The Fox Fish Rots from the Head Down

Ever since the 'kindly' Commission Salesman bowled up to my front door and enthusiastically informed me that I was lucky enough to have Foxtel running down my street now(!), and for the 'Low Introductory Price' that he was offering me I could have access to all those shows that you'll never get on Free TV, like the Movie Channel, the Discovery Channel (lots o' cute, furry animals to look at, preserved as if in an ethereal aspic on the TV screen, for my guilt-sidelined viewing pleasure. Don't think about habitat destruction...Don't think about habitat destruction). And, of course, let’s not forget the Opium of the Masses, the Sports Channel. Note, however, he didn't mention, the Politics Channel, SkyTV, as I'm sure at Commission Sales School they are taught not to mention The War. The War on Progressive politics by the Arch Conservative Plutocrat, Rupert Murdoch and the media minions of Murdochistan, which has been coming at the unsuspecting masses since Cable TV came to this country, and the USA, and Britain (where, in his inexorable way he his aiming for total control over BSkyB). I. Have. Been. Suspicious.

Now, you may say I'm being overly alarmist and paranoid about the Murdoch agenda and the extent that he is prepared to go to to bring about his Conservative Caliphate.


Now, whilst it may not be as overt as in the USA, if we just take a look at how The Australian and SkyTV circled the wagons around Tony Abbott last week after his, so obvious it was embarrassing to watch (but, like a car crash in slow motion we did. Again. And again.), major brain explosion after Mark Riley had the effrontery to not follow the media script, we could see clearly that a pattern of behaviour by the Murdoch journos is in operation here in Australia, just as it is overseas, when it comes to doing the spade work to protect a favoured political son or daughter who has exposed their all too human frailties to the nation. A formula originally conceived in Australia, as it has been said that Australia was Murdoch's Petrie Dish that the behaviour of the rest of his media, for all intents and purposes, grew out of, and now feeds back into.

However, whilst I always suspected this, and thus told the 'nice' Foxtel Salesman, “Thanks, but No Thanks” I never felt confident enough to go public with my conspiracy theory because I never had the proof “That would convince the Old Bailey”, as Howard used to say, and, as an unreconstructed, old Lefty softy (sadly, a dying breed), I always gave those who reported politics from the other side of the political isle the benefit of the doubt that they were just reporting things from their heartfelt perspective, without any particular malice of forethought.

Boy, was I wrong!

The scales fell from my eyes last week when I read an account from a formerly, deeply-embedded Fox News Insider that you may wish to read. 

To call the majority of the journalists who work for News Corp 'unthinking, almost brainwashed acolytes', is not putting too fine a point on it. No wonder they are sent to America to go on 'Retreats' with the Grand Poobah of Fox News, Roger Ailes (Richard Nixon's former Press Secretary, which tells you everything you need to know about the guy), or, if you're lucky, or one of News Corp's Editors, you get to sit at the feet of greatness itself and be in the same room for an extended period of time with Mr Murdoch himself. Whereupon you are given the line and the length you should pitch your game at when you go back home to Australia.

Of course, it's denied. However, we now have the proof that I have craved to justify my suspicions from all those years ago when I denied permission for the man from Foxtel to hook me up with a direct line from Rupert into my house and my brain. I did so because I smelt a rat amongst all the cute and fluffy animals on the Discovery Channel. Now, 10 years later, it's good to know that my initial instincts were right.

Thus my local crusade to get as many of my friends as possible to give up their Foxtel habit as well. Unplug Rupert and put up a Firewall against him, and then keep spreading the word to as many people as possible. It's the hard slog of a Gallipoli-like campaign, but it's worth the effort before it's too late and he has a line into so many households and minds that resistance is futile.

So, in summary, this is what you need to know about how it is 'As Above' (in the US), and thus, 'So Below’ (Down Under in Australia):
- Fox News/SkyTV/News Ltd. is run as a partisan operation.
- Its primary goal is to prop up the Coalition/Republicans/Tories, and knock down the Labo(u)r Party/Democrats.
- It is their modus operandi to undermine the Gillard government, or any Labor State government that doesn't play ball with them.
- They're a propaganda outfit but they call themselves news media.
- We all know their media outlets lean Right, but, over time, they have become an open and active political player; sort of, one part character assassin and one-part propagandist, depending on whether the parties they favour are in power.
- The operation thrives on conflation and fabrication, exaggerations, falsehoods and misleading proselytising. Just look at and listen to Bolt, Akerman, Jones, Hadley, Steve Price, Howard Sattler, the list goes on, into newspapers and TV and Their ABC.

I mean you only have to go back a week to the Abbott Brain Snap to see how the operation worked. The Murdoch/Coalition machine seamlessly snapped into action when needed after the Abbott Brain Explosion occurred (raw footage here). 

Within the hour the ABC and other TV stations had been fed a Press Release from the Opposition Leader's office, which they dutifully and unquestioningly read out straight away on air. Overnight the scribes at The Australian went to work rewriting history. Abbott's virtual catatonia became a 'Dignified Silence'.

Subsequently, a distraction to the Abbott episode is created by the formation of an anti-Labor government story to run over the Abbott story. In this case it was the 'Julia Gillard's tears were confected' meme. This was meant to take the heat off Tony Abbott and direct people's agitation and rage back at Julia Gillard again. And, as today's Nielsen poll in the Fairfax papers proves, it is a strategy that works spectacularly well. The 'Sympathy Vote' has gone all Abbott's way.

To kick one of these campaigns off, a Hate E-mail appears to be the first cab off the disinformation rank, as the forces aligned against Progressive Social Democrat governments attempt to turn the ship of potential or actual positive public opinion around, and redirect gaze away from the fallibility and failings which have been on show from a Conservative politician, such as in the case of Tony Abbott's media faux pas of the past week. Thus we had the 'Julia Gillard's tears were a sham' line which came out as soon as possible after her Condolence Motion speech was made.

Next, the e-mail recipients, having got their lines, flood the accommodating radio station talkback lines, the ABC's website, Facebook and Twitter, and media website blogs, with their, ahem, 'considered opinion'.

The momentum is kept up with a Bolt or Akerman article in the newspapers and online. Throw in a few political cartoons to visually reinforce the point trying to be made disingenuously; send the best Coalition mouthpieces to Lateline, the 7.30 Report and ABC24 Breakfast, Radio National with Fran Kelly, ABC Local Radio around the land, and tie it up with a nice little bow on the weekend, with an 'Opinion Piece' by someone like Christopher Pearson or Greg Sheridan, close friends of the Opposition Leader, and, if you're lucky when an opinion poll is being taken, you will get the desired result. PR101 for Conservatives.

Finally, the weekend political shows on television pontificate on the matter, and never miss the opportunity to have a go at the government too, and reinforce the meme as a result of the strategic presence of one of the Murdoch message machine men on one panel or another.

Now, they may also mention a Conservative politician's travails, but they give equal weight to the entirely confected message campaign that has gone on in the previous few days. And rarely does a host of one of these panel programs, or one of the other panellists, attempt to deconstruct their often stridently put assertions. And, if they do, the Shock Journalist just interrupts their flow of point making by shouting over them and loudly disagreeing with them. Which is a big problem with these shows these days, and why many thoughtful people are turning away from them in search of rational debate wherever they can find it. This is a big problem which these shows ought to try to resolve if they are to maintain a sense of impartiality. However, as things stand at the present time, the over-arching Murdoch/Conservative paradigm is being pursued relentlessly and successfully through them.


So, never forget these wise words from the Fox News Insider:
“I don't think people understand it's an organisation that's built and functions by intimidation and bullying, and its goal is to prop up and support the Coalition/Republicans, and to knock down Labor/Democrats. People tend to think that the stuff that's on TV is real, especially under the guise of news. You'd think that people would wise up, but they don't.”

So, next time that nice man from Foxtel comes to your door, or buttonholes you at the Shopping Centre, say, “Thanks, but No Thanks.” And if you've already got it, treat SkyTV with the scepticism it deserves, or, even better, just bin it and put your money and time to a better and more enlightened use.

What do you think?

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Ad astra reply

14/02/2011LYN'S DAILY LINK's updated: As Lyn has posted her links on the previous post, I've copied them below for your convenience. TODAY'S LINKS Abbott's Obstructionist Tactics lifted Directly from Mitch McConnell, Alex White Think about Abbott’s attitude to every debate since he became leader. Whereas Malcolm Turnbull and Brendan Nelson agreed to take a bipartisan A DONE DEAL – HEALTH , Abbott now upset , SaynotonyAbbott was the Health Minster under a Howard Government which took over a Billion dollars out of state health funding. Abbott is loosing control of his Senior staff, SaynotonyWindsor : ‘I don’t think we really needed Tony’s advice in relation to that. Waiting for the great leap forward, Andrew Elder,Politically Homeless Pyne relishes getting thrown out of Parliament,like a bored teenager using antisocial behaviour to attract attention Ballad of a thin Man, Mr Denmore, The Failed EstateOnce again, our national broadcaster chooses as its preferred angle the Opposition's interpretation of the story Deal done at COAG health meeting, ABC Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott earlier accused state Labor leaders of falsely orchestrating a tough negotiation for the benefit of the Prime Minister. Top End Politics goes Troppo again, Ken Parish, Club Troppoopposition Country Liberal Party’s latest bout of infighting is a vintage example of the phenomenon Here we are again – The hunt for MUBARAK’s Billions begins , Bleyzie, The Eye-Ball opinion Mubarak hung in in these past weeks not because he thought he could still lead – it was so he could wield his position to shift his fortune This week on Insiders, Barrie Cassidy, Video Tony Abbott has ended the first sitting week of Parliament under pressure instead of putting pressure on the Government. Nielsen: 54 - 46 to Coalition, William Bowe, The Poll Bludger The first Nielsen poll for the year suggests Labor’s morale recovery last week will prove to be short-lived:

Ad astra reply

14/02/2011Folks I'm off this afternoon to Cebu in The Philippines for a conference of the World Organization of Family Doctors where I will meet with long standing colleagues in that organisation for which my wife and I worked for twenty years. As I am involved in several aspects of the conference I will have little time to attend to [i]TPS[/i]. I'm taking the iPad and will check in as often as I can. I'm returning via Singapore where I will spend a few days with friends. As I will be away two weeks, I have made as much preparation as I am able for the time away. HillbillySkeleton will keep an eye on the site and delete any spam and abusive comments should they occur. Today I have posted a piece by HillbillySkeleton [i]The Fox Fish Rots from the Head Down[/i]. On Thursday my son-in-law will post [i]Leadership - what do the people want?[/i], and next Monday he will post [i]The ugliness of political opportunism[/i] and the following Monday [i]Simplicity - the opiate of the people[/i]. In between there will be pieces from HillbillySkeleton, and possibly from Bushfire Bill that my son-in-law would post. So there will be open threads throughout the two weeks I will be away. I hope you all continue to enjoy [i]TPS[/i]. Lyn will continue to post her links, but I will leave posting them to her special page until I return. So for the time being, [i]au revoir[/i].


14/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Thankyou, another award winning brilliant, masterpiece from you, I said we are spoilt on "TPS" you have just proved it. We had Austar disconnected during the election, in protest to Sky News, blatant bias, along with distorted reporting, also the Ads were creeping in thick and fast on every channel, also again, the movie repeats were horrific. You see they want their subscription and the ad money too, double dip, triple dip. [b]Unplug Rupert and put up a Firewall against him[/b] We have at least started in that firewall direction, by shutting down Austar. My husband bought the Sunday Telegraph to get the TV program so he said, page 2, Abbott, Page 3, run down the Government, Page 4, knock the Government, Page 5, Marvellous Abbott, Page 6, Abbott said something,words of some kind. Well the TV program is on the computer for everyone to see. February 14. 2011 09:57 AM HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I loves youse all! (In a platonic way, of course!) Feral Skeleton Happy Valentines Day, to you Hillbilly, We love you platonic too Hilliblly.

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011lyn, You are too kind, but thank you all the same. :) I just try my best to make real what I think other people might be thinking too. I'll keep doing it for as long as the Internet gives me the freedom of speech to say what's on my mind.


14/02/2011Hi All, Long time reader, but rarely post. But in this instance, I had to pipe in. I'm a little bit disappointed with this post. Although I happen to agree with a lot of (actually, all of) the underlying sentiment, I feel that today's post would look more at home in a News Ltd paper. Many accusations without underlying support. In the post, you state that you have proof of what we all know This proof is apparently insider information but you have decided to withhold specific details from your post. Instead, your comments are all generic rants about the state of News Ltd journalism. This sounds exactly like a News Ltd post. (My apologies if these were the comments provided by the insider, but if so, thatwas not clear on my reading). I'm sorry that my first post to your blog is a criticism, but please accept it as my way of hoping that your contribution to public reading remains at the higher standard that I have come to expect from this blog. Many Regards


14/02/2011Bon voyage Ad astra et femina. Per ardua 20 years.


