The Political Sword is under new management

Two weeks ago TPS’s marvellous political blogger, Ad Astra, wrote Where to from here for The Political Sword?. The wise and compassionate and oh so politically astute Ad Astra advised it was time for him to retire. He also advised that the incredible Lyn, of Lyn’s Links on The Political Sword was retiring.

Oh no!

Was The Political Sword all over?!!

Well, it seems not.

Those of us who have loved, and found enormous solace and advice and companionship and a sense of family and support at TPS, thought ‘no!’ We need TPS. We need the Sword, even more than before the 2013 election. We need the Swordsters. We are not ready to let go!

So, a group, team, collective, board (finding a term to describe us is quite a challenge!) of some 10 Swordsters (regular readers and commenters) have formed the ‘TPS Team’ (with Ad and Lyn’s wonderful mentoring).

The brand new TPS Team is organising, behind the scenes, to continue TPS.

The Political Sword is moving from essentially a single-writer blog to one which can flourish as a forum for many writers.

Within a couple of days the team will post the first piece submitted as a conversation-starter from a writer.

We hope this is just the first of many offerings from many different voices.

Are you someone who believes that progressive political voices need to be heard?

Would you like to submit a piece, essentially from a progressive perspective, for consideration?

You are enthusiastically invited to do so!

But first, read through our brief guidelines for submitting an article. Then do be in touch with the TPS Team .

When Ad Astra wrote his final, and farewell piece, he thanked a great many people, including his loyal readers. There is one person remaining, however, who missed out on being thanked because … well, that’s Ad Astra, himself.

Ad, this is just for you.

And all your grateful readers are singing along.

Ad Astra, we applaud you. Thank you.

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Ad astra

28/09/2013TPS Team Thank you so much for your delightful tribute to Lyn and me. You have worked tirelessly to reorganize the management of [i]The Political Sword[/i] so that it can continue, although Lyn and I are stepping back. We are grateful that your efforts will allow [i]TPS[/i] to continue as a vibrant progressive voice, so necessary now that the conservatives have taken over. We will continue to look in on [i]TPS[/i] and I will contribute comments and the occasional piece. You have taken the pressure off our shoulders as the site’s mainstays; we can now enjoy the site as visitors. The final YouTube video is heart-warming and memorable. Thank you all so much for your good wishes.


28/09/2013For the new management team may I wish you good luck and say thankyou for wanting to keep the sword going. May I say a big thankyou to both Ad astra and Lyn for their efforts over the past few years I have been coming and enjoying this site enjoy your retirement.


28/09/2013The TPS Team of Ten... to take on Abbott's Den of Deceivers? The gumnint's goners!


28/09/2013I will continue to pop in here as usual. Will you be tweeting when a new topic comes up, if so, who do I follow?


28/09/2013Will be lurking and posting...good luck ! Well done AA. Lyn and the team!

Pappinbarra Fox

28/09/2013Congratulations to the TPS and its new team. TPS is worth keeping if just for Casablanca's cache of interesting links every day. The bonus is having an opinion piece to catalyse discussion, keeping us all thoughtful about key topics. That the Opinion pieces will be drafted by Swordsters is a new direction so I urge all Swordsters who have any writing talent to check out the guidelines for contributions and have a go. I understand that it is intended to have a small team of reviewers of submitted articles who will offer feedback to contributors to enhance the piece before the final draft is proofed and published. So if you have an idea rattling around in your mind put it down and do not be daunted as you will not be writing alone to produce a fine piece.


28/09/2013WOO HOO! The Sword sings! This is the THIRD time I've written this! First I posted it 7 minutes after the new thread but I got shunted by Ad astra who was worried because the video clip didn't come up for him (It [i]did[/i] for me!) But he got it working, but my post was GONE. and His was first instead. So I rewrit mine. And I SENT it. I don't know what happened to it then! Now I been shunted by that - [i]that[/i] - [i]JASON![/i] :) So I've rerewrit it, Third Time Lucky! Congratulations and Great Works everyone, Thanks to all the Team! H'mmm and that usurping Jason tells me per landline that Michael and Gravel that have gazzummped me in the meantime! You're a great bunch of people and I'm proud of us. Up there FREO! 11 points down atm. Now JAYCEE's flashed in too, glad to see you too.


28/09/2013[quote]May I say a big thankyou to both Ad astra and Lyn for their efforts over the past few years I have been coming and enjoying this site enjoy your retirement. Jason[/quote] ^^^What he said^^^. Couldn't put it any better myself so hopefully Jason won't mind me pinching his words.


28/09/2013Yes a big thank you to Ad astra and Lyn, and ditto 2353 Jason said it so very well her it is again: [i]May I say a big thankyou to both Ad astra and Lyn for their efforts over the past few years I have been coming and enjoying this site enjoy your retirement. Jason [/i] This site was the first one I dared to write a comment on and it made such a big difference to be welcomed and thanked for my views by Ad astra. I welcomed the fact that you allowed lot's of different voices with differing views, it takes a very special person to be so inclusive. Ad astra you have always been up front with everyone and there was no doubting which side of the political fence you came from, but you have allowed all voices to be heard, even those that goaded you and tried to press your buttons. I imagine you must be a very well rounded and tolerant person. So thank you once again, and may TPS live on through the others who have so generously donated their time and expertise.

