The culture of disrespect

In the week just gone there was an extraordinary coincidence of events that starkly reminded us of just how much disrespect contaminates our society, most of it directed towards women. It is a scourge that dates back for centuries, one though that the forward-looking fondly believed was losing ground as more enlightened attitudes appeared to be emerging. What happened last week calls that hope into question.

When Julia Gillard made her speech at the launch of Labor's Women for Gillard campaign in Sydney last Tuesday, she let surge into the open the simmering undercurrent of sexism and discrimination against women that we all know continues to afflict our society, one that many prefer not to see or acknowledge.

Albeit unintentionally, as if to confirm her point, later that day at the post-match press conference after the Socceroos four-nil win against Jordan, coach Holger Osieck set the ball rolling when he made a sexist slur that "women should shut up in public". The following day Jason Hickson, president of the Cessnock Hunter Young Liberals branch, tweeted: "Fairly certain Socceroos coach was referring to @JuliaGillard last night . . . not women in general. Heres [sic] to Holger if that's [sic] the case! #auspol." This earned him suspension from the Liberal Party by NSW Liberal Party state director Mark Neeham.

The PM’s message was that Labor supported women in a way unmatched by the Coalition, and that if Tony Abbott should become PM, women would “once again [be] banished from the centre of Australia's political life”, reinforcing that with her claim that ‘men in blue ties’ would marginalize women. Labor’s front bench of one woman in three against the Coalition’s less than one in five, goes some way to validating her assertion.

She also put abortion back on the agenda with: “We don't want to live in an Australia where abortion again becomes the political plaything of men who think they know better”

Fuming with righteous indignation, Julie Bishop quickly labelled her speech as indulging in the “base politics of fear and division”, of “waging a gender war”, insisting it was “patronising and insulting”, and “a speech not worthy of a prime minister”.

The reaction to PM Gillard’s speech among women was mixed. Some felt uneasy that the gender issue had been raised in a political context, and that abortion had been resurrected as an issue. Even some feminists and commenters on Hoopla expressed concern, some dismay. Of course, male columnists and several female, notably Janet Albrechtsen, were delighted to agree with Julia Gillard’s critics. Even a couple of Labor backbenchers expressed concern.

However, in PM right to put gender on the agenda in the Sydney Morning Herald, Leslie Cannold, Melbourne academic and writer, and President of Reproductive Choice Australia, pointed out that Tony Abbott had made many statements about abortion: “I think it is a tragedy that we have as many abortions as we do…” and “I'm a bit like Bill Clinton…who said that he thought it should be safe, legal and rare. And I underline 'rare'”. In Abbott’s words, a last resort.

Cannold goes on to quote Abbott again:“I certainly have always said that the whole issue here was to try to ensure that we empowered women…[and] gave women in a very difficult position all the support they needed to make what was for them the best possible choice”. (For those confused by that gobbledygook, that was Abbott signalling to his anti-choice supporters that his government could return to the Pregnancy Support Measures of the Howard era designed – and here I quote Abbott – to “reduce abortion numbers through pregnancy support counselling”.)” Cannold fears that the shaming and stigmatizing of the one in three Australian women who have an abortion will escalate under an Abbott government.

Abbott’s unsuccessful attempt when he was Health Minister to assume control of the use of abortion drug RU 486 is another indication of his past attitude to abortion.

On the Jon Faine show on ABC 774 radio on Friday, Cannold said she had looked for any sign that Abbott had changed his attitude to abortion, but had seen none. She believes that Julia Gillard was right in raising this issue.

So unless Abbott has undergone an epiphany on the subject of abortion, expect that an Abbott government would take a regressive attitude.

No sooner had her speech hit the headlines than, seemingly out of the blue, a report emerged of a highly offensive menu at a dinner for twenty in March to raise funds for endorsed Liberal candidate for Fisher, Mal Brough. It described our PM as a quail dish, elaborating on her physical features and her genitals in a deeply odious way. Descriptions on the same menu of two Labor males, Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan, although grossly rude, carried no sexual connotations. Tony Abbott and other Liberals quickly denounced this sexist attack on Julia Gillard, and Mal Brough apologized. Joe Hockey, a special guest at the dinner, said he never saw the menu, and came over all offended, accusing the PM of calling him a ‘fat man’ in parliament, and insinuating that her reaction to what the journalistic fraternity now insist on calling ‘menugate’, was unfairly directed at him.

Then it emerged that Brisbane businessman Joe Richards had written the offensive menu. He passed it off as ‘a lighthearted joke’, which he had created with his son, a joke that he never intended to be made public. But when Chef David Carter posted it on Facebook it became very public. Subsequently Abbott declared that the menu had never left the kitchen. It was stylishly printed though, and as Brough immediately apologized for the menu, describing it as "deeply regrettable, offensive and sexist", it is curious that he did this, as now denies knowledge of the menu.

In the light of the Richards story, instead of trying to weasel the Coalition out of the firing line, as Abbott would characteristically have done, he suggested that it was time for everyone to ‘move on’. I wonder how much he really knows about ‘menugate’?

News Limited papers, by attempting to connect Labor figures with Richards, are now trying to limit the damage this episode has done to the Coalition, I suspect in vain.

I expect we will never know the full story, but the fact that the menu was for a Liberal fund-raiser, suggests the involvement of Liberal supporters, and will reflect adversely on them.

Whatever the true story, the undeniable fact is that this menu reflects deep-seated disrespect for our PM and deeply sexist attitudes towards her. No one has defended the menu, and politicians from all parties have been outspoken in condemnation. It is yet another example of the culture of disrespect that afflicts politics today, disrespect that is often directed to the nation’s first female Prime Minister.

As Julia Gillard's speech was being dissected and critiqued, another event intervened: General David Morrison, Head of the Australian Army, reported on an extensive study of sexism in the Army, revealing investigations into as many as 90 serving officers who might be guilty of producing what he called "highly inappropriate material demeaning women" distributed across the Internet and Defence's email networks. He added: "If this is true, then the actions of these members are in direct contravention of every value the Australian Army stands for." He bluntly told those involved that if they could not accept the Army’s values they should ‘get out’. Much more will be revealed about this scandal in the weeks ahead. Defence Minister Stephen Smith said that the culture that allowed such actions to occur was not recent; it was decades old and represented a major eradication challenge for the Army.

Although not related to the political events of the week, the Morrison report highlighted the widespread nature of disrespect for women in the Army, one likely reflected in the community generally.

Then came the most infamous event of all, the interview of PM Gillard by shock jock Howard Sattler on radio 6PR in Perth on Thursday evening.

His insensitive probing at the very beginning of an arranged interview with the PM into the sexual preference of the PM’s partner Tim Mathieson with the blunt: “Tim’s gay”, and his persistent questioning along these lines, has brought him universal and strident condemnation from politicians, commentators and the media, including such outspoken shock jocks as Derryn Hinch, and even Ray Hadley. Alan Jones seems not to have commented; I suppose it’s a case of ‘people in glass houses…’. Sattler was subsequently suspended and sacked; Fairfax apologized. Sattler was unrepentant; ‘he had no regrets’. So much for his attitude to Julia Gillard, whom he regards as ‘fair game’! There’s no need to go into details; you probably know them already after all the publicity this event attracted. If you want to, take a look at the video in this piece.

What is important is that here is a radio personality of long standing, who thought it was appropriate to be grossly disrespectful to the nation’s Prime Minister. Would he have been so had the PM been male? Would he have asked about the sexual preference of the PM’s partner? You know the answer.

Julia Gillard’s fear was that an interview like this might deter young women from undertaking a career in public life and in politics.

On Friday’s episode of ABC’s
The Drum, where there was condemnation by all the panellists, Mary Crooks, Executive Director of the Victorian Women's Trust, and author of A Switch in Time – restoring respect to Australian politics, added her words of denunciation about the disrespectful and sexist attacks on our PM.

Anne Summers reinforced Julia Gillard’s assertions about the paucity of women in the Abbott team, and his longstanding attitude towards abortion.

On Friday’s PM on ABC radio, Martin Cuddihy interviewed a Sydney hairdresser who said: “It's really rude to talk to the Prime Minister about her personal life", and when asked what he thought about the implication that because the Prime Minister's partner is a hairdresser, he's gay, he replied: “Really I don't know man, but I feel really sorry about the Prime Minister, the way he talked to her and she felt a little bit embarrassed and I think this is really rude and bad.”

Cuddihy then turned to Dr Lauren Rosewarne, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, who when asked her opinion, said: “I think what it really was about was yet another example of Julia Gillard being interrogated in very intimate personal ways that we have not see any other politician being interrogated before and being slandered and slurred and derided on the basis of personal intimate things.” When asked what Sattler was trying to ask about her, she replied “He was basically trying to imply what kind of a man would be interested in being with Julia Gillard. What kind of a person is she? Is she desirable? The inference, of course, from his perspective, is no and therefore it's a slight on her sexuality and her appeal and her desirability and what kind of a woman she is". In Rosewarne’s view, the thrust of Sattler’s question went well beyond the ‘gay partner’ query.

On the ABC’s AM yesterday, former Premier of Victoria, Joan Kirner, expressed her outrage at Sattler’s questions and went onto say “Men are rarely questioned on their spouses or their partners, and nor should they be. And the question to ask is why is this done to women? And the answer is because we still see women as appendages to males and not standing there with their own rights, with the capacities to exercise power.” She too suffered at the hands of the media; cartoonists regularly depicted her in a polka dot dress, sometimes so offensively that her daughter would advise her: “Don’t look at the cartoons today Mum!”

There’s no need for any more evidence about what has been a week characterized by one sexist episode after another, unrelated, but pointing to the worrisome residue of sexist behaviour in our community, in these examples directed towards service women, women in general, and PM Julia Gillard in particular. Her speech on Tuesday along these lines, criticized by many, including feminists, seems to have been vindicated by subsequent events: ‘menugate’, the Army scandal, and the Sattler interview.

How has this come about? It seems as if all the efforts of those who have fought for equal rights and recognition for women for so long, still have a battle ahead of them.

Who is responsible?

The Army scandal appears to be the persistence of a culture of disrespect towards women from Army men. The recent exposure follows a long line of similar, although perhaps less pervasive episodes. It points to widespread cultural problems that so far have not been addressed, or have defied correction. This time, General Morrison seems determined to root out the offenders and cleanse the Army of this scourge. We hope he succeeds.

But what of the poisonous sexism and disrespect that pervades our body politic, where menus demeaning the PM in an offensively sexual way are printed, where she is subject to grossly inappropriate questioning by a Perth shock jock? Who is responsible for that?

As in all complex issues there are multiple factors. No one person or group is wholly responsible. But to avoid looking for some of the culprits is simply a copout. The Fourth Estate will not even attempt to ask why we are in this position, nor will it look for the perpetrators. Only the Fifth Estate will dare.

If we look for how the level of disrespect and sexism has come about in Federal politics, the first place to look is at the leadership of the Coalition.

Look at the track record of the Leader of the Opposition. Here is a man with a long past history of aggression and disrespect towards women who have defeated him in political combat. Here is the man who punched the wall near Barbara Ramjan after she defeated him in a student politics battle, who kicked in a glass door after another defeat. His supporters argue that was many years go when he was at university, but we have seen similar behaviour more recently. Ever since he was outmanoeuvered by Julia Gillard in the negotiations with the Independents and she became PM in a minority government, Abbott has called her prime ministership, and her Government ‘illegitimate’. He still insists the prize should have been his. As he has done in the past, he has set himself on a path of destruction of her and her Government.

This path is littered with demeaning insults. He has persistently used the terms ‘she’, ‘her’, and ‘this Prime Minister’ to diminish her standing. She is not the only object of his disrespect. He persists in calling the parliamentary Speaker, who has requested that term be used, ‘Madam Speaker’, just as he called the student chairperson who defeated him back in student days ‘Chair thing’, a sign of his disrespect that continued all year.

In parliament he attacks her like a rabid dog, over and again, as do his front bench: Christopher Pyne, Joe Hockey and Julie Bishop. Read Political hatred: its genesis and its toll, and take a look at their faces contorted with rage, hatred and disrespect. Just this week, Joe Hockey tweeted about Julia Gillard: “She has never deserved respect, and will never receive it.” Think of that for a moment before anyone tries to argue that Abbott and Co. have not generated disrespect for the most senior political figure in this nation, for the high office of Prime Minister. Of course they have.

It was Abbott’s echoing in parliament of shock jock Alan Jones’ slur that her father had ‘died of shame’ because of his daughter’s behaviour, which precipitated her famous and inspiring so-called ‘misogyny speech’ that found favour all around the world, especially with women, who understood exactly what she was saying.

At doorstops, Abbott endlessly repeats his mantras: ‘the worst Prime Minister in Australian political history’, presiding over ‘the worst government in our history’, and ‘a bad government, getting worse’. He paints her as grossly incompetent, as having poor judgement, and as an untrustworthy liar. Both his frontbench and backbench faithfully echo his mantras with almost religious fervour, as do his media sycophants, uncritical of him or his disrespectful assertions. He can rely on Paul Kelly, Dennis Shanahan, Chris Kenny, Janet Albrechtsen and their ilk to back him in with all his disrespectful rhetoric.

Alan Jones’ infamous ‘Juliar’ interview, his ‘put her in a hessian bag and take her out to sea’, and his repeated vilification of our PM in the most offensive terms, have created an aura of disrespect for her and her position. Ray Hadley has joined in the demonization. Tony Abbott, Bronwyn Bishop and Sophie Mirabella standing in front of ‘Ditch the Witch’ signs at an Alan Jones’ sponsored carbon tax rally in Canberra screamed disrespect for PM Gillard.

Is it any wonder that there is so much disrespect abroad that even school kids feel able to throw sandwiches at her?

We ought not be surprised that journalists and shock jocks feel free to ask her insulting and demeaning questions.

I lay most of the disrespect directed to PM Julia Gillard squarely at the feet of the would-be PM, Tony Abbott, and the rest of it at his front bench, his back bench, and his media supporters. By creating an aura of disrespectfulness, day after day, month after month, year after year, they have given ‘permission’ to every Tom, Dick and Harry to do the same, from school children throwing salami sandwiches at our PM, to shock jocks throwing insolent questions at her. If Abbott and Co had drawn a firm line below such disrespectful talk and action, if they had insisted that politics should be above this type of behaviour, or to use a favourite Abbott phrase: ‘We are better than this’, the gross level of disrespect that exists and has been exhibited so grotesquely last week, would not have occurred. Prove me wrong.

You won’t see anything like this in the Fourth Estate. You know why.

What do you think?

If you wish to ‘Disseminate this post’, it will be sent to the following parliamentarians: Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Anthony Albanese, Bronwyn Bishop, Julie Bishop, Chris Bowen, George Brandis, Tony Burke, Mark Butler, Greg Combet, Mark Dreyfus, Peter Dutton, Craig Emerson, Joel Fitzgibbon, Joe Hockey, Barnaby Joyce, Christine Milne, Sophie Mirabella, Scott Morrison, Robert Oakeshott, Tanya Plibersek, Christopher Pyne, Bill Shorten, Wayne Swan, Malcolm Turnbull, Andrew Wilkie, Tony Windsor, Penny Wong and Nick Xenophon.