14/02/2011Well said Hillbilly. I've linked yer useful piece to the Cafe... and made the following comment: [quote]A useful & passionate post from Hillbilly Skeleton at the Political Sword blog. I own up to subscibing to Foxtel...I got close to dumping it last year...but as I comment regularly on politics I felt the need to access various news channels (including world ones), regardless of their bias, and A-PAC to watch parliamentary proceedings... furthermore, I luv sci-fi shows. That is not to say I wouldn't drop Foxtel in a heartbeat if there was a real viable alternative for my needs. Foxtel we should also remember is owned by various shareholders...not just Murdoch. Tho, they also leave alot to be desired. Regardless of what some might want to believe, I am not infected by Sky News-oriented propaganda...having watched Fox News intensely from '98 - 2006 (very rarely these days) I spent a great deal of time on various blogs identifying bias, tactics, techniques, problematics...& characteristics of talking heads & reporters. I've applied same to the rest of the Murdoch media, including SKY NEWS...therefore any one who worries that my views are being swayed by their propaganda & techniques can be comforted by the fact that I have taught myself to be highly resistant to propaganda, dominant ideological & BS messages over the years. Furthermore, I taught lessons on global propaganda & media theory in schools. And have a degree in media & communication studies. Questioning a government's policy & program marketing efficiency/style...and providing feedback, sometimes critical, of interviews, policy & such does not indicate one is bein' brainwashed. Noone learns from being offered up just undying, uncritical support. As for SKY NEWS Australia specifically...they do have their balanced moments by way of various 'Agenda' shows thruout the day...and often provide both mainstream parties opportunities to give their positions on issues & policy. Occasionally, we'll hear from a Green or Indie. Particularly in the lead up to the last election...which could be construed as the Murdoch empire attempting to undermine ALP support the way it was done in the last UK election. The digital news headlines do generally tend to favour the Coalition...oft by leaving out criticism of Abbott & co. 'Contrarians' has its balanced moments...but can get very "softly spoken tricky dick' when push comes to shove. On some weekend Agendas I have observed a group of News Ltd hacks trying to ambush Laborites in a host/panel situation...usually involving Paul Kelly. Anyway, anyone acquainted w/ my posts & comments over the years knows this information I've set out above...and my view of the Murdoch empire. I do feel Hillbilly has made many a valid point tho in her original post.[/quote] Cheers N'


14/02/2011Ad astra, have a wonderful & safe trip. N'


14/02/2011Hi Ad We all hope you and your lovely wife, enjoy your trip to Cebu in The Philippines and stay safe. You are very important to us, you know. You have made perfect arrangements for "TPS' while you are attending the conference of "the World Organization of Family Doctors". [quote]On Thursday my son-in-law will post Leadership - what do the people want?, and next Monday he will post The ugliness of political opportunism and the following Monday Simplicity - the opiate of the people. In between there will be pieces from HillbillySkeleton, and possibly from Bushfire Bill that my son-in-law would post.[/quote] A delightful line up for us, thankyou Ad. I can't wait to read your son - in - law's pieces, gratitude to your son inlaw, in anticipation. Bye Ad, we will miss you, we look forward to your return. Cheers

Ad astra reply

14/02/2011TT Thank you for your good wishes. Adam Welcome to [i]TPS[/i] and thank you for your comment. I will leave it to HillbillySkeleton to respond.

Ad astra reply

14/02/2011Hi Lyn and Nasking Thank you too for your good wishes and kind words. It should be a wonderful trip.


14/02/2011"We had Austar disconnected during the election, in protest to Sky News, blatant bias, along with distorted reporting" Lyn, that's cool. I'm sure others will do same if the bias continues...I will hold off for now due to the need for a few of us to scrutinise their news/interviews/headlines & give government feedback. You can all pity me. :) I oft feel same when posters & contributors link to News Ltd sites, quote from papers. I don't purchase any of their papers. Occasionally I'll sneak a look at an article to see if they're are trying to be balanced...or need countering. Very rarely. I'm a SMH, Crikey, alternative blogs, Guardian, Huff Post reader primarily. N'

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011Adam, Thank you for your comment, er, sort of. :) No, actually, I'm glad you made the point that you did. I appreciate someone piping up to say, well, hold on, don't you think you may be yanking the reader's chain? However, in this instance, I don't think the criticism is entirely apt. Can it be partially apt? Maybe. So, I think I should clarify my remarks, and maybe that may help you to understand a little better where I mean to come from and go to. Firstly, I have included a link in the blog which relays the sort of evidence that you might be after. Did you read it? Yes, it refers specifically to the American arm of News Corp. However, when you take into consideration the Phone Hacking scandal that is unfolding in the UK now, and the close links between the Murdoch media empire and the Conservative Party, a closeness that extends to dinners between Murdoch family members, Murdoch executives, and Members of the Conservative government, as well as employment of a former News of the World Editor as David Cameron's Press Secretary,I think you thus get a pretty valid reinforcement of the point I was trying to make. Combine this with an overview of the bias exhibited by various Murdoch publications and outlets, and the way that 'News' is construed to provide an interpretation of events favourable to the Conservative side of politics in the countries in which Mr Murdoch has interests, and I think the fair-minded observer would conclude that there is enough evidence to support my overall contention. The degree is debatable, definitely. Yes, it is less overt here in Australia than it is in America, however, I also contend that it is not non-existent. A plethora of News Ltd. employees now fan out across the media spectrum, and across all platforms, to promulgate the news and views that align with the Conservative perspective. To the point that you can almost count on the fingers of one hand the number of unqualified fulsome parise was heaped upon a Labor federal government intiative, backed up by the sort of campaign I outlined goes hand in glove with support of Coalition stands. Yes, it is not so bad that we are fed a 'Pravdaesque' diet of information by the Murdoch media interests in this country. However, it is absolutely my contention that it is tending away from impartial analysis of political events, and more towards that sort of situation which the 'Fox News Insider' outlines.

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011Nasking, Your pov is entirely valid, as I have said to you previously. Each to his own, as the saying goes. There's more than one way to skin a cat, is another way to put it. That is, I would prefer not to tip money into Mr Murdoch's hat if I can at all avoid it. The side benefit is that I don't feel the need to 'get my money's worth', so to speak, by gaining my politics news from his channel. Yes, I know that Foxtel is the bastard child of, not only Murdoch, but Telstra and Packer, I believe. However, as you say, none of them have clean ideological hands. Also, and I know this myself, many, many people, especially in America, see it as their civic duty, and some have it as their job, to monitor Mr Murdoch's various media outlets, and report on it back to us in the wider world. They have my undying admiration that they can do that without succumbing to the relentless bomabardment from all those places. Because. It's. Very. Well. Done. So, maybe it is simply an admission that I, too, can unknowingly be as gullible as a Guppy if I don't keep a constant check on myself. I must admit, I'm one of these people who is very suggestible and easily hypnotised as well. Therefore, continue to 'Want Your Foxtel', Nas. Don't let my particular perspective deter you from your admirable work. We all, at the end of the day, just want to skin that cat. :)

Ad astra reply

14/02/2011Folks I'm soon off to the airport so I'm closing down this computer now. I'll follow [i]TPS[/i] when I can on the iPad.

D Mick Weir

14/02/2011Hi Adam, I welcome you as a commentor and, from my POV, you have no need to apologise for being critical. We are big girls and boys here and can take criticism where it is due. Your comment: [i]'Many accusations without underlying support. In the post, you state that you have proof of what we all know'[/i] points to a bigger problem that being that 'a higher standard of proof' is required of bloggers than is often provided by 'real' journalists. Even if more and substantial proof were provided by Prof Skeleton I suspect many would still dismiss the post as [b]'another loony left conspiracy theory'[/b] You have awoken some dormant thoughts I have had along the lines that one problem this, and other, blogs has is that we perpetuate the problem. We can be guilty of the same 'sins' that we attribute to those in the third estate that dress up opinion as fact and tell the story from only our POV without caring for, or understanding, another or different POV. HS, thanks for another interesting post. I haven't clicked through to the link of [i]'The Fox Insider'[/i] and guess that it does provide some of the 'proof' that Adam writes of. He has however made a valid point that we all should take care to link to and/or attribute our sources so that we are not seen as being as the same as those we are criticising.


14/02/2011Hi Hillbilly A must read for everybody, Mungo explains, the Abbott method, [quote]Mungo says The potential for chaos is almost unlimited.[/quote] [i]Abbott's game plan: power at any price, Mungo Maccallum, Unleashed[/i] And this is the ultimate contradiction: in his lust for power, the so-called conservative has become a wild-eyed iconoclast, red in tooth and claw. [b]It would seem that those television pictures of him speechless with rage, quivering with fury like a maniac about to seize axe and slay five, gave us a glimpse of the real Tony Abbott. Be afraid. Be very afraid.[/b]


14/02/2011FS, I think I owe an apology. I actually skipped the link (well, didn't actually see it on my reading, but thats my fault). Now that I read it, I can see that many of the comments / accusations are quoted from the other article. In which case, it's a shame there is not information about the "source". I am often loathe to accept the word of anonymous "insiders" or "former insiders". why are they are a former insider. Please don't misunderstand, I happen to agree with the sentiment about News Limited/Fox and their reporting methodology. But even with that belief, I still prefer to base my opinion on facts presented (even with respect to judging News/Fox bias), rather than the opinion of someone else who may have history that affects balanced judgement. At least with News Ltd reporters such as Bolt and Ackerman, we have their articles on current affairs to be able to judge the bias they apply. And I think i have started to ramble. Time to get some lunch before back to work. Anyway, keep up the good work. Regards Adam p.s. I must be behind on my UK news (no surprise, as I dont think i am ever up to date). will have to google about the phone hacking story as I have missed it.

D Mick Weir

14/02/2011Lyn thanks for that link to Mungos' piece. As ever MM crafts another fine analysis of Moany Tonies game plan. Oops I have fallen into the trap of name calling; hardly a good way to lift the standards of debate and comment. Oh well I never claimed to be perfect!!!


14/02/2011hi Adam [quote]Hi All, Long time reader, but rarely post[/quote] A big welcome to you Adam, and thankyou for joining in on TPS, your opinion is very much appreciated. Another thankyou for your compliment, very nice of you to say : [quote]hoping that your contribution to public reading remains at the higher standard that I have come to expect from this blog. [/quote] Adam, we look forward to many more opinions from you in the future. Cheers

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011Adam, Hmm, I think that what you ask for, an Insider to come out publically and confirm what we expect and what the anonymous Fox News Whistleblower has spoken about, is a journalistic Catch 22. That is, should someone publically come out in that way, you could pretty much guarantee they would never work in this town again. Murdoch would excise them, and Fairfax would be suspicious and not embrace them. However, you can live in hope, & I suppose that our society may one day be sophisticated enough in its response to that scenario that we would embrace such a person, and not allow bad treatment to go unquestioned. We have started upon that long journey by welcoming Andrew Wilkie to federal parliament. Also, we now have a culture of anonymous leaking of documentary evidence of malfeasance with Wikileaks. Hope you enjoyed your lunch, Adam, and thanks again for the thoughtful feedback.

D Mick Weir

14/02/2011HS, I have reflected further on Adams' comments and looked again at the post. I suspect part of the problem is one of layout or style. To make it clear it could work better this way: To call the majority of the journalists who work for News Corp, as the [b]Fox Insider[/b] wrote: [i]'unthinking, almost brainwashed acolytes'[/i], is not putting too fine a point on it. Using bold to highlight the [b]source[/b] and italics to [i]quote thier words[/i] may make it clearer. Perhaps NormanK may be able to help as he certainly has 'syle'.


14/02/2011Ethistan graciously said Hey TT, just thought I would let you know that song was Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot. Thanks Cobber, sorry not to have acknowledged earlier. Lyn Tx for comments on my blog. I'm still not at all across the use of it. Thick as 2 short planks as they say. Professor Skeleton, this is as good as anything I've seen from you. "Note, however, he didn't mention, the Politics Channel, SkyTV, as I'm sure at Commission Sales School they are taught not to mention The War." Great line. As you know I despise Murdoch as much as he holds me in contempt. (Oh yeah and Skelly we love you too, oh yes in a platonic way of course, it is Valentine's Day after all.) There's a few other people, Kerry, Jane, AndrewElder, oh some I've forgotten, that I've never replied to. Doesn't mean I've ignored you, and goodonya for writing here. As a rush of water sucks other water along with it, nothing brings people along like more people. Keep writing. Do it well. People's Pen Power in Egypt, impressive eh. If you wish the future well, you must know, we must work like hell to win hearts and minds. Gillard is well aware of it, that's why she is monomaniacal about education, and it's why we so need the People's NBN too. Abbortts and Tea Parties and puppet governments are a deadly threat to Life on Earth, simple as that, and their poison is already far advanced.

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011D Mick Weir, Your suggestion certainly clarifies matters, and if I didn't have to get this blog together, quick sticks, over the weekend so as to get my ducks in line with Ad Astra's wishes for the blog while he is away, I would have seen to it that I did a bit more 'clarifying'. This blog is more like a First Draft, as opposed to the edited version. Sorry. :) Also, I should add that I will certainly consider bolding more within the body of the blog in future. Also, while AA's away, and I'm not too sure about this, but if I put up a blog, now that I have been left with the keys to the TPS castle, I may be able to go in and edit it for clarity. :)

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011Talk Turkey, You are a sweetie! But I am still at war with your namesake in my backyard. Do you know that, whilst I was incapacitated, he expanded his empire! I am only now beginning to get a handle on it again. Still, our 'battle' forces me to sweep up the leaves that have fallen from the trees. If I don't he just expands his mound even further across my backyard. :)


14/02/2011Yes indeed Feral, that Fox News Insider article (great use of Media Matters BTW) confirms just about everything we've thought & seen about Fox News, President Roger Ailes & the evident bias towards Republicans. Ailes has a history w/ the Repugs, as you probably know: [quote]Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is president of Fox News Channel and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. Mr. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989.[/quote] This man couldn't run a balanced channel if his life depended on it. Tricky dick Murdoch loves to pretend Fox News irritates him...but he doesn't do stuff all to change things...he luvs the money it brings in & the pseudo libertarian & conservative messages it sounds out...we can bet on that. This site has been scrutinising Fox News antics for a good long time: Another example of Fox News bias & interference: [quote]What Happened to Fox News Watch? April 22, 2010 1:21 pm ET by Joe Strupp Fox News Watch, the network's media watchdog program launched in 1997, was long considered among Fox's best and most balanced shows. But in recent years, and especially the past few months, the show has taken a decidedly different turn toward conservative views and anti-liberal approaches. Its once standard brand of media critique, which gave all of the media outlets fair scrutiny and praise, has seemed to focus mostly on right-wing views and taken aim at perceived progressive bias. And just this past weekend, it drew further scrutiny when it ignored one of the biggest media stories of the week - Sean Hannity's Tea Party appearance dispute, in which Fox executives ordered the host not to do his show from a Tea Party event in Cincinnati. "That surprised me that a media review show wouldn't handle that," said David Zurawik, a media critic for The Baltimore Sun. "That was worthy of some kind of discussion and commentary. In a journalistic sense, it should have been done." Others contend the show has veered away from the approach it had taken as a watchdog program looking at all media issues on all networks, including its own. "When I was on the show it was very different from most of the network content," said Jeff Cohen, one of the original panelists who appeared from 1998 to 2002. "There was sensible discussion and a good host and we really had one of the smarter and more balanced programs on cable news. Now it looks like the rest of Fox News." Eric Burns (no relation to Media Matters president Eric Burns), who hosted the show from 1998 to 2008 before being let go, agreed. He said it began to change in his final year and has been more right-leaning ever since. "The show was getting to be more and more of a struggle to do fairly," he told me. "There was a progression of interference to try to make the show more right-wing. I fought very hard against it." Fox officials and producers of the show either declined comment or ignored requests for comment from Media Matters. [Full disclosure: I appeared on the show six times in late 2008, but received no compensation. I have also contacted the show in the past about possible openings.] After Burns left, other changes followed, with Jane Hall, an American University journalism professor, departing months ago. She declined comment. "It is not the way the show used to be," Burns added. "There is a constant use of the phrase 'liberal media.'" [/quote] Just didn't fit into the Murdoch media's promotion of the Tea Party. Cheers N'

D Mick Weir

14/02/2011Hi HS, I did get a sense as I was reading that it was a bit 'rushed' and not your usual finely crafted piece :-) Ain't a bugger when 'real life' gets in the road of our musings here!!! On that note On the road I must get - and pronto! Will read again late tonight


14/02/2011Professor Skeleton Thanks for adding another brick to the wall of criticism for Murdoch's nefarious machinations. For this particular reader, you are preaching to the choir and that might be the main substance of Adam's remarks. Ad astra A belated bon voyage. D Mick Weir Are you trying to get me in the poo? I would no sooner offer advice to the Professor than I would give dress tips to the Prime Minister or take dress tips from Niki Savvas for that matter.