Catching up

28/09/2013Welcome to all. We have to work hard, to keep up to the standard that Ad Astra has set. Each day brings a new terror. We now have on day 11, Abbott once again into the run rabbit run mode. It has been played all day on ABC 24. It does not give one confidence, that there are any adults in that bunker. None have put their head up yet, adults, I mean. Ad astra, enjoy your break. From what I have seen of the team, yo have handed it over to good hands.


28/09/2013Congratulations to Ad Astra for building such a community that when you step back, there are those amongst us who step into your shoes. Mind you, I note that they must be huge shoes for you (and LynLinking) to be replaced by [b]ten[/b] brave souls! Thank you. And to our TeamX (, thank you for stepping up and keeping this Political Sword sharp in defence of both posters, commentators and civil discussion Thank you to you too.


28/09/2013"[quote]I will continue to pop in here as usual. Will you be tweeting when a new topic comes up, if so, who do I follow? [/quote]" Yes Gravel - the twitter account is still being setup. Will post details when it's ready to go :)


28/09/2013As one who doesn't contribute very often but someone who comes to enjoy this blog site whenever time permits, I too add my gratitude and thanks to both Ad & Lyn. When all that was offered by the MSN was doom and gloom TPS was a strong beacon of light. I am delighted that there is a group who have taken over the running of TPS - thanks you all & good luck.


28/09/2013I want to thank both Ad Astra & Lyn for the sword as it has been over the last few months. I think Casablanca's cache is the new generation of Lyn's links, so much to read. I take heart in the fact it all gets better from here, the new genesis of the left. To which I add to today's events. Oh Dog what the F@@k are the papers & the media going to report now. Football is over for the year, Abbott government has vanished before our very eyes. How long will it be before examples of Abbott, like today's running from comment starts the cannibalisation of the liberal party. Media due to vacuum start looking into the recent past for stories? Abbott's expenses, Ashbygate, we all know the list. We will all see some funny things happen soon, we know Abbott can't think on his feet, he is anther ego gone mad like Rudd mouth over substance. It is just a matter of time before he has to talk. Just like with George Bush Jr we will soon hear the unmistakeable collective sound of thousands of palms hitting foreheads Australia wide. It will sound glorious & it is coming, so sit back & watch it unfold. Knowing we didn't vote for him. Has anyone else noticed the trolls have vanished too?


28/09/2013Ad astra, Thank you so very much for all your work here on this site. Even though I don't post, you have welcomed me & considered my comments thoughtfully. Like Lucy, this is the first place I ever posted a comment, and it has given me the courage to post elsewhere. To you and the wonderful Lyn, enjoy your retirement! May the heavens shine on you & yours! To the new TPS Team - Thank you to all of you who have put their hands up to keep this wonderful community going. I'm glad this site is staying. We need to keep a check on this pack of !@#$s. They really scare me! Finally, I'm checking out the guidelines for submitting an article as we speak... you never know :-)


28/09/2013Sorry, should have been: [i] Even though I don't post[/i] OFTEN.


28/09/2013Ad astra often speaks of the TPS *family*. I suggest that it has never felt more so than right now. Michael, Gravel, Lucy, Libbyx33, Doodle Poodle, KHTAGH, Jason, Curi-Oz, all already on this new thread, all cheering us on, THAT FEELS SO GOOD! A little bird tells me that Ad is delighted, and Ad tells me that a little bird is delighted. We all are.


28/09/2013Less than two weeks ago The Political Sword's future was in doubt. Less than a week ago no organisation had been worked out. Now thanks to all *US* wonderful people, and especially the efforts of a few [i]especially[/i] wonderful people, the Sword has never (at least since I've known it, 3 years) looked more vigorous. Not easy, given we are all separated by real distance, but the knowledge of those savvy few is pulling us together into a real team. Of which I am the least savvy member btw. I must confess a personal interest here. Simply, without TPS I'd feel bereft. Who would I write to? This is the blogsite I want to write on. This is the only place I have any power to try to influence others' thinking, and I gain vastly from the links and the points of view of others here. Dog you can see we are going to need all the comradeship we can get over the next Parliament. Abborrrrtt and Morriscum I am calling murderers. The #uck absolutely stops with them, not their underlings.

Catching up

28/09/2013Day 11


28/09/2013Well, this is quite a development! TPS embarks on a new era. Thanks Ad and Lyn for everything. Good to know you won't be strangers as the Sword moves forward. Thanks to those who've stepped up to carry the banner from here.


28/09/2013Should never admit that now my local council elections are over, I am no longer curious about politics ...