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Ad astra

16/06/2013Folks After the week we have just had, [i]The culture of disrespect[/i] was an obvious subject. I cannot remember a previous occasion when there was such a succession of instances of disrespect directed towards women and to a sitting Prime Minister, the first female to occupy that high office. It raises the question: “How far we have really come in fighting discrimination against women since they first got the right to vote in 1902, when Australia was the first country in the world to give women both the right to vote in federal elections and also the right to be elected to parliament on a national basis?” Yet here we are, over 110 years later, suffering the tawdry spectacle we witnessed last week. We thought we were above that level of disrespect towards women. Have we gone backwards? Anyone watching Piers Akerman this morning on the ABC’s [i]Insiders[/i], and listening to his words, could come away believing that nothing much has changed despite the efforts of many. I wonder how many middle-aged men there are in the circles in which he moves who have the same attitudes. Even he seemed embarrassed about what he had said, and offered the PM, whom he assured us would be watching, a limp apology. This piece lays the responsibility for the contemporary political disrespect largely at the feet of the Leader of the Opposition, Coalition members, and of course the sycophantic media, of which Akerman is a pathetic example.

Tom of Melbourne

16/06/2013Is anyone defending the distasteful comments of Sattler? On the other hand is it sexist or misogynist to identify- • Gillard’s history of dishonesty and broken promises? • That she knifed a popular leader? • That she was installed by hacks and factional warlords? • That she has more talent on the backbench than in her ministry (because the most talented don’t have confidence in her)? • That she leads a deeply divided government? All are issues that Ad Astra neglects to even mention.


16/06/2013Another very well written article, Ad. I wish I could write half as well ! I dips me lid to you.

42 long

16/06/2013In the current circumstances Ackermans contribution was the worst. Deliberately trying to spread a RUMOUR and going well beyond a suggestion. Well beyond what Sattler inferred. The inference was that "everybody" in the press gallery were aware of it. That it was common knowledge. THE FACT is all out there.(End of discussion) He needs to answer for this defamation.


16/06/2013Good old Tom of everywhere. Trust you to be 3rd cab off the rank. You must really love this blog to back so often and and all times of day defending your beloved leader

N'ellie May

16/06/2013Hi Ad, I totally agree! However, do you really think human nature can ever change? Look back over the history of mankind. Whenever there was an opportunity for people to subjugate others, it has been taken and justified, frequently in the so-called "holy scriptures." It's not just women - it has been the minorities, the poor, the dispossessed, the elderly, and so on. Will human nature ever change? I don't think so! It is just so much easier nowadays, in our world of mass communication to spread the foul messages more widely and destroy people more effectively. Our PM is the strongest, most resilient person I have ever witnessed. Of course she has made mistakes, as all humans do, but she and her government have successfully achieved an agenda that future generations will look back on with gratitude. Thank you Ad for this wonderful family you keep together with your warmth and wisdom.


16/06/2013 Ad, yet another excellent post. [quote]Yet here we are, over 110 years later, suffering the tawdry spectacle we witnessed last week. We thought we were above that level of disrespect towards women. Have we gone backwards? [/quote] Indeed. The Howard years didn't help...was like living back in the 20s, 50s? MURDOCH'S crew via print and TV shows don't help...same with shock jocks...sporting boofheads...religious and toff UNI and private school PRATS...patriarchal churches...BLOKEY, misogynistic war-mongers and soldiers who show lack of respect... I find it all rather disturbing. PLENTY OF DEMEANING REPRESENTATIONS OF WOMEN...EVERYWHERE...ADS INCLUDED. EVEN FEMALE TENNIS STARS HAVE TO WEAR TIGHT EVERYTHING TO DRAW CROWDS. SHAME. OTHER SPORTS WOMEN BARELY SHOWN...PARTICULARLY ON SLY NEWS. [quote]Rogue Griffin, come back soon[/quote] Never far away. :D Cheers, N'




16/06/2013AA, I say simply, Thank you for this article. It has been a tough week for women. Sadly, over time not much has changed in terms of the demeaning language used but the big difference comes about due to the ease and anonymity with which these can be disseminated via social media. I agree wholeheartedly that the disregard and dis-respect shown to the Prime Minister by the Coalition and in particular, by Tony Abbott has turned the atmosphere toxic both inside and outside the Parliament. Rape of women and girls is one of the horrors of war down through the ages. If there is basic disrespect for women then soldiers feel that they can act with impunity. That is why Lt General Morrison's stance this week is so fundamentally principled. I wish I had his exact words, (I will find them later) but to paraphrase Lt General Morrison 'if you just walk on by and ignore what is happening you are complicit in the activity and cover-up.' The contemptible crimes of Adrian Bayley and Malcolm Naden, one a rapist/murderer and the other a murderer/rapist (note the order of their crime) are at the extreme end but nonetheless are due to sexism and misogyny within our society.


16/06/2013AA Me again! You have given David Morrison an extra pip most likely because Malcolm Farr does so in the article which you linked for us. The Australian Army website provides the following explanation of Commissioned Ranks: Lieutenant General (LTGEN) Lieutenant General is the second-highest active rank in the Australian Army. [b]The Rank of Lieutenant General is held by the Chief of Army, currently Lieutenant General David Morrison AO. [/b]The rank is also held when an Army Officer is the Vice Chief of the Defence Force, the Chief of Joint Operations, or the Chief of Capability Development. The rank of Lieutenant General is referred to as ‘three star’ rank. General (GEN) General is the highest active rank of the Australian Army. [b]The rank of General is only held when an Army Officer is appointed as the Chief of the Defence Force, currently held by General David Hurley AC, DSC.[/b] The rank of General is referred to as ‘four star’ rank.

Ad astra

16/06/2013MarkatPort Thank you for your complementary remarks. 42 long Piers Akerman habitually scrapes the bottom of the barrel of nastiness. He got no support for this on [i]Insiders[/i] this morning. N’ellie May It does look as if human nature will not change while individuals harbor the entrenched beliefs of the past. Overnight in Pakistan the Taliban blew up a bus carrying girls to schools, and then the emergency department at the hospital where the survivors were taken. The Taliban opposes education for girls, an attitude dredged up from the distant past. There seems to be no chance for change there! nasking Thank you Rouge Griffin. The demeaning of women is everywhere. We have a long, long way to go. Casablanca Thank you for your kind comment. “[i]Our PM is the strongest, most resilient person I have ever witnessed.[/i]” I agree. David Morrison is worth the extra pip.


16/06/2013Ad Astra Another excellent article, and placing the cause of all this belittling of women right where it belongs. Many on here have been outraged by the oppositions behaviour especially since abbott became LOTO. The msm egged him on, barracking all the way with much delight and glee. Sadly, no-one much has commented at how this is being reported overseas. According to my twitter feed, it is being reported in many countries, and we have been made a laughing stock. Although I do note it has been tied to the opposition because to the disgusting menu thing. The opposition and the msm have made all Australians look like horrible people. I am so proud of the Government, and at the same time ashamed to be Australian because of the msm and the opposition.


16/06/2013AA I absolutely agree that David Morrison is worth an extra pip. Did you see the earlier article about the LTGEN by Julia Baird? You can find it here: [b]Changing the culture in the Australian military[/b] Julia Baird. June 8, 2013 [quote]It was one of the most important speeches in Australian military history, but not a word has been written about it. On an ear-bitingly cold day in New York this year, Australia's Army Chief, Lieutenant-General David Morrison, stood in front of several hundred people in an auditorium at the United Nations headquarters, in full uniform, with polished badges pinned to his chest. It was March 5, International Women's Day; outside women were marching in the snow, hats jammed on heads as winds whistled across the East River. Inside, the crowd stared at the military man who had come to talk to the UN women's council. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who was also speaking there, said they were ''astonished, taken aback''. First, that a military chief was there, and second, that he was so passionate about gender equality. [/quote]


16/06/2013OK, no I know Ad just loves Julia but really there is such a serious lack of sense here it is a joke. 1. Julia was pre-selected for Lalor based on a gender based quota system within the ALP, no merit required. Then when that same list put up a woman for Batman she went with one of her faceless men who got her the job and who maintain her in the job. 2. claiming that men in blue ties will control the reproductive systems of women is just deranged, what are we supposed to be terrified now of men in blue ties? 3. we had a revolution to be equal, why is being equal only a point when we like the support? If we want to be equal don't we have to tolerate a bit of crap? 3. in 2 I am not talking about the criminals involved in the porno. sex ring in the ADF but it has been going on for years and known about for years without anyone caring too much. 4. Gillard got her job by relying on all men from old white unions to stab another man in the back, her fourth such male leader. 5. which is her right of course but to them scream sexism makes her look like a cheap suit. 6. the tale of the silly menu has been debunked a million times, it was a rip off of a menu for Hillary that was made in 1993 without her squealing like a dimwit. If the ALP thought it was offensive why sit on it for 3 months, why not show it immediately. 7. Gillard is the cruellest PM in our history towards innocent refugees, she is trading and trafficking and colonising the neighbourhood, and now making ads to force Hazara to stay home and be bombed to bits. Thousands of kids are in jail by her and all she and her spivs. can do is blame their parents for not leaving them home to die. 8. slashing funds for tens of thousands of the poorest parents, slashing student scholarships to pay for rich private schools, - she is not some frigging heroine. As a 60 year old woman who has always defended herself in the face of terrible abuse, even here, I am offended by this childish crap.

Ad astra

16/06/2013Gravel Thank you for your kind words. I too am proud of our Government and our PM, and ashamed of most of the Fourth Estate. It has reinforced the disrespect that Abbott and his Coalition have engendered. Casablanca Thank you for the link to the fine Julia Baird article. I presume she is the Julia Baird of [i]The Drum[/i]. I like her – she is the best of the bunch that anchors that show. I’m calling it a day.


16/06/2013Listening to Luietenant -General David Morrison on the radio, explaining the background to the latest scandal to engulf the military and his heartfelt response, made me feel that there is some hope for the lot of women in this country. His stance was admirable and sincere, I believe, but we still have a long way to go.Thank you, AA (and Lyn) for your thoughtful, balanced and well-researched articles ( and nasking, TT, Jason, 42 long, catching up, and all the other wonderful contributors, you are like family). I check this site every few hours, absorb the articles and comments, and feel refreshed. My sincere thanks.

Austin 3:16

16/06/2013So this is the same PM who's happy to hang out with Sandilands or shaft a female candidate if she needs to ensure pre-selection goes the right way. That's "unmatched support" Tis part of the problem with Gillard the huge discrepancy between word and deed.


16/06/2013The blueprint for it is explained here : Watch it and send the Link to everyone and get it into as many MSM "Comments" as you can. "Has Murdoch made up your mind who to vote for ".

Sir Ian Crisp

16/06/2013[quote][b]The Army scandal appears to be the persistence of a culture of disrespect towards women from Army men. The recent exposure follows a long line of similar, although perhaps less pervasive episodes. It points to widespread cultural problems that so far have not been addressed, or have defied correction. This time, General Morrison seems determined to root out the offenders and cleanse the Army of this scourge. We hope he succeeds. Ad Astra [/b][/quote] I think we know who is responsible for the culture of disrespect towards women. Let's name and shame him. His name is Private Anthony John Abbott.


16/06/2013AA You said: [quote]Thank you for the link to the fine Julia Baird article. I presume she is the Julia Baird of The Drum. I like her – she is the best of the bunch that anchors that show.[/quote] I agree that Julia Baird is the best Drum anchor. In almost all cases, she is also a balanced writer.




16/06/2013I to agree with you about abbott,lets do not forget the placards that he stood in front, with ditch the witch, and what has come to mind recently is that 2 of his shadow front bench woman stood with him, and to say this is the worst pm we have ever had, is the mind games they play, I do fear it could get worse, andthe liberals have lot to answer for some of the language for example at a miners dinner in wa i had to research lauguage like that is not in the vocabulary of any one i know where do they hear these words and are these words used in the company of each other in their social life, i would like to know I think that any one who votes for them is condoning this type of behaviour. ad astra I also found an article by abbott on the net 2009, where he would like to see no fault divorce bought back, so is that another way of punishing woman. its easy to find just google abbott no fault divorce and bookmark it I worry these items will disappear off the net. as an extreme catholic who believes in infallibility of the pope I would say he may try to introduce no fault divorce I would urge young people to find out what it means, thank you for sunday night feature i wait eagerly every Sunday


16/06/2013 ELLEN FANNING ALSO INTERVIEWED MATT SIEGEL FROM THE NY TIMES...GET A LOAD OF SOME OF MATT'S WORK: She has led a tenuous minority government since her parliamentary majority was diminished in a disappointing 2010 election. Although she beat back a leadership challenge from Mr. Rudd early in 2012, she has since slid in the polls against Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition Liberal-National coalition. Despite Mr. Rudd’s insistence that he would not challenge Ms. Gillard again for the leadership, his supporters had been actively canvassing the party for votes should his name be put forward during a vote like the one held Thursday. Ms. Gillard is seen by many within the party as an ineffective campaigner who is unlikely to deliver a victory in the Sept. 14 elections. Supporters of Mr. Rudd, including Mr. Crean, had seemed confident earlier in the day. “Something needs to be done to break this deadlock,” Mr. Crean said at a hastily assembled news conference in the capital, Canberra. He said he had personally asked Ms. Gillard to hold the leadership vote — known in Australia as a “spill” — because the party had lost its way and its confidence in her leadership... “Today the leadership of our political party — the Labor Party — has been settled and settled in the most conclusive fashion possible,” Ms. Gillard told reporters. “The whole business is completely at an end. The government has a plan for the nation’s future. We have plenty of work to be getting on with, and we will be getting on with it in a few minutes’ time.” Mr. Abbott, the opposition leader, appeared unconvinced that Labor’s infighting was over. He called on Ms. Gillard to end the cycle of instability within her party by calling an early election and letting the voters decide who should lead. “This has been a remarkable and bizarre day in the history of this Parliament,” he said at a news conference. “The civil war goes on. The civil war will continue as long as Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard are in Parliament. The only way to give our country the good government that we so badly need right now is to have an election. “If the prime minister was less concerned about herself and her own survival, there would be an election,” Mr. Abbott said. John Wanna, a professor of political science at Australian National University in Canberra, said Thursday’s developments suggested that the current government was, on a scale of 1 to 10, in “the high nines” in terms of dysfunction. “I mean, some individual ministers are quite competent in their portfolios, but as a government it’s totally dysfunctional,” he said in an interview. Professor Wanna said that despite Thursday’s outcome, there remained a strong likelihood that Mr. Rudd’s supporters would try to stage another challenge before the elections. AND: Mr. Palmer says his newly minted United Australia Party, which he announced at a news conference on Friday, will be a serious challenger rather than a vanity project. “I’m running to be the prime minister of Australia,” Mr. Palmer told reporters. “I am standing because I think I can offer better service to the community than anyone else.” Mr. Palmer is a major player in Australia’s natural resource-driven economy. He owns considerable mining assets as well as a nickel refinery that he bought from the mining giant BHP Billiton and large coal and iron ore deposits in the states of Queensland and Western Australia. He made international headlines this year when he unveiled his plans for Titanic II, a $200-million replica of the doomed ocean liner that will be equipped with high-tech engines and modern amenities like air-conditioning. Mr. Palmer says that the ship, which will be built by China’s state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard, could make its maiden voyage as early as 2016. Prime Minister Julia Gillard, the first woman to serve in that post in Australia, has seen her ratings plummet since January, when she announced that federal elections would be held in September. The unusually early announcement kicked off an election season that has been bruising and marked by infighting in Ms. Gillard’s Labor Party, and it remains to be seen what impact Mr. Palmer’s announcement will have on the race. Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition Liberal-National coalition, is widely expected to become the next prime minister, but Mr. Palmer’s deep pockets and conservative stance on issues like climate change and taxes could steal crucial votes from Mr. Abbott, especially in Mr. Palmer’s home state, Queensland. MATT SIEGEL WAS SPRUIKING RUDD OVER GILLARD...HE USED A LOT OF "SHE"..."SHE"..."SHE"... RECKONED "SHE'S NOT COMPELLING", I NOTICED PALMER WAS SPRUIKED A FEW TIMES ON FANNING'S SHOW. FURTHERMORE, SIEGEL WROTE A PIECE ABOUT CHOPPER REID...AND FANNING BROUGHT IT UP...HE WAS PROMOTING GANGSTERS...TALKING ABOUT USA MOB BOSS IDOLISATION... WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT FANNING COMES FROM NINE THAT PROMOTES UNDERBELLY. SOMETHING DOESN'T SIT RIGHT WITH ME ON THIS...SEEMS THAT SOME IN THE MSM ARE VERY KEEN TO PROMOTE THE UNDERWORLD LIFE... I RECKON IT HAS PARTLY TO DO WITH PROFITING FROM THIS GROTESQUE STUFF... BUT I CAN'T HELP BUT FEEL THIS IS ALSO A BACKDOOR WAY TO PROMOTING LIBERTARIANISM... JUSTIFYING TAX AVOIDANCE... PUSHING CYNICISM ABOUT GOVERNMENT... HELPING TO KEEP THE ILLEGAL SEX AND DRUG TRADES GOING... INTERESTING THAT CLIVE PALMER WAS BROUGHT UP AGAIN STRAIGHT AFTER THE GANGSTER DISCUSSION. SOMETHING STINKS. N'