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011Nasking, The article you quote exemplifies a couple of the points I was making perfectly. Firstly, that the show 'Fox News Watch', started out actually being 'Fair and Balanced' for all intents and purposes, with a producer who was given a fair degree of freedom to run the show as they saw fit. They had guests on who covered a broad spectrum of views, and they covered the gamut of the media. Then, slowly but surely the interference from up the chain in the Fox News pecking order started, and became more prescriptive, to the point where reasonable people on the show started leaving or were let go and replaced by more ultramontaine Conservatives. To the point where it became indistinguishable from the network's other shows. Garbage in, garbage out, and down it sunk into the cesspit along with Beck et al. Like naughty little boys they just keep pushing the envelope and getting away with more and more. Which is why I found it interesting to read the account of the shock that actually reverberated through Fox when President Obama called them out on their lies and bias. He definitely should have kept it up. However, now the network has become so entrenched and powerful they cock a snook at all and sundry. They'll get their just deserts tho' when Al Gore's new TV network gets up and running, alongside MSNBC(who have just employed Cenk Uyger from The Young Turks internet political channel). Yay! The ultra conservatives might say, "Don't Step On Us!'. We Progressives say in return, 'Don't Push Us Around!'

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011NormanK, You'll be pleased to know that I have a week to prepare my next piece, as opposed to a weekend, just gone by, for this one. Also that was after I had just put all my loving care into the one before. I think this is why I know I could never be a full-time journalist. The stress would get to me so much to keep producing, that I would discombobulate!


14/02/2011FS I empathise completely. It is why I would be very reluctant to do this for anything other than fun. By the way, I wasn't being critical - to regurgitate all of what has been written here before on the cancer that is the Murdoch Press would take far too long.

Feral Skeleton

14/02/2011NormanK, No offence taken, dear. Life's too short, and there are plenty of other more worthy recipients of our ire. Anyway, 'United We Stand, Divided We Fall'. :) Who knows, however, if there isn't someone out there in the far reaches of the blogosphere who might have read what I had to say and gained something positive from it, a little knowledge, a little insight. That's all I aim for.


14/02/2011Hey TT, you're welcome. I haven't been talking on here much lately. I am in the final stages of finishing my PhD thesis so don't have much time beyond reading the site, though I do enjoy that and the articles FS, AA, BB and AC have been writing :). Hopefully I will have some more time to contribute in the coming months.


14/02/2011Calligula wrote at the end of the Jungle Book thread, dunno how many Swordies saw it, but it was mostly sort of comprehensible and not so very snarly. I probly don't think Ad astra needs your help Calley in steering TPS but if you are civil and reasonable and comprehensible I have no problem with reading you, especially if you have anything positive, even positively negative to say. But you keep saying things that I/we should do and haven't, when I already have. I don't follow others' lines just because they say so, I think my own way as nearly everybody here does, and when we do think alike it's not because we're sheep but because the same evidence processed logically in different minds is likely to result in the same conclusions. Not when irrationality and self-interest come into it, but on blogs where we're trying to inform and support e/o, not attack each other as the MSM wants to promote, of course we are largely in agreement. When it comes to your asking us to give jj a fair go, I have repeatedly offered her an ilove branch. (It is Valentine's today after all.) But as I said once before, olive branches have thick ends too and so far that's all jj and some few others have ever deserved. They don’t need to go with a majority view, but they do need to be honest and civil, and to quote sources where they claim critical allegations as facts, that goes for all of us afa I’m concerned. And last year, days after I introduced the subject of Assange's persecution to this blog, you berated us for not having considered him. Well, I had. That you agree with me on this - not vice versa - and that NormanK and PatriciaWA do not, is a case in point: we are not clones, nor are you the only one with different ideas. We independently end up with independent notions, which often, and quite logically, coincide, most of the time and not at all always. This brings me to a current consideration of Assange's case, or rather, why there is any dissonace between bloggers on the issue. I said a few days ago that I thought that bloggers should be as one over this. It is not an ordinary political issue, where I would expect a variety of points of view: it is central to freedom of publication. There is no question that the stuff Assange has published is libellous or untrue; such a claim has never been made. If mainstream media had been handed the material that he has, they would have either published it just as he has, or withheld it . [Stop Press: As I write Assange’s informant Pte Bradley Manning is being talked about on ABC1, where they will be featuring the case at 8.30 CST tonight. I will be watching the segment and hope many Swordsfolk do too. Just in case you have not credited the possibility, Assange and more probably Pte Manning are possibly under threat of execution by American authorities. The USA still does that to people, more I think than anywhere else except China.] I’ll post this now to give folks a chance to know the program’s on, and come back to the issue later.


14/02/2011Great stuff Hillbilly. This video should be compulsory viewing for every Australian before they purchase or watch a TV. You may want to link to it so more people get to see it. Murdoch has a lot to answer for and we should follow the lead of Fiji and USA. That is foreign ownership of media in Australia is taboo. Here's the link get a six pack or a carton and sit back and watch the perfect corroboration of your post. Well done again.


14/02/2011HS, thanks for the (rushed yet) thoughtful post. The real shame is that Australian competition law has lagged behind the reality and Newscorp was able to buy up a lot of the media in Australia, prior to the implementation of laws that may have lead to more diversity. Although after the Paul Sheenan article "reprinted" in the Brisbane Times today I have concerns about the Fairfax media as well. Adam, don't apologise for comments here - you had a point and you argued it well. We do however get a tad annoyed with those who get their talking points from ALP or LNP head office and don't think about spreading it far and wide first.

D Mick Weir

14/02/2011Hi NormanK, re your question [i]Are you trying to get me in the poo?[/i] Not at all. I recall the help you gave when I was having problems with italics and bold and, given the style of your comments, you may have some helpful suggestions for HS.


14/02/2011D Mick Weir I really must learn how to use emoticons. (Smiley face.) I hope your road trip was successful.


15/02/2011[i]TODAY'S LINKS[/i] [i] Valentine's Day: Where 's the political love[/i], Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut Essentially Sheehan, displaying zero political awareness, thinks Abbott should move a motion of no-confidence [i]2110 in Review, Massivespray, Spray of the Day[/i]. Where did they come from? The [b]top referring sites in 2010 were thepoliticalsword[/b].com,,,, and [i]“Australia’s conservatives are very bad losers.” ,Saynotony, Trev's Political Rants.[/i] from the Drum (ABC) today has written a great article today about Tony Abbott and I could not agree with him more with his comment [i]Why is Andrew Bolt so angry ? Conservative much ! , Trev, Trevs Political Rants[/i] my investigation was very simple you just need to Google “Andrew Bolt Biased” and you get over 10,000 + results. [i]Gillard’s tentative healthcare win at COAG, Crikey[/i] the biggest proposed reform of Australia’s health system since the introduction of Medicare [i]Well of course they do, Jeremy Sear, An Onymous Lefty[/i]The Business Council of Australia thinks it’s unfair for rich Australians to pay a flood levy – we should take it out of the disabled: [i]Pollie Poll Nonense, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] News Limited is revelling in the results of the latest Newspoll which show a modest gain for the Coalition however the lastest essential poll paints a different picture entirely. [i]What we are learning about cabinet government , David Havyatt, Anything Goes[/i] potentially serious flaws in the concept of cabinet governance as we know it. [i]Gillard's health reform deal, Kim, Larvatus Prodeo[/i] What concerns me, though, about the outcome and the policy process [i]High Terms of trade for the next 15 years, Peter Martin[/i]David Gruen's extraordinary speech [i]Public trust in Australian media among worst in the world, Mumbrella[/i] Australian public’s trust in the media is lower than in virtually any other country, research released today by Edelman Public Relations [i]Abbott's game plan: power at any price, Mungo Maccallum, Unleashed[/i] And this is the ultimate contradiction: in his lust for power, the so-called conservative has become a wild-eyed iconoclast, red in tooth and claw. It would seem that those television pictures of him speechless with rage, quivering with fury like a maniac about to seize axe and slay five, gave us a glimpse of the real Tony Abbott. Be afraid. Be very afraid. [i]LIBERAL HEART-THROB: Julie Bishop will be next PM according to her growing band of supporters, Vex News[/i] Her backers believe she is perfectly equipped to take-down Julia Gillard in the first female-on-female [i]FOX NEWS INSIDER: “Stuff Is Just Made Up”[/i] former Fox News employee who recently agreed to talk with Media Matters about Murdoch’s cable channel.Namely,that Fox News is run as a purely partisan operation, NEWSPAPERS [i]It's time Tony Abbott took his own advice, says Rebecca Wilson , Herald Sun[/i] worst responses to a question in recent political history, he spoke to only one commentator -- his good friend, the influential broadcaster Alan Jones. [i]Tony Abbott has sunk to a new low , John Birmingham, Brisbane Times[/i] And it is why Tony Abbott is unfit to be prime minister.Over to you, Malcom Turnbull.


15/02/2011Barnaby, Writes of offical car!

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Ethistan, All the best with your PhD. Then, once you get it, we'll have to call you Dr Ethistan, you know. :)


15/02/2011Lyn passed on this: The top referring sites in 2010 were, . . . And who may I ask is responsible? LYN?!

D Mick Weir

15/02/2011Hey NormanK, like anything once you know how, smileys are easy. Type : ) without the space and you get :) Type : ( without the space and you will get :( Here endeth the lesson (cause I don't know any others!!!)


15/02/2011Hi Talk Turkey Isn't that wonderful news from Massivespray, at Spray of the Day. Thankyou for the compliment, I was hoping our TPS readers were putting the stats up for our friends on other blog sites, not sure if "Todays Links" can take too much credit, but get a kick out of thinking, I will pinch a little bit. The biggest pleasure I get is, when the owners of other blog sites come here and comment each day, like yourself Mr Talk Turkey. Cheers


15/02/2011Hi D M Weir Can you explain Mr Smiley again, I have tried everything, with my interpretation of your instructions, but can't get a smiley, might add I have been trying for 6 months. Cheers


15/02/2011Lyn Congratulations on your achievements with Lyn's Links - you deserve every bit of praise which comes your way. :) :( :) :( :) :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :) :) It looks like - for a happy smiley, type colon + close bracket. For an unhappy smiley type colon + open bracket. Colon = [b]:[/b] Close bracket = [b])[/b] Open bracket = [b]([/b]

Ad astra

15/02/2011Folks I'm at Changi Airport [i]en route[/i] to Cebu, and enjoying your comments, so varied, so thought-provoking. Congratulations Lyn - I'm sure that it's your links that make [i]TPS[/i] a top referring site. I'll get back to you all from Cebu.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Ad Astra, While you're in Singapore, you should ask some of the natives if they think Julia Gillard's Health Reform package is "The biggest surrender since the fall of Singapore". :)


15/02/2011Hi Norman K :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Thankyou so much, I love that many smiley's, also I am very appreciative of your compliment. Thankyou also for your instructions, I am putting the smiley's in now. Cheers


15/02/2011Hi Ad How lovely to see your smiling face, on TPS just now, thankyou so much for dropping in, so we know you are safe. Take care Cheers:)

D Mick Weir

15/02/2011I knew you had style NormanK and your explanation for Lyn was better than mine :)


15/02/2011Lyn, I told you before, you are like the brain stem of TPS. Where all the nerves meet and go back to trigger our little muscles to do things on keyboards. And this does impinge on the society, wish we were powerfuller but we are doing something important, but your liaising with the world Lyn is where the rubber hits the road. So to speak. Why important? Read on. While Ad astra is away and not looking, ;) and comments a bit slow, I thought I'd reprint something I found by miskeying somehow on this site. I haven't Aa's permission but it's too perfect and too apposite not to fly it again. It's Ad astra's first thread posting, Saturday, 13 September 2008 16:04 by Ad astra "This is the first posting of The Political Sword blog. Its focus is Australian politics.It is intended to give expression to those who have opinions about contemporary political events. In particular it will provide a forum for exposing deception among politicians, bureaucrats and commentators. The people deserve to know the truth about political decisions, how and why they were made, and about those who made them. They are entitled to know if political commentators are truthfully representing the situations they are reporting, and that they make clear what is fact, and what is opinion. They owe it to their readers to validate the facts they report and reveal their source. By challenging politicians and commentators to stick to the truth and to justify their words and actions, it is possible that the quality of political discourse in this country might improve. The Internet provides ordinary citizens with the opportunity to influence political behaviour between elections, rather than only at election time. Politicians, journalists and academics read political blogs - they are bound to be influenced by them, at least to some extent. Al Gore said that political blogs have become a significant new force in political debate and decision making in the US. The same opportunity exists in this country to put politicians and commentators to the verbal political sword."