28/09/2013I am delighted too, Talk Turkey, as I am sure many others are, knowing that the Political Sword will be carrying on, guided now by this great team which has evolved out of Ad Astra's writing and Lyn's wonderful resource base. It will be great being still able to read comment from old friends like yourself, Gravel, Jason and Janice.......and others too many to mention by by name and as well get to know new names of like minded people drawn here by a shared determination to keep this particular batch of pollies in Canberra on their toes.


29/09/2013 [b]Another Abbott election promise broken - "Sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission"[/b] Tony Abbott says he doesn't need to see the east-west link's full business case Jessica Wright. Prime Minister Tony Abbott will hand over $1.5 billion in federal funding for the [Melbourne] east-west link without seeing the full business case for the controversial massive infrastructure project, despite an election promise that any investment of more than $100 million would require a published cost benefit analysis. Four days before the federal election, during an address at the National Press Club, Mr Abbott said no infrastructure projects worth more than $100 million would be funded without a "published cost-benefit analysis". "We want to see a rolling 15-year list of our national infrastructure priorities created by Infrastructure Australia; obviously to do that Infrastructure Australia will be working very closely with the state governments and the state infrastructure bodies where they exist and all of the projects on the rolling list that we wish to create should be backed by a published cost benefit analysis," he said. "I have given a commitment that we won't spend more than $100 million on any single infrastructure projects without a published cost benefit analysis." Mr Abbott – who he wants to be known as an "infrastructure prime minister" – also pledged during the campaign to deliver an annual statement to parliament on the progress of major projects.


29/09/2013 Ministers* claimed costs for wedding trip September 29, 2013. James Robertson Read more: * The 'Ministers' were Shadow Ministers at the time of attending the wedding. They are now the Minister for Agriculture and the Attorney-General.


29/09/2013Congratulations and best wishes to the TPS Team. What a wonderful bunch of people inhabit this site! I look forward to enjoyable, pleasant, informative visits. A big thank you to Ad astra and Lyn for their 5 years of dedication and the hard work it has taken to keep TPS a place we could all call home.


29/09/2013I have missed you all but now welcome back and I also congratulate Lyn and Ad Astra for their work. My comment is now we have the faceless men controlling Abbott and company namely Pell and Murdoch. This will be a frighting ride for all of us as they try and undo all the great work that Julia Gillard and company did under extreme pressure.


29/09/2013Janice, Cuppa, Patricia, New friends are Silver The old are Gold So good to see us all together and so determined!


29/09/2013Does anyone in public life display a more 'holier than thou' face than George Brandis? The SMH story Casablanca's link above leads to should make you gag. ......... Saw footage of 'Made It!' Abbott running away from reporters into his official car on ABC News this morning. Stonyfaced, it was a legs moving variation on the Mark Riley 'shit happens' event. Abbott characterised his behaviour then as "dignified silence". Running away as a definition of "responsibility" exists in no dictionary I know of. Perhaps it's a strategy recommended in the 'Vatican Handbook for Catholic Priests'? Pell has undoubtedly lent 'Made It!' a dog-eared copy. Or maybe one that's never been opened, since 'responsibility' seems the new starting gun for Abbott to disappear.


29/09/2013Someone with the skills should make a Youtube video of Abbott doing the disappearing act. So far we have running out of the House of Reps, dumbstruck with Mark Riley, footage from his interviews with Leigh Sales and Lisa Wilkinson - and they are just off the top of my head. My only suggestion to the person with the ability to do it is make sure you do it in a format that can be added to. You'll be doing it frequently. Hopefully you'll be paid for your efforts at the next election when the ALP gives you squillions for the compilation and runs it as a long election advertisement.


29/09/2013KHTAGH I'm sure you're across this but for the rest of us to know ... [i]Margaret E. Atwood ‏@MargaretAtwood 6h Scientists have zeroed in on what's killing off the bees -- and it's in homes across the US. via @Sum_of_Us[/I] Your bees are precious and might soon be beyond price. We must get neonicotinoids BANNED - and FAST.


29/09/2013* The 'Ministers' were Shadow Ministers at the time..." With their lack of public utterances and appearences, I'd say they are STILL "shadow" ministers!

Janet (j4gypsy)

29/09/2013Libbyx33: re [i]Finally, I'm checking out the guidelines for submitting an article as we speak... you never know :-)[/i] Excellent! Don't keep us in suspense too long :-). jaycee: I seem to remember a mildly rash statement about writing a piece in the last month or so? Might be wrong :-) Michael: the guidelines for submitting an article are really very easy to read. (No pressure :-).) Lovely to see so many back here again.

Catching up

29/09/2013It is OK for us, the taxpayer to pay the three thousand for Brandis and Joyce to attend the wedding of Peter Smith on the Central Coast. Yes, Brandis made a political speech, thanking the man for all the work he has done, pursuing MS. Gillard for her past activities and the AWU. Yes, that is the justification made by this our new government on day 12. Yes, and all the girls on the dance floor, lined up to dance with Brandis. As the Insiders said, under the Howard government, both would be gone. Attending the wedding, for the reasons given, is beyond the pale. Expecting the taxpayer to pay, there is no Be interesting if Shorten is asked for his opinion. I expect not, as Cassidy ids doing his best ti dig up dirt. The new government is under strong condemnation for their handling of the latest boats incident.