16/06/2013 AHHH...CHECK THIS OUT: [b]Ellen Fanning turns news interview inside out BY:SALLY JACKSON From: The Australian May 27, 2013 SHE says she didn't miss the cameras, but Ellen Fanning still jumped at the chance to get back in front of them when independent production company Shine Australia asked her to host the interview show it was developing for SBS.[/b] ----- [b]LET'S LOOK AT SHINE AUSTRALIA[/b]: In January 2010, Shine Australia was founded as a part of Shine Group, catering to the Australian and New Zealand market. It is jointly led by CEOs Mark Fennessy and Carl Fennessy, who had previously worked at FremantleMedia Australia and Crackerjack. Programmes MasterChef Australia (2012–), Originally FremantleMedia Australia (2009–2011) MasterChef Australia All-Stars (2012) Junior MasterChef Australia (2010–2011) The Biggest Loser (Australia) (2011–), Originally FremantleMedia Australia (2006–2010) The Voice (Australia) (2012–) Beauty and the Geek Australia (2012–) Originally Southern Star Group (2010–2011) and Endemol Southern Star (2009) The Shire (2012–) Location, Location, Location Australia (2012–) WAG Nation (2012–) Wife Swap Australia (2012–) Australia's Next Top Model (2011–), Originally Granada Media Australia. (2005–2010) Dating in the Dark Australia (2010–) Shine Limited (Shine TV) is a British media production company and part of the Shine Group with offices in London and Manchester. [b]Shine Limited was founded in March 2001 by Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch. The company was 80 percent owned by Elisabeth Murdoch, 15 percent by Lord Alli, and 5 percent by BSkyB, who signed a deal guaranteeing to buy an agreed amount of Shine programming for two years. Shine acquired Reveille Productions in 2008. News Corporation acquired the Shine Group on April 5, 2011 for £415 million. US pension funds who are shareholders in News Corporation are suing the company accusing the Mr. Murdoch of nepotism.[/b] [b]I CAN SNIFF OUT A RUPERT MURDOCH CONNECTION FROM MANY MANY MILES AWAY.[/b] THE MAN AND HIS EMPIRE ARE A VIRUS. [b]SHAME ON SBS[/b] N'


16/06/2013 LOOK FOR [b]SHINE[/b] News Corporation has reached a $139m (£91m) settlement with shareholders over a lawsuit claiming that its board of directors put Rupert Murdoch's interests ahead of the company over the phone-hacking scandal and the acquisition of his daughter Elisabeth's TV company Shine. The suit was brought against News Corp directors including Murdoch, his sons James and Lachlan and the former British Airways boss Rod Eddington. According to the shareholders the board had "disregarded its fiduciary duties" and allowed Rupert Murdoch to run News Corp as his "own personal fiefdom". The Amalgamated Bank, Central Laborers Pension Fund and City of New Orleans Employees' Retirement System first launched their suit after News Corp's 2011 purchase of Shine. They subsequently amended their complaint to include the hacking scandal. Shareholders alleged that the board had ignored "clear and unmistakable warnings that News Corp's business practices were not only unethical, but also illegal". The board was also "an outright accomplice to Murdoch's self-interested breaches of duty", according to the suit. The lawsuit accuses Rupert Murdoch of treating News Corp "like a wholly owned family candy store" and argues that a fair price was not achieved for Shine. News Corp paid $675m for Shine, the maker of Masterchef. Elisabeth Murdoch received $214m in cash from the sale, according to government filings. "Amazingly, at about the same time that the police turned up the heat on son James in early 2011, Rupert told the board that News Corp should buy a business owned by his daughter Elisabeth," the suit claimed, referring to James Murdoch's then central role in dealing with the hacking scandal as executive chairman of News International, News Corp's newspaper arm. "There was no pretence of negotiating the deal's terms," according to the shareholder lawsuit. As part of the settlement, which is awaiting court approval, News Corp agreed to tighten oversight at the company and to set up an anonymous hotline for whistleblowers to report misconduct. The settlement, which will be covered by insurance, was brought against directors on behalf of shareholders and the money will be paid back to the company by the insurer. Hmmm... I TAKE IT THE SHRIVELLED OLD TURD OF MEDIA IS TRYING TO EARN HIS MONEY BACK BY USING THE PUBLIC BROADCASTERS TO PROMOTE HIS PROPAGANDA CRAP? HARPER COLLINS BY WAY OF ABC BOOKSHOPS TOO. CHANNEL NINE AND NEWS CORP...MOB BOSSES AND THEIR UNDERLINGS I RECKON. INFECTING AUSTRALIANS...AND THEIR CHILDREN. NOT SURPRISED PACKER INTO GAMBLING...MURDOCH INTO SPORTS. AMERICAN AND CHINESE AND SAUDI ETC CONNECTIONS. N'


16/06/2013 THIS FELLA IS SUS: [b]Rod Eddington[/b] Roderick Ian Eddington AO (born 2 January 1950, Perth, Western Australia) is an Australian businessman. He is currently chair of the government body Infrastructure Australia, a director of News Corporation, continuing his long association with that company, and has served in other senior positions including as CEO of British Airways. YET ANOTHER RHODES SCHOLAR...AT OXFORD...HMMM... Eddington joined the Swire Group in 1979, working for its subsidiary Cathay Pacific, before being appointed Managing Director in 1992. Continuing his association with the airline industry; News Limited, subsidiary of News Corporation, appointed Eddington Chairman of Ansett Australia in January 1997, four years before the airline failed. News Corp had taken control of the airline with TNT in 1979. Eddington was appointed Deputy Chairman of News Limited in September 1998. He was further promoted to the News Corporation board in September 1999. In a timely manoeuvre, News Corp sold off Ansett; the airline eventually became insolvent in 2001. Eddington managed to escape blame for the poor financial state of the airline, apparently aided by his board membership of News Corporation, as others were loath to criticise him publicly. ALWAYS THOUGHT SOMETHING STUNK ABOUT THIS ANSETT INSOLVENCY...NEWS CORP/MURDOCH CONNECTION... British Airways Eddington replaced former BA CEO Bob Ayling on 2 May 2000. He removed many aspects of Ayling's corporate relaunch in early 2001: the unpopular ethnic-art tailfins were changed back to the traditional Union Jack tailfin. [b]He steered the company in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington D.C. which proved disastrous for many other airlines. [/b] Following a loss of £200m in 2002, [b]Eddington's "Future Size and Shape" cost-cutting programme allowed BA to report a profit of £135m in 2003[/b], despite a decrease in turnover. Eddington declared: "These are good results in one of the toughest years in living memory", and while this can be expected from a CEO trying to reassure investors, it was against a climate of the Iraq War and SARS. SUS... Eddington received a knighthood in 2005 for services to the aviation industry... Career as a company director [b]As of February 2006, Eddington was a non-executive board member of: JPMorgan - Non-Executive Chairman For Australia And New Zealand [/b] [b]News Corporation - non-executive director of publicly listed Delaware, United States, based company John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd. - non-executive director of Australian proprietary subsidiary of Hong Kong based privately held company, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.[/b] [b]Rio Tinto Group [/b]- non-executive director of both publicly listed companies in the group Eddington also [b]served on the board of Allco Finance Group,[/b] where he was [b]one of three non-executive directors to approve Allco's ill fated acquisition of Rubicon Holdings.[/b] [b]A previously-announced plan for Eddington to become Chairman of ANZ Banking Group of Australia and New Zealand was first delayed from February 2009 to February 2010; then finally scuttled on 9 August 2009. [/b] [b]It is possible that his Directorship of scandal-plagued Rio Tinto Group made such a position for him at ANZ untenable, as corporate espionage by Rio Tinto against the Chinese Government is at issue.[/b] ---------- MEMORIES: [b]Sir Rod Eddington – the busiest man in corporate Australia[/b] STEPHEN MAYNE WRITES: | FEB 02, 2007 [b]Sir Rod Eddington is already a ridiculously busy man, but his role advising Kevin Rudd is the third gig he’s accepted from Labor in Australia over the past two years. Not content with sitting on the main boards of News Corp, Rio Tinto, John Swire and Allco Finance and chairing JP Morgan in Australia, Sir Rod accepted an invitation from Steve Bracks to replace Steve Vizard as chair of Melbourne Major Events and is also doing a review of Melbourne’s transport requirements.[/b] [b]This might seem strange in Australia but Sir Rod spent the last six years in the UK where all sorts of business figures are in bed with the Blair Labor government. [/b] It’s an important coup for Rudd given that Sir Rod is among the 50 most eminent Australian businessmen who’ve made it on the world stage. As the political donations figures for 2005-06 show, the Coalition has extended its lead over Labor when it comes to extracting cash from corporates as the likes of Gunns and the tobacco duopoly continue to punish Labor for Mark Latham’s policies and attitude. But that now seems to be changing. Opposition leaders always remember those who get on board early when it comes to dispensing favours – just look at how John Howard has looked after the Packer family. THAT'S A NASTY SMELL KEVIN. N'


17/06/2013Make your objections known to Mark Scott, ABC [b]Petition to Prevent Piers Akerman from appearing on the ABC as a paid commentator. [/b] [quote]The questions raised by Mr Akerman on Insiders on Sunday about sexuality of the Prime Minister's partner were offensive and disrespectful to the office of the Prime Minister. The ABC is a publicly funded institution and, as such, should host paid commentators, columnists and guests who benefit the public interest; and who fit within the broad mission of the ABC. It is important that the ABC adheres to its Code of Practice (revised this year). [/quote]


17/06/2013Denese Thanks for the reminder of Abbott's proposal to replace no-fault divorce with the tawdry melange of grounds [quote]including adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness and imprisonment. It would be similar to the defunct Matrimonial Causes Act. Currently people are allowed to divorce after a 12-month separation.[/quote] Last week, our Prime Minister did not specifically mention Abbott's [quote]Battlelines[/quote] proposal to resurrect the pre-1975 divorce laws but it is yet another policy that would wind back some hard won gains. [b]Make it harder to divorce, says Tony Abbott[/b] July 11, 2009 10:45PM


17/06/2013Here are some articles arising from the sexist remarks about the PM [b]BACKYARD ABORTION A DANGEROUS REMEDY[/b] By Lucy Clark. November 1, 2012 Dangerous Remedy, an ABC-TV telemovie [quote]It’s also a sobering reminder that it is not so long since women’s repressed reproductive rights could lead to their deaths. There are still people who wish for this – for women’s rights to be repealed. Right to Lifers would have you believe that women and men fighting for a women’s right to terminate a pregnancy celebrate abortion. But as US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton once so very neatly put it: “I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.”[/quote] [b]JULIA. CRAZY BRAVE WARRIOR WOMEN.[/b] Mary Delahunty. June 13, 2013 [quote]The thing you have to understand about Julia Gillard is that she has broken the mold. I don’t mean just smashing the ultimate glass ceiling to become Australia’s first female Prime Minister, I mean the way she has gone about her political business, particularly in the last twelve months. [/quote] [b]MENU-GATE PROVES THE GENDER WAR IS FAR FROM FALSE[/b] Ruby Hamad. 13 June, 2013 [quote]Australia's Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that many women in public office faced a "significant demeaning attitude, sexist questions, invasive questioning". "It's got to stop because we want women in public office, we want women to step up and be part of a decision-making of this country... [but] women and young women are put off by what they see." Ms Gillard on Friday echoed those comments. ''I want young girls and women to be able to feel like they can be included in public life and not have to face questioning like the questioning I faced yesterday,'' she said.[/quote] [b]BRUTAL EDGE OF SEXISM REVEALED[/b] Kirsty Needham and Julie Power. June 16, 2013 [quote]Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally didn't want to get dragged into the sexism debate, but then an envelope arrived in the mail. It was addressed to ''The Approving Socialist Slut at Basketball Australia''. She gave a sigh of exasperation and tweeted a photo of the offending item, sent by someone upset with a planning decision she once made. There are a long list of former NSW Labor premiers who might be unpopular with voters, but do any of the blokes endure sexual slurs the equivalent of being called a ''slut''?[/quote] Read more: [b]TOP 10 SEXIST MOMENTS IN POLITICS: JULIA GILLARD, HILLARY CLINTON AND MORE [/b] [quote]The 'Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail' menu is the latest sexist attack on the Australian PM. But it's the same for women in politics everywhere. Here are 10 of the worst examples[/quote] [b]TREATMENT OF JULIA GILLARD SHOWS EXTENT TO WHICH SEXISM IS TOLERATED IN AUSTRALIA[/b] [quote]Prime minister is attacked relentlessly in contemptible, offensive terms. Gillard has consistently acted with dignity and grace and humour.[/quote] [b] AUSTRALIA: YEAR OF THE WOMEN[/b] Nick Bryant BBC News, Sydney [quote]Mr Alan Jones, who has built a reputation and a loyal radio following on his bullying outspokenness, quoted Julia Gillard as saying that "societies only reach their full potential if women are politically participating".[/quote] [b]THERE IS A STRAIGHT ROAD BETWEEN VILIFICATION AND VIOLENCE[/b] June 16, 2013 • by hobjobblesmum • in Policies [quote]Women don’t have anywhere near the power of men when it comes to resisting that kind of masculinity and its sour, ugly logic. This post is an attempt to expand on a frustratingly limiting exchange on Twitter, where @alisoncroggon, @domknight, @KathViner and others were exploring the ethical angle of intrusive tabloid media and the public humiliation of a Nigella Lawson being even further victimised. The complexity of the issues is difficult enough, without the added addling effect of my own fairly recent personal experience, in the case of Julia Gillard, the politicisation of what is clearly abuse, and the difficulty of demonstrating the relationship between speech (or print in the menu case) and its extreme but logical conclusion in the enactment of disrespect in the form of physical violence.[/quote] [b]NIGELLA LAWSON ATTACKED BY HUSBAND[/b] [quote]Her eyes are transfixed as she struggles to prise away the powerful hand squeezing around her throat. Glamorous TV cook Nigella Lawson looks stunned to be ¬attacked by her art collector husband Charles Saatchi during a vicious row at their ¬favourite London restaurant.[/quote]