D Mick Weir

15/02/2011Hi all, [b]Ken Parish[/b] over at [b]Club Troppo[/b] has a great piece: [b][i]Julia the Quiet Aciever[/i][/b] [i]' ... the latest numbers present conflicting stories of the state of play in federal politics. .... much of this distorted public perception is driven by the media’s hackneyed model of journalism ...'[/i] Ken links to a piece by [b]Alan Kohler: New agreement a healthy way to run the system[/b] [i]'The health deal agreed yesterday is almost entirely good and should be used as a template for everything else states do, including education and public transport.'[/i] Some of the comments on Alans' piece are [i]interesting![/i]

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Gaffhook, Murdoch looks like a curmudgeonly old uncle. Wrong! [quote]"Murdoch wants all news to be Opinion, because opinion can never be proved wrong." "THey don't have to win every argument. As long as they can muddy the waters, they consider that they've won the argument."[/quote] James Wolcott Former staff writer for The New Yorker.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011“Nothing is more vital to a free America than a free media, and nothing is more vital to my concept of a free media than news produced independently of corporate interference,” Keith Olbermann on his move to Al Gore's Current TV, the first independant Progressive TV network in America. That is, not owned by one media conglomerate or another.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Talk Turkey, Bingo! We both mention Al Gore on the same day! :) Here's a link to his new TV network: When we get the NBN(if the disinformationists in the Opposition don't Deep 6 it first), then we will be able to watch it direct without it costing too much!

Patricia WA

15/02/2011Hi everyone! :} My sciatica is improving, thanks to acupuncture which I have never experienced before. While sitting waiting for my appointments I have been leafing through books on China - one in particular is a huge coffee table volume, a photographic history of The Long March of 1934-35 when the Red Army was in retreat from Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalist army. Looking at pictures of Mao and Chou En Lai as young solders on that march was very moving as were others of the suffering of their people throughout the countryside. I can now see the idealism of those young men and understand their fanatically conviction that Communism was the answer to their country's almost insurmountable problems. By the time I first learned about China in school, a decade on from then, Communism was seen as the work of the devil, much as many people in the West now see Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood and any role they may play in current uprisings in the Middle East. Even back then in the thirties and forties western powers like Germany and later America were interfering, supporting the Nationalsts who ultimately, of course were defeated and retreated to Taiwan, which immediately prospered as a separate "Republic of China" with American aid and trade. But look how in half a century mainland China has somehow emerged, whole and still a cohesive society, for all the abuses and misuses of power we have had reported to us in the media. Real, I am sure, but how come we were so surprised when this so called sleeping giant awakened and was suddenly here on the world stage, a real player with real power in its people and its economy? Thinking about acupuncture which has been used along with other traditional Chinese medicine for some five thousand years I wondered how their national health system was faring in terms of cost and patient outcomes. Anyone know?


15/02/2011Now that more of us are "smiley" literate (cheers D Mick Weir) it's time for a grumpy post. Do politicians in general, and Regressives in particular, undergo a special empathy by-pass upon election to public office? Scott Morrison's efforts today to score political points off the funerals in Sydney of some of the Christmas Island victims has me completely confused (see outraged) over the difference between Morrison the politician and Morrison the man. Some of his offerings today : [quote]Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has questioned the cost involved in holding the funerals in Sydney, saying the services could have been held on Christmas Island.[/quote] [quote]"If relatives of those who were involved wanted to go to Christmas Island, like any other Australian who wanted to attend a funeral service in another part of the country, they would have made their own arrangements to be there." "They (the government) need to understand the value of taxpayers' dollars in this area."[/quote] [quote]''If people wanted to attend the funeral service from Sydney, for example, who may have been relatives of those who wanted these funeral services, well, they could have held the service on Christmas Island and like any other Australian who would have wanted to go to the funeral of someone close to them, they would have paid for themselves to get on a plane and go there.''[/quote] When Morrison sits down to share a meal with his family does he simply disengage the politician side of his personality and conveniently forget that in these statements he is choosing money over compassion, political opportunism over common human decency? Does he really have no idea that the relatives of victims may wish to have the graves near to where they are living in order to cherish the memory of those who perished? Does he truly believe that it would be in the nation's best interest to leave surviving relatives to wallow on Christmas Island while the funerals of their loved ones are held in Sydney? Are we as a nation so poor that we cannot extend a compassionate hand to those who have lost so much? It seems Morrison believes the answer is yes. Whatever his motives may be, Morrison has further ingrained the concept that asylum seekers are somehow less than human, not worthy of our compassion and generosity but rather a statistic to which a dollar figure (of [b]taxpayer's money[/b]) can be affixed. With the current fixation by sections (large sections) of the media on the foibles of our political representatives, wasting their time analysing clothes and hand gestures, where are the spokespeople endeavouring to keep our moral compass pointed squarely north? Today's efforts by Morrison are despicable in the extreme and should be shouted down by everyone with a single shred of decency in their souls. Some here have expressed the belief that he may be a future leader of the Liberal Party - should that happen, all I can say is "Dog help us" because we really will become a dog eat dog society.


15/02/2011Normank, Yet morrisons bio says this! "I have also been highly active in church life from a young age. My Christian faith remains the driving force for my family, beliefs and values. My family and I are members of ShireLive Church, at Sutherland. " Never read so much crap!


15/02/2011Prof. Skeleton said "Gaffhook, 'Murdoch looks like a curmudgeonly old uncle.' Wrong!" Curmudgeon: a surly or miserly person Sure sounds right to me then. Didja think curmudgeonly was something nice Skelly? No N'NO! HFS also said "When we get the NBN(if the disinformationists in the Opposition don't Deep 6 it first), then we will be able to watch it direct without it costing too much!" Some bloke on ABCTV this morning on about how fibre in Oz will cost 28X per capita in Korea. This went unchallenged today. ABC NewsRadio is running a phone poll wtte of Should the Govtt foot the bill for dead asylum seekers' rellies to fly to Oz. Even the ABC Radio is infested with Murdoch maggots.


15/02/2011Jason Well the Monk - the self-appointed keeper of high principles in this nation - is no better. [quote]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott told Melbourne radio station MTR he wants to know why the Government paid for asylum seekers to fly to Sydney for the funerals. "I'm also curious as to why [relatives] are being flown around the country," he said. "I mean, look, [it's] a terrible tragedy and I think everyone shares the grief of people who have lost loved ones - particularly in these horrible circumstances - but you're right, it does seem a bit unusual that the Government is flying people to funerals."[/quote] I just had the misfortune to listen to the entire interview (if one can call it that) with Steve Price & Andrew Bolt. What an appalling bout of back-scratching - in fact I can picture Andrew down under the desk doing Tony's toe-nails for him between questions while Steve fusses with Tony's hair. It doesn't matter which side of politics is involved, this type of cheer-leading interview masquerading as journalism really is sickening. Once again, as with his appearances on Alan Jones, Abbott lets the announcers do the dirty work of getting the message out and then offers a slightly more moderate view as if to say "well I wouldn't go that far, but you may be right".


15/02/2011NormanK, Jason Scott Morrison's a Christian! He don't believe in Dog! Remember the Animal Farm Pigs' rewriting of All Animals Are Equal (but some are more equal than others)? Well you can do like: Turn the other cheek (and pretend you don't notice) Love thy neighbour as thyself (As long as he's the same denomination, race etc) and so on. As I heard what Morrison was saying this morning, I'm thinking, "Bet he's a Christian!" Yup.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011NormanK, Sorry I haven't said anything here about Morrison myself but I thought I would have a wider audience on Twitter, so I have been coming up with condemnatory tweets all day about it. I echo your thoughts on the matter entirely. I just had the displeasure of sitting through an interview with nice, WASPy ABC reporter, Hayden Cooper, Rob MitchellMP of the ALP, and Senator Concetta Fieravanti-Wells of the One Liberal Nation Party. As you have already noted, the comments from the Liberal MPs are of the type that go, "I'm symapathetic about the grief these people are experiencing, but...", and then on they go with their mean-spirited, small-minded, bigoted and xenophobic, snide & derogatory comments about them, wherein they put MONEY ahead of compassion in this instance. Australia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, per capita, and to think those Liberal lowlifes are carping and quibbling over the cost of the plane trip to fly the grieving relatives of the greatest recent Asylum Seeker disaster that has occurred in this country, just makes me ashamed to be Australian, as Scott Morrison, Tony Abbott, Concetta Fieravanti-Wells, Andrew Bolt and Steve Price, are. Honestly, the way that woman(CF-W), pursed her lips and said that, as the Opposition, they were only holding the government to account over the spending of the taxpayers' money(BUT NOT THIS TAXPAYER LADY!), made me want to hop on a train, go down to the ABC studios in Sydney where she was, and spit on her. Where are the people in the media willing to attack these lowlifes in the Coalition? Gutless wonders one and all.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Now that I have recovered from my foam-flecked rant about Scott Morrison, I'll just post this more considered comment from Poll Bludger about the Opposition's antics today: [quote]There is something truly terrible at the heart of Australia that we have citizens who lack either the humanity or the grace to allow the dead, including children, and their families, some peace. What greater price could they have paid? What greater punishment for leaving the hell of Afghanistan and daring to seek a welcome in the lucky country? But is death enough? If someone suggests it to them, I imagine that they would be quite happy to dig the corpses out of their graves and dump them off a boat into extra-territorial waters. And, as the waters close, I can imagine the civilized ones praying to their God, ‘Closure, thank God almighty, closure at last.’[/quote]


15/02/2011Jason, Morrison like Abbott don the cloak of religion when it suits them - predominately on the bios and when they enter a church. Don't know about you but the longest church service I've ever seen goes for a couple of hours - which leaves a lot of the 168 hours a week to be anything other that decent to their fellow wo/man and still claim to be religious. In my experience, those that claim the veneer of religion (usually except the nuns) are usually those that have the least morals and values - but they don't see the inconsistency.


15/02/2011Hi Norman K The Miserable Liberals, looks like Joe Hockey is backing away from their statements. It's just Abbott throwing another bomb, if it misses Oh well! if it hits the right side of the divide he has won again. [i]Lay off it, Scott Morrison, Crikey[/i] Opposition immigration spokesperson Scott Morrison had time to formulate this talking point: [i]Opposition attacks Government over Shipwreck Baby Funerals, Reb, Gutter Trash[/i] I’d say they’re disgusting, and just another indication of how low the Coalition will go in their attempt to score political points from immeasurable human suffering. [i]Scott Morrison, Smelly Tongues[/i] Scott Morrison, opposition immigration spokesman, has a problem with taxpayers ponying up a little cash to pay for the funerals of those who were killed in the Christmas Island tragedy … [i]Nash critical of asylum funeral flight, Nine News[/i]Taxpayers' money should not have been used to fly asylum seekers to the funerals Nationals senator Fiona Nash says. [i]Notes from parallel universes, Jonathen Green, The Drum[/i]According to opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison: "The Government had the option of having these services on Christmas Island [i]Hockey breaks ranks over shipwreck funerals, ABC[/i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott told Melbourne radio station MTR he wants to know why the Government paid for asylum seekers to fly to Sydney for the funerals."I'm also curious as to why [relatives] are being flown around the country," he said [i]Libs at odds over boat crash funeral costs SMH[/i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and his treasury spokesman Joe Hockey are at odds whether the cost was justified.


15/02/2011Hi Talk Turkey Thankyou so much for your words, and compliment, I am honoured and thankyou for your informative, very much appreciated comment.(February 15. 2011 12:31 PM) [quote]Lyn, I told you before, you are like the brain stem of TPS. Where all the nerves meet and go back to trigger our little muscles to do things on keyboards. And this does impinge on the society, wish we were powerfuller but we are doing something important, but your liaising with the world Lyn is where the rubber hits the road. So to speak. Why important? Read on.[/quote] [quote]It's Ad astra's first thread posting, Saturday, 13 September 2008 16:04 by Ad astra "This is the first posting of The Political Sword blog. Its focus is Australian politics[/quote] Very wise man our Ad Astra, Talk Turkey, did you notice Ad had one comment, then 2, 4, 10 so on. [i]Welcome to The Political Sword, Ad Astra 13th Sept 2008[/i]This is the first posting of The Political Sword blog. Its focus is Australian politics.It is intended to give expression to those who have opinions about contemporary political events. In particular it will provide a forum for exposing deception among politicians, bureaucrats and commentators Cheers


15/02/20112353, I live in sin and have two children 16&12 out of wedlock!and like most people only go to church for weddings and funerals. Yet we have the PM who is an atheist and shows more compassion than Abbott or Morrison! Although I see Barnaby's waste hasn't been questioned! and that probably cost more than the flights to and from Christmas Island.

Ad astra reply

15/02/2011Folks This is just to let you know i'm finally in Cebu, and can get a WiFi connection in the foyer of the hotel at which we are staying for a few days before the conference. So I can keep in touch. I haven't read all the comments, but did notice your good wishes Lyn, and your quote from the first edition of TPS, TT, which is as relevant now as ever, Thanks to you both. I'll be back later.


15/02/2011FS I trust you tweeted them to within an inch of their lives. Just when I think I couldn't be more dismayed by my fellow Australians someone proves me wrong. Lyn Thanks for all of the links. It looks like it didn't really happen though because 10 News here in Qld made no mention of it that I heard. What a bunch of losers. Do they not care about our international reputation? Do they not care about their own personal credibility? Christians? Bah! I'm more Christian than they are and I'm on first name terms with the Devil.