Catching up

29/09/2013Shorten, not usual for politicians to claim expenses for attending weddings to build up networking with journalists. Shorten, tongue in cheek,said there should be a police investigation. By the way, the speech was about freedom of the press.

Catching up

29/09/2013Cassidy trying to create the impression, that Abbott needs to stand up to the Indonesians.


29/09/2013The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (film) - Wikiquote ... [b]Renewed shall be blade that was broken.[/b] ..... Ad astra: [takes Abborrtt by the throat] [b]It [i]has[/i] been remade.[/b] [Only the names are changed. But this blade was never broken anyway.]

Catching up

29/09/2013Sorry, I should have said Michael Smith, not Peter.


29/09/2013ABC. reports boat sunk 50mt. off Indo' shore...Bullshit!...look at the pic of the officials and with (I presume) the'd have to walk half a bloody mile on that beach before you'd be over your depth!...Another "children overboard"?

Catching up

29/09/2013It is not about the boat sinking. Maybe that could not have been avoided. It is about how adult this government is in dealing with the problem. Adults do not run. They let the voter in, what is happening. Abbott has made a sword for his own back, and should be condemned.

Catching up

29/09/2013<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="651px" height="424px" frameborder="0"></iframe>


29/09/2013Catching up And one sword for Abbott's back will be TPS. Like others, I honour Ad and Lyn for what they have achieved with TPS over the years. You can now enjoy a little more time relaxing although I know Ad has a few plans already to fill his time. To both Ad and Lyn, thank you and enjoy your new free time. Also, like others, it was the first site on which I posted a comment. The wisdom of Ad's articles, the wit of Talk Turkey, the integrity of Jason, and too many others to list, gave the site a wide variety of views (but always progressive) and a "family" atmosphere. Long may it continue that way. We may need an article on "The Big Silence", the new government's way of running things. Any takers??

Catching up

29/09/2013Interesting interview now on ABC 24. Talking about Gillard


29/09/2013I think Abbott is trying to replicate Howard's promise to put sport, rather than politics, back on the front pages. He is trying to achieve it by saying little and releasing little information. But, as is so often the case with Abbott, he is ignoring that the world has changed. There is now a continuous 24 hour news cycle which means journalists are looking for [u]anything[/u] to fill the space. And he need look no further than himself for this. While Opposition Leader he fed that news cycle continuously but now he is peeved that the journalists seek to continue that approach!!!

Catching up

29/09/2013Was a repeat of Life Matters, with Jacqueline Kent.

Ad astra

29/09/2013Folks Many thanks to you Jason, Michael, Gravel, jaycee, Pappinbarra Fox, Talk Turkey, 2353, Lucy, Catching up, Curi-Oz, Bacchus, DoodlePoodle, KHTAGH, Libbyx33, cuppa, Patriciawa, Casablanca, janice, Mal, Janet (j4gypsy) and Ken for your kind and generous comments about Lyn and me. It is heart-warming to read several of you say that you felt welcome, and that the atmosphere here gave you the inclination to write comments, some of you for the first time. This is just the sort of family feeling we set out to create. The [i]TPS Team[/i] will continue this family tone in the period ahead. We hope some of you will now try your hand at writing an original piece. It does not need to be long. Check [i]Submitting an article[/i] in the left panel for details. The [i]TPS Team[/i] is doing a sterling job setting up the new management structure so that you can continue to enjoy, benefit from, and contribute to this site for progressive Swordsters. We owe it our deep gratitude.


29/09/2013Just watched part of the video of Mr Abbott not answering questions (couldn't watch the whole, got too embarrassed and annoyed). That was just a five minute paste-up over three years, and I'm sure I can remember lots more. I wonder just how many people who voted for him are starting to regret it? It's also tempting me to 'copycat' these guys I'm sure my local Federal member's office would be improved by such a public service announcement?!


29/09/2013Brandis and Joyce travel/wedding rorts. Chickens coming home to roost? Or just a passing irritant? Expect to see both men in the same official position they held last Friday still there next Friday. Because Abbott is the walking constantly refreshed shibboleth of hypocrisy, always has been, always will be. After all, if he comes down hard on the wedding rorters, what to do about the book promotion tour rorter?


29/09/2013First we get Credlin being handled with kid-gloves, now we got a couple of bigger fish to fry...I trust they too will not be let off with a warning...or else this is starting to look like ; "Justice must not only NOT seen to be done, but NEVER seen to be done".

Catching up

29/09/2013I still have to pinch myself, that it is a Sunday and day 12 of this new government. Day 13 promises to be even more amazing. Yes, the duo off to Indonesia. Morrison's stage managed media show. I suspect, we will see more of Brandis and Joyce. Then we have something that could be of real interested, Gillard on in the afternoon. It is hard work, keeping up with the shenanigans, of this new government, that in spite of staying in the bunker, are sending out waves of tsunami strength. One wonders what would happen, it any were left off the leash. That such discipline was not maintained. I am lost counts. of the issues of concern, that have raised their ugly head, since September 7 I would like to acknowledge and thank all that are continuing to comment, on this site, under new management.