17/06/2013Changing the culture in the Australian military [b]AUSTRALIA'S ARMY CHIEF DEMONSTRATES HOW YOU ADDRESS SEX ABUSE[/b] Harold Maass | June 13, 2013 [quote]Why have no American generals been this bold? Morrison's direct, unflinching attacks on abusers have left observers slack-jawed. Morrison...promises to be "ruthless" in rooting out sex abuse in the ranks, and urges all soldiers to do their part if they witness abuse. "Show moral courage and take a stand," he says.... This bloke is the real deal."[/quote] [b]THIS SPEECH SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAD TO BE WRITTEN[/b] Sean Power 11 June 2013 [quote]Now, if you just read that name,[LtGen Morrison], with it’s military rankings, rolled your eyes, thought of a burly sexist wanker in camouflage who’s probably been a part of the boys’ club his entire life, stick with me, and get ready to go on a rollercoaster ride. You’re wrong.[/quote] [b]THIS IS HOW YOU TALK ABOUT MILITARY SEX ABUSE[/b] Mary Elizabeth Williams. Friday, Jun 14, 2013 02:12 AM +1000 [quote]A blistering message from a general gets everything right...American military, please take notes. This is how you address a sexual abuse problem.[/quote] [b] A TIMELY HALT TO THE WAR WITHIN[/b] Julia Baird June 8, 2013 [quote]It was one of the most important speeches in Australian military history, but not a word has been written about it. On an ear-bitingly cold day in New York this year, Australia's Army Chief, Lieutenant-General David Morrison, stood in front of several hundred people in an auditorium at the United Nations headquarters, in full uniform, with polished badges pinned to his chest. It was March 5, International Women's Day; outside women were marching in the snow, hats jammed on heads as winds whistled across the East River. Inside, the crowd stared at the military man who had come to talk to the UN women's council. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who was also speaking there, said they were ''astonished, taken aback''. First, that a military chief was there, and second, that he was so passionate about gender equality. [/quote]


17/06/2013 The Downer Age : Hakluyt & Co Posted on October 14, 2008 by @ndy Downer joins Eddington at ‘spy’ company Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie The Age October 14, 2008 FORMER Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has joined Kevin Rudd’s infrastructure chief, businessman Sir Rod Eddington, in advising a secretive British firm that sells intelligence on government policy intentions – including those in Australia – to big business. The firm, Hakluyt & Co, was founded by former officers of British spy agency M16. Hakluyt has been embroiled in several corporate spying scandals and was caught in 2001 paying a former German intelligence agent to infiltrate green groups in Europe on behalf of the oil companies Shell and BP. Maurice Chittenden and Nicholas Rufford, MI6 ‘Firm’ Spied on Green Groups, Sunday Times, June 17, 2001 Hakluyt employs many former British intelligence officers and provides companies with high-level business and political intelligence on investment opportunities. Mr Downer, the UN special envoy to Cyprus, was appointed to Hakluyt’s advisory board in May. As foreign minister, he oversaw the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and had top-level access to information from Australia’s spy agencies. Sir Rod has served on Hakluyt’s advisory board since 2005, but is not paid for his services. In February, he was appointed chairman of Infrastructure Australia, a Rudd Government body charged with modernising the nation’s water, transport, communications and energy assets through the $20billion Building Australia fund. The former British Airways chief now faces conflict of interest allegations due to his roles with Hakluyt and Infrastructure Australia. Greens leader Senator Bob Brown last night said Sir Rod should cut ties with Hakluyt because it was a “direct conflict of interest” with his Infrastructure Australia role. “We will move to amend the Building Australia legislation when it comes through Parliament in a few weeks to ensure there are no conflicts of interest on the Infrastructure Australia board,” Senator Brown said. A former high level Australian security official told The Age that Hakluyt was one of the more “aggressive and invasive” corporate intelligence firms and that it was a clear conflict of interest for Sir Rod to be advising both the company and the Australian Government. The company has ties with Liberal Party polling firm Crosby Textor. Hakluyt founder and former MI6 officer Christopher James was appointed a senior adviser to Crosby Textor in 2006. Sir Rod, who is also advising the Victorian Government on transport policy, last night denied any real or perceived conflict of interest, saying he had not advised anyone at Hakluyt on Australian Government policy. “There is no conflict of interest,” Sir Rod said. MUCH MORE TO COME... SEEMS LIB VICTORIAN GOVT ALSO INVOLVED WITH PART OF EDDINGTON INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN. AMONG OTHER THINGS. MELISSA SWEET @ CROAKEY WROTE AN ARTICLE IN 2008 ON CORRESPONDENCE SHE GOT FROM THIS Hakluyt & Co...CORPORATE SPY AGENCY. N'


17/06/2013 Turning journalists into spooks? MELISSA SWEET WRITES: | JUL 31, 2008 Are journalists being paid to provide high-level political intelligence to companies and consultancies seeking to benefit from such information? Judging by a series of emails that I’ve recently seen, it seems the answer might be “yes”. Several weeks ago, I received anemail which read as follows: I work for Hakluyt which is a London-based but global strategic business intelligence/risk assessment firm. We have clients all round the world and certainly with interests all round the world. Although we never divulge who are clients are, they will typically be top-level executives in multinationals or private equity firms. When they have a particular project in view — anything from a possible joint venture or market entry plan, and much in between  — they will come to Hakluyt for us to provide them with greater visibility on what they have in mind. We work independently of any other advisers they may have. We have a proprietary network of well-placed individuals around the world who are able to provide us, very discreetly, with intelligence on specific commercial or political issues that may arise. Typically, these individuals will be very well-connected, knowledgeable in a particular field or market and well placed discreetly to make inquiries. I should add that we are only interested in “human source” information - ie information that is freely sought and freely given  — and not documentary information at all. Also, just as we do not disclose the identify (sic) of our clients, we ask our network not to disclose the interest of Hakluyt. Hence this email! With your healthcare expertise, I wondered if you might be able to help us on a new project on the new Australian government’s healthcare policy  — how realistic their reform ambitions really are; the role of the private sector and whether its approach coincides with government; the profitability of various private sector area(hospitals; radiology and pathology service providers); and why government raised the tax penalty threshold for not taking private health insurance as far as it did. Our client is already knowledgeable in the sector. At first, I thought there had been a mistake. Perhaps the man at Hakluyt did not realise that I am a journalist. I emailed back pointing that I am not a consultant but a journalist, and asked, “wearing my journalistic hat”, who his client was. [b]MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT HOW MANY JOURNOS, INSIDERS IN AUSTRALIA ARE ALSO CORPORATE SPIES?[/b] N'


17/06/2013 NOT GOOD RUDDY: How about a Rupert tweet on Sir Rod’s surprise gong? STEPHEN MAYNE | FEB 06, 2012 As the Sunday morning political shows prepared for a return yesterday, an 80-year-old expat Australian sitting in New York sent the following two tweets to his 169,000 followers: “Gillard once good education minister, now prisoner of minority greenies. Rudd still delusional who nobody could work with. Nobody else?” “Don’t understand Aussie politics. Can Kevin Rudd really come back and knife Gillard? Weird place mucking up great future.” The fact that Rupert Murdoch has board approval to tweet away is surprising, if only because it is amazing that he still holds a leadership position at News Corp. Indeed, no News Corp director or member of the Murdoch family appears to have suffered any explicit sanction, demotion or penalty for the phone-hacking scandal. Bizarrely, as Britain stripped former Royal Bank of Scotland CEO Fred Goodwin of his knighthood, we went the other way and lauded News Corp’s lead independent director, Sir Rod Eddington, with an AO on Australia Day. The citation reads: “For distinguished service to business and commerce through roles with a range of national and international economic, trade, infrastructure development and transport organisations.” [b]Among the many references to his titles and positions is a mention of the Government Business Advisory Council — amusing because former federal finance minister Lindsay Tanner revealed in his 2011 book Sideshow that the committee didn’t actually exist and Sir Rod was the only member ever appointed. [/b] ”[b]No one ever worked out that it was a chimera,” Tanner wrote. ”A potentially highly embarrassing story was never written.”[/b] [b]The correct time to gong Sir Rod would be after he had stepped up to the plate and driven through some long overdue board and governance reforms at News Corp. Instead, it has been seven long months since The Guardian broke the Milly Dowler story. It has also been more than 100 days since 75%-plus of the independent shares voted at the News Corp AGM opposed the re-election of James and Lachlan Murdoch, along with long-serving former executives turned directors Andrew Knight and Arthur Siskind.[/b] I [b]JUST DON'T LIKE THIS CONNECTION BETWEEN KEVIN RUDD AND RODD EDDINGTON AND RUPERT MURDOCH AND CORPORATE SPY AGENCIES...DOWNER TOO. NOT SURPRISED THE CORPORATE MEDIA IS TRYING SO HARD TO GET RID OF PM GILLARD...REPLACE HER WITH RUDD... AND EVENTUALLY GOLDMAN-SACHS ETC TIED MALCOLM TURNBULL. STINKS.[/b] N'


17/06/2013 [b]In May 2001, Christopher James of Hakluyt wrote to Enron's Jeff Skilling:[/b] "Following Phil Carroll's letter to you of April 16 I would be delighted to call on you to tell you more about Hakluyt. While [b]we have already done some work for Enron (Scott Tholan), virtually all our work for our clients is at a strategic level where our coverage of issues is of greatest value.[/b] With your challenging international objectives I am confident we could be of value to you. If you would find it useful to meet I will contact your office to arrange a suitable time." [b]We also have an association with Kissinger/McLarty Associates[/b] for although our work is very different the services we both provide can be complementary. Our US client base is increasing well but at the same time [b]we wish to remain small and discreet.[/b] ENRON...KISSINGER TOO. VERY INTERESTING. N'




17/06/2013 WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 14-16, 2013 [b]Spying, Control and Murder Under the Imperial Presidency Surveillance and the Corporate State[/b] by ROB URIE CounterPunch [b]In fact, George W. Bush was warned of the September 11, 2001 attacks so many times and so loudly by U.S. and overseas intelligence agencies and prominent world leaders before they occurred the fact they did occur falls clearly on his failure of leadership, not on an absence of information the attacks were coming.[/b] [b]As history has it, Bush administration actions were so egregious Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney both refused to give legally binding testimony on what they knew prior to the attacks...[/b] [b]What building fear of low probability events into the monster that is going to devour us has accomplished is to facilitate the launch of poorly conceived military adventures and to effectively sell the evolution of the U.S. (the West, actually) into a corporate-fascist surveillance state. [/b] [b]The problem of ‘terrorism’ is microscopic compared with the expensive catastrophe of the private healthcare system and half the population living in poverty. [/b] Using social resources to reduce medical ‘errors’ would save many multiples of ‘American lives’ more than surveillance and control against a contrived ‘enemy.’ [b]And against history, the creation and funding of a large bureaucracy devoted to ‘security’ has produced a self-perpetuating political economy now instantiated into nearly all public and private institutions.[/b] [b]By reports, more than one million people, overwhelmingly civilians working for ‘private’ corporations, have top security clearance to serve the surveillance state. [/b] [b]As for-profit businesses, surveillance for state ‘interests’ is but one line of enterprise with similar information quite often serving ‘purely’ commercial purposes. [/b] As the FBI is in the process of demonstrating, paying large numbers of people to find ‘terrorists’ means they will either find or manufacture them to justify paychecks and profits. And one way the CIA reportedly got around its Church Commission prohibition against domestic spying was by purchasing the information from commercial sources—the agency ‘self’ interpreted the law to read it could purchase and use the information as long as it didn’t directly collect it. But this is legal sophistry—the intent of the original law was to prohibit government agencies from spying on U.S. citizens. And clever parsing of the language doesn’t convert lawlessness to law. To the uninitiated, Mr. Obama is either lying or ignorant of the facts of what ‘his’ government is doing regarding spying on U.S. citizens. The ‘metadata’ he admits is being collected is in fact the only ‘efficient’ way to find the ‘micro-data,’ the specific content of the phone calls, emails, text messages etc. being recorded and digitally stored to be turned into information ‘useful’ to the corporate-state. The NSA has been conducting keyword searches of digital communications for decades now. The analytical challenge with doing this is one of timing—once a communication containing a keyword has taken place it must be retrieved to be analyzed. Only content that has been stored can be retrieved. The metadata has analytical content by itself, but why would the NSA have foregone keyword and key-phrase surveillance when fiber-optic cable now carries digitized phone calls as well as data? [b]The reasonable assumption, and what has now apparently been exposed, is every digital transmission that is connected to external sources (e.g. Internet, phone lines, satellite) is recorded and reviewed by corporate – government computer programs and those ‘of interest’ are passed on to ‘analysts.’[/b] [b]THE INCESTIOUS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOME GOVT AGENCIES AND CORPORATIONS IS VERY WORRYING. WE MUST TAKE BACK OUR DEMOCRACIES.[/b] N'


17/06/2013 05/31/2013 [b]Indonesia's president has accepted a statesmanship award from a U.S. interfaith foundation that says it hopes to encourage him to promote freedom of worship and tolerance in the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation. Human rights groups and Indonesian religious organizations were appalled by Thursday's award, saying President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has done too little to suppress a rising tide of violence against minority faiths.[/b] Rabbi Arthur Schneier with the Appeal of Conscience Foundation implicitly noted the controversy, saying, "You fully understand that the work is not complete. This is just a step in the right direction." Yudhoyono, who did not mention religious rights, accepted the award in the name of all of Indonesia, saying "statesmanship can be collective." He said he hoped for "a harmonious society founded in peace and prosperity." [b]The foundation has handed out its "world statesman" award for decades, without controversy, to leaders such as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger handed the award to Yudhoyono. President Barack Obama sent him a letter praising his award, as did East Timor's former president, Jose Ramos-Horta, who guided the country to independence from Indonesian rule in 1999. [/b] But Usman Hamid, a noted activist with the Indonesian human rights group Kontras, questioned the foundation's credibility in giving the award to the Indonesian president, who he said "is still far from protecting minorities from intolerance." [b]LOOKING INTO HOWARD GOVT RELATIONSHIP WITH KISSINGER...INCLUDING DOWNER...VIA CORPORATE SPY AGENCIES...ETC... WANT TO KNOW WHAT DEALS WERE DONE WITH PRESENT AND PAST INDONESIAN PRESIDENTS.[/b] N'