15/02/2011Hi Jason Barnaby was probably trying to do wheelies in the flooded creek, now that's different. You are so right, his stupidity, probably did cost more than the flights to the funerals, I see the cost of the said vehicle is climbing, the miserables are very quite about Barnaby aren't they. Joyce's $95,000 4WD write-off , Steve Lewis, Adelaide Now Calls to Walgett Shire Council did not fully explain [b]why the senator was able to drive through the flooded Burren Creek.[/b] Barnaby Joyce drowns his Government Toyoto Land Cruiser, Tim Beissmann, Car Advice Yesterday, the Opposition water spokesman admitted that attempting to cross the creek was a bad idea, and one that he would not try again. Joyce's drive through flooded creek writes off $80,000 official car . Michelle Gratten, The Age Senator Joyce said he did not use the vehicle for commercial purposes. ''I[b] don't use it on the place. You would do the tyres - it's not a farm vehicle.''[/b] cheers


15/02/2011Hi Norman K [quote]Christians? Bah! I'm more Christian than they are and I'm on first name terms with the Devil.[/quote] Norman K, the Liberal Party media office, have probably been instructed,to phone the night time commercial channels and tell them not to mention anything, about the funerals because, the remarks by Scott Morrison have been taken out of context.:)

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011NormanK, You bet I tried to set Twitter alight. I even Tweeted Scott Morrison himself with 140 choice characters. :) I'm in the lucky happenstance of being a little old lady(very lol, in more ways than one!), and thus I have been freed from being fearful about any backlash from these characters, should they decide to try and track me down online, or elsewhere, as it's not a good look to be going a LOL. Much easier to go the swarthy Asylum Seekers. So, I just keep going. I'll go back after dinner as well to pick up the eyes of people who have come home from work and seen the News. I also have a new name for Barnaby, too, that I must get out. 'Bogan-In-Chief'.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Sorry, lyn, but I thought we needed to read this tonight:


15/02/2011Ad astra said ". . . the first edition of TPS . . [which itself was sayings of Ad astra's]. . . is as relevant now as ever." Exactly! In fact more "as relevant now as ever" than ever! It was what you said first Aa, it was spot-on, couldn't be improved, and it will remain TPS's touchstone until we have a perfect society. Everybody writing on this blog ought to read it imo. When such as that unmentionable troll-knight criticises anybody's attitude on this site, especially you Aa, we can always compare it with that simple manifesto. I have never read anything by you, nor by anyone being simply respectful on this site, that does not measure up to that code. That leaves me, of course. I'm often far from 'respectful' to those I think are being indecent in important ways. (What can I say nasty enough about Scott Morrison? I said the other day, even if Prof Skeleton go there first, I told ya this bloke is low, and Beware Folks, in the world of the ( * )-worm the slimiest is king. Morrison's not terribly clever, but sneaky and awful is more important to the Rotten Right.) But anyway fighting fire with fire is fair I reckon, I only use my abusive talents when my targets have so distanced themselves from truth and decency that they deserve it. (IMO, be it admitted, but I'm never wrong about THEM I reckon.) Anyway Ad astra I think you planted the Sword's flag perfectly perpendicularly with that first statement. Everybody read it?

Patricia WA

15/02/2011[b]A Summer Of Sorrow For All Of Us![/b] Why begrudge a few dollars The government’s spent? Why not, this time, Refrain from comment? Why not just stand And listen, and hear The sobs and the grief From far and from near, Not just for ‘illegals’ Who’ve been lost at sea. Fire and flood could have taken From you and from me. That great leveller, Death, Requires our respect. Surely today, even you, Can pause and reflect.


15/02/2011Hear, hear, Patricia! Beautifully covers much of what I have not been able to find words to express today. Thank you.

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011lyn, Here's a new blogger who posted on Tumblr! Also Andrew Catsaris has a blog, written on February 10th, which is especially pertinent today in the light of Scott Morrison's comments:

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011PatriciaWA, That made me go all wibbly inside. In a good way. :)

Feral Skeleton

15/02/2011Finally for tonight, I'll just make the point that the Coalition didn't feel the need to account for every Taxpayer dollar when John Howard was in power and would use the Prime Ministerial jet to fly back and forth from Canberra to Kiribilli every night after work, like the rest of us do by car.


15/02/2011Hi Talk Turkey [quote]Anyway Ad astra I think you planted the Sword's flag perfectly perpendicularly with that first statement. [/quote] When I first came to "TPS" around "The Rusty Old Ute time" in 2009, I was frightened to comment for some time, I had been wounded by commenting on the Australian newspaper blog sites, and was banned twice, under 2 different names by Andrew Bolt. After lurking for some time, I soon came to admire Ad Astra's quiet, measured responses to TPS commenters. My first comment was greeted with impeccable manners by Ad Astra, the other commenters also greeted me with delightful acceptance. TPS is and will remain the best place to be in the Blogosphere. Abbott and Morrison have thrown the wrong bomb this time, someone said the Mad Monk is back, but I don't think he ever went anywhere. Cheers


15/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Thankyou for the interesting links you have posted. I am delighted you have alerted me of a new blogger, I love getting a new blogger, it's like reading a new book. [quote]Here's a new blogger who posted on Tumblr[/quote]! Genuine well thoughtout article : by Nickford [i]A Heartless way to be "humane", Nickford[/i] Morrison’s comments today appear to have been a bridge too far for many Liberals. Having a senior frontbencher comes out to directly contradict another shadow minister’s position can be damaging at the best of times. [b]But Hockey’s comments have the potential to inspire a highly divisive debate within the party room.[/b] Cheers

D Mick Weir

15/02/2011I wish I'd written that: [i]'Do politicians in general, and Regressives in particular, undergo a special empathy by-pass upon election to public office?' [/i] Congrats NormanK another gem. A rhetorical question I'm sure but many are proving it to be true. [b]Grogs'[/b] suggestion [i]'... were you to replace “Christmas Island boat tragedy” with “Queensland floods”, and you’d be hearing both sides of politics offering statements of deep mourning.'[/i] sums it up nicely. Another weird day in Federal Politics where will it go tomorrow? While the cat's how will the mice play?

Ad astra reply

15/02/2011Folks It's been a long day, so i'm packing it in. How sad it is the Scott Morrison has shown such meanness of spirit.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011And now for some good News! [b]ACT scores $77m win over News tax scheme[/b] Noel Towel SMH February 16, 2011 [i]'THE media company News Corporation has been forced to pay the ACT government $77 million in taxes and penalties after an alleged tax avoidance scheme unravelled.'[/i] $77m, a drop in the bucket for dear old Rupert but, handy for the ACT.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Could this be todays regressive talking point?: [i]'They can't run they're own party fairly, how can they run the country for all Australians?'[/i] [b]Give members more say or the ALP will wither, warns minister[/b] [b]Phillip Coorey[/b] SMH February 16, 2011 [i]'THE federal minister and factional powerbroker Mark Butler says Labor is ''ossifying'' because of a lack of real democracy, and unless its members are given more influence the party will continue to lose voters and seats to the Greens.'[/i] Is this another 'faceless man'? And in case you missed it: [b]TV tonsil Hockey short-circuited[/b] [b]Phillip Coorey[/b] SMH February 15, 2011 [i]'WAS IT a cunning plan by Joe Hockey and Bill Shorten to boost their profiles, a ploy by Mr Hockey to use Mr Shorten to destabilise Julia Gillard, or a combination of something in between? We shall never know, because Mr Shorten pulled the pin on the idea that he and Mr Hockey become regular sparring partners on the high-rating Channel Seven breakfast show, Sunrise.'[/i] Any Swordsfolk willing to have a Friday morning 'square-off' with Joe? And my Captcha words for this comment are: [i]'awayes Fernando'[/i] so it's good night from me!!!!


16/02/2011Joyce makes two short planks look like a computer.

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Barnaby Joyce is a grub, there's no doubt about it. Today comes the news, arm in arm with his rank hypocrisy, that he will be using Senate Estimates hearings next week to find out exactly how much it cost the government to fly out the Asylum Seekers from Xmas Is. yesterday for their family's funerals. Notice, also, how not as much of a hullabaloo was made about the Christian Asylum Seekers funerals? Also, I say rank hypocrisy because here is a Senator who totalled a $95,000 Commonwealth Car over the New Year break, and do you think he should be held accountable for that? Not as far as he's concerned. The taxpayer, that he expresses faux concern for over the funeral and flight expenses, can just wear it with a smile, when it comes to Barnaby's expenses. It's all right for some, isn't it?


16/02/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Disregard for human life turns into disregard for human death.Ashebranious, Ash's Mavhiavellian Bloggery[/i] Tony’s need to seize power, he plants his foot into the faces of the dead to elevate himself. And not just any dead. But the mangled body of an eight month year old as well. [i]Tony Abbott’s Probation Period is Up ! , Trev's Political Rants -[/i] each day the media are picking up on the in fighting that is with Abbotts Front bench. [i]Bad Week...GoodWeek,,,Creatures of the Deep[/i] A tough week for Abbott, then, with one damaging issue after another and all of it covered with maximum hostility by the national press. [i]Scott Morrison: defending your taxpayer dollars from dead refugee children and their national bank-breaking funerals, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Liberal frontbencher Scott Morrison’s “screw those refugees and their infant children’s funerals” splurge of today [i]Morrison goes for the Gutter; Abbott is gutless; Hockey steps up, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut [/i] Abbott is so locked into disagreeing with everything the Government does (even before they do it), t [i]Go big Joe , HarrangueMan[/i] Abbott is so desperate to do anything to win government that he's willing to hurt a lot of people in the process [i]The Liberal Party reaches for new lows<, Kim Larvatus Prodeo[/i]Tony Abbott, must take its moral compass from the more fetid regions of talkback radio or right wing blog comments threads. [i]Towards Rock Bottom , In the Public Disinterest[/i]. Tough’ should never equal ‘cruel’, but the Liberals are way past thinking logically [i][b]Opposition wants to see shipwreck funerals bill, samantha hawley, ABC[/i][/b] Divisions have emerged in the Liberal Party after Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and immigration spokesman Scott Morrison questioned why taxpayers footed the bill for the funerals [i]The MEDIA – better late than never to a WAKE …, Bleyzie, The Eye Ball Opinion[/i] silence is our APATHY – it is what allows our Leaders to spin the spin they do – and they do it so well with the help of the media [i]Memo Tony: Shit’s happening, Peter Lewis, ABC[/i] change his public persona fast. If not ‘Opposer-in-Chief’ may be a fitting epithet. [u]Well, well, interesting opinion from their own:[/u] [i]Senior Liberal Staffer Speaks Out: Hockey Must Go, Menzies House[/i]Joe Hockey’s decision to undermine his Liberal colleague Scott Morrison, and contradict official party policy on the issue of taxpayer funds being used to ferry asylum seekers [i]Julia the Quiet Achiever, Ken Parish, Club Troppo[/i] much of this distorted public perception is driven by the media’s hackneyed model of journalism [i]Gillard's art of compromise , garry Sauer-thompson, Public Opinion[/i] The states and the commonwealth basically argue that the big problem is the health system is running out of money [i]Wireless obsession gets in the way on broadband, Bernard Keane, Crikey[/i] Well, I don’t need to tell you how the taxpayer-subsidised Australian covered it. 20 years time these arguments over the NBN will look hilarious [i]4G IS HERE: Telstra’s 2011 rollout, David Thodey, Delimeter[/i]The upgrade will target areas where traffic demand is most concentrated, and will be integrated with Telstra’s existing 3G HSPA+ service — which uses the 850MHz spectrum range. [u]NEWSPAPERS[/u] [i]Opposition demands to see funeral bill , Herald Sun[/i]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and immigration spokesman Scott Morrison have questioned the cost - a position that has caused divisions within the party. [i]Funeral funding spurs new Liberals row , Matthew Franklin & Lanai Vasek, The Australian[/i] Mr Morrison later amended his comments to insist his real point was that the services should have been held on Christmas Island. The Liberal Party soul-searching continued as it was revealed One Nation had peppered MPs with emails opposing public spending on the funerals and also criticising foreign aid to Indonesian schools. [i]Rift widens over paying families' trip , Simon Benson, Daily Telegraph[/i] renewed ideological drift between moderates in shadow cabinet, such as Hockey, and the so-called "Abbott hard-liners". [i]PM takes time to find voice of compassion for funerals , Phillip Coorey, National Times[/i] [b]it would have been less than the $80,000 it will cost to replace the taxpayer-funded Toyota LandCruiser that Barnaby Joyce trashed before Christmas while trying to cross a swollen creek.[/b] [i]Trying to score oints from tragety, Peter van Onselen, The Australian [/i] Manufacturing a story about wasted government resources to coincide with funerals hardly helps Morrison or Abbott [i]Politics of compassion needs to find a heart , Michael Gordon, National Times[/i] [b]Late yesterday, Morrison was trying to undo the damage. He was too late. [/b]