Ad astra

29/09/2013Folks We are now getting on the road to Melbourne. Back this evening.

Catching up

29/09/2013"According to the federal Department of Finance and Deregulation's entitlements handbook, expenses for official business such as "meetings of a government advisory committee or taskforce" or "functions representing a minister of presiding officer" are allowed for. Meetings with journalists and other members of the media are not sanctioned under the handbook's guidelines." One would hope not.

Catching up

29/09/2013What strikes me more, of a concern, a barrister cannot interpreted the rules.


29/09/2013Catching up -(who has [i]overtaken[/i] most of us! :) )- said [i]Yes, and all the girls on the dance floor, lined up to dance with Brandis[/i] Reminds me of Dorothy Parker's hyperhilarious quip: [i]If all the girls at Vassar were laid end to end, I wouldn't be at all surprised.[/i]


29/09/2013Ken @ 12:24 PM I am duty bound to offer a correction (in that family friendly spirit we cherish) You article suggestion would be accurate if it read: [b]"The Big Silence"[/b], [i]the new government's way of running [u]away from[/u] things.[/i]


29/09/2013DMW Love it!!!


29/09/2013Did you receive my email TT?


29/09/2013Talk Turkey, great to see that The Sword is not broken but has been forged anew by a fantastic fellowship. Here is a quote that may inspire. "But it is not this day" from The Return of the King. Aragorn addressing the assembled warriors in front of the Black Gate of Mordor: "... I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship. An hour of wolves, and shattered shields, when the Age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day, we fight!" - Aragorn


29/09/2013 [b]Marr's essay, like earlier essays on Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd, is essential reading for....a political animal.[/b] The Prince: George Pell by: David Marr When young Father George Pell moved his things into the presbytery in Ballarat in 1973, that corner of Ballarat was one of the most dangerous places in Australia for children. Already living in the presbytery was Father Gerald Ridsdale, chaplain at the little primary school standing on the other side of the church. He was raping the children. Read more: [i]Another good read:[/i] Santamaria's warriors Pell, Abbott on a real mission Jack Waterford Read more: [i]See also:[/i] Marring the Cardinal's image Andrew Hamilton |


29/09/2013Gordonwa @ 4.51pm A great and relevant quote. Indeed, this day we fight, and the next and the next, until the dark cloud of Abbott is wiped from the landscape.

Michael Taylor

29/09/2013Congratulations on the new Sword and best of luck for the future.


30/09/2013TT & KHTAGH Neonicotinoids and honey bee health in Australia ps I think that this Government agency escaped the Abbott axe last week.