17/06/2013 Blair revealed to be godfather to Murdoch's daughter Wendi Deng reveals that Blair is godfather to her nine-year-old daughter Grace. BY GEORGE EATON PUBLISHED 05 SEPTEMBER 2011 It looks like Tony Blair is even closer to Rupert Murdoch than anyone imagined. This morning it emerged that Blair is godfather to Murdoch's nine-year-old daughter, Grace, the second youngest of his six children. The secret was divulged by Wendi Deng in an interview in the October edition of Vogue. The magazine reports that Blair, who Deng described as one of Murdoch's "closest friends", was present at the christening on the banks of the River Jordan in 2010, at the spot where Jesus is traditionally believed to have undergone the same ceremony. The revelation goes some way to explaining why, unlike Peter Mandelson for example, Blair has refused to distance himself from Murdoch since the phone hacking scandal went global. As I previously noted, when asked about the subject at a press conference in Australia, Blair went out of his way to avoid criticising Murdoch and even claimed that the News Corp boss had taken "responsibility" for the scandal. In fact, Murdoch told MPs during the select committee hearing: "I do not accept ultimate responsibility. I hold responsible the people that I trusted to run it and the people they trusted." TICK TOCK... N'


17/06/2013 [b]Tony Blair: godfather of realpolitik – and Murdoch's daughter [/b] Polly Toynbee The Guardian, Tuesday 29 May 2012 But once in power, why didn't Blair stand up to Murdoch? "Frankly, I decided as a political leader that I was going to manage that and not confront it." [b]Since Margaret Thatcher set aside media ownership laws to let Murdoch acquire 40% of readership plus Sky, why didn't he break up overmighty empires? Impossible, Blair said, for any government: he left his "feral beasts" attack to his last days. [/b] Taking on the overmighty press would have meant an "absolute major confrontation" lasting years, while the public wanted action on health, schools and crime. "That's the political judgment you have to make." GETTING TO RUDD SOON. N'


17/06/2013 THE UNITED STATES OF CHRIS MITCHELL The Power of Rupert Murdoch and the Australian’s Editor-in-Chief SALLY NEIGHBOUR July, 2011 Mitchell’s friendship with Rudd was cemented in 2006, when Mitchell married his second wife, Queensland journalist Christine Jackman. Jackman was also close to Rudd, whom she had known as a reporter at the Courier Mail and later in the Canberra press gallery. Kevin and Thérèse Rein were guests at the couple’s wedding and Rudd accepted Jackman’s invitation to be godfather to the first of their two sons. Later that year the Australian’s polling, which showed Rudd and Julia Gillard were the most popular team for Labor, helped Rudd topple Kim Beazley and take over as leader of the Opposition. The national broadsheet threw its editorial weight behind the aspiring future PM. “The Oz was incredibly important to Rudd,” says a former close colleague. “It was the single most important paper in building Kevin Rudd’s perceived influence.” Did that make Mitchell a king-maker? “He would have felt like that in 2006, and rightly so.” [b]THE FACT THAT THE CORPORATE MEDIA IS SO KEEN NOW TO USE RUDD TO OUT GILLARD IS EXTREMELY WORRYING.[/b] [b]THEY ARE...PLAYERS OF GAMES.[/b] [b]AT THE EXPENSE OF DEMOCRACY. [/b] N'

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17/06/2013[b]Good morning Folks Lyn has moved into her new home and will resume posting her Daily Links tomorrow morning.[/b]


17/06/2013 WITH CONCERNS ABOUT PRIVACY AND DATA MINING...MEMORIES...ANDREW ROBB, PACKER ETC: Kate Lundy (ALP) asked a question in the Senate. The ALP's Leader in the Senate, John Faulkner, also asked a question. Senator Lundy's Press Release stated that "This constitutes the most blatant declaration of intent to gather personal information for commercial purposes this country has ever seen ... [b]The PBL-Acxiom pronouncement about establishing a 'giant warehouse of all personal and financial information' serves as a critical wake-up call for a negligent Government that has failed to legislate to protect privacy of personal information in the private sector. ... The Opposition has called for an inquiry into the use of the electoral roll and called on the Government to implement private sector privacy legislation as promised".[/b] The ABC's Online News carried a report, at The Attorney-General, Daryl Williams, hastily called a press conference regarding the promised, delayed and still-unseen privacy legislation that afternoon, which was doubtless just a coincidence ... Williams' Press Release was characteristically timid, and reflected the Government's intense desire to facilitate business, whatever the cost to people. He appeared to have said in the press conference that the legislation would require Packer/Acxiom to get consent before using/disclosing any of its data; but the written words could easily be read as approving of Acxiom unilaterally collecting the data and storing it in a data haven like the U.S.: "Reports of a data warehouse of personal and financial information being developed by Acxiom highlight the importance of the private sector privacy legislation. The collection of information by Acxiom and its database will be covered by the legislation. The legislation will ensure the data quality, data security and openness of this type of database. It will allow people to access records about themselves and to correct those records if they are wrong". HMMM... [b]ANDREW ROBB HAS A VERY IMPORTANT POSITION AS SHADOW FINANCE MINISTER ON ABBOTT'S TEAM... HE ALSO HAS CONNECTIONS TO CHEVRON.[/b] N'


17/06/2013AA Another fine post which if we are not careful will just disappear in a puff of smoke. Why is that one might ask? The country is sliding into a deep pit which makes a black hole look insignificant. Abbott on a crest of a media wave thanks to old Rupes, with six year of anti labor media tirades mostly smoke and mirrors, of which the last three years has been a full on anti Julia campaign which would make old Goebbels spin in his grave with joy. Tell a lie often enough and it is accepted as the truth. Labor needs to understand it is a war and the first casualty is the truth. Why did Julia let Abbott get away with “there will be not carbon tax under a government I lead to grow” when she and the rest of the government should have said “that statement WAS taken out of context” and NOT hammering the second part of the sentence. Pulling up the ABC & SBS every time they repeated that line would have been a starter. We here all know what was said why why did they not follow it through. The same goes for Abbott’s the Insulation industrial manslaughter comment which gave him his first gasp of air and he never looked back,that is down to Kevin who demoted Garrett to curry favour with whomever. I have posted many comments re Labor’s media handling where both Kevin’s & Julia’s teams need a swift kick but alas in vain. We are now at a crossroads where the media manipulated polling is pushing the nervous Nellies in caucus to consider bringing Rudd back, which will be IMHO an election disaster, Julia is the best thing going for Labor. I foresee Abbott’s vote of NO confidence, with the independents abstaining because they are on the record as saying their agreement is with Julia and then Abbott’s call to the GG to dissolve Parliament followed by an election asap. All rushed no time to scrutinize Liberal policy's such as they are. Australia NEEDS to wake up quick smart.


17/06/2013 WHY DOESN'T IT SURPRISE ME CONROY IS BACK WITH RUDD AGAIN?: On Thursday the Minister will campaign with former prime minister Kevin Rudd in the latter’s Brisbane electorate. “Having Kevin Rudd campaign in support of the NBN is a good thing,” he said. On Monday, former ALP leader Mark Latham said Mr Rudd’s appearances hurt Julia Gillard’s polling... Speaking at an Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce event in Sydney on Tuesday, Senator Conroy acknowledged there were many critics of his time as minister under Labor. [b]I SUSPECT CONROY HAS NOT ALWAYS HAD THE PEOPLE'S AND THE ALP'S INTERESTS AT HEART AS COMMUNICATION MINISTER. WILL HE QUESTION THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SBS AND MURDOCH'S SHINE COMPANY? I DOUBT IT...I REMEMBER HIM SPRUIKING MYSPACE FOR RUPERT WHEN HE FIRST GOT INTO GOVT.[/b] HE'S SURE TAKEN LONG ENUFF TO ROLL OUT THE NBN...AND GIVEN HEAPS TO VARIOUS MEDIA BARONS. N'


17/06/2013 BILKO, YOU APTLY MENTIONED THE RUDD BACKSTABBING OF PETER GARRETT: In 2009, Garrett would not give the proposed $2 billion mill in the Tamar Valley the go ahead until more studies were undertaken on its potential impacts to marine environments. A new condition was put on the mill meaning Gunns could be liable for criminal and civil penalties if the mill is approved and breaks defined "environmental limits". In December 2009 Garrett made his final decision on the Traveston Crossing Dam (on the Mary River (Queensland), rejecting the proposal. Garrett determined that the impacts of the proposed dam on nationally listed threatened species (Australian lungfish, the Mary River Turtle and the Mary River cod) would be too great and unacceptable impacts on matters of national environmental significance. On 26 February 2010 the Prime Minister reduced his appointment to the Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts. This demotion was in response to Garrett's administration of the Home Insulation Program (HIP) which was linked to four deaths, over 100 house fires and allegations of fraud. [b]It was revealed in May 2010 that Garrett had written to the then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, on four occasions raising concerns about safety. Further to this, the Hon Gary Gray – Special Minister of State and Special Minister of State for the Public Service and Integrity, revealed that the environment minister was demoted, losing responsibility for the insulation program, because Rudd had a shocking interview on The 7.30 Report and needed a scapegoat. He states: "The majority of caucus felt he had been badly treated. For Rudd and his office to position Garrett as the fall guy was disgraceful, weak, sneaky, unprincipled and just plain wrong. All along, Peter properly put his objections to the administration of the program on the record. How can you have a situation where Rudd executes complete and total influence, micromanages everything, yet not the home insulation program? The shape and execution of the program was certainly designed by the prime minister's office, if not the prime minister himself." [/b] Garrett was re-elected at the August 2010 election with a substantially reduced majority, surviving a two party preferred negative swing of 8.1%.[ After the election he was appointed Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth. [b]YA KNOW, I'M BEGINNING TO THINK LATHAM'S ASSESSMENTS OF RUDD...AND LIB ANDREW ROBB ARE RIGHT.[/b] [b]RUDD IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE PMship.[/b] NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT. [b]STICK TO GILLARD AS PM. [/b] N'


17/06/2013dear ad astra what a great service you are doing for our country amazing piece and comments, what an education I have had.

Ad astra

17/06/2013Bloss Thank you for kind comment. I’m glad you find [i]TPS[/i] useful. We have many fine contributors here. Casablanca You have given us a great collection of pieces to read and the petition re Piers Akerman to sign, which I have done. Thank you. denese Thank you for your comments – you are always so encouraging. Bilko Thank you for your kind remarks. What you say is right. It shows that short slogans, even if incorrect or simply lies, trump reasoned explanations, as Goebbels found. J Fraser Thank you for the YouTube link to the Murdoch story, which shows how crucial to him are power and political influence, and how ruthlessness is why he succeeds. nasking Rogue Griffin is flying high this morning and has given us lots of informative reading.


17/06/2013 [b]On 19 August 2007, it was revealed that [b]Rudd, while on a visit to New York as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs[/b], had visited a strip club in September 2003, [b]with New York Post editor Col Allan[/b] and Labor MP Warren Snowdon.[/b] WIKIPEDIA WHO IS COL ALLAN YOU MIGHT ASK?: Colin "Col" Allan (born 1953) is an Australian journalist. He served as the editor in chief of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph of Sydney, Australia and has served as editor in chief of the The New York Post since 2001. Life and career According to a profile by Lloyd Grove, Allan grew up in Dubbo in the 1950s, preferring reading to the poor television reception in the rural area. After failing out of the Australian National University in Canberra, he took a job there at The Daily Liberal. In 1974 he moved to Sydney as a reporter for The Daily Mirror. In 1978 Allan was transferred to New York City to cover American news. His mentor Neal Travis introduced him to Rupert Murdoch during this time. In 1983, Allan returned to Australia, eventually rising to Editor In Chief of the Telegraph. [b]He met Lachlan Murdoch, who eventually told Allan he was to replace Xana Antunes as Editor In Chief of the New York Post in 2001[/b]. WIKIPEDIA -------- BACK TO THE SO CALLED FRINGE ISSUE OF SEXISM: [b]The New York Post Is a Hellish Cauldron of Racism, Sexism, and White Rage: Lawsuit[/b] A former New York Post editor who was fired last month for complaining about a ludicrously racist cartoon has filed a detailed complaint in federal court [b]accusing editor Col Allan of racism, sexism, and all-round dickishiness of the highest order.[/b] Sandra Guzman was an editor at the Post charged with running, among other things, a section aimed at Latino readers. After the paper published a Sean Delonas cartoon depicting President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee being gunned down by white police officers, she complained internally about what she saw as the paper's persistent and overt racism under the leadership of Australian he-man Col Allan. Then she got fired. NOT GOOD. THE NY POST IS ALSO BEING SUED BY TWO YOUNG MEN WHOSE PICS WERE POSTED ON THE FRONT PAGE DURING THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING SEARCH. RUDD CONNECTION TO NEWS LTD...NOT GOOD. N'


17/06/2013I think there are three aspects of this “disrepect”: one relating to the positon of Prime Minister, one relating to women, and one in everyday behaviour generally. Of course, they meet in a tsunami against the current Prime Minister. There has always been satire making fun of Prime Ministers. I heard once that much of what satirists do is legally slander or libel but no-one dares sue because they would become a laughing stock for not being able to take a joke. But what Abbott and the shock-jocks have done is, as has been discussed previously, pure vitriol with no hint of satire, total disrespect for the position of Prime Minister. What they have managed to achieve is not just to demean the position of Prime Minister but the whole political process and the role of politicians generally. I think there has been a cultural shift backwards in the past 20 or so years. Sometime about the late 80s there was a reaction against “political correctness” (not just in Australia but reinforced in Oz by Howard in the 90s). A simple example was the way English television shows and movies reintroduced smoking on screen. The rise of the shock jocks at the time fits the pattern. They were rude to guests of all sorts and to callers with whom they disagreed. In their efforts to “shock”, their language became more inflamatory and disrespectful to all and sundry. The movies at the time also included heros (or anti-heros) who, as a matter of course, were disrespectful and aggressive. It became acceptable that to assert oneself meant using abusive and aggressive language. And as Nasking has pointed out, the rise of rap, and especially gangsta rap, added fuel to this and, in particular, the disrespect of women, to such an extent that it became acceptable among some young males to refer to their girlfriends as “my bitch”, and some young women accepted this as normal. Because of this history, I am not surprised by the current problems regarding attitudes to women. I think we have been going backwards in the past couple of decades but no-one has dared talk about it perhaps because it is so pervasive in “popular culture”. The Prime Minister has walked into the middle of this and I think the most dangerous outcome will be the diminishing of the status of Prime Minister. Abbott, as the election approaches, is tempering his language but leaving it to Pyne, Hockey, et al to continue the disrespectful attacks. Unfortunately, because of the history/changes I have mentioned, there is a significant proportion of the electorate that now accepts this as “the norm” - a saddening, disheartening reality!!


