vestige of a former global empire serving the rich? Or will we transform ourselves into a model for the 21st Century economy that expands our own peace and prosperity and extends them to other regions of the world? This handbook is for those who stand firmly in the second camp. It is meant to be used by people seeking to undo the decades of harm caused by a powerful minority who have taken control of our political system and dominate public opinion through the consolidation of corporate-owned media. Our mission is to encourage the progressive community to collaboratively build the infrastructure we’ll need to make our vision of America a reality.'[/i] A quick 'flip' through suggests there is some valuable info within. Enjoy

Ad astra reply

13/02/2011Folks Andrew Bolt was at his partisan worst on [i]Insiders[/i] this morning. Bullying throughout to get his venomous anti-Gillard, anti Government rhetoric across, brushing aside other comments, even for a while attempting to take over Barrie Cassidy's role as moderator until pulled into line by Cassidy. Unable to defend Abbott in totality, he did his best to sheet blame for Abbott's performance to Mark Riley and Channel Seven, which he condemned as perpetrating 'the worst case of gotcha journalism he has ever seen'! Why does the ABC, and Cassidy, allow such a strident Coalition partisan on the programme when it purports to be 'fair and balanced' in political commentary?

D Mick Weir

13/02/2011There must be something in the water!! Courtesy of Matt Cowgills' We are all dead Some thoughts on how to build a ‘progressive tea party’.

Patricia WA

13/02/2011Kerry, it feels to me the difference between Right and Left federally these days is often in their 'public' faces in the media, print and electronic. The Coalition Right under Abbott are consistently negative and attacking while offering no constructive policy alternatives. The ALP Left, on the defensive for a government holding its own in a hung parliament, are working hard, often struggling, to get runs on the board with legislation for reform. Little credit is given or attention paid to this in the media, the Murdoch bias aside, since it's so pre-occupied with personality and incident rather than policy, so the government doesn't stand a chance of gettings its constructive message through. The Right's rabid attack mode, taken up by its cheer squad led by the Ackerman and Jones, makes lots of noise on air, in print and blog sites. That's where we bloggers come in to play and often are pretty strong in expressing our views, frustrated as we so often are. But I think you'll find even here we give credit where it's due, rather than poisonously trying to distort success into failure and bring down people of good character. I do hope Jason is right and that in the long run good people and policies will prevail. By the way I agree with you about Assange. I think the liberal left litterati have gone quite loopy over him. They'll rue the day. Have you noticed that our friend Rupert seems to approve of him too?


13/02/2011Hi Nasking Here is the transcript of Laurie Oakes interview this morning for you. The beat up about Kevin Rudd's Hissy fit, is important, to be sure, be sure. It's not important that Kevin said he had a plane to catch to Sydney, as Annabel Crabb insinuated it's doubtful, because the times don't match, Kevin Rudd couldn't have made the flight in that time. Nasking, you can speed read the transcript, no need to watch the video, just a waste of anyone' precious time. Did you note Mr Bolt thinks Kevin Rudd is Cancer, within the Liberal Party,the only reason they don't get rid of him is they don't want a bi-election,say's the honest,reliable, thousand hits a month, Mr Bolt. Have you noticed how Kevin Rudd has been shining this week, and I mean shining, excellent performance in Parliament, bashed Abbott ouch, ouch,this week.Kevin seems to be in his element in his portfolio, also doesn't he fit and look look the part perfectly. Cheers


13/02/2011Hi Nasking Well, I put up the post for you and forgot the link, just as well nobody was looking : LAURIE OAKES talking to Minister for Health and Ageing NICOLA ROXON Transcript