16/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Interesting to note, above link, Phillip Coorey agrees, with you, Jason, and I our comments last night. Also above link to Matthew Franklin, Mr Morrison really meant, services should be held on Christmas Island: [quote]Mr Morrison later amended his comments to insist his real point was that the services should have been held on Christmas Island. [/quote] What did I tell you yesterday, they are fitness fanatics, training extremely hard in back peddling everyday. A must read for fun, Menzies House article above. I have gone Smiley mad now, Liberals, just keep giving me a reason to smile, but they make me busy, and certainly keep our blog owner friends busy. Cheer:)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, You might also like to read this summary of the Coalition's antics from OzPollTragic at Poll Bludger. Encapsulates it pretty well, IMHO: [quote]Abbott backs anti-Muslim petition MP Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has backed ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries, who tabled a petition calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration. The petition, signed by three people in Sydney, calls for a review of immigration policy be undertaken to ensure priority is given to Christians. Ah, Newspoll weekend coming up. Another (almost certainly) 7 figure payout to another Howard Gov victim, this one Mandouh Habib over Oz complicity in his torture, & the scandal that Australian spooks knew (& lied) about it all make news. Abbott shaking death stare and Robb’s jockying for Deputy Leader/ Treasurer dominated the news scene. Gillard got her Health Reforms up, with even the Lib premiers’ assent & congratulations. Essential Research has parties level-pegging & Abbott’s Appro & PPM down! (“Don’t mention Essential Research”) Quick! Think of a Beat Up! Any beat-up will do! Anything that will drown out our woes & Gillard’s triumph! New wireless technology will gut the NBN (er .. some future time … maybe, perhaps; although updates of fibre optic’s potentially light-fast technology … er … well). Not really going to fool the IT/ science savvy. Bash Muslims. Yes, Yes! Bash asylum seekers. Bash grief-stricken families of an horrific tragedy’s victims. The CI wreck as more tragic than the Swiss Canyoning disaster. And how did Howie & co play that one, eh? (Don’t mention the Swiss Canyoning disaster). Then cheez, Joe Hockey damns that one on TV. Dream up yet another unconstitutional excuse for Senate posturing & time wasting. Religion replacing the WAP’s English Literacy as a bar to migration! Who cares if it wouldn’t get past the Reps, much less the High Court. All it has to do is drown our Labor’s gains, Maybe Abbott’s appro & PPM ratings will have improved by Monday. Doesn’t matter how low Libs stoop. All that matters is Libs’ capturing & staying in power. That the 1 BC-AD political refugee these pathetic excuses claim to worship happily chatted with sinners, Roman soldiers, Samaritans, women of ill repute; even dined with some of them, adds new meaning to Jesus wept.[/quote] As you can see, since I figured out how to do it, I have gone 'quote' mad! :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, Here's a little bit of useless information for you. My late husband's father actually held the NSW Backwards Bicycle Pedalling record, when he was a young man. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011It seems as though Joe Hockey is not a popular pork chop in the Liberal house with his comments against Scott Morrison and Tony Abbott's position re paying for the Asylum Seekers' family to come to Sydney for their loved one's funerals:


16/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Wow! so back peddling is a real sport, I was trying to be funny (sarcastic). [quote]Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has backed ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries, who tabled a petition calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration. [/quote] This is disgusting: Anti-Muslim petition a House regular, Bianca Hall, Canberra Times The controversial petition calling for a ban on Muslim immigration has been tabled 48 times in Parliament, The Canberra Times can reveal. [i]Abbott backs anti-Muslim petition MP, ABC[/i] Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has backed ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries, who tabled a petition calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration. [i]Anti-Muslim petition in Parliament 'bigoted' [/i] A PETITION tabled in Federal Parliament calling for a 10-year ban on Muslim immigration has been labelled bigoted by a leader of the Islamic community [b]AND THIS:[/b] [b]Morrison backs down on boatpeople funerals, admitting his remarks were insensitive , Joe Kelly, The Australian[/b] The timing of my comments over the last 24 hours was insensitive and was inappropriate,” he told 2GB's Ray Hadley. “I made the suggestion (the funeral) should have been held on Christmas Island. That wasn't the right time to make that comment. I accept that.“[b]I have to show a little more compassion than I showed yesterday.”[/b] ): Cheers

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Lyn, you have excelled beyond brilliant with todays' links. Thankyou. The Menzies House piece was a great find. I note that the previous post to the one you linked was [b]'Should We Have Taxpayer Funded Funeral Expenses?'[/b] I have to wonder about what the game is. The hardliners of the Liberal machine seem to assert their 'god-given' authority. Michael Gordons opening pars in his piece [b]'Politics of compassion needs to find a heart'[/b] [i]'WHO is the more heartless? Is it a government that flies traumatised orphans and others 5000 kilometres to see their loved ones buried, only to send them straight back to an overcrowded detention facility ill-equipped to meet their needs? Or is it the opposition that shows a callous disregard for those who are traumatised, in the hope of scoring a political point?'[/i] raises a question that I suspect is in the minds of many, no matter which side of politics they support. IMHO Australias' policies and and actions towards refugees is a disgrace!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011oops [i]'The hardliners of the Liberal machine seem to assert their 'god-given' authority.'[/i] Should read: The hardliners of the Liberal machine seem to be asserting their 'god-given' authority.


16/02/2011Hi Mick Weir How nice you are, thankyou, I am really, pleased you enjoyed this mornings links, because I did, I had a great time. :) :) :) :) My post above has crossed over your post, so be sure to look above your last comment. Read where Scott Morrison has back peddled in a big time way. I think Morrison is going as fast as Hillbilly's, father inlaw's record breaking time. Yes and Joe Hockey is not popular with Menzies House, and quite a few others it seems, probably Mr Abbott, is unhappy with Joe do you think. (cheesy Grin). Cheers


16/02/2011 Hi all :) Great job lyn. just checked out the Menzie House link but the article has been withd rawn it seems..:(

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011While I disagree with the content of the petition tabled by Mr Humphries I will defend the right of those people to hold that view. At first I had a 'problem' with Mr Humphries tabling a petition from NSW residents but I rethunk!. While a member or senator is endorsed as the representaive of thier electorate amd once elected also has a duty to ensure the parliament governs for all Australians. IMHO Mr Humphries had a duty to lodge the petition as he, and all our elected representatives, are there to 'air' the many and varied views of the populace and come to a considered 'opinion' on what is in the bests interests of the country. To me Mr Humphries may have made a couple mistakes. Why did he accept a petition with only three singnatories? I am obviously wrong but I thought there was a minimum number of signatories required. Also did he, or his office, check that these three signatories had not also signed ny of the other 48 petitions on the same subject?


16/02/2011Hi Debbie P Yes the article has been removed, one of our blog sites, have probably got a copy, I will eatch out for you. Comments are still there, quiet interesting: [quote]February 15, 2011 Article removed Several of our readers and contributors have expressed concern that this article was not attributed to any particular author. Here at Menzies House we try to post articles without fear or favour to encourage vigorous debate, however it has been common practice in the past for authors to use their real names or for those in sensitive positions to use pseudonyms and ambiguous professional titles. Unfortunately in this case the editorial team has decided to remove this post as it unfairly places suspicion on a very small number of people who were not responsible for writing the article. The editorial team apologises for any inconvenience[/quote] I told you the Miserables know how to back peddle in record time: Cheers


16/02/2011Hi Debbie Sorry that is supposed to be [b]watch[/b] out for you.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Lyn, It must have been your link that did it. The Menzies House people probably got worried when the page got so many hits :) And I love Captcha. Sometimes the words are so apposite. this time I got 'the rectus'!!!!!!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011I found a cached copy of the Menzies House article at Yahoo Try this link:,6a13a53&icp=1&.intl=au&sig=qjn.7RGft3EgEJ08laKWtQ--


16/02/2011Hi Everybody Crikey had the Menzies House article too, but link not working as article removed by Menzies house, the headlines are still there though with Crikey's excerpt, also my excerpt: Senior Liberal Staffer Speaks Out: Hockey Must Go, Menzies House [i]Senior Liberal Staffer: Hockey Must Go, Crikey[/i] Joe Hockey should be forced to leave his position as Shadow Treasurer after [b]he undermined colleague Scott Morrison and manipulated the funerals of asylum seekers for political benefit, writes an anonymous senior Liberal Party staffer[/b].

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Hmm, that link above didn't work Try this (only slightly tricky!) Go to In the web search box type: Senior Liberal Staffer Speaks Out: Hockey Must Go When the results come up (It should be the first item) DO NOT click on the main link. After the link at the end of that item you will see the word Cached underlined click on that and you should get to see the page in it's former glory

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, If you could track down that Menzies House article about Joe Hockey and copy and paste it here in full, for posterity, that would be great! The great god Google has got to have it cached somewhere. :)

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Hey Lyn, HS Just in case I took the liberty of making a copy of that Menzies House item in Word. Hmm, I can be contacted at gmail dot com using my name but replacing the spaces with dots(.)


16/02/2011D Mick Weir Thanks for that link. The heart pines for that which it can not have. In this instance we can see why it was removed - the headline should have read [b]Robb for Shadow Treasurer (for the sake of the Party of course)[/b]. Well worth a read for anyone who hasn't already done so. My favourite lines, with no sense of irony on the author's part is : [quote]This is a day of remembrance of a tragedy, and we all feel great sympathy for those affected by the recent horrific events. Yet Hockey attempted to manipulate this and grandstand for his own personal advantage. And that is unacceptable. [b]To take advantage of an event such as this to advance your own[/b] personal [b]agenda is simply beyond the pale[/b].[/quote] My emphasis.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Hi NormanK it is a pleasure to be of service :) As noted above I have a copy and will work on posting it shortly


16/02/2011Hi DM Weir Your are just absolutely magic, that's fabulous having a copy of the article. Hillbilly has the keys to TPS castle, maybe she will paste it here for everybody. As Hillbilly says, the article would be chached for sure, I can't do chach but Hillbilly I am sure can. cheers

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011NormanK the word 'hypocrisy' springs to mind. The author of the article wasn't acting in thier own, or the interest of thier boss we're they?


16/02/2011Hi Hillbilly and everybody See you can do record breaking back - peddling all it takes is guts: 'We went too far' on funeral costs: Abbott, Channel 9 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has conceded the federal coalition "went too far" in its criticism of the government covering the funeral costs of victims of the Christmas Island boat disaster. [b]Mr Abbott said Mr Morrison's contrition showed "a lot of guts".[/b]"I think it's very important we have a tough border


16/02/2011Hi Norman K [quote]My emphasis.[/quote] You have a photographic memory, congratulations!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Swordsfolk, I have had another rethunk!! (It gets dangerous when I thunk too much, or so says me dearly beloved!!) Re the Menzies house article for copyright reasons I won't paste into the comments here. I will let you all find it thru' the Yahoo cache or as noted above email me.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Lyn did youu make a (rare) typo? Should that line read: Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has conceded the [b][i]feral[/i][/b] coalition "went too far" in its criticism of the government ...


16/02/2011Hi Everybody Interesting polls here, along with masses of interesting comments on talk back radio. [i]Taking the pulse: switchboards light up over asylum seeker funeral, Tom Crowie, Crikey[/i] Over on talkback radio the switchboards have been lighting up, with plenty of callers willing to offer their two cents. Here’s a wrap of what they’re saying, courtesy of Media Monitors.


16/02/2011Menzies House article from today twitter screenshot


16/02/2011Hi D Mick Weir I understand completely, tell your wife, I have a husband with exactly the same view, he is always saying, Lyn, you are only posting links aren't you, remember copyright. I think we all have a really good gist of the article anyway, by the excerpts.


16/02/2011Sorry all forgot the other two images

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Gees there are real busy beavers over at [b]Menzies House[/b] I just had a bit of a trawl through some past posts and they seem to have at least 4 or 5 posts a day. They appear to have been gunning for Joe H for a while. There is a post by [b]Dr Joseph Clark: [i]Give Joe Hockey The Stick[/i][/b] (Feb 11 2011) [i][b]'Queensland economist Joseph Clark examines Joe Hockey's economic statements, and isn't impressed by what he finds:[/b] There's a lot to like about Joe Hockey. He's affable, a positive communicator, a team player, and a political unifier. But recently his comments and policy suggestions have illustrated that there is also a lot to dislike about him if you happen believe the philosophy of the Liberal party. Two examples: First was his repeated assertion that natural disasters have a stimulative effect on the economy .... The second example came from his address to the Young Liberal federal convention on the Gold Coast last month. Hockey gave a standard conviction politics speech – 'you gotta believe in something' ....'[/i] Interesting reading


16/02/2011Hi Augustus You are magic fabulous, you can have the highest award of brilliance, it's gold. Thankyou so much for the twitpic Of the Menzies House article: I didn't save a copy before, but you bet I have a permanent copy now. [b]Senior Liberal Staffer Speaks Out: Hockey Must go[/b] :) :) :) :) :) :)

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Augustus, I will second Lyns' nomination of a Gold Star for that link :)


16/02/2011My pleasure Lyn, there are two more images I forgot to add in my first post so enjoy


16/02/2011Lyn also have a PDF of the same article in full

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Thank you one and all! Augustus, if they get after you about copyright, I'll organise the TV cameras to be at the Court House to film who bowls up to defend the Liberal Party/Menzies House over that one, and who has to out themselves as the author of the article. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Of course, it almost goes without saying, that if there were this many behind the scenes ructions in the Labor Party over leadership and positiions on the Shadow Front Bench, it would be all over the media like a rash. I don't know if anyone else read it as the explanation for all this heat and light from the Coalition atm, but 'some people say' :) that these tremors emanating from Coalition ranks are a result of their highly favourable poll figures recently, and that some on the other side of the Treasury Benches see those Treasury Benches in sight for their shiny bottoms to be sitting upon by the end of the year, thus they are moving now to get themselves into their desired positions. The hubris of the Coalition never ceases to amaze me.


16/02/2011Thanks all just helpin' to keep the bastards honest

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Lyn I know it was not your intention but reading the article at [b]Crikey: Taking the pulse[/b] has made fell quite sick. :( I am rarely moved to strangle those with different views but I could be easily tempted with some of the callers mentioned.


16/02/2011 Thanks Augustus ~ and all..:) Had the chance now to read the Menzie House article.The Anonymous Author may be Tony Abbott,himself?