17/06/2013 THAT SKY/SLY NEWS SLIMEBAG GRAHAM RICHARDSON IS ALSO BREATHLESS, LIKE BARRIE CASSIDY, IN TRYING TO CONVINCE LABORITES TO DUMP PM GILLARD... MY WIFE AND I DESPISE RICHARDSON...ANOTHER MELTED FACE TYPE...RIDDLED WITH GUILT AND CORRUPTION... MY WIFE SAID THIS MORNING THAT IF RUDD GETS THE LEADERSHIP AGAIN SHE WILL VOTE GREEN...THEN EXHAUST HER VOTE... I'M WITH HER ON THAT...I GOT RUDD WRONG...AND PLENTY ON HERE WERE RIGHT TO TELL ME SO A WEEK OR SO BACK... THE PATHETIC SYCOPHANTIC ATTITUDE TOWARDS RUDD THIS MORNING BY VARIOUS NEWS RADIO TYPES ACTING LIKE A HERD OF DRIBBLING DESPERATE PAPPARAZZI TOLD ME ALL I NEEDED TO KNOW. THIS ABOUT GRAHAM RICHARDSON...WHO I BELIEVE NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED MORE THOROUGHLY FOR HIS DODGY LINKS: Post-parliament career[edit] Richardson is now primarily seen by the Australian public through election night television coverage. He is a currently a political commentator for the Seven Network (having previously appeared on the Nine Network) and broadcaster with 2GB. He has also authored memoirs titled Whatever it Takes, published by Bantam Books, Sydney, 1994. For the 2000 Sydney Olympics he was the chairman of the Olympic ticketing operations, Mayor of the Olympic village and had a seat on the Sydney Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (SOCOG). In 1999, as chairman of the 2000 Sydney Olympics ticketing operations, Richardson oversaw a deal where over 500,000 selected tickets were withheld from the public ticket lottery and reserved for high-paying package-deal customers. This resulted in considerable public criticism at the time and the tickets were eventually made available to the general public. He has continued a role as a broker in other aspects of NSW public life, including the high profile contract dispute between the National Rugby League player Sonny Bill Williams and his club, the Canterbury Bulldogs. Richardson now writes an opinion column with the The Australian, where he is highly critical of the Australian Labor Party. Cash for comment This section of a biography of a living person does not include any references or sources. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living people that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately. (June 2009) Richardson was implicated in the Cash for comment scandal in Australian radio broadcasting, where prominent radio personalities – such as John Laws and Alan Jones – were found to have been promoting certain companies while on the companies' payroll, while keeping the deal secret from listeners to make it look like the comments were genuine opinion/editorial pieces, or that they had demanded payments from companies in exchange for refraining from making negative comments. Richardson was being paid by Publishing and Broadcasting Limited (PBL), and spruiked for PBL-owned companies Channel 9 and Crown Casino during his radio show. Tax evasion In 2006, Richardson became embroiled in allegations of tax evasion involving the late Rene Rivkin.[45] On 27 September 2006, Justice James Allsop, of the Federal Court, released a document showing that Richardson had an undeclared Swiss bank account containing $1.4 million. He was one of the shareholders of the Offset Alpine Printing company. In October 2008, Richardson agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to end his ongoing A$2.3 million dispute with the Australian Taxation Office. The Tax Office took action against Mr Richardson in 2005 after the late stockbroker Rene Rivkin told Swiss investigators that Rivkin, businessman Trevor Kennedy and Richardson were the secret owners of a $27 million stake in Offset Alpine. The Tax Office had sought $700,000 it claimed was owed in unpaid taxes, along with a $1.6 million interest and penalty payment. WIKIPEDIA I [b]SINCERELY BELIEVE THAT ANY LABORITE WHO LEAKS AND HAS CONTACT WITH THIS DODGY CHARACTER SHOULD BE EJECETED FROM THE PARTY... ASKED TO STAND DOWN AT THE NEXT ELECTION...A CLEAN SKIN PUT IN THEIR PLACE. FRANKLY, THE ROT HAS TO STOP. NOW.[/b] N'


17/06/2013 I CAN TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY: [b]Garrett won't serve in Rudd cabinet [/b] Peter Garrett has put the future of school funding reforms into the Labor leadership mix, saying he will quit as Education Minister if there is a switch back to Kevin Rudd. On Sunday Mr Garrett said he would not serve in a Rudd cabinet... ''That's what I've said before and my position hasn't changed,'' he said. Read more: THE ALP MUST IGNORE THE BREATHLESS, DESPERATE CALLS FOR CHANGE OF LEADERSHIP BY A MORALLY BANKRUPT MSM...WELL, PLENTY OF THEM. N'




17/06/2013Janet Albrechtsen ceased to be notable many years ago.

42 long

17/06/2013Some good information there. Garrett has every reason to NEVER want Rudd. Rudd is flawed, in many ways and will be torn to pieces if we are silly enough to think he will advance the show. I'm not turned off by the Gillard approach to women needing things to improve for them. The attitude created against Gillard is done by manipulating what is spoken and taking things out of context. This is one of the tricks used constantly. She did say don't write CRAP . Shouldn't be difficult. Well it's IMPOSSIBLE for the MSM as their agenda doesn't fit not writing crap. Writing crap is the only way you can elect crap. Gillard has resisted so much to get where she is and has more guts than anyone else in the parliament. The party should stick with her and not go for the pop style poser who has undermined her at every opportunity. There is no guarantee that he will achieve anything anyhow. There are too many unknowns in the equation. If they go down, go down with dignity. History will assess the damage done by Kev and the waverers and it will be seen as considerable and deliberate. People who will be really disadvantaged by LOTO's policies will remember who white anted a good prime minister.


17/06/2013 WHY DOESN'T IT SURPRISE ME THAT ROD EDDINGTON JOINED JAC NASSER AND THE ABBOTT LOT AT MURDOCH'S THE AUSTRALIAN CALLING FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS REFORM?: Rod Eddington joins calls for industrial relations reform BY:RICHARD GLUYAS From: The Australian May 23, 2012 PRESSURE has intensified on Labor to liberalise the industrial relations system, after the head of the government's infrastructure advisory body said the system had "gone backwards" in some respects and made it more expensive to do business. Infrastructure Australia chairman Rod Eddington backed the hardline position of BHP Billiton chairman Jac Nasser, a former global head of Ford, who launched a scathing attack on the IR system last week, saying it had quickly become one of the big issues for business. "(Mr Nasser) has seen these issues around the world," Sir Rod said at a panel discussion during an Australian British Chamber of Commerce lunch in Melbourne. [b]I'VE WRITTEN ABOUT JAC NASSER RECENTLY. THIS FROM WIKIPEDIA...REMEMBER SKY NEWS UK'S CONNECTIONS TO THE MURDOCH EMPIRE...MORE ABOUT JPMORGAN LATER:[/b] Following his career with Ford Motor Company, Nasser joined One Equity Partners, the private investment arm of JPMorgan Chase. There, he led a number of deals, including the sale of Polaroid Corporation. In addition to chairing the Board of BHP, [b]Nasser serves on the Board of British Sky Broadcasting[/b], and is on the International Advisory Council of Allianz. ------ NO LONGER EYES WIDE SHUT N'


17/06/2013 [b]Rogue Griffin is flying high this morning and has given us lots of informative reading[/b] Ad, I HAVE COLLECTED A HUGE AMOUNT OF INFO OVER THE YEARS...SENT DISCS TO A NUMBER OF FRIENDS...AND ASSOCIATES...JUST IN CASE. I'VE BEEN ON POLITICAL BLOGS SINCE EARLY 2000s...YOU START MAKING A LOT OF CONNECTIONS. N'

Ad astra

17/06/2013Ken I enjoyed reading your thoughtful comment, and agree with your opening argument. It seems that there is a strong residue of male chauvinism in our society. Some men have been slow to adapt to a female PM, especially this one, who refuses to be intimidated by them, and kow tow to them. She refused to court the media by putting favoured outlets on a drip feed; she told journalists: “Don’t write crap – it can’t be that hard”; and she tried to clean up the media via the Finkelstein and Convergence reviews. Thus, she is offside with much of the media. An image of club-frequenting male executives from industry and commerce huffing puffing about her over a long lunch is easy to conjure up. And her recent speech that highlighted the male dominance in Liberal circles, and their carefully hidden views about abortion has upset male voters, as evidenced by their swing away from Labor in today’s Nielsen poll. It looks as if there are still males out there who find it difficult to stomach a female PM. The same attitude is seen in executive ranks where women still lag well behind men in senior positions. The disrespect of our first female PM, generated by Abbott and his Coalition colleagues and reinforced by the MSM, has played out in the electorate. Can’t you see blokes at their watering hole echoing: ‘Bloody woman, bloody liar, useless bitch, kick her out and get a bloke back to run the country; at least blokes know what they are doing’! I see this blokeyness is rife in Rugby where the players are objecting to penalties being applied for punching an opponent. It’s a man’s game they plead; ‘throwing punches is part of the game’. It may seem a long bow I’m drawing, but male dominance, male behaviour, male aggression, and men against women behavior still pervades our society, and is seen manifest starkly in contemporary politics. I fear we still have along way to go to reach gender equality. And what I think stings men sharply is the realisation that women can do their job as well as they can, and sometimes much better.


17/06/2013Another day out for Australia's "useful idiots" who blame Murdoch, Nasser, Piers for all their woes whilst the real culprit, Comrade Julia, is promoted to near goddess status. Some try to blame her pet 457 for her unwarranted often hysterical outbursts and accusations but as an active Socialist I suggest it's in the genes.


17/06/2013Ad astra you have an uncanny ability, unique in my experience, of picking the very nub of each issue as it comes up every week. It is a remarkable ability in itself, just to pick the subject, then you go on to nail the philosophical and practical considerations, dam, you do it every week! The two tributes below could be written by any of us after any of your musings, and indeed all the time. [i]dear ad astra what a great service you are doing for our country ... piece and comments, what an education I have had.[/i] denese [i]Another very well written article, Ad. I wish I could write half as well ! I dips me lid to you.[/i] MarkatPort Ad You have focused and centred us throughout this long and painful and scary 3-year campaign, and we are all better for it. We really feel we are part of a greater Praetorian Guard, yes, the [i][b]Fighting 5th Estate![/b][/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We must now find ways in this crucial period to maximize our effectiveness in driving the scourge of Abborrrttian Politics from this land forever. That's surely what we are about. We must fight them at the Golf Club, we must fight them in the washrooms, we must fight them in [i]and out [/i]of the schools. We must never surrender. [i]We are [u]everywhere[/u].[/i] [b][i]SOUND THE AIR-RAID ALARM![/i][/b] Don't be nice. I'm not nice. I say it loud and nasty because it stings them a little. Just a little, but mony a mickle mecks a muckle, and lots of little army-ant bites kill cobras. I am proud to have coined the term [i]Fighting Fifth[/i], I glow inside when anyone else bob uses the term because it unites us and it stings them. I love it when someone comes up with e.g. the term [i]Ginatalia[/i] because it stings. Ridicule, that's the ticket. Do your best Comrades, direct your minds to publishing shrewish or honeyed or Jason-pithy comments that make even a tiny bit of difference, remember that Ecuadorian Butterfly that caused the Chinese earthquake! Feel it Comrades, we must RESIST. Time to arc up!


17/06/2013Somewhere back in this thread someone (sorry can't find it but Right On whoever it was) commented particularly on the failure of the Labor MHRs to [i]give the lie to the Lie[/i] about "No Carbon Tax [i][u]but ...!"[/u][/i] That it has gone unchallenged has driven me to distraction, but Dam, *J*U*L*I*A* herself has repeatedly allowed the term Carbon Tax to get past her, and even USED the term herself! If it'd been me, I would have stopped the conversation right there and given the interviewer the hot word about Truth. It would have been the perfect sobering moment and put many commentators in their place. Yeah I know, I'd do a fat lot with a basket of eggs and a stick ... :~(


17/06/2013Dear AA Have enjoyed your fifth estate this-morning & hope I too can make valued contributions. My thoughts are with Ms Gillard, as she battles the forces within and outside, plotting her demise. I only hope, once Gonski is signed, then she, knowing she can wipe the floor against Abbott in debating etc, has a better than 50/50 show, but Gonski still has to be delivered, and 2 weeks of Parliament could stall her attention here. So I would be exposing right now, Abbott's lack of commitment to Australia, and him being in bed with Murdoch and Rhinehart, and throw it to the people to overcome these challenges. All of this would be nice if KRudd was onside, but I would haul the inner caucus, including Kevin, and record a positive outcome, not with platitudes, but discussing future directions, and how important it is that the focus is the only way to keep all the magnificent reforms, is to defeat the Abbott wreckers, ALL against the might of Murdoch. Unfortunately, good guys don't always win!


17/06/2013Nasking, I'm truly sorry not to reply to you more often, you send so much I have trouble trying even to skim it - I'm not a very good or fast reader really - and it's a sort of case of [i]More is Less [/i], F U C W I M*. (I think this is what Pappinbarra Fox tried to tell you btw. She has not been back since your rather terse response. Perhaps you might find a few kind words to her?) But anyway I must tell you this, I HATE your new Rogue Griffin gravatar, LOVED the Bear, Why did you change? In my many tessellating designs, ~(one of which you may see in my little book [i]Brucie the Bilby [/i] - that you may get one of for FREE by merely asking Ad astra) ~I have very deliberately avoided fantastic creatures - flying griffogoyles are exactly what I don't do. Escher did many such, but the ones I like artistically are his few tessellations of real critters. It's sort of cheating in tessellations to use what amount to random shapes to fill in spaces. The real trick is to use credible shapes, and I try to show all their limbs. Yes Tricky. But anyway Bring Back the BEAR! *"If You See What I Mean" ... Like it? :)






17/06/2013Tom of Melbourne Hello dinosaur. i thought i would remind you that laces have replaced button up boots, and there is also this new fangled thing they use on slippers, called velcro. You might want to update your footwear, and your attitudes at the same time.


17/06/2013gabrianga You are quite right, Comrade *J*U*L*I*A* is indeed the nearest thing to a Goddess I've ever seen, she will be delighted with your tribute. And you said, [i]as an active Socialist I suggest it's in the genes.[/i] Good to hear Comrade. Active socialists are always welcome on The Political Sword! :)


17/06/2013Nasking FFS Bye then.

Ad astra

17/06/2013[b]nasking I would be truly sorry if you decided to leave this site permanently. You have been part of it for so long, and have contributed so much. Take a break and return when you feel ready.[/b]

Ad astra

17/06/2013RodFairgo Welcome to [i]The Political Sword[/i] family, and thank you for your complimentary remarks and your thoughtful comments. Do come again. I share your sentiments: [i]”My thoughts are with Ms Gillard, as she battles the forces within and outside, plotting her demise.”[/i] We must give her the support she deserves, Puffytmd I like your Gravatar. Good reply to one of our knockers.