13/02/2011"the word is BOOR" LOL. A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement. Yep, Bolt has those moments...not unlike Abbott & Robb. "Here is the transcript of Laurie Oakes interview this morning for you." Lyn, Very kind. I did end up seein' the interview (many thnx Jason)...I thought Roxon handled herself very professionally, articulated her position well, including summarising the healthcare reform package. I would advise her tho not to be so dismissive when it comes to pensioners' issues...the "that's the way it's always been" response sounded like she wasn't taking the raised problem/issue seriously. Falling back on a "default" position in an argument can make one seem uncaring & disinterested. At least in this instance. Apart from that hiccup, I thought Roxon was calm & collected & handled herself well considering the focus of the interview being on health reform changes. As for Pyne...he scored a point re: the ALP relying on Liberals for accountability...which was added to by the use of effective descriptive "capitulation" when it came to governments excuse for changing healthcare reform based on Libs coming to power in States. Perhaps government advisors lacked nous when mentioning John Fahey's appointment Re: overseeing flood reconstruction...during same day week as "Liberal states" excuse. Gave the Libs a real opening. Frankly, I don't think the government did capitulate...I reckon this is a far simpler way to sell health funding & reform to voters that will work in the long run...and gives the Feds more control over spending, more responsibility put back on state governments...let the premiers create their own messes & accomplishments. And focus on getting nurses & doctors trained and out there by way of incentives...& accountability in hospitals...and hospitals can get the instruments & technologies they need by way of more funding to ensure more specialists, more efficiency & more patients are seen using best practices & machinery possible. Tho, primary care must be a top priority too. But the real elephant in the room is the ever-growing fast food, escapism by way of substances due to stress of busy consumer capitalist world stuff that America & Canada have been dealing w/ for many years. Responding to the realities of our ad-driven, buy me, you have the credit to do it, yer busy w/ family & work, go convenience food & drink, munch munch glug glug ill ill, big pharma to the rescue regardless of side effects, stress stress, pop pop, munch munch, glug glug...very expensive in the long run...needing huge healthcare budget...western world now infecting rest of world conveyor belt. It's a monster problem governments of all persuasion...but Libs bein' really into shareholding can make big bucks outa it by pushing private health & selling expensive machines to hospitals & docs gratis of the taxpayer. Finally on Pyne...the mag cover made him look like a dickhead, bad timing w/ Lib's judgement calls lookin' bad & bein' focused on by press & blogs... and that silly, knee-jerk rush to Bishop's defense "can come thru me" made him look sincere and is easy to ridicule as he is such a puny character physically. Furthermore, if he does run &/or take Bishop's position oneday, he'll look bloody insincere (like so many before him)...and people will laugh & ask "Did he go thru himself?". Who is the real Christopher? Rushing, so hope makes sense. N' N'


13/02/2011"made him look insincere" not sincere. "during same day week as "Liberal states" excuse." Get rid of "day". Sorry. Very tired. N'


13/02/2011As for 'Insiders'. Not a good one for Coalition. Looked like a rabble...real internal problems. Bolt's claim that the Mark Riley interview was "a sacking offence" came across as desperate & ill-timed considering the embarrassing footage was shown after his dopey blowoff. Laughed when Milne, w/ tongue in cheek, said "If you'd waited" or somethin' like that...which goes to prove my point on the Friday Siesta 'Champing at the bit' post over at the Cafe. Bolt can't help himself. Digs his own grave. Might add, doesn't Bolt get paid to give his oh so objective opinion on Channel Nine? So isn't Riley's Channel Seven a competitor? I remember Murdoch lackeys on Fox News bashing & calling for axing of CNN, MSNBC & New York Times people as well...there's a pattern when it comes to dealing w/ their competitors. Low belt stuff. Interesting & cosy relationship between Ch. 9 & Murdoch empire it seems thse days. Luv in...share the spoils? N'


13/02/2011Lastly, for now, Annabelle Crabbe, like many of us, feels Tony needs his fanatical exercise regime to get his head into gear (tho, I do think he wears himself down too...hamstring at his age...judgement call again...overdoin' things...physically anyway, obviously not mentally). I mean, how much exercise is this (need my exercise-induced endorphins to function) Abbott gonna be able to do if he has an ongoin' hamstring problem & is wearin' his body down?...and if he's a PM w/ such high work demand & overseas flights/meetings put on him? Furthermore, the lack of appropriate response thing happened yet again when Robb arrogantly sat in Bishop's seat. Abbott shoul've immediately righted that situation rather than letting his Bishop be embarrassed, ridiculed. Either spiteful, petty, backstabbing, tricky stuff on the part of Abbott who knew Robb would do it (a setup to have a dig at Bishop)... Or just plain inaction on his part & not asserting his leadership properly. Either way. Not a good look. And Robb, unfortunately, is comin' across as irresponsible & somewhat manic/ he did durin' the NBN & "black hole' episodes. The Coalition need a new leader & front bench changes. But I'm happy if they remain this way. :) BTW, Hockey seemed uncomfortable w/ the stuff goin' on in his party. Yet afraid to say so. End of Howard years again? Team in straightjackets? N'

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13/02/2011Folks I'm getting on the road now for Melbourne. Back this evening.