16/02/2011Just when we had it figured out Scott Morrison was bad and Joe Hockey was good over the asylum funerals this pops up This bit is what gets me "Mr Hockey, the opposition treasury spokesman, yesterday backed the government's decision to fly relatives from Christmas Island to Sydney to attend disaster victims' funerals, opening up a Coalition rift over the issue. But today Mr Hockey also softened his stance, saying Mr Morrison was right to question why the funerals were not held on Christmas Island. He urged Immigration Minister Chris Bowen to explain why the funerals were held in Sydney." HUH!!!!!! wingnuts!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Speaking of hypocrisy and other of the Great Opponents' foibles I had a giggle at this from Andrew Leigh while commenting on the coalitions phantom cuts: [i]'Scrapping the ‘Helping Our Kids Understand Finance’ program. (You have to wonder whether any Liberal Party advisor thought to mention the irony of cutting financial literacy program just months after their election costings had been shown to be out by $11 billion.)'[/i] [b]Andrew Leigh: The Unkindest Cut[/b]

Ad astra reply

16/02/2011Folks News about Australia here is pretty sparse, with BBC World News and CNN, which carries snippets of Sky News.  TPS is a better source of political news. The Scott Morrison/Tony Abbott utterances about the Government paying travel for Christmas Island detainees to attend the funerals of the maritime disaster victims is consistent with their previously expressed attitudes towards asylum seekers. They regard them as 'illegals' that should be waiting in a queue, and not deserving of the same consideration as 'normal' Aussies suffering bereavement. This inability or unwillingness to extend the milk of human kindness to 'these people', who have suffered so much for so long, is sad, but not a surprise from those who have consistently taken a hard-nosed approach to boat arrivals. Equally sadly, there will be many who will agree with them, but they run the risk of alienating the many who believe in 'the fair go' we all cherish.  No doubt Coalition cheerleaders in the media will defend them, even if they don't applaud. Other journalists will be more critical.

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Dr Andrew Leigh is my choice for Treasurer, when Wayne Swan has had enough of the job. Not Bill Shorten, who probably wants to only use Treasury as a layby on his way to The Lodge. :)


16/02/2011Hi D Mick Weir. Hi D M Weir I fully understand and know exactly how you feel, it makes me sick too, but the point is, they know who they are, people who have made the racist headlines and statements, are inciting hate stiring up the public, they are performing the great divide. Thankyou for the link: Interesting reading eh! See JJ said we didn't appreciate the aternative point of view, but we really do, I love it, sure some good reading on Menzies House today. You might like this blog as well: Backtracked but [b]UNREPENTANT[/b], Catallaxyfiles issue is whether the commonwealth should have flown people from Christmas Island to Sydney for the funerals. T

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Augustus, I have a feeling Hockey has walked back his comments of yesterday because he's trying to keep a lid on the Coalition Pressure Cooker environment that seems to be gaining a mighty head of steam atm. debbiep, The anonymous staffer who wrote the anti-Hockey diatribe, is, by all reports, one of Andrew Robb's boys. Which is no surprise, really, when you think about it. They really are going crazy over the smell of the leather on the Treasury benches.


16/02/2011FS, "The anonymous staffer who wrote the anti-Hockey diatribe, is, by all reports, one of Andrew Robb's boys. Which is no surprise, really, when you think about it. They really are going crazy over the smell of the leather on the Treasury benches." Makes alot of sense, as for Hockey's shift in position I think he has been told by the hard right, I am being to suspect a very bloody and public war between the factions especicially if the wet's start challenging policy decisions.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011HS, you have taste and style!!! Was it you who said of Mr Leigh [i]'... the thinking womans' crumpet'[/i]? I supect that a few others would be considered for the Treasurers post before AL, Criag Emmerson for example. Andrew at this time is probably considered to 'lack experience'


16/02/2011Hi Augustus Thanks heaps for the amazing Australian Newspaper story by Joe Kelly. The Liberals have gone maniacal, I think: So first they want to sack Joe Hockey for not agreeing with Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison Then Morrison & Abbott decide to rethink, apologise, sort of, to the public Then Joe Hockey says what! he backtracks to what Abbott and Morrison first said. So now does Joe Hockey apologise to the public sort of for his different stance, backtracking stance. Can anyone else tell me, have they gone completely mad, or is it one lie leading to another, is that the problem. [i]Liberals seek to heal rift on boatpeople, as Morrison admits his comments were insensitive , Joe Kelly, The Australian[/i] [b]But today [/b][b]Mr Hockey also softened his stance, saying Mr Morrison was right to question why the funerals were not held on Christmas Island.[/b] He urged Immigration Minister Chris Bowen to explain why the funerals were held in Sydney. “[b]It's right for an opposition spokesman to ask the question,” Mr Hockey told 2GB's Alan Jones.[/b] Alan Jones is copping an earful, his stance on the issue must be changing by the minute too. Joe Kelly's comment should read not "Joe Hockey has softened his stance", it should be Joe Hockey has softened his different stance("other stance"). Confused anyone.


16/02/2011Lyn, I wonder if poor old Joe's just being stitched up firstly a completely negative rant first thing in the morning then withdrawn, told to soften his stance from yesterday which Abbott and Morrison then come out an go mea culpa leaving Joe high and dry, things that make you go hmmmm


16/02/2011Hi Ad Wonderful to see you again today, see what you created the best source of news in Australia. you are awarded a gold monument [quote]Folks News about Australia here is pretty sparse, with BBC World News and CNN, which carries snippets of Sky News. TPS is a better source of political news. [/quote] Yes Ad it is very sad, but not a surprise, they are weaving a tangled web. Thankyou for keeping in touch Ad, best wishes to you and your lovely wife. Cheers


16/02/2011Hi Augustus Joe's been stitched up for sure. Looks like Joe has been told off and told to back Abbott and Morrison, disunity is death, so Joe went straight to see his pal Alan Jones, "Well Alan you see I really do agree with Abbott and Morrison. In the meantime, unbeknowns to Hockey, Abbott and Morrison have in a kind of a way of said they made a mistake, and shouldn't have said what they said, Abbott said Morrison had lots of guts. But you see, that means now, Joe Hockey has got to say he made a mistake by changing his stance or different stance, because he really wants to stand on his first stance.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Back to Menzies House [b]Peter Martin[/b] has posted the full text of the original article [b]That tirade against Joe Hockey at Menzies House[/b]


16/02/2011D Mick Weir, looks like this one ain't away too fast, I wonder what is being said at wingnut central, any flies on the wall out there, looks like the lunatics are definately in charge of the asylum at moment. so a little Pink Floyd to reflect the moment

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011See what happens to your political party when you get into bed with the Hard Right? They are so intransigent, with views that are set in concrete, that they will brook no dissent from those others in the Liberal Party who may have more, ahem, reasonable views. Like, I bet Joe, Malcolm, Russell Broadbent, Judy Moylan and Judith Troeth, not to mention the more moderate Liberals in the States, have socially more liberal views about such things as a woman's Right to Choose an abortion, Contraception, Gay Marriage, etc., yet if these issues were put on the table by the government, say, and they should if they want to blow up the Liberal Party (metaphorically speaking), then that's when I predict all hell would finally break loose. There are now memebrs of the Coalition in parliament, and in their offices, who will not brook any philosophical flexibility. As the Menzies House document gave us a small insight into today. I also predict that Barry O'Farrell in NSW will come up hard against these people in government as well, especially considering the number of Fundamentalist(with the emphasis on 'mental') Christian Upper House parliamentarians we already have, and who will be sitting alongside the Opus Dei faction of the Liberal Party there in the Legislative Assembly. Look for the first backflip by BOF to be over Ethics classes in schools. The religious wingnuts are seriously, 'Not Happy,Barry' about the classes taking the place of religious instruction in Public Schools. Not that they should have their grubby mits on our children's minds in our supposedly secular Public Schools. Anyway, it will be interesting to watch it all, erm, 'unfold'. What will be most interesting to follow will be whether the sort of iron discipline that Tony Abbott displayed in his confrontation with Mark Riley last week, where he was inches away from bopping him but kept himself under control, will be able to be transmogrified to the party as a whole under his federal leadership. That is, whether this 'Crazy as a Fox' type of control he displays, translates. Sure is 'Year of the Rabbott', huh?

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Augustus, you are seriously warped and what a great clip. Already I can't get it out of my head [i]' .. The lunatic is on the grass ...'[/i] Wow! Does that bring back some memories of a seriously misspent yoof


16/02/2011"Augustus, you are seriously warped" Thanks D Mick Weir I'll take that as a compliment.


16/02/2011Augustus, d Mick Weir, Hillbilly, Not going away Augustus They have been reading "TPS" posted by James Massola at 12.53pm. James said he got an email from Menzies House: [i]Conservative website takes down anonymous article attacking Joe Hockey , James Massola, The Australian[/i] In a statement emailed to The Australian Online, website co-founder Tim Andrews explained why the post had been removed.

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, I would like to think that Menzies House religiously reads TPS. However, I must admit, I got the heads up on the article from a commenter on Poll Bludger. However, you never know. Btw, I think I've won reCaptcha Bingo. The word 'politics' came up for me the other day. :)


16/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Well I think the political Journalists on The Australian read TPS, remember they were very upset about Grog's blog site. Oh well your right we never know, could be. Congratulations on Politics coming up for you, could mean some good luck is coming your way. See Abbott and Co, have not apologised for their comments only the timing of them, they only did a little back peddle. Still, means there is huge erupted, corruption going on in their "(love each other as Hockey said)" Liberal Party. Hoep you had a nice day today cheers:)


16/02/2011silly me Hoep means Hope

Acerbic Conehead 2

16/02/2011HS, Ban Morrison, as you know, has been all over the airwaves recently with his musings about the Christmas Island tragedy and its aftermath. He’s just released a revised version of his classic hit, “Days like this”. Sing along as he remembers some motherly advice that, unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to have paid much attention to. :- ( When I was young I always mouthed off...on days like this When not realisin’ silence is golden...on days like this When practisin’ bein’ a bully on my little siss Well my mama told me...I’d be a dick like this :- ( Now that I’m older...there’s lots more days like this When everyone else is gettin’ more sense...on days like this I just keep lookin’ out for more losers to diss Oh how I love to ban the burqa...on days like this :- ( When you get your hands on the bible...on days like this When you read about Jesus bein’ a reffo...way back in hiss Don’t believe a word, cos its just non-core takin’ the piss Oh my mama told me...I’d be a dick like this :- ( When everyone else is sad for the souls on Christmas Isle I’m blowin’ my dog-whistle covered in bile Why don’t they all go minin’ guano in Nauruan bliss Oh my mama told me...I’d be a dick like this :- ( When you feel all hot n’ bothered...on days like this When the temperature fells like its fifty degrees plus Don’t forget for Jesus it was Tones astutely sussed Well my mama told me...I’d be a dick like this

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011[b]John Quiggin[/b] has a short post: [b]Hockey sticks his neck out[/b] [i]'I was at a Media Club lunch in Brisbane today where Joe Hockey was the speaker. Amid a bunch of fairly predictable talking points, he offered the view that, if we want to address problems of housing affordability, measures that increase demand, like the First Home Buyers Grant, are exactly the wrong way to go. ... it’s the kind of statement that Sir Humphrey would call “courageous”. Strikingly, not one of the assembled journalists took him up on it. Instead they bowled him up a series of questions on the [b]kerfuffle du jour[/b] regarding the Christmas Island funerals ....'[/i] (My emphasis added) Interesting take from JQ and highlights one of the main problems with the current political discourse as Mr. Denmore among others have constantly reminded us: Reporting is more about treating politics as sport and perpetuating the current talking point rather than about the contest of ideas. Is it any wonder Julia can't cut through?

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011D Mick Weir, You would never have known it, but Julia delivered a very important speech in New Zealand today. It went to her very astute observation that this is the Asian Pacific Century, and Australia and New Zealand are at the centre of the Asia Pacific Region. A very astute but crucial observation made by a Prime Minister with her eyes set firmly on the future for her country. Not like the hairy troglodytes in the Coalition who want to take us back to a knuckle-dragging past. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, Yes, we had an exciting last couple of days, don't you think? :) Btw, I hate doing this to you but Grog always posts at night, so I feel the need to put the latest blog up as soon as it goes up over there:

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011This whole saga around the funerals for victims of the Christmas Island Disaster will end up being a bigger problem for the government than the opposition. Sure Morrison and Abbott were sickening with thier comments but they have 'sniffed the breeze' and have come crawling to the electorate with statements of apologies (of sorts) and admitting they were insensitive and wrong. Meanwhile Minister Bowen (and the government) is being shown as heartless and needlessly bureaucratic with the young boy orphaned by the tragedy. [b]Barry Cassidy[/b] has posted: [b]The price of politics: the death of compassion[/b] over at The Drum He deals with the opposition shenanigans and then moves on to quote extensively from an interview with Chris Bowen by Jon Faine. Bowen doesn't end up looking very good out of it and IMHO it shows once again the government has got the whole assylum seeker totally wrong.

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Good call HS, I did catch a small bit on Julia on one of the news broadcasts. 'Fraid I have got my 'knickers in a knot' over assylum seekers and like a dog with a bone I can't let go. I am absolutely disgusted with the gutless way the government is handling this.


16/02/2011Hi Hillbilly Don't worry, Put Grog up whenever you like, everybody needs to read him, I always say don't miss Grog, he is a highlight, illumination, of the day. The only reason I put Grog up in the morning with "Today's Links is, because then his site in "Todays Links" is linked from other blogg sites on their side bar, we have 3 sites now linking straight to Today's Links". So you see, everything gained nothing lost, I will still put Grog up in the morning anyway,. All is good, we are good, we all do good work, we are proud of you, you know Feral.

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011D Mick Weir, Read Grog tonight, it will make you go to bed a happy camper because he tears into Barrie Cassidy for being a gullible gormless git being played like a violin by Abbott and Morrison. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011lyn, You are an A Grade sweetie. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011If only I were 20 years younger, I would take on the political crusade of my life and actively go after the slimeballs in the Coalition. They truly are despicable and deserve to be taken down a peg or two hundred, for the sake of the future of our great country. I have so many ideas about the ways it could be easily done. Ideas I have, energy and money I no longer have. BUGGER!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011Hi again Hillbilly, thanks for notifying us Grog had posted; it hasn't come up in my feedreader yet but I went over and read the post and it calmed me down a bit. I still think that this will be turned back on Bowen and the government will lose more than the opposition. I had (partly) overlooked the fact that Morrison had apologised for the timing not the comments and questions themselves and I suspect a lot of others will be mislead. I don't know where it will go from here but hope that Labor will move back to a more humane approach to asylum seekers.


16/02/2011FS, Take the crusade on any way! think of it as your bucket list lol!