Truth Seeker

17/06/2013Ad, thanks for another fine piece, you really have covered a lot of good ground with these last few posts, and the culture of disrespect is something that needs to be addressed. But not only by us of the fifth, but by the MSM and more importantly the LNP who are by far and away the worst offenders. Nas, mate I have been dying to tell you that I absolutely LOVE the Rogue Griffin, but have been tied up with my latest post, and have only just found a few minutes. I think it appeals to my love of all things magical :-) :-) and would love to see it at my site. Just posted, [b"Hypocrisy = Tony Abbott, ambition without a real man!"][/b] :-) Cheers :-) :-)

Ad astra

17/06/2013Talk Turkey Thank you again for your most complimentary remarks. You are a great supporter of [i]TPS[/i], one who is always encouraging and loyal. Thank you again. Your rallying cry is splendid: [i]”We must fight them at the Golf Club, we must fight them in the washrooms, 
 we must fight them in and out of the schools. We must never surrender. We are everywhere.“[/i]

Ad astra

17/06/2013Doug Evans As at last I have some clear air I’ll attempt to respond to your comments on the last piece, which I have re-read. I have also read the Greens’ ‘Submission to the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers’, and am waiting for a response to an email to Sarah Hanson-Young seeking clarification on what the Greens would advocate once the humanitarian intake has been reached. They recommend the annual intake be increased to 25,000. I realize that I may not be able to change your mind about the approach of [i]TPS[/i] towards Labor policies, namely to not join the strident chorus of the many who criticize their policies, no matter how successful they have been. We saw this with the HIP and BER, both successful in achieving their particular aims, and at the same time avoiding a recession that would have brought rising unemployment and business failures. All we heard from the Coalition and the Murdoch media was lurid stories of ceiling fires and deaths, despite the unchallenged evidence that there were fewer fires with the HIP ceiling insulation than before; and ‘waste and mismanagement’ and ‘Julia Gillard Memorial Halls’ with the BER, despite a 97% satisfaction rate. [i]TPS[/i] not only declined to criticize these programs, but defended them as a counter to this media disingenuousness. Turning now to Labor’s asylum-seeker policy, unquestionably it has not achieved one of its major aims, to stop asylum-seekers undertaking dangerous journeys to Australia on boats. The boats still come. What policy might do better? I have re-read the Greens policy aims, and, as stated earlier, find them laudable, and not dissimilar to those I suggested in the text of the piece I wrote. What the Greens policy still avoids is indicating what approach they would take should asylum-seekers continue to arrive on boats once the quota they recommend, 25,000, is reached. Perhaps Senator Hanson-Young will fill that gap. The other factor that affects political thinking is what the electorate thinks. Those in power want to retain it; those who are not in power want to attain it. Power comes from the voters. For a party in power to stand on high principle may be laudable philosophically and ethically, but if that flies in the face of the wishes of the voters, it loses power and the capacity to do the good things it believes need doing. Parties in power, or seeking it, know this and modify their policies accordingly. As an aside, I hear today that the Greens are advocating leaving all but 20% of coal reserves in the ground to avoid catastrophic global warming, and they are right, but for the Government or the Coalition to advocate the same would result in the alienation millions of voters and scores of industries whose economic future resides in digging up and selling coal. Already Gary Gray and Greg Hunt have been out denying that their parties are in agreement with the Greens. My point is simply that the truth of realpolitik is that the electorate’s wishes, no matter how inappropriate, are part of the decision-making of politicians in power, and those who want it. They must take it into account or be punished at the ballot box. The Greens, knowing that at present they cannot be a majority party and assume power, can take what they regard as the high moral ground with little fear they will be punished for doing so. Back to asylum-seeker policy, while it is relatively easy to put together a set of acceptable aims, it is nigh impossible to construct a policy that on the one hand is humane and accommodating of asylum-seekers, which obviates the need for people to undertake dangerous sea journeys, yet aligns with the views of a divided electorate that includes some who want a more humane policy and others who are angry at each new boat arrival, want the boats stopped, and will vote down any party that seems unable to do that. The Government is implementing as best it can the recommendations of the Expert Panel. I for one was prepared to see how they worked. So far, it has not stopped the boats. What next? I am grateful for your contribution to this debate, and to all who have attempted to address the policy task I set. Some found the task beyond them, some attempted it but found the task daunting, even impossible. So to return to your challenge Doug, this site has not gone into hypercritical mode about asylum-seeker policy because the solution is evading everyone who has a view on the subject, except perhaps those who will never have to implement the policy, and because criticizing without offering a plausible alternative is unworthy of the critic. Nobody commenting here has offered a policy that would be capable of meeting the criteria mentioned above. Regarding the wider issue of the attitude of this site and this author towards policy, it has not, and will not be putting the boots into Labor policies unless a feasible alternative is available and could be offered. Generally, I have found Labor policies suitable and have found them in accord with my own thinking and political philosophy. Asylum-seeker policy is one where no one, no party, has the answer when all the variables are taken into account, when all the factors are considered. I am in no better position. I expect that my answer will not satisfy you, no matter how much time and effort I have put into formulating it.

Ad astra

17/06/2013DMW Thank you for your thoughtful comment on the last piece at 6.20 PM on June 16, and apologies for my slow response. I strongly agree with your aim: [i]”To change the national conversation on the issue that reflects the Aussie spirit of a fair go and help for the down trodden.”[/i] You make a salient point here: “[i]If xenophobia is a 'survival instinct' from times of old then it is still in all of us to varying degrees at an emotional level. No matter the intellectual argument against xenophobia (racism) there will be times that the emotional side of us will win out which is why it is so easy for the opposition to feed on the innate fears residing in us.”[/i] Sadly, that seems true today. Your conclusion: “[i]I pity the poor soul who as prime minister of this country that will have to offer an apology for the inhumane and indecent way we are currently treating asylum seekers and refugees.”[/i] is the sad reality. Until then, what?

Ad astra

17/06/2013Truth Seeker Thank you again for your complimentary remarks. I’m glad you enjoyed the piece. I enjoyed reading your latest: [i]Hypocrisy = Tony Abbott, ambition without a real man![/i] And your concluding words: [i]”So the only conclusion that an objective observer could come to is; Abbott is a man with ambition, not principles. Abbott is a man with ambition, not conscience. Abbott is a man with ambition, not scruples. Abbott is a man with ambition, not compassion. Abbott is a man with ambition, not honesty. Abbott is a man with ambition, not integrity. Abbott is a man with ambition, not honour.” [b]Hypocrisy = Tony Abbott, ambition without a real man![/b][/i]

Truth Seeker

17/06/2013Ad, thanks for that :-) I appreciate it very much :-) Cheers :-) :-)

Sir Ian Crisp

17/06/2013I think the bird of paradox is getting bad advice from her right-hand man John McVermin. She has declared war on 50% of the population because McVermin thinks that's the way to win. The polls today show not only are men insulted but women are deserting the bird of paradox as well. Is John McVermin a Lib-NP agent?


17/06/2013H'mmm, I don't get the connection between Rogue Griffins and Nasking's granny but if I missed the explanation in the stream well I already told him I can't read all his posts.(Does anyone? Honestly?) TS you like the design, I'm not arguing but to me it looks threatening and nasty as an image, and I see it as surprising usurper of its predecessor. Well that's just my reaction but, well, never mind. As for Nasking's reaction to me, well maybe his reference to [i]TT, PATRICIA AND MANY OTHER LABORITES ON THIS SITE [/i]is significant. Yep that's me all right, a Laborite and proud. If he's using it pejoratively, well, never mind. I have found quite a lot of people are only too ready to take things the wrong way, but I also know that it is the courageous act of a true friend to try to tell someone their breath stinks. Pappinbarra Fox tried, and got a nasty smackdown from Nasking, and I didn't respond fast enough in supporting her, I'm less than impressed with myself for that, but then, neither did anyone else, maybe that's why she hasn't been back. Foxy One, if you are feeling bruised and undersupported by the rest of us, well I'm really sorry, you are loved and valued here, please come back. Nasking could do well to take hints from friends. He has [i]swamped[/i] the site, and we few "MANY OTHER LABORITES" (?) have failed sufficiently stridently to plead that he limit his input, given his propensity to post copious quantities of entire slabs from others' pens. Over the years Nasking has been all over the shop politically, well not me Comrades, I'm pretty sick of his opinions as to just what the thinks about Rudd on any particular day, I've nailed my colours to the mast from the start, and it is my firm belief that it is the only proper stance. It is Ad Astra's after all, and I do mean, after all. It is *J*U*L*I*A*s too might I point out. So swinging around like a weathercock is anathema to me. And I take it as a bit insulting for him to use the term Laborites disparagingly. Anyway he's out of here, or so he says for the [i]n[/i]th time, and if he comes back this time I won't be bothering him directly again, now I know in what sort of light Mr Gryphon sees me. Oh, and PATRICIA AND MANY OTHER LABORITES ON THIS SITE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ad I don't think my 'rallying cry' was entirely original somehow... seems to ring a bell ... As for your answer to Doug Evans, I suspect that the shrewdest sentence is the last. He's another I won't directly respond to, on the basis that he appears to relish the thought of a high-moral-ground to crow on were the Abborrrttians to win.


17/06/2013I'm sorry, but I've had to take humour off the menu Michael Leunig. June 17, 2013 [quote]Readers, it has all gone crazy; and to make matters worse there are some who are trying to spread the pernicious, infantile idea that this nation is engaged in a federal election. Well, hello people, it's time for a serious reality check. This is not an election, this is a man-woman shitfight - and anyone who tries to trivialise this crucial reality with distractions like environmental disasters, wars, human rights abuses or refugee children in detention etc is being grossly irresponsible and I suggest we take a zero tolerance approach to this ignorant behaviour; it is a tragedy of biblical proportions.[/quote] Read more:

42 long

17/06/2013the later Morgan poll is quite different. Bounce from the "sattler " event. Read on IA and smile a bit more.


17/06/2013GetUp and Go! [u]Play the Gender Card[/u] Here is an opportunity to make a stand against the tawdry gender politics that has been so overt this past week or so. [u]Rally for Clean Energy.[/u] Also, GetUp will be holding a rally in Garema Place tomorrow, Tuesday, at noon. It will run concurrently with a rally scheduled for Parliament Hill by a group protesting the clean energy targets and wind turbines. When I googled the Anti-clean energy protest rally the only result was an article in the Asian Correspondent. Go figure!


17/06/2013Here is the link to the Morgan Poll on IA MSM/ABC only want to talk about the bad Neilsen Poll taken before the full fall out of the Sattler interview was known.


17/06/2013 well well well how interesting lets see if this is reported


17/06/2013NAS' LOVE THE NEW GRAVATAR. Liealot was in Shoalhaven last week lying to his deluded barrackers and during the course of events was asked about his policies. "Policies, Lielaot?" I hear you ask. Astonishgly yes is the answer. In reply to a question about roads, Liealot told his amazed listeners that he had this rooly fantastic organisation thingy called Infrastructure Australia which he would unleash presumably after 14/9. The only teeny weeny drawback to this [strike]announcement[/strike] pack of lies, is that it's a [b]government[/b] fantastic organisation thingy & the first one will open this weekend. Albo was very pleased to announce it at QT today. Although I didn't watch QT, I have been reliably informed that Albo & the PM were both extremely pleased inform the House that yet another government initiative had been achieved. I wonder how barrackers will explain Liealot's blatant on the record BIG FAT LIE.


17/06/2013[b]Shorten's wife locks in behind Gillard[/b] Daniel Hurst. June 17, 2013 - 4:44PM [quote]Chloe Bryce, wife of Bill Shorten and the daughter of Governor-General Quentin Bryce, is president of the board of Women for Gillard - modelled after the Women for Obama group that campaigned for Barack Obama in last year's US presidential election.[/quote] Read more:

Ad astra

17/06/2013Gordonwa, denese [i]Morgan[/i] is interesting after the [i]Nielsen[/i] result. I wonder what [i]Newspoll[/i] will show tonight?


17/06/2013 [b]THE CONVOY OF CLEAVAGE. IN WHICH THE BREAST STRIKES BACK.[/b] [quote]The PM's decolletage popped up as a topic of discussion yesterday following remarks by Grace Collier on ABC Radio National's Sunday Extra. Today Destroy the Joint launched Convoy of Cleavage and has uploaded a montage of cleavages that is very witty.[/quote]


17/06/2013A coalition member I would have seriously considered voting for had I lived in her electorate today gave her farewell speech to Parliament and I gather it was a thought provoking and moving oratory. Judi Moylan was interviewed on PM tonight and this excerpt is telling: ALEXANDRA KIRK: [i]You spent much of your 20 years in politics campaigning for better treatment of asylum seekers. You said: [b]'What's gone on in our name stands as a matter of great shame. That is, indefinite mandatory detention and detaining children'.[/b] Do you think the Coalition, if it wins the election, will, as it says, stop the boats and therefore bring an end to indefinite mandatory detention and detaining kids?[/i] JUDI MOYLAN: [i]Well what I've called for is the building of a national consensus on this, because I don't believe that any of the recent policies are going to stop the boats. In fact, we have a stark demonstration of that. Since late last year we've had 20,000 people come.[/i] ALEXANDRA KIRK: [i]So why do you think a policy solution has evaded or eluded politicians for so long?[/i] JUDI MOYLAN: [i]Because I think this issue has been a matter of political posturing, and that is simply not going to resolve the weighty matters that are before us if we're going to manage it.[/i] ALEXANDRA KIRK: [i]It's been fertile political ground hasn't it?[/i] JUDI MOYLAN: [i]It certainly has, yes. And we've created really a bit of a behemoth, because, you know, where do we turn to now? And that is why I've said the way forward is to build a national consensus, stop the political posturing and begin an earnest engagement with the region of the Indian Ocean where these problems are emanating from.[/i] ALEXANDRA KIRK: [i]And if Tony Abbott wins the election do you think there's a chance that might happen?[/i] JUDI MOYLAN: [i]Well I would be hopeful that the Coalition might reconsider that this is a very, very tough problem to deal with, that Australia is not alone, and we can't continue with a policy that just resolves our immediate political problems in our nation because we are part of a region. Like it or not, we live in a region where other countries have a much deeper, more difficult problem to deal with than in fact Australia does. [b]If we can't get consensus between our political parties here in Australia, how on earth are we able to build a consensus within the regions as to how we deal with this?[/b][/i] (my emphasis added) In another way Ms Moylan has echoed my sentiment that the national conversation on Asylum Seekers needs to change before we have any hope of solving the 'problem'. Farewell Ms Moylan, you leave this parliament with your integrity intact and you will be missed by many.


18/06/2013Good Morning Lynnie! Hope you are happily ensconced in your new home. Comrades we are winning now. Abborrtt will keep losing now. He's completely run out of ammo and Emmo is firing broadsides back at him and he's going DOWN.