13/02/2011Andrew Robb puts out media release! claims he was "stitched up"


13/02/2011Hi D Mick Weir Thankyou so much for the links you have provided this morning, they were very enjoyable, good Sunday reading. Some thoughts on how to build a ‘progressive tea party’. some extra sunday reading via Andrew Leighs' blog 'The Progressive Strategy Handbook' is a pdf you can download: Cheers

Acerbic Conehead 2

13/02/2011In Toyland, those two arch-purveyors of Machiavellian Bastardry, the goblins “Sly” Swannie and "Gobbo” Gillard, are up to their usual tricks. Taking advantage of the dissention within Coalition ranks, they have kidnapped “Noddy” Abbott and hypnotised him, so that he will nod his head at every suggestion made to him, but remain mute. The goblins park Noddy in his yellow and red taxi, hide behind the nearest tree, and wait for the fun to start. They don’t have long to wait, as, sure enough, up comes Noddy’s friend, Julie “Big Eyes” Bishop. Big Eyes: Why, there you are Noddy...I’ve been looking everywhere for you...I want to give you a piece of my mind for pretending it was my idea to stop helping those poor little foreign children in the school up the road...You really are a naughty Noddy! [Noddy, as his name indicates, just nods vigorously, without uttering a word. Big Eyes carries on with her diatribe] Big Eyes: And there’s something else I need to speak with you about – the issue of Robbo the Dobbo taking my seat at the Menzies house-warming party the other day...I had to stand the whole time and, as you know, my varicose veins are giving me hell...I sincerely hope you gave him a good telling off for being so mean to me... [again, in response to Big Eyes’ lamentations, Noddy doesn’t utter a word, but simply nods vigorously, as if in total agreement. The emerging pattern in Noddy’d replies doesn’t go unnoticed by Big eyes. “Hmmm”, she thinks to herself, “I might be on to something here”. She tries a few experiments; firstly, she asks Noddy if he is the stupidest boy in Toyland – he nods in agreement. Then, she asks him if he were twice as smart as he is now, would he be a moron; again, Noddy’s head nearly falls off on the verge due to his aggressive nodding with verve. “Perfect!” says Big eyes to herself, “now’s my big chance”] Big Eyes: Now, Noddy – remember that NBN thingy we are campaigning against? Well, I’ve been thinking...I want you to start supporting it now, cos we’re so cashed-up in WA, we need a reliable system to do our on-line banking, share-trading and currency dealing...whaddya reckon? [as usual, Noddy nods vigorously] Big Eyes: Now that wasn’t too hard, was it...heh...heh...And can I mention another thing, Noddy...I’ve got a heap of ironing that needs done over at my place – can you just pop over and do it for me? [again, Noddy’s noggin nearly falls off in agreement. Meanwhile, Sly and Gobbo, hidden behind the tree, are nearly wetting themselves with laughter. Now Big Eyes really has the smell of blood in her nostrils. She makes a host of suggestions to Noddy that he normally wouldn’t agree to in a million years: - At the next Gay Mardi Gras, he should lead it off, garbed only in his budgie smugglers - Buy her a new photocopier, as her old one has blown a gasket - Give her the $10,000 parental leave allowance, even though she isn’t pregnant - Let her use his boatphone, cos she’s exhausted all her credit ringing Perth from Canberra - Introduce her to David Cameron, as she thinks he’s a spunk - Give her an interest-free loan from his BURY THE LEVY Appeal Fund - Every time anyone but her is mentioned as a future Liberal Party leader, shout “Shit happens!” - When Joe Hockey tries to improve his image by going on a diet, say its the “greatest surrender since Singapore noodles were invented” So, having got multiple nods from Noddy (non-verbally, anyway), Big Eyes toddles off, looking like the cat that got the cream. Sly Swannie and Gobbo Gillard, still behind the tree, are slapping each other on the back, deliriously happy at the successful outcomes from hypnotising Noddy Abbott. Then, striding purposefully along the road towards the little yellow and red taxi, is Andrew Robb] Sly: Hey, Gobbo – look who it is... Gobbo: Well, well, looks like the day’s gonna get better and better...heh...heh... Sly: Yeah...I hope Joe’s application for Toyland’s first Jesters’ Pies franchise doesn’t get a blight on it...Cos if it does, he’s gonna be looking for an alternative source of income...hee...hee...