D Mick Weir

16/02/2011[i]Ideas I have, energy and money I no longer have.[/i] Hmm, HS, the way you tap out wise words you appear to have boundless energy :) The money thing well, I sort row in the same boat!


16/02/2011DMW, You only need ideas!convince the people then the money follows

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Jason, You young Whippersnapper! :) Whip the hat around for me so I can set up a Home Studio like Sarah Palin and pay for some plastic surgery, like she's obviously had, and we'll be away!

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Night all! It's been real. :)

Feral Skeleton

16/02/2011Sorry guys, one last thing. Here's a lovely article written in the NZ media about our PM: It's just such a pity that our own media don't treat her with the same rrespect. Which she deserves! Aaarrgghh!! ReCaptcha, how do you do the symbol for Pi???


16/02/2011FS, You don't need plastic! nor do you need to be like palin! you unlike her stand for whats good and right!sooner have you in the trenches than her!


16/02/2011Today's News Morrison & Abbott say yes, they got their timing wrong & that's what they're sorry about. Hockey feels that, put that way, it's not so bad.The media deploys camera crews in the hope they'll get some good distressing stuff tomorrow they can use against the Government. The mining companies have made a real lot of money. A media that actively campaigned against the RSPT or at least uncritically facilitated that criticism starts working up rage at the amount of dosh the country will now forego. Space is of course given to Bob Brown to tell us all how gutless the Government was, a perspective no doubt gained during his stay in his bunker as that particular bombardment raged.But Barnaby will get a new car despite our massively reduced income. Some nice shots of Gillard in N.Z. though.

Ad astra reply

17/02/2011Folks It's coming up 10 pm here in Cebu, and most of you have gone to bed as we are three hours behind ESST. Thank you Lyn for your kind words. And welcome to you Augustus in 2011. You have been very active. I have followed your comments and links re the Morrison/ Abbott/Hockey funeral saga with astonishment - that these guys could get themselves so tangled in the web they are spinning, with little surprise that News Limited journos and shock jocks are defending them, and with dismay that the ABC shock jock Jon Faine and Barrie Cassidy have taken to attacking Chris Bowen. We have an unequal battle against the odds, but we shall persist until fairness and justice prevail. Goodnight all


17/02/2011[b]TODAY'S LINKS[/b] [i]Abbott should also apologise for asylum seeker comments, Admin, Independent Australia[/i] another stunning gaffe from Abbott and his right-wing coterie. You can sense the vultures circling lower as the Liberal Party comes closer to the realisation that it’s time to cut ”Loose-lips” Tony loose. [i]Morrison & Abbott stay down, Hockey joins them, Greg Jericho, Grog's Gamut[/i] That sound you hear is that of Joe Hockey’s credibility being trampled under his own boot (yeah I know, it’s not a loud sound; not much to crunch) [i]Opposition shows true colours…AGAIN, Massivespray, Spray of the Day[/i] Uncle Joe Hockey pops up with a faux-compassionate take in an attempt to differentiate himself from the raving lunatics in his own party. [i]Nothing so humble, Dave's Archives[/i] politician utters remarks like Morrison's, it further emboldens the nutters who want to see, for instance, an end to "Muslim immigration". [i]Basta Enough, Andrew Catsaras[/i] Yesterday's "performance" by Scott Morrison comes into that category. [i]This is Australia? , Mr Denmore, The Failed Estate[/i]spiteful and unforgiving; an Australia that would quibble over the $300,000 cost of a funeral [i]Children die and Leading Liberals see an opportunity, Tim Dunlop, BSides[/i] three cheers for the Labor Government for paying for people to attend the funeral of their loved ones in the first place. [i]Done Nothing Wrong”, Neil Cook, The Bannerman[/i] blatant ineptitude of a brainless politician who clearly doesn’t give a fig about the public property in his care. Senate Estimates next week should be quite revealing. [i]That tirade against Joe Hockey at Menzies House, Peter Martin[/i] Menzies House can confirm, however, that we have verified that the author does indeed work as a senior adviser for a member of the Shadow Ministry [i]Hockey sticks his neck out, John Quiggin[/i] How much could the government save by abolishing FHBG, and where would the money be better spent”. [i]Alan Kohler shows he doesn't know about politics, Alex White[/i]For a business analyst, it shows a concerning naivete in the political process and the dynamics of the Australian Senate. 2A&utm_medium=email [i]Muliculturalism and Conservatism, Richard Tsukamasa Green Club Troppo[/i] current poison coming out of the Coalition all the more distressing The [i]Punch's new puppet, Jeremy Sear, Pure Poison[/i] Does this mean The Australian will no longer have a problem with Grogs Gamut-style pseudonymous bloggers? [i]Reforming Australia’s system of democracy, Admin, Independent Ausralia[/i]we don’t live in a perfect democracy. In truth, it is probably impossible for a perfect democracy to be achieved, NEWSPAPERS: [i]Joe Hockey Circus must end: Liberal, Michelle Gratten, The Age[/i] Menzies House, to remove it, senator Cory Bernardi, who gave money for setting up the site. Senator Bernardi said yesterday [i]That's not guts. That's not an apology , Michelle Grattan, SMH[/i] harming the opposition - raising questions about Abbott's running of the team;


17/02/2011Good Morning all, seems the ghost of Howards rotting corpse has returned, dog whislte practice 6am sharp, and what One Nation Policies can we use today. This makes for interesting reading 'Liberals' policy hatched in One Nation heartland' Howard certainly taught his boy well.

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011Augustus, I have always said that Tony Abbott is John Howard's Mini Me. Plus I'll also add that a certain slime called, Peter Reith, seems to have oozed up from the Liberal sewer thinking the coast was clear enough to put his head above the parapet again. The last few months behaviour from the Opposition has the stench of Reith about it, IMHO.

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011From the Menzies House article via Michelle Grattan: [quote]Liberal values of small government when formulating policy''[/quote]. Howard increased the size of government more than any previous PM!

D Mick Weir

17/02/2011And now for something completely different: [b]Announcing a formal request for the Auditor General to audit the Australian BOM[/b] [i]'A team of skeptical scientists, citizens, and an Australian Senator have lodged a formal request with the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) to have the BOM and CSIRO audited.'[/i] [b]Joanne Nova[/b] JoNova: A freelance science presenter, writer, professional speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in ten languages). Interesting.

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011Annabel Crabbe. Funny:

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011Ad Astra, You might be interested in reading this today :) :


17/02/2011Somebody's been talking out of school. Again. [b]Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy[/b] by Lenore Taylor [quote]THE opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, urged the shadow cabinet to capitalise on the electorate's growing concerns about ''Muslim immigration'', "Muslims in Australia" and the "inability" of Muslim migrants to integrate. Sources say Mr Morrison told the shadow cabinet meeting on December 1 at the Ryde Civic Centre that the Coalition should ramp up its questioning of "multiculturalism" and appeal to deep voter concerns about Muslim immigration and ''inability'' to integrate.[/quote] [b]Opposition denies anti-Muslim agenda as party moderates fear 'un-Liberal' strategy[/b] by James Massola and Joe Kelly [quote]Julia Gillard today demanded Tony Abbott sack his immigration spokesman if reports that Mr Morrison had urged shadow cabinet to make capital out of Australians' concerns about multiculturalism and Muslim immigration were true. The Prime Minister called on the Opposition Leader to clarify whether he is committed to a non-discriminatory immigration program. “I can't believe that Mr Abbott or Mr Morrison really want to see the nation go down that path,” Ms Gillard told the ABC.[/quote] Despite Morrison's denials, the assault has already commenced. Link courtesy of Annabelle Crabb's piece - link above provided by FS. [b]Liberal MPs warn of 'Islam danger'[/b] by Steve Lewis [quote]AUSTRALIA risks becoming a nation of "ethnic enclaves" that unknowingly buys livestock slaughtered "in the name of Allah", senior Liberal MPs have warned. "I, for one, don't want to eat meat butchered in the name of an ideology that is mired in sixth century brutality and is anathema to my own values," he said.[/quote] Just in case you were feeling homesick, Ad astra and needed a dose of good old Aussie fear-mongering.


17/02/2011Tony Abbott today! there’s no-one who is a more decent and a more compassionate and a more sensitive person in public life {than Scott Morrsion}.

Ad astra reply

17/02/2011FS Every NBN knocker should read Rod Tucker's piece. Jason If Tony Abbott said that of Scott Morrison, it must be true.

Ad astra reply

17/02/2011Folks My son-in-law has uploaded the first of three pieces I wrote before my departure for Cebu. It is titled: Leadership - what do the people want?.


17/02/2011Hi Jason Thankyou for the link on Abbott's press conference in Tasmania. Abbott's putrid talk isn't it, and so fake. You will enjoy what Ben Pobji has to say; [quote]like all great men, Morrison’s manliness is driven by his strong faith. The fact Morrison is a devout Christian should come as no surprise — if ever there was a man who knew how to save money on funerals, it was Jesus. And if there ever was an accurate answer to the question, "What would Jesus do?" it is, "Avoid wasteful spending on the personal excursions of people who aren’t even citizens". It’s all in the Bible, folks. Jesus was a real man, too. He knew the only way to deal with refugees was with a firm hand. Just look at the story of how he drove the moneylenders from the temple because they had no passports.[/quote] [i]You Can't Keep A Good Man Down, Ben Pobjie, New Matilda[/i] [b]Liberals’ key motto: "The Liberal Party — Strong Leadership With Only a Little Bit of Vomit in Your Mouth". And this week he demonstrated it beautifully[/b] Cheers


17/02/2011I predicted that last week Gillard would shine in parliament. And so she did. Then she went to NZ and she absolutely starred. Both sides of the House there stood up not slovenly but smartly, clapping enthusiastically, as she was about to speak, you could see they think she's brilliant - and so she is too. It isn't Julia that's not up to the job, it's the bloody media here which has NEVER given her an even break. The ABC I find unbelievable, unconscionable. Never mind, she has stayed on track through fire and flood, boat arrivals and biased reporting, until now at last the Coalition is paying the price of its wedge politics and wedging itself instead. Karma. Hey look at who might fantasize with leadership: Turdball is damaged by his own hand, and too centrist. (Can reheated burnt cordon bleu rise twice?) Toe-rag Abbortt has done his nasty dash. Kaput. Poor ol' Robb is pathetic and antique, hateful to and hated by DeathStare and Snotty Joe. Snotty Joe's wedged himself from the Rotten Right, and he's dim. DeathStare is undamaged except by her death stare, and her repeat plagiarism, and she's too weak and the wrong gender to lead the Real Men of the Coalition Rump.. Grott Morrison, my Hero, has scored 2 perfect own goals in the last 2 days,(we didn't anticipate that eh Skelly!), in so doing putting Toe-rag's whole team in disarray, Yay! Don't us worry about Julia Gillard. She is destined for greatness, just watch. She will emerge into open water sooner or later, it's about time she got fair sailing and she will too. Let us concentrate on the thugs on the Right. Like a boxer working on the cut on his opponent's eyebrow, let us work on Abbortt. Grot Morrison has made himself a fulcrum for us to use to lever the Liberal lid off its implosive Pandora's Box of Evil, and Snotty's weight is helping us with the leverage. (I love mashing metaphors where it will make THEM wince!) There's not many Wets, but the Dries are cracking apart like parched clay, and there's not enough of any of them in any one camp to present a united front. NO is not a policy platform, and the People are recognising that at last. We don't need everyone, only those with any sense and a smidgin of education. Religion has polluted politics in this country too much for too long, and poetically, at last it is turning its hatreds back on itself in the hypocrital politics of the Right. Grott is a churchgoing Christian, that oughta tell ya something. Game on. Go Gillard. Go Team. No prisoners! Venceremos!

Patricia WA

17/02/2011Great stuff, TT! And guess who we have on our side? Malcolm Fraser is barracking for us over at Crikey! And how - such a fine article. [b]I recant[/b] Once you were "Kerr's cur" And long were So for me. Today, I have Forgiven you.


17/02/2011I said above "Despite Morrison's denials, the assault has already commenced" but I neglected to include this gem from Kevin Donnelly. [b]Values, freedoms and multiculturalism: you can't have it al[/b]l [quote]At the same time as channelling One Nation, by emphasising the need for migrants to respect and follow “traditional Australian values”, Minister Bowen also talks about the “genius of Australian multiculturalism” and he has announced a raft of policies to appease Australia’s multicultural industry and to prove to the Balmain basket weavers and the Carlton latte set that celebrating difference and diversity is back on the Government’s agenda.[/quote] When these guys launch an assault they really are well co-ordinated aren't they?

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011Now the icing on the Humble Pie that the Opposition will have to eat is the fact that Chris Bowen has just announced on 6PM with George Negus that the little 9yo boy from Iran, Saneen, who lost both his parents in the Christmas Island Boat Tragedy, is coming to live in Sydney next week with the family he has been looked after by on Xmas Is. since they got to Australia! Yay! Now, let us hope that this terrible tragedy, and the loss of life that ensued, will have a positive effect on the Asylum Seeker vitriol and bile which has been spewing forth from the lowest of the low, the Coalition, and their vile camp followers in the electorate.

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011Talk Turkey, Today Julia Gillard got one more vote in the House of Reps for her Flood Levy. Adam Bandt and The Greens have agreed to forego going further into deficit to support the levy. JG is silent and deadly! :)

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011A verbal poke in the eye for Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison from Bob Carr:


17/02/2011FS, Didn't know he had a site but more Bob Carr!

Feral Skeleton

17/02/2011A good news story to keep things in perspective wrt the Asylum Seeker issue:

Ad astra reply

18/02/2011FS What was painted as a potential disaster, with protest meetings and dissent, flamed by Tony Abbott into a national crisis, turns out to be not just benign, but a positive. But will he even notice?

Feral Skeleton

18/02/2011AA, Tony Abbott won't notice because he doesn't want to notice. It doesn't suit his 'Muslims are Bad, OK?' agenda.


18/02/2011I see today that the mining tax might be the least of Twiggy Forrest's problems!
I have two politicians and add 17 clowns and 14 chimpanzees; how many clowns are there?