30/09/2013 [u][b]CASABLANCA'S CACHE[/b][/u] for Monday, 30 September 2013 [u][b]ETHICS[/b][/u] [b] 1. Twitter: #troughsnouting[/b] julianburnside ‏@JulianBurnside 7h Brandis, Joyce attended wedding on taxpayers' tab out #troughsnouting Bad look for first Law Officer [b] 2. Labor's Mark Dreyfus says George Brandis unfit to draft ministerial code of conduct[/b] Labor has seized on claims that Attorney-General George Brandis used taxpayer funds to attend a wedding two years ago, saying the incident shows the Senator is "not fit" to draft a new code of conduct for ministers. [b] 3. Ministers claimed costs for wedding trip[/b] James Robertson According to travel expenses lodged with the Department of Finance, the Brandis & Joyce collectively billed taxpayers nearly $3000 for flights, hire cars and incidental expenses incurred on the trip (to attend the wedding of shockjock Michael Smith). [b] 4. George Brandis and Barnaby Joyce deny wrongdoing over travel expenses claims[/b] Coalition frontbenchers George Brandis and Barnaby Joyce have denied any wrongdoing after reports they used taxpayer funds to attend a wedding in 2011. [b] 5. Unsung hero[/b] Heather Brooke The only reason we know anything about all those claims for light bulbs and moat cleaning is that campaigning journalist Heather Brooke has spent the last five years fighting tooth and nail for MPs to come clean about their expenses ... [b] 6. A question of ethics: journalists and climate change [/b] Tim Dean (Hypothetical) Breaking news: scientists have discovered a comet that will collide with Earth in 30 years. Its impact will be devastating, killing millions, flooding coastal cities and disrupting civilisation as we know it. [b] 7. Sidebar of blame: why we are addicted to Daily Mail Online [/b] John Jewell The first annual “Don’t Read the Daily Mail” day was held recently, organised by @DMReporter, a twitter feed that critiques the paper every day. The organisers announced the day of action because, even though they were committed to exposing the “hypocrisies and bigotries” of the paper, all the tweeting was really doing was ensuring that the Daily Mail website got more hits and therefore more advertising revenue. [u][b]POLITICS[/b][/u] [b] 8. Tony Abbott heads to Jakarta for talks with Indonesian president in first international trip since election[/b] Samantha Hawley Border protection policy and asylum seeker deaths at sea will dominate Tony Abbott's first overseas visit as Prime Minister. Indonesia is the greatest recipient of Australian aid and that subject is expected to also be discussed between the two leaders.The Coalition Government has announced it will slash the aid budget by $4.5 billion, but the ABC understands Indonesia will be no worse off. [b] 9. Abbott's great mistake will haunt 2016 [/b] Rob Burgess Abbott has wasted his first big political opportunity by choosing to reward angry party faithfuls, rather than work on maintaining political ground he was lucky to win at the general election. To be specific, the “anything but that lunatic Rudd” vote does not belong to Abbott, but a large part of it could have been his right through to 2016 had he approached these first days in power more adroitly. [b] 10. Tony Abbott says he doesn't need to see the east-west link's full business case[/b] Jessica Wright Prime Minister Tony Abbott will hand over $1.5 billion in federal funding for the east-west link without seeing the full business case for the controversial massive infrastructure project, despite an election promise that any investment of more than $100 million would require a published cost benefit analysis. [b] 11. PM had an axe after all[/b] Mark Kenny Despite promises of calm, the second week of Abbott's government was marked by a passion for dismantling and secrecy. Just 10 days after being sworn in, the list of agencies, programs and personnel being cut is mounting. Taken together, they paint a picture of a government whose agenda risks being defined more clearly by dismantling than building - by what it is against rather than what it is for. Week two of the Abbott government was notable for two things - the continuing process of de-Laborising the government in form and personnel and its clear preference to keep those efforts secret. [b] 12. Tony and company in trouble already[/b] Alex Schlotzer The new Tony Abbott-led government seems to be experiencing some rough turbulence despite the promises of being a steady, trustworthy government. Within days of coming to office the conservative government set about to ignore, and in some cases break, their promises. [b] 13. Government – what a difference an election makes [/b] rossleighbrisbane A then & now senario. [u][b]ASYLUM SEEKERS[/b][/u] [b] 14. Indonesia military implicated in deaths of asylum seekers as Scott Morrison rejects survivors' claims[/b] George Roberts Members of the Indonesian military have been implicated in a fatal people-smuggling operation that may have killed up to 30 children. [b] 15. Asylum seeker boat sank 50 metres off Indonesian shore, survivors say[/b] George Roberts. Survivors from an asylum seeker boat that sank off Indonesia say the boat returned to land after it hit trouble in rough seas and sank only 50 metres from the shore. About 50 people are either missing or dead, 30 of them understood to be children, after the boat sank off Agrabinta, a remote area of the coast off the Cianjur region of west Java, after it got into trouble on Thursday. [b] 16. Will the real Scott Morrison please stand up?[/b] Michael Taylor After Howard’s demonisation of asylum seekers it was a breath of fresh air to hear someone new in the party speak of his love for all people and their right to share our country. One could have easily been lulled into believing this man could one day become the Minister for Immigration and through his beliefs restore Australia’s long-gone goodwill of fellow beings. [u][b]CLIMATE CHANGE[/b][/u] [b] 17. IPCC: where to for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean? [/b] Tony Press Even though the past two decades of research have revealed great changes to the deep ocean in the Antarctic, there is much that we do not know, especially about what is happening under the ice. And one of the greatest unknown in estimates of future sea level rise is the dynamic response of the Antarctic ice sheet, especially that part which is grounded below sea level. [u][b] LABOR LEADERSHIP[/b][/u] [b] 18. Twitter: Stephen Koukoulas ‏@TheKouk 15h [/b] Election betting: Labor $3.40; Coalition $1.30. (29 September, 2013) [b] 19. Heeding the lessons of history: how can Labor recover? [/b] Geoffrey Robinson How can Labor regroup after the trauma of its defeat at the federal election? The best example the past offers is how the party rebuilt after the tumultuous prime ministership of Gough Whitlam in the mid-1970s. ekend+Conversation+CID_de94852036728c0df7e9fba3512d6fb7&utm_source=campaign_monitor&utm_term=Heeding%20the%20lessons%20of%20history%20how%20can%20Labor%20recover [b] 20. THE RUDD EXPERIMENT[/b] John Birmingham 'In the long and storied history of the Australian Labor Party, a people’s history in which villains of the