18/06/2013Today’s Links Morgan Poll shows bounce for Government after Sattler by @independentaus Gary Morgan suggested the reason why the poll differed sharply from the Neilsen poll released last night ‒ which showed a 47% – 53% result in favour of the L-NP ‒ was that Neilsen polled before the full impact of the Howard Sattler interview with Julia Gillard and his subsequent sacking was known. The demeaning of Julia Gillard by @independentaus on ABC Radio National’s Saturday Extra, Geraldine Doogue called on some significant minds to tease out the place of at least one woman in Australian culture. Neither Wendy McCarthy nor Don Watson nor Michael Gawenda, could come to a comfortable concurrence about why Australia’s Prime Minister is being so demeaned in Australian public life. @MsGraceCollier Cleavage fact check by @NoFibs Personally, as a reader and viewer, this exercise has made me question Grace Collier as a genuine political commentator. She’s also not shy of the odd media stunt as in the James Bond style microphone in her bra episode. Many men find gender debates too threatening to handle by @beneltham Whether you think Gillard has been a good prime minister or a poor one, the highly sexualised attacks against her person are on the public record for all to see. The avalanche of personal slurs against the prime minister has snowballed so far, overseas media outlets are starting to take note of it. What is the Gillard v Rudd civil war actually about? by @Jeff_Sparrow The leadership question has dominated the front pages for months, with the strategic possibilities for each contender studied from every conceivable angle. Yet we hear almost nothing about actual politics. Polls, yes – all analysed to death. But ideas? Not so much. The Mate Media by Mr Denmore it is now blatantly obvious that a large chunk of the electorate - egged on by a overtly sexist media - cannot or will not deal with a woman in power. These mostly old men, trading off their reputation as 'authority' figures, Sexism and false equivalences by @fakeedbutler It is the violence and sexualisation of the attacks that is shocking. It is the level of disrespect held towards ‘this woman’ that makes people like Howard Sattler ask – to her face – whether her relationship is a sham. To argue that this level of disrespect does not stem from her gender is an incredibly long bow to draw. Would you want to be the next Australian Female Prime Minister? by @turnleft2013 this country’s parliaments and media is chock to the gills with middle aged white men who are threatened by anything that doesn’t reflect back themselves, a sorry lot of unevolved miscreants who only want power, prestige and money, the sole motivation, everything is for sale, including our international standing. Albo fires up QT with infrastructure smackdown rant by Andrew Crook Abbott thusly: “If we’re elected we will form an organisation called Infrastructure Australia.”“WELL THERE’S A THOUGHT, THERE’S AN IDEA” screamed Albo, arms flailing crazily (Infrastructure Australia was established by the Rudd government in 2008). Tongue of the Day By Ross Sharp If you had not managed to keep a minority government going the distance, we would not have had to resent a woman being in power all this time. If you had been decent enough to resign in abject apology for doing so badly in the polls Do try to keep up, Tony. by @MigloMT Someone needs to point out that;: Infrastructure Australia is a statutory body, established under the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 which came into effect on 9 April 2008 What Happens When Women Aren't In The Frame By @newmatilda It is reasonable to conclude that, even in this social media age, sexism and misogyny in the mainstream media have a potentially significant impact on women as individuals, on society more broadly, on political discourses, and even on gender policy. Abbott Takes Credit for Sweet F*** All by @AshGhebranious If elected Abbott is going to ‘create’ Infrastructure Australia! By the information he told the people at the meeting, it sounds exactly like the one Australia already has. Maybe what he will do is repeal the one that is there now, then create the new one which does exactly the same thing that the organisation the ALP govt placed in 2008/2009. Media spins the Rudd-Gillard merry-go-round by Kerry Anne Walsh In the last 10 days, News Limited and Fairfax have carried up to six separate stories of leaked, alleged internal ALP polling or research catastrophic for Gillard. All of it’s been unsourced, and appears to be unverified. It’s a bastard of a game that’s being played, and the media is part of it. The Convoy of Cleavage. In which the breast strikes back by @NoPlaceforSheep The last straw (at least up to this morning) came yesterday, when AFR columnist and industrial relations consultant Grace Collier complained on ABC Radio National’s Sunday Extra that Ms Gillard had, offensively, according to Collier, revealed cleavage in the House of Representatives. A Short Love Letter To Julia Gillard by @Liam_Carswell beyond her many policy achievements, there is perhaps something more visceral about my love for Gillard. As much as I admire her policy successes, she is an inspiration because she’s done what so many of us haven’t had the courage to do. A Prime Minister who, in the face of the most intense personal and political assault, has delivered the most stunning broadside: she hasn’t given up. Gillard, identity and the limits of political discourse by Raymond Orr The legitimacy of gender as personal and political issue in the coming election is less natural. Should misogyny and unbecoming comments be discussed in public or around the kitchen table among friends? Certainly. How about as an issue central to an election? Seamless by @Piping_Shrike Three months after journalists were saying Rudd was finished and should resign for the good party, they are now saying that Gillard should hand over to him – for the good of the party. The contortions of political commentators over the last three months should give a clue that a transition from Gillard to Rudd will be no smoother than it has been in journalists’ heads Gonski under Abbott by @LarvatusProdeo the Coalition waved the Gonski bill through the House of Representatives on the voices and without amendment. The common view in the press has been that Gonski is dead in the water because Abbott and Pyne have said that they will repeal it unless all states agree. The Rupert and Wendi Carve UP By Monica Attard It’s a good thing then that Rupert Murdoch and his third wife Wendi Deng (who are calling it quits on their marriage) aren’t asking for privacy. Even if they were, it’s unlikely to have been granted, given that in most high profile marriage bust ups, it’s often a Murdoch lens or phone tap or door-knocking reporter bringing us the How Abbott can keep carbon price, and slash power bills by Giles Parkinson IPART suggests that future rises will be lower than inflation in coming years, and from July 2015, when Australia moves to a floating carbon price linked to international markets, is expects that prices will fall by 6.9 per cent, as a result of significant falls in the price of European carbon permits. That kind of takes the heat out of In Praise of a True Liberal by @MikeSeccombe The only hope for a solution, in Moylan’s view, was closer engagement with other countries in the region. Turning the boats around – the magical solution proposed by Opposition leader Tony Abbott and his immigration spokesman Scott Morrison – was both cruel and pointless. Today’s front Pages Australian Newspaper Front Pages for 18 June 2013 News headlines

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18/06/2013LYN'S DAILY LINKS updated: [b]Welcome back Lyn. We've missed you. What a bonanza you've given us today - 24 items! Thank you.[/b]


18/06/2013Hi ad a very good article indeed, well done. One other point however. In typical sexist style and right on queue, when a person is a victim of abuse, the perpetrator always finds a way to blame the victim, in order to absolve themselves and feel a sense of justification for their actions. What we have seen is the MSM, the coalition including Julie Bishop all join in and find a way to turn this all around and blame Julia. Mass absolution, just like they now do in church. You no longer have to go to confession, just attend a single reconciliation mass and all is forgiven. And now to boot they have the polls out yesterday to verify their absolution. Its all the 'insert relevant insult here' own fault.


18/06/2013Surely the most recent Morgan and Essential polls on voters' voting intentions for a Federal election clearly show that Fairfax's Neilsen Poll was a bogus stitch-up. Neilsen, 14 points between Labor and LNP on two party preferred. Essential 8. Morgan 6. Somebody's lying about what voters are saying. Who do you think it might be?

42 long

18/06/2013The polls can't be trusted. You have to look at who owns some of them. They are a useful indicator of "something" that could be interpreted correctly by "someone". At present it is being manipulated to destabilise Labor and make it look "chaotic". The HOO HA is planned and orchestrated for a purpose and on cue the participants sing their chant and the sheep in the paddocks that the MSM feed go Baa Baa, which is sheeptalk for more more. The abc are up to their eyeballs ( the only ones they have) in this conspiracy to destabilise. IF you haven't signed the Piers Ackerman petition please do so. He's backpedalling at supersonic speed. WEAK .


18/06/2013Welcome back, Lyn! Forgive me, I have to repeat myself. I'm sure you were pleased to get back here to find that [b]Julia Gillard Is Still Standing![/b] One paper told the truth today No matter what the others have to say. You know, about the PM being dead, Politically I mean. How often has that been said! But here she is alive and well, And with plenty of good news to tell. Her picture says it all dear reader. We couldn’t have a better leader. While leakers and gossip writers go to town, Character assassins bring her down, And Abbott does his stunts and struts, She keeps smiling. Yes! [b]Gillard has guts![/b]


18/06/2013Hi again Ad I'm getting emails - How do I unsubscribe?

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18/06/2013Lucy Thank you for your kind words. Your comments about absolution are germane, especially with the constitution of the Coalition's front bench. To stop emails coming to you, uncheck the box next to [i]Notify me when new comments are added[/i] just below the comments box.

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18/06/2013Michael Good question – I think we know the answer. 42 long Do you have a link to Akerman’s backpedalling? He was still pursuing his line about the PM’s partner the next day in [i]The Daily Telegraph[/i]. The man is incorrigible; it would be pleasing to see him backpedal, as that would be rare. Patriciawa What a lovely pome you have penned. Your message is spot on.

42 long

18/06/2013Good to see you around LiR. Hope things are going well in WB> I think things are turning. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. How is Perret getting on with the AFP ( Brandis's Army) request?


18/06/2013Michael The BIG lie with these bloody polls is that they have anything to do with reality. Their true predictive power is as valid as anyone else's, because in the end it's a simple Labor/LNP* split, and [i]no-one [/i]knows that. But they spend billions on their noinsense, and they do critically change outcomes. Funny though, I'm predicting an effect that I haven't seen considered. The MSM eating its own protégés. Let's suppose for a moment there was no polls ... Just muse around the edges of the resulting situation, h'mmm, Stand back from the perspective of Ailartsua, a never-polled parallel society and look what effect they have had on Australian people. They have been used as tools of fear, of conflict, of grist for spin and speculation. And the worst of it is, they have only been able to achieve this by the fact that this is a hung Parliament. And with total complicity of the MSM. There's hardly a single strong reliable committed defending voice for Labor Government, I would have said Latham until the other day he bagged ALP for changing AS rules when plainly it has been in a strait-jacket re the hyped issue ever since before it came to power. Just as well there's Ad astra. And Bushfire Bill. And a few more of the Fighting 5th who between them have more nous and insight, more reason in what they say, than the whole giggling squabbling squawking Flailing 4th. The few who [i]see[/i] with their [i]Eye of Time[/i]. Let's get serious about the prospects. In the remaining ten days of this Parliament I don't know the Government's agenda and I can't even guess at any surprises. I have been hoping for powerful new initiatives on refugees, but I don't know if that's possible given the opposition. And we are all hoping for Victoria, at least, to Go Gonski. That remains uncertain, but I'll pray ... Oh no I bloody won't! :) I'll hope though. But then the War is ON. (Not the final Battle though, that's the actual campaign, the caretaker period, 2 months away.) But as soon as the Parliament is finished, Labor can turn all its focus on winning the election, with its formidable achievements and serious agenda behind it, and Abborrrtt's weakness on all serious matter before it - a cardboard façade which will not stand sustained attack. The funny thing is that this level of Media-hyped Media-Hype will feed into *J*U*L*I*A*s strategy - she's depending on it and so am I. The slavering Murdoch-pack will destroy its very owners simply by drawing attention to them, and she can exploit the weaknesses in their armour. There is a delicious irony here. Oh Morriscum now being given free hits re 457 visas on ABC1. (That sort of thing will help in the washout as people realise the Abborrrttian emptiness.) *J*U*L*I*A* is Mistress of the Unexpected. She doesn't get blocked by blockers, she finds a way. She will flatten Abborrrtt soon, and the world will gasp and applaud. All except for the Flailing Failing 4th and the dismayed pollsters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *They really don't actually have a name. LNP is Qld. Coalition doesn't name it. Liberals and Nationals, but no one name. [i]Abborrrrrttians[/i] I calls 'em.

42 long

18/06/2013The last I saw was the he was pretending he had not done anything AA. This was on top of the apology at the end of the insiders. I haven't seen the Terrorgraph as I don't buy papers( It only encourages them). How is the petition going? Do we have a link to this? I have said from the outset that his statements were worse than Sattlers, and he was quite coherent and persistent ( To Cassidy's annoyance) Ackerman must have realised he was on dangerous ground as the apology was similar to Murdochs HUMBLE moment that Murky must have told he HAD to say. Ackerman's had an urgency about it, at the time He might have regained his cockiness later. The man will never change his spots.

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18/06/2013Hi Lyn I hope your move went smoothly and that you are settled comfortably into your lovely new home. Your links this morning had a strong focus on the disrespect that Julia Gillard has had to suffer for so long. One can only hope that what has happened over the last week, and of course much longer than that, will awaken the electorate to what is going on. I enjoyed particularly [i]A Short Love Letter To Julia Gillard[/i]. Women will support her in her quest for a fairer go for all women. Some men will join them. But some grumpy middle-aged men, still pumped up with a sense of superiority, men who still cannot stomach the idea of a woman running the country, will fight a rearguard. Many of these are in the media – Piers Akerman, Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, Paul Kelly, Dennis Shanahan, Chris Kenny, and men of similar ilk in the Murdoch crew. And some women will go along with them: Janet Albrechtsen and Judith Sloan. Last night on Q&A Paul Kelly declared that Julia Gillard’s speech a week ago was a bad mistake, had alienated a heap of men, and had sunk the Labor vote. Of course he was basing that on the [i]Nielsen Poll[/i]. Had he looked at the [i]Morgan Poll[/i], or the [i]Essential Poll[/i] he might not have been so dogmatic. We can only hope that the electorate does wake up, realize what our PM and her Government has done to improve this country, see how she has been pilloried, and support her at the ballot box.

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18/06/2013Talk Turkey How right you are. Your must be reading my mind. Unless something dramatic crops up in the meantime, I'm planning my next piece will be about opinion polls as killing machines.

bob macalba

18/06/2013Morning Lyn, i hope all went well, welcome back now i can get back to my normal routine, cuppa tea lamington and your links..thankyou :-)


18/06/2013Good Morning Ad, Thankyou for my welcome back @ 8.17am and your comment @ 11.49am. There was a strong focus from our bloggers on disrespect for Julia Gillard, shows we on TPS are certainly not the only ones who are disgusted with the MSM . I am so pleased like me you enjoyed “A Short Love Letter To Julia Gillard”. The move was reasonably smooth, except for a squashed finger from the concrete bird bath, a bruised shoulder tripping up the step, a bruised knee, one hand peppered with cactus prickles from the previous owners cactus collection. I can understand why they left them behind. Nothing fits in the cupboards, and we have too much stuff. My office, desk and computer are perfect so really everything is fine. Thankyou Talk Turkey. Your encouragement is gold and you too Patricia. Thankyou to all for your good wishes. Bob Macalba ♥ ♥ Lamington Links sounds good. :):) I noticed Janie Gypsy has been doing a fabulous job hugs & ♥ ♥ Lucy thrilled to bits to see you here, best wishes to you.

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18/06/2013Hi Lyn I hope you soon recover from your moving 'wounds'. Having too much stuff is a problem we all know about.


18/06/2013Hi Michael, Re your question about the difference between the poll results, Independent Australia ( sorry haven't learnt how to do links here yet) has an excellent article on the latest polls. In a nut shell, the Morgan poll was done after the notorious Sattler interview and shows a 2.5% lift for the ALP on TPP. Of course, there was not even a mention of that today on MSM.


18/06/2013Is that you, Lyn?


18/06/2013AA Marius Benson on the Drum just said WTTE that they have to report on the polls becaus