13/02/2011Hi Jason Wow! there is no doubt about the Liberals, they now how to back pedal fast, no wonder they claim fitness . [i]Sunday Paper stitch-up job: Robb/Hockey Conversation, [/i]Andrew Robb AO MP, Portfolio Media Release With the Gillard government wallowing in incompetence and many unresolved problems, all of our attention should be, and must be, on keeping Labor accountable. To bad so sad, what Robb said in the interview is all over the blogoshpere, with a photo or him swimming for fitness to office, notice though he said he was promoting his book. cheers


13/02/2011'Andrew Robb puts out media release! claims he was "stitched up" Jason, Robb in panic mode eh? A rabble. Abbott's foot in mouth. Robb's foot up Hockey...then Bishop's bottom. Pyne's foot up his own butt...scoring own "annoying" goals. Hockey's ready to put foot up entire Liberal party...and go back to kids. Turnbull smiling puts foot in NBN quicksand. Liberal party has both feet moving past event horizon into "black hole" of own making. Rupert extends claws on feet & gets very annoyed...ready to hunt his own for money. N'

Patricia WA

13/02/2011Hi, AC, thinking of King Louie and his monkey mates and nasty gibberish I tried to follow up with a witty pome for you, but I couldn't. All I could think of was the dignified and stoic stance of the PM in public appearances, and her feisty, often funny, responses in Parliament which too often are not reported. With her intelligence, warmth and spirit Julia will make us all increasingly proud of her as the months go on. Let's pray she gets the opportunity to continue to lead us, and that Abbott and team with with their monkey tricks don't prevail. I trust, Ad Astra, that your prediction is right. Meanwhile remember that other red haired ruler some four centuries ago? [b]A Hard Head, Maybe. But Never Heart Dead.[/b] Four Corners said she's a a ‘hard head’ But our PM is not 'heart dead'. Look how this week she's clearly shown Such genuine grief, all doubts have flown. She’s forthright, strong and no fibber Stand-out model for any libber. Trace her career; right from the start It’s clear that she’s no bleeding heart. But, intelligent and aware, She’s never anything but fair. Questions on why she’s not married Have been very lightly parried. Which echoes that other ‘Welsh’ red head Who resolutely refused to wed. Remember that [quote]weak and feeble woman With the heart and stomach of a[/quote]...human? True, Julia’s not a Tudor, born to rule, But she surely comes from that gene pool.


13/02/2011Hi Patricia WA Thankyou for your magnificent pome today, your work is very much appreciated, & your contributions are an asset to TPS. [quote]Stand-out model for any libber[/quote]. How true. Cheers

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13/02/2011Folks Back at my computer. AC and Patricia WA Thank you your sharp Noddy satire AC and for your clever verse Patricia WA. Nasking We appreciate your postings here - they are very informative. D Mick Weir Your links were most interesting. Thank you. Lyn Thank you for your vigilance in finding us links - what a collection about the Coalition!


13/02/2011N and Kerry, Found this comment over at Pure poison and I speaks for it's self! pablo Posted February 13, 2011 at 4:57 pm | Permalink Saw Andrew Bolt’s show on the ABC morning. I think it’s called Insiders. Andrew does keep fairly tight control over his guests quite well as they are obviously main stream media types who support the ALP. I must mention two criticisms though: He should really cut the guests off more when they look like they are going to offer up contrary opinions. And he particularly really needs to control that annoying guest Barrie, as he acts as if he runs the show