darkest hue are invariably recorded as “Labor rats”, few, if any, have ratfucked the party like Kevin Michael Rudd'. [b] 21. Bill Shorten says Labor Party must grow membership and promote diversity[/b] Federal Labor leadership contender Bill Shorten says the ALP needs to work on attracting a larger, more diverse membership and open up the party preselection process. [b] 22. Shorten admirable but Albo FTW. [/b] Peter Wicks. As most of us know, deep down, the Right faction of the Labor Party has done it few favours lately. Think Eddie Obeid, think Joe Tripodi, think the whole sordid saga of the knifing of Kevin Rudd and then Julia Gillard, think ICAC in NSW, and think the culture of the “Faceless Men”. Maybe it’s past time we passed the torch over to the Left hand side… [b] 23. Labor needs some swagger. Shorten's the man for the job[/b] John McTernan The shape of the choice is starting to become clearer, and there are three areas on which the battle will turn. [b] 24. Virtue and vexation: the policy vacuum in the 2013 election [/b] Barry Jones I have been around for a long time and involved in some terrible campaigns, but the policy vacuum in 2013 was the worst I can recall. There was no serious debate on issues, whether simple or complex, and an obsessive emphasis on personalities, stunts and trivia. [u][b] INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS[/b][/u] [b] 25. Digging out the truth: why the case for increasing wages is flawed [/b] Dean Parham New research shows workers are taking home a smaller portion of income in the economy now than at the beginning of the last decade. Some would like to see increased wages to restore that share – despite this putting even more pressure on struggling sectors like manufacturing. [u][b]ABBOTT'S HEROES & MENTORS[/b][/u] [b] 26. Santamaria's warriors Pell, Abbott on a real mission[/b] Jack Waterford Santamaria, an older Pell recalled, ''set out to identify the mighty forces under the swirl of events. He often appealed to history. We felt we too belonged to the forces of good fighting the new faces of evil, as saints and heroes had done for thousands of years''. [b] 27. Marring the Cardinal's image[/b] Andrew Hamilton The story Marr tells is of a man who was always committed to defend the Church and faith against its enemies, and whose main care was always to promote the church and its interests. ...According to Marr, in dealing with sexual abuse his concern was to limit the exposure of the Church, and he displayed little empathy with victims. [u][b]VIDEOS[/b][/u] [b] 28. Gillard's achievements [/b] [b] 29. Tony Abbott ignoring, walking or hiding away from questions.[/b] 5m41s [b] 30. TEN EYEWITNESS NEWS | PM runs from media [/b] [u][b]ECONOMICS[/b][/u] [b] 31. Can Labor be blamed for rising unemployment?[/b] Matt Cowgill Peter Reith and his fellow advocates are quick to blame labour laws for a rise of unemployment in Australia. Too bad their argument doesn't hold up. The argument might not hold up, but you have to admire the brazen, bald-faced way Reith and others pivot from claim to claim, discarding past scares with barely a look over the shoulder. [b] 32. Ways to bridge the gaps on infrastructure[/b] Ross Gittins ... building new infrastructure can be very expensive. In principle, it can be paid for by increasing taxes, by cutting spending elsewhere or just by allowing the budget deficit to get bigger and borrowing to cover it. Trouble is, from where Abbott sits, none of those possibilities looks attractive. [b] 33. Saving the salary packaging industry[/b] John Quiggin (Note scroll down to 'September 19th, 2013' for this item.) Going into the election Abbott promised to reverse the Rudd government’s tightening of FBT rules for motor vehicles, at a cost of $1.2 billion over the forward estimates period of 4 years. This was to be funded in part by scrapping $500 million of assistance to the domestic car industry....But, even if we don’t make cars any more, we will, at least, have a salary packaging industry that is the envy of the world. [u][b]FROM LYNLINKING ARCHIVES[/b][/u] [b] 34. Tony Abbott has sunk to a new low[/b] John Birmingham February 15, 2011 It's funny the things we think of as racist, or bigoted, or whatever. Eddie McGuire makes some ill considered, dumbarse crack about "falafel land" in western Sydney and we're all over him like Hitler's doppelgänger. Tony Abbott carefully crafts his spending cuts to "pay for" the repair bill arising from Queensland's recent floods, by punishing little brown men, and we're like, "meh". This is in spite of the fact that Abbott's carefully constructed policy bid was framed to appeal to the worst of our nature by taking money from the foreign aid budget, and specifically from funding support for "Islamist" schools in Indonesia. [u] [b]PETITIONS[/b] [/u] [b] 35. Sign the petition now to tell the Australian government not to criminalise consumer boycotts. [/b] Under the proposed law, it would be illegal to call on another individual or company to boycott a product because it was unsafe or destroying the environment. [b] 36. Roundup of petitions to Abbott government [/b] James Wight Australia’s new Liberal/National Coalition government, led by Tony Abbott, is claiming a mandate for its promises to tear down the Australian climate policy regime. If you don’t support this program of demolition, then tell him about it! Consider signing the following petitions: [b] • Tell Australia not to scrap carbon tax.[/b] [b] • Tony Abbott and the Coalition: Reconsider your plan to dismantle the $10 billion Clean Energy Fund.[/b] [b] • Federal Environment Minister: Help save the Great Barrier Reef.[/b] Let’s show Tony Abbott the Australian people do want action on climate change. [b] 37. Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Mal[/b] Sortius With the recent petition taking off like an RS-25 core stage rocket engine, Malcolm Turnbull has been forced to respond to the [b] 263,021 (and growing as at 29 Sept)[/b] signature petition. The response has been dismissive & downright hypocritical. Up until recently, Malcolm Turnbull was all for petitions, posting links even to a petition for the Sydney Harbour Heliport (which didn’t even crack 2500 signatures). [b] 38. The Liberal Party of Australia: Reconsider your plan for a 'FTTN' NBN in favour of a superior 'FTTH' NBN [/b] Nick Paine Petition Organiser [b] 39. Why not add a little more pressure and voice your opinions directly to Malcolm's Facebook page, Twitter feed, and the comments section below?[/b] [b][u]TODAY’S MAIN NEWS[/u][/b] [b] • ROULE REPORT — Issues of Today[/b] [b] • REAL-TIME NEWS[/b] Margo Kingston The Tweeted Times aggregates news in your Twitter stream and ranks them by popularity among your friends. Never miss any important news! The Tweeted Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account. The Tweeted Times rebuilds your newspaper hourly, and is always up-to-date!/margokingston1 [b] • ASHBYGATE[/b]!/search/AshbyGate/en [b] • AN EYE ON ABC NEWS: .[/b] Keeping the bastards who keep the bastards honest, honest [b] • AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER FRONT PAGES[/b] [b] • NEWS HEADLINES[/b]


30/09/2013Perth Swordsters: Albanese & Shorten will host a BBQ today 9-10.30am at Hyde Park


30/09/2013 [b]Psychologist says Tony Abbott's media strategy will benefit the government and his brand [/b](Video 6mins 49secs) Behavioural psychologist and Gruen Transfer panellist Adam Ferrier tells Nick Grimm on Weekend Breakfast that Tony Abbott's tight-lipped approach to the media will benefit his Government.


30/09/2013Hashtag troughsnouting rambeaux ‏@rambeaux I went to my boss' wedding. Can I claim work related expenses on my tax return? #troughsnouting @twitACTION @JulianBurnside Brandis tripped the light fantastic @ wedding party: shows fancy footwork in firing off reimbursement cheque to Dept Finance julianburnside ‏@JulianBurnside “@stevethompson49: Since when does the taxpayer fund Liberal Party members “networking” with shock jocks? #AusPol” #troughsnouting julianburnside ‏@JulianBurnside Brandis, Joyce attended wedding on taxpayers' tab out #troughsnouting Bad look for first Law Officer Corey ‏@BlazeofCorey "We are the party of fiscal responsibility" said George Brandis while spending taxpayers money at a friends wedding #troughsnouting

Janet (j4gypsy)

30/09/2013Thank you Migs for the congratulations. From the TPS Team :-)


30/09/2013 Sophie's PM portrait gets pride of place Lisa Cox It was the photo that captured the connection between a 12-year-old girl with Down syndrome and a prime minister. Now, the image that moved former prime minister Julia Gillard to tears is on display for all Australians to see. Read more:


30/09/2013 [b]Boats, what boats?[/b] Lyn Calcutt Our current, popular understanding of sovereignty in relation to asylum seekers was largely dreamt up by John Howard...The Abbott Government’s current diplomatic difficulties with Indonesia are the result of this confection and its rabbit-out-of-a-hat embrace of sovereignty, with a failure to appreciate the hard earned and culturally embedded meaning of sovereignty for Indonesia. All for the sake of pure politics.


30/09/2013Good Morning All Just to say Good Morning All Message ends!


30/09/2013Casablanca What are you doing up at 5.00am posting your fabulous links? Hope you managed to get some sleep afterwards! We do greatly appreciate the links but I, for one, would be quite happy to see them posted a little later so that you can have some sleep.


30/09/2013Tony Abbott denied visa to enter Indonesia upon landing in Jakarta. Plane refused permission to take off for return to Australia. Indonesian government tells Tony Abbott to take a boat 'home'. Buy one if he likes. Well, I can dream, can't I?


30/09/2013This story by Andrew Bolt is arrant BS. This one about Barnaby Joyce and Michael Smith's wedding has Peta Credlin all over it. The wedding was two years ago. That's a lot of time since, let alone before, for a manner of behaviour to have occurred many other times. May the whistles blow!

Ad astra

30/09/2013Casablanca Thanks for yet another set of fascinating links in Casablanca's Cache; It hasn't taken long for the Coalition's lies and broken promises to show up, just as we knew would be the case.


1/10/2013Creepy Abbott delivers pious rhetoric in Jakarta. Indonesians are committed to politeness and manners, but they recognise unctuousness a mile away. It actually disgusts them. Abbott's just sold himself as easy meat. A Javanese schoolkid could outplay him... if they could be bothered.

Catching up

1/10/2013Is it the norm, for new governmentsd to go voerseas, where the trash the previous government. Has it eve entered the brain of Abbott, that he is also trashing those who vote Labor, about fifty percent of the population. They could not have place those podiums any further apart, if they tried. Did not see the president glanced Abbott's was at any time. We now have the media telling us, that Abbot had a success and have them on side. All that has been agreed, is further talks. Seeing the talks involved Mr. Morrison, he could have us at war before the year is out. (joke) I suspect tonight's Gillard show will be better than last night,
How many umbrellas are there if I have two in my hand but the wind then blows them away?