Acerbic Conehead 2

13/02/2011Hi Kerry, Thanks for your kind words on “Question Time – Rumble in the Jungle Book”. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Keep safe during your six-week absence, and we look forward to hearing from you again when you return. Bring Back Maxine, Great to hear from you again. I’m forever in your debt for the heads-up on Greg Hunt’s new first name (Mike). It is very appropriate, and when I run the new first name with his surname, I come up with something that shouldn’t be mentioned on a family blog such as this. However, rest assured that this is only the product of my one-track mind and I am in no way casting aspersions on your good self...hee...hee... Nasking, A good analogy with Tones as General Custer. I reckon there’s a fair bit of Chief Sitting Bullduster thrown in there as well. And thanks for your thoughts on the COAG Health issue. The link you make with junk-food and higher demands on health resources is a very pertinent one. TT, If AA gets exiled to Pitcairn Island, at least we’ll have somewhere to stay when we go on our holidays. And Lyn, If any more of these politicians catch the physical exercise bug, you will have to provide links for us to Fitness Weekly. Patricia, Thanks for the poem on Julia and Good Queen Bess. Yes, the PM doesn’t reckon she’s born to rule – that piece of hubris is the prerogative of King Louie. Jason, Thanks for that link to Pablo’s comment on Pure Poison. Excellent role reversal skit.

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13/02/2011Folks It's been a long day - I'm packing it in for the night.


14/02/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Abbott's Obstructionist Tactics lifted Directly from Mitch McConnell, Alex White[/i] Think about Abbott’s attitude to every debate since he became leader. Whereas Malcolm Turnbull and Brendan Nelson agreed to take a bipartisan [i]A DONE DEAL – HEALTH , Abbott now upset , Saynotony[/i]Abbott was the Health Minster under a Howard Government which took over a Billion dollars out of state health funding. [b]Abbott is loosing control of his Senior staff, Saynotony[/b]Windsor : ‘I don’t think we really needed Tony’s advice in relation to that. [i]Waiting for the great leap forward, Andrew Elder,Politically Homeless[/i] Pyne relishes getting thrown out of Parliament,like a bored teenager using antisocial behaviour to attract attention [i]Ballad of a thin Man, Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i]Once again, our national broadcaster chooses as its preferred angle the Opposition's interpretation of the story [i]Deal done at COAG health meeting, ABC[/i] Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott earlier accused state Labor leaders of falsely orchestrating a tough negotiation for the benefit of the Prime Minister. [i]Top End Politics goes Troppo again, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i]opposition Country Liberal Party’s latest bout of infighting is a vintage example of the phenomenon [i]Here we are again – The hunt for MUBARAK’s Billions begins , Bleyzie, The Eye-Ball opinion[/i] Mubarak hung in in these past weeks not because he thought he could still lead – it was so he could wield his position to shift his fortune [i]This week on Insiders, Barrie Cassidy, Video[/i ]Tony Abbott has ended the first sitting week of Parliament under pressure instead of putting pressure on the Government. [i]Nielsen: 54 - 46 to Coalition, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger[/i] The first Nielsen poll for the year suggests Labor’s morale recovery last week will prove to be short-lived:

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I loves youse all! :) (In a platonic way, of course!)


14/02/2011Ethistan graciously said Hey TT, just thought I would let you know that song was Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot. Thanks Cobber, sorry not to have acknowledged earlier.

Ad astra reply

14/02/2011Folks I have just posted the latest from HillbillySkeleton [i]The Fox Fish Rots from the Head Down[/i]. Enjoy her incisive analysis.


14/02/2011"Found this comment over at Pure poison and I speaks for it's self!" LOL Jason. So apt. "The link you make with junk-food and higher demands on health resources is a very pertinent one." Cheers AC...yes, having lived in Nth America for almost a decade in part of the 70s, early 80s I witnessed firsthand the infection of fast food etc spread into Canada from America...and the affect on health & people's mood/attitudes & lifestyle. I think the Australian government & healthcare systems could learn alot from the accomplishments & mistakes made by a number of the Canadian provinces & American states as they dealt w/ the epidemic of health problems related to fast food, side effects of big pharma pill popping...i'm certain they compete w/ the long-term effects of smoking that has hit our hospitals like a tidal wave...and the full effects of fast food on the Australian public is probably yet to show up. Cheers aA. Appreciate that comment. N'
How many Rabbits do I have if I have 3 Oranges?